#and as it thundered towards us… I woke up
mobbothetrue · 6 months
I wanted to have a sleepy lie in today but instead I got a horrible dream about an elephant chasing me so I guess I’m awake now
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ateotd-izzy · 5 months
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rainstorms | stiles stilinski x fem!reader
summary: it’s the middle of the night and you wake up due to the heavy rainstorm outside, and after you get up, your boyfriend can’t really sleep on his own.
warnings: none, just sleepy stiles
you were woken up in the early hours of the morning by the sound of rain pattering against the window.
a few moments of lying awake made you shiver (that was because stiles was hogging the blanket) and realize how thirsty you were.
so, with a sigh, you slipped out from under the little amount of blanket you had (thanks, stiles) and let your legs drop over the side of his bed.
one leg of your grey sweatpants had hiked up your leg so it was rolled up to your shin and you fixed that before standing up.
the floor was cold against your bare feet as you slowly and quietly exited stiles' bedroom, careful not to disturb your sleeping boyfriend and his adorable snores.
you made it through the dark house and to the kitchen, where you got yourself a glass of water.
it was still raining heavily outside and you smiled at the sound as you headed back to stiles' room with your cup.
you opened the bedroom door and your eyes drifted over to the bed immediately. stiles was lying on his stomach, eyes closed, mouth open and one arm draped across the bed where you were lying before.
you smiled to yourself. he was so adorable.
you watched as more rain drops hit his window and it started thundering. you saw a flash of lightning and immediately walked over to the window and staring out at the dark night outside.
it was calming. watching as the rain stormed outside as you sipped your water at 3 in the morning.
you were so distracted that you didn't even hear the creak of the bed as stiles got up and walked up behind you.
"what're you doing up?" he mumbled, his arms finding their way around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder, his face buried into your neck from behind.
"the rain woke me up." you answered, leaning your head against his ever-so slightly. "and i was thirsty."
"what time is it?"
"it's 3 am."
he pulled his head up to look at you. "you're a psychopath to be up at this time, i swear."
his voice was raspy and all a big mumble. he was clearly still half asleep.
"sure, buddy."
"crazy woman." he shook his head and closed his eyes, leaning against your shoulder again. "look at you, just watching the rain."
"it's nice, stiles."
"sleep is also nice." one of his hands moved from its place on your stomach and connected with yours. he tugged lightly. "please sleep."
"in a minute." you sipped your water again.
"it's so cold."
"then go back to bed."
"i'm not gonna go without you." he whispered, kissing the back of your neck. "i hate sleeping alone, you know that."
you took one last long sip of your water until it was all gone. you turned your body and walked back towards the bed with stiles, placing the cup on his nightstand.
stiles practically dropped onto his bed before rolling back into his place. he pulled the blankets over himself and patted the spot on the bed next to him for you.
you did lie down, except horizontally across the bed, rather than vertically. your head found its place, using stiles' chest as a pillow and he chuckled softly, his eyes fluttering shut.
"what are you doing?"
"stop being a dork and lie down properly," he wrapped one arm across your chest. "dork."
"stiles, don't complain because you're a good pillow."
"yeah, but how am i supposed to cuddle you — or move for that matter — if i'm stuck like this?" he asked, his words still a jumble of nonsense.
"okay, fine, you win." you sighed playfully. you were already going to move, you didn't like the feeling of your legs hanging over the side of the bed.
you adjusted your position so you were lying next to him properly. he gave you a dumb smile in return.
"i love you." he whispered, still smiling, just now with his eyes shut again.
"i know."
his eyes shot open quickly.
"you didn't—"
"good night, stiles."
"hey." he glared slightly. "you gotta say it back."
"because i need validation. tell me you love me."
you chuckled softly, pulling the blanket over yourself and moving closer to stiles, placing a light kiss on his lips.
"i love you too, you big nerd."
"thank you." he closed his eyes and held you as close to him as humanly possible. "now i'll see you in about... seven hours when i decide to wake up."
"good night, stiles."
"wait, what if—"
"good night, stiles."
"yep, good night." he peeked his eyes open. "going back to sleep now."
you chuckled and shook your head, lying down and closing your own eyes.
"what if i can't go back to sleep?" he asked after about a minute of silence and you groaned. "okay, well you woke me up."
"and you're the one who dragged me back to bed to sleep, stiles, not talk."
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a/n: just a little one shot from my wattpad that i felt like putting on here
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devilevlls · 2 months
heyoo! could I have 24 with beelzebub pls? it can be sfw or nsfw i don't mind either! thank you ♡
Thank you for your request! Here is the quick drabble using the prompt, I hope you like it! 🧡
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How long were you standing there? 𓏲๋࣭࣪˖
Gender-Neutral MC༘ ⋆。˚
MC woke up in the dead of night, their stomach growling with hunger, their throat as dry as a desert. Unable to resist the call of their rumbling belly, they tiptoed their way to the kitchen, craving a late-night snack, praying no one would find out. 
Beelzebub, the avatar of gluttony, was lurking in the shadows, his keen senses alert to any movement in the kitchen, his eyes glowing violet as he follows every movement of the human quietly, like a predator.
MC found themselves in the kitchen, engulfed in darkness save for the faint glow emanating from the furnace where a colossal cauldron rested atop it. The room was eerily quiet, the only sound being the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of the old floorboards underfoot. The house of lamentation could be very spooky at night.
As they rummaged through the fridge, their eyes fell upon a tempting sight—a freshly baked cake, its aroma wafting through the air, promising sweet indulgence. Without hesitation, they reached for a slice, their mouth watering in anticipation.
Little did they know, Beelzebub had been watching them from the dark corner of the room, his eyes fixed on the coveted cake. His stomach grumbled as he observed MC indulging in his favorite treat. The sound was very loud, almost like a thunder, making the human shiver and squeak in fear. “What are you eating?” He interrupts them.
“H-how long were you standing there?” They pause, gulping, their heart racing as they faced the unexpected intruder. “I was just getting a piece of this cake… Sorry, is it yours?”
Beelzebub's gaze remained fixed on the dessert, his mouth watering with anticipation. “No, uh… We can share, of course,” he replied, though the notion of sharing his beloved food was a struggle. They knew how difficult it was for the avatar of gluttony to share his food, but even then, the two started eating together. “Thank you, Beel, you are so sweet!” “Now, give me a bite.” He comes closer, wrapping one arm possessively around MC's waist as he awaited his share.
With a soft smile, MC complied, offering a piece of the cake directly to Beelzebub's waiting mouth. They felt his fingers tighten slightly around them as he savored, showing off his affection toward the human despite being caught stealing his food.
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Drabble prompts you can use in your requests!
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twstjam · 11 months
"I've got writer's block," I admit, and am immediately overtaken by the urge to write something. Anyways this is brought to you by that one tiktok audio ("I should go back before ____ realises I'm not in bed!") and "Malleus sleeps in a nightgown/sleeping gown" brainrot. Idk i just love it okay. this features: married!Malleyuu and implied besties Sebek and Yuu (don't tell me he wouldn't be their right-hand man after they marry Malleus. They were besties in college!!!)
Crown Prince Malleus stirs slowly from his peaceful slumber. In his arms, his spouse is still as they remain within the realm of dreams.
Malleus sighs contentedly as he holds your small, soft body closer and burrows his face into your hair.
"Good morning, my love…" he trails off uncertainly as his nose buries into something soft. Too soft. Malleus finally opens his eyes and realises with a start that he was not, in fact, holding his beloved in his arms, but a mere pillow. Lifting himself up on his elbows, he ascertains that your side of the bed is in fact woefully empty.
Malleus sits up in alarm. He very vividly remembers falling asleep with you the previous night, so why has he woken up all alone?
"Child of man? Darling?" he calls out to the empty room. The door to the bathroom is closed and he can hear no sound from it and neither can he hear anything from the closet. His sleeping gown brushes his ankles as he slides out of bed to go search for you anyway. He calls your name with each poke of his head past the doorways and receives no answer.
Malleus grows increasingly frantic as he quickly walks towards the bedroom's double doors and throws them open.
He yells your name out into the hall and is only responded by echoes of his own voice. He hears the castle's caretakers startle and yelp in surprise. He must've been louder than he had intended to be.
Malleus's bare feet patter on the cold stone floors as he hurries towards the equally urgent steps of one of his attendants.
"My liege!" the maid exclaims in surprise when he almost runs her over in his haste. Still though, she doesn't miss a beat and bows. "Good morning, sire. Is something the matter with their highness?"
"I do not know," Malleus's voice is level but slightly sharper than his usual tone. He's putting all his effort into not letting his panic surface but his lips have also downturned into a severe pout. "That is the issue. You see, I woke up with them missing from my side. Where are they?"
The question is spoken more like a demand. Expectant. He unconsciously scowls fiercely at the maid before him, who begins to tremble. She lowers her head reverently.
"Forgive me, my lord. I am not aware of their whereabouts."
Malleus's glare deepens and he walks past her. She quickly hurries after him, squeaking about his lack of footwear and proper attire.
"Where are our guards? Silver. Sebek!" He doesn't wait for the maid to respond before shouting for them. The guards of the castle stiffen and stand at attention at their posts when he nears them. Several of the other castle staff pause and bow. Malleus searches among them for Silver, Sebek or, better yet, his missing spouse, but upon finding no sign he sniffs and places his hands on his hips. "Where is my partner? How can any of you have allowed this?! Where are your commanders? Retrieve them this instant!"
Thunder rumbles faintly in the distance. The soldiers bow their heads and chorus their affirmations, but one of the guards bravely displays their confusion on their face.
"I apologise for questioning you, my lord, but do you request us to retrieve your spouse or—?"
"Find them. Find them at once!" Malleus cuts them off sharply. The soldier shrinks back but they continue to look up at him with a furrowed brow. Malleus reigns in his anger with a deep breath before saying, calmer this time, "Send someone to retrieve Commanders Zigvolt and Vanrouge. Tell them that I have summoned them. The rest of you, search for my spouse. Now!"
"Yes, Lord Malleus!" the guards chorus, but right as they're about to scatter to fulfil the orders of their prince, a gentle voice, starkly different in comparison to the prince's roars and the castle's dark walls, draws their attention.
"There will be no need for that."
Commander Silver Vanrouge marches down the hall swiftly and elegantly, the long tail of his uniform's coat billowing behind him. The only thing that disrupts his intimidating image is the way his silvery hair sticks up on one side.
Silver stops in front of him and Malleus notices a little bat peer up at him from where it clings to the human's shoulder.
"Silver." Malleus's nerves ease slightly in the presence of one of his closest confidants. "What do you mean?"
"When I woke up this morning, the bats reported to me of your partner's departure from the castle after midnight." As he relays this information to his prince, Silver casually reaches up and allows the bat to climb onto his hand and hang off his fingers.
"Departure?" Malleus repeats with wide eyes.
Silver nods. Before Malleus can begin to question him further, Silver elaborates, "Worry not. They were not alone."
"Weren't they now?" The brief relief that swells in Malleus's chest is quickly washed away by irritation. "And who was this that also did not think to inform me of my spouse's sudden disappearance in the night?!"
Silver pauses at that. Even with Malleus's furious glare trained on him, he doesn't falter and seems reluctant for a completely unrelated reason.
"…I assume that neither of them wished to wake you."
At the quiet words, Malleus is so suddenly reminded of a time many years ago when Silver barely reached his waist and his features were much rounder and softer than the adult human guard before him.
"…He won't get in trouble if I tell you, right?"
Still though, despite the twinge of nostalgia, Malleus narrows his eyes at Silver. His sheepish expression says it all.
Malleus's pout deepens. He huffs an irritated breath and murmurs your name and Sebek's, followed by, "Those two…!"
Green flame bursts past his lips and his gown billows as he throws up his fists and stomps his foot into the stone floor with a crack not unlike a child throwing a tantrum.
"Where have they gone?!"
You're rudely awakened by someone shaking your shoulders. Sebek shouts your name and mumbles a comparison to Silver as you finally come to.
"This is no time for napping!" he snaps. "It is almost daylight. We must return to the castle at once!"
A little giggle comes from your left and you see Lilia smiling down at you. His shoulder-length hair spills over his shoulders as he tilts his head.
"Sebek's right," Lilia says in a deep and raspy voice, one that still takes you by surprise how different it is from how he sounded back at Night Raven. "A dragon gets quite restless when they are apart from their mate for too long. And you said that you snuck out?" He shakes his head disapprovingly.
"Hey, you've got no room to talk, old man," you snip back at him. He dramatically puts a hand to his chest as if he'd been wounded. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told Tsunotarou what I'm up to."
You pick up your bag and Sebek helps you to your feet. You look into your bag before slinging it on. The jars inside and their contents consisting of many, many, many fireflies had remained undisturbed.
"Goodbye dears, it was wonderful to see you!" Lilia chirps as he waves you off. Both you and Sebek grin and wave back.
"It has been a pleasure as always, Master Lilia!"
"Yeah, thanks for helping us out!" As you wave at him, you glance up at the sky and realise with a start that Sebek really wasn't kidding about it almost being morning. "Okay, I really should get back before Tsunotarou realises I'm not in bed—"
You're abruptly cut off by a sharp roll of thunder and a flash of green lightning. Sebek shrieks and instinctively lowers his head while Lilia gives you an aggravating "I told you so" smile.
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ashisill · 8 months
Stay forever
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Warnings: Cock warming, penetration (unprotected), waken by oral (m receiving), overstimulated.
You were woken up suddenly by the sound of crackling thunder. Your boyfriend Jake wasn’t bothered in the slightest. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness, and turned towards Jake.
“Jakey?” You sighed when he didn’t respond. “Jakey are you awake?” You knew he wasn’t, but tried anyways. You laid your head on his chest, and listened to his heart beat before drifting back to sleep.
The thunder woke you yet again. This time Jakes arm rested protectively around your waist. “Mmm Jakey you awake?”.
“Nope still asleep doll” Jake awaited the giggle that was sure to leave you.
Surely enough he was right, and a soft giggle escaped you “Right”
“Shhh just listen to the rain” he said. You both fell quite as Jake drifted back to sleep.
You shook him … no response. Jake is the most heaviest sleeper you’ve ever met. The word could be falling apart, and he’d still be passed out. You gently laid against him chest to chest. You felt his semi-hard cock against your leg.
You slowly moved down till your lips met his boxers. You kissed him through the cloth before sliding them down. “Hmm” he stired, but didn’t wake. You licked up the side of him, and his hand found it’s place in your hair. You moved the cover back, and his eyes were still shut.
You questioned if he was still asleep, but continued anyways. He harden against your mouth, and then pushed you down. He’s awake. You took him in all the way as he shoved you down deeper. You pulled off his cock with a pop.
“Morning” he said softly.
You didn’t respond, and just swirled your tongue on his tip. You began to suck, and his grip got tighter. “All the way” he said in a low voice. You began to take him in again, and he pushed you down till your nose brushed against his pubic hair. He kept you there till you began to squirm. He pulled you off by your hair, and he let you catch your breath. He did that several more times before you couldn’t take it anymore.
You pulled at his shirt, and he pulled you off immediately “I can’t Jake” you whined.
“Shh pretty girl” he soothed you. “One more time baby”
You whimpered, but obeyed his quest. Letting him guide you, as you tried not to gag.
“Up sweetheart” he patted on his lower belly, telling you to straddle him.
You climbed up him in a hurry, and sat just below his cock. He let you take control which you found odd because it’s very unusual. Jake is very dominant not just during sex, but during your day to day life. Your lucky if he lets you be in charge, and it’s usually if he’s tired or had a long day.
You placed your hand around him, and gently rubbed his tip against your clit. “Does that feel good?”
You nodded your head locking eyes with him. “You know better than that. Use your words”
“Yes” you said softly, and began to line him up.
You slid the tip in, and slowly sank down on him. Instantly his hands found their home on your hips. Instead of moving you sat there feeling him. “Gonna sit in my cock for a while sweet girl?”
“Can I?” You asked him. He laughed softly at the innocences of the question.
“Yes darling” a simple response when really he wanted to pour his heart into you. To tell you how much he loves you. How innocent you made a dirty question seem. ‘Of course you can sit there. You can stay there forever if you’d like’
“Thank you” you said breaking his heart from all the love he feels from you. Everything you do makes him fall harder in love.
“The rain is so nice Jakey” you said starting a casual conversation as if his cock wasn’t buried deep inside you.
“It’s very lovely baby. Did you sleep good?” Jake asked continuing on the conversation.
“I woke up a couple times cause of the thunder, but yes I did” you squeezed around him.
“I can feel that love” Jake told you.
“I know you can baby” you rolled your hips.
“Is the conversation boring you doll?”
“Yes your quite boring Jakey”
He just smiled up at you as you began to grind back and forth. His hands that never left your hips began to move with you. “Jakey?”
“What is it sweetheart?”
“I love you”
“I love you too princess. I always will”
You arched your back, and your hands gripped his thighs. He began to circle your clit with his thumb as you picked up your pace.
“Jakey” you said his name, but with nothing to say.
“Yes dear?” You had no response you just needed his voice.
As you bucked your hips frantically overstimulation began to take you over. “ Jakey please”
“I’m here. I’m right here. Fall if you need to I’ll catch you”
Without anymore words spoken you collapsed on his chest. He thrusted up into you, and you place soft kisses on his neck. He came to a stop a told you to lay on your side. A hand snaked around your waist, and he slowly slid himself into you. He threw the covers up around the both of you, and gently fucked into you as you listen to the rain hit the windows. With both his arms now wrapped around you he picked up his pace.
You dropped a hand down to your clit, and began circling with your fingers. Jake moved your hand a took over. Your moans became cries as he fucked you just right. You cried out for him over and over. You began squeezing around him as your body slowly went limp.
“Gonna cum for me now angel?”
You’ve lost your sense of grammar, and just frantically nodded your head. Any other time he tell you to ‘use your words’, but he let this one slide. You gripped his arm as hard as you could. “Just let go I’ve got you. I’ll take good care of you pretty girl. Just let go”
Your orgasm crashed against him. Making your whole body shake with pleasure. Your eyes rolled back, and your vision went dark. “Such a good girl”
“Jake” you shouted. He didn’t have to ask what you needed. He knew you couldn’t take much more.
“I’m right behind you my love. I’m right there. Right fucking there” he released into you with one last thrust.
“Don’t leave yet” you said as he went to pull out.
“I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here forever”
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milla-frenchy · 4 months
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Thunder (SMBU part 4)
2k9 | Joel Miller x fem reader x Tess Servopoulos Chapt summary: you’re threatened and rebel against Joel Warnings: 18+ mdni. Noncon/dubcon (captivity, threats), dark FF, threesome (FFM), oral (m/f), fisting, degradation, spanking, spitting, slapping, squirting, light rimming, piv, facials, angst, mentions of dvp, anal and gangbang Writer chose not to use all warnings. If you need to know before you read, DM me a/n: reader's girlfriend is described as “she/her” in italics Heed the warnings. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, do not pursue reading. This fic isn't for everyone, and that's ok. I don't condone any of this. Thank you @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for beta-ing and listening to me whine 😄💕🫶 The Prodigy - Thunder | playlist | ao3 | series masterlist
Main masterlist - Part 3
You woke up in the middle of the night, hearing moans. Thinking Joel, Tommy or one of the guards was with her. You went to the bathroom to get a glass of water but froze when you heard a moan you didn't recognize. Feminine. Your throat tightened. No other women from the camp had come to your house since you arrived. You moved closer to the half-open bedroom door. The light of the moon allowed you to discern their bodies. Her face was between a woman’s thighs and this woman was holding her head against her pussy. Her back was arched with pleasure. 
