#and as someone with adopted family idk it makes me SO mad
spookberry · 2 years
op was that last post about voltron im so sorry if its not btw i promise ive never watched voltron
It wasnt about voltron but the sentiment extends to them as well
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spam-extemporal · 2 months
Dcxdp where Danny has been working with a hero team (did Bruce adopt him? Did he help the teen titans and got told to join them? Idk) for less than a year, maybe they knew eachother for longer, but Danny has been living with them for some months.
Now, I imagined this as a "Danny has to flee to a different dimension after a giw attack/reveal gone wrong" but it can work with other scenarios, the important thing is, death days are important for a ghost's wellbeing, but nobody knows/remembers Danny's deathday or that it's important to commemorate the dead. Maybe he hasn't told anyone yet cause he doesn't want to be a bother, or doesn't trust them enough yet.
So Danny takes the matter on his own hands, each year he goes to a quiet corner of the local graveyard, where he has a piece of marble and a small vase, he usually buys some flowers for his memorial grave and makes some fudge as an offering.
This year wasn't gonna be different, he told his team/family that he was gonna spend the day out, he chose an elegant but comfortable outfit, made some fudge, and saved it on the fridge with a note that said "phantom, do not eat".
The next part might work better with a young hero team, cause despite the note, someone took a bite of the fudge for breakfast.
Danny clearly gets mad, they didn't know, but they just ate an offering, a great offense to the dead it was offered to.
It all ends in a big fight, Danny doesn't want to admit that it was an offering for himself (it just hurts to admit that nobody remembers his death), and the other person thinks he's just having a tantrum over some fudge, like, c'mon, they can make you some if it's SO important to you 😒
And I don't know how to end it cause it came to me while falling asleep and don't remember more T-T
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yangbbokari · 8 months
Back To Me
Pairing: Kim!Seungmin x F!Reader
Genre/AU/Tropes: Angst, non-idol!au, lovers to exes
Warnings: breakup, language, regrets(if that counts idk), implied cheating, daddy issues
WC: 2.5k
Summary: Things with Seungmin just didn’t seem to ever look up and when you confront him about it, he lashes out
A.N: !NOT PROOF READ!Feedback is greatly appreciated*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。also, I’ve been obsessed with “Back To Me” by The Rose since it came out and this ff idea has been weighing heavily on my mind. I am not implying that said idol(s) behave anywhere near what is mentioned in this ff. Inspo from 
Song rec: ‘Back To Me’ by The Rose
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You can still remember those sweet moments with Seungmin. You ran along the seashore as he snapped pictures with his camera you gifted him on his birthday. He took you on a short trip to the park and took pictures of you with your hair blowing in the wind. The both of you laid beside each other, getting lost in the other’s eyes.
But you can’t remember when it all started. What caused that sudden change in your relationship? Was it you? Was it him? You would never know…
You didn’t sense it. It all kind of just… happened. Slowly, Seungmin started to grow distant from you. You wish you knew why. I mean, you could’ve just asked him what’s wrong right? Well, the answer is no. How do you ask someone who’s never home and doesn’t reply to your texts? On days he would actually come home, he wouldn’t talk to you. When he did, all he would do was lash out at you for things that weren’t even your fault.
You tried to support him, you really did. You always kept your calm and told yourself it was just because of his stress stemming from work. But it wasn’t long before it broke you down. Nipping at even your smallest insecurities. So on one of the days when he came home, you just said it all to him.
As soon as you heard the door open, so did your mouth. “Come eat dinner. It’s gonna get co- I’m not hungry”, he cut you off. You got up from your seat at the table and forced him to sit down. He sighed heavily. “What do you want, Y/n. You're driving me crazy. I have enough shit from work and now you're being so demanding.” You scoff. You don’t know where it came from but a fire set ablaze in your eyes and all you felt was irritation.
I can make you mad, I can make you scream
“I’m the one driving you crazy!? I’ve just been looking after you and trying to help you through this stress. But suddenly I’m the problem? You know what? I’m tired of this. You can’t just blame me for shit I didn’t even know of. I’m trying to be a good girlfriend and for what? For you just to come home and berate me when you feel like it?” You were breathing heavily by now and the anger consumed you. “Well, you’re not the one working are you? You’re not the one earning money. You’re not the one putting food on the table. You’re not th- But I’m the one trying to make this relationship survive!!!”, you cut him off because you couldn't bear to hear those words come from his mouth. He knew how much they hurt you. 
Your dad said the exact same words before leaving you on your own with your sick and dying mother. When your mother died, it left you in shambles. You were barely 12 then and so your aunt adopted you. And she treated you like her own. She was the only family you had left until you met Seungmin. But now it feels like she was and still is the only family you have left.
Seungmin huffed before taking a bite of food. But, he immediately spit back out along with his venomous words. “What the fuck is this!? It’s salty as hell! And you wonder why I’m not eating this shit.” Before you could even process his words, you heard the front door shut. You were all alone now. Again.
I can make you cry
After taking a shower you had no strength to do anything else. It wasn’t exactly a physical problem. You were just mentally and emotionally exhausted. You laid down in bed and curled yourself in a tight ball, with the blankets covering you. You felt vulnerable and weak. Like you couldn’t do anything to save your once perfect relationship with Seungmin. Suddenly your face began to feel wet. You were crying. But now, you were beyond the point of just crying. You were sobbing uncontrollably. 
Did he fall out of love with you? Or was he just playing you all along? Did he find someone already and he was waiting for a perfect chance to break up? Why did he change? Was it because of you? Or was this his true self and you were too blinded by love to realize it? What happened to that sweet smile that was always hidden behind the camera? What happened to his velvety laughs that would echo through the night? What went wrong..?
You ended up crying yourself to sleep but when you woke up, you found that you had a cold. It must’ve been from the crying last night. You felt your head pounding from all sides. You quickly went to the kitchen and took some painkillers. If Seungmin was here right now, he would be the one taking care of you. Does he even want to be here?
“No. Stop thinking about him, Y/n. He’s the reason you’re like this.”, you thought out loud. You hated the thought of even contacting him in the state you were in, but you needed someone there while you were sick.
Calling all day but I never pick up, instead of pulling my weight always pushin’ my luck
So you called him.
No answer.
Called him again…
No answer.
The cycle went on a couple more times before you sent a voice message. 
“Hey, Baby. I’m sorry for what happened last night. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that and I understand that you’re also busy and stressed. But can you please come home? I just really need you here right now.”
It has now been several days and your fever isn't getting any better. You spend most of your time in bed but force yourself to take medicine and find something to eat. Left with no choice, you called your friend.
Yuna came over in no time, making sure that you weren’t hurt. But she could clearly see how much you were burning up and the immediate help you needed. She nursed you over the weekend until you were okay. When she asked about Seungmin and found out what happened, she tried her best to convince you to leave him. She always knew that he would do no good for you. But you wouldn’t listen. You refused to. It was only a fight between the two of you. He'd come back to you. Right?
You gave me all that I could take, yeah I take it all for granted. Head up in the clouds, yeah I'll never understand it
Seungmin didn't even return until a full three months later. When he arrived, he wouldn't even look at you. Even though he laid beside you to sleep at night, there was nothing but a wall between you two. It was suffocating you. But it clearly wasn't having the same effect on Seungmin. He would giggle in the middle of the night at some tiktoks he was watching, not minding that he'd wake you up.
It was all so frustrating but you just couldn't find it in you to leave him. Well... that's what you thought at first.
Love no longer remained and if there was any, it was fully one-sided. You were sick of this. The constant mental torture was doing you no good and it slowly killed you. It didn't feel as if you were even a couple. You felt like a caretaker. That's not what you bargained for when you started this relationship.
You tried everything in the books to get him to open up to you. Only to learn, that he was just getting tired of you. You no longer interested him. Or so he said,
"Meh. I've just been bored and trying to find a better entertainment source."
You were so fed up with his, if not irritated, nonchalant attitude. When would he realize that he was hurting you. This internal rage was constantly being built up and you just couldn't handle it anymore.
So you opted for the only choice left. To leave him.
I can make you leave. I can make you hate me for everything.
You packed your clothes and belongings into every box and suitcase you could afford and sent it off to your aunt's. You had already told her of the plan and she agreed. Now all that was left was for him to return home. Time ticked by and the anticipation was killing you. Your knee bounced furiously. You were chewing on your thumb nail until you heard the click of the front door. An exhausted Seungmin stepped through.
