#I would still eat the mocha cake
ian-galagher · 8 months
weekly tag wednesday
thank you for tagging me Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Becki @francesrose3 and Evie @energievie 🥰🧡
name: Willow
location: underneath a tree
and now for the randomness! tell me your most and least favorites of:
most - Halloren kugeln least - listen, is there sugar in it? then I love it 😂 so maybe salted caramel, the novelty of that has worn off for me 😂
most - autumn least - summer
hot beverage?
most - hot chocolate with whipped cream 😋 least - everything else 😂
cold beverage?
most - water 😋 least - alcohol, all the kinds
most - orange least - blue
most - sprouts least - chicory
traditional foods from your country?
most - asparagus but with potatoes, eggs, ham, and bechamel sauce 😋 not that stuff from a packet, homemade with butter, flour, milk, maybe melt some cheese in it if you wanna be fancy least - herring
most - ladybug least - woodworm
cake flavours?
most - chocolate, apple, a proper carrot cake 😋 I love cake 😋 least - mocha, I don't like coffee
non-gallagher or milkovich shameless characters?
most - Kev & Vee least - Paula Bitterman
tagging a few lovely people 🥰🧡 @spacerockwriting @skylerwinchester @stocious @juliakayyy @jrooc @deathclassic @look-i-love-u (HAPPY BIRTHDAY VEY) and everyone else who'd like to play!
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Question ..... When it's winter would mocha make " hot chocolate "? I think you said they don't feel pain but still would be funny for their darling to walk in on their dick inside hot milk 😭
Of course! That fic I wrote the other day where Mocha made Reader choccy milk was going to be hot chocolate at first, but it's a little too hot for that rn - at least in the day time. Mocha tries to be mindful of the seasons whenever they prepare treats for their darling. Hot choco and warm chocolate cakes in the fall/winter months, chocolate milk and frozen chocolate covered bananas in summer.....Just don't look them directly in the eye while eating the fruit for obvious reasons-
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TWST Cast Food Order Series - Coffee Shop
Idk it seems like fun and I want to do their subway orders eventually so if you have a req drop it. Also, gonna update my tags Eventually, but this will be the first post that refers to Jack T., Che'nya, Najma, Neige, Falena, Rollo as 'twst side characters'
Riddle Typically, Riddle has a lot of rigidity regarding food and drink, and what he will or won't allow himself to have. However, as he starts to work through it all he eventually gets to the point where he feels comfortable ordering a small London Fog (Earl Grey Latte basically, with vanilla syrup) and a cake pop if he's feeling indulgent, though usually he just asks Trey for them. Even farther into the future, he'll indulge in getting himself a small white hot chocolate with 2 pumps of strawberry syrup because then it's basically drinking chocolate-covered strawberries....it just takes him a while to get there. (He always spells his name out when the barista asks, he learned after getting Ridelle on his cup)
Trey Whenever he makes candied violets, he also has violet syrup. He tends to carry a small vial on him when he goes out because if he's going to pay for tea, he's going to make sure it turns out perfectly. He typically gets a medium iced lemon herbal tea and he adds his syrup to it for just the right touch of sweetness. (Always gives a name like. Batman or some shit, especially when his siblings are around)
Cater Coffee connoisseur. You might think he's a basic bitch, but to me a basic bitch still means he's getting some sort of sweetener in his drinks and he is Not. Cater cannot STAND drinking a lot of drinks that go viral because they're so damn sweet. That all being said. Yeah, he's getting a large iced latte with skim milk. He won't have normal milk because of the fat content, but the other milk alternatives tend to have a sweetness to them naturally. He could get an iced black coffee or cappuccino, but he likes the ratio of a latte better. Iced black coffee is reserved for exam week LMAO it keeps him awake in more ways than one. Those spicy drinks that circulated at Starbucks? He definitely tried one. Didn't finish it. (Has had his name spelled as Carter. So. Many. Times.)
Deuce He likely won't have gone to a coffeeshop until he's at NRC so he's a little overwhelmed by the menu and what to order. I think he would go for a small frozen hot chocolate because it's familiar enough that he thinks it sounds good, but it's still something new and he doesn't know how to make it himself yet. Once he starts going more regularly though, I think he would really like REALLY sweet frappes. Like large cookie frappuccinos whether it be chocolate crumble or sugar cookie it does not matter lskjdfhlksdjf (has had his name spelled as Doose)
Ace Having a regular latte does not satisfy his sweet tooth, though he'll have one here and there. Ace likes trying lots of different drinks, but the one he always comes back to is a large iced white mocha, no whipped cream. (In relation to my MC, the no whipped cream thing was a change he made because he knows she likes eating the ice and he drinks slower than she does, so by the time she finishes the ice in her drink, he gets to pretend like he didn't time finishing his drink just in time to let her have the ice 'like a fucking weirdo, but okay' but the whipped cream always leaves a weird fatty residue on the ice that she hate). Ace is also a sucker for peppermint hot chocolate when it's in season. (Straight up had his name written as 'ass' on the cup which is the ONLY reason he doesn't tease Deuce about his spelling)
Savannaclaw (just assume pup/cubcups are implied LMAO)
Leona Ugh this pretentious bitch /lh. Flat white is too boring, lattes are the basic bitch drink, this has too much 'coffee flavour', this needs more milk YEAH I'M SURE IT DOES KITTY. Anyways, when he's alone, he gets himself a small cup of just steamed milk, with like a half pump of (sweet) vanilla syrup. When he's around other people he gets a Cafe Cubano, which is an espresso shot prepared with brown sugar. It's a small enough portion that's sweet enough he can get over not having milk in it, but he's not Jazzed about it LMAO he just doesn't want to get the milk in front of other people my poor baby man. He sometimes gets a Cortado, but he can never remember what to call it. (Refuses to give a name, just goes by the name of the order, or he's just called by his title)
Ruggie My man works so hard. He and coffee are best friends. He and Silver bond over coffee sometimes. It's beautiful slkdjfhlksdjfsdf In the mornings, he tends to make himself a large double-double coffee, which for non-Canadians means 2 milk, 2 sugar in drip coffee. In the afternoon, around 2pm, he makes himself a small iced dulce de leche latte. When he goes to coffeeshops, he goes because he wants something he can't make/imitate at home as easily....which would be a vanilla coconut cashew smoothie. (Vanilla ice cream, coconut milk, cashew butter and protein powder). He would have a fresh fruit smoothie, but he can't enjoy fresh fruit without feeling like he should share it with his siblings because it's a hot commodity, it's a luxury for them. Frozen fruit is cheaper and easy to make into smoothies, so he makes them a lot at home. Of course, if he's at a coffeeshop, he's going to get a donut too. (Has never paid attention to the spelling of his name, doesn't care)
Jack He cannot handle caffeine my poor baby, he would be so jittery and anxious. He is a fresh fruit smoothie guy, and also he cannot stand matcha (Vil made him try it at one point). He likes blueberry-acai banana smoothie with greens, yogurt, and protein powder. Otherwise, Jack will just get a small chamomile tea with honey as sweetener. (His name is always right and his tail wags when the barista throws on a happy face next to his name.)
Azul Azul tends to drink Milky Oolong tea, because of the health benefits. Does he like the flavour. Debateable, I don't know I haven't had this drink I can't tell you if I think he does or not. Probably. I read somewhere it kinda tastes nutty or like Danish cookies. When he goes to an actual shop though, he tends to get an Americano. (Assule, Asul, Azhoole, he tends to spell his name out for people now too)
Jade Not a coffee or sweets guy. We know that he's fascinated by the varie-tea (badum tss and I immediately get hit in the head with a chancla) that tea has to offer. I think Jade has had caffeine once and like. You know how humans. kind of have exposure to caffeine as kids even in small amounts, like in chocolate, or in stuff like certain sodas. Mers don't get that. They don't get that exposure at all. Jade on caffeine was a terrifying experience for any and everyone involved and he is not allowed to have more, nor will he allow himself to have any because dear great seven he swears he saw God and he doesn't even know who that is. That being said, Jade likes Jasmine herbal tea, while he prefers it piping hot and just a touch sweet, he isn't opposed to having it iced. His favourite blend is good either way, as it has rose hips, hibiscus and orange peel. He also enjoys Chaga mushroom tea. (His name is generally spelled correctly)
Floyd Like I said. Mers don't get that exposure to caffeine that other species in TWST do get. However Floyd, to me, has ADHD. And what does my ADHD do to me sometimes when I drink caffeine? I pass the fuck out, orrrr I'm finally able to focus because caffeine is a stimulant and makes everything better!! (This is why I would down an extra large iced vanilla latte right before exams LMAO) Floyd doesn't care so much about the flavour than he does it's effects, so he generally just asks what drink has the most caffeine and gets that, usually a large nitro cold brew, and he tells the barista to surprise him with a flavour just NOT salted caramel flavour. (He gives a random name every time)
Kalim ADHD 2.0 but addiction is just a general worry for his family, so Jamil makes sure he only makes herbal teas, and smoothies. That being said, left unattended Kalim would order whatever tea a barista recommends. Otherwise, he gets a mango lassi. He also often enjoys any flavour of lemonade, carbonated or otherwise.
Jamil Aw man. This guy. Needs so much caffeine, and as much as he enjoys tea, Kalim only serves herbal tea, but Jamil doesn't mind too much how sweet he makes it. When he's in the mood for it, Jamil will make his own chai blend. However, when he wants caffeine, he'll consume it in a way that would make Rollo think he's a demon. He will order a nitro cold brew, and a 2 bags of green tea on the side. He will then microwave the cold brew to make it hot and steep the green tea in it. Using Starbucks as a baseline, a large nitro cold brew has 345 mg of caffeine. One bag of green tea has anywhere between 30-50 mg of caffeine. A 'safe' amount of caffeine to consume in a day is considered 400 mg.
Vil We already know that Vil's favourite food is homemade smoothies- So when he goes out of his way to go to a coffeeshop, he's not going to pay for a smoothie, unless it's right after a run with Jack. Vil's order fluctuates with the weather and time of day. If he's getting something in the early morning (5:30am-7am) and it's cool outside, he's getting a flat white with soy milk. If it's warm out, he'll get an iced Macchiato with soy milk and cinnamon. If it's mid-late morning (8am-11am) and it's cool out he gets a medium americano, though if he's feeling indulgent he gets a honey vanilla tea latte with skim milk. If it's warm out, he gets a medium vanilla oat milk cold brew or a strawberry acai lemonade if he's again, feeling indulgent. He won't consider drinking anything until about 2pm, which, if he needs something caffeinated he goes for an iced matcha latte with oat milk regardless of the weather. In the evening, (4pm-6pm) he avoids caffeine and will either drink a small decaf iced lavender latte with oat milk or decaf green tea. Once in a while, Vil will try ordering something new. If he ends up liking it, that time of day is associated with that drink, so that would be the time of day he orders it again. the Vil in my head is telling me just how hard he has to mask when a coffeeshop doesn't have the thing he wants to order and how some of these orders. he doesnt even like. but he knows that they won't be out of the ingredients because it's Just the coffee and a milk alternative. So They Can't say they Can't Make it so he doesn't have to worry about needing to mask.his day is ruined if it's a day he wants to be indulgent and they dont have the ingredients but he has to try and hide like he is crying on the inside and he feels stupid about it because its just a drink I cant tell if it's OCD or Autism but there's a little something funky going on/lh
Rook He is well aware of the effects caffeine has on him. They aren't bad per ce, but he doesn't particularly appreciate the gastrointestinal consequences. He also doesn't really find the appeal in super sweet drinks. Most of the time, Rook just wants iced lemon water, though on nights he struggles to wind down enough to go to bed, he'll brew himself or order rooibos tea with a splash of milk. The smell is the most comforting thing about it, he remembers his sister used to make it for him.