Before you had time to figure out what to do, a hand covered your mouth to stop you from screaming in surprise. Joel. You didn't even hear him come up the stairs. He nodded towards your bedroom and closed the door behind you two once you entered. Your heart was beating way too fast, because of…jealousy? Fuck.
“Who is she?” you managed to ask, trying to keep your feelings to yourself.
“Her name’s Tess. She’s not so much into dicks. She loves cunts. And she loves your girlfriend’s cunt,” he added, “sorry baby, you should get used to it. She’ll fuck you too.”
You tried to remain impassive again. Even if he gave you too much information. Much more than you wanted to hear and could handle.
“I’ve never seen her before.”
“She runs another camp for me. She's like Tommy, let's say. And she loves pussy as much as he does”, he smirked.
You felt a spike sink into your heart.
“Looks like someone’s jealous” he chuckled, before saying “come suck my dick, it’ll change your mind.”
You knelt down and took his cock in your mouth, trying to forget. But even when he shot his cum all over your face, you couldn't think of anything else.
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The next day, you tried to behave as usual with her. It wasn’t a normal world, nor a normal life. You were just bodies available to raiders. You had just never imagined that women could be raiders, too. 
So when she placed her hand on yours in the kitchen, you tried not to tense up. Not to remove yours. You knew that you were unfair in your feelings, but you had the impression that the only thing that brought sweetness in your life no longer belonged to you.
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A guard came to take you to the fuckhouse, as you called it now. You didn't expect to see Joel and Tess there.
“Take off your clothes,” he ordered. You didn't move, your eyes fixed on Tess.
“The fuck are you waiting for?  Get undressed.”
“I can’t…I can’t fuck her.”
And for the first time, she spoke to you, but you wished she hadn't when you heard her response.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be in charge. I'm gonna fuck you, you'll just have to take it. See if you’re worth it.”
They both were looking at you like you were a piece of meat, and you resigned yourself to undress.
“Come on baby. A mouth is a mouth, right?” he said. At that moment, you hated him.
You lay down on your back and she came to settle between your thighs. Your body and mind were closed, and you were mechanically waiting for her to do what she wanted. Joel was leaning against the window sill. That guy had immense self control. You thought about it every time he watched you being fucked by his men, usually coming last to rail you and mix his cum with the spend of those who’d used you before him.
Tess’s tongue along your folds made you forget about Joel. You didn't want to cum. You didn't want to give her that part of you. But her tongue was soft and precise, she knew exactly where to slide, where to linger. When she added a finger and started sucking your clit, you almost forgot your convictions. Two fingers slid into your now sopping pussy, fucking you gently. She had already found the right spot and you were struggling to hold back your moans. Her tongue swirled delicately on your clit, sometimes giving way to her lips which came to suck it. Within minutes, you were drooling on the bed. When she added a third finger, you muttered a “fuck…” and heard Joel chuckle. You were so focused on your sensations that you didn't even react to him, finally accepting the pleasure your body felt building. Your lower abdomen was hotter than ever.
“Make that slut squirt,” Joel said. You heard her laugh against your pussy. A laugh that meant “of course she’s going to squirt.” She showed such confidence. You saw her as a female version of Joel, and you might have feared her almost more than him.
She had barely started licking your clit again when you felt like you were losing all control over your body, and you squirted for the first time in your life, feeling like you were drowning the mattress. Your cheeks were hot, ashamed of having given her more than anyone else.
Tess didn't stop her movements and pushed a fourth finger into your pussy.
“Wait, what…what are you doing?”
“Oh, you’re gonna give me more than that, baby.”
You saw Joel take off his clothes and position himself behind her, spanking her to make her put her ass up.
When he was sliding his cock into her pussy, he didn't take his eyes off you. She raised her face for a few seconds and stopped licking your clit, getting used to Joel's cock. You saw her face, her eyes closed in pleasure. Joel’s gaze was still fixed on you. It was the first time you saw him from that angle, buried in a pussy. His broad shoulders, his biceps, all his muscles tightened. 
Instantly, she followed the same rhythm with her fingers in your pussy as his dick in hers. ​
“I thought you weren’t into dicks?” you dared to ask. Joel froze inside her to let her respond, hands on her hips. You knew he was buried deep inside her. You knew he loved that, these moments where he displayed his dominance by being buried in a cunt, the woman full of his cock. 
She smiled when he stopped, fully aware of what he was doing, too.
“Not so much. But sometimes I like to get fucked, and well…he’s the boss, right? By the way, your roommate has a really nice pussy. And she knows how to eat one, too.”
She fucking winked at you just before Joel started fucking her again, slowly. He kept looking at you, and you hated the smug look on their faces, the way they didn't care about you or your feelings.
When she rested her lips against your clit, her moans made you vibrate and a second orgasm swept through you, without you feeling it coming. You felt physically exhausted. Emptied. But she still didn't stop, and Joel fucked her gently so as not to hinder her movements. You felt spread apart like never before, and she pushed four of her fingers deeper. You couldn't believe it when you squirted again. 
“Fuck, did you see that, Joel?” she chuckled. “The bitch is wrecked.”
She spat on your pussy even though the sounds of her four digits sliding inside you left no doubt that you were wet. Soaked. And she added her thumb to the other fingers, squeezing them together as closely as possible, to let you get used to it. Then moving deeper.
“What are you doing? Stop it, please, you’re gonna hurt me. Please…”
But she didn't stop, and even added “told you, you’re gonna take it.”
You realized finally what she was talking about. And you thought that you could never take her whole hand.
“Don’t worry, you’ll take it”, Joel said. “We fucked your cunt with two dicks, multiple times. If you had been a whore, you’d have earned a lot of money with that pussy, baby.” He was reveling in the situation, you could see it in his eyes.
She spat again, twice. On your pussy and on her hand. Continuing to push. You felt your folds spread apart painfully, until the knuckle of her outstretched hand bumped against your pussy. She leaned down, sucking on your clit, then swirling the tip of her tongue over it. While continuing to lightly push her hand in you.
“Give her another one, baby. Come on her hand. Be a good girl, give it to her. And give it to me. Come on, baby.”
His praise was turning you on. You thought about all those times they fucked you with two cocks. Joel and Tommy's dicks opening you up, and your pussy accepting them. You came again, your moans almost becoming screams. And she pushed more, making your pussy give way. You felt torn apart. She didn't stop until her hand was down to her wrist. “Oh fuck, fuck!” you shouted. 
You felt full. Fuller than with two cocks in your pussy. And you hoped none of the men would think about fisting you, because her slender hand was already spreading you apart more than you thought was possible.
Although you were getting used to it and the sensation was now giving you way too much pleasure for your liking.
You started to moan again, and her hand began sliding in more easily. 
“Shit that’s hot”, growled Joel. “I’m gonna fuck her now. Not sure I’ll feel something though”. Your cheeks heated at his degrading words.
She withdrew her hand gently and brought it back to Joel's mouth while he was still buried inside her. He licked her fingers as he was looking at you.
“Get on all fours”, he told you.
You got on your hands and knees and she laid down in front of you, her pussy level with your face. Joel spanked you, sensing your reluctance. “Better make her come,” he said, menacingly. He pressed down on your head to put your face against her pussy. You submitted, ass in the air. He spread your ass cheeks with his hands and licked you, from your pussy to your ass. When he took his cock in his hand to thrust into you, hands clinging to your hips, your tongue was buried in her pussy. Her hands held your face against her.
“Fuck, should have told Tommy to join us to feel something. Seems like the whole camp banged you.” You held back your tears when you heard him. Thinking about what your life had become since he’d captured you. Even though you knew it could have been worse. It can always be worse, right? But that time, his words hit you right in the heart. He wanted to hurt you, and you didn't know why. Was he jealous of your relationship with her?
He pulled out, and tugged on your legs so you lay down. He placed all his weight on you, crashing you under his weight without mercy, leaving only his legs on the bed against your tightened thighs. He pressed your face against her pussy again, growling in your ear as he thrusted.
“Spread wider”, he told Tess. And he stuck his fingers in her pussy while you licked her clit. She moaned, louder and louder.
“Come for us, baby”, he told her. He spoke in a softer tone when he addressed her. And once again your heart was pricked. He was trying to hurt you.
When she came, she held your face against her, and her pussy jerked against Joel's fingers.
“On your knees, both of you. Open up, tongues out.”
You knelt as he physically dominated both of you, jerking his cock with his hand until he came all over your tongues.
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You came home, and when you entered her bedroom, her things were gone. You ran down the stairs wanting to go back to the fuckhouse, but Joel was already coming.
“Inside”, he ordered you, grabbing your elbow.
“Where is she?”
“She’s moving to Tess’s camp. Tonight.” 
You couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe he was acting like this, when he had always been, if not affectionate, at least never cruel.
“Why are you doing this? You think it’s easy for us here? Or you don’t even care for a fucking second?”
“Tess needs a new toy. I don't think your girlfriend is upset about going there, anyway.”
And you felt something switch inside you. You couldn't let him and Tess take her away from you. You couldn't imagine living here anymore, without her. Without her arms and lips to warm your body and soul at night. A cold anger gripped you, and you let it possess your entire mind.
“If it’s her wish to leave with Tess, fine. But if you force her...I swear to God I’ll turn this place to ashes and when you come to this house, you’ll find me dead in her bed. As a reminder that you lost everything because of your actions."
You saw his face tighten in surprise, and his breath stopped for a moment.
“You’re just a bitch. And you know where those who misbehave end up.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, really. ‘Cos you love my cunt too much to put me in the shithouse. There aren't many women here. In this house, it’ll be just me, if you make her leave. I saw two women the day I arrived. There are two women in the shithouse. So five women. Maybe a couple more that had kids and I don’t know them. What are you gonna do when you have only three women? two women? zero? Fuck your guards? Oh yeah, well… a mouth is a mouth right? So are holes.”
He slapped you. Stronger than he had ever done the other times, where it was more like a dominance sex game than anything else. You brought your hand to your hot cheek, and you couldn't help but smirk.
“Finally”, you said. “Finally, Joel the cold-blooded raider, is losing his cool.”
A second slap hit you, even harder than the first one, proving you were right. He called one of his guards through the window to watch over you, and left.
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She didn't leave the camp. That evening, she returned to your house. You saw her coming back, when you were in the warehouse where he had locked you. 
You knew your rebellion would have consequences. You didn't wait long to find out which one exactly. When a machete hit the wooden table, you were relieved that Joel only cut your little finger off.
After cauterizing your wound, he left you there until the next day. 
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When he picked you up and brought you to the fuckhouse, your throat tightened. Your little finger wouldn’t be the only punishment. She was there, sitting on a chair. A guard had a gun pointed at her head, and several of his men were there.
“Fuck her”, Joel told his men pointing at you. “You don’t have to make her cum. If she does, good for her, but it’s not your problem today. Don't fuck her ass. I want at least one hole still tight for me tonight.”
He turned to you “If you misbehave, you'll regret not having let her go with Tess.” He nodded to the armed guard.
Finally, he told her “enjoy watching her getting fucked hard. This is the consequence of what she did for you.”
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When you got home, the sun had set. You went to lie down on your bed and she held you close, healing your wounds as she held you against her. More psychological than physical. Even though they were usually the worst.
“I’m so sorry”, she said. 
“Don’t. I regret nothing.”
She kissed your forehead and said “thank you. For everything.” She paused before adding “my name is Victoria. I've never told my real name to anyone here. I didn't want them to have that part of me. I don’t care if they know it now. You’re the first one to know, it’s all that matters. You can call me Vic.”
“Vic” you repeated. “You’re mine, Vic. And I’m yours”, you told her, caressing her cheek with your bandaged hand and smiling gently at her. You kissed, and you already knew that your heart was healing.
She held you against her for a few minutes, before saying “Joel is gonna come tonight.”
“I know. I will be ok.”
You knew it deep down. Joel knew that you’d be obedient again. You just wanted him not to take her away from you. He could have punished you much harsher, but you were apparently right in your reasoning. Women were a rare resource, as Tommy had told you the first day. Joel needed his soldiers to be calm and trustable. As long as they would have enough food and cunts to fuck, everything would be fine.
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When he entered your bedroom, he gestured for her to go to hers.
As he unzipped his jeans and approached the bed, he warned you, “If you do something like that again, not even your pussy will save you.”
You nodded.
He made sure to make you cum, before and while fucking your ass.
“I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything” F. Scott Fitzgerald
Part 5
Thank you for reading 🙏
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eydi-andrius · 9 months
Ours, huh. (Malleus Draconia x Reader)
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a/n: just an exercise after my long break. also, malleus was so adorable at the current event. where he came three hours early so he will not miss his first vacation outside briar valley
cw/tw: unedited, pure brainrot for malleus
🐉 🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉
"I definitely heard that thunder loud and clear." Cater nervously laughed and looked outside the window of the mirror chamber.
It was true though. The once beautiful morning slowly turns dim as dark clouds with lightning crawl out and hide the sun.
"Wow! I've never seen Tsunotarou make that kind of expression before. Look! He's turning really scary." Grim grimaced and made sure to move closer to you as he watched Malleus' expression turn darker and scarier. The more you stare at his hulking stature, the louder the thunder outside.
Jamil was not at fault though for making Malleus angry. A royalty without an escort to a public event will surely be a problem. A national security level of problem. You're actually weirded out that Sebek wasn't here wreaking havoc because Malleus will go out alone. Lilia probably has him on a chokehold.
"Why was that? Draconia has been here for three hours. I think he was that excited to join you today." Crowley, just like how useless he was, emphasizes how much Malleus has been looking forward to this trip, more than doing his job as a professor and interfering with the problem at hand.
You watch Malleus' mood turning sour, as he hears the professor's words, and Jamil trying his best to make his point across when you hear Trey coughed behind you. You looked back at him and Trey nodded at where Malleus was standing. A frown was your only response, wondering what he meant. His only reply was an exasperated sigh when you did not understand him. He then opened his mouth to speak without sound, mouthing about Malleus again but you're far too slow to understand that too.
Done with the way you and Trey danced with each other, Cater held your shoulders, and forcefully made you look back again at Malleus. As you turn, a loud crack of thunder hits near the school that makes you flinch. It took you awhile to regain your composure but once you got yourself together, you almost choked in fear on how furious Malleus is looking right now.
If he was in his dragon form, he probably would have eaten and swallowed Jamil – whole.
Not giving you enough time, Cater pushed you towards Malleus and you tripped in front of him. Good thing his reflexes were fast and he was able to catch you on time. The air of anger and malice immediately vanished and his eyes softened as he looked at you.
Ah! They want me to take care of Malleus for them. These Heartslabyul friends of yours. You wonder if they were truly your friends or they were just using you when they needed your help. Tsk.
"Child of man, are you alright?" Tone soft and calm, he asked you. He even checked if you have any scratches from your accidental tripping.
"I am fine, Tsunotarou. Was it true that you waited for three hours here?" When Malleus blushed at your question, you also blushed in return.
"I did. I was afraid I would miss it so I woke up earlier than the agreed time."
Still a little excessive though. Was the thought inside your head but you know too well that Malleus' fear was valid. Somehow, even with his tall stature, people always miss him out or completely forget him. It always has been a mystery to you, especially when you never forget to invite him in everything you do. It wasn't that hard.
"You must be tired waking up that early. But I'm so glad you're coming with us today. Right, Jamil?" You looked at Jamil, who looked like any minute now he would pee in distress. So with your eyes, you silently begged him to just agree.
With no other choice, and with the incestent of Kalim, he agreed.
Glad that everything worked out, you intertwined your arms to Malleus' right arm.
"Let's enjoy our first vacation outside NRC, shall we?" You asked him with a broad smile and a tilt of your head.
He looks surprised at first with the gesture. His eyes wide and mouth agape. But when he got himself back, he gave you a sly grin.
"Ours, huh. Well, let's enjoy it together then." He gave you a smile and you did not fail to notice how the flowers seemed to bloom and the sun shone brighter outside before the mirror took you all to your destination.
Let me know your thoughts! And thank you in advance for your likes, comments and reblogs! <3
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davinashifts333 · 4 months
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THE SECRET AFFAIR (Jason DiLaurentis x Liar!Reader):
⚫️summary; one year after Alison’s disappearance everything in Rosewood went haywire. Y/n, Aria’s maternal cousin & now 1/5 of the remaining Liars, who had either an equal amount or possibly even more secrets than her childhood friends, had been dating her now presumed dead best friend’s brother. That’s right, since before the summer of Alison’s disappearance Y/n & Jason had secretly been hooking up & began officially dating due to her helping him sober up & help him through his toughest nights that now gloomed over his past. She was his main alibi for the night everything happened with Alison but, obviously couldn’t tell anyone why she was with him. So why now, that they’re finally putting Alison to rest does it all go to shit? Because the whole town believes one of the liars did it.
⚠️warnings; swearing, age gap relationship (Y/n is the same age as the girls but one of the oldest, so 5-6 years younger than Jason), adult themes, murder, gore-ish?, PLL shit dude, it’s crazy, 18+ ONLY!
Y/N’s POV (the night of Ali’s disappearance)
I woke up with a blazing headache to my phone ringing a very specific tone that had become all too familiar. Jason. Thunder rolled in as lightning flashed the barn awake. The text from Jason saying to meet him at our spot which was a small bench in the woods behind his house. I head over, carefully leaving the barn door ajar so the girls won’t wake up when I come back but, I notice i’m not the only one who had planned to escape. Ali was gone and so was Spencer. I brushed the thought from my mind as I remember Jason’s text,
‘Garrett and Ian brought over some weed and I have the shakes now, meet up? I’m freaking out. Be safe. xx’
Jason had been trying to get clean, key word, trying. His friend group wasn’t as lenient as I was though, every now and then I had to help clean him up and sleep through the high or drunken daze. He wasn’t the best at being drunk believe it or not, he got drowsier than me after smelling the fumes when filling my car up with gas. Regardless, Jason was there for me when my dad left to hunt down my mom’s murderer. Yeah, Aria is my cousin, our moms are sisters.. Well.. Were.. That was until one night in the winter of 1998. I woke up after hearing glass shatter and walked down stairs, all I remember seeing was a shadow of a tall man standing over my mother’s body. Since then, I’ve lived with my aunt Ella and her family. Jason was our neighbor from down the street and Aria knew Alison, so obviously I knew them too. He always told me that death brought new life and my new life I had to live in honor of my mom. We clicked from then on. Of course being older he always taunted us girls and would do the typical big brother things to Ali. But one night when I was 14, I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then admitted he always liked me best out of Ali’s friends. The only bad thing was, Alison saw us kiss. She held it over my head like a looming sword on the thinnest of threads, threatening to tell her parents that Jason tried to force himself on me. Which obviously was a lie but who would they believe. Little did she know, I had secrets of hers to shoot back with so, we bonded in that way. A battle for dominance as one might call it. But nonetheless we were best friends, and secrets so keep us together.
I walk up to the bench hearing the crunching of leaves coming from the opposite direction, they staggered a bit and I saw Jason stumbling towards me, tripping on a rock and landing right on top of me.