"Hey, Seungie. Can we talk?"
He groaned as he walked past you. "Let's talk tomorrow. I'm too tired."
"No. We need to talk like now. It's really important. Please?"
Seungmin rolled his eyes before walking back over to you. "What's so important that you're disturbing my rest?"
You nervously fiddled with your hands. It was more nerve-wracking than you thought. You mustered up the last of your courage you had left and looked him in the eye.
"Let's break up."
"Let's go our own seperate ways and break up."
"Okay." He waved you off as he headed to the bedroom to sleep.
Shocked wasn't exactly how you'd describe yourself. To be honest, you kind of expected this. They way he brushed things off so easily wasn't new to you. So you didn't even cry. You just grabbed what you had left and made your way to your aunt's house.
As soon as she embraced you, that's when you let your tears fall. It hurt all too much. Everything that Seungmin had been doing to you for the past two years were spilled out in the hour long conversation shared between you and your aunt. Your hatred only continued to grow for Seungmin and soon, all that was left was hatred for him.
Seungmin didn't even notice that you never came to bed. In fact, everything you previously said flew over his head from his exhaustion. It wasn't until he had awoken that he realized you were nowhere in sight. At first he assumed that you may have went to cook breakfast or collect grocceries. But then he remembered what happened last night. He covered his mouth and his eyes began to water.
He began remembering the horrible things he's been saying to you. He didn't mean any of it. Most of the time it wasn't even directed towards you. It was just pure exhaustion. He only tried to come off as happy so he wouldn't upset you. But that only seemed to make it worse.
What he chose to do though, was give you time. He knew he wasn't the exact person you wanted to talk to at the moment. He shook his head at himself. You'd be back in a week hopefully. That's what he thought up until he felt like the house was a little too empty. SO he checked every nook and cranny. None of your belongings remained. No toothbrush, no clothes, no books, no devices, no personal items. Not even your scent lingered.
God, what had he done?
Calling all day, trynna make things right
Seungmin quickly grabbed his phone and called you. His fingers ran through his hair as the call never made it through time and time again. Now he was extremely worried. What if something happened to you?
So he called your closest friend, Yuna. She picked up rather quickly.
"The hell do you want, assface?" She said almost immediately.
Seungmin swallowed hard before asking her, "Do you know where y/n is? I haven't been able to reach her. Do you know if she's okay?"
"Shouldn't you be able to know the whereabouts of your own girlfriend?"
"Look I really don't know and I'm worried. Something went on last night and she's not home. Now my calls aren't getting through and I don't know what to think."
"Well to me, it looks like she finally took my advice. Have a horrible day, bitch." And with that, Yuna hung up.
"FUCK!!" Seungmin cursed loudly as he flung his phone across the room. Had you really left him? Was he that horrible of a person? He chuckled. Who was he kidding? Of course he was that horrible. The amount of pain he must've inflicted on you. His heart clenched.
He began crying as that was all there was to do left.
It's been a couple of months and both of you were trying to move on. Was it easy? No. At least you both tried though. But fate seemed to have other plans.
Just to fuck it all up when I see you tonight. Since you told me hit the road, I've been runnin' on empty, If anything I know it's how to ruin a happy ending
It was a Friday night and Seungmin chose to spend it at a local bar. Guess that bar must've been a little too local. Because there you were, standing just 20 feet away from him. Seungmin could feel his heartbeat accelerate. He so desperately wanted to run and hug you. It felt like hell without you.
You were no longer there to remind him that he was loved. You were no longer there wishing him good nights and good mornings. You were no longer there to cook him his everyday meals. You were no longer there to give him a goodbye kiss.
But you were here, with another man. Seungmin knew he had no right but he couldn’t help but feel jealous. You told him that you’d always be his so why was it different now? Truth was, he knew the answer. Anger and jealousy blinded him though.
He stomped the whole way over there and yanked you by the wrist. “Who’s this!?” He asked angrily. “What the fuck, Seungmin! Why the hell are you here!?” Seungmin didn’t even hear you as he suddenly flung his fist into the dude’s face.
You grabbed Seungmin by the collar and pulled him towards you, landing a hard smack on his face. “Stop, you fucking asshole.”
He immediately snapped out of it. Seungmin looked at you apologetically but it was already too late. He could see it in your eyes. The disgust, hat and annoyance. How could he do that to you?
”Wait, y/n…”
And he couldn’t even salvage it. So he left. That’s all he could do. He knew you wouldn’t take him back. When he thought about it, he wouldn’t take himself back either. So he began drinking. Drinking all the pain away.
But I can’t make you come back to me
He’d lost you completely and there was nothing he could do. He wanted to scream at you that you couldn’t leave him. But he knew he was in the wrong. On your wedding day he watched as you posted the photos. You and some other dude instead of you and him.
He couldn’t find the strength in him to go to the actual event. He’d lose control if he did. He wanted to tell you,
“I’m sorry.”
But what good would that do. If he truly wanted you to be happy, he’d leave you alone, and that’s what he did. He watched you from afar. He still cried from time to time. He was happy for you. But he had to admit,
“But, I still wan’t you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a.n: this has been on pause for 3 months now😭 and idk if ya caught on to the 2nd song at the end but yeah. Anyways, hope ya enjoyed bc this has been a long awaited fix. Sry to anyone who was waiting. Have a great day/night!!! Love y’all!!🫶💕💗
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
So I have this one scene in my head, that won't go away unless someone writes it😅
So it's like 10 years after season 4. Everybody is "grown up" , moved away, married, have kids, etc. They have a reunion at the park in Hawkins/Indy Idk?
Eddie is watching the kids. Suddenly a woman comes up to him saying his kid hit/pushed her kid. Eddie who saw the whole thing, says his kid was just defending them self from her kids bullying. The woman asks Eddie, if the kids mother would agree to this behavior. Cue Eddie calling out Honey! And then introducing Steve as their kids mother🤣
Its not much to go on plot vice, but I'm hoping your amazing brain can fill in the blanks😅
I am a Steve secretly likes being called mom truther. Sorry to everyone who isn't. I full believe Eddie started it as a joke, but he noticed the blush on Steve's face and kept doing it, and then the kids just naturally picked up on it and refer to him as both mom and dad depending on the situation. Imagine the confusion on a teacher's face when their troublemaker tells the principal "my mom is gonna be so mad that someone pushed me" and in walks a raging Steve. It's giving comedic relief. I didn't really include a whole lot of everyone in this, just mentioned it was a reunion and had a few moments with the Party. Hope that's okay, it's just difficult to include EVERYONE in a short ficlet. - Mickala ❤️
They came back to Hawkins as often as they could to visit Wayne, especially once they adopted Hannah. Shortly after Nancy offered to be a surrogate for them, they ended up adopting Hannah’s baby sister, Lucy. In case that wasn’t enough, they still decided to take Nancy up on her offer, and they ended up with twins (“can’t do anything halfway, can you?” was Robin’s reaction) Ben and Molly.
Everything happened so quickly, all within two years, that Steve and Eddie turned to Wayne often as their calming presence.
At six years old, Hannah was a spitfire. She had Eddie’s personality despite not being theirs until she was four: unapologetically herself, loud, dramatic, and so fucking smart it scared them both. Lucy, at two (and a half!), was already well on her way to being the same way.
But this visit to Hawkins was different.
Everyone was back.
All the kids, who were far from kids now, and their significant others and kids decided to have a reunion over Labor Day weekend.
Eddie just got off a tour a few weeks earlier, a tour that proved to be quite chaotic when he insisted his entire family join him for two months on the road. Steve argued that it wasn’t necessary, that they would be fine for two months as long as he called every day, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
They took up a whole tour bus by themselves, but the rest of his band loved the kids. They brought Hannah on stage for soundcheck, they even had special headphones made just for her to be able to watch and play the instruments.
Steve usually used soundcheck time to walk with Lucy, find a place where she can run around and let loose all that toddler energy. Most venues they stopped at had a large backstage parking area for the buses and equipment vans, so while Lucy would run around and find weird bugs and sticks, Steve would push Ben and Molly in the double stroller so they could get some fresh air.
Once the doors opened, Eddie brought Hannah back to him and they went back to the bus so Steve could make them all their dinner, give them their baths, and put them to bed. They’d converted the bottom bunk spaces of the bus to a crib space for the twins and Lucy, and made the top bunk more kid friendly for Hannah.
