#and both made me so sleepy that I got paranoid and I thought I was going to die
pinolitas · 6 months
do people really sit through the process of experiencing new prescriptions and it's side effects several times until they find one that works? cus I give up so fast if the first one doesn't work I'm done
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thezombieprostitute · 6 months
Thoughts on sleepy prompt 33 with Lloyd? Not soft Lloyd, not dark Lloyd, just like, decent equal partner Lloyd?
…and possibly 12, too, bc that’s just so him
Lloyd's Soulmate - Drabble
"decent equal partner Lloyd"... I'm gonna have to channel @eulalielatibule 's Suburban Dad Sunday Lloyd for this because she's the best at writing this kind of Lloyd. That being said, I'm gonna go ahead and use my Soulmate Lloyd, but they've definitely settled in together.
A/N: this was mostly written on my phone!
Ask based on this.
33. “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
12. “No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days.”
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It's been almost a year since your soulmate, Lloyd, kidnapped you. The first few weeks were quite the learning experience for the two of you. It was a lot of tit-for-tat learning how to live with someone like Lloyd but the two of you actually made it work.
Go figure, Lloyd was an absolute softy for positive reinforcement which you were happy to give when he started respecting your boundaries and needs. The power dynamics were always in flux but both of you seemed to thrive on that. Arguing over what to watch was just foreplay.
Lately, though, you hadn't had the energy for arguing. You would give in to Lloyd a lot easier, which had him paranoid about retribution. Maybe it was depression? You were doing a lot more sleeping and eating. The latter was definitely affecting your figure but, thankfully, Lloyd didn't seem to care other than fully enjoying your bigger breasts.
Lloyd came back from a mission and found you groggily eating some ice cream on the couch.
"No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days," he says.
"No offense, but you like you need a shave," you snap back.
"If you really, truly want me to shave the clit tickler you beg to ride every night, I will," he threatens. "But I don't think you really want that."
"Yeah, you're right," you sigh. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just always tired and hungry and my clothes aren't fitting anymore. Maybe I need a workout program or something."
Lloyd considers for a few moments before going to his phone.
"What are you doing," you ask.
"Checking the period tracker," he replies.
"You've been tracking my periods??"
"Well one of us has to! You have no idea how many headaches I've spared us both by making sure I know when to restock the chocolate."
You cross your arms and pout on the couch while he goes back to his phone.
"Shit," he mutters. You look up at him, eyebrow arched. He takes a deep breath, "you're late. And not just a few days late."
Your eyes widen, "shit, shit, shit! I need a test! Now!" You try to get off the couch but Lloyd gestures you to stay seated.
"I'm getting someone to pick some up right now," he soothes. "And, just to be certain, I'm getting you an appointment with Dr. Beck, okay?" He sits next to you and you immediately cuddle up to him, holding his arm in a hug.
"In the meantime," he smirks, "another way to test is to see if you taste differently."
"Lloyd, this is serious," you gently smack his arm.
"And I'm being serious," he tells you as gently pushes you onto your back. You grab him and pull him into a kiss, needing the comfort of his weight on top of you as your brain was frazzled trying to figure everything out. Maybe a good orgasm really would help, and Lloyd was damn good at giving you those.
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Two positive pregnancy tests later you're now waiting on the Doctor's office to confirm or deny the results. You feel like you've been in a state of shock since the first positive test. Thankfully Lloyd has been doing the heavy work and the thinking. Making sure you're getting the medical checks you need, making sure you eat.
"We really should talk," you tell him over dinner.
"Absolutely, Sweetheart."
"Do you want the baby?"
"It'll be an adjustment," he admits. "But so were you. And I haven't been happier since I got you."
You chuckle at that. "But a baby? So soon?"
"I've got the means to take care of you both. You won't have to worry about a thing."
You put a hand over your stomach, "promise you'll treat them even better than you treat yourself?"
"I promise," he says without hesitation.
"Okay," you nod. "Then, when the doctor gives us confirmation, we'll go into full parent mode. Okay?"
"Of course."
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A few days after the confirmation from the doctor you're starting to feel better. Getting proper nutrition, knowing what's going on, and not getting angry at yourself for your clothes not fitting were all very good for your mental health. You've even been getting better sleep.
Unlike Lloyd. You woke up from an actually good night's sleep to find Lloyd on his computer looking like he hadn't slept since he fucked you into a coma last night.
"Lloyd," you call, getting his attention. "When was the last time you slept?"
"I've been sleeping here and there. I'm fine." He waves you off.
You spin his chair so that he's facing you, "Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter."
"If you're telling me you don't remember what we did in bed last night I'm running you to the emergency room, Sunshine."
"You know what I mean, Lloyd."
"I'm doing research. I've never been a parent before so I want to make sure to get some intel."
"You've got months to prepare. You don't have to push yourself this much this early." You stand up and cross your arms but that's when you see what's on Lloyd's screen. "Have you been buying baby clothes?"
"No! I've been getting ideas for my tailor! No way is our baby going to wear anything cheap!"
You laugh for the first time in weeks. A deep, big belly laugh. Lloyd is happy to hear it but also confused about what's so funny. You end up laughing so hard you have to sit on his lap as he holds you.
Finally catching your breath you tell him, "you really never do things half-assed, do you?"
Lloyd chuckles, "with an ass like mine? No way."
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Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would.
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harvesti · 2 months
extended intro post:
daily workout (running/pilates/yoga): home workouts, because gyms make me nervous and a bit annoyed (too many people making too much noise!). I usually spend around 45 minutes-1 hour doing each of these, and I rarely do more than one per day, except when I mix my yoga routine to my pilates routine. I don't like to take full rest days so usually my rest days are just yoga days, and I leave my full rest days for occasions when I can't workout because of another commitment.
no refined/added sugar: made the decision to cut back on sugar by the end of 2023 because I started reading a lot about nutrition and realized that sugar is just not meant to be consumed the way we do, in this extremely processed, refined, concentrated form. it's addictive, harmful for our health, and it spoils our palate for other foods. not to mention that it is the biggest villain when it comes to weight gain. I meant to just cut back a bit when I made the decision but since around April 2024 I just cut it off completely.
no highly processed food: another huge villain when it comes to health and weight, full of toxic additives that we don't even understand, addictive, and a big enabler of laziness. I only eat food that I can recognize as food and understand what's in it, so almost nothing that comes in an aluminium foil packet makes it to my shopping cart.
no red meat: I was actually vegan for 2 and a half years but eventually went back to eating dairy and eggs, and I'll eat the occasional chicken and fish, although so rarely that I think I could consider myself a vegetarian. but even when I went back on my dietary choices, I couldn't stomach red meat anymore. most people don't even know how to cook it properly anyway, I hate handling it on my own, and it just makes me feel heavy, both physically as well as spiritually.
no soda: this came naturally as I decided to stop eating highly processed foods, but I used to be the Diet Coke Girl™ all my life, and I thought it was cool since it had no sugar. imagine my surprise when I found out that artificial sweeteners such as the one in diet Coke actually make you crave sugar and leads to binges. not to mention, soda makes me totally bloated.
no overeating: that's a no-brainer, but it was the hardest part of my journey! I love eating, y'all, and my brain was always like, I rather feast and indulge than feel like I'm going to miss out. it took me a long time to find a balance and being able to just enjoy a meal without feeling like I need to ravage a huge plate to feel like I truly enjoyed it. cooking 100% of my own food helped a lot with that.
no alcohol: quit on May 2024, after I realized I was using alcohol as a way to distract myself and ease anxiety when it occured. I was also feeling my limit getting weaker, so I had to drink a lot more to get tipsy, but when I got tipsy, I got sick almost immediately. it stopped being fun, and it felt more like a hassle than something that could give me pleasure. now that I'm completely sober, I realize drinking alcohol is kind of... terrible. it was a great decision, even if I did it sort of by accident really.
low caffeine (coffee only in the morning, green tea all day): I used to drink 4-5 cups of very strong black coffee throughout the day and, of course, I had major anxiety to the point of trembling, getting migraines and becoming paranoid. I started lowering my intake first to deal with this aspect, but later I found out that caffeine also leads to cravings and binging exactly because it accelerates the body and the mind so much! now I only have it after I wake up and sometimes in the afternoon, if I'm really sleepy when I can't really be sleepy. I still have a lot of tea because I love a hot beverage, and green tea actually calms me down a lot, even if it does have caffeine as well. I take mine with ginger and a splash of lemon juice.
lots of greens, lots of whole foods, lots of water, lots of fruits, lots of sun: another no-brainer! my favorites are broccoli, kale, leeks, chickpeas, zucchini, cherry tomatoes (which I grow myself), mushrooms, grapes, plums, pineapple, bananas, coconut and melon.
i.f. 16:8: I feel like it's absolutely necessary to give my body time to deal with itself without the "burden" of digestion. everything that happens in the body is a trade-off, so if my body is constantly dealing with food, it can't pay attention to other important processes. not to mention that, intermittent fasting takes my mind off food for a while, helps me plan ahead my meals better, makes me focus on nutritive choices instead of ones that are just yummy... and I enjoy eating when I'm actually hungry!
takeouts/eating out out on special occasions; same with dessert: it may seem like a restriction, but it's something I decided to kind of recover a sense of hacing these things be special again. once I started to make my own money and become independent, I started to indulge a lot on these things because when I was a kid they were so rare and exciting, so I was always eating out at my fav restaurants and always having something sweet around, until it just became a bad habit. now, keeping these things safe for special days makes them special too instead of just feeling like a boring indulgence. (I still try to get desserts that are sugar-free or very small on sugar though.) my fav food to eat out is sushi!
daily reading, at least 3 hours: as a real Classic Millennial, I used to be a huge reader when I was a kid, but as social media became a thing in my life, I lost the habit completely. the pandemic made me realize I needed to go back to books and delete Twitter, basically, which was my biggest distraction, and I've immediately reconnected with my old self and started to read like 50 books every year since. my fav genres are romance and non-fiction about nutrition and botany!
no complaining, no gossiping: it's a big part of my mental health to be grateful and to focus on myself. it may seem small, but it completely changed my perspective on day-to-day life once I set the rules to not complain and not gossip. actually, I don't engage with anything that doesn't concern me directly, doesn't benefit me directly, and is out of my control. life is chill like that.
no dwelling on the past: burned my childhood diaries, cut ties with past relationships that were just hanging around me because of the size of our history, let go of constantly reminiscing and trying to run scenarios and dialogues in my head. I only deal with the day and the week I have ahead, and that's what exists in my reality. no past, no distant future. two feet on the ground.
skin and hair care every evening: I've been genetically blessed with poreless skin and thick hair, but I still have to care for my skin because it tends to dry heavily, and caring for long, thick hair is a must, otherwise it tangles within hours. my skin care is a mix of high hydration, careful nutrition, and The Body Shop's aloe vera night cream for my face, and my hair care is washing it every 3 days (2 days in the summer), keeping it in a hydrating mask, blow drying it, coconut-oiling it, and keeping it in braids whenever I can, especially when sleeping.
silence = gold: I focus immensely on being observant, being a listener, being non-reactive. I think spending long periods of time not speaking, not watching anything, no music, just listening to nature (especially in the mornings) is of utmost importance to a healthy mental and spiritual state. "speech is silver, silence is gold" is one of my life's mottos!
(thanks for reading all of this!)
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bubblybloob · 9 months
I hope this is the final part of this weird thing I’ve made. Originally based on this art post and then expanded in this short write and followed up by another art post
Edit: I linked them incorrectly, shit. I’m not fixing it, deal with it
Now we’re here
It would be incorrect to say Hero was angry, because he wasn’t, he was furious.
It took only a few hours for Cheated to sound the alarm when he couldn’t find Paranoid. Then Contrarian pointed out that Broken wasn’t around either and everyone’s concern doubled.
Paranoid being missing was one thing, at worst he passed out from exhaustion somewhere they hadn’t thought to check, now Broken being missing meant he might be trying to hurt himself.
Everyone was rushing around, Hero remembered hearing the utter storm of swears from Cheated as Smitten tried to calm him. Stubborn irately stomped about as he called out for their two missing members, and Skeptic was pulling an indifferent Cold to his feet to get him moving. Contrarian muttered words of encouragement to Hero, who had placed his face in his hands, stressed.
Weirdly enough, Opportunist hung back, rubbing his talons together in a repeated, nervous motion. He only sprung to action once Cheated snapped at him a loud “Get moving!”
At one point they saw Hunted, who looked out of his element with the chaos surrounding him, he clutched a few bowls of food in his arms, feathers puffed out in mild alarm.
Contrarian perked up. “Hunted! I know you said you’d get all loopy during winter, and all of this usually makes you…” he gestured vaguely to the discord of avians running about. “…queasy, but do you think you could lend us a hand? You’ve got a strong sense of smell, yeah? Think you can sniff those voices out?”
Hunted curled in on himself, instead of responding he scuttled backward into the dim hallway where their rooms were.
“Strange, generally he’s pretty protective of us all, I thought he’d be the most active in this. The cold weather must really be getting to the guy.” Contrarian scratched the back of his neck, Hero hummed in agreement.
The search eventually expanded outwards of their home once they realized there was nowhere left for Broken or Paranoid to be inside, and then further out when they couldn’t find them in the front or backyard.
They eventually had to call it quits, as their energy left them, made quickly evident once Smitten conked out the second he hit the couch. They’d all have to give in and rest before continuing.
By then it was morning, Hero was rubbing his eyes, bloodshot and tired from the day spent running around, but too drowned in worry to rest. A twitchy Opportunist was wide awake, the bags under his eyes made it apparent he had also failed to find sleep. He was still twiddling his fingers away with hiked shoulders. Both sat against one of the couches in the lounge, where the others were strewn about, snoring away their sleepiness.
“Got knots in your neck?” Hero mumbled out, unconsciously pressing into the sore spots on his back, sighing with minor relief.
Opportunist jumped, ears pinned as he looked up at Hero. He was uncharacteristically anxious, or at least being more obvious about it, less able to put on his mask when wrung so thin.
“I- well yes, but no. That’s not why I’m so…”
“Tense?” Hero provided.
Opportunist sighed, “Yes, tense.”
“What’s up then? You can be honest with me.” For once, the bitter part of Hero’s mind thought. He waved it away.
“Oh! Well um-“ Opportunist looked back and forth, as if waiting for something to pounce on him. “I may have… kept something from everyone.”
Hero squinted, trying to see more than just the blurry shape of his fellow bird folk through his groggy vision. “Go on.”
Opportunist pursed his lip, looking nearly as jumpy as Paranoid, a far cry from his relaxed form. “Look I wanted to tell you guys, but Hunted caught me every time he left his room and glared so harshly I near convinced myself that beastly form of the princess was in front of me, it was like-“
“Hey, calm down!” Hero scooted forward, placing a reassuring hand on Opportunist’s shoulder. “She went with Quiet, remember? Now what’s this about Hunted?”
Opportunist forced himself to breathe in, Hero wondered if this is how he prepared himself to put his false act on. “You remember how Hunted said he was going to sleep most of the cold away?”
“Mmhm. What about it?”
“Well earlier today he started a rampage in the lounge, I asked him what he was looking for and he didn’t respond. I was about to go grab Stubborn or Smitten or maybe even you! To, you know, wrangle the guy under control. Obviously something was up and he wasn’t making a peep! Plus, I wasn’t really one for him tearing apart all of our furniture. However, I didn’t get the chance to before he lifts up the couch, and what do you know, there behind it is Paranoid!”
Hero blinks, brows slowly furrowing. “Say that again?”
“Paranoid was hiding behind the couch, from Hunted himself it seemed. Hunted throws the poor guy over his shoulder and scurries out of lounge, sending me the most chilling look when I tried to intervene.”
Hero blinks, slowly, vision clouding with red.
“But that’s not all! I go in his room to see what’s up, and Hunted’s… uh… nest thing, has two of the guys in it. I didn’t get to see all of their body behind his wings, and he basically pushes me out with his voice alone, but I think it’s them! I just uh- uh…” Opportunist slowly shrank under Hero’s gaze, never before, not even at the Narrator, had Hero been so vexed.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” The sheer pointlessness of their search crashed onto him like the weight of a thousand bricks. All of the concern and confusion and cursing could’ve been so easily avoided if Opportunist had just said something, but the one time he doesn’t run his mouth is when-!
“Hey- hey! Look- I thought he’d go all creature like and start- well I don’t know, doing whatever creatures do. Like hissing or climbing on the ceiling!”
