The world is so fucking lucky Im not actually that interested in personally writing about superheroes because if I made a independent superhero thing I would have such a shitty juvenile batman expy
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medicinemane · 10 months
Man... so, to preface this, I just don't really like soup
I don't like things that are too liquid, and I don't like things that I have to eat a lot of to get full. I like things that are dense with a nice texture, that's why I like stuff like burgers
It's not that I never like soup either, it's just if I'm gonna eat soup I really want something really good that makes up for the pain of eating it. A well made french onion soup, or a bread bowl situation, just a really good clam chowder... that kind of thing
But at the core of it, it comes down to that I just don't care for soup very much... and my mom knows this... and my goodness does she like making soup anyway
She like having dinner be grilled cheese with a soup, which means that my dinner ends up being two slices of bread with a slice of american cheese in the middle
Or today, she makes a broccoli soup and it's like... you have to understand this, I would have rather just eaten plain broccoli... hell... plain raw broccoli would have been fine... not really a meal... but better than eating it in a soup
I just... I like things being separate, and distinct, and preferably somewhat firm though I'm ok with like steamed broccoli textures
It just sucks cause it's like... I'm... I'm not up to teaching myself to cook yet (there's no one that's can teach me here). I currently can make mac and cheese using this nice cheese powder I managed to get my hands on quite a lot of... and that's it, that's my entire culinary catalog
So that's the deal with my mom, she cooks and does the dishes... I do literally everything else around the house... she does not do the dishes a lot of the time, she often leaves them gunky and leaves the kitchen a mess... and... you know... often don't even really get much to eat and when I do it's often something she knows I don't like and just... kind of decides I actually do like
(Like fuck does she ever love using tomatoes despite me really disliking tomatoes in 95% of things. Basically I only like it in ketchup and some sauces, and even then... I don't like marinara very much for instance, I just... I really dislike tomatoes)
I'm just tired
Like you need to understand, this is literally, and I'm not joking or exaggerating here, literally the only thing she does around the house (other than... I hope keeping her toilet clean... certainly doesn't keep the area around it clean)
I don't know... I really do have to do everything myself, as in... if I want it done at all, it'll only get done if I do it
...but I suck and I don't get shit done, so... it just doesn't get done
...which is why I really just need to stop being alive
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Casually Proposing To Jason Todd:
Warning: Suggestive at the end
You were lying with Jason in bed while he was reading Pride and Prejudice to you. You were laying on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart.
You couldn't help but fidget with the small, black, velvet box in the pocket of your his hoodie.
You've had the ring for weeks now. You were sure you wanted to marry him, to spend the rest of your life with him. But you didn't know when would be the right time.
You also knew Jason didn't like labels. So, did he even want to marry you? Did he just like what you two have now?
You were satisfied with what you have now. But you couldn't help but want that little band around your finger as a little reminder that the two of you will be together forever.
"You still with me, mama?" his voice interrupting you from your thoughts. You look up to him, admiring his face and placing a soft kiss against one of the moles on his neck.
"Mhm, keep reading," you say, laying your head on his shoulder.
Jason bookmarks the novel, placing it on the nightstand beside him, shuffling to face you. He kisses your forehead, brushing stray hairs away from your face.
"You've been zoning out a couple of times these past couple of weeks, doll. What's up? Y'know you can talk to me," he softly says, showing hints of worry in his voice.
Your arm wraps around his torso, cuddling closer to him. Fuck it. No better time like the present.
"What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" You ask, avoiding eye contact with him while fiddling the hem of his shirt.
Jason chuckles, "Sorry, what?"
"I said what would you say if I asked you to marry me," you repeat, more quietly this time, worried that this might've been a mistake.
He playfully laughs. "I dunno babe. Maybe you'd have to ask me for real to find out," he jokes.
You take a breath and pull out the box from your pocket, opening it up to reveal the ring.
You feel Jason's breath stop for a split second, and his heart beat speeding up. He doesn't say anything, so you speak up before he gets a chance to respond.
"Jay... I know you don't like labels, but... the only person I can imagine spending the rest of my life with is you. You go on and on about how I deserve better, or I deserve to be with someone better. But you're better. You're perfect. And I do want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna wake up every day with you, and I wanna go to sleep every night with you. I just want you. And I know we don't have to get married to make all of that happen... I dunno it's probably stupid, but... Will you marry me?"
You look up to him with hopeful eyes, hoping he'd say yes. But he doesn't say anything. He just keeps staring at you.
"You- you don't have to say yes, I just wante-mmph!"
You were quickly interrupted with Jason's lips, colliding against your own, turning you over so he's hoverung above you. You smiled and kissed him back. When you broke the kiss, he peppered quick, small kisses around your face, making you giggle as you slid the ring on his finger.
He manoeuvred his lips to your neck. "Was this what my baby was worrying about all week? Worried that I'd say no?" His voice drops an octave, starting to nibble on your skin.
"I- I thought you didn't like labels," you say, trying to hold back your moans.
Jason couldn't help but lightly laugh at your silly thoughts.
"Fuck, mama. You could've asked me to marry you in the middle of a fight, and I still would've said yes to my pretty girl," he says, rolling his hips down against yours.
"Fuck- Jason!" You whimpered, hands gripping his curled, fluffy hair.
"Shh, relax doll. Lemme show you how much I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."
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lovely-peace · 1 month
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Summary: The marauders are popular in school, sure. But that doesn't mean that they are really nice. In the end you are just living the basic high-school experience.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: Low self esteem, past bullying?, This is no bully! Marauders fic!!
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"You four back there, pull yourselves together now or I'll break you up!"
James' laughter could be heard all the way to the front, to my ears, along with the giggling of the girls next to me.
Great. So I must have been wrong again.
Professor McGonagall was now looking at me, teachingly. "To get back on topic. You have the right idea, but it's not quite that simple. To transform a body, it is of great importance…"
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. You weren't that far off the mark." Lily tried to comfort me. That was easy for her to say, she would never be wrong.
And the golden git Gryffindors would never make fun of her.
"Evans, will you come here?" There stood the loverboy James, ready to have another go at her.
Lily rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically at me. "Don't take these idiots seriously, okay?"
With that, she walked in his direction, and did just that.
But I shouldn't be so hard on her because she was really trying to cheer me up, even though we're not really friends. She's clearly, well, more present than my friend Amy and me.
Amy was Gryffindor just like me, but didn't have transfiguration. She called the subject "A walking unnecessary babble".
Oh how I wish I had thought that when I chose my subjects.
I could still see Sirius grinning as James talked to Lily, Remus just stood there ashamed and Peter patted him on the shoulder.
Sirius noticed my look and whispered something to Remus, who flinched and turned away. I snorted.
Sirius' laughter was still ringing loudly in my ears, long after I had escaped to Amy's and my dorm.
"Well, I think they're really annoying. That's all." Amy pushed a plate of dinner towards me. She immediately realized something was wrong and I wasn't ready to go to dinner. I was very glad she was so good at the invisibility spell.
"Yes, but everyone likes them. Even Lily likes the four of them, even though she's always upset about them!" I groaned loudly and accepted the plate gratefully.
Amy looked at me with a smile. "Well, I don't really like them. They're entertaining, but I think they lack empathy."
"I think they're all stupid ego centers who only make themselves so important because they actually feel so bad about themselves." I took a big bite.
"And yet you can't stop talking about the four of them." Amy was grinning now. "I thought you said the other day that 'Remus isn't actually that bad and nice to talk to'?"
I almost choked at the mention of meeting the quieter boy of the group. It had been three months since we had met and talked in the library.
"That was something else. He just watches and lets the others get away with everything." I quietly turned to my food and Amy dropped the subject.
Oh, how I hated this cycle. Getting up. Eating at a house table where I know everyone and yet no one really. Subjects in which I will eventually make a mistake. Skipping meals to avoid the stares. Sleeping.
Hogwarts isn't that different from other schools. The same faces making fun of the same things. But we're all supposed to be adults soon, aren't we?
I should stop before I sound like an angsty teen.
Breakfast. New day, same course. I sat down opposite Amy and a laugh escaped my lips at one of her jokes.
But then another girl sat down next to me. Marlene McKinnon.
"Hey, you two, how are you?" she smiled, but something made me uncomfortable.
"Good, good." Amy laughed. "And you?"
"Oh, just fine." Marlene looked at my plate as if to check something. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable having a few chocolate cookies in the morning.
She turned to me. Oh no.
"Hey, this might be a bit sudden, but I'd like to know something." There was this twinkle in her eye that I didn't like at all.
I looked at Amy, who just shrugged her shoulders.
"Okay?" Very carefully. Don't make any big mistakes.
"If you had to date someone from Gryffindor, who would it be?"
I looked confusedly at Amy, who had to pull herself together not to burst out laughing.
Marlene shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I was just a bit curious as I've never seen you in a relationship with anyone before."
I saw her eyes twitch briefly to the right. When I looked in that direction, not very inconspicuously, I saw Sirius whispering something to James. He grinned at Remus in response.
"Well, I can't really think of anyone right now, sorry Marlene."
She looked at me in surprise and wanted to say something, but Amy gasped in shock. Shocked, she clutched her chest. "After everything we've been through!" she didn't exactly say that quietly. To my dismay, quite a few heads turned towards us. Including the idiots.
"Amy-" I began, but she talked herself into her theater rage. "Hush! I don't want to hear any excuses! I thought we were something special! But no. In the end, I'm just another one of the many picks that will never be taken." She stood up. She skillfully looked away and took in the audience. "I can reassure you. I was prepared for all of this."
"Amy, it's not what you think!" I played along a little now. "I couldn't be so open about something so… Say something like that!"
Amy furrowed her brow. "Girl, no homo."
The Gryffindor table laughed and we fled the room.
Outside, we also laughed a bit, but Amy quickly composed herself.
"Did you see how he looked at you?"
I furrowed my brow. "Who?"
She rolled her eyes. "Remus, of course."
"Maybe it's because you made a big show," I said playfully, heading towards our next class.
"Hmm, but I think then he wouldn't have looked at you so longingly-"
"With red cheeks and big heart eyes!" I walked faster while she laughed.
"That's all nonsense. Marlene only asked because one of those idiots requested it."
Amy looked at me confused. "Why would they do that?"
"Oh, they were looking at us too. And yesterday they were whispering among themselves. They probably find me really funny."
Amy became very quiet after that.
The only sounds were our footsteps and voices in the distance.
"You know," Amy began quieter than usual. "It's not like it used to be. We're all slowly growing up. We're not the odd ones out anymore. I think," she took a deep breath. "That the four of them won't make fun of us, of you, anymore."
How much I wished I could believe that. But I won't be able to, even if Remus talks to me in the library or Peter asks me if I like certain creatures.
Because in the end, I gave up on that a long time ago.
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hi! Congratulations on getting more followers! You totally deserve it:)
Can I ask for prompt 5 with Floyd, Idia and Leona?
Thank you<3
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5. Jealousy pt.1- seeing their partner wearing someone else's jacket
(^ワ^) thank you annon, your words mean a lot. Of course you can! how did i know Floyd was gonna get this prompt
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, miscommunication and jealousy but everything ends happy. Check out the rest of the event requests here.
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Floyd unceremoniously dumps you off his in a secluded corner of the gymnasium hallway.   “Shrimpy…" he whines, yanking on the hem of the used gym shirt you are wearing as he uses his other arm to cage you against the wall "where did you get that shirt?” “From the laundry basket in your room this morning?”  He had stolen your blazer a few days ago to as a joke so you had impulsively decided to pay him back by snatching something of his. He's always whining about wanting you to wear is clothes anyway, why is he so upset? “It’s yours isn’t it?” “Nah.” Floyd's lips purse in displeasure.  “Nah, that's Jade’s not mine.  If ya look, he has his name written in stupid little letters on the tag.”  Oh.  OH.  Well, now you just feel stupid and fix your eyes firmly on his shoes. How could you be so stupid? Of course, some of Jade's clothes would be in the room's ONE laundry basket. Hell, you aren't actually sure Floyd uses the hamper now that you think about it. You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for the teasing as you look up prepared to apologize, only to completely lose your train of thought at the sight of Floyd yanking his jersey over his head. “FLOYD!”
“Huh?  What’s wrong lil shrimpy?" A very sharp grin emerges from the cloth, though he doesn't bother to take his arms out of the shirt just yet. "I'm on the bench aaaaaaaany way ‘s not like I need it.” “You’ll be cold!” It's the wrong argument to make when he practically has you pinned to the wall. “No I won’t,” he giggles, good mood blown back to life by the flames of your embarrassment “and if you’re that worried just stay here and squeeze me.”
