#I'm not even complaining that's just how it is and I chose it eyes open
echantedtoon · 11 hours
Obsession 憑 Ch39
(Warnings for Yn's wound being reopened, blood, some maids ganging up and attacking her, Yn gets bullied, Jade gets knocked out by a scrub brush, etc.)
Tagging: @lavenderdropp @supernovacoffeestop
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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                           Part 4 Day-Night 
The silence after that was astounding to you. 
And you felt empowered by the way you had singlehandedly undone everything that they had wished to accomplish. You couldn't help but smile at the hurt look Yoriichi gave you and the glowering scowl Michikatsu gave his plate. Meanwhile their father continued to ignore everyone of you. 
The only disturbance was the clinking of chopsticks against silverware. Blissfully it was silent just the way you wanted it. This wasn't where you wanted your life to go, but you weren't going to complain about it. Especially since in the end you did gain a big victory even if it was small in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't long until a loud knocking on the other side sounded out.
The door slid open again but this time there was two people kneeling before the royalty inside the room. The guard from before and the older woman who had come in with Shinobu to bathe you and forced you into this ridiculous get up. 
"The head maid like you asked, Your Highness," the guard spoke. 
"Oh right." Without even looking up he asked you. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to reconsider marrying Michikatsu? You'll be treated the same as every other lowly servant here and lose any luxury."
"I'd rather work for the rest of my life." You shot Michikatsu a harsh look at the hurt look he had the audacity of giving you. 
"Suit yourself." A hand pointed to you. "That woman is to be put to work immediately. No special treatment shall be allowed."
"Yes, Your Highness. Shall that be all?", the older woman asked.
"Yes. Have a maid ready her old room for visitors. I suspect that many will be coming once the matchmaker starts setting up marriage interviews for my son."
"It shall be done, Sir."
"Good. Now take the dog away from my sight and go train her. I'm much too busy preparing for a meeting to deal with her any longer."
"Thank you for letting me talk and giving me this job," you said bowing to him no matter how MUCH you loathed doing so.
"Make sure the first thing you train her to do is to not bark until commanded!" 
You frowned angry but said nothing as you got up and just walked towards the exit. Both sets of plum red eyes following you longingly out the door where the door closed behind you with a click sound. You stood there while the older woman slowly stood up next to you and looked at you calmly with a blank face.
"Well, this is a surprise. You actually chose a life of labor over luxury."
"That luxury would've came with a terrible price." Red eyes narrowed at her. "They caused me so much grief. I'd rather work the rest of my life in servitude than to ever allow giving them the satisfaction they want. You probably think of me as crazy."
"Actually I do not fault you. There's many a woman who'd rather not be married to high ranked men. But from on this kind of talk stops." She turned serious. "From this day forth, you're now a member of staff under the Tsugikuni household. You shall not ever utter a word of disagreement towards them again lest you be punished. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Ma'am," she corrected you. "I am now your superior. You may refer to me as Ma'am or Madam or even Head Mistress if you prefer but you will address all superiors with respect and the royalty as their Highness or their lordship."
"I see. So this is the way?"
"That is right. Now the first thing we'll do is change your attire to something more fitting of your position." She then turned and started walking off. "Follow me."
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Very good. Keep that profession up on you."
"Yes, Ma'am."
You followed her back up the hall and through the palace gaining more odd looks from staff and those patrolling the castle. In one case as you turned the corner, you saw one of the other maids giving you a disgusted look before turning to another maid and whispering something to her but you only focused on where the woman took you. Which was a long hallway and a big room with a large room. She beckoned you inside and you followed her into a..giant empty room except for two large doors.
"This is the maids' courters," she explained walking up to one of the doors opening it to reveal a giant closet full of many bed sheets and nearly folded clothes. "You'll get one bed set, one uniform. It's your job to clean both. Laundry day is every Thursday. Over there is the bathroom." She pointed out the other large door in here. "Work starts at three o'clock sharp every morning. By then you're expected to be up, dressed presentably, with your bed away, and awaiting for your assignments for the day. ..This looks your size."
She pulled out a plain beige uniform that matched every other maid's outfit. Plain and simple. After a moment she nodded and held it out to you to which you slowly took it.
"You get one meal a day strictly at noon. If you don't get there in time you go hungry. Bedtime is always at eight unless you're on night duty. Do you understand everything I told you?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Good. Laziness and improper behavior is not tolerated and punishments are usually bad. I don't like seeing anyone get them so you'll do best to keep your head down and follow the rules. But first thing's first. Change out of those clothes and remove the hairpin. Those are for noble ladies and you're not but a servant now. When you're finished come into the hall. I'll be assigning you a guide for the first month."
She then left you in the cold room with nothing but the empty room for company. After a moment you unfurled the drab dress and looked at it. How did your life come to this? Still you'd rather be a servant than give either of those brothers the satisfaction of having you. So you got changed leaving the fancy things behind before going back out to the hallway and finding the Madam talking to the maids you saw earlier. They seemed to be smiling and happy until you walked up to them to which they turned and narrowed their eyes.
"Ah. Good. You're here." She gestured to the two women in front of you both. "Y/n this is Sakura and Jade. They've been here far longer than you have and know the routine. For the next month you'll be working alongside them as they guide you around."
"Yes, Ma'am. It's nice to meet you both."
Through strained smiles they nodded. "Nice to meet you too. We've heard SO much about you."
"Enough talk. You three are meant to work. You're first assignment is to clean this hall and the maids' courters. Between the three of you it should be done before noon. Get started on it."
Footsteps echoed throughout the hall as she turned to leave, leaving you alone with the two women who stood there smiling at you. They looked similar. The one called Jade was slightly taller than the one called Sakura, and Sakura had a smaller nose, but otherwise they could've been the same woman. Sisters? Cousin's maybe? 
"So you're Y/n! We've heard so much about you!"
Your brow rose at the obvious fake tone she used. "Really?"
Jade nodded. "Yes! You've been all anyone can talk about....All the time. Pretty infamous." You thought that much but hearing set a feeling of annoyance in your guts. "A woman like you is pretty unheard of."
"I've been told."
"Well it's still morning. Let's get cleaning so we don't miss out on lunch." That sounded good to you. You didn't eat a thing at the breakfast and you would rather have a good lunch. "I'll get the hallway, Jade can get the room, and you'll get our bathroom! With the three of us each doing a room, we'll be a lot faster."
You were kinda annoyed that YOU were stuck cleaning up the bathroom but you just nodded. "Alright then. Sounds fine."
"Great! I'll go get everything we need."
Sakura left momentarily but came right back with a broom, giant bucket, and a scrub brush for you. Shooting you off towards the bathroom before she turned to go get the same things for herself and Jade. Fine by you. You wanted to get started and get it over with. At least with the bathroom you didn't have to go far for water. So leaving Jade alone in the hallway, you left and found yourself in a large bathroom. Big enough to probably count as a bathhouse on it's own but obviously way less fancy. You deflated slightly seeing how big it was...but sucked it up and just got to work.
Sweeping away the floors. Scrubbing the floors on hands and knees before scrubbing at the wide bathtub. You preferred not to remember the toilets. By the end of it you were tired but satisfied with everything that was done. You stepped out into the large empty counters expecting to see Jade done or at least still working but blinked when you saw no one. The dirty floor wasn't even swept. The hallway told you the same thing. It hit you instantly.
Those rats! They left you to do all the work!
Immediately a bubble of anger burnt in your guts and in frustration you three down the scrub brush you were carrying. The thud sound echoed down the long hallway as it connected with the ground attracting the attention of a guard walking by. He stopped and looked at you with a frown.
"What are you doing, Woman?!," he demanded.
You jumped at the voice but gestured. "T-Those girls..they left me to do all the work-"
"Is the work done?"
"N-No but-"
"Then shut your tongue and finish it before you're punished for insubordination!" Your jaw dropped as he turned and started patrolling again. 
Your jaw dropped at the now empty space around you before slowly picking the scrub brush back up and sighing to yourself. This would not be easy. And it was not. You spent the entire noon into the evening sweeping and getting on your hands and knees scrubbing the floors until the giant room was clean and the hallway was nearly done. You were scrubbing towards the very beginning of the hallway nearly done when you heard the sounds of two pairs of footsteps and a moment later two pairs of feet stopped in front of your eyes. You slowly looked up and found the two forms of the girls staring down at you smirking.
"Oh great! All our work is almost done."
"No thanks to you! Where did you go?!"
"To go eat. Too bad you missed out. Soup is delicious but then again you wouldn't know since you were busy."
"Why did you just leave me?"
"Because you need to know your place." Gone was the smiles and smirks. Now two scowls were given to you. "A little rat like you scuttling your way up here like you're actually something special. It makes me sick."
"Not to mention that you think you're actually good enough to be with the princes! Dressing yourself up like a man.... Like you're worth anything." Then she kicked. The bucket went tumbling over as soapy water sloshed all over the floor as you stared wide eyed. "So we're going to show you where you truly belong! You're not different than the rest of us here! So finish cleaning up you mess and don't forget to soak up your water."
Then they left. Leaving you sitting there on your knees and soaking your legs in the soapy water. You stared at the floor for a long time before gritting your teeth and willing tears not to cry.
You are nothing that day. Going hungry until it was night time and all of the maids began to come back to sleep again. Most gave you odd looks but you had no idea if it was because you looked frazzled or if they shared the same mindset as the two sisters. But everyone filed in. Everyone grabbed a blanket set from the closet. You were deliberately pushed into the back of the line and by the time you got to the closet...it was bare. You stared at the empty space as Snickers filled the large room.
"Ladies, bed! Everyone knows the rules. Y/n, you're no exception to the rules. Go to bed."
"There's no more beds." You gestured to the closet as you looked at the blank faces woman.
"Then you'll have to sleep on the floor until you get one. As I said, no exceptions. Now lights out."
You stood there as the door closed like an idiot in a sea of smirks and evil cackling.
"Guess the princess isn't use to anything else but silk sheets. Don't worry. I bet if you dream hard enough the floor will feel just like them."
You shot whoever it was a look, but didn't give them the satisfaction of a reaction. You ended up curling up on the cold hard floor in front of the door. That night you barely got any sleep at all. Too cold. Too hard. Nothing like when you were back home. Back in your own snug bed with Nezuko just a few feet away sleeping soundly and Tanjiro in the room next over. Warm under your covers safe and sound in your small home. You hoped they were alright. You just wanted to go home. To wake up and have all of this be nothing but a bad dream. 
The following next few weeks were the some of the worst days of your life. 
It was the same routine every day. The same cruelty every day.
You were continued to be stuck to the cruel sisters. They would only mock you and leave you to do either all or most of the work load whether it be scrubbing floors, delivering laundry, or washing windows. No one offered help. No one spoke to you unless it was to mock or they had to. Cold night's were spent sleeping curled up on the cold floors and days were spent in cruelty. The cruelty amped up quickly as well. If started with one made purposely knocking into you making you drop an entire basket of clean sheets into a muddy spot on the ground. Then it escalated.
More shoves. Someone purposely pushing you forward in the line for lunch causing you to spill half of the hot soup on you and giving you small burns. Throwing your only dress into the water while you were bathing. You tried telling the head maid but she was no help at all.
"Unless I see it happen there's nothing I can do. It's your word against there's. What did you expect when you were put to work here?"
You were trapped here. The only saving grace was that  you didn't see or hear anything from Yoriichi or Michikatsu for the duration of your maid-hood. You sometimes saw Lord Tsugikuni as he made morning expectations around the palace before heading off to breakfast and then business, but you never paid attention to him other than forcing yourself to now as he walked past and he never gave you a second glance. Seems he had forgotten about your existence. Hopefully with some luck, those brothers would do the same.
One day it went from zero to a hundred as you were scrubbing the balcony on the second floor with a few just above the hot springs...The same hot springs you ran from when the visiting noble lady saw you. You were nearly done standing up to wipe off the railing..When suddenly the back of your neck got goosebumps and you heard snickering from behind you. You turned sharply but it was too late-
A sharp pain shocked through your shoulder as a broom handle whacked across you leading you to clutch your shoulder with a hiss. Blinking open you saw at least four other girls in front of you including the sisters.
"Oops. Sorry. I was just trying to hand it to you. Guess it must've slipped out of my grip."
You stood there staring at the four for a moment before your red eyes burnt. Hands were raised and you CHUCKED the scrub brush as hard as you could at Jade's face. It made contact giving a loud THUNK sound as it collided with her face. She stumbled backwards dropping the broom and collapsed onto the ground with like a sack of potatoes. 
Then there was silence. 
The three women stared in shock as you stood there panting and fuming at them.
Sakura dropped the broom to immediately tend to her sister. You slowly blinked standing there still before freezing upon realization of what you'd done. Jade laid there unconscious as her sister patted her face over and over only to get no reaction. The other two maids stood there as stunned as you were. Your body reacting before your mind could process what had happened. Perhaps that's why you didn't see it coming when Sakura snapped to you with a murderous glare.
You barely had any time to react before you felt yourself be shoved backwards by a Sakura, slipping on the just mopped balcony still wet, and your back painfully hitting the railing-Something torn making you scream as you tumbled over it backwards-
And then there was a splash.
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
Car wouldn’t start out of the blue yesterday. None of my neighbors are home when I am, so I called a towtruck and they gave me a jump in my garage. The guy said to pour Coke on the battery to get rid of corrosive acid, which I am 90% sure was not a joke, because he had no other suggestions.
I was worried the issue was way more serious than just a jump. The car is 10 years old, bought off the side of the road after it was in an accident that permanently changed the shape of the frame around the engine. I’m glad it works because I don’t have the time or money to rent a car rn. But I do have to think about how much longer these repairs are worth keeping this car.
I can’t trade it in unless I get it registered in the proper state. Which I put off doing, despite having everything I needed for it, because I hate the DMV more than almost anything else. The last time I was at the DMV, I frowned because I was being told I had to go to a different line and do a bunch of stuff over again. I’d already been there for almost two hours. My frown prompted the worker to start shrieking at me “not to get angry” and “stop threatening me.” It was surreal and embarrassing. We weren’t even making eye contact, how is a frown a threat? 
New Jersey was the worst. Everyone I stood near in that DMV back in 2020 was talking about how much they hated living there and how they were trying to move away XD Even though I’ve moved twice since then, I never went back to a DMV. Lockdown made getting a good time to go too hard in MI, and in OH I’ve been working and traveling so much that I always found a good reason to put it off just a little longer.
Oh, and they cancelled over half of the vacation time they’d already approved for me at the end of the month. They actually cancelled ALL of it and didn’t clearly communicate that to me, but when I realized and explained I was going to a family reunion and about my grandpa’s health, they felt bad and gave me 3 days back. Plus, the AC and the outlets in one room are still out of commission too. I have two fans going at full power that I carry from room to room. And my left wrist feels like it’s damn near about to fall off.
This week is giving me whiplash.
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wolfish-trickster · 5 months
You made your choice
Gojo x fem!reader
Part 2
Previous part
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: you asked Gojo who is more important to him, you or his bestfriend. He indirectly chose and now he's experiencing consequences of his own action (probably for the first time in his life).
Warnings: bad grammar (possibly), typos, angst, very little comfort
Taglist: @ilovebattinson @catobsessedlady @abcdefghijklmmopqrstuvwxyz @nanao4k
A/N: I recomend listening to this song while reading (was listening to it while coming up with the story, the song and the story aren't exact copies of eachother but the vibe is about the same) and to those who know me THE LINK IS SAFE TO CLICK I DIDN'T LINK IT WITH WHAT YOU THINK I SWEAR. Enjoy the reading 😊
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"Hey, can I come over?"
"Dude, you were just here!"
"I know, I know. But I need a shoulder to cry on."
"Damn, that bad? What happened? You and Y/N had a fight or...?"
"Can I just come over?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll leave the door unlocked."
Geto Suguru has had a lot of weird moments with his best friend, but that phone call certainly was...something. No explanation, no joking around, just straight to the point.
About fifteen minutes later he heard his front door open.
"Satoru, did you learn how to teleport or something? We live an hour away from eachother," Geto joked before he could even turn around and see the state his friend was in. Disheveled hair, dry lips, red eyes. Something terrible must've happened.
"It's Y/N," was all Gojo said before he sat down at the dining table.
"Figured that much," replied Geto and took a seat next to him and waited. He knew Gojo. That man can't shut his mouth to save his own life. He'll spill everything sooner or later.
Gojo let his head fall on top of Geto's and sighed. Geto patted his fluffy white hair and kept on waiting. Good thing was they both sat right across a big window. Geto could count pine cones on the nearby trees while he waited for Gojo to open up.
It didn't take long.
"Y/N left."
"WHAT?!" Geto pushed the white head off of his shoulder and took Gojo by the shoulders. "What happened? What did you do?" He stared him in the eye.
Gojo just blinked. "I don't know! I don't think I did anything wrong," he looked oit the window again. A squirell jumped from one branch to another.
Geto rolled his eyes and turned Gojo's face back to his. "Satoru, people don't just up and leave. You must've done or said something that hurt her feelings. What did I tell you about comunication being-"
"Being the cornerstone of a good relationship, I remember," he put his hands on Geto's cupping his face. "We did talk. And I thought we came to a mutual understanding. Then I offered to cuddle with her and went to shower but once I walked out she was gone. All her things too..."
"Wow," Geto let go of his friend's face, "what a bitch."
"Right?" Gojo agreed and leaned back on his chair so far it was threatening to fall. "I don't understand. She never complained before, never said anything, then all of a sudden she pulls a stunt like that, throws a scene, slips into her selfhating thing again-"
"Wait, she what?" Geto asked confused. He has met you enough times to know you were very cheerful and life-loving person. What was Gojo talking about? Selfhatred?
"She has these moments,"he explained, "thinks she's too fat, then not curvy enough, thinks she's too basic to be with a guy like me, so on. When it happened the first few times i comforted her but even after all those years she still thinks of herself as less than and I'm too damn tired of it. I thought all of those negative thoughts would go away the first time I assured her I love her no matter what," he crossed his arms on his chest and looked out the window again. "I'm starting to feel like she's doing it for attention."
