#all of this is trippy af
toreii · 1 year
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Idia: “Hm? Something is ringing.”
Malleus: “Ah…it’s this fellow.”
Malleus: “Apparently, it’s hungry. Now then, what kind of food should I give it today…”
Malleus: “Oh, you know of this?”
Idia: “I know about it, but I played the generation that had color LCDs.”
Idia: “Wow, first generation model. There are still people playing those.”
Malleus: “…Yeah. It broke a few times, but I’ve had it repaired.”
Malleus: “I won’t neglect its maintenance……I will cherish it for a long, long time.”
Idia: “Aaah, if Dracon-kun is well cared for, it will be very happy.”
Malleus: “……Hehehe. I hope everyone feels the same.”
Idia: “Huh? Everyone…?”
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peridot-tears · 2 years
Guyyyys, following the AC voice actors is so nice 😭
Been obsessively watching Melissanthi and Michael goof around like real-life siblings, watching Noah's old projects (I say that, but Skins 2002 was for Eric Schweig), listening to Adrian change his voice like a WIZARD on the Assassin's Den podcast, and am now following Steven's short films.
Also, Tiio Horn is on Letterkenny, which is another reason to watch Letterkenny.
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lylianrae · 2 months
Fullfilment is all you need + success??
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Basically what the title says + pics for proof (since anons had no problem asking for pics shamelessly (shameeee on you🤨) )
What even is fulfillment?
Fulfillment is the "feeling" that your desires are already realised in the 3D. It is also the same feeling we are trying to evoke with the state of wish fulfilled. When you are fulfilled, you feel as though you already have it fully (although you may only have in the 4D) and you're not actually bothered about whether it would manifest or how long it takes. As Neville always stated in his books, "feeling is the secret", its like knowing you already have it so you're secure in your manifestation.
Why is fulfillment the G.O.A.T?
Honestly you can manifest things so easily. Forgot affirming for 16 hours straight, SATs, the void, tapping or whatever the anons are on these days. It can be so much fun and it'll always leave you feeling good because you know you already have it. If you actually explore why you might want a certain desire, you'll realise that it actually stems from a much deeper void (pun intended).
For example, you might want to manifest 100% on your next test - do you want to see the number 100 randomly or do you want to feel proud of yourself? Do you want to have people admiring and respecting you? Do you want your parents to brag about you to their coworkers? Same thing with money, if you just have £25,000 in your bank account, it'll just be a bunch of numbers but actually what you are after is the financial freedom. The numbers would be useless if you can't do what you want with them.
Overall its the reason why we manifest and why these desires become reality. As soon as we make the feeling of having it natural, it manifests.
How do I know if I am fulfilled?
You are secure in your knowing as you know you have it already so there is no wondering where your desire is. You don't really care about time or how long it takes the same way anymore because you understand that you have it now so there is nothing to wait for if you already have what you want. Its more you know you have in the 4D so you don't care about the 3D. You have entered sabbath state and you're just chilling basically (it sounds like 5 different ways to say the same thing? 🤨).
How do I fulfill myself?
All these techniques - SATS, affirming, visualisation is all about helping us fulfill ourselves. Decide that you have this particular desire and know that. Sometimes we crave certain feelings, like sometimes we just want a warm hug or to eat a certain food which we can't in the moment. Literally just close your eyes and imagine having whatever it is as vividly as possible (if you want) and you'll notice the feeling of lack and desire just leaving.
For example, if you want a chocolate bar, you'll decide that you have one now. No matter what the 3D shows you, know that you have a chocolate bar. You can affirm, do SATS and visualise for the chocolate bar but at the end of the day they are techniques used to help you fulfill yourself and ease your craving for the chocolate bar by tell you that you already have it. With that being said, there is no higher power out there that will say that you can't have your desire if you only affirm 49 times out of 50 or only visualise once throughout your day. Thats also why sometimes desires just pop up even if you affirm once.
Success story??
