#I don't know what to do with myself now. I'm cried out and dead inside and I have no energy
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
The class went better and worse than I expected
#better because it was 1/3rd of the length that I was expecting#in fact it said 3 hours then she said 1 hour then it ended up being 40 minutes#so that's...... I can't do maths#I'm never beating the humanities people can't do maths allegations. moving on#it was worse because we Had to put our cameras on and I also found out that this is a thing for EVERY CLASS#EVERYONE has to have their cameras on ALL THE TIME (unless you're on break)#HORRIBLE#I understand why this is (it's so they know we're not just buggering off doing laundry while the class occurs) but liiike#I've had a singularly horrible day today. like it wasn't in the top 10 or anything because no one I know died or had to go to hospital#but top 30? probably. it's on the level of like. it's not going to be one of those days that I'll remember the date of & shudder#(like 1st may [my dad died]; 30th november [Kim died]; 21st october [dislocated my knee the first time] etc)#but I'll need like one business day and maybe a small unnecessary purchase in order to recover#I'm thinking a new pair of sleeper hoops just so I have a different colour I can wear#but I digress#do you know what it is to be a 27 year old woman who's been crying most of the day and gets asked to put her camera on#you probably do. I'm on the 27 year old women who cry most of the day website. forgot where I was for a second there. sorry guys#I don't know what to do with myself now. I'm cried out and dead inside and I have no energy#but I don't want to just lie down because I don't want to be alone with my thoughts#knitting and a podcast? knitting and a podcast. and perhaps. a chocolate biscuit#personal
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avatarloverfrfr · 7 months
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Dreamwalker Siblings
Chapter I: Cryo-sleep Masterlist Summary: Y/n and Jake Sully. Siblings, shipped off into the depths of space to explore the mysterious world of Pandora. Warnings: Mentions of death, reader is NOT excited at all, Constant reminder of deceased loved one. Word count: 3,6k
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"You cannot ask this of us! Tommy is the scientist not us. He wanted to be shot light years into space, not us. We cannot do it." I shrieked, pleading with my brother for validation, but my cries were met with oppressive silence. His gaze fixed onto our fallen sibling, Tommy, robbed of life right before he went off to do the only thing that put a smile to his face. All sacrificed for the contents of his wallet.
"Your brother represented a significant investment, we'd urge you to accept taking over his contract." The man besides Jake had said, completely disregarding all that I had said. "I'm sure he would hate to have all his hard work go to waste, knowing someone so close to him would be able to continue his legacy." The second man, besides me, added with a curt nod.
Outrage boils within me at the audacity of these men, exploiting the loss of one of us, former triplets, as leverage against us. How dare they use Jake and I with their clear motives of greed, revealing to us that our worth to them is nothing but a budget they refuse to abandon.
"It'll be a fresh start, on a new world. And the pays good, very good." they said staring at Jake and I. Before I could even say something in retaliation. Jake had spoken for the first time that night. "We'll do it." Disbelief swept over me as I locked eyes with him. How could he agree so easily? How could he not see that these men were just using us— he probably could, yet chose to turn a bind eye.
"Perfect, Y/n we will get your Avatar ready, they will mature on the trip there." the men said walking out, leaving me in there with Jake.
"How could you just accept like that Jake. You caved! Just like that? You know they are just playing us, and you still went along with it! Don't you see–" I started, but he interrupted me. "Maybe you don't see it, but I do. We are dirt poor Y/n! Struggling... This cash could change everything. We could finally be able to live." he pleaded, desperate for understanding. "I could afford to use my legs again." he confessed.
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While I was sitting there, next to my brother, a big whole blown right in the middle of our lives, I started having these dreams. Dreams that whispered secrets of possibility and untold wonders. Sooner or later though, you always have to wake up.
As I wake up, I glance around and it hits me, I'm in some sort of cryo pod. Flashbacks flood my mind, reminding me of the time before my life had got frozen, five years of my life, gone. The memories of Tommy's death, as if it was yesterday. 'We had to do it, so we could live." I think to myself, trying to find comfort in all of this.
"Rise and shine sleepy head." a doctor had greeted me as I exit the cryo pod I had spent the last five years of my life in. "We're here."
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"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo packs on! Remember people, you lose that mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds, and dead in four minutes–" I stopped listening to what the sergeant had to say. Looking around my eyes landing on Jake. We should not be here, this is not our home. But what's the point in dwelling now, there's no turning back. I think to myself while putting on my exo pack, adjusting it so oxygen could freely flow through.
"When that ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! Go straight inside wait for my mark!" the sergeant yelled. Standing up I walk over to Jake who was still seated waiting for everyone in front of him to leave the air craft so that he was able to freely able to deploy his wheelchair.
"Let's go special case! Do not make me wait for you Sully's!" he barks. Not bothering to acknowledge him Jake and I walk off the ramp and onto Pandora, our "fresh start." Taking a long look around I spot soldiers, back on earth these guys were heroes, marines fighting for freedom. But out here they were all just a bunch of hired guns, serving the RDA until their last breath.
"You're not in Kansas anymore, you're on Pandora ladies and gentlemen–" the man, Quartrich, continued. Tommy was meant to be listening to this, not Jake and I.
"Excuse me. Excuse me. Jake!" a lanky man rushes up to us after the "safety brief." "You're Jake right? Tom's brother." he asked looking down at him to meet his eyes. I just stare at him, does he just not see me here?
"You look just like him." he says eyes finally landing on me. "Sorry– I forgot he had mentioned he had two siblings, Y/n. I'm Norm. Spellman. Went through Avatar training with him." he says leading us into some sort of bio-lab.
As Norm continues briefing us on the bio-lab procedures, my attention drifts, drawn to avatars in three separate cry-chambers. I approach them, circling until I stop at a particular one.
"Looks like him." Jake and I simultaneously say, not once taking our eyes off what our brother could have been.
"No, looks like you. This is your avatar now Jake." Norm reassures him placing a hand on Jakes shoulder before moving to the last tube in the bio-lab.
"And this is your avatar Y/n. She had to get to the lab as soon as possible, since you know–" Norm starts, but I cut in, "–I wasn't meant to be here. Yeah, I'm aware." I finish, stepping closer to my avatar.
She looks so much like me, except for the obvious differences. Blue skin, a queue, and her sheer size. "She's beautiful." I whisper, touching the glass, feeling a soft heartbeat pass between us.
"The idea is that every driver is matched to their own Avatar, so their nervous systems are in tune... Or something. That's why they offered us the gig. It's insanely expensive... Is this right? Do we just say whatever to the video log?" Jake questions turning to Norm and Max.
"And do we have to share the exact same camera to film these things?" I interject, trying to nudge Jake out of the screens view.
"Yeah, you both need to document everything you see, what you feel. Plus, you're twins, who knows if you both are able to feel the same emotions or not. It's all apart of the science." Norm explains, retuning to his work.
"Plus it'll keep you sane for the next six years," Norm adds chuckling.
"Not if I have to sit next to Mr. Jarhead it's not." I remark, rolling my eyes but smiling slightly.
"Look who's talking Miss. 'I might not be a marine, but I sure can beat your ass,' " Jake adds, playfully pushing me.
This was one the first times I had smiled since arriving to Pandora. Usually keeping a stoic face, only smiling around my brother. My only family, the only thing from my past life.
Entering the link room behind Norm and Max, we're greeted by a voice. "Who's got my goddamn cigarette?" a redheaded woman demands, emerging from one of the link pods.
"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean literally write the book on Pandora botany." Norm gushes. "Well that's because she likes plants more than people." Max adds teasingly.
"Well, there she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, and Jake and Y/n Sully." Max says pointing at each of us in turn.
"Norm, I've heard good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" she asks, completely ignoring my brother and me, then begins to speak in a language I can only assume is Na'vi.
"Uh- Grace, this is Jake and Y/n Sully," Max interjects, trying to redirect her attention.
"Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know. the PhD who trained for years for this mission? Yeah him." she snaps.
"He's dead. We know it's a big inconvenience for everyone, including me." I reply bluntly. There's no need to sugar coat anything that's already happened.
"How much lab training have you had?" she asks, looking between Jake and I.
"We dissected a frog once." Jake simply states.
"You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I mean hell, the girl isn't even supposed to be here! I'm going to Selfridge, this is such bullshit." she rants, storming off but not before putting out her cigar.
"Well she's kind." I remark dryly.
As Jake and I arrive precisely at the time Max had instructed us to the day before, 0800, Jake and I hasten to catch up with Grace and Norm, who are already stationed at the link pods.
"You're late Sully's. You're in there, you're here." Grace remarks, gesturing towards two pods for Jake and I, and we obediently follow her directions.
"How much have you both logged?" she inquires, turning to the screen besides Jakes link pod.
"Zip, but I read a manual." Jake replies with a nonchalant shrug, as he wheels over to his pod.
"I listened to him read it out loud, if that counts." I confess making my way to my own pod.
"Tell me you're joking." Grace says incredulously, as she abandons her work on Jakes screen to approach mine.
"So you just decided to venture out here, to the most hostile environment known to man with no training whatsoever and see how it went? What was going on through your head?" she questions, setting up both mine and Jakes link screens for launch.
"Maybe I was tired of doctors telling what I couldn't do." Jake retorts, lying down in this link pod. I look at him wondering if that is why he spared no chance in me saying anything back when those men asked us to take the place of Tommy, because he was tired of the life he had.
"Keep you arms in, heads down." Grace instructs, pushing me into my link bed before I had the chance to ask Jake what he had truly meant.
"Just relax and let your mind go blank." are the last words I hear Grace utter before she seals my link pod.
Off to the side, Max examines scans of Jake and my brain. Studying the intently, he remarks. "Jakes brain is gorgeous, with nice activity. However we're detecting some resistance in Y/n's brain. She's unconsciously pushing back against the transfer, if this continues it could potentially harm the link." he informs, turning to Grace for guidance.
"Once the link is established, it cannot be interrupted. It will only worsen the issue," Grace states matter-of-factly, keeping an eye on my Avatar. Stubborn and resistant to change- that's Grace's initial assessment of Y/n, even after less than 48 hrs of meeting her.
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As my eyes flutter open, I'm greeted by a blinding light that pierces my eyes. A sharp ache throbs in my head, intensifying until two figures materialize before me- doctors, no doubt.
"She's awake. Y/n, can you hear me? Are you feeling alright?" the female doctor inquires, checking my expression for any sign of discomfort.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, opting not to mention the pounding headache. Slowly, I sit up, only to find my hands adorned with five blue fingers.
"I made it." I murmur to myself in disbelief. Glancing around, I notice Jake already on his feet, a grin stretching across his face. He's standing, a sight I never thought I'd witness again, his legs finally functioning.
"Y/n you've got to see this. When's the last time you saw your brother standing tall, huh?" he exclaims, turning to face me while his tail knocks over everything in it's path.
Finally on my feet, I chuckle, "Bro, we're giants." The realisation hits me as I gaze at Jake and then towards the exit to find that he was already smiling at me– we're thinking the same thing. Tri– Twin telepathy perhaps?
Without a word Jake and I bolt, dodging Avatars engaged in a game of basketball, evading Norm and the two doctors running after us. We hurdle obstacles until a humanoid robot comes into view.
"Sorry! we both exclaim breathlessly, narrowly avoiding a collision as we skid to a stop near some flora. Catching our breath, we're approached by an avatar bearing striking resemblance to Grace.
"Hey, Sully's!" she calls out, closing in on us.
"Grace?" Jake questions, eyeing her up and down.
"Who else were you expecting numbnuts?" she retorts with a grin, with me laughing at the nickname Grace gave him.
As Jake and Grace catch up, I slip away into the area where Avatars are housed, searching for a change of attire. Opting for a top similar to Graces but in a deep shade of blue, that are about a shade darker than my current skin tone, pairing it with green cargo shorts. Hoping to blend in slightly to the flora and fauna of the forest.
