#and i was like yeah. yeah yep okay yes sure yeah. have to get back to that one.
changingplumbob · 3 days
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 8
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
Chad: How are you today Carson
Carson: Not good. I mucked up at school
Chad: Oh? It’s not exam season is it
Carson: No. I just... I was painting and Ariadne came to talk to me and then the bell rang and all my intrusive thoughts started up and she didn’t finish what she was saying. She probably thinks I’m a rude idiot
Chad: Carson, remember how we talked about mind reading?
Carson: Sort of. It’s like imagining what another person is thinking
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Chad: Yep. It’s also a notoriously unreliable train of thought. There’s no way for us to know what someone else is thinking
Carson: Unless we ask?
Chad: Exactly. So while it might be easy to imagine that everyone is thinking the worst of us, it doesn’t make it true. How have you found talking to her when the intrusive thoughts are more quiet?
Carson: Good. Really good. I held her hands and it felt great
Chad: Have you read up on asexuality at all?
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Carson: Oh I have and it was good! Like just... exactly what I feel and think has a name. It was... validating. Yeah, validating. I don’t know how touch averse I am, I guess I’ll find out with time
Chad: I’m glad to hear that. Is there anything else you want to discuss before we get to today’s workshop?
Carson: No I’m good
Chad: Great. So last time was all about identifying your symptoms and thoughts. Today we’re going to revise that and discuss some ways to apply reasoned arguments to those thoughts
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After he had finished with Chad, Carson hoped on the ferry home and gave his mum a call.
Carson: Hey Mum, my session is all finished. Do you need me to grab anything on the way home
Kayleigh: Oh sweetie I’m sending the new address to your phone
Carson: New address?
Kayleigh: YES! The movers came while you were at school and we’re all set up
Carson: So strangers were touching my stuff? Mum do you know how many germs they could have left?
Kayleigh: We got you some brand new stuff to, don’t worry. You’re going to love it. If you want to clean anything I can help, okay?
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Carson worried all the way to the new house. People touching his stuff? When he got there he was pleased to see there were no internal stairs though, much safer. Kayleigh showed him his room and while he was apprehensive he couldn’t deny that his mum had done a good job of preserving his things. Once he was settled Kayleigh left him to do his homework. The light here was much nicer to, but he’d probably have to be careful for mold with his room sitting above the water. Could sharks break through floors like Lachrymose Leeches if they smelled food on him?
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Harvey: How’d your appointment go? Are you liking Chad
Carson: Yeah he’s really chill. Helps me not feel so stressed
Kayleigh: I’m sorry we didn’t give you a heads up about the move but we didn’t want you to make yourself sick with worry before we were here
Carson: *sighs* It’s not cool mum
Harvey: It wasn’t just her, we decided together. Be mad at both of us if you are
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Carson: Do sharks break through floors?
Kayleigh: I don’t think so but if you want to know I’m sure your sister knows
Harvey: She is a marine biologist
Carson: Yeah I might do that
Kayleigh: And we’re hiring a maid. They’ll come every weekday and clean however much of your room and bathroom you want
Harvey: You’re so smart sugar
Carson: Oh watcher, could you wait until I’m out of the room before kissing? Yeesh
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Our first visitor was eldest child Charlie!
Harvey: You found us!
Charlie: Too easily. The paparazzi are going to find you here you know
Harvey: As if, I don’t think they know where Sulani even is. Come play chess?
Charlie follows her dad to the back porch, gives her mum a kiss on the cheek hello, and sets down to play. Harvey however is not a great player and the game is soon over with Charlie the victor.
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Kayleigh: Alright my turn
Charlie: You think you can win
Kayleigh: I taught you how to play remember
Charlie: Yeah with a long gap and more kids in the middle
Kayleigh: I’ve been tuning my skills for promotion, you’ll see
Indeed Charlie does. Although she does her best to distract her mum during the game with claims of spotting sea monsters in the distance, Kayleigh is the final victor of the night.
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fruitybashir · 4 months
husbands taking care of bojan🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
i know its a trope thats been done many times before but god if im not so fucking weak for it though.................................
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hurtspideyparker · 3 months
In a timeline where Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lives in the compound:
Steve, walking into the living room: Don't worry Buck I think you'll really fit in around here. Everyone is super nice
Peter: Oh my god you're living here too?! Can I please look at your arm? Please please please please please-
Bucky: *turns around and leaves*
Clint: So... wanna test if your spider-sense defeats my perfect aim?
Peter: Oh my god do I ever
Tony & Steve: NO.
Peter: Hi. Big fan. Y'know we're like a spider duo. Crime fighting spiders. Arachnid pals
Natasha, staring blankly:
Peter: Web friends? SPY-ders?
Peter: Spinneret associates?
Natasha: Leave.
Peter: Yes okay sorry ma'am
During a meal:
Bucky: *glaring at Sam*
Sam: Ay Rogers come get your dog
Steve: Bucky, leave it
Bucky: *glares down at soup instead*
Peter: Mr. Rogers could you help me with my homework?
Tony: What the hell kid, I'm right here
Bruce: I have... so many degrees
Steve: Hey I know a thing or two myself. Sure Queens, what do you got?
Peter: Great! I'm just gonna ask some questions for my essay. What would you say the role of war propaganda was in your decision to enroll in the military? Was being poor a factor? Actually, how was the Great Depression for you?
Steve: Less depressing than this conversation.
Steve: Take a jacket, it's chilly
Wanda: Okay thanks dad
Peter: Ha! That's so embarrassing, it's like calling your teacher dad
Wanda: Shut up Peter, you call Tony dad all the time
Peter: Yeah but I do it on purpose so it's not embarrassing. I'm very open about my daddy issues
Tony: I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth
Tony: Looking at me with your angelic blue eyes, like a freak
Tony: Stupid Dorito ass build. Making me wanna take a bite
Steve: I feel harassed but I'm not sure what kind
Natasha: Hey bird brain!
Clint and Sam both turn:
Natasha: Hm, that's a problem. You have thirty seconds to decide who gets bird brain. The other will be feather head
Clint and Sam: *start arguing*
Tony: I can't believe they're fighting to be called an insult
Steve: She has that effect on people
Peter: Aw man, I wish the Black Widow gave me a nickname :(
Peter: Hey old man
Sam: *cackling in the background*
Bucky: *stands up and turns to Sam*
Sam: Oh shit- kid you're not getting the money if you're gonna snitch!
Peter: That's okay, I'd like to think my life is worth more than twenty bucks
Bucky: I need your... help
Tony: Sure, what's up?
Bucky: *glances back at Steve who stands in the doorway and nods approvingly*
Bucky: Arm.
Tony: Ok... this conversation is killing you isn't it?
Tony: Say please
Bucky: Nope can't do it-
Steve: Do I need to get out the get-along shirt?
*Bucky and Tony share a look of alarm*
Bucky: Please fix my arm
Tony: Yep of course no problem buddy
Read Part 2 here
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cloakedsparrow · 3 months
Dick: Okay, I think we’re gonna have to do ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’.
Jason: Yeah. It’s tropey but it works.
Dick: Exactly. Wanna flip for Bad Cop?
Jason: You’re kidding.
Dick: Or we could play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?
Jason: Dude, I can’t be Good Cop. I kill people, remember? You can’t kill people and be Good Cop.
Dick: Those were traffickers and mob lieutenants. These are Rogue goons.
Jason: What, like that matters?
Dick: Yes, that matters. They don’t care that you took out some mobsters. They care that you revived the Joker after beating him to death and then let him go.
Jason: I didn’t revive him, I just didn’t let him die yet! And I didn’t let him go either! That was Batman! I was gonna kill the psycho!
Dick: Yeah, well, you still kept him alive and the goons probably know it. Just like they know I was happy to leave him dead when I killed him.
Jason: What?
Dick: You heard me.
Jason: You…?
Dick: Killed the Joker? Yes. I thought he killed Timmy and then when I confronted him, he said your name and…I didn’t stop hitting him until he choked on his own blood.
Jason: Then…how is he still alive?
Dick: Batman revived him.
Jason Fucking what?
Dick: Yeah.
Jason: Well, now I definitely can’t be Good Cop. I’m way to pissed for that shit.
Dick: Well, so am I.
Jason: Fuck.
Dick: Fuck.
Jason: So now whadda we do? Try to beat it outta him?
Dick: No, he'll lock down. That's why I suggested "Good Cop, Bad Cop" to begin with.
Jason: So we need a Good Cop.
Dick: Okay, I’m gonna call Timmy and see if he can come play Good Cop.
Jason: Good plan.
Dick [talking into a secure (& Batman-proof) phone]: Hey, Robin, you busy?
Tim [on speakerphone]: Kinda, yeah. What’s going on? You sound weird.
Dick: Hood and I need to get some intel from a goon, and we’re thinking “Good Cop, Bad Cop” is the way to go but neither of us can pull off Good Cop right now.
Tim: Shit. I’m in Bangkok right now-
Jason: The fuck are you doing in Bangkok?
Tim: Speedy needed help with a thing.
Dick: In Bangkok?
Tim: No. She’s in Korea.
Jason: So, again, why the fuck are you in Bangkok?
Tim: Because Lady Shiva’s here and she’s perfect for what Speedy needs, so I’m calling in a favor she owes me.
Dick: You’re calling in a favor from Lady Shiva because Speedy needs help with a thing in Korea.
Tim: Yep. You got it.
Dick: No, that’s- You say that like it doesn’t require any further-
Tim: Can you hang on for a second? There’s an assassin tailing me.
Dick: Shit. Do you need us to send someone out there?
Jason; Starfire should be done with her thing by now. She's not on your shit list, right?
Tim: No, I like Kori. But I’m good now. My assassin got the other assassin.
Dick: You have an assassin?
Tim: Kinda? She defected from the League of Assassins and is up for hire but she always gives me priority since she feels like she owes me a life-debt.
Dick: Again, you sound like you think that statement doesn’t require any further explanation.
Jason: So you hired your assassin buddy to kill the other assassin?
Tim: What? No. Of course not. She didn’t kill him. We’ll question him later. She never kills on my jobs since she knows I don’t like it.
Dick: What about other jobs?
Tim: That’s her business. We aren’t all control freaks, you know.
Dick: That’s-
Jason: That’s good, Little Red. Good that you have healthy boundaries.
Dick: I have healthy boundaries.
Jason: Sure you do.
Tim: Okay, you’re gonna have to argue that on your own. I’m supposed to help my friends out with something after I get Shiva to help Speedy, but I have to handle this interrogation first. So how about I just send my friends the twenty-five plans I drew up and ask Bunker if he minds helping you out before he joins us? He should be able to get inside Gotham in less than ten minutes.
Jason: Oh, Bunker’s perfect for Good Cop.
Tim: Right? They’ll spill everything and probably give him their grandma’s secret family recipes on top of it.
Dick: Wait. Back it up. You have twenty-five plans drawn up? What are you guys up against?
Tim: Nothing we can’t handle. Young Justice figures, why even bother with a plan B if you aren’t gonna cover the whole alphabet?
Jason: There’s twenty-six letters in the alphabet, Little Red.
Tim: Yeah, but plan Z is always the same, so we don’t bother listing it anymore.
Dick: Is it ‘get an adult’?
Tim: Of course not.
Jason: When you were a Teen Titan, how often did you call in an adult when you probably should have?
Dick: Okay, that’s fair.
Jason: So what’s plan Z?
Tim: ‘Fuck it, we ball’.
Dick: That’s not a pl-
Jason: That’s perfect. I love it.
Dick: No. Don’t encourage him.
Tim: Thanks, Red. So do you want me to ask Bunker about helping you? I’m kinda on a time crunch now.
Jason: Yes, please.
Tim: Okay. He’s on the way. Is there anything else?
Dick: Whe-
Jason: No, we’re good. Have fun storming the castle!
Tim: ‘Kay, bye!
Jason: Bye!
Dick: The fuck-
Jason: Bunker and I can handle the interrogation here and Timmy and his assassin friend are gonna be busy with an interrogation there for a bit. If you take off now, you can probably catch up with him and go all big brother like you’re dying to.
Dick: You sure?
Jason: Yeah, I’m sure me and Bunker can handle this asshole.
Dick: Thank you.
Jason: Yeah, well, you did kill the Joker. That’s gotta count for something, right?
Dick: I’ll tell you all about it after I make sure Timmy doesn’t get himself killed or lose another organ.
Jason: I’ll hold you to- Timmy lost an organ?
Dick [already calling Kori to get him to Tim]: Later. I’m on a time crunch now!
Jason: I’m holding you to that!
Jason: *sighs* No one in this family knows how to share.
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satorusugurugurl · 6 months
JJK Men: Seeing You Without Makeup For the First Time
Warning: Fluffy sweetness, insecurities, suggestiveness, language
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Choso Kamo, Modern!Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento
Word Count: 2,993
A/N: Ah yes, I love this trope. It was fun to write!! Please Enjoy, don't blame me from any cavities from this sweet fluff. Request Open.
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Gojo Satoru:
The smell of freshly brewed coffee was the only thing keeping your eyes open. You grumbled and cursed the sun for rising another day as you leaned over the kitchen counter, watching the magic bean juice filling your cup. The higher-ups must not like you because the mission they just sent you on was hell.
A week, a damn week, you were gone. A week from your bed, students, and your boyfriend. Stupid old men and their dumb missions. But who were you to complain if you paid your bills and you were able to teach the next generation of sorcerers? So life wasn't that bad.
Then again, your somewhat happy outlook on life might be the sleep deprivation talking.
The bastards were sweet enough to give you one day to recuperate. There was no time to relax, though. You had laundry to sort through, groceries to pick up, and the normal mundane things you'd missed out on during the WEEK you were gone!
A day off was a day off despite it being a busy one. You would get it all done after you drank this coffee Satoru got you from Mexico on his last mission. As soon as you downed it, you would off. You were already dressed to go. You had on sweats and a t-shirt, and you opted out of putting on any makeup, seeing that you would just be running around.
Your phone chimed as Satoru’s name popped up on your screen. You smiled as you opened the chat.
Satoru: Good morning, beautiful! 😙 Welcome back! I had breakfast delivered to you; enjoy! 🍳🥓🧇
“Oh, he's getting laid later.” You squealed, running for the door to your apartment.
You flung it open, staring at the ground, expecting a bag, but instead, you were greeted by shoes. Designer shoes that you knew all too well. Slowly trailing up dark uniform pants and jacket that was from the same school you worked at. Further up, you caught sight of a wide grin, a blindfold, and fluffy white hair. All of which belongs to your boyfriend, who was holding a takeout bag.
“Special delivery for Y/L/N Y/N!”
Your boyfriend was here. The same boyfriend who was utterly gorgeous no matter what condition he was in. The man could be caked in blood, and you still wanted to kiss him. Then there was you; you always put in the effort to look nice around him, hair styled, cute outfit, some form of makeup always on.
