#and it's been so freeing for my mental health and my general mood
i could cry with happiness i'm so happy i feel safe enough to be creative again
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
for rest and relaxation⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎐
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give yourself time to rest and relax and focus entirely on yourself and feeling better. choose a specified amount of time to just rest. this frees up time for inner work, healing etc. during that time identify the "why" to which u feel the way that you do.
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identifying the issue helps you, after the rest and relaxation, to understand what it is that u need to focus on the most. therefore u can formulate goals suited to deal with the issue. set some ground rules before you start your resting period so that then your not going to be moving backwards on your goals.
when u rest its important to not just sit at 0%. what i mean by that is always do at least a little something. when u make it a habit to just give 0% and do absolutely nothing, you'll find that things that u worked for will start to deteriorate and ur health both mentally and physically will be worse then when u started which isnt the point of rest at ALL.
im not saying that while ur resting and relaxing you have to be doing a whole workout or running x amount of miles. what im saying is that whilst resting do 1% of that. an example of restful moving could be...
dance when u wake up - i saw this in a tiktok and basically the logic behind this is that when ur dancing ur giving your body freedom and fluidity that translates to ur brain as well. so that then ur not so stiff and rigid and it improves ur mood.
something that i find interesting to do is that while ur rotting, document it and write out what u do/did while rotting. that way when ur done with ur rest and relaxation you can look back and see what u did. doing so can also help u see what u needed or easily identify what was wrong/what sent u into rot.
ways i spend my resting time : setting aside time to think, write in my journal. spending time girlblogging, working on projects and formulating ideas. spending quality time with my dog. watching shows that i have on my watch list. reading lots and lots of books, manga etc. taking frequent naps and writing down the dreams that i've had. doom-scrolling on tiktok. watching true crime video essays.
if you haven't read my post the feel better formula, i rly recommend that u do so that then u can see the how to get out of that rot. but if u haven't read the post i'll quickly go over the points here.
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listening to music and dancing
listen to songs that give you dopamine and just songs that you'd feel comfortable dancing to. in the feel better formula post i mentioned that twice gives me lots of dopamine so whenever i need some i listen to their songs.
practicing self care
getting ready everyday has been a game changer for me. even if ur not going out after ur rot just get ready as though you were. get into some cute clothes, practice self care, do ur makeup
a nice long journalling session
my journalling routine is update my diary 2x a week and do a shadow work session 1x a week. but for my longer journaling sessions i'll do an extended shadow work session and journal and get out whatevers on my mind onto paper.
(self care activity + something that engages ur mind + REAL rest + movement + hobby = feeling better).
sound bath ; sound healing is something that’s been interesting to learn about for me. so the concept of a sound bath is just relaxing and bathing yourself in sound frequencies as a way to relieve stress, healing, and general wellness. 
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how i like to do it, is i’ll just look up “sound bath” on youtube and while im stretching or just laying down i’ll listen to it and it’s so soothing! or i listen to these subliminals by i want it i got it and they have frequencies in them so i do that as well. 
at home spa day ; reference this post bcuz it gives a little at home spa day routine.
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njnetails · 3 months
Introducing my Writeblr!
About me:
I'll introduce myself as Rin (she/her), I'm 24 years old as of this moment and I've been writing as a hobby ever since I was a little child. I'm not new to Tumblr, I've been here for more than a decade, but I've never ventured into being more than a lurker.
I've had a really big writing break for a while because of mental health issues and a bad environment, but I've started doing better recently. By creating a Writeblr, I hope it will help me with fully committing to a lengthy project so that I can fulfill my wish of becoming a published writer.
I listen to music all the time and it helps me a lot with getting inspiration or getting me in the mood to write. I mostly read books within the fantasy genre, and I do the same with writing. I also play Dungeons & Dragons, proudly being a Dungeon Master for three campaigns at the moment.
About my writing:
I love creating characters and studying their behaviors while I think or write about them, my general focus being Trauma™. Wordbuilding is also one of my best brainstorming qualities. I used to write for my D&D characters and NPCs, and I've also posted a few fanfiction pieces on AO3 in an anime fandom.