It worked, and it was fun, and it was an experience that they all were happy to have together, but it was exhausting for all of them.
Being back in Hawkins was almost like a vacation.
Compared to the rush, rush, rush environment of tour, Hawkins was sit back, relax, enjoy the breeze.
Especially because everyone wanted their turn holding and playing with the kids. There were some points in the day that Eddie didn’t even know which adult his kids were with, but he was fine with it because Steve was sitting in his lap, more relaxed than he’d been in close to a year.
“Love you, Stevie,” Eddie mumbled against his hair, smiling as Steve curled further into his chest.
“Love you, too, baby.”
“Well aren’t you two just adorable,” Wayne said as he took the seat next to them, Ben asleep in his arms.
“When did he fall asleep?” Steve asked, voice low so he wouldn’t startle Ben.
“About 20 minutes ago.”
“You can go set him in the pack and play.”
“Nah. I wanna get as much time with these kiddos as I can,” Wayne said as he smiled down at Ben.
“Is Molly sleeping anywhere?” Eddie asked.
“Last I saw, Max was trying to get her to crawl in the living room, but I don’t think Molly is very interested.” Wayne started rocking back and forth slightly, like he did anytime he held a baby, whether they were asleep or not. “I heard Hannah ask if she could go to the park. If you wanna take her and Luce, we can keep the babies here for a bit.”
Eddie patted Steve’s back, silently asking him to let him up.
“I can take them. Stevie, you can stay here and get some rest.”
“No, I’ll come. Lucy will want someone to push her on the swings the whole time and Hannah won’t want to even look at the swings. It takes two with them.”
They made their way into the house to collect Hannah and Lucy, smiling at the way Max and Will were trying to bribe Molly to crawl with toys.
There was only one actual park in Hawkins, and the playground had only been added about five years ago as more people started moving back into town. It wasn’t impressive, especially compared to their Chicago parks and playgrounds, but Hannah and Lucy weren’t picky.
As expected, Lucy ran straight to the swings, yelling “Ma! Push me on swings please!”
Steve rolled his eyes fondly, but followed her over to them, preparing himself for the next 30 minutes of pushing her back and forth.
Hannah, well, she was a wild child. Literally, Eddie has had to drag her out of a hole she dug in their backyard once because she thought it could be her new bedroom. She cried when she thought that the bugs would hate her for leaving them. She found fun in any outdoor environment, which was good because the playground didn’t have a whole lot to offer other than one slide, a small set of monkey bars, and one tube to run through.
There were only a few other kids playing, all the parents standing off to the side or sitting on the bench.
All moms who would probably not want to talk to Eddie, especially if they recognized him and had been living in Hawkins during the whole, well, thing.
He stood away from everyone, just keeping an eye on Hannah, but occasionally looking over to Steve and Lucy. Lucy was ecstatic, he could hear her yelling “High! Up! High!” and Steve smiling as he pushed her just a tiny bit higher.
It was during one of those moments that he heard a yell and then heard someone walking over to him.
He turned to see a woman, probably pretty close to his age, coming up to him with a stern look on her face.
Oh boy.
He sighed as she stopped in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest.
He glanced at Hannah, who was being shoved by a boy maybe a year or two older than her. Hannah just raised her brow and shoved him back.
He looked back at the mom in front of him, assuming she was the boy’s parent.
“May I help you?”
“You may. Your daughter just pushed my son!”
“Is your son the one I just watched shove her?”
“If he did, it was to defend himself.”
“Hm.” Eddie glanced back up to see the boy crying and Hannah walking towards him. “Maybe your son should keep his hands to himself if he doesn’t like being pushed.”
“Maybe your daughter should learn to move out of the way.”
Eddie smirked as Hannah came up next to him.
“Hannah, wanna tell me what just happened?”
“He told me that I was too fat to go on the slide so I told him I would show him that I wasn’t. And then he tried to pull me away and I didn’t let him so he said that he was going to push me off the top. He tried to, but I’m strong, so he couldn’t. I pushed him back.”
Eddie nodded.
It’s not that he thought his kids were perfect. Far from it.
He got calls frequently from Hannah’s school that she was being too rough with the kids, and he had to remind her that a lot of kids don’t play that way. She never had bad intentions, she just didn’t know how strong she was. Kind of like a large breed dog thinking he can still sit in your lap when he’s fully grown.
But he also knew that because she had never had bad intentions, there was no way she did anything that wasn’t in defense of herself.
“It sounds like your son was rude and put his hands on her first,” Eddie said to the woman, who was turning a violent shade of red.
“There is no way her mother would allow her to act like this. This is inappropriate for young girls.”
Even Hannah knew that was the wrong thing to say.
She covered her face and shook her head and Eddie couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“What is so funny?” the woman asked angrily.
“Her mother is the one who taught her how to defend herself, but if you’d like to talk…” Eddie turned to the swings, where Steve was focused on Lucy. “Sweetheart! Can you come here for a second?”
Steve looked over to him with a frown, grabbing Lucy from the swing and mumbling something to her when she looked disappointed that they were done.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as he looked down at Hannah, who was patiently waiting to see what Steve was about to do to this woman.
Eddie absolutely loved his children equally, he really did. But Hannah was something else entirely. He felt connected to her in ways that he hadn’t expected when they first met her. If it were possible, he would think she was his biologically with how similar they were in personality, how they both had the same dark curls, brown eyes, loud laugh, and smirk.
The woman seemed surprised to see Steve come over, but quickly went back to the angered demeanor of a moment ago.
“Your daughter tried to hurt my son.”
This woman was not going to convince Steve of that even if she somehow managed to record it on camera.
“What did your son do?”
“I beg your pardon! He didn’t do anything except try to take a turn on the slide.”
“Right.” Steve looked at Eddie, who gave a small shake of his head, then down at Hannah who did the same. “My sources seem to remember things differently.”
“Ma, he said I was too fat and then tried to pull me away!” Hannah was getting more upset now, not because she was in trouble, but because it was interrupting her playtime.
“Which one is your son?” Steve asked.
Oh no. That was the bitchy tone.
Eddie loved where this was going.
“The one getting off the slide,” the woman pointed, but immediately tried to start arguing. “She had no right to push him no matter what he may or may not have said.”
“The kid who is currently pushing another girl out of his way?”
The woman looked over and gritted her teeth together.
“Daddy, Ma, he’s mean!” Lucy yelled as she held Hannah’s hand.
“Yes, baby, he is being mean. That’s why we taught you and your sister to stand up for yourselves when someone is bullying you,” Eddie said pointedly.
“Kids like that grow up to be mean adults who don’t have friends and raise their own kids to be mean,” Steve added with a glare at the mom.
“We all have to take turns on the slide,” Hannah nodded in agreement.
“Ma! Ma! Swing again!” Lucy suddenly yelled, totally over the way this conversation was taking away from her valuable swinging time.
“Sure, baby.” Steve turned to the seething woman in front of them. “Are we done here or do I have to go on about how your son is going to peak in high school just like you did?”
She stormed off without another word, no match for Steve when he was in Mama Bear Mode.
It was so fucking hot.
Steve sighed.
“I’m proud of you Hannah Banana. You okay?” Steve knelt down so he was eye level with her, and pulled her into a hug.
“Can we go to another park, Ma?”
“Sorry, baby, this is the only one here. We can go back to Papa Wayne’s house, though.”
“Can I swing with Lucy?” Hannah asked.
“Of course. How about we swing for another ten minutes and then we get some ice cream?”
Eddie perked up at that.
“Ice cream!”
“You’re worse than the children,” Steve smirked at Eddie.
“Ice cream!” Lucy yelled.
“Can I have strawberry?” Hannah asked excitedly.
“Sure,” Steve ruffled her hair. “Strawberry’s my favorite, too.”
“Brownie!” Lucy yelled, eyes wide.
“That’s my girl! We’ll get brownie ice cream,” Eddie said as he lifted her up into his arms and walked her over to the swings.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, which is exactly how they liked it.
