#Vent vent VENT
orange-bloomz · 4 months
"You're unlovable." WOW CRAZY I DIDNT KNOW.
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openfleshwound · 4 months
someone put a gun to my head and fucking kill me i’m sick and tired of this shit
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arlene-needs-a-break · 2 months
im so sick of BEGGING someone to care about me. "oh but I just didn't wanna annoy you!!" how many FUCKING TIMES do I have to fucking say "but its not annoying, I need you to check on me, I will hurt myself or someone else if I am left alone" PLEASE JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME.
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idkmynameiskat · 4 months
I just want to get fucked like I deserve 😒
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im-dead-and-tired-2 · 9 months
cutting myself. why? cause my cousin said sth mean to me. what did he say? he said its dumb to know star constellations…
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piercingsandfangs · 2 months
I think at my age everyone has already found their best friends, the people they'll forever hold closest, so when I attempt to make friends in public I get met with either coldness or being ignored once I go home. I wish to make friends, I want to have one best friend that I feel I can trust and laugh with, I just don't. My boyfriend is the closest I have to that and he doesn't tend to spare time for me, I think if I wasnt trying to be loved by him, if I was just trying to be his friend he'd also probably ignore me. I wish I was never taken out of school, I begged and begged my mother to place me back in and instead I got put in special ed with kids who all knew eachother and probably wanted nothing to do with me. I tried to make friends with them, I tried to get vocal, but my teachers were just teachers, they didn't help, and the people at my school ignored me when I started crying with my head against the desk. I found out they all have eachothers phone numbers, some even hang out outside of school. I wish I had something like that, I just don't. It's like I can't be anything else but a friend people avoid all day. No one wakes up, and goes about their day thinking about me or wondering how I am, thinking about spending time with me. I just kinda exist, I don't have much other purpose to people. Not even to my family members.
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kandidandi · 1 year
bile tastes bad
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orange-bloomz · 4 months
I never want to stop talking to you but I don't want to bother you...
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openfleshwound · 4 months
i hate getting jealous i hate it so much why cant they just hangout with me ?? why not me????
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arlene-needs-a-break · 2 months
i just want you to care. obviously, youre to tangled up with them to even attempt it.
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mandiemegatron · 1 year
Nothing hurts more than the sudden slap of realization that you were just taken advantage of and scammed by someone "offering fic commissions" 😞
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zombiecj · 1 month
some days dysphoria is like: eh, hate this meat i’m in but whatever
other days dysphoria is like: i hate this i hate this skin i am in let me out this is so wrong someone please god why.
what’s really important is that you drink enough water and stay active though.
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im-dead-and-tired-2 · 8 months
my teachers have no idea what to do with me i bet. i bet i could come back into the room with a fully bloody arm showing it off while blood drips down and they would just hand me a bandaid
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general-alder · 1 month
I know life is one goodbye after the other, I know that's just how it is, I know it's normal for some people to just be a temporary part of your life journey, no matter how long or short but it's so fucking annoying that this includes people you do not want to let go of just like that. don't care how unreasonable and unrealistic this wish is but I am allowing myself to have it and be mad about this whole thing for a while. people make impacts on one another, in every possible shape or form. letting go sucks every goddamn time and I feel like currently my life is a constant of that. letting go, moving on from people, feelings, memories. loss loss loss. yea I am big time mad about never seeing my crush again after next tuesday. yea I will get over it. yea I know that's just how it is in this case. yea it sucks ass and I hate it and I fucking hate my brain for throwing this bullshit at me as if there weren't enough other things going on right now in my life 🤪🤪 it's the whole. never even being able to get the chance to get to know one another because that's not how it's supposed to be under these circumstances.
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piercingsandfangs · 1 month
Some fat mid twenties woman called me a hoe today and made fun of me for being emo. Usually I wouldn't body shame but god if you're gonna make fun of me for not fitting a beauty standard then at least fit it yourself, then again that's not too shocking since at that size I'm sure theirs alot of things she can't fit. Also strange to sexualise a teenager while you're in your mid twenties...? Ppl are so fucking weird.
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HI, YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I SIMPLY CANNOT COMPREHEND ABOUT FANDOM DISCOURSE/WANK/BULLSHIT?! It's that we all can't just enjoy things and coexist together and also enjoy and appreciate that we're all loving the same universe that our characters came from even if we like/dislike different characters???
Remember this is FICTION. FICTION!!! We are enjoying fictional characters from a fictional world and adding and building onto the things we love or want to see for them and that's fiction, too!
People aren't bad people for liking, understanding, relating to, or wanting better things for a character that resonated with them or they felt like building a new story for. You are also completely allowed to dislike a character, not agree with the actions of a character, etc. until the end of the world. That's okay!!!
FOR EXAMPLE: I think that Henry Creel/Vecna/One was obviously a deeply disturbed and evil dude. I believe that with my whole heart, but I also believe that his character was masterfully written, he was a phenomenal asset to the storyline, and I also believe that it's totally okay and sometimes even INTERESTING for people to write deeper into his character, give him a redemption arc, be attracted to his darkness because that's human nature AND THIS IS FICTION!!!
This becomes a real world problem when people become so enraged over the existence of a FICTIONAL PERSON to the point of pushing hatred and bullying onto REAL PEOPLE for participating in and loving a fandom (the same fandom as you, mind you) because that's no longer a fictional problem, and we can't rewrite the world we live in, unfortunately.
Please just be fucking nice to people, man. Why can't we all just discuss things, learn from each other, and be a part of the same world and people we all fell in love with? We're all just big nerds for a fucking TV show, and I love that, and I want to love everyone else who loves it, too.
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