#Make eye contact with everyone. And teleport away.
transmasccofee · 10 months
how would they explain this to their parents...tbh kusuo would probably just do his best to hide it from absolutely everyone. with his telekinesis + hypnosis a prosthetic might sell the deal. my brain has gotten hooked on the one off idea my apologies lmfao
on one hand it would make sense for him to try and hide it, on the other I think that if he got his arm fully blown off he might just give up on keeping shit secret entirely. Like he’d be too tired and done to keep up any lie. He’d come to class and everyone would be like “omg what happened to ur arm??!?? D:” and he’d be like “my brother used a nuclear weapon to explode it because he’s mad I have psychic powers” and then wouldn’t explain further At All.
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fandoms-x-reader · 9 days
Feeling Sheepish
Requested By: @deludedprime
Summary: You were a sheep for your exchange year in the Devildom (Season 1) but during your time in the human world, the spell wore off. When Solomon brings you back to the Devildom (Season 2), everyone has a different reaction to your new body. The Seven Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon Featuring Luke, Raphael, Mephisto, and Thirteen Word Count: 3,737 Characters are written in chronological order instead of the normal order! Based on Lesson 21-1 & 21-2
Being a sheep in the Devildom wasn’t as bad as it may seem at first glance.
There’s no denying that safety was an issue. After all, you were small and somewhat defenseless if a demon tried to attack you.
But, you didn’t need to use nearly as many resources to take care of yourself. And, on top of that, it was easy to make friends when you looked so adorable and approachable.
Being a sheep also took away the social construct of beauty. There was no way anyone could judge the way you dressed or did your hair because you were simply a sheep.
So, while there was a bit of an adjustment period at first, by the end of your exchange year in the Devildom, you had grown accustomed to being a small creature.
But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and before you knew it, it was time for you to leave the Devildom.
You were heartbroken to leave your friends - but, you weren’t even sure if they could see the tears you were shedding as a sheep.
And then with a blink of an eye, you were teleported back to the human world and that was the end of it.
Luckily, the spell wore off pretty quickly when you returned to the human world and you had your normal body back.
And whether or not that was what you wanted, you knew it was probably for the best. After all, what considerations were held for you as a sheep in the Devildom, certainly wouldn’t be held in the human world.
You could be shaved bald for your wool or get put on a farm. Or worse. There were some places where sheep was a common cuisine.
Becoming a human once again required yet another adjustment period. You had to relearn how to walk on two feet instead of four. You had to make sure you were dressed properly and that your hair was neat.
Not to mention the fact that you were starving. As a sheep, you ate such small portions. Now, you felt like you had to make up for lost time. 
Everyone from the Devildom continued to stay in contact with you, of course. But, all they could hear was your voice. They couldn’t see you.
So they were none the wiser when it came to your sudden transformation. They were completely in the dark. 
At least that was the case until one day, Solomon showed up to see you.
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Solomon was planning a trip back to the Devildom and he was planning on taking you.
Truth be told, he missed it down there. The memories that he experienced were full of fun and endearing moments. And, he wanted to make some more.
You were typically at the center of those memories, and as such, he couldn’t imagine returning to the Devildom without you.
The two of you had stayed in touch, sending messages here and there and even calling when the time allowed it.
But, it was nothing like before - which is why Solomon decided to surprise you by showing up in person.
He used a tracking spell to find your location and continued to text you to keep up the ruse.
His eyes scanned the area for your little sheep form and he got a bit worried when he couldn’t find you. He was positive he had done the tracking spell right.
That’s when he noticed someone walking and texting - on a D.D.D.
It wasn’t like those were popular in the human world. You could only get them from the Devildom - which meant…
The realization dawned on Solomon that the spell that turned you into a sheep would have worn off by now, and he connected the dots.
He took a brief couple of moments to take in your new appearance. He felt privileged to be the first one to see you in your human form.
Then he approached you and he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips when you looked into his eyes with soft familiarity in yours.
Solomon would love to whisk you away and spend the day with you. To have some alone time with you before the others stole every second of your time.
But - he was on a mission. He came to you for a reason. 
A reason that he didn’t give you much time to ponder over before teleporting the two of you back to the Devildom.
Back to your friends.
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Lucifer was stunned when he watched two humans fall through the portal that had opened up in the middle of the assembly room.
He recognized Solomon right away. He wore a smile as he landed on his feet gracefully.
The one Lucifer didn’t recognize was the human who had crash-landed on top of Satan.
From his position, Lucifer could see that they were attractive, but why had Solomon brought them there?
“Whoops. Sorry, about that Y/N. I really should’ve warned you to be careful where you land,” Solomon stated and it all became clear to Lucifer.
You were the human that had stolen all of their hearts. You were the one they had been pining over and longing for since the moment you left the Devildom.
And now you were in your true form.
And your true form seemed to have an even greater effect on the eldest.
“Y/N…?! Solomon…!” were the only two words that came out of Lucifer’s mouth as he was still trying to process everything.
He was trying to hold it together. He was doing what he could to not show any weakness.
He wanted to remain as calm and composed as he normally was, but his eyes refused to listen as they were continuously drawn to you, taking in every inch of your appearance.
And when you finally smiled at him, he knew it was over for him.
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“AAAAAH!! Wha…wha…WHA?! Is this really…are you really really…REALLY?!”
Levi was so overwhelmed by the situation that he wasn’t able to form real words.
He felt like his brain was racing at a hundred words a second.
He had just got his friend back - his true friend.
And he was so excited to see you again.
Except it wasn’t the you he had gotten to know over the past year.
Now, you were back in your human body and despite him mostly being excited, he couldn’t help but be intimidated.
Like Lucifer, Levi did his best to not trail his eyes over your new body and when he caught himself doing so, his cheeks turned a bright pink and he mentally scolded himself.
Levi could barely manage to not freak out in your presence when you were a sheep. How was he supposed to do that now that you were a human?
And not just any human, but an attractive one!
Levi’s overthinking could have given him a panic attack on the spot if it weren’t for the fact that he was in front of everyone else.
He just needed to keep reminding himself that you were the same person he had come to know and love.
Maybe then he would still be able to hang out with you despite the fact that your new form made his heart race and made his palms sweaty.
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“Y/N, it’s YOU! It’s REALLY YOU!”
Asmo’s excitement showed more than his other brothers’ as they all processed your new form in their own way.
Asmo, for one, was soo ecstatic about the new change in your appearance.
Could you blame him? He was the Avatar of Lust and you just showed up in a new body.
When you were a sheep, you had a personality that could charm anyone, anywhere.
And now you had a body that could do the same. 
Asmo’s eyes had a special glint in them as his questions filled his mind.
How smooth was your skin?
Were your lips as soft as they appeared?
Did your hair feel as healthy as it looked?
Asmo got even more excited as he realized now he would be able to do all of the beauty treatments with you and see them in full effect.
There was only so much you could do as a sheep. After all, wool was a lot different from skin.
If he’s caught staring at your new body, Asmo will be shameless about it.
It’s not like he doesn’t have a good reason to stare.
He just couldn’t wait for the student council meeting to be over so they could all take you back to the House of Lamentation.
Asmo wanted every single one of his questions answered, and he couldn’t do that in the middle of the Assembly Hall.
Well…he could, but Lucifer would probably be mad.
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Mammon went through a full mood swing. 
At first, he was confused because a random human just dropped into the middle of their meeting. 
But when Solomon said your name, everything changed for Mammon.
He hadn’t stopped blushing since he realized that the random human was - his human.
Mammon had a hard time trying not to admit his feelings for you when you were a sheep.
But now - now you were a human.
A human that he could hug, kiss, and cuddle if you let him.
He told his mind to stop thinking such thoughts but it would respond by flooding his brain with even more thoughts and images.
He wore a smile the more he looked at you. He had missed you so much.
But, in his true, tsundere fashion, he couldn’t let you catch onto how much he missed you.
“Wait, wh…huh?!...I knew you missed me and all, but THIS is just crazy!”
Mammon thought he did a good job of remaining composed.
He believed he did a good job of hiding the fact that you being there - in this form - was making his head spin and making him weak in the knees.
But when the two of you locked eyes, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep his charade up for much longer.
You were his weakness as a sheep, now you were his kryptonite.
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Satan was trying to analyze the situation. 
You fell on top of him when you came out of the portal and he was completely blindsided by the contact.
So he was trying to still gather his bearings while his brothers spoke.
When he finally did manage to get back to his feet, Satan asked, “Do you want to tell me why you just appeared out of thin air and landed on my head?”
But as Satan faced you to ask that question, he took in your appearance and a small blush coated his cheeks.
Suddenly, he was happy that you landed on him. Thankful even.
He had noticed that when you landed on him, you were definitely bigger than a little sheep.
But he didn’t expect this.
He couldn’t imagine if you would have landed on one of his other brothers, especially Lucifer.
The thought alone threatened to spark his wrath.
Satan let his eyes trail down you, studying your new body as if it were a new piece of information he was learning.
And he had never been so excited to learn.
This was a subject he would happily study in depth if you allowed him to.
For now, Satan settled on helping you to your feet, your hand feeling much softer and warmer than the hoof that he was used to feeling.
And as you stood close to him, his heart skipped a beat.
He knew that everyone was going to be in deep trouble now that you had gotten your true form back.
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“How about that! Y/N, it’s really you!!”
Diavolo had a boyish grin on his face as he spoke to you. He had missed you just as much as the brothers had, whether he showed it as much as they did or not.
He knew that the spell that turned you into a sheep must have worn off by now.
But, still, it was a surprise to see you in your human body.
He had to admit - you were quite the head-turner.
A twinge of fear set into Diavolo as he questioned how you ended up in the Devildom again.
“Wait, you didn’t perform some sort of unsavory ritual to cast your soul down here, did you?! You better not have!”
When you shook your head no, Diavolo let out a breath of relief, knowing that you were okay.
“I can’t believe you’re actually back here with us again!” he added, his smile returning.
Diavolo could see how good you were for his kingdom.
He could see the way you changed things for the better, and he could see how negative things were without you.
Your presence brought a light to their lives that he had been missing.
And that light shone even brighter in your real body. 
Diavolo would be lying if he said he didn’t find you attractive. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t been sneaking glances this entire time.
But he had to keep his composure in front of everyone.
When the two of you were alone though - and he would make sure that you had some alone time - that’s when he would let his true feelings show.
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“Yes. This really is quite the happy surprise. It’s good to see you again, Y/N.”
Barbatos was as professional as ever, but you could see his eyes sparkling just a bit more than usual and his smile reaching just a little further.
Like Diavolo, Barbatos knew that the spell would have worn off by now.
But, it wasn’t something that was talked about. 
It wasn’t a typical topic of conversation and because of that, it was easy to forget that the next time any of them would see you, you wouldn’t be a sheep.
Barbatos was pleasantly surprised.
He had seen your human form once before - the details of which he won’t disclose.
But, seeing you in your human body after he had gotten to know you was completely different.
It elevated his opinion of you and made him believe you really were the most attractive creature he had met.
No other human, demon, or angel had made his heart race the way you did.
Barbatos had taken a backseat during your first year in the Devildom.
He allowed you to make connections with the others first.
But, now, he was excited for his turn.
There were a lot more things he could teach you and bond with you over now that you had your human body back and he was going to take advantage of each of those things.
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Belphie had been doing his best to not fall asleep in the student council meeting.
The last time he did, Lucifer caught and punished him with a whole lot of work and Belphie did not want a repeat of that.
So, he was thankful when the portal opened up, providing a necessary distraction from the boring events that were taking place.
When he saw Solomon fall through the portal, Belphie perked up a bit, curious as to what the mysterious sorcerer had planned this time.
He noticed another human had fallen on top of his older brother and bit back a chuckle at the scene.
When Solomon stated your name, Belphie’s blood ran cold as he began to process the shock.
Was that really you…in that body?!
Belphie had a hundred things to say and to ask. But, he couldn’t get a word in between everyone else, so he quietly took in everything about you.
Your voice was the same and you acted the same. It really was you. 
Belphie couldn’t help but wonder if it would be more fun to cuddle you now.
He would miss the softness of your wool, but would you be warmer now? Or more comfortable to lay on top of?
Belphie was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed you being bombarded with questions of why you were there and he finally decided to speak up.
“Listen, I am curious to know why you’re here. But before we get into that, are you going to be staying for a while? Because if so, you’ll be staying at the House of Lamentation, right? Oh, but wait…I bet your room’s covered in dust…”
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“No problem, Y/N can just sleep in our room.”
Like Belphie, Beel had remained silent until then. 
He had been happily munching on a snack, paying the bare minimum of attention to Diavolo during the meeting as he ate.
But he hadn’t been able to take another bite since you and Solomon fell through the portal. 
Was that what you looked like on a normal basis? Why didn’t you tell him?
He knew that you were a human that had been placed under a sheep transformation spell, but his imagination never could have come up with the beauty you exuded.
You were on a different level than others and he couldn’t take his eyes away from you. 
He noticed his other brothers were having the same trouble looking away, and Beel suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy.
You were in your own body now and part of him wished he was the only one who was able to see it.
Well…it was okay if Belphie saw you like this too.
But, the others were looking at you with a look of lust in their eyes and Beel wanted to sweep you into his arms and keep you from them.
Which is why he jumped at the opportunity to offer his and Belphie’s room to you. 
He couldn’t imagine you staying with one of his other brothers after seeing the look in their eyes.
Surely, something would happen if you did and Beel wanted to burn that imagery out of his mind.
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Simeon had been in contact with the others in the Devildom and when he found out that you had returned, he couldn’t help but feel like he was missing out.
The demons weren’t the only ones who missed seeing you and talking to you.
He felt like he was missing out even more when they told him that you were back in your human form.
Simeon could only imagine what you looked like. What your hair color was, whether you were tall or short, and what kind of clothes you liked to wear?
That possibilities were driving Simeon crazy and before he knew it, he was finding some way to bring you to the Celestial Realm so that he could see you.
He was beyond happy and excited when you agreed to go, and he paced nervously by the gates as he waited for your arrival.
When the gates finally did open, revealing you and Solomon, Simeon felt his breath leave his body.
He always joked about you being an angel based on the things you did, but now you looked like one.
Simeon could write an entire book on how ethereal and stunning you were.
He did his best to remind himself that he was an angel and shouldn’t be entertaining any thoughts that the demons surely had.
But - you were the first human he had ever met that elicited those ideas from him.
He wasn’t sure how much time he had with you - but he knew that he had to make the most of it.
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One of the benefits of being a bit more uncultured and younger than everyone else was that someone’s form didn’t have the same implications for him.
