#Phantom 4
nat-956 · 4 months
(Almost) Every Freddy Fazbear in my new cartoonish style!
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
Snow road by Jérôme POUILLE
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demonic0angel · 3 months
Story Idea
Story idea where the Batfamily stumbles upon a painting that was kept away because it's considered haunted and take it home. It has reportedly caused hallucinations, dizziness, headaches and nosebleeds, unnaturally unlucky incidents, “accidental” deaths, and much, much more, whenever one is kept in someone’s home. It's one of the Team Phantom members, but I like to think it's Jazz because she's a good introduction to the ghost craziness.
However, at night, they discover why the painting is called haunted. When night falls, the painting talks and has conversation with people, just like a regular person. At first, only Jason could see it and he thought he was going crazy until Jazz was eventually able to chat with all of the Batfamily members and says that she’s actually part of a collection. A collection of 7 paintings that were all created by her little brother for their family, which also included his portrait, and they have to collect them all or the paintings will continue to wreck havoc on the mental and psychological health of everybody around them. (The only reason the Batfamily is safe is because Jazz is a less haunted painting than the others and the Batfamily are already halfway insane).
Cue ghost and spy shenanigans as the Batfamily all have to search for the 7 paintings created by D. P. Fenton, a mysterious individual who created 7 works of art and trapped his loved ones’ spirits inside of them.
Sketches of the paintings
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Bruce knew immediately that it wasn't his son. Even if the glowing neon green eyes weren't a dead giveaway, Tim would never move like that. He was clumsy and uncoordinated in a way a normal teen would be, not at all like the trained fighter that he actually was.
Next was the voice. It was nothing like Tim's, and Bruce was surprised that whoever this kid was - because that definitely sounded like a kid - actually thought anyone would be fooled by this. Oh well, he wanted info and wanted to make this kid squirm a bit as punishment, so why not bring out Brucie baby and tease him a little?
"Tim dear, why are you still in the office? I thought I told you to go to bed early tonight! You're going to pass out again!"
The kid wearing Tim's face looked alarmed for a bit. Once Bruce had mentioned passing out and he took the opportunity to shuffle the kid towards the door while his guard was down.
"Wait! I need to get-"
"Whatever it is," Bruce interrupted, "It can wait till tomorrow."
The kid slumped a bit and pouted, but otherwise made no attempts of escaping as Bruce led the fake Drake to the elevator, however the moment they got into the car "Tim" blacked out in the passenger seat and didn't wake up for three hours. All tests showed that this was the real Tim, so what was happening?
Tim awoke with a gasp on a couch in the manor.
"Tim," Bruce began, already getting up from his place in the nearby armchair, but before he could speak, Tim croaked out, "Possessed"
"Possession. He was after the device that was powered by the unidentified green substance we found."
Aka Danny tries to steal back his parents' dangerous stuff only to be stopped at the last minute.
Danny doesn't even know what half this stuff does, but he's not too keep on finding out, thus trying to get them away from the humans
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dr4k0ns · 4 months
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commission for persephone
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jamiethebeeart · 6 months
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Lineart by @ovytia-art which was such a blast to color - I love the entire vibe of all of them hanging out together so much @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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phana-banana · 3 months
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Got them little, violent, nose-less, bastard bad-boys on the brain again.
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hayden-christensen · 3 months
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@pscentral event 28: throwback
THE STAR WARS PREQUEL TRILOGY on VHS [in/sp] All three prequel trilogy films were officially released on VHS in April 2000, November 2002 and October 2005 respectively. They were the last Star Wars films to be released on the format.
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nonbinary-arsonists · 5 months
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hey have you guys seen the 7 hour nicktoons unite video
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sophysourpatch · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day 🩷
(I might make a part two if you guys send me some ships you want)
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Another de-aged Danny au, but he's with Dan & Ellie & Jazz as well.
Jason has like just arrived back to Gotham, caused chaos in the underbelly due to well, 8 heads in a duffle bag, and is just starting his takeover of Crime Alley. It's going good, great even! And then he busts some sort of gang or smuggling ring run by people in white suits and there's... holy shit why do these four toddlers have Lazarus eyes?!
Is that a lab?! And Lazarus waters?! Jason might be a bit mad but he's not an asshole, he's not going to just leave these kids here to the streets. He can't just take them to the Batclan either, and as much as he begrudgingly trusts Talia, he sure as fuck doesn't trust Ras. Who knows what he'd do to four... what are they, pit-kids?
