#I didn't even know there was one . apparently it's 30 images
vilevampire · 1 year
idk who those people are would u like to educate me...
GLADLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just to preface this I'll explain what the fuck is going on in mairuma in general first just to provide context bc idk how much you've absorbed by osmosis (also I rmr I told u abt mairuma once on discord but . I don't rmr a single thing that was said in that convo, only that it happened)
buckle up bc this ended up getting pretty fucking long
"mairimashita! iruma-kun" is an ongoing manga and anime series that revolves around iruma, a human boy who got sold by his parents to a powerful demon and started living his life in the netherworld.
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this is he. baby boy. his new demon found family enrolls him in demon school, and so while hiding the fact that he is human, iruma starts attending babyls demon school. his new grandpa (who happens to be the chairman of said demon school) puts him in a class for problem children, saying "that way your classmates will catch more attention than you, and you won't be found out (as human)!!!!"
makes sense ? no, of course not, but this is a comedy-focused series, so that's just how it is
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iruma and his classmates. they're called the misfits class. I love all of them (except for … one …) dearly and could ramble abt each individual character for hours but for now I am only focusing on jazz and allocer. starting with jazzy my boy jazzy
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baby son boy he is just a little guy just a little man he's just a son. jazzy is a character who is seen as cool, clever, unapproachable and mature to most other characters but is actually a huge softie inside.
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he's also a kleptomaniac but he doesn't usually steal shit on purpose, it's just habit. if you ask me he's done nothing wrong in his life ever
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(irrelevant tangent: jazzy actually has a specific animal theme. can you guess which animal it is ??????? I'm just fucking with you it's impossible to guess, but he's supposed to be snake-themed. the only thing that even suggests that in his design is his forked tongue, but it's. not visible most of the time so it didn't even occur to me that he was supposed to be snake themed until. embarrassingly recently. anyway)
jazz has a terrible older brother (named rock. their names r jazz and rock. like the moosic) who steals from him and belittles him constantly, but he can't fight back because his family values skill above all else, so they consider it his own fault for being vulnerable to stealing. basically "git gud lol"
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because of this, jazz longs to be a better older brother than his own, despite not actually having any younger siblings. he becomes attached to cute, defenseless-looking things easily and is weak to people who look up to him and ask him for help. he likes beeing relied on and being there for others. he starts seeing most of his classmates as his younger siblings too
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basically he is just a little guy and bc so much abt jazzy reminds me of myself (including his black and red color scheme) I am incredibly attached to him and he's my #2 fave character in the whole series (the first one is … well, you can probably guess)
now about allocer … where do I begin. probably by saying we know little to nothing about him, and not because the author particularly intended him to be mysterious, but just because he doesn't get much attention in the series as a whole. despite being one of the main side characters, he gets sidelined incredibly often. he's forgettable, rarely relevant and overall one of the characters we have least information on
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look at him and his goofy lion face. there's no reason for him to be so ignored, it's furryphobia plain and simple.
(side note: over the course of the series his character design becomes increasingly yassified and he lets his hair grow + dyes it so don't mind that he looks slightly different in almost every picture he's in)
regardless I'll do my best to tell what we know FOR SURE 100% CANON CONFIRMED about him and then I'll dwelve into theories and hc territory (all supported by canon info, but still pretty speculatory bc of how little info we have on him in general…)
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first of all he is smart. second of all. he reads books. third of all. he scored #1 in all exams. fourth of all … he is smart. that's it. wish I was kidding, but that's what his character revolves around most of the time. he gets outshined by other characters all the fucking time and usually just shows up to spout a proverb or say something related to knowledge and wisdom.
aside from that, his characterization tends to be pretty inconsistent (because the author doesn't give a FUCK about him) but I'll report on his most consistent traits and ignore the . multiple . inconsistencies.
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allocer is a reserved character who doesn't talk much about himself (this is intentional at least to some extent, evidenced by the picture above). he seems to be kind of awkward, the way he phrases things tends to be unnatural, too. compare these phrases:
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(I'll get to what the fuck is going on in this scene in a second I just need to ramble about allocer first)
jazzy speaks in a much more natural, conversational way, saying "what are you saying…?", while allocer simply says "incomprehensible". when he's not speaking in proverbs and book quotes, he often drops weirdly-worded sentences like that.
there's a few different scenes that help us infer that he's not good at dealing with people and emotions. for example, his fanbook profile lists "women's feelings" as his weak subject. when he gets confessed to he also states it's "abstruse", aka confusing and hard to understand
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basically what I'm saying is that he's arospec and autistic-coded and nobody can change my fucking mind ok if anybody wants to argue w/ me on this I hope you've spent at least half the time I have studying every major scene allocer is in like I have. I have lost my entire fucking mind trying to infer ANYTHING conclusive about his characterization out of the NEAR NONEXISTENT CRUMBS canon has given us.
with that out of the way I can finally start talking about jazz and allocer's dynamic ^_^
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jazz and allocer first become close when they're assigned to train under the same mentor, general furfur — love this guy btw — before performing in the "harvest festival", a kind of practical exam every first year at babyls has to do.
yet, for some reason, instead of actually training the two, furfur takes them to a bar. jazz and allocer question this, but furfur shrugs it off saying that connecting with adults is part of their training.
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spoiler alert: furfur is a little shit and he brought jazz and allocer here to sell them into child labor to pay for his debts with the bar (remember the pictures from a while ago that I used to compare their speech patterns? that was them realizing they were being sold. lol)
and so the two of them r stuck in hell together for the next 3 weeks
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(side note #2: I love their matching outfits. they look so cute)
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in this hostile environment, a weird partnership forms between them. they learn more about each other. jazz tells allocer about his evil fucked up brother and how frustrated he is that he couldn't see through furfur's bullshit, to which allocer replies he is actually just as upset.
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allocer's face isn't very expressive and his voice is often monotone (again, autism…) so jazz is very surprised by this.
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the two of them start working towards a common goal: HUMILIATING FURFUR AND SEEING HIM CRY.
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anw long story short they come up with a plan using every dirty trick they learned from the adults at the bar, their plan doesn't fucking work, they get made fun of by furfur, and they're still stuck working for free. lol
but that's how their relationship forms. what I find so fascinating about them is that they have no reason to trust each other given the circumstances, but they still do. they form an unbreakable bond. they complement each other too, one being streets smart, while the other is books smart. the partners in crime ever.
also mairuma has these little after-credits side stories called sukimas and . I will let the video speak for itself bc watching this is what made me start shipping them in the first place. just watch
they have more interactions I could talk about in-depth, but their partnership during the harvest festival arc is the most major. still I'll briefly go over some other jazzllocer moments that make me insane
at some point during the harvest festival, jazz gets disqualified (long story). and though jazz and allocer were working together during it, they were never an official team, so allocer wasn't disqualified with him. still, near the end, allocer states that "there's no point in winning if it's not together (with jazz)" (thinking abt this makes me want to detonate myself like a bomb)
when they're second years, they're put in another exam and in this one each of the misfits is supposed to protect two first year students from the teachers hunting them. jazz's strategy? he entrusted his incredibly important protegees to allocer and confronted the teachers upfront as a diversion. in the end allocer couldn't protect his own first years, but he did protect jazzy's, which earned his buddy a rank up (once again I feel like exploding at this very moment)
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3. mairuma has fanbooks and that includes character profiles with some trivia on them, including a "people they are currently paying attention to" section. in jazz's profile, allocer is the first one listed there (meaning he's the one he's paying the most attention to), followed by general furfur and his brother. in allocer's profile, jazz is the first one listed, followed by furfur again and then a teacher he bonded with in a diff arc (if you can't read japanese you'll just have to believe me on this one)
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btw despite ALL OF THIS canon interaction, these two r a very rare rarepair. they don't have a romantic ao3 tag bc nobody has ever published a fic w/ this ship. the ONLY fic under their platonic tag isn't even about them, they're just side characters in it. every day this fact alone spirals me into further despair and insanity. I am so fucking unwell literally rotting I am deteriorating flesh and bones losing every ounce of my fucking mind I hope at least ONE person reads this deranged ass ramble and starts to at least consider this ship bc I can't take it anymore they ahve NOOOOO CONTENTTT AAAAOGIGGHHGGO SOMEBODY GET ME OUTTTTT G924488948 gets put down like a rabid animal
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johannestevans · 6 months
GOD, young woman who marries a very old rich man for his fortune, basically waits for him to die, and by the time he does her youth is just behind her and she's not necessarily the most marriageable prospect
so marries an also slightly past his sell-by date - an invert
BECAUSE. WHO BETTER. for a woman who has missed what she feels should have been the excitement of her youth - and even when she was so young, she lacked the money and comfort she does now, and she feels so many eyes on her, so much judgement
and this man has had one scandal in his youth - didn't get caught before the courts, but the gossip has absolutely made it around that he was caught with a stablehand whilst he should have been riding the horses
both of them in their early 30s, knowing they're not really OLD but feeling as though for different reasons life can and will and is passing them by, so they get married and like
she was used to letting her husband do whatever and being left alone
of being mostly lonely, yes, and when she was entertaining or entertained, it being by women more of her husband's cohort - much older than her, and a bit dull, already having done their mothering, sitting quietly w games and needlework and gossip
and unlike them, many of them being like, you know, these proud and powerful matriarchs of their family, with a lot of soft power in their houses and in society even though they're still women, like… she never had that influence. she was just a bauble, a pretty trophy
but THIS man, who parties and drinks and has all these very interesting and curious-looking friends goes, "what? oh my god, i'm not just going to LEAVE you here. obviously i won't take you to rough places unless you want to go but omg babes no you're my wife we'll go together"
and like? the idea of going to parties and getting so drunk and rowdy w all these wild things younger than they are but also the same age and older? the two of them sharing a man? playing chess while one girl eats her out and another lad sucks him off and seeing who concentrates?
it's about the fun and the liberty and the apparent image of respectability that marriage gets to give them even though they're not doing things As Expected, and being able to fly under the radar and just enjoy life together w someone who cares
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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canmom · 1 month
авантура Цанмома у Београду
avantura Canmoma u Beogradu, or, the adventure of canmom in Belgrade
it's another one of these 'travels of canmom' posts! last time we went to Gamescom in Germany. this time I went to Belgrade for a company event.
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I can't actually talk that much about this one because the main thing I was doing was cooking up game pitches for what we might work on next (kind of like a game jam but just for concepts), and while that was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to get ideas across in limited time and make judgements about what videogames might sell and how long they'd take to make and such... it is however probably not something I can talk in too much detail about yet, because we might end up making these games, so I can't be like 'the theme was x and we pitched y'.
so instead I will mostly talk about Belgrade! and show some of the photos I took that don't have game developers wandering around in them.
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that's Nikola Tesla airport. did you know that Nikola Tesla was from modern-day Serbia (at the time, the Austrian Empire)? I didn't but I do now!
most of the week was spent in this fancy villa...
