#agh i want to move out but it seems like so much work .. but perhaps worth it
atticfish · 7 months
praying for some peace and quiet in this gosh darn house
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trashrattt · 7 months
A compilation of interesting ideas you can steal for any fanfic writers like me! Ideas taken from other official works of Code lyoko, whether it's well known or not
(I'll shorten this since it's going to be a hell of a scroll)
Let's start off with the (not) fan favorite, there's not much to go off of, but anyways
Code Lyoko Evolution:
Episode 21 - Spectres on Lyoko
Essentially another xana scheme, where Xana creates bogus avatars of evreyone, and they have to differentiate between the fake and the real.
Personally, if they were given more reason or rewrite the episode, it would be a very interesting read!
Episode 15 - foreshadowing?
If you're like me who likes only three episodes, you'd know what this one's about: Xana creating a spectre of William trying to manipulate him back to him.
This could spark some interesting conversations, perhaps closure Will needed because let's be honest, he needs it
Episode 23 - Trap Replika
This one people don't talk about often, but when Ulrich and Odd tried to access a Replika, it opened up and a claw inhibited them from leaving, also fucking with the controls so they couldn't be devirtulized, or even move the Skid out of danger.
This would be SO tense, since you could bring the Kalimar back (since for some reason they didn't use it in that episode) and generally have a very intense moment where (whoever you choose) would be in SO much danger it would be so TENSE agh!!
Episode 19 - digital coma (?)
This one's a little weird if you're not going off of evolutions plotline. Essentially, the warriors trap a spectre into a scanner, and accidentally virtulizes it after it blows up (somehow.) It's this green code looking shit, and as soon as it touches anyone, it just immobilizes them, (they referred to it as a digital coma ig) and the way you kill it is to deactivate the tower it came from
Idk how the hell one would write the warriors actively wanting to trap it IN a scanner, but perhaps just before someone is virtulized, a spectre appears, and sends itself to Lyoko to induce the plot point that happened
- - Code lyoko - Games - -
Code Chimera - Quest for infinity
Basically a kill code for the Replikas with a different name (can only work in the main tower of the replika)
Idk, just thought this was interesting, that's it really
Volcano Replika - Quest for infinity
Many have heard of this one, but the volcano is essentially sector 5 but there's so many fucking towers and its so dangerous to traverse (this is where Xana lives now)
This one's a neat enough idea for new sectors! I live the ideas that spark from it
Insekts, volcanoids, scorpions, and boss creatures - Quest for infinity and get ready to virtulize
There's a whole list of creatures the games have introduced, most of them bosses, but insekts and volcanoids are normal enemies with unique properties, Insekts being buffed hornets with manta mines, and volcanoids being tough creatures that reside in the obvious volcano Replika, you can find all the bosses as a compilation on YouTube!
- - Code Lyoko Comics - -
Not much to go off of in terms of just a simple retelling of the story that mentions some things, but I digress
Apis sapiens - Yumi WHAT???
A simular plot to "Swarming Atrack," but one of the bees manages to get into Yumis scanner, merging the two together, so Yumi has the head and wings of a bee (Yumi seems to not have any memories of this after Ulrich cuts its fucking HEAD off)
OH MY GOD PLEASE!! This idea has been played with such as the episodes "Laughing fit" and "Dog day afternoon," where Odd both times virtulized with something wrong going in the scanners, whether it be laughing gas weakening him or virtulizing with Kiwi after he was a dum dum (albeit not looking like a dog-boy hybrid) (thank god) but think of the ideas people!!
The best of both worlds - friendly creatures?
In canon, the volcano replika is where Xana puts his garbage, including creatures that are failed creatures. When Jeremie of all people virtulized on Lyoko (and no we don't see his virtual firm of course) he encounters failed designs of a kankerlat, blok, and tarantula, which are freindly! And become allies with him. That is until William comes in and kills them, whoops
Another unique situation! I definitely wanna see some first with friendly Xana creatures!
- - Code Lyoko Chronicles - -
The final thing we'll talk about, we're almost there. The chronicles are such a mess to read, and i dont remember half of it because well- im not much of a fan of it, but it's essentially code Lyoko being more mature, and.... well idk how well they do it, but there definitely is unique ideas
Xana being....Friendly?
Way back when Franz created Lyoko and Xana, he sent Aelita to Lyoko so he could teach Xana about humanity, and for a brief while, Aelita and Xana were actual freinds, that is until he gained autonomy at a rapid pace and utamately rebelled
I'm actually using this idea myself, but not in the way the books you it oh my god why the fuck did they give him a fucking redemption arc
Aelitas scar
In the chronicles, Aelita is described to have a scar on her forehead, this being a fucking bullet wound when she and Franz were escaping the men in black
I too am using this idea, as I found it too fascinating to not use it. I mean imagine, Jeremie virtulizing her for the first time, and she asks what the scar is, to which he says instead possible, further hinting she is human
Jeremies lyoko form
Going to be honest, didn't like the description all that much, I've seen better fan designs. However, his weapon. It's a small dagger, I can see him using that tbh
Okay, clever name aside, Aelita starts sleepwalking to the Hermitage, and soon figures out she was trying to tell herself something, which (apologies if I'm wrong but my memory is faulty from this godamn book series) she finds something, she connects to Lyoko, and it's a small place, where she can access memories Franz left of himself, lore reasons
I literally forgot what they were but they're the people behind Carthage I think
The green Phoenix
That is it! Thank you for the read! This took me 2 hours to type help
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ssparklemotion · 3 years
superbat reclist i
some favorites, no particular order, short thought in italics
The Farthest Shore by manic_intent
“Peaceful night, sir?” Alfred slid a mug of coffee onto the desk.
“Seems like it. Couple of small-time burglaries. Tipped off the cops.”
“Ah,” Alfred smiled faintly. “Gone were the days when you’d go haring off after the smallest lawbreaker, I see.”
“What’s the point,” Bruce yawned, picking up the cup. “There was a cop car close by, and lately the police are more likely to shoot at me than at a perp.”
“That might perhaps have something to do with your preferred modus operandi of terrifying even your allies, Master Bruce.”
Words: 9.530
bruce cynicism wayne. accurate af. brilliant. post bvs.
Nothing You Can’t Do by linndechir
Bruce excels at an incredible number of things, from foreign languages to escape artistry, from engineering to gymnastics. Clark is more than a little intrigued.
Words: 14.664
a getting together, 5+1 fic. competence kink, god bless. post bvs.
Whoever Falls First by liodain
"There's more kryptonite out there. When the Superman returns, there's going to be an all-star battle royale in the criminal underworld. Every megalomaniacal freak will want a piece of it so they can get a piece of you. And some of them will manage. They'll weaponize it and won't hesitate to use it against you, and when that happens I will not have you flailing around like an idiot."
aka: Bruce teaches Clark how to fight.
Words: 34.410
slow burn, cohabitation, no angst. still a niiiice characterization? hell yes. post bvs.
Love, Changing Tenses by susiecarter
Bruce goes to the funeral as himself for a reason. Not so he can make friends with Mrs. Kent; that part's an accident. And definitely not so he can posthumously fall for Clark Kent, which is an even bigger accident. But it's fine. He can handle it.
Until Clark rises from the grave, that is.
Words: 17.183
there’s something very luring about this writing and plot. yes! post bvs.
Leap of Faith by Mithen
When Clark Kent arrives in Gotham after the events of The Dark Knight, he is determined to uncover the truth about the events of those dark days--and prove Batman's innocence. However, certain pieces of the puzzle remain baffling to him, like one playboy billionaire.
Words: 33.918
this is very, very complete. detective work, journalist work, identity issues. agh! nolan verse.
Embracing Destiny by Mithen
As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, a teenaged Clark learns a stunning secret about his own future:  he and someone called "Batman" will be legendary lovers.
Words: 8.108
young clark and bruce, some time travel. sometimes you gotta take a break from the bats angst, man. comicverse.
Solitude by lacemonster
A retelling of Clark's early days in the Justice League and discovering the Fortress of Solitude with a Clark/Bruce twist.
When Clark was a baby, he arrived in a spaceship on a farm in Smallville. Now an adult, Clark wonders about his origins, uncovering a fortress in the arctic that may contain the key information about his past. But as Clark discovers more about the wonders of Krypton, he finds himself disenchanted with his adopted planet. Meanwhile, as Clark struggles to balance his role as Superman, he finds himself scrutinized by Batman, who doesn't trust his alien powers.
Words: 48.459
this one has a LOT of character study about Clark and it’s perfect. comicverse.
If-Then-Else by architeuthis
 Bruce is all hopped up on painkillers and not at all ready for action.
Words: 1.118
pwp ;) enjoy ;)
Movement by the_charm_caster
Clark gets obsessed with the way Bruce's body moves. Will he realise that he is also obsessed with Bruce himself?
Words: 7.552
matches malone makes an appearence. and also a stripper called superbabe. it’s great. comicverse.
Clark Kent vs. The Wayne Family Values by quidhitch
Life as Bruce Wayne’s paramour is hardly the glamorous, erotic grope-fest the tabloids made it out to be. They mostly do normal things like nag each other about work, eat takeout, make love, and put forth semi-respectable efforts at communication.
Life as Batman’s paramour, on the other hand, promises a slightly less conventional set of experiences
Words: 12.524
there’s batfamily, pining while in a relationship!!!!!! and fluff. they’re still very much in character. amazing. comicverse.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Works Every Time (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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You guys are full of fun ideas! It was neat to be able to combine the first two suggestions with the other two prompts, not to mention have Denki and Todoroki face off in a tickle fight! Enjoy! ^^
10. “I’m not going to do anything.” “Then why are you smirking?”
33. “Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.”
“How can he read like that?” Jirou asked, nodding at the figure lying in the grass several yards away from them. The others followed her gaze.
“I don’t know,” Denki replied. “I’m not a big reader myself, though. Maybe it’s more comfortable than it looks.”
“I’m an avid reader,” Momo said, “and I can assure you, it is not.”
Jirou grunted. “He’s been at it for a while. Isn’t it kind of odd that he’s not enjoying the beautiful day?”
They were talking about Todoroki, who had been silently reading his manga for the past half hour in solitude. He was lying on his back in the grass, holding the volume above him the entire time without so much as shifting. Jirou, Denki, Momo, and Tokoyami were hanging out in a group on the grass nearby, all in their summer clothes – a bit premature, perhaps, but it was so nice outside and everyone was ready for a break in the cold weather.
“I think he’s enjoying it in his own way,” Momo offered. “It’s not wrong to want to read. At least he is outside instead of in his room or something.”
Tokoyami nodded. “I can understand his revelry in solitude. It is good to get away from the constant drone of everyday life whenever possible.”
“I wish he’d hang out with us, though.” Denki frowned. “I know he’s not a big talker but he’s a cool dude. No pun intended.”
Jirou nudged him, smirking. “Then go convince him, you dork.”
“Yeah, right. How?”
“I don’t know. Zap him or something.”
Suddenly Denki’s face lit up, and both Jirou and Tokoyami’s eyes widened.
“No, not like that,” Jirou protested, but Denki was already getting to his feet.
“Wait, not like what?” Momo frowned, glancing between the blonde and Todoroki. “What’s he doing?”
Jirou glanced at her. “You haven’t heard of him going around shocking people?”
Momo blinked. “No?”
“It’s a rather irritating habit he’s picked up recently,” Tokoyami muttered, frowning after the electric hero as he went. “He has some name for it, too, I think.”
“Tickle-shocks,” Jirou confirmed.
Momo couldn’t help but laugh. “‘Tickle-shocks?’ Really?”
“I know, it’s stupid.”
At this point, Denki was almost to their half-and-half classmate.
“I don’t know.” Momo smiled. “This might actually work really well for Kaminari.”
Todoroki turned his head when he saw Denki appear in his periphery. “Whatever you’re planning, I don’t want any part of it.”
Denki held his hands up innocently. “What? I’m not going to do anything!”
“Then why are you smirking like that?”
“I was just going to come invite you to hang out with us instead of being over here by yourself all day. It’s so nice out! Come hang out with your friends.”
Todoroki glanced at the small group watching them, then back to Denki. “I’d rather read. This volume is particularly good, and I’m almost done. I’ll join you later.”
Denki sighed dramatically. “They thought you might need some convincing, which is why they sent me to do the job.” He slapped his palms together and began rubbing vigorously.
Todoroki quirked a brow. “Now you’re definitely doing something.”
“I am.”
In a flash Denki had descended, dropping to his knees and placing both hands over Todoroki’s stomach, using the static he’d built up to help him deliver an extra strong tickly shock directly to his abdomen. He grinned in satisfaction when Todoroki screeched, tossed his manga to the side, and started laughing.
“Tickle shocks, baby!” Denki proclaimed, grabbing onto his sides and still giving him little zaps to ignite his ticklish nerves. “Works every time.”
His initial burst laughter having died down to a long, unstoppable string of giggles, Todoroki rolled onto his side and tried pushing Denki away. “Hehehehehehey! This ihihihisn’t fahahahahair!”
“Isn’t fair?”
“Y-Yohohohohohou got the juhuhuhump on me!”
“Well, yeah, that’s kind of the point.” Denki smirked, moving up to his ribs now. “Bakugou says you’re super ticklish, but so far all I’m getting are giggles.”
Todoroki started to blush. “Thahahahat’s all you’ll gehehehet!” he declared, suddenly lunging for the electric hero and tackling him into the grass, grabbing onto his sides and squeezing.
“Ah! Ahahahaha c-cold, cohohohohold! Nohohohohoho!” Denki squealed, equal parts snickering and shivering. Todoroki glanced down and noticed that his right hand had managed to find a sliver of bare skin from where Denki’s shirt had ridden up. He smirked, slid his hand up further, and made his fingers even colder. Kaminari squealed again, louder this time. “Nahahahahahahaha! Cohohohohohold!”
“Does it make it tickle more?” Todoroki asked, genuinely curious despite his teasing tone.
“S-Stahahahahahap! Cold, cold, cohohohohohold!”
“Go for his knees, Todoroki!” Jirou called suddenly, drawing the half-and-half hero’s attention to the group nearby, who were all watching their tickle fight in amusement.
“No!” Denki cried, his efforts to escape tripling. “No, nohohohohot the knees, not the knehehehehehees!”
Taking her advice without question, Todoroki reached his right hand back to grab at Kaminari’s exposed kneecap and squeeze, pleasantly surprised when the blonde burst into shrieking laughter.
“Hmm.” Todoroki smiled, grabbing his other knee as well. “Who’s laughing now, Kaminari?”
Much as the icy-hot hero would have liked to continue, he sensed genuine distress in his friend’s cries, and so stopped immediately, sitting back. “I’m sorry.”
“W-What?” Denki asked breathlessly, sitting up. “Why are you sorry?”
“I didn’t mean to go too far.”
“You…you didn’t. You actually stopped when I asked you to. No one else has ever done that.”
“Oh.” Todoroki glanced at the others, then absentmindedly searched for his fallen manga.
As soon as his back was turned, Denki pounced, shoving him to the ground face-first and plunging his fingers into Todoroki’s underarms.
That got him the reaction Bakugou had told them about.
“AGH NO, NO WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!” Todoroki laughed, kicking his legs frantically as Denki moved to sit on his lower back and trap him. The usually calm boy was suddenly anything but, his laughter loud and explosive, his cheeks heating up in a blush. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAIT, THAHAHAHAHAT REHEHEHEALLY TIHIHIHICKLES!! K-KAMINARIEHEHEHEHE!!”
The others beamed at the sight.
“Join us!” Denki demanded playfully. He hesitated a moment, then decided to try his tickle-shocks again. “Join us! Join us! Join us!”
Todoroki let out a sound that could only be classified as a scream, losing all sense of control as hysterics exploded from him, his arms and legs flailing uselessly. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOP, STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!! OKAY I’LL JOHOHOHOHOIN YOU GUHUHUHUHUYS J-JUST – AGH – STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Satisfied, Denki released him, sitting back with a megawatt grin. “Like my tickle-shocks, Todoroki?”
“T-Tickle…what?” Todoroki sat up breathlessly, still smiling wide. “Is that what that strong feeling was? I knew something seemed different.”
“Yep, that was me! Pretty cool, huh?”
“It’s…certainly effective,” Todoroki admitted. Once again he glanced around for his manga. “Where did I drop it?”
“Come on, man, you said you’d join us!” The blonde held up his fingers and wiggled teasingly. “Do you need more convincing?”
“Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.” Todoroki averted his eyes, blushing a little. “I will join you. But I’d still like to find my book first.”
They found it a few moments later, and after brushing it off and dog-earing the page he’d left off on, Todoroki happily joined Denki and the others, smiling and laughing and enjoying the beautiful day with his friends.
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angstyaches · 3 years
Ooooh you have a delicious writing style- it's so descriptive! I'm afraid I'm quite new so don't know your characters much yet, but if this scenario could fit I bet you'd write it amazingly! Perhaps Character A is down on their luck, longterm or short-term wise, and is walking through town, having not eaten since the morning prior. Suddenly a store window catches their eye, displaying all sorts of amazing baked goods or meat cuts, and they can't help but stare while their hunger pains have them wincing openly. Character B notices them staring before Character A even realises what they're doing.
