#alex x magnus fanfic
bilbysaurus · 7 months
What I write:
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus:
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Annabeth Chase?
Piper Mclean?
Magnus Chase:
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Samirah Al-Abbas?
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle?
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
What I will not write:
Polygamous Relationships
Incest (no.)
Abusive Relationships
What I will write:
Angst (i'll tryy)
What would they do if...
that's it for now my love :)
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
Happy 60th birthday, Percy!
ao3 link
Percy couldn't remember a time Camp Half-Blood had ever been so full.
Not even his first summer, back before the wars when the gods were so damn horny and irresponsible, were there so many people (and mythical beings) packed into the space, made even more impressive by the fact that everyone seemed to be outside on the grounds, and Percy absolutely loved it. He hadn't seen some of these people in years, maybe even decades; apparently, two half-bloods reaching 60 years old - the first in centuries if he didn't include Nico and Hazel - was a big deal.
Of course, a gathering this size was sure to attract more vile attention, and someone had already spotted a couple hellhounds prowling around the wards, but whatever. Somebody younger could deal with it, someone who didn't have creaky knees.
Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a bright blue streak racing toward the steps of the Big House.
"Grandpa!" little Clio yelled as she catapulted herself into Percy's lap. As the oldest child of Percy and Annabeth's youngest child, Clio was their second youngest grandchild at only three years old. He figured her little brother was probably being passed around somewhere in the throng of people which was how she'd managed to slip away from her moms.
"Hey, squirt," he said, spitting out a piece of her wavy black hair as she got herself situated. "Are you having fun?"
She nodded vigorously. "Aunt Clarisse showed me where to punch someone so they go to sleep, and Aunt Rachel gave me paint tattoos!" She thrust her arms out to reveal both hands covered in roses and vines, and he stifled a laugh. That was sure to go over well with both her parents.
"That's so cool, sweetie," he said while rooting around in his pocket. "Hey, guess what I have!"
Somehow, her big grey eyes lit up even brighter. "What?"
"Candy!" She shrieked  at the sight of the shiny red Kit-Kat wrapper - her favorite, a trick he had picked up from his mom. He quickly unwrapped it and broke it in half. It was his birthday, after all.
A few minutes later found them playing rock, paper, scissors, both of them with sticky hands from the half-melted chocolate bar.
She giggled when he lost the fifth round in a row. "You suck at this."
His mouth dropped open. "Where did you learn that word?" Honestly, Percy couldn't care less what words she used, but kids always loved it when they thought they got away with saying a bad word.
This time was no different. "Uncle Magnus," she said gleefully.
His eyes widened in mock surprise. "Did you get to see Uncle Magnus today?"
She smiled and nodded.
Before he could question her further, Lucy, their youngest daughter, appeared at the bottom of the steps. "Dad, have you seen - oh, there she is. Clio, what did I say about running off?"
Mischief danced in his granddaughter's eyes. "Uh oh."
He laughed, knowing full well that the little girl was allowed to go wherever she wanted at Camp since no matter where she went, there would be a demigod, nymph, or some other mythical being ready to lead her back to her parents.
Then, Lucy spotted the Kit-Kat wrapper. "Dad! She's already had three cupcakes today!"
He stared Clio right in the eyes. "Uh-oh." She giggled again, and he looked back at his daughter who was glaring at him fiercely with eyes that perfectly matched her mother's. "She's my granddaughter, and it's my birthday. I can give her as much candy as I want." He started tickling her then and said a silent thank you that she was still small enough to lay down on his lap even while convulsing with laughter.
"Speaking of your birthday, there are a ton of people who want to talk to you down there." Her hands were on her hips, a habit she still retained from childhood. Anytime she wanted him or Annabeth to do something, this was the exact stance they got: pointed look and hands on hips. He caved almost every time, but then again, Annabeth had always been stronger than him.
Now, though, there was another one on his lap, giggling and wanting something completely different from him. "They can wait a little bit longer."
Lucy huffed but didn't say anything, just sat in the chair opposite him. "Where's mom?"
"I think I saw her with Aunt Piper," he answered. "Speaking of, where is your other child? And your wife?"
She waved a hand. "With Grandma." Of course they were. At 78 years old, Sally Jackson was as spry and magnetic as ever.  
In fact, she was coming up the hill with an infant in her arms.
"Mom, how do you always have a kid?" he said, and was pleased to see Lucy stand up to make a seat for her grandmother.
"Oh, no, don't get up for me. I just wanted to pop up here with the baby to say hello." She waved his little arm. "And to answer your question, son, it's grandma powers."
Again, he didn't question her, though he thought quietly that Annabeth didn't seem to attract children the way his mother did.
"Nana, El!" Clio piped from her place on Percy's lap, hands stretching toward her great-grandmother. Ever since her little brother had been born, she had been fascinated with him, constantly wanting to hold him and play with him.
Lucy gave her a stern look. "What do we say?"
Sally gave Percy a knowing look. It hadn't been very long ago when Lucy's older brother had done almost the exact same thing.
Tamping down the odd, bittersweet feeling, he got Clio situated to hold the baby: sitting up on his thighs with his hands under hers, a watchful eye trained on them between her wild strands of dark hair. "Go ahead, mom."
Gently, Sally lowered the baby into their arms. When he was secure, Percy allowed himself to fully appreciate the moment with his family. Four generations of Jacksons, all on the porch of the Big House. One mortal, one demigod, and two legacies. He never thought he'd see the day.
Of course, this party really was special for his mother. Mortals normally weren't allowed inside the Camp boundaries, but an allowance was made for today, just for his and Annabeth's family.
Sally leaned against his chair. "I remember when you looked like that at your sister."
"Mom, I was 17 when Estelle was born."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "And? I had never seen you sit so still. You had that same look in your eyes when Paul handed her to you."
"Sure, mom." He knew she was right, but he would never reach an age where ribbing wasn't funny.
She squeezed his ear. "Hey, I wanted to tell you that we're probably not gonna stay super long."
He gave her an offended look. "It's barely even 2!"
"We are very old, son. Besides, we spent the whole day with you on Annabeth's birthday. This party is really for you demigods, anyway, and us old coots have to be in bed by 8."
So, maybe that was true. "Fine."
"Hey, I was wondering where you all were," Lucy's wife Gina said as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs. With dark skin and mischief in her eyes, she was a very distant legacy of Mercury that Lucy had met at NRU in college. "Percy, Annabeth wants to talk to you."
"Excellent." If there was one person he would always get out of his chair for, it was her. "Where is she?"
Gina picked Elias up, and Percy set his granddaughter on the ground, grinning when she took off toward the crowd with barely a 'bye-bye.'
"Last I saw, she was at the desserts table."
"Thanks," he said and started heading down.
On his way, he was stopped no less than a dozen times by various people wishing him a happy birthday, some a happy 44th anniversary of the end of the Titan War.
Finally, he made it to Annabeth and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey, wise girl."
"Seaweed brain!" She turned around in his arms and kissed him as if they hadn't seen each other less than a half hour ago.
"Really? In front of the food?" their oldest child Nathan asked. At 34, he had seen his parents kiss countless times yet always seemed to have the same reaction.
"Yeah, guys, come on, really?" the son of Hermes and hero of Olympus asked as he tore into a blue cupcake.
"Hey, Travis," Annabeth said, arms still around Percy's neck. Nathan had already disappeared to the gods knew where, maybe to go find his girlfriend of 10 years, and they probably wouldn't see him again for a while.
Travis waved his cupcake. "We're so old, you guys. We're all getting into our 60s! What the hell happened?"
Just as Percy was about to ask one of his oldest friends to take his crisis somewhere else, Connor popped up out of no where and said, "Okay, bro, let's go find Katie." He then led his brother away to presumably fall into hysterics in the safety of his wife's arms.
Percy and Annabeth looked at each other and burst out laughing.
Eventually, Annabeth sobered and said, "He's not wrong. When Leo asked Bianca-" Nico and Will's daughter "-to play 'Material Girl', she said, 'I'm not playing freaking Taylor Swift,' and kicked him off the stage." She gave him a pointed look. "We're old, babe!"