Now he's juggling his whole revenge-thing, running a criminal empire, taking over Gotham's underbelly, and being a single dad. At least the goonion seems to be down for helping, seeing as he's making Crime Alley safer...? .... Fuck he needs some proper sleep
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cowbell-ghuleh · 1 month
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A lucky escape in a balloon!
If they can avoid the search lights.
Who is hunting them/who did they escape from, well, the ministry has many enemies...
Had this scene in my head for a while. IDK why!
Might colour this properly one day, but I kinda like it as it is!
The ghouls featured are Rain (looking over the edge of the basket), Cumulus and Phantom (hanging from the rope).
Close-ups below, as Tumblr's probably gonna butcher the resolution!
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huntersghouls · 1 year
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In Which The Ghang Would Like To Remind You That All Colors Are Beautiful
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ghouleh-ghouleh · 13 days
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Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
The Split Edit
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Only the best Kings wear pink! Pt 3
When Jason started to wake, he kept his eyes closed; his training kicking in to assess his surroundings. He could hear…giggling children?
He thought back on what happened and reassured himself that he had not passed out on a playground.
He could feel someone poking his cheek before someone else, an older woman, shooed the children away.
“Dear sir, feigning sleep will do you no good.” Announced a gentle voice.
He opened his eyes to see a woman draped in a medieval a large amulet around her neck, she had her hair tied back in a simple braid. She could definitely be considered attractive, he chose to ignore the glowing green skin for now.
He swiftly opened his eyes, it didn’t take long to realize his mask had been confiscated, which definitely didn’t help his mood any.
“Where am I and who are you?!” He demanded in a gruff voice.
“You’re in King Phantoms personal healing quarters. Sir Frostbite has informed me that you will make a full recovery from your overindulgence of distilled ectoplasm.” She giggled. “Must have been quite a wild night to still be feeling the effects this long, you must connect me with your supplier!” She chirped as if he understood a word of what she was saying. She straightened her back.
“As for who I am, I am Queen Dorothea of Maddingly. A pleasure to make your acquaintance ” She giggled a little as she gently held out his hand.
“Red Hood.” He answered, taking the hand. (Stranger or no, Alfred would kill him if he forgot his manners)
“The please is mine.” He grunted. He felt unusually calm considering his situation. Truth be told he couldn’t remember how he got there.
Then he remembered.
Lian. Roy. The summoning.
Jason jumped from the bed, much to the amusement of the Queen as he stumbled over his own legs.
“Where’s Lian??!!” He shouted at the Queen.
She only raised a single brow in amusement. “I can take you to the little princess now, though you may want to use the rest-“
Jason glared. Queen Dorathea giggled.
“Very well Sir Hood. The little princess is in the garden with her father having tea. Shall we?” She gestured to the door.
Then she started gliding out of the room, barely waiting for Jason to grab his guns and follow after her.
The traveled through the gloomy halls, though he could hear echos of children laughing. It should have been comforting.
It was creepy.
When they finally exited the castle, Jason was greeted with a bright just off-Lazarus green sky. Glowing children and various creatures roamed the gardens as he passed. Some carrying trays, some just stopping to smell the roses? All paused to greet the Queen.
Finally they came upon several arches and tables with little girls and boys talking in the most exaggerated fancy voices he had ever heard. He would have laughed if he weren’t listening for one particular little voice.
Jason spun around just in time to be tackled by the little cannonball. He allowed himself to be knocked to the ground, basking in the little girl’s laughter.
“Uncle Jay! Uncle Jay! Are you gonna have a tea party with us???” She chirped, beaming up at her uncle.
“Who?” Jason looked up to see Roy standing a few feet away, holding back laughter as he snapped pictures with a glowing green camera.
A boisterous laugh came from the table behind his friend where he found the so called Ghost King….wearing a princess crown??? (One of those pink cone ones with the ribbons)
“What on earth?” Jason muttered.
The king snorted. “I see the younglings managed to break into the medical wing.”
Jason frowned. Roy took more pictures.
The Queen giggled. “I did try to warn him.”
“Warn me? What??”
The large ghost approached Jason with some kind of disk. He had no chance to protect himself if the ghost attacked with Lian in his arms…
The King knelt in front of Jason and turned the platter to face him.
“Personally I think you look adorable.” He gave Jason a wink as Lian giggled.