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...which is called the Villa Saga Paradiso. it must once upon a time have been some stinking rich family's holiday home, because it's a super weird building, with such features as a pool table, swimming pool, tennis court, library, and even a weird kinda stage thing on the top floor. definitely full of weirdly shaped rooms and interesting old furniture, it felt kinda like a place a moomin might hole up. so here's some pics of the place.
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also the view was kinda insane...
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also! here's a pic of a Serbian snail that came out rather nice:
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anyway on Saturday we went into the city centre to do some more touristy shit. I went to the two places in Belgrade that presumably everyone goes, namely the Fortress and the Temple. but I also got some shots of the city centre...
(also a tram shot for the trams girls in the audience)
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so as you can see, the vibes of central Belgrade are p Southern European sorta architecture, lots of pale stone walls and tiled roofs and the like. but you also have these crazy cool looking tower blocks from the communist period...
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...which were unfortunately quite hard to photograph out of a moving car window.
But yeah, we were on our way to the fortress.
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Belgrade Fortress has a pretty storied history. At one point it simply was Belgrade; even after that, it's been occupied by variously the Byzantines, Turks and Austrians, who all made various additions and modifications to the fortress, and sometimes accidentally blew it up. Nowadays it's become a kind of park and tourist area, surrounded by the river, and thus some pretty impressive views...
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as well as various things that tourists might like to look at, like statues of dinosaurs and tanks, and people dressed Historically.
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apparently you're only allowed 30 images in a post, so let me make another one for the Temple, which was the craziest building I saw, and the butt statue...
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
i think a lot about scott in regards to both jimmy and pearl. like. i feel like not a lot of scott fans want to talk abt the fact that he’s actually very clever and manipulative and cowardly and just not very good!!
and it’s just something abt the fact that jimmy and pearl are some of the most loyal and loving people on earth. and yet they didn’t want him back. when scott asked jimmy to kill tango of all people. he said you should run. when he told jimmy to say i love you he said you have 30 seconds. and then it happened again. in secret life he told pearl he loved her and she wouldn’t say it back
i am just so in love with it. the fact that scott used jimmy and pearl and then tried to win them back after they didn’t need him anymore. the fact that he left his first two beloved partners in the series with a permanent bad taste in their mouth. i think he changed both their characters irreversibly and that they did the same to him and i needddd jimmy and pearl to talk about it
Yeees anon YESSSSSS you understand...
It's nothing I haven't expressed already, but the combination of serious topics like manipulation attributed to a minecraft series and Scott being the culprit of it makes it kinda taboo to talk about for a lot of people so I'm not surprised that people don't! (Scott being part of LGBTQ and thus attributing negative traits to his character makes you "insensitive" and such, unless you turn it into an AU lol, then it's fine apparently) And if these people are here just for something carefree and the CCs more than the characters, that's absolutely fine! And as I've also said before, Scott is a very compelling character to me and I absolutely don't hate him no matter the things I think he's done to change Jimmy and Pearl for the worse. I wanna know who hurt him...
But as far as my perception goes of the characters etc, yeah, it's this. Scott is terribly clever and skilled and frightfully good at manipulating whether he always intends to or not (he's more or less admitted to it anyhow). He's not often explicit but the kind of language he uses around Jimmy makes Jimmy feel talked down to, or that he's to blame for things, etc, and then sweetens it up with claims of caring. Statements that basically go "I do this for your own good" and such. He was obviously more explicit about it with Pearl but that doesn't make it any better haha
Jimmy's attitude towards Scott after third life is such an interesting thing to analyze and I'm so happy of his feelings manifesting more. In Double Life Scott had it out for the ranch and ofc Jimmy did what he could to defend the ranch's image etc, but oh boy, the LimL "you have 30 seconds" moment... Also when Jimmy was about to kill Scott for the time that Scott promised him, Scott said "I love you" again and "it's fine even though you didn't say it back" (paraphrasing) and Jimmy just fucking stays silent before going "appreciate it" and shooting him. Very fire of him. That made me so happy lmao. And him taking gradual enjoyment out of hitting Scott in Secret Life (as he deserves to). And the further moments you brought up, and now what happened in Real Life even if it was a one-off SMP. I hope he keeps going like this lol
There is the time in Secret Life where Jimmy seems to project onto Pearl in telling her to attack Skizz and be mean about it, sigh..m they just need to sit down and talk. I need this so desperately. They just need to get talking and it'll all work out from there, they can do it, I believe in them...
Either way both of them refusing Scott's approaches is the best thing ever. Scott should team up with people like Gem more instead who aren't affected by his bullshit anyway and also just make for fun dynamics
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Hmm I dunno tbh. I guess he's just easy to caricature. Bug eyes, crooked teeth, short stature, creepy voice. Even describing it probably puts a handful of characters in your mind.
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According to the book The Animated Peter Lorre, there's at least 700+ lorre caricatures/impressions in cartoons. Tho he does include igor-type characters and impressions of an impressions but still, that's A LOT. Too bad the author doesn't give an explaination as to WHY Lorre is so parodied.
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I know Looney tunes parodied Lorre because he was one of the popular stars of the day, Looney tunes parodies a lot of famous stars from the 40s so it's not really surprising. I also know in the 90s Looney tunes reboots you have a lot of lorre caricatures because the animators were fans of his movies.
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I've heard a story about how Lorre stuck up for the animation union at Warner Brothers and got fired for it and that's why he is caricatured so often as a way to honor him. I kinda doubt the story is true because I can't find a source (and Lorre was more likely fired for beefing with Jack Warner) but if the story is true then it's super wholesome.
Something that is official is Charles Addams (the creator of the Addams Family) telling Lorre that he based Gomez Addams off of him. I know people hate on the 2019 Addams family movies for making Gomez ugly but it's comic accurate because he was based off of Lorre (and the governor of new york in the 30s but that's not important)
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I've also heard Lorre parodies are possibly an antisemetic caricature because Peter Lorre was Jewish (his birthname is Laszlo Löwenstein and you can guess why he avoided using it) and let's be real, they often give him very unflattering portrayals. He barely played horror yet is the most affiliated with it, and his "creepier" roles sometimes hinged on the fact that he's a foreigner. It's not a good look. I get that he often avoided telling others he's Jewish and apparently a lot of people didn't know but there's still a weird layer of xenophobia to it that I kinds feel like kinda bleeds into some of the caricatures? That's just my opinion. Most Peter parodies are such copies of a copy that they're pretty far from the original source material. Still, it's food for thought. Especially when making your own Peter parody.
As far as I do know Lorre did like the caricatures, keeping some of the drawings fans sent him and even finding it amusing when others tell him how to do an impression of HIMSELF. Some of those saved fan drawings are still online. My favorite is the drawing of him as a turtle <3 Most of the caricatures was because he was pretty famous for the time.
The most amusing thing about peter parodies is that it's gone on so long that nobody really knows who lorre is, but they can identify his "image" in cartoons. Tim Burton didn't even know Lorre's name when he added Maggot in corpse bride, but he did know the voice and look. That's how it is. (Check out this maggot pin I got recently)
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I know for Slappy, Kaz is actually a fan of Peter Lorre and collects his movies, hence why we have Slappy. I remember from Kaz's Facebook where he mentions Slappy saying he never knew just HOW many characters were inspired by lorre. There's also John K (creator of Ren and Stimpy, I know he's terrible) who mentioned on his personal blog that he's a big fan of Lorre which is why Ren from Ren and Stimpy is based off of him. I've notice Ren quotes some Peter Lorre movie quotes, aside from his famous catchphrase "YOU EEEDIOT" of course. (Check out this Ren and Stimpy comic where Ren meets Joel Cairo, a character Peter Lorre played)
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I just think it's neat. He shows up everywhere all the time :) I made a joke Thomas The Tank Engine Peter Parody but @thekhaotickrab messaged me saying they found an actual Thomas character with Lorre's voice which is pretty hilarous. Many of these I find amusing because there's no reason for it to exist. Yeah, there's a Peter Parody transformer named Cosmos and he likes scaring people because he's lonely. Yeah, there's several in Scooby Doo for some reason. Yeah he's GOMEZ ADDAMS. He's also a GPS in hotel Transylvania 2. He's also a literal egg with legs in digimon. He's also a lamp.
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I heard Lorre's dream was to continue to act forever. He sorta got that wish because he keeps respawning in cartoons forever. I hope this tradition keeps up. Slappy gets a lot of shit but I'm forever grateful to that ugly little fish for introducing me to all of this <3 May the Peter Parody live on forever!
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sweetdreamsjeff · 5 months
Jeff Buckley: Grace under fire
Dave Simpson, The Guardian, 1 May 1998
Singer Jeff Buckley lived in the shadow of his father Tim's death. Dave Simpson remembers meeting the visionary of pain and loss, and hears the demo recordings of Buckley's planned second album
WHEN JEFF Buckley walked fully clothed and singing into a Memphis marina on the Mississippi river last year he closed one of the briefest, brightest chapters in rock. Bernard Butler, the former Suede guitarist, recently said: "If it wasn't for Jeff Buckley I wouldn't be doing any of this. Seeing him restored my faith in music." High praise, matched only by Led Zeppelin's high priest, Jimmy Page: "Jeff Buckley was one of the greatest losses of all."
Buckley left just one completed album, Grace, rightly hailed as a masterpiece. But the demos for what would have been his second, planned to be called My Sweetheart The Drunk, are released by Columbia this month.
Demos, because apparently Buckley was dissatisfied with the sessions (with former Television mainman Tom Verlaine) and planned to burn the recordings and start again, beginning with a rehearsal planned for the very night he died. Sketches contains some of the most stunning and intriguing rock performances ever committed to tape. It's impossible to decide which are the more affecting: the staggering soulful beauty of a song like 'Everybody Wants You', or the references to funerals, cemeteries and suicide that shadow the album; the fragile magnificence of 'Opened Once', or the album's pervasive sense of loneliness.
That Buckley could have even contemplated trashing this music is the mark either of an acute perfectionist or of an extremely disturbed mind. And is it just hindsight that gives lines like 'Witches Rave''s "I'll never make it out alive" such an eerie psychological pull?
Equally bizarrely, Buckley's mysterious demise aged 30 on May 29 1997 (he told a friend he was "going for a swim", although many have speculated it was suicide) appeared a curious twist of destiny. His natural father, sixties singer Tim Buckley, had died tragically (from a drug overdose on June 29 1975) at 28, and his son was forever stalked by the Buckley legend. "Eternal life is on my trail," Jeff once sang, knowing full well that he was carving his own myth.