My WIPs:
I've currently started brainstorming for my very first book project! The idea is very rough right now but I want it to be high fantasy, with emphasies on Gods, prophecies, magic and its consequences and a lot of character growth. I am still thinking about including romance, but as it is still in the early developement process, I haven't decided on anything. Update: the WIP is called Godsfallen!
I also plan on brainstorming for an east-asian mythology book (wuxia), but I haven't made enough research to focus on that one for now.
I will most likely want to post a lot of my brainstorming ideas on here, as well as writing snippets or character details. If you want to see anything like that, please feel free to follow me (I will follow back)! I'm down to hear about your WIPs and I'd love to build a small group of creative friends where we could freely talk about what our brain is cooking.
I want this blog to be a space for writing, so I hope you will join me on my journey!
Thank you if you took time to read all of this! See you around!!
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stupidscav · 5 months
DNI: zionist, antikin, ableist, lgbtq+ phobic, proshipper, support ai art, general bigotry. sorry once again I am too lazy to make a proper dni
RB > LIKES on art, preferably!
art fight,,
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ok new pinned time finally
hello!! I'm fester, thing, xerophyte, or scav! feel free to alternate names (aka pls pls pls pls/nf)!! I go by it/they/thing, but I'm also okay with he/him. I am neurodivergent (autism, anxiety, probably adhd, I'm a triple a battery) please be clear about things,, my mental health also is not the best currently so I might not be in a stable mood sometimes. i am also a minor, and I love microscopy, indie music, Fe (EA), and Rain World. :3
I am also otherkin/fictionkin, and my identities are here.^^
about my tw tags: I tag the word itself. if "geko" was a trigger, I would simply tag the post "geko". you can always ask me to tag something!
tags + info:
#scavs silly misc: miscellaneous posts/original posts. I upload random shit sometimes🔥
#scav finally draws something: drawing that I'm actually proud of! a good amount of art is in misc though
CHANGED TO: #festers fuckery dont ask/silly
#dark pearls: dark topics, vents. formerly #scav feels shitty.
#happy scav: positive vents mostly
#pearl treasury: asks and polls! formerly #scasks.
#scavs favorite pearls: gifts! at least I think that was the tag
#scav is serious: announcements mostly
#scavcanons: headcanons, ocs maybe
#scav rejects humanity: kin^^
#fester finds: things I find/find to be cool, usually music !
#fester friends: posts w/ friends ^^
alt acc: @scavssupersecretaltacc
spam acc: @i-like-to-explode
fe sideblog: @fe-enjoyer
heavy vent: @d-arkpearls
music sideblog: @woflester
elite rp sideblog: @elited-scavenger
plural blog???: @wolfthings
ohh i made a cohost also
old pinned, for more info (outdated kinda)
btw, I love being tagged! I love being asked! I love getting doodle requests, though idk if I'll get them all! these are basically always open!! unfortunately I am a horrible procrastinator so I might not always answer timely :']
probably gonna add more if I forgot, which is very likely. ty!
notes below!!!
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-if I change my PFP from your art to something else that doesn't mean I don't love it and cherish it forever!!!!! thank you so fucking much for every gift you make I love them!!!!!! seriously why do people keep making me things helppp/pos
-sorry I haven't been answering asks often:(( still don't mind asks though!
-please don't make jokes on my vent posts or anything unless I say you can btw. should have said that earlier sorry
-also, this explains a lot of why I don't respond sometimes
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infinitydivine · 8 months
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🌸Hello readers and my fellow Tumblr Tarot/Astro community. I am Infinity, nice to meet y'all here. Hope we will get along 🩷🫂
🌸I am a 1997-born Gen Z and my MBTI is INFJ-A. I am multilingual and currently learning Ukrainian and Turkish.
🌸I aspire to become a Psychiatrist and spread more awareness about Mental health.
🌸If you want to talk about music, songs, dance, quotes, romance, Turkish drama, Kdrama, Web series, Marvel, Geopolitics, History, Netflix, Movies, Mental health, Psychology...I am your GIRL, Hit the ask, and let's talk.
