#Ray's Headcanons
💻🍭🥰🤔- if you want to! hope your day is nice 😽
Donuts by the Bay - Sweet/Romantic Kurt Goreshter Headcanons
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Warnings: Fluff Q//w//Q
Notes: You don't even know how happy I am that Kurt is next in my queue I love him so much 🥰 I tried to keep all my hc requests between 10-20 but then I keep just going to 20 so that's what I'm gunna keep doing lol I hope you enjoy and thank you for your patience~ I hope your day is nice too! 💗💗💗
the first time you see him, you think he might be the type to mug you in a dark alleyway, between his tattoos and his haircut and his outfit you end up sweating nervously as he gets closer to you, and you're so busy trying to avoid him that you don't even notice yourself get mugged by a completely different guy until he's grabbing the thief by the arm and getting your attention, giving you back your wallet with a thick accent
you run into him again as you're waiting in line for donuts to bring to work, and he has the same idea it turns out as you properly thank him, and when you end up asking for the same thing coincidentally he gives you such a big smile you don't know how you were ever afraid of him
you see him repeatedly as you both stop for morning treats, and you chat while you stand in line each time until he tells you about his job at a security business, a start-up he and his friend own, and when he gives you his card in case you ever need some home security his personal number is written on the back
the next time you see him (after chickening out of calling him repeatedly) you sum up all your courage and ask him out for coffee, and you learn that while the pastries aren't just for him he does have quite the sweet tooth, another thing to contrast your first impression of him, and you can't believe how incredibly wrong you were as you sit with him in the corner of the café without realizing you're actually swooning as he speaks
after you start dating he greets you with kisses to your temple when you meet up at the shop each morning, kisses to your cheek when he takes you out to lunch, and a kiss to your hand when you finally have dinner together
he's surprisingly affectionate despite his more or less stoic nature by default, not the type to climb onto the nearest table and sing your praises to the world, but more the type to casually have his hand on you in some way no matter if you're sitting or standing, needing to be close to you until it becomes so second nature you don't even realize you've started doing it back
he's smart, so much better at computers and tech than you, and he's always ready to help you with something no matter how small or silly, he never laughs when you think you're asking a dumb question, just listens to your problem and takes a look, and without fail he has yet to not fix whatever task you bring to him
his friends mean a lot to him, the only people who had his back when he was dealing with getting out of Folsom State Prison, and when he opens up enough to let you meet them not just in the 'come check out our business' way but the 'let's all get dinner together one night' way you see just how much they compliment him even though they're all so different
whenever they need to work on a new commercial for X-CON, since Luis loves to keep changing it up purely due to nerves, you're the one he offers up as their test audience, since he trusts your opinion so highly, and while he is unbearably cute as he reads off his cue cards and curses in Russian when he messes up, you're always ready to give them pointers and adjust their scripts so it flows more naturally, which they really appreciate
you end up deciding that you could use a bit of home security after you've been together a while, an unintentional paranoia arising in your stomach after spending so much time around them all and their stories of break ins, some caused by them back in the day ironically enough, but he just holds you close, presses kisses to your forehead and promises that he'll never let anything happen to you
when you do order some cameras to put outside he's the one to personally install them, and he sneaks in a few extra bonuses for you without the others knowing, just to make you feel safer
whenever he visits he always waves at the camera by your door, just because he knows you'll eventually see it, and you keep a small collection of each one because you can't imagine letting them be lost to time
he loves cooking old family recipes from back home, sharing things he was taught by his mother, grandmother, telling you all about what each one means to him as you sit on your counter and watch him, and when you eat together he always lets you try it first so he can see your reactions
as you lay together on the couch or in bed he loves to link his fingers with yours and tell you about his tattoos, where he got his ring and necklace from and how the latter's been passed down through the men of his family for generations, and he teaches you the words for them in Russian
when you're held close he'll whisper things to you that you don't understand, and when he translate them you get him to teach you how to say them too, and his eyes shine when you tell him you love him in his native tongue for the first time
on the nights where you're anxious and can't sleep he brings you hot cocoa in bed and holds you to his chest, softly singing lullabies from when he was a child until your heart calms and you relax into his arms
for your birthday you find out that he's been planning a surprise party for you for weeks, he needed to ask Scott and Cassie to help most of all since Luis and Dave have horrible ideas, and aside from a beautiful cake and dinner they all helped make he also gifts you a box of the pastries you always get with a little ribbon on top, and for some reason (you know why) they taste even sweeter than usual as you all share them together in your living room
for his birthday you also need to go to Scott and Cassie, but only because you have no idea what he wants, but they're also stumped and can't help, so when he shows up at your place you feel bad that you have nothing to give, but he's just happy to make his favourite foods together, just the two of you, and spend the night with you while he shows you a movie from his childhood, and he translates every single line as you watch without subtitles
you never talk about marriage, not even when you date long enough to move into a brand new place together that's big enough for the both of you, but you think he might want it as much as you do when you wake up one morning and find him already awake and looking at you in the dawn's light, his hand brushing gently against your cheek as he wishes you a good morning in Russian, and you don't even realize til later that you understood him and wished it right back, English not even crossing your mind as he then kissed you in response
when he proposes to you he uses his own ring, a stand in until he can afford the one you want, but you just say yes and kiss him and tell him that you want to keep his, he's never getting it back now
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dalvs-wife · 5 months
do any other selfshippers get a little bit irked when seeing your f/o's headcanoned with sexualities that exclude your gender..... because uhhhh... no? we're dating?? we're married??? we're very in love??? wdym they aren't attracted to my gender? surely you jest...
