#I obviously despised this man all along
misspoetree · 2 years
Gun: ruins the beautiful meal Vegas prepared so meticulously and lovingly (for Pete)
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Obligatory tma halloween headcanons post:
tim and sasha are OBVIOUSLY barbie and ken from the barbie movie (other people have said it before and i'll gladly support it)
martin is some horribly obscure costume from a book or a poem no one really knows about and he gets a bit sad that no one knows who he is but then sasha does a quick google and subtly drops hints to everyone to go be like "heyyyy martin, amazing x costume" and then he cheers up
jon just refuses to dress up and everyone (especially Tim) bullies him like "oh amazing socially inept man who's desperately trying to seem good at his job costume!! you've got it spot on!!" and he's so furious that he puts on a costume
and in every iteration of these headcanons, martin is FLOORED at whatever he eventually dresses up as and i am all for that i will eat that shit up
he's so starved for interactions with his crush that he goes feral over jon in non-office clothes
favourite jon costumes include: normal clothes plus cat ears, normal clothes and everyone thinks he's come as a vampire, normal clothes in the later seasons and sasha would be like "jon its not ok for you to dress up as a homeless person" with a shit eating grin and jon's like ...what
bonus - jon doesn't need to dress up cause he's already got his costume - it's someone who's good at their job!!
elias LOVES halloween i bet that man is like fuck yeah i can freak out my archival workers in a whole host of new ways - plastic spiders around the office for jon, little clown dolls for tim, eyes EVERYWHERE and its so gaudy and terrible and everyone despises him
also he really doubles down on calling jon the archivist
i feel like tim secretly hates halloween now but in like early working at the institute, he went along with it cause martin put out a little pumpkin on his desk and sasha smiled at it
melanie fucking loves halloween, she's a legitimately terrifying costume, let's go through the haunted house kinda gal and i love that for her. she's a lets watch all three human centipedes in one night and see what happens kinda gal
daisy and basira despise it cause of all the weird shit that people pull on halloween (and they're on edge that they'll be called for some section 31 shit for all of it)
jon also hates halloween for a similar reason - the increase of joke statements and general taking the piss about the magnus institute
yeah that's all i got. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
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theirishwolfhound · 1 month
I do love the idea of an unhinged reader. Not like brutally unhinged but... like the kind that is harmlessly annoying and is just a brat to Task Force 141.
Like the mother fuckers nickname is Menace and they're somehow still alive after everything so they make it everyone's problem.
They're great at what they do, amazing even— but no team wants menaces like Menace, not even the heavens nor the hells want the damn person.
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This is the same Menace who wears a devilish half-mask, but only above their mouth so people can see their shit-eating grin (think similar to the ghoul mask above) as they leave small firecrackers under the lids of toilet seats, or so people notice the way their lips curl up in mock disgust when someone is talking.
Menace who only goes through with the SAS training to one up another soldier they despised, enough to have sicked a pack of squirrels on that they personally hand fed a few days after— they even bonded enough with the little fuckers that when they were finally transferred out to be someone else's problem, the squirrels would steal the remaining soldiers foods.
Laswell, whose grand idea of knocking the boys down a peg since she's tired of their shenanigans includes getting this Menace of a person to join 141 with faint threats of blackmail— to which Coporal Menace respects, leading Kate to being the only one who is not subjected to the dumpster fire that is about to happen, but is only encouraged by her wife.
Price, who in his right mind, nearly rejects the idea of this misfit joining because of their turnover rate but gives in when Laswell tells him it would be worth it— that her wife likes them and they're an excellent solider after all.
Immediately upon arrival, Menace lives up to their name— pissing on the side of the building as if to mark their new territory before deciding it would be a good idea to rile up the behemoth of a man by asking Price: "Didn't anyone tell the poor bastard that Halloween was four fuckin' months ago? Look at 'em he looks emo."
It wasn't until then that the poor Captain realized how much of an untamed brat his new corporal was— only to be further set in after the first two weeks on base.
Sure Menace got along with Soap, but they were far too alike for Menace's likings and Gaz, sweet sweet Gaz, gave them a few too man odd glances and playfully snide remarks for their liking— meanwhile Ghost had made them scrub the bathroom from top to bottom with a small sponge, and well they could already see the forming regret in Price's eyes.
So Menace did what they did best.
It started out simple: silently attaching balloons on strings to the back of their clothes without them noticing, flipping all of the furniture upside down during the middle of the night, purposefully mocking every single move of one of the operators for a full day, sugar in the salt shaker or salt in the sugar dish, you name it they did it.
Glitterbomb the captain? Oh yeah, and there's still glitter in his mustache.
Tied the two sergeants' doors together so that neither could open it? Done and done, they were locked in their rooms for a good hour until someone cut the rope.
Move the lieutenant’s furniture two inches to the right so that he would constantly stub his toe? Yeah, you can practically see him fuming after every trip to his office.
And what irked the lads the most? Menace kept getting away without being caught— managing to even out sneak Ghost, which the only reason for it is: Menace knowing they don't know what they look like without that mask. So obviously they take it off and blend in with the many other people on base.
They made a fool of their sergeants, their lieutenant, and their captain and it was time to get back at the cunning prankster— but Menace grew suspicious. Usually they would have been booted out by a normal team by then, but what Menace came to realize a bit too late was that Task Force 141 was not normal.
And reality came to a head when Menace was called to Price's office to collect something— only for that something to be a bucket of ice cold water falling onto their head and for the captain to tell their now soaking wet and cold Coporal: "Game's on, brat."
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hellish-sunsets · 2 months
You're an Asshole - Pt 1 - How it Started
AN: should I focus on my requests or ongoing pics? Yes. Am a writing an Adam x fem!angel!reader where he becomes better out of pure spite? Obviously. Anyways enjoy!
Warnings: lots of swearing
Wordcount: 1,089
“You're an asshole.”
It was a phrase Adam had heard uttered time and time again with anger imbued in every syllable. Over the thousands of years that passed, not once did that phrase ever bother him. Because he was right, wasn't he? He was Adam, the first man, made to be perfect by the angel's hands themselves. Everyone else could think what they want, it changed nothing about who he was. Even if that knowledge led to the same pride that felled Lucifer, even if this line of thought brought him to the very same sins he condoned the sinners in hell for.
But she called him an asshole, and despite all his ego, or maybe because of it, it hurt. There was no anger behind the words, no hurt. Perhaps there was the faintest trace of sadness, but more than that it was a cold fact. The clouds were white, the sky sat above and the ground below, and Adam the first man was an asshole. 
And for some reason he couldn't comprehend, it ate at him. At first he was angry. He cursed her out, spouted whatever vile and venomous words he could think of. How dare she think so little of him? HIM? He was ADAM, dammit! How dare she? Even after the two separated, he ranted and raved for days until even Lute was getting tired of his bitching, not to mention the others who had the displeasure of being around him at this time.
But then he got quiet, and that was even more terrifying. Adam and quiet did not mean anything good. 
He stayed in his office longer and longer, thinking. Why did it bother him so much? Why was he still thinking about it? That woman, why did her opinion matter so much to him?
He went over the facts to himself, trying to break down what bothered him so much. She was an angel, made in heaven for heaven, part of the heavenly choir. He had never met her before that day, had only heard her voice occasionally. He… supposed he liked her singing, even if the songs were a bit more pansy than his usual rock and roll. Some were pretty hard core, he guessed, just in a different, less angry way. He heard in some passing whispers that she went to various concerts often, but he had never seen her at one of his. 
When he had seen her at his concert that day, he had been… excited? Like her presence was some sort of validation. Not that he needed any fucking shitty validation, especially some pompous stuck up bitch of an angel. Still, he thought it would be fun to talk to her. He can’t even remember what they had talked about, he probably flirted cause hey, a bitch is a bitch. He could hit that. 
But then she called him an asshole, those big eyes staring into his like she was reaching into his very soul, seeing every part of his being and evaluating him as less than good. 
Then he called a meeting with hell, giving a rather… mediocre reason, something he clearly made up and no one remembered. Only two attended the meeting and neither was about to discuss what transpired there. Well, Adam wasn’t about to tell anyone in heaven. Even Lute wasn’t permitted to come with. And Lucifer was too much of a recluse to tell much of anybody.
For his part, Lucifer played along the best he could. He despised when heaven called him to meetings, the feeling paired with anxiety when Adam was there. He went because he had to, but the anxiety was eating him up inside. 
His footsteps on the tile floor echoed through the embassy like gunshots, making him cringe. 
At first, he thought the meeting room would be empty. It was too quiet, and Adam was always too loud, his voice carrying throughout the building, but when he got there he didn’t hear Adam at all. And yet, when he opened the meeting room door, Adam was in fact there. He furrowed his brow at the sight of the man sitting quietly, reading a paper he had in front of him, pen idly tapping against the table. Lucifer frowned and took his seat, the scrape of the chair legs against the tile reverberating through the room. 
A few moments passed before Adam put his paper down, pen clasped between two fingers, and leaned back in his chair. 
“So… this should be a fun meeting for you.” He said, tone… very, very carefully even. It sent an eerie chill down his spine, his scowl deep. This was very unlike Adam, and it concerned him. It felt like something terrible was about to happen and he just didn’t know it yet.
“Right, and that would be because…”
“I am sitting my ass here in front of you, asking you to shit talk me.” Adam said, and Lucifer's mind stuttered for a moment, staring blankly at the first man as he scribbled something else on his paper and looked back up with that stupid mask of his. “Just, like, be fucking honest about it. I asked Lute first, she was a real bitch about it. Figured you’d also be a little bitch about it.”
There was a heavy pause. Lucifer stared at him, just as confused as before. Adam's mask glitches slightly before settling on irritation.
“...but why?”
Adam gave an exaggerated sigh, voice condescending like it had to be obvious and Lucifer was the stupid one for not getting it.
“Because! That fucking bitch! She called me an asshole. Me! And I was told she was chill to hang with. Fucking bullshit! Now I've got a point to prove! I can be fucking nice. I can be downright delightful! I'll fucking show her! So, dipshit, tell me what makes me an asshole.”
“There it is.” Lucifer said with an exhausted sigh, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. He though a moment, a twisted sort of smile slowly spreading over his face. “How much time do we have?”
When Adam returned from his meeting, he was in an absolutely foul mood. His anger radiated off of him and affected everyone he passed like a fog of irritation. But he had his stupid fucking list, crumbled in his fist, ink smudged but still readable.
He would show that fucking stuck up bitch! He would be the most fucking delightful bastard in all of fucking creation, or fucking die trying!
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leqonsluv3r · 3 months
Hii! May I ask Leon with a microbiologist? Like, they ramble about science news and new projects/ideas they have in mind (wich in most parts he doesn't understand), random facts about microorganisms & general stuff, along with jokes every chance they get? Thank you!
cardiomyocytes* (and the affected)
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—re!2 leon kennedy x microbiologist!fem reader
(*cardiomyocytes — smooth muscle cells that surround the human heart)
— a oneshot (request)
warnings: the butchering of anything involving microbiology (i have zero knowledge of any of this so bear with me), reader being a smarty pants and leon having no clue what she’s talking about, pure fluff, kissing, established relationship, brainiac x leon troupe (obviously), police officer leon, and other things i’m forgetting to mention.
“he looks over the titles of the books she’s studying and reading, even if she already has a job as one of five microbiologists at her lab. she still reads and never stops gaining knowledge. a thing he admires but deeply despises in certain aspects of their relationship. always one upping him with her knowledge that she gained from many years of studying. he’s just a police officer, he knows the basics of that, but all the words of the titles he’s reading of the books on their shared bookshelf in their apartment are lost on him. what the hell even is protozoa? and why does it need to have a book?”
— or reader is a microbiologist and leon struggles to understand the basics of what his girlfriend does
masterlist taglist
an: thank you for the request anon. this is probably one of the hardest ones i’ve had to write because i know zilch about microbiology. had to ask my mom with the science degree about a million questions for this oneshot. so please enjoy <33 hope it meets your expectations.
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she got her degree when she was seventeen. she was way ahead of everyone in high school, graduating a year early and starting college right away.
she knew she was smarter then some of the kids she went to college with, she was the only one insane enough to base a paper on the four cells that surround the heart.
and it got her an A. go figure.
she didn’t take risks often, not ever. only when she was in college and high school did she take academic risks, but never actual risks. like bungee jumping off of a bridge or trying the hottest pepper known to man.
no, she never did any of that.
not until she was in her fourth and final year of her microbiology degree did she take a risk. she never even considered taking it up until this point.
she saw leon for the first time, and everything inside of her. her brain, her heart and the cells surrounding it, seemed to indicate that she would be a fool if she didn’t talk to him. didn’t take that risk that she had never even thought of.
he was so beautiful, all of him. he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. from the brown hair that wasn’t completely dark, to the blue of his eyes and the way he carried himself as if he didn’t have a care in the world…even if he had a badge and a gun.
even if he put his life on the line ever single day, he walked around and into the coffee shop she studied at frequently as if it was no big deal. she tried not to gawk, tried not to peer over her textbook of blood born viruses. she just tried to be subtle, but apparently he caught onto that.
stupid cops and their ability to sense staring. she thought to herself that day as she ducked behind her textbook at the last second. she prayed to god he didn’t say anything, didn’t see her practically eye fucking him with her corneas.
she thought she was safe until she heard steps come towards her table, stopping just by her eye-line near the edge of the table. she swallowed and looked up from her textbook. and she had never taken such a risk by doing so, by just simply moving her head up from where she sat to meet his devastatingly beautiful face.
he tilted his head, looking over her features for a second himself. he selfishly let himself look, she had stared at him first after all. her face was coated in a blush that made her feel like her whole body was on fire.
is this what attraction, true, attraction was like? she felt like she was having a hot flash. she swallowed and managed a nervous smile, slowly closing her textbook and she made the biggest mistake by doing that — showing him the cover of her textbook.
his eyes went down to the cover of the textbook, reading it out loud, the first words he had ever spoken to her. “A Planet of Viruses?” he repeated the title with a raised brow and then let his eyes drift over to her. she managed to speak, or tried to, talking to men had never been her specialty.
“uhh, yeah. it’s…i’m in college.” she says as she flashes another nervous smile, wanting to shove herself into a flesh pit. she hated this, she was bad at talking to men. she should’ve just sworn men off forever but she was still a women. no degree of any kind would change that.
he nods slowly and to her surprise, he sits down at the small table across from her, coffee in a to-go cup. she scans her eyes over him, almost scared that if she looks to long she’ll be damned.
“what do you study?” he says with a small sip to his coffee, leaning back in the chair a little. he was taking an interest to her, trying to get to know her. she felt her cheeks flush ten times more at the realization. “microbiology.”
“microbiology? what is that?” he asks with a small chuckle as he shifts in the seat across from her, she brushed her hands over her pants and looked directly at him, not looking away once.
“uhm, it’s the study of the biology of microscopic organisms: viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.” she manages to explain as she feels his undivided attention on her, his blue eyes sparkling a little bit. it was almost like he liked learning something. whether it be about her or just in general, she wasn’t sure. “why microbiology?”
she tilts her head at him, looking at the book title he had read out loud for one of her courses upon introduction. “i think it’s fascinating. the cells in a body or the cells of a plant. they’re both living things, they operate differently but when you look at it underneath a microscope…they work in more similar ways.” he sips on his coffee and nods.
“so you like learning how things work?” he asks with a small grin, trying to figure out with just a subtle shifts of his blue eyes over her body across the small café table. she nods and smiles, she tries to do the best she can, she’s terrible at flirting.
“for the most part.” she hums as she taps on the cover of the textbook with her fingers, “the only thing i can’t seem to figure out is why your talking to me.” she continues with a small bite of her bottom lip in addition to her nerves.
he smiles and shakes his head, god help me. his smile is fucking beautiful. she thinks as she watches him adjust in the chair across from her, leaning his elbows on the table. “i think your a beautiful woman, you were staring and i happen to like awkward women who can barely flirt.” he says with a small tilt of his head, analyzing her again with his blue irises.
she knew he was joking, he was being honest and that got a lot farther with her then stupid pickup lines ever would. “i’m not great at the flirting, your right. i just…i don’t talk to handsome guys. i don’t.” she swallows as she realizes what she let slip out of her mouth.
