#Still trying to decide what colouring style I want to go for
iwasneverth3re · 1 year
couldn’t decide which background colour I liked more, so I decided to post both!
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Full size images under the cut^^
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twenty-Five - Future Mrs Ricciardo
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
warnings: light smut
Series Masterlist
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Daniel spent all of December and January ring shopping. It was just so difficult, trying to decide on the perfect one. He'd seen the dainty rings she wore on her finger. All of them were flat. None of them were the kind of ring with a rock.
Something flat. Daniel knew she would like something flat, something that didn't have any kind of diamond sticking out. But that made finding the perfect one so much harder.
First, Daniel wanted to ask her and Milo to move into his house. By February, he'd decided it was time, decided he wanted to pick up all of her things and move them to his house. He wanted to see her books on the shelves, her blankets on the sofa, her mug beside his in the cupboards.
Fast forward to Valentines day. Olivia was supposed to be at her mothers house, but Kerry-Ann had a date and begged Daniel to take her.
(She watched the entire interaction, watched the way Kerry-Ann stepped closer to Daniel. Her hand touched his chest and she pouted her lips, begging him to take Olivia while she went on her Valentines date. The fact that she thought she needed to beg showed she really didn't know Daniel at all.)
Olivia and Milo spent the night at Olivia's Grand Parent's house. They watched movies, ate dinner in front of the television and filled in their colouring books until they went to bed.
"I'm thinking dinner and a movie," said Daniel as he pulled her towards him, pulling her onto his lap.
She straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I think I like what you're thinking," she said and kissed him, playing with the hair at the back of his neck. "But I'm also happy with staying here and breaking the couch in."
Daniel couldn't help but frown. "The couch isn't new," he answered, and she bounced in his lap. His eyes widened. "Oh wow," he said. "Wow, yeah, I like that." His hands settled on her hips. "But I do still want to take you out for dinner."
When she pouted, Daniel kissed her and her pout disappeared. "Come on, my love," he said. "It's our first Valentines day together and I want to treat you."
She kissed him again. "Okay. But, instead of a movie, we can come back here and..."
"I love it." He stood up and gently put her on the floor. "Go and get dressed. I wasn't to get you back here as soon as possible." Daniel pointed her in the direction of the bedroom and smacked her ass, as if to get her going.
She got showered and dressed in as quick a time as she could. She dried and brushed her hair, styling it with pins, and did her makeup. If they were going for dinner, she was going to make sure she looked fucking perfect.
When Daniel walked into the bedroom to retrieve a his own clothes, he covered his eyes. "I'm not looking, I swear," he said as he dug through the closet.
He got changed in the living room, folding his clothes and leaving them on the couch. When he was ready, Daniel sat down and called his daughter.
When she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, Daniel damn near dropped his phone. "Is that my momma?" Milo asked, his face appearing on the screen.
"Yeah, Milo, it is," he said as he strode over to her. He turned the camera around, showing Milo and Olivia just how gorgeous she looked. She did a twirl and took the phone from Daniel, saying hello to the kids as he stood behind her, hands on her hips.
"Well, we'll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?" She said to Milo and Olivia.
"Bye, guys!" Daniel called from behind her.
"Bye!" Milo and Olivia chorused, ending the call.
When Daniel turned her around, she slipped his phone into his pocket. She kissed the underside of his jaw as Daniel gripped her hips. "You know, now I kinda regret insisting that we go to dinner."
She stepped away from him, giving him an unimpressed look as she did so. "I did not get all pretty like this for nothing." She pressed a finger to his chest as she said it. "C'mon, Honey Badger. Take me to dinner."
Dinner was, well, fantastic. It was a small Italian place. Daniel hadn't given his real name when making the reservation, and they damn near shit their pants when he walked in.
They couldn't be more apologetic that they'd sat them in one of the worst seats in the house. But it was Valentines day and it was incredibly busy.
But the food was good, the service was good and the wine went to her head a little bit. Their table was lit by candles. Everything was perfect.
Daniel had his arm wrapped around her as they walked down the street. They didn't head back to the car immediately, instead walking under the stars. "Hang on," he said, stopping to tie his shoelaces.
But his shoelaces were tied already. And, suddenly, he had a little black box in his hand. "Y/N," Daniel called and she turned towards him. "I've got an important question."
Her hands covered her mouth as he pulled open the box. What kind of ring would a man like Daniel choose for her? Whatever it was, she'd wear it with pride.
But the box didn't have a ring inside. No, it had a key. "Will you move in with me?"
She couldn't stop herself from hitting his shoulder. "Asshole, I thought you were going to propose!"
Still, Daniel was on his knee, waiting for an answer. "Yes," she said, taking the key from the box. "Yes, I'll move in with you."
Daniel stood up and kissed her. "Let me take you home, Roomie," he said with a grin, taking her hand and leading her back to the car. "I just gotta know, will you smack me like that when I do propose?"
"Propose and find out," she said with a grin as Daniel pulled open the car door for her.
When the season started a month later, Daniel wanted to take her everywhere with him. He wanted her by his side as he walked through the paddock, wanted her watching him as he drove.
But she was still working and he went alone. But it was okay, it just meant that she'd be at home, watching the race with the kids.
The drivers that had met her, loved her. They asked Daniel about her whenever they got a moment. He loved talking about her. He loved talking about all of his little family and couldn't stop once he'd started.
Only Max knew he was going to propose. Only Max had seen the ring. Only Max knew how Daniel was going to do it. He just needed to give his friend a little reassurance.
It was back in Australia. Daniel had a weekend of no racing and he wanted to get away.
He booked a cabin for the two of them, took her away for just the weekend while Milo and Olivia stayed with his parents. Daniel didn't tell her. He didn't tell her until he was packing their bags (with no idea what to pack for her).
She walked in on him, shoving things into their bags. "Danny," she said softly, placing her hand on his shoulders. "What're you doing?"
He let out a sigh as he stood up. "I... am taking you away for the weekend."
Holy shit, he was going to propose.
Wordlessly, she began putting things into her bag. She grabbed things from her underwear drawer and put them in her bag without letting Daniel see what it was.
Once her bag was zipped up, she turned to him and threw her arms around his shoulders. "Love you," she said as she kissed him.
Daniel could hardly keep himself from telling her as he drove them up to the cabin. He kept his hand on her thigh as he parked up (doing that thing where he drove with one hand, palm against the steering wheel).
Their bags weren't heavy, but Daniel insisted on carrying both of them. The cabin was nice and secluded, the next one a few miles doing the road.
"Have you ever fucked on a porch?" He grinned as he carried the bags into the cabin, flexing like crazy.
They had sex on the porch. They had sex on the rug, sex by the fire. It was damn near impossible to separate them.
Daniel was constantly looking for the right moment to propose. He wanted to, he so badly wanted to. But it wasn't the right moment.
The right moment came on Sunday. They'd spent the night unable to separate, his cock moving through her folds, her body moving on top of his.
In the morning light, with her body wrapped in the white sheets, hair covering the pillow, Daniel found his moment. He wrapped his arms around her mid section and pulled her closer. "Marry me," he said and kissed her bare shoulder.
"Sure," she muttered, fingers tracing his tattoo.
"No, I'm being serious," he said, turning her body to face him. "Marry me."
She grinned and leaned in to kiss him. "Yes, Daniel Ricciardo, I'll marry you."
Suddenly Daniel was out of the bed. He ran to his bag, pulled the ring from its box and slipped it onto her finger. "Future Mrs Ricciardo," he whispered and kissed her, pulling her body against his.
(When they picked up the kids later that evening, Daniel introduced Y/N to his parents as his ex girlfriend. Nobody was impressed by that.)
TAGLIST (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minseok-smaus @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lily-ann-b @cixrosie @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @lightdragonrayne @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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brailsthesmolgurl · 3 months
A smol bird requested for this to be written and so here I am, playing fairy godmother! If any of you have any sort of requests, just drop me a dm as I am revived from my death and ready to write more delulus as your solulus!
Context: What happens when your outfit decides NOT to cooperate with you? What will the boys do for you?
Disclaimer: This one-shot is created with me studying their lore on various websites and social media so that I could get a better idea on what colours they like/represent and what style they lean towards. Some of you may disagree but its okay! You can read it as it is and add in your own imagery of a suitable outfit by your hubbies! Warnings: Fluff that might rot your brains.
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"I am almost done with this piece," Rafayel spoke, eyes still glued to his canvas, one hand holding up his messily stained colour palette, while the other held the brush as he drew strokes across the canvas. "Why don't you go and get changed as you wait for me to finish off this bit, yeah?"
"Yes sir." You quirkily replied and you stood up, spotting him sending you a teasing look given the way you addressed him. Earlier on, some strangers had came by Rafayel's mansion with Thomas to deliver some clothes. Apparently, these clothes are custom made by those luxurious brands specifically for Rafayel. Thomas addressed it as this was one of the ways the luxury brands show their support towards Rafayel's works. ONE OF THE WAYS... At this point, you are convinced that Rafayel is a huge deal and having luxurious brands begging on their knees to work with him sounded like a dream that would never come true to you.
The dress that sat on the bed was delivered for you as well, as per Rafayel's request. There was objection amongst the team that were handling the sponsorship and ambassador deals for the brand. But Rafayel spoke through the phone like he owns the company. "If she does not get a gown, then our business ends. Right now." He hung up abruptly, and the next thing he knew, the dress showed up at his door in less than 30 minutes.
Any brands, regardless luxurious or not, knows the right way and only way to please Rafayel. One wrong move and you are off the chart and some other brand may easily replace you. Hence, nobody dares to mess with Rafayel. Except for you. "The dress on the bed is yours!" He shouted from the living room and you picked up the dress.
The chiffon textured dress is of a forest green colour, going all the way down to your ankles. The strapless design made you gulped as you are not used to outfits of this measure, given the nature of your work, whereas your attire has to be 'appropriate for work in times of need'. Touching the inner material, you sighed in relief as you realised that there was bra padding for you hence you do not have to go all the way out to get a new bra just for this event.
Putting on the dress and zipping it up was easy, and you fit almost perfectly into the dress. The keyword being ALMOST. As you lifted your hands up, the dress started sliding down like it is a floatie on a wet water slide and woop, off it went and onto the ground. You panicked, bending down in one fell swoop and trying to gather the dress so that you can pull it up to your chest again.
But it does not let you go past the waist area unless you unzip it. Groaning, you struggled to find the zip as the dress is really puffy and you did not want to ruin the designer dress. "Is everything okay?" Rafayel stood at the doorway, leaning against the side of his door, as he watched you with amusement written all over his face. He has been standing there for quite a while hasn't he?
You gasped, pulling whatever that is on the floor to cover your chest area and he walked over, analysing the dress and scowling when he found out the reason. "I should have gotten them to measure you instead of just bringing you a standard fit." He took his phone out of his pocket and tapped on the screen a couple of times. His eyes looked back at you and you bit your lip in embarassment. "Your curves are way too beautiful to be hidden amongst this pile of leaves."
His comment made you giggled. Guess he has the same thought as you. "Toss the dress aside darling, I will get you a new one." Another few taps of the finger, he shows you the dress he has in mind. A purple dress with extravagant sleeves, puffing out like how a jellyfish would and you instantaneously knew why he opted for this dress. "I like purple better anyways."
"But wait Rafayel... this dress is not entirely scrap, maybe I can sew a temporary knot on it to tighten the top so it won't fall off. And there is really no need for you to get another custom one for me as we are running out of time." Your suggestion made him stare at you, purple-blue pupils blown wide as if he has really just witnessed a shark eating grass. iykyk.
He walked over and grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close to him, so close that you could hear the sound of his heart against yours. But at this moment, maybe he could hear yours louder than his. "Nobody can put a price on your love for me. EVER. But, I can sure as hell throw out any price on anyone, regardless the amount, as a representation of how much you worth to me." You looked away immediately, eyes stared at the arms that were holding you in place. He kissed your forehead, chuckling, before he pressed his phone against his ear. "Now, let's see who can make this dress for the price I am willing to pay in 30 minutes time." he makes me feel something
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You waited on a bench in front of Akso Hospital. You figured it would be a great idea to wait for Zayne as he finishes work early today and you might be able to grab dinner with him. You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking through your daily for-you-page before a shadow loomed over you. You looked up and no doubt, it is Zayne aka the great and almightly Elsa.
"How long have you been sitting here?" He asked you, before handing you a candy that he had fished out from the pocket of his trench coat. "I was planning to meet you slightly later at your condo." The thought of him initially wanting to surprise you made your heart fluttered. You see, Zayne is a more upfront guy so having him to plan surprises are one of the uncalled scenarios.
"I had only been here for a couple of minutes." You lied, taking the candy out of his palm and unwrapped it before you tossed it into your mouth. The raise of his eyebrow towards you made your breath hitched as he knew you too well that you could not lie to him in his face. "Fine, I had waited here since 5pm." This made Zayne looked down at his wrist watch.
"So it's been an hour and 15 minutes?" He side eyed you and you admitted it by nodding your head. "Next time, it would be better if you were to just wait for me at home. If it wasn't for a full deck today at the hospital, I might just be covering shifts for other people and that might be inconvenient for you." But, he himself actually noticed you exactly an hour and 15 minutes, from his office's window, before his upcoming surgery. He had another three surgeries lined up for the night, but fearing that you may end up waiting the whole night for him, he decided to cancel his schedule for the night and transfer the case to other doctors. Even workaholics take a break. iykyk
"But I just wanted to come over to check up on you. I even chose to sit outside so that you would not be distracted as you are working." You pouted, hands picking at the hem of your shirt. You felt Zayne's hand landed on the top of your head, a gesture of love and comfort. He patted and smoothed your brunette strands back and you stared up at him. "I shall wait for you at home next time okay?"
"Now that's a good girl." killmeplease Zayne smiled warmly. "Now, lets get you back alright? My car is parked right by the road side. Come on." Hands around your waist, he slowly walked you over to his car. The smell of his cologne lingered on your nose, the smell of mint and dashes of cinnamon. Just like his personality, icy as mint but warm and welcoming as cinnamon once you get to know him.
He opened the car door for you and as you walked over to get into the car, your shirt got hooked against one of the metal wires that went astray from the metal fencing and the next thing you heard was the sound of a ripping cloth. You yelped as you stumbled and Zayne slotted himself right in front of you, shocked as well and using his body to block you from falling further. "Oh my..." Your cursed under your breath as your hands were against his washboard abs, steadying yourself. doublekill
He guided you into the car slowly before getting into the driver side himself. When he had started the car and turned on the air conditioning, he turned to look at you. "How bad is the rip?" He asked and you lifted the hem of your shirt, showing the rip that is around 4cm long.
"Why does this have to happen to one of my favourite shirt?" You frowned, fingers won't stop touching and fidgeting with the ripped edge.
"Do they still sell this shirt?" Zayne asked, hands reaching over to tug against the shirt, as if to examine the material of the outfit. The shake of your head made him sigh and he gestured to the glovebox. "Open the glovebox and take out the black pouch please."
You did as you were told and you watched in confusion as he took off his trench coat and placed it onto your lap. The coat still radiating warmth that was collected off of his body heat. He opened the black pouch and laid it flat on the arm rest of his car, and inside of the pouch was an array of threads and needles. "Are these suture needles?"
"Yes." His response was prompt. "Take off your shirt and hand it to me please." He requested and you gulped. Using the trench coat to block his view, you slowly took off your shirt and then wrapped his trench coat around your whole front. You knew that he had probably seen many naked bodies given his line of work but something about this scenario, with you being with him only in a car, felt very intimate and it made you very anxious. "You know how to sew?"
"I am a doctor, I know how to suture. And it is the same concept as sewing, but only with different kinds of needles and threads." He then started sewing, his concentration a trait you find admirable. It did not took him long when he finished sewing your shirt and he handed it back to you, the thread sewed on has gaps of equal length and was tied off neatly. As expected of one of the top doctors from Akso Hospital. As he started driving, he added. "Although I had managed to sew the shirt for you, I believe with my connections, I would be just as capable to find you the same shirt. Then, you would never have to complain about this being your only favourite shirt."
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You were going about your day in your own house before you heard your doorbell ringing. You placed your bowl of cereal down and took a glance on the clock on your phone. Who dares to threaten your peaceful weekend? You went over to the door and you opened it to reveal your blond hair lover. "Xavier?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed when he smiled at you.
"Good morning, I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He teased and stepped in, holding out a parcel for your. "I believe this belongs to you?" The small rip at the top side of your parcel indicated that he probably took a peek on what's inside. Acknowledging the parcel, you took it off of his hands and you blushed, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear.
"Good morning to you too. I guess I might have accidentally wrote your level instead of mine." You bit your bottom lip and you heard him chuckle in return. "But thanks for coming down to deliver this to me when you could have just asked me to get it from you." "But I wanted to see you personally. And seeing the clothes that are in the parcel, I thought I could get to watch you try them on too." His blunt answer made you stare at him like a mad man. His blue eyes however, glinted with nothing but honesty. This guy may be mysterious but he sure is straightforward in stating what he has on his mind. He probably noticed the way you reacted and he took a step back, retracing his words and slightly coughing to ease the awkwardness. "I mean, I would like to see you trying out these new outfits that you had gotten for yourself. It would be a good past time for me."
You chuckled at how goofy this guy is and gestured towards him to go and sit at the couch. You went into the room to get yourself changed and it was as if today is your fashion show day. You strutted out in different outfits, layered against one another and watched the way Xavier would react to you, either fascinated, or straight down confused. There was even this one time, he would just have a blank expression where you wore an oversized shirt under your tshirt. Clothing trends on the streets nowadays baffles him and he wondered if he was the one that was left out from the fashion ring.
Your last outfit featured you in a semi see through tank top and a pair of cargo pants. Not to mention, the tank top seemed to be too small for you as the way the blond boy sees it, it was holding onto your figure for dear life and barely leaving anything more to one's imagination. And the thought itself ticked him off. When you looked over towards Xavier, he does not look surprised nor confused, but rather bland. "What do you think?" Your tone came off to be amused and you did a twirl in front of him before you took a seat right next to him.
