#I wanted to do something crazy with wonderland
thelazyhermits · 1 day
After reading the first TWST novel and seeing how Yuu/Grim's first meeting with Ace went there, I decided to write a drabble about how that encounter went with my Yuu, which I'll put underneath the cut.
Also, I've gone back and edited An Unlikely Team as well as Grim/Ace's chapters in An Unlikely Friendship, although there was only a minor edit in Grim's chapter as compared to Ace's chapter which got a whole different dialogue added in the final scene thanks to me getting inspired by the novel.
I hope y'all enjoy the new content! 😊💕
He’s definitely up to something.
That was the first thought that crossed your mind upon meeting Ace Trappola, a first-year student who introduced himself after approaching you and Grim while you both were studying the seven statues on Main Street that, for some reason, look exactly like popular Disney villains.
Grim, however, obviously felt differently since, ever since Ace showed up, he’s been amicably chatting with the redhead about the statues, all the while not looking the least bit suspicious of Ace.
Meanwhile, you’ve been working on cleaning the surrounding area, which is the job that had been assigned to both you and that procrastinating monster, because you really don’t want to risk getting in trouble with Crowley for not doing your job since said job is the reason you now have a free place to stay as well as a means to make money for food and everything else you'll need to survive in this strange, foreign world you've somehow found yourself in.
Plus, you had wanted to put some space between you and Ace since you don’t trust him and that fake smile of his, especially since he’s wearing the kind of fake smile that looks so genuine that only someone like you who’s grown up surrounded by adults, who use their professional fake smiles to take advantage of others for a living, would be able to see through his façade.
The whole time you’ve been cleaning, you’ve been surreptitiously scrutinizing Ace, trying to figure out what his hidden agenda is, all while simultaneously listening carefully to all the information he provides about the statues - information that matches well with what you know about the Disney villains they resemble.
Except for the fact that everything Ace says makes these villains sound like actual decent people who are worth revering rather than the scoundrels they were in the movies from your world.
Every time you hear Ace compliment the people the statues are based on, you have to fight the urge to scoff since so much of what he says is just so difficult for you to believe.
I can’t believe these villains’ stories got so twisted that they became people who are seriously revered in this world. You incredulously shake your head. Even worse, the Queen of Hearts’ story is pretty much the same as it was in Alice in Wonderland, meaning these people seriously didn’t mind a crazy queen who decapitates people as a regular form of punishment.
Just what kind of world have you found yourself in?
You wearily massage your temple. Hopefully, all that nonsense is just a part of this world’s history and not its present. Otherwise, I’ll need to steer clear of the part of the world where the Queen of Hearts reigned for the sake of my own well-being, although I can’t see myself leaving this school anytime soon, considering traveling requires money among many other things.
Obviously, I’ll need to do some more research on this subject. You muse. If I’m gonna survive in this crazy world, I need to learn as much about it as I can since knowledge is power.
Plus, you’re genuinely curious about this world’s “Great Seven” and want to see if there are any more commonalities between them and the movie villains from your world whom they so greatly resemble.
“Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”
You’re abruptly pulled away from your thoughts when Ace’s previously friendly and cheerful voice suddenly becomes noticeably cold and malicious.
While Grim makes a surprised sound, you quickly focus your now narrowed gaze on the redhead. So he’s finally making his move. It’s about time. Now, I’ll finally find out what his deal is since I couldn’t get any clues from his earlier behavior when I was watching him.
“Pfft! Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore!” Ace declares as he starts laughing, hard enough that he doubles over. “It’s too funny! I can’t breathe!”
For several seconds, his loud, wild laughter fills the air, and during this time, you give Ace an unimpressed look while Grim just stares at him with wide eyes, appearing stunned.
Once he eventually manages to compose himself, Ace wipes away the tears of mirth from his eyes. “Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into a fiasco, right?”
“You two seriously stand out.” Ace sneers as he points at you. “A total normie, the perfect punchline to a disappointing joke. Every eye in the school focused on you last night, and you can’t even use a drop of magic.”
Completely unfazed by his mocking words, you maintain your unimpressed expression, which you can tell bothers him because his face briefly appears annoyed when you don’t give him the kind of reaction that you know he was hoping for.
Since he clearly won’t have any fun with you as his target, Ace quickly moves onto his next one and points at Grim. “And a monster who wasn’t even summoned by the Dark Mirror in the first place but crashed orientation anyway and got beaten to a pulp by my dorm leader.”
Wearing a cold smile, Ace gives both you and Grim a once-over before saying, “You’re perfect for each other.”
“W-What are ya-” Grim briefly stammers before scowling, “Ya don't gotta be a jerk! Comin' at us all of a sudden like this!”
“It’s not all of a sudden, dude.” Ace smirks, “The look on your face when they picked you up and tossed you out was hilarious! It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”
After giving you and the cleaning equipment that’s beside you a particularly withering look, Ace snickers, “So, in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now, you're janitors? SO lame!”
Upon realizing that Ace seriously is only here to taunt you and Grim, the tension in your frame eases as you roll your eyes. Really? That’s it? I was worried he might be someone secretly dangerous since his fake smile is so convincing, like the ones I always saw back in my world, but he’s really just an immature brat. I don’t know if I should be relieved or disappointed.
In direct contrast to you, who has calmed down now that you’ve realized Ace is no threat to you, Grim becomes increasingly more irritated. “Shaddup, you! I’m gonna be a student at this school in no time!”
“Nuh-uh! No way!” Ace shakes his head. “You're so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”
Unable to help yourself, you dryly retort, “Really? YOU’RE the one who’s saying someone should go back to kindergarten - the grade that so obviously suits you way better?”
Caught off guard since you’ve been silent pretty much the whole time he’s been here, Ace, along with Grim, turns to look at you in surprise.
Soon after, Ace’s surprise turns into annoyance. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious? Even though you could’ve been doing way more productive things with your time, you instead went out of your way to come taunt us ‘cause you hated how much attention we got thanks to the orientation fiasco, like an immature, jealous brat.”
“Not only that, you’re getting in our way when we have work to do.” You huff before making a shooing gesture. “So can you just leave already? I have way more important things to do than listen to someone whose opinions I don’t give a damn about.”
Once he overcomes his surprise, Grim starts guffawing, “Way to tell him, Henchman! That’ll teach that jealous brat not to mess with the Great Grim! Myahaha!”
“I am NOT jealous!” Ace scowls, “Why the hell would I be jealous of losers like you two who are only still around ‘cause you got lucky enough to get a job cleaning up all of the WAY more important people’s trash?!”
After saying that, Ace angrily stomps over to where you’re standing and jabs a finger at your chest, glaring all the while. “You have a lotta nerve looking down on me when I actually earned my place here fair and square after working my ass off, unlike you who just waltzed right in and did whatever you pleased. A magicless loser like you has no place at this school, so get off your damn high horse already before you get knocked off.”
Completely unfazed by his anger since you’ve gone up against far scarier people in Japan’s underworld, you boredly swat away his finger. “I’m not looking down on you.”
Faster than he can react, you reach out and grab onto Ace’s shoulder with a tight enough grip that makes him cry out in pain.
Using your grip on his shoulder, you push down with enough strength to force the redhead, whom you quickly realize has no real fighting experience, to his knees.
In hopes that he will refrain from bothering you and Grim in the future if you give him a scary enough warning, you fiercely glare down at the shocked boy who’s now kneeling before you. “NOW, I am, and if you don’t want to end up in way worse shape, I highly recommend that you leave me and Grim alone and just focus on your studies like a good little student.”
As expected, upon being on the receiving end of your heated glare, Ace flinches and becomes noticeably paler.
Unfortunately, it would seem Ace Trappola is not as smart as you had originally thought he was since, rather than follow his instincts, which have surely identified you as an opponent he has no hope of ever beating by this point, Ace, whose fear quickly turns into ire, instead immediately shoots back up to his feet and tries to grab you by the collar of your hoodie. “You arrogant bastard! Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Naturally, you smoothly avoid his hands since he’s nowhere near fast enough to grab hold of an experienced fighter like you.
“Alright, Henchman, you’ve done your part! Now, it’s time for your amazing boss to take over! Myaaaaah!”
Catching you and Ace off guard, Grim, who had been laughing on the sidelines up until this point, decides to get in on the action and proceeds to use his fire magic on Ace who just barely manages to avoid Grim’s fireball attack.
“Whoa!” Ace exclaims before turning to scowl at Grim. “What are you doing?!”
Grim smirks, “Now that my henchman’s had a turn, it’s time for me to dole out some payback ‘cause no one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire, and gets away with it! I'll make ya regret messin’ with me!”
Ace scoffs, “You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts.”
Realizing that the two boys look like they seriously intend to fight, you face-palm. This is not what I was hoping to accomplish when I tried to intimidate Ace. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have done anything to him.
Just when you think this situation couldn’t possibly get any more exasperating, several NRC students, who had been on their way to class, start approaching the area where you, Grim, and Ace are, obviously curious about what’s going on between Grim and Ace.
Upon realizing that a fight is about to happen, the crowd of boys starts jeering and cheering, earning themselves an exasperated look from you. Boys…
Deciding it’s better to ignore the crowd for now, you quickly get in between Grim and Ace. “Enough! Grim, you can’t use your magic to fight here! If you cause any property damage, we’ll both get in serious trouble with the Headmage, and I do NOT wanna have to deal with that! And I bet you won’t be happy either when your tuna funds get taken away!”
Much to your annoyance, rather than heed your words, Grim scurries around you, moving fast enough that you can’t catch him. “Relax, Henchman! The only thing gettin’ damaged here is Ace’s ugly mug! Myahaha!”
Right after saying that, Grim launches another fireball at Ace. Unfortunately for the monster, his attack misses its mark just like it did last time, although it’s because of a completely different reason.
Instead of moving to dodge the attack like he did earlier, Ace, after pulling out what looks like a pen with a red gem on it, summons a gust of wind that knocks away Grim’s fireball before it can reach him. 
Ace smirks, “Ha! How do you like that?”
As Grim complains about Ace blowing away his fireballs and the redhead taunts him in return, you just blink. Huh, guess magic can control elements here like it can on TV back in my world. Good to know.
Seconds after that thought crosses your mind, realization suddenly dawns on your now pale features. Wait a minute. Fire and wind together? Oh no…
Realizing that this is a recipe for disaster, you shout, “Both of you, stop! If you keep mixing fire and wind magic together, you’ll-!”
Before you can finish that sentence, Grim, who has chosen to completely ignore you, angrily fires off another fireball at Ace, which the redhead once again blows away with his wind magic.
Unfortunately, unlike last time, the fire doesn’t simply get diverted to an area where it can’t harm anyone. This time, it hits a target.
The worst possible target.
Horrified, you watch as Grim’s attack, which became stronger thanks to Ace's wind magic fanning its flames, just as you had feared would happen, lands a direct hit on the Queen of Hearts’ statue, causing the statue to become completely engulfed in flames. Oh, shit. We are so screwed...
And, of course, you were exactly right.
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melon-official · 5 months
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She wails as though a part of her has died.
oh man. i picked up the sidestory to @just-a-carrot's five-arc horror epic a couple days ago and i'm so glad i did. i'll probably be talking nonstop and/or drawing about it for days
there's a handful of whiteboard doodles with other characters under the cut, but rly i just wanted to pay a homage to the scene that hit me the hardest... enjoy
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quimichi · 6 months
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He's obsessed with your voice. He loves the way you whimper and just struggle your words out. He loves to to tease, he LIVES to tease you. He's so mean whe he asks what you want, just so he can deny it and command you to beg for it.
He's buried deep inside of you, barely able to hold himself up, panting heavily. He looks down at the pretty face you're making and he can't help but think that the only thing that would make it better is the sound of your beautiful voice.
"Tell me what you want, baby" he breathes in your ear, dropping his head down to your neck. He stopped moving. His hot breath hitting your heated skin. "I asked you somethin'~" he hums leaning back down to press kiss over your shoulder. You can practically feel his smirk in his voice.
"Please-" is all you're able to stutter out at first and it makes him grin onto your skin as he lifts his head to shake it at you. "Naw, I couldn't quite hear you princess,.. you should use bigger words for your needs?" there's this pout on his face, he's mocking you. Out of desperation you kiss him, in hopes that he could possibly forget about your loss of words.
