#Jason on the other hand loved school as a child and does not understand why people would not wanna go
justsomerandom-nerd · 7 months
Alfred taught Bruce how to drive and it was the worst experience of his life. He had less of a heart attack when Bruce decided to fight crime dressed like a furry.
Bruce tried to teach Dick but backed out after the car ended up wrapped around a tree. Dick was only fourteen but come on Bruce, you let me fight crime on a school night but you won’t teach me how to drive.
Alfred picked up the slack and within a couple weeks, Dick was a better driver than half of Gotham. There are no traffic laws in Gotham, so it’s not hard, per se.
Jason had the best understanding of how a car worked. He could barely reach the brake, but he could Hotwire a car in ten seconds flat and Alfred didn’t ask questions. Still, he needed hours to get his license, and Bruce wouldn’t just sign the form. (No Jason, driving the Batmobile doesn’t count.) He didn’t really need any guidance, he never so much as blew a stop light, and it was really just an excuse for them to talk. Jason died before he was old enough to get his license, but he had more than enough hours. Alfred has the log, crumpled and faded, stuffed in a box under his bed, signed, alongside Jason’s forgotten drivers permit. It’s got a little heart on it, he was a donor.
Tim learned to drive from Jack Drake, and Alfred almost regrets not getting to teach him. It was something he wanted to bond with him over. But then Tim goes to Alfred, sheepishly, can you teach me to drive standard? It only takes a couple sessions, and Alfred has a heart attack when they roll backwards, but they get a laugh out of it after. Tim’s not half bad at it, after all.
Steph is no protege. She never has been. Her mom is too shakey to drive, still recovering, and her dad, well it’s hard to teach a kid to drive from blackgate. She won’t ask Tim, he’s only fifteen, and Bruce she despises. But she needs hours and she needs someone to sign her log. Alfred agrees, a little hesitant, but hey, she needs help. It’s the first chance he gets to know her. They make a sudden stop, and her arm curls around her stomach, scared for a child that hasn’t been born. At some point she says, some days I have to stop myself from buying a car seat. I know if I did, I wouldn’t be able to let go.
Cass comes next, and it’s not like she’s never driven before. She’s just never driven with rules before. She blows past stop signs with shakey apologies, but he never yells. It takes her a couple days to get used to not driving like she’s in a high speed chase, and when she does, it’s so relaxing. She drives Alfred around Gotham on errands and they go out to lunch, and even when she has her license they make it a thing. She’s his only granddaughter after all, why shouldn’t they?
Duke isn’t half bad. Alfred shows him the ropes, and he’s a little more nervous than the others. Duke makes less mistakes, and finally, he relaxes. He points out places around Gotham he knows from being a kid living in the city, and Alfred hears how lovingly he speaks about it. They drive a lot at night since Duke patrols during the day, and Gotham at night is a very different story. It’s more alive. And Duke knows the streets like the back of his hand, because it’s his city. He belongs there, just as much as he belongs with the rest of the Waynes.
Damian is a difficult story. He’s known how to drive since he was a literal child, so he’s understandably pissed when Bruce still makes him get practice hours off the vigilante clock. Dick is conveniently stuck in Bludhaven, and Damian simply wants to get it done as soon as possible. Alfred is his second choice, the only person he can think of spending forty unbearable hours driving with. It’s quite pleasant, Alfred lets him pick the music and they bond over a love of classical music. Alfred’s errands take excruciatingly long but after, they grab lunch, and oh why don’t we stop and see the knew exhibit at the Gotham Art Museum. Damian spends hours ranting about his siblings and Bruce, and Alfred tells him stories of how insufferable Bruce was as a child.
(I just think it’d be funny if Bruce was like, I know you could drive at 11 but you should probably get your required hours in out of costume, but I’m busy and you’re grandpa wants to spend time with you)
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ellilyre · 6 months
Ive lose the ask asking for my transmasc!Leo headcanon TT but i have them written down so imma post em like that
Leo transmasc headcanon
(many things are based on my own experience. Especially the dysphoria related things (so when i talk about Leo not being a real boy it is what he thinks bc of dysphoria. It’s not true.))
(warning angst angst (but thats Leo so that was expected)
it was so obvious even when he was small. He always wanted to play with boys, wear boys clothes, ect… His mom was fine with it. She bought him boys toys and clothes and even sometimes called him hijo. She was a bit confused, but she knew it made her child happy and it's all that mattered. 
However, it didn’t go that well with his foster homes. However much he tried, they always stuck to his deadname and she/her. That was a big part of the reason he kept running away. 
There really is no story behind the name Leo. He picked that one bc it sounded cool. 
Once he got a good enough passing, he did everything he could so ppl will assume he’s cis.
Don’t ask me how he gots his hands on hrt. It’s a long and weird story.
The wilderness school was very strict about not mixing girls and boys in dorms. 
Piper was his roommate, that’s how they met. 
In their memories created by Hera, Jason has kinda always known he’s trans. So Leo never bothered to hide it from Jason (as he does with others).
But Jason doesn’t have much (any) education on transidentity… At first he assumed Leo was a cis guy, and then some things were a bit confusing (why was he in fem dorms ? Why does he wear a tank top under his shirt ? Did he just ask Piper for a tampon???) but he just kinda gave up on trying to understand, bc Leo is a nice guy anyways. And with time (and exterior knowledge on the matter) he started to put the pieces together and to understand that “ooh ok that makes sense". 
Otherwise. Leo has no desire to get out of his comfortable closet. 
He has such a fragile masculinity 
Sometimes he acts a little bit macho. He’s aware he’s acting like an asshole but he’s terrified of being perceived as feminine. 
Why does he try to flirt with every girl he sees ? Another attempt to pass better (and comfort himself in his fragile masculinity) by copying stereotypical boys' things.
He overbind so much, GODS. Man will wear his binder for 11h straight (while fighting and running around) and then have the audacity to complain that his body hurts.
Piper tries very hard to remind him to take proper breaks. 
Jason is the biggest gender envy ever. He is handsome, tall, muscular… Leo really loves him but he also is so jealous and envious. 
He is very envious of other boys in general. 
When Percy got woken up in the middle of the night and left his cabin shirtless. When Frank went to take a break in the men’s restroom…
Gods, he would do anything to just be a normal boy. To be like them. To have their bodies. To not have to destroy his body to look slightly more masculine. To not have this constant fear that they’re gonna find out. 
And to add to the reasons why he felt so much like the 7th wheel : Among the 7 there are 3 girls, 3 boys… And Leo. Forever inbetween. Not a girl, but not a boy like the others either. 
Fortunately, with time he learnt to accept himself better and to feel more comfortable with others. 
Piper helped him to go easier on himself. And he had an actual proper talk with Jason.
The first person he actually came out to was probably Annabeth, bc she’s cool and wise and nice. 
And then he saw it actually was ok. She didn’t treat him any differently, she didn’t tell anyone else. She was cool with it.
He then told Frank and Hazel, with Piper’s help (mostly to explain to Hazel all those new terms). And it also went very great ! He then also told Percy and Nico. 
He’s not entirely out, just to his closest friends and his siblings at camp. And it’s enough. 
He still overbinds, but he has ppl to (discreetly) remind him to take care of himself. He’s still very dysphoric but his loved ones know how to remind him that he is their brother, an amazing boy.
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my Sunshine”
Part 24: Grounded and missing home
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: at the end of chapter!
Tag list: @lorosette @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @alecmores @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @randobeetlehouse
Series Masterlist:
It was just a casual night in with Nola, both of you bochincheando of the lives of your families…
“you remember my cousin Helena, right?”
Nola nods from the couch where she is sitting at
“Yeah, the one that used to do your nails?”
“Yeah, pues turns out the baby wasn’t her husband’s!”
“WHAT?!?! You’re fkn kidding!”
“Nope, no I am not, during the months that she had spent in Houston, she slept with another man and got pregnant”
“Shit, I told you the timeline didn’t make sense. How would she have gotten pregnant and by her husband who at the time was in Puerto Rico”
“I KNOW! so today I got off the phone with mami and you will never guess what she told me”
Nola sat up and looked at you, super intrigued “what?”
“They got a divorce and she’s going to marry her baby daddy! Even went to Ecuador to visit his family and everything!!”
“SIIIIIII! You know, I always told you that relationship was rocky since her ex husband already had kids and she wanted more”
“Oh shitttttt, are we invited?”
“OBVIOOOO! She is showing off the wedding preparations EVERYWHERE on social media! EVEN. THE. DRESS!”
Before you could answer Nola, a knock was heard on the door
You stand up from your place on the floor, gently placing Garbanzo, who was in your lap, in the sofa and to see who it was, only to see Damian pouting with his arms crossed
“Damian, mi niño, what are you doing here? You didn’t send me a text you were coming. Does your father know you’re here?”
Damian was never going to admit it, but he absolutely ADORED you. You always had a nurturing and doting energy on you and he constantly felt safe around you. Sometimes people forget that as much as he can be a killing machine, he IS STILL A CHILD, and having a positive mother figure was so important to him. He looked down and said very softly, “father grounded me because I skipped school…”
You looked at the child warmly and opened your arms
Ah, now there was something that Damian would NEVER admit in his entire life. He fucking LOVED your hugs and taking advantage of the fact that it was only Nola and you, he went straight to your arms and let you pull him inside.
Nola was sitting upside down on the sofa and Garbanzo was sleeping next to her peacefully
YN led him to the living room and let him sit down
“Sup Damian” greeted Nola from the sofa, and placed her hand up for a high five to which he responded
A doting mother figure and cool aunt figure…he could get used to this
“Now Damian, why were you skipping school?” Asks YN sternly.
Nola sits up and says “Oh shit, want some water? Juice? Alcohol?” At the last thing, Yn glared at her, “What? Whatever helps soothe his sorrows.” Defends Nola, making Damian crack a small smile, he tells her water and she stands up to get it, leaving YN and Damian more privacy.
“I didn’t want to go” he says dryly, making you deadpan at him. He sighs softly and finaly confesses, “Before coming to Gotham, I was homeschooled-“ “-by your mother?” YN interrupts and Damian nods and continues, “you could say that my intellect is quite advanced therefore, me going to school is not necessary.”
At that YN, thinks for a while and responds, “You do know, your father is legally required to put you in school till you’re 18, unless it counts as neglect, right?” And Damian nods whilst rolling his eyes
“Yes, YN! But I don’t like being with the other kids, they don’t understand and it is so difficult to be around them and I just…didn’t want to go. Plus, he keeps on saying that he knows my intellect is above Gotham Academy, but that I need to work on my social skills and have extracurriculars. He signed me up for fencing and I’m already the best there and it hasn’t been a week!”
YN hums understanding the problem. Although she has always been friendly, there was a time when…shit went down at home, that she closed off and spent a few years being super shy, so she understands the struggle.
“And is there an extracurricular you’d like?” She asks, “maybe something that might give you an opening to socialize at your pace?”
Damian looks at her and mumbles, “I like art and there is a art club in school, I’ve checked..”
At that, YN claps her hands, “There we go! Why don’t you tell your father about that? I’m sure if you explain how you feel…” she stopped for a second, seeing Damian get visibly uncomfortable at having to explain his feelings to his father, so she decided to rephrase so it fits their dynamic better, “I’m sure that if you negotiate with him, it will be fine”
At that, Damian relaxed and contemplated the outcome. Finally, he nodded and promised to do it once he got home. Knowing things probably aren’t the best at the moment, YN asks him, “Nola and I were gossiping about some interesting things of my family and later I was going to cook some rice, beans and chicken, Puertorrican style, wanna join?”
Damian had never tried her food so he nodded and saw that Nola had come back with a water bottle. She tossed it at him and he easily caught it.
“Now, let me catch you up Damian, with most of my family’s stories, get comfortable cause it’s going to be QUITE the ride” says YN and Nola laughs and adds, “you are going to LOVE this, kid”
And for once that day, Damian sat back, relaxed, laughed at Yn’s storytelling. At some point, they migrated towards the kitchen, YN still sharing stories about her family and all the summers she would go back to PR and Nola providing some stories about her childhood as well and growing up in an Asian household. They had laughed whilst YN cooked and finally sat down for dinner. Damian tried to also share some stories of the adventures his sibling have had over the years (very mindful to only include the ones that happened to them as civilians, he knew Jason hadn’t said a single thing of the whole vigilante ordeal yet) and it made the girls die of laughter. Nola, because she had blackmail material for Jason (please for the love of everything, for Jason’s sanity KEEP HER AWAY FROM STEPH AND TIM, dangerous trio that is!) and YN, because she felt even closer to her boyfriend’s family. As much as he liked to act all tough and cold, she knew that he still had a SUPER big soft spot for them. She didn’t know what caused the rift but she knew it was bad. Yet, any time he spoke about them, he had this huge tenderness in his tone, one that spoke of a love so cautious of being hurt again. He’d do anything for them (he’d complain a little, but he’d be there).
YN didn’t have siblings, the closest thing being Nola and some cousins, so having them enter her life, surely filled her life with joy. And being with a family so huge sometimes, it made her heart yearn for hers all the way across the sea.
Sometime soon, Nola invited Damian to play Mario Kart in the living room and YN was left to wash the dishes. She thought of her family even more. Her mother and her had moved to Gotham when she was barely eleven. The move was hard and it came shortly after her parents divorce. She remembers being new to the city and crying most nights because she missed the song of the coquis, the warmth of the summer, and the sky filled with stars. Sure, Gotham was in the coast and had beaches, beaches where she had gone a few times with her friends through middle school, high school and college. Yet, none of them compared to the beaches of her home. She would fly over there during the summers with her mom and oh boy, did she adore it! Her family gatherings were great. Blasting salsa, bachata, merengue (her personal favorite being salsa), they were filled with the laughter of all her cousins and tíos and tias and her grandparents and even the neighbors. They would have a barbecue on the beach, and days in the Morro flying kites, they would have road-trips along the island and see all of the beautiful sites of her home. She remembers the time Nola went with her, her family decided to go to El Junque and she remembers that it had rained a few days before so naturally, they couldn’t swim in the rivers but they still could walk around. Nola’s shoe got stuck in the mud and she fell making YN laugh so hard, she tripped and fell as well. Both girls ended up covered in mud because of how hard they were laughing. She still has the picture her uncle took of both of them on the floor, covered in mud, smiling brightly at the camera.
So lost in her thoughts, YN didn’t notice Jason come to the apartment. He glanced at Damian arguing with Nola claiming she cheated and insisted a rematch. One that Nola was glad to give him. He chuckled and looked around for his girlfriend, finding her spaced out staring at her bubble filled hands. He furrows his eyebrows and decided to hug her waist from behind, leaving a kiss in her shoulder. He feels her jump slightly, snapping out of her thoughts.
“Jay! You scared me”
He laughs lightly and answers “now what has you so lost in your pretty head that you didn’t see me coming?”
She finishes the last dish, dries her hands and turns around, pecking his lips.
“Nothing much, mi corazón” she smiles up at him and he notices, her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Now come on, my light, you know better than to lie to me like that” he says softly, his worry slightly increasing.
“I’m just a little homesick…I miss my family, and my mom”
Ahhhhh yes, you mom had moved back to PR on Yn’s third year of college to help her uncle take care of her grandmother
“Oh baby, come here” Jason pulls her closer to him and holds her tight. They are interrupted by a knock on the door.
YN walks to it and opens the door, only to find Bruce Wayne tiredly rubbing his hands on his face.
“Please tell me Damian is here. He won’t answer his calls or anything” he says and the girl laughs a little. Poor man, his children quite literally stress the fuck out of him.
“Damian! Your dad is here” she calls out and he comes out of the living room, with a small pout.
“Yang, YN. Thank you for having me.” He says barely acknowledging his brother and his father. You smile at him.
“Anytime, mi pajarito. And when you aren’t grounded anymore, tell me so that I can take you for another day at the Sactuary, they say Tantan the orangutan misses you”
At that, Damian smiles, nods and walks to the car, leaving his brother and father baffled. Bruce was convinced you were a mythic being of some sort, Jason was just too flabbergasted to function.
You wave at both, wishing them a good night for them to get home safe. Once you turn around, you see your o so lovable boyfriend, stuffing his mouth with the food that you had left for him, in pure bliss.
“This is the best thing ever, my love” he says after he swallows almost in tears
You laugh a little shaking your head, the sad thoughts slipping away little by little.
Author’s note: Little by littleeee you get that YN lore 😈 but in all seriousness, something I don’t see much in x Latina stories much is the yearning from home. Yes, I am a person currently living in my country, PR, but I have absolutely no doubt that it is something that happens to so many other Latinos who have migrated so I hope to show that part. Another thing is that I have noticed that in many cases, Latino culture is more family oriented than US culture, something that I also wanted to write in and represent through her yearning to spend time with her family and being at the moment, the only one away from home. Hope you enjoyed this! Lots of love!
-your writer!
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vikingpoteto · 2 years
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98 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
I know we joke a lot about Bucky and Sam being gay on a boat while the other Avengers break the universe but where were the other Avengers when they randomly announced a new Captain America
103 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
1: Consider this me asking about your platonic ships 👀
2: Thank you for the rock 😌
2. I'm glad you appreciate it.
1. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT JASON & STEPH AKA DISASTER TWINS as opposed to Dick and Donna's Wonder Twins
So this little Robin starts as a street kid. Their father is a criminal, their mother struggles with addiction and they have to grow up way too fast. They try to do good in any way they can but unfortunately they die by the hands of a sadistic criminal that torture them brutally before their death. They get better. Am I talking about Jason or Steph? TRICK QUESTION IT'S BOTH.
Cue Under the Red Hood. Jason is coming back and he has this whole thing planned. It's gonna be theatrical and dramatic and he hears that another Robin just died. Well, it looks like Mr. Black Mask specifically has a target on his back, doesn't he?
More years later. Steph is back as Batgirl. We pretend we do not see most of Jason's shit after UTRH. They finally meet. They bond over the fact that they're the only batfam members that can cook and know how much a banana costs. (No, Bruce, it's not ten dollars.) They're both sarcastic and quippy and dramatic and they get on like a house on fire. Steph likes to sit on his shoulders (she likes to be tall) and he gets fiercely protective of his new little sister.
(Eventually, Steph doesn't know why, but she tells him about her pregnancy. And Jason, who canonically hugged Sheyla Haywood and commented on how hard it must've been for HER to abandon him, simply pets her hair and says that he can't even imagine how strong Steph is for making that decision for her child's sake.)
(Steph wants to resent him, because back when she was Robin, Bruce couldn't handle her because she reminded him too much of Jason in ways Tim never did. But she finds out she can't. She knows how he feels like the family "outcast" and she wants to be a bridge for him. She wants to make Cass understand that Jason isn't bad even if Cass despises him. She finds that she has more in common with him than with the rest of the bats after all.)
They joke that they're the Robins that went wrong (if you joke about something enough it must stop hurting, right?) and, if Nightwing and Troia are Wonder Boy and Wonder Girl, Jason and Steph are Disaster Boy and Disaster Girl. Disaster twins. Jason points out he's at least two years older. Steph argues that that can't be true because he was dead for six months, so he's a year older tops. Cue long hours of pointless bickering over technicalities.
Crystal Brown fully adopts Jason. She invites him over for dinner as often as she does Steph (and it serves as a bittersweet reminder of what Catherine Todd could've been if she recovered but it also feels like home) and she gets so excited when she hears that Jason would've loved to go to med school (with a minor in Literature, of course.)
Steph tries to convince Jason to come public that he's alive and go to college with her. They'll talk shit about their classmates and show them trustfund babies what real top notch students are like.
They like the same musicals and they listen to Broadway soundtracks when they're together. They changed their patrol schedules to run into each other more often and chill while they're doing a stakeout.
Eventually, they have to go to the Batcave for one reason or another. There are painful memories. They stick together, reminding one another that they're not the odd one out, they're not alone this time. They never have to be anymore.