Hero resisted the urge to bury his fist in the frazzled bird’s beak and instead took a sharp breath. “You know what, no. I’m not going to be mad at you. I’m angry at you often enough as it is, I need to channel this newfound rage at the real problem here.”
Opportunist flinched as Hero stood up, before scrambling to his feet. “Yes! Do that! I’ll even come with you. I’m good at picking locks you see.” Hero didn’t even question it.
And all of that led to now. They came to Hunted’s door, Opportunist got on one of his knees and stuck a clawed talon into the keyhole. The second Opportunist was done, Hero burst through the door, glaring holes into the puffed up form of- “Hunted!”
The avian shot to his feet, his ire fixated on Hero’s. From the mound of what looked like randomly placed pillows and blankets out popped the heads of Paranoid and Broken. Hero couldn’t prevent the small wave of relief that hit him; after searching for hours and hours and assuming the worst, seeing the two alright made it feel like he could finally breathe again. They looked well preened, a sight Hero thought he’d never see on the two, yet somehow they looked more tired than Hero was. Paranoid squinted through the darkness and dazedly looked upon Hero and Opportunist.
“Guys…? That you?” He slurred, looking like he was about to fall over immediately after he sat up. Broken wasn’t fairing much better, his blinks slow and fluttering.
Hero turned his gaze back to the prickly, instinctual bird, who looked near ready to pounce.
“We’ve been worried sick looking for Paranoid and Broken for the past day and a half, only to learn from this one-!” he pointed and accusing finger at Opportunist, who let out a timid “Eheh, hey…”, at the attention, “-you’ve had them holed up in here!”
“Day and a half…?” Broken croaked out, voice layered in sleep.
“It can’t have been that long… right? All I remember is being led to and from the bathroom, like a… a royal and his guard.” Paranoid provides, trying and failing to rub the drowsiness from his eyes.
“I remember Hunted bringing us food, but it’s all vague and fuzzy.” Broken adds, running a hand through the feathers on his head, letting out a deep hum of surprise when he found them soft and straightened out.
The hell was wrong with them? “You’ve turned their brains to mush,” Hero gawked, turning to Hunted once more, “you little shit.”
“It’s called hibernation and it’s perfectly natural.” Hunted proclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Hero.
“Don’t try me right now, I’m utterly livid over being worried for nothing.” Hero returned the pointing gesture.
“Okay! While you two argue this out, I’ll go grab the others to help solve this, yeah?” Opportunist says, clapping his hands together. “We’re all agreeing I’m being incredibly useful right now, hah… right?”
No one answers him.
“Right, right…” Opportunist sucks in a breath, “I’ll be back.”
It took the combined strength of Stubborn, Smitten, and Contrarian to hold Hunted down. He had stopped thrashing at some point, but Hero could still hear the foam hissing out of his mouth as he laid prone on the soft lounge carpet they had to drag him onto.
“What’s wrong with you two? None of us got a full eight hours and yet you’re the only ones that can barely keep their eyes open.” Skeptic prods, staring with obvious concern at the two other voices, who had to be held up by Cold and Cheated so they wouldn’t fall over.
“It’s ironic, isn’t it? Usually yours is out seeking attention in the dead of night.” Cold says in a wispy voice, looking at Cheated and Broken. “And this one is too fearful to get any sleep.” He continues, looking down at Paranoid, who was mostly limp in his grasp.
“It’s coming back to me now, slowly. Still I can’t remember why… why we were in there.” Paranoid speaks out, struggling to stand to his full height. Cold eventually adjusted his grip to where Paranoid couldn’t move as easily, so he’d stop squirming.
“He wanted us to hibernate with him I think.” Broken mumbles, not even trying to stand, instead allowing Cheated to hold him however he pleased.
“Hibernate? I thought birds didn’t do that?” Cheated’s ears pin to the back of his head as he pulls Broken further up, inching himself and the dozing avian slightly away from Hunted, despite his less than mobile state.
“They don’t.” Stubborn grunts out.
“One species does I think, but as far as I know, birds won’t if they don’t have to. Oh give him to me Cold, you’ll hurt him like that.” Opportunist rounds the corner, taking his ponytail out. He reaches for Paranoid, who is given to him by Cold without fuss.
Skeptic snaps his fingers. “Ah, I get it. Hunted is most of our survival instinct. When winter was coming and we weren’t migrating somewhere more warm, he dug in. His instincts probably told him our weaker members couldn’t stand the cold, so he brought them to his room. If I had to guess, he’d eventually have us all in there as winter progressed.”
“But we’re not that much like wild animals, we can’t actually hibernate, right?” Contrarian said, looking at the others in the room with an unsure smile on his face.
“I’m not so sure about that. Our friends seem quite out of sorts.” Smitten counters, looking at the two troubled avians with a gentle, worried frown. “They’ve done nothing but sleep and yet can hardly stand!”
“Might be because hibernation isn’t truly sleep, even if it seems similar. I’d say Hunted succeeded, he somehow got them to start hibernation.” Skeptic says, putting a contemplative hand under his chin.
“How though? How is that possible?” Hero says, looking at the two main subjects of their conversation.
Skeptic shrugged. “Beats me, you’ll have to ask him, and he doesn’t seem up for a nice chat at the moment.” He jutted a thumb in Hunted’s direction, the feral bird was still growling beneath the dog pile holding him down.
“Huh, didn’t know he could make that noise. How agitated do you think he’ll get if we tease him with his charges?” Cold remarks, reaching over and plucking a feather from Broken, making him let out a surprised chirp that transitioned into a pained keen. Hunted froze at Broken’s faint cry, before resuming his struggle with double the effort, snarling at Cold like a bear that just had its cub taken away. Smitten and Stubborn are quick to up the pressure, while Contrarian flails to quickly get Hunted’s legs back under control.
Hero pushes Cold back. “Nope, bad, bad idea. You’ve lost speaking and doing privileges this discussion.”
Cold sits down on one of the chairs. “Pity.”
“Now what?” Stubborn huffs.
“What do you mean ‘now what?’” Hero questions.
Stubborn snorts impatiently. “Exactly what I said, now what? What are we going to do with him-“ he looks down at Hunted, “-and them?” then Broken and Paranoid.
Hero brings a hand to his eyes and drags it down his face, his head was killing him, and the adrenaline from the fight with Hunted was wearing off.
“Just-! Okay. Stubborn, Smitten, and Contrarian, you three are on Hunted watch duty. Lock him in his room and don’t let him out, he’s slippery so keep your eyes peeled. Skeptic and Cheated, you two are going to try waking Paranoid and Broken up some, until they’re back to normal if you can, they can’t stay like that. Cold, warm up the house, gather more wood for the fireplace and make sure the windows are closed, we need Hunted’s instincts to calm down.”
“What about me?” Opportunist says as Paranoid is passed off once more, this time to Skeptic.
“Me and you haven’t slept, so we’re going the fuck to bed.” Hero finishes, whipping around and trudging to his room. He’ll tell Opportunist and Hunted off later, right now, he needed some shut eye.
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meiluu · 1 year
His Sanctuary
Leon S. Kennedy/ Reader(AFAB) No y/n is used, gender neutral but AFAB for smut.
Summary: [takes place right after Resident Evil 4 remake] with Leon finally complete with his long mission of rescuing the President’s daughter all he wants to do now is to come home to you.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ DNI, ptsd(this man’s trauma always gets overlooked but not today), Comfort.
Word count: 1400+
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To say that Leon was exhausted would be an understatement, he was having a hard time just walking straight. After meeting up with a helicopter, which had taken both him and Ashley to a private runway, they were now on a private jet back to the states. Ashley had immediately passed out once she got comfortable in her seat, but Leon was lagging a bit behind.
He had wanted nothing more than to fall asleep at the moment but part of his brain wouldn’t shut off, it was that fight or flight part that always made him paranoid wherever he went. He knew that the only way to get his desired peace was within your embrace, being in your shared home. Just at the thought of you his body sank deeper into the seat cushions.
You had been at the forefront of his mind throughout the entirety of this mission, your comforting words had encouraged him to push through the impossible and now he was only a few hours away from you. Eventually his body had succumbed to exhaustion and fell into a fitful sleep, full of nothing but the horrors of what he had just been through and to add more pain into the nightmares, nasty memories from what he had experienced in raccoon city joined in.
He had been shaken awake at the turbulence of the plane finally landing. Quickly grabbing what little luggage he had, he nearly ran down the steps as he finally made it onto solid ground. The moment he and Ashley got off the plane they were swarmed by the president's private security force, one pulling Leon off to the side to ask for a debrief of what had happened.
Everything had passed by in a blur, Leon had cut a few corners to finish his debrief as fast as possible and when he was at last allowed to leave he basically sprinted to his motorcycle which had been safely parked while he was away.
He knew he was breaking numerous traffic laws trying to get home to you, but he couldn't have cared less. He nearly wanted to cry when he saw the familiar bricks of your house, and your cute car parked in the driveway. He doesn’t remember parking his bike, grabbing his backpack or even walking through the door. All of it leaving him the moment you come walking down the stairs, sleepiness shown through your features. 
You're wearing one of his older shirts, and the adorable socks he got you last christmas. It takes but a moment for his presence to register with your sleepy brain, but once it does, you're running full force into Leon’s arms. Leon feels everything he had pushed down during the mission come to surface, he’s burying his face within your neck, taking in your comforting scent as he tries his damndest to not break down and cry right then and there. But the weight of everything pulls him to his knees and you follow him to the floor. 
Pulling your head back, both of your hands reach for his face. His eyes lock onto yours, and that’s when he sees the tears welling within your eyes matching his own. “Hey baby.” His voice was soft and full of relief. Tears have started to blur his vision of you, your gentle thumbs dry his cheeks from the falling tears. “I missed you so much, I was so worried when they lost contact with you.” Your voice is hurried with pain laced between your words. Tugging you closer to him, no space between you, “I’m sorry, I wished I could’ve called you sooner.” You shake your head at him. “Leon, you don’t need to explain to me, I’m just happy you're home and safe with me now.” A beaming smile paints your face. 
And it’s those words that break him, his quickly burying himself in your neck holding in his sobs as best as he can. He almost didn’t make it home to you and that twists his heart painfully at the thought of never coming home to you. A hand cards through his hair while the other rubs soothing circles on his back. “I’ve got you, Leon. You made it, it’s ok.” Your voice is nothing but full of love and comfort. Retreating from the safety of your neck, Leon’s quick to grab the back of your head connecting your lips in a kiss full of emotion. Hands tugging at each other trying to get as close as possible, when it gets too much Leon wraps his arms underneath you lifting you easily. He’s taking the familiar pathway to your shared bedroom and before you both know it he’s setting you onto the semi warm sheets of your bed.
“Can I have you? I want— need you, please.” His pleading, begging even when he doesn’t need to because you would give yourself to him at any time. “Yes, Leon.” Spreading your arms open, you invite him in. And with your invitation clothes are hastily pulled off and thrown to the floor. 
Finally with no barriers between you two, Leon’s fully able to relish in your full embrace. Foreplay, which is usually drawn out, is rushed. Spit dribbles out of his mouth falling onto your clit, a shiver running up your spine at the sensation. Deft fingers take the spit using it to sweetly plunge into your cunt. With each passing moment your body becomes flushed, heart racing, as your cunt gets wetter with each thrust of his fingers. His thumb comes up to rub tight circles over your clit, a pathetic whimper leaves your lips. “Fuck- I can’t wait any more.” Voice rough and full of need, he’s moving himself back over you, locking onto your gaze.
Your arms are wrapped tight around his shoulders, legs caging him at his waist. Quickly lining himself up with you, he slowly sinks himself into your warm and wet cunt. A deep groan rumbles from his chest at the sensation. His arms are holding you tight as he gets lost in the feeling of you, loving the feeling of being so close to you. 
His thrusts start off deep and slow, making sure that he won’t hurt you. Soft sounds tumble from your lips joining with his own, “I love you.” Rough voice right next to your ear has you clenching around him. “Leon” it’s nothing but a needy whimper. With your sweet noises Leon was slowly losing himself in you, mind only focusing on you, giving him peace from all the shit he had been through.
With a swift manuver Leon has your legs over his shoulders and his fucking right back into you. Pace deep and rough, clenching at the new angle has Leon moaning into your ear. “Love you- love you.” Babbling through a haze of pleasure. Leaving wet messy kisses along your throat and the side of your face, your eyes flutter at how whole and content you feel– a feeling you can only achieve with Leon.
Each thrust pulls a moan from your lips, body quivering at the intensity of it all. A stray hand wanders back down to your clit, rubbing in a rhythm that matches his pace. Cunt clenching down at the bolt of pleasure it sends through your body, “L-Leon.” Crying out for him, “I know baby, cum for me.” Voice growing in pitch, a sign that he’s about to cum. With his words your vision fuzzes out, muscles spasming around his cock. A few hard thrusts and Leon’s moaning out as he cums deep inside of you, breath coming out in soft pants.
Lifting his head up to yours, leaning in to give you a searing kiss, tongues dancing with one another. Gently Leon brings your legs down from his shoulders, rolling to his side as he lets his softening cock leave you. Bodies warm and sweaty you both become a mess of limbs underneath the sheets as you bask in the afterglow. Slowly you both give into slumber, and Leon’s finally able to sleep in peace. Free from the horrors that he’s experienced, free from the nightmares that remind him of the pain he’s been through. With you he finally is able to experience happiness, peace and love. 
He doesn’t know what he would do without you and hates to imagine what he would be like if you weren’t here with him now. But he doesn’t entertain these thoughts as he falls into a restful slumber.
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c-nan · 1 year
okay so melissa sue anderson left little house on the prairie bc she thought they exhausted all of mary’s storylines and there was no more for her character but she was WRONG so i complied a list of writing choices the show writers could’ve done to extend her story the rest of the series:
1. mary and adam could have adopted james and cassandra cooper
to me, it would’ve made so much more sense if mary and adam adopted james and cassandra, rather than ma and pa (bc of space + money reasons). this would’ve keep mary in the show longer bc they could’ve have episodes focusing around the kids adjusting to life with mary and adam being their new parents (BAM, happy mary episodes). there would be episodes of the kids at school and mary helping them and such (which would ofc bring more mary and laura interaction bc i loved their sister bond). and of course they’d still visit ma and pa (esp with cassandra being carrie’s only friend and james looking up to albert), so mary would get tons more screen time, even in the eps that don’t revolve around her.