He indulges you for a few seconds before pulling away and raising his eyebrow at you. That's when you realise he's serious; he really won't move an inch until you tell him exactly what you want. "Please-, just.. fuck me" you whine, you know it won't be enough for him but you hope it is because if he doesn't move in the next thirty seconds you feel you might combust. You honestly don't know what will combust, but something is definitely blowing up and its also gonna be you.
"Good start, baby, but it's not enough" he chuckles at your responding whine and buries his head into you neck chuckling. Although this is more than entertaining, he also has to hide the fact this is just as agonizing for him like it is for you. "How do you want it, hm? Tell me how you want me to fuck you." "Please, just fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me dumb. Fuck me so hard you break me, the bed or the wall. I don't care just please fuck me" you desperately shout out in embarrassment.
He lets out an elated laugh, this is exactly what he wants to hear. He leans in to kiss you and ends up muffling the happy whine you let out when he finally starts moving. But quickly you feel dizzy, you're beyond coherent words at this point. You can't even think straight. He feels so good inside you that you almost go crazy. You instinctively grab at his skin, raking your nails over his shoulder blades. He loves being able to get you like this, he loves listen to you break like this. You and the pretty noises you make are all his to enjoy....
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Kageyama, Tsukishima, Matsukawa, Kuroo, Atsumu, Suna, Tendou, Terushima (haikyuu)
Kaeya, Al-Haitham, Ayato, Itto, Scaramouche, Wriothesley, Dottore, Pantalone (genshin)
Geto, Nanami, Gojo, Toji (JJK)
Hisoka, Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks (HxH)
Rafayel (love and deepspace)
Leona, Lilia, Jade, Floyd, Ace, Trey (twst wonderland)
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kroosluvr · 2 months
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featherman seeker
as usual da cele notes under cut
had to get some food so thsi si late... i lterally gluedm yself to my chair to finish this LMAOAO
all of the not-dialogue is just straight up lines frm featherman seeker LMAOOO just rearranged
this takes place during 3rd semester (see: infiltration log on wall on 4th page, also their winter clothes strewn around akira's room) after drawing it i was rereading like oh u cld prob see this as like post-third semester but nah i intended it to be such BECAUSE
i rock w the canon that sumire has no clue abt akechi's past and black mask and the mental shutdowns and shido and the engine room she doesnt know hes supposed to be dead, that he sacrificed himself, etc. so ofc shes going thru the game like yayyy featherman yay and her sort of naivete Gets thru to goro. i imagine this is like idk a game he played in childhood bc he was a featherman fan but now revisiting it bc sumire wanted to try it, hes like. damn. this kinda. uh. well thats crazy how things line up. so i think it kinda grates at him but sumi's excitement and like. enjoyment! of it kinda helps him also enjoy it more
SO LIKE He knows he's going to die. He knows thats how grey pigeon's story ends. but he's happy here, and now, with the people he loves, so that makes it All right for now. it's a sad story but it's the good ending.
also i forgor how/where/when goro exactly Actualizes back into existence but can u imagine if he spawned right into the winter wonderland of shibuya square like (head in hands) smth so like. isolating abt it. in a crowd of ppl being excited over christmas and hes like what the hell im supposed to be Dead right now.
also "you are not alone" in the first panels very important..... right under hte panel w goro and sumi side by side :') yea
ryuji and ann holding akira back. YEA.
i really like the 3rd slide. the colors mmmm BUT YEAH so its goro/akira fighting/saving sumire, hanging out at jazz jin, last stand against adam kadmon, then goro holding sumi and akira's hands in the snow, then them smiling :') kinda like a procession of memories, or to-be memories or whatever
ANYWAY this is also like part of my whatever canon divergence where the royal trio section of 3rd sem is just longer for no reason . (aka: the thieves take longer to win over to their side, idk maruki gives u a longer time on the deal, etc etcetc.) just more royal trio time :3
sumibun akimeow and gorodog in 4th img... hidden.... also tennis rackets. ALSO THE LITTLE POLAROIDS Important. and all their clothes! i imagine they stay over at leblanc A Lot. akira prob convinces sojiro to Keep morgana at his house LOL and he handles the business and stuff just so they can have their safe haven while they struggle to try and win the thieves back and infiltrate the palace etc . (I kinda have a comic or something in the works for this)
more abt dialogue choices
"it's tough for a tutorial stage" - this means smth. i didnt think this thru 100% ASKJDHASDKJA but its to do w akechi's life and how everything was so fucking difficult for him as a kid when it shouldnt have been.
"is the second phase giving you trouble" - also smth to do w akechi. (As u can see these are all half baked metaphors) smth to do w his 'second life" aka: third semester being Difficult. because now he has sumire and akira and he doesn't want to leave them, so dying the 2nd time is gonna suck real bad.
i like shuakesumi btw
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So I saw you wanted request for the rise of red and I'm here to deliver lol. So Captin Hook right? Can I get something like we are also friends with Bridget (or we are like Bridget) and they like run into each other and stuff I'm bad at doing requests and stuff sorry lol
Happy Little Accidents | Captain Hook
Pairing: Captain Hook x fem!reader
Summary: Hook and you always run into each other and he hates it.
Warning/s: fluff, short fic, Morgie's teasing, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: You did amazing with the request, don't worry, hun. I did my best, hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!!
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You had a reputation for being, what the VK's would call, a goody two shoes. A person that always follows the rules, never rebels against anyone or anything, is always good, always kind. Even if someone was so incredibly rude to you, you would still have a smile planted onto your face and a thought filled with kindness in your head.
All in all, your personality perfectly matched the one that Bridget from Wonderland had. That is one of the many reasons the two of you were practically inseparable.
No matter what, you always saw good in everyone and everything. Some people loved you for it. Some people found themselves despising you for that personality trait that you possessed.
You usually kept to yourself when you were not hanging out with Bridget or Ella, just trying to stay out of anyone's way.
Bridget always gave her best to make as many friends as possible, simply always going out of her way to make sure she made friends. You were not like that really.
You had Bridget and Ella. You had two friends. That was enough for you. It's not like you didn't want to give people a chance to be your friends. No way! You simply preferred it like that.
And even though you always stayed out of other people's ways, somehow one VK kept running into you.
The one with the smirk that seemed like it never left his face.
The one with the hook on his right hand.
The one who was a part of Uliana's crew.
Captain James Hook.
No matter how hard you tried to avoid each other, you just simply kept running into each other no matter what.
Whether you were just rushing to get to class in time or you were taking a walk or just reading or doing schoolwork on the courtyard, Hook was always there. However, it's not like he wanted to run into you all the time.
He infact hated it.
Constantly running into you. You with your bubbly personality and your kindness and your generosity and your willingness to help others even when they are mean to you and your perfect face and your gorgeous smile and your amazing hair and... and the panic he felt every time the two of you ran into each other.
The panic that appeared every time he realized over and over again just how amazing you truly are. Not that he would admit that to anyone.
Until Morgie noticed.
That's exactly how he ended up leaning against the tree in the courtyard of the Merlin's Academy as Morgie was siting down on the ground not too far away from him, listening as Hook was spilling nonsense at him.
"I just can't do it anymore," Hook groaned as Morgie rolled his eyes once again after God knows how many times. "I constantly run into her, it's crazy."
"She's just so annoying."
"I mean," Hook scoffed, basically ignoring Morgie who now had his head resting on his arms, sitting with his legs crossed in the grass. "Who can possibly be so happy all the time?"
"She can."
"It's so infuriating!" Hook groaned, throwing his head back, waving his hook around to emphasize his point. "That stupid, goody goody."
"Just admit that you like her already." Morgie rolled his eyes and Hook got silent all of a sudden.
"I don't-I-," he found himself stuttering and Morgie started to smirk as he saw his friend slowly starting to blush. "I don't like anyone! Especially not someone like her!"
"Mhm," Morgie hummed, unconvinced. "Sure you don't. You just notice every single thing about her and you've been 'complaining' about her kindness and generosity and perfection for almost half and hour. Just admit it to yourself."
"I don't like-"
"Please," Morgie said, once again, no surprise there, rolling his eyes as he looked at Hook. "I'm pretty sure Uliana noticed it, too."
"Maleficent did for sure," he chuckled. "She's been looking at you a bit weirdly since few days ago when you started blushing when your little crush touched you accidentally while trying to escape Uliana and save Bridget like usual."
"I DID NOT BLUSH-!" Hook looked mortified and Morgie found himself laughing.
"Oh, please," he said, "Don't be so surprised, of course I noticed it."
Hook looked out into the distance and could have sworn that he saw that familiar hair color at the other side of the school. Morgie looked at him and sighed as he stood up, placing his hand on Hook's shoulder.
"Look, ask her out before someone else does because I've heard that Snow White's son has a thing for her, too." Morgie said and Hook's gaze snapped to Morgie's.
"I just thought that you should know." Morgie said in sing-song voice before he walked away with his arms behind his back, smirking, so pleased with himself.
As his gaze left Morgie's he realized, oh, he's not gonna have that.
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @ariaroseloklover @isafran1125 @gayfrog29 @mystic-mae
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schoenpepper · 11 days
It's Okay to Play Favorites (Vice Housewardens)
Intro: You accidentally get sucked into the world of Twisted Wonderland, your favorite game, like, ever. And uh, you may or may not have teleported with a plushie of your favorite character…
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, self aware au but not god, your card collection is just you being freaky and taking pictures of them, google translated French be warned, ortho’s is platonic and if u take it any other way i ban u, lilia’s is also platonic but if u see romance crumbs i won't stop u, ik ruggie and ortho aren't vice housewardens but get this idgaf
A/N: Bro college got me fucked (second day in i know i'm a fucking whiner i hate it all). Not a request, just some random stuff I wrote during my 3 hour round-trip commute jfc. If my Jade favoritism is acting up, no it ain't.
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Trey Clover is a man often overlooked, whether in the fandom or the world of Twisted Wonderland.
So when you get transported in during orientation, you, the player, were holding a plush form of him?
He blanks out.
Sorry Riddle, your vice housewarden kinda crashed maybe you can reboot him or something.
Trey’s never thought of himself as anything special, but he must be if he’s your favorite character, right?
You befriend him with a giddy smile, he can almost see the hearts in your eyes as you fan[redacted] so hard you actually hug him in your excitement.
The player? Hugged? Him?????
“Crazy bro that’s like super nuts so jealous of you.” - Cater Diamond
Hm, he gets a bit bashful when you take so many pictures of him.
Do you really like him that much?
He…likes you too.
“Cringe.” - Cater Diamond
I’m just a normal person, you know? At least, the closest someone can get to normal in this place. You still want me? Are you sure?
If you’re sure.
Unfortunately, to date a dad is to put up with dad jokes.
Do you mind though?
Makes you the most delicious pastries and confectionery known to mankind. You’ll probably get 5 lbs fatter and a sugar addiction.
But your teeth will be beautiful because he teaches you how to brush your teeth properly.
(Ten kinds of toothbrushes…)
Picnic dates.
Tea party dates.
Baking dates.
You might need to go on a diet to stay in shape because Trey doesn’t mind fat. He will probably love you more if you’re chubby.
But he loves you regardless.
Rest of the cast is like, vaguely jealous because why Trey?
But also he has a generally good rapport with other people so it’s cool.
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Ruggie Bucchi wasn’t really paying too much attention at the ceremony but you definitely drew his focus.
Is that a plushie hyena beastman?
Does not register that it’s him until someone calls it out.
What? Why? How? When? Where?
He probably has major self esteem issues because, you know, the school’s filled to the brim with rich kids and people with status.
He has neither money nor power. So when he finds out he’s your favorite character? Boom.
He lets out his cute (im not biased) laugh but it’s because he doesn’t know how else to react.
You want to be his friend? Why not?
(Laughs again because he’s exploding on the inside)
You hug him???? Crazy. You owe him a donut for that, bro.
Thinks the picture thing is a bit weird but who is he to argue with the player?
You’re weird, y’know? There’s like princes and moguls and stuff in NRC, why me?
You like me? You find me charming?
That’s not something I’d really use for myself but hey…knock yourself out. Shishishi.
