#I think he’s a beautiful character and I am so grateful to see him grow too
hotshotsxyz · 24 hours
wide awake from the breeze
(buddie) (2.2k) i swore i was going to write something for @summerofbuddie so here i am with something on the last possible day lol. very in character of me. title from blue sky & the painter which i will continue to push as The eddie diaz song for season 8
The air is crisp and cold, and finally, finally, Eddie can breathe.
The San Gabriels are beautiful this time of year, but it’s hard to appreciate the changing leaves when he’s watching Buck. Their color could never compete with his light.
Buck’s fingers tap against the steering wheel as he hums along to a song Eddie’s certain has repeated at least three times in the past two hours. He’s beautiful like this. He’s always beautiful, actually, but Eddie thinks this might be his favorite version of Buck. Happiness suits him.
They’ve been tumbling towards something since Buck broke up with Tommy, since Eddie finally let loose the words that have been stuck in his throat for years. For once in his life, Eddie isn’t overly worried about time. For once in his life, he’s got plenty of it.
They reach a scenic overlook, and Buck pulls over. He takes his sunglasses off and drops them on the dashboard, then looks over at Eddie and grins.
“See,” Buck says brightly, “I told you it’d be worth the drive.”
Eddie twists in his seat so he can face Buck a little more directly. His curls are wild from the wind, and his eyes glow in the late afternoon sun. “I didn’t doubt you for a second,” Eddie murmurs.
Buck’s smile grows impossibly wider. The foliage doesn’t stand a chance. “You want to get out for a little? Stretch our legs?” he asks.
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees easily.
There’s a trailhead just a few hundred feet away, and Buck bounds toward it eagerly.
“Half a mile out and back?” he calls over his shoulder after studying the map for a second, as if there’s anywhere Eddie wouldn’t follow him.
“Let’s do it,” Eddie replies as he sidles up next to Buck.
Buck smiles at him again, and it’s a little like watching the first light of dawn stretch across the horizon.
They mostly walk in silence, but every few minutes Buck pauses to point out a particular tree or bird. It’s kind of incredible, the way he latches onto information and then gifts it to Eddie in a single excited breath. Eddie’s got his own personal guidebook to the world, and he makes everything feel new and special.
The trail ends at the bank of a small, placid lake surrounded by rocky outcroppings. Buck sits on one and pulls Eddie down next to him.
The sky above them is cloudless and clear, a brilliant blue that’s reflected in the water. A few leaves drift slowly across the surface, leaving behind tiny wake trails. It’s peaceful in a way Eddie’s rarely gotten to experience in his life. He isn’t sure he’d even be capable of appreciating that if it weren’t for Buck.
“I think I want to do this forever,” Eddie says as they stare out across the lake.
Buck knocks his knee against Eddie’s. “What?” he asks, “Watch the leaves turn?”
Eddie looks at him and finds a soft smile that tells him Buck knows exactly what he means. “Yeah,” he says, knocking his knee back, “something like that.”
For a long moment, Buck holds his gaze. “Yeah,” he says finally, “me too.”
Eddie leans to the side, allowing his weight to settle against Buck’s shoulder. He tries not to worry anymore about whether or not he deserves to have someone like Buck in his life. He has him. Buck picks him, over and over again, and even though Eddie’s not sure he’ll ever quite manage to wrap his head around it, he’s long since decided the only way he needs to feel about that is grateful. And god is he grateful.
Buck closes his eyes and tips his face toward the sun. His cheeks are tinged with pink, and it’s hard to tell if it’s the cold, the beginnings of a sunburn, or something else entirely that’s caused it. Eddie finds that he wants to know, wants to press his fingers to Buck’s skin and see if the redness fades or grows.  
It’s an impulse he could give in to; Buck would let him. There’s something about this moment he wants to freeze though, and if he moves it’ll change. Instead, he watches. He commits every detail to memory. When he’s old and gray and everything else is fading, this will be what he remembers.
A gust of wind blows down through the valley, and Buck shivers with it, nose scrunching. He opens his eyes and looks at Eddie. “I’m cold,” he admits with a sheepish smile.
“You’re always cold,” Eddie says, voice dripping with fondness.
Buck tilts his head in acknowledgement. He flexes his fingers a few times, probably stiff in the autumn air.
“C’mere,” Eddie says a little nonsensically. Buck will understand.
Buck holds his hands out and Eddie takes them. He vigorously rubs at them until they’re satisfyingly friction warm. He keeps them when he’s done, holding them together between his palms to protect them from the wind. Buck ducks his head and grins.
“You’re like a space heater,” he says, shuffling impossibly closer.
“And you’re like an icepack,” Eddie replies.
Buck blows out a soft, amused breath. “Makes me handy to keep around in the summer,” he quips.
“I always want you around.”
Another version of Eddie might’ve hesitated, might’ve buried that instinctive reply as far down as possible, shoved it next to all the things he refused to examine. Too bad for that Eddie; he wouldn’t get to see the pink on Buck’s cheeks darken and spread.
“I always want you around, too,” Buck says, quiet, like he might scare away the moment if he speaks too loudly.
Eddie’s been waiting. For what, he’s not entirely sure. For him and Buck to be alone, though that’s hardly a rare occurrence. For all the doubtful voices in his head to go silent, but Buck’s been quieting those for years. For him to feel settled in his skin. For the world to stop turning around them long enough to do it right. All at once, Eddie feels like there’s nothing else to wait for.
“I love you,” he says, and the words taste good. They’re the icy fresh snow melt that streams down mountains in the spring, the bright tang of citrus in the summer, the spicy warmth of mulled cider in the winter, and soon, he thinks, he’ll know for certain that they taste like Buck in the fall.
A small noise spills from Buck’s mouth and he sways forward, less like he’s leaning in and more like he can’t help but be caught in Eddie’s gravity.
“Eddie,” he whispers. His eyes shine.
“Buck,” he replies.
For most of Eddie’s life, he’s been afraid. He’s pushed past it, locked it down, pretended that the twist of anxiety in his gut was never more than passing butterflies. Here, though, now, he doesn’t even feel brave. He’s too sure, Buck makes him feel too safe; there’s no fear for him to fight against.
Buck blinks a few times and swallows visibly. Eddie rubs his thumbs in soothing circles against Buck’s wrists.
“You…” Buck starts, rough and awed.
“Take your time,” Eddie says, unable to hide his amusement.
Buck huffs and kicks at Eddie’s ankle. “Forgive me for taking a second to process literally the best thing I’ve ever heard,” he retorts without any bite.
“Oh no, I mean it,” Eddie says with a wide grin. “I’ll sit here all day. I’m not cold.”
A startled laugh jumps from Buck’s throat. “Be quiet, let me finish processing,” he says.
“Process away,” Eddie murmurs.
A few seconds pass and he watches the gears turn in Buck’s mind. Eddie knows the way they like to twist and catch, but he’s not worried. They’ll have a lifetime to discard all the worst-case scenarios.
 “Okay,” Buck says finally. “I’ve processed.” He pulls his hands from Eddie’s grip and raises them to his jaw. He leans in and Eddie meets him halfway.
Eddie was right, but also wrong. Buck tastes like love, yes, but he also tastes like home and joy and warmth and a little like the muscadines they’d stopped to buy from a roadside stand earlier in the day. Buck smiles against his lips and it feels like the rest of his life.
“For the record,” Buck says, pulling back just far enough to look Eddie in the eye, “I love you too.”
Eddie can’t help the bright peal of laughter that bursts from his chest. He feels free and alive and happy and everything else he was once afraid he’d never be able to. Buck skims a thumb along his cheek bone and grins.
“If you’re done, I really want to kiss you again,” Buck says once Eddie’s laughter has faded to a soft chuckle.
Eddie grips Buck’s waist and hums. “I don’t know, I think I need to process,” he teases.
“Oh, that’s fine, I’ll just sit here and freeze while you—” Buck makes a surprised noise as Eddie surges forward and cuts him off with his lips.
They break apart a second time and Eddie rests his forehead against Buck’s. “I’ve processed,” he says, quiet and smiling.
“Yeah?” Buck asks, a little breathless.
Eddie hums an affirmative. “Best thing I’ve ever heard, had to let it sink in.”
Buck presses a soft, chaste kiss to the corner of Eddie’s mouth. “It takes a second,” he agrees.
Another gust of wind blows past them. A few leaves begin their gentle descent to the ground and Buck shivers.
“Come on,” Eddie says, laughing lightly as he pulls back and stands. He holds his hands out and Buck takes them. “You’ve got a hoodie in the Jeep.”
Buck’s head tilts adorably. “I didn’t…” he says, trailing off as the confusion in his expression makes way for that quiet, disbelieving smile that seems to be reserved exclusively for Eddie.
“You’re always cold,” Eddie says with a fond eyeroll. He tugs at Buck until he stands.
“Not always,” Buck says, suddenly inches from Eddie.
Eddie swallows as a shudder of anticipation travels down his spine. “No?” he asks faintly.
Buck fixes him with a look Eddie’s seen before, though never directed at him. “Nope,” he says, eyes dark and lips curling.
The effect is lessened slightly as the breeze kicks up again and Buck cringes away from it. The tip of his nose is bright pink. Eddie wants to kiss it, so he does.
He laughs again and drops one of Buck’s hands. “Let’s go, cowboy, you can seduce me in the Jeep.”
Buck’s mouth opens and closes. “Uh, that’s—yeah, let’s do that,” he says in a rush.
They quickly make their way back up to the trailhead. Eddie can’t remember ever smiling this much, but even when his cheeks start to hurt it’s impossible to stop. He’s happy, happy in a way he didn’t even know was possible until very recently.
When they reach the overlook, Eddie pauses just long enough to lift their joined hands and press a kiss to the back of Buck’s.
Buck’s eyes widen. “When did you get so…” He gestures vaguely.
Eddie snorts. “I have game,” he says.
“No,” Buck says incredulously, “you don’t. Or—or didn’t.”
“It sounds like you think I have game,” Eddie teases.
“I think you should get in the Jeep so we can go home and test the theory,” Buck replies.
“Gonna have to let me go first,” Eddie says, nodding toward their intertwined fingers.
Buck blushes but makes no move to extricate himself from Eddie’s grip.  
“Or not,” Eddie says softly.
“I just…” Buck trails off.
Eddie squeezes his hand.
“I want to remember this,” Buck says, ducking his head. “How everything feels right now.”
“Even the cold?” Eddie asks.
Buck squeezes his hand. “M’not cold,” he says.
The wind blows, and Buck crowds in closer to Eddie, trying to hide from it.
“I think you might be a little cold,” Eddie murmurs.
“Maybe I just wanted to kiss you again,” Buck replies.
Eddie grins. “Don’t let me stop you,” he says.
Buck presses a feather-light kiss to his cheek, then his nose, then the corner of his mouth. Eddie feels his cheeks heat beneath his touch.
“Okay,” he says softly. He steps back and lets go of Eddie’s hand. He fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the Jeep.
Eddie climbs into the passenger seat as Buck settles in front of the wheel, just like they’ve done a thousand times before. He reaches into the back and grabs Buck’s hoodie, the slightly oversized one that he loves to wrap himself in on days just like this one. He hands it to Buck. As he watches Buck wriggle into it, he’s hit with a wave of joy all over again.
“I love you,” he says when Buck’s head pops out from the hood, just because he can.
“You’re such a sap,” Buck says, but it sounds a whole lot like I love you too.
Buck turns the key in the ignition, and the stereo comes to life playing the same song as before.
Is that a blue sky? The singer asks.
“It’s about damn time,” Eddie can’t help but sing along.
Buck grins at him and grabs his hand.
It’s about damn time.
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glitteryinknotes · 11 months
There is a level of deep, bitterly poetic and cruel irony in Astarion's death and his eventual fate as a vampire spawn. Laughable, even. Lamentable.
Where do I even begin. I once posted here my thoughts on who Astarion was before Cazador took him; and all my thoughts were based on what we can assume to be canon from scraps on information in - game and interviews with Neil. That Astarion Ancunin who was laid into the ground at Baldur's Gate cementary was a corrupt magistrate, a shining example of power abuse, indulgence, hedony, existence in privilege without any service to the world around.
We also know for a fact that Astarion is not a good person in a moral sense. Again, Neil Newbon himself talked about it. He has capability to grow, mature, open himself up, soak in the positive influence and feel for others, but he never will be the default upstanding type. That is simply not at his core.