(also, i love cassandra, she’s super cute and a great addition to the show, but like. she takes a lot away from carrie i feel, and i don’t think it would’ve been that way if mary and adam would’ve adopted cassandra (and james) instead)
2. mary could’ve gotten pregnant again and the baby could’ve lived
she lost her first one before it was even born and she lost her second to a horrific house fire, the least the writers could do is give her a baby that lives!! the real mary ingalls never got married, never got children, so i found it unnecessarily cruel that they give the fictionalized character two and then take them both away for what? shock value? stupid imo. a part of me believes that they tried to give her a happier ending than the real mary ingalls, but honestly this seems worse than never being married or having children at all. ANYWAY, with the trauma of losing her first two children, having another would bring on a great, long-term storyline of her and adam being paranoid of any harm that may hypothetically come to it (which would be subtly weaved into mary-centric episodes about her and adam having a family) but by the end of the series, the child would still be happily alive and she’d be HAPPY!!!! and still living in walnut grove of course <3
3. mary and adam could’ve moved back to sleepy eye
adam could’ve gotten a job at that one firm (remember the one Important Lawyer Guy wanting him at his firm after the land case??), and mary could’ve kept the blind school open and teach with hester sue (what she’s wanted to do HER WHOLE LIFE). i think the stupidest thing the writers did to her story was to introduce this wonderful teaching opportunity, have her fall in love with all her students and with teaching, having the perfect life, JUST to rip it all away bc stupid-ass adam got his eyesight back and decide he doesn’t give two shits about the blind school or the kids bc now he can be a lawyer despite all the work they went through continuously to keep the school going. who cares what mary wants?? adam sure doesn’t. and idk, mary not giving much of a fight to stay in sleepy eye and continue to teach never sat right with me, it’s not in her character and honestly feels like an injustice to her. i feel her having the opportunity to go back and fight for her school to reopen would be more true to how she’s been established all these years and would definitely get her a two-parter and keep her in the show (even if we only see her on the odd ep when they travel to sleepy eye for work. better than nothing 🤷)
4. (my personal fave and not an option for the show but can’t a girl dream) mary could’ve left adam bc he doesn’t respect her life and wishes, and go back to sleepy eye to reopen the blind school. there, she could’ve eventually fell in love with one of the female townsfolk and finally live her best lesbian life surrounded by people who love and appreciate her
if i hadn’t made it clear yet, i hate adam and i love any alternative where he is most definitely not a part of mary’s life lmfao. sure, they had their cute moments but i cannot get over the fact that more often than not, he’s an asshole and i can’t stand him <3 the complete disregard for her wishes (taking her away from TEACHING) really irks my ass and not for a second did he stop and think “is there anyway i can achieve my dream without taking away mary’s?” no. no he didn’t, he didn’t care, he didn’t even ask her. like. dude. i feel this would be the perfect ending for her, and many episodes could be used to show her befriending the female townsperson, becoming good friends, and eventually fall in love (and this lady would APPRECIATE HER!!) all the while reopening the blind school and finally getting her happy ending!!!!! idk, it’s perfect to me, there’s no flaws in this one but ik the 80’s (and honestly today too) were too homophobic for this 🙄 it’s real for me, it’s canon idc.
final notes
i’m well aware there’s probably a million more ideas i can come up with and when i do i’ll just rb an addition, but these are the best i’ve got right now!! and notice how i was able to add to her storyline without giving her unbearable anguish?? wish the writers could’ve done that!! but no!! alas, i work with the cards i’m dealt, and i’ve spent a lot of time thinking of these alternatives which helps sooth the pain of awful writing choices.
i guess i’m just upset they took a character with so much potential (and one of the most interesting storylines imo) and just give her nothing and reduce her to nothing more than a wife. by the end of her story, it seemed like she was just there to be adam’s side-piece which doesn’t sit right with me. she deserved better than that and melissa sue anderson deserved better than that (she is SUCH an amazing actress, and it really sucks to see her put on the back burner since s5)
anyway, ik im yelling into the void here but idc i needed to get it all written down lol
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saltydumplings · 2 years
Request #8
The hero really didn't know why they'd kept them.
They also didn't know why they'd kept them in the second drawer of their bedside table.
Work had been...long today. The hero was tired but not exactly sleepy tired: they wanted to relax - have a little downtime to themself - and that was fine. There was nothing wrong with that - nothing wrong with it at all!
The hero bit their lip as they came to sit on the edge of their bed, letting their hand reach down to open the second drawer and barely getting a glimpse of what they knew was inside before slamming it shut again, a heavy blush lining their cheeks. They got back up and paced about the room, sat back down again and then got back up again and closed the bedroom door which had been left open. A little anxiously, they stared about the room before them - studying the space carefully.
Safe to say, when you were constantly fighting an opponent who could turn themself invisible you got a little...paranoid. The villain had no true reason to come to their house - let alone know where they lived - and yet the hero could never stop their thoughts from panicking over the prospect of being followed. A few seconds passed and they eventually resorted to spreading their arms out, walking about their bedroom and pretty much swinging loosely at any free space around them. It looked stupid, they knew that; it also wasn't very practical, they knew that too. But it made them feel a little better to an extent so they did it all the same, finally stopping with a sigh once they were content and returning to their place on the bed. Their eyes turned back towards the drawer.
Why couldn't they just watch a movie? Read a book perhaps?
No: their stupid mind had come up with this idea and now refused to give it up - practically plaguing them with the thought of it all day.
Slowly, the hero pulled open the drawer and tried to ignore the heat that instantly rose to their face as they pulled out the pair of black leather cuffs, setting them down beside them before also fishing out the key for them.
Yep, this was stupid alright...stupid, stupid, stupid--
They swung their legs up onto the bed and sat at its centre, hands a little fidgetty as they stared down at the item before them. The cuffs were power-suppressors, designed specifically for use on the hero by the villain themself. The other had tried to ambush them one night - clearly planning to take them captive - but, unfortunately for them, the hero hadn't been as alone as they'd thought. A brief scrap later and the villain had been forced to flee, leaving both the cuffs and the key to them behind. At first the hero had decided to keep them for research purposes: they'd planned on handing them over to the scientist and seeing what they found.
They never handed them over.
The hero's eyes darted about the room again and suddenly everything felt a little hot - their hands fumbling to undo the first few buttons of their shirt though it hardly seemed to help. It was simply curiosity, that was all. The villain was always so flirtatious and the hero couldn't be blamed - not really - when the thought had practically been put into their head intentionally. Yes, this was absolutely all the villain's doing and was in no way an actual interest of the hero's at all - nope. It was a trap, an obvious one that the other had laid out and the hero was certainly not stupid enough to even think about falling for it...
They put their left wrist into one of the cuffs and clipped it shut.
The hero felt something shift inside of them immediately - their power feeling strangely fuzzy now. The cuff was softer on their skin than they'd thought it would be though, and honestly the overall sensation of it wasn't half bad.
Yes, this was...interesting.
Okay, so maybe they'd been exaggerating when they said it was a trap: they were just too damn embarrassed to acknowledge what was obviously a kink they had and had been using the excuse of the villain to try and stop themself from exploring. It was just what it looked like: a pair of power-suppressing cuffs that the villain had dropped by accident and likely didn't even know that the hero had kept. Why would the hero have kept them? No - there was no way the villain could have ever anticipated this.
The hero locked in their other wrist and gasped a little as they felt their power leave them entirely - a strange emptiness and a feeling of being exposed left in its place. It excited them.
What if the villain had caught them that night? What would have happened? What did the other have planned?
Okay, okay, so maybe it wasn't just a kink either. Thoughts of the villain were spilling into the hero's head and they couldn't hide from the fact that it only seemed to excite them more - they didn't think they'd blushed so hard in their life and yet here they were, by themself, no more than a pair of leather cuffs and the image of the villain hiding in their room, watching them, making them more heated than anything else ever had.
Was this normal? Probably not. But the hero decided that since they'd already gone this far they might as well just push it a little further, eyes scanning across the room once again before reaching for the key and unlocking the one cuff, repositioning themself so they were kneeling instead. They put their hands behind their back and clicked the cuffs back into place, dropping the key down to their side so it was still within reach.
It took them a few seconds to get over their thoughts on how weird it was before finally relaxing into it, letting their eyes shut as they let a scenario play out in their head: the villain had caught them. The hero imagined how the other might grin down at them with that sharp smile, telling them just how pretty they looked like this - so perfect. They imagined the villain vanishing from their sight, teasing them with small touches that they couldn't predict, invisible hands trailing up their thighs and waist, tracing lines across their chest whilst soft kisses were placed against the back of their neck, the villain's lips--
In front of them, the bed seemed to dip slightly.
The hero startled, eyes fluttering open to look at the empty space before them - gaze turning downwards and their head cocking to the side as they stared down at the sheets. They looked...strange. Had they been like that before? There was something in the way some of creases seemed almost flattened down, as if some kind of weight was resting on top of them.
The hero suddenly let out a yelp as hot breath ghosted over their face, immediately falling backwards in their surprise before moving about in a panic - awkwardly scrambling to try and find the key with their hands still bound behind their back.
Where was it? It should have been right there - the hero remembered leaving it on the bed so where the hell was it?!
They managed to get back onto their knees and glanced about, looking for something small and silver amoung their sheets only to spy it halfway across the room, resting on top of their dresser. Well, that wasn't where it was supposed to be at all! The hero went to move to the edge of the bed only to find themself held back, their entire frame freezing as they felt hands wrapping tightly around their waist - the sudden heat of another body pressed against their back.
A pause.
When the villain finally came to speak, the hero felt that they might just pass out from the embarrassment of it all.
"Huh...so that's what happened to my cuffs."
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mochegato · 3 years
Jasonette Protection Program
Chapter 1
Jason smirked as the lock disengaged for him. Tim may be ‘the smart one’ but thank God he was predictable.  It made things like breaking into his townhouse so much easier.  Now he just had to convince him to let him hide at his place for a few days.  It shouldn’t be too hard once he knew it would piss off Damian, because again, Tim was predictable, and one thing he reveled in more than tormenting Jason was tormenting the gremlin.  And not being able to find Jason would absolutely kill Damian, meaning he couldn’t kill Jason.  And none of them would think to look for Jason at Tim’s place of all places.
“Hey, Preten… er… Tim.  You here?” Jason called out as he relocked the door behind him.  “Come on, Tim.  I know you’re here.  You said you were going to hang out with friends tonight, which we both know means you’re going to be home alone all night.”
Jason moved through the townhouse looking for Tim, getting increasingly paranoid as he moved.  He’d told Alfred he’d be around if he needed anything, and he would never lie to Alfred.  So where was he, Jason wondered to himself as he walked past Tim’s bedroom, noting the untouched bed and wandered into the spare bedroom.  And who was the woman in the bed?  The suspiciously, absolutely gorgeous woman, sleeping peacefully in the bed he was going to use.  When Tim was conspicuously missing?  Well that was unpredictable.  
What the fuck was going on?  Tim was paranoid as fuck.  And to just leave someone in his townhouse unsupervised?  Someone who was pretending like she could sleep through Jason screaming at the top of his lungs?  Something was off.  “Hey! Person who doesn’t live here!” Jason yelled.  “Who the fuck are you and why are you in my brother’s bed?”
The woman’s eyes popped open.  Her face scrunched in confusion after a beat, but she slowly closed her eyes again.  “Hey, no!” Jason kicked the bed hard enough to jostle the entire bed.  “Who the fuck are you?”  
This time the woman, who he now realized was probably Tim’s girlfriend that he hadn’t told any of them existed, which he couldn’t blame Tim for, he wouldn’t want to introduce anyone to this family unless he had to either, bolted up to sitting and gasped in a breath.  Her head whipped around clumsily to find the source of the disruption.  She blinked groggily as she looked around, almost like she wasn’t registering what she was seeing, not really.  Jason almost felt bad for waking her up because damn, she must have been really deeply asleep.  It was taking her a while to settle back into reality.
Jason’s theory about her not really taking in what she saw was confirmed when her gaze swept past him with no reaction at all.  The room was dim, but wasn’t dark.  He wasn’t hidden.  There was no way she could have missed him.  After a few seconds she stopped her scan of the room and blinked blankly, swaying slightly in place, and brought her gaze back to him.  She blinked more heavily a few more times as she stared at him as if trying to figure out if he was really there.
Her eyes met his, but didn’t seem to see him. They looked glazed over.  He would normally be a bit more sympathetic to the sleep induced daze, but he was already in a bad mood and she was fucking ignoring him and where was Tim?  “Yes, I’m real,” he gruffly answered her unasked question.  “Now, for the third time, what the fuck are you doing in my brother’s bed?”
She looked down at herself and the bed she was in.  Her head lolled unsteadily as she looked around until she fell back onto the bed with a grunt.  “I see why your brother is the detective, not you.”  
“Excuse me!” he growled at her.  Instead of flinching back like a normal person would have, a smile teased on her lips and she turned over on her side, curling happily into her pillow.  Jason almost thought she’d fallen asleep and was about to strip the comforter off of her until she slurred out a sleepy question.  “So, which brother are you?”
He stared at her, unsure how to react to her. She knew Tim was a detective.  How did she know that?  ‘Detective’ isn’t a term you could just throw in there like ‘he’s the smart one’ would be, which, he was used to hearing.  But ‘detective’ was extremely specific and directly related to their nightly activities.  Unless he told her he was a private detective for some reason?  Or an inside joke?  And she was acting so casual about it, like it was an understood thing.  “Jason,” he finally answered.  Regardless of whether she knew or not, giving that much wouldn’t hurt.
“Ooohhh,” she smiled against the pillow, not even bothering to open her eyes.  “I was supposed to never meet you.  You should definitely stay close by.  Take a picture of Tim’s face when he sees you with me.  It’s going to be brilliant.  I would pay to see it.”
He smiled in spite of himself, but quickly schooled his expression.  She wasn’t answering his questions.  She was deftly avoiding giving him any information.  It was so natural, he could almost believe it really was, but nobody in their lives was that innocent.  But then again, her body was completely relaxed.  He was accustomed to deceptive relaxation, body positioning that appeared outwardly to be relaxed, but the muscles were prone and ready to jump into action in an instant if a threat presented itself.  She didn’t show those signs.  She was either amazingly good, which would explain how she knew who Tim was, or she really was that relaxed and innocent.  
Either way, he still didn’t have a name.  “And who are you exactly?  For the fourth time,” he asked again.
“Tomorrow,” she murmured as she groped for the covers to pull them back up over her chest.  “So tired. Just sleep.  Tim will be back soon, maybe.  Ask h…” she trailed off.
“You don't care if I share the bed?” he asked suspiciously.  This seemed more and more like a trap, but what the hell the trap could be, he couldn’t figure out.  He wasn’t married or seeing anyone so it wasn’t like she could blackmail him with pictures. And she couldn’t exhort him by forcing him into a situation where he defends himself against her husband or boyfriend who just ‘happens’ to walk in on them in bed, that was actually a popular one in Gotham for some reason, because they were in Tim’s townhouse and she knew they were brothers so… what the hell could her game be?
“And there was one bed,” she mumbled amused, giggling softly to herself.
She waved him off sloppily.  “Not worried. You lay one finger on me and Tim will kill you.” She clumsily patted the space in the bed next to her.  “Sleep.”
“I’m sleeping on the couch,” he insisted surlily. He waited to see how she would react, but her only response was a soft snore.  He snorted.  He studied the woman, trying to figure out who exactly this woman was and how close to Tim she was, because not many girlfriends would suggest pranking their boyfriends with cheating… with the boyfriend’s brother, especially when she apparently knew there was animosity between them.  
Some of that could be because she was currently quite obviously not quite aware of reality.  He was now convinced it was a bit more than just being tired.  She had clearly enjoyed her night a bit too much, which he could completely understand. If he had to spend an entire night laughing with Tim, he’d need to be drunk too.
His head snapped in the direction of the front door when he heard the sounds of a lock disengaging and the door opening.  He glanced back at the woman in the bed, whose name he still didn’t know, and made a split second decision to trust her despite that fact.  The likelihood that she was conning him was far outweighed by the opportunity to prank Tim, and with his friend’s? girlfriend’s? whichever’s help!  This was unheard of.  Dick’s friends were more than willing to help with a prank, knowingly or unknowingly, but Tim’s friends?  Never. At least not with Jason.
He ripped off his jacket and shirt, throwing them toward the corner of the room and hopped toward the bed as he pulled off his boots.  He jumped under the covers behind the woman and let the covers pool around his hips, just above his pants waistband.  He pulled the covers up to the woman’s shoulders to hide the fact that she was still wearing her shirt.  She barely moved at all in response to his actions.  He wasn’t even sure if she knew he was there.  He really hoped when she woke up that she remembered the prank.
He could hear Tim’s footsteps as he got closer to the door.  Just before he reached the door, Jason threw his arm over the woman’s waist and moved closer to her.  He just barely cracked his eye open, enough to see Tim, but still look closed if the other person wasn’t watching closely enough.
Tim peeked quietly into the room.  He did a double take when he saw the bed.  “What the…” Tim started.  Jason couldn’t stop the small grin that spread on his face, that is until Tim reacted.  
He suddenly threw the door open and rushed the bed. He hauled Jason out of the bed with more strength than Jason remembered him having.  Tim threw him against the wall hard enough to knock a few pictures off the wall.  His face was contorted in the angriest scowl Jason had ever seen on him.  He shoved his forearm into Jason’s throat, pushing hard enough that Jason had to gasp to get air.
Tim moved closer, his eyes sparking with so much anger that for the first time Jason was a bit intimidated.  Maybe this hadn’t been such a brilliant idea after all.  But, this reaction from the normally composed Tim was definitely unpredictable.  The woman wasn’t kidding when she said Tim would kill him for touching her.  Tim paused and glanced down toward Jason’s cargo pants, still tightly belted and zipped.  When he looked back up, his eyes had somehow narrowed even more.  “That better have been just a terrible fucking joke.”
Jason rolled his eyes and tried to push Tim’s arm away from his throat, but Tim wouldn’t yield.  “Calm down, Timbers.  I didn’t sleep with your girlfriend,” Jason jeered.
“She isn’t my girlfriend, asshole,” Tim sneered back pushing his forearm harder into Jason’s throat.  “She’s a good friend who got drugged by someone tonight, intending to do God knows what.  So you can imagine how utterly not funny I find you joking about sleeping with her right now.”