Epel He says he's not a snob, yes he is, if you don't have apple cider, you suck, if you do have apple cider but it's a 'bad brand' you still suck, just a little less. That being said, a lot of coffee shops don't have apple flavoured drinks, and he likes making apple cider at home anyways. When Epel is out and about, he likes to order a large iced decaf maple latte. He always whispers the decaf part like it's a bad thing he can't actually have caffeine or else he turns into the squirrel from Hoodwinked. (Get's called Apple a lot, also Elle once or twice)
Idia Do you seriously think this guy goes to a coffeeshop? No, it's 3am, he's on UberEats/CarriageBites, he's put in an order for a bunch of energy drinks and some of those iced coffee bottles, he throws an energy drink and probably a salted caramel cold brew in one of those SUS slushy cups, makes it slushy and downs it in less than two minutes. Get on his level. Noob. I say this as someone who drinks a near liter of an iced vanilla 'americano' in less than two minutes.
Ortho Is worried about his brother. He also loves the smell of cinnamon coffee cake.
Malleus He's so lost in a coffee shop. He will spend a moment to read over the menu, realizes he needs to research the different kinds of coffee drinks before he feels comfortable ordering one, only for him to decide on having a coffee frappe. The caffeine has no effect on him so he drinks it purely for the taste.
Lilia Who do you think taught Idia to be a fucking caffeine gremlin. This motherfucker isn't even affected by the caffeine he just likes the taste of his abominable combinations and accidentally got Idia hooked. The only step Lilia doesn't do is the slush, he prefers his energy drink-coffee combo to be room temperature. Freak \lh
Silver He has Lilia as his father. Jamil and Ruggie as his peers. And Cater Diamond as a fellow coffee fanatic. This boy tries so hard to use caffeine to keep him awake, his coffee order scares the barista. (This was based an actual order I got from some guys FRIENDS because this poor dude was studying for engineering finals week, we were told not to worry about the price because they were willing to pay, and we had to give them like. Four warnings about the caffeine content. It ended up being 12 shots of espresso over ice in a 24 oz cup) He wants the biggest cup they can give him. He wants it filled with just straight espresso shots. Let me just iterate - one ounce of liquid espresso typically has about 63mg of caffeine. 12 espresso shots, using 63 mg caffeine as a baseline is 756 mg of caffeine. I don't know where that college student is now but god bless. I hope his friends took away the coffee at some point.
Sebek He doesn't like black coffee, I do think he likes particular types of coffee. Like the coffee that doesn't taste like coffee. However, his go-to order is still just a piping hot cup of hot chocolate. Also pleeeease give him the steamed milk art/latte art, he loves it more than he'll admit.
Jack T. Jack has a running joke on Ace where he only drinks black coffee in front of him, each time claiming some sort of delicious or exotic flavour just for Ace to fall for it every time when he offers it and it's just black coffee...but every once in a while, it's magically cloaked Vietnamese iced coffee, but Jack won't tell Ace the name just to piss him off because Ace really likes it but he can't place what's different about it from normal coffee with sugar and milk.
Che'nya As chaotic as our favourite purple cat is, I think Che'nya is partial to a rich, thick French vanilla. I think he likes the smell more than he likes drinking it, but yeah, it's just a yummmmmmmmy drink. He gives his full name out and just. :3 at the barista.
Falena He has a latte macchiato, much like Leona, he likes his coffee to be milk heavy lmao
Najma She doesn't usually drink anything for caffeine, when she does though, it's usually her brother's chai LMAO, but she'll make it an iced chai latte. Unfortunately, I HC her as iron deficient so this isn't always. The Best Choice. When she wants a coffee flavour, she gets it in the form of ice cream or in a mocha.
Neige Doesn't drink caffeine because it's an addictive substance. Yes Vil has mocked him in his bedroom at some hour in the morning hate listening to an interview with him in it. Fucking. Golden Child. (lh) When Neige goes to a coffeeshop he usually just goes to pick up a pastry and tip the barista. He sometimes has chamomile tea before bed but with enough sugar to rot your teeth.
Rollo Every once in a while he treats himself to a decaf con panna and madeleines on the side.
----------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire OC Orders Vizzie - Iced white mocha, no whipped cream, or iced vanilla americano/latte
Aspen - matcha latte with lavender foam and honey
Oisin - Bicerin with cinnamon on top
Cory - Romano (weirdo) /lh ----------------------------------------------------- Taglist: *DM or send an ask if you'd like to be added @fluffle-writes
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vidavalor · 10 months
Can you write something about the ice cream when they're body swapped? Who gets the cone and who gets the lolly usually?
Hello there. :) Hope you're having a nice week so far. Thanks for the ask. Yeah, I can do that. If you don't mind blushing a little, that is...
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So... to me, the question isn't actually whose dessert order is whose? I think the answer to that is in the scene itself because they are body-swapped here and so are trying to act as if they are one another so that they are fooling Heaven & Hell and so they're not going to be doing anything outside of the ordinary. As a result, Crowley usually orders the strawberry popsicle and Aziraphale orders the vanilla ice cream cone with the chocolate, even if, in this scene, it's Crowley in Aziraphale's body who is holding the ice cream and Aziraphale in Crowley's body who is holding the popsicle. But it's not the separate desserts, imo. It's the combined flavor palette.
This scene is taking place while they're body-swapped and the desserts are physical objects in the scene that underscore the body swap. This is to say that while they are still two different beings, they are occupying each other's physical bodies, to a point that Crowley's consciousness is in Aziraphale's body and Aziraphale's consciousness is in Crowley's body. In swapping bodies, they're essentially combining themselves into one being and then re-splitting themselves between the two of them, each of them taking each other's body for a time.
To call this a sexual metaphor would be maybe the greatest understatement that's ever been made lol and the desserts in the scene nod towards it because while we can debate whether or not Crowley and Aziraphale usually order the dessert that seems like they'd vibe with-- Aziraphale and his white and beige, sugary-sweet, classic vanilla ice cream cone with a hint of chocolate and Crowley with his cool, tart-with-a-touch-of-sugar, red, strawberry popsicle-- or whether or not they share or whether Aziraphale just eats most of both desserts eventually or any other aspect of this... the thing that's also happening here is that those are two desserts, sure, but they're also actually one classic, complimentary flavor palette when you combine them together.
Crowley and Aziraphale ordered an ice cream cone and a popsicle for them individually on the surface, but they ordered Neapolitan for them together underneath. They ordered vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. They ordered angel food (vanilla and berries) and devil's food (chocolate). It actually doesn't matter which one of them eats which dessert because when they order these on their park walks and wind up back at the bookshop eventually where no one's watching them, they're both going to wind up tasting a bit of each other's dessert. Aziraphale gets the hint of strawberry that turns his dessert into, essentially, strawberries and cream in flavor. Crowley gets the vanilla and the bit of chocolate and sweetness that balances out the acidity of the strawberry popsicle. This is actually subtly already in a couple of other scenes prior to the dessert cart scene.
Here's Aziraphale working his way through what appears to be a piece of Neapolitan-flavored cake in the diner on the way back from Tadfield and trying to cheer up his depressed serpent by flirting with him via eating food in flavors he likes in front of him, even as they were grumping at one another about the impending end of the world:
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The cake has a least two flavors-- vanilla is a given based on its appearance and some kind of berry in the pink-- and looks like it might be a patchwork cake of some kind, which is usually a berry-and- vanilla-flavored cake. We don't see what they're drinking but one or both of them could have a hot chocolate or a mocha to finish off the Neapolitan. Crowley had actually drunk half of a dessert coffee at The Ritz in 1.01, which we can see as the camera pans over the table at the start of the scene. Mr. Six (Neat) Shots of Espresso in a Big Cup was shown to enjoy an Irish coffee-sized mug-- so, 2 or fewer shots--full of a coffee drink that was pale in color, indicating it was balanced by cream or milk, while chilling out at sexy lunch with Aziraphale, so it's likely that, in the diner scene,there's some flavor in his mug that's complimentary to that cake... then, there's the Globe Theatre scene...
Fruit-related flavors correspond well to our Serpent of Eden Crowley, especially reddish-hued ones-- apples (Eden), berries (strawberry popsicle; berries in wine), grapes (wine, of which Crowley has been fond since ancient times and is his version of food/beverage-related love in parallel to Aziraphale being such a gourmand.) Crowley likes wine and wine is grapes, right? What an interesting choice of snack then to get a minute before Crowley was scheduled to show up in this scene, Aziraphale...
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How to silently flirt with your secret partner in public spaces when said secret partner likes to watch you eat and you both will have the afternoon free after Shakespeare's latest gloomy one... and Crowley didn't give a reason for calling this meeting... and won't know that you're both scheduled to go to Edinburgh until you start talking, so The Arrangement only comes up once you're both here and wasn't the reason for you both arranging to meet up here in the first place... which hints that since there isn't an emergency, this is an Elizabethan booty call from your demon partner who has a Hellish business trip next week and so is going to show up with some love poetry and his glasses halfway down his nose and buzz around you like the horny little murder hornet he is to see if you want to spend the weekend in bed before he has to go tempt some clan leader to steal some cattle... and you have to be in Edinburgh next week so it could be-- ugh, days-- before you see him again next? You're. so. hungry...
You pick the fruit he likes and eat the grapes in front of him for the entirety of your conversation without ever offering to share your snack so that, if he wants some of that flavor he likes, he's going to have to kiss you for it.
Those grapes? "They look scrummy," as you told Juliet when you bought them from her. "Scrummy" being a shortened way to say "scrumptious." "Scrumptious" can be used equally to both refer to food that looks delicious and to people who are so sexy that they look good enough to eat, making it the single funniest adjective Aziraphale could have used to describe the grapes he was selecting as part of his and Crowley's whole little food foreplay situation. They look scrummy, says Aziraphale, who is is buying them to satisfy two different hungers at once. The grapes and Crowley alike look delicious.
The use of "scrummy"/"scrumptious" also then causes the Globe Theatre scene to then call back to one that we saw prior to it but that won't actually take place for a few hundred years after it:
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Yeah. Don't be too concerned that Crowley's not shown eating enough. He's getting plenty.
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kazuki86 · 3 months
# A oneshot fanfic about my beloved couple, kakayama :D
# Hope you enjoy it! :)
Most people believe in angels. Some of God's angels were created to help humans. Sometimes angels even appear as humans to help them. Just like what happened that day...
That day, as usual, Kakashi was standing in front of a cake shop called La Petit. The shop sells various variants of sweet cakes.