Percy laughed. "That was news, like, 8 years ago." It was also around that time he realized their one strand of grey hair had turned into several strands, and Shrek was considered a classic. "She might have a point about Taylor Swift, though."
Annabeth gave him her patented 'don't get me started' look, and he wisely shut his mouth.
"What did you need me for?"
She wrinkled her nose. "Oh, I just wanted you to see all this blue food!" She waved a hand toward it all, and he recognized at least a couple of his mom's dishes amidst the blue cookies, blue brownies, blue cakes and cupcakes, and blue pasta noodles. He was practically in heaven.
Annabeth handed him a cupcake and took one for herself, and soon they were walking hand in hand through the crowd that had somehow grown since he first stepped into it.
Most of the faces were vaguely recognizable, people they knew from being the two most famous and revered demigods of their generation. Others, he didn't know. He supposed they were the ones that wanted to see firsthand two demigods that had managed to live so long.
He really couldn't blame them for that.
The rest were people they knew well. Speaking of-
"Magnus, Alex! I'm so glad you guys could come," Percy said when he saw the young blond and his partner. Young was relative, of course. Chronologically, Magnus and Alex were only a couple years younger than him and Annabeth, but that was impossible to know just by looking at them. Both still looked the picture of 16.
There was something to be said there about their perpetual youth as a metaphor for the permanence of death while everyone else aged, but today wasn't the day to think about it. Besides, he liked to leave that kind of thing to Annabeth. Instead, he thought about the novel occurrence of Norse demigod einherjar in Camp Half Blood. There were some Egyptian magicians running around, too. Really put the whole Greek-Roman split fiasco in perspective.
"Yeah, we managed to slip down between meetings," Magnus said. Nearly 45 years later and the Chase Space was going strong, so strong, in fact, that they had opened up several more. It was wonderful, but it was also a lot of work. "Blitz is there now with Hearth."
"Ooh, where'd the blue cupcakes come from?" Alex asked.
Annabeth laughed. "Right over there in the pavilion."
Alex waved in thanks before dragging Magnus over to the food.
Percy turned to Annabeth. "You know what I just realized?"
"I get a 10% discount at Burger King now." He was unreasonably excited for it.
She patted him on the back. "Good. You'll finally be able to join me."
If she thought that would rile him up, she was dead wrong. "Are you saying you want Burger King dates?"
"I'd go on a date anywhere with you." Somehow, she said it totally straight faced despite the cheesiness of the line. He appreciated it all the same. The next person they ran into was Grover.
"Percy! Annabeth!"
Man, had he missed Grover. The satyr was running an international project to get mythical creatures more involved in environmentalism, and they rarely had a chance to see each other anymore.
"How's the project going?" Percy asked.
Grover beamed. "It's going really well. We just finished planting a bunch of trees in France, and we're gonna go to Canada next to mess with hunters."
Not all of their business practices were strictly legal, but they didn't really need to be, anyway.
Annabeth laughed. "That sounds like a lot of fun."
Grover nodded.
They chatted for a bit longer until Juniper called him over to do something.
From there, they somehow made it to the activities section of Camp, and Annabeth dared him to race her up the climbing wall. She beat him, of course. Just like old times.
Next, they played a game of volleyball against some Roman legacies and won. The legacies were so excited to play with them that they didn't care a couple of 60 year olds beat them.
After that, they ran into Frank and Hazel.
"Hey, you guys," Hazel said. "Happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Hazel," Percy said. He wondered how many times he had heard that phrase today. "How are you?"
She smiled wide, exuberance only multiplied with age. "We're good. We're moving into the new house next week."
"Awesome," Annabeth said. "We'll definitely be there to help."
Hazel clapped. "Thank you so much! We'll do dinner or something, too, alright?"
At 56 and 58, Hazel and Frank were planning to retire in a few years and had recently bought a house right on the Tiber River in New Rome.
"Sounds good," Annabeth answered.
They moved on, mingling throughout the crowd. They talked to a few people, mostly the ones they knew well, and played some more games. Percy was beat badly by Clio at cornhole, but he took the loss like a champ.
Eventually, they made it to the beach, and Percy wasn't surprised to see a black haired man in a bright orange Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts holding a trident on the shore.
Before he could say anything, Annabeth said, "I'm gonna go see if I can find Thalia."
With that, she disappeared back into the crowd.
"Son," Poseidon started. "It is good to see you."
A warmth seeped through Percy's chest. He and his father certainly had one of the best relationships between a demigod and godly parent in the entire Greek pantheon, and, for that, he was forever grateful. It had actually been one of the reasons Zeus loosened the rules about God's visiting their children.
"Thanks, Dad." Percy waited a moment. "Any particular reason you're here?" As good as their relationship was, Poseidon was still a god.
"Can I not just say hello to my son on his birthday?"
Percy just looked at him.
"Fine, I did want to tell you something." Poseidon fidgets with his beard, clearly thinking deeply. "I would like to revisit the subject of your mortality."
Percy supposed he should have seen this coming. He is, after all, Poseidon's favorite son that also just so happened to be transitioning into his senior years, but ever since it became clear that he wasn't going to try to overthrow Olympus with his considerable power, he had gotten used to not being asked to become a god. It had been nice.
"Dad, I don't want to be a god-" he started.
Poseidon held up a hand. "Let me finish, son." He sucked in a breath. "You know that when you were born, it was a huge scandal."
Yeah, he knew. He still had nightmares about the Olympian council voting on whether or not to kill him.
"Despite that, you became a hero of Olympus many times throughout your life, and you have come to be my favorite son. I value your life, which is not something I say lightly."
"Gee, thanks, Dad," he said sarcastically. "I value your life, too."
Poseidon gave him an unimpressed look, then shook his head as if ignoring his son's poor attempt at lightening the mood. When he spoke, Percy was surprised to hear a quaver in his voice. "I find I am deeply saddened at the thought of your death."
And, okay, Percy wasn't expecting that one. Death had always been a constant in his life, something ever present and surrounding. If he hadn't become accustomed to the thought of it, his life would have been much harder. He wasn't looking forward to it, obviously, but he wasn't afraid. It was a miracle he had lived this long, actually.
"Listen, I know I'm getting up there, but I've lived this long. Mortals today can make it to over 100." He didn't need to mention that fighting was getting harder every day, or that his knees creaked and his back ached constantly. He and Annabeth would probably retire to New Athens soon, anyway.
"I am aware, but I just want you to know that when you do die, you and Annabeth both have a place in Atlantis."
A generous offer, but they had decided long ago that Elysium was the place for them. They didn't want immortality or godhood. The only thing they ever wanted was to live their lives, and they had done that, were still doing that. They would go to Elysium happy.
"Thanks, dad, really," he said. "I'll pass that along to Annabeth." He turned, unsure what to do next.
To his surprise, Poseidon pulled him into a bone crushing hug, one his now 60 year old body would take at least a few minutes to recover from.
Poseidon pulled away. "Go, be with your family." He looked down and rubbed an eye.
Percy has to admit that his eyes were getting misty at this point, too. "Love you, dad."
"I love you, too." Poseidon turned to gaze out at the glittering sea, so Percy started making his way back to the party.
Poseidon stopped him with a word. "Percy?"
"Yeah, dad?"
"Happy birthday."
A few hours later when the sky was dark and Artemis was high in the sky with her chariot, Percy sat in the stands at a campfire, Annabeth next to him. Most of the guests had left or retired to their cabins, having to put the kids to bed or comply with camp curfew.
Some, though, were still up, and Percy couldn't help but think they made a formidable crowd despite the average age.
Carter and Sadie Kane were seated right next to the fire, experimenting with spells to see which ones could influence the hearth's magic. The flames were already so high and vibrant from the party that their magic wasn't doing much, though.
Farther down the steps were Magnus and Alex who had decided to stay the night rather than go back to Boston. They were talking to the Stolls, Clarisse, and Katie Gardener, which could only bring trouble.
Thalia and Reyna were mingling around the crowd, looking young as ever, as was Apollo, surprisingly. Or not so surprisingly, considering his own adventures as a mortal. Meg McCaffrey was also walking around the fire, throwing things in to see how fast they would incinerate.
