#ac sdc
ramshacklerumble · 2 months
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when your long distance senior boyfriend comes back for the sdc and gives you a ‘i missed you’ squeeze but he doesn’t reign in his strength also he’s like 3 inches taller since you last saw him and he’s tall enough already but you’re too touch starved to want him to let go despite the purple black dots swimming in your vision so you just figure this is it and if the end is to be found in his arms then you’d gladly walk into the though the gates of hell having known the kingdom of heaven
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans @kimikitti
@felix-cant-ski @nightwingshero @water-writings @welcometomypersonalhell098 (dm to be added)
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
(Ngl. Kalim's uniform being the only one different is killing me 🤣)
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simple-dark-eyes · 4 months
It is now your second year in NRC and it's that time again for the SDC. You are manager again and Ramshackle is housing the group. Vil still wanting to be coach for this event took time off and is "volunteering" to do it. He just really wants to beat Neige in some ways.
The night before the competition you hear something weird in the middle of the night coming from the basement. Knowing the ghost are asleep, and that everyone else should be asleep, you go to check it out.
There you find Ace, Epel, Vil, and Deuce, trying to keep a blindfolded neige quiet as they tie him to a chair.
Yuu: You kidnapped Neige LeBlanche?
That's illegal!
Ace: But Yuu, what's more illegal: briefly inconveniencing Neige LeBlanche or loosing the SDC for the second year in a row?!
Vil: Yuu, listen, whatever I may think of you right now, these guys are counting on you. You inspire them.
Yuu: To kidnap people?
Vil: To work together.
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Blinded by Beauty
Type: Angst
Character(s): Rook, Vil, Kalim, Ace, Deuce, Epel
Format: Oneshot
Warnings: !!Spoilers for Chapter 5!!, general grief, mentions of slight injury, mentions rejection
It hurt...so very much, you and Vil had realized it at the same time as you saw Neige's act.
You Were Going To Loose.
The burning sensation of mediocrity filled you. You could see it now.... but after a moment of calming yourself, you went off to find Vil, who had stormed off...
Your faith had been restored when Malleus had restored the stage for you. A glimmer of hope sparking in his support. Silencing your inner pessimist and focusing on the bright side of things. After merely fifteen minutes, you were watching your team preforming. Suddenly you were on stage next to Kamil, waiting anxiously as they counted votes, the minutes before recalling how you got here becoming a blur.
The voice of the announcer echoing throughout the stage as you stood next to Kalim.
Thirty seconds until the polls close! Ten, nine, eight, seven...Three, two, one... TIME!
A loud bang rang throughout the stadium, bot once, bot twice, but three times.
We are now getting the final tally.
...And the results are in!
M-my goodness... Is this really possible?!
Would you believe that the difference between first and second place is ONE vote?!
A long and dramatic pause ensued, you could Feel the tension in the air, and in your body. Physical restraining yourself from bitting your nails or picking your skin out of anxiousness. Purely because you knew Vil would scold you and probably gracefully beat your ass.
What a wholesome performance it was!
O-oh my gosh... Really? We got the top spot?Thank you... Thank you so-
In that moment it was like your whole world came crashing down and you were reliving all those brutal rejections all over again as Neiges voice and everything else faded into the background....Why?...why did this always happen? Why were you always not enough? Always the last pick. Always the last resort.
And just like that you hear Vil in outrage breaking you out of you little world you always went to... you didn't hear the first part of the conversation like, but the second part is what broke you.
"Oh, fair Vil. Our Roi du Poison....I must apologize, for my choice has brought you much anguish...."
You glanced over at Rook to see him appearing to be sorrowful with his hands held up.
"But I simply couldn't lie to myself."
"...Huh? What are you talking about?"
Vils confusion was as evident as your own, since to you it was if Rook was rambling on about nonsense once more, but no matter. Rook carried on spouting his nonsense despite the reactions of others to his eccentric behavior.
"What? What do you mean, you're the one most deserving of my ire?"