Kakashi himself actually doesn't like sweet food. But there was one sweet thing in the shop that made Kakashi always want to go into it. The sweet thing was one of the employee who worked there. A young man with a sweet face, wide eyes and beautiful shoulder-length brunette hair.
Couple days ago, in one evening, Kakashi was walking home. Suddenly there was a sound from an alley. Out of curiosity, Kakashi approached the alley to find out what was going on.
"Stop it!!!" Said a person with shoulder length brunet hair. Kakashi couldn't see his face.
"What do you care? This is none of your business! Go away!" Said a big man. He appeared to be stepping on something. Kakashi tried to see more clearly what he was stepping on. It turned out to be a dog. The dog looked helpless.
"This is my business!" The brunet-haired answered.
"Is it your dog?" Replied another man who had a thin body and narrow eyes.
"No. But if you torture a dog, whoever it is, even if it's not mine, then that's my business!" Answered the brunet.
"Chassy! Watch out!" The big man stepped towards the brunet and wanted to punch him.
That's bad... thought Kakashi. He was about to step over to prevent the big man from punching the brunet.
But... to his surprise, it turned out that the brunet calmly put down the shopping bag he had been carrying and shifted to avoid the big man's fist. In just a short time, he was able to paralyze the two men, they then ran away. Kakashi gaped at the incident.
"Are you okay?" The brunet stroked the dog which was lying helpless as a result of being teased by the two men He then picked up the dog, walked over to the shopping bag, and took something from it.
"Here are sausages. Do you want some? Eat..." he said while holding out the sausage. The dog smelled the sausage, then licked it and ate it with gusto.
"Do you like it? Thank goodness... Actually the sausage doesn't belong to me, but belongs to the shop. But it's okay, I can buy it again with my money," said the brunet, smiling and stroking the brown dog. This time kakashi could see his face. So sweet... thought Kakashi.
Since then, Kakashi couldn't forget the brunet. Then Kakashi found out that he worked at La Petit cake shop. Actually, Kakashi really wanted to come in, and talk, or even get to know him. But kakashi didn't have enough courage for that. He was too shy and embarrassed. This was the first time he felt that feeling. The feeling is usually called falling in love. Fall in love at first sight.
Kakashi was still standing in front of the shop. He still hesitated. But if he didn't come in, how would he know the brunet. Kakashi took a breath then exhaled slowly. OK...this time I'll go in.
Kakashi gently pushed open the shop door and stepped inside
"Welcome!" Greeted a voice. The voice of the brunet who was standing behind the cake counter. Kakashi froze.
"Please come in...how can I help you?" The brunet asked.
So pretty... thought Kakashi.
"Umm...sorry...would you like to get some cake?" The brunet asked again.
Kakashi realized. He became embarrassed. Luckily his mask and thick silver hair covered most of his face. "Oh...umm...yeah..." he stepped closer to the counter.
"What cake do you want to buy?"
"Umm...I...don't know..." oh how is this, Kakashi actually doesn't like sweet cakes, so he didn't know what to buy.
The brunet smiled. "Maybe I can help. We have chocolate cake, cheese, tiramisu, strawberry, green tea, red velvet and mocha. What flavor do you like?"
"Umm... maybe chocolate...."
"Good choice. We have very soft chocolate cake. Would you like to buy a small one first?
"Umm...yes, I'll try the small size first...
"Alright." The brunet then put a small chocolate cake into the box.
After paying, Kakashi thanked him. Actually, he wanted to know the brunet's name. But how? It would be strange if he suddenly asked his name.
"Please come again," said the friendly brunet.
Kakashi nodded then turned and walked out. Outside the shop, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. Actually, he couldn't find out what the brunet's name was, but at least he had the courage to go into the shop and talk to him. There has been progress. Hopefully next time he can get to know each other and chat more. He walked home.
On the way, Kakashi saw an old lady wearing a white knit coat walking slowly while carrying a lot of things. The old lady seemed to have difficulty carrying the items.
"Excuse me....maybe I can help you, to bring the stufs?" Kakashi said.
"Oh... that's very kind of you. I really need help. Do you mind carrying these things?" asked the old lady.
"No problem.." Kakashi answered.
Luckily her house was not far.
"Just put the things in front of the door..." 
"I can help put it in..." said Kakashi
"No need. Just here is enough. You're very kind, son. I can only say thank you very much."
"No problem..."
"Oh, I just remembered. I have something for you..."
"Don't bother... I'm willing to help..."
"It's alright..." the old lady took something from the pocket of her knit coat. "I have a small bell for you..." she showed a short rope with two small bells at the end.
"Take this..."
Kakashi accepted the bell in confusion.
"The bells are small. But it has special powers."
"Special power?"
The old lady nodded. "If you ring it, it can call someone."
"Yes, someone you might really want to get to know, but you don't have the courage to do it yet." Said the old lady while blinking one eye.
Kakashi still doesn't understand.
"Go home quickly." she said.
Kakashi put the bell in his trouser pocket, then bowed and walked towards his house.
When he arrived in front of the house, Kakashi took the bells from his pocket. He looked at the bells.
"Is it true that this bells have the power to summon someone?" Kakashi then shook it. The bells rang, slowly but very melodiously. "But how could it possibly call someone..." Kakashi shrugged then put the bell into his trouser pocket again. As he was about to walk towards the door of his house, he heard someone shout...
Kakashi turned his head, and was surprised. That's the brunet. He was running, running towards kakashi.
The brunet stopped in front of Kakashi while catching his breath.
"You...called me?" Kakashi asked.
"Yeah... sorry, I forgot to give you change. Sorry for my negligence... this is your money..." the brunet handed over a piece of money while bowing apologetically.
"Oh...it's okay. Thank you." Kakashi accepted the money while bowing as well. "Umm... my name is kakashi..." said kakashi.
"Hi kakashi. I'm tenzo."
"Oh, so your name is Tenzo..."
"Umm...I mean...honestly...I want to get to know you...but...umm...I'm...relaxed..."
"So that's why you often stand in front of the shop?" Tenzo asked.
"Huh? You know that I often stand in front of the shop?" Kakashi was surprised. He felt his face warm and turn red.
Tenzo chuckled. "I often see you standing in front of the shop. I thought you were going to go in and buy a cake, but you just stood up and left. And finally you came in..."
"Oh... I see..." Kakashi rubbed his neck while laughing awkwardly. "Umm...you wanna come in?"
Tenzo blushed, "Um...I'm sorry...maybe next time. The shop owner asked me to buy some cake ingredients..."
"Oh, that's okay. How about if I accompany you to buy cake ingredients? I can help... bring the groceries maybe..."
Tenzo smiled and nodded.
The two of them walked together towards the cake ingredients shop.
"By the why...how do you know my house?" Kakashi asked.
"Oh, I met an old lady near the shop earlier. I asked if she saw someone with silver hair and a mask passing that way. And she told me the direction to your house."
"An old lady?" Kakashi asked. Tenzo nodded. "Did she wear a white knit coat?" Ask Kakashi again. Tenzo nodded again. How strange... thought Kakashi.
Kakashi and Tenzo continued walking towards the cake ingredients shop while chatting. Without them realizing it, not far away, an old lady in a white knit coat was standing holding a brown dog. "It seems our task is finished. It's time for us to report to Him. Maybe He will give us a new assignment." Said the old lady while stroking her dog.
The End :)
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lemonmaid · 1 year
Type of drinks and food they order from Starbucks!
Warnings: None!
Riddle Rosehearts : Royal English Breakfest Tea Lattle with brown sugar and a Red Velvet Loaf.
When he doesn't (when he is lazy) want to eat at Heartslabyul and have tea with others, he will stop by and get something small to take to class. Basic tea and a sweet loaf.
"Are you okay Riddle?".
"Yeah, am just overwhelmed. I need something fast and simple just to get the day over with".
"Is it that type of day already?".
"Yes, you can blame that duo of yours".
"Do you want shared custody?".
"If they keep waking me up in the middle of the night. Yes".
Leona Kingscholar : White Mocha with raspberry syrup and an Impossible Breakfest Sandwich
Listen when this man got the Impossible sandwich he thought it was a regular sausage sandwich, he still does, don't tell him he is eating vegan meat.
I also feel like he doesn't drink a lot of coffee, it's like a once-a-month thing for him when he is feeling peckish.
"White Mocha today Leona?".
"Yeah... I forgot that we have a pop quiz today in Trein's class".
"Oh shit, is that today?".
"Yes, also can you get me that sandwich that Ruggie always brings me?".
"Yeah, the impossible?".
"Yes that... also what's in it? What makes it "impossible"?".
Azul Ashengrotto : Americano adds four shots and the Mushrooms & Kale egg bites.
This man loves those disgusting americanos, even more disgusting he keeps adding shots, he is business savvy and has to stay awake to deal with the Leech twins shit.
"Sir, I really don't feel comfortable giving this drink to you..."
"Because this is your third Grande Americano with four extra shots...... it already has four.... You've basically had 24 shots of expresso..."
Kalim Al-Asim : anything from tic tok and a Tomato & Mozzarella on Focaccia
This man is the type of customer who just shows a picture in the batista face.
"Umm yeah, is Jamil okay with you coming here to drink? You know assassination? I could poison your drink right now".
"Psh it's fine, besides I've heard this drink is basically Neapolitan ice cream! But i wonder what Jamil would want.."
"Probably a shot-in-the-dark".
Vil Schoenheit : Chocolate Cream Cold Brew and a Feta Wrap
I feel like he doesn't really like sweet drinks "too much sugar", so he gets something bland but has a sweeten taste. It's like regular coffee but cold and instead of creamer you're putting melted whip cream on top.
"Samethinh always?"
"Yes, I'm so exhausted. My phone kept blowing up, Stan twitter is really something else".
"Oh yeah, I heard Epel talked about that. Are you getting canceled or something?"
"Ugh, no I wish. Me and Neige were seen eating brunch yesterday and now we are being shipped or media outlets saying "OH wHaT a KiND hEArT NieGe hAS foR MaKInG uP with ViLaN aCtoR ViL".
"Wish you luck on that, here's your drink by the way"
"Ugh, you're going probably remake this, there's too much water not enough cold brew".
Idia Shroud : Matcha Crème Frappuccino and Cheese Danish
When he does come out of his room, instead of the library he goes to the Starbucks café and plays video games or study.
"Um (Name) can you make it extra pretty, like in the picture? I wanna take a photo for my discord normies to prove I get out of my room".
"Yeah of course! Do you want caramel or honey on your Cheese Danish by the way?"
"Caramel but I want the Danish hot".
"So when you work, do you think as it as Papa's Freezeria but real life?"
"You need to get out more and yes. Yes I do, I even hear the music in my head".
Malleus Draconia : Caramel Macchiato with hazelnut and Coffee Cake
He only came to visit you, I doubt this man has drank any caffeine in his life. So when you asked what he wanted he saw the first thing and order it. I can't say if he liked it though, but do you know when cats' eyes dilate? Yeah his eyes were like that for a while, then he would randomly twitch, and purr.
"Okay, Malleus. Let's stop with the coffees, we have tea you know.... we even have cake pops".
"Coffee cake...."