Agh, what a beautiful prompt. I think this is actually the first hunger fic I've written on request, so thank you, anon! I hope it’s okay that I used fancy pizza; I really wanted to use Payton for this and pizza is one of the few foods they would genuinely go weak over.
Pre-Payton and Autumn Getting Together
CW: hunger, hunger pangs, stomach noises, mentions of character unable to afford (decent) food, stress, overwork (it's Payton, what did we expect?), food mention
Payton sighed as they felt the drizzle start to fall around them. They stepped under a deserted bus shelter and stared out, wondering if the rain was going to get worse before it cleared up.
It was a fitting end to the day – or rather, the week – they’d been having. They couldn’t wait to get home and take off the stifling shirt they’d worn to a job interview that morning and then worn all the way through their shift at the café. They just wanted soft clothes and their bed and maybe a podcast to fall asleep to.
It all seemed so far away still, their energy sapping by the second and leaving them stranded five minutes away from the tram stop. Their feet stopped moving, rooting them to the pale grey concrete.
A gorgeous smell turned their head. Frantic interview prep, snooty employers, and stuffy clothes all faded from Payton’s mind. They were stopped across the street from the city’s most expensive food store. Built into a complex from the late 1800s, it was the kind of place where a sandwich cost €12. The kind of place that sold imported goods and “foodstuffs”.
An elaborate window was positioned behind the delicatessen section of the shop, where a chef was artfully piecing together a pizza on top of a copper paddle while another sat in a brick oven. The smell of the crisping dough must have been piped out deliberately onto the street, to entice those with money to burn, and to tease those without.
Payton fell into the latter category lately. With all the time they’d been spending on interview prep and assignments, they’d been taking shorter shifts at the café. Rent was going to clean them out this month. Today’s shift hadn’t even been long enough to warrant a full lunch break; they’d only taken fifteen minutes, and had spent thirteen of them taking a nap at the break room table.
Only now did they feel the twists of hunger in their stomach, the shakiness in their legs. Payton didn’t even realise that they had edged closer to the bus stop so they could sit down on the bench, one hand resting on their belly. Their stomach hurt, and it really was no wonder when they thought about it.
The last thing they’d eaten had been a bowl of cereal at seven a.m., the same cereal they were planning to have for dinner when they got home.
Payton’s stomach groaned unhappily at the prospect, and Payton groaned too; I’m right there with you, they thought miserably, rubbing at their stomach and continuing to watch the pizza chef through the window.
They didn’t know how long they grimaced and gazed across the street before they were interrupted.
“Payton? Hi!”
Payton jumped, head snapping up to see who’d said their name, and their heart skipped a beat.
A navy polka-dot umbrella sat over her shoulder. She was wearing tight leggings and an oversized sweater, her shoulder-length hair thrown into a lazy side-bun. She was wearing no makeup and looked a little sweaty, like she was heading home from the gym or dance practice.
She was a sight to behold, as always, even as she fumbled with her umbrella.
“H-hey,” Payton stammered, stumbling to their feet and trying to appear as though they weren’t so light-headed they were seeing stars.
Autumn glanced across the street, her eyes lingering there for a moment. “Uh, you don’t take this bus, do you?”
“I – no,” Payton admitted, glancing at the timetable and list of stops. “I was just sitting. Long day. Spaced out a bit.”
“Yeah, I could see that,” Autumn said, glancing across the street again. She let out a little laugh, though she seemed to consider holding it in for a moment. “I thought you were going to start drooling.”
“The fancy pizzas.”
Payton’s heart dropped. Their face was feeling hot under their bangs. “Oh, I, uh, I didn’t even realise I was… staring.”
“Don’t be embarrassed! I watch them all the time when I’m waiting for the bus,” Autumn laughed.
Payton still blushed deeply, since they’d had no reason to sit down at the bus stop except to stare through the shop window. They were suddenly hyper-aware of their hand resting on their belly. They felt their stomach quiver under their palm, a low growl working its way through.
“You doing okay?” Autumn sat down on the bench, nodding for Payton to join her. She didn’t seem to hear the complaint from Payton’s belly. “Feels like forever since we last talked.”
“Y-yeah, sure does,” Payton half-laughed. Their shaky legs and dizzy head were thankful for the relief as they sank back down, leaving what they hoped was a healthy number of inches between the two of them. “I’ve been, um… I’m okay? I think. And – and you?”
“I’m actually… I’m great,” Autumn grinned, tucking some hair behind her ear. “I, um, I just found out today that I’m going to be Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors.”
“Are you serious?” Payton smiled, their mood genuinely lifting a bit at the sight of Autumn’s proud, shy little smile.
They often envied her for her absolute passion for musicals and acting, since they were failing so spectacularly at finding their place in the film world, but right then Payton was happy just knowing she was happy.
“Yeah! I still can’t really believe it.”
“I can.” Payton extended a long arm to pull Autumn towards them. “You’re brilliant.”
“Agh – ew, P, you don’t want to hug me!” she laughed, pulling her shoulders up tightly. “I’m all sweaty and damp!”
“I don’t care!” Payton wrapped their arms around her and pulled her close, so that their cheeks were just inches apart. “Your news deserves a hug.”
Autumn gave a deep, happy sigh as she leaned into the hug, probably unaware of the fact that the contact was setting Payton’s heart racing. It almost felt selfish, holding her like this when they were clearly getting more out of it than she was. They went to remove their arms from her, their chest fluttering as she buried her face deeper in their shoulder and kept her arms firmly around their waist.
It was lovely.
And yet, for the first time in a while, Payton felt a pang of loneliness, their core aching with the knowledge that they couldn’t hold her like this all the time. Deep in their bones, Payton wanted to kiss her hair, tickle her sides, and whisper happy little declarations of affection in her ear.
They didn’t whisper anything to her, though. They didn’t say anything as they held her. But their empty stomach was still twisting itself into shapes, and it clearly didn’t get the memo on holding Autumn quietly. A sharp growl had Payton wincing and trying to clear their throat (to cover up the noise) all in the same breath.
“Whoa, is that your stomach?” Autumn asked, lifting her head from Payton’s shoulder.
Payton’s body stiffened. “It… might be.”
“Are you okay? You must be starving.”
“I’m… Yeah.” Payton swallowed hard, letting a hand rest on their belly again.
Autumn moved back to give them some space. She was staring like she expected an explanation, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed. Payton’s stomach rumbled under their hand again, bringing a twist of pain, and they didn’t know if they wanted to laugh or to cry.
“I guess I haven’t been taking care of myself too well.” They flinched again at the crack in their own voice.
Lifting her umbrella from where it had been resting against her leg, Autumn got to her feet. “Come on.”
Payton looked up at her, blinking behind their bangs. Exhaustion weighted them to the bench. “Come on where?”
A little hum escaped Autumn’s throat as she jerked her head. Her umbrella popped open and she stepped out of the bus shelter. The rain pattered against the fabric, a little heavier than it had been before.
“We’re gonna go eat pizza. Not – not there,” she clarified, gesturing towards the expensive deli. “I was thinking top floor of the Greene Centre. They sell by the slice and it’s super cheap.”
Payton swallowed again, guilt piling itself on top of the embarrassment. They felt as though they’d somehow coerced Autumn into offering to buy dinner, and the thought made them physically shudder. They got to their feet and moved a little closer to Autumn so she could hear them.
“I probably still can’t afford it,” they mumbled, staring at the ground.
“It’ll be my treat today, okay? You can pay me back by letting me ramble about my show.”
Payton gave her a shaky smile. “Are you sure?”
“Hundred percent.” That shy smile crossed Autumn’s face again. “It’s gonna sound weird, but when I found out I got the part… You were the first person I wanted to tell, Payton.”
“I... Really?” As they chewed their lip, a deep rumble came from Payton’s tummy. They frowned and folded their arms around it, noticing how Autumn's gaze drifted towards it too.
"Come on, I can't listen to your poor belly complain anymore." She lifted her umbrella a little higher with one hand – Payton was a few inches taller than her – and stuck out her elbow for Payton to link their arm through hers. “Shall we go?”
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lifblogs · 3 years
Whumptober 2021
"You have to let go" | barbed wire | bound
Title: A New Weapon Fandom: Star Wars Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 2173 Summary: Anakin is lured aboard a Separatist ship from rumors of a new weapon. WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence READ ON AO3
Anakin collapsed to the reinforced durasteel deck aboard the Separatist ship he’d chosen to board. Someone was screaming; maybe it was him. His body writhed and tensed even as some part of him was telling it to stay still, that if he relaxed and just breathed it would hurt less. Was he hurting? All he unequivocally knew was that his body was in overdrive. What had happened to him? Shouldn’t he be dead?
Panels had slid back from the deck, strange-looking guns rising up, aimed directly at him. He’d been surrounded, and before he could do anything there had been a clack from all of them and then they’d fired. He should be dead, right? Or… Perhaps not. He had expected the whine of a laser, a blaster, but there had just been a scratching and screeching that hurt his ears.
Then… pain. Yes, that’s what he was feeling.
There was a dark tremor in the Force, the very feeling that he’d followed to this particular ship, and he struggled. The pain dug deeper, his arms trapped at his sides, his legs together. There was no mistaking the blood coming out of him, darkening his robes.
Through vision beginning to darken, and ears preoccupied with the sound of his dry sobs, he just managed to hear even steps and see an older man in dark clothes and a refined cloak walk in.
Dooku, he wanted to hiss out, but all he could do was try to quiet himself with a loud gulp that he nearly choked on.
“Young Anakin Skywalker,” he said, “I thought I might find you here. Or perhaps you were meant to be here. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of testing my new weapon on you.”
Eyes swimming with tears, Anakin finally managed to appraise himself as he choked out, “Not… at all.” Metallic wire was haphazardly wrapped and tangled around him, trailing off and away across the deck. Part of the metal itself was adorned with sharp barbs, and what could’ve been tens of them were embedded deep, his blood turning the metal’s shine dull.
Sickened, struggling to breathe, he rested his head back down.
Think, Anakin. Think!
The pain was immeasurable. Sore and sharp at once, and seemingly all-encompassing. The very act of breathing put pressure against his barbed restraints, and the pain shot everywhere, like long needles had been stabbed through the length of his body. Pain in his thigh went up to shoulder. Pain from his hip went down to his toes.
The Force was clouded around him, frustrating him just as much as his sudden helplessness.
Grimacing, and then letting out an accidental high-pitched noise, he asked, “Are you sure… these can hold a Jedi?”
Dooku held out his hand, and Anakin’s lightsaber—which had fallen from his grasp—flew into his waiting palm, fingers surely grasping the hilt, clearly planning to keep it from him as long as possible. Anakin growled, but he couldn’t do much more than that.
“If you’re thinking of getting cocky, now is not the time.”
“I don’t know. I think it’s the—mm! Ahh! Agh!—perfect… time.”
His body started shaking, and he was sure he’d lost consciousness for a few seconds. That was difficult to tell though what with those moments of darkness feeling exactly the same as his waking state.
Count Dooku seemed to have been saying something (something stupid, more than likely) and he was cut off as the ship shook and he was tossed to the side.
Screams, followed by more of those dry sobs, came from Anakin as he was thrown a few feet and rolled, crashing into one of the gun turrets, cracking the back of his head against it. His vision sparked, but then cleared at least somewhat.
Those’ll be the shields.
Anakin tried to grin through his agony, even as a now-righted Dooku lifted him into the air and further wrapped the wires around him. He screamed through gritted teeth, jaw clenched so tight his teeth hurt.
“You think you’ll win this,” he observed.
Shuddering, he ground out, “I know I will.”
“Because Kenobi’s coming?”
Anakin’s eyes widened. A cry left him as he was unceremoniously dropped to the deck.
“Don’t look so surprised,” Dooku said with a wave of his hand, the guns lowering back into their hatches, and the panels sliding back into place. “I knew he would come. That’s why I trapped you here. These new weapons of mine served their purpose. I had the intel carefully leaked through appropriate sources back to the Republic. I knew it would draw you in—you, who is always so desperate to prove himself the hero. And in turn that would call to your insufferable master.”
“Former master.”
“Your strong connection would say otherwise, and the strength of that is just what I required.”
“Required for what?”
“Now, now, boy. A Sith Lord must not divulge all his secrets. Patience. You will see, but I fear you will not like it very much.”
“Just seeing you… is the worst part of this,” Anakin snapped.
“Quiet. Don’t act like a child.”
Another growl left Anakin.
The ship shook and shuddered, BOOM!s emanating through to their level. And then the ship listed, Dooku and Anakin both going flying.
Anakin’s lightsaber slipped from the Count’s grasp. Touching the Force, Anakin reached for it, but the wires around him got caught on a beam. He hung, and then smacked into the bulkhead. His vision swirled, and too much saliva came up in his mouth as an uncomfortable warmth and sense of chaos filled his stomach. The ship tilted again, and he was away from the bulkhead. All the weight he had from the artificial gravity pulled him down, making the barbs dig and rip as their positions changed, effectively twirling him in the air. Sweat that had been going down his neck and face now went to the ends of his hair. Blood dripped onto his jaw, his cheeks. It was splattered on the bulkhead, as well as the deck. It reached his left ear in moments, and dribbled in, making Anakin grimace at the odd sensation, and at his ear being blocked.
Panicking now, barely aware of his physical surroundings, Anakin did his best to trust the Force. His lightsaber ignited in a brilliant blue beam as it flew towards him, and it sliced through his mechno-arm. Just as planned, without his mechno-arm—which was now sparking from the few centimeters that were still attached to him—some of the wires hung loose. Not many, but possibly enough, he hoped.
Yet he was still trapped, hanging, bound in barbed wire on a ship that was getting bombarded with laserfire.
Obi-Wan, where are you?
Thankfully it was easy to tug at the wires now, groaning as the barbs came out of his skin. His left hand and arm came free just as he dropped from the beam. He caught himself with the Force just before he slammed into the deck.
Beyond that, Anakin wasn’t sure what to do. Pain had him collapsing, and part of his torso and his legs were still bound, wrapped and entwined with deepening agony. Dooku was approaching, even as the ship shook.
“You might… want to take care of that,” Anakin got out.
And then he couldn’t speak, feeling as if a hand was around his throat, blocking his airways. Knowing it was the Force, he fought his instincts, and refused to uselessly claw at his throat with his one hand. Instead he reached out, trying to do the same to Dooku. But he was lifted into the air, the grip tightening, hurting. His eyes bulged, his tongue wanting to come out of his mouth. With a pounding head, and screaming, begging lungs, all went black. There wasn’t even time to feel afraid.
“No! No, please! I just got promoted!”
The voice Anakin heard was tinny and high-pitched: a B1 battle droid.
The hum of a lightsaber effortlessly moving and slashing through metal followed, along with pieces clattering to the deck.
The Force roused Anakin as lightsabers whirled and all but screamed as they clashed.
Anakin blinked open his eyes and saw that he was on the bridge and Dooku and Obi-Wan were dueling. Obi-Wan had a slash down his left arm, and one across his lower back, but his Soresu was still effortless. One with the Force.
With the help of the Force, it only took a mere second for Anakin to take in everything: he was still bound in barbed wire from the hips down, and his left hand was restrained to a support rod with metal binders; nothing made specially for a Jedi (Dooku had probably been counting on him staying unconscious for awhile). His left ear was still blocked, and it was as if his eyes had trouble focusing, the scenes before him moving around and blurring, listing—like he was drunk. The burned and ruined parts of battle droids were around him. His former guards, perhaps? As to the whereabouts of his lightsaber, that was easy; it was on Dooku’s hip.
With Dooku distracted, Anakin breathed in deep, and with the aid of the Force snapped his binders. He reached out for his lightsaber.
Carefully, he managed to slash the rest of the barbs off of him once it was in his hand and the brilliant blue blade was ignited. He stood, swaying, his vision going fuzzy and sparking for a bit.
He was jolted forward as laserfire continued to bombard the ship, but no longer the bow, all of it aimed at the stern. His guess was that the engines had been hit.
Letting go, Anakin jumped into the fight, the Force putting him where he needed to be. Even while hurt and bleeding he blocked a lightsaber blow that had been about to slash down into a fallen Obi-Wan’s head.
“Anakin, stay back! You’re injured!” Obi-Wan cried.
Anakin ignored him, anger from his pain flooding through him, and all he saw was Dooku’s smug grin. He stumbled, but managed to fall into Shien, his lightsaber high. Though, he wasn’t used to doing it with his left hand, so after being pushed back relentlessly, he tried to adopt a form of one-handed Jar’kai. Yet his mind wasn’t working right, everything was fuzzy and confusing, and his blows began to miss and raising his arm was difficult.
Obi-Wan came to his aid.
Everything spinning, Anakin collapsed.
All he could do was lie on his back, free, yet helpless as Obi-Wan fought off the Count. He drove him into a retreat. Anakin rolled onto his stomach, trying to pull himself up to go after him. He barely even managed to drag himself a foot across the deck.
Obi-Wan retracted his lightsaber, clipped it on his belt, and was then by him.
“No, Anakin. Don’t move. We don’t have to go after him.” Then, Obi-Wan spoke into his comm, “Admiral, a pick-up would be really nice right about now! And Anakin needs immediate medical attention.”
“A gunship is on its way to your position. Can you get to the hangar on the lower deck?”
“We’ll certainly try.” Then, to Anakin, as he began to pick him up and put him over his shoulders: “Alright, it’s okay. We’re getting out of here.”
