#Prompts for social media
god-of-prompt · 11 months
Efficient content strategy with ChatGPT
Growing a monetizable audience is HARD.
But it doesn't need to be so time-consuming.
Here's how to make ChatGPT create an incredibly efficient content strategy for you:
📈 Growth content (to get eyeballs)
This is the content that goes viral all the time.
It contains basic information, but that’s why it works so well:
Because it’s beginner-friendly content that's applicable to everyone & promises a “quick fix.”
🧠 Knowledge content (to get fans)
This content educates your audience on specifics.
It teaches your readers 1 of 2 things:
How to get something they desire
How to avoid something they don’t like
When you you solve people’s problems, they start liking you.
💪 Authority content (to get rizz)
This makes your audience trust your expertise.
Because even if someone knows & likes you, they won’t buy from you unless they trust in your ability to help them.
You do this by sharing:
Social proof
Copy-paste the prompt below into ChatGPT
Insert 3+ topics you write about
Press enter & watch ChatGPT spit out an amazingly relevant strategy!
Prompt: I want you to create a Content Strategy for me.
A Content Strategy is a document that describes a brand’s social media strategy so it know what to create content around - and what not.
It’s like a North Star for the brand’s content: it’s specific enough to serve as a guiding and reassuring document, but vague enough to leave some room for intepretation.
The brand I want you to create a Content Strategy for is [GIVE CONTEXT],
To create a content strategy, I want you to imagine a Content Strategy Matrix with an x and y axis.
On the x axis, you have the 3 proven content types:
1 Growth content - to get eyeballs
This is the type of content that goes viral on social media all the time.
It’s contains relatively basic information, doesn’t provide any unique value, but that’s precisely why it works so well:
It’s beginner-friendly content that promises a “quick fix”.
2 Knowledge content - to get fans
Knowledge content educates your audience on something specific.
This actionable and informational content teaches your reader one of 2 things:
a) How to get something they really desire
b) How to avoid something they really don’t like
This content works because when you you solve people’s problems, they start liking you.
3 Authority content - to get rizz
Authority content makes your audience trust your expertise.
Because even if someone knows & likes you, they won’t buy from you unless they trust in your ability to help them.
Common ways to do this are:
Sharing testimonials
Sharing achievements
Sharing other social proof
Sharing extremely-specific knowledge content
on the y axis, you have my 3 content buckets, the things I talk about:
1 [TOPIC 1] 2 [TOPIC 2] 3 [TOPIC 3]
Now, I want you to create a Content Strategy by filling out the matrix.
Fill out the matrix by applying each of the 3 proven content formats from the x axis to the 3 content buckets on the y axis.
The output should be formatted in a table, so that each resulting matrix field has a bolded headline describing it, with 2 sentences below explaining the component of the content strategy.
😇 If you want to get more prompts, go to https://godofprompt.ai
and supercharge your efficiency with ChatGPT 🔥
#chatgpttips #chatgptprompt #chatgpttips #GodMode #ChatGPTChallenge #promptengineering #bestprompts #aitools #aitoolsforbusiness #aitoolsformarketers #aitoolsforsocialmedia #godofprompt
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dc x dp idea 133
Danny is really confused. Like sure he made a fake account in order “use” his parents completely valid and not in biased research on ghosts.
Cause obviously. Their completely legit research disproves multiple peer reviewed and factual papers.
Tucker made the fake account. No real names or numbers. So. They couldn’t know it was him right?!??
He just wanted people to see how wack the papers were and bring to light the very not accurate papers. He figured using botched research to counter claim others would do something.
But??? Why was the flash in his living room arguing with his parents about scientific articles. And proper research??
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steddielations · 1 year
Eddie’s having lunch with Wayne at a restaurant, but he’s distracted while swiping through Tinder, getting hung up on this one guy.
He's unfairly attractive, Steve, 20, a total jock with too many shirtless pictures that Eddie won't admit make him blush down at his phone. There's also pics of 'Steve' with a cute service dog, which is always a plus. His bio actually makes Eddie snort, 'Yeah I'm a single dad of seven, don't cream your pants,' it's funny, confident in a charming way. He's hot, but still looks like a sweetheart in group photos with his friends at Pride, so it all balances out, gives him substance.