Jason’s eyes widened in realization.  That… that would explain a lot.  “Oh Shit.  I’m really sorry, Tim.  I swear I didn’t do anything to her.”  Tim nodded slightly and lowered his arm, but his expression didn’t soften much.  He continued to glare at Jason.
His stare down was interrupted by a soft, tired, slightly slurred voice.  “What happened?  Tim?”  The woman smiled slightly.  “You’re home.”  Her eyes flicked over to Jason and she stopped to contemplate him.  “Hey, you’re real.  Did you take a picture?”
Tim whipped his head over to Jason, his heated glare back in place. “A picture of what, exactly?” he demanded.
Jason held up his hands in an effort to placate him.  She was really, really not helping them right now. “Of your face when you saw us together,” he explained slowly.  Tim drew in a deep breath and his jaw got even tighter.  “In my defense, it was her idea,” Jason said quickly, pointing to the woman, “and I didn’t know she was drugged.”
Tim looked away and huffed out an angry breath. He rubbed his forehead.  “Of course it was her idea.”  He turned to the woman with an exasperated sigh.  “You’re not funny, Marinette.”
The woman, Marinette, pouted at him and nestled deeper into the covers.  “I’m fucking hilarious,” she mumbled out from under the covers.  Her face emerged from the covers as she took them both in.  She looked down at Jason’s chest for a second and threw off the comforter to look down at her chest.  She pulled gently at the front of her shirt.  “Should have taken my shirt off too.  Would have been funnier,” she chastised lightly before collapsing back onto the bed and closing her eyes again.
“No,” Tim yelled out holding out his hands in a halting motion.
Marinette opened one eye to glare at him before turning over and snuggling into the covers on the other side.  “Fuck you.  I have great breasts.”
Tim groaned and looked down mortified.  “Oh God, that’s not something I wanted to ever hear coming out of your mouth.”
“And you’re in trouble anyway,” she continued, ignoring Tim’s comment, her words slurring slightly more as fatigue claimed more of her attention.  “Why didn’t you tell me your brother was sexy?”
Tim groaned and ran his hand down his face.  “And there’s another.”  He looked back at her with a serious expression.  “Not sexy, annoying asshole.”
“No, she clearly said sexy,” Jason corrected him with a cocky grin.
“Touch her and die,” Tim hissed.
“Protective much,” Jason taunted.
“That’s exactly what I am, protective of my drugged friend,” Tim growled back, reminding Jason of the situation and why Marinette was there in the first place.  He turned back to Marinette with a softer expression.  “You can do far better than him.”  He didn’t even flinch when Jason punched him hard in the shoulder. Jason discretely looked up to see how Marinette reacted to Tim’s words, but she was already sleeping again.
He only looked away from her when Tim punched his shoulder and shoved him toward the door.  “Don’t even fucking think about it,” he snapped.
“Yeah, yeah.  Okay.  Whatever, keep your friend,” Jason waved him off, but his eyes found their way back to her as they left the room.  “Tell me what happened while I raid your fridge.”
Chapter 2
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Once Upon a Time in…
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Emma Swan x Reader, Regina Mills x Reader, Snow White x Reader, Prince Charming x Reader.
Word Count: 2900.
Previously on the series - Neverland, Camelot
“So we’re back at square one.” You sigh, looking at Henry, while he is reading his enormous book.
“Not entirely true. We know that we have to lift the curse so you can leave, and that we have to do it fast before you become a character of the book.” He says, without raising his head at you. You’re almost arguing when a plate with at least 20 pancakes is placed before you. That stops your mind mid-rant.
“Thanks, Granny.” You smile at her, who smiles back before leaving. “Except that we don’t know who cursed the town, so I might as well embrace my fate of being a fairytale character right now and forever.”
“You know, there is another way.” He finally looks at you and you encourage him with an eyebrow raise. “Too risky and honestly? I don’t even know if they would agree to it…”
“Would you go on with it already? No need to build up the climax, we’re already past that.”
“Another curse.” Henry says and you furrow your brows. Having two curses surely doesn’t sound like the solution. “A liftable curse, of course.”
You just blink at him when he doesn’t say anything for a while.
“Ok, what if my mom cursed you into believing you’re a part of the story? You would be written into the book-” You open your mouth to argue. “But it comes from someone who knows and can undo it. So, when the time comes, she lifts the curse and you’re not in the book anymore.”
“Uh.” You think about it for a second. “Sounds like it could work. It would be like if we had a countdown watch and after your mom’s curse it would just pause it.” You say and he nods in agreement.
“The protection spell around town gets lifted and she undoes your curse right after. The countdown restarts but you would be ready to leave.” He finishes your train of thought. “Only thing is whether she will agree to this.”
“Well, we’ve got to try, right? Might be our only hope.” You’re almost out of the booth when you look at the pancakes in front of you. “Give me a minute.”
“Can’t believe you’re thinking about food right now.” Henry rolls his eyes at you.
“Can’t believe you’re not.” You say inhaling the food in front of you in exactly one minute. “Ok, I’m done.”
“This was traumatic to watch.”
You ignore him and you both run out of Granny’s to Regina’s house at the end of the main street. You try to go slower so he doesn’t fall too far behind, but you’re still in front of her house way before he gets there.
“Next time, give me a ride.” He is breathing hard next to you but recovers faster than normal. “Mom? Are you here?”
“In the kitchen, kid!” You hear Emma’s voice, and you follow Henry to it. You find both Regina and Emma making breakfast together. The scene doesn’t fail to bring tears to your eyes. It’s too familiar. “Oh, you guys are together, great!”
“We think we have a, well, it’s not a solution. It’s more like a-” Henry looks at you.
“Band-aid.” You give them a forced smile.
“Let’s hear it.” Regina asks and you and Henry do your best explaining the whole thing. “So I would undo the curse and she’ll leave, huh?”
“I know it’s not ideal but-”
“But it’s pretty good.” Emma says. She comes closer to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Are you sure about that, though?”
“No. I know nothing about magic.” You shrug. “If this was science or anything related, I would probably be sure, but this is outside my area of expertise. If you two think it could work, then I trust you to bring me back when it’s time.”
“You should know all magic comes with a price.” Regina adds.
“What’s the price?”
“We’ll learn about it later.” She raises an eyebrow at you. You think of Lena and how you need to go back home to see her eyebrow raise.
“I’ll pay.”
“Well, then hold on to it, kid.” Regina says with a smile. “You’re about to become a fairytale character.”
You and Henry look at each other. As good of an idea this was, you didn’t consider all the outcomes. You’ll become a fairytale character; you won’t remember anything about your actual life. You won’t remember your moms, aunts, cousins, girlfriend, grandmas… You know it’s what you have to do, if you ever want to make it out of this reality and back into yours, but still. Not remembering Jamie’s laugh, Maya’s kisses, Kelly’s comfort, Alex’s shoulder squeezes, Lillian’s head tilt, Eliza’s soft voice, Lena’s green eyes, Kara’s smiles, it almost makes you want to forget about this and find another way.
“Ok, the curse is ready.” Regina says and you look up, coming back from your thoughts.
“Smells funny.”
“I know, sweetheart. It's a curse. It's not meant to be pleasant.” She says, making your heart beat faster on your chest. You hold your necklace strongly in your hands; remember your family one last time. Then close your eyes.
“Yay, food!” You open your eyes and look at your moms on the other side with a stack of pancakes in front of them.
“Hey, leave some for your brother.” Regina says, stopping you before you grab all of the apple pancakes she has made.
“Fine, you can have one, Henry.” You joke, putting just one on his plate from the stack in front of you.
“Be nicer, honey.” Emma kisses the crown of your head, before sitting next to you. You smile, putting two more on his plate.
“There, you’re eating just as much as me now.”
“Listen kids, today Emma and I will be working with Mr. Gold to see if we can lift the protection spell around the city. You two will spend the day with the Charmings.”
“Oh, come on, moms. We’re old enough to help!” Henry says and you agree.
“Of course you are. And we will need your help when the time comes. Just, well, you know how is like to work with Mr. Gold-”
“Always an adventure.” You and Henry say in unison.
“Something like that.” Emma agrees looking like she wanted to disagree, instead. “Besides, I thought you had archery lessons with your grandma today?”
“Yes!” You agree, excitedly.
“And Henry, you will be hanging out with your grandpa at the station, right?” She gets his answer in the form of a nod. “Well, great, we’re all very busy today. But we’re still meeting at Granny’s tonight for dinner, ok?”
“Sure thing, mom.” You get up and kiss her head. “See you guys later, I’m late to meet grandma.” You kiss Regina’s head right after. “Bye, mom. Squirt, wanna a ride?”
“Stop calling me squirt.” Henry complains, getting up from the table. “See you later, moms.” He follows you to the front of the house. “Don’t run so fast, I just ate.”
“You know I only have two speed levels. Fast or breaking the sound barrier.” He jumps on your back and out you go, fast enough to be at the station in a blink of an eye. “See you later!”
It doesn’t take long before you and Snow White are walking in the woods close to the city. You love spending time in the woods with her. You love just sitting in silence and letting your senses become even more refined. Sure, you have super hearing, but she teaches you how to focus even on the simpler things. Leaves in the wind, steps in the woods, birds chirping. There’s no other place you feel as in peace as in the woods with Snow.
“So? How are the woods today?” She asks, hand on your shoulder.
“Was there ever a time where there wasn’t anyone in the woods doing weird stuff?” You ask, making Snow laugh loudly next to you.
“Not in Storybrooke.” Snow agrees with a smile and points a direction for you both to walk.
“How do you want to do this?” You ask, putting your bow into position and closing one eye, looking around.
“Like we shall do everything.” You look at her and she winks at you. “Together.”
You miss the shot. You try again. Your arrow breaks. You try again. You lose your temper. You try yet again.
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
‘Together’ is the word to live by.
“Mom, can you help me take control of the panic attacks?” It’s late at night when you ask her that. Regina is happy that you’re asking for her help, and you two sneak into her office while Emma and Henry watch Space Paranoids.
“Remember,” She holds you, before she starts. “These are nightmares I’m putting in your mind. None of them are real. You’re safe and sound at home with us. Say the word and I’ll stop.”
“But sweetheart, you’ve got to fight it. With all the strength and courage I know you have. Concentrate and fight it.” Regina says, and you nod, closing your eyes.
Your mind is filled with visions. Terrible ones, by the way. You see people dying, by shot guns and swords. It’s a war inside your mind. You know it’s not real, but the feeling is the same. You try to run but your legs feel wobbly and weak, and you fall on your knees. There’s a pool of blood under you and when you look to the side you see Henry with glassy eyes, completely lifeless.
“NOOOO!” Your heart starts beating into your ribcage, as you shake before reaching for him. “Please, please don’t be dead.”
“Concentrate. Focus.”
“HE IS DEAD! IT’S MY FAULT!” You yell, with tears wetting your face.
“It’s not your fault.” Regina says in your ear. “Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe.”
“What’s going on?” You hear his voice. Regina has already stopped filling your mind with visions, but still you see his glassy eyes staring at you. “Hey, open your eyes. I’m here.”
You see him. But your body is still reacting harshly to the vision. You cry and shake. You’ve failed, but you’re not the one to back down.
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
You’ll overcome your fears.
“Hey honey!” Emma wakes you up, with an excited greeting, and you roll to the side not opening your eyes just yet. “I could really use your help with something.”
“What is it?” You mumble, still too sleepy to talk.
“We’ve gotta help Ella. And I thought we could have some mother-daughter bonding time.”
“You’re my mother. Isn’t that enough of a bond?” You ask, as a joke, and you get a chuckle in response.
“Come on. It would be much faster if you could fly around and find her for me. Otherwise I would have to use magic to find a shoe and then more magic to track her, and then-”
“Oh my God, ok. I’ll help.” You get up and get ready in seconds. “I know you just want my help because I’m faster than the Flash.”
“Faster than a flash, honey.” Emma corrects you. “Let’s go!”
So you find Ella, just before her evil stepmother shoots her, and you stand tall in front of her because you’re indestructible, and your mom uses magic to contain her evil stepmother, and it’s just another day in Storybrooke. You know, for a really small town, there’s always something going on in here.
“Saving the town with my kid.” Emma throws her arms around your shoulders with a smile. “What mother could ask for more?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I think being saved probably doesn’t sound so bad.” You complain, getting a tight squeeze from her.
“Sitting around waiting to be saved, with no idea whether someone’s actually going to come for you-” She sighs, loudly. “Trust me, I know doing all the saving all the time sounds exhausting. But waiting around is-is as bad as it can get, honey.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
Heroism comes first.
“Are you ready?” Snow asks and you agree excitedly. Bow and arrow ready to shoot. You look at her getting in position. “Together.”
You nod, and you two aim at the same spot. Both of the arrows travel together and land side by side in the middle of the target. You smile, excited. “I feel like the Green Arrow!”
“Who’s that?” Snow asks and you look at her furrowing your brows.
“I-I don’t know.” You think and think about how that name just easily left your mouth. Huh. Weird.
Days. Weeks. Months.
“Here comes the town’ superhero!” Emma says when you walk in the kitchen.
“Here is the town’ savior!” You answer with a smile.
“I could use your help out there today, kid!” She widens her smile.
“Doesn’t this town have enough heroes?” You sit next to her, and she kisses the crown of your head, before placing a plate of hot waffles in front of you.
“But only one is super.” She winks, making you giggle in excitement. You’re convinced right away.
Days. Weeks. Months.
“Focus. Concentrate.” Regina says, close to your ear. And you breathe deep trying to do so.
“It's kind of hard when you're talking in my ear.”
“And when the wind blows, or it's raining, or someone's shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration's hard. That's the point.” She bumps her shoulder on yours. “Sweetheart, you told me you needed help.”
“And I do.”
“Then let me help.” She runs her fingers through your hair slowly. “The world will always throw disappointments, sorrows and pain on our backs. It’s our job to learn how to handle them. I worked very hard for my first reaction to be as Regina and not as the Evil Queen.”
“I know, mom. You said that a million times.” Your answer makes Regina lose her cool a little. And you smile, apologetic. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I asked for help. I need to know how to handle the pain. Please, I’m ready to go on.”
“Close your eyes.” She asks again and you comply. “Are you ready?” You shake your head in agreement.
You see images. Like a lucid dream in your mind. Regina is using magic to alter what you see. And you see destruction, death everywhere. You see Snow’s head detached from her body, Emma bleeding with a sword on her heart, the only thing left from Charming is his hand, still clinging to his sword.
You should be ready by now. In fact, you should be used to it somehow. It’s not the first time you and Regina do this kind of exercise. But it doesn’t matter how many times you see your family bleeding out, totally lifeless in front of you, every single time, without fail, makes your heart beat faster, your lungs stop working, you shake, you start crying and hyperventilating, ready to destroy everything.
“Focus! No fire from the eyes.” You hear Regina’s voice and you come back to yourself a little bit, just to hold back your first reaction. It’s always the eyes.
“But mom is dead.” You cry out, clenching your fist.
“Concentrate. You can do it.”
You can do it.
You kneel before Snow’s head. Breath in while counting to 3. Hold your breath for 3 seconds. Breath out in the same amount of time. You know this isn’t real. Snow is home, and safe. You’re not in the enchanted forest. Nothing here is real.
You unclench your fist. Steadying your breath. You fight the images. Snow’s head goes back to her body. Charming’s hand disappears. Emma opens her eyes.
“You can do it.” You hear again. And you feel the thump in your heart settling back in your ribcage. Beating normal again. Soon enough the entire thing vanishes in front of your eyes. You open your eyes again. Your hands are still shaking a little, but you’re home with your mom, and you’re safe. She smiles fondly at you. “See? I knew you could do it.”
“I did it. I stopped my panic attack.” You say with excitement planted on your face and she hugs you tightly. It doesn’t matter how many months it took you to do so, you still did it.
“How about we celebrate? Guess who lifted the town’s protection spell this morning?”
“Wait, really?” Your eyes widen in excitement.
“Yes! You know what that means?” Regina asks, and you can barely contain yourself, jumping up and down.
“Pizza from the neighborhood city!” You squeak. “Can I go get it? Please mom, let me go get it!”
“Here.” Regina gives you the money. “Bring enough for your grandparents. And Belle. Maybe Hook too. Just anyone who happens to be at Granny’s.”
“So basically the entire city?”