This is why (I am aware we're talking a fictional character, headcanon is free to all in whichever way they think it suits and pleases them) I cannot for the world believe in all the fanfiction based on the notion of the tragic, tortured soul unjustly attacked and turned into a vampire, because to me - it misses the entire depth and essence of Astarion's personality and arc. He was not a "worthy" persona before Cazador; in fact, the beating he got from the Gur was well - deserved and the near - death experience... Probably so as well. Maybe if anything, this would open his eyes and force him to reflect at least a bit on his choices in the position he was occupying. (But given that he mentions begging Cazador to turn him to be able to take revenge, I highly doubt that.) So yeah... The man got what was coming to him. He deserved it.
But what he got in the end once Cazador allowed him to drink his blood and had him in his hold? Two hundred years of misery and abuse beyond description, being completely stripped of any identity and personhood? No one deserves that. Such fate should not be thrust upon anyone. Ever.
It is the cruellest, most wicked twist of fate that it took that kind of ordeal to change a corrupt little elf's view of the world and force him to even acknowledge the existence of evil deeds and abuse of power - something I am quite sure he never gave any thought to before. It took being transformed into an utterly helpless victim to make him truly see that there is good and bad and perpetuating the bad leads to pain and misery for the innocents (and you can never be sure if not for you as well), and only then, at his most pathetic, most vulnerable, after centuries of torment, it took meeting, trusting, admiring, being grateful to, befriending / loving and being influenced by a genuinely good and kind person (probably the exact opposite of who he was before) to shake and cause some shift in his inner moral compass, or rather the way he was choosing to use it. The full circle, a poignant, unwilling journey from the one abusing power, to the enslaved puppet of someone with considerably more power abusing it in the most inhuman ways possible, and this time to his own woe, to the one person able to break the abusive cycle given the right influence.
Isn't that simply poetic in the most sickly sense? A tragicomedy, if you will.
Forget about Astarion Ancunin. The grave was good for lovemaking and sharing an important moment, but whoever was laid there was not anyone worthy of your time (just like "Ascended Astarion" )The one who stands by your side now is. Your Astarion. The new Astarion, the same "lovable rogue" with a taste for theatrics, drama, debauchery, beauty, murder mayhem and loose morality, but - a better person all the same.
[follow up post here
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clarencethemouse · 2 months
requested from @hulkingharbor
note: I'm attaching this to the Bleeding Light lore because I love the character I made, and this scenario is eating me alive :))
this is a long one. Sorry not sorry
Summary: Kurt doubts his beauty and worth. Ready takes it upon themselves to prove how much he means to them. Angst and fluff (kinda spicy but also not). Gender-neutral reader.
The mansion roof was a lonely place, but good to relax one's mind. Good to let creativity flow without the judgment of coworkers and students. Good to drown out the never-ending plaguing thoughts with bird chirps and whistling wind.
But no better remedy to stress is a best friend.
You and Kurt stopped conversing on the roof a long time ago. All that was left was a stagnant, yet calm silence. You lay on the bare concrete, letting each spinal joint decompress and muscles settle. Kurt sat next to you, staring off into the horizon, which was turning into a marvelous spectacle of purples and oranges.
You turned on your side, facing him with your body and eyes. He didn't notice you, but this didn't phase you. All you needed was to see him.
"You're so beautiful."
The words barely escaped, the whisper sticking in your throat. Kurt's head whipped down to you. Those perfect golden eyes flashed with confusion. "Pardon?"
A soft smile graced your cheeks. Your eyes couldn't help but light. "I said you're beautiful."
Kurt's eyes fell from you. You watched his jaw clench and muscles agitate. Several moments passed before he spoke again, and the one-word response grated on your mind with his frustration.
"Why am I talking?" Your grin faltered.
"Why are you doing this?" His accent tainted his words thicker, his telltale sign of nerves. You pushed yourself up to level with his face. "Please stop lying."
"Love, I'm not lying-"
Kurt's nearest hand hit yours away as you tried to touch him. "I'm not in the mood. Stop."
"Kurt, I'm not lying!" You ducked around to peer under his insistently ducked head. "Why would I lie? Have I ever lied like that before?"
"Because... stop." He scooted away from your gaze. His tail flicked in agitation - he never used that with you. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."
Your lips settled in a horrified frown. "Why do you think I'm lying? Please talk to me."
Kurt did not talk to you. He disappeared without another word in a cloud of purple and black smoke.
You threw your hands up, head whipping around the perimeter of the roof. "What the fuck?" You shouted to the sky. No response. No Kurt. You shuffled together your papers and pens, throwing everything into a haphazard pile in your arms before booking it down the stairs.
Nothing tugged at your heart more than to find Kurt immediately, but you couldn't function with your supplies so loose in your arms. Shouting for him all the way, you threw open your bedroom door and let the papers and pens fall to the floor just inside. Only mere feet back down the hall, Rogue chased you down.
"Y/N! Are ya okay?" Her powerful hands landed on your shoulder, concern painted across her lovely face.
"Have you seen Kurt? He just ran away from me after we had an argument. I'm worried for him."
"Oh, nah, I'm sorry, sugah. Do ya want me to find 'im for ya?"
You huffed a strong sigh from your mouth, propping your hands on your hips. A dull lump was forming deep in your throat. "No. This is my problem."
Your next stop was his bedroom. It had to be. His only other safe place was the roof, which he would never hide on if he thought you could still be there.
Your breath quickened with every nearing step to his door. With the number of times you'd made this walk in happiness, in giddy readiness for a late-night movie or jam session to grade papers, the growing pit of fear in your stomach should not be so frightening. Never before could you fathom dreading his bedroom.
Your knuckles made a quick rhythm against the door, calling his name one more time. You hated to risk invading his privacy, but you were desperate just to see him; a fulfilling conversation aside.
Slowly the door creaked open, revealing his empty bedroom. After a quick sweep of the visible areas, you backed away to retreat before a soft sniffle hit your ears. Barely, just beyond the edge of the couch, a dark spade lay pathetically on the wooden floor. As quietly as possible you closed the door, tip-toeing to the side of the couch. The side of Kurt's body revealed itself by the side coffee table.
"Please go away."
"Not until you talk to me, Love." You crept closer. The air between you fizzled. He was contemplating leaving again. Your body lurched to the floor, landing one hand on his bicep. "Please! Don't leave me!"
Kurt tossed your hand to the side. His curls hid most of his face, which you could sacrifice a finger to see fully. Anything to see him. You sighed, crossing your legs before him. "Why do you think I'm lying?" You prompted again, your voice softer with a newfound patience. "I'm here for you. What will it take for you to talk to me?"
A hand freed itself from the safety of his lap to wipe the running nose beneath the tear-soaked cheeks. "Ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll." His shoulders heaved.
"Babe, I still don't understand," you muttered pathetically.
Kurt's tongue swiped over his bottom lip. Your mind flashed to inappropriate places. "I am not beautiful," he stated, his flawless curls shaking with his head.
Okay. The nub of the problem.
This scenario had run through your head a hundred times before, all in different ways. Different places. You or him being the first to initiate. But no amount of practice in your imagination could prepare you for the looming threat of destroying the best relationship in your life.
Anything for a chance to cheer him up. To see his gorgeous smile, his perfect eyes light up for only a few more minutes.
"Okay. I'm going to tell you this once and you just... need to believe me," you swallowed the bile - the fear that everything could go wrong. That you had ruined everything so perfect about your relationship with three simple words in a moment of adoration. "I do love you. You are my best friend. I cherish our friendship so much-"
"Stop..." Kurt tossed his head back. Given the context, you despised the way his Adam's apple bobbed and the way you wanted to study its perfection under a microscope.
"Just- let me get through this all. I cherish our friendship so much. You understand me better than anyone. I feel the safest around you. And I love the endless nights bonding over the silly nerd shit on the balcony with endless ice cream." This was it. No going back now. "But the amount of times I've gone to bed at night daydreaming about something as simple as going on a date with you... I mean, a proper date. And I imagine so many kisses, so many other things that friends don't do. Sometimes, I even get so desperate that I go through scenarios from that day, but I imagine I'm treating you the way I truly want to."
You couldn't look at him anymore. If so, you may see him staring back at you with such horror and disgust, that you would never be able to look at yourself in the mirror again. "And I do this just in the hope that the daydream will turn into a real dream, and I can sleep through those lovely imaginings and wake up... and... yeah. That is that."
Nothing from him. No words, no shift in position. All you could offer now was the closing line you rehearsed in your mind a hundred times since opening his door.
"I do think you're beautiful. You're the most beautiful person in this entire damn mansion. I'm not daydreaming about anyone else."
When the suspense was ready to rip your heart open, you finally peeked. Kurt was staring. Not with disgust, but with wonder. Hope.
"How do you think these things?" was all he could muster out.
His six fingers fidgeted with themselves. You wanted nothing more than to reach out, take them, and kiss each of them until all doubts were ridden from his pretty little head.
"I don't understand. The last person I gave my heart to was disgusted. Horrified by me. I don't understand how you... don't."
Impossible. The thought of him with someone else, no matter how long before you, dried your mouth and made you want to hurl right there. But even more so, the thought of anyone convincing him such horrible narratives could be true... it made your blood boil. Your skin crawl. Nothing was comprehensible to you of how anyone could think of him in such a way. Not Kurt; not the handsome, skilled, kind, and brave man in front of you.
He was too kind for the world. No matter what became of him, how the world treated him, he never faced it with hate. Never pure, genuine hate for the world. Only for himself.
Slowly, knees cracking and heart aching, you reached for him as you willed yourself to stand. Kurt watched you silently beg him for a moment before accepting the offer. You led him to the edge of his bed and simply sat. Held his hands harder when he allowed himself to settle and relax.
Apprehensively, you sucked in a deep breath and steeled your eyes with his. "Please hear me, Love. You are not horrifying, Kurt. You're not disgusting. You are not. I love you, whether or not you choose to believe it, I love you. Both as a friend and as... anything else. However you'll take me."
Your hands snaked up to his neck, cupping the lean muscles beneath your palms. Warm, soft, and true. "It's okay if you don't reciprocate. I just need you to know that someone sees you as beautiful. I would never lie to you."
As if time stopped and you were left fighting through molasses space, your lips touched his cheek. Lower to his chin. Lower to his neck.
"I think your skin is so lovely. It's my second favorite color; second only to yellow."
His throat rumbled under your lips. A firework of giddiness exploded within your stomach.
While your lips traveled onto his collarbone with delicate kisses, daring to taste the rich blue skin only twice, your hands traveled with a mind of their own to play with his three-fingered hands.
"People have three fingers all the time. I see this as no issue." You brought one of his hands to your face, planting more kisses on his palm and down each individual finger.
"I quite like your ears," you confess, dragging one finger along the edge to mess with the pointy tip. "You know folks dig the elves from Lord of the Rings. So how could this be any different?" You smile.
For the first time since you dared call him what he was, Kurt smiled back. He grinned enough to flash the brilliantly pointed canines, which evoked vivid images you would dare never tell your mother.
You were about to start the journey down his chest, something you'd been all too excited to see for months, when the other hand laid a delicate grip to your chin. Masterfully, Kurt steered your face to his, and within milliseconds your daydreams came true.
His lips were still salty from the onslaught of tears, but nothing could have tasted sweeter. Together your lips worked as one, moving and sucking as though life itself lay beyond. Your back hit the mattress, hands scattering to touch every inch of his lean torso.
And then his shirt was off.
While you admired him, finally unburdened and accepting of your words, his mischievous tail snaked to your torso. Butterflies fluttered deep into your abdomen when the strong tail wrapped partially around your waist and lifted you closer to Kurt's body. He smirked down at you, amused by your desperate squirm.
"Is this what you dream of, schatz?"
A sly giggle escaped you as one finger ran down his back, so near to the spine to send gentle shivers through his entire nervous system. "You have fur," you smiled, tilting your head curiously.
"It's cute." You pulled his face down to you again. You allowed this kiss to be slower. To taste him more. When Kurt pulled back with a wider smile than ever before, there was room in his eyes for nothing more than joy and relief.
"Ich liebe dich."
You ran your lovesick fingers through that beautiful head of hair. You knew what that phrase meant.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
Hiking vacation with boyfie Sukuna
Pairing: modern!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff + smut Warnings: 18+, lots of fluff and some smut, outdoor sex, praise. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don’t interact. This is super self-indulgent because I am on vacation atm and I can’t stop thinking about Kuna being here with me aaahhhh!!! ♥️
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Being on a hiking vacation with your boyfriend Sukuna would include:
+ Holding hands with him the whole time during your hiking tours. Or he has one arm around your waist and his hand in your back pocket.
+ He looks so hot in his muscle shirt and hiking shorts and boots, showing his muscular arms and calves and his sexy tattoos.
+ He is so tall and so strong next to you, making you feel so safe and get butterflies just from looking at him.
+ His sexy smirk when he offers his hand to help you climb over a fallen tree or a slippery rock.