So recently I have been putting my foot down about manifesting so I have been visualising and fulfilling myself whenever I get the chance. If I want to eat something I dont have in my house? Into my imagination I go and I create it. I want to hug someone I can't anymore? Imagination time. I want someone stop asking me questions? Close eyes, fulfill, rinse and repeat.
I've been "meditating" at night (I say meditating but its me just passing out after 3 secs) so sometimes I get weird trippy dreams but sometimes I can't remember them at all and wake up tired af even though I get 9 hours of sleep (sus as hell). Anyways one day (9/07) I dreamt of some dogs (which I completely forgot about) and after a few hours, my mum told me that my brother was collecting coins so he could save up for a puppy (hes 5 lmao) and shes was so impressed. She tried to talk to my dad into it and surprisingly he agreed?? Although I love dogs, I have also asked for a cat since forever (since manifesting my way into that private school) and I basically complained hard to my dad who really wanted a dog but he was kind of leaning towards a cat too that day. He even told me that if any sellers agree, he'll go pick them up right that day (lets be real, no one will with such short notice I think he just set me up to fail 😡). The next day (10/07) my sister approached him about it and apparently he was like no way (🤕) but tbh I didn't really care. Inside I was just like "I'll get whatever I want anyways" because its true but also because I'm kind of too busy for a pet right now. I used to think my life was too toxic for pet and that they would be better off not being mine but recently I just realised that I was just manifesting that toxicity into my life. Why would I, the God of my reality, be deprived of anything I want? Its simply not natural. Anyways -back to the story- he didn't want to get a cat and I was busy that day I sort of just dropped it. The next day (11/07), I was looking through kitten pictures and showing my mum and we were taking about what kind of cat to get, awwing over kittens (the usual yk). My dad walked in and I showed him the pictures and for once in his life, he was like yeah they're cute and then he told me to message the seller and that he will go pick the kitten up that very same day if they responded but only if they responded by 5 pm or else I won't get a cat at all (at the time, it was already after 3:30pm). I messaged a bunch of them and one of them responded super fast and even gave us their number, my dad gave them a call but... they would. not. pick up. I was stressing out so much because time was running but I somehow channeled my inner master manifestor and just calmed myself. Then the next thing I did was close my eyes and imagine myself hugging a tinyy black and white kitten. Then I just let it go, grabbed some ice cream and forced myself to chill. Lmao just kidding, I affirmed in my head like twice but I was interrupted because the seller called back!! Anyways, long story short, we ended up driving 1hr to the sellers place and guess what... I got what I wanted.
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Lol hes angry I won't let him sleep
His name is Mion and hes an absolutely babyyy. I will never shut up about how perfect he is - hes so freaking well behaved, has never bit, scratched or pooped on anything (expect litter). Hes so good with loud noises and with being picked up and played with. I've only heard him meow at the fruit flies and he only uses his claws on his toys. The crazy part is I only paid £10 for him. I used to stress that my dad won't actually like him but tell me why he's baby talking him?? It was honestly all so sudden, I didn't even have cat litter or a litter tray for him on the day.
I didn't exactly want a cat that bad but I think because I'm always giving myself whatever I want in my imagination, my subconcious just translated that into "there is nothing that I cannot have". Remember, there is nothing that you cannot have either <3 Bye bye.
Love, Lylian. This post is way too long, I'm so sorry I lost the plot a while ago. Ps: do you have any naming suggestions for him, I feel like Mion is a good name and an awful name at the same time.
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h-worksrambles · 8 months
Sonic X Shadow Generations fascinates me. Because it feels like something I shouldn’t be excited for. And yet I absolutely am.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Sonic Generations. It’s my third favourite game in the series and my favourite 3D Sonic game (with Sonic Adventure 2 in a close second). I’m very happy to see it getting a re release to expose it to new audiences, and playing it in 4K60fps on my PS5 is a very enticing. Likewise, I really like Shadow as a character and I’m excited to play as him again.