‘Shit, sorry babe. I guess drunk me has two left feet.’ I giggled at his comment as we sat up, backs against the trunk of the tree that stood tall above our bench.
‘Who bought it this time?’ I asked, changing the subject back to the issue at hand. Jason then took position on my lap, my hands running through his hair. He sighed.
‘Ian. As always. But Garrett also brought booze. You know I can’t resist a nice cold beer. Those two idiots are probably still up in my room thinking I passed out somewhere. How was your sleepover?’ I rubbed his temples, knowing he got headaches when he drank.
‘It was okay, had some drinks too, courtesy of your sister. Hanna and Emily knocked out first and well you kno-.’ Suddenly the sound of someone walking by caught our attention. Jason shot up and stumbled a bit before helping me up. I held his waist to help him gain balance and he whispered to me to head back to the barn. That we’d talk the next day. With a swift kiss goodbye we went our separate ways. But, just as I got back to the door of the barn I heard a scream. I quickly made my way inside to see Emily, Hanna and Aria still asleep. Gladly I didn’t get caught by Spencer or Ali. I went back to my place on the large ottoman and curled up, hoping for Jason to have gotten back in one piece. He wasn’t as drunk or high as other times but, he still could continue through the night or worse, be pressured by Ian. God, I hated his “friends”. They only enabled him to fail at sobriety and I knew the truth behind their little club. Ian started it all with Jason when Ian took a photo of the girls and I in Emily’s bedroom. Creep.
An hour or so went by and I couldn’t sleep with all the thoughts running in my mind but, I kept my eyes shut. Spencer had come back but seemed a bit off, her breathing was ragged and stuffy. Like she had been crying or running. I wondered if Ali had gone back home or if she was coming back but, my question was answered when a loud crack of thunder woke us all up. Emily and Hanna huddled together while Aria “woke” me up.
‘Damn Y/n/n. You sure can sleep through anything.’ Spencer joked trying to lighten the mood and we all slightly laughed.
‘Where’s Alison?’ I finally asked and Spencer spoke up.
‘I think I heard a scream.’
That night marked a huge change in our lives and seeing how things were, my Uncle Byron and Aunt Ella decided it would be best to move to Iceland for a while, to get away. But now that we were back, things seemed way different. I hadn’t heard from Jason much after Ali’s disappearance. We kept in tough but after I was forced to move across the world, we decided it was best to be apart. I hoped he stayed sober but, I also knew the loss of his sister was taking a toll on him.
Aria and I had begun to unpack when Mike announced he was hungry. So Aria and I took my car that my mom had when she was my age, to a little dive bar/restaurant near Hollis College to get some burgers. When I waited for our order, Aria snuck off with this really cute guy who was apparently studying to be an English teacher. I let her have some fun while I contemplated texting Jason. Low and behold I folded.
‘Hey, I know it’s been a while since we last spoke but I figured a check in from our old spot in Rosewood could be cool? I just got back today and could sneak away from Aria for a few. If you’re up for it. Hope you’re doing well. xx.’
He read it almost instantly as if he had known I was thinking of texting him.
‘Welcome back to hell. I can meet you there in 10?’ I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of seeing Jason after a whole year and quickly shot Aria a text letting her know what I was doing. During our time in Iceland I confessed to her about Jason and I secretly dating to which she was impressed but mainly saddened by and even wrote a modern day Romeo and Juliet based off of us. It was sweet, Jason had even liked it when I read it to him on one of our phone calls early on. He also felt proud that I was able to trust someone enough to talk about him with.
I drove the 10 minutes to the last secluded park where we had to start meeting after our bench had been compromised by the investigation and waited. A few minutes went by and I heard a knock on my car window. I shut it off and climbed out. He looked good, way better than he did when I left. Healthier, a bit more put together and like his face was hurting from smiling so much.
‘I don’t remember you being this bubbly. Are you sure you’re Jason DiLaurentis?’ I joked and he pulled me in for a hug. His signature cologne engulfed me in the most comforting way.
‘No more red streaks in your hair, you’ve grown up. You sure you’re Y/N Y/L/N?’ He responded and I playfully punch his arm. We walked over to the picnic table and sat down. We talked for what felt like hours but in reality was about half an hour until Aria texted me saying she had the food and was getting dropped off at home. I responded with an excuse she could give her parents and she said she’d have my back. I came back to the conversation at hand and decided to ask the big question.
‘Sorry about that, Aria was just letting me know she���d cover for me back at home. So, truth. How are you?’ I asked, his eyes saddening a bit knowing what I meant.
‘Well, i’m sober. A whole 9 months now. Still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and just graduated from College. You?’ I felt his hand playing with my rings on mine and sighed.
‘Well, about to start Junior year of High School, still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and now very proud of this guy I used to date. He was a bit of a mess when I left our hometown so, you know. Surviving.’ He chuckled nodding as I ended my response.
‘He was very broken up. I mean come on, not being able to see your gorgeous face for that long? It was criminal. Poor guy was torn up enough already. You just added to the mix.’ I took notice of how true his comment was, I had left him in a vulnerable moment.
‘Well, I tried to keep in contact with him but, didn’t know how else to help, I was grieving too. Just grieving in a different way and grieving him as well.’ He lifted my chin to meet my gaze.
‘You don’t have to grieve anymore love. He’s never given up that one day you’d make your way back to him. Believe me. He even thought about how if you didn’t come back soon, he’d have to go to Iceland to find you.’ His hand now cupping my cheek as my eyes glazed over with tears. Alison always did tell me she loved how I helped Jason become more human in her eyes. She had seen a change in him from when we started dating.
‘Well, I thought he would hate me for leaving. I know I had no choice but, I still wished I could’ve been there to help him, like always.’
‘Baby, listen to yourself. You were always there helping me. Even when you had to go. You called every day, texted all day long, checked in when you could. You did your part, it was just time for me to do mine and let you move on. I just hoped that if we really were meant to keep going, you’d eventually come back to me.’ At this point I was fully crying and listening to his grief and love pour out of him.
‘I did hound my Aunt Ella everyday in hopes of us coming back sooner. And look at us now. I don’t want to move on, I want us, I want to grow in life with you Jason. I wanna see you be the person you always dreamt of becoming and to let the past stay in the past, all the mistakes were just bumps in the road. You took control of your life, focused on yourself and I couldn’t be happier for you. You deserved to be free from those assholes you called friends.’ He placed his forehead to mine and pulled me into his lap.
‘Can I kiss you now? I’m dying over here.’ He whispered and I laughed nodding. At that moment, we were in bliss. Not knowing what was yet to come and how insanely twisted our lives would soon become. After our reunion we agreed on meeting up as much as we could and even heading to Philly for date nights. However until I turned 18, we had to stay under the radar for a bit. It was all rose colored glasses until the first text from -A. It was a picture of me in Jason’s lap and a whole album of pictures of us before Ali went missing. Who could’ve possibly gotten these?
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sebscore · 1 year
Hello I hope you are well. Can you write reader who has night terrors with Charles Leclerc? Thank you very much
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pairing: charles leclerc x sister!reader 
warnings: thunderstorm. crying. 
author's note: sooo, i just realised it said 'reader’ and not 'sister!reader' lol so i hope you still like it and you're not mad that I made a little leclerc fic. I also totally misunderstood the night terrors and you probs meant nightmares, but oh well 😚
• • • • • • •
The sudden appearance of Charles made her flinch, almost dropping her glass of water in the process. ''What the fuck.'' She tried not to yell, it was late at night and she didn't want to wake up her family. 
''What are you doing? It's like-'' he glanced at the time of his phone, ''super late.'' Finding his sister on the couch at 4AM was not a sight he was expecting. 
She shrugged her shoulders, placing her glass back on the coffee table in front of her. ''I just can't sleep.'' Y/N answered him, staring at her bare feet. 
The young girl shrugged her shoulders, too embarrassed to explain her reason for being awake at this hour. ''Don't know,'' she whispered, ''I'm sorry if I woke you up.'' Y/N apologised, her wavering voice a little louder now. 
''Non, non,'' Charles brushed her apology off, ''my throat is dry, I just wanted some water.'' He grew concerned at her answer. The driver couldn't take a good look at her face due to the darkness of the living room, but he had a small suspicion she had been crying. ''You okay?'' 
''Yes, I'm fine-'' 
Right as she was about to lie and assure her brother she was alright, a flash of lighting lit up the large room. The crashing thunder boomed through the city of Monte-Carlo, and by default through the Leclerc household. 
''Hey- it's okay!'' Charles didn't hesitate and ran to his sister's side, sitting next to her and pulling her closer to him. The tears in her eyes glistened with each struck of lightning that was produced. Y/N hid her head in his neck, staining his shirt with her wet cheeks. 
''You're okay, I'm here. I got you, chérie.'' The man kept a strong hold on her, using his body as a form of shield. ''You're fine! We're inside, nothing can happen.'' He tried comforting her with his words, her obvious distress breaking his heart. 
Her fear of lightning and thunderstorms had been a primary one ever since she was a young child. She and her family had never been able to pinpoint the exact moment her phobia started or what situation had been the catalyst, but it was there and it hadn't gone away with the years that had passed. 
It had begun with rain tapping on her window, which quickly turned into the sky rudely interrupting her sleep and scaring her with a large strike of thunder. As the storm went on, her room felt like it was becoming smaller and smaller by the minute. Y/N moved to the larger living room on shaky limbs and tried to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't wake anyone up. 
Charles felt like an idiot as he continued comforting his baby sister, guilt filling his mind over not realising sooner why she couldn't sleep. ''Don't worry, it's okay now.'' He pressed a kiss to the side of her head. ''You know you can always wake me up, right?'' 
The young girl moved her head from his neck and rested it on her older brother's shoulder. ''I know, but you've been working so much. I just wanted to let you sleep.'' She sniffled, explaining herself. 
''Oh, bébé~'' He cooed, touched by her consideration of his sleep schedule. 
''If this happens again, just wake me up. I don't want you to be scared on your own like this. If it's you, I don't mind.'' Charles clarified, wanting her to know she could pull him from his sleep in situations like this. 
Y/N nodded, a tired smile on her face. ''Okay, Cha.'' She promised him, her fingers fiddling with his hand. 
An unexpected chuckle from her has Charles turning his head towards her. ''What?'' 
The youngest Leclerc shakes her head. ''No, it's just… you said you won't mind if I wake you up from your sleep.''
''So who would you mind waking you up?'' 
Her question has him laughing now as well, glad her cheeky personality had gotten back to the surface. ''Well, I think we both know the answer.'' 
''Yeah,'' she mumbled, ''I know.'' 
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
Chasing Rainbows
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: Whenever Spencer and his wife face the unimaginable, they grow apart and their marriage takes a nosedive. It isn’t until a few weeks go by that something remarkable brings them together again.
Content Warning: Infant death due to SIDS, different grieving processes, Spencer works like 24/7 and does everything to avoid his wife, reader can’t bare to look at Spencer, there are talks of faith, reader believes in signs from the universe, Spencer and reader do their best to come together again and mend what was broken.
Word Count: 1.8K
Part two
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A beautiful friend @lucreziaq2001 requested this via DMs and I had to write it for them. Please pay attention to the warnings because this will be very heavy on angst with fluff towards the end. 🫶🏻
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Three weeks, two days, seven hours, eleven minutes and forty-five seconds. 
That was how long it had been since Noah died. A once happy and smiley nine month old little boy taken from his parents from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 
It was nothing new that the word was unfair and unforgiving, taking away innocent children from the arms of their parents in a number of different ways. Spencer had seen it before given his line of work.
Whether it be a person who kidnaps children to do unspeakable things, parents or siblings who snap at the people who couldn’t fight back, or the cruelest thing of all; nature. 
There wasn’t a day in his life where he thought that he would be in the position of so many parents that he had to comfort before. He couldn’t seek closure, instead having to bear with the weight of the world weighing heavy on his chest. 
It didn’t help that his wife, Y/N, was nothing but a hollow husk of who she used to be. There was no smile on her face anymore, she didn’t sleep in their shared bed, she couldn’t eat or much less face Spencer. She was quiet, voice barely above a whisper when she did speak, that was rare.
Grief was different for every party involved. While she was quiet and resorted to shutting down, Spencer was pouring himself into his job. He stayed as late as he possibly could at the office, sometimes just needing to pour himself into an old case that he’d work on in his own time. Emily tried her best to send him home, telling him that he needed his wife, that they needed to comfort one another. 
His argument was always the same, that he would deal with his grief on his own time, truly tired of being told that he needed to be there for Y/N when she wasn’t even there for him. She barely spoke to him, didn’t look at him, she was never present in conversations. 
She shut down on him and he was shutting her out. 
Today was no different than all the others, they woke up and exited their now separate bedrooms. They shared a silent breakfast, Y/N offering a hushed ‘goodbye’ as her now estranged husband was leaving their once warm, comfortable home.
When he left for the day, that was when she was escaping the home that was filled with too many painful memories, nor could she stomach the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be there by herself. 
Noah should’ve been there, making a mess with his breakfast all while being the smiley and baby he was. 
There was silence while she was getting dressed for the day, grabbing her keys and purse before exiting the home. She made sure to lock up, taking in a soft breath. It rained the night before, so the smell of the damp soil filled her nose. Her husband told her years ago that it was called Petrichor, when she told him that the smell comforted her.. 
“Petrichor is the more earthy smell after rain. Did you know that a main component of it is an organic compound called geosmin, which lingers around moist soil. Geosmin comes from the ancient Greek “geo”, meaning earth, and “osme”, meaning smell.” 
It rained the day that Noah died, she could vividly remember hearing the thunder boom outside as she was sitting and talking to the doctor as she described why their little boy wasn’t breathing. 
Rain wasn’t comforting anymore, instead a dark reminder of the worst night of her life.
With her sneakers making splashes out of puddles as she was walking out of her home and up the sidewalk, her eyes were glancing up at the sky. 
It was gloomy, clouds hovering over their town which meant more rain was in store at some point. It was fitting, the bleakness that clouded her life was being transported to the weather. 
As she began her walk around the neighborhood, she was keeping her gaze down. Their neighbors looked at Spencer and Y/N with pity, making sure to stop them and express their condolences or that they were praying for their broken family. 
The thoughts of prayer healing her was insulting. She’d begun to think that if there was a greater deity or higher power out there, she wouldn’t be feeling this pain in the first place. 
They say things happen for a reason and that they make people stronger, however this situation had no positive ending. Instead of being happy with a perfect family, they were all torn apart from one event that ruined both parents forever. 
However, she tried to maintain some form of faith. 
“If things are going to be okay, please just.. Send me a sign.” Y/N had to choke the words out through tears that were already filling her eyes. “Show me that he’s at least.. Okay up there. Is that too much to ask?” 
She knew there was a strong chance that she was speaking to nothing, the words getting lost in the autumn air. Spencer would probably tell her that nobody could hear her, that signs like that just weren’t physically possible. 
At one point, she would’ve told him that he was wrong, that the universe spoke to them in more ways than he realized. Now though, she had half a mind to believe it.
“This is stupid.” She spoke softly to herself, using the back of her hand to swipe away her tears before lifting her head. However she could feel her heart twist at the sight she hadn’t been paying attention to.
There was a beautiful rainbow, settled over the houses that weren’t too far ahead. That made a small smile appear on her face, the tears flooding more.
This was a sign, she was sure of it. This was her comfort, the thing that would keep her belief in a world beyond theirs, one where they’d be reunited at some point. There was going to be a day where she did see her little rainbow again. 
The rest of the walk down the sidewalk was filled with silent thoughts of what was going on around her. Noah was okay. Y/N and Spencer, however, were far from it. They’d been neglecting one another in every way possible. 
Spencer was having his own thoughts of their current life together, currently doing a case in Arlington, Virginia. It was a case that hit close to home, a mother and a father losing their only child. They were under very different circumstances but they felt the same heartbreak, the same pain. The difference was, they were by each other's sides. 
There was no pain from behind the father’s eyes because he refused to discuss what was happening to them, the mother wasn’t broken to the point where she couldn’t speak. They held each other, grounded one another. 
That was the importance of talking these things out. They were bonded together, both able to keep their heads up because they were connected. 
That case opened up his mind to what they were doing. Him and Y/N lost one another when they should’ve been connected from the beginning. They didn’t grieve together, instead separately. They didn’t feel grounded, instead like they drifted away in a storm.
Spencer knew what they needed to do and he was going to do what he could to bring them back to one another. Even if it took days, weeks, months, even years.
They weren’t alone.
Six weeks, five days, two hours and ten seconds. 
That was how long it had been with Spencer doing everything he possibly could. He didn’t stay at the office late anymore, instead bringing home Y/N’s favorite flowers to surprise her, getting her small gifts from when he had to leave the state, even buying them dinner on Fridays from their favorite Chinese takeout place.
The smile on Y/N’s face was slowly coming back, she could look Spencer in the eye now and hold a conversation. They were moving slowly, adjusting to this new life they were navigating together.
They were currently sitting at the dining room table, the two eating dinner in a more content silence rather than the tense one they faced before. “I saw another rainbow today.” The soft tone of Spencer’s voice had Y/N slowly peeking up from the noodles in her takeout box. 
“Really?” She asked, sitting up a little straighter. “The card you got me with my roses had a rainbow on it too.” She spoke softly, offering a smile. Spencer let his eyebrows raise. “Did it? I didn’t see that when I picked it out. Maybe it’s a sign.” 
Of course Spencer realized it, however, the idea of rainbows being a sign from Noah was slowly growing on him, even if the more logical side of him knew that it wasn’t possible. 
“Yeah.” Y/N’s words were a little louder than the barely audible version that her husband was faced with for weeks. 
“I think he’s proud of us, you know. We’ve been doing really good. I walked further down the street today and I passed by his favorite spot, the one with all the flowers. It felt like he was there, Spencer.”
There was a smile on the man’s face. Even if his brain was trying to argue the scientific reasoning that it was just her brain trying to comfort her, he was fighting those thoughts. It was an inner conflict, his logic and his emotions having a full on war. 
“Because he was there.” The words were genuine, there was no sarcasm or any added thoughts of the theories that it could’ve been.
Dinner had been finished and cleaned up not too long after, the parents standing side by side in the kitchen while they were either wiping down the counter or putting their leftovers in the fridge.
“I’ve missed this.” Spencer said, his gaze falling on his wife as she turned around. “Me too. I’ve missed us.” She admitted, only walking into the open arms of her husband, her forehead against his shoulder. That was when the tears were falling from her eyes, leaving her to a sobbing mess.
That hug was what she needed, Spencer was what she needed. 
Spencer was relishing in the embrace, choked sobs leaving his lips as he felt the relief of the world wash over him. 
Tragedy had the power to ruin lives if someone let it and neither one of them could believe that they almost let it ruin them too. 
“I love you.” The two spoke in sync, tears washing over the significant others as if it was a cleansing rain. 