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sofiaruelle · 2 years
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abstractpenny · 3 months
Dont know if this is canon, but I like to imagine Wu and Garmadon don't have last names. And thats their only name. Just Wu and Garmadon.
Then, when Lloyd was born, he was given the last name of Garmadon because why not and thats badass as hell.
But, because of that, everyone got confused and thought Garmadon's last name is Garmadon, but nobody knew his first name. But his wife calls him Garmadon, his brother calls him Garmadon.
Maybe, in another universe, in another world, this becomes tradition. For a son to carry his father's name as his last name. Kai Ray, Jay Ed, Cole Lou. Stupid ass names, but it's fun to think about.
In conclusion, it makes perfect sense why Morro's last name is Wu.
Anyways. I don't think I'm making much sense lmao.
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The Wayne sons responses to being stabbed:
Jason Todd:
Red Hood: Rude, but that's fair.
RH pulls the knife out of his arm.
Goon: Um... Can I leave? I regret this.
Hood: Sure and I'll even return the knife back to you.
Red Hood grabs the man's hand, shoves the knife in his hand, causing him to scream in pain. RH knocks him unconscious after that.
Red Hood: He didn't get it in their too deep. I think I have the first aid kit in my pack.
Dick Grayson:
Nightwing: Not again. Christ Almighty, not again. Why would you stab me on the side of my stomach!
Goon: You were trying to take me down.
Nightwing: Yes arrest you, I don't have a knife! I didn't stick it into your side!
Goon: How are you still standing.
Nightwing: You know this suit is durable, the knife didn't go deep... Doesn't mean it doesn't fucking hurt!
Goon: ...
Nightwing: It takes weeks to heal and ruins my body! You think this body comes naturally?
Nightwing yanks the knife out of his side, breathing heavily.
Nightwing: All right, where was I?
Goon: Um... fall down? Why aren't you falling down in pain?
Nightwing, a slight growl: Because I'm not letting you win.
Goon: I'd like to apologize.
Tim Drake:
Red Robin: Hm... Ow.
RR removes the knife from his leg. He lets out a small grunt while walking to the goon.
Red Robin, calmly: Are you going to want this back?
Goon runs off.
Red Robin: She stabbed me in the leg with this baby dagger. What did she expect me to do? Drop dead, get the freak out of here!
Damien Wayne:
Robin doesn't get stabbed, he grabs the knife and snatches it away.
Robin: Don't you fucking dare.
Robin proceeds to pounce on the man and attack him while Batman watches on proud.
Batman: That's my boy. Go for his eyes!
Robin: On it!
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paaelle · 9 days
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Technology destroyed this man's life (after Vicky)
I just was looking at the fop concept art, saw Dale, showed to my friend that likes him and said "You can feel the downgrade" and then I had a vision.
For context
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exocynraku · 8 months
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based off of
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sweepingboy · 4 days
Like, the cultivation and training meant a lot to him, he always tried to act properly regardless of his status AND YET HE DIDN'T GIVE HIS SABER A NAME??? naming a weapon is a big thing for a cultivator, the sword have spirits, yet he keeps calling it by its type???
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Charles Lee ray and Brahms (seperately ) where they get turned into cats that can talk and reader finds them and the realize they get lost if attention from the reader.
Fluff plz
Charles lee ray and brahms but they're cats
The first version of this post didnt save but I had only written this top segment so nothing was really lost HOORAY
Characters: Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire
Notes: Reader is GN, not explained why they're cats, reader is implied to be working with Charles in his murders
CWs: mentions of murders in Charles's part
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Getting this out but he doesnt play games when he wants your attention- whether it be verbally demanding it or setting a.. surprise.. for you.. he does not take well to being ignored
Moving on he is piiiissed when he realizes what's happened to him- even more so if this is after hes been a doll.. but let's just say this takes place before that/an au
Takes it worse, actually, especially given that cats can be killed easier than toys
You do come up with the idea to use him as a lure to bring unsuspecting victims that had only wanted to help a "poor stray"
Circling back to the attention- hes not totally opposed to being treated like royalty.. ignoring that hes a little offended that you spoil him more than when he was a human..