Xavier anxiously gulped and looked away from you, his voice low as he muttered. "I don't think this outfit looks nice on you, girlfriend." The way he shifted in his seat made you cornered him against the couch even more, wanting a better explanation. "The top you are wearing. I don't like it."
"And why so?" You asked, looking down at your top and adjusting it. "This is the trend nowadays, they call it the Y2K trend I think. And this tank top was on sale, so I just got it."
"I can buy you some other clothes. Even the ones that are not going to be on sale." He retorted, eyeing the tank top you were wearing with an underlying anger. "I just don't think I would like to see you wearing this in public. It is too revealing, and I guess tight on your body."
His answer painted your cheeks red and you gasped. What were you thinking? Of course you had forgotten about his possesive nature. He does not show it much and having such a pretty boy face like him further disconnects the word 'possessive' from his character. He reached into his hoodie's front pocket and pulled out his phone, opening up an app and handed the phone to you. When you refused to take it, he lifted his torso off of the couch to 'force' you to take his phone. Just like how you had previously pressed your body against him, this is his turn to take his small and sweet revenge. You panicked as he closed the gap between you two and within the next minute, he was pressed against you, one of his hand at the side of your head and another still holding his phone up to you, his gaze intense. "Just choose whatever you want from my phone, my card information is all in there. And perhaps before you check out, you can let me double check on the outfits you are getting." He low-key demanded before he explained himself for such a decision. "I just don't like nor want people staring wrongfully at what I treasure the most."
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Another fluff for another day. I already did my best in having to think of different wardrobe malfunctions as I did not want one theme of wardrobe malfunction to be stagnant across the whole story for all three of the boys. SO I hope you would understand my lovelies. :,) I am very very free so I will be posting more regularly for these few weeks. SO please do show me more love and support as that would aid me in my motivation in writing!
Do check out my other works as well!
Hope your Delulu is satisfied my lovelies <3
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its-tin · 5 months
My shot at @abbeyofcyn’s CTIYS!
Fun fact this is actually my first time ever doing something like this (or even posting art in general) and I might have gone a bit overboard with it. I coloured it twice because I had two ideas wanted to try both. My finger needs rest and I can’t fathom that Ibis is telling me that I spent 16-nearly-17 hours on this lol. But! I’m happy I did. This was so much fun to do! I only recently started with digital art and I decided to try and do new things with this. Who knew shading could be so enjoyable? I also found it very entertaining to try and shove as many small details as I can into this (an example being in the first one, Donnie’s bags (?) actually being Leo’s (he has them in the show :] ) that he *cough* borrowed to store interesting things he finds in the apocalypse).
First one (what I call my normal attempt): “Gold”
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(I actually forgot that his mechanical arm is green too and only realised it when I was late into the second one lol) I wanted to emphasise with the colours that they are still in the apocalypse, but it’s but brighter with those you care for. They’re the most valuable thing in the world, and hence, Gold! I also wanted to try doing a golden hour scene and MAN did I struggle. But, I’m proud of it :)
Small trigger warning! The next one contains a bit of blood and implied death.
Second one (Angst tehe): “Hollow peace”
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(MY QUALITY NOOOOO-) This was actually my first thought on the CTIYS before I changed my mind and started on the other. I had the thought that maybe Leo “failed”, losing them in some recent battle and now is just chilling with their ghosts and ow that hurts saying aloud. They stumble upon a new area, and it’s so peaceful and beautiful, but Leo can’t enjoy it. He wouldn’t even know how to. He can’t remember how to feel, how to think beyond ‘survive’. He’s failed everyone and everything. He cries without knowing for what. He’s a husk caring for the hauntings of his kids, they’re the only thing keeping him alive. And as long as they’re still here, still smiling at him despite him being a monster and failing them, he still has a purpose. He will live on.
Wow I talk a lot. Anyways go follow @abbeyofcyn they’re super cool and post amazing art. They inspire me so much on so many different levels and I am very happy to be able to do this. Rad person with stunning fanart and stories.
(Incredible line art done by @abbeyofcyn (sorry I’ve tagged you thrice in one post))
And here’s the link to the Original Post if you want to try yourself! I recommend, but you do you. :D
Thanks for listening to my rambles and have a lovely rest of your day/night! :]
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veritas-scribblings · 17 days
pride - @jegulus-microfic - words: 584
Barty has dressed the baby up in a little rainbow robe. There are streaks of rainbow painted on his cheeks, glitter in his hair. He is wearing little sparkly shoes that leave a trail of bright colours in his wake every time he toddles off. Tied to the back of his trousers, he drags around a bundle of latex flotation devices (balloons, Barty calls them). And honestly? Regulus thinks it’s embarrassing. The baby looks ridiculous. He’d been wearing designer robes, leather shoes: navy blues, blacks. Respectable colours. 
‘Right,’ Barty says, ‘because that’s what every infant wants: respectable colours. These are Pride colours, sweetheart.’
‘There’s nothing proud about those colours,’ Regulus says.
James thinks that the baby looks wicked, but then James wouldn’t know fashion or style if they clobbered him over the head.
He leans over, kisses Regulus gently, and scoops up little Elio (who, in Barty’s defence, really does look thrilled with it all). The baby squirms in James’s arms and makes grabby hands for Barty, who pulls faces at him over James’s shoulder.
‘It’s a muggle thing,’ James explains. ‘A muggle holiday. Don’t worry, it’ll wash off.’
‘What muggle holiday entails dressing my baby up in offensively bright colours? Might be the last time I let him babysit.’
‘Your mistake,’ Sirius snickers, ‘was letting Barty babysit in the first place.’
‘Didn’t see him going to you, bitch,’ Barty says snidely. He tries to reach over and take Elio from James’s arms. ‘Now gimme my baby.’
‘He’s not your baby,’ Sirius says with a frown, because Sirius could never refuse any bait Barty threw his way. ‘He’s not your anything. He is, however, my nephew.’
James just sighs and passes Elio to Barty, both of whom squeal with delight. And honestly, the moment Elio was born into the world, Barty had very much decided to stake his claim on the child and James has just gone along with it because, he says, it’s easier than trying to argue or reason with the man.
James leans down, kisses Regulus’s neck and trails soft, warm kisses across his jaw and towards his mouth. ‘We could leave Elio with Barty,’ he says, ‘go home, try and make another baby.’
Regulus cocks an eyebrow. ‘Really, that’s the line you’re going with? Make another baby? Is that meant to sound enticing? Sexy? Seductive?’
‘I thought it was smooth.’
‘You’d think serrated iron was smooth.’
James groans, buries his face in Regulus’s hair. He mumbles something that Regulus cannot make out.
‘Well, you’ve done it, you’ve gone and stirred the fire of passion in my loins,’ Regulus says sarcastically. ‘I do believe I may be ready to procreate, just try and restrain me.’
‘Stop,’ James whines. He pulls Regulus up against him, and Regulus goes easily. ‘Why do I let you be so mean to me?’
‘You’re entirely lacking in self-respect?’
James hums and agrees that could be it. He leans down and kisses Regulus again, a fuller, proper kiss this time. Regulus nips, tugs at James’s lip, deepens the kiss with a hand curling around the back of James’s neck. Years later, kissing James still sends him into a dizzy, heady spiral. Because James’s mouth is warm and his lips are soft and this is oh-so-wonderfully familiar that ten years could pass, fifty years could pass and Regulus is sure he will never be tired of kissing James Potter.
In the background somewhere, Barty cackles, has run off with little Elio. And Regulus thinks he might not actually get his child back this time.
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Admit it
Word count: 1.9k words
Description: Sherlock believes that lingerie is pointless so y/n decides to prove him wrong, no matter the costs.
Warnings: 18+, very angsty, BJ, P in V sex, choking, slut shame
A/N: this is my apology for not posting as much hope you like it! But chapter 11 is about halfway done atm.
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“I don’t get it!” Sherlock shouted at the television screen, jolting you awake with his movement, you had fallen asleep on him again, which of course he didn’t have a problem with.
“W-what now?” You ask dazed from your sleep
“These adverts look at those women.” He pointed to the ad you had seen thousands of times for a designer company showing off their new lingerie.
“Its just an ad?” You say confused, this is your punishment for letting him get to intrigued in the reality tv shows you watch, his attempt of proving he could be a normal boyfriend.
“Yes but I don’t get why lingerie is so amazing.” He turned to you
“Because its a way to feel pretty, seductive almost.” You laugh
“But you don’t need lingerie to look beautiful.” He added
“You know you should use that line more often.” You laugh
“I really don’t understand society.” He sighed and turned his head back to the screen.
“So you wouldn’t care if i wore something like that?” You ask
“I prefer you in nothing, we both know that.” He squeezed your thigh
“No but its meant to make their partners want them more. A treat i would say.” You thought how you ended up explaining the use of lingerie to your boyfriend who was very much experienced by now in the arts of physical relationships with you.
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“It does.” You laugh “its like when you wear that purple shirt that’s slightly too tight for you” you smirk as his brow raises
“That actually explains a lot.”
“Never mind the show is back on.” You point to the screen
“You’re just going to fall asleep again.” He smiled
“Would that be a problem?” You ask
“Never.” He added, and as usual he was right. You woke up the next morning in you shared bed trying to work out how you’d gotten there but then remembered your conversation from last night, maybe he would like it if you wore lingerie. You hadn’t exactly tried that before, you knew he was probably out on a case so you got dressed with your mission clear. Finding the perfect lingerie to seduce the great Sherlock Holmes, who also happened to be the man who never had physical relationships with anyone, in a physical relationship with you.
You started out with a few common clothing shops with nothing really taking your fancy so you decided it would be better to look in the expensive shops, like the one from the advert. You browse the isles being amazed by the different styles and colours in all shapes and sizes before finally seeing the perfect set.
On a mannequin in front of you was a purple laced bra and panties set. It was almost the same colour as his shirt so you knew it would be perfect, the bra was lace and obviously see through and the panties would fit your figure just right.
It was early evening by the time you got home, and Sherlock’s violin could be heard throughout the apartment. He smiled when he saw you, but didn’t stop playing. It was obvious whatever case he was on was really toying with his mind mind.
“I’m just gonna take a shower.” You yelled not expecting a reply, it was time to put your plan into action. You showered and washed your hair, whilst also performing for the various bottles of shampoo that probably wished they didn’t need to hear the same verse from careless whisper three times over. You towel dry your hair enough so it wouldn’t be dripping wet, without getting too frizzy the next day and slipped on the lingerie. And god it was perfect, there was no way in hell even Sherlock holmes could deny you didn’t look good, you weren't one for loving yourself too much but this made it difficult.
You left the bathroom wearing only the lingerie and Sherlock was still playing, but upon hearing you enter the room he began playing a careless whisper mocking your singing.
“Was I really being that loud?” You laugh
“I’ve heard worse.” He still hadn’t turned around, dam his stupid mind palace.
“So what case are you stuck on?” You ask moving to the kitchen and ignoring the severed human limbs to make tea.
“A soldier was murdered, found dead in the shower, no way in, no way out and no signs of a struggle. Just dead, it appears as if a ghost killed him.” He still hadn’t turned around, god he was arrogant sometimes.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” You ask
“Yes and is there any biscu-.” He stopped and finally laid his eyes on you. Your back was to him, your ass clearly showing.
“Everything okay back there?” You smirk
“W-what are you wearing?” He asked, you could have swore you heard a gulp.
“Oh this little thing? I picked it up today. What do you think?” You tapped the tea spoon on the cup and turned around, he watched your every move as you entered the living room. You place the tea on the table and walk over to him, now he was intrigued. It was time to play your game. “Sit please” you push him back into his chair and he falls back with a huff his eyes scanning every part of your body.
“I- I think its n-nice.” He watched as you teased him moving your hips as you turned around allowing him to look at everything.
“But you see I’m not sure about it, could you have a closer look?” You step towards him, and place yourself in his lap straddling his legs, with your chest in his face, his hands slid up your legs towards your hips, but you pushed them away. “Ah ah, remember I thought you didn’t see the point in clothes like this. In my opinion i’d say they’re pretty effective.” You could feel him twitching beneath you,
“Maybe they are helping a tad bit.” He shuffled in his seat trying his best to do as you said but he wasn’t going to admit you were right.
“Pitty, I thought they were working.” You began circulating your hips, grinding yourself against his growing length, letting out small moans of pleasure. You watched as he gripped the arms of his chair tightly at the sensation of you rubbing against him. You moved your hands to his chest and unbuttoned his shirt. His fingers moved closer to you tracing along your leg, but you stopped your movements and tutted. “Admit I was right and maybe I’ll let you touch.”
He grunted frustratedly he wasn’t one for admitting he was wrong, but here you sat in his lap grinding against him and he couldn’t even kiss you. “Shit” he sighed “fine you were right” you smiled at your win and pushed your lips against his and began moving faster.
“I can’t help myself around you, fuck baby.” He trailed his lips along your neck going in between the crevice of your breast with his tongue, he pulled down the straps of your bra and pulled your tits free. He took one into his mouth, nibbling the nipple slightly while gripping the other with his hand.
You gripped his hair pushing him further into your chest letting out more moans edging him on. You pushed your soaked cunt harder on him, making his cock rub against your clit beginning to causing the knot in your stomach to grow tighter, growing closer to your release. He purred into your chest as your wetness soaked through his trousers, which grew ever tighter with your work. You couldn’t hold it back any longer your hips jolted as you came,
“Oh fuck Sherlock yes, fuck you’re so hard its s-so good.”
“Mmm fuck i can’t wait any longer.” He stood up and carried you through the hall towards your bedroom, his lips still locked to yours as he kicked the door open and carried you to the bed. He dropped you there watching as you knelt below him, wiping the hair stuck to your sweaty forehead.
“Want your cock, baby, I need it.” You whimpered as you unbuckled his belt. You pulled down his boxers and watched as he moaned as you licked a stripe down his length before gently sucking on his balls as your hand pumped him slowly. His head knocked back with a sigh of relief as you reached his tip again, and slowly began bobbing your head down over it, working your tongue around him before sinking down a little farther. You tried your best to swallow around him he helped by pushing himself in gently letting out deep moans the further you got. His hip’s jolted again as you pulled back and worked on the tip again, he was becoming too sensitive and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. He pushed your mouth away and brought you to his gently gripping your throat.
“Don't think I forgot you wouldn’t let me touch you, I won’t let that go unnoticed. I’m going to make sure you can’t walk for a week.” He pushed you onto the bed and positioned his frame over you, he practically ripped off the panties and entered with a hard thrust causing you to yelp and grip to the bed sheets. He pushed hard into you the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room accompanied by your moans, you clawed at his back as he fucked you
“Look at you so cock drunk, you think you can parade yourself around like a little slut in my apartment and get away with it. Do you?” He asked
“N-no.” You whimpered, leaning your head back as your back arched
“No what?” He grabbed your chin making your eyes level with his dark blues
“N-no sir.”
“Good.” He flipped you over and knelt over you, slowing his pace, taking more time to push harder into you. “Now say you’re sorry.” He slapped your ass, hard smiling as a pink gleam appeared
“I’m sorry.” You whimpered
“Good girl, now we can enjoy this.” He sped up his pace and placed one hand under you, his thumb rubbing your already swollen clit. The pulse of you clit sent waves through you as you squirmed, he fucked you hard through your orgasm
“Oh fuck, sherlock just there, thats right!” Your voice was muffled as you buried yourself in the sheets pulling them from the corners.
Sherlock groaned, he loved the sight of you being this way around him, so cock drunk you couldn’t even hold yourself up. He too was reaching his end the way your pussy clenched around his cock was enough to set him off, spewing thick white ropes deep inside of you and collapsing onto you.
He took a moment to cat his breath, his cock still inside you before pulling himself off the bed,
“Looks like you need another shower.” He held out his hand as you turned and sprawled onto the bed
“I can’t, too tired.” You say breathlessly
“I told you you wouldn’t be able to walk.” He smiled while wiping the hair stuck to your forehead.
“Hmm” you groaned as your eyes fell closed. Sherlock fixed the sheets around you before wrapping your body in a cover and allowing you to sleep. He showered before going back to his violin, this time thinking only of you. Though he would never tell you, maybe just this once you were right.
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fieldofdaisiies · 7 months
ship: Eris x Nymph! Reader type: fluff word count: 1,4k warnings: one curse word summary: the bond snaps in place between the High Lord and a nymph
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"Just like the leaves in autumn I am falling for you." 
The first time you met, it was so fleeting, so quick he almost thought he was dreaming. Eris, trying to strengthen the connection between Spring and Autumn, has ridden into Tamlin's court, hoping to get a chance to talk to the High Lord. He was riding through a large forest with looming, weathered trees when soft giggles caught his attention. He slowed his horse and looked around him, and suddenly saw you — you were bathing in a lake, happy and free spirited, splashing around yourself. 
He knew in this moment that you were the most beautiful female he had ever seen, stunning and breathtaking. But it would have been out of place to talk to you then. All your clothes seemed to be discarded on the riverbank. He would invade your personal space and that was not like him. 
So, he rode on, and met with Tamlin, yet his mind wasn't fully focused, his thoughts mostly with you. 
A short time after he saw you again, this time collecting herbs, but he was late for his meeting with Tamlin and once again did not talk to you. But one day, luck was on his side, and he got a chance to talk to you. You captured his eyes with your beauty, your heart with your character and he fell in love with you in this very moment. And it wasn't much different for you — it was like thunder struck you, the High Lord was so beautiful, so breathtaking, he robbed you fully of your rationality. 
There was only one problem, one obstacle — he was High Fae, a High Lord, and you, you were a Nymph. He told you he did not care, and he truly didn't, but you did not find yourself worthy of being with someone like him. You were considered lesser than lesser way, scum ist what some people called you. What would the people of the Autumn Court think, if you were with their High Lord?
