#and hopefully the visit to campus will go well too!
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honestsycrets · 1 year
enfócate | tutor!miguel o'hara x reader
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❛ pairing | tutor!miguel x student!reader, fake boyfriend!peter x reader
❛ type | explicit
❛ summary | jess is clear: miguel o'hara is a terrible boyfriend. he'll inevitably hurt you-- but peter has other ideas. or, you blow miguel in a library.
❛ tags | spanish tutor!miguel, bratty reader, a kiss with Peter, Miguel's jealousy, bjs, fake boyfriend!peter, slight obsessive qualities, fuck buddies, undefined relationships, fuck boy Miguel.
❛ reqs fulfilled | see here.
❛ sy's notes | the pov on this piece bothers me, it jumps between reader and Miguel. however, i did write two separate pieces for this request (a combined 25 pages vs my usual 11/12). so, i decided to meld them together to create this piece. anywho, if it bothers you, i understand! ❤️ I yoinked a lot of the Spanish from my Spanish learners textbook, hopefully, it's acceptable.
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He knew he wanted you from the first day he saw you in the tea cafe. 
Jess and he rarely visited the tea shop. It was settled on the edge of campus. Close to the social sciences and arts, but far from the work he did in the Genetics department. As a Ph.D. student, however, not all the work was done in the lab. Jess liked to see the different types of people that came to this tea cafe, where the chair cushions were fluffy emerald pillows and plants hovered overhead.
“Miguel? What's---” 
You stood apart from the other students with their sloppy, half-cropped, or frumpy appearances, there was a particular care you took to dressing. It was the embroidered bow in your hair that drew his attention. When you left to fetch a refill of chai, he noticed the soft, frilled socks in tiny ankle boots. He just knew you would taste sweet, leering as he watched you at the drink bar. Jess glanced in your direction, the way you adorably bowed your head after the tea artist gave you your drink, and just knew. Jess looked over her shoulder. 
“Not her.”
Jess’s voice was a drawn-out sigh of your name, punctuated by her fist beating the table. Miguel perked at the mention of your name. Oh, so she knew you. She was probably sick of his shit. Good, he was also sick of being used as a vibe check for the lesbians she wanted to pick up.
“Don’t you have enough side pieces?” 
Miguel didn’t respond. 
“She probably has a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Look who she's with.” 
That finally got a response. 
“You don’t know that,” he kept his eyes straight ahead. You caught him staring, wiggling your little fingers in a hello as you sat at a table. "I want her."
You sat with an incredibly frumpy, annoying photography student who once took his picture for the lab website. Could he be… his attention wavered when you pulled out a book: Español para el siglo. His lips quivered into a wildly sardonic grin. Oh no, no no. It was too easy. 
“You’ll ruin her. She’s too innocent.” 
He leaned in. 
“Are you going to help me or not?” 
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“Buenas tardes,” 
Two chairs and a thin desk. The small study room was more of a glorified broom closet for its students. You were lucky that there was a large window that looked out over the student union, flowers blooming up its brick siding. Bits of lush dark green ivy poked into the window’s view from the library’s tall wall. As the sun set on campus, rich orange and pink settled over the sunset on that warm Friday afternoon. At least the sight was pretty for how overwhelmingly small the space was.
It wasn’t the space that bothered you. It was your tutor.
He was big-- big big. Not just a little big, but really big. The kind of big that was on bodybuilding competitions. It made his long, blue-grey muscle shirt and grey sweats look tiny, sucked to his well-pumped muscle. The room felt a lot smaller as you looked at him, his long brown hair whipped back over his neck. His eyebrows raised on his dark forehead, arms turning one over another, a bundle of muscle.
“Ah... you're him? The man from the tea shop.” 
He pulled free his sunglasses and set them down. His warm chocolate eyes glanced from the edge of your now too-short skirt to the glint of a dagger necklace that beat between your breasts. He’s staring. Why is he staring-- you finger the dagger between your thumb and index fingers, soothing yourself with the manipulation.
“Miguel.” He warmed, pulling the seat out beside him. His voice was buttery and smooth, almost like rich caramel. The lilt in his voice lightened, inviting you to take a seat by him. You should. You thought. Sit down. “Siéntate." 
You stared.
"I said sit down.” 
That was a bad idea. You paused, slipping the bag down from under your shoulder and onto the beige tile by the door. Miguel watched every slight movement. That’s fine. It’s natural to do that. You tugged the bottom of your skirt and took a seat beside him. Miguel pushed the chair back in, pushing your chest to the edge of the desk space. Oh-- oh boy, he was strong. Of course, he was, he was built like a-- 
“Bueno. Now you're settled. How can I help you?” 
Do that again.
“Me? Oh! I... Jess said you could help me need to pass a test,” you murmured. The four semesters of Spanish seemed relatively easy compared to being stuffed next to this Adonis in this tiny study room. Your legs settled over your skirt, hands working over one another to will down the pulse of your wily excitement. What was wrong with you? “To pass my language requirement.” 
You should have been able to do that alone but-- let’s say you weren’t the most applied to the language in your childhood. A tutor was a great alternative to embarrassment and thousands of dollars in classes. If only he didn’t look like… this. His large hand left the pasty back of your chair.
“Hm,” he paused. “¿Puedes hablar español?” 
“Sí,” you murmured. “My mami was-- well, I should have listened to her.” 
You want to know what Hm means. Your leg tremored on its own accord. He swept a leather bag by his side up and pulled out a thick folder, running across several tabs. Lab notes, diet plans, pruebas. 
“It happens,” he notes, sliding a page free. “Let’s see how much you know, princesa.” 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to know more, to hear the hum of Spanish bouncing off his lips. It was a world apart from your mother’s shrill screams on Saturday mornings to clean an already clean house. It held its own beauty and mystery when he spoke it. You took the page from him, setting it down on the bland tablespace by your phone, lighting up with a notification.
Jess When you meet Miguel, don’t do it.
"¿Princesa?" you asked.
"You dress like one. Don’t worry if you fail,” you plucked out a pink mechanical pencil, complete with little animated characters tightened around the wrapping. You perked at his words, choking a small smile. “I expect you to.” 
Why was he like this? You took another unfortunate look at him, his large forearm plastered over the desk, making the book he had to look like peanuts in comparison. God, he was hot-- you felt comparatively hideous, drooling over a man that was out of your league. Maybe he could be your piece of eye candy this year. Your phone buzzed along the table again. Miguel’s eyes shot to it, a frown pulling at his lips. 
Jess Don’t fuck him. He can’t keep his dick to himself.
He reaches over, flipping your phone down with an overworked smile sundering his expression. It’s almost fake. 
“Are you…” you turned your eyes to the questions on the page. “A student?” 
“Grad student,” Miguel answered. So, older than you then. “I graduated with a BA in Spanish and a BS in Genetics.” 
“Oh! A dual degree?” The man couldn’t be normal. He had to do both. “Did it… take a while?”
“No, it was accelerated.” 
He was unreal. There was no way this man was ordinary. It was physically impossible for the man to be that hot and successful. You scribbled across the page, nipping the back of your pencil at particularly hard questions.
“So you just do this for… a living?” you asked him. 
“I teach and train clients, yes.”
“Gym,” Miguel set his cheek on his fist.
“I do cardio with Jess. No strength training for me.” Jess-- who suggested Miguel to you. You had some shit to bitch at her about the next time you saw her. Namely, why she didn’t warn you about Miguel. He was a boon for chaos in your life.
“I’d waste your time. I’m all marshmallow,” you pat your soft belly. “All pan dulce and burros.” 
He chuckled. 
“You have a beautiful body.” 
And that was that. You set the pencil down on a page half full of answers, glancing toward his full lips. They were quirked into an arrogant smirk. He knew the effect he had on women. He glanced to the page, then to you, his lips growing into a smile laden with arrogance. 
“Your hips--” he glanced down, “My girls couldn’t pay to get them.” 
He noticed. You supposed that the miniskirt wasn’t the best choice for meeting a new man.
“Do you talk to everyone like this?”
“No. Only the ones that look at me like you did." 
 If it were a game of whom ate whom up first, you had to be honest-- it may have been you. You couldn’t shoot anything back at that, angling your head down at the page guiltily. A sigh fell from his chest. His large hand came to the back of your head, cupping the thick bow on the back of your head. His fingers ran across the silk, teasing it between his fingers.
“Calm down, you’re not the first one to do it. You won't be the last,” he turned your head to look at him, large fingers combing through the strands of your hair. He chased the panic in your wide eyes, doe eyes blown wide. Your heartbeat soared into your chest, choking you there, looking for an outlet from your shame. 
“Breathe for me,” he leaned in, his warm breath tingling your ear. His cologne was clean, like the lapse of the waves on the shore back home where the tropical heat was a second skin. You listened, taking a weary, deep breath in, then out again. Again. 
“Go on.” His knuckles rapped on the sheet. Miguel’s hand fell away. You found yourself longing for it again. 
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“He’s gorgeous.” 
“I told you not to fuck him," your superior, Jess said, her feet bouncing off the stairstepper effortlessly.
“I didn't-- I just, he called me beautiful.” 
“He would call anyone beautiful if it meant fucking them. Don’t fall for it.” 
You knew Jess wouldn’t say it unless she were serious. She always knew what you needed help with, where to locate a good solution, and had the right words to calm you down.
“How?” you said, louder than you intended. You were suddenly thankful for the pounding music that beat down on your ears in your school’s gym and the rush of people that came and went. “Jess, you’re a lesbian. You don’t understand-- he’s thick. Like, he’s luchador status big. Big, big.” 
“I’ve dated some thick women.” 
“And he likes me,” you said pointedly, rushing to the topmost step, remembering his words. The way he calmed you down from your embarrassment, seeming without concern for his own body. It was… sweet. “Men usually don’t like me, Jess. I’m too… soft.” 
“Okay, girl, whatever,” you were pretty sure she rolled her eyes. “Unless you’re going to be another one of his fuck toys, just ignore him.”  
Her stare trained on the floors lapsed. Thirty and she was still going. “If you don’t want him, just fire him. What’s going to do? Come find you?” 
You stopped for the entirety of five… or ten seconds. Enough to consider her words. Enough to quite literally get plop off the stair stepper and onto the cold floor. Jess exhaled a stale breath, reaching over to jam the STOP button on your machine. Ow.
“Good job.” 
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Miguel likes to tutor you. Not because you’re good at Spanish, no, for a girl that grew up with a Spanish mother, your skills are quite poor. But he likes the opportunity to have you in a room all by yourself, late at night. Wednesdays are great days for that. 
Your soft buttercup yellow dress is short today, exposing your thick thighs that take up so much of the chair. He pretends that he’s listening as you go over a list of irregular verbs, your lip pouting in response to the irregular verbs. Some were simple in their familiarity like poder with endings such as pudiste; but the plurals and other irregular verbs, you pouted at. It was cute. 
“Miggy, it’s not funny, ” Oh, nicknames now. Miguel throws a glance at your glossy lips, undoubtedly sticky but oh so soft looking. 
“I never said it was.” 
“You’re smirking.” 
“Then don’t whine,” he said. “It’s cute.” 
“Oh--” As to be expected, you shifted your hands between your legs, drawing your skirt in between your legs. He faltered and took a glance, coasting his eye over its edges and memorizing the way it fell over your skin. You’ll ruin her, he remembers Jess saying. She wasn’t wrong, he sensed the bit of it now, how close you sat-- 
“Take a break, princesa. Vocabulary-- ascendencia.” 
Rather than take a break, you turned and caught the corner of his lips in what was a terrible, cherry-red kiss that would stain his skin. But the connection of your lips, puckered in a pouting kiss on his skin, caught him off guard. 
“Descent,” you took his red pen out of his loose grip, scribbling descent by the word. Fuck. Miguel took a sip of now cold coffee. A smile kept pulling at his cheeks, looking out of the window and catching the slight reflection of your lipstick smeared across his lip and cheek, he bobs his head into a nod.
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You’re with Peter the first time you see Miguel with another woman. 
It’s at lunch. Tuesdays and Thursdays are regularly spent running to the College of Arts, waiting for Peter to get out, and a picnic. Today, you forgot to bring lunch, running off to the union hand wrapped around his elbow as he talked to you about a bright new camera lens filter.
“These new pictures are going to come out perfect! Thanks for lending me the money,” he beamed. You loved the way he talked about his art-- stopping to show you his newest pictures of the camera that hung around his neck. Peter was always good with a camera, catching you in all the prettiest angles in your trade of photos for… sponsoring a lens or whatever. Or, at least, bringing down the cost. “Look at this one. Look how pretty you look in that dress, kinda like a pin-up! We should do some’a those next.” 
Feet thumping over the pavement, you failed to sense Miguel's presence until you smelled his peppery cologne carried on the air. There, on a bench, he sat next to a girl. She was pretty, with long dark hair and soft skin. Her hand was on his thigh and his arm around her shoulder, eating the last bit of a flaky empanada-- your eyes burned, the closeness of her head on his shoulder, clearly done and finished, waiting for whatever next plan he had. You don’t want to know what that could be.
“Huh? Oh. hi Miguel!” Peter waved to your dismay. You held onto him a little tighter, wringing circles around his sleeve. Miguel spares you two a glance, his eyebrows pushing together. But he waves, lazy and short. You stifle the hot prick of tears at the corner of your eyes and yank Peter away. “Wha-- I’m coming, I’m coming!"
Days later, Peter has a plan.
“I’ve got it-- the solution to your tea guy problem! You should have told me sooner that it was Miguel.” 
Peter was very excited. Why, you weren’t sure. He liked to feel helpful. That’s why he was a photographer. Photography lets others feel beautiful and seen. He picked at your lunch, his head flopped on your thigh as he worked through his camera. 
“I’ll be your boyfriend!”
“You want to be my boyfriend?” you offered him a grape. He opened his mouth with an adorable ‘ah’ of his his lips. You slipped the grape between his lips. He chewed appreciatively. “I don’t know, Peter. Isn’t it lying?” 
“C’mon, I know Miguel. He’s macho. The kind of guy you have to make jealous. And I can do it! I’m boyfriend material. Aren’t I?”
“Sí. But I don’t think I can make him jealous.” 
It was a sunshiney day, sprawled out at lunch on a cool picnic blanket, tracing the clouds when you heard his voice. Soft, smooth, inviting. Your head spun around, this time with a lean blonde-haired girl-- her legs were long, tummy nice and flat, blue eyes shining like little sapphires set in her pale face. She swooned on his arm. The perfect sorority princess. What if he called her princesa, too?
“--close lab with me--” 
“I can do it myself.” 
Miguel’s eyes caught yours, raising his hand lazily to greet you as he walked down the sidewalk, undoubtedly back to his genetics lab on the other side of campus. Over where brilliant boys and girls and theys were, rushing through accelerated scientific programs while you figured out how to fix broken artifacts. He lived in another impossible world. A realm far away from Peter and you: photography and the maintenance of culture and art.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Peter's eyes were glossy with concern. “It’s okay. We don’t have to-- did I say something wrong?” 
You shook your head. Peter sat up, his eyes bounced up-- from Miguel over his shoulder to your sudden sad eyes. Peter set his hand on your cheek, the fibers of his soft pink cardigan tickling your jaw. Your eyes tore from Miguel, whose pace became sluggish as if steps along took immense effort. Peter’s nose bumped against yours, clumsy and oh so Peterish-- his hand on the middle of your back, his warm but cracked lips swallowing the gasp that tumbled from your lips. He tasted of sweet fruit, the sloppy lunch you shared, and a silly comfort. 
He watching? Peter murmured against your lips. 
You nearly forgot to return the kiss, captured in the way Miguel stared-- something in his warm brown eyes was almost wounded. Peter shoved you onto the picnic blanket, a soft sorry murmured under his breath as his thin frame fell between your legs. Miguel stomped away, his bumbling blonde rushing to keep up. 
“Oh yeah,” Peter rolled over onto his back, crossing his legs one over another. You watched Miguel stomp past the tall hedges, out of your line of sight. “He’s gonna be mad at you.” 
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Miguel was still in a bad mood hours later. 
“¡Qué surpresa!” he murmured, offering you your paper blotted with red circles. “You did remarkably shit on this test. Do you focus on anything? Or just Peter?” 
“Perdona me.” Your focus was shot with his consistent presence in your life. Not that he could appreciate that. 
“How long are you going to keep wasting my time?” 
“Are you talking about the Spanish or--”
Miguel set the red pen down, a sharp slam snapping the pen under his force. The fragile plastic snapped into shards of plastic. He flicked it away, paper and pen both, his large hand flexing in and out of a closed fist. You traced the tracks of his veins along his forearm.
“Are you mad that I kissed you?” 
“Or are you angry that Peter did?” 
 “Don’t touch me.” 
Though he said that, you didn’t listen. You slid out of the chair and in between his spread legs, your hands trailing his handsome jawline. He jerked back when your lips caught his, the legs of his chair hitting the wall. Though he said no, his mouth opened to your kiss, and his palms flushed against your soft cheeks. You pinned him between your body and the wall-- and though you were sure he’d quickly whirl you off if he really wanted to, he didn’t. His tongue pushed into your mouth, owning yours. His hands skimmed your back, trailing lower and lower down your deep red dress until he connected with your ass. 
“You need to stop.” Miguel broke from his kiss. Though he said that, he brought you onto his lap. You felt little in his large arms, his hands guiding your hips over his crotch. “Before I do something you’ll regret.”
You listened to the sounds of the library’s floor. The scrunch of take out into the trash, the sing of a door opening and closing. It was dinner time. Most everyone had gone to get their snacks— and here you were, looking down at Miguel with rapt eyes. 
“Peter is just a friend.” 
“A friend who happens to jam his tongue down your throat,” he turned the word over on his tongue and found offense in it. “Now why do I doubt that?” 
“He only wanted to help.”
“By kissing you?” 
Your fingers trailed his jaw, dipping back down for another kiss if only to say you could. That Miguel couldn’t tell you what to do. A sound of frustration ripped up his throat. You felt him, his dick twitching to life behind those sweatpants. He felt big. You bit your lower lip— a movement that didn’t escape his attentive eyes. 
“By making you as jealous,” You slid off his lap and onto the dirty floor. But as you lifted a hand, cupping his dick through the heavy fabric, he couldn’t bear to stop you. 
His lips pulled in a wicked grin, your soft palm stroking along his length. He hooked his thumbs into his sweats, yanking them down over his knees and onto the floor. His cock kissed his belly, straining with droplets of moisture at the tip. Miguel set his hand on your shoulder and forced you to heel on the floor. His temperament evened out. “You were jealous.” 
“Yes--” you murmured. “Are.. those girls, are they special?” 
“Special? No, none of them are.” 
“I want to be.” 
“That so?” Your soft hands trailed along the dark hair on his calves, up his thighs, settling your nose where his muscular hand tightened around the root. He wrenched his swarthy hand along his length, drawing along his veiny cock shamelessly. "Let's see how much you do, princesa."
“Aquí se habla español.” Miguel teased. Your fingers dipped down, small tickles of your fingertips as his heavy balls. He watched you massage them with half-lidded eyes, his lips pursing in a pleased hum. 
“Por favor.” 
“Abre,” you did, sliding your soft mouth open, a well of saliva on your tongue. Miguel slid himself into your warm mouth, a ruptured groan fizzing in his chest. You didn’t want to be too loud— someone might look into the small window on the door, and see you on your knees between Miguel’s thick legs, sucking his cock down when you should be going over that test you just failed. 
You caught the salty beads at Miguel’s top on your tongue, sliding sloppily around his thick head, and lapping at his slit for more. Your soft hands stroked along his length, clumsy and shy. He hummed in approval, a sound you were more than thankful to elicit. Miguel took a fist full of your hair and drove himself into your mouth, your tongue stroking the underside of his length. 
“Pero mira esto,” Miguel wrenched his head in your hair, grabbing handfuls of it in his palm. “You can focus on something. Sucking my dick.”
Even if you wanted to look up, Miguel drove your head down onto his dick, the dark, trimmed tuft of his pubic hair tickling your nose. He drew his hips back. You nearly pulled off him, if not for his hand assuring that you wouldn’t move off of it. Drool coursed down from your lips, soaking your chin and neck, connecting to his cock as if it were a spiderweb. Your cheeks flushed with blood— you must have looked a mess. 
“Coño," Miguel tutted with his tongue, grasping his phone. Your lips pursed around his tip, eyes flickering up to catch the lens of his phone camera on your ruined face. A picture or a video, you weren’t entirely sure. Only that it sent thumps of pleasure down your core to know he wanted to record it, keep it close. You suckled along his sensitive head, working his moans free. He set his phone aside. 
Miguel stood and dragged your head along with him to pin you between the ledge of the desk space and his wonderful hips. His hands slipped behind your head, keeping you still and steady, driving himself deep into your mouth. Past your tongue, down your throat, it felt like he hit parts of you that you could only dream of. You struggled with his size, choking the urge to swallow him when he forced you to hold him there. As if your throat was just a hole for his pleasure. Your sad attempt to suckle him down was tempered by the rocking of his hips, his needy face fucking. Your eyes screwed shut, bits of color dancing behind your eyes, the easiest way to deal with this was to focus— on the way he tasted, the scent of his fresh body wash, the light judder of his hips as he came close. 
"Hah-- ay, qué rico," his nails scraped the back of your neck, sloppy and undefined thrusts filling your throat. He spurts thick ropes of his cum down your throat and mouth, withdrawing to jerk the last bursts of his cum over your lips. Miguel’s breath fell from his lips in heavy gulps, meeting yours down on your aching knees. Strings of coughed-up cum connected your sodden lips to his cock, globs of his seed slipping between your breasts. You ached. 