Today was not one of those days.
In a panic, you squeaked, slamming the door in his face. “What the fuck?! What the actual fuck!?” You glanced around for anything you could use to hide your appearance. You panicked and grabbed the first thing off the couch.
“Uhm, babe?” Satoru questioned, opening the door. “I know you were gone for a week. But I'm Gojo Satoru, your boyfriend.”
“I know!! Sorry, I wasn't expecting to see you!” you had your back turned to him, covering your face with your hands. “T-Thanks for the food! But I have so much to do!”
“Yep! Laundry!”
“I had Ijichi pick it up this morning.”
“O-Okay! I have to get groceries!”
“Your fridge is fully stocked, courtesy of yours truly.”
The room felt like it was shrinking in on you as you listened to him come up behind you. The bag was discarded as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest. You weren't sure how he would react, seeing your bare face, and that was terrifying.
So many men thought women wearing makeup was like lying. You had always done very light and minimal makeup, but it didn't make it less scary. Sensing the tension, Satoru gently turned you around so you were facing him. He stiffened, his mouth turning from a grin to a shocked expression.
“Y/N?” His voice was so quiet.
A choked laugh erupted from his throat. “I-Is that one of my blindfolded?!” He called as you stated at the darkness his blindfold provided. “Oh my god, hold on! Hold on!” You could feel him near you with the camera on his phone clicking. “Oh my god, wait until the second years see this!” Fingers hooked under the blindfold, yanking it up and off your head.
Your hands flew up, hiding your face. Your attempt was foiled as Satoru's gentle hands pulled them away. With a shuddering sigh, you looked up at him, biting your cheek as he fully saw you. For you, no makeup, fancy clothes, or styled hair.
Satoru just smiled, leaning down before he kissed your lips gently. “Welcome home.” He pulled back, tilting his head to the side. “What was with the off-brand cosplay?” Your cheeks are flushed, the darker pigment visible without any trace of makeup.
“I-I don't have any makeup on.”
“Oh!” He straightened, his large hand patting your head. “You're so cute.”
His grin grew wider at the confused expression inching its way over your face. “Seriously? Do you think that? Even without the makeup and the baggy clothes? You still think I'm cute?” Satoru’s head bobbed up and down so fast you thought his head would fall out. His sincere reaction made you giggle, shaking your head. “Satoru, you are so strange. But also extremely sweet.” When you looked up, you blinked, seeing Gojo holding up one side of his blindfold. His bright blue eye looked you over, inching over every curve and surface of you. “Satoru, stop staring.”
“I just was confirming something.” he snapped his blindfold back into place before draping an arm over you.
You poured yourself a cup of coffee while Satoru pulled your breakfast out of the bag. “Confirming what?”
“Just confirming with Six-Eyes that I have the prettiest girlfriend in the entire world.”
Gojo’s smile slowly faded as you slammed the coffee pot down. Oh fuck, what did he say?! You led around; fire swarmed in Y/E/C eyes as you stormed over to him, grabbing his wrist.
“W-What?! What did I say?” He huffed out a gasp as you shoved him onto the couch.
You unzipped his pants, and Gojo’s eyes were wide behind his blindfold. Even with Six-Eyes, Gojo did not see this coming. Spoiler alert: It was him, he was going to cum.
Choso Kamo:
A knock at your door had you straightening from your spot on the couch. Looking at your phone, you quickly got up. It was well past midnight, and it was never a good sign when someone knocked that late at night on the door.
Much to your relief, when you opened the door to your apartment, your boyfriend looked down at you. “Choso?” a sigh of relief escaped your lips.
“I'm sorry. Did I wake you?” he asked before entering your apartment.
“No, I think you just saved me a stiff neck.” You yawned out before locking the door. “Did you and Yuuji finish up with that mission?”
“Yes, he went back home; I wanted to see you.”
Choso watched as you moved around the apartment. You straightened up the pillows on the couch and wiped down your kitchen before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom. The entire time you went about your mundane tasks, Choso just stared. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was different about you.
Choso’s eyes moved over you. Trying to depict what was different tonight. Haircut? No. New pajamas? No, that wasn't it, either. Everything Choso tried to think of wasn't the right answer. Not knowing what it was frustrated him to the point that Choso’s eyebrow twitched.
What had you glowing in the lowlights of your bedroom as you pulled the sheets back? “Cho?” You finally asked with a nervous chuckle. “Are you okay? You're staring holes through me.” Realizing that he had been caught, Choso flinched.
“I'm sorry, sorry I just—” Words trailed off as his cheeks flushed.
You had noticed Choso staring at you since he came inside. The poor guy never saw you without makeup, which was probably strange. He seemed to be struggling, trying to find the words to the mountain of questions he might have.
“It's okay. I think I know what you're going to ask.”
“Yeah, you’re going to ask what’s different.”
“Yeah, I look different because I’m not wearing makeup.”
Choso tilted his head to the side.”Oh, no, I was going to say you look radiant tonight.” The words that left his mouth had both of you standing in silence.
You just eyed Choso as he smiled, nodding his head like he'd figured out the mystery of what was different. Pleased with his conclusion, he helped you pull the sheets back. His hands smoothed out the covers before he peered up at you. You were blushing, smiling ear to ear as you finished pulling the bed back.
“I just finished doing my skincare routine,” you announced as you crawled into bed after Choso showered. “I have a new serum that is supposed to make you look luminescent.”
Choso studied you carefully as he crawled into bed with you. “Mmm, maybe that’s it.” He pulled you into his arms. “Or maybe it’s just me.” Choso hummed, staring into the face that he loved so much. “Falling in love.” Love?! “Yeah, I think that’s exactly what this is.”
That was the reasoning behind your radiant glow. A glow that always surrounded you no matter what you wore or looked like. Choso saw utter perfection in you. So it only made sense that the reason you looked extra stunning was that he had fallen in love with you even more.
You just snuggled closer into his chest, grinning wide as he yawned. “I love you too, Cho.”
Ryomen Sukuna:
Ten minutes. All it took was ten minutes before chaos erupted in Sukuna’s apartment. He had just finished changing when he heard the commotion. Yuuji and Choso were bickering before you gently tried to break up the argument. The next thing he heard was a scream, your scream, to be exact.
He bolted, running into the kitchen, where he found you wiping at your face. “What the fuck?!” His younger brothers both stood in shock, watching you in fear. Yuuji was holding a box of baking soda, and Choso held a bottle of vinegar.
In the center of the kitchen was the volcano experiment you had been helping Yuuji make. Sukuna was able to put it all together in an instant. He didn't bother yelling. He instead lifted you into his arms, carrying you to the bathroom.
“What the hell happened?” You flinched when you felt a warm, wet rag gently cleaning your face off.
“The boys wanted to see how big of an explosion they could make. But you know the boys, they both were arguing about who should do what. Words were said, contents were thrown into a beaker, and I didn't have my safety goggles on.”
Sukuna sighed, continuing to rub off the mess on your face. “You're not hurt, are you?”
“Nope!” Your confident response had your boyfriend chuckling as he wiped more of the foamy goop off your face.
After about five minutes of wiping and rinsing the rag, Sukuna sat on the tub's edge, examining your face. It was without the small amount of makeup you had on and the lighting of the bathroom that he stared at you. You were stunning, gorgeous in everything. But here in the bathroom, his eyes mapped out your face.
“What happened here?” he asked, fingertips pressing against a small scar under your eye.
Thinking it was food coloring, you turned to the mirror, seeing your bare face. “EH?!” You touched it, groaning as you looked back at your boyfriend, who was smirking. “You wiped off all my makeup!” For a second, Sukuna thought he was dealing with a third child in his apartment.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to have vinegar on your face?” You shook your head. “That's what I thought. So confess what happened there?”
“Acne scar.”
A soft him rumbled in his chest before he learned over, thumb grazing over a tiny scar at the bottom of your lip. “This?” gentle fingers moved up, brushing over your bottom lip as he stepped closer towards you.
“I-I fell off my bike.”
You swallowed hard, whimpering as Sukuna’s fingers grazed over your face. You were feeling how soft your delicate skin was. All of you mesmerized him. Every time you came over, he learned a little more about you. And god, he fuckin’ loved that.
His hands gently mapped your face out. The softness had you breathing heavily, his eyes glued to your lips. Having your boyfriend gaze over you with such a soft yet burning gaze had you shifting. The air in the bathroom became thick with need as he slowly slipped your tank top sleeve down.
“Y/N, let me see all of you. I want to map out your body and learn everything it has to say.”
“W-What’s gotten into you?”
The whisper tone of your voice had Sukuna sliding the other sleeve of your tank top down. “You. You’ve crept your way into my heart.” The confession that spilled from his lips has you leaning in, wanting him to touch you everywhere. The same way he had touched your face.
“Hey, is she okay?” Choso’s timid voice whispered through the door. “Yuuji’s worried.”
“Take Yuuji out for ice cream.” Your tank top is slowly pulled over your head. “My card is on my dresser.”
Silence spreads out as you tug Sukuna’s shirt up and off. “R-Really?” hands began working on jeans.
“Yes, I have my own project to work on.” Sukuna turned the shower on, and he never heard Choso collecting Yuuji so fast. Refusing to answer any questions as the door to the apartment slammed shut.
Sukuna’s antics had you giggling, licking your lip, and he stripped you completely. “A project, huh?” he nodded, following you into the shower.
“Yeah, but it won't be vinegar foam that covers that pretty face this time.”
Nanami Kento:
The hotel sheets were cold and crisp over your and your boyfriend's bodies. Between the chill and the heat Nanami was putting out, you felt so comfortable. It was the perfect combination that made you want to relish the feeling forever.
The sun was up, which meant you both would be going home soon. You both had been called out on a mission, one that took a bit longer to handle than you both were anticipating. You missed the last train back to Tokyo. Leaving you both stranded in Kawasaki for the night.
Instead of having one of the assistant supervisors drive all the way out to get you, you and Nanami decided to stay at a hotel. God, it was nice: room service, wine, a hot shower. Missing that last train was a reward for the two of you. Nothing more than relaxation and joy. But the moment Nanami pulled you tighter against him, you realized you didn't have your overnight bag.
Meaning you didn't have your makeup.
“Oh no, oh god no.” You whined as Nanami lifted his head.
“What’s wrong?” His groggy voice asked, trying to assess what was going on.
Burying your face in your pillow, you grumbled, cringing as you felt Nanami shift beside you. “I don't have my bag.” The covers move as Nanami props himself up.
“Your overnight bag?”
Silence stretched out. “Did you need something out of it? Aspirin or tampons? I'll go grab you some.” The sincerity of his words made your heart soar. God, Nanami was the best boyfriend.
“No, no, I'm okay.” You shyly turned, swallowing hard. “I just realized you've never seen me without makeup.”
Nanami’s gaze was soft; honey-brown eyes slowly roamed over your face. He took his time, his hand reaching out, knuckles grazing your cheek. It was so gentle and sweet that you pressed yourself against his hand. The warmth spreads to every part of your body.
The bed shifts as Nanami’s hand cups your cheek, pulling you closer. “You are still as stunning in the morning bare-faced as you are all dolled up.” Before you could even think of what to say in response, his lips were on yours.
His lips were warm, like a spring day. You moaned happily, kissing him back as his hands slowly ran down your arms. Breaking the kiss, had you pouting with a displeased groan that shifted into a moan. Those warm lips slowly moved down your face. Nanami was trailing the softest, warmest kisses down your body, over your shoulders and upper arm.
“I want to see all of you.” Hot breath whispered over your skin. “See every part of you, body, mind, and soul in the raw.”
Soft kisses were replaced with gentle nips. The sensation had you arching your back as Nana crawled on top of you. His morning wood was pressing against your hip. It felt like you were melting into the mattress as the once-comfortable room suddenly became too warm. The need to get naked grew stronger and stronger.
He didn't respond. He was too busy being love-drunk off of you. His fingers, lips, and teeth slowly mapped out every part of your body. Nanami’s actions left you a squirming mess underneath him. One that he was so pleased to see and feel.
Only once you were gasping for air, gripping his shirt, begging him for more, did Nanami finally pull back, taking his shirt off. “Every inch of you is the most beautiful thing that's graced this world, Y/N.” You sat up, pulling him into a starved kiss as he took your shorts off. Limbs entangling as he gently laid you down.
And yes, you missed the morning train. . .and the afternoon train. . .poor Ijichi had to pick you up.
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clockwayswrites · 1 month
City Pigeons Bleed Green Part 19
(I know I'm tech on a break this week, but I could use the serotonin.) masterpost
“He understands that I am coming over?” Damian asked as he inspected his pencil case to make sure he had everything he needed. Father would be picking him up from art class to fetch lunch.
“Yep, Danny knows we’re bringing lunch over,” Grayson answered. His thumb swiped idly across his phone.
Damian took a slow breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. He loved Grayson, but it did not mean that the other was not an idiot sometimes. Sometimes family meant loving someone even though they were an idiot, Damian reminded himself.
In an attempt to start again, Damian stayed silent until he was sure that he had all of his supplies in his messenger bag. “I meant, does Danny understand that it is specifically me bringing the food? Does Danny understand who I am?”
“Oh, Dami baby, yeah,” Grayson said, voice softening in a way that made Damian bristle. At least Grayson finally set his phone down. “Jay talked to him about it and is still there at the apartment with Danny now. I’ll over over to give Jason a break and be there when you and Bruce come. Do you want me to double check with Danny before you arrive?”
Damian frowned as he adjusted the strap on his bag.
“Yes,” Damian answered after a pause and when he could meet Grayson’s eyes confidently. “I believe that the redundancy would not go amiss.”
“Okay, yeah, I’ll be sure to double check before you and Bruce get there.”
“Acceptable,” Damian said and let to find Pennyworth for his ride to class.
Doing art calmed him. That knowledge had been a surprise at first. While Damian had, of course, learned about art as part of his cultural and historical training, actually being able to engage in art was was something entirely knew. Something that was available to Damian only because of his Father’s allowance.
No, that was not quite right. Father didn’t allow Damian to do art, Father simply wanted them to be happy and art is what made Damian… perhaps not happy, but at least more at peace.
Peace had been such a rare thing in Damian’s life.
He still didn’t quite know what to do with it.
Annoyingly, class that day didn’t quite manage to tamper the churning in Damian’s gut. He could (and would) ignore the feeling, of course, but that did not mean it wasn’t there.
Or that it didn’t grow as Damian was waiting for Father to pick him up for class.
“You have put in the order we discussed?” Damian asked as he buckled his seatbelt.
“Yes, it should be ready shortly after we get there,” Father answered. “You were out quickly today.”
“Tch,” Damian looked away from his father’s searching gaze and focused on the world outside the window. He hated to have tells, but in a family of detectives it was impossible not to. “If it unlikely to be ready, perhaps we should stop by the Turkish bakery that is near. Surely there are items there that are not too sweet for his diet.”