But, the last few times Eddie swiped right, he didn't get any matches. He already knows the guy is out of his league and he doesn’t want to bother anymore.
Wayne catches him moping, and as pathetic as it is to involve his uncle in his nonexistent lovelife, he shows him the pictures. Wayne totally disagrees that 'Steve' is too good a catch for Eddie, but Eddie brushes it off as Wayne buttering him up like any good parent would. Then Wayne pulls the Ultimate Supportive Dad move and completely humiliates Eddie by asking the guy sitting alone at the table next to theirs to weigh in.
“Help me out and tell my nephew that this boy here on the Tinder ain't outta his league, would you?"
Eddie's mortified by his Uncle's lack of social media knowledge and the fact that he's involving a stranger in Eddie's pathetic lovelife now too. He doesn't even get a good look at the guy, wearing a hat and sunglasses and besides, Eddie's just glaring at his uncle with his cheeks burning the entire time.
"I think you should listen to your uncle. If anything, you're out of this guy's league, it's his loss if he didn't already swipe right on you," the stranger says, making Eddie's blush spread, "I mean, he seems totally full of himself with all those shirtless pics, right?"
"I would be too if I was that hot," Eddie mutters, taking his phone back, "Fine, I'm almost embarrassed to death, I might as well just swipe right, get rejected and finish the job."
Eddie swipes the screen and he almost drops it when the little notification bell for a new match goes off.
Because it didn't come from his phone.
He looks up as the stranger checks his own phone, taking off his hat and sliding his sunglasses up, revealing the same perfect hair and pretty face that Eddie just swiped right on.
“See there," Wayne is oblivious while Eddie's close to bursting into actual fucking flames from embarrassment, "Told you I was right."
"Look at that, I just got a new match too," Steve says, winking at Eddie, "I have a good feeling about this one."
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(I had this idea when I learned that there are some people who give out their phone numbers for people to give to someone who is harassing them/giving creepy vibes/or just plain not interested.
Btw, if you wanna add a ship between Danny and any of the mentioned captured vigilantes, go right on ahead! If you're not a fan of ships, that's fine too. Later!)
Who You Gonna Call?
After the Anti-Ecto Acts were dismantled and the townwide internet/communications blackout is dismantled, Danny's social media for his alter ego blows up. He won't lie either, he loves the mostly positive attention whereas before he'd only been met with fear and hatred.
It isn't until he makes a post where he jokingly mentions the Fenton patented Anti-Creep Stick™ (yes it actually works on ghosts) that he gets loads of comments on how many wish it would work on human creeps giving unwanted attention (it actually does because it's literally just a baseball bat covered in anti-ghost paint, but meh) or really just have Danny himself scare away the creeps because of the whole "being a ghost" thing. Naturally, this sets off Danny's protection obsession and he decides to do something about it.
With a little help from Technus, Danny learns to manipulate and travel through phone connections and then releases a separate phone number for people to use/give away if they're stuck in an uncomfortable situation.
Here's the funny part tho.
Red Hood somehow uses the number kinda as a joke to, well, sic Phantom on the Joker while him, Nightwing, and Red Robin are tied up for another one of the clown's schemes. It works a little too well though. Turns out the Joker is wanted in the Infinite Realms for continued interference on peaceful relations between said Realms and the Living World, i.e. - terrorism. It's then discovered that Joker is in fact considered liminal by ghost standards and therefore falls under Danny, the Ghost King's, jurisdiction.
So basically, Jason calls Phantom's Anti-Creep number as a joke, Phantom actually shows up via phone connection, and all three of them wind up witnessing firsthand the Joker being dragged into a glowing green, concerningly Pit-like portal, bound in chains + kicking and screaming. Phantom even stops long enough to untie them, shake hands with a shocked Red Hood, thanks him for his help, and then leaves like it never happened.
Now. How the hell are they going to explain this to Batman?
This idea has probably already been thought of before but I haven't seen it. If someone has, please direct me to it. 👀
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golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (5/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Charles trying to help may be not really helping at all.
Warnings: fighting, Charles is stupid, Google translated French
Word Count: 3k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: I wrote this wine drunk and at like 2am. I'm sorry in advance. Feedback is still appreciated. love y'all
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The last time you froze like you did at that exact moment was when you were about to cross the crosswalk and a car almost flattened you because the driver didn't see you. You were staring ahead, holding your breath. Your heart had skipped a few beats.