110 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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art by jupiterwave_, inspired by my fic for @vioislit
674 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hear me out: Dick Grayson is deadly allergic to kiwis. One time, (Robin) Jason wanted to sneak out and asked Dick to provide a distraction. Without asking a single question, Dick promptly looked Bruce and Alfred in the eye and took a bite of an unpeeled kiwi.
4,485 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
She sees what she's getting into from a mile away, but she welcomes it because Bruce's kids are a part of him, and she loves all of Bruce.
The kids all see it coming too, and while some (Damian) take longer to warm up to her, she's welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Selina's got a heart as big as her partner and while she's not always perfect, you can see how much she cares.
As a former foster child herself, Selina understands Duke's unique experiences and traumas from the foster care system, so whenever he needs to talk, she's the first one he goes to. Sometimes he doesn't want to (or need to) talk, so they'll watch boxing matches or she'll teach him little bits of Mandarin. If the kitchen isn't busy, they'll try their hand at new TikTok recipes, and film themselves either succeeding or debunking the original poster.
Being raised in isolation to be a human weapon meant Cass missed out on a lot of the things daughters typically learn as children/teens. The evening of Cass's first gala, she didn't know the first thing about doing her own hair and makeup. She's braved assassin armies, but her self-made disaster of bobby pins and eyeshadow nearly drives her to tears. Selina swoops in, wipes Cass's face with gentle reassurances, and walks her through step-by-step.
Selina considers it a privilege to have watched Dick grow from the spunky little Robin to the man he is today. Even though he's taller than her, she still ruffled his hair when he does a good job. She also keeps the first ever birthday card he gave her, which includes a pop-up bat signal and scented stickers, and remembers all of his favorite radio stations. Also, when Bruce does something, Dick goes tattling to Selina.
For a while, Carrie mooched off of her siblings' Netflix profiles, but everyone got tired of her messing up their algorithm and she was forced to make her own. She soon realized how much freedom she had because no one could see what she was watching. Selina caught on to the power trip and started researching and watching snippets whenever a new show comes out. That's how she stopped a bunch of preteen girls from watching Squid Game.
Tim often gets overlooked as not just the middle child, but the child who appears put-together and regularly takes on adult responsibilities. Selina, however, remembers that he's still a teenager. She regularly checks in and gradually teaches him that it's okay to let go and act his age. Selina encourages him to call his Young Justice friends outside of missions and take small acts of rebellion against Bruce. When Tim and his boyfriend snuck out to a famous lover's lookout, Selina gave them the car keys and covered for them.
She noticed that Jason really enjoys hanging out with Harley Quinn, bonding over not just Joker trauma but other shared interests like music taste. After Harley turns to the antihero side, Selina discusses with Bruce and they start inviting Aunt Harley and Aunt Ivy to dinner. The first time they do that, Harley is so excited that she baked a three-layer cake just for Jason. Literally, in strawberry frosting, it said, "THIS CAKE IS FOR JASON ONLY." Finding someone that Jason can relate to remains one of Selina's proudest accomplishments.
She's trying her best, but she makes mistakes too. For instance, although Wayne Manor has plenty of kitchen space, Selina does her cooking at Harley and Ivy's because Ivy can offer her fresh plant-based ingredients that suited Damian's needs. When Alfred's not available, she sends Damian to school with healthy, flavorful vegan lunches shaped into Cheese Viking characters. One time, she was tasked with bringing brownies to a PTA meeting. Incidentally, Harley was simultaneously baking a... different kind of brownie for a block party (you can see where this is heading). When an angry superintendent demanded to know who was responsible, Selina wisely kept her mouth shut and thankfully, so did Damian.
Cullen loves concerts, but he's a huge introvert who gets anxiety when he's left alone in a crowd. Selina becomes his concert buddy, and she'll go as all-out as he does. Sometimes that's showing up to a garage band dressed-down in hoodies and sunglasses. Other times it's painting their faces and looking like they just came out of a Hot Topic blowout sale. She even listens to the discography beforehand so she can blend in. Selina learns a lot about Cullen through this, because nothing says more about a person than the music they listen to.
Harper, though looking rough around the edges, turns into a giddy little kid at interactive science museums. During one of these trips, Harper got distracted by the giant Newton's Cradle so she didn't notice a fourth grade field trip sweeping up Selina. When they reunited at the gift shop, a chaperone had given Selina a school t-shirt and she was put in charge of grading ten kids' assignments. Harper laughed so hard that she spewed lemonade on the museum owner. Neither of them will let the other live that day down.
Selina and Barbara openly talk about guy stuff, and Selina is more than happy to offer advice in times of need. They're both pretty liberal talking about that stuff, and one time they did a tier ranking of all the Gotham Rogues based on how effective their gimmick is (Joker was the only S-tier). They then proceeded to get into a debate on whether or not Man-Bat and Killer Croc should qualify for the list, which led to them staring each other down at dinner while the other family members sat around them confused.
Steph's school offered a Mother's Day breakfast. Although Crystal Brown was doing her best and wanted to make it, she was scheduled a double-shift that the breakfast fell right in the middle of. Selina reached out to Crystal and with permission, went in her place. Afraid that Steph would publicly reject her, Selina sat in the parking lot for ten minutes as Bruce amped her up over the phone. Steph, thinking that no one would no up, was ecstatic and said that she couldn't have thought of anyone better. They enjoyed stacking up waffles and making the girls who bully Steph envious.
Long before she and Bruce got married, Selina made it clear that she would not be relegated to the gender-typical role of a homemaker, and Bruce happily concurred because it's 2021. They knew that to give Alfred a break, they'd have to take on some chores themselves. Instead of dividing up a boring old chore chart, they find ways to make cleaning fun and collaborative. They'll dance around the halls in mop slippers, play "guess the stain", and race their roombas. The kids see this and start modeling the behavior in their own ways—Dick swings from high places to dust them, Damian trains his pets to pick up garbage, and Cass and Duke compete to see who can clean the most bathtubs.
Some parts of the Manor are due for redecorating, so Selina and Alfred make a day trip out of interior design sketches, flipping through furniture catalogues, and looking at paint swatches. It sounds boring at first, but the menial tasks meant they had plenty of time for conversation, and she finally understood why everyone respects him. They also made room in the afternoon for a stroll through the park and afternoon tea, where he told her and her only the secret to a perfect scone.
The other Justice League partners welcome her into the group too. Whenever Selina's in Metropolis, she joins Lois and Ma and Pa for Sunday brunch where they share what their kids have been up to. Iris shows her life hacks to cooking large batches of food in a short time. Selina and Dinah discover an online store dedicated to selling vigilante gear and go on a Cyber Monday spree for their whole families. Steve Trevor, Diana's partner, teaches Selina how to fly with the invisible jet so she can surprise Bruce with the batplane.
After overcoming their initial conflicts, Selina and Talia hold a high amount of respect for each other. Talia sees Selina as not just a capable combatant, but a worthy partner to her former beloved and stepmother to her son. Selina, after spending all that time with the kids, understands the motherly love that Talia holds for Damian and makes it abundantly clear that she would never try to replace Talia in the boy's life. Regardless, looking after all those kids is hard, so they are very much open to the idea of co-parenting.
(Selina doesn't know it, but all this makes Bruce fall in love with her all over again.)
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You know the whole Baterang to the throat thing that causes a lot of discussion in the fandom? I think Bruce might not have been aiming for the throat
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It ricochets
This point in comics Bruce has been through a ringer Steph's died, Barbara and Jim have left, Leslie betrayed him and he's had to send Cass and Tim away and now Jason is back but for revenge so Bruce isn’t at his best and I think Bruce threw the Baterang in a moment of panic and either over or undershot which ended up with well that.
This moment causes a lot of debate but I don't see it as “Bruce harming Jason to save the joker” the way a lot of fics paint it I see it more as he'd been aiming for Jason's arm or something to disarm him but overshot and it’s kind of like a symbolism of their relationship. 
 Which is basically Bruce takes an action to stop Jason from going down a path that he thinks will end up hurting Jason, but ends up hurting Jason in the long-run.
Like when he discussed taking away robin from Jason (because he thought Jason needed time to deal with issues that were becoming more prevalent) which only ended up making Jason feel insecure about his position in the Wayne household, contributing to why he so desperately pursued a stable parental relationship in his biological mother.
Bruce knows that if he gives in and kills the Joker he'll never stop killing we've seen timelines that prove that and I think Bruce also thinks the same of Jason that if Jason kills the Joker he won't stop at all so it’s not that he’s saving the Joker but that he’s trying to save Jason but Bruce ultimately misunderstands Jason’s needs and winds up hurting him.
Bruce is trying to save Jason from what he sees as a downwards spiral, but he ends up hurting him not just emotionally, but physically, and in the most extreme way possible. It's like an even darker echo of how trying to bench him as Robin led to his death.
Bruce has spent YEARS haunted by the memory of Jason’s death his death fundamentally changed Bruce's entire character Alfred said that Jason's death affected Bruce more than his own parents death.
In Underworld Unleashed it's revealed that his greatest desire is to have Jason back, in Hush he talks about how he wanted to put Jason in the Lazarus Pit and how he believes Jason knew he always loved him, and in As The Crow Flies we learn that his greatest fear is Jason coming back as an enemy and then in Under the Red Hood he gets Jason back (his greatest desire) but as an antagonist (his greatest fear) and moreover his belief that Jason 'knew' he loved him is WRONG.
Jason's insecurities from before his death combined with the perceived betrayal of Bruce not avenging him have led Jason to the point where he genuinely believes Bruce doesn't care, and in Jason's eyes, killing the joker is the only way Bruce can prove that he does but instead, in that moment, Bruce's attempt to diffuse the situation backfires.
Bruce misunderstands what Jason needs in that moment like he misunderstood what Jason needed at the start of Death in the Family it's just the ultimate representation of their constant emotional feedback loop. They trap themselves in a cycle of fighting because Jason can't read how Bruce really feels and Bruce can't read what Jason really needs and in that moment both those things are true, with Jason not seeing that Bruce truly cares anymore, and Bruce not knowing how to properly deescalate the situation and show Jason that he still cares.
It's extremely easy to read the batatrang throw as purposeful even though I wholly believe it was accidental but if that moment was explored more, I'm positive that Jason would believe it wasn't an accident, and would view it as proof of his already held view that Bruce doesn't love him anymore after all, that could have killed him, symbolically disowning him in the most extreme way possible.
Heck in Jason's appearance in Green Arrow (2001) Bruce had thought Jason might have died again! Before Jason turned up to mess with Mia.
The thing that's tragic about Jason that actually leads to a lot of his own suffering is that Jason doesn't really know what a healthy relationship looks like so I'm not sure when his actual 'last straw' would be.
Jason is the kind of person who sees love and acceptance as entirely circumstantial. He believes he must /earn/ love and acceptance, i.e. by being Robin, rather than it being inherently given.
A huge piece of understanding Robin Jason is understanding how much he lacked proper support systems back then. School was his only connection to his kids his age, and he didn't benefit much from that connection, his life was essentially: manor, school, Robin, repeat.
Jason loved school, but his school life was also pretty depressing. Jason kept to himself, he didn't have the time to participate in extracurriculars even when he wanted to and his peers didn't view him very positively. Jason was also really isolated from the rest of the hero community, there was his stint with the Titans, but it was pretty brief. He was also penpals with Kid Devil, but for the most part, he just had Batman.
The lack of support is actually one of the reasons I give for Jason and Steph dying in universe since they were the two Robins without support systems outside of Gotham. When Bruce was a jerk Dick and Tim could be like 'fine I'm going to go hang out with the Teen Titans or Young Justice' but Jason and Steph could only be like 'oh no' plus Bruce would deliberately try to take away Steph's support systems that she did have multiple times like when he ordered Cass to stop training with Steph.
But that's besides the point, I wouldn't be surprised if Jason confused being Robin with being accepted in the manor so when Bruce threatened to take away Robin from him, he might've seen it as his only proper support system being taken away from him, his world felt rocked back into instability once again.
When you look at it like that, it's very easy to understand why Jason sought out his biological mother. He had a hope that Sheila would offer him that stability once more, and that he'd get support and trust and unconditional love.
And that’s what make it all the more heartbreaking to me he came to this woman seeking love and gave her his greatest secret and she repaid him with a horrific death.  Jason’s death is one of the saddest to me because there’s no high stakes 'he died saving the world stuff' he’s just a kid who wanted a mom and got killed for it.
DC’s habit of taking away who he was is so detrimental to his backstory as the Red Hood because the transformation from someone who tried being kind and who did give it their all being killed for it and coming back like ‘no more’ is so much more interesting than ‘we always knew this would happen’.
Robin disobeying orders is nothing new. If that was the core of why Jason died, then any Robin disobeying orders should never be put in a positive light, but often it is. Jason (and Steph) were just the ones unlucky enough to emerge dead and judged for it instead of alive and praised for it.
Jason died because he was a child who just wanted to be safe and loved.
So many times Robin disobeying orders saved lives it’s nothing new and Jason had a pretty solid reason, the story of Jason Todd should be portrayed as the tragedy not make him some warning sign.
This is why I always hated the victim blaming after Jason & Steph's deaths because they died doing what if it had been Tim or Dick a Robin would be praised for, like take Steph for example we've seen constant stories of Bruce firing Robin, them going off on their own & Bruce realising he's wrong & taking them back but when Steph goes off on her own she dies the only reason Jason & Steph died is that the writers forced them to fail where they would have allowed the others to succeed.
But anyway back to my point the thing about Jason feeling like he had to earn love is why he was initially so hung up on the idea of Bruce 'replacing' him when he came back to life, he viewed Tim being robin as Bruce /transferring/ his love for Jason to another person, rather than seeing that Bruce could love Tim while still loving and missing him.
The reason Jason sought out his mother after Bruce benched him as Robin was that he viewed Bruce benching him as Bruce rejecting him and latched onto the idea of finding someone, i.e. a birth mother, who is supposed to give /unconditional love/.
The fact that his birth mother REJECTED HIM and then played a hand in his murder undoubtedly affected his attitude when he came back, if even his mother didn't want him, and then Bruce let the joker live and replaced him, then, in Jason's eyes, OF COURSE Bruce doesn't care and as mentioned previously Jason didn't really have any friends in school or the hero community, believing that the only real close personal connection in your live, someone you spent all your time with, had forgotten about you and rejected you is bound to mess a person up.
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maxymylli0n · 2 years
Let me rant about Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1. This is your spoiler warning if you have not watched the season yet and also your general warning that these are my thoughts and opinions on some stuff, if you are nice and can talk about it nicely, I encourage discussions. But if you are only going to be mean and condescending, trust me when I say I won’t even give you the time of day. So here, enjoy my ramblings about the recent season:
Jonathan is NOT being a bad boyfriend. You need to understand that he does not want to leave his family behind. It is not even entirely wrong that he is not opening this up to Nancy as he has not even figured it out himself. Both of their feelings are valid: Nancy is frustrated that they have no communication and Jonathan has this burden. It’s actually so sweet that he’s even opening this up to Argyle to get advice as he really needs help with it.
Argyle not tolerating his behaviour is admirable! Most media will portray a guy friend just being nonchalant and giving advice to just end it and him actually listening to Jonathan and giving helpful advice is so cute.
Jason being so upset and revengeful for his girlfriend’s death makes sense. It’s not right to take the matter into his own hands of course. His actions are not excused, but why he’s acting this way makes sense from someone who had got lost someone. Especially with the cops being dismissive about the happenings.
Idk how some of you are deciphering that Chrissy and Jason’s relationship was not healthy like the only clip we saw of them was actually cute? The way he said I love you in front of the entire school? Other than that, nothing else. So I don’t understand how people are saying Eddie deserved her more. Yes, Eddie was nice to her but how do you guys know Jason was not treating her right?
As much as y’all are mad at Lucas for hanging out with the “cool kids”, I am as equally frustrated with Mike, Dustin, and Erica in this matter for missing his game. I understand the campaign is important but not being able to support your friend with his endeavours is also shitty of you.
Do not fucking mention to me that they are easily playing DnD with Eddie when they refused to do that with Will all of Season 3.
I’m not saying it’s absurd that 001 was ((born)) with his powers or harnessed it or whatever. Not believing that in a world that has literal monsters in it is just ignorant. It’s just that I’m very confused about it: did he study on how to do it? Was he born with it and just needed to learn how to bring it out? Like what exactly, how exactly. It’s not like there’s books on the topic.
Why did Nancy get a front row seat to his backstory huh why was she so special? HMMMMMMM.
If there is a gate at every murder site in Hawkins, wouldn’t that mean that there is a wide ass gate in the middle of the road where Fred died???????? Like?
Murray is the actual MVP this season. Imagine flying out to California to help Joyce fly to Alaska then unexpectedly to Russia in a kill-thyself mission?? We love our karate man.
Staying in that storyline, my homie Joyce would lose her shit once she comes home: house destroyed, kids missing, one taken. I can’t imagine her reaction man.
Antonov can shout at me anytime of the day.
Can we actually applaud Hopper for still being alive at this point? My man was tortured for days?? Weeks?? Captured, tried to escape and then beaten again? Was betrayed with Antonov and THEN beaten again? Man of Steel right there.
Will being the most absolute supportive brother figure to El literally melts me. Especially knowing he likes the boyfriend and he still chooses to love and care for her.
Dustin, my favorite child, always is the one to figure out everything and I swear to god if this person was absent or something, no one in this group would get what’s going on. Nancy might, but even her knowledge about these stuff is limited.
Angela can get an ice skate to the face, I don’t fucking care. (I’m kidding. What El did was assault, please do not do that, kids.) 
Mike being confused with what happened at the rink IS NOT HIS FAULT AND NOT HIM PUTTING THE BLAME ON EL. Yes, the “El, what did you do?” line is really bad. But do you blame him? What he knew was that Angela was El’s friend. Yeah, he saw the whole spilling chocolate drink chaos but no one is explaining to this boy that they aren’t really friends. My guy Will also did not know El was lying to Mike. Like did y’all not see the begging to stop the music? The frantically running towards El? The trying so hard to look for her after what happened? My guy was all around confused because not only did he not have any idea with what’s going on with El, Will also had something against him and he was bombarded with all this burden.
Eddie has my whole fucking heart. I’m so scared for him because even if they do defeat Vecna in Volume 2, people would still need an explanation for the murders. Unless, Jason steps up and teams up with them and sees everyone, I doubt my guy Eddie would be safe :(
Eddie and I can add more stains to the bed, idc.
Eddie being a nerd is what I love about him. He was passionate about something he likes. He’s a little weird and rough around the edges but he’s nice and such a sweetheart. Might I add, actually funny.
Max accepting her end broke me. How she wrote goodbye letters already, how she practically said goodbye to her mum as well, the letter to Billy. The fact that she was trying so hard to hold on as well. I love this kid.
Side note: She had a letter for Steve :’)
This is the bare minimum for an ally but Steve not outing Robin to everyone to reason why they’re not dating is one of my favorite subtle things this season. As he should of course but you kind of do not expect that from a guy not exposed to that idea so I’m happy.
Please stop making Stancy happen again. I would accept it if there’s no Jonathan as Steve is a completely different person now and has changed. BUT that’s the thing: Jonathan. Please DO NOT cheat on this boy as that would also make me hate Steve because he let it happen (if it happens). Leave Jancy alone.
I’m confused as to why Erica is still confused with everything. She was already involved in Season 3, why we gotta run it through you again homie. I love you but let’s keep up yeah?
Robin is actually very smart and loyal as well. I love the scene where Nancy did not think twice jumping in, but honestly Robin was the one that did not hesitate for both Nancy and Steve. Nancy took seven seconds though. Yes, I counted. We pan back to Robin and she’s already setting herself to dive in.
Robin was quick and smart to figure out the music theory. I’m glad she was fast with that or Max is gone.
Jason witnessing the very gruesome death of one of his best friends is unexplainable to him. A guy who isn’t aware of the upside down’s only explanation about this would be a cult or some kind of ritual sacrifice. The whole shit of about it was cringey but I get it, he doesn't know shit and then SEEING THAT? What would you think?