You get to scratch his ears and kiss ‘em and watch ‘em twitch while he tries to get away from you.
Insane bro wish I was you.
Cuddly and surprisingly clingy, loves loves loves being pampered.
Are you indoctrinated by my subby Ruggie vibes yet???
His love language is sharing food.
(Have you ever tried passing candy through a kiss? No? Wanna try?)
His grandma will love you <3
The other characters will be giving him major stink eye. The scrappy hyena? Really?
Yes really.
“Whatever, good for you.” - Leona probably.
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Jade Leech is amused.
Rather childish, is it not? Well, he’s flattered that you think so highly of him and even have this stuffed toy in his image.
Unfortunately, he does hold enough respect for you as the player to not immediately use your infatuation with him for nefarious purposes.
Not to say he doesn’t tease you though.
You are the flustered one here.
He’s your favorite? Oya, how interesting. He’s never seen himself the way that you do, but who is he to argue with the player?
Please, what do you like so much about him? Do tell.
(His systems crash when you hug him but you’ll never know)
You seem to enjoy taking his pictures. If you let him [redacted] you can take as many as you want.
If you don’t take him up on his offer I will!!!
My, I never expected to be your ‘favorite character’, was it? Well, I don’t mind.
What do I think of you?
Fufu, wouldn’t you like to know?
Loving a sadist means you’re probably a masochist.
You like it when he ‘unintentionally’ makes you do something stupid? Toys with you? Teases you with his annoyingly adorable super cutie pie grin?
Bro you have weird taste I could like, never~
If you didn’t like mushrooms before you do now.
You wish he’d look at you the way he looks at his terrariums.
You know that silly, happy, dopey little look he gets? The lab coat groovy one? Yeah.
Hiking dates if you’re physically able to. If not, he makes like the fanciest dinner dates ever.
He does love you, promise.
The other characters are highkey judging you.
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Jamil Viper is inside his hoodie and is very unlikely to ever come out.
You’re kinda embarrassing but what is he supposed to do?
You’re the player. You have a plushie Jamil. Tiny and cute.
Jamil doesn’t see himself as cute. Wouldn’t it be better if you had a different one? Someone sunnier, someone warmer, someone like…Kalim?
Jamil’s your favorite character?
Yeah he’s not leaving his hoodie.
When you’re so happy and excited that you hug him, his soul leaves his body through his lips.
Rip Jamil Viper.
I don’t think Jamil’s very used to the camera, considering he’s technically Kalim’s servant and servants stay in the background.
But since you adore him the way that you do, well, he won’t stop you.
You’re strange. Is this a prank?
No, I don’t mean to doubt you. It’s just that…
No, nevermind. Since you want me, I’ll—love? You love me? Fine, I can work with that too.
His favorite kind of date is one where you two sleep and cuddle together.
He needs a break.
It’s not too often that he can carve time out of babysitting, so any time spent with him you’ll cherish like gold.
You can help him with chores if you manage to persist through multiple rejections.
He’d really prefer not to make the player do chores with him, but when you smile so wide like that, he can’t refuse anymore on the grounds of you not enjoying it.
Kalim can lend you guys the carpet though, you wanna fly?
While the cast doesn’t generally approve of the snake, you’re very loud about your infatuation.
They can’t stop you.
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Rook Hunt is a lover of beauty, and you, the player, are the most beauté of all! (full points :D)
Qu'est-ce que c'est? A soft and fluffy copy of himself? How wonderous! Marvelous! The adorable cotton-filled blah blah blah (insert soliloquy here)
While there’s a tiny thought in his mind that perhaps the poison apple or the queen would be more befitting of a nui plush, he still takes your fascination with him in stride.
(It’s not often that he’s in this role.)
To be your favorite, it is an honor!
He shall dedicate a poem to your inner and outer beauty!
Accidentally tosses you to the ground when you try to hug him.
Desolé, instinct. Try again?
He’s not used to being the one in the spotlight, but please, take as many pictures as you need!
Love? Love is the most beautiful indeed. Comme toi, tellement adorable. Lovely.
You’re asking if I have someone I love?
Je suis un lâche de ne pas exprimer mon amour pour toi. 
Either you get what he’s saying or you remember it so you can translate later.
Anyway, have you ever wanted to hunt for sport as a date?
How about getting hunted for sport?
Still no? Shame.
Rook settles for little camping trips in the woods, just you and him and the forest (and his bow and quiver of arrows and his hunting knife and his dagger and—).
He makes very good roasted meat.
You’ll enjoy it as long as you remember not to ask where it’s from.
Uh, ignore how every other cast member is judging you. Love is love, right?
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Ortho Shroud is very happy! Very excited! Yay!
You’re a legendary figure, and you’re treating him so nicely! 
Is that a toy made to look like him? You like Ortho? He’s your favorite character?
Robo baby is very happy.
Since you like Ortho, do you like Idia too?
Can you be Idia’s friend?
Can you be a new older sibling? Please?
(Say yes or I will [redacted])
Hugs? Hugs!
Forehead kisses?
You seem to enjoy taking many pictures of Ortho. Why is this? You like him that much?
If so, maybe you two should take pictures together instead of always taking pictures of him alone. He’d love to take lots of pictures with you!
Can Idia come?
I am your favorite character? Like in a video game? This world is also a video game?
That’s great!
What kind of character am I?
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Lilia Vanrouge thinks you’re funny. But also totally correct.
He must be sinful because even you, dear player, find him absolutely adorable!
Is that a tiny Lilia? Good taste! It’s almost as adorable as the real one.
When you hug him in your excitement, he just laughs and pats your back.
Grandpa vibes.
A picture? Why not?
A selfie, as you kids say. (bro you’re not even detached from modern technology???)
Really likes taking pictures with you.
Since you like him a lot and he’s your favorite character, be a dear and forgo your sleep schedule to game with him.
I’m your favorite, right? Surely that means you’d love to taste my cooking?
No? Why, I’m saddened by your rejection…
There we go. It’s not so bad, is it? I made it with effort, onions, garlic…are you alright? Oh dear.
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httpsserene · 3 months
I’m begging you, please write something for us Lance girlies.
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭-𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞? 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝! - 𝐥𝐬. 𝟏𝟖 | 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝟒𝟎𝟒: 𝐏𝐍𝐅 |
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𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝟒𝟎𝟒: 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
summary: it’s the most wonderful time of the year! you swear there’s love in the air. however, your friends, family, and fans think you need intensive therapy. content warning: vacation romance. girls trip. love at first sight. fluff. profanity. mentions of reader’s previously failed relationships. reader has a mom and sister. sibling dynamics (bullying). friendship. delusion. reader has a puppy. all photos are from pinterest.  pairing: lance stroll x fem!black!reader
from serene: i wish peace, love, and happiness on everyone’s soul…and i hope my unexpected lance stroll smau series distracts you from the torment of the race weekend. LOL xxx < 3
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twitter • ynplays • december 11th
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imessage • yn and friends
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instagram • ynplays • dec12th • winter wonderland ⚑
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liked by kyedae, taytagames, yourmom, and 13,244 others
ynplays: brr 🥶 if only their was a 6-foot, brown-eyed, strong man to keep me warm 😏🥺
tagged yoursister, yourbestie, yourfriend1, yourfriend2
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user1 so it starts 😣
➥ user2 please let this be a normal vacation!!!
➥ user3 with yn??? no way
yourmom i didn't raise you to act like this…
➥ yoursister mom idk where you went wrong with her
➥ ynplays she let me have unmonitored access to the internet
➥ user4 ah that makes sense 🙂‍↕️
➥ user5 that'll do it mhm
yourbestie please can we go inside the fucking resort my ass is freezing as im typing this
➥ yourfriend1 u just mad bc u slipped and busted your ass
➥ yourbestie would you be mad if i punched you so hard yo nose broke?
➥ user6 heyyYYY come getcho friends yn!!!
➥ user7 they about to crash out 😳😳😳
user8 lots of athletes like to go skiing and snowboarding during their winter breaks 👀
➥ yourfriend2 DO NOT give her any ideas, pls im begging you 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🙏🏽🙏🏽
➥ user8 american football players, basketball players, racecar drivers, hockey players, tennis players...😏
➥ ynplays omg ao3 fic, meet-cute, 654k words, love at first sight, strangers to lovers, no angst, happy ending, hockey player x yourname romance irl???
➥ yourfriend2 i begged,,,
twitter • ynplays • december 12th
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instagram • ynplays • dec13th • the slopes ⚑
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liked by yoursister, qtcinderella, yourbestie, and 15,093 others
ynplays: sega’s first snow and my first day on the slopes 🥹🐶
tagged yoursister, yourbestie, yourfriend1, yourfriend2, segagenesisthedawg
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user9 is your puppy named after the video game franchise, SEGA?
➥ ynplays yes! sega made mortal kombat which is my fav fighting game, so i named her after the company :)
➥ ynplays also, you can't forget about sonic and persona (super monkey ball too!!!)
➥ user10 me n the boys go crazy on super monkey ball
yourbestie pretty girl < 3
➥ yoursister if i was a man...mhm 😈
➥ yourfriend1 why do u always say some weird shit
➥ user11 turning your family tree into a circle energy
user12 are you just skiing or are you going to snowboard too??
➥ ynplays i want to do both! starting with skiing bc it's a "ski" resort ig? but i can't wait to try a board :)
➥user13 sounds like a fun! hope you have a nice vacay < 3333
user14 YNNNN ⚠️⚠️ you should get some of those plush turtles that you put on your butt so it doesn't hurt as much when you fall ⚠️⚠️
➥ user15 yes omg like this comment so she can see ittttt
➥ user16 those cushions literally saved my ass when i went boarding last year fr
➥ ynplays should i get one? do they sell them anywhere near the resorts?
➥ user16 yes, they should!
igstory • ynplays uploaded!
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[caption; well,,,i think i need skiing lessons. hope the man i ran into has less snow down his shirt than i do.]
user17: eating shit is a staple of learning to ski
user18: the man 😀🫨 ynplays: i think it was the same dude who opened the door for me !!! user18: babe that's fate atp i don't make the rules
yourfriend2: i think you're about to have your meet-disaster. look up, he's skiing our way ynplays: oGM WH$T TH3!?!!
twitter • ynplays • december 13th
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igstory • ynplays uploaded!
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[caption1; he said i was a total loss at skiing and taught me how to snowboard instead ;p] [caption2; is it love if he buys you $25 ski resort hot cocoa?]
user19: oh no you're down BAD
yourfriend1: idk if it’s love but it's a stupid purchase 👏🏽 i can tell you that much
yoursister: no the fuck it's not love 🤬
user20: $25 HOT COCOA?!! outrageous user20: you better marry that man ynplays: you understand me on an subatomic level
instagram • yourbestie • dec13th • the shredder ⚑
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liked by ynplays, yoursister, yourfriend2, and 8,764 others
yourbestie: we’re all way better at this snowboarding thing, even yn. thanks to her “brown eyed beau” 🤨 (her name not mine)
tagged yoursister, yourbestie, yourfriend1, yourfriend2, ynplays
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user21: oh them drinks look thirst quenching 🤤🤤🤤
➥ user22: i wish free refills were implemented worldwide
user23: they would have to chain me up in my room if i were at this resort...i'd be foaming out the mouffff 😮‍💨🥴
➥ user24: bro what 🤣🤣🤣
➥ user25: think it's time you get castrated lil bro
➥ user26: watchlist type beat 🫵🏽🫵🏽🫵🏽
yourfriend1: i thought this was supposed to be a girls trip :(
➥ yourfriend2: it never is with yn unfortunately
➥ yourbestie: FRFR this turned into the girls....and l****
➥ ynplays: don't be fucking rude 😒
➥ ynplays: he payed for our drinks and taught me how to shred ☹️
user27: "l****" ???? alright agents let's find out who this mfer is
➥ user28: *brushes off my criminal justice degree*
➥ user29: i've compiled a list of five letter boy names that start with L on a google doc and male celebs who have posted any ski resort pics or those who implied they were going
➥ user30: i have a google doc of all the male athletes who have posted any skiing/snowboading/resort pics AND athletes who implied they were going somewhere cold for holiday
➥ user29: ,,,i like your style. let's merge our docs 🤝
➥ user31: post the link on twitter and let's fucking get to it
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© httpsserene 2024
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wriothesleysgf · 11 months
wonderland— wriothesley.