"Listen Satoru, maybe she's just extremely selfconscious and people like her need reassurance like that. Besides if she was really doing that for attention she wouldn't leave withoit a word. She would leave hints for you to find her and come beg her on your knees or something."
Gojo chuckled. "Suguru, you've got to stop watching Shoko's telenovelas."
"I'm a slut for drama."
A phone rang.
In a speed of light Gojo pulled out his phone hoping to see your lovely face. The screen was black.
Geto pulled out his ringing phone and picked up. "Well well, speak of the devil," he smiled.
Gojo couldn't hear what him and Shoko were talking about. He could only take hints from Geto's facial expressions and his occasional answers.
"What do you mean you have to cancel it? Oh. Okay. I understand. And did she tell you what-" his eyes got wide. "But wait, that's not- I didn't- Actually he's right next to me."
Gojo tried to get closer to hear what they were talking about but Geto jumped up and walked across the room.
"Okay. Okay, i'll ask him. No, that's fine. Alright. Take care, both of you. Bye," he hung up. Then slowly turned around to face Gojo now standing opposite him.
"Now you'll tell me exactly what had happened between you two. You said she caused a scene, what was it about?"
His mouth turned into neutral line, just like when you started this whole mess. "She asked me to stop seeing you. Can you believe that? Trust me, if I told her to stop seeing her friends all hell would break lose."
"Isn't that what happened when she asked you?" Geto pointed out the obvious double standard but Gojo wasn't listening.
"Didn't you hear what I just said? She wanted me to spend more time with her. Like, what does she want me to do? Make me and her morph into one being?"
"It is true that you've been spending a lot of time with me," Geto held his chin between his fingers in a thought. "But I don't get one thing. If you being away from her this often was a problem for her then she must've shown signs, not encourage you to come and spend time with me when she was too busy herself."
"About that," Gojo nervously played with his shades. "I might've over-exagarated that."
"Don't tell me..." Geto pinched the bridge of his nose.
"She wasn't always busy when I came here."
"Satoru!" He half shouted. "You always told me she was too busy and couldn't come! Why would you lie?"
"Because i felt trapped!" He yelled back. "I felt like I couldn't even breathe. Yes, being around has brought me so much joy but I missed the thrill of being free. Just being with you and Shoko and doing whatever. Now I just feel like I'm chained to something that I kinda want away from but also not," the entire time he spoke he was pacing back and forth. "I just wanted to feel like the old times."
"So in other words you miss the feeling of being single but you also like the benefits relationship gives you," Geto concluded. "I thought you were better than this."
"And I thought you would understand," Gojo turned his anger against his best friend who was calmly standing in the living room. "But wait, I forgot, you have no one," he mocked.
"Damn right I don't. Which makes me even more pissed off when I see how you treat your own relationship! Have you got any idea how much I envied you for having someone waiting for you at home and welcome you after a long day? Or just someone to be there for you in general?"
Gojo got silent. He didn't know. Geto never showed it.
Geto took it as his chance to try speak some sense into Gojo. "Listen, you only feel like this because you've never been in a relationship. Feeling trapped is normal, I think. What's important is that you love her and you're capable of changing to get her back, right?"
Gojo was just looking at him.
"Right?" Geto said a bit more panicked.
"I don't know!" Gojo exclaimed and Geto facepalmed. "I don't know how to choose between her and you."
"Is that what she asked? For you to choose between her and me?"
Gojo shook his head. "No, I think she just wanted me to spend less time with you."
"So she didn't out right prohibit you from hanging out with me, she only asked for you to stay with her more often," Geto was slowly but surely getting the whole picture.
"Something like that," Gojo shrugged.
Geto sighed. "You royally fucked up Gojo Satoru."
"No, really?" sarcasm dripped from his words. "I still think I did nothing wrong. She has no right to aks me to spend less time with you."
"She does actually. She's your girlfriend of what, three years?"
Gojo nodded.
"Three years and yet you place her beneath a best friend. How would you feel like if she had to choose between her best friend and you and she went for the friend?"
Suddenly, Gojo looked like it finally hit him. "I'd feel...terrible," he sat down on the chair. "But... but I didn't tell her I would choose you. Both of you mean so much to me."
"On the same level or a different one? Satoru, understand that the love for a friend and a love for a lover are two separate kinds of love. You not being able to distinguish between them caused you to be in this mess."
Geto walked over to where Gojo sat and towere over him. He put a reassuring hand on his wide back. "Let me ask you this: what do you want right now? To be with her?"
Gojo stayed silent. He didn' know what he wanted. He hated the fact that he can't have both a friend and a lover. Choosing one would mean losing the other in Gojo's eyes. He can't afford that. Not when both of his most treasured people made him so happy.
Geto took his silence as a no. "You know what I think? You didn't want to have her. You just wanted others to see you have her."
His words cut like a knife. Why? Why do his loved ones have to be this cruel? He only looked up from the floor to his best friends almost black eyes. His own baby blues were watery. A lump took place in his throat. With a horror he realised how weak he feels. One half of him already packed her things and walked away, he can't let the other half do the same.
"Do you hate me now?" He whispered, affraid if he will speak any louder he would cry.
Geto took a while. Then shook his head. "No Satoru, just dissapointed."
Gojo nodded and looked back down to the floor.
Few minutes passed. None of them said anything. After Gojo was completely sure he won't fall apart he spoke up. "Do you think I can fix this?"
"Hmm," Geto hummed and pulled out a chair to sit opposite him. "Fixing means returning to its original state. I don't think things will go back to normal."
"But, I don't want to lose her. I know I don't!"
"Then you must set your priorities straight."
"But-" Gojo looked into Geto's eyes again. "That would mean I will loose you and that's equally as bad."
Geto shook his head. "You won't loose me. I'll still be here. You can still come over and we can still hang out. It just won't be like before."
"And that's what I don't want," Gojo mumbled and crossed his arms again while leaning into the backrest.
"Truthfully, if I had a girlfriend as amazing as Y/N I would spend a lot of time with her and not you."
Gojo swore he could feel his heart crack. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs, "that it's only natural to pick your lover over your friends. Not always, of course, but often enough."
Geto lifted his head to see his friend pale as a ghost, his skintone could now rival with his hair. He immediatelly regreted what he said. "But as I said, even if that was the case, even if you chose her as your top priority, which you should've as a good boyfriend, then it wouldn't mean I would cease to exist. And if I get someone in the future and I do the same you won't cease to exist to me either. You are my best friend, Satoru," he placed a hand on Gojo's shoulder, "and no girl will ever change that."
Gojo's ocean blue eyes let some tears slipped. He realized that his best friend is right, as always. Geto will always be there. And sure, even after he gets busy in his own life and won't have time for Gojo and his antics anymore, that wouldn't mean they would change into strangers to one another.
Gojo quickly wiped his tears and nodded. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "I don't want tk fix this. I want to evolve this. I want her back. I want to learn to love her again. Properly this time."
"You sure about that?"
Gojo nodded.
"Even after she won't forgive you?"
"Why wouldn't she? She's smart. She will understand. Besides, how can you rehect the best man in the world?" He forced out a chuckle.
Geto shook his head. "Arrogant and full of yourself as always."
"Yeah, what can you do..."
Geto's phone buzzed again. But this time nkt from a phone call but a message. Geto took out his phone, gave it a short glance and put it back into his pocket.
"Was it Shoko?"
Geto shook his head. "Just my reminder. Me and Shoko planned to go see a movie."
"Oh, is that what you talked about canceling?"
Geto nodded. "Y/N knocked on her door and asked to stay a few days. From what Shoko told me she was a mess."
Gojo slumped forward on his chair and hid his face in his hands. "I never wanted any of this to happen."
Geto hummed. "Do you know what this is callled? Consequences. Hurts, doesn't it?"
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onskepa · 2 months
Are Father's Day requests still open? (I hope so) Can I please request a fic where, after the battle of the tree of souls, Reader (Jake's human daughter) decides to make a gift for Father's Day to cheer him up, And in that Neytiri (who is wary of Reader after everything that happened) finds Reader and she asks what she is doing, At that Reader explains the whole concept of the celebration and Neytiri likes it, and decides to join and that becomes a bonding time for both of them.
Yaaaaaaaaay! A father's day request! I have a good idea for this one! Hope you enjoy!
For him
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Things have been steadily going back to normal, as normal as it can get after a massive war. Healing has begun, and new things arose. Bonds mended, new ones form, and old bonds remain strong. However, there are times when bonds are not formed. Be it never, after a long time, or really really slow. 
Neytiri, daughter of the strong hearted Tsahik Mo’at and the late but beloved and strong olo’eyktan, Eytukan. She is strong, powerful, brave, kind, wild, she is many things. However one thing neytiri isn't very open to is accepting or changing. Life was perfect before the humans ruined everything. Took many people away, but even she must admit that the humans have given her something she would cherish forever. Rather someone, her beloved jake sully. 
Neytiri would be the first to say she is proud, happy, prideful, joyous even, to have someone like him to be tied to. He gave her the freedom she wanted,  making things exciting, he was full of surprises. 
Having a human daughter was a surprise neytiri did not expect, or wanted.
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Neytiri was deep in the forest, in search of a good hunt. With being pregnant now, she has a certain amount of time she can hunt before she won't be able to. Looking for any sign of tracks, scent, she heard a noise. A hum of sorts, someone seems to be singing. Silently she follows the noise, and to not much of her happiness, neytiri sees the human sully. 
Jake’s biological first daughter. 
Little Sully, or Jake's child, neytiri would call her either of those names. Her human name is easily forgettable. Neytiri doesn't hate his child, but it is a bit difficult to accept her. A constant reminder of who Jake used to be, an anchor of his past. But Jake loves his daughter very much, and would try to get her involved in many things. However, Neytiri just keeps her distance. 
Like now, she sees little sully minding her own business, making something. 
Logically, Neytiri should leave her alone and continue with her hunt, but seeing little sully all alone, in the vast forest, with no protection. Anything can happen really. So, for now she gives up hunting. 
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“What are you doing?” Neytiri suddenly asks, making the young sully girl jump a bit, startled. Coming out from her hiding, displaying her full height, shadowing over little sully’s small form. 
The young girl looked up at neytiri, her eyes adjusting, after a moment she looked back down at her work. “I'm making something” young sully replies simply. Neytiri takes a quick look at their surroundings. There is plenty of shade from the sun, a river is not far should the kid get thirsty, and it seems little sully still had the knife Jake gifted to her some time ago. 
The young girl is safe, nothing neytiri should worry about. Except something slightly irks her. Little Sully seems to have a bit of a hard time weaving the vines together. 
No, neytiri shakes her head in thought. She shouldn't be side tracked, the child will learn and figure it out. Neytiri has to hunt to feed the village. 
The na’vi is divided in what to do. Stay and assist Jake's child or continue with her hunt?
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“You do it like this” neytiri instructs carefully as she guides young sully how to perfect her craft. 
In the end, neytiri chose to stay. 
Eywa knows Jake would be worried sick if anything happens to his child. Neytiri isnt one to enjoy seeing her mate sad. 
“It's hard…” young sully complains, not liking how her craft is turning out. 
“It takes practice to get it right,” Neytiri says. Taking her time and showing the young girl step by step. After some attempts, young sully got it right. With each successful weaving, her smile grows gleefully. 
However this makes neytiri curious about the child’s goal. 
“What is the purpose of this craft?” she asks.
Neytiri carefully observes the little one’s face. Yes she is still young, yet old enough to probably train with the other children if she wishes. There are still plenty of things the young girl has to adapt to. 
“I want to make something nice for my dad….norm told me father’s day is tomorrow so I thought it would be nice to give him a gift” young sully explains. 
Neytiri tilts her head slightly, “fathers day?” she repeats in a more curious tone. 
Young sully nods and explains further, “yup. It is a human celebration, like mother’s day. We celebrate our dads and show how much we appreciate them. My way is this but….I am not so good at it” 
Neytiri moves to sit behind young sully. It felt odd and awkward for both of them. Physically they weren't close, not until now. However, Neytiri was willing to ignore this odd moment. For Jake, she would do anything. Even doing this, 
Carefully she grabs young sully’s small hands and begins to guide her. Taking a breath, Neytiri begins to give a better set of instructions.  
“First you make a knot, then you add the first bead in the left thread and….”
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There was a silence between them. Not a bad one, it's somewhat a comfortable silence as they work together to make the gift for jake. It just needed one last touch. 
“Wait wait, I need to add this” young sully says before they can make the final knot. Pulling it out from a tiny pouch, the little girl pulls out a smooth stone. 
“I wanna add this to the center” 
Neytiri looks at the stone, she has never seen one like it before, “Where did you get it?” she asks. 
“It is a tiger eye stone. It is from earth” she answers calmly.
“Tiger eye…” neytiri repeats.
The little girl nods, “mhm, named after one of the planets most fiercest creature”. She answers as she places the stone close to her little eye, letting the sunlight illuminate its golden colors. Aligning it close to neytiri’s eyes, reflecting a near identical color.
 Liking the sound of the name, Neytiri helps the little girl to place it in the center of the craft and make sure it is tucked in. Making little sully’s gift complete. 
“You did it,” Neytiri complemented. 
Little Sully admires the craft, seeing how perfect it turned out. 
“We did it, thank you for helping me. You didn't have to but…thanks” a small blush forms on her little cheeks. 
Neytiri smiles as well, liking the cute smile the little one holds. “I chose to, I am sure your father will love it very much”. 
Getting up she looks up at the sky. Still plenty of daytime left. Offering her hand, neytiri guides young sully to a certain direction. 
“Come, there is something you might enjoy ‘ite” 
Holding her hand tightly, young sully follows, letting the warmth of the woman’s hand engulf her tiny hand.
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! Until next time! See ya!
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molchanovix · 8 months
I can't keep quiet about this
Tw S/A abuse in general PTSD
So, I finally watched all 4 episodes of Hazbin Hotel and I'm gonna share my opinion on why Husk is NOT an asshole for what he said to Angel.
And you guys WILL listen to my perspective as a man who has been sexually assaulted 3 times and relates to Angel heavily in terms of coping, trauma etc etc.
Let's start with obvious things. Did Husk call Angel a whiny power bottom piss baby? Yeah he did. But most of you are not seeing WHY he said that.
A shit ton of people who have been raped in the past turn to sexualizing themselves as a coping mechanism. They act "slutty", turn to dangerous behaviors and addictions to get back control of their bodies that they were stripped of when they were abused. Which is also what Angel does. He can't act how he feels so he doesn't have to actually accept what happened to him, he hides in his fantasies where he is nothing but a toy, where it was his decision to be used wherever Valentino wants to.
He did, in fact, need something as strong as the words Husk said to break free of trying to be the person he is not. If Husk never approached him, never came to that bar, Angel would get drugged, raped, then he would go back to the hotel and cry himself to sleep, so the cycle would continue. And he would never ever complain, because he chose to just act like he wants it.
He didn't just call Angel a crybaby.
Instead, he showed Angel that it's fine if he sucks - everybody does to some degree. But it's fine if he does. He doesn't have to be perfect, he doesn't have to hide in his little world where nothing bad happens to him. He can be himself, and he also has a community that will support and love him, no matter what happens to him.
And Angel accepts this. He can finally start healing after years upon years of sexual abuse.
This episode is so fucking powerful. As a rape victim, I didn't see Husk shit-talking him for the entire song. I saw that I, like Angel, have a community. That I can be happy even if I don't act sexually. That I can accept and move on. Open your fucking eyes.
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auroreliis · 1 year
Platonic Yandere!Batfam
Summary: The Batfamily wants to spend time with you, so they force you to watch a film with them.
CW: no warnings
(slightly edited; not proofread)
The sound of keyboard clatter filled the room as your eyes stayed glued to the screen in front of you. Its luminescence stung at your eyes, yet you chose to disregard the uncomfortable sensation, instead opting to blink the dryness away. You were too desperate to distract yourself with video games to notice the tall figure entering your room. You only realized your bedroom door had even been opened when the light from the hallway hit the wall in front of you. The sudden illumination of your room had caught your attention as your heart skipped a few beats. You didn't hear a thing. How were they always so quiet? You glanced at the large shadow cast by whoever entered the room. After briefly scanning over the muscular silhouette you narrowed it down to two people: Jason or Bruce. The fact that anyone bothered you at all was bad enough so you chose to shift your focus back onto the bright screen and pretend you didn't notice how much brighter your previously dark room had gotten.
You were almost convinced that it had worked, when you were suddenly proven wrong. "Your siblings want to watch a film. I figured you should also be invited. Perhaps this way you can spend more time with them", a deep voice spoke. It was Bruce. Your face scrunched up immediately. You did not like that suggestion. Your fingers rested on the keyboard while you were trying to come up with a response. He definitely knew you were avoiding them. You had stopped being completely disobedient, but you did vanish from sight whenever you had the chance to. Declining the offer was what first came to mind, but deep down you knew it wasn't really an offer. Even if you refused, they would drag you down to the living room, you could cry, kick and scream all you want, but there was no escaping their suffocating embraces. So you agreed, albeit begrudgingly. Seemingly satisfied with your reply he smiled at you and gestured towards the hallway, waiting for you to exit your room.
His hand was placed on your shoulder the whole trip to the living room. You wanted to complain about it, but he would need to hear a really good excuse to oblige and you couldn't think of anything other than "It feels restricting", so you chose to keep your mouth shut and endure it. You didn't even need to enter the living room to hear the chaos coming from inside. You couldn't make out a lot of words, as most of the sounds were just screaming, but you did come to the conclusion that they simply had troubles choosing a film to watch. You stopped abruptly, causing Bruce to turn to you and ask, "Is everything okay? Are they too loud? Wait here, I'll tell them to quiet down." With that he left, only to return shortly after, guiding you to the large room. They didn't seem to pay much attention to your appearance until Damian spoke, "I'm sitting next to them!"