Papa / Dr. Brenner’s actor is actually really attractive. Just gotta let that out there.
Y’all gotta let my girl El live! Please! Baby is so traumatized already and she had to relive it. Give her a break! The only upside to her “training” is that she can find comfort in knowing it was not her that did the massacre.
Susie is a GENUIS. How they knew where you she lived in beyond me but that’s not much an important detail here. Her deciphering everything and being able to crack the code is girlboss energy. We love. She deserves to have a scene with all the kids.
Vecna / 001 can get it.
My guy, it’s funny though, imagine getting outpowered by a literal child 💀
A big shout out to Robert Englund, the one and only Freddie Kruger being here.
I started off hating this season because I did not like how we were entering the “Haunted House” genre. It was later on that we realize that well, it was not a demon possessing the house, but a hot guy who is different and not like other guys a child who apparently has powers and have this if-you-die, you-will-truly-be-free-mindset.
Last point: The Duffer brothers and the Stranger Things should learn to SHUT UP in giving spoilers PLEASE. I love Noah Schnapp but damn please do not let this boy go on an interview again. And the Duffer brothers confirming this character is safe and this and that like PLEASE. No context clues, I want to get in there and be in the dark. 
Very last general point: As much as we hate our favorite characters dying in a series/movie, the inevitability of death explains mortality and equal odds between the good and bad guys - it makes the show great.  It’ll be boring if the ones we root for always win. This is why Game of Thrones was (once) a great show, death of people you were rooting for caught you off guard so much. With Stranger Things, everybody cares for everyone and anyone that would die either because of sacrifice or stupidity or even “for the greater good”, it makes sense because that’s the way they are and they will.
P.S. I will be editing this from time to time to add on to things when it triggers my thought process so have fun!
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build-a-bear date
jason voorhees
this boy will dead ass put on his best clothes , his gloves , a hat , a face mask , sunglasses , and come to build a bear with you . he may not speak but fuck he is so excited to do this with you , and you look so fucking happy and excited . he will without a doubt do everything with such dedication and seriousness during the heart ceremony that the bear builder is a bit nervous . he gets his build a bear soft , barely stuffed so that it falls over when it’s sitting . he picks out an outfit similar to his , a bit sad there is no mask or little machete . he’s having so much fun and you can tell . and oh god , there’s little kids who can’t quite reach things and he is helping them , and somehow there are now two kids sitting on either side of him helping him make his birth certificate for his new stuffed animal and jason is just so happy and enjoying himself despite the fact that the children’s mothers look slightly terrified . he ends up naming his bear mr fluffington due to the help of the children who decided jason was their new best friend . the cashier takes a picture of you on the polaroid and jason is very happy with it . he may or may not make a small machete for mr fluffington so he can gaurd the cabin .
michael myers
somehow you got michael maskless and dressed in normal people clothes and inside of a mall . he’s intimidating , hair pulled back into a messy bun , face full of stubble , blue eyes cutting into everything and everyone . he doesn’t seem to care , picking his build a bear after staring at them . his bear is completely over stuffed and hard as a rock . he doesn’t move . doesn’t sing . barely holds the heart before dropping it onto the back instead of stuffing it in and watching it fall to the floor . the bear builder tries to pick it up , but michael steps on it , basically telling them to sew the bear up without it . after wards he takes the heart and pockets it . he doesn’t care what the bear wears . the bear has a black shirt and some jeans and that’s it , the clothes barely fit , and it is almost impossible to put them on . when he names it , he just sits at the computer and stares . he names it “no” . later that night , you find “no” stabbed , half of it’s stuffing on the floor leaving a trail to his body . michael is on the floor sewing the heart back inside of it .
brahms heelshire
you have to get one of those do it at home yourself build a bear maker kits shipped to you , but you try and give brahms the full experience . it actually scratches an itch of indulge on a childish activity that he didn’t know he had . and the fact that the bear that comes in the kit is rather small , makes him happy . he gives his bear to doll brahms . making it was fun , you taking on the role of peppy bear builder . he thought it was cute . his bear is medium full , and he wanted it dressed in a suit . his name is bearington the third . when you asked if he wanted to help you make your bear he lit up , using his adult voice and treating you like a child . he made you do a million and one things during your heart ceremony and you couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was . all in all it was a super cute fun time and now bearington and doll brahms are never apart .
thomas hewit
you can’t really bring him to build a bear as i don’t think they existed in the time period he lives in , buuuuut you can make him one . you have him pick out a fabric he likes , not giving him any clue as to why . you ask him how soft he likes things . he tells you like his pillow . a little on the firm side . you make a little heart and you have him do a little ceremony with it to put his love in it . he humors you but looks at you with a raised brow as if you’re the silliest person he’s ever met . you ask him what his favorite outfit is and make him pick out more fabrics to get a clothes set out . when you present him with the bear he is shocked . he tries not to tear up . tries not to cry , but he’s so so so happy . he keeps it on his dresser and when he gets out of bed before you , he will put it in your arms so you won’t miss him .
jesse cromeans
jesse walks in like he owns the place . the prettiest most expensive bear is his . only the most fancy suit ( he will later order a suit from some fancy designer for his bear ) . he does the heart ceremony , smiling at you the entire time and bumping your hip with his . he promises that he’ll get a chrome heart to put inside of the bear later . and you best bet that jesse gets everything . sun glasses , boots , socks , underwear , roller skates , back pack . his bear is spoiled to shit . you’re is too , and you almost wanna laugh at the look on the other customer’s faces when the price rings up . jesse was being so showoffy that he forgot to get a birth certificate or name his bear .
bubba saywer
much like with tommy you can’t really bring bubba to build a bear . but unlike tommy , you already know all of bubba’s favorites . you know he loves textures , so the body , each limb , the head , and the tail are all different fabrics . different sensations so he can have those little stimming moments . you know he likes things extra soft , so that’s how you fill it up . during the heart ceremony you have bubba do so many cute little things and he is more than happy to bounce around and babble . then you have him close his eyes and sew the heart in . when he opens them his eyes light up . and when he feels over the bear he is in utter heaven . it becomes his stress reliever and cuddle buddy . and you’re so happy he finds so much comfort in it . bubba will be giving you so many kisses as a thank you .
billy loomis & stu matcher
it’s pure chaos . they’re messing with the kids , putting things out of their reach , debating on what animal or bear to get . but they are the most creative . billy gets a bear , stu gets a bunny . billy gets his stuffed medium full , stu barely makes his stuffed at all . stu over exaggerates every fucking heart thing , billy just smirks and makes everything filthy despite the gasps of mothers around you . billy dresses his bear up like a bad ass punk , stu give it a dress and tries to make a thong for it . billy names his bich fuker and stu names his fuking bich . you don’t know how you made it out of the store without being kicked out but somehow you do . later , at lunch , both of them disapear only to suddenly see the stuffed animals pop over the table as they give you a weird stuffed animal porno scene that you try not to die laughing over .
vincet sinclair
surprisingly , vincent will go into town with you for this venture . and even more surprising , he will go maskless . his long locks will cover the damaged half of his face , and he might look just a bit annoyed with how crowded it is in the store and how loud it is . he’s used to peace and quiet and metal music . he spends a long time deciding on a stuffed animal , even if he doesn’t think that he’ll put it up anywhere . he tries and does convince you to only get one to share . you’ll both build it together . he choses two and lets you get the choice in which one to get . he does the heart ceremony with you , giving a soft look to you , amused at how much fun you’re having , memorizing the way you look so he can sketch it later . you both decide to try and dress up in cozy clothes , a sweater and pants and socks . you name the bear vincent jr and vincent shakes his head , looking at you amused and presses a kiss to your temple .
bo sinclair
bo is annoyed as fuck to be there and is glaring at the kids , calling them brats and ankle bitters . he doesn’t act like he cares , and much like vincent just wants to get one . he isn’t made of fucking money . though he does get pissy when you don’t pick the bear with golden curl fur and you end up changing it with hitting his chest with a limp bear hand . he talks down to the bear builder because at first it’s too soft , then it’s too fucking hard , and then there’s too much stuffing taken out . you end up tipping the poor girl when his back is turned . he almost fucking faints when he sees how expensive everything is for clothes so you only get one white shirt . you then convince him to get a pair of socks because that’s what bo wears when he’s being lazy . he names it ankle bitter . a few days after you get the bear you can’t find it and you think it might have been thrown away , and then you see it in bo’s garage on a top shelf holding a wrench .
lester sinclair
lester has a lot of fun . once he makes it inside he gets pumped and asks if he can give his to jonesy . you both decide that your gonna get on each for her . lester gets her a bunny because of how much jonesy loves them . its absolutely adorable . the bear builder has and issue understanding lester’s slurred country talk , and it makes you want to laugh so hard because it’s obvious they’re from out of state . you end up just doing your best to translate and only laugh harder when lester starts laying it on thicker for a laugh . the bear ends up between limp and medium , a good fluff for a cuddle and chew toy . he dresses the bunny up as you , saying that it’s good for jonesy to have a little version of her daddy’s love . and you can’t help but think lester is fucking cute . he doesn’t name the bunny . later , after you decide to eat in the mall , lester says he’ll be back and goes to the bathroom . when he comes back he hands you a little bear that is dressed up like him and tells you that he wanted to make you something to hug on to when you missed him too much .
jacob goodnight
jacob is nervous , overwhelmed . you go during a school day in the morning so no one is really around . he doesn’t what to do or what to chose , but decides on one that has eyes that can be removed , you understand that he has a bit of an issue so you promise that you’ll put pretty patches over the eyes when you get home , he’s very relieved by this . now , your boy is usually pouty or neutral looking , but watch him light up and smile during the heart ceremony . he takes everything to heart and is so happy . his bear is medium fluff with most of the fluff in his tummy . he takes his time cleaning it , and picks out a very basic outfit . just a plain shirt and shorts . he names it jacob , after himself and wants you to hold it , thinking that you look so cute with two soft stuffed animals in your arms . later , he’ll try to make matching cross necklaces for both your bears . he also wants to come back and make a bear each for all his dogs .
martin ( 1977 )
this shy boy is extremely excited and nervous at the same time . he’ll be quiet , glancing towards you and back at his bear , one that is pure white . he does the heart ceremony , shy as hell about it , whispering the words and such . but the further into the store the more he comes out of his shell . he smiles and stands close , looking at clothes and wanting your bears to match . they both end up looking cute and fancy , his a girl he names angel , and he tells you it reminds him of you . he keeps it in his room , often looking at it when he thinks and misses you .
carrie white
this girl is excited , eyes bright and smile wide and sweet . she picks out something soft and pink and colorful . she doesn’t want her bear to be plain , no she wants her to be beautiful and stand out . you can’t help it . you put your own bear away so you can spend all the money spoiling this happy girl you have . she does everything with gusto , even doing it with some shy kids . she’s so lost in the moment that it’s wonderful , she really needed this . her bear is so soft , nearly limp , and dressed in a pretty yellow sundress with ribbons on her ears . she names it sunshine .
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odos-bucket · 3 years
In Which Each of Bruce’s Kids Come Out to Him
and then he comes out to them
They’re working on opposite sides of the coffee table in one of the manor’s more habitable sitting room’s. It’s become a regular part of their weekday routine: Bruce finishes up whatever office work he has to do, while Dick does his homework, and talks about his day. Usually there are snacks involved. A parenting book Bruce had read recommended trying to get their work done together. It’s a good way to keep connected with their increasingly busy schedules.
“So anyways…” Dick’s story is starting to slow down a little bit, and the shift in tone has Bruce glancing up from his paperwork. “I should probably tell you, since, well, everyone knows at school now.” His voice is still conversational, and relaxed, but a little distracted.
Bruce shifts him his full attention.
“See, what happened was Cameron Josephs in my third period biology class came to school with nail polish on today, which I noticed with my clever detective skills, and promptly dismissed as unimportant, and everyone else noticed with their nosy pre-teen skills, and promptly lost their shi- I mean, minds over. And that was Mrs. Horton’s class, and she has absolutely no control over her students, so it sort of became this whole big thing. Kids were making fun of him, and other kids were yelling at them to knock it off, and he was just trying to do his work, but the rest of the class got into a big fight. And then Brad Cormick- he’s on my basketball team- made a homophobic joke, and we were sitting at the same table, and I could tell that he wanted me to laugh at it. So I told him to shut up, and said that I was bisexual, not that any of it really had anything to do with anything else that was going on, but it did get him to shut up, which was good. Except that I think it may have been because I have more friends than Cameron does, which is totally unfair, and everyone should just be nice to everyone else no matter what, but also I guess not really the point… The point is, yeah, I’m bi. Oh, also frog dissection got moved to tomorrow because one kid threw up.”
Dick takes a deep breath (finally) and a long sip of his juice, before immediately returning to doodling athletic stick figures in the margins of his algebra homework.
Bruce studies him for a moment, trying to figure out what kind of response is expected of him, what would be helpful for Dick to hear. He’s really not very good at this kind of thing.
He’s saved from the risk of putting his foot in his mouth when the science class story continues.
“Are frogs really that gross? I don’t think they are. But I guess our basement is filled with guano, so maybe my tolerance is heightened by regular exposure to the substance most frequently equated with insanity.”
Dick hadn’t seemed nervous before coming out, or relieved after. And if he’s not going to make it into a big deal then neither is Bruce, even if a part of him feels pleasantly warmed by the casual show of trust.
Bruce loves picking up his kids from school. It’s not something that his schedule allows him to do very often, and Jason- as Dick had been before him- always seems pleasantly surprised to see him. It’s a little thing in the grand scheme, but it’s just nice, normal. And he would never say it out loud- he’s not sure why, he knows he should- but he cherishes the little bit of extra time spent with his boys.
But today Jason isn’t happy to see him.
Bruce pulls up to the curb, and only has to scan the crowd of teenagers for a few seconds before spotting him. He’s on a bench with another student, their shoulders pressed together despite wide swaths of free space available on either side of them. Jason’s pointing out something in a textbook, while the other boy plays with his free hand.
Bruce pulls slightly to the side to let another car drive around him, figuring he’ll give Jason a few minutes to finish up, and notice that Bruce is there, rather than call out and risk embarrassing him.
It’s not even a full minute before they make eye contact across the lot, and immediately something in Jason’s expression changes. His eyes go wide and startled, his posture suddenly tightened. In one fast motion he shuts his book with both hands, muttering something to his friend as he practically throws himself off the bench.
Now feeling on high alert, Bruce sweeps an intense gaze over the school yard for anything that could have upset his son. He doesn’t manage to spot anything before Jason arrives at the car and pulls himself into the backseat (where he never sits, unless the front is already occupied). He starts talking before Bruce can ask what’s wrong.
“That wasn’t what it looked like!”
Bruce frowns, and looks over both Jason and the area in front of the school in an attempt to identify something that isn’t like how it looks.
“He just-“ Jason flinches, seemingly realizing something wrong with whatever he’d been about to say, and cuts himself off with a sharp breath. “I mean-“
Feeling lost is by no means a new part of parenthood for Bruce, and he’s sure it’s something he’ll experience many more times going forward. But, god, he really hates not understanding what’s going on, not knowing what to do, and he doubts that he’ll ever get used to it.
“Jason,” he tries. “Slow down.”
“Yes, sir,” Jason answers automatically. “Sorry.”
It’s been over a year since Jason’s called him ‘sir’ and the sudden reintroduction of the honorific sends a cold chill down Bruce’s spine. For a second they just stare at each other, with what Bruce is pretty sure are matching expressions of partially concealed horror.
“Jason,” he says more quietly.
“I know,” Jason interrupts. “I’m sorry. Please-“ He stops himself, covering his mouth before he can finish the thought, and then just as quickly lowering the hand back to his lap.
Another silence follows, short but harrowing. Then finally Bruce makes a rare admission
“I have no idea what’s happening right now.”
Jason stares at him, and the wider his eyes get the younger he looks, and the more Bruce wants to scoop him up into his arms. But he just waits, and tries not to look too expectant.
“I-I was holding hands with Derek,” Jason breaths out.
“…Alright?” He’s heard that name before. Jason doesn’t have as many friends at school as Dick had, so they’re a little easier to keep track of, even if Bruce has only ever met any of them in passing. “Is this someone you’re worried I’ll embarrass you in front of?” He asks after a brief pause.
Jason keeps staring at him, expression crinkling as his breathing grows erratic.
Bruce finds himself automatically exaggerating his own inhales and exhales, resting the side of one hand against his sternum, to remind Jason of some of their breathing exercises.
“That’s it, chum,” he says as he sees it slowly begin to work. “Everything’s okay.” For all he knows- or doesn’t know- right now it might not even be true, but dammit for his kid he will make everything okay.
“Everything’s okay,” Jason obediently echoes.
Bruce takes his hand off his chest, and starts to reach towards him. But Jason flinches away from him, not as violently as he had back when they were still new to each others’ lives, but it’s enough to make Bruce feel sick. He can practically feel the wrongness of it squeezing his heart into shards as he slowly withdraws his arm back into the front seat. He had truly thought that they had gotten past this.
“I’m sorry, Jay,” he says softly, a small concession to the part of himself that wants to beg his son’s forgiveness for whatever he’s done to make him afraid. “I’m so sorry.”
Jason’s not looking at him anymore. His head is down, and his gaze is fixed on his knees.
Bruce hesitates.
“I’ll never hurt you.” It’s a reassurance he had thought they were past the point of needing, but if they aren’t he’ll say it as many times as he has to. “Never.”
“Are you mad?”
“Is there something particular that I’m supposed to be mad about?” Bruce asks carefully.
“... That I was holding hands with a guy,” Jason elaborates, after a steadying breath.
Oh, Bruce is an idiot. What kind of detective is he if he can’t even- He cuts himself off, realizing he can’t wait too long to respond to that.
“Of course not. That’s what this is about?”
“I never meant for you to find out,” is the response he gets. And doesn’t that just hurt like hell to hear?
“That you like boys?” Bruce confirms.
“And girls, both. But I didn’t know what you’d think, so I figured if I couldn’t be sure it was better to keep it to myself.”
Bruce closes his eyes, taking a second to calm his own breathing.
“I never want you to feel like that,” he says. “About anything. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear. I love you, Jaylad, that isn’t contingent on anything.”
I wish I could have protected you from whatever it was that made you feel like this was something you had to hide. He doesn’t say it.
Jason is finally looking at him again, gaze thoughtful and careful. A long moment passes, before he surprises- and momentarily terrifies- Bruce by getting out of the car. But before he can react to that, Jason’s climbing into the passenger seat, and after a second of hesitation, leaning into Bruce’s side.
“Okay,” he says quietly, sounding a little choked up.
Bruce puts an arm around his shoulders. The closeness is a balm after the pain of having his son flinch away from him.
Tim isn’t supposed to come over today. His parents are in town, and Bruce had made a point of hiding his reluctance when he’d given Robin the week off, chastising himself for the empty nest syndrome he has no right to be experiencing- at least in regards to this particular child.
So he’s surprised when he hears Alfred’s throat clear, and looks up to see both Alfred and Tim lingering in the doorway to his office. It would be odd to see him here at this time of day even if they had been planning to go on patrol; sunset is still a few hours off.
Bruce immediately has a bad feeling. He knows it’s commonplace for the Drakes to disappear unexpectedly partway through whatever length of time they were meant to be spending at home. As Batman it’s made his life easier numerous times. As a parent it’s beyond his comprehension. If he still had his boys at home- but he can’t think about that, not without breaking down, and if Tim’s just been abandoned that’s the last thing he needs.
As he approaches the door, Alfred’s pointed look, and Tim’s vacant expression confirm that he’s right to be concerned.
“Tim.” He keeps his voice neutral. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”
He picks up on Alfred’s glare a fraction of a second too late to realize that he’s said the wrong thing.
“I’m sorry.” There’s something miserable in Tim’s voice, that makes Bruce want to bundle him up in a blanket. Before he can assure him that he has nothing to apologize for, Alfred cuts in.