“Tate quieta.” 
You don’t know where you’d go, your palms catching yourself on the floor. He snapped another photo, humming appreciatively. Miguel reached into his gym bag, pulling a sweaty shirt free. Your fingers dipped into his warm cum that spattered across your warm chest, drawing it to your lips. He tasted salty, tangy, and just right.
"You look so-- so beautiful, princesa, just perfect," Miguel bent down, wiping the rest of his mess from your chest and face, gently stroking away all evidence of your face fucking before cleaning his cock and tucking himself away into his sweatpants. He chucked the t-shirt back into his bag, glazing his eyes over your hazy, exhausted eyes. He crouched down. 
“Rule one, I never share my women,” he settled his knuckle under your chin, urging you to look him in the eyes. Something told him you wouldn't be as easy as the others, but for some reason, he shrugged the thought aside. “As long as I'm fucking you, you date no one but me. If I find out you are, we're done. Am I clear?”
He was a walking red flag. But for once, in your good girl life, you wanted that. You wanted to fuck in the library-- against the genetics building late at night-- to kiss him during a sunny picnic. More than you wanted a lot of things. His eyes went soft with your answer. 
“Claro que sí, Miggy.”
He loves it when he gets what he wants.
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2K notes · View notes
jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of september! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Head Over Skates || @mercurygguk🔞💔🔄
↳ in which jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you hate his guts and he knows it – that's why he's more than determined to make the most of three weeks of project work. you're convinced it's going to be the end of you.
My Heart Did || @aseaofyoongi🔞💔✅
↳ as soon as senior years comes to an end a lot of teens shed who we were and strive to be flourish into a more polished version of themselves. although, broken hearts aren’t so quick to heal what happens when thoughts reveal all we need to know?
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Bad Idea || @back2bluesidex🔞💕✅
↳ Accepting Jungkook's invitation to watch him train topless was such a bad idea.
Don't Tell Me That... You Forgot || @sweetiestokkie💕✅
↳ (short summary that i have come up with since there wasnt one, but oc plans a secret birthday for jk. so we have a lil ol angy jjk.)
Just The Tip? || @joon4eva🔞💕✅
↳ you and namjoon are left alone together for a little too long. or: in your childhood home, you learn just how much is really "just the tip" with namjoon.
My Flower || @i-am-baechu💕✅💯
↳ Men don’t get enough flowers. That’s why whenever it’s Namjoon’s birthday, Y/N always sends flowers (someone please get me a boo so that i can give them flowers.)
Socks || @hisunshiine💕✅
↳ (theres no summary but if we talking about socks, his god dam toe socks lives in my mind rent free and i need it to start paying rent.)
Take Care Of You || @kookslastbutton🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ To keep your fiance from burning out you suggest a weekend getaway to Gapyeong, a charming town about an hour outside Seoul. You've specifically asked him to leave his work equipment at home but like a deep rooted habit, he still brings it with him. You're left with no choice but to find a way to get his attention back.
When I Say Forever || @kookslastbutton🔞💕✅💯
↳ Today’s your wedding day and the slightly shy yet handsome, doe-eyed stranger who chased after you when you dropped your wallet on the street three years ago just happens to be the man standing before you today.
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7 Hybrids Moved In With Me || @lillsisamarshmallow💕💔🔄
↳ When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alleys to find out why, but what happens when she stumbles upon an empty alley only to find 6 more hybrids and some very familiar pastries?
Entangled || @caelesjjk🔞✅💯
↳ Jeon Jungkook is Spider-Man.
Hold Me Together || @casuallyimagining💕🔄💯
↳ a collection of drabbles and headcanons featuring seokjin, yoongi, and namjoon and their significant others.... all of whom have chronic illnesses. each piece can be read on its own or as part of a series.
Leaked || @btsficsandsuch💕💔✅
↳ Req by OP's Followers: Hi ,I love your writing so much . Can I request a ot7 × platonic fem reader where they became friends accidentally and she is also their fan but something happens like a misunderstanding of sorts and she is blamed or something then when the truth comes out they ask for her forgiveness but don't make her forgive them easily also include an accident in between story if you can. Sorry if it's too confusing .have a good day
Stars Around My Scars || @vanteggukie💕💔🔄
↳ people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good.
Rainy Days || @rklve🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ your life choices left not only yours, but jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around his sun forever.
Taste Of His Own Medicine || @btsficsandsuch💔✅💯
↳ You suddenly have to leave to go back to your home country for a few months. Yoongi decides to ignore you so you decide to show him how it feels when he realizes you’re gone.
The Back Up Plan || @btsgotjams27💕✅💯
↳ one drunken night leads to an agreement that if you and jungkook are still single by 30, you'd marry each other. the only thing is jungkook has been doing everything he can to keep you single.
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Aphrodite In War || @jungblue🔞💕💔🔄
↳ Everyone knew about the war that had been brewing on the edge of campus for the past two years. Sorority versus Fraternity; a showdown for the ages. However, when the escalating antics between them yields the consequence of possible suspensions for both chapters, the presidents of each house must come together to try and figure out how to end this battle… Which is kind of hard, considering they were the ones responsible for it in the first place.
Basic Needs || @gggukniverse🔞✅💯
↳ missing sex while being stuck in your apartment with your two roommates during quarantine is being the worst nightmare you could've imagined. fortunately, you're not the only one who's touch starved.
Safety Net || @pradaksj🔞💕💔✅
↳ on new year’s eve, you and jungkook reflect on each other’s entire year together. 
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Heart-On || @junghelioseok🔞✅💯💯
↳ your one-night stand definitely isn’t relationship material, but maybe—just maybe—your manager’s son is. (this is part of their serendipity series, make note that its not connected. do check out their jjk fic thats part of this series!!)
Territorial || @bonny-kookoo🔞💕🔄
↳ Who would've known that the big bad wolf isn't actually all that bad?
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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stanfanfiction · 1 year
Taste of You - Ken x fem! reader - PART SIX.FIVE
Six is my lucky number so hopefully you all enjoy the new only-exists-for-smut .5 🫠🫠🫠 sorry this took forever. I kept wanting to end it on a story-building note but couldn’t ever settle on one that I liked, so it is what it is for now.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY / sex toys / bondage / fingering / p! In v! / oral f! & m! Receiving / multiple orgasms / it’s a .5 chapter it literally exists solely for the sake of smut so have fun besties / super jealous Ken / rough sex / possessive / spanking / pet names (baby girl) (good girl) / praise / edging / overstim / exhaustion
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Ooooohhhhh no no no no….
It was the first day of your Fall flex term class. You still had your normal Fall/Winter full time classes happening but you had decided to sign up for the new four-week course as well, since the professor was a favorite author of yours and you didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to learn from her.
Ken had been with you most of the day. His job at the bubble tea shop was fascinating to him and he asked if he come come to campus with you to explain how magical his first day of work was because he felt being stuck at home would be too boring.
You got to your classroom and turned to Ken. “Alright, you can go hang at the library or something, it’s right next to this building and I’ll come get you when class is over.”
Your new professor heard you as she was walking down the hallway to the classroom herself.
“Oh, he can hang out in class, I don’t mind,” she smiled. “It’s a huge classroom so I’m sure one of seats towards the top back corners will be available if you wanted to stay.”
You wanted to ponder this invite for a moment but Ken had already smiled back and was walking in front of you into the classroom. He was able to have a seat towards the back like the professor had suggested, and he settled in to see what a day in class looked like.
The classroom was one of those giant theater-like seating arenas and echoed a decent amount anytime anyone was talking, so it was definitely echo-y today as students filed in and began sitting down and visiting with their new classmates around them.
The clock was about to hit what was the start time for class when a last person walked into the room and you suddenly regretted choosing a seat towards the front, only because maaayybbee he somehow wouldn’t notice who you were and then Ken wouldn’t have a nervous breakdown of finding out who this guy was. Because of course Ken is attending a class…with you in it…and your ex Dave was now walking over to the professor as she handed him some papers.
The professor introduced herself to the class and motioned towards Dave, who sat near the front of the room as well, and told everyone he would be her TA for the semester.
“Don’t notice me,” you pleaded in your head. You weren’t worried about him, oh no. Dave was honestly a super cool guy and even though your relationship had mostly focused on having fun and sex, you had both parted ways awhile ago on good terms and you hadn’t even considered that he probably still attended school here, as, if you remembered correctly, he would probably be graduating either later this year or early next year. It made sense why he was here, but what was going to not make sense was probably how jealous Ken would get if he found out that this Dave was the Dave he had already had a mild breakdown over.
“Holy….y/n?” He did notice, fuck.
You smiled and greeted him softly, knowing Ken could easily see everything but hearing might be a different matte- oh wait no, the room echoed.
“It’s so good to see you again!”
“You, too! I forgot you hadn’t graduated yet so seeing you is a surprise,” you said cheerily.
“A good surprise, right?” He chuckled and winked.
“For sure.”
He handed you a piece of paper. “This is today’s sign-in sheet. Can you start it and then pass it around?”
“Of course.” You took the paper from his hand and began scribbling your name down.
“Hey, this guy won’t stop looking at you.”
You looked at Dave then looked over your shoulder. Yep, of course Ken had noticed.
“Yeah, uh, that’s my boyfriend. He gets kinda fixated on something at times.”
“Like you?”
Dave laughed. “I love it. He looks fun. I wish I could pull pink off as well as he does.”
You laughed a little then and smiled at Ken before turning your attention back to the sheet and passed it once you had finished writing your name and email.
Your phone vibrated against your hip and you pulled the phone from your pocket, already knowing who it would be. You had bought him a phone last week and he wasn’t usually on it very much but he was most definitely going to be using it during class now….
“Do you know him?” (Ken)
“Yes. Old friend. Just saying hi.” (You)
“Old fiend named Dave.” (Ken)
“Old friend, not fiend.” (You)
“Same Dave that I know about?” (Ken)
“And this is important because..?” (You)
“Because you’ll be in a class with him for three days each week for the next month.” (Ken)
“Yeah that’s how class works, Ken.” (You)
“I don’t like it.” (Ken)
“You don’t have to.” (You)
“What if he wants to study together?” (Ken)
“He won’t. That’s not how TA / student relationships work.” (You)
“But he still goes to class here? So he would want to study for another class.” (Ken)
“Baby I gotta put my phone away, they’re not really allowed to be active on during class. Don’t worry. You know I love you.” (You)
“Come sit with me, at least.” (Ken)
You had already silenced your phone and put it in your book bag before the last text got sent so you could focus on the lecture. Ken knew you hadn’t seen the last text and tried to keep his internal anxiety at bay.
He wished this awful man from your previous affairs wasn’t sitting in class, distracting every fiber of his being, because the lecture actually sounded interesting, especially since the teacher kept referencing a book called “Black Beauty,” which was apparently about a horse. Ken would have to ask you about it later, and definitely check it out of the library.
Ken noticed every little thing Dave did, as apparently the TA sat at the front of the class as well close to the teacher’s desk and facing the class. Ken set his jaw when he saw Dave subtly glance your way multiple times, and most definitely watched the one time Dave’s gaze focused just a *little * too long in your direction. Ken knew from personal experience was it looked like to fuck someone with your eyes.
Class wasn’t *that* long but felt like an eternity for Ken. The moment the professor dismissed everyone, he was by your side, picking up your book bag for you and holding you close to him by your waist.
“Hey baby. Did you like the lecture?” You asked, genuinely wanting to know since you had assumed he would have loved it, but were also attempting a distraction as you two were walking out of the room. You intentionally didn’t bid the professor or Dave goodbye, simply leaving the class like everyone else.
You cursed under your breath when Dave caught up with the two of you right as you were about to exit.
“Hey, man, I’m Dave.” He flashed a million-dollar smile and extended his hand at Ken. Thankfully Ken had become a little better at hiding his emotions due consistent socialization between your friends and working at the boba tea shop, but he could only keep his disdain for this man hidden so much.
Ken shook his hand but his blue eyes glanced at you, wanting to see your reaction to Dave standing so close.
“I have to get to my next class,” you said nonchalantly. “See ya next time.”
Dave nodded. “I look forward to it.”
You walked briskly out the door, knowing Ken would follow because he wasn’t about to release his grip on your waits, and the two of you exited the building into the day’s sunshine.
“I don’t like him,” Ken repeated.
“I know, baby. Listen,” you sat on a bench and Ken sat beside you, his leg pressing into yours. “I know this stresses you out, and that’s okay, but you can’t hold this over me.”
Ken’s eyes met yours, and you could tell he was trying so hard to maintain his anxious composure, to make sure you were happy with him.
You took his face in your hands. “I love you. I don’t care about Dave. I haven’t in a really long time. These flex term classes are short, but they’re intense. I have to be in every class and studying is going to take up a lot of my time, so I need you to understand nothing is going to happen between me and Dave.”
Ken nodded, but you could tell it was as if he felt like you had verbally slapped him in the face. You knew he needed more validation than you might be able to offer him for awhile, and despite how much that made you sad, you were also trying to set a boundary so the fact that you were attending this class wouldn’t be something that stressed *both* of you out every day.
“I don’t think that *he* is thinking that way,” Ken said, trying to hide the jerkiness in his voice.
“That’s not my problem to worry about. I won’t let him do anything to me.”
Ken seemed almost sheepish in his reply, as if knowing he shouldn’t say it but he couldn’t stop himself. “You promise?”
“More than anything.”
Ken’s shoulders relaxed a little, and he nodded. “Okay.”
You gave him a chaste kiss before taking your book bag from him. “I gotta get to my next class. I’ll see you at home, alright?”
He smiled and nodded as you walked away, and you felt irritated that he didn’t have work today. At least that probably would have helped distract and maybe even calm him.
Your phone rang right as you were about to enter an elevator.
“Hey, Ken.”
“Do you want anything from the store?”
“I’m good, thanks though.”
Ken’s chest grew tight again when he heard a now-familiar voice in the background of your phone.
“Hey, hold the door!” Dave called out.
“Don’t hold the door for him.” Ken had a lightning bolt of anxiety rip through him.
“Ken, it’s fine. I love you.”
“Don’t hang up, please.”
You had dropped your phone back into your book bag before hearing his last words, but unfortunately, your finger hadn’t tapped the End Call button hard enough, so the phone call remained on. The conversation was muffled, but not muffled enough to where Ken couldn’t make out every word.
“I honesty don’t miss hearing you saying that,” you said lighting in a joking manner.
“Ahh!” Dave made a dramatic show of gripping his heart with his hand. “That hurt.”
“Knock it off, Dave.” Your voice remained light. He wished you had sneered instead.
“So how long you been with blondie? He legit gives off vibes that you captured him on the beach.”
“Is he a student here?”
“No, but we live together.”
“Ah, cool! I heard awhile back from Amber that you had moved off-campus.”
“Amber would be correct.”
“So, you two, uh, doing well?” Dave leaned into the elevator wall, shoulders hunching a little, trying to look relaxed.
“Cool, cool. Just asking.” There was a long silence until, “If you ever, like, need anything -“
“Thanks, Dave, I’ll let you know.” Ken knew you had smiled at him. He knew the sound of your voice when you did. Fuck, if only he hadn’t left campus and knew what building you were in.
Ken heard the sound of shuffling and he held his breath as he heard Dave’s next words.
“You look, like, really fucking good, y/n.”
“Dave -“
“You have just a little, uh, strand of hair -“
“I got it, thanks.”
“I could get it for you -“
“I’m good.”
“Fine,” Dave relented, and the elevator bell dinged, indicating you had reached your floor. Right before the doors opened, however, “You’re not planning on regulating that pretty pussy of yours to beach guy forever, right?”
For whatever reason, the phone call cut off then. Ken stood on the sidewalk, frozen.
He sat at home on the sofa that sat in the living room, facing the front door, willing you to walk in early despite knowing you never missed a class and that you were never home before 6:30 on Tuesdays.
He knew he shouldn’t but he had called you multiple times, every call going to voicemail. He knew you never answered during class, but fuck it, he had lost his will to care today. Sitting in the silence of the empty house only fueled his imagination.
The call cutting off because you had noticed it was still on, and Dave touching you in the elevator. You deciding to miss classes for the first time in your life to have him fuck you in his dorm room, doing whatever the hell Amber had subtly referred to. You laughing about him, for whatever reason, with Dave as the two of you lay in a naked, tangled heap.
The front door finally opened, Ken having lost track of time as he had stared at it, lost in his thoughts that had become more and more upsetting as the seconds ticked by. His attention was drawn back sharply as he heard the door close, and he realized he had been gripping both of his thighs tightly with his hands.
He must have looked as unhappy as he felt because your face immediately became concerned upon seeing him.
“Hey, Ken, are you okay?”
He was on you in a moment, rage tearing through him. “What did he do to you?”
You legitimately looked completely confused, having no idea he had heard the call, and also having zero guilt about anything having happening during the day.
“What are you talking about?”
“Dave. What. Did. He. Do. To. You.”
“What…how would he have done anything to me?”
“I heard you. And him. Your phone didn’t hang up.”
Ohhh. “If you heard it then you know nothing happened.”
“It hung up when he mentioned your hair.”
“He didn’t touch me.”
“Goddammit, Ken, I don’t have to promise.”
“He tried, though. He wanted to touch you. He wants you to leave me.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s fair. That doesn’t mean- “
Ken picked you up roughly, wrapping your legs around his waist and holding your ass as he slammed your back into the door. “Mine.”
You whimpered as his teeth sank into your neck. You always internally battled on whether you should be firm with him and tell him to grow up or if you should encourage this behavior, and somehow the middle ground always won, at least for now.
“Ken, we’ve been over this,” you said, your own moan cutting you off as he sucked hard on your skin, bucking his hard clothed budge into into your panty covered core. You really needed to stop wearing short skirts so often.
“Mine,” he growled again, storming into the bedroom, throwing you onto the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head, his chest flexing and puffed out.
“I fucking know, Ken,” you threw back at him before your back arched and you cried out, Ken having pushed your legs open and brought his hand down to spank your pussy. You saw stars as he did it again and you writhed underneath him as he pressed his hands into your hips, holding you down.
“Ken,” you whimpered again as he snuck two fingers under your panties, rubbing them back and forth firmly.
“You’re already so wet,” he panted, eyes on fire. “Were you this wet in the elevator?”
You visibly rolled your eyes but shut them tightly when his hand came down on your core again. You gripped his forearms in your hands when he dipped two fingers into your opening with ease, and you moaned loudly as he pushed them roughly deeper into you, immediately curling them into your special spot.
“Are you thinking about him right now?” He seethed, and you shook your head, unable to verbally reply through your moans, your head swimming with how sudden all of these sensations were.
“You’re only thinking about me?” He persisted.
“Yes,” you managed to squeak, his fingers quickening their pace.
“You’ll only think about me?”
You cried out loudly when he leaned over to wrap his hand around your throat as his hips leaned against his own fingers buried inside you, thrusting them into his hand so he could easily finger-fuck you harder.
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes, Ken,” you choked out, your body already nearing shudders.
“You’ll prove it to me, then.”
Your legs began to shake a little, your walls clenching around his fingers. He could tell you were about to reach your peak.
“How long can you hold out on me? To prove you’ll only think about me because you’re so exhausted from begging for your release, staring in my eyes, knowing every single touch is coming only from me?” He pulled his fingers out of you then, and your eyes shot open, your body in shock from being suddenly ravaged to being denied its release.
“Oh, fuck, Ken.” Your head fell back into the mattress, already frustrated beyond belief. “Please, please -“
“Good girl. We’re off to a strong start.”
He flipped you over onto your stomach, pulling your legs to hang over the bed so you were bent over for him. His hand came up between your legs to spank you again and the sharp sensation on your clit had you instinctively close your legs, your back arching as his other hand down your lower back down.
“Keep them open for me,” Ken warned, a shudder running through you at his tone.
You slowly began to do as he said when he nudged his legs between yours, opening them for him and keeping them open by planting his feet firmly on the ground.
His hand snapped up to meet your clit again and you gripped the sheets tightly as it came back for a third time, your legs beginning to tremble.
Ken had his plan - exhaust you, give you the most amazing orgasms of your life, maybe you wouldn’t want to go to class tomorrow, even though me know you would go. So, make sure every time you moved even the slightest movement that you’d feel him - make you sore, but just the right amount to where you’d try not to squirm in public but maybe you’d get wet from remembering how good he could make you feel.
You felt his hand that was holding you down remove itself from your back and he kneeled between your shaking legs, pulling your panties aside. You cried out loudly, your body in awe, as he pressed his full tongue into your clit, the warmth traveling all through your core.
Oh, fuck, you didn’t know anything could feel like this. Your nerves being so violently stimulated beforehand Made you be about to feel absolutely everything as his lips wrapped around your bud and sucked gently. He moaned into you when he heard the high pitched noise you made, very pleased with himself, and he gently held your hips as his tongue ravaged you.
“Holy fuck…Yes…aahhh…yes, Ken…oh…thank you, Ken…”
You could have cried when he pulled back, kissing up your spine then flipping you onto your back again.
You weren’t used to actually being edged. You had only experienced it once with, of all people, Dave. It had been fun but also absolutely mentally and physically exhausted you, and right now you were insanely frustrated, especially after feeling whatever that was.
“You should just let me come,” You huffed, looking Ken right in the eye as he brought the ties out from the drawer, his muscles clenching.
“Mmmm, maybe later.” He ripped your clothes off except your panties before grabbing one of your arms, deciding to tie you up differently tonight. Instead of tying your wrists together, tied your single wrist to the far side of the headboard. He straddled you as he reached for your other one and began wrapping the tie around -
“By not giving me my orgasm, you’re only encouraging me to think of Dave.” If he wanted to play jealousy games, fine. You’d fuel them then.