Immediately you were dragged to the middle of the sofa, where you were currently sandwiched between Jason and Dick. "Not fair! You sat next to them last time, too!" said Tim, who was clearly not happy with being seated away from you. "Well, I sat down first. Maybe if you had been quicker, you would've gotten this spot", Jason retorted. "Let's not fight, there will always be a next time!" said Dick happily, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You slightly cringed at the contact before a groan reminded you of the ongoing argument between the siblings. "That's easy for you to say. You sit next to them every time", Tim spoke again, not wanting to lose the argument. "Yes. It's my turn to sit next to them" added Damian. Before the dispute could evolve, Bruce spoke and reminded everyone that this was supposed to be a calm Movie Night. After that, they all managed to shut up.
Tim, after bitterly sitting down next to Jason, asked what kind of film you should watch and the next dilemma ensued: Jason desperately wanted to watch a scary film, claiming that he wanted to see you scared. Dick, on the other hand, was very eager to watch a lighthearted, family-friendly film. Both Damian and Jason were not pleased with that suggestion. It took Bruce intervening once again for the Movie Night to proceed. Jason, in control of the remote, turned on a scary film and didn't let anyone complain.
Much to your dismay, the film was full of jump-scares, unnerving scenes, gore and violence. Before you knew it, you were clinging to Jason and Dick out of fear. Every now and then you glanced away from the television, only to see a smug grin adorning Jason's face, as he pulled you closer to himself. Dick, conversely, wore an expression of distress after noticing how tightly you were gripping his arms. You failed to notice how bitter Tim and Damian looked after not being able to sit next to you. Bruce was also a bit disappointed, but he didn't let that show.
The film ended and the screen faded to black. They turned the lights on and you were left there, paralyzed by fear. Jason, wanting to appear like a kind older brother, offered to let you sleep in his room for the night (or longer, if you wanted to). Although you were scared, you declined. You almost missed how all the others exhaled in relief. There was no way you would be caught accepting their affection, especially not when it was Jason. He would most certainly tease you and your leftover pride would most certainly shatter.
So here you were, laying in your bed with your back pressed against the mattress in order to have a clear view of any possible attackers. It had been a few hours since you first tried to fall asleep. The film you watched with your family shook you to your core. The gore filled scenes replayed in your mind all night long until you decided that this was futile.
Getting out of bed, you slipped on your slightly oversized slippers and made your way into the hall. Now it was time to decide whose door you would knock on. Although you really didn't want to admit it, you were scared and tired, so you contemplated your choices.
You could go to Dick's room, but you would need to prepare yourself accordingly. You wouldn't be able to drink anything, because once he had you in his grasp, he definitely wouldn't let you go for a bathroom break. You would also need to prepare yourself to be throw around like a sack of potatoes, because that guy cannot sleep in one position for the whole night. Overall, not worth it.
Jason was an option, but not the best choice. The only reason you watched a scary film in the first place, was because he wanted you to seek his protection and the only reason you didn't want to let him have that was spite. Besides, he was already smug enough, no need to add fuel to an explosion. Hard pass.
Tim is...probably the best option. He's sly enough to know not to tease you too much and can also resist being clingy most of the time. Your only concern was that he would still be up at this time.
And then there was Damian. He wasn't weak per se, but clinging to a twelve year old somehow hurt your pride more than clinging to Jason.
Tim it is.
Making your way to Tim's room was much more uncomfortable than you expected. You kept looking over you shoulder, not being able to escape the feeling of being watched. By the time you were in front of Tim's door, you had almost been sprinting.
You were about to knock on the door when a very enthusiastic Tim opened it and all but dragged you inside. You were pushed onto the bed and told to make yourself comfortable. He swiftly turned off all his devices and joined you.
It took you a few minutes to process the situation you were in, since his actions had been so fast. You were in Tim's bed. His chest was pressed against your back. His arms were wrapped securely around your waist and his face was tickling the back of your neck.
Not what you would consider ideal circumstances, but at least you knew he would keep this a secret between the two of you, right?
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psblooms · 3 months
maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two. I will always love you
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‧₊˚♡𓂃enhypen hyung line x fem reader fluff works word count: 858 established relationship, the love languages with them, domestic fluff note: does the song lyrics for the title have anything to do with this? no, no it does not.
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heeseung ๋࣭  ࣪𓍼 words of affirmation
every day he would be the first person to compliment you, whether it was your outfit, a new way you did your makeup, or your hair this man would notice it, and if you were wearing something he gifted you or chose, trust me he will never shut up about how pretty you look. he would not care if you just woke up from the deepest nap with a bedhead he would tell you that he loves the way you look - and he is genuinely serious he is always looking at you with his big heart eyes.
you would always feel comfortable ranting about a particularly bad day because you know at the end of the day he would pat your head telling you you did a good job and helping you find a good thing in between all that crappy day. I'm not going to lie I feel like he would be a little too soft when it came to you; even if you burned half the kitchen trying to bake something for you both, he would still say it was not that big of a deal and try the burnt dessert telling you you did amazing because even if it wasn't perfect, you did it and that's enough for him.
jongseong ๋࣭  ࣪𓍼 acts of service
jay loves feeling like he is utterly necessary in your existence (which, he is, and you tell him as such) but still, he loves to remember you that by helping around. even if you don´t ask him for your help and you are just telling him about your schedule and stuff you are doing, be sure he would offer to drive you there or pick you up. if you went out with your friends he would be with his phone close to him waiting for your text telling him it's over, he is not a mailman but he takes their motto to heart when it comes to you. whether it snows, or rains, he would always be one call away from you.
he doesn't like seeing you stressed so when life gets a little to hard he suffers from seeing you panic with all the errands and work you have to finish in a short amount of time his heart hurts and even if he is also as busy as you helps with whatever you need. are you out of shampoo? no worries he is on his way to the store. he has a way of knowing when you are struggling without you telling him, it's like a spidey sense, but he thinks this is much more cool.
jaeyun ๋࣭  ࣪𓍼 physical touch
you sometimes feel like jake needs constant reassurance you are there with him. from the daily morning cuddles to the goodbye and thank you kisses he gives you, you are well aware he likes having you close. sometimes in public, it is a lot more subtle, from shy hand-holding when his introverted side pops up to full-on hugging from behind when he wants your attention to be back on him. wherever he is going be sure he is going to have you close by holding your hand or by having his on your waist, he just doesn't want you to leave from his sight.
whether it's you knowing him like the back of your hand or the fact that he is an open book around you, it is always easy to find out how he is feeling without him telling you, he repeats the same patterns depending on his mood. don't get me wrong, he is almost always holding you close but the way he holds you changes dramatically in your eyes when he needs comfort or he is sharing his joy. no matter how he holds you, you are never complaining because you love having him close too.
sunghoon ๋࣭  ࣪𓍼 quality time
in this relationship, your similarities with sunghoon were bigger than your differences. both of you were extremely shy with each other in the beginning, this changed the moment you started getting more comfortable and spending a lot more time together, however, even though his loud persona came around more often, he was still a rather quiet type of guy. and he was happy you did not try to push him to be more extroverted. he felt comfortable around you even if none of you uttered a single word.
both of you were busy people, and sometimes that made it hard to share the same routine, even though it was hard to see each other as often as you´d like you enjoyed the moments together way more. the midnight cuddles where both of you were more asleep than awake and you shared your warmth in silence and darkness. or when you had a day off and you had to catch up with the home to-do list you enjoyed sharing the tasks while telling each other of the current gossip in your life in between of your productive day. spending time together even if it was doing nothing or a lot was something both of you enjoyed fully.
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thesilmarillionblog · 3 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 4624
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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It was quite the struggle to train with Ben for a week, especially when he took it extremely seriously and pushed you to the very limit. It was not that he hurt you; it was that in the lab you either lost your will to fight or you just got really weak.
There were moments when you stated to Ben that things might get serious about your power, but he chose to ignore you and aggravated the training, which left you worn out. But you were relieved that he could, in his own irritating way, encourage you that your strength was still there.
Ben answered, “No,” right away when you wanted to stop the exercise.
Right now, the entire home was a mess, and the hole you had made in the wall remained.
“I'm tired here, Ben,” you complained as you fell to the ground, gasping for air. You had been there exercising together since the morning, and it was nearly the sun going down. Except when you needed to eat or pee, he rarely gave you a moment's peace of mind. “I mean it. I'm done.” 
You opened your hands wide on the ground, and he looked at your body while saying, “You're a supe; you can't just feel exhausted that easily.”
You blushed as you noticed him staring at your soaked entire body and replied, “Give me some break.” There's a good chance that you were both thinking the same thing. “How on earth can you find that much energy? Even for a supe, it's too much.”
Ben stared at you and then took off the shirt he had taken off hours earlier, wiping the sweat from his muscular chest. You grimaced, knowing you probably smelled like trash. 
“It's because I am the strongest; I am not just any average Supe.” With the most arrogant way possible, he threw his t-shirt back to the ground and said, “Simply better and more powerful than anyone. But don't worry; we'll return you to the way things were, sweetie. You have my word.”
He gave you a sneaky smirk when he saw you staring at his broad, sweat-damp chest. Ben was waiting for you, literally, from above, all the time you tried to get some rest. His eyes narrowed, and you suspected his head was full of filthy stuff. 
You just muttered, “I hope so,” and avoided giving him a glance as you closed your eyes.
He sighed and went down on the floor next to you, crossing his big arms over his head. 
“Don't think about it that much. You're going to do even better than you are now. Maybe we should just do those trainings more frequently. What do you say?”
“It’s fine. I don’t have another choice anyway,” you replied, cutting it short while keeping your eyes closed. Even if you felt his intense stare on your face, you didn’t react. “What did the doctor tell you, by the way? The one who supervised Compound V's improvement for decades?”
You remembered that there was a lot of discussion following the news that Ben had killed him at his home. You kind of hoped you could have dealt with that cruel piece of shit on your own, though. He was just a monster with a white robe. He had always made an aggressive attempt to cause damage to you and showed no sympathy or compassion for anyone. You got scared and insecure when you opened your eyes, recalling the physical harm he had inflicted. 
“Fucking piece of shit!” Ben angrily exclaimed, his fists clenched over his head. “I should have killed him properly.” 
“What did he say, so you blew up?” 
“Isn't it obvious? That pussy told me how little supes are in the big picture of science, the future of the supremes, humanity, and some other bullshit. It's certain that Vough paid that cocksucker generously during all those years. He lived in luxury, torturing us, and he didn’t even regret it.”
“Did he tell you what kind of research he did on my body?” You asked as you moved your body to face him. 
Ben fell silent for a minute, enraged by what he remembered the doctor had said about you. Nevertheless, his eyes softened as he saw your expression and saw that you were excited to hear what he was about to say and that you were feeling at ease and comfortable next to him. That was all he needed. Ben recognized that if he made a determined attempt to be by your side and touch you in the way he desired, you would push him even further away and that you weren't
ready for physical contact at this time. He therefore forced himself to keep his distance from you and let you do whatever you wanted.
He just turned to face you and stated, “I didn't give him enough time to talk,” straightening his posture and sitting straight up on the floor. “He's just an animal, and he sees supes as rats for research in order to make profit. That's all.”
“When we agreed to live this life as supers, Ben, we already knew that.” You said bitterly, “People in charge always wanted to play with us like we were toys. They used us as they pleased and needed us for their own good. I wanted to leave the company for a number of reasons, one of which was that I was unaware of how serious that whole picture was. What I need to learn is what they succeeded in doing during the decades we were unconscious and at their mercy.”
Ben sighed and got up to get some weed from the nearest table, just after helping you off the floor.
“I was told by that son of a bitch that he examined you to make the future supers flawless. Though I'm not really sure what he meant, it seems to me that Queen Maeve—the woman from Seven—is their new you.”
“Do you think they might have found a way to weaken me? Don't say 'no' right away,” you said in a hurry when he opened his lips to object. “It just doesn't feel right about what's going on and everything.”
Your concerns, which were constantly lurking beneath the surface, took over when you realized that Ben had remained silent. Something was off with you, you two sensed that. Although after your first training day you felt a little stronger, your weakness remained under your skin.
You pulled open a window to let some fresh air in and muttered, “If you hadn't just killed the doctor, we could have learned about it.”
Ben offered you one of the glasses and sighed as if he regretted what he had done, filling the other one with wine. “I didn't intentionally kill him. It simply happened beyond my control. But I would still murder him anyway.”
You raised an eyebrow and sat down, realizing that your tiredness was taking over. “You need to find a way to control it since your nerves are always on edge,” you said. “And also, I need to find someone who can understand all of this.”
Ben sat beside you, stretching his muscles and leaning back into the coach while he listened to you attentively. As you spoke, you noticed that your gaze lingered a little too long on his sweating body, almost making you flush. 
He studied your expression to see how you would react to his suggestion. He said, “I guess the best option is to kidnap or torture a doctor who is in charge or fuckever who's doing supe studies for Vought right now. We can use Mindstorm to look at your memories and thoughts to see whether they have hurt you in any way.”
His suggestion caused your eyes to widen with excitement, and you exclaimed, “That's actually a smart idea. But how are we supposed to find him?”
“Remember the new technology, sweetheart. Anything is possible with these phones, Bluetooth, and GPS technology. Remember how I found you very easily?”
You gave a nod to him, knowing that what he stated was right and that you would be able to reach Mindstorm with ease thanks to modern technology.
After you had your shower, you saw Ben watching the TV with a dead serious face, and you sat beside him.
As you used the towel in your hand to dry your damp hair, you inquired, “Is there any news about us? Almost a week has passed.”
“Not much,” he replied as he continued to listen to Homelander talk about the two of you.
‘They pose no threat to the United States,’ Homelander confidently stated, grinning, as he extended his arms and turned to face the screen. 'As Seven, we've been trying to find them for a week, but it looks like they are hiding pretty well,' he continued. I, Homelander, the Seven's leader, swear to you that they shall answer for their actions. It has been proven that Soldier Boy rescued Y/N, and it's very likely that the two of them murdered the hapless doctors as well as every lab employee in cold blood and without hesitation.'
You and Ben exchanged a look as Homelander continued his speech. ‘Their families and children are in agony even though our government gives them the best care they can. These two criminals are responsible for the deaths of the orphans whose parents they killed. It breaks our hearts to see them weeping and grieving the loss of their families. There are even toddlers among them. Soldier Boy and Y/N will be held liable and made to pay for the harm they caused to the United States and its citizens. They have little time to conceal; they cannot get away.’
As the audience gave him a loud applause and he flew opening his arms out like.
Ben angrily said, “Fuck that. Son of a bitch,” and threw the remote control onto the table in front of him. “They were just another piece of shits who enjoyed torturing supes, nothing else.”
“But I didn't kill anyone,” you mumbled. “We are past the point of self-justification. Homelander is basically controlling the crowds. They would never pay to listen to us, Ben.”
Ben stared at the TV and said, “I'll teach them how to listen,” in a menacing manner. “You see? It's no longer about Butcher and his useless group. It has to do with our future.”
You could have argued with him about the future, but all you wanted was to avoid getting into another fight with Ben. 
“I think such a guy wouldn't be innocent at all. We might be able to defeat the company if we can figure out how to properly express ourselves, explain to them how Vought tricked us, and show the real Homelander to the rest of the world. There isn't another way.”
 “I know, I know,” he muttered.
As you could tell Ben was becoming enraged and feeling overwhelmed, you touched his bare chest, which had a little glow to it. “Hey, are you okay?”
He responded with, “I am,” placing his hand on yours and giving you a gentle squeeze. 
“Can you please stop getting angry for a second? I can sense the heat building in your chest.” You muttered, “You're stressing me out here,” but you didn't remove your hand from his upper body. You could feel him cooling down beneath your touch once again. It was fine as long as it worked; you simply didn't know why. 
“Well,” he said, arching an eyebrow, licking his lips, allowing you to touch him, and gently tracing his fingers over yours. His powerful, slow beats were calming in a way. “It's not too bad. Is it?” 
You withdrew your hand from his sweating chest while rolling your eyes at him and making sure he was okay. 
Ben had just showered when Butcher and Hughie showed up at the house. 
Butcher remarked in a sly manner, “Glad, I delayed for an hour coming here to pick up you two,” as you and Ben got into the back of the car. “We could have interrupted something funny, judging by the all-wet hairs and all.”
“We were just finished training there!” you exclaimed, your face heated. 
“It must be very good training, indeed. The entire fucking house was damaged like hell. You two spent a whole week all showering and training while we were dealing with the shit Soldier Boy caused.”
“Sorry for that, but it's not what you think, really.”
“I thought Soldier Boy and Crimson were having a relationship. Yet life goes on, don't they? There are always new, fine chickens and dolls all around.” Butcher smirked at Ben.
You were ready to add something about Ben and you having nothing to do, but Ben became enraged right away when Butcher brought up the Crimson Countess. 
“Don't you fucking know how to stay silent and shut your useless mouth?” Butcher was obviously enjoying himself when he suddenly made Ben mad. 
“What made you so furious now? Have I said anything untrue?” 
Hughie leaned back in his seat and said, “Butcher, stop that,” sounding distressed as Ben continued to swear at them both and told Hughie to make Buther to suck him soon, so his mouth would be filled enough not to talk stupid.
“Why even do you become irate out of nowhere? After all, you murdered the poor woman.”
You looked up at Ben, asking with disbelief, “What? Why did you even kill Countess?”
The fact that Ben never brought it up startled you even more than Butcher's statement, as though it were nothing important. You were stunned and shocked beyond belief. At that point, you were at a loss for what to think. You were not sympathetic to her, though. After all, Vought used her as a cunning evil to harm both you and Ben. She was the one who paid you a visit in order to deceive you that day. 
He tried to convince you immediately, giving you a gentle look as if he wanted you to understand what he had done. “She deserved whatever I've done,” he defended himself. 