“I told Master Tim that he’s welcome to stay with us for as long as he needs.”
Bruce nods automatically, looking down at Tim, who’s glassy expression looks a million miles away.
“Tim,” he says gently, eventually drawing the boy’s gaze, but feeling disconcerted by how delayed the response is.
Alfred leaves with a comment about putting a kettle on for tea, closing the door firmly but softly behind him. The sound it makes as it pulls all the way shut still makes Tim twitch.
“Do you want to sit down?” Bruce offers.
Tim stumbles a bit on his way to the couch. He’s so out of it; He won’t be patrolling tonight, even if his schedule’s suddenly open for it. Bruce sits down on the other side.
“Are they gone again?” He asks, trusting fully that the vaguely worded question will be completely understood.
There’s a worrying delay before Tim shakes his head, giving Bruce ample time to wish for Alfred back before he can register the response enough to be surprised by it.
“So...“ he begins uncertainly, before being cut off.
“I’m sorry,” Tim says again. “I don’t mean to be a bother.”
“You aren’t a bother, Tim.”
The- admittedly somewhat monotone- assurance just gets him a shrug.
“Can you tell me what happened?” He tries.
“Do I have to?” Tim asks after a long silence. “Can’t I just stay here?”
Bruce frowns.
“Of course you can stay here. But I think I really need to know what’s going on.”
Tim stares at him, eyes shining, mouth opening and closing several times before he speaks.
“Can I- Alfred says I can tell you something, and you won’t get mad?”
“Well, that depends on what it is,” Bruce says, thinking back on every time a robin has had something to tell him, but first wanted confirmation that he wouldn’t be angry.
Tim seems to shrink at his words, his breath catching audibly as he curls in on himself. Fuck, Bruce is bad at this.
“What do you have to tell me?” He asks.
“Well now I don’t know if I want to!” It almost comes out as a yell, strained by the sound of held back tears, and Bruce is a little taken aback.
“I’ll probably find out at some point,” he reasons.
There’s a beat of silence, and then Tim chokes on something that sounds like a suppressed sob.
No, no, no no. This isn’t supposed to happen. Bruce reaches out for him in an awkward and hastily aborted movement.
“I can’t,” Tim says after a minutes, tears streaking over his pale cheeks. “If you don’t-“ His voice catches. “I need you to let me stay here.”
Bruce’s heart hurts as he scooches a little closer, reaching out to rest a hand- hopefully not too awkwardly- on Tim’s shoulder.
“Of course you can stay here,” he reiterates. “I told you you could stay here. Even if I’m mad at you you can stay here. If you-“ He searches for a moment. “-Took the batmobile out on a joyride, and drove it into the harbor, I’ll be mad at you, but you’ll still have a place here. One will never have anything to do with the other.”
Tim makes a noise that’s over too quickly for Bruce to be able to tell if it had been a laugh, or just more crying.
“Did Jason do that?” He asks in a hoarse voice.
“Dick,” Bruce corrects.
This time Tim definitely snorts, which has Bruce smiling in spite of himself.
“Did you do something worse than that?” He asks.
It’s meant to be a joke, but Tim makes an unhappy face at the question.
“I- no!” He says, defensive, but confident. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Bruce gives his shoulder a squeeze before releasing it.
“Then why would I be mad at you?”
The humor that had begun to make its way into Tim’s expression disappears again, and Bruce curses himself.
“Mom and Dad were mad,” he says quietly.
Bruce scowls. He tries pretty hard not to let his dislike of Jack and Janet show around Tim- though he’s long suspected the young detective can tell- but it’s harder to hide sometimes than others.
“You said they were still home,” he remembers. “Tim, did they kick you out?” He does his best to keep the anger out of his voice.
And then he finds himself doing his best to keep the anger off of his face when it takes Tim a moment to answer the question.
“I don’t think forever,” he says uncertainly. “Just- They said they needed time to think about it, to d-decide what to do.”
The slight stutter puts him over the age, and fury starts to trickle into Bruce’s voice.
“To think about what?” He demands. Hell, that place is more Tim’s home than it is theirs. They have absolutely no right to ask him to leave! And where the hell do they expect him to go? Bruce forces himself to clench his jaw, and take deep breaths.
“...I’m gay,” Tim finally says.
Bruce stares at him for the second that it takes for the words to register, and connect back to the rest of the conversation.
“That’s it?”
He’s wincing at himself before the question is all the way out of his mouth, immediately convinced that he’s said the wrong thing again. But then, to his immense relief, he realizes that Tim has started laughing. It isn’t deep, or sustained. His voice is still a little weak, and his eyes are still a little red. But he’s definitely laughing, and Bruce realizes vaguely that a robin laughing is still his favorite sound in the world.
“That’s it,” Tim confirms, on the tail end of his laugh.
“Oh, Tim.”
Bruce doesn’t give himself a chance to second guess the motion before he pulls the boy into a hug, satisfied that it was the right course of action when he feels Tim melt against him.
“Of course I’m not mad, of course I’m not mad,” he repeats like a mantra. “I’m sorry I let you think I would be. You’re right, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
A few seconds pass, and he realizes there’s a wet patch at his shoulder where Tim’s face is buried. Bruce freezes, totally unsure of what he’s done wrong this time.
“I’m sorry,” Tim breaths out. “I- thank you. Thank you! I don’t know what I would have done if- I- I don’t want to be alone!”
“Not alone,” Bruce promises. “You’re not alone. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Tim presses closer, and Bruce takes it as a cue to tighten his hold.
Alfred finds them like that a few minutes later, Tim curled up in his arms, while Bruce cycles through reassurances. The look they exchange is enough to confirm that they’re both thinking the same thing: this kid is ours.
One day Cass hangs a little pride flag up on her door. Later in the week when she catches Bruce glancing at it, she comes up to him, gives the flag a meaningful nod, before just saying, “Girls!” in a happy voice, giving him a hug, and disappearing down the hall.
Bruce can identify every member of his family by their knock, but Damian’s is particularly distinctive. Not just because it tends to come from a lower part of the door, but because Damian has cultivated a strong knock, the way businessmen cultivate a strong handshake. It’s a very confident and determined sound, that he often finds himself stifling a smile at, knowing that that isn’t at all the intended reaction.
“Come in,” he calls, and there’s no pause before Damian strides into his office, confident as ever. When he speaks however, the undercurrents of his voice tell a different story.
“Father, there is something I wish to discuss with you.” There are a few hesitations, that don’t quite manage to turn into stutters in his voice, ones it’s unlikely anyone outside of their family would notice.
Bruce doesn’t comment on them, just nods for Damian to sit down and continue.
His legs don’t fully reach the floor. Something else that Bruce has learned not to let himself smile at.
“Grayson says…” he begins confidently, before trailing off.
Bruce just raises an eyebrow for him to continue, not feeling like he has enough information to put anything together from at the moment.
“Richard says,” Damian continues more carefully. “He came out to you as bisexual when he was around my age?”
Bruce nods. He has a feeling that he knows where this is going this time.
“He did.”
“He said that you were okay with it?”
Bruce nods again.
“Dick is my son. My love for him isn’t conditional, certainly not on that. There’s nothing wrong with not being straight.”
Damian had broached the topic using Dick as a proxy, so Bruce had followed his lead and assumed that Damian would know to automatically apply the assurance to himself. But Damian’s face just falls into a puzzled frown.
“So why…” he begins, before changing track. “Richard isn’t your biological son.”
Bruce frowns back.
“Damian, you know that doesn’t make a difference to me. I don’t love your siblings any less because they’re not-”
“I know,” Damian cuts in. “It isn’t about loving us differently.” He says it very matter of factly. “I have the ability to carry on your bloodline, whereas they do not.”
“That ability isn’t an obligation,” Bruce says, wondering why his kids never seem to be able to just worry about normal things. “And it’s certainly not something that you need to be thinking about at thirteen years old.”
Damian nods slowly, staring down at the desk with a look of intense concentration, before slowly raising his gaze to Bruce.
“Mother and Grandfather said that you wouldn’t like it, if I wasn’t interested in girls,” he says quietly.
Bruce sighs. of-fucking-course they did. He gets up from his chair, and moves around the desk to kneel in front of Damian.
“Well they’re wrong,” he says simply. “And they had no right to lead you to believe that it would make any difference to me. Just like I don’t love your siblings any less, my love for you is no more conditional. Understand?”
It takes a moment, but Damian nods.
“All right. In which case, I suppose... I’m gay.”
“And I’m proud of you,” Bruce says, before pulling his son into a hug.
Bruce looks at his assembled family, and begins to feel a strange sense of trepidation tickling at the edge of his consciousness.
They’re all here. Trying to get the whole family together all at once is like pulling teeth. But he told them it was important, and they all came. There have been plenty of points over the course of the years when that wouldn’t have happened. And even though they’ve all been pretty settled with each other for a while now, he never wants to take for granted having his whole family together- not that he thinks the part of him that only seems to settle when he has all of his children within arm’s reach would let him.
The comfort of having them all be together is overwhelming, but the trepidation is still there, just like it probably always will be any time he manages to round up the courage for anything resembling feelings talk.
They’re all in one of the living rooms, sprawled in a comfortable half circle across various couches and chairs.
“There’s something I wanted to tell you all,” Bruce starts to say.
“Are you dying?” Stephanie asks casually.
Beside her, Cass freezes, looking horrified.
“I’m not dying,” Bruce says quickly.
At the same time Steph rubs a hand up and down Cass’s arm and assures her she was kidding.
“Not like he’d tell us if he was,” Dick says.
He knows it’s meant to be a joke, just like Stephanie’s question had been, but it still sends a chill through him. Mostly because he can’t say for sure that Dick is totally wrong; it’s the kind of thing he easily could have kept to himself. But then he sees the uncertain frown that Damian is giving him, and Cass’s wide, anxious eyes, and decides that he has to be wrong.
“I’m not dying,” he repeats, reaching out for Tim who’s sitting closest to him, and who’s been staring very intently at the floor since the topic came up.
Tim leans into the touch without shifting his position.
“And I would tell you,” he adds seriously, feeling absolutely wracked with guilt over the fact that up until this moment he doesn’t know if he would’ve been able to claim that with any certainty.
“I swear, if there’s anything wrong with me, all of you will know as soon as possible.” By the time it comes out of his mouth, he knows he means it with total certainty.
“I think we’re all pretty tuned into the fact that there’s something wrong with you,” Jason offers, and the tension in the room breaks.
Bruce smiles despite himself. That was agonizing. Compared to that getting on with the conversation he’d previously been so apprehensive to have will be a relief.
“What did you want to tell us?” Duke asks.
“It can be… difficult for me to articulate what it means to me whenever one of you trusts me enough to share something about yourself. I thought that I owed it to all of you to return the favor, and share a… recent discovery of mine.” He stumbles through it as awkwardly as he’d expected to.
“This is weird,” Stephanie stage whispers.
“I’m bisexual,” Bruce admits.
“Bruce!” Dick says excitedly.
“Unacceptable,” Jason cuts in. “We already have enough of that nonsense in this house!”
Tim kicks him in the side.
“Well, seeing as it’s an option, I for one prefer the idea of you pursuing romantic entanglements that bear no risk of resulting in pregnancy.”
“Noted, Damian.”
“I’m happy for you, B,” Tim says. “It can be hard figuring yourself out.”
“Thank you, Tim.”
“Is that it?” Duke asks. “I mean, not that it’s not a big deal- and I’m happy for you too by the way- it’s just that most of our family meetings involve addressing some kind of crisis.”
“That’s it,” Bruce admits.
“Perhaps- seeing as we’re all here anyways- we could take this opportunity to have dinner together as a family for once,” Alfred offers.
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danny-chase · 3 years
wait selina had her own protege? Tell me more 🥺
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[Image ID: A young girl (maybe like 13-15) with hazel (yellowish) eyes and short brown hair. She's wearing a lot of eye makeup, a little hat with cat ears, and goggles. She wears a tie, pink vest, and grey t-shirt with pawprints. End ID]
Batman (1940) #642
Kitrina Falcone - link to wiki
She was a Catwoman copy cat (haha sorry i couldn't help it) who grew up with her abusive uncle (Mario Falcone - he literally tries to kill her in the arc she's in, she calls him uncle - but others claim she's his little sister and she claims she's Carmine's daughter) and lived on the streets for a while. She looked up to Catwoman and imitated her, but Selina steals some of her maps (i think like blueprints for heists or smth idk) so she breaks in to Selina's house to steal them back.
At this point she was working for Penguin (she bombed a place it was a whole thing) - her map making skills are vital for taking down/locating Black Mask so she's vital (she's doing this for the bounty). And she and Selina get on and Selina gives her a costume and she becomes Catgirl.
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[Image ID: Selina Kyle as Catwoman and Kitrina Falcone as Catgirl stand on a rooftop next to each other with the moon illuminating them. The Catgirl costume has a studded silver belt and collar, black claw-like gloves, black leggings, and a black tank. There are pink zagging stripes on the side of the torso and back of her calf that have silver behind them. She also wears pink ankle high converse with a purple cat icon patch on the side. She has a mini cowl with cat ears that are pink on the inside and pink scale-like bracelets/ruffles at the end of her gloves. Narration boxes (Dick): Or in this case, in the reflection I catch out of the corner of my eye - the swift and agile movement in the reflection of the windows across the street. Selina: He's gone, Catgirl. Kitrina: I want to follow him. I bet he has a cool hideout. Selina: No. You have much to learn... and lesson one starts tonight. End ID]
Batman (1940) #697
Idk if she has any appearances as Catgirl, but following her appearances listed in the wiki she lives with Selina for a while until Dick tries to talk her into going to boarding school (with Selina also on board) on orders from Bruce.
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[Image ID: Dick and Kitrina argue on a rooftop, Dick as Batman and Kitrina in a white tank top and pink pajama pants. Narration box: I don't have much time to spare on a night like tonight. But Bruce wants Kitrina Falcone out of Gotham. I can't say I disagree. Dick: The Aldridge Boarding School for girls is one of the best in the country, Kitrina. It's everything you need. Kitrina: And nothing I want. Dick: You can't have what you want. I'm taking that away from you. Kitrina Why are you acting like such a dork? I've proven myself. I helped you. Are you forgetting all the - Dick: You're young enough... smart enough to have a normal life. And you're an opportunist... take the one I'm giving yo - Kitrina: No one gives me anything. I take. I have everything I need here. Support. Training. Selina (off panel): Listen to him, Kitrina. End ID]
Batman (1940) #710
Dick lecturing a kid about not being a child vigilante is just jdfklajdkfla hypocrite XD
Anyways from here on, she runs ahead on the case they're working on (i skimmed didn't actually read it) leaving him clues and such it's like the typical young vigilante storyline of being over confident. She gets in over her head, Dick catches up and bails her out - she runs (because this one actually has self preservation instincts unlike the 934758 other batfam characters). Dick gets shot in the head (again - but don't worry the cowl redistributed its impact *sigh* this man has so much head trauma, but comic book logic) by Harvey Dent's wife Gilda no less and wakes up later and finds this letter.
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[Image ID: Dick looks down at a paper, bandages are wrapped around his forehead. He's drawn with blocky features there art style isn't doing him any favors. Dick: A letter from Kitrina Flacone. The note reads: Dear Batman, I am writing to keep you from worrying about what became of me. I wouldn't want you to think that "Catgirl" got in over her head. Or was kidnapped, or killed. They show the side of a travelling bus. Note: I'm leaving voluntarily. In fact, I'm going to try out that school you signed me up for. It's probably a dumb idea... but I'm a girl who likes challenges. Kitrina sits looking into the window, seeing her reflection as Catgirl, earbuds in her ears. Note: And putting up with a bunch of rich prissy debutantes will be a challenge. I'm sure I'll put a few of them on their rears by the time it's over. But the point I'm making is, don't count me out. I'll be back. And I will be bad-assed. - Sincerely, K End ID]
Batman (1940) #712
The arc itself is pretty dry and follows a pattern we've already seen from DC comics. Also she's like "I'll be back" and DC just went sike. So. Yeah. Reboot messed her stuff up. It's annoying to me that they made Lian Selina's new protégé or whatever when they already had this storyline right here, and to have Jade drop her off like that is ooc, especially because Roy was right there as well. And while Kitrina might not be for everyone personality wise, I personally would love to see her kick rich kids asses at boarding school. Or just have her train under Selina - because at the least she already grew up watching Selina and trying to emulate her, both in personality and in the skills she taught herself - so the connection for this character is already there - whereas "Shoes" just came out of nowhere.
Another thing I find kind of funny is the popularity of "Stray" fics, because she hits some of the same beats I've heard about (i haven't read any though this is second hand knowledge). To my understanding, when someone (Tim or Jason) is stray, they grow up on the streets trying to escape familial abuse (which she does) and eventually is taken in by Catwoman (which she is) and becomes her protégé (again which canonically happened to this character). Though she doesn't interact with her respective Robin (Damian at the time) too much which i think is also usually a part of said fics.
Anyways here's her being called a stray lakdfjaslfdj
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[Image ID: Kitrina as Catgirl slams into a car, Riddler's daughter following after her. Riddler's daughter: I need to warn you. I hate cats. Kitrina is kicked through the cars windshield. Riddler's daughter: Especially strays. Kitrina: Oofh! End ID]
Batman (1940) #711
I have no idea if this is a coincidence or not - this character has very few appearances, which date back to the Dick!Bats era - so i assume most of this fandom doesn't actually know who she is, but it's possible one of the first "Stray" fics used her as inspiration.
Also she freaking bit Dick as Batman which i find hilarious - i know fandom makes a big thing about Damian being a biter but like:
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[Image ID: Kitrina bites someone's gloved forearm - it's Dick as Batman but you can't tell from the panel, forcing him to drop a knife. There's a chomp sound effect. Kitrina: What're ya? Crazy?! You're not killing him! Dick: Umff!]
Batman (1940) #696
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knuffled · 3 years
Just Practice - Chapter 17
here’s the ao3 link
The hospital garden was nestled along the northern side of the building and overlooked a small pond. Perhaps it was too generous to call it a garden. In reality, it was only a few flower beds of orchids and lilacs stowed carefully in terracotta pots. When the weather was nice, the patients would often spend some time there on the benches to get some fresh air. It wasn’t much but it definitely beat being cooped up in a hospital room with that stale, sterilized air that always made her feel more like a laboratory specimen than a human being.
After her surgery, Annabeth was allowed to visit the garden provided she went in a wheelchair to avoid agitating her knee. The doctor’s initial diagnosis had proven to be accurate once they ran some imaging tests on her: it was, in fact, a torn ACL. Annabeth had suspected as much, and she opted to get it operated on sooner than later. The surgery had gone quite well, actually. She had been lucky enough to only suffer a partial tear, according to her doctor. If she had suffered a complete tear, it could have possibly made both surgery and her subsequent recovery much more difficult.
Nonetheless, Annabeth didn’t feel particularly lucky. Honestly, in the week that she spent at the hospital, she hardly felt anything at all. Just numb. Her physical therapy sessions were the only things she had to look forward to in order to get her mind off of things. Otherwise, she was mainly stuck confined to her bed with her leg suspended in that god awful brace. Piper had brought her some novels to occupy her time, but Annabeth couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to anything she read.
Today was the first day the weather had been clear enough to head outside, and Annabeth had jumped at the chance to get out of her stuffy hospital room as soon as she could. She sat outside staring at the pond with her brain turned off, watching ducks glide across the water’s surface and preen their feathers.
Within another day or two she would be discharged from the hospital and would have to head back home, but she really didn’t want to. Her father had dropped by the day after her injury, but his visit was practically a formality. He had stayed for all of five minutes, only making sure she wasn’t dead really, before he left. On top of every other shitty thing that had happened to her recently, his visit only served to rub salt in the wound.
Sometime mid-afternoon, one of the orderlies told her that she had a visitor. Annabeth had been expecting Piper or Jason, but she was surprised to see Reyna approach her instead.