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pansy-picnics · 5 months
Sorry but your recent artwork has me thinking about parent Varigo and I have to dump my thoughts somewhere. I feel like, if they actually had a kid it would be really emotional for them but in different ways. Varian finds out he’s pregnant and is a little scared at first, but he actually adjusts to the idea pretty fast and is excited about it, because he’s in a good place now and has a good support system. He doesn’t have to worry about his family judging him, he knows they’ll still see him for who he is. Hugo on the other hand is terrified. But not because he doesn’t wanna be a dad, he’s pretty excited about that, he’s just really scared that Varian is going to get sick from the pregnancy, or that the whole experience is gonna be too much for him. He feels like this is just another thing he’s “putting Varian through” because he’s still not quite over the guilt of his betrayal years ago, and now it’s coming back to haunt him. They work it out of course and Hugo realizes that it’s gonna be okay and that he also can depend on Varian’s family for support because they’re his family too. Now I’m emotional. Anyway I love your art <3
AUGHHHH YEAH YEAH THIS IS SO REAL!!!!! i love plots like that fr, their characters are so fun to explore😭😭😭 Honestly? i think in the right circumstances hugo could be a deadbeat dad. like he could just straight up leave bc he’s paranoid varian or the kid would get hurt or he’d put them in danger or something. he’s the kind of guy who’s always Running! like i could think of scenarios where he’d run away on their wedding day too. those are both horrible extremes SORRY FOR THE ANGST I JUST THINK IT’S NEAT.
i think hugo’s always WANTED a family but its something she’s always viewed as unachievable, mostly bc of the shitty living situation hes been in for most of his life. she could barely survive on her own and she’d never want to drag someone else into that yk? and she’s still scared of that commitment even after she moves into the castle, bc what if she DID have a kid and then something happened and she couldn’t take care of them anymore, or she ends up on the streets again….and what if she just ends up abandoning them? what if she’s no better than the parents she never even knew? it’s like, obviously she wouldn’t do any of those things or be in those situations but she has….a Lot of anxiety around it for sure. but i also think that she tries to adopt literally every orphan she and varian see. she LOVES kids as much as she pretends she doesn’t and its very obvious….she just hasn’t really had the privilege to be able to think about it until now.
varian…i think he goes either way, he doesn’t really plan to have kids but he’ll kinda learn to adjust to whatever, he’s also just a very family oriented guy so he’s definitely not opposed to that kind of role. in my head they usually adopt bc i think varian like, Hates anything related to the human body at all so even disregarding the gender dysphoria pregnancy is SO gross to him. idk why i just think he’s silly like that. hell make bombs and poisonous chemicals but he remembers people have organs and he wants to throw up. i’m not opposed to the idea of them having biological kids at all though…especially considering all the art i’ve already drawn for it’s us against the world LOL. personally i think even if he weren’t opposed to the idea he’d be miserable the entire time, and not even like in a serious way necessarily he’s just REALLY mad that he can’t work in the lab anymore. he’s pissed about EVERYTHING, actually. he’s bored and he’s tired and he can’t work and he feels like shit and he doesn’t really have any other hobbies either. his whole life and routine has been completely fucked over for nine months and SURE he loves the kid and he’s excited but like why does it need to be in there that long. why can’t it just come from the stork or something. 🙄/j
i think he might pick a few fights with hugo bc of it, just because he’s so overwhelmed and emotional and doesn’t know how to handle it, but hugo’s really understanding; also they’ll honestly take any kind of treatment from him because they’re like, “Yeah i probably deserved that”. which varian does NOT like btw and always gets on his ass later to stick up for himself more while also in tears apologizing for yelling at him
idk i just think them as parents would be Sooo silly. neither of them have any clue what they’re doing. dude if those two had a baby? Dude can you imagine? varian’s sooo fucking sheltered i think he’s only interacted with like, 2 babies in his entire life. quirin stays with them for tje first few weeks bc varian literally just has NO clue what he’s doing and is crying to him all the time. and hugo like, has an idea of what to do but he’s also SUPER paranoid. they’re both just staring at the kid while they sleep not so much out of adoration but because they’re just terrified they’ll stop breathing at any moment. you cant convince me that either of them know how to change a diaper. They’re gonna bring out like full lab gear. like the gag where the dads will pull out full hazmat suits for the diaper change. That’s them idc
ruddiger is also SO protective of their kids from the moment they’re born, like he jumps up into the crib and snuggles up with them and they always IMMEDIATELY stop crying. olivia is the opposite. she’s kinda like a toddler who just got a new sibling she didn’t want. shes pissed that she isn’t getting hugo’s full attention and keeps being a brat about it. hugo’s just trying to calm down his baby and olivias glaring at him while she’s about to push a glass off the table
yeah idk i. have a lot of thoughts abt them too they’re so beloved to me
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corvidae-corvus · 7 months
So does anybody want to read a Spider-Man and Batman Crossover fic.
So the fic would be like
Peter ends up in the DC universe right? And he ends up in Gotham.
But he's not the only one who ends up the DC verse.
And like they were all revived by the Lazarus pit.
So now you've got 5 people with Lazarus Pit madness, all in Gotham separated (except Mary and Richard) all with green eyes and their hair has a white streak. One of them has super strength. 2 of them used to be shield Agents (that's my head cannon). And the other two are very nice but also very emotional. Ben is the calm one and May is the not so calm one.
It's also a Jason/Peter Parker fic.
Jason is 19 and Peter is 18 so like...is Damien introduced yet or nah? Like who's part of the bat-family and Jason at the time of me writing the fanfic is like no longer trying to kill them or anything but still hates Bruce and Tim and just the batfam in general.
Should I even make it a Peter/Jason fic? Idk cause like peter isn't gonna be adopted by the batfam.
Anyways I also want the fanfic to include Gotham City and the people who live there. Like everyday Gotham citizens just react to 5 of the kindest people they ever meet and they're all like...damn tourists. But then like they start to know them and they're like that's weird.
And like Gothamites can be kind to one another and stuff but they show their kindness way differently than the Parkers. Like they're waaayyyy gentler than any Gothamite.
And they're like oof, Gotham's gonna eat them up and spit them out. But NO. They like, survive and they're all a little feral but they're still HERE and they're trying to change Gotham and May opens up a homeless center like back home and it's called F.E.A.S.T and Mary and Richard are low-key crazy dangerous. Also Richard Parker looks EXACTLY like Dick Grayson huh...Ben is like the nicest one and the 18 year old is somehow the most feral and protective person they've ever met. Like that kid will cut a bitch. He's not afraid to break someone's arm if they look at his family a certain way.
And then there's Spider-Man who's new and super nice too but also willing to fuck over the batfam.
And just... Does anyone want to read a fanfic like this? If so y'all gotta help me. I'm currently reading a single Batman comic. But I've never read a Spider-Man comic. I've only ever watched the MCU and other Spider-Man movies. Watched the ultimate Spider-Man TV animated show. And watched justice League animated movies with Batman in it. (currently on season 2 of justice League unlimited). So um yea...I only have the summary written...any ideas?
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lovecolibri · 2 months
Okay, so I almost said this around episode 4, but held off and then it got MORE, now I kinda HAVE to but...Not to discredit the handful of important moments to come out of s5-6 but s7 really felt so much like you could skip from s4 right to s7. Like, the Bobby and Athena needing to actually TALK to each other instead of just expertly managing chaos together storyline that got dropped was back, Hen and Karen are working on adopting a little girl, Maddie and Chim are together and working on wedding plans, Eddie is trapped with someone he's trying to make Too Serious Too Fast because he thinks he knows what he is supposed to do for his son, and Buck is dating someone with the initials TK that he met in a helicopter and kissed him in a moment of surprise while he was worrying about Eddie.
AND THEN!! Oliver came out and said with his whole chest that FOX shut down this kind of storyline a couple years ago, and s5-6 had a different showrunner, and now Tim is back and picking up where he left off and IDK what the point of this is except we were RIGHT. The comment from TK in the LS crossover was something!! The shooting being framed Like That was SOMETHING!! The way Buck and Eddie look at each other IS SOMETHING. And Oliver and Ryan know it, and HAVE known it, and they were trying so hard to the point Oliver was already going to go full rogue this season.
And YES it's good to know! It's good to be validated that despite what KR said, we were NOT just seeing things. But it also hurts to look at all the time and storylines we lost, and for WHAT? Eddie cut out of his own shooting arc and it wrapped up with no recovery. Eddie's breakdown sidelined and tacked onto the end of an episode to make room for a side character even the GA didn't want. Eddie excluded from the coma!Buck arc almost entirely while the narrative of that episode tried to eat itself trying to be about bio family above all while also found family is family, and Buck is choosing to live for himself while also saying everyone is worse off and it's his fault for not being there because the storyline it SHOULD have been didn't exist.