Piper and Shel - another mortal, he noted - were talking to Jason and Leo toward the middle of the stands, and Hazel and Frank were roasting marshmallows by the fire with Grover and Juniper.
Just behind Percy and Annabeth, Nico and Will were loudly discussing the latest Marvel movie with Rachel, a debate Percy and Annebeth would surely find themselves drawn into sooner or later.
For now, Percy took a moment to admire his wife. Annabeth, whose hair was more grey than blonde now, who had laugh lines and worry lines, who had never looked more beautiful. She wore all signs of her age like badges of honor - because they were.
He still couldn't believe they had made it this far.
A soft whoosh drew Percy's attention to his left. Beside them, the god of wine had formed out of nowhere, still in a leopard print shirt and looking the same as he did when Percy was 12.
"Fascinating, isn't it?" he said. Percy noticed that the cup in his hand didn't smell like alcohol despite his sentence having ended several years ago. "Mortals, Egyptians, Norse, Romans, and Greeks, all around Hestia's hearth. I never thought I'd see the day."
Percy and Annabeth exchanged an amused glance. "Hey, Mr. D."
"Yes, hello, Peter and Annabelle." He took a sip of whatever was in his cup. "I hope you realize the magnitude of what is in front of you."
Saving them from answering, Chiron trotted up next to his old colleague and said, "It truly is a wonder." He looked straight at Percy and Annabeth. "And it's because of you two."
Percy felt his face heat up, and one look at Annabeth showed hers doing the same.
It was true, though, he realized. None of these people would be here without them.
"I've been doing this for a very long time, and it is rare that any of my students live past their teen years, yet here we are in front of so many that have lived over half a century. I wonder - how long will this last?" Chiron shook his head. "I don't know, but I pray it is permanent."
Dionysus nodded. "Well said. I trust there is room in Cabin 1 for me?"
"Of course."
With that, he stood and walked down the steps of the amphitheatre toward the cabins, away from the fire and the remaining party.
The wine god had gotten much better since the wars and even sometimes acted like he cared, but there were still the rough edges. Percy found that he liked him much more, now.
He was leagues better than a lot of other gods.
Chiron continued. "I'll leave you to the party, but I want you to think about the impact you have had on our worlds." He looked at them sadly. "We will never forget you two."
Once again, Percy's eyes had gone a bit misty, as had Annabeth's. She squeezed his hand. "We're really lucky, you know."
"Yeah," he agreed. They were.
"Hey, I was waiting til the end of the night for this. Come here." She picked up his hand and dragged him to the bottom of the steps, right by the fire. He followed her curiously, sure what else could possibly be happening today. They'd already sung happy birthday, and presents had been sent to their apartment out of necessity for sheer volume.
She looked up at the crowd. "Hey, guys! It's time."
He looked at her, suddenly scared. "Time for what?"
She didn't answer, and he was forced to wait while all of their friends climbed down to the center of the amphitheatre looking way too excited.
Then, Clarisse came around from the side with a small blue cake that looked like a brick with a single candle stuck in it, and he knew exactly what was going on.
"Come on, guys, aren't we too old for this?" he said nervously, slightly afraid that if any of these 50-60 year olds attempted to carry them, they would throw out their backs.
"Nice try, Jackson," Clarisse said. She handed him the plate. "Make a wish."
Even the non Greeks and the rest of the Seven seemed to know what was going on.
"Yeah, Percy, we all wanna see you two get dunked,” Grover said.
Percy turned a betrayed look to him. "G-Man?"
Travis spoke up next. "C'mon, hurry up!"
"Yeah, let's go!" He wasn't sure which one said that.
He looked at Annabeth next. "You're okay with this?"
She smirked. "I organized it!"
Of course she did.
Percy threw his head back and laughed, then blew the candle out without thinking too much.
A cheer went up around the crowd. "To the lake!"
And that's how they found themselves being lifted up onto everybody's shoulders and thrown into the lake, having the second best underwater kiss ever.
Tomorrow, they would go home to their apartment in Queens and return to their everyday lives, but they always knew Camp Half Blood would be there to return to, because this place, more than anywhere else, was home.
They were home.
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static-symphony-fm · 6 months
you are in love (true love)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
now playing: you are in love (taylor's version)
pairing: magnus chase x fem! reader
word count: 1.9k
summary: 5 people who knew magnus was in love with you before you did + 1 sword
an: FIRST FANFIC LETS FUCKING GOOOOO this took so long to write! I love how I accidentally made it blue themed even though that's magnus's least favorite colour 😭 its ok we all know he's canonically a 1989 girly
fun fact i actually took the first picture! i shit you not I was on a road trip with my family READING MAGNUS CHASE and I look up and see THAT SIGN and i SCRAMBLED to take a picture
content/ warnings: 5+1 things, background blitzstone bcs c'mon they're basically canon, shitty writing, kissing ooo spooky, magnus being a simp, there actually isn't a whole lot of reader in this x reader fic, minor allusions to sex stuff, a lot of swearing, weird use of perspective, i was trying to go for third person limited but magnus is the one it's limited to not reader? but reader is referred to using second person? sorry if it's confusing.
1. samirah al-abbas
  if someone had told magnus a year ago that in a couple month’s time, meeting for coffee weekly with one of his best friends and not getting kicked out of the overpriced coffee shop was going to be the most normal thing in his life, he wouldn’t have believed them. probably would have flipped them off, too, and stole their wallet as he walked away. but he’d like to think that he was a changed man, seeing as he was, in fact, in a hipster café in boston, trying not to make fun of all the fancy menu options. like, seriously? who orders a dragon fruit, pomegranate, and kale smoothie?
he realized he’d been thinking for too long and returned his attention to samirah, sitting across from him and discussing wedding plans for her upcoming marriage to amir as she sipped her latte. he noticed the way her eyes seemed to get brighter, and her entire body language conveyed how excited she was as she talked about him. magnus had a fleeting thought about how good it must feel to love someone so unconditionally like that, and have them love you back just as much. 
as if reading his mind, samirah finished her sentence and studied him, tilting her head as she seemed lost in thought, peering at him like he was a calculus problem she couldn’t quite figure out. 
after a few seconds, magnus broke the silence. 
“alright, it’s getting weird. why’re you looking at me like that?”
samirah snapped out of it, focusing on what he was saying.
“nothing, just… do you think you’ll ever get married?”
jeez, that was a loaded question. magnus narrowly avoided choking on his black coffee, swallowing and burning his throat before answering.
 “sam, i’m dead.”
“so? people get married in valhalla all the time. i have been to a very disproportionate amount of weddings in the two years i worked there.”
“yeah? how many of those end in divorce?”
samirah took a long drink of her coffee, swallowing it slowly as she responded.
“forever is a very long time, and no relationship is perfect, but wouldn’t it be better to have someone to spend that time with?”
“…i guess.” magnus accepted, lost in thought. truthfully, samirah was right, like always. if circumstances were different, if he hadn’t died at sixteen, he could imagine himself getting married. settling down. living in a cabin in the forest with two kids. 
a thought came into his mind, entirely of its own accord, of doing all of that with you. your laugh, your soft hair, the way your lips curled up and your eyes widened when you smile. you’d probably be a great mom.
whoa, what the hell? he should definitely not be thinking about getting married to his friend, what the fuck? that is not normal. 
he pushed the weird thought out of his mind as best he could, gulping his coffee and focusing on the burning in his throat and not what he was just thinking. samirah had gone back to talking about amir, and magnus was not going to think about marrying you any longer.
2. alex fierro
after nearly getting his head cut off by alex’s garrote for the third time that day, magnus needed a break. alex had decided that magnus needed to learn to fight without the help of jack, and it wasn't going too well for him. he collapsed on the bench next to alex, chugging half a bottle of water before even taking a breath. alex rolled her eyes. 
“it’s not that hard, you just aren’t fast enough.”
magnus managed to control himself and not say a snarky comment back, but it was a close call. instead, he ignored her, staring straight ahead and not engaging. unfortunately, you were in his direct line of sight, sparring with mallory only a few metres away. alex picked up on this quickly, nudging his side. 