"Well, you see... Here."
Rook pulled his phone out of out his pocket, unlocking it with his passwords and opening Google pulling up the voting website before flashing the screen twords the group showing off the bright blue logo. The lump in your throat grew as you faded out once more. Like you were no longer in the room but just a spirit watching over everyone. Not again please. Only able to observe as Vil stumbled backwards and Deuce and Kalim scrambled next to him to stop his grief and shock filled form from hitting the ground.
"Whoa! Vil, hold it together!"
Kalim exclaimed while grabbing onto Vil's left forearm and attempting to grab his shoulder as well but was only able to grab his upper arm due to the height difference between the pair. Meanwhile Deuce stood to his right wrapping his left hand around his back whilst holding onto Vil's other forearm with his right.
"Steady, sir! Here, hold onto my shoulder. "
Ace and epel were the loudest of the bunch whilst Jamil stood completely silent. You could practically feel Ace's outrage as he tried to refrain himself from going ham on Rook.
"Are you nuts, Rook?! Why did you vote for Royal Sword Academy?!"
Epel's County accent slipped through as he was far to blinded by his emotions to even attempt to hide it and Vil was to busy being shook to his core to scold him for it.
"I don't believe you! Why'd ya do somethin' so boneheaded?!"
Rook merely sighed and shook his head sorrowfully as if this wasn't his fault. Continuing to blabber on like usual although this time instead of being joyfull or filled with admiration his voice was laced with sorrow.
"I told you: I simply couldn't lie to myself. Neige's group believed in themselves and each other when they danced and sang."
His voice and facial expressions turned away struck as he recounted Neige's preformance, almost like his sorrow was immediately stripped away. Almost like it Hadn't been there in the first place.
"When I saw them up there, they struck me as powerful...and as the fairest of all in that exact moment."
"This is just... I can't..."
It felt like Vil was about to faint, and to be honest she wouldn't have blamed him if she did. It felt like someone was squeezing her heart Why...why did he vote for them...didn't they do enough? He had trained and fought along side them. So why now did he feel the need to suddenly swap sides.
"Vil. Nobody should believe in your beauty more than you yourself."
"It is most becoming, the way you maintain such rigid self restraint while polishing yourself to triumph over your rival."
But as long as you lack conviction...
Why are you even here, just leave
No amount of validation from the rest of the world will ever leave you fulfilled.
Shut up
Even if you wind up old, emaciated, grimy, and stooped over...If you were to truly believe that you are the fairest of all despite that, even the Magic Mirror of legend wouldn't contest your claim.
That isn't how the world works
The strength and pride to believe in yourself is what marks the true fairest one of all
Roi du Poison. Fair Vil. I implore you to believe in yourself more than anyone else. Beauty is always with you. At this exact moment, you are the fairest one of all.
You don't believe that
You wanted to tape his mouth shut. Why couldn't he just shut up? It made your skin crawl. Just shut up! If you weren't still on stage you would reach over and slap him. How dare he! How dare he be so supportive and upbeat only to cave in the end! How dare he give you hope only to crush it! How dare he betray his team!
....Why wouldn't he be quite...Please...please be quite...
You vision was staring to become blurry ans a headache soon followed. No one even noticed you as you left. they never did.... I mean after all
You were just the manager.
That's all you ever were to them, right? Always just some side character watching from the sidelines as everyone around you got what they needed or found closure...That's what you had always been. The disposable tool that people can pick up when they needed and abandoned when they wished. You were never important...not enough for them to stick around. Why weren't you enough? You did what they asked, you followed every rule, every social guild line, never complained, never spoke out...but then why did they always leave? Where you just not enough? You tried, you really did.