Anakin cried out from the pressure of being carried by Obi-Wan.
An explosion rocked the ship while they were in a passageway, waiting for a lift.
“Wha…?” Anakin moaned, even as his head tried to come up with what it could’ve been.
He was getting blood on Obi-Wan’s robes.
The shuddering grew worse, and Obi-Wan nearly fell.
Right. That.
“Dooku set off an explosion. My guess is in the hangar. He doesn’t want us getting off this ship.” Obi-Wan raised his comm. “Admiral, change of plans. We’re getting to an escape pod. Use a tractor beam to pull us in. Have a medical team ready.”
“Right away, General.”
The rest of the trip was a blur (quite literally) as Obi-Wan fought and destroyed droids, and the ship heated up, and metal screeched. The fires were coming.
Time was a slow slurry filled with excruciation, yet before Anakin truly realized it they were in an escape pod being pulled in by one of the Venator-class ships nearby, probably the Resolute.
Obi-Wan brushed Anakin’s sweaty and bloody hair back from his forehead.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get to you,” Obi-Wan said. “Oh, this is all my fault.”
Anakin wanted to reach out for him, but his body decided that that took too much energy, and he simply gave a rough swallow. “It’s not your fault.”
“I’m sure we can get you all patched up.”
“You too.”
Obi-Wan looked at his arm in surprise, as if he’d entirely forgotten that Dooku had gotten a hit or two on him. “Right. We’ll both be okay.”
The escape pod was brought into the hangar aboard the Resolute. Help came.
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kimistorm · 3 years
My Heart Gone Missing [Chapter 4]
Fandom: Studio Ghibli (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Pairing: Friendship! Howl x GN! Reader
Warnings: None
“Marius I’m going out!” you called out to the water demon in the corner of the room, “do you need anything?” slung easily around your shoulder was a simple backpack, a clear sign that you were going to get something, considering how empty it was.
“Where’s ‘out’?” Marius asked forlornly.
You sighed at Marius’ depressing aura, “I’m going to town to get food. Now is there something you need?”
“I need you to take your soul back and free me from this curse.” Marius replied.
You sighed and adjusted the bag, “anything serious?”
“Why do you-”
“Okay bye Marius!” you didn’t bother to listen to the rest of his sentence before you flung open the door and left your house into town. You walked around the town and looked at the food stalls and thought about what you could make. “Well, I could always get some chinese take out.” You laughed quietly to yourself before you picked up a bright red tomato.
You quickly finished your shopping and began to wander around the town that your portal had led to. As you wandered around the town, you noticed a quaint looking shop nestled in the wall, “huh. ‘The Great Wizard Jenkins’.” You read aloud the painted words above the door. “Well, may as well check it out.” You gave a few knocks on the weathered wood door.
“Hello, how can I help you.” The door swung open and you had to look down to notice the small bearded man.
“Oh.” You carefully looked at the hooded man, “you’re not Jenkins, are you?” you said slowly.
“Why? What do you need?” he asked gruffly.
“Uh, nothing.” You slowly backed away from the building and the stunted man, “I can see you’re busy. So, bye.” You waved before you hurried down the street. “Why on earth was a little kid pretending to be an old man?” you talked to yourself. “Unless he really is Jenkins.” You shook your head, “no, that doesn’t make sense, he’s just a kid, who has a strong sense of magic already.” You muttered quietly. “Agh!” you screamed out suddenly, attracting the attention of some innocent passerbys, “why does nothing ever make sense around here!” you then proceeded to storm off to the small house that your portal resided in.
“Oh, you’re home.” Marius said when you closed the door behind you.
“How can a kid have such a strong sense of magic that he can create a disguise out of thin air?” you shoved your face into the water demon’s face as you demanded your question.
“Woah woah woah, I never said I was going to help you! You’re awful! Why would I help you!” Marius replied snarkily as he shrunk back in his bowl.
“Because you’re going to be living with me.” You answered sharply as you turned around and slammed your bag down onto the countertop in the kitchen.
“Oh, is somebody jealous that a child has a stronger sense of magic than you?” Marius teased as he looked excitedly at you.
“He definitely is not stronger than me.” You said vigorously as you placed food into the refrigerator with more force than necessary, “he just doesn’t go to the academy and yet he still can use magic!” you slammed the door shut for the refrigerator.
“Well, maybe he’s got an apprenticeship or something, that’s not too unusual.” Marius shrugged as he leaned back into his bowl. Any source of entertainment that you were providing to him was long gone.
“He probably did!” you yelled out excitedly as you slammed your hands down on the countertop. You then winced and took your hands off of the countertop. “He worked at the shop of ‘The Great Wizard Jenkins’! That explains so much!” you said excitedly. “And here I imagined ‘The Great Wizard Jenkins’ as an old man who disliked children and like loneliness.”
“Sounds like you.” Marius called out from the corner.
“Shall I give you a rock?” you threatened in return.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Rocks are terrible, horrible creatures who just want to see the world crash and burn!” Marius yelled back in a fury as he waved his fists around.
“Of course.” You rolled your eyes and threw your bag down on an empty chair before turning the dial to point at the second color. “I’m going out.”
“Again?” Marius whined, “shouldn’t you be figuring out how to get your soul content?”
“That’s what I’m doing.”
“Doesn’t seem that way.”
“I’m getting inspiration.” You explained, “not like you would know how to make people happy.”
“Of course I don’t! I’m a water demon! I’m only happy with myself! I don’t care about people!” Marius yelled furiously after you.
“Stop yelling, you’ll lose your voice someday.” You called back to him before you opened your door to exit the house. You shut the door behind you when you heard Marius shout angrily at you. Probably something along the lines of ‘you’re awful’.
Outside the small house the Waste blew around you peacefully. The lake where you had first met Marius was easily less than five minutes away by walking. The air blowing around you was crisp and cool. Not at all like what you would think of when you heard ‘waste’. It was clear like the countryside that was miles away from any sort of civilization. The sun was shining brightly, which cast a comfortable blanket of warmth on everything it touched. “Marius, I’m sure you’d love it out here!” you yelled back to the house to spite Marius.
You laughed happily as you ran through the rolling waves of grass and then fell back into it. “Perhaps this is all I wanted for.” You muttered to yourself as the grass around you gently tickled you. “I don’t think I ever had a chance to truly appreciate the Waste.” You set your gaze upwards and saw the small figure of something flying, and it wasn’t a battleship. “What is that?” you sat up in the grass and watched the black figure. Upon closer inspection you noticed that it was a bird...but with a man’s head. “That’s what I want.” You nodded to yourself as the figure flew above your. “I’ll turn into a bird.”
You stood up before you ran back into your little house. “Marius!” you called out.
“Did you get your inspiration?” Marius asked sullenly.
“Do you know how to turn into a bird?”
“A what?”
Taglist: @pogpixelz
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one0p1nk · 2 years
✙ our muses shopping together
Perhaps with Hana and Jeanne… they need more interactions with each other <3
RP meme
//so true- Hshsjsjsj
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Context: yeah, just the queens shopping (pretty much based on what I talked with Yami about how almost all the OCs shop together on discord- but this writing only includes just both of them hanging out with a Riddle accompanying them and carrying the heavy bags fjdjjdnd-)
A Queen of Hearts, a white rose, and a Captain Card Soldier going to a mall together for shopping-
Will it go wrong? Maybe.
Hana once pulled out a dress to show Jeanne, who deadpanned in response.
Jeanne// That’s too dull of a color, you’ll drown in a crowd-
Hana// nwn;;;
Riddle// Jeanne, be gentle on her- I think the dress of her choice seems decent enough-
Jeanne// Decent enough??? You should work more with how you compliment ladies, brother...- >:T
Riddle// 😔(ooc// hehe-)
Jeanne//*pulling out a gorgeous pink dress to Hana* This one compliments you better,,, ;3;
Hana// hehe,,,, I'll try it, then,,,, úwù
After a lot of dresses Riddle had to suffer his brains out to see which are the perfect ones and trying not to be on her sister's wrath-/jk, the three moved to a perfume shop. Which has Hana's favorite perfume brand as one of the options.
Riddle technically didn't understand why Hana would go buy a new perfume when she already smells lovely like a pink rose of a purple lavender- yet Hana responded him that she just wanted to smell a new fragrance... Afterall, she had been smelling the same flower scents for like 40, 000 years-
Jeanne and Riddle pretty much didn't realize the speed of Hana going super professional when trying out the perfumes as if she has an inhumane sense of smell-
Hana muttering// Agh, too strong- ówò
Hana muttering// Too soft, that won't do to cover up my natural scents,,,, ówò
Hana muttering// E-Eek..! This smell stinks??? No wonder it's price tag is cheaper- (>~<;;;
Jeanne// *sweatdrops * Do you need help, Hana...?
Hana// No no! I just found the adequate perfumes for you two! Tho I still cannot find one for myself- mmmm-
Hana// Oh, found it! Coral flower scent, my beloved,,,, (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Hana// This red flower brand perfume would smell lovely on Jeanne-chan!!! Ooh- there's also a white lily perfume! Gotta buy another one for Jeanne-chan,,,,
Hana// Riddle-sama, my king, this red door perfume is floral scene type! It has an elegant feature,,, this will compliment you so well! (◕ᴗ◕✿)✨
Riddle muttering// And that's the lady I fell in love with-
Jeanne// (She's so quick to find a perfume??? What???? (@_@;))
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
ok so .... imagine comforting tywin through a nightmare and his chest is heaving and his eyes are almost wild ???? and tywin is so panicked because he’s been dreaming about joanna, which he tries so hard to repress ??? and you’re THERE and rubbing his back and kissing his cheek and being so tender that tywin can’t help but seek comfort ??? (also i might have sent this already, tumblr is so messed up oops)
Haha you had sent this friendo, ive just barely been on tumblr bc im so tired and overworked. havent even checked up on my mutual’s posts which is agh!! i need to set aside a day to dig through my fav blogs. (also peeps are always free to DM me if they wanna chat ahaha i can respond to that a tad better ✌🏽)
sooooo can I just say that this may be the first time wifey has seen Tywin like that? She wakes up to his jolting upright, then the sound of his heavy breathing, and it’s a sort of sleepy haze before sudden alertness - because seven hells, what’s wrong? Is he sick? Did something happen? Her body is still heavy from sleep, but she moves closer to him, touching his back and his arms. Her body and brain are trying to catch up with each other, and it’s dark, so she can’t see him. She has to feel the way his heart is jumping under her palm, and she can feel a slight clamminess to his skin. What is going on?
She’d reach for his face, and find it, cradling his cheek in her hand, and he’d flinch like she hurt him. Tywin’s constant work schedule and driven mind meant he rarely slept well. Honestly, he hadn’t really slept deeply until he began to become close with his second wife, not that he ever realized the change in sleep habits, only felt them. 
Then there was the dreams - he also didn’t notice that he’d begun to have them, after years of restless nothingness. They were nothing to be remembered, nothing important, but some instilled a strong longing. A longing for someone who was right beside him, warm and soft, right there if he reached out, but he still dreamed of her. Only traces of the dreams remained, so some mornings Tywin would wake up particularly clingy... Not that he’d call it that, but you weren’t complaining about the affection and attentiveness.
The problem was, he hadn’t dreamed like this in years. He forgot he could. And with dreams came nightmares, and this particular one carried the memory of the woman who used to be in that bed, a long time ago. He never saw her on her deathbed, but his traitorous mind imagined it.
And that night, it was there, inescapable. Blonde hair spread over a pillow, a face twisted in pain, pale skin turned sickly and covered in sweat. Blood everywhere, and that was the worst of it. She looked like she was lying in a blanket of Lannister crimson, but it was a featherbed stained with her life. The child that caused her death was never there, nor was anyone. For all the blame and hate Tywin hoisted on his youngest child, Tyrion was nowhere to be seen. Joanna may as well have been bleeding out from anything, but no matter what, he was powerless.
Powerless. A Lannister left with nothing but to watch, until Tywin finally willed himself awake, or some distant noise caused it - who could tell? Now he was struggling to focus his gaze, and there were hands on him, and a quiet voice asking questions. “What happened, love? Are you well?”
He took her hands in his, not realizing how unsteady his own were, and held her with so much force it almost hurt. But she didn’t cry out, she only moved closer, her body resting against his. Her head found his shoulder, and he felt her hair brush against his cheek. Dark as it was, he could picture exactly what she’d look like if he glanced in her direction. The concern in her eyes, the frown on her lips.
“Tywin,” She said, his own name an anchor. Now the room was looking familiar, and there was no longer the smell of copper, sweat and death lingering in a humid room. His breathing steadied, and she correctly guessed he was beginning to calm, so she didn’t say any more. She waited until his grip loosened, and his heart was no longer trembling like a rabbit in a trap.
Eventually, they ended up in each other’s arms, lying back down. The sheet was more or less forgotten, and she nestled into his chest. She would have preferred to talk more, to comfort him, but it seems this is where he wanted her - gently running his hand down her back and keeping her close, even when it becomes too warm and she wonders if his arm is getting sore. Her very presence is an anchor, a safe and solid place, far from old memories and frightening dreams - things that Tywin does not consider concrete anymore. Yes, he’s repressing his feelings and memories, but what’s new? With her in his arms, he can affirm what he’s always told himself: It’s in the past. Move on. Look to what’s here now.
Naturally, she might want to have a discussion in the morning. He’ll be visibly tired, more quiet than she’s used to, perhaps less patient with the guards and court. It’s little changes she notices, so she stays close, giving affection when it’s appropriate. Perhaps lingering with her kisses and touches, and she can sense he appreciates it, even if she knows he’ll want to move on as if nothing happened.
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
New house, new roomies
Sixth Chap.
This is a tickle related series, so if you are not interested in that type of content, I’d suggest ya to find another ff to read, thank you :)
Mini series based on a request from an anon and one  of my ff Self-Esteem (I think you should better read it firstly so you can understand more what’s going on)
Summary: Nefeli (14) has just moved in with the boys and Jimin, but she is still not comfortable around them, so each one spends a day with her in order to get her to open up and to know each other more.
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“I’ll grab your waist and I’ll lift you, okay?”
“Are you sure I am not too heavy for ya?”
“For the last time Nef, you are not!”
“If you say so, I am just warning you”
Today Hoseok and Nefeli had decided to learn a new dance. Well, Nefeli had asked Hoseok to help her learn it. They currently were in the living room, in front of the TV and loud music was bursting from the speakers. All the rest of the boys were out of the house for various reasons. Yoongi and Jungkook were out, playing basket, Namjoon was in the local library, Jimin and Taehyung were somewhere in the park and Jin had gone to the stores to buy the blue cheese the boys had forgotten to bring.
“Come on Nefeli, you have said that so many times and you are never heavy!” Hoseok smiled his famous shiny smile and raised his sleeves up to his elbows.
The young girl sighed deeply as Hoseok turned the music louder and bent his knees, getting ready to catch her.
“Fine, but if we fall, don’t say I didn’t warn you” the young girl took a step back and started running up to the lad in front of her, who just rolled his eyes playfully.
In a swift movement, Nefeli jumped in the air, waiting for Hoseok to catch her. However, as soon as he caught her, Nefeli immediately curled up, giggling in the air on his arms. Hoseok raised an eyebrow but before he could say something else, she had already fallen on the floor.
“Is everything alright love?” Hoseok asked Nefeli who was still on the floor, grinning from ear to ear.
“Yeheheah don’t worry, everything is fihihine” she giggled in response, getting back on her feet and getting in position to jump on him again.
Hoseok, who had understood something, raised his arms again and stepped a little behind, ready to catch the still giggling girl again.
“Okay 3... 2... 1... Jump!” the young lad yelled, smiling widely, signaling for Nef to run again.
Which she did.
Nefeli started running again, still grinning and mentally drumming her head in the rhythm of the music. She jumped again in the air, stretching her body as much as she could so Hoseok could get a better grip on her.
What she didn’t expect tho was Hoseok to grab her by her sides, gripping on them and wiggling his fingers there so as he could keep her still. But he had managed to do something else...
The young girl busted in loud, belly laughter, shaking her head side to side and thrashing around in the air, trying to escape the devilish feeling.
“What is it Nef?” Hoseok smirked, wiggling his fingers more, knowing full well what he was doing.
“NAHAHAHAO LEMME GAHAHAHAO AHAHAHA!” Nefeli was kicking out nonstop, while her arms were falling everywhere they could reach.
“What happened? Am I doing something wrong?” the boy’s fingers moved to her lower ribs, squeezing and kneading there, touching some of her most sensitive nerves.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAO AHAHAHA!” Nefeli kicked out more, squirming in the air, way more than before.
She couldn’t imagine that someone would have noticed how sensitive her midsection was just like that. And being tickled in the air was making everything ten times worse. It was like she couldn’t escape and she was stuck there, only able to laugh and squirm around.
“Now tell me Neffie, does it perhaps tickle a little?” his teasing made the young girl snicker louder, sending a tingly shiver down her already sensitive spine.
One thing Nefeli couldn’t stand was teasing. She knew that if she tries more, she would have escaped the tickled, but teasing is something she cannot stop. Only if the teaser wanted it to stop. And getting teased makes her feel even sensitive.
“YEAHAHAHAHAS AHAHAHAHA!” the girl blushed deep red, not really wanting to admit that. She hated saying that word out loud or even say she is sensitive.
