#and i guess the person playing bruces weird butler
oifaaa · 5 months
DC ttrpg au where the reason why the bats keeping showing up in other heroes cities is bc their own group keeps imploding due to infighting so they just invite themselves to the dms other sessions with different groups
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rainbowcrowley · 4 years
tagged by @smilecapsules! thanks sarah!! it took me FOREVER but hey it was fun and better late than never :D
Which avenger would you recruit to help you plan your birthday? pepper and/or natasha. pepper can handle everything and i think natasha secretly loves doing these things
Which avenger would you switch suits with for a day? tony or sam. i just wanna fly aroooouuuund
Which avenger would you want to train with? oh god i’m so bad at sports and got no stamina... i’d chicken out probably kfjdsklfjsl but i think steve or natasha
Oh No, you need help! Which avenger would you call if you’re in trouble? that depends of... the kind of trouble i’m in?? but my first thought was tony so yeah. tony.
The Avengers are playing basketball, which avenger would you pick first to be on your team?  steve. have you SEEN him.
Uh oh, you got arrested, which avenger were you with? scott lang, of course. he’s got some experience i guess lol
You’re trying to make your ex jealous, which avenger do you pretend to date? uh ah, tough one.. i’d say tony bc he’d totally do that.
You’re out for a good time, and need a wing man/woman, which avenger do you pick for the job? there are so many i’d take with me.. maybe sam? bucky? rhodey? idkkkkk
You woke up with a hangover, which avenger were you drunk with? tony or thor. or both.
You’re going on a road trip, which avenger do you ride with? peter would make a fun road trip buddy
No way! You slept with one of the avengers. Which avenger did you wake up next to? uh. well. idk. this is weird. but.. maybe steve? tony? both? we’ll never know...
Your favorite band is having a concert, which avenger goes with you? tony because he has music TASTE (gonna steal this one from srah bc yes, 100%)
You’re going shopping, and need second opinions, which avenger do you trust to help you pick out outfits? natasha! i think she’s got a good taste. and pepper too!
Your parents want to meet one of your new friends, which avenger do you take to meet your parents? bruce probably. he’s so sweet and soft.
You get injured on a mission, which avenger would you trust to be in charge of your care? steve. i can’t explain that, but steve. (again stealing from sarah bc yup, same)
Your room is a mess, which avenger do you pick to be your butler, and clean your room? don’t think I’d MAKE anyone be my butler, but if I were to ask for help probably wanda because she can pick up objects and move them around faster. kinda like mary poppins Y’ALL (this! sarah, your answers are too good)
You wanna play a prank on the team, but need help. Which avenger do you pick to help you prank the rest of the team? rocket and groot. period.
Time to buy Christmas presents, which avenger is the easiest for you to buy for? i’m so bad at thinking of presents so no one? fkldsjkfösfdök idkkkk
You’re going on a mission but only one other person can go. Which member of the team do you choose to go with you? tony. no more words needed.
i’m tagging @ragnaroeks @ylissianprince @crispsevans @captspaceface and @harringtonbuckley and @annabthschase (you don’t have to do this tho, it’s a lot :3 )
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Away From Here (Jaydick Fic for Fictober)
Prompt number: 2. “Just follow me, I know the area.”
Fandom : DCU
Rating: General Audience
Warnings/Tags: Major Character Death/ Non-canon compliant.
Summary : Jason dreamed that he became a killer. A man wearing a Red Helmet with guns on his hands and bodies on his feet. He waited a moment to wake up. What came instead is an 8-year-old Dick Grayson in his Robin uniform. “What do you want? Why are you showing me this dream.” “I told you, this is your future, and I’m here to save you from it. I’ll take you to a place safe from your future.”
Word count : 5k
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In his hands are smoking guns. Around him are the walls of abandoned skyscrapers he had known as his home. On his feet, is a puddle of blood flooding from the man filled with holes that lay limp in front of him. That person is not the only one bleeding, there are a lot more around him, by the roof. Some with heads snapped way to the back, holes on their face, and the only one here that could’ve done it is Jason himself.
He lets go of the guns from his trembling hands. He knows this place like the back of his hand, but suddenly, he has nowhere to run. His feet won't let him get away.
When he finally gains his senses, his instinct brings him home. The manor never felt like home, but Dick made it feel like it does.
The world feels uncanny and off-putting. Reality doesn’t feel solid, but Jason disregards it. He just wants to go home to the people that take him in.
When he does, he finds Alfred the butler that’s been the most present, looking at him with distaste then looks away. Jason felt a sharp pain in his heart, accompanied by sizzling anger, but what he wanted the most is an explanation. He doesn’t get that as his feet bring him down the hall against his will.
The hallways lead to the library where he often spends his days, then he turns the grandfather clock to open the path to the Batcave. There, Batman, even with his mask off, there’s no Bruce in that cave, only Batman. Even so, his adopted father always cares for him. Despite being his soldier, Jason is still his son. Batman looks at him, he doesn’t even look away, his furious furrowed eyes pierce through him like he had committed the greatest sin.
“I know what you did,” his adopted father growled.
On the multiple screens of the Batcomputer are someone in body armor, cargo pants, and a leather jacket. On his chest is a bat symbol painted in red. It’s a costume he has never seen before and his face is covered with a red helmet, but Jason knows that person is him. Clips of him murdering people with guns he promised he’ll never touch, snapping people’s necks, stomping them to the ground played again and again. Jason would never do that, but the feeling in his gut forced him to believe otherwise.
Again, without his permission, his body starts to move. His feet walk down the familiar hallways and sets of stairs until he finally faces Dick’s room. He knocks before he lets himself in. Dick in a tight brand-new Nightwing suit he has never seen before. Slick body-con black suit, enforced but not disrupting his beautiful form and the stark bright blue bat symbol on his chest and strips down his arms. A complete upgrade from the flashy discowing suit.
One thing that doesn’t change, is the throb in his heart whenever he sees Dick. Even when the one that’s been showing him compassion since he was adopted, is looking at him as the lowest scum of the earth.
His domino mask on hand, showing the hatred in his bright saturated blues.
“You’re a monster,” Dick spat, the coldness of his voice froze Jason on the spot.
“We should’ve let you die on the streets,” Dick approaches, and suddenly Jason feels small despite the line of his eyesight in this body is above Dick. “If I had known you’d betray me, I wouldn’t have taken you in.”
Jason screams but his mouth doesn’t move. In his forced silence in this weird world, he has no control in where he is or what he has done to deserve being abandoned again.
He tried so hard to be the soldier Batman needs, to be considerate for Alfred, and live up to Dick’s legacy as taking the Robin mantle. Did he fail again?
It wasn’t him that kill all those people. The gun was in his hand when he wakes up but Jason didn’t pull the trigger.
This must be a dream, he refuses it to be anything but.
As he thought so, he’s taken to another building with a blink of an eye. The first thing he noticed first is his bloody fist, and when the world becomes clear, he sees another body on his feet. It’s the only body laying on the floor, not one of those goons in black.
For the horrible sickening feeling of disgust at the back of his throat, his heart is oddly calm when he sees himself there. A bloody Robin that’s been beaten to death. The swollen face and busted lips bring back bad memories. He kneels down with his grown-up body, again without his consent, and takes off Robin’s domino mask. It’s not him.
His heart pounds a million beats per minute, and when he finally regains control of his body, the shock drops his body to the floor
“No,” he whispered his first word ever since entering this dream. Eyes gawking, horrified at the child in front of him.
“This isn’t a dream,” Whispered a voice he recognized. Another child appeared beside him, wearing the first Robin uniform with those scaly green boyshorts.
Little 8-year-old Dick Grayson kneels beside him with his little palms on Jason’s shoulder that looks even bigger now. How did he get so big? And how did Dick get so small? Guess, in a dream, everything is possible.
“But it isn’t Jay,” Says the first Robin, putting his gloved hands on each of Jason’s cheek, cradling his face gentler than one would a baby. Despite the bizarre things presented in front of him, he feels calm at Dick’s presence.
“Then what is this?” Jason decides to play along.
“This is your future,” Dick waves his hand behind him and in front of Jason, formed a mirror.
He looked at himself, and he looked like him from the clips on Batcomputer, but now he’s wearing a Robin costume, different from the one used by the boy that he presumed dead. His face grows large, more square and elongated than the last time he sees himself. He looks old, an adult. Like a mad man with the blood all over his face. Like his mother, with the bruises all over his face.
“His name is Tim, Tim Drake. In the near future, you’ll be replaced by him.” Dick lay his face on top of his head and his hand on the side of his face.
Both of them are looking at the mirror. The far difference of age in their look doesn’t feel real.
Then he looks away from the mirror, to where the boy named Tim still lay with lifeless eyes opened and staring at Jason.
“No, they wouldn’t do that to me, they wouldn’t abandon me, and you told me you won’t ever hate me, you told me that’s impossible,” Jason croaked to the little Robin beside him.
“Oh, sweet boy,” Dick tips his jaw with those little fingers, now that he thinks about it, it’s damning how little he was when he became a soldier. “I’m not Dick, your mind sees me as him because you trust him.”
“What do you want? Why are you showing me this dream.”
“I told you, this is your future, and I’m here to save you from it. I’ll take you to a place safe from your future.”
“A safe place? Where?”
“Somewhere far away, where you’ll always be young, where you’ll always be happy. To a land far away from this.” His voice soft and kind as he can be, so flattering as his voice have emotion too mature for his age.
“No... there’s no such place, you’re just an imagination. I’ll wake up soon, and I’ll forget you.”
“I am as real as you, and you’ll never forget me, I promise you.” It hurts how earnest Dick’s cute little face begged in agony, “Please, I’m trying to save you.”
“I don’t need saving!” Jason roared, and only now he hears himself with such a deep voice like Bruce’s. He shoves Dick away and stands up on his feet, towering above the dead Robin and Dick, “I’m Robin!”
“And Tim Drake knew that,” Dick adds eerily calm. “Find him, and you’ll know what I say is the truth,” Dick approaches with solemn eyes and a grimly pursed lips. “Call for me when you changed your mind, I’ll come to save you.”
“But, I don’t know who you are.”
Dick jumps up and loops his arms around Jason’s neck. The first affection he received in this odd dream.
Then Jason wakes up in his bed.
 He couldn’t tell his dreams to anyone, not even to Dick who senses that Jason is holding back something. The cursed dream where little Robin appeared sticks in his head for the whole year. One day he just breaks and looks for this Tim Drake.
He doesn’t need to look up to Tim Drake, everyone in the city knew the multi-millionaire Drake family and their darling young and only son. He doesn’t even need to come to his house, because the kid appeared in between dark alleyways when Jason was patrolling.
He lands right behind Tim who jolts rigidly as his wide blue eyes twinkle.
“Robin! I-I-I-I-I was just...” he looks down to his camera and holds it tightly.
Of course Jason is angry. Why would Tim Drake go out in the night with cameras out if not for the intention to jeopardize their identity? But seeing his batman backpack, and Robin shoes says that his intention is otherwise. That and how small and so young Tim is, he couldn’t be older than 9. He wondered when –if his dream is real– that Tim replaced him.
No, no way. It’s just a dream. A stupid dream.
“You know who I am, don’t you Tim Drake?”
The child clutches his camera closer to his chest, looking down at his red, yellow and green shoes.
“I do,” He admits.
For now, Jason just smiled, “A little genius aren’t you?” He put his hands on top of Tim’s rubbing gently and messing up Tim’s hair. “Don’t go out too often alright? It’s dangerous out here. Promise me.”
“O-Okay, I’ll go out less,” Tim says with a cute furious blush.
Just to coax Tim more, Jason takes a selfie with Tim and promised to visit him in his room if Tim goes out less. The kid is cute, almost pure, it’s hard to imagine someone like Tim to be a Robin. That just adds another proof that it’s just a dream.
With a big smile and enthusiastic wave, they parted ways.
Jason goes back to Dick’s place that night. Wearing Dick’s hoodie that’s too big for him and training pants that need to be rolled 4 times to not make him stumble.
“You’re gonna tell me what’s this about?” Dick puts down a cup of chamomile tea on the coffee table in front of Jason.
“You’re not gonna believe me,” he turned himself into a ball and shrinks even deeper to the plump sofa.
Dick put his own tea on the table and scoots closer to Jason, “Oh c’mon, I’ve been in space and see the most fucked up shit, try me.”
Jason reasonably hesitated, but Dick’s twinkly eyes and cat-like smile is working too well on him. With a defeated sigh, Jason scoots closer and lands his head on Dick’s shoulder.
“I had a bad dream, it was a year ago but I keep remembering it. Now I confirmed that some pieces of the dream are true.”
“Oh... bad dreams huh,” Dick deflated, putting an arm around Jason’s curled shoulders, “yeah I got them too... Sucks that you already got it.”
“It came with the job huh?”
“Sadly it is, it’s not the safest job. You can still tap out if you want, just be a kid and go to school.”
Jason actually liked the idea, and maybe he’ll avoid the future that comes near him... no way, that was a dream. Maybe Tim’s name in his dream is just a coincidence. A thing of Deja Vu. There’s no way that nightmare is his future. He won’t become that person he looked in the mirror. That’s not him, he won’t beat Tim up, he won't kill people, he won’t betray Dick.
“No, I like kicking ass.”
Dick chuckled, “Okay, just know that the option is there. What did you dream about anyway?”
“Nothing, I think it’s just a Deja Vu thing.”
Jason stayed the night, sleeping with Dick in his cramped single bed.
It’s not the first time Jason slept over at Dick’s but he can never get used to sleeping next to him. His body gets sensitive and over-conscious of the one next to him. At 3 am, he’s still wide awake. Whenever he does, he sits up on the side of the bed and just marvels at Dick’s sleeping face.
It’s like looking at snow white sleeping in a casket of glass, beautiful and out of reach. Even though he’s touching him, there’s an invisible glass that divides them. Dick sleeps deeply and always a tornado of a sleeper, but Jason never complained, because he’ll always get tangled between Dick’s limbs. It helps that Dick is a heavy sleeper and he won’t wake up when Jason snuggles close and steal a big hug.
Dick is in a fetal position, back curling towards where Jason sits. He dared himself to comb back the soft strands of hair from Dick’s beautiful face, sighing dreamily at the sight.
Dick doesn’t hate him, they promised they’ll be there for each other, and Jason meant to carry that promise for the rest of his life. He won't let him down, and he won't let his dream become a reality.
One day, when he’s older, when he can stand up on his own two feet, when he became an adult of a sort, he’ll tell Dick all the things he wanted to say.
Jason cradled the back of Dick’s head and dared himself to kiss the corner of his eyes. He slipped in between Dick’s arms and tuck his head under Dick’s jaw, his own arms wrapped around his built torso. He’s still not sleepy from this closeness, his heart in joyfully dancing. Jason lets it frolic, and enjoy the night awake in Dick’s arms.
 His mother died. His real mother.
What’s left in this musty dim warehouse is him with hands tied tightly on his back and a ticking time bomb sets on top of stacked boxes across the room. He tried the door, but it’s locked from the outside. There are hundreds of ideas in his head on how he escape this situation, but he saw the time on the bomb. Three seconds left, and he just slumped to the floor with the door on his back and close his eyes. Awaiting the explosion to take him.
At least this way, the far future he was shown is wrong. He’ll never be that monster.
“Jason,” Calls a voice of the dream.
