stankygay · 6 months
hi lovelies~! I updated my omegaverse COD fanfiction, this chapter has some backstory on AleRudy and how they got together in my story~! And a wee bit of Ghoap.
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neoncat666 · 6 months
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Images to obliterate me into a bazillion pieces
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queenhunter102 · 8 months
(PART 3) (PART 5) Lore Page
You walk around the barracks, nosing around the beds, you decide to choose a bed, you sit down on one of the beds, laying back, but you shift restless, finding the small cot rather uncomfortable, you sit up eyeing the other beds, before getting up and pushing a bed from the left and the right together creating a larger makeshift bed. You lay back down, on the now larger bed, hating the feeling of the metal bars digging into your back, you sit back up walk over to the supply cupboard, pull out a blanket and more pillows, you walk back over to the makeshift bed, you fix the bed making it slightly more comfortable. ‘Why did I transfer out of the country? I could be at home in my goddamn comfortable bed and not this shithole.’ You think as you lay back down on the bed, you lift your arm eyeing the Pheromone patch on your arm, you sniff at the glue, it had been itchy for the last few days, but that is what it was always like when it had been checked but, this was a different kind of itchy, this was deep in the skin, it was hitting your instinct to use your teeth. You were about to use your teeth to scratch the itch when a knock came at the door of the barracks, you got up and walked over to the door, you pulled open the door to find two Alpha at the door, both of them strapped with your bags, one smiles at you, giving you a small wave. “Hey, Newbie, I’m Gaz and this is Alejandro” Alejandro waves at you, a brief smile on his face, Gaz speaks again. “Sargent said to bring you, your stuff, and it’s all kind of heavy” He says, motioning to the bags on their shoulders, you panic a little before stepping out of the way and letting them in. “Sorry I should have said something about it,” You say, as you move out of the door, letting them in, Gaz is quick to step into the door, he looks around the space, you assume sniffing the room you eye him, your instincts not liking the fact that there was an odd and new male in your space. You rolled your shoulders trying to dislodge that feeling, when the feeling didn’t go, you cracked your neck trying to get rid of the feeling, but when Alejandro stepped into the room, your instincts kicked in again, really not liking it, you jump a little hearing a deep growl vibrate around the room, your eyes snapping to the two Alphas but their eyes were on you, their eyebrows raised. “Sorry, we don’t mean to upset you, Sargent did say that you were territorial” Alejandro said, as he placed his half of your bags into one of the cots, you nodded your head, you weren’t usually like this, you were just unsettled and were surrounded by nothing but alphas and betas, with no security of other omegas to retreat to. “Yeah, Sorry, I’m just not used to males in my space,” You say, Gaze nods his head, placing half of the bags down. “Yeah, he did mention it, But I thought he was only kidding, I should know better since my Brother is an Omega” Gaz says, sighing he tilts his head at the makeshift bed behind you, he smiles, elbowing Alejandro, nodding to the bed. “I take it you’re not used to being so far from home?” Gaz asks, you turn your head to bed and back to the Alphas, now suddenly embarrassed. “No, not really, I’m used to being in a five-star hotel and having nice meals,” You say, Gaze and Alejandro's jaws drop a little. “Damn, we’re in the wrong job,” Alejandro says, his face shifting to a look of confusion. “Wait what did you do before us?” He asks you are about to answer when their walkie-talkies go off. ~ Crackle~ “Gaz, Alejandro briefing, alert new member” came from their walkie-talkies, the voice made your ears hurt, forcing you to cover them, hating how it felt like the voice radiated around the room. Gaz looked between you and Alejandro. “Well you heard, time to get a move on, we’ll show you the briefing room”
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ultimatemistomakesart · 4 months
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Magma/aggie w/ the gang ( @windows---95, @ripplethepickle, & Fory) it's very unhinged and we are aware of that!
(Using some designs from @tdad )
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Umm I have a request of a slasher AU with alpha Ghost x omega soap and alpha alejando x omega Rodolfo
Rudy and Soap go on a class trip to the woods with there teacher. The class goes into this abandon building where they soon find out that serial killers are there. Soap and Rudy run but gets pushed by some class mates to the killers.
I did a little different from a class trip since that's the exact plot of the first chapter of Slasher Fieldtrip and went with a party, instead
Rodolfo rolled his eyes as Soap went on and on about the party they were going to. A party in the woods in the middle of September. What a great idea! It’s apparently at this abandoned school, too, which… 
“Why are we even going to this again?” Rodolfo sighed and turned to Soap, hugging himself. He didn’t like dressing nearly as… showy as Soap. He would not slut shame his best friend. Even if he dressed in a manner similar to one. And had lots of sex. He would not slut shame him. 
Soap looked over at him. “God, Rudy, could you be more of a stereotype?” He came over, pulling Rodolfo’s shirt back and tying it. “Try to look a little sexy! Come on! We’re having fun!”
Rodolfo huffed and pulled away, untying his shirt. “No. I’m only going to this party because you want to go. Which, again, I ask, why are we going??”
“Because I am bored.” Soap sighed. “It is our second year of college and maybe you’re content with doing nothing but studying and being bored all year, but I want to do something. You don’t want me to go alone.”
Rodolfo sighed, since Soap had a point. “Yeah, I guess…” He shook his head. “Fine, but don’t expect me to dress… sexy or whatever. I’m content like this.”
“Of course you are.” Soap shook his head. “Fine, fine.” He smiled and then he kissed Rodolfo’s cheek. “Let’s go!”
Rodolfo snorted, unbothered since Soap was always affectionate. “Yeah, yeah, let’s go.”
They took Soap’s car and Rodolfo let Soap drive, his nerves growing as they went down the dirt path that led to the old school. He wondered why it didn’t have like a road or something that led to it, but he didn’t ask out loud, doubting Soap had bothered to find out. 
He loved his best friend, but he didn’t ask very many questions. Rodolfo was the opposite, constantly asking questions. When they parked in what look like a very beat up parking lot, he wasn’t shocked to see a fair amount of other cars. “What if the cops get called?”
“Eh, no laws are being broken, save for maybe underage drinking. The owner of the property’s daughter is running the party.” Soap explained as they got out, locking up the jeep he’d bought the year before. “So, we should be fine. Are you going to be drinking?”
“No, I’ll have to drive us back.” Rodolfo snorted. Not to mention, he rarely drank at parties. He shook his head and followed Soap inside, cringing as they went into the doors of the school. It was apparently an elementary school, which maybe added to the eerieness a little.
The lights were off, though floodlights had been set up, and most of the party appeared to be in the cafeteria which could be seen through this big glass wall in the direct entrance. So, Rodolfo and Soap went there. 
Soap immediately dragged him to the drink table, getting a beer, and Rodolfo made a face, just grabbing a soda. “Loosen up,” Soap nudged him. “At least try to have fun! Come on! It’s a party!”
“Yeah, exactly, I don’t go to those!” Rodolfo groaned and shook his head. He was grateful he’d made the choice to wear scent suppressants, cringing a little as some people accidentally got too close to him. He got an idea, knowing how his best friend was. “Can we explore the rest of the school a little?”
“Sure.” Soap grinned. “I want to check it out.”
Rodolfo relaxed, his head pounding from the loud music, and he grabbed Soap’s wrist, dragging him out of the cafeteria and to a random hallway. There weren’t any flood lights down it so Rodolfo got out his phone flashlight and they hesitantly started down the hallway.
Rodolfo glanced into doors, seeing mostly bare and empty classrooms and they paused at a door that was closed. Soap just immediately opened it and Rodolfo went to stop him. Both cringed and froze as the smell of sex hit them and Soap immediately shut the door. “Gross.” Rodolfo muttered.
“I dunno, gives me ideas.” Soap laughed and Rodolfo just lightly shoved him. “Come on, when was the last time you had sex?”
Rodolfo winced. “It’s been a while.” He admitted. “I don’t have time for sex.” That was a lie, he just didn’t like hookup culture and he had no interest in trying to form a lasting relationship with the alpha douchebags that went to their college. 
Soap didn’t look convinced but shook his head and they continued down the hallway. Finally, they found a room that still looked like it had stuff in it, so they went into the room, using Rudy’s flashlight to look around. Rodolfo found the drawings still taped to the wall to be eerie, going up to them. They looked to be drawings of apple trees. “Why did this place close down, anyway?”
“One of the student’s father kept killing kids and the school did nothing about it.” Soap explained. “Apparently another kid went missing, too, and the school just didn’t care.”
Rodolfo blinked and frowned. “What were both kid’s names?”
“Uh, the first was Simon Riley I think? The second was Alejandro Vargas.”
Rodolfo winced, holding his head. Why was that second name familiar? He shook it off and tried to clear his sudden headache. “So they just closed it?”
“They had to, I think. I dunno, Rudy, I’m not a lawyer.” Soap snorted and came over to him. “Oh, shit, see!” He pointed to one of the drawings and Rodolfo looked at it, frowning as he saw Simon Riley was the name on the drawing. It was a fairly normal drawing.
Kind of.
Then, Rodolfo noticed the weird like demon thing which appeared to be standing behind a tree. “Creepy,” he mumbled as he pointed it out to Soap, who nodded in agreement. “Wonder if Alejandro Vargas’s is on here.”
“Yeah, probably,” a voice came from behind, startling them, and both whipped around.
But, no one was there. 
They shared a look. “Maybe let’s go back to the rest of the party.” Rodolfo suggested and Soap immediately nodded.
Rodolfo was glad for the silent agreement to just not talk about what just happened as they started back down the hallway. But right as they got to it, the doors which separated the hallway from the rest of the school closed, cutting them off. Rodolfo jolted back at the sudden noise and looked at Soap, who was making a face.
“I think we’re being pranked.” Soap muttered.
“Yeah, by who?”
“Don’t be mad.” Soap winced. “Please.”
“Soap.” Rodolfo crossed his arms, already mad.
Soap pouted. “Please, Rudy, don’t be mad. You have to promise first.”
Rodolfo narrowed his eyes before sighing. “Fine. What did you do?”
“I told Wayne you’d be here.” Soap cringed. “It was how I even got the location in the first place.”
“Soap, you fucking asshole!” Rodolfo groaned, touching his forehead.
“Don’t be mad, you promised!” Soap immediately said and Rodolfo just glared at him. “Please! Besides, I only told him you might be here.”
Rodolfo couldn’t fault Soap too hard. Soap didn’t fully know why Wayne and Rodolfo had broken up the year before… “So you think he’s pulling all of this shit?”
“Maybe…” Soap mumbled. “I’m really sorry, Rudy.”
“It’s fine.” Rodolfo shook his head, even though it wasn’t. He just went to the door, yanking it open, and relaxing when he saw the rest of the party. Just don’t react, don’t give in. That was the best way of dealing with Wayne. 
Rodolfo and Soap went back to the cafeteria, where they found a small area for Soap to continue to drink in and Rodolfo just hugged himself as he watched to make sure no one got too handsy with Soap, not wanting his best friend to get taken advantage of.
“Hey, Rudy…” An arm snaked around Rodolfo’s shoulders and Rodolfo immediately felt uncomfortable. “You might want to be careful, I’ve heard this place is haunted.”
Rodolfo shoved Wayne’s arm off his shoulders. “I think I’ll take my chances, thanks.” He glared at Wayne, who just laughed. 
“Are you sure you want to, baby? Come on, I’ll keep you safe.” Wayne grabbed his waist and pulled him closer and Rodolfo gagged at the scent of him. He shoved Wayne away, again, and shook his head.
“Eat shit, Wayne.” Rodolfo muttered and pulled away. 
“God, you’re such a bi-”
Soap shoved Wayne down to the floor. “Don’t talk to him like that.”
Wayne snarled and was up a moment later, but Soap moved in front of Rodolfo, puffing out his chest. Wayne looked between them and just shook his head. “Whatever, you’re not worth it.” He spat and then walked away, immediately finding some omega to start grinding up on.