I first met him in 1994, in the first flush of critical fanfare for Grace. I was sent along to get a handful of quotes for a music paper, and we ended up talking for over an hour. This was typical of Jeff. If he liked you, you were in. It didn't concern him that he had other, more important interviews scheduled and that his press officer was frantically trying to get his attention. Just as in his music, Jeff Buckley knew all the rules but routinely bent them to suit his own purposes. In conversation as on stage, he'd play up to the image he'd created — the moody, magnificent James Dean of rock — and shatter it in an instant. Expecting a tortured artist, I was surprised by his mischievous humour.
He was a bag of contradictions, someone who shaped his surroundings (as we talked, he selected Duke Ellington to play in his portable CD), whilst simultaneously claiming to be ill at ease, both with people and daily situations.
He could be remarkably, even suspiciously eloquent. He said of his voice: "I feel it and I wanna go there. Every feeling has an articulation. It's like when you get drunk or you try Ecstasy for the first time and all your secrets come tumbling out, and you say things you've never said before."
His music, he insisted, was equally natural. "Do you think about what you're doing when you're making love?" he asked, using a favourite metaphor. He was the sort of person who would flirt with a bathchair. His entire arsenal of vocal mannerisms seemed to be filched from Dean's simmering vocabulary. But it became obvious that Jeff Buckley was carrying around a set of troubles for which there were no easy answers.
Buckley's early life around California was fairly blissful, even though he was brought up by his Panamanian mother and two successive stepfathers. He picked up his grandmother's guitar aged six and learned about harmonies by singing along with his mom to the radio as it blared out tunes by Stevie Wonder and Sly Stone. His favourite record was Terry Jacks' premature-death anthem 'Seasons In The Sun'.
When Buckley was 12, his stepfather gave him a copy of Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti (later influences included Nina Simone, Sex Pistols and the Cocteau Twins), and Jeff began writing songs. His first, he remembered, was "something stupid about a break-up." In his teens at college in Los Angeles he penned 'Eternal Life', which included the lines: "Got my red glitter coffin, man, just need one more nail", about the rock-death myth.
Buckley moved to New York, building up a fearsome reputation as a live performer in and around East Village. By the time a reworked 'Eternal Life' and other equally harrowing but strangely beautiful songs such as 'Dream Brother' appeared in his set, many in the audiences (which often included the likes of Nick Cave) would scream in rapture. Others would find the outpourings of naked emotion so disquieting they'd leave the room.
"I'm used to being hated," he told me. "It's something I've had ever since I was a kid. It hurts, but there's nothing I can do. I'm not lying." Neither did he pull his punches. At almost the exact time as he secured a record deal, Jeff managed the potentially career-threatening feat of being seen to "diss" labelmate Bob Dylan.
"I was at A Hole In the Wall in New York, and I'd seen Dylan the night before," he revealed. "So I did an impression of him singing 'I Want You'. I did an impression of him singing 'Grace'. I talked about how he sailed through some songs and was really brilliant on others. People were shouting 'But he's still got it, right?' And I'm going: 'No. This is not Blonde On Blonde. This is him now. You guys are living in the past'."
In the audience were Bob Dylan's manager, his assistant manager, and his best friend. "Man, the next day I was in Tompkins Square Park, staring at the ground with the snow falling, wishing I was never born. My A&R man saying, 'Well, Bob feels dissed.' But I really didn't... I just... loved him so much I sent him up." Buckley wrote a personal apology — and then when Grace came out, critics hailed the "new Bob Dylan".
Around this time people began making the inevitable, if misleading musical comparisons between Jeff and Tim Buckley. Both were singer-songwriters with distinctive voices. Jeff never knew his father (he vaguely remembered their one meeting "on a beach somewhere"). He wouldn't accept that even his smouldering looks came from his father.
"I look like my mother," he insisted. "I have my own choices, and I have my own life. All I know is that the guy's dead. I had a very musical environment growing up, that didn't involve him. Maybe I was imbued with the same things, the same parts. But it ain't his voice, and it ain't my voice, and it wasn't his father's voice or his father's father before. It's just the voice that's passed down. My grandfather sang, apparently. And my grandfather on my mother's side sang! I come from a line of singers. But my choices are my choices."
Buckley's resentment was palpable. Was he angry because his father abandoned him? "It's private," he mumbled, "but I went through, and am still going through a period of trying to figure out... why? The main question you wanna answer is did he love you or not, and if so, why didn't he love you enough to..."
Stick around. He didn't need to finish the sentence. The force driving Jeff Buckley was that he never recovered from the rejection.
He clung on to other people. "All I want to do is love everyone," he sang. There was a scarcely publicised affair with Cocteau Twin Elizabeth Fraser (who once recorded his father's 'Song To The Siren'), even curious rumours concerning Marianne Faithfull. His idealism was mirrored by a profound hatred of everything he deemed false, from colonialism to MTV and supermodels. But his chief obsession was that he would somehow "fail the music".
But what if Jeff wasn't involved in music? His answer came in instalments. "I think... that I... would be... a corpse."
We met again, but the last time I saw him he seemed exhausted by the road, itching to get back into the studio. There were narcotic rumours, but his body was found clean. When the news of his death came through it seemed like a dark joke, the kind of macabre prank Buckley would have dreamt up. It wasn't.
During his life, people talked of "Tim Buckley's son", but from now on it could easily be "Jeff Buckley's father". Jeff would have laughed at that. But his powerful musical legacy will be his final vengeance.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x03
such an iconic episode, I'm so ready😩 (edit: ignore any typos you might find, I was going through it💀)
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Honestly I'm so thankful that not a single one of my schools was like this, it's like everyone just reached an unspoken agreement that bullying was uncool and we'd mind our own business.
"Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?"
no you haven't but you definitely should, go on😌
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*in unison* around where????
"Come on, do you know how many people would kill to relive their senior year of high school?"
No way in hell, and I had a relatively peaceful experience💀😭
"The last thing I want to be is a reporter."
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She would absolutely be perfect but let's get one thing straight: If there's a person on this show who knows when to mind their own fucking business, it's LOIS🤷🏻‍♀️
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I mean both Chloe and Lois make valid points, she's 17 and while I totally understand why Abby did it, it really is a bit concerning. Especially considering her mother has been pushing her to do it for the last 3 years😬
I got a comment from a helpful user under my post for last episode (ty🥰), apparently Jason is roughly the same age as Lex?? And he started dating Lana when she was 17?? AND HE'S THE FKN ASSISTANT COACH AT SCHOOL?
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Clark wants to try out for the team again🥺
Jonathan let Martha have a job off the farm dude come on, be supportive. YES THANK YOU
omg did he fake his parent's signature on the permission slip???
"...they want people to look at them differently."
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he's making points🤷🏻‍♀️
UGH I'm so weak for happy, excited Clark just look at himmm😭🥹
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"Maybe if I'd been more patient I would've seen who you really are." EEEEEEEW throw the whole man away🤢
honestly fuck everyone who destroyed her self-esteem to the point where she's flattered bc a crusty man like that shows interest
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he's not even denying it-
PLSSSS their faces, especially Lois😭
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and look at Lois "not interested in journalism" Lane right on the story😌😌😌
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I'm connecting some dots here and I don't like ittttt😬😬
"I still can't believe that you have a job at my school."
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I feel like Lana has had more personality in these last few episodes than she had in the last 3 seasons combined, so that's great to see.
Lex knowssss👀
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look at herrrrr😭 LISTEN IF I HAD CLARK'S POWERS-
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I mean I agree that beauty is on the inside but that's very easy to say when you look like a literal angel💀 OOp evil surgery lady just said the same thing I did idk how to feel about that💀💀
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I love that they're already establishing little things about her, she's messy, she can't spell etc. (though Chloe sounded a bit passive aggressive in both instances, maybe I'm just reading it wrong tho😬)
"It looks like Lois is one step ahead of us." THAT MAKES ME SO PROUD🥺🥺
Clark saving Lois and then Lois saving Clark is something so personal to me actually-
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*kicks woman* "Bitch."
her lil smile seeing her article in the torch😭
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yesss she has fans as she fucking should😌
(Can I just quickly say that as much as I love Homecoming, they could've had at least ONE person at the reunion remember Lois from high school, watching that shit left permanent scars on my soul, it was so cruel😭 Like come on, if reading her article was a "life changing experience" for some students, it would make total sense for SOMEONE to remember her. (yes I'm super salty and what about it))
omg here it comes
"Come on Lois, didn't those guys at the base teach you anything?" "Wouldn't you like to know."
akasjkasdjak YOU KNOW HE WOULD
they wanna bone so bad it makes them look like absolute fucking clowns there I said it
DOESN'TMATTERCAUSEYOU'REGOINGDOWNTHAT'LLBETHEDAYSKADWNKW can you tell I'm losing my last shred of dignity here
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and Tumblr won't even let me upload my 5732893 screenshots where's the justice😭
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panthera-dei · 10 months
I am such an idiot. I cannot believe I didn't think of this before!
I *love* making sigils and bindrunes. However, making them is often difficult for me, especially as a broom closet witch. It's difficult to explain why I'm burning a leaf or burning paper, and while I can usually manage to find a way to discard shreds of paper after tearing a sigil, there's always that little worry about whether someone noticed it. And I also worry about keeping sigils around in, say, a notebook or something because what if someone stumbles across it by accident?
Well, today, I figured it out! It isn't a perfect solution, but it's a great new addition for my magical toolbox.
2 or 3 years ago, I treated myself to a buying spree on JetPens, a stationery website. One of the things I indulged myself in was a Kuretake water brush pen kit. It's a writing practice tool designed for kids (and, apparently, a handful of language-learning grown-ups like myself) to learn how to write Japanese and Chinese characters without wasting paper. You fill the brush pen up with water instead of ink, and when you write on the special sheet of paper in the kit, the writing will disappear after a few seconds. It's a lot of fun, but as with many things, I ended up putting it aside and forgetting about it after I got busy & sidetracked.
Then today, after passing by it on its shelf for months, I happened to get hit with a lightbulb moment! 💡
If you write a sigil with this kit, you have a spell that will completely vanish without a trace in less than 30 seconds! The spell will cast and/or the sigil will be charged as the writing fades away! And best of all, there is absolutely zero evidence. Plus, learning new languages and even practicing handwriting are really common, normal hobbies - so nobody would ever think twice about a person having one of these water writing sets. To most folks, it would be just an amusing little trinket, and nobody has to know that you secretly use it to bend the universe to your will! 😜
I snapped a couple photos of the writing kit on my enchanting board with a bindrune I whipped up for demonstration purposes.
Hope this helps my fellow broom closet witches!~
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[Alt text: These are 4 images of a Kuretake water writing practice set. The first image shows the kit itself, which is a plastic folder containing a sheet of blue paper, an instructional booklet, and a pink plastic water brush pen. The other 3 images show the blue sheet of paper with a bindrune on it, and the writing fades a little more in each image until it is barely visible in the last photo.]