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★ : wriothesley is tired of your phone ringing. he's not going to let something like that stop him having fun.
cw : riding, teasing, exhibitionism, praise, m. m-sturb-tion, spit, fem reader.
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"fucking angelic," wriothesley growled, punctuating the phrase with a slap to your ass. the sound echoed around the room, combining with the grunts and groans emanating from the two colliding bodies.
you continued to ride him as best as you could, though the pace that he was attempting to set was becoming too much; the man was essentially using you like a toy at this point. what had begun as you slowly grinding on his thigh whilst he finished up some paperwork had lead to his thick cock kissing your cervix as he gripped your hips tight enough that the indents of his blunt nails were visible.
"is my pretty girl struggling? why don't i take—" he began, but was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. he ignored it initially, letting it go to voicemail. the caller didn't leave a message, so certainly it couldn't be important, right?
wrong. after the third call, wriothesley grabbed your phone from his desk and checked the caller id. he turned the screen to face you, and before even a syllable could pass your lips he had hit the answer button. he put the phone to your ear, hinting for you to take it and answer the call.
"y- yes, monseiur neuvillette? is everything okay?" you spoke in the most professional voice that you could muster, given that wriothesley's cock was still nestled within you.
"stay quiet, princess. you don't want your boss knowing how you really spend your lunch breaks, do you?"
your raised eyebrows soon turned into a warning glare, as wriothesley picked you up from his lap and put you onto his desk. with your back flat against the hard wood, he took a moment to see exactly how messy he'd already made your sweet cunt. even just with one finger traced through your sensitive folds, and you were forced to bite your bottom lip.
"is everything okay? are you feeling unwell?" the iudex queried.
you had to use every last ounce of strength to maintain your composure. "i'm perfectly fine, it's just a little cold, that's all."
wriothesley's smirk gave you the urge to slap it off of his face. he knew precisely how to drive you crazy, and it worried you. whilst trying to maintain the conversation with your boss, he continued to tease you.
he bent down to place a kiss to your swollen clit, and the short whine that fell from your lips was almost certainly audible on the other end of this call. if he did notice, however, he didn't mention it. nor did he mention any noises you made from the subsequent kitten licks to the sensitive bud.
wriothesley was enjoying this a little too much. he decided to go all out, lining his cock up with your puffy cunt despite the wide eyes from you— it wasn't a plea not to do this, no, but rather a look of shock that he'd go so far. in fact, it was turning you on even more. the risk of being caught was exhilarating, and had your slick dripping onto the desk below you.
"oh, baby," wriothesley cooes as he slowly pushes into you. "always take me so well, 's like your cunt was made for me," he punctates the sentence by collecting a fat glob of saliva in his mouth and spitting directly onto your clit. the combination of such a lewd action with his praise filled words never failed to make you weak.
with a few more harsh thrusts into you, your phone lay forgotten about on the desk. your whimpers became more prominent, and from the look in your eyes you were bordering on overstimulation.
wriothesley removed his left glove with his teeth, throwing it aside before putting two fingers to your lips. he didn't gag you, instead slowly allowing you to suck on his digits as a way to stay quieter— how considerate. you swirled your tongue around his digits, your hands both on his wrist. soft pleas came out distorted, though from the way that your cunt intensely pulsed, wriothesley knew you were close to cumming.
"think you can stay quiet, princess?" he chuckles. you nodded sheepishly, and he removes his fingers from your mouth. "good girl."
however, that trademark smirk start to appear again.
instead of going easy on you, he immediately targets your pretty clit. a couple of taps followed by a few strokes had you writhing around. wriothesley tutted a few times, unimpressed. "he can probably hear you thrashing around on my desk, darling," he reminds you, nodding towards your phone. you assumed he'd hung up, though the quieted calls of your name made it clear that neuvillette was still on the line.
wriothesley moved you around a little, pushing your legs up into somewhat of a mating press. his goal was to keep you still enough that you couldn't shift out of his reach as your highs approached. your ankles were at his shoulders, his body pressed against your thighs. the hard, powerful thrusts continued, and you were a blubbering mess. the man took a moment to slap your tits, always finding the way that your flesh jiggled incredibly attractive. with a pinch of your stiff nipple for good measure, he returned to his attack on your swollen clit.
"go on, baby," wriothesley cooed. "you know you wanna cum for me, yeah? let me hear it, princess,"
there were tears in your eyes from the overstimulation. with his thick cock consistently grazing over all the spots that made your back arch and the gentle touches to your cunt, it didn't take too long before your nails dragged down wriothesley's back and your thighs to begin to shake. you babbled something incoherent again and before you knew it, your orgasm came crashing down on you. it triggered the man's own high, and he shot his load deep inside of you.
he leaned over you, allowing you both to be close to one another as you caught your breath. wriothesley mumbled gentle praises into your ear and carressed your cheek, wanting you to feel as safe and loved as ever.
what the two of you were unaware of, was the absolute bliss being experienced on the other end of the line too. if one were to listen closely, they would hear the esteemed iudex's heavy pants.
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notafunkiller · 10 months
we found wonderland
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Summary: You have a choice to make: you either set yourself free or continue to play the game.
Pairing: (fake) boyfriend’s brother!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 26, Bucky is 39), teasing, dirty talk, unprotected séx (but she is on the pill), pet names, daddy kínk, language, implied aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 2.4K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this mini-series! Thank you for reading!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
You had decided you should wait for a week before making your relationship public, using that time to try to convince your parents to change their mind while Bucky plays pretend with his. It’s not an ideal situation, but he understands, keeping the truth to himself.
What he can’t keep to himself is his hands. Not that you can… but as soon as he comes home, he’s all over you, not even caring you are in the living room sometimes.
Acting like you’re just friendly is very hard for you. You want to touch and kiss him like crazy. Having sex with him changed the game, and now you try your hardest to find a way out of this deal so you can be in this relationship completely.
You laugh at the way he pouts. “You’re really adorable for an old man.”
“Is it so crazy I want us together?”
You melt, leaning in to kiss his chin. “That’s not crazy, baby, but isn’t that a little fast?”
“We’ve been living together for months now. What’s the difference?”
You wish you could find the right words to explain it. It’s quite scary and exciting, but it feels strange. “We’ve been together for a couple of days. Maybe we don’t…”
“Are you thinking of a break up already?”
You jump immediately. “No! Maybe we don’t have things figured out enough yet. And by we I mean me. I won’t have a job anymore if my parents don’t change their minds. I won’t have a real home. I won’t have anything but you. And I love every moment I spend with you, but I want something of my own, and I definitely don’t want to feel like a burden even if you don’t make me feel like that. My life is a mess.”
“And I want to help. I am not trying to control you or suggest something you don’t want, but we are friends, too, not just a couple. I am here for you. You can stay with me as a friend if not as a boyfriend. I want you safe.”
You say nothing, only staring at him for a while. You don’t even know what to say because the mix of emotions you feel is confusing.
“You know what I want?”
“I want to fuck you right now.” You don’t try to hide your neediness as you place your hands on his shorts. “Can I, baby? Can I ride you?”
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me before I turn forty. Is this your plan? Do you want me gone?” He’s already raising his ass so he can help you take off his shorts quicker.
“I want you with me always. Want you inside me so badly.”
He groans at your tone. “Then go for it, baby, take whatever you want. It’s all yours. I’m all yours.”
You smile eagerly seeing his hard cock, and lift his T-shirt. You cannot stand anything between your bodies right now. You just need to feel him. “God, we should go to the bedroom, but I can’t wait.”
You take off your underwear, unable to wait any longer. As if someone is holding a knife to your throat, and if you don’t get Bucky inside you in the next seconds, you’re gonna die.
“Anyone can walk in,” he says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. He probably even enjoys it. “Can you imagine their faces?”
You snort, bringing his dick to your entrance without hesitation after spreading your legs further apart. “No, but I can imagine yours when you come.”
“You don’t need to imagine. You’re gonna see it up close if you hurry up.”
Neither of you even realize you’re not using a condom for the first time until it’s too late and you’re already sliding down.
Your grasp on his shoulders is so forceful, you’re sure it will leave a mark, as you moan his name.
“James…” You desperately look at him, wanting to see if he feels the same. “We’re not using anything.”
“I c-can feel that.”
“God damn it, James,” you sound like you’re scolding him, but in reality you are just overwhelmed.
“What did I… fucking hell, I am totally not getting to turn forty. I will die tonight.”
You ask with your eyes closed. “Do you want me to get a condom?”
“No, I want to die.” He groans, already in a different space. “Unless you want to… I am clean and you are, of course, and I can pull out, but like it’s not… I can go grab a condom right now.”
You immediately shake your head, placing your hand on his chest. He’s not gonna do that. He has to make you come.
“You are not going anywhere, you get out of me and I’ll die!”
“So you’re ovulating?” He asks casually, with a playful grin spread across his face.
You chuckle, hitting him in the shoulder. 
“Yes, I am, and you gotta take care of me.”
Bucky groans, grabbing your ass, unable to keep his hands off you. You’re so hot and warm. “You’re really, really wet, princess.”
“Ihm.” You slide down further, almost taking all of his cock. “Look how deep I took you now.” You moan proudly, feeeling so stretched like this. “Look at this, daddy.”
And when he lets his eyes drop to your entrance, he has no idea how he doesn’t com right then. The sight is incredible.
“I’m your baby, daddy.” You quickly take off your T-shirt at the same time you move your hips. As soon as he’s naked, you grab your breasts, holding them together with a smirk. You know that is going to affect him, and it makes you feel powerful.
“Oh God,” he groans as you bring your breasts closer to his mouth.
“Come on, daddy, go ahead.”
It’s all he needs to hear before he takes your right nipple into his mouth and the left one between his fingers. Riding him like this is a little difficult, but it’s not impossible. You love getting your breasts played with, and he loves doing it.
There is also something really hot and thrilling about the possibility of getting caught. You have no idea why and how, but you’re going to enjoy this as much as you can.
“You feel so good like this, nothing between us. Nothing between your come and me,” you moan, not even thinking about what you say.
“You can’t say that and expect me to be strong.”
That makes you laugh. “I’m on the pill, though, you don’t have to be strong.”
“Fucking hell, you’re gonna drive me crazy.” He starts to thrust his hips back so he can meet you halfway. Riding him feels so, so good. You got him deeper, and the lack of a condom makes you properly feel his thickness.
“You feel so… Fuck, your cock is filling me just the way I need it.” You grab his shoulders so you can move faster. “You’re such a good daddy, let-letting me use you right here, where everyone could see us.”
“You love using daddy’s cock.” He looks so drunk, in so much pleasure. “Such a naughty girl.”
“I’m your naughty girl, James.”
“All mine.” His hands on your hips help you move faster indeed, and you’re already so close you can barely keep your eyes open.
Bucky stops thrusting his hips back, and you groan. You need more.
“If you want it faster, keep your eyes on me, pretty girl.”
“I c-can’t-” As much as you want to fight this, your eyes instinctively close again. “Ss-so close.”
He can hear your desperation and without hesitating, he brings his hand into your hair and pulls unexpectedly hard. That’s enough for you to come loud. So loud you can hear yourself as you let the pleasure consume every bit of you.
But Bucky doesn’t stop moving his hips, making your orgasm last longer. He’s saying things, probably dirty things, in your ear, but you can’t understand anything. Your ears are still ringing.
And just like that, Bucky comes too, with his right hand still wrapped around your hair while the left one is digging into the skin of your hip.
“Fuck, I’m coming inside you, baby, can you feel it? Can you feel me filling your pussy, baby?”
“Ihm,” you can barely whisper, too overwhelmed by everything.
“Whose come?”
“Good girl.” He groans as soon as he finishes coming, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you. “This feels like heaven.”
“I don’t think I can go back to wearing a condom now. I mean if you want to…”
“Are you sure? We can still use one just to make sure we are safer.”
You peck him. “We can still use it, don’t worry, I get it. Looking out for me and stuff.”
He lets out a deep breath, thankful you understand what he means.