"You're seriously too unaware for your own good." Idia mutters, wrapping himself further into Jack's jacket as you try to hide yourself in his hoodie. The outline of his hair flickers a gentle pink as the two of you try your best to avoid looking at each other.
"He was just worried about me being cold because I wouldn't stop sneezing during class." Idia's sweatshirt smells surprisingly nice, and once you get the courage to look up at your boyfriend he doesn't look bad in the regular uniform jacket either. Though you have to admit, he is at his cutest when he is comfortable and he definitely is not right now.
"We aren't in the same classes so I miss out on time limited quests like that, huh." He mutters, reaching up to fidget with his headphones while you wonder if touching him would spook him too much. "It's almost like everyone forgets we're together."
"I'd never let them do that!" You decide to risk it, wrapping your arms around Idia's torso in a loose embrace he can escape if he needs to. It forces him to really look you over, taking in the full sight of you in his hoodie and a deep, deep breath.
It makes his hair explode into a beautiful hot pink display.
"On second thought take it off." He squeaks, jumping back from your hug and burying his face in his hands.
"Quick, I can't handle this much agrro!"
There is an angel at rest in the furthest corner of the NRC library. Their head is firmly smashed against a text book, leaving a clear dent in their cheek that is threatening to turn into a series of paper cuts. Anyone would look at them and be drawn in...
Which was precisely the problem. Someone had forgotten they had a much more comfortable place to nap and a much more comfortable partner than a stack of old books, and hadn't gone looking for him, forcing Leona to do some work for once. And good thing he decided to go on patrol too, some small brained herbivore had decided to try and push in on his territory. As if sensing his presence, you stir in your sleep slightly and Leona suppresses a smile. Barely.
"Oy." Leona bats the offending jacket off from around your shoulders, resisting the urge to turn it to sand, reminding himself that would be petty and beneath him.
Exactly where that jacket was right now.
"Leona?" You murmur sleepily, trying to resist the temptation to rub your eyes. His heart clenches painfully in denial of how cute you are.
"What are you some sort of cub? Making me come looking for you like this." His insults make you smile for some reason as you reach to shove your books back into your bag blissfully unaware of the jealousy storming behind them.
"Let's go take a nap," you hum, well aware those are some of Leona's favorite words "I had a really nice dream about you, wanna actually wake up in your arms next time." Well now, Leona certainly isn't going to argue with that.
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
Hey how do you cook chicken so often. It's always a huge fucking hassle to me to prep and cook chicken and it's so expensive I usually don't bother. Is there some trick you know for making it easy?
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the answer's a lot more simple than ya think. i just have a huge bag of chicken breasts in the freezer. dont remember PRECISELY how much it was, pretty sure under $25 for 10 pounds at costco, and it'll last you several weeks when cooking for one.
the only real "prep" for making it easier is, when i don't have any chicken thawed in the fridge, i take some out of the freezer and put it into a plastic bag in the fridge. then, by the next day, ive got chicken that can be cooked and eaten up in 10 minutes. while still raw, it'll stay good for 2 days refrigerated, and up to 4 if you're stupid.
the breasts are actually a little bigger than i'd like when cooking just for myself, so while they're still frozen i find their middle and split them in half on the hard corner of my kitchen counter.
before seasoning, pat down the breast with a paper towel to get excess moisture off. it'll cook more evenly and make seasoning stick easier. i only use salt and pepper before cooking because im lazy and spiceless (poor), but you can definitely use herbs and whatnot when cooking. also smash down some of the thicker bits of the meat with the bottom of a cup or a mallet if you've got one. as long as the breast isn't thicker than, say, the width of your index finger, it'll cook through very easily, mostly in its own juices. otherwise you'll have a harder time cooking it evenly, though it can still be done. it just takes longer and might not look as nice.
pan-frying is as easy as putting in a splash of olive oil (not a ton, just enough for the breast to rest in), and cooking for 5 to 7 minutes on both sides, depending on how brown you want it. this is on medium-high heat, so i set my stove's little heat dial to 6 or 7.
for reference, the meal i made today (chicken breast, hashbrown, fried kale) was prepared in about 15ish minutes, including prepping the chicken and getting it on the pan, which was done first cuz it takes the longest to cook. the hashbrowns cooked on the far side of the pan away from the chicken, and the kale in my air fryer for 3 minutes. the chicken came off the pan first, and i let it rest for a few minutes while i let the hashbrowns finish cooking.
it sounds like a lotta work, but sincerely the most tedious thing about cooking with chicken is thawing it out, so having a few single-person servings of chicken in the fridge makes the whole process much simpler.
make sure that you're wiping down surfaces and utensils that the chicken touches while still raw, and try not to let any of the other foods at all. salmonella is easily avoidable, but still no joke.
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muchosbesitos · 8 months
powerless part 2
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: pre-spider society miguel, jealous reader 🫣, smut, mutual masturbation, unprotected p in v
author’s note: sry i took a lil break, i had a bit of a writer’s block when it came to this part 🫡 part no one rly asked for but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless
word count: 4k
powerless part one 
You and Miguel had been dancing around that line between being friends and being something more for the past few weeks. You could forgive him for that given the fact that he's been busy with a new prototype at Alchemax and he's been out saving the city. Your friends had stopped speaking to you after what happened, immediately choosing to side with Krystal despite them telling you that they'd never pick a side beforehand. You tried to keep your mind busy, to fill in the void with empty projects and your work, but nothing seemed to satisfy you.
You were in the middle of cooking up something for dinner when you heard a knock on your window, noticing Miguel leaning against it. You opened it up, noticing that it was starting to rain outside. "What is with you coming to my place whenever it's raining?" You asked him with a small giggle, stepping back to let him come inside. He pulled away the mask and only then did you notice the pained expression on his face, your eyes drifting down to the gash on his abdomen. You laughter died off and you helped him lay down on the couch, going to your bathroom to get something to clean him up with.
You poured some rubbing alcohol into a rag, starting to clean up the wound and blood surrounding it. Miguel let out a hiss as the alcohol seeped through the wound, stinging him and you shot him an apologetic look as you continued to clean him up. "How'd it happen?" You asked him once the blood stopped, stepping back to give him some space as he healed. "Just a fight with Doc Ock, the usual," he responded, his breath shallow. "Feel free to use the shower whenever you're ready," you told him, going back to the kitchen to make sure the food didn't burn.
He came back a little while after taking a shower, smelling like your body soap and he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as you were just finishing up the meal. "What are you making, hermosa?" He asked you, his words coming out muffled given that he'd buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I watched Ratatouille the other day so I decided to try out the dish. Turns out, it's not as easy as the stupid rat makes it seem but I don't think it looks too bad," you respond and he looked over your shoulder at the food baking. "I'm sure it's delicious, little chef."
"Oh come on! It's not that bad," you protested as Miguel spat out the first bite he'd taken of the food. "No, no. It's just.. too much for my taste buds to handle, y'know? It's just so good that I can't contain it," he responded, avoiding eye contact with you as he spoke. You rolled your eyes, putting a piece of eggplant in your mouth just to prove a point to him. You quickly spat it out, taking a sip of water to wash down the taste. You look up to see Miguel looking at you with a small smirk on his face, like he was daring you to try and defend the dish. "Alright, come on. I’ll help you make it again," he told you, gesturing you to join him in the kitchen as he stood up.
You began chopping up the eggplants while Miguel chopped up the onions, claiming that he wouldn't cry because of them. A couple seconds pass before you pick up sounds of him sniffling as he's cutting, though he did pretty well at masking it. You opened up the faucet next to him, a trick that your mom had taught you as his sniffling started to stop. "Thanks," he mumbled, clearly embarrassed and you go back to chopping the vegetable. "Why do these things have to be so big?" you whined as you cut the pieces into thin slices. "I'd say my eggplant's bigger," he responded, laughing at his own joke.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Never say that again."
"Yes ma'am."
Eventually after a series of jokes and chopping up vegetables, the two of you were waiting for the dish to finish up. You were setting up the table while he was responsible for making sure that it didn't end up slightly burned like last time, his attention solely on the oven. The two of you sat to eat and he began telling you about his day, how he'd basically swung around the entirety of Nueva York. "How about you? Have your 'friends' called you?" He asked, putting the word in quotation marks as he rolled his eyes. "No, they haven't. Probably still pissed off that I won't apologize to them for pursuing something with you," you responded as you were finishing up with your food, taking a sip from your drink. "I know you didn't ask for my two cents, but if they were okay losing you in the first place then maybe they're not your friends."
A couple of days passed by before you had the opportunity to see Miguel again. He'd texted you early enough in the day to tell you that he would be taking you out tonight, to dress up in something nice. You headed out to the mall in hopes to find something adequate to wear, since most of your clothes weren't suitable for going to nice places. You were walking around the mall for some short time while you stumbled on your group of friends giggling and talking amongst themselves. You were planning on ignoring them, but your plans were quickly changed when one of them called you over.
Your throat bobbed as you walked over to them, trying to see what they wanted from you. "All you have to do is apologize to Krystal and we'll let you back in our group," one of them told you and you couldn't help it anymore. "Why not ask Krystal to apologize for the way that she treated me? For the way that she treated all of you? You all defend her actions but the only reason that she pursues the men she does is because someone else has interest in them," you respond and you could tell that their patience was running thin. "Either you apologize to Krystal right now or you're dropped from the group," the same one told you, her eyes boring into you.
You looked at the satisfied look on Krystal’s face and decided that it wasn't worth it anymore. "I'm sorry for sending you that picture, it was really petty of me. But I'm not apologizing for pursuing something with Miguel," you spoke to Krystal, looking at her directly as she scrambled to look upset when all eyes turned to her. "And as for the group, you can drop me. You're all hypocrites, getting pissed off when someone does something wrong but being perfectly okay when Krystal does it. She's not even supposed to be in this group, the only reason she's in it is because her sister wanted us to pity her," you finished off, not caring if you went too far and walked away.
Though the memories that you shared with your friends was something that you would miss, you felt a sense of relief at finally letting them go. You walked into a couple other stores and ended up buying a new dress and a set of lingerie just in case. When you got home, you decided to do something you'd been meaning to do for quite some time now since you were running on that 'high' of how good it felt to defend yourself. You grabbed your name tag and apron and took the train to the restaurant you worked at, confident in the decision that you were taking.
You walked to the back of the restaurant and sat down while you waited for the boss to come in. "What are you doing here? You have the day off today," your boss told you once he stepped inside the office, sitting down behind his desk. "I wanted to tell you that i'm quitting. I appreciate the opportunity that you gave me but I don't think this place fits my needs anymore," you told him, handing over your stuff. He shrugged and gave you your last paycheck before you were dismissed out of his office. You were thankful that the exchange had gone fairly well since your boss wasn't exactly the most pleasant person to work with.
You got ready for your date with Miguel as soon as you got back home, a little giddy as you took a shower. You couldn't help but wonder if this was the date where he'd make things official, to ask you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. On another part, you couldn't help but think if he was just taking you someplace nice to break up with you so it wouldn't hurt as bad. You decided to just go along with the flow and brush those thoughts out of your head. You finished up just in time, your doorbell ringing as you put the finishing touches on your outfit.
"Wow, chaparra. you look.. phenomenal," he told you as soon as you opened the door, butterflies taking flight in your stomach. You stepped aside to let him come inside and he handed you a bouquet of flowers. You thanked him and went to go set them in a vase, putting them down on your dining table. "Ready?" He asked you once you finished up and you nodded, grabbing his hand as he led you out. You locked up behind you and the two of you headed to the date he had planned out.
He ended up taking to you to the art museum and you had a suspicion that it'd been because you mentioned that you wanted to go. "So, how was your day today?" He asked you, holding your hand as the two of you started to walk around the museum. You told him what happened today and you expected him to call you out for quitting your job, but he did no such thing. "I'm proud of you for finally standing up for yourself. You've been miserable at that job for months," he told you, stroking your hand as he walked next to you.
Though he protested some, he still let you take some pictures of him with the paintings. You had to step back a couple feet just to capture his entire frame and he couldn't help but laugh at the distance that you'd created. He took some pictures of you as well, capturing you in the frame perfectly. "Y'know if this whole Alchemax thing doesn't work out, you should be a photographer," you told him as the two of you walked through the exhibits. "With all the technology available, you seriously think there's a need for photographers?" He asked you, looking down at you as he held your hand. "Well, just because it's available doesn't mean that everyone knows how to work it," you responded with a small shrug. “Touché."
He ended up taking you to dinner after the two of you finished walking through the museum, taking you to a nice area of town. "Hi, what would you like to order today?" The waitress asked, facing Miguel as she placed her manicured hand on his shoulder. You had to restrain yourself from saying something to her especially given the fact that Miguel wasn't committed to you yet, but you couldn't help the jealousy brewing in your stomach. "I'll have a medium rare steak with a side of rice, please. And a coke," he ordered and the waitress scrambled to write it down on her notepad. She started to walk away, not paying any mind to you until Miguel called for her to come back.