“you like watching y/n fight, huh?” she teased, smirking. damn, why did she have to be so perceptive?
“what? no. shut up.” magnus replied quickly, trying to hide his blush. “i mean… she’s a good fighter. not like i like her or anything like that.” 
“mhm. suuuure you don’t.” alex replied, definitely not believing him. fuck.
“i’m telling the truth!” magnus protested. god, how was arguing with alex harder than physically fighting her? 
“yeah. did you see her necklace today? pretty, right?”
“she’s not even wearing a neck- fuck.” magnus said instantly, before catching himself. 
“go to hell.”  he swore, glaring at alex, who was grinning at him in a way that reminded him a little too much of her mother. 
“you first.”
      3 + 4. blitzen & hearthstone
“magnus? magnus?”
a pale hand reached in front of magnus face, waving and then snapping its fingers, bringing him back to reality. he blinked and looked around at hearth and blitz, sitting across from him in the dining room of the chase space. hearth took his hand back to sign finally, raising his eyebrows sarcastically.
“your head’s way up in the clouds, kid.” blitz remarked, drumming his short, well manicured fingernails on the table, his silver engagement ring glinting.  he was right. magnus definitely was pretty out of it lately. 
probably thinking about y/n, hearth signed. jeez, why did every conversation he had have to be about you? and no, he most certainly was not thinking about you and your pretty eyes and your delicate hands and the way your ass looked in those jeans you were wearing yesterday… jesus fucking christ, he needed to stop.
 he buried his face in his hands and groaned loudly, then raised his head back up so hearth could read his lips, hoping that his blush wasn’t as visible as it felt. 
“i am not thinking about her.” he lied through his teeth. 
“there’s nothing wrong with having a crush, you know.”
ugh, why did they have to act so much like his dads? 
“i don’t have a crush!”
“kid, you’re a terrible liar. everyone can see the way you stare at that girl. now remember, if you’re doing anything intimate, you gotta use protection…”
that’s it. magnus couldn’t stand up from the table fast enough
 “nope! this conversation is ending right now. good talk!”
5. annabeth chase
magnus and annabeth had been walking around new york for the past three hours, trying to make up for the ten years spent apart.  annabeth had shown him her favorite library, and pointed out a bunch of cool architecture in nearby buildings, with a promise to show him and his friends camp half-blood in the summer.
 they were currently taking a break, stopping for lunch at a falafel place that wasn’t quite as good as fadlan’s, but it was still falafel. magnus was enjoying listening to annabeth talk about her architecture projects– she was taking online classes to prepare for the higher level of new rome university’s program. 
magnus loved listening to her talk about things he didn’t understand. as a child he’d always thought she was a genius, the way she always solved puzzles and math problems easily. ten years later, that theory still held up, hearing her go on about a bunch of terms he didn’t understand.
“sorry, i’m probably boring you to tears. you wanna talk about something else?”
annabeth offered.
“no, it’s fine… i really don’t have a lot going on.” magnus replied, smiling politely.
“come on. there’s gotta be something interesting.” an idea seemed to come to annabeth.
“you have a crush on anybody?”
magnus swallowed. 
but he was too slow. those steel gray eyes that matched his own were locked on him like a hawk, or maybe an owl. 
“yes, you do. come on. spill!”
magnus stayed silent. he was not telling his cousin about his crushes, but those metallic eyes stayed locked on him. he eventually gave up. annabeth could be scary when she wanted to be.
“fine. fine. her name’s y/n…”
+1. jack
 it was movie night at the chase space. was magnus ever gonna stop calling it that? no. it was cool. shut up. the credits were rolling on some disney movie that alex had insisted on, and everyone else was slowly but surely making their way to their rooms, yawning as they said their good nights. you had been sitting next to magnus on the couch the whole time, and suffice it to say that he had had some trouble concentrating on the film.  
it was just you and him, you in your nirvana t-shirt and gray sweat shorts, and in that moment, he decided to tell you.
 you got up to leave, waving at him, and in a feat of bravery so incredible it would be studied by historians for centuries to come, magnus managed to work up the nerve to speak up. 
“hey, uh, can i talk to you for a sec?”
“sure? what’s up?” you asked as you sat back down.
jesus, what had he gotten himself into? it’s ok, magnus, you got this. you beat loki in a flyting. you can talk to a pretty girl. 
“uh, i was just thinking… i just…” off to a great start, aren’t we? fuck off, voice in his head. he can do this. he took a deep breath.
“i really like you. you're gorgeous and funny and so insanely smart. i’m an atheist but i’m praying to god you feel the same way. will you be my girlfriend?”
you bit your lip, breaking eye contact as you looked off into the distance. fuck. you were gonna say no and then he was never gonna be able to talk to you again and he was gonna have to change his name and move to canada…
“can i kiss you?” 
there were a million things magnus expected you to say, but that was none of them. he managed to stutter out a simple “please…” and then you leaned forward and your lips were on his and magnus chase died.
this felt more like the end of his life than being knocked off a burning bridge and drowning did. his heart was beating a million times a second, and he seemed to have forgotten how breathing worked. your lips were softer than anything he’d ever felt before.
 he managed to reciprocate a little, mostly acting on instinct, and all he could think about was how astronomically better this was than jackie molotov in the seventh grade.
what was he supposed to do with his hands? he was pretty sure that keeping them at his side was the wrong answer, so he moved one to your waist and the other one to the back of your neck, tangling it gently in your soft hair as his lips moved against yours.
gods, he could have stayed like that until ragnarök, but his stupid sword had to ruin the moment. jack started buzzing on his neck sleepily, seeming to have been woken up ungraciously. he hoped that you couldn’t feel it, but that was pretty unlikely, considering how close you were to him. jeez, he was blushing more and more every time he thought about that. 
eventually, you pulled away, smiling a little. 
“good night, magnus.”
he nodded, unable to form words, and managed to stand up and walk back to his room, wide eyed, operating on autopilot. he walked into his room and immediately collapsed backwards onto the bed, staring at the ceiling without blinking, completely still. not a thought passed through his mind for at least ten minutes, till he finally was able to reach up and pull jack’s pendant off of his necklace.
“dude, what happened to blades before babes!?!”
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
This will more than likely be the last one of these I have. So, for the last time, here is my live reaction to the final season of TMA. These will be in no particular order because ice been listening to it over the span of a couple of weeks. I only listen to it at work.
TMA S5 Spoilers ahead
The cabin episode made me so sad. The eyepocolypse had even taken away their domestic bliss
I really don't remember the trenches that well. It's not a fear of mine, so it didn't shake me or stick well enough. Still good tho
The sickness episode sent me right back to senior year of highschool. I had to take a minute KXNSKXN
At first I thought the worms was about Jane again but I was very wrong. It was a very interesting take!
Curiosity made me incredibly sad. I feel bad for Eric, Micheal, and Sarah(? Trinity? I don't remember. She was set on fire by a desolation avatar I think)
Also: Gertrude x Agnes perhaps???? Or at least solemn pinning? Maybe I just think it's slightly tragic to make it so and sometimes angst is good yknow?
Roots was ok, but the only part that stuck out to me was the jealous Martin scene. I listened to it like 3 times. I kept rewinding it just to list to it.
Fire Escape was SO good! It gave me a kind of manic energy as I listened to the descriptions of the fire.
Martin in the Lonely again made me cry. That's it.
"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" "Yes actually." "Oh...so is there anyway this doesn't end in me dead?"
The Basira and Daisy stuff actually did make me feel bad for Basira. Like, it's the apocalypse and she's having a whole ass crisis.
I wonder how he faked his death... man is talented and smart, I'll give him that
Skipping ahead to Martin's domain. Loved that. My boy isn't strictly human and I love that he can't deny that fact anymore.
Martin: Something something "one of you"
Jon, being a smug theater kid bastard boy: "One of us."
Like I heard that and I imagined him smirking ominously and gesturing with both his hands
He sounded so pleased that his boyfriend, as miniscule a role it had or that martin had, was like him, and I love that for him
I'm so glad Melanie and Georgie are happy. Though, the cult does weird me out (cults give me the heebie jeebies. It was a very nice touch!)
They deserve nice things.