I just....I'm vindicated, but also SO mad. Seething. Because money hungry execs looking at spreadsheets making calls about art and how the storyteller should change things will never NOT get me ready to throw hands.
RIP post shooting Buddie canon, you will always be famous. We're getting another shot at this, but it doesn't mean we can't mourn what we lost (or what we had to endure for no reason).
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slytherinshua · 14 days
I think cause I’m so stressed w school but still want to post I’m finally gonna focus on all the reqs in my inbox instead of my own brain thinking of fic ideas cause it’s so fried rn lol (watch me not follow through w this later on 🧍‍♀️) also just let me ramble for a bit this isn’t rly important but it’s just my thoughts as an author here on the blr.
(long rly pointless ramble abt requests and inboxes and blogs and writing etc etc under the cut if my thoughts don’t make sense at all it’s cause it’s 2 am shush)
like I love requests so much I love sharing brainrot and being able to write a fic for someone and making them happy w my writing it’s the whole reason I started writing in the first place. but I just love my own brain and the fics that I come up with on my own as well and I think it’s rly important for writers to consistently write things that their own brain thought of and write them just because they want to. I’ve seen writers put sm pressure on themselves to complete requests and I totally understand that but I kinda hate how they even feel that pressure in the first place bcuz it takes away the joy of writing and you find yourself unable to even think of what to write anymore cause it’s become associated with the stress of “getting it done” like some sort of school assignment. requests can be such a blessing and a way to connect a fandom more and build a community and even a little family within a blog but it can also be so stressful. feeling bad that you’ve taken too long to finish a request, having anons harass you in your inbox for not writing their request “quickly enough”, and the general entitlement ppl have adopted when they’re literally asking— ASKING someone else to do something FOR THEM. I don’t experience this too often and I don’t want any of the people who have sent me requests to feel bad for sending them in, trust me I LOVE the requests. but I do wonder sometimes if ppl on my blog wonder why I take so long to finish requests and why I never close them either lmao. cause it is quite different from all my moots’ blogs and majority of blogs on tumblr that I’ve seen… and I just think I always want to have that option for readers to spill their thoughts into a request without the pressure or expectation that it’s going to be answered quickly. closing and opening inboxes is an amazing way to work through requests systematically and consistently while also not getting bogged down by too many. and I think readers probably like that system(?) cause it’s a higher chance of their request getting done quickly! (and to those readers who send out the same request to a bunch of different authors idk WHY you do this idc if it’s just bcuz you wanted to see how we would all interpret it differently, honestly fuck you. bcuz it just feels so empty and pointless like you don’t actually care abt us as authors and our writing but just want to see how fast an author can get your idea written and posted. it’s like you’re using us as machines and testing who will be the fastest and who will stay on the loading screen the longest. it’s so disappointing tbh. and maybe this is also why i enjoy writing for lesser known groups bcuz when I get a request it’s so precious to me i know that the reader sent it in bcuz they actually like my writing and know I’ll be able to write for a group that they love that not many other ppl write for. despite the fact that I won’t get more than 10-30 notes for a fic from a nugu group doesn’t mean that it is less rewarding.)
but then again I’ve also seen readers ignore the authors rules stating that requests are closed or get mad that they are and it’s just… sigh… we are literally writing for free for your enjoyment, we spend hundreds of hours writing these fics whether they are “good” or “bad” they still take time and effort and love and a whole lot of brainpower and googling of synonyms and staring blankly at the two sentences you’ve written before switching tabs and procrastinating for 2 hours only to come back and finish in one flurry of motivation lmao. but for me having my inbox always open and welcome for requests feels like it’s actively counteracting the expectations for writers to pump out fics like some sort of machine to feed their audience while only getting blank likes as a return (this is truly JUST my thoughts and how I view it I’m not trying to say how I do things is better or how others work their blog is wrong or anything like that. if ur a writer and u rly focus on getting ur requests done lowkey I admire u cause I do still feel some guilt looking at requests I have sitting in my inbox from like last year although I am happy and content w my system and feel that it does put the focus on me and my creativity and less on the pressure to take others ideas and make a fic for them with the side effects of time pressure and guilt for not following through if that makes sense.) all that rambling is to say that now that brain is so focused on tasks that are much more important and I have less time to think of silly little delusions, having these requests sitting in my inbox waiting for me is rly nice :) and I’m rly excited to complete more of them cause most of you have given me rly rly amazing fic ideas <3
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menstits · 3 months
Idk why this whole diluc vs kaeya argument is even happening like it's so dumb because there is objectively a correct opinion to have in this debate. I literally like diluc, he's genuinely one of my favorite characters in the game, and honestly that's part of why it's so fucking annoying to me when people downplay the fight or act like he was justified in attacking his visionless younger brother with pretty clear killing intent because he very much was not justified and it's not treated that way by the game itself either AND. If you approach kaeya's character in good faith the whole situation is really heart wrenching and so is his reaction to the whole crepus delusion thing but obviously none of these people ever do that because they're dumb as fuck and only take whatever is said about kaeya at face value or read him as more malevolent and ~shady~ than he actually is even though that's literally not how he's written & then when it comes to diluc they will entirely make shit up about his character that is nowhere to be seen in his actual characterization to make him nicer and more meek than he actually is . I need to stop bitching about this recreationally because I'm getting so mad I'm getting dizzy but you get the gist. It's just all around very clear when people will afford a character the benefit of the doubt when they react like an insane person to strong emotions vs when they will interpret someone's reaction to grief in the most cruel possible way literally entirely because they either consciously or subconsciously consider kaeya's grief at the loss of their father "less real" on account of him being adopted even though one fact that genshin keeps hammering into our brains at literally every chance they get is that family bonds don't depend on blood ties alone.
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correctproseka · 6 months
favourite sekai relationships (romantic and platonic), go!
Ohhh okay okay. I might forget some i really like but here we go
Ichisaki. Well, polyneed as a whole but ichisaki MAINLY make me insane like their whole story and dynamic and cjsjckdjf Saki is ichika's hope and happiness and Ichika is the one who makes Saki be who she is, the one who will never leave her. They just make me insane and they're both each other's inspiration and cjsjckdjdj
Polyniigo. While my head mainly spins in Mafuyu ships (more specifically, mafuena and mizumafu), they're all so important for each other and each has something that will help in the recovery of another. They all complete each other, you cannot separate them. They're a found family as much as they are a ship, "these are the people who gets me, and makes me happy and who I CHOOSE to be with".
.. i love other ships but those mentioned are my main OTPS and the ones who mostly make me insane, shout out to polyvbs, anhane, minoharu and nenekasa tho
A lot of the ones in here will also be able to be read as ships, and I will like it most times, but I also REALLY like them as bffs or adopted siblings or smth
So starting with the ones that CANT be seen as romantic
Tenmas (including Toya), I can not express myself how those sillies make my day, the Tenmas are the first people that Toya feels at home with, Tsukasa is the person that makes both laugh, Saki wants to make up for her time and spend time with her family. 10/10
Shinonomes. Sjcksuckshcishcusjvusivhisvjfuvufj th them i uave so many words abt the shinonomes that idk where to begin so-
Hinomoris. Shiho wanting independence, but Shizuku does it all for her, because she wanted to step in as an older sister for her parents but she NEVER HAD THE TIME TO BECAUSE SHES AN IDOL. Which created an even bigger gap for a while. They love each other but couldn't tell each other what's going on in their lives
Now the ones that are able to see it as romantic, no matter if i like it that way or not
Ichikasa. Look, for me, Tsukasa treats Ichika like a little sister, while he does that with everyone in Leo/need, one thing ichikasa only can bond over is seeing Saki in her worst state and making her smile, because Saki's smile is everything for both of them.
Shizukasa. As mentioned before, they can be bffs and look good doing so. They will cuddle and not care about what the idol fans will say. In some AUs that brew in my brain, they marry but they are just each others beard, still close though
Akian. While i love them as a ship too, i NEED to talk about how their dynamic is amazing, they will kick each other then get mad if someone raises the voice at the other, only them can bully each other tyvm. In times i prefer seeing them as a couple, in others i prefer seeing them as siblings, depends on my mood and the good thing about headcanons is that I can have both and they're not in the same universe at all
Minori, Kohane and Shiho. So. Silly. Come onnnnnn i dont have an essay prepared for them tho
Ruinene.. maybe i like childhood friend troupe maybe not... But as a couple, as bffs, or as siblings, those 2 be queens
Honakana. I also dont have an essay for them i just think its cute
Thats it. I definitely forgot about relationships i love in here LMAO
Also shout out to mikurin, kaimei, meiluka and kaimeiluka (len forever alone ig KFJSKFJ)
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breyito · 7 months
Batfamily Introduction- Matt Reeves universe
So...this is how I'd go about assembling the Batfamily in Reeves verse. I have (at least the movies about Jason) completely developed in my brain, but well, writing the scripts is a whole other issue. I could, but 2k fics are too much for me at the moment, so I thought I'd share this with the world, free some space in my brain, so to speak. Praying that someone out there, that has the actual pull to make this happen, reads this and maybe uses it a little. Mainly about Jason, because my poor boy deserves better, and an live action portrayal that is accurate and true to character, instead of the constant angst trainreck that is his life in the comics, for some reason.