Gazing up at the darkening sky, I realize it's nearly nightfall, meaning I had to delink for the night. "Alright, everyone, settle down! Lights out." Grace commands, ushering the remaining humans away.
"See you at dinner kiddos," she adds, flicking the lights off.
Lying back, I can still feel the remnants of the headache, but I decided to let sleep wash it away. Closing my eyes, I drift off into a peaceful slumber.
next II
Tag list: @pinkvrydag @neytirismissingtoe @youskawng @tsuteyssyulang @lylalaminated
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bellarkeselection · 1 month
His Compass of Harrenhal - part 3
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Part 2 - Part 4
Tag list - @only4thefics @superintenseart @universallyrascaldreamercookie @uniquecroissant @vavafaure1994
It had been a few weeks before we had received the news that Grover Tully had died. Once receiving that letter I hadn’t managed to will myself out of my bed chambers that I shared with Daemon. Having my whole body buried underneath the covers while I just cried in a ball hearing the heavy door creak open and my husband’s voice came out into the room. “Y/n, what are you doing underneath the covers?”
“I’m not feeling well, husband.” I muttered not removing the covers off of my face while I cried. I wasn’t quite sure how much emotion I could show towards him about the passing of my Lord father.
His boots could be heard scuffing across the stone floor till I felt the mattress dip down at his weight while he crawled underneath the covers and wrapped his arms around my shaking form seeing the tears still coming from my eyes. “I don't really know what it's like to lose a parent. But I don't remember as much of my mother as I wish I did.” He gently ran his through my hair letting my tears soak his shirt with tears.
“I'm really glad you’re here. I don't want to be alone right now.” I snuff into the crook or his neck.
He kissed the crown of my head before he heard someone knock on our door. “I'm right here, little fish - Go away. We don't wish to be disturbed!”
“My apologies, my prince. Simon peaked his head inside our chambers altering us. “The Riverlands lords are waiting for you, your grace.”
Daemon and I followed Strong outside seeing all the Riverland lords and young Oscar waiting for us. I fixed my gaze only on my nephew. “Be welcome, my lords...and you have my thanks for answering my summons. I know I'm not the man my grandsire was, but I hope to begin well, and go on from there.” My very nervous nephew cleared his throat trying to address the bannermen properly.
Daemon moved away from my side shaking his fist in the air before pointing to the young lord. “Well said. One thing is clear...the Rivermen honor the old ways and abide by tradition. Here, then, is tradition. Grover Tully is dead. Lord Oscar raised up in his place. You have been summoned here to swear anew your fealty to him, and as his bannermen, answer his call.”
“And what would that call be?” A Riverlord I couldn’t recall the name of asked out into the open.
Daemon rested his left hand on the top handle of his sword that was attached to his hip. “In his wisdom, he has pledged his house, and yours, to me.”
“Lord Oscar, for generations we have been guided by the judgment of your forebears. Why should we now follow a boy, younger than my own sons, when you will align with one who will desecrate the innocent to reach his aims?” Lord Piper challenged my nephew.
Lord Blackwood pushed two other men who had chains wrapped around their wrists before the group. “I did only what was necessary, my lord. And I now deliver to you the traitor. Amos Bracken and his son.”
“No more traitor to his land. than you, Willem Blackwood.” Lord Piper scoffed at Lord Blackwood.
“I take to heart your words, Lord Piper, and I agree, I-I-I am young. And I have no love for Daemon Targaryen, unlike my beloved Aunt Y/n seems to. He has dishonored himself and the crown with his...comportment here.” Oscar turned back towards me and Daemon very slowly making me feel nervous knowing that me choosing to be with Daemon now put a target on my back against my former family House Tully. “Nevertheless, having so little experience to guide me, my best course is to defer to the oath my grandsire swore to King Viserys when he named Rhaenyra his heir. I see no reason to cast aside loyalty. no matter how loathsome I may find her representative, the prince.”
Daemon interrupted the young lord. “King. Mind your tongue, boy.”
“Daemon, don’t.” I stepped forward squeezing his forearm causing his purple eyes to drift down to meet my soft gaze.
Oscar slowly stalked over to the dragon prince getting in his face not fazed by what he had said. “Will you have our army or not? I am, in the end, a Riverman and the word of my house stands, even if certain people are unworthy of it.”
“Your Lord Oscar is bold. But he is perhaps not wrong. I may have been a touch enthusiastic. in pursuing my aims. But don't allow my failings to...keep you from supporting an upright man.” Daemon stepped beside Oscar shifting his gaze around to the other lords that surrounded them.
Lady Mallister spoke up. “Lord Oscar, we honor the old ways, as Prince Daemon says and the old ways call for justice to be done.”
“Justice has been done. They who bent the knee to the usurper have been brought to heel. And now, we unite before our liege lord...and our king consort.” Lord Blackwood yanked the two men who were his prisoners forward, eyeing his ledge lord to see if he was impressed or not by his actions.
“I accept you as my vassal, Willem Blackwood… but...I am Lord Paramount of all River Houses. And there is only one answer for the crimes you visited upon your neighbors.” Oscar raised a brow with a look of disgust to him.
Lord Blackwood wasn’t expecting that reaction from his lord. “I did only what His Grace the king required of me.”
“It is true that he made clear his base desires, but you did not have to pursue such savagery. You did it... because you wanted to.” Oscar deepened his voice in a threatening manner to one of his bannermen.
Another lord in the crowd raised his voice. “Our young lord speaks truly.”
Oscar simply declared. “Seize him.”
“God's no.” I gasped and brought a hand up to my lips briefly forgetting how we dealt with traitors in the Riverlands.
Willem Blackwood attempted to fight against his loyal lords dragging him before their Ledge Lord. “Don't fuckin' do this. Your Grace, command them. I've only served you. Command them.”
“If His Grace wishes to show contrition for his acts and to prove himself deserving of our banners he must now rectify his grievous error. Denounce your crimes...and dispense justice.” Oscar didn’t draw his sword and rather focused his eyes on the dragon prince telling him that he would be the one to take the lord's head.
“Oh, dear.” The knight who currently watches over the castle watched with nerves when my husband drew his sword and moved forward over Lord Blackwood who had been thrown down in front of him on his knees.
I didn’t realize a scream escaped my lips at the exact same time when Daemon raised his sword above his head and then lowered it beheading the man. “Ahh! D - Daemon.” I croaked with water eyes as he came back over to me, dropping his sword on the ground and just leading me inside the old castle.
“I didn’t think you’d have to see something like that. Are you - is the baby okay?” He asked me with a much gentler tone compared to the more serious one he had delivered to the Riverland Lords outside.
Placing one hand over his that was resting on my swollen belly I whispered meeting his eyes. “We’re alright, my king.”
“Good. I won’t lose my wife and little dragon if I can help it.” Daemon rested his forehead down against mine and I smiled about to kiss him till another set of doors around was flung opened by Simon Strong.
“Your Grace, my lady. Queen Rhaenyra has landed near the castle. She is requesting your presence, my prince.”
Clutching the fabric of Daemon's tunic in my fingers he pulled my head against his chest while I whispered under my breath very much terrified. “That can't be good for me.” Either she would accept me or try go feed me to her dragon.
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deq22rawf · 2 years
' Apologies '
in which they thought you were leaving him.
authors note : whew, school's hectic this past month, 15 assignments lmao, im gonna write on every monday from now on, if i don't, im probably dead <3 I'm kidding.
characters : childe & gorou
warnings : crying, thoughts of leaving (from them), lots and lots of apologies, cursing, suicidal thoughts.
part two — here
Both of you went to sleep in seperate rooms that night, you took the southern room while he took the northern room.
You were fighting about him coming home late and always having wounds on his chest, legs, arms, everywhere! And he was not in the mood so he immediately snapped and screamed at you causing the fight to escalate.
"Ajax! I'm just trying to look out for you, you know?"
"Just shut the fuck up Y/N, I'm not in the mood right now!"
"Oh I'm shutting the fuck up?! I'm just trying to look out for you! Is that a crime now?!"
More profanities were screamed out, until he used your abandonment against you.
"You know?! Maybe I should've left you on that road that night?! I'm sick and tired Y/N!"
The more he reminisces about the fight, the more the guilt is setting in his mind. He shouldn't have said that, you were just trying to look out for him.
His train of thoughts stopped as he heard the front door close harshly.
His tears finally spilled out as sobs could be heard outside his room aswell.
You left him didn't you?
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm fucking sorry, I didn't mean for-for any of th-this to happen. I'm f-fucking sorry."
He held onto his pillow tight as his spilled out more apologies. More of his tears were staining the pillow as dark thoughts clouded his mind.
He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that his door crept open and you peeked inside.
Your eyes were wide as he started to sob out suicidal words.
"I'm going to kill myself, I hate myself, I should jump off a cliff, I should hang myself."
Until you immediately rushed to his side and held him tight, his muffled cries were in your neck.
"Hey, hey, I'm here, Jax' I'm here, I'm here alright?"
He held on you tightly like you were about to turn into dust, his breath shaking as he looked into your eyes and you looked into his.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean what I sa-said.. I was just i-in a bad mood and I-I d-didn't realize I s-said-
"Shhh.. I know you didn't alright? Don't hurt yourself, 'Jax."
You wiped his tears off his face, his eyes finally glistened under the moonlight as you hugged him tightly.
"I'm not going to leave, just make sure to take care of yourself alright?"
You gave him a pick on the cheek.
"Now let's go to sleep, We'll talk this out in the morning alright?"
He held you tighter than ever before, he was afraid that he was just dreaming and you truly left him. But you didn't. He loved you with every fiber with his being, he doesn't know what to do without you.
He loves you so much and he would never let you go until death.
Gorou's ears went down and his tail flopped as he thought more and more about your fight.
"Gorou, you're not spending any time with me like you did back then?! I'm sick and tired of this, please can you just spend time with me?!"
"I'm sorry but the Divine Priestess needs me on the front l-"
"You know what? I'm just going to go somewhere, don't even bother following me."
"W-Wait Y/-"
You slammed the door on him as he was left with guilt and regret in his body.
He laid against a tree as the bird's sung and sang songs, he sobbed quietly as he curled himself up in a ball.
He didn't realize he was too focused on work that he forgot about you. His hands were shaking and small whimpers could be heard around the area.
But he didn't care, you left him, the person who gave him the courage to keep going on, but you're now gone.
Probably you've already left him, far away from him because you couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't take it anymore to be neglected anymore.
He deserved what he felt, he deserved the pain he felt, what was even there to fight for anymore? Without you, it felt like a part of him was lost, gone even.
He continued to cry and cry and didn't even notice someone calling out from him.
"Gorou?! Oh archons, are you okay?"
Your tone was soft, like someone humming a tone, or the little birds singing their songs.
You lifted up his chin to see his eyes were filled with sadness, lost, and filled with despair. He embraced you tightly as he whispered apologies immediately.
"I'm so-sorry for neglecting you Y/N, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't leave me alone, I don't want to be alone Y/N."
"I'm not leaving Gorou, I'm not leaving you but I just want to spend time with you, I'm tired of being alone. I just want to be with you."
His form was shaking, his ears were drooped down as you kissed him, releasing his worries out.
He hugged you tightly, so tightly as you kissed him again, slowly bringing him up, making him stand.
"Let's go home, Gorou."
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dsireland86 · 5 months
Take Me First PT. 2 (Never Know)
(Prequel for Noah in The Things We Could Never Change)
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"Lying Is Hard But The Truth Comes Out Anyway" The Grey
A regretful mistake, a car accident, and a baby. God didn't listen to Noah when he begged him to take him first the night of the accident. God had other plans it seemed; plans that brought Noah down to his knees cursing, crying, and praying. In time he began to believe he was nothing but a lost soul trying to find his happiness in the ugly world he lived in, until... she found him and began to return the lost parts of him, piece by piece, he'd thought he'd lost forever.