"What do you want?" She asked you, the annoyance on her face evident as she looked at you. "I'll have a shrimp alfredo with a coke, please," you told her, trying to remain polite. "Are you sure you don't want a salad? You look like you could benefit from it," she responded, letting out a laugh at her own joke. You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked up at her, still trying to restrain yourself. “No, what I ordered will be fine," you told her through gritted teeth, clenching your fists together.
Though you were aware of the struggles that waitresses went through as a previous one yourself, you felt no sympathy towards that woman with the way she acted towards you. The worst part about it was that Miguel seemed to be oblivious to the way that she acted around him, making a point to come to the table every 3-5 minutes to check up on him or see if he needed anything. He noticed the expression on your face and his brows furrowed, his hands holding yours now. "What's wrong?" He asked you, his eyes trying to read you properly. "That waitress keeps flirting with you and you don't even realize it. And the worst part about this whole thing is that I can't even be jealous because you're not even official with me," you told him, letting go of his hands as the waitress came back with the food.
The rest of the dinner was a bit awkward, with some minor conversation about how the food was. Though, you could appreciate that Miguel told the waitress that he wasn’t interested. He escorted you home and he lingered for a couple seconds in front of your door, his hand not letting go of yours. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend today. Not because of what happened at the restaurant or anything, but because I can't think of wanting to be with anyone else other than you. I’m sorry if you didn't really feel that way," he spoke up after a while of silence and you turned to look at him, feeling guilty for snapping at him during dinner. "I'm sorry if I ruined dinner, I didn't mean to. I was just.. confused about where we going in this whole thing," you told him, rubbing his hand reassuringly.
"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked you, a little smile appearing on his face. "The answer was always yes, idiot," you mumbled, holding on to his shoulders for support as you kissed him. You opened up the door to your apartment and led him inside, thankful to the gods that you'd cleaned up the apartment and bought that new set of lingerie. He closed the door with his foot as he kissed you, locking the door with the best of his ability before he hoisted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he led you to your bedroom, your lips intertwined on the way there.
He placed you down on the bed, hovering above you as the two of you continued to kiss, your hands intertwined in his soft curls while his rested on your hips. He slowly pulled the dress down, his eyes widening a bit as he saw the lingerie you were waiting. "Should've skipped dinner and just went straight to dessert," he mumbled, his lips running through your neck as he kissed it. He bit down on some spots, careful not to inject you with any of his venom as he left some marks on you. "Just in case you're ever confused about who you belong to again."
He stripped off his clothes and sat down next to you, spreading your legs so he'd get easy access to your wet cunt. He brought up a finger to your lips, tapping on your bottom one so you'd open up. You wrapped your mouth around his finger, looking at his eyes as you coated it with your saliva. He pulled away and ran that finger down your folds, collecting extra slick. He pushed the tip of his finger inside, teasing you as he pushed it and out slowly. You let out a small whine for him to do something more but you only received a laugh in response. "Use your words," he cooed, his thumb gently pressing against your clit. "Please," you begged, looking up at him with your best 'fuck me' eyes.
"Please what?"
"Please use your fingers."
"Is that not what I'm doing?"
You wanted to let out a whine at his relentless teasing, the words in your mind turning to mush already from how needy you were. "Please fuck me with your fingers," you managed to tell him and he kissed your forehead. "You should've just said so," he responded condescendingly, stretching your cunt out with this one finger. Your hand wrapped around his cock, collecting some of the precum that was leaking out and lathered it all over the shaft. You kept a steady pace as you tightened your hand around him, just enough to simulate the feeling of your cunt. Your hips began to ride Miguel’s finger, your cunt eager to receive some sort of friction. He let out a moan as you cupped his balls with your other hand, your thrusts never halting.
Miguel’s palm worked up against your clit, providing you with stimulation as he pushed another finger inside of your cunt. Your walls clenched around his fingers, a tight grip around them as he moved them in and out. You curled your toes as you felt his thumb rub small circles on your clit, the sensation filling your veins with need. Your mouth was parted as you begged him to keep going, your moans filling up the room. You gripped his forearm as you came, your vision spotting as your juices coated his fingers. He brought his fingers up to his lips, sucking your juices off like you were the finest nectar.
You used both your hands to jerk Miguel off now, a tight grip on his shaft as you moved your hands up and down. He let out a small hiss as you brushed up against his tip, being a little sensitive there. You brought your mouth down to it, swirling your tongue as your hands worked to get him to that climax. He held your head in place as spurts of cum flew in your mouth, your cheeks hollowing to receive everything that he would give you. You eagerly swallowed down his cum and he pulled you in for a kiss, the taste of you and him combined overwhelming your senses.
He laid you down on the bed and kissed down your body, leaving small marks on your breasts and your stomach before he sat up. He gave his cock a couple pumps before he kneeled closer to you, placing just the tip in. You let out a small grunt as your walls fluttered, trying to accommodate to his size. "Hey, calm down. Take a couple deep breaths for me and try to relax," he tried to reassure you, his hands rubbing small circles on your thighs. You nodded and began to focus on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly. You did this a couple more times until you felt relaxed, gesturing Miguel to move afterwards.
He pushed the rest of his cock in one swift motion, giving you some time to adjust to the stretch. "You're so good taking me like this, mi vida. We have all night, there's no pressure," he whispered, leaning into give your neck a couple kisses. You did the same thing as last time, focusing on your breathing rather than the stinging between your legs before it started to morph into pleasure. You nodded and looked over at Miguel, and he started to slowly move his cock out of you. He started off slow, giving you plenty of time to adjust as you found necessary.
"You can speed up," you told him and he complied, his thrusts getting faster and deeper the more your cunt swallowed him up. Your hands went to his back, scratching him as he thrusted deep into you. He leaned over, attaching his mouth to one of your nipples as he ran his mouth on the neglected bud. You couldn't help but moan at just how stimulated you felt, your hand reaching down to rub circles on your clit. He swatted your hand away and replaced your hand with his own, his mouth moving to the other breast. "You just lay there and take it, baby. I’ll do all the work," he mumbled, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he sped up.
One of the ridges of his cock brushed up against your g-spot as his thrusts got deeper and you gripped his shoulders tightly. He took that as an indication and adjusted the angle so that his cock would brush up against the gummy spot with every stroke that he took. His thumb worked on rubbing quick circles on your clit and you felt that knot inside of you tightening up, threatening to snap loose at any time. "That's my girl. taking it so well," he told you and you came with a moan of his name, your nails digging into his shoulders as you did. You could hear a squelch with each thrust that he took as he chased his own orgasm, his thrusts getting sloppy quick. You looked up to see his blood-red eyes already looking at you and you brought him in for a kiss.
He came as soon as your lips came in contact with his, overwhelmed by everything around him. He managed to pull out in time and his cum was leaking onto your stomach. You picked some of it up with your pointer finger, licking it clean as you looked directly at him. He kissed you as you did, the taste of him and his essence intoxicating. He pulled out of your cunt slowly and walked to the bathroom, bringing a small towel to clean you up. He led you to the shower and lathered you up with soap, going for another round after he saw how eager you were to take him.
You woke up the next morning and frowned upon not seeing him there next to you, not expecting him to leave in the middle of the night. You got up and walked to the kitchen, seeing your boyfriend cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" He asked when he turned to look at you, his hair sticking up in all directions. "No, I just thought you left," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you took in the sight. Miguel had stayed and he was dancing to a bachata song playing in the radio as he cooked breakfast. "I'd never leave you, mi amor. Breakfast's almost done, just sit there and wait," he told you, kissing your forehead.
He ended up making huevos rancheros for the both of you along with some fresh coffee. "Did you mop?" You asked, looking up at him as the smell of lavender Fabuloso filled your nostrils. "I did, yeah. I accidentally spilled some of the milk," he responded, taking a bite out of his eggs. The two of you ate in comfortable silence for a couple minutes before he spoke up. "Did you like last night? Is there something you'd like me to improve on?" He asked you, taking a sip from his coffee. "No, it was good. I liked it. You were attentive to my needs and everything," you assured him, finishing up with your food a couple seconds later.
He ended up calling sick to work that day and spent the day with you in your apartment. He sat down with you on the couch as he looked through job postings with you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. "You're too smart for another waitressing job. You didn't get a college degree to settle for less. Choose something that's gonna make you happy," he told you as your fingers hovered through a restaurant gig. "But what if I'm not good enough?" You asked him, still stuck in that bubble of wanting to do something familiar. "You're going to be more than good enough. And if one job doesn't like you, then there are more jobs out there," he responded, kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, chaparra?"
"Te amo." (i love you)
"Y yo también te amo." (and i love you too)
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painism · 26 days
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FIRST KISSES ! featuring , jjk, aot, mha, cod, bsd, tr ... more
warnings :: multiple media, fluff, no mature themes, first kisses, female reader, pet names from all under the sun used, not proof read, messy, ōs like this for fun, to avoid plagiarism
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stumbling through the front door, kicking off his shoes from his exhausting day at work, a long day -- longer than usual. those around him more irritating, as all he wanted was to feel your arms wrapped around him,, he sighed, locking the door as he rubbed at his forehead, his voice calling out for you through a deep rumble. "yesssssssss?" you swing from the hall down acorss from the front door, your hands wrapping around his torso as you pull him into a warm hug, his hands running through your hair. a breath he didn't know he had, releasing as he eases into your arms. his hand tilting your head up towards him as he places a firm kiss on your lips, dragging you behind him while you're still startled. "first kiss?" you question, your brain recollecting the events that happened few seconds before, "first kiss, sweetheart."
nanami kentō, suguru getō, diluc ragnvindr, zhōngli, ayatō kamisatō, draken, mitsuya, simōn (ghōst) riley, armin arlert, erwin smith, itōshi rin,aizawa, reō mikage, ++ your favs
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your hands come through his hair loosely as you hum to yourself to fill the white noise in the room. his eyes closed shut comfortably as his head rests snug against your chest, his hands resting loosely around you. your fingers gently scratching at his scalp, your second hand trailing down his back, he let's out a groan in response, your humming haulting at the noise momentarily. "why'd you stop baby" he whines out, his eyes meeting yours. "you scared me a little.." you return to carding your fingers through his hair, his eyes reshutting as you move to pepper kisses over his face. his forehead, his nose, cheeks over and over again. "everywhere but my lips, baby?" he questions, a smirk tugging on his lips as your eyes flash over his features. "I just want our first kiss to be special.." you mumble, your hands cupping his cheeks as he pulls you closer. "it's always special when it's us." he smiles, turning his head as your lips collide sweetly. pulling away with a pop. "plus, I'd say that was pretty special." he jokes. "shut up, stupid."
gōjō satōru, manjirō (mikey) sanō, tengen uzui, eren yeager, jean kirstein, cōnnie springer, kaeya alberich,heizōu shikanōin ++ your favs
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"it's bullshit," he mumbles, his hand cupped in yours as he drags you behind him, your hand in his as you nod in agreement. "such bullshit!" you say, your voice bumpy from your fast moving steps , an attempting at keeping up with him and his sour, foul mood. "he's an idiot, making our lives 10 times harder.. fool." he mumbles. "such an idiot!" you don't quite know what you're agreeing with, you didn't catch most of his angered rant that fueled over a simple conversation with a co-worker, but it evidently lead you here, trailing down a busy street and away from the restaurant he had took you to for your date, and closer towards his place of work. "sorry our dates ending this way, brat." he mumbles. "it's not over yet, and I may have a recipe to make you feel a little better." you hault in your tracks, him stopping in front, pulling his hand closer, therefore pulling him closer as you pull him into a moment of happiness. a deep kiss, your arms slung over his shoulder. "don't kill the guy, babe" you mumble after you pull away, hand never leaving his.
eren yeager, tōji fushigurō, shiu kōng, ryōmen sukuna, sanemi shinazugawa, blade, il dōttōre, alhaitham, scaramōuche, levi ackerman, kenny ackerman, douma, chuuya ++ your favs
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"my princess girl!" he calls from the corridor of your favourite sushi place, door flung opened as his feet tap increasingly, reaching towards you quickly. "oh my dear, I've missed you! it was such a pain without my darling in my corner!" he whines and moans out in complaint, clinging to you as you rub over his hair, sushi in hand as you smile, half embarrassed at his entrance. "you're back early, not that I'm complaining baby." you state, matter of factly. "let's head home?" you question, his eyes twinkling as he further clings to you. "oh absolutely!" he pulls himself up, mid way up you place a kiss on his lips. "let's go home." you walk beside him, as he catches up, cheeks flushed pink as he grazes his hand over his lips. "I've felt the lips of an angel!" he chuckles, his lips brought to yours again, his demeanor shifts, less giggly more intense. "wait till we get to the car, baby" you mumble, his kisses all over your faces as you walk, nearly tripping. "you gave me a taste of heaven princess, I just want moreeeee !"
hanagaki takemichi, gōjō satōru, childe, dōuma, manjirō sanō, rengōku kyōjurō, venti, ittō, dazai osamu ++ your favs
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© PAINISM / SAELESTIA 2024. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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judasgot-it · 4 months
i would like to know what hunting dogs would do when they want reader sits on their lap?👀
I am so late to this request but in honor of learning that Tecchou is 6 foot today.... mwah
Scenario: What they do when they want reader to sit on their lap (Jouno, Tachihara, Tecchou) Also slight NSFW elements but like it's mostly jokes. Thought I'd let y'all know ahead of time.