“i’m handsome? hmm, maybe i should add that to my resume.” he says with a small goofy smile, showcasing some of his teeth. she blinked and felt her cheeks grow hot again, her whole body felt like it would burst into flames and implode. she tried to laugh but it came out like some weird cackle.
he shakes his head, “it’s okay, pretty girl. you think i’m handsome. i’ll take it.” he says with a small smile and a nod of his head. she felt a smile grace her features, one more real at his compliment. pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl…the way he said it echoed in her brain and didn’t escape.
before she could open her mouth to say anything, his radio went off on his uniform. a bunch of codes and words she didn’t understand before he answered the walkie. “yeah, i’m on my way.” he mumbled. he then looked back to her with an apologetic smile, good. he didn’t want this to end either, i must be doing something right. she thinks to herself.
“well sorry to cut the conversation short, pretty girl. but i gotta go bust some criminals.” he says with a small sigh, pulling himself out of the chair across from her. she nods towards him in understanding, “life of a cop, daunting.” she jokes, almost wanting to slap herself for it.
that was until he laughed — the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. she swears it, this man is already ruining other men for her. not that there were other men to begin with. she grabs her pen and grabs his to-go coffee cup.
he looks at her with a raised eyebrow, “stealing my coffee? you know this is a coffee place…” he starts as he cracks a small grin, she shakes her head with a small grin and clicks her pen when she’s done writing on the side. “my name and number, incase you get curious and wanna learn more about microbiology.” she grins.
she was hoping he got the hint, praying and by the looks of it. he did, he took the cup from her hand, their fingers brushing briefly. he holds the cup up and reads the name and number on the side.
he shoots her a playful smile, a glint in those blue irises that she swears could make any girl smile. “i’ll make sure to have a list of questions by friday.”
her brows furrow, “what’s on friday?” she swallows as she waits for his answer. he winks at her, winks, and says. “our date.”
she blinks, her eyes wide and feels a smile forming on her face that she can’t help, like she could implode right here in front of him and be absolutely fine with it. “okay…?” she trails off because she never got his name.
he sees her brows furrow and her actually look confused, which he guesses isnt something that happens often in her brain. “leon, or handsome cop. whichever you prefer.” he says with a small playful smile on his boyish features.
she laughs and nods, sucking in a breath. “see you on friday, leon. be in touch.” she says as she tries to regain her cool and not seem like a dork, some girl who’s never talked to the male species before. he scans her up and down with a different kind of something in his blue eyes, “oh i will be.”
she swears that as he walks away, she feels her pulse go ten times faster and her stomach erupt in butterflies. as she watches him exit the coffee shop, following him with her eyes until he gets into his police cruiser, to-go cup and hand and zooms out of the parking lot.
she feels her heart thrum faster in her chest. she knew she had taken a risk, the biggest one she ever had that was in academics.
and she was excited at what this would bring.
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two years later, she’s still the same girl she was in her fourth and final year in college. except now, she had leon indefinitely.
he was still somewhat amazed by her smarts and the ways she could just pack information into her brain like it was nobodies business. she had graduated a year after they got together, marveling that all her late nights of studying and cramming down books about cells and microorganisms paid off.
he was there to see her graduate college, there when she got a job at a lab with five other scientists. all studying and devoting their life to finding inaccuracies in cell makeup of various plants & humans alike.
he was there to move her into his home, helping her unload various boxes of books and other things. even a microscope and slides. he didn’t ask, it was pretty self explanatory given her profession.
now here they were, together and happy. he was working as a cop at the police station in town and she was devoting her career to science. they were happy for each other, they were following their dreams.
the only thing was that leon was still lost whenever she talked about microbiology. he had zero idea about what it was besides the basics, that it was about cells and stuff. he had no other clue besides that.
it was lost on him whenever she opened her mouth to talk about work that day, he tried doing research, just so he could maybe try and understand what she was talking about. but he didn’t have a college degree in it, so all the terms and information were lost on him entirely.
he scanned the bookshelf of their shared place, looking over his titles which were just autobiography’s and some books he read as a kid. then there were hers, things about cells, data research, fungi…he tried reading one once and fell asleep after two pages.
because what the hell was a protozoa? and why did it need a 500 page book talking about it and its properties? he shook his head and sighed, deciding to take the book off the shelf and glance at the cover. he didn’t even understand it, again, it was lost on him.
but his girlfriend was happy, she loved all of it. so who was he to judge? but he just wished he could understand it a little. he didn’t like just nodding along when she talked about work like an idiot. he shoved the book back in on the bookshelf where it went, sighing.
maybe another day.
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they were sitting on the couch watching a movie, some horror movie where the idiot protagonist was running away from the even stupider antagonist. she sighed and sat back on the couch cushions.
“you okay, baby?” he asks with a small glance from the tv screen in her direction. she sighs and nods, “horror movies are just…” she starts as she shifts on the couch, looking over at him. “why do you like horror movies?” she asks.
he thinks for a minute, shifting from his position on the couch to set his soda down on the coffee table in front of it. “i like them because it’s funny that any person would be stupid enough to make these mistakes.” he says with a small snort, nodding towards the tv where the protagonist was running down a dark alleyway.
she looks at the tv and then back at him, “but why are we watching it if you think it’s stupid?” she says with furrowed brows as she looks over his features. he sighs and pauses the movie with a small movement of his hand to the remote, turning to face her on the couch.
“what’s wrong with you?”
“huh?” she looks perplexed, like he just asked her to get naked, not that she’d mind doing that for him.
“you don’t get this grumpy when i watch horror movies. what’s the real issue here?” he says with a small tilt of his head, an amused smile on his face. she shifts on the couch, moving to tuck her feet beneath her. “nothing, i’m fine.”
“really? because i don’t think you are.” he says with a small raise of his eyebrow at his girlfriend, moving closer to rub a hand on her knee. “what’s the issue?” he repeats the question, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
she sighs and looks away from him, damn him and his ability to know everything about me. she thinks as she tries to form her thoughts into words. “one of the scientists in the lab today…” she starts and shakes her head, trying to push back the anger.
“he lost one of the cell samples.” she says in a small but angry voice as she feels her fists curl a little with anger. he rubs her knee with his hand, keeping her calm to the best of his ability, “what kind of cell sample was it?” he asks softly as he keeps his voice even and calm.
“human cell sample.” she says with a small pinch of her brow, “a cancerous human cell sample.” she repeats as she looks at him. he raises a small brow in her direction again, “how does someone manage to lose that?” he asks as if she isn’t there, more like his thoughts are just pouring out of his mouth.
“i have no clue. but he’s lucky we have a backup or else…else i would’ve shoved him into the eyewash station.” she says in a low growl as if it’s a dangerous threat. he chuckles and shakes his head, still rubbing his hand in soothing circles over her knee. “your not gonna shove anyone into the eyewash station.” he says with a small knowing look on his face.
“but i could.” she retorts with a small raise of her eyebrows in her boyfriends direction. “he messed up my sample. he had it coming.” she raises a fist and shakes it. he rolls his eyes playfully at her antics, putting the hand on her knee over her curled fist and lowering it. “calm down, rocky. your not hurting anyone over some dish full of cells.” he says with a small laugh.
she sighs and nods, “i want to though. it took me months to acquire those samples for research.” she groans as she throws herself back on the couch dramatically. “look at it this way,” he starts.
“you don’t have to worry about what happened to it. you know what he did with it, lost or not.” he says with a small shrug as he glances over her on the couch next to her.
“that’s not the point!” she says in frustration as she grips at her hair and buries her face into the couch cushions. he leans over a bit and rubs over her spine, “take a step back, baby. relax, it’s okay.” he says gently as he rubs her back over her hoodie she was wearing.
she takes a couple deep breaths, nodding into the couch cushions as she relaxes into his touch. “you need to calm down. it’s just science at the end of the day. it’s not gonna change and it’s not going anywhere without you.” he reassures her as he leans over and presses a kiss on the back of her head, rubbing soothing circles down her spine.
she sniffles, “i know but he lost the fucking sample.” she groans in frustration as she keeps her cheek buried in the couch cushions. he nods supportively and rubs her back, “you can’t stress over it. what’s done is done.” he says firmly but gently, a small sad smile on his features.
he knows how worked up she gets over her job, taking it home with her all the time. he always has to de-stress her. he has to unknot her like rope and make sure she’s okay after the work week.
her job makes his look like a circus.
she sniffles and nods slowly, she pulls her head out of the couch cushions and moves towards him on the couch, burying her face into his neck and just hugging him. he keeps rubbing her back and holding her close like he did before, “your so good at your job, you care so much. but you need to let things go, breathe.” he says calmly into her hair.
“trust me,” he continues. “in my job if you take things home from work. it will literally kill you and drive you crazy.” he says with a small snort as he shakes his head. “but your doing what you love and it’s great. you need to let things go when it’s necessary.” he whispers into her hair, rubbing her back and pressing a small kiss into the crown of her head.
“i can’t let you destroy and work yourself up, that beautiful brain is amazing when it’s working properly. i need to hear my girlfriends random facts about viruses.” he chuckles into her hair, trying to cheer her up. which seems to work because she muffles a small laugh into his shoulder.
“see, even you know i’m right.” he says softly into his hair, patting her back gently. she pulls her face away from his neck after soaking it with some tears. “your always right.” she groans as she wipes at her eyes with her hoodie sleeves.
“i’m not always right, i’m just lucky.” he says softly as he looks over her features with a small smile, rubbing her back as best as she can to calm her down. she rolls her eyes and moves towards him, pressing her lips to his slowly.
he keeps a firm hold on her back and hips, kissing her slowly and gently back as he tastes the saltiness of her tears on her lips. these moments with her are probably the best in his mind, he gets to hold her close, rub her back and kiss her.
he wouldn’t trade anything for this. he’s certain.
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two days later, they were snowed in.
it had snowed about 18 inches in the city, and more was bound to come according to the news forecast. even leon, wasn’t going to work. he used his PTO because there was no way he was going out in that.
and she was still trying to argue to go out, to go to the lab and get her work done for the day. her boss even called her and told her the trip wasn’t worth it, to just take the day off.
but she just wasn’t listening.
“please?! i need to go!” she whined at leon as she tried to jump in her snow boots to meet his keys. he was holding her car keys above his head out of her reach. “no fucking way. have you seen the roads, baby? it’s not safe.” he says with a gesture to the window outside.
everything was covered in inches of snow and white. freezing cold temperatures and it just kept falling in fat flakes from the sky. she shook her head in protest, “just give me the keys!” she whined again as she tried to reach on her tippy toes for them.
“no! i cannot believe i’m saying this.” he pinches his brows and looks at her with a hard look, one that he rarely had when it came to her. “your not going to work, it’s unsafe and your boss even told you not to go. so go change into some pjs and sit your ass down and relax. i’m hiding your car keys.” he says firmly as he looks at her, brushing past her to go into their bedroom.
she groans and yells, “your such a buzzkill!”
“i don’t hear you changing or sitting down!” he yells from the bedroom. she groans and stomps her snow boots on the floor like a child, whipping her head to look back out at the window, “stupid snow algae.” she hisses at the dreary weather outside.
eventually, she gave up on the complaining after leon hid her keys and made her get comfortable and relax. they were sitting on the couch an hour later, watching some movie. her body was pressed against his and her leg was wrapped over his legs. “i’m so cold.” she mumbles into his chest.
“baby, we have two blankets around us. you have socks and a sweater on. the heat’s on full blast. what else do you want me to do?” he asks with a small raise of his eyebrows to where she’s cuddled up against his chest.
“i don’t know, make it stop.” she grumbles into his chest as she presses herself closer to him, keeping the blankets adjusted around them on the couch. the movie was playing mindlessly in the background at his point as they kept cuddled up together.
he shakes his head in amusement, “as much as i would love to magically make you not cold anymore. that’s not how it works.” he says softly as he presses a kiss to the top of her hair. she sighs and nuzzles her head deeper into his chest, “just hold me then.” she muffles into his chest.
he looks down at her with a small brow raise. “i am holding you.” he squeezes his arms around her beneath the blankets for emphasis. “not good enough, smartass.” she mumbles into his chest.
he pinches her hip underneath her sweatshirt with his cold hands, she shrieks and bolts upright, smacking him on the chest. he laughs, “your such a jerk!” she shrieks as she tries to move away from him on the couch with the two blankets.
“oh no, get back here.” he says with a small grin, grabbing her effectively and the blankets with her, holding her close to his side on the couch. “i love you too, baby.” he mumbles with amusement as he presses his lips to the side of her head, then her cheek.
causing her cheeks to heat up and flare despite her being cold. she could feel her heart expanding and the muscles expanding.
“your lucky your cute.” she whispers as she just moves back next to him for warmth. he chortles her and presses another kiss to her head. “i’m cute, handsome and i put up with your pain in the ass. i deserve an award.” he says with a proud smile as she looked up at him, her brow raised in amusement.
“there’s no award for that.” she starts as she looks at him, her eyes widening a little at the words he chose. she feels her heart pound faster and faster against her chest.
even after all this time, the intensity from just looking at him never fails to make her heart feel like it’s going to simply explode within her chest. he smirks and obliterates her world view yet again, “i’ll invent one then and give it to myself.”
she’s never going to let him go ever, not in a million years would she do something that stupid with the level of IQ she has.
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after the snow continued to fall that day, then the next and it was a full on blizzard, soon enough. they had been kept inside, even their bosses individually kept them out of the streets.
she wanted to argue but there was no point, not at this time. not when leon hid her car keys yesterday. instead of being curled up underneath the blanket pressed so close together, they were both sitting on the couch. leon on one end and her on the other.
she had cracked open a book that she had been wanting to read about fungi cells and leon was just watching the tv at a low volume so he wasn’t disturbing her.
“i can’t believe you’d rather read a book about fungi cells then watch Brooklyn nine-nine with me.” he says with a small shake of his head as he eyes her eyes that swept over each word of the page like it was nobodies business.
“i’m here on the couch with you aren’t i?” she says with a small focused look as she talked and continued reading, flipping a page in her book. he snorts, “that’s not what i meant.”
“do you even know what fungi cells are?” she says with a small raise of her eyebrow in his direction at his end of their couch. he shakes his head, his gaze going back to the tv.
“they’re cells in mushrooms.” he mumbles as if he knows the answer already, she closes her book with a small snap and bookmarks the page, “fungi are eukaryotes and have a complex cellular organization.” she says as seriously as she can.
his brow furrows and he pauses the tv, “i have no idea what that means.” he says with a small sigh as he looks over at her, the book sat in her lap like she was protecting it.
“it means its cells that have very different reproductive properties.” she says as she looks at him with a serious look on her face, like she wasn’t talking about mushroom cells.
his brows furrow even more, what the hell did that even mean? what the fuck is a mushroom doing having sex? he thinks to himself as he shakes his head at her, “i’m still lost.”
she pinches her brows and sighs, “okay, so…” and she begins explaining the cells of a mushroom and in other fungi as best as she can and as simply as she can.
when she finishes he just stares at her and blinks with his blue eyes, “don’t be mad but i zoned out for like half of what you just said.” he says with a small chuckle.
she groans and shakes her head, obviously frustrated, “i’m not explaining it to you anymore. watch your show.” she says in an angry voice as she opens her book back up where its bookmarked and starting to read again.
he clicks his tongue, “no no,” he reaches over and grabs her book, keeping it bookmarked and sitting it on the coffee table in front of them. “i just don’t have a degree in microbiology, baby. my IQ is not…as high as yours.” he says in a soft voice as he rubs a hand over her knee.
she just listens to him, blinking her eyes over in his general direction as she shifts on the couch. “it doesn’t mean i don’t want to understand, god, i would love to understand. i would go back to school and learn everything about microbiology just to talk to you about it.” he proclaims as he looks at her with nothing but love in his blue eyes.
“i would relearn everything and get a degree in microbiology and learn just to understand your work, the books you read and just what it’s like to be inside your brain.” he says softly as he rubs his thumb over her knee, keeping her eyes on his as he speaks with such conviction that it makes her heart want to burst right out of her chest.