“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than look down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”  – G. K. Chesterton
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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wide awake
notes: sorry i haven't posted any writing in a while, chapter 7 part 2 hit me like a burning truck full of chemicals racing at 200km/h towards an elementary school.
word count: 9,2k words
about this work: this was inspired by katy perry's "wide awake" as a contrast to malleus' humming of "once upon a dream." set during and after chapter 7. i don't know how this chapter is going to proceed so i'm going out on a limb here but yeah
synopsis: you woke up to the world crashing down on you, realizing what malleus had done. he had wanted you to be happy forever in a dream...when all along your dream had been him...will you ever forgive him?
contains: malleus draconia x (gn)fae!reader, angst to fluff, fighting and making up
warnings: angst. lots of angst. also chapter 7 spoilers. themes of loss
dark content creators & consumers dni
...thunder rumbling, castles crumbling; i am trying to hold on. god knows that i tried seeing the bright side; i'm not blind anymore....falling from cloud nine...
Falling in love with a crown prince had never been on your list of predictions for your school years at Night Raven College. If you were to be honest, you had been surprised that there were even other fairies attending the school. For most of your life, it had always just been you. The people came and passed you by and as the years went on; you’d gotten used to it. People came into your life and they never stayed for long. That didn’t make their bonds with you any less meaningful. In a way, they lived on through you. Through your memories and the stories you told of them to younger generations. And it always made you smile to see how people listened with awe about the ones you held dear in the past and learnt to love the same things about them as you did. 
With each bond you had, you grew and learnt and as long as you did, nothing was truly ever lost. The world around you changed as you helped it grow as best as you could while you stayed roughly the same. But Malleus Draconia had changed you. When he came into your life, you knew not soon after that your world wouldn’t be the same again. 
You remembered the day you had met him for the first time. Not long after the entrance ceremony, you had used the lively dinner party held to welcome the new students, to slip away and explore the area on your own; running into the dorm leader of Diasomnia in the process. You almost chuckled at the memory. You had worried about getting in trouble on your first night at Night Raven College; being caught outside past curfew by a dorm leader. But you soon came to realize that Malleus wasn’t supposed to be there either and that your new acquaintance had a habit of sneaking out without his retainers as well. 
You remembered how odd Malleus had appeared to you that night. Unlike everyone else, he wasn’t wearing his ceremonial robes and he didn’t even seem to know that the ceremony was today even though he was a dorm leader. Fireflies were dancing around him and he seemed pleased that you were ready to strike up conversation with him but equally as troubled, for he feared you might not keep his late night strolls around the campus and to the village at the foot of the hill to yourself. You had chuckled.
“Alright, here’s the deal”, you smirked at him, “I’ll keep your little secret to myself…if you take me with you. Maybe you could show me around…I think that could be fun.”
He had looked shocked back then but knowing him as well as you did now, you could imagine just how bewildered he was that you had just met him and were ready to hang out with him just like that.
“Very well then”, he laughed with a cheerful expression on his face, mumbling something about how you knew no fear. You did now. 
“So, is this a habit of yours too?”, he had asked, eager to get to know you. 
“They haven’t built a place that can contain me yet”, you had joked, which made Malleus laugh once more. Slowly but steady you had brought fresh wind into his life. For a fae, you didn’t seem like time had left you behind. Rather than that, you were always in motion, changing and growing along with the world. In a way, that made him envy you as much as he did admire you. Through it all, watching you, Malleus felt like a mountain carved into the landscape of the world; strong and unwavering but looking down from his pedestal at the lively ways of the humans and feeling unnoticed and uninvited. Where he seemed to hardly notice the passage of time on some days and dreaded the inevitable that was waiting for him in the future, you seemed grateful for every day; finding wonder in all that was fleeting, carrying it with you as a treasure that was yours to keep even when it had long left this world. 
He almost couldn’t believe his luck when you joined his club and kept inviting him to spend time with you. Malleus hardly ever declined. He grew enamored with you; accepted you into his life and always hoped that maybe you’d choose to stay. And you learnt to love him. You loved how eager he seemed to learn about anything new you could show him about the world and how surprised he looked when he was met with something unexpected. You loved his smile and you wanted to be there to share his happiest moments with him. You loved the way he pouted whenever Lilia dared to unpack the embarrassing childhood stories about him. 
As time went on, it became undeniable that your bond was something special; as if fate had brought you together for each of you to have a companion at long last. Someone who would stay when all else faded. Days were just a little bit brighter with the prospect of seeing Malleus. You heard Lilia joke once about the way his eyes lit up when he saw you for the first time after a long school day, hoping you’d ask him to take a walk with you or show him a new board game or one of those movies he was so unfamiliar with. You went to festivals and cinemas; listened to each other’s favorite songs and read each other’s favorite books. Which in Malleus’ case happened to be a lullaby from Briar Valley he played for you on the violin and an antique book titled “Gargoyles and their mystical origins”.
You remembered the melancholic sound of the violin, remembered how you marveled at his mastery of the instrument. You knew now the sad songs he played were a testimony to his ever-present loneliness; to all the unchanging years inside his castle and the dreams he longed to make into a reality but never could. Even as thorns had clouded your view and the last thing you heard was the quiet humming of the man you loved but didn’t recognize…you remembered the songs he played for you once and how he had smiled when you complimented how beautiful it was and encouraged him to show you another melody from his homeland. You remembered the way he had shared his world with you in an attempt to give you something back for all the new experience you introduced him to and you wondered how things had spiraled this far out of control. Where did we go wrong?
In your eyes, Malleus Draconia became someone who wore his heart on his sleeve. You could see how he felt in the thunder outside or the snow falling to the ground; but just as well in his eyes, as much as he tried to hide it. You learnt about his passions; what he treasured in this life and the dreams he didn’t dare voice out loud. With time, they became all too familiar to you. 
So it came as no surprise to step outside after the internship orientation meeting and find soft but cold snowflakes resting on your skin. You sighed as you remembered the way Lilia had announced his departure from this school to everyone and how, contrary to your expectation when you heard the news, Malleus had just as much not seen it coming as everyone else did. 
He heard the soft knock on the door of his room and knew it was you. “Come in”, he called out, quieter than he usually did. You did as he told you, closing the door behind you and sitting beside him on the bed. There was an emptiness and hopelessness in his eyes that you had never seen before. He took a deep breath once in a while, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. Like he was lost and all the years he spent alone and isolated left him unable to find his path forward. Malleus was staring at nothing in particular as the snowflakes continued to fall outside. He was caught up in his own world, and if he hadn’t called you in; you would have been unsure if he was even aware of your presence at this moment.
“So…”, you sighed and tried to find the right words but just as well being at a loss at how anything you could do or say could make him feel better right now, “you don’t seem to be doing too well…want to talk about it?” As a fae yourself, you knew the signs. An exponential loss of magic, weakening speed…Lilia’s time on this earth was nearing its end. You were sure that deep down Malleus knew too; even though you could just as well imagine he was denying it in this current moment; arguing with himself that since Lilia had said nothing specific, maybe he really just meant something else than what the prince had understood. He lifted his head slightly and his eyes met yours. In that moment he looked like a frightened child but when he spoke he retained his usual calm demeanor. “I’m just a little surprised, is all”, he sighed and attempted to smile at you, “have you picked an internship yet? During all this commotion, I almost forgot to ask you.”
You shook your head. “I have a few ideas but nothing specific yet”, you mused and leaned your back against one of the bed posts, crossing your legs as you reached for one of the pillows to make yourself more comfortable, “it’s more like I have some skills I want to work on but no specific profession I want to apply to. So I’ll carefully consider my options.” Ever since you met him, Malleus Draconia shook your world and brought it to a different path. You had gone from place to place, working different jobs and meeting all sorts of different people and you had been certain that after your time at Night Raven College was over, that was what you’d continue to do. But now? Now you weren’t so sure. A quiet voice inside you had always raised the idea that maybe you could stay with him. Leave behind the human world you’ve lived in for all your life and become acquainted with your own kind again. A part of his country. Maybe a part of his family.
You were unsure whether Malleus felt even remotely the same as you. Loving Malleus was an all or nothing affair. There was no trial period; no going on dates and being together for a while and splitting up if it didn’t work out. A lot depended on Malleus’ public appearance and to say that him getting into a relationship with anyone would be a big deal was more than an understatement. If you were ready to take a step into that direction, you had to be ready for all the strings attached to the man you loved. A legacy, a crown and a country to take care of. A responsibility to keep peace and ensure that your people could lead comfortable lives. 
Confessing to Malleus would be a big step and you didn’t know if you ever would. You weren’t sure if you were adequate to rule a country; yet it wasn’t necessarily something you were opposed to. 
Leadership, public relations, bureaucracy…those were what you intended to focus on. All things that were important for a ruler. So that, if after centuries of walking among the mortal folk, you decided to put all cards on the table and spend your life by Malleus’ side, you could at least be sure that you were up to the challenge. That was a precondition for you to feel confident about approaching him with your feelings. You didn’t want to risk backing out and breaking his heart. Or being rejected by his people. And even if things didn’t work out, you could still use these skills on your path forward. 
The time at school you had spent with him so far seemed way too short to determine whether you wanted to spend the rest of your days with Malleus, as much as you did love him. And now the year was slowly but surely nearing its end. So you had another idea. 
“Do you have anything picked out yet?”, you asked the man you loved and the one you had grown to consider your best friend. Malleus shook his head as well. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to learn in just 3 months…even 9 seems really short to me”, he sighed and clutched the list with the possible internship locations. You pulled out the map where all of them had been marked. 
“Well, given that we both don’t know yet what we want to do…why don’t we do something together?”, you suggested quietly and spread the map out on the bed, pointing at a couple of locations, “of course we don’t have to do exactly the same thing, but there’s a couple of cities here where the internship possibilities are basically just piling up…maybe we could just decide on a location and then…I don’t know…live there for a while?”
Malleus already had the surprised expression you were so used to on his face, but you continued. “We could get an apartment and explore the place together…there’s a bunch of spots on the map I haven’t been to either…and I could show you one of those human amusement parks you thought were fake when you saw a picture for the first time”, you chuckled and raised your pointer finger, “oh, I know! Or a mall! We’ll get the biggest ice cream cup they have and then regret all of our life choices. And take an escalator. You’ve never been on an escalator right-”
Your words got cut off by the surprise of Malleus’ embrace. It wasn’t the first time you two had held each other, but from the way he was clinging onto you, you could tell he was more distressed by today’s events than he let on. He let out a sigh of relief as you wrapped your arms around him gently and ran your fingers through his hair in a comforting motion. “That sounds wonderful”, he whispered and you rested your head on his shoulder as you closed your eyes and smiled. 
Malleus held onto you like you were his lifeline right now. That just as he was confronted with the inevitable loss of people he held dear, you had offered to stay around a little longer and had shared your ideas with him as if they were something you had been looking forward to presenting to him for a while. A new beginning. He thought about how you’d laugh at his surprise upon discovering all these modern human things you mentioned and how you’d be there waiting for him at the end of a work day, asking him what the two of you should get for dinner. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought. He was looking forward to taking an escalator for the first time. And trying some unusual ice cream flavors with you. Or being on a train. He knew you’d find so much joy in his curiosity and surprise and Lilia would want to hear all about your mundane adventures together-
Malleus’ smile faded from his face instantly when he remembered. Although hope for the future and dreams of happiness had filled his mind not a second ago, the image of bliss had now been distorted into a world without Lilia. Without him nudging the young dragon fae playfully when he announced that he was off to spend some time with you; teasing him about when he was going to confess his love to you already. Without the horrible food on the dinner table that Malleus wished wasn’t there but that simultaneously Diasomnia just wouldn’t be the same without. Without anyone to guide him when he didn’t understand something. A world where he was on his own, unsteady where you were so self-assured and down-to-earth. A world where he was expected to lead when there were days where he felt like he could hardly stand without his guardian. 
Malleus was staring at the hands he had folded in his lap. “How do you do it?”, he asked, not daring to look into your eyes as he tried to keep it together. “Do what?”, you asked, noticing the shift in his mood immediately. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it gently. "Letting go…”, Malleus mumbled, “moving on after…after they’re gone.” His voice got so quiet as he spoke those words that he wondered whether you had even heard them. You hesitated for a moment, still holding his hand tightly within your own.
“It’s certainly not easy”, you sighed, “it never was and it never will be. But the pain lessens with time.” Your gaze fell to the window as you watched the stars outside; glowing and burning in the distance millions of miles away. Malleus still seemed lost in thought. You remembered the first time you had lost someone who was there for a significant portion of your life. You looked at Malleus’ hopeless expression and knew his world must be shattering into a thousand pieces right now. 
“I like to think that we’re all on an endless journey”, you began again, still looking at the stars but you could see from the corner of your eyes that the fae prince lifted his head to look at you, “in the end, we’re all following a path that’s our own and meant only for us. And sometimes our paths cross with those of others. We meet them, sometimes because we chose to and other times under the most unexpected circumstances…and they walk with us for a little while. They share their journey with us; where they’ve been so far, where they’re hoping to go…”
Malleus seemed to think deeply about your words, now also gazing at the stars outside.
“We rest together, we overcome obstacles together…we love and learn because of each other”, you smiled as a shooting star crossed the night sky, “and one day our ways part. The ones we treasure move on to walk their own path once more and we watch them disappear on the horizon and they never look back. And we have to continue on our path as well. I believe it’s because there’s somewhere else we need to be and that wherever those we’ve parted from are now…they’re all cheering for us to get there. And who knows…maybe we will meet again one day.”
Malleus smiled at you from the side, admiring your outlook on this world. How you could be so full of hope even in the most dire of circumstances…even when faced with loss and death. He knew you hadn’t always been this way. That you too had faced the hardships of learning how to live with your long lifespan and carrying on relentlessly, knowing that at the end of the day you’d remain while all else faded and gave way to something new. You simply had more time to grow and adapt, despite being roughly the same age as him. “That’s a beautiful way of looking at it”, Malleus mused and his thumb brushed over your hand he held as the fearful words he didn’t dare say crossed his mind. That’s a strength I don’t think I have…
You didn’t feel too well, leaving him that night. He insisted he was going to be fine, hugged you one last time before you left his room. Maybe he needs to be alone right now, you thought, process everything that’s happened…and everything yet to come.
Maybe if you just hadn’t left him…maybe if you just tried a little harder…
No, you clenched your fist as the wind blew past your face and you gazed upon the thorn-covered island, this had nothing to do with you. This is his own fault.
That fateful day you had woken up in more ways than one. You had woken up from the sleeping curse Malleus had placed on the whole island; the blissful dream that seemed to suffocate you and shatter your heart into a million pieces. But you had also woken up from the dream you thought you were living. The love you thought you had and the happiness that once seemed all too familiar to you. Gone were the days of laughter and joy and you weren’t sure if they would ever return again for as long as Malleus was a part of your life. Maybe it was time to cut the thread spun by fate to lead you to each other.
You shook your head and tears ran down your cheek as your eyes were blinded by the sunrise. It was as if the sky was trying to comfort you, telling you not to cry as there would always be a path forward, with or without him. 
Even though the dream world created by the spell was gone, two worlds were still existing within your heart. The one before; the one where you were planning to spend your future with Malleus; the way you saw him and loved every little detail….and the way you saw him now. The world where he had overblotted and attempted to decide the course of your fate with his own hand. Where he believed a false dream; an endless loop of joyful moments, could ever make you as happy as the real world had done with him by your side. 
Even though the nightmare had ended, you still seemed to be living in it. You weren’t sure which one was the worse illusion, the dream he decided you and the other students should spend the next thousand years in or the one you lived in before he had disappointed you so much that all you had been able to do for the past two days was weep. The sense of betrayal you felt because of his actions was indescribable, even after all the yelling and explaining you did of your feelings you hadn’t grasped the full extent of it. How could he do this?
You knew how he had felt. You had seen his fear and his desperation; you understood how the only perspective he knew was his own and that at the time, living in a happy dream that would never end probably seemed the better option for himself as well, rather than facing the loss of Lilia, who had been there since he was born, and the knowledge that from now on, he’d only continue to lose more and more. But he dealt with it the wrong way and now he had to take responsibility for the consequences.
“Y/n, please…”, you remembered how he had knelt there in the aftermath of his destruction, gazing upon the shaking silhouettes of his classmates and the worried and confused eyes of his guards. It had started to rain and as he saw his reflection in the puddle left on the ground and looked up to meet the eyes of those who looked at him in a fear that had never been there before; the blissful dream he thought could bring him happiness had finally shattered and nothing remained but guilt. He was used to people avoiding him. To people being intimidated by him and not daring to get too close. But for the first time in his life he saw someone fear for their life around him; look at him like he was one wrong move away from ending it all. I’ve become a monster…
The rain poured down on Sage’s Isle but Malleus could hardly feel it as it hit his face and he wept. He was no stranger to crying. He vividly remembered how Lilia had told you about his many tantrums as a child with a smile on his face. But now, in the face of true despair, he wondered if there was any going forward from here on out. In a fruitless, impulsive attempt to preserve what he used to have, he had broken it so much that it seemed irreparable. He had never seen this expression on your face before. Like something inside you had broken. And never would he have wanted to be the cause of it. 
Malleus, at the time, had thought his “gift” would genuinely be something to make the people he’d grown to care about happy. It was simple; an almost too simple solution to a world that seemed so complicated that it threatened to drown him if he didn’t desperately cling onto all that was familiar; despite all of his power. I should have thought this through…, he clenched his fists as heavy sobs left his lips, I should have asked them what they wanted. This isn’t what they wanted.
In the end, the way he tried to avoid losing the ones he loved had only made him more lonely. It brought nothing but suffering. He was alone; destined to die eventually with no one to stop his overblot. And his loved ones were doomed to sleep a thousand years; robbed of the opportunity to grow as the world kept changing around them. Living in an illusion that was happy but ultimately meaningless.
And now he’d lose them regardless. He broke the bonds he had and now he was left with nothing. 
“Please…don’t go”, he whispered through sobs as your expression turned from one of sadness to anger. 
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done, Malleus?!”, you seemed furious but tried to speak as calmly as possible right now, “you can’t keep people around by putting them into an endless stasis! You could have killed everyone here and yourself! What the fuck has gotten into you?”
Your words were the only sound except for the rain. No one else dared to utter a word. 
Malleus kept his head hanging and didn’t dare to look into your eyes as he replied. “I am so sorry…”
You let out a bitter laugh. “‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t cut it Malleus”, you spat out, “you’re supposed to rule a country one day and yet you have the impulse control of a rabid squirrel. You could have compromised the safety and well-being of your entire nation with this! I understand how you felt but the only way you know how to deal with your problems is through insane magical gimmicks and making that everyone else’s problem in the process. If that curse hadn’t been lifted, those people would have slept for a thousand years and the students would have never seen their families again! The loss you tried to prevent for yourself you pushed onto others. They would have woken up in a world completely unfamiliar to them. I would have never seen you again. You didn’t ask any of us what we wanted before you threw your damn tantrum and decided for us! You don’t want people to be scared of you? Well congratulations Malleus, but you messed that one up royally.”
Malleus' sobs got even louder. “I know…what I did was stupid”, he could hardly speak through the crying, “really, really stupid. I lost control…I couldn’t think. I was too upset and I did something unforgivable…and now i lost your friendship, haven’t I?”
You had no pity left for him at that moment. “Wow, what was your first clue?”, you responded sarcastically. 
Malleus looked at you with a pleading expression, basically begging you to stay at this point. “Is there anything I can do? Anything at all?”, he asked, “I want to make it up to everyone…I can’t undo my actions but I want to make it right for all the people I’ve hurt…so please…just give me a chance.” His voice cracked and you sighed. 