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madamesungalaxa · 2 years
•“What If?”↓
“What if the Mukami Brothers had never met?”↓
(and Karlheinz wouldn't have adopt them)
•Delicate content!!!•: I'm here to show you one of my “What If's”, this time about a question I asked myself a long time ago. This are just my ideas briefly explained (Images with description)»→ .
“The chaos in the human world was at its height, and life was a challenge of survival which few survived”
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Different lives in one place. There is no trace or record of what they could have been. They do not share a last name, or do they know each other. They only share a corrupt and evil human world. They are humans, they are mortals. »»» →
•RUKI: Somehow or another, he managed to escape from the orphanage on his own. Due to his intelligence, cunning, certain studies and knowledge, he was able to develop in society and survive, until he became a man of high society again, however, many still rejected/hated him.
•Explanation of his possible life: Ruki was an aristocrat, had a certain level of studies and knew how to function. It is likely that once he escaped from the orphanage (alone, due to some master plan he may have made) he would have looked for the remains of his inheritance, family, contacts, etc. As mentioned, he was well educated and cunning, so he would know how to get himself ahead. He wouldn't change the way as we know him, or maybe a little bit, he would be more spiteful and darker. Due to not knowing Kou, Yuma and Azusa's brotherly love, he definitely wouldn't see light in the world easily. That's how he forged himself as an adult, in an iron hand and finally got what had been taken from him. But, since he had to play dirty to get it back, he made a lot of enemies along the way, both high-society people and low-society people. He never had a real ally. Someone to call "family" * Loyalty didn't exist and anyone was capable of committing any sin in order to obtain power. For this reason, one afternoon in his office, one of his relatives betrayed him, attacking him from behind. Leaving a bloody scene and a lifeless corpse.
=He died for betrayal/assassinated.=
•(Lived to adulthood (30-40 years old))
*(I think that Ruki came to think about getting married and having a family, the typical life plan of the time, besides that it was vital to maintain your lineage if you were a noble, but I feel that even if he had the desire, he couldn't get it, for the same reason that he was very demanding and never gave himself to the task 100% of committing to someone, for being involved in other matters) +
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•KOU: sold to a millionaire, living his youth between luxuries and riches, in a life without freedom, just abuse. Worn only as a living accessory.
•Explanation of this possible life: For this, I have a long writing (a OneShot), where I narrate in more detail, but in summary: He would continue to be sold to the nobles and aristocrats. Thus, until her early adolescence, since the final purchase was from a man (widower) and his lover, for a high amount that they said was “what his beauty was worth”. Apparently Kou lived "better" than where he was before, but in reality he just kept getting used. Although they gave him fine clothes, food was never lacking on his plate and they sought his beauty with imported products, he was never free from being nothing more than an ornament of that old mansion. The center of attention of great evenings of rich, powerful and sometimes also vulgar people. Withstanding the aroma of alcohol and tobacco. Enduring the feel of stranger's hands on him. He had to give himself to receive his reward, though... Was it worth it? Was there even a real reward? He was selling himself to be able to live, although that way of living no longer made sense to him. If that was his life, then he didn't want it anymore. It was a prison of gold, nothing more. He cursed his beauty every night in front of the broken mirror. So one day, he took the shards of it to cut his skin (reliving the memory of when he gouged out his eye) More and more he lost blood. But his final cause of death was another: as he always admired that blue sky he saw at the end of the tunnel, synonymous of freedom, he wanted to see it one last time. So he went out on the balcony and fell from it. His eye were in the sky and the sky in his eye... perfectly matched. It was only a matter of seconds to crash to the ground.
=Died by suicide.=
(Lived to adolescence (17-19 years old))
Note: No Karlheinz, no magic eye. So Kou here only has a black hole where his bluish eye used to reside. He covered it with his characteristic bangs, but also with accessories that they gave him (such as patches, hats, ribbons, etc.) Due to morbidity, this detail of his face was an attraction among his buyers, always asking him to uncover his eye (or simply not they asked permission and uncovered him for themselves) +
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•YUMA: Somehow or another, he managed to escape from the orphanage on his own. He was weak, but he has resistance, so he survived. He grew up with courage, and resentment towards the nobles, seeing that they were to blame for all his personal misfortunes and his loved ones. For that, he joined a revolt/revolution.
•Explanation of his possible life: Perhaps he will have lost his memory, he will not remember his past life but his survival instincts were still intact. His body and mind knew how to react to danger and how to adapt. Therefore, he managed to escape on his own from the orphanage. But once he got out, he found himself in a world more chaotic than he remembered. He stole to eat and dress. He grew up with a grudge against the nobles. They always had all the luxury while their people starved in the streets full of violence. Injustice after another injustice. That's why he joined each revolt. Gang member and rebel. With a revolutionary spirit. Thus he grew up to be one of the main leaders of great revolts against the corrupt government (still following the dream of his old childhood gang. Not forgetting the leader of this, his old friend "Boss"). But the day came when he heard about a certain Ruki, he was one of his enemies (once he knew more about the aforementioned, he personally detested him, because of his arrogance and coldness, he was the type of aristocrat he hated) and he had to overthrow him, strip him of his power if he wanted to start a change. Unfortunately for trying, one night he fell into an ambush and was shot multiple times. So he fell to the ground to get up no more. Only his allies were the ones who watched over his death. But with his death, the war was beginning.
=Died from multiple gunshots.=
•(Lived to adulthood (30-35 years old)) +
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•AZUSA: Without anyone or anything, his spirits were so dull and dull that he didn't want to live anymore. Still, he didn't dare to kill himself even though he wanted to. Simply, he would not have passed from childhood.
•Explanation of his possible life: Realistically, he was a fragile child. He didn't have a good diet. He lived in precarious conditions. And the issue of having wounds on his arms, it didn't help. He would have ended up in the orphanage and once there, he would live his last days in there. He always wondered many things, questions of an innocent curious child, but above all "Why is the world so cruel?" "Why am I so miserable?". He prayed to God that he would soon be taken from there, from that world. And the wait was not long, as an infection entered one of his wounds, due to the poor hygiene of the place. That, adding to the fact that his immune system was not the best, was that little by little he got sick and sick. Coughing frequently, feeling chills, among other symptoms such as his skin beginning to wither. Until one day, he just slumped to the wet concrete floor and felt weak every second, slowly closing his eyelids. His body went cold and his sighs were weak. It was like that until he couldn't stay awake anymore and he died (I think he would have died with his eyes half open). The orphanage took a long time to realize that he was dead, they even had to kick his corpse a little to know if he really was. After this, they took his body out of the place as if it were trash.
=He died due to poor health.=
•(He only lived his childhood (8-10 years old))
Note: Whether we are talking about the 17th-19th centuries in which he lived, the infant mortality rate was high in those times. Passing childhood was a miracle. But Azusa, I think he would be one of those children who wouldn't be lucky.
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That's all, my ideas based from the canon (at least, what I read through this years:'))
★Excuse my English if I made a mistake, and excuse me again if I forgot a detail:')
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djeterg19 · 5 months
Chapter 14 and the new case gets juicy!
The smell is gone according to the ladies that brought Phaya and Tharn over to the statue. One of the ladies is hitting on Tharn and gives him her card. The event is starting so the ladies excuse themselves. They mention a Mr. Motri is arriving soon.
Tharn has a history with him from his previous job. He and his captain had a run-in with him. They had evidence he was a drug trafficker and timber poacher. I weirdly know about timber poaching because rosewood is popular for knitting needles but it's banned or extremely difficult to import since it's endangered. Anyways they had strong evidence that Motri was the kingpin but he had strong connections so could not arrest him. The Captain quit his job and moved to England to become a lecturer.
A girl points out the base of the statue looks like a coffin. Her friend tries to get her to stop because she doesn't agree. Tharn does agree that it looks like a coffin. He points out the sword pointing down showing that anyone even those in law enforcement can be harmed by it. The other girl whispers something and they leave. Phaya teases him that he keeps getting hit on because he's handsome.
Phaya tells him that the statue is already reserved at $30 million baht. Tharn asks who bought it already and Phaya gestures to a chubby guy who is apparently the Motri guy. Tharn glares at him and he comes over to shake his hand. Motri asks how his mother is. Tharn tells him to call him lieutenant and that his mother doesn't need an outsider's concern. Motri goes off to see his statue.
Phaya says you already know each other? Tharn vaguely explains and Phaya understands. Motri also approached his father for money for a fund and was turned down. Motri was very unhappy but couldn't do more than stomp out. Phaya points out Motri knows his family too. This angers Tharn because apparently Motri keeps trying to sleep with his mom.
A woman suddenly appears and yells at one of the organizers named Waipoj. She's weeping and trying to attack him. Before Phaya and Tharn can intervene Waipoj pushes her into the statue and it falls over. Tharn tries to catch it but he says it's heavier than the logs they had to carry during training. More guards rush over to help Tharn lift it back up. The woman demands to know where her son is and...if he's not like inside the statue or something I will eat my hat. Waipoj screams at her to get out and turns to apologize to Motri.
Tharn loosely grabs her but she pulls a knife from her purse and tries to attack Waipoj again. Phaya tries to stop her and Tharn is worried he will get hurt. She accuses Waipoj of stealing the artwork and harming her son. He denies it. She tries to attack again and the captain knocks the knife out of her hand. The Captain tells them to arrest her. She says she will leave with them but pulls another knife out to attack Waipoj. Tharn stops her and she realizes she can't win against him and screams.
Phaya is having more flashbacks. He sees a woman in warrior attire running towards a spear thrown at Darawan. He calls her Vassa and she's a mirror image of Tharn. She says: I know...that you love her so much...this is the only thing...that I...
Phaya sees himself trying to stop the bleeding and says: speak no more. Hold still.
She shakes her head and says: the only thing...I can do...for the one...I love. And then she falls silent and still and dies.
Phaya is snapped out of it but the captain reprimanding him for just standing there while the chaos was happening. She tells him to call an ambulance. Phaya is struggling to deal with the past and the present blending together. Wondering if their past lives all ended in blood what would this one end in?
Tharn points out there's something wrong with the statue. The Captain kicks at the coffin like pedestal and reveals something inside. The woman screams that's my son! my son! And passes out. Waipoj insists he didn't do it. Tharn was cut at some point so Phaya tells the captain that their after hours duty is over and he's taking Tharn to the hospital. The Captain is reluctant to let them go but relents and tells them they will decide if it's their case or not later.
They get to the hospital and Tharn again remarks on Phaya's driving comparing it to Fast and the Furious. This is the same hospital Chalotorn works at. Phaya insists they call doctor Ticharuj even though he's a surgeon. Tharn says they look alike and asks if they are related. They aren't just acquaintances. He fixes up Tharn and says he is prescribing an anti inflammatory and pain medication. He suggests a tetanus shot but Tharn refuses a shot. Ticharuj says he better walk them out. Phaya sees Tharn talking to Chalotorn and rushes over. Chalotorn is offering to take Tharn home and Phaya insists he'll be the one to take care of Tharn. Chalotorn says they live in the same building so it's easier if he takes him so Phaya announces he's coming back to his house instead. Tharn is gaping. Chalotorn says Phaya can't take care of him properly. Phaya flashes to the times when Tharn in past lives sacrificed himself for Phaya. Ticharuj interrupts saying his team needs Chalotorn's advice. He says his shift is over but Ticharuj says it won't hurt to do a favor.