You acknowledged, “I know she did. But why?”
He looked at Butcher and then turned to face you, almost whispering, “Let's discuss this at a later time. All right?”
You found Annie nowhere to be found when you got to Butcher's home, where only Kimiko and Frenchie were inside. Kimiko watched Frenchie play with his phone, seeming bored.
“Why did it take so long for you to come here?” Frenchie inquired in an irritated manner to Butcher. “You give me too much to deal with, though you know I have things to do. Kimiko is also exhausted.”
Butcher sarcastically remarked, “Hello to you too, baby,” as he removed his coat. “I have not even once heard a complaint from her; she is an incredible Supe. She can't possibly be exhausted, right, doll?”
Ben moved you over to the edge of the coach and sat by you, resting his legs on the table, just as you were about to strike up a conversation with Kimiko. You were fine with him being close, though, so you said nothing at all. In fact, if you were honest with yourself enough, you would admit that his behavior around you somewhat comforted you. 
“Kimiko and I have spent days looking for Black Noir and Queen Maeve, but we haven't made any progress so far. It's strange that they were absent from everything for so long. You see, something isn't quite right. According to Starlight, they have vanished.”
“The fuck you mean they are missing?” Butcher asked in disbelief.
“Why would Noir would go missing? It's not his thing to disappear,” you said. You thought you were thinking to yourself, but you had said it loud.
“He must have ran away when he saw us back together,” Ben said in am amused tone. “He fucking knows I'm going to kill him too. He’s a fucking dead man.”
You told Ben, “There must be a reason,” ignoring the way he talked about taking Earving's life. Right now, you don't need to see Ben being enraged over Noir and losing his temper again. 
“How the fuck doesn't Starlight know where Queen Maeve is?” Butcher questioned Hughie. 
Hughie took his head in his hands and responded, “She thinks Homelander did something to her. Maybe he killed Maeve.”
“How about Ninja Cunt, though? He is known as Homelander's right wing. Suppose he murdered Maeve. What about Noir?”
Frenchie remarked, “That's what I'm trying to understand,” and Kimiko communicated with him using sign language swiftly. 
“All right, we'll watch out for this and see if he shows up again.” Butcher ended it quickly and continued. “Tomorrow, Soldier Boy and I are heading to New York.”
You eyed Butcher with suspicion, asking, “Why and why not me?” 
“You two stayed at a lovely house for a week, for God’s sake. Aren't all of the showers enough? Is it not possible for you to separate for even a single day? Would you really miss this cunt that much?”
As Butcher continued to make assumptions about you and Ben, your face heated. Kimiko and Frenchie turned to face you in harmony, taken aback. 
“You're just making the wrong assumptions.” You distanced yourself from Ben and explained, “It's not like that,” acting as though you had been proven guilty. Ben didn't appear to be supportive when you stared at him, yet it seemed as though he was okay with Butcher's comments. “What I want to know is what you're going to be doing here and why I have to stay here.”
“Yes, doll. To catch up with your old friend TNT Twins, we are going to join Herogasm. It's almost like we have to clear your names first. Maybe they know anything about the specifics of those events from decades ago, and they could say something that we could use against Vought. Though things might get messy soon, don't you worry, I'm going to keep an eye on your soldier so that he won't be pouding into any supe cunt there,” he said with a wicked smile.
Ben said, “Maybe we can also find a thing about Mindstorm there,” giving you a meaningful glance and a small touch on the arm before you could respond. You nodded to him. 
“However, why must I stay here?”
“Kimiko needs to get some work done, and we need more muscle to help Frenchie and Hughie here. Let's don't take too much attention.”
“Okay,” you said, acknowledging the situation and giving up on further arguments. Herogasm was something you've always detested and loathed. Ben, the founder of it, was making it even worse. Yet the one thing about Ben's inconsistent anger—the energy in his chest—that scared you was his unpredictable temper. You weren't sure if he could find a way to control it soon enough. 
You questioned Hughie, “By the way, where is Annie?” As a member of Vought and Seven, you were aware of how difficult it must be to handle the entire company's evil by yourself. 
“I don't think she'll find Maeve anytime soon, but she's doing some research in order to locate her. She seemed to have disappeared in a heartbeat.”
You figured she was kind of involved in this too, based on the way they talked about her. 
Ben abruptly stood up and stated, “I guess all the rooms are full. So, which room are Y/N and I staying in tonight?”
“Not full,” Hughie smiled in response. “I suppose there are now two available rooms since I will be seeing Annie tonight.” 
Kimiko nodded quickly as she gave a smile to you.
Ben's expression darkened as Hughie continued to tell him and Annie that they would not be staying in this house any longer, while Ben quietly cursed. He glanced at you for a moment, but you ignored him and asked Kimiko to show you the room where you would be sleeping. 
After an hour of inspecting the room and all of the furniture within, you heard a light knock on the door and knew it was Ben.
After a minute, you said, “Come in,” startled that Ben was holding back, opening the door this time without your permission. 
He whispered, “As you wish, baby,” and carefully shut the door behind him. 
In the dim light, his hair fell over his forehead, and his white t-shirt made your heart melt just a bit. Under his large arms, his t-shirt was too tight. Perhaps you weren't used to seeing him in his regular clothes, which is why you were still excited when you were around him. 
“What now?” you muttered as you sat on the bed and observed him approach you. 
He joked, “Don't get excited; I'm just here to make some conversation,” and sat down next to you right away. 
You said, almost in a whisper, “Which is about?” while he briefly studied your body.
His darkened eyes lingered on your revealing nightgown, but you remained silent, intensifying the tension in the moment. 
Ben's desire to force your body to the covers, get on top of you, take off your sweatpants, and get you ready for some post-breakup fucking was unbearable. He was well aware that you never touched yourself when you were by yourself in the house, and that really disturbed him because he knew that he was the reason for it. Ben could tell by the way you looked at him and by the beating in your heart that your body still yearned for him, but he also understood that he had to rebuild your trust in every way. He had to take care of his meat by hand up until that point. 
After sighing and searching for the right words, Ben uttered, “About the thing I told you that we can discuss later.” He made an effort not to speak about Crimson bitch right away. She was the reason your nerves were already fragile. He had no reason to blame you for it. 
As he attempted to read how you were feeling, you questioned in a cold voice, “Why did you kill her? Was it unintentional?” 
You were curious as to whether he truly intended to murder her or if this was just another unintentional incident similar to the others. You needed to comprehend it, even though you didn't know why it mattered. 
After a while, he said, “I blew up,” and when you realized he hadn't done it on purpose to exact vengeance for you, your posture straightened. 
Ben said, “I was just trying to get information about you and your location before killing her,” as soon as he saw the look on your face. “I was cautious to do anything until she had spoken about you. But I was unable to control myself when she touched my nerves.”
“Did you kill her just because she was unfaithful?” You questioned him suspiciously, attempting to make sense of his motivations. Ben might tell you the truth or a lie, but you would still listen to him even if you weren't sure he would be completely honest with you. “In the end, it's her who deceived you. Whether Vought commanded her or not is important. She was the one who brought you there so they could capture you and then transport you to Russia.”
After pausing to comprehend what you were asking, Ben responded, “I would kill her anyway because of what she had done to both of us,” as if he had no idea how to answer properly. “Especially to you.” 
You said, your eyes softening with sorrow, “I wonder what you would do to me if I were the one to trick you, Ben,” knowing that, after all these years, loyalty was what mattered most to him. “Even if I had every right to do so.” 
“I would never hurt you,” he abruptly rejected, emphasizing each word in a hard voice. “I knew I would deserve it anyway.”
“I'm not so sure of that, Ben,” you said. “You're even more dangerous considering I'm getting weaker and you're ready to blow up anytime.” 
His smile expanding, he added, “Hey, don't say such things,” took one of your hands, placed it on his warm chest, and whispered, “You have every power over me.”
Under his focused gaze, your face flushed, and after a moment, you reluctantly withdrew your hand. 
“So, you're going to Herogasm tomorrow?” you said, attempting to change the topic. “Given how difficult it was to persuade you not to join decades earlier, you must have missed it quite a lot.” 
“Are you feeling jeaolus?” he asked with a mischievous smile, and you grimaced. 
“Why should I be? I'm just saying you might have missed the chance to join the party that you organized after all this time.”
“I'm not going there to fuck, baby; I'm not interested anymore,” he murmured, retaining an arrogant chuckle. “I'm going to call you when I get there.”
“I'm not sure.” You said to quit talking about Herogasm anymore. “I might be busy to pick up when you call.” Herogasm was the world's dumbest thing, especially since Ben founded it. 
“Why may be you even busy, anyway?” This time Ben uttered serious words: “I'll call you nonstop, so keep your phone with you every moment.”
You responded with the same heedlessness, “I might.” 
Ben smiled playfully and narrowed his eyes. “Since you too need to take care of yourself, it will actually be good for us to be apart for just a small amount of time.”
You naively asked, “About what?” as though he would make a crucial point. 
“You might as well relax on this bed while I'm away because I’m pretty aware of you're not touching yourself, knowing I'd hear you in a second, huh?”
You became the deepest shade of scarlet in your cheeks and murmured, “I can't believe you.”
“I'm not making fun,” he declared with seriousness. “It is also a bodily necessity. You don't have to reject playing with yourself a bit. Being the reason is something that irritates me a lot.”
“I don't feel ashamed of taking care of myself because of you or anything else,” you immediately argued, ignoring the heat on your cheeks. “I have no problem touching myself while you're here. It's not all that important.” 
Ben arched an eyebrow at your quick, brave, “If you say so,” followed by a sigh. 
“I'm serious here, Ben,” you continued, growing agitated by his haughty demeanor and enormous ego. “I'll prove it.”
He studied your figure and growled in a low voice, “I won't promise that I won't focus on you or listen to the way you sound.”
“Then don't.”
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are appreciated very much.  They keep me going. ♡˚.
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wosoluver · 5 months
I have a request for Lena Oberdorf x Bayern Reader.
On the topic of her transfer to Bayern. This request is full on fluff with maybe a little angst of them being apart.
Can we please get one about Obi loving domestic life with Reader when they see each other (cooking together, cuddling while watching movies & even versing each other at video games). But misses it dearly when the two have to be apart for months on end due to their commitments with their respective clubs. Sure the two see each other during the national break but that’s not enough. So Obi decides to transfer to Bayern to be with Reader 24/7.
Lena Oberdorf x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"Finally reunited!" you said as you put your seatbelt on.
"Only for a little bit though." she said turning on the engine, to drive to her apartment from picking you up at the airport.
"Don't say that, we have a couple of days." you grabbed the hand she had in your thigh, intertwining your fingers and kissing the back of it.
"Sorry schatz. I swear, I'm very excited to spend time together."
You were a Bayern Munich player, and your girlfriend, well, she was one of your best rivals. She played for Wolfsburg.
You can say it took a lot of concessions, to make the relationship work.
"Okay love, I'm going to shower. Can you order dinner for us?"
"Yeah. Movie night or game night?"
"Game night!" you said disappearing into the bedroom's in suite.
"How does it feel to lose for the third time in a row?" she asked as you pouted your lips.
"You cheated this last round!"
"Well, all is fair in love and war." she tried to reason.
"And which one was it? Love or war?" she had distracted you, by removing her sweatshirt, staying in only a pair of shorts and a sports bra.
It would've been fine if she did it because she was hot. But she did it exactly to distract you. Flexing her muscles at any chance she got.
"Both. I wanted to win the game and I love to see you drooling." she said teasing you.
"I didn't drool!"
"You so did." she said pulling you to sit on her lap.
"Fine. How could I not? I'm dating the embodiment of a goddess."
That would have been enough, if she wasn't already turned on by you naturally.
"I think it's time we go to bed." she said with a naughty look on her face.
"Good Morning my love." she said kissing your temple. You opened your eyes, taking in Lena's sleepy and puffy face, as a ray of light came through the window.
"Good morning liebling. Slept well?"
"The best I have, since the last time we slept in the same bed." she would always bring up the fact you guys were separated by over 400 kilometers, constantly.
"In a couple of years, this will be our lives everyday." you reassured her, the best you could every time.
"I'll die of happiness when that happens."
This woman made your heart feel like it was about to explode.
"How about we cook some breakfast? I can make your favorite."
"Yes! I've been craving it." giving you a kiss before getting up. "Let's go."
"I've never seen you get up so fast in my life." as you followed her to get cleaned up.
"I don't know how you make this taste so good. Usually healthy versions of things taste like cardboard." as you prepared the pancake batter.
"We can't really break our diets, so. Also it's just a good recipe."
"Don't play it on the recipe. It's all you. Take a complement please."
"Thank you, schatz. How about we make a smoothie to complement it?"
"I'll start cutting the fruits." but before she could turn, you grabbed her attention.
"Hey..." you said dabbing a finger in the liquid and tapping it on her nose.
"Oh, it's on." letting out a mischievous grin.
You had the day all to yourselves. Not wanting to waste your time with anyone that wasn't each other, you decided upon watching movies. Only movies ever allowed to play by your girlfriend, was Disney movies. Not that you would ever complain. And you had chose the first one. Tangled.
Cuddling up to her. She was almost always the big spoon, only setting for other option when she felt extremely needy. So you laid on your back, as she placed her head on your chest, cuddling to your side the best she could, since you were a bit smaller than her.
You spent your time focusing partially on the movie and partially in gently combing her hair through you fingers and massaging her scalp.
"They are just like us. I'm obviously Flynn, good looking, funny, has a hot girlfriend."
"And I look nothing like Rapunzel."
"No, but you would probably defend yourself with a frying pan, if someone broke into the apartment."
She never failed at making you laugh. You loved that about her.
Every time you spent more time around eachother, she was more and more sure, of wanting to marry you. Of taking the decision to ask for a transfer.
She hadn't brought up yet. She was waiting till it felt like it was the right moment.
While you held each other under the blankets, you noticed she wasn't paying attention at all. So you brought up what you thought was bothering her.
"Aren't you supposed to be looking for a new apartment? I thought your lease was ending this summer."
"I've looked at some but, not one of them felt right." she mustered all her courage for her next words. It was now or now.
"It will only feel like a home, if I have you with me."
"What do you mean?"
"What if I moved to Munich?"
"That would be amazing! Are you planning to leave Wolfsburg next year?"
"Actually, I'm asking for a transfer over the summer."
"Are you messing with me?"
"I'm serious. All is fair in love and war, I want to move into a more competitive club and I want to be with you, close to you, not having to take a plane just to kiss you."
"You are?" You instantly jumped up on the bed.
"Yes." she said laughing as you jumped on the bed.
You landed on top of her. Pulling her into a hug.
"Love, I can't breathe properly." she said under you.
"Sorry, right, you have to be alive for that to happen." she pulled you back to her.
"I love you." she left a kiss on your forehead.
"And I love you." you said placing a kiss on her lips.
Hope you like it! Thanks for sending this in 🩷
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rizzanon · 10 months
childhood friend! Shinichiro Sano
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part 1 | part 2 (here)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who matures quite significantly by the end of highschool, no longer asking out girls at school anymore much to your surprise
"Woah, look at you."
"It's been months since you last asked out some random girl. What happened to the women obsessed Shinichiro I know?"
"Shut up, it was just a phase. Besides, you made me open my eyes in a way."
"How so?"
"I guess... I'm just waiting to ask the right person out now."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who invites you to witness the disbandment of the first generation of Black Dragons, despite you not being associated with his gang at all
"Why do you even want me to go? The people I know are only just going to be Takeomi, Waka and Benkei."
"Because I want you to be there. Is there any better reason other than that?"
"I suppose not..."
"And maybe it's also the fact that I need someone to watch over Manjiro haha..."
"I knew it."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets upset frustrated when you chose to ride with Takeomi instead of him on the day of the final gathering (he couldn't complain about it to you though, you made a fair point)
"Hey come on! Why are you going to ride with him? Takeomi's a worse rider than me y'know."
T- "Fuck off Shin. You don't worry about me stealing your girl from ya'."
"But you are a reckless rider-"
"Come on Shin, you can't expect me, you and Manjiro to be able to sit in one bike, can you? One of us is surely gonna fall off. I'll be fine with Take-chan, okay?"
"Fine..." (He was not fine with it)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who you make fun of when he comes over to you after the disbandment of the first generation of Black Dragons bawling his eyes out (you were prepared for this outcome)
"Glad to know you're still the same crybaby Shin I know."
M- "Haha! I'm gonna tell Emma you're such a crybaby."
"Cut it out you two! This—sniffs—is a special moment...!"
"You're lucky I brought tissues to wipe your tears away."
"I can't believe you know me that well."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets used to you coming over to the Sano household unnanounced whenever you pleased, not that anyone minded, since they all loved your presence
"Emma, be a dear and wake up Shin? Smack him if you have to."
E- "Okay!!"
"Woah, woah, there's no need to smack any—yawn—one. And why are you here?"
"Emma wanted me to teach her a new recipe to make for breakfast. So here I am!"
"And you decided to come over this early??"
"It's 7am Shin. Besides, don't act like you don't like seeing my pretty face the first thing in the morning~"
"Shut up." (Spoiler, he does)
childhood friend! Shinichiro whom you never grow apart from even after highschool, and you both started going on different paths, him opening up a motor bike shop while you started going to college and applied for a part time job as a cashier near the vicinity
"Wait, the shop you're working at is the one down the street, right? Just a few blocks away from my shop?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Great, looks like I can go say hi to you whenever I want."
"Don't you dare do something stupid to get me fired, Shin."
"No promises, ma'am."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who after miserably failing 5 times asks you for your help to bake a cake for Emma's birthday
"And what is this supposed to be?"
"Clearly, it's supposed to be Ariel, y'know, the princess mermaid??"
"That's your best attempt at making an ariel themed cake?? Now I know why you were begging for me to come over when you called me."
"I blame it on Manjiro for ruining the frosting."
M- "Hey! It was you who ruined it."
"So not true."