Even though he retains the capabilities to speak as a cat he hardly utilizes them, though that's because he simply... doesnt speak much
It's not much different actually, Brahms always begs for your attention and it's still the case when hes been turned into a furred animal.. except.. now hes more comfortable knocking things onto you while you sleep if he wants to hang out with you.. whether it be his cat instincts kicking in or hes willingly doing it to be a little shit
Definitely a climber, climbs up your back and perches himself on your shoulder while you work
The second you get him fancy stuff- food, toys, and so on.. be sure that you can afford it long term because it's going to become the standard
He may not speak but he DOES meow, loudly, until you pick him up
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🤔🕸️🎯 please these have all been so so good
I Don't Know How to Feel (But Someday I Might) - Random Bob Taylor Headcanons
Warnings: Mentions of a lot of canon events such as his suicide attempt, depression, self-esteem issues, and his kidnapping, as well as brief but nonspecific references to smut.
Notes: My first random~ I couldn't decide on which one(s) to do, so I just did all of them! As such, here's actual proper mini drabbles for 20 tropes, just for you and Bob 😊 The last time I wrote for him I just had a crush on him, now I love him, so I'm glad I get to explore all sides of him with this 😊 I ended up writing so much that I couldn't keep my bulleted list, so yeah here's a toooooon about the sweetest man who deserved the world and to heal QwQ
Angst: You're shocked when he finally tells you about his past. It's hard to get out, and he's mentally blocked out so much that he doesn't even remember half of it without help from newspaper clippings and taped recordings of that time, but still it all haunts him as he tries and fails to move on. He doesn't invite you over for the first few months you know each other, and when he finally does he seems very ashamed about his home and the state of it even though he cleaned up beforehand. You can still see the remains of the mazes he tried so desperately to scrub away so they wouldn't scare you off, and it doesn't as you ask but get no answer. Talking about it is hard even if he can't remember it all, and you have to do the work yourself after he trusts you with who he used to be. It's already been a year since his kidnapper was killed, and he was very wrongfully imprisoned, but knowing they were both gone is what makes him want to start healing even though he's afraid, and the day after you find out everything you can you just go to his house and hold him even as the mess already starts to build up again around the two of you.
Cute: Without the past weighing him down, you see that he's incredibly cute when he smiles, something he didn't do very often. There're a lot of cute things you never noticed before now that you're closer to him, such as the way he avoids your eye with a blush when you compliment him, how he treats everything he does with such care, how he links his pinky with your own when he's feeling affectionate but doesn't wanna be pushy. You tell him he's cute one night when you're laying in bed with him, your hand brushing aside his bangs, but he doesn't look appreciative of it as his small smile fades. He tells you not to tease him, he knows he's not, and you spend the rest of the night showing him how much you mean it. He tries to tell you how cute you are a few days later, his face red as he links your pinkies, and when you kiss the tip of his nose in thanks he looks utterly adorable as he blushes and tries to hide his small smile from you.
Dreams: He wants to leave town, but he's been trapped there for so long that he doesn't know how; he kept the house when his parents moved away, he never added anything for himself once they took everything, and he really wants to start over fresh with you. He confides all this to you as you sit on the floor together, watching movies on your laptop since he doesn't have a couch or a TV, and you just promise him all of it as you cradle his head in your lap and feel him hold your leg a little tighter.
Family: He hasn't spoken to his family in years, not after they moved away when they couldn't take being in town anymore, and they were more than okay with leaving him behind to fend for himself. It seems like they cared more about how the Incident had affected them more than it affected him, and he'd been alone for years until you finally became his neighbour and started talking to him. He still doesn't keep in contact with them, not knowing where they went or even if they were still alive, but he's okay with that now that you were his family. Sometimes you think about starting a proper family with him, but he still gets uncomfortable around kids who were his age when he was taken, but that's something you'll work through with him when the time comes.
Fear: It goes without saying, but even as he grew from a child into a man, the fear that they'd come back for him still persists. He sees them in everyone, his memories foggy and allowing them to exist in everyone, even you when you first move in. The house had been empty for ages, no one wanting to buy it with him living next door, not with his sneaking around and digging and fits in the middle of the night. He was the ghoul haunting the street, the monster scaring away all the guests and feeding the rumours even though he tried so hard to appear normal, all while he himself was afraid of the creatures lurking under his bed and waiting for him to slip up for one single second. So he avoided you when you started moving in, even though you were way too young to have taken him 20 years ago, because you were a stranger and you could be in on it, you could've found him for them. You didn't know until after he'd confessed everything to you, but when you were at work he'd broken into your home to make sure you weren't with them, risking it all for his own peace of mind, but after finding nothing to incriminate you it did help him sleep easier that night. It arose again when you noticed him watching you, him doing it enough times to get you to want to speak to him, and thoughts of ghouls and monsters crept through your head in your neighbours voices as he gave you a shaky hello and hurried back inside. You learned together that he was no monster and you were no Invisible Man when you invited him over to your place for a welcome party, everyone watching you as you offered him desserts and taste tested them for him when he was too afraid to risk it.
