#and he's got his special interests
turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Mentioned this before but as much as I adore the medic Leo headcanon, my favorite type of it is when it’s basically just Leo knowing the most surface level of stuff and carrying around a super basic first-aid kit in his pack. So he knows how to use gauze, and he’s got a ton of Jupiter Jim branded bandaids, and if you really needed it then he can hit you up with some ibuprofen but other than that? Nothing.
But. I love the idea that that changes post-invasion.
They’re pretty sturdy, all of them, so they can take more than one beating and really only need a bandaid for the fun of it. But the invasion hit harder than ice packs and “lots of rest” would help with, and I can bet that a post being beaten to a pulp Leo would have a lot of time on his hands to reflect and, maybe, learn a thing or two as he waits to get better.
It’s nothing excessive, not at first, but he watches veterinary videos, and live surgeries, and other videos in that same realm (because the books are, uh, a bit too jargon-y for him) multiple times over. Just so he knows. Just in case he needs to know.
In his pack, there’s a first-aid kit. With the use of a mini portal for extra space, the kit has grown to include everything from scalpels to butterfly stitches to sutures to even fiberglass patches.
And obviously the Jupiter Jim brand bandaids stay too.
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incorrectwolfstar · 5 months
remus sirius
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watcherscrown · 2 months
a real conversation i had at work this week
me: Library reference desk, how can I help you? man: HOW DO I IDENTIFY AN ARTIFACT me: um. what kind of artifact? man: I FOUND IT ON THE SIDEWALK me: have you tried uploading it to any websites, to see if any experts recognize it? man: I DON'T USE THE INTERNET. I ONLY HAVE THIS PHONE THAT I'M TALKING ON RIGHT NOW me: okay! so- man, interuppting: I FOUND THIS ON THE GROUND AND I THINK I KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT *IS*, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? me: I think so. So, we don't really have anyone here with that kind of expertise, but have you tried calling the main library? Someone in archives or special collections might- man: THEY'RE ALWAYS CLOSED me: I assure you they are not man:... man: WHEN I WAS A KID AND I WENT TO THE LIBRARY, THE LIBRARIANS WERE VERY KNOWLEDGABLE AND EDUCATED me: I'm- man: WHAT HAPPENED me: excuse me? man: ARE YOU EDUCATED. I MEAN, DO YOU HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE me: I do :) man: DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS ARE? me: Yes, I do. man: DO YOU KNOW WHAT A "KIMONO DRAGON" IS me: Yes, I know what a Komodo dragon is. man: DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE GALAPAGOS IN WORLD WAR TWO me: sir, I have to assist another patron, do you mind if I put you on hold? *line goes dead*
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tamagoneko · 4 months
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the boy in the band 💙
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weirdmageddon · 10 months
sorry for liking davejade in 2023 btw its in a cool way though
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#hs#davejade#like that one person said bi4bi cool silly girl and her lame ass court jester bf who enjoy each others company a lot#“its boring” well not everything has to be conflict sometimes it can be two people really vibing#and being good foils to each other and just sort of being like a lock and key#i dont dislike davekat but i felt like they bickered too much which is Funny dont get me wrong#but i like davejade for different reasons#in that i feel like dave is at his most heartfelt with her#bc jade doesnt do anything to warrant snarkiness. she doesnt make him uncomfortable and that earns his trust like a lot#ppl say its boring cause its a mf ship and they dont get them like i do#and my answer to that as an agender person is who the fuck cares#i hate ppl dismissing mf ships out of hand like…hey bi ppl exist. and even if they were straight they still got a good dynamic#of care and interest towards each other#hes not her knight in shining armor bffr. she has uhhh fucking GUN#they are Equals#jade slaps the shit outta people on more than one occasion lol#they infodump to EACH OTHER and they both listen#remember when jade wanted to infodump to john about physics remember that#dave would eat that up like oh damn that so dope and tie it back to time or whatever. special relativity#since space and time are fundamentally related#sorry im running on fumes rn i didnt sleep last night#ALSO THEY HAVE MATCHING ALCHEMIZED OUTFITS#jade’s dead shuffle dress and dave’s four aces suited both use a midnight crew poster as ingredients#i should draw them together in that mspa style#maybe theyre not even romantic. who said ships had to be. its short for relationship#well theres multiple kinds of relationships. what if they were queerplatonic
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artsymephy · 4 months
How would modern Philip look like with long hair?