And yet, his new bonus campaign promises to basically be a bunch of nostalgic pandering for Shadow the Hedgehog, a game which I consider to be, simply put, crap. It was boring, dull, colourless and embarrassing trend chasing. And pretty much everything I hated about it is on display in this trailer.
We’ve got gritty, grey cityscapes, we’ve got the rather blah alien villain, Black Doom returning, we’ve got the looming return of the series’…bafflingly executed lore. In a word, Shadow was a pretty much everything I didn’t want Sonic to be shoved into a blender. I’ve given my thoughts on revisiting past excesses and failures for the sake of nostalgia. I wrote a whole thing about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and my fears that it would go overboard pandering to the 2000s spin offs (which I dislike a for lot of the same reasons as a lot of Sonic stuff from the mid 2000s). A faux attempt at maturity that sacrifices Sonic’s camp and colour, and lacks the writing competency to make its tone shift work is pretty much my worst case scenario for the series. And now we’re invoking that for nostalgia? Again, I should hate this.
So if I dislike Shadow the Hedgehog so much. If it really is so emblematic of Sonic’s worst excesses that I want it to leave behind in the 2000s…then why am I so damn hyped for this? Why am I not feeling the same dread as whenever VII Remake implicitly threatens to bring back Genesis?
I think it’s because of the specific relationship Sonic has had with its past for the last decade. So much of the stuff from that time period is material that Sega has seemed actively scared to touch again. Sometimes with good reason. But I think that’s why some material from that time has gained such a strong nostalgic cult following, and why they’re held up as such bastions of missed potential. There’s never been anything quite like Shadow or 06 since they came out with how safe Sega has subsequently played things. And in many respects, that’s a good thing. But I can see how it build a sense of mystique around them. It was kind of sad to see 2010s Sonic so…scared of itself. Terrified to invoke its own history but not really committed to a new direction either. And this is pretty much the exact opposite of that hesitancy.
Basically, the reason I react to seeing Westopolis or Black Doom with ‘holy shit let’s go!!!’ rather than ‘why, god, why?’ is because I genuinely never thought I would see them again after this long. It’s just exciting to see Sonic Team throw caution to the wind and embrace all the parts of their franchise. Even the parts I personally dislike. Plus, Sonic Generations is kind of the perfect game in which to reimagine that stuff and make it..actually good this time. This was the game that made Crisis City of all things into a banger level. The game that took Silver, one of the most notorious boss fights in the series, and gave him a kickass encounter.
If they can fix that, they can do anything.
Plus, the fact that the trailers already show all these trippy stage effects and anime af boss fights and set pieces tells me we’re not just gonna be running through the same drab washed out burning cities that made Shadow 2005 so boring. Again, there’s evidently an effort being made to rehabilitate and reimagine this stuff, not just repeat all the same mistakes. And that’s exciting.
So yeah, Sonic X Shadow Generations has somehow managed to get me genuinely excited for all the parts of the series I typically balk at. And that’s pretty impressive.
That said, if I see Mephiles again, I’m leaving.
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cultofcreatures · 9 months
My Top 15 Vaporwave Horror Movies
I thought I would put together a list of vaporwave/dreamcore/liminal aesthetic horror movies that I find to feel outside of time and space. That's sort of my vibe here on tumblr, and I also like the mantra of "if there's something you want to see that no one has made yet, make it yourself." These are films that I personally love, and the list not meant to be definitive. Remember also that art is subjective. I hope someone out there finds at least one film they want to add to their watchlist! It's been a minute since I've seen some of them, so let me know if I need to correct something.
15. Mandy (2018)
I wish I could add pictures for all of these entries, but I can still only add 10 pictures to a post blah. It's such a shame because I wanted to show off that gorgeous aesthetics of all these films. Oh well. This is a revenge flick about a cult kidnapping Nick Cage's girlfriend and him losing his marbles about it. Definitely recommend if you're the mood for vibes and/or Nick Cage NickCageing.