“That’s a nice idea,” Father agreed with a thoughtful hum. “He may have never had them before so we can get a little selection of what you think he needs to try.”
Damian worked not to physically freeze. That felt suddenly like a great deal of responsibility. Which was silly, it was simply food.
“That is a sound idea,” Damian said instead of trying to face his sudden worry.
It was even more overwhelming in the face of all the options. Damian certainly spent far too long making a selection, but Father doesn’t rush him, so Damian tries to allow himself the time. The food is easily acquired after. Far too quickly that they were in front of the safehouse door. Father rested one hand on the back of Damian’s back, a bracing presence, before he knocked.
“Coming!” Grayson called needlessly through the door a few moments before he it swung open. “Hey guys, come in. It’s all good.”
Damian resisted the urge to nod to that, took a breath, and crossed the threshold.
Danny sat on the couch. The fabled day saving blue bear was clutched in the boy’s lap; clutched too tightly. Damian shot Grayson an accusatory look. Clearly it wasn’t ‘all good’.
Grayson rolled his eyes and took the box of sweets from Damian to take to the kitchen with Father.
Damian was left alone with Danny.
At least it gave Damian time to properly study the other boy. Not blood son. Clone. Better and worse at once— a copy of Father. It was clear how much Danny looked like Bruce, a redundant thought now that they knew Danny was a clone, but it crossed Damian’s mind all the same. It was odd to see the still slightly sunken cheeks and too prominent collar bones on someone that looked so much like Father, so much more like Father than Damian did.
Idly, Damian wondered if Danny would ever reach Father’s stature, what with his past. Damian himself had started to grown into wild shoulders and broad chest that would someday be his body over the last year, but Danny had not.
Danny, at least a year older, was still far too slight.
But older.
The oldest blood.
Would he try to take Damian’s place now? It would only be just, with how poorly Damian had behaved when he first arrived, especially to Drake. And Damian’s brash attacks, Danny would have the right to his. He was oldest…
“Are… are you alright?”
Damian’s head snapped up at Danny’s words. When had he lost his focus?
“I do not know,” Damian said, too honest words tumbling across his tongue without his permission.
He didn’t know.
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simpjaes · 5 months
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mdni. req by anon: pleaseeeeeee more innocent Jungwon with a dom Heeseung or Jake that gets jealous and ruins everything for him..like imagine Jungwon is finally going to lose his virginity to Y/N and Heeseung/Jake finds them in the act then decides to make him sit and watch how to do it correctly..
wc: 1.4k
tags: virginity loss, jungwon is jake's brother and jake is ur ex bf, reader is a whore we love her, voyeurism, exhibitionism
It’s not that he’s doing it wrong, it’s just that he doesn’t have the confidence to own the way he moves his body.
Jungwon, your favorite person in the world. Your ex boyfriend’s brother, who you simply couldn’t leave behind after the break up. Yeah, probably not an ideal situation you’re in right now but it’s still a situation that feels right.
Sure, hanging out at your ex boyfriend’s house was weird at first but all three of you just kind of got used to it after Jake realized there’s no getting rid of you for as long as he lives there with his brother. Exhausting? Yes. Annoying? So fucking annoying.
It’s not that Jake minds you being around. After all, he’s not the one who wanted to break up. You broke up with him. Imagine how he felt just four days after the break up, walking into his house and seeing you lounging on the couch as if he was still allowed to pounce on you. He couldn’t do that, of course. For one, because you’re not his girlfriend anymore, and secondly, because his bitch-ass little brother was always crowded up next to you on the couch. 
You guys weren’t that close he originally thought. At least throughout your relationship with him, Jungwon was never clinging to you like this. So, really, Jake doesn’t mind being able to still see you. What he minds is the fact that you’re here to see his little brother, and it’s a bit…
It doesn’t sit very well with him when it comes to the way you now interact. Like, really? You’re gonna break up with him over some shitty excuse of “we just aren’t on the same path in life” only to run and cling to his little brother? As if Jungwon knows what path he’s on either? Hell, the guy only just chose his major after a full semester at your college. 
Exhausting. That’s what the two of you are. And Jake tries his fucking hardest to not witness you when you’re over. 
That is, until it becomes far too difficult. Until that pit in his stomach bubbles up with envy so draining that he can’t help but barge into the room. 
“Like this?” Jake had heard his brother’s broken voice through the door that he should not have been listening through. 
Hearing Jungwon sound like that isn’t exactly new. After all, he always sounds embarrassing when a girl is around. Jake really would have just rolled his eyes and went back to his room if it weren’t for what he heard next.
“Does it feel good when I do this?” Jake heard this time, Jungwon’s voice coming out in more of a breathy moan. 
“Yeah, so good–” You responded with your own moan. 
“Ah–it’s so warm–”
And for a split second, Jake wondered if maybe you guys were doing massages or something. Trying to make sense of why the fuck you’re in there moaning alongside his brother. Surely you’re not fucking him. Jungwon is a virgin as far as Jake’s concerned and…if he’s really about to lose it to you, that’s beyond crossing a boundary. 
Both of you should know better. 
So, naturally, Jake doesn’t even knock. 
The door swings open with the force of a thousand suns as Jake stands there and connects the dots. Nope, no massages. Yep, that’s your legs spread around his brother. Oh, yeah. Okay. Wow. 
Jungwon is no longer a virgin it seems, considering his cock is clearly nestled inside of you. All the way. He saw the jerky movements of his hips just before the two of you snapped your heads to him. He saw the way you cling to Jungwon harder. 
And the three of you just stare at each other, you frozen with your piercing gaze on Jake, Jungwon’s cock plunged into you as deep as he can go, with little pants because he can still feel you clenching around him and he’s really, really trying not to moan right now. 
“Are you fucking joking?” Jake finally lets out, furrowing his brows and zeroing in on Jungwon. “You decided to lose it to her of all people?”
There’s silence for a long while as Jungwon tries not to moan out an answer, feeling both awkward and entirely aroused because you’re still so wet, you’re still holding onto him, you’re still clenching. 
“And you’re not even making her feel good?!” Jake continues as his gaze falls to you. 
It’s not that you look bored, or even that you were bored. It’s just, Jake knows how you are in bed. He knows you very well, and seeing you be more in control, guiding someone else is definitely not something he thought you were into. In fact, no matter how many times the two of you would fuck, you always acted like a fucking virgin. Like his cock hurt you every single time, like you couldn’t help but moan. You couldn’t help but babble incoherently. You couldn’t help but orgasm within the first five minutes.
It’s the fact that he never saw this side of you, and you’re giving it to his fucking brother while taking something away from him. 
“Jake–” You manage to get out, so turned on beyond belief that you barely recognize how awful you look in this situation. Then again, you’re no longer dating Jake. It’s not like you cling to Jungwon because you want him instead. 
Jungwon is just…really cute and needy. Jungwon just needs some love. Jungwon was just nervous about this girl he’s supposed to meet this weekend and wanted to get some experience in. 
Fortunately for you, and unfortunately for Jungwon, Jake could probably give less of a shit as to why you’re in here letting Jungwon fumble between your legs. If you’re gonna fuck anyone in this house, it’s gonna be him. You guys can fucking go outside otherwise. 
“Move.” Jake says, now making his way toward the bed and practically shoving Jungwon out of you. 
There’s a wet sound when he does that, Jungwon letting out both a pornographic and frustrated moan when he falls back. Jake spares no glance at him though, all he does is shove him further, all the way until he topples off of the bed. 
You don’t really care whose hands are on you though. While you wanted to be this person for Jungwon and while you feel bad that he barely got to even start, you really, really don’t mind the familiar grasp of Jake. With the way he puts his hands on your knees and spreads your legs wide. 
You blink up at him, seeing Jungwon peek at you from the edge of the bed as he keeps himself on the floor. Probably both intimated and embarrassed at what’s happening. 
“I can’t believe you.” Jake announces now, leaning his face in between your legs and inspecting how stretched Jungwon managed to get you. “I can’t believe you got this wet for him.”
You roll your eyes, clenching hard just so Jake can see that you’re still just as needy as you’ve always been. 
Jake sees it and squeezes his eyes shut with a frustrated sigh. Of course you’d do this. Of course you still want him, sexually, at least. And then he snaps around to look at Jungwon. 
“If you ever try to fuck her again, at least make it count.” 
Jungwon looks away and avoids eye contact. He knows Jake is pissed, not that he cares or anything. It’s not like he’s not allowed to be pissed off too. Jake really just walked into the room thirty seconds after he officially lost his virginity. Of course he’s not gonna be good at fucking yet.
And Just as Jake turns back to you, whipping his cock out and sliding his fingers down the length of it to stiffen up, Jungwon tries to get up and leave quietly. 
No, no, no. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jake asks through a seething breath, sliding into you with ease and a slight moan. “You’re going to sit right there and watch.”
Jungwon doesn’t know why he listens, but he does. He finds himself right back on the floor. His hands that were covering his cock slowly begin to palm when he keeps his eyes on you and the way you moan out for your ex boyfriend. 
He’s not happy right now, but you. You turn him on. He wishes so much that it isn’t Jake here doing this, that’s his brother, after all. Still, he watches.  And somehow, he learns.
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sanguineterrain · 4 months
Hello! I recently found your blog and bruh I'M SMITTEN by your works.
Would it be alright if I requested Jason Todd x gn reader (also vigilante but only works on small cases and in safer places... Jason wouldn't let them anywhere else after a heavy injury they sustained in the past)...
Maybe they're searching for clues in one of the alleys and reader finds a baby there and takes it home (or maybe they fall upon a tired-looking woman throwing her baby over the bridge, reader manages to catch it but when they get back up the woman is gone)? Just overall how would Jason react to his partner finding a kid and bringing it home and what would happen after.
I made myself laugh bc I thought Jason would be like "good thing you went home and not to a bat cave, can't handle another sibling, the last one is already a living hell.
And I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I requested more than just one thing? Completely fine if not.
This is a super cute prompt!! Thanks for sending it in. And yes feel free to send more than one request 💓
Jason Todd x gn!reader. Abandoned baby, established relationship, Jason being a cutie patootie.
You find the baby in a grocery store basket stuffed with blankets behind a Walmart.
She's a tiny thing, with fat cheeks and a permanent wrinkle between her brow. She's frighteningly quiet.
You take her home.
Home has become synonymous with Jason's apartment. At some point, it just made more sense for you to move in long-term. Jason had gingerly brought it up to you one night and kissed you hard when you'd said yes.
You pick up some formula on the way home and a few other things. The baby starts to cry after a bit, to your relief, and after feeding and changing her, you sway her until she falls asleep.
You're content to hold her until you get a crib. You fully intend to do so.
You hear the first lock turn, then the second, then the third. There's no worry that Jason will wake the baby; he always enters a building like he's casing it.
You have the TV turned down low, channel switched to some late-night sitcom. Jason comes in and closes the door with his foot. He takes off his helmet, revealing his messy curls. You smile.
"Hey, Jaybird," you say.
Jason glances at you as he walks to the bedroom, unzipping his vest as he goes. He grins tiredly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Hello, baby."
You watch him disappear into the bedroom. The baby is still fast asleep. You adjust your legs to get more comfortable in the chair.
Jason backs out of the room a moment later, gear still on. His vest is half-unzipped.
"That's a baby," he says.
You nod. "Yep."
Jason pulls a face like he's doing calculus in his head. "Did—do we have a... did I...?"
"How would that even work, Jason?"
"Look, there's many ways that can happen! Y'know how many freakin' clones are in this city? My freakazoid brother could get you a genetically engineered baby in twelve hours."
"She is an organically produced baby not related to either of us. Okay?"
"Oh. Sure, yeah." Jason starts to turn, then comes back. "Wait, no, I still have questions. Why do you have a baby?"
"I found her."
Jason squints at you, then at the baby. "You found her."
"I don't think that'll hold up in court, sweets."
"Relax, Jason. I'm ninety-nine percent sure she was abandoned. I found her behind a Walmart. I know I could've dropped her at the hospital, but I just..." You look down at her sleeping face. "She's just so little. And she needs human contact. Nurses are already overworked as it is. What harm is in taking her home?"
"Yeah, y'know what that is? A siren song. Pretty soon, you'll be fitting her for a domino mask and dressing her like a traffic light."
You roll your eyes. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't dare try to take Damian's title. Plus, traffic light color palettes are so outdated."
Jason pouts. "Are not."
You carefully stand, baby in your arms, and walk over to peck Jason on his cheek.
"Are too. Wanna hold her?"
Jason looks at her like she's a bomb. "I dunno. I might... what if I... hurt her?"
You frown. "You wouldn't hurt her, Jaybird."
"I might hold her wrong or make her cry, and then I'll have to throw myself off the roof."
"You are such a drama king. She's sleeping like a log. You won't wake her unless you scream in her ear."
Before Jason can reply, you're unloading her into his arms. He jumps into action, arms and hands awkward but trying. You smile gently.
"Put her head in the crook of your elbow. Yeah, good. Support her butt. Both arms. Yeah, good! Good job, honey."
You pat his arm. Jason looks spooked for a second, then seems to relax when she doesn't stir. She's cradled in his arms like she was made to fit there.
"Isn't she so cute?" you whisper.
"She is really cute. So small. God." He watches her for a moment, mouth downturned. "I was a small baby too."
"I bet you were a cute baby," you say, tucking a curl behind Jason's ear.
"Oh, sure. People came from all over the world to have a gander at the cutest baby on the planet. Looks like she's taken my title."
Jason starts to sway lightly, holding her like she's gold. You feel your face soften.
He must feel your eyes on him, because he looks up after a moment like he's expecting you to correct his posture. "What?"
You shake your head. "Nothing. Just... I'm just really in love with you, Jay."
Jason's cheeks turn pink. He bites the inside of his cheek.
"Oh. I'm, uh, really in love with you too."
You kiss him properly for that, and Jason hums into your mouth, then pulls back slightly.
"We can't keep the baby. Y'know that, right? I gotta marry you properly first," Jason says against your lips.
"This is the twenty-first century, buddy. People keep babies all the time, unwed or not."
"Yeah, I know. Still wanna marry you first."
You look down at the baby and give her an air kiss. Then you look up at Jason, putting on the saddest face you can muster. He sighs.
"Well," he says, gently touching her fingers. "Maybe we can keep her for a little while."