Ken gave you a dangerous look, his eyes darkening, waiting in silence for you to explain.
“So tie me up, edge me, then. Have your fun.”
“You know I’m waiting for you to finish that thought.”
“Mmmhmmm.” You tried not to grin up at him.
“So,” he slammed your wrist onto the bed above your head, lowering his face to hover above yours, “fucking finish it.”
You sighed with intention. “It’s just that, nobody has ever edged me before. Except Dave.”
You don’t think you could have explained the energy that washed over Ken in that moment if you tried. But you had won. If he was going to keep struggling with jealousy towards you, then you would make it work in your favor instead of stressing you out…at least for now. Ken was already too far gone when you’d come through the door to calm, so, hey…seeing what he’d cooked up in his mind wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
You felt your arm being jerked upward as it was securely fastened to the opposite side of the headboard, and you wanted to protest for the fun of it but you were actually tied up to where you couldn’t move your upper body, save for being able to lift your head.
“Looks like I have a little more work to do than I had originally thought,” Ken spat as he knotted the remaining ties around your ankles, also securing them to the foot of the bed so you were splayed out naked for him, unable to move.
“You better make this worth it,” You sighed again as if bored. “I’m supposed to be studying -“
You were cut off as you moaned loudly, Ken pulling the strip of your panties covering your heat to the side as his mouth clamped onto your clit, sucking hard. Ken’s mind was a rush of anger, of passion, of - goddammit, would this stupid fear of you leaving him actually ever leave him - and all he could see in his mind’s eye was Dave doing this to you, holding you hostage in your own bed, tasting your juices, feeling your perfect skin and muscles under his tongue, taking in your scent as you moaned and squealed and attempted to writhe despite your restraints.
He was so easily lost in you. He thought of untying you then, wanting to feel your hands in his hair, feeling the different tugs when he hit different areas of pleasure, holding your hips up to him in an almost bruising grip. But no, he had to remember his plans for you for now.
He felt dizzy as he licked thick stripes up and down, your vocal reactions becoming louder, and he lost track of time when he began to tongue fuck you, getting into a rhythm that was making you feel crazy as you got lost in the pleasure as well.
He pulled back only enough to speak, his lips still brushing against your folds. “Tell me how good I make you feel, y/n.” He dove back in immediately, desperate to hear your voice as he consumed you - it made him feel so warm and so hard, your breathy, often barely coherent words soothing his anxiety, making him get lost in you even more.
You didn’t reply, at least not with words. Your moaning continued for a moment then paused with another frustration huff from you when he pulled back again.
“Tell me how good I make you feel,” he commanded a little louder. Maybe you hadn’t heard him the first time.
You remained silent other than your breathing, which you were working to calm down.
“Tell me how good I make you feel,” he said for the third time, his voice betraying his anxiety when the last word ended on a note that sounded like a question.
He stood up when you kept quiet, leaning over you. “Y/n.”
You looked at him. “Yes, Ken?”
“Why won’t you say it?”
“Why won’t you stop being jealous over things that don’t matter?”
He hardened again then. “They matter to me.”
You stared up at him.
“You’re still thinking about Dave?”
“It’s honestly hard not to when you won’t stop talking about him, Ken.”
He growled. He couldn’t argue with that logic but he hated you pointing it out. He got off you and went back to the drawer and pulled out something you couldn’t see. He walked back to lean himself over you again, holding himself up with his forearm alongside your head.
“Fine, but I’m going to replace your memory of him denying your release with my own.”
You cried out loudly, your body shaking when you felt a strong sensation suddenly being shoved into your panties and pushed onto your clit. Ken held the vibrator on you, watching your reactions, loving how quickly you got lost in them, at how surprising overwhelmed you seem to become within the first few moments.
“You like this?” He breathed.
You couldn’t form words and answered with a string of noises instead, your head thrown back into the mattress as all of your limbs strained desperately against their bounds. Still leaning over you, Ken kissed your exposed throat, sucking ever so gently. He just wanted you to feel him around you.
He knew your orgasm was coming simply by the way in which your breathing was quickening and removed the toy from your panties, the buzzing noise filling your ears and mixing with the white noise swimming inside of them.
“Ken, please,” You started, your voice already sounding raw. He set the toy down on the bed beside you, not bothering to turn it off, so his hand could travel up your waist to your breasts as he kneaded one in his hand and began sucking on the other. Your body seemed to almost relax a little, thankful for the pleasure after having it taken away again.
“Remember when I said you’d have to beg me?” He mumbled around your hardening nipple, swirling his wet tongue around it.
You whined.
“That doesn’t sound like begging.”
“I shouldn’t have to beg for what’s rightfully mine,” you whimpered as his teeth sunk into your tender skin, pulling on the nipple ever so slightly.
Ohh. This was a new mood coming from you, but he loved it.
“Have it your way, then.” He watched you as he inserted the vibrator in your underwear again and you cried out, your entire body doing a delicious shudder, and he got up to straddle your waist. Your panties were snug enough to hold the vibrator against you so he could let go.
“You’re going to beg me, baby girl,” he said as he planted his hands above your head and slowly lowered his cock into your mouth. You moaned loudly, your arms and legs pulling against the restraints as best as they could as he slowly fucked himself into your mouth, watching the way your wet lips wrapped around him as you struggled with the pleasure the vibrator was giving you, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Fuck, he loved you.
He felt himself grow impossibly harder as he watched his clock disappear into your mouth again and again, your loud moans and tiny screams from the vibrator vibrating themselves around his member, and he shuddered. Your eyes flicked up to meet his and he melted, his hand reaching down to wrap in your hair not to hold you still but just to touch you.
He knew you were close again when those high pitched noises started emanating from your throat, and he pulled himself out of your mouth and removed the vibrator from your panties.
You screamed in frustration.
“Why?” You wailed.
“Because I’m not finished with you yet.”
Ken tore the area off your panties apart that covered your opening with his hands and you jumped, surprised. He left the top part intact though, and you cursed loudly, knowing why.
When he sunk his fingers back into you, you wanted to do whatever he wanted just to make sure he kept them there. Maybe you could hide your orgasm approaching…
Your body jerked in the minor ways that it could due to your restraints and Ken watched you, memorizing every way you twitched and moaned.
“Look at me, baby girl,” he cooed, and you did as he asked. “Such a good girl for me.”
“Please, Ken, please let me come this time.” Your voice was a little hoarse again.
“You know how to make that happen.”
“I’m begging, please, please.”
“That’s hardly begging at all.” He slowed his fingers down just enough to where they were caressing inside you, and once again somehow you felt every little movement. Your body felt like it was singing at the immense pleasure washing through you, and your head became so overwhelmed with it that you became completely lost, eyes closed, mumbling and moaning softly as Ken watched you. He’d have to remember to do this to you again, you seemed in absolute bliss.
He had planned to edge you further again with this one but now struggled with the idea. He didn’t know you’d react this beautifully to this, and fuck, you were a perfect angel splayed out so willingly for him, and your body has already taken so much…
Ken fingered your through your orgasm, your body shocked with the fact that it was finally being allowed its climax, and you cried a little as the best orgasm of your life overtook every fiber of your being.
His name escaped your lips in a gorgeous, exhausted whisper during the last few moments of your pleasure, and Ken’s heart danced.
He pulled his fingers out of you softly, your body limp, and climbed on top of you. He kissed you deeply, the back of his knuckled grazing your cheek bone.
“Thank you, Ken,” your words were swallowed by his lips.
“We’re not done yet.” His tongue dipped into your mouth and languishingly explored.
“I’m so tired, Ken.” Your voice cracked as he pulled away just long enough for you to catch a breath before consuming your lips again.
“Good. That’s how I want you to feel.”
“You went sex toy shopping?” Your giggle faltered as soon as it began, head resting itself on Ken’s as his mouth found your neck.
“Mmmhmmm. Which reminds me…”
“Oh, please, please, I can’t-“ You couldn’t form words again after the first few seconds of the vibrator being placed inside your panties again.
“Say my name.” You felt Ken’s hands reach between the two of you to unzip his pants.
“Ken,” you mewled.
“Again, y/n.”
“Ken,” your voice sounded on the edge of tears again.
“One more time.”
You screamed his name as he bottomed out into you with a single thrust, him holding his hips fully against yours without moving for a moment, groaning into your shoulder at how amazing you felt already clenching and spasming around his cock so so damn tightly from the sensations of the vibrator.
“Ohhhh, y/n.” He purred into your neck, remaining still within you, feeling as if you could push him over the edge just like this.
He kissed away a single tear as it rolled down your face. He pulled out the vibrator again, keeping his cock deep inside you.
You thanked him, gasping for air. “It’s…. it’s so much.”
“Mmmhmmm.” He nuzzled his nose into your hair.
How far could he push it? What was your cutoff point?
He pulled himself out of you then slowly thrust back in again, a strangled noise escaping your throat. He did it again, and again, maintaining this slower pace.
“You’re doing so well, y/n. My good girl takes me so well.”
Your lower lip trembled and he took it between his lips, sucking gently as his hips slowly picked up their pace. You made little kitten noises with every thrust, Ken’s head swimming with them.
Your mouth opened into a silent scream when you felt the vibrator placed back onto your clit, Ken’s hips still bucking into you.
“You’re going to be fine. Just a little bit longer,” He soothed. He reached up to untie one of your restraints, your arm falling onto the bed, and he intertwined his fingers with your own. He knew you were definitely nearing what you could take because your grip was almost non-existent, just barely closing around his hand.
“I’ve got you,” he breathed into your ear. “I’ll give you what you want if you-“
“Please.” Your blissed out, weary voice was barely a whisper.
“Good girl.”
“Please, please let me come, Ken.”
You climaxed just then, Ken forcing himself to not let his own happen as you tightened so effortlessly around him, calling out his name over and over.
You felt barely coherent as Ken untied you, your eyes closed, feeling your limbs one by one being returned to you. The vibrator was removed and turned off and Ken took off the remainder of the fabric that had once been your underwear.
You felt Ken wrap his arms around you gently, still on top of you, hips still nestled between your legs.
He kissed you deeply as he sunk his cock into you once more, your body shivering with cold sweat.
“Just one more time, y/n.”
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
I’m Not Happy, So Why Should They All Be?
Summary: It was exactly twenty years ago when the mysterious Ramchackle perfect had tragically died. And this day was a heartfelt reunion of all the NRC students that attended twenty years ago with the human. But their spirit still unknowingly lingers around the school. Envious, Hateful, and upset with the world and especially Dire Crowley the fool who had them stuck here and left for dead. How will they all react to the vengeful spirit of their beloved friend who isn’t the same as they used to be? Why not take a look and see?
My main inspiration for this was a song from that new-ish Scrooge movie called “ Tell me” …It’s good what can I say
Warning: Angst
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You stared out the window. Still in the same spot you’ve been for years. Sitting and staring in hatred. Hatred for being trapped in this stupid school. Hatred for dying. Hatred for never being reunited with your family. Hatred for just seeing students walking so gleefully around campus. So happy with their friends as you rot here forgotten by the people you risked your life for. Why did things end this way? Well that stupid Crow named Crowley did this to you! Your mental state and body when you were alive was deteriorating so bad that it killed you. All the work you’ve done. And everything you did was for nothing. All of it was reminders of what you lost. You had everything taken away from you. Because of that stupid crow!
“ ____ it’s been years why not join us by the fire? Some stupid kids forgot to put it out.” The chubbier of the other ghosts chuckled beckoning you to get away from the window.
“ Yeah! It’s so boring to spend eternity with you! All you ever do is stare out that window!” The skinny one commented.
“ You all know they’ll never leave that window. It’s sad to see them become so hateful over the years. __ used to be such a happy person.” The smallest of the group said knowing that you’re not even going to bother joining them.
Processing his words you smiled. Clenching your teeth at his comment. Why should you be happy?
You started to chuckle at his words “ I used to be happy? Tell me then…Tell me why should I be happy again?”
“ Why should I be happy!? I had everything taken from me the moment I set foot here! I had my whole life stolen because of some incompetent man! Every year I have to go through seeing people walk so happy out of here while I’m stuck to rot with you three! Go on tell me! I’m DYING to hear your reasoning!” You screamed turning out of your seat for once in twenty years.
You were boiling with rage. How would they ever know what you’re going through! Don’t they know you have your reasons? You just want to get back at that asshole. For all the pain he caused you. For everything he took away. You want him to suffer just like you have for these years. To fully understand the pain you’ve gone through.
“ Shhhh! We’re not supposed to be here! It sucks that those old NRC students are hogging the mirror chamber!” A random student said shushing his friends.
“….Old NRC students you say?” You appeared in front of the students startling them.
“Ah ah ah~,” you sang “ No need to scream I just want some information about these old students. Won’t you help a poor old soul out?” You asked him putting on your best friendly smile in years.
They hesitantly explained that it was some students from twenty years ago. Crowley had gathered them all for some kind of reunion. It was also about “ some human that dyed here too”. Now that’s interesting. You’d figured they all forgotten about you. Why not pay your old friends a visit…Maybe your vengeance will go a lot easier? Hopefully so you’d hate to leave them all ghosted after all these years.
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“ So it’s been a while huh?” The blue haired man of the group asked.
“ Yeah, ever since the incident we haven’t really spoken that much…how’s life going?” Ace sighed looking at the three other man.
“ Same as always guarding Waka-Sama!” Sebek exclaimed pridefully.
“ I’m surprised we got out of touch in all honesty heh…Jack is that a ring!?” Epel exclaimed.
“ Took you long enough, but yes I have two kids and a beautiful wife.” He chuckled as the small group went into chaos after all these years apart they had still never really changed.
As the group was fawning over Jack being married and Ace losing his bet to Deuce a certain red head had bumped into someone.
“ Cater? I haven’t seen you in years! I’m so sorry!” Riddle exclaimed apologizing for bumping into the other red head.
“ Riddle…wow you’ve grown. Literally you used to be such a short little queen. You remember that little crown you used to wear? And those boots!” He chuckled as the red head rolled his eyes.
“ GoldFishie~! It’s been sooooo long! And here I thought you wouldn’t show up Mister “ I work in court now Floyd I can’t just stop by and get you free of all your charges!” A certain eel huffed.
“ Floyd on the surface what you did to that man is considered a felony! You know things are different up here.” A certain octopus sighed pushing his glasses up.
“ In my defense he told me he was into it!” He retorted.
“ Silver!” A white tall man with a short beard gasped going to hug the eel.
“ Hello Kalim. It’s been a while huh?” Silver asked reciprocating the hug from the now very tall and muscular white haired emperor.
They all chatted so gleefully with their old friends. So unaware of the familiar eyes that followed them all.
“ Malleus…so the fucks been up with you?” Leona asked as he took a sip of his beer.
“ …The “fuck” that has been up with me has been very well Kingscholar I hope the same for you.” The draconian king replied glancing at the lion.
“ I’ve actually been great. I have three kids and a wife surprisingly.” He proudly bragged.
“ Leona Kingscholar…I should have known the reek of alcohol was coming from you…please don’t tell me you’re drunk.” The actress sighed.
“ I wish, but my lovely wife said I could only have one beer.” He smirked holding up his ring finger to the model.
The three chatted away a few insults and eye rolls following through their conversation. Looks like they all still haven’t changed that much except for appearances.
“ Idia…I really wish you were still introverted from how much of a workaholic you are now.” The younger aground sighed seeing his brother still working on files.
“ Well they aren’t going to get themself done! Why does there always have to be so much work!? How the hell did our dad even get this shit done!?” The oldest shroud complained as they finally came to the reunion.
“Aye! Jamil how’s it been?” The hyena asked the taller man.
“ Busy. I’ve just been traveling around everywhere you know what about you?” Jamil questioned with a tilt to his head.
“ I’m finally financially stable! I can afford to get donuts whenever I want pretty much!” He said.
“ I’m so happy to hear Ruggie.” Jamil smiled.
Well isn’t everyone just living the dream. So happy and free. Just living as if they were all kings.
“ Rose Chevailer! I haven’t seen you in so long!” The hunter dramatically exclaimed starting Trey and Jade.
“ I know it’s been quite a while.” Trey said.
“ Indeed, I wished it would have stayed that way though Rook.” Jade said through his fake smile.
“ Oh, please don’t tell me you’re still mad about what happened.” He sighed.
“ Rook ,Jade couldn’t walk for a week because you saw a bird on a hicking trip and let go of the rope holding him up!” Trey said rubbing his temples.
“ I just wanted to point at it Rose Chevalier.” He pleaded as the Leech twin rolled his eyes.
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Eventually all the talking throughout the Mirror Chamber came to a stop as the Headmadge spoke up silencing the large crowd. Every single member of the students from twenty years ago were here. Sure a few were missing, but still the crowed looked as big as it did the day you had awoken inside one of the coffins. Each and everyone you knew was there. It was all perfect everything except for the bastard that damned you that was still breathing was ruining seeing them all. He decided to even conduct a speech. But suddenly it had turned to you.
“ As we all know twenty years ago we had all lost an astounding member of Night Raven College. They were seen as a friend to all.” He spoke as you rolled your eyes.
“ But today isn’t about them.” He stated as you stared him down inside of the large Mirror” Today is about the success of each and every single one of you. After such a devastating travesty…” he continued as you heard enough.
Everyday you say your grave and never have you once seen him at it. Even the top part of your headstone broken off and he payed no mind to it. What the hell is he trying to do?
After he finished his dreadful speech everyone clapped. As it echoed throughout the room you couldn’t stand it. What did he mean by it isn’t about you!? You don’t want to be forgotten you can’t be! All of this is his fault he should be haunted by the guild and scared for life by what he had done to you. He should…He should have his life ruined right now. He should be scared just by seeing you. He should be crying and pleading for mercy right now. But not yet no…you wanna wait to have a little fun first.
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“Well it was nice seeing you all.” Jack said as the others agreed.
As everyone started to bid their goodbyes you decided to select a few fae, madges, merman, and beastman to steal an important item from.
“ Shit!” Were’s my ring?” Leona groaned as he looked under another table.
“ I can’t find my phone!” Idia said as his brother sighed.
“ Floyd did you steal the key to my safe again? You know that isn’t a funny prank at all!” Azul questioned the Eel.
“ Hey were’s!?” And “ Did you see!” Rang as if it were a chorus throughout the now echoing room.
“ How the do you loose your wedding ring?” Vil asked.
“ Oh wait I think I just reminded where I put it! Up your fat-.” “ Now now, let’s not fight Kingscholar try to retrace your steps.” Malleus interrupted.
You smiled seeing that they were all here. It was like a gift just for you. A very special new toy you finally got after begging your parents for. A special gift that will finally perhaps put your soul to rest after all these tormenting years.
Soon enough the candles started flickering throughout the room catching the attention of the crowd. As the lights slowly started to fade away a new light shown through the mirror. A burning bright blue light that emerged a figure through the mirror. While a haunting voice laughed at the fear shown upon their “friends faces”. As the laughter stopped a groggy very horse voice called out to them as they all distanced themselves away from the mirror ready to fight whatever was coming out of it. As the bloody ink poured out your mouth while you coughed it up looking at the mortified faces of your friends staring them all straight in the eyes with a devilishly wide smile.
“ What’s the matter? I’d thought you’d all look a lot happier to see me. And to think I waited so dreadfully long to see your faces again.” You sadly sighed.
The silence of shock and horror filled the room as you got up brushing yourself off. Not that it would do much to be honest.
“Oh come on do I have to break my back just to get a word out of any of you!? Weeeellll!?” You huffed getting frustrated with their silence.
They should be happy to see you again. After all you helped them all so much they should atleast say hi for all you’ve ever done for them.
“____ is that really you?” Ace said slowly walking towards you.
“ No I’m the ghost of your extended warranty come to tell you that- OF COURSE ITS ME! After twenty years I’d expect you to be atleast a bit smarter. Did you and Deuce just seperate for so long you got dumber?” You questioned as the red head broken down in tears racing toward you to tackle you down into a hug.
“ Oh! It is you!” Ace cried as the rest of your group joined.
You didn’t know what to do at this moment. You expected some kind of revulsion to your decaying appearance. Some kind of screaming and tears of fear. But right now all there was is the crying of your dearest friends happy to see you. Even Sebek the man who always thought he was more superior than you was on his knees hugging you telling you how much he missed you. It was all so perfect almost too perfect…. If this is a dream you hoped it never ended. You never wanted to wake up again if it meant they acknowledged you once again as an actual person. It was odd to for once be the person of trouble and being comforted. You wished it was always like this when you were living. But it wasn’t now was it?
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You woke up gasping for air hyperventilating as you panicked looking around. You looked at your shaking hands. They were fine. They weren’t decaying you weren’t decaying at all. You were perfectly fine. But why were you in the nurses office in one of the beds…
“ No no no!” You cried.
“ ___! You’re finally…are you ok?” Ace asked rushing over to you seeing your panicked state.
“ No…I wanna just go home!” You cried out.
You didn’t want to be here anymore. This was the third time being in the nurses office because you overworked yourself. You’re scared. You don’t want to dyne because you worked yourself to death. You just wanted to see your family and friends from where you came from. As the red head was signaling something to someone or some people behind the doorway to stop you just sat there crying.
You’re never going back home and that’s the truth.
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Sorry but I just really wanted to write for twst! I haven’t in a while and I’m on a crazy for it right now! I hope you all enjoyed this angstful story!
