#I should link everything else but I too lazy right now
ryker-writes · 2 years
To add more angst to your Sibling Vil headcanons, what's if the reader is the one who overblots instead of Vil, after he basically ruins their confidence and realizes Vil has some resentment toward them? Revealing in their overblot form that they never even wanted to be famous and only did it for Vil's approval
yesss the angst I live for it!
For those who didn't see the original post you can fine it here. (Let me know if link doesn't work)
Vil's broken sibling relationship (alternate ending)
when Vil did hang out with you, he would always point out some small thing about you that was out of place
even if you had everything together, he would find something to criticize
afterwards he would always make a comment about how you should be careful because your actions reflect on him and your father
sometimes he would even give you a backhanded compliment or when he was especially angry, he would straight up insult you and claim he's trying to help you
it became very clear that Vil hated you
hated how you acted and how you looked
you two used to get along
he even helped you become who you were today
when you were young, he would always help you with how to act or how to look right for all the cameras
he carefully help you and taught you back then
but now he was openly insulting you and hating you
according to Vil, you were many things
you were an idiot for not being able to understand or see the simplest things
you were naïve and stupid for not realizing that your friends only liked you because of your fame
you were annoying
you were lazy
you were ugly
your own brother said all this to you
the only person you thought you could truly rely on, hated you
maybe he was right about you
maybe all those things were true
everyone else probably say you like that
now it was so much easier to pay attention to all the negative publicity you got
Vil was right
you wish it wasn't him that said it, but he was right
it's safe to say that your confidence wasn't doing too great lately
and as you walked through the school halls, it felt like everyone was watching you with criticizing eyes
like they were just waiting for you to embarrass yourself
and when you did, they would be watching, recording, and laughing
so lost in your own thoughts, you weren't paying much attention to where you were going
and you ran into him
your dear brother who hated everything about you
of course, he started criticizing you again
and in front of everyone
"Looks like you're even worse than I thought if you can't even pay attention to where you're walking. You look more unsightly today than usual. You really can't get anything right can you?"
the students around you two started whispering, some even snickered
they were talking about you
you could just tell
it was too much
everything they were saying was too much
you couldn't be here
not with them, not with Vil
you backed away from Vil with tears in your eyes
and you looked directly at him
the cold and uncaring expression clear on his face
thinking back on it, did he ever even care?
was he only ever helping you because your father was forcing you two to be in the spotlight
did he only help you because he couldn't be seen next to someone so hideous?
how horrible it all was
your life, your image, your thoughts, you
for just one moment you wished they would all stop talking, stop talking about you
without even thinking you sent one spell, a simple spell, in Vil's general direction
and that was enough
enough for the air to suddenly feel so thin and an overwhelming sense of dread flooded through you
the world seemed darker
like someone had dimmed everything down
but the whispers got louder and louder until it turned into shouting
they all hated you
it was clear
you just had to accept and give in
Vil was right
you could feel liquid running down your cheeks
reaching up, you went to wipe away the tears
but when you pulled your hand back, you saw black
those weren't really tears
it was blot covering your hand
and it wouldn't stop running down your cheeks like a river that never ends
it ran down your hands and even covered your arms
you could feel it run along your skin and even drip down to the ground
but none of that even mattered right now
Vil stood in front of you now looking shocked
everyone else scrambled to get away from you
of course they did
"You should be proud, Vil. They all love you, and would never run away from you."
he pulled out his magical pen
"You're even incredibly stupid when you overblot. You can't even see how much they love you more than me. They've said that you're the most beautiful. You don't even work that hard and you get amazing opportunities. Meanwhile spend every hour of every day trying to be the best."
looking down at yourself, you could see that your clothes have even changed
beautifully designed clothes were in the place of your old ones
drops of blots swirled down your clothes, and somehow made them look nicer
Vil said they called you the most beautiful, but he's also told you how ugly you were in the past
how could he suddenly change his words like that
they obviously didn't like you that much
they constantly talk and even now avoid you
it made you angry
Vil has been nothing but cruel to you
you couldn't control it
and you lashed your magic at him
he was able to dodge some of your attacks and even started attacking you
your anger just kept building up
"Are you serious? You made me like this. You helped guide me when we were younger. I never even wanted any of those roles! I never wanted to live like this!"
you sent a particularly strong attack his way and he took it full force
Vil staggered back, disheveled and wounded from the fight so far
but your attacks just kept coming and only grew in intensity
"All I ever wanted was for you to just accept me, to like me. But ever since we started growing up you've done nothing but hate me."
it was getting harder to see and hear what was happening
ink plagued all your senses
and all you felt was anger
when you next opened your eyes, everything was blurry for a second
your body felt weak and it hurt to even move
but when your vision cleared, you could see that you were in the school infirmary
and sitting next to your bed was Vil
he seemed to notice you were awake
"How are you feeling?"
despite his calm tone, Vil looked rough
still beautiful as always, but a well trained eye could see the way his hair was slightly out of place and makeup ever so slightly smudged in the corners
he had been here a while
once again you could feel water run down your cheeks
you quickly reached up to wipe it away and looked at your hands
it was actual water this time, not blot
Vil sighed and grabbed your hand
"I'm sorry."
a heavy silence hung in the air afterwards
a million things that he wanted to say
things he needed to say
but right now, he couldn't find the words
so Vil promised himself that he would be able to tell you everything and that he'd do everything he can to try to fix what both he and his father had broken
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uchihaharlot · 22 days
Hi!! Just discovered your blog and love your writing — I’d love to see more Sasuke content!! he’s my absolute favorite 🫣🫠 personal headcanon but I feel like he’s the type that would fall for a friend, or friend of a friend, and not even realize it until he’s getting mad she’s not coming onto him like everyone else does, and then he thinks about that and he’s like oh wait…
and then he’d like make it his mission in life to get her to beg for him in evvvvery way 😏 if you are taking requests, I am horny af for him and would love to see your take on Sasuke finally *ahem* winning her over and giving her more than she knows what to do with, taking everything he wants from her…
but also mainly just any nsfw Sasuke content from you would make me sooo happy 🥵💕
Hello my lovely ☺️ welcome to my little slutty corner of the world and I’m glad you’re here. When I saw your request(s) I got so damn giddy. Sasuke was my original Uchiha bae. Called him, Sasbae 😂😂 I still love him, but more like an ex boyfriend now.
Lmao Sasuke inadvertently falling for a friend of a friend that he saw for all of ten minutes once is just too funny for me. And all too real for him. (SO LINKS WONT LET ME ADD THIS TO MY MASTERLIST??)
NSFW; Sasuke getting blown like the wind by a girl he couldn’t even wrap his head around; so she wraps her lips around his head
Like he wouldn’t even know what to do with himself. I think out of all the Uchiha, Sasuke is the easiest to fall the hardest. Maybe Shisui second, but he’s somewhat more precautionary with his heart. Sasuke just gets struck with Cupids arrow and his soul is on fire 🔥 his heart burns and his blood boils with the intensity of a thousand stars. He just goes from chill to one hundred too fast. And gets livid about it, Shisui consistently badgers him too which makes the situation even worse.
Of course this girl knows what’s coming; she’s not stupid. No woman is stupid when it comes to garnering the attention of an Uchiha…if you do manage to catch their eye(s); consider yourself lucky. And she’s going to milk it for every ounce it’s worth. Sasuke is also the baby Uchiha, so even as an adult now, he needs and wants a lot of attention. Many years of being doted on by his older brother has spoiled him a bit. And he won’t admit it, ever. It’s like fighting tooth and nail with the neighbor over whose side a single damn weed is growing on. He wants her affections first and without having to make a move, but he’s not lazy or unmotivated. He’s just rather expectant and catered too.
And dear Sasuke; he’s not a romantic man. lol. He’s the tough love kinda of guy, he actually likes to be the one who gets chased, but this girl doesn’t want to go that route, she wants to be hunted like prey. So when she doesn’t fall for his reverse psychology tactic (he tried to leave her hanging one day—just out of the blue and he was so awkward about it, which she found endearing). He gets even more mad! She knows the game all too well and he loathes her for it.
This goes on for several weeks. That push and pull between to stubborn individuals who want nothing more than to feel one another beneath the other, but also are scared of the consequences of getting hurt. It’s a slippery slope. And eventually Sasuke caves, falls right into her lap, I honestly don’t see him making the first move, but he is going to pester her about how she feels about him.
They will spend an afternoon sparring and mildly arguing about this. It’s so damn funny, arguing over who should make the first move. Who does that? Apparently Sasuke. And you know what, she just does it. Does it knowing full well he wasn’t expecting her to.
Pins him to the ground and kisses his lips soft, but deep. Holding his face tenderly as she brushes the hair from his eyes. His cheeks are glazed with pink; and if she hadn’t known any better…there was a shift in his breathing. Which causes her to slip her tongue over his bottom lip.
Yes, this is exactly what Sasuke envisioned. Just all the permission needed to rub his thumb over her clothed heat and make her gasp in his mouth. Each subsequent sound he swallows whole as his courage, and cock, grow beyond magnifying proportions. He doesn’t think or recall a time in his life where he’s ever been this hard.
Quickly, he’s exposed: her lithe fingers mapping and touching every crevice of his aching cock. He groans, even just mere touching he wants to cum. The moment her mouth hits his sensitive flesh; he’s a mess. Gripping her hair and squeezing his legs around her. It doesn’t take long for the familiar feeling of orgasm to barrel from balls to shaft, and he’s not ready. But he can’t stop it.
He’s probably never busted a load this fast or fat, how many minutes was that? Three? Five? He’s almost embarrassed that he’s cumming this fast in her mouth, but how could he not? The way her lips look plump with her wrapped around him. How easily she sucks him into the back of her throat, undulating her mouth and tongue over his shaft. Yea, he’s in heaven and when she hums. That’s when a torrent of his seed pulses down her gullet. Hot and sticky.
From there his cheeks are red; and he gets standoff-ish. Totally, very much Sasuke. Though he’s not a complete ass wipe, once his hearts out of his throat, the favor is more than ten fold reciprocated and by the gods. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more arousing and ethereal than catching his lazy gaze as he swipes up her slit. Nose, mouth and chin dribbled with her slick, his grip on her waist holding her in place. Sasuke’s been considering this for months, months.
Making her girl brain into mashed potatoes is easy street, 1 2 3. All that cocky and arrogant banter between them was really just covert foreplay, and telling Sasuke how cute it was that he came fast was stupid. Really stupid, since all he has to do is suck on her clit, undoing her with solely his mouth. Nursing off her orgasm until she’s a jittery mess, incapable of sitting up afterwards. Can only stare at the sky, blinking and thinking how to fucking rack her brain around this.
It’s awkward, but just for a brief minute. Hormones aside, he’s lot entirely a touchy feely guy, but doesn’t protest when she wants to sit close to him afterwards under a tree. His dormant emotions take time to develop, to process all this outwardly. Inwardly he’s conveying them perfectly, but how he expresses them is something else.
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see-arcane · 1 year
Kiss Him No More
“Unclean, unclean! I must touch him or kiss him no more. Oh, that it should be that it is I who am now his worst enemy, and whom he may have most cause to fear.”
In which the connection between a sea-bound vampire, his new wine-press, and her husband is put to intriguing use.
Ao3 link here
He was on the water when it happened.
His hold on the woman was already in place, but hardly of use in that hellish period between Piccadilly and the ship. Too much to think of while preparing his final box, hardly a word worth eavesdropping on, and a general miasma of dull irritation blotting out his attention in-between. The only respite came when he allowed himself a dip into the day’s torpor to keep himself from turning ragged enough to lash out at the chattel. One of his sweeter dreams involved a future at the far end of this improvised game of limp-and-lure in which he made his return to fair England and treated himself to twisting off a few heads he’d so graciously allowed to stay on their owners’ shoulders despite their rudeness.
The charming fellow at the port for one. Perhaps the man tending the wolves for another. The latter was, if nothing else, a proper admirer of his beloved creatures. He might die quicker. Then the wolves could head to his seaside friend’s abode and eat the man down to the bone. Starting with his tongue. It was one cozy thought of many he nursed as he tried to smooth down his own hackles over this most insulting snag to an otherwise pristine entry to the country. Yes, he would return. Yes, he would untangle the snarls made of his precious tapestry. He knew, he knew.
Still, mortification burned in his chest like a coal.
Years of planning smashed like glass by idiot children. It enraged and embarrassed in the same blow. Would he have been so blindsided a century ago? Two? Three? He would swear he felt the ghosts of every foe jeering at him from the grave.
How low he has fallen! How lax he is! He would not notice the laurels he squats on have been swapped for wild rose until there was a holy rash on his backside!
Such would surely be his reception once he made it back to the castle. Oh, but his harpy loves would laugh until their crystal cackling turned hoarse. They would all have their penance to pay once he got home.
It was their fault, damn them. He had grown idle? He had let his guard down? He, who had spent an ordinary man’s lifetime arranging everything to exactness for England’s sake, was the lazy one when the most they could be bothered with was grudgingly consenting to learn the tongue? No. No, no, no. If anyone was to receive a lion’s share, pardon, a lioness’ share of guilt for this mess, it had to be the three pampered cats who had whined and paced and kicked up such a maddening fuss about having to be patient for two whole months to get their promised toy, only to let him vanish right out from under their claws.
No doubt they would have some excuse. They would huff and sniff and laugh. We searched so diligently for a whole half a night! Honest! He was just too fast for us!
He would hear it all patiently just prior to wringing them out like yowling dishrags.
“He was fast,” he murmured to himself in the box. The torpor was thinning now as sunset passed over the ship. Still a corpse, but one who might move. Just as he had once upon a time, turning his head for a parting smile at his good young friend with the spade in hand, complete with a little tickle of paralysis through the eyes. A gesture that had earned him his own farewell in the form of the scar still resting on his brow. A heavy strike for one with such depleted veins. It had been easy to laugh off then; blood for blood. His new playmates would surely have cheered the boy had they caught him.
Instead, Jonathan Harker had fled the castle and cut through the Carpathians like a knife to make it back to his England. To his woman. To a blade that would have seemed absurd to picture in his hand only a season ago, but had proven to fit him like another limb. Fast. So fast. So…
The memory flashed in him again, raw as the burn on the woman’s head.
The stalwart shepherd dogs’ hands weighty with the Cross. Jonathan’s strangling the kukri knife. How a single night had changed him! The dark locks gone silver-white, the eyes bright as melting coins. He had flown with his steel, a rush of speed and strength that would have unsewn a mortal man into a bleeding pile with one strike. Indeed, he had almost been that fool. Surprise and, yes, fine, he admitted it, laxness had him standing still and stupid as a doe not recognizing a hunter’s rifle. But he had moved at the last, losing a great cascade of wealth from his purse. Better that than his entrails.
Even when he was out the window and shouting his bile up at their whole lot, there had been no pause for the blazing Thing that was now Jonathan Harker. That Thing having taken advantage of the diatribe to slither out the broken pane and creep down the house’s side, a spider coming to share a helping of venom from its eager fang. Realization had struck in a cold and nearly dizzying blow as he watched the descent.
Where the solicitor’s fellows might mean to corral or corner, Jonathan Harker fully intended to kill him in broad daylight. Witnesses or no. This, when he could have no clue as to how his corpse would disintegrate to its rightful state. Jonathan could only think that he would look like a madman slaughtering a nobleman in a crowded street. And he did not care.
All this just for the woman.
The epiphany had struck like a strange boiling poison in his bowels. It did not cool even as he shot away, locked the gate at his back, and vanished into the crowd. Nor did it settle with the night, with the day after, or any of the hours to follow. The feeling was only ignored as he worked toward shipping himself back to his territory, dangling himself and the woman’s fate just enough so that she and the clever little cogs in her brain could turn and come to the obvious conclusion as if the daft old Count could surely never have thought to have his connection turned against him! He would leave the door open for her a good while before shutting her out. Let them scramble about on the Continent awhile until they thought they had a chance in the chase again. Follow the lame wolf, everyone, never mind his teeth.
He thought of Jonathan Harker’s teeth. Blunt and white and bared in a livid rictus of hate, hunt-maddened as those finest breeds born to cull the pests of farmers and rend the throats of bears. He tried to picture them as they should have been by now. Sharp as darning needles, the lips bloodstained, curled up by choice or command at the sight of him. A grin that should be waiting in the castle for him.
There was the boiling poison again. Its heat thawed the cold of him so wretchedly it might have liquefied him from the bones out. A poison that seared hotter with every thought of Jonathan Harker.
Jonathan Harker, who escaped.
Jonathan Harker, who hid away a full account of that summer stay and all the information worth gleaning out of his cordial host.
Jonathan Harker, who gave the vermin his name. His properties. The architecture of his entire endeavor, served on a silver plate, parsed out for swift consumption and destruction by the woman.
Jonathan Harker, whose company had, with bitterest irony, turned out to be the most pleasurable stretch of time he could recall out of the past six months. The Demeter had ended sloppily with the captain’s obstinate trick of the rosary, the ghost ship forced to crash. His first conquest on English soil, his supple Lucy, had annoyed almost more than it satisfied with those damned pet lovers circling her, all ended with she and her tomb now lost. Even the woman, his canny wine-press, had turned sour on his tongue.
He had at least seeded the expected despair. A crash of woe and a blow struck as first payment for the fools’ intrusion on his affairs. Plus a fine incentive to bring things to the necessary head in Transylvania. The bitch and her fellow dogs were duly kicked, now spurred to hunt him even as it enticed them back to his land of power. A game of keep-away put to the extreme. Come get me or I get her!
Supposing they did not put her down outright as they had his poor Lucy. But they would hold off, he knew, soft things that they were.
Even if they were otherwise, she still has him to make them reconsider. Or else deliver them into their own pits in the earth before they can think to scratch her with a stake.
He betrayed himself by grinning.
A man willing to skin a gentleman in the street for defiling his woman was also the same man to slaughter a friend who dared to raise a killing hand to her. Another happy hypothetical to mull over, though it too boiled. His grin faltered back to a sneer in the earthen dark.
Jonathan Harker, Jonathan Harker. What wouldn’t he do for his woman? More pressingly, what wouldn’t he do for his Master once she was reduced to his cudgel and collar? The notion brought a different warmth to him. A juvenile one that might have made him chuckle in better circumstances. Here he was again, an old man made abruptly young as Mr. Harker started strumming old desires awake.
But thoughts of those summer nights chafed as much as soothed now. All the delight was tainted with the haranguing of his future self: Now! Do it now! Don’t dally, don’t savor! Drink him as you take him! Let the women have their taste if you must, but finish it before he can slip into the wind!
All too late.
It was all he could do not to ram his fist against the dense wood of the lid. He was free to move now and it took true effort. Sunset had been and gone, the woman’s prying gone with it. She heard water. She felt his stillness. Through her eyes he could see them all: the shepherd dogs.
The old man he pictured with his skull bashed open, his scholarly acumen spilled like gruel upon a brick wall. The doctor he could see drunk dry and sent toddling back to the asylum, feasting through his patients like a plague. The little lordling would be ordered to wring the necks of all his dogs prior to opening a few dozen polished doors to his good friend Count De Ville. The American he would shoot full of holes before and after his turning, followed by sending him off to make arrangements on that further colonial shore.
And Jonathan Harker?
His dearest and most daring friend?
He would have a positive wonderland of activities to endure. His vocabulary would be whittled down to precisely three words in the years to come.
Mina! Master! Mercy!
The ship lurched to one side and shouldered him against the left of the box. He chewed on a curse and sent up a demand to the sky to settle its breeze down. Then, scenting that there were no crewmen among the cargo, he let himself leak out. Man to mist, mist to man. He stalked where there was space to stalk and climbed where there wasn’t, simply needing to move. This came with the needling memory of the zoo and its wildcats sulking and skulking behind their bars. Another curse was caught in his teeth. A third, a fourth. He almost struck out at a random crate when something struck him first:
A sudden flare of sensation from the woman.
Curiosity made him reach out before he’d even registered what the sensory shock came from. Surprise slapped into him when he found himself wearing the woman’s face as Jonathan’s fastened on it, lips sealed into each other as tears rolled. A familiar sight, a familiar taste. Nor was it so from borrowing her senses on previous occasions. He had known this and so much more of the young man back when his hair was dark as a chestnut.
The shock came from the feeling of a deft hand grazing the woman’s thigh. Fingertips skimmed inquisitively along the skin where the femoral artery pulsed and blood rushed in expectation toward—
“Jonathan.” Her head shook. “We can’t. We shouldn’t…shouldn’t…” The hand came away from her thigh and joined its brother in cupping her face. Jonathan’s gaze rested solely on her eyes, refusing the Wafer’s scar so much as a glance. “It wouldn’t be right.”
“How much of anything in this past week has been right for us? For you?” Here the choking throat bobbed. Brown eyes gone wet as glass. “I just—I want to do something for you. To give you all that can be given as we are.”
“As I am. You are not the one marked, unclean—,”
“No. You do not call yourself that. Please, never insult the woman I love with such a word again. Marked, yes, but never, ever unclean. Nor unworthy. Nor anything less than sublime.”
“That isn’t true, Jonathan.”
“Wilhelmina, it is. Whether you believe it or not.” Jonathan bowed forward until, gentle as a feather, his brow rested against the burn. “If you cannot, I shall simply know it twice as hard for us both.”
“Such is sweet to hear. But there’s more to consider. You know it.”
“So there is. And I care more for you than any other consideration or hypothetical element. You are here and real and whatever else may come into it is inconsequential as vapor. If you tell me you truly do not wish me to touch you, to give you what comforts I can beyond a held hand and our shared bed, then I will drop the matter. We shall be chaste until,” again the leap of the throat, “all is settled. But before we swear to abstinence, I want you to tell me, from your heart, that you wish it because you deem it a true desire and not merely another act of deprivation for—for its own sake.”
 In the dark, a tongue clicked and tutted. A close call, Mr. Harker. Can’t let it slip whose eyes you pretend not to see on the other side of hers.
“Would you wish to engage in such intimacies were you in my position?” was Madam Wine-Press’ counter. “I have read it all. Everything you bore—,”
Here an outright cackle was stifled in a dirt-powdered sleeve.
‘All.’ As if he had not thumbed through the diary entries himself before tossing the papers on the fire. Such wide gaps between so many dates, dear Jonathan. Whatever for?
“—everything you were prepared to risk rather than stay eternally in the presence of those Weird Sisters. How can I, being what I am, becoming worse, make you pantomime your way through any such act with something that may soon cease to be your wife?”
Ah, the melodrama of the martyr. A fine save, wine-press. No other cause to pause in the coital fumbling. None at all.
In answer, Jonathan pulled away an inch, still staring straight ahead. Love softened most of the look, but an edge of whetted steel hovered in it too. Seeing her and seeing past her. It was almost like watching a magic trick as the expressions of the gallant lover, the loyal knight, and the hunting dog all overlapped together with a radiation of purpose in every angle. All the while, the hand that had risen from her thigh began to descend.
It did not fall immediately, but walked. A steady trek down the cheek to the lips. From lip to throat, swiping past the tell-tale bite. Smoothing around the hill of the breast and its pointed cap. Along the bend of the waist, across the shelf of the hip. Home again on a thigh that was still hot under the nimble fingers. Perhaps warmer.
“Tell me to stop if you want me to stop. But only if it’s for your sake. Not mine. Not God’s. Not any hesitation born of what some intangible other might think.” The hand began to roam again. “I love you, Mina. Always.” The fingers crept. Slipped. Traced. “There is no force, no change, no decree on Earth or beyond it that will make me feel otherwise.” The entire hand was at work. Tirelessly. “If my words are not enough to prove it, if action is not enough, if my own nightmare left on paper has skewed the matter, I ask that you let me verify it in the flesh. If you will let me.”
Faster. Faster. Faster. A speeding cradle of muscle and bone rocking up, up, up, in, in, in—
“Will you let me?”
The answer was a single breathless vowel chased by a burst of damp heat, hands locked tight on Jonathan’s shoulders.
Out on the sea, in the dark, a second body shuddered and locked his teeth against a gasp. Later he would try to mock himself for the reaction. He wasn’t a stranger to the ‘Weird Sisters,’ as his Harkers called them, and their own play. They would all borrow each other’s climaxes given the opportunity. And yet this one had struck deeper.
In the present he tried to shake off the tremors still thrumming up and down his legs. Instead, he locked himself more fully into the woman’s senses. The heat of her, the breath, the tingling across her lap. Then, whispered back, woven with equal resignation, determination, and want:
“Will you let me?”
And so the woman’s hand—his hand—made its own route along Jonathan. She was as deft as her husband. Though he flattered himself that his own experienced digits had worked the young man far more expertly. It had been necessary to wring it out of him in his less than enthused condition. Regardless, it was a pleasant return to better memories and a charming prelude to their trio’s unique and sprawling future together.
There was a satisfaction in seeing the young man come undone as the body usurped the mind, pleasure blasting out all the sentiment of love for one heady moment. Yet it returned within a blink. As did his lips upon hers. A sweeter heat flooded the woman this time. No tears, only the taste of each other, the feel of hands held or hands grasping, the heart twisting with such mingled agony and rapture that it might have popped.
Her teeth grazed Jonathan’s lip.
Do it, he found himself suddenly thinking at her. Urgent. A bootheel pressed to a phantom throat. Do it. Do it now. He wants it. We both know it. We know he will not live without you. If you are undead, he shall be too. If you are ended, he will fall on his blade. Save time. Save him. Keep him. Just a taste. Go on.