Luke had heard from Simeon that you were in your human body, but he didn’t think too much of it.
It didn’t matter if you were a human, a sheep, or anything else. You were still the friend that he came to know and love and want to protect.
Luke had been so excited to show you around the Celestial Realm that he didn’t waste a moment on taking in your new appearance.
Raphael had caught a glimpse of you while you were in the Celestial Realm.
In fact, you would have believed he didn’t notice if it hadn’t been for the fact that you were now bigger than him and did things that you couldn’t do as a sheep.
He knew that Simeon and Luke had been excited to see you, so he didn’t dare take your time like they did.
But he saw you chasing after Luke and it made him stop in his tracks as he couldn’t help but stare at you.
He may not have understood your appeal as a sheep. But, seeing you now, he could understand why exactly you had everyone wrapped around your finger.
Mephisto was a bit slow to realize who you were.
And if he wasn’t careful he was sure that someday he may find himself in the same position as the others.
He had seen you walking around the Devildom with the others and couldn’t help but wonder who you were and why Diavolo and the others were so close to you.
He had to admit that you were rather attractive, but surely your looks couldn’t be the only reason they were drawn to you.
It wasn’t until one of them said your name while walking by Mephisto that all of the dots connected in his head.
And he wore a small blush as he realized the one he had been admiring from afar was none other than the human exchange student.
The news didn’t deter him though. Instead, it enticed him.
Your new body enticed him.
Thirteen was the last to find out about your new form.
He would have to make himself more useful to Diavolo so that he could find a way to grow closer to you.
Like Luke, your body didn’t really make much of a difference to her. After all, she was mostly interested in looking at your soul, and that didn’t change whether you were sheep or human.
But, seeing you for the first time still surprised her. You didn’t look anything like she would have expected - in a good way.
Surely, you would be more useful in helping her make traps in this form.
And she had to admit you were pleasing to look at…
Maybe this was a good thing?
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kayesfanfics · 5 months
Hi can I request a femreader/ nightcrawler story where the reader is shy and anxious, while Kurt misunderstands this as her thinking he’s a monster?
But in truth she’s been trying to confess her feelings to him but she always backs out last minute in fear?
Thank you!
A/N: The way I’ve probably imagined this scenario at 12 years old laying in bed at night. I also made the reader friends with Rogue, Jean and Ororo since she’s closer to their ages
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“Sugah, yer lookin’ more nervous than a long-tailed pussy cat in a room full o’ rockin’ chairs!” Rogue tapped your shoulder as she walked into the lounging area, where you were having morning coffee with Jean and Ororo. “What’s gotcha all riled up, huh?”
“Kurt’s playing basketball with the others outside...in shorts.” Jean quipped before taking a sip of coffee, a playful grin on her face. Ororo chuckled at the embarrassed face you made, as if someone just walked in on you changing.
“Jean!” You whined, face turning redder when Rogue started laughing.
“Oh, Y/N! We’re just teasing!” Jean giggled as you pouted at all of them finding your embarrassment amusing.
“I just don’t see why you haven’t told him about her feelings yet!”
They all knew you’ve had the biggest crush on the fuzzy blue X-Man, Nightcrawler, ever since he joined the team a few months ago. He was always so nice to everyone, including you, and he seemed to always say the right thing at the right time. He even made your morning coffee sometimes when you got up late, knowing everyone’s coffee order by heart by now.
The boys were outside playing basketball with Jubilee and Roberto, showing the younger ones how it was done. You watched out the window at the court, seeing Gambit and Wolverine battling for the ball before Kurt teleported between them and snatched the ball from them, tossing it into the basket and laughing when they both started yelling about the “no powers” rule. You smiled before realizing you were staring, clearing your throat and turning to Rogue.
“You know I get too nervous around your brother, I can’t even ask him to pass the salt at dinner!”
“Yer always nervous, that’s fine! But y’know, he totally likes you too. I can tell.”
“No he doesn’t.” You shook your head in denial.
“Yes he does.” All three women said at the same time, side eyeing you or rolling their eyes.
“My dear, Kurt is a very charismatic man, but he goes out of his way to make you smile every chance he gets.” Ororo set her hand atop of yours. “I even see a flash of disappointment when you flee from his advances.”
“Really?” You asked, feeling a bit guilty about making him feel bad. You were a generally nervous person, but your anxiety sky rocketed around him, your heart always felt like it would explode out of your chest when he got close to you or touched you. It was difficult to hold eye contact with him, your nerves getting the best of you and looking down at the floor while you spoke to him. You’d give him a scared smile when he handed you things, your blood running cold when his hand brushed up against yours during those exchanges. You often found your eyes wandering to him when he wasn’t focused on you, it was easier to look at him when you knew he wasn’t aware of you checking him out. You loved the way his tail squashed playfully as he joked around with Morph, how his ear would twitch like a cats when he heard someone new enter the room, how his fangs gleamed when he smiled or how his bright yellow eyes sparked with mischief during a fight.
“Okay…you know what? Todays the day, today I need to confess to him! If I don’t today, I never will cause I’m a baby and will back out.” You stood up confidently.
“Yeah! Go get em, tiger!” Rogue cheered as you walked away, then lowered her voice. “She ain’t gonna.”
“I think Y/N can do things she sets her mind to.” Storm defended you.
“Wanna put ten bucks on it?” Rogue raised an eyebrow and cheekily grinned.
“…you’re on.” Storm nodded, shaking her hand as Jean spoke up, saying she’d bet alongside Storm that you could do it.
“You know I can still hear you all?” You crossed your arms from the window, getting a closer look and watching Kurt dodge Roberto’s lunge. Your friends all laughed as you shook your head, trying to get ahold of your nerves.
How were you supposed to tell the most handsome, heroic, sweetest, most amazing person ever you were in love with them? Kurt was genuinely the kindest person you’d ever met, giving you butterflies when you watched him comfort a mutant child during a fight, or how he helped his teammates so gently when they were injured. You couldn’t fathom how people were afraid or disgusted by him, he was the most gorgeous man in the world. How you could see a tinge of indigo under his blue fur when he blushed or bruised, how sculpted and chiseled he was yet also was so soft to look at. When he wore sweatpants and a tank top after training one day, you swore you would have a heart attack right then and there seeing how attractive he looked in the outfit. You adored sneaking peeks of him working out alone, his muscles bulging when he did push ups or pull ups on a bar, how flexible and agile he was and how effortless he made it look. You’d stand outside the door until you felt you would get caught staring, not wanting to seem like a creep.
You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when the door opened, Wolverine carrying Jubilee, pretending to be limp and passed out in his arms.
“What happened?” Jean asked as the girls all stood up from their little coffee and gossip session.
“She tripped and scraped her knee trying to get the ball from Logan!” Morph snickered as they all filed inside.
“I’ve been attacked! He pushed me and now I’m severely wounded!” Jubilee whined dramatically as Logan set her down on the counter. You waited for Kurt while you listened to Jubilee and Wolverine bicker about the seriousness of her cut knee, feeling your heart skip a beat when he finally walked in, chatting with Hank.
“Um…hey, Kurt?” You spoke quietly, but Kurt’s ear twitched and picked up your shy voice.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?” He asked, stopping and letting Hank go ahead of him.
“I…um…could you find a first aid kit, please?”
You blushed when you heard your friends laugh behind you and Storm and Jean handed Rogue money, knowing Kurt was looking past you at them, wondering what they were doing. You felt like a dork backing out of confessing and asking him to do something you could easily do, but you changed your mind at the last second that you weren’t ready yet.
“Sure.” He smiled, before bamfing off. You turned and glared at your friends, before walking walked over to Jubilee, seeing blood dripping down her shin and gravel from the court embedded inside of it.
“Ouch, let me clean that for you.” You said and wet a paper towel, ignoring Logan saying how she was fine and it was part of growing up and being a kid. You kneeled down and patted down Jubilee’s injury, soaking up the blood and wiping out any gravel from the wound.
“Here you are, Y/N.” You heard a familiar sweet, velvety voice beside you. You looked over and saw Nightcrawler holding out a first aid kit from the nearest bathroom, a charming grin on his face.
“Oh, um, thank you Kurt.” You smiled at him shyly, before quickly turning your attention to Jubilee. You didn’t see the look of rejection in his yellow eyes as the irritated twitch of his tail at that, before he sighed and bamfed off again.
*a couple hours later*
“Mein Gott!” The mutant shouted in surprise, also not paying attention to where he was going before tumbling backwards at the collision. You were on your way to training, focusing on wrapping up your hands to look where you were going. Now, you knocked down the last person you wanted to. You felt bad seeing the gorgeous man on the floor because of you.
“Kurt! I’m so sorry! Here, let me help!” You held a hand out to him, but he got up himself.
“It is fine.” He said simply before walking past you, then suddenly pausing and turning to you. “May I ask you something?”
“Sure.” You fidgeted with your hands nervously, anxious for the question.
“Do you…have I offended you in some way?” He asked, his eyes flashing with a bit of sadness.
“What? No? Why would you think that?” You asked, worried your timid behavior had finally kicked you in the ass.
“You tend to just brush me off, I’ve noticed. Lately you don’t really look at me, you respond with few words to me. I just thought…maybe I did something to scare you? Disgust you? Perhaps I…you think I’m a monster?”
You stared at him in the hallway, shock freezing your thoughts for a moment. How could he ever think your awkwardness around him could be because you thought he was disgusting? That he thought you found him frightening? You hadn’t realized how not making eye contact or responding curtly would come across to him, a man who’s been persecuted and attacked his whole life for how he looked. He was the most admirable, amazing person you’d ever met and you made him feel like a monster.
“Kurt, no! Not at all! I just…I do like you, I do! You just…make me very nervous. More so than I usually am…”
“How? Do I intimidate you?” He tilted his head in confusion. “I do not mean to-“
“It’s not that, really. I uh…I just really admire you, I guess. You make me more nervous than the others because…because I really like you…a lot.” You looked down at the floor, shyly looking up into his eyes. His face relaxed when he finally understood what you meant.
“Oh…I apologize for thinking so little of your actions. You are understanding and non judge mental, I should never have assumed what I did about you. How about I take you out to apologize for my ignorance?” He flashed his fangs at you in a charming smile, slowly approaching you before he was close enough to hold out a hand to you.
“I-I…okay.” You took his hand and sheepishly smiled up at him, allowing him to guide you down the hall. “I’m really sorry I made you feel like I-“
“No apology necessary, Y/N, really. I’m just glad we’ve come to…an understanding.” He grinned, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. You blushed and giggled at the action
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mammomlette · 5 months
part 1 part 2 part 3 (WIP rn)
Includes: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, GN! Reader/MC, possible cringe
Notes: This is literally my first ever fan fic I’ve published (if head cannons count as fan fics lmao) so apologies for any mistakes or weird formatting! Constructive criticism is more than welcome, I’m ASKING for it if you have any🙏
Alsoo they just kept getting longer and longer, I don’t know why and I’ve gone through lucifers to try and make it longer but I just can’t so sorry😭
LUCIFER: you can’t see their eye colour until you meet them.
* It wasn’t really that bad, being unable to see red.
* Being unable to see the colour of your blood as it oozed out of a cut wasn’t really that bad, even if it just looked like grey tar pouring out instead which is equally gross
* It wasn’t really that bad to just never be able to see a single colour, everyone had to put up with it at some point
* But it was sad how rose bouquets always looked dull, and how hearts would always be grey
* It was sad how you couldn’t just imagine up a new colour to fill the void that not being able to see red left
* You knew that the colour you couldn’t see was called red, and you could learn as much as you’d like about it but that didn’t meant you could imagine it let alone see it for yourself
* Not until you were teleported into a large, court-like room one day
* You looked up from whatever you were doing and stared up at the man who had begun to cheerfully talk in front of you. His hair was that familiar gray that you recognised as red
* He introduced you to your situation and the school, and in your panic your eyes darted across the room
* Then, you suddenly made eye contact with a man in a dark coat, hair a matching colour and eyes that were also a dark colour
* but a new dark colour
* Not that gray you had been familiar with your whole life, but a fierce mix of orange and pink, the way the colour red had been described to you your entire life
* You saw through your periphery some orniments on the wall and the previous man’s hair and jacket come to life with colour, but you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the dark haired man before you
* He had frozen, just like you, afraid to blink, afraid that he’d lose this enticing new colour again after missing it for so long if he were to let it go for less than a second
* When he finally looked away, he saw how different decorations in the room that had previously been gray lit up with the colour of your eyes, the world never seeming so alive in all the thousands of years of his life as they did in that moment
* For the first time in his incredibly long life, he saw the beauty that was your eyes and all the beauty they brought with them.
MAMMON: the red string of fate.
* Your entire life you had been accompanied by that obnoxious red string.
* Whenever you glanced down to your non-dominant hand, the first thing you noticed was the red string all tangled up and wrapped around your hand
* Sometimes you’d get bored and tie nots in it or rest it on a surface and pull it to make shapes, but as soon as you took your attention away from it it’d return to normal, pointing in the direction of your soulmate
* And for some reason, the direction would always be down
* Not always directly down, sometimes diagonal, but it always managed to go into the ground.
* Was your soulmate miner or something???
* You had tried and tried countless times to follow it, going into basements and even considering going cave exploring in case your soulmate was some kind of cave creature trapped down there
* There was even a time you considered that they could be in hell, because where else could they be that’s so low down?!
* You had grown to hate it, the way it would taunt you and while it showed your friends their soulmates, it just showed you the dirt on the ground
* Hopes of finding your soulmate and curiosity to where they could be grew into despair, concluding that your soulmate was either a mole person or dead
* Both results meant that you’d never meet them and would forever be tormented by that hideous, obnoxious, torturous red string that was eternally tied to your ring finger
* You were waiting in a lobby for a job interview when you suddenly popped into the devildom
* A man was happily introducing you to the courtroom(?) and all of the people sat inside of it
* There was a man named Lucifer, followed by his younger brothers, all of which noticeably sharing names with demons. This place was called the Devildom, they’re demons, is this hell?Someone must be pulling your leg or something, right?!?!
* You were cut of from your thoughts by the dark haired man- Lucifer- telling you to call his younger brother.
* You hesitantly took the phone-like device called a ‘DDD’ from Lucifer’s hands and dialed the number you were told to, fidgeting with the string on your ring finger that nobody else could see
* You waited for Lucifer’s younger brother, Mammon, to show up, still fiddling with the string, when you felt a sudden jolt on the string
* You looked down, to see the string moving slightly, left to right to slightly up, and noticed that it was no longer going into the ground. It was right at the doorway to the room.