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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INTO YOU bada lee x reader
warnings: yn is apart of jam republic, bada is older than yn, fluff, one sided enemies to potential lovers, fluff, yn is lowkey insane but it’s okay we love her
yn poked her tongue into the side of cheek as her gaze hardens on the tall dancer, of course she just had to be here and look the way she does, so annoyingly attractive.
yn felt a nudge and turned to look at audrey who had a teasing look on her face, “you know people can feel when you stare at them right?” she laughs nudging yn again, “she’s a good dancer.”
yn rolled her eyes at that, “I wouldn’t say good…” she fibbed, looking off to the side, she was really good dancer actually but yn would never say that out loud.
audrey have a pointed look that screamed “be real” and yn reluctantly shrugged her shoulders, “okay maybe she’s a little good.”
“why do you hate her again?” audrey asked taking her turn to have a look at the taller girl, ever since she’s met yn, yn would always rant to her about some “tall asshole.” that she hates, it’s amusing to see yn’s hatred in person.
“she just has it out for me.” yn answered dramatically, throwing herself on audrey’s shoulder, “have I told you about the time she chose me to do a duet with her just to get under my skin? and it was so intimate ugh i hated it.”
“yes yn, yes you have.”
“oh.” yn says before perking up again, “but it’s okay.” she says clapping her hands together as audrey looks at her confused, “since this is a show, she’ll probably be focused on that.”
“really?” audrey asked sarcastically, raising a brow as yn nods happily, “are you sure about that?”
“100% positive.” yn says flashing her teammate a charming smile. “she’ll probably forget I’m here.”
“then why is she staring at you?” audrey asks in faux confusion. nodding over at the taller girl she smiles when she seees yn tense and slowly look behind herself.
yn makes eye contact with the person that she highly despised, she narrows her eyes at the other dancer who “smiles.” at yn.
to anyone else it would seem like a friendly smile but yn knew that smile. she turned back to audrey with a scowl on her face, “did you see what she just did?”
“uh..” audrey trails off, “smile at you?”
“no, she just revealed that she’s gonna make my life a living hell.” yn said taking another quick look behind her to get another look at bada, before turning back around to audrey, “oh, she’s so cocky I hate it.”
audrey lets out a loud laugh and leans closer to yn, “I love you but you’re insane.”
“I’m not insane.” yn says shaking her head seriously, “I’m real, and I’m gonna avoid that spawn of satan like my life depends on it, she’s not gonna ruin this for me.”
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“ugh.” yn groaned looking up at the taller girl, “why do you ruin everything for me?” she whines hitting the dancers shoulder repeatedly, glaring at her when she laughs at yn.
bada continues to laugh as she hooks her finger in the loops of yn’s pants and pulls the shorter girl closer, “you’re so cute when you’re mad.”
“get your hands off of me.” yn says slapping the other girls fingers, her face heating up, she hates when bada does this, flirt with her just to get under her skin, “and stop laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you.” bada says as she ruffles yn’s hair, she lets out another laugh when yn gives her a an aspirated look “okay maybe I am.” she shrugs.
she laughs even more when yn groans and turns to walk away, she grabs the girls wrist and turns her back to her, “just because your reaction is always amusing.”
“okay so, me suffering is amusing to you?” yn asks looking up the taller girl who just looks down at her and smirks.
oh how yn wanted to wipe that smirk off her face, but instead she took a deep breath and turned around to walk away but came to a stop when bada’s voice was heard again.
“you know what can get me to stop annoying you?”
yn groans and turns back around to face girl, expecting her to make one of her stupid jokes but was shocked at what came out of bada’s mouth. “go out with me.”
the only word that could describe yn’s face would be shock, she took a step towards the older girl, “what?”
“you heard me.” bada responds, laughing softly at yn’s face, “oh, come on yn, don’t tell you didn’t know?” she asks teasingly. “you didn’t know I was into you?”
yn shakes her no head rapidly as bada walks closer to her and grabs her hand, “so…?”
yn looked up at bada and then down at her feet, maybe it wouldn’t so bad to give it try, “uh, okay…. but only because it will get you to stop annoying me.”
bada hums teasingly and wraps her arm around yn’s shoulder, “you sound so sure of yourself..” she trails off before leaning down lightly to yn’s face, laughing softly at the girls flustered state.
“you’re gonna be so into me by the end of that date.”
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Mini Football & Leah
Blurb | Diabetes & Love Series
Let me know if you have any blurb or one-shot requests/ideas for this series. Also hope you are enjoying reading them, as I am enjoying writing them.
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“Less go home, I’ll take y/n to her practice tonight,” Leah told your Mum
“No, but it’s her first one and I don’t want to miss it,” your Mum croaked out.
“I will take lots of photos and videos I promise, and plus, I’ve never had a mini Russo date yet, Lotte has, Beth and Viv, Steph, Lia, Katie and Caitlin-” Leah was interrupted by Alessia breaking out into a coughing fit, which had her running to the bathroom, Lotte going after her. 
“Leah, we’re going home,” Lotte told Leah as they walked back out of the bathroom, “you promise you all good to take her?” Lotte asked
“Yes of course, I promise,” Leah replied.
“Please call if you need anything, even if you are slightly uncertain about something, I don’t-” “I know it’s scary Less, it’s her first time playing a sport and you don’t know how much that affects her, but I promise I will keep an eye on her. I’ve got her, you just make sure you get better,” Leah told your Mum as Lotte packed up all their belongings.
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“Right, that’s you dressed, you’ve got your boots?” Leah asked as she checked she had everything you needed in your bag.
“Yep,” you replied, before taking Leah’s hand she held out for you and walking out the door with her.
You were definitely the most ‘professional’ looking one at training, most likely a consequence of having the Lionesses’ Captain getting you ready, Leah helped you tie your bright pink boots before taking heaps of photos for your Mum.
Before you went onto the mini pitch she pricked your finger to check the reading match your sensor which it did, doing the same thing during your break. Just to give herself the reassurance. She continuously watched your sugar levels whilst making sure to get some photos here and there to show your Mum.
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“Le, I feel funny,” you told her as you sat down in her lap, leaning into her, training having just finished.
“Okay, let me check your sugars,” Leah finger pricked you and mumbled ‘shit’ under her breath, you were sitting at 3, she had been checking your blood sugar consistently.
“Hey, is everything okay?” your coach asked as she approached you both.
“Um, she just has Type 1 Diabetes, and her sensor is saying she is in range but her blood sugar is at a 3, her Mum is going to kill me, I said I would watch her carefully,” Leah rambled.
“Oh, her sensor might’ve fallen loose during training, it might be a good idea to think about taping it for next time,” Leah looked at her in awe, “sorry if I’m overstepping, both my children have TD1 too, if you want I can take you both into the club house and help you change her dexcom, I’m assuming you have a spare one?”
“Um, yeah, it’s in her bag somewhere. Um,” Leah said as she started to pack everything up, she followed your coach into the club house where she sat down at a chair. Your coach did everything so smoothly just like your Mum did, and you were glad she was helping you.
“Thank you so much for helping, you’re a lifesaver,”
“It’s no problem at all, have a good night,” and a good night was not what Leah had at all, well it was a good night until you were asleep, she let you sleep in her bed, however she didn’t sleep much. Too worried about you getting a high or low blood sugar and her not being awake to deal with it, she didn’t think she could ever look Alessia, or anyone else for that matter, in the eye again if something happened to you on her watch.
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“Good Morning,” you said beamingly as you arrived back home, before running into the kitchen to help Lotte with breakfast.
“Are you okay Leah? Did you sleep last night? Did something happen?” “No, no nothing happened during the night, and no incidents other than the sensor, I just couldn’t bring myself to sleep, I was too worried about something happening to her,” Leah admitted.
“Oh, I’m sorry that’s my fault, I was meant to message you, she doesn’t usually go low during the night and she actually thankfully will wake up and wake me up if her levels go high or low,”
“I don’t think I would’ve been able to sleep even if you told me that,” Leah sighed.
“Go up to the spare room. Sleep. I’m not letting you back behind the wheel like this, I’ll wake you in an hour or so,”
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sturniqlo · 2 months
Gender Reveal- C.S
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summary: y/n and chris decide to have a intimate gender reveal just the two of them, later in the day they tell nick and matt
cw: mild cursing, fluff, happy tears :)
an: i made a poll earlier this week and YOU guys chose the gender! (it's deleted so u all wouldn't see what was chosen) very short :/
masterlist | positive masterlist
eighteen weeks pregnant
"Y/n Y/l/n." Both Y/n and Chris look up and see their usual OB waiting by the door. Chris grabs Y/n bag and they both walk towards her. "Hey, you two!" She says cheerfully. "Hello, how are you?!" Y/n says. "I'm well, how are you and the baby?" She asks. "We've been good." She smiles, as she follows her. "Dad? How about you, how've you been?" She opens the door to the room they'll be in. "Pretty good!"
"Alright, so today will be like any other check up. But, I'll be able to see the gender of the baby. And, from what I remember from our last conversation you guys want me to write it in an envelope, correct." She asks the couple. "That's right!" They both nod. "Okay, Y/n go ahead and roll your shirt up for me." The OB gets the gel ready. "Ready? It's gonna be a bit cold just like those other times." She squeezes some gel onto Y/n's belly and she flinches at the cold gel. "Let's see here," She turns up the volume and the room fills up with the sound of a heartbeat. "There's the heartbeat, a very strong one." She giggles. Y/n gasps and looks at Chris who is looking at the screen then looks back down at her and hold her hand.
"That's crazy, my god." He mumbles. "Okay, here we have ten toes, they're all there, eyes, nose, mouth, ears." She points every one out. "At this stage, the baby can finally start to pick up on some sounds so it's great to start talking to them if you haven't already. The baby can also stretch, yawn, and make facial expressions. But looks like they're relaxing right now." They all laugh. Chris had already known all of this, thanks to the many apps he has downloaded. "Alright, I'm going to flip the screen to me to see the gender, any preference you guys have or think the baby is?" She moves the hand piece around Y/n's belly.
"Nope, we're fine with either." Chris says, "Yep, but I just have a feeling it's a girl. Not sure why but, if it's a boy I'll be the same amount of excited!" Y/n says. "Oh, okay, I know what they are. Let me go print the report out. You two want pictures?" They nod. "Here's a paper towel, hon. You can wipe it off and put your shirt back in place, I'll be right back." She hands her a handful of paper towels before she leaves the room.
"I'm excited! We're going to the bakery after this, right?" Y/n says, as Chris takes the dirty paper towels from her and throws them in the small trash bin. "Yeah, and we'll get to find out what the baby is! I'm equally excited as you are." He plants a few kisses onto her lips as he rubs her belly. A knock at the door brings them apart and the OB walks back inside the room. "Here are those pictures, and the gender of your baby is in here. Congratulations you two. I'll see you again in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your day!"
"Thank you!" They both walk out of the room and back to their car. At the bakery, ran by an elderly couple, they walk in and the sweet smell of baked goods makes them hum. "Smells so good in here." Y/n practically drools. "Chris! Y/n! Is it time?" The elderly lady, Jamie, squeals as she sees who has walked into her bakery. "Hi, Jamie! Yes, it's time." Chris laughs. "Here you go." Y/n hands her the envelope with the gender inside. "I'll be back in a few!" She says before disappearing into the back.
Chris and Y/n absolutely loved this bakery. They stumbled upon it a couple of months ago and never went back to any other bakery. A few weeks ago at their last appointment when they found out they were going to be able to know the gender the following appointment, they came to the bakery and places and order for a small cake for two people max and two of their big cupcakes. Jamie and Hank were excited at the thought of making their gender reveal cake for the young couple. The two had baked the cake and cupcakes earlier in the day and waited for the young ones to come in with the gender. All they needed to do was frost the right cake.
With one pink and one blue cake and two pink and two blue cupcakes sitting right in front of them they opens the envelope to see. "Don't be too loud, Hank. They're right outside." The old lady warned her husband. "Just open it!" She carefully teared the envelope open and saw the words of the gender in its corresponding color. "Oh well isn't that exciting, I knew it!" Hank said. "We both did, dear. Now come on let's frost them, don't want to keep them waiting too long."
"Here are the two cupcakes, and the cake!" Hank says as he comes out from the back. "Thank you so much, you two!" Y/n takes the bags from him. "Y/n, here the envelope. I sealed it back up." Y/n retrieves the sealed envelope from her. "Thank you!" Chris takes the bags from her. "Congratulations you guys! Hope to see you soon!" They both wave. "Oh we'll definitely be back!"
"It smells so good, we should've gotten some of the chocolate croissants. I ate the last one yesterday night." Y/n frowns as she places the bag with the cakes on top of the island counter. "I can run by later if you want me to go." Chris says wrapping his arms around her. "Thank you, you're the best." She kisses him. "Come on, let's cut the cake!"
Chris props up his phone on a tripod as Y/n takes a seat on one of the stools. "Okay, it's recording." Chris says, as he sits down on the stool next to her. He carefully takes the cake out of the box and sets it on the counter. "Oh, it's so pretty." She gasps, seeing the cake for the first time. "Alright, future child of ours. It's Mom and Dad and today we're finding out what you are! Boy or girl?" Chris says into the camera. "Mommy thinks you're a girl and I have no clue but I'll be over the moon for either. You can do the honor." He hands Y/n the knife. "Okay, let's close our eyes!" She tells Chris. "Careful, babe." He closes his eyes. "I'm cutting it, okay, next side!" She slices the cake. "Ready?"
"One, two, three!" Chris counts and Y/n picks up the slice once they open their eyes.
It's pink!
"It's a girl, oh my god. You were right!" Chris automatically gets up, holding onto his hat as it almost falls off. "Chris, holy shit!" She drops the slice back into place and Chris engulfs her in a hug. "We're having a girl!" He mumbles in her neck "I can't believe it!" The recording of the camera long forgotten. "This is crazy, can't believe you were right." Chris looks back at the cake, the pink crumbs seeping through. "A mini you, baby. Oh my god!" He covers his face with his hands tears welling up in his eyes. "Stop, you're making me cry." Y/n starts bawling. "I'm so happy!" Chris wipes his eyes and hugs Y/n who is sniffing.
Minutes later, they sit back down and try the cake. "Mm, delicious." They pick at the cake with a fork. "Oh! We're still recording!" Y/n points at his phone with her fork, dropping some crumbs in the process. "Oh, well! Looks like you're a girl! We're so happy and we can't wait to meet you, our little girl!" They cheer.
After eating half of the cake together, Chris facetimes Matt and Nick. "Hi, where's Y/n?" Nick says as he answers the call, still waiting for Matt to join. "Hello to you too." Chris scoffs and Y/n giggles besides him. "Hi, Nick. I miss you!" Y/n says as Chris presses the ring button on Matt's square. Seconds later Matt's face comes into view. "I didn't answer the first time because I'm on the fucking toilet." Matt's voice echos. "Are you guys doing anything later today?" Chris ignores Matt's words. "Nope, jus' staying home." Nick fixes his nose ring looking at himself through his square. "What he said." Matt says.