"I think the both of you should just shut up and help clean up this mess first."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who's gotten used to his siblings asking him where you were whenever you weren't seen with him and getting teased about it
E- "Neh, Shin-nii, where's [name]?"
"Probably stuck in another class, why do you ask?"
E- "I miss her."
M- "Idiot, we already saw her this morning."
E- "Hey! Don't act like you don't want her to come and play with us too!"
"Seriously you two, sometimes I wonder if I'm your older sibling at this point, with how much you ask for her."
M- "Shinchiro, we all know you love her as much as we do, maybe even more~"
"Shut your mouth Manjiro 💢"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who always shows up to your workplace when your shift is almost going to be over, always claiming that he was hungry and wanted to buy something, when in reality, he's there to send you home
"And what the hell could you possibly want from this humble store, Shin?"
"Woah, woah! Can't a customer walk around the store to see what they want to get?"
"The last time you were here you knocked down a stack of cans on display, the manager almost reduced my paycheck because of that."
"In my defence, I didn't see the stack of cans."
"Suree you didn't."
"Hey, come on now! You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your job.. on purpose at least...."
"Seriously. Now, would you be so kind to get me a pack of cigarettes, y'know, for a very dear friend of yours?"
"The only think you'll be getting from me is a pack of gum, rotten breath."
"Rude... now come on, when does this shift of yours end anyways? Let's get dinner on the way back."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who becomes your gossip and vent buddy whenever he sends you home after your shift, with him hanging onto every word you say, and hating on whoever you hate even if he doesn't know who the hell they are
"Argh, goddamnit, won't she just give me a break already?"
"Who? Wait—no, let me guess. Is it that girl from your econs class? What's her name again? Ka—Ka something..."
"Kazumi. Wow, didn't think you'd actually remember, well somewhat remember at least."
"With how much you complain about her, who wouldn't? But let me guess what she did to aggravate you this time."
"Go on. No guarantee that there'll be a prize for that though."
"She ditched a group project discussion again? Or she claims she's too busy to complete her part of the project when in reality she's going on parties and all that?"
"Mix of both actually, so congrats! No prize for you though."
"Aww. And here I thought you'll reward me for being a good friend."
"Argh, I should ask Takeomi or Benkei to intimidate her into actually taking this group project seriously or something..."
"Why ask them when you have your number one ride or die partner next to you to do so?"
"What'll you do? Intimidate her with the 20 rejections you've gotten? Pfft, she might even make that 20 become 21 before you intimidate her."
"I thought we swore to never talk about that ever again 💢"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who's grateful to you for bringing him his lunch to his shop whenever he leaves it at home and enjoys groans whenever you nag to him about the importance of not skipping any meals
"Guess some things will never change, huh?"
"Huh? Oh, is that my lunch?"
"No, no, it's my supper."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny [name]."
"I deserve more credit for making sure you don't skip your meals."
"Is that so? Would you like me to get on my knees and thank you? I can certainly do that."
"You and your cheesy lines... when will you learn to remember to bring your own lunch to work? You're pulling off the same shit you did back when we were in highschool."
"Maybe I just like your meals better than mine..."
"...??!... That... That still isn't an excuse for you to not bring along something to eat, dumbass. What would you do if I decide not to check in on you, hm?"
"Probably starve to dea-"
-smacks his head-
"Oww??? Alright, alright, sorry I guess, 'mom'. I won't purposely skip my meals ever again..."
"Good... next time, just... ask if you want me to cook extra for you."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who notes how you start to stand one arm's length away from him whenever you're with him, and when he asks you about it, becomes visibly distraught to hear you say he reeks of cigarette smoke
"Hey... why're you standing so far away from me? Don't tell me you came over to my shop just to see me work from a distance now.."
"You just stink, that's all."
"What??!? I definitely don't stink. I took a shower this morning, and I'm not covered in grease or anything..!!"
"It's that smokey smell that's always lingering around you. Y'know, because you like to smoke every now and then.."
"Huhh?!? What're you saying!!"
"Don't tell me you don't reek of cigarettes Shin. It's blatantly obvious, I can probably even smell you from a mile away like this."
"Because I didn't want you to make you self-conscious, stupid! Besides, it's not like I can force you to stop smoking or anything.."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who slowly stops smoking as much as he used to, especially around you so that you wouldn't be disturbed by his smell and stay close to him
"What is it?"
"Eh... it's nothing important."
"Oh come on, you clearly have something to say. Cat got your tongue or something? Taken aback by my good looks?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say. You just... smell different, that's all."
"Is smell all you care about? What are you, a dog?"
"Fuck you."
"Yes please."
"I'm joking." (He wasn't really)
"And I probably smell good because I put on this new cologne I got."
"Pfft, to mask off the fact that you're a smoke addict?"
"Hey! Might I inform you that I haven't picked up a cigarette for the past two weeks now."
"Really? Wow, I'm surprised. What made you stop?"
"You. Well, more precisely, you avoiding to get close to me because I stink."
"...?!?" (You were speechless and flustered)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets jealous upset when his friends flirt with you right in front of his face, not knowing that they're doing this to get him riled up enough and grow balls to finally confess to you
T: "Say, [name], you got a boyfriend or anything?"
"..?!?! Wha- Why're you asking her that-"
T: "What? Can't a man be curious? Besides, no boyfriend would be pleased if their girlfriend is hanging out with her 'guy' friend and his siblings 24/7."
"Very funny Take-chan. If that's your logic, then I believe you already have your answer."
B: "That's suprising. I was sure a pretty girl like you would have many guys chasing for you."
"...! I'm flattered, Keizo-kun. But I doubt that's the case, haha."
"Oi, you guys, stop bugging her like this..."
T: "Ya'know, I'm pretty sure most girls like strong guys, right? Shin's pretty weak to stay by your side."
T: "But, he makes it up with his charm and caring side, so I guess you have it good [name]."
W: "Well, that's Shin-chan for ya, so you don't have to worry about him not treating you right, [name]. But if he doesn't, you cant count on us to beat him up for you."
"I.... wow, okay...?"
"?!? Oi, you guys!!? Now you're scaring me!!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who confronts you one day, telling you all about how his friends and family keep on teasing him about how you and him should date and how he also really liked the idea of that
"Hahaha! Really? Manjiro did that?? I can't believe I missed that!"
"It's painful y'know! Can't believe he's only 12 years old and pulling off roundhouse kicks like that. And to my face too!"
"Well, what'd you do this time?"
"Wha-?!? I can't believe you're so quick to take his side. Both you and Emma."
"What can I say? Both him and Emma are my favourite Sanos after all."
"Gasp After all these years, you're choosing them over me?!? I'm disappointed, [name]. I thought you knew better 😔"
"Cry about it then."
"But he must have a reason for doing that to you though, right?"
"I mean... it's kind of stupid, really."
"Oh? Do tell whatever the reason for the 'invincible Mikey' to roundhouse kick you. And for Emma to take his side on the matter."
"Ah... they're just mad that I apparently haven't made you my girlfriend yet."
"I know, stupid, isn't it? They both have been bugging me about this for years now, claiming that they 'want you to be their actual sister'. What's worse is that gramps has the same sentiment as them too."
"Seriously? Sano-sensei as well?"
"Yup. He says he doesn't mind having you as his "granddaughter-in-law" and that you're the only person I ever truly listen to. Bullshit by the way."
"Is it it really though?"
"That's not the point. Hell, even the guys are teasing me for not making it official with you yet. Bugging me about it whenever we hangout, saying that if I don't act soon, they'll steal you away from me."
"I-.... wow... I guess that explains what happened the last time we hung out."
"Yeah, sorry if their words bothered you."
"No, no it's fine. But I'm just wondering... what do you think about all this?"
"Like.... with everyone bugging you, and well me about this, what are your thoughts on us dating?"
"...?!?... I guess.... I don't mind that..."
"Really? I'm glad then."
"Huh? What do you mean."
"I guess I don't mind us dating as well."
".....Wait..., so are you saying I can be your boyfriend?!?! Really?!?"
"Yes! I'm saying you can be my boyfriend, and I can be your girlfriend, idiot."
"I'm actually so happy right now I could literally kiss you."
"Then do it, Shin. Who's gonna stop you?"
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a/n: i love him so much oml, thinking about writing longer fics about some of these scenarios
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
The Wink
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky reveals how he really feels about you through a series of winks and an answer to a question you never wanted to ask.
Warnings: SMUT, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V). Aftercare. Small bits of fluff. Slight body issues (Bucky hates his scars). Feelings about being used for sex. Use of pet names.
"You're an idiot," you said with a laugh.
"Maybe, but this was entirely your idea."
You smacked his arm and rolled your eyes. "It was your idea, James."
He cocked his head to the side as if he was deciding if he agreed with you or not. He took another swig of his beer and shrugged. "It's possible that you're right." He held up a dart and shook it in front of you. "So you gonna take the bet or not?"
You grabbed the dart from his hand and grinned. "You're still an idiot." You threw the dart and it hit the board with expert precision. "Are you sure you wanna take the bet?" you teased.
Hr grinned and stepped forward, throwing his own dart at the board. It was an instant bullseye. "Oh doll, I'm gonna win this one." He winked as he teased you.
You groaned, knowing you were probably going to regret this later. You threw the dart again, aim pretty good, but certainly not a bullseye. "Shit."
Bucky threw his bullseye a second time. He turned to look at you, shooting you a wink as he grabbed his drink. "Your turn, doll."
"You can't win, Barnes."
"I'm pretty sure the game is mine, sweets."
You bit your lip and turned to face the board again. You knew that losing wasn't an option. You took a deep breath and threw your last dart, sinking it right in the bullseye. "Yes!!"
Bucky smiled and threw his last dart. "Ooo, bullseye number three, doll. Looks like I win." He winked at you again before setting his drink down and leaning closer to you. "So now you have to answer my question."
"What was your question again?" you asked in a light tone, trying to give yourself more time to formulate a better answer.
"If you could only save one person's life on the team, who would you choose?"
It was the question you never wanted to think about, let alone answer. If it came down to it, who would you pick? Whose life did you value more? Could you even pick between your teammates--your friends? Hell, every single one of them was more like family...how could you pick one family member to save?
The problem is, you knew your answer. You knew it from the moment Bucky had first asked the question 20 minutes prior. You'd refused to answer, thinking he would just let it go, but you should have known better. Instead, he made a wager...putting the answer to his question on a game darts. A game you had lost.
You could answer him honestly, but that terrified you beyond belief. You could lie to him instead, but that had its own risks. It was a rock and a hard place scenario and he knew he had you.
"I can't choose, Buck," you complained.
"It's hypothetical!"
"I know, but I love all of you. How could I possibly choose?"
"I chose," he said simply.
Your mind wandered back to a mission from three weeks before. The mission where Bucky had saved your life...
The room suddenly lit up, the muzzle of a gun flashing brightly as a bullet shot from it. The gun was pointed at you and you knew you were about to die. You could practically feel the end racing towards you at the speed of a bullet. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain, but it never came. Your eyes opened to a scene you'd never imagined seeing.
Bucky stood in front of you, his gun firing off a round as he dropped to his knees. His bullet hit his target, killing the Hydra agent instantly. When Bucky hit the ground, you hit it with him, coming to his front to assess the damage.
"Bucky!" your eyes scanned his body, panic settling into your chest. He was bleeding, but he looked alright.
"I'm fine, doll. It's just a shoulder wound."
"Why'd you do that? Why'd you jump in front of me?"
"Because you wouldn't have survived it. And I couldn't live with that," he said softly.
He wasn't wrong. That bullet would have killed you. While it only pierced his shoulder, it would have hit you directly in the head, killing you instantly.
"Thank you," you whispered.
"Anything for you, doll," he said with a wink.
Back in the present, you shook your head, clearing the memories from your mind. "That's not the same, Buck. I'd die for any one of you. That's much different than picking which one of you to save."
He shook his head. "You didn't see the whole thing. I didn't just save your life, I chose yours over Sam's."
You froze, trying to picture the moments before the gun went off, but the room had been so dark...you hadn't even seen Sam. "Sam's fine, though."
"Sam was fighting another Hydra agent when that one squared up with you. I saw him raise the gun at the same moment I saw Sam get pulled into a choke hold with a knife to his throat. I chose to save you."
You were silent, allowing his words to sink in. "I--I didn't know that. Sam never said anything."
"Sam got away moments later, so he never had a reason to bring it up."
"You just acted on instinct though."
"Perhaps, but I knew I would save you if it came down to it. I'd always choose you." He smiled and shot you another wink. It was the third one this evening alone and you were starting to wonder if they meant more than you'd originally thought.
Bucky was always winking at you. Sometimes jokingly, sometimes in a flirtatious manner, and sometimes even in a serious moment. They always made your heart flutter, but you didn't think they meant anything to him. Bucky was flirty, but he'd never made a move, so you assumed he wasn't interested.
"You still haven't answered my question, doll, and you do owe me an answer."
You took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine. I'd pick you, alright?" you said with a huff.
He looked surprised, but unconvinced. "Why? Because I picked you?"
You groaned, deciding to lay your cards out on the table, come what may. "No you idiot. Your stupid face popped into my head the moment you asked me the question, okay? I knew I'd pick you."
"Then why didn't you answer it the first time?"
"That's not an answer."
"Ugh!" You sighed again. "I didn't say it because I didn't want to explain why it was you."
Bucky looked at you strangely. "You're not gonna make me ask, are you?"
"Damnit, James," you groaned. "I can't live without you, okay? There's no world worth being in if you're not in it."
You couldn't believe you'd just said that out loud, but here you were, heart laid bare, in the awkwardly quiet compound game room.
Bucky didn't say a word, but he wasn't speechless. He was simply contemplating his next move, weighing the consequences of his actions before he made them.
After a few more painfully silent moments, he grumbled "Fuck it," before crossing the short distance between you two and pressing his lips to yours in a frantic, yet passionate kiss.
You were surprised by the suddenness of his actions, but you melted into him without a second thought. The kiss was infinitely better than you had imagined, and you had done quite a lot of imagining.
When Bucky's lips left yours, you whined slightly, wanting nothing more than for him to kiss you again.
"Sorry, doll. I've wanted to do that for ages."
"Well what you took you so long?" you asked.
He raised his eyebrows. "I wasn't sure you wanted me to. You never said anything either, you know. At least I dropped hints."
You rolled your eyes. "Can you please just kiss me again?"
He grinned and leaned back into you, mouth encompassing yours instantly. He loved the taste of your lips, the feeling of your tongue fighting against his, the way you gripped his arms like you were terrified he was going to disappear.
Bucky pulled away once more, the action almost painful. "Should we move this to my room? Anyone could see us here."
"Bit presumptuous of you, James," you teased.
He started to back peddle, a look of panic crossing his features. "Oh, I--uh--I didn't mean--"
You laughed. "I was teasing you, handsome. I'd love to move this elsewhere."
He relaxed, exhaling long and slow. "Thank god." He grabbed your hand and practically dragged you towards the elevator. "Come on."
"Buck, my legs are a lot shorter than yours, so can you slow down a little?" you asked as you jogged after him.
"Sorry, sweets." He turned towards you and scooped you up with ease before continuing to the elevator.
"What are you doing?"
"It's faster if I just carry you."
"Are we in a rush?"
He gave you an unreadable look. "Let's just say I've wanted you for so long that I actually might not be able to contain myself for much longer."
You smirked. "So you're gonna take me right here in this elevator?"
His eyes darkened. "Don't tempt me, baby, because I will."
You blushed. "I wouldn't say no..."
He looked like he was considering it for a moment before shaking his head to clear his dirty mind. "No, no. Our first time needs to be in a bed, where I can attend to your every need, not some dirty elevator."
You'd be lying if you said that the idea of him attending to your every need wasn't sexy as hell. The image of him on his knees for you sent a wave of pleasure straight to your core.
Bucky inhaled deeply and a low growl escaped his throat. "Fuck, you smell good."
You gasped, realizing he could actually smell your arousal...freaking super soldier senses.
The elevator door finally opened and Bucky practically ran towards his room. He pushed his door open and kicked it closed behind him before tossing you on the bed. He stepped away from you and took a few deep breaths.
"Bucky? You okay?" you asked in concern.
"I just need a minute, doll. Need to control myself."
"Why? I'm not afraid of you."
"You should be and you know it," he growled. "I could hurt you and I might if I lose control."
You crawled across the bed towards him, hand reaching out to him. "You're not going to hurt me, Buck. Just come here...please..."
His eyes met yours and you were taken aback by how dark they were. The normally bright blue irises were almost entirely hidden by his pupils, an almost feral look in them. It was an expression that might terrify a lesser woman, but you trusted Bucky with your life. That wasn't going to stop in the bedroom.
"Come here, baby," you whispered gently.
He let you take his arm and pull him towards the bed. He stopped when his legs touched the edge of the mattress. "I wanna be gentle with you, doll. Treat you right."
You cocked your head to the side as you took him in. "While I love that sentiment, Bucky, I don't need that. I need you and I'll take you in whatever form you come."
He groaned. "You're amazing."
You grinned. "Oh baby, you ain't seen nothing yet." You shot him a wink to emphasize your statement and he practically jumped on top of you, earning a squeal of delight from you.
He pinned you to the bed and started kissing you again as his hands began to undress you. His hands were fumbling with your shirt and he groaned in frustration before simply ripping it in two.
"I'm sorry, I'll buy you three to replace it," he mumbled, reattaching his lips to your skin.
He quickly rid you of your pants, leaving you in nothing but your underwear and a bralette that was arguably a little small for your chest.
Bucky sat back to take you in, eyes hungrily dancing across your body. He tapped the fabric between your breasts, "Is this expensive?"
You shook your head. "I have a couple more like it."
"Good," he said as he pulled a knife from his pants and slid it under the fabric, cutting the bralette in two. He cut the straps and tossed the ruined fabric onto the floor along with his blade.
You stared at him in a shocked silence, wetness seeping into your underwear. "That was hot as hell."