TAGS: @lma1986, @myownthoughts12, @xslavicprincess, @foliosgirl, @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon, @jilliemiw86, @sthnog, @lookwhatitcost
 “Show me you're better off without me/ Choking on every word you said, we'll see, we'll see / Don't breathe another word about me I'll leave and you can finally rest in peace, we'll see” -NEVER KNOW-
By the time you read this, I'll be gone. You have to understand that it's better for both of us this way if I just vanish from your life and wipe your slate, your consciousness completely clean. Once you're finished with this letter, I guarantee you will hate me and loath just the thought of me. My name will become a bitter poison on your tongue and the tongues of those who will no longer be my family because of their loyalty to you. You'll never want to breathe my name, let alone any other words about me, to anyone. I'm warning you now, Noah, what I'm about to tell you is going to ruin you. It's going to break your heart so badly that you're probably going to wish you were dead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, but it's the only way. You have to know the truth about what happened during those three days in Montana on that last tour we were on together; you deserve to know because it was the moment that everything changed for us. You're better off without me, and in time, you'll see. In time, you'll be able to rest in peace. 
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“I didn't want to finish the letter. Knowing she was already gone was enough, and reading it, having it spelled out in front of me would’ve only made things worse. But I chose to finish it anyway but regretted the instant I did. I swear I could feel myself slowly slipping away as her words started to bring out the worst in her that I never knew existed."
I rested my forehead against the back of her shoulder.
“I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you were feeling. Being abandoned is hard, but the lonely place it takes you to is worse.” “You would know, wouldn't you,” I said while playing with her fingers. She leaned back against my chest while sitting between my legs. Turning her head at just the right angle, she glided the tip of her nose softly along my jawline that filled with a deep yearning to be inside her again. “Not the same way you do.” I shivered when her lips left a trail of soft kisses on my skin. “Read me more, please. I want to know everything,” she urged. I sighed, and even though I really didn't want to, I knew sharing this part of my life was important for us. So, I continued.
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“Lying in between the memories choking me, and I don't know which way to go, but I'm okay to never know” -NEVER KNOW-
The night you told me the truth about cheating on me, it broke me, but not in the way you might think. I was angry, full of guilt, relief, sorrow, and regret that created a huge mess of emotions I didn’t know how to deal with. Running was my only option. I had to escape the pain of knowing how horribly I'd hurt you and you didn't even know it. Noah, you were brave enough to be honest with me about what you did. You admitted your guilt and how ashamed it made you feel. You truly believed you'd hurt me and watching the way it tore your mind and heart apart left me in agony. I wanted to tell you the truth then, but I just couldn't bring myself to, so I took the coward's way out and ran away. 
I called Jolly and cried to him. He couldn't understand anything I was saying, let alone any idea of what I was talking about, but he did his best to console me anyway. The guilt I felt, knowing what I’d done to his best friend just made everything numb and blur together. The way I was driving I didn’t see the headlights of the other vehicle in my lane. Jolly was still on the phone when I screamed right as the collision happened. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in the hospital. So, what is the truth that was too hard for me to tell you even though I was given the chance to say many times? Noah, I hope you're sitting down because what I'm about to say is going to be the death of whatever peace your mind had about me.
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“Noah?” Her soft voice calling to me made me lower my head and when her hand collided with my cheek, her touch brought me back to reality. The past wasn't real, but she was, and so was the feeling of her naked body against mine. Turning herself around so that her legs were on either side of me and her arms were resting on my shoulders, she leaned in and kissed me, slipping her tongue inside my mouth little by little. She was making me so hard and I knew she could feel me between her legs, pressed tightly against that sweet soft spot of hers I loved so much. I couldn’t control the constant twitching that was happening each time she purposely pushed herself into me either.
"She knew exactly what she was doing to you, and that’s what hurt you the most. I'm sorry she hurt you,” her voice whispered in my ear before she took a little bit of it in her mouth. “Ughh, fuck baby,” I moaned, squeezing her hips tighter and tugging her closer to me. “That’s what happens,” she said, brushing her breast up against me, her perky nipples grazing across my skin, making it scream. “You let people in and they destroy you. But I won’t.” She sat back and looked at me, the look in her eyes nearly making me cum. She had me wound up so tight that I swallowed hard when she pushed herself into me again and her warm, shaky breath washed over my face. “You deserve so much more than you believe you do, Noah.” Slipping her hands beneath the waistband of my box-briefs, I lifted my bottom up and she slid them down my legs, tossing them aside, retaking her spot over me. “I’ll give you the world, if you want it,” she admitted, laying her mouth on mine and taking my lips to hers as if she owned them; she did. “The moon, the fucking stars. Anything you ask, it’s yours. I’m yours. You can have all of me,” she confessed through a shaky, tear filled voice.
I pulled her way to look at her and my heart felt like it had busted through my chest. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, but the prettiest smile on her lips. I sat up and kissed her tears away tasting their saltiness. “I want all of it,” I admitted, brushing some hair out of her face. “I want all of you, but not just what you let the world see. I want all the broken, busted up parts too; the parts that make you, you. I meant it when I said I would fight the battle for you. I would, I still will. If I have you, then you have all of me too.” She started to cry and I pulled her into me as she laid her head on my shoulder. I fucking loved this girl in my arms more than I ever thought possible. More than the girl in the letter, and that scared me.
After a few moments of silence had passed and I was about to continue reading, but the warmth from her hand found my hard cock. Slowly she  ran her hand down my shaft, then back up, the grip she had applying the perfect pressure needed to stimulate what I was dying for on the inside. I laid my head back against the couch, zoning into nothing but the feeling of what her hand was doing. The faster she went the harder her grip became and reminded me of what being inside her felt like; heaven. I found her entrance between her wet folds and quietly slipped a finger inside her warm sex enjoying the way she melted into my touch and sucked in a quick breath, followed by a beautifully moan that filled the room. I felt her wetness coat my fingers, making me feel like I had all the power over her I wanted. The truth was though, she was the one with all the power. “I need to be inside you, now.” I ordered. She didn't hesitate to obey but instead shifted enough so that her pussy was aligned perfectly with my hard length.
“Noah, look at me,” she commanded and I listened. Her eyes were vibrant and full of something indescribable, something that I could never put into words; but I felt it and I knew she did too. “I fucking love you.” It slipped out before I could stop myself and I was scared I crossed a line. But her smile took that feeling away. It was genuine, and made me feel the exact way, if not more, I felt when I first saw her. “I love you too; all of you.” She pushed into me and took all of me into her and I watched her expression change as soon as I filled her. Her tight, wet walls closed in on my throbbing cock now buried deep inside her, searching for that special spot that was going to pull all the pretty cries and moans from her that I loved to hear. I gripped her hips, sighing once she began to move slowly, with her hands placed firmly on my chest. But I wanted more and I knew she did too. “I want you to grind on me, baby, ride me till you're satisfied. Ride me till you cum.”
That seemed to be all she needed. Soon I had her crying and moaning so loudly that she dug her nails deep into my skin, squeezed me tighter with her thighs, and let my name fall from her lips like a sacred prayer. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. She pulled my hands to her small breasts, indicating to me she wanted stimulation and I all too willing obliged her. I took each nipple between my finger and thumb, squeezing them until she cried. Once hard and perky, I dragged my tongue lazily over the soft, delicate skin, circling and lapping every part until taking it in my mouth. Her moans pulled my organism closer and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Luckily, I didn't have too. Her hands found the back of my head, holding me in place while she fucked me slow and gently and I got her off by sucking my favorite parts of her. “Noah, baby,” she didn't finish her sentence, but she didn't have to. I looked up, grinning at the face I saw. With eyes closed, she was in perfect ecstasy. “Are you gonna cum for me, Princess.” She didn't say anything, just moaned and nodded. “Cum for me then baby, let it go and give us both what we want.”
Her lips crashed into mine and our tongues danced as she came undone all over me and I quickly followed. It wasn't loud, it wasn't messy; it was just us, falling apart for one another together quietly. It was love making in its purest form and in that moment with her I realized the difference between straight fucking with foreplay and making love and how they were very different. We weren’t each other's first. She had a fucked up ex and I had many experiences that left me feeling used. But what she and I had just shared had so many emotions involved, ones that I didn't even know I could feel anymore. She pulled them out of me somehow and allowed me to willingly feel what I had buried away. They were tangled together, knotted and rooted in the dirt of my past. But, thanks to the beautiful human in my arms, for the first time in my life I felt the difference and wasn't afraid to feel them. She made me feel so fucking alive and I loved it. 
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“Speaking in languages we can’t read, no need for you to spell it out for me/ Swallowed up and I’ spit you out, like a drug that just wouldn’t stay down" -NEVER KNOW-
Montana was beautiful, Noah, and the idea of visiting it with you was a dream come true. I'll never forget when you came home and told me that it was on the list of states the band was playing. Your excitement was contagious and the way your eyes sparkled and lit up your entire face will forever haunt me. It was one of the last times we were truly happy together. Those three days haunt me, Noah. They hold the worst, but also the best memories. So here it goes… the whole truth.
The first show day went smoothly; you remember I'm sure. We all went out and had a small celebration in that little country bar where Folio rode the mechanical bull until he bled… like seriously bled. I thought I was going to pass out seeing all the blood from his arm. The day of the second show, however, was utter chaos and hell. Everyone woke up late, the venue wasn't unlocked when we got there, and some of the equipment malfunctioned. You were miserable and because you were miserable, so was everyone else. I tried to help, but now know how worse I actually made it for you. And the moment you yelled at me in front of not just the crew but the guys too, I knew things were going to be different between us. It wasn't that you yelled at me, Noah, it was what you said that was the slap to my face. You accused me of being selfish and too self conceited to understand what you were going through, and you know what? You were right. I was, I am those things. And to prove I was, I decided to get back at you in my own way; the way I regret now more than anything. 
After storming out of the venue and turning my phone off, I found a bar away from the venue, away from every memory of you. I wanted you out of my head, but mostly out of my heart because I was hurting. So, the first guy who sat down next to me and bought me a few rounds was it. He was the one I chose to make my biggest mistake with. He took me back to his hotel room, which ironically was in the same hotel as ours, you were just one floor above me. I was too drunk to worry about anything, not even caring if the receptionist recognized me. 
Noah, I will save you the details of what I did with that man in that hotel room that night. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be, and in the end he left me hurting way more than when I started out. Not just emotionally, but physically too. Thankfully there were no marks on my body, yet, but the bruises would show the following day. I lied and said you did them to me and the look on your face was devastating. I felt like a piece of shit. Maybe I was. No, I know I was. I should burn in hell for what I did to you; what I said to you. You didn't deserve it. But the worst was yet to come when the events of the night you fucked some girl who wasn't me happened and you found out I was pregnant. Nicholas said at first you were too shocked, but when it was time for me to leave the hospital, Matt said it was all you could talk about; how you were going to be a dad and how you had so much faith that the baby would be the thing to tie us back together after your actions ruined us. It wasn't you who ruined us, Noah, it was me, but I couldn't tell you that. Not now. Not with a baby on the way. So, I kept my silence and avoided you as much as I could, using your cheating as the excuse. And I lied to you every day up until… well you know when. 
Losing the baby was never, ever the intention, that, I promise, you can believe. I never wanted any harm to come to my baby. But when I woke up last month at seventeen weeks pregnant in a pool of blood, I knew it was over. The lies could stop, the truth could come out and everything would be okay. Except it wasn't, was it? Losing the baby was too hard for you. It made you do things you regret doing and I regret watching, knowing I had the power to stop it all. I know the feeling of loss is still very raw in your heart. You're wounded and reading this letter, knowing I'm long gone, soon to be nothing but a distant memory you'd do anything to forget, is going to throw salt on that wound, but I think it's time for me to help you put your demons to rest. 