* A man stormed into the room, immediately charging in your direction and shouting about your ‘nerve’ to summon ‘the great Mammon’
* Safe to say the shouting died down when he took a look at your hand and noticed how your strings were connected
* Awkward silence filled the air until it was interrupted by the Avatar of Lust, cooing at the situation when he put two and two together and realised what was going on
* You were too focused on the red string connecting you to his hand to noticed the red slowly covering mammons face
* Internally, you laughed. Of course you found your soulmate in Hell.
LEVIATHAN: you make choices for your soulmate.
* You woke up to the sun shining through your curtains. Your soulmate, for whatever reason, didn’t allow you to shut your blinds. He didn’t even decline it, just left it on read.
* Why did you even have to request to do something so mundane?!
* Your soulmate forgetting to respond to your requests was a common occurrence, usually in the morning, but any time could be victim to your soulmates negligence to your requests.
* You went downstairs and opened your fridge and grabbed the first thing you saw: a pancake filled with red bean paste, in a box labeled ‘Azuki-tan, cute companion!’
* You had zero clue what that meant, you just remembered seeing it for sale at a grocery store a couple days ago
* Again, you had to send a request to your soulmate over whether you could eat this or not.
* Almost immediately, it was accepted. You didn’t really stop to think about the fast reaction time to the request, just thankful this wasn’t another ignored request
* Just as you were about to put it into your mouth, you were teleported to a large room that resembled a court room and contained a lot of chairs and 6 scary-looking men
* You kind of zoned out for most of that discussion until you started asking questions, but safe to say the pancake was forgotten, still in your hand.
* You made your way to where you would be staying with the demon assigned to look after you, Mammon, when a request from your soulmate popped up:
* ‘Soulmate would like to: Ask his brother for his money back.’
* You accepted, wondering what harm could be done, and entered the building with Mammon.
* You were just chatting with the white haired boy when all of a sudden a boy with purple hair started yelling at him “How about this? I vote for YOU to die, Mammon!”
* They started to yell at each other about money, which you found to be an odd coincidence. Would this even be considered as asking for money though? It’s more like bullying.
* You watched the argument unfold and brought the pancake to your mouth, about to take a bite, when the purple haired boy froze and stared at you, which made you stand there awkwardly with your mouth about to bite into the pancake for a few seconds waiting for him to say something
* “Is that Azuki-tan?!”
* “Umm… I think that was on the packaging… why?”
* Very awkward. Oh look, a request!
* ‘Soulmate would like to geek-out about Azuki-Tan and The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl franchise.’ You accepted. How random.
* You had no time to ponder the randomness of the request because the purple haired boy, Levi as Mammon had introduced him, began to spout random nonsense about the pancake? No, a girl called ruri hana- wait no, now he’s going on about voice acting- who’s that voice actor?- wait what show is he going on about now?!?! You really wanted to tell this guy to slow down or shut up!
* He paused for a quick moment and pressed a button in the air, continuing with his tangent when you yelled at him to just slow down!
* He paused. He stared into your soul. He looked like he was rebooting, or something.
* “You’re my soulmate?” He said, voice shaky. You asked him what he meant, and he just started going on a rant about an anime where this very thing happened and- he’s off topic again, he’s going a mile a minute! You asked the voice in your head ‘can I please tell him to shut up?!’
* He stopped and stared at you, now yelling how you were asking him to shut up and how rude than was!
* Oh shit. He’s right? He’s your soulmate? And you just asked your soulmate to shut up the annoying guy in front of you?? Whew boy.
* You awkwardly mutter apologies to eachother, flustered, both the pancake and his older brother forgotten.
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sinofthesloth · 10 months
so how do you think Epel, Vil, Malleus, Azul and Jack Howl would deal with a crush who actually starts running at them and hugging them as a greeting after a couple months of knowing the boys? (The hugs only seem to be reserved for the boys. Crush clearly has a favourite. Probably horrifies people when they first do this to Malleus). Like their senses tingle and they bee line for the boys and suddenly the boys are being hugged by this human with golden retriever energy from behind or somehow this person had teleported in front of them and hugged?
Hey Sin here, not sure if you want all the boys together since you wrote, "Crush clearly has a favourite." but I am going to separate so each boy has his own part. Sorry if this is not how you wanted them. Also this is my first time doing an ask, so thank you for sending one in!
Content/Warnings: Jack's part is more of a general day of school, Epel's part is centered around the Song and Dance Competition (Epel's part has slight angst and talks about Vil's overblot) Azul's part talks about his overblot, Vil's part talks about his fangirls, and Malleus part talks about Sebek a good bit. (I love him) Requested: Yes by @nesting-dreams Word Count: At least 400 per boy. Written: December 1st. Characters: Jack, Epel, Azul, Vil, and Malleus
At first the hugs didn't confuse Jack. He took in stride and squeezed back. He had younger siblings and knows that sometimes a hug is just what a person needs to get by. He had known you for quite some time.
He was there for Leona's as well as Azul's overblots. He knows the kind of stress that has been put on you, and he wants you to know he will always be there for you.
Jack started to notice his crush on you when he would make eye contact with you across the courtyard and you started to make a dash to him. At first he thought it was cute, but day after day, he started waiting for you. It was a slow realization, but after Deuce called his tail wagging out at the track field, man was embarrassed.
He also noticed you didn't hug the others like you'd hug him. If he was looking away, you'd softly wrap your arms around him. If he was in a group, you'd make sure he saw you coming first. But every time you'd hug any of the other boys it was always a side hug. You would also press him into yourself as much as you could when you hugged him.
He just hoped you wouldn't notice his tail wagging each time you held him close.
You've seen each other in classes before, but you didn't speak more than a few short sentences with each other. Just enough to know his name and a few facts about him. You two finally got much closer during the Song and Dance competition.
During the first night they all stayed at the Ramshackle dorm, you made your rounds making sure everyone was comfortable. You didn't need Kalim's family to come after you nor did you need Vil's fangirls finding out you didn't bend to the man's every whim. Epel was the last one you checked on before heading into your own dorm room. It was clear he was upset.
That night you sat with Epel into the late hours. He talked about how worried he was. How he felt that he was always underestimated thanks to his feminine looks, and how he knew he would never live up to Vil's standards of him. Of the standards he put upon himself. He talked about how he always put his best foot forward in fear others will never give him a chance if he didn't. He works this hard only to prove he is capable.
That was the first time you hugged him. Since then, every morning you gave him a quick squeeze before serving everyone breakfast within Vil's restrictions. You'd hug him before practice, after practice, during breaks, during lunch, after classes. Anytime you could spare to hug him, you did. You wanted to show him you cared.
At first he'd give you a light tap on the back, but as time passed he fell in love with holding you against him. He was enjoying these hugs these past two weeks. He enjoyed the encouragement and praise you'd give him and it was clear to Rook and Vil how Epel was changing. He was trying harder, he was more attentive, he was doing anything to prove himself to both you and his dorm leaders.
After Vil's overblot, you beelined it for Epel. Grabbing him with one hand in his hair and the other pressing his chest into yours. He wasn't letting you go anytime soon. He could take the whispering comments of the first years and the mumbles of his dorm leaders later.
Azul wasn't nice to you before his overblot. He used you, used your friends, used his friends and did many other horrendous actions. No matter what he said during his moment of weakness was an excuse to do what he did, but that didn't stop you from taking his words to heart. He was a scared, hurt child. Still was in some sense. He was coming down from his overblot when you hugged him. He held onto you as he cried. All you could do was help him hide his face in your chest as whisper sweet nothing as he latched onto you sobbing.
As time passed, you grew closer to him. He wouldn't talk about the overblot and you wouldn't bring it up. No one knew why you started to randomly walk up to him and hug him. Half the time you wouldn't even give Ace or Deuce a front hug like you did him. Azul refused to drop the boss-man attitude but if anyone looked as close as the twins did, they'd see the way he would twist the back of your shirt with how tight his grip on you was.
Sometimes, when you were behind him, you'd run up and squeeze him from behind, taking him by surprise. That was the only time his face would be covered in apple-red blush. He'd clear his throat and scold you, before opening his arms for you to give him a proper hug.
He couldn't hide his crush from the twins. They'd talk about how you wouldn't give anyone a front hug, much less one from behind. Just recalling it made his face explode.
He grew addicted to see you. Especially from afar. If you thought he'd make it out of a room before you could reach him, you'd run up and tackle him into a hug.
Vil was never a hard man to find. Just follow the trail of glitter or the clicking of phone cameras. You don't really remember how the two of you got close. It definitely might have been when you were running from Rook and leeched onto Vil to hide behind. From there, the three of you bloomed an odd friendship.
Vil catches on immediately, and in the beginning of it, he does try to get you to stop. Not just for his image, but yours as well. There have been videos of you running up and jumping on him for a hug. A few of you hold him for just a moment to long and pictures upon pictures of the two of you.
There are multiple theories about the two of you online. Rook loves reading these out loud to Vil while he is getting ready for the day. Seeing his face tint with a cherry red color always puts a smile on Rook's face.
It gets to the point that you'll stop hugging him and instead wave or jokingly bow toward him instead. Which just ignites a fire on the internet. His fangirls want to know if y'all broke up? If y'all were ever together? What happened? Why aren't you hugging anymore? Vil didn't know what to do. He seemingly was going through a mode. Rook called them withdrawals. Epel was just annoyed both for you and because of you.
By the end of a week and the swarm of questions on all his posts, he talks to you about it. Asks what you believed would be best. "No matter what you do, you are in the public's eye. Do what makes you happy." You wouldn't hug him until he made a decision himself. You didn't want to push him one way or another. Another week passed, and he noticed how you didn't hug others the way you hugged him. Ace would get side hugs, and Deuce would get hugs where you wouldn't fully wrap your arms around him. He seemed to be the only one you'd throw your arms around the neck of.
He was glad he was the only one you'd hold like this. His decision wasn't any easier, but he knew he missed your hugs. "Maybe behind close doors."
"You can always just start dating them." Epel commented.
(- He is extremely ooc and I hate it, so I'll be fixing it soon. Hopefully after class)
As soon as you attempted to sneak up on Malleus, Sebek is there to call you out. He would be snatching you off the ground before you made it twelve feet in range of Malleus.
The hugs started the night of Vil's overblot. He visited to check up on you, and you didn't know how to thank him. He talked about it for days afterward. Lilia was the one to bring up sneaking up on him for a hug. You've hugged him at least once a day since. Sebek is distraught any, and every time he sees you hugging. Marching over to promptly remove you from Malleus.
If you can make it to him when running up to him, he will laugh before lifting you up as you jump into his arms. It also takes him an embarrassingly long time to realize that you don't hug others like you hug him. He doesn't fully understand the deeply rooted pride his has over this. He also doesn't notice how much he looks forward to your hugs until you're sick one day.
Lilia has to drag this man out of your dorm because he was trying to cuddle up into your bed with you. He just wanted a hug. You promised to give him two tomorrow and with that he left. Leave you some soup and medicine after Silver explains that since you're magicless, there is no way of telling how your body would handle it.
Sebek was mortified. The prince of fae was crawling into the bed of a human. Lilia was dying of laughter as the prince sulkingly walked back to the hall of mirrors. It was clear to those who were close to him that he had fallen in love with a human, those that weren't feared the upset dragon-fae.
No worries. As soon as you hugged him the next day, everyone was wiping out their phones to capture photos. It was spreading like wildfire, and when he returned to his grandmother for the holidays, she asked where you were.
Hope you enjoy trying new foods and being surrounded by multiple suits of armor.
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bestpigeon · 7 months
Alastor x Male Reader
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your new to hell, and Alastor saves you from trouble. This is a oneshot, so there won't be multiple parts. Will also be quite short too.
You instantly strike his interest in your lack of fear and undiscovered powers.
Your new in hell. You recently just randomly fell from the sky with a thud. You landed and instantly started to explore. I mean, this whole demon thing was new.
You looked around and saw many peculiar sights. Demons killing other demons, lots of porn studios which is weird and other unusual things you wouldn't really see on earth.
You were walking around as usual, you didn't really have a place to stay though, so you didn't really have a choice but to explore this hell hole.
You were wondering around until you got stopped by some demons. I believe they were called IMPS. That's beside the point, they all threatened to kill you. Well, torture you in the most gruesome way possible. You didn't really know your ways around your demonic powers yet. So you had no choice but to flee.
You ran and ran. The pathetically tiny yet aggressive demons trailing close behind you. You then fucked yourself when you accidentally backed yourself into a wall, having the small demons surround you. You just waited for your demise, you couldn't fight back anyways.
That was until you see a weird darkish green aura surround you. A tall, intimidating figure appeared out of nowhere infront of you. Litrally nowhere. Your eyes widened in both shock and admiration for this fellow and his strong powers.
"I suggest you flee, little beings." The mysterious man says. The weird little beings do just that. They seemed to be scared of him so they fled like there was no tomorrow. The man turned around and made eye contact with you.
"Probably not the best way to introduce myself, names Alastor. Who may you be handsome fellow?" The man said. Your heart fluttered slightly when he called you handsome. He had a wide smile, one that never left his face. It was intimidating as helm though, and handsome.
"Y/N, its nice to meet you." You say as you extend your hand out to Alastors. The taller man shook it and his smile only grew. "Oh and thank you, for saving me" the smile not once shrunk.
"Oh its my pleasure, Y/N. Say, do you have a current place to stay?" Alastor says, questioning you while keeping strong and unbroken eye contact with you. Slightly embarrassed you retract your hand from his. You two were 'shaking hands' for a suspicious amount of time and both of you noticed.
"Uh unfortunately I don't, no." You say slightly moving your head down breaking the eye contact. You were embarrassed, I mean it's your 5th day in hell and you haven't even got a home yet? How pathetic.
"Well, why don't you stay at the Hazbin hotel? It's free and I believe you'll fit in magnificently." He says as he moves a singular finger under your chin to make you make eye contact with him. That action made your face feel warm. You brushed it off and smiled. A place to stay sounds nice.
"Yes! I mean um, yeah, sure I'll tag along" you say trying to hide your excitement, a bed! How exciting! He chuckled softly, what a handsome voice. You thought, you quickly pushed that thought away however when you felt him grab your hand.
You both make eye contact before you get suddenly teleported to a Hotel. Specifically the Hazbin hotel. You let your eyes wonder for a while before getting approached by someone, Charlie.
After a while you met everyone there. Charlie even gave you a job offer at the hotel! Your just an additional cleaner which isn't too bad. Your currently in your new room laying on the bed from this, tiresome day. Seconds away from a deep slumber you hear a soft knock at the door. You groan slightly in frustration but that disappears when you open the door and get greeted by Alastor.