Only now there is no road in front of you, with moving cars and a bicyclist worrying and asking if everything is okay with you (you were just scared, everything was fine).
Now Charles is standing in front of you. With your phone to his ear. 
"Allô?" His green eyes gleam in the daylight streaming through the kitchen windows, resting on you as your heart skips a few beats before it starts to race. 
Your hand clings to the poor potato as if it were a buoy keeping you afloat. You can't take your eyes off your roommate. 
"C'est sa colocataire,“ Charles says. "Et à qui je parle?“ this is her roomate. and who am I talking to?
You feel yourself crushing the potato in your hand, but you can't manage to loosen your grip. It spills out from between your fingers and crumbles onto the countertop, but you can't think about cleaning it up right now. Your nerves are on edge, your head is empty. 
Charles speaks something into the phone, but you don't understand a word. His voice sounds as if through absorbent cotton, as if he were standing far away from you. You look at him, transfixed, as he holds your cell phone in his hand as if it were his own. 
He takes it from his ear and presses the red button before putting it back in the place from where he had taken it. This time it lies on the screen between the two of you on the kitchen counter. 
"'He shouldn't be bothering you anymore now,'" he says, reaching again for the knife lying next to the salmon. A gentle smile has formed on his face. 
Charles smiles. Why is he smiling? He has no reason to. None at all. 
Your petrification dissolves abruptly and you have to restrain yourself from throwing the mashed potato at his stupid head or pressing his face into the salmon.
How dare he just answer your phone? And especially when he calls? Who does he think he is anyway?
You didn't answer the phone for a reason. Never again did you want to exchange a word with him. At some point he would have already given up, wouldn't have tried to contact you anymore, and then he would have simply disappeared from your life.
But Charles took his call. Without knowing what the consequences would be. 
He calmly works on the salmon on the kitchen board in front of him, still a smile on his face, and he hums along to the music that started automatically after he ended the call. It's a quiet song.
The complete opposite of what's going on inside you right now. 
You'd love to grab Charles by the back of the head and slam his face into the wall, but of course you don't. You could also take the kitchen towel hanging on the side of the countertop and hit him with it, but you don't do that either. 
You could also yell at him. Tell him that he has no right to just answer your phone and interfere in your business. You could yell at him and try to somehow make him understand that this is a private matter and that you actually agreed that private things are private as long as the person doesn't want to talk about it. 
You could throw all that at him. But when you open your mouth, not a peep comes out. 
Would it be wise to yell at your roommate? The roommate who just stood up for you and made sure you got your already paid rent refunded? The one who lets you stay in his apartment for free without particularly asking much of you in return?
The way Charles smiles and hums the melody of the song, he actually believes that he just did the right thing. Does he always stand up for his friends like that? Or rather, does he always interfere in the affairs of others to make the situation better, only to make it worse with his actions? 
You breathe silently as your heart tries to return to its old rhythm. You carefully place the potato from your hand on the board in front of you and wipe off the remains with a kitchen towel. 
"Can you take over for a minute?" you try to say as casually as possible. Your voice croaks like an old door that hasn't been opened in ages, but Charles doesn't seem to register it. "I'll be right back."
As quickly as you can, yet as slowly as you can without seeming rushed, you disappear from the kitchen and search for the restroom, which is thankfully two doors down. You lock the door behind you and sit down on the toilet lid with trembling knees, then rest your head in your hands. 
And then the tears start to flow.
Never in your life have you been so overwhelmed. You've lost your job and are in the process of looking for a new one, only to find that there isn't one that suits you. Your boyfriend has dumped you, but he still won't leave you alone. And never in your life did you expect a roommate who, while sticking up for you, also interferes in your affairs as if you've known each other forever and as if he knows you so well that he knows what's good for you. 
How are you supposed to handle a situation like that?
There's nothing you can do about the job thing. Apparently no agency is looking for a photographer right now. You can only be glad that - thanks to Charles' efforts - you have enough money to keep your head above water for a while. 
You have a lot to thank your roommate for. 
First, you'll get your rent back. So you don't have to worry about money for the time being and you can look for a job that suits you and is not a last resort. 