Not that Jason noticed as he looked at his reflection in the platter to see his face covered in heavy glittery pink blush, his eyelids with a dark unflattering blue eyeshadow and bright red lipstick circling his lips.
That plus the little bows in his hair left him quite a sight.
Jason took a deep breath as he carefully got to his feet. He handed Lian to the Ghost King who dutifully snuggled the little monkey.
He turned to Roy. He didn’t hesitate, he took off after his dear friend, intent on prying the camera from his cold dead hands.
Roy booked it, the two performing impressive acrobatic feats from one tea table to the next as the fought for possession of the blackmail.
The King let out a booming laugh, turning to the little princess.
“Who should we help, daddy or uncle Jay?”
Lian tapped her chin, thinking carefully.
“Both?” She replied, tilting her head.
Danny grinned. “Both is good”
He released the little monkey as she raced to tackle her uncle Jay while Danny valiantly picked up the young archer by his armpits.
Clockwork sipped his glowing green tea. Entirely too pleased with himself as he enjoyed the sound of laughter returned to the infinite realms.
All was as it should be
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Batman pulled up a world map as soon as the alarm started blaring. There was a red dot centered in Illinois, so that's where the map zoomed in.
"That's Amity Park!" Robin exclaimed.
Batman hummed. "Robin, contact Red Huntress and find out what's going on from her end." The boy nodded and left the room. "Constantine, Zatanna, figure out what's going on."
"Already on it, Batsy!" Constantine called in English before going back to his now four alternating conversations in Esperanto and Latin. Zatanna didn't even acknowledge the order.
"Everyone else," he continued as though he hadn't been interrupted, "set up a perimeter a few miles out from the town. Keep it in your line of vision, but don't get too close." He turned to look directly at The Flash. "I want you to run recon. Make sure this is the only place they're coming from. Once we find out their goal, that's what you'll be looking for."
"Aren't they looking for a child?" The Flash asked. He was ignored.
The heroes emptied the room swiftly, quick to ZETA as close as they could to the town before setting up a perimeter ten miles out. Close enough to see the town, but not close enough to cause any panic.
It was nearly twenty-five minutes later before Constantine and Zatanna joined them all. Though, they were both quick to make it known that the town was wholly aware that they were there.
Constantine went to join the hero's block-in, though he didn't stay in one place. He moved from hero to hero, keeping both eyes and one ear on Amity Park. If it was going to move, he would be aware of it only seconds before it did. He needed to be ready.
Zatanna pulled five of the American based heroes away from their posts to explain what she knew. It was barely any better than a recap from the meeting that they had vacated.
"Like we tried to explain earlier, they're looking for a child that the US Government took from them."
"The one from the pictures right?" Aquaman said, "Phantom??"
Zatanna nodded. "Yep. He's the town vigilante; Operating for several months longer than Red Huntress. From what Deadman told me and Constantine, Phantom is a baby ghost; he's only been dead for about a year." She ignored the various reactions. "He's also favored by several Ancient Beings."
"'Ancient Begins'?" Superman asked.
"Think Primordials,"
"Oh, dear," Wonder Woman muttered.
The magician continued, "Don't attack any of the R̶͎͔̿̅ḛ̴̗̦̯̭͇̰̎͑a̸̻̜̤̼͕͔̘̱̫̓ĺ̴͉̘̥͚̪̹́̈́͋̓͜m̶̬͇̅͑͌ṣ̷̨̺̜̣̮͔̤͕̃̍́͂ denizens under any circumstances. They're already going to be hostile towards us, we don't need to give them another reason to be."
"A bit late for that, don't ya think?" A new voice called, startling the heroes into falling into defensive stances.
It took several seconds to find the source. When they did, Batman asked, "Who are you?"
The being, female in appearance, was above and slightly to the left of the group. She looked to be in her late teens with teal-grey skin, a slight teal glow, and flaming teal hair tied in a high pony, bangs framing her face. Her eyes glowed the same radioactive green as Phantom's had in the picture, though less so. She was wearing black pants, a black crop-top, grey knee boots, and a single black elbow glove. There was a guitar strapped to her back that gave off a slight purple glow. Even from where the Justice League heroes were standing, they could feel heat radiating off of her.
"It doesn't matter who I am, does it?" the girl sneered down at them, "What matters is that you dickheads took on of ours, and we intend to get him back." She very obviously assessed the group, not hiding her distaste. "Phantom told me this world had other heroes." She lowered slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Where were you."