Hoseok smirked wider and moved his right hand on her hips while the other remained in its place, squeezing endlessly the two spots.
Nefeli felt her nerves being set on fire while every hair she had on her body was now straight. Her legs were falling everywhere they could while she was gripping tightly on his wrists, trying to set herself free. But nothing seemed to work. “HOSEOK AHAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHAHAHA!”
“Aw, you are so cute Neffie!” Hoseok finally laid Nef’s body on the carpet, on her back, while she was panting hard.
However, the young girl didn’t have much time to react before Hoseok pinned her arms above her head with one arm and started clawing her tummy with the other one.
Nefeli let out a mini shriek and fell into hysterical giggles, shaking her head side to side in order to make the feeling less intense, but nothing was working.
Hoseok’s fingers were touching and kneading softly her lower tummy, occasionally shaking his fingertips in the middle of her stomach “Your laughter is so sweet sunshine!”
Nefeli felt a blush appearing on her cheeks from the tease, while she was kicking out nonstop “PleahahaHAHAHAhase nahaHAHAhahao ahahaha!”
“Please what? Please more? Oh, I was planning on letting you go but if you insist” Hoseok fastly sat on her arms and started scribbling his fingers there.
The girl was immediately thrown in loud laughter and was trying hard to pull her arms down. Oh well, she had no chance obviously. Her tiny frame was no match for Hoseok’s one.
“NAHAHAHAHAO! NAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHARE AHAHAHAHA!” Nef was kicking out and squirming around, not stopping for at least one second. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t. The feeling was making her so sensitive she couldn’t control it.
“Aw, are you a little too ticklish to take it, Neffie?” he smirked, running his fingers on her bare armpits, making her scream in laughter.
But guess who is too stubborn to admit it. Yes, Nef. She would never say how sensitive she is. And of course, she could never use the word ‘ticklish’. She just couldn’t.
“NAHAHAHAHAO I’M NAHAHAHAHAOT AHAHAHAHA!” she shook her head cheekily, her laughter raising an octave when Hoseok sped up his fingers.
“Oh, what was that? You are not? Hm, then you won’t mind me doing that, right?” in a swift movement Hoseok’s fingers found their way on her lowest ribs, scribbling and running there.
Nefeli immediately was thrown in loud, belly laughter, shaking her head side to side and kicking out nonstop. It tickled so much that she was feeling like she would explode anytime soon. Her ribs were really sensitive and the fact that she was pinned wasn’t helping the matter.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA HOSEOK PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” Nef kept kicking out and laughing loudly while Hoseok’s fingers were still dancing all over her lower ribs. His nails were dragging and scribbling all over her poor bones while his thumbs were squeezing the back of her ribs in the most ticklish way Nef had ever experienced.
“What’s the matter, sweetie? What’s so funny?” Hoseok asked innocently. If Nefeli could glare at him, she would, but she couldn’t. She was busy laughing and getting tickled.
“NAHAHAHAHAOTHING AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli screamed in laughter when Hoseok’s fingers touched her middle ribs, pinching and scratching them with no mercy at all.
“Oh is that so? Then why are you laughing? I thought you weren’t ticklish, are you?” his teasing was making everything worse for the poor girl. His devilish fingers were digging and sometimes slipping in the space between her ribs, bringing to the surface some of the loudest laughter Nef had ever experienced.
“I REMEMBERED SAHAHAHAHAHAMETHING AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nef couldn’t come up with a better excuse other than that. But there was no way she would ever admit that she was sensitive.
The young lad raised his eyebrows teasingly. He was still wearing a wide grin when he moved his body fastly so that he was now straddling her waist and placed his hands on her waist “Really?! What did you remember, little one?!”
“N-Nohohone of your businehehehess!” Nef was laying there, regaining her breath, some soft leftover giggles leaving her. A wide smile was on her face and her hair was messy. She was recovering but one thing that was for sure was that she wasn’t thinking about what she was saying in between her giggles.
“But why? I wanna laugh too!” Hoseok squeezed her waist only once with the tips of his fingers.
Little did he know was that this squeeze was enough for her the poor girl to let out a scream.
“AGH NAHAHAHAO!” Nef bucked her his in the air and pushed her body upwards so as she could escape but Hoseok’s weight was preventing her from that.
“Wow, I’m barely touching you and you are already screaming! Is this a bad spot?” Hoseok smirked before he did the unexpected. He bent down and started nibbling on the poor girl’s waistline and the spot where the ribs meet the sides.
Nefeli was immediately thrown into hysterics and was shrieking in loud laughter. She was feeling like someone was tasering her with ticklish sensations, making her almost lose her mind “BWAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHARE PLEAHAHAHAHASE HOSEAHAHAHAK!”
To be honest, the boy looked a little taken aback by Nef’s reaction. He wasn’t expecting her to react like that. However, the golden new spot he found made him smirk wider than he already was, while Nefeli’s almost hysterical laughter was filling the room, probably annoying everyone around them from how loud it was “Your laughter is my favorite sound, Neffie! I can do this all day!”
A feeling of panic rushed inside her as soon as the lad said that. She knew she wouldn’t last if her older friend kept going for too long.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAO! I’LL DIE!” Nefeli screamed in between her laughter, squealing louder when the boy chuckled on her skin from how hyperbolic the young girl was.
Hoseok’s sharp, front teeth were munching lightly yet fastly on the girl’s skin, sometimes touching her ribs while Nef was only able to lay there and take it. His torso was preventing her from escaping and her attempts to push his head away were doing nothing.
“Y’know I would never let you die, little one!” Hoseok sent her a wide, loving smile before he blew a long raspberry on her side.
If Nefeli could melt, she would completely. He was probably the sweetest person in that house and his smile could make someone’s day. However, at this point, the only thing she was focused on was the torturous sensations of the nonstop raspberries which were furious blows on her tummy and sides.
At the same time, Hoseok was scribbling with his blunt nails on Nefeli’s hips as his toes were softly scratching her soles. Her loud shrieks were filling the air while she was kicking her legs up and down, wiggling side to side while the ticklish sensations were kept going.
“Y’know, it’s so cute how you haven’t said stop this whole time!” Hoseok exclaimed, turning around and scribbling fastly Nef’s sole with his nails, sending her in fits of pure hysterics.
Nefeli’s face flushed deep red while she was trying to kick Hoseok’s fingers away from her with her other foot, only to get it trapped and tickled as well. Well, why would she say stop...? However, Hoseok was the first person who pointed it out and that made her extremely shy.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she yelled out of reflex, trying to prove to Hoseok that she wasn’t enjoying this as much as he believed, even tho both of them knew she was lying.
“Now do you reeeeeeally want this to stop? Because I don’t think you do!” Hoseok’s teased as he pulled back Nef’s toes, scribbling their base, making her laughter raise an octave and crystal tears start rolling down her cheeks.
Nefeli was feeling like her entire torso was tingling. Even her palms. Her feet were always a death spot and now that Hoseok is tickling her like that, she feels like she is gonna explode any time soon. Every hair on her body was straight and her back was arched as her toes were being tortured and scribbled unstoppable. The young girl was hitting Hoseok’s back and was thrashing around, screaming in loud, belly laughter. She was trying hard to curl her toes again but it was too hard since his fingers were preventing her.
“Hm... Do you remember that song? La la la laaaa~” Hoseok started playing her toes like piano, occasionally nibbling them. Nefeli let out a higher scream every time she was getting her toes nibbled, slowly losing her mind from how much it tickled.
“HOSEAHAHAHAHAOK PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAOT THAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHAHA!” she screamed in laughter, trying to escape, but nothing was working.
“Aw, so you ARE ticklish! That’s adorable!” the young lad pressed tiny, fast kisses all over Nefeli’s foot and on each toe separately, before going back to nibbling.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAOT MY FEEHAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” Nef’s voice came out raspy and tired, and after that, she fell into silent laughter.
She was feeling like her lungs were burning and her mouth was stinging from how much she was laughing. Her stomach was aching and her head was spinning around.
“Coochie coochie coo Neffie!” Hoseok pulled her legs higher and nibbled the middle of her soles, making her let out a loud scream and then stop moving at all from how tired she was and how weak her body was at that point.
The boy must have sensed how Nefeli had stopped responding and let the poor girl go, pulling her onto his lap. He kept rubbing delicate circles on her back soothingly, helping her breath come back to its normal and her body relax and recover faster “Okay okay, calm down now, sunshine”
Nefeli leaned her head on Hoseok’s shoulder, while the music from some minutes ago was still playing as a background. She was relaxing under Hoseok’s touch while a smile was still on her face and her legs were brought on her stomach.
“That was sohohoho mean!” she giggled out tiredly, covering her red face.
“Well, I know, but it was fun, wasn’t it?” Hoseok nudged her lightly, making her giggle a little more and blush.
However, she couldn’t help but nod in response. She knew Hoseok had already understood how she enjoyed it, so no point in lying to him.
The young lad chuckled and kissed her cheek, helping her up and shaking her a little “Now let’s go back to dancing, alright? We left a choreo in the middle”
Nefeli chuckled and changed the song, getting ready “Just in case you need to touch my sides again”
Hoseok laughed loudly and got into position, waiting for the lyrics to come up “Ohohokay okay don’t worry, no more tickling. At least for now” he winked.
As the lyrics started coming up, the two friends started dancing, while Hoseok was occasionally poking Nef’s side, making her squeal and giggle. And lemme tell you the boys found the young girl on the floor panting and giggling while Hoseok was poking her tummy.
41 notes · View notes
The Golden Hand
° Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Imagine °
Chapter 3
Fem! Reader
Central Masterlist | The Golden Hand
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Just how was he to take you back home when he didn’t even know where to start? Alexios had not the faintest idea on how to do that; pray to the gods? They don’t always answer, and when they do, it’s just downright confusing. His only choice was to continue on his journey and hope, that by some miracle, the answer would reveal itself soon. However, as such worries and doubts continued to plague his mind, they were soon drowned out upon his eyes falling on you.
He had to admit it.
You were utterly adorable.
Your eyes, round and soft, peered at the lively scene of the marketplace with star-like sparkles. Your lips drew apart ever so slightly, a smile merrily making its way on them as you expressed a fondness to how ancient, how....different this world was. He wondered how you felt about it all. Surely you were experiencing some extreme form of cultural shock. Two days could not possibly remedy it. Perhaps your joy was a façade, a guise for the truth of your feelings.
“Ah, yes! This tells of Odysseus’s voyages and his battles.” “And this?” “That one refers to the miracles of Zeus and the gods.” “They’re so beautiful.” You murmured, admiring the paintings on the pottery. By now, Alexios had shifted his attention back to you, pushing his thoughts all the way into the back of his mind as he came to realize that he has subconsciously followed you to the front of a small pottery stand. He watched as you kindly interacted with the clerk, the elder blushing at your beauty and compliment.
“Why thank you! Although my hands and body have begun to age and wrinkle, my passion for art has yet to fade.” You smiled. He watched you for a few moments before briefly turning his attention behind you. There, not far from the two for you, was Phoibe waving her scrawny arms around as she tried hard to get the misthios attention. Chuckling under his breath, the man leaned into your ear, breathing a short, “I’ll be back” before moving away from you. Heading over to the young girl, he gave her a look. 
“How’d it go with Markos?” Phoibe asked. With a small grimace on his face, he replied, ”How it always goes. I didn’t get my money and I’m running another errand for him.” Humming, she settles herself on top of a nearby rock. Crouching to her level, the conversation continues. “Why did you let him boss you around?” Her words earned herself a gentle glare from the older male, “I owe him a debt. From the past.”
“Did you borrow drachmae?” Oh the innocence of youth.
“Not that kind of debt. Few people would take in a runaway they caught thieving. I was just a kid.” Unbeknownst to him, you had accidentally caught his words. 
“Huh. I’m just a kid. And I’ve done pretty good for myself.” Phoibe stated with a sense of pride earning a snort from the man. “What do you want Phoibe?” She looked over to you,” Well, I was going to ask help first but -- who is she?” Her eyes ran down you figure, sparkling with curiosity. Glancing over his shoulder, he couldn’t stop the small smile blooming on his lips as he watched you speak with another civilian. “She is...a friend.” 
“She’s really pretty. Is she nice?” Alexios chuckles. “I only met her yesterday but I believe so. Now, what do you want Phoibe?” Getting back on track, Phoibe continued, ”You know Kausos?” He squinted his eyes in confusion, “The town on the other side of the island? Why?” She answered, ”People there are sick--my friend Kynna is too. There’s a blood fever. They say it’s a curse and that they need help from the gods.” “I told you, I’m not a god.” “But Ikaros--”,”Is a bird.” With an exasperated expression she yelled,” That doesn’t mean you can’t help!” 
There was a moment of silence. It was his hardened expression against her own puppy yet desperate eyes.
She won.
“Agh! All right, I’ll look into it.” With that said, Phoibe let out a grin and a loud ‘Thanks!’ before running away. Sighing, the man ran a large hand over his head, massaging his temples in annoyance. First you and now this. Just how was he to-“Alexios? You okay mate?” Your voice was soft yet clear as you now stood beside him. With a glimpse he could see your concerned expression, your groomed brows knitted together. It was then that an idea struck him.
“(Y/N), since you are from the future, your people must’ve conjured many cures for various illnesses, no?” You gave him a look but nonetheless nodded. “Do you bear any knowledge of your time’s medicine?” “I’m no expert but I do have some knowledge. Although, you have to take into account that medicines are more advanced in my time. What we have, we have because of technology.” He nodded.
“We shall journey to Kausos, a town on the other side of Kephallonia. There is a blood fever. Hopefully, you can help.” 
He had now realized that the two of you have managed to reach the docks. Lightly nudging you, he quietly whispered into your ear, ” 
Why did you get the feeling that today was going to take a turn for the worse?
The journey there was hell. There was no other way to describe it. What you could only imagine once lush and green and full of life and festivities, now seeming barren and full of death and burnt flesh. The putrid smell of corpses and of blood’s iron burning your nostrils to the point that you could barely breathe. Desperately trying to muffle the scent by placing your hand to your nose. And as the horse galloped, you watched the scene around you. Whole structures were burned either to the ground or near to it, smoke billowing out from their interiors in large clouds of black and grey. A pile of bodies, clothed in blood stained fabrics, laid beside the burning buildings, waiting to be cremated. A ring of black surrounded the pile from underneath, the dirt having been scarred from a previous cremation.  
“By the gods, what has happened here?” You heard Alexios mutter under his breath as he took in the scene. Judging by the tone in his voice, you could tell that the sight had, too, taken him by surprise.
You stayed quiet, trying to focus on your breathing rather than the sound of the crows cawing loudly above your heads. It was then that you heard the cry of a man burst through the cawing, it was loud and clear.
“You’re murderers! Murderers!” What? Diverting the horse over to the origin of the voice, Alexios forced the animal to come to a stop right before a small bridge. Helping you come off the saddle, he led you over the bridge and into a situation you never thought you were ever going to be a part of.
 “If the gods won’t help you, the sickness must be destroyed by our hands! We have no choice.” Spoke a man wearing dark clothing and a bow fastened around his torso. Two other men at his either side of him, surrounding what appeared to be a family.
“Help us!” Yelled one of the children as the two of you made your way over to them. His arms bound by rope.
Oh god.
“He won’t let us go!” Shouted the father. 
Keeping your distance, you stayed behind the burly man. Rubbing the palms of your hands together as a way to comfort your hammering heart. Thoughts racing through your head. Alexios was expecting you to somehow save these people, but in all honesty, you had not the slightest clue as to how herbal medicine worked. I mean, you did know just a few things based on videos you had seen on YouTube but nothing that can truly save a person, much less a fucking village. Shit, now panic was setting in and that wouldn’t do any good. Steeling your nerves, you turned your attention to the conversation. Only managing to hear the last few sentences of the man’s explanation.
“...We couldn’t keep up with the bodies. It was spreading --- we had to intervene. “ He said.
“They killed our brothers! Our neighbors!” Countered the father, his wife adding on, “We survived the massacre, but he’ll kill us now!” The man, who you had now realized was most likely a Priest based on the clothing he wore, continued, “The gods have abandoned us. The sick must join the dead f we are to save the living!”
“You burned the whole village?” Alexios asked in disbelief. The Priest looked down in shame before answering,” Many nights were lost praying. We had to take action --- to scorch the blood fever out of Kausos.” 
“Is there no hope for a cure?” The Priest shook his head, letting out an exasperated sigh as he answered,” Nothing has worked. Sacrifice, prayers...” The wife interrupted,” Healers won’t come near us, soldiers won’t let us leave...The gods won’t answer our prayers!” Alexios sighed, shifting his weight to his left as he spoke, “But I know nothing of the plague.”
“There is nothing you can do. If you intervene, I will be forced the defend the gods’ will.” he priest warned. “We aren’t even that sick! We’ll get better!” “Nobody gets better! This is the only way all of Kephallonia will save itself from extermination!” It was then that the Spartan turned to you, his eyes having the slightest glimmer of hope. 
“(Y/N), is there anything you can do? Is there any chance that you can save them?” His voice soft and quiet. It was almost drowned out by the crackle of the fires. 
You gave yourself a moment to think. If this was a virus, then the only thing they could do was ride it out... but....shit, you’re not a doctor. The hell were you suppose to do, much less say? 