TW: violence, blood, fire
14. Come True (2020)
This is a haunting, fantastic vibes movie. It feels so otherworldly. It's about a homeless young person participating in a sleep study to be able to safely get some sleep. It would be an almost perfect film if it weren't for the just garbage ending. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, just skip the last 5 minutes, and take it for what the rest of the film is: beautiful.
13. Braid (2018)
This film follows a couple of young drug dealers on the run from their supplier crashing at a mentally unwell friend's house. The catch is they have to play along with their host's unhinged "game" while they hide out. Not gonna lie, this film is trippy af and definitely not for everyone. I can guarantee that no matter what, it is a ride.
TW: heavy drug use, blood
12. Perfect Blue (1997)
A pop star retires to become a full-time actor, which angers some of her fans. Her sense of reality becomes warped when one obsessive fan begins to stalk her. I don't love some of the turns this movie takes when it comes to mental health, but it's hard to deny this film is classic that has stunning animation.
TW: negative depictions of mental disorders, violence, blood
11. Skinamarink (2022)
This controversial found footage movie is sort of hard to describe because it's so otherworldly. Basically, two kids wake up one night to find their dad and all of their doors and windows are missing. Everything about this nostalgic yet terrifying film is vibes and aesthetic: liminal, vaporwave, voidcore, dreamcore, you name it. It feels like a fever dream, and it's a nightmarish journey you won't soon forget, for better or worse.
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10. Vivarium (2019)
A couple are looking for a home to share. They follow a strange realtor to an even stranger labyrinthine neighborhood that seems to have no escape. If you're into liminal spaces, this film will definitely scratch that itch for you.
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9. Revenge (2017)
This is a r*pe revenge tale that has absolutely beautiful scenery and cinematography. I love the sweeping liminal landscapes and vibrant vaporwave colors. It's a standard plot as far as the genre goes, but it's directed by a woman, so it has a different angle that I find to be superior to most films of the genre.
TW: violence, gore, SA, blood
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8. Don't Worry Darling (2022)
A 1950s housewife begins to suspect that something about her utopian community is not what it seems. This film seems to be a bit controversial, too, for some reason. Whatever the case may be, I adore the liminality and dreamy feel of this film. You really get a sense that this world is outside of time and space.
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7. It Follows (2014)
This film is straight up about a sexually transmitted curse. Jay sleeps with her boyfriend for the first time, and then finds out she must outpace this demon that can take the shape of anyone forever lest it kill her, or she must pass the curse on to someone else. The shots in this film are to die for. Especially for connoisseurs of the liminal, vaporwave, and dreamcore. Highly recommend for the visuals and music alone.
TW: gore, blood
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6. House (1977)
Gorgeous decides to stay with her aunt to hopefully get closer with a group of six of her friends. The girls come to find her aunt's house is more than meets the eye. The visuals and absurdity are what make this movie. It's a classic for a reason.
TW: cartoon gore
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5. Akira (1988)
Tetsuo gains psychic abilities via a secret military project and becomes mad with power. It's up to his friends and a small group of psychics to stop him. This is another classic anime. Its 1980s futuristic mentality really lends itself to the vaporwave atmosphere of the cityscape. I highly recommend this classic if you haven't seen it.
TW: violence, body horror
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4. Censor (2021)
Enid is a serious film censor with a shrouded past that includes her long-missing sister. She watches a film that bears eerie resemblance to her vague childhood memories that begin to take hold of her as tries to piece them together. I don't think I'm totally clear on when this film takes place, which is what I love about it. It has a spooky surreal quality that will both draw you in and unsettle you.
TW: violence, blood
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3. She Dies Tomorrow (2020)
Amy is convinced she is going to die tomorrow. Her friend Jane comes by to comfort her, and then becomes consumed by the thought she will die tomorrow as well. This film is as strange as it is beautiful. It will either leave you in tears or confused af or both.