You have to admit, you had a slight soft spot for him since he saved your life, got you a job, and a place to stay. "Hi, Alastor, need anything?" You say with a smile. He returns the smile, his usual one growing larger.
"How are you doing Y/N, settling in well?" He questions in his usual charming voice. You smile. It's nice to know someone cares. "Yeah, it's really nice here. Thank you for leading me here. Is there a way I can repay you?" That was a mistake, niave you didn't know that you shouldn't make deals with overlords or trust them. You barley knew what an overlord was.
His normal warming smile went wider, wider then you've even seen it. You raised an eyebrow at his lack of response. "Alastor?" You question. He was litrally just staring at you. He then walked into your room ans shut the door without a word. You backed up slightly. You went to speak but quickly got inturuped by Alastors lips smashing into yours.
Your eyes widened and you could feel your face growing warm. It didn't take long for you to process what was happening before kissing back. It was passionate, Alastor was taking control, dare i say you could tell he was enjoying it. He pulled away and put one hand on your chin making you make eye contact with him.
"I've watched you since the moment you fell upon hell. I couldn't get you out of my mind Y/N." You were slightly shocked at that. He was staking you? I mean you are in hell so you have no room to judge. "You- you have? Why?" You question confused as to why he chose to stalk you. That made him chuckle slightly, you didn't know why however.
"Your the most handsome man I've ever met, not to mention, you didn't seem scared of me at all." He says. You smile at that and feel yourself blushing slightly. "Not to mention, I sense power in you. A power you've yet to discover, Y/N, you truly intrigue me. That doesn't happen often."
He expected you to reply in some sarcastic way or for you to give him a compliment. But you grabbed the back of his head and pulled into another passionate kiss..
___________________________________________My first Oneshot omg. Hope you like it, feel free to give recommendations! :)
PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS! (if you want too)
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hi there, can you please do Yandere Thor, Poseidon, Loki and possibly Hercules to Female Yoriichi Reader? The creator of the Sun Breathing and the other Breathing Forms, who always has a solemn expression and is known as the Strongest Demon Slayer to ever exist (She has access to the Transparent World and can use the Selfless State) but despite this she’s incredibly humble seeing herself as just another human and not even special, despite her extraordinary skills
Yoriichi gave Muzan such severe PTSD from 400 YEARS ago that his Upper Moons will go through his trauma just from seeing TANJIRO (And it’s STILL severely traumatic to him 😂)
Yandere Shiva, Loki, Buddha and Hercules with Female Tengen Uzui Reader from KNY? How do you think they would react to Reader calling herself ‘Goddess of Festivals/Flashiness’ and calling others (Even GODS) ‘Trash’ and having 3 HUSBANDS 💀
Sorry if this is a lot! I just think Demon Slayer Characters are super cool, especially the Hashiras (The Swordsmith Village Arc is going to be released sometime in April! 🥹🤩)
Thor, Poseidon, and Loki + Fem! Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Reader:
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One of these three gods stands on one side of the arena, their grand entrance causing a ruckus of enthusiastic roars and cheers from the side of the gods while the humans side shook with terror. They look at the other side, confident and ready to see the pitiful mortal that Brunhilde had served to them on a silver platter. It was a woman.
She makes no flashy entrance, her clothes are rather average, and her face does not seem scared but nor does it seem too cocky. Her (e/c) eyes are serene and her (h/c) hair was rather average looking. She was a regular looking human, nothing special. Aside from the strange looking birthmark on her left eye.
"Please." The (h/c) haired woman interrupts, Heimdall goes silent and so does everyone else, unsheathing her sword, she looks at Heimdall with a composed look on her face, it was not unkind, "I do not need such an introduction. I am a human like the rest of my kind."
She then gets into her defensive stance and narrows her eyes at her divine opponent.
"And I shall do whatever it takes to save them."
The god you're against either glares at you, smiles at you, or raises an eyebrow at you. Either way, Heimdall recovers his voice:
"So that's who you are," the God thinks to himself as you maintain unbreakable eye contact, "that hardly matters."
Yandere! Thor:
- Thor doesn't think much of you when you step into the arena, not because you're a human, but because he has yet to see you fight. You seem unfazed by him but he doesn't truly know that for sure. You are not unattractive but you're nothing special in his eyes.
- What a fool he was, because the moment the battle begins, he sees that you aren't just beautiful, you're absolutely heavenly. When you take your first breath, you take away his as large solar fires soon appear around you and you make your attack.
"What is this?" He asks himself in his head, using his Mjölnir to block another close sneak attack blow from your sword. The clashing of your weapon and his own makes his heart do flips in his chest, "Why...why do I feel like this?"
You then decided to be bold and you quickly, nearly teleported with the speed you were going, appear in front of him and your eyes glint, reflecting off your blade as you try to slash him. His eyes soften when they see you and his blood thirsty smile softens as your eyes lock onto his. There was fire in your eyes...no...the sun itself glowed in them. Powerful, burning, yet composed.
"What has she done to me?" He thinks, and you're not sure if it's from the intensity of the battle but his cheeks appear to be dusted the lightest color of pink.
- Your fight ends in a draw, the both of are so tired that you neither of you can move a muscle. Both God's and Humans are shocked at the results but Thor couldn't be happier.
- He just found his soulmate, he thinks to himself as you try to use your sword to get up and fight him again. His smile turns into a loving one as you struggle to get close to him, not that he can judge since he can also barely move, and he loves it! In fact, he now knows that he loves you.
- You will be his! You have to be, surely you were created to match him in power and strength because you were meant to be with him. After being fixed up and bandaged, he must seek you out, he must find you!
- Since then, the God of Thunder has been keeping his eye on you, his beautiful Sun. How you appear unreadable at first but if someone truly read you, truly attempted to understand what a complex and beautiful person you are like Thor has; they can see that you're more than a human...You're humble, you're kind, and you're dutiful. Honorable like him and share the same values, this only seals your fate to him even more.
- Odin notices how during other God's battles that his son scans the human's side, his eyes desperately searching for someone in the crowd. Thor knows for a fact that you always come to watch your fellow Human's matches in person and when his eyes land on you, that adrenaline kicks in and Loki and Odin stare at him as a smile grows on his face.
- He does this every match, but even then, the time between matches is too long for him to see you again. He searches for you, Brunhilde having to confront him as she reminds him that the HUMAN champions reside here but he ignores her the moment he sees you walk down the hallway. He follows you quickly like how the moon chases the sun.
- You turn and see him and you politely bow your head to him. He frowns a bit in dissaproval, how could you bow your head to him as if he were a stranger, surely you had to feel the same feelings he was after your battle. How you two danced a brutal yet beautiful dance of life and death. You stare at each other for a bit before you muster a kind yet small smile, "I look forward to our rematch." and as a result, he nods with his usual stoic demeanor and you turn and walk to your room. Yes, he can't wait for your rematch either.
- Because one the day it takes place, Heimdall shocks everyone with his newest announcement.
- You don't like the way the red-haired God smiles at you, it feels smug and ominous, and you paitently wait to hear this last minute change.
- You look at Brunhilde, who looks away shamefully and can not meet your gaze, and then you look at Thor. Who looks a lot more motivated to beat you this time.
Yandere! Poseidon:
- He wanted to roll his eyes when you interrupted him. What right did you have to act so humble? You're a human, what could you possibly have to be humble about? Being a mere ant he steps on on a daily basis?
- Fine, if you want a wake up call, he'll give you one. He waits for you to strike, it wouldn't hurt to give you an advantage since there's no way something as insignificant as you can beat him. Until you grip your nichirin blade and take a deep breath, suddenly the water arena evaporates into steam as intense flames surround you...no, not mere flames. It felt like the sun itself.
- You use the steam to sneak and attack the God, whose now even more annoyed than ever. Smoke and mirrors, that's all it was. Poseidon REFUSES to allow you to think you have an advantage and tries to kill you with his strongest attacks but even then, its not enough.
A draw, your battle ended in a draw. He can't believe it, as he kneels down on one leg bleeding and holding onto his trident for support as you pant heavily on the other side, your throat burning but you still have the bright gaze in your eyes, the eyes of someone who just humbled a God. He was in denial at first, then he was angry. Destroying everything in sight at the humiliation he faced at your hand. He knew you two were set for a rematch BUT HE NEEDED VENGANCE FOR HIS SCORNED PRIDE NOW. Looking for you all around heaven, he threatened and interrogated many of your human allies and located you inside the greenhouse. It was bright and beautiful day as always, but it did little to improve his mood. The only thing that could is your dead body at his feet, evidence that you were just as every bit of a failure as the rest of humanity.
However he stops when he sees you. The artful way you practice your sword. The calm rise and fall of your chest all perfectly timed to enhance your fighting style and your moves, the same ones you used to tie with him, slowed down and filled with grace and strength. His heart makes his brain forget that you are human, the thing he detested the most in this life, and his anger is replaced with something else. Respect? Admiration?
No, it was none of those things.
In fact, it was something more passionate. More shameful in the eyes of gods. Something that you will soon find is worth than his anger.
- He observes you a lot more from then on. You aren't sure why since last you checked, he had looked down on you like you were the dirt beneath his feet, but you come here at the exact same time on the exact same day, and so does he.
- You don't speak to him, he wants you too. Haven't you humiliated him enough already? apparently not since you didn't even glance at him as you trained and he knows damn well you see him.
- "What are you?" He finally asks as he pushes down his broken pride. You stare at him, your solemn face broken when he asked you that question. "You are not a human," He explains, "You can't be. Humans are not meant to be...to be so..." he pauses and looks down, to any normal person, he looks pissed and like he's gonna attack but you only raise an eyebrow. W-was he being shy?
- "Beautiful." He finally answers, and for a brief moment that stoicism breaks in shock at his words. "You can not be a human. You are too beautiful. Humans can not be beautiful." It takes you a while to find your voice but when you do, you merely keep your composure: "Humans are many things, Lord Poseidon. We are strong, we are compassionate, and, yes, we can be beautiful."
- No, he thinks to himself, humans are not beautiful. This is a fact he's known for a long, long time. Yet, you were a human and here he was, admiring you every day and watching you in utter awe. Only you, he decides. Humans are not beautiful, only you are.
- He hates how humble you are, he absolutely despises it. Do you not have any respect for yourself? How can you allow yourself to think that you're anything like those worthless worms who snivel and beg pathetically at the feet of the gods. He believes there has been a mistake in the universe, he believes you're insulting yourself when you downplay your status and feats. Can't you see? They're beneath you! Humanity is beneath you! He has to fix this. He has to fix you.
- The day of your rematch with Poseidon, neither of you are seen. The gods search for him and the Valkyries try to rummage through your room and found only one shocking clue. A letter left on your bed written by Poseidon, who believes that deciding the fate of Humanity was beneath him and how he had more important matters involving you. He sits next to your unconscious sleeping form on his bed, his fingers in your hair as you sleep so beautifully. You needed to learn to take more pride in yourself, to be taken away from the shackles of humility humanity put on you, and Poseidon was more than happy to teach you how.
Yandere! Loki:
- He was rather unimpressed with your entrance and appearance, honestly. A smirk on his face as he looks you up and down, you certainly weren't wrong when you said you were a human, for that's what was before him. A measly average human.
- Honestly, he feels rather insulted and that this fight isn't gonna be as exciting as he had hoped. That wasn't fair! Every other God got fun humans but him! Oh well, at least he has an excuse to torture a human and humiliate them in front of everyone~
- Summoning his own weapons, he just tilts his head: "You know, interrupting Heimdall was a little dramatic don't you think? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you secretly put yourself on a pedastal."/ "I do not, I just merely am stating a fact. I am a human who bleeds just like the rest of humanity."/ Loki then smiles: "I'm so happy you think that! Because you're gonna die like the rest of them!"
- His attack is planned in his head, first a chain wraps around you and his other blade will slit your throat and soon, you'll suffer as- "I never said we bled easily." Your voice is right behind him. He looks over his shoulder and reacts in time but when you breathe, he can't act fast enough before of the display of a divine light that surrounds you now. You slice his shoulder and it burns, he holds it and glares at you. You drew first blood, but he'll make sure you don't get lucky again.
- Until you both are exaughsted from the battle and it ends in a tie. Loki feels himself growing weak and his last sight before losing consciousness is you. Surprisingly, when he wakes up, the first thing he sees is you as well. Sitting next to him, bandages on your wounds and a book in your hands. You notice from the corner of your eyes that he is awake.
- You apologize instantly for his wounds, despite the fact it is a literal fight to the death. In fact, your exact words to him are: "I aimed all of my attacks to kill swiftly, it was not my intention to make you suffer like the demons who have met my blade. In our next battle, I will make sure to be strong enough to kill you properly and respectfully."
- He isn't sure what to think of this, what to think of you. But it makes him smile for some reason, maybe he smiles at your foolishness for thinking you could kill HIM (you were close but he blames it on fortune), or maybe he smiles because it's very rare that someone honors him, a God of mischief and trickery, the same way they'd honor more noble gods like his uncle and cousin. Or maybe it was the smile you gave him...yes, that was it. It was your smile that sealed your fate.
- Loki can now be found wherever you are, like an annoying stray who keeps coming back to the hand that fed him once. Maybe he wants to annoy you, maybe he wants to flirt. Anything just to see you change that serious boring look on your face...maybe smile for him, yeah? He just hasn't been able to get it out of his mind.
- But, nah, you're too boring. That's his little pet name for you "His Boring Little Mortal", he'll complain about you but if anyone else was to speak ill, God or Human, he becomes indignant and reminds them of your good traits like your nobility and how you held yourself in battle.
- He's honestly the same when he's a yandere, as I said before, but the key major difference is that all it takes is one miniscule thing and suddenly, he comes more possessive. More protective and more suffocating. Like, he's watching you during a Ragngarok match and you smile at someone. To others, it might not be a big deal but to him, it very much is. Because it wasn't fair, YOUR SMILE BELONGED TO HIM. NOT TO ANYONE ELSE. TO HIM. YOU SMILED AT HIM FIRST SO IT'S HIS! YOU ARE HIS.
You lost the battle.
Your nobility, your humbleness, and your kindness wasn't enough to match the God of Deciet's wit and cunning. Your on both your knees, coughing up blood and unable to move your body as you hear the loud chain rattling of his weapons. You can hear the humans behind you begging you to get up, urging you to fight but you can't, your heart's strength was there but your body's was not. You feel ashamed but at least you can die knowing you did your best. Loki looks down at you, his hands at his sides, and his face stoic in a very unsettling manner. All he has to do is kill you, all he has to do is-"
"...I don't want too." He frowns, crossing his arms and looking the other way. You look at him in shock as the God's outrage as well as the humans. "LOKI, WHAT TREACHERY IS THIS!?" One of Odin's crows, well, crowed loudly.