+ When he drinks water out of his bottle, looking so sexy when some droplets run down his chin, and you see his Adam’s apple bop enticingly.
+ He hands you the bottle afterward, always insisting you drink something too, even when you complain because you aren’t thirsty. His satisfied smirk, when you take a sip anyway, making him look so smug that you roll your eyes and have to get on your tiptoes to kiss that grin off him.
+ Sukuna always walks on the side of the hiking trail where the slope is. Swapping places with you by wrapping his strong arms around your waist and pulling you to the other side so he can take the more dangerous path. Making you smile because he is so protective.
+ When he smirks and puts a finger under your chin, and tilts your face up so he can slowly lean closer and kiss you. Making your heart race because you can feel his smile during the kiss, and it’s so sexy.
+ Long, slow tongue kisses while he holds you close.
+ Taking selfies where Sukuna stands behind you, tall and buff, hugging you tightly from behind and winking at the camera while he presses a kiss to your neck.
+ Sukuna laughing about the weird looks he sometimes gets from older people because of his face tattoos.
+ Sukuna giving your hand a gentle squeeze and leaning down to murmur in your ear how happy you make him. Telling you that he used to make fun of people who went hiking with their special someone, calling them boring. But now he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
+ Sukuna being so grateful for you and the life you give him. Thanking you for the way you love him. Being so smitten with how soft you are with him. Telling you in such a tender voice how deeply in love he is with you and that he wants this forever.
+ Strolling through town in the evenings after you return from your hike of the day, looking like the biggest lovebirds when you hold hands and laugh together about all the stupid little jokes you make and the shit-talking Sukuna does about all the other people.
+ Holding hands on the table during your dinner dates and only having eyes for each other. Deep, meaningful glances into each other’s eyes and lots of flirting. Sukuna leaning across the table to kiss you and tease you affectionately about giving him such hearteyes.
+ Riding him on your hotel bed later on, basking in the way he moans beneath you. And when your legs are sore from walking all day, Sukuna helps you ride him, lifting you up and down on his cock while he tells you how good you are for him, watching your face the whole time because he loves seeing how cute you look when you cum on his cock.
+ Going on a two-day hike with him and spending the night in a beautiful meadow in the mountains. Lying on a picnic blanket to watch the night sky, your fingers intertwined with Sukuna’s, your head resting comfortably on his chest.
+ Talking softly to each other and sharing slow kisses that gradually grow more intense.
+ Sukuna rolling on top of you, deepening your kisses and slowly undressing you, covering you with his tall, muscular body to keep you warm even in the chilly night air of the mountains.
+ Your naked bodies moving against each other, lips and tongues caressing as you gasp into each other’s mouths. Sukuna loving you with his hands and lips while you stroke his hard cock, until both of you can’t take it anymore and need more of each other.
+ Making love under the stars. Your hands in Sukuna’s pink hair and your legs around his waist, hearing his low moans against your ear, feeling him roll his hips into you, fucking you so deep and so good that you start crying.
+ Looking up at the stars sparkling in the night sky behind Sukuna’s broad shoulders while he makes slow love to you.
+ When you see a shooting star, your only wish is to always call Sukuna yours, to always be this close to him. And somehow you know at that moment that your wish will come true.
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AAAAHHH I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HIM 😭😭💗💗 I was going insane because I couldn’t stop fantasizing about boyfie Kuna going on vacation with me, so I had to write all those thoughts down. I hope you enjoyed them too!!
Thank you so much for reading! Comments and reblogs would be super nice 💗
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I was asked why I like Beast and why I prefer it over the main universe, so obviously I ended up with a 2k+ words essay on why Beast is great. Now I feel like it diverges too much from what the original ask was actually asking for, so I'm leaving it to its own post. Enjoy.
Why do you like Beast? So, first of all you MUST know that this is a question that could keep me talking for days to no end. I'm not kidding. Here there will be some disorganized rambles but trust me, if I had time to actually do so I'd keep going on forever.
Alternative universes are cool I love Beast. I think it starts off at a point when the bsd author was more experienced from having already worked with the main series for many years, and ultimately ended up making an alternative version of the work that is more mature and refined, while still maintaining bsd's core themes (and conservative worldviews at that lmao). Starting off, the “what if” concept is endlessly fascinating, pretty much the entire fandom culture is based on it. It IS unfailingly cool to see what could have happened if Akutagawa sided with the ada and Atsushi with the pm, it is extremely interesting to see what changes out of their personalities and on the other hand what stays the same, what is intrinsically them. About sskk, I find it really compelling how Beast tackles intimate aspects of their lives, pasts and traumas. The café scene is genuinely brilliant in the way it shows, completely unexpectedly and to the reader's full disbelief, them getting along in normal circumstances. Who could have predicted that! Of all things, Akutagawa and Atsushi getting along. But it happened, and nothing before had ever shown to that extent how similar they are, how much on the same page they are, how much they're meant to be– like yeah obviously I mean romantically, but even if you're not particularly into that, it displayed just how deeply connected they are. I'm forever grateful for that scene.
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Beast Akutagawa is great But I think… More in general, I just really like Beast Akutagawa and Beast Atsushi, even better than their canon counterparts 😅 Again I do think at the point when they wrote Beast the author had already gathered a lot of experience from serializing bsd for at least five years, and ended up making characters that are more solid and compelling (although please don't get me wrong, I LOVE canon sskk and I believe canon Akutagawa's character arc in particular is amazing. It's just that at least to me Beast sskk is everything I could ever ask for.). I love Beast Akutagawa! It was so so capturing to see him grow outside of the pm. And especially it was infinitely interesting to see Akutagawa grow outside of Dazai. And don't get me wrong, I love the influence Dazai has on canon Akutagawa, I wouldn't have it any other way: it made Akutagawa who he is, and I love reading about his character. But I also found it wonderful and pleasantly refreshing to see how he would be if he had never undergone Dazai's training; I like this Akutagawa who's possibly even more immature and impulsive, wild and untamed than his canon counterpart. Beast is also the universe where Akutagawa gets his chance at being a good person - which is something he desperately strived for but never got to have in the main universe -, and in the end I am a little attached to Akutagawa, so I'm happy for him! His relationship with Oda and the whole ada are wonderful, I like getting to experience a universe where Akutagawa is loved and supported, unapologetically, for who he is.
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Beast Atsushi is great Beast Atsushi is AMAZING. Like. Character molded appositely to my liking ahah. He's so cool! He's so tormented! He's sweet and cruel and utterly unstable! I love him so much. He truly is Atsushi at his full potential. I love this Atsushi who's biggest fear isn't the world, but rather himself. He's beautiful and horrible and deathly and kind. He killed his abuser to stop him from haunting his nightmares, but ended up turning those nightmares into his life. He takes his coffee with three sugars. He loves his little sister and would risk the safety of his organization and the boss he's endlessly loyal to for her. The only person who ever understood him is his most loathed enemy. He's one with death and indistinguishable from darkness. His laughter stops rain. He lives in perpetual physical pain due to a choker constantly piercing around his neck and yet even that is nothing compared to the damage of his psyche. He's so, so fucked up. He deserves the world. I LOVE HIM.
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Beast Dazai is great Also, I really like Beast Dazai!!! He's always Dazai, but I think his character works out a lot better in Beast for the role he covers. In canon Dazai is this omniscient, all knowing figure, but he's also a protagonist, and him being so perfectly flawless doesn't go well in the long run. You've seen it in the last season 5 episode, it just gets boring after a while– it would be nice to see him face actual challenges and high stakes for once, but he's so overpowered, that never happens. In Beast, it's pretty much the same deal (author really loves Dazai lmao), but the fact that he isn't the protagonist and instead the main villain? I feel like from a storytelling standpoint, it works so much better!! I mean, his being omniscient works a lot better– he's not the one who the reader expects facing challenges and high stakes, the protagonist is. In addition, in Beast Dazai has almost universal knowledge due to his link to the Book, so that makes his being omniscient and even god-like a lot more feasible and easy to contemplate! I think that plot-wise it just works a lot better, there's an actual reason he's so overpowered, and that reason is explained, it's in the text. Oh and I LOVE his utter devotion to Oda. I know it's the same in canon, but still… There in Beast you can see it concretely, you can see it everywhere. That very universe exists how it is because of Dazai's love for Oda, because there's nothing he wouldn't do for him, because in the whole universe, in the whole multiverse, Oda's happiness is the only thing that matters to him. I think such strong feelings of love being put so explicitly is something simply wonderful to read, and makes Dazai infinitely more sympathetic than what he may be in canon. “But I do have one regret, Odasaku— I won't be able to read the novel you'll complete one day.” LIKE YEAH, SURE, ALRIGHT, JUST SHOOT ME TO THE HEAD ALREADY. That line alone is worth the whole novel, honestly. Oh and the thing about Oda harshly repudiating Dazai, the man who literally did everything for him, who dedicated his whole life for him… Man!!! That REALLY made me sympathize with Dazai in a way canon will never be able to. All those factors only contribute making Dazai's suicide in the end all the more emotional– which I believe works really well in the story, he is an enemy and he is a god and he had to die, but still makes for an extremely emotionally charged scene and a wonderful story climax. Imo Beast Dazai had to die so that canon Dazai could live (and, hopefully, find a reason to live!), and it's as bitter as it is beautiful.
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The Beast ada dynamics are great And I love the ada in Beast!!! They feel infinitely more of a family than they do in canon. Kenji, Kunikida, Tanizaki, they all seem to love Akutagawa in a way that's hard to be found towards Atsushi in canon? The way they didn't falter to rescue Akutagawa even as he went, against all their advices and pleas, to a suicidal rampage was wonderful and heartwarming. They make it sound unbelievable that when Atsushi was (mind you, unwillingly) kidnapped their first response would be that it was an hassle and that he should have dealt with it on his own (this time I truly believe it was the author learning from their own mistakes, because seriously, who does that. It makes everyone instantly feel a thousand times less sympathetic). As people have said, the ada alone makes Beast feel like the “right” universe on the basis that in it they actually care about their members. All things considered, the ada treats Akutagawa as this kind of rabid murderous gremlin they just adopted who's going to bite everyone but that they still love no matter what, and it's super cute. Beast ada really is the bsd found family if there ever was one.
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A cool plot The Beast storyline is just very compelling in general? The introduction chapter is amazing, I mean, The Heartless Cur is amazing. Again, Beast Akutagawa is such a great character, and the description of his struggle to find his own humanity, although in my opinion does fall weak in some points and has flaws, still treats a concept that's very interesting to ponder over nonetheless. I like how there's a series of more light-hearted chapters in the first half, it helps solidify the characters, and those chapters are really nice to read; not to mention having lighter chapters alternated with the strikingly more gloomy and violent pm Atsushi scenes makes the latter feel all the more frightening and disturbing, it's a great narrative choice. And the big crescendo of Akutagawa storming in the pm headquarters! His fight of physics and morals against Atsushi! Them telling each other they're nothing like the other when the reader knows the exact opposite is true! It's all very good, and again, Dazai's suicide makes for a perfect climax to the story.
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Sometimes being a seinen can be good I like how Beast is a seinen way more than the main story is? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with shounen manga - which bsd seems to lean towards more often than not, with only occasionally tackling more adult concepts -, but at this specific time in my life those darker themes are just something I find more entertaining to read about. I feel like the gritty and often gruesome depictions, although maybe a little overused in the manga, really help emphasize the dark atmosphere of the manga and overall effectively convey the whole “beast” imaginary as wild / violent / unpleasant / animalistic.
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It's got sskk in it And in general it's just… Compared to canon, Beast is very very sskk centered. It's significantly shorter than the canon manga, and in a way that helped focus on sskk specifically, because it only had space to narrate one story, which is sskk's. And I don't know what to tell you, I'm here for the sskk. Of course I like Beast best.
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Beast Atsushi is great (cont.) Back to Beast Atsushi because he's everything, really. I love how when I went into Beast I was like “I mean, whatever Dazai is making of Atsushi under the pm, if can't possibly be any worse than the constant abuse Akutagawa had to experience 😊” AND I WAS PROVED WRONG. I mean, I think the fact alone that the author could come up with something worse is remarkable. Dazai's emotional manipulation and psychological torment is, I believe, the darkest facet of Dazai we ever witnessed, and it's extremely well executed. Beast Atsushi is so so unstable, so on the brim of mental breakdown and psychosis at every second. Him being made unable to let go of the past makes him live in a perpetual nightmare. And I feel like the way his character story is unwrapped is truly masterful, storytelling wise!!!! On the reader's first encounter with him, it's evident how deeply scarred and disturbed he is, but the reader can't tell why. That adds to the mystery and feeling of unsettling surrounding the character: his story is wrapped up by darkness and it's impossible to predict, just like he is– and it's deliciously unsettling, scary, to be unable to tell anything about what made him like he is except from guessing that it must have been something really bad. And yet even then /nothing/ could have prepared the reader to what his backstory really is? And when the traumatic event is finally unveiled, it's worse then any guess the reader could have made. Atsushi's back to the orphanage flashback passage is terrifying! He didn't undergo any harm, like it would have been easy to guess; on the contrary, his torment stems from having killed his abuser. But he did so at a point when he didn't represent a threat for him anymore, when he was proud of him, when he got close to resemble a father to his eyes; and all of this he realized too late; and now he lives in constant regret, constant terror of himself. It's great, really! And even then, Atsushi carries on with being. super cool lmao. Like yeah he's unstable and everything, he's wild and violent, but he's also still very kind. He's timid and blushes easily. He also feels a lot more mature than he does in canon, and it's nice to see. He's more confident and serious, and that's nice too. He REALLY is my favorite character.