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ice-cweam-sod4 · 4 months
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Starting back with making birthday cards we have Terrence ::3 (His broomquet flowers are, cherry blossoms, daisies and morning glorys)
Although I did not have time to really think about what lines he would have I and @twstinginthewind came up with an interview between him and her oc Hiro. Interview is under the post
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It was a bright afternoon on the NRC campus as the golden hour was swiftly approaching. Classes had been over for quite a while and while on any day qualifying races would have been taking place for the first years, today would not be the case as it was Terrence’s birthday.
After the initial celebration began for him at the stroke of midnight with him being awoken roughly by his siblings he was in a calm state for the rest of the day. Unlike other students of the dorm that would use their birthday as the perfect opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the housewarden and the dorm, Terrence was not so keen in partaking in the tradition. 
For him, Terrence’s birthday was always a day where he’d keep to himself and become lost in thought of the events that have occurred in his life.  As for now however he was waiting near the statues of the seven for his interview lost in thought again.
Terrence: It seems you are my interviewer, Hiro is your name yes?
Hiro: Sure is, and a real pleasure to meet ya, Mister Von Schweetz! Wow, that sure is a flashy get-up that you’re wearing; those robes look really cool on ya!
Terrence: *Smiling a bit* Thank you, I think the get up for this year is alright, I’m just content it doesn’t clash too much with my palette. What are the questions you have for me? You can ask them at any time 
Hiro: Oh! Right, right, I keep forgetting that this isn’t exactly a social call, haha! But before anything else, I do wanna make sure that I remember to wish you a very happy birthday! It isn’t often that I get to say that in an official capacity, and I know that sometimes you’re not always easy to get to, so I’m real glad I can tell ya this in person instead of just on Magicam….
Terrence: Thank you, out of all the people who have wished me that today, you sound like one of the few that has been sincere, hopefully it's not all an act.
Hiro: *eyes wide* Gosh, Mister Von Schweetz! I wouldn’t wanna be insincere on your birthday. It needs to be a good day for you, after all, right? But let’s have a little fun, and get to your questions!
Terrence: I only joke (mostly) but yes, let's move on.
Hiro: Allllll righty! Okay, for our first question… assuming unlimited magic and supplies, what’s the one place in the world that you’d fly to, and what do you want to do there?
Terrence: It would have to be the Scalding Sands, despite the weather conditions I would like to go there  and maybe spend a few weeks there taking in the culture.
Hiro: Ooh! I haven’t been there myself, but living in Scarabia this year has definitely given me an appreciation for the culture. The music is top-notch!
Terrence: Yes, when I was younger my mother used to take me to visit her side of the family, if I ever had the chance to return for a bit I would like to get some answers and learn more about her life growing up.
Hiro: That’s a lot like me, if I could get the chance to head back to Port o’Bliss to see my family’s old stomping grounds. Do you still have family you’re close to in the Scalding Sands?
Terrence: I wish I could say yes but unfortunately no, although I was still a child at the time looking back now most of those visits my mother paid to her family were very brief. Normally we would only visit for 10 minutes before we left to see Kalim’s family and spend the rest of our visit there. 
Hiro: At least Kalim and his family are fantastic hosts, so it must have been a good time. Ooh, you could use your visit to reconnect with the family, though! Maybe even spend a whole day, if you wanted. 
Terrence: That is true, but the ball is mostly in my mothers side of the family’s court if I do go.
Hiro: Well, family and vacation aside, we still have some more interview to work through. So let me continue on! What is your best subject here at Night Raven College, and is it your favorite?
Terrence: It goes without saying, its history from a young age the history of the Glace Duchy captivated me however now that I am learning about other nations and even ones that fell a long time ago I have gained a new respect for archivists in Twisted wonderland.
Hiro: Oh, I agree! It feels like every time we learn about someplace new, we’re meeting all of these tremendous personalities and hearing their stories! There’s really nothing else like it.
Terrence: It’s thanks to what we have documented a long time ago that we can even have an identity and also compare when we are progressing and regressing.
Hiro: Do you like the way that our professors present the material? Or do you prefer to do your own research? Maybe go a little more in-depth?
Terrence: I cannot really say much on the seven but I personally believe that professor Trein views the acts of the candy king through caramelized rose coloured glasses. 
Hiro: Caramel roses… what a sticky, sweet kind of view to take!
Terrence: I am not sure if that is also how he approaches the other members of the seven due to their descendants like Leona and Malleus attending this school but personally I rather have a teacher be honest with how they feel about the seven rather than just biting their tongue and singing their praises to high heaven in hopes that their descendants don’t tear up and throw a hissy fit.
Hiro: *snickering* I can’t speak for any Seven in my blood, but I think anyone pouting over ancient history would be pretty amusing. Maybe one day you’ll be that straight-shooting teacher! Which leads me to our last question: What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Terrence: *Terrence’s smile drops* Possibly I might take up my father’s position as Duke. It’s not what I want to do however there are no real options available and with the current state that many of the politicians have placed the Glace Duchy in, I’m unsure if I will even have the legal power to do anything about it.
Hiro: *wincing slightly, he rubs the back of his neck.* Aw gosh, I didn’t wanna hit a bad note with that. If you didn’t have to inherit a title, though, what would you most *want* to do?
Terrence: *Terrence stays silent for a minute* Out of all the things, I would become a diplomat for the Duchy. I know it sounds like I wouldn��t leave but at least in that position I could actually be in a position that did something for the country and be able to make life for the people in the Duchy better.
Hiro: It sounds an awful lot like the folks there mean a lot to you. They’re lucky to have you on their side.
Terrence: It’s more like, I don’t want the current people in power to hurt them on a global scale for the sake of greed and keeping certain secrets hidden from the public.
Hiro: ….
Dang. Well!! It looks like my interview time is just about coming to an end. Do you have any final thoughts before you take your triumphant flight into the sunset?? 
Terrence: Hmm, you plan to go into showbiz, yes?
Hiro: Huh? Oh, yes sir, that is what I’m hoping for! Even just as a character actor, or behind the scenes. I like helping big stories get told.
Terrence: Us cy-beings are fully aware of how the greater public view us, no matter what part of production you take part in, please at least attempt to have non stereotypical roles be cast for cy-being actors. I and many others are getting tired of the disgusting grotesque insectoid trope. Then again I don’t write the scripts. 
Hiro: I gotta say, every cy-being I’ve met from the Duchy has been just as varied and complex as anyone else from anyplace else. I’ll do what I can to help get your stories told, too. Long as you can keep on hoping and dreaming, I’ll hope and dream along with you.
Terrence:*grabbing his broomquet* I will do my best!
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leclerking · 11 months
Fic ideas because i have too many 😀‼️
If you use any of these pls tag me I'd love to read your fic! ⠀ You don't have to stick to the genre or the drivers mentioned, you can write it with anyone (if it's in pink tho I'd really like for it to be the one mentioned)
Fucking in missionary so they can continue arguing — Sebastian Vettel enemies to lovers
Medical au series with some or few of the drivers. Grey's anatomy style ukwim? Include some of the older drivers like Jenson and Mark as attendings, Seb as a resident, current ones on the grid as interns.
Medical au alternative Seb as an intern with reader as the attending. And they sort of get into a relationship — slow burn, fluff, angst
Reader is part of a rival team (not a driver!). She's drunk during one of the post race celebrations (very beginning of the season, full of hope). There's another driver (in my head I'm thinking a driver who's cocky af seb jenson ) who's drunk and they hookup. So they get into this sort of fwb situationship. And then further into the season it just keeps going from bad to worse to the point the reader has given up on the team. But it's going extremely well for this driver. — One night after the worst race ever, reader is crying in her room. Driver knocks on door, reader is surprised he'd rather spend time with her since they don't really have anything deep going on (can make this part very angsty by asking driver to fuck off to his celebration parties). So the driver goes to the party, comes back later in the night but drunk. Confesses love or they have a conversation idk how this ends! — hopefully happy ending
One night in the city every year— reader (local) meets driver one night in the city and they have a great time. But the driver is there only for a few days for the race. He leaves and comes back a year later, so this slowly turns into a yearly tradition... So many years later the driver is about to retire so he meets the reader for one last time since he won't be visiting anymore — can be left as an open ending fluff angst unrequited (?)
Drifting date !! — driver teaches reader how to drift (Idk why this hasn't been written yet / I've not read a fic about something like this yet so yeah) this is giving Charles vibes
Frat/fuckboy fic based on this lore in his teenage dirtbag phase (tldr; Jenson woke up on somebody's yacht sofa post Naomi Campbell's Cannes after party. He had to do commentary that day and walked on to the paddock like sex on a stick) + he is reputed to have the playboy image dating various models.
Biker boyfriend Lando who takes reader (a struggling uni student) on late night drives for stress relief.
Friends to Lovers — Oscar and reader are uni students who work at the same cafe on campus. slice of life, fluff
Open to any and all fanfic writers. Pls make my maladaptive dream scenarios an actually amazing fic that I can read ! Again PLEASE TAG ME, ID LOVE TO READ THEM !
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aranarumei · 1 year
how much does sasaki talk about hirano?
hey everyone. I’m coming to you live with an INVESTIGATIVE REPORT about the one and only sasaki shuumei. the question above pretty much summarizes what I'm trying to find out. so I’ll expand on this under the cut. apologies in advance for any typos
there’s a scene that’s always made me confused ever since I first read it (which wow. I’ve been reading this manga as it updates since partly through volume 3… crazy how far its come!) and that is this sequence of two pages in the extras of Vol 7 (39.5), below:
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hirano’s like “well, it’s fine to talk about me to miyano as long as you didn’t say any weird stuff about me” and sasaki goes. Silent. Now I at the time assumed like. ah sasaki’s talking about the hirano and kagiura relationshipisms. or the whole uke thing. right?
see, the thing is: when sasaki visits campus in ch 46, he asks the basketball team about a kagi-kun, and then when miyano questions him about what he was doing, he’s like “oh I just remembered hirano’s old roommate was on the basketball team,” and then refuses to even tell miyano his name. so it’s like… did sasaki EVER talk about hirano’s roommate to Miyano? like of his own initiative? did he offer any information? so I decided that instead of just bringing that question up, I’d reread all of sasaki to miyano and get my answer.
disclaimer that this deals with exclusively the manga: I have this hidden fear that I’m going to post this and get a reply like “oh this is 50% of the entire novel content” but! the scene in question comes up in the manga! I think it ought to then refer to an event in the manga! but seriously if stuff like that does come up in the novel feel free to chime in. also bc I was rereading the whole manga I have Other Thoughts Too but. those can hopefully marinate their way into other posts.
ch 2:
miyano: But I saw you! I saw you laughing as you chatted with a first-year boy from class 1A in the basketball club with a lovely smile!
this does not count. miyano brings this up to hirano himself. in fact a lot of miyano putting hirano into bl contexts happens In Front Of Hirano’s Face. not really a conversation starter for sasaki. it does make ch 46 way more interesting bc it means like. sasaki has remembered that kagiura’s on the basketball team to the point that he wants to check in on him? whereas miyano like Knows this info yet never really pursues it. suppose it’d be awkward to just go up and try to find him without knowing his name, though.
ch 4:
sasaki says “but hirano can handle alcohol fine” which is perfectly on topic since they were just discussing how sasaki can’t handle it. it’s miyano that spins into bl fantasies afterwards. also hirano is right there in this situation. does not count.
ch 5:
sasaki: Hirano’s playing Oiwa-san for the haunted house. Want to see? He’s crossdressing and wearing a wig.
this does count. sasaki is bringing up hirano and telling miyano something that miyano would totally get excited about. it is, I would say, not brought up out of nowhere, since they discuss crossdressing right before. unrelated to this I would love to see the image of sasaki as hanako-san of the toilet.
ch 6:
sasaki asks about miyano’s love life and when miyano says that he’s not romantically interested in anyone around here, and sasaki asks “what about hirano?” miyano says he ships him with his roommate and the conversation ends there. I would say this also does not count—yeah, he’s perhaps bringing up hirano as a romantic prospect, but I think this is more sasaki like. being jealous more than it is using him as a reason to talk to miyano. he’s like. a pretty jealous guy.
ch 8:
sasaki tells miyano that his grades suck and hirano’s been tutoring him. this does not count.
ch 11:
sasaki says “don’t you prefer black-haired ukes?” and “ah, you mean like hirano?” when miyano says he prefers manly ukes. this does count. while it’s in the topic of conversation, there’s not a real reason he has to bring hirano up. plus, he even continues it with “hirano’s pretty tall. can he still not be a seme?” so it’s using hirano to keep a conversation going with miyano, but I will note it’s not what starts the conversation.
ch 13:
sasaki talks about hirano getting banned from doing the ball toss. this does not count.
ch 24.5:
“ooh, if it was hirano, it would be taiko” says sasaki when miyano brings up all the girl names that he and his classmates would have. this does not count. it’s a natural extension of the various female names they’ve been talking about, sasaki included, and hirano’s their mutual friend.
ch 33:
sasaki brings up hirano’s dedication to studying and how he says that getting accepted to university isn’t the finish line. says hirano’s pretty cool for that mindset. this does not count.
ch 41:
sasaki says "haha, yikes! hirano was a terrible influence!" when miyano tells him about kuresawa getting a piercing. this does not count. it’s also after graduation, where the scene happened.
ch 42.5:
sasaki is like wow I can't believe hirano's roommate does THAT in the mornings to miyano, regarding vol 2 of sasaki to miyano. however this kind of thing isn't quite canonical since they know there are books being published about them so. this does not count.
halloween 2018 extra:
miyano asks if sasaki's friends got their items confiscated, and sasaki replies by saying that hirano's in charge of confiscation for their class, so their class had the idea to overwhelm him. this does not count.
dvd extra 4:
sasaki tells miyano about how they ripped the wallpaper on accident, and once he said it kind of gave it a badboy feel, they started doing it on purpose. hirano participated in it too. this does not count.
I’ve probably missed some, but we can see that out of all of these situations, only TWO are actually what I’d qualify as “weird” by hirano’s metrics. unless sasaki talking about the wild stuff Hirano gets up to includes his ball toss strategy and him ripping up wallpaper. then it’s four. my point is that sasaki says it’s “a lot” when it’s not. so… why is that?
I’ve been mulling over a couple of ideas regarding this, but I kind of don’t want to offer up my own interpretations first? plus when I tried writing my answer I spun off into a really bad tangent, so… post ends here. hope we all learned something here!
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hideousvoid · 2 years
Hiii, I'm in a severe octavinelle brainrot, and I wanted to request hcs for Azul with a fem!reader that falls at first sight for him in the third book (when he scams all the students and give his speech) and from then on is very vocal about it, I'm picturing this dialogue:
Reader: I still don't get what he did wrong, he's great, I like him
Ace: Great?! This guy's the reason why we all have anemones on our heads and have to work for free!
Reader: Nope, the reason why of all that it's that you're lazy and dumb and made a contract with the shadiest person on campus
Deuce: ...I thought you liked him?
Reader: the shadiness is part of his charm ~ ♡
And then maybe the twins tell him, or he was listening all along. It can be yandere or not, whatever you're in the mood for, sorry if it's too specific !!! Don't feel obligated to write it, thank you for reading this
Trapped at first sight
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reader: gender neutral
warnings: stalking mentions, possessive behaviour, obsession, delusional yandere and etc.
author note: I don't do fem!readers so i changed it to gn, hopefully you aren't annoyed for it. Since the thirst for Octavinille I can recommend you to check my masterlist and read my works, have a nice day <3
・゜゜・┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
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The first time you two made eye contact he felt a shiver run along his spine, but would you ever go on a date with him? The man that was once only a pathetic octopus? Same one that is tricking every student to make a contract only to his own good? Don't get him wrong, Azul loves his work but it's not morally correct and it's illegal in school. You two never talked before, the octoman is always busy and plus very shy when it's not about his work or school.
He became red when the eels revealed about your chats and "jokes" with your friends, so you were thinking of him and unfortunately knew of his contracts. Well it may slipped out of his mouth the words "let me know more about them", don't get too scared when you hear a little laugh or a pair of eyes on you. The dorm leader needs and must know your intentions, having you use or manipulate him is the last thing that will happen.
Hearing your soft words even though his actions warmed a place in his heart, just a little hug was enough for him but acting impulsively isn't wise so he just waited. Ace and Deuce weren't happy at all, why having a crush on someone like him? Many students could be better but you chose the only one that was giving problems. Still the worst was ahead of you and your friends, so much more to discover about the Octavinille's dorm leader.
So much shame filled him during his overblot, did anyone else than the twins see his merform? Did you lay your gaze on his octoform? His past, thoughts and more flying in the water, making Azul regret everything even the littlest thing. What were your thoughts on him now? After seeing his "disgusting" self and secrets, only a little hope that you wouldn't leave him was still present in his heart.
Once you went to visit him at the mostro lounge he almost had an heart attack, knowing that you forgave him and still needed his presence. Being straight forward and confessing how much you liked his personality, intelligence, hobbies but mostly his original form.. The second-year was going insane, how desperate were you for him? Or he was the worst one between the two? It wasn't important, he had enough courage to grab your arm and pull you to his favourite spot only to wrap his body around yours, feeling your warmth and hot breath on his skin. Finally he wasn't alone anymore, no more waiting and he could have been himself with someone who isn't the twins. Azul is going to be clingy as the octopus he is, so good luck and don't take any wrong steps or a punishment is ahead.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Modern!Oberyn Martell x Female Reader
Word Count: 15k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of hair, mentions of mental health, flirty Oberyn (always), age gap, praise kink, body worship, oral sex (f receiving), protected vaginal sex, slight cum play
A/N: Holy motherfucking shit, this idea was absolutely amazing and all thanks to @fishingforpike. I’ve rarely seen Oberyn like this and I’ve never written him in a modern setting before but wow, WOW. 
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Just seconds after the paper flops onto your desk, you open your eyes, immediately releasing a disappointed breath. After not doing so well on it the first time, your professor was ‘gracious’ enough to let you retake it. You’d studied for more than ten hours for this exam, how could you fail it again?
“Really?” You whisper incredulously. “Twenty-one percent?!”
Professor McIntosh doesn’t even look at you, he just walks away. You had to beg him to allow you another chance, and now, you’re feeling dumb all over again.
“Professor?” You call timidly, looking up just as he’s sitting down on his desk. “Um, I… I’m not sure how I did so bad… again.”  
“Well my dear,” He sighs, glasses tilted down towards the other papers. “Neither am I.” 
Heavily, you sigh. Professor McIntosh seems nice, his reviews were good, and his degrees were impressive. But outside of all those details, he was just that, a professor. He only cared as much as he was paid. And he wasn’t paid much. 
“I have office hours later today.” He then informs you, deciding to extend to you some extra help. “It’s in the Browning Building. My office is 403, and my hours are between three and five.” 
Glancing back down at your paper, an entirely too big F stamped across it. You nod. “Okay.” 
Being that you’re on a different campus this year, locating new buildings isn’t exactly an easy thing. It’s about a month into the fall semester, and by now you’re comfortable finding all the buildings that your classes are in. But finding more? That’s not something you expected you’d have to do. Not for another semester, at least. 
On your way over to this building, you’d pulled up a map on your phone so you know where to go. It’s about a fifteen minute walk from where you were, all the way on the other side of campus. Great. You hate long walks, you’ve never been a walk-type person. It’s chilly outside, too, and you’re only wearing a pair of yogas and a fleece quarter-zip. But you don’t necessarily mind. The windchill isn’t too high today, and you’re wearing boots so you can successfully avoid any freezing puddles, too. 
“Browning, Browning…” Muttering, you continue to scan the buildings, looking at each one of their signs. You’re starting to shiver at this point, so you really need to get inside. “Brown!”
Finally finding the building, you scurry inside, exhaling a swift breath once you're through the front doors. Rubbing your hands together, you think back to what your professor said. 403…three and five. It’s three forty-five right now, so this is prime time for a visit. And once you find the stairs, you make your way up. 
Hopefully he’ll be able to tell you which categories to study for his next exam, give you a few pointers on different studying techniques. You were never a bad student, so to get this low of a grade is pretty shocking to you. Inside your bag, you’d brought all of your chemistry supplies, too, your textbook, notebook and pencils. Surely you can get something positive out of this.
“Professor McIntosh?” You ask aloud, your knuckles rapping against the open wooden door. But when you round the corner, that’s not who you see.
Instead of seeing a gray-haired man in his seventies, one who usually wears a black business suit that’s way too tight for him, you see someone… well, completely the opposite. This man has black hair, along with dark facial hair accenting the edges of his jawline and chin, as well as above his lip. He’s wearing a light brown, cashmere polo with a thin, gold chain just barely peeking out between the flaps of his collar. He looks to be in his early forties, and is wearing a pair of what you assume to be reading glasses.
“Can I help you?” The man behind the desk raises a curious eyebrow at you. 
“Oh, I um… is…” You poke your head in, looking around. This makes him chuckle. “Is Professor McIntosh here?”
“No,” The man returns, removing his reading glasses. “I’m Professor Martell.” 
He does so to get a better look at you. And when he does, he grins, but you don’t even notice it. He can tell you’ve been walking for some time, the cold making your cheeks slightly rosy and the tip of your nose shine. There are strands of hair framing your face, and they don’t exactly look like you styled them to be there. They’re strewn around your once neatly done braid, the majority of it resting on your upper back. You look a bit flustered, which he honestly finds cute. You must be new. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” You sigh, aggravated yet again. “I must have gotten the buildings wrong again.”
“What one were you looking for?”
“Browning - isn’t this it?”
“No,” He responds again, his smile displaying a small dimple. “This is Brown.”
“Wha - I… ugh,” Now, you groan, whining out, “Why would they have two buildings with nearly the exact same name?” 