Jason cracks his eyes open and sees Dick, grown-up this time with the slick black Nightwing suit with blue streaks on his arms and legs and chest. As much as he wants this to be a reality, it’s not. The clock stops at 00:01. Not only the clock, if he squints, the dust in the air had paused too.
Dick takes off his blue domino mask, looking down from where he’s standing with inhumane crystal blue eyes.
“Come with me Jason,” Dick persuades as he descends to his knees. His striped blue fingers crawl to the knot on Jason’s wrist. With simple touches, Jason’s hands are free.
Dick put his hand on top of Jason’s, now both of them are sitting on the grimy warehouse floor. His eyes won’t let him go, and Jason can’t look away.
“You’re... you’re going to kill me aren’t you?” Jason whispered, the morbid question somehow doesn’t scare him.
“I would never, I just wanted to protect you from your future.”
Jason remembered his dream again, and he started to hate himself, “Or were you trying to protect them from who I’ll become?”
“No, never,” Dick growled, he doesn’t look angry, but his firm voice weighs tons of tension. “There’s a lot of pain in your future, I want to protect you from it.”
Jason looks at the bomb, “But... I’m going to die, there’s no way I’ll grow up.”
Dick shook his head, “Six months after you die, you will be revived, awaken a different man filled with vengeance.”
“Why... why would I want vengeance?”
Dick looks at him solemnly, and looks at the bomb, “You’ll die here,” he says grimly. “Even so, Bruce didn’t avenge you, he let the Joker run free, and then, he’ll replace you with Tim.”
And that’s when Jason wavers. He wants to believe that none of it is real. However, he’s not afraid of the doppelganger in front of him. He might not be Dick, but, Jason clung to him as if he is.
“I don’t want to die,” Jason croaks.
Dick... the fake Dick smiled, “I’m not here to kill you, I’m just taking you away.”
Dick stood up and extend his hand, “Come, I’ll show you.”
It’s not that there’s no sliver of mistrust, but when Jason sees him, he remembers his dream as clearly as it just happened yesterday. His bloody fist, their distasteful faces. It makes his blood runs cold, like a dread burning on his throat, choking the life out of him when he sees what the future foresees him to become.
He takes Dick’s hand, “I’m not coming with you.”
The fake Dick doesn’t express any anomaly, but he paused, “Why?”
“Whatever I’ll do wrong, I’ll say I’m sorry. Wherever you’re taking me, I don’t want to be in a world where there’s no him.”
“What if they’ll never forgive you?”
The possibility drops a ton of weight on his heart. Even so, he eyes this being in front of him, dead on the soul. Even though he’s not sure if his imagination is truly alive and sentient, he can see a person behind those eyes.
“Even you don’t know about that,” Jason answered.
With a stoic face, Dick wraps him in a hug, “As you wish my child.”
Jason closed his eyes, and the light burns behind his eyelids. He only heard the explosion for a split second, and he didn’t even feel pain when he passes.
 Jason returned from the grave without a soul. The pit heals him wrong, and a few pieces of memory are lost with his sanity.
It all came back when his rage is at his peak and he goes head to head with Tim, his replacement.
Among the hits they landed on each other’s faces, one breaks the cage that keeps his memory suppressed
In a blink of an eye, a memory worth years pours into his conscious. In that one second of distraction, the new Robin’s incoming bo staff heading towards his head slowly. The bo arched by the sheer speed and strength that his replacement –that little Tim he met then– is putting.
It’s coming closer slowly, and Jason can dodge that easily. He doesn’t though.
Fighting with an intent to kill made this teenager opponent do the same. The hit on his head rings loudly and the tump of the metal bo against his skull made a loud and silencing thud. The hit threw him sideways just by the pillar, and he fell to the awaiting 20-meter drop.
A drop that never came.
In the next blink, Jason is already on the ground in the arms Dick in his BPD uniform. He saw him in this uniform A few months ago when he researched him. The job suits him. Though he knows this Dick isn’t real. Through the years of research, he knows who this person is now.
“I’m not a child anymore, you couldn’t save me,” Jason groaned. His head and body limp when Tim hits the balance and motoric function out of him. His vision grows sharp, and now he can see the new Robin jumping off the pillar with a retracting gun shooting forward, trying to catch Jason in mid-air.
The entity smiles and emits white light. It blinds him for a few seconds, but when it finally cleared, a beautiful woman with pale skin and white hair covered in veil takes over Dick’s form.
“Where did you take them?” Jason asked about the children.
“A better place than their future,” the woman’s voice sounds light and compassionate, it warms him wholly, almost having a lethargic effect on Jason.
“But you don’t know one’s future... just now, it’s supposed to be Tim in this floor bleeding, but it’s me this time. I can... I can change my future.”
The shining woman express no emotions, but the way she caresses Jason’s face says the opposite.
“I’m sorry my child, I failed to protect you.” She pressed her forehead on top of Jason’s, veiling him in her veil as well.
“I don’t... need protecting... I don’t need saving.”
“I’m not here to save you, I’m here to see you off.”
“You’ve died before you hit the ground.”
“No... how do I... It’s just a hit in the head.”
“Too strong to a place it shouldn’t have.”
Jason stares blankly to the woman’s pale blue eyes. Her lips –that are almost as white as her skin– curled slightly downwards. For that moment in her arms, Jason can’t feel angry or regretful. He planned so many things ahead, his revenge, the Joker, his father, he wanted answers from his father. Even though he couldn’t get them now, all he feels now is relieve. The future he remembered had haunted him, and now he’s going to be freed from it.
Only one face that stops him though. The nights he spent with Dick, his sleeping face as Jason quietly stares.
A tear fall to his side as he looks up to where Tim is still falling slowly.
“Shall we go now, Jason?” she softly thread her voice.
“Can I... can I have a few seconds? Please, I need to say something to Tim,” Jason’s voice level and serene.
“Yes you may, it’s the last thing I could do to atone my failure,” her glowing hands gently pressed on top of Jason’s chest.
When Jason blinks again, his head is on the floor and Tim is checking his pulse with shaking hands. As Jason takes off his mask, Tim jolts, but relieved.
“Oh... oh thank god you’re alive, I didn’t mean to... you’re supposed to dodge and I would’ve-”
“Tim listen, I don’t have much time,” Jason blinks a couple of times, and he can see clearly the destruction they’ve created. The third Robin takes off his mask too, and his blue eyes are on the brink of tears. For a moment, Jason can see the tiny baby Tim, just being a fan, now basked in blood and bruises.
“This isn’t your fault... I’m sorry.”
“Wha- that... did I hit your head too hard?” Tim chuckled, though the morbid fear still clear on his face.
“Yeah, you’re a good fighter kid, you fit Robin just fine,” Jason lightly punches Tim on the shoulder. “You always have gut since you were a kid, you’re gonna make a great Robin.”
“You... you remembered me.”
“Of course I do,” Jason sees her behind Tim and smiled. “Tell Dick that I...” the words stuck behind his throat, weighed down by his heavy heart.
Oh, he can’t meet Dick anymore. He’ll never see him again.
His mind travels back when he was still a small tween. Making excuses to sleepover at Dick’s, slipping a hug when he’s asleep. The nights he spent watching him close, too high-strung to sleep just because they’re touching each other. The days when Dick’s offline is agony, and he remembers counting days until his 17th birthday to finally able to approach him.
He promised himself that he’ll tell Dick what he felt when he grows up, it seems that the only one he disappoints is himself.
“You can tell him himself,” Tim breathed, “Stop making that face, why are you saying these things?” his relieve turns into fear.
A hand landed on top of Tim’s and when he looks up, Jason knows Tim can see her too.
“You...” Tim breathed, eyes wide and lips hang in disbelieve, “I thought you were just a myth.”
She smiled as her slender glowing fingers caress along Tim’s jaw, “There’s going to be a lot of hardship in front of you, but your soul is pure and your future is bright, you’re going to be just fine.”
Jason is clutching her hands, and he sees body on the floor, no longer breathing. His line of eyesight is shorter, and the woman seems a lot taller, just like how he used to look up to Dick when he was little.
Tim jumped into a fighting stance, wary of the glowing being and him.
The being looks down towards him and smile, a sign. As she walks, Jason feels calm when he’s pulled to where she’s heading.
“You can’t take him!” Tim shrieked but they didn’t stop. “Jason! You haven’t told me what to tell Dick yet.”
Jason stops, so does her. There’s a heavy lump in his soul, and she looks at him, smiling and nodding in comprehension.
“It’s okay Tim, I’ll tell him myself.” He looks back, passing Tim a bright smile, “Don’t forget what I told you!”
Then Jason disappears.
 Chills run down his spine as the wind blows. He shouldn’t be able to feel those wind through his secure Nightwing suit.
He looks back to where the wind that brushed against his soul. The feeling in his heart makes him look up to the dark starless sky and found nothing. In that rooftop where he stood and searched for trouble, he spun around to where this feeling comes from.
At last, a boy materialized at the corner of the roof. He couldn’t believe his eyes. For a moment he thought he was under an influence, but there’s this serenity deep in his soul that called to the boy as someone dear.
Without his domino mask, the second Robin –Jason– is smiling with that toothy smile. A pinch twinged his heart, seeing Jason so small and in his old Robin suit. Boyish and innocent, his brother. For a solid second, he thought he was dreaming. But the reality is still intact and there’s his Jason, running towards him.
Dick catches him in mid-air, hugging him tightly. The warmth pressed against him, the small pair of arms that loops around his shoulder are squeezing tears from his eyes. The feeling of this contact hits too deep inside his broken heart. Too familiar to the days when he takes Jason in, when Dick has an adoring brother, before Jason died.
“How?” Dick croaks into Jason’s tiny shoulder. Detaching his arms from Jason’s back, the boy landed on the ground below, looking up with bright blue eyes filled with admiration and love, like he always does.
Jason tiptoed up to comb his bangs to the back of his ear, just like the nights he did when he thought Dick was asleep. Jason seems speechless as if overwhelmed, and his eyes brimming with tears.
“Without you, I would’ve lived without knowing what it felt like to have a family, to feel loved. So, thank you, for taking me in, for being there for me,” a tear falls down his rosy cheek, “I just wished I had enough time to return it to you.”
Dick feels his heart just sank into the abyss, he hates what Jason is implying.
“Jason, you... still can. You’re back right? You’re alive, you’re Red Hood... I don’t know what this is, but...” his words trail out to nothing when Jason shakes his head.
Jason wraps Dick in a hug, small but strong arms wrapped around his waist, “Goodbye, Dickie.”
A whine caught behind his throat, choking him out, and the pain in his heart feels physical. He wonders why he accepts this as it is, but somehow, he just knows.
Dick wraps his arms around Jason’s shoulder. With a hand on the back of his head, Dick pulls Jason closer and bury his face on top of his nest of hair. Inhaling the familiar scent, Dick’s tears fall on the blades of black and sobs.
“I love you, Jason.”
His little brother steps back, eyes wide as his expression broke. Something in his eyes that says something to him, something that Dick couldn’t point out, something that Jason won’t say.
“I love you too, Dick” Jason cried, grasping Dick’s hand tightly before finally letting go.
Dick tried to hold on to him, but he just slips through his hand. Just before he goes fully transparent, he sees a woman in the direction Jason is running.
It was only a glimpse, but Dick knows who she is, the savior of the tortured children. A lost soul of a woman that haunts the living and ‘saving’ children from their suffering. She takes the children’s soul and left their body in a state of comatose.
And she reaps the lives of adult grown up from the children she failed to save, giving them death without pain.
If Jason chose to go with her when he was young, he wouldn’t have died so horribly.
But he did anyway.
Dick just hoped Jason knew that he’s glad Jason chose to stay longer. Long enough for Dick to have these precious memories to live with now that he’s inevitably gone from the world.
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justwriting34 · 5 years
The Umbrella Academy. Netflix’s (new) hit show, or well I think it’s a hit, but I am not a great judge of shows. It’s my type of show. It’s crazy, without shoving your face in the crazy. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, while still having serious moments. It has a talking monkey, seriously, could you think of a better show? It has romance, just not enough that you feel like a kid after the perfect Halloween score. It has action, just not so much action you’re in a slaughter house, or a b rated action movie with ½ price Bruce Willis. It has time travel, that realizes that time travel doesn’t make sense. And damn it, it has the talking monkey.
How can anyone not love a show like that? I sure have to like it. The show didn’t give me much of a choice. And it isn’t like some shows that Stockholm Syndrome you into loving it. I loved it at first sight, because of the monkey. We get it, you must be thinking a lot about the monkey, you love the monkey, we get that. First off, it’s a monkey butler, that’s a very different thing. And don’t go quoting me saying that I was only referring to him as the monkey or the talking monkey or even a talking monkey. It won’t work. I won’t listen even if you are right. Which you might be. And honestly, I don’t really like the monkey, well no more than any one likes a talking monkey. I mean come on we all have a soft spot for Curious George and that monkey doesn’t even really talk, the man with the yellow hat, just makes us think we can understand him. That monkey could just be talking about throwing poo all the time and we would have no way of knowing that. But no the talking monkey butler, bet you didn’t think I knew that, can tell us what is going on. But that monkey butler is not my favorite character, or even in my top ten. Which is something special considering there are only a little over ten characters in the show.
No, my favorite character is Klaus, though I am probably more like Vanya then I would like to admit, but I’ll circle back to that in a moment, let me take a moment to talk about my favorite character Klaus. Klaus is the crazy fun that I wish that I could be. Not the drugs part, don’t do drugs kids, stay in school, ok now that I have that PSA (brought to you by the crazy rantings of a girl behind a computer), out of the way, I want to take a moment to do an appreciation paragraph about the wonderful Klaus.
Klaus is the crazy we all need in our lives. He makes the world seem just a little bit different, a little more interesting. He adds perfect comedic timing to the group, and he does it at just the right time. So, yeah Klaus is freaking amazing. Oh, and as an added note he looks great in a skirt.
See an appreciation paragraph. Now, onto Vanya. I see myself in Vanya, a lot more than anyone would like to admit. Hold it. Freeze. Yes, I mean you too. Don’t think about what I just said too much. I had a normal childhood. Well, normalish? But really, when you think about it, don’t we all have a few messed up things about our childhood. One or two things that give us that special little quirk. That little oddity, that would make people tilt their head. Yeah, well I had those. But for the most part I am normal. My childhood was normal, and my parent’s well they were as normal as parents can be. And I am not saying there aren’t a few things that my parents did that made me a little messed up, but isn’t that life. You’re a kid and you see things that your parents did wrong, even if it just one or two things, and you vow to do things differently, so then you screw up your own kids in a unique and different way, well that’s me, and that’s what I believe, but I may or may not still believe in the Easter Bunny, my traps are going to get that monster one of these days, so you probably shouldn’t take anything that I believe beyond face value.
Anyway, that got off topic, I mean I have no idea if there was even a point to all of that rambling, you know I have heard people call my writing pedantic before, and I never agreed with them until just now. I mean, I ended up talking about my plans to catch the Easter Bunny and not stay on the topic that I am supposed to be on. And now I am being pedantic about being pedantic, that takes a new level of crazy, or narcissism. I just love my writing so much, or maybe I just love to write so much.
Stopping that, and going back to the topic on hand, Vanya. Well, really, the topic is why Vanya and I are so similar. It’s simple really. I apologize for existing to. I never really thought about it that way before though. I just assumed I was apologizing for things that I should have done better, but no I have been apologizing for existing. I didn’t even realize that I was doing until there was that line about apologizing just for existing. Which is weird because, I always wanted to be an actress, ever since I was little, but I as I grew up, instead of still wanting to be in the spotlight I wanted to disappear. But this isn’t about that, not really anyway. We will spin back to why it is a little important in a moment.