You could feel a knot form in your throat, a bubbling sensation blooming within the pits of your stomach --- anxiety. There was a slight tremble to your hands, but why? Why were you feeling this way? This place was a game, no? It had no real consequence, right? No, no that kind of thinking doesn’t apply here, because while to you it will always be a game, you are still quite physically present in it. There are consequences to your actions. There are right and wrong answers. So what now? 
Taking a deep breath in, you briefly looked back up into his own. And with the slightest shake of your head, he knew your answer. 
Sighing, he spoke, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be involved in this.”
“We don’t have to die!” The mother protested. Slamming her bound wrist onto her lap.
You wanted to say something, anything. But nothing would come out. Your lips moved, but not a sound was made. Instead you hid behind Alexios, your lips sealed shut, as he spoke with the priest once more before motioning for the two of you to walk away. It was after ten steps that they’re screams were heard. 
And, as if to add salt to the wound, a lone figure ran up to you.
“You...you didn’t save them? What about Kynna? She’s my friend!” You felt a tug at your heartstrings upon seeing her heartbroken expression. Alexios, who stood just a foot in front of you, tensed his shoulders. A frown on his face.
“How could I make that-”, noting the increased volume in his voice, you placed a hand to his bicep. Upon feeling your touch, he breathed. “ Listen Phoibe. I know you’re sad about Kynna --- it’s a big loss. But look around you. You want this to be like this everywhere?” He gestured to their surroundings.
The young girl frowned, “No...but maybe Kynna would get better. They could be wrong about her!” “And maybe the sickness would take the family tomorrow. It’s impossible to tell.” The misthios argued.
Folding her arms, Phoibe looked to the ground, “I hope you’re right.”
You didn’t know what compelled you to speak, you just knew you had to say something to the young girl. Licking your lips, you kneeled down to her height. A saddened look on your own face.
“Phoibe, I know we have just met but...sometimes, good people die. No matter how much we don’t like it.“ She stared at you for a moment, her eyes flickering about your face. It was a only a moment later that she allowed herself to lean closer to you.
“I know...I just wish it wasn’t true.” And with that, she walked away.
Watching her figure slowly dwindle to nothing but a mere shadow, you breathed. The smoke still burning the inside of your nostrils. 
“Alexios?” “Yes?” “Let’s...let’s go...please.” Your voice quieter than the occasional breeze. You heard him grunt, “ Of course.”
Realization didn’t come quick. 
It was only after you had mounted onto the house, with your hands gripping tightly onto his armor, that the realization came to you.
You had killed someone. Rather indirectly, but still.
Innocent blood was on your hands.
How did it come to this? You were but a student just a day ago. 
How did everything change so quick? So...in the blink of an eye?
Alexios would never tell you, but he could feel your tears dampen his clothing.
(A/N): Sorry this took so long, I’m still trying to figure out how I want this story to play out and for how long.
Hope you enjoyed!
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joshstambourine · 3 years
Lover, Leaver Pt. 1
"Ooooooh, I love your music ask idea... could you do a Lover, Leaver one with Danny? 👀" - @anditsmywholeheart
Okay. So.
I probably took this in a total different direction than you were imagining @anditsmywholeheart , hopefully you still like it 💜
I fought myself for a long while which way to go with this song prompt as the tune is so rock and roll, so at first I thought something fun and gritty but... the lyrics for this song give me such mythical vibes!
So I opted to go for something magical and fantasy based (this decision may or may not have have been swayed by my playing a shit tonne of Witcher recently. As well as helping my S/O with his D&D Campaign.)
Annnnnd surprise this one is not going to stay a one shot either! You guys are getting a magical series hurray!
Warnings: Cursing, Slightly NSFW
Word Count: 2891
Paladin!Danny × Sorceress!Reader
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart @babydxll
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The cold wind whistled over the heights of the keep. It was so crisp. Danny’s eyes drifted over the edge of the thick stone rail of the tower, snow beginning to dance down from the dark gray sky. Danny was fully aware of what was coming, it didn’t take a genius to recognize the kind of trouble that was coming towards him now with full speed.
Danny’s eyes were unmoving, locked on the horizon now. “Are you cold?” He soon let out, to the woman sitting on the ledge beside him. Or, I suppose I should say hovering over the ledge.
(Y/N) began to shake her head slowly, “Danny.. I can’t feel it…” She simply responds, her words taking to the air in a puff of curling mist. Many sorceresses like (Y/N) went through rigorous training so as to be unbothered by even the most extreme temperatures.
Danny was quiet for a moment, the only sound was the hanging bits of Danny’s chainmail clinking against his plate armor. “Ah… I almost always forget.” He admits with a weak laugh, his gaze fell upon her now.
He couldn’t help but stare as her hair was tousled in the cold wind, it was almost a strong enough wind to pick up the end of her heavy velveteen cloak and toss it up into the air. As long as Danny had known (Y/N), she had always been rather… stoic? That wasn’t quite the word. Perhaps simply serious was a better word. It wasn’t necessarily her fault, most mages and sorcerers had to go through many horrendous trials to be able to hold any place in the magic practicing society. Not to mention the amount of witch hunters roaming the land and pouncing on any person who practiced magic.
(Y/N)’s seriousness didn’t deter Danny, nor would it cause his affections to wain. The moment Danny had laid eyes on her… he had known.
Danny could almost hear the sound of the band playing again now. With a small blink of his eyes he was back in The Royal Curtain.
He was surrounded by happy music, and much happier people. Many were drunk out of their skulls, but of course that came with the territory. But these people were happy for reasons aside from just alcohol and good music; this tavern in particular was very well hidden, actually being in the cobblestone basement of the building. That meant, it was a safe haven for those who practiced magic as well as any who were nonhuman. There were many outlanders present here throughout the day: elves, dwarves, halflings, even a few lizard folk, the list went on and on.
The Royal Curtain was a place for people to just let their hair down and enjoy themselves for once without being spit at or much worse.
Places like the Royal Curtain also meant business for people like Danny; there were so many people wronged by others here, people who weren't protected from the monsters that were all around, and people who just needed help settling somewhere safe. This was the place he loved to be, a place where he could use his abilities and frankly his humanity for good.
Danny shuffled through the crowd, a smile always being clad on his features. He just couldn't help it when he came here. These folk deserved to be happy for a while.
He broke his way through the crowd and came to find a seat at the bar.
"Ah! Danny! What have we done to deserve this pleasure?" Inquired a tall woman from behind the counter, her skin white as a sheet, eyes a bland shade of gray. "Here to enjoy yourself for once?" She continued with a sly smile, long white curls falling around her paper thin figure.
Danny softly laughed, waving it off, "No, no, just business as usual, Nil." He explains.
Nil frowned a little, "You're going to work yourself to death you know." She tells him, beginning to reach for a glass. Nil was a part owner of this establishment, she worked at the bar in the basement while her partner tended to the upstairs level.
Nil was a being known as a changeling - a race that looked like it was created by someone who had a human’s likeness described to them but had never actually had seen one. They had no distinct features; skin, hair, eyes, they all were some shade of grey or a colour that was drained of most of its pigment. This of course, was for a reason. Changeling’s had the ability to change shape at will, and tend to have to learn to lie their way through their lives to survive; because of this most people assume that they are criminally inclined, which is almost never the case.
"At least it would be for a good cause." Danny cheerfully says, watching her as she poured him his usual glass of Fire Brandy.
Nil wore a warm smile, "We appreciate all the effort you put in. Honestly." She continues in a loving tone. She meant it, and Danny was well aware of this.
Nil had done many things herself in the name of protecting magic users and nonhumans. In fact she had led many revolts in her life. However, Nil was now a mother and certainly couldn't be expected to to stick her neck out as often as she had when she was young. Which meant people like Danny needed to step up, pick up the slack.
“So?” He lightly asked, hand taking the glass between his finger tips. “Anything…?” Danny continued, if anyone was going to know if someone needed help or something was happening, it was going to be Nil.
Nil lips pursed a little as she looked around the room, seeming to be thinking. Danny took notice of her hands, covered in scars and surprisingly rather bejeweled - a ring with the crest of a royal house on her hand, an odd thing seeing as she had never been much more than a street urchin. Danny never had the courage to ask Nil why she had the ring in all the time he had known her, he didn’t know if he would ever find out frankly.
“I know there is a family of dwarves needing an escort…” Nil lightly begins, “But… I don’t suppose you want to run the risk of having the guard notice your frequent travel out of the city lines…” She utters to herself, before biting her lip. “There is something actually.” She admits.
Danny leaned forward against the bar, taking another sip of the brandy. “Something?” He inquired,
Nil nodded, “It’s… not something I would normally expect you to get involved with. Sam is normally who I’d reach out to… he’s better with the arcane but…” She slowly muttered,
“I know… I still don’t know where he is Nil.” Danny lets out. Sam, a fellow clan member and friend had gone missing in the weeks previous. No one knew where he went, just that he left behind some form of note… all in the dead language. To this moment Sam’s brothers had been trying to find someone to decipher it, but it so far had been no use.
Nil frowns a little, knowing how important Sam was to him, but she continued on. “There is a Sorceress here somewhere. She is looking for help to find something... an artifact of some sort.”
Danny immediately grimaced, “Agh… Nil, you know I don’t get involved with that kind of bull---” He sighs, having already done too many errands for wizards promising to pay him a reward to fetch “a simple artifact”... it was always more work than it was worth. He had yet to meet a Wizard that didn’t short change him and proceed to complain about the “dings” on the item in question, as if it hadn’t existed for thousands of years before Danny came along.
Nil shook her head a bit, knowing how he felt about tasks like this. “I’m aware, but, I have been led to believe that this is different.” She continued, “Just help with hunting down some fellow sorcerers and getting more information. She had come in to ask if I knew a Vitalis Kein---” Nil explained, seeming to slow when it came to the name.
“And? Do you…?” Danny inquired with a perked brow, it was something about the way she had said the name, it just didn’t sit well with him.
Nil was quick to shake her head, “Not a clue. I have never had anyone by that name come through the inn.” She admits suddenly seeming at ease once again.
Perhaps Danny had imagined the little waver in her voice? He shrugged it off into the back recesses of his mind, ‘It was nothing I’m sure.’ He tells himself, hand moving to push back the few curly pieces of hair that had fallen from the ribbon holding his hair in place. “Is she still here?” He inquired,
“Upstairs I believe, Helgrim will know the room.” Nil says, lightly moving to refill a few tankards that had been slammed down on the bar.
Danny tossed back the rest of his brandy and began to stand, pulling a few coins from his satchel. “Thanks Nil.” He smiles,
“Come see me again soon! You still owe Syl a sword lesson.” She hummed, with a wide smile. Syl was her daughter, the girl was barely four years old but had a fire for swordsmanship.
“Tell her I’ll be her next week okay?” He laughed lightly.
Danny walked down the long hallway in the inn, searching for a room that was tucked in the far back corner, close to the back exit for obvious reasons. Those obvious reasons being that it was an easy escape incase of a raid. Danny’s armor rattled with each step he took, it was surprising just how quickly you could drown out a noise when it became part of your everyday life.
Finally he had found the door to the room; it was strange… the few steps that were closest to the door Danny had begun to notice the air get heavy. A soft… tingle? Yes, a tingle, running up and down his spine. His lips parted, ‘Magic?’ Danny thought to himself, recognizing the feeling. ‘She wouldn’t be stupid enough to be exuding so much here could she…?’
As his fingertips touched the door handle soft purple sparks climbed his fingers, they burned as they climbed to his knuckles. Quickly Danny recoiled his hand; his eyes watching as purple runes sizzled and glowed in the wood of the door.
‘Fuck--- a protection spell.’ Danny thought, suddenly realizing that he wasn’t dealing with a novice. Danny knew he wouldn’t be able to touch the door, that burn was a warning --- any use of force and he would more than likely be shot through the wall due to the reverb… he had learned from experience. Sam had once cast protection on his bedroom door… it wasn’t a fun time for anyone.
With a huff, Danny moved to begin digging through his satchel. Eventually tugging free a yellow crystal, holding it tight he moved it closer to the door --- within an instant it began to glow. He brought a second hand up, with both hands he moved the crystal to draw opposing runes in the air. As he did so the air got heavier and heavier, more electricity rising before---
The crystal shattered in his hands. However, the door had creaked open without any further opposition. With magic, things always came at a cost. You couldn’t expect something without giving nothing. Carefully Danny began to skulk forward, pushing the door open, it was dark in the room… pitch black almost.
Danny could see billows of mist brushing by his feet, he looked at it curiously. Hand reaching back for his sword with uncertainty, “Hello…?” He called, his voice echoed back as if the room went on forever. Danny’s fingers began to clutch at the hilt of his blade, eyes moving over the darkness keenly. Every step he took into the room he could feel the air get heavier and heavier, and… oddly enough to smell more and more like flowers. “Hello…?!” He called again a little louder, voice seeming to echo even farther.
A loud crack made him jump, quickly looking behind him to see that the door had slammed shut behind him. Danny felt his eyes widen as he quickly began to make his way back toward it, he only made it a few steps before he heard her.
“I’ve been expecting you.” A woman's voice echoed at first not seeming to have any particular location, almost rattling through his head more than anything. Danny didn’t know where to look, his lips parting unsure what to say, “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” Said the voice again, this time right by his ear.
Danny spun around, eyes wide with disbelief when he found himself staring at a now sunny space full of flowers, it… was almost a greenhouse or royal garden, but something about it told him that wasn’t quite it. As he looked up there was no glass ceiling… and no sun either, just a black sky full of stars. And yet this space was filled with bright and beautiful daylight, it causing the dew on the plants to glisten.
Danny looked back behind him but only found more shrubbery and flowers growing wildly; nervously he began to take steps forward. Danny had no idea where he was going, or where he was even… only that there were flowers of every sort and shape. Danny could hear the fine gravel under his boots crunch with each step, it was a change from the creaking floorboards of the inn.
A small purple butterfly took to the air as Danny passed, fluttering ahead of him softly. Danny watched it curiously, noticing that it seemed to fly in one spot for a time as if it was waiting for him to follow. Danny eventually did so, eyes staying open to anything that could happen. ‘I hate sorcerers.’ He thinks to himself, being all too aware of the kind of things they pulled to show their “unimaginable power”. It didn’t impress Danny in the slightest.
The butterfly made a few brisk turns, leading him down many paths until they came to a space where falling water could be heard. As soon as the sound was able to be heard the butterfly disappeared into purple mist; Danny could only sigh and shake his head. Everything here was most likely an illusion of some sort, many magic users created something of… a study den if you will. A place where they felt safe to practice their magic, though this place was all in their imagination… part of a meditation.
Danny continued forward to find a pond with a small fresh water waterfall running into it. “It’s about time.” The woman’s voice spoke again, as his eyes came to meet the owner his cheeks immediately turned a fiery red. Danny was quick to lift his eyes skyward; the woman before him stepped out of the water completely naked without any shame.
“Ah-- a shy one I see.” She uttered out loud, pulling her fingers through her wet hair.
“Not at all, just… a gentleman.” Danny responded, not wanting to look down at her until she was fully clothed.
“A gentleman would have knocked before entering my chambers.” She responded, with a subtle grin.
“I would have knocked, but I know better than to even flick a protected door.” He tells her, it was a strange feeling having his eyes upward. As a general rule Danny thought it safer to always keep his eyes on people he wasn’t sure could be trusted, somehow though, looking away from her came instinctually.
“Fair,” She utters, taking a seat on a large stone by the water. She didn’t seem inclined to put on any clothing at all, exuding all the confidence in the world. “Good god man, you can look at me. I won’t bite.” She tells him.
Danny struggled to lower his gaze back to her figure, “Just--- can you put on a towel or something? Please?” He responded,
“You realize this is my realm, I don’t have to do anything you ask me to.” The woman tells him seriously, “In fact I could have removed your clothing if that was my intention.” She admits, arms folded, but abiding by his request. She moved to place a loose robe over her shoulders.
“Now tell me. Are you here to help me Danny?” She inquires, not bothering to tie the ribbon around the waist.
Danny cleared his throat as his gaze finally came upon her, “I… well I came here to get more information.” He tells her, eyes lingering a little on her facial features. It was true what they said about sorceresses… they were always enchantingly beautiful. Danny almost fell into a dream-like state looking into her eyes, “Like… what you’re doing here in a city that wants your kind dead first off.” He finally continues.
“Oh,” She hummed, “Nil didn’t tell you?” She says, no expression coming to her features. She slowly locking eyes with him,
“...I’m going to kill the King.” She says.
//So this was incredibly fun to write. I just got so freaking lost in it. It's up to you guys if you want me to do a separate fic series following the Kiszka brothers as this one is just Danny for now! If so, leave me some ideas for what race or role yall think they would have!
Fun fact is actually a character I play in a D&D session my S/O runs! You'll definitely get more information about her as the story continues on.//
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Get Some Sleep (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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@ghostlyshylee​ It took me a while to figure out how to make this happen, but I think I landed on a pretty solid idea! All Might’s quite the motivator when he needs to be. Hope you enjoy! :D
“Young Midoriya,” All Might said, reaching out a hand to stop Deku in his tracks. They’d happened upon each other while walking through the halls and had greeted each other normally, but something seemed off about the boy today. Now that he was stopped and getting a better look at him, he realized what it was. “Are you getting enough sleep?”