“You can’t undo what you’ve done and you can’t just make it right or earn yourself points and hoping if you’re just kind enough to people and do enough for them, they’ll forgive you eventually”, your voice was calmer now but it didn’t soften your harsh words, “some of them never will. Maybe not even I will. What’s done is done and I swear to god, please do not throw another grand magical tantrum to try and fix it. Face the mess you’ve made like the adult you are and deal with the consequences. The only thing you can do is move forward.”
You hesitated for a moment before you spoke again. 
“No matter how powerful you are, you can’t run from the rules of cause and effect. That’s just what life is like”, you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “sometimes we mess up majorly and there’s nothing we can do to fix it. It’s up to every single individual whether they forgive you or not. There’s no guaranteed way to atone. You can only be kinder to the world around you and hope it chooses to be kind to you in return.”
The two of you remained quiet for a while. Most of the students had used the opportunity to sneak away; to a place they presumed to be safe. Only Lilia, Silver and Sebek were still there. Malleus thought about your words. He knew in his heart that you were right. 
As silence filled the area around you, your anger about what he had done came back. You knew you probably should have just walked away and cooled off…left him to his own devices and never looked back. But you were too angry.
“You tried to play god for us and treated us like game characters or little shrimp in a terrarium rather than people you care about who make their own choices and live their lives in ways you will sometimes disagree with”, you gestured wildly, “it felt like you didn’t even see us as autonomous people but rather toys you can play with however you please. And that’s terrifying, Malleus. That’s something that, even despite your tendency to impulsively respond with magic to upsetting situations, I would have never expected from you and it broke the most important bond I had to another person in a long time…”
Tears were streaming down your face once more as you were reminded of the loneliness both of you were all too familiar with. That despite your unwavering determination and an optimistic outlook, nothing changed about the fact that you’d always end up alone sooner or later, living longer than most people you’d meet throughout your life. That had changed with Malleus. You finally had someone who could be around for the rest of your life and it felt like you had finally arrived somewhere you belonged. Finally found someone to walk the rest of your journey with you. And now he had kicked that dream in the guts and replaced it with his own delusional idea of a happily ever after. 
He had been your dream. Sharing your happiest and worst moments with him. Going through life together; staying by each other’s side for as long as you could.
“I wanted to stay. And you wouldn’t even have needed some dumb dream world for that. I’ve thought about moving to Briar Valley after graduation even though there’s no electricity and the books are 200 years old; all so I could stay with you. I would have trusted you with my life before this, Malleus”, your voice cracked, “right now I wouldn’t even trust you with an hour of my time.”
Your words stung and left him in shock. He knew you treasured him as a friend…but that you cared for him this much? He had no idea. He always thought his love for you was one-sided and now he had broken it, possibly beyond repair. He could have had someone who stayed by his side for the majority of his long life…he could have had that and he pushed you away. 
“Will this ever change?”, he asked quietly as you turned around and began walking away from him.
“Goodbye, Malleus.”
Your heart had hardened over the past few days. At first you had locked yourself in your room; living off dry bread and water; unmotivated to go outside. Professor Trein had even knocked on your door a couple of times to make sure you weren’t dead. When students passed by your room, they could only hear you crying from inside. 
Eventually the overwhelming sadness just died and left behind an empty void. The sun had risen and was breaking through the curtains. You could lay here for days to come and grieve the bond you seemed to have lost but nothing would stop another day. There was no point in wallowing in self-pity, you knew that. You needed to distract yourself; needed a sense of purpose.
So you went down to the village at the foot of the hill to help clean up the mess Malleus’ spell had left behind. The overwhelming amount of magic had made the technological devices on the island utterly useless and in some cases the thorns had destroyed entire houses. Fortunately no one had been seriously hurt physically but the locals were facing all sorts of problems right now. Communication with the mainland was completely shut down and people struggled to make themselves food with the shops closed up and their household appliances not working. Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy had offered to provide the people with food and shelter, if they needed it, and it almost made you smile at how they had once again managed to turn this into a competition. Some things never change, huh?
Malleus strolled aimlessly around the island, unsure what the future held in store for him. He observed the village from the distance, watching from the shadows as the market place became busy again and the students complained about having to clear it of dozens of vines. He looked at you; at the forefront of it all, putting all your effort into restoring the town to its former idyllic image. He watched you hand out soup to the elderly and help the old mayor set up a fundraiser for the restoration of what Malleus’ spell and overblot had destroyed. He heard that you had suggested to Vil and Neige to hold a benefit concert in order to raise money for the locals. Malleus noticed the smile on his face as he became witness to the kindness you gave to others, one of the many reasons he had fallen in love with you in the first place. 
He remembered the words you spoke that day. “The only thing you can do is move forward.” He was proud to see you do just that and even if you may never forgive him, you had inspired him to do the same; regardless of whatever loss he may face in the future. Malleus saw how you gave a weak smile to a little girl who was crying about her favorite teddy bear that had been impaled by thorns and tried to comfort her, even if you hardly had any reason to smile yourself right now. He could tell that you were tired and still unsure, your emotions all over the place. Since when had he become so perceptive of that?
He heard you let out a genuine laugh as Professor Trein offered to fix the little girl’s teddy bear and she ran over to her parents in excitement to tell them about it. “No way, I had no idea you could sew”, Ace exclaimed with a shocked expression while looking at his teacher. Trein crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed. “I wanted to make a scarf for my wife’s 32nd birthday years ago”, he replied awkwardly, “not my proudest work but it did make her laugh. So I kept doing it, and with time I improved.”
Once you had heard enough of Professor Trein’s stories about his wife, you moved on to another house to try and clear it of the thorns. You saw how everyone came together and supported each other, and although many Night Raven College students were definitely complaining about it, it still brought a small smile to your face. Malleus had broken your heart but there was so much out there still waiting for you even if your ways parted. So many people worth meeting and supporting with your presence, even if it may long outlast them. 
From the corner of your eye you could notice a boulder being lifted next to you. There was only one person around strong enough to just do that with bare hands. You looked up to see Prince Malleus Draconia in the flesh, removing the thorns he had caused and trying to fix the house they had destroyed with his own two hands. The two of you silently worked next to each other for a while, not daring to say a word. You observed Malleus quietly, hoping he wouldn’t notice your lingering gazes on him. You didn’t know whether you should hate the fact that his presence calmed you or that his helpless attempts at trying to fix this situation without magic almost made you laugh. But you eventually decided to raise your voice.
“You’re not going to use magic to just fix the whole town in a flash?”, you asked, raising an eyebrow at Malleus who in that moment poked his hand on a thorn and watched it bleeding helplessly before you reached for the first-aid kit and handed him some bandages and a pair of gloves. “My magic is still drained”, Malleus explained, “and the blot hasn’t fully disappeared yet. It’s better if I don’t use magic for now.”
He hesitated for a moment, looking down. “Besides…”, he sighed as he put the gloves on, “I don’t…really feel like using magic right now. Not after everything that happened.” You nodded and resumed your work. 
Malleus picked up another boulder and shoved it where it had fallen off the house. “You know that’s not how you build a house, right?”, you sighed and looked at him through half-lidded eyes. “Then how do I?”, he laid a finger to his chin and pondered on an alternative for a while. You pointed to the docks. “There’s a couple of construction workers over there whose job is to do exactly that. Why don’t you ask them and find out?”, you suggested and Malleus nodded.
He followed your advice and found that this was the longest conversation he ever had with someone who wasn’t a student. He learnt that one of the workers was really proud that his son had been accepted into Royal Sword Academy recently and that another one was married to a baker who made the most delicious sweets in town. Malleus mused that he’d have to check these out sometimes. All this time, these people had been living so close to his school and he had never thought about the lives they led and what things they were passionate about and what they wished for. They had been caught up in his spell and he didn’t even waste a second thought on them when he had cast it. On how much they could have lost because of it. He had cast them aside when he should have kept them safe and supported them.
Malleus looked at you and all that you had contributed to in such a short time. And then he looked at himself in shame and realized that you had been much more of a leader than he could hope to be. He had taken the opportunity to get away from the castle and explore the world outside of Briar Valley but he had always wondered what there was left for him to learn at this school. He chuckled at his past naivety. This was what Lilia had been trying to teach him all along, wasn’t it? That the world was so much bigger and more complicated than he ever would have expected and that Malleus had so, so much left to learn. He was hardly ready to be a king.
All the work had left you exhausted and you were glad once the day was over, looking over the island from a balcony at the school. The sun was setting and tinted the horizon in hues of red and orange. You leaned over the balustrade and noticed how the mess of thorns and debris was already looking a lot better than the day before. 
“You sure worked a lot, didn’t you?”, you heard a familiar voice behind you, “makes me wish I would have been able to contribute.” You turned around and your gaze met Lilias. You nodded. The two of you remained silent for a while, watching the sunset as it marked the end of your time together. “When are you leaving?”, you asked, knowing Malleus’ spell had already prolonged Lilias departure. “Tomorrow morning”, the older fae replied with a peaceful smile on his face, “you should come and see me off.” “I will”, you smiled back as a gust of wind blew past your face. 
You thought about the coming farewell and how Malleus would likely be there. Tomorrow would be hard for him, you knew that much…
“You love him, don’t you?”, Lilia asked as if being able to read your thoughts.
You crossed your arms, visibly flustered. “I-”, you pouted, “don’t ask me that right now.”
Lilia chuckled. “He loves you too, you know?”, he didn’t miss the surprise on your face as well as the fleeting smile he got out of you by telling you this. You sighed and raised your eyebrows at the former warrior. “You weren’t supposed to tell me this, were you?”, you knew Lilia had a habit of spilling the beans on the people he raised, even when they were very much not up for that. “Nope, khee hee”, Lilia confirmed your suspicions and you buried your head in your hands.
“I know you’re still mad”, he sighed and his gaze met yours, “but I can assure you Malleus has learnt from this. I can’t stop you from leaving if that’s what you decide to do, but I’m asking you to consider if your anger is really stronger than the bond the two of you have.”
“I don’t know”, you replied. “That’s okay. Take your time and think about it. No need to rush”, he smiled and put his hands to his hips, “so where are you headed now?” 
You thought about his question for a while. You had tried to grow and learn in order to make sure you could face the trials ahead if you were to confess to Malleus. You didn’t know at the time whether his grandmother or his people would even accept you or whether Malleus felt the same for you. But in your pursuit of security and growth you had found something even more valuable: a new sense of purpose. Regardless of whether you’d end up with or without Malleus by your side, the resolve and strength you had gained through the experiences you had with him were your own and they’d remain even if you were to part ways. You didn’t need to marry a prince and rule a country to put them to good use.
You gazed once more upon the island below the castle and the thorns that had been removed from the village squares. You pulled out your phone and noticed that the fundraiser had gone way beyond its original goal thanks to a donation by the Asim family. You smiled as you looked out towards the sunset. 
“I’m going to continue to support others. To improve what is around me and step up to take responsibility. Share my knowledge with others as the centuries pass by. Innovate. Hear people’s stories and follow them on their journey for a while”, you closed your eyes as a sense of determination but also a feeling of peace rushed over you.
“I know where I’m headed. Whichever path I’m on."
You looked back at Lilia who gave you an appreciative nod and a pat on the back. He smiled and seemed satisfied with your answer. “Malleus has a lot to learn from you, if you let him.” The older fae had disappeared when you looked up again.
When you entered the mirror chamber on the next day, Sebek, Silver and Malleus were already assembled there to say goodbye to Lilia. He had brought along all of his luggage and Sebek and Silver were already crying.
“Now, now, don’t get all teary-eyed about me”, Lilia said with a smile as a tear of his own ran down his cheek. He walked over to Sebek and took the first-year’s hands into his own. “Sebek”, he began, “do me a favor and don’t stay holed up in that narrow worldview you’ve grown to have. Make some friends. Let people in. There is so much more for you to see and experience. You’ve grown into a wonderful guard for Malleus but I also want you to find your own path and something you want to dedicate your time to without being focused on another person. I’m proud of how far you’ve come and I’m certain you’ll only grow more from here on out. I wish that you find patience and open your mind to the world around you. It was a pleasure to work alongside you and watch you become stronger.”
Sebek nodded and started sobbing, frantically trying to wipe his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.
“Silver”, Lilia pulled his son into his arms and held him tightly one last time, remembering how he had picked him up when he was just a baby, “you’re the best son a father could ask for. I am so proud of you and you’ve grown into a wonderful young man. I’m glad to call you my son. Don’t look back too much and continue moving forward. There is a great future ahead of you. Don’t worry about your old man too much. I’ll always be there rooting for you, even when you can’t see me. Take care, Silver.”
Lilia waited patiently until Silver was ready to let go. He held onto his father, wishing he could prolong the inevitable but knowing, after all that had happened, that it was time to let go.
And so did Malleus.
When Lilia stepped over to him, he took both of your hands into his and looked into Malleus’ eyes. “Malleus”, Lilia sighed and shook his head, “you caused me a lot of grey hairs with your actions those past few days…but I trust that you’ve learned your lesson and know what you have to do from here on out. All the advice I could give you, I think you’ve learnt the hard way with recent developments. I only hope that you find a way to live your life that makes you happy and feel content.” 
Lilia hugged Malleus and chuckled. “I still remember the time you had an eggshell on your face and couldn’t dress yourself like it was yesterday.” “Do we have to bring that up again?”, Malleus pouted but his expression softened when he heard you laugh beside him. Lilia looked at you. “Y/n, I know that you’re still angry and have a lot to sort out…but do you really think this grudge is something you’re going to hold for centuries?”, Lilia asked, “both of you will be faced with loss over and over again throughout your life. But the two of you will remain alive throughout the majority of it. You have each other. Don’t throw that away. Take care of each other and help each other grow. I know you care a lot…keep an eye on Malleus for me, alright?” 
Lilia chuckled as you linked your hand with Malleus’ and squeezed it gently. “He’s a handful”, you sighed and Malleus let out a laugh, pulling you into a hug with a relieved expression. “Don’t test me, Malleus Draconia”, you hissed but wrapped your arms around him as well, resting your head on his shoulder. Once you parted, Lilia smiled at Malleus. “The last few days have been…a lot”, he chuckled and Malleus sighed, “but I’m proud of you too. And I’m sure that you’ll be a great king one day. You have a long way to go, but you’ll get there. I’m certain of it.”
Tears ran down Malleus’ cheek as he bid Lilia farewell…one of the few people he had known since he was born.
As soon as Lilia had left through the dark mirror, Malleus broke down. It was raining outside again and he was sobbing along with Silver and Sebek. You had pulled him into your arms and let your embrace comfort him; your anger forgotten in light of the loss Malleus just faced and the overwhelming sadness that resulted from it. 
The days that followed were quiet, as if time had stopped. Malleus had needed some time to himself to grieve and you had given him the space he needed but offered your comfort when he wanted it as well. It took a while; the sun rose and set again over the horizon as the days went on, but you eventually heard a knock at your door. “Come in”, you called out and Malleus opened the door, walking into your room and closing the door behind him. He was quiet for a while, just sitting next to you and pondering what to say next. 
“Do you forgive me?”, he finally asked. 
You sighed and chuckled. “I can’t just reject an old man’s dying wish now, can I?”, you shook your head and took Malleus’ hand in yours, “besides…he was right. I’m not going to hold that grudge for centuries. So I might as well let you off the hook while you’re still within reach.”
Malleus’ expression turned to one of relief and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest. Against all odds; against what he felt he deserved, you had given him another chance and chosen to stay. And he would make sure to not let it go to waste. He remembered how devastated and sad you had looked after his overblot. He never wanted to make you cry again. 
You looked up into his eyes. “But no more using magic on people without asking them first…or trying to solve personal problems with magic. You have to promise me that”, you told him, “you get one chance. And if you mess up, promise me you’ll let me go and move forward, okay?” Malleus nodded and he rested his head on top of yours. “I won’t disappoint you”, he promised and squeezed your hand. 
As all the boys who overblotted did, Malleus had started seeing a counselor to work through what had happened as well as through the loss of Lilia. You were still more distant than you used to be but with every passing day you warmed up to Malleus again. You could laugh again and join him for his club activities. You went to his favorite cafe with him after it had reopened; sharing a big cup of ice cream before heading to the beach to watch another sunset. One of many to come.
“How have you been holding up?”, he asked you with genuine concern in his voice as he sat down beside you in the sand. “I’ll pull through”, you sighed, “but sometimes I wonder if I’m still living in a dream and I’m going to wake up to the harsh reality any moment now…”
Malleus’ heart was aching, knowing he was the cause of those feelings. He had broken your trust and it would take a long time to fully restore it but he was ready, whatever it might take. Just no magic, he had promised you that.
“There’s a legend in Briar Valley”, he said with a smile while looking out into the sunset, “of a princess who was woken up from a sleeping curse by true love’s kiss. Lilia used to tell me about it all the time when I was a child. It was my favorite bedtime story. We even hold a festival based on it every year….I was never able to go thus far…but maybe we can go there together sometime…”
“If that’s your attempt at flirting, you have terrible timing, read the room Malleus”, you shook your head but he could tell from your smile that you weren’t serious, “so…are you going to kiss me or not?” Malleus chuckled and pulled you close, his lips finally meeting yours to promise you your happily ever after…as well as that was possible in such an imperfect world. But it was real and it meant so much, regardless of the trials and tribulations along the way. He understood now why a dream would have never made you as happy as he wanted to see you. He had to work for that and he swore to put in all the effort it would take for you to put the past behind you and be certain in the future you could have with him.
You kissed him back eagerly, pouring all your love but also the exhaustion the past days had left you with into the kiss. Tears ran down your cheek and you couldn’t even tell if they were yours or his. Malleus’ lips were soft and still tasted like the strawberry ice cream he had while at the cafe. He held you gently and kissed you over and over again, relieved that you were still here with him, even through all that had happened. He loved you so much and so unconditionally that he had no idea how he hadn’t realized it sooner. 
You had to push him away gently with a chuckle, as Malleus had just been leaning in for another taste of your lips and he probably would have been content just doing that for another three hours. “I still need to breathe, you know?”, you laughed and watched the waves meet the shore. Malleus leaned his head against yours and held your hand in his. The overblot and its aftermath seemed like a terrible nightmare to you now and Malleus’ kiss had woken you up to the dawn of a new day.
“I remember how you told me that those who leave us are off to another path different from our own”, he reminisced, “if that’s true, what do you think Lilia is doing right now?”
You chuckled. “Probably cooking something horrible.”
Malleus laughed through his tears but you could still see the pain that was written on his face. “I miss him”, he said quietly and let you hold him, clinging onto you for comfort. “I know”, you whispered, “I do too.” Malleus nuzzled your cheek before pressing a kiss to it. He looked into your eyes with a loving expression, grateful for every minute he could spent within your presence.
“Thank you for choosing to stay with me”, he squeezed your hand and a smile made its way to his face. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he was looking forward to the future. “I love you”, he told you and cupped your cheek with his hand, watching you lean into his touch and softly kiss the palm of his hand.
You brushed his bangs out of his face and pressed a kiss to the markings on his forehead, noticing how the action made him visibly flustered. 
“I love you too, Malleus.”