“so don’t think for one second that i don’t take interest and tune everything out, i always want to understand and i will spend the rest of my life trying if it means i get to be with you and love you.” he says with a small smile as he feels himself remain breathless in a sense at his own confession.
the words tumbling out of his mouth like he was going on a rant about something, like he was passionate about this. and he was, he needed her to understand.
“the day i met you in that coffee shop, i knew just from looking at that book you were reading…i knew it would be hard. but god, has it been so worth it baby.” he says with a small warmth in his blue eyes that only bloomed for her. the heat from his hand on her knee and the way his words bursted her into flame, it was enough to melt the snow of the blizzard outside.
“everything about you is worth it, even if i don’t understand. i’ll never fully understand but that doesn’t mean i won’t try.” he says with a squeeze to her knee, she blinks up at him and feels her heartbeat accelerating.
“i love you.” she breathes. she had said it to him a million times before in the past two years but it felt like it was needed in this context, like she needed to say this to him. just so that his words that he spoke were not lost on her.
he nods slowly and pulls her closer into his lap, settling his hands over her waist, thumbing at the skin underneath her sweater. “i love you too.” he says softly, “i mean every single thing i just said.” he says gently, his words like a caress and a reassurance that she wasn’t sure she needed until then.
she nods and sighs softly, “i know.” she whispers as she moves her lips to his again, leaning up a little bit from where she was sat in his lap. his thumb sweeping over the skin of her hip, igniting her body into even more flames. she moves her lips over his soft ones, kissing him with intention that wasn’t mindless.
he kisses back, used to the way his lips melded with hers. everything between them, this connection that they had was unlikely. but it was theirs and it went beyond science.
it was love, it was the cells around the hearts they had, the beating of them for only each other. she would kiss him a million times just to prove that point until there was nothing left within her.
until she was just a bunch of frazzled nerve endings, she would kiss him and love him. let him have her in every inch, every scenario and even if the hypotheses was scary and didn’t make sense.
she’d love him unconditionally, the same way he loved her. until both of the cells around their heart fizzled out and died.
she was never letting that go, not now and not in a million years, the probability was there. she didn’t care, not when he loved her and it consumed her in a way that should be studied.
and even if that scared her, she didn’t care. she had him and that was good enough in her heart and brain to keep loving him.
until the cardiomyocytes died out.
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an: i hope you liked this, i tried my best to incorporate what you asked for anon :,) had to ask my mom a million questions to get an idea of what i was getting myself into with this oneshot request. but i love you all, please reblog, like and my taglist and masterlist are linked at the beginning. i love you all, kisses. xx. <33
taglist: @heartsforvin @elihii (go to my linked post to join the taglist)
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k-n0-x · 3 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid- Chapter 1·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N- Hey everyone! I hope you guys are doing well. This story is a longer series of Lucifer Morningstar x reader where you’re Adam’s third wife. This story will have roughly 10 official chapters, but there will be shorter fillers which will be labelled as [previous chapter number].5. 
I also made a playlist in honour of this fanfiction :D
Enjoy! <3
As you use your wings to sweep down to the sultry streets of Hell, you frantically look around for any stray troops, for them to tell you everything. Anything. 
“Where is this gods be darned hotel,” You think to yourself, along with other incoherent and unfinished thoughts.
But it all connects back to one hanging thought in the back of your mind.
Heaven is a Lie.
What happened to all that “Killing is bad” and “Murder is sin” bullshit that they preached?
This is a genocide. 
All of these demons, from young to old, didn’t do anything wrong, (well atleast, not in this moment)
Is it that hard for Adam to see? 
He’s been feeding you these utter lies this entire time? This news was a bombshell on you at the meeting when that lovely young girl, Charlie was pitching her idea.
Speaking of bombs, a piercing and explosive sound emits from the other side of the city.
As you traverse the debris of the crumbling city, you spot two familiar faces amongst the face of fire.
One of which that you despised ever since that meeting.
The other had her back faced towards the lieutenant. Her horns protruded from her scalp and her long blonde hair billowing in the breeze, unaware that Lute was about to strike. 
“LUTE, NO!” You put yourself in the face of the Angelic weapon, your wings disarming the troop general to avoid her striking down Charlie.
“Y/N? What in the actual living fuck are you doing here?” 
“I should be the one asking the questions here,” You point an accusing finger into the general’s chest. 
“Where’s Adam? I need to have a serious discussion with him. If you see any other troops, tell them to stand down,” 
“You’re not my bos-”
“I said. Stand. The. Fuck. Down. NOW!” You stare Lute down, and she glares at you back. 
She doesn’t say anything, but you could see her biting her tongue.
You turn to Charlie.
“Charlie, come on, we gotta go!”
“But, I- I don’t understand, why are you he-”
“Just trust me on this one okay? Go and make sure no one is in imminent danger. I will handle my husband myself,”
The Princess looks up at you, eyes flooded with admiration, trust, and hope as you soar back into action.
You swoop in and out of  shattered buildings in fruitless attempts to find Adam amidst the screams and battle cries of both Angels and Demons.
“Adam? ADAM?!” You screech into the crimson sultry sky. 
Another explosive pierces through the sky from not far where you were barely a minute ago.
“Ugh, Lute I swear,” You mutter under your breath and your attention is quickly turned to two shadows attacking each other. You look overhead and see two figures; one of them is adorned with a priest’s garments (obviously, Adam), and the other… well…
Does not have a definable shape whatsoever. 
One moment, it has taken the form of a bird, and the next it has the figure of a snake.
One thing never changed though, a sporting white top hat stayed gracefully on his head in each form.
This ever changing specimen seems to be teasing your partner. 
“Adam? Haven’t seen ya since Eden,” He maneuvered between all of Adam’s punches.
“Gotta say, it really seems like you’ve let yourself go,”
Adam scoffs. 
“You, Lucifer, judging me? You’re the most hated being in all of gods be damned creation!”
Ah, that makes much more sense now.
The shape-shifting demon, finally setting on a figure, with a smirk, almost nonchalant expression on his face.
Dodging the First Man’s bolts of angelic power, Lucifer still doesn’t relent with the tomfoolery.
“Well, your first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer,” He places his index and middle gloved digits between his lips and drags them downwards, his snake tongue between them.
Ooof, that’s gotta hurt.
Well it definitely did. On Lucifer’s end that is for sure. One of Adam’s blows finally managed to hit him, knocking him backwards, and inadvertently knocking you out of your trance.
Fuck, you were supposed to be stopping this.
“ADAM!” Your husband turns to face you, looking from the ground, dumbfounded.
“Y/n?! What the actual fuck are you doing down here?”
“Why is everyone asking me that?!” You draw in a breath, irritated.
Just get to the point.
“Tell your little army to stop. Playtime’s over,”
Adam descends down to you, with disagreement written all over his face.
“Nah,” He smirks.
“What the FUCK do you mean ‘Nah?’ What are you, 10?” 
“Yeah, 10 inches deep in you,” 
Your face distorts into a one of disdain. Marrying is probably one of the worst decisions you made.
“You don’t need to make this any harder than it needs to be,” Then it clicked. An utterly vile, but devious idea struck your mind.
“Dear Adam,” you hum, layering on the most seductive voice you can. Both Adam and Lucifer look at you, both confused at your quick change of tone.
Well this is going to be the most embarrassing 30 seconds of your life.
Alas, you carry yourself with a more fluid demeanor, as his eyes follow you. Though as stupid as he is, he isn’t going to fall for your tricks that easily.
You snuggle up to him, your hand gently caressing his upper thigh, reaching right where the source of all manhood was. Stroking not only his dick, but his ego as well, which you were really going for.
You whisper in his ear. 
“Come back home darling~ you need some time to rest, hm?” You let your fingers circle around his tip. “I’ve been waiting for you for a while now~”
He smirks. Bingo. 
“Fine, but I’ll be waiting for you at home, love,” He says with a wild grin.
“Lovely,” you say through smiling teeth.
Though behind that smile, there is absolutely nothing worthy of mentioning.
“Well, I sincerely apologise for my husband’s behaviour. Honestly, I would have stopped him sooner if I found out,” You bow to the group of demons.
Utter despair is written on the entire group’s faces. 
“What’s the matter? I know your hotel has been blown to bits, but at least everyone here is safe,” your tone is uncertain.
Charlie is the first to pipe up to speak.
“Sir, Pentious- he-,” Her voice cracks.
“Oh honey,” you turn to try and comfort her with your wings, though abruptly interrupted by a threatening cough from Lucifer, who was behind you.
You want to comfort the Princess of Hell, but you decide against it and turn to face the group. 
“I just want to say, before leaving, that I am on your side. I know Heaven is the real enemy and I will try to aid in any possible way, though right now I have to be going,” You look at each demon in turn, Lucifer for last, as he gives you a once over, as though you’ve intrigued him in some way.
“Well, erh, farewell. For now?” You give Charlie a tentative squeeze on the arm, and give Vaggie an acknowledging nod, which was returned.
As you spread your wings and soar back to heaven, you come to the realisation of what you’re gonna have to do when you get home.
Or rather, who…
Word count- 1,229
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myslutwritings · 9 months
Hii! Can you please do Muzan, Kokushibo, and Akaza with a super clingy s/o who always wants to be near them and hold/be held by them?
Yup!! definitely.
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➤ Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza with a clingy!S/O
➤ SFW headcanons
(not proof read)
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Muzan never has experienced a single ounce of affection in his life.
So when you enter the picture and you’re all over him, all up in his personal space, basically attached to his hip, Muzan detests it.
He despises it in the beginning, wanting nothing to do with you. Views clingy people as pathetic and sees affection has a weakness.
It destroys his ego whenever you make him go all soft for you so for that he avoids you.
But if you’re close enough with him he’ll allow it.
If he allows it that just means he likes it.
Especially loves it when you comfort him after he’s had a bad day. (Which is like everyday because he cannot seek out that damn blue spider lily)
Complains about it as you play with his hair or hood him in your arms.
You’re always the one initiating cuddle sessions.
But on the days you’re not in a good mood, Muzan will surprisingly hold you without you having to ask.
Isn’t opposed to holding you whatsoever.
He knows you’re super clingy but make sure you steer away from him when he’s in a bad mood.
If you continuously cling to him whenever he’s pissed off this man will not tolerate it.
Might break your hand if you try to touch him and will not feel bad until later when he’s calmed down.
On any other day, he couldn’t care less if you cling to him.
Will bring you to uppermoon meetings because he hates leaving you alone in the house anyway.
You accompany him to the meetings while he chastises his upper-ranked demons.
You’re either on his lap during these meetings or standing right next to him.
The other demons are just flabbergasted on how you’re that close to him.
Kokushibo doesn’t care that much, Douma just think it’s amusing, Akaza is beyond confused, Hantengu is scared, Gyokko prolly says something about it and in return gets decapitated for speaking lowly of you and Daki and Gyutaro envy you. Especially Daki. 💀💀
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Alright, Koku here doesn’t exactly hate it and he isn’t even against it, he just isn’t all that used to it!
So when you approach him and you’re all over him, kissing him, playing with his hair and just never leaving him he is taken aback.
Is also semi-surprised that you aren’t scared of him since he’s the most powerful upper-ranked.
Like, are you not petrified, hello??
Koku also gets a tiny bit flustered as first with how physically affectionate you are all the time.
Then again he isn’t used to it so he blushes and feels his body warm up by your charming presence.
However, in due time his flustered personality vanishes and he opens up more to you.
I feel like he has some trust issues so he’s hesitant when trusting you until he realizes how amazing you are.
He doesn’t really express his emotions but deep down he’s always shocked how a sweet, innocent creature like you isn’t scared of him considering your bitter sweet personality.
Lowkey loves it when you baby him.
Kokushibo adores being with you but i’m afraid you cannot tag along with him when he has to intend the meetings.
You’ll get killed in spot, even if he’s against it.
If you were a demon, it would be different.
Kokushibo desires to be with you forever, wants you to be by his side for all eternity and offers to turn you into a demon.
All though, he’s lowkey paranoid that if you become a demon you’ll adorable clingy personality will disappear.
Why must life be so hard?
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Like Kokushibo, he isn’t used to it but does warm up to your behavior rather quickly and learns to adapt to it.
Ends up loving it, obviously. Out of all the uppermoon demons he probably the most human-like. Your clingy personality feels oddly nostalgic to him.. (ifykyk)
Akaza finds you very strange sometimes but that’s only because he’s never met a human like you before! Like how are you so touchy and clingy? He’s killed hundreds of people yet you stare at him with so much love glistening in your gaze.
It confuses him but whatever.
Akaza isn’t as clingy as you are but as y’all’s lovely relationship progresses he finds himself wanting to be with you all the time.
Akaza always has his hands all over you, the same way you do to him!
Usually he’s in a very bad mood when Muzan treats him like shit or when Douma teases him.
Immediately comes home to you, seeking your comfort and warm touch.
Of course you reciprocate and smother him in kisses or hugs.
I like to think Akaza gets REALLY flustered if you pepper his face in kisses. Like it makes his face flush immediately and he giggles.
You think it’s fucking adorable so you keep in mind to do that on the days he’s upset.
You hold Akaza in your arms as he vents to you about whatever made him mad.
Akaza wishes more than anything he could bring you along to the uppermoon meetings but knows the consequences so unfortunately you can’t attend them with him:(
The very moment he returns from them you’re all up in his business.
You legitimately just pounce into his arms as soon as the door opens, scaring him in the process.
Akaza makes sure to satisfy your clingy self to make up for him being gone for so long. He makes sure to spend all his time with you for the rest of the night.
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Sorry this disappearing again my lovely readers🙏 but i’m back for now to write y’all’s requests:)
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jaidens · 11 months
You Made A Rebel Of A Careless Man's Careful Daughter — Jake Seresin
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pairing [s] : jake seresin x mitchell!reader
warning [s] : petey doesn't like jakey dating his baby | jake is so baby girl.
a/n [s] : this trope has been used so many times, but I wanted my own take on it! [ my requests are open!! ]
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Jake knew in the back of his mind, it was a horrible and disgusting idea to fall in love with his Top Gun instructor's daughter. How could he not? Your smile that captivated him and made him almost lose in a game of Aviator Football. Your voice that made him visibly soften when you would walk into The Hard Deck with your father. He would try his hardest to get your attention.
Who knew he already had it?
You had approached him after your father left with Penny. His soft green eyes watched you closely as you messed with his cotton shirt. You had told him, “We can go out. However, we have to hide it from Daddy. He's already complained about you..”. Jake took that to heart. He didn't speak to you much whenever Pete was around, but when he left, it was all conversation and love.
Currently, you were sitting close to Jake, it wasn't on purpose or anything. Your dad wanted to scoot in which ending up sending everyone down a seat making you and Jake right next to each other. Your dad smiled at the table before ordering drinks and holding conversation with Payback.
You turned your head to find Jake staring at you. He gave you a small smile, putting his foot over yours under the table. You smiled back at him. The atmosphere was thick and your dad stared at Jake like he knew something was up. Jake tried to hold a conversation with Pete before it fell apart because your dad was annoyed.
Your dad didn't enjoy his presence very much. Ever since the Bradley incident, he had been almost avoiding the Texan. You tried to defend Jake to your dad, but he would immediately shut you down. He told you how careless Jake was and how he didn't care about anyone else other than himself.
You knew that was completely wrong. Jake had so much care for everyone. He had told you how he took care of his elderly grandma for a summer whenever she was sick. How he loved and babysat his nephews and nieces for his sister’s all the time. Most importantly, he cared and loved you so much.
After an hour of hanging out with the team, your dad told everyone he was leaving and how “it was getting late for him.” Bradley laughed and told him it was only 2200! You laughed along with everyone else before standing up and giving your good byes to your dad. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and a strong hug.
“Bye Daddy.. I'll be home at 12.” You told him as he said goodbye and gave you some cash for drinks. You didn't have the heart to tell him that your tab was on Jake's. You smiled as he walked out of the door. You did a small dance before quickly sitting down and letting Jake wrap his arm around your shoulders.