But Eris did not care, he fought for you and for your love, he was eager and he was not going to give up and so he mentioned to convince you to meet him in the Autumn Court. 
He wants to show you his court and reluctantly you decide to follow his invitation, still unsure of the future, of a future with him, but the feeling inside of you, the pull towards him is too strong, your rationality helpless against it and so you follow your heart and soul, letting the forest, your homeland, guide you to him. You follow the chirping of the birds and the sounds of nature, becoming one with the forest around you until you cross the border to the Autumn Court. 
The colours seem more vibrant, no more rich, lush green leaves, they are replaced by red, orange and yellow tones. The air is a little cooler, more crisps here, yet not unpleasant. You find yourself marvelling at the colours, the sounds, your finger tips brushing over the leaves as your bare feet walk over the in pine needles covered ground. 
"You came." There is a radiant smile on the High Lord's face, his style immaculate, dressed in a dark green jacket, his red hair tied at the nape of his neck. "I am so glad you followed the invitation."
You curtsey as you tell him your greetings, grinning. "Thank you for inviting me."
Eris extends his hand to you, and carefully you take it, fingers curling around his broad hand. "Let me show you my court then." 
You start to the set out for the deeper part of autumn forest, colourful leaves starting to fall all around you almost like they are reacting to their High Lord. 
The air smells fresher and more earthy they further you walk into the forest. No conversation passes between you, you are too occupied with marvelling at the beautiful scenery, your whole attention captured by it. A gentle breeze brushes against your skin and sunlight peeks through the trees above It's a calm day, perfect for your stroll. 
"How have you been?" Eris asks, his voice soft and kind. 
You turn to him, glimpsing up at him. "Quite good, I was really looking forward to this day."
His thumb swipes over the back of your hand, and his head turns to you, smiling. "Me too. I was counting down the days."
"Eris, I—" "I don't care that you are a Nymph. I have never met anyone like you. I have never felt anything like what I feel for you. You are a Nymph and I couldn't care less."
You smile, cheeks turning so rosy. "You are too good for this world." He chuckles, but it is rather cold, almost like he thinks you are mocking him, that you are joking. 
"I am—" "Yes, you are." You vehemently nod your head, trying to make your point clear. You begin to walk a little faster again, wanting to see everything possible. 
The High Lord can't help but steal glances at you, admiration and adoration sparkling in his eyes as they trail over your features. 
Your feet might be bare, the ground cold, but Eris' presence, his warmth, warms your own body and brings you comfort — comfort you have never known of before. 
After a long time of walking, you arrive at a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. You stop. Eris takes both your hands into his, and turns to you. He takes a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air, trying to summon the courage to speak what has been on his mind since the first time he saw you. His eyes lock with yours, and the around you seems to fade into nothingness. 
"Y/N," the High Lord begins, his voice soft and filled with vulnerably, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."
Your heart quickens, your eyes wide with anticipation. You have an inkling of what it might be, and even though you still find yourself unworthy of his love, you want nothing more than to hear it. 
"I love you," Eris declares, his voice full of sincerity. "I love you with all my heart and that since the first moment my eyes fell on you. I doubt it was purely love at first sight, and I think…"
He cuts himself off, swallowing around the lump that has formed in his throat. He feels how his hands, holding yours, turn clammy. "I believe we are mates!"
It seems like all life whooshes out of you, your eyes and mouth widening. It is not like you have not been expecting it, but hearing him say…it feels so surreal. 
"Are…are you—?"
"I am sure. I am completely and fully sure." He looks sincere, honest, hands still holding yours. "I've been wanting to tell you for a whle I can't keep it in any longer."
Tears dwell in your eyes as you take in his words. Your heart feels as if it might burst through your ribcage by joy you are feeling in this moment. Your bare feet tingle, not from the coolness of the forest floor, but from the overwhelming rush of emotions. You remove one hand from his hold and bring it up to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing over his skin. 
"I love you too," you whisper, your voice trembling. "Since the first moment you talked to me, and I am feeling it too, the bond." You inhale a shaky breath, some single tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Eris leans in, hesitant at first, his nose brushing yours, before your lips meet his in a sweet but short kiss. You want to lean back, but Eris is quicker, he holds the back of your head, bringing you closer to him again, so he can deepen the kiss. 
And so, in the middle of the autumn forest, you are sealing your love. The world around you fades into insignificance as you lose yourselves in him, the feel of him against you. "Now I need to ask one last question…"
His lips linger against yours, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
"Everything ," you breathe against his lips, eyes closed. 
"Will you become my High Lady?"
~~~~~~~~ tags: @sunshinebingo @tarataraaaa  @brekkershadowsinger @azriels-mate123 @mandziaaa  @cosmic-whispers @mali22 @elsie-bells @imma-too-many-fandoms @kuraikei @ginnyweasley06  @bubnix  @powerfulpantera 
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light-yaers · 11 months
tangerine. | part one [carmen berzatto x reader]
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Fic Masterpost | AO3
Carmen shows up at your diner after five years, and everything comes flooding back like it was only yesterday.
Warnings: swearing, angst, mature themes [discussions about drugs, workplace abuse, family problems]
Word count: 5.2k
“What is the point of this entire trip if you’re not going to tell me the restaurants in advance?” Sydney whittled off, trying to keep up with the storming legs of her partner. “Carmen, are you even listening to me, right now?”
“Of course, I’m listening,” he said, peering back at her as his legs kept up their pace. 
He slalomed through people on the sidewalk of 8th Street and St. Marks Place, with Syd close on his tail. She didn’t know these streets like he did. His prior positions in the city were prestigious, ranging from sous chef roles all over the damn city, before he finally made chef de cuisine at Union Square Cafe. As the time had passed, understanding came with it, but she still wouldn’t ever wrap her head around him leaving NY for The Beef. 
She knew Michael meant a lot to him, to the family, but dropping it all for a sandwich shop in Chicago would always be something she’d secretly question. Syd tried not to think about it too much; the fear of him leaving, or bailing, and the like; because at the end of the day she’d bled herself dry for this.
A restaurant. A place. Somewhere her dad used to love, and would love after the renovation. The Beef was gone, it was true, but in its place would be The Bear. The product of all of Carmen’s and her hard work. 
Syd sped up to a jog, until she finally wrapped her fingers around Carmen’s forearm. She tugged him back, and used it as an opportunity to catch her breath. “You’re not listening. I don’t even know where we’re fucking going, Carm.”
He gently tugged his arm from her grasp. “This is a last minute addition,” he said, before he placed his hands on his hips. “I just wanted to get it over with. Sorry for rushing.”
Sydney nodded at him, listening. “Okay. So, let me in, dude. Tell me about this place so I’m less confused, and you’re less… whatever the fuck this is,” she said, gesturing to his erratic behaviour. 
Carmen shuffled on the sidewalk, peering around at shop fronts, and the abundance of restaurants that lined up outside Tompkins Square Park. This was an area he knew like the back of his hand, but one he hadn’t visited since long before he’d left New York. 
“The first place I ever worked in the city. It’s not fine dining, or Michelin starred, or any of that shit,” he started, and despite the abrupt way Syd’s eyes widened from annoyance, she still let him continue. “The vibe of it, though,” he said, and chuckled the words out of his mouth in surprise. “Just, come on.” He gently placed a hand on Syd’s shoulder, leading her forward so they were on the same page. 
From the outside, Lucky Strike Diner didn’t look like anything special. It was a small unit, placed betwixt two taller apartment buildings, to the North of Tompkins Square Park. Syd looked up at it, grimacing slightly, but she tried to keep an open mind. She’d been around her fair share back alley barbeques and hidden gems to know you should never judge a book by its cover. 
When she glanced over to Carmen, he looked practically childlike. There was a glint in his eyes that she hadn’t seen since they’d first decided to bin off The Beef and bring in The Bear That wonder, that craving for something new, and excitement of something unknown. Nostalgia danced over every feature of his face, and she watched as he sucked in a sharp breath, before entering the diner. 
Inside, the decor was minimalist, but homely. Black and white photos lined the walls, pictures of families, of friends, of celebrations. Cream and red colours graced the walls, and the booths looked comforting and inviting. Despite the drab appearance outside, inside was bustling. Practically every table was full, and the old style bar was inviting. Through the kitchen window, sparks and fire shot up whenever something burned, or flambed, on the grill. 
This vibe, the one Carmen had mentioned; Sydney felt it all immediately. That warmth, like you were stepping into a family function instead of something elitist. Businessmen sat with their laptops, next to mothers with their babies, and grandfathers on their own. This was a place for everyone, and that was clear to see. 
As servers scattered over the busy restaurant floor, one of them stuck out to Sydney. You scuttled, slaloming through tables with ease, as you made your way to the host stand by the door. 
Saturday rushes were always hardcore, but you’d grown accustomed to them. You grabbed two menus before you even looked the two new customers in the eye, and let out a simple “Welcome to Lucky Strike Diner, table for two–?”
You stopped when your brain finally computed his face; a face you hadn’t seen in a long time. Carmen Berzatto was standing in your fucking restaurant. “Carmy.” His name slipped out easily, and along with it came a sickly feeling in your gut. 
He cleared his throat. “Table for two, yes. Please.”
You glanced at the second member of his party, quickly, and shot her a smile. You didn’t particularly have anything to smile about, but it wasn’t her fault that she’d just been planted into the middle of this inevitable shitstorm. That smile disappeared instantly, as soon as you looked back at Carmen.
“Great,” you said plainly. Even disappearing assholes like Carmen wouldn’t stop you from being professional and civil at work. You loved this place too much, had been here too long, to do that. “This way, please.” 
You steamed forward as you picked out a table in the corner, furthest away from the host stand. You didn’t want him in the middle of the room, where he could easily find you in the crowd of servers. Why he was here and what he was doing didn’t cross your mind until you seated them, dropping the menus down on their respective settings. 
Carmen scooted his chair in, and peered up at you. “It’s been a long time–”
“So, have you guys ever been here before?” you cut over him, and mostly looked at his partner. She shot you a clearly awkward smile, but nevertheless shook her head politely. Carmen stayed silent, and bit upon his tongue. “Okay, so I’ll lay down the lingo for you,” you said, as you quickly went through the menu with her. “You need anything, just wave one of us down and we’ll be happy to help, all good?” 
“Yeah, thank you,” Sydney said with a smile, before she looked over at Carmen. That smile quickly turned to a small frown. 
“Fantastic,” you said. “Can I get you guys some drinks to start?”
“Um, I’ll take the lemonade, thanks,” Sydney ordered, as she attempted to hold this entire interaction together by the skin of her teeth. 
“Great choice, it was made fresh this morning like always.” You turned to Carmen. “And for you, sir?” 
A vein had popped out on Carmen’s forehead very noticeably. It was one that Sydney knew well, when he was either under insane amounts of stress in the kitchen, or fighting against the urge to yell. Maybe both meant the same thing, but still– she could see from a mile off that this was not the way he’d wanted this reunion to go. 
“Surprise me,” he said, as he looked up and caught your eye. 
You clenched your jaw. “I’m no good at surprises, so I’ll just bring you some tap water until you decide,” you said, trying and failing to keep things light. “I’ll be back with those drinks in just a few minutes.” You went to leave quickly. 
“Hey, just–” Carmen reached out for you as fast as he could, but as his fingers grazed your wrist, you managed to snap your arm away from him just in time. He gave up when disappeared through the doors to the back, and dropped himself back into his chair. 
Sydney leant forward immediately. “Okay, dude. What the fuck was that?”
“It’s nothing,” Carmen said bluntly. 
Sydney started laughing breathily. “Yeah, sure, that was nothing. Don’t test me, Carm.”
“I– fuck,” he spluttered. “Just pick your fucking food, please.”
Sydney was a pro at telling Carmen to calm the fuck down, but this interaction had her stumped for a solution. “What do you recommend?” she said, switching her tune.
Carmen met her eye in some kind of silent apology. “Uhh, the eggs. The eggs are fantastic. And the french toast, that’s the restaurant’s best.” As the subject changed, Carmen delved into the menu alongside Syd. They talked about their menu ideas, and paralleled them with the dishes they saw here. 
Maybe bringing a diner styled meal to a (soon to be) Michelin menu wasn’t so much of a bad idea. It fit the theme. The homeliness, paired with the decadence of the chaos menu they’d been discussing priorly. 
In the back, you quickly punched in their drink order, before you slalomed through the kitchen. “Behind!” you yelled, as you made your way through each station. The chefs all shot you concerned looks, as it became apparent where you were heading. 
“Is today really a walk-in day?” One of them, Paulie, said as you raced by. He’d known you for years now, and knew when something was fucking wrong. 
“Yep!” you exclaimed back at him, tugging open the handle of the walk-in swiftly.
“What the fuck happened?” he boomed, but you slammed the door shut before you could muster up a reply. 
Inside, you breathed alongside the ingredients. The vegetables, the homemade sauces, the fresh smoked salmon. It was cold, but not too cold that you couldn’t stand it. The cool air made everything feel calm, like you had somehow been transported to some Icelandic lake in the summertime. The air was crisp, and noise was muffled through the door, like the solace you felt by locking yourself in the upstairs bathroom at a house party. 
Carmen Berzatto showing up out of the blue had been something you’d long stopped indulging in. He’d made himself clear, the last time you’d seen him, that he had no intention of continuing the working relationship or friendship you’d once had. It was only then that you realised how fast the time had gone. 
You were twenty when you met him, the same age as each other. Both of you tried to navigate life together as you stumbled and fell, and got yourselves up again. You were on par with each other, both in intelligence and maturity. Paulie had liked Carm as soon as he’d walked through the door for his interview, and pretty soon after being hired, he’d turned Lucky Strike around like it was no skin off his back.
He was a refreshing change for the life you’d found yourself in. He’d made this place great, and you’d taught each other some life lessons. You’d always known he was destined for more, and you’d always been the first person to sing his praises. 
Before his abrupt switch in personality, you’d thought fondly of your time here together. The same old grind of opening up the diner together in the morning. While he prepped for service in the kitchen, you did so on the restaurant floor. It was a collaborative effort, and without both of you together at that point in time, the diner would have gone under. That’s what made it sting even more, when you thought of your life now– you wouldn’t be in this position if he hadn’t come along. It was like rubbing extra salt in your already open wound. 
You sucked in a deep, cold breath, and let it out slowly. The cold invigorated your lungs, and gave you the strength to continue with your day. Lunch service was on the brink of its lull, anyway, but having him there, sat outside, with his fucking face that he used to look at you so fondly with, you could hardly stand it. 
A gentle knock sounded from the walk-in door, and you quickly wiped a few spots of sweat from your forehead. “Yeah!” you yelled. 
“Come on out, sweetheart,” Paulie urged you, and you hadn’t been able to refuse him for the time you’d been working at the diner– so that wasn’t going to start now. 
You pushed open the door and sealed it shut behind you, before you allowed yourself to peer up at him. He was a burly guy, but soft around the edges. You had no idea if he was in his forties or sixties, since he had one of those faces that were sort of stuck in time. He spoke like a character straight out of Taxi Driver. 
“What the hell happened, huh?” he asked gently, patting you on your shoulders sturdily. 
You sighed. “Carmen. He’s in the restaurant,” you said. 
“Carmy’s here?” Paulie exclaimed, as he frantically looked around the kitchen. “Guys, Carmy’s here!” he yelled. A few of the chefs, who’d been employed here for time, started muttering loudly. 
Paulie’s joy only made you feel worse, but you didn’t hold it against him. Carm had been a staple here all those years before, and had taught a lot of the guys all that they knew about their role. Literally. “Table twenty,” you said. “Knock yourselves out.”
Service stopped momentarily as Paulie and two other chefs made their way out to the restaurant. You stayed back, and peered through the kitchen window. Beyond the bar, you saw Paulie exclaim as Carmen stood up and shook his hand. They hugged like bears, and he introduced Sydney to them all. 
Paulie’s voice was one that carried, so it was impossible not to hear every note of their conversation from where you were. “We’ll whip you up your old favourites. You still like salmon?” Paulie went on, and Carmen nodded and smiled in appreciation the entire time. 
You composed yourself as best as you could, before you left the kitchen. You grabbed their drinks, already prepared, on the bar, and gently shoved yourself through to their table. 
“Aye, aye, aye– we have hungry people waiting, Paulie!” you said, allowing yourself to don a small smile as you gently set down their drinks. “Come on now, back to work, chefs!” 
Paulie squeezed Carmen’s shoulder, before he gestured to you. “She’s practically the boss around here now, Carmy. The big boss,” he said. Carmen gently met your eye, but you looked away as fast as you could. 
“Alright, alright. Big boss says three orders of french toast on the fly, chef,” you said, grinning as Paulie held up his hands defensively. 
“I’m going, I’m going,” he said, as he started treading back towards the kitchen. “Good to see you, Carmy!” he boomed. 
“You too, Paulie,” Carmen said, before he awkwardly sat back down and tucked himself in. 
You caught your breath again, as you cleared your throat. “So, it seems our chef has already picked your order for you. Can I get you guys anything else that he didn’t mention?”
“Uh, yeah,” Sydney said, pointing to the menu. “What is this exactly?”
You read the words just above her fingertip, and your gut dropped. Tangerine salade. You were torn between wanting to laugh maniacally, or leave and never return to the diner. Carmen’s eyes widened in realisation at Sydney’s request. 
“Oh, it’s–”
You and Carmen stopped talking when you heard the other start. You’d both gone to explain the dish– if it could even be called a dish. You held your breath abruptly and took a small step back. Part of you wondered if he remembered the entire meaning, but you weren’t about to explain it all in great detail. Not when it didn’t feel as special anymore. 
“I’m sorry, you tell us. Please.” Carmen shut his mouth and sat back, as if he was on best behaviour. 
“It’s exactly what it says,” you said. “Tangerine salad. Two fresh tangerines, cut into slices like big oranges, instead of peeled and segmented.”
Sydney smiled, amused. “Where did that come from?” 
It came from Carmen. You had a habit of stealing fruit from the walk-in, when you realised you hadn’t eaten on a shift. Tangerines were always ordered, but hardly ever used, so there was always an abundance of them, destined to rot. 