Professor Martell chuckles at your mewling complaint, turning to look over at his computer. He makes a few clicks while you stand there, staring at your phone while trying to figure out where you went wrong.
“Here,” He speaks up, not looking away from his desktop. “I can print you out a map of the campus. It might be better to look at the whole thing instead of your phone.”
At this, you feel a little embarrassed, sliding your phone into your side pocket. You’re also surprised he took it upon himself to print a map out for you.
“Oh… thank you.” 
“My pleasure.” He responds kindly, standing to hand the piece of paper to you. “May I know your name?”
“Oh,” You feel a little dumb… once again. You should’ve introduced yourself to him, and now that he’s asked, you do.
His eyes glance over your frame quickly when you give him your name, a pleasant smile once again crossing his face. Sticking his hand out, you take it, shaking it gently. And wow, he’s warm.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you.” 
Seeing him up close feels… surreal? Now that he’s standing, you can see his entire outfit. Below his cashmere sweater he’s wearing a pair of black slacks with a belt to match, and Oxford shoes, the same shade as his pants. He’s tall and surprisingly toned. And now that he has your hand, you can see that he’s also wearing a gold watch on his left wrist. 
He notices that your eyes are traveling, and when they return to his, you’re met with a smirk. Why do you feel nervous?
“It’s, it’s nice to meet you too, Professor Martell.” 
After a moment of eye contact, his brown eyes a mesmerizing hue, he releases your hand. 
“I’ve circled the Browning Building on the map for you. So you don’t get lost, next time.” 
You look down when he hands it to you. That building looks like another ten minutes away from this one. This time, your irritated sigh is internal. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course, I’m happy to help.” Turning around, he makes his way back over to his desk. 
From this angle, you practically ogle his back. You can see his muscles move beneath his shirt, his gold chain glimmering in the light of the now-setting sun. Inside, your heart picks up its previously steady beat. 
“And please,” He continues, turning around while remaining on his feet. “Feel free to come by if you need help with anything else.” 
The way he says it makes you grin, and he mirrors it. Nodding, you glance back down at the paper. Turning around, you give him one glance over your shoulder. 
“Thank you.”
You’ll consider it.
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Instead of walking another ten minutes across campus without the guarantee of finding the right building, you decide to call it a day and go home. Luckily, your apartment is only a two-minute walk from the Browning Building. And besides, maybe you can just try to study off of your own notes tonight. 
As soon as you walk in the door, you’re thankful to meet a small wave of heat. You live alone, so you get to keep the thermostat at whatever temperature you want. One of the many benefits of riding solo, in your opinion. 
Before you can even set your bookbag down, you get a text from your best friend. 
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And you do, taking in the warm water and hoping it will soothe your gradually building headache. Chemistry was a bitch and so was getting used to a new campus. You also have to make a mental note to bring a jacket from now on. You love fall, but fuck the cold. 
“Hey,” After drying off and putting on some sweats, you set up shop at your coffee table before calling your best friend.
“Hey! So, what happened today?” She asks, taking a bite of the pasta she apparently made. 
Looking down, you organize your pencils and highlighters, flipping through your notebook.
“I got twenty-one percent on that fucking quiz, man.”
“Holy shit! How?!”
“Don’t even ask me, I have literally no idea.” 
“Are you studying now?”
“Yeah.” You respond blandly, yawning for a moment.
“You want me to go?”
“No way,” Comes your immediate response. “You’re the only thing making my day worthwhile.”
“Awe, I love you.”
Her response makes you giggle. “I love you, too.” 
But after flipping through a few pages, another thought comes to mind. “Well, I guess you’re not the only bright side today. I did meet someone.”
“Ooh, who?!”
“Don’t get too excited, it was a new professor.” You laugh, shaking your head at her. 
“Oh, which one?”
“Professor Martell. I didn’t even mean to see him today, honestly. Just went to the wrong building by mistake.”
“Aaaaand you consider him a bright side to your day?”
Your eyes widen slightly, a creep of heat crawling up your neck and to your ears. Did you say that?
“I guess,” Shrugging, you try to be nonchalant. “Do you… do you know anything about him?” Cori has been at this school longer than you. She could’ve had him as a professor before.
“Yeah, actually.” She responds after a moment. “I had him for chemistry last year.”
“Oh really? What’s he like?”
“Why do you want to know?” She teases with a smirk.
You shrug, trying to hide your own. “I dunno, my teacher isn’t really that helpful. Maybe he could be.”
“Mhm,” Cori responds, sounding unconvinced. But she tells you anyway. “Honestly, all my friends in that class thought he was hot as hell. I did too, he looks so good for his age.”
“How old is he?”
“Not sure, maybe mid-forties?” 
Damn, you think. He does look good for his age. 
“Everyone can tell he thinks he’s hot shit.” 
No wonder, comes your next thought, he looks like he is. 
“He was a pretty good teacher, though. But some of his students couldn’t get around the fact that he was a hottie with a body.”
“You’re so annoying.” You roll your eyes, laughing. She laughs, too.
“I heard one of them even tried getting with him!”
“How’d that go?” You joke, although you’re interested to hear her response.
“They got turned down. He’s never flirted with any of the students on campus.” 
Now this makes you think. It could just be wishful thinking, but it seemed like he could have been flirting with you. Maybe he was just being overly friendly? His smile didn’t seem too platonic. 
This conversation makes you think back to the map he’d given you, now moving to pick it up from where you placed it on the table. You look it over, nothing out of place or different. But upon turning it over, you find his office phone number and school email written on it. Your eyebrows rise ever so slightly, pondering this new information. Does that mean something? 
“What’s that?”
“A map of campus. He gave it to me, since I got lost.”
“Oh, that was nice of him.”
Cori narrows her eyes. “What?”
“He… put his phone number on it. Well, not like his phone number, but the one to his office, I think. And his school email.”
“Yeah. Is that weird?”
“Well I mean, you’re not one of his students. So, I dunno.” 
After a moment of silence, she grins. “Maybe he wants to see you again.”
“Or maybe he just wants to help out a new student on campus.”
“I’d let him help me out.”
“Shut up.”
“Look, all I’m saying is that if you turn him down, let him know I’m available.” 
“With open arms, and open legs.”
You absolutely bust out laughing at her comment. You’ve known Cori for more than a year now, and you swear she’s your soul sister. Every time you talk, it puts a smile on your face. You’re beyond thankful to have her in your life. And more often than not, she makes a few good points. Maybe he does want to see you again.
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“Oh my god, I don’t get this.” 
Shoving your face into your hands, you release an exasperated huff. This is the hardest class you’ve taken so far, and absolutely nothing makes sense. And to make matters worse, your teacher has stopped giving you second chances. This is the only class you’re failing, and it couldn't be more frustrating to you. 
“You could go back to him, you know…” Cori reminds you, watching you struggle with your homework over FaceTime.
“I don’t even know if he’d be able to help me.”
“Attractiveness aside, he was a really good teacher.” 
“I don’t want to bother him.” You mumble, tears of frustration daring to roll down your cheeks. Plus, the last thing you need is to feel dumb in front of him again. 
“Babe,” She says, sighing while she gives you a sympathetic expression. “He told you to come back if you needed help with anything, right?”
“Yeah.” You nod, sniffling while sliding your sleeves across your eyes. 
“Then go to him. Your stupid teacher obviously won’t help.”
Maybe she has a point. His office is less than five minutes away, too. If you clean yourself up and pack your things into your bookbag, you can make it there by five. Hopefully he’ll still be there. 
“Okay, I’ll call you back later.”
“I can’t hun, I have work.” 
“Oh,” You frown, your sadness only growing. “Okay.”
“I’m sorry,” She offers you a pout. “But I’ll text you tonight, okay?”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” With that, you hang up, looking forward to your friend’s text. Without many other companions and with your family living out of state, you relied on her heavily for comfort and company. One of the few downfalls of living alone was your lack of company. You’re an introvert, but you still liked to socialize occasionally. In truth, you often get lonely. But hopefully, you’ll be able to spend time with that professor tonight. Maybe you can make a friend out of him. 
You put way too much thought into your outfit, but you eventually settle for a comfortable sweater and some jeans. Tying your hair up, you slide on a pair of ankle-high boots, and pack your things. Before leaving you sling your backpack onto your shoulders, taking in a breath before heading out into the elements. Honestly, this might as well be hiking for you. But within a handful of minutes, you’re surrounded by the heat once again. 
“Professor Martell?” Comes your timid call, appearing in front of his door. 
The entryway is clear, the door propped open with a small stopper. And when you say his name, he looks up, those reading glasses perched on the end of his nose. With a smile on his lips he says your name, setting down the paper in his hand and rising. It’s been more than a week since he’s last seen you. 
“It’s nice to see you again.” 
Upon further evaluation, he acknowledges your somber state. Your shoulders are slouching and you look tired, eyes slightly red and puffy as if you’d just been crying. The center of his brows fold up just barely at this. What’s happened to you tonight? 
“It’s nice to see you, too.” Nodding, you step in, walking over to him. “I was um, wondering if you could help me? With studying?” 
“Of course,” He nods, furrowing his brows slightly. Gesturing to the seat beside you, he sits down in his own. “Please.”
You do as he says, taking a seat in the chair and setting your bag down on the ground. He rearranges his desk, making room in the center. He then clasps his hands together, placing them on the edge. 
“Have your grades not been doing well?” He inquires, taking off his glasses and folding them, hooking them on the center of his shirt.
He’s just as handsome as when you first saw him, and just as nicely dressed, too. Slightly, he tilts his head at you, that same concerned furrow creased on his brow. 
“Not really,” You mutter, looking down at your hands. 
“Okay,” Nodding, he thinks about what he can do. “Did you bring your textbooks?” 
“Yeah, I did.” 
“Okay, take it out, and bring your chair over here.” 
You’re surprised by his invitation, but you move without a second thought. Dragging the chair to the tiny space beside him, you reach for your bag, unzipping it to take out your book. 
“Okay, let’s see.” Professor Martell then says, bringing his glasses back up to his nose. “What chapter are you studying? And what professor do you have, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Um, chapter five, I think. And I have professor McIntosh.” 
He doesn’t say anything, he just nods. Reaching over, he folds open your book. You expected him to take it into his own hands, but no, he flips through the pages while it rests on your lap.
“Do you have a highlighter with you?” He inquires, looking up at you from his glasses.
“Yeah, I have a few.” Reaching back down you grab a blue one, bringing it up with you.
“Good,” Professor Martell nods. “I can show you the sections that you should pay the most amount of attention to.” 
“That’d be great! Thank you!” 
“Of course, darling.” He says to you, his voice quiet and smooth. 
The space you’re in is small, but you find yourself liking the closeness. It’s comfortable to you, and it’s comfortable to him, too. You’re nearly shoulder to shoulder and at this proximity, you can smell the cologne he uses. The aroma of fresh sandalwood surrounds you, the tones earthy, smokey and rich. It’s calming to you, and you inhale the scent of him happily, deeply. 
“You’ll want to highlight this section,” Pulling you back to reality, you look down. 
He’s pointing to the book, his finger applying the slightest amount of pressure. It’s just enough for the spine to dig into your lap, just barely brushing the space between your legs. 
“O-Okay,” Stumbling a bit, you swallow, doing as he says. 
“This one as well, love.” 
He’s pointing out the sections you should study, but for some reason, you can’t focus for shit. Every time he reaches out he brushes your arm slightly, that watch glimmering in the light of his warmly toned desk lamp. His office is decorated quite nicely, his desk, the side tables and shelves all made of dark wood. Each surface is either lined with books or decorated with some type of stone statue. There’s a plant off in the far corner near the door. There’s an antique clock on the wall and a picture of the city of Madrid on another. Professor Martell’s office exudes quite a sophisticated atmosphere, one you find both impressive and welcoming. 
The sound of your name drags you back to where you are and what you’re doing. “Is something distracting you?” 
“N-No, I’m sorry.” 
“As a professor, I’m here to help with your studies. But I’m also here to lend an ear, too. It’s important that our students are doing well outside of their classes, too.” 
His words make you feel comforted and safe, cared for, even though he barely knows you. But you did want to make a friend of him. Maybe he wants to be your friend, too.
“I, it’s just,” He lets you process, waiting for you to continue. “I’m new to this school and I’m struggling. I just got used to finding the buildings and I’m already worried about having to find new ones next semester. This class is kicking my ass and while my other ones aren’t too bad, it’s just a lot of work, and it’s overwhelming. And I feel like… I feel like I have no one around me.” 
“Why is that?” He asks, placing his elbow on the armrest of his chair and propping his chin on top of his fist. 
“My family doesn’t live around here, and I haven’t really made any friends. I have one, Cori, but she’s usually busy. I know she loves me and we’re very close, but I miss her. Especially on nights when I get lonely.” 
He offers you a soft yet concerned look, his heart breaking for you. He knows how you feel, though. 
“I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you.”
“Don’t be,” He returns gently. “I’m the one who asked you.” 
You smile shyly, looking down at your hands again. 
“I’m sorry you’re lonely, lovely.” He coos to you, and the nickname makes you flush. “Please know, you’re welcome anytime. 
“That’s nice of you to say.” 
“I mean it,” He lifts his head from his chin, that same hand falling to your forearm. “Being by yourself in a new place can be frightening.” 
It’s true, and it feels nice to have him sympathize with you. Slowly, his thumb rubs the skin of your forearm, watching as you release a tired breath. 
“Can I get you anything? Water or juice?”
“Oh no, that’s okay.” You shake your head, now looking over at him. “But that’s so kind of you.” 
Professor Martell tilts his head, a troubled look still coloring his face. He has such a caring nature about him. 
“Would you like to study any more tonight? You’re more than welcome to talk with me more, if you’d like to.” 
“No,” You shake your head, looking down at your phone. You’ve been here for about an hour, and you should probably be getting home. “I shouldn’t stay too much longer. It’ll be dark soon.” 
By now, the sun has begun to set, and it worries you. But there’s a soft, orange glow that’s reaching every corner of the room, and it does well to calm you. 
“You’re right,” He sighs, glancing at the watch on his wrist. He still hasn’t taken his hand off of yours. “Would you let me walk you home?” He then asks, looking up at you.
His comment stirs emotion in your chest. “Wha - really?” 
“Of course.” He nods, standing from his seat and prompting you to do so, too. Leaning down, he grabs his jacket from the back of his chair. “You’re quite the lovely thing,”
You’d moved around to the front of his desk, picking up your bookbag. When you hear this you stand up, a twinge of surprise vibrating through you. 
“Too small to be walking alone at night.” 
Everything he says makes your insides light up, the adrenaline in your body now rising. When you look over at him he’s shrugging on his coat, one with a mustard-y tone. And when he lifts his head to see you looking at him, he grins. “Is it okay that I walk you home, love?”
You feel breathless, nodding when you finally say, “Yes.” 
While holding the building’s front door open for you, he asks, “Did you see the phone number and email I left for you?” 
Shivering from the gust of wind, you emit a quick breath. “Oh yeah, I did see that.”
“Good,” He smiles, walking alongside you. “If you ever need help with anything, you can email me. That number is to my office, you can also call me, if you’d like to.” 
“That’s really nice of you.” Looking to the side, you smile, folding your arms up and shoving your hands into your armpits. 
“Are you cold?”
“Eh,” You shake your head. “Only a little. Just need to remember to bring a coat.” 
He thinks about offering you his coat, but ultimately decides not to. He doesn’t want to come off too forward with you. Professor Martell then inhales a deep breath beside you, sliding his hands into the pockets of his longer coat.
“Do you have any hobbies?” He inquires, following your lead on where to go. It has gotten quite dark out. “They might do you well. Distract your mind and help you learn something new. It could help you to feel happier, too.” 
“I actually don’t. I guess I like caring for the plants I have at home, but that’s about it.” Thinking over his comment, you then ask, “Do you have any?” 
“I do.” He nods, continuing to walk alongside you. Eyeing his surroundings, he admires the changing colors of the leaves. It’s one of his favorite things about this season. 
“Pottery.” His voice is deep, enchanting to listen to. “It’s quite calming, once you get the hang of it.”
“Oh wow, I feel like that would be so hard to do.”
He gives you an acknowledging nod. “Perhaps. I train in martial arts, too.”
Now this really catches your attention. “Really?” 
Seeing your shocked reaction, he laughs. “Yes, it’s quite a rewarding pastime.” 
“How so?”
“It feels good on the body.”
Oh god, why did he have to say it like that? This would explain why he’s so fit, too, and why he looks so good for his age. Body aside, he was also exceptionally handsome. His brown eyes show genuine emotion every time they look at you, his lips appearing plush and flirtatious when they curl, his dimple quite charming when he smiles enough to show it.
“This is where you live?” Come his next few words, noticing your pace slowing. 
“Yeah,” You sigh, looking up at your apartments. “It’s not much, but it’ll do.”
“It’s safe,” He emphasizes, turning to face you. “This is a good neighborhood, that’s what’s important.” Again, he already cares so much for you. 
With a smile you look up at him, and you suddenly realize how tall he is. 
“I really appreciate you walking me home.” Taking a leap, you decide to be honest with him. “Sometimes it really scares me.” 
“And I don’t blame you.” His response is easy, reassuring. “It was nice to see you again, dear.”
“It was really nice to see you, too. Thank you… for listening to me.”
“Anytime.” He grins, eyes briefly looking you up and down. You’re shivering. “There’s a cafe on the ground floor of the Browning Building, if you’re ever cold and need a coffee.”
“Oh really? Sweet, thanks for letting me know!”
“Of course,” Glancing down at his watch, he clicks his tongue. “I hope you have a good night, love.” 
“Thank you, you too.” 
With one last smile, you turn, walking up the stairs of your building. They’re on the outside, leading directly to the apartments’ front doors. And he watches as you go up, waving when you get to your door and turn around to see him. Lifting a hand, you wave back before unlocking your door, and going in. 
You think about going over the highlighted sections he showed you tonight, but ultimately decide to give yourself a break for the night. You studied, you cried, and then you studied again; you’re exhausted. 
The next two hours are consumed with a ramen noodle dinner and a true crime documentary. You’d turned your heat up again, slipping into some cozy pajamas and laying out on your couch. Try as you might, your not so pleasant emotions start to return again. And after the documentary ends, you’re reaching for your phone to text Cori again. You’d texted her once you got home, letting her know that you were safely back inside your apartment for the night. She hasn’t responded and you didn’t expect her to. She’s working the night shift and busy as hell, and while you’re more than understanding of this, it doesn’t stop you from missing her. 
Sighing, you put your phone down. You should stop bothering her. Cuddling back into the blankets on the couch, you feel tears begin to pool in your eyes. Why do you feel so lonely tonight? Lonely… I’m sorry you’re lonely, lovely. Maybe he could comfort you. No, that would be too inappropriate to do. He’s probably not even at the office, anyways. But maybe you could get his voicemail; his voice is so nice to listen to.
“This is so stupid, this is so dumb.” You mutter to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose while the dial rings on the phone. 
A minute or so before calling, you decided that if he does pick up, you should have something prepared to say. You don’t want to sound like a mumbling fool on the other end of the line, so you thought up some random chemistry question to ask him. Like anything school related would be pertinent enough for you to call him at this time of night.
You’re stunned he actually answered the phone. A jolt zaps its way through you, your eyes widening in your dimly lit living room. 
“Um, h-hi… Professor Martell. It’s um, it’s me.” He says your name questioningly. “Yeah,” You smile, liking how it sounds when he says it. 
“Hi,” He then says on the end of the other line, and you swear you can hear his smile. “How are you?” You’re surprised he doesn’t ask why you’re calling. 
“I’m uh, I don’t know.”
“Why are you up so late, dear?” He sounds kind and concerned. It makes the dam holding back your emotions break.
“I guess I just feel lonely again.”
“Oh, love.” He tuts on the other end, frowning to himself. “I’m here for you, sweetheart.” At this, your insides practically light up. He’s never called you that before. “Is there anything that caused it?”
“My best friend is working and I didn’t want to bother her. I tried to distract myself, like you said. But I don’t know, it didn’t work for that long.” 
“Well, I’m glad you called me.”
“Yes, sweetling.” 
What a cute nickname, and one you’ve never heard of before. It makes you feel small, cute. 
“I like talking to you.” This comes as a surprise to you. 
“I like talking to you, too. You’re so nice.” You’re smiling to yourself, your cheeks tingling from the bashful emotion shivering through your limbs. 
“I try to be.” He sounds tired.
“Why’re you at your office so late?” 
“Oh,” He sighs, eyes falling to his desk. “I’m grading papers tonight. I don’t like to bring my work home.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry it takes so long. That must be exhausting.”
“Well,” He says, giving your comment a nod and a sigh. “At least I’m getting a pleasurable break.” Obviously, he’s talking about you. “You’re a sweet girl.” 
Oh lord, why does he say these things? You can’t help the release of your dreamy sigh, and it makes him smirk on the other end of the line. He feels like he’s getting to you. 
“I want you to get some rest tonight. Hopefully you’ll feel better in the morning. Maybe plan something interesting for your day tomorrow, something for you to look forward to.” 
“Something interesting…” You repeat, thinking. “Could I… could I have lunch with you?”
Professor Martell smiles, his heart beating profoundly inside his ribs. “Of course you can.”
As if your smile could get any wider. This was definitely something to look forward to.
“Great! I can bring some food from the cafe you told me about.” 
“That sounds lovely.” He agrees, resting back in his chair while he talks to you. “Do you think you’ll sleep?”
Nibbling on the corner of your lip, you nod. “I think so.” 
“Good.” He returns, “I’ll try to have these papers graded before having lunch with you.” 
“Okay,” Giddy with joy, you add on, “Thank you, professor Martell.” 