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Some pretty cool scenes are in it Moving on, Beast has some truly amazing scenes. The Heartless Cur is amazing and builds up such an awesome character, Atsushi's introduction is petrifying, the Kenji / Akutagawa conversation is as deeply moving as it is cathartic. I won't be talking about the sskk café scene. Akutagawa's whole assault to the pm headquarters is rich of emotional scenes. I already talked about Atsushi's flashback and Dazai's suicide being wonderful passages both from technical and emotional standpoints. And the manga ending is just so good!!!!!!! Like it truly is the perfect ending– the way it ties up with the main story! How it feels like ada Akutagawa's story has just begun, a conclusion but also hope for what's to come. The “out behind our company's building there are some people of low character hanging about”– I can't stress enough how emotional this line, a final and definite tie to the main story, makes me, how meaningful it is in its quality of being both an ending, and a beginning. The last page showing Akutagawa at the center of the ada, it just moves me so deeply to see him being the protagonist, surrounded by a crowd of people who love and support him, getting his own chance at a life in the light 😭😭😭 “I'm going to live as an agency member. I'll solve cases, rescue the weak, and prove that I'm not evil.” Crying my eyes out 😭😭😭😭😭😭 And don't get me started on when Akutagawa and Atsushi's voices mix up to speak as one; I could never hope to be able to express what that makes me feel.
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Siblings dynamics are my jam I also love Beast because one of the main aspects that drives the plot is Ryuunosuke and Gin's relationship, and I /love/ siblings relationships, and I //love// Ryuunosuke and Gin's relationship. I don't think Gin's character was written well at all (because the author literally can't write female characters for the life of theirs), but eh, at least it reinforced the concept that Ryuunosuke loves Gin terribly and would be able to do anything for her. Atsushi and Kyouka's relationship, too, is to die for.
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The designs and manga art style slay Besides, the character designs are beautiful???? Akutagawa's Beast outfit is my second favorite out of the whole franchise, it's just such a look™. I love in general how rabid and messy Akutagawa looks in Beast, he feels so much more free? And like, good for him. In my head Beast Atsushi is the most handsome man in the entire franchise and I don't think I can take criticism on this. I find cutting off his longer bang such a witty way to represent not only how this Atsushi is different from the one we know (after all, that's the most remarkable and eye-catching feature of his appearance!), but also to symbolize how the cut with his past at the orphanage was harsh and violent. Characters designs aside, Hoshikawa's art style is GORGEUS. It's hard and rough and messy, it's dark and unpolished and violent and beautiful and exactly everything Beast is. It's PERFECT for the story, it's like it was made to portray it.
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Sskk is always great And that's just talking about the canon content but like. Beast means a Beast sskk. Which is basically new and improved sskk. And I like sskk. And I like every version of sskk but especially this version where they're even more violent and fucked up and madly in love with each other and evidently meant to be. So yeah.
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And this is like, just the very tip of the iceberg of what I love about Beast. Humbling offering you this Beast love letter in hope we can all give this novel the appreciation it deserves (๑˃‌ᴗ˂‌)۶
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
omg imma abuse this 2k event thing
category: fluff
number: 9
character: aonung
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second 2k event fic for my beautiful moot lex <333
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You and Ao’nung had been mated for almost two years. Knowing each other since you were children and constantly spending every moment with each other no one was surprised when you both announced your union.
Even when your souls had already intertwined the two of you still found the need to endlessly be in each other’s company. Whether it was your head resting on his shoulder, laying together in the sand or a large hand resting on your stomach.
You had found out you were pregnant months ago, something Ao’nung was beyond excited for. He already felt blessed to have you beside him every day, to think you were gifting him with a product of your love was something he would be eternally grateful for.
This resulted in him being incredibly protective of you. Constantly looming behind you, his large hands hovering over your body as he was give his signature glare to anyone who dared look your way. (You told him he was just being delusional that no one was looking, but he insisted.)
“Ao’nung I understand that your mate instincts kicked in but I think you may be having more pregnancy hormones than me.” Ao’nung scoffed at you with a smile plastered across his face.
“I am just worried flower, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. You waddle like a baby”
“If I remember correctly I have a baby in me. This is your fault.” You faced him with a cheeky grin on your face. He couldn’t even get tired of seeing the way your eyes squinted as your cheeks rose showing your beautiful smile.
“I think we are both at fault actually.” Your mouth dropped in annoyance as he laughed at your expression.
“Come with me. I want to show you something.” You groaned, your feet getting tired from the walking. Ao’nung gave you a encouraging look as he held your hand.
“Why must you torture me. Do you take joy out of me moving like an elder.”
“It is funny…kinda”
“I am sorry flower, I do not relish in seeing you in pain. But I promise you’ll want to see this.” He dragged your hand as he walked towards the direction of your marui. You were walking slow, feet growing tired as you grumbled complaints to your mate who was pulling you along.
“Ao’nung this better be worth it.”
“It will be, but what’s your threat if it isn’t my tough girl?” He looked back at you with a smirk as you glared at him.
“You don’t want to know. Way too hardcore for your pregnancy hormones.”
“You! You are the pregnant one!” Ao’nung groaned still pulling you along as he mumbled a number of profanities.
“Now show me the surprise! I am bored!”
“Ok close your eyes pretty girl.” He watched you close your eyes, double checking before he guided you to the inside of your marui, a hand securely resting on the small of your back and your stomach.
The light dimmed as you got inside, making your anticipation grow larger.  “Can I please open my eyes now?”
“Eywa, so impatient. But yes open!” You opened and immediately gasped, your hands covering your jaw that had dropped.
There in front of you was a newly decorated section part of your marui. Adorned with carved toys, new woven mats and most impressive was a ground cot that was woven so delicately in the yarn of your favourite colours. He had created small blankets to drape over the cot along with a mobile that hung above it, with little carved ilu’s twirling softly.
“Oh my Eywa. Ao’nung this is beautiful.” You felt yourself tearing up, turning to crash Ao’nung into a tight embrace. He chuckled and rubbed his hand along your back giving you a soft peck to the head.
“Do not cry flower. If you cry, I’ll cry and that won’t be fun for anyone. You know I’m not a pretty crier.” Ao’nung looked at his work proudly, a sense of pride growing his chest, just like his soon to be growing family. “Tsireya helped me with the weaving. But I started carving the toys as soon as I heard you were pregnant. I guess I got a tiny bit carried away.”
“Thankyou so much my love. I love this so much. I love you so much.” You hugged him tighter before looking up to give him a tender kiss. The happy tears brimming your eyes as Ao’nung caressed your face softly.
“Do you think our child will love it as much as you do?” You nodded quickly.
“Of course they would. How could they not? I can’t wait to see our child grow up with your love.”
“Our love flower. Our love.”
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reblogs super duper appreciated my lovelies have a great day/night !! <3
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behindthesoul · 10 months
The Rainy Night - Bi-Han
Characters - Bi-Han, Tomas (Smoke), Kuai Liang, Bi-Han’s parents
Summary - Bi-Han dozes off and dreams about his childhood while his father lays there, dying.
Word Count - 2017
Warnings - Angst, minor character death, sibling jealousy, ED hints, grief, descriptions of dying,
A/N - Wrote this for a good friend of mine. It did not turn out the way I had planned, but I guess that's the beauty of writing, yeah?
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If Bi-Han were to think back on his childhood, a majority of his memories would involve his father. Being the eldest son and future Lin Kuei grandmaster meant his father always had a major presence in his life, more so than his younger brothers. Saying every memory was a positive one would be an absolute lie; screaming matches and hidden, frustrated tears - tension only increasing as he entered his teenage and adult years. Hell, even if Bi-Han recalled a moment his father wasn’t physically in, his looming presence affected his daily life and personal relationships.
“Bi-Han!” a childlike voice calls out to him. He turns around to see Tomas entering his bedroom. Tomas looked younger, with soft, relaxed eyes that kindly look at his brother; a shorter stature that Bi-Han teased would never grow taller; but a face that was so unlike his and Kuai Liang’s it frustrated him. Bi-Han never knew the true reason his father took in the young boy and made him a - false, as he would argue - Lin Kuei, but it often brought out an insecurity he would never admit existed. Were he and Kuai Liang not the type of sons to be proud of? Did he think Bi-Han would be a poor grandmaster, and was Tomas secretly being groomed to take the throne?
Bi-Han can rationalize, saying that his father and Tomas have no underlying intent, but it doesn’t make looking at the boy’s smiling face any easier. He glances in a small mirror across the room. Soft is the layer of baby fat that plumps his face. It melted away with age, revealing his hardened and stern expression. But now? He feels fifteen again. Tomas soon regains his attention as he starts speaking.
“Kuai Liang and I haven’t seen you in ages. We would be grateful if you ate lunch with us,” he smiles. That fucking smile that never fails to make Bi-Han feel guilty.
Bi-Han just scoffs. “There are ways I could better spend my time.”
“But, brother, I never saw you at breakfast this morning. You must be hungry,” he smiles again.
“Your concern is wasted, leave me.”
Bi-Han is now a bit irritated. Why can’t he just take no for an answer? Maybe the better question would be: why couldn’t he just say a quick no thank you? Why was communication so difficult?
“Father is there too, I believe he wishes to speak to you, brother.”
Great. The last person he wanted to talk to. Now he definitely doesn’t want to go. Why won’t he just leave him alone?
“Father will be concerned if you don’t go,” Tomas says. The way his face twists into one of concern is annoying. It takes everything to not roll his eyes.
“Then tell him I am ill.”
“But Father-”
“You share not one drop of blood with him,” he finally snaps, his eyes narrowing at Tomas, “he is not your father, nor am I your brother.”
The room is silent, and the air is polluted with tension. Tomas’ face is bright red; out of sadness or out of anger, Bi-Han doesn’t know. What he does know is that his lashing out was very unnecessary. His irritation shouldn’t have been taken out on Tomas, it’s unfortunate that the words ‘I’m sorry’ are too foreign to fall from his lips. Not a word is uttered as Tomas walks out the room, his footsteps are heavy and the sound pounds in Bi-Han’s ears.
Once again, Bi-Han is left alone with his thoughts. The silence would deafen him if it wasn't for his mind constantly berating him for this moment and every other mistake he’s ever made. He collapses on his bed and further berates himself for the tears that start to burn his eyes, Pathetic. Just pathetic. Bi-Han begs the tears to not fall, not today please.
But they do.
Gentle rain slowly rolls down his face, the only difference is that now he feels younger. Quiet sobbing is somehow picked up by Bi-Han. Call it a sixth sense, if you will - one that was taught through many months of training. His head snaps in the direction of the barely audible sound. Bi-Han’s eyes soften to see Kuai Liang crying into his hand, choking back sobs that threaten to expose his sadness. His face is tiny, red, and wet, unlike the tall and strong man that he would soon grow into. His body is sprawled on the ground, too distraught to even stand. A wave of brotherly protectiveness washes over Bi-Han. Who dared to bring pain to his brother? If only Bi-Han could remember what exactly this memory is, then he’d be able to dish out some vengeance. He tries to remember, but everything feels hazy and spotty.
Suddenly, Kuai Liang notices Bi-Han’s presence and drags his body over to his brother, collapsing into him, and bringing the man - well, boy - to the ground. Bi-Han stiffens as Kuai Liang cries into his shoulder. Emotions have never been his strong suit. Their mother was alway the strong, comforting shoulder to cry on. Maybe their mother could help Kuai Liang. Just where is she?
“Mother is gone…I can’t believe she is truly gone,” Kuai Liang wails.
Oh, oh.
She’s dead.