"Great, come over whenever you guys can." Chris says, Y/n leaning her head on his shoulder. "Why?" Nick says. "Do you not want to see me?" Y/n scoffs. "Of course I do!" He says. "Just come over!" Chris rolls his eyes at his brothers' stubbornness. "I'll make the pasta I always make for you guys." Y/n bribes them. "Oh! Nick start getting ready!" The call ends a few minutes later. "Can't believe I bribed them with pasta."
Both Chris and Y/n wanted to catch Matt and Nick off guard with the gender. Whenever they asked when they would be able to know the two always shrugged, already knowing the answer. "Let me go put the pasta to boil." She gets up and Chris jokingly swats her ass. "Chris!"
Just as the pasta is ready, Chris' phone starts to ring. "Hello, okay I'll buzz you guys in." He hangs up. "They're here." He jogs to the buzzer by the front door before unlocking the door and going back to Y/n to go over the plan. "Hi, Y/n!" Nick walks through it door and walks towards the kitchen. "Hi, Nick!" She hugs him. "I smell the pasta." He sniffs the air. "Do you want some already? Hey, Matt." Y/n says as Matt comes to give her a side hug. "Please, I'm starving."
Thirty minutes after they've all finished eating, they offer them the cupcake. "You guys want a cupcake?" Y/n asks. "Sure." Both Nick and Matt say at the same time. Chris walks to the fridge, and takes out the two individual boxes. "Here, but take a bite at the same time." Nick looks confused. "The hell? Why?" Chris groans. "Just do it." They open up the box of the cupcake and peel back the cupcake sheet. "You guys aren't having one?" Matt says. "No, we had one earlier." Chris goes to stand next to Nick.
As they go to take a bite, Y/n takes out her phone and starts recording. Matt pulls back from taking a bite and looks at the inside of the cupcake furrowing his eyebrows. "Why is it pink inside?" He chews. "Mine too- wait! No way!" Nick yells and gasps. "What?" Matt gets scared widening his eyes. "They're having a girl!" Nick throws his cupcake in the box and hugs Chris and then goes to Y/n to hug her. "Wait- Really?!" Matt smiles looking back at the bitten cupcake. "Yeah! We found out today!" Y/n giggles, and stops recording to hug Nick back comfortably. "Congrats, holy shit!" He daps Chris up and gives him a hug.
"I knew it! Matt owes me a hundred dollars." Nick goes back to his seat and takes a quick picture of the cupcake for memories before finishing it. Matt goes up to Y/n and hugs her telling her congratulations. "You thought it was a boy, Matt?" Y/n says, pulling away from him. "Mhm, I just had a feeling, not sure why." He goes back to bit seat and does the same as Nick.
"You're gonna have a little queen, oh my god." Nick laughs at his own joke.
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snaileer · 6 months
Time Unsolved
Dp Unsolved
“Today on Buzzfeed unsolved we cover the Timely Disappearance of Charles T. Williamsworth.”
Danny slurped loudly on his drink as the intro played. Was he maybe crazy for watching a Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime alone, at night? Maybe.
But Danny had been attacked by ghosts. What was a human gonna do that Skulker couldn’t?
“What a name!” Shane cut in immediately, the video showing him seated at their table holding a cup of coffee. Ryan laughed.
“‘Ello, yes, my name is Sir Charles T. Williamsworth, how art thou? Ah yes, jolly good!” Shane mimicked with a horrifically bad posh British accent.
Ryan laughed harder, “We’ve been to London, they don’t sound like that!” He said between laughs.
“Uh, he does! There’s no way a man with a name like that is not ‘mm yes I will take a spot of tea with my biscuit thank you.’ I’m calling it, he definitely talked like that!”
Danny smiled at the antics as Ryan wheezed, “Well it’s too bad we’ll never know for sure then isn’t it, what with his disappearance, y’know what we’re actually here to talk about.”
“That’s okay. I’ll know. I know my buddy Charles.”
“Alright then.”
Ryan flicked his file open as Shane took a sip from his coffee.
The screen lit up with an image of a man on a black backdrop.
“The Williamsworths were a French-German family who moved to Biel, Switzerland in early 1914, just months before the largest war in European history kicked off.
They were one of the lucky few families to have left France before the war broke out…”
“Oh a family moving, that’s suspicious now?”Shane cut in, yellow words typing themself across the screen.
“Well, it was right before World War 1, I mean the timing is kind of suspicious.” Ryan replied in blue.
-People move, Ryan.-
-Okay, okay, it’s just the facts of the case,.-
Danny rolled his eyes, ready for the story to continue.
The images came back.
“This move would evidently prove to be quite fortunate for the family for obvious reasons. However, it also led Charles to find his true passion: … Watchmaking.”
There was a pause as a map of Switzerland came on screen. “Biel, the town that Charles would live in for the majority of his recorded younger life, was known for watchmaking, being one of several in the heart of an area named ‘Watch Valley.’ “
-You ever own a Swiss watch?-
-Heard they’re good. Reeeal good.-
“Charles would reportedly develop a passion for clocks, watches, and timepieces in general, only getting more entrenched in his obsession over time.”
The image of the man now shifted to be overlaid on a map.
“By the time the First World War was over, Charles had gained an ostentatious apprenticeship under one of the premiere watchmakers of the time, Max Stührling. This lasted until Stührling’s death in 1938, after which Charles vanished from any records for two years.”
-Well y’know, his mentor had just died. -Maybe he wanted to grieve. Y’know curl up in his room and not see anybody for a bit.-
Ryan laughed, -2 years, he was crying in his room for 2 years and nobody found him?-
-Well, it’s not like records were great back then, I mean what are you gonna write on the census… just.. like..-
-Loud weeping heard from inside. One resident. Unnamed.-
“The next time Charles T. Williamsworth appears on record, it is in the back of a photo from France in 1940. Showing Williamsworth standing in front of a watch shop wearing dark clothes, a distinct pocket watch, and looking into the camera.”
The black and white image appears on screen, zooming in on the background figure. Danny tilts his head at it, something about it niggling at him.
“The shop and its owner would go on to be infamous within the French town for the duration of the Second World War. Charles was unwillingly drafted in the summer of 1941, serving on the front lines for no more than 3 months before sustaining a wound to his face, leaving him with damaged eyesight, facial scarring, and a medical discharge.
He returned to his shop soon after.”
Danny frowned at the mention of what the man had probably gone through.
“Later evidence statements regarding Charles stated that he was: ‘an odd man. He never mentioned the war, leaving it behind once he was not forced to be a part of it. He seemed to be separate from it all, he only cared for his watches.’
This sense of separation would extend to his shop, as when the town was bombed in 1944 leading up to D-day, his shop was left miraculously unharmed. It was reportedly open the very next day.”
-I can appreciate the dedication- Shane says in yellow.
-Yeah, I mean, the morning after is a bit soon, but he did really love watches. If he didn’t have to, I guess he wasn’t gonna close his shop.-
-His advertising: ‘Sure you were almost killed in a fiery explosion, but look! I’ve got new watches!’ Jazz hands.-
Ryan laughs.
“Over the next 50 years, Charles T. Williamsworth would disappear from records repeatedly, sometimes for months, only present on seven censuses between 1952 and 1979. Despite this, the clock shop was never sold, remaining in wait for its master’s return.”
Multiple pictures of pocket watches came onscreen. “It became known in the surrounding area for especially good pocket watches and grandfather clocks. Each personally made using Swiss essemblage practices, often engraved.
While it was a place of prestige, some described the shop as having ‘an unbearably loud sound of ticking, as if a thousand clocks were set to the same second.’
Apparently, Charles ‘seemed to enjoy the sound, often standing in the front room when no one was present. He was able to pick out one clock if it was off time.’ Witnesses stated.”
It cut to showing Shane and Ryan at their table.
“God, I can’t imagine. That’d drive me crazy.” Shane said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I don’t know, a thousand clocks at the same time? Just..” Ryan looked back and forth frantically, as if there were sounds from every direction, “I’d go nuts pretty fast, I can’t even handle one sometimes.”
“I’d just go off and punch one of the clocks, just- RAAAH and -oh my god is that where that comes from?! I’m gonna punch your clock? Or like you clock somebody!?! Oh my god I never realized that!”
Danny’s jaw drops at the realization as Ryan laughs. Shane looks to be losing his mind as well.
“However, Charles’ most notable disappearance was his last.”
Dramatic music played as Danny zoned back in.
“Due to his frequency of vanishing for extended periods of time, it is unknown when exactly Charles disappeared. The last definite sighting of Charles T. Williamsworth was late at night on April 23rd, 1999, when neighborhood patrolman, Elliot Dubois, noticed him locking the door to his shop with its lights still on. Elliot, concerned for the safety of the elderly man, questioned him but eventually allowed Charles to leave, noting that he turned down a road that only led into the woods outside of town.
Two weeks later, 12 year old James Chappellè, a mailboy in the area, noted during his morning run on May 7 that mail had begun to pile up in front of the shop’s door.
Something that had never happened before.”
The word ‘before’ faded into red.
“It reached such a point that the mail system declared they would no longer deliver, as they couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be stolen.
At this point, the police got involved and the case was assigned to Detective Jacob Laurent.
It turned out to be a more difficult case than first expected, as when they looked into Charles’ past, they were unable to turn up any such notable documents as a birth certificate nor any document containing a birthdate.
But when police entered the shop on May 10th, they found it largely empty, with only the shelves, register, and equipment left remaining between the front and back room. There were no clocks of any kind.
It should be noted that there was still money in the register, and a light on in the back though the other bulbs for the front seemed to have been burnt out.
Upon entering the living space above the shop, it was found to be covered in dust, and all of Charles’ clothes and belongings still present.
Rather, there was evidence that Charles largely slept in his shop, with a cot beside his workbench.
A workbench that, upon police entry, only held one gold pocketwatch, personally engraved with the initials ‘C. W.’ As it was known for Charles to always carry the pocketwatch, he was officially declared missing and possibly presumed dead.
The watch’s presence also led detective Laurent to suspect foul play.
Despite the declaration of foul play, the police did not extensively search the town woods, citing the size and density of the forest.”
The video cut to Shane staring at Ryan, face deadpan. Ryan was clearly trying to hold back laughs.
“So… let me get this straight… an old man who’s… how old at this point exactly?”
Ryan laughs, “Nobody knows, there’s no known birthday-“
“That’s weird too, but okay, let’s say he’s like what, at least 95? I mean… there’s a certain age that like if you disappear… ..eh.” Shane shrugged.
Ryan looked at him incredulously, “Eh??”
“Yeah,” Shane shrugged again, “Eh.”
“I mean… y’know… old people wander into the woods sometimes, maybe he just went for a walk and got lost. At that age… death has gotta be around every corner, I mean come on!”
Ryan wheezed into his elbow.
Danny laughed quietly.
Once Ryan calmed down, he organized the file, clipping it down on the table, “So! With the story finished, let’s get into the theories,”
Shane rolled his eyes, “Oh god this is gonna be one of yours isn’t it? What ghosts are abducting people now?”
Danny smiled, briefly considering how much effort it would take to go haunt Shane all the way in LA.
“The first theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth was involved with the mafia at the time and was a long standing or high ranking member that had crossed the wrong people.
Some reasons for this theory is the lack of early documents, suggesting a fake identity or forgery.
This case is especially supported by the long absences, where his shop remained closed and yet still remained in his possession.
In fact, the deed for the shop was not listed under Charles’ name, instead Iisted as owned under a private organization.
This theory explains his disappearance and possible subsequent death as an act of revenge from an enemy made from illicit activities. Leaving no body behind, there would be no evidence to prosecute the acting party.
Within this, there are also some who believe that if Charles was engaged in the mafia and lived under a false identity, that his disappearance was him returning to his actual identity, possibly due to being caught.
Prison records indicate 6 Swiss-German inmates arrested at the approximate time of his disappearance, roughly matching the age and appearance of Charles. Notably, none of them had a distinct facial scar and no identification was ever confirmed.”
The screen switched.
Shane smiled at Ryan, “Oh Ho Ho, my boy Charles is getting into some funky stuff, huh? Workin’ for the Mob, breaking knees, chopping fingers?”
Ryan laughed, “Yeah maybe, it definitely lends credit to him being a part of something. Maybe he was out in the woods breaking knees y’know. Or burying something.”
“Someone,…”Shane said ominously, then burst out laughing, “What if he buried himself! Just-“Shane mimed digging, clapping his hands like he was wiping off dust, “Alright, thats a good illegal grave right there, just a good hole for a dead- woaaah!” He pretended to fall, “Boom, stuck in his own grave.”
“Really, this old man dug a 6 foot deep grave? On his own?”
“Hey you don’t know his strength, maybe he lifts.”
“Alright.” Ryan shook his head, still grinning.
Danny smiled, considering it, it did kind of make sense.
“The second theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth did indeed just walk into the woods and never come out. If this is the case, what happened in the woods is widely speculated on. Some saying that animals may have attacked him, or that he simply fell or was injured and could not get up due to his age.
This theory loses support due to the fact that no body was ever found. Though some say that if the woods were too big for the police to search, there may be a den or that his body was covered naturally.”
“Or in a grave.”
“You really think he was mafia?”
“I mean, who could tell?” Shane shrugged.
“The third theory, much like the first, is that Charles was a federal agent for one of the Allied Powers.
This theory is also supported by the significant periods of absence and lack of documents to indicate a forged identity, meant to fool the German government and allow him to work behind the lines. However, unlike the first, there is also evidence of a man with the same distinct scar on his eye, showing up in the background of photos at the British Intelligence Office, the Eiffel Tower during Germany’s occupancy, and behind closed Swiss borders.
None of which would be possible without the unique skills and permissions of a government agent.”
Silence reigned as Shane and Ryan stared each other down, Shane clearly ramping up for something.
“The name’s Williamsworth. Charles Williamsworth.” He said dramatically.
Ryan burst out laughing. “You support this one more then?”
“Yeah, I’ve changed my mind, he’s not in the mafia. His suspicious activities were in the name of secrecy, national secrets, confidential war trades. Espionage…”
“Well I guess, nobody’s gonna suspect the 95 year old man to be up to anything. I mean, if I saw an old man somewhere I’d just be like, huh I wonder who lost their grandpa, not ‘I bet he’s secretly working to take down Hitler.’ Y’know.”
“Charles gets caught: just ‘Whaa-at me~e? I’m just a gentle~e o~ ol~ld ma~an, I can’t harm nobody~y.” Shane mimed leaning over a cane.
“He gets caught and just pretends he has dementia, ‘Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here? Where’s my breakfast?”
Shane cackled as Ryan laughed.
Danny considered it more, this one seemed the most likely, though… he’d definitely be the oldest agent.
“Another theory is that the shop was robbed and Charles returned while or before it was happening, catching the criminals off guard and leading them to react rashly, injuring or killing Charles. They then would have hidden his body and cleaned out the shop to hide any other evidence.