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bloodwrittenballad · 10 months
The Egg Incident | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: It turns out your husband is in fact very useful in the kitchen…
Warnings: Making out, suggestive themes, hint of smut at the end, married people banter, teasing, pranks, like one swear word? it’s short but fluffy and silly!! and not proofread!! i’m gonna list this as 18+, so minors, scram. based off a tik tok trend. okay bye <333
You saw it on tik tok, and you thought it was hilarious. Women from all over were posting videos of them using their husbands and boyfriends heads to crack eggs. It was genius, and the reactions were nothing short of amazing. You couldn’t help but imagine your own husband, Bradley, in this situation.
The mere thought already had you chuckling quietly to yourself, looking over at your sleeping husband as a smirk grew along your lips. Oh, you were so going to be trying it out in the morning. With a sigh and a small kiss to his nose, you settled in next to him for the night, cuddling into his side as an almost apology for the plan you’d be unfolding on him in the morning
Now, typically you weren’t an early riser. You liked sleeping in on your days off, but Bradley seemed to have other ideas. You woke up to your neck being pecked and tickled, no doubt by Bradley’s infamous mustache. His lips trailed gently down your shoulder as you turned to face him, a smile on your lips as you gazed upon your husbands pretty face. “Mornin’, you pretty little thing.” Bradley whispered along your skin as he continued bathing you in his love. “Morning to to you too, handsome. Someone’s in a good mood today,” you noted. “What? A man can’t show a little appreciation to his wife by waking her up with some lovin?” That had you giggling, as your hand reached up to hold his cheek. “Appreciation? Or desperation? Cause can’t seem to keep your hands to yourself this morning.” It was the truth. His hands hadn’t stopped roaming your body since the second you woke up, not that you minded of course. “Why you little-” Bradley began, but cut himself off as he lowered his mouth to yours once more.
And soon enough the two of you were in a heated make out, Bradley on top of you as he began making his way down to the needy spot between your legs. You were moaning, panting, clutching the white sheets in complete need as his jot breath fanned over your body like a sauna. And he was so close, so close to giving you what you wanted. But then- your stomach rumbled. Loudly. It sounded like a damn thunder storm, and Bradley couldn’t help but laugh at the sheepish look on your face as he began pulling away from you and stood up. You whined, making him chuckle more as he helped you out of bed. “Let’s get you some breakfast, baby, then I’ll have mine.” He said with a wink, leaving your mouth agape as he led to you the kitchen.
Once there, Bradley, of course, made himself comfy on the barstool by the counter. “What? You’re not gonna help me?” You teased with a knowing smile. Bradley wasn’t the best cook, to put it nicely. Hell, the man could hardly make toast without burning it. “I am helping!” Bradley defended, “I’m sitting here, all nice and pretty. I’m the eye candy,” he winked. And that he was, you agreed. As you looked him up and down, his abs on display as he was only wearing his boxers. With a playful scoff and shake of your head, you turned towards your fridge and began grabbing all the ingredients you needed for your breakfast. You began cooking, and once the time was right, you grabbed the eggs out of the fridge. That’s when a cheeky smile rose upon your features, as you remembered the countless tik toks you saw the night before. Your smile turned into a smirk, as you reached for a bowl and made your way towards Bradley.
Who, was watching you lovingly and was none the wiser as you padded your way up to him. You set the eggs and the bowl down, giving him a quick kiss. “Someone’s in a good mood,” Bradley copied your words from earlier, reciprocating the kiss. You had a sly smile as you said, “only because I have the best helper.” Bradley’s eyebrow quirked as you pulled away, but before he could say anything- wham!
The egg in your hand gently bounded across his forehead, “what the-” he watched as you smiled softly to yourself and mixed the egg into the bowl. “Baby, what the fu-” and then the second egg. He was left even more speechless as you walked back over to the burner, pouring the egg mixture into the pan. Your back was turned to him, so he couldn’t see the laugher you were trying to hold in as he stuttered out. “HUH?” Bradley finally croaked, and that’s when you lost it. You almost keeled over, laughing loudly as Bradley looked at you with wide and confused eyes.
“I am so lost right now, babe.” He said, walking over to your shaking with laughter figure. You sucked in a deep breath as you looked up at him, “see? now you’re not completely useless in the kitchen anymore!” You said with a small clap of your hands, before you went to turn around and focus on the stove. But before you could, Bradley was hauling you up in his arms, tossing you over his shoulder and matching you towards the bedroom. Not before he switched off the stove, of course.
“Bradley!” You squealed, playfully and lightly pounding your fists onto his back. “Let me down, my breakfast!” You whined, before Bradley tossed you onto the bed. “Oh baby, don’t worry, you’ll get your breakfast. Just not the one you were expecting.”
And then his boxers dropped to the floor.
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stayevildarling · 21 days
So I just found your page! I absolutely loved One Too Many Secrets and everything else you have written! I was wondering if I could request another Cordelia/Billie/Mina x Reader or Natasha/Wanda/Cordelia x Reader (whichever you prefer) where Reader goes missing one day. They search for her, but can’t find her. A while later, one or all of them run into her in public, but she’s very confused and claims to not know any of them. She is with another person who calls her a different name, eventually R leaves with that person, leaving the others rather upset, hurt and confused. Then a few days later, Reader reaches out to them. She tells them she was in an accident and woke up with absolutely no memory of who she is or anything about her life. She’s hoping they can maybe fill in some details.
So this whole time, they’ve been searching for her. Praying she hadn’t left them or was taken or worst case scenario no longer alive, and she’s just been living under a different name with no idea who she is. I’ll leave the ending up to you if Reader remembers or not.
I just have this idea of Reader reaching out to them like, “…wait… so you know me?”
“Know you? …. We love you.”
…if you wanna… if not, I totally understand!!! I love your writing!!!
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia Goode x Reader- It all fell down
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A/N: I just want to say thank you to whoever sent me this 🫶🏻 I absolutely adore requests like these. I changed some of it to fit the storyline that I had in mind and I decided to go with wandanat x Delia for this one because I enjoyed writing their chemistry together last time. I apologise if the ending seems a bit cheesy or rushed but this was getting really long.
tags/warnings: female reader, established relationship, quad polyamorous relationship, mention of violence, mention of blood, mention of weapons/guns, amnesia, cursing, angst, fluff
translation: detka= baby, malishka= baby girl
word count: 7k
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
As soon as the front door opens, both Cordelia and Wanda immediately rise to their feet, anxiously rushing towards the hallway only to expose a soaked, beaten and bruised Natasha. The sound of rain and thunder from outside draws out as the redhead steps inside. ,,Oh honey'' the supreme coos, tilting her head a little and biting her lip to hide her own anxiety. Wanda simply watches, her green eyes never leaving her girlfriends as the black widow brushes past them, her features tense as she makes her way towards the bathroom. Two sets of worried eyes follow her, as the door bangs shut matching her inner frustration.
The cold water grounds the Russian a little as she runs it over her tired features, using a towel to dry off her hair and the remainder of water on her body before glancing at herself in the mirror. All she can see is shame, disappointment and guilt, another night of searching for something, any clues, anything that could help her. ,,Darling?'' Wanda tries softly, knocking on the door a few minutes later. Natasha knew both her lovers could easily open the door, Wanda being the scarlet witch and Cordelia being supreme and headmistress to Miss Robichaux's Academy and so with a sigh she opens the door, exposing her tired features.
,,What happened?'' the blonde tries softly, tilting her head to the side again and her fingers tracing gently across the cut forming on Natasha's forehead. ,,Nothing- I'm fine'' she quickly reassures, before again brushing past them and walking over to her dresser, ridding herself from the wet clothing and changing into a new tank top and some sweatpants. ,,Honey, you have got to stop this'' Cordelia tries, taking another step towards the former assassin. Wanda nods, agreeing with her partner before her green eyes try and search for Natasha's. ,,You can't keep going out there, one day you'll get hurt or worse, we will loose you too'' she explains before tears fill her vision, her lip beginning to wobble as her fear and the words practically burst out of her.
,,I have to'' Natasha mumbles, ignoring her lovers words and concern, the only thing on her mind you. ,,Someone has to keep trying'' she huffs before walking over to the armchair in the corner. ,,And we will darling, just come to bed with us please'' Cordelia tries, her expression stern as the concern threatens to overwhelm her. ,,Later'' Natasha huffs, her accent thick as she settles into her usual corner before Wanda and the blonde simply give up. It had been like this for a few months, ever since your disappearance, Natasha has been out there every single night, searching the streets for any clue, talking to people who may know something, going back to your favourite places or the ones that made you feel safe like the lake where Wanda would always take you for picnics, even Delia's academy as you had spent a majority of your time there and even the hill with the special view that Natasha had shown you once. But it wasn't successful and eventually the redhead grew tired of this, getting more aggressive with her search, with her questioning.
The day where you didn't return home from work had changed them all indefinitely. Cordelia had the strange feeling something wasn't right as soon as the clock turned it's usual time for your arrival home. Wanda and Natasha tried to calm her down, thinking maybe you had gotten caught up with something or simply stopped somewhere on your way home. However, the feeling quickly settled in Wanda's stomach as well as she had tried calling you countless times, Natasha eventually spending the whole night in the hopes of finding you. However you never returned and it killed them all in their own way. Wanda spent the first weeks devastated as her own past came to haunt her before she tried to use all of her strength and magic to find you. Cordelia had spent every waking moment trying to find you, using countless spells but none of them had worked and it killed her. And so the only thing she could try and do was look after both Wanda and Natasha and try to remain strong for them. Not a day passed where Cordelia didn't miss her little sunshine and Wanda didn't miss her special girl.
For some reason it hit Natasha harder than both of them. Every night she sat in the same armchair in the bedroom, the one that overlooked both the street and also the front door, simply in the hopes that you would return. She would have little sleep, sometimes even none. Skipping on Missions with the avengers often as she wanted to do her own thing and find you, knowing their resources failed when they had equally looked for you a while back. She couldn't shake the feeling that it was her fault, after all she was the most like you. Growing up you had equally been forced to work for an organisation and they turned you into their own villain and spy, sending you all over the world to gather information and during this you became strong both mentally and physically until you stumbled upon Natasha and Wanda when trying to infiltrate the avengers compound before they took you in eventually, being able to tell you wanted out.
The black widow couldn't help but think that she should have been there that day, that they should have never allowed to let you take that silly little part time job as you were busy enough with missions for the avengers as well as helping Cordelia back at the academy, despite not being a witch. She feels like she failed you, often wondering whether you may have walked away voluntarily and that she or they may have upset you. Her first thought was you being taken but she had made sure to shut down the whole organisation from your past and there had been no sign of you anywhere on earth. While Wanda had a strange feeling that you may be dead, as she couldn't feel you anymore, Natasha never gave up, spending every waking moment on finding you, finding her detka, despite ruining her life and relationship in the wake of it. But she didn't care, her main mission always being you and your wellbeing.
After another week had passed by, Cordelia and Wanda somehow convinced Natasha to finally spend some time with them and forget about her mission for one day and the black widow only agreed because she was tired, tired of not getting any answers and not finding you. The supreme had suggested the markets as it was her usual Saturday morning routine and despite the thought killing her as she always went there with you, she thought it may bring Wanda and Natasha some joy. They stopped at some little stalls, Cordelia picking up some herbs and flowers, Wanda trying to relax although the only thing she could do was search for your face in the crowds. Natasha actively tried to relax, wanting to be better for both her girlfriends, knowing this hadn't been easy on them either. After going some more places, picking up some ingredients for dinner, the sky now filled with some dark clouds, Wanda suddenly halts in her steps, almost dropping some of the bags.
,,Wands?'' Natasha asks softly, her face filled with concern seeing the expression on her lovers face. ,,What is it darling?'' Cordelia asks concerned, noticing how Wanda almost seems frozen in her spot. ,,Y/N.. it's Y/N'' she whispers, her eyes locked on a little crowd of people standing by a lemonade stand. ,,Darling'' Cordelia sighs, knowing Wanda has been struggling with this especially and looking for you everywhere whenever leaving the house, often having to remind her that someone with the same height, hair colour or piece of clothing wasn't you and having to pick up the pieces. ,,No wait'' Natasha stops the supreme, seeing the back of your head and her breath almost getting caught in her throat. She is quick to abandon her other lovers, rushing through the crowds until she reaches you. ,,Y/N.. detka?'' she tries before the person next to you turns around.
As soon as Wanda and Cordelia catch up, the supremes hand hovers on your shoulder, urging you to face them and when you do their faces drop in realisation that this really was you. ,,Oh my god Y/N'' Wands cries, tears instantly streaming down her cheeks as she had waited for this for so long. ,,Oh my sweet girl, where have you been?'' Cordelia asks through tears equally, her hands instantly reaching to cup your cheeks. Natasha watches carefully as you flinch at the supremes touch and your confusion when Wanda spoke to you moments before, carefully observing the person accompanying you and watching the scene unfold.
,,I-'' you almost stutter, turning towards Jay in confusion before glancing at the three unfamiliar women again. ,,Who- who are you?'' you ask confused, watching as their hearts shatter in front of you. ,,Y/N'' Cordelia begins, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion and pain. ,,I don't know who you are and my name is Alex'' you repeat, growing frustrated and still thinking they are mistaking you for someone else. ,,It's us'' Wanda tries, reaching for your hand hoping her touch could do anything, make you feel, make you remember. ,,Sweetie, this is Natasha, Wanda and I'm Cordelia'' the blonde tries to remind you and despite recognising the first two from somewhere, you still had no clue what was happening. ,,So you.. you know me?'' you ask confused, having no memory of your life until a few months ago back when Jay had found you.
,,Know you? detka.. we.. love you'' Natasha tries, finally finding her voice despite the pain almost crushing her whole. Your face turns from confusion into shock listening to their words. Helplessly you search their eyes for any sign of a lie despite not knowing them well but something within you told you could trust the set of brown and two set of green eyes who are equally pleading with you to listen, to trust them. ,,Jay?'' you almost whisper, getting his attention before he looks at you, your eyes pleading anxiously and frustrated at your husband, he having been the only one by your side since you can remember. ,,This is clearly a mixup, her name is Alex'' he claims before tugging at your arm and ushering you to follow him. ,,Hey back off'' Natasha warns, gripping his arm hard and freeing you of his grasp. ,,Nat.. calm down'' Cordelia ushers, stepping between the two of them before pulling the Russian away.
,,I'm sorry'' you whisper with guilty eyes before following Jay and within seconds they had lost you again as you are out of sight. Natasha tried to follow, however she was stopped by Cordelia, the supreme knowing they couldn't figure it out like this. A loud sob suddenly ripples through Wanda, causing Cordelia to let go of the redhead. ,,Wanda hey'' the supreme tries, watching as the ginger sinks to her knees, watching you walk away again. ,,Malishka it's okay'' Natasha tries, doing her best to hide her own pain and broken heart and the confusion of all of this. Together, they help Wanda back on her feet, collecting the bags that had been dropped in the process of this before taking the exhausted and confused witch home, careful of her fragile state.
It didn't take long before they made it home, tugging Wanda into bed as the confusion and pain of seeing you again and you not recognising them had tired her out. With gentle hands, they had tugged her in, gave her some water and dried her tears before softly coaxing her to sleep. As soon as the Scarlett witch had settled, Cordelia and Natasha leave the room, leaving the door open a little bit incase Wanda would wake and need them by her side again. ,,What the hell was that?'' Natasha sighs, her accent again thick due to her frustration. ,,I don't know.. I don't understand'' Cordelia cries, finally letting her walls down and the tears flow. Rubbing her temples in confusion, the supreme paces through the hallway and living room, trying to make sense of this, going over the scene again and again to make sure that she hadn't missed anything. ,,How can she just not recognise us?'' Natasha sighs before speaking again ,,And who the hell was that Jay guy?'' she asks in frustration, her fists forming in anger.
,,I don't know but I don't like this Nat, she doesn't like being around guys, you know that better than I do'' Cordelia tries, remembering your past trauma from your life before meeting them and joining the avengers eventually. ,,I gotta figure this out'' the redhead announces, before grabbing her keys and jacket. ,,Where are you going?'' Cordelia asks, worry evident in her voice. ,,The compound.. I'm sure I can find something on the guy there'' she ushers before glancing at the supreme one more time and her eyes pleading for permission. Of course the blonde agrees, knowing if anyone could figure this out it was the black widow. ,,Be safe for me'' she ushers before Natasha steps closer, softly wiping her tears and kissing her forehead goodbye. ,,Look after Wands for me'' she whispers as they share a moment of intimacy. ,,I promise and you'll let us know?'' the supreme asks before Natasha nods and leaves in a rush.
While Cordelia takes a moment to breathe, before eventually joining Wanda in the bedroom again and laying beside her, making sure she could be there as soon as her girlfriend would wake, Natasha was quick to make it to the others. ,,Natasha'' Tony exclaimed almost excitedly, not having seen the woman for a couple of weeks. His features turned serious along with Steve's as they quickly take in her tense features and the concern in her green eyes. ,,What is it?'' they ask almost in unison before the redhead sighs. ,,We saw Y/N today'' she sighs before their faces turn into confused ones. ,,But that's grea-'' Tony begins before she cuts him off. ,,It would be, if she remembered us and wasn't accompanied by some strange guy'' Natasha huffs, their eyes meeting as the words settle in. ,,What can we do?'' Steve asks concerned, always having been fond of you and your disappearance hurting them equally as they had missed you around and ultimately both Wanda and Natasha.
,,I need to pull up any CCTV from the market and surrounding areas and I really have to find that Jay'' she announces before they both nod, Tony already walking towards a computer and joining Natasha while Steve goes to collect some more members, fully prepared to join Natasha on this mission of finding you. They spent the next several hours going through any details and despite it being quite tedious at first, they manage to actually find some footage of both you and the guy that Natasha had mentioned getting into a car. Once they found this, it took them seconds to pull up a name, quickly realising that his name wasn't actually Jay and pulling an adress from the licence. ,,I'm going'' Natasha was quick to announce, before Tony and Steve had stopped her, ushering her that they would go as well, as she had no idea what she may walk into.
Natasha halted in her steps, thinking whether this was wrong of her, whether she should include Wanda and Cordelia in this. After all they are two of the most powerful witches on earth and could surely help her figure this out. A part of her knew that this came with certain risks if this was truly not just some guy you are living with and she didn't want her girlfriends anywhere near that danger. So in the end she agreed, following Tony and Steve into one of the cars, insisting on driving as she was undeniably the fastest. It doesn't take her long until they pull up to an industrial building block with several apartments. She had convinced Tony and Steve to leave their gear behind as she didn't want to risk scaring you incase this wasn't what she thought it was. And so, the three of them quickly make their way to the building, opening the front door as it had been unlocked before climbing several stairs to reach the adress of the guy they had found, supposedly going by the name Jay.
Tony is quick to use his technology to determine that the apartment is empty, before Natasha breaks the door open with a lock pick, trying not to leave any tracks behind. As soon as they step inside, they find photos on the wall of both you and Jay and Natasha could instantly tell that those weren't real, as she had seen pictures of your younger years and the job being overall poorly done. As the three of them spread out and search the place, they quickly discover that it almost looks like a normal home, however as they take a closer look, their suspicion grows. Steve finds multiple weapons, some guns and also some weapons they had never seen before while Tony tries hacking into the computers to get as much information as possible. Natasha goes through your and Jay's belongings, eventually finding some clothes and nothing out of the ordinary at first. ,,Nat'' Steve calls out from the bathroom, having found a cracked tile in the bathroom behind the sink exposing a book.