Secondly, you do not have to pay rent in the future. According to him, the apartment is paid off and since he refuses to take your money, you can save money. Although you will still have to pay the running costs, you will share them and this would also remove another big financial burden. 
Charles has stood up for you even though you expected nothing of the sort. Especially not after the emotional state he displayed on the car ride. He had been so emotionless, so cold, but as soon as Joris had opened the door, he had been a changed man. Friendly and warm and kind. 
And then he just answers your phone. Invades your privacy without asking your permission. 
He clearly crossed a line, even if he didn't mean to or even realize it. He probably only meant well, after all, he realized how much the call upset you this morning and showed you his secret place as a result. As your friend, he probably just wants to make sure you're okay. And there is most likely no evil thought behind his action.
But the tears on your cheeks still don't subside. 
You wipe your eyes with the ball of your hand and thank all the gods that you didn't put on any mascara this morning. Your eyes are slightly red as you look at yourself in the mirror above the sink and splash some water on your face to cool your hot skin a bit. 
You decide against confronting Charles. After all, he only means well and he's already done so much for you in the space of half a day without you really knowing each other. And he expects nothing in return except your friendship. 
He has crossed the line. You decide to move the boundary line back a little. 
As you head back to the kitchen, Charles and Joris are setting the table. The potatoes are boiling in the pot, the salmon is in a casserole dish in the oven, and briefly you wonder how much time you spent in the bathroom. 
"Are you okay?" Charles' voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Judging by his expression, he's noticed your slightly reddened eyes, because he's raised an eyebrow and doesn't avert his gaze from you. 
You smile weakly at him. "It's all right."
The three of you sit down at the table and you almost feel sick because the two boys are devouring their food so fast. You've barely taken two bites of your salmon and chopped up a potato when they're already going back for seconds.
Joris talks about his phone call offering him a job, and Charles tells you about his plans to visit his family soon and spend the holidays with them. You hold back, preferring to listen to the two of them. After all, you don't have much to talk about either. 
Charles doesn't know you're unemployed, and you definitely wouldn't tell him that over lunch with your (former) landlord. And certainly not after you've just been crying in the bathroom. 
"What are you doing for Christmas anyway, Y/N?" Jori's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Two pairs of eyes rest on you, and you look nervously from one to the other. "Are you going to visit your family?"
You take a sip of your Coke to stall for time a la Joris, then poke at your food. "I'm, um. no. I'm staying home," you answer him, your gaze by now firmly fixed on the potatoes on your plate. The silence that surrounds you seems somehow tense, but unfortunately there's nothing you can do to change that.
"If you like, you're more than welcome to come with me to my family's house," Charles tries to lighten the situation, and even though the offer isn't meant seriously, you're very grateful for it. "My mom always makes way too much food anyway. One more or less person doesn't make a difference."
Joris drops his fork on his plate and crosses his arms in front of his chest in a huff. "And I thought I was the only one of your friends who got to spend Christmas with your family." You can tell by the twitching corners of his mouth that he's not serious. 
"You drank three bottles of wine last time and then threw up in the front yard," Charles laughs. 
Joris reaches for the serving tray lying next to his plate and crumples it up, only to throw it at his buddy's head. "Who put those bottles on me?"
Watching the two of them argue - lovingly - softens your heart. While you know Charles is incredibly nice, the way he treats his longtime friend - so appreciative, even though he just sublet his apartment - makes your heart beat a little faster. 
There's no way you'd risk losing your friendship with Charles by bringing up the phone call to him. 
An hour later, Joris closes the apartment door behind you, and with bellies full, you make your way to your car. Charles lets the key twirl on his index finger as he happily whistles a tune you don't recognize. 
He unlocks the car and after you get in, he turns to you. "What's wrong?"
Confused, you look at him. "What's supposed to be going on?"
Your roommate tilts his head. "You were crying in the bathroom. Why?"
You run a hand through your hair before reaching for your seatbelt. "It's already taken care of. It's all fine." You raise an eyebrow, and your gaze flickers briefly to the key in Charles' hand, indicating he can drive off. But he doesn't move a bit. 
"It's not fine, Y/N. Why were you crying?" He makes no move to look ahead. Instead, he turns his whole body toward you and pulls his right knee up onto the seat. 
"I'm fine. Seriously." You try to back up your words with a nod. "The situation has cleared up."