🌸I have been doing Tarot for almost 4 years now. I started doing Tarot readings for fun at first for friends but then I decided to open a Blog on Tumblr in April 2023, then deleted the first account and reopened my account in October 2023.
🌸I have been doing Paid Tarot readings for my favorite people to fund my education and therapy( I have been battling with health anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder for 6 months now).
🌸I have done countless Tarot readings for people here on Tumblr and in person. I am grateful for everyone who helped and is still supporting me.
🌸If you are new here, I welcome you to my Blog. I hope you will have fun with my readings and we can become good pals😉
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🩷I mainly do Celebrity Tarot readings including Kpop. So feel free to ask for your favourite artists but do keep in mind to respect their privacy.
🩷I don't do 18+, Health, Death, Legal, and the ones that I feel cross boundaries of privacy which include FS exclusive appearance, nationality, ethnicity, race, age, and country.
🩷 Personal free readings are CLOSED. PAID READINGS ARE OPEN.
🩷Don't come to me for any confirmation about what other readers said, it is disrespectful to them and me.
🩷 Be respectful towards me and don't be rude. I have no problem blocking rude people.
💖Make sure to include any of the Hi/Hello, How are you doing, Can, Could, Please and thank you, have a good day/evening in your ask or DM. Otherwise it won't be answered.
🩷 Read these guidelines before sending an Ask.
🩷If you have anything to tell and ask me something, send in an ask. I am always happy to have a healthy discussion and harmless fun.
🩷Shippers, this blog isn't for you guys. Kindly stay away.
🩷I don't do readings on celebrities under 20 and especially love readings on Minors(under 18).
🩷Currently, I am not doing ANY FS READINGS FOR CELEBRITIES AND KPOP IDOLS/ PUBLIC FIGURES. Please don't send in an ask about their FUTURE SPOUSE.
🩷 No refunds will be done after a payment has been initiated.
🩷 I make Pick-a-card readings too. Please feel free to send in some suggestions for it.
I will keep updating 💞
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💌My Paid Tarot reading Services 💌Love readings 💌Paypal Link 💌Gpay/UPI for Indian customers 💌Ko-fi for readings and tips 💌PAC Readings 💌Paid Reading reviews 💌Tarot for Beginners Series 💌My June Goal @$300 💌Mental Health Awareness Month 💌My thoughts about Anxiety/Mental Health 💌My Vibe's Mood Board 💌$10 and $15 services 💌Collective readings Masterlist
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arinavah · 2 years
hi arina! how are u doing? i've read your life update before about how you may not be able to do art stuffs due to life circumstances, seeing you open your shop now really brightens my heart! i'm also an artist in a kind of tough situation where i dont have much choice and might have to give up drawing or have difficulty continuing. im wondering how you got thru it? your art updates give me strength and hope! but if u dont feel like sharing, i totally understand. hoping you best and thank you!!
I'm sorry I'm answering this so late, talking about my current life always ruins my mood. (this will be a long whining post, I'm very upset right now so I need to speak out)
Probably we are in different situations, unlike you, drawing is the only thing I can do now. I've  mentioned here before that my grandma had a stroke this summer, my parents live in another city, they come here from time to time. Me and grandma live in Moscow, sooooo, generally, disabled grandma is MY responsibility most of the time. Even though she's making some slow progress in recovering, she's still mostly bed ridden, she can't take care of herself, she can't get up from the bed without help, she barely walks, etc., etc. So we can't leave her alone, and taking care about such helpless person, 24/7 IS HARD. She can wake us up several times at night to go to toilet or whatever, during the day she always wants something and we have to serve her, it really exhaustes me. (I half jokingly say that I unexpectedly became mother of 76 y.o. child, but I've always been child-free, so guess what I'm feeling right now)
Good news: I have some time to draw. To be honest drawing is the only sphere of my life I still can control, it's the only thing bringing me joy. And thankfully some people buy my merch so I can earn some money even in these circumstanses.