That’s why his brother is crying. That’s why Bi-Han has been fighting to stop the tears that continue to fall down his face. Bi-Han’s body feels tense and limp at the same time. Why was his brain choosing to relive the absolute worst day of his life? His breath begins to quicken. He wants out. He doesn’t know what to do. How is Bi-Han supposed to comfort Kuai Liang? Bi-Han thinks back to what his mother would do. She was warm, inviting, and quick to wrap her sons in her arms, whispering sweet words to calm them down. Soft words have no chance at spilling out his mouth, so a hand would have to do. He slings an arm around his brother’s back, noticing the momentary freeze in Kuai Liang. The quiet gesture of comfort doesn’t feel natural to either boy, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t appreciated. Bi-Han just hopes that his brother will calm down sooner or later. By now his shoulder and neck are soaked to hell. The air touches the area and makes him feel cold and uncomfortable. But Bi-Han refuses to move a single inch, not wanting to disturb his brother’s rush of emotions.
Suddenly, Bi-Han remembers he’s supposed to be training with his father. His blood chills as he thinks of the possible consequences for skipping or even just being late to training. Would his father be graceful and let him miss a day? He, too, should be grieving the death of their mother, the grandmaster’s wife. It’s too risky to even find out.
As gently as he can, Bi-Han maneuvers Kuai Liang off his body and stands.
“Come, training will take your mind off the situation,” he says, stretching his hand out. He doesn’t get the reaction he was hoping for. Kuai Liang just glares at him with teary, glossy eyes.
“Even in death, even in her death that is all you think about!” Kuai Liang’s voice is shaky as he forces his body to produce the words he so desperately wants to say. “Even in her death, that is all you care about.”
“It is a distraction,” comes Bi-Han’s voice, starting to drip with bitterness; angry at what he feels is an accusation. No lie was told, Bi-Han spent many days working off his frustration by training with other Lin Kuei. “Father requires it of us.”
Kuai Liang scoffs and wipes the remaining tears from his eyes. He stands, ignoring Bi-Han’s still outstretched hand, and walks off to the training facility. Bi-Han’s own heart is obviously heavy with the loss of his mother. It weighs more and more with each step Kuai Liang takes. A mix of guilt and helplessness gnaws at his chest. Did he just fail at his job as a big brother? Did he misread something he needed to pick up on? He tries to shake off the feeling and he makes his way down the hall, following his brother. However, the further he goes, the fuzzier the world gets. It’s too blurry to see, and it feels like everything is fading…
Bi-Han wakes with a jolt. His body is on guard for a few moments as he takes in his surroundings, only relaxing once he realizes he was in the Grandmaster’s chambers, a place he seldom visited after his mother’s death. His chest burned with any and all thoughts of his mother, so it only made sense to never be in the room where she slept. Until now.
On the large bed, adorned with an expensive sapphire and silver frame, lay his father; thin and frail with sunken in eyes, practically lifeless. It’s as if he was a corpse playing a cruel trick on this living, trying to convince that he was one of them. He doesn’t know if his father is awake or asleep, and he can’t bring himself to check. A wet, crackling sound escapes from the back of the Grandmaster’s throat which amplifies with each breath. It is called a death rattle, a Lin Kuei medic explained to him earlier that day, while it may sound concerning, it is a normal, natural end of life process.
It felt like a cruel and deceptive lie. That inhuman sound that perverted his father’s image was nothing but abnormal. The Lin Kuei grandmaster, a man who represented the Lin Kuei’s commanding strength, was reduced to having sickly, almost zombie-like skin, and too weak to clear the fluid building up in his throat. It didn’t have to come to this. The right medicine was there to save him but Father is dooming the Lin Kuei to lifelong mediocrity it felt pointless to prolong what was inevitable. It hurts to see his father in such a decomposing state, his chest feels a bit tight. He has no right to even be here. The Grandmaster could’ve been well on the road to recovery had he not intervened.
He thinks about his brothers, Tomas and Kuai Liang. How would they feel if they found out he’s letting their father pass? What would they do? Would Tomas’ face turn beet red as he refuses to speak? Would Kuai Liang sob into his hand then scoff when Bi-Han says something foolish? He doesn’t know. They’re all adults now and Bi-Han hasn’t seen his brothers show such emotion since. Maybe it’s Tomas who cries, and Kuai Liang’s face that heats up. Or maybe they both lash out in anger.
Bi-Han looks at his father, boring holes through the dying man’s skull. It’s his fault. It’s the Grandmaster’s fault Bi-Han lashed out at Tomas, it’s the Grandmaster’s fault that Bi-Han couldn’t comfort Kuai Liang properly. It’s his fault that Bi-Han failed to be the brother Tomas and Kuai Liang needed. Bi-Han understands it's foolish to blame another for his actions, but blaming something barely moving is easier.
It’s time to go. Bi-Han needs to prepare for his duties as future grandmaster. His father's soul shouldn't linger much longer in his failing body. Perhaps Bi-Han should start funeral preparations first. He gets out of his chair, slightly stretching his muscles that were angry at being dormant for too long. His footsteps echo as he walks to the door of the room. Bi-Han takes one last look at his father, feeling grateful his brothers weren’t around to witness the distressing sight.
Bi-Han leaves the room and closes the door behind him. He feels like less of a man for not having the guts to at least be there for his father while the man drew his last breath, but Bi-Han knows he’d have to fight back a tear or two - he wasn’t sure if he could handle it. Instead, he promises that he will lead the Lin Kuei to a stronger, better future. One unlike any past iteration. No one would be fool enough to mess with the Lin Kuei under his watchful eye.
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A/N - Hopefully this is in character. I really struggle with writing Bi-Han because I personally feel like he's a lot more...soft (for lack of a better term) than he is usually depicted. When I say soft I don't mean uwu squeeeee soft, I mean I don't believe he's as hardened as some say. Please let me know your thoughts.
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alieinthemorning · 6 months
Sins of the Father [Inhibitor Lunae | Dan Heng]
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Content: Angst, Assassins & Hitmen AU, Dan Heng and Bailu are Siblings (and Dan Feng is their father), Reader-Insert, POV Second Person
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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“When will brother be back?”
You looked down at the little girl who was resting at your side. She looked up at you with those large eyes that reminded you of the ocean waves touching the beach. 
They were beautiful, but honestly they also made you sad. She was the golden sand, unable to leave the protection of the land. While her brother was the ocean, impenetrable. No matter how deep you went, there would always be something hidden deeper. 
Brushing the hair that had fallen near her eyes, you answered her. “He’ll be back soon, Bailu.” 
She huffed, sitting up. “Why is he always out so late? Doesn’t he know that that’s bad for you!”
You smiled, gently persuading her to lay back down. “You’re right. Which is why you need to rest, so that you can grow big and strong.”
“Not until he gets back.”
You held back a sigh. There was no point in arguing any further. You knew that when Bailu got like this, there was no changing her mind. Especially when it had to do with her brother. The two of them were incredibly stubborn like that. 
jing, jing
You paused, glancing at the entryway, then at Bailu who had fallen asleep. You smiled. No matter how much older she attempted to act, she was still just a little, growing girl. 
You gently removed yourself from her, making your way to greet the person beyond the door. 
He was already in the house, back turned to shut the door as quietly as possible as he toed out of his shoes. When he did turn around, he jolted, obviously not expecting you. 
“...you’re still awake.” 
You frowned. He was refusing to make eye contact. “Bailu couldn’t sleep. She tried her hardest to stay up.” You crossed your arms. 
He sighed. “She really needs to stop doing that.”
“And you need to stop doing what you're doing, and yet here you are. Late again.” 
That got his attention, you thought as his eyes snapped up to meet yours. 
“You know why I have to do this.”
“I know why you say that you have to do it, but that doesn’t mean that—”
He had moved closer, into your personal space, forcing you to acknowledge the change in his demeanor. 
“It does.” He sighed roughly. “...It does if it keeps you and Bailu safe.” 
You glared at him. “The sins of your father are not yours to bear.”
You hated their father, Dan Feng, a no good man who left nothing to his children, but pain and suffering. 
“They are when there is no one left to bear them.” 
And you hated that this man forced his own son to think that he had to settle the debt of his wrongdoings. The people he were tied up with wouldn’t leave him alone until after the debt was paid in cash or otherwise. 
And you refused to let it be otherwise. 
“How many times have I told you that I can help. Just let me—” You tired, but he cut you off.
“I refuse to allow you to get involved any further than what you already have.” He took a step closer, which forced you to take a step back. His hand snatched your wrist, pulling closer as he leaned down toward your ear. “I am grateful for you for watching over Bailu, truly I am. But if you keep digging, where you don’t belong, I’ll have to remove you myself.” He released you, pushing you, and disappearing further into the home. 
‘How much longer?’ 
You put Bailu to bed, before retiring to your own room.
How much longer would he inflict such suffering on himself? How much longer did he have before it torn him asunder?
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The answer: Not long. 
Thankfully, Bailu had a sleepover tonight and wasn’t home to see…this.
He was badly bloody and bruised, shallow breaths the only thing signaling that he wasn’t dead. 
It was silent between the two of you as you worked on patching him up. 
It was silent as he retreated to his room while you cleaned the aftermath.
It was silent as you watched him you.
Both of you having so much to say, but neither of you knowing how to say it.
And so you didn’t, actions spoke louder than words after all, didn’t they?
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“Hello, Blade.”
“Goodnight, Yingxing.”
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tap, tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap
The bridge of silence had grown between you. Neither knowing the other anymore. The deep relationship that the two of you had formed had been destroyed by you.
But you were fine with that, you made your bed that day, and now it was time to lie in it. 
You finished off the drink you had been nursing. “I don’t regret what I did, so I hope you weren’t expecting to lecture me.”
“No…rather, I’d like to thank you.” 
You peered at him through your lashes. “Oh?”
He stepped closer, not into your personal space, but at the edge of that. “Yes, I understand. Just as I want to protect you and Bailu, you wanted to protect Bailu and I.”
You smiled, presenting him your hand. “And now we can protect her together.”
He placed a kiss on the knuckle of your middle finger. “Yes…”
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No one would dare touch the Little Lady of the Dragon. 
Least they be devoured in its bloody maw.
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Um, so me and Rogue were talking about things, and it devolved into how I view Dan Heng and Bailu as siblings. Um, I wanted to make something more hurt/comfort-y, but I instead manifested this...at like 1-2am, so yea...hope you enjoyed...this.
Also, can you tell I've been reading a lot of manwhas lmao
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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fujoshirat · 22 days
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+Strawberry Magic! ♡ 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!♡+
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Chapter 8: Cold Hands
Summary: When virgin Pro Hero Shouto turns 30, he gains the magical ability to read the minds of people that he touches. After finding out that his personal assistant has a crush on him, everything changes and Shouto finds himself lost in the stressful game called love.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Warnings: Aged up characters, EXTREME CRINGY TOOTH-ROTTING FLUFF (you have been warned), VERY SHORT CHAPTER, OOC Shouto?? (I mean, he kind of has been for the entire series)
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Shouto runs as fast as he can through the bustling streets, his assistant's jacket only slightly weighing his right arm down. As the sky grew increasingly darker and the street lights flickered on, he rounded the corner of the bookstore.
Just as he turned, his gaze landed on the woman he was looking for.
She hears him call her name and gasps. "Oh! Todoroki-san! I heard from Kirishima-san. Thank you so much!"
Shouto nods and gives her the cream coat.
"Hey, I want to talk to you. Could we go somewhere quiet?"
After leading his assistant to a secluded park, he stops and faces her. Shouto takes a deep breath and looks at Y/N in the eyes.
"I want to give you my response to your confession."
Y/N's face visibly pales and her eyes widen. "Sir, just forget I said that. I wasn't think straight and-" "No." Shouto's baritone voice interrupts hers, his hands instantly grabbing hers.
"Ah! Sorry, but... don't take it back. Please."
This is finally the time that I tell you the truth, there's no one stopping me now.
"I like you, L/N-san, and I'm not saying this just because you confessed to me."
"I like you because you are you."
Shouto closes his eyes, not ready to see her reaction.
The woman smiles. "I told you to call me Y/N before, didn't I?"
Shouto blinks for a moment, processing this information. Oh. He cracks a laugh.
"My apologies, Y/N."
Y/N's eyes widen again, clearly feeling butterflies from being called her first name by her crush and employer. Her cheeks turn pink as she hides her obvious blush in her hands.
"I-I'm so happy you feel the same way, Todoroki-san."
"Shouto. Call me Shouto."
This time, it is Y/N's turn to laugh.
"Ah, right. My bad, Shouto."
There is it again, the way his name naturally rolls off her tongue, her bright smile, her beautiful laugh.
"You know, your hands are really cold."
Y/N's blush deepens as she looks away bashfully. Suddenly, Shouto hears her voice in his head.
'My hands aren't the only hands that are cold.'
Taking note of this, Shouto looks down at his hands.