"Excuse me?" Green Lantern asked.
"Where were you?" she reiterated.
"I'm not quite sure what you mean."
"You're talking about the threats here, right?" Zatanna asked.
The being turned her full attention to the magician. "You knew?"
Zatanna nodded. "My colleagues and I have been keeping an eye on Amity Park since the rifts opened up last year."
The girl's eyes narrowed and she nodded at the five heroes. "These your colleagues?"
"I don't much like technicalities," she hummed. "You must be the one Deadman told us about."
"You know Deadman?" Green Lantern asked. He was ignored.
"Yeah?" Zatanna nodded.
"I'm Ember," she said after a moment, touching down in front of Zatanna. "Deadman convinced the Council to hold in Amity Park until the end of the day. The second the sun goes down, we act on our own."
"I'm Zatanna," she shook her hand, "We're going to find him."
Ember glared, her grip tightening. "You better. He's done more for your world than any of you could ever acknowledge." She turned her glare on the five heroes before flying back up. "And once he's back with us, where he belongs, we'll think about calling a ceasefire." She left before another word could be said.
Zatanna fell into a crouch, her hands covering her face. "This is a nightmare," she whispered before popping back to her full height. "That could've gone better."
"It also could've gone worse." Aquaman tried to console. It didnt work.
"Well, you heard her, we have less than twelve hours to find the kid before the R̶͎͔̿̅ḛ̴̗̦̯̭͇̰̎͑a̸̻̜̤̼͕͔̘̱̫̓ĺ̴͉̘̥͚̪̹́̈́͋̓͜m̶̬͇̅͑͌ṣ̷̨̺̜̣̮͔̤͕̃̍́͂ denizens set themselves loose."
The group shared a loo, quickly moving to pass on the word to everyone else. Off to the side, Superman was relaying to The Flash.
Barry had worked on time limits before. Hel, he was usually pretty good at meeting them ever since he got his powers! What he wasn't great at was working under huge amounts of pressure.
He had to cover the entire United States in less than twelve hours. Easy, done. Adding on every out-of-country US Base around the world? Slightly less easy, but still very doable. Looking for a child in what was probably a secret, undocumented, or at least heavily covered, US Base is a bit harder, especially undetected.
Normally, the Justice League would have no problems with making their opinions on matters known, but this was a delicate matter. Even more delicate than the Metahuman Rights Act and Diplomatic Missions to other worlds. This was an issue they'd not been previously aware of, and the dimension that it most affected was now very close to decaring war.
No pressure.
He'd already cleared all of the known Government Bases along the East Coast and was steadily moving inland. Superman, upon Zatanna's and Constantine's advisement, was being productive away from Amity Park. With The Flash covering the US and Superman literally everywhere else, they had hopes of finding the child within the next few hours. The problems were going to start anew after that.
Batman was already working on several extraction plans based off of the blueprints for every US Gov. Base he has access to- don't ask. But, without knowing the actual building's layout, guard posts, shifts, security, whereabouts, etc., no one could make a concrete plan.
There were too many unknowns and it was upsetting everyone.
Robin had managed to get ahold of both his team, readying them for evacuation, and Red Huntress. Apparently, there was nothing she could do. She'd tried to capture the ghosts - as she'd called them - but they'd quickly overwhelmed her. Everyone was locked in their homes until further notice. Luckily, the ghosts seemed content to them the humans alone as long as they stayed out of the way.
There was now five hours until the sun set in Illinois, and Barry had only just cleared the Midwest.
Nothing. Not a single hint as to where they were keeping this child! They had the two fastest heroes out looking for him, the had pictures of what he looked like! By all means, they should have found him already! And yet, they were still empty handed.
The people of Amity Park were getting restless. The ghosts that had taken over Amity Park were getting restless. The Justice League were getting restless.
Constantine and Zatanna had declared that the town would likely not be moving any time soon, not that anyone even knew what the meant. They'd still be keeping an eye and ear on the town, but it no longer had most of their focus. Instead, they were trying to get ahold of Deadman with little success. If they didn't reach them soon, one of them would have to go into the town proper and talk to the ghosts. No one was very excited for that.
Minutes before the sunset in Illinois, Robin received an emergency call from Red Huntress. One that everyone was patched into.
A boy was missing from his house. Daniel Fenton, son of the town's resident Ghost Hunters, hadn't been accounted for.
The sun set over Amity Park Illinois.
Part 3 Part 5
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