annieb8502 · 3 days
Dick: My friend was here, and I needed a hug.
Jason: I never need a hug.
Bruce: I only need a hug if it’s from my kid.
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cookiedough77 · 5 months
oh guess what i did another ahahhahahaa
the first two are claw noir and shadybug btw
thought this up like- forever ago but i finally drew it
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hehshahah this new pen is fun
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booklovingcreechur · 5 months
I love hearing ideas on how the Pevensies need to readjust to Earth when they get back from Narnia the first time, but what about them having to get used to living in Narnia when they become kings and queens?
The children having to discover how to lead an entire country.
The Pevensies having to learn how to ride horses because they grew up in the city.
Peter and Lucy taking to it pretty easily but Edmund and Susan having a bit more difficulty at first.
The talking horses trying to give pointers but Edmund ending up falling off multiple times anyways.
On a cold winter's day, Lucy coming into Cair Paravel chilled and wet after having a snowball fight and wishing nothing more than for a hot bath only to discover the amount of time and labour needed to warm a tub of water without electricity.
No toilets. Just, no toilets.
Susan trying to write a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and getting frustrated because her quill pen keeps tearing the paper and blotting.
Peter accidentally knocking down a candle while looking through papers and nearly setting the whole table ablaze.
The Pevensies slipping occasionally when it comes to mentioning things about Earth to the facination of the Narnians.
Edmund trying to explain Earth being round to a group of curious yet politely confused creatures and eventually giving up when a young faun asks if everything is upside-down on the other side of the world.
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Ninjago 13th Anniversary!
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I know I'm a LITTLE late to the party but here are the beloved RGB siblings (I think that's what they're called), I originally was gonna do the og 4 ninja meeting their current selves but ended up realizing I didn't have the energy so instead you get the Smiths + Lloyd!
BTW these are designs for roughly around season 5 and a little after season 6 back when they're still teens, Nya has a more tech wear style now along with some tattoos cause of getting turned into the ocean, Lloyd is less dorky and more professional/older due to taking his uncles role and Kai is kinda the same but has some tattoos and doesn't wear skinny jeans anymore lol!
Also I don't think I've ever mentioned it here before but I honestly love how out of all the characters I think Kai and Nya reflect their past and their childhoods really well. Kai is really protective and feels a need to be the best and be there for people due to having to pretty much raise Nya. Nya feels the need to be self sufficient and good at everything immediately probably because she didn't want to put more stress on Kai. I have way more to say about them but that's for another post.
Anyway happy anniversary Ninjago you've lasted longer than the Great Depression!
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theo-notts-doll · 8 months
nico di angelo, damian wayne and regulus black are all the same person in different fonts thank you that is all
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Snow: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Emma: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years! Regina: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Zelena: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Ruby: My moral code, is that you? Snow: Snow: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
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elleniemae · 3 months
Me laying in bed at 12 am trying to sleep:
My brain out of nowhere: …draw your favorite Marvel characters but as kids
Me, wide awake now: Guess I gotta ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Anyway here’s Loki, Bucky (and Steve ig), Peter Parker, and Marc Spector (/Steven Grant) They’re my boysssss
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auntie-coagulant · 7 months
“Oh my god, honestly. ” Beta’s voice drifts down from above their heads, nasal, stuffy, and dripping irritation. “You three have all the collective emotional intelligence of a turnip.”
A thick, rattling cough has Kotallo narrowing his eyes at the grate covering the vent. 
“And I was raised by robots. ”
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theghostinyourwalls · 4 months
Been binge watching JJK and now it’s time to get to work ✍️✍️✍️
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incorrectgenv · 6 days
Marie: I think I need a hug...
Emma: Good thing I'm hug shaped!
*45 minutes later*
Marie: You... you can let go now.
Emma: No, I absolutely cannot.
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linimoonlight · 8 months
One day Richas is gonna be the death of our dearly beloved immortal BadBoyHalo.
I think the way Richas has been behaving lately is very interesting. Like Richas has always been a menace. But its been so much worse and with so little regards to his own life. Sometimes it almost feels like he wants to push Bad to the point where he absolutely snaps and takes one of his lifes (not that Bad ever would).
Richas has really been struggeling so much and him lashing out is his way of dealing with everything going on. But at the same time he doesnt realize how much hes hurting his siblings who are also hurting a lot.