“Of course, sweetheart.” It was clear how much you liked that. “Now, get some rest.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, oh and…” He says your name questioningly, making you perk up a bit. “Yes?”
“My name is Oberyn,” This is new information to you, and you’re not sure why you haven’t looked into this before. “I’d like you to call me that, if it makes you comfortable.” 
“Okay,” When did your pulse become so quick? “Goodnight, Oberyn.” 
“Goodnight, sweetling.” 
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You have to hand it to him, this was a good idea. Having something to look forward to in your day really made the hours go by quick. You had three classes today and by the time noon rolled around, two of them were already done. 
Cori had messaged you this morning, feeling bad for not having returned your messages before then. You reassured her of your understanding, but she still felt the need to apologize. You’re lucky to have her as a friend; you’re surprised she even made time to message you before going to bed this morning. 
Scanning the sections available in the small cafe, you ponder what to get him. You have absolutely no idea what he likes when it comes to food, so you’ll just have to guess. 
Since speaking with you last night, Oberyn has felt the tiniest ounce of shame. And even though it’s small, it weighs heavy in his belly. It’s inappropriate to call you those things, he knows this. He knows he shouldn’t have. But something came over him when he met you, the need to care for and protect you. It’s not that you look weak, you look sweet. You’re kind and beautiful, he knew that the second you walk into his space. Oberyn loves the way your eyes light up when he talks to you, the way your lips move when you speak, the way you look when you’re being emotionally vulnerable with him. He likes seeing the true side of you. But then another thought crosses his mind; how old are you? 
“Hey,” You smile, walking into his office once more. You don’t even knock this time, rounding the dear with eagerness and ease. 
Instantly, he perks up, standing when you walk through the threshold. You’re holding two plastic containers, two bags of chips, and two bottles of water; it makes him chuckle.
“Let me help.” He quickly steps forward, rounding the corner of his desk. 
Reaching out, he takes the items from you, setting each one on his desk. For some reason, as soon as he’s done doing this, he turns around to hug you. It feels like meeting up with a friend, someone that comforts him. Though you’re slightly surprised, you happily accept, wrapping your arms around his neck. He leans down, sliding his own around your back. Oberyn turns his head, his nose lightly brushing you hair. 
This hug brings you your first real feel of Oberyn’s body, and he’s truly as fit as he looks. You can feel the muscles in his chest and stomach, even in his arms, too. When your hands slide up to his neck, arms wrapping around him, you can also touch the muscles adorning his shoulders and upper back. He holds you in a warm embrace, snug but not tight. And the two of you shouldn’t enjoy it as much as you do. 
“How are you, dear?” 
“I’m doing good.” When you part, you’re smiling, and it warms his heart. “You were right, having something to look forward to really brightens your day.”
“I’m glad I can help you with that.” He winks, watching your lips part from the small movement. Turning toward his desk, Oberyn then says, “And thank you for picking up lunch.” 
“Oh, no problem. I’m sorry though, I didn’t know what you liked. So, I just guessed.”
Sitting down in the seat behind his desk, he smiles. “I like what you like.”
Without him even offering, you slide your chair behind his desk, sitting right next to him. And he’s elated to see this, to know how comfortable you are with him. 
“I looked into your professor’s curriculum.” He tells you, watching as you hand him his things. “Thank you, love.”
“Sure,” You grin, opening your own items. 
“And I found a documentary that could be quite helpful to you.” 
“Oh, really? Where could I watch it?”
“The full-length film is available on YouTube.” Cracking open his water, he takes a sip, and you can’t help but watch. You try to do so nonchalantly, eyeing his Adam’s apple as it bobs. 
“How um,” Blink, goddammit. “How long is it?”
“About an hour and a half.” Oberyn responds, “I can send you the link if you’d like. Or if you’d rather,” He continues on, mixing his toppings into his salad. “I have the film opened on a tab on my desktop.” 
“Oh, really?”
“We can watch it, if you’d like. I can even help you take notes.” His smile is warm as he looks to the side, poking his fork into a piece of lettuce before he takes a bite.
Your last class of the day is in forty-five minutes, there’s no way you’d be able to finish the film if you watched it with him right now. Maybe you could watch some now and finish it later? Or… you could just skip your last class. You’re doing well in it, anyway. One day won’t hurt. 
“That’d be great!”
The wide grin you give him makes his heart soar, his adoration for you growing evermore. And while he returns your expression, happy to know he’ll get to spend more than an hour with you, he can’t help but take in your form. The outfit you’re wearing outlines your chest quite nicely, a tighter turtleneck adorning your upper half. You’re wearing loose jeans that are held up by a brown belt, along with a pair of brown suede boots. When you look away, he takes a glance at the curves he can now see on you. Internally, he scolds himself for doing such a thing. He shouldn’t feel this way, but it’s almost as if he can’t help himself. His arousal burns bright for you. 
Gaining his bearings, he takes another drink of water to lube his suddenly dry throat. Once he sets the bottle down, he reaches forward, clicking his mouse and pulling up the film.While he does so, you get comfy, snuggling back in your seat and bringing your salad into your lap. You even fold your legs, sitting criss-cross and watching as he moves his computer screen to the center of his desk. 
“This covers the entirety of the acids and bases you’ve been studying.” Oberyn informs you, leaning back in his seat once pressing play. “Would you mind getting the lights and closing the door? Just so we can see the screen a bit better.”
“Sure,” Leaning forward to set your food down, you then stand, rounding his desk and walking over to the far wall.
Oberyn watches you move as you complete this task, smirking to himself at the gentle sway in your hips. You have such a pretty physique, he’d love to feel it, to wrap his hands around your waist and squeeze gently. 
“Hm?” He startles, eyes shooting up to look at you.
“Are you alright?” You’re laughing as you return to his side, eyeing him suspiciously.
“I’m just fine.” 
Something about this man is dreamy beyond belief. Even after the room has become dark and the film has begun, you continue to steal glances at him. His skin is tawny and smooth, his nose arched in an intriguingly attractive way. His facial hair is trimmed and style to perfection, and you’re now noticing the slightest of grays in his nearly-black hair. 
Oberyn claimed that this film was supposed to help with your studies, but you don’t grab a single notebook or pencil, and he doesn’t tell you to. All the two of you do is eat in the quiet calm that surrounds you, the day early but the atmosphere in your small bubble replicating that of a time later in the day. It’s warm and cozy, and before long, you find yourself yawning. 
“Pay attention, sweetling.” He tells you with a small smile on his face. 
“Okay,” You say through a yawn, having finished your food by now. 
After a small stretch, you cozy up in your chair, leaning to the side and allinw your head to rest on his shoulder. It’s a bold move, something you honestly shouldn’t be doing. But he lets you. He finds it quite endearing, actually. 
“Maybe we should take a break.”
“What, why?” Lifting your head, you allow him to lean forward to pause it.
“You’re tired,” He points out, looking at you. And when your expression grows guilty he shakes his head. “I don’t blame you.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” His smile is enchanting. “I’m glad that you’re comfortable here with me.” 
Those beautiful brown eyes stare into your soul, a loving warmth radiating through your being. Suddenly, you find yourself growing curious, wondering about his age and personality and, well… how has he not found someone yet? Double-checking, your eyes glance down, looking for a ring.
Oberyn notices, glancing down to the same area you’re looking. “Are you trying to see if I’m married?” While raising his eyebrows at you, he grins. 
“Oh, no, I… well…”
“I’m not,” He says, filling in the gaps once you’ve grown quiet. “In case you were wondering.”
“Why… why not?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how are you not married?”
Oberyn offers a thoughtful pout, shrugging. “I maintain a busy life.” Comes his first explanation. “I don’t often find interest in those around me.” 
“You interest me.” You blurt out, not realizing the double meaning behind your words. 
He smiles down at his hands, then looks over at you. “I know I do.”
Bashfully, you look away. Why the hell did you say that?
“Have you found any interests on campus, love?” Comes his next question, and he’s genuinely curious. But he asks you this in his mos nonchalant tone, doing his best to keep the air of the conversation light. 
Shaking your head, you respond with a quiet, “No, I haven’t dated anyone for about two years now.” Feeling more than welcome to be open with him, you continue on. “Nobody seems that interesting and whenever anyone is, they turn out like the rest.”
“Like the rest?”
“Immature.” You state blandly. “It’s exhausting. At this point, I’m basically touch-starved.” Again, you don’t realize the double-meaning. You meant it in reference to the fondness of another person, of not receiving touch from them such as hugging or holding their hand. But clearly, it also translates sexually. And you suppose you’re touch-starved in the category, too. Before you can correct yourself, though, Oberyn is already speaking.
“Surely you can find someone around here willing to fix that for you.” You’re absolutely shocked he’s expanding on the topic. But he knew he wanted to keep the conversation here. As soon as you said you lacked touch, he found himself wanting to change that. 
“Yeah?” You return with a dry laugh, pretending to be unphased. “You have anybody in mind?”
He hums out, amused. “I have someone in mind.” 
Turning your head, you meet his eyes, gulping at the lustful gaze he holds. Oberyn’s gaze drops to your lips, just barely parting from each other. He licks his lower lip, grinning while he listens to you suck in a breath. 
“Perhaps we should finish the film another day.” He offers, and maybe he’s right. Maybe you need a breather from this. This whole thing unprofessional and honestly, maybe it’s gone too far. You should… you should go.
“Oh,” You nod, releasing a nervous breath. “Okay.”
“I can walk you home again, if you’d like.” It’s not late, it’s not even 2pm yet. But he wants to. 
“Okay.” Your nod this time is a bit happier, and it makes him satisfied inside. He feels like he’d do anything to see you smile. 
“Where is your coat, sweetheart?” Oberyn asks while following you into the hall, turning to close his office door.
“Oh shoot,” Rolling your eyes, you groan. “I forgot to bring it again.” 
Oberyn smiles, walking down the stairs with you. 
“If you’d like,” He offers once you’re on the ground floor, already taking his coat off. “You can have mine.”
“What? Oh, no, I couldn’t -”
“Just for the walk,” He interrupts, moving behind you. “I hate to see you cold.”
At that, you can’t think of anything to respond with. Your insides are warmed by Oberyn’s kind words, feeling him slip his coat over your shoulders and hold it there while you slide your arms into the sleeves. 
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” It comes out before he can stop it, and while he’s not sure if he should have said it, he knows he meant it. 
Your walk, as always, is short. And while you never liked walks, you find yourself wishing this one was longer. The surrounding scenery is breathtaking, the changing leaves a wonderful mix of warm tones and crunchy sounds when you step on the occasional fallen one. The lake on campus has frozen over completely by now, and you pass by it every time Oberyn walks you home. But you know these reasons aren’t due to the happiness you feel on your stroll.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you, your arms just barely brushing as you continue on. Oberyn’s coat surrounds you with his smell, those rich and earthy tones. They’re a bit sweet, too, and you honestly hope his scent lingers when you give it back to him. 
“What will you do today?” Oberyn asks, turning his head to the side so he can look at you. He watches as your eyes scan the ground, feet crunching over the leaves. 
“I have to work later. I might just study until then.”
“Pick up a hobby, sweet thing.” He reminds you, stopping once you’ve reached the stairs to your apartment. This time, he’s much closer to your door. “It will do you good.” 
“I will,” Turning, you look up at him. “Maybe pottery.” It’s a flirty comment, and he can see this quite plainly. But you’re not nervous about his response, you know he shares a liking for you.
“I’ll make sure you are never lonely.” He jokes with a kind laugh, but he means every word. 
“Well,” His previous sentence continues to repeat in your head, making you smile brightly. “Thank you for walking me home again, Oberyn.” It’s the first time you’ve used his first name, and it sends a gentle shock through his system.
“Of course.” He watches as you begin to shrug off his coat, and he has half a mind to tell you to keep it. 
“And thank you for letting me borrow your coat. You weren’t cold?”
“Not at all.” It’s a white lie, one that doesn’t matter. It’s only purpose is to reassure you. 
Taking it from your hands, he flops it over his forearm, now moving closer to you. Naturally, you reach out for him, embracing his tender hug and for the first time truly wishing it was more. He holds you like this for a moment, one hand gently rubbing your back. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, brushing your nose over his warm skin. 
“It’s always so nice to see you.” Oberyn murmurs to you, one hand rising to the back of your head. When you lean back to return his affectionate words, you feel his hand move, now sliding around to cup your cheek. Before you move too far away, Oberyn tilts his head, bringing his lips down to brush them against your skin. 
Your jaw drops, and you swear your heart stops entirely. But to keep the moment smooth, you recover quickly. His soft lips press against you for just a moment, his hand not moving when he leans further back. Looking down into your eyes, Oberyn heartbeat skips at the expression on your heavenly face. Your lashes flutter gently, feeling his thumb swipe once over the apple of your cheek.
The moment feels intimate, and it’s as if something comes over you. He looks incredible in this light, and the feelings he’s brought to you seem to resurface all at once. 
You’re shocked when you see him lean in, but your body responds before your mind. Softly, gently, hesitantly, your lips meet, a subtle hum coming from both of you. And when you press yourself into him, he knows to continue. The hand he had on your cheek moves to cup your jaw, his other hand sliding just an inch or so down to the small of your back. You had your hands around his neck but now bring them down, each one holding either side of his face.
Inside, you’re bursting, fizzling with adrenaline and the euphoria of finally kissing him. You can’t believe he did this, and he can’t believe you’re reciprocating. One kiss turns into two, and then three, Oberyn’s movements becoming more and more sure.
He can’t help himself, can’t bring himself to stop. Timidly, his hand slides further down, hooking around your hip bone and falling to your outer thigh. Slowly, he keeps moving - he’ll explore as much as you’ll let him. And let him you do, moaning quietly when that broad palm finally falls to your backside. 
It’s beyond pleasurable, the feeling of his lips moving against you, his head dipping and turning as he molds himself to you. An enticed purr emanates from his throat when he feels the pad of your fingertips brush against his scruff, the trim facial hair lining his jaw. He presses your body against his, that large hand keeping you close while he gently palms your backside. It sends shiver after shiver through each one of your limbs, feeling him touch you like this.
“Oberyn,” You whisper quietly, darkness now consuming the two of you. 
“Yes?” He returns, his voice hovering in that same tone. 
Smiling, you lean up again, giving him another kiss. 
“I, I…” You’re not sure what to say, the emotions rolling through your body almost too much for your brain. And Oberyn sees this, he sees your pleasurable struggle and he smiles, deciding to end this short yet passionate event.
He tilts his head upwards just a bit, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Get some rest, sweetheart.” His voice is soft as he speaks. “Promise me?”
Swallowing, your eyes close as you feel his loving kiss, sighing out a heavenly breath beneath him.
“Okay,” Comes your whispered response. “I promise.” 
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“How have you been?”
“I’ve actually been pretty good lately!”
“That’s so nice to hear, babe. I’ve been so worried about you.” Cori’s words are genuine, and so is the expression on her face. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk much these past couple weeks. The hospital has been pretty busy.”
“It’s okay, I totally understand. I promise.”
She grins, happy to hear your response and to know that you’re doing okay. “What’s been keeping you so happy lately?”
You shrug, looking down at the bowl of cereal you made. A late night snack, if you will. “I don’t know, my grades are doing okay.” You begin to explain, smiling when a certain someone pops into your head. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Oberyn’s been helping me.”
“Oh, Professor Martell.” She raises an eyebrow at you, and you shrug. “He told me to call him Oberyn. He’s been super nice to me.”
“Yeah, he’s been really helpful. We’ve been studying.”
“Studying? How much?” 
“I go to his office a few times a week. It’s nice being around him, he’s easy to talk to.”
“Well… that’s nice.” She decides on, still curious about the interactions between the two of you. 
“Yeah, sometimes we have lunch together.” Cori glances up at you, raising a brow. “He’s even walked me home when it gets dark out, too.” Looking up, you now see the slightly concerned expression on her face. “What?”
“Are you comfortable with that?”
“With what? Him walking me home?” She nods. “Yeah, I think it’s sweet.” When she doesn’t respond, you continue on, stuck in your own wonderful world. “He’s pretty handsome, isn’t he?” 
“Yeah,” Cori laughs, “Looks like you’ve fallen under a spell.”
“Oh shut up,” You roll your eyes playfully, although her tone makes your tummy turn. “It’s nice to have a friend. Even if he is twenty years older than me.” 
“Well, I’m glad he can keep you company.” 
“Is it… is it weird?” You suddenly find yourself feeling insecure about the situation. 
“I mean, maybe? You’re not his student, but hey, if he’s helping you with your schoolwork and he’s a nice person to talk to, why not?”
“Okay,” You respond hesitantly, nodding slowly. 
Your conversation with Cori makes you think, even after you hang up. You didn’t mention him letting you borrow his coat, or the fact that he’d kissed you on the cheek… and done a little more. Cori would definitely have found that weird. She also wouldn’t have liked the fact that after you kissed, you gave him your phone number, too. It feels wrong, hiding something from her, but you’re not exactly hiding it… right? Oh, like hell you are. You’re not telling your best friend about the first man you’ve found interesting in nearly two years. That counts as hiding something. 
Glancing over at the coffee table, you eye your phone. All this uncertainty has you wanting to call him. But you shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t. And less than five minutes away, Oberyn is thinking the exact same thing. You gave him your phone number after you kissed, after he touched you, and he’s wracking his brain thinking of any excuse to message you. Lately, he can’t even focus on grading, he just thinks about you. About how kind you are and how funny you can be, how pretty your smile is and how you smell so wonderfully. Your outfits are incredibly cute and you always look cozy, and you’re thoughtful, you’re so thoughtful. She’s so sweet to me. 
There’s no hardcore evidence of your relationship crossing any professional boundaries. There’s no evidence of your relationship at all, actually, aside from that single call to his office. But if a colleague of his found out about what he was doing, he’s sure they’d raise an eyebrow at him. The names he calls you? The time he’s spent with you? The hours of night at which he’s talked to you? Walking you home and now kissing you on the cheek? Let’s be honest, he did more than a simple kiss on the cheek. Okay, maybe your relationship has crossed over the line of what’s considered to be ‘professional boundaries’. 
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Sadly, as time passes by, those lonely feelings that have temporarily gone away are becoming harder and harder to ignore. Cori told you she wouldn’t be able to talk for a few days due to her picking up some extra shifts for her sick friends, and after your call the other night, you don’t think you should go to Oberyn. Slowly but surely shame has set up camp in your belly and is sitting there steadfastly. Should you have let things go this far with him? Clearly he has feelings for you… that’s clear, right? 
It breaks Oberyn’s heart, not hearing from you. It’s been almost a week since he kissed you; did he cross a line with you? So far, all of your interactions have been because of you; you stopping by, you calling his office. He has your cell phone number, maybe he should text you. But he’s not sure, he doesn’t want to push you if he’s made you uncomfortable. It didn’t seem like he did, but this radio silence has him second guessing himself. But he has no other way to contact you. He knows where you live but what is he supposed to do? Just show up at your door? This leaves him nowhere but to sit in his office chair and wait for you, that is, if he decides not to text you. And when he’s teaching his lectures, his mind isn’t anywhere better.
What if she stops in while I’m gone?
What if she calls my office? Will she leave a voicemail? Oberyn sighs dreamily. I’d love to hear her voice.
Will she email me? He thinks back to the night you gave him your number. Again, he sighs. 
She felt so good in my arms. I’d love to hold her again, feel her lips on mine…
I hope she’s doing alright. 
Oberyn’s caring nature wasn’t just some kind of front, it’s who he really is. He didn’t often find others interesting, but those he did, he liked to befriend. And with these friendships came his more empathetic side, wondering about their lives and how they were doing. And if he has a partner, how their mental health is and whether or not they’re flourishing. He doesn’t have one, but he does have you. Could you become that to him? 
A week is enough. He needs to talk to you.
You’re in the middle of class when you receive his text, deciding to open it up on your macbook. At first, you assume the random number is from an online store, maybe a reminder for a doctor’s appointment or something. But it’s not. 
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Immediately, you felt incredible remorse for ignoring him. He didn’t make you uncomfortable, not in the least. Since meeting him, Oberyn has done nothing but make you feel amazing. You had no choice but to respond to him.
She misses me.
Your response has made his entire day, his entire week. The fact that you not only messaged him back and said these things, but you also called him Oberyn, it’s made his heart leap. So he didn’t cross a line with you, after all. He decides that the next time you stop by, he’ll buy you lunch or dinner, depending on the time of day. Only because you bought him lunch the other week, that’s the only reason why. 
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Try as you might, you can’t hide the incredible smile growing on your face. Even though you’ve been giving the situation space, you’re thrilled he decided to reach out to you. He really does care about you. 
As soon as you’re done with class, you head home to change into your work clothes. You find yourself pretty lucky to be able to work at a job that allows you to dress comfy, especially when going into work so late. The bookstore lets you wear yogas and quarter-zips if you liked, and that’s what you wore almost every time you were there. Thinking about where you’ll be when your shift is done, you tie back your hair, twisting it into a braid. Oberyn seemed to like it when he saw it on you before. 
To no surprise of your own, your shift drags on agonizingly slow. Knowing that you’ll see Oberyn afterwards is making you impatient as all hell. You wonder, will he kiss you again? Touch you again? Christ, it felt so good the first time he did it. Would he do more? Would you let him?
While organizing the stack of books you’d been given, you come across a few pieces of poetry. Some from Grecian and Roman times, some from the Shakespearen era, too. And one from Shakespear himself catches your eye. Taking the book and flipping through its pages, you stop at a section titled, “Sonnet 45”. 