Fluff: Once he gets used to being touched, you discover that he's quite the cuddler. He finds such comfort in you that he ends up drawn to you without even realizing it, and you quickly get used to the feeling of him slotting against your back as you cook or do dishes, or against your side when you sit together and watch things. Sometimes it hits him that he's practically laying on you or stopping you from doing your tasks, and he closes himself off as he pulls away and apologizes for getting in your way, but you never fail to pull him right back and say you like his warmth. When you start spending the night together, you can tell he wants to hold you as you fall asleep but it feels like it's too much, so you offer him one of the stuffed animals he's gotten you just to get him used to the idea. You smile in your sleep when he eventually decides that it's you he wants to hold, and you let him envelope you on the nights where he's good, and when his fits crop up and he looks like he's in so much pain you just rest your head on his chest and hold his hand over your heart until he feels it beat even in his sleep. It lulls him every time, his breathing slowing and his body stilling as he wraps his arms around you and comes out of it naturally, awake just long enough to see you and know he was safe before falling asleep again.
Friends: Your friends don't like him, but you try to change that every single time you meet up. They've all heard the whispers, and his public arrest doesn't help, but you tell them about the real him, the one who's been healing with you there to help, but they don't believe it until after they see you together a few months into your relationship. He's different than before, healthier, stronger, more like himself again as he gives them all a polite greeting and sits close to you. You feel their stares the entire luncheon and you know he does too, but he doesn't run even when the arrest is brought up to your horror. He answers swiftly and gives no details, and the friend is chastised by everyone for asking, but he seems actually okay with it when before it would have been enough to make him shut down for the rest of the day. You can tell they see it more as time goes on and you remain together, their care for you extending to him when they see how happy he makes you in reality, that taking over their concern over the rumours. You know it'll still be a while before he sees them as his own friends, but it's a start when his next greeting is more genuine than forced as you all meet up for dinner.
Happiness: The word has been foreign to him for most of his life, his last remnants taken from him and numbed by the poison in his veins long ago, but you think he might be remembering how it feels when you glance at him one day and see him smiling even when he doesn't know you're looking. Usually he only does it to ease you, to make you feel better and show that he is indeed having fun with you, but you can see true happiness in him in the moments where he's facing away from you, when he's so content that the past can't get to him. You want to capture it forever but you know you can't, instead committing it all to memory as he watches the ducks eat bread by the waterside, the sky fill up with stars on cloudless nights, children play without a care in the world the way children should always be able to. You're always so busy watching him slowly reacquaint himself with the word that you don't even notice the moments where he's looking at you, when you're too busy to watch and lose yourself in something. That happiness is always the strongest, no amount of residual pain can sully it as he watches you jog over in the early morning for a kiss before work even in the rain, when you spot your favourite movie on the streaming platform you'd pulled up, it now added to the roster to your surprise, when you're so tired you can barely sit up until you're leaning on him and reaching for his blanket to warm your chilly shoulders. He doesn't think that before he met you he even knew the meaning of the word, but he might now as you catch him looking and blush under his gaze, and he blushes right back when you drop whatever it is you're doing to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
Hate: It takes you a long time to notice it, but while he doesn't hate much in his life, he definitely hates himself most of all. He shows it in the way he doesn't like looking at himself, or talking about himself even though he's trying to get better, but most of all you see it every time he looks at his bedroom door. Ever since you helped clean it up, the room remaining empty ever since the police confiscated everything inside, you've been trying to turn the room into something positive to help him forget everything he had to do to cope and solve his own mystery, but so far he's avoided every attempt with a new excuse. Finally he tells you he'd just rather board it off completely, let time take it like the rest of him, and you end up unable to say anything to placate him as he asks you to leave when you try and fail to help him. He lets himself fester after that, shutting you out for the longest time since you first met, and the next time he opens the door for you you can see that he'd regressed in your absence and his self-hatred. You don't leave as you help him paint over the mazes this time instead of just trying to wash them away, and he confesses to you that every time you bring up the room he remembers everything that he did, not what they did to him, all the wrong he convinced himself was right, how much he hurt those families even though he was just trying to help them. He hates himself so much for it, what they made him into, and he wouldn't be surprised if you hated him to for it too, but you can't, you never could, and you promise him that as you lock the room until he's ready.
Hopes: He's never hoped for much in his life, too stuck in his own head and his past and the mazes to dare hold onto something like that, but you find him saying the word more and more as time goes on. He hopes it's sunny today, he hopes they still have that sweater he saw the last time he went shopping and he hopes it's still on sale as well, he hopes he'll get to see you later. Before he used to use more neutral words, he guessed that rain was coming, it was rational that the sweaters sold out since he waited, he didn't blame you if you had something else to do later, you didn't have to come over. It showed you that he was trying, letting himself want to find the positives in things, instead of just accepting everything that happened as it was. You know for sure that he's changing when he cups your cheek and whispers that he hopes you'll still be there in the morning, your legs intertwined in bed, and you tell him you hope that he still wants you around a month from now before he says that he'll still want you a year from now, two even, and when you try and up it to three he kisses you and hopes for forever.