There were dark circles under Deku’s eyes, and he seemed a little more sluggish than usual.
“Yes!” Deku replied. He was just as enthusiastic and sincere as ever; nothing in his tone of voice suggested he was lying.
All Might frowned, unconvinced, but nodded. “Okay. As long as you’re sure.” He stepped back out of the way. “I’ll see you later.”
“Sure thing!” With that, Deku hurried past him and on to his destination.
All Might went on his way, too, concerned but ultimately shrugging it off. If the boy says he’s sleeping well enough, I have no reason to doubt him. He seemed mostly normal aside from those circles under his eyes. Maybe I was just imagining things.
But after that day, every time All Might saw his successor it was the same thing, only appearing to get progressively worse. The dark circles and sluggish movements became delayed response time, which became struggling in class, which became staying up late to catch up on his work, and the cycle continued. The retired pro hero knew if he didn’t put a stop to it now, it would only snowball into a mountain the boy simply could not climb at his current skill level.
So one Friday afternoon, he called Deku into the teacher’s lounge for a meeting with him after class.
“Hi, All Might,” his student greeted brightly as he stepped inside, set down his bag, and sat on the couch across from him, as per usual. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes.” All Might frowned, acting very serious – as serious as if he was about to reveal some new information about the League of Villains. He leaned forward in his seat and looked directly into Deku’s eyes. “Are you getting enough sleep?”
Deku blinked, surprised. He suddenly seemed nervous. “Yes,” he replied, though he didn’t sound sure. He also averted his gaze. “Didn’t you ask me that the other day?”
“Look me in the eye, young Midoriya,” All Might said, “and tell me you’re getting enough sleep.”
Deku looked him in the eye, but that was as far as he got. “I…I’m getting…sleep…”
“How much?”
“I don’t know…” Deku averted his eyes again. “Six or seven hours?”
“Look me in the eye and tell me that.”
Again, that was as far as his student got. He held out for five seconds before sighing heavily and admitting, “Okay, more like four or five.”
“Every night?”
“For how long?”
Deku’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Two weeks.”
“Midoriya, that is not acceptable.”
“I’m sorry, All Might. It’s just that I’m trying really hard to keep up with the others both in training and academics, and by the time I’m done I don’t have enough hours left to sleep, so I just…work with what I have.”
“This problem,” All Might said, “needs to be fixed. Starting right now. What can we do to help you get the sleep you need? Where are you struggling?”
Deku finally looked at him again. “I’m not really struggling anywhere. It’s just that I don’t have time. Between personal training with you, classes, homework, field work, special classes, internships—”
“You have far too much on your plate, and when it’s all over you just don’t have time left to sleep well.”
All Might nodded, considering. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. Starting on Monday, we’ll cut our personal training time in half so you can get an extra hour that way. I’ll talk to Aizawa about some of the other things.”
Deku’s eyes widened. “I don’t want to stop training—”
“We’re not going to stop. Just going to take it easy for a while.” All Might’s gaze softened. “Midoriya, you’re an incredible hero in training. But you’re still just a kid. You need to get the right amount of sleep or you’re going to fall behind no matter how hard you work. I know you’re smart enough to understand that.”
Deku sighed. “Yeah, I know.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’ll have the rest of your life to be sleep deprived as a pro hero. But for now, as long as you’re a student – my student – you will get the amount of sleep you need to learn well. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. One more thing.” All Might got to his feet. “For this weekend, we won’t train at all.”
“What?!” Deku exclaimed.
“Do I really have to explain myself again?”
“N-No, but I can still train, even if we don’t do as much of it.”
“Trust me.” The pro hero sat beside his student on the opposite couch, putting an arm around his shoulders. “No alarms tomorrow. Sleep in. Rest. Catch up on your homework during the day and then sleep in again on Sunday. We’ll start our training an hour later on Monday. Okay?”
Part of Deku was upset that he’d allowed his fatigue to take him this far, but on the other hand, he was incredibly grateful to All Might for helping him find a solution. “Yeah. All right.”
“I’m sorry it took me this long to notice something was off about you.” The teacher shook his head. “Two weeks...”
“It’s okay. I knew I was tired, but I didn’t want anyone to worry, so I didn’t say anything. It’s not your fault.”
“Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed in any capacity, tell me.” All Might poked his side. “Understand?”
Deku squeaked. “Y-Yes, I understand.”
All of a sudden, All Might remembered. A while ago the students of Class 1-A had had a rescue mission training day as part of their gym class, during which Midoriya had been on the villains’ side. All Might had wondered how his protégé would handle being a bad guy for once, even if it was only for practice, so he’d watched him carefully throughout the training. At one point Kaminari had found him, and within minutes of their meeting each other on the field, Deku had been completely subdued by the electric hero.
All Might had spoken to Kaminari about it afterward and learned that – apparently – the boy was incredibly ticklish, and the whole class knew it. It wasn’t the most conventional or preferred method to subdue a villain, but it had worked in the moment, so All Might had let it go.
But now…
“Say, Midoriya, why don’t I help you get a head start on tonight’s rest?” he teased, abandoning any kind of subtlety in favor of grabbing onto Deku’s ribs and digging in. He grinned when the boy squealed and began to giggle hysterically, squirming in his strong grip.
“Nohohohohoho, All Mihihihihihihight!” Deku cried, pushing at his teacher’s hands, blushing furiously. “Dohohohohohohon’t!”
“I have it on good authority that you’re used to this kind of treatment from your classmates,” All Might said, chuckling a little. “It certainly seemed to tire you out during your rescue mission training.”
Deku let out a sound that was something between a yelp and a whine. “Yohohohohohou saw thahahahahahat?!”
“Of course. I’m one of your teachers, after all.”
“Agh! Thahahahahaht’s so embahahahaharrassing!”
“Why?” All Might suddenly pulled Deku in for a bear hug, the boy’s back against his chest, and wrapped his arms around him to trap him in place, digging his fingers into his ribs even deeper. “I thought it was rather endearing.”
“Nahahahahahahahahahahaha!” Deku shrieked with unstoppable giggles, squirming and kicking helplessly. “Buhuhuhuhuhuhuhut he complehehehehehetely dohohohohominated me out thehehehere!”
“Perhaps, but he also was creative in his methods of stopping your progress while not physically harming you. The rest of your classmates engaged in actual combat once you were down, but Kaminari knew tickling was the perfect way to subdue you while not actually hurting you. Both of you left the training grounds uninjured that day, if you’ll recall.”
“No buts,” All Might said firmly. “No more protests, no more analyzing. All I’m trying to do right now is help wear you out a little more so you sleep well tonight.” The pro moved a hand down to squeeze experimentally at a hip, which he recalled having been the spot that got Deku to the ground during that mission in the first place. Deku let out a loud squeal and started thrashing in his arms. All Might laughed. “Besides, we almost never get to have fun together, do we? It’s a nice change of pace.”
“ALL MIHIHIHGHT!!” Deku shrieked, grabbing desperately at his teacher’s hand on his hip. “NOT THEHEHEHEHERE, PLEASE!!” In response, All Might grabbed both of his hips and started tickling, making the boy laugh and flail so hard he toppled off the couch. The pro followed him down. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEASE NOT THEHEHEHEHERE!! ALL MIGHT!!”
All Might was easily able to pin Deku to the floor, his fingers flying across his torso at top speed, tickling every spot he could find until his student was a giggling, squirming, blushing mess on the floor. Surprisingly, as soon as All Might’s focus left his hips, Deku’s begging ceased as well. The hero scribbled in his underarms, spidered over his ribs and sides, and clawed at his stomach, and all the while the boy simply lay there and giggled and let it happen.
Then he moved back to the hips, and all of that changed.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Deku screamed, tossing his head back and laughing loudly, fighting back for real now. “NOHOHOHOHOHO, PLEHEHEHEHEASE, I CAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!! ALL MIGHT!!”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem with me tickling you everywhere else,” All Might observed, grinning at the hysterics he was causing in his young student. “But this must be a bad spot, huh?”
All Might couldn’t help but smirk. “Are you going to let yourself sleep in tomorrow?”
“No alarms?”
“And you’ll do the same on Sunday?”
Deku shrieked. He knew his teacher was just messing with him now, and it made him feel both incredibly flustered and extremely cared for at the same time. He started pounding the floor, trying to tap out. “YEHEHEHEHEHES I’LL GEHEHEHEHET ENOUGH SLEHEHEHEHEHEEP!! I’LL SLEHEHEHEHEHEEP FOR HOHOHOHOHOHOURS!! DAHAHAHAHAHAYS, EVEN!! I PROHOHOHOMISE!! JUST PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Finally, All Might stopped tickling and let Deku catch his breath. He couldn’t help but smile at how red-faced and teary-eyed the boy was now, though his student didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, as soon as he was able to sit up, he beamed at his teacher.
“T-Thanks…All Might…” he said between breaths. “I really…needed that…today…”
“I agree.” All Might reached forward and hugged him. “Take better care of yourself, young Midoriya. Please. I don’t want to have to worry about you more than is standard in our line of work.”
Deku hugged him back. “You’re right. I’ll do better, I promise.”
“Good.” The pro hero pulled away, grinned, and ruffled Deku’s hair. “Sleep well tonight, Izuku.”
Grinning, the hero in training nodded. “I definitely will.”
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darkhymns-fic · 3 years
Blossoms in Flight
Estelle is having trouble working on her next book, so a visit from Rita was more than welcome - and possibly give her a solution to her writer's block.
Fandom: Tales of Vesperia Characters/Pairing: Estelle/Rita Mordio Rating: G Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: So here’s a 3 month late bday gift for @taco-night-frenzy​ ! Please forgive. :) Enjoy some lesbians trying to fly together and it (mostly) turns out okay!
Inspiration just wasn’t striking.
Estelle put her pen down, heaving a sigh that traveled from the very pit of her lungs until it left her mouth. She had been at this for a solid twenty minutes, having cleared her schedule to give her some well-needed writing time. And yet, as the blank piece of parchment before her told her…the words wouldn’t come.
She just couldn’t understand it! She had all the essentials down for a productive writing session; a recently cleaned-up desk where a simmering teacup was set next to her right, flowers placed on the windowsill to give her room a pleasant fragrance, a locked door so that no well-meaning knight (Flynn) could come in and ask if she needed anything, and she had even put up some nice pictures on her wall, a few paintings depicting landscapes and wildlife. Many of them were so pretty that she found herself staring at them for quite a while… or was she just finding an excuse to not do the task at hand?
Estelle shook her head, even tapping her temples with her fingers. “Focus now! You can do this!” She had the habit now of talking to herself when she tried to get into a creative mood, though always making sure her door was locked before she did. “You’ve written one book, now it’s time to write another! So…let’s get started!”
Another breath, taking back the quill pen in her hand. She could hear the children from town playing outside, but she had made sure to lock the window to minimize outside distractions. It was the best way for her to concentrate! Although even just thinking about the outside got her curious to maybe leave her room for a break… Wait, no! This was the problem!
“Focus…” Estelle whispered, taking another deep breath, staring daggers at the page as if to will her words into existence. “Focus…”
The children outside were being quite loud though – sounding as if they were just at her room, knocking their hands against the wall! But she was on the second floor, so that was clearly impossible. It must have been just wishful thinking anyway… She liked to ta her walks outside and read her latest book to the group of children. In some ways, that had been her own source of inspiration as well-
“ -elle! Estelle!”
Oh, sometimes they’d shout her name like that too, especially when she was lost in thought, looking over the great tree of Halure, with its pink petals that floated over them all. She had only moved to this town a few months earlier, along with a few trusted knights, including Flynn, for protection. But she had never felt safer. Never, except when with-
“Estelle!! Open the window already!!”
A sharp gasp left her throat, prompting her to stand up. Her chair was knocked on its side from the motion. “What? Who’s- who’s there?” Was it that ghost that the children sometimes spoke of again…?
“I’m right here!!! Hello?!”
Oh, wait, someone was actually at her window. And going by that voice…
A smile lifted her face as she turned. “Rita? Is that you?”
Her home in Halure wasn’t too tall, but with her room on the second floor, only birds and the like would make it to her window. Often she would open it to the see the town outside, along with the pink petals that floated on the warm breeze, sometimes catching onto her hair. (And with her hair the same pink shade, she would rarely notice the petals until someone such as Flynn helpfully pointed them out). But instead of the town, she saw a sight that was even more heartwarming and exciting.  
Rushing to the window that she nearly stumbled, her hands pressed against the glass to push it open – and nearly Rita along with it.
“Agh! Careful!” Rita flailed a bit but latched her fingers onto the windowsill, her brown hair a bit frazzled. She struggled with the action, especially as she seemed to be carrying a sort of mechanical contraption on her back.
Estelle stared for a moment before she realized to grab onto Rita’s hands to keep her steady. “I had no idea you were here! Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t have to worry that much.” Rita sighed, gripping back Estelle’s hands. But she didn’t move to go through the window, at least not completely. The window was tall, enough to take in Rita’s entire height, so she deftly placed her feet on the windowsill, looking down at Estelle. “I was just out here knocking on your window for the past ten minutes…”
Estelle gasped. “Oh no, I’m so sorry. I was just so busy trying to… well, focus for a while.” She shook her head, pushing away such worries. “But, I didn’t know you’d visit me!”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Rita frowned at that. “I told you I’d see ya again, just after I finished my latest project.” With that announcement, she jutted a thumb to the machine strapped to her back. “In fact, I used this to go and visit you!”
Estelle’s eyes widened with awe. “Wow… is that a new backpack?”
“It- It’s more than just a backpack! See the fan blades here?” She gestured to the things, currently very still, numbering about four blades altogether, seeming to stick out from Rita’s back like metal wings. “It’s my new flying machine. I told you that I’d show it to you.”
A memory jogged within Estelle. “Ah, that’s right! You did tell me that. I apologize. It seemed to have slipped my mind…” Still, she looked at the flying machine, how compact it was, fashioned from metal. “And all without any blastia?” Always she was impressed by the girl’s genius.
“Of course! It’s utilizing the law of physics anyway. Aerodynamics and such, so you just need to determine the lift, the weight, the drag and the thrust. Though mine works a little differently because of the shape of this, but I still have to calculate how the force of gravity affects it, and if enough thrust from the propellers can lift me up…”
Estelle nodded very slowly. She was impressed! Even with all the information making little sense to her.
Rita noticed. She blinked, cleared her throat, then crossed her arms. “Anyway… I was just in town… wondering if we could get tea together, you know…”
“Oh, that would be wonderful! I know how busy you are with research.” Estelle clasped her hands. “And I have plenty of honey this time!”
“Well, good! Tea is only good with honey, so you should always have plenty!” Rita was really quite adamant about this, which Estelle well-remembered. And if honey made Rita came by for tea more often, she would always make sure to have enough on hand.
The girl remained standing up on the windowsill though, occasionally adjusting the straps wrapped around her torso (perhaps trying to get it off?). Sometimes a rotor blade hit the sides, but Estelle didn’t mind the noise of it. In fact, she found herself a little in awe of the sight, Rita’s silhouette against the backdrop of the sky, where the stray petals of cherry blossoms floated in the breeze. They fluttered all around Rita, who didn’t seem to notice them in the slightest, too preoccupied with her machine.
Estelle must have been staring for far, far too long. “Uh, what is it?” Rita asked with a raised eyebrow. “I-I almost have this done so just get the tea ready!”
Estelle flushed just then. “Oh, Rita it’s not that! It’s just, um…” Recently, the words always seemed to escape her, not just from her pen, but just through speaking. It was as if anything significant thoughts she had just seemed to flitter away from her mind, like frightened birds. But Rita was right in front of her, so at the very least, she could keep track of what she wanted to say… “It’s just, you look really heroic standing up there right now!”
It was clear right away that Rita had no idea what she meant. “Huh?” Although her face also seemed a bit red. Flying must have taken a lot of energy and exertion, which made sense as to why she wanted tea so much. “I don’t…well… I mean if you think so…”
But the longer Estelle looked at Rita, the more she believed the image before her to be true. “Yes! Especially with the cherry blossoms falling around you. Like something out of a novel…” At that, she paused, blinked, then clapped her hands. “Oh, that’s it! The new protagonist should be someone like you!”
Rita seemed to get even redder, and Estelle wondered if maybe the heat of the day was getting to her. “W-what? Estelle, can you make sense please?”
Ah, that’s right. She hadn’t explained it at all to Rita. That was rude of her.
“Sorry. Actually… you caught me at a weird time.” She finally decided to move, going over to a side table in her room where a teapot and some cups were placed. Luckily, the water inside was still hot, and she carefully arranged a chosen tea bag for Rita’s own cup. “You see, I’ve been trying to start my new book for the past hour, but nothing’s coming to mind. It feels like I’ve hit a roadblock, so to speak.” She sighed, pouring the water into the cup. Oh, and of course added in some honey from a small dispenser nearby. “My first one came to me so easily, I just don’t understand what the problem is…”
“…Huh. Can’t say I relate much to that.” But once she turned to Rita with filled teacup in hand, she saw the girl scratch her head, looking at the floor. “Sorry. That was thoughtless to say.”