Loki stuck out his tounge before shrugging, "I don't know, I mean, what am I winning? A step closer to humanity's destruction? We're gods! I want a something else! A prize~" He says slyly. The gods outrage once more before Zeus sighs, knowing nothing can be simple with the green haired god and tiredly asked him, "Fine, what prize must we give you if you kill (Y/n) (L/n)?" Zeus asked, making Loki grin wolfishly.
The arena becomes quiet and Loki kneels in front of you, cupping your face in his hands and tilting your head. What a cute face you're making, so confused and ready to die. He wonders what face you would make if he just...
Kissed you passionately, pressing his lips to your blood covered ones and shocking you and both audiences of mortals and immortals. You don't kiss him back, you don't even have time to think before he pulls away from you and looks at you with half lidded eyes.
Yes, that face is so much cuter on you. He wonders what other faces you could make.
But first, he has to answer the question Zeus asked him, "Why, the only prize that matters to me of course!~"
"(Y/n) (L/n), the Sun Hashira herself!"
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icypenguin · 4 months
Ok so can I request the sbg x wony reader but instead of SHES THE ONE AND ONLY SEO CHANGBIN FROM SKZ (she can beat ass.. and can pick ben with one arm :3
⋆ ˚。 Pretty Phantom Breaker ⋆౨ৎ˚
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cw: limping, running away from phantoms, thoughts of broken bones (that’s all i guess??)
a/n: HIHIHI AND OFCCC! but.. i dunno if this is how u expected T-T i hope i got your idea right and personalities right too.. i’m not really in that side of socials BUT DW DW GOTCHUUU anyway this is a platonic relationship with the sbg gang!!! hope you like itttt!
divider credits: @iluvrei @dollywons
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to everyone’s eyes, you were known to be a clean, healthy, pretty and feminine girl. everyone always appreciate you for that. In school or literally anywhere, you’re always the one who soreads positive energy, and that’s what the gang loves you about.
you’re always focusing on a healthy life style (even if every night you’re teleported into some other realm) which makes it beneficial for the gang. They sometimes wonder, how can you be so positive even if it sounds like it’s the end for them?
“hey y/n, can you recommend me any blush? I’ve been seeing people use this like.. lisptick blush thing? i dunno what that is.. but it sounds cool!” you and taylor was sitting besides eachother on a bench, waiting for the others to finish class since you finished your work sooner. “ah! rare beauty? yes that’s a popular one nowadays! i do recommend you buying one of it since it comes in many different shade! it’s really useful, you can use it as a gloss and a blush!” picking up your phone to show the pictures of the different shade, the others were finally back.
“ughh i hate maths.. so booringgg…” complained aiden as he rolled his eyes. “well.. i suggest you to pay more attention in class rather than making paper airplanes” ashlyn stays in a monotone tone while logan, ben, and tyler ignored them.
taylor whispered a “thanks!” before moving on to the next topic, “well, took you guys long enough to finish that 5 kindergarten riddle” she joked while grabbing her bag in action to go home. “if it weren’t for that moron, we would NOT be take this long… burden pfft-“ tyler frowned, not making eye contact with anyone except him. “well- friends stay together right? they wait for eachother!” the others groaned as aiden pulled out this ‘friendship line’.
soon, you all started to walk to the main entrance while chit chatting random stuffs. you noticed aiden got closer, meaning he wanted to ask you something. “y/n, is it true that broccoli are better than sausages?” he stared with a curious look on his face. “well ofcourse, it’s better to eat broccoli everyday than to eat sausages everyday..” you smiled and gave him a thumbsup. “awwh man, i love wieners…” hearing that response, you laughed along with taylor whose heard your conversation.
! time skip phantom realm !
somehow, the phantoms were chasing the whole gang… thanks to aiden’s loud shout i guess.. “ugh did you really have to scream that loud to safe your darling ashlyn!?” tyler seemed irritated by how aiden was acting. “it’s called friendship okay!? just like how you protect taylor-“ he fired back the comment back to tyler and it kept going on and on. their bickering kept on continuing until- “wait- ben!? where’s ben!?” taylor was looking around, checking everyone but seeing no sign of ben near them. suddenly, everyone’s attention has been spotlighted to ben, who was in the back, trying to catch up.
when you studied closer to see ben’s anatomy, you noticed he was limping. soon, everyone noticed this wound of ben and aiden, who does not think first, decided to run back to ben “ah-! ben- wait for me-!”
ofcourse he tried to help ben but only ended up with them walking slower. as the phantoms were getting closer and everyone’s heart was beating as fast as ever, hoping they would be safe, you did what you had to did. rushing towards both men who’s being chased by a bunch of phantoms, you lifted them one in each of your arm. you didn’t really like to show this side of you, but what choices are there?
ofcourse, they were shocked to see how the feminine you- is able to carry 2 guys in a blink of an eye. “whatthe-“ tyler exclaimed in a shocked and unbelievable tone, while the others just stare at you speechless.
meanwhile ben and aiden was taken aback by the sudden lift, aiden adapted quickly and cheered you on “go go go! go y/n!” ben was just giving up his whole body on you and trusted you on his life.
as you rushed forward to the gang, the phantoms were catching speed of you too. but luckily, you catched up to them and you all managed to get into the base or the bus graveyard.
“phew that was rough…” panting while dropping those two men softly on the ground, the others stared at you with wide eyes, suprised by your skill. “what. was. that.” tyler shot back from his thoughts and stared at you. “that was so cool, y/n.. i didn’t know you can do that..!” logan admired you while having a happy and amused face. “aww thanks guys… i thought you’ll be weirded by it..” you rubbed the back of your neck while looking down, not used to have compliments by this skill of yours. “no way! you saved their life!” taylor gives you a pat on the back as a supportive sign. too, ashlyn got into the conversation “it’s honestly a relief for all of us…” she handed you a bottle of water for you to finally calm yourself down.
meanwhile the others were all fine, aiden and ben both thanked you before healing ben’s leg that logan thought can be of broken bone. tyler, at the corner, was scoffing. he had a high hope of becoming the strongest one in the group and he even thought he was! but i guess.. more suprises for him?
“aww tylerrr, don’t be so busteddd~” taylor laughed at her brother being to irritated and jelous. “w-what!? i’m not!” he barked back at taylor while having a clear jealous look on his face. “pfft yeah? than it’s no matter if i call you weak?” tyler then started chasing taylor as he wanted revenge.
you felt something tap your shoulder, ashlyn was looking at the corner to a phantom that.. successfully entered the base outta nowhere. “do you think you can break it?” she asked you with full trust.
maybe.. maybe you can be a phantom breaker champion?
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
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tiredsugarcube · 2 months
Death Note ft. Saiki!Reader
Chapter 1: 2 Gods, 1 murderer
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The bustling streets of the city of Kanto region is crowded on a busy day when everyone is going to their day jobs and students going to school, though it seems like a typical day in everyday life, a person walking to school seems to stand out among the rest, much to their dismay.-
‘My name is (Y/N) Saiki and I have psychic superpowers, though i generally don't seem like it. I have every power imaginable from telepathy, psychokinesis, apport, shrinking, hydrokenises, hypnosis, etc, but the situation that's happening before me is one that hassles me big time.’
‘My father recently had a new job offer which isn’t uncommon because with even I can’t keep up with the different jobs he has every month. My old school had many weird people that always seemed to annoy me, I can’t even comprehend how loud they were when our homeroom teacher announced my indefinite transfer, but before we left, they insisted we kept contact, well as long as I don’t have to see them every day I don’t mind at all.’
‘Here I am walking to school in a new city, But I already know the location like the back of my hand, If I could I would have just teleported to one of the school’s bathrooms but I still have to change my shoes in the lockers by the entrance and wanted to get a little walk to get my mind out of things so I decided on walking to school.’
 A typical high school, a large building with friendly faces and people last minute cramming for potential exams, the sound of steps in hard concrete on the way to the main facility is louder the more closer the psychic was to  the school. No one knows who they were and that was an advantage in itself, no one that sees them as unconventional, no one to bother them, and a chance to finally reach the dream of living a normal life, even though the psychic’s powers are very far from normal, they try hard to make their lifestyle opposite to it.
It was calming, mundane to panicked thoughts everywhere around him yet moments like this, moments where all is well, the weather is moderate and no one was to bother the new student. Normal, that’s what it felt, and it was the best feeling ever!-
 Contradictions are inevitable but this is too far, right when the psychic was about to enter the school, they lock eyes with a certain Shinigami which seemed to be tailing behind a brown-haired student.
"Oh! You can see me kid..?"
'Good Grief, this is even worse than last time..' The psychic glared and looked away in annoyance, continuing to walk in the entrance, not letting any other animal, human or not, ruin their day.
However the question from the loud Shinigami did not go unnoticed by his student companion. Looking confused and frightened at the same time with the possibility that someone else other than him  could see Ryuk. Yet, he was too clouded in his own thoughts too see who the Shinigami was talking about.
“I thought we already established that I could see you, was another student able to see you? Who?” The student whispered sharply, yet the Death God laughed loudly and replied.
“It seems you haven’t seen them at school recently, but I do know that they can do unpredictable things, This might be even better than I thought..” The Shinigami laughed excitedly.
“Unpredictable things? What do you mean? You better tell me later..” The student replied
“Depends on how many apples your willing to offer.”
Settled into my new class easily, got through the usual introductions and was able to catch up to their current lessons. It would be way easier though if it weren’t for the floating creature by me constantly striking a conversation, the creature should be glad I was bored.
“What do you want."
“Ah! So you can see me, I think you already know who I am! I think its cool how you can hold a conversation without opening your mouth, you really are interesting!”
“The Gods don’t favor me, you a Shinigami are living or dying proof of that. You haven’t answered my initial question yet.”
“(Y/N) Saiki Huh?, The name’s Ryuk. I’m a companion to one of the students here. I’m sure you already know who” The psychic nods and replied, reading Ryuk’s mind who was already saying the student’s name in his mind.
“Light Yagami..? His popularity meter is close to 100 and his thoughts are loud and fast that it outweighs every other student I’ve heard in the school, does having a high popularity number attract death Gods too.?”
“Don’t make it seem like I’m a fan! It’s that he has something that requires me to tail him around, and that something also makes normal humans able to see me, yet you are able to do it with no effort whatsoever and even talk with your mind, interesting! Do you have any other abilities?”
“Aren’t you supposed to know already?”
“I wanna see for myself, and as for that ‘something’ I’m referring to, I think it won’t be long until you find out” Ryuk laughs
“I’m not some form of performer that presents my unfortunate traits for attention. And whatever vague term you’re talking about; I don’t want to know unfortunately. Are you saying I have more relations to Light Yagami?”
“I think it’s bound to happen, your abilities can really bring out the unimaginable events!”
The psychic sighs once more and stops entertaining Ryuk and focusing more on the classes at hand, the said Shinigami has irritated the poor student to no end, even Light Yagami is wondering where he could be, getting used to the silence in the classroom without the Death God hovering over him during class hours.
'The bell has rung and the sun has started to set, I have to go home and do this school work. Good Grief, I thought being new would give me some upperhand in assignments since I'm a newcomer, but oh well , I'll just use cartography to get it done in a few seconds. But before I go home, I'll stop by a cafe first to get some desserts.'
The deserts displayed in the glass panel was to die for, from the soft 2 layered mini cakes topped with fresh looking strawberries and light powdered sugar on top to shiny chocolate glazed donuts, each confection was delectable to look let alone taste, but there was one dessert that shined among the rest, coffee jelly, the bitter yet bouncy mass with some soft whipped cream on top makes the dessert a top favorite for the certain psychic.
As the line to the cafe gets shorter and the psychic gets closer to the desserts, they can feel eyes boring to the back of their head, the soft and light atmosphere had dampened a bit, not to mention the certain person's thoughts are just as loud as the guy with a Death God pet.
Psychic turns around lightly and sees a man slightly taller than her, hair in disarray but who were they to judge? If eyes were the window to the heart, then this guy would have the key to everyone's with the intensity of eye contact. The psychic looks away immediately as its their turn in their line to buy desserts.
Not noticing the person behind them smiled lightly, a creeping feeling getting to them, even in just one glance there was something different about them, a normal student, too normal to the point they aren’t.
“Hmm.. I might keep them in mind in case..”
‘Please don’t.’
The psychic sighs and walk to their new home with their desserts on hand. ‘The people I meet weirder than I thought, but no matter, It's the end of the day. I won't be associated with them anymore..’.The psychic about to open the gate to their new household only to be cut off with another voice.
"Hello! Good evening, you're the new student announced today right? It seems we're neighbors now!" the brown-haired boy says kindly, using his charms but the psychic can tell he has other intentions, both ignoring the Ryuk flying in between them.
'You've got to be kidding me..'
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲 𝓷𝓸𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓾𝓼 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲
"we who are about to die don't want to."
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ¹⁴¹⁸ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ
³ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ᶠᵉᵃᵗᵘʳᵉᵈ 
ᴹᶜ ʸᵃᵖˢ ᵗᵒᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵒⁿ ᵂᵃᵗᵗᵖᵃᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗⁱᵗˡᵉᵈ "ᴳᵒᵃˡ ᵗᵒ ᴺᵒʳᵐᵃˡᶜʸ", ⁱᵗ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵈⁱᶠᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᵗ ᵉⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ.
ᵀᵃᵍ: fallenangel989899, yune1337
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I am once again here to share enderman quint ghoul thoughts.
I've spoken about them teleporting around, skimmed around the eye contact bit, but never mentioned their thoughts on water. The reaction honestly depends on the ghoul. Aether is relatively ok with it unless it surprises him, like if it starts raining unexpectedly, he'll freak. Phantom hates water, though. It's a massive sensory thing for him. To get him clean, it takes at least 2 water ghouls and some kind of distraction, like a video playing, specifically a baby sensory video. Omega tolerates water, that's all, not really a big deal for him at any point. Swiss is a multi ghoul but he can still be included because multi. He's pretty ok with water most of the time, but like Aether, if it surprises him, he loses it and becomes a lot more like phantom. The multi ghoulettes are pretty similar to Swiss with this.