Phaya is now plotting how to keep Tharn away from Chalotorn and his condo. He has a fire burning in his heart. Picturing Chalotorn sneaking in or hurting Tharn now that he knows he's not human. Phaya's grand plan is to buy a condo in the same building to keep an eye on him.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ok the last post i reblogged sent me on a minedai spiral and i wrote a massive textpost i didn't actually finish and watched like 30 mins of cutscenes including the whole finale rooftop stuff [yakuza 3 spoilers to follow] and god WHAT THE FUCK I'm actually crying like multiple consecutive tears over fucking. MINE YOSHITAKA. not that he's not worth it but i Did Not Care That Much when i first saw that scene but after spiralling over his emotions i am apparently DEVASTATED. cannot stress enough that i do not cry very often at all. this is a rare event. but it's just so fucking sad. when you know what's happening and what's going to happen and how mine feels the atmosphere is so fucking miserable and mournful. god. fuck. the way he looks at kiryu when he's like what are you going to do to daigo you bastard. THE GUILT THE HESITATION. HE'S NOT WELL. the love of his LIFE got hurt under his protection and he is NOT HANDLING IT WELL HE'S HANDLING IT SO FUCKING BADLY that he's decided to kill him because he's basically dead and he can't stand waiting for the other shoe to drop. he's losing his mind over this he's actually losing his entire purpose and ideology and he's fucking. gay as hell. and the way he says "oh yeah you know how it was growing up as an orphan. no one trusted or loved me. i had nothing" when, frankly, kiryu DIDNT have it that bad. but he did lose those people, one of whom's death has a striking resemblance to mine's in a minute. idek how i wanna unpack that rn. like he just assumes it's universal and it's not. but if they grew up in the same circumstances who's to say kiryu wouldn't have ended up like him? and when he collapses after the fight and his secretary calls him and he tries to open up to her about the shallow but meaningful (to lonely ass mine) relationship they have and she starts talking about stock exchange bs and he's like kiryu do you ever feel like your world is falling apart around you. he's been worried sick he's been agonizing he almost killed his dead beloved chairman. and the way daigo uses the same gun mine used to shoot at kiryu and was gonna use to kill him to save mine and kiryu. how his first lines are that he's not ready to die yet. how mine cowers and falls to his knees when daigo wakes up. fuckkk dude. and how mine starts all rational and explanatory and calm in tone and when kiryu starts pressing him he starts freaking the fuck out and when daigo wakes up he finally has a mournful tone. him saying he doesn't deserve to live but not admitting he betrayed daigo. he never even told him he loved him, as far as we know. (god the fact that it still manages to be devastating even with richardson's CHOICE acting and daigo's coma trickshot is insane.) and how he tells kiryu he hates those who always try to help others even when that's the trait that drew him to daigo, and when he lets kiryu help him (read: beat a moral into him) he wishes he'd met him sooner, as if the belief that there wasn't only one person who could care about him would have saved him has set in, as if he realizes now that he never accepted help and that's why he was wrong about those do-gooders, and that perhaps he was wrong about them and himself, that it wasn't because they were lying to him or because he was unlikable, but that he did not let them in. because that's literally what's happening. AND I FUCKING. FORGOT DAIGO ASKS KIRYU IF MINE WAS THE TRAITOR AFTER HE WATCHES HIM FUCKING KILL HIMSELF AND KIRYU SAYS NO HE WOULD NEVER BETRAY YOU. HE LIES TO COVER HIS ASS BECAUSE HE UNDERSTANDS HOW BROKEN HE WAS ABOUT THIS AND CANT BEAR TO RUIN HIS IMAGE IN THE EYES OF THE ONE PERSON MINE REALLY CARED ABOUT, REALLY LOVED. FUCKS SAKE.
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
Monica Rambeau's No Good Very Bad Horrible Attempt At Covering Up A Secret Identity (Gone Wrong)
AO3 Link
Then Kamala is grabbing her arm and shaking it slightly. "I do have a solution to this. So you know how Carol is your deadbeat aunt?"
…oh no.
"I need you to pretend to be my deadbeat aunt and pretend that SWORD has classified documents on white holes and then scare my school into not talking about this."
Or: Kamala is very good at almost screwing up her secret identity via homework, Monica is very bad at helping her cover it up and Carol is very good at accidentally enabling this chaos.
Monica has privately thought too herself that Carol may be a bad influence on Kamala, but she didn't expect… this.
"Run me through this again."
"Okay." Kamala grins very largely and very awkwardly. "We had to do an essay on science in school. And I did mine on space," she waves her hand, "because I was tired and didn't want to do anything outside of what I already knew."
"So you know how Carol took me to see a black hole that one time?"
Yes, Monica remembers when Carol had taken Kamala to see a black hole. Aka, her parents had been complaining that she was falling behind on physics, and what better way to learn about black holes than have it explained to you in front of a black hole? 
"Uh huh."
"And then she showed me a recording of a white hole." Kamalas grin somehow slides wider and even more pained. "And they're like, super rare. And humans have never been able to actually prove their existence."
"...go on."
"So." She squeaked. "I may or may not have written about white holes. But not theoretical white holes. The actual white holes."
"And your science teacher freaked out?"
"...freaked out is… a little bit of an understatement?" 
Monica opens her mouth. Then shuts it. Then opens it again and sighs, heavily. She is not getting paid enough to deal with this.
She isn't actually getting paid at all right now, because she's off duty and talking to 16 year old who just made an enormous mistake that could jeopardise. her secret identity is.not on her job description, at all. But still.
Then Kamala is grabbing her arm and shaking it slightly. "I do have a solution to this. So you know how Carol is your deadbeat aunt?"
…oh no.
"I need you to pretend to be my deadbeat aunt and pretend that SWORD has classified documents on white holes and then scare my school into not talking about this."
"...I hate you."
Back in her day, when she made a science presentation, she'd made a presentation on Star Wars and explained why light speed engines weren't possible as a joke. Her mom had laughed for ten minutes straight and then showed it too Fury. Her dad, who didn't know about aliens or light speed engines, said it was really good and brought her one of the novels when he visited as a reward for getting an A. 
Kids these days were now leaking highly confidential and classified images of super rare space phenomena because they couldn't be bothered to finish their homework.
Why can't you get Carol to be your deadbeat aunt? Monica asked, seeing as she already had 30+ years of experience on the job. She then realised that having the Captain Marvel turn up at the doorstep of Coles Academy as the aunt of a random teenager would be weird as fuck. She then realised that Carol was still off planet because her husband's family was having Greek mythology level drama and she got dragged into it. 
So, Carol is still on Aladna.. Which is… yikes. Yan is lovely, but she is not touching the in-laws with a ten foot pole. But she does always make the time to call her, so the moment ahe does, she interupts her awkward "Hi" and immediately demands "Why the fuck did you show Kamala a white hole and drag me into this".
Apparently Carol not restraining her emotions in front of someone is a sign of 'trust' and 'love'. Isn't that sweet? Alas, she does not feel very 'trusting' or 'loving' towards as her aunt launches into the most hysterical fit of laughter she's heard anyone make, ever.
"Good afternoon miss…?" the physics teacher, a white woman in her forties, squints at her. Which is kind of rude but… she's a school teacher. She's very clearly seen some bullshit, and what she's doing right now is the stupidest bullshit she's thought of, let alone done.
"Rambeau." She says smoothly. That's a lie. Her voice is awkward, not smooth. "Monica Rambeau. Is it not on my email?"
"Yes, sorry miss Rambeau." She looks down at her paper, and then up again. She looks baffled. "Your… niece, is a very talented student. She's a pleasure to have in class."
A pleasure to have in class. How did you respond to that? She smiles back. "Kamala is a very lovely person."
Kamala, as opposed to looking lovely, looks like she wants the ground to open up and swallow her, even though it was her idea and her fault she even has to explain this. She opts for a nervous grin. Instead of a Captain Marvel shirt she's wearing something with weird science symbols, as if she's trying to assure the teacher that she is smart and did not completely bullshit her essay.
Monica read it. It reads more like a very forgetful and very annoying sixty year old alien explained the topic verbally as opposed to a written, academic school essay, which means that Kamala either recorded her conversation with Carol (she wouldn't be surprised) or memorised it word for word (she wouldn't be surprised at that either).
"So…" the teacher shuffles the stack of papers, and then stares very pointedly at Kamala. "I was wondering if you could happen to elaborate on some certain… images that Kamala had pasted onto her essay. Specifically the ones about… white holes?"
"Right." Monica clears her throat and tries not to instantly lose the will to live. "I'm not sure if I mentioned it on my email or not, but I'm an astronaut and researcher at the government agency called SWORD-"
"-the one with the space station that got attacked earlier this year?" The teacher interrupts. She's now looking at her with wide eyes. Monica then realises that Kamala probably should have recruited someone who didn't have their face visible on camera beating the shit out of aliens, but in all honesty, she had almost forgotten that the CCTV footage got hacked and leaked online. Fucking Reddit.
"Yes." She smiles and does her best to steer the conversation back to physics. "Well, part of our work is communicating with extraterrestrial organizations to learn about scientific phenomena. About a year ago, we received data about a white hole that was recorded within the Larger Magellanic Cloud."
God, that's a mouthful. The teacher frowns. "And… Kamala got her hands on this data?"
Oh. How does she explain this-
"There was a "bring your kid to work" type of thing." Kamala blurts out. "And- auntie Monica doesn't have any kids, so she brought me."
Her teacher seems to be more bewildered than suspicious. She's not even sure what she'd even be suspicious of, to be honest, except the possibility of Kamala lying about literally everything, which would probably not be very good for her grades and oh dear, Kamala's parents would kill her-
"...I see. And part of your work that day… included white holes?" Her voice is strained. Like she just told her that aliens existed. Except aliens existing has been public for like, ten years. Not her best analogy.
Monica slips another smile on. "Yes ma'am."
She believes them. Thank god, because Monica cannot handle this.
"Sooo… uh. Hey Monica."
Carol is notoriously bad at sending voicemails.
"I know you might be a bit - I don't know the word - miffed? Displeased? I think that works. Yeah so I know you're a bit displeased with me at the moment because of the whole white hole thing-"
There's a loud meow and the sound of Carol shooing Goose away.
"-but. Uh. How do I phrase this- I think that Kamala might have accidentally shared the Point- Powerpoint? The Powerpoint I made for her about Kree biology to explain why my organs are so weird."