Your roommate doesn't believe a word you say. "So there is something bothering you after all. What's going on?"
Why won't he let up? You've assured him twice that everything is fine. Why does he keep insisting on an answer you clearly don't want to give him? 
You furrow your eyebrows. "Charles," your tone is sharp and no longer too friendly. Annoyed, you look at him. "It's all okay. Can we drop the subject now?"
You don't want to argue with him, at least you have no reason to. You have decided not to be angry with him about the phone call. Therefore, there is no reason why you should tell him about it. 
"Didn't we agree that we would communicate openly with each other? That I wouldn't have to ask five times what was going on with you before you explained what it was all about?"
You decided to push back the boundary line. It was your decision alone. But for him to use your deal against you now makes you want to burst with anger. 
How dare he?
"Didn't we also agree that private things are private as long as you don't want to talk about them?" You cross your arms in front of your chest. "In case you didn't catch it, I didn't take that call this morning, and if you didn't already figure it out, there were certainly reasons for it. After all, you won't have just brought me to your favorite place for no reason."
Charles opens his mouth to say something back, but you don't let him get a word in edgewise. "You've noticed that the phone call this morning and also just now got to me. So where did you get the idea to just answer my phone? What were you thinking?"
As you stare at him and exhale loudly, Charles takes this as his chance to answer you. "I wanted that guy to stop bothering you. Of course, I noticed how you were feeling about it. And I didn't want you to have to go through that again." He holds his hands in front of him, palms up. "Jeez, Y/N. I was worried about you. You looked like a frozen deer about to get hit by a car both times. I didn't even see you like that when I was suddenly standing in the apartment last night. You would have punched me there, but apparently this guy puts you out of order with just one phone call. And this isn't you."
"You don't even know who I am," you counter. "You've known me for what? Fifteen hours? And you think you know me so well that you assume the right to meddle in my affairs, even though you've noticed that I don't handle it very well myself? If I had wanted you to support me in this, I would have told you about it. But I didn't. And you interfered anyway!"
"Then why don't you say what's on your mind? That you didn't think it was right for me to just answer your phone? Why do I have to ask three times before you finally open your mouth?" Charles' voice has also changed to a shriek. His face is flushed and the vein on his neck is pumping. 
"Because everything is fine!" You rub your forehead with your palm in frustration. "Yeah, I think it sucks that you just butted in. But I also realize you didn't mean any harm and you were trying to help me. That's why I didn't bring it up. Because the issue is already over for me."
Charles clenches his jaw. "It's not over for me. You need to talk to me when something bothers you. When I make mistakes and cross boundaries. How else will I know I've done something wrong?"
"For the love of God, Charles, but that boundary was so clear that even a blind man could have seen it." You put your hands on your thighs. A sign that you're at the end of your rope. "I don't feel like arguing. Can't we just go home and put this behind us?"
Charles doesn't move a bit, but continues to stare at you. "No. We need to talk this out. Otherwise, this isn't going to work." With his index finger, he points to the space between the two of you. 
You exhale loudly and run your hand through your hair. Then you shake your head slightly. The hours you've known Charles have taken such a toll on you, especially mentally and emotionally, that you just want to crawl into your bed and put the day behind you. And the fact that your roommate is blocking the most pleasant way to get there right now - which is for you to drive home quickly in your car - makes you slump down further. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt and let it whiz back into place. Charles' eyes widen as you reach for the door handle. "I can't do this." You get out, still hearing Charles say your name before you turn and start walking. 
Maybe this whole thing wasn't such a good idea after all.
next part
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harrywavycurly · 3 days
I’m so happy you’re back! Could you do a text with Harry while he’s in Italy and he misses you?😊
Hiii babes!! Of course, I hope you enjoy this and idk why referring to him as having a “sad boy summer” look just makes me laugh😂💖
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #61 part 1
Danny didn’t like thinking about his old life. He was born to a family of assassins and as soon as he was out he never looked back. He had to fake his death and he changed his name, as far as anyone knew Damian Al Ghul had died on a mission to America. He was determined to keep this secret to the grave. Of course he knew who his dad was, Bruce Wayne was a prominent figure and he knew if we went there his secret would get out and he never wanted to be forced to be an assassin again. Once was enough. 