Reyna gave her a small wave, her hand hidden in the sleeve of her purple sweatshirt. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Annabeth said, blinking. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Reyna shifted on her heels. “I’m not intruding am I?”
“Funnily enough, my schedule is quite free these days,” Annabeth said lightly.
That managed to get the corner of Reyna’s lips to tug upwards. “Glad to see your injury hasn’t done anything to change your god-awful sense of humor.”
“It’s quite bad mannered to bully the infirm, you know,” Annabeth sniffed.
Reyna rolled her eyes and sat down at the bench beside Annabeth. “How’s your leg doing?”
Annabeth sighed and said, “It’s recovering. Just got surgery done a few days ago.”
“Surgery?” Reyna frowned.
Annabeth nodded. “Turns out I tore my ACL.”
Reyna grimaced and said, “Jeez, I’m sorry to hear that.”
“The doctors said that I’m lucky it was only a partial tear,” Annabeth said, smiling weakly. “But I don’t feel particularly lucky.”
“D-Did they say anything about how long it’ll take for you to make a full recovery?” Reyna asked hesitantly.
“They were pretty wishy-washy about it,” Annabeth said, shrugging. “Guessing they don’t want to be liable for being wrong. Only estimate they gave me was that I could walk normally in about two weeks or so. After that, depends on how well I respond to physical therapy.”
Reyna was silent for a while before she said, “Meet me at the college circuit someday. I’ll be waiting there for you. And then we can finally settle things.”
Annabeth picked at the hem of her shirt with a wan smile. “What’s there to settle? I haven’t beat you a single time. There’s a clear winner here, and it sure isn’t me.”
“You of all people should know you’re only as good as your last race,” Reyna said. “People in our sport can never afford to rest on their laurels.”
When Annabeth was silent, Reyna quietly said, “You look like you’ve already given up.”
Reyna’s words stung and made Annabeth recoil. “I’m sick of giving myself false hope.”
“The way I see it, hope has nothing to do with it. The only question is if you still want to try. If you still want to compete, then you’ll keep pushing until you find a way through,” Reyna said, shrugging.
“Now, I’m not here to tell you whether you should keep going or not. That’s up to you. But don’t hide behind hope as an excuse. If you want to stop, then own it.”
Annabeth stared at her lap for a while and said, “I- I don’t know. I need more time to think about it.”
Reyna nodded and said, “I don’t blame you. It’s a big decision.”
There was another pause before Annabeth cleared her throat and said, “I never got a chance to apologize. For what happened at the meet, I mean.”
Reyna furrowed her brow. “What is there to apologize for?”
Annabeth dug her fingernails into her palms. “I cost you the race. If it weren’t for me, you would have won state and placed nationally.”
“From what I recall, a certain someone was screaming at me to let her go because I was, and I quote, ‘throwing the fucking race’,” Reyna said dryly.
“Sorry about that,” Annabeth mumbled.
Reyna gave her a smile and said, “You have nothing to blame yourself for, Annabeth. It was my choice to stay and help you.”
A lump formed in Annabeth’s throat. “But why though? Why did you help me?”
“I already told you,” Reyna said, mock-exasperatedly. “Because we’re friends.”
“And that was enough of a reason?”
“There are more important things than high school cross country races, Annabeth,” Reyna said simply.
Annabeth bit her lower lip and struggled to wrap her head around Reyna’s answer. They were friends, but not so close that it made sense for her to abandon the championship for her sake. Maybe Reyna was just like that with people she deemed friends or perhaps it was just a decision made in the heat of the moment.
“And you don’t resent me or anything for it?” Annabeth asked.
“Not one bit,” Reyna said firmly. “I would do it again if I had to. I’m sure you would have done the same for me.”
“You think too highly of me,” Annabeth said quietly. “But thank you.”
Reyna raised an eyebrow and said, “So you would have left me lying in the mud with a fucked up leg just to a win a race then?”
Annabeth paused and said, “Well, when you put it that way, I suppose not.”
“See? Told you: there are more important things,” Reyna said, smiling. “Besides, I don’t want you using your injury as an excuse for when I inevitably kick your ass.”
That got a watery laugh out of Annabeth. “I’m just glad you don’t hate me.”
Reyna rolled her eyes fondly. “Of course not.”
Annabeth hid a smile and stared up at the clear, blue sky for a while before something occurred to her. “How did you know where to find me?”
“Percy told me,” Reyna said, shrugging.
Annabeth furrowed her brow and said, “You have his number?”
“No, we just happened to run into each other somewhere, and I got a chance to ask him.”
Annabeth’s heart beat faster in her chest. “D-Did he say anything else to you?”
Reyna shook her head. “No, but he looked like a mess though. Did something happen?”
Annabeth nodded and felt a lump form in her throat. Slowly, she told Reyna about everything that had unfolded after she had left her with Percy. Reyna listened quietly and intently the entire time that Annabeth spoke, but Annabeth couldn’t tell what she was thinking.
Annabeth finished by saying, “I know I shouldn’t have cornered him like that just because I was so angry about my knee, especially the whole confession thing, but at the same time, I can’t help being frustrated that he still refused to open up, right to the very end.”
When Reyna was silent, Annabeth looked at her and said, “You once said that you thought he lied all the time about how he felt and what he wanted. Is this what you meant?”
“Not exactly,” Reyna admitted. “I thought it was something more malicious, but after seeing how he is around you, it’s obvious how much he cares for you.”
“If he does,” Annabeth said softly, “it’s not in a way that I understand.”
“You’re not alone in feeling that way, I would imagine,” Reyna said. “We all have different ideas of what it means to love and be loved, and sometimes those ideas don’t match up.”
“And there’s nothing we can do about that then?” Annabeth asked.
Reyna shook her head. “No, it just means you both need to talk to about your needs. It’s not wrong to teach someone how to love you the way you need them to.”
“I would if he bothered to listen,” Annabeth said tersely.
“Really? From what you’ve told me about him, he seems to listen to you a great deal,” Reyna said, sounding surprised.
Annabeth worried her lower lip and hesitantly said, “I mean, yeah, I guess that’s accurate. But there’s still something that gets in the way, and I don’t know what it is.”
“I said this before, but it seems like he’s holding something back,” Reyna said. “Not in the way one hides secrets, but in the way you shoulder a burden, quietly and without complaint. Maybe it’s just that over time that weight has become too much to bear.”
Reyna’s words instantly struck a chord in her, even though she hadn’t fully processed them yet.
A wry smile danced on Reyna’s lips. “Reminds me a lot of my sister. Something about how sad their eyes look.”
Annabeth blinked in surprise - she had always pegged Reyna as an only child. “Wait, you have a sister?”
Reyna nodded and said, “Yeah, seven years older than me. Her name’s Hylla.”
She looked like she had more to say, so Annabeth remained silent and watched her. Reyna buried her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt and stared up at the sky with a sigh.
“My dad was a physically abusive piece of shit growing up, so much so that my mother left him. Unfortunately, she didn’t bother to take us with her, for whatever reason, so we had to fend for ourselves. As the older sibling, Hylla took it upon herself to protect me until she was old enough to move out and take me with her,” Reyna said.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Annabeth said quietly.
“It’s whatever. We’re fine now, for the most part,” Reyna said, shrugging. “But sometimes I can tell that it still eats at Hylla. It wouldn’t be that big a deal, but she has a hard time opening up or putting herself first. Over the years, I’ve tried my best to help her through it, but it’s something she still struggles with.”
“Eventually, I realized that there was really nothing I could do,” Reyna said, pursing her lips. “So instead I swore to myself that I would be open and straight-forward about everything, in the hopes that maybe if I could show her there was another way, it might change something. And who knows, maybe it’s all for nothing, but at least I am being true to myself and honest about what I want.”
Reyna traced the lines on her palm and swallowed thickly. “But it’s really tough. People think it’s easy and assume nothing scares me but they’re wrong. I’m terrified, like all the time, but seeing how much it tears away at my sister, keeping everything locked up inside, I— I don’t ever want to live that way.”
“I think you’re amazing,” Annabeth said softly. “I can’t begin to imagine how much courage that takes.”
Reyna gave her a smile and said, “Thanks. That means a lot.”
Annabeth shook her head. “I should be the one thanking you, for sharing all of this.”
“It’s no problem. I only brought it up because your situation reminded me of my sister and I. Maybe I’m totally off base about that, I don’t know,” Reyna said.
“No, um, it was definitely helpful,” Annabeth said.
Reyna took Annabeth’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “You still look conflicted.”
Annabeth laughed breathlessly and shrugged. “I-I don’t know. I guess I’m still having a hard time accepting that we’re even in this situation. It just hurts to find out that I didn’t know him anywhere near as well as I thought I did.”
“Why does that have to hurt?” Reyna asked. “What is it that troubles you so much?”
Annabeth had to pause and really think about Reyna’s question because nothing immediately came to mind. It was only now that she realized that it was actually kind of strange that she was so distraught about this to begin with. It wasn’t like there was anything particularly awful about the situation. After all, this sort of thing was totally common, but it still seemed to profoundly unsettle her all the same. She was just having a hard time understanding why that was the case.
“It’s hard to say,” Annabeth admitted. “I think it’s because Percy’s the only person in my life that I have ever truly been able to rely on, and finding out that I don’t fully know him scares me. If I don’t know him, utterly and completely, then how can I count on him? It just makes me feel really insecure, like this is all a house of cards that could come tumbling down at any moment.”
Reyna sighed and said, “I don’t know. I just think knowing someone is a pretty impossible standard to set for yourself.”
Annabeth furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”
“Well, in my experience, a person isn’t something to be known like a fact in a book,” Reyna said. “The human heart isn’t something quite so definitive. A person is always ever in the process of unraveling, constantly revealing themselves moment by moment, piece by piece. None of us ever really knows one another, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is the effort we make to know one another, not whether we succeed. That’s all that love is: finding someone that you make the effort to know, to discover and rediscover, over and over again. And they do the same for you.”
“But then how can we ever trust anyone?” Annabeth asked desperately.
“You take a leap of faith,” Reyna said simply. “I wish I could say there was some trick to never having your trust broken but that’s not possible. Trust, by its very nature, is a brittle thing, but that’s also what makes it worth anything. The only reason trust holds any value at all is because it is something that needs to be earned.”
Reyna’s words made Annabeth recall what Percy had told her atop Aspen Peak. She hadn’t fully understood what he had meant at the time, but now she realized that there was a power to vulnerability that she didn’t know existed. It was a paradox but only by opening herself to heartbreak could she ever find what she was looking for: something permanent.
Annabeth managed a half-smile and said, “Percy told me it was like letting someone touch your heart with their hands and praying they didn’t crush it between their fingers, but that it was something we needed to do anyways.”
“That’s a pretty good way to put it,” Reyna laughed.
Annabeth sighed and said, “Would be nice if relationships weren’t so fucking complicated.”
“Agreed,” Reyna said, yawning. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late.”
Annabeth nodded. “Thanks again for visiting me and for the advice. It was really helpful.”
“And thank you for listening,” Reyna said, smiling.
“I hope someday I’ll be able to live as strongly as you do,” Annabeth said.
“You already live that way,” Reyna said, shrugging. “You just doubt yourself too much.”
Annabeth worried her lower lip and nodded. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
Reyna offered one final smile and said, “Guess I’ll head out then. Keep me posted about your leg and everything. When you can walk, we should hit up the batting cages again. Take your mind off things.”
“I’d like that,” Annabeth smiled.
“See you later, Annabeth.”
“You too, Reyna.”
Annabeth watched and waited for Reyna to leave before she sighed and headed back inside the hospital herself. She felt lighter for the first time in weeks. Reyna’s advice stuck in the back of her mind, and Annabeth took some time to digest it. She had a feeling it would help her figure out her path going forward.
Piper came to pick her up on the day she was discharged from the hospital. By then, Annabeth could walk with the help of a brace that helped keep most of her weight off her knee, but she could only walk for a few minutes or so at most before the strain piled up and became too much. Piper leaned against the side of her car and watched Annabeth hobble over before she rushed in and gave Annabeth a hug.
“Didn’t realize you were so happy to see me,” Annabeth joked.
“Shut up,” Piper mumbled against her skin. “I’ve been worried sick about you.”
Annabeth swallowed thickly and whispered, “Thanks, Pipes.”
Piper pulled away and offered a gentle smile. “Ready to go then?”
Piper opened the passenger’s side door for Annabeth and waited for Annabeth to take a seat before she did so as well. Annabeth rolled down the windows and relished in the late April breeze when it flowed across her face. Piper started the car and turned the radio on before she pulled out of the hospital parking lot and onto the interstate.
Once they were on their way, Annabeth turned to Piper and said, “You’re still okay with me staying with you right? I complete get if that’s not an option anymore.”
“No, you’re totally fine,” Piper assured her. “It’ll be nice to have some company. Besides, my place is too fucking big for only one person.”
“Your dad’s still away on a shoot then?” Annabeth asked.
Piper shrugged. “Probably. Didn’t bother asking.”
Annabeth nodded slowly and turned back to the window, but Piper looked at her and said, “Your parents aren’t going to flip out about this right?”
“Oh, I’m sure Helen will kick up a fuss, but that’s kind of par for the course,” Annabeth said.
“I’m all for it and everything, but have you really thought this through? I mean, leaving your family is a huge decision,” Piper said.
Annabeth gave her a significant look and said, “In all the time you’ve known me, when have I ever not thought things through?”
“Alright, fair point,” Piper admitted. “I’m still worried though.”
“I was going to have to leave for college anyways. This is basically only moving up the schedule. Besides, I’m pretty sure they’ll be glad to finally see me gone,” Annabeth said.
Piper grimaced and nodded. “I wish you didn’t have to go through all this. Especially now, with your leg and all.”
“It is what it is,” Annabeth said, shrugging.
They drove along in silence for a while before Piper glanced at her again and said, “I, uh, wanted to ask you about something unrelated.”
“Fire away.”
“I’m not sure if you know anything, but Percy has been acting really strange lately,” Piper said. “I’ve tried asking him about it, but he just smiles and says that it’s nothing.”
Annabeth sighed. She had been expecting this, but it was still rough now that it was finally here. Slowly, Annabeth began to explain the whole fake dating arrangement from the start of the school year and everything that had happened since then, culminating in their confrontation after her injury. Piper didn’t say so much as word, but Annabeth noticed the way her fingers tightened around the steering wheel so hard they drained of blood.
When she was done, Annabeth watched Piper with bated breath, waiting for the worst. Piper just exhaled forcefully and said, “Christ, what a mess.”
“I know,” Annabeth said mildly.
“So this whole time, you guys weren’t actually dating then? You were just lying about it?”
Annabeth hung her head and said, “Yeah, pretty much.”
Piper was quiet for a moment before she shook her head incredulously. “I mean, I knew something was up with how jittery you were about the whole dating thing, but I never expected this.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner,” Annabeth said. “I was afraid you’d be mad at me.”
“Oh, I am mad at you. Furious, actually. But I’m equally as frustrated with Percy. As bad an idea as it was on your part, he should never have accepted. He knows better,” Piper said, fuming. “A pair of idiots, the both of you. What were you both thinking?”
“I’m sorry,” Annabeth said.
“Well, what’s done is done, I guess,” Piper sighed. “Honestly, maybe this what the both of you needed. Maybe now you’ll finally sort out your relationship.”
“Or maybe this is the end of it for good,” Annabeth said wryly.
“Love the optimism, babe.”
Annabeth huffed a laugh and said, “I’ll try my best to fix this, but I don’t know if I can.”
Piper was quiet for a while before she said, “Give it another shot. Maybe things will be different now that he’s had time to think about all this on his own too.”
“Yeah, you might be right,” Annabeth said.
There was another pause before Annabeth said, “You’re not gonna rescind your offer to let me crash with you, right?”
Piper snorted and said, “I have half a mind to, but I won’t. As stupid as you are, you’re still my best friend, and I’m not going to turn my back on you.”
“I don’t appreciate the insult, but thank you,” Annabeth said, smiling.
Piper glanced at her and jabbed her with her elbow. “Don’t look so happy with yourself or I might change my mind.”
“What, I’m not allowed to be happy that you called me your best friend?” Annabeth asked innocently.
Piper rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t try and schmooze your way out of this, you know what you’ve done. Especially, after that whole spiel about how you always think things through too.”
They pulled up in front of Annabeth’s house, and the brief levity in the air dissipated immediately. Annabeth set her jaw and took a deep breath, but her heart still beat faster in her chest anyways. Piper gave her a look of concern and squeezed her forearm.
“You sure you don’t want me to come with?” Piper whispered.
Annabeth shook her head. “No, this is something I need to do alone.”
Piper nodded but she still looked worried as Annabeth steadied herself and stepped out of the car. She hobbled to the front door and stepped inside with the spare key hidden beneath the flower pot. It was quiet inside the house, but the cars were still in the driveway so her father and step-mother had to be home. Annabeth pursed her lips and made her way upstairs to her room.
There was a suitcase hidden in her closet, and she pulled it out and opened it on the floor of her bedroom. She packed as many clothes as she could inside and stuffed her laptop, charger, phone charger, and water bottle inside her backpack. Once she was satisfied that she had everything prepared, she sat on her bed with a sigh.
Annabeth took a look around the room and felt a sudden rush of nostalgia wash over her. This was probably the last time she would ever come here, she mused. It was littered with all sorts of knick knacks and photos, posters and sketches. As much as she hated living in this house, this was the only place she could call her own. Leaving it almost felt like killing a part of herself off. Her step-mother would turn it into a storage room or something once she was gone, and soon there would be no trace that she had ever lived here. Something about that hurt, even though Annabeth knew it was for the best.
She stood up, feeling more than a little melancholy, and steeled her heart. There was still one last thing she needed to do. Annabeth put her luggage in the hallway and tentatively stepped into her father’s study. Thankfully, he wasn’t there. She riffled through the drawers of his desk in search of the old brown briefcase he stashed old letters in. It was always weird to her that he just kept letters, but he said he liked to have records in case companies tried to swindle him out of money. It was hidden away in some dark corner, and she dumped the contents onto the carpet.
There were hundreds of envelopes so it took her some time to sift through them all, but a few minutes later Annabeth’s worst fears were confirmed. There was an unopened letter addressed to her from Berkeley, dated October 4th.
That wasn’t the worst of it however.
There was another letter from Stanford. Northwestern. Duke. Cornell. Dartmouth. All dated from late September to early October. All unopened.
Annabeth had always felt something off about the fact that her Berkeley letter never reached her. She had dismissed it as a fluke but during her stay at the hospital it occurred to her that there could have been a more malevolent explanation. Seeing the letters now only confirmed her worst suspicions, but the sense of betrayal still hit her harder than she had anticipated.
She snatched the letters and stormed downstairs, as quickly as she could with her brace. Her father and step-mother were in the living room watching the news.
Helen blinked in surprise and said, “Annabeth? I didn’t know you were home from the hospital.”
Annabeth ignored her and held up the envelopes, her hands trembling. “What’s the meaning of this?”
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific, dear,” Helen said mildly.
“These are college letters. Addressed to me. Why did no one tell me?” Annabeth asked.
Helen shrugged and said, “I didn’t think they were important.”
Her excuse was so bad, it actually made Annabeth’s head hurt. “How could you not think that those might be important to your step-daughter, a senior in high school?”
A gleam of irritation flashed in Helen’s eyes. “You have been getting letters since junior year, and they always just asked you to apply, so I thought these were more of the same.”
“Let’s pretend for a moment that your terrible excuse is valid - you still should have shown me these,” Annabeth said.
“You’re still a child. Talk to your parents with respect,” Helen snapped.
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “You literally lost me the chance to go to fucking Stanford, so you’ll have to forgive me for not having much respect for you.”
“Annabeth,” her father warned.
The smart thing to do would have been to drop it then and there. Nothing good could have come of this. The damage was already done. Continuing this would only make things worse.