For the eye contact bit, that also depends on the ghoul. Omega avoids eye contact, but he won't go all enderman on you if he has to make eye contact. Aether is alright with it. He's grown used to it from working with so many people and being pressured into making it by unknowing people. Swiss fucking loves eye contact, that fucker will stare into your soul if you give him the chance. Phantom, though, he hates it. It's distressing for him. He'll panic and try to get away if you force him to make eye contact. It's intimidating. It feels too personal, he feels judged, like they're witnessing his soul, so he panics. Sunshine, once again similar to Swiss, loves eye contact. She loves eyes, and she'd probably steal eyes if it was socially acceptable. Aurora is a more tame version of phantom with eye contact, she hates it, so much but she'll try to stay calm and remove herself from the situation but if she can't then she'll lose it and freak.
Enderman take blocks something, quint ghouls aren't much different there. You can't really take blocks like an enderman irl, so they pinch small objects, usually nothing that would seriously inconvenience someone. Usually, it's a pen or a rock they find on the ground, sometimes it's a discarded phone, it'll get back to its owner eventually. Everyone learnt the hard way not to leave important things around in case a quint ghoul finds it and pinches it. They don't usually realise they've taken anything, though. It's totally subconscious. They don't typically realise till either someone points it out or they get back to their room and empty their pockets.
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coolkat223 · 4 months
An idea for (if sagau works) is that the reader is just stupidly forward when talking (Or just outright unhinged.) If they hear scaramouche talking smack? "I don't want to hear it from the short grape with a plate for a hat." Or calling childe ed sheeran. In short their mouth has almost little to no filter. And each time they say something it usually ends like: "They... Have a point..." or "Why does the creator hate me???"
Ooo this one will be very interesting to do!!
SAGAU The creator with a sharp-tongued.
They wound up teleported into Genshin Impact world and as known as the creator. But they have a strong mind as vast as the heavens but also has a tongue as sharp as a primordial blade.
Love to be straight forward or just outright unhinged when they are irritated at someone.
When they get irritated at someone they tend to say something that makes them think twice about themselves. (cause deep down when the characters think about it... it makes a lot of sense.)
And when they are very irritated they sometimes use their ability on some of the characters. Like trapping them in a golden bubble.
Short Story:
(a/n: while I write this I decided to use y/n instead of using they/them because it confuses me to tell the difference.)
As y/n are relaxing in a peaceful meadow after finishing some paperwork and having a meeting with the Archons. As y/n are relaxing the quietest get disturbed by someone's arguing, so y/n decide to check it out cause they disturb your relaxing time. Once they get to their destination they have a very unimpressed look because you saw Scarmouche and Childe.
'Of course it has to be them two.' They thought.
Notice that both Scarmouche and Childe are about to fight. Y/n decide to intervene by using their ability to trap them in a golden bubble. Once those two realize that they are trapped they turn their head towards y/n and saw that y/n is non-impressive and on a verge of snapping at them.
"Can't you two just either get along or don't make eye contact with one another." Y/n said while you can hear how irritated they are.
Of course the first one to speak is Scarmouche and said a whole lot of talk and no bite in hopes that y/n can let him go.
"I don't want to hear it from the short grape with a plate for a hat," the Creator declared, unfazed by Scaramouche's snide remarks.
Immediately Childe burst out laughing at Scara's face expression, but he is still under the flames from the creator y/n, who quickly turn towards him with golden flicker in their eye.
"The same goes for you too 'Ed Sheeran'." Y/n said with a sneer that could equal the trickster god himself. Then decided to let them go by dropping them on their butt and walking away from them.
Both Scarmouche and Childe were indazed by the creator's boldness, at this point underneath their distrust lay a resenting affirmation of truth. "They... Have a point," mumbled Scaramouche, hesitantly surrendering to the creator's unpolished perception. "For what reason does the creator loathe me???" considered Childe, however where it counts, he really wanted to appreciate their shameless negligence for accepted practices.
Thus, the creator's excursion through Teyvat proceeded, each experience leaving a path of confounded partners and dumbfounded foes afterward. For in our current reality where words held power unfathomable, the creator used their tongue like a sword, slicing through misrepresentation and uncovering the crude pith of truth, doubtlessly stirring up a lot of entertainment for everyone around them.
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Hmmmmmm Angel Dust and Husk with an S/O that's a Demon that's kind of like an Enderman from Minecraft (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
Woo first time writing for Husk!
Angel and Husk x enderman demon Reader
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Angel dust
★ Angel and you met at the hotel after he got a room there. You lived in the building before Charlie took ownership of it, back when it was abandoned. Of course, she let you stay because this is Charlie we're talking about.
★ He won't make eye contact with you if you don't want him to. But don't be upset when he slips up, because we all make mistakes. Angel also speaks up for you if you don't like talking.
★ If he's having a bad day he goes to you for some quiet time. I have the feeling you live in the basement, away from everyone, so it's really quiet. Your idea of "going on a date" is just you and him in the same room together.
★ You started hanging out around him because he was kinda quiet and you where a bit lonely. He honestly didn't care because you don't bother him, or talk. Perfect for a quiet introvert.
★ You started hanging around him because he was convenient company. But after awhile he started to grow attached to having you around, not that he will ever say it. If you aren't around he's noticably more grumpy.
★ No matter how long you've known him he still isn't used to you just showing up behind him. You are way to quiet for that plus you can teleport. People can hear him yell "God damnit!" From the other room when you do this.
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fandoms-x-reader · 1 month
Forget You - Alternate Ending
Requested By: @lordsenorslowmo
Part 1
Summary: The others find out that the demon transported you to an alternate universe and follow you there - only to find you dead. The Seven Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon Word Count: 2,703
Barbatos was one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. His abilities related to space and time gave him an insight that no one else had and often that insight gave him what you could call a sixth sense.
He had a knack for being able to tell when something bad was going to happen and he had a talent to sense when someone with similar abilities to himself was nearby.
And right now, something was triggering both of those feelings inside of him.
There was a large number of people at the ball so finding who was giving Barbatos the bad feeling was a bit harder than normal.
He approached Diavolo to inform him of the possible threat.
After all, if it was something that could ruin everyone’s night, Diavolo would want to know.
But as Barbatos reached him, his eyes looked out to the dance floor where he saw you.
The smile you were wearing moments before was gone and a look of panic was in your eyes.
Your hands were locked with a demon dressed in black and when Barbatos looked at him, he realized - that’s the one.
Whoever that demon was, he was the one who was causing Barbatos to be on high alert. And Barbatos could tell that he was up to no good.
He took a step to come to your defense but the brothers were already on top of it.
It seemed everyone had a bad feeling about whoever this demon was.
Mammon had pushed the demon away from you, but something wasn’t right. The demon had already done something to you. 
A demon with time and space abilities.
Barbatos knew that the demon must have used those powers on you.
But - he had the same skills that the demon had. In fact, he had more capabilities than that demon could wish to have.
And if it was a battle between who was more proficient at using them, Barbatos would win.
He figured out what was going on in record time, and he didn’t wait to bring himself and the rest of the group to the alternate universe that you had been teleported to.
Everyone stood before Barbatos in the middle of a street in the Devildom, looking at the butler with confused expressions.
“Barbatos, what’s happening?” Diavolo asked him, being the first to take a step forward.
“The demon that was dancing with Y/N took her here,” Barbatos explained simply, taking a look at his surroundings.
“To a random street in the Devildom?” Mammon questioned, looking around in the same manner. Why would he take you here?
“No - this isn’t the same Devildom as ours. We’re in a different Devildom,” Barbatos explained.
“Like an alternate universe?” Levi questioned, trying to hide the hint of excitement in his voice.
“If we’re in an alternate universe, does that mean different versions of ourselves exist in this universe?” Satan questioned, his eyebrow raising slightly as if trying to answer his own question. 
“Ooh, two Asmos in one world?” Asmo chimed in with a smile. He could only imagine the damage he could do with his counterpart if he had more time here.
“Yes, we would each have a different version of ourselves in this universe. But, we can’t make contact with them. The consequences for meeting our alternate selves would be innumerable,” Barbatos replied.
“We need to find Y/N and go back to our world,” Lucifer added, trying to keep everyone focused on the task at hand.
“How do we do that?” Simeon questioned.
They could search around for you but who knew how long that would take or what would happen in the time they were searching.
“I could cast a tracking spell,” Solomon suggested and everyone seemed to agree with that idea. 
As Solomon performed his incantation, Belphie did everything he could to keep Beel from taking a bite out of him.
The sixth-born hadn’t had enough to eat during the ball and if they didn’t find food soon, they would all be in trouble.
“It’s leading us into town,” Solomon stated, following his magic with his eyes.
“We can get Beel some food there,” Luke suggested, taking a step closer to Simeon, just in case Beel decided to get any ideas and have him as a snack.
“Good idea,” Simeon told his young friend as everyone began making their way into town. 
Walking in such a large group was sure to attract some attention, but they needed to find you quickly.
The thing with time and space travel was that every second mattered.
Even though they entered this universe minutes after you in their world, you could have been here for months. 
So, the more eyes they had to scan an area for you the better. That way they could move on to the next area more quickly.
Not to mention, the thought of the brothers being turned loose in an alternate universe sent a shiver up Barbatos' spine. There’s no telling what trouble they’d get into.
They had been walking around town for a little bit and the growling coming from Beel’s stomach was getting on everyone’s last nerve.
“Oi! My arm isn’t food, Beel!” Mammon protested loudly as he pulled his arm away from his younger brother. 
“Look, Hell’s Kitchen!” Asmo pointed out, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Alright, I’ll go in and order something quick,” Lucifer stated, taking strides to the door when Satan’s voice stopped him.
“Wait,” Satan stated, peering in through the window of the restaurant. 
“What is it?” Beel questioned with a small frown. What was so important that it was delaying him getting food?
“It’s - us,” Satan replied, his eyes widened at the scene that was in front of him. 
Everyone rushed over to the window as well to look inside and see their equivalents in this world.
They were uncanny. Not a single detail was out of place. Except…
“Who the heck is that?” Mammon asked, staring at the human who was positioned in the middle of the group.
Everyone was fawning over them.
Some of them were feeding them bites off their forks while others played with their hair. And the rest of them were desperately fighting for their attention while they smiled and laughed.
“It looks like that’s their exchange student,” Diavolo stated, a bit surprised to see a version of himself fawning over someone who wasn’t you.
“Well if that’s their exchange student, then where is Y/N?” Simeon questioned and an uneasy tension filled the group as silence overtook them.
They had expected to find their alternate selves, but they expected you to be with them, just like you always were.
“This way,” Solomon stated, continuing to follow the spell he had cast.
Beel’s food was long forgotten as everyone was now anxious to find you. But, Beel didn’t mind, because he was just as worried. 
They had only been walking around town for a little further when a strong scent stopped them all in their tracks. Was that - blood?
They all shared a look of panic, their bodies refusing to move as their hearts skipped a beat. There was only one thought on each of their minds - please don’t be Y/N.
Lucifer was the first to continue walking, unable to wait any longer. His heart was hammering against his chest, but he willed himself to continue.
The others followed him, holding their breaths as they rounded the corner that the tracking spell led to. 
Their hearts stopped and their breath hitched as they froze in place at the sight before them.
You were lying there on the ground, bloody and broken.
And not moving.
Lucifer’s eyes widened as his brain started processing what he was seeing. That couldn’t be you. He refused to believe that was you.
He was supposed to know what to do in any situation. He was supposed to know how to fix things. 
But the only thing he could think about was the way you were looking at him at the ball, with so much love and adoration in your eyes.
And now you were lying on the ground in front of him.
You weren’t breathing and the look in your eyes was empty. You were gone.
He took a step back as he felt his emotions overtaking him and he flinched when he felt something wet on his cheek. Was it raining? 
No. He was crying.
He was crying because he just lost the love of his life.
Mammon felt his heart stop beating when his eyes landed on your body. 
He was the first to run to you, immediately pulling you into his arms. “No, no, no. Please. Ya can’t die on me!” Mammon pleaded, gently brushing the hair out of your face and attempting to look into your eyes.
But there was nothing there. They were blank and your expression was cold, devoid of any life.
Mammon couldn’t help the sobs that escaped from his lips as he pressed his forehead against yours, cradling your body in his arms as he begged his older brother to do something. To save you.
Why hadn’t the other version of him been here to keep you safe? That was his job in every universe.
So how had this happened? Why didn’t he protect you?
Levi was in shock and denial.
There was no way this was happening. There was no way that you were actually dead in front of them. 
You had been dancing with them only a little bit ago. This had to have been a dumb prank someone was playing on him to get him to admit he had feelings for a normie.
It wasn’t until he saw Mammon breaking down in front of him that the gravity of the situation hit Levi. This was real. You were…dead.
Tears immediately began pouring down his face as his body went completely still.
He lost his true friend. 
Satan hadn’t moved at first. He was trying to figure out how this happened.
When Mammon started crying, Satan rushed forward, gently running his hands over you to inspect your injuries. They were so deep and there was so much blood.
He held his breath as he placed his fingers on your neck.
He needed to feel your pulse. Just once and he would be alright. He would find a way to save you.
When the feeling of your heartbeat never reached his fingers, Satan let out a sob he didn’t know he had been holding in. You were dead.
Satan was overwhelmed with sadness. This was the first time he had ever lost someone he cared about so much. And he didn’t know how to cope. 
His sadness turned into wrath as he threatened to rip this entire world apart.
Lucifer did his best to hold his younger brother back but Satan couldn’t think about his actions.
The only thing he could think about was how much pain he was in right now.
Asmo immediately broke down in tears as he collapsed to the ground, covering his mouth to try and keep the loud sobs from escaping.
Why wasn’t Solomon performing a healing spell? Or Simeon! He was an angel! He should be able to heal you!
So why wasn’t anyone trying to help you? Why were they all just standing there?
As if being able to read his mind, Solomon crouched down next to his pact mate.
Asmo could tell he was barely keeping together as he told him, “I can’t heal them - because they’re already…”
Solomon was unable to finish his statement but Asmo could fill in the last word himself as it caused a new wave of tears to fall down his cheeks.
Please come back to him.
Beel was too stunned to move as images of Lilith’s dead body mixed with images of yours.
Beel took a few steps forward, wanting to scoop you up in his arms the way Mammon did, but he stopped himself when he got closer.
He could clearly see the extent of your injuries now and the tears left his eyes freely as you lay dead in front of him.
He felt like his world was crashing down around him as the realization that he had lost another person he cared so deeply about hit him like a ton of bricks.
He was ready to collapse to the ground and let the sorrow overtake his body.
He was ready to feel every ounce of the pain and sadness. 
But then he looked to his side and saw his twin falling to the ground and he barely managed to catch him in time.
Belphie let his twin hug him as they both sobbed at the scene in front of them.
Your dead body lying in front of him brought back such terrible memories for him and he couldn’t help but feel guilty.