Danny knew he had a soft heart, his adoptive parents, the Fentons and Jazz had told him so. Jazz knew he didn’t have the greatest childhood or past but she never pried, she understood his business was his and wouldn’t let her own curiosity get the better of her. The only issue their family had was their parents obsession with ghosts. Damian never believed in ghosts, the entire thing sounded like a hoax. He probably never would have believed in them but then life happened. 
Danny believed, but it was kind of hard not too after everything that happened. When he had turned 14, his parents finished their biggest project yet. A portal to the ghost zone, of course it doesn’t work at first and his parents were very disappointed. Danny felt conflicted about the whole thing. On one hand he wanted his parents to succeed and he wanted them to be happy, on the other the portal was the reason he ate alone with his sister at night. He wanted a normal family life, something he was never allowed back at the league. 
He did something so stupid that night.
After his parents along with his sister were asleep, he crept down to the basement and stood in front of the empty hole in the wall. He looked around the outside of it first but nothing seemed to be out of place. Then he stepped into it and before he got too far into it something happened. He knew there were a lot of cords on the floor and thought he had avoided them all, but as he realized he was quickly being acquainted with the floor, he out of instinct held his hand out to catch himself on the wall. Right onto the ON button.
He didn’t remember much but pain after that.
A lot happened in the year after the portal was turned on but Danny thought he was taking things well. His sister found out about everything sooner than he liked but having someone to help him was something he didn’t realize he really needed until then. The ghost attacks were frequent and Danny was having trouble finding the time for school, friends, and fighting ghosts that the assistance helped a lot. 
Danny sat at as desk in Mr. Lancers class, who was going on about the play Hamlet. Danny was only half paying attention, he was preoccupied thinking about the latest conversation he had with Clockwork. Danny was recently crowned prince after his victory over Pariah Dark. He didn’t want the crown, ancients knew what Grandfather would do if he ever found out, but he had no other option but to accept. The conversation left him rather drained and it felt like every word his teacher spoke bled together. 
He eventually made his way to lunch and before he could make it to his destination a blue mist wafted out of his mouth. Sighing he ran out of the room to find a place to transform. Once he was Phantom he wasted no time finding the ghost. Of course it was Boxie. 
Before he had time to even fight though a portal opened up right besides Danny and he was kicked in by the Box Ghost. The world seemed to swirl around him until he landed harshly onto some pavement. The pavement was a roof and he appeared to be in a city. 
Not just any city he soon realized as he looked over to a bank that had the words ‘Gotham Bank’ brightly plastered on the front.
Shit… Danny wanted to avoid something like this, unfortunately the portal was already gone. 
After taking a moment to think about his predicament he decided the best course of action was to call Jazz.
He took a look around the rooftop he was on and when he didn’t see anyone he transformed back. 
Pulling out his cell from his pocket he pulled up his sister's contact on it and hit the call button. 
His sister took a bit longer than usual to answer but the hesitation in her voice caused him to pause, “H-hello?”
“Jazz, it’s Danny, we’ve got a code green,”  he knew setting up code colors with his sister would come in handy. Red meant he was gravely injured, yellow meant the ghost got away and he was in pursuit, blue meant he caught the ghost, and green meant he fell through a portal or something similar. 
There was silence on the other line for a moment and Danny was almost going to say something else but she spoke, “How do you know my name?”
Master Post:
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Whump Prompt #1322
Anon asked:
Do you have any whump ideas for a fairy?
It depends on what kind of fairy your character is/the general lore, but I have a few ideas:
They could be small and kept in a cage/jar with air holes. They could be a prized possession to collectors who trade them. Maybe some like to shake/shock/poke things into the cages.
Their wings are often trophy pieces for hunters. Maybe they don’t die when their wings are cut off, but it throws them off balance/makes them sick/weakens them. Maybe they can grow back, but only under certain circumstances. So if a collector knows this, they could leave the ‘stem’ of the wings so they can re-grow, and farm the wings for money.
^ if this happens to your character, maybe each wings have finger-print like properties, and when wings start to show up on the markets with specific markings, the caretakers are horrified.
Magic exhaustion could be pretty common for fairies.
I have an idea for an illness called ‘Wing Rot’ where fairies can get fungal infections of the wings causing them to, well, rot.