,,The therapist said it was a good idea to write things down'' he begins reading out loud ,,My Husband.. Jay.. that feels weird to say. It's not right.. but he's nice'' Steve reads out loud, Natasha being able to recognise your handwriting in an instant. She can't help but scoff, feeling the anger bubbling inside of her. ,,Oh don't be jealous'' Steve tries joking to lift the mood, however Natasha can't seem to find any of this funny. With a swift motion she snatches the book from his hands, flipping through the pages, exposing drawings and more writing. ,,Guys we gotta go'' Tony calls, before Natasha slides the book into the inside of her vest. ,,Let's go'' Steve ushers, reaching for Natasha arms as she stands frozen in the hallway, staring at the fake photographs of you. ,,Did you get anything from that?'' the redhead asks as soon as they get back into the car, Steve the one driving this time. ,,Yes pulled it all, Friday found the base and locations, seems to be some type of organisation'' he explains before Natasha's heart sinks in her chest.
,,We need to go there now'' the redhead ushers before Steve and Tony glance at each other. ,,Give it a day or two, we need to plan this accordingly'' they try to convince her but she is having none of it. ,,She is there, they have her and probably brainwashed her'' she tries arguing before Steve speaks again ,,I know but Nat, she has been safe so far and if we do this wrong we may lose her again'' he speaks and this time she remains silent, knowing that he has got a point with this unfortunately. ,,Let us take you home'' they offer and Natasha remains silent, caught in a wave of painful memories and flashbacks with you, the guilt of this whole thing consuming her entire being. She should have protected you, should have prevented this, should have been by your side.
Almost aimlessly Natasha walks back into her home, ignoring the worried glances from both Cordelia and Wanda as they watch her walk inside. ,,Darling, what is it?'' the blonde tries, only finding the redhead looking right through her, her expression pale and they fear the worst. ,,Please tell me she's okay'' Wanda begs, having seen that same expression on people's faces before and knowing it didn't mean good news. Natasha snaps out of it as soon as she hears the fear in Wanda's voice ,,Yeah, let's sit'' she ushers almost a little absentmindedly still, before walking towards the kitchen table. They both remain silent, waiting for their lover to speak first and it takes a little while for the woman to compose herself and find the right words. ,,We found an adress'' she begins speaking before filling them in on what they had found, the assumption of an organisation behind this, your fake life, fake photographs. They both listen intently, the confusion, pain and grief written over their faces as the extend of the situation weighs in.
,,And I found this'' Natasha speaks, as she had been unsure whether to show them the book she had found. Cordelia is the first one to reach for it, skipping through the pages and reading over your words, her equally recognising your handwriting in an instant. Wanda watches as well, finding drawings of silhouettes ,,Wait that's us'' she speaks confused, before Cordelia reads a little further. ,,Yeah she has these dreams'' Natasha speaks, having read those pages earlier. Silence fills the room, the three of them still left in utter confusion, they had even doubted whether it was really you at the markets as you had been so adamant that your name was a different one but it all fades together as they recognise themselves in your drawings. ,,What have they done to her?'' Wanda sighs, her eyes quickly turning a dark shade of red as she is over washed by anger. ,,Do you have an adress?'' the scarlet witch asks and both Natasha and Cordelia look at her with shocked expressions.
,,Tony has all the data but we need to do this right'' Natasha tries, despite wanting nothing more than to run in there herself. ,,I want to go as well'' Wanda demands, feeling like she has been the least useful in all of this. ,,We'll do it together once it's time'' Natasha reassures, finding Cordelia's grateful smile meeting her as she knows she isn't part of the avengers of course but still wanting to be there for this and help. ,,We should get some rest and wait for further instructions from Tony tomorrow'' Natasha sighs after a while, slowly feeling the effects from today and the lack of sleep from the last few months finally catching up with her. Despite the comfort of being with each other and knowing that at least you are alive and they know where you are, neither of them find much sleep, Wanda mostly overtaken by anger at the people doing this to you, Cordelia deeply worried for your wellbeing and what this all would mean for you and Natasha going over and over the fake photos, as if they had been burnt into her memory.
It takes another couple of days before the avengers had gathered the information necessary. They managed to find the base where the operation was working from and after a debriefing with most of them, including Natasha, Wanda and Cordelia, they are finally ready to find you again. Tony had only agreed to let them join if the three of them stayed back and let them do the main job, and despite agreeing they all knew it wouldn't be that easy for your girlfriends to stand back. With swift motions, Tony manages to hack into the building, entering and most of the avengers taking care of some guards by the front. After getting towards the lower floor, they find a huge base, including weapons they had never seen before, countless vehicles and high end technology. It baffled them how they had missed this for so long but they stayed determined and focused, taking out the guards one by one, Natasha and Wanda leading Cordelia further into the base. It takes them a while until they finally find the man that had accompanied you before and Wanda's rage quickly takes over as she sends him flying to the nearest wall, lifting him in the air with her magic over and over again.
Cordelia physically has to stop Wanda before Natasha approaches the man, gripping him by the throat and lifting him into the air yet again before speaking ,,Where is she?'' she speaks, her eyes turning darker. ,,I have no idea what you are talking about'' he struggles with his words before Natasha's fist lands in his face, sending a wave of blood flying. ,,Y/N where is she?'' she demands again, raising her first in order to get him to speak. ,,Sure you'd like to know'' he smirks in a disgusting way before Natasha's hand squeezes his throat tighter. ,,I know you have been to our place'' he hisses and Wanda is quick to enter his mind, finding out the information that they needed before again sending him flying and dropping unconsciously to the nearest wall. ,,This way'' she ushers, being able to tell where they had been keeping you.
Together, with the avengers they find some back rooms, struggling to find you at first but Cordelia abruptly halts in her steps as she can hear your whimpering in her head through her telepathy, instantly causing for her heart to drop. ,,Over here'' she cries out, causing for all of them to rush into the room. Natasha finds you tied up on a chair, several computer screens around you, as you are hooked up to machines, some wires on your head and you slipping in and out of consciousness. ,,Oh my god'' Wanda cries, quickly running over before freeing you from the machines. ,,My god what have they done to you detka'' Natasha whispers, taking in your broken features. ,,We need to get her out of here and to med bay'' Steve encourages before Natasha takes you into her arms, quickly abandoning the rest of this mission and Wanda and Cordelia following the redhead and your almost lifeless frame to the nearest quinjet. ,,Stay here and finish this'' Natasha pleads with Tony and Steve and they are quick to agree, knowing it took more than this to stop this organisation altogether. ,,She'll pull through, she always does'' Steve encourages before they part ways.
And then within the weeks following, the real pain began as they slowly uncovered the organisations secrets, beginning to understand what they had done to you and how much you had suffered. They each struggled in their own ways, Wanda almost torn apart by her rage wanting nothing more than to kill the people responsible for this. Cordelia had been on the verge of losing it equally, abandoning her duties which was highly unlike her but she couldn't focus on anything else but you. Natasha tried to stay sane and calm, at least having you back with them, however it took every bit of strength and composure to be by your side and keeping Cordelia and Wanda safe in the process. It took a week in total for you to finally wake up and when you did, every single muscle in your body hurt, your brain felt fuzzy, your vision blurry and dizzy.
As you finally manage to open your eyes, you tense immediately, remembering what happened before you passed out, how mad Jay had been at you and forcing some medicine into you, how you had no idea what you had done wrong. Your heart rate slows as you catch a glimpse of the three women from your dreams again, quickly relaxing as you realise it's another dream and not your horrible reality. It's when Cordelia crouches down beside your bed, noticing you waking, her eyes filled with tears, when you realise this wasn't a dream as they never spoke in your dreams. ,,Y/N?'' her voice is soft and calm. ,,My name is Alex'' you quickly speak, despite the words coming out raspy and broken.
Your vision adjusts as you watch them glance between each other ,,It's not sweetie and deep down you know that'' the blonde again speaks softly and reassuringly. ,,I don't.. everything feels funny.. I don't understand'' you speak as tears fill your vision, everything feeling painful and overwhelming. ,,We got you back'' Natasha says, her voice hoarse. Their words get you thinking, the lack of memories, Jay hooking you up to machines, torturing you, the strange place, the life that felt fake and then suddenly these three who you had no memory of other from that one time and your dreams. And somehow they made sense, they felt more real than anything you could remember. ,,He wasn't really my husband was he?'' you whisper, chin wobbling and hands trembling as tears continue pouring. ,,No detka'' Wanda whispers. ,,But we...'' Cordelia begins ,,We're yours darling'' she speaks softly, almost reassuringly and you can't help the way she suddenly makes you feel calm, stopping the trembling of your hands, the wobbling of your chin and how she wipes your tears, for the first time in a long time making you feel safe and sound.
Slowly the days turned into weeks, the beginning spent with a lot of bed rest as they hated the idea of you leaving med bay too soon, however you had been cleared and so with your permission they took you home. Of course you had no idea what home was and it felt strange, entering the walls with photos of you everywhere alongside with the three women that you had gotten to know better as they had been sitting by your bed every day for weeks. Still, you couldn't tell whether it was another fake life, another organisation capturing you after you had learned what happened to you. You couldn't tell and a part of you felt like not trusting them, despite feeling a strange connection to them, especially due to your reoccurring dreams with them and your drawings. The first week after bringing you home, they had been increasingly worried as you stayed in the guest room most days, mostly sleeping and forgetting, rather entering the comfort of your dreams than the pain of reality. You barely ate, barely moved, barely talked as your past slowly came to haunt you each waking moment.
,,We need to help her'' Natasha speaks with an urgency in her voice as she again sits there with her two girlfriends for lunch, you sleeping through another meal, another day. ,,We need to give her time'' Cordelia tried arguing, knowing this must have been a lot to process. ,,I agree.. with Nat'' Wanda says, taking the blonde and redhead by surprise. ,,We can't let her waste away like this'' she huffs, fiddling with her rings due to her nerves. ,,I have an idea but I'll need her consent and yours'' and she didn't need to explain further for the other two to understand what she was implying. And so gently, they coaxed you from your shell, waking you gently and offering you some food before Wanda tried her approach carefully.
,,Darling, I would like to try something to help you and us'' she explains and you simply look into her eyes, feeling empty and hopeless at this point. ,,Do you trust me?'' she asks carefully and you freeze then. Did you trust them? They seemed so familiar and like your home but at the same time they are strangers, two avengers and two witches that could easily be tricking you, playing their own game. How could you ever trust anyone ever again? But something within you takes over, simply nodding your head before you watch her eyes turn a shade of red as her hand gently hovers on your forehead.
Wanda watches, seeing how you had left work that day , excitedly glancing at your phone before a truck approached at high speed, hitting you purposely before two men leave the truck, capturing you. Despite the memories being blurry, she manages to put it together, how they made you wake up in a hospital when in reality it was their base, how they had drugged you, given you details of a fake life, giving you several drugs and medications, serums to make you stronger. From what the avengers had discovered she manages to put it together at last, as her hands leaves your forehead, tears welling in her eyes. This had been their plan all along, to capture an avenger, to turn you into their super solider to destroy them, getting you to play along to this picture perfect life while trying to convince you to join their purpose. Only when they had realised that they had been caught on, they tried to go ahead but thankfully Natasha and the rest figured it out and found you in time.
,,I'm so sorry sweetie'' she whispers, having seen and felt every bit of your pain. Natasha and Cordelia watch in pain, not needing the details to know whatever happened must have been traumatic. You stay silent, unsure what to do or say before feeling a little fuzzy. Your brain feels on fire a little after feeling your memories, feeling Wanda entering your thoughts and memory. ,,Detka.. are you okay?'' Natasha asks, noticing the shift in your behaviour and how considerably pale you turned within seconds. ,,I'm tired'' you whisper before meeting their expressions. Cordelia gives you a sad, encouraging smile, giving you permission to go rest and you do, wanting nothing more than to sleep again, to forget, to enter your reoccurring dreams with them as it had been the only escape for you.
,,Wands what did you see?'' Natasha asks after watching you leave before the witch closes her eyes, sighing. ,,Pain.. great pain'' Wanda cries, her green eyes filled with tears. Cordelia frowns, gently reaching for the witches hand and holding onto it tight. ,,Tell us please'' Natasha encourages before the witch fills them in, telling them about the accident and what had happened since and they sit in shock listening to her words, wanting nothing more than to hold you, run to you and hold you in their arms. But they knew they couldn't, not until they somehow managed to get you back, get you to remember and back to them. ,,We need to help her remember us'' Natasha sighs before finding her two girlfriends agreeing in silence but their faces betray their anxiety and hopelessness about the success of making that happen.
Within the weeks following, the three of them try their best to include you more in every day things. Wanda had taken you for a picnic, Natasha to the place with the special view and to the avengers compound, gently showing you around and meeting the others in the hopes to spark your memories again. And slowly you did remember little things, mostly places and odd little details like where your old room had been before moving in with your girlfriends at the compound. Today, it had been Cordelia's turn and she offered to take you to the academy after finding a drawing of the mansion and you telling her how you remember a large white building with black iron fences and a gate. ,,Ready sweetheart?'' she asks gently, offering her hand to you and you taking it before following her inside.
Within the last few weeks you slowly learned to trust them, learning more about the people who you used to know everything about, every detail. You learned more about their life, how Wanda loved baking, Natasha appeared to be a badass on the outside but is in reality a huge softie and how truly kind and beautiful Cordelia truly was. As you follow her inside, you are greeted by the scent of vanilla and it reminds you of the supreme as whenever you had been around her lately she had smelt just like that. She leads you through a large hallway, you watching in awe of the marble and details that seem strangely familiar. She introduces you gently to some people who you had met before losing your memories, before leading you outside into the gardens and greenhouse.
The greenhouse had always been your sanctuary before everything fell down and changed, despite not being a witch yourself, often spending time there with Cordelia and the other witches, sitting in on some classes, Delia teaching you how to mix potions, watching her in awe of her magic and loving to be around the plants and atmosphere. ,,Does any of this feel familiar darling?'' she asks softly, watching as you carefully observe the little details. ,,Hmm..a little?'' you ask a little lost and helplessly, almost feeling bad for how they had tried and wanting to remember yourself as your old life they had told you about so much actually seemed beautiful. ,,I just need to take care of some things in my office, would you like to join me?'' she asks slowly, drawing you away from your thoughts but you shake your head. ,,I think I'll stay here for a bit if that's okay?'' you ask and she simply gives you a warm smile before leaving you be.
For a while you spend some time alone, simply taking in the atmosphere before growing a little curious and skipping through some books that had been left from classes before. When Cordelia returns, she watches you sitting on one of the tables, your legs dangling down the side while reading one of the books and she can't help but linger by the doorframe for a minute, as she had found you like this so many times and despite the bitterness of it all, she can't help but feel grateful to have you back. ,,Hi there'' she smiles warmly before approaching you. ,,Hi'' you whisper a little shy before closing the book. ,,I'm all done sweetheart, would you like to go back home?'' she asks, wanting to make sure this isn't too much for you. ,,Um sure'' you mumble and she can notice your hesitation. ,,What is it?'' she asks a little concerned before you speak again ,,Cordelia, you're a witch right?'' you ask, despite knowing the answer to this. ,,But you're also like really powerful right?'' you ask before she nods a little confused.
,,Can you make me remember?'' you whisper, tears filling your eyes as you want nothing more than to remember the life they keep telling you about. Cordelia sighs a little before her gaze drops to the floor. They had tried within the last weeks, both her and Wanda with their magic but you ever only seemed to remember small bits and she didn't want to fail you again. ,,I can try again darling but I'm not sure if it will work'' she explains as her brown eyes meet yours. ,,Please'' you beg with tears glistening in your eyes again. ,,But please make it the real ones'' you plead and Cordelia's eyes close in pain from listening to your statement. ,,I promise, you can trust me'' she encourages before reaching for both of your hands, holding them gently before closing her eyes and resting her forehead gently on yours. You listen as she speaks some latin words, not the ones from before that she tried with Wanda before everything stops for a moment.
As the supreme opens her eyes again and moves away a little, she sighs, assuming it didn't work again before your eyes abruptly open. ,,I'm sorry darling, I'm sure we can do this, it just needs time'' she tries, feeling guilty. ,,De-Delia?'' you whisper before looking up to meet her brown eyes. And that's it, enough for the woman to understand that it worked, as you hadn't called her the nickname in months. Your eyes sparkle in that exact same way they had before all of this happened, and instantly both of your eyes fill with tears, as you clutch to your lover. Somehow, Cordelia's magic had worked, maybe it was the different spell she used, maybe it was the last puzzle piece after remembering slowly, the drawings, the dreams all finally making sense and blending in together. Almost like a little movie you watched your life from before as everything blended in again, the accident, being captured, losing your memories before they had found you. ,,I'm so sorry, I wanted to come home after work, I was so excited to see you three'' you apologise.
Cordelia shakes her head at your statement, gently cupping your cheeks ,,My sweet girl, none of this is your fault ever'' she explains sternly, wanting to make sure you understand her every word. ,,Thank you for giving me my memories back'' you thank her before your lips capture hers in a kiss. ,,Can we please go home?'' you beg under tears, wanting nothing more than to be back in the embrace of your lovers. ,,Of course my sweet girl.. come on'' she encourages, before taking your hand and leading you back home. As soon as the front door opens, you burst inside, watching Wanda baking in the kitchen, Natasha sitting nearby reading on her laptop. ,,Hi you two, how was it?'' the ginger witch asks as you stand there frozen almost. ,,Wands.. Nat?'' you whisper as tears again fill your vision. Wanda drops the spoon on the floor, Natasha instantly abandoning her work as they take a look at you, instantly picking up the nicknames, the shift in your voice and features.
,,I remember.. I remember it all'' you cry, before Natasha runs up to you, Wanda quickly behind. The redhead picks you up, hugging you tight before spinning you around a little ,,Oh detka'' she smiles before kissing your forehead. ,,Malishka'' Wanda smiles with tears before planting kisses all over your face and taking you into her arms. ,,What happened?'' Natasha turns to Cordelia in confusion. ,,She wanted to remember so I tried a different spell and it worked'' the supreme explains before Natasha smiles, despite the shock written across her face. ,,Thank you'' she thanks the supreme, her features serious. ,,You brought her home after all'' the blonde reminds the black widow. ,,I'm so relieved baby girl'' Wanda whispers, still not having let go of you. ,,Is there anything you want, anything we can do for you darling?'' Cordelia asks, despite the relief and gratitude, still knowing you had to go a long way to recover from the emotional and physical trauma you had endured.
,,I-'' you begin but quickly stop yourself as you glance around. ,,I really just want to cuddle'' you whisper with puppy eyes and their faces melt almost in the same way. ,,You can have all the cuddles sweetie'' Wanda smiles before Natasha chuckles a little. In a swift motion she picks you up as you dangle over her shoulder, Cordelia and Wanda chuckling as they follow. ,,Let's get you into bed and all the cuddles you deserve'' the redhead announces as your giggles fill the apartment. And at last, despite the days turning into weeks and weeks turning into months they had managed to finally get their detka back, finally make you remember and have you right back where you belong, in their loving, strong and steady arms.
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hisokaafanpage · 2 years
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ , ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ᴏᴏᴄ ʜɪꜱᴏᴋᴀ 🤍
𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘺: 𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴
18: “𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘐 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘳..?”