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He's not one for physical touch usually since it overstimulates him, but once and a while he likes to be warm and would definitely be some weird cheesy guy to use it as a sort of intimidation tactic. Like mafia men who pet cats.
If it's in any sort of public setting, it's because he is well aware you're hot and sexy (everyone who reads this is, because I said so) and loves to cuck people sometimes. He's probably into some shit like that idk
He probably does it in the most obnoxious way possible too - you'd think you're in some dark romantasy with the way he's acting. It's all a part of some evil scheme to piss off some dude that he's mildly annoyed by
Definitely does it once and a while though whenever you're in fancy af places. Dude likes to be praised and has a lot of money, don't tell me he wouldn't love to have someone pretty in his lap calling him nice things
Especially if you're his partner, he wants to show off that he won - he's blind, not stupid. He knows people are jealous.
Pulls you in by the waist and talks as if it's the first time he ever met you. He'll pull out some poetry and shit while tracing your hipbones, he does know how to make you feel enamored.
At home? In private? He probably likes his space but when he wants to have you in his lap, he just does it.
What are you? Too busy for your boyfriend? Nuh-uh. He just takes you. Are you going to punch a gift horse in the mouth?
Jouno has a big ego sometimes, thinking his mere touch is so special.
Although I think it's less of a physical want for touch and more of a security thing. He needs to know that you're there and aren't going to disappear from him
I think sometimes he is a little insecure and he just needs a hug, but it's hard to ask so he just. Pulls you into his chair and buries his face in your shoulder
I also headcanon that he gets cold easily, so once and a while he gives in and just uses you as his portable heater
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Is all up in your space all the time, doesn't even realize how it might look to others.
Touching you, kissing you, practically glued to your side and staring at your face. If he's not on a mission, he is obsessed with you no matter what.
If you can't sit next to each other he'll just have you sit on his lap - he has big thighs, he makes a better seat anyway. Or he'll sit on the bench and let you sit on him if it's too cold for you - he's a gentleman, even if it means freezing his own ass off.
Isn't super handsy like Jouno is, he just wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady and hold you close to him.
Definitely manhandles you though, makes you feel like you weigh nothing when he just casually holds you in one arm like a cat
He's more casual about it, but that's because PDA can be pretty easy for him. As long as he can have one hand on his sword, he's happy and feels safe
At home he can sit like that forever, but that's also because when he's on his time off he becomes the laziest dog around sometimes. If he's allowed, he would just cuddle up with you and do nothing but sleep
Has fallen asleep with you in his lap, which was cute but also you both avoid making it a habit since he is heavy and will hold onto you so tightly as if you're going to drown or something.
The best option he has is to pull you into his lap and spend time with you like that, even if all you're doing is reading a book or mindlessly scrolling through tiktok
He just wants to feel you there, since he spends so much time away from you
Admittedly he is most likely to get carried away from simple cuddling to other things...
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He only asks when y'all are alone - like REALLY alone. He is used to his mafia image, and even when he doesn't have to keep it up at headquarters, he's scared of being teased.
Likes to hold you in his lap and just talk about each others day, it's one of his favorite forms of cuddling since he can just hold you with him while you're both in the office
He's a little lanky, he's built but he is shifting around a lot and it's hard for him to have you on his lap for so long. He doesn't have the biggest ass in the world (unlike some other dogs on this list)
Like Jouno, is really touchy though - he kisses you, teases your skin, and plays with your hands
He wants to enjoy the time he is spending with you, and if he could he would memorize your entire body with just his fingertips
It's almost like a massage when he does it, tracing your thighs in little patterns while you quickly fill in forms you both needed to do yesterday. He's enjoying his time, what can he say?
At home?
Dude is having you on his lap while you both play games or do your own thing. Parallel play
He want his time, but he doesn't want to lose time with you
It's a compromise, so he can sit on his computer playing PalWorld while you scroll your phone
It's warm, so y'all have the AC down and a blanket on just to enjoy each others company
Almost like a casual date lol
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Idk if these were good tbh, I feel like they're very general? IDK
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misskingshit · 7 months
𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 summary: You knew he was a problem, so maybe this is all your fault. note: They say that you always return to the place where you were happy, and remembering my moments being obsessed with this madman, it's true, I'm back. xoxo
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Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago I was in your sights, you got me alone You found me, you found me, you found me
"Sarah, you said it was going to be a private meeting," you reproached your friend, who, with a sigh, took you by the hand, forcibly leading you when she saw that you had stopped walking, "I told you I'm not in the mood for a party". "It's not a party, It's just that...my brother has a lot of friends…" she looks at you "and they love to drink" you looked at her seriously "okey, yeah, maybe it's a party" she looks at you pleadingly "but I promise I won't leave you alone and we'll have a great time, you can't spend a whole weekend at your house for a guy."
"I don't see anything wrong with having a broken heart, okay? He stood me up!" You almost screamed. Turning your back to the front door. "What a stupid asshole, who in their right mind would leave such a pretty girl alone" a manly voice spoke from behind you, you looked at Sarah in shock, you didn't need everyone to know about this tremendous humiliation. You slowly turned and raised your head a little, meeting the one and only Rafe Cameron. "I don't need any more teasing, thank you," you said seriously. "Oh no, that wasn't a joke, it was literal" he sounded serious, even his face was serious "he must have realized that he wasn't up to you" Your face was surprised. "And how do you know that he wasn't on my level?" At this point, Sarah broke her promise, she was no longer after you. "I just know," he thought a little about her response, getting a little closer to your face, as if he were going to tell you a secret, "but I know someone who is."
'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in So shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been 'Til you put me down, oh
Rafe had this thing, fixing his potholes with material things. And it worked, you always thought it was the way he was used to receiving an apology. Talking things out and expressing his feelings was never an option for him, so now it's not an option for you either. However, he was fine, the way he had with you, you don't know how he did it, but he always managed to somehow make everything… fine, when in reality nothing was. "And I understand that you're busy, Rafe, I really am" he followed your steps "but I would simply like you to dedicate a few moments of your day to me, an hour at least" you opened the door of your car. He analyzes your face, his eyes run over every part of your face, it seems like he's really reading your head, but no… he has no idea. "What do you think of my house in the Bahamas, you and me, alone, for a month?" He brings you closer to him, grabbing your waist. "You will have my attention twenty-four hours a day, love." You wanted to avoid him, but he seemed to be trying, so a small smile escaped your lips. “Well, that sounds exciting.” You didn't even listen well where, you just wanted his time, to be with him. "Oh and it will be" he steals a kiss from you "I'll make sure of that"
No apologies, he'll never see you cry Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why You're drowning
Everything went very fast, maybe you should have slowed down a little. But you really thought it was love. "I don't understand what got into you," he said, annoyed. "I just thought that after the trip you would change a little, you would give me more attention! You ignore me in front of everyone, are you really asking me what got into me?" Your annoyed face was evident. One of the many discussions they have been having. The screen was beginning to transform into a blank noise, everything that at first seemed perfect was collapsing… and you didn't know how to handle it. "I wasn't ignoring you, for God's sake, are you listening to yourself? Stop being so selfish!" You didn't answer, it didn't make sense anymore.
'Cause I knew you were trouble
"Rafe, please, no" you stood in front of him, preventing him from getting any closer to JJ. Your friendship with the pogues was no secret, in fact you knew them before Sarah, Rafe had simply never given that topic so much importance. That definitely changed when he saw you laughing too much, according to him, with your best friend. Maybank. The human being most hated by Cameron. Rafe was definitely not going to stay silent. "What are you defending him from?" He tries to walk past you but you block him again "I'm just going to show him how hurt he's going to end up if he keeps getting close to my girlfriend" Rafe's gaze didn't move from JJ, hatred running through the air. "He's my best friend…" you couldn't finish speaking. "Maybe I should show you how hurt you are going to end up if you keep treating her like trash," the blonde is heard speaking. "JJ, you're not helping…" and it hurt again, you couldn't finish speaking, the hand that was previously touching a hard chest remained suspended in the air. Rafe was going to kill JJ. "God no Rafe!" You couldn't separate them, long story short, everything was followed by more fights with your boyfriend and a full day of nursing with your best friend.
And the saddest fear comes creeping in That you never loved me
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yourejinx · 6 months
Undeniable Bonds
Azriel x F. Reader
Warnings: angst, as per usual. SPOILERS for other SJM series. Mentions of blood, descriptions of injuries, mentions of death, feelings. Not proof read.
Author’s note: Merry Christmas everyone! It took me MONTHS but is finally here, hope you like it. Sorry for making you wait for so long, life has been nothing short of chaotic. I'd like to thank @crazylokonugget , I read your comment. It was the rush of inspiration I needed to get back into writing 🫶🏻
The moon was shining big and bright above the night sky in the city, there was music being played by the river despite the chilling winds of the winter and laughter filled the air around The Rainbow. It all seemed so livid, so peaceful and merry in contrast with the emotional turmoil brewing in your insides. 
You were feeling everything at once, every single thing you had tried to keep concealed for centuries now was ready to combust. You felt confused, and angry, resentful, wary…and underneath it all naively hopeful. It would be a lie to say you had successfully gotten rid of your feelings towards Azriel, if anything all the awful things you've done to each other hurted all the more because of that. He was a friend once, and a good one. Gentle, caring, protective, used to actually enjoy the other's presence, go on walks during the nights when the world felt too heavy, just silently supporting each other. Shared laughs at stupid jokes played at Cass and Rhys, sneaking around while in other courts just for the fun of it, knowing no one would ever find you. You were a team. Until one day you weren’t, he just decided it wasn’t worthy and that was it.  
How were you supposed to open up to this person, when he hadn’t even seen the worst in you and deemed you unworthy? How could you ever trust him again? Yet, here you were, walking side by side next to the Sidra like the old times. You could punch yourself in the face just for considering this, every anxious trait screamed at you to leave, you didn’t owe him a single thing, didn’t have to explain anything. So why did you keep walking alongside him? 
“So…uhm,” He started, nervously scratching at his nape. Trying. He was trying to be open, didn’t hold up that mask of coldness to conceal his emotions, not once. “You and Lucien..?”
“None of your business.” you snapped out of instinct. 
He avoided looking directly at you, focusing on some distant light across the bridge. 
You let out a deep breath, this wasn’t going to work. 
“Just talk to him.” Amren’s voice rang in your head. Try. You had to try, you didn’t have to let him know much just…let the conversation flow, right?
“It was a long time ago, even before Amarantha..” you started, casting a sidelong glance at him.
He turned to you, features soft under the moonlight. Gods, he was unfairly beautiful when he wasn’t an ass. You fixed your sight on the river, if only to keep on track. “Nothing really happened, we were young and drunk at one of Tamlin’s masquerades, we made out and that was it.” 
He nodded slowly and cleared his throat, “And now?”
“Is this what you really want to talk about? He’s my friend, not that I owe you any explanation. Or is this your way to ask if Elain is available now?”
You couldn’t help it, the audacity of this male prying into your private life as if he hadn’t been lusting after Lucien’s mate of all people. Hypocrite doesn’t begin to cut it. 
“I don’t care about Elain, I care about you.” 
You wanted to laugh. “Since when? If I recall correctly you despised me until a week ago, you were either insulting me or just blatantly ignoring me in favor of her, or anyone else really. Then all goes to hell and suddenly I’m worth living for?!” 
He grimaced, “You– you remember that?”
You sighed tiredly and sat down on a bench overlooking the Sidra. “Yes, I remember. I just…I don’t understand you.” 
Azriel just stood there beside you, shifting his weight uncomfortably, not being quite sure what to do.  When he didn’t move or say anything you continued, “I want to believe you,” you swallowed around a lump “but do you hear how it sounds? After all we’ve been through. I trusted you and you threw that in my face, how do you expect me to believe that you care about me?” 