Carmen caught you everytime, eating them like orange slices, just so they were quicker and easier to scoff down during a rush. The juice didn’t get on your hands as much, and you enjoyed the vibrant colour they produced over the white pith that covered their segments when peeled. Carmen had taken it upon himself to add a new item during a menu refresh in the early days. Tangerine salade was born, and neither you, nor Paulie, had ever thought to get rid of it. Even after all this time.
“Why did you call it that?” you asked Carmen, gobsmacked to see it on the menu for the first time, all those years before.
“Salad didn’t sound as good as salade,” he explained. 
“You chefs and your obsession with French words, huh?” you joked, as you rounded his station and dropped the menu down upon the pristine surface. “This is sweet, Carmy. Sweet, but unnecessary.”
“Not true,” he countered, bashing his shoulder into yours playfully. “Now that it’s on the menu, it’s got a button on the system. Whenever you need a tangerine just punch it through, and we’ll have two of ‘em, waiting for you when you get a moment to fucking breathe.” 
You felt Carmen’s stare on you at Sydney’s question, and forced yourself to suck in a breath and come back to reality. “Tangerine salad is our version of McDonalds apple slice bags. For the kids,” you lied, but nevertheless kept a smile stamped on your face. Carmen looked positively pale at your response. “They’re good fucking tangerines, though,” you added, and Sydney chuckled in surprise. 
“Okay, I need to try these tangerines,” she said. 
“One order of tangerine salade, on top of all the rest, sure.” You made a quick note on your order slip, even though you didn’t need to. It was just a way to avoid Carmen’s stare even further. 
For the rest of the lunch rush, you pretended like he wasn’t there. You did the rounds, topping up cups of coffee, and rushing fresh dishes and dirty plates to and from the kitchen. You stayed on top of admin when you got a spare moment at the host stand, and scrolled through invoices from suppliers. 
Without meaning to, you’d stayed at Lucky Strike Diner for seven years. It was life for you now. You lived a few blocks away, through the park, but having an apartment felt like a waste when you practically lived in the restaurant. 
You and Carmen had talked about so much, when you’d both been confined to these walls. What lay beyond for both of you. His dream to cook in top restaurants, and eventually build his own restaurant from the ground up. You didn’t really have any dreams, just the security and stability of a good life, and good people around you, but you indulged whenever he mentioned his own place. 
“Well, if you ever need a front of house manager, you know where to find me,” you joked, as you wiped down the bar at the end of the day. Carmen poked his head through the kitchen window. 
“Why don’t we do it, then?” he asked abruptly. You stopped wiping the surfaces, and turned around to face him. “Open our own restaurant.”
“Oh, man, I don’t know. Money, taxes, insurance, money,” you listed off, and he tossed a wet cloth at your face. You dodged it, and watched it crash onto one of the restaurant tables. “Hey!” You turned back, shooting him an amused grin. 
“You’re too much of a fucking realist,” he said, as he made his way out of the kitchen and into the restaurant. 
“And you’re too much of a fucking dreamer. These things take time, Carmy.”
“I know that,” he said, as he grabbed the cloth he’d thrown. He approached the bar, and leaned over it, bridging the gap between your faces. “We could still do it, though. Have our own place. Cook our own menu.”
You smiled at his words, and rearranged the napkin holders next to him. “Can’t do that when you’re about to join the big leagues,” you said, and Carmen slid off the bar. 
“You’re gonna fucking jinx it!” he wailed.
“It’s called manifesting!” you exclaimed. “You’re gonna get the fucking job, Carm.” He pulled out a chair from one of the tables and dropped into it melodramatically. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see,” he muttered. “You think Paulie will still talk to me if I leave?”
You were the one to throw your cloth at him now, and it hit him square in his face with a slap sound. You smacked your hands over your mouth in surprise, before you tried and failed to stop chuckles from cascading out of your mouth. 
“I’m sorry–” you started, rounding the bar. 
Carmen slid the cloth off his face. “You’re fucking funny,” he said sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry, Carmy, really,” you said through chuckles, as you dropped yourself into the chair opposite him. You took the cloth from his hands, and gently squeezed his hand in apology. 
A comfortable silence, one that you’d grown accustomed to over the past eight months, descended upon the two of you. All you could hear was the playful pounding of your hearts and the soft way he breathed. It was a relaxing sound. 
“You’re gonna get it,” you said again, and Carmen only had eyes for you then. “And when you do, I can’t wait to go and eat the best meal of my fucking life.”
Carmen smiled. He’d always been shy, always quiet, unless he was in the kitchen. “My brother has a restaurant, back in Chicago. When I finished culinary school, I really thought he’d let me join him, you know? It could be a family restaurant. We could run it together, or something,” he said. You hooked onto his every word. “But, he told me no. Said he didn’t want me anywhere near it, and– I don’t know. I think that’s why I came here.”
You bit your lip, inhaling his words. “Family will always be our harshest critics,” you said.
Carmen scoffed, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands. “You can fucking say that again.”
“You know, my sister lives in Chicago,” you said. 
Carmen leant forward. “Really?”
You hummed. “Has for a few years now. My mom didn’t like it when she told us she was moving, but.” You shrugged. “That’s just because my mom has never lived anywhere else than here.”
“Yeah, my own wasn’t thrilled about me coming to New York, either,” Carmen said, before he huffed in dark amusement. “It’s funny. She hates us, my brother and sister and I, when we’re around, when we complain, when we do anything– but she also hates it when we all wanna get the fuck out because of it.”
You smiled at him softly, in understanding. “They fuck you up, don’t they?”
Carmen flicked his gaze over your features. “You don’t seem fucked up to me,” he said gently. 
“Give it time,” you said. Smiles slowly appeared on both of your faces, until laughter trickled from your mouths like drops from a tap. “One day you’ll realise just how messed up I am,” you joked. 
“Is that a challenge?” Carmen questioned. 
You scoffed, and raised your hands up defensively. “Fuck no. I don’t want to tempt fate when it comes to how fucked up chefs can be.”
Carmen pointed at you abruptly, sternly, but there was amusement all over his face. “That is an untrue stereotype,” he said. “Not all of us snort coke.”
“All?” you asked.
“Well.” He leaned closer to you, stretching his arms across the table. “Not me.” 
You regarded him softly. You hardly got the chance to do this during service; just look at him. Hold his gaze, feel him close. You would never admit it, but having Carmen around was a constant over the past months that comforted you. You liked having him near, liked seeing him practically everyday, and it was clear that you got on enough to talk bullshit with each other. 
When you got home that evening, way past midnight, you opened up your laptop and went to the Union Square Cafe website. You hovered your mouse over the reservations tab, thinking something crazy. 
Carmen hadn’t heard back from the restaurant yet, but he’d only applied as the CDC there a number of days before. You knew he was going to get it, and felt it deep within your soul. That feeling is what lead you to book yourself a solo dinner, for the first available date you could possibly find– a years’ time.
You knew that, by the time that year was up and you were sitting at your table, Carmen would be in the kitchen, cooking your meal. You didn’t tell him about it either, but kept it to yourself for the remainder of his time at the diner. 
You’d been right, when within a month, he’d gone through a rigorous interview process and landed the position and USC. Paulie had faked being mad, but it was clear to see the immense admiration he had for the young Carmen Berzatto. When his last shift approached, you had secretly arranged a goodbye celebration. At the end of a long Saturday, as you and Carmen shut up the diner and headed out, you were ambushed by the servers and chefs as you tread through the park. 
Drinks and laughs were shared at your apartment across the way. It was the most you’d seen Carmen socialise in the time you’d known him, but he didn’t look uncomfortable once. He knew he had a support system behind him from the diner– and from you, predominantly. When the moon shone down onto your building, you found yourself out on your fire escape with a beer bottle in your hand. You looked up at the stars, and only looked away when someone shuffled out of the window and sat next to you. 
Carmen crossed his legs next to you, and gulped down his own beer contentedly. You turned to him and smiled fully, overly excited for him to start his new endeavour. 
He huffed at you softly. “You didn’t have to do this, you know,” he said. 
“I know,” you replied. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.”
Carmen shuffled awkwardly next to you. “I know, I know, it’s just–”
“For once, you need to be okay with being the centre of attention, okay? Deal with it.” You hit back, and laughed when you saw the way his eyes widened at your tenacity. “We’re so excited for you, Carm.”
Carmen nodded, and allowed himself to accept all of your praise, just this once. “I’m excited, too,” he whispered. “I can’t believe I got it.”
“I can,” you said. “If you don’t get some type of chef award in the next year then I’ll be surprised.” 
Carmen laughed. “Chef award?”
“You know, like ‘Best New Chef On The Block’, or ‘Shyest Chef In The Business’, or–”
“Enough, enough,” he let out, chuckling. You weren’t done yet, however. 
“Or the James Beard award.” 
He scoffed. “Bullshit.”
“It’s called mani–”
“Manifesting!” Carmen finished your sentence for you, imitating your past words. You leaned against the wall in awe at his playfulness. 
“So, you do listen to me sometimes, huh?”
“I guess I do,” he said, and shot you a knowing smile. You held his gaze when he gave it to you, because it was somewhat of a rare thing. 
Maybe you’d always been too out there for Carmen, but he’d learned to live alongside you despite it. You were glad about that. You enjoyed his company more than you’d ever say to his face, and despite being so happy for him to leave the diner, part of you was aching at the thought of his absence. 
You flicked your gaze over his face, taking in his features. He had a strong nose, and the kind of cheekbones that they talked about in women’s magazines. His eyes, though– God, his eyes– they were so blue that they looked artificial in some lights. Like the kind of blue food colouring you put in cake icing. Alarming, but also impossible to shy away from when he was properly looking at you. 
He swallowed, and his Adam’s apple shifted in his throat. “I’m gonna miss you,” he said, almost croaking out the words. Your heart melted. Your brows furrowed softly. Your chest compressed. You let out a shaking breath through your nose. 
“I’m gonna miss you, too, Carmy,” you let out. It felt like the best and worst kind of goodbye. 
You hadn’t thought about that day in years. The last time you had, it was after your reservation at USC the year after. Coincidentally, that was the last time you’d seen Carmen Berzatto too, until he showed up at the diner and plummeted you back to those thoughts from those previous years. 
As the lunch rush died down, you wiped the bar down from lack of what else to do. In the corner, Carmen and Sydney were finishing up their meal. Sydney had made an abundance of notes in a small notebook, while Carmen talked in hushed tones and spilled all the old diner secrets. With his hands clasped on the table before him, used napkin to his left, plates practically licked clean, he turned himself around to glance around the restaurant. 
You sucked in a sharp breath when his eyes hit yours. You almost froze, but remembered yourself as much as you could. You tensed, and looked away first quickly. You smacked your hands down on the counter when you looked to the kitchen, and caught Paulie’s eyes. “I’m going for a smoke!” you announced, before you slipped off your apron quickly. 
“Those things will kill you!” Paulie exclaimed back, his voice booming across the restaurant floor. 
“Maybe that’s the point,” you muttered to yourself, as you headed towards the back door of the diner. You slipped a cigarette between your lips on the way.
Carmen’s gaze followed you as you disappeared through the door. Sydney saw it all as she sat opposite him, and had the strangest urge to give him guidance. 
“So, shall we get outta here?” she asked. Carmen’s attention was still on the door. 
“Uh, yeah,” he said, but his mind was still elsewhere. “Just– give me one second,” he said, as he stood up from the table. He started towards the door, and Sydney grabbed his wrist abruptly. Carmen froze, and looked down at her. 
“Don’t push her,” Sydney said suddenly. “I don’t know what shit you guys have going on, but I’m good at reading faces. Just don’t push her too hard, Carm.” 
Carmen regarded her thoughtfully. He nodded. Then, he was gone.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Can I request how submas, piers and other celebrities would react to the whole mob wife fashion trend? How would they react to fans dressing up as their "girlfriend" or what not?
guessing this is like more of a weird cosplay thing than like what I did for villains. also an s/o there since. x reader blog and all lol.
also first time writing piers so it may suck💔
cw: light jealousy? kinda sorta
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Piers, Elesa
● The second he sees something related to a fan dressing in a “train wife aesthetic”, whether it be from Elesa showing him a post she saw online or in person somewhere in the Gear Station, he instantly is distressed by it. Why? He had heard of people wanting to buy his and Emmet's coats and hats, but that made sense with them being local celebrities in Nimbasa. Their choices confused him further. Something about the focus on sweaters alongside a strange fascination with the colours black, purple, and white left him baffled. It almost felt like they were taking from his casual outfits, almost.
● He supposes he does not mind, though. It was nothing too out of the ordinary. He had witnessed people dressing up as him and his brother, so this felt like some other odd things his fans did. As long as none of them were actually claiming to be his partner, he decided this was nothing that he needed to address. Ingo would just wait this out, assuming that people would eventually get bored and move on after a little while.
● Though, if his actual partner was upset by this, he might feel less happy with it. Especially if there were a few outliers of the mean daring to claim that they were in a relationship with him. Ingo would hate for people to cause distress in you and would likely ask that people please stop pretending to be his partner since he is already in a relationship. Whether that would actually do anything is anyone's guess, though. He would definitely beg his partner not to try to fight the weird fans online, too. That was the last thing he would need.
● Ultimately, Ingo just hopes it will pass quickly as an odd but notable trend among his fans. The inspiration from his own clothing choices into theirs makes him a bit curious as to what they would think he would prefer his partner wear, however. Truthfully, he has no real preference. He is happy to let his partner wear whatever they please and enjoys how they express themselves with it.
○ Elesa absolutely has to show him it because he lives blissfully unaware of most things. He feels confused upon seeing this “train wife aesthetic” video, with a woman choosing to wear clothing themed among cutesy styles and bright colours. His expression is vacant, with his usual smile still on his lips. This made little sense to him. Were they dressing in styles they thought he would like? He asked Elesa, and she explained to him that it was related to some greater style thing happening in online fashion. Apparently, dressing up like your favourite celebrity trainer's partner was big. He just nodded.
○ He still does not understand for the most part. It was strange to him but ultimately harmless. People dressed up like him and Ingo often enough for him to just shrug it off. The only thing that may upset him was if one of these fans actually claimed to be his partner. That boundary was one thing that he would prefer not to be crossed. He just decided to go back to being unaware and figured it would go away, like most trends do.
○ If it was upsetting his partner, however, Elesa may need to take his phone before he makes a fool of himself. Even more so if it were someone claiming they were his partner online. He hates seeing his darling upset and does not want to allow anything that distresses them to continue! Emmet simply wants to make you happy. Elesa would help his draft a post to explain why people pretending to be his partner online makes him uncomfortable and how he wishes they would stop out of respect for him and his real partner. She had to stop him from threatening to send Joltiks after people doing it since he was so emotionally charged from it.
○ In the end, Emmet does not really like or dislike it, but he does prefer to pretend to know nothing about it. His curiosity about what led to the fashion choices that his fans all seemed to agree upon was his only real thought he gave it. Everything seemed so bright and cutely themed that he did not get it. He knew what he preferred his partner to wear, and it certainly was not anything someone could post online to normal social media sites. He just shrugs again. It was not the first time his fans had misread him, after all.
✖️ The singer sees it randomly while scrolling social media on his phone and cocks a brow up at it. “Punk Singer's GF Style”? He wants to assume it is someone else, but clearly there are too many elements in the various styles that call back to him. Hot pink, leather, and black and white stripes all dead giveaways. It did not feel anything far away from his recollection of fans making their own homemade dark-type gym uniforms before he started selling them at his concerts. He looks a little more into it and discovers its relation to a bigger trend with dressing like a celebrity trainer's partner. He scoffed at the “Gym Leader-Influencer's GF Fits” he saw.
✖️ He knows better than to acknowledge these things. No need to pour diesel on this when it would be easier to let it pass on its own. Fans do weird things – Piers is more than aware of this. He does feel a bit perturbed by a few audacious ones claiming they were his real partner, but even then, he knew it was better to just ignore it. They wanted attention and nothing more. Better to not feed it.
✖️ If his partner expressed discomfort at the trend, he would be inclined to agree. Especially if it were about the ones claiming to be with him. Piers did not want to force a public relationship with him on you, but if you wanted to do that to try to stop weirdos online, he would be down. 'Course, he is not forcing anyone to do anything. Even if you were clearly uncomfortable by it, he knows better than to bring attention to something. He assures you it will go away, and instead wants to channel your upset into something else. Help him write a song or something. Leave an impact on him in a way others only wish they could.
✖️ Piers does not really like it, ultimately, but he is more than aware of how the internet works. Though, he does find their choices in clothes most fascinating. Seriously? It almost feels strange seeing them in clothing similar to his own or, weirder, one he saw in a dress like Marnie's own. That one made him uncomfortable enough to block them. He does not really dictate what his partner wears at all. That is not his style. Not to say he would not prefer them to have similar tastes to his own, but he would not force that on them.
⭐️ The black-haired woman felt a bit intrigued when she sees something like “Model Gym Leader's GF Chic” on her feed. She enjoys fashion, after all. It was a bit strange seeing people dressing how they thought her partner would, however. All of it seemed yellow or blue and based around some of her previous looks or pokemon. Did they think she wanted to dress up a lover in some of her clothes? Well, maybe a little bit, but casually? Day to day? Not really. Though, she did hate how much she really enjoyed a lot of the styles. It was nice seeing inspiration taken from some of how styles and applied out on others.
⭐️ She would never speak about it openly, fully aware it would just bring more attention to it, but her inner circle and private account followers get to see her favourite styles taken out from the trend. Elesa does not really mind it, finding it mostly to be people online having fun, but she really does not like anyone trying to claim to actually be her partner. That is a boundary she does not like to have overstepped. Of course, she bites her tongue back on saying anything. Like most fads, it will pass and something new will replace it. She will just enjoy the lovely outfits that come out of it for now.