Noah, the baby…. the baby was never yours to begin with. I mean, honestly, think back to the first time we had sex after that fight. Think…. and you'll remember. If you don't let me help. You wore a condom, Noah and you filled it, but I lied to you and told you it broke because I was scared. The night I spitefully killed us in every way possible was the night I conceived another man's child. 
So, you see, none of it was your fault after all. It was mine all along. Did I feel guilt? Yes. Remorse? No. Not until now. Now that I’m walking away from you, I feel every bit of remorse possible, but it’s too late now, isn’t it. The you I knew and loved is gone and so is the girl you knew. And that’s the difference between us, Noah. You felt remorse and it made you so vulnerable. 
I hope the next girl you fall in love with is good to you. I hope she is never afraid of your darkness or the demons who dance in your eyes sometimes. I remember the time when you thought no one could ever love you if you revealed what lurks inside you. You’ve always been different, Noah, you know that and how could anyone understand that? But I hope she understands and is never afraid to follow you into your darkness so that she can learn to love the beast that’s inside. I tried to, but in the end I realized that sometimes, true love comes in the form of a loving demon, or a protective monster, or even a dark angel who sits and waits patiently for you to arrive. You are all those things Noah; and I hated you for it. I’m sorry I hated you, because now I know that you were the only one to ever, truly love me. 
With All My Love, Always, Sarah
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I woke up, flat on my back, head off the pillow, but the blanket over top of me. As my vision cleared, Sophie was nowhere to be seen. My heart started pounding, thinking maybe she regretted last night; the things we did, the things I said. Was it all too much and she felt pressured or overwhelmed? I started to panic, running my hands over my face, trying to convince myself everything was okay, but it didn't help. I sat up, looking around for my shirt only to remember that I'd used it on Sophie, making me remember the corner I threw it in; it was still there.
I needed to find Sophie and make sure everything was good between us, especially now that she knew the truth about me and Sarah. I needed to know if she was still willing to commit herself to me, to us, with this kind of baggage attached, but first I needed a shower. My stomach suddenly hurt, the anxiety nipping away on the inside and it felt like there was a giant hole in me. I needed to fill that hole. I need my girl.
Chapter 1: The Things We Could Never Change
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tulypes · 10 months
tags: unestablished relationship, black reader, mild angst, brief sexual touch, Jason a little paranoid and worried
Jason felt absorbed, his heart was beating at full speed inside his chest, causing his breathing to become irregular. A part of him hated what was happening. But the other part of Jason was selfish enough to be happy with the whole situation.
The scream was stuck in her throat, tearing through her violently, eager to echo throughout the room. But he didn't want to wake you up.
Insomnia had become Jason's close friend, accompanying him in his short moments of rest. Now he watched over the sleeping woman lying on the messy bed, the result of previous caresses.
The selfish part of him loved having you like this, naked and delicate, sleeping peacefully. His selfishness loved having the comfort and security of female arms, the adorable smile present on the full lips that he loved to kiss so much; He loved coming to your house and playing with the kitten, while listening to you tell him about your day.
The selfish part of him — his heart — loved you. He loved her so much that it made him feel truly alive.
Now the side that Jason believed to be rational filled him with fear, with insecurities about what could happen to you, thanks to everything he lives.
His chest hurt just imagining you dead or injured because of his actions, this woman who slept such an innocent sleep in front of him.
Poor Jason.
He hated that the selfish side won every time the phone rang.
Jason tried to disappear from her life, stopped responding to her messages and didn't even answer her calls. But when the violent raindrops covered Gotham City, he knocked on the door, soaking wet and sobbing about being gone. Crying for showing up too. Damn, he didn't know. I was so confused!
The boy's face cried out for forgiveness, affection and attention, but it also showed fear, anguish and restlessness. You hugged him as if both of your lives depended on that contact, so desperate, but at the same time so sweet.
Sitting in the armchair, next to the bedroom window, he watched the moonlight paint his black skin in such a beautiful way that classical painters would give anything to capture this image.
Jason prayed so hard to the heavens to allow him to stop loving you because he felt if that happened, you would be safe.
Frustrated, he throws his head back and takes his own hands to his hair, tugging at it nervously. Jason was so focused on his world of anguish and paranoia that he didn't notice you waking up in bed.
— Insomnia? — with a voice hoarse with sleep, you break the silence in the room, making green eyes turn to your figure.
— I was just thinking. — A big problem.
— You think too much, it will fry your brain, you know?
Jason didn't respond to what you said, he just laughed weakly. He knew you were right, because he felt like smoke could come out of his head at any moment.
His eyes never leave you for a moment.
Calmly, you get up from the bed and walk to the armchair where he was sitting. He analyzes every part of your body, every detail he had ever recorded in his mind; every curve he could spend a lifetime kissing, and still think it wouldn't be enough.
You stay between his legs, looking at him affectionately, knowing that the maps you completely with his greenish eyes.
— You're so beautiful… — Jason murmured, running his rough, but at the same time so delicate, hands over your belly, going up to your breasts, caressing them.
— I don't like seeing you so worried. — a sigh escapes your lips as you talk to him, feeling his fingertips press your sensitive nipple. — Nothing's going to happen, Jay.
He abruptly stops his caresses. His right leg starts to shake nervously. Jason was a mess inside.
— You have no way of knowing! — His voice comes out rougher than he imagined.
— Fuck, neither do you! It's not fair for fear to get in the way of what we're experiencing.
— I'm afraid of losing you, [Y/N]. I will never forgive myself if something happens to you.
— Nothing will happen while we are together.
He takes a deep breath.
The selfish part of him loved hearing you say that, that nothing could happen if you were together. His selfishness loved knowing that he would bring your body to sit on it, and make you a woman with the moon being a spectator. His selfishness loved knowing that he loved you to the point of being sick without you.
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ladydostoevsky · 2 years
TW: J*n W*, abuse, spoilers to the 5th novel? and Jun Wu backstory, DARK CONTENT
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Jun Wu or now known, Bai Wuxiang, could see the rebellious fire in his eyes. Y/N or now known, Bai Wu, glared at him, his eyes full of betrayal, hurt, sadness and anger. "I trusted you. You were my third father after my real father and Mei Nianqing. I followed you, I wanted to be like you. Now I know that you were the one who tortured us and made me and Xie Lian suffer for years. You are worse than a monster."
Tears started to flow one by one from his eyes making his cheeks pink. Jun Wu tried to touch his face for which Y/N dotched away a little. With a shaking voice he said, "Don't you ever, try to touch me again." Jun Wu looked at him with a natural face like the situation didn't bother him at all. "I see myself in you. You are the perfect image of me, I wanted to make you even more perfect ruler." Y/N, through his tears, looked at him with disgust. He moved closer to Jun Wu to look him dead in the eye. "I'm not you. I will never be you. And I don't want to be you, Bai Wuxiang. Do you know what's the difference between us? My body may be in abyss, but my heart will always remain in paradise."
Jun Wu, with anger grabbed his wrist and yanked him against his front with force. "Do you know what happened to Xianle 800 years ago when he said that to me?" he said with a low voice. "I would rather suffer in the mortal realm with Xie Lian for 800 years, than be with you in Heaven." Y/N said with confident voice.
Next thing he knew was the aching pain on his left cheek. His wrist was painful and Red from the Emperor's iron crip and now he had slapped him. Jun Wu shook him with anger, "You dare to rebel against me? I am your ancestor. I have guided and helped you for hundreds of years. I wanted to make you the most powerful being in all three realms. This is what I get in return? I knew these two boys would be a bad influence on you." Jun Wu stopped shaking and let go. He reached for Y/N hair to rip out the beautiful glass butterfly clip, which Hua Cheng Gifted to him. Y/N looked in horror at how he threw the clip against a wall and shattered into pieces. More tears started to flow down his cheeks and he ran to the broken gift on the floor. "NO!" Jun Wu followed him behind.
"NO! no no no no no." He took the pieces and looked at them. It couldn’t be fixed. Hua Cheng had Gifted it to him when they were in the Ghost City with Xie Lian. It was his handy work. It could never be replaced. Y/N turned his head and looked up. Before he could do anything Jun Wu had him already in a tight grip again and lifted him up to drag him away. "Let me go! LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" Jun Wu said nothing and only dragged the shaking and tossing Boy farther away into his palace.
They came to a stop in front of a beautiful tall double doors with many locks. 'What's this room for?' though Y/N. Jun Wu opened it and threw him inside, on the floor. The Boy looked at the man standing at the door. "What do you plan to do?" he asked with a scared and shaky voice. Jun Wu smirked darkly. "I'm gonna make sure that they will never see you again. You are gonna be my successor, I'm gonna make you one. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian will never even dream about touching you again."
After that, Jun Wu closed the door. Y/N could hear many locks which means he was now locked up in the Emperor's palace. He ran to the door and banged with all his might to get Jun Wu's attention to let him out, nothing. "Your majesty, please! Please let me out! Uncle! Uncle I beg you, don't do anything to them!" He cried all his frustration and stress out against the door. Thinking about what is gonna happen with his two lovers now? What in the heavens was he gonna do?
He was scared. He was afraid of Jun Wu, afraid of their future. Now he could only pray and hope that Xie Lian and Hua Cheng wouldn’t come to save him.
Oh how wrong he was...
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Fantasy High Incorrect Quotes
Fig: I can explain.
Sandra Lynn: Can you?
Fig: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Kristen: A theif.
Adaine: Thief?
Kristen: Theif.
Adaine: I before E, except after C.
Kristen: Thceif.
Adaine: No
Somebody: How many kids do you have?
Jawbone: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Riz: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Fabian's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get him out...
Kristen: Change is inedible.
Gorgug: Don't you mean inevitable?
Kristen, spitting out coins: No, I did not
Riz: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Sklonda: You're like 15 years old
Fig: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Fabian: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Jawbone: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Kristen: Thank you
Jawbone: I didn't say that was a good thing
Kristen: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Fig giving bardic: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Gorgug: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Riz: Please, I'm begging you go to Kristen.
Fabian: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Kipperlily: Okay. I get it. We’ve had a really hard time lately, we’re stressed out, seven people died-
Ivy: Twelve, actually.
Kipperlily: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Oisin: Yours!
Kipperlily: That's right: no one's.
Fabian: Okay, truth or dare?
Riz: Truth
Fabian: How many hours have you slept this week?
Riz: ...Dare
Fabian: Go to bed.
Riz: I don’t like this game.
Gorgug: Why are you on the floor?
Fig: I'm depressed.
Fig: Also I was stabbed, can you get Kristen, please.
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Jawbone please come to the front desk?
Jawbone, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Fig and Kristen*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Fig and Kristen, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Jawbone: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Riz: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Sklonda: Riz no.
Adaine: Mistlefoe.
Sklonda: Please stop encouraging him.
Adaine: Hey Kristen,
Kristen: Yes?
Adaine: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Kristen: Where’s Aelwyn?
Fabian: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
Adaine: Just rip the bandage off.
Fabian: It’s Aelwyn.
Adaine: Put the bandage back on.
Riz: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Fabian: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Riz: Yes!
Kristen: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Jawbone: I trust the Bad Kids.
Sandra Lynn: You think they know what they're doing?
Jawbone: I wouldn't go that far.
Fig: If Kristen and I were drowning, who would you save?
Adaine: You two can’t swim?
Kristen: It’s a hypothetical question, Adaine! who would you save?
Adaine: my time and effort.
Fig: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Gorgug: You were flirting with Ayda.
Fig: So what? She’s my girlfriend.
Gorgug: You asked her if she was single.