But let me first say this, if I could draw I would. I would draw a kickass picture of Klaus in a skirt, maybe I would even add the talking monkey butler, yes, I know his name is Pogo, but give me a little credit for this bit. If I was good at outfits and designing and such nonsense I would cosplay as Mother. I know I just threw a curve ball or whatever the comic equivalent of that is. But you must love mother’s style. I mean it’s a classic elegance you can’t beat that. Well, maybe except for Klaus and a skirt, but I’m a girl and I can’t pull off a skirt like Klaus. Truth be told I only really have three talents.
First acting. As I’ve said before, being an actress has been my goal since I was very little. My problem is auditioning, and auditioning seems to be a very big part of the whole thing of being an actress, so in this case that talent seems a little bit useless. That talent in this case would be useless, most likely, in this case no matter if I could audition or not. Of course, like many of the other things I say hold onto that most likely because, of course, I will be coming back to that. Now my other two talents seem to be much more important now and much more important with why I started writing this in the first place.
The second one, as you hopefully, noticed my mediocre ability to write. I have seen that I have the smallest ability to write something that is readable and at least entertaining enough to keep you occupied, while doing menial tasks. Such as, but not limited to, using the bathroom, waiting at the dentist office, waiting at the DMV, procrastinating on doing any work that is much more important than my writing, that work seems hard and you really don’t want to start on a weird time or whatever else excuse you’re using the moment. And besides all that I’m almost done with this one, I think, I never can tell with my ramblings.
Last talent that I seem to have been bestowed is my vivid sometimes overused imagination. Now, what do you get when you have a writer with too much time, a laughably vivid imagination, and an extremely engaging and wonderful little show?
If you guessed a fanfiction with the author, no let me get this straight, I need to make sure that I get this right, a persona of the author, playing a major part, I would like you all to give yourselves a pat on the back, for the ones who didn’t get it right let me say you should stop reading this right now. Who my kidding? You’re not going to stop reading this. You aren’t going to go start your task they need to do. The dentist hasn’t just called you. And honestly you probably still have about two hours to wait at the DMV. Oh, as the right ones have guessed, this is a giant, wind bagged, and yes pedantic, way of introducing the fact that I have decided to put my writing of my Umbrella Academy fanfiction out not the real world.
Now, about five disclaimers though most of the people that I am addressing in this disclaimer had already written me, I’m sure, five Twitter messages ten emails, and twenty-five mean spirited letters, and have just ignored this disclaimer. And I know, this feels like the disclaimer to a medicine commercial, half the people aren’t paying attention, a quarter is going to still get upset when it happens to them and the last quarter are paying attention, but it doesn’t pertain to them. Also no one really watches regular tv that much anyway, they all have Netflix, free product placement.
First disclaimer, this is only based on the show. I bought the comic and I plan on reading it, I just haven’t had the time yet. And if I get interest, I may write one like the one I am currently writing with all of the information from the comics. Secondly, I’m doing this for fun, so please take it easy on me, if you like it, tell me, if you don’t tell me, if you think there are a few things I need to fix tell me, just do it nicely. Remember my writing may seem like I am a hot and legal combination of Klaus and Number Five, I am really just a Vanya at heart, so be delicate.
Thirdly, if either dark horse or Netflix asks me to take it down, it’s down without questions. I would hate for someone to not do the same for me.
Fourthly and lastly, promise, if Netflix and the writers want to take my twist on the story, let me a least fail at auditioning for a character that is basically me.  
So, I hope you love my writing as much as I love Klaus, and the show, and hope you are a little more interested in it than I am in butler monkey.
Oh, and one more thing, I am going to be writing in both first person and third person. Me, or the character who I fantasize about being, is going to be told in first person. And scenes my character is not in will be third.
This is the opening for my blog which anyone who likes fanfiction, Umbrella Academy, and/or crazy rantings that might actually make sense, check it out. http://umberllacoverage.home.blog 
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marredbyoverlength · 6 years
Year-End Awards 2018
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2018 sucked personally, professionally, and politically. But hey, at least the movies sucked too!
Ok, there were plenty of good movies. But the bad vastly outnumbered the good, and the highlights weren’t especially high. Even my favorite filmmakers had weak years: Wes Anderson and the Coen brothers both put out some of their most mediocre films in 2018.
But no year is devoid of value, and damned if I won’t do my best to find it. Let’s dive into the only blog post I still do, the year-end awards.
(Honorable mentions, as always, are listed in no particular order.)
Best Lead Performance: Paul Giamatti & Kathryn Hahn, Private Life.
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Giving this to two people is a cheap trick (and one I’ve used before), but this is my blog and I make the rules. Private Life is a powerful, painfully realistic film about a middle-aged couple, played by Hahn and Giamatti, going through IVF to get pregnant. Their relationship is at the core of the film; singling out one for praise would be a disservice to the other.
A film like this could easily be a one-dimensional tragedy about baby angst, but both lead actors go through a broad range of emotions that are at once inarticulable in words but instantly recognizable. The highs and lows of their journey and the stress it puts on them and their relationship come out in every expression, every movement of their bodies. This is the highest praise you can give actors: that they portray something that can’t be portrayed any other way.
Honorable Mentions: Olivia Cooke, Thoroughbreds; Joaquin Phoenix, You Were Never Really Here; Toni Collette, Hereditary; Ryan Gosling, First Man; Viola Davis, Widows; Olivia Colman, The Favourite; Emma Stone, The Favourite; Annette Bening, Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool.
Best Supporting Performance: Anton Yelchin, Thoroughbreds.
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Enough has been written about this already, but Anton Yelchin could easily have become one of the greatest actors of our time had he not died such a weird and sad death. His performance in Thoroughbreds is the perfect example of why I say that.
Yelchin plays a kind of guy that everyone knows, the wannabe operator who hangs out with, and deals drugs to, kids much younger than him and feels cool for doing so. He slips perfectly into that role, but what makes it better than just a caricature is how he captures the character in the scenes where he’s out of the element he’s chosen for himself: once after two high school girls violently rob him and once at the end after he sees what one of the girls has become. He is shaken and unsure, and letting that façade drop in real time is an impressive feat of acting.
Honorable Mentions: Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?; Alison Pill, Vice; Oscar Isaac, Annihilation; Jason Isaacs, The Death of Stalin.
The Costner Award for Worst Actor: No Winner
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Before going into more detail, I’d like to point out that I didn’t see any Gerard Butler movies this year, so take this with a grain of salt.
There were a lot of god-awful movies this year. But all those movies are awful for reasons distinct from acting. Bruce Willis was boring in Death Wish, sure, but his character was boring. Tye Sheridan was annoying in Ready Player One, but his character was annoying. Travolta was actually pretty good in Gotti, even though the movie was a total disaster.
In fact, I can’t think of any performances this year that made me angry in the same way the Kevin Costner makes me angry. Congratulations to actors, I guess? If you know of a truly heinous performance, let me know.
Nicest Surprise: Aquaman
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Aquaman is a superhero movie about a very strong, very stupid dog in the shape of Jason Momoa (just look at his dumb face!). There is also a giant octopus who plays the drums. That’s about all you need to know about Aquaman.
Honorable mentions: Mission: Impossible – Fallout; Game Night.
Most Insulting Moment: “Street Weapon,” Robin Hood.
In Robin Hood (2018), Little John (Jamie Foxx) trains a fledgling Robin (Taron Egerton) in the art of hoodery. At the completion of this training, he says to Robin, “you’re going to need a street weapon.” Then he hands Robin this:
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“Patrick, is that a full-sized bow with brass knuckles tied to it?” Yes, yes it is. You know, for the streets.
Honorable Mentions: Queen Saves Live Aid, Bohemian Rhapsody; Tactical Furniture, Death Wish; Pretty much all of Ready Player One.
Winter’s Tale Memorial “What the Hell Am I Watching” Award: No Winner
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I almost gave this award to Gotti, a movie so widely panned that the marketing campaign explicitly told potential viewers that critics are scum. But then a friend of mine live-blogged his first viewing of The Book of Henry, the current title-holder, and I was reminded of just how gonzo bananas a movie has to be to get this award.
Sure, Gotti is an incomprehensible failure tornado that somehow had enough money for John Travolta but apparently not enough for, you know, lighting and sound guys, but it’s not bewildering like Winter’s Tale was, or like Book of Henry was. A winner should make me ask not just “what the hell is going on” and “how the hell did this get made,” but also “why the hell would anyone want to make this?”  I didn’t see anything that prompted that last question this year.
Prettiest Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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I used to give out an award for technical filmmaking, but in hindsight, I don’t know enough about filmmaking to confidently give that award. But I am an expert on the topic of “things I find visually appealing,” and since film is a visual medium (despite what the Academy would have you believe), I’m bringing the category back in this form.
Anyway, the winner is Spider-Verse, no contest. It’s the most brilliantly animated film I’ve seen in years, and easily the best-animated CGI film ever produced. In a world drowning in endless round-and-shiny Pixar clones, Spider-Verse made something entirely unique, influenced by the styles of comic books through the ages but ultimately producing something all its own. The end sequence, with manifold universes spiraling out of a black hole and bleeding into each other, will no doubt be the most impressive feat of animation for years to come.
Honorable Mentions: Mandy; Annihilation; You Were Never Really Here.
Best Picture: Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool.
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After seeing this beautiful film, I resigned myself to the fact that it wouldn’t receive any Oscar buzz. I was more right than I realized: not only did it not get any nominations, it didn’t even qualify for consideration. The Academy considered this a Film Stars a 2017 movie, as it was released on a very limited run on December 29, 2017. I didn’t hear the name until I saw a trailer for it in January of this year, and I didn’t get to see it in my city until February. This is the great crime of Oscar season: everybody tries to put their stuff out as late as possible, and real gems like this one get crowded out by Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, a movie that gets worse every time I think about it.
I’m correcting this injustice. Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool is the only great movie of 2018. The script is heartbreaking, the acting is profoundly human, and the fluid cinematography masterfully blends past with present, creating a portrait of the last days in the life of Gloria Grahame (Annette Bening) in all her messy detail, seen from her own perspective as well as that of her former lover, the much younger Peter Turner (Jamie Bell). Where those perspective diverge is where the film is at its best, and those moments are easily the most moving of the year.
Honorable Mentions: Annihilation; The Death of Stalin; Private Life.
That’s it, that’s the whole post. Peace out.
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
The Break-Up (Part 1/4)- Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary : That time the League, helped/lead by Smol Dickiebird, fixed Bruce and Batmom’s relationship.
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Can you spot all the easter eggs (from my main Batmom stories) I scattered in this story ? ...You know what ? Let’s make it a game. Whoever guesses them all, I’ll write a story just for them. I referenced tons of other work with Batmom in this story, more than usual so...Yup :-). Anyway hope you’ll like it, and as usual, feedbacks are very VERY welcomed ! : 
my master list blog :  @ella-ravenwood-archives
 Every time Richard Grayson came to visit his parents, siblings or “grandfather” (he came to call Alfred “gramps”, just to annoy him), nostalgia pinched his heart.
Whenever he climbed those steps to the main entrance, opened the big doors to come in the foyer, walked down corridors, rooms etc etc...memories of his childhood and teen years in the manor surged him, and filled him with a kind of sadness that wasn’t too terrible to endure. 
A kind of sadness he always greeted as an old friend. 
Heart tightening, and a stupid fond smile plastered on his face. 
Every time. 
You’d think after four years, it wouldn’t happen anymore, right ? But no.
Dick Grayson was a sentimental, and even though he moved out of his home years ago, and found a nice apartment in Blüdhaven, built his own home...It always made him feel weird to come back to the Manor. 
Even more since he married his teenage sweetheart, Barbara Gordon, and got his first child (the most wonderful little girl in the universe ! Position she shared with his little sister Cass’ of course, who was so cute when she was still a kid ! Damian, aka “most protective uncle ever”, agreed).
Because now, with his job as a police officer and his nightly activities in Blüdhaven...He rarely had time to come “home”. 
Well, that wasn’t really true. 
He still came over at least four times a week and, on most week-ends, his family would come to his apartment to have lunch. And he often caught up with one of his siblings, or parents, or Alfred but...it wasn’t the same anymore. 
He still didn’t see you as often as he used to. As often as he wanted to. 
It was actually a tough change for him, to not be able to get out of his room and find one of you somewhere in his house.
He actually thought about asking his dad to buy an entire building, and then you guys could all live on one floor and you’d be all together always and...he quickly realized it was unreasonable and ridiculous. 
It was just so strange that he couldn’t see any of you whenever he wanted. He was a “responsible” adult now (who bought legos for his daughter just so he could play with them too). 
He grew up...and his siblings too. Hell, Damian was going to be seventeen !! 
He had to accept that things were changing. Evolving. 
It was awful. 
...Though he found reassurance in the fact that some things actually never changed. 
Like how much his parents were in love. 
Dick had let himself in the manor and was looking for any members of his family, roaming the gigantic house. 
He found Alfred asleep on his father’s office chair, a duster in one hand (the poor butler wasn’t getting any younger, and got tired easily nowadays). 
Dick put a blanket over him and left the office silently, continuing his search. 
He found you and Bruce in the main living room, asleep as well, on the couch, in each others’ arms. 
You weren’t getting any younger either...and though his mom, you, was quite younger than Bruce, it seemed like you were the one who was getting tired the fastest lately...
You weren’t even fifty yet ! But in the past few months, you always seemed so exhausted and such...Dick made a mental note to remind you to rest more, and to stop taking care of them so much like that, it would kill you one day ! 
There was a note on the living room table. Dick recognized his youngest brother’s handwriting (elegant and classy). The note stated : 
We went to Jason’s place to see his new motorcycle and to kick his ass butt ass (sorry Mom, for trying to watch my profanities :p (this stupid smiley was added by Tim Drake)) at Tekken, 
Love you (Cassandra forced me to write that),
Damian, Cass and Tim.”
Dick smiled at the thought of his younger siblings playing Tekken. 
That game always ended in “bloodshed” and fights, at the Wayne household (competitive kids)...until you would come along and win every game and settle their quarrel easily. 
You were the best at Tekken, period. 
Well, there was the sempiternel fight about who was the second best but you know... 
Yes, his siblings’ antics always made Dick smile uncontrollably. 
Another thing that always made him smile : you and Bruce, forever in love. 
And as he was looking fondly over you two, at your embraced form on the couch, he couldn’t help but smile like an idiot and think : “relationship goal, right there”. 
It was everything he aspired to have with Barbara. Your perfect relationship. 
Perfect ? Well, not always. 
You were both too stubborn for your own good, and had quite a temper. A strong personality too, which meant that sometimes, fights happened. 
Small ones about petty things, and big one over important matters...but it always ended up the same, wether it was about something small or big : with you two apologizing profusely, regardless of who was wrong, and then...going to...do...gross things in your bedroom (or whatever place somewhat private was available to you). 
Dick shivered. 
He was almost thirty and did some...uncatholic things with Barbara too but he could never not be be grossed out by his parents doing...ew. 
Whatever, the important thing there, wasn’t that, but it was that no matter what, you’d always pull through. You always had each other’s back. You always made up, and your “perfect” relationship would only grow stronger each time. 
You guys were made for each others, and it wasn’t a silly fight that would separate you two (Hell, every healthy couple fought from time to time). 
Though...it almost did once. 
Here’s a memory Dick didn’t particularly cherish. 