⭐️ Though, her partner expressing distress over it would make her a little less excited about it. Elesa gets what it is for the most part personally, but to you, it must have seemed like people wanting to be with her. Well, there were a lot of those, too. She would try to explain how she views it and hope it calms you down from your emotional high. Your feelings are perfectly understandable, too, of course. Especially if it is about the people claiming to be her partner online. Her best advice is to ignore it and let it fade, giving those people attention is the last thing to do. She is more than happy to remind you that you are who she loves in order to distract you both from it.
⭐️ In the end, Elesa does not mind a majority of the trend and even really likes certain aspects of it. She does, however, find it strange that they think she would like her partner to wear clothing really similar to her own. The model would not oppose that, no, but she really likes to see how they could express themselves individually from her. Their own style tells her a lot about their personality. That is what she loves to see more than anything else.
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Yoongi and you are at a wedding, and it seems like he's spending time with everyone but you. Set after the events of Vows - read the rest here.
Pairing: Yoongi x F! reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut, angst, arranged marriage AU
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Sex, as always, Kim Seokjin in a suit
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Yoongi enters the kitchen and you freeze in front of the open fridge where you’ve been munching yesterday’s leftover noodles.
He looks every inch the chaebol he is, in his bespoke tuxedo, his perfectly aligned bow tie, his hair styled back. He even has makeup on, just enough to make him look airbrushed.
Your husband looks like he’s stepped out the pages of a magazine, and you —-
Well, you had been feeling pretty good before you decided you needed to eat something before the wedding you’re both going to.
You lift the box and offer it to Yoongi. ‘Noodles?’
He’s looking at you with a bemused expression on his face.
You take that as a ‘no’. 
You fidget in the passenger seat of Yoongi’s vintage sportscar and examine your reflection in the mirror.
The lipstick you’d reapplied hastily before you left the house looks perfect. You’re checking your teeth when you catch Yoongi staring at you.
‘Just checking there’s no lipstick on my teeth,’ you explain.
His brow rises slightly, but he says nothing.
‘You look very handsome,’ you offer.
‘I know how I look,’ Yoongi says. He sounds disinterested.
‘Like my dress?’ you ask, smoothing out a wrinkle in the silk.
‘It’s pretty,’ Yoongi replies. 
You try not to feel hurt that he hasn’t complimented you specifically.
You look out the window. 
‘My family are all going to be at this wedding,’ Yoongi says.
‘I’ll try not to embarrass you,’ you say, lightly. 
He glances at you like he’s not quite convinced.
He stops the car, gets out to open your door for you. The flash of cameras, which you weren’t expecting, makes you startle, and Yoongi’s hand tightens on your arm.
‘You ok?’ he murmurs. You look up at him, still unused to him being concerned about you even though your relationship’s much more affectionate now.
‘I’m ok, Yoongi,’ you reply. 
Maybe he wasn’t that concerned, because as soon as you step into the hotel he’s approached by his grandfather. 
He greets you both and leads Yoongi away. Yoongi glances back at you once, and you’re still standing, watching them go.
You remember what he said about his whole family being at the wedding and put your game face on.
Your husband’s chaebol, but so are you. You straighten your shoulders, raise your head and nearly fall over as someone bumps into you from behind.
‘Ah sorry, I didn’t see you —-‘
You’re apologising too when you realise who it is.
Min Yoonseok.
He realises at the same time as you, and the smile that he gives you is sexy, devastatingly handsome. 
Objectively, he’s as beautiful as all the Min family are, but he isn’t a patch on your husband. 
You’re smiling back when he says, voice low but missing the gravelliness of your husband’s, ‘you look very beautiful.’
They’re the words you’ve wanted to hear all night, but it’s the wrong man saying them.
Yoongi would melt your heart and reduce you to blushing and stammering if he said that to you, but to Yoonseok, you smile and murmur your thanks.
‘You look handsome,’ you say, ‘that colour’s great on you.’
He holds out his arm for you to take as he leads you further into the ballroom. 
You catch a disapproving look from one of Yoongi’s uncles, and you understand why. In the early days of your marriage to Yoongi, you’d chosen to flirt shamelessly with Yoonseok as a way of aggravating Yoongi.
Yoonseok had been more than happy to flirt back, and Yoongi had never let on that it bothered him. Until you’d decided to make amends and Yoongi had wrestled Yoonseok over an ultimate frisbee game.
The memory of your husband, sweaty and panting, expression thunderous as he’d grabbed Yoonseok in a headlock, is still one of the sexiest things you’ve ever seen.
Yoonseok’s staring at you curiously, and you make a valiant effort to temper the dreaminess of your smile.
Finally he laughs. ‘Where’s Yoongi? I can’t leave you alone, you’re way too pretty to be left unattended at a wedding like this.’
You’re indignant. ‘I can handle myself.’
‘You look like you can,’ comes a silvery voice beside you.
You turn to a faintly familiar, very pretty face. 
The man who’s spoken holds out a hand. ‘Park Jimin.’
‘Min Y/N,’ you reply, shaking his hand.
‘I can escort you to your husband,’ Park Jimin says, leading you away from Yoonseok so smoothly you’re halfway across the ballroom before you realise it.
‘How do you know my husband?’ you ask, politely.
‘The man who outbid me to buy you at the charity auction?’ Park Jimin offers, eyes twinkling with mischief.
You can’t help your smile as you remember the moment Yoongi told you in bed after the auction that he had never had any intention of letting you be ‘bought’ by anyone else.
‘Everyone knows Min Yoongi,’ Jimin says. ‘Also we went to school together. And I have no idea where he is, apart from that it was foolish of him to leave you unattended tonight.’
You meet his gaze, teasing. ‘Park Jimin, are you kidnapping me?’ 
‘I would if you’d let me,’ Jimin admits, grinning at you so charmingly you laugh.
‘He’s got family business to attend to,’ you say, loyally.
‘He’s also staring daggers at me, behind you,’ Jimin tells you, leaning close. 
You turn so quickly Jimin laughs. 
You spot your husband across the room, and automatically change course to head for him.
You’re a few metres away when he’s approached by a beautiful woman in jade green whom you don’t know. You watch as he smiles at her in greeting, leans down to kiss her cheek.
You realise you’ve come to a complete stop.
Yoongi turns your way, and you rearrange your facial expression so quickly you’re not sure you fool him.
Kim Seokjin arrives at your elbow with a glass of champagne.
‘I did say he’s an idiot sometimes,’ he says, coiffed and perfectly groomed as always in his white tux.
‘He’s my idiot,’ you say, accepting the glass and taking a gulp.
Seokjin takes your arm. ‘Come on, let’s feed you.’
‘But Yoongi—-‘ you protest.
‘You have the whole night to stare at him longingly,’ Seokjin replies, firmly.
He grins. ‘Come stare at me for a bit.’
As Seokjin leads you to a quiet table in an alcove, seemingly set up just for him, he says, ‘you look very beautiful.’
You sigh. ‘Do you think Yoongi thinks so?’
Seokjin looks at you thoughtfully. ‘Didn’t he say so?’
You’re not going to be butthurt about the fact every man you’ve spoken to tonight, apart from your beautiful husband, has complimented you.
‘You’re right, he was probably too stunned to even say anything,’ you say, summoning your haughtiest tone, squaring your shoulders. 
Seokjin shrugs. ‘Did you know your mouth turns down when you’re lying?’
‘Maybe if you’d realised that sooner I wouldn’t have been able to fool you all those times,’ you tell him sweetly.
Seokjin laughs and nods to a waiter, who advances with a plate of food.
‘Eat, Mrs Min.’
Seokjin is a delightful distraction during your meal, solicitous in offering you morsels from his own plate, refilling your glass generously.
You’ve excused yourself to get some air when you realise you’re not alone on the balcony. 
Kim Namjoon straightens up from where he’s been leaning over the railing. 
‘Y/N,’ he says, polite as always.
‘Namjoon,’ you return, warmly. ‘Is Nayeon here too?’
‘She had to work,’ he tells you. He tilts his head. ‘You look pretty. That colour suits you.’
You’re grateful for the darkness to hide the expression on your face. 
When Namjoon goes inside, you stay, shivering a little at the crispness of the night air.
‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ 
You close your eyes at the sound of your husband’s voice.
‘Yoongi,’ you say.
It doesn’t matter to you that he hasn’t complimented you. You don’t care now. You’re just happy that he’s finally spending time with you.
Yoongi’s arranging his jacket over your shoulders with care.
‘I saw you eating with Seokjin,’ he says.
‘He wanted me to admire him,’ you say dryly. 
‘I’m glad you ate,’ Yoongi says. He leans against the railing next to you. 
‘Yoongi,’ you say, touching his arm. ‘Can we go home?’
He looks at you, face half-shadowed, the straight line of his lips the only thing visible in the moonlight. 
You wish you could read him better.
He offers you his dress shirt-clad arm. ‘Yes, brat, we can go home.’
You’re sitting in Yoongi’s huge bathroom in your finery, watching as he cleanses his skin.
He turns to you. ‘Are you watching me for skincare pointers? Because your skin is better than mine.’
You sigh. At this point, you don’t know what you want, torn between wanting a hug and wanting your husband to call you pretty and fuck you senseless. 
Yoongi’s already turned back to finish washing his face. His silver rings gleam in the light as he moves his hands.
You sigh again, and Yoongi raises a brow at you in the mirror. 
You search his face for a sign of any emotion, but he’s expressionless. 
‘I’m going to get my pyjamas,’ you tell him.
Back in your rooms, you get undressed and take your makeup off despondently. 
You’re heading back to what you still think of as Yoongi’s room, even though you sleep together every night these days, when you glimpse the stuffed kitten Yoongi once won you at a funfair.
You clutch it to your chest and get into your bed instead.
You wake to total darkness and Yoongi’s arm around you.
His voice is raspy, low. 
‘Don’t you want me tonight, jagiya?’ he asks.
You want to turn to face him, but he holds you tight against his chest. His hand strokes a path over your bare skin, and your senses light up under his touch.
‘You spend your night talking to every man but me, and then I find you in your own bed cuddling this damn cat when you should be with me,’ he says, disgruntled.
You’re about to answer when he says, ‘Yoonseok, fucking Park Jimin, Seokjin, Jeonghyeok, Sehun, Namjoon.’
He’s listed all the men you’ve spoken to tonight. 
You hadn’t realised he’d been that aware of you. 
You’re trying to process what that means when he groans. ‘Let go of that cat so I can hold you.’
You’re so confused all you can think of to say is, ‘You won me this cat.’
Yoongi nudges you flat onto your back and gets on top of you.
He lowers his lips to yours and kisses you gently.
‘I’ll win you anything you like,’ he says as he pulls back. ‘Buy you the whole damn funfair if you want.’
You’re distracted by the weight of him, the press of his length between your legs.
You shift your hips so he’s fully on top of you.
‘And popcorn too?’ you ask.
Yoongi laughs.
‘Everything,’ he promises.
Yoongi lowers his lips to yours again, and his kisses are languid, patient, a slow burn from your insides that steals your breath. 
He pauses with a hand under your (his) t-shirt, palm warm over your bare breast. 
‘Your tits look so good in my shirts,’ he murmurs. 
You’re trying to think of a snappy remark but he grinds his erection between your legs, the press of him against the thin cotton of your panties deliciously hard, and you moan instead.
Yoongi doesn’t seem to be waiting for an answer, thankfully. 
He makes quick work of your panties and his boxer briefs, halting with his cock poised hard and heavy at your centre.
You tilt your hips so that he presses against your clit. 
Yoongi sounds amused. ‘Stop, brat, I want to talk to you.’
‘Now?’ you burst out, so horny you can’t stop writhing against him.
‘Now,’ Yoongi says, firmly. His hand squeezes your hip. 
‘Where did you get that dress?’ 
Yoongi circles his hips, cock nudging against your cunt so tantalisingly you sob with frustration. 
‘Nara designed it, it’s her latest collection,’ you tell him.
‘Get ten more just like it,’ Yoongi says. 
He enters you in a smooth thrust, and you’re still moaning your pleasure when he pulls out completely, leaving you bereft.
‘You’re so fucking pretty in it I want to rip it off you the next time you wear it, ok?’
You’re still processing his sentence, hazy with pleasure, when he enters you again. 
‘Answer me,’ he says, sternly. ‘Or I’ll pull out.’
You stare at him, but have the presence of mind to say, ‘yes Yoongi, please.’
He laughs again, your fucking husband. ‘You have such good manners in bed, why are you such a brat outside of it?’
You don’t think you’ve been a brat tonight. 
Yoongi senses your change of mood. He kisses you again, gentler this time. 
‘My baby,’ he murmurs, lips by your ear. 
Yoongi starts to move, finally, and you cry out with pleasure as his hard length fills you, sliding into you the way he’s learnt you love. 
He lifts your legs to his shoulders, and you gasp as the change in angle lets you take him deeper.
You think he says something as he spills inside you, but you’re already floating on a high, anchored by the weight of him on top of you and the love you feel for him. 
Afterward, you’re half asleep, curled in Yoongi’s arms, pressed against his chest, when he says, very quietly, ‘be patient with me, jagiya.’
You look up at him. His gaze is steady.
‘I’m not used to being a jealous man,’ he tells you. 
His words send warmth through your chest. 
You do your best to keep your face straight as you reply haughtily, ‘better get used to it.’
He laughs and pulls you closer. 
‘Go to sleep.’
‘Good night Yoongi,’ you murmur, pressing a kiss into his chest.
‘Good night.’
©hamsterclaw 2023
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crescent-witch · 2 years
it rains in hell (and angels could be bad)
ship: demon!wanda x angel!reader
summary: wanda wants to watch you squirm.
warnings: dom!wanda, sub!reader, praise, degradation like once, worship/religious kink, corruption kink, pet names, magic restraints, double-sided strap-on, slight spanking, temperature play if you squint, a little bit of mean wanda, wanda in her emo era | MINORS DNI
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this is possibly one of my favourite fic ideas I’ve ever written.
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You bounced on the balls of your feet, softly humming as you glanced around yourself. You were a bubbly, giggly ball of sunshine. It was hard not to be, given what you were. It’s rare that you meet a grouchy angel. You couldn’t contain your smile if you tried, an excited grin spread across your face and you waited.
“You seem excited, Angel,” you nearly squealed when you heard the voice behind you, but you knew better than to turn around and face her. “Any reason?”
You giggled as you felt Wanda come up behind you, her heated hands running up your arms as the soft feathers of your wings brushed against her.
“Nuh uh,” you shook your head with a small smile on your face, excited to play her game once again.
“No?” Wanda questioned, her hands drifting down to the swell of your ass. You gasped when she gave it a harsh smack, the ruffles of your dress swaying from the impact. “You weren’t waiting for me?”
“No, was just standing here,” you said, trying to maintain your innocent facade and not melt into her.
“Oh, princess,” Wanda huffed, a pout on her face as her spare hand began running up and down one of your arms again, the other supporting your lower back. “And here I thought you were looking forward to seeing me.”
Wanda was suddenly pushing your back, throwing you forward until your knees hit the soft, yet solid, clouds beneath you, like a giant pillow. Your hands hit the clouds, catching you before you fell flat on your face as Wanda circled you like a predator.
“How cute,” Wanda cooed at you, tilting your face up to look at her, cupping your cheek in her hand. “Perhaps I should get you a little leash and collar set.”
The thought made you whimper. The idea of Wanda dragging you around on a pretty leash, knowing Wanda probably a pristine pink or white colour, did nothing to stop the growing wetness in your underwear.
This was the first look you had gotten at Wanda in months and, unsurprisingly, nothing of her appearance had changed. She still wore the same style of clothes, black and red and leather. Her brunette hair still hung messily around her face, surrounded by a pair of twisting black horns growing out of her skull. You could see her glistening fangs poking just out of her mouth, grazing her bottom lip with their razor-sharp tips, and you longed to have them sinking into your neck. Or your thigh. Or really anywhere Wanda could find.
You yelped as Wanda’s hand pulled back and connected with your cheek, snapping your head to the side. It wasn’t the hardest slap Wanda had ever given you, not by a long shot, but it certainly pulled you out of your thoughts.
“You’re thinking too much, Angel,” Wanda tutted, soothing the already growing red mark on your cheek with soft strokes. “Need to knock all those silly thoughts out your head, huh?”
You nodded, nearly sticking your ass up in the air for her as excitement overtook you. Wanda chuckled, noticing the way your eyes lit up at her words.
“Aw, little lamb, I bet you’ve been so desperate the last few months. You’ve just been waiting for me to ask you to meet again, huh? So eager for me.”
She wasn’t wrong. Most of your days since the last time you had met with Wanda was spent waiting for her to summon you again to fuck you raw and senseless. One of Wanda’s many rules was that she decided when you would see her and where. You didn’t get a say in your meetings, and you were expected to come running every time she beckoned you. It wasn’t fair, but you were far too hopelessly devoted to her to notice.
“Go on then, Angel. Have your fun,” Wanda said, lifting up the skirt of her dress to reveal a long red strap dangling from between her legs. It was both yours and Wanda’s favourite, long enough that every stroke had you gagging around the toy, and what Wanda called your ‘special treat’ being pumped out when she finished.
You moved to sit up on your knees, the tip of Wanda’s strap nearly touching your lips, and as you did so you felt light tendrils wrapping around your wrists, tugging them behind your back. Restraining you was a common thing Wanda used her magic for.
“Come on, sweet girl,” Wanda urged you, hand reaching out to hold the back of your head, fingers absentmindedly playing with strands of your hair.
You wrapped your lips around Wanda’s strap, taking the tip in your mouth and sucking harshly.
You’re cheeks hollowed out from sucking as Wanda pushed herself further down your throat, breathing through your nose as she had taught you, but it did little to minimise the gagging noises coming from you.
“Fuck, so good,” Wanda breathed, the top end of the strap moving instead her, wiggling agaisnt her walls as your mouth moved up and down it, tongue lathering the faux cock in saliva as drool dripped down your chin.