Authors Note:
Hey guys! Sorry I've been so busy, I literally just started working and I got out of training yesterday and my manager came up to me ans was like "do you wanna be manager?" Appernlty everyone is leaving the store, so it will be me and two other people, who've by the way, worked longer than I have. I'm just tired and busy, but I am trying to get Isseked Baby Reader out soon, I just want to make it a longer chapter, so you guys can enjoy that while I girlboss my way to owning an apartment.
Thank you guys so much for the support and likes!
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adriennefrombrooklyn · 2 months
I was tagged by @fkajohnlennon 🧡🧡 Thank you!! 🧡🧡
I’ve seen a lot of folks have already gotten a tag and I might be repeating tags but I’ll tag @m1ssunderstanding @forthlin and @merseydreams if you haven’t done it yet and you wanna 😊
Three ships
John/Paul has completely taken over every brain cell. But I’m gonna be such a twin here and echo @notgrungybitchin with Aziraphale/Crowley and Meyer/Charlie from BWE. Steph and I have very aligned ship types lol
First ship
As far as actively shipping a pairing with all the deviant art searches and fic reading to go with it, it was Holmes/Watson, (the books, not the Moffatverse) and then Sherlock came out and really fucked up my search and I’m still bitter about it lol
Last song
Technically it was How It Ends by Devotchka. They were playing in Santa Fe (where Steph and I are currently visiting family) and that was the final song of their set
Last TV Show
The Acolyte (same answer as Steph *again* lol. It was really good, my favorite live action Star Wars show since Andor (but nothing on this earth will beat Andor tbqh)
Currently watching
The Olympics. Every two years I become a person who enjoys and willingly partakes in *sport* and wonders what would happen if I made handball or trampoline my entire personality instead of the expected football/basketball/baseball
Currently reading
Other than JP fic I’m currently reading Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand and it’s V GOOD. Perfect Venn diagram of 60s British music scene and rural folk horror and I’m so invested. It’s short but I’m personally taking it slow so I don’t burn through it too quickly. Highly recommend if you’re looking for rural English atmospheric summer spooky vibes with a 60s music angle
Currently eating
I’m in Santa Fe rn so I’m mainlining New Mexican red and green chile whenever I can get it BUT I broke my streak of only enchiladas and just had the most amazing dinner at a Japanese restaurant that gets a lot of hype, but holy shit was it worth it. Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten
Currently craving
I’m very stuffed with gyoza and spicy tuna but I’m also excited for the mocha cake at The Shed where I think we’re gonna have dinner tomorrow. This whole trip has just been planning where we’re gonna eat next but I’m not mad about it
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So that pic of H in a cafe in Paris - imagine him, the missus and little bubs in a high chair enjoying just a bite to eat and bubs just making hand gestures for more food that Harry is helping her with 🥺
i wanna experience paris with harry :(((( changed a little but still the same, kind of.
the weather was warm and the sunshine gave a flush feeling upon her bare ankles as it peeked just beneath the awning of the quaint little parisian cafe hidden down the alley beside their hotel.
the faint sounds of passing traffic filled the silence, the dinging of the bells on a cyclists bike as they cycled by on the quiet street she was overlooking from the window seat she had chosen to perch down at.
the smell of baked goods filled the air and made yn's stomach rumble low in her belly as she waiting for harry to come back with the tray of coffees and cakes.
people were passing by and she could see that they'd realised herself, and harry, were on a wander around the city. she could hear the gentle whispers and the cooing as fans watched harry kiss the head of the little newborn baby girl, who was strapped to his front in the papoose he'd insisted on trying out for once, at the counter of the cafe.
she smiles at those who smile at her, waves to the ones who wave at her, but she never lifts herself from her seat in hopes that they would understand they were having a moment to themselves, as a family, before he was back to the work, on stage, that evening for his paris show. that the small number of people that were queuing up to see him outside of the coffee shop, no doubt, were going to. her phone becoming something of a distraction as she waited for harry to pay up at the till.
"chocolate croissant and a hot mocha for my lady," he hums softly, not to disturb the settled (but still wide-awake) baby pressed to his chest and taking in the surroundings that she could see, "and a tart for myself. their iced coffees are good here, didn't fancy one?"
"haven't had a mocha in a long while, tickled my fancy when i saw it on the board outside," yn grins, helping take the tray from his hands so he could sit down comfortably, and she can tell he's trying to not notice the fans but she knows the excited feeling they're experiencing, "it's okay, h."
he acknowledges those who had come to see him, says hello, but politely declines to have photos taken as he just wanted to spend his afternoon not being followed or photographed with his little family. and soon after, they leave. smiling widely at just even seeing him in the moment of his downtime life.
"i know it's not something you enjoy but, they were sweet," yn smiles, watching as the girls gush to each other about what they'd all just experienced. his eyes were just focused on his little baby - someone, out of the three of them, who had no idea who he was in the public eye and was just her dad. "it's okay to deal with it like that. i know you. you feel guilty you haven't people pleased."
"shut up," he snorts softly, a smile on his lips, situating himself in his seat and pressing a kiss to seff's soft tufts of hair, "i'm forever thankful for what they've given me but, at the moment, time and a place. i'm with you, i'm with seff, i'm happy and i just want to experience it with you. not everyday we get to be in paris, the three of us, drinking coffees and eating french pastries."
"you're such a soppy bugger," she giggles, "but you're my soppy bugger."
"always," he smirks, lifting up the plastic cup fills to the brim with his iced coffee, taking a sip through the straw and swallowing it, the ice cold on his teeth but the caffeine almost instantly coursing through his body, "happy with your mocha or? i see you eyeing this up."
"i might get one to go," she nods, taking a sip from her cup, "it's a good mocha, too. good coffee all round." xx
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krafterwrites · 2 years
All The Sonic Cafe Foods
Because I can’t find a concrete source that lists every single food from the Sonic 25th Anniversary Cafe, I’m going to list all the foods I can find here (And talk about them a bit I guess)
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Sonic Chili Dog
I don’t like hot dogs or chili but it looks decent, and the onion rings with the leafy greens seem pretty nice
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Shadow Burger
Not going to lie I would genuinely eat this. The black bun looks a bit weird but I love burgers, and it would be really funny to eat a slice of cheese that has a render of Shadow printed on it
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Eggman Takoyaki
This looks really good, it’s probably one of the most appetizing things on the menu. I’ve never had Takoyaki before, but it looks sooo good here, so I’m sure I would love it
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This is basically just a pancake filled with sweet red bean paste, which sounds pretty good. I also really like the illustrations on them, they look very nice
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Classic Team Sonic Pancakes
This is a pretty good one, it’s three pancakes that have Team Sonic printed on them with maple syrup, butter, and I think cream with raspberry? It’s pretty simple, but still good
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Sundae Supreme
This is definitely the best item on the entire menu. This looks soooo good. If I had amnesia and didn’t remember my name, I would name myself after this too, because it looks amazing
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Triple S Cafe Drinks
Sonic’s drink is a latte, Shadow’s drink is cocoa, and Silver’s drink is mocha. I don’t drink cafe drinks, but apparently a mocha is a chocolate drink, so that sounds pretty nice
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Tails’ Hot Lemonade
I’ve never heard of hot lemonade before, but it probably isn’t as good as cold lemonade. I would try it at least once though, because it does sound interesting
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Amy, Knuckles, And Chao Sodas
Amy’s soda is peach flavored (The description also says that if you drink it, your girl power will improve and you might become like Amy, so I suppose they put estrogen in the soda), Knuckles’ soda is strawberry flavored, and the Chao soda didn’t have a flavor listed so I’m guessing it’s just blue flavored. All these sodas also look like they have a scoop of vanilla ice cream in them, which is a nice extra
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Eggman Omurice
This looks a tiny bit gross because of the sauce, but honestly it doesn’t seem that bad. I like eggs and rice, so I would probably enjoy this if I got it. The veggies are a bit random though, they could have just done bell peppers and it would have gone with the eggs and rice better
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Another Chili Dog
This looks like a different dish from the one at the top of this list, and it looks a bit better than it too. The sign is a nice touch, the onion rings look more normal, and there’s more veggies on the side
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Shadow Curry
Like the omurice, this looks a bit weird, but I would eat it if I was given the opportunity since curry and rice is delicious. Once again though, the veggies are just kind of random, although they do have a bell pepper this time around (Or it could be a weirdly shaped tomato wedge). They also have what looks like fried... something, I genuinely cannot tell in the slightest. Also they should have made Blaze Curry instead, it would’ve been more fitting
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Tails Carbonara
Okay, this one is a little bit unappetizing even to me. Just a little bit though. It’s entirely because of the slice of cheese they printed Tails on, cheese on pasta is nice, but an uncut slice of it draped over wet noodles and sauce is not. I would still eat this though, maybe because my standards for food are low
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Green Hill Roll Cake
This one looks nice, it’s chocolate cake with green frosting and some sort of cream filling, as well as a few pieces of assorted fruit. I’m not much of a fruit person, but this still looks tasty
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Amy’s Homemade Pink Cake
This is probably the best looking desert (Aside from the Sundae Supreme of course), I can’t tell precisely what all of it would taste like just from looking at it, but I’m sure it would be enjoyable
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Tails’ Lab Experiment Solution
This looks like another soda, although I can’t really tell what flavor it is by looking at it, if I had to guess I’d say it’s orange. I also don’t know what’s up with the stuff in the cup. I think I vaguely remember having sugar crystals at a restaurant one time that looked like these and fizzed in my mouth, so maybe you’re supposed to add those things to the soda to make it extra fizzy/sweet?