Hurt/Comfort: He still has bad days despite things getting so much better, and for a long time he hides that from you as he locks himself away and tries not to let himself fall back into old habits. It takes him months before you get a call on one of these days, and he takes so long to answer your hello that you wonder if maybe you're being prank called. Finally he replies, and his voice is small and broken as he tells you he's not okay, he can't do it anymore, and you race over the second the line goes dead. Since you're neighbours it takes only a minute to run to his door, your shoes forgotten at home as you use your spare key to get in, and when you find him curled up in the living room surrounded by the scattered pages of his mazes and memories you have to make sure there's no weapons around to go with it. He'd been on suicide watch after his arrest since he'd grabbed an officer's gun and attempted to shoot himself with it, but since the safety was on and he was too upset to notice they were able to stop him before he could figure it out. His fingers are covered in ink and his cheeks are wet with tears and streaks from where he'd touched his face, most of it around his eyes as he'd wiped at them. You instantly take him by the hand and lead him to your place, his head down as he avoids any gazes although there are none, and when you're back at home you sit him down at your kitchen table and clean him up. He doesn't tell you what set all this off, and you don't ask, you know he'll speak when he's ready. When he's all cleaned up you just take him to bed and play white noise on your laptop, something that will clear his mind until the overexertion puts him to sleep. Once he's out, you return back to his place to gather up all the papers and tuck them safely away, knowing that he won't be ready to finally get rid of them but not wanting him to see them when he gets home again. You find him reaching for you in his sleep, and when he wakes up and feels you in his arms it brings him so quickly to tears he knows that he can never do this alone again. After that he always tells you when it gets bad, and you're always there to comfort him as he mumbles every bad thought in his head until he's clear again.
Love: Neither of you ever say the word out loud, both too afraid to scare the other off with it, but you feel it in everything you do. You feel it in the home cooked meals you make for him, in the way he keeps picking things up for you that remind him of you while he's out shopping, in the way he trusts you enough with a spare key to his home as you give him your own right back. You hear people say it all the time on the street or at work or in the movies you watch together, and it's always on the tip of your tongue, but he hasn't been loved in a long time, he isn't even sure if he parents still loved him when he finally got home after those three weeks, not when they'd already buried and mourned their little boy. So you don't say it, keep it locked up inside your mouth as it claws and screams to get out and tell him when you wake up and find him looking like an angel beside you. You wish you could erase every bad thing that'd ever happened to him, he never deserved any of it, but you also don't even dare to dream about the version of him he could've been when he's already perfect the way he is. He was never broken, he never needed to be fixed, but you think he might've fixed you with the way he presses his lips so gently against your bare skin, looks at you with eyes that whisper how perfect he thinks you are, even when you tell him everything that happened in your own life that made you think you didn't deserve his kindness. You're helping him plant flowers in his yard to replace the memories of what he'd buried there before, the grass still dead from when it'd all been dug up and left to gather snow and rain and other painful memories as he stared out his window at it. You're covered in dirt, and already you've slipped and landed hard on your butt and gotten mud on your favourite pair of jeans, and you aren't even sure if you'd grabbed flowers or vegetables as you stare at the labelless packets in your hands, and the words tumble out of his mouth all the same as he crouches down next to you. You almost miss it at first, he'd said it right as you tore a packet open and hoped for the best, but he repeats it just as easily as you turn to face him and ask what he'd said, and your tears fall into the pits along with everything else to help the area heal as you can finally say it back.
Music/Dancing: He doesn't listen to music often, sometimes the tunes remind him of songs he'd heard while he was captured, so you're careful with your music when you're together, just in case. Eventually, he finds some new stuff that sound like songs he might've liked before the Incident, and when you make him up a playlist of old songs that might've been his favourites you get to see what happy nostalgia looks like on him as he lights up and remembers a time before the poison. He isn't much of a dancer, whenever you try to get him to join you he just gives you a nervous smile and shakes his head, but sometimes you manage to get him to slow dance with you, with your head against his shoulder and his hands on your waist, an adult version of all the school dances he missed out in his fear.
Platonic: He's only ever had platonic relationships in his life, they were far and few between but until he meets you he never even considered anything more. Platonic is safe, it's normal, it's polite. It keeps people at a distance he thinks, no invitations to give or accept since he isn't dating the other person, he sees no need to get that close. He views these friends as acquaintances, just barely above strangers, people he knows the names of but isn't sure if he can fully trust after a lifetime of being alone. He knows you might be the one when he feels differently about you compared to the others, when he wants to call you his partner and not just his friend, although he doesn't believe you'd ever want the same, not with him.