“Of course I am looking out for you, that’s my job.”
“Job? You are my daddy, not my mom or dad.”
“I am your partner and your friend. I will always look out for you.”
A sudden urge to fuck him again takes over your body, but before you can do it, your phone starts ringing.
Bucky gives you the phone without moving, and when you both see it’s his brother, you groan.
“Hi, William.” You try to sound as normal as possible, but your voice is so raspy it’s impossible.
“Hey, gonna be home in a few minutes. Are you okay? Is Bucky home yet?”
“Ihm, he came.” You wink at James. “All good here. See you.”
You don’t wait for him to answer before you’re hanging up.
“You came too.”
You giggle immediately. It’s hard not to be around Bucky; he is goofy at the right time. “We need to clean up, though, he’s close.”
Your parents didn’t want to listen to you at all. You didn’t have the chance to talk at the party since they’re avoiding you at all costs, and you had to go outside not to cry in front of everyone. You don’t just feel alone and treated like shit, you feel humiliated.
You’re lucky Bucky went to pick up William because his car broke down halfway here, so he didn’t actually witness your breakdown. You know he’d have done something about it. Something you should.
At this point, what do you really have?
“Hey, are you well? Why are you outside, it’s freezing?”
Bucky’s voice makes you jump as he’s suddenly by your side, rubbing your arms. William is right behind him.
“Baby, why are you outside?”
You see Bucky rolling his eyes, and you sigh.
“I wanted some fresh air, William.” You turn toward Bucky before taking a step back. You don’t want him to think you reject his touch. You really need his hug, but it’s not about what you need. “We should go inside.”
He nods, and all three of you make your way close to the improvised stage in the main room.
It’s crazy how many people actually came; it almost feels suffocating.
Your parents have been talking for a while, you assume, because people were animated. You wonder what they promised them.
“And since we’re all here now, I have something to announce,” Bucky’s dad takes the microphone all of a sudden, and William sighs. You want to ask him what is going on since he looks nervous, but you don’t have time to. “I want to invite my son, William, on the stage with us.”
And then he calls your name.
You look at both of your parents, trying to understand why you’d be needed there, and Bucky is just as confused as you are. Everyone starts clapping, and you find yourself dragged on the stage before you can protest.
“Tonight marks a very special moment for us both: professionally and personally.” You freeze, looking at Bucky instantly, but he’s also shocked, shaking his head. “A partnership that will last for a long time, hopefully, passed to a real-life partnership that has developed over the last months.”
William smiles proudly when his dad pats him on the back, and you want to throw up right then.
You turn your head to your parents, who display the fakest smiles you’ve ever seen. They don’t care about what you want. About what you need. Either way, you’re alone, and you cannot continue to play their game. You can’t!
And before anyone can stop you, you’re basically running down the stairs, straight toward Bucky. You quickly wrap your hand around his neck and force him to lean in so you can properly kiss him. You sense his surprise, but you don’t stop, using the opportunity to shamelessly kiss him in front of the whole company, including your parents. He’s yours, and everyone should know it.
He cups your face when you break off the kiss to breathe, and you smile.
You finally did it! You’re free.
You don’t need to turn around to know how upset your families must be. Everyone around you is either gasping or whispering around. You know they’ll be talking about this for a solid week at least, but you’re not gonna be there to hear. You won’t explain anything to them, and they can consider you a cheater who fucked the other brother all they want. It is not your mess to fix. You just want to leave.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whisper, taking his hand. All you want is to eat something and suck him off. “I need to pack my stuff.”
“Are you sure?” He asks concerned as you start to walk toward the exit. Neither of you turns when William calls your names.
“I have never been more sure in my entire life.”
He says nothing as you reach his car, lifting the hand he’s been holding closer to his lips so he can brush a tender kiss against the back of it.
You’re going to be okay.
@charmedbysarge @identity2212 @vicmc624  @cjand10  @mayusenpai666  @abitofblues @doveromanoff @buckyb-stan @igotmajordaddyissues
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rooksamoris · 3 months
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💞 — in which vil invites a vampire hunter to live in your castle as a guard. this hunter seems to enjoy pressing your buttons quite a bit.
💞 — vampire!vil schoenheit x vampire!reader x vampire hunter!rook hunt (implied poly)
💞 — warnings: SUGGESTIVE!! nothing crazy, but it is suggestive, hopefully in the gothic romantic sort of way. obvi, blood, mentions of gore. rook says "bon appetit" at some point. vil and reader are "married" but in the eternal partners thanks to immortality sort of way
💞 — 2.2k words. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY @v-anrouge!!! when i was wondering what i should write, i remembered you were the one who gave me the thought of vampire hunter!rook which has completely haunted me since. i wish you a million more happy days <33 think imma do a whole au tagged as "𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄." bc wow i miss vampire stories
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Vil could not have been serious about this.
You looked at him in disbelief as he sat at the luxurious table. He ignored your look of disbelief and continued to sip from his wine glass, the rid liquid sloshing to and fro. Any idiot would assume it was just wine or fruit cordial, but no, this was a bit too thick to be either. Your eyes then darted to the smiling blonde bowing at the both of you. That bastard hunter that you and your kind were constantly trying to get away from. He was grinning without a care as if he was not in the presence of one of the most feared vampires in all of the Twisted Wonderland. 
“You don’t look too pleased to see me, mon vampire,” he said, tilting his head to the side, smile ever present.
It took everything in you not to scrunch your nose, “What vampire would be pleased at the sight of a hunter?” you retorted, before looking back at Vil. You assumed he was bluffing when he told you he would employ a vampire hunter to keep watch over the castle. You knew why he did it—all that power came with enemies and artifacts that all manner of magical creatures wanted to steal for themselves. But come on, you hoped he would settle for a protective spell.
Vil finally sighed, “He won’t harm you, or me if he knows what’s best for him.”
“Oh, Roi du Poison, no need for worries. I could never dream of tarnishing such beauty,” he replied, standing straight again. Despite that smile of his, there was something sinister beneath it all. He was hiding something, that much was clear.
“Vil, darling, you can’t be serious—”
All the vampire did was stand and make his way over to you, standing behind your seat and placing one of his hands onto your shoulders, and then he used the other to cup your chin so that you were glancing over at him, “Stress ages the skin. Relax your brows,” he told you. Your immortality would keep you from aging just fine, yet he still insisted that you follow these human regiments with him.
After a moment, you sighed, letting your shoulders drop before sending a half-hearted glare at the hunter, “Fine,” 
“Good,” Vil moved away from you and to the blonde hunter, his hand quickly grasping his jaw, “And you,”
“Yes?” Rook asked, practically beaming over the fact that the poisonous vampire himself was touching him. He could barely keep himself from reaching out and embracing the vampire.
Before this, he had just been admiring you and your spouse. All of this was like something from one of his dreams. Here he was, in that gothic castle which he had only seen in paintings, with the famed vampires hiding in it. Rook could not wait till he was free to explore the place and uncover the magical secrets that were hidden there. Perhaps he would even get the chance to collect skeletons from the closets.
Your glares were exhilarating and Vil’s touch was just… arousing. This was the type of opportunity he would kill for. He probably did kill for it, no one could know when it came to him.
Vil’s lavender eyes traced over the hunter’s face, before narrowing in on his eyes, “You will be on your best behavior, yes?”
Rook nodded, placing a hand on his chest, “Of course, my queen.”
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“Darling, quit your pouting already,” Vil said, glancing at you through the mirror as you tended to his hair. He never let anyone tend to his beauty process, but you. Who would not trust their eternal lover? He began to rub a serum into his skin, “I know you’re not happy, but you’re a vampire, not a toddler.”
You nearly tugged his hair at that, “You know how I feel about vampire hunters,” you told him, “And him? Of all the hunters to bring into our home, you have to bring the one with the most kills under his belt—if he tries anything, I’ll… I—”
“We’ll both feed off of him. Don’t worry,” he said, cutting you off as he turned around to face you. One of his hands reached for the brush and he set it at the vanity behind him while gazing up at you. His hands cupped your hips and forced you closer, “You worry too much. If he messes up, he’ll make for a great meal.”
His hands trailed up and down—hips, to thighs, hips, to waist—he had done this thousands of times before, “You’ve heard of his skill, his strength. A man with such endurance must have plenty of blood… all that running and fighting he does has to show in the health of his arteries. I’ll even let you use those fancy chalices you like,”
Oh, Sevens. He was so attractive when he went into his informative tangents.
A blush covered your cheeks and your hands reached to grab onto his shoulders so that you could balance yourself. Centuries later he still managed to make you blush like a rose. He claimed you were his spouse, but sometimes you felt more like a devout worshipper. His body was the shrine you bowed to, your love was the offerings you held out to him.
“I just ask that you play nice,” he said, his hand drifting from your hip, up to your cheek. A smirk came to his lips as he tugged your face towards him. He smirked when your eyes trailed over to his mouth, “You can do that, right?” 
All you could do was nod in response.
“Good,” And finally, he gave in and kissed you, teasingly dragging his fangs along your bottom lip. Vil knew how much you loved when he did that, he could feel it in the little shift you did as he held you close. He pulled away after a moment, just to let his hands dip down to the back of your legs and pull you into his lap, “Now, let me take care of you.”
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Living in the castle with Rook was strange, but not completely horrible. He had so much to satisfy his curiosity, so most days you did not see him unless you were in places that he was monitoring. You caught him a few times in the secret tunnels beneath the castle, and the various hiding places that no one knew about.
He tried to get into your good graces with his… strange shows of affection. Last night, when he was walking you home from the opera, he told you how much he wished you would let your rage control so that you would sink your teeth into his pale freckled skin.
Strange, and yet your mind drifted back to the thought of it. Letting go of your control and pouncing onto the hunter, tearing the collar of his shirt, piercing that pretty skin of his. You forced the thoughts out of your mind when you began to imagine what his gasps and whimpers may have sounded like.
Vil seemed to be much more quick to let up when it came to Rook. He did not think the green-eyed hunter was a threat and just let him share his amorous and romantic poetry. At the dinner table, he would laud you and your Queen, comparing himself to the knights of yore, bound to protect and never to touch—and Vil did not interrupt him once. He looked pleased, instead, amused even.
Even more absurd was when Vil began letting Rook help him out with his clothes or his makeup. That had truly caught you off-guard, but you still did not seem to let up on your suspicions. He was just so unsettling sometimes, despite his sweet moments. You worried he would turn around and set a trap for you, or worse, for Vil. 
Vil could take care of himself, but you loved him too much to not worry.
“Ah, mon vampire!” 
You turned around when the hunter suddenly called out for you. Of course, he just happened to be in the gardens at the same time as you, “Rook,” you muttered, “Do you never sleep?”
He quickly took his spot at your side, his hand drifting to hover around the small of your back, “Now why would I tell a predator like you when I am most vulnerable?” he asked, this thumb sliding over your spine a bit. His green eyes looked a little more threatening for a moment, “That would make me a poor hunter, non?”
That look in his eyes made you shiver.
“I suppose you are right about that.” 
You were sure you could take him on in a fight, but you also wished Vil was out here too. Rook always seemed a little more behaved in the presence of Vil, since he was more of a threat than you were—or perhaps Rook just enjoyed toying with you more. When the two of you were alone, Rook seemed more like the bloodthirsty creature, except he thirsted for your ire. He was just begging to be your meal with the way he acted.
His touch grew firm, “Looking for an escape?” he asked, raising a brow, smiling at you. He looked quite pleased with himself.
“No,” you retorted, a little blush coloring your cheeks, “That’s what you should be doing.”
Rook laughed at that and his hand moved off your back and to your hand instead. Gently, he tugged you with him deeper into the gardens, “I would never want to escape from you. No matter how vicious you became,” he told you, affectionately.
You scoffed, “I don’t believe that for a minute,”
“You don’t?”
“Of course not. You’d run with your tail between your legs just as the other mortals do.”
He tugged you a bit harder once he came to a stop, forcing you to fall against him. The blonde nearly shivered as your hands met his chest to steady yourself, “Mon vampire,” he whispered, “You and I both know I would never run from those gorgeous fangs of yours,” he said as his free hand cupped your jaw.