The voices of RSA and NRC all blurred together to create one mush of noises that would overload anyone's senses as you pushed through the crowd. Trying to get away, just wanting to be alone. Blinking away what you already knew were tears. Hoping you were quick enough to get to a secluded spot before you broke down. Slidding past all the crowds and in between the stalls to the only area you knew no one would be at, the forest behind NRC that was barely considered School property
Continuing on into the forest, going deeper and deeper as the hustle and bustle of the still ongoing festival vanished. Your legs were aching from all the walking but you pressed onward, even as it began to sprinkle. Hot angry tears pouring down your face making it slightly red and puffy. You hadn't even realized the sun was slowly beginning to set, the usually blue sky fading into a ombre of pinks, oranges, and yellows. What usually would have been beautiful now felt dull.
Your body suddenly stumbled forward, reaching out you hands to try and soften your fall, tumbling down a small hill you hissed in pain, body aching and palms burning as you slowly attempted to sit up. Groaning as you stood up, looking around, a sharp pain sent through your ankle causing you to hiss in pain and lean forward.
"Yeah there is no way I'm moving any further."
Reluctantly walking over to a nearby tree, wincing with each step.
The bruises and scraped from the scuffle with vil that had previously been soothed were now irritated once more from the small tumble. Groaning like a old man as you sat down, leaning against the tree for support, your head pounding from all the crying you had been doing for the past who knows how long. Resting your eyes for a moment when you felt a small droplet hit the top of you head, and then another on your arm, and another and another and one more. You laughed bitterly as you realized what was to happen in the next few hours.
"It's raining...it's really raining... and I'm stuck here. Just fucking great."
There was no moment of peace, there was no good luck, there was no break. Not for you at least. And there was no savior here to wisk you away to the warmth of your drab home. After all no one had even noticed you were gone dispight being absent for hours ans the sky now darkening.
There was no Prince Charming, and there never will be.
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briry18 · 5 months
Yuuki: I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine! 😻 *GLOMP*
Malleus: *Just enjoying the attention*
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twisted-gremlin · 5 months
So I wanna say
I HC Vil absolutely analyzes people based on their clothing choice, how they stylize it, if they are wearing makeup, how often they use it, how much, etc.
The man is an actor, so I'm sure he would be sure to have authentic characterization based on clothing, makeup, and how one takes care of their complexion and how often they do it.
Im sure he profiled everyone that came in for auditions.
Chapter 5 and 6 spoilers:
Ruggie profile: I feel like he easily saw that Ruggie was only in it for the money, the way his body moved, the way he acted, the way he has dressed. He was dressed for an easy escape, the rolled up sleeves and pant legs with the open jacket to easily take off. The clothing hangs off of his body, so it may be a hand me down or second hand from a previous Savanaclaw student (maybe Rook?). His gym uniform is put together quite well for speed, so for running, to do something and flee easily.
Epel profile: he appears to be feminine (maybe even born female but identifies as a male), he wore his ceremonial robes improperly. He is clearly trying to act more stereotypically masculine, aiming to be a stereotypical masculine man, physically and mentally. He doesn't like anything about his own physical form. So Vil decides to show him what true strength is, knowing ones own weaknesses and strengths, and useing them both to your advantage
Ortho profile: Ortho would dsfonately be hard to read due to him being a robot and haveing yet to fully come into himself as a liveing being. He probably saw how all the movements were just copies, not authentic, not something he could be. (He would go on to do this work with Ortho in the Second Fairy Gala)
Lilia profile: Lilia was clearly excited to take this chance and do what he couldn't have done before. Like Ruggie, his uniform is more loose and made for more speed. Except he radiates more michift than malace, or neediness. He seems to want to stand out and be his own being while being apart of something he cares about. His dancing movements were quick, elegant, rigid, hesitant, and not what he asked of.
Ace profile: Ace seems to be dressed for a mix of offense and Defence and good durability, good for a basketball player. The coat around his waist could show that if needed, he can break the rules and is very adaptable too as well as being a casual thing/takeing the sport a little bit seriously. His dancing wasn't the best but it was clear that he trained with Jamil and Kalim to do better. So he knows where to go to get what he needs to improve on and will listen aswell. He seems enthusiastic about joining the group aswell.