He grinned and inhaled deeply. "I can tell you liked it, pretty girl."
He grabbed your underwear and tugged them harshly down your legs. "Holy shit," he murmured, sliding a finger between your folds to collect your juices. "This all for me?"
"All for you, Bucky."
He licked his finger and groaned loudly. "Fuck, baby, you taste even better than I imagined."
He dropped to his stomach between your thighs, spreading your legs as wide as he could. He didn't bother to tease you, just dove right in, devouring you with a kind of hunger you'd never experienced.
You were a moaning mess in minutes, begging him not to stop, a plea he took to heart. When your orgasm hit, he worked you through it, never stopping to even take a breath.
You tugged on his hair and whimpered, but he kept going, needing to taste you for a little while longer. He wanted to feel you explode on his tongue again and again and again until you couldn't take it anymore.
"Bucky--I'm so close, please," you gasped.
He dug his fingers into your hips and kept your pussy tight to his face, not letting you squirm away.
Moments later you came with a cry of his name, waves of pleasure making your hips buck against his face. He worked you through it, only stopping when you begged him to give you a break.
He lifted his head, giving you a view of his slick covered beard. "I could eat that pretty pussy all day long, baby." He licked his lips. "Tastes so damn good."
You whimpered softly and reached for him, wanting to kiss him again. He wiped his face on his shirt before tugging it off over his head and lowering his body back down to yours. You held him close as you kissed him, fingers lightly tracing the scars on his left shoulder.
You felt his body stiffen under your hands and you pulled away to look at him. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing," he murmured.
"Hey," you said softly, grabbing his chin to force him to look at you. "Talk to me."
He sighed heavily. "I'm just not used to anyone touching my scars."
"Oh," you said in surprise, pulling your hand away from him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"Shit--no, that's not what I meant. Most women tend to avoid them. I know they're not pretty to look at."
"I think they're beautiful."
He looked at you as if you were insane.
"I'm serious, Bucky. Each one tells a unique story of your life. They're a part of you and that makes them beautiful to me."
His eyes softened and you could have sworn you saw the ghost of a tear slide down his cheek. "I don't deserve you," he whispered.
"Oh hush. That's not for you to decide." You hooked your leg around his hips and flipped him over with surprising ease. "If we had more time, I'd kiss every single one of your scars until you believed me, but we don't."
His eyes widened. "Are we in a rush, baby?" he teased, echoing your earlier statement.
You grinned. "If I don't get your cock in me soon, I may never recover."
"We can't let that happen, so we better get to it."
He helped you remove his pants, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. His bulge was massive and your mouth was watering in anticipation. You gripped the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down slowly, allowing his cock to spring free.
You inhaled sharply as you took in the massive erection before you, a slight panic settling into your bones at the thought of having something that large inside of you.
As if he sensed your panic, Bucky chuckled lightly and said, "Don't worry, baby. It'll fit."
"I don't think so."
He grinned. "We'll make it fit."
You looked up at him with what you hoped was a neutral expression. Concern immediately clouded his face, so you knew you'd failed miserably.
"Hey doll, it's okay. I'll go nice and slow, alright? I'll be gentle."
You nodded and took a deep breath. You positioned yourself directly above his painfully erect cock and began to lower yourself down very slowly.
Bucky gripped your hips tightly, making sure to guide you as slowly as he could manage. You both moaned as he began to enter you, the stretch causing you to dig your nails into his chest.
"I've got you," he whispered.
You tried to lower yourself further, but Bucky's grip on your hips kept you from moving. He meant it when he said he wanted to be as gentle as possible.
"I can take it, Buck. Let me try," you murmured.
He looked at you and nodded slowly, not looking entirely convinced, but he loosened his grip on your hips, allowing you to take control.
You took a deep breath, deciding to handle this like removing a band-aid--just get it over with. You sat down on top of him, sheathing his entire cock within your tight walls.
You cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, body stretched in ways it had never been stretched before.
Bucky groaned loudly, almost covering your cry. He looked at you with wide eyes, checking to see if you were okay.
Your body was acclimating to his size and you were becoming desperate the longer he remained still. "Please, Bucky," you whimpered.
"What do you need, baby?"
"I need you to fuck me--please."
He gripped your hips again and started to move slowly, letting you match his pace.
"I'm not made of glass," you grumbled.
He looked up at you in surprise. "What?"
"You're not going to break me, Bucky. I want you to fuck me until I can't walk, understand?"
He nodded rapidly, eyes darkening once more. "Are you sure?"
"Fuck. Me. Now." you demanded.
He wasn't going to deny you such a request. He shifted his body, planted his feet on the bed, and began to piston up into you with speed and force.
"Fuck!" you gasped, the pleasure slamming into you like a freight train.
"You're so tight, doll. Feels so good wrapped around my cock."
Bucky was giving you exactly what you'd asked for and you loved it. The tip of his cock brushed your cervix with every thrust, the whisper of pain only adding to your enjoyment.
"Squeezing me so tight, baby. You gonna cum for me? Gonna make a mess on my cock?"
You whimpered and nodded rapidly, your third orgasm of the night creeping up on you. "Feels so good, Buck."
"I know, baby. It's like heaven--could stay here forever."
Your fingernails were digging crescent shapes into his chest as you clung to him, unable to do anything more than moan and gasp his name. "Please," you whimpered.
He knew exactly what you were asking for, so he didn't slow down or alter his movements. He continued to pound into you until you came with a cry of his name, pussy pulsating around his cock.
"Fuck!" he gasped. "Fuck--baby--shit, you've gotta stop that or I'm not gonna last."
"Can't help it," you mumbled. "Feels so good."
"I know pretty girl." He pulled you down to his chest and held on tightly as he flipped you onto your back, allowing him to get a better angle.
By this stage, your body was hyper-sensitive and you could feel every single movement he made.
His hips began to move again and his fingers caressed every part of you he could reach. He pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers as he fucked you. "Can you give me one more, sweets?"
Your eyes widened and you shook your head.
"You sure, doll? I think my pussy can do it." He changed his angle, giving him the ability to hit your g-spot with each thrust, as if to punctuate his sentence.
You moaned loudly and clenched tightly around him, eliciting a groan from his lips.
"I think she can give me one more, baby. My pussy--treating me so good--gonna make sure she feels good too."
You moaned again, nails clawing at his back as he fucked you.
"Yeah? You like that, huh?" he groaned into your ear. "Who's pussy is this, baby?"
"You--yours," you gasped out.
"That's right, doll. It's mine."
He knew you were getting close, so he slid his left hand down between your bodies, using his finger to gently massage your clit.
"Bucky!" you gasped.
"You gonna cum for me again, sweets?"
"So close," you whispered.
"I know, doll."
Three more thrusts and you were falling into an ocean of pleasure, wave after wave crashing into you. You were barely aware of Bucky chasing his own high, the crest of your pleasure blinding you to anything else.
Bucky came with a low groan of your name, spilling his seed deep within you. When he was spent, he collapsed on top of you, body shaking slightly from the intensity of his orgasm.
You laid like that for several minutes before Bucky finally shifted, rolling off of you and leaving you cold and empty. You reached for him almost instinctively, but he wasn't beside you.
You whimpered softly, looking around the room for him. He appeared from the bathroom holding a washcloth, a look of concern on his face.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I didn't know where you went," you whispered sheepishly.
He looked sad. "Just wanted to get a nice warm washcloth to clean you up with, doll."
He very gently began to clean you up, hands surprisingly soft. "I've got you, doll. I'm here."
You felt kind of foolish...you were simply used to be treated differently by men. You'd always been the girl they'd fuck and leave, none of them ever stayed long enough to even make sure you'd cum, let alone clean you up after. It was wrong of you to assume that Bucky was the same.
When he was done, he tossed the washcloth to the floor and crawled back into the bed, pulling you into his chest. "Wanna tell me what's wrong, sweets?"
"I'm--I'm just not used to aftercare, that's all. I...I thought you left."
"It's my room," he teased softly, laying a kiss on top of your head. "Besides, I'd much rather hold you after sex than lay in an empty bed."
You looked up at him, taking in his disheveled appearance and eyes so full of love it almost hurt to look at them. "Thank you, Bucky."
His brow furrowed. "For what?"
"For being you," you said simply, placing a soft kiss to the scar on his right shoulder, the one he got from saving your life.
"Anything for you, doll. Anything for you."
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 4 months
headcanon: youre a new student at an MMA academy that the tf141 runs.
its just price in this one, but everyone will be present at a later point :))
the first time you walk into the gym, youre all wide eyed and nervous, the world of martial arts a part of your distant past. but with the state of the world you figured that some self defense classes were a necessity, lest you end up battered and bruised in an alleyway somewhere.
When you walk in, the gym is shockingly neat and clean, windows shining and floormats soft and new. you weren't exaxtly sure what to expect, but this was a pleasant surprise.
the prior class was finishing up, children running about and throwing punches at the punching bags scattered around the gym.
at the forefront was a man, broad shouldered and handsome...in a dilf-y sort of way (not that you were complaining!!) with a grin shockingly similar to a quokka, you thought to yourself with a small huff of laughter.
he must be the coach you had been in contact with for a bit to set up the trial class. John, you believe it was?
"ALRIGHT, first person to knock me over wins. You get two kicks each!" John calls out, his voice booming yet kind.
Laughter echoes throughout the gym as the children attempt to knock him down, but he remains still as a statue, evidence of the years of strength he gained.
A few minutes later the class finishes up, and you make your way over (a tad bit nervously) to introduce yourself.
"Hi! Um, I'm here for the trial class, I think I spoke to you over the phone?" you say, sticking out your hand for him to shake.
He smiles warmly, clasping your hand in his and giving it a firm shake.
'That's right, John Price, it's a pleasure. Welcome to Task Force Training Academy, I have a feeling you fit right in. Have you ever done anything like this?" he asks.
"Not...really? I mean, I did boxing for a few months last year but my skills are nothing to write home about. Taekwondo too, but that feels like a lifetime ago," you say with a nervouse chuckle.
"You chose the right class then, kickboxing combines a lot of skills from both of those disciplines," he says, clasping your shoulder in a friendly manner. "You did good," he says, and you feel yourself flush a bit.
"Th-thanks," you say, and wince at the stutter in your words, but John only smiles down at you.
"Do you have any hand wraps? Boxing gloves?" he asks, letting go of your shoulder. Somehow you already miss the warmth.
"I have hand wraps from boxing, but that's it," you say, shrugging.
"That won't be a problem, we have plenty of gloves you can borrow," he says, before you hear a bell ring out.
"Ah, class is starting. Just grab a jump rope for the five minute warm-up," he says, pointing toward the wall where a collection of jump ropes were before taking his place at the front of the room.
Grabbing one quickly, you hurry to an open spot and begin.
...5 minute feel like an eternity.
You're painting like a dog in the heat, your face warm with exertion as the timer finally finishes.
"Don't worry," John says with a deep chuckle. It was unfair how velvety smooth his voice was. "We'll get your endurance up in no time."
Somehow you feel your face heat up even further, and glance at anywhere but John's devastatingly blue eyes.
"I have no doubt," you murmur before rushing to put the jump rope back.
"Okay, we'll start out with partner work. Usually I would start with bag work but since we have a new member," he gestures toward you, and you wave awkwardly to the rest of the class, "I thought it might be best to return to the basics. Pair up, and we'll work on the basic punches first. Jab, cross, hook, et cetera. Go ahead," he says, before turning towards you.
"You, my dear, will be working with me. Let's see how much boxing stuck, hm?" he says. "Gloves are over there, grab a pair and we can begin."
"Yessir," you squeak, the prospect of training with the head coach a bit daunting.
"No need to be nervous," he says, nudging you lightly toward the shelves where the gloves were. "I just wanna get a grasp of how much you know, and what we need to work on, yeah?" he says with a kind smile, and you nod before grabbing a pair of gloves to use.
The one glove goes on without issue, but the other glove betrays you. The strap you struggle with, hand motions limited to crab movements as you try to grasp it enough to attach the velcro.
You hear John laugh lightly again as he watches you struggle before he grasps your hand in his, doing the strap for you.
"Thank you, coach," you say, and he hums in response, eyes seemingly lost in thought for a moment before refocusing on you.
"Let's begin, yeah?"
You nod in response, moving to a more centralized area of the gym. You move into the fighting stance you remember, and he nods approvingly.
"Good, that stance is what I like to see. Do you remember your jab?" he asks, and you hesitantly throw out a punch you recall being called a jab.
"There you go. Try adjusting your wrist to a vertical position rather than a twisting out. Its not incorrect, and I'm sure that's how you learned it, but," he explains, grabbing your gloved hand for a moment. "When your punch is horizontal, your wrist wants to take the majority of the impact. Instead, we want it vertically, so that the impact is distributed throughout the forearm all the way down to the elbow," he says, his fingertip barely ghosting down your arm, but it leaves goosebumps in its wake.
You nod, the heat in your face no longer just from exertion anymore. Adjusting your stance, he holds out the pad for you to hit again, and you listen to his advice.
A delighted grin splits his face at the impact.
"Atta girl, you listen well," he says, and you mutter out a "thanks".
Holy HELLS, the temperature in the room felt like it was rising by the second.
In your embarrassment, you fail to notice the slightly smug expression on John's face, your reactions priceless.
Recovering, you reset, glancing back up at him as he nods.
a/n: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SHORT BLURB, RAHHHHH. i was supposed to stusy half an hour ago :/ anyway, this fic is purely because i had my trial class for kickboxing today lol, and is almost based entirely on true events :p (though yknow, the coach was not john price and flirting with me, :/)
ANYWAY, i might start a series of this...we'll see what happens :))
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kitashinsukehoney · 1 month
Angry Sex - Satan Obey Me
(requested by anon)
TW: MDNI!! Angry sex, rough sex, creampie, choking, spitting, hair pulling, missionary, HOT SATAN, downgrading kink, fingering, overstimulation.
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Satan the Wrath Demon. You and him are compatible, and would spend most of your time together reading books, doing research and even doing homework together. He enjoys his time with you as staying home with his brothers has been stressing him out and causing him unable to focus on his studies.
"I can't believe it. He chose Mammon to handle the class event instead of me! Mammon is incapable to do anything but troubles! Lucifer even doubted my whole ability just because I got B in Potion subject!", Satan complained to me. He has been mad about this topic for hours.
"Satan, calm down okay? Your brother wouldn't want to put more burden on your shoulder. Let's think positively", I said to him as I'm arranging new books on the shelf.
"Y/N, you don't understand! You think it's that simple but having someone to doubt your whole ability is suck!", he yelled. At this point, his wrath is creeping up on me, making me mad too.
I slammed the books down on my study table and turned around to look at him.
"I know it's sucks! But getting mad over a small thing is childish, Satan. Plus Mammon is not that bad, he has the ability to handle this event too. You shouldn't be looking down on him when you hate someone does that to you too!", I snapped.
I was hoping he would calm down a bit but he frowned more.
"What did you say, woman?", he uttered as he's changing into his demon form. He took few steps closer to me, and his energy is so intimidating. I didn't ask for this, did I?
"I'm just saying that Mammon wasn't that bad... Plus Asmo is assisting him too. Just hope that the event would be successful", I said while froze. I was so scared, too scared to move because he would've strangle me.
"You're asking for a death wish, woman. You know how many merits i can get from this event? I've been practicing for months only for it to be snatch away from me", he snarled.
He grabbed my hand tightly.
"I thought you're so bold? What happened now? Unable to speak anymore?" he said to me. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and tilted my head so my eyes would meet his gaze.
"Ow! Let me go. You're hurting me", I said.
"This is nothing compared to be replaced by stupid Mammon, woman", he said.
His low and dangerous voice sent shivers to my body.
"I'm sorry... Please", i pleaded. His eyebrows furrowed and he won't budged. Instead of letting me go, he pulled my closer to his body and wrapped his arm around my waist. He smashed his lips onto mine, sucking my lower lips and his hand groped my breast harshly. He was BEING so rough right now. My make up that was done so nicely, smudged as the two of us kissed sloppily.
"Mmmh!", my muffled sound as I'm trying to fight him but failed. He wrapped his other hand around my neck and causing me unable to breath. He wanted to see me break but his wrath is too unbearable. He pulled me harshly towards my bed and pushed me down.
"Fuck this family, fuck those brothers! I'm better than those idiots", he nagged as he stripped off his clothes. He hovered himself over me and leaned in to bite my shoulder, leaving trails of love bites and marks. His hands ripped off my nightgown.
"Satan, don't be so rough", i pleaded. I looked away as I was scared of him when he is in his demon form.
"Oi, eyes on me. Open your mouth", he said. I focused back my gaze on him and obeyed him by opening my mouth. He spat into my mouth and pulled me for a deep sloppy kiss.
He hummed, feeling a bit satisfied.
His hands touched and caressed my naked body underneath him, until his hand arrived at my private part. His fingers rubbed against my heated folds and clit dangerously. As I was whining and squirmed in pleasures, he slapped my pussy.
"Stay still, woman", he snarled. He continues fingering my pussy skillfully. At first he used one finger, then two fingers and now he's using three fingers to prep me.
"Satan! I'm closer", I moaned as I gripped his hair. He groaned slightly but he didn't stop at all. He can feel my pussy clenched around his fingers so securely and smirked.
Instead of letting me cum, he stopped fingering me.
I whined, feeling overstimulated. "No, that's unfair! You're supposed to-", I whined but he shoved the fingers he used earlier into my mouth.
"Taste yourself", he said, taunting me with his wrath. I taste myself, sucking his fingers nicely.
As I was sucking his fingers, he slapped my cheek lightly while uttering, "Good slut listens to her demon. You're a good slut, serving me with this holy pussy that asking to be breed nonstop today".
Without a warning, he shoved himself inside my pussy, and moved in a rough pace. He drove himself angrily while gripping the headboard of my bed hard. My bed creaking crazily and the headboard broke. I gasped but he didn't stopped for a second. He kept on thrusting inside me, using my pussy for himself. He's upset and I'd let him vent his wrath on me through sex.