The atmosphere immediately lifted, giving everyone full reign to start talking and laughing loudly. It was obviously uncomfortable to have your instructor at your table while you were all drinking. You laid your head on Jake's shoulder as you took the last sips of your drink. “Your dad really doesn't like me, does he?”
You frowned at Jake before nodding. “Yeah.. ever since you yelled at Brad. Well, I think he also despises your flyboy attitude acting like he doesn't have it too.” You told him as Jake rubbed your shoulder with his hand. It was upsetting to know that your father didn't know the sweet and kind man Jake was to you. Your dad only knew the dangerous pilot who put himself before people. The one who yelled at his dead best-friends kid. That was the only person Pete knew.
After a while, your table had gotten less crowded. Bob and Fanboy going to go play on the arcade machines, Payback and Brad were going at it on the darts. Natasha had gone home and you were officially alone with Jake. You heard him quietly singing along to a song that played on the jukebox. “I wish we could tell my Dad.” You admitted while you stared up at the small TV that was playing Dirty Dancing.
“What did you say baby?” Jake asks gently, leaning further up on the padded bench to give you more room to lay. “I said,” You say, lying further onto his chest, “I wish we could tell my Dad we’re dating. I mean, it's been five months and it's surprising he still hasn't caught on.” A laugh falls from your lips.
“For how he acts.. I'm actually surprised too. However, I'm pretty sure if we told him, he would kill me personally.”
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It's a warm day on the beach, the warm salty air falls through Penny’s hair as she's talking to you about your dad. You're smiling at her as you watch the young pilots battle it out over a beach football. Jake stands there with all of his glory, wrestling Bradley. You're practically drooling whenever Penny snaps you back. “You’re drooling, girl.”
You swiftly turn your head back to Penny. You shake your mind with any dirty thoughts you had about Jacob. “No I wasn't!” You defend yourself quickly, as Penny cocks her eyebrow. “Honey, I'm dating your dad. You two are not that different.” She says, her hand on your shoulder as she gives you a small smile.
“I wish I could tell dad about him. I was talking to—” You're cut off whenever your dad walks next to the picnic table you and Penny are sitting at. “Tell me what?” You swing your head around and you're in full eye contact with your dad as he kisses Penny's forehead and hands her a strawberry ice cream.
“Oh nothing. Just about a video I saw of a puppy.” You say as your dad walks around and kisses you too, pinching your shoulder gently. “How was getting yelled at by another Admiral?” You joke with him as you watch him stick his tongue out. You see Jake staring at you and you know what to do.
“Hey Dad,” You say, “My purse is in the bar.. do you think you could go find it?” He nods and goes to find it. You give Jake a thumbs up and he runs over to you. “Hey baby..how are you doing?” You laugh at him and peck his lips. “Im good baby. Bradshaw giving you a hard time?” Your arms wrap around his neck as you smile at him. “We gotta hang out quick, my dad will somehow notice that my purse is on the table.”
Your finger slips down his abs. You were completely and utterly obsessed with how he looked, how he carried himself, and everything. That was until...
“You dirty bastard! Get your hands off my daughter!” Your father, in all of his 5'7 glory begins chasing after the man who was five inches taller than him. It's embarrassing, you have to admit, watching them chase each other. Eventually, it comes in a full circle ending up with your dad huffing as Jake runs to stand next to you.
“Really honey? Him? The one guy I told you not to date?” Pete says while Penny is trying to grab her breath after laughing at his idiotic behavior. “Dad, I'm 32. Why are you chasing after Jake?” You're almost crying too as you try and catch your breath with your hand on Jake's shoulder. Penny finally catches her breath and calls Pete up to the deck. Whenever he comes up to her, she smacks the side of his head.
“I apologize Jake. Apparently some fifty-seven year olds don't understand that they're not 27 anymore.” Penny says, rubbing Pete's back as he tries to pretend he isn't still struggling to catch his breath. Jake gives her a click with his tongue and says, “It’s all fine. Don't you worry.”
Your hand finds Jake’s chest as you tell him to sit down with you. “I’m sorry Jake. I just.. never really trusted you very well. However, if you hurt her, you won't be trusting anyone.” Your dad threatens and you watch Penny roll her eyes. “Oh, I'm sure Mr. Mitchell. I won't ever hurt her. She's a love bomb.”
You smile at Jake as he interlocks your hand with his. Penny asks him about what he does back in Texas. He holds a surprisingly well conversation with her, mentioning how his aunt was a bartender as well and taught him some tricks. Penny loves him, you can tell. Pete stares at him with a furrowed eyebrow.
The warm sun begins to fall to the horizon. You grab Jake's hands and pull him to the sand. You sit down on it, you're watching the sunset slowly fall. “It’s so beautiful isn't it?” You said, under your breath. Jake sits his head on your shoulder, giving a small kiss to your cheek. “Oh definitely. Just like this beautiful girl I know. Her dad is crazy, but she's the love of my life.”
You turn your head and you see his dumb smile that makes your heart race. You feel like you're back at high school with your first “real” boyfriend. You push him into the sand and crawl on top of him. You kiss him slowly, his hands falling to your back and holding you. After pulling away, he smiles at you. “Thank you, Jake. For everything. I guess you're gonna have to deal with my Dad for a little longer.” You say in his chest as the sea waves softly. The sky is dark and peaceful. Crowds of stars fill the sky.
Jake's arm goes up, his finger pointing at two constellations. “That one,” He begins, “Is Cepheus; The King. And the one right next to it is The Queen, Cassiopeia.” You stare at the two constellations that sit together. You almost imagine that would be you and Jake whenever you've grown older together.
“Wow...” This is the only word you can let out. It's absolutely eye-catching. The stars twinkle softly, no clouds. It seems fake, as Jake begins explaining more about different constellations. He told you how his Grandmother always loved telling him about them whenever he was in high school.
“C’mon, we gotta get home. I have school in seven hours.” Jake says, standing up and holding out his hand for you. He gives you his keys and tells you to go and he would get your stuff. You're absolutely giddy. You can believe he has you smiling so hard and making your body shiver. Jake is an entirely new feeling. You unlock his huge truck and climb into it. You turn the car on and the radio lets out a soft tune of Randy Travis.
Jake comes a few seconds later, your purse in his collection. He pulls open the door and jumps in. “It’s our song.” You mention, watching the way he turns it up. “I know baby. It always reminds me of my grandparents. They always told me, “Jacob, if your wife doesn't like this song, I don't think I'd fancy her very much,” Gosh, he had the thickest accent in Texan history, swearing on my life.” You let out a laugh and pat his hand. He puts the windows down and his hand pulls the shift back and begins to drive out of the bar. Jake's hand falls to your thigh, slowly rubbing his thumb up and down it.
You watch the way he slowly sings along with the song. He's the greatest thing that's ever been yours. “I love you.” Is all he says, taking his eyes off the road for a second to stare at you. “So much. And I'm hoping your dad will understand that some day. All he knows me as is the dickhead pilot.” Jake confesses to you, giving the road a small frown. You can't believe that Jake would ever think of himself like that. “But you aren't, baby. You're the guy who babysits his nephews and nieces. You're the guy that baby talks to any animal he sees.”
You notice the way his cheeks turn a dusty pink. “That’s the guy I fell in love with. That whole dickhead pilot is a thing you cover yourself with. You have to show people what you truly are.” He stares at you with his lips pushed together in a thin line. His eyes have a glassy shine against the waterline of his eyes. “That means a lot to me. Thank you.”
“I love you, Jacob. I hope you truly know that.”
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kkencess · 6 months
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downtown baby, chapter two.
ii. coach satoru is like… such a weirdo. 𖤐
summary; you’re a pretty nerd in college. unfortunately, with the word nerd attached to your name, there’s usually one thing that comes to mind first. bullies. well, maybe you are being picked on a bit, just not by your classmates… but wait, your hot professors?
warning(s); pervert! gojo, sexual content, (masturbation.) there’s also like a pov change in the middle of the chapter, and a brief hinting at stalking.
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˚ ༘ ♡ ·˚ ༘  your volleyball coach is a man, unfortunately for you. the girls on the team didn't seem to have a problem with it, only because he was an attractive male. you had to give it to him, he is pretty cute, and rather charming. except, he seemed to have it out for you. just like a certain professor you despised.
his name is gojo, satoru. he prefers to be called by his first name, although you thought it was pretty stupid, since he works under the college’s board. he’s an albino-haired male, with striking blue eyes. he’s tall, handsome, and you even think he's a bit flirtatious. the way he talks to the girls on the team is questionable, but you try not to let it bother you. it’s not like he was hurting anyone, nor could you do anything about it.
hey, if you hadn’t disliked him so much, you’d probably be in the same position as those love-struck girls. you’re actually quite happy you aren’t as gullible, and blind as they are. he’s like, totally not gonna give them a chance. ever.
you were busy doing a couple of different drills, bumping a ball against the wall, and letting it come back. you were dressed in your volleyball uniform, which was a pair of tight fitting gym shorts, and a long sleeved jersey, with the name of the school written on the front, and back— along with your jersey number. because of your frame, your shirt kinda hangs over your upper-thigh. you were fond of it, since you didn’t like flaunting your body.
your attention is caught, once a large hand presses directly against your lower back. you'd cock your head back, not at all surprised to find it was coach satoru. his shades were atop his head, and did a great job at keeping loose strands of hair from getting in his face.
"uh, is something wrong?" you ask, blinking inwardly at the male. he was so touchy, just like someone else you didn't want to think about. the incident from yesterday was still fresh in your mind, and you absolutely dreaded going to his class today. of course, you had a class for him yesterday, but you didn't go because you didn't want to face him. but then again, you didn't want to give him another reason to drop your grade. you know he’s gonna drop it because of your disappearance, but whatever. it’s too late to do anything about it now.
"you're practicing with your glasses on again." he'd tell you, which was something he often scolded you about. you didn't think it was that big of a deal, but apparently it's a safety concern of some sort.
"i can hardly see without them..." you explain, before stepping forward, and turning around to face him. you could feel the way his hand seemed to almost slip down your body; and just briefly; his fingers grasped your ass. you'd try not to think too much about it, and just figured it was your fault for moving away on such short notice.
"wearing them during practice still isn't allowed. you know this already." he'd scold, bright blue eyes swallowing your frame.
"well, what am i supposed to do?" you'd ask, an obvious pout on your face. this was annoying, since he knew about your vision problems, yet he still wanted you to abide by the school's stupid rules. "if i can't fucking see, it's obviously going to effect my performance."
it was almost like he caught on to your sudden attitude, because in just a single motion; he swiped your glasses from your face. instantly, your vision was blurred, and it was hard to see. it's not like you were blind but you may as well be at this rate.
"why would you do that?!" you ask, confused as ever. you could still see him, it was just hard. you could hear laughing from behind you, which was clearly the other girls on the team. they thought it was hilarious, although it was obvious you were being picked on. could they be any more annoying? they need to give it up, he's never gonna give any of them an actual chance!
"give me back my glasses!" you tell him, wiping at your eyes as if it would help you see any better.
gojo whistled, licking at his lips. it's not like you could see him well, but something was telling you an amused smirk was on his face. "why would i when you look this cute without them?" he questions, humor dripping from his tone. he didn't bother whispering those words either, he didn't care if anyone else on the team heard him. they'd just laugh it off anyway.
"you can get these back once practice is over with. until then, continue practicing your receiving drills." he'd say, before folding your glasses, and tucking them into his pocket. your blood boiled at his carelessness, and it took everything in you to not march over there, and slap him in his stupid handsome face.
"fine, you— fucking hell..." you curse, before walking away. miraculously, you're able to find your ball, and you pick it up again, disappearing elsewhere. you bump into a girl during the process, and you quickly apologize to her, though you continued to walk until you made it to your destination, which was in a corner of the court, far away from the others.
it's not like you noticed from your perspective, but satoru watched you specifically. despite all the girls crowding him, he still kept his attention on you, like always. he'd watch as you bent down to grab the ball, his eyes slowly taking in your perfect ass, and thighs. hell, he felt his cock stirring at the sight.
he fantasizes about you all the time. shit, he couldn't help it. not when you were that fucking perfect. he enjoyed teasing, and picking on you; it was always the perfect opportunity to see that pretty pout on your face. you were so freaking cute, whether you knew it or not. with your brows all narrowed, nose scrunched, and a frown on those glossy, yet glittery lips of yours.
satoru doesn't like to use the word obsessed when thinking about his care for you, yet the word describes him perfectly. he wants you, and badly. the fantasies aren't enough, he needs you. he's spent more than enough nights stroking his cock at the thought of fucking you dumb. he needs the real deal soon, or he's going to lose his mind. he knows he’ll have you one way, or another. everyone finds him attractive, meaning you did as well; even if you were good at hiding it. step one is already complete.
nonetheless, some time had passed, and it was just fifteen minutes before the ending of class. usually, you took your shower around this time. so, as clumsily as ever, you'd walk over to gojo, bumping directly into his chest. he knows it was a mere mistake due to your current vision disability, but he can't help noticing how soft your breast were, when pressed against his body.
"my glasses?" you'd ask, holding out your hand for him to place your glasses in.
he'd shift his fingers through his pocket, before handing you the requested object. you grab your bag, and without saying a word, you leave the gymnasium, and head elsewhere— which was into the girl's locker-room. gojo would simply excuse himself, before exiting the gym, and following quietly after you.
once you walked into the locker-room, he follows after you. he'd watch from a distance, watching as you began your shower water. you don’t even bother checking your surroundings. your naivety was actually somewhat insulting on gojo’s part, but it’s more beneficial, than harmful right now; so he doesn’t care.
so, you soon stripped yourself of your clothes. fucking hell. you pulled your shirt from your body, undoing your bra soon after. it wasn't any surprise you had perfect, perky tits— but to see them in real life, and not his mind was enough to break him. he's imagined sucking, and biting your nipples way too often. he’d rather not go into grave detail about how often it occurs.
gojo kept his eyes on you, fingers slipping into his pants, and through his boxers. it wasn't any surprise his tip leaked with precum at the sight of you, it always happens. whether you're fully clothed, or not. the scent of your strawberry, and vanilla perfume was so refreshing, and prominent— even from this distance. you always smelled amazing, so it’s no surprise.
he doesn't care to check his surroundings, his eyes finding you once more as he grabs ahold of his cock, fingers pumping down the hardened anatomy. he's so fucking sensitive, head cocked back against the wall as he quickens his pace, eyes never leaving you.
he can't help groaning as you slip your panties off, the periwinkle colored undergarment lingering down your thighs as you step out of them. you seem to be checking your own appearance out in the mirror, which only granted him a full three-sixty of that amazing body of yours. you play sports, and you run for thirty minutes every morning. it’s no wonder your fit.
his digits are moving even faster around his cock, as he glances briefly at your pussy. the pussy he’s imagined fucking an unhealthy amount of times, shit it looks so pretty. hell, it's taking everything in him to stay here, instead of walking over, and fucking his seed into you— like how he wants. he knew that much wasn't possible anyway, not without your consent.
it didn't take long for him to reach his orgasm, specks of white fluid coating his hands. he'd grunt, though it couldn't be heard thanks to not only the distance separating you two, but the sounds of water hitting the ground. you stepped into the shower, shutting the daisy printed curtain after yourself.
shit. maybe gojo is going a little crazy.
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chapter three link.
it wouldn’t let me add tags, i’m gonna try and add them again tomorrow, lol.
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featherstorm2004 · 5 months
Nana Shimura's guilt
Ok, so I'm sure plenty of people have noticed that in the latest chapter Nana has been insisting that Izuku must kill Shigaraki and that he's a wall that Izuku doesn't have to climb over. And I want to discus that as whilst I certainly don't agree with her, I find her reasons for such a perspective to be fascinating.
But let's begin with a trend I've noticed in any chapters where Nana and the vestiges talk about Shigaraki, and that's the fact that despite originally agreeing to go along with Izuku's wish to save Shigaraki they constantly refer to him as an 'it' or a 'thing' more often describing him as something less then human. And whilst it may not be surprising for the others to refer to him this way, it is incredibly disturbing that Nana his own grandmother seems the most determined to remove Shigaraki's humanity.