Oh god.
"And by share, I mean that she uploaded it to a school thing called "one drive" that all the kids are raving about it or something "
No no no Monica is not dealing with this today oh god oh-
"If you could try and… I don't know, to be honest. If you could do some Monica magic and help Kamala not like, get exposed as Ms Marvel-" 
She never wants to hear the phrase 'Monica magic' again. Ever. And she's saying no. She's definitely saying no.
 "-I will let you post whatever you want from the Twitter account the airforce hold me at gunpoint to post military propaganda from."
…well, she can't say no now.
monica.mbeau @ sword.com
Hi Mrs Beth
I'm very sorry about the PowerPoint that Kamala has uploaded too the school OneDrive. I would like to ask that it remains private, as not all of the details have been verified by the human scientific community. I will talk with Kamala later to discuss how she can keep confidential information better, and make sure that we don't let her run around on S.W.O.R.D. again.
Thank you,
Monica Rambeau.
Hi Miss Rambeau,
Could you please tell me where Kamala got the information on the Powerpoint from?
Thank you,
Mrs Beth
monica.mbeau @ sword.com
Hi Mrs Beth,
Kamala got the information from a book about Kree anatomy that we were working on translating. She already knew a lot about it, since she had a very big interest in Captain Marvel, and I believe she was allowed to take a copy with her. I'm not sure why. 
Thank you
Miss Rambeau
Captain Marvel Official 
Fuck the airforce.Stan LOONA
Comments: 70k Retweets: 230k Likes: 699k
Captain Marvel Official 
stream Howl by Chuu
Captain Marvel Official 
No I have not been hacked I gave Photon my phone.
Captain Marvel Official 
Why is everyone misspelling Artemis.
"Who the hell is 'Stan Loona'?" Carol demands the next time she's on Earth,staring at her phone. It's currently blowing up with military correspondents demanding she take down her Tweet. She ignores the notifications. She's not sure if it's because she's ignoring them or because she doesn’t know what notifications are.
There's a pause as she opens Google and types in 'Stan Loona' - fingers moving painfully slowly. She squints. She furrows her eyebrows. She stares at her. "Kamala had something to do with this, didn't she."
Monica slowly looks at Kamala. Kamala slowly looks at Monica. They simultaneously burst out laughing.
The next morning, she walks through to the apartment Carol is renting because she really needs to ask her a question about her powers. "Hey Carol, what-"
"I didn't do it." 
Monica stares at her. "...didn't do what?"
"Oh?" Usually, she's an unnervingly good liar, but she’s currently in pyjamas and pouring Gatorade into her coffee (purposefully, because she’s a sleep deprived weirdo), and she cannot lie when she's tired. "Nothing." 
"Carol, just tell me."
"...you might want to check the news."
"Check the news for what?"
"...you'll know when you see it."
BREAKING: Classified Documents Shared Over Minecraft Server
This weekend, a Minecraft gamer under a name not shared by S.W.O.R.D. has shared over eleven sensitive documents on a Minecraft server known as "Peaceful Vanilla Club". Two of them related too the origin of the Avengers, three about Captain Marvel, and the rest about military technology. S.W.O.R.D. has released a statement saying they are working hard to find-
…what the fuck.
"I didn't do it-!" Kamala swears, waving her hands around. Carol slowly raises an eyebrow, and she puts her hands down into her pockets. "Okay. Maybe I did do it."
Fury is unimpressed.
"Or maybe I didn't." She blurts out. "I could be lying. I'm very good at lying."
Monica's dad has a very wise saying about these kinds of situations. When you've dug yourself into a hole, don't turn on a drill. Kamala has never met her dad, but maybe she should because is she actively trying to make this entire situation fifty times worse, holy shit-
"Miss Khan." Oh, she's in big trouble. "Can you explain…" Fury stares at the report. "Can you explain why you shared these documents?"
She mumbles something under her breath that none of them catch apart from Carol (because super strength and super healing aren't enough, she has super hearing as well) who promptly erupts onto laughter. Then stops when Fury glares at her. Then starts again immediately when he looks away and back at Kamala.
"Repeat that?" Fury prompts.
Kamala is more embarrassed than Monica has ever seen her. Even more than the time Carol attempted to use Reddit and asked her what a “simp” was. Even more than when Monica had leaned over her shoulder one-time and saw her reading a Percy Jackson/Spiderman story on Wattpad. Even more than when her father called her in the middle of one of their training sessions and announced over speaker that she was failing maths.
"I shared a fanfiction with this guy I met on Minecraft-"
"Was it about Carol?" Fury raises his eyebrows. 
"No!" She protests immediately, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Carol, who for some reason, is still in her pyjamas. Monica shoots her an inquiring look. She rolls her eyes back at her. "It was- it was not."
"Then why did you share documents about Captain Marvel?" Fury glares- well okay, he's not really glaring. Kamala would probably have a heart attack and die if she was on the receiving end of his glares. Its more of a disappointed stare.
"Okay. Well, it may have been a little about you, Carol." Kamala mumbles, wincing. "But like, as a side character-"
"I was only a side character?" Carol looks mildly disappointed. Monica elbows her in the ribs and she straightens (ha), immediately snapping into a stoic look which means she's trying very hard not to seem embarrassed. "I mean- I'm not, like, bothered- I mean, because I support the What Padders-"
Monica groans. "Oh my god. Kamala, please continue."
She's silent for a few moments, before she takes a deep breath and meets her eyes. Monica's eyes, not Carol's, because even though she's seen her idol almost get eaten by her own cat, pass out in the middle of walking up a flight of stairs and cry her eyes out over the Star Wars prequels (don't ask), she's still very much her idol and she's still very much embarrassed.
"Uh… it was like, a fic about the Avengers. And the writing sort of sucked, but I kind of did work really hard on getting all the technical aspects of it right-" Kamala starts gesturing wildly with her hands, as if a hand can somehow communicate what 'technical aspects' are. "-like, the light speed engines, how the universal portal network is used, the inside of the Avengers Compound, that sort of stuff?"
"I have a feeling I know where this is going." Fury sighs, then waves at her to continue.
"Well, the guy I shared it with was an absolute hater. He wrote fanfiction about that new Spiderman - you know the one with the red and black suit? - joining the Avengers or whatever, but what's important he had the audacity to tell me my fanfiction was unrealistic-"
"So." Fury summarises, looking like he wants to kill everyone in the room and then himself. "You shared classified documents with someone over Minecraft. Because you needed to prove that your fanfiction was unrealistic."
She splutters. "He said I wrote Carol out of character!"
"I mean…" Carol tilts her head. "You do sometimes go overboard with the romantic thoughts when you're writing me. I don't think about women all the time, you know. I'm attracted to men too."
Both she and Fury pause, and then turn to stare at her. Carol only blinks in response
"You're gay?" Fury looks bewildered. 
"You read Kamala's fanfiction?"
"Sometimes she asks me too-" she ignores Fury to struggle with fanfiction terminology. "-beta read?"
"You've never asked me to beta your fanfiction." Monica shouldn't feel as upset about this as she should, but she does, in a sort of very obviously overdramatic and not-actually-upset way. 
"That doesn't matter, right now." Fury glares at both of them, and then turns back to Kamala. "Miss Khan, you're going to have to sign an N.D.A. and multiple other documents about this."
She mumbles an apology and Monica internally starts praying that something like this never, ever happens again. She can not deal with something like this repeating-
"Ms. Marvels official twitter account has been privated after she uploaded a three page long essay on the novel The Lovely Bones. Fans suspect that she may have mixed files up and uploaded her homework by accident-"
"What did you do now?"
"I may have mixed up an image of Goose eating a picture of Elon Musk with my English homework."
"Let me guess, you sent the picture of Goose to your English teacher?"
Monica is going to scream.
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marengogo · 1 year
The Thing Is: - 1 : BALANCE.
Listening to INDIGO by RM on repeat. STILL. YUP, STILL ON THE REPEAT TRAIN 😬.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
So this is what I’d like to call an educated rant about Capulates (aka most Taekookers) and Montagues (aka some Jikookers). In fact, this is mostly a rant about the things that both “families” cause on that godforsaken bird app, which apparently we can’t live with but also can’t live without I’ll explain this more in depth in my Ted-Talk. This is a rant about BALANCE and ultimately its lack thereof. That being said, to make it all make sense, let’s begin with some context and, like I always do, let me make it relevant and personal.
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When it comes to Jikookers in general, I firmly believe that what I am about to talk about is known by a few, should be known by many but unfortunately is ignored/irrelevant to the vast majority and now that, THAT, is a fucking pity. One of my favourite quotes is “Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can, Seldom found in woman, Never found in man”. Admittedly, we could stay here and argue about every single word from the Seldom to the man part of this quote, but what I’d like you to please focus on is the ”Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can…” part. 
I used to be a very silent, and calm, person and with those traits also came an infinite amount of patience; there was a time I used to boast about my patience. Alas, what I didn't know was that Life had made up a whole shitty plan for me. Right from when I was 11 it decided that “you know what? You seem like you could handle a huge amount of different types of shit all at once, and I just so happen to have loads of shit but no place where to put it so… here! You can have some of it!” And so it was that shit was systematically piled on me constantly, and I dealt with it patiently, respectfully and with dignity until I turned 24 when something major happened to me that made me snap and I turned into the quick-to-anger adult that some may know me to be nowadays (for context, I’m in my 30s right now).
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The funny, but not-so-funny, thing is that when I snap I do it around those who are closest to me. Snapping has become the way I let out my true self as an unhealthy result of keeping everything bottled in for so long, which was indeed bad handling on my side, but I really didn’t know any better. It must be said though,  that when I snap, I don’t snap at my close friends (... family tho, is a different story …) what I do is let out my frustration with them, which usually goes like this: 
UNOPENED TEXT from Close Friends (CFs) (but thank god for text previews!): Gurl, how was the weekend?
ME: I see there is a text from my close friend/s, but I’m so busy and stressed that I don’t even want to open it knowing that I wouldn’t be able to either hold a proper convo or say anything positive. BUT in the back of my head I know there is a message from the important people in my life waiting: and I add unreasonable “stress”.
UNOPENED TEXT from CFs: send funny images or vocal messages.
ME: I’m still not willing to just open the message to just leave it without a reply, so I keep ignoring. But still I know the message is there, hence “stress” keeps adding.  
finally OPENED TEXT from CFs: Call me when you can or shall we meet this weekend?
So then eventually I make an effort, get out of my head ass, and make time call and …
ME: Gurl, how have you been? … yeah man I’m like super exhausted and [PROCEEDS TO ENGAGE IN THIS UNPROVOKED LONG ASS RANT ABOUT HER WEEK. LIKE REALLY LONG. LIKE A GOOD 30mins AT LEAST, which could have been avoided if I had made time through the week when they actually texted 🙃] … but enough about me, tell me all about what happened to you?