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Silver’s ESP Soda
I really want to drink this one. It looks like it’s made up of clear soda, blue sorbet (Which I almost mistook for cotton candy the first time I saw this image because it looks so light) and green jello just kind of sitting there at the bottom. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do with it, maybe slurp it up like boba? Or just eat it once you’ve drank all the soda, I guess
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Sticks’ Jungle Juice
Another soda drink with ice cream! I don’t know what flavor this is for sure, but based on the fact that it’s orange and it was described as wild and tropical, I’m going to say it’s mango soda. No clue what the icre cream is, but I do love the little boomerang that’s stuck into it
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Knuckles’ Power Drink
Knuckles gets two drinks, and this one is basically a red slurpee with vanilla ice cream, which actually sounds really nice. It’s probably cherry flavor, although it could be strawberry or even watermelon
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Sonic Latte
Not much to say about this one, it’s just a latte with Classic Sonic’s face on it
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Infinite’s Jello Dessert
This one looks tasty, mostly because of its great presentation. I’m not sure what flavor the jello inside or outside the cup is, but I’m going to go with strawberry and bitter cherry respectively. It also looks like there’s some whipped cream in addition to the fruit and mint sprig (I think? It could be something else but it’s probably mint), which would all pair nicely with fruit jello
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Knuckles Boba
That’s right, Knuckles has ANOTHER drink. He has three drinks. The site that I’m using for this last series of images (Which started with the Infinite Jello Dessert) doesn’t have any descriptions, so I just have to guess from here on out. I really have no clue what the drink could be, and even less clue on what the boba taste like since I’ve never had boba before. My best guess for the drink is peach flavored soda or possibly sweet tea, but I’m completely stumped on the boba pearls
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Eggman Scotch Eggs
This one doesn’t look too bad (Except for the watery and slimy looking meat sauce), the eggs, meat, and casing all look pretty nice. Even as I was typing this, I thought the mark on the right egg was some seaweed or something, but I just realized that it’s the Eggman Empire logo. I may be stupid. Anyways, I still don’t get why they put broccoli and cauliflower with all of Eggman’s meals. Broccoli does not go with scotch eggs, or eggs in general
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Cat Rookie Drink
This is one of the best looking drinks, it looks super appealing. The drink itself looks like strawberry milk with ice, and you also get whipped cream and sprinkles to go with it. This is definitely an extremely sweet drink, which I really like
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Bird Rookie Drink
This one also looks really good, entirely due to its neon green coloring that looks straight out of Shadow’s tube. We have a clearer view of the sugar crystals that went with Tails’ drink, which fit this drink pretty well, since making it even fizzier adds to its forbidden science liquid vibe. I think there could be boba pearls or something like that at the bottom, but it’s hard to tell, and I have no clue what they would taste like if they actually are there
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Shadow’s Root Beer Float
This is a super good drink, it’s a root beer float with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and two cherries. I guess it could be coke, but it’s way more likely than it’s root beer. It doesn’t have much to do with Shadow, the last drink probably would have fit him better since it looks like the liquid he was birthed in, but now that I think about it Shadow probably would enjoy a good root beer float
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Chaos’ Soda
Now this is a drink! It’s so blue and refreshing looking, I want to slurp this up right now. I don’t know for sure what it’s flavored like, probably blue raspberry, but I know it has to taste amazing based on how good it looks
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Classic Sonic’s Boba Drink
This one is also a delicious looking cool blue that makes me want to down the whole glass, but like the battery acid/Shadow’s nutrient fluid drink, it has some mystery boba pearls (I think?) in it too. Like I said last time, I have no clue what these would taste like, but they can’t be that bad if they’re soaking in such a pretty liquid
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Sonic’s... Something
I’m going to level with you, I do not know what this is. It just looks like a patty of rice with onion rings, veggies, and a cutout of Sonic on it. Maybe that’s what it actually is. Honestly that wouldn’t be too bad since rice and onion rings are tasty, but it would be a very strange dish to serve if that’s really it, which is why I think I’m missing something here. Let me know what you think this is if you have any theories
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Tails’ Udon
This looks gross and tasty at the same time. I love udon noodles, and the chives really add to it, but the omelette looks very soggy and wet, which is gross. At least, I think that’s an omelette. It could be fried meat or something, which would make this dish really good, since fried meat and noodles are a killer combo. Also, carrot stars. I didn’t mention them on any of the foods before because they were just a little garnish, but they’re cool! I wouldn’t eat them with the dish though, carrot wouldn’t go well with most of the dishes I’ve listed
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Gadget’s Pancakes
This is a great pancake meal, it puts the one with Team Sonic on it to shame. There’s two pancakes (One with Gadget printed on it), maple syrup, sprinkles, whipped cream, fruit and mint, and a chocolate pen thingy. I think the chocolate pen thingy either has chocolate liquid in it or is meant to be broken up and put onto the pancake like chocolate chips. Either way, this is a spectacular desert/breakfast, and I really wish I could try it
And with that, we’re done! I suppose there could be foods out there that I missed, considering I had to scour several unofficial sources to find all this, but I’m pretty sure I got them all. If you got this far, thanks for reading! I’m glad you liked it, because typing all this hurt my finger
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blankticket · 4 months
📻 = What music genre do the mun and muse listen to the most? Any favorite bands?
my favorite band of all time is sleigh bells, has been for something like 14 years. i have so much to say about them… anyway, i've been listening to lauren bousfield a lot since last year around the same time stampede started airing; even now i listen to palimpsest and salesforce a Lot i listen to quite a mix of genres [here's my topsters list for albums], but to try and put it in broad strokes to answer the 'genre' thing… it seems like i like listening to music with distorted vocals, very maximalist songs with more emphasis on making you feel something than being the most eloquent and efficient with the lyrics.
i like vgm and witch house and jungle and any sound at all that makes me feel something.
i think i answered an earlier ask about stamps liking noise and understanding the scene—that people can and will dance to it because music is something that makes you feel something even if it doesn't have an orthodox melody/rhythm/etc. given the novelty of it and the openmindedness that vash tends to have i think he'd do fine with experimental, noise, etc. sorta genres; i don't think there'd be any genre he'd hear and have it be the sonic equivalent of giving a caveman a warhead candy or whatever.
but i also think that vash would particularly love live music, from concerts to just someone chilling out outside with an out of tune guitar, covering a rock song to kill some time.
sure he's got that radio/music player he keeps around, but i think he'd gladly take those earbuds out if he hears a friend humming or whistling or notices the wind picking up and nudging against windchimes or howling through metal structures.
he's used to living a life where you can't really stay put, and have to find meaning out of the little things. sometimes they require for you to focus on them, sometimes they make you stop and listen
🍳 = What are the mun’s and muse’s favorite foods?
i talked about liking pistachios (especially with whatever chocolate i have on hand) as a snack earlier. i'm also a big fan of anything and everything cotton candy, especially ice cream. i am allergic to a Lot of things, but if i were to only eat what i'm not allergic to, i'd easily get malnourished. my favorite fruit's strawberries (which i'm allergic to…..), although! i'm Not allergic to any kinda seafood, which is fantastic news for me given how much i love seafood :3 especially mussels and octopus! i've only eaten oysters once but i did enjoy how its just like eating a mouthful of solidified seawater
i'm filipino-chinese and have been pretty blessed w/availability of respective cuisine; favorite soup is sinigang, which is wonderfully sour and brings me a lotta comfort. could fuck up some sisig or bicol express any day. i've only ever had spaghetti of the filipino kind, and prefer my lemonade to be the kind made with calamansi.
favorite dessert is leche flan (the filipino kind's a lot denser, with more egg yolk and condensed milk). a lot of my birthday cakes were either goldilocks or red ribbon (bakery brands) mango cakes or mocha cakes lol. even now it still Is the go-to for any celebratory cake
ougghh peking duck and yangchow fried rice make me forget about all my problems in life… i'm also very happy to be at any dim sum place especially if i can get cantonese siomai or that one dish that's like chao tom but in Ball Form… egg tarts and mango pudding… dude i will be so happy. i will be SO happy
anyway i also talked about stamps liking oranges and orange juice! the rest of the food that was on the table for the twins' first birthday… looks kinda bland honestly lol. but, it makes me think that stamps would probably find space food to be nostalgic! i'm sure he's also grateful that Plants know how to produce[?!] pizza??
my interpretation of vash has a pretty big sweet tooth, and indulges it with fruit and desserts and pastries. although i've had him enjoy donuts as a nod to his other counterparts, i've also had him express that his favorite kind of donut is "assorted", LOL.
so i imagine him to be a lot less picky about his food given his circumstances, but i think that also comes with him not having too many "favorites", and there's still plenty of firsts he needs to try out here in spirale where it's possible! he's probably especially excited about what human food engineering's come up with, so any food that has that sort of novelty to it (like the whole miracle fruit thing, or spicy ice cream) has a particular appeal to him.
🐯 = What animals would best be associated with the mun and muse?
with me… well, besides mice and rats (due to being quite attached to my zodiac sign lol) i don't have any other super strong animal associations w/myself, they're all mostly bugs or fictitious animals LOL. online quizzes have given me killer whales and polar bears. i had a sick-ass dream about falconry once?? i guess if i had to pick, then it'd be hummingbirds! or maybe pigeons… wow! my answers all over the place
for vash… i did make him a ptarmigan for endless aurora. he chose those dudes 'cause he mistook them for doves LOL. i wonder what kind of bird call is used in the full version of TOMBI? kinda wanna say that's an eagle
suppose there's a little bit of lamb association with vash, given wolfwood's mission with him and the biblical stuff goin on over there. then there's also the namesake! i keep forgetting to make stamps buy a highland cow plushie wearin heart shades for maxvash and calling that guy the 'third vash' [or 'fourth vash', if we're counting spamton as an honorary vash?]
🌙 = Are the mun and muse more morning, day, or night people? When are they the most relaxed? When do they get the most work done?
i stay up too late and have a very erratic sleep pattern. daytime and sunsets make me the happiest, but sometimes mornings and nighttime's the only times of day where it's cold enough and quiet enough to Think. i dont have a phobia of the dark and i can sleep at any hour of the day so theres no real time of day that i dislike, at least
vash strikes me as a morning person… sorta. i think he sleeps more if he hasn't been eating hence all the dozing he does on-screen even when it's like the middle of the day, with his mood apparently remaining unaffected. i also know he's had to tend to animals & worked tirelessly hard as a Plant engineer. he doesn't ever seem to be disturbed by the heat that two suns bring on or by the chill of the desert-planet night, so i could see him be pretty adaptable himself.
i think the only reason he'd feel anxious about nighttime is bc a lot of terrible things (the Big Fall, the destruction of Jeneora Rock, the attack on the Humpback, the night of 7/21, etc) tend to happen then. which incidentally is part of why i made his giant challenge occur in the morning last summer; i'm mean, and i don't think he should get to feel safe from the horrors just because the sun's up
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purplesurveys · 5 months
Catching up with my liked surveys, don't mind this quick Christmas-themed one! Or do, whatever floats your boat!
When was the last time you saw snow? ❄️ I have never seen snow and remain to be curious about it. How does it feel like when it lands on you - like drops of rain or like soft fluffy feathers or am I super off? What does it look like up close? Can you actually lie in it without freezing your ass off? It will be A Day when I finally encounter snow, hahaha.
What's your favorite color for a Christmas tree to be besides green?🎄 Green has always felt the most Christmassy, but white also has a certain classy feel to it too.
What are three of your favorite things to do when it's snowing outside? I don't know, I can't relate. I imagine I'd have a sensory interest in it the way I like to play with sand, though.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Gloria, Joy, Holly, Victoria, or Crystal? Holly's cute, it reminds me of Breaking Bad. Victoria is a nice name too but mostly a hit-or-miss for me, as there have been some Victorias who are cool but I've also met some annoying Victorias lol. 
Do you own a mini tinsel Christmas tree? 🎄 I don't think I do.
What did you get for Christmas this year? AirPods from my parents, a bunch of knickknacks from my sister but my favorite from her would be a daily journal + a wooden box that plays the chorus of Spring Day; a couple of Namjoon's book recos from Angela...my memory is annoyingly failing me for the rest.
Would you rather bake gingerbread cookies or build a snowman? 🤎☃️ If we're going with things that'd feel more festive to me, I'd pick the cookies.
Have you ever built a snowman out of something that wasn't snow, and if so, what did you use? ⛄️ No. It wouldn't be a snowman then...?
What's the most creative thing you've ever put on top of a Christmas tree? 🎄 Idk we don't really have much allowance to be all witty because my mom would instantly go tHaT's BlAsPhEmY.