Also, my favorite of the Cult members was Anil's character. I can't remember his name right off the top of my head, but he was wonderful. Anil did amazing with that little cameo/role
The scene where's he's arguing with Martin reminds me of that Jojo meme with jotoro and dio, but instead of stands they have their poetry clutched tight in their fists
"I dont need a poet." No, Jon, because you already have one. His name is Martin
Of course Jon gets trapped in the ocean when he doesn't have big string martin to row him out of it XD
Annabelle Cane is wonderful, I'm so glad Jon didn't kill her. She's so chummy with Martin up until she has to be a dramatic villain and I love that for her!
The ladder episode made me grin like a maniac manly because I would be the Martin in that situation. I love the feeling of falling/floating, but I hate actually getting myself to fall. I physically can't do it. I can barely dive into the lake from my papaw's boat
Martin, there are thousands of fanfics that dive into you two getting together without the trauma. Don't even.
Hey, real elias! That's where him being a stoner comes from! Because he is one! Nice.
I love og Elias, and I would protect him with my life I don't care.
Oh wait it was just Magnus dreaming
I almost cried when Martin was yelling at Jon. The boys are fighting
They're somewhere else being happy and domestic now you can't change my mind
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demigodpolls · 36 minutes
feel free to explain your answer, and follow for daily pjo polls+ fandom creator content! 💎⚡🌊🗡️
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Lighter (Coming out as Non-Binary)
Midway of writing this fic I realized I was projecting but also I realized to my friends I have never had much of a hard time coming out. One day I just told them to use my name to refer to me esp. when I was there and they did, and this was months before I got the guts to pick a label. Anyways....
Pairing: Alex Fierro x reader (platonic), Sam, Magnus, Blitzen and Hearthstone are there too! Request: i heard your requests were open ? could you do a coming out as non binary to alex fierro(and other characters if you’d like) no pressure though !! hcs / fanfic ? Words: ~850 Warnings: Discussions of coming out and mostly fluff. Writing the fic made me weirdly emotional but again I think I am projecting-
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You wondered why there was no guide to any of this and you were nervous. You wondered if maybe it would be better to try to write it down instead of tell people out loud but that seemed weird. It did not help that you felt like you were lying, or unsure for now- what if it will pass, what if next week you change your mind, what if – what if?
What if you never try and live a lie.
After careful consideration you decided that perhaps you should start with one of the few people you know who could openly be himself proud and loud, every day.
“You wanted to talk?” Alex raised his eyebrow as you nervously sat across from him. You wanted advice- and you figured that Alex would be the best source to ask advice on this topic. However, you only realized after you asked him for help that you would first need to come out to him. It’s not that you thought he would not accept you, but it being the first time you told him- you told anyone that you were non-binary made you nervous. You rubbed your hands together unconsciously, and Alex noticed your behaviour. Last time he checked you were never nervous around him- so he wondered what was going on. He was about to ask when you took a deep breath.
“I need your advice on coming out- ” you had a painful smile on your face, “I- I think I am non-binary and I want to tell our friends but I don’t know how,”
Alex schooled his expression of surprise and smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Thanks for telling me.” He smiled and your nervousness subdued a little, “now first take a deep breath and we can come up with a game plan,” Alex guided you to a calmer state of mind. You still felt a little jittery, but he managed to assure you little by little that of your own confidence.
“The worst part,” Alex had told you, “Is the learning to say it to people. But you can pick – either do it in a get together, or whenever you see someone.” “But aren’t you nervous?” You sighed, “I felt like vomiting just now.” “At first it was horrible- I used to suck it up, especially when I was not sure about the people around me. But little by little I learned to get over that. Why would I care about the opinion of those that would not accept me?” Alex laughed, “Of course, it helps that in the meantime I found a group of people that accepted me and that makes it a lot easier.” Alex sided eyed you, before he offered you a smile, “It won’t ever be the easiest to come out, you never know how people will react, but with the right people behind you and a little self-worth you can get far. Remember, you do this for yourself and because you are worthy to be respected and known for who you are. You do not own anyone your coming out except for yourself, (Y/n).”
One afternoon you were just sitting on the balcony of the Chase place with some of your friends. Sam, Magnus, Blitzen and Hearthstone were all in their separate conversations. You looked around and figured that right now was just as well as any other time. You felt slightly nervous, but Alex was sitting next to you, trying to subtly reassure you that you could do it.
“Do you want to?” She asked and you nodded, “Should I get everyone’s attention, or will you?” “I don’t know, Alex.” You took a deep breath, “Could you…?” “With pleasure,” Alex smiled, “Hey listen up you fucks!”
Everyone turned to look at Alex, and after Blitzen point Hearthstone int her direction all eyes were on the girl sitting next to you, and in turn this meant that all eyes were on you. The silence was deafening, but as Alex nudged you, you knew there was no backing down anymore. No more lying to yourself.
“Pronoun update!” You did jazz hands, after which you resumed signing your words as you spoke, “I think I’m nonbinary so if you could refer to me with they slash them?” you just announced and your friends nodded. “Any name changes or?” Magnus asked and you shook your head. “Not yet, am thinking about it.” You shrugged. “Cool. Tell us when there are more updates,” Magnus said and as you nodded everyone slowly returned to their conversations. You took a deep breath, returning the thumbs up Blitzen was sending you from where he was standing, before he started conversing with Hearthstone again.
“And? How do you feel?” Alex asked. “Somehow not really different,” you rubbed your hand over your heart, “but lighter. I definitely feel lighter.” “Good,” Alex elbowed you rather roughly, “I’m proud of you, (Y/n).”
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Hi! Could I please request some general x gender neutral reader dating headcanons with Magnus Chase from MCGA? I'd also love if the headcanons included some hurt/comfort related stuff, but that's completely up to you :) Thank you in advance, have a great day!
Hi Anon! Absolutely! I need to write more for Magnus, he's one of my favourite Riordanverse characters! I hope you like the headcanons! I went more into the hurt/comfort than general relationship headcanons.
You've given me inspiration for a hurt/comfort fanfic with Magnus so if you'd like to get notified when it comes out, just send an ask and I'll be able to answer it with the fanfic.
Fandom: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Characters: Magnus Chase x gn! Reader
General headcanons about dating Magnus Chase.
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Magnus is a very supportive partner. Whatever your interests are, he'll read up on and do his best to remember bits of information so he can understand what you're talking about.
Likes taking you on relaxing dates. He doesn't particularly mind where you go, as long as he doesn't have to fight anything.
And as long as you aren't interrupted by every single one of his friends. It's happened before. It'll happen again.
If you're not a member of Hotel Valhalla, Magnus has a lot of worries about you. Least of all is his worry that he's going to have a hard time explaining why he doesn't age.
And as soon as he realizes that, he'll spiral into the realization that he will outlive you. I think Magnus would try to distance himself once he realizes that.
But staying away from you is probably the worst decision he's ever made. And his friends tell him that. It takes Alex finally taking Magnus aside and telling him that he's an idiot that finally gets through to him.
By that time, you've had enough of him avoiding you as well. When you confront him, he realizes that he can't just avoid you.
He doesn't tell you everything (not yet anyway) but you understand well enough that he's scared of losing you. Just give him some comfort and tell him you're not going anywhere.
He'll still be worried about the future but he can enjoy the time he can spend with you.
If you need comfort about anything, Mangus is there for you. He'll comfort you however you prefer but his go to method is taking you somewhere nice and listening to your problems before taking your mind off whatever's bothering you.
But if you just want someone to give you physical affection or even give you some personal space, Magnus is willing to do whatever you ask of him.
He values the support you show him, and he wants you to know that he's there for you as well.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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rosekiller-addict · 1 year
Hey! So this is a little introduction of me and its gonna have stuff about me and links to my fics and stuff so yeah (this will be updated and reposted in the future)
Most recent post date: august 12th, 2023
Hello everyone! My name is Lyric and this post is just going to be some basic information about me and links to my fics and yeah!