This theory however is disproven by the lack of money taken from the register.
Despite this, it is the official claimed circumstance by the police at the time.”
“Fucking police, always with the boring one.” Shane said ruefully.
“Our last theory, and my personal favorite,-“
Shane groaned. Danny smiled, this was gonna be good.
“-is that Charles T Williamsworth was a time traveler. And that all of his disappearances were when he was traveling through time.
This theory supports his families early move to Switzerland under odd timing, his appearance in so many photos and even his obsession with clocks. As well as why he seemed unbothered by the tumultuous times.”
“I can… accept it.” Shane said, hesitant.
Ryan laughed, “I’ll take it.”
“Despite all of these theories, there is still significant information missing from the case.
And so, like clockwork this case shall remain:
Danny’s mouth dropped as the screen went dark.
No way.
No freaking way.
He lurched upwards, eyes wide.
Obsessed with clocks, scar on his eye, fricking weird and talks in riddles.
Oh mygod!
Danny threw himself out of bed, “I’ve connected the dots!” He rushed to untangle himself from his sheets, transforming immediately, “I’ve connected them!”
He dove for the ghost portal.
Holy frick!
Charles T. Williamsworth was Clockwork!
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valentinaagarcia · 5 days
twisted wonderland characters as things i've heard in the locker room... pt.3
(yall re probably like "what the hell val? another one🤨🤨 yes. another one. ans for my new readers- im on the boys team as a gril)
(yuu is what i responded)
floyd: sometimes i just feel like i wanna kill myself
ace: me too man
jamil: im actually gonna kill myself.
ace: sticking our your gyatt...
floyd: for the rizzler...
jamil: get out.
ruggie: i love you man have a good game
leona: yeah.
ruggie: your not gonna say i love you back?
leona: what if i killed myself
yuu: someone hook me up
kalim: i have a cousin i dated for three months before realizing she was my cousin, i could hook you up with her!
yuu: what th???
ace: yeah and the worker was like "dont open door i told you dont open door!" (filipino accent)
deuce: oh oh and then he was like "i scold you, you open door again i hit you!" (filipino accent.... not filipino)
ace: ohawh.. man uh.
deuce: what?
yuu: dude you cant say it like that since your not asian
deuce: what? but you talk like a hispanic person all the time?
yuu: i wonder why.
riddle: okay, lets just move on from the accent thing alright?
deuce: yep! ill stick to my accent and stop using others
trey: howdy y'all, good game mate
deuce: howdy mate! good gam..
riddle: ...
deuce: ill stop using other accents... starting now
cater: hispanics are so HOTT like you guys dont get it
jack: shut up were meditating before the game quit it with your hispanic fetish.... god
cater: you guys dont get it.
ace: personally, i listen to justin bieber
jamil: im more into lana del rey
jack: megan for me
floyd: i listen to cardi b! how about you, yuu?
yuu: laufey and alex g
malleus: i love you (listens to both)
malleus: mary or sarah?
yuu: sandy
ace: yo dude i think yuu might be buffer than jack
deuce: no way???
jack: hm?
ace: can you both flex your muscles???
jack: you are not buffer than me.
yuu: shut up hoe, this is why i got a bigger dick than you
jack: you have a penis?...
yuu: for sure bigger than yours.
(i do in fact, not have a penis)
floyd: okay so listen guys, we need to get the shampoo and shove it upp our areolas and run around naked on basket field
azul: who.. wha??? oh my god are you high?
yuu: its the ace incident all over again...
epel: yuu genuine question, what does pussy taste like
yuu: ....? it tastes like pussy?
epel: i just ate a pussy.
yuu: man....good for you i guess? wait WHAT
(for context a bird flew into the glass and flew into the locker rooms)
deuce: OH MY GOD?!?
epel: KILL IT
kalim: no dont kill it!
ace: yuu do something!!!!
yuu: why are you asking me? your the man
yuu: ugh.... men only act proud and strong to flaunt.
floyd & kalim: THERES A SPIDER
kalim: JAMIL HELP... me?
jamil: *fucking hiding on top of the lockers*
yuu: why didnt i become a cheerleader.
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mj0702 · 7 months
The other Bronze – pt.7.2
For all that patiently waiting readers (including @samkerrworshipper and @valewosomtb)
“Are you good to stand on your own for a second little Bronze? I need to see what the shower temperature is – I don't want to freeze you or cook you.. Alexia wouldn't let me hear the end of it” Jenni asked you gently letting go of your waist slowly
“Yep... me good...” you slurred but took the opportunity to swayed away from her just to have Jenni grab your waist tighter again
“I can see that... come on little Bronze – we'll just bite the bullet and hope the temperature is okay” the dark haired spaniard sighed pushing you forward under the shower
“No no no no no...” you squeaked as the football player effortlessly pushed you forward
“Sí... don't worry little One... I've got you” she said soothingly as she held you upright
“Ugh... I don't like it...” you pouted
“You didn't like the sand either...” Jenni chuckled as she got you out of the shower again “See... that wasn't so bad now, was it... all clean and sand free”
“Sexy spaniard?” you asked a little shivering since the water was a tad too cold
“I'm not sure if I should support this or if I should yell at you” the dark haired woman mumbled just loud enough for you to hear
“Why would you yell at me?” you asked confused
“It's okay....what do you need little One?” Jenni sighed seeing there was no use in argue with you
“Do you have a phone?” you slurred grinning widely
“I... do have a phone” Jenni answered carefully not knowing where this conversation is heading
“I have a phone too” you smiled proudly “It's blue... I like blue”
“That's... nice” the dark haired woman nodded slowly “maldición... I have to speak to Ona about these meds... this can't be healthy”
“Sexy spaniard...” you whispered like you had something important to say
“Yes little One?” Jenni answered just as secretive deciding playing along would be the easiest way to handle you – just like Alexia told her
“My phone has it's own number” you whispered slurring a little bit
“Really?? That's... cool... “ the spaniard said bewildered not knowing how to react accordingly
“Bet yours doesn't have a number” you huffed internally congratulating yourself for pulling THAT off
“I'm sorry to disappoint you little One... but my phone does have a number” Jenni smiled reluctant
“Noooooo” you whined “Your phone can't have a number”
“Oh really.... and why's that now?” the black haired woman smiled now amused
“Because my phone has a number” you pouted
“Every phone has a number little One” Jenni chuckled
“Prove it” you crossed your arms in front of your chest trying to look “intimidating” while internally grinning thinking “Gotcha”
“I don't have my phone on me little One... it's with Alexia at the moment” Jenni answered carefully trying not to upset you
“Why?” you looked at her confused groaning on the inside
“It would have gotten wet if I had it on me” the dark haired explained
“That would have made two of us” you mumbled
“Disculpe?” Jenni asked shocked
“Huh?” you asked back confused
“What did you just said?” Jenni asked and you decided to shift a gear down
“I want two” you said slowly like you were speaking to child
“Two what?” the dark haired looked so SO confused
“Scoops... the colorbook spaniard owes me ice cream – she made me drop mine” you slurred again changing the topic once again
“Okay... yes... okay... how did Alexia managed to get through yesterday I do wonder” Jenni sighed deeply massaging her temples
“Who's Alexia? Is she your girlfriend?” you slurred grinning wriggling your eyebrows
“Definitely not my girlfriend... she's a good friend... you call her pretty spaniard” Jenni snorted as you asked if Alexia was her girlfriend
“Uh.... you know the pretty spaniard?” you asked happily
“I do... and we probably should get back to her...” Jenni smiled
“Yeah... you don't want to make her angry... do you know she makes the colorbook run laps? Like... a lot of laps...” you started to talk while Jenni pulled you into her side once again starting to get you back to Alexia and Keira
As you passed your sister your eyes met and you simply winked at her which caused Lucy to choke (again) and coughing hard
“Lucy!!” you yelled happily as you pushed away from Jenni stumbling towards your sister pushing Ona out of the way to fall around your sisters neck hugging her tightly
“Your Cupra is mine” you whispered in her ear grinning as she pretended to catch you
“No way you got that number” Lucy gritted through her teeth putting on a smile for everyone around
“I am just that good” you grinned against her neck as you keep hugging her
“Fuck” your sister sighed under her breath “please don't destroy my car”
“Luuuucccyyyy” you whined as you could feel some pair of eyes on you
“Whaaaaaat” your sister mocked you
“You're not nice...” you whined before turning around “friendly spaniard... you tell her”
Ona looked like a deer caught in the headlight not knowing what to say or do
“Okay little One... come here... Alexia is waiting and if I come back without you I have to run laps” Jenni interrupted your interaction with your sister
“Go on Bubs... go with Jenni...” Lucy slightly pushed you which caused you to stumble (this time for real) and falling into Jennis arms
“Careful there little One” the dark haired woman chuckled as she easily catches you
“She pushed me” you whined
“I saw... I'll make sure she gets punished for it, okay... but now lets go and let your sister enjoy her day off” Jenni said understanding as she pulled you along
“Behave devils spawn” Lucy yelled after you and you just flipped her off
“I was about to come looking myself where you were” Alexia said as soon as the two of you were in earshot
“Yeah sorry... she gets distracted easily” Jenni chuckled as you poked a seashell with your toe
“Don't I know it... I spent the better half of my rehab session yesterday telling her not to touch anything” Alexia huffed but smiled noneless at your innocence
“Yeah... I just had a conversation about phone numbers... and how she wants two scoops of ice cream” the dark haired shrugged her shoulders before addressing you “you want to sit down little One?”
“Phone numbers?” the blonde one asked confused “told you you won't make it long without giving her a nickname... she's just too precious in her own way”
At the words “phone numbers” your head snapped up and you grinned loopy at Alexia
“Did you know every phone has a number, pretty spaniard... the sexy one said so... but I think she just said that to shut me up... she didn't prove it” you slurred
“Ah...” was all Alexia said as she was thrown off completely while looking at Jenni with a “What the fuck”-look on her face
“See” Jenni grinned widely “that's what I'm talking about” as she grabbed her phone showing you her number “See little One... every phone has a number”
“Bet that's not your phones number... that's probably just some random numbers” you mused concentrated already saved the phone number in your head – perks of having a good memory
“How should I prove to you that this IS my phones number?” the black haired woman asked even more confused
“Just call her... or let her call herself from your phone” Alexia said nonchalantly
“Do you know your phones number little One?” Jenni asked really wanting to end this topic but also knowing that you wouldn't let it go until she “proved” to you that this was in fact her number
“No” you pouted sadly (of course you knew – but you were “high”) “But Kei knows... Kei knows EVERYTHING”
“Keira!” Alexia yelled over to your fellow Englishwoman
“Que?” the blonde yelled back not even bothering sitting up having watched the whole interaction
“You know the number of the Cariño over here?” the spaniard asked Keira
“Of course... she has the same number since she was 12 and Lucy bought her her first mobile phone +44-8395-533-104... why?” Keira answered rattling down your number
“Slower please....” Jenni said as she punched the numbers into her phone
Keira repeated your number slower as you plopped down into the sand next to Alexia leaning your head on her shoulder
“What's going on, Cariño” the blonde asked softly as she took your bad wrist in her hands massaging it carefully
“Thank you for being so pretty” you sighed out pretending to fall asleep on her shoulder
Alexia chuckled lowly but shrugged the shoulder your head occupied “waking you up”
“Non of that... you of all people shouldn't fall asleep in the sun – you want to go over to Keira?” she asked you softly as you nodded and grunted in agreement
“Keira... pick your child up” Alexia yelled again but smiled over to the Englishwoman
“MY child?? If she was mine she wouldn't be here right now, she would be home asleep... she's high as fuck, she isn't used to the barcalonean sun AND the responsible adult is drinking sangria at the beach bar feeling up her girlfriend” Keira answered as she pushed herself up on her elbows raising an eyebrow
Her comment made you eyes pop open as your head flew in the direction of your sister seeing that Keira was right and Lucy indeed was feeling up Ona even tho it was very subtle. You immediately started to heave and Alexia really thought you needed to vomit jumping into action trying to get you some shade by throwing a towel over your head which caused Keira to burst out laughing as she made her way over to you
“Come on Bitsy... some shade will do you some good” she gently said as she pulled you up
“She scarred me again... and the whole public” you whine from underneath your (Alexias) towel
“I know...” the blond Englishwoman said sympathically “... and your phone rang”
You smirked victorious under your towel but threw a “Georgia?” in to keep the charade up
“No... a spanish number” Keira said softly
“I don't know anyone in Spain” you said confuses as you felt Keira sitting you down in the shade of her beach umbrella
“Did you really pulled all that off for Jenni Hermosos number?” Keira whispered and pushed a water bottle into your hand
“Hell yeah” you grinned back the towel now around your neck
“Why for good heavens” the blonde asked outraged
“Lucy said if I can get her number in my current not state she'll let me drive her Cupra in the Camp Nope parking lot” you put your head on your knees but Keira could hear your smirk
“She doesn't know what Millie, Rachel and Jill got you for your birthday, does she?” now Keira was smirking as well knowing fully well what the three Lionesses got you since she was asked if she wants to chip in
“Hell to the no” you smirked you head laying on your knees pretending to keep deep calming breaths
“She's in for a lovely surprise then... but in all seriousness now Bitsy... are you feeling okay?” Keira smiled but you could tell she cares
“Yeah...” you lifted your head slightly to shoot her a small smile
“No dizziness or lightheaded?” the blonde checked again
“No... but the water was nice... thank you” you answered honestly
“No problem Bitsy... for how long do you plan on keeping this going?” Keira asked as she got comfortable on her towel again
“At least till Mapí bought me my ice cream” you grinned
“Then lay down... Alexia is still watching you... you really wormed your way into her heart” Keira closed her eyes relaxing
“But laying down is boring” you huffed
“Laying down is relaxing... which I try to do – relax... so relax too” the blonde told you and you knew it wasn't an offer
You shuffled forward to the edge of your towel thinking about how you could get away from Keira to investigate what Mapí and her friends were doing as you heard a throat clearing behind you. You huffed annoyed but shuffled back until you were at the same height as Keiras shoulders as she smiled slightly
“Thank you” she said sweetly her eyes still closed
“Sometimes it's really annoying you know... I don't even know how you do it – your eyes are closed” you grumbled
“Call it motherly instinct” the Englishwoman grinned not even bothering to open her eyes and yet she knew exactly that you pulled a face “... or call it Bronze proved”
“You suck” you huffed again
“Whatever makes you feel better Bitsy... and now be good and let me relax – please” the blonde smirked before sighing out deeply
After about five minutes you noticed Keiras breathing evening out and you tried to carefully bolt again only to be hold back by a warned “Bitsy” and you swore under your breath. Your mood increase significantly as you saw Mapí making her way over, Patri and Pina hot on her heels. She stopped right in front of Keira and you her hands folded behind her back a ashamed look on her face as she cleared her throat repeatedly. With an annoyed sigh Keira opened one eye looking expectantly at Mapí
“Qué??” she asked irritated
“Can Baby Bronze come and play with us? Ingrid said she'll watch that nothing happens” Mapí looked like a 10 year old who’s scared of her best friends mom which made you chuckle knowing first hand that Keira can in fact get very scary
“No” was the short answers before the blonde closed her eyes again
“Keira por favor” Mapí started to beg “We promise we look after her”
“That's nice... and who's looking after you?” Keira asked slowly giving up on her plan of an afternoon with just relaxing sleep
“Ingrid” the blonde spaniard answered quickly as Keira raised an eyebrow looking at the Norwegian
“Pleeeaaaase Kei” you begged lulling the plead “so boring here”
“María León... if you bring her back with just a hair out of place I WILL have your ass” Keira pointed threatening at Mapí nodding her head towards you as a sign for you that you can go
You quickly scrambled away holding on to Mapí for leverage as she grabbed you securely around your waist “dragging” you away
“I love you colorbook spaniard” you slurred happily “Thank you for saving me from the boring death”
“Ningún problema niñita” Mapí whispered grinning
“Ninja what?” you slurred looking at her confused
“No problem” the blonde repeated in english as she dragged you past her girlfriend who slept soundly in the beautiful afternoon sun in Barcelona
“You said she'll look after us” you stumbled next to Maps who just shushed you while Pina and Patri chuckled quietly
“The mean Englishwoman would have never let you go if she'd known Ingrid was sleeping” Mapí grinned
“I like you colorbook spaniard” you grinned “You're cool”
“Told you I'm her favorite” the blonde grinned to her young teammates
“We want a spaniard name too” Patri said in her broken english making you stop dead in your tracks
“And you are who?” you asked confused looking at Mapí for explanation
“This is Patri...” the blonde pulled the bigger one closer and continued “.. and this is Pina”
“You look scaring” you mumbled pushing yourself more into Mapí looking at Patri
“I'm very nice, I promise” Patri said quickly smiling at you and Pina nodded behind her
“Which one were you?” you asked again smiling internally at their falling faces
“Patri... Patricia Guijarro... Patri” the taller one said her look at you with hopes in her eyes as you started to giggle
“Bond... James Bond... Bond” you giggled at your own joke
“Come on Baby Bronze... I wanted to show you something” Mapí interrupted your giggling as she pulled you along past your slightly tipsy sister (she really was just slightly tipsy since she had training the next day) who didn't said anything thinking if Keira let you go it would be okay for you to hang out with the “Trio of Trouble” as the older Barca player named them.