In fact it appears to be a theme that anyone who had a personal stake in how Shigaraki came to be are the one's most determined to ignore any sign of personhood inside him. This can be seen with Grand Torino, who despite having come to the realisation that his and Nana's decision was a mistake, seems to double down and tries to convince Izuku that killing Tomura is the better option; hell, literally the moment Shigaraki's identity is reviled he is the one to convince All Might that he isn't worth saving and that no matter his bloodline he's still a villain.
And he says this with full confidence despite the fact All For One outright told them both that he deliberately groomed Shigaraki to hate All Might and only chose him to mess with his enemy.
Even All Might chose to give up on Shigaraki very quickly and hasn't even thought about him since he found out, which is honestly really sad because of all people he should have been the one who cared the most, especially since he knows one of the only reasons All For One chose to mess with Shigaraki was to hurt him.
Which brings me back to Nanna and why she is acting the way she is and honestly, it's most likely due to a number of reasons and guilt is likely the most prominent one. After all it was her choices which led to Kotaro becoming traumatised and despising hero's, and it was because she was a wielder of One For All that her family/Tenko was targeted. Now I'm not saying it's Nana's fault Kotaro became an abuser, after all he was a grown man who was more than responsible for the way he handled his trauma however, that doesn't erase the fact that she was the root of his hatred which he passed down onto his son.
Not to mention she knows that the main reason Tenko was targeted was for revenge against her for defying All For One, so not only dose she have to deal with the fact that her son abused his child to near insanity but also her mortal enemy, who killed her, her master and tried to kill her student also groomed her grandchild to hate her, hero's and to become his next vessel.
That a lot of guilt for anyone to be burdened with and whilst it isn't directly her fault, the birth of Shigaraki is a result of the legacy she left behind.
And she obviously can't cope with that because if she did, it would basically invalidate every sacrifice she made for the sake of protecting One For All, so what dose she do? Well she makes a very human mistake and choses to ignore it. After all if Shigaraki is just a monster, a creature beyond human understanding then she doesn't have to face the guilt, "it was out of my hands, what could I have done?" "there's no point in dwelling on what could have been".
Ironically it's the same response All For One had regarding his own humanity. Essentially she's taking the responsibility out of her hands in order to protect herself because if she dose acknowledge it, it would essentially be an ego death for her and well humans are naturally programmed to protect ourselves at all costs. It's not nice but it's the truth, which honestly makes someone like Izuku stand out more.
Izuku has no reason to sympathies with Shigaraki, he has no idea what he's gone through or the history behind his creation but despite that he is the only person on the hero's side who has NEVER ignored him. Hell, even back in the mall scene where Shigaraki practically had him a gun point he still took the time to listen to him and give him a proper answer to his question and clearly what Shigaraki said meant something to him as he ask's All Might about it later.
It's clear that ever since these two have met that for some reason, whether it be the legacies they both carry or the fact that Izuku is just an innately empathetic person, these two have shared a connection. It's like Izuku and Shigaraki said, it's almost like fate has brought them together and we'll just have to see however that played out.
However, it's abundantly clear that whatever might happen between the two of them for Shigaraki to be truly be saved Nana and by extension all others who have kindly rejected Shigaraki will have to eventually accept that he is in fact human. They cannot keep pushing things under the rug because Izuku won't let them.
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bjornswoman · 6 months
Rival's touch
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Author's note: Hello there! Thank you for reading this story. This was supposed to be the last part part of it but there will be a couple more of it to unravel the story properly. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Pairing: Ubbe x Reader.
Genre: Mini!series, drama, angst, smut, slight romance.
Summary: The next day finds you wrecked and prisoner in a miserable situation.
Warning: Violence (emotional and physical), mentions of strangulation, strong language, smut and unprotected sex.
My enemy and me masterlist | Nemesis's wish | Enemy's cruelty |
Life had always been cruel to you, but never this way.
You were a prisoner in your own misery, never stepping out of your cell – your chamber – except from some rare moments that you lacked the option of staying back in the loneliness of your room.
You had never felt more horrible – not even when you thought that sharing a life with Ubbe after your marriage in a house of your own would be awful.
Every day felt the same.
One more day you had to pretend that you you were strong enough. One more day you were trying to keep your mind from going insane. One more day you had to bear with the tortures of your damned fate.
The only comforting part of this unbearable punishment was that you had your son close to you. The two of you had been inseparable the past days. He had started mumbling little words which he was the only one knowing the meaning after them – he hadn't spoken a proper word yet. However, you were suspecting that he was going to speak it soon.
Ubbe wasn't spending much time with you. He came once or twice per day to check on his son and spend some time with him. Within that amount of time, you didn't exchange many words or any at all. You were keeping your distance from him after your conversation with him on his wedding night with Margrethe.
As for the nights – you hadn't shared any in the same room. He was newly-wed and you didn't want to be in the same place as him – you would endure that as a chore if it was necessary, but never out of your own choice.
Now, you were forced to put on your fakest of smiles and stay close to Ubbe and his wife to greet the quests. You were pretending to be fine with all this situation while it was clearly the other way around. You thought only fair of him to let you leave him to save your dignity without all the drama that followed after your attempt free yourself from your misery. Obviously, he wasn't as fair as they spoke when it came to his own matters.
You had never seen Ubbe's fairness and his reasonable self in person and you would never because it was non-existent. He was just like any other typical Viking man – caring only about himself, criticizing the others when he was just the same as them. Just another hypocrite who treated his own wife like she was his property. Probably things didn't go the same with Margrethe, considering that she was the bride of his liking and the fact that she was a good manipulator when it came to men – another fine quality the slave girls had. But this quality was the only thing that you liked – or better adored – about her.
On the other hand, you neither were a fine pretender nor a good manipulator. That was your main problem – your displeasure along with your feelings weren't stuff you were controlling or hiding. Though Margrethe was good at it – she was good at playing the innocent victim – but you could see past that. She was anything but. Of course at the others eyes, while Margrethe was the good girl, you were the villain.
Probably the part you liked the most was that of you being the villain and the one you despised was that of her being the innocent girl of the story. What an ironical and hypocritical way to think considering she was the one who kept having intimate relationships with a married man – your husband.
The happy voice of your son got you out of your thoughts and turned your eyes on him – your realest smile formed on your face when you saw him mumbling his own words. He was on Ubbe's lap – big blue eyes were holding his father's identical gaze as he was talking to him. You glanced at Ubbe just for a second and you felt your heart clenching – he was chuckling the whole time, answering back at your son in a way that you wouldn't even imagine someone could.
You snapped your eyes away from his imposing form before someone could notice you glancing. You tried to remind yourself all the horrible things he had done to you – all the things that you hated him about. All the things which were standing between you and tearing you apart. The most important one of those reasons was seated on his left side carrying his child.
"Ubbe, I think he is kicking!" Margrethe exclaimed and pulled his hand on her belly clumsily without caring about the fact that Ubbe was holding your son with that same hand. Ubbe smiled when he felt the slight feeling of his baby's kick on her belly, but the smile left his face instantly when his eyes met yours after you grabbed your son and placed him on your lap. You were furious but tried to contain your anger because of the people who were surrounding the Hall.
You wanted to say something smart in a bitter way to undermine and belittle her about the fact she was so sure that she was carrying a boy, but you stayed silent – forced yourself to keep your mouth shut. You remembered Ubbe's threats. You had to be smarter – and you would be if you didn't let him know your thoughts. You knew that Ubbe's wrath would fell upon you if you decided to give him a piece of your mind.
You had to retreat in your chamber when Ragnar was getting sleepy and was whining. Ubbe insisted when you had moved in in the Great Hall to let some thrall taking care of your son, but you dismissed that idea. You wouldn't let anyone that close to your son, especially a thrall – you didn't trust them taking care of your most valuable and precious treasure, you beloved son.
You had placed him inside his crib and were merely some inches away undoing your braided hair, whispering to him the whole time to put him to sleep. When you understood that this wasn't working, you held him on your hands and started walking around the room telling him anything in a soft tone of voice. You were so occupied that you neither heard the door opening and closing nor footsteps coming towards your place.
"Da-da." Your son said and stopped you from walking and talking. He had said his first word and it was this word – he was calling his father. If you said that you didn't feel the slightest of jealousy at the sound of it, you would be a liar, but apart from that you were so happy that he had finally said a word – one that you could understand as well.
Only if Ubbe had heard as well. Only if he was there too.
"Da-da!" Ragnar exclaimed again and you smiled, caressing his small head. He was even pointing something behind your back but you didn't turn to see what he was pointing out.
Not until you heard him exhaling. Before you turn, you clenched your son on your chest scared and then you finally turned around. To your relief you spotted Ubbe gazing surprised and very happy at your son.
"I didn't notice you getting in. Have you – have you been standing here for a long time?" You were rambling on as Ubbe was taking some closer steps towards you.
You expected him to hold his son and be on edge out of happiness because he heard as well his son's first word – being Ragnar calling his father. Instead Ubbe seemed to have other plans. He dropped his enraged gaze on your shorter form. You didn't like the way he was eyeing you – you knew it meant argument and you were tired after the last time you fought with him.
"Of course you didn't notice me coming in, because your mind is flying! What do you think that would have happened if it hadn't been me and had been somebody else, huh?" He growled and you sighed sharply. He was starting again with this conversation – you being a bad mother. "Gods, how can you be so reckless!" Ubbe yelled in front of your face and turned around running his hands through his braided hair frustrated. He even dropped some of the decorations off the table nearby.
You placed your son in his crib and smiled at him, tired because of all this situation – the indifferent situation.
"First of all keep your anger for yourself and stop with the yelling." Your calm tone was enraging him even more than whatever the reason his heart was burning with anger and maybe hatred was before. "Secondly, I didn't suppose that—"
Ubbe saw red and didn't even let you finish, his hand wrapped forcefully and tightly around your throat, taking your breath away. You didn't even try to break free this time from his grip – after all this wasn't new for you, he had done it before. There were so few harmful things that he hadn't done to you yet. You weren't afraid – or you tried not to let him see that you were even a little.
"You suppose. You fucking suppose. That's all you fucking do." With each word, he was pressing your neck more. Although, his voice was softer – he didn't yell this time – but he wasn't calm either.
"I di-dn't... suppose... that... any-one... would... dare." You muttered out of breath because of his strong hand on your neck. He loosened his grip, but not entirely. You couldn't still breathe normally, but it was better than previously. "Not when... when you are... out there." Your eyes were on his the whole time.
Ubbe sighed angrily once more and left your throat – he would storm out. Both of your hands gripped the leather tunic he wore right after he took his hands away from you and you kept him there – on his previous position, before you. Before you could even form a word, you steadied yourself by the grip on his clothes, because your vision was blurry. When you were fine, you turned your eyes back on his.
"Don't ever say that I don't care... about my... son. That I am not... a good mother." You whispered at him and let your hands fall from his chest.
"My son." Was the only thing Ubbe managed to growl. His hands straightened his clothes and stormed out of the room slamming the door shut behind him.
When he left, you let your hands run through your flesh. The part he had been holding before, was burning now – under your soft touch –but you didn't mind. This was nothing comparing to that destructive night – to the pain of that night when he threatened to take your son away in case you didn't obey his demand.
You knew you had lost the war between you two that certain night. So there wasn't a reason for you to fight him anymore – that was the actual reason you didn't yell at him or fight back when he accused you of bad motherhood again. You were tired and defeated.
You didn't stop the tears when they demanded to fall from your eyes. Instead you let them stream to your cheeks. Those were tears out of frustration about your defeat – you hated the fact that he had won.
But it was all worth it – the humiliation, the torments, everything – you stayed and obeyed because of Ragnar the Younger. He was your strength. Your sweet boy who was so silent inside his crib when his father was yelling at you. Apparently he was used to this toxic behaviour of yours and you hated yourself for that. However, you hated Ubbe more because he was the person to bring this awful nature of yours in light.
His blue eyes were gazing at you as you were whispering his lullaby at him and wiping away the tears at the same time. You had to be strong for him – he had to see you smile even pretending to smile, not cry. In a very little amount of time, he was asleep and you left from his side.
You placed your body on a wooden chair and traced your fingers too slow on your aching neck. It wasn't hurting anymore. Though you were sure that he had left his mark there – one that you should cover with the colar of your dresses.
You stayed on the chair for some time, gazing at the wall. Your head was empty. The fingers of both your hands were tangled on the table. You didn't know how much time you had spent staring at the wall like that, but the sound of the door opening got you out of your mind. In fact, it startled you and you stood up from your seat instantly.
Ubbe came into the room once more for the night and closed the door softly behind him this time. You crossed your hands in front of your chest – a defensive move of your part. He seemed calmer, but you could never be sure with this guy – he was able to snap out of nothing.
Your eyes were studying each step he was taking that was leading him closer to you. You had to be prepared, though there weren't much unexpected things he could do to you – just a couple maybe and you wouldn't be surprised if he did them.
For a couple of minutes both of you didn't share a word. You wanted to know the reason he left his wife to come to you because there should be a serious one he did that, but didn't ask him. At some point, you didn't even want him to be here, but you couldn't tell him to leave either. So you stood like this – one facing the other without talking.
"Is he sleeping?" Ubbe broke the silence first and you almost choked on your own saliva when you heard his hoarse voice.
You coughed before your answer.
"Yes, he had been sleepy from the beginning of the feast." You answered and let your hands fall from your chest. A movement that he noticed the moment you decided to do it.
"Right." Ubbe said raspy.
"Yes." You answered and after that there was for once again an awkward silence between you. One that both of you knew damn well. It had always been like that back when you lived together at your former house. The nights he got home sober were filled with this same uncomfortable silence.
"Shouldn't you go back to her?" You couldn't stop yourself from the wince you made when you referred to her. His grimace changed again. His features hardened and you knew that a second round was about to start – this time coming from you. You couldn't keep the burn on your throat from acting this way. Even her name was enough to light up the fire inside you.
"Her name is Margrethe." He growled and you clicked your tongue inside your mouth in annoyance. Even if you wanted to forget it, it wouldn't be easy when everyone was reminding you about her and her stupid name.
"Yeah, I can recall her name." Your voice was challenging him and you knew it by yourself, but you couldn't help it. You wanted peace after your defeat, but when it came to her, you lost all the little amount of patience you had.
"In this case call her by her name when you talk about her."
You scoffed when you heard him and you could practically feel the way his jaw clenched. Your scoff came out naturally not only because you were talking about that certain person, but because it reminded you of something else.
"This reminds me of something." You confessed with a bitter smirk on your face at the recall of the memory.
"My name is (Y/N)."
"I can recall your name."
"Then use it when you are referring to me!"
You could swear that he knew exactly what you were talking about. You could see the memory flashing before his eyes.
That memory felt so old and it was just a week and a half before. Who could have imagined that all this chaos could have been caused within a glimpse of the eye – not you for sure. But that was how life was. All the life-changing events were happening quickly. So people could take impulsive decisions that would haunt them all their lives.
"This feels so far and yet there's so little amount of time that has passed since that day. All our lives has changed. It's fascinating how rapid time flows and people can do nothing to stop it. The only thing we can do is trying to keep up with it." He was speaking the truth, like he was processing himself all the stuff that had happened.
You shook your head. Your tongue wanted to spill its poison once more. It was burning you. You couldn't keep it in anymore.
"In our case it wasn't time who changed our lives. It was you who wrecked them." You emphasized on the verbs, putting the blame on him for everything once more.
He was getting more angry each time you were speaking. You knew it well, but you didn't manage to contain yourself and prevent you from saying those things. However, you weren't lying – you were speaking only truth – which apparently was hurting him to hear about it again.
"As if you were the perfect one in this story. As if you ever treated me as I am actually your friend – let alone your husband. As if you ever treated me like I am not your enemy." He stopped talking and started walking closer to you. There had been a long distance between you before and now there had been nothing. He was very close to you. You frowned at the closeness. "We both fucked up, but you refuse to take up the responsibility of your actions. You refuse to acknowledge that you fucked up as I did."