Rodolfo relaxed as he was gone, shaking his head. “I think I’d rather take my chances with the fucking ghosts.” He joked as Soap shook his head.
“Fucker.” Soap muttered. “I shouldn’t have told him you were here.” He turned to Rodolfo, who just shrugged and shook his head. 
“Whatever. You did, not much we can do to fix it.” Rodolfo shrugged and sighed. He was almost tempted to drink, now, just because of that interaction. Even still, he did not accept the beer Soap offered him as he grabbed another.
Soap grinned. “Well, you wanna take your chances with another hallway?”
Rodolfo rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure.” He muttered, since they knew whatever “ghost” was haunting them was Wayne, now. 
So, Soap tugged him out of the cafeteria and to another hallway. Rodolfo followed him as they walked down it, avoiding the closed doors. They’d learned their lesson. They found one that oddly had a floodlight in it, but was completely empty, save for some old desks and some posters on the wall.
Soap shrugged and climbed up onto a desk, sitting on it. Rodolfo grabbed the teacher’s desk from behind the desk and pulled it over, sitting in it. “Figures.” Soap muttered. “We’re at a party and we find some way to be alone.”
Rodolfo laughed. “We’re best friends, aren’t we?”
Soap shrugged. “Fair.” He smiled. “Wish I’d brought my weed.”
“Fuck, me too.” The one substance Rodolfo had no problem consuming, but he had a card because of a head injury when he was a teenager. 
Soap leaned back on his hands after putting his beer in his lap and looked up at the ceiling. “Kind of eerie being in a place where a bunch of kids died, you know?”
“No,” Rodolfo huffed, “because I was trying not to think about it.”
“Yeah, you like to do that, don’t you?” Soap snapped and Rodolfo flinched. 
Rodolfo shook his head, looking away. “Fuck you, that was uncalled for.”
Soap was silent and then he sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “I don’t know, I’m just… Maybe this party wasn’t a good idea.”
Rodolfo wasn’t sure he disagreed. He wasn’t ready to face how awkward things had been between them since Halloween. That tended to happen when your best friend randomly started crying about how lonely he was and then tried to make out with you in front of an entire party. “Still, we’re here now.” Rodolfo lifted his foot, nudging Soap.
Soap smiled and nodded. “You’re right, we are.” He relaxed and sighed, shaking his head. He downed the rest of his beer and then cursed. “I should have grabbed a second one, just in case. Stay here, I’m gonna go grab another.”
“Please be quick,” Rodolfo pleaded as he sat up. 
Soap laughed. “I will be. I promise.” He then left the room and Rodolfo found himself tensing, immediately. 
He tried not to panic, taking deep breaths and closing his eyes. He really didn’t like being alone in dark rooms. Not for any reason, he was just a normal human being. “Fuck…” He muttered and scratched at his arms, getting up and going around the room, looking at the posters which were lit up by the floodlight in the room.
They looked to be for a slightly older age group. Fifth graders if Rodolfo had to guess, since that had been the oldest in the school. Well, he was assuming since it was an elementary school. He frowned as he heard someone enter the room, turning around and then stopping dead in his tracks when he saw someone was standing in the doorway, wearing a black skull mask. 
Rodolfo froze, noticing blood on their mask. He tried not to shake, hoping this was just another shitty prank by Wayne. “Wayne, I’m not in the mood.” He glared at them.
They didn’t move.
Rodolfo made a frustrated sound. “Wayne, I fucking mean it! I’m not in the mood! Go play your games with someone else!”
They still didn’t move, except to slowly tilt their head. Rodolfo frowned, deeply. Wayne had never been able to hold onto a bit for this long… Maybe he’d gotten better. Rodolfo took a deep breath and clenched his hands into breath. “Wayne, I mean it.”
They finally moved, stepping further into the room and then stepping up to Rodolfo. 
Rodolfo tensed as the scent of alpha hit him, but they were wearing light enough blockers that he couldn’t distinguish their smell. Wayne hadn’t been wearing those, he didn’t believe in them. But, he did believe he’d try them just to torment Rodolfo. That was kind of his whole thing. 
Rodolfo took a deep breath and then slowly looked up at them, met with warm brown eyes. Wayne’s eyes were blue. This was… not Wayne. Rodolfo flinched back as they moved their hand, watching them pause and stop moving for a moment before they were continuing to lift their hand and then they were pulling their mask off. 
The face underneath was young, probably around Rodolfo’s age. They were a male alpha, their skin only a few shades lighter than Rodolfo’s, with hair that was black. They didn’t look especially cruel, but they also were wearing a mask splattered with what looked like blood, so he wasn’t too sure. 
Rodolfo backed up a little and they didn’t move again, their eyes just watching him. “I- Did- Did Wayne set you up for this?”
“No.” They shook their head. 
Rodolfo’s heart finally started to race. He took a deep breath, only backing up more in his fear. “What do you want?”
“Eres hermoso.” They smiled, softly, continuing to watch him.
Rodolfo’s skin flamed despite the situation and he looked towards the door as he heard his name called, recognizing Soap’s voice. He went to call back but he was shoved to the floor, landing on his front. When he looked back, they were gone and Soap was rushing into the room. “Rudy- Rudy we have to go!”
Soap came over and helped Rodolfo up and Rodolfo shook his head. “Did someone come out of the room??”
“Fuck, I couldn’t see, it was too dark! Whatever, Rudy we have to go!” Soap grabbed Rodolfo’s arm and started to yank him out of the room.
Rodolfo’s eyes widened as he saw something dark streaking the floor in the hallway, his mind only able to imagine what it possibly could be. “Oh god, Soap, what’s going on??”
“Someone is killing people or- I don’t know. There’s just a lot of fucking blood.” Soap was pulling him to an emergency exit and Rodolfo quickly rushed with him.
Right as they got there, however, they were yelping and jerking back as someone slammed against it. Another person in a skull mask, though this one was white. Or, it looked like it used to be because it was covered in blood.
They both backed up from the door and watched them reach down and Soap immediately lunged forward, locking the door with the deadbolt it had. 
The person on the other side of the door stopped moving and they just stared at them. In the very faint light spilling out from the room behind him, Rodolfo saw they also had brown eyes, which were so dark they looked black. 
He took deep breaths and looked at Soap, who looked just as at a loss. So, Rodolfo grabbed his wrist and tugged him in the other direction, running with him out of the hallway. They saw the main area was now dark where it’d been previously lit up and Rodolfo took deep breaths, looking around and trying not to panic. 
They heard screaming down one of the hallways and looked at each other, both seeming to make the decision to go literally anywhere else. Rodolfo looked around, seeing the entrance they’d came in through and headed that direction before yelping as he was grabbed and yanked into a room.
Soap was yanked with him and they turned around to see that most of the party goers were in the room. Several of them appeared to be bloody and the room was lit up by a flood light. “What’s going on?” Soap immediately asked who’d yanked them in. 
Rodolfo recognized them from classes as an alpha named Brandon. Brandon shook his head. “Fuck, I don’t know. We heard screaming, saw blood, and most of us filed in here. A couple of them might know, but… From what I’ve gathered, two alphas are running around killing people.”
“Were they from the party?” Rodolfo asked.
“I don’t know.” Brandon shook his. “They were wearing masks.”
“Great.” Soap grunted and then sighed. “Has anyone been able to get a hold of the cops?”
“No, the school has some sort of data blocking thing.” Brandon winced.
Someone suddenly pushed through everyone to them and Rodolfo groaned as he saw Wayne emerge from the crowd. “It’s two alphas, right?? Let’s just chuck them back out there as sacrifices. They’re both omegas, right?”
Rodolfo rolled his eyes. “Real funny, Wayne. I don’t think that’s going to work.”
He looked around the room, seeing everyone was avoiding his eyes and he shared a look with Soap, who looked incredulous. “You’re fucking kidding! Why would that work?? They’re killing people! They’re just going to kill us and then come after all of you!”
“It’s worth a shot.” Brandon mumbled. “Only alphas seem to be missing…”
“Seriously?!” Soap spoke up. “Have you considered that maybe we don’t deserve to die?!”
“You’re the last ones in here.” Wayne snorted. “Here, let’s pull a vote. All in favor of throwing these two out and then running the other direction?”
Rodolfo just felt… in awe at how many people raised their hands. “Assholes.” It was really the only thing he could say. They were seriously going to fucking sacrifice Rodolfo and Soap and… there was no fucking way it was going to work. 
“Absolutely not.” Soap muttered, grabbing Rodolfo’s arm and yanking him out of the room. However, both were grabbed before they could get anywhere.
Rodolfo was shoved to the ground and he tried to struggle, but his hands were bound behind his back despite his struggling. He could hear Soap cussing and growling beside him, and his heart started to beat faster and faster as his brain caught up to what was happening.
Oh god, these bastards were going to leave them to die. 
If he survived this, he was going to kill Wayne.
They were eventually lifted back up and borderline dragged to the hallway they had previously came from, where Wayne said that the killers had came from, and Brandon had just nodded and agreed. Rodolfo did try to struggle a few times, but it was really of no use because he and Soap were forced to sit with their backs to each other in the middle of the hallway.
“You think that’s fine? Should we like… do anything else or?” Brandon asked.
Wayne looked at Rodolfo and Rodolfo’s heart spiked with fear. Wayne laughed and just shook his head. “Nah, this should be fine. Let’s go.” He gestured and Brandon left. They closed the big doors behind them and Soap cursed, softly.
“Someone unlocked the deadbolt…” Soap muttered.
Rodolfo had another spike of fear hit his heart. He swallowed and took deep breaths, trying not to throw up from fear. It was an old habit, one that had yet to die. “This… this could all just be a prank from Wayne.” Rodolfo mumbled. “We don’t know if anyone has actually died…”
“Rudy, I’m… I’m staring at a pair of bloody legs right now.”
Rodolfo squeezed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths. “It could be a really good prank.”
“They’re not attached to a whole body.”
“Oh god, we’re going to die…” Rodolfo felt tears fill his eyes and he shook his head, leaning it back against Soap’s shoulder. “Fucking bastards!” He kicked at the ground, cursing loudly. 
Rodolfo finally stopped moving and just slumped his body, opening his eyes and looking at the ceiling. “Yes?” He asked, after a moment.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for telling Wayne you were coming and… I’m sorry for constantly trying to change you…” Soap’s voice sounded rough, likely with tears. 
Rodolfo’s whole body trembled and he took more deep breaths, trying not to break down sobbing. “It’s… It’s okay… I forgive you… I’m sorry for… treating you like you’re dumb and… thinking you’re a whore.”
“You think I’m a whore??”
“I don’t- Yeah…” Rodolfo admitted. “I’m… I’m sorry. You’re not one, you’re just… not like me and I shouldn’t judge you for that.”
Soap was silent for a moment and then his shoulders dropped. “Heh, maybe I am one.” He mumbled. “It’s okay, though.” His head fell back, hitting Rodolfo’s shoulder. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and they won’t even know we’re down here.”
Rodolfo snorted and then his head was jerking up as the doors in front of him were swinging open. He watched as a very bloody Wayne was held up by his collar and dropped in the doorway by the alpha wearing the black skull mask.
They dropped down and lifted Wayne’s head by his hair. “Go and apologize.”
Wayne didn’t even hesitate, scrambling across the hallway to Rodolfo. Rodolfo tensed up as he neared, doing his best not to just start screaming. He could feel how tense Soap was behind him, and he managed to find Soap’s hands, linking fingers with him. 
Wayne stopped in front of Rodolfo. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” He was sobbing and Rodolfo gagged as he saw Wayne’s stomach was cut open. How he was even alive was beyond Rodolfo, since his organs had started to spill out. “Please forgive me.”
The alpha came over to Rodolfo and crouched down beside Wayne, standing in front of Rodolfo. “You can decide if he lives. Do you forgive him?”