Cold hands are a sign of being cold. ...Or maybe it is a sign of nervousness.
Just then, the man feels a cool sensation on his cheek. Little white specks of snow start falling from the sunset-painted sky. Shouto sees Y/N smile at the beautiful weather, the world fading into a blurry background.
He gently cups his assistant's cheeks in his hands and tilts her head up. He gazes at her with tender passion and softly rubs her cheek with his thumb.
"May I kiss you?"
Y/N gives him his answer when she presses her cool, strawberry-flavored lips onto his.
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Today slips away. The dawn of my tomorrow Waits there in your smile.
-Richard Campbell
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A/N: Wow. What. A. Journey. This story has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. This chapter is pretty much the end of the series (an epilogue will be coming, *wink* *wink* :DDD), so thank you all for reading <3 I hope that you not only enjoyed this chapter but the entire series!! What originally started as a random thought was able to grow into a work that I had never imagined that I would make.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, support, and love ^^ Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you readers ToT I have shorter story ideas marinating in my head that I cannot wait to start on once I organize this series properly.
~entire fic and notes written by me: fujoshirat!
Taglist (thank you <3): @boogiemansbitch, @bleedingwhiteroses22, @atashiboba
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
And so, the last Bad Batch Eve falls upon us.
It is surreal to think that a show that has meant so much to me for three years will come to an end. I've talked about how meaningful TBB is to me many times, and I most certainly will in the future, but I didn't want to pass on the opportunity to do it on the last Bad Batch Eve we'll officially have.
The night before Aftermath premiered, I'd struggled with some pretty bad anxiety. In the weeks following after that and throughout the first season, I dealt with depression and anxiety being diagnosed as well as an ear infection the doctor attributed to said mental illnesses. I went through a pretty bad breakup. The lockdowns were at their peak where I was. But despite that being a rough time, I also vividly remember being in my room at home, my favorite place in the world, eating my favorite food and drinking my favorite relaxing tea, hearing it rain outside, wearing my favorite hoodie and my PJs, watching/rewatching those season 1 episodes. Seeing Crosshair deal with the inhibitor chip seemed to echo some of what I was going through, i.e. having something in your head you couldn't really control. I wondered how afraid he must have felt, and I sympathized with him.
During S2, as Crosshair was off with the Empire, I was off living in my hometown the first time, away from my true home and my family, and I have to admit I was very lost during that time. I did make mistakes. I did return home, and I left it again, albeit now more ready, more prepared, more stable. But it was still a second time leaving home.
S3 Crosshair has all but solidified my intent in going back home and not freaking leaving and I really hope the day in which I can return home to my family the way he did is sooner rather than later. Seeing him grow, own up to his mistakes, forgive and be forgiven, learn to control what's in his head, and heal, feels like a very fitting peak to a journey, a journey that had and still has its ups and downs.
And let's not forget the writing and the fandom. I have written things I didn't think I'd write, things I've loved so much that part of me wants to go back in time and rewrite to experience the joy of doing it all over again (looking at Moonlight here lol). I have also made gifs, which I didn't ever imagine doing! I edited music videos and crack meme compilations, which I had wanted to do for years. Fear not, I'll keep doing all of that - slowly, yes, but not with any less love. Y'all are stuck with me. 😁🩷
And as if all I've mentioned wasn't already very valuable, I cannot forget all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing people I've met because of this show. People who I've learned from, laughed with, cried with, fangirled with, gamed with... every single one of you has been the icing on the cake, the lattice on the pie, the parmesan on the pasta. You have all truly made this worth it and make me love being in the fandom. You give what I do a greater purpose, and you have become people I am happy to call moots and friends. I am over the moon that this show allowed me to cross paths with you. @photogirl894 @rebekadjarin @darthzero22 @arctrooper69 @jedi-hawkins @stardustbee @s-pirth-lemonade @eloquentmoon @sageislostinspring @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @kimageddon @emperor-palpaminty @rainydaydream-gal18 @imabeautifulbutterfly @paperback-rascal @pankeki-25 @dragonrebelrose @dragonrider9905 @questforgalas @lightwise @zoruui @nunanuggets @misogirl828 and everyone else 🩵
I love The Bad Batch and what it's done for my life in so many aspects. I love these characters for their growth and because they were there for me when nobody was, and because they brought me to so many amazing people. I am grateful that this show exists and I cannot wait to keep creating all the stuff I have planned, writing or otherwise.
Thank you, Clone Force 99, and thank you everyone for being a part of this journey!
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eemamminy-art · 3 months
Extremely difficult top 5: Top 5 butches
I've sat on this for a long time because I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it! Do I pick real life butches, butches that are expressly called as such in their medias, or characters that I interpret as butch?
Ultimately, I opted for the last option, because I think that will be the most fun in terms of me trying to argue my case lol
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
Vi — Arcane
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
Further rambling and pictures under the read more cut because oh my goodness this is. Long.
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
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This character awoke things in a young me, playing a fan translated ROM of FFV. Faris is this pirate captain, initially presented as a beautiful man, later revealed to be the lost princess who made a new life for herself after being lost at sea.
She thinks of herself in masculine terms, and has an honor among thieves sort of outlook. She does put herself, her crew, and her friends first, but she's not so cowardly as to run away when she sees the world is at stake and there is a higher calling for her as a warrior of light. She's very loyal and brave, but lacks the chivalry of a knight.
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She's fearful to go back to the life she had before as a princess, because she loves the person she is now. The only thing that really gives her pause is that her sister very deeply wants a relationship with her, and she has reservations about growing close to her and thus to the life she left behind.
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
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I know Mary Read was a real person but stick with me here. We all know AC plays fast and loose with portrayals of real life figures so I'll be proceeding as if talking about the fictional character, not the real life pirate.
When in her persona as James Kidd, he is as smarmy as can be on the outside, but hints that there is a deeper complexity to him. He's deeply enigmatic and flirtatious. He's clever, and drips juuust enough temptation to guide Edward onto the path of the assassins.
When she reveals herself to be a woman, she keeps the same demeanor as always. It's a secret she keeps close to her chest, and reveals it only to use her body to her advantage to create a distraction. Her dedication to her friends and to her freedom matters far more to her than her presentation.
I'm grateful that even despite the era in which this game came out, there's not a total personality switch after the reveal. She's still so much herself, regardless of how she physically appears or which names or pronouns she uses. She makes it clear that she considers herself a woman, in spite of how she normally presents, and she's just bursting with so much confidence. Goals, honestly. She's a hugely inspirational character to me.
Plus I mean. Oh my gosh. She has this rumbling, sultry voice with a Yorkshire accent. Swoon.
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
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I want to first preface with an anecdote, that the lesbian subtext between Agrias and Ovelia is so overt that while growing up, my brother's best friend refused to believe Agrias was a woman and headcanoned her as a male knight to justify it in his head (he also headcanoned Ramza as being a woman to justify the gay subtext between him and Delita.. 😂 lmao FFT is extremely gay please play it)
But onto Agrias herself: she is really the textbook definition of a knight. She would give everything for her kingdom and her princess. She is lawful good to a fault, which is not an easy feat in the world of Ivalice. Chivalrous, devoted, stern but kind when it comes to Her Highness... 🥺
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So normal about them... they are like THE yuri ship in final fantasy, but not a lot of people played FFT!! 😭
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They even mention it in FFXIV in Orbonne Monastery... love wins......
Vi — Arcane
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Going to first say I don't play league of legends, mobas give me hives lol but Vi was phenomenal in Arcane. I am missing a lot of context for the character because of that though, so my take on her is purely based on her portrayal in Arcane.
She's headstrong, she lets her emotions get the better of her, she gets into fights, she's scrappy as hell, she's protective and devoted. What stands out sooo much is that, these are traits you might find in a male protagonist in other media, but the way Vi goes about it is just so in touch with her womanhood. Just a more masculine womanhood.
All of the characters in Arcane are written so well, but I found it very very refreshing for there to be so many well written women with all sorts of personalities and archetypes, and not just the usual tropes you see for female characters.
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
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I waffled a little bit on this pick, because the butch identity is very much about demeanor as much as it is appearance-- if not more so.
Zero is a little bit of an odd duck in that way. She has some very vulnerable, sensitive moments. She's sometimes downright meek. Overall she is cool, confident, business-like, and has her own sense of morality forged by her losses, her time spent bound in contract as a voidsent, and the harsh world of the Thirteenth.
I admit, I initially found her softer moments a little off-putting. Putting it into perspective though, butches do have these moments of vulnerability and softness. It's something really key in the dynamic of butch and femme, that where butches are strong and protective, they need stability and soothing from femmes. A feminine strength to heal the damage that the world has inflicted on the butch while she stands as a shield to herself and other women.
I don't think it was the writers' intentions for her to read that way, I'm pretty sure this is me seeing what I want to see lol. But I think it's still nice! I only didn't notice at first because I play as a gay male wol so her being vulnerable with him activated my fight or flight response. But outside the context of my own OC as the warrior of light, in the context of maybe a female wol (or better yet an experienced and no-nonsense femme like Y'shtola 👀) it's really nice to think about. I think also the pacing of the Endwalker patches didn't do her many favors, but when given time to reflect on her character arc, I think there's a lot of room there, especially when interpreting her in the context of a butch/femme relationship.
She is also pretty new to the whole human thing. She's like a baby butch, still very soft. She can bite and hit hard, but when things break through her shell, they cut deep. Which makes her worthwhile adding to this list, in contrast to the others who are much more experienced and able to protect themselves and others.
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vaguely-humanoid-form · 9 months
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thanks, Matt
matpat means.... a lot to me, to say the least. I was raised in a single parent household and l haven't really considered myself to have a dad for a long time. while yes, I do technically have a dad, that's only really in the context of genetics. and my daddy issues but that's not important.
what is important is that matpat was my father, in a way. he was dubbed the title of "internet dad" long after he had already been one to me. he's part of the reason that I am the person I am today.
this piece exists because of matpat, for many reasons.
one, because I sobbed watching "goodbye internet" and want to do something special for his retirement.
two, because fnaf is the entire reason that I create what I do today, and that is partially heavily credited to matpat for overanalyzing a game about murderous animatronics in a pizzeria that I was obsessed with the moment I found out about it. 7 year old me was hooked, man.
and then I think through that, I found even more creators, which led to even more hyperfixating on weird nerdy shit, which led to me making more and more art.
and now, here I am. I'll be 17 years old in April. I graduate high school in one year.
I'm growing up.
not that I haven't been for my whole life because, well, that's how that works.
but I am nearing the true "end" of my childhood.
this year is fnaf's ten year anniversary.
this year marks a decade with game theory.
this year marks the beginning of the end.
I look back on my childhood. I went back to make one quick edit of my incredibly old Instagram account that I had way before I should've even had it.
I look back on the friends I had. I look back on all of the early-mid 2010s shit I posted and I smile. because it's cringe. it's cringe as hell and it's beautiful because of that.
and the nonsense theories are beautiful, and every single theory is beautiful because it exists. because it stems from the need to learn and think and have fun.
because that's what theorizing is about, in the end.
having fun.
matpat means a lot to me.
matpat is the reason that I am the person typing out this post. matpat is the reason that I am the person who spent 6 hours and 45 minutes drawing a piece featuring undertale and fnaf characters in it.
matpat inspires me to exist. and create. and think and learn and seek and everything.
yes, it's a bit parasocial. but it's hard for it to not be considering that I've spent more than half of my life growing alongside this man, seeing him grow in real time in tandem with myself.
I'm growing up.
but I still feel like a kid.
that's good and bad.
the bad is the part of my childhood that I didn't get to have because of my puberty hitting early. it's the fact that some of me is still a 12/13 year old in 2020. it's how the internet affected my growth.
the good is the part of me that still gets unreasonably excited when one of my interests gets brought up "in the wild." it's the fact that I love stuffed animals. it's how the internet affected my growth.
I look back on myself as a kid and, yes, I do indeed get embarrassed or genuinely cringe at how I was in some aspects. but I smile.
because it's me.
despite everything, it's still me.
despite everything, I'm still me, and matpat is still matpat, and despite every single thing that we've all gone through,
we're still us.
I remember one year, I bought myself the theorist varsity jacket with some Christmas money or something.
my best friend has the theorist backpack, I'm pretty sure.
hell, matpat's probably one of the reasons that they are my best friend.
two absolute geeks of GT kids, bonding over the nerdy stuff they liked, probably talking about theories. I don't remember super well, that was elementary school, man.
but isn't that incredible?
the fact that I'm still friends with someone I met in the first grade because of nerdy people like matpat.