“Such a perfect little Angel,” you looked up at Wanda with large eyes, throat bulging, stuffed full of dick as more of your innocence dripped away, like water down a drain.
“Imagine if your God could see you right now,” Wanda chuckled and your eyes widened as Wanda referenced the shunning you were sure to receive if anyone ever learned of your sins. “On your knees for such an unholy creature like me, servicing me, head full of sinful little thoughts.”
You knew the chance of actually being caught by anyone was slim. You and Wanda met on the brink of heaven and hell, a sort of no-mans land where God could not touch or oversee and you knew no other Angel would dare to set foot. But shame still overtook you as the thought made you clench your thighs together, the image of one of your fellow Angels, who saw you so pure and full of light, caught you on your knees for a demon, pleasuring her in the most wicked of ways.
“No hiding, pet,” Wanda tutted when she noticed the way your thighs pressed together, kicking your knees apart wide with her heavy boots, putting your drenched white panties on display for her. “Look how pretty, is this all for me?”
Before you could even attempt to nod or choke out an answer Wanda’s boot cruelly landed a kick directly on your cotton-covered clit, causing you to scream out around her strap, eyes watering.
“Sensitive little thing.”
The kicks continued as Wanda forced your lips to remain around her strap, brought down on your clit and folds and thighs again and again until your thighs were aching and your pussy was stinging and dripping with need for the demonic woman.
Wanda was quickly approaching the edge, her hips bucking and pushing her strap even further down your throat as she moaned for you. Your hands came to rest on the back of her thighs, steadying her as her legs began to shake and knees buckled.
“Shit, I’m close!” She cried out, fingers now woven into your hair and gripping hard, nearly pulling your hair from your scalp at her roughness. “Make me cum, slut. Fuck. M-make me cum and I’ll give you a nice little reward.”
Your efforts increased in fervour and the promise of being rewarded, nose touching the soft skin of Wanda’s stomach that her dress was hiked up above, as the strap was pushed all the way down, the bulge prominent in your throat as you gagged and whimpered.
“Oh. Just a little bit more, that’s it,” Wanda told you, hips stuttering as she began to lose control and suddenly her load was being shot from the end of her strap, her real cum coating her end of the strap and leaking out of her, milky white substance running down her thighs.
Her moans began to cease as she squeezed the strap, emptying every last drop of fake cum down your throat, laughing as she watched the way you struggled to swallow it all coming to quickly, some of it spilling out of your mouth and flowing down to spill on your dress.
“Oh no, baby love,” Wanda said with mocking sympathy as she yanked the strap out of your mouth.”Your pristine little dress is all ruined.”
You pouted as you looked at the light stains left behind by the demon’s release, coating the bodice of your dress.
“Looks like you’re gonna have to face God with your dress soaked in your sins. Unless, of course, you want to turn up in heaven stark naked.”
Your eyes widened in fear, terrified at getting cast out of heaven for such a simple mistake, but Wanda shushed your fretting quickly.
“Don’t worry, we’ll fix it, Angel,” she promised, hand returning to gently stroke at your hair. “But for now, wouldn’t you like your reward?”
You nodded, reluctantly letting your fear go as you stared up at the goddess of a woman above you.
“Good girl. Hmm should I take you in your ass or that soaked little pussy?” She chuckled warmly, the kindest you had ever heard her, as your looked up at her with excitement and eagerness. “I wish I didn’t have to send you back to that awful ‘paradise’. But at least when you face God again, you’ll remember who you really worship.”
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pussydestroyer10110 · 4 months
Jake x Avatar!Reader x Neytiri
Word count - 1.3k
Chapter 6 - The adventure begins
Note: Thank you all very much for the support, this is obviously my first time writing a series so sorry its taking a while, this story might go on temporary hiatus while I focus on my big girl exams but thanks for all sticking with me
Jake and Neytiri left soon after, the woman still mildly angry despite her acceptance while Jake trailed behind her like a sorry puppy. You watched them go in an awkward silence as if you were holding your breath until you were sure that they had left. Only once they finally exited the large metal doors did you let out a shaky sigh, proud of yourself for sticking it out but also angry that you looked like a bit of a coward.
You knew you needed to make a lasting impression on the Na'vi couple and their people, this was a whole entire community known to be hostile to humans, you had to walk on eggshells but not too much or they'll think of you as weak yet you have to be bold but not too bold or you'll be arrogant. This was all very stressful so you spend the rest of you day practicing handy phrases in the native tongue and studying which plants were safe to touch, the day rolled by quickly with the promise of tomorrow.
Before you went back to sleep in your now human form Norm pulled you aside-
“No sleeping in tomorrow, Jake said that he and Neytiri will be here at 5”
He says with a slightly mocking smirk, you only groaned in disapproval, flopping dramatically back into the hammock, careful not to go flying out.
“Village life starts early, don't blame me”
Norm justifies with his hands raised in surrender but that mocking grin was still there.
The next day rolled around too early for your liking, the vibration of a small watch on your wrist serving as your alarm. 4:30am, you didn't think you'd got up this early since high school.
This was the first time you had managed to see the actual rising of the sun and it was a sight to behold. The rich cloak of night was broken by the bright colours of the rising sun, it arose earlier than it would on earth due to the planet being closer to the bright star. The room was still dim though and filled with soft snores and strewn limbs but some strange people enjoyed waking up early and had already left the sleeping chamber. Norm was awake due to his empty hammock so you climbed out of yours, gathering your belongings in your hand and tiptoeing into the kitchenette.
Norm was there at the table, nursing a mug of coffee, looking half dead.
“You decide to join me in my early morning?”
You ask with a cocked brow, surprised considering his mocking tone from the day prior.
“Well what would you do without me in these lonesome morning hours”
He retorts, he was quick you'd have to give him that.
You ate a breakfast of powdered eggs and a bit of fruit along with a much needed cup of tea to not only soothe your nerves but keep you alive for the next undoubtedly grueling hours. After that Norm accompanied you to the link room, giving you unasked for but needed tips as a former avatar himself.
You lied back in the link bed and endured the same routine as you had the times before, leaving your human body behind for that of an aliens.
You had left your avatar body in an inside room the night before knowing you'd be meeting the same place as yesterday anyway, you changed your outfit into something that you hoped looked slightly more native: some strange, green shorts with a woven belt paired with a smaller and more delicate top. Almost all clothes came from the same box due to an avatars irregular sizing so it's not like you could be picky.
Along with an effort on the outfit you replaitted your hair, weaving in a few smaller braids to make the style more intricate and pretty. You were subconsciously trying to impress Jake and Neytiri which you put down to just wanting to make a better impression on them.
Arriving first in the meeting room, you paced nervously keeping a constant stare on the sealed door that led to the Pandoran wilderness. You would frantically check the small clock, 5:03am, they were late, could this mean that she no longer allows you to explore the forest? Could this mean you've angered her and her tribe?
Before you could question yourself further the steel locks of the door shrieked as they opened, in came a relaxed Jake and a weaponized Neytiri. Neytiri had the same narrowed gaze and proud stand as the day before where as it seemed Jake had allowed himself to relax slightly more around you, his shoulders slightly slumped with a small smile.
Jake liked you, he found the nervous way you acted around him and his mate something quite amusing and something possibly quite cute. He could tell you were a strong woman yet a respectable one, you would recognise that you couldn't act like equals to the natives yet but he knew if a situation came to it you'd hold your ground.
Neytiri on the other hand was still wary about you, she thought you were like Jake but with every passing minute she saw differences in your mannerisms and speaking patterns that were a lot softer and more logical than what her mates were at the beginning. As much as she tried to deny it and keep herself believing that she hated you and your kind, she found herself growing ever more curious about you.
Meanwhile you were just standing there like a wide eyed idiot. Neytiri didn't come close and examine you like the day before and instead she just nodded towards her mate.
“Are you ready?”
Jake says after seeing his mates nod.
“I believe so”
You say back politely. Neytiri then motions for Jake to leave first, then you, then her. Trialing between the middle of the pair you felt a heavy silence, you would occasionally glance up at Jake and behind to Neytiri, Jake being oblivious to your apparent discomfort and Neytiri only staring intently at you.
You all reach the end of the narrow hallway, the door ahead leading into the thick Pandoran Bush, Neytiri takes her bow from across her chest and notches an arrow while Jake opens the door. This time Neytiri steps out first, angling her bow in a way she'd be able to shoot at any moment.
Jake follows closely behind, a dagger resting in his palm, Neytiri then slacks her bow and nods for you to come out and close the door. You do so and shut the door behind you, you begin to try and walk to the forest.
Neytiris bow is suddenly pointed at your chest so you look up at her, she looks you in the eye before glancing at your feet, her bow still on your chest.
“You are too loud, take them off”
She commands and you nod, only then did she move her bow back to her side. You leant down and undid your laces, placing the shoes by the side of the door and hoping they'll still be there later. Neytiri saw this and dropped an ounce of coldness from her glare, liking that you had followed order instead of putting up protest like a normal human.
You felt the bare soles of your feet sink slightly in the moss covered ground, the sensation feeling different to your human body as the soles of your alien feet were thicker to protect you from this unforgiving terrain.
Once you had looked back up from the ground the couple were waiting for you, you walk towards them, towards the dense forest. You were about to achieve what Grace had wanted you to do, you were going to explore Pandora.
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jackhues · 1 year
christmas mornings - jack hughes
prompt: jack proposing to you under the christmas tree
requested by: @bordeleau : )
notes: this was really cute, i'm super happy about how this turned out! thanks for requesting <3
tags: @woodruff-edwards <3 join my taglist!
gif not mine!
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on christmas morning, you woke up to kisses. you scrunched your nose up, making a noise to try and push jack away. he ignored you, peppering kisses over your face.
“i’m up, i’m up,” you muttered, finally opening your eyes.
jack grinned at you, finally awake. you tried to narrow your eyes at him, but it was hard to stay mad when he smiled like that.
“hi,” he couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “let’s go open our presents!”
you laughed as he carried you out of bed, bridal style, towards the living room.
“wait, wait! i need to brush my teeth!” you protested. “put me down! jack!”
“do you really have to do that now?” he groaned. “can’t it wait?”
“no,” you rolled your eyes. “put me down now.”
“fine,” he groaned, setting you down.
you laughed to yourself as you made your way to the washroom to brush your teeth. the two of you were spending christmas in new jersey, since the devils schedule was too stacked for you to make the trip to michigan. 
since it was just the two of you this year, you decided to keep it smaller than usual. with a mini christmas tree and some festive lights, you guys decided it was enough. you’d much rather spend the day with him than fuss about the decorations.
after brushing your teeth, you made your way to the living room still in your pajamas. jack was sitting expectantly under the christmas tree like you’d expected. 
you grinned, giving him a quick kiss.
“you sure you don’t want to eat breakfast first?” you asked. “we’ve got waffles.”
“i’m not that hungry, you?” he asked.
you shook your head. “there’s not a lot of presents anyways. might as well open the few we’ve got.”
“okay, but open mine first!” jack said, rummaging through the few boxes, pulling out a small one.
you laughed at his enthusiasm, taking the box from him. it was rectangular-shaped, most likely carrying some picture of you two in a case of some sort. jack knew you cared about the sentiment more than the price, and this was how he managed to make both of you happy.
“wait!” he shouted suddenly, remembering something as soon as you were about to open the present.
“yes?” you asked, raising a brow.
“you need to be standing like… this!” he said, helping you up and adjusting you to make you face the kitchen.
“is there a reason i’m standing facing the kitchen?” you asked as jack went to stand behind you.
“uh… yeah, yeah. you need to face the kitchen for this to work,” you could practically hear him nodding as his head from where he stood behind you.
you weren’t sure if that was true or a convenient excuse, but you shrugged to yourself. “can i open it now?”
“um… yes, now you can open it!” he said.
you still couldn’t see him, so you had to trust that whatever he had planned was working out how he wanted it to.
“okay…” you smiled, unwrapping the present.
you froze at the velvet box that lay underneath. it was a blue so dark it almost looked black - your favourite colour. your heart sped up at the thought of what lay inside it.
“you can open the box,” jack said from behind you, his voice soft.
too stunned to do anything else, you nodded dumbly, opening the box. in place of a ring was a small note. you took it out and unfolded it, recognizing jack’s handwriting. normally scribbly and illegible, he’d made an effort for this. even drawing a little heart.
turn around <3
you turned, your hands flying to your mouth in surprise, even though you knew jack was going to be on one knee. he held a ring in his hands, smiling up at you and looking much more nervous than this morning.
“yes,” you said, even though he hadn’t asked anything yet.
jack laughed a bit, “no, wait. i’ve got a speech. but it’s nice to know your answer from before.”
you laughed, crying even though this was the happiest you’d ever been in your life.
“y/n, you’ve been my girlfriend for three years,” he began, tearing up slightly. you didn’t blame him, considering you were trying to hide your own sobs. “but you’ve also been more than that: my best friend, the person who makes me laugh, the person who orders takeout in advance when i cook, the person who’s been there for me even when i didn’t know i needed it. y/n, i’ve loved you for a long time, and i can’t imagine my life without you. i don’t want to. so, y/f/n y/l/n, will you marry me?”
you laughed through the tears, nodding your head. “yes.”
he slipped the ring on your finger, catching you as you fell to your knees, the two of you on the floor in front of your christmas tree.
“i don’t think you can ever top this christmas present.”
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cloudcountry · 8 months
I am LOOKING,, at Zero on the right 😳 
And yes!! The Berlin trip was exhausting, but it was really fun! And aaa I’m glad you liked the song! ^w^ It’s really catchy to me
As I’ve mentioned, I did a little wedding thing for some TWST characters 👀 So for some context, the reader/you are going to go to a large family wedding that’s coming up. Which also means extended relatives! You didn’t want to go out alone, so you decided to invite your friend as a plus-one. This is mainly platonic, but reader/you and the characters are implied to have some Feelings™ for each other,, 👀 👉👈 [The mini headcanons may be a bit messy- I hope you don’t mind!!]
-Congratulations! You’ve just gotten the biggest family flex of the century! Bragging rights forever!!
-He helps you with dressing up and styling your hair-
-You’re interrogated the second you step into the venue because holy sh*t is that the Vil Schoenheit??
-Vil will excuse both of you if he notices you’re getting overwhelmed by the barrage of questions. He’s had his fair share of social conventions and he knows his way around them
-Seeing how he’s so popular, there’s a pretty good chance that he also gets barraged with questions by the guests- And though he’s used to that sort of thing, you manage to break him away from the busy atmosphere and take him on a walk through the rose garden outside to get some fresh air
-The peaceful and quiet atmosphere is really nice, so you stay out there for a while. Unfortunately, you two do loose track of time because while you’re out there, the fireworks display began to start. Though you say you should go back and join the others, Vil convinces you to stay in the garden with him, and he pulls you down to sit with him on a bench, seeing the fireworks go off in the sky. The two of you could still see the fireworks just fine, no?
-“What a beautiful sight,” you say watching the night sky pop with colourful fireworks.
-Vil glances at you, and he saw how the colours reflected in your eyes. “Yes,” he said, “it is.”
Trey Clover
-One of the best people to have as a plus-one and meet the family to be honest
-His polite, caring charisma and dashing looks are a deadly combination
-He’s open to chatting with anyone, and he shares recipes and baking tips!
-You two get different desserts and you compare each other’s
-“This is really good, you have to try it!” And he holds out his spoon to feed you some of his dessert
-I don’t know why, but I love the image of him analysing each dessert like he’s some pâtissier Gordon Ramsay. He’s more of a Paul Hollywood though
-Kind of a bad dancer but that adds to his charm 🤌
-I can see him hanging out with the grandparents… They’d love him, let’s be honest. They’d pat you on the back and nod in approval for finding such a nice young man. You have to tell them you’re not dating
-“You’re not dating yet, you mean!” Your grandma says.
-“Grandma, no-“
-I can see Cater hyping him up through text messages kfjgnb
Cater Diamond
-“Wait, let me take one more picture—“ Proceeds to take fifty more
-Also asks you to take some photos of him too so he can upload them to Magicam. He’s uploading them in real time
-Just imagine the hashtags he’d make
-Pretty fun date overall! Probably hasn’t been to a wedding before so he’s pretty excited
-Social butterfly, and by the end of the wedding, he’s probably met your entire extended family kjfkjhbd
-There was a glitter bar and he was ECSTATIC,, He asks you if you want to get some glitter makeup with him and now both your faces are bedazzled with glitter
-Fun dancer! Probably in a lot of dancing candid shots
-Though, he does manage to snag a photo of you dancing wholeheartedly and having the brightest grin on your face as an upbeat love song plays, the coloured lights catching in your hair,, he’ll keep this one photo private
Azul Ashengrotto
-Wants to make a good impression on your family, so he makes you give him a PowerPoint slideshow presentation on your family members—
-Not a bad date! He gets along well with your family
-Probably manages to overhear all the juicy family gossip and is living for it
-The bride ended up tossing the bouquet way too far and Azul ended up catching it. Now all the uncles are patting him on the shoulder saying congratulations and now he’s trying to hide his embarrassment because he knows exactly what they’re insinuating
-Ngl, he’d probably advertise the Mostro Lounge,, networking king honestly
-The bride and groom wanted one last private dance and as the others were preparing for the send-off, you and Azul have a little dance of your own, listening to the music drifting out of the open windows
-It was a little bit of a surprise for you; Azul didn’t strike you as much of a dancer but he was doing pretty well (He may or may not have practiced a lot-)
-It’s honestly a pretty tender moment; you follow his lead while you lay your head against his shoulder while he gazes at you so softly
Jade Leech
-Surprisingly eager to agree?? He’s curious to see how humans on land celebrate weddings, and it’s an opportunity to spend time with you, so win-win
-There was a DIY mocktail bar and Jade had the audacity to make you a drink with the most wack combination of ingredients you’ve ever heard. Why are you smiling while offering a drink infused with watermelon and cayenne pepper. Jade? Jade—
-Your aunts are charmed with Jade, and they ask you why weren’t you dating such a polite young man?? He’s enjoying every second of your embarrassment
-Fans the flames like “Yes (Name), why aren’t we dating?”