Gorgug: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Fig: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Kristen: The car takes a screenshot.
Gorgug, fixing the Hangvan: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Fabian: Shit.
Riz: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Fig: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Kristen: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Fig: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING ADAINE WITH ME
Gorgug, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Riz: *Gently taps table*
Adaine: *Taps back*
Kristen: What are they doing?
Fabian: Morse code.
Riz: *Aggressively taps table*
Adaine: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Gorgug: Riz isn’t answering his phone
Fabian: I’ll call
Gorgug: Adaine and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Riz: Hello?
Adaine: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Fabian: Rude.
Fig: That’s fair.
Kristen: Not again.
Riz: Are you going to want this back?
Adaine: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Fig: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Kristen: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Riz: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Sandra Lynn: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Adaine: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Fabian: Several traffic violations.
Kristen: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Riz: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Fig: Also, that’s not our car.
Adaine: Are we really going to let Fabian keep Riz?
Fig: We kept Kristen.
Fabian, walking into his house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Kristen: Hey.
Adaine: Hi.
Gorgug: Hello.
Fig: Hey!
Fabian: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Riz: We were out of Doritos.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Night dilemmas- Ghost x Reader x Soap
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A/N:lets pretend their a third person in this ^
Ghost x reader x Soap relationship where the boys have a nightmare and need comfort from the reader
This is based on a request:
Angst?, GN!Reader, poly relationship
It was a typical Tuesday night. Your two boys asleep in the living room after a few rounds of drinks. Soap on the floor because Ghost refused to share the couch. You had been up studying in your study room/ office. The words started to make no sense, thats when you hear a knock on the door. You turn around and Ghost stood there.
''Hey big guy, what's wrong?'' you asked in a calm soft tone.
Prior to him coming to you, he had one of his bad nightmares. You and Soap weren't there. He was back inside that coffin, he screamed for you. But no answer, he then heard voices. And immediately recognized your voice.
For hours he dug himself out, only to find you and soap on the floor, dead. He held you both, kissing your foreheads. ''please,,,please dont leave me. I don't know how to fix myself,,,please don't walk away, stay here with me.'' he said as tears streamed down his face, his voice cracking every now and then.
''it's just a dream'' you hugged him, rubbing his back as he let out silent cries.
''It felt so real though,'' he cups your face in his hands, delicately caressing your cheeks, ''I don't know who I am with out you both.''
You tried to talk, but whenever he has this kind of dreams, all you do is listen.
''I'm scared, for the first time in a long time...I'm scared r/n, I'm so scared and I don't know what to do.'' he continues on, his voice sounded so lost and weak. Tears flowing down his soft face.
''What if one day because of me you both-''
''no, don't think like that, we will be fine.'' You wiped his tears as you leaned in and kissed his nose. ''I'll always be here, we will always be here for you Simon.''
Later that night, you laid in bed with him until he was asleep. As you closed your eyes, you heard Soap's voice. You carefully left the bed and tucked Ghost in. You walked into the living room to find Soap holding himself, he looks up and a weak smile appears on him. He stands up and goes to hug you.
His strong big arms holding you close. ''where did you go? I was all alone.'' he cried into your arms. You hugged him even tighter, your hands brushing through his hair.
''I'm here okay? what happened.''
Soap's dream was like Ghost, but in his Ghost had died, and you were the only thing he had left. You two had gotten into an argument and you drove off. It was a snowy weather, you crashed the car and when he woke up, you or Ghost weren't near.
He swore it wasn't a dream, that now it was his reality. He looked for you in the study room/office, where you said you'd be all night. When he didn't see you, that's when he started to really cry.
''You..you were gone and'' his breathing was starting to become more abnormal, ''I was all alone and I-''
''It was a dream soap, we are here baby...we are home, safe and sound.''
You brought him to bed, Ghost and Soap rested their heads on your chest. You hummed a lullaby as you delicately brushed their hair, at times they would wake up and look at you or the other, they'd smiled once they knew you three were together.
This kind of nights were normal around the house. At times you'd have to prepare a bath for them, where you'd scrub them clean and just talk about anything. It was always you three in there, comforting the other.
That to them was the sunshine after the storm. It was home and it was love. It was you three.
A/N: Soooo...I hope this one was good enough for ya! honestly idk what other consider angst anymore thats why I always put the '?' after the word
Tags: @warenai
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rudytubooty2107 · 5 months
(Short Story) Chapter 1: The End of the Beginning
When they say your whole life flashes right before your eyes in the very moment before you die, I always thought it was nothing more than a load of bullshit. And yet, here I am now seeing everything I once thought as nothing more than a man's thoughts filled with nothing more than regret and superstition seeing it all unfold before my very eyes.
There I am, as just a child witnessing the end of the life of my father ebbing away at my feet by my very own hands. My father had abused my mother every day just because he felt like it. And every time she lost consciousness, he would take the rest of his rage out on me, a 7-year-old boy who was nothing more than skin and bone. He never feed us, he took all of that food for himself, and only gave me and mother enough to barely survive. Some time I wasn't sure why he even bothered. Maybe due to guilt, or maybe because he truly did love us. Who can really tell? He worked a shitty job with shitty pay living in a shitty small studio sized apartment. I can understand his feelings in a sense. No one would want to have to live their lives like that. But it gives no right to take his woes out on me, or her.
One day he took things too far. He had just got laid off of his job. Not much of surprise. He was always late to work because he was always up all night drinking until he passed out anywhere, he felt comfortable. But when he came home, it was like looking at a volcano ready to blow at any point. With no hesitation, he lunged at my mother like a man possessed by nothing more than his pure rage. Nothing was held back. I thought he had already put all of his strength into her before, but nothing could compare to what I was witnessing. I felt so helpless seeing all of this happening, feeling as though I could do nothing but watch it all unfold. It was as if I knew what was going to happen. I knew that it was going to be the last time I saw my mother. It was going to be the last time my mother draws her last breath.
Without any thought, I yelled. I don't what I yelled, maybe I just shouted at the top of my lungs. I had to do something, if nothing else, I could at the very least do that. All he did was stop for a second to look me in the eye. As if to tell me through his eyes that I was next right after her. As he went right back into beating my mother, I felt something I never felt before. I felt something gnawing at my inners, trying to claw its way out of me. I felt as though if I didn't let the beast out of me, it would eat from in the inside out. I howled to the top of my lungs, running at him like a wild animal ready to hunt, not for food but for the thrill of the kill. He easily threw me at the wall in the kitchen. As I came back to my feet I saw a knife next to me. Without hesitation I grabbed the knife hurling myself back at him stabbing him without fail. Stabbing him in the back, clawing out his eyes, cutting away at his stomach, pulling out his guts. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I didn't care. His death meant nothing to me. All it did was stain my clothes and skin red as he laid there dead on the floor bleeding out. And yet, I still felt sad. I'm still not sure why to this very day. But one thing for certain, I did all of this for her, for my mother.
And do you know what she did? She looked at me with nothing less than fear. And to make matters worse she said I killed the only man she ever loved, crying as she laid her head on his dead body. I was in shock to see how all that I did, was for her, and yet she hated me for it. Once I dropped the knife as I fell to my knees in shock at this revelation. My own mother, who loved and adored, took that same knife and stabbed me in the eye trying to kill me. She slipped from the blood on the flood from father breaking her ankle. She cried in agony crawling backwards to my father's side.
Once again, I felt something gnawing at my insides. But this felt different than it did before. Instead of feeling a raging beast, I felt something else. Something that I wouldn't understand until later on in my life. I grabbed the knife that once stabbed eye, the same knife that I used to kill my father, walking up to my mother slowly. As I looked into her eyes, I could see them filled with fear, and yet I felt absolutely nothing, nothing at all. So, I slit her throat, and then stabbed myself in the stomach, as I felt as though I couldn't live the rest of my life.
And yet I awoke cleaned of all the blood I was covered in now rapped in bandages with an old scary man standing over me missing an eye just like me. Asking me if I wanted to live, I could only think of one thing. It was the only good thing I think my father taught me from watching him everyday.
"Go fuck yourself."
So, he punched me in my only good eye, and so my new life began as the only thing I, and even this old man, knew I'd be good at, a killer.
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Behind Their Backs
Yandere Rafe Cameron x JJ's pregnant older sister x Yandere Topper Thornton
Summary: after ignoring them for months they've finally found you
Read at own risk
Warning: kidnapping
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3rd person pov
It was a mistake it never should have happened now you have to lie to everyone you care about because you made a mistake
You had to take extra hours working the Kiara's restaurants having to take up cleaning up some kooks houses while having to hide from the prowling boys you hated most it was so hard to ignore but what could you do you just have to get through this.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Flash back (your pov)▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
"Rafe please" I moaned as he and topper thrusted into me rafe was stroking and pinching my clit so I couldn't cum "you know what you have to say babe" topper chuckled and squeezed my breast "oh god" I cried pushing more into them I wanted them so bad even if it's wrong "come on say it" rafe growled and pinched harder "ok I'm your little Pogue whore ok" I yelled throwing my head against topper shoulder breathing heavily "that's our girl".
And a few weeks later I got a pregnancy test and it came back positive "shit".
"Hey sis can I borrow some money" jj smiled as he came to me as soon as I walked inside "jj I'm soo tired what for" I muttered putting my stuff down and the groceries in the kitchen "I just need to get a little something for someone" he winked "jj I've been working all day and all week this money's supposed help my child" I said pointing at my growing belly "well its the least you can do since I'm also going to have to deal with it" he murmured leaning onto the counter he was getting on my last nerves "do you think I wanted this to happen no I di-" "when then you shouldn't have been such a whore" he muttered running his hands through his hair "out" I muttered "yn i-" "I said get out" I shouted and pointed towards the door, he sighed and left quietly leaving me to myself it was my little house and he can not speak to me like that "your already causing shit you little devil" I murmured rubbing my belly I could never really hate my child it wasn't their fault and I always wanted children but not right now and not their fathers I walked into the little nursery I made for them and sat in the rocking chair in the corner and took out my phone 'should at least tell Sarah' she was my best friend and the only kook I actually get along with even tho my brother kinda despises her I phoned her but it went to voice mail "hey Sarah um I know it's late or your busy but please come over I need to speak with you really bad" my voice was becoming a bit shakey I can't keep this to myself anymore I leaned my head against the chair and decided to take a small nap.
Rafe's pov
I walked round the house and noticed Sarah's phone 'don't mind if I do' I unlocked her phone with ease and saw a missed call "now who would be needing you Sarah" I clicked on it and the voice note started playing "hey Sarah" my throat hitched hearing her voice "I know it's late and your busy but please come over" she sounded scared 'was she in danger' millions of thoughts were running through my head "I need to speak with you really bad" I threw the phone down as soon as it ended and ran to my car dialing topper as I got in "be ready I'm coming to pick you up" I muttered and hung up I sped off, we've been trying to get to her but it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth and now we've finally found her.
yn pov
i sighed stretching out my arms as i sleepily stood up  I slowly wondered into the kitchen but stopped dead in my tracks "we finally got you" rafe growled as someone came up behind me and covered my mouth with a clothe which made me ever sleepy "your ours" was the last thing I heard before blacking out.
Rafe pov
I cooed at her sleeping figure as we layed her in the back of my car "where are we taking her" topper asked "somewhere far away where no one can disturb our new family" I chuckled kissing her cheek one last time before shutting the boot
My Other Outer Banks Works
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bluestar22x · 7 months
The Future
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The Outcast - Epilogue: The Future
Summary: Just like winter, the end is just the beginning
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2,700 (ish)
Warnings: Mention of a baby goat (kid) having died, angst, pregnancy plot, non-graphic labor and birth, fluff, pov changes, quintessential happy ending
Author’s Note: This is a very self indulgent bonus part - you can read the first four parts and have a satisfying ending if this kind of ending isn't your thing. For those who do like this kind of ending guess what my favorite line(s) to write was.