She pulled away. Doing so, she saw that delicious, that delirious, that most divine truth in her husband’s face.
Yes. He would let her. Be it now or tomorrow or at the far end of her change. He would let her.
And if not you? Do you think he would deny my offer a second time if it meant joining you? Or should it come from your Sisters? They were so looking forward to a new pet of their own. Do it now and he can be ours alone. Do it and save everyone the pain of waiting. To stall the inevitable only makes the hurt worse. I know from experience. Take him. Now.
Her voice tried to crawl up her throat. He collared it.
Now, Wine-Press!
Silent, she looked at Jonathan. Jonathan read what couldn’t be heard. The next kiss went to her knuckles. Her palm. Then he laid the latter flat against his heart as it beat steadily on.
“It’s yours. Always.”
Yes, my friend. I know.
And that was the sum of it for that evening. Damn them.
Night came, night went. He slipped back into his box as the sun crept up. They would want another trance, perhaps, and it was best he be an idle carcass when the time came. As he settled in, he treated himself to a parting glimpse through the woman’s eyes. Here was Jonathan again, standing before the mirror and seeing to the mechanics of shearing his stubble away. The woman caught herself staring at his throat a moment too long and snapped her gaze back up to the concentrating face in the glass. Perhaps wondering when she would lose her own reflection. Just as well. There would be more noteworthy views to come.
He pondered them as hard as he could, illustrating them in his mindscape for express delivery to her dreaming mind once sleep took her. It wouldn’t do to have all her rest come so peacefully. Not when there was so much excitement to come.
As a start, he would show her how he had taken Jonathan for the first time. Followed by all the ways he had taken him after. On back or belly, folded over or splayed wide, gasping or pleading. Always quick to please his Master, but always so teasingly shy about letting himself be pleased. Always thinking of a future that should not have existed: the one where he lived and left as a human being, crawling home to the daydream of his waiting lady.
This would be followed by merrily running him through that gauntlet again, albeit with Madam Wine-Press held at bay as neatly as any of his beasts. Jonathan would be no less obedient as the caveat would be that any disobedience would result in his wife tragically coming in contact with one of the Dutchman’s convenient Crosses. Ideally slotted as deeply in her as Jonathan’s Master was in him.
He could have her do it. If he was doubted, he would gladly demonstrate. For solidarity’s sake, perhaps he would also blunt and oil up one of the hunting party’s stakes. It would be interesting to see how far Jonathan might take it in as she watched.
So it would go for the opening act. Next, the dining hall. Her Sisters would be long since parched and deserving of some gesture of reconciliation after their own punishment. Madam Wine-Press could observe as Jonathan was shucked bare as a roast, drained at the neck and the loins until he was all but dry. Ah, still no taste for her yet! Come, to the marriage bed.
Not hers, of course.
The climax of Lenore and Wilhelm, consummated in the crypt where he had left the ebon coffin waiting in its proper place. There Jonathan would be laid, half-alive, feeble as a kitten. His Master would climb over the waiting bridegroom and order the woman to shut the lid for them. And she would.
All this and more danced just out of reach, a brilliant horizon far more precious than any mere silver lining. The visions were enough to scour away the last of the clouds in his mind. This detour would have a happy ending after all.
A pain reached him.
Small, but there. Incessant.
The woman was making two fists. Her nails cut hard into her palms as if she meant to gift herself stigmata. She was standing before the mirror as she did so. Jonathan had gone to the wardrobe and could be seen over her shoulder. Half-dressed, the landscape of his back and the lines of his throat stood out in mesmerizing relief. The woman regarded this, then herself. For the first time since it was bestowed on her, she did not spare a look for the burn. Just the eyes.
Not her own.
Pretense of ignorance or no, she saw her Master as much as he could ever be witnessed in a looking glass. Her voice came in a low crisp note, almost crystalline. A whisper glazed in poison:
“This man belongs to me.”
He smiled back at her and hoped she felt it. At the same time, a delightful thought occurred to him. He allowed his hands to travel. Under his shirt, below his belt, circle, tweak, tickle, stroke, pump. He imagined still being busy with this bit of maneuvering when it came time for the woman to have her sunrise trance. Would she speak honestly about her borrowed experience under the hypnosis? Better yet, would her own hands be forced to travel along the corresponding routes before her gawking audience? Could he manage opening the buttons of a blouse and the flipping of a skirt? Oh, to see dear Jonathan’s face during it all! To see it after she came awake!
It would be good for a laugh…but it would give him away too soon. He was to be no more than an ignorant drowsing lump in his dirt, after all. So he settled for finishing himself off as she stood before the mirror, glowering away as if it mattered. Jonathan came up to her a moment later. Hands were held and eyes were met with stinging tenderness.
In the dirt and the dark there was a last sigh before he settled himself into stillness like a good corpse.
Yes, Wine-Press, he belongs to you for the moment. Until he is returned to his rightful owner, be sure to kiss him for us both.
And she did.
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rpgarbage · 10 months
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hey goobers, let's learn some basics for rp.me HTML coding.
under the cut, we have:
-getting image URL -what are hex codes? -how to post a gif/image -how to add a background -how to bold, italic, underline, or highlight text -coloring text -centering text or right aligning text -line breaks -creating a link
*ignore my typos, i'm stupid **if you need any extra help w/ these, lmk on discord @feralgnat
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getting image url:
i'm only adding this because it's important for other steps and i don't wanna assume y'all know how to get this.
to get a image url, typically you can right-click on any interwebz photo and click "copy image link/url."
you can also upload onto imgur or similar places and still copy the image url. some sites have specific copy zones for those urls, but i always just right click and copy. up to you.
make sure your url ends in .jpeg, .png, .gif and similar. i don't think .svg works for html coding but i am probably wrong and stupid.
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hex codes:
we're gonna be using a lot of hex codes too so here's what they are!!!!
hex codes will have # and 6 characters after that represent any color you can think of. for a full list of hex code colors, go here and look around. copy and paste that number/letter code, including #, and use that in any codes that require hex codes.
black: #000000 white: #ffffff
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posting gif/image:
whenever you're posting a gif or an image, you'll use the same code, which is:
<img src='IMAGE URL HERE'>
with this code, it will post the original size of the photo you're using. sometimes that's OK!!!!!! but a lot of the time, we are lazy and don't want to personally resize pictures. there is a solution!!!
back to our original code but with a new addition: <img src='IMAGE URL HERE' width=100> or <img src='IMAGE URL HERE' height=100>
this code will keep the aspect ratio the same, but will now make the picture 100 pixels in width (or height in the second code). you can TECHNICALLY add both width and height to your code, but you might fuck up the aspect ratio (you do you, tho). you can obviously edit the width/height number to whatever space you need to fit it in. you'll probably have to play with it and adjust it a lot, but that's life, baybee.
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adding a background:
idk this code off of the top of my head, but here u go.
background image:
<style> body {background-image:url("URL HERE") background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; background-position:top; }</style>
the url used should end in .jpeg, .png, .gif, or similar.
background color only:
<style> body {background-color:HEX CODE HERE; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; background-position:top; }</style>
(this code could prob be shorter but i'm not touching it. what if i fuck it up? we will DIE!!!!!!! more code is better than less code, imo)
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bold, italic, underline, or highlight text:
bold: <b>text herehehehehrehherehhe </b> italic: <i> text heehrhehrhehhehehheh </i> underline: <u> text herehehrhehrheh </u> highlight: <mark> text herehehrhehr </mark>
there's a way to change the highlight color, too!!! add this code: <style> mark {background-color:ADD HEX CODE; color: black; } </style>
background color is the actual highlight color and the second color is your text color. typically we're gonna use black but you can also adjust that with another hex code if ur feeling fancy.
with all of these codes, do not forget to add the second code when you are done with transforming whatever text you're working with. those </> codes are your friends.
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coloring text:
you're gonna need ur handy, dandy hex codes for this too.
before text you wanna color, use: <font color=HEX CODE HERE>TEXT WHEEE</font>
once again, don't forget that </font> or else everything after the code will be the color you chose. unless you want that.... it's your life.
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centering text or right aligning text:
centering: <center> TEXT OR PIC CODE??? WHATEVER </center>
right align: <p align=right> TEXT OR PIC OR WHATEVER </p>
left align (default but here u go): <p align=left>TEXT WHEEEE</p>
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line breaks:
many of you prob know this but JUST IN CASEEEEE
new line: <br> skip a line: <p>
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creating a link:
<a href='LINK URL'>link name</a>
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Gonna be real here for a second. I fucking HATE token people. That sounds bad, don't it? Got your attention now. Now listen to what I mean. I hate it when you have a person who wants to share their culture, or their thoughts as a person from a minority group, and/or marginalised group, about things that interest them, and is relevant to their experiences. That can be race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender-id, whatever. Some of these people will then somehow become the default token "Knows it all" person to not only their audience, but even people “outside” their audience, even if they don't “know it all”. Like let's say you have a person get popular because they talk about their origin countries culture. They talk about the stuff they know, and their passions within that culture, all fine and dandy. Then suddenly? People expect them to know every fucking little detail of everything, even if it's not even from their corner of the country/culture, their sexuality/experiences as a person with a specific sexuality or gender-Id, and their connected interests. Or it isn’t even something they’re experienced in at all, it’s just that because they’re the “token” person who became known and popular for sharing parts of their culture, and experiences, but now they’re expected to suddenly be the always-go-to default for anything that might marginally be linked to their internet persona. I remember being into some topics a few years ago, and specifically on places like youtube, I found a lot of different youtubers talking about it, from the same culture and country, many of them were specifically into the topic they talked about, either by interest, specific-culture or even via their work. Under those videos I still constantly saw mentions of the “Token” person, with the commenters saying “I want (token) to do a video on this.” Despite the 1st hand resource person being right there, and the “token” person never having mentioned any interest in the topic, or even any knowledge of it. It's all well and good loving this one specific person above others, but it just starts getting really weird when people treat this popular person as less of someone just wanting to share their interests, and more as a human Wikipedia, who should do everything to educate their fans because their “fans” are too lazy to do research or even just try to find other resources and creators who actually are into the topic they wanna know about. I remember as a teen I had a similar role in language class, as the only person who spoke the language, because it was my 1st language we were learning, and everyone always expected me to help them, and teach them, when I myself didn’t know even half of what we were learning in terms of culture, history, and what have you. Can't imagine the exhaustion if this was on a scale of thousands online, constantly sending messages, dm's and comments. And it’s fine if this token person loves being the Wikipedia for people, or doesn’t mind it, I’m also trying to look at it from the perspective of an observer who also started to feel fatigued about constantly seeing one person be linked for everything about that really broad topics. This has also spread, and now even people try to explain my own experiences to me, because “this one person who has this one specific trait (we share) they like to talk about said it, so now everyone else’s opinion is worth less and shouldn’t be cared about, even if you’re an affected person/even if another person talking about it is actually much more knowledgeable about the topic.”
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motleymunson27 · 1 year
The Hangover, Motionless In White edition. Part 1.
Feels like this is a bad idea but still doing it.
Sum: Pretty much exactly what the title says.
Content: Fluffy & angsty. Be prepared for craziness.
Authors note: Zeppelin is one of my OC’s, thought it’d be easier to write not in third person and I’m way too lazy to go through and change to Y/N (sorry), so if you want just switch out my characters name with your own.
This is going to have to be multiple parts because it’s just going to be way too long if I put it all into one link. This is part 1, not sure how many there will be but part 2 should be coming soon! Then I will eventually get to the wedding part which will be its own part.
(Btdubs, I know Chris doesn’t drink but it’s his bachelor party, let’s just pretend he has a couple drinks for the sake of the story).
There were 3 days before Chris and Zeppelin were getting married.
Everything was arranged and there was still so many things needed to be done before the wedding, like the bachelor/bachelorette parties.
As a part of his wedding present, Ricky surprised Chris with a trip to Vegas.
Which was a little worrying to say the least because, well, it’s Vegas. Anything can happen.
So the Thursday Chris and his groomsmen were set to head out and party, Zeppelin gave him only one rule.
“Do not turn your party into anything like in The Hangover. Or the second one. I don’t need you waking up in Bangkok or to Mike Tyson’s tiger in the bathroom or losing any teeth or getting a tattoo on your face or losing any of your fingers or getting shot or getting lost or paying anyone $80,000 for anything. Just promise me you will not do anything like that.”
And while that brought the guys to laugh, Chris promised that they’ll stay in line.
“We’ll be fine, baby,” he chuckled before pulling her in for a long hug, which didn’t last long as Justin immediately clapped his hand on the roof of the limo he was getting into.
Yep, Ricky got a limo to take them to Vegas.
Chris would have been fine driving his own car but Ricky insisted that he’d take care of everything as the best man so they were taking a limo.
“C’mon lovebirds, let’s go! Vegas is waiting for us! Save the loving for the honeymoon!” He shouted, causing everyone in the car to laugh as Chris gave Zeppelin one last kiss.
“Alright. Have fun in Mexico. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Zeppelin smiled, with one last kiss on Chris’ jawline. “I mean it, do not turn your party into the fourth Hangover.”
“I promise you, we won’t.”
And off the guys went.
“Alright, thanks a lot,” Ricky thanked the driver, leaving him a generous tip as the other guys got their luggage out of the trunk.
“Ok, double check so we’re not fucked, passports?” Ricky began listing the most important items they all needed.
“Wallets and cellphones?”
“Vehicle keys even though we don’t need them?”
“Most importantly, do we have the groom?”
That one made everyone laugh. “Yes, I’m here,” Chris confirmed.
“Alright then let’s go.”
Check in went smoothly, now the guys were just waiting to board.
The guys were just sitting and chilling while Chris slipped away towards a giant window, his phone in hand as he pressed on Zeppelin’s contact.
The phone rang for a few seconds before connecting. “Hello?”
“Hi baby,” Chris began, pacing back and forth next to the window, watching planes coming in and taking off. “We just got through check in, should be boarding soon.”
“That’s great, hotshot,” she said over the phone, Chris couldn’t see her right now but she was just in the middle of getting ready for her own little getaway with her bridesmaids in Mexico before the wedding. “How’s everyone else doing?”
Chris glanced back at his bandmates, who were still just waiting. “Good. We made sure we had everything when we were dropped off. Ricky made sure I was the most important thing needed,” he laughed, bringing Zeppelin to laugh with him.
“Well that’s good of him to do. He’s your best man, it’s his job to make sure you’re alive and well for the next 2 days,” she chuckled, looking in her mirror while trying to decide between two different partying outfits. “Hey, I know you’re obviously not here and can’t decide for me but which one, red or black?” She asked, interchanging holding both outfits to her neck.
“If it’s the one I’m thinking of, black,” Chris answered. “You always look great in it.”
Zeppelin blushed. “Thanks babe.”
Just before Chris could continue the conversation, he heard Ricky calling for him that their gate was called. “Alright, I gotta go, plane’s boarding. I’ll meet you at the altar,” Chris said, cutting the conversation short.
“Alright, have fun but not too much fun!”
“You too, I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye.”
Caesars Palace was absolutely gorgeous.
Huge ceilings, velvet carpets and curtains, wrought iron interior design, fountains, televisions, a casino, a restaurant, a pool, marble floors and pillars holding the building up, the whole nine yards.
Absolutely beautiful.
Pretty much every sentence that came out of Chris’ mouth was him thanking Ricky for doing this.
“Hey, you’re getting married, you deserve this,” he shrugged like it was no big deal, meanwhile they were all standing in the Caesars Palace hotel in Vegas.
“I just wish you’d let me chip in a bit. I mean, we drove up in a limo, we’re staying in a hotel that costs a fortune for just one night, and you’re paying for pretty much everything. I just don’t want this to effect your finances,” Chris reasoned, trailing along beside his best man with his suitcase to the check-in desk.
Ricky just shook his head. “Are you crazy? No, this is all on us. You and Zeppelin are already spending enough to make this wedding happen, plus you’re flying your families out to L.A. which already a few thousand for tickets, it’s only fair I cover your bachelor party and everything else. It’s my job as best man,” he declared as they reached the check-in desk.
“Hello, Welcome to Caesars, checking in?” The receptionist, Miranda, asked.
“Yeah, there should be a reservation under Richard Olsen,” Ricky explained to her as she searched his name in her computer. “I believe it’s a suite.”
“Just a second. Yep, right here, says here I have you booked for a 3 bedroom suite on the 12th floor,” Miranda confirmed, continuing to type on her keyboard. “Does that sound right?”
“Sounds great,” Ricky said as he handed over his credit card. “Thank you very much.”
“You’re very welcome,” Miranda smiled as she took Ricky’s card and scanned it then continued doing her check-in work. “What brings you guys to Vegas? Sports game? Wedding?” She then asked.
“Close,” Chris answered, leaning on the counter next to Ryan and Vinny. “Bachelor party. I’m getting married back in L.A. on Saturday.”
“Oh congratulations, I’m sure she’s beautiful,” Miranda said with another smile. “What’s her name?”
“Zeppelin. And yeah, she is absolutely gorgeous,” Chris smiled back as Miranda’s computer beeped. “We themed it to be all gothic and dark with lots of dark colours.”
“Sounds like quite the wedding. Uhm, ok, you guys are golden, enjoy your stay with us,” she finished, handing back Ricky’s credit card and a few room keys.
“I’m sure we will,” Ricky smiled back. “Thank you,” He thanked, dispersing the room keys to his band mates.
“Congratulations on the wedding again!” Miranda shouted to Chris before they got too far.
“Thank you!” He shouted back as they piled into the elevator, and ascended to the 12th floor.
“Nope, alright,” Chris said as they approached a set of double doors. “That’s it, when we get to do a bachelor party for you, I’m paying for everything. This is already way too much, man. I mean first a trip to Vegas, which is already a fortune and a half, then a limo to take us to Vegas, then a suite on the top floor of an expensive ass hotel that has double doors. We’re aren’t rich enough to even be reserving a suite,” he said to Ricky, still not believing anything of what Ricky had done for him so far.
“Hey, you’re my best friend and you deserve this because you’re getting married to the love of your life,” Ricky said as he used his room key to open the doors.
“No, there is no way you’re getting out of this without a huge thank you,” Chris declared. “I’m repaying you for paying for my bachelor party by paying for yours when-slash-if that ever happens. That’s it, done, declared.”
“Can we just open the doors and get in already?” Ryan asked, clearly annoyed with his bickering bandmates.
“You guys can fight to the death over some form of repayment after the wedding,” Vinny finished, antsy to get inside the room.
And with that, Justin pushed the double doors open. And the inside of the room was absolutely insane.
If they thought the lobby was beautiful, the room they were staying in was absolutely gorgeous.
“Now this is Vegas!” Justin shouted as he perused the huge room.
It had a huge living room with a long sectional couch, a large coffee table, pillars holding the ceiling up, a huge mini bar with a tv in the centre of it, huge windows, a little breakfast nook, three bedrooms like the receptionist said was included, 5 really nice bathrooms with walk-in showers—3 of which were built into all 3 bedrooms—, and a huge balcony overlooking the huge city.
“The chick said this was all one suite, right?” Vinny asked, looking around at the beautiful room, still holding his bags.
“Fucking hell,” Chris muttered as he took in the beauty of the room he and his groomsmen/bandmates would be staying in. “Seriously, I can’t thank you guys enough for this. Or should I be saying, “Thank you, Ricky”?” he thanked with a laugh.
“You’re welcome, only ‘cause I love you and, because uh, Zeppelin said she’d strangle me with my shoelaces if something happens to you,” Ricky said back as he set his bags down next to the sectional. “So, only the best.”
“Is that why you’re being so generous and refusing to let me pay for anything?” Chris asked. “Because my almost wife threatened to kill you if I got hurt?”
“Hey, no offence but your almost wife is absolutely terrifying when she’s upset.”
Chris chuckled. “Yeah, you don’t wanna get in a fight with her, that’s for sure.”
“Alright, who’s bunking with who?” Ryan asked. “And no one say with Chris. He gets his own room, it’s only fair.”
“C’mon, you guys don’t have to do that just because I’m getting married. Hell, you guys didn’t have to do half the little stuff we’ve done already.” Chris defended, only for Justin to pipe up.
“No he’s right. You’re the groom, you’re getting your own room whether you like it or not,” he declared. “Alright, everyone unpack then get dressed, be ready in half an hour, we’re getting drunk tonight.”
“Woah, hold up,” Chris interrupted. “Zeppelin said not to turn this into The Hangover. Not sure it’s a good idea to drink all night.”
“C’mon man, it’s your bachelor party. Who doesn’t drink at a bachelor party?” Justin questioned. “Better yet, who doesn’t drink at their own bachelor party?”
“He’s got a point,” Ricky muttered, his arms crossed over his chest. “But I would think we’d have the self control to not make this like The Hangover. And it’s not like any of us are stupid enough to buy anything from a random guy outside a liquor store and I don’t believe any of us have any type of connection to Mike Tyson, unless you invited him to the wedding to sing One Night in Bangkok,” he joked, making everyone chuckle.
“Trust me, I did not.”
“Ok so then let’s just get dressed up, go down to the restaurant then see how we’re feeling after eating. Just let us spoil you for the next 48 hours. Alright?”
And 30 minutes later, the guys were down in the restaurant-bar, and, of course, Justin ordered everyone a shot of whiskey.
“Alright, let’s make a toast,” he began, lifting his shot glass as everyone else did the same. “To Chris and Zeppelin, may tonight be a night we’ll never forget before the beginning of a very happy, healthy marriage.”
“Thanks man.”
But just you wait because Justin’s toast was only the beginning of a night that they guys will never want to remember. Or just never remember in general.
Because the next morning, Justin woke up in one of the 3 walk-in showers, soaking wet, with a half empty bottle of bourbon in his hand.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered as his eyes fluttered back shut, before snapping back open as he sat up and violently looked around the room for any sign of a tiger. That was not there. “Fuck, thank god,” he muttered again before slowly standing up and trying not to slip and fall, his neon green hair a rats nest.
Just by looking at the bathroom, he could tell they did the one thing Zeppelin told them not to do as he did what he could to wring out his wet clothes. How he ended up in a shower was completely beyond him.
Slowly, Justin stumbled out of the bathroom and into the main room.
Which was absolutely trashed.
“Fucking Christ,” he whispered to himself as he looked around the room, clearly very hungover, his dress shirt wrinkled and unbuttoned and a huge hole in a leg of his jeans.
As he tried his best to remember what happened last night, he tripped over something in the process.
Or rather, he tripped over someone because there laid Ryan, only wearing his jeans and a hoodie.
Slowly sitting up, Ryan slowly became aware of what just kicked him in his ribs. “What the fuck…?”
“Sorry man,” Justin apologized, panting with his hands on his hips as he looked around for everyone else.
“What the fuck happened?” Ryan asked, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. Justin just sighed.
“I’m-uh, I’m pretty sure, *breath*, we did exactly what Zeppelin didn’t want us to do,” he answered, continuing to peruse the destroyed room with a yawn. “You okay man?” He asked Ryan, who was now crouched over, holding onto a pillar to keep himself upright.
“No, I am in so much pain right now,” he muttered, blinking a few times before looking around the room as well. “Anyone else in here? Why are you wet?”
“I woke up in the damn shower,” Justin sighed as he scanned the room before falling on Ricky, who was absolutely passed out on the couch.
With a bruised and busted face, his dress shirt stained with his own blood on the collar.
“God damn,” Justin muttered as he stumbled towards the couch. “Rick?”
No response.
“Rick,” Justin said again a little louder than gently shook Ricky awake, who then immediately jumped in his seat.
“What’s going on?” He asked, his voice very deep, which makes sense as he just woke up. “Why are you all wet?”
“You got a black eye, man,” Justin said, not answering Ricky’s question while looking around for something reflective then landing on a silver platter. “Did you get in a damn fist fight?” He asked, handing Ricky the platter.
“Fucking Christ,” Ricky muttered, dropping the shiny object and rubbing his eyes before realizing the amount of pressure he was putting on his injured one. “Ow! Fuck.”
“Well at least you’re not missing any teeth,” Justin muttered, his hands holding his head up, his elbows propped up on his knees.
“Oh my god,” Ryan groaned, crashing down onto the other end of the big couch, his face in his hands. “What the fuck did we do? How much did we drink?”
“I don’t fucking know,” Justin muttered, also crashing next to Ricky and still holding his hand on his forehead, feeling the headache coming.
The three guys remained silent for a few minutes before the sound of something falling scared the shit out of them. “Jesus Chri-!”
Slowly, they all stood up from the couch and made their way over to where they heard the crash.
And there was Vinny, face down on the floor and slowly waking up in front of the table. Which he must have just fell off of.
Quickly, Ricky and Justin ran over to help him up as Ryan looked around the room for Chris.
But seeing no sign of him…
“Fuck Rick, what happened to your face?” Vinny asked as he slowly managed to stand up with Ricky’s hand on his back.
“No fucking idea, dude,” Ricky sighed. “You ok?”
“Uh, guys?” Ryan asked as Justin was helping Vinny into another chair.
“What?” Ricky questioned, taking a seat in one of the chairs, having found a cold can of something he was now holding to his eye.
“Where’s Chris?”
And that’s when they all looked at each other before immediately panicking.
“Shit!” Justin panicked, jumping over the couch and coffee table rather than going around before he busted into Chris’ room.