-Pretty chill on the dance floor and mostly just sways along to the music tbh
-How did he get in all the important family photos
-He got a personal invite to the next family gathering and had the sheer audacity to invite you as his plus-one
Jamil Viper
-A bit nervous about having to leave Kalim, but you both manage to convince him it’ll be fine. It’s just for a few hours!
-He absolutely tears it up on the dance floor. It’s his dance floor and we’re all just dancing on it
-You and him are also in a lot of candid shots dancing together!
-Gets along well with your family and the other guests (And tries so hard to not be passive-aggressive to your mean relatives. Whether he succeeds or not is up for debate)
-Although, the ceremony was to take place outside, and that meant bugs. So, as the bride was saying her vows, a roach landed on Jamil’s knee, and you were the first one to notice. You could feel the sweat sliding down the back of your neck as the bug casually crawled around. By some absolute miracle, Jamil didn’t notice it yet
-“Jamil,” you whisper just as the guests applauded the newlyweds kissing.
-“I need you to trust me and not look down.” 
-Jamil, currently living in blissful ignorance, is confused, but says “sure?” He’s suspicious now. You need to be quick.
-As the guests are walking away, you slap the bug off his knee and he screams bloody murder at the sudden sight of the bug flying in front of his face
-RIP Jamil he can’t catch a break
-Aside from that though, pretty chill time!
Kalim Al-Asim
-Very excited to go with you to the wedding!!
-Even though you insist he doesn’t have to, he gets the newlyweds so. Many. Gifts. And they’re all expensive too; it’s to the point where the bride and groom genuinely consider giving some back kjfngb- Kalim assures them it’s fine though!!
-Gets along great with the young kids there! The flower girl asked him to dance and now all the kids want to dance with him fgjnbg
-You have to pull him away from them so he can finally get some food fkgjnb
-Sucks for you because they still follow him around like an entourage. You just stand there like "🧍‍♂️"
-Another fun dancer and very social! He’s a fun date tbh
-After the wedding was finished and all the guests were sent away, you two were still hungry, so you did some Mac and cheese at home
-He says he had a great time and hopes he’ll get invited to the next family outing!
I hope you enjoyed this! I hope no one seems super OOC or anything fghjnfb- (Also happy birthday to Zero! :D)
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
azul would one hundred percent network at someones else wedding omg. ALSO THE BOUQUET PART?!?!?! IM FUCKING DEAD!??!?!?! WE SHOULD GET MARRIED AGAIN FR COME HERE POOKIEEEEE I LVOE YOU
"why arent we dating?" BECAUSE YOU HAVENT ASKED ME OUT YET YOURE TOO BUSY DEFLECTING JASHFDJASGFD also him getting his own invite to the next social is so real that would happen hes so sneaky JHASFDHAHSFGD
KALIMS PART IS LITERALLY SO SWEET. YORUE RIGHT HE WOULD BE THE FUNNEEST DATE EVER (except for my networking bf but that sjust me <3)
106 notes · View notes
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume Meta 6x13
Was that real - did that episode actually happen or was it all a collective fever dream?!! I”m still sat here with my jaw on the floor trying to process all of the epic goodies we got in that episode, and the costumes were no exception!!!
I’ve spent far too long trying to figure out how to assemble my meta this week, but I’ve just gone with the flow and seen where it take me! Also this beast did not want to be wrangled and my ADHD decided side quests were far more fun and so getting this written has been a real struggle (I came out victorious though which is all that matters) and why its a bit later than normal (we’re not going to talk about my laptop deciding to crash and rebooting to a document that was missing half of what I had written - I couldn’t get it back so sad times!)!!
its under the cut - because as always - its a loooonnnnggggg post!!
We’re starting with the Wilson family (and Chimneys first costume!) because they actually sit separately from the rest of the characters from a costuming perspective this week!
There are a couple of things to note for the opening Wilson family scene which are kind of overarching things. Firstly the fact that Chim and Denny are both dressed in black and grey - a really clever choice when you consider their topic of conversation - fathers and things that have happened that cannot be undone - the grey acts as a form of fade out - kind of like a greyed out button on a computer screen - preventing you from clicking on it. Both Chimneys semi resolved arc (the decision to make his peace with his father and he reality of the situation) and Denny’s current arc echo each other up to this point in time - Chim’s father came back into his life and he made peace with it, Denny’s father is currently (and unknown to everyone) back in his life. 
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Both Chim and Denny are also wearing chack pattern - chims more hidden and Denny’s down the side - but Hen is also wearing a very loud and bright check pattern - she is the nly one in colour and the test card patterning of her jumper says so mcuh about both check theory and the fact that at this moment in time, she is not active in the plot - not in the conversation Denny and Chim have just had, and not in the Nathaniel of it all either. We know Denny is in danger later on so his check is also foreshadowing that, Hen is also in danger (emotional danger is just as vaild as physical danger) and Chimneys danger is more low key - its closer to his chest - his home being ‘invaded’.
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However when Hen does come into play, we get a much more muted tones and we get these, whites, dusty pinks, lilacs and dusty purples, along with teal green trousers. Karen is in a black silk blouse with lilacs in a lilac colour on - this pairs her and Hen up in their respective styles and shows us they are on the same page. Lilacs are an interesting choice of floral and colour - it symbolises youth and innocence as well as love and purity. However Lilacs also mean old love and were often given to and worn by widows in the victorian era as a symbol of lost love and lost innocence! so the black paired with the prolifferation of lilacs (both colour and flowers) are telling that Hen and Karen are no longer ‘innocent’ (by which I mean they have gained knowledge) and they are also mourning the loss of the stable family life they thought they had created.
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the choice to have Denny in army green continues a theme we’ve seen with him so far this season - the use of camouflage and army colour-ways to show him as sneaking around going undetected, and now the full on army green reads as an act of aggression - to the family life Hen and Karen have created, as well as to the agreement they had put into place with Nathaniel back in season 2.
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I found the choice to have Karen in black with some yellow in her trousers and Hen in very bright emerald green (also with some yellow in her trousers) very interesting. Karens black is carrying on that theme of mourning, but its also a power colour - so its Karen still angry and grieving, but its also her pushing forward. the yellow is her communicating (on a low level) her anger and upset over what has happened.
Hen meanwhile is going full out into jealousy mode - we are seeing a Hen who is feeling threatened by Nathaniel and is jealous of the relationship her son has secretly been building with his bio father. THis is the culmination of all those little hints about the role Hen fills in Denny’s life - that she has been the one supporting and encouraging his sporting interests - thats why we saw Eddie and her throwing a baseball - so she could continue to share a sporting connection and interest wit her son. Hen feels threatened and jealous of Nathaniel’s stepping into that area she previously filled.
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The wardrobe department just keep knocking it out of the park with the kids clothes this season. Denny’s mushroom shirt is amazing. Mushrooms are about duality - they represent both decay and deterioration, but also transformation and growth in the darkness. so Denny wearing this shirt here is perfect - he is going through puberty - a time of transformation and his acting out in his sneaking around etc is a symbol of that transformative time. His relationship with his mothers has deteriorated and decayed - they no longer feel like they can trust him, but his conversation with Toni brings him hope and the opportunity for all to grow through this dark time. its a really clever piece of costuming and I love it so much.
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Karens dark teal green is interesting - there was actually quite a bit of teal at play in this episode. teal is a colour of clarity  the darkness of it here suggests that clarity is coming but not fully in place yet - that Karen is more aware, but not yet fully accepting of the new reality she lives in. 
Hens black and beige jumper is a wonderful choice as well - the beige representing neutrality and its being a soothing colour is important - accompanied by the black spots it has the affect of suggesting that the initial anger is passing and giving way to a more open time - one where calmness and the ability to see things more clearly come into play. the fact that this jumper has runs and frayed edges still maintains that idea that this has damaged Hen - that she is scared from this turn of events, even if she is more open to moving forward and accepting of Denny’s desire to have a relationship with his father. 
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Here we have a Denny in navy blue shirt and a yellow and green palm frond pattern - I thought originally they were bird of paradise flowers when I was watching live, but they are more obvious in the stills! palm fronds are an iinteresting and perfect choice - they are a symbol of peace and triumph - exactly what Denny is experiencing here - triumph in being allowed to see and build a relationship with his father and the resulting peace in his family dynamic that will come as a result.
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I know I talk a lot about yellow being a colour of communication - and that still holds - but it is also a colour of anxiety and that very much matches up wit the look on Hens face. Her patchwork camouflage trousers hint at her uncertainty about the situation - she is trying to mask her nervousness and misgivings. These trousers are the same ones she was wearing at her leaving the 118 party - a time when she was also feeling nervous and had misgivings about becoming a doctor. Karen being in a navy jumpsuit with a variety of headdresses on is, again, an interesting choice - headdresses like those depicted are ceremonial (for the most part) and are a symbol of leadership, strength and bravery - perfect for Karen in this moment (and in general).
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Just a quick aside before we move onto the ret of the mains! I don’t normally focus on the side and guest characters, but the guy whose wife got a vibrator lodged inside her is wearing the shirt Buck was wearing in his coma dream and that has me both cackling and wide eyed! 
The scene in Bucks coma dream where he is wearing this shirt is one of mostly confusion and uncertainty for him - loosely speaking - its when he’s really trying to understand what exactly is going on in this world his mind has built for him - one where after that initial confusion we see him essentially embrace this new reality where he has what he thinks he wants - but what actually turns out to be something else - something that he doesn’t want/need. And here in this scene we have a guy going through the sexual version of the same thing - thinking that this different version of his sex life with his wife will be better - make things better and make her happy, when the reality is that if he’d had an actual conversation with her about it things would more than likely turned out differently. So major props to the wardrobe team for this little gem of a costume reuse!
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Maddie rocking the layers here in Black, grey and red - very telling for this scene. layering is generally about protection - in an attempt to deflect something that is making you uncertain or causing anxiety. This is very much what is going on with Maddie here. the red top being the one closest to her skin - the bottom layer, shows that she is happy, in love and in a good place - the red of romance and passion, but it can also be a sign of danger and I think its is a combination of these two meanings here - the danger element coming from the fact that this new neighbour has got Maddie’s spidey senses tingling. The grey hoodie is a little bit of foreshadowing for her later silver top - the grey transforms into silver and becomes reflective (more on that in a moment). Then there is the black blazer - power and mystery. the mystery element is connected to who this woman is/ actually is while the power element is connected to Maddie having the power to control her own destiny in this moment - her returning the muffin tray is about her attempting to assert some authority over the situation. it is worth mentioning that aside from the Black blazer, they have Rhonda dressed in slightly darker versions of the the same colours when she gets caught - red high neck top with a darker grey jacket than Maddie’s hoodie!  
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Maddie in silver and being reflective is actually kind of a jarring outfit for her -and thats rather the point. Its not a colour we see her in and she wears greys infrequently as well - she tends towards a warmer and brighter palette with the accompanying blacks, so this is out of place for her - it highlights her discomfort and actually there is something in the reflecting of that discomfort towards Athena - the one person who knows exactly what Maddie means about not feeling safe or comfortable in ones own home. The metallic top is also reminiscent of plate armour and suggests Maddie is arming her self - getting ready to protect herself iff needed. Its a top that represents her trauma response bubbling beneath the surface ready to reassert itself if needed.
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Buck in yet another grey jumper! honestly I’m beginning to wonder how many more grey jumpers they can find for him to wear!! This one is a much lighter grey than we saw him wear in season 5, and its also lighter than any we’ve seen him in so far in season 6. It follows on nicely from the one we saw him in in 6x12 when he was sleeping on Eddies couch and having meaningful conversations in the kitchen late at night! but it is also tv static grey - it has that fuzzy appearance, which in Buck terms means uncertainty and confusion. This is such an interesting choice for this scene and its vitally important for it as well. 
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This is Buck outright parenting Chris - completely on his own with no Eddie to be seen. The only other times we’ve seen this happen are during the shooting arc and in 4x08 when Chris runs to Buck after Eddie reveals to Chris he has a girlfriend. Before you all shout at me about the tsunami it doesn’t count because Eddie actively sets up that Buck and Chris time on screen, so his influence remains a part of the scene even if he isn’t present (It is also a trauma event and that means it sits separately). The shooting arc sits separately from this new scene and the 4x08 one by virtue of it being a trauma event - like the tsunami. We also know that Buck looking after Chris like this is a common thing from the canon text, however this is one of the few times we’ve seen it on screen and the first time we see it where Eddie is not even remotely present - making it a step up from the 4x08 scene where he is present via the tail end of a phone conversation. 
The grey fuzzy jacket Buck wears in the 4x08 scene is darker and the fact the cookie scene has lighter grey is telling about the level of uncertainty Buck is feeling. this scene is one fraught with potential danger for Buck - his choices could anger or alienate Eddie and erode their relationship if he gets it wrong - he could get accused of stepping in where he doesn’t belong. It could also land a critical blow to his relationship with Chris - what he says could upset him or make Chris feel like Buck isn’t supportive etc, it is a fine line Buck has to tread and he does it masterfully here - giving him the confidence going forward. WE see the results of that in the cookie kitchen scene - Buck bantering with Chris and successfully parenting him - and not being good cop! So here we have costume highlighting the development of Buck and Christophers father son relationship!
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The Poker Game!!!!
This gets its own little section because there is a lot going on! to start with I’m going to link to this meta about Bucks costume and this one about Eddies costume, because they still, for the most part, ring true. getting the full scene hasn’t really altered my opinions on their costumes per-say. I’ll add a bit more to them once you get to the stills of them!
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We have Chief Miranda Williams in a black sequin and slightly sheer waterfall front top with gold jewellery, and Captain Jeshan Mehta in all black with this dark plum striped tie. A very deliberate choice to have the both of them in full black (except the tie). All of the characters wear black in this scene (Julie only has black shoes so kind of doesn’t count and I’ll explain why when we get to her) Both Buck and Eddie are wearing black shirts/turtlenecks and they are the ones with the power in the game (thanks to Bucks new found math skills) while Chief W and Captain M both have seniority in the real world and therefore power of a different kind. I’d even argue that Chief W has the ultimate power because she wises up and allows the boys to have their fun and thus the power remains with her regardless! the use of a waterfall front top is just another subtle reference to the water theme. the purple tie is also a deliberate choice - purple is the combination of the two jackets Buck and Eddie are wearing - red and blue! Purple is a colour of mystery (much like the black they’re all wearing is) but it’s also a colour of enlightenment and understanding our inner most thoughts and feelings. It being worn by Mehta connects this concept to the shooting and Buck and Eddie finally coming to terms with the realities of it and what it means going forward - them acknowledging their feelings etc and what it means for them, both individually and together.
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Julie Rosen in a dark teal asymmetric dress with a high front slit and silver jewellery. Ok so things to focus on with this costume are the asymmetry and the colour teal. Asymmetry represents unbalance (for obvious reasons) and there are a couple of ways to interpret that in this scene - obviously things are unbalanced because Buck has an advantage with his math skills. there is also the fact that Julie is in on the hustle (her comment about Buck being bad at math is deliberate and pointed!) which pits the 3 members of the 118 against Chief Williams and Captain Mehta so its 3v2. 
Then there is the teal - a colour of clarity, objectivity, support, earnestness and of being true to oneself. the other thing about teal is that it is a combination of blue and green - a combination of Buck and Eddie’s colours! As a side character and one who is in on the hustle, her costume is supposed to give us more information about our main characters and her dress is really doing that!
So here we have a scene centred on them where we have a connected character wearing a colour that is a combination of their individual colours and one which means clarity etc, the return of Captain Mehta whose name literally means crystal clear and Chief Williams - whose first name is Miranda - which means to be wondered at - can they make it any louder that Buddie is happening if they tried???
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Well yes actually they can - because I seem to be doing nearly all of the non main characters tonight, lets talk about the croupier as well! Firstly we need to note her location at the table in relation to Buck and Eddie - she sits opposite them and directly in between them. She is wearing a black shirt with a rusty orangey brown rope pattern woven across it. 
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I know its not red, but this is yet another example of the show making use of what it can to keep the red string of fate metaphor active. Here we have the rope/string twisted and looped, suggesting things are being tied together and because of her location and the implication is that this poker game is ting Buck and Eddie even more closely together (it really is a date even if neither of them actually realise it!!)
 We’ve had so many game, cards and fate metaphors thrown at us across the series, but especially this season, now we’re getting to the business end of things. We have all of the metaphors at play in this one scene - the universe screaming at you (as represented by Mehtas presence), the idea of playing a game to win - when you can’t lose, making the most of the hand you’ve been dealt, the gaining of knowledge and it all being tied up together by the red string of fate - represented by the croupier - who is, like I said, sat in front of and between Buck and Eddie - in front of being the operative point (the future)!
Do you want me to go on with all the subtext in this scene?!! 
Then we get to Buck and Eddie - Buck sticking to type and rolling up his long sleeves - taking off his jacket and dressing himself down (a nice touch to add to the mini dressing down he gets from Chief Williams!) but him removing the red jacket is symbolic of him stepping back into himself and his normal role - cracking dumb jokes, being a golden retriever and also reasserts his uncertainty about his future - his desire to become a captain - the theme that has been bubbling along all season. 
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I will make a more full meta post specifically about Buck and Eddies watches, but for now - we get a better still to scream over! The watch that had been more or less hidden under Bucks sleeves for the duration of the poker game, is now revealed to us once Buck has won his steaks. black leather strap and a white face. black and white - things are black and white - time is black and white - its telling us that Buck is no longer in the dark (all his watches have been fully black up to now) and also that there are no grey areas!
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Also they just look epically good so why wouldn’t I add in extra pictures of them for us all to appreciate!!
Everything I said about the choice to have Eddie in a turtleneck holds true - thanks to Joaquin Sedillio telling us that they were inspired by George Clooneys look in oceans 11 - a look that was inspired by golden age Hollywood.  