Deuce profile: has a bit more bulk, but dosent have the sleeves on the arms of his gym uniform so probably more ready for a fight and long distance running. He is dressed well put together, looking like a good role model (like what ortho says in the White Rabbit Fest: Deuce is the kind to dress for the job that you want) when dancing he is probably the most rigid but also went to Kalim and Jamil for help with performing so also seems to be willing to get help when needed. Witch is good for his goals
Kalim profile: so first of note would be the tattos, we have only seen him and Leona have any (so far, who knows if Deuce or someone has a secret one) so it may be a sign of status here. He has rolled up pants as to not trip on the legs while doing something, very short sleeves and a sweater. He is clearly not as miscivious as Ace in this regard, so it's much more of a casual thing for him/takeing sports seriously. His band is less frilly and has nothing hanging off of it, so it's clear that his perferd activity is breakdanceing, perfect and well adaptable for Vils means
Jamil profile: Jamil, much like Kalim is dressed for break dancing, but the arm bands also suggest he plays basket ball. He is clearly much more disciplined than Kalim while performing witch would show why Vil chose Jamil over Kalim(witch would be a first and make Jamil very happy).
When Vil has the SDC crew stay with Yuu and Grim, it's to help make them understand a poor liveing condition that could easily happen to anyone, to help engage that bit of kindness towards others who may need it. Like Yuu and Grim at that time.
I'm sure it served as a bit of a wakeup call to everyone there, including himself, and helped drive them to win in a way.
After their loss they still decided to donate to Ramshakle and repair the building.
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Chronically ill species dysphoria is seeing all the cool things others are doing to help alleviate their dysphoria and connect to the things (words) and just looking on like :(
(Don't worry, we're finding other ways to deal :3)
-🐾Ace (via @cloverstarsys)
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pridewishes · 5 months
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250x250 || aroace || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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xxfillerxx · 2 years
The X factor and "insert country's" got talent would like to differ...
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crybabybrando · 1 year
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I don't have the skills to make a better version of this so shitty edit that made me laugh harder than it should
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thatfanfictionchick · 2 years
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I'm sorry a few WHAT
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*lighting Crowley's office door on fire* WHERE! IS! GRIM!
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Excuse you?! What?? SIR.
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cosmicallylyss · 9 months
rip matt engarde you would have loved shauna dean cokeland
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annewolfzgamer · 2 years
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violenteconomics · 3 months
you ever think about how deuce and ace rode bike, bus, and train just to get to night raven college after yuu sent an "sos" from their phone?
you ever think about how sebek saved epel's life in the harveston event without a moment's hesitation, even when he knew it might lose them the whole race?
you ever think about how all ortho needs to feel like things are going to be okay again is being surrounded by his fellow freshmen in the fairy gala remix event?
you ever think about how jack came to help ortho out of his funk in the fairy gala remix event? the same person who, days before, was entirely willing to let night raven college freeze to death? the same person who decided to help ace and deuce from their eternal, fishy servitude to octavinelle when there was nothing in it for him?
you ever think about how the first-years were the first ones to embrace ortho after he became a student?
you ever think about how deuce only entered into the sdc auditions because he thought someone needed to look out for epel?
you ever think about how ace was the first person willing to stand up to vil for epel since coming to night raven college?
you ever think about how yuu is always willing to help the first-years, no coercion from crowley required?
you ever think about how much the first-years care about each other, even if they don't know how to say that?
(you ever think about how they're still night raven college students, no matter how much they care? how they'd probably just let the world burn if it meant they'd survive, but they'll still look out for each other even if the world reeks of gasoline?)
you ever think of that?
because i know i do.
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briry18 · 4 months
Chapter 5: Hi Ho, Bi Ho!
~I laughed SOOOO hard at this. I was mad when they cut it from the English Translation. This part was HYSTERICAL!!!
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twisted-gremlin · 1 year
SDC get together monthly to do something, they have also participated in smaller contests together and won (Vil dosent participate but wants to support his group)
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