But the groom was not in his bed.
“He’s not in his room,” Justin said to the other three who were looking everywhere they could.
They looked in the bathrooms, the other two bedrooms, everywhere they could think of.
“He’s not here!”
“Fuck!” Ricky yelled, his hands clutching his head before turning around to his bandmates. “We did exactly what Zeppelin told us not to do! It’s The Hangover Part 4, Motionless In White edition!”
“Alright, alright,” Vinny said from the table. “Let’s not panic, let’s not panic. We don’t know that for sure. He could have just went down to the pool for breakfast. Who has a phone on them?”
The guys began feeling around for a phone in their pockets, which Ryan found his. “I got it!” He shouted as he immediately dialled Chris’ number.
It rang for a few seconds before the guys heard Chris’ ringtone coming from the balcony.
Vinny immediately ran out to the balcony, and there was Chris’ phone on the table outside.
And still no Chris.
“God damn it!” He yelled, coming back into the room. “It is The Hangover!”
“Fuck!” Ricky shouted from the bar, slamming his fist down on the counter. “Zeppelin’s gonna kill me.”
“No she’s no—,” Justin tried to intervene before Ricky interrupted him.
“Do not say she’s not going to kill me!” He growled. “She said that if she finds out that I lost her almost husband, she’s hanging me with me guts! I’m not scared of many things but let me tell you this, Zeppelin scares the shit out of me when she’s pissed! I’m his best man, it was my job to make sure Chris stayed alive, she made that very clear! And I very clearly failed!”
“Will you just calm down?! We don’t know if he’s dead or not!” Ryan shouted from the window. “We just don’t know where he is. The wedding is at 1:00 tomorrow, so we have until then to find Chris and get back to L.A. We can figure this out.”
“Thank you, Ryan,” Justin thanked sarcastically, only making Ricky glare at him. “Alright, let’s think about this. What was the last thing everyone remembers?” He asked, looking around for a pen and piece of paper.
“Well I remember going down to the bar then you got us each a shot, then we went to the casino and played blackjack, and, uh, the last thing I remember was you shaking me awake and telling me I have a black eye.”
Justin took a deep breath. “Alright, Ryan, what do you remember?”
Ryan shrugged. “You tripping over me,” he glowered, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
“Alright, will you get off my ass about that? I didn’t know you were there,” Justin grumbled. “Vin? You remember anything that doesn’t involve me?”
Vinny shook his head with a yawn. “I don’t remember anything after blackjack, I hardly remember going to play.”
“Alright well at least we have something we can go off of,” Justin said as he began to button his shirt. “Lets go down to the casino and see if anyone recognizes us and ask if they’ve seen Chris.”
Let me know what you guys think! Part 2 will hopefully be up soon. If you have any ideas on what I should put in part 2, leave a comment or reblog with a suggestion!
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noffy96 · 11 months
Kustard Mer Au~
Finally, the direct sequel to 'Can't Stay'. I really loved writing the first, and i hope people will like this second part. And I am hoping to keep updating it in the future!
The Return.
Word count: 9,356
Chapter 1/1
It was his move then.
He took a sip. The beer was nice and cold. Perfect with the weather they were having. Better to wash away their junk food.
Instead of leaning back this time. This time he tipped himself towards Red. Landing onto Reds side.
It obviously shocked him. But he adjusted quickly enough. Arm wrapping around him once more. As he still wore his own grin. Not looking up he spoke up
"So when are you gonna tell me we are on a date?"
Red froze beside him, his mouth falling open and he could feel the hot puffs of air on his neck.
Sans returns to the Island and Red. They talk about seeing if they can get a relationship between them to work. Now that the secret is out. And he is living back home in the ocean. A direct sequel to 'Can't Stay'
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He swam a little loop around a school of fish coming his way. And it made his hammering soul beat even faster. Papyrus might have been right to tease him, that he was acting like a teenager going out for their first date.
And yes he was equal parts excited as he had been nervous. He really hoped they could work something out. Going back home did make it clear he couldn’t just. Up and leave. There had been so much to do, after his year-long absence. It was a small miracle he was able to leave at all.
But Papyrus said he would cover for him, and he trusted no one more than his brother. And it was awesome to see him again after all this time. It had kept him distracted for a good while. Hearing all the wild stories he had gotten up to on his world trip. And his brother hung to his every word when he told him about Red. But it was also when the overthinking began. There were times when the nerves were getting to him.
Afraid that Red might have grown mad at him again. Now that the shock of discovering each other's secret had worn off. Not that he had been able to contact him and check…not that he would have. He is too stubborn for his own good. One of the reasons they really should talk.
There was also a part of him, that hoped that they talked about something else. But knowing the both of them. He kinda doubted it. For now, he hoped they would come to a better solution of meeting each other, that would keep both their families safe as well as contact each other.
Cause as amazing as it was that Red was also a Mer like him. The look of fear that had crossed his face as he realized he had jumped into the ocean. It was kinda haunting him.
But now he was on his way to see him. He had woken up far before the sun had begun to rise. That was weird enough, that his brother, who he sometimes swore only slept for an hour. Had been surprised to see him moving around their little grotto.
He had not been desperate enough to leave early. But he had rechecked everything for his small journey multiple times. Then with nothing else to do, he started to rearrange his part of the grotto. For a second he even debated picking up the hunting nets they always argued over. But no, he couldn’t break tradition, he just moved it an inch more to the left than normal.
Eventually, Papyrus decided the only way to calm him down was to start wrestling with him. And yeah it had gotten rid of the restless energy and the nagging voices in his brain. Hopefully, he could be his lazy ass self when he was with Red again.
He had seen the proud shine in his brother's eyes. And he just knew he would be in for some painful fraternal pestering when he returned. Considering the years of him doing the same, Papyrus earned it. He could still his brother's loud voice calling after him to
“Have fun with your boyfriend and see you tomorrow”
He felt his face flush blue at the words, shaking his head as finally saw the island appearing in the distance. He flicked his tail and sped up. Enjoying the feeling of the water rushing by him. Weaving, dodging, and looping around multiple obstacles just to get there faster.
Until he reached the rocks that were the base of his old island home. For a moment he stopped, touching the rock. It had only been a month. But somehow it felt much longer, yet shorter than that. He glanced up and saw distorted globs of green that were from a tree hanging over the edge.
Then he swam down towards the cave. Hand gliding softly against the familiar stone wall beside him. He felt his soul rate speed up as he felt the familiar slightly faster current at the cave entrance.
He remembered when he had entered with Red clinging to his back. Hands digging into his back trying not to show how afraid he had been. And all he could have focused on was getting Red out of the water as soon as he could. Somewhere where he could safely transform back.
He briefly wondered if he would get answers about why he was so afraid today. But then he squashed that thought. He didn’t want to bring it up if he could help it. And while learning his secret explained part of it. Together with the vague comments that had been made throughout their friendship. It had opened so many new questions. Questions that could wait, and didn’t need answering this second.
The fact that Red had trusted him enough to show him despite his fear was not something he would take lightly. He would listen to Red whenever he was ready, his curiosities be dammed. Even if he never got to see Red’s Mer form again. He is fine with that.
He surfaced with a gasp, then launched into a coughing fit. He had momentarily forgotten how to breathe with his lungs. After a few more rough coughs he got it under control. And he looked around the cave.
It looked the same as it always had. He reached the edge and took his time to listen to see if nothing was coming near. Then lifted himself out of the water with a big huff. He took great care to not scrape his side fins against the harsh rocks. As he crawled to the hidden corner of the gave.
Only to freeze when he lifted the rock that normally had hidden his towels and set of extra clothes.
Because there was nothing there.
Fuck! He had lent them to Red after he fell into the ocean. And since he immediately went home afterward he didn’t restock. Fuck! Didn’t even think of it when he and his brother went to gather the rest of his stuff.
He sat there perplexed. Fuck what was he supposed to do now?!. He could hardly wait to dry up, and even if he did. What then?! Walk around naked on the island?! That was not something he could do!
They had arranged to meet at the bar. Might there be a way to signal him from the water before he reached there? If he could get his attention from his car! But shit! there were likely other people. It would be right to the entrance of the town where a lot of tourists take pictures. Not a fucking safe idea.
He heard something scrape against the stone ground. Combined with the sound of ragged breathing. Fuck a person!? NOW!?. He glanced at the water. Too far away, a shadow appeared from the cafe opening. Instead, he gathered up his tail and curled as close to the corner as he could manage.
Knowing that you could only see around it if you stood at the water's edge. There was the sound of another grunt, and then something heavy hit the floor.
Fuck, Just his luck.
Of course, now would be the time for people to stumble upon his little hiding space. When he could really not use it. He had to create a distraction, and then find a way to get to Red. Fuck this was already going horribly.
He looked around, there was not much in this tight little corner, Except some small pebbles. He grabbed what he could, it was better than nothing. The person who arrived was oddly quiet.
Had this person stumbled onto this cave before? Had he just been lucky all this fucking time? He tried to glance and check, but he knew he would likely be spotted. He had to create a distraction somehow. He glanced at the pebbles in his hand and concentrated.
He used his magic to hopefully as subtly as possible drop a couple of them at the other end of the water, luring whoever was near away far enough for him to dive in. He heard the sound of rough boots hitting the floor. They seemed to be moving towards him!
His soul was pounding in his chest, coiling in tight ready to lash out. And hit whoever was near in the face with his tail if it came down to it. He could still escape. Then he would figure out how to get to Red. he wasn’t gonna give up on him he wasn’t
Wait…that was
“Sansy…that you?”
The words were whispered almost hesitantly,
He took a big breath and glanced around the corner. Only to slump in relief to see Red standing there.
“Fuck, Asshole what are you doing here?! You almost scared me to death! I thought we were meant to meet at Pub!”
Red rolled his eyes
“Yeah, but I realized I hadn’t brought your clothes back yet, so that would mean you didn’t have any”
He felt his face flush, cause of course that is exactly what happened
Red walked over to the bag he dropped at the entrance and pulled out a towel, shorts, a T-shirt, and some slippers. And he crawled out of the corner before his tail started to cramp. Smoothing out some of his scales in the process. Red handed him the small pile of clothes with a smug grin. And the annoyance must be visible on his face cause Red’s grin just got sharper. Oh, how he wished he could push his friend into the water as revenge. It’s because he knew how much he feared it that he didn’t
But he had a feeling Red knew that too. So instead he just quietly dressed himself as quickly as he could. While Red wandered back over to his bag rummaging through it.
He slowly used to wall to stand up and wobbled over towards him as he got used to the legs again. And he was handed a soda bottle
“To wash away the salt taste”
Red grunted and he had to abort a huff of laughter at the gesture. He took the offered bottle and decided to take only a couple of sips and then handed it back. As Red put his bag back on.
“Ready to go?” Red said clearly wanting to be away from the water's edge if he could help it.
Sans gave a nod and followed Red out of the cave and couldn’t help the small smile as the sun beat down on his face again. It was slightly overcast, but not terribly so.
With some difficulty, they got from the hidden path to the cave to one of the small trails around the island. Slippers weren’t the best footwear for climbing across some rocks but he managed anyway.
After taking an almost hidden sidepath they reached a cliffside with a bench that was looking out over the ocean. He looked down for a moment, some motorboats were speeding by below. The water was rougher here than on the other side of the island. He had liked this place and had visited many times in the past. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Red. It was a perfect place to talk, and not be overheard.
His grin quirked further up, as Red sat down spreading his legs obnoxiously. Somehow he took up half the space despite his small frame. He decided to do the same letting their knees brush together. Red eyed him from the side of his eye, but only let out what could be classified as an amused huff.
He closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and the soft breeze. Trying to figure out a way to get this talk started.
“How is your brother?” Red rasped
While that was indeed as good of a place to start as any
“A manic ball of energy, “ Red snorted a laugh and he chuckled as well as he continued on.
“But good, It's nice to see him again after all this time, He must have gotten into a few scuffles, cause he got a couple more nicks and marks on his body. But mostly he is just rambling about everything he did. It’s awesome”
He was smiling fondly, he couldn’t help it. He was really proud of Papyrus going off on his own.
“Tell me a story then, I am curious”
He glanced at Red who was also wearing a lazy grin, and he felt his soul ease. Seems Red, was also not eager to get into the big topics right away. But this is what he liked doing with Red anyway. That somehow easy way of communicating that happened between them. That genuine interest. Fuck, he had missed him.
He grinned and tipped his head up looking at the leaves above them.
“Well…it ain't a story…but I think he got a Crush”
“On a scale of one to ten how bad?”
“Solid eight, he met this mer on his travels named Blue, They traveled together for a few months. And just. .” He let out a sigh “ I never heard him talk about anyone like this. Well maybe Mettaton but that doesn’t count “
“Hold on!” Red sat up straight and pointed a finger at his face
“You told me your brother never left your home city, which I am thinking now meant never left the ocean? So how the fuck does he know Mettaton?!”
He let out a startling laugh.
“Found some merchandise near a dumping side. he became obsessed with it. Also for a long while some fisherman kept blasting it from their boats. You don’t wanna know how many times I had to drag him back down, because he was getting too close for my liking”
Red laughed loudly
“Is that a trait shared with little brothers?!, Edge was doing the same when we first started living here. Always sneaking off to try and sneak into the club where they were playing his music. Honestly, we where enough hot water as it was, without the bouncer chasing down”
He burst out laughing.
“Fuck, it must be a shared trait then. But yeah. All he can talk about is this new mer. Apparently, he even convinced Paps to go on land a couple of times when they traveled together. When I tried to ask about how that was he turned quite red in the face.”
He snickered as he recalled Pap's face. Red was chuckling as well.
“Sounds like when Edge first got his crush on Stretch. He was trying so hard to hide it, but it was so obvious. To everyone but Stretch of course”
He continued to snicker
“Do I need to be happy that I only met them after they started dating?”
Both of them laughed loudly before it slowly trickled out.
“So this Blue guy? Did he come as well? Or is he visiting later or something”
He shook his head.
“From what I understand, Blue will keep traveling. Apparently, he lost his family somehow and is trying to find them. Has been searching for years if I understand Papyrus correctly. “
“Oof that’s…that’s rough”
Red frowned, and he bet that they thought the same thing, that if it was their brothers being taken. Would they do the same.
“Yeah, But Papyrus kinda offered that if he ever needs it. That he could stay with us. So he might be coming but. If or when is a bit…up in the air”
There was a silence as they stared over the water, eyes being drawn to the small motorboats sailing past before disappearing around the cliffs as they further circled the island
“Difficult guy to get a crush on…”
He gave a hum. He was unsure of how this was gonna unfold himself. He didn’t want his brother to get hurt by longing for someone whom he could barely see. For someone who would always have a bigger purpose maybe.
But he also didn’t want to be meddling too much in his life not more than he had. For now, he just keeps an eye on how Paps is feeling.
“Wait a sec…”
He looked to the side to see Red staring at him
“Something the matter?”
“No not exactly, it’s more…I could be wrong, it’s been a long time. But….”
Red scrunched his eyes clearly struggling to find the words he was looking for.
“Fuck, what were they called…Overseerers? ..are they still a thing?”
That was a title he hadn’t heard in a long while and seemed to confirm his suspicion that Red hadn’t returned to the ocean after he and his brother made landfall however many years ago that was.
“Guardians is what we call them nowadays…”
Red seemed relief that he got what he meant
“Okay..but…if you want to invite someone to stay in the territory under its protection…you need their permission, right? You can’t just invite someone to stay long-term. Unless you meet with them right?”
He gave a nod,
“That is true under most circumstances yes. But Papyrus knows he has that kind of permission”
Red’s eyes widened looking slightly scared
“But wait. How did he ask permission if he was gone?! Is he like? Friends with them or something?! But even then, that be a huge ass gamble! Your brother might get hurt because of this. You should really-”
He raised his hand before Red could go list all the things he could do to fix it. And dread filled him. Knowing they were gonna step into their serious talk within the next few seconds
“I assure you, he can”
“Isn’t there like a whole, ceremony thing of having to meet the overseer? That was how it was when I was still” Red swallowed thickly and moved on
“And you couldn’t just casually swim up to an overseer. That is asking for retaliation”
With a sigh he said
“Considering he told me everything, And I have no intention of sending Blue away when he does come over. Nor do I have any reason for hurting my brother…or anyone that comes with such a simple request really”
It was quiet for a couple of seconds. Then his t-shirt was grabbed and he was pulled closer as Red stared at him angrily
“Are you fucking telling me!? You! Are the overseer?!”
He had expected the reaction and leveled his friend with an even look. Not reacting to his anger at all.
"Yes, got a problem with it"
Red’s red eyes stared him down. Like he trying to see if he was bullshitting him. Then to his own surprise a grin split on Red's face.
"Fuck me, you really are something Sansy,"
He could feel a light flush forming on his face. The way Red's voice dropped was sending chills down his spine in the best of ways.
Red's grin got sharper, pushing himself closer, towering slightly over him. Their foreheads touching. He was definitely blushing at this point.
"You always put up the harmless act, you even got me fooled there buddy. But…to be an overseer. You must be one of the strongest around. I knew I liked you for a reason"
He let out a dry laugh. Okay, that tidbit of knowledge was going over far better than he ever expected.
He didn't really think his role as guardian was that impressive. But well…there was also a reason it hadn't been taken from him in all these years.
Red's grin stayed. Looked like he just won the biggest prize ever and it made him swallow thickly. Red pulled away slightly as his gaze dropped to his mouth.
Then he noticed one corner quirking up. And before he could react. Red was leaning forward again. But he didn't get a kiss like he thought.
No instead, Red's mouth brushed his cheek. Surprisingly soft and gentle. Then lingering just above him, their hot breath fanning over his face.
He let out a questioning sound. Which made Red laugh. And he pulled back with a shit-eating grin. Sitting back against the bench staring over the horizon again.
He started at him.
Oh, that fucking asshole.
He couldn't help the grin himself. Letting out a few flustered chuckles before settling back into his lazy sprawl. If a bit closer to Red than before
So this is how it was gonna be? Then two could play that game. Red had laid his arm over the back of the bench. As he had sprawled again. And he very subtly leaned into it.
He saw the look of surprise pass over Red's face and a quick glance. He gave his own grin as Their eyes met briefly..
Oh yes….the game was on.
Red let out a sigh as the arm dropped from the bench to around his shoulders.
"That explains why staying wasn’t really an option for you though"
Red Murray looking a bit sad. And he gave a nod. It was. He had duties back home.
"The fact that I could make a deal with the neighbor guardians so I could leave for a year. Is already… a lot. That's built on years of trust. And even then I had to regularly check back"
Red nodded. " I always wondered where you went…but then most things I found for communication are a total no-go then, as most of them use a tracking signal.."
He sighed helplessly
"Anything that might track…it ain't … good. Too many lives are at stake. What had you found?"
Red waved his free hand around.
"Nothing much honestly. The thing is if you try to communicate that deep underwater. You usually try and get back out. So they track it. So they can search for it in case something goes wrong. I might be able to reverse-engineer something. But then…I don't know what I would use in its place…"
He picked at some loose thread in his shorts. It wasn't like he had many other ideas. Try and stay in touch with an actual ocean between them. It'll be hard either way they would go about it.
Of course, that would be if he decided that he would keep coming back to Red. And….he had made his decision a month ago. He would want to. He wanted to at the very least give it a fucking shot
He might have been making fun of Papyrus Crush earlier. But he had been on the receiving end of the teasing as well. Apparently, he talked a lot more gushingly about Red than he realized.
But when Papyrus had stopped his teasing to just quietly tell him that he really hoped that this hopefully new relationship would work out for him. He could feel the weight of that.
Papyrus had always wanted the best for him. But he always, always out his brother first. It's why he became a guardian in the first place. To protect him. And keep him safe.
Papyrus was coming for his title…he knew. And one day he might get it. But for now, it was still his to carry. He never thought he might get a chance at a relationship. It was part of what made him want to leave without returning last time.
But Red. Red had chased him down. Even after he had hurt him. He hadn't wanted to leave in the first place even though he knew he was gonna, he made that promise But that...that kinda sealed the deal. Even if red hadn’t been a Mer. If had jumped in after him and he had been a normal monster still. He would have given it a shot.
Because Red braced his fear for him. That he could get over himself and truly. Actually, truly give this a shot. He wouldn’t give up his role. He couldn’t not after all this time. Not to just anybody. He wasn’t gonna leave the people under his protection without someone he couldn’t a hundred percent trust
Suddenly he was cut off from his thoughts by a rumbling sound. Red let out a laugh
'You hungry Sansy?'
He chuckled lightly as he indeed realized that sound had come from him.
"Starving, honestly".
Having realized he hadn't really eaten anything since before he left. And then it had only been a little with his nerves so high.
Red removed his arm from around him. Much to his disappointment. To pull his bag up, opening and rummaging around. Pulling out a plastic container, and handing it to him.
He took it carefully. Eying it from all angles. Whatever was inside was wrapped tightly in tin foil. Trying to guess what it was.
"What ya waiting for? dig in"
Red had pulled a second container from his bag, dropping it back on the ground between them. Opening his own with a satisfying pop.
He glanced at his own container for a moment longer. Before doing the same. The tin foil packaging was slightly warm. Then he started to carefully unwrap whatever was inside surprised to find
A burger
Fuck it had been a while since he had a burger. He tried not to start salivating as the smell hit him. Glancing to the side seeing Red unwrap his own burger as well.
And then he stared in awe as Red took a bite. He had a bit of fascination with Red's mouth. Or more specifically those razor-sharp teeth. So he watched fascinated as Red opened his big Maw, that one gold tooth glistening in the sun. And watch it bite through the burger with ease. And not for the first time he wondered what Red would look like if he feasted after a hunt.
He had imagined that often even before he knew Red was a mer like him. But In the last month. He had thought about it way more…that and other places he could bite.
He quickly looked away before he could get caught. Taking a bite of the burger. He let out a Groan of satisfaction as he realized it had been covered in his favorite ketchup.
Beside him, he heard Red make a satisfied ‘heh' sound. Half between a laugh and something else. And he couldn't even be mad. The burger was just too good. It wasn't one of Grillby's burgers. It wasn't greasy enough. And normally he would complain. But the juiciness of this one was making up for it in spades.
As he wolfed down the burger, Red bent down to grab something else from his bag. Whatever it was made a hissing sound and was set next to him.
He glanced down to find a can of beer. Condense was dripping down its side. And as he watched the droplet hit the bench. Something clicked inside his brain.
Well played…seems Red had an ace up his sleeve. And it had been there before they even started. The thought made him smile.
He finished the last of his burger licking his fingers one by one. Not wanting to waste anything. Before grabbing the offered beer. Glancing over.
Red had returned to his sprawl. Legs spread wide. Arm thrown over the length of the little Bench. Sipping his own beer with a lazy sort of grin. As he watched the sky.
It was his move then.
He took a sip. The beer was nice and cold. Perfect with the weather they were having. Better to wash away their junk food.
Instead of leaning back this time. This time he tipped himself towards Red. Landing onto Reds side.
It obviously shocked him. But he adjusted quickly enough. Arm wrapping around him once more. As he still wore his own grin. Not looking up he spoke up
"So when are you gonna tell me we are on a date?"
Red froze beside him, his mouth falling open and he could feel the hot puffs of air on his neck. He recovered quickly
"What makes you think this is a d-"
"Oh please, " He cut him off "Food and alcohol, I remember you telling me that's all you needed for a good romance"
He glanced up at Red's face. Happy to see him. now trying to fight a blush.
"We did that all the time before.." Red argued though it sounded a bit weak
"Yup," he popped the p at the end. And they stayed quiet for a few seconds letting Red stir for a bit
"But you didn't usually give me, homemade food"
He glanced up. And he knew he won. Cause they both knew. That, that part was kinda of a big deal.
Red treated a lot of people. To drinks, a burger, some fries. Usually, he did it to get something he wanted.
Heck, that was how their own friendship started. Red had offered him a beer to learn about the new guy.
But something he made. Yeah, that was special. For most of their friendship, he thought Red couldn’t cook. Until Edge got sick one day. And Red was the one cooking for him. The smells had been amazing. Even if he never had tried any of it. And even when Edge could technically make his own again. Red bullied him out until he was fully recovered to the amusement of Him and Stretch
Red avoided his gaze.
"So what if it is…"
He laughed softly. It might have meant the homemade food. It might have meant the date. It didn't matter. In the end, it was all the same thing. And he didn't feel like playing anymore.
It was fun while it lasted. He gave this win to Red though. Actually planning something romantic.
Well romantic for them at least
Instead of just talking about…everything. Bit more his style too. So he turned to face his friend. Dropping his grin In favor of a smile.
"If it is…I'd ask him for a second"
Red eyes widened slightly. And he leaned forward and brought their mouths together. It started softly. As their first kisses a few months ago. Well, all Except that very first.
But it quickly turned hungry, filthy even. Red's hand came up to the back of his head. Keeping them pressed together harshly. Red's other hand was fisted into his t-shirt as he licked into his mouth.
Which, he allowed without question. Letting out a soft groan as their summoned tongues touched. Red was tasting strongly like mustard. So unlike the cherry hard candy he had tasted like last time. But just as addicting.
His hand kept stroking at Red's face. Feeling the rougher bone. The other is at Red's shoulder trying to pull him closer and closer.
They pulled away slightly. Huffing their breaths in each other faces.