Would you say you are joyful and triumphant? Last year I felt neither but I didn't feel shitty either. It was just a meh year.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Epiphany, Winter, Holiday, Laurel, or Grace? Grace.
Do you prefer gingerbread cookies, snickerdoodles, or sugar cookies? I've never had a snickderdoodle but they sound like a delight.
When was the last time you felt completely at peace? 😇 Earlier this month when my term with the account I negotiated to be let go of, ended.
What is your favorite type of pie to eat around Christmas time? 🥧 We don't really eat pie, like in general as Filipinos. That being said the closest thing we have, and it just so happens to be a Christmas treat – is a rice cake called bibingka but personally I'm not a fan.
What is the most creative thing you've ever used as a sled? 🛷 I've never sled(?)ded(??) before.
Would you rather eat fruitcake, angel food cake, or a spice cake? 🍰 I'd give the spice cake a try. I've never heard of it before so I had to look up the ingredients, but even though the combination of spices sound scary and almost gross it definitely still sounds better and more intriguing than horrible horrible fruitcake and boring angel food cake.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Starla, Stella, Angel, Hope, or Victory? Angel. All Angels I know are great people.
Do you like eggnog? I've never had but have been dying to know what it tastes like.
Have you ever made a heart with candy canes for a selfie? I don't think so.
Have you ever used Google's Santa Tracker to see where Santa is on his journey around the earth? 🌎💫 Nope.
What are your favorite Christmas carols? I don't really have a favorite.
Would you rather decorate with a poinsettia, icicle lights, or a tinsel wreath? The lights.
Which candle scent do you prefer: vanilla or cinnamon? Cinnamon sounds and smells like a treat.
Do you like peppermint? It's fine.
Would you rather drink a chai latte, hot chocolate, or a peppermint mocha? ☕️ Either the hot chocolate or peppermint mocha. I've never had a chai latte so not really sure what it would taste like.
Have you ever made your own snow globe? Nope.
Would you rather eat a snow cone 🍧 or ice cream made of snow 🍨? Snow cone. I live in the Philippines – that latter option sounds so unhygienic and gross. Our tap water isn't even potable, so it would be nearly impossible to convince me to make food out of anything that falls on the ground lol.
What is your favorite color for Christmas lights to be? Yellow just gives off that cozy, homey vibe that I love so much. Other colors can never hit it the same way.
Are you having a white Christmas this year? ⛄️ Idk does a white Christmas mean like it's snowy? If so, no.
Have you ever put a Santa hat on your dog? 🐶🎅 Not a hat, but I've had Kimi wear a Santa outfit before so he could turn into his holiday alter ego, Santa Kimi hehe. I got one for Cooper last year but I way way way underestimated his fat ass size and we never were able to put it on him past the head lmao.
Have you ever put a Santa hat on your cat? No.
How many Christmas cards did you receive this year? That's not really a tradition here.
What are you wearing today? Nothing Christmassy, that's for sure haha.
If you could choose between being one of Santa's elves for a day, being a reindeer for a day, or being a snowman for a day, which would you choose, and why? Reindeer, it'd be cool to travel to different places the way they do haha.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Sparkle, Crimson, Ginger, Wonder, or Ruby? Ruby.
Which one of these adjectives would you say describes you best at the moment: peaceful, joyful, blessed, grateful, or jolly? Peaceful.
What are three ways in which you have been blessed this year? 🌟 Answering this from an end-2023 perspective – 1) More time with family, 2) Dogs were healthy all year, 3) Got to travel abroad twice. 
Which name do you like best for a cat: Marshmallow, Snowball, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, or Joy? Nutmeg sounds hilarious as a name yet so endearing.
Are you wearing anything red or green right now? No.
What was your favorite Christmas movie that you watched this year? Love Actually.
Did you make a new playlist of Christmas songs this year? 💃🎶 No.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? Sure! Even though I'm answering it in 50ºC summer weather in April! 
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food1top · 2 years
Expresso-From Coffeehouses To Your Kitchen
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Expresso-From Coffeehouses To Your Kitchen
The java world is exploding out of this world nowadays. Coffee has never been better and never smelled so good. Who would have thought that it would take over the fast food industry? Or should that be quick beverage industry? Espresso is absolutely everywhere, even in the middle of nowhere. It’s true! I buy it, and so do you. I personally cannot resist milky coffee with a shot of infused syrup. Oh, dear, who sells that iced mocha latte? No matter which country you go to you can grab your favourite coffee on every street corner. Ever been to Turkey and slipped into a north -eastern village with no electricity and just the perfect aroma of Turkish coffee wafting up from the valley below? I have and so should you. Who says coffee isn’t mobile. So, I think the really interesting part is how much are we spending on our favourite espresso? If you were to calculate it at $4 per cup and times that by 360 days, allowing for 5 days off – you do the maths! Ouch. When you look at it this way it may be time to bring your coffee-house into your kitchen. Wouldn’t it be perfect to have your own little espresso machine in your kitchen? Hey, now we are talking. Imagine waking up every morning or running in every evening to the aroma of your own home brewed espresso. If you have taken the time to look then you should have noticed that the supplies are everywhere. Just run up the road and grab your favourite flavouring, some milk, your favourite ground beans, and that quality machine. Frankly, I think just simply wandering into the kitchen, still in my pyjamas versus that horrendous drive to the coffee-house would be absolutely perfect. Don’t you agree? Now I bet you do this already. Can you imagine the gas costs you would save? Why not have your cake and eat it too? Your espresso machine will pay for itself again and again. You will eliminate that day by day bill for the lattes and espressos. The overall cost could go to a roasting machine next? Fancy one of those to add to your budding home coffee-house? Finding that perfect quality machine, it is possible to get a commercial one online. There are some really reasonable ones just a click away. Why not have your coffee as perfect as you do after that long drive? Cappuccino Machines With An Italian Touch Cappuccino began in Italy where it is still a delight of the morning routine. The Italians can tell a tourist from a native though because only a tourist will order a cappuccino after noon.
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Expresso-From Coffeehouses To Your Kitchen It is considered a morning beverage in Italy, but in other regions of the world it is served throughout the day. The Steps to Making a Cup of Cappuccino Cappuccino is a tricky drink to master. It is divided into 3 parts: the espresso, the steamed milk, and the frothy or foamy milk. These layers created at the perfect proportions, textures and temperatures are what make the ideal cup of cappuccino. It used to take highly skilled chefs to create this concoction, but with the advent of the cappuccino machine, most of the guess work is taken out of it. How Cappuccino Machines Work Cappuccino machines are designed to brew and dispense the espresso coffee. Many can also do the step of grinding the coffee beans for an ultra fresh brew. When the espresso has been dispensed into the cup, the machine then adds steamed milk. These two steps are relatively easy, even though milk temperature and the strength of the espresso are important ingredients in this recipe. The frothy milk is the most difficult part for humans or machines to get just right. The objective is to create a light foam, just the right temperature and with the optimal number air bubbles. This micro-foam stays warm when added to a cup of espresso and creates sweeter tasting foam than more dense concentrations of milk. This helps offset the bitterness of the espresso. Makers of Cappuccino Makers Bunn is one manufacture of some of the best cappuccino makers in the world. They are used in restaurants and homes alike because they are durable and able to maintain the ratios and temperatures required for great cappuccino. The restaurant models have up to 5 spouts for instant cappuccino and can cost close to $2,000. For home use, other brands provide more affordable options. The Nespresso machines for home use costs about $400. This is a versatile machine that makes espresso but has plumbing for water to steam and a milk dispenser to create the foam for cappuccino or latte. There are many other brands available of home and commercial cappuccino makers. Prices are more than a regular coffee maker because of the specialty features. Home machines generally dispense one or two small cups of coffee, while commercial grade machines can handle 5 cups simultaneously. The Right Recipe For You Unlike other types of coffee, espresso and cappuccino are very specific in terms of flavour, consistency and ingredients. One cup of coffee from one particular machine may taste just fine to one person, while the next person thinks it is weak or bitter. With espresso and cappuccino, there is a right taste and a wrong taste. You either like it or you don’t, but don’t mess with the recipe! Espresso Machines: Overview When it comes to a great cup of coffee, size really does matter. And if you're looking for more muscle in your mug, smaller is certainly better. It really is amazing how much power can be packed into a teeny cup of espresso.
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Expresso-From Coffeehouses To Your Kitchen There are all kinds of coffee, made in all kinds of machines. Drip machines, hand brew machines and old-fashioned presses remain popular choices. Pod machines are the newest gadgets taking up space in haute couture kitchens. But if you want the richest cup of coffee, take it from the experts: stick to espresso machines. Not for the faint of heart, espresso is the coffee of choice for those who prefer a full, rich flavour. As with any type of coffee, the key to brewing success is starting out with coffee beans that have been ground to the proper consistency. In fact, proper grinding is paramount to good espresso. If the grind is too coarse, the espresso will be weak and watery. Too fine, on the other hand, and the result will be a bitter tasting, overly extracted espresso. In order to obtain the perfect grind, put your everyday coffee grinder away and purchase a special espresso grinder, or use the burr grinder available with many espresso machines. The ideal grind will guarantee the best flavour. Proper grinders work to release the essential oils and flavours from your espresso beans. Of course, there's more to the perfect brew than just the beans. The brewing process is equally important is creating a delicious cup of espresso. If your espresso machine has a good pump, your espresso will be fully brewed within the suggested 15 to 20 second time limit. Ideally, there will be dark brown foam called "crema" forming on the surface as the espresso is dripping into the cup. Timing is of the essence when removing cups from brewing machines. Be sure to take away your cup before the liquid turns to a whitish-brown, or you will risk spoiling the entire cup. If brewed correctly, the entire amount of espresso will not exceed one and a half fluid ounces. Any more, and you've likely used too much water, resulting in a bitter tasting espresso. Now you don't have to go to a restaurant for a great cup of espresso. Anyone wanting a truly rich, robust coffee experience and brew it right at home with a good quality espresso machine. coffee machine table,kitchen coffee station ideas,built in coffee station ideas,modern coffee station ideas,where to put coffee station in kitchen,coffee station cabinet ikea,built in coffee station in kitchen,coffee bar built into wall, Read the full article
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mimi-ya · 2 years
brewed ~ trafalgar d. law x reader
3,500 words | she/her reader
summary: you swear the regular at the coffee shop was going to overdose on caffeine one day
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“Two hot mochas, an iced caramel latte, three scones and a Trafalgar.”
You pause, looking up from the cups you’re writing on, “A what?”
It had been several hectic weeks since starting at the small café in the middle of downtown. You were thankful to have the job, even if it came with some quirks.
There was Sanji who baked all the pastries in the back, and Luffy definitely who ate more than he served. Nami, who was always sweet talking her way into free drinks for her and her blue haired girlfriend. Zoro who always came in after his morning run, never for himself but to order a whipped cream pup cup for his dog, Chopper.
But a Trafalgar was a new one.
“Here a little early today, Shachi.” Sanji takes the cups from you hand, expertly beginning to brew the espresso and froth the milk.
The man dressed in scrubs smiles, “Captain had an emergency amputation, hasn’t even left the hospital.”
“Hope he can get some rest before his next shift.” Sanji places three of the beverages into a holder, before turning to you, “Watch (Y/N), this is an order you’ll want to know like the back of your hand.”