The foolish hunter was guiding your face toward his pale neck. A soft growl came from the back of your throat, “Stupid hunter,” you muttered. That familiar bloodlust began to seep from your every pore.
“Go on,” he cooed, “bon appétit.”
You decided to give in—his blood just smelled too good. You brushed his blonde hair behind his ear before slipping a hand behind his neck to force him closer to you, causing him to place his hands on either side of your head, against one of the pillars in the gardens.
Fangs glittered beneath the night sky like swords on the battlefield, his neck was your enemy. All you wanted to do was suck him dry, and end that dull beating you could hear where his blood was rushing. Vil had told you athletic people carried more blood. He shivered as your tongue swiped against his neck.
“Ah—wetting my neck to make it easier? You are just so—”
Before he could finish with his teasing, you quickly and violently sunk your fangs into his neck, humming in satisfaction as his blood hit your tongue. His body tensed up for a moment and then he relaxed, leaning his body against you, pinning you to the pillar. He gasped a bit at your harsh sucking, but never once did his protest.
Instead, his fingers tenderly carded through your hair, “Mmm… Tu es merveilleux.”
You could not even bring yourself to pull away and reply to his compliments, instead opting to dig your fangs in even deeper. The blood began to drip down your chin, Vil would scold you for that, but you did not care. His blood was delicious.
“What have I told you about getting blood on your clothes when you’re feeding?”
Speak of the devil—erm, vampire.
Quickly, you pulled away from Rook’s neck and you were just about to wipe your face on your sleeve, until you felt Vil’s sharp glare and Rook’s hand grasp your arm in time. 
The hunter gave you a teasing smile, before turning his attention to Vil.
There was a frown on Vil’s face, “I can’t believe you managed to make such a mess in the five minutes that I have left you alone.”
“Merci, I do my best.”
“It wasn’t a compliment. Look what you have done to mein schätzelein,” he scolded, as he took out a handkerchief to wipe up your mouth for you. His attention was now on gently wiping away the blood that dripped down to your chin and onto your chest. He patted it down, careful not to rub too hard. A brief look of hunger flashed in his eyes as he wiped the blood. He nearly bent down to lick it off of you instead. “Such a mess... and I thought we promised we’d feed on him together? Greed is not a pretty look for you.”
The flush on your cheeks brightened, much to both of their amusement.
“Don’t scold them, Roi du Poison. It was my fault. I was teasing too much,” Rook interrupted before you could speak. One of his hands trailed down your back, while the other slipped around Vil’s waist, “But since you’re here now, you can have a taste as well.”
Vil rolled his eyes, “I am much better at controlling myself,”
That was a lie. His eyes kept drifting between the pierce marks on Rook’s neck and the little bit of blood stuck on the corner of your lips.
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©rooksamoris 2024. do not steal or translate my work!
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s4wdvator · 1 month
a friend of a friend — sam winchester
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SUMMARY: Sam went to a Halloween party because of his best friend, and when he found himself bored and wanting to leave, his friend finally decided to introduce him a friend.
PAIRING: Stanford!Sam Winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS: smut, y/n used two times *i guess*, gentle sam, oral sex (f! receiving), p in v, kisses, sam playing breasts, sam embarrassed, sassy reader lmaojejejej
a/n: I literally think I nailed it this time HHEHEJE, I literally loved writing this. I love Stanford! Sam. I think I should write something with him lol. Have a good read!!
sam winchester | masterlist | more abt me!
English is not my first language, I apologize if there is any mistake <3 (maybe I interchange 'he' and 'she' too much. I'm so sorry)
This fic will have sexual content. MDNI
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Sam was not a party guy, especially those of Halloween - which reminded him of his reality- He didn't have many friends in his childhood or adolescence, he never managed to stay long enough in a school to have real friends or even a girl. But then when he managed to cut ties with his father and won a scholarship at Stanford University, he felt free for the first time.
In just a few days at the University, a blonde girl named Jessica soon befriended Sam, and with this new friendship with Jess, he became invited to events, outings and parties of Jessica's most popular friends.
Now, Sam is stuck at a Halloween party in some dorm. He has a plastic cup with any drink he found and drank, he was really already under the influence of alcohol but not necessarily drunk. He looked around the old couch he was sitting on, where just staring at the place he was in, made him sigh, because all he wanted was to be in his dorm, quiet and just studying, nothing very difficult to have, if Jessica hadn't begged.
It had been almost half an hour since he was there, doing nothing, just trying to finish the drink from his glass. When he really couldn't finish, he just left it next to a fainted guy on the couch. He got up, looking for Jessica, just to say goodbye to his friend, he was determined to leave there. As he walked, he murmured several "I'm sorry" to the lowest people he ended up bumping into. When he finally found Jess, she was in the kitchen talking to some girl who was with her back to him, where he just saw the back costume, which was from Alice in Wonderland.
"Sam!" Jess said excitedly as she faced her friend.
"Hey..." Sam said in a simple and slightly embarrassed way for being close to a presence he doesn't know.
"I'm glad you're here," Jessica said, throwing the typical mischievous look and smiling, "Well, this one is y/n!" The blonde said smiling and excited, she was definitely drunk.
Jess had definitely already talked about this friend of hers, y/n, like, Jessica had been trying to get this girl for him for almost a month.
"Well, I'll let you talk. I'm going to go after a refill," Jess said getting up and smiling at the two friends and soon leaving the kitchen.
"Hey...I'm Sam. Jess she had already said...a lot about you" He said putting his hands on the back of his neck and scratching, in a shame.
You can't help but smile, he was definitely cute and clearly under this outfit—that you couldn't identify what his fantasy was—he had a muscular chest and trunk, maybe nothing really exaggerated. It was crazy how, you hadn't even spoken to him properly and you already imagined him shirtless.
"Well... Hi Sam" You said excitedly, while smiling. You didn't know if it was already alcohol taking over your mind or you were just really happy.
You and Sam were talking for long minutes, you found out that his major here at Stanford was right, he is 21 years old, he has one more brother, Dean, 25 years old, his mother died in a kind of fire or something, and he and his father fought. His life was chaos, definitely. But apparently he loved you and loved the fact that you were studying psychology here at Stanford, since he didn't say a word to talk about. Everything he said, he found a way to return to the subject due to the fact that you are a future psychologist. He also praised you too much, this guy is a real gentleman.
With a few more minutes of conversation, the party started to get music and more colorful led's which caused you to no longer be able to talk so clearly when listening to each other.
"Do you want to go to my dorm?" You finally had the courage to ask him, of course, with a slight hesitation and fear of what the answer would be and if it would be some kind of rejection.
"Of course" He smiled more sympathetically at you.
When you had already gone to your dorm, you started talking to him normally, and clearly he listened to you attentively but couldn't stop paying attention to your lips, how they moved, how you sometimes licked him or bit him like a kind of craze of yours, or how your sweet voice came out of your throat.
"Do you want to sit down?" You asked him, pointing to his bed, while you took off your black high-heeled boot and sat on your bed.
"Yeah...I mean, of course," he said more embarrassedly, causing slight laughter coming from you and soon he sat next to her, but he didn't expect to be so close to the points of her thighs that were involved in her black trawler, touching his long legs.
"So, what kind of music do you like? I mean, it's 2004, you have to have something good about music" You joked while looking into his eyes, which you thought were brown but in fact, surprisingly, they were green.
"Well... I hear these classic things more. Metallic, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC..." He began to say, and that made you make a surprise face and face him.
"Really? No Usher? Justin Timberlake? I don't know" She laughed, clearly surprised that he just listened to classic rock.
"Whet? No, I mean, don't get me wrong, they're great. But I grew up listening to this kind of music and...well, doing things with my father and I didn't have much time to get to know pop culture, jazz and etc.," he said smiling, while staring at you in an enchanted way.
"Get it. But it's okay, I'll show you" You smiled staring at him, and he let out a loose laugh.
"You're funny" He smiled and stared at you for a few seconds, analyzing her blurred Alice's makeup. The way your hair was more or less messy. The way his lips called him and seemed more kissable than before. And before he could really think about what to say to her, he kissed her, not knowing if he would receive a slap in the face, a push or a curse coming from him. Surprisingly, you responded to the kiss more in the mood than him, while his hands went to his face, theirs were already holding his waist firmly, which seemed nothing compared to his big hands.
He carefully guided you to his lap, while the kiss was getting longer and longer, you could feel his hands touching every inch of you, now, with the kiss slightly intensifying, his hands were now caressing his thighs, sometimes some of his fingers entering inside the holes of her black line trawler, which honestly, for him is quite sexy.
His hands traveled to the buttons of the dress, which were located on his back, while he worked on unbuttoning his blue and white Alice dress. His hands were taking off his dark blue denim jacket.
She let out a slight moan when his hands slid to her thighs and then entered inside her dress, and when she touched her waist to be able to take off her dress. And once your dress came out of your body, and you were only in your bra and panties. He let out a sigh, admiring, before holding you firmly by the hips and kissing your neck next to the collarbone and he stared down, seeing the contour of your breasts and let out a sigh and smiled, you are beautiful from his point of view.
He carefully took you and left it underneath, he kept kissing your body and carefully, their hands went to the back of your bra and unbuttoned the buttons of the bra. When the bra got loose on his shoulders, he took it off and stared at his breasts—which seemed too perfect from his point of view—and then, he began to kiss his left breast while his big hands circled the shape of his right breast, he sucked his nipple and you let out a slight moan and put your hands on his hair, when he finished the service and attention to his breasts, he began to kiss his stomach until he reached his panties, he stared at you, as if he had asked for a kind of permission and you just nodded your head, already desperate for the The idea of his touch in your intimate area.
He carefully left a kiss against his panties and hit his clitoris right—which was already swollen with so much desire, along with how soaked you were—he put his hands on the straps of his panties and pulled down and smiled when he saw your naked pussy, just for him.
He sighed against his intimacy, causing a slight pleasure in his body.
Sam gently opened your legs better and then began to kiss his thighs, slow and wet kisses, until he reached his pussy. He started with kisses on the clitoris before moving forward and using his tongue two more times and then starting to work more with his tongue at his entrance, but his pointed and beautiful nose kept pressing his clitoris with each advance with his tongue at his entrance. Causing moans in the dorm.
While he did it slowly, trying to make it last as long as possible. His hands were on his hair, pulling, picking up, caressing, while his hips arched against his mouth.
When he started to accelerate more with his tongue, you moaned feeling that maybe you couldn't take that much.
"Sam..." You tried to warn that it wouldn't last that long.
He smiled, understanding the message of despair in his speech and accelerated more, when you saw it, you had come into his mouth, and he was eating his pussy for a few more 30 minutes and finally, took off his shirt and concentrated on his lips, while his hands caressed his chest—which was exactly as you imagined, muscular but hot and not at all exaggerated—his hands began to unbutton his pants and then take off and soon get into boxers.
You pulled him closer, and felt how big he really was, you couldn't tell if it scared you or excited you, maybe both.
So, he got rid of his boxers, and you were seeing his cock for the first time, it was thick, big and it was very hard, which made you unintentionally but genuinely smile.
You tried to touch, giving the intention that you also wanted to do oral, but he denied it, saying:
"I'm a gentleman. What kind of guy would I be having a blowjob on the first night with you? Sorry princess, next time" He smiled at you, making you laugh that he was such a gentleman.
"Fine" You smiled.
Then, the head of his cock pressed against his clitoris and rubbed lightly.
"Sam..." You let out a weak moan for the provocation coming from him.
He laughed, murmuring a 'sorry' before his cock rubbed his pussy and then the head of his cock began to enter his entrance.
'Oh my God' you thought.
So, he tried to advance another part of his big father and then his hands squeezing his broad shoulders while he looked at you with concern.
"M'Okay...it's just bigger than I expected" She laughed and so did he and sighed relieved.
When he began to move slowly and carefully, the entire length of his penis entered you and you could no longer hold the moans. He was being so careful, and loving with you that he surprised you.
While he stocked up strong but gently, despite reaching the cervix of her uterus, it is being one of the most pleasurable experiences of his life. His hands held his hips, to get more momentum. His others were now on his back, scratching, but nothing to the point of hurting him on purpose.
