#Tumblr Writing Community
ramen-writes · 3 days
"You knew them? The three biggest villians that walk the Earth today? Personally?"
"I knew all of them" she says, almost a whisper. "A long time ago. At least I'd like to think I did. We went through a lot together, you know?"
"How were they? What were they like?"
A small ghost of a smile appeared on her face "They were... extraordinary. They were going to change the world. No... We were going to change the world" she says and she guessed apparently she wasn't all that wrong. They were changing the world, she just never thought they'd be on opposite sides when it happened.
"We were supposed to save the world, you know?"
"Everyone has limits, ours just got pushed a little too much"
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Hey! Super busy today with school stuff so I didn't have a lot of time to write or draw so have some of my old twitter wisdom instead!
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Yet further proof that I have never changed...
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ivaspinoza · 2 days
@defeatistwriter i took the test! :)
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explanation about the types below! tagging anyone who wants to do it :)
This was fun because although I enjoy thinking about writing and creative process in general, I also find hard to define my own process? I move in different ways, depending on how my brain is at the moment I'm writing and what part of the story I'm at, idk. Hopefully I'm not the only one who is ''inconsistent'' with my own ''methods'' (if I have any, tbh).
''Methodological Plotters: These authors meticulously outline their stories, weaving intricate plots with careful detail and precision. Each twist and turn is carefully planned, leading to a satisfying and well-structured narrative. They excel in world-building and character development, crafting immersive experiences that captivate readers with their thoroughness and coherence.
Methodological Pantsers: Operating with a loose framework, these authors embark on their writing journeys with a general idea but allow their stories to evolve organically. They embrace spontaneity, often surprising even themselves with the directions their narratives take. Despite the lack of detailed planning, their stories remain compelling, driven by the sheer force of creativity and imagination.
Intuitive Plotters: With a deep understanding of story structure, these authors craft their narratives with a keen sense of purpose and direction. While they may not adhere strictly to outlines, their stories are intricately plotted with layers of meaning and symbolism. Each element serves a purpose, contributing to the overall coherence and resonance of the work.
Intuitive Pantsers: These authors trust in their instincts, diving into their writing with little premeditation. They rely on intuition and spontaneity, allowing the story to unfold naturally as they explore characters and themes. While their process may seem chaotic, their narratives possess a raw energy and authenticity that draw readers in. They are unafraid to take risks, often producing works that are bold, original, and deeply personal.''
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mactiir · 2 days
You ever read an author and it's extremely obvious they've spent incredible amounts of time on tumblr
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i admire her parted lips as they start a melody struggling to comprehend her beautiful song
my bits of vanity...vanish in the dim-lit room filled with murmurs of vowels dancing
a tongue's graceful twirl holds no meaning now as I just listen while another seeks their supper
in the night...her words spark wide-eyed wonder longing for a bridge to comprehension
i borrow whispers from gestures, touch and mold words into a tender embrace
Calista's warning lingers in the air heed this tongue, for it bears muffled echoes
i ponder the languages on the Pont d'Avignon and which story will I unravel tonight
english fills my dreams, unfamiliar no traces of those who came before
it cradles my children...shapes tomorrow demands my all in exchange for life
i see my mother’s lips move in prayer exhortant notre langue maternelle à s'éveiller
yet, my tongue falters, struggles to revive those neglected words left to wither
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reidiot · 11 months
don't fucking interrupt me when i'm reading my x reader fics it's rude
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lannegarrett · 2 months
Writing in my head; Beautiful flowing sentences full of powerful phrases and witty dialogue.
Writing on my page: They did a thing and said some stuff. There was snark.
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sheepgirl3 · 3 months
About to rearrange and sort my bookshelves! What are your favorite ways to sort your bookshelves?
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novlr · 5 months
What makes you a writer?
If you write, that makes you a writer.
Haven’t written in a while but want to get back to it?
You’re a writer.
Haven’t published yet or don’t plan to?
You’re a writer.
Only write fanfiction?
You’re a writer.
Don’t have any readers?
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ramen-writes · 3 days
"Maybe you weren't a terrible person, maybe it wasn't your fault, maybe you were just a kid"
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Me when I hit that Creative high at 1.00 am in the morning and come up with the greatest story ever conceived...
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And then... by the time I wake up... I've FORGOTTEN ALL OF IT.
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inkwell-chronicles · 2 months
"All roads lead to you, even the ones I took to forget you."
-Mahmoud Darwish
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jasminewalkerauthor · 2 months
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faeriecinna · 3 months
I have been WRESTLING with writers block this past week. I mean, I must have stared blankly at my damn laptop screen for like 24 hours combined and wrote about 6 words. Today I thought "fuck it" and decided to try writing with pen and paper again like I'm sat at the back of my highschool geography class co-writing fanfic with my sister and I just WROTE THE WHOLE ASS CHAPTER THATS BEEN BOTHERING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME?????
Science side of Tumblr explain this sorcery
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The Fanfic Writer Appreciation Event will be held in July! Here's our calendar for the event!
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Want to know more about the calendar or the event? Check out our carrd! Send us any questions that you got!
See you in July!
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robertjw4688 · 3 months
Growth is not
a straight line
nor is it a
fault line.
Growth is
a semicolon
placed where an
once slept.
Robert J. W.
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