They could be drained of their powers by a curse/rune/magical pendant/shackles.
Maybe they have to fly away from danger but get shot out of the sky - bonus points if they’re carrying someone.
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cheesycatz · 6 months
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My favorite days from spamtober 2022, which I completed just before I started posting on my tumblr account
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thisismeracing · 1 year
#7 for lewis!! ❤️❤️❤️
💖 here you go! hope you like it, sweetheart
From the Quick Prompt List: 7. “Can you proofread my essay?”
word count: 0.4k
pairing: reader (she/her pronouns) x lewis hamilton
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, not proofread.
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It was a Wednesday night, the house was quiet and so was the city. It was too late for someone to be awake on a Wednesday night, yet Yn was furiously checking her school notes and typing on her laptop while Lewis mindlessly scrolled through his phone.
"Are you almost done, love?" he asked Yn taking off his attention from his phone for a bit. Lewis has been patiently waiting for Yn to finish her uni work so that they could enjoy some quiet time together, but her paper was taking more than expected.
"Just adding one more paragraph and then I'm done," Yn answered without taking her eyes off of her screen.
It was only twenty minutes later when she got up from her spot stretching her body and letting out a small tired groan. Yn walked to the couch lying on top of Lewis whose hands instantly found her waist securing her body closer to his.
"Yup, almost" she answered, tracing one of his tattoos.
"What's up, babe?" he asked noticing her antics, he knew her all too well to know that she was considering saying something but was holding back. The tattoo tracing was something Yn would do in these situations.
"My eyes are hurting and my brain is melting, Amor," she joked and placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. Lewis smiled at the endearing nickname in her mother language, he loved to hear her speaking and singing, even when she was angry it was cute to watch the way her lips would pout and her accent would get thicker.
"Ask away, babe," he poked her sides getting a chuckle from her.
Yn lifted up the upper half of her body, using her elbows to support it, and fixed her gaze on her boyfriend, "Can you proofread my essay?"
Lewis lets out a soft laugh, "Babe, you could've asked before. Of course, I can proofread your essay, though I have no idea about the nerdy topic you wrote about," he jokes.
Yn smiles and closes her eyes for a second enjoying the feeling of sharing life and its burdens with him. The possibility of resting and not worrying about everything because you had someone who could and would make sure things were in order just for you.
"The subject is all set, it's just my eyes are burning, I can't and won't spot my grammar mistakes, and I wanted to submit it tonight so that we can enjoy the rest of the week without University looming around."
"You know I would do anything for you," he states right before taking her lips with his in a slow kiss.
"I love youuuu," she whines when he stands up to grab her laptop and bring it to the sofa so that her essay will be proofread in no time.
"I love you more, bebê."
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amor (love) and bebê (babe). wrote this listening to the silence of my room. hope you guys like it, don't forget to like, reblog, yada yada yada <3 *mwah*
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 42
Danny destroys the portal after the GIW try and send an anti ecto missile into the portal a second time. The GIW and his parents had teamed up. GIW funding the fentons as they are the only people they know of who have successfully created a portal.
Danny also destroyed all records of how it was done. The reason for the destruction was because the citizens of the realm were tired of having to defend there home. If the human realm wanted to destroy them it was only fair to return the favor.
Danny gets a new identity courtesy of tucker. A Danny nightingale recently emancipated. Where better to hide out then one of the most crime ridden cities in America. Gotham.
Danny slowly falls into the bat’s clutches. Adoption sense went way off on him. He despises the Wayne’s. He only likes the vigilantes.
One day one of the Wayne’s approached him at the place he worked. Someone took a photo. Like a civilian taking a pic of a celebrity type situation. Just bragging about getting a photo of a Wayne.
The next day he is very publicly arrested. Like it’s a whole show. They accuse him of destroying government property and breaking into government labs only to steal from them.
Danny just starts yelling at them. He destroyed there portal to stop the other dimension from attacking this dimension. About how they had the audacity to tear a whole in the dimension to the infinite realms. One of the most deadly dimensions. That they should be thanking him for stopping the realm.
Then screaming about how the only thing he stole were the ghost they took hostage. If he didn’t break and free them then they would have sent someone like the fright knight. Did they really want to deal with a nightmare dimension.
The whole video goes viral.