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Its hella hypocritic and weird but my CFs know exactly how I am, and how to handle me, and in the same way I also know how to handle their unique traits, so keeping this in mind, I try not to feel too bad about my lack of constant communication and my sudden vomiting of emotions thereafter, it's between me and them, them and me, and if you are not within our circle, you would never now and it is very frankly nobody else's business.
That being said, all things considered, I still somehow tend to be quite patient when it comes to things that are not directly related to me and I’ve also found out that I have an “interesting” amount of self-control. Just like Patience, I do think that Self-Control is a virtue. Both virtues would allow us to reach Balance which I believe is ultimately what we should be aiming for in life and how actually life works. 
Now, where am I going with this? And how does it relate to Capulets & Montagues (C&M)? Does it even relate to Jikook? Gurl, what?!
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… Bear with me just a little longer.
Balance. My life has been devoted to finding balance in everything, reason why I love grey so much for example (though my fav color is actually BLUE 💙). When balanced you can confidently move forward, hypothetically causing no immediate harm  and also for example not snap 😬. But what is balance? Following is the dictionary definition pertaining to this subject:
a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
Okay. So, the way I see it, there are 2 obvious ways you can obtain balance:
Two opposite but equal forces being applied on an object which will either cause it to stay still in a balanced stop or even move in a balanced way
The application of no force. If an object is not moving it is indeed balanced as its present situation is not altering.
And here is where we finally talk about C&M and Twitter.
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Capulets & Montagues respectively believe that their ship is THE ONE and they will resort to any emphasis on the ANY means necessary to battle each other and prove that they are right, be it breach of privacy of the individuals they swear they love and respect, or complete lack of common sense, YOU NAME IT!, if it assures them a winning tweet for the day; they will use it.
Have you noticed how, even though I call them Capulets and Montagues, I do not refer to JK & JM as Romeo & Juliet? They are in a difficult environment, for sure, but I do not believe that their story must end in tragedy. Basically I do not believe them to be star-crossed lovers. HOWEVER most Taekookers and some Jikookers do believe that. C&M are living within the  wrong story, so to say, as in, this is really  NOT Romeo & Juliet but they unprovoked decided that this IS Romeo & Juliet: Do I make sense? But how to blame them? Most Taekookers and some Jikookers are exactly like Capulets and Montagues and like all similarly belligerent parties before them: Blind with nonsensical rage and motivated by misplaced righteousness. 
On a weekly basis Capulates will “find” something damning about Taekook and taunt Montagues about it. Montagues will try if possible to debunk it, hence starting a fight. The following day, Montagues will “discover” their version of something damning about Jikook and taunt Capulets. Capulets will try their very best to debunk it while starting a fight. Oh and solo THV, PJM and JJK will also add to the mix just to add some flare to the already flabbergastingly stupid occurance. All the while, they all will be intently ignoring and completely not caring about this very damning fact: Taehyung loves Jungkook & Jimin, Jungkook loves Taehung & Jimin and Jimin loves Taehyung & Jungkook in ways THEY ONLY KNOW and it is very frankly none of our business.
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At this point this might make you recall a couple of things I wrote a couple of paragraphs earlier … such as, yes, BALANCE; a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. Capulets & Montagues. One attacks, the other counterattacks and viceversa over and over again, like a very malicious and impeccably accurate Newton’s cradle.The only way to stop ANY Newton’s cradle, would be an external force causing it to stop. A full stop. 
In the C&M case, this full stop would have to come from VMinKook and they would have  to come out and state: “This is how things are…”. However, not only it is absolutely not their requirement to do so, but given that this hasn’t happened yet, we can respectfully deduce that either they can’t currently expose their own current truth (which is a unfortunately a narrative favourable to both C&M alike… ) or that they don’t really care about C&M fights, which I wouldn’t blame them for either.
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Now, if you follow me, you know where I stand, right? You know that I do think that there might be something going on between JK and JM, right? So my belief is that this Newton’s Cradle is also being perhaps unwillingly kept in motion by the fact that currently JK & JM as well as Tae are righteously keeping very much to themselves, like I’ve explained in the Loud Art of Silence . There’s been a bit of a change in the VMinKook dynamics since 2019 hasn’t it? Taekook had a heart-to-heart during In The Soop in 2020 after which they successfully started mending the awkward tension in their relationship.
As for Jikook, other than Big Hit/HYBE, group, subgroup and birthday lives, they haven’t been sharing much with us have they? Yet every time we get a glimpse at them, say during concerts or awards ceremonies, they act and interact as we’ve known them to, so one could conclude that it took them a good 6 years but they’ve seemingly finally transitioned into being more private about their relationship. Good for them, truly, applaud them for that but Montagues … Montagues are really not about that life: If Jikook keeps shit to themselves, how are they going to win their weekly Twitter Battles? And mind you this has nothing to do with those Jikookers who rectifyi facts that Capulets constantly go around distorting, which also happens on a daily basis on this blasted bird app.
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You know what happened in my brain when I realised that the Boys were gonna go and serve in the military? Aside from the ugly AF crying I realised and accepted that we would most likely get nothing new from Jikook until 2025 when they would all be back together and would supposedly no longer owe anything to any greater entity. This was when I also realised that I would have to be really patient and apply a lot of self-control. I realised that I would miss Jikook interacting, I would miss that a lot, but there would be nothing I could do about it. 
Until 2025 the C&M Twitter Balance will keep balancing and that is just a fact. “Well then bitch stay away from Twitter!” I would, trust me, I wish I could, but the reality is that the bird app is unfortunately the place where you get ANY news in the timeliest of manners and from there it is a battle to figure out veracity of said information. At the end of the day information is power and what you decide to do, as well as not to do, with it also defines character.
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Until 2025 patience, self-control and balance, in all their forms are going to be key. As well as constantly reminding oneself that regardless of our beliefs, feelings and speculations Jikook are not a confirmed couple and they owe us nothing. However, y’all best believe that nothing lasts forever, and these are grown ass men, so when they’ll be out of the military their chapter 3 will start and most likely big changes in their lives will also follow and then, right about then, we will get that heavy-ass-hammer-fall-full-stop to the C&M Twitter Balance which might still continue with the deeply cray-cray part of the fandom, right then, truths will be revealed and we will have to accept them. So until then let’s keep reminiscing gratefully and accepting whatever we are given graciously.
… Until then, always respectfully yours 💜💛🫰🏾
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xxk3vonicaxx · 1 year
This is a Part 1, because this post broke the 30 image limitt, prepare for some long posts aheadd:
TW: Possible ableismm, n*zi and CP mentionss
Soooo Blurry and his fans have done more stuff that you guys probably don't know aboutt, aaand I can't just sit back and take it like I've been doingg, 'cause this has been affecting not just mee, buut multiple people as welll, mmm
Zavrozo's probably gonna have to edit the doc laterr, buut oh welll For starterss, let's talk about the elephant in the room that most of you are probably unaware of existingg:
Blurry and his fans making fun of my typing quirk on Instagramm:
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Noww, from what I believee, this is ableist behaviorr (I thinkk?), aaand also it's hypocritical coming from Blurry's partt (notee, the screenshot in the bottom left cornerr)
Likee, if I dare joke about Risk like thiss, it's badd, buut if Blurry and his fans make fun of my typing quirk like thiss, it's okk?
Worse thatt is that I'm a real person, for onee, I have feelings you knoww? >:'<
Aaand apparently Blurry has a history of doing this tooo, sooo that makes it worsee (This was from 2021, buuut stilll, it happenedd):
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Aaand when I showed this screenshot to Blurry on the rightt, he acted like he didn't know what Miles was talking aboutt (Contextt: This was when Miles and Blurry were having a fight about Edgar's (A character from FON's) backstory as Miles had apparently changed some stuff without telling Blurry firstt:
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I was talking for Blurry during this fightt ('cause back then me and him were still friendss). He had apparently banned Miles from the private FON discord I used to be apart of because he blew up at himm (Blurry was a mod back thenn, now he's the main adminn, this was the same server where Mobox was shown lying about the n*zi art not being hers aand making fun of Crying Blossomm)
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(Notee, I was the one who say this sounded fine for Miles to dooo, not Blurryy, he still hadn't apologized even thenn)
At the end of that fightt, we went on a group chat on Insta so it could get settledd, buuut Blurry never really said sorry to Miless (The fifth screenshot happened while Blurry was talking to Miles in this group chatt, the joke thing Blurry was talking about was about Edgar and Baxter being adopted siblingss)
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Miles had apologized during that behavior during that fightt, buut Blurry had never apologized for hiss. He had only said that "he had problems reading Miles' tone at timess", buut he never really said anything on how to fix itt, like using tone indication or somethingg, he only really cared on how to fix the character backstoryy, not to at least try to help Miles with thiss. Soo because of thatt, Miles stopped using his typing quirk around Blurryy
"Buuut Kevinn! Why are you bringing up that fightt?" You may askk
Welll, it's 'cause he did the same thing to mee (Tea.sammich is Blurry's altt):
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Notee: He asked for his fans to tone it downn, buut he never apologized for his own behaviorr, 'cause he was apart of it tooo!
Aaand alsooo, Blurry is twisting the person's wordss, they never said it was ableistt, they said they could be exaggerating that it was ableistt
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Aaand I know this because they confronted him on his behavior about thiss (Notee, the fifth screenshott):
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Aaand this was Blurry's responsee:
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Blatent lies and ignoring thingss:
Zombify had also confronted Blurry on his behavior with Mobb, aand Blurry lied to them multiple timess, basically ignoring the things Mob didd, particularly with the n*zi artt. Zombify had asked if Blurry had known about itt, aand Blurry ignored the question 3 timess! He had also ignored it with mee, tooo, changing the topic to me posting suggestive art in my server when I've already stated what my audience iss, it was shown in the docc (Not to mention Blurry defending Mob's gore art):
(Proof of Blurry knowing about the n*zi artt):
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Aaand here's Blurry ignoring Zombify's questions about it tooo:
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(The screenshots of these last two bits of the chat about this topic will be shown in the next part in a reblogg, 'cause I broke the 30 image limit with this postt)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 33 – Hero Of The Day
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Crosshair x Female!Reader (FF)
Warnings: Harassment / Angst/ Tension / Violence /Blood /Strong Language (Tell me if I missed something)
As suspected, you fall into Rampart's clutches again. This time he chooses a different approach that he is sure will break at least one of you, you or Crosshair. The situation seems hopeless, Rampart is ready to cross some boundaries. Is there any hope?
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I’ve Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair’s Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I’m Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It’s All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
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The first thing that happened when you were on the cruiser was that Wolffe and you were separated, even though you both protested. You didn't want to be alone on that damn ship, that was the main reason why you didn't want to be separated from him, another reason was that you couldn't bear to worry about another ally and friend.
As expected, Rampart came to see you in your cell a few minutes after you were locked up.