“Basically.” She smiles and you’re almost out the door, when you look back at her and add.
“Did I have any plans for when we could leave town?” You think and think, but nothing comes to mind. “It’s weird, I swear I feel like I’m forgetting something important.”
“Maybe to give mom a kiss?” Regina asks and you smile. Rushing to her and hugging her, before kissing her forehead.
“Yeah, it was probably just a kiss.” You chuckle.
Days. Weeks. Months.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
With Ghastly Consequences
Part Two of A Dangerous Game
{I wasn’t going to do this till later but ThE IdEaS were flowing}
Requested by this anon: “I don’t mean to be a bother but if you could possible make a part 2 for the “a dangerous game” fic that you made? It was amazing!!”
and this one: “ Dude I need more poly Dream team with SBI family reader what if reader came back as a ghost but it’s like Ghostbur so she doesn’t remember everything?”
Dream x George x Sapnap x Reader + sleepy boys x sibling!reader
trigger warnings: yelling, swearing, mentioned character death (its you, you died in the last one)
premise: after your death, everything was hazy; this is an account of the events sparked by your ghostly return
(y/n/n)- your nickname
You’d drifted, for a while, in a greyish abyss for a while, knowing that there was a choice to make. 
The void, though being of course, a void of nothingness, was peaceful, and gave you time to come to terms with what had happened, and come to the solution to the question. 
And as soon as that happened-
You were gone again. 
The man froze over the brewing stand, the bottles in his hands beginning to tremble, “(y/n)?” 
“Dad!” You grinned as he turned around, looking dumbfounded, “I didn’t know you were coming here- when did you get in? Oh I can’t believe you finally came!” 
“D- Do you not remember?” His voice was low, shaking almost as much as his hands. 
“Course I remember- well I remember some stuff. Like you and Tommy and Techno and Home and- and Pogtopia- and Dream and George and Ni- Sapnap- oh- wait-” your voice dropped to a whisper, “You know how they were- y’know, my partners?”
Your father nodded. 
“Don’t tell Wil,” You said quickly, “He’ll get mad.” 
He nodded blankly again, still staring at you. 
“Well what's with you? Why’re you looking at me like that?” 
“Y- It’s just- your back. I- I was devastated- more than- when WIlbur- er- when you died. But n- but your back.” There was quiet relief in his voice. 
You nodded, “Course I’m back. Like you could get rid of me that easy.” 
Phil dropped the bottles onto the crafting bench, rushing forward in an attempt to embrace you. 
You shuddered as he passed through your spectral form, sadly mumbling, “Uh, yeah. I kinda pass through things now.” 
Phil smiled sadly, “Still, your back, come on, come on, lets go find Techno, he should still be around here.” 
You nodded, following him down that ladder, “That's what I wanted to ask, where is here? Why are you out in the arctic?” 
“Oh, uh, just to get away from everything, you know who Tech hates his governments.” Phil attempted a joke. 
“Oh, yeah- I wouldn’t want to be there with Shlatt either. Strange he didn’t just go back to pogtopia though.” 
Technoblade looked up from where he was sharpening his axe, at first his face reading confused, then guilty, the carefully blank, “Things have changed (y/n). People, change.”
“Like Wil? I rember Wil being mad about something- do you think- no it wouldn’t be that, I was careful.” 
Techno winced, glancing Phil’s direction, “Uhh, we- we don’t talk to Wilbur any more. Not- not since he- er- not since you died.” 
“That man is no son of mine.” Phil spat.
You looked at him confused, “What happened? Did you get in a fight?”
“It’s- not our place to tell you.” Techno said finally. 
“hmmm, okay! So what have you guys been up too?” 
You hummed a tune, drifting down the prime path, headed towards L’manburg, toward home
Phil and Techno had warned you that things had changed since your death, but that didn’t deter you from going back.
Coming over the hill, you looked over your beautiful country, the walls, which you knew were gone, seemed to be partially rebuilt, and distantly you could see Fundy over seeing construction.
At first glance everything seemed fine, but as you got closer the atmosphere seemed to change, a sort of anxiety hanging in the air over the city. 
Slowly you floated up to the platform your nephew was standing on, “Fundy! You’re rebuilding the walls!”
The fox jumped, “(y/n)?” 
“When Techno said things had changed I didn’t think he meant Shlatt was putting the walls back!” 
“(y/n)- your- your back?” 
“Course I’m back,” You chuckled, “You miss me fur ball?” 
“I- you- your back?” He repeated.
“Yeah, what’s going on round here? Why’d Shlatt have a change of heart- wait- did we win? Did I die and miss us winning? Is Wilbur putting the walls back-” 
“Wilbur isn’t here any more.” Fundy interrupted bitterly. 
Your brow furrowed, “Why is everyone mad at him?” 
“Come on, lets get you too Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo, they’ll-” He sighed motioning for Jack Manifold to take his place, “Well they should tell you at least part of it.” 
He led you down off the platform, toward the podium that still stood in the center of L’manburg, at your look of confusion explaining, “Ranboo’s a new comer. Uh- he’s- different, half enderman, we think, eye contact isn’t his thing, so be aware of that.” 
You nodded as he pushed open the door, “Hey- guy’s drop what your doing, this is important-” there was a small thud, “No not literally Ranboo- it’s a figure of speech.” 
You drifted past him into the room, smiling at the flustered looking enderboy, your brother, and his best friend, “Hello!” 
Tommy’s breath hitched, his lip beginning to tremble, “(y/n/n)?” 
“Hi Tommy! Hi Tubbo! Hi person I’m assuming is Ranboo!” 
The tall boy waved awkwardly, “Hi?” 
Fundy cleared his throat awkwardly, “Uh, I have t’get back to work. They’re- confused. I-” He gave Tubbo a ‘this is your problem now’ look before quickly turning and leaving. 
“Uhh... (y/n). You’re- back?” Tubbo laughed as if he couldn’t believe it. 
Tommy was still staring at you in shock, “(y/n)?” 
You drifted across the floor to be near him, “Tommy what’s wrong?” 
Your brother burst into angry tears, “I thought you were gone! I thought that he took you away from me! He- he fucking thought- that bitch thought he could take away my sibling! Just- just because of some- of some fucking-” He fell off into hiccups, tears still falling down his face.
“That bastard! He- he fucking killed- he- and for what? Cuase he didn’t fucking like who you were seeing?” Tommy muttered, moving back past Ranboo to sink into a chair.
“Who? Who didn’t like it?” You asked. 
Tommy let out a bitter laugh as Tubbo looked at you sadly, “It’s- nothing.”
“Hmmm, well, what’s going on here then? Did we win the war?” 
Tubbo nodded, “Wilbur- isn’t here anymore, he- he- sort of betrayed us, and we chased him out. So we’re rebuilding the walls, so he doesn’t do anything else, and me and Tommy are co presidents.” 
You nodded, but were still confused, “What did Wil do? Is it why Phil said he wasn’t his son any more?”
Ranboo gulped awkwardly, “Uh- from what- er I- uh heard, yes.” 
“hmmmm, I hope it wasn’t anything too bad.” You sighed. 
You stayed with them for another hour, talking about L’manburg, and the presidency, until Niki arrived, breathless, having heard you were back, “(y/n/)!” 
“Niki!” You looked over her, something seemed off, less bright, less Niki.
She glanced around the room, “How about we go for a walk, to catch up?” 
There was something desperate in her voice, and you weren’t stupid enough to ignore it, “Of course.” 
She gave you a strained smile, motioning to the door, “Let’s go then.” 
Soon you were out wandering through the city, many of the crowds were gone, though you could see signs of life in open windows, and small restaurants, “Niki what’s going on here? Something isn’t right.” 
“Nothing is right, not since we got rid of Wilbur.”
You looked up at the walls, now seeming to loom twice as tall as they once did, “Tommy and Tubbo- they’re anxious about something.” 
Niki nodded, “The whole country holds its breath. Tommy is angry, and Tubbo is paranoid. They think Wilbur will blow up the country, and that he’ll have help, the walls, the security checkpoints- none of this is what L’manburg was founded for.
“The people are terrified, everyone tells them something different, they’re waiting for the country to be driven into the ground.” 
You gulped (can ghosts gulp?), “Well that isn’t good. Maybe- Maybe- hmmmm, Maybe you should be in charge Niki! You- don’t tell the others- but I think you’d make a better president than any of them!” 
“If I could I would (y/n), but it’s not that simple,” She smiled sadly, looking around with a sigh, “Why don’t you go find your boyfriends? Have you gone to see them yet?” 
~~ “Georgie!” 
The King blinked, quickly pushing back the small sense of hope, he was just imagine things again, he thought to himself, he had to be. 
“George what’s wrong?” 
The voice was closer now, and it was the cold sensation at touched his shoulder that convinced him it was real enough to look, blinking in surprise again at your gray form, hovering next to his desk, “(y/n/n)! Oh my god! (y/n/n)!” 
You grinned, “George!” 
“Your back!” The goggles were quickly pushed off his face, dropped down onto the top of the desk, “Y- your really back!” 
You nodded eagerly, “I missed you! Well- I mean, it wasn’t that long that I was gone. At least I don’t think- anyway I missed you!” 
“I- (y/n) it’s- it’s been nearly a month.” 
You cocked your head, “Huh, that's weird.”
“George who are you talking...” Nick trailed off as he entered the study, “(y/n)?” 
You could see the tears in his eyes as you awkwardly waved, “Hi Nicky.” 
“Holy shit.” He muttered, “I- we thought you were gone- I mean- when- when Wilbur...” 
“When Wilbur what?” You asked with a chuckle, “Everyone keeps saying he’s done something, but no one’s told me what.” 
Both men froze, sharing a looking, “Don’t worry about it.” 
Nick quickly swiped away tears, “So your back?”
You nodded, “I’m back- hey, have you guys noticed how L’manburg’s being all weird now? Niki says Tommy and Tubbo are running the country into the ground.”
“Well- they’ve refused all foreign aid, we tried to offer them help- after the war, paying for damages and such after they sorted out there Wilbur problem,” George sighed, “And so far only Eret’s tried reaching out to talk to us, help with our Dream problem.” 
“Yeah, where is Dream? I miss him and I can’t ping him, cause ghosts don’t have com tablets.” 
“Even if yours hadn’t broken it wouldn’t help. He disappeared after Wilbur- did that thing,” Nick sounded all to broken for your liking, “He hasn’t answered any of our messages.” 
You frowned, “Well that's not like him. Maybe he just left his tablet somewhere- or maybe he just got busy doing something again, you know how he gets during manhunts.” 
“(y/n),” George tried gently, “He- smashed his com tablet, said something about going off the grid, undermining the server. He probably isn’t coming back.” 
You froze, hover in silence for a moment, “No. No that’s not true- he wouldn’t- he wouldn’t leave us! You’re lying to me! He loves us! He’d never leave! It’s not true! He wouldn’t do that! Your lying!”
Nick seemed shocked at the outburst, “(y/n)- we were just as upset but he left- gone insane-” 
“STOP LYING TO ME!” You exploded, “He wouldn’t do that! I know he wouldn’t! Your just lying!” 
They watched you sink to the floor, spectral tears flowing down your cheeks, mumbling, “You’re lying, you’ve gotta be lying, he- he wouldn’t he wouldn’t do that.” 
Your brother flinched, he’d planned for this, he reminded himself, as soon as he heard the rumor's. 
“(y/n).” He stood up, turning to face you, ignoring how he’d begun to shake. 
He didn’t regret what he’d done. 
At least that was what he told himself. 
He knew what he had had to do, and he done it, and he had no regrets for his actions, because it was all in the plan.
“Wilbur what’re you doing outside L’manburg? I thought they said they chased you out.” 
“I missed it.” He said simply, forcing back the choked noise that had started in his throat upon seeing your grey floating form. 
“Did you miss me? George and Nick said I was gone for almost a month, that that was how long you and Dream were gone for.” 
“Don’t fucking talk about that man.” Wilbur spat. 
At your face of shock and horror at what you said Wilbur grinned, “Oh yeah, I know all about them (y/n). Them, and You, and everything before your death.” 
“Why do you hate them so much?! Can’t you see that they make me happy?! What did they ever do to you?!” 
Tears started to slip from your eyes again, “Wil, I never turned against you- your my brother, I love you. Why is it so hard for you to see I’d never turn on you? Who I love has nothing to do with it.” 
“Oh it has everything to do with it!” He laughed, finally managing to shut off the tiny part of his brain that screamed at him to stop, “You’re fucking dead because of it!” 
You blinked, “N- no! It’s not because of them! I died in the war! Dream was trying to protect me! I died so we could be free again!” 
“No (y/n)! You are so fucking stupid! Your dead because I killed you! I killed you because you were turning against me! Because it was the only way to get those fuckers to get there hands off you!” 
You let out a choked sob.
“And guess what? I don’t regret anything. I killed you so that they would suffer! Suffer from loosing you the way I had! And it worked and so none of the cost matters!” 
“No wonder everyone’s mad at you,” You sad shakily, “You’re a monster Wil.” 
“And I’m not the only one.” 
He sounded almost proud, gesturing his chin upward, at a patchwork of scaffolding as being stretched across the sky above L’manburg, distantly you could see someone in a neon green sweater running across the top. 
~~ “Dream, what are you doing?” 
The man only sighed at the serious voice, “Getting revenge. It’s what they would have wanted.” 
“Is it?” 
He finally turned away from the contraption, staring through the slits in his mask at the Spector that hovered in front of him, “So you really are back.” 
“Dream,” You could almost see the wall he had put up when you died, repeating, “What are you doing?” 
“I’m going to destroy L’manburg.” His voice was cold, steely, too close to that which you remembered from the day he and Tommy had their duel. 
“You think that’s going to make things right? You think that’s going to put me- my spirit to rest?” 
He faltered, “It has too. Wilbur killed you, and now he’s going to pay.” 
Slowly you moved closer to him, across the narrow walk way, “Clay why did you leave them? When did you break your com tablet? You knew they needed you.” 
“I- I had too.” The smile on his mask was all to haunting, a broken reminder of the past. 
“They needed you and you left them. You put them aside, for this? To be a villain?” 
“If I’m a villain then so be it.” 
Down below the people of L’manburg were beginning to raise alarms as you spoke, “They love you. I love you. You don’t- you don’t need to be the villain my love.” 
Slowly he reached up, slipping the mask off his face, “I know, I know but- but this is the only way.” 
Gingerly you reached out, hovering your hand right where it would rest to cup his cheek, “It isn’t the only way. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to cause this destruction.” 
“It’s the only thing I know how to do,” There was anguish seeping in to his voice, “I don’t know if I can do anything else.” 
You longed to embrace him as he fell to his knees, “You don’t have to do this Clay.”
“I don’t know how! I don’t know any other way to make Wilbur pay!” 
“Clay look at me, look at me, there is another way- you don’t have to do this, We love you- we miss you- Nick, George and Me, we can just, climb down and go and find them and then run away together, leave this all behind!” 
“Keep them safe.” He sniffed, wiping away angry tears. 
“Yeah- yeah- we can build a little cottage, and plant flowers in the window boxes- and forget all about this,” You were phasing back into the material world, nearly by Dream’s sheer willpower as he pulled you into his arms, “And we can forget all about this, but only if you don’t do this.”
“I don’t know if I can... (y/n) I don’t know if I’m strong enough.” He sobbed. 
“You are darling. You are. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to do this Clay, we love you.” 
He sniffed, sitting up a little, one of his arms reaching away, both of your breathing unsteady as you looked up at him, desperation in your eyes...
And then the tnt hit the ground. 
The world exploded into fire, ripping away his words: 
“I love you too.” 
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otptings · 3 years
Home is Where the Heart Is
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→Idol: Vernon Chwe
→Requested: Yesss hellooo can i ask a scenario where vernon come home after practice and s/o is half sleep but he wants to cuddle with her and maybe things get a little bit smutty?? sorry if it's really specific, thank u <3
→Genre: Fluff, slight smut
→Word Count:
→Synopsis: Whoever says home is where the heart was absolutely right
→Warnings: cockwarming, obscene fluff, fingering,
→A/n: I'm very iffy about this one tbh, I like it a lot because of the fluff, and cuteness but I don't like how I ended it with the cockwarming. I just don't think that I could properly write the ending that I had envisioned in my head, but I truly hope that you enjoy this, and if you did enjoy this please like, reblog, or donate to Ko-Fi in my bio.