Rodolfo glanced between the alpha and Wayne, who was begging for forgiveness, his hands together. “I…” He couldn’t speak, he could barely breathe. “Oh god…” A sob escaped his chest. 
The alpha’s eyes softened under the mask. “It’s okay… I know this is a hard decision. Why don’t I ask Johnny?”
Soap tensed more, somehow. “How the fuck do you know my real name?!”
Rodolfo would definitely like to know as well, since it was not something he gave out to just anyone. But, he didn’t say anything as the alpha grabbed Wayne’s hair and dragged him around Rodolfo and disappeared out of Rodolfo’s peripheral.
He heard a soft thud and Wayne sobbing harder. “Should Rudy forgive him?”
Soap was dead silent and then his voice was hard as he answered. “No. No he should not.”
Wayne screamed, the sound guttural, and Rodolfo felt Soap gag before hearing him, and then he heard Soap vomit and felt him hunch over. Another sob forced its way through Rodolfo’s body as he forced himself not to think about why Soap might be throwing up. 
“It’s okay…” The alpha was speaking again. “It’s over, now, see?”
“You’re a sick bastard!” Soap yelled and Rodolfo tried not to choke on his sobs.
The alpha didn’t reply, coming back around to in front of Rodolfo. “It’s okay that you couldn’t decide… I’m not angry at you… It’s a hard decision to make. Not to forgive someone. We’re taught that forgiveness is… natural. That choosing not to forgive someone gives them power, but it doesn’t.” The alpha crouched down and then he removed one of the black gloves he was wearing, wiping Rodolfo’s face. “You’re too pretty to be crying like this…”
Rodolfo flinched back from the alpha’s touch, only able to cry harder. “Don’t touch me…” He meant it to sound harder. Stronger. But it only came out weak and scared. “Please..”
The alpha went still and watched him. “I’m going to be back.” He said as he stood. “Don’t go anywhere.”
Rodolfo wasn’t exactly sure they had a choice, taking a deep breath. “Soap…”
“You don’t want to know.”
Rodolfo decided to believe him and put his head back, again. “Do you… Do you think he’s going to kill us when he gets back?”
“What else could he do?”
Rodolfo had a bit of a fear as to what exactly the alpha could do and he was starting to think just dying was the best option. “I’m scared…”
“Me too.”
Rodolfo tried to take more deep breaths, but they just ended up shaking as he sobbed. “If we get out of this, you can dress me however you want for the next party…”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” Soap answered, clearly trying to joke. “Actually, I think I’m done with parties after this.”
“Me too…” Rodolfo relaxed and took a deep breath. “I love you. You’re a really good friend. Better than I give you credit for.”
“You are… a fucking phenomenal friend. It’s my fault we’re even in this shit.” Soap took deep breaths.
Rodolfo shook his head, but didn’t respond, closing his eyes and clasping hands with Soap, again. He again tried to take deep breaths, but it just didn’t work.
He opened his eyes as he heard footsteps approach and he tensed as the alpha in the black skull mask reappeared in the large doorway. He shook his head as he neared. “Please, I’ll do anything, just please don’t kill us…”
He saw another alpha enter as well, the one in the white skull mask. In the doorway, Rodolfo was able to see that this alpha was… fucking huge. It only added to Rodolfo’s terror and he tensed up as the alpha in the black skull mask crouched in front of him, again. “Shh… I’m not going to kill you…” He murmured and then he reached up, pushing the mask up on top of his head and pushing the hood of the hoodie he was wearing back. Even his face was splattered with blood and Rodolfo tried not to flinch back as his hand moved to touch his face, again. “God, you’re beautiful…”
“Alejandro, the police are on their way.” The other spoke. His voice was a lot deeper than Rodolfo was expecting, but maybe Rodolfo hadn’t really been expecting anything. “We need to get them out of here if we’re taking them.”
“Alejandro?” Soap spoke up. “You’re… you’re that kid that went missing.”
“In the flesh.” Alejandro nodded. 
Rodolfo’s brain was more focused on the “taking” part. “Where… Where are you taking us?”
“Away.” Alejandro shook his head and then he was moving to touch Rodolfo’s waist.
Rodolfo jerked back, immediately, and shook his head. “No, no, I’m not going anywhere with you and neither is Soap. Leave us alone!” He kicked at Alejandro, but Alejandro moved out of the way before his feet could connect. 
Alejandro frowned at him and held his hand up as the other moved forward. “They sacrificed you.”
“You killed people.” Soap spoke up.
Rodolfo sniffled. “I want.. I want to go home. I want to go back to the college.”
Alejandro stared at him and then his jaw clenched and he almost looked angry. Rodolfo tensed, now growing afraid of what the consequences of that action might be. “You don’t remember me.”
Rodolfo paused and then he looked over Alejandro’s face but… nothing. “Why would I remember you? I don’t know you…”
Alejandro looked away from him, glaring at the floor. “You grab the other, I’ll grab Rudy.” He spoke to the one in the white mask and Rodolfo screamed, shaking his head and kicking again. He managed to connect with Alejandro’s knee, causing him to fall backwards.
Rodolfo flinched back as Alejandro stood and then he winced at a splitting headache starting. Oh no. Oh no no. “Soap, Soap, I…” Already, he felt lightheaded. It made sense, this honestly should have happened sooner.
“Fuck!” Soap cried, starting to struggle. 
Rodolfo’s head fell back and he watched both Alejandro and the other freeze. The vision in his right eye was fading and the whole right side of his head felt heavy, thick. “Soap…” He mumbled, hoping Soap was catching onto what was happening. 
“Rudy, no! Keep your eyes open, you can’t let yourself pass out! Goddamnit! Your fucking medication is in the car!” Soap struggled harder behind Rodolfo.
Rodolfo was trying to keep himself awake, but his head just felt so heavy. “Soap… Soap…” Everything started to fade and he shook his head, desperately trying to keep himself awake. He could vaguely tell that Soap was speaking, again, but his brain was just not picking it up.
Oh well, maybe this was better than dying by them.
Rodolfo blinked open his eyes, wincing at how bright it was. He held his hand up, shielding his eyes from the light, and frowned as he recognized the gray tile of a hospital. He looked around, seeing Soap was asleep, his head laying on the bed. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, holding his head.
Soap immediately jerked awake, looking at him. “Oh thank god, you’re awake!”
“Reluctantly…” Rodolfo mumbled, touching his face. “What happened?”
“Well, when you passed out, Alejandro asked what the fuck was going on. I explained about your TBI and how you have… episodes and that the only thing that could save you from potential brain death was going to the hospital, so they both sort of waited until the police came and then just… left.” Soap winced. “Well… not completely left. I… Alejandro said they’d be back. They just have to ‘fix some things’ and then they’d be back.”
Rodolfo wished he could be afraid, but the medication made his brain too foggy. “Great…” He just sighed and shook his head. “Have you been here the whole time?”
“Not quite, I did talk to the police, but other than that… yeah.” Soap winced. “They said you can go as soon as you wake up.”
Rodolfo snorted. “Good. Get a nurse so I can get the fuck out of here.”
Soap nodded and stood, leaving the room. He came back a bit later with a nurse and Soap told Rodolfo that the police wanted him to give a statement when he woke up, so they resolved to go to the police station after that.
Rodolfo changed and then he was discharged, and so they went out. Apparently the police had let Soap bring his jeep, which Rodolfo was grateful for, not wanting to have to bother with public transport. He went up to the jeep, frowning when he saw Soap freeze. 
Then, a presence came up to his back. “Miss me?” 
Well, his brain certainly was working through the fog, now. He closed his eyes, feeling something press against his back. 
“Let’s go.”
Tempted to jokingly call this Slasher Party. Fuck it.
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hoperiley · 2 months
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Rosalia "Jaguar" Ortega-Vargas
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caranoirs · 8 months
gifs won't do this insane sequence any justice
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Misguided Revenge - Chapter 1
Alejandro Vargas x Rodolfo Parra
Sadistic Omega Rodolfo Parra x Hurt Alpha Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro Vargas has a lot of issues. A fuck ton of issues. But, he's an alpha, he's strong. He can handle them. Even if he occasionally goes off the deep end and ends up involuntarily hospitalized. Even if during one of these, he ends up being unable to be there for his best friend, Rodolfo Parra, while he's brutally attacked. But, he's working on them.
And he's strong, he can handle them.
Warnings: ABO, torture, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, manipulation, gore
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Alejandro was more than grateful to be being discharged. 
The nurse, a fairly nice one, smiled at him. She was an omega, but… she’d seen Alejandro puke his guts out after a delusion, so he wasn’t trying to charm her. “Ready to go?”
“More than.” Alejandro responded, smiling. “Ready to be out of here.”
“Well, let me go get your discharge papers and your prescription, alright? You should be out of here in just a few moments.” She then left, not really saying anything else.
What was her name? Ellie? Annie? Was he horrible for not knowing? Did he care if he was?
17 years old and he had had to go to rehab. This was… more than embarrassing. He could only imagine what his father was going to say. “ You’re an alpha. More than that, you’re a Vargas. You should be stronger than this. ”
He wasn’t. He wished he could be. He wished that one fight with his best friend hadn’t triggered him into an episode. Fuck, how was he going to lie about this to Rodolfo? 
Rodolfo, a sweet but stern omega, would definitely not understand. How would he? Alphas were meant to be strong, they were meant to be able to handle this shit. He’d always tried to appear strong in front of Rodolfo. Rodolfo had enough shit going on at home, he didn’t need to know that Alejandro was a psychotic freak.
Well, or rather, Bipolar. Who cared what the label was, though? It had sent Alejandro spiraling into delusions because his best friend had started to cry. Rudy had cried because Alejandro had accidentally yelled at him. Rodolfo hated crying, he rarely did it, so the sight had nearly broken Alejandro. 
He knew it was just because Rodolfo’s heat blockers and birth control had made him more emotional, lately, but still. Alejandro had felt so fucking guilty, so he’d spiralled into self hatred and pain. Next thing he was cutting and then he was so convinced that Rodolfo hated him, that everyone hated him, and… 
Well, he’d been involuntarily committed to a mental rehabilitation facility by one of his teachers. Two weeks of convincing them he was fine, that he didn’t need to be there. He’d finally convinced them that he could leave by promising to take the medication they prescribed him. 
He looked up when he heard someone enter the room, tilting his head. “Valeria?” They were… sort of friends. She was an alpha and, while she was a complete asshole half the time, she was the closest friend Alejandro felt like he had. 
She avoided his eyes. “I… I… I uh, told your parents I’d come get you. I have bad news…” She had a green folder in her hands, presumably Alejandro’s discharge packet.
Alejandro frowned and tilted his head. “What do you mean?” He asked, standing and going to her to take the packet from her. Honestly, he hated to admit it, but she was closer to a sister to him. They’d both been there for each other through intense lows. She knew about how he was in love with Rodolfo and she’d never pushed him to go for it, though she’d never said he shouldn’t, either.
Valeria seemed to hesitate, which was an odd look on her. “Rodolfo, he…” She paused and then shook her head. “The night you were admitted, he was… attacked. Someone broke into his family’s home. He’s… gone, Alejandro.”
“Dead?!” Alejandro panicked, immediately, shaking his head. “No-”
“No, no,no.” Valeria quickly said, shaking her head. “No. He’s alive, as far as I know. He disappeared two days ago… The police said he definitely ran. They think he ran to the US, his mom mentioned he had friends up there.”
Alejandro furrowed his brows before feeling cold seep into his body. “He… He left? He didn’t even say goodbye…”
“Did he know you were in here? I mean, he got attacked and you, to him, disappeared.” Valeria touched his arm, but he shook her hand off. “Alejandro-”
“Where’s my phone?” Alejandro asked, going to the bag of things that he’d had to give up when being admitted. Shoelaces, hoodie strings, his phone… He got it out and turned it on, desperately looking through it and then his heart was breaking as he saw that Rodolfo had texted him.