This wasn’t going as he was hoping for, but at least it was something. You were speaking to him more than two sentences, which was a lot more than he deserved to be honest. You could yell at him, curse him, punch him in the face if you wished and he would take it. No complaints. Anything if it meant you’d show him how you truly felt, he wasn’t sure he could endure your silence again, knowing how much he had hurt you. He needed you to let it all out, so he could do something to fix it. 
“I don’t expect you to believe me right away, of course not. I know that I have to earn your forgiveness and one day if I’m one lucky bastard I might earn your trust back once more. But I also know that even when I try to make things right you may not forgive me at all, and I’ll accept that too. Honestly? I just want to know how you feel with all that has happened. The only thing that matters now is you.”
You let out a shaky breath, turning away from him. “I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, everything is a mess.” 
He moved then, crouching in front of you and grasping both your hands on his own, making you look at him. The earnest way he was looking at you, the desperate feeling swimming in his eyes that traveled all the way through the bond. It made you gasp, with all that’s been going on you forgot to put a shield up. Now you could feel him, all of him, which meant  he could feel you. 
“I have no damn right to demand such mercy from you, but if for a single moment you find in your heart a spec of doubt, a small sign of will to forgive this coward for wronging you so unfairly, I just want you to know how sorry I am, for everything. I regret it all, I wish I could take it all back. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, until the day I part from this earth I will fight for you.” 
You were quite sure your bottom lip was trembling as much as his hands were, trying miserably to contain the unwelcomed tears pooling in your eyes. Those were such nice words, the silly part of you that always longed for his recognition wanted so desperately to believe, but there were still too many unresolved things, too many questions still running frantically through your head. And one recurrent thought…
“Did I really have to die for you to notice?”  Your words hung heavy in the air, with a mix of accusation and vulnerability.
Azriel, gaze intense and haunted, looked as if you had just punched a hole through his chest. In that moment, the shadows that bound him seemed to soften, and he confessed the truth that had long eluded you both. It wasn't the brush with death that made him take notice; it was the fear of losing you that shattered the carefully constructed barriers around his heart.
"No, it's not about noticing, it's about realizing what it means to lose you," he admitted, his voice a low, gravelly murmur. Azriel's jaw tightened, a small sign that betrayed the internal struggle within him. "It's not so simple. The thought of a world without your laughter, your presence....Losing you was the worst of my nightmares coming true. I've always cared, but I let my past dictate my actions, and I was cruel to you because I couldn't bear the thought of history repeating itself. But I was wrong, and I almost lost you because of it."
“What do you mean?”
You had unconsciously leaned in closer to him and he swallowed audibly at the intensity in your eyes —obsidian black that sometimes showed swirls of violet and blue. Like lightning striking the midnight sky. They were a rare sight, a beautiful one, he knew that only happened when you felt too much. The telltale sign of the emotions you were so desperately trying to hold back from reaching him.  
“I will tell you everything you want to know, in time. I will lay my heart down for you to step on if you wish. But I believe that is a conversation on its own, I wish to explain everything to you and I don’t think I can do it tonight.” He looked almost pleading. “There’s nothing that can excuse the way I treated you, I’ve been a coward, and an asshole and you have every damn right to be angry with me, to hate me. That much I understand. I just hope you’d be willing to listen when the time’s right.” 
You supposed it was fair. It still made you uneasy and you pulled back a little, ignoring the hurt that flashed through his eyes. Given how strained your relationship was, you guessed it was normal he was still doubtful about sharing too much too soon. You weren’t that willing to particularly share much of yourself yet, if ever. 
Gods, you wished you could rage about everything that has happened, and hated the way his words had soothe an ache in your heart you were making an effort not to acknowledge. 
Time. It would take time to heal, and trust, and effort on both sides to make this work. Whatever this white flag he had weaved tonight meant. You knew it was the right call to make, for the sake of everyone, to try and make amends. That didn’t mean it was going to be easy, some things were too deeply engraved in your heart to let go. 
Did it make you a weak, spineless female to want to give in to him? What was the cost of it? 
“Alright,” you muttered, standing to your feet, Azriel followed you. “If I agree to do this, I’ll need you to be patient. I’m not ready yet to let you in, I still have my doubts about this. I think you understand why. But I want to try to be friends again, that’s as much as I can offer you right now.” 
Friends. That was a lot more than he had dared to ask for, even if in his heart he desired more. It wasn’t about him, nor his desires, it was about you and giving you what you need. So if what you needed from him was friendship, he’ll take it. Make the most of it. 
Azriel nodded, something sparkling to life in his eyes that wasn’t there before. The bond thrummed quietly with emotion. Hope. 
“One step at a time?” you offered, extending your hand to him. 
“One step at a time.” He repeated, taking your hand. 
It was awkward but welcomed, the feeling of something settling within your chest. The mating bond had been neglected for so long that the weight of it felt weird now, as if a missing limb had been spoken into existence. Azriel seemed to notice too, absentmindedly reaching his hand up to rub at his chest. 
You tried not to shudder when he gently tugged at it and opened your mouth to suggest keeping the ends closed for the time being. Unless until you were more comfortable with each other. It was way too intimate and overwhelming otherwise, and that you were not ready for yet. 
“Maybe we should–” you stopped as you felt something warm and thick dripping to your lips. Pressing two fingers to the spot and watching them stained red. Blood. 
Azriel quickly caught up to the movement, body stilling in alert.
“What's wrong?” he asked, stepping closer. 
“I don't know,” A strong pang shot too fast to your head making you gasp and causing you to fall forwards. Azriel’s arms instantly wrapped around your shoulders, holding you to him. His shadows were in a frenzy, surrounding you both while he inspected your face for any signs of injury. 
“Y/N? Talk to me, where does it hurt?” He sounded agitated. 
You could hear Azriel’s voice being muffled and muffled by the second, could feel his warmth and the firm press of his body against yours, but everything was quickly becoming a blurry image. Like some distant dream everything started to fade from sight, the whole scenery changing, twisting and re-adapting. 
Velaris had been replaced for a cold, dark room, the air thick and musty. The sound of crashing waves filling the otherwise silent space. Rusty chains hung wicked and ancient from the stone walls, an iron coffin sitting vacant across from you, open and expectantly waiting for its occupier. You couldn’t move a single muscle, only stare through eyes that were not yours, scent with a foreign nose, the smell of fear, and blood, and immense sadness. 
You blinked twice — or rather this…person whose mind seemed blending with yours did— and gazed down to gauntlet-covered hands. Iron, yet again. There was a slight tremble to this other body, a female’s body, from pain so deep from within her guts and the fire blazing underneath, it rose and rose and rose, flaring until it was pushed down and forced to remain still.
She looked up again, to the lone white wolf lying a few feet away, already watching her. The animal tilted his head to the side as if in contemplation and blinked three times. 
“Are you okay?”
Sound was the first thing to return to you, hurried, hissing voices coming from somewhere around you. 
“I swear on the Cauldron I'll have their heads on spikes as ornamentations for your throne.”  A low, deep growl laced with intent. You recognized Azriel’s baritone voice from beside you. 
Violet and blue-ish gray greeted you when you finally opened your eyes, immediately recognizing the Town’s House living room.
What in hell had that been? It occurred to you that you had dreamed about her before, the female, recognized the same lemon verbena and crackling embers scent from previous dreams, although never catching a full look at her. Who was she? Was she in danger? Was this a warning? 
Frowning you propped up to your elbows to sit, back resting against the couch’s armrest. Feyre gave you a soft smile, sitting down next to your legs. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked, worry staining her features. 
“I'm fine, just a little dizzy.” You craned your neck back to look at the male standing behind the couch, one of his shadows slipping away to caress your cheek before returning to his master. “What happened?” 
Azriel's honey gaze settled upon you, shoulders sagging a bit from relief at the sight of you awake. “You were unconscious for a few minutes, I flew us back here and called Rhys. I didn't know what to do. Are you sure you're ok?” 
“Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you.” You tried to smile softly but barely managed to slightly lift the corners of your mouth. He nodded, unconvinced. After a moment to cringe, you added, “Whose head are we having on spikes?” 
Rhys cleared his throat. “Your brother’s and Damien’s.” Suddenly the room’s temperature dropped. Feyre shifted uncomfortably in her place. We hadn’t openly discussed the situation yet. “If this is a side effect of whatever they did to you, we need to find the–” 
“It 's not.” you interrupted him. 
It wasn't like you didn't want to find them and finish what had started two centuries ago. But it was your fight, you didn't wish to trouble your family with it. Didn't want Rhys particularly involved out of anyone, he was the reason they came back. Albeit unbeknownst to him. They still lusted after his crown, his throne, they wanted vengeance. Your blood as well as his. 
Azriel stared at you, contemplative. You could sense he wanted to ask more but was debating whether it was pushing a boundary or not. It was all new to the two of you, too fresh to know what was appropriate. 
Fidgeting with your entwined fingers on your lap, you decided to offer some truth. Even if they didn't believe you, even if it sounded crazy. 
“This has happened to me my whole life. It doesn't always knock me unconscious, most of the time it's just dreams.” 
Rhys frowned but it was Azriel who asked, “What sort of dreams are those?” 
“I can't fully explain because most of the time I don't understand them. But it is almost like my mind goes somewhere else, like I share one consciousness with another. A female. Though I haven’t figured that out until tonight. I've seen scraps of her mind, and the places She's been, but I don't know her face.” 
You could practically see the engines in Feyre’s mind working.  She had stayed silent for most of the interaction, paying careful attention to each word. 
“And what happened in this…dream? What did you see?” asked Rhys this time. 
“Not much, she seemed to be in some sort of mausoleum? It was barely lit, few candles here and there. It had to be some isolated place next to the sea, I could hear waves crashing against rock. The air was thick and musty. There was a wolf with her.” 
“Do you think it is possible you're dreaming about someone in the Summer Court?” Azriel caught your attention once more. 
“I don't know, could be. But it feels off. There were chains on the walls…and an iron coffin. But she was alive, I think. Maybe she’s a prisoner?” You turned to Feyre then. “You��ve been there when stealing the Book of Breathings, does this sound familiar? Some place you may have seen?” 
She shook her head. “No it doesn't. That doesn't mean it does not exist, I didn't get to see much of the Summer Court. But why would Tarquin keep an iron coffin?” 
You sighed, rubbing your temples. “I don't know, it doesn't make sense. Why would I be dreaming of a female in the Summer Court? How do I relate to that?” 
“What if they're not dreams, per say, but visions? Like Elain's…” she pursed her lips, deep in thought. 
Azriel tensed beside me, I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. I hadn't seen Elain around that much after Solstice night, coming to think of it. Does he think it's my fault? 
“Hadn't thought of it that way. Honestly, I read too much, since I was a kid. I was convinced my mind made it all up until it started to happen during day time. But either way, I don't think this is the case. I mean, nothing that I dreamt of has happened, and if it did, it didn't involve any of us. So we have no way of knowing about it.” 
“It still bugs me. There has to be some explanation to it. It clearly affects you, I don't believe it's normal that these dreams cause you nosebleeds and make you pass out. What if it gets worse?” Rhys pointed out. 
“Beats me. I know as much as you do.” 
“We’ll have to look into it. Whatever this is, and whoever that person may be. Is there something else you remember?” Azriel's brows were pulled together tightly, but his eyes were gentle when he settled them upon me. 
“I just…one time I recall feeling her, here in Velaris. I — she— saw you two.” You pointed to your high lord and lady. Rhys stilled. “But it was like she was falling from the sky, or rather falling through. You were pregnant with little Nyx.” You told Feyre and turned your head to look at Azriel. “I don't remember much about it. I must have passed out, you found me in the hallway shortly after.” 
Azriel gave a tense nod. “I remember you lying face down on the top of the stairs, your books thrown all over the place. Your nose wasn't bleeding though, I thought you were drunk.” he said apologetically.  
I shrugged. “You didn't know, and I couldn't explain either.” 
“If this is a person that's been here without us knowing, then we must start to investigate immediately.” Rhys cut in. 
“But where do we start?” I asked. 
“I'll see if the wards of Velaris had been tampered with, for starters. Maybe we can find some imprint of magic. In the meantime I’d say you learn about bonds and connections, how they work, check your mental shields. If you have access to her mind then there's a possibility she has access to yours, there has to be a link somewhere.” 
“Alright, I'll start to look into it right away. There has to be something in the library about mental connections.” 
“You should rest now.” Azriel placed a hand on my shoulder. “I'll help with the research tomorrow. We can go to the library after training the Valkyries. If that's okay with you.” 
You nodded and relaxed a little. Ignoring the warmth that his touch had spread across your back. 
“Yeah, it's fine. Tomorrow then.” 