Sanji plucks the largest cup offered out of the stack, pumping in a generous amount of caramel, and then filling almost three quarters of it with pure espresso. Using a stirrer, he gives it a few quick twirls to melt the caramel before topping it off with milk that is steamed way beyond the regulated temperature.
“Raspberry scones okay today?” Sanji asks, covering the drink with a lid before passing over the holder.
“You know they’ll eat anything you make!” Shachi laughs, picking up the drinks and accepting the bag of pastries, “I’ll see you again soon!” He says, before leaving the store.
“That looked like the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen you make.”
“That was a Trafalgar.” Sanji wipes down the counter, “Usually gets two a day.”
“What!?” You nearly scream, “Whoever is drinking that is going to an early grave!”
Sanji shrugs, throwing a rag over his shoulder, “I wouldn’t worry too much, Trafalgar is one of the country’s leading surgeons. Works at the hospital down the street.” He nods out the door, “Runs his operating room like a tight ship.”
“He went to med school and still drinks that much caffeine?”
“Keeps me in business.” Sanji shrugs.
And Sanji wasn’t wrong. You end up making at least one of those disgusting drink every shift, offering it up to whatever scrubbed up nurse stops in.
You’re busy arranging the pastries to look more presentable after Luffy swiped a couple for his break when you hear the door chime open, “Be with you in a second!” You call, wiping of your hands before heading back to the register, “Hi there! What can I get for you?”
The man before you just stares with an unimpressed gaze, his eyes peeking out just from under the brim of his hat.
“Did you need a minute to look at the menu?” You offer when he doesn’t say anything.
An awkward laugh escapes your lips, “Alright, well just let me know when you’re ready to order.”
“I want my usual.”
“Uhm, okay.” You tap the register screen to the drink menu, “And that is?”
“Why would I know?” He snaps.
You’ve dealt with a lot of shit people as a barista. Pretentious dicks who think they’re artisanal coffee experts but probably couldn’t tell the difference from coffee to the shit that comes out of their ass. Haughty parents that load their kids up on caffeine just to dump them on whatever poor nanny they’ve hired.
But this asshole? This asshole takes the cake. From his lack of greeting to the scowl that hasn’t left his face from the moment he walked in.
“Don’t you fucking drink it?” You shoot back, enjoying the way his eyes widen in surprise. Probably the first time someone’s ever had the courage to lay back into him, “Or has your sour personality dried up all your taste buds that you don’t know what you’re putting in that shit mouth of yours?”
“Tch.” He quickly turns on his heel, almost colliding with the person coming through the door.
“Heya Traffy!” Luffy smiles, trying to loop an arm around the man. But he just shoves Luffy out of the way and storm out of the shop.
Luffy looks over at you with a pout on his face, “What’s his deal?”
You sniff, crossing your arms, “Hell if I know, and I hope I never have to find out.”
“Shi shi shi!” Luffy hops the counter, clearly forgetting the six times Sanji has told him to stop, “That’s funny (Y/N), but Traffy will probably be back tomorrow.”
“And why’s that?” You ask, honestly not that interested as you start to wipe down the counter.
“To get his special drink! I don’t think any other coffee shop will make it for him.”
Your hand stops mid wipe, a feeling of dread forming in your stomach, “Wait.” You turn around, “That wasn’t Trafalgar, was it?”
Luffy swallows a mouthful of muffin (when the hell did he swipe that?) “Sure it was! That’s what I said, Traffy!”
Well shit. You’re totally getting fired now.
But then a week passes, and nothing happens. A scathing review was never left on the internet. Sanji hasn’t mentioned losing his best customer. And you still have your job.
You almost think you’re in the clear until one slower afternoon the door jingles open in single of a customer. But your bright smile drops the moment you see who it is.
Trafalgar is standing with his hands dug into the pockets of his white medical coat.
The professional thing to do would be to get started on his drink now that you know it, maybe even offering an apology for your actions last time.
But instead, you say, “What can I get for you?” Expecting a repeat of last time, but then he pulls out a crumpled piece of paper.
Clearing his throat, he reads off, “A triple espresso caramel latte with extra caramel, extra espresso and as hot as you can get it.”
You have to hold back a laugh because you’ve never heard someone order their drink like they were reading out of a dictionary. But he must pick up on it because his cheeks go a little pink and his hand fists the paper, “Well?” He snaps.
“Alright, alright.” You raise your hand in apology, grabbing a cup from the stack to get started.
You can feel his eyes on you while you’re working, but each time you look over his quickly glance away.
“One Trafalgar, extra hot.” You say, placing the drink on the counter.
He almost freezes reaching for the drink, eyes narrowing as he looks at you, “So you did know.”
“Not at first.” You shrug, “Luffy filled me in after you threw a fit and stormed out.”
He has the decency to look a little ashamed, “I, uh, I apologize for that. I usually don’t have to say my order.”
“I can tell.” You tease, nodding to his hand still holding the scribbled, “You get someone to write that down for you?”
Trafalgar’s face sours and this time you do let out a loud laugh, enjoying his embarrassment.
“Well next time just say you want a Trafalgar and I’m sure I can figure it out.”
“It’s Law.”
He shifts on his feet, “My name, it’s Law.”
“Oh.” You blink, “I’m (Y/N).”
“I know.” And his eyes fall to your nametag when your brows furrow in confusion.
“Oh! Right!” You wave your hand, “Well, I’ll be seeing you around Law!”
You swear it looks like he wants to say something, but instead shoves a couple notes into the tip jar and is out the door.
Law becomes a regular fixture in your schedule. Picking up the drinks for his team more often, popping up during the slow times, sometimes even finishing his drink before he leaves.
He’s a little odd, really awkward, but pretty cute. Especially when he came in one day when he must have gotten off shift. Instead of his scrubs and coat he’s downed in a tight black shirt, piercings lining his ears and what feels like miles of inked skin on display.
And you’re just thankful he didn’t say anything when you stuttered over your words that afternoon.
“Law.” You greet, a smile on your face as he steps through the door, “Coming or going from the hospital?” Even though it’s ten in the morning you can never be too sure with his schedule.
“Coming.” He grunts, “A twelve hour shift.”
You tut, pouring out the espresso of his drink, “Well I’ll be sure to make this one extra special for you.”
“Don’t think that’ll be a problem if you’re making it.”
Your head shoots up at his compliment but then you laugh, “I’m sure you say that to anyone who isn’t Luffy.” Capping the lid, you push the drink towards, “Honestly I don’t know why Sanji keeps him around.”
“Thanks.” Law mutters, which you find a little strange, because he always takes the bait to rib Luffy whenever he can.
“Well, enjoy the coffee!”
Law picks up his drink, almost turning around to leave before he thinks better of it, “Would you like coffee?”
“Coffee?” He repeats himself, “Would you like some?”
A confused look fills your face, “I mean, if I wanted some, I could just make one.”
And then strangely Law’s face falls, “Right.” He mutters, this time actually exiting out the door.
“Vivi.” A voice pipes up from the bar seating, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worse display of flirting in this entire coffee shop.”
“I think you’re right Nami.” Vivi nods, “And we watch Zoro and Sanji fall all over themselves almost every morning.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?”
“Oh my god.” Nami cries, grabbing the girl beside her, “She doesn’t even know! Vivi, she doesn’t even know!”
“I know.” Vivi rubs at Nami’s shoulder.
You roll your eyes. Nami was always dramatic, it was usually about the cost of her lattes, but this isn’t anything new, “Tell me what I don’t know.”
“He was asking you out!” Nami shouts, “And you just let a rich doctor slip right through your fingers!”
Vivi nods sympathetically, “I think he was.”
“What, no. He- I think I would know. He wasn’t- it’s not like that! I mean-”
“I think she’s in denial.” Vivi whispers.
“You two don’t know what you’re talking about!” You shout back, slapping a rag onto the counter before storming into the back.
Nami and Vivi had no clue what they were talking.
Law didn’t like you. You don’t think Law liked anybody. You just made him coffee.
So what if he hung around while he drank it. And it didn’t mean anything when Luffy said he’s only ever seen Law smile around you. And Sanji had to be mixing up the numbers when he said Law’s purchases increased during your working hours.
Besides! It’s not like you would even care if he did.
It’s not like you watch the door waiting for him to show up every day. Or like you spend a little extra care on his drink. Or daydream about what his tattooed fingers can do. You definitely don’t think about that.
And you’re going to prove it.
But you can’t.
Because Law doesn’t come back.
Not the next day, or the day after, or the following week. It’s almost been a month and you haven’t seen him. Instead, it’s back to Shachi picking up the drinks, and at least you know he’s alive because who else would drink his nasty concoction.
You don’t even have his number so it’s not like you can text him. You suppose you could leave a message on one of his cups, part of you would rather spit in it, but you’re standing your ground. You didn’t do anything wrong! So why should you be the one to reach out?
But with each passing day you realize maybe you’re just destined to make his coffee for the rest of his life.
That is until someone slips face first and spills their scalding hot tea all over their arm.
“Oh my god!” You gasp, quickly flying around from the bar to help the man, “Are you alright?” You offer your hand.
And as you’re trying to help him to his feet, he stumbles on the now wet floor, toppling back over and painfully knocking his head on the edge of a table.
“Sir!” You fret, trying to help him up, “Don’t move, you might be concussed!”
You quickly duck into the back, grabbing an ice pack. You’re glad to see the man hasn’t moved, just pressing a hand to where you’re sure a nasty bump is probably forming.
“Here.” You offer, “Are you okay? Is there someone I can call for you?”
He surprises you by all but shoving his phone into your hands, “Will you call my son?”
“Uh, oh okay.” You respond, a little frazzled to see the phone is already dialing.
“Hello?” The voice answers, clearly irritated.
“Uhm, hi, hello!”
“Who is this?” The man sounds confused but just as equally annoyed.
You glance back at the man who’s watching you intently, “I’m calling for your father. He uhm, he slipped and hit his head. I think he might need someone to help him home. We’re at the All Blue café in downtown.”
You’re met with silence, and you briefly wonder if the man heard you.
“Are you able to-”
But you’re cut off with a growl, “I’m on my way.” And then he hangs up.
“Oh.” You pull the phone away, offering it back to the man, “I think he’s on his way. Is there something I can get for you, uhh, sir?”
“It’s Cora.” The man gives you a blinding smile, motioning to the chair, “Would you mind waiting with me until he comes?”
Law was not having a good day. Scratch that. He wasn’t having a good month.
He could chock it up to whatever lies he told himself, but it all started with you.
Law thought the two of you were on the same page, had even been reassured by Sanji and Luffy. Not that he really took the latter’s opinion to heart. So when you turned him down, it stung.
It stung like hell.
Law had decided he would just never see you again and that would be that. Shachi went back to picking up the coffee and Law worked on erasing you from his mind.
Easier said than done. Everyone had noticed the change in his behavior. Even Cora pestering him with questions about you, and why hadn’t he heard any new stories lately.
It’s not like he talked about you that much.
But he realized what an idiot he’s been this whole time when he finally heard your voice again after nearly a month. The swooping in his stomach and the stuttering in his chest. But what he wasn’t expecting was it to be from Cora’s phone.