As if he was the reason you were dead this time too.
You needed to open your eyes. You needed to take a breath.
Because if you didn’t, Belphie wasn’t sure he would survive this.
You had changed him. You made him fall for you. You can’t leave him now! That would just be so cruel!
Beel clutched Belphie even tighter as it became apparent that you weren’t going to wake up.
And Belphie fell completely apart in his brother’s arms.
Diavolo was trained to remain composed in any situation.
As a prince, you needed to remain calm and collected no matter how bad things were. 
But the human he had fallen in love with was lying on the ground beneath him - dead.
And he could care less about his image as he fell to his knees letting the tears overtake him.
He told you that no harm would come to you while you were in the Devildom.
And yet, he hadn’t been there in time to save you. 
Diavolo felt like he was suffocating from the sadness and guilt he was feeling as his mind forced him to relive all of his favorite memories with you.
Please open your eyes.
The young Lord was falling apart. Barbatos needed to do something to help. He knew that.
But his mind was too clouded and his body was too stunned by your death. He couldn’t move.
Maybe if he had found the demon sooner, this wouldn’t have happened.
Maybe if he had somehow managed to find a way to follow you to this universe sooner or if they had been quicker in their search for you.
Maybe then, you would still be with them.
Barbatos was far more skilled in his abilities than that demon. But, even so, the demon had won.
Because the demon managed to take you away from him.
Simeon was doing his best not to break as he held Luke to his body, trying to shield him from your dead body.
The young angel was crying loudly as he clutched onto Simeon and he was using all of his willpower to focus on comforting Luke.
“It’ll be okay,” he whispered to him, but his words came out as choked sobs as he felt himself falling apart.
Who would do something like this to you? Why did you have to leave them?
Simeon didn’t care what it took, he would make sure your soul went to the Celestial Realm.
He would see you again.
Solomon may have lived a long life, but he lived a human life nonetheless. And death was a big part of that life.
He had seen numerous people die. He had lost all of his family and past lovers.
But for some reason, your death hurt more than any of the others.
When did you manage to get such a strong hold over his heart?
He planned on keeping his composure, but as everyone else broke down around him, he allowed his emotions to show themselves.
He turned his back to the others as tears poured down his face.
You were so much more to him than a fellow human exchange student or even a friend. 
And he had lost you before he had a chance to tell you that.
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 7.
gahdayum its mi papi down there ↓
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"hello everyone, ive been waiting for you!"
you let out a gasp as you see the space hero, thirteen. "thirteens one of my favorite heroes!" squeals uraraka, "i cant wait to show you whats inside! follow me!" she leads the class into the dome-like building. you stare in awe at the inside of the building, holy shit... theres basically every environment in here..! 
"i created this training facility for you to deal with different types of disasters." she pauses, "i call it the 'unforeseen simulation joint' but you can call it USJ!" she exclaims proudly. you stare at her quietly, huh thats just like 'universal studios japan'... you smile inwardly.
"excuse me, but shouldnt all might be here..?" asks aizawa, "apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power... hes resting in the teachers lounge." she explains quietly to aizawa, but your overhear it. 
"that man is the definition of irresponsibility..." sighs out aizawa. he turns to face the class, "clocks ticking, we should get started.." thirteen steps up and begins to talk again.
"listen up... before we get started im sure your all aware that i have a powerful quirk, its called 'black hole.' i can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust. my quirk could also very easily be used to kill- like some of you all. in our superhuman society all quirks are certified and strictly regulated so we all often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. please dont forget that if you loose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly."
"thanks to the fitness tests and the combat training you all did, you should know your limits and potential. carry what you learn and use them now, today youll be learning how to use your quirks to save peoples lives- after all... that is the main purpose of heroes. thats all i have to say, thank you for listening." she bows her head silently.
the class erupts in cheers, and you smile proudly, tightening your fists, man she really knows how to fire us up..! 
"alright now that thats over.. lets get started." starts aizawa before the lights cut out.
you look up and narrow your eyes, suddenly a portal forms near the fountain. "stay together, thirteen protect the students!" yells aizawa. you widen your eyes when you realize that an actual villain attack was happening.
"whats happening?!" exclaims kirishima, "its a villian attack...!" you reply loudly as villains walk out and you ready yourself.
"if they got in without alarming the systems they must be jamming communications, kaminari use your quirk and try to contact the school" instructs aizawa.
he jumps down and thirteen starts moving you all away, you run to the exit but the same purple portal covers the exit. "its a pleasure to meet you all, we are the league of villains." the voice pauses, "now where is all might..? i believe he was supposed to be here to take his last breath."
you gasp, "theres no way theyre planning on killing him..." u whisper quietly. you analyze his quirk as he talks, his quirk was what teleported the villains here... and he can move around quickly, but i dont see a physical body that belongs to him.. he must have some sort of mutation or transformation type of quirk.. warping maybe?
suddenly bakugou and kirishima jump at the villain to attack, "wait, stop...!" you yell trying to hold them back. bakugou sends an explosion at the villain, "did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" kirishima grins as he stands in a defensive position.
you quickly run up behind them "move outta the way!" you try to pull them to aside, but the purple portal circles the entire group. 
"you students should be more careful, ill scatter you all across the facility and let you face my colleagues and your deaths!" you feel someone pull you closer to them as you cover your face protectively. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you put your hands out to stop your fall as your drop down into the 'collapse zone' followed by kirishima and bakugou. standing up you dust yourself off and get into a fighting position, "we got company you two.." you inform staring at the villains crowding you three.
"looks like we hit the jackpot..! get rid of the two boys first... the girl should be easy to get rid of!" chuckles a villain. 
you narrow your eyes, and stomp your foot down creating a boulder around the villain holding him in place. Then you hit him with a right hook to the head leaving him unconscious. "i wouldnt be so sure of that..." you smirk. "now whose next?" you ask opening your water pouch. 
the villains start to run at you three and you all fight them off. Suddenly, bakugou sends an explosion and the whole building shakes. you yell over the noise, "bakugou we're in the collapse zone, so be mindful of the explosions..!" you propell yourself forward and freeze your water around another villain.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stand up exhaustedly, body aching slightly "everyone alright...?" you turn to look at kirishima and bakugou. 
"we should go find the rest of the class, if we arent out yet then the others probably arent either. we caused this mess so we need to make it up..!" exclaims kirishima looking at bakugou.
"if you wanna go track the rest of them idiots you can, but im going for that warping bastard." grits bakugou as you sigh rolling your eyes.
"bakugou you do realize that he doesnt have a physical body right..? even after the explosion you threw at him, he was still fine. if your gonna go throw more of them you can practically guarantee it wont do shit." you state as you stare at him. 
"shut up! as if you know what to d-" you shove him away and throw a flame of fire at the invisible villain beside him letting it fall. 
you turn and face bakugou smirking, "yeah what was that about me not knowing what to do..?" he scoffs rolling his eyes, and you turn back to the villain, "i almost feel bad for them, their so bad they got beat by a bunch of high schoolers.." 
"man y/n your so badass..!" praises kirishima, you chuckle blushing slighly and rub your neck. "thanks man..." 
"bakugou since when have you been so calm and rational, usually your always like 'die! die! die!'" questions kirishima. 
you let out a chuckle, "im always calm and rational!" screams bakugou. you slap his head, "geez shut up..! youre just proving his point!" he glares at you with his palms smoking.
"calm down you two..!" exclaims kirishima getting in between you two. "find the rest of the idiots if you want, but im going to the warping bastard." states bakugou as he walks away.
"then we're coming with you!" cheers kirishima running up to bakugou, dragging you with him.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you three run quickly to go help all might. theres no way he'll last long..! hes already at his limit... if we dont do something now, he may actually be defeated..!
you see deku running to help all might, but the warping villian appears in front of him. "izuku..!" you yell. 
suddenly bakugou goes in front and send an explosion to the back of the villain, you propell yourself up to reach him quickly. he slams the villain down by the metal part near his neck to the ground, "guess i found your body this time you smokey bastard!" he yells.
you and kirishima rush towards the other villain with the hands surrounding his face. you throw a gush of frozen water at him, but he moves away before both of you could land an attack at him. you pull your water back to yourself and glare at the villain infront as you stand by the other students.
all might may die one day.... but today wont be that day...!
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 next parts: pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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manheeiim · 6 months
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chapter two: introductions
-- a ghostly love masterlist
I opened my eyes and all I saw at first was the stars and the pitch black sky. I immediately sat up and looked around but there was absolutely no one. What was going on? I had no clue. Was I alive? If I was.. then where is everyone? And if I’m not.. then why am I here?
I got off the ground and headed towards the bleachers. I walked up the bleachers, the sound of my footsteps on the metal stairs sounding even louder than usual due to the quietness outside. I looked around and there was absolutely nobody. 
I then made my way inside of the school. There was still no one. I was completely and utterly confused. I hesitated before heading to the locker room and grabbing my bag out of the locker, walking out of the locker room with the bag, through the school, and towards the sidewalk.
As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk, it was as if I teleported to the football field again. I looked around confused as I dropped my bag on the floor. I then fell to my knees as I started crying into the palms of my hands. What is happening right now?
A long while after, I finally stopped crying and as I wiped my tears, I could see someone walking my way. I watched as they came over to me. From my angle, they seemed so tall and mighty. It was a man, his hair was slicked to the side and he was wearing a suit. 
“Hello, my name is Mr. Martin. And you are?” The man said in a very formal sounding voice, if that even makes sense.
“Lucia… Lucia _______.” I respond and the man nods. “Are you.. are you a teacher here?” I ask, still unsure of what was even happening.
“I was a teacher here.” Mr. Martin responds.
“What do you mean?” I inquire.
“Well, I died here in the ‘50s.” He tells me. My body got tense, so I really was dead. “And you, well you just died today, I’m guessing.” Mr. Martin then says.
“Um… I guess.” I say in a monotone voice.
“If you like, we’re about to have a meeting in the gym. You can join us.” Mr. Martin tells me.
“Who’s we?” I ask.
“You’ll see.” Is all he says before he starts walking towards the school again. I stood there for a moment before catching up and walking with him, leaving my backpack behind.
Mr. Martin walked into the bright gym and I followed behind. Past him, I could see a group of people sitting in chairs that were put in a circle. “Guys, we have a new student!” Mr. Martin announces as I walk behind him. He sits in a chair and I just sit in a random empty chair on the other side of the circle.
“Ooo, a cheerleader.” A girl, dressed in almost all black clothing that seemed to be from sometime in the 60s, says rather sarcastically.
“Rhonda, let’s let her introduce herself.” Mr. Martin tells everyone.
Everyone then looked over to me and I made eye contact with the guy sitting next to me. He had dark fluffy straight hair and was wearing a sleeveless gray shirt along with some gray sweatpants. I noticed that he was wearing a gold chain on his neck but I quickly looked away.
“Um, I’m Lucia _______.” I say, not really sure what to say. “I am.. or I mean, I was a senior.” I tell everyone, unsure on how to really phrase this. “And yeah, I’m- I was on the cheer team.” I say, having to correct myself.
“Nice to meet you, Lucia. I’m Charley.” A guy with blonde highlights, glasses, and a striped shirt tucked into baggy jeans told me. 
“Hi.” I give him a small smile.
“How’d you die?” Rhonda blurts out and I look over at her.
“Um, well, I don’t know all the details but, um, today was the pep rally and obviously, the cheer team did a performance out on the field. I was one of the flyers. And, I guess- I mean, I know, that I did the twist wrong and I wasn’t caught by my teammates and I landed wrong and.. and I don’t know, everything went black and now I’m here.” I say.
Charley just winced at the thought of it, Rhonda said nothing at first, and the guy whose name I didn’t know just looked at me. Mr. Martin decided to be the one to break the silence. “Well, actually, Wally here,” Mr Martin motioned to the guy sitting next to me, “he died on the football field as well.” Mr. Martin says.
I looked over at the guy, who’s name is Wally, and he just gave me a small smile. “Yeah, I’m Wally Clark. Nice to meet you.” He says, holding his hand out for me to shake. I awkwardly put my hand out and he took it, shaking my hand. “Class of ‘84. I was laid out by a tackle during my senior year homecoming game.” He tells me, holding my hand in his as he spoke before he let go. 
“Your name sounds familiar.” I admit.
“Yeah, they named the stadium after me.” He says, seemingly proud.
“Yeah, and none of us are ever living that down. That’s like, a personality trait of his.” Charley tells me and I can’t help but giggle. “Hey, maybe you’ll get your name on something out there too.” He then adds.
I shake my head, “I doubt it.” I say.
“You never know.” Charley tells me with a small smile and I just shake my head once again.
“So… are you all the people that have died here as well?” I ask.
“Yeah, well, I mean there’s Dawn. She died in the ‘70s. She’s spent all her time roaming around the school.” Wally tells me.
“Oh..” Is all I say in response.
“No one really knows how she died.” Charley tells me. “She died in the ‘70s though, she was probably doing acid or something.” He says.
“Oh my god.” I say and he just shrugs.
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gojo-mochi · 10 months
Dear, Gojo Satoru, 
You are so loved
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SYN: Gojo doesn’t like celebrating his birthday but this year you want to make it special…
CW: My own headcanons on Gojo’s personality and childhood. Established Relationship. Fluff with a bit of angst. Geto is a teacher in this, Mimiko and Nanako are his adopted daughters but not sorcerers or students. Haibara is here too. The Gangs are here folks :,) 
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Despite being annoying and seemingly self-centered, with his “List your favorite things about Gojo Satoru game”, Gojo was not one to make a big deal out of his birthday. He wasn’t one to make any deal out of his birthday at all to be honest. If never told anyone when his birthday was, Geto and Shoko had to find out by snooping through the school files since they couldn’t wring it of Gojo himself. And even after that, Gojo would avoid mentions of his birthday and find some way to be out of town or disappear on Dec 7th. His friends gave up trying to throw him any kind of party after a couple of years, opting to just give him sweets or buy him something small whenever the date came nearby. 
Geto found out the reason once when he and Gojo decided to get wasted on some fruity cocktails after a mission, it had to do with Gojo’s upbringing in the Gojo clan. Being the first sorcerer in centuries to inherit both the Limitless and the Six Eyes cursed technique, marked him as special from day one. This had both perks and troubles, though the troubles affected Gojo a lot more than his cheery personality let on. Having a bounty placed on your head as a young age makes you wary and on edge combined with having the weight of the entire clan resting on your shoulder and being showered in praise everyday would mess with anyone’s head. 