The more detailed an idea is, the more doubts I have about it, idk. Dick's is less developed since pretty much everyone is familiar with him, so I kinda skipped him, sorry. And Damian...well, I don't know enough about him to write him much more than he is, and tbh, I'd like to do something with him and Jon more than anything else.
Here it goes!!! (Also, I'm just a fan, so please don't hate on this, yeah? If you don't like it, move on.)
Batman: Gravity / Gravitas/ Gravitational Pull
(Dick's origin story as Robin movie, Zucco,  Selina helps, Ace shows up, Zucco almost dies but D!R decides not to, little scenes with Batgirl (?),etc)
      •Robin the first*: Dick's solo movie when he's older, establishing the Titans (Babs, Roy, Donna, Joey(?)), Deathstroke as antagonist(?). He ends the movie as Nightwing (?).
Batman: Mind Games
(Jason as Robin origin story, Jason steals the Batmobile tires, B sends him to a home. Mad Hatter/ Dollmaker is buying kids from Ma Gunn's and Jay helps B & Gordon realize this and to put a stop to it, B ends up kidnapped and Nightwing isn't answering Agent A and Batgirl is holed up in the precinct with Gordon; so Jay dresses up as Robin and goes to try and stop the freak. He trips the rogue with his marbles and knocks him out, waiting until Batgirl/Nightwing come to free the hostages from the tech, keeping the conscious kids calm. Dick is surprised about Jay but not a dick about it. Bruce offers to adopt Jay, and says it's not necessary to be Robin too, but Dick Is all "unless you want to, little wing! I'm gonna teach you all the *best* moves B is too old to do!" Sue me, I want one happy Batfamily, ok? Ok).
      •Robin the second*: Jason's solo movie, Kid Devil Pen pal, Kyle(?), Rose(?), Gar(?) or the Titans say he's too little?; Catwoman/Ivy/Nocturna as mentors/aunts? Heist movie. Professor Pig/Toymaker as antagonist? He ends up saving the Titans/Batman despite the doubts about him.
Batman: "A death in the family"/[?]
(Garzonas/child trafficking ring; they butt heads about 'procedure' and 'too much violence'; Barbara is paralyzed; Jay looks for Haywood, she sells him out to Joker, Jason dies. A few months later, B gets called to deal with Flashpoint and finds out Flash is the reason Jay died ("Allen, you killed my son? You killed my SON!" "I'm sorry- Bruce, I'm-" "Effective immediately, Allen's tenure in the Justice League is terminated. Central City will be relegated to Wallace, if he's ready to take on the name." "Bruce!" "If he can not use his powers responsibly, he can not be trusted with them. Unless you want me to give you an antidote." "...you don't have one." "Are you willing to try me?" post-credit scene. Jay's hand breaking the ground of his grave post-post credit scene)
Batman: [?]/Bane of the City
(Tim as Robin Origin story. Broken back, Dick as Batman for a little while, they defeat Bane, Bruce heals a little bit, Barbara remakes herself as Oracle and saves their asses at a crucial moment, etc. Jason is alive and with the LoA, baby!Damián? post-credit scene.)
    •Robin the third*: Tim's solo movie, he finds Connor and goes against Lex? + Cassie and Bart, of course. Steph is introduced at the end (iconic brick-in-the-face moment).
Batman: Under the Red Hood/[?]
(RH takes over the Alley in a couple of weeks; steals the kryptonite and ruins deals for Black Mask; kills the leutenants of the mobs and gains control over them, etc. ("B, this guys is not out of control." "Dick?" "I'd say this guy is completely in control. Look at these! He hasn't killed a single innocent. Every one of these men and woman have charges for murder, rape, abuse, child pornography or molestation, human trafficking... and all of them got away with it or got the minimal sentence or had the charges dropped or the witnesses killed. They weren't casualities, they were targeted." "It doesn't matter, he's still killing people." "Yeah, bad people! The worst society has to offer." "Dick..." "Bruce, we have bigger problems than a man that keeps the civilians out of things, the children protected and only takes his rage on the worst of humanity.") Jason still attacks Tim at TT, but only to keep him out of the final confrontation -broken wrist, ankle and bruised ribs- ("No more dead Robins" is written in Jason's blood on the wall). Jason as RH reveal; B accepts Jay killing Joker -he turns around and gives him permission- but the damn clown blows up the building before he can and scapes even after RH shoots him a few times. Jason collapses in Bruce's arms, sobbing, terrified. B asks Jay to comes home and he does, to a heartfelt reunion. Jason apologizes to Tim, giving him the R he cut off the Robin suit in the case instead of the one he took in the Tower. Damian's existence bomb drop post-credit scene. One big happy Batfamily, see?).
    •Robin the fourth*: Steph's solo movie. She starts the movie as Spoiler, ends the movie as Robin but dead. Steph tries to stop her dad, meets R!Tim, they fall in love somewhere in the middle. R!Tim wants her as part of the Titans, she refuses cuz her mom doesn't know about Spoiler and she wants to stay in Gotham due to Cluemaster. Jack Drake forces Tim to give up Robin (Steph finds out his identity due to him screaming threats to Bruce) and Bruce offers R to her a few days later, she agrees. Tim doesn't like ir, but Steph is Tim's only contact with the Batfam, so he's ok-ish with it. Cluemaster realizes his daughter is Spoiler/the new Robin and sells the info to Sionis, hoping he'll get him out of prison (he thinks Black Mask will use it to find out who Batman is, not torture her to death, but still). B&Steph butt heads, some "you're too much like Jason" comments/classism thrown her way (Jason is in the LoA trying to convince Talia to give up Damian to B, btw) She starts a war between two gangs to stop them destroying her block/neighborhood's business and homes. BM kidnaps her then, and tries to torture the info of Batman and Red Hood (his bitter enemy) out of her. She holds out until N&B&RH rescue her, but too late. She "dies" then ("was I a good Robin?" "you were a great Robin"). (Post-credit scene is her waking up gasping in a hospital bed, her window shows a Savanna.)
Batman: Blood Son/ Blood Feud
(Damian gets to Gotham to witness the end tail of the gang war after Steph's death. Tim is back in the Manor, back as Robin (he put on the suit to stop the war and BM; since Jack is in a coma he doesn't care anymore), working with B & N & RH to clean things up. R almost kills BM by beating him, so RH puts a blade to the guy's throat and says he will kill him if Tim says the word. Tim, in the end, says no. RH then cuts through BM's spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed. ("As a compromise" he grins savagely at Batman, winking.) Damian tries to off Tim the moment they meet, but Tim is very on edge and puts him down quickly and brutally ("You want to be Robin, remplace Steph, with *those* skills? Ha! Give me a break/Pathetic.") Dick tries to explain how fragile Tim is at the moment, while Jason & Alfred try to make them bond by cooking together, and B makes them solve cold cases together (it turns into a competition, of course, but since it ends with Tim spending less Time on the field, B doesn't stop it). Jack dies after an attack at the hospital by Cap Boomerang; after the funeral he goes out as RR, to get revenge. Zsasz gets him first, since RR is out of it. Damian -who was following him, not worried- ends up saving Tim after Zsasz kidnaps him on BM's orders, as payback. He stalls Zsasz until the others get there and cuts off one of his arms while trying not to kill him. (I wanna add Killer Croc here somehow, he's hired but Damián either convinces him to leave or beats him by drugging him or something). While Tim is recovering in the hospital/cave he passes the R to him. (''You'll do a good job." "Tt, of course I will." "Just...maybe get a less sharp weapon?" "Because blunt force trauma is more elegant?" "Nop. It's usually less deadly, tho."))