Also certain things will be different colors bc i have ADHD i know it helps me so idk if it will help anyone else but i hope it does
Name: Lyric (Lyr if we are like friends)
Pronouns: i am pronounfluid and use all pronouns but i have a preference for he/they/it and i prefer masc/neutral gendered terms
Gender: genderfluid
Sexuality: lesbian
Fandoms (this will be stuff i have written fanfics on/am likely to write fanfics on):
Marauders Era HP
Merlin (BBC)
the Riordanverse
Shadow and Bone (i just started the series so don't expect much from that for a while)
Favourite ships (same as above about fanfics):
Wolfstar (Sirius Black x Remus Lupin)
Rosekiller (Barty Crouch Jr x Evan Rosier)
Jegulus (Regulus Black x James Potter)
Merthur (Merlin x Arthur)
Solangelo (Nico Di Angelo x Will Solace)
Fierrochase (Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro)
(also maybe Jason x Percy and Jason x Leo)
Current Fanfics:
Next Door: Rosekiller AU Fanfiction (current work)
Wolfstar AU (unnamed) (Finished)
Disaster (Rosekiller au fic based on the song Disaster by Conan Gray) (current work)
Unpublished fics i am working on:
Merthur Microfic
AO3 Account: ThatOneKid
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an-aura-about-you · 9 months
Long post is long, so I'll make a new one! Thank you @coolalicious for tagging me to do this!
Name(s) - Aura (to the point that if you see Aura in a handle somewhere else then it's probably me)
Pronouns - x/they/she in order of preference.
Star sign - on the Pisces side of the Aquarius/Pisces cusp
# of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any) - I have one sibling who's younger than me by 1 1/2 years. fun fact: their favorite animal is the platypus!
# of pets & their names - I have one cat, a little black domestic shorthair kitty named Schroedinger.
Fandoms - Princess Tutu, The Magnus Archives, the Chzo Mythos, Homestar Runner, and pretty much anything else I've got on the backburner
Favorite color - puce
Favorite song - this is always one of the hardest questions because does this mean of all time? just right now? the one that I can listen to endlessly on repeat? the one that makes me go 110% feral? I think I'll answer based on vibes, and based on vibes my favorite song is Gymnopedie no. 1 by Erik Satie.
Favorite author (of anything readable-- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!) - oh, this is another hard one. it is not at all helped by the fact that I've been going through the audiobook of Lightlark and thoroughly enjoying it for reasons the author never intended, which is the case when you pursue media with a So Bad It's Good mindset. but I might have to give an honorable mention to Alex Aster anyway for the sheer number of times I had to pause her audiobook because I was doubled over laughing at it. but for a more sincere answer, I will pick Mel Brooks, which almost feels like cheating, but his professional memoir All About Me! was such an enjoyable ride and had that same voice and beloved sense of humor he's honed in his movies. Mel Brooks is one of the few celebrities I've written a fan letter to, an actual physical fan letter written by hand, and he is well worth that effort.
Hobbies - cooking, writing, taking walks at the park, playing games with friends
Favorite fic type - you know how some fandoms have a very specific type of fic by the nature of canon? my favorite fic is a type specific to the fandom for The Magnus Archives related to the tropes of Loves My Alter Ego and Two Sided Love Triangle. specifically, I love the premise Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist being a former member of real life band The Mechanisms (that real life Jonathan Sims was a member of) and hapless archival assistant Martin Blackwood being a fan of The Mechanisms, resulting in him being torn between his crush on his prickly boss and his crush on frontman Jonny d'Ville unaware that they are in fact the same person. my ideal version of this would be at a point where the crush is mutual and at first Jon uses his Jonny d'Ville persona to try acting as a wingman for Martin to get him with himself?? but then that kind of evolves into Martin dating Jonny while still being unaware it's Jon somehow. we're talking Rio Pacheco from Jem and the Holograms levels of unaware, which I will forgive Martin for because he's just so starstruck.
Favorite holiday - New Year's! I even made arrangements to take the whole week off so I can properly enjoy it. <3
Do you have any partner(s)? (romantic, qpp, anything!) - nope! I'm happily single and ready for some Pringles!
Fun facts about you / anything extra you wanna share! - so y'all know I love food and I like to cook, and I've mentioned before that I've been to culinary school, but I don't know how many of my current followers know that I actually went to Le Cordon Bleu for their baking and patisserie program and in fact graduated from there with honors. I earned my coveted blue cravat for doing so.
and I tag anyone who wants to do this!
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Do you want to keep your opinion or your knee caps?
Prompt + pairing: College au, ‘Photo’ + fierrochase
A/N: So tHiS wAs A rEqUeSt- thank you to the anon who requested this! You'll notice that the duolingo owl meme has inspired the title of this and towards the end, I have Alex quote Lemony Snicket. I dont have much else to say except the list of prompts that I had pinned on my tumblr dashboard is now a link on my masterlist. Currently pinned is Will solace's birthday week prompts- I hope you guys enjoy this and please comment! <3 from persephone!!
Read on a03           Masterlist          WritersMonth 2021
“T- Jeff, Give that back right now!” Magnus yelled as the 6 pack of red bull- which he had slammed on his desk 10 minutes to midnight- was snatched away from his very eyes.
“Hell no!” his best friend shouted back. “ I’m not watching you throw away your health! Hey Sam- Back me up here!”
Samirah, who had only entered the dorm to steal another one of Magnus’s good pens which he had probably stolen from Alex or T-jeff, simply shrugged. “ I’m pretty chill if he wants to shorten his lifespan by a couple of decades.”
“Seee! That's what a good friend does- ignores all your terrible mistakes and lets you live your own life.”
Samirah, had taken a red bull from T-Jeff, because god help him if he had tried to stop her. “I’m not your friend.”
Now , you, the reader may be wondering- what on earth am I witnessing right now before my very eyes?
Allow me to kindly explain. What you are viewing is what is called the ‘ College phenomenon’. Currently, on the 19th floor of their dormitory building, Magnus Chase was about to drink 6 red bulls in an attempt to keep himself awake for the entire night; why would anybody do this to themselves, you may ask?
Because, college.
And in reality, Magnus had a very long project that- of course- was due tomorrow. Sure, his cousin Annbaeth was smart but even Annabeth left work to the very last minute. He could feel his head pounding from the previous caffeine consumed when he decided it would be a good idea to chug several espresso shots.
He could feel his boyfriends smirk as he entered the room. He felt slender arms wrap themselves around his neck as a tinge of green hair fell down to tickle his cheek. A warm cheek pressed against his, in a somewhat comforting manner.
“You look like shit,” Alex pointed out.
“Thanks, that’s exactly what I want to hear from my boyfriend,''Magnus grumbled. He frowned and suddenly, he felt a light peck on his lips.
“You’re cute when you’re grouchy.”
Despite his awfully foul mood, Magnus couldn't help but feel a small blush paint his cheeks and burn to the tip of his ears from hearing such a compliment- after all, he looked like shit (and felt like it) and yet here was his prim and gorgeous as ever boyfriend telling him that he looked cute.
“I came here to steal your stationary Magnus, not witness an awkward first date,” Samirah took another sip of the red bull.
Magnus pouted. “ How come you let her drink the red bull, but you don't let me?”
“Uh- Because she’s terrifying,” T-Jeff retorted.
“Thank you,” Samirah smiled, flicking her headscarf over her shoulder.
“And there’s no way I’m letting you drink all of those,'' Alex reminded Magnus.
T- Jeff continued, “ And he is also terrifying.”
Annoyed and frustrated, Magnus slammed his head directly onto his desk. He ignored the blearing pain that struck through his head like lighting due to the stupid hit. He ignored the annoying words that began to blur into one another as he drifted off to sleep- and perhaps he ignored -or, or maybe he didn’t notice- his boyfriend moving him to his bed and snuggling up next to him as they fell asleep.
The next morning, Magnus was semi surprised to find that he was A- in his bed, B- not suffering from a headache and C- lying down next to Alex. When did he even get into bed, let alone with Alex?
“Your staring is interrupting the quality of my sleep,” he groaned as he shifted himself slightly, resting his head on the blond’s chest.
“When did you get here?”
“And that's a question I never want to hear from you in the morning,” Alex mumbled, “ I put you to bed idiot- you’re sincerely welcome.”
Magnus felt a flush rising to his cheeks as he sat up. “ O-oh.”