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psychedelicgenesis · 2 days
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social media au | part one pairing: jj maybank x touron!!reader author's note: first series, super excited for this one!! x
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Liked by rubyyy, kiekie and 286 others yninsta touched down in paradise this summer, scroll for the dump x
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donnapogue 2h tone deaf tourons again @_kiekie
kiekie 1h bitch why are you tagging me for? we don't talk??
rubyyy 1h have the best time, gonna sit and wait at your doorstep like a dog til you're back
yninsta 1h just don't pee on the porch please xx
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maryjjbank replied to this story: dude why would you post this heyitspope: Cause it made me giggle heyitspope: And you did it to me last week
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planetharrie · 1 year
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Liked by 3,859,002 others
harrystyles Happy International Women’s Day to my girls and all the women out there💛 you inspire me everyday. -H
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annetwist 😘
yourusername this is beautiful H xx💐
harrystylesfan WE LOVE YOU💌💌
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aus-nobody-asked-for · 9 months
Goncharov, but it was invented on TikTok.
Tumblr gets Zepotha.
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autumnsunshine10 · 5 months
Social life on the line
Presented through a lens
Rose-colored and prettified
Endless holidays on display
Every posted pic a charade parade
Only the choicest highlights of the day
Scroll on by, let your fingers fly
It isn't all ideal fun and games, besides
We have our own causes to celebrate
Don't need a tree with presents piled high
Nor pumpkins and pulled cotton cobwebs
Pastel eggs in plastic grass-lined baskets
A sunny sandy relaxing getaway
Would always be a most welcome surprise
But not necessary to feel every day
That floating on air sensation divine
Someone or something special is all it takes
So say you'll be my 365/forever valentine
Prompts: scroll on by; it's always a holiday
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sharenalovemail · 2 months
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[A transcription of all the text from the images will be under the cut at the end of this post]
It's been a while, but it's finally here! #SharenaWeek will be real (or i'll die trying)
After some back and forth, we settled on June for this event - giving us nearly two months to work with as of posting this!
If you have any questions about anything in this post feel free to send an ask here or to @sharenaweek ! (For example if you need a prompt explained, or if I missed something)
#SharenaWeek / #SharenaWeek2024 will be held from June 9th 2024 to June 15th of the same year
Make sure to use the #SharenaWeek and/or ⁠⁠#SharenaWeek2024 tags when you post your work.
You can also @ either this blog (@sharenalovemail) or the one made especially for this event (@sharenaweek) or even both if you wish so. Tagged posts will be shared on both blogs, but the one dedicated to the event will work best as an archive!
While the main event will be during the week of June 9th to June 15th 2024, you can take as long as you need and post late if needed. Just make sure to follow the above two rules so we can find them and share them then!
You don't have to post for every day if you can't — remember that this event is first and foremost to have fun.
Anyone can participate! Any and all posts are welcomed: fanfiction, drawing, painting, sprite editing, poetry, headcanon/analysis posts, AMVs — literally anything, as long as you made it (or commissioned it, if that's the case) counts!
Prompts can be interpreted in any way you want.
Have fun, and remember to tag your works accordingly, especially if they feature NSFW content (gore, nudity, etc) or heavy topics (remember to not censor your tags, otherwise people who don't want to see that content won't be able to avoid it!).
(6/09) Day 1: Past and Future
(Childhood memories, time post wars - anything before and after FE:H)
(6/10) Day 2: Resplendent
(Design a new Alt for her - be it an existing banner or a new theme!)
(6/11) Day 3: Celebration
(Outfits, Scenes, Dialogue - anything you love most about her!)
(6/12) Day 4: Forging Bonds
(Relationships - familial, platonic, romantic, any kind!)
(6/13) Day 5: Change of Fate
(AUs, her situation with Peony, crossovers - you name it!)
(6/14) Day 6: Meet The Heroes
(Sharena's goal is to befriend all of the Heroes - help her do it!)
(6/15) Day 7: Free Day
(Anything goes - including repeats of above prompts!)
You can use as many or as little of these as you want, either to replace the main 7 prompts or to add to them!
One Word Prompts:
Outfit Prompts:
Brave Alt
Attuned Alt
Alternate Universes:
Modern Setting
High School/College/University
Character Swap
Book/Realm Swap
Dungeons & Dragons
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