The (*) means I have no idea for a tittle. I know I want it to be secuencial, like a series, because that's what they are lol.
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kitcatttt · 5 months
Welcome to my blog! You can call me Kitcat/Kit/Ayah, and I’m technically multifandom? I use She/Her, but I really don’t care if you use They or He pronouns for me. I’m Panromantic, but I don’t mind minor NSFW talk, but nothing too extreme, and DEFINITELY no NSFW art.
My fandoms:
Jsab/TPC (What I mainly post about)
PA (Project Arrhythmia, a game similar to JSAB)
P:Muse (Mobile rhythm game)
Super Mario (any game, especially the Mario and Luigi ones though <3)
I forget shit easily, and I’m a little clueless when it comes to certain things, so please tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable! I won’t be mad, that would be stupid to get mad over!
I have a TPC/JSAB discord server! Dm me for the link!
Friend list!!!
My TPC headcanons!!!
Character intros/bio page!!! (WIP)
Racist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other discriminatory people
NSFW blogs and pro shippers
Would prefer if you didn’t mention these around me (ships):
TPC Cube x anyone other than Lythorus (Tied to a certain someone, but I’m kinda ok with it as long as it isn’t forced? Idk what would count as forced but Cube x Marcle feels hella forced- and just TPC versions of him. I ship HOPE Cubiris.)
Pyrare x anyone (canonically AroAce)
Circubit x any female character/oc (canonically gay)
Blixer x Wave (don’t know much about the ship, but there’s apparently something wrong with it???? Idfk-)
Spheer x anyone (even if the character is also a child. I don’t want to see them shipped.)
Circumuscle x Cirtunda (Cirtunda adopts Circumuscle in my au, plus I don’t even think they’re close in age anymore. If you find past posts of me shipping them, it was BEFORE S2 Ep 1 of TPC came out, in which my au changed)
Marcle x Squadril, Marcle x Purpex, Squadril x Purpex (Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril in my au)
Quintagon x Cubic (Literally just DNI. Why is this a ship.)
My favorite sillies:
Tumblr media
They’re all ocs (besides Circumsphere and Cintagon, they’re from TPC), so if you want to know more about them, ask!
My other blogs : Notice; A lot of these blogs are being transferred to an alt where they won’t be used as often, or completely discontinued to be rewritten. The ones without the @ are the blogs
@jsab-pa My Art blog!
school-love-chaos A blog themed around yandere Cintagon and Circumsphere! Circumsphere x Hexagram is there, as well as occasional dark themes, such as kidnapping, and self harm.
mistakes-were-made-jsabb A blog themed around Circumcannon’s incident, where he ended up killing his family in a fit of rage. Mentions of self harm, suicide, blood and gore, and schizophrenia.
iris-insanity A blog themed around Iris’ stress overwhelming him to the point where he corrupts. Mentions of blood and gore.
seas-and-skies-alike A roleplay blog for a JSAB oc, Morgan.
old-man-gun A roleplay blog for Cinythe, a version of corrupted Circumsphere.
@corrupted-chaoss A blog for my JSAB au! Is also an ask blog!
@lil-robo-idiot Roleplay blog for my TPC corrupt hero oc, Penl!
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atcordare · 1 year
TWST characters as things my 16 yo brother has done/still does.
RIDDLE: Gave my mom a lecture because she wouldn't stop leaving lights on around the house.
ACE: I make him fine delicious wonderful delicate magnificent ethnic dishes and he fucking puts ketchup in them.
DEUCE: Currently sitting on the couch watching something on TV but he has a chair on his head.
TREY: 5 minutes straight complimenting a brioche bread I brought home from the market. When I had to go back for groceries two weeks later and he asked me to bring it again and I had to tell him I didn't remember which bread it was he was really disappointed.
CATER: Got rickrolled and immediately made the guys reenact the scene to send it to me in a vid and ruin MY morning too.
LEONA: He's a very heavy sleeper so if he wants to get to his school (7 minutes away from our house BTW) on time, which is at 9am, he has to set alarms every five minutes starting at 6.50am. They're extremely loud and everyone in the house wakes up to them. He doesn't. He stills get to school late, just with all of us mad at him.
RUGGIE: Banned from being outside after 8pm because he WILL stop by the kebab place and bring back dinner without anyone asking him and he WILL demand the money back (also inflating the price a bit so he can get some benefits).
JACK: Heard me mention once that I wanted to play Hades so he asked for it on his birthday and gave it to me afterwards.
AZUL: He's the only one with physical cash at home so when any of us needs to grab some he's the one to lend it. He asks for it back like not even two days later and he will impose fees if you're late.
FLOYD: Sometimes he'll just grab the cats and reposition them. Like they're nicely sleeping and he just goes over, grabs them and leaves them somewhere else. He also doesn't understand when they get annoyed so he can only pet them in front of me and my mom. (EXTRA: had to leave his rowing team because he was too tall for his league's boats)
JADE: Will cut you off and start explaining advanced mathematics if he wants you to shut up.
KALIM: *enters my room* HEY CHECK THIS OUT *starts jumping like with his knees to his chest and doesn't stop until he does a particularly high jump* OKAY CATCH YOU LATER *heads to the living room and starts playing the trombone he hasn't even looked at since he was 9*.
JAMIL: He's constantly mumbling his inner monologue but will get annoyed at you if you do the same.
VIL: When he was like seven our mom bought knee high boots with a 7cm heel and he stole them and wore them for like a week straight. He can now walk in high heels because of this.
ROOK: *enters my room* Kakashi from Naruto offers you choccy milk. Accept? Deny? *I reply that I shoot him in the chest six times bc I thought he was joking so he throws a choccy milk box at my head* WRONG YOU HEATHEN. *I turn and see him on a Naruto character cosplay-idk which one but definetly not Kakashi*
EPEL: We were at my Mexican extended family's house and we had tacos for lunch. When he heard out grandma in law tell us that we should be careful with the toppings because they were very spicy, he grabbed one of the tortillas, spooned all of the chili and pico de gallo he could get inside of it and ate it just like that. When asked he said he wanted to challenge himself but it doesn't really explain why he had do that another six times especially after making it obvious that he could NOT handle it.
IDIA: Used to carry an entire manga collection on his backpack every day. Not a short one either it was an entire 20 manga books on his back every day.
ORTHO: The kids at our school didn't like him very much so me and all of my higher grade friends adopted him. He was the token little kid in the 11th grade friend group.
MALLEUS: Sometimes he gets quiet during conversations when something someone said catches his attention. He will think about it, lose the thread of conversation, and, when the topic has already changed at least a few times, he will give his thoughts without even reminding us the context.
SEBEK: I told him once that he's not good playing Tracer at OW so now every time he plays her and wins he yells at me from his room and says I WON AGAIN USING TRACER!!!!
SILVER: Every time one of our cats meows he replicates the noise. We all do. We don't even notice we're doing it at this point.
LILIA: Constantly playing at a JJBA Roblox Roleplay server and when he loses I can hear him yelling at his 12yo teammates.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
I just don't know what to ask lmao
Honestly i wouldn't write barbie getting in same situation as Blitz if she were in his place.
No female character gets abused by a royal male rooster in my shift 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 I have the power of fingers god given to me and the waterpistol emoji humanity gave to me.
With this kind of power i posses, stolas would "accidentaly" drop from ladder and get injured. no barbie gets hurt.
If people constantly plot armoring their fav male protags would as well protect female characters with it. Why not. There is enough stories about them being abused in any fandom, i need to see them happy and safe...
Tho if i were writing script for HB i would write her very differently... Like damn it must like... She wasn't showing personality at all... She was less written than angel.
Idk. I would at least want to know how rehabs in hell look like (who is the most addicted species? Are there any corruption in rehab? Can it be used not only to lock addicts, but part-time business to hold your enemies without possible exit like in asylum? Hell got different laws and politics), and how Blitz would go to meet her. I would at least mention how he regularly checks up on her (idk he can get her gifts to make being there more palatable, anything). Ask someone about how he may help, etc, maybe give him info to read and some... Umm book?? Paper?? browser history about it, because what if some new info and statistics appeared? Dialogues!
Like... Until the episode with barbie i Didn't really know she was ALIVE and that blitz care about her and not just. Idk forgot. Like she never exist and he never think about her.
Because from all what we seen but the blitz family photo it seems like. He really doesn't and she jist was straight up dead too.
I would write female characters so differently tho xhdhdhdhdh
i want to adopt via...