Also, any names I used in this fic were themed and/or meaningful. And if one of my running themes of relating winter with life instead of death wasn't apparent, it should be now.
Death is far from a stranger on a functioning farm. Even though you usually sold your old, infertile goats to the nearest village's butcher instead of culling them yourself, that still left a whole slew of other ways for you to witness it. Illness, lethal injuries, stillbirths, and difficult deliveries that ended badly for the doe or her offspring or both had all occurred on your farm more than once.
You'd accepted it, and your need to hunt, a long time ago, because you loved the simplicity of this kind of life. You loved being mostly self reliant, knowing you could be fully self reliant if need be, and you loved the companionship of the animals you were dependent on.
Sometimes though, the deaths still hurt. Like when River, your first horse and Meadow's mother had died a few years after you'd moved onto the mountain, due to colic. She'd been in so much pain for so long you'd been forced to end her misery with a knife. The senseless guilt you'd felt after had lasted for weeks.
That was the most you'd ever cried over losing an animal, until one spring morning a year after Pero had decided to stay.
You tried to hide how upset you were by the latest death on the farm when you returned to the cottage to cook a morning meal for you both, but as soon as he followed you inside after an hour of chomping wood, you uncharacteristically started sobbing on sight of him.
Eyes filled with concern, your husband silently approached and gathered you up in his arms, kissing your temple as he did so. You took a deep breath and focused on his soothing warmth, his reassuring broad hands that slid up and down your spine, trying to put yourself back together.
"What has you so upset, mi esposa?" he eventually asked, nuzzling the side of your face, his short beard scraping against it lightly.
You stepped away from him, leaned against the kitchen counter top on one hand, and looked back to him. "It's one of Sweets' kids, the one who was sick, I found her dead this morning."
"I'm sorry cariño," he said quietly, dark eyes serious. "I know how hard you tried to save her."
You shook your head and separated yourself from him to look at his face. "It's not that, I could handle that, it has happened several times before, but it's the way Sweets reacted when I removed the body from the paddock. She started bleating and desperately searching for her, even though she had her other new kid alongside her, even though the body had been cold when I discovered it. Hearing those sounds from her broke my heart."
"It doesn't help I kept thinking -," you paused, eyes widening as you realized what you'd been about to say.
Pero frowned at the way you'd cut yourself off. "It doesn't help what?" he prompted gently.
You sucked in a deep, shaky breath. You figured you might as well not hide it from him. "It doesn't help I kept imagining what she was feeling. Putting myself in her place. I don't think I could handle it if I lost the baby that way."
"The baby," Pero repeated, lips parting in surprise. He reached out to you and tugged you back to him, his arm looped around your waist. "Mi amor, are you saying what I think you are?"
You nodded, fresh tears flooding your eyes, joy overcoming your trepidation. "I am. It's still early, I'm probably only two months or so along, but I'm certain."
You hadn't bled in that time, and had felt nauseous many times over the previous month, neither of which was normal for you. Your emotions had been all over the place lately too. You'd never been a super stoic character, but you were usually far from the emotional wreck you felt like that morning.
Pero beamed at you and the shock of it left you breathless. It was a rare sight, his smile, let alone one that obvious. He leaned forward and kissed your cheek softly, lovingly, showing more affection than you'd once thought him capable of. "Everything will be alright, cariño," he reassured you.
It was not something he could actually promise, no man could act as a god, but his words comforted you anyway.
"I'll need to find a midwife who would be willing to stay the winter with us," you told him nervously. "If I'm correct, the baby will be born in the final days of the year or the early ones of the next. The passage will be closed off by then. When my sister visits I'll ask her to help me search for one."
Pero caressed your cheek with a thumb. "I'm sure an older one without family to care for would agree to stay with us in exchange for coin and free room and board. If not, I will convince them."
You arched your eyebrows, understanding what he meant. "I appreciate the offer, but please don't threaten any of the village midwives, especially the elderly."
"I cannot make any promises, mi amor."
Winter had never come faster. Not because it actually arrived sooner, but because there was so much to do before then. In the late spring you and Pero planted your garden and a part of the field with enough crops to keep all the animals and yourselves through the winter.
In the early summer your sister and her husband visited with their four children, two girls and two boys, and for a week the tiny cottage was chaotic. The children were always running off doing something adventurous while your sister helped you milk the goats and Pero and your brother in law worked together to build an additional room to the cottage.
As summer neared its end and your belly rounded, you began to focus on smaller tasks. You still cooked and cleaned, you still took care of the horses and goats, and some of the weeding in the small garden behind the cottage, but Pero assisted you and he took on the tasks that were more dangerous by himself, like hunting. He did the extra work gladly, wanting to do everything he could for you, never feeling like he could do enough.
Harvest came around and your brother in law returned to help with the crops, the midwife your sister had found for you in tow. Her name was Franny, and she was strict about what you could and could not do, having you rest most of the day when she wasn't helping you knit baby clothes, but she was kind, reminding Pero of the one grandmother he knew for only a decade before she passed. It took him time to get used to another adult being in the cottage for so long, but he figured a newborn would be an even bigger adjustment, so he adjusted.
The first snowfall was almost a shock, the months having flown by in a blur, and Pero began to feel anxious. Even with Franny in the spare room, what would later become the baby's room, being closed off from the village for a whole season with you in your condition and eventually a newborn worried him. So many things could go wrong, you of all people knew that, but you would have never agreed to leave the farm. As far as you were concerned if Franny couldn't help you, nobody could, and he supposed you were probably right.
Your prediction about your due date turned out to be precise, your first pangs of labor beginning during an early afternoon at the start of the new year.
He'd found you in the barn, sitting on a square bale of hay with an arm curled around the huge swell at your abdomen, grimacing as you endured the first painful wave.
And then everything moved far too slow. He helped you into the cottage and watched as Franny got to work, prepping for the delivery, clueless about what he could do. Franny was no help there. Traditional as could be, she would've shooed him out of the cottage for the day, no matter the cold, if you hadn't insisted he stay.
He wasn't sure if he wanted to stay, as useless as he felt, as fearful as he felt, but he did it for you. He scraped his mind for ways to help all the while, assisting a dubious Franny in setting up the bed for you, gathering enough firewood to keep your home warm for a couple days, and caring for all the animals on his own as quickly as he could before returning to your side to let you squeeze his hand as your contractions continued to strengthen at an agonizingly slow pace.
It wasn't until morning the next day that Franny declared it was time for you to push. She had you sit up in bed and undress halfway with Pero's help before she prompted you to spread your legs and bend your knees. You pressed your back to Pero's chest after, using his body to support your own.
Through gritted teeth you bore down with several contractions, panting and breaking out in a sweat from your efforts. Pero kept his face close to yours, murmuring encouragement into your ear as you struggled. And when you reached back and grasped one of his a thighs tightly in an attempt to distract yourself, he let you, not caring whether or not it bruised under your fingertips if it helped you cope.
As the minutes passed, as you tired, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your legs trembling, he became concerned something might be wrong, but Franny remained calm, continuously urging you to keep going.
"A couple more," she promised you. "A couple more good solid pushes and it'll be over, sweetie. Don't give up now."
Pero saw it in your eyes, the moment you mentally and physically dug your heels in and began pushing with renewed determination, and he was awed, not sure how you'd come by the reserve.
Finally your laboring paid off and you slumped backwards into his arms, relief washing over your face as a sharp wail pierced the air.
He glanced from you to the small, wet infant flailing in Franny's arms, and his world shifted.
Outside, snow began to fall.
Ten years later...
"Why do I have to go?" the seven year old girl before you bemoaned. "Why can't I stay here?"
"You're not old enough to stay here by yourself, Stela," you explained. "Your brother wouldn't even be allowed to stay by himself and he's three years older than you."
"He's old," she stated and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"Maybe, but still not old enough."
Stela pouted at you then continued to put on her winter coat and boots, a long dramatic sigh slipping from her as she stood up from the kitchen chair she'd been sitting in. You thought she was far too young to be turning into a moody teenager, but guessed it was the part she'd inherited from her father breaking through.
You finished assisting her five year old sister, Lene, with her coat before leading them both outside into the frigid night. Lene immediately dove head first into the fresh snow layered on the ground gleefully, while her older sister folded her arms and stomped her way over to the front of the barn where Pero and her brother William were waiting for them.
Out of all of your children, William looked most like his father, his eye shape, chin, and nose all miniature copycats of Pero's. Stela had his eyes, but was more like you, physically, and Lene reminded you of your sister. However, they all shared Pero's dark hair and eyes.
"Ready to ride?" Pero quizzed Stela as she trudged right past him. He frowned when she showed no sign of hearing him and met your eyes. "What is she upset about this time?"
"She's angry about being outvoted," you replied. "Said she didn't want to see the stupid lights again and wanted to stay home. She's definitely your daughter."
Pero chuckled and pulled you against him at the hip with one hand as you both trailed your children into the barn to saddle up the horses.
Lene assisted her father with Orion, a four year old colt who was the youngest offspring of the since retired Clover and Thor, grandson to the deceased Meadow, and Pero's new mount. Like his sire, Orion was jet black in color, except for the small crystal shaped star marking that was usually hidden under his forelock. His surprisingly calm disposition was more like Clover though.
Your latest mount, a five year old solid bay mare named Aspen who was Orion's full sibling, was equally as quiet once she'd settled into adulthood, and you had her tacked in no time as Stela watched, still moping.
Last was Thunder, an eight year old bay gelding with a stripe shaped like a lightning bolt running down his face. The most well behaved and eldest offspring of Clover and Thor, Thunder had been assigned to William when he got old enough to start riding on his own.
He was still too tall for William to saddle him, so Pero flung it over the horse's back for him, but the young boy took care of the rest, a true horseman despite his youth.
Once you, Pero, and William led your horses outside the girls approached, Stela hesitantly letting Pero boost her up onto Orion, and Lene begging you to set her in Aspen's saddle. You and Pero climbed on your horses so you were behind them while William found a stump to help propel himself onto Thunder's back.
Someday the children would learn how to ride bareback, but it would not be that night, so you lived with it, though the wind was making you shiver and yearn for the shared body heat.
You led the way up the mountain as was tradition, your family making the trip at least once a winter, more if the children wanted to ride out that far in the dark.
Lene loved it. Loved everything, really. The girl had more positivity and enthusiasm than you and Pero could've ever had combined.
William enjoyed it as well, already into nature as much as you were, and just as quiet about it.
And Stela, well, she often spent most of the ride brooding and complaining about the cold. That night was no different.
Once you reached your destination, you, Pero, and William slowed your horses to a stop a few yards from the edge with your horses shoulder to shoulder so everyone had a great view of the lights.
While the children had grown older (far too quickly), and you and Pero had long since started to grey, the lights had remained the same, seemingly everlasting, tying the years of memories you'd shared together as they shimmered in the sky.
You looked to each of your children in turn and smiled at the delight on their faces, even Stela's, before you glanced to Pero, who was studying your face. You hoped he would never tire of it, cause you certainly wouldn't tire of looking at him, especially when he was holding your middle child by the hip to steady her, to make sure she wouldn't fall off Orion. He was always watching out for his children like that and whenever you witnessed it first hand your heart always threatened to combust.
Fate was not something you'd believed in when you were young, but the older you got, the more you weren't so convinced there wasn't something bigger out there at least nudging you towards the future you were supposed to live out. How else could you have been so lucky to find Pero in time? How else could he have been so lucky to have been chased up your mountain instead of any of the others in the chain that were uninhabited?
One change in events and you'd have never met, or he'd have never turned back come spring. And then you would've never married, and your children would've never been born. You would have spent the rest of your life in tranquility, happy, sure, but never quite fulfilled.