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Like the sweet boy he used to be (:
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Okay what the heck is gearloose and why are haters in your Dni list?
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Ah. Suppose I got carried away in my vast amount of marvelous trivia regarding the film...
And by the way, what in Suitopia is a "Human"???
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Oh, and here's a high quality scan of my poster. I wouldn't expect any of you to appreciate it with as much sophistication and nuance as I do.
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prancing in like an overconfident goat. opinions on autistic elias. original and jonah. 😈🙏‼️
true. he's got a lot going on mentally, but that too.
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (18/64)
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I actually felt a bit silly because my life story isn't half as interesting as his, and I told him that too, but he said he'd read a book about me any day, which again gave me goosebumps.
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He hugged me pretty closely when we said goodbye. It felt very nice...
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I really didn't want to say goodbye to Malte, but I had a class, so I needed to go...
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I very much hope we can see each other again...
Gameplay notes: Rachel and Malte got on like fire! They both kept initiating interactions with each other (when they didn't get distracted by all the books surrounding them...), and their relationship turned into "friends" pretty quickly. From then on, Malte initiated a lot of flirtatious jokes. I wasn't sure if my shy girl would like that, but she did! Eventually, the flirtatious jokes made way for simply "flirt" and there were even autonomous amorous hugs. After the "flirt" interaction, both Malte and Rachel rolled wishes to kiss each other and watch the stars together (even though it was daytime). I didn't want them to kiss because it would be Rachel's first kiss, and she wouldn't just jump in and do that on her first date. That would be out of character. But I did feel bad when it was time to end the date. These two could have had a lot more fun together. Of course, we have many more dates to go, but Malte is a serious contender! They parted as "good friends". Attraction score: 8.
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Malte created by @nornities
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introspectivememories · 4 months
i hope i am not just your average dc enjoyer to you but also your favorite timbern poster
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justplaggin · 4 months
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« to the stray dogs »
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melissa-leaf · 2 months
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from Real Madrid quiz
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dollyboned · 10 months
killugon are both REALLY autistic and this isn't even something i suppose anymore, that's just true
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pink-november · 5 months
here's your daily stp trivia
cheated is the only voice that prevents you from turning around and leaving the cabin during a chapter 3
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zeddimusprime · 1 year
Trans Man Noah Diaz
The first time I saw Rise of the Beasts, I read Noah as a Trans Man, and that headcanon just solidified after my second viewing.
I’ll get the heavy reasons out of the way first, and work down to the most silly ones.
The section that was here before has been removed, because I was overstepping and someone rightly called me out on it. However. I’m not going to lie and pretend I didn’t do what I did. I deleted the comment that called me out because it made me feel bad, I panicked, and deleted it to save my own ego. It was wrong, it was cowardly, it was fucked up, and I shouldn’t have done it.
I truly am sorry, and have spent the last day sitting with myself until I stopped trying to excuse my behavior and just acknowledged what I did. I am not asking for forgiveness, I can only try going forward to be the kind of person deserving of it.
For now, I’m taking a break from this blog, leaving it on a queue, and I won’t be posting here for a while. Even though that isn’t the kind of person I want to be, I need to reckon with the fact that that is the kind of person I am. I’m sorry, once again.
1994 was also the year Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was put into place, which, for those too young to remember, was basically a policy allowing queer and trans people to serve in the military so long as they remained closeted, and prohibited superiors from forcibly outing them. Given that we’re never actually told in the film why Noah was discharged, it’s not unreasonable to think that it may have been because he got found out as trans.