A wise man once said home is where the heart is. They were telling the truth, because even now that you’re safely home with lightning occasionally lighting up the otherwise dark bedroom that you shared with Vernon, tucked in snugly underneath the fluffy comforter that Vernon insisted you purchase for the room, you still weren’t happy. Even though you were hugging the adorable pastel teddy bear that Vernon had given you - one of many presents from your birthday -  tightly in your arms it was no replacement for the warmth that your boyfriend could give you. Despite the aching feeling in your chest that would only be fixed when Vernon came home to you, sleep seemed to make your limbs and eyes heavier.
The feeling was mutual in Vernon as he fidgeted excessively while looking at the clock on the wall, watching the minutes slowly tick by. His groupmates shared concerned glances every time a quiet sigh left Vernon’s mouth, all wondering what’s wrong. Sure, this practice was 5 hours instead of their usual 2 in order to get ready for the newest comeback, but they all already knew the choreo and were just running it a bunch of times along with some of their older ones. Seungcheoul decided to just drop the sensation, signaling for the rest of them to just let Vernon be. He was still doing the dance perfectly  despite his somewhat distracted expression during water breaks and conversations that the others tried to drag him into. Normally practice is his escape, a place for him to have fun and work hard with his group members, but today he only wants to be back at home with you, enjoying the thunder storm from the comfort of your shared bed with you cuddled up close to him. Glancing at the clock Vernon took one last pointed sip of his drink before standing up, ready for this last hour of practice to slowly tick by.
While Vernon was struggling to get through his last hour of practice  you dozed off, only to be awoken by the sound of the bedroom door closing and the lock clicking- a paranoid habit Vernon picked up from you - along with the shuffling of clothes as Vernon changed in the dark.
“Baby.” Vernon grinned at your mumbling, glancing over and seeing that your eyes were open as you. “Hurry up, lay down with me.”
He smiled at your sleepy begging but obliged, lifting up the blanket and sliding into bed beside you, pulling you closer to him until your back was pressed against his chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. Vernon couldn’t help but nuzzle your neck, brushing his nose over your sweet spot. “How was practice, baby? Wasn’t it longer today?” Vernon groaned thinking of the 5 hours that slowly passed by.
“Boring. I just wanted to be back here with you,” Vernon’s lips brushing over your neck caused you to giggle, shifting a little in your spot. Vernon seemed to be a human radiator so you could only sigh at the warmth radiating off of his figure, keeping you warm from the cold that wanted to infiltrate your small apartment.  “How was work? Did you do the presentation yet?”
“Mhm, it went well. Victoria helped me thankfully and caught some mistakes I made. But the board liked it a lot, I think that raise might be in sight. Maybe we’ll get a dog to entertain you when I’m the bread maker.” Vernon pinched your bare thigh, your mocking tone turning into more giggles as his hand slid underneath your shirt, squeezing your bare breast before cupping it softly as he got comfortable.“You’re touchy tonight? Today wasn’t that bad was it?”
“It was that bad. Plus you’re mine, I’m allowed to touch you all I want.” The pout was evident in his voice as he pinched you again, softer this time since your nipple was sensitive.
“Are you sure about that? I might as well be Mr. Fluffy’s, he’s been here with me more than you.” Vernon decided to test you, letting his hand slide back down your body, squeezing your soft curves before cupping your cunt, waiting for any reaction from you. You happily obliged.
“Hansolll, stop.” Your whiny tried to sound upset but your body betrayed you as your legs unconsciously spread, giving Vernon enough space to slide his hand further down, taking two fingers and pressing them against your clit causing a quiet gasp to leave your mouth as you squirmed.
“Seem’s like you want me to touch you baby. Not even wearing underwear.” You whined as he pinched your nipple, squeezing it between his fingers as his other fingers went to work, gliding between your slick folds. “So wet already baby, all for me?”
“Too tired for sex.”  Vernon only tsked at your whining before sliding two fingers into your eager hole. Your moan was music to his ears, the beautiful sound of you falling apart all because of him.
“You can always warm me up baby? You know how much you like it.”
“Hurry up. Please, need you.”  Vernon smiled as he slid in a third finger, massaging your walls that continuously spasmed around his fingers, squirming as you tried to get more pressure on your clit that he just wasn’t giving you. Vernon was a slight sadist though, only waiting until a multitude of ‘please’ left your mouth as you begged for his cock before he pulled his fingers out, hand completely covered in your arousal.
“Thought you were too tired baby? But you’re so eager for me.” His teasing tone caused you to whimper softly, while you waited for him to take off his sweatpants. Vernon changed the position, turning you around so that you were facing him with one left over his hip before he thrust into you, quiet moans leaving the both of you. “I love you.” Vernon laughed, you were always the one to get affectionate during sex. But Vernon couldn’t deny that he felt the same way, his heart fluttering at the sight of your sleepy smile.
“I love you too.” Sliding his hand up to cup your cheek he leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on your lips that you eagerly returned. Despite the feeling of being so full, and your walls fluttering around his cock drowsiness overtook the both of you, your long days catching up to you.
This was truly the perfect way to end the day, sharing sweet kisses with the love of your life, feeling an overwhelming closeness with the one person that you could truly say was your home.
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
i really don’t know what this is but single dad bokuto is fun fosho
“Bokuto I had so much fun tonight. The pier was a great choice.” you smile up at your boyfriend. He has a lazy smirk on his lips and his eyes scan over all your features just adoring the person in front of them.
“Yeah, I had an amazing night as well y/n.” his smile fades a little. He looked as if he was hesitant to tell you something.
“Bo? Are you okay?” you reach up to hold his face. He takes a few seconds before taking a deep breath and kissing your hand.
“Yeah, I just need to tell you something but I don’t know-how. I feel kind of bad for keeping a secret for the past two months.” he sighs. You hug him reassuringly and he wraps his arms around you tightly.
“I promise whatever it is I can handle it. We’re adults Bo, I’m not gonna go crazy.” you squeal as he picks you up to where you are now looking down on him. You both share a long kiss before he breaks away.
“Alright, is it okay if I bring you back to my house?”
“Are you trying to make a move on me? It’s gonna be the first time I'm at your house.” you joke.
“No no of course not baby.” he laughs and carry’s you back to the car.
You two drove a while to his house, not to your surprise it was very nice. You’d expect that from a professional volleyball player though. Bokuto nudges your arm, you turn to him and he gives you a quick kiss. His eyes were full of worry and he was fidgeting with his hands. You place your hands on his stroking you thumb across his knuckles. After he clamed down he led you up to the front door. His keys jingled as he was unlocking the door and you could hear tiny taps on the ground from inside. Then a thought came to mind. On your first date you had told him that you didn’t like dogs because they make your anxiety bad. You thought cute that he was worried about upsetting you over something as small as this. When he opened the door a little girl wearing his MSBY jersey on.
“Daddy! You came home eary!” the little girl jumped in his arms he picks her up and swings her around. She giggles happily hugging his neck.
Daddy, huh. Out of all the things I was expecting, this was the last of them.
One of Bokutos friends, Akaashi, walked from behind the door and greeted us. He got on to the little girl for going outside with out his permission and talked to Bokuto for a little while.
“Thank you so much for babysitting Akaashi. You remember Y/n right?” He looks over to me and smiles and softly.
“Of course, it’s good to have someone else babysit Bokuto for a little while. You three have a nice night.” He says walking back to his car. We all wave goodbye as he drives away.
“Daddy who’s that?” the child ask. Bokuto turns his body to face you so she could get a better look. You smile at her sweetly and wave but she shys away in her father arms.
“Bug this is y/n. Her and daddy have been hanging out alot recently and I wanted you to meet her.” Bokuto explainssteping closer to you. “Y/n this is Akemi, my daughter…” he look at you with hopeful eyes searching for a positive response. You carefully put your hand on Akemis back rubbing it slowly.
“It’s nice to meet you Akemi.” she lifts her head up at you looking back to Bokuto and you a few times. She plays with her fingers nervously just like Bokuto does. You study her smaller hands and her other facial feature. She looked just like Bokuto, almost like a twin.
“It’s nice me meet you too Miss Y/n. Are you the reason why Uncle akaashi keeps coming over to watch me?” You and Bo laugh, he pats her hair ruffling it.
“How about we go inside and I can explain okay bug?” she nods her head andn Bo leads you into the house. When entering the living room you saw blankets strategically held up and pillows making a walk way. Akemi jumps down from her dad’s arms and runs over to the fort.
“Look daddy! Me and Uncle ‘Kasshi made a fort!” she proudly yells. Bo chuckles at his daughters random burst of confidence. He sits you on the couch and places Akemi in his lap.
“Okay i’m gonna tell you whats going on but remember…”
“...the ugly words stay in my head. I know daddy.” she finishes his sentence for him. Bokuto was surprisingly very mature with his daughter. You could already tell that he was a great father. Though you were still a little in shock that he had one because that means she has a mother as well.
“Good job. Okay so, me and Y/n have been...going on dates. This is daddys girlfriend. Okay?” he speaks slowly, like she was going to explode if he said the wrong thing.
She sat and thought for a moment both of us scared, then she finally gasped and yelled.
“EW DO YOU TWO KISS AND STUFF THATS GROSSSSS!” We both erupt into laughter to the point where we were tearing up. I take her hand and whisper to her.
“Of course we don’t boys are stinking and gross.” she giggles and crawls into my lap.
“So what do you do then?”
“We go on some dinner dates. Sometimes your daddy will surprise me and take me somewhere fun like the movies.” I explain.
“Ohh can I come next time? I wanna see the new Kitty Force 2!”
“Well Miss Akemi I don’t see a problem with it if your daddy doesn’t.” she turn to him quickly wiht a pleading face.
“Please daddy. Can I go on a date with you and Miss Y/n? I promise I’ll be super good and clean up my toys.”
“Of course baby. It’s time for you to go to bed though it’s already 9:30.” Bokuto lifts her up and kisses her cheek which she does back to him. I wave goodnight and wait patently while they get ready for bed.
About ten minutes later Bokuto comes back into the living room. He tells me that Akemi wanted me to tuck her in tonight because she had something important to tell me. I tuck her in while Bo stands in the door. Akemi pulls on my sleeve and I turn my head. She rubs her sleepy eyes and sits up again to grab something from under her pillow. She takes out a handmade braclet and hands it to me.
“What’s this for?” I ask as she slips it onto my wrist.
“It’s a present because you make daddy happy and that makes me happy.” She lays back down looking up at me. “We are gonna be best friends okay? So we can have lots of playdates.”
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight Akemi.”
You and Bokuto head back to the living room. You sit in his lap as he just gazes down. Again he isn’t speaking his mind. You lift his head up with your fingers placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “Bo, don’t be so paranoid. I love her already. This doesn’t change anything about us okay?”
He lets out a relieved sigh and relaxes against the couch. Every negative thought he’s had for the past couple of weeks about you two meet had fled his mind.
“So, tell me more about her.” you say rolling over to get your own seat on the couch. His eyes widened at the thought of rambling about his little girl.
“Well she is 5 years old. Me and her mom met in college but when she found out she was pregnant she didn’t want anything to do with her so she left her to me. I haven't heard from her since. I think I'm doing a fine job though. She’s so sweet and funny. She wants to be a volleyball player just like me so we go out and practice on my days off. She’s terrible right now but I know she’ll get there one day. Akemi is my whole world. That’s why I was so nervous about you two meeting. I love you and all but if you two didn’t get along…I just have to put her before anyone, but I really didn’t want to lose you.”
His face held a saddened expression while yours held shock. Out of the 6 months you were dating you had never heard Bokuto tell you that he loved you. You didn’t say it either just out of fear that he would say he’s not there yet.
“You love me?” Bokutos eyes grew as the realization of what he said hit him. His face burned a bright pink.
“I- Well um yes. I’m sorry if it was too soon it just kinda came out.”
“I love you too, Bokuto. And I promise that I'm gonna love that little girl as much as you do.”
He smiled wide and fell onto your chest hugging your torso tightly. You both fell asleep like that in each other's brace. Only to be woke up in the morning by the paw patrol theme song.
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Sweet and Sour (Adrenaline Junkie Part 14)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, descriptions of blood, talks of hypothetically dying, bones/teeth 
Word Count: 2,392
(A/N): the next part is currently in the works and probably will be out by tomorrow/late at night tonight 
The days ticked closer and closer until you had only mere hours left until your scheduled departure for the cave. With each passing day, you became more anxious and paranoid, your prosthetic wing constantly malfunctioning until you programmed it to respond solely to your conscious movement and not the random twitching of your muscles. It took you a bit to get used to, but you quickly got the hang of it. It felt closer to having an actual wing on your back again, but not exactly. Nothing beat the feeling of the wind resisting against both wings at the same time. 
You doubted if Philza knew anything, but you did know that he suspected something. He knew you like the back of his hand and vice versa. You both knew each other all too well, he raised you and you spent most of your time with him growing up after all. 
Currently, you are obsessively reading over your will and the book you wrote for Arthur full of redstoning advice and what you’ve learned over the years. After rereading your letters to your family and your will, you decided that this is exactly how you wanted everything to turn out if you ended up not surviving this. Which, the chances of you actually surviving this was slim to none. 
However, you remained hopeful as there were several unknown variables in the equation. How big this thing was, its age, and most importantly what the cave currently looked like. It’s been multiple years and there might’ve been more erosion over the years altering the surface of the stone. From what you remembered, the ceilings were at least a hundred feet tall, so you had plenty of room to hover above it when needed. You had no clue if the ledge was still there, but if it was the being most definitely could snatch you up. You were going to have to be careful. Besides, you had a son you had to live for. You were going to get out of there alive. For Arthur. For Philza. For Wilbur. For Tommy. For Technoblade.
You reread your plans. Plan A consisted of you sneaking in (making sure this time to keep your wings close to your body), planting TNT, and setting it off with a lever as far away from the deepest part of the cave as you could. Plan B, if Plan A failed and the Warden noticed your presence, was to use the portable TNT launcher while flying as high as you could. If that failed, then you were kind of screwed. Plan C consisted of dropping everything and running for your life. You’d admit, they weren’t the most well thought out plans, but it was all you could think of.
You made sure your wing was secured on your back correctly with a full movement test before you slung your bag onto your back stocked full of redstone and TNT and put your portable TNT launcher into the holster on your hip. 
You took a deep breath and gathered your papers before you took one last look at your old workshop. You made sure to scrub it clean of redstone residue and re-sorted the blueprints so that everything was easier to find in the filing cabinets. You were sure that your… unique method of not sorting anything and just knowing where everything was would be very annoying to attempt to sort through. Even Arthur couldn’t figure out your sorting system and he was the smartest kid you knew. 
Oh Arthur… He was probably sleeping right now. Or at least you hoped he would be; it was midnight. With light footing, you walked up the stairs to the second floor and straight to Wilbur’s old room. Your little boy was sleeping peacefully burrowed underneath the covers. You could hear his soft snores exiting his mouth. 
You smiled lightly and walked over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling back the covers to see his face. His mouth was parted slightly with a small amount of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. You reached out to stroke his curly copper hair and smiled wider at the sight of his nose scrunching slightly before he relaxed with a small smile on his face. You leaned down to place a lingering kiss on his forehead before you covered him back up again and started to quietly walk out of the room. 
“Ren?” That was what he started calling you after he gave you the magnets. It was short for ‘parent’. You froze and felt your body warm up at his sleepy tone. You turned around and watched as he rubbed at his eye with the back of his hand and yawned. “Hey Artie, go back to sleep buddy.” You walked over to him and gently pushed him back into the pillows. He nodded and grabbed your sleeve. 
“Can you get me a glass of water please?” He sounded so out of it. “Of course, buddy.” You grabbed your bag and slung it back over your shoulder. You quietly went downstairs and filled up a glass with water. You sat it on the counter and pulled out your papers and the hefty book you had written from your bag. You spread them all out on the dining room table where Philza was sure to see it in the morning. You hopefully should be back before the time he usually woke up so you could just grab them and trash them when you get back.
Before you got back to Arthur’s room, you shed your bag and TNT launcher by the front door. You didn’t know if he saw them before, but he definitely didn’t need to see them now. Inside, Arthur was propped up on his chin desperately fighting against sleep. You walked over to him and gave him his water, scolding him lightly when he didn’t fully sit up so he wouldn’t choke. When he was satisfied, he put the water on the nightstand and laid back down. He looked up at you with sleep dazed eyes, “where are you going?”