“Have you ever rode a jet ski niñita?” Mapí smirked mischievously
“Uh jet ski” Pina clapped her hands happily
“Jet what?” you asked confused even if you knew fully well what jet skies are
“It's like a motorcycle – just for the water....” Pina explained smiling excitedly
“Water?” you smiled happy
“Yeah... driving motorbike on water... it's so much fun” Patri said her grin widen
“I want that” you couldn't stop grinning swaying as Mapí shortly let go of your waist
“Do we really think that's a good idea? If she dies we're dead” Pina now asked a little concerned as she saw your swaying form
“Why would she die? You can swim, right?” the blonde spaniard asked you
“I can... Jordan Nobbs can't... 31% of english people can't swim... that's why we live on an Isle – so we don't flee and succeed in world domination” you slurred smirking
“Oooookay...” Patri said only understanding half of what you said “... maybe she shouldn't ride on her own...”
“Meeh... she'll be fine” Mapí waved off as she strapped a life jacket around you “See... I make sure she's save”
You quickly got a run down of how everything works by the guy who's renting out the jet skies and after taking some pictures with the three Barca girls he send you happily on your way. You climbed on your own jet ski needing a minute to get used to the feeling of the heavy vehicle under you but a encouraging smile from Mapí and with Patri and Pina flanking you you carefully started the engine and slowly drove out of the small bay into the open sea. You quickly found acceleration and off you went once you were steady enough with the balance. Mapí, Pina and Patri laughed loudly as they followed you cheering you on while you got more and more fun out of it cutting turns and even starting a game of tag with the three other women. Unknowns to the four of you half the beach was in distress as Keira decided to go over to Ingrid after she couldn't locate you and the other three women just to find Ingrid fast asleep. It was a no brainer that Keira cursed first at Mapí then at herself for not double checking with the Norwegian. So of course hearing Keira of all people swear loudly peaked the interest of several older players such as Alexia, Jenni, Ingrid, Marta, Ona and last but not least Lucy.
“What happened?” Lucy asked her fellow english teammate as she saw Keira in pure distress
“They are gone” the blonde answered through gritted teeth
“Who?” your sister asked again confused
“y/n and the trio of trouble... Mapí came over asked if y/n could come play with them and that Ingrid would have an eye on them... now they're gone” Keira explained quickly looking around the beach
“I'm sorry... I really had no idea” Ingrid apologized over and over again
“No one is blaming you, Ings... It's my own fault” Keira reassured the Norwegian smiling slightly “I should have double checked”
“I'm going to let them run laps until they can't walk for a week” Alexia seethed as Jenni chuckled beside her
“What's so funny, Hermoso??” the blonde snapped at Jenni
“Nothing Capi... just the fact that you actually need to find them first” the black haired spaniard grinned having spotted you a little over two miles out in the open sea
“I'm pretty sure I have the dino-harness laying around somewhere” your sister mumbled trying to find just a small trace of you
Jenni loudly cleared her throat getting everyones attention
“What??” Alexia growled at the black haired one
“This sexy spaniard found your missing children” Jenni grinned pointing at herself proudly
“Oh really” her blonde companion said sarcastically “Please do enlighten us”
Jenni just pointed out to the sea where you just jumped over a small wave that was created by Pinas jet ski
“I... I... I... I can't believe what I'm seeing” Alexia stuttered out as she watched in horror (like everyone else except for Jenni who can't contain her grin) as you cut a corner dangerously close to Patri
Ingrid was the first who recovered from the initial shock springing into action by whistling loudly knowing Mapí would hear it loud and clear. Just as she thought she saw the head of her girlfriend snap into the direction of the beach and even with the distance she could see how Mapís face turned white like a wall.
“We're in trouble” Mapí said out on the open sea as you and the other two spaniards stopped next to her “they discovered sooner than I thought that we were gone...”
“We... could just stay here?” Patri shrugged her shoulders “... there’s enough to eat” she said looking down into the deep water
You couldn't contain your loud laughter which carried all the way to the beach where it got reconized by Lucy and Keira immediately
“I swear Ingrid if my sister gets eaten by a shark I'll break your girlfriends legs” Lucy threatened the poor Norwegian
“You'd have to get in line for that” the normally so contained Scandinavian grumbled back “I can tell you who will sleep on the couch for the foreseeable future”
“Lucy... do you hear that?” Keira suddenly said shutting her ex up successfully
“What?” your sister asked confused
“She's laughing... Bitsy is laughing... a REAL laugh...” the blonde said looking back out to find you having your head thrown back laughing wholeheartly “I haven't heard that for a long time”
“You're right... I think the last time I heard a laugh like that was when she was... 11? 12?” Lucy said stunned
“As much as it pains me to say... but Alexia” Keira turned towards her captain and friend
“Sí?” the Catalonian woman asked raising an eyebrow
“No punishment for the trio of trouble... you can't punish them for making her laugh like this... please” the blonde Englishwoman pleaded with her captain
“I can't let them get away with something like this” Alexia got a little fed up
“Just this once... Please capi” now your sister spoke up as well “I swear they did more for y/n than Keira, me or anyone in the last five years... I haven't heard her laugh like this since...” your sister stopped herself from spilling details of your injuries knowing your very insecure about them
“Since her injury?” Alexia checked if she understood it right
“Yeah... how did you know?” Lucy asked after nodding
“Please... I'm just coming back from an ACL... I recognize an ACL scar if I see one” the blonde rolled her eyes “But... left AND right?”
“Once left, twice right.... she hasn't be the same since... she pretends but she's not the same...” Keira answered instead of Lucy who keeps an eye on you
“Care to explain” Jenni now speaks up getting interested
“Not a lot to explain... she won't talk to anyone about it... we tried to get her to talk to us.. or to a therapist since we thought it might be easier for her to speak to a stranger but no... she just wouldn't open up... she just pretends to be happy and everything is fine but if you knew her from when she was younger she's a completely different person” Keira said her voice a slight sad undertone
“Should we try? We're not strangers but also not close enough for her to consider us family” Jenni offered
“No... it won't be no use... Luce and I accepted a long time ago that if she wants to talk she'll find the right person and just starts talking... maybe that's one of us maybe that's someone completely random... as long as she talks to someone” the blonde Englishwoman said shooting Jenni a thankful smile for her offer
“Okay... but here's the question... how will we get them back here... on safe land?” Ona asked a little concerned for your safety
“Oh let me help you with that” Ingrid smirked whistling again even louder knowing her girlfriend will get the warning
“That was Ingrids last warning whistle” Mapí shivered on her jet ski knowing if they won't go back to the beach now they would all be one head shorter once her girlfriend will get a hand on them
“Your girlfriend has a last warning whistle?” you raised a brow at the blonde spaniard
“Yeah... when she whistles like that... it means last warning or serious trouble” the blonde said
“Why does she have something like this?” you ask getting even more confused
“I may or may not cause trouble sometimes...” she grinned at you sheepishly
“... so... we go back?” you asked looking at your three new friends
“Yeah we better... when Ingrid is mad it's nearly as bad as when Alexia is mad” Pina said in a small voice
“Then let's do it with style since they won't let us get away together ever again” you shrugged your shoulders smiling
The other three grinned back at you before following you back to the beach as you pushed the jet ski to it's limits
You let your jet ski skillfully slide onto the sand back on the beach looking around confused as the other three followed your lead
“What's wrong, niñita?” Mapí asked happily as she got of her vehicle
“I just wondered... I expected a angry mop with pitchforks and torches” you raised an eyebrow looking around to find your sister and her girlfriend still at the booth sipping on her Sangria “Maybe I'm just paranoid” you shrugged your shoulders
The four of went inside the little shop that rented out the jet skis giving back your life jackets and the three players were nice enough to take some pictures with the staff which you happily took since you didn't want to appear on any of them anyway. All of you said your goodbyes and stepped back out in the sunshine. A little nagging feeling in the back of your head didn't let you get any peace. You realized a split second too late that you stepped right into Keiras trap which caused you to stop walking as Mapí, Patri and Pina walked straight into to
“TRAP” you screeched trying to push back against Mapí but it was too late.
You felt your ear getting gripped in a dead grip as you get pulled down a little bit and immediately you knew it was Keira. In the corner of your eye you could see Ingrid gripping Mapís neck tightly while Alexia had Pina and Patris ears in her grip.
“This time you definitely went overboard Bitsy” the Englishwoman growled at you and you knew you were in some serious trouble.
The other three of your companions already got yelled at in spanish by their captain still all held in place but Alexia handed Pina and Patri off to Marta.
“Damn... she seems arrogated” you looked at Alexia shocked as you could spot a vein popping on her neck
“With me” Keira just said as she pulled on your ear
“Ow ow ow ow ow...” you whined stumbling after the blonde
“Sit” the blonde said strictly as she pulled you past Lucy and Ona pointing to her towel
You knew better than to piss her off even more so you plopped down on the towel seeing your sister already approaching
“Did you hit your head?” Keira asked surprisingly very calmly
“Ehrm... no?” you shook your head confused
“Did you drink?” the blonde ignored your confused face
“No?” you answered carefully
“Do you do drugs?” the Englishwoman kept on asking question after question
“Again... no... nothing other than the painkillers Ona pulled off for me” you said not knowing what answer Keira was after
“Did you smoke weed?” Keira asked again too calm for your liking
“Tried it once... not for me” you answered truthfully
“Ah... there it is” you deadpanned before looking at her “I didn't knew... Mapí pulled me along, threw me in a life jacket and sat me on the machine of funnies”
“You are capable of saying no aren't you... you have a fucked up wrist, you are on painkillers that would probably send an elephant tumble over and you think it's a GRAND idea to jump on a jet ski doing hopps and flopps in the open sea... you aren't the best swimmer y/n..” Keira went full on mom rant on your ass – for her to call you your name... that was bad.
“That's what the life jacket is for” you defended yourself “so I wouldn't drown”
“DON'T you dare go all smartass on me... you are grounded” Keira put her foot down “And before you start to whine and throw a tantrum I'll let you have the afternoon here at the beach but after that your ass comes home with me and you'll stay in my eyesight all the damn time”
“That's not fair... Mapí is still allowed to play next game and tweedledee and tweedledumb are also not grounded... and... tweedledee I think even suggested we stay out there... but I said we should go back” you rambled trying to reason with the Englishwoman
“Look at me” Keira said softly waiting until you met her eye before continuing “Do I look like I care?”
You groaned defeated as you turned to your sister “Luuuuccyyyy” you whined
“Oh no... I learned pretty early NOT to get involved when Keira is pissed” she held up her hands in surrender
“You know Bitsy.. I can always send you home with Lucy” Keira smirked evilly
“No... no... I'm happy to be grounded at your place” you smiled fake your eyes wide in shock remembering what Keira told you early
“Mhm... thought so... now you go over to Alexia and apologize for causing trouble” the Englishwoman nodded
“But I for once didn't do anything” you whined
“You caused that woman nearly a heart attack” Keira shot back “Off you scramble...”
“But...” you started just to get interrupted by Kei
“Off” she said with insistence
You grumbled under your breath but pushed yourself off the ground walking over to Alexia who was on the phone. You waited patiently not wanting to interrupt the call until the blonde spaniard raised an eyebrow at you
“Sí?” she looked at you expectantly
“I came to apologize” you mumbled suddenly feeling shy
“Un momento” Alexia said holding up a finger telling you to wait before returning to her call
You started to kick the sand a little after about three minutes getting bored. After two more minutes you sighed loudly but got ignored by the Barca Captain. One more minute and you started to whine. With a huff Alexia turned to you
“Didn't I tell you to wait?” she asked sternly
“Waiting is boring” you whined
“You are 16 not 3” the blonde said severe “You wait”
You whined loudly and desperately now REALLY felling like a small kid.
“Why did that sound like a Bronze whine?” it suddenly spoke out of Alexias phone
“It was a Bronze...” the blonde spaniard looked confused at her phone “How did YOU hear that?”
There was a loud laugh from the phone and Alexia angled the phone so you could make out a friendly looking face with dark brown hair and a kind smile
“There... the small Bronze” Alexia said apparently showing her friend how she makes you wait till they're done with whatever they're discussing
“Hola BB” the other woman smiled
“Leila” you shrieked happily basically falling on top of Alexia trying to get to her phone.