You wanted to laugh at that and cry at same time. You knew you weren't perfect – actually you knew that you were far from that. You knew you had to take up your own responsibility, but still he had fucked bigger time than you. He was the one to drive you on edge and almost drop you from that same edge.
You didn't manage to find the correct answer to outsmart his words – to stop him from whatever he was about to say. Your ability to compose words together had left your mind. The only thing you were able to do was just staring at him.
The other thing you knew was that you hated him and you repeated that over and over again to yourself – so you would never forget and change your mind.
"We are the only people who drew ourselves to destruction because we gave in to our hatred for each other. Maybe at the end of the day, we hate each other more than we want to put our lives in order."
You looked at him directly in his eyes. He wasn't stepping back from the gaze. It was intensive and hidding truths. You swallowed and decided to ask a question which was eating you alive after you heard his last words.
"Why?" You muttered softly. Ubbe frowned – he couldn't find the right answer because he couldn't understand the question. "Why are you hating me so much?" This time you sounded like a child – one that was scolded by its parents and didn't really know the reason.
He was surprised by your own question, for one moment you caught him off guard. Even himself couldn't find the right answer to that, but there should have been one.
You shook your head and took up the opportunity of his confusion to put yourself together.
"I mean I had never found the reason about it. Though I suspected it had to be the fact that you didn't get to be with Margrethe, but as the time went I thought it might be something in addition to that. And the reason my feelings are mutual I think that you get it." You tried to explain in a very different tone of voice – in one that reminded him more of yourself unlike the previous one you had when you asked him the reason behind all this hatred.
Ubbe coughed and then swallowed. One long breath and his eyes met yours again. His gaze held yours and you could see that there was something different – a different glint. A strange one you hadn't spotted before.
"All this time I assumed that I hated you because you were the reason I couldn't be with the woman I desired and that was partially the truth." His words were sincere coming out of the button of his heart – that was how it felt to you, making your own heart beating in a different stranger way.
"You aren't the easiest person to live with, you should know." He stopped – a long pause for one more long breath. You felt agony – your hands were sweating, your heart was beating faster and you weren't aware of the reason behind all these symptoms.
"The truth is..." One more pause. You could see that it wasn't easy for him to say it – neither to accept whatever it was. It had to be something powerful because it caused both of you to be under its control and act weird.
At that last pause you almost felt your own breath caught in your lungs. Ubbe was no better – his voice was faltering.
One more breath – for both of you.
"You are driving me crazy." He confessed and after that you felt like you could breathe normally again. Your heart didn't share the same tendency – it was still beating extremely fast inside your chest. "I don't know. When I am around you, when we talk, when we fight, I feel like I am losing myself. I am becoming someone else. Most of times I don't like the man that comes out of me because it's more like I am no man anymore. I am a... beast." This time you could say that his voice was indeed faltering in some words, but you weren't paying much attention to that.
"Those animalistic instincts wake up in me and I can't control them. They came out and before I even process the situation it's you and I on the battlefield in an endless battle about dominion."
Before you could control your own mind and tongue, you spoke.
"Are you fighting back those instincts now?"
Before you were aware of it, his hands were pressing your neck again, taking your breath away. His eyes still on yours felt like they were competing each other which pair would dare to look away first.
"You are getting the animal out of me. You can't imagine how many times I have pictured myself forcing my hands on your throat, gripping you tightly until you can move no more." His hoarse voice wasn't louder than a whisper delivered in your ear.
You didn't know what your reaction should have been. It certainly wasn't the right one. You should be afraid being that close to a man who just confessed that has pictured himself strangling you to death. You should have done something about that, but all you felt was powerless and urged to know the next action of his.
"You had told me once that you could kill me and nobody would know it was you. Why didn't you do it?" You were playing with the fire out there and you were aware of it damn well. Yet the fire was alluring enough to make you forget about the dangers it hid.
A vicious smirk that you have seen before formed on his face just when his grip around your neck forced you to lift your head up to watch him better. The blue of his eyes you were used to was darker than his usual one, but never this dark. It was like it wasn't blue anymore.
"That would be too easy, when I can torment you all the ways I want."
At this point, you didn't know the man you were married to. The Ubbe people were used to and this man had nothing in common – apart from the name and the physical appearance. But, that was the one you were used to. That was the person you knew as your husband.
Maybe it was true that the ones who seem better than the others hid the worst part of themselves. People said Ivar was darker, but they hadn't encountered Ubbe – the real Ubbe.
Ubbe, a name which meant wolf and that was what you were facing – a wolf hungry for blood. Your blood.
The hand around your throat was enough to control you – he moved you by it and threw you on your bed. Your eyes widened – this had all taken a very different way than the one you had had in your mind. Well, you holped just for a fight, a conflict maybe – not to wake the wolf like that. You had never thought of getting a glimpse of something like that with Ubbe. Even with that version of Ubbe, that darker one you knew better.
A part of you – one that you hated – wanted to found your boundaries and drive him on edge, like he had done to yourself multiple times. This part probably was trying to avoid – if not forget – all the horrible things he did to you. But, as much as you were trying to force your mind to bring back in your thoughts all the reasons you had to hate him, it did quite the opposite.
The only thing you could think of was his hands wrapping tightly around other parts of your body that weren't your throat. It felt forbidden. It was forbidden. You should send him away.
You were laying on the bed while he was standing before you, eyeing you like a predator his prey and – fuck – you felt like his fucking prey, because he was devouring you with his eyes, or that was how it felt like.
Maybe it didn't only feel like that, because his hands ripped his leather tunic off his torso, revealing his drawn muscular body. You couldn't remember the last time you had been beneath that body.
The Gods were testing and you were failing.
Your mind blurry, but not for long because one of his hands pulled one of your own and forced your on your feet. Maybe he was testing you the whole time. Maybe that was a game to humiliate you once more. So many awful things had gathered in your mind. Your heart was racing, waiting for his reaction.
You were dangerously close again. He was breathing and his burning breath was falling on the exposed skin of your neck, driving you crazy of anger – among other feelings.
"I don't want to force you into this. Say you don't need this the way I do and I stop right now." Your eyes met his.
Your mind was screaming to refuse to dismiss him. A woman enduring the stuff you did from this man would have refused without any second thought.
Your heart though. That bloody thing was cut in two. Clenching for his touch, wanting him as much as nobody before, but at the same time aching because of the dishonour of your name, of all the things he did to you.
"If you don't—"
"There's no such a thing. I am your wife. It's my duty to give in to your pleasures at any kind you want." You were trying to make it seem like you had no other choice – to pretend that you weren't craving this as much as he was.
Your answer made his jaw clench and his hands meet your cheek. They wrapped around them gently and his eyes gazed deeply inside yours. He even pulled lowered his head a little bit, but he was still taller than you.
"No, no, no. That's not your duty, it's your choice. If you decide to have me, it's only your choice. I am standing right here." His voice was soft and understanding, he meant every word he said though he was here not forever – it was just tonight. A night for both of you to give in the impulsive lust for each other.
After this one night, things would go back to normal – Ubbe and Margrethe and their child together and you with your child together. Just one night to get those thoughts away and then back into hating him.
One night couldn't harm a soul.
"It's my choice." You mumbled and placed the most mortified smile you could muster on your face.
One night. Just one night you could set aside your hate. Only one you could leave behind everything that was ripping you apart. After all, one night didn't mean a thing – it couldn't hurt you or anyone else. One night you could pretend that your marriage was anything but awful and tormenting. One night you could be like like a proper husband and wife.
"Good." Ubbe growled and his hands left your cheeks. After that, one of them made it on your loosened hair and pulled them at the side. Then, with the help of the other hand, Ubbe started working on the laces of your dress, undoing them hungrily.
When he finished, the dress was laying on the cold floor around your legs. You were exposed in front of him and it was the only time you didn't care about it. Ubbe's eyes roamed on your bare skin and focused on your eyes at last, asking for your approval over this one more time.
Instead of using words you decided to speak with actions. Before your logic self could make you change your mind, your hands reached the laces of his pants. You tried to take them off, but your hands were too shaky to help you. Ubbe tried to stop you – a troubled expression covering his face – but your stopped him. You wanted to do it. You wanted that.
You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help your desire. After all, the more forbidden and dangerous, the best and it was just about that night – no other would follow.
Once you got rid off the fabric of his pants and freed his erection, you knew there was no going back, but you didn't care about it. Your trembling fingers drew soft imaginary lines up and down on his hard member. Your touch was even softer than a caress – you were barely touching him and that was driving him even more crazy than before. You knew that you were teasing him – though you weren't skilled as lover, in fact, quite the opposite – but that was your way of showing him your approval.
Ubbe wasn't a patient man. The truth was that he contained more patience than his brothers did, but under your tease of a touch, he was restless he wanted more – he needed more. He needed you of all the things he could take out of you. He wanted you on edge one more time – he wanted you under him mercy one more time.
His much stronger hand stopped yours from working on him. He started walking towards you and you backwards. You only stopped when your feet hit the bed – though that wasn't enough to stop Ubbe. He forced you on bed again, but he didn't make any movement as to follow you. For some seconds, he admired the curves of your body and you found your chance to eye him back. It was an improper moment, but you couldn't care less.
Ubbe would love to take in your form all naked lusting after him, but he couldn't keep himself any longer. He crawled on bed on top of you, his left hand was placed next to your chest and he let his weight drop on that hand instead of dropping it on you. His other hand teased your exposed nipples – exactly the same way you had done before.
You couldn't keep your moans in as hard as you were trying. You bit your bottom lip trying to help yourself – you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that you were a mess because of him like he was a mess just a minute ago because of you.
Your eyes were fighting their own battle with his gaze. The whole time you were looking at each other in the eye as a competition.
Without any warning, his hand stopped playing with your breasts and you tried really hard not to protest about it. Though that didn't last long, because that same hand reached your lips and forced them to open. One of his fingers entered your mouth and you welcomed it with your warm tongue.
"That's it, you finally shut the fuck up." Ubbe growled. His finger was still in your mouth and you were swallowing it the best way you could. You could tell that he was trying to seem unbothered by all this situation, but in fact he was affected as much as you were. Though, under those circumstances, you were under his mercy and he had no mercy for you.
His finger got out of your mouth and travelled all over your body to find the place he wanted. It left behind a forbitten trail of saliva – your own saliva coming from your own mouth. The path ended and his skilled fingers stopped at your inner thigh – inches away from that part he wanted most to reach. The touch of his fingers wasn't as soft as you expected, but it wasn't rough enough to surprise. No cruelty would be surprising coming from him.
Ubbe leaned closer to your soft thigh and as he did his eyes was looking only inside yours. His lips touch your and you forced you eyes shut – you had fucking lost again. He knew how to bring you on edge – how to bring you under his merciless self. His tongue came into the game and you couldn't help your hands from fisting around the furs surrounding you. His mouth was treating your skin like it was part of a sacred ritual.
Your moans satisfied him more and more each time his mouth was sucking your warm flesh, marking you as his own – as if you could slip away from him after all his threats.
These thoughts was enough to wake up your blurry mind. It was yelling – begging – you to come back to your senses and stop this madness. He was your biggest enemy the one who harmed you the most. You should stop and save the little dignity you had left from all the dishonour Ubbe had brought on your name. You were better than this. You had to stop it.
You really did, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Every piece of your body had paralyzed under his sly touch. Ubbe was a skilled lover, an excellent one – there was no doubt on that. He knew damn well to push your buttons till your very end.
You were forced to open your eyes and bite your lips the hardest you could when you felt his tongue on your entrance. His eyes were still on your face, taking in each little expression your face formed.
When you felt his tongue inside you, you couldn't help but grip more tightly on the furs and bit your bottom lip so deep that the taste of your own blood was on your mouth.
"Ubbe......." His name came out with a very long moan – one you were trying with everything you had to keep inside. The moan came out of your mouth like a prayer for Loki the god of mischief himself.
At sound of your loudest moan, you felt Ubbe's mouth forming a filthy smirk. And that was the moment he stopped playing with your clit and came on top of you.
You wanted to protest for the brutal and unexpected way he stopped touching you, but you stayed silent. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction he has the power to win you again – when he clearly is the the victor between the two of you. For once more you had lost another battle between you, but he didn't have to know that.
And after all, one battle didn't mean that he had won the the war.
Your eyes found each other in a long battle of their own for once more. You were lying naked on the bed, eyeing each other – fighting about authority. Although, deep inside all you wanted was him, your body was aching for him – much to your displeasure.
Before you could even consider which would be your next action, you found your arms being trapped between his strong palms and the mattress beneath you. His grip was strong enough to leave big bruises on both of your arms, but you didn't care as you managed to wrap your smaller hands around his own hands as firmly as he did – at least you tried to grab the way he did.
Moments after this, you felt his manhood forcing itself inside you in a slow pace, at first. He knew that you weren't used to his size – or to any size at all. After all the last man you had intimate relations with was him and that was a very long time ago.
However, his gentleness didn't last long and you went back to his usual self – the usual to you, the one you knew better – his cruel self. When you got used to his size his pace was fast and rough and along with that his hands were forcing yours firmer on the mattress.
On the other hand, your nails were digging deep in the flesh of his arms with each thrust.
His face was some inches away and his eyes were gazing deeply in yours, there wasn't any kiss. After all, it wasn't a romantic night – actually it was far from that. It was just the two of you blowing off steam – giving in to your dangerous and forbidden lust.
It was just one night. Only one night. After this night everything would go back to normal – as nothing had ever happened – as this night never existed.
Skin on skin, growls and moans were all you could hear in the room. No proper words were spoken by the two of you until you reached you reached your climax. You hardly managed to keep yourself from screaming, but5 what you didn't manage was to prevent your mouth from saying his name over and over again.
When Ubbe reached him own climax, his mouth made it on your neck and bit you. You closed your eyes solidly trying not to yell again.
When you both finished, Ubbe fell on the mattress next to you closing his eyes. He wouldn't say it but this orgasm was a strong for his as it was for you.
Ubbe laid on bed next to you for a long time. You tried to be awake not to sleep until he was out of the room back to his wife. After all, it was nothing what had happened between you – you knew it, but why did it felt this way? Why did it make your heart beating faster?
"I love you." You heard him mutter behind you and you felt your heart almost ripping out of your chest. It was like you couldn't breathe and your eyes widened. You thought that you were going to die right there – next to him on that bed.
You opened your mouth to say something that you were going to regret afterwards, but eventually you didn't say anything because he spoke again and destroyed you again.
Your heart was shuttered for once more. He was the author of your destruction again. But you had to see that coming. He didn't love you – Ubbe couldn't love you. He hated you and you had to remember that the next time you would let your guards down.
Ubbe was your enemy. An enemy who had defeated you multiple times. It was time for your own victory – a victory that would mean that you won the war.
Tag list: @bruher, @utterlyhopeful-fics, @hypocritic-trash-baby, @fofisstilinski, @brianochka, @thelirofnorthlands, @malamistka, @gothicwidowsworld, @savagemickey03, @brianna-merlim
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Hi how are you? I don't know if you are accepting requests... but if so, I would like to ask Macgyver for something
I imagine something, where the reader is jealous of Mac with Desi or Riley, and to make matters worse for the reader, one of them ends up getting hurt, and then Mac gives her his full attention? (Riley, Desi) and the reader starts to feel super insecure and super bad...
first of all the fact I have a MacGyver request right now is nothing short of amazing. with the show being over for a while now the fandom has died down quite a lot and I am happy to write for him whenever. I will also be choosing Desi for this considering I’m very anti-Desi, apologies to anyone who likes her. anyways I hope you enjoy xx
Wish It Was Me
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Pairing: Angus MacGyver x Fem!Reader
Warnings: jealousy, language, angst, heartache, unreciprocated feelings, fluff, happy ending (don’t worry)
Summary: After months of pretending that his behavior doesn’t bother you, you finally find yourself getting fed up and showing your heartbreak towards the boy. He uses this as an excuse to finally confront his feelings for you.
word count: 2.4k
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Harboring a crush on the man your job required you to protect was a great work ethic tactic. In fact it was the best one you had yet. Obviously you’d protect anyone of the team but if something ever actually happened to Mac, you’d be more than upset. Quite possibly crushed. It was also a great tactic considering you were very well trained at keeping your emotions intact which meant not once had you given up the fact you had any feelings for the blonde boy at all. It was simple actually, pine for him when you were alone and protect him when you were together. Always at his 6, gun pointed and loaded. A team always and forever.