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poppy-metal · 6 months
cannot think about the wedding night with mafia!jordan or I'll simply pass out with overwhelming lust. btw.
please you're so terrified because you know you're meant to have sex and people in the mafia are so grossly obsessed with marriage and the semantics about it - needing to know jordans taken your virginity.
you're shocked when jordan takes one look at you curled up and trembling on one side of the king sized bed and just rolls their eyes. "I'm not gonna fuck you, churchmouse. fucking relax, shit."
you'd be more flustered at their crude words if you weren't so suprised by the meaning of them. unfurling your legs and feeling worry slide through you. "but..." you remember all the talks your mama gave you, "but its expected!"
jordan, in fem!form now, shrugs out of their suit jacket - and you quickly avert your eyes as they undress.
"yeah, I'm not into forcing myself onto women, though. n'with the way you are - your pussy would probably snap my dick in half anyway."
you look over then, flushing a little when you catch a glimpse of their tits - flushed nipples and, you think a little dazed, pretty - before they're yanking a black tshirt over their head.
you shake your thoughts away and furrow your brows, "snap - oh, i dont have teeth down there or anything! my mama showed me a book on vaginas one time - I'm, uh." you look down at the blanket. "im built to take you - in um. in your other form, of course. you obviously couldn't take my virginity as a woman."
you say this so confidently jordan snorts. looks at you like you're stupid.
"i know how vaginas work, idiot. i have a cunt." again with the vulgar language. "and no, you wouldn't cut my dick in half, but pussies are dry and tight as hell when you're not turned on. it would be fucking miserable for us both. and-"
they smirk now, pulling back their side of the covers and sliding in, keeping a healthy distance from you. they slide out their iPhone, not looking at you as they start texting before continuing on -
"i could totally take your virginity as a woman. I'd be offended if i didn't know you were raised as a fucking nun."
you blink. "you.... but... sex requires - penatration-"
jordan, again within looking up, raises one hand and wiggles their fingers. you jerk back, scandalized.
"you'd! but - that's not what i meant. i mean. typically. b- between a man and a woman - theres a." god, the earth should swallow you up. "p-penis..."
jordan looks up at you then. looks at you for so long you squirm on the sheets.
in jordans mind - they're thinking about how ridiculous this conversation is. how sheltered are you? to think sex as only a means of penis and vagina penatration is fucking sad - though, they do think about it, splitting your virgin cunt open on their dick, that kind of sex definitely isn't bad - and they consider opening their drawer and showing you their 8 inch black dildo and accompanying harness, telling you all about how if you wanted a cock so badly, then yeah, they could still fuck you as a woman, but they know that'd probably make you fall of the bed or pass out from sheer shock alone.
the thought is funny, you're already so worked up. but you've had enough earth shattering information thrown at you for one day, they think.
"uh huh." they say plainly. "whatever - look. its not happening tonight, either way. I'll just tell them we're waiting to make it special or some shit, so you can stop looking at me like im going to assault you."
you relax a little. "o - okay."
jordans eyes return to their phone. texting cate about what a fucking joke this all is. god, they want to be high.
"but - will we - eventually -" you start up again. "i mean. we'll need an heir...."
ugh. 'this bitch is talking about me being a baby daddy already.' they text cate.
"cross that bridge when we come to it. trust me, churchmouse. if i can avoid touching you for as long as fucking possible - I'll do it."
little do they know not so long from now, just the thought of not touching you will make them want to pull their hair out.
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americas1suiteheart · 11 months
[Request] "After a drunken night with the Doctor, something unexpected comes. Unwilling to be rejected and heartbroken, you run away in fear of rejection"
I'd be more than happy to write that for you, I love a good ol' angst to comfort fic.
Drunken Regrets
[Tenth Doctor x Drunk! Reader]
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[Summary; After a night of drinks with the doctor, you admit something you told yourself you never would, you run off out of fear of rejection and embarrassment, the doctor finds you and assures you that you could never be more wrong for thinking so.]
[Notes; This is a little bit short and I'm terribly sorry for it:[
[Warnings; Drinking, Angst, Some yelling
Regret and embarrassment were the only things you felt as you spewed your feelings for The Doctor out.
He had this expression you'd never seen on his face before.
Wide eyes, mouth agape, eyebrows furrowed, and his nose scrunched up, almost like a scowl.
You thought you had screwed up.
You ran and stumbled away from The Doctor, going and hiding away somewhere where the doctor couldn't find you, though you knew very well that wouldn't end up being the case.
You hadn't known that The Doctor hadn't been disgusted by what you had just confessed to him but rather instead confused and lovestruck.
You hadn't known that The Doctor himself had what would be described as a "big, fat, crush," by Rose on you.
And when you had told him what he had wished and dreamed to hear you say at least a million times and then proceed to run off and disappear he was left heartbroken thinking you had been only joking around with him to watch that stupid look on his face.
The Doctor had been left there feeling like a fool. He didn't know if he should look for you or if he should coop himself up into his room and avoid you as to not feel humiliated once again, but Rose, who happened to watch all that had just unfolded suggested he try to talk to you.
Rose was the one other human on the TARDIS that you could speak to about your "Silly human troubles," so of course she had known about your little crush on The Doctor.
Rose had of course also known about The Doctor's feelings for you as well. Rose was the sort of person you could trust with anything and everything you had going on in your head. So The Doctor felt speaking to her about it was the most trustworthy and logical thing to him.
"Seriously, Doctor. Go and find them and try to talk to them, I promise it's one thing they'll need right now. They probably think you were disgusted by their confession with that nasty expression you made," Rose says, urging The Doctor out of his shocked state to try and convince him to run after you.
"But-" The Doctor looks at Rose pushing him away, getting one mere word out before he was quickly interrupted by her.
"Nope, no excuses. Go!" Rose gives one last harsh push against his shoulder.
He finally walks to your room and knocks lightly on your door, clearing his throat after a couple of knocks.
"Y/n? Are you in there? Can we please talk about what happened darling, please?"
No response, that wasn't like you at all, even if you were drunk or upset. you would still talk about it regardless of the situation.
The Doctor tried his best to fight against just opening your door and going in, but his worry for you grew more and more during the time that he decided against it, so he eventually gave in, opening the door only to find you weren't in there.
Not on your bed, not under it, not inside of your closet or cooped up into a corner, you were nowhere inside of your room and very quickly that worry turned into panic and concern.
He rushed out of your room and went to the one other room he may find you in as he had the TARDIS make it specifically for you.
The observatory.
He hadn't ever thought of making it before because he had already seen every star in the universe multiple times, but you were absolutely fascinated by it so he made one just for you. You loved the constellations created by the Greeks, it was so unique how they were able to see these different figures the stars made up.
The Doctor rushes to the room and finds himself hoping you are in there before taking a deep breath and opening the doors.
"Y/n, are you in here?" The Doctor calls out through the Observatory.
A curse, a few sniffles and some shuffling could be heard from a hidden spot in the room, The Doctor knowing it was you, proceeded towards that area trying to be quiet so as to not scare you off once more like a stray cat.
He finds you curled up into a corner sniffling where the Hercules constellation engraved into the blue and white gold marble was.
"Y/n.." The Doctor says, his voice soft and merely above a whisper.
"I get what I said was weird and I deeply apologize, I didn't mean to make things odd between the two of us and I'm perfectly fine with it if you want to drop me back of at my home." Your voice breaks, raw from the tears you were trying to hold down as you spoke.
The Doctor sits down next to you, still a couple of inches away from you, sitting in a criss-cross position.
"Y/n, I would never do such a thing, what makes you think I found it 'odd,' ?" The Doctor asks, a soft look on his face and a small frown on his lips.
"I... I don't know its just that.." You struggle to form a sentence before taking a deep breath and sigh before continuing.
"You mean a hell of a lot to me Doctor, and if you were to ever be repulsed by me because of what I had said I wouldn't be able to ever forgive myself for confessing such."
"I can't believe the both of us are so stupid," The Doctor suddenly says with a soft chuckle.
"What?" You say as you look up at The Doctor, genuine confusion laced in your voice.
"We're both so oblivious towards each other. You'd think that being alive for centuries upon centuries would make me catch hints easier but god," He smiles, leaning to you a little more.
You were still very much confused, possibly still dull-minded and slow from the alcohol currently still in your bloodstream, it wasn't until he'd placed his hand gingerly on the back of your neck and attached his lips to yours that you'd finally gotten it.
His lips tasted of irish rum and mint, his nose bumped your cheek as he got closer to you deepening the kiss.
When you two finally pulled away from each other you couldn't believe how gorgeous he looked in that moment. His lips pink and swollen, his hair messier than usual, and his cheeks flushed.
"I love you, Y/n," The Doctor looks at you lovingly, still holding your cheek.
"I love you too, Doctor." You repeat back, giving him that same look.
Hope you liked it! It was a little bit shorter than I would've liked but I think it came out rather well.
Requested by @shuichiakainx
291 notes · View notes
mxqdii · 9 months
you taught me - r.b
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pairings: regulus black x reader
summary: her last relationship was so toxic that it effects her relationship with regulus. he teaches her what it's like to actually loved and cared for.
warning(s): mentions of abuse, mentions of toxic relationship, sad reader, fluff/comfort from regulus, slight panic attack.
not proofread
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it's a typical day, i head to the library to find a good book.
as i walk in, i see regulus and a smile hits my face, we've been dating for a while now. it's still a secret, only evan and barty know, but we’re gonna tell others eventually.
i look around, seeing the empty library and hugging regulus from behind
"hi regs!" i smile and he turns around, eyebrow raised
"regs?" he questions with a teasing smile and my face drops
"sorry! i didn't even know i said that, i can stop if you want it was an accident i swear!" i ramble on and his expression changes again
he looks at me now in confusion
"what..?" i ask quietly
"i was joking love, it's okay." he says and i raise my eyebrows
"oh.. okay.." i noted with a smile
later that evening, me and regulus are still in the library, my legs over his as we sit on the couch.
a book in my hand as i flip the pages
my eyes light up as i read about it and regulus notices
"what's got you so happy?" he says and i smile, looking at him
"well, i've actually read this book like 10 times.. i just, i've always really really loved it, like so much. anyways its about thsi girl named lydia and she has like, nobody- anyways she moves to this new town and finds this boy- anyways! sorry i could talk about it for like hours, but i wont" i ramble on
his eyes watch me in astonishment while i talk, listening intently.
and even though he doesn’t know what i'm talking about, he doesn't care. he likes seeing the ways my eyes light up when im talking about something i'm passionate about
he likes seeing my cheeky smile when i'm explaining the characters
"keep talking, i'm listening" he says and i go wide eyed
nobody has ever said that to me before.
i almost feel tears fill my eyes as i look down and let out a smile, this feeling is so unfamiliar.
i'm sitting in my room distancing myself from my boyfriend, my friends, everyone.
i miss regulus, which is exactly why im distancing myself
sounds stupid, but i'd feel bad bothering him by asking to hangout, so i'm in here instead.
i could hangout with sirius, remus and james... but i'm just not up to it right now
suddenly theres a knock on the door
i open it seeing regulus, letting out a sigh of relief and gesturing him in.
"hey, where've you been all day, i haven't seen you at all" he says and i feel the guilt wash over me
"i know i'm really sorry i just felt... bad" i say, sitting on my bed
"about what my love?" he asks, sitting next to me.
"no it's nothing it's fine" i say smiling and he shakes his head
"tell me" he speaks softly and i melt at the tone
"i don't know i just missed you but i didn't wanna bother you so i came here instead, i don't know it's stupid i'm sorry" i say, avoiding eye contact the whole time
"what? baby you could've just asked to hangout i was free all day" he says with a sad chuckle
"oh.. sorry" i mumble
he moves closer to me tucking my hair behind my ear
regulus was never usually a soft person, but something about me made him melt, he'd never admit that though.
something about how gentle and fragile i was made him feel the need to be the most loving person i could have
and he knew something had happened, the way i always apologized and second guessed my words, the way i was careful around him, the way i put him before myself
i didn't need to act that way around him though, but he didn't know how to tell me that, so instead he just decided to show me, as much as he could.
without saying anything, he pulled me into a loving hug, a hug i've never gotten before
i let myself melt into his warmth, feeling nothing but comfort in this moment.
me regulus were told to meet sirius, remus and james in the gryffindor common room, which isn't unusual considering we all hangout all the time.
we walk in to be met with uncomfortable tension and silence
"jesus who pissed us off" i say sarcastically and they stay quiet
"come on guys, what?" regulus says
"tell me y/n, how long have you been fucking my brother" sirius shouts and my eyes widen
"sirius-" i try to explain but he doesn't let me
"i mean really? my brother? that's low y/n" he says and i feel my chest tighten at the yelling
"and you!- one of my best friends? really??" sirius says, speaking to regulus now.