Alex yawned as he grabbed Magnus by the arm and yanked him back down to the -let's be frank here- uncomfortable mattress of his dorm.
Soon they were both fast asleep, in each other’s arms; not aware of any of their surroundings or of Mallory snapping a photo of them.
“Delete it now!” Magnus cried as he tried to grab the phone from T-jeff who was currently showing off the photo that Mallory had sent the group chat.
While Alex seemed quite unfazed by it, it seemed to have caught the unwanted attention of all of their friends- therefore pushing Magnus into a very uncomfortable spotlight.
Magnus couldn’t help but feel like he was 15 again- out on the cold streets, people staring at him as he cowered away from the harsh glares, sympathetic whispers but no true hands being held out to help him. He couldn't stand the idea that every one was watching him, staring at him, talking about him. But this was infinitely worse because not only could they all be talking about him but they could also be talking about Alex.
He could feel his face burn as his friends laughed with innocent delight at the cute photo of the couple sleeping in each other's arms. His eyes were stinging, blurring together reality and his confused nightmare and maybe it was real or maybe it was his confused version of reality but he could have sworn to have seen a sliver of concern flash across Alex’s face.
“Delete the photo.” Her firm voice rang out. Magnus watched, half stricken with awe and the other half still shaken with fear, panic and misery.
“What?” T-jeff and the rest were confused. “ C’mon Alex, it’s just a cute picture of the happy couple.”
“The couple is no longer happy because of the photo- delete it.”
“You seem pretty happy to me.”
“Do you want to keep your opinion or your kneecaps?” Alex hissed, her eyes narrowed into slits, anger portrayed like the eye of a hurricane nearing the ocean- like a tornado near a lit splint. Nodding eagerly, they all agreed to delete the photo. Subtly calling for Magnus for some couple related reason, she managed to get them alone.
His hands came to cup Magnus’s face, the tears finally falling. None streamed down his face as he kept his head bowed slightly- hiding it from Alex.
What was he meant to say? How do you comfort a crying person?
“Was it really that bad?” Alex asked, trying to keep his tone soft. “ Did you really not like them taking photos of us?”
Magnus shook his head.
“I need you to talk to me, Magnus.”
“I… I didn’t like it.” His voice was meek, soft, and purely vulnerable; and as he slowly raised his head, Alex was all too stricken with the sight before him. Magnus’s eyes somehow still seemed gorgeous, red rimmed and shiny from the tears that befell from them. His cheeks were flushed,his ears tipped in red and his blond hair sheltering his face like a small child.
Magnus paused. He was hesitant to answer the question, after all- who wouldn't be nervous to tell their partner about all the previous trauma they’ve endured?
“It reminds me… of a bad time,” Magnus’s voice only seemed to get quieter. “ I..”
Despite his innocent attempts to prevent Alex from understanding him, he felt two hands hold his face very gently and bring it closer to his boyfriend who stood before him. He felt uncomfortable as Alex burned his eyes at him. Their pupils locked onto one another and Magnus wasn’t sure whether he should look away or not.
“I was just wondering if you had fallen down and broken your head in the process,” Alex thought aloud.
“What?” Magnus’s confused voice and expression was something Alex told himself he’d have to save in his head to view later.
“I’m not going to judge you because of the misfortune you’ve lived through. I’ll love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves the innocent and as justice loves to sit down and watch everything go wrong,” Alex murmured as he placed a small kiss on Magnus’s nose.
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Me browsing my own bookmarks on ao3:
Oh who put together such a wonderful collection of all my favorite pairings and tropes?? Such taste, simply exquisite, truly a visionary
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mallydraws · 3 years
*magnus_exe stopped working*
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kittyisaddicted · 2 years
Part of my weekend routine apparently is to react to the newest chapter of #tlnd, so here we go!
(All hail to @khaleesiofalicante, I'm just quoting)
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At least, Alec's father wants him still to come to D.C. But yes, try harder.
Because he feels like he is responsible for more people than before. For everyone like him. For everyone who can’t be here. For everyone who deserves to be here.
So much pressure. But a pressure he puts on him himself. No one else is forcing him to do that.
But it’s not all bad, he thinks. As much there are things to fight, there are also things worth fighting for. People worth fighting for.
Ah yes. The heart eyes emoji describes me best right now.
Older siblings don’t quit. Older siblings endure.
Agreed. It's shit, but it's real.
“What exactly do you think I’m going to do?” Alec demands. “Declare my love for Magnus in front of the whole Senate?” His father stops in his track abruptly. “Love?”
Oh boy. The parallels, I can't even …
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I so so love the following inner monologue:
He asks himself – do I love Magnus? And the answer is a simple yes. The word almost vibrates inside his chest. Okay. So, that’s a thing now. He loves Magnus. If that ain’t the easiest fucking decision he has ever made in his entire goddamn life.
The swearing! A swearing Alec is just another level of hotness.
His father doesn’t move for a second. As if he is surprised that Alec still wants to hold him. Parents sometimes didn’t realize how much kids fucking needed them.
I'm so glad that Alec doesn't think Robert doesn't want to hold him because he now knows his son is gay. That would be so fucked up. But no, Robert is insecure himself and seems to not know how to express his feelings other than with pressure talk. *sigh*
You need to learn how to be tactful, even with the worst goddamn assholes. So, when Alec sees Valentine approach him, he reminds himself that punching a popular politician at Capitol Hill probably isn’t going to fly well with the rest of the crowd.
Valentine. Instantly my gut clenches. That can be no good. There is no way that this motherfucker will not cause harm in a brutal way. Or at least has caused.
He has half a mind to drag Magnus back there again so they can sully it some more. He has a feeling Magnus would be into petty shit like that.
Petty, well yes. Thanks for the reminder on the last chapter, where both of them were petty as fuck. *hrmph*
Valentine takes a deep breath and then he smiles. “Jace doesn’t like ice cream.”
I wouldn't mind if Alec overthought his decision to not land a hook on that evil face, really, I wouldn't mind at all. Which kid doesn't like ice cream??? Are you mad??
He knows Magnus doesn’t like it when he smokes. But he hasn’t said anything. Alec kinda wants him to say something. Not because he wants to stop smoking. Fuck no. But he would like Magnus to feel like he can say these things to Alec. He wants Magnus to know that he has that authority. God. Magnus can ask him anything and Alec would fucking do it.
I really hope we get to see Alec saying that out loud to Magnus. It's so important, and also more important, that Magnus should take every opportunity he has to use that power over Alec for his own security.
Alec doesn’t get it. What’s there to think about? If it’s over, then it’s over. Why drag this shit out? It’s not his marriage. So, he doesn’t comment on it.
Ouch. What a deep burn, in retrospective. He get's it now, doesn't he?
He wants to ask Magnus to move in with him. Right now. He isn’t even home for fuck’s sake. He doesn't even own the fucking place. But he wants to ask. No. No. It’s too soon. Too needy. Too pushy. Alec wonders if he should give Magnus a key.
THIS IS SO SWEET AND ALSO SO ARGH! You two are thinking the exact same things, so just go ahead and FUCKING DO IT!
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“I’m not gonna jerk off in Capitol fucking Hill!” Alec says.
LE-GEN-DA-RY!!! This is something for the family album.
He isn’t very happy with Max’s dependence on David.
You are one to talk about. You literally thought on Capitol Hill that you can't even breath without Magnus!
After Asmodeus’ passing – good fucking riddance by the way – Edom was passed onto Magnus.
Kind of glad we don't have to meet that mf. But wait, somewhere in the middle he was only sick, right. Oh oh …
They haven’t done it in a while. Well, they have. But not like they used to. Not as much as they used to. Not since…Not since…
And just like that, the angst kicks in. The time stamp doesn't help at all, shit is about to hit the fan anytime soon, right? So we have a) Magnus inheriting Edom and b) something happened as the starting points for all the drama. And I wonder, which one was more cruel …
It’s a good thing they haven’t found Hodge yet. If they do, Alec will strangle him with his bare hands. Fucking traitor. He looks back at the photo on his phone again. He looks at Magnus. His beautiful Magnus. And he wants to strangle Hodge all over again.