25: “𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘵 4 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘮.. 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦?”
Rain pelted down onto the roof of the rundown house. You and Hisoka were out late looking for a certain person, but you guys had decided to keep going the next day even though Hisoka could have probably kept searching. It was extremely obvious that you were tired, and your feet were aching. Searching from 9am that morning, to 2 am at night took quite a toll. Hisoka knew about a slight run down house not far from the place you guys were scavenging through, so you guys decided to stake it out there. There had been a storm coming in also, so it just worked out anyways.
A strike of thunder hitting disturbingly close nearby, making you jump a bit. It was quite early in you and Hisoka’s relationship, not to the comfort level of sleeping in the same bed as eachother for extended periods of time. Hisoka mentioned sleeping in the same bed earlier, but you shut the thought down immediately. You just didn’t feel.. ready? At the time.
It was nearing about four am now, and the rain hadn’t let up. You hugged, swallowing your pride for a moment and stood up. You wrapped the scragged, thin blanket around yourself that had already been here when you and Hisoka had arrived. You slowly walked out of the room, soft steps making their way to the room next door. His room was only a door down, since it was a rather small little shelter in the middle of nowhere.
You creaked open the door to reveal the sleeping clown, shirtless. Your cheeks flushed red a tiny bit, as you opened the door more. You took soft steps towards the bed, him being groggily awake as you got to the edge of the bed.
“Hisoka…” You whispered, placing a soft hand on his shoulder. He turned to place his tired eyes on you, raising a brow. “What..? It's 4am.. what could you possibly need?” He said in a tired, deep voice. Another loud boom of thunder came over, and seemed like it shook the roof. “I see.” The magician grabbed you, wrapping you in his arms.
“I can't believe you woke me up at.. 4am to cuddle cause you were scared. Should I be scared?” Usually, it was Hisoka trying to cuddle you. “You should have just gotten in bed with me doll~ I wouldn’t have minded. ♥️” He said in a low voice in your ear. You could easily hear the tiredness seeping through this voice.
Your mouth twitched up slightly, feeling warm in his arms. You weren’t usually the one to cuddle. But maybe, you could get used to it if it was with Hisoka.
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20. The things you said I wasn't meant to hear; Vashwood
I am feeling soft and squishy this morning, so ignore how long it's been since you sent in this ask and enjoy These Two Dipshits. Inspired by me nearly giving myself hypothermia.
Vash woke up feeling amber-warm and soft. He'd worked himself to the bone the day before, caught in torrential rains that sent mudslides thundering down the hills towards the town. Hours of slinging sandbags and bracing rickety synth wood posts that swelled and burst in the rain with Wolfwood at his side.
Once they'd stemmed the tide, Wolfwood had taken one look at Vash and slung him over his shoulder, saying he looked like a drowned cat. Vash hadn't argued, the downpour sapping his strength and leaving him shivering. He hadn't protested as Wolfwood dragged him bodily into the inn and into their shared room, peeling him out of his sodden leathers and calling him a "sad, skinny onion". Vash's only response had been a wet sneeze.
Since they'd forgone their heroes' feast, one of the servers brought up two plates and hot buttered rum, with a thank you note signed by the patrons. Wolfwood bullied him into eating, even as every bite felt like chewing through bricks and he feared passing out with a mouthful of macaroni.
He didn't really remember falling asleep, and didn't care. He was pressed against Wolfwood's side, barely aware of the world around them. The only thing he could make out with any certainty was the soft hum of his voice.
"Needle-noggin," he murmured. "The needliest noggin. Vash the Stampede. The Humanoid Typhoon. Nah, not a typhoon. Cen't even stand a little rain. Shivery beanpole. Featherhead. How is your hair so soft when you put all'a that shit in it, huh?" He ran a hand lightly over Vash's hair. "Soft as your heart. I swear, you'd still be out there helpin' if I hadn't dragged your sorry ass in." He rambled, saying whatever popped into his head. "Needle-noggin. My needle-noggin."
Vash was his.
Wolfwood kept on, voice barely above a whisper. "Milly calls folks honey. Are you a 'honey'? Sweet enough to be. Sweet to me." He aimlessly brushed his knuckles along Vash's shoulder. "You'd laugh if I called you that, though. Call me a sap. Maybe I am."
It was a good thing that Vash's face was buried under the blanket. His cheeks were red hot.
"Honey," Wolfwood whispered, voice still gravelly from sleep. "Sweetheart. You got a big, sweet heart, doncha, darlin'?" He kept gently stroking Vash's shoulder, fingers tracing the length of his stump.
Vash was going to die.
Wolfwood curled up close to him, wrapping him in his arms. "Let's sleep the day away. I'm still cold as hell, and we've got nowhere to be. Whaddya say?"
He felt Wolfwood freeze, all of the gooeyness leaving him at once.
Vash kept his face pressed into Wolfwood's ribs, his eyes squeezed shut. "M?"
"How long have you been awake?" Wolfwood's voice was taut with embarrassment.
He shrugged. "Dunno. I'm still really out of it." He tried to keep his voice blamelessly breezy. When he shifted his head up to finally look at Wolfwood, he saw that his face was a deep crimson. "Thanks for staying with me."
Wolfwood deflated, clearly thinking he was in the clear. "'Course, needle-noggin."
Vash grinned. "And by the way, my hair's so soft because I use conditioner."
He laughed as Wolfwood shoved him off the bed.
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pastafossa · 2 years
“It’s... Really Yellow?” (Matt Murdock x f!Reader, Fanfic)
Ok so in honor of ALLLLLL the good Charlie news today and us getting a little more of him in the red and yellow suit in the trailers, I’ve decided to finally pull this little drabble out of my folders and finish it since I’ve gotten some requests about what The Red Thread!Reader’s reaction would be to Matt’s new suit. You do NOT have to have read TRT to get this, it’s just a nice bonus (and for those who DO read it, just know this is set *waves* in their future).
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Rating: Mildly NSFW at best. There’s some suggestive stuff, lots of innuendo, but no sex or anything.
Summary: Foggy needs you to help him convince Matt that red and reflective yellow are ridiculous colors to wear as a stealthy Devil. Unfortunately for Foggy, Matt knows exactly how to convince you otherwise.
Wordcount: 2,942
Warnings: innuendo, language, Matt turning the Devil voice on you, bad use of puns, Matt’s ability to look good in literally anything
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“Look at me,” Foggy said fiercely, pointing at your eyes and then his. “You can’t forget what we talked about when he shows up. Ok?”
You scoffed where you’d leaned up against the humming a.c. unit, relaxing on the rooftop as you both waited. At least it was the rooftop of your and Matt’s building. There were far less things to worry about up here. “Of course I’m not going to forget. That’s ridiculous.”
“Good. Because it’s—I don’t know how you missed it last night—”
“I told you. I was asleep when he came in, and he had to leave early this morning for that case.” You rolled one shoulder in a shrug. “I knew he was going to pick up the new suit last night, and I tried to stay up but passed out on the couch. Woke up in bed when he kissed me bye before work. I figured he could just show me tonight when he was done with his patrol.”
“Yeah, see, that’s my point,” he said quickly, absently shaking out one foot. He was probably trying to keep himself awake. It wasn’t often you both tried to stay up for the moment Matt came back from his circuit around the Kitchen. There had to be at least one person who kept normal human hours. “It should have woken you up. You wanna know why? Because it’s—”
“It’s yellow, I know. You’ve said.”
“Yellow!” Foggy thundered, flinging his hands up towards the sky in an apparent show of outrage. “Yellow and red, ketchup and mustard! How is this stealthy unless you’re disguised as a hot dog? He’s-he’s reflective! This is anti-stealth, and he already gets into too much shit when he is stealthy! He should have woken you up like a yellow disco ball or a mustard torch!”
“What even is a mustard torch?” you mused.
“A mustard torch is what he is now,” Foggy groaned, reaching up to scrub at his face. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. ‘Why not black?’ I asked. Do you know what he said? He just blinked at me like he was shocked and said, ‘but I’ve already done black twice, Foggy.’ That’s what he said!”
“I mean… he has, though, so...”
“Listen to me.” Foggy tapped his temple, trying to psych you up. “No getting distracted. He’ll try it. He’ll use every trick he has on you. You’ve seen him in court. And you are our only tiebreaker. Karen’s staying out of it, Jess just mocks every suit he wears, and Spider-kid is too innocent to bring into this. You need to hold the line. You’re the only one who can talk some sense into him about the hot dog colors. I need reconfirmation you’re with me on this. We need to be a united front.”
And granted, you hadn’t actually seen the suit yet since Matt had only gotten it last night and despite your best efforts, you’d unfortunately fallen asleep  before he’d gotten back. But from what Foggy had said, it did sound… a little silly. It was red and yellow—and not just yellow, but apparently a reflective, gleaming yellow. Matt wasn’t exactly the best judge of color, obviously, but surely even he’d realize that painting himself like a reflective road marker would make the whole sneaky devil thing a whole lot more difficult. This was smug. It was cocky. It was…
Alright, so maybe it was just like him, but still. That was what you were here for. You’d be able to tell him he’d gone a little over the line again.
“Trust me,” you told Foggy firmly, nodding your head. You even widened your stance and crossed your arms, determined to stand strong. “I’m on your side.”
“Thank you! We can teamwork this, ok? So he comes, you see it, you point out the obvious, we get him a can of spray paint or something. Literally, any other color as long as it’s dark. I’d take fucking dark blue at this point, I’d take grey, anything but that ridiculous—”
The sudden burst of warmth inside your chest was the only warning you had before you felt the rush of a breeze overhead.
Years ago you might have ducked, but you’d gotten used to it by now, and instead, you barely blinked as Matt’s acrobatic leap carried him over you. The second he'd passed you, he twisted in the air, the movement transitioning into a smooth roll as he hit the ground. The rise to his feet was just as smooth, just as clean, the finish progressing in one fluid motion as he spun to face you before standing still to await your judgement.
“Theatrics!” Foggy barked, poking Matt’s arm. “That’s cheating, and you know it.”
“She needs to get the full effect,” Matt said defensively as Foggy poked him again, and…
Oh, you thought, your eyes sweeping down.
It had been a while since you’d seen him in anything like his first Devil suit, but you remembered fondly the way all that tough leather and strange fabric had drawn your attention to his broad shoulders, the powerful thickness of his thighs, and the endless breadth of his chest. This new suit looked much like the last in shape and in form despite a few obvious and less obvious changes—and if anyone besides Matt would know, it’d be you, since you’d stripped him out of that old suit often enough. And goddamn if you weren’t being reminded once again that Matt Murdock was always a five-course meal no matter what he chose to wear.
Your five-course meal.
“You are literally the color of a highlighter, that’s the only effect she… hey. Hey! Look at me!”
You darted your eyes guiltily back over to Foggy, breathing a little more quickly. “Yup, looking at you. I am focused.”
“The yellow!” he said quickly, jabbing urgently at Matt’s mask. “Remember what we talked about. Ok? Stay strong.”
Matt hummed. “Have you been tampering with the witness, Foggy?”
“It’s called preparing the witness. I’m not about to let you pull your Devil mind tricks on her.”
The yellow.
You could look at him and think about just the yellow.
Matt fixed his attention once more on you when he sensed your gaze return. And ok, so the mask was different. The dark, opaque eye lenses of the mask seemed an almost liquid-black in the low light, endless pools of shadow that saw right through you, saw into you beneath skin and bone, fathomless eyes made all the more startling when set within the gleaming, burnished gold of the full helmet. Because it was gold, not yellow, but gold: rich, rough as if weather-beaten, and luxuriously, dangerously warm, and yes, maybe also abso-fucking-lutely reflective, it was true. It would draw attention, maybe too much. But it… it wasn’t as bad as you’d thought, was it? Somehow, it still managed to look dangerous, like something belonging to a wild, untamed thing that you just wanted so foolishly to touch—
No, no, you needed to focus.
Matt parted his lips the slightest bit, drawing the air in across his tongue on a slow inhale. He swallowed, once, as if savoring the taste. And then…
The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smirk.
“Stop it with the sniffing and tasting thing,” Foggy snapped. “Seriously, she’s not gonna fall for that.”
Matt let his head gradually tilt, his chin tucking down. You knew that look. It was the look of a predator, the motion confident and dripping with intent, with knowledge of what was around him. It was how he hunted, how he hunted you, and your heart skipped a beat on instinct, a reaction far beyond your control. He opened his mouth bit by bit, drawing your attention to his full lips, to the curl of his tongue as he shaped the word.
“Don’t you dare, Murdock!” Foggy bellowed.
“Sweetheart,” Matt purred, his smooth voice nothing but warm smoke and a low, throaty hunger.
“Shit,” you groaned as your knees went weak, your body flooding with heat. It was that voice, damn him: that rasping Devil voice you always swore you could feel drag along your skin like a physical thing, like torn strands of silk, like the burning brush of his mouth and the heat of a flame. When combined with that familiar silhouette and the smooth motions of his body, there was little hope of resisting. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“The color!” Foggy shouted, throwing his hand in front of Matt’s face as if it would break the spell Matt had cast on you just now, cast on you months ago, years ago. “It’s fucking yellow! Focus, woman!”
“I, um… it is… yellow.” You swallowed hard as Matt dragged his tongue across his lips, trailing his fingers smoothly along the billy clubs at his hip. In fact, the rhythm his fingertips took up looked more than familiar enough to have certain parts of your body clenching. “It’s… it is… yellow, and that might be… attention-grabbing. Which is… not a good thing.”
“I think she needs to see the back,” Matt said abruptly.
“Don’t even think about it!” Foggy thundered. “I’ll throw you off this goddamn roof, I don't give a shit about your training!”
“Sweetheart,” Matt crooned. “Would you like to see the back?”
“She would not!”
“...Yes,” you whispered because the only thing as good as Matt’s front was his back, and you’d never seen his ass look like anything less than a five-star masterpiece that belonged in art museums across the world. “Yes, Jesus, let me see.”
“No-ooo,” Foggy moaned, dropping his face into his hands in defeat as Matt pointedly began his gradual spin, showing off his outline with a smug grin. “Jesus, woman. You’re selling your soul for an ass?”
“But it’s his ass,” you mumbled because it was. Matt had the best goddamn ass you’d seen in your life, and that glorious roundness was now cradled deliciously in tight red leather. And maybe Foggy was right. The yellow pattern along the side of Matt’s thighs was a little obvious, but it also brought out just how much muscle was packed on those thighs of his.
You needed him to get over here.
“Does no one see how obvious the yellow is? Am I the only person—”
“D, come here and let me touch your ass,” you whispered.
“I’m absolutely shocked at how scandalous this trial has become.” Matt shook his head as he finished his spin, doing his best to sound at least mildly dismayed, his mouth the mouth of a poor chaste soul who had definitely not fucked you on a church rooftop last month. “And how would your husband feel about that? I see that ring.”
“You two are literally the worst. You cannot be flirting over the ketchup-and-mustard suit. You cannot.”
“Can and am. As for how my husband would feel, he’s given me a free pass for the Devil since Daredevil saves the city on a regular basis,” you said breathlessly as you fixated on the breadth of Matt’s chest. Yeah, you could get used to the yellow. It was a lot but he’d find a way to make it work. “He’s known about my crush on the Devil for ages. So come over here and let me grope the evidence before I rule in your favor.”
Matt let out a playful growl and ran at you, catching you around the waist and throwing you up over his shoulder with ease as you shrieked before bursting into laughter. Matt quickly spun, slapping you once on the ass and making you squirm as he grinned at Foggy and you pointedly began to run your hands curiously over the suit. “Sorry, counselor,” Matt sighed. “Sounds like the verdict’s been rendered in my favor. Better luck next time.”
“You only won because you cheated!” Foggy groaned as Matt sauntered backwards towards the rooftop door. Hopefully Foggy thought that stumble was because Matt had misstepped, and not because you had, in fact, begun to grope hungrily at Matt’s ass. He couldn’t blame you. It was right there. “This was not a fair trial, and I object!”
“Objection denied. No cheating needed,” Matt snorted. “You should have known better than to put my wife on the stand.”
“I’m a weak woman when it comes to my husband’s ass and chest, especially when paired with the Devil head tilt,” you agreed. “I have not hidden this. I acknowledge my flaws.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know you were this weak,” Foggy scoffed, crossing his arms.
Matt spun, slapping your ass again as you shrugged at Foggy, somewhat difficult considering you were still lazily draped over Matt’s shoulder, but you did your best. It wasn’t like you minded, after all. You had a great view of Matt’s ass from here. “Sorry, Foggy. I’ll make it up to you, but I gotta side with D on this one. I rule in favor of these ass-ets.”
“Oh,” Matt sighed, as Foggy made a retching sound. “Now I’ll really have to punish you, because that was a crime.”
“How many more years will I get if I slap your ass right now as an additional crime?”
“A lifetime sentence, Mrs. Murdock. I’d advise you to think very carefully before acting.”
You pretended to think about it for all of about point-five seconds. “Done.”
His chest rumbled against your legs as a heated shudder rolled up his body beneath you, a motion easy to track with you draped over his shoulder, with your gaze fixed firmly on the line of him. And you’d gotten him good. The texture was a little different than the last Devil suit, but you still got a nice, loud sound of it, even if nothing would compare to bare, unobstructed skin.
He tilted his head very, very carefully, his lips brushing against your side. “You’re going to pay for that one when I get you inside, sweetheart,” he murmured, so quietly you knew it was just for you.
You were counting on it.
Foggy rolled his eyes as Matt wrenched open the rooftop door, and you threw Foggy a salute. “Despite my utter betrayal, I want you to know I love you, can’t wait to see that movie tomorrow. Use the other door on your way out, we’ll be locking this one.”
“Mustard-lover!” he threw at you, as you dropped your head to blatantly watch Matt’s ass again, the door shutting behind you both.
The second you were inside, Matt set you down carefully. Then he turned and stepped into you, herding you back with the broad line of his body. You gave in happily, ceding ground as he prowled forward until your back hit the wall, a shiver of anticipation running through you.
This never got old.
Your breath caught when he dipped his head, tilting it as he listened to the sound of your body, his tongue darting against his lips as he tasted you on the air, and you swallowed down an eager moan. He swayed in closer then, tempting you, inching closer until his mouth hovered over yours. Only then did his arms rise so he could brace his hands on either side of you, caging you in. Just like that, you were trapped, the Devil looming over you in heated shades of red and gold, rich lust and glorious indulgence. “Mm, now, sweetheart, I have one very important question before we start.”
Fuck, there was that voice again, nice and low. You couldn’t resist reaching out to touch him again, sliding your hands boldly up from his waist to fan out across his chest. “Uh huh?”
“Suit on,” he purred, his lips feathering against yours with each sinful world, “or suit off?”
“Suit definitely on,” you hummed, sliding your arms around him to drag your nails down the line of his back. “Someone’s gotta break it in, right?”
He threw you a feral grin, then, the low huff of his laugh rolling rich across your skin. “Did I ever tell you I love you?”
“Every day, D. Every beautiful day.”
“Ok, but is it… how yellow is it, really?”
“I mean, you’re not mustard-colored like Foggy says. More gold. But let’s just say if you polish that helmet too much, you might cause a car accident. That shit is really reflective now that I think about it.”
“Hm. I may have to change that in the future.”
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