You smiled when you were getting closer and closer to reaching your climax. So, as if it were a way to try to get there faster, his hands that were on his back went to his ass, trying to force him to go deeper and he laughed.
"Calm down sassy girl" He whispered and smiled at her.
You let out a laugh, before you felt the climax approaching and he smiled when her walls began to squeeze his cock, understanding that she was very close.
"You can let go, babe" She whispered in her ear and kissed her jaw. The nickname caused chills all over your body and without thinking, you came surprisingly next to him. You let out a moan and sighed.
"God..." You whispered and he laid his face on your neck, still with his cock inside you "You better not have made me pregnant" she whispered jokingly, and he laughed, realizing that they had had had unprotected sex, which would be worrying, if you did not take care of yourself and were taking contraceptives.
"It's okay, I hope" he smiled and kissed you again, before taking his penis out of you and lying next to you and hugging you and you hugging him back as you felt him cover him and you with the blanket of your bed. And so, you ended up sleeping, feeling Sam caress your hair.
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raven-ss · 2 months
Just imagine!!!!!
❤️ - Red
💙 - Chloe
💜 - Their daughter
Teenager's Chloe and Red's daughter playing with the pocket watch without her moms knowing and accidentally going to the past when her moms are still at Auradon and dating(?)...
She's athletic, good with swords, intelligent and kind like Chloe.
But she's also impulsive and full of mischief and a bit reckless like Red
She has purple/violet curly hair and clothes (because if you mix blue and red you get purple/violet) and light brown skin.
And she's the future queen of Cinderellasburg and Wonderland.
She's not sure if she wants to be a queen, she's still deciding on that. She likes her freedom... (Nah, just kidding, she will become the queen one day)
She accidentally breaks the watch, so she need to find her moms from the past, because the only person who can fix it it's Hatter and she need to go back home or her moms from the future will start a search party in the whole kingdom
She knows she'll be in trouble when she gets back
She finds them, tell the truth and they're like:
💙 "But... How?? I mean... you... you look like us both"
💜 "Fairy godmother did the bibid bibid boo and bam! You were pregnant..."
❤️ "👁️👄👁️"
💙 "O-okay..."
Red sends the pocket watch to wonderland to get it fixed. While that, their daughter stays with them as transfer student.
She's good in everything, Red and Chloe look at her with so much proud
Red and Chloe are very protective of her too. Red is always scaring off girls and boys who tries to flirt with her daughter. Red says she's too young to date
💜 "But... You and mama are the same age as me and you are dating each other"
❤️ "Yeah, but that's beside the point."
She gets 'disgusted' (not really) when she sees her moms kissing
💜 "Eeew, mama, mom! Not in public"
❤️ "What? How do you think you were made?"
💜 "Eeeewwwww, it was not like that!!!!" *Runs away from them*
💙 "Omg Red!!! 😳🤭"
I can imagine Red grounding her for sneaking out to meet with some girl or boy or whatever... Chloe saying it's not a big deal, since she's a teenager and teenagers do that... and that Red used to sneak out almost everyday in wonderland
But Red is like: ❤️ "You're grounded!"
💜 "you can't ground me, we're the same age!"
❤️ "Yeah, but I'm your mom, so I can!"
And Chloe's is just like: 💙 "Okay guys, calm down, we're family, let's just sit down and talk... Sweetheart you can't sneak out just like that, it's late, what if something happened?"
💜 "I'm sorry mama... sorry mom..."
💙 "It's okay, now, go change and head to bed"
❤️ "What? That's it? Just like that?!!"
Both of them are the great moms tho and love their daughter more than anything.
Hatter fix the pocket watch and send it back to them.
They get kinda sad that she have to go back, but they're happy to know they have an amazing daughter.
When she get back to her time, she see her moms from the future standing in front of her cross-armed.
❤️ "Did you have fun in your trip?"
💜 "uhh... Y-yeah...?"
💙 "Good, because you're grounded. But we're glad you're okay, you got us so worried..."
❤️ "Don't disappear on us like that again baby... We love you so much..." *they hug and happy ending"
And I don't know, it was a crazy thinking but it would be fun... and sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language, I'm Brazilian 🇧🇷😁🫶🏾
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lovetei · 9 months
I want to write something about twisted wonderland too because it's starting to look like I'm only writing for Obey me! and I might add more fandoms in the future
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Everywhere I go I keep his picture in my wallet like: Take a look at my boyfriend!
Warnings: Tooth-rotting Fluff, grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not specified, reader uses they/them
Versions: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Draconia
Links: Masterlist
What is this..?
He was just supposed to look in your wallet for your dorm keys and he's seeing this..?
His face is beet red to the point that it's almost matching his face
It's a picture of him, secretly taken as he works in his desk
He chuckled
"What a surprise." He mumbled to himself as he picked your open wallet up that he saw just laying around the floor in his kitchen.
He put it in front of him with a grin to look at it better
It was a picture of him, also secretly taken, cooking in the same kitchen with flour in his cheeks
He dramatically gasped
You left for bathroom and you told Cater that the movie tickets is in your wallet and he should get them out
And now he's squealing aloud as he look at his picture in one of your wallet pockets
It's a picture of him he took in your phone
If he got a chance he'll definetly get a red marker and write "My boyfriend" I circle it and put an arrow to his face
He almost dropped your wallet to the ground as soon as he saw your and his selfie printed and in your wallet
You have your hand around his shoulder and smiling so brightly in the camera
What is this?
He low key felt that he needed to do the same
So the next day he had your sleeping face inside his wallet too
He grins like some animal
He knew you did this (He doesn't and he's blushing like crazy)
He slowly closed it and put it back to the table forgetting about the keys you asked for him to get
He can't seem to shake the thought of it though
Only important people goes in that place right?
So he's important?
But out of all pictures why does it have to be the picture of him drooling in his sleep...
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littlenahsstuff · 2 months
That’s Not You
Bridget x Reader x Daughter!Red
Based off of @agggtmggbbagad ‘s request.
Synopsis: Bridget looks through the looking glass and sees how awful she could become. She confronts Red back in the present. A lot of doubt comes up and you both want Red to know just how much you both love her.
Warning: angst again 😭. Fluff tho! Lots of feels. Not proofread.
2.2k words
Bridget stood there in shock with the looking glass in her hand. She had typically been so sure of herself. Something about how earnest Red had been for her to open the mirror put her off. She had rationalized that it was a quick peak and that even though she loved surprises, she needed to look. She opened it to see a terrified Red sentence what looked to be Ella as an older woman to treason, and her own face staring back maliciously. She slammed it shut. She thought Red looked like they could be related. And when Chloe called Ella mom, she did find it weird.
Red was her daughter it seems the duel red hair all but confirmed it. She would have to confront Red about it… Except she couldn’t. She didn’t get to Red before she left for her own time. The day haunted her for a long time and she didn’t tell anyone, not even you.
The introduction ceremony was beautiful. She had worn her favorite pink and red gown and everything was going alright. Other than Red disappearing right before the speech started. She worried Red would miss it.
You caught the look in her eyes and rest a hand on her thigh. You were worried for Red too. Bridget took out her deck of cards and nervously starting shuffling.
“Do you mind?” Principal Uma asked and Bridget blushed and stood up. She knew doing a card trick for all these people was silly but she knows it’s a fantastic one.
“Mom no, stop!” She here’s Red yell. She tenses and turns around but continues.
“I’m just playing my favorite game; hearts!” The cards burst into lovely pink hearts. She saw a tear leave Reds eyes but something was a little off about her. She decided to apologize and rap up with an extremely quick speech about her not-so- little Red. Everyone burst into dance and congratulations for the new year.
Something was off about Red the entire celebration. She looked shocked to see you there, her own mother and was quieter than normal. She was usually giggling with Chloe but Reds girlfriend was clinging to her mother.
You also picked up on this and took Bridget to the side.
“Um, Bridgy, can I have a quick word with you?” You ask, guiding her to the corner of the room. You asked Red to go get some punch.
“Yes, of course” Bridget nodded.
“Um, have you noticed anything off with Red? She seems a little madder than usual but not in the normal mad way. I just, I know we have to let our little girl go out by herself but… is there a chance she might be taking this transition just as difficult as we are?” You finished, a worried frown etched on your brow. Bridget thought for a second be for it hit her. That was the same outfit Red wore when she saw her all those years ago. You saw Red but sometimes had the memory of a pickle so it just seemed like a funny coincidence to you. More bizarre things have happened in wonderland.
“Oh no.” Bridget muttered and you grasped her hands in yours.
“What, what is it?” You question.
“I- I don’t know how to say this without sounding completely crazy. Um, so did you ever remember when we were just a little older than she is now, we met those transfers that left so quickly? You were sick that week but you saw them briefly the day Uliana got flamingoed. Well, they were Red and Chloe.” She says and you froze.
“I- what- I, that’s impossible” you pale.
“Nothing is, and I know for a fact it’s Red because- well I looked in the looking glass.” She admitted.
“But you love-“
“Surprises. I know, but I’m glad I did. I think the Bridget Red remembers somehow became completely evil. I don’t know how. But it was true,” Bridget explains. You start shaking a little.
“So I- I’ve met Red before, before she was Red?!” You gasp when you hear Red sigh. She comes over and puts the punch on the table next to Bridget and you.
“So, you do remember,” she whispers.
“Uh-“ you say panicked. You didn’t, and now you do. You need to sit down you’re so confused. You can’t, so you lean against the table.
“Yes my sweets,” Bridget lovingly answers. “I know that you aren’t the same Red from before. I know that I’m not the same as your mother from before.” Bridget smiles sadly.
“That’s for sure,” Red scoffs sadly, “but since you know now. Why is Y/n here?” She asks and it’s like a cosmic joke just punchlines through your heart.
“What?” You say, eyes widening.
“Who was she to you originally?” Bridget asks, now worried about another thing too.
“She was the head maid,” Red cautiously continues, “who is she now?”
You choke back your shock, “I am your mother, adoptive but- were we close? Please tell me we’re close.” Red turns sheepish.
“You were nice to me” is all Red says. She feels bad. As awful as Bridget feels for you, she needs to get to the bottom of the original problem.
“Red, after you left I did take a look at the looking glass and I know I was… rotten. Did- was that why you went back in time? Why?” As soon as Bridget says it Reds eyes grow, ever so slightly, harder.
“Yes, you staged a coup today and killed Queen Ella. On the original castlecoming day, Uliana turned to into a monster. No one helped you and it made you twisted, vengeful, and cruel in every way imaginable. Chloe and I stopped Uliana before you got pranked and we came back. Though, we still don’t seem to know anything from this new timeline.” Red admits and Bridget is brought to tears.
“Oh my, I was awful wasnt I? I remember you talking about your mother- me. I am so sorry, I don’t know what could have happened to make me do those things to anyone but especially you. You are my most precious one. I love you for infinity. I realize you will have a very difficult time believing this but truly I love you so much and- and mother and I will try to prove it every day forward” Bridget finishes with tears streaming down her face, “I know you aren’t a hugger, but could I at least hold your hands for now. I love you so much!”
Red nods, still not used to that. It was one thing when young Bridget was being so nice but this now that she actually was her mom it felt even more insane and dreamlike. She wanted to have this so bad. Red gives her hands to Bridget and smiles softly.
“I’m glad your you again.” She says.
Since it’s the weekend Red is supposed to be visiting her mother… well mothers. She is still getting used to the whole going from no good moms to two good moms thing. The messages she got daily as well as the magic mail sent cookies were fantastic and love filled. But this would be this first actual ‘family bonding’.
Bridget and you were a bit of a reck. You were trying to make this visit as welcoming as possible. The two of you stayed up the night prior having an entire stress bake-athon. Bridget got Red a couple of gifts and you made her a fun little photo book and journal of her life to help her catch up on things. It was bittersweet seeing all the photos.
In a sense you both lost the Red you knew. She was withdrawn now and sheltered. She still made an effort to get to know you two and would reply with honest answers. She even opened up about how she liked Chloe and how it was shocking to find out they had been dating for months.
You all tried very very hard. Maybe too hard. You were panicky tidying up the main lounge room, while Bridget made sure Reds Room was perfect. It shouldn’t have been taking her this long. You went to go find her when you heard soft crying from Reds room.