"Where's Crosshair?" was the first thing you asked before he could make a sound. "Where are Echo and Tech?"
Rampart smiled unperturbed and said, "I'll do you one better; where's Hunter and the chunky one, um Wrecker?"
Anger and despair flared within you, the latter you tried to keep in check.
"You think you're funny? You're not!" you growled.
Rampart tilted his head slightly to the side, an amused glint in his light brown eyes.
"Oh, you're much more fiery this time, I like that".
As he stepped toward you, you didn't flinch this time, and he moved in so close that his chest bumped against yours, just slightly, but quite noticeably. Breathing slowly and with control, you looked up at him, in your eyes as much hatred as you could feel, but underneath was a fracture, a fracture that Vice Admiral Rampart's experienced eye could well perceive. There was fear, there was a slight tremor.
"I'm not afraid of you," you said coolly.
He smiled, a confident, somber smile.
"That's a lie and we both know it, my dear".
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Crosshair and Tech were still in a cell. Both were sleep-deprived, visibly, dark-rimmed eyes, some visible bruises from previous interrogations. But Rampart had now taken a different approach.
Crosshair and Tech, stood in front of a monitor that had been brought to their cell. The Sniper groaned heavily as an image appeared on the monitor and he saw you in a cell, apparently they had caught you again, presumably trying to free him and the others.
"Dank Ferrik!"
Tech put a hand on his shoulder.
"He won't kill her, he needs her to get to us".
"That's exactly what I'm worried about. That's the only reason that monitor is here, he wants me to watch, he thinks that way he can break me.... maybe he's right"
Tech frowned worriedly. The two watched and listened to what was happening in your cell.
When Crosshair saw how close Rampart came to you, he clenched his hands into fists.
"She didn't even flinch," Tech commented.
The Sniper nodded.
"She wants to stand up to him, not show weakness, but Rampart wasn't born yesterday, he'll see through her," he growled.
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Rampart's hand lifted, slowly, almost tenderly he grasped your jaw, then he squeezed, hard enough that it was uncomfortable.
Struggling with his grip, you pressed out, "I'm not afraid to die, I won't betray the others."
The Vice Admiral chuckled, "Is that so? Well, it doesn't matter, there are other things you will be afraid of".
He pointed with his free hand to a corner, above him on the right. A camera.
"Your beloved clone is watching you right now. So, either he will cave in and tell me what I want once he sees the things I do to you, or I will break you. Which do you think? Which will happen first?"
You blinked, your gaze darting to the camera again and again, as if some irrational part of you hoped Crosshair would jump out at it at any moment.
"Like I said, I'm not afraid to die," you said defiantly.
Rampart seemed unimpressed.
"That may be, but as I said, there are other things you will be afraid of. Pain might be one of them, or something almost every woman is afraid of"
Your heart was beating up to your throat from one second to the next. Was he implying what you thought he was? Silently you still looked up at him defiantly, but when his free hand moved to the buttons of your jacket and opened them, you felt cold panic climb up your spine. Now it was no longer a question in which direction his hint went.
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"That may be, but as I said, there are other things you will be afraid of. Pain might be one of them, or something almost every woman is afraid of"
Crosshair pressed out between clenched teeth, "He wouldn't dare.... he's just trying to provoke us."
Tech by now had also clenched his hands into fists and felt the same helpless anger rising within him as Crosshair felt. You didn't like to be his anymore, but his feelings for you were unchanged, even if he held back for the sake of you and his brother.
Crosshair's gaze searched Tech's. It was obvious to see that the Sniper was struggling with himself. Not much had happened yet, but the hint was there and Croshair knew he couldn't let this happen, Rampart would get what he wanted one way or another.
"You're thinking of telling him what he wants to know, aren't you?"
Crosshair gritted his teeth, then nodded slowly.
Tech rubbed both hands over his face, finally saying with a heavy sigh, "I don't blame you."
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Rampart leaned down to you, smelled your hair unabashedly, while the hand that had previously opened your jacket slid very slowly under your shirt and brushed across your stomach. You held still as if you were frozen, the touch made you flinch briefly, but that was all you were capable of at the moment. Your intimidated mind had paralyzed your body, at least temporarily.
The door to the cell opened, a Storm Trooper, appeared in the doorway.
"Sir, sorry to interrupt, but a message has arrived from Grand Admiral Tarkin, you said you wanted to be informed when he reports in. He will be at the rendezvous point in 12 hours as scheduled."
Rampart glanced over his shoulder very briefly and murmured, "Good."
When the trooper didn't leave, he did look over his shoulder again, an angry glint in his eye.
"What else?" he snapped impatiently.
The Trooper sighed and said, "With all due respect, I know it's not my place to question your methods, but what's this going to be when it's done?"
A small glimmer of hope sprouted in you, there was one person who questioned Rampart's approach.
Rampart pushed you off him without warning, you stumbled backwards and fell on your butt.
"Stay right there," he growled at you, turning to the trooper.
"You. Take off that helmet. Now!"
Two more troopers stood to his left and right at the door. The Trooper hesitated, seemed to look left and right at his fellow Troopers, sighed softly, and then complied.
KIX, you thought, relieved and panicked in equal measure.
"A clone," Rampart spoke, surprised and visibly amused "One of the last currently in service to the Empire. Why have I not sorted you out yet?"
Kix looked directly at Rampart, not daring to look at you, afraid he might make things worse.
"I don't know sir, maybe because I'm a good medic and a decent soldier".
Rampart snorted.
"You're redundant here"
He nodded to the other two troopers.
"Get him out of here, let him freeze in Carbonite, maybe I'll have a use for him at a later date after all".
Kix looked from one to the other, his first impulse was to fight back, but he knew that wouldn't get him far, he thought about submitting, but then his eyes met yours. He saw your fear, your worry, and he made a decision. He might not be able to save you a second time in the long run, but at least for now.
"Fuck it," he growled and lashed out, hitting Rampart square in the face, you could hear the sound of his nose breaking.
You winced and widened your eyes in disbelief, watching as he was instantly taken down by a trooper with a stun hit. Kix slumped over and growled, "Worth it" before hitting the ground and losing consciousness.
Rampart, had gone to his knees, blood gushing from his nose, and not a little at that. He straightened up staggering, the punch had hit home. The Vice Admiral cursed loudly, his face contorted with pain and anger.
"Freeze that motherless son of a bitch," he rumbled before turning to you, a hand on his broken nose and saying " Don't be to happy about your hero of the day, I'll talk to you later, don't think this is over."
With these words he disappeared with the troopers dragging the unconscious Kix with them.
Quietly you said: "Thank you Kix..."
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@twinkofthedink @tazmbc1 @kristinainspace @ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt @whore4rex @anndraco0523 @revan-posting @dwarfnip @ben-is-a-hoe @ttzamara @ilikemymendarkandfictional @kaminocasey @brynhildrmimi @photowizard17 @moondust-24 @clone-whore-99 @dumfanting @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond
@moonstrider9904 @chxpsi @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @kaliel2310 @eternalwaffle
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fakeoldmanfucker · 11 months
since i saw you have so many zuck post and i'm a little bit invest in it like you so i want to ask some question about threads since i don't want to have another social media because i have so much now
1. does moskovitz actually interact with zuck there? i saw them following each other
2. does saverin made an account and followed zuck?? since i don't know if that is his real account, tbh if he actually followed zuck, became one of the new users on threads i'd be surprised because i thought he already didn't care much about either fb or meta in general
also I saw zuck posting tsn reference there for threads and commenting gif of tsn too
sorry for my sloppy english, hope you reply
Hi anon! Thank you for your ask!
What I need everyone on Tumblr to know is that Mark is basically trying to reinvent himself. He's been the butt of a lot of jokes for about a decade now, and this bout with Elon, and Elon's fumbling of Twitter, has presented a prime opportunity for Mark to reboot his public image. This means he's responding to people's posts on Threads, making jokes, and yes, referencing The Social Network.
Now to your questions:
Yes! Dustin and Mark are actually still really close. Dustin's mentioned going on vacation with Mark fairly regularly (for whatever that means for them). Dustin had access to the pre-release launch of Threads and was user # 3037 (as indicated on his Instagram account), and he generally talks about Mark a lot, mostly to defend him/hype him up. He's been talking about Mark a lot lately, because of the drama with Musk and with the launch of Threads, but Mark has been pretty consistently mentioned in his Twitter posts, going back for years. Dustin seems to be particularly excited about Threads, probably because he feels let down by Twitter and the promise of Bluesky, and also because Dustin still owns a 0.6% stake in Meta, which is worth something like $5 billion. Dustin as well as other early Facebook employees have expressed a feeling of nostalgia and excitement akin to the early days of the company, both from the product development side as well as from the consumer side. Anyway, it seems that Dustin's penchant for micro-blogging and Mark's role to promote Meta's new app have combined and allowed them to publicly communicate for the first time in at least a decade. It has been, honestly, delightful to watch. See the bottom of the post for screenshots of their interactions.
Judging by the Instagram account linked to the Threads account, Saverin really is following Mark. (I judged whether or not the Insta account was real by scrolling through who he follows: some weather accounts, someone with the last name that's the same as his wife, someone who's either a sister or cousin, Fox News. These interests correspond with the types of accounts he follows on Twitter; it's most likely really him.) I agree, it is kinda of insane that Saverin joined so early; it's possible he sold the rest of his shares because B Capital got a big infusion of money at the end of 2022, which corresponds with the fund they raised earlier this year. It's also possible he converted his shares from Class A to Class B, but this move still loses him power. He doesn't really have any incentive to be interested in Meta, not anymore. And yet, Saverin was just under the 2 millionth member to join Threads (1,920,187). Taking into account that 30 million people(/brands) joined Threads in the first day, Saverin was an early adopter. At the same time however, in addition to likely not having any financial interest in the company, Saverin doesn't post very often on Twitter (most of which are reposts of articles) and has only ever posted to Instagram twice, and not since 2014 at that. It's interesting to me that he apparently cares so much to be on Threads so early since he doesn't seem to be that fond of micro-blogging or Instagram anyway. At the least, he is a private person, more private than even Mark has ever been, and he is likely on Threads to lurk rather than to post. Which brings me to the point that Saverin is following Mark. He's also following a number of influential Meta people, including important early employees (none of them follow him back). Combined with the fact that Saverin consistently puts "Facebook co-founder" at the top of all of his bios, regardless of his current projects and investments, this paints an image of a petty man who wants to be relevant. It may be interesting that Saverin follows Mark, but don't expect anything to come of it. Saverin lost his chance to make any amends with Mark and anyone else a long time ago.
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Bonus: Mark posting a TSN gif? For some reason?? Even though the post he was replying to didn't even mention TSN? (it's a screenshot of the gif of the moment when Eduardo gives Mark the money to go to Palo Alto for the summer while they're hiring interns)
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