How could you do this to me?
Oh, Alejandro, you fucking idiot… He needed you, and you were stuck in here… Alejandro sank to the floor, staring at his phone. How could you do this to me?  
Valeria came over and crouched down, taking the phone. “Maybe… Maybe if you text him, he’ll answer?”
Alejandro numbly nodded and took it back when she held it out, texting Rodolfo. But… it wouldn’t go through. Why would it? He’d probably blocked him. As he should, Alejandro had failed to be there for Rodolfo, he’d failed to protect him.
How could you do this to me? How could he?
Alejandro thanked the barista as she held out the coffee to him, sipping it as he left the store. His friend, Ghost, joked that he was “basic” for drinking iced coffee, but it tasted good and Alejandro wasn’t going to feel bad for enjoying it.
Besides, Ghost had stopped, lately, after he’d gotten caught saying that shit in front of the cute cafe owner that he’d been trying to impress. He had such a silly name… Soap? Well, he supposed Ghost was rather silly of a name, too, but Alejandro had gotten used to Ghost, he supposed.
Soap was a very sassy but funny omega, and Ghost, who was an alpha, had been trying to hide the obvious crush he had on him, but Alejandro knew the truth. He could see the way Ghost lit up around Soap… It was nice to see. Ghost hadn’t been that interested in anyone besides Alex and Alejandro in a while, and even there, his interest in the latter two was clearly purely platonic.
Speak of the devil. He looked at his phone and saw that Ghost was calling him. Sighing, he answered it, since it was likely about their classes the next day. All three, and Alex’s alpha friend, Farah, and Valeria, who had followed him to the US, had plans to meet up for drinks. Well, everyone but Farah would be drinking. 
He answered the phone, smiling. “Ghost, hermano! Why did you call?” It was silly, but apparently Ghost was touched that Alejandro called him hermano, so Alejandro used it as much as possible.
Ghost… had a horrible backstory. Alejandro felt awful for the other alpha, so despite his quirks, he tried to be there however he could. Ghost never took advantage of it, though, even when he definitely could. Hell, the problem seemed to be the opposite where Ghost refused to accept it, even when he should.
For instance, he couldn’t work. Trauma induced psychotic tendencies did that to you. He had hallucinations, delusions… Worse than Alejandro did. Way worse. Now, he lived off money from his deceased parents’ estate, but before they died, in a rather tragic way, he lived off of welfare. (And Alex and Alejandro forcing him to accept money.) One month, it was delayed by two weeks, which was… honestly ridiculous. But, thanks to a concert that Ghost had decided to go to, the month before, he had no money. And, no food. 
Alex and Alejandro had to borderline beat him into letting them buy him groceries, and even there, he’d complained the entire trip. 
“Hey.” Ghost answered. This wasn’t odd, just how he was. “I was seeing if we’re still on for tomorrow?
“Of course,” Alejandro answered, reassuring him. Alex had apparently overheard him telling his therapist that he was worried that Alex and Alejandro would one day just decide to quit being his friend and ditch him, so they did their best not to cancel plans. “I think Val might be late, one of her classes got shifted by ten minutes.”
“That’s fine, she’s usually late, anyway.”
“Well, extra late, then.” Alejandro chuckled, softly. Valeria usually was late. “Hey, is Alex home?”
Alex owned an apartment and so Ghost had moved in after his parents died. Alex had used the excuse of hating paying for utilities as well as a mortgage and had asked Ghost to alleviate that. Both had agreed it was best Ghost have someone around and Alejandro only had a one bedroom. 
“ No, he’s out. I think he mentioned groceries or something. ” 
Alejandro nodded in understanding, before realizing Ghost couldn’t see him nod. “Oh, okay. Well, when he comes back, tell him I wanna show him something. I found a really old video game at a thrift store.”
“ Oh, cool. Sure, I will. ”
Alejandro smiled, sitting on a bench and watched people pass by on the sidewalk. “How have you been feeling? Any better?”
“Yeah, sort of. I guess.”
“You guess?” Alejandro frowned, now concerned.
“ My therapist won’t set up another appointment. ”
That didn’t sound good. Alejandro was now deeply concerned, deciding to prompt for more information. “Why not?”
“I don’t know. It’s not a big deal, I didn’t need therapy, anyway. She just… won’t answer my calls. Laswell says she knows her, so I think she was going to ask why.”
“That’s good that she’ll ask. Maybe she’s having an emergency?” Alejandro offered.
“ Maybe. I have to go, my take away just got here. ”
“Alright.” Alejandro sighed, knowing better than to try to find an excuse to stay on the call. “See you tomorrow?”
“ Yeah. ” Click.
Alejandro took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. He was grateful he wasn’t Alex, apparently his other best friend, Farah, had similar problems. He’d barely gotten a small amount of her story and it already rivaled Ghost’s. According to Alex, he beat her, but only just.
He didn’t mind being there for Ghost, but he was always so worried about him. Always terrified what might make him snap and end it. Or, try to. Hopefully, Alex would be there to stop it.
Valeria texted him, suddenly. Hey, I have to cancel for tomorrow. This fucking teacher is incompetent and moved the class even further. I doubt I’ll make it.
Hate these fucking teachers. Why are they allowed to do this, but we can’t even miss a class?
I don’t fucking know. Apparently, we’re free to miss it if we have another class but we have to prove it. I’m fucking 21, I shouldn’t have to fucking prove that I’m missing class for a good reason like a fucking toddler. 
Alejandro laughed, definitely agreeing. No, we shouldn’t. I’ll let the others know. God, we need a groupchat.
No we don’t. Dealing with you sending me random memes is enough. I don’t need Alex sending them, too.
That was fair, Alex did send a fuck ton of memes. Alejandro didn’t bother to respond, since neither of them really felt the need to, and put his phone away, deciding he’d text them later. Instead, he continued to enjoy his coffee, sitting back against the bench.
As he relaxed, he people watched, though not much. He felt odd staring at people and… well, he’d been in treatment for a while, but sometimes, he started to get delusions and… well, he just didn’t really want to deal with that, today. 
Of course, then his eyes fell on Soap, the cafe owner that Ghost was interested in. He was… very recognizable. He was on the husky side, for an omega, and he had this ridiculous mohawk that was, currently, long and braided. His style was also pretty distinct, akin to a trash rat. That is, his clothes were usually tattered and full of holes.
He appeared to be coming out of a department store, carrying bags, and Alejandro recognized one of the other two omegas who were with him rather easily. Kyle Garrick, though everyone called him Gaz. He was Alex’s situationship, though Alejandro didn’t get why Alex wouldn’t just take him off the market.
It was so obvious the omega was head over heels for him, but… well, Alejandro supposed Alex had his hands full with Farah and Ghost. Even still, Alex shouldn’t miss out on a good thing just because of his friends. 
He knew Farah and Ghost would feel horrible if they found out. Farah appeared to adore Gaz, she had also been pushing for them to be together…
He shook it off, since it wasn’t really his business. Curious, he looked at the third omega, though his back was to Alejandro. He was a bit smaller than the other two. Only just shorter than Soap, but definitely smaller in build, and definitely shorter than Gaz, who was tall for an omega. Fuck, he was tall for an alpha, 6’. He was also wearing a long sleeved forest green shirt that fit his figure well and dark wash skinny jeans. Conservative but… still attractive.
Soap and Gaz seemed to both be trying to beg him for something, Soap’s hands together and pleading. He could see the omega shake his head a few times before his shoulders dropped and, from the relieved look on Soap’s face, he appeared to give in. Soap grinned and then all three were turning in Alejandro’s direction and-
His breath caught in his chest as his mind immediately recognized Rodolfo. He was slightly different, now. His hair was longer and his features were much more mature than they’d been four years previous. 
They locked eyes and Alejandro to remark on how… dark they’d gotten. They’d always been dark, but now, they looked almost black. His heart pounded in his chest, he couldn’t breathe. He found himself standing to cross the street to the omega, wanting to confirm it was him.
Rodolfo, himself, appeared almost frozen in place, staring at Alejandro. He couldn’t read his expression, he wasn’t sure he wanted to… God, he was right there, he was right in front of Alejandro.
Alejandro stepped off the curb, but right as he did, Rodolfo was turning and running off, Soap and Gaz appearing to immediately follow him. He felt himself start to deflate as he watched Rodolfo run off. He couldn’t blame him, he doubted Rodolfo had forgiven him, yet.
How could you do this to me? He’d never forgotten that text. Hell, he’d get it tattooed to remind himself that he was a failure. His friend had been hurt and he’d abandoned him… Because he couldn’t keep his stupid problems under control.
Despite it being four years, the guilt had never lessened, and he doubted it ever would.
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kaithefirst0127 · 1 year
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words cant describe my love for drawing on wb at school....
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stankygay · 6 months
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Rodolfo Parra/Alejandro Vargas, Nikolai/John Price (Call of Duty), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
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frentique · 8 months
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smashpages · 2 years
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Out this week: Lazarus Planet Alpha (DC, $5.99):
As seen in Batman vs. Robin #4, the Lazarus Volcano has erupted, giving DC its first crossover event of 2023. The DC Universe will be “rocked to its core” as “dangerous and transformative chemicals” are released into the atmosphere, causing some ordinary humans to develop super powers and already empowered metahumans to find their abilities have changed. It’s chaos, baby! And it’s by Mark Waid, Gene Luen Yang, Riccardo Federici, Billy Tan and more. The story will continue over the next two months in a series of one-shots.
(cover by David Marquez and Alejandro Sanchez)
See what other comics and graphic novels will arrive in shops this week.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Could you write an arranged marriage AU with king/warlord Alejandro with Rudy being offered to him as spouse so he won't invade the kingdom Rudy comes from? Maybe Rudy would be scared to be offered to Ale because his reputation is scary but then it turns out Ale falls in love at first sight, but Rudy doesn't believe him at first.
SCREAMS, SCREAMS SO LOUD anon I could kiss you, also this is ABO because... idk. It took so unbelievably long because I was setting up an entire AU for it!
Rodolfo could have cried when he looked in the mirror. He was dressed to be a bride and he hated it. He'd agreed to this, for his kingdom. Granted, he didn't really have a choice because they were going to send him, regardless, but he had decided to agree to it.
"It could be worse, Rudy." Soap, his best friend and who would be his first lady in waiting, tried to joke. "He could be unattractive."
"His personality far outweighs any outer attraction." Rodolfo shook his head, keeping his voice soft in case anyone could hear him. He doubted they could but he'd like to be careful. "Have you heard what they say about him?"
Soap cringed, reaching up and carefully readjusting Rodolfo's veil, making sure it covered his eyes. It was a deep blue, with gold flakes in it, that gave an impression of stars. "For what it's worth, you're beautiful."
Rodolfo smiled, sadly. "Thank you." He murmured, touching Soap's face. He'd been "gifted" to Rodolfo by his parents on Rodolfo's thirteenth birthday. It was customary in his kingdom for Noble's to offer their child to royalty. It gave them the chance to learn how to play at court, and potentially gave them a seat at a war table or strategy board. Or, in an omega's case, a chance of marrying someone who would be at those table.
Soap grinned at him. "Besides... I'm here. Can you really be so sad with your best friend here?"
"No, I suppose I cannot." Rodolfo agreed and turned back to the mirror. He tried to suppress the way his hands shook as he raked them over the fabric on his body, trying to smooth it out. "I'm terrified..."
"I'm right here, Rudy. It's going to be okay." Soap nodded, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
Rodolfo took a deep breath. "What will he do to me?"
"Nothing. I know you. You have a fiery spirit. You'll stand tall and demand he respect you. Or else. Because that's who you are." Soap smiled, reassuringly. "I've seen you stand up to war generals."
"Not Kings. Not my husband." Rodolfo shook his head. "Not King Alejandro."