“Oh no! That’s alright.” Estelle shrugged, once again looking up at Rita against the window. She still looked so heroic, and also just so very cool. She wondered if it was possible to have a painting like this… It was just too bad Estelle couldn’t draw very well. “Maybe I just need to do something a bit differently… I’ve already tried so many different tea brews already.”
“…You really think the kind of tea you’ve been drinking is the issue here?”
“Well, this one time I accidentally switched out my chamomile tea with the ginger one, and it had me up all night!”
For a while, Rita seemed to have not heard her, preoccupied with thinking, which happened sometimes. Estelle would usually just let her go through it before interrupting her with anything else. But whatever her musing was, it didn’t last long.
Rita turned her head just over her right shoulder, looking out into the sky. The sun was just beginning to set, casting hues of orange light against Rita’s hair. The petals continued to float around, doing so in such intricate patterns, it seemed that they danced about her. Even the wind picked up, gently rustling Rita’s clothes, including the yellow ribbon wrapped around her arm.
Once again, Estelle could do nothing but stare.
“Well, if you need more inspiration for your book…” Rita said, before fully turning back to her with a smile, one that was full of confidence. “I think I know a way to help with just that.”
Estelle still held onto her teacup, blinking occasionally. “Really?”
“Yeah! The thing is, you’re going about this all wrong.” Rita then finally jumped from the windowsill onto the hardwood floors of Estelle’s room. She did so without any thought to what she still wore on her back, which must have been lighter than it looked. “Just sitting around waiting for inspiration isn’t gonna cut it. You have to go out and look for it! If I waited for inspiration to go and continue my research, I’d just get nothing done. And if something still isn’t working out, I move onto something else. It’s as simple as that.”
Estelle nodded along, fascinated as Rita paced about her room, spilling out advice that was truly so inspiring. “But then… where can I find my inspiration?” she asked with a bit of reservation. “I’ve tried taking walks around Halure, speaking with the children… but I keep having trouble just writing down a few words at most.”
“That’s routine, Estelle. And while routine is nice, it gets boring and expected.” Rita stopped her pacing, facing Estelle with crossed arms. “I only write for academic research instead of any creative writing, but it sounds like you need a new perspective.”
Maybe here was where Estelle got a little confused. She tilted her head. “A new perspective?” How could she do that?
Rita apparently read her mind then. She asked her question so matter-of-factly. “Ever saw Halure from above?”
This was the only time Estelle ever felt just a bit unsure around the genius researcher that was so dear to her.
“Are you sure this is the best way?”
“I told you that it’s fine! You don’t think I’m strong enough, is that it?”
“Oh no! I just worry I’ll hurt you if we’re not careful…”
But as Estelle looked up at Rita from above, she saw the determination in her eyes, the way she pouted cutely like so when she was being, perhaps, just a little bit stubborn.
The reason she was above was because Rita had instructed her to lay down, so that way it would be ‘easier.’ Estelle didn’t question it, and so she complied, using the bed in her room as the best place for her to lay down straight. Rita stood by her bedside, eyes hard, arms crossed.
“…Am I laying down wrong?” Estelle questioned. Sometimes she didn’t always understand directions very well…
“No no, it’s alright! Just… thinking how to do this right.” Rita took a deep breath, then uncrossed her arms to stretch them out. Her face was still a bit red, and Estelle wished she had served her the tea a bit earlier. But Rita had declined, determined to help her find her inspiration, as she had said.
With the flying machine still strapped onto her back, Rita stretched out her arms, then nodded. “Okay! Just be sure to hang onto me once I got you up.”
Estelle, slightly nervous, nodded. “Got it!” Still, she worried. Rita was a bit shorter than she was…
Could she really carry her that easily?
Rita had sounded excited at the idea she herself proposed, and Estelle couldn’t help but be caught up in that same excitement. But, now that the prospect was happening, a few doubts popped in her head – mostly concerning herself. For one thing, her dress was probably not the easiest thing to deal with for the person who would carry her…
But before she could voice any more concerns, Rita brought down the goggles she always wore on her head, placing them over her eyes, effectively hiding them away. Then she was bending down, arms slipping underneath the other girl’s back and legs. “And… okay, just, gotta use my knees…” Rita paused, her face a bit near Estelle’s, the heat from her cheeks a bit apparent. “Uh…”
“Are you alright?” Estelle asked, feeling ashamed. “We don’t have to do this if you changed your mind-”
“I didn’t! Don’t assume that!” And with a pout, Rita slipped her hands further so that she got a better grip on Estelle. “I’m just preparing! Okay… one, two…three!”
She lifted Estelle up so quickly that she almost tripped.
“AAAH I-I mean! I have this, don’t worry!” Rita re-balanced herself, holding up Estelle much more securely. She stood up straight, legs trembling slightly, taking deep breaths every so often. “Hurry and…hold onto me…”
“Oh, right!” Estelle wrapped her arms around Rita’s neck, head leaning into her shoulder. “This good?”
“Y-yeah…” Rita turned to look at her, mouth half-open as if to say something. It was hard to see her expression with those goggles on… But then she turned away again. “Anyway, let’s get going.”
Estelle nodded. “Okay!” Still, she hoped she wasn’t too heavy for her…
But she knew better now to make any mention of it. So, she stayed cradled in Rita’s arms as the girl marched over to the open window, careful to keep her back straight, all while muttering, “All in the knees… Just like Karol said, all in the knees…”
Estelle’s lower half of the dress practically engulfed Rita’s arms, at least from what she could tell from her angle. Maybe I should say something… But the thing was, she liked being carried this way.
Rita then hopped back onto the windowsill. The suddenness of the motion made Estelle squeak. Rita’s arms shook, but only for a bit. And then it seemed as if she ran straight off the edge out into the sky. “Keep your eyes open!”
Because Rita told her so, that was exactly what she did.
It wasn’t the first time she had been up in the sky – far from it in fact. Back when she traveled with everyone, they would ride on Ba’ul and the ship he carried, over towns and cities, over the sprawling grasslands, the oceans that seemed to lead forever into the horizon. She’d feel the wind in her hair, raise her head up to the stars, drawn to the brightest one.
But it was different now.
Held close to Rita’s chest, and hearing the whirr of the rotor blades of her flying machine above them both, Estelle felt something much more different now. Her legs dangled in the air, the petals flying close to her face, bringing with her the scent of the cherry blossoms… and she couldn’t help but keep her gaze on Rita’s face, the goggles covering her eyes to protect her from the wind.
Rita seemed to notice, and though she couldn’t see her eyes, she had a feeling the girl had been caught off-guard. “I-I didn’t mean keep your eyes open on me!”
“Oh?” Estelle half-shouted, the wind carrying away both of their voices.
“At Halure! Look at Halure! Y-you can look at me later!”
Estelle did worry excessively that she had done something wrong then, but with Rita’s insistence, she finally did so, following the petals that drifted around them, to the houses that lined the pathways of the roads, to the trees themselves that extended so high above the town and into the sky. Rita flew around the branches, moved along with the wind currents, all as children shouted excitedly from below.
“Told you I could carry you easy,” Rita announced, eyes straight ahead, the rotor blades continually whirring behind her. “Now you got a new view! Is it helping?”
And though Estelle did look all around her, in awe at the height they were at, at how even with Rita’s arms, there was always that faint sense of precariousness, one that sparked something wonderful in her heart. It was exciting and wonderful, and with the setting sun, the town had never looked so beautiful just now.
But even with all of that, her eyes kept going back to Rita, who had always been so, so inspiring to her.
She had to let her know. “Rita!”
A little shake, Rita turning to Estelle in surprise. “Huh?! Don’t just scream in my ear!”
Estelle was too happy, wrapping her arms around Rita’s neck even tighter, hugging her close. “You just look so very cool right now!”
“Estelle, wait! I’m gonna lose control of my flying-!”
Too late. A brief tilt in the air, messing up the already uneasy momentum that they had, and soon enough, were flying right for that same tree, pink petals flooding both of their sights.
When the great tree had been dying, its leaves wilted and its branches drooping low to the ground, so many had lost hope for it. Estelle had felt a desperate wish in her then, one that she could barely bury down, and didn’t want to. Even as monstrous blood infused with the roots, she had begged, she had pleaded, and that alone had been enough to bring it back.
If only she could do such a thing for her very own self so easily, with just a wish. I want to feel like I can do something again. But sometimes, she realized, one had to look outside of one’s own self to find that inspiration.
As Rita and Estelle flew haphazardly, they landed against one of the branches, with a blanket of blossoms cushioning their fall. Rita flailed, Estelle now effectively on top of it. “Agh! I got cherry blossoms in my throat!”
Still, Estelle couldn’t let go of her. She nuzzled her head against the others, feeling so giddy. “You’re just… so great, Rita…”
“You could have hugged me at any other time!”
Her smile hadn’t left, even as the rotor blades now whirred a little less effectively, their mechanisms a bit clogged from all the petals that went into its crevices. If this solved her creator’s block, she wasn’t sure just yet – but she wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can I pretty please request with Kalim x Tall fem reader x Silver. Maybe a hint of Riddle please and thank you! 😄
I’m not sure if that’s what you wanted, but I hope you will enjoy it~~
Also excuse me for taking so long with answering it. 
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,,They’re so sickeningly cute”
,,I don’t think this meeting is an appropriate place to solve your love-life problems, Kalim.”
Riddle’s strict and curt voice cut Kalim’s rant for good. Yet, it seemed that any of the dorm leaders, apart from him and eventually Azul, was truly interested in the meeting. 
,,I think I may have a nice pair of heels.”
“Perhaps, a little contract would be an appropriate solution?”
Azul ignored Vil’s previous suggestion and his attention shifted from dull paperwork he had been doing to Kalim. His sultry voice made Kalim turn around to face him and almost urging him to continue. Azul adjusted his glasses, before speaking again. 
,,Well, I’m sure I could make you a tad taller, or Y/N smaller, unless Silver is your true problem?”
Kalim frowned, not really sure how to properly respond. He caught a glimpse of displeased Riddle who sighed in frustration, knowing very well that the meeting was surely over and they wouldn’t get anything done by the end of it. 
You, Kalim and Silver were a rather specific couple, no one truly expected to work out. The differences in your personalities very present, yet this time your height was the reason for Kalim’s chagrin.
Or maybe it was Silver’s height?
Maybe both.
You were slightly taller than Silver, maybe few centimetres. Yet, those few centimetres were more than enough to drive usually cheerful and beaming with happiness Kalim insane. Silver could easily reach your lips and steal brief kisses anytime he wished for them. Kalim had to tug on your tie or ask you to lean a bit down. 
Normally, he didn’t have any problems with your height, after all, he loved you the way you were. But recently Silver got bolder and Kalim could see him sneaking kisses from you. 
Kalim had enough. 
,,Speaking of Y/N and Silver, where’s Malleus?”
Kindly remarked Idia who usually was almost transparent on those meetings. Leona snorted in annoyance, just on the mere mention of dragon fae. 
,,K, so which one of you potatoes forgot to tell him?”
Vil’s voice, much to Azul’s discontent who was already taking out his golden contract, started another heated argument as everyone tried to put the blame on someone else. 
,,Wasn’t it your turn Vil?”
,,Absolutely not, I’m fourth in the queue. It was Riddle’s turn to invite Malleus this time, I presume.”
Kalim could only watch as the chaos before him unfolding. Riddle’s shouts woke up Leona for good who joined the heated argument dragging Azul with him into it.
He sighed deeply in resignation, knowing deep down inside that his problem wouldn’t be solved anytime soon.
,,Little bird told me that you considered making a deal with Azul concerning the height of one of us.”
Your voice made Kalim sign slightly, Silver chuckle and Jamil throw his hands in the air in pure helplessness. If it wasn’t for your presence and Silver’s subtle glare, which you called “I’m the intimidating Diasomnia, move away”, Jamil would be spitting insults and trying to reason Kalim’s idea in rather harsh and loud way. Instead he simply left you three to deal with this matter.
,,I mean, I could perhaps get smaller...” You started, while Silver raised an eyebrow surprised with your statement.
,,No, no, no, you’re not a problem Y/N. You are absolutely perfect.”
Kalim was quick to vividly protest. 
You, a problem? Never, absolutely never.
,,So, you suggest that I’m the problem?”
Silver asked smoothly and it was your time to vividly protest. However, Kalim’s answer stunned you. He avoided looking into your eyes at all cost, as his attention drastically shifted from various plants he could see in the garden.
,,I mean, actually, YES”
Silver didn’t seem to be surprised in slightest. He just sighed heavily, as his hands began gently running through your hair. 
,,It’s just-agh-how to say it... I just hate it than Silver can steal kisses from you anytime he wants and I’m too short for that!”
You blinked twice in surprise, fully comprehending his words. Soon a smile crept on your lips, while Silver looked clearly amused at Kalim who was regretting his confession. 
He was simply jealous and both you and Silver would never let him forget about it. With a giggle you sat at the grass and boys followed you. You leaned closer to Kalim’s flushed face, your lips almost touching his.
,,I’m flattered you wanted to make a contract with Azul just because you were jealous of Silver”
,,W-what?! I, I was never, EVER, jealous of him!”
His faltering words and flushed voice made you giggled and Silver couldn’t help but burst in laughter. 
Yeah, sure, he wasn’t jealous at all. 
Not even in the slightest. 
,,Well, I believe now you can steal as many kisses as you want.”
You encouraged him with a sly smile, while Kalim’s face lit up at your words. His soft lips soon crashed onto yours, determinated to give you as many kisses as Silver had gave during past week.
,,You could just take a box and surprise our dear Y/N, you know shortass?”
,,Could you lean 20 centimeters?”
You frowned at Riddle’s quite bizarre request, but seeing his irritated face and how his patience was running thin, you complied. You leaned down still confused.
,,How can you walk with a tie like this? It’s almost a violation to the rules and as prefect you should be doing your very best”
You blinked stunned, hearing his words as his hands quickly took care of a mess called your poor, unfortunate tie. With a faint smile you thanked him. 
,,Why is everyone in this school so tall? Maybe Azul could take of this.”
“Wait! Riddle, this is a very bad idea!”
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!Reader- Part 8 (Final)
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Part VII | Alternate Ending
Summary: Wells comforted you.
Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT. Unprotected Sex (Wrap it before you tap it)
A waft of floral scent overcame your nostrils. There were no lights, just candles littered all over the bathroom, the roses scattered all over the floor and in the bathtub. His favorite piece playing in the background, the water's warm, rippling soothing your tired muscles and bones. Oh, and the beautiful view— the man likes it. You thought it was funny. It's like an obsession to overlook things; see how they work.
His definition of romantic night apparently. You came back from the restaurant and stumbled upon this. You decided to abandon every bad thought along with that person. Tonight is supposed to be perfect and you are not going to let a woman who knows nothing about you ruin it.
Except you are.
You took another sip of your bubbly drink in your hand, staring absentmindedly outside while hugging your knees, silently dwelling in misery.
Your world had you all occupied, you didn't even notice that Wells was observing you the whole time from the other end of the tub. Each line that drew on your forehead or your lips pursing, your little huffs, every flicker of your emotion— he saw it. Eventually, he knew it could only go for so long.
He cleared his throat. "Is there something wrong?"
Your head snapped to him, pulling you from your world. Disoriented, you raised an eyebrow.
"I said, is there something wrong?" He repeated, louder and firmer this time.
You shook your head. "No. Everything's perfect," you assured him, forming a faint smile.
You don't want to spoil everything. He did an amazing job and you're the one who insisted on this. But you didn't just think that it would be so hard to shrug off. Perhaps you were just too naive and you're paying the price.
"Then why do you look like that?" He pointed to your face.
Perplexed, you knitted your eyebrows.
"Like what?"
"Like you carry the heaviest burden in the world," he answered.
You rolled your eyes, but frowned. You didn't want to believe him, as that look was more of Barry's than yours.
"It's fine," you murmured.
You heard him exhaled. "Come here," he motioned, curling his fingers.
You turned around and sat in front of him. He quickly planted his lips on your shoulder, as his hands ran smoothly up and down your arms; comforting and assuring.
"Now, the last time you answered that, we had a fight," he remarked.
You chuckled.
"It doesn't matter, babe,"
He sighed again, clearly getting annoyed with you and your answers. Something you found funny for now he knows how it feels like breaking him mildly putting it.
"I saw her, you know," he began. You have an idea— well, more than an idea— what he was talking about.
"Who?" You asked with faux cluelessness.
"That woman from the elevator. I saw her follow you to the ladies' room. Did she say anything to you?"
Of course. You're dating a genius. And it doesn't really take a lot to connect the dots.
"It's not something worth mentioning," you insisted.
You didn't want him to feel the same way about it. And if you're being honest, you didn't want to hear the response to it.
"You keep on saying it doesn't matter, but the fact that it plagues your mind, means it does,"
You huffed. He's got a point. You're doing it again.
"How about you speak and I'll make you feel better?" He whispered darkly.
Chills ran down your spine.
"Feel better how?" You asked carefully.
You felt his hands slipped underneath your arms, the back of his fingers, sliding down your back to the sides of your breast, all the way down to your torso. Your breath hitched, skin started feeling hot and your heart hammered in your chest. He then reached your thighs, and fingers swirled on the skin, inching and inching closer to your inner thighs and quickly spread your legs wide. A jolt of excitement and lust rushed through your system.