What the hell has he done?? What has he done to Magnus? I WILL KILL HIM MYSELF IF HE HAS HARMED MAGNUS!
"You know what? I'm not sorry! He is fucking hot!" the girl huffs, plucking a magazine from the stand and clutching it tightly to her chest. "I said what I said!"
This is all of us, girl!
The number one supermodel in the world. Dressed in his husband’s ratty sweatpants and his son’s t-shirt. Alec feels so blessed, he wants to get on his knees, and thank God for all of this.
My heart is aching for domestic malec scenes like this.
Because there is a tiny voice inside his head that keeps telling him that Magnus doesn’t want to.
Okay, this hole overthinking and feeling that something is off, and that something has changed thing – I so so hope Alec will actually TALK about this shit with Magnus, not just figuring it out on his own. I mean come on, I you feel something is off than just fucking ask!
Wanting Magnus and loving Magnus – it’s like breathing. He can’t stop. He'll die if ever does.
As I said, you are one to talk about Max depending on David.
“Can we just stay here for a bit?” Magnus asks. Alec shuffles closer to Magnus and pulls him to his chest. “Sure. We can stay here.”
At least, Magnus still wants to be WITH Alec, locked away from the world, he leans into Alec. But yeah, Alec, you're right, that voice gets louder for a reason.
– Okay, thought. Is there, maybe, some thing in Asmodeus' last will, that will not sit well with Alec, and Magnus hasn't talked about it yet? And maybe Hodge found out? Or the both incidents have nothing to do with each other, but the incident with Hodge made Magnus think that Alec would be better without him? I'm going crazy other Magnus' reason for the divorce, really!!!
This is part of his nightly ritual. Coffee. And going through the Magnus Bane tag on Twitter. Yes, he needs help. Yes, he knows.He quickly goes to Max’s Instagram. That shit is always a boner killer for him.
Alec having a nightly routine for Magnus' Instagram is so heartbreaking and sad but also so so relatable. But it have been two fucking years – he stalks Magnus for two years? Now I get why Rafe told him to move on.
“Obviously not. We can just put a random pic. Lift up your shirt.” Alec glares at him. “Come on! No one will recognize you,” Max rolls his eyes. “You know there are shirtless pictures of me on the internet, right?” “Trust me. I know,” Max shudders. “It’s fine, dad. You got ripped after the divorce anyway.” “Max-” “We could take a pic of your bulge then.” “You are very close to being disinherited.” “Noted,” Max says offhandedly and holds up the camera. Alec reluctantly lifts his t-shirt. Just a little. Max snaps a picture. When did his life come to this?
I'm here for those scenes in particular. I giggled and screamed a little.
He can’t write poetry. But he can draw the lines inside Magnus’ palms. He wonders if anyone else would ever love Magnus like this. Would anyone else ever love him this much? Love him enough to recognize him by his palm lines alone.
So my head canon is now that whenever Alec and Magnus where at shitty events and Alec was on the edge, he found comfort in following all the lines in Magnus' palm with his index finger, and breathing in and out to stay calm. It grew a habit for both of them, so whenever Alec was having some sort of anxiety or anger attack or was overthinking, Magnus simply held out his hand to Alec.
And that's why Magnus has this new tick of shovelling his hands into his back pockets whenever he meets Alec, so he won't reach out to give Alec his hands to calm down, because he is no longer allowed to be Alecs comfort place. And now I'm crying, thanks to me.
Does she make you happy? No
That's it. I'm dead. HOPE! There is HOPE!!!
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Heres the snippet for febuwhump Day 2 - "I can't take do this anymore."
Alec did not recall the nature of the ceremonial wear: armour created out of the enemy’s corpse. 
Armour created out of the bones of those with demon origins, currently known as downworlders.
If Alec had known this, he would have been horrified. He would not have invited Magnus to the institute that day. He would not have asked for Magnus’ help in arranging for the ceremony. He would not have brought the century old box, containing his ancestor’s ‘sacred’ armour out from its dusty storage in the Institutes basement. 
But most of all, he would not have let Magnus Bane open the box.
Let me know what you think!! (Or if you want to be tagged) 👀 Likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
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sssssssim · 4 years
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A fanfic a day keeps the ghouls away!     31 days of October, 31 ships,     31 characters that get scared     by someone in a Halloween costume.
Day 6: Alex x Magnus
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dude-bro-tm · 6 years
The Mission- Chapter 2
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this! I've decided that there are only gonna be 3 chapters, but I might change my mind.
          Pairings: Magnus x Alex, Halfborn x Mallory
          Warnings: light swearing, if there's anything else, please let me know.
          Word count: 636
Magnus was sitting, cross-legged, on Alex’s queen sized bed, listening to him fanboy about Yuri Plisetsky for the third time that day when someone knocked on the door.
    “Come in,” Alex shouted. A moment later, the door burst open and through it came TJ and Halfborn, both grinning stupidly. Halfborn had an axe strapped to his back, his big, brown beard had small braids in it, most likely made by Mallory. TJ was unarmed, to Magnus’s relief (he really didn’t want to battle anyone today).
    “Who’s up for a game?” TJ asked, leaning against the wall.
    “What kind of game?” Alex raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Games in Valhalla weren’t always very enjoyable.
“Truth or Dare,” Halfborn clarified.
Truth or Dare? Magnus thought. Since when does Halfborn Gunderson play Truth or Dare? He looked to Alex and Alex looked to him. After a second, Alex shrugged as if to say “why not” and smiled. Magnus found himself smiling, too.
“Okay, take a seat,” Alex said, motioning to the bed and scooting closer to Magnus to make room for the others. TJ’s grin grew wider and he hopped onto the bed, sitting across from Magnus and Alex. Halfborn took the nearest chair, dragged it next to the bed and sat down.
“Is Mal coming?” Magnus asked. Looking to the door.
“Miss Keen is a bit…” Halfborn paused to find the right word, “Preoccupied”
~ ~ ~
“LET ME OUT” Mallory yelled. She banged on the door, but it wouldn’t budge. Outside, a big, burly woman from floor 22 was leaning against the door. She yawned. “HELGA, I SWEAR ON ODIN'S EYEPATCH, IF I LOSE THIS BET BECAUSE YOU YOU I WILL PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS.”  
~ ~ ~
“Do you hear something?” Alex asked, brow furrowed.
“No,” TJ said, a little too quickly.
“I’m pretty sure I heard shouting just then,” Alex insisted.
“And I’m pretty sure that your crazy,” Halfborn teased.
“Fine,” Alex rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, a small smile spreading across his face, “Let get started then. Truth or dare…” He paused for dramatic effect, “TJ!”
“Dare,” he said without hesitation. TJ wasn’t one for truths.
Alex grinned a grin that was almost sinister. “I dare you,” he said slowly, “To lick Halfborn’s left foot.”
TJ looked horrified. Halfborn’s feet were unspeakably disgusting. “You,” TJ said with mock scorn, “are a bad person.”
Alex laughed, “Hate the sin, not the sinner.”
Magnus watched in horror as Halfborn peeled of his sock to reveal a hair, dirty, smelly foot. TJ crawled across the bed, nose scrunched up. He bent over, but flinched back as the stench hit him. He took a final breath before plunging down and quickly licking his friend’s left foot.
“Oh, Thor!” he exclaimed, “How long has it been since you’ve washed your feet, man?”
Halfborn thought for a moment. “When did The Beatles release Something New?”
“1964?” Magnus asked, repulsed.
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” TJ looked like he might faint. “TJ, it’s your turn, now.”
“O-okay,” TJ stuttered. He sounded dazed. “Um, Halfborn, truth or dare.”
Halfborn chose dare, of course. TJ dared him to wash his feet later. After that, Alex was dared to serenade a stranger on floor 10, they all went to watch. TJ had to dance to Despacito in the main lobby.
Back in Alex’s room, it was TJ’s turn. He turned to Magnus with a smile. “Truth or dare?”
“Um,” Magnus thought back to all the embarrassing and gross things the others had to do. “I’m gonna go with truth.”
“Hm,” TJ feigned thoughtfulness, “would you ever kiss Alex Fierro?”
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