You knock and enter, “Honey, are you alright?”
She looks up at you through bleary eyes. “No.” She whimpers. You immediately go and embrace her.
“It’s gonna be okay. Talk to me.” You urge. She exhaled shakily and it takes everything in you not to start crying with her.
“How could I treat her that way? I just, if I am truly capable of hurting her that badly on purpose what kind of mother am I. I’m an awful person,” she sobs into your hair and you caress hers.
“Shh shh, no of course not. You aren’t her and you never will be. Red said so herself that something awful happened to you. It must’ve altered your brain because you would never do those things willingly no matter how beaten or bruised you are. That’s not you. You’re the Bridget that would read stories to her every day and made sure to go to all of her dance classes. You’re the one who had movie nights with her and happily watched the same movie over and over because it was her favorite. You are the same woman that proposed with a cheesy card trick while dancing to music. I love you and I’m sure Red loves you still and will grow to love you more and more as she sees how kind you really are!” You finish with exhale, now you’ve started crying too. She just holds onto you tighter.
She whispers a soft, “thank you,” before the comforting moment is interrupted by Maddox who has a soft smile.
“Your majesties, Princess Red has arrived.” You both break the embrace. You straighten your top.
“Thank you, Maddox.” You turn to Bridget, “Now come on, we have a daughter to love.”
When Bridget sees her daughter come in she grabs the cookies on the table and immediately offers Red one.
“Chipper chuckle chocolate chip!” She says excitedly. You all grab one and take a bite. The three of you moan in contention at the sweet flavor.
“Red, sweetie, do sit down!” Bridget says and sits next to her but at a respectable distance. She sets the platter down on the table.
“So, first of all. We got a little insight from your messages on how school is going but, please do tell us anything about it. What’s your favorite subject so far?” Bridget continues.
Red hums, “well I’m always one for a good art class. The teacher is pretty nice and we will get to work with our favorite medias for the most part this year!” She starts off, surprising herself with how excited she is to talk about herself for once with her mom.
“Spray paint still?” You ask, leaning against Bridget’s side of the sofa.
“Yes… did I also…”
She starts but you cut her off, “Spray paint funny mustaches on our family portraits around the kingdom? Don’t worry, it was pretty funny actually and the whole town got a good laugh. They were so bushy,” you giggle. The fact that the two of you aren’t mad at her for that speaks volumes to Red already. She smiles.
“Good, but I’m now going beyond just a ‘stache and have moved on to pretty symbols and portraits themselves.” Red says somewhat proudly. Bridget coos.
“I’m glad you’re developing such a wonderful skill! Do you have any photos of your works?” Bridget asks. Red nods and pulls out her phone. She scrolls past a selfie of her with Chloe that she blushes for and shows her painting of a gorgeous white rose dripping into red and a very detailed portrait of the family friend, the White Rabbit.
“Ooh!” You say, “such beautiful shading!”
“Oh this is absolutely stunning work Red,” Bridget adds.
Red grins and puts the phone down. “Thank you Y/n, thank you Mom.” She says in a little awe.
“This does remind me though. Y/n and I have some gifts for you! One second” Bridget stands and grabs two decorated boxes from behind the couch and hands it to Red.
Red rips the first box open with haste, immediately pulling out a couple of new high-end spray paints. “This is totally awesome thank you!” She holds them closer for a second and rips open the second package to reveal a massive book with a picture of little her on the cover and a title reading, ‘Red’s story’. She starts to tear up a little and flips through the first pages.
“We wanted to make it easier for you to keep up with everything that may be different in your own life. This is a picture book that outlines every major and or sweet moment of your life,” you say, dropping your head a little. She stands up and immediately hugs the two of you.
“Thank you moms, this is everything I ever wanted.” She cries softly. You internally squeal that she called you Mom again and Bridget internally squeals because she felt comfortable enough to hug her again. The hug was short but it was a major step, one to be remembered. Maddox certainly thought that way as he took a photo of you three. It was definitely going into the book. After all, it had so many blank pages to fill
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pyrpaw · 4 months
Can i have uhhh first year gang visiting yuu in their world? Thank youu
hell yeah you can have that 🙏 I did a little intro to the situation, and then some head cannons
(contents: might be a but ooc because I imagine they'd be pretty happy to see you again after you disappeared without saying bye, (name) is mentioned to go to school and have a job, their age isn't mentioned but they are implied to live alone(for plot reasons<3))
How did... you get here?
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(I had no gif ideas)
You thought you were crazy, you got transported into some place called "Twisted wonderland" and then, you randomly got back home! and seemingly no time had passed, was it just an elaborate dream?... you had no clue, but you had to continue your life like normal. So, going back to school, your job, all of that, left with no one to rant to about how you missed your friends from Twisted wonderland... because are they even real?
Turns out, they were real! because at 2 in the morning you were doing your homework and heard banging and talking from another room, it sounded like multiple voices so you quickly tried to find your phone... only to realize it's downstairs. So, grabbing a hammer in your room you silently made your way outside your room and as silently as you could, downstairs. You heard the voices growing closer and closer, your anxiety peaked as you held your breath and froze, panic filling you as when one of the figures was about to round the corner. Once you saw a foot step out you immediately stood up and lifted the hammer up in a panic, ready to strike down.
And once your hands were already going down you met eyes with a familiar green haired fae who flinched as his head was struck with a hammer. You two stared at each other in shock and confusion, as the other first years came over to see what happened, everyone's eyes widened when they saw you... and the hammer that connected with Sebek's head.
"... Sebek?" You spoke in a quiet voice, slowly pulling the hammer back down as you stared at him. He silently nodded as the others stared at you in awe. You couldn't comprehend any words, before getting tackled into a hug from Ace as he buried his face into your neck and spoke with a shaky voice. "... I thought I'd never see you again.." and before you could even reply, Deuce came up and tightly hugged you too. "... you didn't say bye to anyone" he mumbled as he pulled back and stared at you with teary eyes.
So, after a whole lot of reunions, the boys explained that they didn't know how they got there, or how to get back, so obviously they're allowed to stay with you.
Ace Trappola
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He's definitely gonna make fun of your decor, your clothes, basically anything... even though hes gonna steal your T-shirts even after they all got their own clothes
If you're not constantly going out with friends or talking to them he's gonna bully you about being a loser, however if you are constantly talking to friends, he's gonna complain that you're not giving them enough attention and you're being a bad host (even though he really only means that he wants more attention)
Deuce Spade
He won't automatically think about getting a job, but if he hears that you're struggling with paying for all of them then he'll find some kind of job and complain about it 24/7, especially because it'll probably be in customer service due to his age and having no records of anything
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Unlike Ace, Deuce automatically starts to help you with funds, he'll probably find a customer service job, maybe even two
Jack Howl
He'll probably get a good reputation with your neighbors, always offering them any help, and usually being gifted something, whether it be muffins or just money
I think that he would kinda just stay home mostly, really only going out with you where he can follow you like a lost puppy (only because he doesn't know this world like you!)
also-he totally takes note of what decor, music, and clothes you like even more now, so that he has ideas for a potential gift and or way to bond with you
Epel Felmier
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So... he kinda had to be... barricaded in a way, until you could find a proper hat to cover his ears, he couldn't leave... because some preteen will bark at him
Once he can leave the house though, he immediately gets a job... and spends a bit of the money on a gym membership (also, if you go to the gym he is hyped, he's following you around it the whole time totally not trying to show off his strength)
I think he'd honestly get a job at a gym, maybe a personal trainer even
He basically took up the chore of grocery shopping, like he meal preps and all, it's mainly just veggies and meat that he buys
Sebek Zigvolt
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He's thrilled to finally be away from Vil and Rook, now he can actually be himself! His stupid dirty jokes and overall roughness has definitely amped up now that he knows Vil won't find out
He couldn't really find a job due to having no proof that he wasn't a girl, but like Deuce he takes up jobs from your neighbors, getting some cash here and there
He also usually goes on grocery trips with Jack, with Jack getting healthy food, and Epel begging him to get at least a few junk food items, plus he's great at picking out what fruit and veggies are the best
Ortho Shroud
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Hes definitely having a hard time with the whole... all humans... no magic thing, to the point that he kept accidentally using his magic in public and got house arrest by you, leaving Ortho to make sure he didn't leave
He's still allowed to go out with supervision though, and anytime you go out to town with him he basically acts as a body guard, glaring at anyone would date approach you
He was given the task of cooking, because he obviously had to learn so he didn't have to eat Lilia's cooking, so him and Jack discuss meek plans for the week/month
He's also like a guard dog when he's outside just in the yard, he's keeping coyotes away, Bobcats, bears, any predator, he's keeping it away with no doubt
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Much like Jack, he couldn't leave the house due to being a robot, technically he could leave and would just get some weird glances for having a "cosplay" on, but he decided to stay back and keep Grim company... and watch Sebek
Whenever he gets bored he'll rummage through the house and find old objects that you clearly don't use anymore... and somehow end up upgrading any technology in this house?? like you came home and suddenly your laptop had the power of a damn PC
He'll also go around when he's bored and clean up for you, putting things away, sweeping, mopping, everything, he's very considerate!
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now.... Grim obviously can't leave, he has fire ears! So he's pretty pouty, but after you got him a few toys and a tablet (iPad baby I'm sorey), he calmed down, but he's still not happy!
There are a few acres of forest nearby, so sometimes he'll sneak out there with Ortho to get some outdoors time, but he's almost gotten caught a few times, each time getting scolded by you or Jack
He's secretly very happy to be able to sleep on top of his henchmen again, hes always clinging onto you now, after having the biggest scare of the one person he considered "family" randomly disappearing and leaving him all alone!
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opiopal · 2 months
I was thinking about more dumb McxMammon stuff because they’re both so stupid with each other and I will die on this hill.
Whenever there’s a situation that’s frustrating and one of them wants to storm out of the room, they stick out their hand expectingly and the other grabs a hold of that hand and immediately copies their anger and storms out with them. The first time this happened Mc got into a slight argument with Lucifer, held out their hand to mammon without looking at him, he copied their facia expression, and they both walked off.
Mammon is bad at hiding when he buys something for them. obviously like how we’ve seen in chats, if he’s asking Mc’s preference on something that means he’s going to buy them something. But Mc still acts surprised when he does anyways.
Whenever they have movie nights, they both end up ignoring whatever is playing in favor of cuddling after about two movies.
When Mc goes home to the human realm for the first time, the two of them are met with the crushing realization that it is insanely hard to sleep all of sudden without each other. So they fall asleep on FaceTime just to be able to hear each other while they’re falling asleep.
They absolutely get those tap bracelets, where you press it and the other person feels it on their own wrist. Mc’s is constantly buzzing.
They cannot be serious about anything. There’s a big test tomorrow? WE GOTTA LOCK IN- and quickly that stops after they start messing around, playing with their school supplies and making paper airplanes.
The first time mammon ever fell asleep in their room and in their bed with them, they had woken up before him, but then decided to pretend to still be asleep so then he wouldn’t be embarrassed and could “sneak out” before they woke up.
Sometimes they both still act like they just recently started dating, even though it’s been over a year,
“Hey Uhm… want to.. maybe hold hands, I just don’t want you to get lost in the crowd that’s all!!”
“Oh! Ok! Sure!! •//•”
Mc starts sending mammon random pictures that just say “us”, they could send him a picture of two clouds, two rocks, two flowers, two bugs, and simply just say “us.” and over time mammon also starts doing it to, and his is even more incoherent, but it’s cute anyways
One time Mammon probably had actually buttoned up his shirt all the way, only for Mc’s spider senses to tingle and them to come out of nowhere and pop them back open, “let the girls breath! Don’t be cruel!”
Because I recently got a sunburn, a thought entered my head of Mc also getting sunburnt and being a little miserable, and at the same time they are wearing take tops and shorts and all that crap, and having mammon help them put on aloe and rub their back. Mammon gets so angry about the sun burning his partner that he even gets a little paranoid about them getting burned, even in the eternal night of devildom.
Whenever Mc has a weird or crazy dream, Mammon always lets them ramble on about it, and is equally confused as they are.(for example, the Cinderella and Alice in wonderland events from the OG game,)
I don’t think this is as long as the other one, but still, I love my stupid
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