Annabeth knew all this, but at that moment, she was filled with such uncontrolled rage, rage that had been built upon years upon years of horrid treatment from Helen and her father who couldn’t be bothered to care about the fact that his new wife routinely emotionally abused his first-born daughter, that she couldn’t bring herself to stop.
“She fucking knew this was important and she hid these from me anyways,” Annabeth snapped. “She’s so insecure about that fact that I’m more intelligent than her kids that she has to sabotage me.”
“Annabeth, that’s enough,” her father said sharply.
Annabeth turned to him and balled her hands in fists. “And you! You never say anything. You just let her treat me like absolute dogshit, and you don’t even care.”
“Young lady, you are so disrespectful that it honestly blows my mind,” Helen said coldly. “How you can accuse me of treating you poorly when you never bother to interact with the family and treat us like strangers is beyond me.”
“That’s rich coming from the person who couldn’t be bothered to visit her step-daughter once in the hospital,” Annabeth snorted.
A vein bulged on Helen’s forehead, and Annabeth knew she had her. “The reason I do my best to stay out of the house isn’t rocket science. From day one, you have done absolutely everything you can to make me feel unwelcome in this family-”
“Let me tell you something that you don’t seem to understand: no one is ruining your life, dear,” Helen interrupted. “You ruin things yourself and blame everyone else for it instead. You are just an ungrateful, spiteful little girl that does nothing but cause people pain.”
Annabeth stiffened like she’d been hit in the face with a shovel. Her thoughts turned to radio static and her chest squeezed so painfully that it was hard for her to breathe.
No words came to her.
Without meaning to, she turned to her father.
“D-Dad?” Annabeth asked, her voice cracking.
Annabeth wasn’t even sure what she was asking for, just that at that moment, she felt very much like she was seven years old again, asking him to check for monsters hiding in the closet. Back then she had taken it for granted that he would help her, that he would keep her safe. Suddenly, it made sense why she kept looking to him whenever Helen tormented her, even though she knew he would never come to her aid. She thought she had abandoned that hope a long time ago, but now Annabeth realized some small part of her had still held on to it, like someone tending to a dying flame.
Still, there was nothing that could prepare her for the silence in the living room at that moment as her father simply sat there, his lips pressed in a hard line, still not looking at her.
Annabeth forced herself to take a deep breath. She wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t going to let Helen win this.
No, instead, Annabeth turned to her father and offered him a strained smile. “Since it is apparent that you aren’t going to say anything on my behalf, like always, I just wanted to tell you a few things before I left. And yes, I am leaving. I’m done living in this house, which should delight the both of you. I don’t know that would even worry you, but rest assured: I’ll figure things out on my own, like I always have.”
When Helen bristled at the accusation, Annabeth offered her a smile like poisoned honey and said, “Before you open your mouth, feel free to shut the fuck up. I’m talking to my father right now.”
Helen went red, but Annabeth stared her down, begging her to say something. Helen glanced at her father, but for whatever reason, he didn’t come to her aid this time. She shook her head incredulously and left the living room, leaving Annabeth alone with her father.
When she was gone, he looked at Annabeth for the first time and said, “You went too far.”
“I honestly don’t give a shit,” Annabeth said simply.
Her father opened his mouth to chastise her, undoubtedly, but Annabeth bulldozed on through.
“Don’t bother to defend her. I’ll be gone in a few minutes anyways, and then it won’t matter since you’ll never have to see me again. But until then, you are going to shut up and listen to me,” Annabeth said.
Her father pressed his mouth in a thin line, which Annabeth took as permission to keep going.
“I don’t know when or how things went so wrong between us. I still remember how it used to be, back when mom was still around,” Annabeth started.
“She’s gone, Annabeth,” he interrupted.
“Yeah, I fucking know, but you don’t seem to realize you weren’t the only one she left behind,” Annabeth yelled.
“She left me, too, you know? And you have punished me for that, every day since she left,” Annabeth said, her voice cracking.
Annabeth steadied herself before she got too emotional and shook her head. “But I want you to know something - I am proud to be my mother’s daughter. Despite your best efforts to make me feel otherwise, I will not apologize for that, for being here, for existing. And I’m done looking to you for help or safety or even acknowledgement given you’ve long since proven to be utterly incapable of that. And I want you to know that someday I’ll find people who love and accept me, and I won’t ever have to spare a second of my life thinking about you and how you made me feel. Someday, I’ll heal and you’ll be nothing more than a bad memory.”
With that, Annabeth left to retrieve her luggage from the hallway before he could respond and left the house for good. Piper was pacing around her car and rushed over to her once she heard the door open and threw her arms around her.
“Are you okay?” Piper asked. “It sounded pretty bad in there.”
“Yeah,” Annabeth said, nodding. “I finally let go of something I should have a long time ago.”
Piper studied her for a moment before nodding to herself. “Alright, looks like that’s settled then. Let’s go get something to eat!”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “You’re dropping it, just like that?”
“You look like you’ve got it figured out on your own,” Piper said, shrugging. “Besides, I can tell this is something I can’t really help you with anyways.”
Annabeth smiled despite herself and shook her head. “I never thought the day would come when Piper McLean would know when to let sleeping dogs lie.”
Piper rolled her eyes and stashed her luggage in her car trunk. “Don’t make me change my mind about letting you stay.”
“That’s an empty threat if I’ve ever heard one,” Annabeth said, sliding into the passenger seat.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Piper muttered.
“But seriously though,” Annabeth said, clearing her throat. “Thank you. For everything. It means more to me than I can say.”
“You’re welcome,” Piper said softly. “I’m happy for you. Leaving that hellhole was a long time coming. You definitely made the right call.”
“What happened to all the asking me if I was sure about it and stuff?” Annabeth asked.
“I’ve always wanted you to leave. I just didn’t want to influence your decision,” Piper said.
Annabeth was quiet for a moment and said, “You’re actually a really good friend, huh?”
Piper gave her a cheeky grin and started the car. “I’m offended that it took you so long to notice.”
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iidiotkid · 3 years
Okay I kinda wanna talk about Tim because this is my account and I do what I want
On one hand, I understand why people hate him. He’s a Rich White Sad Boy, and we have plenty of those, but like,,,,,, I think Tim as a character is a pretty interesting move for the batman universe. At least in concept
He’s written to be a self-insert. It’s obvious. He’s a boy with a neglectful family life (which is far more common than the other batkids), who gets noticed by the heroes he adores and they think he’s smart, who has very little personality traits other than that, etc
But that’s exactly why I think he’s interesting. Because a lot of the things interrelate and if they had actually been explored it properly it would have been so cool.
To start off, the child neglect. This is a kid who has had limited social interaction his entire life. The two people who are supposed to love him the most didn’t care enough to even call most of the time, and most of the kids that talked to him would have been doing so because of his parents, how would that affect a person?
He, like many batfamily fans, fixates on a family situation he perceives as healthy. He follows them around, watches the Robins and their interactions with Batman, takes pictures of everything and keeps them in a scrapbook like someone would do their own family photos. He projects himself onto them, pretends like he’s a part of them, wishes that his own life could be like that...
But then something happens. Jason dies. The only true family he’s ever known, even if they never knew him, is fractured. Dick stops coming by as often, Bruce starts getting suicidal. Everything’s gone to shit and he’s desperate to fix it. He knows what’s wrong and, after a lot of convincing, he manages to get Bruce to let him correct it.
Which means he’s officially a part of the family he’s always wanted to be in! The childhood dream that he never fully dared to allow himself to wish for has come true! Sure, Bruce is still a little hesitant about him, but he’s officially Robin!
Now what?
Now he hits a problem. Everything he defines himself with are mostly just his status — he’s the heir to Drake Industries! — and that’s all. But now he isn’t really a Drake anymore, he’s spent more time with Bruce in the past few months than he has with his biological parents since he was a baby. So, who is he?
Robin, of course! He can’t call himself Bruce’s son, the man hadn’t adopted him and it felt a bit like he was betraying the Drakes by considering himself that, so he latched onto the only other thing present. He was Robin.
And this made him fear losing Robin even more. Because, if he wasn’t Robin, then who exactly was he? He knows he wasn’t chosen, that Dick and Jason were and he WASNT, he’s so painfully aware of it. Bruce didn’t want him, not really.
And that was fine, he was used to people he loved not wanting him around.
In fact, this situation was even better than the usual. At least Bruce was willing to deal with him! Of course, he doesn’t know how long that’ll last, so he tells himself he has to work hard. If he messes up too much then Bruce will realize he’s more trouble than he’s worth, just like every parental figure always realizes given enough time, and he can’t deal with that.
Obviously, he becomes a perfectionist. He had already been pretty obsessive, this was almost inevitable. Late nights poring over files, unfocused in his classes, but a he’s damn good Robin. And Bruce is noticing! He’s praising him for figuring things out so fast, he’s thanking him for his help!
But Tim is a growing boy, and growing boys need their sleep. Poor reflexes, stunted growth, gradually declining ability to think... all bad things when you’re Robin. And Bruce is noticing, because of course he is he’s BATMAN, but he hasn’t said anything yet so it’s fine and really Tim can just deal with it —.
Enter one Dick Grayson. He sees this kid take a pretty bad blow in a fight, sees this kid in the Robin suit nearly die while he’s unable to do anything, and all he can think about is Jason dying alone in that warehouse while he was unable to do anything in space. He couldn’t save Jason. He can save Tim.
Visits from Bludhaven become more common despite all the tensions between Bruce and him. Tim doesn’t know why Dick is suddenly so interested in him, hardly anyone ever is, but he is more than happy to accept it for now.
Dick takes him out to see Gotham, not as vigilantes but as civilians. Tim has never seen Gotham like this, not really. His parents had never been all that interested in showing him, and school field trips are always spent bitching and moaning about how boring they were or stressing out over worksheets, so he hadn’t had a chance to really enjoy Gotham for what it was. A gorgeous place despite the circumstances.
He starts spending more time out in Gotham simply for himself, even when Dick wasn’t around. He starts meeting new people. He learns that he’s a listener. Watching people talking about things they loved, seeing the way their faces light up and their hands move around wildly in their excitement, it becomes one of his favorite pastimes.
And, of course, they make life sound like so much fun. He starts doing even more. He visits the arboretum, the planetarium, the zoo, he loves them all. Nature was so gorgeous, and in Gotham it was such a rarity to see any of it that every time he visited he could feel the breath catch. He wants to make Gotham better. He knows not everyone can afford to go to these kinds of places all the time, so the only solution is to try and better the city.
He’s no longer Robin for the sake of being Batman’s Robin, he’s Robin to help Gotham.
He’s doing it purely to be helpful, because he genuinely likes helping people now. He’s seen their smiles, he’s heard their stories, and he wants to protect them.
But he can’t do that if he keeps working himself half to death (literally), so he starts allowing himself some proper rest. He is surprised to learn he’s actually doing BETTER as Robin now. He’s a better fighter and a better detective, sure, but he’s also more concerned about collateral damage in fights and he’s better with victims.
And Bruce notices. Of course he does, he’s Batman, but he doesn’t say anything again. Tim is doing well, and he was usually quiet about most things so he can leave him be.
Or, at least, that was the plan until a particularly adamant Dick drags him out of his brooding to talk to Tim. Bruce, however awkward and stilted, asks how his day went.
So Tim tells him that he doesn’t have to do that, that they don’t have to force a relationship. They were Batman and Robin, and that was enough for him, they didn’t need to be Bruce and Tim, too, if Bruce didn’t want it to be that way.
Bruce’s breath catches just like Tim’s does when he sees the stars and the plants and the animals as they truly are. And then Bruce slowly draws him into a hug, it’s painfully awkward and a little uncomfortable with all their armor, but then Bruce says that he does want it. That he wants Tim.
And Tim realizes then, with his face buried in Bruce’s cape and promises of a better relationship with Bruce, that he isn’t Robin. Because Robin was little more than an idea.
He was just Tim. And maybe Tim was enough.
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firerose · 3 years
Dark-Seven part three - Jason
I apologize @reading0mens for the longtime it took me but I love Jiper angst sooo it got a bit long XD, feedback would be cool :)
- The day Gea was destroyed marked the end of the giant war
- But for Jason, it was the most horrible day of his life
- He wakes up in the infirmary without Leo and Piper
- They are dead Chiron tells him
- Leo gave his life to kill Gea and the eagles could not catch Piper on time
- Jason refuses to believe it until he runs out and sees her
- Her bloodied corpse, her lifeless eyes they will hunt him until the end of his life
- He wanted to grow old with her
-As he gently rocks her in his arms he tries to understand
- Why would Hera let her die after she screwed so much with her life already?
- Why would she let Leo sacrifice himself in such a violent way?
- He knows the truth deep in his heart
-As he watches Piper‘s body burn among the others he learns what real hate feels like
-It scares him
- He was supposed to be Hera‘s champion, a loyal soldier to the gods
- His pain gets worse when he is alone
- Percy and Annabeth leave Camp for school
- Hazel and Frank go back to Camp Jupiter
- He spends his time alone in his cabin living in the vision he saw when the gods came to help them
- Piper is alive whispering soft words to him that everything is going to be okay
- That he is a person instead of Hera‘s shallow Champion
- They even help him to continue his designs for the minor gods temples
- But soon his love for her turns to desire
- He knows that she is not really with him and who is responsible for it
- He does not want to sit around anymore doing exactly what Hera would want him to do
-“I…..I can‘t do this anymore Pipes.“, He tells her one night his body trembling in despair
-“Yes you can Jason! You are a hero that always stepped up to do what‘s needed.“ She says her words piercing into Jason‘s heart like her dagger
-To him, they feel like an accusation
- All of the sorrow and anger boils up in him
- He does not notice the wind around him growing stronger, or the thunder from outside
- He is tired of Hera, tired of being too perfect
- The papers are thrown across the room and he stands his body shaking with rage
- A yell of defiance leaves him and the storm sends lighting to hit the Cabin
- The Campers find Jason sitting still in smouldering remains
-His eyes are closed tears running down his cheeks but there is a smile on his face
- Invisible chains put on by Hera have just been broken
- Jason never felt more alive
-“I‘m done being their servant Chiron and you should be too.“, that is Jason‘s goodbye, a reminder that the centaur should be a protector not a trainer of child soldiers
- No one follows him when he leaves not even Nico
-They all saw the cold bitterness in Jason once-loyal blue eyes, they all feel his calm aura like wolve ready to strike everyone that comes to close
- Jason is glad for their fear
- He does not want anyone innocent getting hurt in his crazy plan
- Jason fly away but still stays close to the sea
- The papers of the minor gods are destroyed but he can still remember all of their names
- Kymopolaia is the first one he calls on the beach of Montauk
- She emerges from the water in all her glory and Jason can‘t suppress his joy
-He acts like Jason grace always did
- Flattering, his compliments even making the violent storm goddess blush
- Only when she wonders why he is here that he shows her a few of his true emotions
- He talks about how Hera forced his mom to give him to the wolves
- He tells her about all the friends that he lost to Hera‘s obsession with tormenting him, how much Piper and Leo gave him hope for a home, how the queen of the gods let them die
-When he is finished high waves are fluting the beach while Kymopolaia cries in pity for the young hero
- Jason‘s apology enrages her even more
-“The twelve Olympians will never respect or honour anyone who is not useful to them.No matter how many temples I build for them you are just a goddess of lower rank just like I was just their servant. I would just waste my time trying to fix their mistakes and in the end, neither of us would get what they want.“, He says true regret in his voice
-Poseidon's daughter grits her teeth while high waves flute the beach as her body is shaking
- Jason confirmed what she has been dreading since the war ended and her father made up excuses to exclude her from his royal court
-He comforts her and he can tell how he stirs up her hate for Posidon
- Jason can barely hide his satisfaction, his plan is working just like hoped it would
- He advises her to turn the sea against her father, it‘s her birthright after all
- Kymaploaia‘s eyes fill with a mad gleam, a whirlpool around her shows agreement
- She is not afraid to take on the sea, hundreds of tormented river gods will stand behind her angry because they had been forbidden to kill the humans that hurt them every day
-After Jason wished her good luck she leaves and he lets out a laugh of satisfaction
-Words can be more powerful than lightning he learned that from Piper
- A part of him still despises what he has become but he tells himself that Hera turned him into this
- She created a weapon and now she has to deal with the consequences
- He continues to travel all over the country flying over it with his storm horse, never staying at one place for long as he is sure the eyes of Hera are on him
- Every stop brings a talk to another minor god
-Hypnos and Morpheus are easy to convince
-Every mortal needs to sleep and dream so why are they never invited to mount Olympus throne room?
- Jason orders them to rebel against the Olympians in the cities of the demigod Camps first
-It is the only way to ensure that his friends will stay out of his way
- Aelous is harder
- The mad lord of the winds always hated demigods and he is not pleased when Jason holds the dozens Venti he sends to kill him still in the air with one move of his hand
-Jason uses no charm on him but instead reminders of all the times Zeus forced him to deal with storm spirits all by himself
-The idea that he can banish the storm spirits once and for all after Zeus is gone finally convinces him
-But Jason still wants the god to know that he is the leader of this rebellion who should not be messed with
- So he concentrates and moves his hands to control the storm spirits again
- He can feel their anger through the winds but he still manages to force them to turn into wolves their lightning eyes blazing with hatred
-“You will serve me from now on.“, He orders them through his mind his voice sounding like thunder in their heads and they indeed bow their heads before him
-Aelous only laughs at this sight
-“You have changed Jason Grace! If you are ready to rebel against your father just because of the Aphrodite girl and that son of Hephaistus then you are just as crazy as me.“ The lord of the winds jokes when Jason is about to leave with his new wolves
-“I‘m just ready to do anything for the people I love.“, Jason replies coldly
-From Olympus Hera hears those words too
- They seem a weak excuse for all the chaos Jason has caused
-The sea has been stormy for days swallowing ships and fluting beaches while the cities are fluted by rivers
- Zeus is barely able to control his winds and so the weather jumps from hot to cold in minutes
The gods own children are sleeping alongside hundreds of mortals unable to help their parents
- Hera knows that Jason will make things even worse if he is not stopped now
- But her love for him or rather the love for his loyalty to her is what makes her believe that she can bring him back
- Not herself she is not that naive
- Only one person can and even though she is gone Hera has figured a way to use her against Jason
-If only she could see the cruelty of her tricks
- Jason begins to hear Piper‘s voice again in his dreams
- She is not soft with him anymore
- Instead, she tells him how terrible he has become, that he acts like a pathetic child just because he failed to save her
-He yells that he is doing all this to get justice for and Leo but that only makes her laugh so loud that he has to cover his ears to drown it out
- Sometimes he also hears Leo mocking him, saying that he can‘t believe he ever looked up to him
- Jason wakes from those nightmares in sweat and tears until he decides that sleep is overrated
- He feels more comfortable moving around with his wolves anyway, it reminds him of old times, his childhood
- Unfortunately, his sleep deprivation changes his methods to gain more allies
- The nature spirits (Nymphs and dryads), aren‘t met with his charm but instead little patience and quick anger
- To Jason they are dumb, Zeus hit on them for centuries why are they so unwilling to turn against him?