Red chuckled softly
"Fuck, this is real? ain't it, sweetheart?"
He was blushing again. And he leaned closer.
"Yes, and we will make this work somehow…Promise "
Red eyes got a determined glint in them. A fiery sort of.red glow. And he leaned forward to claim.his mouth once more.
They kept making out for several minutes. Just like that. Hidden away on their little overlook. Away from anyone who would walk the path unless they knew the area.
But they forgot. Not so hidden from if you were on the sea.
"Whoo! That's hot! Keep it up!"
Both of them sprung apart at the sound. Looking down at the water a speedboat with laughing teenagers tore off.
Red threw a bone attack after them. It only made them.laugh.louder as it landed in the water. He dropped beside red again. The mood is completely gone. And Red angrily mumbled about people minding their own damm business.
But he fell quiet as he slowly intertwined his own hand with his. He gave it a squeeze. After Red stared at their hands for several seconds. Like he couldn't believe it. Squeezed back.
He swallowed thickly
“I think I have an idea, that could still keep us in contact somewhat. It is not perfect. But better than setting up meetings and hoping that we will always make those."
Red was still not speaking. Eyes still on their hands. Before letting go to his surprise. Only to warp that arm back around him and intertwine it with his other hand.
He let out a huff of surprise. Leaning more against his….boyfriend? Is that what they are now? Feels too juvenile really. The word at least.
" mmmm let's hear, better than the nothing I have"
He gave a nod.
"So let’s still make arrangements to meet. But if we know. We ain't gonna make it…we should leave a message in the cave for the other to find. Maybe where I used to leave my clothes. We can hide a stack of papers and a pen. And leave a message for the next available meeting time. I know that still leaves last-minute errors. And to drive or swim all the way to here to leave a message. Is a bit much maybe. But"
He got cut off by a kiss on the top.of.his.skull.
"It's a good solution until we find something better. One that's also safe to use"
He nodded. So that discussion was over for now at least. He glanced down at the hand that was holding his. Should they actually talk more about that too? Well … maybe in one way.
" I’ll plan the next one" he mumbled but since they were so close he knew Red heard it.
"Our next date…I dunno how. But I am the one planning that one. Since you got this one"
Red's grin widened and he knew what he was gonna say before the words even left his mouth
“I never agreed to one".
He glanced back up with a grin of his own.
"You kinda did when pulling me back in for a third kiss, and a fourth, and a sixth and a -"
He was cut off by a kiss on the cheek.
"Cheeky little shit"
"Annoying asshole"
He was held just that big closer as they grinned at each other. Yeah…they were gonna be fine. New and kind of scary territory But somehow it also felt old and familiar in an odd way.
Red gained a frown slowly
"Not. That I want you to go…but. When do you need to leave?"
He gained a frown of his own. He had kinda thought he'd return tonight. But now it felt like that would be too little time spent together. As suddenly his brother's words rang in his ear. As teasing as they had been. It seems he had an answer
Slowly gaining a grin
"Well, my brother said. See you tomorrow… and I think I can leave my basic duties in His care for one day. So…." He leaned Closer
"Tomorrow afternoon? "
Red's grin grew.
"Wanna go to my place and watch shitty action films?"
His own grin came back
"Lunch and a movie. You spoil me"
Red shoved him off with a fond laugh.
He hummed not denying it. they packed Red’s bag again. They turned around to walk the rest of the way back to the little town on the island. Only to see the dark overcast clouds.
It seemed a storm had been brewing on the other side of the island. He had forgotten how quickly the weather could. change here sometimes.
They gave each other a brief look, before nodding and hurriedly taking off As they made their way further down. It started to rain. First softly, making the ground more slippery. And combined with the fact he was still only wearing slippers. That didn't go well. The amount of times he almost fell on his ass where too numerous to count. Those slippers were discarded and he just carried them, after the 3rd time being stuck in the mud.
The rain started really coming down as they reached the cobblestone path that led into town. Red had his hoodie over their head trying to shield himself from the rain. But He didn’t have that luxury. The thin white t-shirt clinging to his bones. As they ran through the water-covered streets as the wind picked up. In the end, they were sprinting towards Red's beat-up truck.
It, of course, was parked in that same place it always was. Red struggles a bit with the keys, but manages to throw the door open and they clambered inside. Just as the first clap of thunder sounded.
Red cursed starting the car. "There is an extra towel in the back. But we gotta go before this storm closes the bridge."
He nodded, and quickly buckled himself. As Red sped off as fast as he dared with this weather. He managed to get the towel free as they reached the bridge. Quickly drying his face.
They were not wet enough to trigger a transformation. Not by a long shot. But doesn't mean it was comfortable or wanting to risk it. He wanted to hand Red the towel.
But Red’s eyes were focused on the road. Eye lights little pinpricks. The wind picked up splashing water here and there over the bridge. The rain was hard enough that even though they were halfway over the bridge they still couldn't see the mainland.
Red let out a shuddering breath as a wave crashed just behind them. Not big enough to be any danger of being pushed off. But it wouldn't be that way for long
Red was clearly freaking out. Hiding it much better than when he had actually been in the water. He brought a hand over to Red's knee holding it softy hoping to provide some sort of comfort.
Red's grip on the wheel Loosened a tad. But not much. He kept his hand steady. Not letting go and letting him know he was here. As the rain clattered loudly against the car. It sounded almost deafening. Another clap of thunder sounded. It was much closer than before. Then several flashes. And he saw a lightning bolt hit the water in the distance to their right.
Slowly lights from the city came into view through the thick curtain of rain. Another wave crashed behind them as they left the bridge. Seeing officers at the other side leading people away. Clearly not letting anyone cross. He pretended not the hear Red let out a sigh of relief as they turned into the city centre.
Traffic in the city was awful. With the storm. It was busier than he had ever seen it. The sound of traffic horns where everywhere. Cars were driving slowly. People were running across the sidewalks trying to find shelter. He turned to Red, giving his knee another squeeze.
Water was still dripping off his face. And he must be getting cold As he hadn’t had the chance to dry off. Heck, he was shivering lightly. The heating of the car only doing a little. And while Red's eyes weren't pinpricks anymore. He was still quite tense. Clearly, the bridge had been a bit too close for comfort.
As they came to a stop by a traffic stop. He sat up and quickly warped the, slightly damp towel around Red’s shoulders. It probably didn’t do much, but it was better than nothing. His own shirt might be clinging to his ribs still. And there was likely a puddle forming at his feet. But he was dryer than him.
Red eyed him, probably about to protest, when the cars in front of them started to move and he concentrated on the road again. He rubbed his own arm in the hope of staying warm. But not letting go of Red At this rate, it'll be at least another twenty minutes before they arrive at Red's place. If not longer.
"If you got some more questions, I can answer them now…not much else to do"
He suggested, in the hope to distract Red's thoughts a little more. Red let out a gruff hum. Both are still silent. And he thought Red wouldn't take him up on the suggestion. With how hard he was staring out the front. It was a completely different look from the lax laid-back way he usually sat in while driving. Every bone on his body was tense. Ready to spring to action.
"How….long have you been the oversee- eh I mean guardian? "
He smiled at the correction. And he had kind of expected that question back at the cliffside. But he was fine with answering it now
" I was fifteen back then. So…twelve years now"
They were in front of another red light and had been slowing down. But it felt like Red had stepped on the break a bit harder than intended with the way the flew forward.
He rubbed his shoulder where the seatbelt had duck in. Red had turned to face him and if he wasn't driving he was sure he would have been grabbed again.
"What?" He answered back at Red's wide-eyed stare.
"How the fuck did you get into that position that young!? And then keep it for so long!? The longest overseer I knew only had the position for three years. And there was a rumor of one going on five. But those were old guys. And giant mers. I saw you….how the actual fuck…I didn't think they would let anyone challenge that young either?!"
He chuckled dryly. Well…it wasn't that Red was wrong necessarily.
"You can when the previous one is your Dad, and he's an asshole," he said with no form of amusement
And he heard Red's mouth click shut as he murmured "Fucker had it coming, " As he remembered what it had been like back then. His father had been more obsessed with his own ego and how he was perceived than actually protecting and providing for the community.
His father had trained him. It had been brutal, and painful. Leaving him without food as he didn't meet his expectations. And had left him in a ditch somewhere far too often to count. Somehow always surprised when he returns but never pleased. But as he tried to do the same to Papyrus. Try and make him fight people several years older than him. He stepped in to protect his barely ten-year-old brother.
His dad must have thought it would be an easy win. It hadn't been. It had been the hardest and most brutal fight of his life. But as his father's body sank to the bottom of the sea. And he could feel that power of the position passes over to him.
Well, it felt like he had made the right decision. And made a promise to his brother. Who had been hiding in fear Luckily didn't see a thing. That he would keep him safe. That this place would be good for any young child. So that they didn't suffer like he did.
And he kept that. There had been challenges to his rule. But they were nothing like that first fight. At some point, his reputation proceeds him. And as he didn't extend the territory. And just generally kept to himself. Other guardians didn't bother him too much. The reef blossomed. More mer of all different species moved in. Some just stayed as part of a migration cycle. .
He had done what his dad refused to do. And he was proud of that.
He shrugged lightly.
"And as for challenges, they stopped after a while. The only one that does at this point is Paps."
Red made a chocking sound
"Wait..your brother?"
He hummed "It's green by the way"
Red's gaze snapped forward and started up before the people behind them started to honk
"But to answer yes. He isn't trying to kill me if that's what you are thinking"
He cocked his head a bit to the side. Squeezing the other's knee
"I know that is the main way most people know of how the power changes. But it really is just by defeating them. It's only that for most gardians only see death as a defeat. I don't see it like that. But doesn't mean I am gonna make it easy. He has been trying to take the posting for the last five years."
Red drummed his fingers against the wheel
"You sound proud of that"
He laughed.
"Fuck yeah I am, I am honestly looking forward to the day he does beat me. I think it means I've done my job well And the fact that he is not giving up? Honestly, it's awesome. I think he would be much better at this whole job than I am honestly. But like I said I ain't gonna make it easy for him. And he wouldn't want me to"
Red let out a gruff laugh
"Reminds me of Edge."
It was said with a proud smile. That left him feeling all kind of fuzzy.
And with that, they fell into another silence as they pulled up into Red's neighborhood. The rain hadn't let up and it didn't show any sign of stopping soon. As water seemed to be streaming down some streets. The drains doing their best to take everything away. And as they pulled up in front of the garage they sat there. Staring at the door.
"Fuck". Red muttered knowing one of them had to go through the rain again to open it
He checked the glove compartment. Checking if Red still kept the house keys there like always. Smiling as they indeed were. He grabbed them and went to open his door as he was pulled back.
Red having unbuckled himself as well
"And what do you think you doing?"
He was about to answer when Red clashed their mouths together. Surprising him. He was still staring wide-eyed. However, he didn't mind this sudden change. Until he felt the keys plucked from.his.hand.
He stuttered.
"My date, my rules. Too bad sweetheart. You sit ain't lifting a finger"
While normally he didn't mind getting too lazy. There was still a slight manic look in Red's eyes. He wasn't gonna let him deal with more fear of transforming than he had to
So he pulled Red back. And kissed him as well. He was fully aware that the same trick wouldn't work. But he had to try.
But like he expected, Red had clenched his fist tightly around the keys. And then brought it to his back so he couldn't reach it.
That's fine. He kept on kissing his…boyfriend.. really need.to.find something better to call him..Anyway. Licking at his mouth to let him in. If he couldn't get it. At least he wanted to enjoy the sloppy make-out.
They both sprung apart at the sound of the Garage doors opening. Only to see Edge near the door, being clear that he was the one who opened it. And Stretch was in the door leading into the rest of the house.
He was happy he was back in his seat by the time their faces came into few. He wasn't intent on hiding …. Whatever you call this new relationship…was. But that didn't mean he wanted Red's younger brother watching them suck face.
He got a surprised raised eyebrow from Edge. Clearly not expecting him. And Stretch waved happily after noticing him as well. The two went inside without so much as a word. As Red drove the car inside with a slightly embarrassed red tint.
If that was because of the kiss. Or that his brother felt the need to open the door with his known fears of water...or more accurately transforming into his Mer form. He couldn't tell.
As Red turned the engine off. He mumbled
"My brother knows…but Stretch still doesn't"
He gave a nod. He had expected Red to tell Edge after he given the go-ahead. Red didn’t like keeping secrets from his brother. He was surprised Stretch still didn’t know. He thought Edge might have told him Since they’ve been dating for so long. But he supposed they might not want getting the secret of their true nature out.
"As in me. Or anything" He asked for clarification, just to be safe.
He gave another hum.
"Well, then nothing changed. "
Red let out a huff of a laugh and got out, and he did the same. Putting the dirty muddy slippers near the door. He didn’t need to drag mud into the house in addition to the water. Luckily their little sprint through town had washed away most of the mud that had caked to his feet.
"That's true."
He answered Red’s statement. He walked towards Red. Who after closing the garage, got the bag out from where it was tossed into the backseat in their haste to get in the car. He gave a small smile quickly kissing Red's cheek as he walked past. And continued
"Well…not nothing"
Red gave him a playful shove. And they both grinned at each other. Before walking inside.
He heard a long-suffering sigh as they entered the living room.
"Good to see nothing has changed at all Sans"
Edge said tiredly. And he grinned up at the taller skeleton. Who threw a towel at the both of them. He wrapped his own around his arms. Warming himself up. As Red removed his hoodie, draping it over a radiator.
"You thought I would change in a month's time. I am almost hurt Edgelord"
Red snickkered passing his brother and flopping down on the couch. And he followed suit as Edge let out another long-suffering sigh. Seeing that it was covered in towels as well. He didn’t feel too bad about it.
"You want anything to drink Sans?."
He said instead, diverging the conversation entity. And as always the good host.
"Nah I am good, thanks"
Red opened his mouth. But Edge spoke up before he could even start.
"Get your own shit you lazy ass, he is the guest. You should be doing this anyway"
Red shrugged sinking further into the couch.
"And have you yell at me for somehow doing it wrong? No thanks, boss. "
Edge bristles and Stretch laughed at the brothers' antics. Before turning to him.
"I thought you be moving back home. Permanently? Didn't think you be back so soon"
He shrugged lightly
"well…that was the plan..but".
He glanced at Red, with a half-smile
"Plans change, I ain't staying long. Going back home tomorrow. "
Stretch grinned as he clocked the glance and laid back with a huge all-knowing grin.
"I see…sad you can't stay longer. Otherwise, I would have asked for that Mario Kart rematch"
It seems Edge had caught his reaction too. Because it seemed the brothers were doing Their, having a conversation without words bit. Which seemed to end, with Red really sinking his full weight into the couch. And maybe not so subtly leaning towards him.
Seems the cat was out of the bag for this one. So he only hesitated for a moment. Before deciding fuck it...and grabbing Red's hand again. Considering Red’s grin only grew. It was the right choice to make
The taller two skeletons didn't make any comment on it. Instead just catching up on the month he had been gone. All of them were eager to hear stories about his brother.
All the while leaning more and more into Red. A couple of times. When Red was listening to one of Stretch’s wild stories. He caught Edge's gaze. He was looking hopeful and happy. But…it seemed not for himself.
And he hid the look the second Red even seemed to be moving his gaze towards him. Then glancing at his own boyfriend with a sort of hopeful desperation.
He wondered how long Edge had been desperate to tell his boyfriend about his true nature. And he studied his face, a answer to his previous thought question was answered. Edge probably didn’t tell Stretch so there would be no chance to reopen Red's old wounds.
Red hadn't told him anything. But the panic after he transformed told enough of a story. These two had completely cut themselves off from their former lives in the ocean. But it seemed Edge might still hold a fondness for it he really wished to share. He hoped he would be able to soon.
He glanced at Red again there was only a faint hint of the earlier panic left in his gaze. And he doubted he could fully remove it. But he was willing to learn. Willing to be here.
But for now, all the distractions seem to have helped. And as they all decided it was about time to get ready for bed. And the two lanky skeletons disappeared behind Edge's door.
He wasn't all that surprised to find Red's mouth on his own again. A little desperate, like he thought he might just leave right this second. He had to stop himself from making a noise as Red's hands traveled down his waist and squeezed.
Red pulled away with a smug grin, crowding into his place and pushing him further against the couch.
"What was that, sweetheart?"
He gave a glare back. Glancing up at Edge's room. Before turning back to Red who still grinned sharply.
"Shut up, and kiss me again"
"My pleasure."
And kiss they did. They probably should move this somewhere else before either one of the other skeletons came out of the room to use the bathroom or something.
But he couldn't quite care. He cared more about the mouth beneath his own. The taste of mustard was gone and again there was that faint flavor of hard cherry candy.
When Red let out a loud groan. They both pulled away panting. Then holding still making sure no one was coming before Red got off him and started dragging him to his room.
He was pushed against the door the second it closed behind them. But Red didn't kiss him again. No, he was staring straight into his eyes.
"Where you serious….about-" Red glanced away briefly refeling how nervous he actually was "Trying to make this….us work?"
He recalled his words from the cliffside conversation. He moved a hand up stroking his cheek.
"Yes…I was. "
Red gave a tiny nod and let out a shuddering breath.
He leaned up and softly clicked their teeth together briefly. Which made Red flush more than the entire makeout had done.
"It ain't gonna be easy " he breathed out “I really can't leave much. Maybe once a month…so we are doing this long distance basically. But I am willing to fucking try okay. "
Red nodded again
" so am I." Red hadn't pulled away an inch. Both their words were whispered but it also felt like they were screaming it at each other. And he gave Redd a nod back.
The tension between. Them was thick. Both seemed to wait for something. Probably hoping the other would say it first. Eventually, he tilted his head up.
Their teeth brushed together again. And it felt suddenly easy to breathe those four scary words out
"I fucking love you".
Red's eyes widened. And he pressed forward a bit harder. But Red pulled back. Eyes like steel. Staring right down into his soul
"And I fucking love you too"
His soul seemed to decide to become a gymnast with how many summersaults it was doing.
And he dragged Red further down changing their chaste kiss to a Hungry one. Before slowly being dragged to the bed. He doubted something was gonna happen with the other two in the room next to theirs
But he had a feeling both were creative enough. To have some fun in their own right. Planning the next meeting can wait till morning. Beside for both of them. Actions were much louder than words.
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ramrage · 1 year
here we go round the prickly pear
Rating: T (for now)
Characters: John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley
Tags/Warnings: REINCARNATION AU, Temporary Major Character Death, author is too inspired by ts eliot, suburban AU, will add tags as work grows
ao3 link
chapter 1: welcome to death’s dream kingdom (do enjoy your stay)
A penny for the old guy
“Why the fuck does this keep happening?”
The in-between place—that’s what he called it—was quiet like a held breath, just as it was the last time they were there, and the time before that, too. It didn’t matter what happened or didn’t happen in the preceding life; he and Simon always ended up back in that vast field.
Sometimes Simon would be there waiting for him. Other times he had to wait.
During the waiting periods, he’d walk through the tall grass, feel the blades shimmer against his hands. He needed to. It was one of the few things that felt real. The sky blushed in perpetual twilight—a soft bruise that was sometimes more purple than it was blue, sometimes pink and always shifting though too slow to notice if you were staring. It only became evident when he’d look up after long periods of staring blankly at the shifting grass or occasional tree.
Even the air itself was uncanny.
The air that set the grass in its lazy dance. The air that sometimes carried on it the scent of heather, like home, other times instead burning with smoke and dust, like war.
Always too mild. Never too hot or too cold, neither humid or dry. Blowing soft and gentle until their time was nearly up, and then it would rage. But that wasn’t often. No, more often than not, it passed the timeless time as steady in-and-out breaths, as waves.
The worst was when it drifted past with voices hanging from its tail.
He hated the dying screams.
He hated the sound of his mother’s voice calling him home for dinner.
He hated the distant laughter
and most of all, he hated when it was Simon.
Hated hearing Simon cry out in pain, too far away to help—blew his chest wide open with unsinkable yearning. He hated it all the same when Simon sounded happy, or bored, or angry.
Johnny could walk for what felt like days on end, and sometimes did, but he’d never find the source of the wind-voices, and that’s why he always sunk with dread when they started up again. Whenever Simon appeared, really appeared, he was always close, and his touch always preceded any words.
The voices were just torture, so he tried to ignore them. He could tune them out temporarily, but never for long.
He didn’t like to think of the eyes, so he didn’t. They liked it too much.
Simon was waiting for him this time, looking almost placid within a nest of trampled grass, hand pillowing the back of his head while his unseeing eyes swallowed down the blue-tinged sky. He hadn’t noticed Johnny’s arrival, silent as it was even when Johnny shook the blood back into his extremities, shifted out of place during the undefinable passage out from the past life.
He only noticed when Johnny cried out, helpless and distraught.
“Why the fuck does this keep happening?”
Simon sat up then, offered out his arms as a safe place for Johnny to collapse. The arms wrapped tight, solid, stroking along the other’s back in time with the undulating breeze.
“I don’t know.”
“Is any of this even real?”
“I don’t know. Feels real. You feel real.”
“So do you. You’re the only thing that does right now. Here.”
Johnny pulled back to study Simon’s face, to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. He’d worried that maybe they’d come back here and something would be different—something small, like a misplaced freckle. And then they’d live and die again and when they’d return, something else would be wrong. Cycle after cycle, Simon would melt into a nondescript man and then Johnny would truly be alone and lost.
But everything was as it should be, so Johnny placed those fears aside for when he could dwell them once more. But not now. Simon was there, firm and real, and he smelled like his bedsheets, that unplaceable scent.
Everything was as okay as it could be.
Johnny didn’t expressly think it, but formless and huge hung the the thought:
“at least for now”
Background noise that Johnny wouldn't—consciously or not—give weight to. Let it stay nebulous and almost imperceptible, but only just.
After all, Simon was here and so even the more salient concerns retracted their claws and slouched in on themselves from where they hunched, staring, in the shadows. Their intangible eyes weighed heavy on Johnny and he addressed them in the case acknowledgement would appease them for a moment.
“I just can’t keep losing you, is all,” he murmured and the eyes blinked slowly within their sunken cavities, but cowered from the sound of Simon’s hum.
“I hate it too.”
Simon said this slowly because the winds were calm and that meant they had time yet. While he paused to consider his words, a bouquet of stars breathed the last of their death rattles and extinguished for forever. “But we always find each other again. Eventually. That’s what I have to tell myself.”
Or else it’ll kill me, too.
“What if we don’t?”
“I’ll always find you. Maybe that’s why we’re here. I couldn’t stand to lose you for good.”
“You really think the universe loves you that much, Si?” Johnny asked, actually chuckled. He did that sometimes, here, but not as much as he used to.
Johnny felt Simon shrug against him, felt hands squeeze against the muscles lining his ribcage. “Thought it hated me for the longest time, but maybe it doesn’t. It’s given me forever with you. Or maybe it’s given you forever with me.”
“Ah, so I’m the chosen one then?” Johnny asked, jaw struggling to form words against the crook of Simon’s neck.
“What do you think?”
“Sounds about right,” Johnny decided, and Simon pulled back gently, drew one hand to cradle the base of Johnny’s skull, the other resting on his forearm. He had a strange look in his eyes, one that Johnny could not name but knew the meaning of regardless. It hung softy like the petals of parted lips, the sweet haziness of falling asleep.
“I agree.”
They sat like that for some time, then settled on their backs shoulder to shoulder for some more time, unspeaking because while there were things to say, they were things that shouldn’t be spoken.
Words had a way of urging on the breeze in this land, and so their silence bought more time within the relative peace of the in-between, if just an illusion.
They lay awash in the smell of bedsheets and fire until the winds eventually picked up as they always did. It was inevitable.
The labored, turning gyre would always turn.
Lips that would kiss formed prayers for a kind life. They would find each other as childhood friends and never leave the others’ side, pass the 80 or so years easily and somehow, die seconds apart as they slept in their shared bed.
Smothered by wind, “I love you” sounded like “amen”. Or maybe it was the other way around. When it grew too loud to hear anything at all, lips that would kiss, did, as they always did before the oblivion.
“I fucking hate this town,” Simon groaned. The lit end of his cigarette crawled toward the filter as he inhaled, paused to rest as he exhaled.
“Fucking sucks,” Johnny agreed.
He liked watching Simon smoke, thought it looked cool. This town wasn’t cool. Sitting on the roof of his family’s house was cool, though, probably because they weren’t supposed to. No one was going to catch them in the middle of the night, but they spoke in low voices to be safe.
This was how they spent their summers.
A penny for the Old Guy
“Why the fuck does this keep happening?”
The in-between place—that’s what he called it—was quiet like a held breath, just as it was the last time they were there, and the time before that, too. It didn’t matter what happened or didn’t happen in the preceding life; he and Simon always ended up back in that vast field.
Sometimes Simon would be there waiting for him. Other times he had to wait.
During the waiting periods, he’d walk through the tall grass, feel the blades shimmer against his hands. He needed to. It was one of the few things that felt real. The sky blushed in perpetual twilight—a soft bruise that was sometimes more purple than it was blue, sometimes pink and always shifting though too slow to notice if you were staring. It only became evident when he’d look up after long periods of staring blankly at the shifting grass or occasional tree.
Even the air itself was uncanny.
The air that set the grass in its lazy dance. The air that sometimes carried on it the scent of heather, like home, other times instead burning with smoke and dust, like war.