TW: blood
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2. The Neon Demon (2016)
Jesse is a very young, gifted model who is new in town (probably LA). She quickly signs with an agent and begins getting gigs, breeding the contempt of the established models around her. This is probably one of the most visually appealing films I've ever seen. The music is on point. The low key acting is a vibe. I just adore this film. 10/10, highly recommend.
TW: gore, blood
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1. The Platform (2019)
A man wakes up in a prison that is an indescribable liminal pit where there are a seemingly never-ending number of levels. A platform full of food is lowered through each level once a day, and everyone on the lower levels must fight to survive. This film is just so utterly anticapitalist and gorgeous that I can't help but sing its praises. I think everyone should watch this movie at least once. It is horrifying yet eye-opening. Certainly one of my favorite films of all time.
TW: gore, violence, blood
Thank you for reading my list! Like I said, I wanted to make a list like this because I couldn't find one when I went looking. I hope you found something to add to your watchlist! I tried to include some of the big TWs for these movies, but they're far from complete lists. So please check websites like doesthedogdie.com for more complete TW lists if you have any concerns. Make decisions that are right for you. Thanks again, and have a happy and safe new year! xx
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dancer-me · 2 years
To be honest, I REALLY enjoyed this episode. We got so much fanon confirming content!
✔️ Someone is going to knock on Maddie's door and she's going to have to experience that heart sinking moment of - is it her baby brother or the love of her life? Confirmed.
✔️ Bobby thinks of Buck as his kid? Confirmed.
✔️ Literally everyone but Buck knows that Bobby thinks of Buck as his kid? Confirmed.
✔️ Something Big Happens and Buck realizes he matters to himself and Bobby and his father-son relationship with Bobby is wholesome af thereafter? Confirmed.
✔️ Chim is willing to drink the crazy juice - in fact, he simply cannot help himself - and go along with a Trippy Adventure no matter how farfetched or unbelievable? Confirmed.
✔️ Hen is skeptical but on board with Chim's shenanigans at all times? Confirmed.
✔️ Chris will find a way to be at Buck's bedside at the hospital no matter what, and Eddie will cave? Confirmed.
✔️ Eddie will be composed on the outside but just. Start. Crying. When the pain of losing Buck and what that means to his little family finds a way to break through? Confirmed.
✔️ Buck will wake in a hospital surrounded by his firefam (that scene we DID NOT GET after the truck bombing)? Confirmed.
I felt very fed tonight. Did I notice that there wasn't that much Eddie? Sure, of course I did. But the Eddie scenes I did get were most excellent. Not only did we get Eddie trying to keep Buck alive as they passed through the hospital doors, we got "Do more" and we got lip quivering trying not to cry, but then we got very real tears. Therapized Eddie cried at his best friend's bed side watching his kid tell Buck to wake up. Fantastic.
I think it is actually very telling that Eddie didn't physically show up in Buck's coma dream. Since everyone was just a manifestation of Buck's own thoughts, the Eddie of it all would have been far too telling for Buck and his thoughts on Eddie and how important what Eddie thinks is to him. They didn't even go there. I'm sure someone who actually does the deep meta thoughts has something brilliant to say about that, but really - I'm totally pleased with the whole episode!
My final thoughts:
Don't let the Buckley parents ruin your night the way they ruined Buck's childhood.
Just let them buy the couch.
It's going to burn to the ground anyway 😏
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besttropeveershowdown · 3 months
The Most Annoying Trope Showdown: Round 2, Poll 9
All Crimes are Equal
In a given setting, all crimes are punished with the same penalty.
simply obnoxious!!