Like damn when i saw barbie with blitz first time in series (idk did you wantch or not sorry)
i was like?????????? SHE EXIST??? HUH? why the hell nobody showed it or mentioned it before wtf i already forgot because how blitz was focused on the Loona and bullying moxxie woah woah pooky twin sis screamer
RIGHT?? She’s goes so unmentioned that you wouldn’t even know she’s alive he only has photos of herself around. Does Loona know she exists? Can we have a scene where Loona gets mad at him because she doesn’t know anything about his past? The photos on their walls are of people she doesn’t know. Who was the “fizz” he talked about when he was drunk?
I really want to know what rehab is like in there too because I’m sure it’s a horror show. I always pictured Barb and Verosika in like this Girl Interrupted type of situation. Of course an asylum is different but you get what I mean. But we have to remember Viv and others are open misogynists, they don’t believe sexism really exists, they don’t think men have privilege. And they probably think men have much deeper emotions than women do, because women are “hysterical” like Stella when they hate men, but if they love men like Octavia it’s ok. Barbie hates Blitzø so she will be vilified at every turn.
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Thank you for that post about To. and I am so sorry about everything. This was so well put together and not throwing around straight insults in each sentence. I see both sides throwing around hate without even explaining their sides of why they're sticking up for him or why they're mad. I was also one of the people giving him a chance to come back and apologize, people say stuff in the moment all the time and I felt like he deserved that chance. But, then he just left.
At first I thought his post was okay, I understand not getting neopronouns, not liking the idea of people showing too much at pride parades, or people under 18 getting surgery. Those are things I could understand but when the n*zi and racism down play happened? I was in shock and upset. Still, I wanted to at least give him a chance to comeback fresh and see if he would apologize... but he left.
If I'm being honest. Both sides weren't handled at all properly and you guys who explain it make it so much better to understand then others just writing it off as hate, telling people to kys, or getting called cis and not trans, which I am, as an insult. Everyone is still upset so I'm letting it go but I will stand by what I said and if that gets me hated just for giving him a chance or not supporting either side than that's okay. Thank you again for your amazing post and I hope you have a wonderful day.
TW: I’ll be detailing some of my experiences subtly and trying not to go into full detail.
Hi there. I don’t know who you are, but thank you for reaching out.
There’s a lot I want to say on Tom’s views, but many people have done that for me with their own time and energy and I appreciate them. I’m going to use this space to come out and say that I use neopronouns now in light of the situation. You’re allowed to use he/him, they, them, and fae/faer/faers when talking about me. I’ve been wanting to use these pronouns since first learning about them back in…idk…2014(?), but….I’m Black and of indigenous heritage, it’s hard enough being nonbinary on top of everything.
I highly suggest taking courses in gender and sociology, it was one of the most informative and open spaces for discussing gender, gender expressions, and touches on intersectionality within the Black community and being Queer during my college years as someone who was told that if I entered those spaces that I’d be molested…despite that happening more in the spaces I shared with cis/straight people .
I will echo what a lot of people have said and what I know from my own personal research as a trans person in an unsupportive family and as someone whose partner’s adopted little brother is going through: Children don’t go through gender affirming surgeries. In some cases, a 16 year old can with expressed consent from a therapist, their parents, and themselves. And honestly? It’s no one’s business. Out side of that, most children are placed on hormone blockers until they’re over 18 and able to take the right hormone replacements to experience puberty properly and develop what they need to before surgeries are viable.
On the topic of pride, in my experience in both small communities and going to San Francisco pride, there are safe spaces for children. Parades usually have an itinerary that parents can look at and guide their children appropriately. I am 100% on the side that human bodies aren’t inherently sexual as a demisexual person. It’s on the parents to PARENT their children appropriately, not complete strangers just trying to exist and feel good about themselves for ONCE instead of being afraid of hatred, death….so much…it’s so fucking much…
That being said….yes, I wanted to give him space. I really wanted to give him a chance to do better, but he’s going to have to do a lot more now before I forgive him or accept an apology and actually move on and want to engage with his content again. I just want people to really sit and conceptualize the situation and just how much people are hurting. And if I have to be that voice, then I will be. Please bare with me. 🙏🏽
Again….no harassment towards anyone. You’re allowed to realize your mistakes and apologize, but there’s work you need to do to make it stick.
Edit: Also, people are allowed to be upset, but there’s a line when you send death threats. I AM, however, in the sentiment that the only good N*zi is a dead one. Half of my family didn’t flee to America for no reason- if they weren’t already fighting against them. Those are harsh words, but it’s my truth seeing the PAIN it’s caused my family first hand. I wouldn’t ever wish that on anyone, but you are NOT in good standing with me if you support any form of N*zism.
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finitefantasy · 1 year
someone i follow is indirecting you about calling this episode of buddy daddies filler, saying you just sound like a mad gay person about a straight plotline
truly do not want buddy daddies drama of all things but that really was just a joke post that wasn't... that serious?
i'm not ~upset about him being with women (as a bisexual i can recognize bisexuality is real and always viewed him as a fellow bisexual). i just think in general this backstory does... very little for his character? or rather what it does for his character isn't worth fridging a woman over.
it's a very tired and tried trope and speeedrunning it in a single episode after teasing it multiple times kind of demonstrates... how little value it truly adds to his story and his arc. if you're going to make him a 28 year old widower with a dead child, you have to rEALLY commit to that plot. i enjoyed the mystery of figuring out who the money was going to (was it her family? was she in a coma and this was for medical expenses? did the child survive? etc) and i enjoyed the angst potential but ultimately... this was heavily underexplored.
and ended up just feeling kinda generic. and rote.
using about... 5-10 minutes of a 13 episode season to have him be confronted about his past AND overcome it is not satisfying storytelling. for him to avoid karin for FIVE YEARS and have her just go "my sister would want you to be happy" in ~1 day and suddenly he's like... okay with the guilt of moving on... is... not... compelling? especially when so little of the guilt was explored.
especially when the guilt was only really explored via the money he left for karin (which is something that had AMPLE room for relevance, like when they couldn't get work and were going broke, he should've been stressed about payments) and... in tandem when he was experiencing generalized caretaker burn out, where you're then meant to understand that "actually, it's not so bad, he was just feeling guilty for moving on and projecting that guilt onto rei being a fail-husband and miri acting like a kid." like... that was really it. they needed to intersperse that guilt more heavily into the text.
if you can do an episode where you jump from playground to DOG SHOT THROUGH HEAD to playground, you can mix in more 'my wife is dead, my child is dead, and here i am playing house with my bestie and this child's whose dad i killed' a bit more.
this felt... cheap. the fact that he 'killed' his wife by her... randomly being next to a truck that exploded was cheap. and just soooo overdone in general.
and when it's that cheap, the value really just boils down to 'forced sad heterosexual backstory' and 'we haven't reminded you that kazuki sleeps with women/hangs with FEMALE sex workers to cope' in a while.
which isn't all bad. like there was PLENTY of room to play around with that and give kazuki more layers as a character and more edge.
but... it didn't work here for me. and i say this as someone who thinks ultimately this show does FAIRLY amazing character work, handle subtleties INFINITELY better than expected, and has handling the gay implications of its plot incredibly.
it's just... all of the leg work of this episode could have been done by exploring him being abandoned by his parents and an orphan. tie in complicated feelings about adoption into how he adopted this girl. make it feel like he gave up on idk reconnecting with his bio family and how he doesnt' want to move on. let him have resentment and guilt. or maybe tie this into how he MURDERED MIRI'S FATHER and how it feels wrong raising her.
there's sooo much room for like Angsty Exploration of Kazuki's Feelings and it felt like this is the most gneric path they could've taken. i have seen sooo many women fridged and this exact storyline play out so many times.
if you're gonna do it again, do it better than this.
i also feel weird about this entire plot happening with like... zero rei relevanec? and this isn't even a ship thing. it's just like... if you guys are dads together, matter to each other, it's... weird that kazuki's entire hang up about his DEAD WIFE is something that... never matters in his friendship with rei?
this plot is SO fucking isolated from the rest of the story, it feels unnecessary.
kyu is the middle man and has like... very little involvement.
if you remove this storyline, the show is ultimately the same minus a few good heartfelt scenes.
(and, yes, karin's speech and his connection with her WERE good and heartfelt!)
i'm allowed to complain about weak this exploration was without being written off as someone who is just mad about straight shit in my gay show or whatever.
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