The part that’s particularly personal for me is his relationship with Kris. I’ve also got a little brother that’s quite a bit younger than me, and I acted as an extra parent to him, practically raised him since we were both latchkey kids, and yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’d face the apocalypse head on if it meant keeping him safe. All that to say, it’s comforting to think that Noah’s identity as a man is inseparable from his identity as a Big Brother, the way it is for me.
Most of my other reasons are less serious:
Noah wears a lot of layers and baggy clothes on his upper half, which yes, was part of 90s fashion, but it’s also how I dressed for most of my life, even before I realized I was trans.
Noah is also non-toxically masculine in a way that’s not unheard of but also not as common for men, especially service members, of that time period. Again, there may very well be a cultural component I’m missing here, let me know if there is, but this is just something I related to as a Guy Who Wasn’t Raised As One.
This last one’s kinda silly, but I’m a Car Guy, and one of the most gender euphoria inducing things I can do is work on my car. There’s few things that make me feel like Man quite like sweat on my brow and grease on my hands and a purring engine from a job well done. So for Noah to not only be a tech wiz but specifically a Mechanic? That was the thing that really sold me on this headcanon. (And that’s not even getting into the very fun implications of Noah being the one to repair Mirage, to get to know him so intimately, literally inside and out. Very nice.)
(I also love the idea that rather than being weirded out or taken aback at first like he is in some fics, Noah would be kinda weirdly affirmed to find out that not only does Mirage have some of roughly the same *equipment* while still being treated as and being a Mech, but his setup is the norm for Cybertronians. I can so picture Noah anxiously telling Mirage about his situation when they finally get together only for Mirage to be like “you mean other human mechs don’t have a 🐈??? Like, most humans only have one or the other?????”)
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you know if we do accept the last epilogue-esque sequence as a sort of dream/wish of ted's and therefore not necessarily canon, very funny if we then simply go "yeah, trent's book is called 'the lasso way' actually. he didn't change that. nope."
#listen on one hand#i think that like#i don't think ted actually changed trent's mind about the title#i think trent changed it because ted asked him to#and like that's especially interesting bc he even made a point of being like#'tell me if you disagree with anything and i'll tell you why you're wrong'#but he respects ted; more than that he likes him and he wants him to like the book--like him#anyone else and trent would have told them to fuck off but ted? ted asking him to change the title? yeah#i think he didn't agree with 'it not being about him'--and not bc of any feelings he may have for ted--but if we accept that him changing#the title is canon then like. he did it because ted asked. nothing more nothing less#maybe he felt he owed it to ted as the subject of the book; maybe he just respected him too much not to#maybe it's partially bc of his feelings; maybe it's because he just couldn't say no to ted#but it's ultimately just. because ted asked him.#and trent respects him; trusts him; cares about him#and that's pretty heartwrenching#but like on the other hand if we say 'no that was ted's wishufl thinking trent definitely went 'sorry ted it's called the lasso way''#also like.... him being like. like quietly not changing it and if ted said something him just. being like#ted. i respect you. i care about you. i trust you. but with all due respect absolutely not#yes it isn't ONLY about you but YOU made this happen. YOU are special and YOU have a place here whether you can stay forever or not#yes it's about the team and the coaches yes you aren't a one man band but ted. TED. you touched lives. you changed lives. and that was YOU.#that was you and your philosophy and your attitude.#you made richmond what it is today. yes the team deserve credit too for the kind of bond they have now but YOU facilitated that#none of the coaches currently here woudl be coaches if not for you. the diamond dogs wouldn't exist. literally every single one#of our friends--OUR friends--wouldn't be where they are and probably wouldn't be as happy#you got through to people over and over again who were hurting and lashing out. to rebecca. to roy. to jamie. to nate. to me.#and you can be humble but there's being humble and there's acting like you don't matter to any of us like you didn't have an impact#like you can just leave without a trace. we don't blame you for leaving--i especially don't--but acting like we won't miss you and like#your time with all of us--our time--meant nothing is more insulting than it is humble because we /love you/#and yes. it was the goddamn lasso way that built this place#this community.
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