Hanahaki Disease
a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies
The second-to-last paragraph on the TV Tropes page pretty much explains everything I feel is wrong about it; how the premise itself is very guilt-trippy towards the love interest (either the they return the sick person’s affections or the latter ends up dying, which is a pretty real manipulation tactic iirc). Worst part is that it CAN be an interesting trope when used as a metaphor for how bad it is to bottle up your emotions, but it’s rarely ever written as such :( / I don’t understand the appeal, it’s so boring? Mid af
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07043012 · 3 months
Lmaoo its 3:30 am in my place Im trippy af so what if Big Daniel body is literally James Lee/DG's 2nd body. I mean think about it. How could a redhead meance can enter a bunch of contests, win a ton of prices then go crippling gang leaders across South Korea without being recognized??
With those fancy trophy, he had to be popular, a national genius, got his face on every local news not just some random dude walking around with a lollypop. Another strange thing about him is that he didn't have any friend. He was "one man circle" after all.
Moreover, the Big Daniel's body got James' fighting style before encounter with him. And James somehow knew about little Daniel, the convince store he worked in, his 2nd body thingy right from the start 🤔
Ngl I dont know what PTJ is planning rn but I hope he isnt going to ruin James as a character.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
Another thing we really hate about endos is how manipulative and guilt trippy they can be. We are very firm on endo apathetic to anti endo. And even if we are endo apathetic, it comes from us just being too damn tired to care. We are very disabled with a lot of real life problems and mostly comes down to us just wanting them out of our spaces.
But that aside. They're very guilt trippy and manipulative. And so whenever we make points, we start thinking of all the shit we've seen and read and just kinda lose that point as well. Cause it's very much a trigger for us and makes us feel gaslit (even if what they're doing isn't intentional like gaslighting.) It's still manipulative af. And it messes with our head which is why we avoid endos so much. Cause we are susceptible to that and it can go against our core beliefs or even our reality. Plus we have moral ocd so we start feeling like a monster for not supporting them.
I hate how it feels like we are essentially being manipulated and guilt tripped into supporting them rather than given ACTUAL REASONS to support them. It's just "don't be exclusionist" "don't police other people's lives" "you can't be this if you're a sysmed" and other bs like that. It messes with our head so bad. (We're alright and have good grounding methods, no real concern, just a frustration we wanted to rant about.)
It's so infuriating and I just hate how much they play on gaining sympathy and guilting others rather than doing anything else. For people who claim that we are like transmeds and they're like the poor innocent trans people (hate that shit so much, we are a system full of a lot of xenogender and mspec mono peeps so tbat comparison with "sysmed" is fucking insulting, genuinely), they sure do love to use guilt to "change our minds" rather than providing arguments. Like a lot of trans people can and will do to terfs. And even then, trans people don't go into terfs' tags to harass them or bombard them like endos tend to do. Cause real activism and fighting for acceptance isn't just discourse and bickering and guilt tripping.
I hate the comparison between endos and trans people and anti endos and sysmeds so much. What an insult. But that is a vent for another fucking day. I just hate how manipulative all of their arguments feel. And we've read a lot even when we WERE open to the idea of endogenic systems (back when we were a new system and didn't know everything) and it still A: didn't make sense to us B: seem like there was any actual evidence and C: still felt very manipulative and guilt trippy. And that was when we were actually OPEN to the idea of endos being real. Now we aren't and it hasn't changed at all honestly. It still feels the same. Manipulative, guilt trippy, playing a victim card, oppression olympics, trauma olympics too, all of that shit. It's amazing how endos love to say anti endos gatekeep trauma, but I see way more trauma olympics vibes from them. It's a very unfriendly space to trauma survivors, system or not tbh.
Okay. Vent over. Thank you for letting us rant. :)
Yeah we see that a lot. A lot will make comments on how you can't tell them they're not systems because then your discriminating and your a bigot and compariable to a racist.
We completely get that, they're more of the type to say "hey this thing? It wasn't traumatic enough so your endo".
No need to thank us!! /gen /pos
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ultimaterickshowdown · 6 months
I firmly believe rick prime would cuddle but only for the minimum socially acceptable amount of minutes bc that man is a. autistic af (arent we all) but b. NOT going to have his whole cool dude unflustered "best rick" façade bested by a scorned lay who thinks he's cold hearted bc of this so is slagging him off across the galaxy.