Always too mild. Never too hot or too cold, neither humid or dry. Blowing soft and gentle until their time was nearly up, and then it would rage. But that wasn’t often. No, more often than not, it passed the timeless time as steady in-and-out breaths, as waves.
The worst was when it drifted past with voices hanging from its tail.
He hated the dying screams.
He hated the sound of his mother’s voice calling him home for dinner.
He hated the distant laughter
and most of all, he hated when it was Simon.
Hated hearing Simon cry out in pain, too far away to help—blew his chest wide open with unsinkable yearning. He hated it all the same when Simon sounded happy, or bored, or angry.
Johnny could walk for what felt like days on end, and sometimes did, but he’d never find the source of the wind-voices, and that’s why he always sunk with dread when they started up again. Whenever Simon appeared, really appeared, he was always close, and his touch always preceded any words.
The voices were just torture, so he tried to ignore them. He could tune them out temporarily, but never for long.
He didn’t like to think of the eyes, so he didn’t. They liked it too much.
Simon was waiting for him this time, looking almost placid within a nest of trampled grass, hand pillowing the back of his head while his unseeing eyes swallowed down the blue-tinged sky. He hadn’t noticed Johnny’s arrival, silent as it was even when Johnny shook the blood back into his extremities, shifted out of place during the undefinable passage out from the past life.
He only noticed when Johnny cried out, helpless and distraught.
“Why the fuck does this keep happening?”
Simon sat up then, offered out his arms as a safe place for Johnny to collapse. The arms wrapped tight, solid, stroking along the other’s back in time with the undulating breeze.
“I don’t know.”
“Is any of this even real?”
“I don’t know. Feels real. You feel real.”
“So do you. You’re the only thing that does right now. Here.”
Johnny pulled back to study Simon’s face, to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. He’d worried that maybe they’d come back here and something would be different—something small, like a misplaced freckle. And then they’d live and die again and when they’d return, something else would be wrong. Cycle after cycle, Simon would melt into a nondescript man and then Johnny would truly be alone and lost.
But everything was as it should be, so Johnny placed those fears aside for when he could dwell them once more. But not now. Simon was there, firm and real, and he smelled like his bedsheets, that unplaceable scent.
Everything was as okay as it could be.
Johnny didn’t expressly think it, but formless and huge hung the the thought:
“at least for now”
Background noise that Johnny wouldn't—consciously or not—give weight to. Let it stay nebulous and almost imperceptible, but only just.
After all, Simon was here and so even the more salient concerns retracted their claws and slouched in on themselves from where they hunched, staring, in the shadows. Their intangible eyes weighed heavy on Johnny and he addressed them in the case acknowledgement would appease them for a moment.
“I just can’t keep losing you, is all,” he murmured and the eyes blinked slowly within their sunken cavities, but cowered from the sound of Simon’s hum.
“I hate it too.”
Simon said this slowly because the winds were calm and that meant they had time yet. While he paused to consider his words, a bouquet of stars breathed the last of their death rattles and extinguished for forever. “But we always find each other again. Eventually. That’s what I have to tell myself.”
Or else it’ll kill me, too.
“What if we don’t?”
“I’ll always find you. Maybe that’s why we’re here. I couldn’t stand to lose you for good.”
“You really think the universe loves you that much, Si?” Johnny asked, actually chuckled. He did that sometimes, here, but not as much as he used to.
Johnny felt Simon shrug against him, felt hands squeeze against the muscles lining his ribcage. “Thought it hated me for the longest time, but maybe it doesn’t. It’s given me forever with you. Or maybe it’s given you forever with me.”
“Ah, so I’m the chosen one then?” Johnny asked, jaw struggling to form words against the crook of Simon’s neck.
“What do you think?”
“Sounds about right,” Johnny decided, and Simon pulled back gently, drew one hand to cradle the base of Johnny’s skull, the other resting on his forearm. He had a strange look in his eyes, one that Johnny could not name but knew the meaning of regardless. It hung softy like the petals of parted lips, the sweet haziness of falling asleep.
“I agree.”
They sat like that for some time, then settled on their backs shoulder to shoulder for some more time, unspeaking because while there were things to say, they were things that shouldn’t be spoken.
Words had a way of urging on the breeze in this land, and so their silence bought more time within the relative peace of the in-between, if just an illusion.
They lay awash in the smell of bedsheets and fire until the winds eventually picked up as they always did. It was inevitable.
The labored, turning gyre would always turn.
Lips that would kiss formed prayers for a kind life. They would find each other as childhood friends and never leave the others’ side, pass the 80 or so years easily and somehow, die seconds apart as they slept in their shared bed.
Smothered by wind, “I love you” sounded like “amen”. Or maybe it was the other way around. When it grew too loud to hear anything at all, lips that would kiss, did, as they always did before the oblivion.
“I fucking hate this town,” Simon groaned. The lit end of his cigarette crawled toward the filter as he inhaled, paused to rest as he exhaled.
“Fucking sucks,” Johnny agreed.
He liked watching Simon smoke, thought it looked cool. This town wasn’t cool. Sitting on the roof of his family’s house was cool, though, probably because they weren’t supposed to. No one was going to catch them in the middle of the night, but they spoke in low voices to be safe.
This was how they spent their summers.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Is it me or I loved SnC suit this year! Sam in Pink and Colby Black with white heart aww! 🥺
....i have some opinions that not everyone will like lol
objectively, they look nice. but there were parts to each of their fits that i didn't like.
sam's was nice, but i think that color of pink kinda washes him out. or at the very least brings out all the red in his face. if it was a little more muted, kinda like what link from rhett and link was wearing, then i think it would have been top notch. i loved his shoes. those were nice. and the fit of the suit was great.
now colby's.... i have some words sksksk
so overall, i think it was a fine outfit. first glance. but when i really started looking at it, certain elements stuck out to me. first off, the blazer - i liked the general design of it. but it was too baggy. especially in the arms. it felt like he just pulled it off the rack and called it a day. now idk if he purposefully chose something baggy or if it was just laziness and not getting it tailor. idk. all i know is this man has too much money to not get things tailored.
the shirt and pants were fine. thank god that he didn't wear his usual leather pants which are also super baggy. again, idk if that's a conscience choice or what. but i'm happy that everything else was relatively fitted.
but then... the belt lol
so in most of the pics you can't see it, which is colby's benefit. but when they are accepting the award you can see it and it's.... so gaudy. the buckle is three bedazzled skull and crossbones and then the end piece of the belt has two skulls (also bedazzled) stacked on top of each other. it's a very eccentric belt. tied in with a beetlejuice esque shirt, leather pants, and a blazer that's ill fitting with hanging hearts all over it..... it's all a bit much. respectfully.
one of the pieces needed to be removed. either the belt and just have it be a plan belt, or the blazer. you can't have two clashing pieces trying to fight for the spotlight. i think then it would have been the right amount of alternative that colby usually goes for. but as it was, it's like a rockabilly pirate and a kpop member combined and it's a lot lol
he still looked good, don't get me wrong. but it was just a bit much, imo.
i only blame snc so much since they apparently had a stylist who should have known better. like, it's your job to know better lmao
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firebuug · 1 year
HELLO 🥔 and 🌽 for thee ask meme… any oc u’d like!!! :3
OMG we are trading potatoes....hi.... i think i will use eva because i just used julian heehooo... ask game link
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don’t care about?
ok so i read this the other way around (one thing they see as a flaw but others dont care about) and wrote an entire essay because he's. ill. but now that i read it correctly okay. well.
as a captain he is ridiculously strict and sets super high expectations for others and assumes if he can do it, they can to, and if he's expected to do it, they should too. he's been conditioned to see himself and fellow employees as nothing but cogs in machine and those in higher positions as the heart of the operation making everyone run according to plan, so the moment he's in a slight position of power he's going to have an iron grip and ensure everyone is at 100% all the time. he doesn't see it as a flaw, rather a good thing, because otherwise everything would go to shit and everyone would be lazy right?
others very reasonably do not vibe with his shit because they are human beings who can't perform at 100% all the time, and someone's 100% is going to vary wildy from someone else's. eva's 100% has been meticulously ingrained and enforced and regulated into him throughout his whole life, so it might be higher than other's, and him seeing that as the expectation for others who haven't been brainwashed into being a corporate washcloth is uh. just gonna end up in him seeing everyone as lesser
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
ok sometimes i have no idea what the wording of these MEAN..... hiding their way and finding their way?? metaphorically or literally???? help???
i gues like metaphorically in terms of goals.... he doesn't want everyone knowing his business and his Motivations and Goals and everything so he thinks he's good at keeping subtle but...he can be easy to read if you know how he buries his emotions jdfkj. as for finding it it uh. it takes him a while for him to really find out what he wants in life and what he wants to do with it especially after l corp explodes and all he's ever worked for in life explodes with it, and he is very extremely prone to just totally fuckin losing it and spiralling into nonsense hell the moment any structure is lost in life, so um. he is not that good at finding his way alone. he does eventually tho but even then he still goes Is this Really it. Is this my life now i feel like i should be doing more i feel like i should be aiming higher . he has been permanently damaged by Corporate Brainwashing
as for literally he is so damn good at hide and seek
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nsfwhiphop · 6 months
Incoming Text for Missy Elliot:
Hey, Missy! It's me, Angelo!
Listen, I don't know what you do with your time, but I want to encourage you to become a female Team Builder, what does that mean? It means you have to motivate all the talented women in Hip-Hop and r'n'b to become screenwriters and tell dope stories.
Also, make sure you tell them to dedicate their time to learn the craft of screenwriting with real professionals in the film industry, it's something doable, it's very easy to call professional screenwriters and ask them for guidance and support until you all learn to master the art of screenwriting, everything is possible when you believe in yourselves.
Here's what you should do:
Call all the dopest female story-tellers in the music industry and tell them to unite and get this money together, secure the bag, ya dig? There's big money to be made in the African-American film industry and it's all about unity, how you can organize your team, you need to motivate these lazy females in the music industry, granted, they are very talented but lazy nonetheless, we all agree on that, they can make a lot of money in the African-American film industry, if they put their minds to it, this is not a joke, I'm dead serious, there is money, lots, lots, lots of money in the African-American film industry and y'all are lazy as fuck, doing nothing to bring home that money, secure the bag for yourself or no one else will do it for you, okay? Wake up ladies!
I'm trying to give y'all a wake up call because I can't stand to see black women being poor like this, okay? Y'all should be making billions of dollars and that's why I encourage y'all to take filmmaking very seriously, if you focus and work hard together as a team, you can make so much money as a female group, a girl-gang, if you stick together, everything is possible ladies.
The music business is not paying black people anymore, y'all are hungry now. It's not the 90s or early 2000s anymore, music industry is all about streaming nowadays and that's less money in the bank, you know it, I know it, we all know it. It's time to change careers.
Fact #2:
The Film business is where the money is now but y'all are too lazy to focus and put in the hard work to create these dope screenplays, get to work, this is how you feed the Black community nowadays, it's not the music business anymore, it's the movie business that will feed black people now. The film industry is where the money is, you just have to go and get it.
You have to study the Blaxploitation era, bring back that 70s film magic to our screens, there were so many prolific filmmakers back then, black people were very productive in the 70s, nowadays they became lazy.
Here is a useful tip:
I encourage you to call the old school mothers and fathers of the Blaxploitation era, tell them that you're curious and you want to learn from them, ask them to give you guidance and teach you their knowledge, how they did things back in the 70s era, they will be so happy to share their knowledge with you, some of them are still alive today, they must be in their 70s or 80s or 90s they are old but they can still share their knowledge with you, so don't hesitate to call the old school actors and filmmakers of the Blaxploitation era.
Here is the wiki page, click on the link below:
Listen, I have to let you know that I'm an angry cinephile, no one knows the struggle of cinephiles in the Black community worldwide, you do realize that the African-American film industry provides comfort to billions of black people all over the world, right? It's time to wake up and give the black people on planet earth some good quality entertainment, we can't stand the garbage they force-feed us, a lot of garbage is out there and you have the power to change the current status-quo, you Missy, yes, I said you.
You have the power to change this garbage Black film industry, you just have to get organized and call the people with power in the African-American community, there are a lot of Black people with power and they will do something about it, this can't go on any longer.
You have to hire Black scholars in the Black universities of America, these Black scholars will read the screenplays before they are produced, that way they will control what kind of movies our black audience will be watching.
I call this the "Black Scholars Method".
These black scholars will decide what movies are dope and what movies are garbage, from now on, this is how things should be done in the African-American film industry. Our qualified scholars will read the scripts and then give their opinion, if it's garbage, they won't throw money at that garbage script but if it's a good quality screenplay, then they will agree to throw money at the good script.
This "Black Scholars Method" will save a lot of time, energy, resources in the African-American film industry, the money will not be wasted anymore on garbage films, instead, it will go to our genius filmmakers who will blow our minds with their unique and dope creativity.
It's as simple as that. Our black scholars will clean up the intellectual mess in the African-American film industry.
You can do something about it, push this agenda with all the female MCs in Hip-Hop and I guarantee things will change for the better in the future.
Also, study, study, study, read the dope screenplays to learn how they did it, reading screenplays is a fun activity, it's fun, it's for nerds and I know you're a female nerd, Missy, I listen to your songs since the 90s, your lyrics are nerdy, I know you're a nerd, Missy's a female nerd.
Her songs are all about black female nerdiness.
Okay, this chat was fun! Go get'em sister!
Love you, Missy! Big hug for you!
0 notes
Title: If One Wasn’t Enough Already… Chapter 10.
Fandom: King of Fighters
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Chizuru Kagura
Status: Completed (10 chapters) Summary: [The remake of 2 Kyos - 1 Yagami] [This story is set in between KOF96 and KOF97]
When everything seem to back to normal, Kyo has no idea about the new opponent lurking just around the corner, who might be a more intimidating and fearsome, than other foes. Who is this youngman? How did he got there? What kind of business he has with Iori? Read and find out.
AO3 Link
A few days have passed.
However, today, one redhead is not in the best mood.
Even staring down at the envelope sealed with the red wax stamp resting on the coffee table only irritates Iori while he chills on the couch.
After he picks it up, he only narrows his gaze and silently groans.
More so, the redhead concentrates his attention on this piece of paper that he doesn’t notice the older version of the Kusanagi approaching him.
Suddenly, Iori widens his eyes upon someone wrapping his arms around his neck.
As Kyo rests his head on his partner’s shoulder, he gracefully snatches the envelope from Yagami. “What do you get there?~”
When Iori turns his head, he notices the brunette holding it between his fingers and smirking at him like a cat.
A second later, Kyo comments while containing his excitement. “Hoo~ So, the time has come, eh? Ya gonna participate this year, right?”
After Iori turns his head and crosses his arms, he frowns. “As if I have any choice…”
After a brief pause, he closes his eyes and adds. “And, of all people, I have to join Kagura’s and Kyo’s team again.”
As the brunette studies the cranky Yagami, he exhales. “I see…”
But for now, the redhead lowers his shoulders and leans against the couch. “So, what’s the point of participating if I won’t be able to face Kyo and defeat him? As if I care who the hell is behind this year’s tournament, because it might just be another arrogant rich fool. Tsk, if that woman really wants to go that badly, she should have teamed up and investigated it with anyone else.”
When Kyo puts the envelope on the couch, he places his palm on Iori’s cheek and softens his gaze.
At first, the redhead feels the strong urge to push him away for allowing himself too much.
However, upon noticing Kyo’s serious face, Iori swallows the saliva and listens to him. “But you’ll see why it’s important for you to stay in this team.”
A second later, the Kusanagi heir cracks a bitter smile. “Just promise me one thing, okay? Don’t blame yourself for whatever may happen in the tournament or afterwards… I’m sure that even my other self will understand you because something bad will happen which will be not in your power to change.”
As Iori takes Kyo’s hand and lowers it, he defends himself without removing his eyes from him. “What a hell you’re talking about? Besides, I already warned that fool to behave himself. So, if Kyo has any brains left in his stupid head, he should be careful next time and won’t stick his nose into my business.”
“Like how you’ve done it the last time he was here?” The brunette chuckles.
For sure, it makes Yagami widen his eyes and immediately withdraw from his partner.
Meanwhile, the brunette only crosses his arms while hanging on the couch like a lazy feline and having a suggestive look on his face. “I heard everything from the study room.”
When he rests his head on his knuckles, he adds. “You shouldn’t have attempted extinguishing a fire by using gasoline. Just wait and you’ll see soon what you sow.”
For sure, that stupid Kusanagi’s face is asking for the trouble. The redhead ponders as he grinds his teeth and silently growls at him.
Soon, he gets close to Kyo and grabs him by his t-shirt. “I don’t care if you are a future version of him! I will put you down like anyone else who dare to interface between us. Kyo is mine, and I’ll do anything to remind him or anyone else of that.”
Suddenly, the Kusanagi heir’s eyes sparkle with a small flame, and he curves a delightful smile. “Good. But you better don’t hold back ‘cos who knows when will be your last time seeing him.”
Yagami only brings his face close to Kyo’s and lowers his gaze.
When he fixates his eyes on the brunette, he whispers in a deeper voice. “You won’t tell me what to do, Kyo. Even if I need to finish you both nice and slow.”
Suddenly, Kusanagi feels how his heart skips a beat and heat rushing to his cheeks. Yet he doesn’t give in to the redhead’s provocation.
When he sighs, Kyo places his palms on his partner’s cheeks and orders in a sweet voice. “Do it.”
After a brief pause, the brunette softens his gaze and continues while keeping his alluring eyes on Iori. “You’re doubting. Or do you prefer me to show you how it should be done?”
In the end, Kyo closes his eyes and gently presses his lips against his partner’s.
While Iori remains speechless, Kyo withdraws his face and grasps his hand. “Come. Let’s continue in the bedroom, shall we?”
Despite the Kusanagi’s seductive gaze, the redhead lowers his head and grinds his teeth.
A second later, Kyo gives a playful look and chuckles. “What is it with you? Don’t tell me that you-”
Suddenly, he widens his eyes upon receiving a harsh slap across his face.
At that moment, Kyo stares at Iori while rubbing his hurt cheek. “… Yagami?”
Soon, Iori stands up and clenches his palms into fists while keeping his hung head. “I’ve had enough of this!”
When he turns his back, he continues. “Just fucking look at yourself!… I had not the slightest idea that you’ll turn into a disgusting little manipulative whore that is fine fooling around with anyone. Don’t tell me that Kyo is like this too? Shit…”
As Kyo observes the trembling redhead, he softens his gaze.
After he closes his amber eyes and sighs, he approaches his partner. “Listen, I…”
However, the brunette widens his eyes and steps back by Yagami’s raised voice. “GET A HELL OUT!”
“No.” Kyo whispers. A second later, he embraces Iori from behind.
Despite his partner’s struggle and resistance, Kyo remains calm and refuses to let him go. “Not until I say something that will reach your thick skull, you idiot.”
After a brief pause, he explains to the irritated redhead as patiently as he can. “Like, hell, I would let anyone mess with me… Unless you count kissing anyone by using fists, then, yeah. And it doesn’t help that one over-protective dork always keeps an eye on me no matter what I do and scares the people.”
As Yagami’s tense body slowly relaxes, the brunette rests his head on his shoulder and nuzzles his neck. “Even, during one rainy night, I had no idea that you felt That Way about me, but I was more surprised by how long you may keep it to yourself. Besides, I knew that you would never harm me for your entertainment. So, I didn’t mind it and accepted your feelings...”
Meanwhile, Iori only places his palm on top of Kyo’s arms and comments in a bitter tone. “You only did this out of pity, didn’t you?”
“You idiot. You’re the very least person who would need that, and we both know it well. And if I was really against it, I would just have made you gather your teeth from the ground and left.” The brunette replies.
Soon, he closes his amber eyes and exhales. “Besides, I’ve noticed that it helps to calm your boiling blood or you. So, that’s the very least I can do for you.”
Meanwhile, the redhead grasps his partner’s arms tighter and narrows his gaze. “You shouldn’t be saying this to me, you fool.”
These words make Kyo widen his eyes, yet he listens further to Yagami. “There is someone else who waits for you and needs to hear that. Save that for later when you return to your timeline.”
In the end, the brunette nods and replies in his usual tone. “You’re right.”
‘And, thank you, Yagami. Tho, I have a very limited time in this world and may not survive before returning home.’ Kyo wants to add but keeps to himself.
As the days have passed, finally, another King of Fighters tournament has begun.
It is almost midnight. Suddenly, one redhead’s peaceful slumber is disturbed by the knock on his hotel room’s door.
At first, he ignores whoever it is. As soon as that noise is gone, he murmurs something under his nose before closing his eyes.
Unfortunately, a minute hasn’t passed, and the same noise haunts him again.
That’s it! Whoever it is, that person deserves to die. Or so Iori decides as he turns on the lights and starts looking to put something on.
When he puts the bathrobe on, he heads toward the door without hiding his murderous intentions.
After unlocking the door, he is genially surprised to see one certain Kusanagi, who wears only a tank top and shorts.
Despite the brunette giving him a demanding look, he narrows his gaze and addresses him in an irritated voice. “What do you want?”
Instead of saying anything, Kyo lowers his head. After he makes his way inside, he locks the door behind him.
“The hell is your problem? If you don’t like something, then say it or leave.” Iori asks and steps back each time when the brunette gets close to him.
Lastly, upon Yagami reaching the bed and nearly tripping over, Kyo roughly grabs his partner by the bathrobe and brings his face close to him. “You.”
For sure, such arrogant behavior makes Iori frown and grind his teeth.
A second later, Kyo lowers his head and murmurs. “I hate it…”
“I hate it how someone wraps you around their finger and you can’t see it! Is he really better than me? Hey, is this why you keep avoiding me?” he adds in an almost gloomy tone while his palms tremble.
Of course, Yagami is confused by his partner’s sudden lashing out at him, but he listens to him further. “Why didn’t you tell me this in the first place, then? Why do you have to do this to me? I won’t forgive you for this, you fool!”
Suddenly, Kyo widens his amber eyes and releases his bathrobe as Iori presses his palms against his cheeks and lifts his head.
For now, the redhead only silently stares at him. After exhaling, he comments. “You are truly an idiot… For the love of the-, you can’t go for a second without making it everything about yourself, can you?”
After closing his eyes and exhaling, he adds. “Listen, I’ll remind you as much as you need - if I wanted, and you were nothing more than a bother, I would have already finished you since the day we met or just simply ignored you. However, ever since the future you showed up, I tried to figure out how to get rid of him, even if I needed to rely on Kagura’s help. So, if she is right, then, the other you should be gone after the tournament.”
“You’re lying.” Kyo immediately backfires.
After he turns his head away from him, he complains. “You prefer him over me ‘cos why else you would let him live with you? Perhaps you’ve probably already done That with him. Why else he is here?”
These words infuriate Iori, and he grips Kyo’s arms while trying to remain as patient as possible. “Say it again, Kyo. Just fucking say that in front of my face.”
When his eyes meet these strict ones, Kusanagi understands he is screwed and nervously swallows the saliva. “Yagami, I…”
After studying his partner, Yagami lowers his shoulders and facepalms. “Is this what you’ve been thinking all this time? You stupid, jealous fool…”
When he rests one hand on his partner’s shoulder and with the other holding his chin, he assures him. “How many times do I need to remind you I’m not interested in anyone else? Hell, even if that might be a superior version of you, I wouldn’t care less. It won’t be you.”
In the end, the same hand that rests on Kyo’s shoulder slides down his back and brings him closer.
At that moment, the brunette feels the heat rushing to his cheek while being dazed.
“I warned you before, but you still refuse to listen to me. So, this time, I won’t let you go, Kyo.” Yagami addresses him in a deeper voice before pulling him into a kiss.
At first, Kyo briefly widens his eyes when his partner’s tongue tries to get inside.
Yet, he doesn’t hesitate and invites Yagami while blissfully closing his eyes and letting out lovely sighs in between.
Lastly, he throws his arms over Iori’s shoulders and continues the passionate kiss while his partner’s hand behind his back slides under his tank top and strokes it.
Even if Kyo understands that after this, there will be no point in returning to their previous relationship. All he cares about now is that no one will take away someone who belongs only to him.
Besides, Yagami seems to be holding back for too long and may eat him tonight.
Yet, it’s nothing that Kyo minds. Contrary, he is secretly happy to have Iori for himself until the morning.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 9 Link
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mizu-writes-kumo · 6 years
Can I get more of Alternate!Lance and Sven? I am in love with them!
Sorry this took a bit, I had to think of something to do…and needed time to write.  I hope you enjoy.
Also look @puppetmaster55 More stuff!
“Yoo-hoo, mission control to Lance?”  Sven’s voice said gently in beside Lance.  The chipper sound of his accent and wiggling fingers in front of Lance’s face, pulled him out of the pit of thoughts he didn’t realize he fell into.  “Are you in there?  Hello?”
“Yeah, sorry, just…”  Lance started, before he trailed off for a bit.  He turned to look at Sven, who looks both sickly concerned and so in love as he smiles at Lance.  “I don’t know.  Sorry, did you say something?”
Sven shook his head quickly.  “Not really, just that you were being oddly quiet.”
“Lance, is everything okay?”  Sven asked gently.
Lance looked at his lover–boyfriend–whatever they hadn’t really tacted on a label in the war.  Before he ducked down to look at his service boots.  Trying to get distracted by the fact that they are starting to show their age and fall apart, and how he should but in a request with Iverson for new ones.  Only he really can’t.