The other two, slight air and purging fire
Are both with thee, wherever I abide;
The first my thought, the other my desire
The present-absent with swift motion slide…
These two elements, air and fire. They portray rational thought and desire. How could this sonnet have called out to you? How could it have felt your passion for this man? Your longing to be near him, with him, on him. You need him. 
You don’t often lie to your job, especially when it comes to missing work, but you’re making an exception. After reading that poem, something snapped inside of you. You need to go see him, you know he’s waiting for you. And after making up some excuse about a cough accumulating within you, you’re gone, striding out the front doors and making your way across campus and to his door. 
It’s a twenty minute walk but you don’t care, you smile the entire way. All you’re thinking about is how happy you’ll be to see him, how good it will feel to have him hug you, to feel his body pressed against yours again. You want to kiss him, to feel his hand on your face and his fingers exploring you. 
He can hear you coming, your footsteps echoing down the empty hall. When he looks up to see you, an expression of awe paints his handsome face. Why does he feel like it’s been so long since he’s last seen you? It was only a week. 
“Hi,” Stepping inside, you smile, falling for him all over again.
Today he’s wearing a velvety corduroy button-up, the burnt-orange color matching his personality. You aren’t sure how to explain it. It just makes him… pop. He looks stunning. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, allowing you to see the muscles in his forearms. And admittedly, you find it wildly attractive. He’s wearing his watch on his wrist and his thin gold chain around his neck, pieces you’ve never seen him without. Due to the top two buttons being undone, you can see more of his chest than you ever have before, even more so when he takes off his reading glasses to fold them over the front slit. 
He breathes your name, the word floating joyously from his mouth. Standing, he steps to the side of his desk, walking up to you with open arms. As always, you gladly accept his hug, wrapping your arms around his neck when he pulls you in. And when you’re fully in his arms, you feel him sigh. You can hear the emotion in his heavy breath, and it makes you sad. 
Keeping your voice low, you whisper, “I missed you.” 
Like before, his hand rises to the back of your head, applying light pressure and brushing over your hair in quite a passionate manner. He loves this, feeling you against him, having your gorgeous frame in his embrace again. 
Emotion overcomes him as he rubs your back, nodding gently before returning your affections. “I missed you too, sweet thing.” 
He notices when you squeeze him tighter, and he grins, pulling back to kiss the side of your head. “I like you being here with me.” He mumbles against you, closing his eyes when he says, “Your responses made my entire day.” 
“I’m so sorry I haven’t talked to you.” Leaning back, you look up at him. “I just, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t -”
Oberyn ends your rambling with a searing kiss, unwilling to let you stutter out your anxieties any more. He wants you to feel at peace when you’re with him. 
He holds your face in both of his hands, your own hands moving to grab his forearms. You absolutely melt into him, letting his mouth move against you. For the first time, his lips part, his tongue sliding out. He drags it across your lower lip, hearing your soft moan when you ultimately open your mouth more for him. Oberyn’s free hand travels to your waist, holding and squeezing you gently while he kisses you, the warm muscle of his tongue now meeting your own. 
“You sweet, little thing.” He murmurs, his lips continuously returning to you. 
Your heart is racing, your body feeling light as he holds you, touches you. Just like before his free hand slides further down, grabbing your backside and fondling it with his digits. He takes the breath from your lungs with the way he’s moving against you, and it’s in this moment that you make your decision. You want him, you need to have him.
“Oberyn,” You briefly pull away, holding his pretty face. “I’m tired.” 
It’s nearly 10pm, and what you’re saying is true. It might also be your way of taking him home with you.
“Oh,” He breathes out, swallowing before he nods, ultimately backing away from you, “Okay.”
But you smile timidly, reaching out for his hands. “Will you walk me home?”
Nodding, he agrees. “Of course, sweet thing.” 
You want to reassure him of your interest, so you step forward, closing the small gap he’d created between the two of you. 
“Can I borrow your coat again?” You ask him sweetly, smiling up at him. He watches as you tilt your head to the side, letting go of his hands to run your palms up his chest. “I like wearing it; smells like you.” 
“You do?” He returns, that gorgeous grin appearing once again.
“Mhm,” Comes your soft nod, eyeing that little dimple his smile is making. “You’re so cute.” It comes out before you realize it, but if you had the chance to go back and change it, you wouldn’t. 
Oberyn sighs, reaching up to hold your chin with his forefinger and thumb. “You interest me greatly, little one.” 
Before leaving, Oberyn turns to lock his office for the night. He intends to go home after spending some time with you, deciding to grade the rest of his papers in the morning. 
As always, Oberyn lets you use his coat, but this time he doesn’t just walk beside you down the path. This time, he reaches out to hold your hand. It’s the first time he’s ever held it, and you let him, glancing down as his fingers wrap around you. Your heart squeezes with joy, moving to walk a little bit closer to him. 
It’s quiet and calm, your late night stroll, and you can see the moon hanging in the sky above you. Your head tilts back as you stare, looking at the stars and any constellations that are visible to you. But Oberyn doesn’t look up, he just looks at you. Inside, he’s a bit sad. He wants to kiss you, wants to do so much more with you. But he has to accept that you may not be ready for that, you may not ever be ready for that. And if that’s the case, then that’s okay. He’s glad he was able to have those moments with you.
When you reach your stairs, you don’t let go of his hand, instead bringing him up to your door with you. He’s surprised by this, but follows you willingly. And for some reason, when you reach your door, you hesitate. 
“Will you…” Starting to mutter, you turn around to face him. You don’t take his coat off, either. “Would you want to come inside?”
Oberyn considers this. Is he really going to let your relationship go there? It’s not a promise of anything more, not really. But even if it was, he’d say yes. He wants more of you; he craves it, feels desperate for it. 
“You want me to?”
Alongside your nod, you grin. “Yes please.” He chuckles at your eager gesture and wording, agreeing to follow you into your home. 
Continuing to hold his hand, you unlock your door and pull him inside. That baritone voice laughs from behind you at your excited motions, watching as you turn to shut and lock the door behind you. 
“Oberyn,” You say as soon as he turns to face you. “I want you.” 
And that’s all he needs. Raising his brows in brief shock, he immediately moves forward, watching you walk backward until your back is pressed against your front door. He’s on you in seconds, breathing out a forceful sigh through his nose as he returns his beautiful lips to your own. They’re so soft and smooth, talented, too. Instead of holding his cheeks, your hands slide around, rising to the back of his neck with your fingers digging into his hair. 
“You want me?” He mumbles against you, kissing your cheek. “Tell me again.” 
“I do,” Nodding, you gasp quietly when he nudges your head to the side with his nose, placing a flurry of fiery kisses along your throat. “I want you…” 
Rolling his eyes back before closing them, Oberyn groans. Both of those broad palms fall to your hips, curling around once again to paw at your ass. One of them rises though, sliding along your side and stopping just below your bust. Ever so gently, Oberyn’s pelvis pushes forward, just barely applying pressure over yours. 
“You’re a beautiful thing, sweetheart.” He murmurs to you, his kisses growing sloppy along your neck. And when your fingers curl, tugging on his dark hair, he groans. “Can I touch you?” 
“Yes,” It’s a passionate moan, your eyes closing and mouth falling open when his hand lifts to cup your breast. 
He does it as soon as he hears your response, squeezing you softly in his hand. “Everything about you…” He murmurs, teeth grazing over your throbbing pulse. “Is just so sweet and soft.” 
“I feel like I can’t get enough of you.”
“You want more of me?”
“Yes, Oberyn. Please.”
Suddenly, Oberyn’s hands fall to your thighs, wrapping them beneath you and hauling you up to his waist. He urges you to wrap your legs around him, continuing to press your back against the door. To say the least, you’re incredibly surprised by his strength. Lifting his head, he smiles against your lips, kissing them and then your chin, your cheek and then your temple, too. 
“Where can I take you?” Comes his breathless inquiry, gently brushing the tip of his nose over your own. 
“My bedroom, baby.” Jesus, he thinks, moaning tenderly at the small, affectionate nickname. “Turn around, it’s down the hall.” 
Hauling you off of the front door, you inhale a sharp breath, once again surprised by the strength he possesses. Easily, he turns his body, holding you against him while your arms wrap around his neck. You kiss him there while he strides down the hall, his smile deepening at the sweet press of your lips. 
Your door is already open, so he enters freely. Due to the light of a small lamp on your desk, he’s able to see the entirety of your room. The color of the walls is a deep hue, a red tone that matches the sheets on your bed. The furniture in your room is made of dark wood and it reminds him of the desk and tables in his office, and the lamp on your nightstand has a similar hue to the one in his office, too. And the way you’ve decorated your space is a true reflection of you. There are vases of flowers and greenery on your dressers and desk, a few pictures hung up of you with your family and friends. You have a tapestry hung on one wall made with the colors of beige and gray, something that strikes him as unique; similar to how he sees you. And above all, he notices that your space is neat, making him that much more comfortable to be here with you. 
Leaning over your bed, he’s gentle as he sets you down, but he doesn’t leave you. Hovering above your frame, he returns his lips to you, kissing the softness of your mouth before his tongue returns, too. He feels your body, grunting softly when you lift your legs on either side of him, planting the soles of your feet on the bed. 
“How has someone not taken you?” He wonders aloud, this thought genuine and one that’s come into his mind many times. 
“Oberyn, will you,” Pausing, you try to steady your breath. “Will you let me see more of you?” 
You’d do anything to see this man naked. If he’s anything like you’ve imagined, you know he’ll make you wet just from the sight of him. His smile grows over your cheek as he kisses you here, too. 
“Only if I can see more of you.” Leaning back to gauge your reaction, he sees you nod, sitting up a bit higher before to shrug his coat off of your shoulders. Sliding it from your arms, your fingers then find the end of your shirt.
Quickly, you lift it off of you, watching Oberyn’s eyes fall to your chest. You’re wearing a light purple bra, a color he finds completely endearing on you. And while he stares, his fingers move to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt, your own eyes falling to his chest, too. When he’s completely opened his button-up, he allows it to fall off his shoulders, placing it on the end of your bed. And to say your breath has been taken away would be an understatement. Reaching out, you place a hand on his toned stomach, feeling the firm muscles there. His chest is toned, too, along with his biceps and forearms. It’s wildly impressive to see him like this, to see how truly fit he is. 
“Lay back for me,” He nods once, his deep voice requesting your attention. Your eyes flicker up to his, watching as he lowers himself back down to you. “You let me know if it’s too much. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” His breaths fans out over your chest as he says this, your fingers returning to the thick locks of his hair. 
“Okay,” You whisper timidly in return, mewling quietly when you feel the first press of his full lips. 
He kisses the center of your chest, his mouth moving over your plump flesh. Every moan you exude prompts him to continue, his fingers sliding up and curling over the edge of the cups on your bra. Softly, he tugs them down, revealing your breasts to him. 
“Oh…” He moans, instantly lowering his mouth to your naked nipples. 
Those full lips wrap around one of your pebbled peaks, and when he sucks it inside, you cry out for him. Arching your back, you feel his tongue swirl around it, licking you passionately. You don’t notice it at first, but your hips have begun moving, grinding up against his own. When you do realize this, you can feel him above you, the hardened length of him straining against his pants. 
“Can I undress you?” He asks, those deep brown eyes looking up at you. Glancing down, you see him, his handsome face resting above you. Keeping your gaze, Oberyn’s tongue lays out, licking across the soft curve of your left breast. Your mouth drops open completely at this, brows folding up in the center while he performs this seductive act before you. 
“Answer me, sweet thing.”
“What did I say?” He teases with a grin.
“I don’t, I don’t remember.” Cori was right, you really are under a spell.
Oberyn chuckles, his fingers sliding around to your back so he can undo your bra. “Is this okay?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your jawline. Giving him a tiny moan and a nod, he continues, undoing the clasp and sliding your bra off of you. 
“Oh,” Comes his mesmerized sigh, leaning up so both of his hands can hold you. “Such a perfect thing…” 
Obsessively, he kisses you, worships your chest in the best ways that he knows how to. He allows his emotions to take over, his body running wild with arousal and adrenaline. Every time you keen for him he throbs in his boxers, feeling himself leak against the fabric. Rolling his hips into the space between your legs, he moans, nipping gently at your delicate skin. Oberyn then begins to lower himself, kissing your ribcage and stomach, your hip bones once he gets to them. And the only protest you have when he does this, is that he’s gotten too far away for you to keep your grasp on his hair. 
Slowly, he removes the rest of your clothes, his eyes closed as he hooks his fingers around the edge of your yoga pants. He slides both your leggings and underwear off in one go, kissing every inch of skin he reveals as he pulls the pieces of fabric down your legs. And when they’re gone, you suddenly feel extremely vulnerable, emotionally and physically naked. 
Kneeling on the ground just before the edge of your bed, Oberyn places himself right between your legs. His hands fall to the undersides of your thighs, lifting them to his shoulders while he kisses your sensitive skin. 
“Baby,” You whine, feeling him soothe one of his bites with a gentle kiss. 
“Can I lick you, sweetling?” He then asks, making your heart lurch into your throat. 
Lifting yourself onto your forearms, you look down at him. “You want to?”
Deciding to repeat your earlier words, he smirks before saying, “Yes please.” 
Again, he holds your gaze, leaning forward at an incredibly slow pace. Just barely, he purses his lips, kissing your sensitive skin once he makes contact with it. Sucking in a sharp breath, your jaw drops open, feeling him kiss you directly on the center of your sex. 
“Does it feel good?” He asks, kissing your pink lips again. 
“Oh, yes…”
“Do you want more of it?” His voice has become deeper, his eyes darker. 
Gulping, you tilt your chin down, giving him a reassuring nod and a quiet, “Yes.”
Closing his eyes, his tongue returns once again, sliding up the seam of your sex. And even though he can no longer see you, you can’t help but stare at him. He moans as he does it, enjoying how the space between your pretty, pretty legs tastes. 
“Oh…” Your head falls back between your shoulder blades, Oberyn’s hands sliding up and down your outer thighs and leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
With tender swipes, he licks into you, sighing deeply when he feels you squirm. He loves experiencing the ways you react to him. Every groan he gives vibrates through your being, and it's not long before you allow your arms to rest and fall onto your back, fingers reaching for the sheets. 
When he moves up to your tingling bud, you give him your first true cry of the night, feeling his lips wrap around it and suck. It seems as though this is his turning point, the time where he turns from gentle and timid to passionate and sure. He leans in, pressing himself into you while grabbing the soft flesh of your thighs. He squeezes you in his hands, swirling his tongue around your clit while he continues suckling on it. 
“Oberyn, please…” Reaching down, you find his hair once again, fingers digging into his dark strands. He groans sharply at this, almost growling against you. 
Feeling him between your legs is an entirely different experience, and something you never expected to happen. But you’re thrilled, absolutely thrilled that your relationship has gone in this direction. 
The fervent laps of his tongue on your sensitive clit make your thighs shake, tightening their embrace on either side of his head. You’re sucking in deep gulps of air, your hips slightly rolling upward and shoving yourself further against his mouth. And he lets you do this, lets you circle yourself over his face while he continues to drink from you. 
“Oh my g-god…” When he hears you say this, he grins, hoping that you’ll cum for him. He’s not even fully undressed yet but he knows he wants to fuck you. He’s praying you’ll let him do that to you. 
A quiet hiss slips past your lips, your eyebrows furrowing together as you begin to experience your high. It comes on slowly, gently, the blissful sensation of it coming directly from his lips. Oberyn moans into you, his hungry mouth continuing to move over you. 
“O-Oberyn…” Suddenly, your hips buck up against him, and that’s when he holds you down. 
The muscles in his arms flex as he does it, his fervent mouth relentless against your throbbing core. He can feel you fluttering on his tongue, can feel the slickness of your cum rush out of your sex and into his mouth. 
“Ye-es! Please, please don't s-stop!”
He doesn’t, he wouldn't. He keeps the perfect amount of pressure, his pace unwavering until your body truly starts to shake. The overstimulation of his tongue licking you after you’ve cum is almost too much, the hands once pulling him in now pushing him away. When he finally removes himself from you, it’s only from your sensitive center. Turning his head, his lips return, peppering your inner thighs with fervent kisses. 
“Please,” You suddenly whine, reaching out for him. “Please come up here.”
As soon as he lifts himself, he meets you with a blinding kiss, one hand falling to your cheek while holding himself up on his forearm. He’s panting above you, his jawline and lips covered in the essence of you. 
“Did you like it, sweetling?” His voice is thick as he speaks to you, full of complete lust for you. “Did you like feeling my tongue on you?”
The hand on your cheek drops to your chest, fondling your breasts. Whenever he isn’t speaking to you, he’s putting his mouth on you, his teeth currently digging into your shoulder while he huffs out against you. 
“Oberyn, I can’t, I can’t believe you wanted that, wanted to do that.”
Rising just a bit, he growls into your ear, “I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I met you.” 
This strikes you right in the heart, right in the center of your being. He’s truly felt this way about you since then? Since you stumbled into his office by accident? 
“I want you, pretty thing. I want to have you.” He’s desperate for it; he doesn’t want to wait any longer to take you. 
Turning your head and using your hands, you bring him back to you. He kisses you with fervor, working himself up as he begins to roll his hips against you. 
“Do you want that, too?” He mumbles against your lips, and you can taste yourself on them. 
“I do.” Trying to catch your breath, you nod to the side. “Go into my nightstand. I have condoms in there.” 
Shooting upright, he does as you say, sliding open the top drawer of the small piece of furniture to find just what he’s looking for. And when he grabs it, he moves back, standing and taking off the rest of his clothing. Now this you want to see. 
Just like he did with you, he slides his pants and boxers off in one go, dropping them onto your floor. As soon as he’s freed of his clothing, you see him hanging heavy between his legs. A small, wanton moan floats freely from your lips as you stare at him, the size of his length honestly impressing you. But Oberyn doesn’t have time to look up at you, he knows you’re gawking at him. Of course you are, it’s the first time he’s been naked in front of you. 
He grunts slightly when he rolls the condom onto himself, sighing out deeply as he slides it down. Licking your lower lip, you internally hope you get to see him like this again. There’s no way you won’t go down on him if you get this chance again. 
“Lay back for me,” He repeats, returning to you quickly. And he watches as you move, shimmying further up on the bed so he can climb on with you. 
With one hand, he grabs his base, releasing a deep breath above you. Leaning on his forearm, he swallows, now looking up at you. Briefly, he worries; should you both be doing this? 
“It’s okay, baby,” Nodding, you reach out, holding either side of his face once again. He really likes when you do that. “Go on… please.”
Upon your request, he moves forward, connecting your lips when he notches his head at your entrance. The slightest amount of pressure from him makes you gasp, moaning into his mouth when he continues forward. 
“Oberyn,” Your hands slide around, holding the back of his head as you pant out quick breaths. 
“Take me,” He says in return, pressing his forehead to your own. “Take all of me, sweet thing.” 
“Oh…” His words make you moan, pressing your head back into the pillows. 
“Ugh,” It’s his first true, guttural groan, punching out of his lungs when he’s entirely seated inside. 
Oberyn’s muscular body presses against you as he allows himself to fall just the slightest bit. You can feel the weight of him, but not unbearably so, just enough for you to know he’s there. And it’s comforting to you. Again, you lift your legs, only this time you wrap them around him.
“How does it feel, sweetling?” Oberyn asks, swallowing thickly. He’s struggling, he’s throbbing. 
“Baby,” Clinging to him desperately, you whine. “You know how good it feels.” 
Shoving his head into the crook of your neck, he groans, grinding his hips into you. And before you even have time to fully moan, he’s pulling himself back halfway before re-sheathing himself inside you. 
This isn’t the first time you’ve had sex, you know how a man feels. But there’s something about the way he rocks himself into you that’s just… different. It’s fiery, overwhelming… it’s consuming you. 
He’s making more noise than you expected him to, grunts and groans as he picks up his pace, relentlessly sliding himself into you. Turning your head, you purr devilishly beneath him. “Do you enjoy being inside me, Oberyn?” Brushing aside the hair on his forehead, you hum, pressing your smile against his cheek.
“You enticing little thing…” He groans in response, opening his smiling mouth to breathe. 
“Tell me.” You request again. He then gives you a forceful thrust, making you gasp. 
“I love this,” Oberyn finally admits, deciding to now reciprocate your sweet wording. “I love being inside you, baby.” 
“Oh, I love it when you call me that, I love it…” You’re finding it difficult to keep this up, your small conversation. He’s continuing to pick up the pace of his hips, his muscles tensing and flexing against your bare skin. 
“You beautiful thing, letting me have you.” He mutters into your shoulder, grunting with each powerful thrust of his hips. Oberyn’s hand lowers, finding your thigh and grabbing for the beautiful curves of your backside. And then he moves his face, dropping it down to your chest to lick along the curves of your breasts. He’s touching every part of you that he can.
“Oberyn,” Shoving your head back, you arch against him, feeling his teeth graze your pebbled skin. Sloppily, he laps at your left nipple, breathing heavily against your perfectly pliant body. “It feels so, so good when you touch me like that.”
“Really?” He inquires, groaning forcefully when he feels your hips begin to roll up to meet his thrusts. “I’ll do it more often, then.” 
“You will?”
“Yes,” His deep voice promises, “If you’ll let me.”
“I’ll let you.” Breathing out a laugh, you shake your head. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”
Lifting his head, he presses his nose to your cheek. “Is that a promise?”
Without verbally responding, you turn your head, bringing his lips back to yours. It’s sloppy, the repeated reunion of your lips, Oberyn’s tongue diving inside your mouth and allowing you to taste your own sex. 
“Oberyn!” His thrusts have become so forceful that they’ve hit something deep inside you, something that makes you squirm and cry out for him. 