You froze and sat on his bed, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” He scrunched up his nose and stared at you in annoyance, “no you aren’t, you’re going somewhere.”
You stared at him before you sighed, “I’m just going… to get more redstone. I just need a bit more to finish what I’m working on. I won’t be gone for long, I promise.”
“Can- can you stay here? At least until I fall back asleep?”
“Of course, my little fledgling.”
He looked up at you timidly, “will you always be with me?”
You rubbed your hand up and down his arm soothingly, “I’ll never leave you. Even if I’m away, you’ll always have a piece of me with you,” you grabbed your feather he kept on his nightstand and handed it to him. It was one of your primary feathers you lost in one of your last molts in the house before you left for L’manberg that you found between your bed and your wall. It was an impressive size being about a foot long, but your wings have long since grown bigger alongside your body’s growth. You were about to throw it away one day after doing a deep clean of your old room, but the boy was amazed by the patterns and the size of the feather. So you, being the caring parent you were, gave it to him. Since then, you’ve found him on several instances holding the feather to his chest in his sleep. 
He took the feather and ran his fingers along the vane and stem. You could see him tearing up slightly, so you leaned down and pulled him into a tight hug. “I’ll always be with you, my little fledgling.” You pulled back after placing a kiss on his forehead and ran your fingers through his curly mop of hair soothingly. You softly sang the song Philza would hum to you as a kid and watched as he drifted off to sleep. 
“Love you Ren,” he slurred out before he was completely out. You softly smiled at his sleeping form, “I love you too, Artie. I love you too.” You sat there for a bit absorbing his every facial feature and felt pride and warmth erupt within you. Arthur Fox was your son, your pride and joy. He certainly had a bright future ahead of him. Sighing, you remembered the task ahead of you. You needed to leave soon. 
Reluctantly, you left the room and started to make your way downstairs. “Did he have a nightmare?” A sleepy quiet voice asked from behind you. You jumped and whipped around with your hand flying to the empty holster on your hip before you relaxed seeing Philza there. He looked like he just crawled out of bed, his blond hair stuck up in multiple places and his blue eyes hazy. 
You put a hand over your heart, “Ender Dad don’t do that, you scared the shit outta me. But yeah, he had a nightmare but he’s fine now.” He tiredly hummed, walking over to you and pulling you into an unexpected hug. “You’re a good parent for him. I’m so proud of you for adapting to the responsibility that adopting a kid takes.” You hugged him back tightly and wrapped your wings around him, careful of keeping the metal one barely pressed against him. You both stood there in the middle of the hallway enjoying each other’s presence before you heard him yawn and felt him pull back. You retracted your wings and stepped back. 
“Why’re you still dressed?” 
Shit, “oh, I was just finishing up something in my workshop.”
He deadpanned at you, “you know how I feel about you staying up this late, even if you’re an adult-”
“‘Even if I’m an adult it’s not healthy to constantly stay up this late’ I know, Dad. I’m almost done, I’ll be in bed in like half an hour tops.” He stared at you for a bit before he nodded and started to walk back to his room, “alright, I trust you. I’m going back to bed and I want you to do the same in a bit. Goodnight, (y/n). Love ya.”
“Love you too, Dad.” You waited until you heard the bed creak before you went back downstairs. You grabbed your stuff before you quietly opened the door and checked to see if there were any mobs around. Luckily for you, the nearest mob was only a single 
enderman. With that, you spread your wings and took off into the clear night sky. The weather was perfect for flying. It would’ve been a pleasant night flight if it weren’t for the current circumstances gnawing and nagging at you in the forefront of your mind.
You lowered yourself to the ground upon getting closer to the cave’s entrance and glided into it landing a ways into the cave to avoid any mobs. The ores around you were plentiful, the occasional glimmering of redstone cutting through the darkness. Old burnt out torches hung from the walls was the only indicator that there were previously other people in the cave prior to now. You could only imagine how Arthur looked at the ores with amazement and curiosity. 
As you ventured deeper, you could feel anxiety gripping at your chest and remembered how innocently and naively you craved exploration two and a half years ago. You shuddered as you wondered if the beast still had your feathers and bones scattered about. The torch in your hands sent flickering light onto the dark cave walls casting all sorts of shadows. You pushed onwards through the inky depths of the cave. Deeper yet deeper you walked placing torches wherever you went. 
Eventually, you arrived at the wide opening of the cave. From where you stood, the opening of the cave was massive making you feel miniscule. Even if you were to fully expand your wings to the side, your seven and a half foot wingspan still wouldn’t come close to touching the sides of the opening. The torch in your hand hardly cut through the abyss of the cave, so you made quick work of placing them around the area so you had a clear view of your surroundings. 
The cave was as you remembered it, but if you looked close enough, there were plenty of stalactites and stalagmites that weren’t there before. You could see faint dark brown stains on the walls and floors in scattered places, the stains of the miners that did not come back. The stench of rot, mildew, and decay emanated from deep parts of the cave, becoming almost unbearable in certain points where you couldn’t find anything out of place. Occasionally, you found cracked and broken shards of bone around some of the bloodstains. You even found a tooth and clumps of auburn hair. You shuddered as you remembered how Arthur told you that Hugh had dark ginger hair.
You have only found one of your feathers so far. It was trapped between a fissure in the wall. Crusted old blood decorated and clumped together some parts of the vane. You moved on to examine different parts of the cave. Sculk blocks littered the floor randomly, the tentacles calmly moving about. Soft squelching noises sounded from them; if you held your torch close to one of them, a soft shine could be seen. It was probably slimey. 
If you stopped to listen past the crackling of the fire, you couldn’t hear anything. Besides a slight squelching noise that you suspected was from the sculk blocks and the sound of water droplets dripping, there was nothing. Good, you still could place the TNT. Plan A: commence. 
You made quick work of placing sticks of dynamite between the nooks and crannies of rocks firmly and scattered the TNT along the vast expanse of the cave. Connecting the redstone was tricky though with the amount of TNT placed, but you eventually got everything connected to one and made work of making a trail to the outside. Just as you got started on trailing the redstone towards the mouth of the cave a few hundred feet away, the torches started to flicker. 
It’s here.
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Winter In The Shade II
Part II
Sirius Black x Ravenclaw Reader
W.C. : 2591
Requested by @amourtentiaa : It is Sirius' fifth year at Hogwarts, the same year he ran away from home and to the Potter's. Soon, he discovers the unfamiliar sight of his brother Regulus smiling and looking truly happy, next to him a Ravenclaw girl who immediately captures his interest. What will happen when the Black family gets involved in their sons lives and the ones they hold close to their hearts?
Warnings: Mentions of food. / Slight panic. /
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Sirius Black didn’t obsess over things. He just didn’t. It wasn’t in him to have something on his mind for more than necessary. He worried, yes, but this was different. There was nothing to worry about, unless he considered the rare sight of his brother smiling something to worry about. If anything he shouldn’t be worried but happy for him. No he wasn’t worried. He was...curious. Who was the girl who managed to make his brother smile?
“Stop it.” Remus grunted, snapping his fingers in front of Sirius to get his attention.
Sirius only glared at his friend as he made him jump in his seat, the cup of tea he held in his hand now all over his sweater. “Really?” Sirius hissed as he placed his cup back on the table “I’m not doing anything.” he defended himself.
Remus rolled his eyes “The fact that you are putting excuses out means you are.” he said matter of factly, shutting Sirius as the rest of his friends laughed.
James and Peter found this entire situation incredibly entertaining. Not only because Sirius had been paranoid since he saw his brother with that Ravenclaw girl, but because Remus thought it was creepy that Sirius was so invested in finding who the girl was, and that turned every interaction between Remus and Sirius into fights.
“Just go and ask whatever it is you want to know!” Remus said desperately.
“And have him see me?” Sirius hissed, pointing his fork in Regulus’ direction “Over. my. dead. body.”
Remus groaned loudly, muttering under his breath as he started to angrily stab his breakfast.
Sirius ignored him and turned back to the Ravenclaw table, his back straightening as his eyes scanned the entire Great Hall. Only the low chuckles from Peter pulling his attention back to his friends.
“She left.” James laughed “But you know Moony’s right. You need to do something about it.”
Sirius scoffed but said nothing as he held his head on his hands.
“How long has it been since you saw them? Two weeks?”
“Three.” Sirius muttered bitterly.
“Oh, you’re counting them.” Remus snorted, shaking his head.
Sirius turned sharply, pushing Remus’ head and almost getting it all over his plate “Shut up, Moony.” he said, turning back to James “And you’re one to talk, how’s Lily?” he mocked, making James smile sardonically at him.
“That’s different. At least I am doing something about it. You’re just staring. Speaking of…” James said, his eyes drifting from the table as he took his things in his hands, getting up from the table “Evans!” he didn’t say another thing, leaving the table before anyone could say anything.
“You could always talk to her.” offered Peter, making Remus and Sirius turn to him.
“I got that Peter, but she’s always with him.” Sirius said, referring to Regulus “It’s like trying to find a fish out of the water.” he sighed.
“Have you tried late at night?” Peter asked, getting questioning looks from both of his friends “I’ve heard she takes late night walks outside the castle, rarely gets caught so she won’t be easy to find but, you know, she’s all alone.”
“How do you know that?” asked Remus with wide eyes.
Peter just shrugged his shoulders as he went back to his breakfast “Rats talk.”
The ceiling of your bed had started to lose shape as you stared at it, your eyes blurry as you blinked several times to clear up your sight with no luck. With a heavy sigh you turned on your side, letting out a soft groan as you read the clock on the wall across from you: 03:00 am.
You weren’t getting much sleep that night.
Careful not to wake any of your roommates, you rolled out of bed and grabbed the closest sweater you had, wrapping it over your shoulders. You made silent work on the heavy door to your dorm, walking down the stairs as you came across a few other sleepless Ravenclaws. You smiled mostly to yourself as you got to the massive library in the common room, a big group of first years sitting on the floor with books surrounding them in every direction, the sleep in their eyes known to you and every other student.
“Hi Y/N.” said one of the boys nearest to you, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Hey Félix.” you said to him, coming to kneel beside them as they all turned their attention to you “Shouldn’t you all be in bed?” you asked.
“You’re up too.” Saide, one of the girls said, and you chuckled “Why aren’t you sleeping?” she asked with amusement.
“I sensed a bunch of first years up and had to come down and see I wasn’t missing on all the fun.” you told them, scrunching your nose in a funny manner, making them all laugh.
Félix grabbed one of the biggest books in their selection, dropping it in front of you with a big thud “If you think Herbology is fun then feel free to join us, although we all know how good you are at that one.”
You made a face, sticking out your tongue as you practically crawled back “No, thank you.” you laughed humorlessly “You know I barely got out of that one myself, Sadie here had to help with my own homework.”
“True.” she confirmed, making all of them groan in defeat as they grabbed back their books.
You watched their tired eyes, all of them reading over and over the lines that still made no sense to your own brain “I’ll tell you this,” you said, capturing their attention “Since I know you won’t go to bed even if I tell you to, I’ll go down to the kitchens and grab you all some food so you can keep studying.”
They all cheered in whispers, whether it was because it was the middle of the night or due to their tired selves, you almost pouted at how cute they were and how much they reminded you of yourself and your friends.
It took a couple of minutes for you to narrow down all the things they wanted to something you could actually carry with you in “Ravenclaws studying in the middle of the night” amounts. Confident with their choices they let you go, opening the door to the common room easily as a soft breeze flew around your face, making you take a deep breath as you stepped out and started to descend the stairs. It was a long walk down to the kitchens, and a dangerous one considering the hour. Luckily, you knew your way around the castle.
The corridors echoed with the inevitable sound of your movements, your footsteps carried a rhythm of its own as you tried to be quiet, taking what you considered graceful steps with a calm but steady pace. But sometimes you couldn’t help yourself and take a few skips on your step as the air flew around you, the sound of the owls making a melody that made you wish you could dance. You had to stifle the giggles that escaped your lips every time you caught yourself making more noise than necessary, never scared of getting caught but because it would be a little embarrassing to be seen doing so, especially in the middle of the night.
Most of all you wished Regulus was there with you. It was rare to see him out in the middle of the night, almost impossible that you found him at the same time as you were outside. You wanted to make memories at Hogwarts with him, to have stories to tell when you were older about the fun mess you two would do at dramatic times in the night. You wanted to sing his favorite songs, and have him teach you how to dance, laugh as you escaped the angry calls of Professor McGonagall and get detention together for the rest of your time at Hogwarts. You wanted to have fun with your best friend. But where was he? Probably not sleeping, you knew he got the same amount of sleep or less than you did. But he decided to be boring after dinner and head straight to the Slytherin common room.
Lovely, you thought to yourself as you realized you were outside the kitchens, the characteristic aroma of it reaching your nostrils. How could it be that it smelled so amazing at the three in the morning? “Magic.” you mumbled as you turned to check on your surroundings, confirming that no one had followed you.
Stepping inside you focused on the task at hand: Feeding sleep deprived first years. Pulling out your wand you conjured Lumos, the soft light enough to get you around. The elves were very organized, laying tray after tray of food on the counters as if they were expecting you. You just hoped they wouldn’t mind your late visit.
You turned in your place, looking for something you could use to carry more things, letting out a squeal of excitement when you saw a basket there, it had a few carrots inside, carrots that you placed away as you started to collect the much needed snacks. Freshly baked bread and cookies were the most requested items. “Alright, food for the brain...Oatmeal cookies.” you said, as you placed them inside the basket “Chocolate chip cookies” you sang, humming as you placed the entire tray inside “Weird looking cookies, I can give those to Félix since he sold me out with not being good at Herbology.”
You were so entranced with your task, placing the cookies and bread neatly inside the basket that the sudden noise in the kitchens made you jump in your place, making you drop one of the cookies as you turned sharply, your wand held high as you stared shakily into the darkness. “Who 's there?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
When no one answered you, you relaxed your arm, letting it fall at your side as you sighed heavily “This is why I need sleep.” you told no one, kneeling to the floor and picking up the cookie that you dropped “Maybe I won’t feed the weird looking cookies to Félix, then.” you mumbled, looking suspiciously at your surroundings before you picked up the basket and started your way back to the common room.
The small scare in the kitchens left you on edge. Blame the lack of sleep or the fact that you were all alone in an enormous castle that had actual ghosts, your previous urge to dance and run around the hallways was now replaced with a need to run from whatever you were imagining was behind your back.
“No one’s there. No one’s there. No one’s there.” you repeated time and time again, turning to look over your shoulder every time you thought you heard something. Were you finally losing your mind? You were certain you heard a chuckle.
Almost reaching the stairs for the Ravenclaw common room you were more relaxed, your tired mind barely registering your surroundings. Turning one last time to be safe no one had seen you, you turned only to be met by the firm yet soft feeling of someone else's chest.
You didn’t have time to register how loud was your scream when a pair of hands took hold of your shoulders, preventing you from falling as you clutched the basket against your own chest.
“Merlin.” you mumbled, your eyes scrunched shut as you realized there was an actual person before you, a silly smile forming on your lips only to fall once you opened up your eyes.
“Are you alright?” asked a familiar yet strange voice.
You swallowed hard, nodding your head as you took one careful step back “Yes, thank you.” you said, putting on a smile as you examined his face and looked for any badge in his chest. He wasn’t a prefect. You let out a sigh of relief and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“You really are hungry.” he said, his eyes falling to the basket in your hands “Are you eating all that by yourself?” he asked.
It took you a second to react, your eyes following his gaze before you let out a nervous chuckle “No, no- this isn’t, it’s not for me.” you explained, the raise of his eyebrow making you come up with an explanation without him even asking “First years are studying and need some fuel, I’m just taking care of them.” you said, lifting up the basket with a smile.
“Let me guess.” he said, his hand going inside the basket as he grabbed a cookie “Food for the brain?” he asked.
You found yourself nodding with a smile, a sudden realization striking you as you stared with wide eyes at the boy in front of you. Regulus told you studying snacks were food for the brain; it was an inside joke the two of you had, or at least you thought. With a shiver running down your spine you took a more careful look at the boy in front of you, the black hair and beautiful grey eyes, a smile so familiar flashing at you from the wrong face. Food for the brain.
“Regulus.” you murmured, capturing his attention.
“Sorry?” he said.
You shook your head, taking a step back before you said “Your Regulus’ brother.” you told him “Sirius.”