That is until Desi Nguyen came along.
Not only is she just as good as you at combat but she was also getting closer to the team and you despised that. Feelings of replacement and jealousy filling you which made you angry for experiencing such emotions at all. It started to get worse when you noticed how close Mac was getting to her. Hell when she first showed up she had caught him leaving the shower and she hadn’t been shameless about it at all. You were the only one to successfully pass her test and she acted like because of that, the two of you were friends. That made it even worse.
It started with him laughing at her jokes, then it was grabbing a coffee after work, and pretty soon it was slight touches in passing, barely noticeable, but there. It was driving you up a wall, yet you’d never show it. Not only was Mac completely clueless but Riley and Bozer as well. So when you find yourself particularly angry for being sent in the field with Mac and Desi, no one seems to pay no mind because you are a shell of stoic. Untouched by silly and childish feelings of crushes and love. You wonder if there is possibly anything that could break your cool and calm structure.
“Y/N, I need you for a minute” your heart stutters, wishing he meant it in a different way, some other way. Yet you obey, not even a glimmer of hope shining as you look in his eyes. “Hold this wire for me please”
“Better hurry guys, we’re gonna have guests soon” Desi speaks, still on guard for any unwanted visitors. You slide your gun in the holster, allowing her to cover you both as you hold the wire like Mac asked.
“Please tell me this will only blow up the bad guys and not us” you tell Mac, a sly smile on your face and he chuckles, his hand twisting with his Swiss army knife as he works on something you can’t possibly comprehend.
“I’m not making any promises” he tells you and you fight the grin that wants to crawl across your face. You want to smile at him like he hung the stars but your job was to protect, not love. Even if you wanted to you’d be afraid of doing it for competition now, even if you didn’t know how Mac felt about Desi you knew she liked him.
That point is proven when you’re interrupted by the heavy footsteps of three men. A shot is let off in the air before you have time to register that the shot was heading for Mac. Desi does her job which is the same as yours, stepping in front of the bullet, and letting it knock her to the ground. You don’t have time to think about it, you move on command, years of skill practically motorized into your being. Your gun is out your holster in seconds and you’ve shot all three men to the ground before anyone can think about it. It’s what you were built for.
“Shit Desi, are you okay?” it’s Mac’s voice that pulls you from combat mode. You turn to find he has taken position over her fallen form, both her hands and his own holding her wound tightly as she bleeds from her torso.
“Been better Mac” she tells him, voice straining like she’s clearly in pain. You see it in his eyes though. It’s what keeps you from rushing to her side as well. It was there all along and maybe he was just as good at hiding it as you or you were denial. He’s looking at her the way you would’ve looked at him if he was the one laying on that ground.
“Matty, we’re gonna need an exfil location stat. Desi has been shot” you call over on your comm’s and the worried voices from the other team members seem to make you sadder. Feeling abandoned by your team and guilty for allowing such personal feelings to make you seem so cold towards a girl who had never done anything wrong to you.
“Alright, hang in there Des. We’ll get you out of here” it’s the nickname that comes from his mouth that makes bile rise to your throat but when he cradled the girl in his arms it’s something else entirely. Pain worse than you’ve faced in the field sears through you and when Mac looks up at you, you decide it’s time to accept that this is your life now. Him and her. The real team.
What you don’t know is that Mac see’s it. The pain, it’s written clear as day across your face. It startled him for a moment because you never give anything up. A statue of a person and to see you seem so dejected is heartbreaking in a way he can’t comprehend. He knows it’s not worry for Desi, he’s sure that is inside of you somewhere, but the pain written across your face is one of longing. After months of wishing you’d reciprocate any feelings for him at all he realizes they were always there, just under the surface.
Matty pulled off an emergency extract quickly, and thankfully the debrief was quick due to worry of Desi’s condition. Everyone can tell you’re defeated, more than likely thinking it was from an unsuccessful mission. You let them, and go to your rented room in Mac’s home. For the first time in months wishing you didn’t live there. Thankful Bozer and Mac stayed back you pour yourself a heavy glass of wine, find yourself in a warm shower, and then curled on your bed in some pajamas with a book. You’re four glasses of wine deep and halfway through the book when you hear the front door open and close.
“I’m home” is called out. Mac who had been with Desi all this time. Bozer had come home hours ago, and was more than likely asleep. For the first time in a while you wished you had shut your bedroom door to avoid him, have a good night sleep in before you had to deal.
“Hey, you’re up” he’s in your doorway in seconds. You feel yourself sitting up and removing the reading glasses from your face. Mac always finds it odd seeing you like this. Curled up in a mound of blankets and pillows, the smell of fresh wine and a vanilla candle, silk sleep sets laid across your skin, hair piled high on your head. You were so soft compared to the girl in the field. The same girl he watched take down three men in lightning speed today. Now somehow you were in bed with a book. Weird how the world worked.
“Not really tired, is um. Is Desi okay?” you feel bad for not showing much interest in her well being. You just needed some time to think, some time to regain your composure.
“Last I checked yeah, I haven’t seen her for a couple of hours” he admits as he walks in. As he sits at the end of your bed you realize this isn’t uncommon. You two are still friends. No matter what you realized today.
“I thought you were with her?” you give him a puzzled look and he shrugs.
“I was, yeah. Then once I knew she was stable I went back to the Phoenix to fill out a mission report. Then Matty took advantage and got me to catch up on paperwork I’d been avoiding for a while” you can’t help the soft giggle that escapes your lips. Mac was a professional at avoiding the paperwork part of his job but every once in a while Matty could get her way.
“That’s on you for going back” you tell him and he chuckles along with you, head nodding.
“Could I ask you something?” he says once the laughter has quieted down and you find yourself getting exceptionally nervous. He can’t tell.
“Always Mac, it’s kinda my job” you tease which is true. When you were hired at the Phoenix Foundation it was literally to protect Mac in the field. You were pretty sure his name is in your exact job description.
“You’re not on the clock” he says which in a way was true but not really. It wasn’t uncommon for threats to breach your shared home, the minute that happens you’ll be protecting him then too.
“MacGyver, get to the question” you tell him even though you’d rather he walk out and never ask you any questions ever.
“Today you looked, well you never usually look like anything. But today you looked hurt, dare I say heartbroken” and you feel all the air sucked out of the room because you had shown emotions past your exterior and Mac had seen them.
“I don’t know what you mean” but you couldn’t look him in the eyes and he knew. He knew it deep in his bones.
“Look Y/N, maybe I could be wrong. That it was all just concern but if you feel anything for me the way I feel for you than that look was so much more than that” his words almost didn’t register. Your heart caught them before your head did. It was ramming against your rib cage and your head was snapping towards him because MacGyver of all people just admitted to having feelings for you.
“Feel for me?” you questioned quietly, your eyes locking on his own blue ones. You had seen Mac serious about many things before but somehow this seemed like more.
“Are you kidding me Y/N? Of course I have feelings for you. I spend all of my time with you considering we work and live together. On top of that you are always taking care of me and are the most interesting person I’ve ever met in my life. I was in love with you within a month of knowing you. Jack would always tease me about it” a small squeak left your throat at his confession. Wondering how you had never seen it before.
“Jack knew?” maybe it wasn’t the best question at the moment, but since Jack had passed it was hard to bring him up. Knowing he had passed away and there were things none of you guys got to tell him.
“Yeah, I always promised him I’d tell you how I felt one day and every day since he passed I’ve been breaking that promise more and more. So here I am not breaking it” he told you, a hand running wildly through his hair.
“What about Desi?” you wanted to make sure, needed to make sure.
“She’s just a friend. Most of the time I just flirted with her to get a reaction out of you” this was the most shocking of all. You’d expected him to say he had gained feelings for her too, but now as he sat at the end of your bed staring back at you with hopeful eyes you realized this was never the case.
“So it’s me?” you asked and a smile cracked across his face, a deep chuckle coming out as he dropped his head. His soft blonde locks dangling in front of his eyes.
“Yes Y/N. It’s always been you” he told you once he looked back up, and finally you allowed a real smile to cross your face.
“Well this is a first” you chuckled, hand reaching to grab your glass of wine. You gulped back the last sip and abandoned the empty glass, him watching you closely.
“What is?” he asked once you seemed to have your head straight.
“Having someone return the same feelings I have for them. I mean it usually never happens because I save face when it comes to emotions but here we are. You and me. In my room. Being adult and admitting things like attraction” you blabbered lightly and Mac laughed, a wide grin on his face. You suddenly had the urge to grab hold of the deep red shirt he had on, it matching the color of wine on your lips.
“So you’re admitting you like me too?” he asked and you just rolled your eyes before shoving your book out of your lap.
“Shut up and kiss me MacGyver” and he wasted no time, a devious grin crawling across his face as he moved to climb over to you. The anticipation of him getting closer seemed to take forever but finally he was face to face, arms locked on either side of you, and you took a moment to inspect every inch of him. “I have good taste”
“I do too” and then he was closing the gap between you both. Lips slotting gently against your own. His mouth was warm and soft, much different from his calloused hands. Your fingers tangled in his hair, mussing it around. Kissing him was like taking in a breath of fresh hair and pretty soon his tongue was dipping your mouth, tasting the wine left behind from your leisure afternoon. Tangling your tongue with his own you realize you could stay like this forever, just the two of you, in this room.
“It’s so not fair” you said once you broke apart, foreheads pressed together and heavy breaths panting out of both of you.
“What’s that doll?” he asked and you sighed.
“You’re good at everything else, you can’t be good at that too” and he was laughing, arms wrapping around you as he rolled over and pulled you on top of him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you what else I’m good at too”
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komoboko · 2 months
okie hihi its me again, I'll resending the request plantonic with teen-reader and (fatherfigure)kokupuffs
It will be simple same sitution with tanjiro and nezuko, but differeny dymanic, kokupuffs trained reader with his moon breathing(as a spy in the corps), and he continues teaching them until somewhere along the year, he grow attach to them so he discards the die of the spy in the corps and continues to train and raise reader, and reader grow wonderfully, time skip- reader hearing about what happened to tanjiro in hashira meeting, and just have a blow oit panic attack, what if someone found out their teacher(father) is a demon? a upper rank one? and just kokushibo comforting them quietly, pat pat the head of smt.
just fatherly love.
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Platonic kokushibo tsugikuni x teen!reader
I wrote this three different times to get to the same ending the writing block is killing me
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Your method of training was much more unconditional compared to any other slayer to say the least.
You still learned all the basic, excelled well in them to. Techniques came much easier to you and you had a great mentor, it was only the little things that made it different. Maybe the small part that you started to adapt moon breathing into your skills, a breathing style not picked up or used by slayers for a long time. That’s fine, maybe you were just ahead of your game.
Maybe it was the fact that you mentor just happened to be a demon, an upper moon. Which demons are obviously prohibited in the corps, but upperanks specifically? If they even find out about it they’ll be hunt down and hopefully executed immediately. That’s not to good is it..
Kokushibo was an interesting man. His way of going about things is different, this thought process is different, his entire body structure is different. Everything about him was strange. Some ways it still surprises you that he even decided to help you in the first place.
He never planned keeping you around for this long in the first place. It was only so he could blend in with the rest of the slayers nearby, making him less suspicious in case anything happened. He trained you for a while, he was more surprised by how quickly you grown. He didn’t expect himself to grow attached to you. He tried to fight it off for a while he really did but it just wouldn’t work.
So reluctantly he persisted, trained you much longer than a spy mission would require. As much as he denies it he can’t say he doesn’t look out for you. He’ll tell you it’s nothing and you’ll just need to repay him for doing this but you know he doesn’t want anything from you in return. He’s surprised at how far you’ve grown in moon breathing. He’s proud of your growth and he doesn’t regret taking you in while he could.
You’ve been practicing for awhile with kokushibo and with others in the corps. You wouldn’t ever tell them how you learned it, you’d just tell them it came natural to you. That’s all the information they need to know, especially after what you seen today.
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop you just happen to be in the area at the same moment and the same time. The new boy you seen at the corps was outed for smuggling a demon, having been protecting his little sister in the giant box he carried around. You could sympathize for him as you had your own situation with handling a demon. You couldn’t blame him for his actions, but you’d never say this out loud. You wouldn’t dare.
It surprised you how harsh the boy was treated, even more so at how his little sister was treated. It brought you even more fear at realize the repercussions of anybody finding out how you’ve even trained. Seeing how bad this boy was treated despise being here for such little time, it would be devastating if they figured out how long this “scandal” has been going on.
Panic soon began to consume you as your breathing picked up and your eyes widen more as you darted off. Running into the woods in no particular direction as your breathing soon became much more intense as fear only seemed to control your actions even more. Your body leans up against a tree as you slowly shuffle down. Your knees pressed to your chest as you stare at the leaves on the grassy floor.
You were unaware of kokushibo presence who awkwardly stood behind the tree. He was aware of the demon child and its slayer brother as muzan had informed him. Your mumbling only confirmed his suspicions on what he believed happened. He walks to stand beside you unsure if the first way to approach this, he never needed to really comfort you in this manor. The only time he did so was to motivate you to train more, nothing like this.
His hands finds it way to the top of your head as he stiffly attempts to pat your head to comfort you. You only stare up at him as your distress is still present, “what if they find out? Especially if they realize hiw long this has been going on?!” You mumble as the fear in your voice is evident. Kokushibo only shakes his head at you to stop yourself from continuing on.
“Nonsense child, mortals like you are easy to deceive. If they ever do I..” he stops himself he can’t tell you he would kill them, it would only cause you to fall deeper into despair than you already are. “I will personally come to defend your honor.” He finishes his sentence before looking down at you again, hoping to bring you so firm of closure.
You couldn’t help but still fear some fear, no matter how calming the demon’s words were meant to be. “I know I know, but if they even find out for a second I’d be cursed. Banished from the corps, I’d be persecuted by every slayer around. It would be an unforgivable action possibly.” You ramble out as kokushibo only kneels down to get closer to your eye level. Before you can continue he only stops you before you can say more.”
“Being a child like yourself should not be some sort a sin.” He states staring back at you with all six of his eyes. “If they even have any theory of you working under me I shall take the weight and th blame. A child like yourself shouldn’t and won’t feel any remorse nor any pain. I will make sure of this myself.” His words are meaningful in deep despite the strange way he puts it.
Your eyes only drift back to the ground as silence falls between the two of you. Your knees shift before your head turns to look at kokushibo. Who can tell hopes you understand what he was trying to tell you. He shifts as he stares out into the distance becoming stiff when he feels a pair of arms around him. He blinks when you hug him not very sure on how to react quickly.
He sits still for a moment before slowly just letting you hug him. One of his arms wrap around you in hopes to comfort you a little bit more. He feels you calming down more and it eases him to know your original state of panic washes away. Even to this day despite how long he’s been strolling the earth he does not get why he feels any attachment towards you in the first place. Never the less he embraces it.
You on the other hand are grateful for his presence just being here with you in the first place. You know he’s gonna go on with his “mortals are insignificant” and his “humans are so stubborn and so weak at the same time” rambles later on. You can appreciate him being here to give you his piece of mind now and to really tell you he’s here for you even if he can’t express it right.
Your mentor still is pretty weird, immoral to others. You can’t say you don’t appreciate him being him whether others will like it or not.
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sunoofairyofsass · 3 months
I thought this was a study session...(Part 1) | P.JY x S.JK
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Synopsis:Sunghoon and Jay,both jocks from college,pay the neighborhood nerd,Jake,to help them study for an exam,but Jay had other motives with the boy...
⚠️Warning⚠️:Dubcon,hand job,lots and lots of teasing,Jake gets called pup, making out, nipple play,Jay and Jake have some history,dry humping
❤️Pairing❤️:Jay x Jake
Part 1
Part 2 (coming soon)
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Jake stood nervously at the door of a certain apartment,his palms got sweaty,threating to make the books slip from his hands despite the tight grip,his throat went completely dry and his body couldn't stop shaking despite how hard he tried.