-He tries to stay calm but their talks about how his plan is insane to remind him of Piper and the things she said in his dreams
- Not only once does he command his venti to burn whatever three or plant annoys him too much, the wolves happily oblige and tore the spirits apart with their electricity sparking teeth
- More and more Jason Grace begins to remind them of Zeus, unforgiving, cruel to anyone that does not obey his wishes
-When a young dryad girl dares to say that to Jason out loud he snaps
-A huge thunderstorm is summoned, lightning blasting the girl loved ones
-The forest burns in bright orange flames and Jason uses the winds to direct them towards the girls three
- She dies screaming in the flames while storm wolves bite at her to electrocute
- Jason grins at her Beggs as he looks directly into her beautiful dark eyes, Hera has those too
- Nature decides to join him out of fear
- The gods will be mad but it is the only way to avoid Jason‘s rage
-Jason feels powerful riding past them on his horse while they bow
-He can feel the wind gods around him ice cold, hot like fire
-On mount Otrys he calls for Hecate as the next step for his plan
- When she ignores his call he does not care
- Electricity runs through his veins power, it does not matter if he has to wait a bit until Olympus falls
- Suddenly a voice calls him making his blood turn cold
-He turns his head to look behind him and as expected no one is there
-He tells his rising panic that it was not real, he just hasn‘t slept for four days
- The temperature drops, darkness crawls over the hilltop, he feels watched
-“I‘m here Jason it‘s okay.“, Her voice is sweet close and yet it makes him shiver in fear 
- It can‘t be her
- Jason draws his sword and gets on his horse, the wolves growl restlessly as they can feel their master distress
-“Who are you? Show yourself!“, He demands despite his shaking voice
- Her laughter is loud wild like the summers breeze, he has heard it a thousand times before
-His eyes fly around frantically there is only the shadows of the rising night
-“I‘m your girlfriend Jason! Did you already forget that?“, the girl that can‘t be her asks amused
- A person stands in front of him out of nowhere
-Jason‘s sword falls to the ground, his eyes fill with tears
-Her clothes are nothing she would wear and yet he would recognize her blind
-Piper McLean, the love of his life stands there in a white long dress, her dark brown hair falls loose around her shoulders, her eyes of lighter brown are reaching into his soul
-“No…...this is a trick! You…….you are dead.“, Saying it hurt but it was the truth
- His venti flicker with lighting in agreement
-“I……..don‘t know why they let out but does that matter?!, I‘m here and….I missed you.“, Piper sobs, her despair finally washes away his doubts with guilt
-He slides off his horse ignoring the suspicious neighing
-Jason goes to her slowly putting his hand on her cheek, she feels real
-“I missed you too Pipes.“, He croaks and then breaks down pulling her against his chest all pain of losing her, the hatred against Hera, the things he did to convince gods and spirits to rise against their rulers, even the nightmares in which she hated him, spilling out of him
-He is scared of her backing away when he is finished, of her making his horrible dreams come true
-Instead, she looks flattered and sad as she puts a hand on his chin
-“Perhaps that is why they allowed me to leave the underworld.“, She says so softly and Jason is caught in confusion and overwhelming relief that she does not hate him
-“What do you mean?“, Jason asks suddenly feeling worried, the gods would never allow someone to cheat death especially someone close to him
-“I think the gods want me to save you from yourself.“, Piper answers with concern,
-Jason looks at her stunned then as he processes her words anger rises in him
.-Yes it does sound like Hera to use Piper that way
-“No Pipes I never felt better ! They are just scared because I make their system fall apart.“, He responds not able to hide his pride,
- He is happy that she worries for him but he wants her to know that he is okay that they are okay
-He wants to squeeze her hand as recurrence but Piper steps back with guilt in her eyes
“ Jason…….you haven‘t slept for days and all those burnt nature spirits? This isn‘t you.“, She says her words soft but they are too much like his dreams
-“Yea I have been a bit crazy lately but only because I want to make them stop Pipes. All those mistakes or wars of the gods that we have to die and fight for. Losing Leo and you was something I don‘t want any other demigod to go through. I want us to live in peace and that is only possible if we aren‘t controlled by an egoistic good and his controlling queen.“, He explains and despite his fear, he means every word
- He just wants Piper to understand so that she will fight at his side again
-The image brings a smile to his face
-The two of them standing in front of a chained up Hera in all their glory
-Piper brings him back with a sigh and the deep pity in her eyes fills him with despair
-Why is she so against opposing the gods, Wasn‘t she the one that cursed Hera and despised how the goddess put herself in charge of his life?
-A dread rises in the back of him, he suppresses it quickly
-“Our lives aren‘t controlled by the gods Jason. The fates are the ones that decide what challenges a hero has to face. You are wasting your time and ruining your own life fighting for something that will never change. Call off the rebellion Jason and tell the gods to be actual parents. Tell them to protect their children from their destines as long as possible and then go home to rest. That would be easier than a war you can‘t win.“, Piper finally says
-Despite all of his anger Jason has to admit that her advice is tempting
- The vision of him growing old with Piper could come true plus he truly is not strong enough to fight fate itself so why not ask the gods for a favour? Maybe he can convince them to change after all he is the favourite of their rulers
-But then a thought washes away that option and he figures a way to tell Piper why the Olympian council needs to be reformed
- When Piper takes his hand again he looks at her with determination
“I can‘t. Hera loves using demigods too much. Look what happened to Leo. She claimed that she wanted to prepare him for his future just to let his mom die and let him sacrifice himself. You once said that heroes have to step up and do what is right and that is what I‘m doing right now.“, He explains
-For a short moment he thinks guilt washes over Pipers face
- Suddenly he realizes how strange her pleading was
-Piper always was someone to take action, she would never tell him to just do nothing and the way she almost took all fault from the gods……..
-“Hera only did that because she knew what Leo‘s role in the war was gonna be. She may not be the best but she is not our enemy Jason. She cared for Leo and she cares about you too.“, Piper says and now Jason is sure
- He rips his hand away from her his eyes burning with rage
-“Piper would never defend Hera ! Who are you?“, He asks coldly anger numbing the shattering of his heart
-The girl looks at him in confusion, he hates that she does it through Pipers eyes
“ Jason -“
-“ Don‘t! Stop using her voice and show yourself! I want to know which god I have the honour to kill!“, Jason spats
- At this moment he forgets all of his good morals, only blind hatred is left
-The Venti come to his aid, they swirl around him like a mini hurricane and he can feel their power pulsing through him, waiting for his command
-“I‘m just trying to help you Jason even if you could kill me that would not solve anything.“She warns but it is still Piper's voice and he will make her pay for it.
-“Oh no I think this will make me feel a lot better and if Hera send you just know that what happens to know is her fault, not mine.“, Jason says with a cruel smile before turning his storms to pure lightning
- with a hand wave the spirits turn into pure lightning crashing into where she stood
-Flames light up the hill but she is not there anymore
-A huge dove is in her place attacking immediately scratching at his face
-Dark clouds gather thunder is booming, rain falls,
-the Windlords themselves lift Jason into the air pushing his attacker away
- He does not need his sword
- The sky is his weapon
-Jason chases the goddess, calls cold wind to let hail fall onto her instead of rain
- Lightning strikes and he catches it in his bare hands, it flickers over his entire body until it gets thrown towards his victim
-Despite all of this the dove keeps trying to get closer, her voice pleading for him to stop his madness
- A hysterical laugh is his answer, he remembers a time where the gods loved him for his kindness, the same one that forced him to keep Heras chains on him for too long
- This goddess is treating him like he is still a pawn but that will end now
- Jason spins himself around his arms outstretched
- Wind blows around him, the dove shrieks in panic
- A tornado is throwing her around in circles like a puppet
- She changes form to other animals, attempts to escape through the cloud storms walls
- That is when they become pure lightning
- it hits her makes her body twist unnaturally
- She falls and Jason is still in the storms eye, He feels like a god bathed in his fathers lightning bolts
- The goddess unmoving body beneath him looks so tiny almost fragile even when she has changed to her Olympian form
- He would have pitied her if he hadn‘t recognized her, now he only feels disgusted
- Another shockwave is sent through her body before Jason dissolves his tornado
- The wind gods hesitate for a moment not liking what Jason might have in mind
- Jason is stronger and so they follow him down towards his victim as only a soft breeze
-“Why?“, He spats down at her as she wakes up
- His short question holds her crime all the pain and false hope she put him through
- She gets on her knees to look up at him her ever-changing hair clothes and eyes even her skin that is healing her burns are no beauty to him anymore
-“Hera and I only wanted to help you Jason.“, Aphrodite apologizes maybe there are real tears in her eyes
-“ I need help? I‘m not the one impersonating my dead daughter to manipulate her boyfriend!“, He spats finding her trick even more disgusting as he puts it into words
- He thinks about how she held him, what would have happened if he did not find out who she was
- He feels dirty
“I always take on the form of loved ones that's why Hera send me. She knew that Piper was the only one to get you out of your grief. Love is the only thing more powerful than hate“, Aphrodite explains and with every word, she looks more and more like Piper again
- Jason realizes that she is just as bad as Hera, another god that messed with his mind
- He sees how heavy she is breathing, it is time to punish her
-“Well then let me tell you something about love.“, Jason says making a pulling motion with his hands reaching for her breath
- He bends the oxygen out of her, the goddess head being forced forward
-The winds grow stronger again, he hears their whispers to not do this, he is deaf to their pleads
-“N – No!“, She protests in horror, her body glows attempting to release her true form but his attack surprised her and is now making her too weak
-Jason continues an air bubble forming around her head
-She digs her nails into her throat until they are bloody, her eyes nearly pop out of her skull and her face is an ill shade of blue
- the chocking noises she makes are music for him
-Jason enjoys every second
-Her looking like Piper does not save her
- It only reminds him more of the future he has lost and that makes him more furious
-When her sounds and body become still and her face is one mask of fear he finally tells her
-“Love never lasts long in this world.“
-No air gets added to the bubble, it dissolves
- An Aphrodite goddess of Love and beauty falls dead to the ground killed by her daughter's lover
- Jason feels empty
- He just killed a goddess he should feel ecstatic
- But instead, he feels as if something broke inside him
-Jason stares at the sky waiting for a reaction
-“ Come on Hera! This is what you wanted me to become right? A murderer your weapon. Just come to me and admit it !“, Jason yells tears streaming down his cheeks
-He falls to the ground as the thing he did crashes down on him
-He killed for revenge just like Zeus, Hera and all other gods did for centuries
-How is he better than them now?
-His allies seem to think the same thing
-Jason can‘t summon his venti in the morning
- The winds are harder to bend under his will
- Nature hides from him it does not matter how much he burns no one shows up
- Sometimes he hears the spirits weeping but he knows it is not meant for him
- Jason gets more and more desperate
- As of last hope he goes to San Fransisco
- The first step he takes into the city shows him that it‘s full of life again
-He plays with the thought of going back to Camp Jupiter
- But he does not want his friends to see what he has become
- On Ocean Beach, he yells for Kym
-Jason tells himself that she can help him turn his fate around
-“I‘m sorry Jason but I don‘t talk to traitors.“, She whispers from under the sea
-Jason feels like a wolve being cornered
-“ I never betrayed you the gods did !“ He shouts his voice sounding childish in his ears
-“You promised to fight in my name and then went on a crazy rampage just to make Hera feel bad. I expected better from you Jason.“, Kym told him in a stern almost motherly tone
- The words are a punch to his gut, a mirror showing him the truth
-His plan was supposed to be a peaceful change of the god's council, yes he knew about the damage the minor gods would cause but that was just to get the higher gods attention
-He sees the dryad girl in the flames, aphrodite chocking as air is pulled out of her
-This rebellion started with a wish for justice for Leo and Piper, for all those treated badly by the gods
- His lust for revenge destroyed all that
-Regretful he walks into the sea the water going up to his knees
-“ I‘m sorry.“, Jason says honestly
-That is when they finally react
- The waves grow bigger a man with a trident emerging out of them, Nature spirits come out of their plants with pinecones and daggers for weapons the blond-haired woman with her crown of corn is their true goddess
- The mist rising around him lets him hear his victim screams once more
-“Jason Grace we are here to punish you for crimes against us and the entire western civilization. Surrender now or seal your fate.“All of the Command in Unison
-He thinks of giving himself up
-He was raised as a Roman, he learned when a soldier has no chance to win
- Yet the thought of kneeling and letting Hera win so easily makes him sick
- And so he refuses
- The fight does not take long
- Jason summons lightning to blast away Nyads that grasped his ankles
-He runs out of the sea directing lightning at the advancing Dryad warriors
-They burn but the flames seem to have gathered they're own concise
-Orange and high they rage towards him growing on sand which was not possible
-They burn Jason‘s arm as he attempts to fly over them
-Screaming in pain he struggles to stay in the air
-Demeter uses her giant staff to let the three roots attack him like huge arms
-Her followers throw weapons at histones that for some reason always hit no matter how much he uses wind to push them away
-Rain comes and turns into a huge rain shower blinding his view
-He is forced to fly backwards and that is when Poseidon's trident impales his gut
-Blood spills pain forbids him to breath
-His vision goes black before he falls in the threes arms
-Jason wakes in ironically on chains in front of Hera and Zeus
-"I hope you know what a disappointment you are to me.", Zeus says but Jason's eyes are fixed on Hera
-She looks at him with a deep sorrow he did not expect so he chooses the last beg
-" Whoever you choose as your next heroes Hera please don't control them. Remember me as a warning of what happens if you do.", He pleads
-He is scared of his punishment but if Hera realizes her mistakes then maybe all of this was worth it
-Hera only replies with a small nod
-Then he is dragged off to the underworld by Hades off to the cliffs that lead into Tartarus
Jason panics as he realizes
He thought that he would end up in the fields of punishment
-But of course, Zeus hates when his children ruin his good name
-He struggles against his bonds begs his uncle to at least let him see his friends one more time
Luckily Hades is one of the kinder gods 
-He summons Piper's ghost, he does not say why Leo is not there
-She smiles at him sadly and maybe with anger which Jason does not blame her for
-Her kiss on his forehead brings tears to his eyes
-"Goodbye Jason. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.", She whispers and he shakes his head
-"Don't be. All of this is Heras fault and mine.", He tells her and with that, she is gone again
-He thinks of her and Leo while he falls
-Hera mourns him for days
-She watches the rest of the seven holding his funeral at Camp Jupiter
-They understand his motives and that's why they still love him as the friend he was
-Hera understands him too
-She was not liked in the past few centuries and that was why the idea of her very own hero made her blind for letting him be a child
-Now that was what killed him and Zeus was already off making another hero that he can  be more proud of
-A child he warned her to not even look at
-The other demigods resent her even more
-Frank Zhang would be her other hero but Hazel Levesque would never let her near him
-She thinks about Jasons last words, his beg that she shouldn't mess with children's lives
-It's when Leo Valdez returns and learns of his friend's fate that she promises herself to remember
-The hatred in his eyes is enough to bring even a goddess to her senses 
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vikingpoteto · 2 years
1: Consider this me asking about your platonic ships 👀
2: Thank you for the rock 😌
2. I'm glad you appreciate it.
1. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT JASON & STEPH AKA DISASTER TWINS as opposed to Dick and Donna's Wonder Twins
So this little Robin starts as a street kid. Their father is a criminal, their mother struggles with addiction and they have to grow up way too fast. They try to do good in any way they can but unfortunately they die by the hands of a sadistic criminal that torture them brutally before their death. They get better. Am I talking about Jason or Steph? TRICK QUESTION IT'S BOTH.
Cue Under the Red Hood. Jason is coming back and he has this whole thing planned. It's gonna be theatrical and dramatic and he hears that another Robin just died. Well, it looks like Mr. Black Mask specifically has a target on his back, doesn't he?
More years later. Steph is back as Batgirl. We pretend we do not see most of Jason's shit after UTRH. They finally meet. They bond over the fact that they're the only batfam members that can cook and know how much a banana costs. (No, Bruce, it's not ten dollars.) They're both sarcastic and quippy and dramatic and they get on like a house on fire. Steph likes to sit on his shoulders (she likes to be tall) and he gets fiercely protective of his new little sister.
(Eventually, Steph doesn't know why, but she tells him about her pregnancy. And Jason, who canonically hugged Sheyla Haywood and commented on how hard it must've been for HER to abandon him, simply pets her hair and says that he can't even imagine how strong Steph is for making that decision for her child's sake.)
(Steph wants to resent him, because back when she was Robin, Bruce couldn't handle her because she reminded him too much of Jason in ways Tim never did. But she finds out she can't. She knows how he feels like the family "outcast" and she wants to be a bridge for him. She wants to make Cass understand that Jason isn't bad even if Cass despises him. She finds that she has more in common with him than with the rest of the bats after all.)
They joke that they're the Robins that went wrong (if you joke about something enough it must stop hurting, right?) and, if Nightwing and Troia are Wonder Boy and Wonder Girl, Jason and Steph are Disaster Boy and Disaster Girl. Disaster twins. Jason points out he's at least two years older. Steph argues that that can't be true because he was dead for six months, so he's a year older tops. Cue long hours of pointless bickering over technicalities.
Crystal Brown fully adopts Jason. She invites him over for dinner as often as she does Steph (and it serves as a bittersweet reminder of what Catherine Todd could've been if she recovered but it also feels like home) and she gets so excited when she hears that Jason would've loved to go to med school (with a minor in Literature, of course.)
Steph tries to convince Jason to come public that he's alive and go to college with her. They'll talk shit about their classmates and show them trustfund babies what real top notch students are like.
They like the same musicals and they listen to Broadway soundtracks when they're together. They changed their patrol schedules to run into each other more often and chill while they're doing a stakeout.
Eventually, they have to go to the Batcave for one reason or another. There are painful memories. They stick together, reminding one another that they're not the odd one out, they're not alone this time. They never have to be anymore.
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bebepac · 3 years
Pop’s 🌎 World
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This is a very special Mia’s 🌎 World. It’s kind of a stand alone, as you could have not read the previous series and know what’s going on here.  It’s about a father’s love for his daughter.  But if you are curious to go on a binge read:
Book One:  Pop’s Place
Book Two: Mia’s World
I’m also participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt # 91 picked by  @ofpixelsandscribbles​ “I’m worried about you.” which will appear in bold. 
Original Post Date: 04/20/21 at 7:03PM EST.
The Book:  TRR (this is typically a crossover, but none of the crossover characters appear in this chapter) 
Pairing:  Mia x Jaiden  (TRR MC x M!OC)
Word Count: 1976
Warnings: Pops laying on all kinds of Daddy Fluff.  Brief mention of pregnancy complications, with no specific or graphic detail. 
Summary:  A glimpse into the past, present and future of Pops. We will be getting to know, the softer side of Pops Jones.
A/N: Writing is truly one of the ways that I have dealt with a lot of unsettling feelings I’ve had over the years, and this one is very cathartic for me.  I never had the best home life growing up.  Pops is the personification of the father figure I wish that I had growing up in those more formative years.  He does remind me a bit of my Grandfather, but he passed away when I was young.  So I write my Mia having the strong base that I wish I had.  And maybe some things would have turned out differently.  
A/N2:  I don’t own the rights to the poem “I Trust You’ll Treat Her Well”  by Dan Valentine which the words will be bold and italic throughout this episode.  I did modify a few words to make it representative to Mia and her family, as Mia does not have blue eyes and light brown hair.   
Song Inspiration for this Episode:  I Loved Her First by Heartland
I don’t own the rights to the music.  
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Jaiden and Mia were staring at each other in awe as if they were in their own little private universe.
Tears welled in Pop's eyes as he watched Mia.
Pops never thought he was super sensitive until that moment. But seeing Mia, his baby girl, slow dance with Jaiden in her wedding dress, tore his heart to pieces, in a good way. Together Gloria and Pops had raised a beautiful, intelligent, strong young woman, who had found the love of her life.
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Their very first dance together as husband and wife was breathtaking, and the newly married couple had nothing but smiles and a few tears for each other, and whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears.
Maybe not so sweet.... as whatever Mia had whispered caused Jaiden's cheeks and ears to flush a rosy pink, as he gently tugged at his collar a bit. 🍋🍋
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"She picked a good one, Pops. He'll take care of her. He always has." Gloria whispered in Pops ear.
"I know. It doesn't make it easier. I loved her first."
Pops stood before them with a smile. Since they were done with the formal pictures, Pop's tie was completely gone, and the first few buttons of his dress shirt were unbuttoned. Pops was a simple man. But his feelings about that day were anything but simplistic. Pop's soul was a storm of emotions inside his heart: happy, melancholic, and bittersweet, because not only had he given his daughter away to be married, but he was also gaining a son, whom he loved dearly.
His eyes met with Mia's from across the room. She smiled at him, but as he refocused on her, he saw the little girl that loved to play dress up in Mommy's clothes and makeup.