“Give into it,” He suddenly demands, “Give into the sensation of it, sweet thing.”
Digging your nails into his upper back, your eyes roll, closing entirely as he finally begins to shake above you. His moans echo into the back of your mouth, his heated breaths washing your lips with a humid wetness. 
“Fuck,” You wine quietly, clinging to him. 
Oberyn can feel how deeply you’re being affected by his actions, can feel your insides pulsating around him. And he wants to bring you another high. So, he changes his angle again, shifting his legs so he can pound himself down into your fluttering center. 
“Oberyn, please,” Comes your high cry. “P-Please don’t stop.”
His hips slap down against your own, groaning into your shoulder as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck once more. Your stuttered whines sound similar to the noises you made when he was between your thighs, a sense of satisfaction blooming inside him when he feels your hips start to jerk beneath him. 
“Where do you want me, sweetheart?” He chokes out, “Do you want me inside?”
“Yes, yes, yesyesyes!”
Your body rocks with every one of his thrusts, finally feeling his muscles seize up. While his tip keeps pressure over your sensitive inner space, his hips stall, now grinding deeply into you. A sensation of absolute bliss floods his body, euphoria filling him from head to toe. Pinching his eyes shut, he groans, huffing out deep breaths into your neck. And your limbs continue to hold him, keeping him inside while you release around his length. 
“Perfect girl,” He groans out harshly. “Doing just what I ask of you.”
As your body shivers beneath him, your hands begin to soothe the pain you brought to his skin. Gently, your fingertips run over the marks your nails made along his skin, feeling the tightness in his muscles begin to relax. He admires this about you, your genuine care for him. 
Once he catches his breath, Oberyn begins to kiss you all over again. He starts at your shoulder, making his way up your neck, across your jawline, over your chin. And when he gets to your lips, you’re smiling, and all because of him. 
Slowly and gently, he pulls out of you, sighing out a breath once he does. But he doesn’t move away from you, he keeps himself pressed to your skin. Snuggling his arms between your back and the bed, he holds you, allowing you to steady your breaths in unison. 
“Will you stay?” You quietly ask, petting his hair. He wonders if he should. 
Lifting his head from your neck, he looks down at you, his expression unreadable for a moment. Those deep eyes search your own, staring into your soul. Internally, you each wonder… could this be more?
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likecastle · 2 years
Ronance Femslash February - postmarked for January
Thank you again to @marbledswissroll for the prompt “postmarked for january.” I tweaked the wording a little because I couldn’t quite work it in as it was originally phrased, but hopefully it’s close enough!
I’m accepting Ronance prompts all month for Femslash February. I have a few more prompts in my inbox, but I’ve still need a few more to get me through the end of the month, so please send them my way! Anon asks are totally fine, and you’re welcome to send more than one prompt. Don’t be shy! You can find previous prompts I’ve filled here.
Robin is putting up a flyer for the marching band fundraiser when Nancy Wheeler walks into the post office, carrying a manila envelope so carefully it might as well be the Declaration of Independence. For a minute Robin thinks they’re both going to do what they usually do when they cross paths at school, and pretend they didn’t throw a metric ton of fireworks at a monster made of liquefied people last summer, but Nancy meets her eye with a tentative smile, and Robin realizes she must want an audience for this momentous occasion.
“College application?” Robin asks, and this conversation already feels like an uphill battle. She should have just pretended not to see Nancy, or faked amnesia, or something.
“Yeah,” Nancy says, with a little shrug that Robin’s sure is supposed to seem modest, but she can tell Nancy is pleased with herself.
“Got your heart set on someplace special?” she asks, because she knows Nancy wants her to ask.
“Emerson,” Nancy says, with more starry-eyed enthusiasm than she’s ever said her actual boyfriend’s name. “My mom and I did a bunch of campus visits in September, and I just fell in love. I sort of thought I’d go to NYU, maybe Northwestern as a backup, but after I sat in on a class at Emerson, I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else. And hopefully I can get an internship at the Globe, or—” She pauses, looking charmingly chagrinned, though Robin notices that her hands are clenched tight around the corners of the envelope. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” She gives another one of those sweetly self-effacing shrugs. “Are you . . . applying anywhere?”
Robin tries not to read too much into the question, because if she did, she’d have to hear the implication that Nancy isn’t sure if Robin’s cut out for college, despite the fact that they have AP English and French Club and Trig together. Or maybe she just doesn’t think Robin’s family can afford to send her to school—which is a lot closer to the truth. She’ll be holding her breath about scholarships until April. “Just IU,” she says. “But not early decision, so the application doesn’t have to be postmarked til January.”
Nancy’s eyes widen, and if Robin didn’t know better, she’d say Nancy looks worried on her behalf. “You don’t think you should apply to a couple more schools, just in case? Not,” she adds quickly, “that I think you won’t get in, it’s just . . .”
Robin shrugs, trying for a carelessness she doesn’t really feel. “If I don’t get in, I’ll just use the money I’ve been saving for tuition on a trip across Europe. Just, you know, stay in hostels and sleep on people’s couches until my funds run out. I mean, I might do that even if I do get in.”
“Oh,” Nancy says, and her cheeks, Robin thinks, are faintly pink—from shock at Robin’s cavalier attitude, no doubt. She expects to get another little lecture about responsible choices, but what Nancy says is, “That, um . . . sounds nice.”
“Who knows,” Robin adds with a grin, “maybe I’ll bring Steve with me to be my chauffeur. Oh my god, he’d get so pissy about European traffic, don’t you think?”
“Right.” Nancy’s expression is tight, and Robin realizes too late that she’s crossed some line she shouldn’t have. “Well, I should—get this in the mail.” Nancy gestures toward the counter with the envelope, which is significantly bent at the edges now. “I’ll, um—good luck. With your application.”
“You, too,” Robin says, but Nancy is already turning away.
Robin tries to imagine it—Nancy walking with an armful of books across some perfectly-groomed campus green. Robin’s never been to Boston—never been anywhere, really—but she imagines brick buildings covered with ivy, students with sweaters tied over their shoulders talking about spending their summer vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, wherever that is. It doesn’t fill her with jealousy, exactly. It’s not what she wants for herself, but she does envy Nancy that her future seems so clear. She’s a star student applying early decision to the school of her dreams, and Robin wonders what it must feel like to be sure that she’ll get in, that she’ll be able to afford it, that she’ll get everything she wants.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
The recent Vol. 9 trailer and some rereads through your AUs have had me absolutely craving more Salem's Vessel... pls (if you don't have any interest in the concept anymore then no worries gjejfne)
Ruby smiled a bit as she took in a breath of fresh air as she stepped off the airship from Beacon. Even if it was Weiss’s idea to walk around, she had to admit that getting off campus and away from the other students felt nice. And to top it off, it was just a quiet day with her team. 
“Are you sure you can trust them out here?” Salem asked. 
Well, mostly quiet. Ruby’s smile started to fade as she slowed down her pace while Weiss didnt notice as she continued to ramble on about seeing the visiting students. “I never said I trust them, but that doesnt mean I’m not going to try to figure out what they want,” Ruby said in a hushed whisper. “Yang is my sister and I trust her to keep me safe. Blake… I’m still not sure about her but besides romance books, whatever she’s hiding doesnt seem to be dangerous yet. And Weiss… I genuinely want to get to know her and find out why she’s like this. I know she’s from Atlas but that doesnt explain anything.” 
“Seems like you’re learning.” 
“Learning or finally trying to figure out who my team is. You do have a point that I cant blindly trust everyone, but at the same time, I’d like to make friends with them.” 
“You really think you can be friends with a spoiled heiress?” 
“I’m not sure, but if she’s willing to try, then I can too.” 
“Ruby!” Yang called out. “You’re falling behind!” 
Ruby sighed and whispered to herself. “Please stay quiet today. I want one day without you popping into my head.” She quickly rushed back to the group with her semblance, leaving a trail of petals behind her as she took her spot next to Weiss once again. “Sorry about that.” 
“Please try to not fall too far behind,” Weiss said as she continued walking down the street, her eyes looking around for anyone who looked like students. “We’re here to bond and hopefully find out more about our competition for the Vytal Festival.” 
“Who said we were doing that?” Blake asked. 
“Why wouldnt you want to?” Weiss paused and looked at Blake with a curious eye. “If we win, we could be on the fast track to being huntresses! People will know who we are and what we can do!” 
“Maybe some of us dont actually want that.” 
Ruby rolled her eyes as she listened to Weiss and Blake argue pointlessly again like usual. Weiss seemed determined to get some sort of standing while at Beacon and Blake was practically her polar opposite: someone who seemed to want to stay in the shadows of the other students and be out of the way. And in a way, Ruby could relate to that. How much easier it was to sit back and let others take the limelight while she faded away as a normal girl. Instead, here she was leader of her team, two years younger than everyone else, and practically a prodigy after training with Qrow and her father. “Maybe we can find something else to do.” 
“Like what?” Weiss asked. “Dont you care about who we’ll face?” 
“A little, but not enough to argue about it. Besides, werent you the one who said that you wanted to try to get along with us?” 
Weiss frowned and huffed. “Fine, we’ll do something else.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit as she continued walking with her team through Vale. Though, it didnt take long for her to stop once more once she saw police tape covering the entrance to one of the dust shops in town. And once again, she found herself on edge as Weiss spoke, disdain in her voice.
“Great, another dust shop robbery. Probably the White Fang again.” 
“Maybe it wasnt the White Fang!” Blake practically yelled out. “Not everything has to be their fault.” 
“Who else could it be?” 
“Maybe that Torchwick guy Ruby ran into a couple months back,” Yang suggested. “He never was caught so its possible he’s starting back up again.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Unless he’s specifically targeting SDC supplied dust shops-” 
“Considering the SDC is the biggest supplier, that’s not hard.” Blake sighed and started to walk off. “Can we drop it, please? If, and that’s a bit if, its the White Fang, then we can let the authorities handle it.” 
“Oh, like the way they handle everything else?” 
Ruby hesitated as she watched Blake’s bow twitch at the mention of the White Fang and the way her tone seemed to shift as she almost seemed defensive at the idea they were responsible.
“You noticed too,” Salem said calmly in Ruby’s head. “For all you know she could be part of them.” 
“I never thought that,” Ruby lied in a quiet whisper to herself. “Though, I guess it wouldnt surprise me if she had been. Or still is.” 
“Then you’ll need to watch her carefully. The Heiress to the SDC and a member of the White Fang on the same team. If you’re not careful, you’ll get stuck in whatever war they end up waging against each other.” 
Ruby sighed and started to walk after Blake as her mind raced. It was becoming more obvious that while Blake was hiding she was a faunus, she may have been wrong about what else was being hidden. “Then what exactly do you suggest?” 
“Find out what Blake is really hiding and why Weiss is really here. Gain their trust and use them to your goals. Everyone is a piece for you to use. Each has their different uses, but if you play them right, then you can make your own desires your reality.” 
“Like how you’re using me?” 
“"Using” is a strong word. I prefer… teaching.” 
“Let me handle this one on my own.” Ruby half listened to Blake and Weiss argue while Yang tried to keep them calm. “And if I cant get things to work, then I’ll do things your way.”
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whentherewerebicycles · 10 months
I am soooooo sleepy still but god I feel so much better physically and emotionally. the swelling isn’t totally gone but it’s not as noticeable and it doesn’t hurt anymore so massive improvement over the last couple days. I have a feeling the anxiety will come creeping back in as it always does but I’m going to try to really savor the post-healthy scan reprieve and I hope that the next time it surges I’ll be better equipped to handle it (more data, therapy, etc).
I also feel better having gotten through that workshop! there was a small group of boys in the back who talked through the entire thing—I was kinda shocked the prof whose class I was visiting didn’t say anything to them?—so I had to do a lot more classroom management than you typically have to do in a college class, but idk when I sat down with them in small groups and facilitated the activity they did a decent job with it. the other two groups (all girls lol) were super engaged and had a great discussion. so whatever lol. I get the sense that students here are very used to being talked at and then when they do small group activities some of them view that as like, well the teaching has stopped so I can do whatever I want now as this obviously doesn’t matter. but it was fun to think on the drive home about how I would tackle that challenge if I was their long-term prof. I think in my past classes we tend to do a lot of activities upfront that are tied to content but are really geared towards teaching students how to be in this type of class (where there’s only brief bursts of lecturing and most of the actual work is hands-on or student-led in their groups). so then you get practice and you learn the expectations and hopefully also you get to experience how much more engaging/useful it is to learn that way so there’s more buy-in from the group as a whole. anyway much to think about. I hope they let me teach soon!!!!!
okay. I have two workshops left this week but only one of them requires more prep (and even that one won’t be too bad—I just gotta find a bunch of specific examples and add a few more slides). today is a campus day but it’s a super easy one. here goes:
6:30-8 can do some mindless scrolling but also brainstorm for slides, answer faculty emails, etc.
8-9 shower/get ready
9ish leave for work… I will let myself buy a nice coffee and a breakfast burrito again if I want. I am giving myself lots of little treats this week as it has been a kinda rough one lol.
10-11 CJ mtg
11-11:30 brainstorm troika problem (I think use the DS program/summer programs issue)
11:30-12:30 lunch with KA
1-2 faculty mtg
2-3 team mtg (troika)
3ish drive home so I can walk the dogs before it gets dark maybe?
3:30-4:30 take an actual long walk with the dogs these poor creatures have been trapped inside for days.
watch hockey game but remember therapist is calling at 6 to schedule. maybe put the game on the TV and then try to finish slides on my laptop while watching
6:30-9:30 choir
collapse into bed zzzzzz these “late nights” on thursdays kill me lol I need to be tucked into bed by 7 these days
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twopoppies · 2 years
Not related to the doc at all, but wanted to ask since you were once a New Yorker (that sounds weird, but I know you’re settled in LA now), would you recommend cities like Albany for people pursuing an education there? To live there for a couple years? Have a good scholarship at a school there and don’t know much about what it’d be like there. (For reference, I’m from a city in Texas, so… maybe a bit different from NY lol.) Getting close to my college decision deadline and I’m really not too sure 🙃
Hi sweetheart. I grew up in New York City, so Albany is very, very far from what I’m familiar with. I do think SUNY Albany is supposed to be a good school, though. And I’d imagine it’s a college town, so probably a fun place to live during those years. It’s cold af up there, though. So make sure you’re prepared for that.
Unless what you want to study is something that school doesn’t have a decent reputation for, or you’re wanting to go into a field where it’s super important you went to a top school for that field, I think getting a good scholarship is a great reason to choose a school. You don’t want to be saddled with student loans when you graduate. And most careers focus less on where you went to school and more on that you went and did well and are prepared for whatever job you’re applying for.
Hopefully you can go visit the campus and get a sense of what it’s like there before making a final decision. Best of luck!!
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teplo-time · 1 year
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This photo gave me a lot of gender euphoria.
I live in Florida, and with SB254 being passed, things are looking rough for trans people. Despite this, I just went to the doctor today and they're going to get me a referral for an endocrinologist so I can get testosterone. Fingers crossed everything goes well.
I'll be 18 in two and a half weeks, which will make trans stuff easier but also mean I can finally cut contact with my dad. He's incredibly transphobic, and once said to me "I'm not homophobic because I wouldn't kill a f*g", a pretty poor argument when trying to convince someone you're not homophobic. I never lived with him growing up but I still saw him pretty often as he got visitation. I just saw him two days ago, and hopefully the last time I see him will be when I visit him for my obligatory 18th Birthday Celebration with Extended Family ™. That will be a couple days before the actual day so I don't spoil my birthday with his presence lol. Currently, I'm living alone as I moved out early so I could be near campus (I'm a college student). My dad doesn't know this and thinks I still live with my mum. I decided to not tell him because not only did I originally suspect he would try to show up where I live, but he actually told me over the Christmas holiday that he planned to drop my sister off with me for free babysitting. Suffice to say I wouldn't be too thrilled. End father rant.
I'll keep y'all updated on the endocrinologist, wish me luck!
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emilyrosediary · 2 years
Hi lovelies, my name is Emily Rose!! I’m starting this blog post on January 2, 2023. Why on a random Monday did I start a blog? Well, hello to anyone this post happens to reach. Butterfly thoughts is a place for my words. A place where I can share my mental health journey, my thoughts on life, and my journey as I exit my teenage years and venture into my twenties. A place I have to look back on and watch my growth. My digital diary. So thanks so much for stopping by, it's lovely to have you!!
Although this blog was started for me, it's for anyone reading this as well.  It's for those who feel completely lost, those who aren't sure how they'll ever recover, those who are content with where they are at, and those who want to grow out of their cocoon. It's truly a space of healing for me and hopefully for you too. 
Though I'd start by sharing my mental health journey in just 2022 (we'll peek back to years prior later on). I started January of 2022 home like every other college student. Spending time with my family, my friends, my church family, and fearing the upcoming semester. I had a picture perfect life from the outside. A seemingly good relationship, good friends who supported and missed me while I was away, an incredible family who loved and cheered me on. Yet, life isn't always as cookie cutter as the outside appearance makes it seem. Internally I was struggling a lot: I stopped taking my medication, I distracted myself to avoid how I was feeling, and I had been out of therapy for way too long. I often refer to this as my caterpillar stage, going through the motions of life without thinking anything else could change, this just is what life is. I returned to university a few weeks later to begin my spring semester. I would consider my load average for a student at my university but with a double major and a minor I felt the load on my plate. It became a lot for me to handle. I quickly began to neglect my friends, stopped eating almost entirely, and skipped class often. I ended up going through a long distance breakup valentines day of 2022. That was the last straw for me; unfortunately, the spiral continued to worsen. February 15th, 2022 was the first time I had held a razor to my skin in my dorm shower. Crying quietly almost the entire day everyday, pretty much never leaving my dorm room, and continuing to harm my body everyday. I had called my mom to tell her I wasn’t doing good and wanted to come home for a visit. She reminded me how strong I was and that I could handle this. About a week later I realized I had been suffering in silence and I wouldn’t survive this episode unless I got help.
So that day I called our college crisis center. It was terrifying. I have heard so many horror stories about horrible things happening in these kinds of offices. But it was a life or death situation. That day I was referred to the campus social worker who told me it would be best to take medical withdrawal from the university till I was better than I could return in the fall semester with a doctor's approval. I sat in her office bawling in disbelief. How did I become such a danger to myself? We are talking about the girl who had her head down grinding to have a PhD in exactly eight years. The one who had spent forever dreaming about college, poured her soul into choosing the correct university, and the girl who worked to give herself the best community while she was there. We called my dad, discussed the options, and then my mom was taking the hour and a half drive to come pick me up. I spent three hours in that tiny office waiting to collect the essentials and leave my college town for the semester. I had some of my friends come and pray over me while I was there and I am forever grateful for them prioritizing me when they had a million other things going on in their lives. I was texting my roomie/best friend the entire time, she was the most reassuring person through all of this and truly my biggest cheerleader.
My mom arrived and we headed down a few blocks to grab my things from the dorm I loved so much. My sweet sweet friends were all there to help me and to say goodbye. All I remember from that whirlwind of an hour was my roommate crying and hugging me as I promised to get better, knowing that girl was my best friend and my rock and we'd never not be friends even if I wasn’t 50 feet away. We began the drive home, except it wasn't home it was to a hospital so I could be admitted for mental health treatment. I cried most of the way there and assured my mom it was just suicidal ideations and i just needed some help. We arrived and got admitted which is where my mom found out I had been harming myself. I watched my parents' hearts break as I told them the whole truth for the first time. I was admitted to the inpatient mental health program at about midnight. I don’t remember a lot of treatment but it was the start of my cocoon stage. I had sheltered myself away as I realized there was more to life than going through the motions and I was meant for more. I spent roughly nine weeks in treatment. I learned a lot about myself (but i'll end up making an entire post strictly off what I learned in outpatient treatment).
I quickly began seeing a therapist and making sure to meet every other month with my psychiatrist to regulate my meds. By April 2022, I began a new job that I loved. I got back into the toxic relationship that I thankfully got out of a few months later for good. I had one friend at home but was good about keeping up with my very busy college friends. I was back to being super active in church and felt myself coming back to life. I felt the cocoon releasing me. In June I turned 19 and by August I had decided college wasn’t for me. After working at the salon for roughly five months, I decided I wanted to continue on a cosmetology career path. This shocked everyone in my life but it was truly one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. The cocoon had released me from its comforting hold and I began to grow into who I wanted to be. At the start of cosmetology school in September, I had no friends at home, I was single, I desperately missed my life at college (not my studies, just my friends and independence), and wasn't sure what was going to happen. At orientation I met the best girl who quickly became my best friend, she felt like someone I should've known my entire life. I began being fueled with so much passion at school and what I was working on and felt pure love from working on my hair all day to going to the salon to work at night. It is weeks full of busy days but I feel myself loving almost every second of it. That's not to say I didn't end 2022 with struggles but it ended with more good than bad. I truly felt myself GROW this year and it was incredible.
Ok so that was a really long explanation of how we got here: the second day of 2023. But I think it's important to see where you start. And that was my starting point. 
The main message I want to share is that you are loved beyond measure and more than is comprehensible. You are special, you matter, and that does not change. EVER! You have a beautiful life ahead of you. And to the person crying on their shower floor with a blade in your hand, don't. It does get better. I am living proof that we do change, we do grow, and we do become the best versions of ourselves. Sometimes the wings get heavy and I need to rest, but I don't stop. It's never too late to keep growing. I love you, and if you need a reason to stay today stay with me. You woke up this morning for a reason. Don't lose yourself, you beautiful beautiful butterfly. 
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