During this one night drunken stupor, Gojo ranted on about how his childhood’s birthdays usually ended in some assassin trying to kill him or the clan setting up something super long and fancy with nothing that he liked so he just ends up running away from home for a while whenever his birthday would pass until the clan stopped celebrating it. Geto didn’t bring this up to Gojo the day after but he did pass it along to his other friends so they knew what was up, Nanami and Shoko took it well but Haibara was sad that Gojo never got a real happy birthday, but they left him alone about it. 
Now you, after knowing Gojo for a couple of years now and dating him for half those years, also learned this information after you got into a huge fight with Gojo on how he never told you about his birthday and why he always leaves you alone that day. Gojo was never good at confronting you with emotional stuff, always pretending to put on a happy face or joke about it and this was almost the straw that broke your relationship. It was when you slammed the door right in Gojo’s face and left him with no contact for a full week did he break down and go to Geto to ask him how to fix his relationship with you. 
Gojo teleported right into your apartment, burning a permanent mark in the carpet that made you lose your deposit. However, you easily forgave him for that and the whole birthday thing when you saw he wasn’t wearing his usual blindfold, his bright blue eyes dulled and marred by deep eye bags. Matching your own redden and sullen eyes from the days you've been crying after being apart from Gojo for so long. That night Gojo held you in his arms while you sat in his lap as he told you tales of his childhood and his reasoning for not celebrating his birthday. 
Your relationship got stronger after this ‘fight’, however you secretly swore that the next time Gojo’s birthday came around it would be a better one. And this year was the year that you start to set your plan into motion, gathering everyone up and telling them your idea weeks before December hits. Gojo knew you were up to something but trusted you enough to not pry too deep into it even though he did annoy both Geto and Shoko a lot about it. It was the same routine this year with Gojo, he ended up taking a mission faraway from Tokyo, leaving on a flight on the night of Dec 6th. 
“Toru!” You ran and jumped on his back, barely stumbling him over as his arms reached back to steady you. You giggled as you pushed your face in his snowy locks of hair, running your hands up his undercut. Taking in the soft scent of musk, coconut shampoo, and some peppermint that Gojo has been snacking on lately. Gojo’s hands squeezed your ass a bit as he pushed you up further on his back, your arms gently wrapping around his neck. Gojo still made plans with you on the afternoon of Dec 6th, spending some time with his lovely partner, before heading over to his flight. 
The two of you were heading over to spend some time in the park, walking around with a cup of hot cocoa in hand, admiring all the early Christmas decorations, the snowfall, and just enjoying being around each other’s presence. You were still clinging on to Gojo’s back as he walked up to the hot cocoa truck and ordered two drinks, his was topped with extra whipped cream, a toasted marshmallow, sprinkles, and caramel sauce. You climbed off his back to grab your drink and in return Gojo grabbed your hand, entwining his fingers with yours. It was sort of a tradition now for the both of you to wear only one glove when it was cold out.
It happened one night after Gojo complained that he couldn’t feel or touch you when you kept on bundling up more and more in the cold weather. He pouted extra hard when telling you that he even turned off his infinity to be able to touch you and you were here being cozy and warm and denying him of his right. So you compromised by forgoing one glove so he would be able to freely feel you, skin on skin, his thumb just lightly pressing down on your wrist every so often so he could feel your heartbeat. To know that you’re alive and still here with him, he lost so many people over his life, he almost lost Suguru once too. 
He couldn’t even bare the thought of losing you somehow, or anyone he grew close to over the years. This made Gojo extra clingy sometimes with his actions even though his words may not convey the seriousness of his feelings. Especially when he tends to hide his true feelings behind a cheery smile and jokes. He did it both times with Yuuta and Yuji when they were both facing the imminent threat of execution, saying it so casually like he didn’t care whether or not they lived or died but still fighting with the elders and putting his own neck on the line of these kids. The worst ‘prank’ he did was keeping the fact that Yuuji was still alive a secret after that whole prison fiasco for so long, only to have Yuuji pop up out of a box during the exchange event like everything was fine. 
You and Geto scolded him extra long that day, you smile and laugh remembering about it now but you can’t really remember the last time you saw Gojo express any sort of negative emotions. Other than when he forehead flicks Ichiji or says that he’s going to kill the elders, Gojo always bouncing around acting like a fool. A fool who has so much responsibility weighing down on his shoulder, a strong fool who barely has anyone who can understand his pain. You squeezed his hand tightly as these thoughts flood your mind, Gojo tilts his head down at you, sipping at his overly sweet hot cocoa, whipped cream staining his upper lips. 
“What’s wrong? Your drink not good? Told you, you should have gotten the ‘Satoru’s Special’ instead.”
He then obnoxiously slurps on his own drink, not caring about the temperature of it at all. You roll your eyes at him, beckoning him to bend down a bit so you could wipe off his cream mustache with your thumb. Gojo opted to wear his sunglasses instead of his blindfold during this date so you could see his white eyelashes flutter down at you. A small hum forming from the back of his throat as he felt your soft touch, he grabbed your wrist after you were done cleaning off the whipped cream. Swirling his tongue on your digit and popping it in his mouth, a more guttural groan forming this time as he tasted both the sweet treat and you on his tongue. 
You had to pry your hand back from Gojo’s grip on you, reminding you that you were both still very much in public right now. He quipped back that he could easily just teleport you away or lower down a veil as well. You finally got your hand back and wiped away his remaining spit on his shirt, eliciting a whine from Gojo. Still pouting even after you still went to hold hands with him again. “You know the last time you put down a veil without permission for some..’fun time’, we both got chewed out heavily by Yaga over it.” You shivered recalling how Yaga made both of you kneel with buckets of water on your head as punishment. 
It reminded you of how Gojo used to get you into trouble back in your Jujutsu tech student’s days and you ended up getting punished along with Gojo for most of it. Megumi, Inumaki, and Nobara took so many pictures that day, they even printed it out to put in the yearbook. You shake your head fondly at that memory of your students. Gulping down your hot cocoa as you look over to your snowy-hair boyfriend. “My drink is fine by the way, much better than that sugar trap you call the ‘Satoru’s Special’.” Gojo let out a dramatic gasp, waving his drink around wildly. 
“And how would you know! You haven’t even tried it yet!”
“Satoru, my nose is getting assaulted from how much sugar is in that thing, I can tell that one sip would kill anyone who isn’t you.”
“Well, obviously, I am the strongest after all”
There it was, that line, that stupid line, ‘The strongest’, Geto stopped using that line right after he saved Mimiko and Nanako in that village. He knew that just having strength wasn’t enough to save everyone he wanted. You weren’t sure why Gojo kept on using that title, if he even still really believed it or not, if he ever believed it. Your chest tightens a bit and you let out a sigh, trying not to let your thoughts overwhelm you and ruin your date right now. You both finished your drinks and threw them away, walking hand in hand to the middle of the park where a giant Christmas’s tree was propped up with full decorations. 
They even had a fake Santa guy to take pictures with in front of it. Gojo quickly tugged on your hand and made you wait in line for pictures as well. As soon as you got to the front of the line, Gojo tore away from you and jumped onto Santa’s lap. You walked slowly behind him, covering your mouth to stop giggles from coming out. The Santa patted Gojo on the back and asked his usual questions. 
“Ho-ho-hooo.. Um, what do you want for Christmas this year, um my child?”
“I want everyone in the whole wide world to know how great I am!”
“I want them all to sing the “Gojo Satoru is super great” song! It goes something like this..” 
Gojo started clapping his hands and singing his fake song as you walked up to stand beside Santa, posing for the camera man with a wide smile. 
You thanked Santa and the Elf cameraman and dragged your boyfriend off as you went to grab the polaroid. Snorting loudly at the scene set captured, Gojo happily clapping and singing in Santa’s lap who has a soft grimace on his face with you on his side, posing for the camera. You tucked the photo away as Gojo gets a call from Ichiji, Gojo's face drops a bit and he starts to rub small circles on your pulse point. You knew that meant that Ichiji was coming to pick him up for his flight. You walked to the pick up point in silence, hand in hand, shoulders occasionally bumping into each other. The bitter winter air blew past you, you unconsciously scooted closer to Gojo who swung his arm around you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. 
His hand grabbed on tightly to the back of your outfit, his nose shoved deep in your hair as he inhaled your scent, wanting to take every piece of you he could with him before he departed. You hear the sound of Ichiji’s car pulling up and then soon after feel your chin being grabbed and tug forward into a heated kiss with Gojo. HIs lips laid over yours feverishly, no tongue, just a long and hard kiss like Gojo was trying to meld you two together at this point. Remembering the outline of your lips, the way your breath hitches a bit as he his hands roams around, how you tasted, how you smelt, everything about you. 
Love so encompassing and overwhelming that it almost felt like you could drown in it, that's what Gojo’s love was like when he held nothing back. Even though this was a normal out of country trip for Gojo he always says goodbye like it was his last one. He pulls away with a final smooch on your forehead and one last squeeze. You held back tears, almost forgetting your gift to him as he opened the car door. 
“Ah, wait! I have something for you.”
Your hands shaked as you pulled out a bunch of letters from your bag. 
“I know that you don’t like celebrating.. Tomorrow.. But I managed to get some people to write you some letters, you know, writing things about “What makes Gojo Satoru so great?”” 
You let out an awkward chuckle at the end, Gojo’s eyes blink at you once, twice, before he took the letters from your hands. Kissing your freezing knuckles as he took off his one glove and put it on your hand. “Thank you, my love, truly…” He gulped down, looking up at you, his bright eyes conveying words left unspoken in his throat. You tug on his glove and walk away from the door, waving goodbye to him and Ichiji with a smile. “Make sure to only read the letter while you're on the plane, alright?” Gojo nods and Ichiji waves back to you, closing the door they both head off the airport. 
On the plane, Gojo sat manspread in his first class seat, fiddling with the letters in his hands almost nervously. Like he was inspecting a bomb instead, flipping them over and around, looking for anything. He watched the clock tick down until it hit 12:00am on Dec 7th. You didn’t tell him to open the letters on his birthday but he just felt that it was right. Steeling himself he ripped open the first letter. 
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Yo! Gojo-Sensei!
Happy birthday and whatnot! I wanna thank you again for saving my life! I’m so freaking happy to have one of the strongest as my teacher! I hope your birthday is as cool as you are! 
-  Yuuji
Hey dumbass-Sensei,
Happy birthday, I would have gotten you something but Geto told me you don’t like getting gifts so I just spent the money on a new dress instead~ We should go back to Harajuku again and take poses and post them online. I got so many new followers last time but most of them kept on asking if you were single. Anyway I guess one thing good about you is your sense of style,I guess.
Love, Nobara
Hey, Gojo-sensei, 
This is Megumi, Happy Birthday and all that. Have a safe trip as well, though you probably don’t need that. Thank you for taking care of me and Tsumiki for all these years. I might not say it enough but I do care about you. Don’t use this letter against me, I’ll deny ever writing it. Anyway,  thank you, Satoru. 
Signed, Megumi Fushiguro
Happy Birthday! You’re kind of a dumb teacher but you’re super strong still. Yaga likes to talk about you a lot and by talk I mean he likes to retell memories of you as a rowdy student. I remember a lot of them being told as my bedtime stories, so thank you for helping me sleep when I was a young cub! 
Panda ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Hey, Satoru
Happy Birthday and all that. Not good at this touchy feeling crap so don’t expect a lot from me. But thank you for taking me in as your students and believing in me even though I don’t have any cursed energy. And for fighting the elders and higher ups on my behalf too, even though I could do that myself. You’re pretty good for being a pain in the butt to everyone. 
From, Maki
Bonito Flakes… Just kidding, Happy Birthday, Sensei. I remember when you first got introduced to me as a teacher. I thought ‘Wow, he seems like an idiot.’ and you are to be fair. But you’re still my teacher, so I guess I’m stuck with you. You’re pretty good at bringing people together, all the students here are really nice and smart, unlike you. So, thanks for that. 
Salmon, Inumaki
Happy Birthday! Gojo-Sensei!
Dear, Gojo-Sensei,
Happy Birthday! I was told that you don’t like celebrating your birthday? I understand that, I haven’t really celebrated my own birthday until I got here and met everyone. It was usually just me and Rika alone on my birthday but now I have everyone here around me! Last year Maki-san and Inumaki-san even tried to bake me a cake, haha! I’m sure you remembered how that turned out, still I am truly grateful to know some such strong and special people. That includes you too! So, thank you for saving me and looking over me. 
From, Yuuta
Happy Dec 7th, You already know how I feel about you, right? Ah my annoying friend, you give us a lot of headaches, you know that? I swear you like doing it on purpose, it almost makes me want to start smoking again, these eyebags are partially your fault, also, you know. Still, I know that I wouldn’t trade you for anything else, so thanks for being a good friend still after all these years, you dork. 
With Love, Shoko
Hey, Hey! Happy Birthday! You and Geto-senpai are some of the coolest senpais I could ask for! I promise that I’ll be a Grade-1 sorcerer and catch up to Nanami soon, just watch me! I swear that these muscles aren’t just for show, haha! Thank you for saving me that one time, by the way! I haven’t forgotten about it, and I’ll repay you back someday, I swear! 
Signed, Haibara!
Dear, Gojo-san, 
I wish you a safe trip, please come back alive at least. You know you got people here that care about you a lot. I suppose I’m included in that group of people too. *Insert Nanami sigh here* I haven’t mentioned it before but thank you, Satoru, for pulling me out of work and back into being a Jujutsu Sorcerer. While both are still absolute shit jobs, I do prefer this one since there are people I care about more here. You’re good for being persistent and annoying, aren’t you? 
Signed Nanami
Yo, Satoru!
Don’t know what I can say here that I already haven’t said to your face, to be honest. You’re still quite as annoying as the first day we met. And I’m kinda glad you still are, that dumb grin on your face is something special, truly, Satoru. It saved me more times than I could count. Thank you for not giving up on me and saving not only me but Nanako and Mimiko as well. Don’t worry about them, they’ll warm up to you soon, I hope-haha. They’re just get a bit jealous that you take so much of my attention away and it doesn’t help that I talk about you quite a lot to them, oh well. Happy Birthday, Satoru, I’m glad you were born. 
Yours Truly, Suguru
Dear, Satoru
First off let me say, when I first saw you, I was not impressed. Wipe that pout off your face, alright? I know, I know, but I came around in the end, didn’t I? Heh, you're just so overpowering and overwhelming, I had the wrong idea about you but now I know better. I know what a kind and loving man you are. How sunshine just seems to follow you around, wherever you go. How you put your whole heart into everything that you do. I love you, Satoru, I truly do with all my heart. I want you to know that, and know that people around you love you so much as well. Please, live well, Satoru. We love you. 
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