That time he almost never had a second (amazing and perfect) mom. 
That time you two almost made a decision that would have make the both of you forever miserable and bitter. 
That time you almost ruined your life (Dick loved to be over-dramatic...though in this instance, he genuinely believed you almost ruined each others life). 
Nearly twenty years earlier : 
-Oh my God Bruce, get over yourself ! 
-I’m the one that’s suppose to get over myself ?! Please (Y/N), grow up ! 
This was terrible. 
Dick had to do all the efforts in the World not to cry. 
He had been living with you and Bruce Wayne for the past six months now (you moved in with Bruce after about a year of relationship...Eight months hidden from paparazzis and danger, four months officially together. It was Bruce’s idea. He loved you, you were almost always at the Manor anyway, you had an entire chest of drawers full of your stuffs...you might as well live with him !). 
And though the pain of losing his parents was still vivid, his little eight years old heart felt he had another chance at life. Felt like he could still be happy. 
Sometimes, he felt awful that, only six months after his parents’ death, he was already feeling better...but he couldn’t help it. 
You, Bruce and Alfred made him feel like he was home instantly, as soon as he set foot in Wayne Manor. 
Especially you, if he was honest. Bruce was busy, and Alfred’s English phlegm didn't go through Dick yet, just like Dick’s need for hugs and reassurance wasn’t clear enough for the butler yet. But you...
You were but (almost) twenty two years old and yet took full responsibility (well, almost too, Bruce was there too) of that lost (and adorable) kid. 
Though you were barely an adult yourself, you didn’t hesitate one second about what you’d do when Bruce said he was taking Dick as his ward. 
You just took care of him as if he was yours, without questions. 
When he had nightmares, shivering in his bed, you were there before he opened his eyes and screamed. And you always convinced Bruce easily to let him sleep in your bed, between the two of you, when he was still too scared to fall back asleep. 
You always asked him if he was alright, you listened to him, and to put it in a simpler way : you just loved him. You made sure he knew you loved him. Made sure he knew he still had a family. 
In fact, you and Bruce were making him feel so at home that he almost called you “mom” and “dad” a few times. 
...He wanted to call you like that. 
But he was to afraid that it would mean betraying his own parents, betraying their memory ! Oh man, it was a lot to take for an eight year old boy, life wasn’t suppose to be that difficult at that age ! 
...It seemed though, like part of his dilemma would be no more soon, as he keeps listening to you and Bruce arguing in the living room, hiding on top of the stairs: 
-I guess this is what I get for dating a goddamn child ! 
Bruce says angrily, and your face says it all. It looses all colors, and it seems to Dick as if you were deeply wounded by Bruce’s words...but too stubborn to actually show it, as you say : 
-Oh. Child. Of course. It didn’t seem to bother you last night uh ? 
-Completely unrelated to the subject. 
-Oh really ? 
-Yes really, and you know it (Y/N). You’re being unresonable. You know you’re wrong, and lack arguments, hence you start to talk about things that has nothing to do with the subject. 
-Like you just did by stating that you’re dating a “goddamn child” ? 
Dick couldn’t really understand everything you were saying (he was so curious about what you did last night though...a pillow fight maybe ? if the situation wasn’t so desperate, and made him feel so miserable, then he would have been vexed that you didn’t invite him to said pillow fight !), but his heart tightened at your every words.
He couldn’t stand seeing you two fight. 
He wasn’t used to see you two fight...In six months with you guys, he only saw you argue about very petty things a few times, and immediately apologize. 
But this time ? It seemed serious. 
It was about Bruce’s night activities (Dick knew now that he was the Batman), and how he put himself in useless danger sometimes. How he needed to be more careful. 
It was about Bruce not wanting you to meddle with this part of his life at all, even if he knew you were right. 
It was about Bruce still being somewhat reluctant about letting you fully in his life. 
It was about Bruce being an insensitive prick. 
It was about you being too stubborn to let it go. 
It was about you wanting to meddle with his night activities, because you cared about what happened to him, but also because you were vexed he was treating you like a weak child, trying to shield you from all of it.
It was about you not being experienced enough with his “dark side” yet to realize when to stay silent, or to know how exactly to tell him things. 
There was a way to talk to Bruce. And you didn’t master it quite yet...it would take you a few more years for that really. Your boyfriend (soon to be husband) was a damn complicated man. 
-Don’t tell me what to do (Y/N). I was upfront with you. You know this...is...my life work, and it comes first. 
You stay in front of him for a few moments, in silence, taking his words in. 
Bruce looks at you back, his face unreadable. 
He knows perfectly well this is not the truth, that you and Dick are more important than anything else now...but he’s too stubborn to admit it, he’s still too used to his old lonely ways (even though he had you by his side for more than a year now...it had just been six months since you were here 24/7). 
And he’s not sure he wants to let it go...Wouldn’t that mean betraying his parents ? 
Finally, you say those awful words, that makes Dick want to cry even more : 
-Fine, I think we’re done here then.
You glare at Bruce, and he gives you one of his infuriating arrogant look in return. It does indeed, infuriate you. 
When you said : “I think we’re done here”, you didn’t mean “done” forever. You meant that there was nothing more to say. That this fight was over, and would stay unresolved. You meant...but it doesn’t matter what you meant, because he misunderstands and, struggling to hide how truly heartbroken he is, he says coldly : 
-You know where the door is. 
It’s a tone he never used with you before. It lacks love, awe, fondness, joy...it’s empty (just like he’s feeling now), and it hurts you more than anything else. 
And from there...Things escalate quickly. 
You both say things you do not actually mean. You both enter “self-defense” mode and starts to be genuinely awful to each others.
You both go too far. 
Neither of you actually say the word “break-up”, but as you storm off the manor without even saying “bye” to Alfred or Dick, what is happening is pretty clear. 
Sat on the floor in the corridors upstairs, Dick hears you leave in a fury, saying profanities he would never dare to say out loud. 
He hears Bruce yell : “And don’t come back !”. 
And all he can do, is stay there, “hidden”, crying softly. When Alfred finds him, a few hours later, for the first time since he came in the Manor, he takes him in his arms, and they stay like that for a bit. 
Bruce sees them, as he climbs the stairs...but he ignores them. Silently, he goes and locks himself in his bedroom, trying to erase from his head the face of that poor little boy who’s crying in his butler’s arms. 
For the second time in his life, Dick Grayson’s family is “dead”. 
Dick doesn’t see you for almost an entire week. 
The day after your departure, one of your friend came to get your stuffs. 
Bruce wasn’t there...since you left he buried himself in his work, both by day and by night. 
Bruce Wayne never attended that many meetings at Wayne Inc, and Batman never arrested that many criminals in the streets in such a short time span. 
The poor man was exhausted, both physically and mentally...Dick understood. When he first arrived at Wayne Manor, right after his parents’ death, he never forgot the look his adopted father gave you, when he said : “I know things are difficult for you right now...but I promise it will get better. I know my words might sound hollow for you but...one day, you’ll see. One day, you’ll realize that the World is still spinning, and that you’re still able to love and be loved. I hope I will help, just like others have helped me”, emphasizing the fact that Bruce knew most of his happiness came from you being by his side. 
But he was too stubborn to admit it, and therefor, worked even more. 
Maybe he was trying to stay distracted, to keep going so he would never have time to actually think about what happened ?
Dick doesn’t hear anything about you for an entire week, when you finally call. It seems you knew Bruce wasn’t there, as you called on the Manor’s landline. 
Alfred answers of course, and you two talk for a few minutes. It sounds to Dick as if the butler went through different feelings while talking to you, from despair to anger, finishing on a beaten note. 
He comes to him, and gives him the phone, saying a flat and emotionless : 
-It is Miss (Y/L/N). 
Excitedly, Dick takes the machine in his small hand and says, voice full of hope : 
-(Y/N) ? 
It’s such a relief, to hear you say :
-Hey buddy, how’s it going ? 
-Ok. When are you coming back ? 
There’s an awkward silence, and he can feel by your tone that you’re choosing your words very carefully : 
-I...I’m not sure I’m coming back kiddo. 
HAHA ! “Not sure”. You didn’t outright say : “I’m not coming back”. You just said..”not sure”. This was something, right ? You continue : 
-Listen buddy, what about I take you to the fair tomorrow ? And we can talk. Would you like that ? 
-Yes ! Yes I would love that ! 
On the other side of the line, you can’t help but smile. Damn you missed that kid. But your smile soon turn sad and you say : 
-I have to go right now, but we’ll talk more tomorrow ok ? Can you give the phone back to Alfred please ? 
-Yes. See you tomorrow right ? 
-Promise ? 
-Good. You can’t break a promise. Bye bye, I love you. 
The words come out of his mouth faster than he can think and...he’s a bit embarrassed, but not too much. After all, it’s true. He loves you. 
Your voice breaks a bit as you answer :
-Love you too buddy, love you too. See you tomorrow. 
He gives the phone back to Alfred, and act as if he’s going back to his business, though he clearly tries to listen in on what the butler says. 
Alfred though, knows better, and walks further away, and Dick end up only understanding a few cryptic words : “...ask him yourself...” “...miserable...” “...back...” “...his everything...”. 
Soon enough though, being just a child, he forgets about it, and focus all heartedly on the perspective of seeing you again tomorrow. And at the fair at that ! He couldn’t wait. 
He missed you so much, during that week of silence...
You end the call with Alfred and your heart is filled with nothing but sadness and pain. 
You want to call Bruce, to beg him to take you back, to apologize, to...whatever really. You just want to hear his voice. 
But you don’t. Because you’re too stubborn. Because he doesn’t call you either.
And man, why did you have to feel so bad about not talking to Dick in a week ? You weren’t his mom after all !! 
Just thinking those words make your heart bleed. It makes you realize that things are truly over, and that you’ll...never...be...his mom. For the hundredth time that week, you go to bed early and weep all night...
Bruce is greeted by a very excited Dick who jumps in his arms and goes on and on about what he’ll do the next day. Automatically, Bruce catches him and lifts him up in the air, holding him against his chest. 
It takes the Batman a few minutes to finally understand why, for the first time in a week, his boy seems so lively. 
It’s you. 
Of course, it’s you.
It’s the prospect of seeing you again. 
For a split second, Bruce’s heart beats faster, and it almost feels as if he’s going to be the one seeing you tomorrow. 
But the dark reality slaps him in the face fast enough. He won’t see you. Not ever. Not after all the things he dared to tell you...
And oh he regrets every single words, oh he wishes he was brave enough to call you and beg for your forgiveness...He would do anything to get you back, he would do anything you wanted. He would even stop being Batman, if that’s what it took and...But it wouldn’t happen. 
He was too cowardly, too proud and stubborn, to actually call you and apologize. To actually give himself another shot at “being happy”. 
It couldn’t happen anymore. He had his chance, and he blew it. It was destiny bringing him back down on Earth. You’d be better off without him. That was sure. It’s as if life was telling him : “you’ve been a selfish bastard, you knew your relationship with her wouldn’t actually go anywhere, and you played with her...this is your punishment. Karma’s a bitch”. 
And as Dick was going on and on about all the things he’d do with you at the fair, it dawned on him that...vacations were over. 
You left, forever. 
He had to...
Just talking about you made him want to end it all. That’s how much he loved and missed you. He’ve had enough of this life of pain and misery. When you came in, you eclipsed (almost) the darkness...if he didn’t make a promise to his parents, that he would spend his life avenging them, he’s not sure he would still be alive. 
He listens, keeping silent, to Dick’s ramblings about you, and about what you guys are going to do. Alfred fills him in on what you said on the phone, how you asked to see Dick and take him out for the day. 
Bruce doesn’t say anything. He couldn’t bear the fact that the boy would be able to see and touch you, while he himself would never be allowed to do that ever again. But what could he do ? Stop Dick from ever seeing you again ? 
You’d never allow that, loving that kid too much. And besides...it wasn’t this poor little eight year’s old fault, your relationship didn’t last. 
Why should he be punished for something he had no control over ? Bruce shook his head and chased away his selfish thoughts. 
Of course he’d let Dick see you. 
But...Was it really fair to do so, knowing you wouldn’t be there for him as much as you used to ? Was it fair to let him have hope of you ever coming back when Bruce knew it would never happen ? He didn’t want the boy to be hurt...
Maybe he shouldn’t let him see you. 
No. This was ridiculous. You...
-Do you think I’ll be able to convince her to come back, eh, Bruce ? 
Lost in his thoughts, it seemed as if the Batman lost track of the conversation, and didn’t hear a big chunk of Dick’s ramblings. He couldn’t remember how the kid came to talk about you coming back...Oh this wasn’t good. 
He gives a desperate look to Alfred, but the butler isn’t looking back. In fact, he’s turned away from his “master”, in an obvious “You got yourself in this mess, handle things yourself” way, and slowly leaves the room. 
Bruce turns to Dick’s painfully hopeful face, and say : 
-I...I don’t think she...wants to...wouldn’t want to...
He stumbles on his words, and it seems to encourage the little boy. Yes. This was his time. He had a week to rehearse his speech, but didn’t dare to say anything...but now ? Now it was the time : 
-Bruce, we don’t know that ! You didn’t even call her. You guys didn’t speak calmed down yet. You know when people are angry, they say stupid things. Which is what happened. There’s still a chance, and if you want her to come bac...
Bruce understood where the boy wanted to go. And he had to rip any hope from him, now. Otherwise, it would become dangerous. 
Bruce understood that Dick was about to try and convince him to make a move, to try and get you back. He guessed easily that the kid was about to tell him that he’ll talk to you tomorrow, to plead his case. That he’d help in any way shape or form. 
Bruce knew that Dick was about to go on a rant about how they should try again, about how there was still...hope. 
But Bruce knew better. He was convinced he would never get you back, he knew he went too far, pushed you away one too many time...He knew you thought his Batman activities were more important to him than you or worst, than Dick, and he knew you couldn’t forgive him (at the time, it seems he didn’t fully understand you yet...but you two were still in the “early stage” of the relationship of course). 
And he had to destroy all hope. He had to be blunt, though dishonest. 
-...No ? 
Dick said in a small voice, not understanding. Closing his eyes, Bruce got on his knees and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. After a deep sigh, he said : 
-I...don’t want (Y/N) back. And I meant what I told her. 
-No Bruce, you love her. 
Dick’s innocent look, and the way his voice sounded so sure of his statement...almost make Bruce cracks. The man almost breaks down and tells all of his feelings to his kid but...he’s just a kid. A tiny eight years old. He couldn’t burden that boy with his pain like that...And so he shakes his head and says : 
-No Dickie. No. I...Loved her. But those feelings are...gone...now. We’re...we’re not together anymore. We broke up. That’s how life is. Sometimes...you...just have to move on from good things and...or...good things turn into bad...I don’t want her back. And she doesn’t want to come back. You heard her, we’re done. It’s over. 
Every single stumbling words that came out of his mouth was a struggle. But he thought that his cold tone was pretty convincing. He thought that Dick and his young age would buy his lies easily (clearly underestimating him). He gets back on his feet and ruffle his boy’s hair, taking the direction of the Batcave (he needed to think about something else than you right now). 
Dick looks at him leave, tears welled up in his eyes...and more determined than ever. 
Of course, his failure today could have had convinced him to abandon all hope. 
But...no, never. He knew he was right. 
That morning, you came to pick Dick up. You thought you saw Bruce looking at your car from behind his bedroom’s curtains but...It was probably all in your head. Wishful thinking. You wanting him to miss you...but for what ? 