"Come on, tell me. What's wrong?" His fingers just inches away and the anticipation is killing you. "You can say it," he encouraged.
You gasped, as you felt his fingers against your womanhood. He started rubbing your bundles of sensitive nerves. Not even meaning to do it, you leaned back to chest, your head tilted to the side, leaving your neck exposed. Wells took advantage of peppering your jaw and neck with open-mouth kisses, sucking on your sensitive spot, making sure to leave a mark.
He increased the pressure on your clit, his fingers moving a bit faster, your eyes fluttering close.
"Or I'll stop," he said huskily, nibbling on your ear. "Do you want me to stop?"
You shook your head frantically as you mewled, becoming overwhelmed.
"Then speak." He ordered.
You bit your lip. Mind is becoming hazy and your breath becomes heavier and heavier by the second. You can't even think straight, let alone talk— although you admit you didn't just want to speak. The silence for a period of seconds showed your hesitation to open up. Wells, being a man of his word, slowly halted causing you to whimper. Missing his touch and what it does to you, you reluctantly relented.
"She told me that you're too old for me," You breathed. As soon you spoke
"I thought that matter had been recently resolved," he whispered to your ears, sending shivers down to your spine. With his free hand, he fondled you with your left breast. He teased the nub, pulling and pinching it harshly. Your senses overwhelmed by the sensations the act does; you struggled to find words and lost the ability to think. But afraid that he'll stop, you force yourself to speak.
"I know. I-I didn't mind it. But—" He interrupted you by sliding a digit inside. He pumped slowly, before adding another finger inside. He curled his fingers inside. Your head lolled back on his shoulder.
"But she said men like you, you'll get bored; you'll get bored and then leave." You panted. "I can't get it off my mind that maybe this relationship has so many obstacles and differences for us to deal with. And I don't want you to leave because I love you so much and— agh!" Your hands flew to the sides of the tub, clamping it as his fingers pumped in a rapid rhythm, hitting that spot. To heighten everything up, he removed his hand from your breast and rubbed your clit that he abandoned a moment ago.
The water stirred as fingers moved and you were sent in a daze. You couldn't speak anymore. That was your last straw. And he didn't seem to care either. Your teeth dug to your lip so deep, they're white, numb, and you almost can taste the metallic taste of blood.
"Harrison, I'm so close," you sounded as though you were begging him.
"Yeah?" He softly asked, but there's a tinge of roughness in his voice. "Good." He pumped his digits faster.
Not so long, your walls clenched around his fingers, your hips quivering, toes curling, and you knew for sure that was it. Your body shake, feeling the tingling pleasure barrelled through you and with a loud scream of his name, you came undone.
Your chest rise and fall, your body dripping with all kinds of liquid. You collapsed and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You needed that. It release some tension and anxiety. It's official: this is your favorite way of opening up.
Your mind no longer fogged, you realized that something was poking your back. Something hard— something throbbing. And that something was him. You flushed deeply, but aroused more than ever. You feel the ache and the slick in between your legs growing. Although that was amazing, you need more. You need him inside of you. You need him to have his way with you.
Blushing red, you moved and took his erection, stroking it slowly from behind. You heard him elicit a grunt and a sigh. You went on for a moment, pumping his length, but he took your hand away and patted your hips.
"Get up," he ordered sternly. Your limbs are shaky, yet you still managed to get on your knees. Wells grab a hold of your hips and still it.
"Are you ready?" You nodded, eager.
"Yes," you whispered.
He dragged his length across your entrance, he rubbed against your clit, causing you to exhale sharply. He then slipped into your sheath warm, filling you the hilt. You both moaned, chest heaving. He gave you time to adjust, lifting your hips to pull out and slip back for a few times. His pace started slow, careful almost, then he changed it quickly. The filthy noise of water slapping bounced off the walls. He gripped your hips, controlling the rhythm, shoving your hips together, your mouth how open in pleasure. He was slowly shedding the control he had, his pace becoming rough, rougher than usual like angry rough. You clamped the sides of the tub, knuckles turning white as he railed from behind. Your eyes rolled back, screaming and begging for more. For him to go faster. Deeper.
He did. And some more. A hand wrapped around your neck to your surprise.
"Is this okay?" He rasped.
He has done this before. Accidentally or instinctively, you didn't know. You never ventured that far as he quickly withdrew when he realized that he did it. You never knew if you liked it. So, aroused and mind hazy, you took an audacious move.
You swallowed thickly. "Yes."
His hold on your neck grew tighter, he buried his face in your neck, he wrapped his free around your waist and harshly shoved your hips against his. With every thrust of your hips, his hold tightens, slowly depriving you of oxygen, making you more and more breathe less and delirious. But oh, you love the way he took control of you. You love the feeling your lungs burning as he thrusted deeper, rougher and faster into you. You then realized that he wasn't losing control. It was you and him taking over you.
"Harry, don't stop! Don't you dare stop!" You exclaimed.
Your velvety walls convulsed around and he let out a deep half-groan, half-moan. Your eyes finally saw stars, your back arched as you orgasmed for the second time tonight.
You thought he was gonna let you take a breather after that, but he didn't. He moved your hips relentlessly, didn't even dare let you go. A third orgasm, followed by a fourth, the fifth. Dear God, he is trying to blow your brains out, as if your state of deliriousness isn't enough to satisfy him. Waters stirred violently, spilling out of the tub to the floor.
Tears pricked your eyes, you were mewling, a whimpering mess, but he took you insatiably, hungrily. His response was grunt, hiss and curses. The high he seems to chase wouldn't be found. You couldn't tell what was pain or pleasure anymore. You were overstimulated, your cunt abused. Finally by sixth time, his pace became sloppily, before stopping and pulling out of you. He didn't even come.
You panted heavily, sweating like crazy. Your poor lungs were incapacitated. This is the first time he snapped like this. You tried wondering why, but you lost the ability to think as of the moment.
He made you turn around. Limbs made of literally jelly climbed on his hips, straddling him. You came face to face with him. His expression wasn't telling him much, sweat covered his entire face. His ocean eyes swirled with a hint of green were expressing such intensity and passion.
"One last." He murmured.
You nodded and let him enter you again. He rocked your hips sensually, passionately, seems like taking his time. Your crescent moon-shaped nails dug on his back and dragged it down. He didn't make much noise about it.
He captured your lips less harshly than he was before. His lips dragged across your bottom lip, before tugging it between his teeth. His tongue roamed inside your mouth, you tried to put up a fight, but he won the dominance. Oh how intoxicated you were with his lips.
Pulling away, he put his forehead against yours, urging you to look into his eyes. Your eyes locked up, staring through each other's soul made it more raw and vulnerable. He was actually expressing it.
It didn't really take a lot for you to orgasm again, and he came with you this time. Ribbons of ribbons of his warm seed filled you and you squeezed, milking him dry. He pulled out of your sore cunt. Your head collapsed onto his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck, clinging like a child. Your eyes fluttered close, you can barely move your own body.
His hand dragged across the line of your sweaty back and the other grazed your neck. The pain suddenly dawned on your system. You have a bruise on your neck.
"How are you?" He asked softly with a tinge of concern.
"I'm fine," you weakly muttered.
"Are you sure?" The concern was more evident now.
"Yes," you mumbled sleepily.
His chest rise and fall, synchronized with yours— or at least you thought. His heart beat is so slow compared to yours. Beat after beat, lulling you to sleep like a baby. Everything quiet down, calm.
"Are you okay?" You suddenly spoke.
He sighed heavily, maintaining the silence you interrupted. Despite your state, you surprised him by swatting his chest. It made him crack a smile, quickly replaced by a frown.
"It's just... All these thoughts about you leaving and me leaving..." he trailed off.
You both found him, stuttering and struggling for words to express it.
"I-I didn't like it. I don't want you even thinking about it, okay?" He sounded so distraught to the idea of it. And so were you.
You nodded, already half-asleep, but you understood it.
He detached you from his body and to make you face him. He cupped your cheeks.
"Hey, look at me." He shook you awake, until you opened your eyes. He stared at them solemnly. "I am not leaving you. Ever." He declared to you.
"Promise?" You softly asked.
"I promise."
"I love you," you whispered to him.
"I love you too,"
The next day rolled on, and it was a nice day off. You felt separated from the whole world for a day. Room services, laying all day on the bed, despite Wells' constant insistence of doing some work. You remember everything from last night. His promise made you feel more confident about you two. If that's not enough, he made sure to give you a speech about it as well.
Instead of a first date, it felt like you two are on a honeymoon, experiencing marital bliss. Despite being sore as hell, it didn't stop you both from having sex on every corner, surface and crevices of the hotel room. You felt bad for the ones who are going to clean this room.
Wells was kind enough to have someone get you some pair of clean jeans and a decent shirt to change in before you leave as there's work tomorrow.
You entered the cortex with a cup of coffee, a bright smile on your face and limping legs.
Caitlin, Cisco and Wells were already there. You figured you'd sleep in a bit for... recovery.
"Good morning, guys,"
"A good morning to you too, Miss Y/N Allen." Cisco greeted you with an odd tone.
You furrowed your eyebrows, but laughed it off and ignored him.
"How was your weekend?" You asked them.
"My weekend? It's fine. How about yours?" Caitlin said with the same tone as Cisco.
You started to notice that they weren't both looking at you, instead focused their computer and typing loudly like maniacs.
"Fine." You muttered, baffled. You turned to Wells, who gave you a shrug.
You were confused, but brushed it off as you plan to tell them the truth. You began fiddling with your fingers. You and him shared a look as he moved towards your side. He nodded stiffly, and you turned back to your friends, still rapidly typing, and sucked in a deep breath of courage.
"Uhm, guys, we have something to tell you. You see, Dr. Wells and I are—"
"Dating?" Cisco cut you off.
You blinked, stunned. "What?"
Cisco clicked something in his keyboard and pointed to the TV behind you. You spun around and your eyes went round. It's an article from some gossip blog. An article about Wells and you.
‘Harrison Wells Seen Getting Cozy with A Mystery Woman at The Fiat Last Saturday Night.’
A hand covered your mouth, mortified as you read the rest of the contents, along with pictures of you guys. Apparently, someone had seen you enter the hotel. Then 'cozying up' at the restaurant and heading back to your room, even leaving the hotel. What shocked you the most was how quickly it got attention. You expect people to catch up after like a month of two. Guess that's what happens when you date a man who blew a hole in the city.
Both of you turned around to face your friends. As if mirroring each other, obviously not pleased, looking at you expecting an explanation. Especially Cisco. He even has his arms crossed like a grumpy child.
You were beyond flushed and embarrassed. This is not how you want them to know. These damn paps.
"Guys, I know you're—"
"Angry?" Caitlin inquired. "Maybe a little. But it's your relationship. It's not our business."
You smiled at her appreciatively. You were actually worried they'd get mad.
"Yeah. How long has this been going on though?"
"6 months," you replied.
"6 months?!" Cisco exclaimed. Even Caitlin looked at you in disbelief. "How come we didn't even notice?"
"We were that good."
Cisco shook his head, and you don't know if it's disbelief or amazement.
"So all those nights, the dance instructor, the trainer—"
You purse your lips. "Yup. All lies,"
You thought he was done, but he brought up something. He was rambling on to himself. You thought he was calculating, so you all listened and watched.
"Which means that when I called you and I called him, you were both busy..."
Your eyes widened, memories of events flooding to your mind. You were quick to cut him off, but a buzz from the computer beats you. There was bank robbery at some bank. You all immediately shifted your focus on that, not before looking at Wells in shock that Cisco even noticed, and he merely smirked.
The robbery didn't even last for another 5 minutes as Barry came into the scene. He kicked bad guys' ass and put them in jail. Another save for Team Flash.
The whole day consisted of more crime-fighting and Cisco being still in shock with you dating Wells. You expected it and they took it better than Joe, that's for sure. They're very supportive and respectful and happy for you guys.
The next months were the craziest ones. Everything was going smoothly then next thing you know, you were pregnant. It was unexpected. You were extremely worried and scared. Joe was livid. He didn't like the idea of his adopted daughter getting knocked up by Harrison Wells as he didn't trust him very much. You didn't talk for weeks. You moved into Wells' home and if weren't for Hartley's attack at Wells' place, Joe wouldn't have talk to you.
Soon, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and he was the proudest Poppop ever. Barry and Cisco became extremely competitive when it comes to being the best uncle ever. Caitlin was your unofficial pediatrician and you trust her more than the real one. Iris and Eddie were kind enough to babysit sometimes.
You've never been this happy, actually. Everything's lighter and brighter, full of laughter. Everything seems to be in the right place for the first time in your life— with the right person. Him. It feels foreign and amazing. There's no going back from this. You don't know if things could be greater. Nothing bad can happen that would change how happy you are right now. Nothing.
That was two months ago.
You stand there, arms crossed, tightly pressed to your chest. You hold onto your own arms to stable you from shaking. Your red, puffy eyes stung as you stared at him through the glass, his beautiful ocean eyes looking back at you too. They were no longer filled with what you thought was love and mystery. It was just cold and dark.
He stood inside the cell. Yes, stand. After all this time he was just manipulating you, playing you all like pieces in chess. He wasn't the man he said he is. Literally. You still remember how you refused to believe your own brother who said those words to you. That's exactly why you quickly rushed to the pipeline to see for yourself. And they were right.
He was not a caring, nice man he seemed to be months ago. He was a monster. A cold, calculating monster you love. The only man you ever loved that it could deliberately break your heart. And it did.
He couldn't just wipe that stupid smirk off his face, seemingly satisfied with pain you're feeling, the betrayal you were facing—the things he caused. You swore to God you never felt so much hatred for someone you loved with all your heart.
Disbelief and distraught so evident on your features. "How could you do this?" You whispered through your gritted teeth.
He sighed wearily. "Your brother and I, were meant to be rivals, Y/N, " he responded, not feeling an ounce of guilt or remorse.
Your stomach churned in disgust. You couldn't believe you loved this man. You couldn't believe you were fooled into believing he was a good man.
"So, you killed my mother? And tried to murder my own brother? For the sake of your stupid fate, for stupid revenge! You stooped so low and robbed me of everything?!" You yelled at him. At this point you are hysterical; all the chains are starting to break free, and knowing your emotional capacity, you're gonna break.
"It was the only way. I had to get his speed—"
You shook your head, refusing to hear the same excuse from his mouth.
"Was I part of your plan? To hurt my brother?"
He sighed, hesitating. He planted his palm on the glass. He tore his eyes from you, looking down to hide his features. The cocky, evil demeanor seemingly disappeared from his system.
"I never anticipated everything between us to happen. You were so persuasive, and I couldn't resist. My whole plan was just to get my speed, I never imagined that I would get to build a family here with anyone."
Your glossy and red eyes gaze at his eyes, hoping for the last breath of humanity in those eyes.
"Did you even love me? Us?" You croaked.
He stared at you sincerely. And you hated that, because you loved it so much.
"Yes," he said, and you couldn't tell if he's lying. And you had to trust your with what your mind was telling you, because clearly your own heart failed you.
You scoffed. "Now, that's just bull. You manipulated me, Wells— or Eobard Thawne— whatever the hell your name is, I don't care. From now on, you are dead to me, everything you say is a lie and words from a dead man!" You pointed at him with vigor, eager to prove your anger.
"Y/N, you have to understand—"
"Oh, I do. You're a psychopathic idiot who's always been obsessed with my brother. Barry will never live a happy life? You will never live a life. You will rot here forever and I will make sure of it." You swore to him, your eyes looking at him with furious fire that lit up hell.
You turned to leave the pipeline. But he suddenly spoke.
"We're a family now, Y/N. You, me and her. Are you just gonna let that go? You can come with me. We can raise her over there and everything will be—"
Trembling, you spun around.
"We were a family." You stated "Or were we ever? That doesn't matter anymore. Because I will make sure you will never see her again," you declared and strode out of the pipeline with him shouting your name for you to come back.
You watched as the door slowly slid down, closing on him. You were frozen in your stance, your own frame shaking as the tears rolled down your cheeks.
You felt an arm wrapped around your shoulder, clutching you tightly. You knew it was Barry. You turned and collapsed into his arm, sobbing instantly.
He rubbed your back soothingly as you poured down the tears on his chest with you clinging on him tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he mumbled.
"What am I gonna do, Barry?" you sobbed.
Barry stayed quiet, just heaved a sigh. He felt bad seeing you like this, as he was the one who started the whole investigation, but he didn't regret that he finally caught the bastard who murdered his mother. Only it's in the form of his mentor and his baby sister's boyfriend.
"It'll be fine, okay? I'm here. All of us are, and that's all you both need, okay?" He murmured to you.
You nodded, hugging him tighter, unable to control your emotions and tears.
You thought you truly knew heartbreak, but at this moment of your life you've come to realize that you barely scratched the surface. Everything is crashing down, hitting lower than they ever did before; it feels heart and gut wrenching at the same time. There's no going back from this. You don't know if anything can top this pain. Nothing good can ever erase how utterly broken you are right now. Nothing.
This is it, guys! Thank you so much for all the ones who liked and reblogged this story. I am so happy and filled with gratitude that I was able to share and FINISH this story, because knowing me and the 60+ drafts of various stories on my phone, I would have backed away instantly.
I hope y'all loved this final part. I'd appreciate it if you share this and give it some love.
See y'all soon for the next story I can think of.
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