Whether or not fate was real, you were grateful.
You stretched your hand out towards Pero's and he automatically intertwined his fingers with yours, having long lost a hesitancy he'd had towards sharing that kind of intimacy with you.
"Let's head back home," you said simply, and he nodded, turning Orion away from you, for once choosing to take lead.
Guiding you into your future, like you had guided him home.
Tagged: @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed
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fordoggo · 9 months
"She probably thinks I'm a pervert"
Kaito raises an eyebrow at the young lad.
"I was trying to- to catch the culprit's hand and then he just had to move. So I wounded up touching her- her-"
Shinichi groans, covering his face with his hands. There's pure embarrassment in his tone and a flush on his cheeks.
"I touched her….butt on accident and before I knew it, my timer was off and I was slapped on the face" He adds, pointing to the evident slap mark on his left side along with him holding a bag of ice.
Kaito couldn't help but laugh, nearly making the glass of his drink fall to the floor. The highschool detective glared.
"Good news is, you've met your soulmate" Kaito says cheekily.
"In the most embarrassing way possible, you mean" Shinichi lets the back of his head fall to the couch's heading. "Luckily Conan was there to trip the thief while I was knocked out"
Kaito nodded, still grinning like a cheshire cat. "Conan said her name was…Run?"
"Ran, yes, and my little brother had to explain the whole situation citing that I was not at all a pervert. Which somewhat saved my dignity and lessened the damage of my reputation and hopefully, let my soulmate think that I was not at all trying to do anything" Shinichi rambles on and about.
The magician clicks his tongue, placing his drink on the stand table.
"It's not so bad if you think about it, more of a misunderstanding per say. Which was easily solved" Kaito stands and pats his hair in a taunting way.
"And I don't understand why it's a big deal" He adds.
"Well that's because you haven't met your soulmate yet!" Shinichi retaliates, shooing off his hand.
Kaito shrugs, seeming unbothered.
Inside, he was jumping with nervousness. It wasn't his emotions. It was his soulmate's. A few seconds ago, his other half seemed to be excited but now, she felt the pit of her stomach growing hot and her skin felt cold just like what he was experiencing as of now.
It was one of the things that they contrast. Kaito was good at hiding his emotions, the best of it, the master of poker face and everyone couldn't even tell what he felt which somewhat scared them.
His soulmate however, was quite the opposite. He could feel everything that she was feeling, from her happiness, to her sadness, to her nervousness.
Whatever affected her, affected him as well.
"I haven't met her yet but you know how her emotions are tied to mine. So when she's happy, I'm happy"
Kaito points to a photo frame.
"Remember on the first day of school? I cried, literally, as I was introducing myself" Kaito states, a slight embarrassment yet amusement taking over his features.
He never once hated the bond.
Even when it sometimes showed off his emotions. He liked it. It kept him grounded. Though when she cries, he could feel his heart breaking and he wished that he could wipe her tears away but he couldn't. Atleast not yet. He'd wait for the right moment, hopefully it would be soon.
Nervousness settled in him again.
As Shinichi was about to reply, his mouth already opened. The ringing of his door made their conversation come to a halt.
Oddly enough, Kaito jumped.
An action he replicated from his other half. The doorbell seemed to be a bit loud which was odd.
"A client…!"
Shinichi stands up with glinting eyes, throwing away the bag of ice for Kaito to catch irritatedly as he made his way towards the entrance.
Kaito sighs before putting the ice bag in the refrigerator. Seconds later, he follows after his friend, a bit confused as to why he had not let his guest enter yet. As he gets there, he nearly laughs. The young detective had the door wide open.
Shinichi's soulmate was flushing as she held out a baked pie and Shinichi could only stare at her with a brighter flush and an agape mouth.
It looked like they were having a moment.
"Well this is awkward" Kaito interrupts.
Shinichi instantly glares at him, giving him a smack on the head.
"Ow!" A female voice exclaims.
Kaito grunts but he stops dead on his tracks.
Shinichi's soulmate, Ran if he remembers correctly, steps aside in confusion. Behind her was what he assumed was Ran's companion and funny enough, she was also rubbing the same spot of her head.
Kaito nearly splutters.
"Do that again" He commands Shinichi.
Shinichi was too surprised to register his order. He was looking at them with pure confusion. Before the detective could even follow his command, the girl glares with her light blue eyes, still rubbing her sore head. She brings a hand to to her forehead and flicks it.
Kaito jumps from the action, clutching his forehead.
"Soulmates" Shinichi says in pure surprise. Turning to the magician, he grins. "Well isn't that a surprise?"
Ran, seeing the scenario play out. She clears her throat and grabs ahold of the detective's wrist, dragging them inside the Kudo Residence. He yelps but follows her.
Kaito didn't mind, he was still staring at his soulmate.
The girl was glaring at him still, she was rubbing the pain away and her messy bangs framed her face, making her glare less intimidating and more….cute.
Well she's pretty....
"Um- it's nice to finally meet you" He says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.
And as if a switch was turned off and realization finally slapped her. She brightens to which he felt, of course. Her flush reflected on his face and his heart was beating.
So this is what it feels like
"Uh- same to you too…" She says so timidly and so cutely. Moving away from him for a moment.
He steps forward and closes the door behind him. For a few seconds, they just stand there, averting their gazes from each other. He felt awkward, he didn't know what to say.
"Are you usually this awkward?" She questions and her voice brings him back to his senses.
He shakes his head. "No, I'm usually composed"
She nods. "Yeah, I feel that. You're like a wall, you barely feel anything and when you do, it's usually pride and smugness" She comments, a dry chuckle came off her lips.
He chuckles too, genuine.
Kaito holds out his hand and flicks it, a blue rose appearing. He smiles at her, ignoring the beating of his heart and the heat on his face.
"I'm Kuroba Kaito"
She stares at it, surprise and he could feel her delight and amazement from her emotions to which he felt proud of.
Time to impress
She takes hold of the flower gently and with shaky fingers. Bringing it close to her, she hums in delight as the fragrance invaded her senses..
"I'm NakamorI Aoko" She smiles.
Aoko huh?
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Nayeon - Tapes
a/n: had a spark of inspiration. this entire thing is from nayeon's pov. this took a lot of courage to even try and i don't know if this was worth posting or not but i tried doing something new, plot wise and writing wise. didn't proofread so it may have some errors.
word count: 1,219
nayeon x gender neutral reader
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When the doorbell rang, I almost couldn't bring myself to stand up and answer it. Not until I heard your name.
"Package for Y/N!" I... couldn't believe it. My chest was tight. My head hurt.
When I saw a box with your name signed on it at my doorstep, everything I've held back finally burst through the floodgates. I cried and cried, each tear staining the cardboard box even more than the last.
I almost didn't have the courage to bring it in but something in me needed to know what it was. There were so many tapes inside, each labeled with different dates. Now I know why you got me a VHS player all those months ago.
Tape 1 - 9/25/21
There you were with a happy smile. As happy as you could have been when you were in a hospital gown, all those syringes pinned inside your arm. You sat down in front of a white wall and yet your eyes were still so bright, almost somehow filling the entire screen with color. You looked so hopeful.
"Hi Nayeon!" You waved directly to the camera with a bright smile and almost for a second, I feel like I'm with you again. Like I'm standing in front of you just having a conversation like any ordinary day with you.
You say all the right things to make me smile despite it all. "I miss you tons already, Nayeon. All these doctors have just been feeding me so much medicine and it's all so disgusting!" You stick your tongue out playfully in disgust, a habit you've picked up from your older sister.
"And all the nurses have been side eyeing me lately for some reason. Maybe it was because I ate another sandwich when they told me not to... oops!" You laugh again and it rings in my ears so clearly. I loved your hearty laugh. The way it always made me laugh too and you'd tease me for it saying I shouldn't be laughing at you.
"I didn't want to sit in my bed all day and watch old people television so I asked for some favors and here I am now before you! Your great protector Y/N!" A nickname you gave yourself when you once killed a cockroach that crawled into my shoes.
"I also know I've been out of tune with the trends lately but I learned this from Jeongyeon when she visited earlier!" Then you dabbed like it wasn't a dead trend for years already, you giggling to yourself as you did it. God, you and Jeongyeon were such dorks together. I wish you knew she misses you a lot too.
Then a person, maybe a doctor or a nurse, was heard outside your room. Something about you going to get your treatment. You just nodded at them as you looked back to the camera, your smile still on your face.
"That's all for now, Nay! But don't worry! I'll be back!" You said in that annoying terminator impression of yours that I secretly loved. I wish I told you.
Tape 2 - 10/01/21
"Happy Anniversary, darling!" You shouted as you pulled on a small confetti popper. "I'm really sorry that we can't celebrate our anniversary together because of me but I wanted to record this to tell you how much I love you!"
You pulled out a small piece of paper which I could definitely recognize as a poem. You always did that on our anniversaries. Something new and original every year albeit sometimes they didn't make sense because you wanted to rhyme but that didn't matter. I loved them all.
Clearing your throat, you read it aloud with a stupid accent you say is 'just like Shakespeare!'
"Like a sunshine to the horizon, you were bound to light up my world.
Like water to the ocean, I feel like we're inseparable.
Whatever I say is true, I give you my word.
You're my one true love, irreplaceable.
Even when I sit here surrounded by death,
The thought of you gives me life.
I wish to love you till my very last breath,
So someday I may call you my wife."
You folded up the paper and set it down, staring directly at the camera with your ever bright smile. "Well! I hope you liked it! I really tried hard for that one since you know... can't take you out anywhere right now." And if only you knew how much that poem meant to me right now.
Tape 3 - 10/11/21
"Hey Nay!" You still haven't lost the glow in your eyes yet as you coddled the small teddy bear I gave you that day. "I know you just visited me but I couldn't help but want to sit down and record another tape for you in secret! I really miss you a lot but I'm glad I can have Mr. Cuddles by my side." I felt a small smile at my lips as I finally figured out what you named that bear that came along with the tapes.
"I also made a new friend here that I didn't tell you last time! I became friends with one of the nurses and now they sometimes give me extra food but don't tell anyone! It's our little secret..." You whispered.
I missed those parts of you. The social butterfly that could become friends with anyone even when you were bed ridden and that sort of free spirit you possessed. Not bound by anything. I wished those parts of you I could try to imitate at least but you really are irreplaceable.
You spoke up again as you tried peering out of your rooms windows and into the hallway. "I think I got to go but I'll definitely come back, Nayeon. Promise." I wish you kept it. Why'd you have to be so bad with promises?
Tape 4 - 12/15/21
"Nayeon. You heard the doctors." Your eyes were filled with such despair, the colors missing now. An apparent void in you. "I've... decided that these tapes will only make it to you if I..." you choked out, "if I die. If you ever see these then... I'm sorry for not being strong enough. For not fighting harder for you."
I wish you didn't say that. I should have been there for you. I should have fought harder with you. Water pooled in my eyes as my hands faltered on the remote, wanting to pause it and forget about it all but how could I ever forget? I love you.
"Nayeon. If I'm really gone, I... want you to move on if you haven't already by the time you're watching this. I know how stubborn you are. If we were really meant for each other then... I'll find you in our next life but for now please move on. For me." Maybe the only thing you could've asked me that I can't do.
"For the rest of my time, I'll record some more tapes for you just to cheer you up if I really am gone but I'm sorry if I sound a little... sad. It comes with the diagnosis." You let out a low chuckle as you reached over to the camera and shut it off, leaving me alone again.
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drchenquill · 2 months
Foliè - Chapter 14
A Deal
The dead man came racing through the forest towards us. His panicked eyes quickly met mine, but then they moved to the host, who stood motionless. She seemed to have given up on him. "Is he…" the dead man asked, confused. I grabbed his arm and pulled him. "It's not important! Come on, let's go before he starts moving again." He hesitated slightly, but let me pull him away. We hurried out of the forest without looking back.