W how power trippy he gets when dealing with c137 like even if he doesn't care what other ricks think (incl. 137), he thinks it's FUNNY to get them all riled up and he clearly enjoys acting superior to them so no way in HELL is he letting something as small as a cuddle make anyone think even for a second that he doesn't FUCK. that or he just kills you after. Both ensure you don't talk.
Depends on how much u think this man likes flattery and praise, OR how funny he thinks it would be for other Rick's to never be rid of him and always in his shadow Incl. in the bedroom. Like imagine everyone you try bed CANNOT SHUT UP about how good you are in bed only to find out they mean the OTHER YOU THAT KILLED YOUR WIFE ? YOUR MFKING NEMESIS ?!? And then it happens again.. and again... and again.. esp if rick c137 doesn't cuddle (which I don't think he does. he's too self involved. certainly not for a one off) oh I'd go mad
Anyway that's the case I make for rick prime cuddles and I would gladly take it
i have no further notes you understand the mental torture of a good afterglow cuddle like no other
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triplexdoublex · 6 months
But this is definitely just a huge PR stunt!! If I’m being honest the timing is just weird
Megan going on that interview thing, answering questions about colson and being very secretive if they are together or not
Now mgk and trippie releasing an album together lol, it’s definitely to get attention and money, cause come on everyone on my Facebook is talking about it, the timing was just perfect and it’s maybe just a coincidence but I don’t believe so
The timing is fishy AF but at the same time I also believe they have some kind of real but extremely toxic relationship it’s all so confusing 😵‍💫
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Ain't no WAY
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People say this is about the lucifer stuff specifically (although a lot has been happening from the other stuff and the allegations etc etc). But if this is about the lucifer stuff, holy shit. I forget this woman is 30 years old cause this tweet feels like it was made by a 12 year old😭
And for what, criticism?? Bruh her fans are already harassing people saying "you guys are so mean you might make her off herself you are cruel and should fuck off".
I hope these kids one day realize this shit she pulls is guilt trippy af
Agreed. I honestly don’t know what to say anymore. Like…I unfollowed her for a reason, and I’m honestly just…done with discussing her tweets that are unrelated to Hazbin or Helluva, mainly her work, because I can’t deal with her bullshit, especially THIS, like good lord. I don’t know how many times I or other fans have to repeat themselves, she needs to look after her mental health, because she’s clearly unstable. I can’t tell if she’s guilt-tripping and overreacting, or really is suicidal. I don’t know. Maybe her past is finally catching up to her, maybe she’s just having a shit fit because people were making fun of or criticizing her character designs, or maybe she’s just burnt out. I don’t know, and I honestly don’t care, because it’s the same thing over and over again with her. She gets upset, the fans baby her and comfort her, then they move on. If all of this really is because of the criticism then that’s fucking wild. I don’t condone harassment, but I will be honest and say I never saw anyone “harass” her, cause that’s what her fans keep saying when in reality Hazbin was trending and people were simply discussing Lucifer’s design and how Viv designs her characters. Of course I don’t know for sure, but fans are now acting like you can’t share a negative opinion about her work because of her “mental health”, when in reality all creators get hate and no one should act like it’s the end of the world because of it, something Vivzie has done multiple times in the past. It seems more like Vivzie is just playing another pity party as usual and I don’t really care to discuss further because there’s nothing more I can say other than what I’ve BEEN saying, that I hope she takes a break from the internet and works on her mental health.
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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Unpopular opinion but these kinds of posts are insufferable.