Because was everything okay?
Actually, yeah, really it was.  
All things considered at least.
Lance was got a few weeks of leave.  Granted it was because he got his arm broken and shoulder shot.  But as Hunk and Kinkade teased that was the only way he would take leave.  Which was…true, and also just whatever.  And he was taking a good week and half to visit his family.
Or…what was left of his family.  
Just his two living siblings, Marco and Veronica, and his nephew, Sylvio.  That was all that really remained after poor Nadia and Lisa passed nearly two decaphoebs ago from illness.  Everyone before that…well, it was a long time ago. The Alteans took a lot from him at a young age.  Something he knows, Sven is more than familiar with.
They all lived on a nice, well hidden colony, on the far edges of where the Altean Empire wishes to travel.  It’s got sweeping plains, gorgeous views, in its carved out of the mountain side community.  Bustling with a mix of rebel activities and normal live people of all types of alien races just trying to find peace and safety from the Altean Empire.  
It’s all lovely and perfect when Lance ignores that fact that is protected by a secret Altean rebel spy group known as the Spears of Symthe.
But that wasn’t why things were not…okay.
Lance was nervous.
He had seen his family in…a decaphoeb and a half…maybe.  And he was returning injured, which Veronica is going to get on him about.  Along with…admittedly, a very strange man by his side, that he feels way too much for than should be allowed for war times.
And it’s just…too much, or it feels like is.
He shouldn’t have invited Sven along.  
Or just gone somewhere else to spend his leave with Sven.  Like any of the other amazing places Sven had collected pamphlets for as a place for Lance to relax and recover a bit.  While also turning everything into a nice romantic vacation with his lover.
Or anything else.
Lance, however, found himself still strangling gripping to the fact that Slav told him the trip had a chance of 76.2% of being a success.  
79.6% if he packed the little Lion carving Sven made him in the leftmost pocket of his bag.  But it would decrease to 72.5% if he wore brown pants, or ate purple food go on way over, before Lance threatened to kick Slav in the face.  A feat Slav claimed Lance only succeeded in doing in 0.1% of all realities.
Needless to say, Lance had packed the little carving in the leftmost pocket of his bag, and worn navy blue pants, and ate green goo before they left.
God, he’s been hanging with Sven too much.
“Yeah…everything is fine.”  Lance said with a weak sigh.  “This place just makes me a little uneasy is all.”
Sven hummed beside him.  
Lance turned to look up.  Finding Sven’s gaze looked just past him, and when he turned to look, he could see an Altean in the deep blues of the Spears, with a haggle of young children.  She was teaching them fighting moves, gently correcting stances and holds on weapons so they could defend themselves in future.  Seeming to take as much joy as the kids when they got it right.
A clear sign the Spears of Smythe were not with the rest of the Altean Empire.  
They rather seemed to encourage the violence and savagery of other cultures.  Respected that some ways might not be what they wished them to be, and that was fine.  Order and chaos balance for peace.  They clung to the old ways of Altea, before Empress Allura lost sight of that fact.
The sight helped to ease a bit of the usual worries Lance has when he came there.
But it still hard, to completely swallow his views on Alteans.
“Yeah, well, it’s no big deal,” ��Lance said hurriedly as he turned back to look at Sven beside him.  “Trust me, you get use to it.  But, um…we should probably get going.  Veronica’s probably already expecting us, I told Marco and her, we were expected to land at 1630 hours, and that was like fifteen minutes ago so…we should go.”
Sven suddenly chuckled at him.
A smile growing on his lips as he simply just looked down at Lance.
“Hey, what’s so funny?”  Lance snapped at him.
He would cross his arms, and make a show of pouting, but the sling his hurt arm got of the way.  Not to mention moving the arm in general was torture in itself.
“Nothing.”  Sven said as shook his head.  “I think I’ve ever really seen you this nervous before Lance.”  He stated as he leaned down a bit to peck Lance’s cheek.  “It’s rather cute.”  He added as he pulled away.  “The way you ramble and fidget.”
Lance felt his cheeks heat up.
Because cute had never been a word that been applied to his rambling and fidgeting. Usually annoying and aggravating were used.  Hunk called it sweet…like one time, and it was like before Lance and Sven’s fifth actual date.  But that was the only time really.  
“Shut up!”  Lance squeaked as he turned to look at his boots again.
He could hear Sven laugh warmly at his reaction.  Leaning over to pick up his own travel bag, before moving to grab Lance’s as well.  Ignoring the hurried attempts to get him to stop.  Because Lance could more than carry his bag, he still have one good arm and shoulder.  Not to mention he carried off to the center of the community before they had stopped…so he could catch his breath. But that wasn’t the point.
However Sven just looped his arm through the handles, slinging Lance’s back over his shoulder.  “It’s fine.”  He declared easily, once it was securely rested on his shoulder.  “And look, now we can do this!”
Quickly Sven took Lance’s good hand in his own.
Clasping it and intertwining their fingers.  Before he held them up for Lance to see at eye level, as he beamed excitedly.  Looking far too proud of himself for thinking up the plan, that Lance had a hard time biting back his comment that Sven was a dork.  A loveable one, but still very much a dork.
“Yeah, now we can that.”  Lance said softly with a growing grin.  
And echo of Slav’s voice saying the chances for success increased to 94.1% if Sven and him held hands rang in Lance’s head.
He very quickly shoves it down.
“Already, let’s go get you introduced to my family.”  Lance said as he moved their hands back to their sides.
Sven, somehow, beamed brighter as he let Lance start to lead the way.
AN:  Ta-da!  I hope you liked it.  Alternate!Lance taking Sven to meet his family.  This takes place like a few months after Sven tells Lance way he asked him out in the first place.  Now Lance is taking him to his family.
And yes, I made Coran the found of what is basically the Blades in the over reality.  Because it was never disclosed that the Guns of Gamora is that, so I think they are more like the Voltron Coalition/Rebel groups.  So the Guns are more of a mix matched group of Aliens, and the Spears are those of Altean lineages.  
Also I am think Lance might be a part of a third group, that is mostly human forces that was observed into the Guns, and brought an Alliance with the Spears to the table.  But I don’t know, the Guns could be so large they are sort of disjointed by regions or whatever.  But Lance is very use to the idea of the Spears (not only because his family finds shelter under them)…where they are a still a newer thing for Sven. 
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even as a shadow, even as a dream pt.1
Pairing: Vamp!Eddie Munson/F!Reader; Vamp!Eddie Munson/You
Summary: Eddie wakes up in the Upside Down, and he is not the same. (Eddie POV)
Rating: M(ature)
Warnings: vamp!eddie munson, angst, mild body horror, blood cravings, feelings of self-loathing, adult language
A/N:  I apologize in advance for any pain this causes lol but this idea would just not leave me alone. Also, I was too lazy to come up with a new "reader" backstory, so I'm keeping "Obi" from my previous two fics. You don't have to read those to understand this one, but I consider this fic an alternate to "i can't carry it for you, but i can carry you." Namely, what would have happened if reader went with Lucas and Max instead of Dustin and Eddie? On a final note, I think this fic will be three parts, and each part will switch POVs between Eddie and Reader. (But there will be an eventual happy ending don't worry.)
Also, title take from this quote if anyone's curious:
Come back! Even as a shadow, even as a dream. -- Euripides
Anyway, hope you enjoy! <3
Ao3 Link: Here 
Pt. 2 Links: Tumblr / Ao3
Update: This fic is now completed.
Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!
That was the first thing he was aware of. The only thing. It was sharp. It burned. It hurt. Everywhere, always, like needles in his skin. Like teeth.
Hunger, sharp as a blade. Overwhelming hunger. Hunger neverending.
It was his only sense, the only thing he could feel. He was deaf and blind and naked in the dark, the void of his hunger swallowing everything else. He wasn’t even aware of his body until the first drop of cold, thick liquid hit his tongue.
Then he suddenly had hands. Fingers that were clutching something limp and leathery to his mouth. He had a mouth, too, apparently. And a tongue. And teeth he was using to tear into the flesh of… something.
It didn’t matter what it was. What it had been. All that mattered was the liquid he was slurping from its body, loudly, hungrily. It was both delicious and disgusting in turns, made his stomach churn with nausea and then delight. Too soon, the thing was empty, drained dry, but that didn’t matter, either. He just moved on to the next thing, and the next. He drained them each dry.
It wasn’t until the third body, or maybe the fourth, that the word bat fluttered through his mind.
On the sixth body, the next word came. Blood.
He was drinking blood.
Except… that wasn’t right. The liquid coating his hands, his mouth, sliding down his tongue, was black, pitch-black. It was cold, too. And blood should be warm, should be…
The color flashed through his mind— a red sky, streaked with lightning— but it was gone just as quickly.
Didn’t matter. These words didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except the pit still gaping inside him.
Hungry. He was still so hungry.
Suddenly, a smell. He realized he had a nose just as it twitched, and then he was bombarded all at once.
Something rank and musty, leathery, decaying, with just a hint of metal. This was the most overwhelming scent, and as he blinked his eyes for what felt like the first time, his surroundings came into focus. Piled all around him were crumpled shapes, their dark flesh merging with the shadows.
Bats. The word flickered through his mind again. He was surrounded by dozens of bats, or their carcasses at least. One was still clutched in his hands, its cold, coagulated, too-thick blood slowly dripping down his chin.
But then, that scent again. Sweet. Pulsing. Alive.
He was moving before he realized it, crawling over the bats, staggering to his feet. Everything hurt, hunger stabbing at him from the inside, nearly driving him to his knees once more. But that smell… he needed to get to it. Needed to consume it.
And it was coming from the shadows beneath one of the crumbling structures around him.
Trailer. Another useless word.
Because now the scent was closer. Closer. Something skittered, nails rasping on asphalt. He was right on top of it.
Lunging out, he grabbed something soft, and it squealed, thrashing, in his grasp. He snarled as he yanked the thing to his mouth, and he sank his teeth through coarse fur until…
Blood. Hot as a brand, it poured into his mouth, washing over his tongue. The bat blood had been enough to get him upright, but this blood…
Groaning, he pulled it into his mouth like a man starved. Because he was. But the hunger aching through his bones was an animal, rabid, feral… fading. He didn’t realize it at first, but with every desperate swallow, the hot liquid was coating the razor-sharp hunger seated deep in his belly. Not completely, but enough that his mind slowly began to return, bit by bit.
By the time he drained the thing dry and pulled it away from his mouth, he recognized it as a racoon. And when he looked up, he recognized the shadowed trailer in front of him as the Littens’, who lived down the road.
But then he caught sight of his reflection in the trailer’s window. Caught sight of the dark smear of his mouth, dripping with blood. The flash of his too-white, too-long teeth. The dark pits of his eyes, surrounded by black veins. The twin and curving shadows looming over his back.
A beat passed, then two…
Eddie Munson started screaming.
“Come on, wake up, wake up, goddamnit!” Eddie whimpered as he smacked his balled up fists into his forehead, like he could punch himself awake.
Then the smell of his hands— of the blood on them— reached his nose, and it made his stomach churn and his mouth salivate for very different reasons.
He pulled his hands away from his face, making a sound caught somewhere between a groan and a gag. His breathing was uneven, rapid, shaky. He felt on the verge of passing out.
Maybe… maybe if he passed out, he would wake up from this nightmare. Dream logic, right? Because that’s all this was. A nightmare. Just a terrible, godawful nightmare.
But fuck, he’d never felt this hungry in a dream before. He had never felt hungry in a dream at all. But now hunger was sitting in his belly like a molten rock, smoldering. It wasn’t as all-consuming as it had been, but it was still there, always present, clinging to him like a shadow.
Minutes ticked by while he crouched there on his heels with his brow pressed to his knees, but he could feel that hunger growing stronger again with each passing second. There was also a dull persistent pain throbbing in his teeth, like a headache.
Eddie also couldn’t remember ever feeling pain in a dream before.
Okay, so maybe this wasn’t a dream, a nightmare. Maybe… maybe this was a Vecna trance?
“Shit!” Eddie jolted to his feet, glancing around frantically, but he didn’t account for the extra weight on his back. He stumbled, feeling his shoulder blades shift, followed by a brush of something soft and leathery against his neck, his cheek.
He flinched, and his stomach churned again for yet another reason.
“Don’t think about it, Munson, just don’t fucking think about it,” Eddie muttered to himself, voice tinged with hysteria.
But it was kind of hard not to think about the fucking wings sprouting out of his back. The weight of them was like a yoke, and they twitched and moved without his permission, always flickering in the corners of his vision.
Vecna. This had to be Vecna. Right?
Red— what was her name? Max— hadn’t mentioned being turned into a… a monster in her visions, but maybe Vecna was upping the ante? They had been trying to kill him after all.
“Fuckkk,” Eddie whined as he wrapped his arms around himself, cupping his elbows. His eyes darted around again, but nothing had changed since he’d folded in the middle of the road and tried to slap himself awake.
The Upside Down reflection of his trailer park stood around him, covered in vines and the bodies of demo-bats. He tried not to look at their carcasses scattered across the asphalt. Tried not to remember how they tasted, even though the acrid flavor of their blood still sat on the back of his tongue.
Either way, they were dead. That was the important thing. They couldn’t hurt him.
All at once, Eddie recalled the sensation of the demo-bats tearing him to pieces. Their teeth and claws rending his flesh, spilling his blood. The pain had been terrible. He remembered how it felt to choke on his own blood…
“Wait!” Eddie gasped, grabbing at the front of his shirt.
When he looked down, he saw his Hellfire shirt was shredded, the white stained scarlet, the devil’s face in ribbons. He shoved the ruined mess of fabric up and out of the way and found…
An even worse mess.
“Oh, what the fuck?” Eddie whimpered as he stared down at his chest.
His whole torso was coated in blood, but it was all dried, flaking off in patches. And his injuries— the damage done by the demo-bats— were… scarred over. Instead of gaping wounds was ropy scar tissue, crisscrossing his skin in chaotic patterns. Some of the scars looked more healed than others, some were still tender when he poked them, and as Eddie continued to stare, he could have sworn he saw the tail end of a slash mark on his sternum stitch fully closed…
“Nope!” Eddie whipped his head up. He was starting to hyperventilate again. He reflexively lifted his hand to chew on his thumbnail— a bad habit he’s had since childhood— but he froze when a sharp claw pressed into his bottom lip. He dropped both hands like they were on fire, extending them out to the sides and clenching his eyes shut again. “Fuck! Nope, no, this is not happening. Not fucking happening. Keep it together, Munson. T-This is just Vecna, just Vecna fucking with you, man.”
But if it was Vecna… where was he?
Cracking his eyes open, Eddie glanced around again. But there was nothing. No flocks of flying demo-bats. No snarling demo-dogs, no Demogorgons.
No Vecna.
The Upside Down was eerily quiet and still around him, more so than usual. It made the sound of his panicked breathing that much louder. Why the fuck was Vecna not attacking him? If this was a trance, he should already be dead. Chrissy was dead within moments. So was that basketball kid who was out to kill him. Patrick or something. They were both dead minutes after Vecna got them.
Unless… time worked differently for those in the trance? Maybe minutes in the real world felt like hours in Vecna’s mental torture chamber.
God, Eddie fucking hoped not.
But… on the off chance this wasn’t a trance, wasn’t a dream or a nightmare, then all that was left was reality, which would be so much worse.
Eddie felt the wings on his back twitch again, felt the blood drying on his lips, but before he could start to fully panic, another thought occurred to him.
If this was real, then what had happened to the rest of the gang? Henderson, Harrington, Buckley, Wheeler… you.
The thought of your face was like a sledgehammer to the chest, the breath expelled from his lungs in a pained wheeze.
Instead of going with Harrington’s group, you had elected to stay with Sinclair and Max in the Creel house, said all the kids needed at least one chaperone. Your joke had fallen flat, but Eddie remembered smiling because it was just like you to try and make light of a situation, try to make everyone feel better, if only for a moment.
What had happened to you? To everyone? How long had it been since he…
Eddie swallowed thickly as he once again recalled choking on his own blood. He remembered Dustin being there, could still hear the kid crying in his head. But then… nothing. Just darkness. Maybe he passed out.
A wing brushed his neck again, and Eddie knew he hadn’t just passed out.
But he couldn’t think about that right now. He needed to get out of here. He needed to find everyone. Find you. Find…
The word ricocheted through his mind again, and that hunger reared up in his stomach, snarling. The blood of the raccoon taunted him from the corners of his mouth, and his tongue chased the phantom flavor, desperate and wanting.
“No, stop it, stop it!” Eddie hissed, smacking his cheeks and nearly poking his damn eyes out with his… claws. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket so he wouldn’t have to look at them, and then he paused and took a deep breath. Let it out slow.
The hunger was still there, like an ember burning a hole through his belly, seconds from leaping into flame. But he could ignore it. He would just… just think of you.
He summoned up the image of your smiling face, and immediately the painful hunger faded a bit. Eddie concentrated, recalling the sound of your laugh, the way you snorted when you were high and found something really funny. He tried to remember the last thing you said to him but couldn’t, but the ghost of your voice trickled through his thoughts, wordless yet soothing. That wasn’t anything new, though. You always sanded off his edges, made the chaos of his mind quiet for just a little while.
Fuck, he’d been in love with you for so long. Ages. Lifetimes.
You hadn’t remembered, but Eddie first met you a few months before your tenth birthday. It was the day before your father had moved you out of Hawkins for some job he got. You’d been so angry at your parents for making you leave the only home you had ever known, so you “ran away,” off into the woods, to avoid having to move.
That was where Eddie found you, or rather where you found him.
He’d been dicking around in the woods around the trailer park, trying to avoid his father who was already drunk at nine in the morning. Eddie didn’t even have any real toys, so he was just throwing rocks at trees, turning sticks into swords with his wild imagination. Then he’d turned around, and there you were. He could still remember the overalls you were wearing, your muddy knees, your red and tear-stained eyes. The two of you had just stared at each other— Eddie bracing himself to be bullied for his hair or his clothes or his dead mom and drunk father— but you’d just smiled at him shyly and asked if you could play with him. He’d stammered something stupid about how he was playing knights and dragons, thinking you would finally realize you were talking to Munson the Freak. But your eyes had just lit up as you picked up your own stick-sword and asked him what the rules were.
Eddie was a goner from that moment on.
Of course, your mother had eventually found you hours later, having been called by someone from the trailer park who saw you and Eddie playing in the woods. Your mom dragged you kicking and screaming back to the car while Eddie awkwardly stood in the tree line. It was only when he’d heard your mother yell your name in reprimand that he realized he hadn’t asked for it all day. You hadn’t asked for his name, either, in the way children can become fast friends with just about anyone given the right circumstances.
But your name and that one perfect, golden, summer afternoon haunted him for years after.
And yet, in a twist of ironic fate, he hadn’t recognized you when you returned.
You’d come back to Hawkins for your senior year and his second. But your hair was much longer, less frizzy, the gap in your front teeth gone. You also kept to yourself and kept your head down, so Eddie passed you in the halls for almost an entire year without a second glance.
Then, during his third senior year, he met Dustin Henderson. And one rainy fall day, you came to pick the kid up from Hellfire.
Eddie didn’t know what it was— maybe it was the way your hair was made frizzy by the rain, or maybe it was the shy smile you had cast the room when you looked up— but he remembered in an instant who you were.
And he fell in love all over again.
He’d bugged— well, maybe more threatened— Henderson to keep bringing you around, using the kid’s bike as an excuse. But you eventually saw through the flimsy lie, and Eddie thought that was it, he’d lost you yet again.
Until he walked out of the next Hellfire meeting, and there you were in the parking lot, leaning against your car and smiling at him, that same, shy smile you’d given him in the woods nearly ten years ago.
Eddie had nearly kissed you that first day, but he managed to control himself. Just barely. Because he finally had you back, and you were as golden and bright as his childhood memories made you out to be. He couldn’t lose you again. So, he kept his mouth shut. He became your friend. Gave you good deals on weed, invited you to his shows, hung out with you in his trailer and listened to you complain about your mom.
And you became his best friend, the one who listened to him ramble about his DnD campaigns, who rocked out in his van with him to the newest cassette he bought, who pushed him to study so he could finally get the fuck out of high school. He had pretended to complain about the studying, but really he enjoyed any time he got to spend with you. And Eddie saw the smile you tried to hide when he called you “Master Obi-Wan,” so he took to calling you Obi, just in the hopes of seeing your lips twitch.
In all that time, you never gave any indication that you remembered him or that day in the woods, so he kept the memory to himself. But that was fine because he had you, the now you, not just the phantom of your past. And every time you smiled in his direction, every time you snorted at something unfunny his said while passing back the joint, Eddie had thought this is enough. More than enough.
Except now you might be dead, and he never got to tell you how much he loved you.
The thought had his eyes snapping open, and Eddie was walking before he realized it. It wasn’t until he turned the corner that his brain registered he was moving, marching, headed for his trailer.
But it wasn’t there.
Eddie’s feet tangled as he stumbled to a stop.
“What the fuuuu…” he muttered, trailing off as his wide eyes stared at the rubble where his trailer used to be.
Because that’s all it was now. Rubble and debris. The Upside Down version of his home had already looked shitty, wrapped in vines and scrap metal from his and Henderson’s shoddy armoring, but this was a wreck. It looked like the trailer had been fucking… split in half.
And in the center lay a burning red line, like a jagged wound in the ground, the crimson light giving everything around it a hellish glow.
Was that the gate? How the fuck did it get so big?
What the fuck happened?
“Shit,” Eddie breathed, feeling that familiar panic start to crawl up his spine. “Shit, shit, shit!”
Did that mean… Harrington hadn’t stopped Vecna? And if Harrington hadn’t stopped Vecna, then Max… and you…
Eddie stared at the massive gate for an endless moment, not knowing what to do. But the longer he stood there motionless, the more the hunger in his stomach was making itself known. It burned in the center of him, started making his thoughts fuzzy around the edges again.
Eddie shook his head, but the back of his throat still itched, felt tight and dry. Unbidden, the refreshing sensation of the raccoon blood pooling on his tongue jumped to the forefront of his mind, and his mouth fell open as he began to pant. The raccoon must have come through the enlarged gate, which meant there were more of them on the other side, more hot, pulsing blood--
“Fuck! Focus, Munson, focus,” he muttered to himself, clenching his eyes shut again.
It was one of your favorite phrases, usually accompanied by you snapping your fingers to redirect his attention to finishing an essay or studying for a test.
The memory of you sitting cross-legged on his bed, surrounded by textbooks, made the hunger recede again, like the tide going out, and Eddie exhaled a shaky breath.
He needed to find you. Make sure you were alright. Everything else— the gates, the hunger, the wings— it could all come later. 
Because you had to be alright. There was no way the world would keep turning without you in it. So you were fine, back in the real world. Just fucking fine.
He just needed to find you. You, then Henderson. Because Henderson would know what to do. That kid always had a plan.
Gathering his courage, Eddie opened his eyes and started walking toward the wreckage of his trailer. He ignored the scattered remnants of his life, stepping over his couch sawed in half, his broken stereo system, Uncle Wayne’s hats, until he was standing on the edge of the gate. With the ceiling of the trailer— and the trailer itself— gone, the portal between worlds was now just slashed into the ground. The red glow was almost blinding this close, and Eddie squinted against the glare.
His breathing was still jagged, his throat tight with fear. Hunger was a perpetual burning coal in his belly, his teeth fucking ached, and the wings on his back continued to twitch and remind him of their presence.
Eddie was fucking terrified, just as terrified as he’d been when the bats descended upon him, tore him apart.
But that didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Just you. Always you.
Your face filled his thoughts, pushed down the hunger, the fear, the throbbing in his mouth.
Just you. Always you.
“O-Okay, I’m comin’, Obi, I’m coming,” Eddie said under his breath.
Then he closed his eyes, bent down, and shoved his hands through the gate.
The fleshy material tore beneath his claws like wet paper, and he crawled forward without thinking about it, trying to ignore how birth-like it felt to pass through the portal.
Thankfully, it was over quickly, and within moments Eddie was hauling himself up and into the real world, the wreckage of his actual trailer still surrounding him. He scrambled away from the gate, trying not to look at his clawed hands, but suddenly his senses were assaulted all at once, and he faceplanted into the dirt with a groan.
It was so warm here. Not hot, not exactly painful, but enough to be uncomfortable, to make his leather jacket feel like a prison. Then there were the noises. The crickets chirping, the hum of electricity, the distant murmur of voices, of cars. Eddie could hear it all. Like it was all being funneled straight into his brain through the best headphones money could buy. It was enough to make him want to rip his goddamn ears off.
But worse were the smells.
Garbage and grass, car exhaust, fire smoke, and underneath it all…
It was everywhere, Eddie could smell it everywhere. The animal hunger in him roared to the surface, clocking the stray cats under the trailer next to him, the rats in the tall weeds, the birds in the trees. And…
People. Eddie could hear people. Someone on the other end of the trailer park was watching TV in their living room. No, two people. He could hear them arguing, the raised tone of their voices, but the meaning of their words was lost because saliva was now pooling in his mouth.
Their blood smelled so much sweeter. Sweeter than the racoon, the cats and rodents around him. Eddie couldn’t describe it, words escaping him as all his senses zeroed in on the scent. From the direction and the raised voices, it had to be Paul and Deb. They were always arguing, always mean, sneering at him even when he was just a boy walking home from school.