"sirius it's not like that" i say, still in my normal tone.
"like hell it is!" he argued
"you don''t understand- we're-" before finishing my sentence, sirius interrupts again
"you're what? in love? i don't care what you are, i care about you two not fucking telling me. i had to find out through some random ravenclaw! and to top it off it's my brother and my best friend, yet i wasn't the first to know??? unbelievable." he shouts
i don't even notice the way i'm shaking, the way it's become hard to breathe.
i feel so aware of everything, just not myself.
"sirius-" remus trys to interrupt to stop him
"sirius stop" regulus shouts
they continue yelling at eachother until sirius walks towards me
i tense my body, preparing for something i know all too well.
"i expected more from you y/n, i would've expected you to tell me about this shit" he argues, his voice still raised and his tone still bitter
"sirius- calm down" i say, not knowing what else to do
"calm down!?" he shouts, raising his hands in exasperation
his hands, his voice, his tone.
it was too familiar, so i did what i know
i used my hands to protect myself, covering my face.
i fucking flinched.
the room falls silent, not a single whisper, even from sirius.
still in my hiding position, i realize what i just did, how i just reacted, i know sirius would never hit me.
fuck, i messed up.
my hands lower from my face and i slowly turn my head towards sirius, scared to see his reaction
i look up at him, tears overflowing in my eyes
i see his softened expression, the look in his eyes, the way he immediately stopped
"did- did you think i was gonna.. hit you?" he hesitates, asking gently, softly.
i look around, seeing everyone looking at me
it's the look on regulus's face that makes me crack.
i look back at sirius and just scoff, running out of the common room and to my dorm.
i lock the door and absolutely break down sobbing, finding it hard to breathe.
i'm curled up on the floor, arms wrapped around my knees, hiding my face in them.
suddenly i feel hands on me, gasping at the sudden touch, i look up seeing regulus's soft gaze on me.
"hey, hey, it's me you're okay, i'm here love" he says wrapping me into a hug.
he pulls me on his lap and i wrap my legs around his waist, causing him to stand up and sit us down on my bed
(sorry if that didn't make sense)
i nuzzle my head into his neck as he rubs my back
"let it out love, i'm here." he says and i try to find the words to speak.
i pull away from the hug slightly and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear
"i- he-" i try to explain but my words are being taken from me, like i'm being forbidded
"i know love, it's okay, i've got you."
my words being taken from me frustrates me even more, causing me to just lean into him and continue sobbing
he embraces me again, stroking my hair and whispering reassuring sweet nothings into my ear.
because of him, my sobs slowly turn into cries, and my cries slowly turn into sniffing and tears running down my face.
it was a start.
i pull away from our embrace again, scared to speak
i can't look at him, i know if i do i might break, so i keep my gaze shifted on my fingers, picking the skin off of them, a nervous habit.
he grabs my hands to stop me from picking them
"you don't have to say anything or just in general talk about it, not if you don't want to" he says and i sigh
"you have a right to know" i say shakily.
"can you look at me, please?" he asks and i hesitate
"i- i'm a mess" i sniffle, embarrassed.
his finger trails up to my chin, using it to tilt my head up.
the sight of my tear stained cheeks and red puffy nose breaks his heart
his eye contact, the look on his face, made me break, as i suspected
i tilt my head back down, letting out silent cries
"tu es en sécurité avec moi, je ne laisserai rien t'arriver" he says
even though i can't understand it, just the sound of his voice makes me feel better.
he uses his hands to cup my cheeks, making me look up again
he uses his thumb to wipe my tears
something that makes my heart swell, something i'm not used to
i watch him, no sign of disgust or shame on his face, just love, pure love.
"why?" i ask, him shifting his gaze back to my eyes.
"why what?" he replies
"why do you do this for me? why are you so nice to me?"
his heart shatters into a million pieces, expression softening even more
if that's even possible
"because i love you, and you deserve to be loved. i wish you could see that" he says
"i didn't and still don't wanna push you, but i notice things, i'm an observer. i notice your apologies and how you always seem scared around me, not scared of me, scared of yourself and what you might say, what i might do to you if you say the wrong thing" he starts to speak
i look down again as he continues to talk
"i just want you to know that i'd never do anything to hurt you, ever. you'll always be safe with me, no matter what you've heard before. i'd die before hurting you, and it breaks me to see you like this love" he says and another tear falls down my cheek
"i said it before, you have a right to know." i say with a shaky breath
"my last relationship.. it- it changed me. the guy i dated, he would use me and manipulate me and treated me more as his bitch then his girlfriend. he would- get really mad if i said or did something wrong, something he didn't like or something that embarrassed him. and sometimes when things got heated... he'd.. hit me and stuff.. and i knew it was wrong but it's what he made me think i deserved. so ever since then i've always felt like that's what i deserve, which is why i don't really know why you treat me the way you do, it's just very unfamiliar." i explain
he watches me, listening intently the whole time.
"i don't think i know what love is.." i mumble, ashamed.
"i didn't, for a long time. but eventually.. someone taught me."
he says and i look up at him confused
he smiles, rolling his eyes when i don't get the hint
"you, y/n, you taught me love." he says and my eyes widen
"me? i- i don't even know how to love someone i-" i start speaking but he stops me
"it's what you're doing, what you've been doing, you just never realized it. this whole time you've shown me love, it was unfamiliar because it was new. that unfamiliar feeling you've felt around me, it's love" he says
i take a second to think about his words.
thinking back to the feeling in my stomach when he'd talk to me, the way my heart fluttered when we'd hold hands, the way i longed for him when he wasn't around.
holy shit, i love regulus black.
"you- you're right" i say, realization clear in my tone
"i- i think i love you" i say, looking up at him
he smiles "i love you too darling, always have"
in that moment i knew i'd be alright, i knew i could give regulus my heart and trust him not to break it.
in that moment i knew, he taught me how to love.
@stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm
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AITA for blocking my business partner and our mutual friends?
First of all, I want to establish that I'm not an idiot. I don't think I'm the smartest person in the world, I didn't do very well in school, and I'm generally a bit forgetful. I've been struggling with undiagnosed mental illness and neurodivergency for my entire life. My family growing up was very anti therapy and I've only recently brought anything up to a doctor. However, I like to think I manage myself pretty well. I have my own systems for doing things, and they may be unconventional, but it works. I've come to terms with the fact that no matter what I do, I'm going to have to work a lot harder than the average person and get a lot less credit. That's just how it is. I have two jobs, one of which is at a restaurant, and the other is a business that I started with my friend. It's still fairly small and local, but I'm really proud of how far it's come.
Me and my business partner, we'll call her Shelly, have a group of friends that we hang out with from time to time. I honestly don't like them very much, but Shelly, who has been my best friend for over a decade really enjoys hanging out with them, so though I've expressed to her that I want to start seeing them less, I've stayed friends with them, both to make Shelly happy and to avoid any drama that might be caused.
Among this group of friends is someone we'll call Dianne. Dianne will insult and berate me consistently, and then insist it was a joke. Nobody has ever laughed, and I have told Dianne that I don't find any of it funny. The other members of the friend group (aside from Shelly) said that this is just how she expresses that she likes somebody, and tried to make it seem like playful banter, but the insults are incredibly one-sided (I've never said an ill word about her to any of them, and especially not to her. I'm not rude.) and she never insults anyone but me and sometimes Shelly.
Recently ( a couple months or so ago) she started taking digs at my intelligence, as I have been a few minutes late to a couple of our hangouts, and I have trouble with my left and right. I said explicitly that I don't like it when people treat me like an idiot. I tried to be polite, but I won't stand for that. Also, being late and directions are very common things for people to struggle with, so I don't understand why that insinuates that I'm at all unintelligent. She also may have gotten this idea because I don't tend to laugh at her jokes, which are mostly things like "that's what she said" and other cheap and immature sex jokes. She usually tries to brush off the fact that I don't laugh by saying I must be dumb because I don't get her jokes. I do, they're just not very clever and I clearly have a different sense of humor than her.
I just kept trying to avoid any sort of conflict, because the rest of the group makes Shelly really happy. But then it started to get worse. The whole group seemed to be influenced by these jokes, and stopped expecting me to be able to do anything. I wasn't even the designated driver anymore, even though I'm usually the obvious choice because I don't drink. Dianne told me I'd probably crash because she didn't think I could read street signs. I've driven her home multiple times (during none of which she's been sober enough to remember my driving ability) and I've never driven at all irresponsibly while any of them were in the car. The whole group, aside from Shelly, began making jokes about how I was the resident airhead. For my birthday, Dianne got me a toddler sippy cup, and a card that said "Congrats, you're 2!". Get it. Because I'm so stupid I'm basically a child. Ha ha. So funny I forgot to laugh.
The last straw for me was when Shelly sent me a business email that was like "Are you going to be able to get the books done in time?" and basically told me to make sure I wasn't lazy when it came to keeping track of the sales, even though I've never been late with that kind of stuff. I really care about our business, and I keep track of all of the financials and do our taxes. I don't have a degree or anything, I could never afford college, so I emailed Shelly back very passive-agressively about how if she doesn't think I can do it in time, she can hire a real accountant.
We met with the friendgroup the next day and I was incredibly pissed. Dianne made another dig at me, something about our business probably going under because I'm too incompetent to do anything. I snapped. In the midst of yelling at her, I said "I am not stupid. You don't get to treat me like I am." and she said "But aren't you, though?" and I stormed out. I blocked everyone, except for Shelly.
I texted Shelly and said that she could be friends with whoever she wants, but that I'm never speaking to any of them ever again. Shelly said that I was being overdramatic, and that they're all being awkward to her now because they know that we're such good friends. I apologized for putting her in a position where she felt like she was in the middle, but told her that I was not about to take any more of that treatment. I told her I'm disappointed that after all this time, she let other people dictate the way that she sees me. When her new friends call me stupid, I can let it slide off of my back, but when my best friend of over a decade starts treating me like I'm incompetent and I can't get anything done, that really hurts. She told me that I need to learn to take a joke. I blocked her too after that. We've continued having meetings and being mostly civil, but we haven't spoken outside of that, and all the friendship is gone.
I'm mostly concerned about how this situation is going to affect our business, because I have worked so hard and I'd hate to see it fail because of petty drama and insults. I'm now feeling like I made a huge mistake by blowing up. Should I have just kept quiet to protect my job and friendship?
What are these acronyms?
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alwaysmicado · 10 months
It's always been you
3.3k words | NSFW 18+ | Dieter Bravo x f!reader
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Warnings: angst, age gap (unspecified), swearing, brief mention of p in v sex, brief mention of disordered eating and suicide, mention of black eye, toxic relationship, drug use, reader's coping mechanisms are unhealthy Summary: After a year of dating Dieter Bravo, you are forced to face reality. All good things must come to an end, right? A/N: Nothing is more painful than realizing the person you love is not good for you.
Enjoy the hurt and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you! 🖤
“Baby, please just listen to me,” Dieter implores. You huff and shake your head, avoiding his pleading eyes. “It didn’t mean anything. It really didn’t, okay? I- I don’t want her,” you can hear the desperation in his voice. He’s a good actor, you gotta give him that.
“Baby?” He takes a step towards you but knows better than to touch you right know. Even if that’s all he wants to do. Wrapping his strong arms around you, feeling your heartbeat against his chest, inhaling your scent. He says your name softly, his voice laden with anguish. You turn your head a little and your eyes find his. Dieter’s beautiful brown eyes. The eyes you've been losing yourself in for the past year.
“Please just tell me what I can do to fix this and I’ll do it. Anything. Please,” he takes another step towards you and whispers, “I can’t lose you.” Arrogant asshole. The illusion is gone.
You furrow your brow and tilt your head, studying the man in front of you. Dressed in his favorite pair of gray sweatpants, a loose white shirt that accentuates his tan skin, perfectly disheveled hair just screaming to be played with, sad puppy eyes. He looks like always - irritatingly handsome.
Something's off though. His body language, usually relaxed and confident, is teeming with insecurity. You smirk at that thought. Dieter Bravo, enigmatic celebrity and notorious playboy, insecure because of you. What a joke.
“You really think I'm fucking stupid, don't you?” Your voice is steady, every word filled with venom. “Just some silly girl you can use to get your dick wet and feed your ego.” He winces at that. Good. “I know you're used to people bending over backwards for you, blowing smoke up your ass and never saying no to you. But guess what, they don't give a shit about you.” Your face is heating up and you can feel your restraint slipping.