You wouldn’t get back together. 
The vision of that little eight year old boy excitedly going down the Manor’s stairs, a backpack in his hand, and rushing in your car lifted your heart. 
For the first time in a week, you didn’t feel too terrible. Hell, you even caught yourself smiling widely at Dick ! 
You feel a bit bad for not going out to say “hi” to Alfred...No, that was an understatement. You grew so close from the man, while you were dating Bruce...it physically hurt your soul to not go out to hug him and catch up...but what if Bruce was there ? 
You couldn’t risk it. And so you just kinda nod at the butler from your car, and drive away, not noticing his pained expression. 
The morning flies by so fast, you don’t even realize it’s already noon, only Dick’s belly grumbling gives you a hint. 
And it’s there, while you eat lunch, that he attacks. 
He talks about Bruce, observing your reaction. But just like your boy...ex-boyfriend, you cut his sentences short. 
There is no “(Y/N) and Bruce” anymore, you’re not getting back together. 
Dick can tell you even less words than he told Bruce...And yet. 
Yet it doesn’t discouraged him. 
It should have had. But it doesn’t. 
A few months ago, Dick started his training with Bruce. One day, he too would be a night vigilante ! And one of his first lesson was this : “Always observe the situation, always know your ennemies”. 
He would have never thought but today...his ennemies were the people he loved most in the World. 
You and Bruce. 
He triggered emotions in you by talking about getting back together, and he was now convinced that you both loved each other but were too dumb (later he’d know that “dumb” wasn’t the right word...”stubborn” was...well, stubbornness was dumb) to apologize and fix things yourselves ! 
Or maybe too scared ? Not brave enough ? No. Impossible. Not you two. It wasn’t that. You were really just...too dumb. 
By telling you guys he would try to get you back together, he made sure that you were still in love. And obviously, you were. 
You both thought you were way better liers than you really were. 
Dick could see through you two. When you said “we’re not going back together, I don’t want too, and he/she wouldn’t either anyway”, all he could hear was the “anyway” signifying that there was still a kind of wish to be back together, that you were just afraid it was a one-way thing...
Yes. Months of training actually taught him a lot. 
Dick was slowly becoming a detective. And theory had no secrets for him...The “know your enemies part” was over. Now came the part he...didn’t know so well. 
The action. 
He was still too inexperienced in that. He wasn’t sure how to act...after all, he was just an eight year old boy. 
And he couldn’t ask Bruce for help, as he would usually when he was in a delicate situation, because Bruce was part of the problem...
It took Dick a few days to come up with a solution. 
What did Bruce always said ? 
-If you’re in deep and big trouble, and I’m not here to help...Call this number. Ask for Superman and tell him everything. He will help. He will fix things. 
This definitely counted as “deep and big trouble”. And Bruce couldn’t help. And he needed someone to help him fix things...
Dick waited for Bruce to leave for his nightly activities, and for Alfred to look away (Dick wasn’t sure yet if Alfred would agree with him and his plan and...he couldn’t risk the butler to stop him. Of course, he would never do such a thing, because he wanted as much as Dick for you two to get back together, and he actually “looked away” on purpose but...well, he couldn’t blame the kid for being unsure, after all, Alfred didn’t talk much about what he thought of the situation, things being too hurtful for him to...). 
He dialed the “red number” Bruce gave him. 
A voice he didn’t recognize fused from the computer : 
-Member N°2. Batman. You’ve reached the League headquarters, how can I be of service ? 
With an hesitant and small voice, Dick says : 
-Hum...Can I...talk to...Superman ? 
-Member n°2. Batman. You asked to talk to Superman. Getting you through...now. 
There were a few agonizing minutes where Dick thought Superman wouldn’t pick up but...Finally, his face appeared on the computer. He seemed a bit panicky, and when he noticed Dick in front of him, seemed to get even more panicked : 
-Dick ? What is happening ? Are you ok ? Is Batman ok ? What is the danger ?! 
Dick took a big breath to give himself courage and said, more determined than ever : 
-No, I am not ok. And Batman definitely isn’t either. And the danger...it’s his dumb self being too dumb to realize he’s taking a dumb decision ! 
To be continue...
I wrote this in a surge of inspiration. It’s very late, I’m tired, and it’s pretty bad. 
I didn’t write anything in almost three weeks (it’s easy to guess, I’m a bit rusty and this story is...b.a.d, especially the end of this part), so of course when I get back at it it’s an awfully long story...Anyway, this is why I cut that story in half. I know writing long ass one shots is my style, but that one really was too long :-). 
See y’all soon for part two, hoped you liked it and that it didn't disappoint you after my “long” absence.
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Gotham 4x04: A Liveblog
Once again, friends, I come to you with review and summary of the latest Gotham events. And Ed’s back this time. ...god help us all.
TL;DR - I wonder what’s happening in the REAL Gotham where character motivation still makes sense
Ben, whatever happens, I’m holding you personally responsible
Side Note: what exactly IS an embalming knife? Like... where does a knife come into the embalming process? Is this the knife you use to carve out the mushy bits, is that it? Because like... to my knowledge, embalming is a primary function of embalming liquid. Like... mostly it’s preserving and shit. And I don’t know how a knife preserves fuck all. But maybe someone who knows anthropology or mortician practices can explain this to me.
“That cuneiform is definitely pre-Venetian” ...did... did I just hear that right? Oh, PHOEnician... that makes way more sense. I was just... had a heart attack for a second. Carry on.
Look Bruce, you could have a friend your own age! Or... you know, continue to live alone with your butler like... all normal kids do. I suppose you have Cat but... mmm. mm.
...Ed’s fine. He’s fine. Upside down in his... obsession pit. He’s fine.
It’s a TOTALLY NORMAL and HEALTHY thing to paste thousands of pictures of your ex all over the walls while you contemplate revenge, yeah that... this is fine. It’s all Fine.
You’re uh... looking a little ramshackle and disheveled there Ed, OH HEY KNIFE. HI, uh... Okay. Did you fucking... DRAW sketches of Oswald yourself? Oh my god Ed... oh my god. See you haven’t changed at all really.
Yeah, he seems fine
Meanwhile, stuffed birds all over the place. I’m sure that’s... fine
You know, it’s pretty great how ancient cultures are always keen to write their hellish prophecies on their murder weapons, always appreciate that
Just... just all of the safe. All of the safe.
Maybe uh... maybe don’t talk about the Demon’s Head being a person and then cut to a saber skeleton. Maybe we don’t encourage brutal fledgling serial killers hahahahaha. 
That uh... sure is some hair, there, Alexander Siddig. God this show’s aesthetic is fucking weird. 
...this whole sequence has been nothing but Hannibal allusions.
They are REALLY pushing for the Hannibal aesthetics. Got a real crush on that show.
Look Bruce! Your new friend has ALSO been traumatized by witnessing the death of his guardian! You have so much in common!
*frowns* Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim??? Like, given what happened this summer, I can totally understand Donal not being around for filming but... write it better than “Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim” Because that’s bullshit.
I also DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE in a love triangle where 2 women fight over Jim’s soul NO NO NO NO NO. So if that’s where this is going FUCK OFF, FUCK EVERYTHING, AND FUCK YOU.
Welp, seeing another dead guardian should stir some shit up for Bruce
At least this sends Jim back to Barbara... I mean, that’s not really a positive, but at least I don’t hate Jim and Barbara, mainly because they have the stamp of canon on them
I don’t know how I feel about Babs hair this season, it’s... different
Okay, HARD NO on Ra’s-al-Ghul’s underlings, HARD NO. I just came from American Gods and THAT IS NOT ANUBIS. For one thing he’s white. What.
Intense staring contest with bowler hat. Oswald’s So Over It.
What’re you expecting Ed to jump out of it? Holy shit Oswald, calm down
I... you didn’t want to be disturbed... during your staring contest with the hat??? I... okay. Also, maybe close your fucking door then, it was wide open. Just saying.
Huh... Oswald and Sofia are meeting. Okay. Better put the masturbation hat away then Oswald, it’s a little too revealing
Hmmm... be careful Oswald. You’re right to be wary of her, don’t let her fool you. Also, Maybe Talk To Jim About This.
...White Rabbit. Really. *long, put upon sigh*
AAAAAAAAAAND the worst rap of all time! Well DONE Ed!
Oswald’s reactions to this are everything. Bless you Oswald. I love you. 100% everything I feel too.
Belated Side Note: Zsasz used to work for Falcone, and Falcone has taken control of him back from Oswald on occasion. Why then does Zsasz offer to stab Sofia? Is he truly loyal to Oswald now? Or was his relationship exclusively with Carmine? OR is it a bluff and Sofia’s already tapped him? Or will she tap him later? Lots of questions... lots of questions.
Yeah because WHY would you murder the guy??? It’s WAY more healthy for your psychological state to just... keep him on ice forever. That’s progress.
“I want Ed Nygma” we... we know Oswald. we know.
Always, ALWAYS the fucking docks. Goddddd. PLEASE GET A NEW SPOT YOU TWO.
Also, Oswald, DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO THAT??? That WASN’T a riddle, that was... statements. His brain is SHOT. God knows what a second spell in the ice will do.
Also also, I can guarantee that Ed won’t even be at the docks because he’s a dumbass now. And somehow the obvious answer will be wrong.
Um, frankly, I wouldn’t trust Bruce if I was Alex, Bruce is 100% the person who got Alex’s granddad killed. I’d be super pissed at Bruce. But... y’know, okay, whatever. Moving the plot forward.
Ahhh, Alex is giving Bruce the benefit of the doubt, I see. Nice kid. Very generous in his grief.
Also, why the shit would he come after you? He wanted the KNIFE, that’s it. I mean... I guess you’re a witness, but he didn’t see you so he doesn’t know about you. You’re not in danger kid. At least, not so much danger the police can’t take care of it, for once. You’re very much safe as houses until the plot inevitably fucks this up.
It would be a good idea to give up the knife tho, then you’re really in the clear
How the FUCK is Ra’s-al-Ghul at the library! How does he know to come here? Presumably he knew to come to the antiquities room because he was tracking Bruce because Babs told him to... I guess he could have tracked Bruce here then. Meh.
Ah yes. The creatures. Fuck that.
White people speaking ancient Middle Eastern languages. Mmmm nothing like it.
Ah, the old collapsing book case technique! Because no one thinks to GET OUT OF THE WAY of that shit. Nah, just gotta stand here and be crushed by the 3 ton weight of literature. It was my destiny to die this way.
Oh, I see, you’re just going to make like a harmless academic and this knife has been in your family for generations, of course...
You’re awfully paranoid kid. I mean... I suppose you were attacked now, so... I guess that’s justified
Uhhhh, kid, Bruce is not a Good Example of literally anything. He’s been training to become the world’s most popular vigilante for a few years now and that was born out of this very trauma so... y’know, don’t compare yourself to him. Please don’t. We don’t need more Batmans.
“No, you’re cool” I think you mean wealthy. Wealthy and cool CAN intersect but I feel like this is a classism thing. Let me provide you with a book on Marxism, kid.
If this doesn’t turn into another exploration of sexuality subplot, I’m gonna be disappointed
Uh, if he’s here on international business, like... check his visa Jim, he should have legal paperwork and shit to take that knife back to Nepal
This... this whole interrogation is a shit show, oh my god, not great work, very bad work, the both of you. Awful lying, Get Good.
Welp. I guess Ra’s-al-Ghul can teleport. Or turn fucking invisible. Glad that’s very justified. Everyone know if you get resurrected you get Special Powers. The divine amniotic sack gives to all.
Yeah because Sofia Totally Won’t Challenge Penguin For Power. That Defs Won’t Happen. And It Especially Won’t Involve Jim.
Oswald You Good. You Good Good Good Villain. How I Love Thee.
Brilliant babe who is rightfully suspicious after 3 seasons of this bullshit. Y’all fucking forget that Oswald is a sewer rat, you cannot trick him.
Oh boo hoo Sofia, I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you
Her criticism may be valid, BUT, on the other hand, as I said, Oswald’s lived through 3 seasons of this bullshit, while you lived the high life in Cuba. You might have your father’s perspective, but you don’t have any of Oswald’s hands-on experience. I still stand by Oswald’s decision to just murder them, he’s played the politics here long enough to know there is no loyalty amongst thieves. Not for him.
You know, it’s very considerate of Ra’s-al-Ghul to break shit every time he enters a scene so we know he’s here. Very thoughtful of him.
Oh it’s his fucking creatures again... ugggghhhhhhh...
More quality rapping! Good job Ed! Continuing to be the Best!
HAHAHAHAHA *more Randall Tier flashbacks* HAHAHAHAHAHA! ALL of the Hannibal allusions! Phew!
...no. no to the bone gag. just no.
Yeah, kid’s dead. Good job Ra’s-al-Ghul, at least you come through on your weird ass threats.
I mean... Ra’s totally made you make that call tho Bruce, this is his sick game, it’s on him. No one should have to decide between the death of one innocent or the deaths of millions of innocents. That’s a bullshit moral quandary that doesn’t actually exist. He wants you to think like he thinks, that’s all, this is psychological warfare, that’s the whole point. Remind yourself he did this, not just for the active murder, but more so because he thinks there is something to be gained by making you do this. He’s the asshole responsible.
Ed, I’m just... sweetie, pumpkin, if your point is to prove Oswald is a coward or an idiot, then... you proved it. Running after him sorta... disproves your point. If you want to meet him and murder him then... make that the point. Just... show up and murder him in the first place. *siiiigh* Or invite him to a cordial murder, whatever, but don’t make it a contest of wits if what you rally want is a confrontation. Get your shit together.
*nods* He’s right, they do suck, they were AWFUL
This... that... was bizarre. This was bizarre. What... exactly does Oswald want? I don’t understand. I know Ed isn’t himself anymore, but... you could help him. You could help him become himself again. And you both hate and are afraid of the Riddler. Why... would you want him back? As you just said, you want him only to freeze him. And just... that personality wasn’t even WHOLE, it was a fractured disaster. That wasn’t even a person. Just like this isn’t even a person. Why would you taunt Ed with saying “you’re not him”? I know you want Ed as an equal, but... do you think he can only be your equal as the Riddler? Who you hate and fear? You’ve got some weird ideas floating around in your head, Oswald. I would make the argument that you don’t hate or fear the Riddler nearly as much as you claim to and you want to bang the living daylights out of him, but like... *siiiigh* I dunno. You didn’t always want that. You wanted Ed to be whole and your equal. Nothing you’ve seen of him since he was your chief of staff has been real. None of it, all of it was a mistake, aborted attempts at personalities. And I just don’t know what you want anymore if you won’t take this broken, defunct Ed and help him.
You’re pushing him towards becoming the Riddler again, so I guess that’s what you want. And maybe you’re tired of being his mentor, after all, you tried that, reluctantly, and that went SO well. Maybe you hope/expect him to work it out for himself, and come back to you when he’s ready. That would put your relationship in a WAY different paradigm than it has been... but... okay??? I guess??? I’m having another time of not knowing what the hell the writers want for them
Why. why why why why. I hate everything.
I hate Jim so much
Ben You Done Fucked Up.
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 years
Jim Gordon’s Adopted Daughter
Summary: Jim takes you- his newly adopted daughter- to Wayne Manor on business only for you to make a new friend named Bruce Wayne.
Warnings: None... Does Reader talking crap about Bruce count?
Word Count: 2,380
Author’s Note: This is my first writing of anything Gotham related, so I hope you enjoy and if you’d like to request anything please feel free! I think this is going to be a series, as I’ve already written a bit of the 2nd chapter.