Soap hesitated before sighing. "Alejandro Vargas is just an alpha, at the end of the day."
Just an alpha. Right. Alejandro Vargas, king of the Red Kingdom, named that for the amount of blood it's spilled over the centuries it's been established, was more than just an alpha. He was a Warlord. It was the custom of his kingdom. He'd won his first battle at 13, his first war at 18, and he'd quickly started to rebuild the Silver Empire. And at 24, he was succeeding, too. Rodolfo's marriage to Alejandro would cement their kingdom's rejoining of the Empire, the 6th kingdom, of the original 13, to rejoin.
Alejandro had a reputation for being bloodthirsty. He drank with his breakfast, some would say. Rodolfo had been told many times that Alejandro would chew him up and spit him out. He liked to break omegas. Would push them until they snapped. Left a broken shell of their former selves.
And Rodolfo Parra, second born of his family into the second largest Kingdom of the Old Empire, Artemea, (the largest being the Red Kingdom), had to marry him. He wondered, as he finally followed Soap to where the ceremony would take place, how long he'd last. How long would he last before Alejandro broke him like he apparently broke other omegas?
Months? Years? Gods, he'd probably barely last days. Where would he find himself in the weeks after their marriage? A husk, only pulled out for events? He'd seen other Queens befall that state. He'd always vowed that would never be him. Yet, here he was, being dressed and preened for the slaughter.
Rodolfo quickly grabbed Soap's hand when they reached the door he was meant to go through, tensing. "Soap..." He whispered, hardly able to breathe. "I can't do this..."
"You have to, Rudy. It'll be alright." Soap murmured and took his hand, patting it. "I'll be there. Right off to the side. I believe in you."
Rodolfo almost stopped him as he let go of Rodolfo's hand, turning and leaving so he could take his place. Rodolfo took in a shuddering breath and when he heard the Priestess say his cue, he finally went in.
Alejandro was wearing red, a big shocker, with gold accents. As Soap had pointed out, he was attractive. If Rodolfo wasn't terrified of his actions, he would have fawned over him with Soap the moment he found out he was to be married to him.
His face was neutral as Rodolfo stepped in, hard almost.
It only frightened Rodolfo more. He hadn't expected affection in his eyes, but... he'd wanted something. He couldn't read Alejandro's expression at all. He didn't like that.
Rodolfo managed to keep himself from running back out of the room, doing as Soap said he would. He straightened and set his chin, taking a deep breath. Stand tall, don't show your fear. Alejandro may try to break you, but he won't steal your dignity in front of everyone here.
When he was in front of Alejandro, he looked up at him, taking in a breath as he studied Alejandro's features. They were sharp, angled in all of the typical way an Alpha's features were expected to be. Light facial hair, Rodolfo believed it was called stubble, dusted his jaw, though it was clean.
That was one thing the red kingdom was known for. They cared about their looks, their appearance, their presentation. First impressions were apparently everything to them. Alejandro... seemed to be making a clear effort with his.
Rodolfo's eyes traced over his features, though they were easily caught by a long jagged scar that went down the right side of Alejandro's face from the bottom of his eyelid to his jaw. The way it was shaped suggested a slash, not a cut. He wondered which battle had earned him that one.
Honestly, he didn't look all that frightening. Everyone had described him as something close to a monster. Hard eyes constantly searching out violence, jagged features, a stance that could strike fear into the hardest war generals. But... Soap was right. Alejandro was just an alpha.
The priestess started the ceremony. The first part was to hold out their hands. They would clasp them, gently, and then the priestess would bind them together. Rodolfo held out his left hand, trying not to show how much it shook.
Alejandro definitely noticed, though, because a small frown appeared on his face as he took Rodolfo's hand with his own left. His hands were slightly rough on Rodolfo's skin, his skin much warmer than Rodolfo's. Alejandro's skin was slightly lighter than his own, but only slightly. It was only noticeable when they touched. It made sense, Rodolfo spent most of his time in his castle's garden, reading while Soap rambled about anything and everything.
"With this silk rope, I bind you King Alejandro Vargas of the Red Kingdom to Prince Rodolfo Parra of Artemea." Rodolfo watched her tie the rope in a marriage knot around their wrists, forming an infinity symbol around their thumbs. While the knot was formed, Alejandro's hand turned to the side, slightly, and Rodolfo could see a deep scar across his wrist.
He had to put everything into not looking at Alejandro in shock and just continued to stare at the rope on his wrist. He knew what that scar was. And... he had to admit, it clashed against everything he knew about Alejandro.
Alejandro was a very successful king. Why would he feel the need to end himself?
When the knot was tied, the Priestess then got a goblet from the side table. She took a carafe of wine from two tables. One had a Sun on it, the old symbol of the Red Kingdom before it became known only for blood, and the other had a moon, the symbol of Artemea. She poured wine from both carafes into the goblet, speaking a prayer in the old tongue, a language Rodolfo had never felt the need to learn.
The priestess then held the glass between them. Rodolfo was to take it first, so he did. He wasn't sure why. Soap had said, when Rodolfo had asked after the rehearsal ceremony, that the reason was because it was so an alpha could have their first taste of their new wife.
Alphas would place their lips over where their omegas had just placed theirs and it would be as if they were tasting them with the wine.
Rodolfo wasn't quite sure he believed him.
As was customary, Alejandro reached forward and pulled Rodolfo's veil back from his face, slightly, so Rodolfo could pull the goblet up to his lips. It would be hard to do himself, with his hand bound to Alejandro's. He took a small sip, trying not to make a face at the taste of the wine. it was ceremony wine, not good wine, so it did not taste great. But, he got through it.
Then, Alejandro took the cup from him. He turned the cup in an almost rehearsed way and took his own drink from it, his mouth right where Rodolfo's had been. Huh, Soap may have been right.
Then, the goblet was taken from them and Alejandro was lifting the veil over Rodolfo's face. The veil had muted the light a little, so his eyes had to adjust once it was moved, and he glanced around a little to help them.
When his eyes fell onto Alejandro's face again, he was shocked to see his features had softened, considerably, into an expression of almost awe. If Rodolfo didn't know better, he would have claimed admiration was there. "The gods could not have prepared me for how beautiful you are."
Rodolfo flushed dark at Alejandro's words, especially as they were spoken in the native language that both of their kingdoms shared. "Thank you." He responded, to be polite.
He knew the mating bite was next. That had terrified him. Kept him awake at night. He'd imagined Alejandro, his teeth sharp fangs, tearing into his neck. Mauling him. Ripping him open at their own altar.
As he'd seen at other ceremonies, of which he'd attended many, he expected Alejandro to grab him with his free arm, yank him over, and sink his teeth into Rodolfo's neck, leaving Rodolfo with the decision of forcing himself to stay quiet or humiliate himself with whimpering in front of everyone.
Instead, he was surprised when Alejandro moved to him, his arm going around Rodolfo's waist. He didn't pull Rodolfo, instead he cradled him. In fact, Rodolfo barely moved an inch. Then, Alejandro was leaning down, tilting his head. He kissed over Rodolfo's neck, carefully, until he found that spot that had Rodolfo letting out a breath, involuntarily, scenting Alejandro immediately.
With Alejandro so close, he could pick up his scent and it suddenly hit him that he hadn't been able to before. Distinctly alpha, no doubt of it, and he smelled of cinnamon, smoky cinnamon to be exact, maybe a hint of something softer... Rodolfo leaned into the sent, reaching to grasp at the blood red cloak that hung off of Alejandro's right shoulder.
Alejandro didn't hesitate, why should he, to sink his teeth into the spot. At first, pain erupted up Rodolfo's neck and down his shoulder and Rodolfo felt tears spring to his eyes. But then, as Alejandro held it, scenting him, Rodolfo felt the pain melt into euphoria. It was soft euphoria, nothing to drive Rodolfo too wild, but the scent definitely had him dizzy.
Alejandro pulled away a moment later, using his thumb to wipe Rodolfo's blood from his lips, and Rodolfo had to give himself a moment to let his mind clear. He released his death grip of Alejandro's cloak and flushed a little.
Then, again, Alejandro was leaning forward, baring his neck so Rodolfo could do the same. Rodolfo worried he wouldn't bite hard enough. Or he'd bite too hard and it would piss Alejandro off. But, he leaned up regardless, grateful when Alejandro tilted down a bit.
Alejandro temporarily moved his arm to tap where his mating spot was and Rodolfo felt immediately grateful. He kissed it, just to make sure, dizzying again at the scent it released, and flushing. Then, he pressed his teeth to the spot and bit down, as hard as he could without hurting his own jaw. His teeth broke the skin easily and he tensed when Alejandro suddenly grabbed his waist.
Fear flashed through him as he worried he'd bit too hard and now Alejandro would be angry at him. A million possibilities of how Alejandro would punish him for this ran through his mind and he tried to suppress his own scent, but already it was stained with fear. He knew he smelled like wildflowers, but when he was afraid, it turned to something sickly sweet, like honeysuckle that was rotting.
Rodolfo broke away, quickly, and backed away from Alejandro, immediately scanning his face for anger, but he was only met with neutrality again. Somehow, that only scared him more. But, he managed to get a handle on it, suppressing his scent.
Finally, the last part of the ceremony. The priestess came over and Rodolfo bowed his head as a gold crown with rubies was set on his head. It was lighter than he expected and the priestess discreetly secured it on his hair. "As this rope and those bites secure you to your alpha, your alpha secures you to this throne. Long live the new Queen of Aela, the Red Kingdom."
Rodolfo kept his head high and turned with Alejandro to the people watching them. It was a small crowd, nobles mostly, all sitting at tables.
"Today is a most joyous day." Alejandro began and Rodolfo found himself flushing, even if he wasn't sure Alejandro meant it out of affection for him. "I have taken a most beautiful bride and our beloved Artemea rejoins the Silver Empire upon our union. This will connect the Southern half of the continent to the Northern Half, as it did 500 years ago. I believe Artemila and Aelius both smile upon us, glad to see their beloved kingdoms reunited."
Rodolfo met Soap's eyes, who was smiling brightly. He was never afraid, Rodolfo wasn't surprised. Alejandro then guided Rodolfo to their table, sitting with him.
Then, music started, and everyone who was standing also found their seats. Now that Rodolfo wasn't focused, he got a good look around the room. Dark oak decor, several grand paintings... Rodolfo liked it. It was all beautiful. Of course it would be. Soap found his seat beside Rodolfo and a man wearing a silver mask, shaped to be a skull, sat beside Alejandro.
"Mi Estrellas," Alejandro started and Rodolfo found himself blushing at the nickname, finding it fitting, "I'd like you meet General Ghost. My closest friend and the highest in my army."
"Your only friend," Ghost corrected. Rodolfo didn't like the way his eyes picked over him, making him feel exposed. Judged.
Alejandro laughed, shaking his head. "Sadly."
Rodolfo went to bow his head in response to Ghost's bowing, flushing dark when Soap tapped his leg to remind him that he wasn't supposed to do that as Queen. Rodolfo had known he'd be Queen of some kingdom, eventually. Luapin had been who he'd assumed since they were small and Artemea's biggest ally, but... He'd never quite gotten the hang of the switch from Prince Rodolfo to Queen Rodolfo. It was hard.
Princes bow their head out of respect, Queens only nodded an acknowledge. Soap had paid more attention than he did.
Rodolfo nodded, once, instead. "It is wonderful to meet you."
"Your accent is thick." Ghost commented.
Rodolfo wasn't sure whether he should be offended or not, especially since Alejandro had the same accent. "My kingdom still relies heavily on our native tongue." He settled on, shrugging slightly.
Soap tapped Rodolfo's leg again and Rodolfo took a breath, introducing him. "This is So-" another tap, what would Rodolfo do without him? "Johnny Mactavish. He's my first Lady in Waiting." Only, more like, but that was only because Alejandro would pick the rest of them.