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I do want to mention the use of texture in the poker scene and this connects into Bucks burgundy velvet jacket. the scene uses texture very deliberately, only Buck and Chief Williams are wearing anything textured - her texture is rough, while Bucks is soft and smooth (as long as you brush it the right way!) they also contrast each other in terms of look - velvet is a very flat texture - its matt and absorbs light, unlike the sequins which bounce light around and sparkle, drawing the eye and reflecting light. it is the absorbing/ reflection aspect that is the mist interesting because it lays into the idea of showy versus understated - and that is actually giving us hints of Bucks growth - before he was all about being showy - bright and bold and going through the whole fake it till you make it thing and seemingly lacking substance. Now though we see a Buck who is more considered - his brush with death has made him less flashy and more internalised. (I also love that this absorbing concept plays on the fact that he ‘absorbed’ a lightning bolt and lived to tell the tale!!). the other thing about the velvet being absorbing is that it places the focus onto Buck - this scene is all about him and he is absorbing the attention (and revealing in it!)
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I’ve put the photo above where I have because of the Athena and Buck connection. Athena wearing a reverse of Bucks poker suit - burgundy top black jacket. The Burgundy has the same meaning that we get with Bucks jacket - the deep love and passion and romance - it is telling us that Bathena are very happy and very in love - that its a deep love. The black leather jacket contrasts with Buck as well - it has a more reflective surface - this scene isn’t about Athena, its about Madney. 
So we have a reverse parallel going on between Buck and Athena - something we’ve seen at play many times throughout the seasons combined with Bobby wearing a very Eddie shade of green - that khaki shirt is straight out of the Eddie Diaz playbook and isn’t a shade we see Bobby in that often - he’s often dressed in similarly muted shades to Eddie, but they are never that much of an army colour like this one is. In an episode that shows us Bobby and Athena being in love and happy and finding new things out about each other without any children being a part of the narrative. the show is being pretty on the nose about asking us to draw the parallel - especially when we’ve seen Christopher seeking his own independence.
The blue and green of it all 
Honestly the amount of blue and green paralleling going on in this episode was insane! I spent a long time uhming and ahhing about how to present this - to put all the green together followed by the blue, or to keep the coupes together! I’m going to keep this fairly brief as this post is already reaching epic proportions (I write in a very scattered manner so thats how its already super long!!)
First thing to note is that the greens get darker as the episode goes on - we start with Eddie in his khaki olive green, only this one is a much lighter shade and tonally has a lot more yellow going on which actually helps connect him to the first dining table scene and his yellow shirt. Its also important to note that he has his blue face watch on - which I’ve started calling his Christopher watch
This henley is the same one we see him wearing when he is at the Grant Nash house talking to Athena about his Abeula and her being taken advantage of - such a choice by the wardrobe team - foreshadowing the poker game hustle as well as playing on the theme of being taken advantage of and of cards (tarot cards!) they really are going to town with very deliberate repeat costumes since 5b! 
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We should remember that Hen is also sporting green in this episode - a very bright emerald green as well as Denny in army green and Karen in teal green at various points - they all darken within their own separate arc as well as fitting into the wider arc of the episode (see the Wilson family section at the beginning if you want a reminder).
Chimney wearing army green is showing us that he is ready to fight for his family - for Maddie - so that she can feel safe in her home. 
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And Bobby rounds out the green in a bottle green tee and jacket combo which is verdant and shows that his relationship with Athena is in full bloom.
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This use of green getting increasingly darker is something we’ve been seeing at play throughout the season - we’ve had it with Buck, particularly in relation to the sperm donor storyline, but also in connection with Hen as well as its abundance in the coma dream. Like I’ve said a million times  green is generally symbolic of growth and what we’re getting with its use in this episode and more widely this season is a deliberate choice to make that growth even more explicit - whatever story arc its connected to - Buck adn the sperm Donor, Hen and her attempts to connect with Denny so she can be a good parent to him and be supportive, or Bobby and his relationship with Athena and how he is getting a better understanding of her and how that is growing his love for her even more.
The blue doesn’t follow the same linear trajectory as the green - the colour starts dark, lightens up and then heads dark again in the most general sense, but it also brightens as the episode progresses, .
Athena is in both light blue and dark blue here 
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while in the same scene Bobby is also in dark blue - they are matching and complimenting each other. Dressing them both in blue at the same time is an indicator of shared trust and loyalty.
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Chimney has on a blue jumper here,
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which he is wearing over this blue check shirt that we see him in later on, so again dark heading slightly lighter. Check theory was working over time with Chimney in this episode - the only time we see him without check is when he’s in green. That is interesting to me - its making me think that the check is telling us that Chimneys home life is stable and happy, but that his work life might be less so - the blue and the fact that we’ve seen him in check in connection with various members of the firefam in the last couple of episodes - Buck post coma, Hen in this episode, and now Bobby when He and Athena come over for dinner.
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Bobby is wearing this dusty blue polo after Rhonda has been caught. 
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I should point out here that Maddie is wearing a dark khaki green tee underneath her bright blue shirt which is a clever hint at the fact that this playdate she has set up is a trap - Maddie is waging war - fighting for her home and the ability to live in it without fear. The bright cobalt blue indicates ingenuity and enlightenment - playing into the trap that has been set for Rhonda. It is also a happy shade of blue - bright and cheerful it ties into the idea of comfort and contentment and indicates Maddie being able to return to feeling happy and secure in her home.
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And finally we have Athena in this cobalt blue running tee and gilet - its a brighter blue than the cobalt of Maddie’s shirt, almost royal blue - it still shares the meaning though - enlightenment and happiness. Its telling us that Athena is finding joy in discovering both her enjoyment of running and her enjoyment of haring an activity with her husband. The otehr thing to note is a contniation of Buck and Athena being paralleled - here we have her in a blue gilet when she flirts and insitgates shower sexy times shortly after we’ve seen Buck attend the sex gone wrong call - wearing a gilet - with him then checking in on his previous relationships and hook ups to see if they were satisfied sexually with him - the loudness is getting louder! 
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Blue is a colour that has been slowly increasing in frequency for Buck and I have a theory about it - bear with me here because we need to look at when he wears the colour - I’m not going to include them all or I’d be her all day - the ones i’ve excluded are either denim shirts/jackets or where blue is one of the colours rather than the only colour of a top!!
Season 1 - Buck and Abby go on a date - the only time we see Buck wear blue in season 1 and its his blue suit (with a white shirt) Season 2 - Buck wears blue 7 times in season 2 but the two key moments we need to look at come early on in the season 2x01 - the blue henley he’s wearing when he finds Maddie in his apartment - its the first non uniform outfit we see him post Abby leaving and comes after Eddie has been introduced (coincidentally this is the same henley we know we’re going to see Eddie wearing later in the season!). the second one comes in 2x04, when Buck talks to Maddie about Eddie struggling with paperwork to get Chris the help and support he needs (its the boy crush conversation!) Season 3 - Buck also wears blue 7 times in season 3. The 3 we need to focus on are; 3x04 Bucky talks to Chase Mackey and sues the city, 3x06 Bucks return to the 118 post lawsuit and 3x16 - Buck goes to a bar and meets Red. Season 4 - the number of blue shirts goes up dramatically to 10 (especially as its a short season) and we’re interested in 6 of them. 4x03 - games night at he Diaz house when Eddie is dismantling technology and Buck has to do some parenting. 4x05 we have 2 - Peru Buck and the blue jacket he wears when Maddie gives him the postcards he sent her over the years. 4x07 Buck tries dating Veronica. 4x12 Buck, Eddie and Taylor discuss the treasure hunt at Bucks loft (petty Eddie drinking beer scene). 4x14 Buck sleeps on Eddies couch and parents Chris after the shooting. Season 5 Buck wears blue 9 times in season 5 and we’re looking at 5 of them, 5x09 Buck washing up in the loft while Taylor is being distant (pink marigolds scene). 5x11 Buck and Taylor have dinner at the Diaz house - Buck and Eddie argue. 5x13 Maddie’s return from Boston and also Buck breaks down Eddies door and was in the room! 5x18 the blue suit he wears to HenRen’s vow renewal. Season 6, we’re just over half way through and are already up to 19 blue buck outfits!! the key ones are 6x01 - the lasagne kitchen scene. 6x02 post convention locker room talk with Hen, 6x04 Madney apartment Buck tells Maddie about the year of yes, a second one is the navy top he wears when getting drunk with Hen and then the blue striped shirt when he tells C&K he’ll be their donor. 6x07 there are 3 blue shirts when he fails to donate sperm, 6x09 when he tells the firefam that his sperm has helped C&K get pregnant. 6x11 when he comes home from the hospital post lightning strike. 6x12 while he’s trying to recover at his loft and then a second one when he has is appointment with Dr Salazar. 6x13 the superpowers scene.
Eddie also wears Blue at some key moments
Season 3 - 3x03 post tsunami ‘theres no one in the world I trust more with my son than you’ scene. 3x4 - chris wakes from a nightmare. 3x09 therapy with frank. 3x12 Chris has his skateboarding accident and Eddie shouts at Ana.  Season 4 - 4x08 Eddie introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend. 4x14 - the will reveal. Season 5 - 5x10 Chris has a nightmare. 5x14 dream Eddie in the kitchen serving Chris breakfast. 5x17 talks to Buck about his family - while in Christophers bedroom. 5x18 the suit he wears to HenRen’s vow renewal. Season 6 - 6x08 dressing Chris for his school dance. 6x09, sleeping on the sofa. 6x13 poker night.
Why have I written all of this out you ask - well because I want to show you how all of these scenes (and the ones I’ve not included in the list also fit the theme) are water finding its level related. They are all very key moments when either Buck or Eddie are finding a new level or at turning points - not only in their relationship with each other, but also with Christopher. 
All of Eddies wearing of blue connects to Christopher, until the one from this episode - the first time we see Eddie wearing blue while doing something not related to Christopher. I included the dream sequence Eddie in the list because he literally starts coughing up water. 
As for Buck - again most of the scenes (even the ones with Maddie) are connected to Eddie and Chris in some way, even if indirectly (lawsuit I’m looking at you) There are a few exceptions - such as Maddies return from Boston, the vow renewal suit, Buck washing up or the sperm donor ones and obviously the one from season 1! I included the Abby date one because Buck chokes on water in that scene and the Taylor washing up scene - Buck literally has his hands in water. The vow renewal is Buck breaking freed of his bad relationship. As for the sperm donor arc, while not directly connected to Eddie or Chris, the parenting connection is a key one - after all much of Bucks journey to finding his level is connected to the idea of parenthood and dad not donor v donor not dad.
As for the lighter blue specifically - which is a post Taylor exclusive colour for Buck and ties into the theme of deepening ones understanding of self and the growth that comes from that - the idea of choosing to be happy. Buck choosing to break free of his depressing relationship was him choosing himself, choosing to be happy. The post Lev dying conversation Buck has with hen in the locker room is about Bucks search for happiness - about him wanting to be happy for himself. The phone call where he reveals that C&K are pregnant - that is him being happy for his friends, but also him feeling the glow of happiness from being able to help them achieve that pregnancy. The blue top we had him wearing in MacArthur park in last weeks episode is showing him choosing to move on from his brush with death - accepting it for what it is and choosing to be happy (whether that s just happy to be alive - something he was clearly grappling with, or a more generalised happiness remains to be seen) that is why we see him looking contemplative - he is choosing to put that life changing event away and accept it for what it is and the chance it has given him to be happy going forward. This theming holds true for other characters too - Athena in light blue is about her happiness - getting her parents sorted in the aftermath of her fathers stroke is making her happy.
So this new light blue top we have Buck wearing (which is the most reminiscent of the one Lev is wearing) is very much about him being happy - we see the joy he feels at being good at something, the happiness he gets from being with his Diaz boys and sharing in happy banter with them and basking in the glow of being part of a family.
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I’ve saved Christopher for last this week because he also plays into the Blue and green theming - in fact he straddles across the two colours and that makes him interesting. 
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Firstly we have this seafoam green tee with a pineapple on the pocket. Not only do we have a pineapple though - no we have a pineapple with a sunset scene in the fruit section. Yes you read that right - it is an actual sunset!!! So here we have a physical embodiment of the sunset theme that has been in play since season 4 - a theme that Christopher has always been connected to indirectly - construction on sunset or Bucks heart drawing with sunset colouring and misunderstanding the assignment - both times when Buck has been babysitting and both in some way connected to Christophers homework -  Ana teaching Eddie Math in connection to the first one - making the whole Ana being construction on the way to Buck metaphor even more obvious, especially now in light of this new homework scene with a sunset incorporated in it!
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The pineapple itself is also interesting - there are a couple of meaning we can attach to its use here. Historically, pineapples were status symbols - they were a show of wealth due to the difficulty in growing them. those who could afford them would display them prominently at dinner parties and the like to show their wealth. Here Christopher is the wealth - he is the thing both Buck and Eddie place most highly. and the scene we see this top in proves that - Christopher being an active part of their conversation about Bucks newfound superpowers - his opinions and comments are a valuable pat of the conversation to both Eddie and Buck. Christophers inclusion, comfort and confidence in this dynamic is being highlighted here - showing the difference to how he was treated in the dynamic between Eddie Chris and Ana. 
The modern pineapple meaning is as an emoji - where it is an indicator of relationship status - meaning ‘its complicated’ Need I say more!!!!
Then we have the blue tee from the kitchen cookie scene. A tee with little surfing skeletons on! I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. This show is just so so good at using the kids costumes to tell us things. first up the blue - Bucks colour and its important that Chris is wearing it in this scene where he is alone with Buck. I talked about the buck in grey in both the two scenes where he is parenting with out Eddie, well the same rings true for Chris here - he is in blue for both of the scenes (a pale blue long sleeve tee with the dinosaur wearing sunglasses which show space ships in their reflection). then there is the fact that we have surfboards reappearing on Christophers clothing - the surfing thing has always been connected to Buck in some way - both overtly and covertly. Chris was wearing a shirt with surfers on at Bucks recertification party and the last time he wore something surf related (for definite) was in 4x13 - when Carla returned to the Diaz’s and told Eddie to make sure he was following his heart and not Christophers. The other thing to note is that both of those incidents proceeded a major event - the Tsunami and the shooting. this one has skeletons on and thats making me both nervous and excited. We’ve been saying all season that Chris is due some sort of trauma or incident and I’m now very much expecting it to happen in the next two episodes and for it to be something that pushes Buddie even closer together. those Skeletons are (to me at least) suggesting that the current set up of Bucks relationship with Christopher is about to change - that it will become the old version - a dead version and that post event they will have a new and different form of relationship (as in the father-son thing will become more concrete in the same way that Buck and Bobbys has this season) because all of the surfing theming has been used at moments that have really pushed Buck and Christophers dynamic forward and increased the parent-child bond! 
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The thing with these to colours is that this season especially, we’ve seen Chris wearing shirts that contain both colours a couple of times - both in and out of dream sequences and both connected to parenting. 
We have Chris breaking his punishment and Eddie being an amazing dad. This one is especially close in terms of colours to the two shades from this episode and now I have more context for it, the smashing and merging of the two colours would appear to be foreshadowing the merging of Buck and Eddie as coparents.
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And coma Chris - who Buck has to chose to ignore/ leave behind. leaving him feeling guilty, but actually showing that he is a good parent to Chris because he recognises that he can only get back to the real one if he abandons this Chris (a chris who is a representation of Bucks own childhood abandonment issues - and therefore it is showing us Buck breaking the cycle)
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In summation - the use of costume and colour was so much more out there in terms of helping with the storytelling and ensuring the Buck and Eddie as a couple message was made loud and clear - more than we’ve ever seen before - its been slowly ramping up and now they’ve taken the breaks off!!
Thank you as always for reading  - it really does mean the world to me that you're interested in the costuming of our wee woo show!! I’ll shut up now and let you have your lives back. If you’ve made it through the whole thing then you are my MVP and you get this trophy! 🏆 I’m off to rock in the corner now I’ve finished this epic. 
I would tag below but it won’t let me (maybe i wrote too many words 😂 so I’ll be reblogging with the tag list!
Until the next episode! 💜💜💜
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mafuyuakgae · 2 months
YOUR ART IS LITERALLY ENCHANTING HELLO??? I feel like I'll get sucked into it Narnia style... Would you mind talking about your art process 👀
thank you so much?!! i dont mind if you dont mind me taking this chance to yap
my art process has changed a bit since i last posted a step by step... i would say my ideation phase is still
seeing something that really makes me want to draw (ie alien stage round 6 or a really good gacha card (sorry) ) or forcing out thumbnails
go on my pinterest board of poses/colours from other artists i like for the general vibe (i reference a lot from my own photos as well, usually pics i take around my city/a lot of selfies taken from 0.5x angle LOL)
and then start the drawing. usually not a lot of thumbnailing..i would like to get better at that to explore more interesting compositions >_< also trying to flatten my art style a bit but i still go overboard with rendering extraneously oops
these days im also switching back to paint tool sai/csp on my pen tablet rather than procreate..i really dont like the blending engine sometimes and it makes it really difficult for me to motivate myself to paint there. i guess walking through a recent painting i like:
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sketch on a colour bg ( usually this kind of decides the colour palette for the rest of the painting, building off of this main bg colour) (i erased some of it bc i was using it in the final painting ^^;;; it gets redrawn on top a little)
blocking the main foreground - sword, horse - just going from dark foreground > middle > background lightest as a frame of reference, having the least amount of detail at the right since i want the horse's hind legs to fade out in perspective
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3. layer at a light opacity using a big brush to just suggest light/shadows (yellow at bottom right and around her face to complement and contrast the blue/purple)
4. render details (this is what gets me and i am very lazy and typically give up on a piece once we get here. working on it..)
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5. yeah. done! outline some desaturated areas (horse hind legs) with a saturated colour found elsewhere in the painting (lighter colour of the bg) and then add final touchups on top of everything. my layers dont make sense. also i love using the fringe effect on sai to fake edges/lines (every layer has it. yay)
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