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“Get in the car,” I look over at the car driving slowly next to me on the road.
“Wha-? Y/N, come on! I need you to get in the car”
“Fine,” I open the passengers door cooperatively and slide in with the car still moving slowly, sliding my backpack off easily and putting it down at my feet. “Why couldn’t I just walk home?”
“Let’s just say I’d prefer to pick you up from school from now on. Not because of you, if that’s what you’re thinking- it’s because of work. I also need to visit a friend to disclose some new evidence we’ve found on a case so I hope you don't mind tagging along.”
“It’s not the Penguin, is it?”
“What? No! We’re not friends Y/N. Not by any means” my father’s grip on the steering wheel hardens, almost turning his knuckles white.
“Well, alright... I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, I was just asking” I turn a little to look out at the city, watching as it turns into a more suburb-like scene.
“How was school?” I can tell he feels a little awkward as we still haven’t gotten the whole father-daughter thing down yet.
“It was alright. I don’t really like the kids though...”
“Why not?”
“They’re either stuck up, rich and snotty, quiet or druggies and thieves. Maybe that’s just my perception, but still”
“I have a feeling you’d be a good detective” he says probably trying to compliment me in some way, but I try to just shrug it off.
“Alright, Jim, alright... Where are we going again?” I say.
“To Wayne Manor” he says.
“Oh, okay” more and more greenery pops up the further we make our way out of the city. I watch the little flowers outside, seeing groups of them pop up in bunches and then disappear as we drive on- how cute and quaint.
I turn on my phone having turned it off during school hours and start to play my farming game to pass the time; I don’t really like the game, but I play it when I’m bored just to give me something to do. It doesn’t help that I feel like I can’t really talk to my Dad about his work yet, as when I bring up certain things he seems to get ticked off, closed off or silent; he doesn’t enjoy talking about work like I don’t enjoy talking about school.
When I look up we’re approaching a huge mansion that spreads over what I would say is at least ten acres from my line of sight, “Damn,”
“Yeah, that’s how I felt the first time I came here too”
“Once we park and get out I walk towards the house but get stopped by a hand on my chest- “Y/N, hold on. I want you to be on your best behavior when we go in there, alright? Can you do that for me?”
“Sure, Jim” I give him a small smile of complacency as I’m eager to go inside, curious what lies beyond the doors, yet also wanting to get this over with so I can go back home and nap, tired from school today.
I stand behind Jim as he knocks on the big door of the house; an older man, average height, blondish grey hair answers the door. “Detective Gordon? Why do come in” the man steps aside and lets Jim through. Is that a English or Australian accent I hear?
“It’s nice to see you again Alfred. Is Bru-”
“Do beg my pardon sir, but who’s this?” Alfred looks me over as he stands still, blocking the doorway as he waits for Jim’s answer.
“Oh, sorry Alfred. This is Y/N, she’s my daughter” Alfred’s face looks surprised as he steps back.
“My apologizes Miss, Y/N? Is that right?” I nod my head in acknowledgement as I step through the doorway, “I didn’t know you had a daughter Detective, it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/N” Alfred sticks out his hand, I shake it delicately, replying to his pleasantries as I’m distracted and glancing around the huge house in curiosity.
“Mr. Bruce is in his study, I’ll go get him- he’ll be glad to see you Detective” I stand a few feet away from my father, taking in all the details of the intricately decorated house.
“Best behavior”
I roll my eyes, “I know, I know...”
“Your friend has a huge house”
“This isn’t who we came to see, no. He’s not the friend I was referring to earlier, though Alfred’s a good man” a few moments later Alfred comes back empty-handed. Didn’t he say he was going to go get someone?
“If you’ll follow me Sir and Madam, I’d be happy to escort you to Master Wayne. He’s currently finishing up a project.”
Master Wayne? Who’re we here to see? Only a narcissistic person would have another person call them ‘Master’- that’s just wrong. I wonder who this guy is gonna be- how could this be a good friend of my Dad’s if he’s filthy rich and entitled? He’s probably some fat, bald, annoying citer-smoking old man... I groan, anticipating this to be a long afternoon. It doesn’t help that I’m already tired too...
I follow my Dad through the long hallways that Alfred guides us through, glancing at the portraits and artwork lined along the walls. We eventually get to a door slightly cracked as Alfred pushes it open to show us in.
“Detective Gordon! How kind of you to stop by” I stop near the doorway and cock an eyebrow at the crackling fire in the fireplace to the left. IT’s the beginning of summer, why would he have a fire gong? What the heck?
I get pulled back into the conversation when someone brings up my name, “Y/N?” I look to my Dad and the young boy standing next to him.
“Yeah?” I say dumbfounded having not been paying attention. Who’s this? Probably the guy’s son.
“This is Bruce Wayne, Bruce this is my daughter, Y/N” I walk towards them both and hold out my hand to the young boy: he’s taller than me, but looks younger, he has dark wavy hair and deep chocolatey eyes.
“Nice to meet you,” I give him a polite smile and a firm handshake, a business shake returned. Is this the person we came to see? Master Wayne? No...
“You have a very beautiful name Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you” Bruce focuses on me, forgetting my father as he starts to ask me questions. “So, Jim Gordon is your father? I didn’t know he had a daughter, forgive me, how old are you?”
“Uh- I’m- we’re not related by blood.”
“Oh, so you’re adopted? How wonderful”
“Uh... Yes. Yes! I’m adopted” I say with a clear, firm decisions. I mean, I was pretty much adopted, at least of you don’t count the legalities. “I’m sixteen, but my birthday is in a few weeks.” Bruce smiles at me and I feel it’s genuine, though I also don’t really trust people I don’t know- maybe he’s just trying to be polite.
My father steps toward Bruce and places his hand lightly on his shoulder. “Sorry Bruce, but I came here because new evidence has been brought to my attention regarding your case. The Commissioner has been taking a look at all the unclosed cases we have on file and he thinks he’s found something in yours.”
“Oh, alright. If- uh, you don’t mind giving us a moment Y/N, I’d like to discuss this alone with your father.” He says it so kind and eloquently I feel like I can’t say no, despite not wanting to be bored waiting in the hallway.
“Yeah, sure”
“Alfred if you wouldn’t mind, please take Y/N to the kitchen- if you’re thirsty Alfred can help you get something” I raise an eyebrow in concern and at the small words which describe incapability to me. I can get it myself.... If I knew where the kitchen was.
“Right away Master Wayne. If you’ll follow me, Miss” Alfred leads the way and I follow, stopping by the door and looking back at my father for a sign. So this boy is Master Wayne? This house is his? It’s huge! Surely Alfred might call him ‘Master’, but it’s probably his Dad’s house.
“Don’t worry, I’ll come get you when we finish, alright?” 
I nod and close the door behind me, wondering what’s so secretive that I can’t hear... Or maybe it’s just personal and Bruce doesn’t want it disclosed in front of me since we’ve only just met... That makes sense. Yeah, it makes sense, I mean I wouldn’t go around parading my life to him, so why would he do the same?
After about an hour, a lemonade and twenty questions with Alfred- not too much disclosure or give- my father finally comes to get me.
“Ready to go?” he pats me on the back, his hand resting on my shoulder.
“Ready when you are” I half-smile and turn to leave, thanking Alfred for the lemonade.
“You’re welcome” Alfred replies as Bruce approaches me, sitting on a high chair at the island next to me.
“Y/N?” Bruce speaks up as I hop off the high chair I had been sitting on, ready to leave.
“Yeah?” I reply.
“Please do come back, I’d like to get to know you better” I try not to take his words in a flirtatious way, but I can’t help blushing a little.
“Yeah, me too. Do you have a phone? Maybe I could text you to figure out times” I offer quickly, knowing my Dad is waiting in the next hallway.
“I’ll give you my number” he types his number into my contacts and hands the phone back to me, “it was nice to meet you, I’ll talk to you soon”
“Talk to you soon” I genuinely smile, seeing that he seems to be authentic and nice, despite being what I can only presume is incredibly rich considering this mansion. I wave to him, Alfred following me to probably let my father and I out.
Soon enough I’m sat in the passengers seat of the undercover cop car, watching the scenery fade from rural to city. “Hey, Dad?”
“Yeah Kiddo?”
“Bruce-  he’s the friend you wanted to see?”
“Yes. Why?”
“I don’t know, it just seemed weird that you told him the information but not his Dad”
“What do you mean? Alfred?” he looks over at me, intent on my reaction.
“I kind of guessed that Alfred wasn’t his Dad, but I mean- even if his Dad wasn’t home why didn’t you just wait?”
“Sweetie, Bruce’s parents died almost six years ago- Alfred’s his butler. That’s the case I was referring to.”
My Dad sighs as he focuses back on the road.
“Oh....” I look down, then out the window, putting the pieces together... No wonder he didn’t want me to hear about the new evidence. “I- I”
“Didn’t know... I know you didn’t, it’s okay. It’s sad, and I’m not gonna lie- there are things that make it even more sad, but you know what?”
“Wait, things like what?”
“It doesn’t matter, I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s not my place to say. All I’m saying is that, if you want a good friend Y/N, one who’s not druggy, snotty or a thief- Bruce is a good guy. If you don’t like the kids at school, at least promise me you’ll interact with Bruce. Hang out with someone who’s your age for once Y/N.”
“Okay.... Sure” I say half sarcastically and half genuinely feeling bad for Bruce.
“Good” I look over at my Dad upstairs and to the apartment, unlocking it and walking through, straight to my bed not forgetting to take off my shoes at the doorway. “Hey, Honey- how was school today?”
“It was boring, but Jim took me to some rich guy’s house, so that was interesting. Goodnight Leslie” 
“Are you going to bed? Already?” she says exasperated.
“Yeah, I’m tired”
“At least eat something”
“I’m really fine Leslie. I’m not hungry, but thank you” I come off a little more stern and annoyed than I’d intended, but I don’t want to apologize. I try to be nice, but sometimes I just hate how caring and solicitous both Leslie and Jim are.
I walk into my room, slip my backpack down to the edge of my bed and jump back onto my bed flopping on my back and lying down; I sigh out of relief. I just want to sleep- I’m tired and it’s been a long day, I’m still not used to school and I hate it. Homework? Ew. School lunches? Disgusting. Working with Dad? Solving Cases? Looking at evidence? Interesting.
I hear a knock at my door and groan, looking at the windows on the left side of my room, not wanting to meet the eyes of the knocker. “Remember to do your homework before bed okay? I know it’s been a long day and you’re tired, but homework is important Y/N/N”
“Okay, Jim” I grimace as he opens the door probably at my hopeless sounding response.
“What’s going on with you? Why’re you so tired?”
“It was just a long day, okay?”
“Alright,” he puts his hand sup in a defensive position “if you need to talk, I’m here- okay?” Leslie’s here too you know.”
“I know”
“Sleep well. Goodnight” he smile and closes the door, retreating most likely to have dinner with his fiance. 
I do half my homework, bored and unmotivated to finish the rest as I close my Algebra 2 textbook and put it sloppily back into my backpack, changing into pajamas and going to sleep. I think over the day as I try and fall asleep, wondering what’ll be in store tomorrow.
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cattwomannn · 7 years
A Man Like Bruce Wayne (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
A/N: So this took me forever to write not only because I’m a lazy piece of shit but also because it was a request that required a lot of build up. I’m sure there was an easier way to go about it but I like to make everything harder than it needs to be. Lol. I’m so sorry if this was not my best, I’m still very new to writing fan fiction but I put a lot of time into it so I hope you guys like it! Feedback is much appreciated!
Y/N- Your Name
Y/L/N- Your Last Name
Warning(s): Cursing? I think that’s it..
Request: “imagine request please? i wanted to ask for a request where bruce is in love with the reader who is also in love with him. he usually drops hints that she can see but she doesnt take it serious because she doesnt want to misread it so one day, one faithful day, with the help of the batfamily he tells her outright? fluffy with lots of sarcasm please? thank you so much.” -anon
As you walked up the steps to Wayne Manor you couldn’t help but be nervous. This wasn’t your first rodeo.. you’d been a homeschooling teacher for years. You’d even taught for other high profile families before, but this one was different. Not only was this kid the son of the most important man in Gotham, but he also had a sort of reputation with scaring off his teachers. Many of your coworkers had warned you against taking the job. You were the nicest educator in the district and they didn’t want to see you fall on your face like the others before you. But you insisted that you could handle it.. no child deserved to be given up on, no matter how difficult they were said to be. When you reached the door you straightened up, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. When it opened you were greeted by an older man, definitely not the man of the house, but his butler maybe.. He smiled at you, his eyes kind.
“Ms Y/L/N, I presume?” he asks.
You give a polite nod and he steps aside allowing you to walk in. He closes the door behind you before leading you through the house and into the study. All of Damian’s school supplies were set up on the table in the room, yet he was nowhere to be found.
“Master Bruce will be with you shortly..” he informed you before exiting the room.
It wasn’t odd for the parent of the child to want to speak with you on the first day and introduce themselves, but that didn’t stop the anxiety from bubbling up inside you this time. The opinion of a man like Bruce Wayne could make or break your career.. it could be the one thing that determined if you ever found work in this city again and the thought made you want to go back in time and maybe second guess taking this job. You had never been one to back down from a challenge but this definitely was a lot of pressure. You didn’t even have time to form another thought though when he walked in. It took everything in you not to gawk at him. He was just as good looking as everyone had said he was. Of course you’d seen pictures and videos of him before, but it was nothing compared to seeing him in person. He was even taller than you had imagined.. he had raven black hair and the prettiest blue eyes you’d ever seen.
You probably could have admired his appearance all day had he not extended his hand out to you, bringing you back to reality. You shook his hand as he spoke.
“Ms. Y/L/N.. Its very nice to meet you. Im Bruce Wayne. Im glad you could make it on such short notice.. as you know our last instructor left very abruptly.” he said with a gorgeous smile, as if his good  looks could distract you from the fact that his son just might be Satan reincarnate.
You smiled back. “Its no problem at all. I’m really looking forward to meeting Damian.”
He looked at you then with his brows raised. You took it that he probably hadn’t heard that one before.
“Father, Id appreciate it greatly if you would stop flirting with the help..” you heard a voice say from behind you.
You blushed furiously as Bruce scolded his child, and apologized to you. He cleared his throat and focused his attention back on Damian.
“Right.. Well, ill let the two of you get to work. If you need anything Alfred and I will be just down the hall.” he said, walking over to the door. Before he left though he leans down to whisper something to the young boy. You could’ve sworn he had told him to “behave”, to which Damian rolled his eyes. After his father left he turned and walked over to where you were standing. You smile at him and start to introduce yourself.
“Hello Damian.. Im-” but he cuts you off.
“Ms Y/L/N.. I heard.” he sits down at the table, and you sigh.
Two seconds in and the kid already wants nothing to do with you. You sit down next to him, still smiling though. You were determined to get him to like you.
“So, I thought we would start out with math. Where did your last teacher leave off with you?” you ask pulling out your copy of the textbook. He flips open to the page he was last on in his book and starts to work without another word.
“You know all of this already?” you ask, and he just nods.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” you question and to that he doesn’t respond.