Romantic: Once he gets a grasp of relationships and being wanted, he surprises you by being quite the romantic. It's all based on what he sees others do, having no actual experience with it as he fought with his trauma, so at first it's a lot of roses and pet names and hand holding, which is very nice coming from him, but you also want him to be more himself when he tries instead of just trying to act normal. You secretly urge him to do so by showing him your own version of romance, which is different from what he's gathered from others, and one night he admits to you that he doesn't know what to do because you're so different when it comes to your dates and what you clearly do want. You just kiss his forehead and tell him to show his love in the ways that feel right to him next time, not to everyone else, and the next date night you find a bunch of handpicked daisies along with a new stuffed animal for your growing collection, because he saw both on his way to work and they reminded him of you.
Smut: It doesn't happen often, but sometimes when his head is clear enough to allow himself to feel desire, which he tends to avoid because he's still getting used to innocent physical touch with you, he'll go over to your place and initiate things slowly and carefully. Your patience is endless with him on these nights, and sometimes it doesn't even go anywhere if he gets too overwhelmed, other times it's over before it begins because he's not used to this and every touch is too much and not enough at the same time. When you finally do sleep together, you spend the whole time making sure he feels safe and okay, and in the end he cries as you press gentle kisses all over his face and torso as he holds you so tight against him like he'll never let you go.
Spicy: Likewise, things aren't often spicy between you, but once he does become more okay with his own desires and knowing he has permission to touch you, he'll sneak in some neck kisses and press himself up against you just to hear you laugh. More often than not he eventually gets used to casual makeouts when you're over for movie night, and while it doesn't get far you feel satisfied enough to know he trusts you enough to let it physically show, even if it does make him blush if you mention it at all.
Sweet: As your dates come more often and you get the official title of Partner, you find that he really loves visiting new places with you that he always wanted to go to but never has. Sometimes it's as simple as the flower shop he drove by or the park on a non-busy day, and sometimes it's further places like the beach or even the aquarium in the next town. Sometimes it's even places he should've gone when he was a kid but missed out on because he couldn't afford it or didn't feel safe enough to go to, not without one of his parents there with him, and you love the look of joy on his face as he gets to experience mini golf and water parks and a live show in the park for the first time. You can't leave his side as he does, he can take care of himself for sure, he's done so for years, but having you there keeps that small part of him that thinks he'll be taken again at bay despite being a grown man and easily able to stop anyone who tries. It's the one part of him that refuses to acknowledge his growth and who he was now, but you find that going out and staying with him helps him forget just enough that it eases up on its own, and you're happy to receive a small dolphin plushie from one of his aquarium visits without you because he loves the calmness and beauty of the place.
Random (Dreams): He often has nightmares, which you completely understand once he reveals everything to you, but you don't understand how bad it is until the first time you spent the night. It took him forever to actually want to fall asleep, a million excuses for the two of you to stay up ready on his lips each time you felt yourself get sleepy, and you only get a couple hours in before he jerks so hard next to you that it wakes you instantly back up. His fits are subtle, the kick a bad one that doesn't come again, but you can see on his face how much pain he's in as he shifts and rolls and clutches at your blankets. You don't wake up until you notice that he's crying, his eyes wide and pupils blown in the dark as he looks for his attacker and sees you leaning over him instead. He hit you only once, clearly in self-defense as he almost slid right off the bed, and you don't raise your voice or try and stop him as he switches to cowering instead when you don't disappear. You give him space and let him realize that the reason he wasn't home was because he was with you, letting him catch up to everything as you whispered softly that he was okay, he was safe, they were long gone, and even though you didn't get to fall asleep until dawn you were perfectly fine with that as you turned the lights back up and just laid with him until the felt okay enough to pass out with the rising sun.
Unlisted (Healing): It took him a long time to be able to let go of his old habits, but it gets easier with each visit you find when there's a bunch of new stuffed animals waiting to find homes, his old room cleared of the bins and therefore no longer needing them. You took the first one, and together you dropped off the rest at a local shelter for the kids to pick through, and the next time you see one on his table you find out that it's for him, something he had as a child and wanted to have again now that he knew you'd support that. It takes even longer for the mazes to stop, but together you find that if he draws them on your skin and traces the way out it helps. The association with you and your softness and gentle words makes them less painful, comforting even since they're not stuffed into endless notebooks and covering his walls, and when he's done you let him wash it all away and kiss the places where they used to be, no more maze, he can go home. You find out that home slowly becomes anywhere he's with you as he holds your drying arm to his cheek and looks content instead of afraid.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months
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Nothing like projecting your problems onto a big buff man
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luvfy0dor · 6 days
incest and pedophilia isn't sexy
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alfreedomm · 1 month
Wriothesley's lore and his relationship to Neuvillette and justice is so interesting to me because let's be real: the justice system failed him. He was brought up in a foster home where he was intended to be sold in the black market. And when he ran away, why was his solution to return and kill them? Why not inform the police? One can argue he was afraid but usually you'd try every other option before resorting to murder, yes?