The violent image of tearing Paul’s throat out flashed through Eddie’s thoughts, and that animal hunger in him rejoiced before his conscious weakly raised its head again.
No. No, he couldn’t kill Paul. He wasn’t a murder. He wasn’t a…
The word whispered through his mind, echoed by the whispering of the wings against his back, and Eddie whined as he tore at his hair, claws digging into his scalp.
The pain centered him for a moment, long enough that he could think of your face again.
He needed to find you. Needed to find you. Needed you, you, you—
Again, a vision flashed across the darkness of his closed eyelids, but this time it was your throat he was tearing out, your wide eyes pleading as he slurped the blood straight from your neck.
“No!” Eddie snarled, carving his claws into his scalp and shaking his head vehemently.
No, he wasn’t going to hurt you. Could never hurt you. Would rather die than lay a finger on you.
But… this hunger inside him was so sharp, so deep. What if he couldn’t control himself? What if he did hurt you?
“No,” Eddie said again, but this time it was a whimper. His tone was pleading, though he didn’t know who he was begging. Certainly not God. The universe, maybe. The very fucking cosmos.
His eyes felt hot, but no tears came. He was starting to hyperventilate again, which only made the scent of Paul and Deb’s blood more cloying. But his trailer was in pieces around him, split in half by an interdimensional gate to hell. Wayne was probably dead. And if Eddie couldn’t go to you, he couldn’t go to Henderson, so he was… alone.
He was alone and so hungry and so fucking scared.
What the fuck was he supposed to do?
“Obi,” Eddie sobbed without meaning to, all but tearing out clumps of his hair now. “Obi, p-please…”
Please, help me.
He crouched there and cried tearlessly for a moment, but his never-ending hunger wouldn’t let him rest. His stomach started to tie itself into knots, painful and tight, and he nearly snapped when Jinx, one of the park’s feral cats, slinked out of the shadows to meow at him. Eddie usually tossed scraps to the mangy feline when he took out the trash, and Jinx seemed to recognize him somewhat. But she kept her distance, meowing from several yards away, which was probably what saved her life.
Because Eddie could hear the blood pumping through the cat, could practically feel its warmth on his tongue. Saliva filled his mouth, his teeth throbbing, and Jinx seemed to recognize the danger because she turned and darted away, fading back into the shadows.
Eddie could still hear her heart pounding from under a trailer several spots down, but the distance gave him some clarity, and he shakily pushed himself to his feet.
He couldn’t stay here. He had to go. Go… somewhere. But away. Away from people, from things he could hurt.
Or kill.
Eddie stumbled out of the wreckage of his trailer and into the woods. It was only then that he realized it was dark, not full dark, but the deep purple bruise of twilight right as the sun slips beneath the horizon. The trees cast black shadows, but Eddie could see just fine in the gloom, like it was midday. This fact should have been surprising except he couldn’t feel anything beyond his hunger. It latched onto his brain, squeezing like a bear trap, and Eddie whined as he fought against it.
Once more, he conjured your face, your smile, the little crease between your eyes that you got whenever you were reading or thinking deeply about something. Eddie recalled every detail he could about you in an effort to stay sane. Your crooked fingers, broken from falling out of a tree when you were seven. Your lips that were forever chapped because you were always picking at them. The constellations of moles and birthmarks spiraling up and down your arms and the glimpses he’d caught of your back. The way you always leaned your head against his shoulder when you were too high and nodding off. The way you wiggled happily every time you had a bite of food you really liked. The way you said his name. Munson. Equal parts exasperated and affectionate.
Eddie clung to these vestiges of you like a drowning man clings to a life preserver, while the hunger, like waves, fought to overtake him. He was trying to keep his head above water, trying to summon up another memory to keep him afloat, when suddenly…
Your name.
It rang through his head like a bell, forcing his eyes open, and Eddie abruptly realized where he was.
He was standing in the woods across from your house, half a step back in the tree line and half hidden by a large trunk. His feet had carried him to you unwittingly, muscle memory from the many times he had walked you home since you lived only a few minutes away. Your street looked largely the same. There was a long crack in the middle of the road, splitting the asphalt, but the houses were all intact. And yours was a little less than fifty yards away.
And you. You were sitting on the steps of your front porch, smoking a cigarette like you were just waiting for him to pull up in his van and pick you up.
Except… god, your face.
Rage ignited in Eddie like a wildfire, and he felt an inhuman growl rumble in his chest, his claws digging into the tree trunk he was hiding behind.
The side of your face was a mottled mixture of blues and purples, and even from this distance— his vision was much better than it should be— Eddie could see the bloody and broken capillaries in your eyes. Your lip was split right down the middle, framed by more bruises, and the hand you weren’t smoking with was wrapped in a white cast that encased your wrist.
The scent of old blood lingered around you, but instead of making him hungry, it made him angry. Wrathful. Vengeful.
Who the fuck had hurt you?
The throbbing in Eddie’s teeth started to spread across his whole head like a virus, a curse. The bark beneath his claws was splintering, crushed by the force of his taut fingers, and his ears rang and rang and rang. He would kill whoever had done that to you. Tear them to shreds. Drink them dry—
Suddenly, the front door burst open right behind you, narrowly missing your hunched back by inches. A new scent— hot pumping blood, too-pungent cologne,  and fear— hit Eddie moments before recognition did.
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demonicheadcanons · 3 years
More Little Affections with the Obey Me! Characters
[Brothers Part 1] / [Undateables Part 1]
A/n: Part 2 because I still think about this all the time honestly and I thought I’d just go for it ^^ People seemed to enjoy the last posts anyway :D this is both for the brothers and the undateables 💙 I’m not sure if I did this last time but these go both ways; how they’re affectionate and the kind of attention they would love to receive ^^ Like the last ones, these are romance-coded aside from for Luke because he's baby.
- When you start to wander, paying too much attention to your general surroundings that you’re falling behind or not actually focusing on where you’re going. Lucifer acts like he hates it, but it gives him an excuse to rest his hand on your back or take your hand in his and gently coax you along, knowing that you’re safe then even if you’re not so focused.
- Lazy days. Laying in bed late, until both of you have naturally woken up and he gets to watch you rub sleep from your eyes and stretch. He’s canonically not much of a morning demon, so on those extremely rare days where he has little to do and can afford to spend hours cuddled up to you, only getting up to do small things or prepare tea and breakfast (which he’d rather not eat in bed, for fear it would make a mess, but if he trusts you and you’ve proved yourself to be not too clumsy he might let you once, to see if it was a possibility in future) he feels like a different person. A happier one.
- Punctuality. Lucifer is never late when you have plans. He’s never really late for anything, but it’s so specific with you that he turns up right on time, or early if he knows you’re the kind of person to turn up early, so you won’t have to wait. He wants to spend every second he can spare with you, and wants you to know it.
- Sitting on the floor. Specifically, sitting on the floor together in the music room or his office, listening to music. There’s no particular reason why he loves it; perhaps it’s the informality, maybe because it’s something he doesn’t do often outside of when they’re doing traditional events and such. It feels like a special thing, and whilst it’s on the milder end, almost a forbidden thing too? No one would expect it of him, but when you’re together in his office he’ll seal the magic door and sit with you on the carpet in front of the fire with a record playing.
- Biting your lip during a kiss. It’s not intended to be a romantic or pleasing thing; it will hurt, and he thinks your reaction is funny. Luci typically does it to end a series of kisses when he has to get back to focusing on something else. If you glare at him he will only smirk in return and ruffle your hair.
- Make him part of your life. Ask him out to do something or for his opinion on anything, big or small. What does he think of this outfit? What shoes go best? You’re going to a store to get snacks, does he want anything? Or does he want to come with you and you can make it into a treat night? Take him grocery shopping with you, or out to the library when you need to return books and get new ones out. Remind him that you want to do all these things with him by your side, let him know you’re thinking of him when he’s not around and when you’re just going about your day. He does the same, in his own way, although he often makes it sound more of a demand than a request; but, feel free to go and link your fingers with his and drag him along with you, and he will follow.
[[The rest of the brothers and undateables are under the read more]]
- What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. He shares everything with you, from clothes to schedules to habits. You like his jacket? Well, he guesses you can wear it for a while, it should look nice with your outfit. You have a specific morning ritual? He's part of it now, by your side even if he has to wake up later to match your schedule. And hey, you have this one specific accessory that would look just perfect with what he's wearing to model, can he please borrow it? Pretty please?
- When you stop what you're doing to spend time with Mammon or even just to chat with him, he really feels special. Every time he ends up freezing up mid-sentence, and his ears go red as he tries to remember what he was even saying in the first place. You turn away from your schoolwork one day and smile at him, happy that he's come to see you, and you've never seen a grown man so beet-red in your life.
- Surprise gifts. "I saw that one thing you were looking at in the store, and I guess I ended up buying it..." He somehow always finds the money to get stuff for you, and to be honest he finds it to be his best investment, especially if you smile at him after. He doesn't mind much if he doesn't get gifts in return, and actually is very startled if you buy anything for him. His mostly loves having things that match with you, whether its clothes, accessories, keychains, etc.
- Mammon has a box full of things that remind him of you. A keychain you got together once, the photos you've taken together, a bottle of the perfume / aftershave you wear (if any). Anything and everything. This memory box stays firmly tucked away in a corner of his room and no one else is allowed to touch it, including you. He'll look through it if you've been in the human realm for a while and he misses you.
- Having you run your fingers or nails (gently) up and down his back. The sensation is weird at first and he’s too flustered to speak, but after a while it’s the one surefire way to relax him. When he does get used to it, try tracing shapes or words against his skin - he loves trying to work out what you’re drawing or writing. He’ll also do the same in return for you if you’re comfortable with it.
- Leaning against your side and shaking / nudging you. This is something simple he can do at almost any time; you’ll be playing games and feel his weight against your side as he shoves his shoulder against yours, pushing against you or wiggling his own to shake you slightly. He’s reminding you he’s there and thinking about you, or wants to start a conversation but doesn’t want to break your focus on the game with no warning. He also just thinks it’s fun!
- Holding hands when in a crowded place. Especially if you phrase it as wanting to know he's there to help keep you calm, and to be your strength, although he clings to you for dear life himself as he tries to cope with all the people around.
- Design outfits with him. You don't ever have to make them, but lie on your stomach beside him, on the floor of his room, and give your input on whatever he's designing right now. He's uncharacteristically responsive to your suggestions, taking them into account and only vetoing them if they're particularly bad.
- Feeding stray cats together, and even smuggling some back home. This one feels so obvious but I didn't include it in the last post for some reason. Satan knows where stray cats gather in the Devildom, and he regularly goes by himself to feed and pet them. Whether he sees you feeding or petting some by yourself and decides to invite you, or he does it on a whim with no encouragement, he invites you along. He loves how you look when you're playing with the cats.
- Reading together. Another obvious one. Especially if you read aloud to him as he lays on your lap, or you lean against him and listen as he reads to you. His voice is steady and relaxing.
- Rubbing your fingers over his fists when he's mad until he calms down enough to unclench them, and then continuing to tickle along his palms until the marks left by his nails fade. It matters a lot to him that you don't hate him for his anger, and even more that you aren't totally terrified of him.
- Chores. Either doing them together or doing the other's chores for them when they're too tired or busy. It feels so domestic. Satan will often offer to help wash or dry the dishes when you're cooking, and he appreciates it when you do the same.
- Leaving notes for each other. Whether they're long and romantic or short and silly, something as simple as a reminder to do this or buy that, Satan appreciates every one. Satan has special post-it notes that are green with a little cat paw print in one corner, and he'll buy you your own specific set, especially if they're cat themed.
- Letting you gently work to clean off his makeup whilst he’s got his head in your lap, half asleep and exhausted from something or other. He puts so much energy into everything he does that he often ends up tired once he gets home, so having that soft affection to return to and knowing someone cares enough to do something like that for him is very comforting and takes a lot of pressure off him - the last thing he wants to do after a busy day is to clean everything off his face before he can crawl into bed to rest. He’ll do the same for you if you also wear makeup!
- Go to him when you're sick. Okay, Asmo is disgusted and he won't be super affectionate when you're ill, to be completely honest. But he does like that you trust him and want to be with him in that time, and he will take care of you and even pamper you after a while. If you wake up with a full mani-pedi done, that's on you.
- Playing dress up. Asmo loves choosing what you'll wear, and will even buy clothes with the intention of dressing you up in them. He's quick to learn your tastes in what you'll feel comfortable wearing, and even quicker to figure out exactly how to dress you to make the best of your figure. He'll also, on occassion, let you pick out parts of his outfit for him, although unless your fashion sense is on point, he won't let you decide his whole outfit for him. That said, you can provide some influences towards it.
- Mutual investment. You take an interest in the things he likes, and he does the same back. Come to his sports games, make his favourite food, spend time with Belphie. He'll do anything for you in return - even if your interests are completely different.
- To continue with this, Beel loves celebrating achievements together. Whether he's won a game or you've done well on exams or just, anything else that there is to be proud of, Beel is the first to congratulate you and offer to do something to celebrate. It often involves food, but it means he really cares about you.
- Listening. Beel isn't good with words, but he does know what he's talking about, and when you sit and watch him and really listen to him, it means the world to him. People are quick to brush him off when he's telling them something, because everyone assumes he only thinks about food. He will, of course, listen to anything you tell him as well, and he thinks carefully before responding as he really tries his best to consider how you're feeling.
- Beel will often, if you allow him, carry you around - either on his shoulders or on his back. He's happy to let you sleep on his back if you want as he walks you home, after a long day at RAD, and adores how easy it is for him to carry you about. He also likes that you trust him enough to let him.
- Reading your expressions. Doing things just to see you smile that one specific way you do, or to see your confusion painted clearly on your face. He especially loves to do the most unexpected things in any given situation just to see your expression after, and he chuckles as you regain your composure. The king of intentionally making you flustered.
- Going for late night drives in the human world. Singing along to whatever song is playing on the radio, whether or not you know the words. He grins, so tired but doing his best to stay awake as he looks out the window at the stars, and then over at you. If you're not the best at singing he's definitely going to tease you, but those moments are sacred, and he doesn't tell anyone else about them.
- This may not be the most affectionate thing, and it can be rather terrifying, but of all the brothers, Belphie is the most likely to quite literally just throw you about. Going to bed? He'll throw you onto it from half way across the room. Want to lay down in the attic? Cling tightly to him or you're just getting dropped into the pillow stack the second he gets there. Trying to cuddle him when he's in a bad mood and just wants to sleep? He's going to shove you away quite hard, so long as there's something soft for you to land on, and he'll flop down on top of you and trap you there with him until he feels better. He'd never actually hurt you, but he will throw you up high into the air randomly and smirk if you scream. Never let this man princess carry you unless you like to live on the edge.
- Massages. This one goes both ways; he's the next king of the Devildom, and that means working odd hours with little to no breaks. Stand behind him and rub his shoulders, his neck, his back, until enough of the stress melts away and he can focus again. He'll take one of your hands and kiss it as a thank you. If you've had a long day, or if he's just in the mood for it, he'll ask if you want one too. He's nervous some of the time; Diavolo is ridiculously strong, and you are only human, but he can be surprisingly gentle when he tries.
- Cooking for (or with) each other. Diavolo rarely gets the time to cook himself, and he might not be the best at it, but there's a few dishes he can get perfect every time. Whether its making a full dinner together (and forcing Barbatos to help you eat it) or just waking up early to make some pancakes for the other, he appreciates every meal and every effort.
- Remind each other of their worth. Outside of him being a royal, Diavolo has very few people who compliment him on the efforts he makes or on who he is without his title. Tell him he's kind, he's considerate, that he's very sweet, lovely, determined, beautiful. He'll mumble to you in return, listing off countless little details about who you are in his eyes, who he sees you to be. Learn about how much you shine from him as he tiredly traces circles against your palm with his fingers.
- Saying something shocking (not offensively so, just something you wouldn’t expect from him) and then acting like it never happened. He loves to see your expression as you go from being surprised or startled to confused, and if you laugh, well that’s even better, right?
- Sharing food or treats from one plate. It feels intimate and soft, even just to share a slice of a cake he’d made for you or vice versa. He’ll feed you if you want, though he gets embarrassed at first, and if you ask to feed him he’s noticeably flustered but will try it. He really enjoys it; it’s not often he’s the one getting pampered and served, and makes for a nice difference.
- Reliance. Barbatos will often go to you first (don’t tell Lord Diavolo though!). He’s not one to vent, but if you let him lean against you or hold you in his arms for a bit it relaxes him. He also thinks you’re the most reliable person to turn to with a lot of issues, and likes hearing any insight you can offer. Most commonly, he will come to you when one of the other exchange students or one of the brothers is causing problems, because he thinks you’ll be the best at handling them. If you’re also close to Diavolo and he’s upset, Barbatos will go to you to see if you’ll help comfort him.
- Call him first. Before you tell anyone else what happened, how your day went, if you need help, you have to tell him first. He doesn't need you to think of him first, but it does capture his heart a bit when you have news and seek him out before anyone else. Its probably the closest he gets to feeling oh so totally in love.
- Let him lead. Whether in dancing or exchanging affections, Solomon likes to be in the lead, because when caught off guard he's usually not in the mood and it can put him off a little bit. Of course, if you want anything from him, you need only ask and he'll definitely consider it.
- Trying to embarrass / fluster each other. Solomon isn't easily embarrassed, so it doesn't really work for him, but he loves any efforts you make. Much like Belphie, though, he's particularly good at making you feel flustered. He'll stir up all of the butterflies in your stomach just to watch you squirm and blush. He also has a specific, sickeningly sweet pet name he only uses in these moments.
- Having someone around who remembers things, or, if not, someone who rolls with the punches. His memory isn’t the best, so whilst he might remember he has to do something, he will often forget to actually inform anyone else who is involved until it’s happening. Being able to sporadically go out and do whatever you two feel like is important with him; not everything has to be planned, just see what you feel up to that day and go for it. It takes a lot of pressure off him and he enjoys being able to visit you at random times and drag you out for a meal or a walk or something.
- His fingers, tap-tap-tapping wherever they lay. Against your ribs, your arms, your back. They tap in a specific order, playing out a melody you can't hear, and if you look at him he smiles warmly back, amused as always.
- Watching TV together. Simeon prefers reading over TV, but if you curl up next to him with a warm drink and a blanket, he'll happily settle for watching almost anything. He's probably not going to be paying the most attention to whatever's on the screen, though; he'd much rather keep an eye on you and see how you're reacting to it all. He's paying just enough to respond to any commentary you might make, not one to miss out on a good discussion.
- Hiding behind you or having you hide behind him when something happens. The first makes him feel safe, and he knows you'll rise to any challenge, or a brother will show up and protect you before you can get hurt. The latter makes him feel like you trust him, and as an angel who is probably quite powerful even at his young age, he knows for a fact that he can and will protect you from any threats you might face.
- Earnestly praising him when he does something well. It can be about his grades, his baking, his attitude towards demons. Anything works, so long as you're truly proud of him and mean exactly what you say. He can tell if you're just trying to butter him up. Luke is also very, very serious about when he offers you praise, and will pat your head and tell you he's really and truly proud of you.
- Luke actually really likes if he can act like a child around you. If he can trust you enough not to tease him when he cries, or draws pictures of his 'family' (which includes Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos, Michael, and you, of course) in crayon, or plays some kind of game made for children. It means he trusts you to see him for who he is, and to not judge him for it, which is the most he can depend upon anyone in the entirety of the three realms.
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song epilogue (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher living with your best friend, and have never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire.
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, romance, fluff, a final resolution, smut; oral (male receiving), penetration, got a lot spicier than i initially imagined, oc was feeling herself words; 6,503
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue  (+ drabbles)
author’s note; fun fact, I’ve never actually written an epilogue before, but it felt fitting this time around, to tie up all the loose(ish) ends and satisfyingly bring it to a close – she says as if she isn’t writing drabble upon drabble (and more) lol but you get what I mean. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading ~ 
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“The rabbits!” Seokjin cried out of the blue, jumping to his feet. 
Immediately you found yourself slumped into the sofa, having been leaning against him, cuddled up all morning. You sat up, confused as you looked at him. “What?”
His eyes were wide with panic. “I need to feed them! Arin will kill me if she finds out.” 
“Relax,” you chuckled, taking a hand in yours to tug him back to you. He stepped between your legs but kept standing. “They won’t starve to death. When did you feed them last?”
“Last night,” he thought. “Just after I came home from work. Maybe 7.” 
You checked his watch, seeing it was just gone eleven. “They’ll be fine for another half hour.” You stood up, tugging his hand again, but this time to lead him to the kitchen. “Come on, let’s take the stuff for brunch to your place.” 
You’d stayed in bed for a while this morning, just happily holding and kissing one another, still buzzed and definitely still basking in that post-orgasm glow. When you’d finally managed to escape the warmth of your sheets, you’d showered together. Your bathroom was a lot smaller than his – obviously – and your shower bath was even tinier, but you made it work, until you didn’t, Seokjin nearly toppling out over the side while simultaneously nearly getting rolled up in the shower curtain. Of course that had given you the giggles, but you’d composed yourself, finishing up, getting dry and then getting dressed for the day. Luckily, Seokjin had some clothes at your place, so he didn’t have to recycle the ones he’d slept in last night. 
You were treating this day like a Sunday, making the most of being lazy on the sofa before you inevitably had to go and cook brunch up. 
He stopped in his tracks, making you turn back. “You sure?” He asked, pulling you to him, nuzzling his nose against your jaw as his arms wrapped around waist. “I wanted to stay here this weekend.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling, linking your hands around his neck as he placed a kiss behind your ear. “It doesn’t matter where we are as long as we’re together.” 
He pulled back to see you, his plump lips already curved into a smile. “You speak such truth. I’m forever awestruck by you.” 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from stealing a small kiss. 
Seokjin decided he wanted more, pressing kiss upon kiss to your lips with enjoyable hums. “I love you,” he declared causally after the last that lingered a little. Then he grinned. “How many time will I say that today before it gets annoying?” 
You smiled fondly at him. “You could never be annoying.” You got the last kiss. “I love you.” 
A lazy day was a lazy day regardless of the house. After Seokjin made sure the rabbits were happy, fed and had fresh water, you started brunch, eating it on the kitchen island as the rain continued, falling down against the tall windows. Any other day you would have found the weather depressing, but not today. Not when you were bursting with happiness and beautifully content. Besides, that just meant you had even more of a reason to do nothing, cuddled up on Seokjin’s large corner sofa as you picked up the series the both of you had started watching a couple of weeks ago. 
At around 5pm you started toying with the idea of going out for dinner somewhere, but then you hadn’t brought along the right clothes and by now it was raining heavier than it had all day. The idea of putting on makeup made you feel even lazier, so you decided on takeout in the evening and a movie instead. 
As Seokjin was arranging the containers and plates around the coffee table, ready to dig in, movie ready to go, you slipped out a question. There’d been something on your mind all day, nothing major of course, but still, you didn’t quite know how to bring it up. 
“What time is Arin coming home tomorrow?” 
“I’m unsure,” he replied, briefly looking over at you before he opened up the black bean noodles. “I need to text Nana.” 
You nodded, opening you mouth to ask a follow up question, but hesitating last minute. He looked at you again, sensing your caution and raised a concerned eyebrow. You hated seeing him worried, so you rushed ahead. “Do you want me to go home beforehand?”
“No, of course not,” he exclaimed, before he furrowed his brow. “Unless you want to of course… If you feel uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t,” you were quick to reassure. You wanted to be there actually, if he was okay with it. “I was thinking her and I should clear the air.” 
You could see Seokjin deep in thought for a brief second before he nodded, sitting back against the sofa to take your hand. “It won’t be like last time. I promise.” 
Seokjin had already told you some of what he and Nana had spoken about Thursday evening, so you knew not to be worried about any potential conflict, but still, you didn’t want to blindside her. “We should probably check with her first though, right?” 
“Okay,” he agreed. Giving you a smile, he squeezed your thigh. “I’ll call her after the movie.” 
“Should I turn off the lamp?” 
You nodded in reply, watching Seokjin lean over his side of the bed to flick the only form of light you had off. When he rolled onto his back, you immediately pounced, hooking a leg over his hip to settle yourself on top of him, your stomachs flush. It may have nearing 12am, but sleep was not the thing on your mind. 
“Oh, hello,” he responded, happily surprised as his hands found your hips, nudging you closer. 
“Hello,” you smiled, wasting no time with meeting your mouths. 
You were a woman on a mission, knowing exactly what you wanted. Today had been lovely, and yes, you’d already had sex today, but when had that ever stopped you before? You were happy and in love and just couldn’t keep your hands (and lips) off of your boyfriend. On top of that, you were just in a great mood, full of positivity. Nana was fine with meeting tomorrow and that meant you could all clear the air and move forward. You’d finally get to see Arin again too, you’d missed her.
Things were perfect, if you did say so yourself, everything heading in the right direction, and right now you wanted to celebrate that. With Seokjin. In the best kind of way. 
“I would have kept the light on if I knew we’d be kissing,” Seokjin murmured wetly against your lips, his tongue missing yours by a second as you started to trail your way down his chin, throat and then his chest, kissing over his pyjama shirt. 