I am forever grateful that I found the game theorists and became part of that group. so much of who I am is because I am a theorist. because I found one guy on the internet making overanalytical videos about games.
matpat means a lot to me. and if in case he somehow reads this whole weird ramble prose post open letter thingy, then I hope it means something to him.
but, hey, that's just a theory.
thanks for everything, Matt. <3
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boomtastics · 1 year
𝑶𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏-𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
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Character(s)? | Jade leech and Vil Schoenheit
Type? | gn! reader, mutual pining you and Vil are friends
for @twistedchatterbox​ 30 day event! luv u<3
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Like how the setting sun meets the dark ocean, Jade loves you.
You didn't know that, he didn't think you did anyways because well, you have the attention of THE Vil Shoenheit and have defeated many Overbloats. But for now, the letter you shall never see will do. For now.
A ringing bell takes him out of his trance. Has school ended already? Well then, he can just get notes from another classmate it's no big de- Oh.
You're with Vil again. How pleasant. Your friendship with him is growing quite strong. It's almost as if you're attached at the hip.
“Yo, Jade calm down looks like your about to murder someone!” Ah, it's Floyd. Usually, he could tell when someone was behind him. He's been spacing out more, that's no good. “Im alright, Floyd. Im just a bit tired that's all.” that was a lie, but having his brother worry over him while his crush is slowly slipping away from him is bothersome.
“Yeaaahhh noo, for real, what happening are you okay?” curse Floyd for knowing him so well.
Jesting his head over you and Vil he understands immediately. “Shrimpy and Betta getting too close for your liking? Why not confess to Shrimp already? What, are you scared?”—that's stupid.
“I am not. I'll confess to them in an hour!” What a stupid mistake.
Rummaging through his boxes of letters he needs to find the right one. About your eyes? Predictable. Your bravery? Others are already telling you that. Your beauty? That won't work.
That one.
The perfect one.
A knock is heard on your door. You would think it's vil but he's already here.
“Alright, sorting from expired, terrible, and unusable I have found one make-up brush. You exceeded my expectations…What are you doing?” Vil asked. It's not like you to just leave him without warning.
“Sorry! I heard a knock at the door and went to see what it was” A letter was behind your back hidden from his view. “Well? What is it? Did another desperate potato ask for your help?”.
“No just this” You held the letter up in clear view. “Aren't you going to read it??”
“If it is not too forward of me to say so, I have developed a very strong affection for you…The more we have talked... it is as if the world has brightened. I have never met someone as charming as you before. That feeling has never changed, and I will always be in love with your genuine, and beautiful soul. How did a person as wonderful and kind as you ever come to this world? You are truly a blessing, and I’m forever grateful to know you and to love you. You make every waking moment I spend with you feel like I am in paradise. I never want to leave your side... These words I write are not enough. Words will never explain how much my heart bleeds with love for you, how your love and affection for me cause joy to resonate through my body and spirit. I hope that my feelings will reach you in the best way possible. You’re my everything. I love you, and you alone. To me, you're a rose that should be protected from thorns, a delicate angel who needs a defender. To be your defender, I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and keep you safe. I'm serious when I say, "I love you." I usually rhapsodize about your outstanding natural beauty to my friends. Your beauty hit me with a force of a poetic sledgehammer. I love you and cherish you. You're an angel personified.
“Well, now we know he likes you. What are you doing standing around? Go talk to him. I swear if you fawn over him anymore to me I WILL poison you.”
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Lion's Mane pt 2
Fair warning: I've had a fever for like half of the day, so this is liable to be more unhinged than usual. Everything feels sort of floaty and I'm pretty sure I had a dissociative episode this morning. Fun. Woooooo!
"That's The Haven, as Bellamy called it. The one with the corner tower and slate roof."
His house has a tower? No fair.
There was no mistaking that tall, angular, straggling figure. It was Ian Murdoch, the mathematician. A moment later we confronted him upon the road.
Is he hiding a jellyfish catapult up his jumper? That's the real question.
Is he three jellyfish in a trenchcoat?
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"I am your subordinate, sir, under your roof. I am not aware that I owe you any account of my private actions." Stackhurst's nerves were near the surface after all he had endured. Otherwise, perhaps, he would have waited. Now he lost his temper completely. "In the circumstances your answer is pure impertinence, Mr Murdoch." "Your own question might perhaps come under the same heading."
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
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"You will kindly make fresh arrangements for your future as speedily as you can." "I had intended to do so. I have lost to-day the only person who made The Gables habitable."
omg McPherson and Murdoch unrequited love enemies to lovers 100k angst hurt no comfort major character death
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Murdoch needs to set out on a mission of revenge to murder all jellyfish. I still don't like him because throwing dogs through windows is an unforgivable offence, but VENGEANCE must be his new creed. He can turn the power of maths to his cause.
One man's quest to avenge his beloved. A tale for the ages. Revenge is best served wet.
I feel like there's a jelly and ice cream joke to be made there, but I don't think he should eat the jellyfish, even if that might be one of the only ways to kill them for good.
"My son here" -indicating a powerful young man, with a heavy, sullen face, in the corner of the sitting-room -- "is of one mind with me that Mr McPherson's attentions to Maud were insulting."
Maybe Mr Bellamy the younger is three jellyfish in a trenchcoat! Or maybe the whole family is jellyfish shapeshifters!
The possibilities are endless.
(the idea of jellyfish shapeshifters is going to give me the weirdest fever dreams tonight istg.)
Who could have imagined that so rare a flower would grow from such a root and in such an atmosphere? Women have seldom been an attraction to me, for my brain has always governed my heart, but I could not look upon her perfect clear-cut face, with all the soft freshness of the downlands in her delicate colouring, without realizing that no young man would cross her path unscathed.
Ugh, Holmes. Come on. I was counting on you! I'm going to lay the blame for this one on ACD and say that he suffered from the inability to describe a pretty woman without being horny about it, no matter who his narrator was supposed to be,
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"There is no reason why my sister should be brought into the matter," growled the younger man.
Her boyfriend's dead, bitch. There's a lot of reasons. Stop being a dickhead and start being a comforting brother. Honestly. Stupid jellyfishifter.
She listened to a short account from my companion, with a composed concentration which showed me that she possessed strong character as well as great beauty. Maud Bellamy will always remain in my memory as a most complete and remarkable woman.
Well, at least she isn't getting brain fever. We are all grateful.
"Bring them to justice, Mr Holmes. You have my sympathy and my help, whoever they may be." It seemed to me that she glanced defiantly at her father and brother as she spoke.
OMG they are jellyfishifters! She knows! She knows!
"I see no reason for mystery," she answered. "We were engaged to be married, and we only kept it secret because Fitzroy's uncle, who is very old and said to be dying, might have disinherited him if he had married against his wish. There was no other reason."
The ancient enmity between the jellyfishifters and the sea turtle shifters! It's Romeo and Juliet meets Waterworld (I've never seen Waterworld, but I assume that it is a war epic about the ongoing conflicts between jellyfish and sea turtles. Or I do now, because it has occurred to me.)
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"There was a time when I thought he was. But that was all changed when he understood the relations between Fitzroy and myself."
The tragedy. The homosexual pining.
"Sad story this, sir, about Mr McPherson's dog," said she one evening. I do not encourage such conversations, but the words arrested my attention. "What of Mr McPherson's dog?" "Dead, sir. Died of grief for its master."
Best. Boy. Survived being thrown through a plate glass window only to die of grief.
Also, what the fuck, Holmes? You 'don't encourage such conversations'? You're the only person she sees all day. TALK TO THE WOMAN.
So the dog was also attacked by the jellyfish. Someone really needs to mark that beach off limits.
You will know, or Watson has written in vain, that I hold a vast store of out-of-the-way knowledge without scientific system, but very available for the needs of my work. My mind is like a crowded box-room with packets of all sorts stowed away therein—so many that I may well have but a vague perception of what was there.
Have you finally remembered that lions man jellyfish exist?
...Inspector Bardle of the Sussex Constabulary—a steady, solid, bovine man with thoughtful eyes...
Animal comparisons as well. It's like we have Watson back.
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"What would my position be if I let him slip away with all this evidence against him?"
You have literally 0 evidence.
"But I have examined them very carefully with a lens. They have peculiarities." "What are they, Mr Holmes?"
Well, one peculiarity is that they're jellyfish stings. So write that down.
"A most ingenious comparison. Or shall we say a very stiff cat-o'-nine-tails with small hard knots upon it?"
bdsm play gone very wrong... or jellyfish?
It's a difficult one.
Ian Murdoch staggered into the room, pallid, dishevelled, his clothes in wild disorder, clawing with his bony hands at the furniture to hold himself erect. “Brandy! Brandy!” he gasped, and fell groaning upon the sofa.
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BRANDY! The triumphant return! And Watson isn't even here to administer it.
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Get that man some brandy and cure him of... what's probably jellyfish stings, I guess. Does the brandy go in his mouth or does he bathe in it?
Half a tumbler of the raw spirit brought about a wondrous change.
If there is anything this year of Sherlock Holmes stories has taught me, it's that there is a panacea, it is brandy and we should all worship it. I need some brandy, clearly. Why am I taking paracetamol when I should be downing brandy?
At any moment he might die. More and more brandy was poured down his throat, each fresh dose bringing him back to life.
Best. Story. Ever.
I love this. It's perfect. No notes. Save that man's life with brandy, Holmes. If only you'd had a hip flask on you before. Can dogs drink brandy? I mean, there's that legend about St Bernards carrying brandy with them. Clearly dogs and brandy go together.
I can't believe brandy is saving the day. This is excellent.
Pads of cotton-wool soaked in salad-oil seemed to take the agony from the strange wounds.
OK, brandy and salad oil. Sure, why not.
I feel like he might be about to die of alcohol poisoning instead. But sure.
“I think I can, Stackhurst. Come with me now! And you, Inspector, come along! We will see if we cannot deliver this murderer into your hands.”
No, do not pick up the jellyfish with your hands.
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“Cyanea!” I cried. “Cyanea! Behold the Lion's Mane!” The strange object at which I pointed did indeed look like a tangled mass torn from the mane of a lion. It lay upon a rocky shelf some three feet under the water, a curious waving, vibrating, hairy creature with streaks of silver among its yellow tresses. It pulsated with a slow, heavy dilation and contraction.
I'm really glad everyone is now on the same page, but I do have to say, Holmes, that clearly you had suspicions and you still allowed people to swim in that pool. That's reckless endangerment of lives, if ever I saw it. I am even more disappoint.
Even if you were wrong about it, you still shouldn't have let people swim there until you were sure you were wrong. Poor show.
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There was a big boulder just above the ledge, and we pushed it until it fell with a tremendous splash into the water. When the ripples had cleared we saw that it had settled upon the ledge below. One flapping edge of yellow membrane showed that our victim was beneath it. A thick oily scum oozed out from below the stone and stained the water round, rising slowly to the surface.
A yuck and B, now the jellyfishifters are going to come after you.
Could have just put up signs telling people not to swim there rather than crushing the poor thing. It didn't mean to kill anyone.
"He gulped down brandy, a whole bottleful, and it seems to have saved his life."
“No, Mr. Murdoch. I was already upon the track, and had I been out as early as I intended I might well have saved you from this terrific experience.”
Yeah, feel bad, Holmes. Feel bad!
"The poor fellow had never thought to dry himself, and so I in turn was led to believe that he had never been in the water."
This I don't get. Was he not wet when they found him? Whatever. Doesn't matter. It was the jellyfish all along. There were no jellyfish catapults alas, and perhaps no jellyfishifters, but we aren't told whether the younger Mr Bellamy had gone suspiciously missing following the crushing of the jellyfish, are we?
But one thing we can all rest assured knowing: Brandy is the true hero. Three cheers for brandy!
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Warriors of Kyoshi
Two in one day, look at me go! Do not expect this rate going forward.
Before we start. I'd like to give thanks to the writers for putting the place name in the episode title. As someone who has been attempting to spell things phonetically, but has no familiarity with non-english names and has therefore screwed up many many times, I am grateful.
I really didn't notice Zuko's voice in the last episode but he's back to sounding like a muppet in this one.
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My man that meditation is not working. Nor is the hair. After that burst of flame how do you have hair left?
Somehow I missed last episode that they had named the lemur. Welcome to the gang, Momo!
So this is going to be the 'Sokka faces his sexism' episode. I'm going to get really nitpicky here. Sokka says "You need to give girls space when they do their sewing" and Katara responds "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Well, nothing actually! It's Katara who makes the leap and ties the two ideas together. Sokka then 100% puts his foot in his mouth (and follows through with getting his pants in his face) and I love the way Katara responds to it! Sew your own pants Sokka! But I gotta say, if Sokka had only kept his mouth shut he would have been in the clear.
"Where we're going you won't need any pants" is not a relaxing statement Aang.
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Appa rocking the Justin Bieber look.