His hand wrapped around my neck and he pinned my legs to my chest to have a better angle to thrust deeper. I was crying in pleasures, choking and dumbfucked by him.
"Sa...satan, fuck! S-slow it, Ah~", i moaned, choking each words. He was still upset and thrusted harder.
"Love it when I can fuck your pussy angrily like this. You're so pathetic right now", he downgraded me. I kept on moaning and whimpering. His lips latched onto my breast, biting my nipple playfully which completely made me aroused.
My free hands scratched his back, and even dug my nails into his skin. At this point, we're fucking like wolves. His pace getting harsher before he released his thick cum inside me.
He let go his grip from my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Fuck, that sex was good. One more", he said before he started to thrust angrily again, fucking his cum deep into my womb. Maybe I should ask Mammon or Asmo to make him angry again.
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Credit to headers: @/dollywons (tumblr)
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
Just some random drabbles. Hahahahaha!
Bakugo x Singlemom Y/n
"I can't do this."
The love of your life said after you gave birth to your baby.
"W-what?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Why now? Why is he backing up now?
"I can't be a father. I don't know how to be a father. Fuck, we shouldn't have done this." He spouted. "I can't take care of that thing."
"This thing you're talking about is our child." You were now enraged. Angry tears streaming down your face as you stare in the man in front of you.
This was supposed to be a great moment. He, carrying your child in his arms while you gaze at them lovingly. But no. He was backing out.
The dream of having your own family was immediately shattered.
"W-why?" You asked. "Why now?"
He looked at you with frantic eyes as if he suddenly realized all his responsibilities. "I'm sorry."
The last word you heard from him before he finally left.
Several nurses came to your room when they suddenly heard you crying. Some pity you and some comfort you.
You don't know what to do, what to think.
Your tears continuously stream down your cheeks as you stare at what is supposed to be your little bundle of joy. But right now, as you gaze at your son's peaceful complexion, you are hurting. Everything reminded you of that asshole.
You remembered giving up as a hero when you met him. You remember him telling you how much he wanted a family with you.
All of it was a lie.
"Why.." You whispered. "Why does it have to be me.." You sobbed.
Some days passed like a blur. You were exhausted, depressed, and motionless. Whenever your child starts crying, you can't take him in your arms to rock him to sleep or feed him. You had to ring a nurse to assist you.
They were very understanding of your situation, though. They never complain or even ignore you. Some are comforting you, giving you your meal even though you never touched it. They were worrying about you.
Until you decided to tell him.
He's been there with you ever since high school. Sure, everyone didn't expect you two to be companions, but as of the moment, he's the only someone you have.
Gradually, you picked up your phone from the table beside you. Seeing how many missed calls and messages he left made you at least smile. You read a few of his messages before you click the call button and put it on speaker waiting for him to pick up.
An uneventful patrol is what is in his head as he walks around where he's positioned. People are greeting him which he nods in response. Some tried taking a picture with him but he refused to entertain them since he was on duty. He can't lose his concentration.
That was when his phone suddenly rang. If it's Eijiro, he'll sure hang up. But when he checked the caller ID, it was you. Instantly, he pressed the answer button and placed his phone next to his ear.
"The hell happened to you? Why haven't you answered my calls?" Katsuki spoke out while still keeping an eye around him.
Katsuki heard you chuckle on the other line.
"Hello to you too, Katsuki." You giggled.
"You didn't answer my question, dumbass." He tsked.
Something's off and he knows it.
"What's wrong?" Almost instantly, Katsuki's voice went soft.
You didn't know how to tell him. Katsuki has always hated your ex ever since you guys started dating. He was even pointing out the red flags and yet you chose to ignore his advice.
"I- Katsuki.." You muttered, trying not to cry.
Katsuki was patient though.
"He left.."
After those words came out of your lips, Katsuki immediately asked for her location and ended the call.
There are other heroes around him. They can protect them. Right now, his top priority is you.
Once Katsuki reached the hospital, the receptionist was surprised by his sudden appearance. Part of them wanted to be a fan girl but right now, he looks like he's on a rush.
"Tell me Y/N L/N's room, now."
"Y-yes Mr. Dynamight."
When Katsuki swung the door, it opened too quickly causing it to hit the wall loudly.
"Y/n!?" He yelled.
But the view in front of him shut him up.
There you are, sitting on the hospital bed as you gaze outside the window, carrying a sleeping baby.
"You'll wake him up, you know." You giggled and turned your gaze to him.
"Where is he?" He growled and made his way towards you closing the poor door behind him.
Mentioning him suddenly made your smile drop and stare at your child.
"H-he.. Backed out.." You said as you gazed upon the peaceful sleeping child in your arms. "He left us."
"That motherfucker." Katsuki cussed. "I know he's a coward."
You chuckled sadly. "You've always warned me about him." You said. "I should've listened."
Katsuki didn't say anything. He dragged a chair and sat beside the hospital bed close to you.
"I should've believed in every word you said." You were now tearing up. "I should've-" You couldn't hold it back any longer and sob quietly. "I-i'm sorry, Katsuki.."
"Tsk." you heard him.
Standing up once again, Katsuki sat on your hospital bed this time and placed a palm on your cheek, wiping a tear with his thumb. "Dumbass." He said, staring at you. "Why are you apologizing? Didn't I tell you I will support you in all your decisions? Everything." He added.
You looked at him, still tearing up. You were so lucky you had someone like him.
Several minutes have passed until you finally calm down. Your head resting against his shoulder while he plays with your hair.
"I can be his father." he blurts out of nowhere which makes you pull back and stare at him in disbelief.
"What?" You were confused, okay?
"I want to be his father." Katsuki repeated with a blank face.
"K-katsuki. I-
"Look." Katsuki sighed. "I liked you for what? How many fucking years. Fuck, this isn't the right time for a confession, but hell. I- shit. I don't like you, I fucking love you, you idiot."
He was ranting while you were still processing what he said.
He loves you?
"Y-you love me?" You blinked.
"I said a lot of words and that's the only one you heard?"
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getosbigballsack · 1 year
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑻𝒐𝒚
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𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖 𝒙 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝑨 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒕𝒐𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔, 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒋𝒐𝒃, 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒙
𝑨/𝑵: 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒚. 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔, 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒊𝒎 𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕𝒎. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒕𝒐 @noroi1000 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖♥︎❥︎❤︎❣︎
𝑾𝑪: 3.2𝒌
𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐'𝒔 𝑾𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆✯
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You should've accepted your best friend's offer to ride home with you when she inquired if you needed a ride. You should've answered yes instead of being arrogant and choosing to walk home alone in the middle of the night. 
Your hand wrapped tightly around your frame as you hugged the fur coat that did little to keep you warm, the heels you wore digging into the back of your heel, it hurt so much that you just wanted to kick the shoes off your feet and walk barefooted along the dirty, gravelled stone pavement. 
You were unhappy as it was, and to make matters worse, you occurred to step into a muddy puddle of water. "Fuck my life," you hissed as you brushed off your heels and walked back home. You didn't live too far away from the club; it was only a fifteen-minute walk to your flat. 
That’s why you chose to walk, but it would have been wiser to accept your best friend's offer instead of going home in 7-inch heels and stumbling in puddles. 
You murmured again, raising your head to the heavens, and asking, "Why do I have to live such a difficult life? Stripping isn't working for me. I can't afford to pay my bills or rent, and I have no idea what I'm going to eat tomorrow." 
Yes, life is difficult, and as much as you disliked complaining, you had no choice but to do so. You're constantly stuck trying to figure out what you were going to do, and tonight was no exception since, for one thing, you didn't make a single dollar. Not only that, but you also got into an intense argument with your boss. 
“Fuck…” you screamed. Your life just sucked. 
You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn't notice the sound of heavy footsteps approaching you. When you realised someone was following you, it was too late because they already had you against their chest and a knife at your throat. 
“Now, now small thing, if you play nice, I promise I won’t kill you,” they whispered as they pressed the knife even more against your neck. 
You swallow thickly, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you thought - How can my day get any worse than this - before opening up your lips to ask the person that held you, “What do you want?” 
“Well, my boss would like to have you in his bed,” they said to you. 
“Oh,” you said. You weren’t expecting that to be the answer. You were hoping that he’d ask for sex, a blowjob, money that you didn’t have, or something else. But this was unexpected. “Well, tell your boss…that… that I’m not interested.” 
“I can’t do that small thing,” they said back to you. 
“Why?” you asked them. 
“Following orders ma’am,” they responded.
“Well, how about I suck your cock and you fuck me for free and after you're done, just let me go,” you offered. “You can just tell him that I got run over by a car or better, yet I jumped off a building.”
You were hoping that they’d accept your offer and fuck you, but instead they laughed. “As tempting as those sounds. I can’t do that ma’am my boss or better bosses don't like when their toy is being played with.”
Toy? Now that word is a triggering word for you because for starters you weren’t a damn object, and you most certainly will never be. So, you sighed yet again. “Sir could you please just let me go… I’ll” 
“Don’t even try to make an offer, just play nice and come with me. My bosses are expecting you to arrive soon. No, to make this easier on us,” he said as he removed the knife from your neck. “Let’s put you to sleep.”
Then suddenly a rag was held against your nose, and the hand that wrapped around your waist tightened. “No… No,” you screamed, your fright and flight finally kicked in. You began thrashing around in his arms. "Please don't do this."
"Be quiet!" The man whispered in your ear. "NO amount of struggling will help. It'll be over faster if you just breathe." 
You shook your head not as you tried to fight your way out of his arms. But his grip only got tighter, and the rag that was pressed against your nose was now covering your mouth. "Please! Don't do this to me," you begged hoping that he'd have a bit of sympathy for you and just let you walk free. 
But this man, he valued his life more than yours. If he messed up his mission to take you to his bosses, then he knew that his head would be used as an example of what would happen if anyone failed a mission again. 
"Breathe!" A single tear dropped from your eye when you took a deep breath and breathed in the scent of the drug that was on the rag. Your eyes felt a bit heavy, your body getting slightly weak when the substance began to take over your body. 
It wasn't long though, before your body turned limp into his arms as you continued to breathe in the most unforgiving drug. "That's it, just breathe." And that's the last thing you heard before your eyes closed and everything around you went completely dark. 
"Ugh, Sugu please… wh- when is my t- toy getting here," the white-haired man stuttered through his moans as he clung to his partner for dear life. 
"Mhm… be patient Satoru," Geto Suguru, his partner in crime whispered, his lips against Gojo Satoru's ear just sucking at his lobe as his hand gently pumped his cock. 
"But… but I wanna play with her now…" Gojo whined. 
"Brat!" Geto hissed. "Remember what I told you. I went through so much trouble finding a suitable toy just for you." Gojo grunted, his head rolling against Geto's shoulder, teeth gnawing at his bottom lip trying his hardest to hold back the moan that was fighting to spill from his lips. "You better take good care of this one." 
"But what… ugh fuck… what if she's like the rest of them? I don't want a useless… toy," Gojo whined. 
"Just shut the fuck up and cum for me," Geto hissed before kissing Gojo's lips while his hand sped up a bit. "Gonna cum for me, pretty boy!"
"Yes! I'm going to cum,"
Amid their intimacy, the door to their chambers slowly opened revealing their trusted employee (or so they thought) walking inside with you lying unconscious in their arms. 
“Oh, my fucking God, I was just about to fucking CUM,” Gojo shouted, his hand reaching for the gun tucked away in the back of Geto’s pants and fired it at the man who stood before them. Luckily for him, Geto was quick enough to tap the gun downwards just before the shot fired and the bullet ended up landing at the man’s feet. “Don’t you know when too… Ugh!” 
“That’s right pretty boy cum for me,” Geto cooed as he gently pulled the gun from his lover’s grip, his hand that was firmly wrapped around his cock moving just a bit faster as he brought Gojo closer and closer to the brink of his ecstasy. 
“Yes… yes… yes,” Gojo screamed, both his hands wrapping themselves around Geto’s neck, face buried into his chest, lip biting and toes curling as a rope of cum shot from the blush pink tip of Gojo’s veiny cock into the calloused palm of Geto’s hands. 
“That’s a lot of cum Satoru,” Geto said, chuckling as he lifted his hand and showed it to Gojo. 
“Not my fault,” Gojo mumbled. 
“Of course not.” Gojo hummed while Geto grabbed a few napkins that were surprisingly on the bed and wiped the cum away from his hand. “Toji, you have the goods I see.”
“Yup!” he answered nonchalantly, not even phased by the fact that he almost got shot by Gojo Satoru just a few minutes ago. Well, that was nothing new to him anyway, Gojo had pointed a gun to his head, the first day he began working for them. 
“Put her on the bed.” Toji hummed as he walked towards the bed and placed on the soft duvet sheets. “It wasn't too much of a hassle to get her now, was it?” 
“Nah, she just talked too much,” Toji replied. “I’ll be taking my leave then. Have a good night Geto.” With that Toji spun around on his heels and left the room and closed the doors behind him. 
“Satoru… look there she is,” Geto said while smiling and pointing at your body on the bed. Though his legs were trembling a bit, Gojo managed to ease himself from Geto’s lap and crawled out to where his body was. “Be careful now.”
“Mhm… whatever,” Gojo groaned, still his hand lifted to stroke the apples of your cheeks. Oh yes, he’s already thinking of all the nasty things he could do with such a pretty face like yours. The hickeys he’ll leave on your jaw and neck, the bite marks and nails scraping against your cheek… oh all the things he could do to you. “Gonna have so much fun with you. Pretty baby.” 
The sound of a man whining and groaning against your ear had you immediately jumping out of whatever deep slumber you were in. “Fuck…” you hissed as your foggy eyes tried to make out your surrendering. 
“Finally awake I see…” an unfamiliar voice whispered against your ear before a warm pair of lips were planted against your cheek. Your head quickly snapped into the mysterious voice direction, your hand resting against the jaw that was previously kissed. 
“Who… who are you?” you asked, your eyes still a bit foggy but you could still see a head of white hair, and crystalline blue eyes staring right at you. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”
“Sex! Hugs! Kisses! And more SEX! But Sugu said that I’m not supposed to touch you. Sad but the longer the wait the sweeter the reward, pretty girl,” he said smiling from ear to ear. You tried to move away from him only to be pushed back against the duvets and the man now hovering over you. “Now, now don’t be like that. I was kind enough to not fuck you in your sleep. Don’t let me regret my decision and just fuck you right here.” 
“Satoru… Be nice. Poor girl must be terrified. Get up and let me chat with her,” Another man spoke as he appeared behind whose name you now know to be Satoru. “Hi there princess, you look a little scared.” 
“Where am I?” you asked, as tears began streaming from your eyes. “Why am I here? I wanna go home.”
“See, you’re scaring her, move!” With that said, the man pushed Satoru away from you. “It’s ok now princess, no need to be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he calmly stated as he pulled you towards him.
“I wanna go home, please…” you cried. 
“Hm? I don’t understand, you’re already home,” he answered while using his thumb and wiping your tears from your cheek. You looked at him in shock, your eyes now finally clearing up and now staring deeply into the man’s small golden eyes while he stared back at you. “You wanna leave the comfort of your home to go live inside a shabby apartment pretty girl? You break my heart.” 
“But… but…”
“Now… now… no buts. I suggest you go along with the flow and don’t ask any unnecessary questions princess unless you wanna be punished on the first day. You don't want that to happen now do we?" You quickly shook your head not as soon as the words punishment fell from his lips. “Good girl. Now stop the foolish crying and let us introduce ourselves. My name is Geto Suguru and that is my partner and lover Gojo Satoru. What is your name?” 
You sniffed and swallowed deeply, your fist balling into your lap as you opened up your lips and answered, “Y/N.” 
He smiled, a charming smile at that as he lifted his hand to stroke your tear-stained cheek, “Such a pretty name for a pretty girl, right Satoru?” 
“Mhm…” Satoru answered while smiling at you too. 
“Come here,” Geto called as he held his hand out for you to take. You stared at it for a bit, wondering if holding his hand was the right thing to do. But given the situation that you’re currently in, it seems as if it was the only thing you were allowed to do. So, you took hold of his hand. Your sweaty palms slid over his hot calloused hands, fingers slotted between his before folding your fingers over his knuckles and holding tightly onto your hand. 
“Let’s have a look around your new home, shall we? Satoru led the way for us,” and with that said, Geto pulled you closer to him before sliding his arm under your thighs and gently lifted you from the bed. You were a bit frightened, but you remained calm hoping that if you stayed still in his arms, he wouldn't drop you. 
“As you can see, this is our bedroom,” Gojo said as he began walking around the room. “You’ll be here for most of the time. Sugu and I have to work so you’ll have to stay here and wait like a good little wife. Plus, we'll have plenty of sex in here also.”
“Toru…” Geto called out to him in a slight warning tone. 
“Mhmm… whatever,” Gojo grumbled. During that time of them bickering for a bit, you took the time to look around the all-white room. The walls were white, and the carpets on the floor were white. The king-size bed in the middle of the room was elegantly dressed in soft white duvet sheets with white and seashell-coloured pillows. 
To the left of the room was what you assumed to be a closet, based on the design and the shapes of the double doors. “That's our closet dear. And inside the closet in a bathroom, Satoru will show it to you when it’s time for you to take a bath.”
You only nodded as you looked to the right of the room to see a Jacuzzi. What’s a Jacuzzi doing inside of a bedroom? A look of confusion crossed your face and Geto realised this. “What is it, princess?” 
Princess!? You thought. What a nice name to be calling a girl who he just kidnapped. “Uhm… what’s a jacuzzi doing inside of the bedroom?” 
“Ah… it’s there so that you don’t have to leave the room. You have a big bed to sleep on while you wait for us. A nice huge closet to play dress up in while you wait for us, a small little living room area that you’re soon about to see, and a jacuzzi to keep you from getting bored,” Geto answered. 
“You wanna keep me locked up?” 