Once we were out of the woods and felt safe enough that the man couldn't follow us, he stopped. I looked up questioningly, then widened my eyes in surprise as he grabbed my face and pulled me closer. My heart began to race the moment I had him so close. What is this? Was my inhuman heart pounding for a mortal? "Did he hurt you?" he asked tenderly. I shook my head. Relieved, he exhaled. He then pulled me into a tight embrace. I froze. He pressed his face into my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Thank God…" he whispered. I heard my heart beat faster and my cheeks heated up. What was that about? Had I been human for too long that something like this mattered to me now? I pushed him away from me.
"We should get out of here quickly before he comes to," I said to him, avoiding his questioning gaze. I sensed his curiosity, something every human had and one of the things I hated so much about them. They stuck their nose where it didn't belong, they thought everyone was destined for better, as if there was such a thing. That's why she had fallen into my trap too, because she thought she was the one worthy of my power.
"Tell me… What actually happened?"
And there was the question. Humans are so predictable. "You know how people gripped by madness are. I have no idea what he wanted from me and I don't want to know." I explained to him, but I saw doubt in his dark eyes. He doubted my words, I could feel it.
"Who wouldn't? You're a walking lie."
Oh look, she was feeling better.
I reached for the dead man's hand and he snapped out of his thoughts, forcing a small smile on his lips. "Let's put it behind us, huh? We have different things we need to do." He nodded slightly. "You're right about that, little mouse."
"Of course I'm right." I said jokingly, which prompted the dead man to pinch my arm. "You're very sure of yourself, but you cried like a child." he said pointedly with a challenging look. This person liked to play. I like that. "But I wasn't the one who got speared with a fork," I countered. Instead of throwing another pointed comment at me, he started laughing. I stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. This laugh came from the heart. It sounded… beautiful. I felt a strange feeling inside me, warm, gentle. It warmed my heart in a way I hardly knew was possible. I had to pull myself together. I was a deity, for fuck's sake. I wouldn't let a human wrap me around his finger. But I couldn't deny it either. His warm gaze, the big hand that wrapped around mine.
"Thank you…" I heard myself say. His laughter slowly died away as he looked at me, puzzled. "For coming. For not leaving me behind."
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me closer. "I would never have left you behind. You might be bitchy sometimes, and you're stubborn too. Not to mention you never agree with me and you question me a lot."
I punched him on his arm.
Giggling, he rubbed it. "And violent. Despite all that, you are and always will be my little mouse."
I couldn't believe it, but I blushed. I, the deity of madness, blushed at the words of a mortal.
"You like him. You've grown fond of him."
Unfortunately, she was right, and that was a big mistake.
"What a shame it would be if he found out that you're actually what he wants to kill. How would he react?"
My heart stopped and I felt anger rise up inside me. I wanted to shout at her, but I couldn't let him know what was going on inside me.
"He would probably be hurt. You're lying to him so you can keep playing your little game."
Me and the dead man continued our march in complete silence. I still had his hand firmly in mine, his closeness reassuring me, but I knew she was up to something.
"Do you think I'm going to give up so easily? I'll keep fighting until I get my body and therefore my life back."
I smiled, surprised by her stubbornness. But the grin quickly faded when she uttered the next words.
"You like to play, don't you? Then let's play. The rules are simple. You have until sunrise to decide. Either you bring me my body and give me back my life, or I whisper in the ears of your favorite human who you really are."
She could forget that. Why should he believe her?
"Because he already doubts you. I know his thoughts, I know how he feels about you. Your 'human' act wasn't as good as you'd hoped."
My eyes wandered to him briefly. He was walking beside me, his gaze lost in thought. Did he really doubt me? Why did it hurt? Why did I want him to see me in a good light? He was only human, why was his opinion important to me?
"See you at sunrise. Lyssa."
chapter 13/chapter 15
Finally we have the name! The name that explains a lot! For anyone interested, here you can read more! (I did take a different approach on it, but I wanted to share my research with you guys)
Tag list for Foliè: @theink-stainedfolk , @frostedlemonwriter , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @rivenantiqnerd
(if you want to be added or taken off, feel free to tell me!)
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lords-of-mayhem · 2 months
Lords Of Chaos characters as Fall Out Boy songs <3
Pelle // Heaven, Iowa
I've unspooled on the floor, I feel so A Star Is Born. Kiss my cheek, baby, please. Would you read my eulogy?
I will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me. Tell me, when the party ends, will you still love who I am?
Scar-crossed lovers forever, I'm checking myself out forever. I'm saving this all for later. Scar-crossed lovers, here we are, untouched forever.
They don't know how much they'll miss, at least until you're gone like this. Talking to the mirror, say, "save your breath. Half your life, you've been hooked on death." Twice the dreams, but half the love. Be careful what you bottle up. The chemistry is a mess, it seems. But me, I'm still a sunbeam.
I closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow.
Faust // Alone Together
Cut me off, I lost my track. It's not my fault, I'm a maniac. It's not funny anymore, no, it's not.
My heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broken. Do you wanna feel beautiful? I'm outside the door, invite me in so we can go back and play pretend.
I'm on deck, yeah, I'm up next. Tonight, I'm high as a private jet.
I don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm coming home. And I said, I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead. This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end.
Let's be alone together, we could stay young forever. Scream it from the top of your lungs.
Occultus // Young And Menace
We've gone way too fast for way too long and we were never supposed to make it half this far.
And I lived so much life, lived so much life. I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice, kill me twice like my name was Nikki Sixx.
Woke up on the wrong side of reality and there's a madness that's just coursing right through me. Not sure I'm there yet, but I'm certain I've arrived.
I forgot what I was losing my mind about, I only wrote this down to make you press rewind and send a message: I was young and a menace.
Varg // Save Rock And Roll
I need more dreams and less life, and I need that dark in a little more light. I cried tears you'll never see, so fuck you! You can go cry me an ocean and leave me be.
You are what you love, not who loves you. In a world full of the word 'yes', I'm here to scream: no, no!
Wherever I go, trouble seems to follow. I only plugged in to save rock and roll.
Blood brothers in desperation, an oath of silence for the voice of our generation. Well, how'd it get to be only me? Like I'm the last damn kid still kicking that still believes.
I will defend the faith, going down swinging, I will save the songs that we can't stop singing.
Hellhammer // I Don't Care
Say my name and his in the same breath, I dare you to say they taste the same. Let the leaves fall off in the summer and let December glow in flames.
These friends, they don't love you. They just love the hotel suites now. I don't care what you think as long as it's about me, the best of us can find happiness in misery.
Take a chance, let your body get a tolerance. I'm not a chance, put a heat wave in your pants. Pull a breath like another cigarette, pawnshop heart trading up.
On the oracle in my chest. Sweat it out, shut your mouth. Free love on the streets, but in the alley, it ain't that cheap.
Blackthorn // What A Time To Be Alive
"That's the way, the world, it used to be before our dreams started bursting at the seams."
We're out here and we're ready, we're here and we're ready to livestream the apocalypse. I don't care if it's pretty, the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship.
'Cause everything is lit except my serotonin, yeah. Everything is lit but my lightning bolt brain.
But baby, please, I just need someone to hold me even though you don't even know me. Oh, I'm going neon in the night time. Oh, what a time to be alive.
They say that I should try meditation, but I don't want to be alone with my own thoughts.
When I said, "leave me alone" this isn't quite what I meant. I got the quarantine blues, bad news, what's left? So, it seems the vulture's getting too full to fly. Oh, what a time to be alive.
Øystein // I Am My Own Muse
Here I am, not sure you should take a chance. I like playing dumb, letting you figure me out. But I was faded in my own defense, so drop a bomb on all the things we dreamed about.
Smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars. Oh, got to throw this year away, we got to throw this away like a bad luck charm.
Trumpets bring the angels, but they never came and no one let them in 'cause they didn't know my name. I know I keep my feelings so tucked away, just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart. So, drop a bomb on all the things we dreamed about.
So, let's twist the knife again, twist the knife again like we did last summer. I'm just trying to keep it together, but it gets a little harder when it never gets better.
Necrobutcher // America's Suitehearts
You could've knocked me out with a feather. I know you've heard this all before, but we're just hell's neighbors. Why, why, why won't the world revolve around me?
Build my dreams, trees grow all over the streets, but I don't know much about classic cars. But I've got a lot of friends stuck on classic coke.
Media, please. Let's hear it for America's suitehearts! But I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins.
You can bow and pretend that you don't, don't know you're a legend. Time, time, time hasn't told anyone else yet. Let my love loose again. Oh, I don't know much about classic cars, but I've got a lot of friends stuck on classic coke.
Fenriz // 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
I'm sleeping my way out of this one with anyone who will lie down. I'll be stuck fixated on one star when the world is crashing down.
I keep telling myself I'm not the desperate type, but you've got me looking in through blinds. I'm sitting out dances on the wall, trying to forget everything that isn't you. I'm not going home alone 'cause I don't do too well.
The only thing worse than not knowing is you thinking that I don't know. I'm having another episode, I just need a stronger dose. I keep telling myself, I'm not the desperate type.
But you've got me looking in through blinds.
Manheim // 27
If home is where the heart is then we're all just fucked. I can't remember and I want it so bad, I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins. I can't remember the good old days.
And it's kind of funny, the way we're wearing anchors on our shirts when being anchored aboard just feels like a curse.
My mind is a safe and if I keep it then we all get rich. My body is an orphanage, we take everyone in. Doing lines of dust and sweat off last night's stage just to feel like you.
The milligrams in my head, burning tobacco in the wind, chasing the direction you went.
You're a bottled star, the planets align just like Mars. You shine in the sky. Are all the good times getting gone? They come and go. I've got a lot of friends who are stars, but some are just black holes.
Attila // Dead On Arrival
Hope this is the last time 'cause I'd never say no to you. This conversation's been dead on arrival and there's no way to talk to you.
A rivalry goes so deep between me and this loss of sleep over you. This is side one, flip me over. I know I'm not your favorite record. The songs you grow to like never stick at first. So I'm writing you a chorus and here is your verse.
No, it's not the last time 'cause I'd never say no to you. The conversation's still dead on arrival and there's no way to talk to you when you're dead on.
Ann-Marit // 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
Have you ever wanted to disappear and join a monastery, go out and preach on Manic Street? Who will I be when I wake up next to a stranger on a passenger plane?
Permanent jet lag, please take me back. The mad key's tripping, singing vows before we exchange smoke rings.
Give me a pen, call me Mr. Benzedrine. But don't let the doctor in, I wanna blow off steam.
The same war his dad rehearsed came back with flags on coffins and said, "we won, oh, we won."
Only one book really matters, the rest of the proof is on the television. It's not me, it's you. Actually, it's the taxidermy of you and me. Untie the balloons from around my neck and ground me.
I'm just a racehorse on the track, send me back to the glue factory. Always thought I'd float away and never come back, but I've got enough miles on my card to fly the boys home on my own. But you know me: I like being all alone and keeping you all alone.
The charts are boring and the kids are snoring, and my ego's in a sling. You say you're not listening and I said I'm wishing.
Metalion // Champion
Champion, champion. I'm calling you from the future to let you know we've made a mistake. And there's a fog from the past that's giving me, giving me such a headache.
And I'm back with a madness, I'm a champion of the people who don't believe in champions. I got nothing but dreams inside, I got nothing but dreams.
I'm just young enough to still believe, still believe. But young enough not to know what to believe in.
If I can live through this, I can do anything. I got rage every day on the inside, the only thing I do is sit around and kill time. I'm trying to blow out the pilot light, I'm trying to blow out the light.
I'm just young enough to still believe, still believe. But just young enough not to know what to believe in.
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