You both stay quiet for a while as he continues to work and you grade some of his past assignments that his previous teacher hadn’t gotten to do. Eventually though you notice him start to struggle with a problem. You can tell that his pride is keeping him from asking for help, so you set your papers aside and explain to him how to solve the problem. He resists a bit at first but soon accepts your help. Not long after that he slowly starts to open up to you little by little. You were different from his other teachers, you didnt talk down to him and you gave him the space he had needed when he wanted to work on his own. After that the school day went by more quickly than you had expected and soon it was time to finish up your session. You assigned Damian his homework for the night and you both gathered up all your things so you could be on your way.
As you were doing this Bruce had wandered back in to talk to his son. They talked in hushed tones but judging by the look on the older Wayne’s face you could tell that your job was safe. Damian left the room soon after and Bruce walked up to you. He picked up some of your books, helping you clean up. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Your son is very bright, you know.” You say looking up at him. “One of the smartest kids I’ve ever had the pleasure of teaching.” you continue.
This makes Bruce smile too.
“I’m really glad to hear that.. hes a good kid. He’s just- He’s been through a lot. Damian didn’t exactly have the most normal childhood with his mother.” he said with a slight frown.
It made you wonder what he meant. You knew Damian had been a new addition to the Wayne family, but you didn’t really know much about his life before Bruce. No one did. The Wayne’s private lives were just that.. private.
You slung your book bag over your shoulder and walked out of the room with Bruce, who was still holding the last of your textbooks. You felt like you were back in high school and the popular boy that everyone had a crush on was walking you to class.
Once you get to the front door you reach for your books and he hands them back to you, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“Thank you again, Mr Wayne.. for giving me this opportunity. I wont let you or your son down.” you promise as he opens the door for you.
“Bruce..” you hear him say.
You turn back around to face him.
“Pardon?” you raise your brows and he laughs.
“Call me Bruce.” he clarifies.
“Oh! Right.. of course.” you giggle and give him a wave before making your way to your car and driving away. You had a feeling you were gonna like it here.
You’d been working for the Wayne family for a few months now and in that time you got closer to not only Damian but to Bruce as well. Damian wasn’t the only one who looked forward to seeing you everyday.. that being said, your and Bruce’s relationship had never went past subtle flirting and innocent touches. Today had been different though. It was the afternoon before Damian was supposed to start Spring break.. meaning that for the next almost two weeks Bruce wouldn’t be able to see you. It was weird for him to think about. You’d been at the manor basically every day sans weekends for the last 4 months. And while Bruce knew rationally that he could go without seeing you until school started up again, he didn’t want to have to wait. And that’s when he decided to break all of his own rules.
It had been one of those rare sunny days in Gotham, so you decided to have class out with Damian out in the Manor’s backyard. You were just finishing up for the day when Bruce asked if he could speak with you in private.
You immediately tensed up. Here was the moment you had been dreading. Had your flirting gone too far? Did Bruce want someone more serious to teach his son? You thought everything had been going really well, but you’d been wrong about things before. You followed Bruce through the house and into his office. This was it, you thought. This was where you got fired. As soon as you were both in the room he closed the door behind him and turned to face you. His features softened as he looked upon you and that made you confused. He didn’t look like he was about to fire you but then again he could just be pitying you. Bruce interrupted your thoughts though when he pressed his lips to yours. It was the exact opposite of what you were expecting him to do, and also the only thing you wanted to do to him since the first day you met. It didn’t take long for you start kissing him back, your fingers curling up into his perfectly styled hair. His hands found their way to your waist as he pulled you closer to him, his chest now pressed against yours. You felt lightheaded, it was like you had forgotten how to breathe.
You pulled away, you didn’t want to but you knew that if you didn’t you might pass out. You lay your forehead against his and close your eyes.
“Y/N…” you heard him whisper.
No one had ever said your name like that.. it made you feel weak in the knee’s. In that moment you would’ve done whatever he had wanted you to do.
“Yes Bruce?” you answer.
He smiled at his name leaving your lips.
“Only took four months to get you to actually call me Bruce.” he chuckles softly.
You cant help but laugh.. you remembered he told you to call him by his first name the day you met but you could never bring yourself to do it. Today it was different story.. you were kissing in his office.. It felt weird to call him “Mr Wayne” now.
“Ive been wanting to tell you something for some time..” he said.
You felt your heart skip a beat in your chest as he spoke.
“Y/N im in lo-” before you realized what you’re doing though you stopped him.
“Bruce.. no.” his smile fades and you can feel your heart breaking.
You want nothing more than to let him finish his sentence and part of you is screaming because you wont.. But the other part knows that itd never work.. not only because you were Damian’s teacher and it was unprofessional to date a parent, but also because he was Bruce Wayne..
“May I ask why?” he says, and you can hear the pain in his voice even though hes trying his hardest to seem like he’s not totally crushed.
“Bruce you have no idea how much id love to let you finish that sentence of yours.. but, I just cant. You’re you and I’m me and it would never work out.. even though more than anything I wish it could.” you respond.
He looks away, unable to make eye contact with you. Never in your life did you think you’d be turning down a man this amazing.. but here you were doing just that. Stupid morals.
“I think- I think maybe I should go now.. I’m so so sorry..” you said as you grabbed your things and walked out the door.
Bruce hadn’t spoken to you in almost two weeks and he hadn’t stopped thinking about you in all that time either. A week into the spring break you emailed him your letter of resignation. You explained how sorry you were to do this on such short notice but you thought that it was what was best for everyone now that there were feelings involved. When Bruce finally told Damian, the kid wasn’t ready to just give up. He was determined to get you to come back. So determined in fact that he called up Dick, Jason, and Tim to help him come up with a plan. The boys had noticed that Bruce had gotten grumpier over the last couple weeks now that you were gone. They had all loved you from the get go and saw how just your presence brought out Bruce’s more lighthearted side. He wasn’t as tense, he laughed and joked more.. they’d never seen him like that before. All they knew is that they had to get that back. So they confronted Bruce with their idea.. They knew exactly how to get you to trust that Bruce was serious about you.. but they also knew that he might not approve of the idea.
The plan was to have Bruce reveal his identity as the batman to you. It was a big risk and Bruce didn’t tell just anyone. When the boys first brought the idea to him he shot it down immediately. While he had fallen in love with you in the short amount of time that he had known you, telling you about being batman was never apart of the plan. At least not this early on. He figured if you had felt the same way about him you’d form a bond first, a strong relationship, and then if things worked our between you two maybe a few years down the line he’d let you into that part of his life. Bruce always had a set way that things were supposed to go, they had to be by the book.. but maybe this time he needed to be more spontaneous.. You were like no one he had ever met before. Maybe it was time to take a chance and truly let someone see him for everything that he was. Now that spring break was almost over Bruce knew he had a limited amount of time before you went on to teach for another family that wasn’t his own.
The evening before the first day back to school had come and Bruce had finally got into contact with you. You had agreed to come over and say your goodbyes personally. You’d grown quite attached to the Wayne family and you figured you owed them at least that. As you walked back up the steps to the Manor for what you thought was the last time you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of sadness wash over you. But you knew it was what had to be done. Damian was the one to answer the door this time much to your surprise, usually it was Alfred. You looked down at the young boy and smiled. You could tell he was trying to keep a straight face, he was probably still upset about you leaving. But as soon as he saw you smile he couldn’t help but smile too.
“Hello Dami.. hows your break been?” you ask as you step inside.
You both continued to talk as you made you way deeper into the house. Damian led you into the kitchen where the rest of the family aside from Bruce and Alfred were waiting. As you walked in you felt all eyes on you and you were immediately uncomfortable.. you never did like being the center of attention.
“Uhm.. whats going on?” you ask.
You take a seat at the table with the rest of them. You felt awkward being the only one standing in a room full of people.
“Hey Ms Y/L/N. How ya been?” Dick smiled.
“You know you can call me Y/N, Richard..” you laugh.
“Yeah, Dick. She’s not your teacher. You don’t need to kiss ass..” Jason snorts.
“Language, Jay.. there are children in the room.” Tim says looking at Damian.
“The only child I see here is you, Drake.” Damian sneers.
“This is why we so rarely have all the boys in the same place at once.” you hear Alfred say as he walks into the room.
“Hello Miss.. its nice to see you again.” he greets you.
You get up to hug him, you always had a soft spot for Alfred. You spent many hours in the kitchen with the older man drinking tea and catching up on life after a long day of teaching. As you pull away you see Bruce walk in. You wonder to yourself why he always had to look so good.. its gonna make saying goodbye 10 times harder. You pull your gaze away from him and look to everyone
“I.. I probably shouldn’t stay too long.. I just wanted to come here and say goodbye in person..” you stutter out before composing yourself and continuing. “In the short amount of time that i worked here I’ve come to care immensely for every single one of you.. and it saddens me that I have to leave but-” before you can finish Bruce steps forward.
“But what if you didn’t have to leave? What if I could prove to you that I’m serious about this.. about us?” he asks.
“Bruce..” you sigh.
“Y/N.. Its not often I put myself in situations like this. Opening up to people, Letting them see this side of me.. Its not a thing that happens.” he confesses.  
“What do you mean?” you furrow your brows, obviously confused.
“I’d like to show you something before you leave.. if that’s okay? And if it doesn’t change your mind about everything then I promise I will not bother you again..” he says, now very serious.
You look around at the boys who are all now smiling at you.. obviously you weren’t in on the joke and you couldn’t lie it made you really curious.
“Okay… Show me what you got.” you say.
With that Bruce smiles and reaches his hand out for you to take. You grab it hesitantly as he pulls you along to the big grandfather clock out in the hall. He stops you in front of it and you officially have no idea whats going on.
“Umm..” you start to say but stop yourself when the clock moves out of the way to reveal a staircase that leads to underneath the manor. You look at Bruce, your eyes wide.
“Is this where you murder me and hide my body in your creepy basement with all of Damian’s previous homeschooling teachers?” you ask, only half joking.
Bruce lets out a soft laugh. “No, that was not the plan.. You watch too many horror movies.”
He steps in front of you, leading the way down the staircase and you follow along, the boys not far behind you.
Once you reach the bottom you notice that you’re now in what looks to be a cave.. a cave with thousands of dollars worth of technology everywhere. You look around, taking everything in and that’s when you see it. You walk across the large room and up to the glass case that was holding what had caught your attention. You couldn’t believe it.. Batman’s suit. You were in the batcave and that could only mean..
You spin around on your heel and see Bruce and the boys watching you from the stairs. You walk back over to them and stop in front of Bruce.
“You’re..” you cant even finish your sentence when he nods.
“Why are you showing me this? Why trust me with this kind of information?” you ask in amazement.
“I told you.. I’m serious about this.” he says, gesturing to you and himself. “This is not something  I take lightly.. but I wanted to prove to you that I’m not just-” you cut him off.
“Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne?” you say for him.
“Precisely..”  he chuckles.
You take his hands in yours and look up at him.
“Bruce…. you are a man of many contradictions and I realize that now that I misjudged you.. but even when I thought you were just some rich womanizer-”
“Ouch..” he interrupts.
You laugh and continue. “I still loved you… you don’t have to prove anything to me. I do appreciate the honestly though.”
“I love you..” he smiles.
“A man of many words..” Jason mumbles from behind you two.
“Shh.. you’ll ruin the moment.” Dick whispers.
“Come along, boys. Lets leave them be.. I’m sure they have much to discuss..” Alfred says ushering the them back up the stairs.
“Yeah.. I’m sure what they’re gonna be doing is ‘talking’.” Jason snorts.
“Don’t be vulgar, Todd.” you hear Damian say as they disappear.
“So…” you trail off.
And before you can say anything else you’re back in his arms and he’s kissing you and you cant believe you ever thought you could continue living your life without a man like Bruce Wayne.
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moosetrackart-old · 8 years
For Good Old Times' Sake
A Batman fanfiction. I haven’t written one in an eon, so here.
I learnt that BatJokes is a canon ship through The Lego Batman Movie, and it made me fangirl really hard.
Btw, they’re not Lego people in this. Also, in this AU, Joker’s makeup can be removed.
Fluffy aF
Joker sat in Arkham, feeling kind of down; his Batman, as he calls him, hadn’t come around to check in with him lately. He sighed and leant against the wall, a frown on his face.
“Oh Batman, my Batman, why don’t you come around? I thought that you hated me enough to keep me down… Oh Batman, my Batman, it’s never enough. Why don’t you come to check on my stuff?” the clownish man sing quietly to himself. “My Batman, my Batman, why don’t you come to check on me? My Batman, MY Batman, you’re the best to be seen…” He drifted off and sighed again, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hello Joker,” the vigilante hummed as he walked up to the thick glass that the Joker was held behind. “What are you singing about me?”
“I was just wondering by singing where you’ve been and why you haven’t come to see me in a while. Nothing too vulgar,” J said with a laugh. “Anyways, when are you gonna let me out of here again? Aren’t we supposed to be playing cat and mouse?”
“I suppose we would be, but now that I’ve finally got you behind glass, I don’t need to ‘play’ with you anymore.” Batman turned around briefly to think before turning back around. “Say, what if I DID let you out? What would you do?”
“I-I don’t know,” the villain stuttered, messing with his hair to make it look good to him. “I guess I’d just make my way into the city to have you find me. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”
A pause.
“How about we make a deal?” Bruce in disguise pondered aloud.
“I’m listening~” the Joker purred curiously.
“You don’t use weapons or try to destroy the city, and you won’t hurt anyone, and I won’t use weapons to find and stop you? That sounds safer and less destructive, if you ask me.”
“Oh, sure! Just punch in that code and give me an hour’s start, and then we can play our fun game of hide and seek, eh?” Joker’s eyes lit up, and he got an even wider smile on his face. “It’ll be so much fun!”
“Of course.” So, the Bat opened up the glass door and let the Joker go free. “Good luck. Your time starts now.”
“Got it!” And the humorous, murderous, comedic villain skipped down the stairs and made his way into the city, hiding in the darkest of places after changing into a black suit to blend in.
“One hour, he said. That’s a good amount of time to give him to hide.”
An hour passed, so Batman started making his way after his target. He searched far and wide, and finally found him hiding against a wall, wearing the suit that was previously described.
“Ah, I see you’ve discovered me. Now it’s time to catch me!” Before J could run, Batman had him by the collar of his outfit. “O-oh, I-I guess that was easier that I thought it would be…”
“You got yourself cornered. That’s your own fault,” B purred, bringing the villain closer to him. The nose of his cowl gently nudged Joker’s own nose, soon aiding the vigilante in pressing their mouths together.
“B-Batsy, wh-what are you d-doing?” Joker mumbled underneath Batman’s lips.
“Shh, shh, trust me.” The taller man separated their lips and pressed their open mouths together, slipping his tongue in his villain’s mouth. “You’re my villain. I hate you so much.”
“Aw, I hate you too~” J cooed, moving his arms around the back of Bruce’s neck. He threaded his fingers through his kisser’s hair and pulled lightly. “I hate you so much~”
“I hate you the most,” Batman said sweetly, moving his kiss to Joker’s neck. “Come with me.” He led the boy™ to his mansion.
“Hello, Bat-Batmaaaaaaaaaaa……” Alfred’s mouth fell open when he saw the Joker in the Batcave. “What in heavens’ name is he doing here?”
“Oh, we just need to clean him up a bit. I’m thinking a bit of bleach for his hair and removal of all the makeup, minus red lipstick, because that’s hot,” Batman purred, laughing quietly at Joker’s small noises of protest.
“U-um, sir, I don’t think that this is a good idea. I mean, he is a maniac, for crying out loud!” the butler protested.
“Just trust me. Get a couple gallons of bleach and some makeup removal stuff and we can reform this dapper young man.”