“I'm sure she made you feel really good, Dieter. Like a real star.” You snort sardonically and smirk, “Did you give her the same speech you gave me when we met? How you're this misunderstood guy just trying to get by and find real love?” You look around, shrugging your shoulders mockingly. “Either you're losing your charm or she's just a lot smarter than I am. Would've made everything so much easier if I'd left that first night, too, huh?” 
Dieter huffs, averting his gaze and rubbing the nape of his neck. Your eyes follow the motion of his ringed hand, now clearly seeing the fresh hickey adorning his neck. Mother. Fucker. What the actual fuck is wrong with this man? And what the hell is wrong with you for putting up with his shit for so long? Seriously.
You’re actually very well aware of what's wrong with you, but that doesn’t really help you. Never has, if you’re being honest with yourself.
The hurt inside you becomes unbearable. Your lips start to tremble and you bite back a sob. You’re surprised at the feeling of wet tears running down your hot cheeks. What’s happening with you? You never cry in front of other people - especially not Dieter.
He hates it. Seeing you cry hurts him more than anything you could ever say to him. Unable to see you like this, he starts pacing around the living room, feverishly running his hands through his hair.
“Don’t you dare look away,” you spit out, making him turn around with an exasperated sigh, lifting his gaze to meet yours slowly. He cringes at what he sees in your wet eyes. The harm he's done. The spark in your eyes he loves so much, gone. 
“You ripped my fucking heart out, Dieter,” you sob, tears streaming down your neck. You press both of your hands over your racing heart and claw at your shirt, nails digging into your flesh so hard it hurts.
Dieter reaches out to you, eyes wide, “Baby, I know I fucked up. I'm so-” “Fuck. You,” you shout at him, startling the both of you alike. You've never raised your voice at Dieter, no matter what bullshit he put you through. But you can’t take it anymore. Fuck always being the bigger person. Not like it ever got you anything. 
And did he really just try and say he's fucking sorry?
“You ripped my beating heart out with your bare hands, felt my bleeding flesh in your palms and now you seriously have the fucking audacity to tell me it didn’t mean anything? That you're sorry?” You laugh mirthlessly and wipe your wet cheeks. Dieter swallows hard, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He has no response. 
Your head hurts and you feel weak despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Crying is exhausting. Having your heart stomped on is exhausting. Realizing the man you love will never be good for you is killing you. 
You sit down on the sofa, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Dieter approaches you slowly and sits down on the far end, turning his body towards you, but giving you space.
Eyes closed, head resting on the backrest, you press the heels of your palms onto your eyes. You can hear Dieter's breathing, can smell his cologne. A birthday present from you he's used every day since unwrapping it. You remember that day well.
After the extravagant party with all of Dieter's fake Hollywood friends was finally over, you two went skinny-dipping in his pool. You started splashing water at each other, laughing without a care in the world. At some point, Dieter caught you in his arms, pulling you towards him, hooking your feet behind his back. He looked so happy, his beautiful features illuminated by moonlight. He kissed you slowly, passionately, savoring the taste of your lips. “I love you, you know,”  he murmured, nudging your nose with his. “You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Gonna do it right with you.” And you believed him. How foolish of you.
“It's easier for you like this, isn't it” you note quietly, turning your head to look at Dieter. “What do you mean?” His voice is raspy, brow furrowed in confusion. “Being the bad guy,” you scoff like it's the most obvious thing in the world. “You've convinced yourself that you're a bad person who can never be good and that's why you act the way you do. Makes it easier. You can just point to your shitty behavior and tell yourself that's why people leave you.”
You furrow your brow and shake your head. “Don't you see? It’s you, Dieter. It’s always been you. It’s not the drugs, or the people you fuck, or the shit that happened in your childhood. You're the problem. It’s you.”
You huff and make for the door, in desperate need of fresh air and space.
“You think it's so fucking easy being me. Got it all figured out, huh?” Dieter's agitated voice yanks you back. “You have no fucking idea how it is. Everyone wants a piece of me and as soon as they got what they wanted - drugs, sex, fame - they fucking leave me.” He gets up and closes the distance between you two in a few strides. You don't back away. 
You’ve never needed to be close to him more than right now and it positively kills you that you can’t. You can’t wrap your hands around his waist, press your face into his chest, hold him tight until your heartbeats synchronize. You can’t. Not anymore.  
“You're the only good thing I got and I know I fucked up. I know I'm an asshole and I don't deserve you, but please,” he takes your hands in his, squeezing them gently, “please stay. I was high off my ass and I couldn't tell you her name or what she looked like if you asked me. Please let me fix this.” 
Dieter leans in, leaving barely any room between your bodies. You can feel his breath on your face, feel the heat radiating off his body. His big sad eyes are piercing your soul, pleading with you, desperately seeking to convince you. Nice try. You know this will happen again. Dieter Bravo won't change. Not for you, not for anyone.
You take a deep breath, maintaining eye contact. “I’m not leaving you because you fucked someone else in our bed last night, Dieter. I’m leaving you because you're so convinced you're bad that you won't even try to be better. Not even for me.” 
Hot tears are starting to make their way down your cheeks again. Dieter gives you a sad smile, gently cupping your face with his hands, wiping away the evidence of your sadness with his thumbs. “Please don't cry, baby,” he murmurs. His voice is strained, the corners of his mouth twitching.
You put your trembling hands around his wrists and slowly lower them from your face. “I'm done being just another person who got caught up in the whirlwind that is you and got lost on the way. I can't do it anymore.” 
Before Dieter can say something, you interrupt him by softly pressing your right hand to his chest. His heart is racing. “It felt like you killed me last night,” you deadpan and Dieter’s breath hitches, his eyes going even wider. “I'm so so-” “But you know what?” you look into his eyes intently and shrug, “I’m still here, so I guess I’m not dead.”
“I’ll go on without you,” you nod, a wistful smile playing on your lips. “I’m done, Dee. Finally done.” 
You lean against the front door of Dieter’s mansion, chest heaving, trying to steady your breathing. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Slowly. Over and over. The dull pain in your head gets worse and you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to throw up. You turn around to face the concrete wall and empty your stomach contents onto the ground, trying as much as you can to not get it on your clothes.
Your throat burns, tears are streaming down your face and the throbbing pain in your head is all-consuming. Your vision starts to get blurry and you can hear your blood rushing in your ears - louder and louder - until everything is quiet. Peaceful. 
I’m sorry. I want you to be happy. 
Dieter’s note on the nightstand does nothing to you. Your heart feels numb. 
You see the glass of water and the Advil next to the note. You’re wearing a clean shirt, not the one you were crying and throwing up on a few hours ago. Dieter must have changed you into one of his. Your pants are neatly folded on a lounge chair standing in the corner. Light is flooding the bedroom you've woken up in every morning for the past year. Weird to think it's the last time today.
You sit up too fast and your head pounds violently, so you try and move as slowly and carefully as possible. The pill doesn’t go down easily. Your throat burns and even the tiny gulp of water you need to swallow it feels like someone’s dragging hot knives from your tongue all the way down to your bleeding heart.
Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know Dieter, you know what to expect from him and you also know yourself. Still, you let yourself believe. Believe that you could be loved. Believe that someone could know you - really know you - and still love you. But it’s always the same. To know you is to love you less.
It’s your fault. Dieter showed you who he was from the beginning and you still let yourself fall for him. You knew better than to open up your bruised heart to him and yet, you did. That was your decision, not his. And the most fucked up thing? You’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. Loving Dieter hurt. Badly. But for a brief moment in your life, he showed you that you were capable of loving someone and being loved.
You know he was telling the truth about that. He did love you. Maybe still does. It doesn’t matter anymore. You’ve had your taste of pure happiness and that’s more than most people will ever experience in their life. It’s okay. It was always going to end this way. 
Three months later
It’s hot outside. Too hot. So you usually just stay inside your new apartment after you come home from work. Shutters closed, AC blasting until the sun goes down and you can finally open the windows to let the cool night air inside. 
You’re on your balcony, finishing up your nightly bottle of white wine. You can smell the summer night, hear the hum of cars driving by, people eating and laughing, crickets chirping peacefully. When you close your eyes, you feel a comfortable buzz. This is okay. You’re still here, haven’t jumped off your balcony or slit your wrists. Too final, you think.
You don’t actually want to die, you just want to be as numb as possible. Numb the pain that is simply too unbearable to face fully present. So you drink and you pop Xanax bars and you either don’t eat or stuff yourself so full you throw it all back up.
And you fuck Ben from work.
Turns out he'd had his eyes on you for some time before you went into his office with the goal to get bent over his desk.
Swaying your hips, batting your eyelashes, tracing his arms and shoulders with your fingertips, purring into his ear how you need him to take care of you did the trick. Two minutes after entering the office, Ben was already balls deep inside you. He made you cum on his cock, spilled his seed on your ass and drove you home after. You fucked him again in the parking lot of your apartment complex, riding him until you both were a sticky mess. He didn't ask if he could come upstairs and you didn't offer. “What did I do to deserve you, hm?” he asked when you were both laying in his bed a few days later. You lifted your head from his chest to look at him. He was beaming at you with undisguised admiration. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips and buried your face in his neck. Ben was kind and attentive and handsome - he was everything you could wish for. What a sane person would wish for, anyway. But that wasn't you. And he wasn't Dieter.
You're alone tonight, sitting on your sofa, a glass of wine in your hand. You stare at your phone, index finger hovering over the Instagram icon. You shouldn't be doing this. Really shouldn't. 'Cause every time you do it, you end up crying yourself to sleep despite the alcohol and pills.
Fuck it. You open the app and are greeted with Dieter's face laughing into the camera. He's not alone, as usual. A pretty girl is hugging him and pressing her plump lips to his left cheek. You want to vomit.
He stopped texting and calling you a few weeks ago. Probably got tired of you never replying, you assume. And it's not like there aren't thousands of women out there just waiting to take your place by his side and in his bed. Why would he waste his time on a woman who broke up with him?
You're sure that Ms What's-her-face from his Instagram doesn't nag him about doing too much coke or fucking other women or meeting her parents or starting a fam- You throw your phone across the room and start sobbing violently. Three shots of Whiskey and too many Xanax bars later, you pass out on the sofa.
You stop stalking Dieter's Instagram after that night. You need to get your shit together before you do (even more) irreparable harm to your body and psyche. No more social media, no more alcohol, no more pills, no more Ben. He doesn't make a scene, letting you know that he'd like to stay friends. You know you don't deserve his kindness.
A few quiet weeks go by and you start to feel a bit better, now that you're not treating yourself like complete garbage. You eat well, take walks when the weather's nice and you've started dating a guy you met in the small coffeeshop near your apartment. Life is fine at the moment. You're fine.
Loud knocking on your front door rips you out of deep sleep. You open your eyes in confusion and check your phone. It's 2:26 am. Probably someone coming home drunk and knocking on the wrong door. You wrap yourself in your blanket tightly and close your eyes again.
Another loud knock, now accompanied by a voice saying your name. You grunt and reluctantly get up, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. You look through the peephole and your heart skips a beat.
“I'm sorry for waking you, babe. Thanks for letting me in, I-” Dieter looks down at his feet, fidgeting with his rings, “I didn't know where else to go.” You hand him a cup of chamomile tea, sitting down beside him on the sofa. “It's okay,” you nod, looking at his face intently. He's wearing his signature sunglasses. You assume it's because he wants to hide the evidence of his excessive drug use.
You both sit in silence for a few minutes before he lifts his head to look at you. He puts his right hand on the cushion between you two, wordlessly communicating his need for your touch. You gently place your left hand over his and move to intertwine your fingers. Dieter's breathing becomes heavier.
“What happened, Dee?” you ask quietly. When he doesn't answer, you move your right hand towards his sunglasses, watching carefully for any signs that he wants you to stop. You take the glasses off slowly and gasp when you see what he was hiding. It wasn't dilated pupils, it was a massive black eye.
You trace the swollen skin under his left eye with your thumb, causing him to wince. “I guess her husband found out?“ you ask with a wry smile, trying to lighten the mood. Dieter chuckles, shaking his head. “I'm sorry,” he says, lifting his gaze to meet yours. You shrug your shoulders, “I already said it's okay you came he-” “That's not what I mean,” he interjects. “I'm sorry for everything, for hurting you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and you're better off without me, but I want you to know that I really am sorry.”
And just like that, the heart you've worked so hard on fixing over the past few months breaks all over again.
Tears are silently falling from your cheeks as you lie down on your bed. You're on your side, eyes closed, tears pooling on the pillow when you feel the mattress sink under Dieter's weight. He's removed his jacket and pants, now lying on his side, mirroring you, in his boxers and shirt.
He caresses your cheek and murmurs, “C'mere”. You lay your head on his chest, your right hand resting above his heart. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer, kissing the top of your head.
“I do love you, you know,” he murmurs.
“I know.”
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