And when he succeeds in killing them. He's sentenced to prison, where he is forced to spend the rest of his teen years (so, a child), and the start of his adulthood. And when his sentence is over, he doesn't even leave but take over the title of warden. He literally takes over the title of warden the day his sentence is over. That is severely fucked, like so severely fucked.
So it makes me wonder where was Neuvillette and Furina in all of this? Furina left the room in the middle of Wriothesley's trial for unspecified reasons (Wriothesley interpreted it as she found his case uninteresting, though headcanons say otherwise) and despite everyone in the room finding Wriothesley innocent, Neuvillette still finds him guilty. And you can't argue that it's cause Wriothesley wanted to be found guilty, like objectively let's look at this: he was a victim of abuse killing his abusers in self-defense. Is Neuvillette that obtuse?
I wanna know what Wriothesley thought of Neuvillette in that moment. I really feel like it needs to be addressed that Neuvillette failed Wriothesley and others like him. He is the second highest authority in Fontaine, yet the only thing he could do for Wriothesley when he was homeless as a child was allow a melusine to offer him soup? That's it? Did knowing that there's starving, homeless kids on the street spark no other interest? No implications of Fontaine's society and their quality of life?
I refuse to believe that Neuvillette let the melusine give him soup because it was Wriothesley, because that would mean he was aware of his background and did nothing. He did nothing until it was too late and Wriothesley had to take matters into his own hands. I personally see it as, he lets melusines offer help to those in need, which isn't better, but is better than him actively knowing that Wriothesley was homeless, starving, and running away from an abusive home and did nothing but allowed him one meal one night. Nevermind any other nights Wriothesley could've been starving. Nevermind what he had to endure on the streets as a child, scouring for money and safety. He couldn't offer him anywhere to stay or a job or something that can better Wriothesley's quality of life in the longterm -- he is the Iudex. He has the power to do so.
I still think that Neuvillette cares. But I also think he's extremely ignorant. And I don't fault Wriothesley for believing that Neuvillette wasn't concerned about him -- I think he has every right to think so cause Neuvillette failed him when he needed him most and has not shown him a reason to think otherwise. Every instance of Neuvillette's care is never directly shown to Wriothesley but to everyone else around him.
Anyways, I just find it really sad to think about, and I think Wriothesley deserved better for his own story and I wish the narrative didn't gloss over it like "oh but Neuvillette does care" because does he? Emotionally, maybe, but did Neuvillette make any real positive difference to Wriothesley's life?
…So that's why I think the headcanon that Neuvillette personally made the soup that the melusine gave to Wriothesley isn't as sweet as you think it is.
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4raykage · 4 months
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they are the same :D
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I wanted to request… maybe headcanons for a yandere ray from mystic messenger? specifically i was imagining like, what would he be like with someone who’s really innocent and naive- perhaps someone like an angel to mint eye. i hope that’s not too specific!
Gift is made by @sapphireicecream
Thank you for letting me use it <3
Yandere Ray headcanon
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Ray would adore you.
Your kindness and gentleness would melt his heart.
If you were to be gentle with him, it would feel like a dream.
Ray would really adore you.
You could be an angel to mint eye…
But you would be like a god to him.
And believe that Ray would take your safety very seriously.
He wouldn't want "bad" people to be able to take advantage of your kindness.
Ray would like to protect you.
You are too innocent for this world.
You would spend most of your time with Ray.
And he would try to make you as comfortable as possible.
Pretty much anything you'd want Ray to do.
You would receive your favorite flowers, gifts, favorite food, etc.
He could also give hugs if you let him.
Surely Ray would blush during hugs.
However, there would be a few exceptions.
Like he couldn't let you go…
And he couldn't let you see other people either.
But otherwise you'd be fine <3
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
Unlikely Intruder
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Special agent Kennedy bested by the most unexpected intruder in the middle of the night. A ruined night of sleep leaves the both of them sharing a soft moment.
A/N: Enjoy! Requests are open!
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Leon’s always been a light sleeper. 
It comes from years of living on the edge, of catching an hour of sleep in any cramped, temporarily safe location he could during missions, gun loaded in hand and ready to shoot if need be. From harsh training that molded him into the indestructible person he is today 
It’s exactly why he’s awake the moment he hears a small, muffled thud downstairs. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he slowly unwinds his arms from around the person next to him, casting her a soft glance. 
The thud comes again and Leon’s sitting up, reaching for the pistol in his nightstand. 
Did someone break in? He strains his ears, but there are no footsteps, no indication of broken window glass. He knows all the doors were locked, he checks them every night before bed. 
Obsessive, she jokes at him whenever he goes through the little night-time routine he has. 
Perhaps he was, but if being called obsessive was the consequence of ensuring her safety, he’d let her jeer at him for hours. 