“Yes,” Gojo answered with no hesitation. “Why should my precious toy leave their playroom? You should be in here waiting until I am ready to play with you. Don’t worry Sugu will play with you too.” 
You looked at both of them in disbelief. What was going on right now? You were drugged, kidnapped, and now being told that you were going to be locked up inside of a house like a toy? And what can we call this reaction of yours? Shouldn’t you be freaking out? Crying and screaming hysterically until they both got fed up with your bullshit and threw you out? 
Why are you so calm? Well, I guess you can say you’ve been through so much bullshit in your life, nothing ever really phased you for too long. Sigh. 
“The only way for you to leave this room is to be on your best behaviour. All you have to do is follow our rules, do as we say, and you’ll get a free pass to do anything that you want for a day, do you understand?” Geto asked and you shook your head yes. “Good princess. Now Toru is gonna take you to the bathroom. You need to take a bath and get changed out of these dirty clothes.” 
Gojo took you from Geto’s arms and then slowly made his way towards the bathroom. “When you get back, we’ll talk about the rules and punishments.” 
Once Gojo showed you to the bathroom. It didn’t take much time for you to shower and get changed. Oh, you had to say that you thought that Gojo was going to be the one to shower you, but surprisingly he left right after he showed you what products you’re supposed to use. 
Anyways, after showering you got changed into white lingerie that featured a flattering and full asymmetrical hem to highlight your legs' line, adjustable spaghetti straps for a great fit, and true beauty are revealed via the bicolour flowery lace cups. Lace chemise lingerie has front closure styling to show off your cute bump and will not bind your tummy, making it a fantastic choice for pregnant ladies. "METAL front hook closure" details help to produce a stunning bust line. The dress is made of delicate lace and mesh, is stretchy and breathable, and has distinctive embroidery that precisely shows your body line. 
It’s beautiful. 
You then move on to drying your hair, brushing your teeth, and moisturising your skin before stepping out of the bathroom to see Gojo straddling Geto’s lap, with his head resting against Geto’s shoulder and Geto’s arms gently patting his back. “There she is.” 
“Took you long enough,” Gojo said as he removed himself from Geto’s lap. He sat on the bed beside Geto then patted his lap while he beckoned you to come closer to him. “Sit,” he ordered, and you quickly walked over to him and sat yourself in his lap. 
“You look beautiful princess,” Geto complimented, and you shook your head yes. “Nuh huh, say thank you.”
“Th- Thank you.” 
“Good girl, now remember what I said about rules and punishment earlier?” Geto asked and you shook your head yes. “Well, Satoru and I only have two rules. Rule number one: Don’t leave the room without either of us. Rule number two: Just do as you’re told without question. If you’re able to follow those simple rules, then you won’t get punished.” 
“What happens if I break a rule?” you asked. 
“Well, it depends. Say for instance you break rule number one, if we catch then that is 30 spanks. Break rule number 2, then the punishment varies, from spanks to ass fucking, to overstimulation or even worst humiliation, meaning we’ll take you on a walk outside,” Geto said while smiling from ear to ear. 
“Not just any walk, pretty girl,” Gojo chimed in. 
“What do you mean?” you asked while raising your brow at them. 
“Hm… Break the rule and you’ll find out. Now let's get to bed, hm, you must be tired.” 
“No, I want a kiss first,” Gojo demanded. 
“You heard him pretty girl, give him a kiss,” and with that, you pressed your lips against his, and not even a moment later he began to devour them. “There you go getting comfortable with Satoru.” 
It’s not like you had a choice anyway, it’s either do as they say or suffer the consequences. 
And that is not something you want after all your life was already hard enough.
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𝐴𝑛𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘. 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔. 𝐼𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒.
@getosbigballsack 2023
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jsprnt · 5 months
Americano PT. 8 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: this one is a bit on the shorter side, but I promise next chapter will be juicy! 😉
W/C: 3.086
part seven
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"Wait- why am I actually kind of bitter about this?"
I mumble, looking up at Luis. He turns around, moving his camera away to look at me.
"Bitter about what?" He asks, fidgeting with the settings of the device.
"They literally crap out money- but get a free BMW?" I question, folding my arms.
"Oh, please. Will you stop being such a negative person?"
He gives me a nasty look, his hand coming to grab my arm.
"Or go sit in the car..?" He adds, pointing behind me.
"No, it's too hot to sit in the car.." I complain, adjusting my sleeve.
"Why did you even follow me here in the first place?" He asks, raising his brows.
"I was done with my to-do list and didn't want to stay cooped up in the office.."
Not to mention to avoid the insanely annoying looks I had been receiving ever since those stupid rumors and photos had been out.
"Okay, just stay back and watch then.."
I watch him make cinematic shots of each individual model and car. My patience begins to thin when he's still busy with it twenty minutes later.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to keep myself busy. I carefully scroll through my Instagram explore page, ignoring the thousands of follower requests to my account.
The internet was very quick, so within hours of my face being online, people had found both my full name and social media accounts.
I freeze, holding my phone against my chest, and turn in the direction the noise came from.
I make immediate eye contact with Valeria, her obnoxiously fake smile burning my eyes instantly.
"Yeah? Anything wrong with the shoot?" I ask, shoving my phone into my pocket.
"No, the players have just arrived- and it's a better look if you're off your phone and look interested."
I fight the urge to snort at her ridiculous comment, and just nod before I lose it.
"Sure, any reason you're here today? It's only for some short clips..”
I watch her take a step forward, a hand reaching up to her hip. She moves her neck in a weird way, staring at me for a moment.
"It's always good to see how my juniors work, and how close they are to the players is really something I like keeping an eye on.."
Oh- surprise, she was here for something stupid!
I was already over her snarky remarks, especially those insinuating a romantic relationship between Jude and me.
The thought only makes me want to gag.
I shiver at the cursed idea, noticing a few players already walking over to check out the new car they chose, and look back at Valeria.
"Well, I'm sure some of the guys really need your presence and knowledge. Please, go and join them.."
I instigate, hoping and wishing she goes to bother Toni instead.
For some reason, he could handle her bullshit really well.
"Oh, don't mind if I do.." She chuckles, immediately turning her back to me and walking away.
I sigh in relief, rubbing my nape to try to release some tension from my body.
I begin walking up to the cars myself, reading off every license plate to see which player got what model.
I stop at the car chosen by Aurélien, observing the details of the 'i4 eDrive35'.
« Très belle, non? » I hear him say. I nod, pursing my lips.
« Le couleur- noir est parfait.. » I compliment, stepping back to get a better view.
I open my mouth to say something else- but I'm startled by a loud car horn, it almost makes my eardrums explode. I shut my eyes tightly, not reacting fast enough to cover my ears properly.
"What the fuck.." I mumble, looking to my left. An obviously aggravated expression on my face, because who the hell thought that was a good idea?
“Jude! Get out of your mom’s car, please!” I exclaim, seeing him stand at the driver’s door.
The man couldn’t even drive, but got to choose a car for himself?
Not even that- he also chose the most expensive model worth more than a hundred thousand euros?
Life is so unfair.
“You’re standing in the way!” He exclaims, walking around to sit in the passenger seat. Another staff member comes over to drive him around the parking lot.
I give him a nasty look, stepping aside and looking back at Aurélien.
“Why don’t you join him?” He suggests, an obvious smirk on his face.
“What? Why would I do that?” I ask, raising my brows and folding my arms defensively.
“You know- nice car and fun drive..” He trails off, glancing at the moving car.
“I would feel like I’m in danger without him even being the driver..” I state, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand.
He chuckles, as if to mock the fear for my safety. I shrug it off, looking behind me to see where Luis is.
“Come on- get in the car and I’ll get Luis to do a little video..” I usher, walking away to get Luis.
The entire shoot takes us about an hour before we’re finally done. I quickly bid farewell and thank fellow staff members for their hard work before jumping into my car.
I go to start my car, looking up to see where Luis is. I roll my windows down, letting some fresh air into the car, hoping he’ll be here quickly.
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“No- it’s just annoying because I’m trying to do my job properly and I’m getting the craziest stares. Like, does having a conversation with someone mean we’re married with three kids and a chihuahua?!” I exclaim, looking at Amira on FaceTime.
“And you attended his match, and you wore his name on your shirt and spoke to his family and-"
I cut her off with a loud groan, rubbing my eyes in irritation.
“You’re the one who set me up!”
“I thought you already knew it was his shirt! Should I have worn Jude’s while you wore Trent’s?” She defends herself, a smirk forming on her lips.
I shake my head, dropping my pencil on the table.
I had been studying all day and had stopped the instant Amira called me.
“The way I can’t even get mad at anyone about this- ugh..” I complain, shifting in my chair.
“And those follow requests are so annoying..”
I grumble, totally aware of the fact that I had been complaining about literally every single thing and then some.
“Girl, if you set your account on public again and accept those followers..”
“What? I’m going to clout chase being that douche's fake girlfriend?”
“I have to take over my dad’s firm one day, and you want me to be known for dating my coworker?”
“Too late-"
I stop paying attention to what she’s saying when the front door opens, my gaze moving to see my dad walking in.
“I’m going to call you back later.” I mutter to Amira, waving at her until she hangs up.
I close my laptop, standing up to walk over to the door.
“Hey, dad- you’re late.” I say, grabbing his laptop bag off of him.
“I had a lot of work to review. Did you have dinner?” He asks, hanging his coat up on the coat rack.
“I had some of the food auntie Carmen made. You?”
“We all had dinner in the office. Everyone has been going home late these days.” He says, washing his hands in the kitchen sink before loosening his tie.
“With what?” I ask, setting his laptop bag on the table, prying into his business.
“Can’t say, but- don’t you think you need to tell me something?” He suddenly asks, turning to me.
I freeze, looking at him with wide eyes.
What the hell would I be hiding from him?
“Uh- no? I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” I state, scratching my nape in confusion.
“Are you sure?” He presses on, coming to hold onto my shoulders.
“I’m sure. What am I supposed to hide from you?” I ask, getting rather defensive, a frown forming in between my brows as I keep staring at him.
He notices my irritation, letting go of my shoulders and holding his hands up in surrender.
“Okay- I understand. Don’t get all angry at me..” He says, smiling.
“I’m not angry- just confused..”
“Forget I asked- How was work? How about you tell me about that instead?”
I purse my lips, looking down at my laptop.
“Alright, the players got new cars, so we had to do a shoot for BMW..” I mutter, fiddling with my notebook.
“You look so down, y/n. What? Are you jealous? I got you your new Audi less than two years ago..”
“What do you mean, dad? I love that car, would not exchange an Audi for a BMW- I have some car knowledge.” I state, my expression changing as I explain to him.
“That’s right! Come to me when you really want to change your car. I’ll call up some people I know.”
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I make my way towards the printer, looking for the documents I had sent over to be copied a couple hours ago. Finding them, I quickly read them through to confirm the pages are complete, until I’m stopped by Hugo.
“Are you ready for El Classico week?” He asks, making a copy of something.
Most people, as in football fans, would say an El Classico is a match you shouldn’t miss. The long-standing rivalry between the two clubs was always interesting to watch, and I would definitely agree a hundred percent-
Only, if it didn’t mean we had to ensure our match posts, interviews, and statements were properly prepared and triple-checked and approved days leading up to the match.
Of course, I loved watching the game- but the way it exhausted literally everyone involved was no fun.
What made it harder was the fact that we had a whole Champions League match to worry about first. To sum it all up, no one was getting sleep for the next two weeks.
“Yeah, just really busy with preparations.” I reply, folding the corner of the documents.
“Good luck, we’ve all been having sleepless nights. It will be worth it in the end- you’ve experienced this before. Just keep on doing what you always do.”
I nod in acknowledgment, smiling at him.
“You’re right, we will put our best foot forward.” I give him a thumbs up, chuckling.
“Good- I’ll see you at lunch. Work hard!” He encourages, patting my shoulder before leaving with his printed papers.
I sigh in relief when he leaves, making my way up to my desk. I place the documents on the table, before running down to the pitch. Having to finish some last-minute recording of the match preparations.
I walk over to the pitch, training is already in full motion, and I notice Luis already there. I look around for any other staff members, only seeing the creepy guy I ran into weeks ago standing across the pitch.
The guy was a walking, real-life jumpscare at this point. I’d only run into him at random moments, and the way he’d look at me had my heart leaping into my throat.
“You’re late.” Luis complains, bringing me out of my thoughts, fiddling with a black cable.
“Did those two minutes kill you?” I ask, sighing, and look at the players who were training.
“Of boredom, yes..” He replies, and I notice the small- very slight compliment in his words. A smile forming on my face as I chuckle.
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“We would’ve been absolutely fucked if Kepa didn’t save that one..” I mutter, insanely stressed, as I eye the scoreboard in the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium. A temporary stadium FC Barcelona had been using for this season.
“Don’t say that- you have no trust in this team whatsoever..” Luis complains, looking up at me.
“Who will score?” I ask, we loved guessing who would score and assist goals during every match.
“Jude.” He immediately says, not hesitating one bit.
“No- I’m guessing Vinicius..” I say, eyes darting back to my laptop screen.
“I will be right- just watch..”
“It’s his second El Classico and his first in season one. What is he going-” I immediately stop talking when I notice a chance to score, my hands tangle into my shirt as I see how much space there is to score.
I gasp, and my jaw slacks open when Jude scores an absolute screamer, which I’d obviously never admit to him.
“I told you!” Luis screams, celebrating like it’s his birthday. I scoff, secretly happy we were put out of our 0-1 misery, and search for the draft I’m supposed to publish.
A couple minutes pass, it’s almost full time, and extra time is finally announced. The away side is full of Madridistas, all sitting on the edge of their seats until Luca kicks the ball towards Jude and GOAL!
The away side celebrates happily, with another El Classico win in our pocket. I quickly manage and do what I have to do, before we both get up to go back inside.
I was both delighted and annoyed at the fact that we won. Of course, it’s always amazing to win a match like this, especially when we were doing so well this season. Also because it’s Luca’s 500th match, and an assist is pretty amazing to pull off on a day like this.
The only thing making me have bitter feelings was the fact that I had to interview Jude today. Normally, Man Of The Match interviews with him were already horrific to experience. An elaborate interview with him, after I’d been avoiding him like the plague, wasn’t necessarily something I would want to do.
“Can you go first? I’ve got to pee really badly..” I say to Luis, placing my bag down and running towards the restroom. Finishing my business up quickly and washing my hands thoroughly.
I look around me for a bit, knowing that sometimes players would use these restrooms as well. I had heard about instances where the players of the opposite team had raged against our team’s staff members. Which definitely had me watching my back in moments like these.
I had interacted with some players of FC Barcelona, and they hadn’t been disrespectful so far.
Thus, I’m not too fazed when the door to the restroom opens. I look up as a sweaty and tired Ferran Tores walks in.
We make immediate eye contact, and I nod in greeting, shooting him a quick ‘hello' before pulling some paper towels from the dispenser to dry my hands.
He seems to be seething in anger, so I break eye contact, looking away.
“This is a staff bathroom, are you aware of that?”
He suddenly says, water splashing from the faucet as he begins washing his face.
“Sorry?” I question, wondering what he’s getting at.
“Not for girlfriends.” He mutters, turning the faucet off.
My face twists into one of confusion, the words throwing me for a loop. Seems like he notices, and he opens his mouth again.
“You’re Bellingham’s girl, aren’t you? This is the staff restroom.” He enunciates every single word as if I’m a kindergartner, it makes me freeze for a second.
I struggle to stop myself from reacting thoughtlessly, not knowing if I should be crying or laughing.
My hand reaches for my staff badge hanging from my neck, waving it in front of his face.
“Do I look like a girlfriend?” I ask, dropping my badge and stepping out before he can apologize.
Asshole, losing doesn’t give you the right to be so damn rude.
How could I even get rid of these stupid fucking rumors?
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“Okay, smile!” I exclaim, holding Luis’s camera up to take a photo of the squad. With the happiness of winning an El Classico and the celebration of Luca's milestone came a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.
I hold back a chuckle at the sight of Aurélien laying on the floor, instructing some of them to move a bit for a better shot.
We take multiple photos together, staff members taking photos with the squad while I force them to stand in front of the camera.
“y/n, come here, and we’ll take a picture!” Antonio urges, snatching the camera off of me and pushing me to stand in front of the camera.
I feel myself being pushed, until I find myself almost pressing into Jude’s side.
I curse to myself, forcing an awkward smile as I pose next to everyone.
“What? Surely, you don’t think I bite?” Jude whispers, his arm dropping to his side.
“Please, shut up and pose. We still have that interview, so don’t start now..” I mutter between a clenched smile, pretending I’m not fazed.
I hear a soft chuckle, a mocking and breathy ‘sure’ leaving his mouth.
It gives me shivers down my spine, and I fight the urge to step on his shoe, focusing on posing instead.
This will be a long, long interview..
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“You should’ve told me you’re leaving.” I mumble, mouth full of cereal and milk.
“Sorry, been so busy, didn’t even come to mind.” My dad says, walking around the house as he gets ready for work.
“Where is that blue tie I just got?” He shouts from his room.
“I ironed it! It’s in the bottom drawer!” I shout, scrolling through my messages.
“Got it!”
I hum, chugging the leftover milk in my bowl before standing up from the dining table.
“When are you going? Will you be gone for long?” I ask, watching him put the tie on in his bedroom.
“This weekend. It’s a crucial case, so I’ll be back when it’s totally over. Don’t get up to mischief. I know how you get when you’re home alone.” He points, giving me a stern look.
“Yeah, sure, I will plan a house party or two..” I joke, but it doesn’t land as he continues staring me down.
“Okay! I will be a responsible adult and call you or auntie Carmen when something happens..”
“Good, I’m leaving to get to work. Will you be back on time for dinner?” He says, grabbing his paperwork and laptop bag.
“Yeah, can we order in tonight?” I give him a pleading look, walking him out.
“You know I can’t deny my daughter happiness in the form of burgers and fries...”
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