For example with the mines at spawn and Pommes severe fear of explosions. Same today with the chickens in the place thats supposed to be THE safe place. Or even just him constantly messing with the pearls in the egg basket. This is supposed to be the place to protect the eggs and even if there is a slight chance the chickens mess with something its a risk. And not every egg cares as little about if they live or die as Richas. Empanada is terrified after what happened. For good reasons! She cant risk something going wrong if shes in danger. This place existing and keeping her safe is her only comfort rn and he just carelessly messes with it.
And i love all of it. Its so interesting to see these children deal differently with all the hurt and trauma. And Richas pain does seem to get overlooked a lot cause hes just "silly and messing around". But hes also the egg making deals with federation workers to find a way to safe his dad all on his own if he has to. Because what does it matter if he has two lifes if his loved ones just keep disappearing?
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boomboxboi · 11 months
How the BucciGang COPES 🌦️
Bruno Bucciarati
What’s that?
He just puts all of his focus on everyone else.
If he can’t make himself happy, he can definitely make others happy.
A good jazz song and cooking helps.
Even though everyone seems to want to eat out whenever he cooks…
Or going for a fast drive.
Wind through his hair.
And the sea breeze on his face.
Distractions are a must for Bruno.
Focusing on things beyond his control are pointless so he focuses on what he can control.
Even if it feels like what he can control is extremely limited.
Leone Abbacchio
A bottle of wine.
Not that he should indulge in drinking when upset.
Music and gardening helps, though.
He will join Bruno on his chaotic car drives.
Solitude is what Leone thinks helps.
But that’s not actually what helps him.
Being around others makes his days a bit more bearable.
Also completing tasks.
Something about that smile Bruno gives when he completes a task given by him…
He also just enjoys hearing the rest of the gang laughing and joking around.
He needs to be around positive people because he gets too caught up in his own thoughts when he’s alone.
Pannacotta Fugo
Getting lost in the pages helps when he’s feeling like he’s ready to burst with anger.
Nature walks help, too.
Also likes to focus on what he can control.
But gets upset when things don’t always work out how he meticulously planned it.
Rage rooms do not help.
They just make him angrier.
He leaves them feeling like he needs to do more than just break something.
Hot tea also helps him calm down.
And he recently has started meditating.
Just don’t bother him when he’s trying to wind down.
Narancia Ghirga
Warm and fuzzy anything.
You name it.
Of course, his impulse control is pretty bad.
Can justify buying anything, even if it’s useless, by saying it brings him joy.
Also likes to get his adrenaline pumping.
What he really needs is stability and a reminder that he has a support system now.
Gardens with Abbacchio.
It’s one of the few times he will either have serious conversations to process his childhood or simply sit in a comfortable silence.
Often works out because he struggles staying still.
Specifically enjoys cardio.
It gives him a sense of strength and control over his life.
And also gets rid of some pent up anger of his own.
Guido Mista
Skipping the dreaded number.
Also an avid exerciser.
But prefers lifting weights over cardio. 
Cooking also helps relax him.
And unlike Bruno, his food is edible.
Romance movies and music also put him in a good mood after something stressful.
And being around his friends.
Needs to work on not letting intrusive thoughts take over and should focus on ignoring them.
Rather than focusing on his rituals to avoid the dreaded number.
Also calms down by caring for the Pistols.
In a way, that’s self care, right?
Since they’re a physical manifestation of his soul?
Giorno Giovanna
After a particularly rough day, all Giorno needs are three things.
First, a beautiful scenery.
It could be a park, the ocean, or anything like that.
Second, he requires limited or no company.
Only those he’s close with should interact at these times.
Third, a puzzle book.
He likes to problem solve when he’s bothered by something.
Puzzle books and the right atmosphere and (sometimes) company give his brain that itch it needs to calm down.
Being able to solve any problem helps to improve his mood.
Trish Una
Retail therapy.
That dose of dopamine she gets when she buys something she likes increases her mood.
Though it isn’t exactly the most helpful tool.
But being around Mista and Narancia also lifts her mood.
They’re both just goofballs and she can’t stay angry at the world long enough when they’re both acting like fools.
Also venting.
Just verbalizing her frustrations instead of bottling them up generally helps.
It also lets her make sense of what the real issues she’s concerned over are.
And talking it over with a trusted friend gives good insights.
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sapphire600 · 10 months
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This has been on my mind lately
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*Yugioh Gang talking about their family and problems during duels*
Y/n: they should invent a parent who is normal and says normal things and has normal interactions with their child or children
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catcas22 · 1 year
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I NEED reborn-Prince-of-Death Godwyn interacting with the twins post-canon. I blame @deathblightprince for this.
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King and Hunter both having a panic attack after finding out their life has been a lie and running away while Luz calls after them :’)
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