It wasn't as if he's never tutored fellow classmates.This time however seemed to push him to the edge,Jake knew the people he would tutor obviously,despite a wrenching gut feeling he got from being close to one of them.But ignoring all that,it shouldn't be too hard since he's done before,right?
Despite his worries,Jake lightly knocked on the door and patiently waited for it to open.He heard some shuffling from inside before finally hearing the sound of the door unlocking,swinging open to reveal one of the guys he would tutor.
He was significantly taller than Jake,pale and had a noticeable mole on his nose. "Hey Sunghoon,is Jay here?" the shorter greeted himself,the mentioned man nodded "He's been a pain in my ass"Sunghoon admitted, eliciting a short laugh from the australian "I bet he was"he responded.
As Jake walked in,he saw the mentioned man laying his head on the coffee table along with scattered pencils and a couple of college books.Sunghoon followed his tutor and sat close to him, before smacking a book on Jay's head,jerking him awake "Wake up you lazy ass,I told you not to party last night"the pale skinned guy playfully scolded him.
With an annoyed groan,Jay adjusted himself so he would be laying on the coffee table any more "Thank you for waking me up Sunghoon"the man sarcastically responded.Jake couldn't help but chuckle at the encounter "So are we ready?"he queried the two men,which he received a nod and a hum for a response.
"Please help me with english Jake,this guy can teach me for shit"Sunghoon begged Jake,resulting in Jay giving the finger,again,eliciting a chuckle from the aussie.
In the next few hours,Jake helped Sunghoon with english and Jay with physics,of course for the payment of 266,380 won (200 dollars) from each one of them.Besides,he was taught to never do anything for free.All though,he had this weird feeling about Jay,neither bad or good,just,odd.Maybe it's past history?Or maybe he's just in a constant state of panic.
Despite that,Jake couldn't help but take glances at Jay,even when he was teaching Sunghoon something.His buff arms looked so good in his black tank top,but he could feel the american also staring at him from time to time.
"Ugh I want a break"Jay groaned in exhaustion, banging his own head on the coffee table.Sunghoon laughed at the other's dramatic antics "Yeah I think we should take a break,what do you think Jake?"the pale man asked the australian,in which he responded by shrugging "We could take a 30 minute break"Jake uttered.
Sunghoon nodded "Good cuz I need to pee"he uttered before running to the bathroom,leaving Jake alone with Jay.It led to an awkward silence between the two of them.
Jake was too busy fidgeting with his hands for him to notice Jay disappearing in front of him,what he did notice were the american's arms wrapping around his waist, startling him.
"Jay what are you-"Jake tried to speak,only to hitch his breath as he felt his face being grabbed and forced to turn to Jay,evoking a pathetic whimper from the nerd "Jay what are you doing?We can't do that here"the australian whispered shouted,but the other didn't seem too bothered by it.
"Why not?Sunghoon won't hear us?"Jay stated,tightening his grip around Jake despised him squirming around "S-Still-"the aussie managed to grunt.
Jay's hand snuck under Jake's shirt,making the aussie shiver at the skin to skin feeling"Oh c'mon,don't pretend you weren't ogling at me this whole time"he stated.The tutor whined "Ok maybe I was"the man admitted weakly,which made the american's lips curl into a smirk.
Jay's other hand started to fiddle with the button of Jake's jeans "Do you want me to do it like last time?Where you were screaming out my name for the whole world to hear"he teased, finally undoing the zipper and sliding his hand over the other's boxers.
Jake,again,whimpered at his dirty talk "N-Not with Sunghoon here-"he tried to reply,only to let out a breathy whimper when Jay squeezed him over his underwear "Already hard Jakey?"he whispered in the aussie's ear,only leading to more muffled sounds from him.
"Look at me"Jay ordered,grabbing the other's face again and forcing him to look at him.Ignoring Jake's whimpers,he smashed his lips onto the aussie's into a sloppy kiss,tongue and all.The american's hands went to work,rubbing a digit onto the tutor's nipple with one hand and the other stroking him over his boxers.
Jake moaned into the kiss,bucking his hips forward at the touch of Jay's palm.He was so easy to get horny and melt under someone's touch, especially the other's ministrations.The physical contact felt like lightning,it heated up his entire body as if it was set on fire,all while trying to muffle any sinful sounds from spilling out.
"Look at you pup~ All worked up because of me~"Jay chuckled lowly after pulling away from the heated kiss.He had left Jake panting like a dog,cheeks red with heat and eyes leaking tears from the overpowering sensations he was feeling.
In an instant,Jay flipped the other to the ground,using his elbows as support to hover over him "Fuck~ You look irresistible~"the american cursed under his breath.He gently grabbed Jake's hand and put in if his own hard erection the tented his sweats"Look what you did to me pup~"he chuckled breathlessly.
Jake's mind became mush from all the stimulation he received,and was guaranteed to receive more in a few seconds.Jay took the younger's hand off himself, instead propping it above his head, tangling his fingers with the other's "Open up"the american ordered the aussie.
The australian lazily parted his lips,prompting the man on top of his to push his tongue inside for another heated kiss.Jake let out a small cry,using his free hand to grip Jay's dark hair.
Jay's other hand traveled to Jake's waist,parting the tutor's legs so he could settle between them.Their clothed bodies flushed against each other into a burning embrace,the aussie let the older take complete control of him,humming at every touch he felt.
A sudden moan ripped from Jake as he unintentionally rolled his hips forward,rubbing against the other's erection,but Jay didn't pull away.Instead,the older grabbed his thighs and continued the grinding motion, eliciting low groans and moans from both of them.
"Hey sorry for taking so long-"Sunghoon rambled as he walked towards the living room,only to stop in his tracks when he saw the two making out on the floor.Jay and Jake stopped why they were doing,pulling away from the kiss and looking at the younger.
Sunghoon stood there,frozen from the shock,but the shocked expression was later replaced with a tiny smirk on the side of his mouth,crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
"Can I join you?"
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7k9sinthee · 5 months
Relationship headcanons;
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⌑ Nsfw/Sfw?: SFW
⌑ Reader?: Yes, GN!
⌑ Genre?: fluff, headcanons
⌑ Version?: Any, 1968 implied !
⌑ Editted?: Yes !
Characters: Tybalt, Benvolio, Mercutio
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ㄨ Tybalt
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ This man is just the sweetest man ever.
⁺ Fight me, but I absolutely adore this man and see him as a sweet man.
⁺ He's so willing to help you out, whether it's with simple tasks or difficult, he has the strongest feeling to aid you.
⁺ Tybalt very often carries heavy items for you, which often varies from; books, baskets of food, boxes, and much more.
⁺ Oddly enough, he's dazed when he thinks of you. Like, he's just in another universe just imagining being with you
⁺ It scares everyone a bit to see the Tybalt completely dazed. (Prince blesses whatever/whoever shut Tybalt up and kept peace on the streets of Verona.)
⁺ He gets the urge to just pick you up like a princess, of course not in public for both of yours sake...
⁺ If you're related/close to the Prince, he often walks away to be with you and excuses it as being a "guard".
⁺ Which does work efficiently. No one dares to come near and bother you.
⁺ Actually, somewhat good a cooking... of course, he won't be cooking due to the era- but, a friendly reminder that you can trust him to cook for you.
⁺ If you have siblings, he teaches them how to use swords and how to fight... to a minimum, he doesn't want to get them hurt.
⁺ 100% an acts and service love language guy. He just has this deep feeling in his heart where he just needs to assist you.
⁺ He wants to help a majority of the time because he sees you as a little deer. Tybalt would be too ashamed to admit, but you're really just sweet to him.
⁺ Nurse actually somewhat knows quite alot about you... Tybalt doesn't necessarily shut up...
⁺ On with the topic of Tybalts' lack of ability to keep quiet, he rambles constantly. And I mean he loves to ramble about you, specifically.
⁺ He enjoys a lot of features about you, personality-wise or physically. He admires you a lot, considering you're a lot softer than he is.
⁺ Actually.. more about Tybalt's rough self, he has rough skin along with scars and very often enjoys you brushing over him with your much softer hands, even if your hands are also rough.
⁺ He's a sore loser for you. Absolute devotion to you.
⁺ This man is 100% your guard dog.
⁺ He's a much more aggressive man, so in comparison to when you resolved a problem pretty easily and... with less blood shed, he's kinda dumbfounded..?
⁺ Appreciates that you make things less difficult for Prince
⁺ He listens to you a bit more when it comes to behavior. Of course, he's 100% in denial, but he understands that some things just shouldn't go the way he makes them..
⁺ Random, but he enjoys randomly like rubbing his scent on you? Like he gets extremely close, and you start smelling like him (in which he stinks severely, so you'll need to shower as soon as you could in this era...)
⁺ Also, duels so much it gives you a heartattack everyday..
⁺ Sometimes, he just fights to be bandaged up for whatever reason.. (cough, cough, your touch cough, cough.)
⁺ Also, he's the type of guy to fight people to assert dominance.. and his love for you. He obviously won't confess.
⁺ Off topic, but he is 100% running off away with you when he sees a Montague... specifically, Benvolio.
⁺ He just despises Benvolio (peace his ass) and doesn't want a Montague near you.
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ㄨ Benvolio
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ He's a sweet guy as well, always looking out for your well being.
⁺ Honestly, he constantly checks up on you and makes sure you took care of yourself.
⁺ Helps you carry things, though it's with far more difficult stuff- like extremely heavy boxes and such. But, he of course doesn't mind if you give him a basket of food or books to carry.
⁺ He's 100% your reading partner.
⁺ Benvolio enjoys sweeping you away and guiding you to a sweet and quiet reading spot he recently found.
⁺ He's your #1 supplier on new books to read... regardless if you already have a library full.
⁺ He's not entirely a fan of Tybalt... so he distracts you and walks away before Tybalt notices and makes a fuss about it...
⁺ Benvolio is the type to randomly pick up flowers and gift it to you. (Sometimes sticks)
⁺ Enjoys reading with you, and very often reads out loud to you.
⁺ If you have siblings, he very often watches after them for you.
⁺ He's been caught a few times by Tybalt, and the amount of teasing from Tybalt was just awful. Poor man hadn't stepped outside for the rest of the day for all that.
⁺ He picked up on writing little poems for you/relating to you. Sometimes, he forgets about those poems and leaves them laying around.
⁺ Kinda enjoys taking you out for picnics Little picnics for reading and eating little snacks... and maybe cuddling? (If the coast is clear and you're both comfortable enough.)
⁺ I feel like his love language is quality time. He just really enjoys basking in your presence.
⁺ Also, he really likes giving gifts rather than receiving gifts. But if you gift him anything, he's absolutely preserving it.
⁺ Honestly... he enjoys a bit of drama time to time- of course not getting involved but he enjoys to listen to it. He will absolutely report back to you.
⁺ Benvolio absolutely has inside jokes with you... that no one gets except for you and maybe Mercutio since Mercutio is extremely close.
⁺ On with friends, he only admits his relationship with you to Mercutio. Of course, he's going to need to ask Lord Montague to marry you one day but... just for now, he's going to bask in the thrill of a secret relationship.
⁺ You're a dove to him. He strongly believes you're the best thing to bless all of Verona
⁺ He very vaguely defends you, like he'll talk wonderfully of you if he hears something bad of you.
⁺ That kind of "drama" is something he won't bother to listen to because he knows they're always wrong.
⁺ Despite being one for peace... he sometimes enjoys breaking rules. So, don't be surprised if he shows up at your house at like... 2 in the morning...
⁺ If you're very close with the rest of the Montagues (but not being family), he's extremely fond of you and takes in the job of protecting you.
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ㄨ Mercutio
ᶻz ALL SFW HEADCANONS, x reader!
⁺ He was definitely not one for love in the very beginning.
⁺ As in, he often teased others for falling in love. (Cut to Romeo...)
⁺ But, he honestly loves you. And leaving some little daisies for you is one of the ways he shows his love.
⁺ Since he knows the Prince extremely well, he could practically sneak out very often and take you away on little adventures.
⁺ The Prince is very fond of you and... well, like Nurse with Tybalt, knows a lot about you.
⁺ He's probably they type to pick up random things from the street stores and gift them to you.
⁺ Very, very often takes you out. (Ask the Prince to at least somewhat hold him back if you get tired.)
⁺ If you have siblings, he's teaching them to climb trees, how to do little things he picked up on.
⁺ Probably causes you a little heart attack when you see your 8 year old sibling on the highest branch.
⁺ Of course, he doesn't let them get hurt and watches them closely.
⁺ Would help you out with the siblings if you need help.
⁺ He enjoys music. He's the type to play extremely random string instruments.
⁺ So, if you play any instruments, he asks you to play random notes or music sheets he picked up.
⁺ Very silly guy, so he's constantly joking around with you.
⁺ But, he will take threats/jokes about you pretty seriously.
⁺ He's the type of guy to bring out sweet, wise little sayings for you, majority of the time its bs. But compliments you often.
⁺ Mercutio seems like the type to randomly take one of the Princes horses (some old one that Prince wouldn't mind being taken out- of course.) And go on small trails he found with you.
⁺ Honestly, he first met you from Benvolio, who spoke highly of you.
⁺ Mercutio was so confident he'd be able to tease you about love or something... he fails. Pretty badly too.
⁺ He doesn't seem like the type to believe in love at first sight though, so it might take a few tries before he really, really realizes.
⁺ Benvolio and Romeo know so much about you... to the point where THEY'RE SCARED... (they're just mortified by the amount of info that Mercutio somehow got from you???)
⁺ Mercutio is someone you can completely trust- he will never tell anyone anything you say, even if he was threatened. Anything between just of two of you, he will lock and seal his lips.
⁺ He definitely seems like the type to just ramble on about random things, and actually really appreciates when you argue back with him or even agree!
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If anyone is OOC, I'm sorry. Will not be fixing any time soon as I just edited. (4/23/24)
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melonteee · 5 months
Okay am I crazy or did Oda ACTUALLY write most of the straw hats (and most other characters in One Piece tbh) to be very heavily queer coded?? Like I feel so happy watching this series because of how INSANELY queer it is. Like ESPECIALLY nami for example being heavily hinted at for being a lesbian like i genuinely was expecting a kiss from her and vivi 😳 but then any time I mention it on tiktok or anywhere else, people are like "NO WAY NO WAY NAMI IS SO OBVIOUSLY STRAIGHT WEHHHHHH!!" Like...I reeeeally hope that oda doesn't do a naruto and put all the women with a man at the end just..because. Like I genuinely hope he wrote them that way ON PURPOSE 😭 like I had no idea that a lot of the straights actually ship nami with luffy??? Like not to hate on others ships or anything but ehhhhh?? Like I guess people don't understand the difference between sibling and romantic tension?? Or does the hot girl just HAVE to get with the hero at the end?? I truly despise that trope 😭 and I know that oda said no relationships between the strawhats (let's be real, he ships frobin I see you oda lol) but I hope he doesn't side with dude bros on these kinds of things is all I ask. Because that would be suuuuper disappointing 😞
lol Oda famously does his own thing, he made Gear 5 goofy because he was sick of writing serious fights. He literally said something along the lines of "I know most stories have the power up be serious, but I don't want that. I want One Piece and Luffy to stay fun."
I have no idea if Oda intentionally queer coded his characters, but I do know he wouldn't care how we interpret them. He's said before that he thinks freedom of interpretation of his characters is great, so whether intentional or not, we at least know he wouldn't have some vendetta against it.
But what I DO know is whenever I see Shonen bros think One Piece is gonna follow regular Shonen tropes, I always have to laugh cause One Piece constantly doesn't do what they want it to do. Gear 5 was a disappointment to a lot of shonen bros cause they wanted it to be a scary cool Luffy, but instead it was a Tom and Jerry cartoon. No one can ever say what the hell Oda's gonna do because at this point in time, he can do whatever he wants. I can't ever see him following what's conventional for a shonen, like I will genuinely be shocked if he ends it with everyone getting married and having kids because 'that's what a shonen is'.
Like, this is One Piece. Why does anyone think it'll fit itself into the Shonen box exclusively, especially by the very end lmao
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