And that’s when he knew Cora was up to something.
Luckily, he was almost done with his shift. Something he’s sure Cora was aware of, Law thinks bitterly.
And if he thought just hearing your voice was rough, he was sorely underprepared for seeing you again.
There you were. Sitting across from his father in the little coffee shop as the setting sun shined in. Laughing at who knows what with a giant smile on your face. It strikes Law just how much he missed that sound.
“Law! You’re here!”
Shit. Law curses to himself, having been too distracted by your beauty he was out in the open for Cora to spot.
Law pointedly doesn’t look at you, doesn’t want to see what ever emotions are crossing your face.
“What happened?” Law says through clenched teeth, noting how Cora looks fine.
“Oh, you know.” Cora waves, “Just clumsy me.” And then a smirk pulls at his lips as he looks back towards you, “But the lovely (Y/N) was able to help me. Do you two know each other?”
If Cora was any more obvious, he’d be wearing a flashing sign.
With clenched hands, Law’s eyes slide over to meet yours and he feels like even more of a mess this close to you. But then he feels like the rug is ripped out from under you when he sees the scowl on your face.
“Hello Trafalgar.”
“(Y/N).” Law grunts, hating that you’ve reverted back to his surname.
“You do know each other!” Cora exclaims, “Well you two catch up, I need to run to the restroom quickly.”
Immediately your concerned hands reach out, “Are you sure you’re okay? You might-”
“Don’t worry about me!” Cora waves, “I’ll just be a moment.”
And then it’s just the two of you.
Law shifts from one foot to the other, pointedly looking anywhere but you.
“Good to see your caffeine habits don’t run in the family.”
Law’s eyes dart to you, because are you really trying to make small talk right now?
“Although he did want his tea as hot as your usual, which I probably wouldn’t have done if I knew he was going to spill it all over himself.” Your twinkling laugh grates on his nerves in the best and worst way possible.
But Law just scoffs, looking back towards the restrooms. What the hell is taking him so long?
“Alright asshole.” You push yourself up from you seat, “I don’t what the hell I did to be getting the silent treatment, but I can take a hint.” You brush past Law, but not without a hard shove from your shoulder.
Law reels back, more so in surprise than anything else, “The fuck are you talking about?”
“Me?” You whirl around, hands on your hips, “You’re the one that up and disappeared for a month and when I finally see you again you can’t say more than two fucking words!”
“Well you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing to do with me when you blew me off.” Law snarls.
“Blew you off?” You nearly scream, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean!”
“Oh I don’t know (Y/N)-ya.” Law rolls his eyes with sarcasm dripping from his voice, “When I asked if you wanted to get coffee and you turned me down!”
“You asked me to get coffee?” All the fight leaves your body for a moment before it kicks back in thinking about his stupidity, “How the hell was I supposed to know you meant together?!”
Law immediately colors with embarrassment and indignation, “What else was it supposed to mean!”
“Well gee.” You drawl, “Maybe that you wanted coffee from this fucking coffee shop?”
Law quickly turns his head, looking at the wall. Well, when you put it like that.
A quiet but exasperated laugh escape you, “I thought I did something to make you mad.”
“No.” Law quickly interjects, looking back at you, “I was trying to respect your answer.” He definitely doesn’t mention that it also twisted his heart to even think about you after that. Couldn’t imagine what it would be like to see your face every time he wanted coffee.
“How about you ask again?” You ask with a teasing smile.
Law’s eyes widen, “Do you want to get coffee, with me?”
Law opens his mouth, a rude remark on the tip of his tongue until you press a finger to his lips.
“But.” The grin widens on your face, “I would love to get dinner with you.”
“Now?” Law asks hopefully.
With a surprised laugh at his forwardness you nod, “I was off the clock an hour ago anyway.” And then you glance over your shoulder, “But shouldn’t we wait for your dad?”
Law scoffs, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him, “I’m sure he’s already snuck out the back.”
Zoro steels his nerves, even gives Chopper a pat on the head for good luck while pointedly ignoring the witch and her girlfriend starring at him from across the shop.
“Marimo.” Sanji greets, “Just the usual?”
“Do you want to get coffee with me?” Zoro rushes out in one go. If it worked for the doctor, it’s gotta work for him.
“You don’t like coffee.”
“But you do, right?” Zoro adds, doesn’t the shit cook own this place?
Sanji’s face screws up in annoyance, mumbling to himself as he writes something on the small cup of whip cream for Chopper before shoving it into Zoro’s hands.
“Yes, I like coffee you idiot. But I’m not going to go on a coffee date with you.” He sneers before pointing at the cup, “Don’t lose that.” And then he spins on his heel and retreats to the back.
Zoro’s a little confused but then he looks down to see a phone number scrawled onto the cup. A smile breaks out onto his face, well that is until a voice pipes in,
“Vivi? Why is everyone in this coffee shop romantically inept?”
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 years
Please Listen To Me: Mocha Cookie & Parsnip Cookie
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Story Description:
“You have to listen to me, he’s not good for you.”
Characters: Mocha Cookie & Parsnip Cookie
Warnings: Angst, Past Memories, Some Language.
Note: Mocha belongs to @sugaaaaaaaar aka my payback =w=
In the small cottage, there were two cookies talking and eating sweets, who are these two cookies? Mocha Cookie & Parsnip Cookie, Mocha first saw Parsnip talking to one of the elder’s but the talking was mostly shitty flirting. But luckily Mocha grabbed Parsnips wrist and took her to a small cottage across the town, and here there are now. Parsnip was eating a sweet strawberry cake with herbal tea. Once she finished drinking her herbal tea, Mocha looked up at Parsnip with a soft but with a blank spare.
“Parsnip we need to talk. It’s very important.” Mocha said as she put her drink down.
“O-oh? What would you like to talk about?” Parsnip asked softly.
Mocha looked at Parsnip, and stood up and walked closer to her, Parsnip was looking at Mocha with a little fear. Mocha gave her the locket that her mother gave her when she was younger..
“Where did you get that?! That’s not yours, please give it to me please!”
Mocha gave it back, but Parsnip quickly snatched it and held it tightly with tears. Mocha saw Parsnip cry and it did break her heart, she hated seeing her cry.
“Parsnip, please you can’t be with Custard. He’s very horrible, please leave him..” Mocha said annoyed.
“NO! I can’t.. He brought me much happiness.. Not like anyone else..” Parsnip said with tears.
“What the hell are you saying? Happy, can’t you hear yourself? He’s a horrible father, open your eyes!”
“Stop it please! You don’t know the truth! You don’t know me! Let me explain please.” Parsnip said crying.
“Alright then. Go ahead and explain then..” Mocha said as she crossed her arms.
Parsnip nodded and took a breath..
Parsnip was in the docks on the harbor as she was enjoying the breeze on her skin, she just checked the time and she needed to get home. On her way home, her leg got cut deeply from an unknown figure, tears came down her eyes as she limped down to the closet home. Once she knocked on the door more like pounding, the door opened and the person saw Parsnip bleeding badly.
“I-I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, consul, I need help please.”
“Yeah, let me help you.” Clotted Cream said as he took her to his room.
When Clotted Cream put her on his bed, he removed her stockings and cringed at the injury, it definitely looked ugly as shit. Soon Clotted Cream quickly went to the kitchen and got the med kit, that’s until his father came.
“Why do you have the med kit.. That’s for emergencies only!” Custard yelled.
“Father, there is a reason.. Lady Parsnip Cookie is badly injured. I need to help her..”
“Last time you tried, you killed them. Let me handle it.. Now give me it..” Custard said.
Clotted Cream knew that he was telling the truth so he handed the med kit to Custard. When Custard went to the room that Parsnip was in, he started to patch Parsnip up. After half an hour, Parsnip slowly woke up and seen Custard and gave him a small smile.
“Thank you for helping. If there’s anything I can repay you let me know.” Parsnip said in a soft voice
[Present Day]
Parsnip was sitting on the chair crying still, Mocha felt bad but she still had hatred for Custard.
“I understand, whatever makes you happy, I guess I’ll be happy then..” Mocha said as she hugged Parsnip.
“T-Thank you..”
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whimsical-twist · 3 years
Alice in Wonderland!
This set was way too cute. I regret not buying a checkered table cloth 😆
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Macaron Flavours:
Eat Me cookies - Thai Milk Tea
White Rabbit - Expresso Mocha
Dinah - Matcha
Alice - Earl Grey Lemon
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-Cheshire Cat: Red Velvet Bento Box Cake
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-Drink Me Potion: Blue Curacao Pineapple Jelly
-Queen of Hearts: Milk Tea Cheese Cake
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A close up of my Queen of Hearts Milk Tea Cheese Cake! It was hard to get a clean line with the mirror glaze, my hands suck. But I love it still.
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Which dessert would lead you down the rabbit hole? The Macarons entice me for sure.
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Savoury Menu!
Card Suits - Chicken & Vegetable Dumplings
Cheshire Cat - Braised Korean Short Rib Puff Pastry
Tea Party Cups - Crab Ragoon (completely edible tea cups, road signs and hat!)
Pocket Watch - Japanese Beef Curry Pot Pie
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I wish I had better lighting :')
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enternecers · 2 years
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      the  smile  gracing  her  features  was  a  genuine  one,  possibly  for  the  first  time  in  a  long  time.  still,  she  could  feel  anxiety  piling  up  on  the  bottom  of  her  stomach.  she  should  not  be  here.  it  did  not  matter  that  it  was  ashtray’s  birthday  or  that  she  missed  him  (  them  )  so  badly  it  hurt.  fezco  had  been  clear,  he  wanted  her  gone  and  away  from  his  house.  yet  maddy  could  not  help  it.  she  had  bought  ash  a  cake  and  a  gift,  walked  up  to  the  house  and  prayed  fez  would  let  her  in.  except  she  had  gotten  lucky,  fezco  was  not  home.  for  once,  there  was  some  normalcy  back  in  her  life.  spending  time  with  ash,  talking  in  spanish  and  eating  cake  while  watching  reality  tv  as  if  she  had  never  left.  
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       but  then  she  heard  a  noise  at  the  door,  mocha  hues  growing  wider.  fezco  was  home.  memories  flashed  back  to  a  time  when  his  presence  was  enough  to  make  her  feel  more  at  ease.  it  still  did,  but  it  also  brought  back  the  certainty  of  not  being  wanted.  i  don’t  hate  ya,  i  just  don’t  trust  ya.  just  like  that,  life  was  back  to  normal  and  maddy  knew  it  was  time  to  leave.  she  pressed  a  quick  kiss  to  ashtray’s  forehead,  getting  up  to  talk  to  fezco.  ❝  look,  i  know  you  told  me  to  never  come  back  or  whatever,  ❞  she  paused  for  a  second,  swallowing  dryly  as  she  remembered  that  evening.  ❝  it’s  his  birthday,  fez.  and  i  got  him  a  cake  and  everything  and  i  just...  i  am  sorry,  okay?  i  shouldn’t  have  come.  i’ll  fucking  leave,  just...  don’t  get  mad  at  him.  ❞
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