“Leon?” The soft voice steals his focus momentarily. He watches his girlfriend shift, rubbing at her eyes and sitting up, most likely sensing the wariness rolling off of him in waves. “What’s wrong?” She stifles a yawn, pulling the sheet up with her. Disheveled and disoriented from sleep, she looks adorable. He’d take her right back to bed if not for the prickling chill running down his spine.  
“I heard something,” Leon tells her quietly, turning his attention back to the door. “Something downstairs.”  
“What?” Her eyes widen and she sits up straighter, casting a cautious glance at the door. “Like a person? Did someone break in?” Her voice comes out hurried, and Leon squeezes her arm gently to calm her down. 
“You’re alright.” He assures her. “You’re with me, aren’t you?” 
“Cocky much?” She manages a small smile, which dissipates as a crash comes from downstairs. Leon’s on his feet immediately. 
“Stay here, baby.” He orders, in that deep authoritative voice she’s heard him talk to others at work with. “Lock the door behind me and don’t come out. I’ll come and get you, understand.”
She wants to protest, wants to insist that two people are better than one, but knows that Leon is built for this life, that he knows what he’s doing and she’d only be the added challenge of someone he needs to protect while investigating. 
“Okay.” She agrees. “Yell if you need help, alright?”
“Sure.” Leon leans down, presses a kiss to her hair before striding off, gun in hand. 
The click of the lock she turns behind him unsettles her more than it reassures her. 
Minutes pass without noise, not a peep. No thuds, no crashes, nothing but the silence that bubbles into eeriness the longer it goes on. What was going on? Did Leon find something? Someone? 
The next crash makes her jump out of her skin. It’s accompanied by a muffled, loud curse from Leon, something so out of character that it makes her instinctively grab the doorknob. 
She hesitates. 
He said not to follow...but she rarely hears Leon raise his voice like that. Worry prickles at her, the need to make sure he’s alright winning over her hesitation to stay safe. Creaking the door open, she pads quietly through the hallway, slowly stepping down the stairs. 
It was alright. Everything would be fine, she just needed to find Leon. She’s taken a couple of self-defence classes, Leon had arranged them for her and even given her a few lessons himself-
Though those ones ended up with her having a little more fun at the end. 
Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts that had no business coming to her now, her breath hitches as she hears chairs and tables scraping, Leon groaning with effort. 
She peeks around the corner, heart racing, ready to run in to help him and-...
The fright drains out of her at the sight.
Her boyfriend, this strong, deadly special agent, this fully grown man wrestling with a small, spitting angry raccoon around their kitchen. The latter is hissing and trying to scratch at him while Leon holds it by the scruff, an angry red scratch across his cheek, bleeding sluggishly. 
“Are you alright?” She asks, Leon’s gaze snapping to her. 
“Thought I told you to stay put.” He shakes his head, giving the creature a frustrated look, holding it at arms length. 
“That was before I knew you’d be bested by a raccoon.” She laughs. He does not look amused as he pulls open the front door and ushers the animal out, firmly shutting and locking the door behind it. 
“It did not best me, I just wasn’t expecting it.” He winces when he touches the scratch on his cheek.
“Same thing.” Padding her way across the kitchen, she tilts his chin to the side to get a closer look. “That look nasty.” She smiles when Leon kisses her palm. 
“Stings. Not too bad though.” 
“Come here.” She runs a washcloth under warm water in the sink and hoists herself onto the counter, gesturing him over. Once he’s slotted between her legs, hands bracing himself on either side of her, she leans in and gently cleans the blood off of his face. “Let me know if it hurts.” She meets his eyes briefly. 
He wouldn’t. 
Leon drinks in every single moment she decides to touch him. He’s not used to touches that don’t come with expectations or hurt, so being with her is a reprieve from his busy life. He stares at her face unashamedly while she works, the water warm, her gentle touch cupping his face soothing. He admires the line of her jaw, the softness of her eyes. 
She was beautiful. The best thing that ever happened to him. 
Sometimes he wonders if someone as tainted as him deserved to come home to a person as pure-hearted as her.
But then again, Leon supposes he can afford to be selfish this one time. Just for this. 
“It looks deeper than I thought.” She snaps him out of his thoughts. 
“I’ve had worse than an angry raccoon scratch.” He quips, smiles widening at the disapproving look she casts him. 
“Do you think it was carrying anything?” She asks suddenly. “Like rabies? It was wild, wasn’t it?”
Leon thinks for a moment. He’d come downstairs to the creature rifling through their pantry which had been left cracked open. it had not taken well to Leon’s attempt to remove it and had lunged at him. he didn’t get to check it it was foaming at the mouth or not. 
All plans of going back to bed with her fly out the window. 
Leon groans and drops his head down to her shoulder. A trip to the ER it was then. “Shit.” He curses, muffled by the fabric of the shirt she wore to bed. It’s one of his, he notes. 
A soothing hand cards through his hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “I’ll get the car keys.” She huffs out a small laugh.
Requests Are Open!
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