He felt you start to undo the buttons, his cock beginning to rouse expectantly which was highly amusing for you. As you exposed more and more of his chest your lips followed suit, kissing down his stomach, past his belly button to stop just above his pyjama pants, the tiny hairs that littered the skin tickling. You pulled the shirt open, working your way up again, Seokjin helpfully keeping your hair out of your eyes as he tried to hungrily watch you at work, the light of the moon shining through the gaps in the drapes casting enough light to be able to make you out. 
He let out a shaky moan when you flicked the tip of your tongue against his right nipple, laughing at himself afterwards. 
Back at his mouth, you didn’t stay too long before you sat up, straddling him. 
“Where are you going?” He wailed, annoyed you didn’t want his kisses. 
But it wasn’t that you didn’t want them, more like you wanted something else… 
You moved downwards, covers collecting at the end of the bed as you slotted in between his eagerly opening legs, his hips bucking when you cupped his now fully erect (and trapped) member. You began to run your hand up and down it, a grin on your face as you looked up. “You’re so easy.” 
Eyes having adjusted, you saw his grin was a little more bashful, eyes half lidded as he admired the view before him. “Only for you.” 
Ever the flatterer, you had him inside the warmth of your mouth in no time. You weren’t shy by any means, especially now what with all the times you and Seokjin had been intimate, but there was something about being surrounded in near darkness that gave you a fresh surge of confidence. In the glow of the moon, you could make out Seokjin’s parted lips, his eyes piercing the ceiling, giving you a glorious view of his thick neck, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down slowly as his breathing got shallower, just enjoying the moment. He looked handsome as hell – mixed with that pyjama shirt pushed sinfully open, his toned chest and stomach on full display. For you. 
Taking him deeper, you reached for him, running your hands up his stomach, feeling the firm ridges of muscle. He let out a deep moan, looking down to take your hands in his, eyes heavy with desire as he clasped them tight. You eased up a little, smiling around his cock before you started sucking the tip, caressing your tongue over him time and time again. 
He lifted his hips up, eager for more and you wrestled one of your hands free from his to clasp it around the base of his dick, feeling how wet it was from your saliva as you slowly started jerking him off, placing small, wet kisses against his slit. 
With the hand still on his torso, he slipped his fingers between yours, head relaxing back, eyes shut once he felt you softly begin to massage his balls, coating them in the spit that had dripped down onto them. You took him deeper again, picking up speed as you bobbed your head up and down. The sensation just about exploded his mind. 
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” he gasped, free hand running through his hair and tugging at the roots. “If you keep that up I’ll cum.” 
You found it cute how bad his voice trembled, pulling off to smirk. “And is that a bad thing?” 
“Nope, it’s not bad,” he agreed, a little more himself now that you’d spared him for a few seconds. “I just thought we could do some other stuff too.” 
“Some other stuff?” you laughed, lifting on your knees to crawl closer to him. You continued to massage his balls, feeling them tighten. “Like what?” 
He took a shaky breath, rolling his hips into your touch. “Like…” He paused to groan. Now you were jerking him again, your thumb rolling small circles against his slit. “Sex.” He tried again. “I want to have sex with you.” 
“You do?” 
“I always want to have sex with you.” 
And impatient now, his hands gripped your waist, tugging you to him. You squealed, fingers slipping from his cock to land on his chest, the movement sudden enough to make you think you were falling. He kissed you hastily, a soft growl in his throat as his palm grazed over your ass, fingertips playing with the frill detail of your shorts. 
“I’d be inside you 24/7 if it was possible.” 
“God, I want it to be possible so bad.” You practically lamented, his mouth on your neck now, licking strips up and down the sensitive skin. 
He made another noise, cock twitching against your thigh. You felt impatient yourself now, hands finding the collars of his shirt to push it over his shoulders, needing to strip him. He lifted his back of the bed, letting you shimmy the item off before his hands grabbed at your vest, lifting it up over your head in no time. Your mouths met in a rush, his hands palming your breasts, making you moan out, nipples sensitive as he pinched them between his thumb and forefinger. 
You went to move, wanting to get rid of his pants but he stopped you, fingers wrapping around your ribs. 
“W-wait, wait, wait, wait,” he babbled, pulling you closer. “Let me taste them.” To explain further, he caressed a finger down your left breast, making you shudder. “Mine,” he whispered possessively and then you found yourself hovering over his face, his hands cupping the soft, sensitive flesh as he kissed and sucked them in turn. 
You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, shorts uncomfortable as he swirled his tongue around and around your nipple, nipping it gently as he pulled away. “I love your body,” he breathed – hard. “I love you.” 
“Mhmm,” you moaned deeply, watching him suck on the other boob now. Your fingers dug into the pillow, arms trembling with pleasure. “I love you, too.” 
He made a noise of approval, finally letting you break free so you could get his pants down over his hips. His erection was so hard by now it almost stood poker straight, veins angrily visible even in the faint lighting. Pyjama pants below his knees, he eagerly kicked them off the rest of the way, watching as you peeled off your shorts. Both naked, he moaned as you straddled him, sliding up and down his cock teasingly, coating it in your arousal. 
“Honey, please,” he pleaded. His voice shook. “Don’t tease. It’s not very nice.” 
“You tease me all the time.”
He groaned weakly, unable to think of a comeback. You sat straighter, chest wet and shiny in the moonlight, his doing, and you knew he could see it too, his dark eyes watching you silently – hungrily. He looked so good, you couldn’t wait any longer. Wrapping your hand around him, you ambitiously went for it, pushing down and taking him whole. It surprised you both, groaning together as you caught your breaths. 
Although, you didn’t give him much time to get used to the feeling of your warmth hugging him tight before you began to ride him hard and fast, bouncing up and down loudly before you stopped to swivel your hips. He could feel you everywhere, his eyes practically rolling back into his head as you continued your onslaught. 
“Y/N…” He murmured, voice weak as he watched you begin to bounce on top of him again, his hands travelling up your thighs to land on your waist. “Y/N,” he tried again, unable to piece together a sentence. “Shit, keep going like that…mmfph, yeah, just like that…” 
When you felt his fingers digging into your skin you wrapped your hands around his, pushing them away. “N-no touching,” you panted, feeling him lift his legs and fold them at the knee behind you, giving you something to lean back on. 
“Seriously,” he asked, sounding annoyed, yet dreadfully turned on. 
You smirked. “I want you to lay back and watch.” 
He matched the curve of your lips. ‘Oh, I can do that no problem, honey.” He stubbornly kept his voice steady, thrusting inside of you once before he stilled his hips completely. “Could watch you ride me all night.” 
On cue, he folded his arms behind his head, biceps bulging. The casual manner got you instantly hot, bouncing along his cock a couple more times before you leaned forward, changing the angle and in turn hopefully sending him crazy. You moved back and forth, griding all over him, your arousal soaking into his pubic hair. You were wetter than usual tonight, turning yourself on as you rode him, hearing the soft squelching where your bodies met, the pressure on your clit eliciting moan after moan. 
You stared him straight in the eyes, noticing the way his jaw was clenched tight, a muscle twitching in his left cheek, but he continued to persevere, stubborn to the bone. 
That was until he felt your breasts graze against him. His hips jerked up, moaning as he was unable to stop rolling into you, and you let him, let him fuck up into you, moaning softly. 
He grunted. “Someone’s getting tired.” 
You shook your head with a whine. You could be stubborn too. Sitting up, you attempted to bounce again but his hips were working too fast by now, his fists grabbing the pillow below his head to gain some momentum. You cried out as he thrust harder, Seokjin’s own noises of pleasure gasping out of him as if he’d been holding his breath. 
“S-seokjin,” you panted, shakily holding onto his thighs. 
He wasn’t relenting. If anything he fucked you harder. “Honey, just give up,” he said matter-of-factly, yet his voice was strained, veins in his neck visible. 
Confidently he brought his hands to your hips, knowing you wouldn’t stop him now, too far gone. You let your eyes flutter closed, concentrating on how good his cock felt inside you. The beautifully crude sound of him pounding into you. 
“Yeah?” He breathed. “Let me make you feel good now. It’s your turn…” 
You nodded, moaning brokenly, and in the blink of an eye you found yourself on your back, Seokjin situated between your spread legs, finding home once again inside the warmth of your body.
You grasped his shoulders, making more noise as he rolled his hips into you, and hooked your legs around his waist, wanting him as deep as possible 
“Uh-uh-uh,” he grinned, taking your hands off him. “No touching.” 
You started complaining but then he pushed your hands above your head, holding your wrists tight with one hand. “Nghnn. Seokjin,” you moaned, feeling him start to fuck you with his entire weight. His back looked delectable and all you wanted to do was rake your fingernails down it but you couldn’t. 
Although, being pinned down by him wasn’t such a terrible thing. 
After a couple of minutes he pressed the elbow of the arm that had you imprisoned into the mattress, careful not to squash you as he brought the other hand between your legs, beginning to roll your swollen clit between his fingertips. Gasping, your legs fell back to the bed, circling your hips in time with his motions, wanting to cum now that he’d put the idea into your head. 
He chuckled at your eagerness causing you to whine. “Why d-don’t you put those lips to good use?”
“Like this, baby?” He smirked, leaning his face in closer, mouth millimetres from yours, and you just about lunged, kissing him desperately. 
He matched that urgency, at some point unable to keep your wrists in place and as soon as he let you go, you had your arms wrapped around him longingly. A groan tore from his throat, thrusts more determined as he continued to rub your clit, and you could feel your back begin to arch, toes curling into the sheets. 
He could obviously feel you squeezing around him too, ripping himself away from your mouth with a moan of your name. “Y/N. Fuck.” 
That’s all it took for you to crumble, face contorting with pleasure as you stared up at him, pulsing around him uncontrollably. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum,” he cooed, removing his hand from between your legs as he pressed soft kisses to your mouth, your orgasm continuing to wash over you in waves. “Am I pretty when I cum?” He joked, but you were too far gone to snort, let alone reply. 
He kept rolling into you, determined to keep your pleasure going for as long as possible, and you almost felt overwhelmed, back arching higher as you clung to him, a tear escaping out of one eye to run down the side of your face. He kissed it away, continuing to adore you, voice cracking, close himself now.  
“You’re my pretty woman. So pretty.” He murmured against your lips and you kissed him hard, the last of orgasm rocking through your body. Holy shit, that was a powerful one. You felt lightheaded but couldn’t get enough. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, feeling the effects as you squeezed and spasmed around him, and with one final thrust he stilled, beginning to spill inside of you. 
You cupped his face quickly, hands trembling and pushed his head up, wanting to admire his face. His plump lips were parted and shiny, beads of sweat collecting along his hairline, gaze unfocused, eyelids heavy with the weight of his pleasure. He looked positively sinful. 
You gave him a drunken smile, your own eyes barely open, and told him simply, “You’re pretty when you cum.” 
You awoke just as Seokjin was rolling over, a muscular arm reaching for you, pulling your body into his warmth. It was still raining, even harder this morning, but you didn’t care, not when you were so cosy and in love. You were still both entirely naked, which Seokjin took full advantage of, hand cupping a breast – nothing sexual in it though, more like a comfort thing. You smiled, eyes still closed and cuddled in deeper. 
“Where is he this morning?” 
There was a brief silence as he tried to work out what you were asking, but soon enough he realised and laughed, sound cracked and raspy with sleep. “He’s tuckered out after last night.” 
“Aw, diddums.” 
A Sunday morning without a boner? Blasphemy. His morning woods were part of the package, so honestly it was quite surprising to not feel him hard between your butt cheeks. 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, making a sleepy sound, hugging you tighter to his body. “He just wants to stay in bed and cuddle this morning.” 
“That sounds perfect to me.” 
You honestly couldn’t think of anything better. 
Once you eventually dragged yourselves out of the warmth of Seokjin’s giant bed, the rest of the morning and early afternoon went by in the blink of an eye. You had just about enough time for a quick lunch before Arin was due back at 2pm, and even though you were ready to meet Nana this time, you still couldn’t stop yourself from feeling a little nervous. It was only natural, you knew that, so you didn’t dwell on it too much, but as you heard the intercom start to ring in the entryway, signalling her arrival, your worry must have been written all over your face. 
“Hey,” Seokjin said softly, calling you as you hovered by the doorway of the family room. When he saw he had your attention, he smiled warmly. “Everything’s fine.”
You gave him a reassuring smile of your own, watching him answer the call to Nana before he opened up the front door, waiting their arrival. 
Arin came in full steam ahead, her little backpack on her shoulders, her carry-on hopping behind as she attempted to ram it over the step to get inside. Nana was only just getting out of the car, you could see her slightly from where you still stood in the doorway of the family room. 
“Hello, Arin.” Seokjin greeted, amusement clear in his voice as he watched his daughter struggle. “Did you have a fun time?” 
She was too busy huffing and puffing to reply and that’s when he finally took pity on her. He reached out his arm, “Let me take your case.” 
“No!” She insisted. She was a determined little thing. “I can do–” 
She never got to finish off her sentence because as she looked forward she caught sight of you smiling at her. 
“Y/N!” She squealed, case (and dad) immediately forgotten as she ran towards you. You weren’t expecting the wave of emotion that hit you when she wrapped her arms around your middle, face in your stomach, but it was there, and it got you right in the gut. You hugged her back. “You’re here,” she beamed up happily. 
“I am,” you grinned, swallowing back your wavering voice. 
“I missed you. It’s been ages.” 
You could always count on kids to be straightforward with their words. She was going to make you cry if she carried on like this. “I missed you too.” 
“It’s only been a week, sweetie,” you heard Seokjin say. 
Arin turned to him quickly. “It’s still a long time.” Then back at you. “I thought you’d never visit again.” 
You felt your heart constrict, and unsure what to do you looked over at Seokjin, finding him equally as afflicted by his daughter’s confession. Teacher mode activated then. “No, no. I was just... busy with work, that’s all.” 
You winced inwardly at your stupid excuse, not wanting to lie to her, but unable to really tell her the truth, especially at a time like this. 
On cue, you heard Nana’s voice greeting you. “Hi, Y/N.” 
You looked over to see her stood just behind Seokjin, a small smile on her face. She seemed a little nervous herself, which selfishly relaxed you. 
“Nana,” you smiled back, “hi.” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, taking a few steps towards his daughter and you. One look at him told you he was feeling the jitters too. This was brand new territory after all – for all of you. 
“Arin, why don’t you take your backpack upstairs and I’ll tell you when mommy is going home so you can say goodbye?” 
“Okay,” she agreed simply, pulling away from you to bound upstairs before she stopped abruptly. She turned back to Seokjin and ran forward with her arms forward. “Sorry, daddy. I forgot to hug you.” 
He chuckled, bending down to kiss her head before he ruffled her hair. “That’s okay. Now, unpack your things. I’ll bring your case up later.” 
She nodded, giving her mom a wave before her attention returned to you. “Will you still be here when I get back?”
“Of course,” you nodded, ignoring the fresh tug at your heartstrings. 
“She really likes you,” Nana observed just as you lost sight of Arin going up the staircase. 
You shook your head, chuckling as you replied modestly, “I don’t know about that.” 
“She does,” she insisted, smiling afterwards. “It’s nice to see. I’m glad she’s happy with everything.” 
You nodded, unsure what to respond with, but Seokjin saved the day. “Do you want something to drink?” 
Nana shook her hand. “I’m okay, thanks. I won’t stay long. I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon.” 
Seokjin gestured her to enter the room, then moved back to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he brought you forward, wanting you to go next, putting the hand on the small of your back instead now. His touch calmed you. 
“Sit,” he prompted Nana warmly, and she perched herself on the edge of the teal love seat. 
“I like what you’ve done with the place by the way,” she said politely, looking around. 
“You and me both know I just threw some new throw cushions down,” he laughed, attempting to ease the atmosphere.  
Nana joined in just as you sat down on the far end of the sofa. Instead of taking the seat next to you, Seokjin perched himself on the armrest, loosely throwing his arm around the backrest, fingers grazing your shoulder. 
Nana’s attention fell to you, her expression now serious. “Y/N, I want to apologise to you.” She began. “I was out of order last weekend. I was angry but that’s no excuse.” 
“I appreciate it,” you replied, finding your bearings. “I understand it was a shock to find out about me.” 
“It was, but I still acted embarrassingly.” She looked down at the floor, ashamed of herself. “To think that’s your first impression of me.”
She had said some terrible things, yes. Not only to you, but Seokjin too, but, Seokjin had also said plenty of cruel things back. You weren’t one to hold a grudge, especially if she was showing genuine remorse, which you believed to be the case. 
“We can start anew if you like?” You offered with a small smile. 
She visibly relaxed. “I’d like that.” Then she hesitated before deciding to carry on. “I meant what I said, it seems like Arin really likes you. I trust my daughter’s intuition.” 
“She really does,” Seokjin agreed with a hum, rubbing your shoulder. 
“She’s been talking about you over the weekend – not that I’ve been prying of course,” Nana was quick to clarify. “You’re good with her.” She looked you straight in the eyes. “Thank you for accepting my child.” 
You weren’t used to having this much praise and attention thrown your way, you didn’t really know what to say, but that was alright, you didn’t think Nana was looking for an outright response. You understood how important this was for her. She needed to trust the woman that spent time with her daughter, just like Seokjin had grown to trust you. It was slightly more difficult for her considering she wouldn’t be spending a lot of time in your company, so all she really had to go off was Arin’s opinion on you. It meant a lot to know she had given you a chance. Last week you had been afraid that might not be the case. 
You smiled gratefully. “She’s really special.” 
“Yes, Y/N says she’s a talented storyteller,” Seokjin mentioned soon after, helping the conversation along as if he could sense that you felt awkward with all the attention cast on you. He knew you too well. 
“Oh really?” Nana looked delighted, eyes on you as she waited for more information. 
You nodded, complimenting Arin coming easy to you. “The stories she wrote while I was her teacher were amazing.” 
“I have the copies somewhere if you want to read them yourself,” Seokjin offered. 
“I’d love that,” she beamed. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
“No problem. I’ll find them this week.” 
Nana’s gaze happened to fall to Seokjin’s hand still comfortably on your shoulder then, and her smile faltered. In its place appeared guilt. “Listen, I... I hope I didn’t come in between you both because of last weekend.” She turned to you. “I know mine and Jin’s relationship seems toxic and it was until a few days but I,” she paused to glance at Seokjin, “I really want to change that.” 
“You know I do too,” he agreed. 
“I don’t want to fight anymore, or have things tense between us. We both love Arin.” She caught your eyes. “We all love Arin, so that’s the most important thing.” 
You looked down at your lap but nodded in agreement. Arin’s happiness was what mattered the most. 
“It is,” Seokjin replied. 
Nana smiled, satisfied, and stood up. “Okay, I should get going.” You both followed her, starting to walk towards the doorway. 
“Um, I managed to get that Wednesday afternoon free,” she told Seokjin, “is it okay if I collect Arin from school and take her for something to eat?”
“Of course. I know this great pizza place she loves if you want the name.” 
“She already told me about it,” Nana chuckled. “I think she was dropping hints, but directions would be great. Thanks, Jin.” 
“No problem.” He stopped by the staircase, voice raising quite a lot to reach Arin in her bedroom. “Arin, your mom’s leaving. Come say bye, sweetie.” 
In no time at all she was galloping down the stairs. “Will I see you Wednesday?” She asked her mom eagerly. 
“You betcha! How does pizza sound?”
“Yay, thank you, mom!” She squealed, going in for a hug as Nana bent down.  
“I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay, darling. I love you.” 
“I love you more,” Arin murmured sweetly, kissing her mother’s cheek. 
Nana kissed her back, chuckling. “Not possible, but okay.” Then she stood up, nodding to you and Seokjin with a small smile. “Bye both. I’ll see you Wednesday?” 
“See you Wednesday,” Jin confirmed. 
You spent the afternoon playing board games together, Seokjin finding a bunch of his old collection in the attic and you had fun teaching Arin how to play, although she didn’t quite grasp the full idea of monopoly yet, wanting to buy everything in sight regardless of if she had enough money or not… It was funny to say the least, even more so when Seokjin was unable to refuse her, loaning her money from the bank time and time again. 
Where’s my special treatment, you’d teased quietly when Arin was distracted, secretly finding it adorable how much of a softie he was when it came to his daughter. 
“You know I’d buy you anything you want,” he’d replied with a grin, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss. 
At around 6pm, you and Seokjin began preparing dinner for the three of you. Only you left him in charge for a little while when you followed after Arin who had gone to feed her rabbits, wanting time alone to talk with her. You hadn’t been able to stop feeling guilty about effectively lying to her earlier and after confiding in Seokjin about it while Arin was unpacking her suitcase, he’d suggested you speak to her about it. He agreed that honesty was the best policy from here on in (within reason, of course) and that she obviously understood something had been wrong last week else she wouldn’t have reacted the way she had when she’d seen you earlier this afternoon. 
She was only getting older and that meant as much transparency as possible when she was personally involved in something. She was at that age where these things would stick with her. Although hopefully nothing like last week would ever happen again. 
You stood by the doorway watching as she cooed and conversed with the Olive and Ariel at first, not wanting to interrupt. She was such a great little pet owner, making sure they were fed and watered enough, helping to clean their hutch, watching over them when they played outside. She adored them. 
After a few moments she noticed you. “Oh, Y/N,” she smiled, “is dinner ready?” 
You shook your head. “Not yet.” Stepping closer you joined her, watching the rabbits bound about. Seokjin had found the largest hutch imaginable. “Did you miss them?” 
“Yes, but daddy has been feeding them well.” 
You stifled a laugh, remembering Seokjin’s panic yesterday morning, but then crossed your arms, clearing your throat. “Hey, listen,” you began cautiously, feeling a little nervous. Arin looked up at you curiously. “Remember when I said I didn’t come over because I was busy with work?” 
She paused to think and then nodded. 
“I was lying actually, Arin.” 
Her eyebrows pinched together. “How come?”  
“Because… I didn’t want to worry you.” 
She took some time to process what you were saying before she shrugged matter-of-factly. “I was still pretty worried last week anyway.”
You smiled sadly. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad and I…” 
“Did you have an argument?” She was looking up at you curiously, finger playing with Olive and Ariel’s water bottle. 
“Something like that,” you nodded. “It was more of a disagreement.” 
“I thought so because daddy was sad all week.” 
Her honesty stabbed at your heart. 
“Were you sad too,” she asked. 
“But you’re happy now?”
You smiled at her. “Yes, everything is all fine now. Me and your dad are happy.” 
She looked happy herself at that piece of information, relaxing visibly, but then she asked a question that caught you off guard. “Do you know if daddy and my mom are happy too?” 
“I think so.” You replied as vaguely as you could, not wanting to overstep the mark. But it didn’t feel right. You tried again. “I think things will be different from now on, Arin.” 
“I hope so. I hate it when they argue.” She sounded sad, her gaze cast to the floor. 
“I know. No one likes watching their parents fight.” you sympathised. 
“What about you and my mom?” She asked suddenly, changing the subject a little. “Are you happy?” 
“Yes, I think so.” You smiled at her. “I like your mom. She’s very pretty just like you.” 
Arin beamed and then added, “You’re pretty too.” 
You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry,” she almost whispered, “I won’t use that word again.” 
You were clueless for a moment, not understanding what she meant but then it hit you. She carried on. 
“Not until we all decide. Mommy said I might call you that one day if you want me to.” 
For the second time today you felt emotional, throat tight as you choked up suddenly. You composed yourself expertly though, taking a breath before you smiled and replied. “That’s right. There’s no rush for when we all decide.”  
Arin nodded along happily and you took her hand. 
“Should we go and check on daddy now? See if dinner’s ready?”
“I think so.” She agreed, her eyes rolling slightly. “Last week he set off the alarms because he burned my chicken nuggets.” 
“Oh, gosh,” you said, soon spluttering out a laugh. Arin joined in. Seokjin had failed to tell you that (hilarious) piece of information. “Well then, let’s hurry.” 
Seokjin was searching the pantry for something when you arrived back at the kitchen. “Hey,” he said, shooting a warm smile your way. “How’s my two favourite ladies?”
You looked down at Arin, wanting her to reply and she beamed at her father. “Happy.” 
You nodded in agreement, catching Seokjin’s eyes as you shared a private moment, silently telling him everything was fine now. He shot you a playful wink then, closing the door. “That’s funny, because I’m happy too.” 
You moved closer to him, collecting the messy ties of the apron he insisted on wearing whenever he was in the kitchen to retie them properly. “We were just checking in to see if the chef was burning dinner again…” 
With a surprised huff, he turned to his daughter, eyes wide. “Kim Arin did you tell tales on me?”
Arin erupted into a fit of giggles, you and Seokjin joining in immediately. “Maybe…” 
“It was an accident. Happens to the best of us,” he tried to defend. 
“Sure, sure.” 
Arin was greatly amused by your flippant response, but soon grew sympathetic towards her dad, stroking his elbow. “It’s okay, dad, I forgive you.” 
“That’s very kind of you,” he laughed. 
“Should I set the table?” 
“And that’s very sweet of you,” he added, eyes shooting wide. “Thank you.” 
You helped her get all the cutlery she needed and watched her leave for the dining room determinedly. But your attention soon got stolen away, pulled into Seokjin’s warmth as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You hooked yours around his middle. 
“Okay?” He murmured, checking in as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You looked up at him, a smile on your face and gave his waist a squeeze. 
“Okay.” You confirmed. 
Everything was more than okay, actually. 
Everything was perfect. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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