Clearing his throat, Pops began to recite the poem that he picked for today. His confident voice was already shaking as he gazed across the room at his little MJ, his eyes already beginning to tear up.
"Dear World,
I bequeath to you today one little girl… in a crispy dress...with two brown eyes… and a happy  laugh that ripples all day long...and a flash of black hair that bounces in the sun  when she runs. I trust you'll treat her well."
He never knew the person who would completely change his whole entire world, his heart  was a little bouncing baby girl that weighed seven pounds and twelve ounces when she was born.
When he found out Gloria was pregnant, Kelvin wanted a boy. That's all he thought about. Someone to play ball with, and fish with. He got the shock of his life when he heard those three words. It's a girl.
Mia was born a week before Christmas.  Gloria went into labor while they were at a Christmas party neither one wanted to attend. Labor was a fitting excuse for the pair to leave early. The one time in Mia’s life she showed up early to benefit her parents. 
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Gloria’s due date was Christmas Day.
When he first saw Mia's big brown inquisitive eyes, he knew she would be special. And Mia was, and she was the light of his world.
Mia’s first word was Pop.  The reason everyone called Kelvin “Pops”  was because of Mia.  When Mia started talking she said it repeatedly.  And it stuck with EVERYONE!
Mia was definitely a Daddy’s girl. 
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Mia took her very first steps following behind Pops. He had walked into the kitchen to make Mia a snack, when he glanced up from the counter seeing her toddling towards him.
"Pops!" Mia exclaimed enthusiastically as she took her slow and deliberate steps towards him.
Pops immediately knelt, opening his arms smiling brightly at her.
"Come to Pop Pops."
Mia made it to his arms. He picked her up and spun her around planting kisses, and raspberries on her cheeks and tummy.
He wanted his little MJ to stop growing.  
Even though he loved Mia dearly, Pops thought about the possibility of them having another child.  He thought then having one of each would be perfect.
But sadly the lightning never struck again for them.  
Gloria sat on the side of the bed in tears.  
“We weren’t even trying when we got Mia, and now that we are…. Why isn’t it happening?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe we just got it perfect on the first try, my beautiful Morning Glory.”
“I know you want a boy Pops.”  
“I wanted our child Gloria.  Mia is our baby.   I wouldn’t trade a thousand little boys for our Mia.”
He wiped Gloria’s tears.
“I’m worried about you.”  
“I feel like I'm failing you.”
“You’re not, you gave me Mia.  She’s more than we could have ever asked for.”  
Mia had asked several times for a baby brother or sister.  Until a sweet family with a little dark haired boy moved next door.  
Daniel and Mia were inseparable.  
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“Prim and proud she’ll wave her young and independent hand this morning and say “Good bye” and walk with little lady steps into the school house.”
It was  Pops that cried the first day of school when he waited with her at the bus stop.  They had always had a very special close relationship.
“For five full years now I’ve been her sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and father and friend...”
Mia had her “Mommy time” with Gloria but as Mia aged, she liked to fish with Pops.  She enjoyed being in the kitchen with him.   At age ten Mia called out her first order to Pops that day taking the first step of creating ‘their special language' they talked to each other to this very day in the kitchen. Mia sat at the table with her book watching the waitress in front of her, listening closely to the order.
She called out the order to Pops loud and proud.
Pops glanced down at the order that Ginny handed him, as Mia recited in her own language what the customers wanted.  He smiled at her, it made sense to her, and to him.  
“I’m on it, MJ!” His voice boisterous.  Little Mia learned the menu and started calling out all the orders to Pops. 
His mind drifted to Kyle.  Mia’s first serious boyfriend.  The one he had basically thought he was so proud of Mia for finding.  Kyle appeared to have it all.  He came from a good family, and he appeared like he loved Mia.  
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Pops mentally took off his rose colored glasses and looked at his daughter’s relationship with him.  
Pops saw all the warning signs he had been oblivious to the first time around.  The sadness in his daughter’s eyes, she was trying to hide.  The crash dieting.  Mia wasn’t insecure before, but he now saw all the hints of it.  And he had been afraid to ask. Why did he not ask her what was wrong? When he had such a good relationship with his MJ.
“Today she’ll learn for the first time not all who smile at her are her friends….”
Mia found the courage in herself to end that relationship.
And with the ending of that relationship ended another one.  Daniel’s father was transferred to North Carolina.   Mia was devastated with her friend moving away.  But, it was very short lived, as Daniel’s father Jonathan let Pops know of a restaurant that was for sale in their area, that would give Pops the chance to branch out completely on his own and have his very own place.  
Pops took a chance and packed up his family and moved to North Carolina and bought that little restaurant that the community now fondly known as Pop’s Place. 
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He remembered the first time he saw Mia interact with Jaiden.  The two were very friendly with each other talking and laughing.   Jason Brooks elbowed him.  
“There is something special blooming between those two.”
Pops laughed looking at the two of them again.
“I doubt it seriously.”  
Mia’s dance card was full, between Drake Walker, but Pops had his money on Liam Rys walking away with Mia’s heart.
“Twenty bucks says they’ll be dating before the end of summer.”  
“You’re on Brooks.”  
Pops lost that bet.  
Watching the love blossom between his daughter and Jaiden made him feel young again.  The love and the heartache.  
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The sweet little gestures of love and understanding.
*^*^*^*^*^*^* Fast Forward a year after the wedding *^*^*^*^*^*
"I think I finally got it right now. Hi MJ, hey Jaiden. Can you all hear me now?”
"We can hear you now fine Hey Pops, where's Mom?"
"I'm here, I had to take dinner out of the oven."
They talked for a few minutes.
"MJ you look like the cat that ate the canary. What's going on?"
"So we didn't agree on how to do this.  We both wanted to tell you face to face but we didn't want to wait until Thanksgiving."
She looked at Jaiden.  He smiled nodding.
"Mom, Pops…..”
Pops saw the tears in Mia's eyes.
"What's wrong?"
She held up a single picture.
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Both her parents screamed in joy.  
“It’s a boy!!!”  
“We wanted to tell you sooner.”  
Jaiden’s eyes filled with tears, as Mia leaned into him.  His grip tightened around her.
“We had to wait a little bit, because we had some complications. I had to take some time off work. But we’re okay now.  All three of us.”  
“This is the best news I’ve ever heard!!!!” Pops was laughing and crying at the same time. 
“You can't tell anyone yet. We’re telling Jaiden’s parents a little later on this evening.”
"We understand."
“So that means Pops, when we have the baby you’re getting on a plane and flying out here.  Mom’s not going to let you drive cross country.”
“It will be fun, we could rent an RV like we did that summer.”
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“NO Pops. NO!!!”  Gloria and Mia exclaimed in unison.
“That summer was a nightmare, Jaiden.”
For MJ, when it was time, he got on that plane.  The simple man who lived between North and South Carolina his whole life, had raised a girl that loved adventure, and was living her life now in California as a fashion designer  with her successful architect husband, and about to give birth to their first child.  
Jaiden walked out of the delivery room with a proud smile on his face.  
“He’s here.  Six pounds and two ounces and twenty one inches long.  He’s perfect in every way.”
Jason went to hug his son.    
Later that evening, Pops and Gloria went in to see the baby.  
Mia had been in labor for over twelve hours, but you couldn’t tell it from the serene smile that was on her face, as she held their first child in her arms.  
Jaiden took the baby from her arms.
“Pops, meet your grandson.  His name is Kaiden…. Kaiden Riley Brooks.”
(Author’s Note: yeah…. I know, I said Riley Brooks would never exist in a place where my MC is not named Riley…. But you know…. I had to mix things up. Technically this is NOT your Riley Brooks.)
Pops held Kaiden in his arms.  The little baby opened his eyes to look at him. And in that moment Pop’s life was changed again by another little baby, this time, weighing six pounds  and two ounces.  
He kissed the top of his head gently rubbing Kaiden’s head full of dark brown curls.
“We finally got our boy Pops.”  Gloria whispered as Pops rocked Kaiden in his arms.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Fast Forward  *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Time flies as time always does.  Pops and Gloria were visiting during the first week of school.
Pops grip on Mia’s hand tightened as she held her youngest child Luna on her hip, watching little Kaiden walk down the driveway to the bus.
Mia softly gasped as Kaiden stopped, turning around to her, and  waved goodbye to her, and his little sister, and his Poppy; Mia was holding back tears.
“I know how you feel.”  
“Does it get easier Pops?”
“You’ll always see him….them the way you do now.  They will always be your babies. It’s how I see you. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become Mia.”
“Thank you Pops.”
“So, world, I bequeath to you today, one little boy… in a little blue and gold uniform…. With two hazel eyes and a flash of curly brown hair that bounces in the sunlight when he runs.
I trust you’ll treat him well.”
Tags in the comments!!!!
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hotchley · 3 years
neptune’s ocean (wash this blood)
Okay so, I ended up on the part of TikTok that has A Thing for Hotch’s hands, and I decided to make it angsty. And then it had a happy Mortch ending? I don’t know... 
The title is a reference to Macbeth: “Will all great Neptune’s wash this blood from my hands? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.” It’ll make sense when you read.
This was cathartic to write, especially given the conversation I had today. I hope it is somewhat cathartic to read. You can heal. You can move on, you can be happy, and your biggest fears may never come true, no matter what your brain says. As usual, no proofreading, or dialogue.
Word Count: 2486
Trigger Warnings: child abuse, blood, vomit, guns, death, grief/mourning, intrusive thoughts, survivors guilt
read on ao3!
He can’t bring himself to look at his hands. They’d never been something he’d actually focused on. He’d never thought they were cute the way Jack’s were, or hated how slender his fingers were, so unlike the stereotypical hero. He didn’t pause his life to watch them carry out household tasks the way Haley always had.
Haley. Haley who is dead, and gone and cold, and whose blood coats his hands like a second skin. She loved his hands. She always told him how she loved everything about him, but his hands were her favourite thing. She loved how soft they were. How strong they were. Everything about them. 
In their first apartment, with the random photos and multi-coloured walls and traces of themselves and love everywhere, she had confessed this love to him. He had laughed when she couldn’t explain what she loved, or why. Haley had thrown a pillow at him in retaliation. But when they ended up laying on the sofa, both claiming they would go and clear the kitchen in a moment, she had linked their hands over her chest and kissed his knuckles.
And confessed that part of the reason she loved them was that they were so much bigger than hers.  When Aaron asked her why, Haley turned away and said it was embarrassing. He convinced her to tell him. How, he wasn’t sure. But she told him.
It was because they made her feel safe.
But as he sits in the living room that had once been full of love and life and joy and her, his hands being wiped of all of his sins as though they were as easy to bury as her body, he thought about how those same hands she loved had only hurt her.
He looks down, needing to see the traces of blood before they’re removed forever. As he does so, the limbs start to blur before his eyes. His eyes swim with tears and his throat starts to close. How many times before today has he washed them? Scrubbed at the pain until the skin turned red and raw?
How many times had he succeeded at rubbing it away? At hiding it, not just from everyone else, but from himself? And how many more times would he have to repeat the motion before his hands were clean? Would they ever be clean?
He wipes the tears from his eyes. He doesn’t deserve to cry. Not now. Not after everything he has ruined. 
Moments flash through his mind all at once.
Aaron Hotchner is eight.
His father is drunk- but that’s not an excuse, not now and not ever, although he will only learn that at thirteen in a boarding school meant to destroy him- and he does not understand what is going on. 
But his father has taken the belt from his trousers and brought it down on too small for his age hands until he sees blood. His hands tremble uncontrollably. Tears stream down his face, but there is no sympathy or kindness waiting for him. Not this time. 
The next day, he can hardly hold his pen. Nobody seems to notice or care. So he grits his teeth and bears the pain. It is the first time he finds himself doing such a thing, but it will by no means be the last.
Aaron Hotchner is fourteen. 
Someone insults his mother. And they aren’t wrong. He will realise this in a few years: that his mother was just another victim, but in that moment, he is just a teenager angry at the world for letting him live. But whilst he knows it to be true, Sean does not. Sean does not understand that their mother is not perfect, and is just as broken as his brother’s spirit.
Sean is scared. No, he’s terrified that their mother is going to be taken from them and that they’ll never see her again. Aaron feels guilty for wishing that would happen- that both their parents would be taken away, and they would be carried off by someone that can love them the way a parent is meant to be. 
Sean is scared, and Aaron is meant to ensure that never happens. He punches the boy.
It hurts his hand more than it hurts the other boy’s face, but he still ends up being suspended. His father hurts his hands again. It’s in that moment that he finally makes a wish: that he would never be like his father, even if he was his mirror.
Aaron is seventeen. 
Somehow, he finds himself at Haley’s home. Her parents are away for the weekend. His are still in that wretched house, playing roles in front of their guests and destroying the set behind closed doors. 
His hands are covered in blood because his father hit too hard.
Jessica, who is back from college, and the reason their parents are not at home, answers the door. She starts to close it when she sees that it is him. But then she sees how scared he looks, and finally understands why Haley is so protective over this boy. 
She lets him in, and does not let him apologise. She summons her sister. His girlfriend.
Haley hugs him. She has suspected this for a while now- everyone has- but she’s going to be different in the way that she is going to act. His fists remain clenched at his side as she makes this decision. Because this is a mistake. He cannot ruin her as well. He needs to walk away.
But Haley and Jessica don’t let him. Haley takes his hands and in the same way Derek will twenty years later, wipes the blood away without blinking or flinching. And then Jessica bandages them up, making sure to use antiseptic to prevent infection. It stings. He doesn’t react. It’s nothing compared to his father.
He tries to ask them how they know what to do, and they both shush him. When Jessica wipes her eyes, and Haley pats her back, he remembers the days they would spend at the church, and the women that would spend hours with them, only returning to their homes when the sun went down.
It is enough to make him vomit. They clean that up without judgment.
And then, and then-
Aaron is twenty-six. 
He is graduating from law school, just like he is supposed to. His hand is shaken. He does not flinch away, even though he wants to. He doesn’t recoil because Haley and Jessica are sitting in the audience, the only people he even wanted to watch him walk across the stage. 
Their cheers are the only thing he can hear.
When Haley hugs him, and Jessica tells him how proud she is, he knows it isn’t just because he made it.
Aaron is twenty-eight.
He is dancing with Haley at their wedding.
Her hands are so much smaller than his. So much gentler. So much softer. So much more human. And so beautifully void of scars. So perfect.
He makes one final vow that he will never say aloud. He will always keep her safe. No matter what happens.
Hotch is thirty-two.
He shoots someone dead for the first time. The medics come running in to check the injuries on the hostages. To confirm the time and cause of death.
He drops the gun. Dave’s words- don’t let them see you break- echo somewhere in his mind, but he cannot help the display of vulnerability. His knees buckle. He hits the ground with trembling hands. He pulled the trigger that released the bullet that ended someone’s life.
On the train journey home, he pretends to be fine. Jason and Dave pretend to not notice that he is silently falling apart.
The door to his home- the only one he has ever known- closes. As Haley holds him, he cries. And then he tries to push her away because is going to destroy her. It’s in his blood. His father destroyed him, and his father destroyed him, and it is a vicious cycle that he cannot break.
But Haley does not let go.
When the tears stop, she asks. He manages to force the truth out. Haley tells him everything is okay, and that he did the right thing, that he will move on from this. Aaron pretends to believe her, and pretends he doesn’t see her shift away from him ever so slightly.
Perhaps this is the moment their marriage starts to end.
Aaron is thirty-four.
A nurse is placing his son in his arms. Haley is watching them both with a smile. He mirrors that smile. so in awe at her for giving birth.
He’s in awe of his son as well. Jack- named for Jacqueline, the mother Hotch gained from and lost to the job- is tiny. Aaron cannot quite believe he is real. Jack Gideon Hotchner is so small, but so trusting that the arms holding him will keep him safe.
So just as quickly as the awe overwhelmed him, the fear sets in. What is he doing holding a baby so small and precious? He will ruin this child. He needs to let go.
He hands the baby to Haley, and runs to the bathroom. His meagre dinner- fear for Haley had stopped him from eating properly- makes a second appearance.
Haley knows what happened- she always does. She doesn’t force him to explain what went through his head, nor does she tease him about not being able to handle the sight of childbirth like the nurses do, so blissfully unaware of the monsters that haunt his nightmares.
Instead, Haley lays Jack down in the cot beside her bed. And then she takes Aaron’s hands, covering them with her own. She presses a soft kiss to his knuckle. Almost like she is silently promising him the same thing: that he will not hurt this child the way he was.
Suddenly, he is in the present.
Aaron is thirty-nine.
He is sitting in the living room of the home he had built with Haley. The home they were supposed to raise Jack in. Together. But now she is gone. She is gone and it is all his fault. 
He let George Foyet escape. And then he took too long to work out his final plan. He took too long to get to the house. So now Haley is gone. Jack will grow up without a mother and a father that cannot trust himself to touch him without causing harm.
How can he?
He has killed a man. A person. A person who had surrendered, with nothing more than his bare hands. He killed the man that had murdered Haley, in order to save Jack, but what kind of person does that make him? How is he supposed to comfort his son by hugging him and holding him when the blood would never be washed from his hands? 
How could it?
He is worse than his father.
Derek leaves him after he finishes with the bandages. 
He returns a few seconds, minutes, hours- Hotch doesn’t know, time has become nothing to him- later. He returns to Hotch sobbing over all the things he has loved and lost since he was born.
Derek doesn't say a word. He doesn’t need to. He knows nothing he says will make the situation better. Instead, he takes Aaron’s hands and lets the man cry.
Healing- physical and emotional- takes time. Rationally, Aaron knows it will, but it’s still a difficult thing to accept. It takes longer than he wants it to.
 It angers him- that it’s taking him so long to get back to normal and move on. The grief counsellor (the one Derek urged him to see, if not for his own sake, then for Jack’s) reminds him that it’s normal. If it were anyone else, Hotch would tell them to let themselves feel, and to give themself time to mourn.
But he is supposed to be the leader of the BAU. And although he can hardly look at Jack without tears forming, he is a father. He needs to be there for his son. So whilst everyone- colleagues, family, Jack’s counsellor, his own therapist- tells him he needs to take care of himself as well, he just can’t.
He can’t bring himself to eat. He can’t bring himself to let go of the guilt. He can’t bring himself to mourn. He can’t bring himself to accept that Haley is gone, nothing more than a casket, a headstone, photos and the memories and stories her loved ones cling to.
There is so much he cannot do. Too much that he feels.
Yet no matter what seems to happen, no matter how sad he feels, how angry he gets at the world, Derek seems to stick around. When Aaron is terrified of hurting someone he loves, Derek is there to remind him he won’t. When he is so tired he can’t even sleep, but Jack wakes from a nightmare, Derek stays awake and reads to him.
When he forgets to eat.
When counselling drains him of his energy.
When his hands shake too much to point the gun at the target during his re-certification training.
When he can’t even look at his hands because of all the harm they have caused.
Derek stays, even when Aaron cannot hug his son.
Aaron Hotchner is forty-three years old.
It has been three years since Haley’s death.
Two years ago, he let go of his guilt. One year and nine months ago, he let go of his fear of moving on, as he realised he could love someone and remember her all at once. Seven months ago, he built up the courage to tell Derek how he truly felt.
Derek had kissed him, soft and gentle and perfect. It had been exactly the same and completely different to the first kiss him and Haley had shared. Because it had been perfect, and it had been unexpected, but it had been less desperate and less messy.
Derek had kissed him, and Aaron had felt peace. He knows Haley is proud of him.
Derek is watching him. The man who had lost everything and then found a way to carry on. The man who put everyone above himself, but is learning to care for himself. The man who still wakes up screaming, but who has learnt to breathe without fear of timing running out. 
The man he loves.
Jack is holding an ice-cream in one hand as he and Hotch walk side by side, down to where Morgan is waiting to surprise the boy- not so little anymore- with a trip to the bowling alley for his birthday. 
Jack holds his hand out for his dad to take.
And what does Aaron do?
He takes Jack’s hand in his own, without a single ounce of hesitation.
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