You now laid half on top of the Barca captain smiling happily into the phone where you could see one of your closest friends – actually she was more of another sister to you – Leila Ouahabi.
“You causing havoc in Barcelona BB?” she asked laughing as she saw how Alexia tried to firstly push you off her and secondly getting her phone back
“Yes ma'am” you grinned proudly
“Good girl” Leila praised you her smirk radiant
“Leila!” Alexia scolded “Don't encourage her... she's worse enough without your praising her”
“Oh Capi... you've seen nothing yet...” the brown haired woman laughed amused
“I've seen enough” the blonde grumbled “Can I please have MY phone back?”
“I swear Lei... there wasn't even blood” you said honestly ignoring Alexia
“Good girl” Leila praised you again looking impressed
“Blood??” Alexia asked shocked and bewildered at the same time
“Mostly it's not mine” you hold your hands up in surrender
“Ay dios mio” the blonde sighed
“Who is this mio... you mention him a lot today?” you asked confused and Leila barked out a laugh
“It means “my God” BB... like... we would say “Jesus fuck”...” the brown haired spaniard explained laughing
“Ah... makes sense... somehow... I thought it was her brother or something” you shrugged your shoulders
“How do you two know each other anyway?” Alexia asked now realizing that she never introduced you
“She plays for City” you said in a “Duh” voice
“She's a Bronze” Leila said in the same voice
“Manchester is my Home base... of course I know all the players of both clubs... my sister played there... her girlfriend – past and present – played for Manchester, MY girlfriend played for city... Hempo, ChloChlo, Steph, Ellie and Lexi play for City... of course I know Leila... how do YOU know her” you looked at her incredulously
“She's spanish... I'm spanish... we both play football... take a guess how I know her” Alexia rolled her eyes
“One night stand?” you smiled innocently which caused Leila to burst out laughing again
“Alexia wishes” she pressed out laughing as she stroke away the tears that formed in her eyes from laughing
“¿disculpe?” the blonde exclaimed loudly
“Dislocate yourself” you huffed
“God BB... you really are something” Leila couldn't stop laughing even more so when you started to comment on the spanish language knowing you like to do that when you didn't know said language
“Okay that's enough... what did you want earlier?” Alexia interrupted your interaction with her teammate
“Oh yeah... sorry for causing trouble even if it wasn't my fault... it was the colorbook spaniard and tweedledee and tweedledumb” you shrugged your shoulders again
“Colorbook spaniard?” Leila looked confused
“Lucy overdosed me yesterday and apparently I handed out spaniard names like they were coupons” you rolled your eyes “Uh... you want a spaniard name too?”
“We'll talk about it when you're back home?” the brown haired woman asked and you nodded smiling “Then go on,... give me a... what was it?”
“A spaniard name... and I have the perfect one... with the drugged power invested in me from this day on you shall be named... gorgeous spaniard” you said festively
“I mean... I AM gorgeous...” Leila grinned “... but I still don't get it”
“Oh every important spaniard I met got a spaniard name... this one here has one too” you grinned cheekily at Alexia
“Really? Do tell Capi” Leila teased
“No” Alexia grumbled “Knowing you you will spread it through national team and I'll never get rid of it again... just like La Reina”
“YOU named her La Reina...??” you asked Leila shocked
“No... but I found it online and made sure every team member called her that” she grinned widely
“I don't see the issue here... pretty spaniard” you smirked wickedly
“Pretty spaniard?!” the brown haired woman picked up on your nickname for Alexia immediately as said woman just groaned and rolled her eyes
“She's pretty...” you looked at the blonde innocently
“Don't let your girlfriend hear that” Leila smirked
“Oh she knows... she actually congratulated me for coming up with such fitting spaniard names even when being high as a kite...” you nodded proudly
“You two are really made for each other” the brown haired woman chuckled
“Funny... Kei said exactly the same” you mused “But yeah... sorry for causing trouble which wasn't my fault” you directed to Alexia
“You still owe me Laps...” the blonde said “... you just added more to that”
“Waaaaaaaiiiit a second... I don't owe you laps” you exclaimed
“Oh but you do... did you forget what happened first time we met?” Alexia responded calmly
“Oh BB... did you hit on her? She doesn't like that” Leila threw in chuckling
“I didn't.... did I?” you questioned yourself thinking about your first meeting before repeating “No... no I didn't”
“You swear at a guy who was twice your size” the blonde rolled her eyes “Because you said something very very bad”
“Oh yeah... but you never mentioned laps... you let Mapí do laps.... and Lucy....” you said as a matter of fact
“I thought it was obvious” Alexia looked at you like you grew a second head
“Yeah no... I'm not really made for running anymore” you waved off as Leila snorted loudly “Hm??” you looked at her
“You ran pretty fast when you stole Jill Roords last waffle thingy...” Leila snorted
“Short sprints are okay... a million laps with la reina here up my ass – not so much... and this stroopwaffle was delicious” you said insistent
“She'll make you run those laps BB... I know her long enough...” Leila said honestly
“I mean... she can try” you shrugged your right shoulder
“She can hear you... both of you” Alexia raised an eyebrow challenging
“Love you pretty spaniard” you grinned at her
“Yep... same... pretty spaniard” the brown haired woman grinned as well
“Okay... you” the blonde looked at you “... back to Keira... and you” now she looked at her phone “... we see us at Camp... you better pack the comfortable cleats... you'll wear them a lot running laps for me”
“Love you gorgeous spaniard” you yelled out after you pushed yourself off Alexia into a standing position
“Love you BB... text me later” you heard Leilas voice as you started to return to Keira
“M back” you said carefully not knowing if she's still angry at you
“I can see that” the Englishwoman replied dryly
“Kei come on... I'm sorry... I really am... but it was so much fun” you begged and whined knowing your best shot would be a perfect placed whine
“Not this time y/n” Keira responded neutral
THIS was the moment you realized that you are in real deep shit. Keira nearly never used your real name – ever. So for her to call you your actual name was bad.
“Kei...” you whispered sadly
“Gosh y/n... I already saw you drowning... and I couldn't do anything” the blonde said desperately “You just can't pull shit like this”
Okay... Keira swearing was even worse than using your name
“I... I... I... I didn't think” you stuttered out taken aback
“That's the problem... you never think... I love you.. I do... I would give my life for you because you are so SO important to me y/n... but you need to start and USE that brilliant brain of yours” Keira said firmly
“I'm sorry” you mumbled hanging your head low feeling ashamed of yourself
“I know you are... but fuck Bitsy... I was so scared” she sighed as she saw how you beat yourself up for it “I don't know what Patri said that caused you to laugh – really laugh and I'll be forever grateful to her that she did it because I haven't heard that sound in over three years but you really can't just fuck off on a jet ski... you can't Bitsy... you never swam in the Sea... you could have...”
“Kei...” you said in a low voice and as you look up you could see tears in Keiras eyes
You didn't know what to do – Keira was always your rock. She held you when you cried, helped you when you needed help, advise you when you needed advise and now you caused her so much pain.
“Can... can I hug you?” you asked carefully not knowing if Keira would want it
“Come here Bitsy” she said calmly as she opened her arms
You quickly shuffled over to her and threw yourself into her arms
“I'm so sorry Kei... I promise I try to never do stupid things ever again” you mumbled against the blondes shoulder squeezing her as tight as you could
“We both know that's a lie” the Englishwoman chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead “Just try to be more careful Bitsy.. that would be enough for a start”
“I promise” you mumbled
“Good...” Keira sighed out “... you ready to go home?”
“Can we have shepherds pie?” you asked hopefully
“If you can forgo cheddar... it's basically impossible to get cheddar here...” the blonde smiled as you asked for your comfort food
“Eeh... as long there's cheese...” you shrugged your shoulders as you started to throw all of Keiras stuff into her bag
“Eager much Bitsy” Keira chuckled
“Yes... I'm hungry and I just saw my sister playing tonsil hockey with the friendly spaniard... we need to leave” you answered quickly and threw stuff quicker into the bag – sand included
“At least it's the friendly spaniard and not the pretty or sexy one, hm?” Keira smirked as you stopped your “packing” for a second before starting to dry heave
When you were done packing Keiras stuff (and half of the beach) you quickly pulled her up and started to flee the beach without looking back to afraid to see things you never EVER wanted to see – again.
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rosyhoneydew · 1 month
I Simply Say (Baby)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek | Day 2: nicknames and terms of endearment.
“Uh, hey, I’m gonna take this for a sec, you want another beer when I come back, Eddie?” Buck asks, already en route to the kitchen. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Eddie says, a knowing smirk on his face.
There’s not really any need for the secrecy, Eddie saw the ‘Tommy ❤️’ contact light up on Buck’s phone, and even if he hadn’t, there aren’t many people Buck would pick up for on guys’ night. But, he still hasn’t quite gotten around to filling Chris in yet. It’s not like he tells the kid about everybody he dates, but this is Tommy and he’s their friend and it would feel too weird keeping that from him. 
Chris got back from Eddie’s parents’ place just over a week ago, and Eddie’s pretty intent on making things feel, as much as possible, like he never left. Buck gets it. Chris leaving was shitty for him, he can’t bring himself to think about how hard these past weeks have been for Eddie. 
“Hey,” he sighs out as he answers the call.
“Hey.” Buck can hear the smile in his voice and it fills him with warmth. He loves that smile. “How’s guys’ night?” Tommy asks. 
“Yeah, yeah it’s good.” Buck leans against the counter, ears tuning in to the light giggles he can hear from the living room. It’s felt like forever since he saw Eddie this carefree. “It’s nice. Feels like old times, you know?” 
Tommy hums a response. 
“Hey, you should come next time,” Buck adds. 
Buck huffs a small laugh, “Yes, you.” He makes for the fridge, grabbing two beers and cracking them open with the phone wedged between his shoulder and ear. “I mean, Eddie would love it, Chris hasn’t seen you since he left, and that way,” he grabs his phone again, bringing it closer to his mouth like a secret, “I won’t have to miss you all night while I’m here.” 
“Oh yeah? Well, it’s hard to argue with that logic.” Tommy responds. 
Buck smiles, it feels good, flirting like this with Tommy. It’s so easy with the two of them, he’s not sure it’s ever gotten so good so fast with anyone else he’s dated. 
“You finished up your shift?” He asks, guessing the reason Tommy called. 
“Mmhm. Pretty smooth night. I’m headed home now, you going to be a bit?” Tommy asks. 
“Uh, maybe?” Buck reenters the living room, carrying their drinks, to see Eddie and Chris have put away the Xbox, but already queued up a movie. “Yeah,” he amends, “definitely gonna be a little while.” 
Eddie’s such a sucker for the kid right now, he’s probably planning on letting Chris stay up all night if it means spending as much time as possible with him. 
Tommy laughs on the line. “All good, sweetie, have fun, okay? Tell them I say ‘hi.’” 
“Buck! Hurry up, we’re hitting play,” Chris calls out.
“Okay, love you, baby,” Buck says to Tommy, quickly hanging up the phone.
He gets a few steps closer to the couch before he realizes he said all of that out loud and in front of Eddie and Chris. Oops. 
“Who was that?” Chris asks, teasing note in his voice. God, that kid is more and more like his dad every day. 
“Uh, that- that was Tommy. The pilot from Harbor station?”
“I remember Tommy,” Chris says. “You called him ‘baby.’”
“Yeah, uh, we’re sort of together now.” Buck sets their beers down on the coffee table for something to do.
“Like boyfriends?” 
“Oh,” Chris says. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Good question.
“Well, I guess I just… I didn’t want to surprise you too much?” He finally settles into his spot on the couch again. 
“I don’t care who you’re dating.” 
Buck laughs at that, finally feeling the tension break. There wasn’t much, Chris is a good kid, but he can’t help that knee-jerk reaction for a second when he’s telling someone new. 
“Well I do care who you’re dating and I’m happy for you and Tommy,” Eddie finally chimes in, smiling between the two of them. 
“You know, I thought maybe he could come over next week for guys’ night?” Buck offers. 
“Sure,” Chris says, “Tommy’s really cool.” 
“Yeah, he is, huh?” Buck says. Because Tommy might be the coolest, best person he knows. 
“Works for me,” Eddie says, leaning over to hit play on Close Encounters, “but we are not watching Star Wars with him, again.” 
Chris laughs and Buck rolls his eyes fondly as the music fades in on the TV. A few minutes later his phone chimes and lights up again with a message, I love you too, honey ❤️.
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msnihilist · 3 months
Your idea of playing with your dollies is a father sexually abusing his son. And you romanticize it. And before you argue “Yeah but there’s dark content in media that romanticizes it!” Yes, they exist but it does not mean it’s depicted in a positive light. It’s portrayed as scary and traumatizing to the character in question. And while they’re not an actual person, it hits home to victims. There is nothing okay with going “tee hee rape!”
Yep, it sure is! And I sure do :)
"that does not mean it's depicted in a positive light" I'm sorry, did you think that the cannibalism in Hannibal was just ketchup, too, or something? Dark media constantly romanticizes this sort of stuff. The primary relationship in Hannibal is scary and traumatizing, yes, but also romantic. The good ending is that the two toxic lovers eat people together.
Black Butler has two cousins in a romantic relationship, and their engagement is taken very seriously by them both and is in fact a core component of their characters. It's an incestuous relationship played completely straight and taken seriously by the writer and is definitely not scary or traumatizing.
Invincible has a relationship between an immortal man and a girl who is 20 at the most (literally a part of "Teen Team," I doubt she's older than that), and not only is it shown to be healthy, but her death devastates this man, even having lost so many others in his long, long life.
In Futurama, one of the main characters time traveled and fucked (and impregnated) his grandmother. Not only is this not shown to be scary or traumatizing, it's a reoccuring joke, referenced multiple times, and it is plot-important so you can't even explain the underlying plot of the show without mentioning it.
The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey is a horror game, and the good ending is the brother and sister characters fucking each other. Incest is literally good for them.
So, yes, media depicts these topics in a positive light frequently. Do you know why? Because no one cares.
This is all adult content made for adult consumers, and if you need everything you read or watch to tell you that rape and incest are bad, then you are the problem.
Do you know what does hit home to victims? My writing. My best friend is someone I met through my writing. She told me that as someone who had been abused and groomed, my stories where the underage character and the adult get a happy ending make her cry. Why? Because in fiction, I have the power to make this story have a happy ending.
In my fantasy world, the kind adult isn't secretly a predator. There is no power imbalance. The kid can be emotionally mature enough to handle this relationship. The adult can actually be safe and not just a creep. The relationship can last a long time and be safe and happy for the both — because it's not real.
It gives my friend (and victims like her) great comfort to indulge a bit, and imagine that their story could have ended happily, too. Obviously, it couldn't have in reality — that's why my friend is reading about it instead of running back to her abuser.
Stop trying to police fantasy. You are hurting people — harmless thoughts are not.
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