"It's nice to meet you," Soap bowed his head to Ghost and then to Alejandro, deeper as he was king. Ghost bowed his head to Soap and then Alejandro nodded a greeting.
The rest of the banquet was rather boring. Just guests offering them gifts, which Alejandro would choose to accept or regift to someone else. None of them particularly interested him, until a mechanical bird which could sing lullabies. Rodolfo watched it with fascination, unsure how it could work like that. It looked almost too real, he caught Soap making a face at it.
Alejandro seemed to notice his interest and smiled. “Here. We’ll keep this one.” He murmured, taking Rodolfo’s hand and gingerly placing the bird in it. Rodolfo flushed. He looked at it, having it play one of the songs.
“I don’t recognize these songs.” Rodolfo said softly. They were beautiful, though, and he liked the sound of them.
“They’re Aelian,” Alejandro explained. “Old Aelian. They’re not used anymore. You can hear the lower notes.”
Rodolfo could hear them, even despite how high pitched the bird sang. “Artemean lullabies are more high pitched, more monotone.”
“He knows. He learned several before your wedding.” Ghost spoke up, chuckling.
Alejandro glared deeply at Ghost and Rodolfo understood why everyone said he was terrifying. Rodolfo genuinely worried for Ghost’s safety. He’d heard a story of Alejandro cutting an advisor’s face during a meeting for speaking out of turn.
“Please don’t hurt him, I’m sure it was a harmless comment.” Rodolfo pleaded, both for Ghost’s safety and for not wanting to see bloodshed at his own wedding.
Both Ghost and Alejandro seemed to stop and stare at him for a moment before Alejandro softened. “Mi Estrellas, I will not harm him. Not for teasing.” He murmured.
Rodolfo relaxed, immediately, and flushed. He turned and looked down at the table, embarrassed. He glanced at Soap, who looked concerned, and offered a smile to reassure his friend. “I’m okay.” He murmured.
More gifts and they seemed to up in interest. A set of hour glasses, one with navy colored sand and one with blood red sand. A matching set for both of them, Rodolfo realized. Alejandro kept that one.
A set of books in the old language. Alejandro smiled, “can you speak it?”
“No. I was never taught.” Rodolfo shook his head.
Alejandro shrugged. “Neither do I.” He regifted them to Ghost, who apparently did speak the old language, and then continued on.
A few leather bound journals, another matching set which Rodolfo took interest in immediately. Alejandro again seemed to notice and kept them. Rodolfo felt surprised, Alejandro seemed to be so considerate of the things he liked.
Then, two blades were set in front of Alejandro by an Artemean noble. “We understand that Aelian omegas do not learn the dance of the blade but… Artemean do.” They bowed to Rodolfo, who smiled softly.
Alejandro seemed surprised. “You can sword fight?”
Rodolfo hesitated, worried Alejandro wouldn’t like that fact. “Yes, we’re taught from a young age to defend ourselves.”
Alejandro smiled. “That’s wonderful.” He nodded. He seemed almost impressed. He stood and lifted one of the swords, sliding the sheath off of it. The sheath was blood red and the blade itself was of obsidian steel and large, clearly built for Alejandro’s arm.
Rodolfo loved the way the black caught the light but even more dazzling was the red adorning the blade, somehow mixed into it. Rodolfo knew the process, it required moonwater to strengthen the gem, which would then be pieced and fuzed to the metal. It was a beautiful process. One Rodolfo enjoyed watching.
Alejandro admired it for a moment and then got the other blade out. It was smaller, the blade thinner, more suited for an omega. It was a bright silver with inscriptions of the moon in the blade. The light caught on it and it appeared to almost glitter. “Stand, Mi Estrella.” Alejandro murmured and gestured.
Rodolfo did as told, immediately, nervous. But, all Alejandro did was have him weight the blade in his arm. It was a little light but Rodolfo had no doubt he could adjust to it with practice. 
“Matching blades.” Ghost commented. “How romantic.”
Alejandro was almost grinning. He compared their two blades which held mostly the same shape with the usual distances. “It’s a showy blade, not suited for heavy combat but... when we travel together, it’s enough.”
Rodolfo ran his fingers of the blade meant to be his. “I adore it...” He murmured. He adored it. 
Soap looked in awe of the blade and Rodolfo gently handed it over so he could admire it. Soap had always loved blades, though Rodolfo had been partial to the bow in combat. “It’s beautiful.” Soap agreed, touching the edge of the blade, which broke the skin on his fingertips immediately.
Soap shrugged. “Respect striker.” He murmured, gesturing to everyone in the room who were in fact staring at Rodolfo with some mixture of awe and respect. Rodolfo’s face flushed red slightly and he thanked Soap for the name.
“Respect striker.” Alejandro nodded. “I like it.” He lifted the sheath. “May I?”
Rodolfo hesitated before nodding, moving away from the table. Alejandro was gentle as he secured the sheath around Rodolfo’s waist. Then, Rodolfo slid the blade in carefully. In combat, he would wear in on his back since his arrows would rest at his side instead, but, for daily wear, it would rest on his waist.
Rodolfo flushed when Alejandro’s hand smoothed over his stomach and then he carefully sat again, watching Alejandro thank who had gifted them the blades. “Thank you, Lord Kate.”
Lord Kate bowed her head. Rodolfo recognized her as an a noble from one of their neighboring kingdoms. She was often at court with his parents, doing business, though she was the Right Hand to King Price, of the Kingdom Drodora, which was on the sea. Artemea was on the sea as well, but Drodora’s main exports came from the sea.
Lord Kate wished them a happy marriage and then returned to her table, where Rodolfo recognized King Price himself sitting there. He raised a glass when he saw them glance over.
Rodolfo flushed and turned back to Alejandro. There were only a few more gifts and all were things for Alejandro, which he regifted most of them. Soap ended up messing with the bird some more, seeing everything it could do. 
Rodolfo felt himself become more anxious as the evening drew to a close. After gifts, it was eating, and then... consummation. Luckily, he knew enough to know that it was not customary in Aelian culture to check the sheets for blood like it was in other cultures but... Rodolfo was still nervous at the idea.
He’d never had sex before. He didn’t know anything about it. Soap had told him a few times about it but... he’d mentioned the first time always hurts. A lot. But, it could get better after that. Maybe for Soap but... if Alejandro was anything like everyone said... 
Rodolfo was terrified. 
When the night drew to a close, Alejandro offered his hand and then they dismissed themselves, as was customary. Rodolfo tried to keep himself from shaking with nerves as he followed Alejandro to their bedroom, taking deep breaths. Soap had told him it would be okay but he didn’t really believe that.
Alejandro let him enter the room first and Rodolfo tried not to jump at the sound of the lock clicking on the door. “I prefer privacy.” Alejandro explained. It was a nice room, large, as expected for a King’s room. It was decorated in red, also expected, and gold. The farest side of the room was all balcony, though curtains drifted in the breeze over it. 
Rodolfo nodded a little, standing at the foot of the bed and just kind of staring at it. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest, it filled his ears and Rodolfo would have believed it filled the room, too. 
“You don’t have to be so tense, Mi Estrella. I won’t hurt you.” Alejandro was suddenly close behind him and Rodolfo couldn’t help jumping that time. He wasn’t sure he believed Alejandro’s words. “What do you know of sex?”
Rodolfo decided to be honest. He didn’t think he could lie with Alejandro so close behind him. “I’ve heard it hurts the first time.”
“It doesn’t have to.” Alejandro started to pull off the jewelry Rodolfo was wearing, starting with the veil. “It only does with careless alphas.”
“Are you careless?”
Rodolfo flushed and closed his eyes, his skin warming wherever Alejandro’s brushed against it. “They say you’re a monster. That you enjoy breaking omegas. That you’ll break me.”
“People love to spin such tales, do they not?” Alejandro chuckled. “The way they speak about me would have many believe I was a dragon. That I could spit fire and rip a thousand men apart with my claws. I am simply human, Mi Querido. I do not enjoy breaking omegas. I will not break you.”
Rodolfo liked the way Alejandro spoke. He liked to flourish with his words. But, he knew alphas who liked to flourish their words often flourished their lies as well. “Are you a dragon?” He asked, attempting to be playful, though it likely failed.
“No.” Alejandro laughed and Rodolfo relaxed a little. “I only wish I could be. Would win this war for the empire faster.”
Rodolfo turned dark red as Alejandro started to pull his clothing off, but he didn’t resist. He did hug himself when he was fully undressed, complying as Alejandro turned him around. “I never imagined myself ever being in the presence of such beauty. It is hard to believe you are real.”
Oh. Rodolfo was very quickly flustered from Alejandro’s words, softening. Even if Alejandro was lying, he would do it with such pretty words and Rodolfo could appreciate those at least. Rodolfo was gently pushed onto the bed and he tried not to fall onto it, moving up so he could lay against the pillows. His eyes followed Alejandro as he undressed himself and then climbed up the bed, settling over Rodolfo.
Rodolfo took deep breaths to stay calm, settling into the pillows. Alejandro leaned down and kissed him, gently, though the passion there sent warm through Rodolfo’s body. Alejandro’s hands roamed his skin and spread the warmth, making Rodolfo shiver. 
Then, Alejandro’s mouth was moving down to Rodolfo’s neck, kissing and biting over the skin. Rodolfo had had his neck touched before, usually by Soap trying to bug him. This was different. He made soft noises from the sensation, pressing up into Alejandro without thinking. 
Alejandro’s hand found it’s way between Rodolfo’s legs and Rodolfo grasped at his forearms, tensing with nervousness again. “Shh.. it’s going to feel good, I promise.” Alejandro murmured. 
Rodolfo nodded a little, looking up into Alejandro’s eyes. He found tenderness there, affection. It shocked him and was a bit too much so he closed his eyes again, looking away. But, Alejandro turned his head back to face him. “I like your eyes. Keep watching me.”
Rodolfo turned bright red but nodded, gasping as Alejandro was suddenly swiping the slick that gathered between his legs. Alejandro made an appreciative noise and then his fingers were pushing inside. Rodolfo grabbed harder at Alejandro’s arms, keening into him.
It was an entirely new sensation, one which Rodolfo wasn’t sure how to cope with. He buried his face in Alejandro’s shoulder, gasping as his fingers pushed in deeper. 
“You’re so slick…” Alejandro purred, his free arm wrapping around Rodolfo and holding him close. “I have you…”
Rodolfo bucked his hips against Alejandro, moaning as he moved his fingers in and out at a steady and even pace. “Mi Sol…” He whimpered. The nickname was natural to him. He was Alejandro’s star… so Alejandro was his Sun. “I don’t- I can’t-” he wasn’t even sure what he was trying to say.
“It’s okay, mi estrella. I have you…” Alejandro rubbed his face against Rodolfo’s, adding a third finger but keeping the same pace. Rodolfo could feel Alejandro’s scruff against his skin and he couldn’t help whining, pressing his face into the action. Alejandro scented Rodolfo and he melted involuntarily, his mind going hazy from the sensation. This was fantastic… He didn’t want it to stop. “There we go…”
Alejandro pulled his fingers away suddenly and Rodolfo couldn’t help whining, looking at him with an expression of soft betrayal. Alejandro only laughed gently. “Just one moment, mi amor, I promise.” He pulled back, untangling himself from Rodolfo’s arms.
Rodolfo complied and fell back into the pillows, looking up at Alejandro and wondering just what was going to happen next. Alejandro moved himself between Rodolfo’s legs and then he was pushing in and it was intense and Rodolfo was having to grab at the sheets, gasping and squeezing his eyes shut.
Alejandro leaned back down and kissed over Rodolfo’s face, keeping the kisses light and gentle. “How do we feel, mi querido?”