Reblogging a post doesn't make you anti-nazi or anti-fascist, just like not reblogging it doesn't make you a nazi and a fascist. These peeps seriously gotta understand that not everyone wants this kinda thing on their blog. Maybe they're just blogging about art, or positivity, or they simply like looking back at all their posts when they're in a bad mood and don't want to see nazi ments. These peeps gotta realize that a lot of their followers are gonna unfollow because these posts are guilt trippy af and don't have any nuance.. not because they're nazis. A lot of people, including me, don't mind seeing 'we don't allow nazis and nazi rhetoric here', but draw the line at coercion. You can be against nazis at the same time you're against manipulative crap like this post, they're not mutually exclusive.
Reblogging a post that says you're against nazis? Cool beans! We should all be against nazis! I'm probably gonna reblog that too! But going with the virtue-signally dick move of 'reblog this or else you're a nazi degenerate uwu', and forcing people to reblog, is top-tier shitty coercion, it's manipulative, and it'll drive people with moral forms of OCD absolutely nuts.
Not to mention it'll drive a lot of people, ie. the considerate kind who don't put up with this shit, away from your blog, so yeah..
Don't reblog things like this if you want the right kinds of people to like you.
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SNEAK PEEK (ONCE AGAIN!) They Who Hide Under Top Hats: Part XVI- The Ceremony III
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Henry took chalice and held it above his head with both hands. He then concentrated and, within moments, the chalice erupted into bright blue fire. He then slowly brought the chalice down and held it in from of Lucian. He could hear the chanting getting louder yet more ominous. He took the chalice with his unwounded hand. Part of him still felt hesitant but now there was no turning back. He placed his lips on the cup, the fire touched his face but it did not burn him. He closed his eyes once more and with all his courage, he drank the blood.
Lucian had barely drunk a full sip when he suddenly felt as though something around him had change. Lucian opened his eyes. And the first thing he saw was that the chalice was no longer in his hand and that his hand was no longer bleeding.
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NOTES: Should I include the tagline for this? Idk. Well either way, work on Part XVI is well underway. I'm almost at 2K and my initial estimates for this chapter have it being 8K max. Just finished a trippy af vision scene which also doubles as foreshadowing.
So what do you think? I'm trying to get this chapter out before next month and so far that seems possible. Just need to work at it.
Cheerio! :D
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Art: The Morrow Siblings, The Hatly Sisters, Lucian/Benjamin, The Morning Siblings
They Who Hide Under Top Hats- on tumblr
The 'They Who Hide Under Top Hats' Community- on tumblr (invite)
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tagline for community members: @harleyacoincidence, @autism-purgatory, @rivenantiqnerd, @sm-writes-chaos, @hellothere2009, @drvonchickenstein
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kittythegengarmonarch · 6 months
Had a g/t dream a few nights ago.
Thank you @tiny-brain for reminding me to post about this. I've been wanting to share it with the g/t community since that specific part of the dream ended. (Do be aware that my dreams are trippy af, so I don't fully remember specific parts. Also, even though this specific part is 100% Gengar, I wanted to share it to give pop an idea or two into g/t creators' heads, so they can insert their characters and make their own version. And to those g/t creators, go nuts if you get any ideas from this. 😉; unless you're a NSFW blog, duh.)
So, in the dream, basically, the s/o of my persona, the Pokemopolis Gengar, Gargantua, aka Gargie, whatever you wanna call him (either him or another Giant Gengar, idfk), kidnapped most of the Universal Counterparts of Kitty, for example, Pretty, and kept them all in a giant bag with her in it. (I don't remember the reason, but I do know that it wasn't intended to be sadistic by any means.) Every counterpart he collected, he grew larger, along with the bag, because of the positive emotions he felt. This happened so much to the point where he reached the size of the universe. You know how I said "most"? That's the thing, apparently, he didn't get the male counterparts, so they all went to save their female counterparts from being enslaved in his clutch. Eusea's never-going-to-be-canon genderbent counterpart GMaxed, but came to be just a fraction of the universal sized Gengar (still pretty fucking big). As soon as he was going to 'do his ultimate attack (idfk)', that part of the dream was cut off.
Again, felt like sharing it see what ideas the g/t creators get from my dream. Go nuts. Share your ideas you got.
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