Sirius would have smirked and said some flirty comment back to you, but the look on your face told him it wasn’t the best idea.
Footsteps caught both your attention, making the two of you turn to the source of the sound before he took a hold of your arm, pulling you next to him and behind a pillar. There was little to no space between you, his chest heaving with his breathing brushing close against your arm as he held a finger to his lips, looking forward and over your head.
You couldn’t help but stare up at him, the resemblance he had to Regulus so scary it made you wonder how you never noticed before.
His eyes were glued to the hall, only moving back to you once the sound of footsteps was fading in the distance. “I think they’re gone, but try not to scream again.” he said, focusing back on you “How come you know my name but I don't know yours?” he asked, the flirtatious tone on his voice having no effect in you.
“You’re Regulus brother.” you repeated “Scarily similar.” you explained.
He ignored the last comment, erasing any hint of bitterness “Still, I didn't get your name.”
Your eyes danced between him and the stairs, taking a more secure hold of the basket in your hand you looked up to him “I have to go.” you said with a smile “Goodnight Sirius.”
Before he could react, you had walked around him, your arms brushing together as you ran up the stairs. He had reached his hand to take a hold of yours but gave up in the end, you clearly didn’t want to talk to him and that only made you more interesting. Regulus had clearly talked to you about him.
You sat with Regulus after a long day of classes, the weekend finally there for you to spend together and relax. Except you couldn’t. One thought still bugging you after days of the events.
“Hey, Reg?” you called, looking back to where he sat on the grass.
He hummed.
“Can you tell me about your brother, Sirius?”
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend
Winter In The Shade
@plethoraofpuppies / @dracoissohot / @funravenclaw2002 / @nehireerdogan / @ktyflwr / @lilyevanswhore / @edithsvoice / @medalloway-blog / @falconxbarnes
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americasmarauders · 3 years
can I request a Jason todd x reader fic based on list 1, prompt #26 plsss🧸🦦
yo, this got done quickly cause I had a draft already started that fit ~perfectly~ with the prompt. was it sitting on my docs for like 8 months? yes it was. I tweaked it a bit and, seriously, it’s so fluffy I might die. 
words: 1,426 (it’s very short i’m sorry, but I swear it’s good)
warnings: blood, wounds, tooth-rotting fluff. 
prompt: when it’s a slow burn, and the characters just look at each other like “fuck it i’m done with this” and kiss
my masterlist
Jason considered himself lots of things. He was practical, well read, and he’d even admit he was a little violent sometimes. But he never considered himself a coward. 
He used to be smooth, charm the pants off any girl he wanted to talk to, easily and quickly. He would open doors and shoot a brilliant smile their way, and he would listen to their heart picking up a beat. There was a sense of pride in that, making a girl fall for him for a night, a twisted accomplishment that proved to himself he wasn’t a dead man walking, just a man. 
With her, well, he was just an idiot.
It was frustrating. In his brain, he was charming her ass off, sweeping her off her feet and dreaming of something more with her. His mouth didn’t comprehend what his brain wanted, the words would get stuck in the tip of his tongue. No matter how much he tried, the voice in his head would stop him. 
Even if he seemed a complete ass next to her, she never faltered next to him. She was always there, showering him with kindness and understanding. A smile never seemed to leave her face, even when she was sad, he could tell she gathered her energy to show him a little sign that she was okay. She was his constant. She was his gravity center. That terrified him. 
He had enemies. Too many enemies. Normally, he wouldn’t care about those seeing him underneath the sun. He would meet them with his guns and he would leave a trail of bodies behind him (all of them alive, unfortunately). But after her, his modus operandi changed. 
Everything he did was a secret, paranoid that if word got out of who he was under the hood, she would be targeted. The mere thought of her being at the end of the barrel of a gun sent him in a spiral. He couldn’t afford that risk, she couldn’t be killed, not because of him. It would kill him.
Why did he have to fall for her? He asked himself that constantly. It would have been simpler, easier, if he had nothing to lose, nothing to look forward to after a long night. It would be only his mission and himself. 
In other words, he would become Bruce. That thought made him angry, he had vowed to not become him. He would shake the thought and think about her. Her smile, her eyes and spirit. All the little things she despised about herself, but that made her just her. Jason loved her completely. Unlike Bruce, he couldn’t deprive himself of love. Even if it came with fears and a crushing sense of inadequacy. 
She made his life better, that much he was certain. Falling for her was a blessing dressed as a curse. He had received an angel in his life. He wasn’t about to ruin that. ‘Don’t sabotage yourself,’ Tim said once. ‘You have a shot, Jay. I know that. Don’t let your insecurities get in the way.’
Even with that constant reminder echoing in his head, he couldn’t get himself out of his way. He would think about all the things that could go wrong, all the ways they could get to her, and he would freeze. 
Jason Todd was a coward. Jason Todd was in love. 
He would always get into her apartment sneakily. It was charming that he would use the front door, unlike the first few times he had got in through the window. He would always ditch the tactical gear, getting in just in an undershirt and pants. 
She usually heard him getting in. It was a silent pact they made the first few times they started the arrangement. He would make some noise when he came in, that way she wouldn’t have a heart attack when she woke up and found him on her couch. Her sleep was light anyway, she would wake up with a quiet sound. 
The sound of him opening the front door woke her up. Instinctively, she got up and headed to the bathroom. She quickly grabbed the first aid kit - that seemed to grow everytime she went to the farmacy - and went in his direction.  
She rubbed her eyes sleepy, yawning when she saw him for the first time that night. He had helped himself to an ice pack, resting on his left eye. In the faint lighting of the lamp she could see the white streak of his hair glued to his forehead with sweat and blood. His feet hung lazily over the hand rest of the couch, his boots discarded next to her front door. There was a stain on his side, probably caused by a bloody wound.
“Rough night?” she asked quietly, kneeling beside him. He turned to see her, lifting slightly the ice pack to reveal a nasty black eye. It was getting swollen, his eye barely opened. 
“You could say that,” he chuckled, humourlessly, resting the ice pack once again on his eye. 
She smiled at him, her eyes trailed on the gauze package on her hand. Her fingers delicately brushed on his skin, lifting his shirt to reveal the cut. Jason had fast healing, something he never explained how he got it, no matter how much she asked. The cut wasn’t as deep as it had been how many hours it had been made, it was still nasty and bloodied. She rested the gauze on it, and he hissed in pain. “Sorry,” she mumbled quietly. Everytime she ever provoked any pain in him she apologized. He hadn’t told her much, and she hadn’t pressed him, knowing it hurt too much for him to talk, but she knew he hadn’t received kindness in abundance in his life. She swore to herself that would never happen again. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Nah,” he gripped the ice pack tightly, as she rubbed an antiseptic on his wound. She knew he thought she wouldn’t notice, but she did. “Just normal shit. Don’t worry.”
Her eyes flicked to his face, illuminated by the faint orange glow of her lamp. His face was angelic, even with the stubble and the cuts and the frown he would often sport. He was an angel, nothing could convince her otherwise. He was her angel, the motive she always had a pack of mint tea in her kitchen cabinet and a mallet full of gauze and antiseptic. She would do anything for him, he’d just have to ask her. 
“I can’t not worry,” the confession left her lips life a prayer. Her heart raced in her chest, her eyes focused on bandaging the almost gone cut on his side. It wouldn’t even leave a scar. “I’m afraid it’s quite impossible, Jay.”
He turned his head to her, abandoning the ice pack on his stomach. His eye wasn’t swollen anymore, and she could see his beautiful blue iris finally. His eyes were usually cold and stony towards any other person, but never towards her. Not once his eyes held anything other than  warmth and affection when he looked at her. 
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered to her. He looked at her soul when she said that, said like he meant it with all his heart. “I don’t.”
“Don’t say that,” she abandoned the gauze and cradled his face with her hands. She was careful not to graze his bruised cheekbone, looking firmly at him. “I decide whether or not you deserve me Jason, and you do.”
He opened a rare smile, shaking his head in disbelief. His eyes didn’t leave hers, she could almost see the thought process going on in his head. “Fuck it,” he mumbled, getting up. His hands found their way to her faces, grabbing it gently. He brought his lips close to hers, hovering over them for a split second before colliding them together. 
The kiss was gentle and slow, both testing the waters. It was a long time in the making, both used to guarding their feelings closely. He interrupted the kiss, resting his forehead on hers, His thumb gently grazed on her cheekbones, caressing her delicately and lovingly. “I’m sorry,” he confessed, “I couldn’t keep it in anymore.”
She smiled at him, her eyes trailed oh his. “Shut up and kiss me again.”
And he did. And he would everytime she asked for the rest of her life. 
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Nagito, Rantaro, and Gundham comfort their S/O through their migraine
Nagito Komaeda:
·       It was a day like any other. Nagito was running late to class, his bad luck deciding to show up and leave him completely covered in scratches and bruises in the process. He dashed down hall after hall, running up the stairs not wanting to be any later, but of course when he reached the top of the case his shoelaces had somehow become untied, and he stepped on one, sending him tumbling back down the stairs, rolling and crashing into a wall. Strangely as he shakily got up, he heard… whimpering? And it wasn’t from himself despite how his whole body hurt.
·       “Y/N?” You sat against a wall next to the stairs, face tucked into your knees, covering your ears with your hands. “Hey, what’s wrong?” “Oh… hey Nagito.” Sitting beside you he could hear how unsteady your breathing was. You quietly, pitifully laughed before speaking. “M-migraine… been a while since I had one this bad though…” “Uh…” “Basically a real bad headache… one so bad it made sound louder, lights brighter an… shapes? I can’t see right now.” He draped an arm over your shoulders, pulling himself close, and when he spoke next he made sure keep his voice quiet. “Okay, just lean on me, alright?” He led the way to the nurse’s office, letting you burrow your face into his shoulder, shielding you from the light. Nagito decided that falling down the stairs was actually be good luck so he could be here for you.
·       You were placed in a dimly lit room after being given some pain medicine. It wasn’t much, but at least it was something better than making the trek all the way back to your dorm room to lock yourself away there for a time. “You can go… if you want to. I’ll just be laying here for a while.” “I want to be here. Want anything, just tell me and I get it for you.” You were quite for a moment, simply taking deep breaths, hoping that could ease the pain that seemed to throb behind your eyes and in your head. “… could you lay with me then?” After a moment you felt the bed lightly shift and heard the rustling of fabric. Hugging him, you burrowed your face into his chest. He held you close, hoping he could help you at all. He wasn’t entirely sure as to what he could do to help you, but he was going to do anything within his power to lessen your pain.
    Rantaro Amami:
·       “Babe! I’m back!” Silence was all he had gotten in response before shutting the door behind himself. “Y/N?” Were you out? Unlikely as it was, it was still possible. The thought of you going out for a walk or the like was a rather kind one for him. If you had gone out, you’d have left a sticky note explaining yourself somewhere he’d most certainly see but having not spotted anything of the sort he trotted through the apartment, straight for your temporary office.
·       Your door was left open. Taking a peek inside he found you sitting before that little table, the laptop illuminating your silhouette in that otherwise small, dark room.
·       “Babe…” You were snapped from your trace feeling how he had enveloped you in a hug from behind, planting a kiss on the side of your head. “I know stocks don’t wait, but you’re only human.” “I’ll take a break later.” He sighed, still hugging you he rested his chin on your head, his gaze scanning over the screen, how your mouse zipped about, flipping from page to page in the blink of the eye. “It’s been a few days now, what’s gotten you so worked up?” “A depression’s coming. I need to make the right moves so we can out last it, and still have enough to keep searching for your sisters. On top of that I also need to keep an eye out for my clients, I know for a fact some of them are going to panic and make rash decisions, I need to stop them.” You groaned, rubbing your stiff neck before yawning. Rantaro held on for an extra few moments before letting go. “I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.” “Thanks.” When he got to the door he stopped, chuckling to himself. “You haven’t changed a bit since High School.” Oh, that clicking of the mouse pad actually stopped. “… You mean that in a good or bad way?” “Both. You still are so kind, to the point of sacrificing your own health. You can’t help others if you’re bedridden.” “Just a bit longer, I can keep going. I know my limitations… and I have you to babysit me.” “Har, har, very funny.”
·       He was not surprised going to bed alone that night. It did put a smile on his face though when not long after he got under the covers you moved yourself and your laptop to the bedroom, continuing your work atop the bed.
·       Rantaro awoke with a hum, the sun’s rays shining through the blinds landing on his face. He slowly flipped over and hugged your waist. “Morning Babe.” “… oh… m-morning…” Sitting up, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, seeing the bags under yours. You took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of your nose before getting back to work. Giving you a peck on the cheek he slid out of bed, going straight to the restroom.
·       Still in his pajamas he set about making a light breakfast, promptly returning to you. Upon return to the bedroom, he found you burying your face into your hands. “huh?” You only seemed to notice he was there when he placed a water bottle in your lap. “o-oh, thanks.” After passing you your meal, he looked over what you had up, making sure he wouldn’t be messing up anything, as he exited out of your programs, shutting off the laptop, closing the lid before sliding it to the end of the bed. “You were right.” Rantaro didn’t say a thing in response, simply hugging you as he gave you some pain medicine, tucking you in right after.
·       A day of lazing around, at least he could make sure you were taken care of now. He also got all the cuddles he had missed out the night prior so he didn’t mind. He was rather used to this by now, though he didn’t care for how you so often pushed yourself, at least he could still help you. recalling the many times he had to play nurse for you in high school, it seemed he hadn’t change much either.
    Gundham Tanaka:
·       Even as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, he didn’t stop for a moment. Such things could not startle the Overlord of Ice. He dashed through the pouring rain, even as it pounded down, soaking through his clothes. There were several occasions where he had almost slipped on the slick puddles that covered the ground. The droplets that came cascading down blurred his vision, the torrent wind thrashed about knocking him over. He held tight to his coat, racing back to the apartment complex.
·       Upon reaching the room, he immediately shut the door before sifting through his inner coat pocket, taking out a wet paper bag. He ripped apart the soggy mass, getting to the pill bottle. Though sure he was right, still paranoid he compared it to the empty bottle he had in his pocket, finding the prescription was still exactly the same. Though ridiculous he worried somehow only once he got back to your place would he find he got the wrong one from the pharmacy.
·       With a heavy sigh he quickly dried himself off and placed on some clothing he kept at your place. Walking into the bedroom he found the blanket fort he had built around your bed was still standing. With a prideful smirk he crawled inside, you still cuddling the Devas, several pillows covering your head. When you felt the bed shift, you slowly knocked the pillows off, turning to face him, looking dreadfully exhausted. “My Emperor, I’ve received your healing salves.” You gave him a strained smile. It was strange to hear you Ice Lord use such a soft tone. He had spoken so quietly if it wasn’t for the fort dampening the thunderous noise, you likely wouldn’t have heard him. “Gundham… y-you didn’t have to get this the moment the pharmacy opened… it’s storming out, and it’s my fault for forgetting to get it last week. You didn’t even give me a chance to stop you.” He simply shook his head, passing you the bottle. “Nonsense. In your state you could not possibly make the journey unscathed, let alone in such a sleep deprived state having gotten no rest for eons now. I am at fault too. I had should have had the forethought to bring my own supplies of your care before arriving. But now that the world has flooded even I, could not fare the journey to my own domain long ago when your curse first showed signs of surfacing once more.”
·       As he had spoken you took your pills as well as water, hoping it’d at least dull the throbbing, pulsing pain that had pounded through your head, only having compounded as the world around you seemed to grow louder and louder as the storm continued to rage on. “Seems things would be easier if we just lived together.” You placed a pillow back over your head, not noticing how Gundham had frozen in place, a light blush dusting his cheeks. “… I suppose…” “Gundham, did you say something?” You were confused seeing how he stiffly laid beside you. “… Sharing a domain with one another… We already have given one another all other things, even access to obtain one another’s delicate items such as your medicine… Sharing that as well, is a thought I’m… most fond of.” You simply stared for a moment the pain making holding onto a single coherent thought for long difficult, but quickly it clicked. “Ah! Ow-” “My Emperor?” “I-I… hey, let’s talk about this when my medicine kicks in, okay. But… well… I didn’t really think about what I said but… always having you around, living together sounds nice.” With a growing wobbly smile his blush darkened. “Yes, I wish you to be of clear mind when we even consider this endeavor.”
·       As much as you hated the pain, perhaps for once some good came from it, keeping you from thinking before you speak.
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