“Alright, sir.” Alfred left the room and returned with the desired materials.
“Joker, please sit down in this chair,” Alfred said, motioning to a nice chair.
“Alright then.” So, J sat. He hissed when the bleach was painted into his hair, as his roots had to be saturated in order to be completely blonde. Next, his makeup was washed off, revealing a very pale man. “Man, I really need to get out more,” he pondered aloud as he looked at his face in the mirror.
“Yes, you do. You need to not wear so much makeup all the time, despite your villainy attire,” the butler replied, brushing Joker’s hair. He noted how few knots there were. “Do you brush it every day?”
“Well, I always keep a brush in my pocket…” A small smile covered the vanilla villain’s face. “I like to look good when I’m playing- I mean, fighting with Batman.”
“That is a very good idea, since Batman is very picky when it comes to looks.”
It was weird, Joker thought; Alfred, the loyal father father figure (and also butler) to Batman/Bruce was praising one of his son’s greatest enemies. He let it happen, though, because it felt good to hear praises from someone who isn’t one of his goons.
The two shared kind banter as Alfred spruced up the man, putting lipstick and blush onto him and making sure his hair looked good. “You look amazing. It’s like you’re a whole new person!”
“Thank you, Alfred! I’m sure my Batman will love it.”
“Your Batman?”
“He’s mine. We hate each other so much, and it makes me tingle good on the inside~”
“How come 'hate’ is your word for love?”
“He doesn’t really say that word, so hate is what we use. It makes me feel so good that he’s using that word, since it’s our codeword for love~ Ahh~” Joker sighed with happiness, clasping his hands together. “Say, how come you don’t… Hm… Hold on. One sec. Let me look for words… Who is Batman, and why don’t you refer to him as his regular name?”
“I refer to him as Batman while he is in costume because I don’t want to say his real name aloud. His identity, I do not want to reveal.”
“Alright. Well, can I make a guess as to who he is? Please?”
“I do not see why not.”
“You have to tell the truth whether or not it’s him, okay?”
“Is he Bruce Wayne in disguise?”
Alfred stuttered and nodded his head, covering his mouth.
“I knew it! That’s why the manor is on top! Speaking of the manor, may I see what it looks like on the inside? I made a promise that I wouldn’t destroy anything.”
“Yes. Yes. Of course.” The butler was still in shock as he led the Joker upstairs and into the manor.
“…And finally, this is the dining room table, complete with gold-coloured cups and gold-coloured fringes on the tablecloth edges. It was one of my favourite places in the manor to decorate.”
“I do agree that it is very nice! Thank you for giving me a tour!” Joker was very excited as he spoke to Alfred. “Do you know where Brucey went?”
“Probably to his room. He might be waiting for you there. It’s the first room to the left when you go down that hall.”
“Thank you, Alphy~!” Joker cheered as he practically ran to the Bat’s personal bedroom.
“Oh Batman, my Batman? Are you in here?” J wondered, looking around the manor owner’s room. “I want to speak to you, dear! See, I made it rhyme, just for you~” A smile crossed his face when he spotted the caped crusader looking in the mirror.
“Lay on my bed,” was the simple, gentle command. “Please.”
“Okay~!” Gently, but excitedly, the villain laid onto his loved one’s bed. “Whats your plan, Brucey?”
“Oh shoot… You found me out.” Bruce laughed as he removed his cowl. He turned around and smiled. “How’d you know?”
“I mean, if Wayne Manor™ is above The Batcave™, obviously you’d have to be the owner of both. I won’t get into the details as to how you gained the house’s will, but yeah…” Joker smiled and patted the place next to him. “Please, join me, baby.”
Bruce laughed again as he removed his costume, getting dressed in a suit before his lover’s eyes. “Bam. Cloooothes~” He slid next to J and pressed a kiss to his freshly makeup-removed forehead. “You taste a whole lot better now.” He smiled and ran his hands through the other man’s hair, feeling how silly smooth it was.
“Mmm… Bruce, you are handsome as hell~” Joker nuzzled beneath Bruce’s head, purring quietly as he got comfortable.
There was a pause.
“Joker, what’s your real name?”
“Um….” J didn’t answer for another thirty seconds. “I… It was… Jack.” A frown crossed his face. “Jack…” Tears welled in his eyes as he gripped on Bruce’s suit.
“H-hey, it’s okay! Shh, shh, J, it’s okay. I’m right here.”
What Jack didn’t know was that his lover had kept on his cape, which Bruce now wrapped around the two of them in an act of love. He wants to protect and care for him. He loves him.
“Bruce, I… I love you.” Hate was a hurtful word, which the vanilla villain realised right then.
“I…” Bruce mouthed 'love you too’, and Jack hummed happily, kissing his lover gently.
“You’re awesome… You’re buff… You’re gentle, but strong… You’re… You’re comfortable…” J closed his eyes and curled up in Bruce’s cape with his lover beside him.
“You’re so cute. And nimble. And perfect. And I really l-love you for your personality and- and you’re more exciting than I am…” B nuzzled J gently and petted his head to help the two of them to sleep.
I guess that makes for an okay ending? I’ll write another one another time. For now, here you go!
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msephy · 8 years
Upbringing: chap 5/?
Finally chapter 5 @_@ Sorry for the long wait.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Cross-posted to AO3
Earth ? - Jason Todd
Jason parked his stolen Ducati next to the Batmobile, disappointed at the idea to leave it there. He removed his helmet and followed Bruce to the main platform, looking around. The Cave looked much the same as Jason remembered it from back when he’d been Robin. In his world, it had probably changed since, accumulating shinier toys and harsh memories, probably gaining in security what it lost in gloominess.
But in the Earth he was now – could he attribute a number himself, he wondered – Bruce was still relatively new to the cowl. Well. Newer, in any case. He looked terribly young to Jason’s eyes but, after a fashion, Jason had realized this Bruce was actually still a couple of years older than him. Which meant he’d been doing this for maybe half a decade already.
It was still kind of weird to see him so… green. Despise kid-Bruce being older than Jason, they had the same amount of experience in the field. Jason, after all, had started being Robin at 14, seven years earlier. Even if his year training with Talia’s teachers and the six months he’d spent brainless where not to be taken into account, that still made five years.
And, obviously, he’d had a better mentor in the person of Bruce himself.
Jason pushed those thoughts away to scan the Cave. However familiar, it wasn’t the one he remembered – and even that one he hadn’t visited in years. He didn’t know the escape routes, the available tools. Besides, observing the place could only teach him about kid-Bruce (he really had to find a way to differentiate them, if only in his thoughts, or he’d soon drive himself crazy).
The bat-computer stood in the middle of the room, clearly the heart of the operation. The penny and dinosaur stood in the background. Peculiarly, the Joker card was missing.
At the bottom of the stairs leading up to the manor were aligned several suits. Not all were Batman’s. Apparently, there were at least two sidekicks, or one who had grown older; but their technology looked close enough for Jason to bet on two different people.
The first suit was obviously Robin’s, despite the lack of scaled underwear. And it was adult-sized. A soon-to-be-former Robin, possibly.
The second costume had a darker edge. Not only it avoided yellows and reds to focus on harder tones of black and grey, but its gauntlets wore short spikes which would certainly give its bearer an edge in hand-to-hand combat, and there were straps for additional batarangs along the thighs.
Jason felt himself tense. He could take Bruce alone – more or less – and might have been able to get away if he had to face him and his Robin. But with two sidekicks around, he clearly was overmatched. He’d been a fool to come here.
On the other hand, he couldn’t have found a way to go back to his world all by himself. And while being around this Earth, he’d better learn more about the local vigilantes.
“You’ve got yourself quite a family,” he commented, pointing his thumb toward the suits. The local Jason might be kid-Bruce’s brother, the man still seemed to have the need to pick up strays.
Bruce pursed his lips, nodding reluctantly. So, of course, Jason felt the need to push.
“Robin and… what’s the demon brat called? Is it bird-themed as well?”
This time, Bruce actually flinched. Really, B-man?
“Don’t assume that our worlds are similar,” Bruce then said in his sternest tone.
Jason snorted.
“I won’t, if you tell me the eldest doesn’t call himself Robin.”
Bruce grumbled, heading for the computer without answering. Jason rolled his eyes.
“I thought so. It is Dick, then? And, what, Damian? No one else?”
Bruce frowned at this latest question, so Jason supposed Tim Drake wasn’t around. Good. Even though their relationship had calmed down since the early days, he had no wish to play friends with his replacement’s doppelganger, who wouldn’t know anything about their history and might easily trigger Jason’s anger without meaning to.
To be truthful, it was weird to interact with doppelgangers in general; and the closer they were from the originals, the weirder it got.
“We’re not here to talk about me,” Bruce growled, his voice almost as impressive as it would become ten years down the line.
“Do you even have the technology to travel through world?” Jason shot back.
Bruce tensed– and, suddenly, so did Jason, a weight settling in his stomach. Somehow, he didn’t think the people from his Earth would bother looking for him. Hell, they probably wouldn’t even notice he was gone. They certainly wouldn’t miss him.
Though they might try to find a way to send Jason Wayne back. Hopefully.
“Is there any kind of Justice League here?” Jason settled on asking. “Not a big fan, but if there’s nothing on this planet which might help me…”
“I’ll contact them.”
The tone was definitive as a door closing. Jason grit his teeth.
“I came here, didn’t I? I’ll play by the rules. But if you want to find your brother again? You’ll need my help, and I won’t be able to provide if it you shut me down.”
Bruce observed him silently through the unnerving gaze of the cowl. Then, he turned back to the computer.
“We’ll see.”
Jason clenched his fists. Were Bruces from all Earths assholes? He tried to fought back his anger– then just put back his helmet.
“You know what? Fuck you.”
He walked straight back to the Ducati, determined to go. A surprised gasp from the top of the stairs interrupted his righteous anger.
“Uncle Jason!”
Shocked by the eagerness in the familiar voice, he turned back to find a smiling 19-year-old Dick Grayson beaming at him.
Earth 1 - Jason Wayne
Jason’s chin slipped from his closed fist, startling him awake. It was starting to get really late, even for Bruce. Or did this one patrol even later into the night? He glanced at the bottom corner of the main screen in front of him. 5:12. You couldn’t even qualify this as night anymore.
He massaged the bridge of his nose, wishing for a cup of coffee even though he knew how bad of an idea that would be. When he’d gotten downstairs to the Cave three hours before, it had been because he couldn’t find sleep. Pushed by habit, he’d settled in front of the computer, checking Bruce’s status.
Alright, he might have had to slightly hack into the system, but it wasn’t that different from the one back home and the local Bruce’s thoughts patterns seemed close enough to his little brother’s to make the task easier.
Jason hadn’t pushed the vice to the point to actually talk into the com’. He’d just monitored Bruce’s vitals. The Robin suit was at his place in the armory; Damian must have come back early because it was a school night. At least Bruce paid attention to that.
But that meant he’d been finishing the night alone. Jason couldn’t force himself to get back to bed knowing as much. So he’d stayed there. As he always did.
An alert popped up on the main screen. Yawning, Jason checked it. It was merely an update from the surveillance laid by the GCPD on the docks. He flagged it as irrelevant and filed it in the Maroni section.
Of course, Bruce would double check everything he’d done, to make sure Jason hadn’t corrupted the information, which would possibly take him more time than if Jason had just left the work to him. But he was bored.
They’d given him some clothes - Bruce’s own, he assumed, since they mostly fit (if Alfred had bought them, he would have gotten the correct size, because he was magical) - so at least he hadn’t had to hang out in his suit for one more day. Alfred had provided him with a room, and a delicious shepherd's pie.
What they hadn’t provided was anything to keep him busy. Hence, the insomnia. He was enough prone to those without adding to it the lack of action - and the worry. He tried hard not to think of how his Bruce must be panicking over his disappearance.
Maybe he should just go back upstairs. He glanced longingly toward the mats. Or he could practice some katas? He’d shamelessly stolen a set of training clothes after an hour passed in the chill of the Cave. He should have thought it would be cold before getting downstairs in simple pajamas.
But no. Adrenaline would only make sleep more difficult to come whenever Bruce would finally show up. And he wasn’t going back to bed as long as the damn fool hadn’t made it back safely.
Who did wait for him, the rest of the time? Alfred? Jason thought he’d heard the old butler peaking at the top of the stairs about two hours ago. He shuddered while picturing his wrinkled face. Alfred was still a rock, of course, but he was getting old. Hell, he had to be at least 70 in this universe, hadn’t he? Bruce couldn’t ask him to keep going as he had a decade earlier.
And nevermind Alfred; Bruce was almost 40. He should be the one on computer duty, making sure his kids didn’t get hurt. Making sure there was someone waiting for them when they got back, with something warm to drink and a few plasters to patch them up. Someone to have their backs if they needed it.
Jason sighed. This wasn’t his world. It wasn’t his place to criticize. Not that his Bruce listened to him.
The low sound of an engine echoed in the Cave’s entrance, announcing the return of the place’s master. Finally. The car parked in its slot - Jason idly wondered if Dick had labeled it ‘the Batmobile’ in this world as well - and Bruce stepped out of it. Despite the cowl, Jason could see his surprised.
“Hey. I couldn’t sleep,” he explained. He didn’t feel the need to apologize; no one had forbidden him to come downstairs.
Bruce grunted as only answer. Of course. As he walked toward him, Jason noticed a slight stiffness in his pace. He frowned.
“The hips or the back?” he asked, getting on his feet and reaching for the first aid kit. Unsurprisingly, it was in the exact same place than in his world. Alfred’s organizational skills, he guessed.
Bruce didn’t answer, removing his cowl and putting it on the chair, glaring. Jason raised his eyebrows, unimpressed.
“If it’s the hips, I’ll leave it to you. If it’s the back, I won’t let you go to bed with an injury that will bleed all over Alfred’s sheets. But maybe you can bend your elbows backward in this universe?”
Bruce scowled while pulling away his gloves, but this time, it was resigned. Jason pointed the medical table. Bruce sat on it with an irritated sigh.
The suit was a bit different than the one Jason was used to, but not so much to make it difficult to remove the upper part, not when the protections had been deactivated. There was a nasty slash right below Bruce’s left shoulder blade. Just a flesh wound, nothing deep enough to have reached internal organs, but it still required stitches. And, of course, it had been done early in the night, which meant coagulated blood had glued it to the suit.
Jason peeled the fabric away as gently as possible. Thankfully, he managed not to reopen the wound. The he started working with the ease of habit.
The number of scars scattered on this Bruce’s skin was frightening. He felt once more relieved to have surrendered to Alfred’s ministration when he’d been 13; then accepted to stay at the manor with Bruce; then demanded to go with Bruce when he’d decided to wander around the world to shape himself into the Bat.
Jason didn’t make any comment, though. He put a bandage over the wound once done, not bothering to list recommendations Bruce certainly knew as well as he did.
He closed zipped the first aid kit shut and put it back to its place, making a note on Alfred’s supply list to buy other stitches to replace the set he’d used. Bruce observed him silently, then put on a loose t-shirt before settling in front of the computer, his back straight so his wound wouldn’t touch the seat back. He noted how the access was opened and his files in order, but didn’t comment.
Jason turned the electric kettle on while Bruce typed his report. When the water boiled, he prepared a mug of matcha tea and put it next to the keyboard. This time, Bruce flinched – then he took a sip. Looking up at Jason, he nodded, once.
Jason smiled, then left the Cave, satisfied to have seen Bruce’s shoulder relax at last.
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