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Guess Katara threw those pants harder than I thought she did. He's only got one tooth left.
'Lookit me! Lookit me! Mom are you looking? Mom did you see me? Mom are you watching? Mom did you see? Mom watch this! Mom look at me!' -Aang, while harassing the local wildlife.
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Growing up in the South Pole, jumping into any body of water is absolutely insane, so yeah this tracks.
I love how Momo is the most enthusiastic watcher.
What do koi eat? There must be a lot of it here.
The fish is doing all the work!
Nessie on roids.
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They caught Momo! I love how this implies that Momo carries the same status as a threat that the humans do. They don't blindfold him though. Do you think they had a bag big enough for Appa?
Yikes this is turning into an after school special. Rule of thumb: if you have to flanderize your character in order to make them objectionable enough to be a candidate for the lesson of the week, maybe that's not the right character to use to teach the lesson?
Is this Water tribe or Earth kingdom territory? The warriors are in green, but everyone else is in water tribe blue. Assuming the colour coding we've seen with fire and water extends to earth, maybe the warriors are assigned there?
Kyoshi is a place and a person. Now picturing Aangland. Also I guess the warriors are from here after all.
Aang is really good at finding ideally placed sharp edges on which to cut his ropes.
I like the game of telephone sequence and how the colours gradually change from blue to red.
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Needs to eat but too tired to get up. We've all been there buddy.
Katara absolutely going for the jugular in the breakfast scene. Speaking of, Sokka's line reads in that whole scene are just beautiful. Offended and cranky, but still showing genuine appreciation for breakfast.
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First time Katara's made me laugh out loud. She's spot on.
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This painter's line reads are great too!
Your dance lesson? Sokka you're letting me down. You're making me want to watch the warriors beat you up. You're the best warrior in your village? You're the only warrior in your village. You won by default. (Although it must be said that he does refer to his potty break pals as warriors, so maybe he thinks of himself as the best of many).
Sokka how is your shirt staying closed? And you totally brought that on yourself.
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Passed out Momo.
Oh lord AANGY?
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Do you think one of those warriors could be convinced to do the Sokka treatment on Aang too? His head's getting a little big. Parallels!
Warrior lady Sookie has some very poor line readings. She's not helped by the fact that she's contrasted with Sokka, whose voice actor is probably the best in the show.
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Aangy seen here being very unmonkly. The back and forth here is great.
"I got you!" Yeah Sookie he did. "You're not going to get it in one day, even I'm not that good." Maybe you aren't but Sokka is.
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Nessie on roids has enough thinking skills to use his own self as a table. Well done Nessie. Don't hurt yourself.
Did the airbender forget he could airbend? He's being flung around through the AIR by Nessie. Just bend!
It's a good thing Katara is a waterbender, otherwise going into the water while wearing head to toe furs would have absolutely drowned her.
How does Katara know Zuko's name? Or recognise his ship?
How does Katara bend water out of Aangy's lungs? Doesn't she have no training at all? I feel like that could have gone horribly.
Momo includes himself in the 'girls come quickly' statement.
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This has Mexican stand off vibes, as does the music. Also why are people hiding from firebenders in wooden houses?
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This is why I don't like after school special plots. Sokka's been learning their technique for a couple of days and he's already better at it than Sookie. Which retroactively justifies all his patronising sexism from earlier in the episode.
Fire breakdancing is shockingly efficient. He took out three opponents while flat on the ground. Also Zuko is getting some serious air on his jumps.
That's twice now that Zuko has reacted to Aang's presence by saying "Finally."
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Did Zuko happen to be carrying a bag of coal dust? Either way he's dead.
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Katara gives the single most stupid advice possible 'get inside this flammable building children!' and follows it with straight up lying to Aang's face. I'm glad he called her on it. And I'm glad she was so quick to change back to what she's been trying to tell him the whole episode (we need to LEAVE). You were right all along Katara, don't bend the truth now to make him feel better.
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BIG SIGH. I don't know if this is bad writing, bad line reading, or both. It's just so corny.
So now he remembers he's an airbender. Also I hope he had some sort of air shield when he hit the water.
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Roid Nessie's water breathing dragon traits coming in handy. And I thought that was just worldbuilding. That's two episodes in a row where what looked like worldbuilding was also plot. Sneaky!
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Ha! They're going to rust.
Appa caught him! With his paws!
If I was the leader of Kyoshi, I gotta say I wouldn't be thanking the avatar. Thank you for luring the fire nation to our previously neutral territory and then having the decency to fix the immediate problem that caused, though long term we're still screwed. Assuming that Zuko's actions represent fire nation actions, Kyoshi's neutrality is gone and the houses no longer have roofs. Do you think the fire nation does reprisals?
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So pretty.
And I've been spelling Suki incorrectly. I guess the gimme with the episode title was too good to be true. Gotta check my hubris. I need a Sokka treatment myself.
Final Thoughts
This episode ANNOYS me. First, the good:
I'm glad that the show touched on the status of avatar going to Aang's head. The first couple of episodes firmly characterised Aang as not wanting to be the avatar, but you'd have to be superhuman not to let it go to your head just a little. And Aang wouldn't be anywhere near as fun to watch if he was superhuman.
I also like that Aang explicitly verbally acknowledges that Katara was right, and that he can put into words the ways he was wrong and the lesson he learned. The lesson has a better chance of sticking if he can actually articulate it.
I like how this show is consistently sticking to actions having both good and bad consequences that can't be bended/handwaved/magic-ed away. In episode two, the flare went off and now the village at the south pole has a giant gash in it and Sokka and Katara had to leave home. In this episode, Aang stayed too long and now the village has burned down. There's no magic fix. This makes the world of the show feel real, and feel like something that's worth caring about. Actual stakes mean actual investment by the viewer is not wasted.
Katara got a turn with the brain! She was right about Sokka being a sexist jerk, right about Aang getting a big head, right about Zuko following them if they leave. I like Katara being right.
The bad:
I am not liking the direction that Aang and Katara's relationship is going. It's fine for Aang to have a little crush, and it's fine for Katara to baby him (he is younger, and judging by the ages of all the children in her village apart from her brother, Katara's been a mini-mom for a while). But it's jarring when those opposing perceptions are so blatantly juxtaposed. I think this is one of the places where the fact that I'm an adult and this show is for kids is making itself known. If I had watched this at 8 or 9 years old, I probably wouldn't have even picked up on the opposing dynamics. I can't quite articulate why it doesn't sit well with me. It just doesn't.
And now, the Sokka arc. BIG SIGH. Sokka needed to grow past his sexist tendencies. No argument there. But his sexism boils down to believing in the gendering of tasks and that said gendering has a basis in fact. That there are man things and woman things. That men ARE better at man things and women ARE better at women things, with the corresponding (though unacknowledged) belief that women are worse at man things and men are worse at woman things. Sokka was supposed to have these beliefs challenged and ultimately overturned in this episode by meeting, and being beaten up by, Suki and her warriors, women who excel at (what Sokka thinks of as) man things. Suki and her warriors do challenge the first part of Sokka's original beliefs, that being a warrior is a man thing. But after a 45 second training montage he gets the best of her.
Being a warrior seems to be Suki's full time job. We never see her out of her armour; this is her role in the village, a role she has presumably trained for for many years. And Sokka gets the best of her in the training room, and fends off Zuko after she fails to do so herself. If Sokka surpasses Suki so quickly at what she has devoted her life to, I guess being a warrior is naturally easier for men. And sure, women CAN be warriors, Sokka outright says it (although Suki kind of has to correct him as he only get halfway there), but putting aside the dialogue and looking at the action, Sokka's just better.
For that matter, given that Sokka was quite literally the only man over four years old in his village, he must have been used to seeing women fulfilling a male role. Unless his demonstrated subpar fishing skills could feed the whole village, the women were going hunting. Which is why I said he was flanderized earlier. He might want to believe in the gendering of tasks because it makes him feel manlier or more connected to his interpretation of his culture, or heck maybe it give him a sense of purpose or makes him miss his dad less, just spitballing here. But there's no way he hasn't spent every day since the men left for war seeing that belief be contradicted. And sure, he could have some cognitive dissonance going on, especially since he seems to have staked his whole identity on his manliness, but would that cognitive dissonance be enough to insult a pack of warriors to their face while tied up, then insult them even worse while they're actively practising with their weapons? I guess teenage boys have done stupider.
I'm probably reading too much into this.
The meh:
Zuko in this episode is literally just filling the villain of the week slot, and serious step down in narrative focus after the last episode, where he got a whole arc.
So I have problems with this episode. I like the avatar stuff temporarily going to Aang's head, but I don't think it redeems the rest of the episode. It won't be going on my rewatch list.
Last, totally vain complaint: this episode was nowhere near as pretty as the Southern Air Temple. That one had beautiful contrasts with blue/purple air and red/orange fire. This one is just beige.
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the-obiwan-for-me · 9 months
Hi! I’ve just read the She Said the Word series again, and I was wondering what domestic life would be like between some of the characters. Bo and Tol’ket, Obitine, Korkie and Aled, for example, but I am also aware both Ursa and Bo-Katan and Korkie and Ahsoka lived together for a while. I’d just love to hear about your idea of what sort of shenanigans they got into, and also basic things like who made caf in the mornings.
I understand this is a lot to ask for and you’re probably much too busy, so there’s no pressure to answer from me.
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful series!!
Hello there! Thank you for being such a fan! I can't believe this summer will be FOUR YEARS since I began writing this series. (To anyone reading this) please never hesitate to ask me questions about this story and these characters. I may have slowed down a lot in churning out content for them, but they are no less dear to me and I LOVE talking about them.
Yes, Ursa and Bo were all but platonic life partners for a long time, even before Pre died, and definitely in the subsequent years between his death and Bo and Tol'ket getting together. Because Ursa had Sabine on Concordia and was away from Alrich, Bo stepped in and helped care for baby Sabine (which we do see in SSTW). Because of how they lived (in barracks on a base) there wasn't a lot of domestic life to be had, but they spent their downtime together when it corresponded.
Korkie and Ahsoka's years together I think were probably a lot like what you would expect between a rich kid and a self sufficient worldly kid living together. Korkie had minimal real life skills and Ahsoka spent the first few months hating living with him because of it. But he eventually begged her to teach him and it got much better from there. His saving grace was being a neat freak and a good student. She taught him the basics of cooking, and then he became an expert home chef, surpassing her very basic skills. Despite preferring tea to caf, like both of his parents, he learned how to make a mean pot of caf so Ahsoka always had a great caf in the mornings. She could never quite master it, to her annoyance (though her caf did get better than the absolute trash she grew up drinking during the war).
I think Obitine's domestic life is probably not one where either one have to perform any real measure of domestic duties. Which is probably for the best. Satine and Bo were raised in a noble family that held a lot of power and both girls were accustom to being cared for. I think they were taught traditional things, which included camp fire cooking and basic Mandalorian cuisine, but they really never had to learn to cook, clean, etc. Obi-Wan, while more sufficient thanks to a young life in the Order, probably still doesn't know a lot more than Satine (just enough to be extremely grating when they were very young, prior to falling in love, and probably for a long time after that, too). But, as adults, as planetary leaders of a thriving society, they don't need to do much other than make some tea and try not to make the lives of the staff that cares for them miserable (with the exception of Obi-Wan leaving clothes everywhere- that's canon- I think they are probably very neat and very easy to work for). Their sweetest, most domestic thing is that they both know how to make each other's tea perfectly, especially Obi-Wan, who can steep it, fix it, and hand it to Satine at exactly the right point.
Bo and Tol'ket live two very different versions of domestic life from the time they marry until we see them again in MTB. Bo is handier than Satine due to her life in Death Watch, but really isn't to be trusted in the kitchen much beyond the basics. But she also is freakishly tidy and a bit of a clean freak. The problem is that Tol'ket lived a very solitary bachelor life and was rarely at home longer than a night's sleep and shower. He is NOT neat and there were some serious growing pains in that respect. It was never enough to cause strife, but he did drive her slightly insane the first couple of years. His apartment they shared was tiny, which only made his bachelor habits more apparent and, at times, obnoxious. After he becomes prime minister and they move into the grander house that comes with that position, it gets easier. There's a very small staff, and some tensions are relieved. Tol'ket does cook (he learned from his grandfather), and enjoys it. Bo makes the caf, especially since she's the early bird in their relationship.
Korkie definitely ends up teaching Aled a lot about domestic life because Aled was a street kid then lived in Protector barracks. He had no clue how to be an adult with his own space nor how to prepare food beyond a sandwich. It was a steep learning curve, but thankfully Korkie is a good teacher.
Thanks again for this fun little thought exercise! Maybe it will jumpstart my brain into writing again!
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