Rodolfo took deep breaths. It didn’t hurt, it was just a lot. “It’s… it’s okay…” He nodded, opening his eyes to look up at Alejandro’s, seeing concern there. He just melted at it, leaning up and nuzzling the side of Alejandro’s face. Maybe the rumors weren’t true, maybe Alejandro was soft and kind. At least, in this moment, he was.
Alejandro pet his hair and Rodolfo melted as his body relaxed into the feeling. Then, Alejandro started to move, which was even more intense. He cried out as Alejandro thrust back in and quickly wrapped his arms around Alejandro’s shoulders, hiding in his neck. 
Alejandro cradled his head, the other going around his waist and continued to move, moaning softly in his ear. Rodolfo flushed dark as it sent shivers down his spine and he pulled away slightly, looking at Alejandro. Alejandro kissed him softly and gave another sharp thrust.
Rodolfo cried out and arched into him, breaking the kiss slightly, though Alejandro chased it and met him again, tilting his head to deepen it. He sharpened his thrusts and Rodolfo cried out his name, breaking away fully. He flushed dark when he saw Alejandro’s eyes darken and then he was thrusting like that every time, biting over Rodolfo’s neck.
Rodolfo at first tensed, expecting the sensation to be unpleasant but it wasn’t, it was wonderful and maybe it was a lot but Rodolfo wanted more. He rolled his hips to meet Alejandro’s thrusts, arching his back into him. 
“Just like that, mi querido. Just like that.” Alejandro panted, moaning again, and bit harshly at Rodolfo’s neck. Rodolfo whined and dug his nails into Alejandro’s back, rewarded with a faster, harsher pace. 
Alejandro licked over the bite and Rodolfo melted, but he kept rolling his hips to meet Alejandro, his movements clunky and inexperienced. Thankfully, Alejandro didn’t say anything about it, though his hands moved down to grab at Rodolfo’s hips and guide him. They moved together and Rodolfo found himself comparing it to the dances he’d had to learn for events.
Rodolfo tensed at a strange sensation in his stomach, looking at Alejandro in alarm. But, Alejandro only smiled affectionately, moving a hand to press down on Rodolfo’s abdomen. He whimpered as it intensified the pleasure, even beyond how intense it already was.
“Just give into it, let the waves wash over you… it’ll feel good, I promise.” Alejandro murmured. His thrusts went even, but still sharp, and the feeling grew and grew until Rodolfo was throwing his head back and crying Alejandro’s name again, his whole body shuddering and trembling.
As Alejandro promised, it felt amazing, like lightning was being sent down his body and then right back up.
Alejandro groaned and thrust sharply, once, twice, and then he was burying his cock deep inside Rodolfo as his knot grew, making Rodolfo feel so full he was almost bursting. Alejandro stilled and buried his face in Rodolfo’s neck, nuzzling him. 
Rodolfo panted and half clung to Alejandro, enjoying the feeling of fullness and warmth. “You were right… it didn’t hurt.”
“It never will, Mi Estrella.” Alejandro murmured. “I promise now- no. I vow to Aelius that I will never hurt you. Not intentionally.”
Rodolfo frowned. A vow to one’s patron deity was a big deal, even if it was known that said Deity had taken away his blessing. Revoking or breaking said vow could have you invoking your deity’s full force of wrath on yourself which… Would be inconvenient at best, devastating at worst.
Aelius was an omega and he was known to be gentle but… the full force of his wrath was certainly something to behold. It could level cities.
Rodolfo trusted that Alejandro was not making this vow lightly. And… slowly he relaxed into Alejandro. “Thank you…” He murmured.
“Mi reina…” Alejandro pulled away slightly, being very careful not to jostle Rodolfo, which Rodolfo was deeply grateful for. He was now sore and very very tired. Alejandro seemed to pick up on the way his eyelids drooped because he gently pet his hair and nuzzled him. “Sleep Mi Reina…”
Rodolfo did not have to be told twice, closing his eyes and drifting off.
Okay, so this will have seperate plotlines like Teeth and Skin and the Magic Users AU! Gaz and Roach will have their own plotlines as well!
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Captain America - Cold War Alpha #1 (2023)
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crunchyroaches27 · 6 months
”You’re safe, pet.” | TF 141 x omega!reader
OKAYYY BEAR WITH ME! I just released a pt2 of the ghoap post I made but I could not help but write this one. It’s fluff and angst and the same time.
omega!reader is rescued from a Omega trafficking ring by TF141
everyone has lil tails and ears (🥺) + Omegaverse AU + they/them pronouns used; Gender neutral + Alphas have pointed canines for marking
there are more characters, like Alejandro but he doesn’t play too much of a major role. He doesn’t deserve to be here
Price is the pack leader. He is an Alpha— the most dominant out of his other mates. His word is absolute law. He likes to regularly scent his pack, it makes him feel reassured that his pack is safe. Price is essentially their cigarette-smoking dad
Ghost is next in line in this chain of command, he is also an Alpha. He is more impulsive than the others and often has to have many restraints, leading to him often being aloof and angsty. Soap likes Ghost, but Ghost is too fucking slow
Gaz is third in line, also an Alpha like the ones before him. He is cool and collected, yet he also is a bit of a rebel— here and there he will challenge Price’s authority and be snarky
And finally, Soap. Poor Soap is at the bottom, being a Beta. Despite not being an Omega, he still carries out monotonous tasks. As the “peacemaker” of his pack, he ensures that all is well between them. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a jackass sometimes. His body scent is fainter, but his scenting abilities are better than the rest bc he is a Beta
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In this cruel world made up of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, there is bound to be danger lurking in every dark alley, every shady nightclub. Over the course of three days, you had seen and felt things you thought would never end. You were used and passed along like a joint. One particular Alpha paid a good fortune for you, and you found yourself dressed in skimpy clothes and drugged with aphrodisiacs. Your pheromones leaked like a pipe. There’s no hope. Why even bother? you thought angstily as you were transported to a new location.
You’d heard of the tragic trafficking of Omegas, but you didn’t expect to experience it firsthand. Omegas have to know every tactic to defend themselves. Your ears drooped in disgust and a sort of disbelief as your body began to enter some sort of stupor; the drugs meant to make you extremely docile and languid were starting to kick in. The sudden sensation of a sharp turn and the screech of wheels snapped you out from your haze. Instead of hearing the usual excited chatter, you heard gunshots. You were too lethargic to even move, so you passed out in your seat. When you awoke, four men surrounded you; three Alphas and one Beta.
You found yourself on a small cot. Three Alphas and one Beta were sniffing your pheromones to deduce your mental, physical, and emotional state. “Aye, Omega’s ‘woken up,” the Beta with the warhawk mumbled. The bearded Alpha hummed. “Hmm. Let’s start with introductions. What’s your name, Omega?” Another Alpha, clad in a skull mask, trilled, seemingly pleased at your arousal (arousal as in the waking up sense!!). “You’re safe, pet. We don’t bite, at least, not unless you want us to.” He jibed with a British lilt once he sensed your fear. His dark-skinned pack mate snorted, rolling his eyes. You could smell he was an Alpha, too.
All of their ears were perked high in expectation, their eyes watching your every move, sniffing every pheromone released into the already stuffy air. “Y/N,” your response made them nod in acknowledgment. “Mm, ‘Kay. We already knew that. Jus’ wanted to see if we got the right person.” The bearded Alpha sighed before continuing. “Well, I’m Price. This ‘ere is Ghost, Gaz on my right, and Soap’s the one in front of ya.” Soap promptly bent down and twinkled at you, his tail wagging. You didn’t even have to ask for their ranks, you could smell it in the bodily fragrances they released— that applied for them too. You could tell that Price, Ghost and Gaz were all Alphas, while Soap was a Beta.
You wondered how they weren't dying to breed you, your pheromones were uncapped and flowing out into the air freely. They must be taking some kick ass suppressors, you surmised. You were, for the lack of better words, glad they weren’t groping your body ravenously. Yet, despite their composed demeanors, glints of wolfish desires were expressed through their eyes. Their tails were rigid and raised.
“We saved you from that trafficking ring— shouldn’t you be more grateful?” Ghost earned himself an elbow pinch from Price. Ghost lowered his ears and grumbled as Gaz snickered. “Omega’s pumped full of drugs. Damnit, they’re barely alive,” Price grunted, his brows knitted— not in regards to Ghost— but at your deplorable condition. “Don’t expect much yet.”
“Soap, call in exfil, we need to go back to base. We need to get this Omega treated.” At Price’s order, Soap’s ears flicked and he soon got to work. “Don’t worry, Omega,” Price murmured, his thick fingers tracing circles on your sunken-in cheeks. He practically melted at the sigh you soughed. “You’re safe, pet.”
One half of you loved his touch, the Omega side that constantly craved the touch and comfort of an Alpha; the other half wanted to flinch back and snarl at it. You’d been touched, and not in a nice way— you didn’t want to bear that again. Yet because Price’s touch was refreshingly compassionate, the former side won.
At the hospital
When you arrived at the base, you were stirred awake by a splitting headache, an after effect of the narcotics. Your vision was bleary but you could tell that you were in an infirmary— and that you were not alone, either.
Ghost and Soap were seated on the chairs adjacent to your little mattress. Their tails were curled curled together as they waited for your awakening. When you finally announced it by clearing your throat, both of their ears shot up in attention and whipped their heads around to face you.
Soap was the first one to detach from the tail-curling and walk towards you, a gentle concern painted onto his face. “Ye feelin’ any better, Omega?” He chuckled at your reply, a tired no. His hands neared to replace the tape covering your scent glands, but then he stopped, seemingly remembering his manners. “Mind if I change ‘em? Not gonna try anything slick,” Soap asked, his icy blue eyes warming themselves for you.
“No,” you croaked. Slowly, he started to strip the tape off, clean your gland, and patch a new piece of tape on. Obviously, your scent had been carried in the air, exciting both Soap and Ghost. You knew Soap had a better nose than the rest. Soap’s pupils had dilated, making you a bit uneasy, “not gonna try anythin’,” he assured you again, smelling your distrust.
“Where’s Price and Gaz?” You questioned, hoping you remembered the name of the two Alphas right. “They’re in Mexico. With a friend; they should be back soon.” Ghost replied, rising to his feet to join Soap. They both assessed you with such focused attention— especially Ghost— making you feel like a piece of meat again. Your ears pinned themselves against your head.
Ghost’s inhaled deeply through his mouth, his breath trembling. He leaned closer towards you, his head tilting to try and whiff up any of your heady pheromones that still lingered in the air from the tape-replacing. Ghost's ears were angled towards you.
Ghost realized what he was doing and promptly gave you your space, as if to prove his salaciousness was kept under control. Or maybe he did it as an apology. "Sorry, just, you smell nice."
Soap hummed in what could be expressed as skepticism.
"Well, I think we should leave 'em to their own devices." Soap said, giving your hand a quick squeeze. He ordered for a glass of water to be delivered to your room before he left with his packmate.
You were left alone with your thoughts. You realized how much of a windfall this was. Out of hundreds of millions, you were saved. You had quite possibly the aid of God by your side. What an occurrence.
Sorry. Didn't really know how to end it, but pt2 will come out fs 😚
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Misguided Revenge - Chapter 3
[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Ao3]
Alejandro Vargas x Rodolfo Parra
Sadistic Omega Rodolfo Parra x Hurt Alpha Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro discusses what he should do about Rodolfo being right within reach with Valeria. On her advice, he talks to Soap and Gaz, who promise that they can arrange a meetup with Rodolfo for him, though it... quickly goes south.
Warnings: ABO, torture, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, manipulation, gore
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“You’re sure it’s him?”
Alejandro paced, having just fully recounted the entire afternoon to Valeria, who had decided to just ditch her class. Alejandro had had to cancel with Ghost, there was no way he could just go and get drinks after what had happened. He’d made the excuse of suddenly getting sick and being unsure he wanted to drink with that. Thankfully, Ghost had seemed to understand. Or… he hoped he had. He knew Ghost would never say otherwise.
“Are you sure? You’re positive it’s him?” Valeria furrowed her brows before shaking her head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“No, it was him. I’d recognize him anywhere.” Alejandro stopped and looked at her. “He also… ran away when I looked at him. It’s too much of a coincidence for it to not be him.”
Valeria sighed. “We agreed to give up looking for him last fucking month and he almost, practically, falls into your lap.”
“Yeah, well, the most annoying part is that he’s friends with Gaz. Alex’s… thing. And, Soap, the cafe owner that Ghost has been interested in.” Alejandro made a frustrated noise before returning to pacing. “That means that this entire time, he’s been in reach and… I… I didn’t even know Soap and Gaz knew each other! Fuck!” He hit his fist against his side before shaking his head. “So close!”
“Why would he run away?” Valeria asked and Alejandro frowned, looking at her. “You said he ran away when he saw you, why?”
“I mean… there’s probably thousands of explanations why. He ran away for a reason, I was part of what he was running away from. He probably hates me for not being there to protect him…” Alejandro took a deep breath before turning away from her, again. “Not that I don’t deserve it. One stupid fucking episode…”
Valeria came to stand in front of him, shaking her head. “No, Alejandro, don’t do that. You’ll spiral again… We’re so close to him, you can’t spiral into another episode.”
“I’m not. I’m- I’m not.” Alejandro shook his head, taking a deep breath. “I’m taking my medication, I won’t spiral. Not now. Not with him practically inches away. I just need to… to get face to face with him and then I can apologize and…”
“No, no. I can’t tell him the reason why I wasn’t there.” Alejandro immediately backed away from her. “He’ll think I was incredibly weak.”
“But how will he accept your apology if he doesn’t have an explanation as to why you weren’t there? What if it’s not enough for him? What if he looks you in your eyes and he says he doesn’t forgive you? What will you do?” Valeria looked up at Alejandro, and Alejandro found himself cringing back from her. “What will you do, Alejandro?”
“I… I… I’ll figure it out. I’ll lie or… beg for forgiveness. I can’t…” Alejandro was spiralling. God, he could practically feel it. The buzz in his muscles, the way his jaw was already tired from clenching so much. His vision wouldn’t fully focus because he kept glancing around the room. And he was so so desperate to have Rodolfo back again. “I can’t… I can’t lose this chance, Valeria…”
Valeria watched him and then she almost appeared to soften. “I’ll pull strings. Talk to Gaz or Soap, see if they’d be willing to contact him on your behalf. Okay?”
Alejandro relaxed before allowing himself to nod. “Yes, yes, I can do that…”
“We’re close, okay? We won’t let him go, again…” Valeria shook her head and then took a deep breath. “Stay here, tonight, and in the morning we’ll get started. I’m worried about you being alone…”
Alejandro couldn’t blame her, so he just nodded, and then turned, going to the room he usually slept in when he stayed with her. His mind was already consumed by Rodolfo and the idea of getting him back, of having him back in his arms. He couldn’t waste anymore time, he couldn’t be away from him anymore.
Rodolfo had been beautiful, too. The details of him were re-etched into the grooves of his mind. The green shirt he’d been wearing, the way it hugged his body. His dark eyes, so dark, so… dark. Black, practically. 
Alejandro wanted to drown in those eyes, he wanted to suffocate in them. He wanted them to fill his entire existence until he had nothing left but just the way they’d looked at him before they’d been filled with recognition and betrayal. 
He would do anything to make Rodolfo forgive him. Anything… He was still so desperately in love with him. He’d love to pretend he wasn’t but he was… 
Alejandro rolled over onto his side and covered his head with a pillow, taking deep breaths and trying to drown out the sound of Rodolfo filling his head, coating every inch of his skin. Or maybe he wanted more of it, wanted more of the reminder that Rodolfo was right there and within reach… 
He was so close…
Alejandro took a deep breath, staring at his phone. Valeria was out, pulling whatever strings she had decided would be helpful. Right now, he was trying to work up the courage to call Gaz, dialing the number and finally putting the phone to his ear.
It rang for a few minutes before Gaz answered. “Hello?”
Alejandro felt like he couldn’t breathe, already. But, he forced a smile on his face and then spoke. “Hi! It’s Alejandro, Alex’s friend? Sort of. Um… I…” Fuck, just ask the question, idiot. “I… Yesterday… You…” it suddenly occurred to him how weird this might be. Whatever, just blast through it. “You and Soap are friends?”
“... you know Soap? ” Gaz asked, sounding confused. “ Yeah, he’s one of my close friends… why? ”
“The other omega you were with… what’s his name?”
“ Why do you want to know? ”
“He looks like someone I used to know… An old friend. You don’t have to tell me but I just… want to know if it’s him.”
Gaz was silent for a bit before he sighed. “ His name is Rodolfo.”
Even having been so sure, Alejandro’s breath still caught in his chest. It really was him… “Do you think you could give him my number? Tell him-”
“ Actually-” it was a different voice, Alejandro recognized it immediately as Soap’s. “ Hey, Alejandro. What if we arranged a meet up? He was just talking about recognizing you. We’ll set up somewhere for you two to meet, again. So you can… catch up. ”
Hope filled Alejandro, causing him to feel as if he was practically bursting with it. It was… so easy. “I- God, I’d love that! Thank you, thank you both. I-” He felt like he needed to repay them in some way. But, how could he? He’d talk to Alex and Ghost, he decided. Kick their asses into gear. 
“ Of course, Alejandro. You’re a friend. ” Soap answered. “ We have to go. I’ll text you the location. He would probably prefer somewhere private. He doesn’t like going out much. ”
Alejandro could only imagine. “Of course, no that’s completely fine. Gracias, Soap.”
“ Of course. ” They hung up and Alejandro immediately texted Valeria. 
He wants to meet up!
Are you sure?
Yes, I talked to Soap and Gaz and they promised to set up somewhere for us to meet up! 
That’s… too easy. Suspiciously easy.
Yes, but that’s exactly in line with this last month. Everything was too easy. 
I just don’t know if I trust it. But… if you think it’s fine, go. 
Valeria, I am begging you to be optimistic for once.
I am being optimistic, Alejandro! But I’m not being stupid! 
What is there to even be stupid about?! What are Soap and Gaz even going to do?!
You’re right, I’m being… overly suspicious. It doesn’t make sense for this to be anything bad. But… please just still be cautious, Alejandro. Don’t just jump at whatever anyone says. I know you want Rodolfo back but please do not sacrifice anything you’re not willing to lose for it.
Alright, I won’t. Thank you, Val, for helping me with this.
Obviously. Someone has to keep your stupid ass in check.
Alejandro rolled his eyes at his phone and then sighed, leaning back in his seat. He could hardly take this anymore. The idea of having to wait even a few days felt almost excruciating to Alejandro, but he knew it was necessary. Oh, but he wished it wasn’t. 
However, he didn’t want to complain and risk jinxing everything. When Rodolfo was ready for Alejandro to see him, Rodolfo would say and then Alejandro could… If he pushed things, it might risk Rodolfo running again and then Alejandro would have to completely restart.
So, he just took a deep breath and waited for a time and date.
Alejandro couldn’t help vibrating with excitement as he knocked on the door to Soap’s apartment, trying very very hard to contain himself. He’d not really been able to believe it when Soap had texted him and informed him that Rodolfo had given consent for them to meet up the next day, instead. 
He’d also decided against texting Valeria about it, not wanting her to get even more suspicious and pessimistic. Instead, he’d just decided he would tell her, afterwards, and deal with the consequences. So, now here he was, wearing something semi-nice so he looked put together, and he’d brought flowers.
Why had he done that?? Fuck, were they too much??
Well, it was too late, now. He just took a deep breath and knocked again before waiting. Finally, he heard footsteps and then Soap was answering the door, which… despite it being Soap’s apartment, was still quite a bit of a disappointment.
However, Alejandro just shook it off as Soap let him in, though he did note the way Soap side eyed the flowers, looking almost jealous. Oh, don’t worry, Soap. Alejandro had plans to help Ghost pick out a massive bouquet. An absurd bouquet.
“He’s not here, yet. I think he slept in.” Soap informed Alejandro, smiling a little, and he led Alejandro to a couch. Alejandro was kind of surprised to see Gaz was sitting on an armchair, curled up with his knees to his chest. “Can I get you something to drink?”
Alejandro startled and looked up at Soap before nodding. “Uh, just water, thank you.” He didn’t want to be impolite and turn down the offer. After a very brief glance around the apartment, in which he comprehended nothing, he decided to try to make conversation with Gaz while Soap likely got the water. “I uh… I wasn’t expecting both of you to be friends.”
Gaz laughed, softly, and shrugged. “It’s a small world, isn’t it? We didn’t even know you had history with Rodolfo.”
“It really is…” Alejandro relaxed a bit and then nodded. “We were best friends in High School.” He accepted the glass of water he was given, thanking Soap, and noting how Soap sat on a different chair, facing him as well.
“Gaz, when did Rudy say he’d get here?” Soap asked, humming softly. “Did he say a couple minutes?”
“Fifteen.” Gaz answered, getting out his phone. 
Alejandro could wait 15 minutes. It’d be an excruciating 15 minutes, but he could do it. His mouth felt kind of dry, so he sipped water, annoyed at how it hardly helped. In fact, it almost seemed to add to it, but he didn’t really want to embarrass himself by guzzling water in front of them, so he just restrained himself to sipping it every few seconds, instead. 
Even still, he finished the glass early and just set it down, deciding to attempt to make small talk, instead. “How long have you known Rodolfo?” He asked, curious.
Soap was the one who answered. “We met on a web forum so… A while. Since all three of us were 16, at least.”
“Ah.” Alejandro nodded. So, Soap must have been the friend that Rodolfo ran to. Makes sense. Well, he hoped they’d taken care of Rodolfo, since it’d been so long. 
He couldn’t imagine going through what Rodolfo had… especially with the perception of being abandoned, too…
Guilt flooded his chest and he looked down at his hands, fidgeting with the plastic on the flowers. He touched his head, a little tired. He hadn’t slept well the night before, so it made sense. No matter, he could ignore it. Anything to see Rudy, again.
He blinked the tired from his eyes before he was starting to get a bit annoyed. He shouldn’t be this tired, he did still sleep. Of course, now, his body chooses to fuck him over.
“Did you do it?” Gaz’s voice sounded distant and Alejandro looked up at Gaz, a bit confused by the haziness of his vision.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, trying not to appear rude by just ignoring Gaz and his question. “Sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Did you do it?” Gaz repeated, now fully sitting up. Soap was gone. Where did Soap go?
Alejandro didn’t understand. “Do what?” He asked, rubbing at his temple. Fuck, he needed this to clear up. Did he remember to take his medication?
“Rape Rodolfo.”
“No!” Alejandro exclaimed, immediately, and stood before swaying on his feet and immediately sitting back down. Fuck…
Soap came back, finally, and Alejandro frowned at seeing he had a bag. “Careful, you don’t want to do that.”
Do what? Alejandro tried to ask, but his tongue felt too heavy, he just couldn’t form the words. He slumped to the side, having trouble keeping himself up. Then, it finally started to dawn on him. Did Soap drug him?
“Please, I didn’t- I didn’t…” Alejandro barely managed to speak, but he needed to defend himself. Tears filled his eyes and he took deep breaths. How could he explain without revealing? How could he make them understand? “I didn’t…”
“I don’t believe you…” Rodolfo murmured, his face suddenly in front of Alejandro’s. His voice was so gentle and sweet, so caring… Rodolfo always had been… “How could you do this to me?”
Alejandro let out a heavy sob, trying to reach for Rodolfo, but he couldn’t move any of his limbs. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
His consciousness started to fade and he fought it to keep apologizing, to make Rudy see how desperately sorry he was for not being there. He should have been, he should have been there. 
He was so incredibly sorry.
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