Bad news: I lost all freedom I'd had, I can't go anywhere without hiring nurse, I have much less time for work and drawing, I can't properly relax after long day, in fact I can NEVER relax, I can't meet with friends, I can't travel, I have to cancel work trips. Even simple mandane things became very difficult and even impossible because of all these restrictions. I can't find proper words to describe how those restrictions of my freedom make me depressed and devastated, right now my mental health is the worst it's ever been. I cry almost every day, I became hysterical and agressive, I hate my life so much, that the mere thought of spending the rest of my youth living my family's life, not MY OWN LIFE makes me want to kms. At the moment I control nothing in my life, I can't decide where to live, what to do, where to go, absolutely nothing. Probably I will never find a partner, because dating in these life contitions is impossible. Probably I will die alone without any love and friends. Maybe my only destiny is to take care of disabled person.
I'm trying to accept the fact that my life's ended, that I won't have any freedom and any new people around me till she passes away or till one of my parents will take full charge of taking care of her (it will happen in 5 years or so, they have work to finish in another city).
I spend my days solving my family's problems, my grandma's health problems, selling some merch to earn money and drawing some silly things just to ✨feel something✨.  So me being able to draw something in difficult circumstanses is not some heroic thing, I'm not overcoming myself to make art desprite everything, what I'm doing is just...escapism... I want to get lost in my little drawings or in little stories for some time to forget about everything bothering me. Honestly, I'm very happy that I haven't lost ability to draw after everything happened to me this year.
Guys.... sorry for whining, but 2022 ruined my mental state completely... Political situation (fucking Russia 💀💀💀), family situation, I just feel so much hatered for this world, for this universe where none of my dreams will ever come true, where I control nothing, where I have to live someone else's life, where I have no freedom, where I have to be silent, where I have to look at my government's crimes and be silent, where I can't  plan anything, where I can't love who I want (yesterday they accepted "lgbt propaganda" ban law), where I have to live the rest of my life in the country I hate, with a government I hate, isolated, lonely, constricted, attached to disabled person.
My parents keep telling me it's temporary, they don't want me to be a nurse for the rest of my life, everything is gonna be okay, they will solve everything. I don't believe them. Maybe I'm overdramatising, maybe if I get a therapy I'll feel better and less pessimistic about my future, but for now... I feel terrible. So, if drawing makes me feel a little bit better, then I'll continue to draw.
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demonsteapot · 5 months
What type of music do you like / have you been jamming to recently? Any recommendations?
(my internet died halfway through this so i nearly had to rewrite it)
you caught me at a bad time i was schmooving to a sewerslvt playlist yesterday ;-;
okay to be serious for a moment. uh. i don't think i have super good or interesting (or normal) tastes in music? i can point you to some of the things i think are cool and good, and i can also point you to things that i listen to for mood.
ive also probably mentioned some of these before (probably all of them?) so sorry if there's repeats
(okay this ended up being longer than expected so cut vv)
good (mostly not depressing stuff?):
Bill Wurtz – weirdly dreamlike jazzy stuff (?) i recommend 'At the Corner Store' and then i recommend you listen to all his other stuff
Ujico*/Snail's House: ive probably ranted about this guy before; 'Cosmo Funk' is probably your entry level snails house song. sweet adorable future bass, my go to for free serotonin
Heaven Pierce Her – Ultrakill: Violence, the game's newest EP. generally melancholic but really sick especially in context. 'War Without Reason' is probably my new favourite track in the whole game? (you can tell i like amen breaks lol)
also ofc i have to mention john / TOOBOE!! shout out to @donutinsideofashark for introducing me to this guy. some recs: 'Tablet', 'Roman', and 'Appare kanpai' – stuff goes hard and makes me wish i knew jp so i could actually remember lyrics
mood (depressing and/or weirder stuff):
vivivivivi's Dead but Dreaming: concept album about a dead god, mostly chiptune instrumental stuff until the second-last track – personally I LOVE this album, but as someone said, it probably sucks unless you have autism (disclaimer: i'm not diagnosed autistic, this is a reference to the pinned comment). this particular album influences a lot of my works to be honest
two more vivivivivi beepbox albums, ones that are a little more lively: Sisyphus and Silly Little Songs from my Silly Little Head. probably not to the tastes of sane and normal people but i like the beeps and boops :)
sewerslvt: breakbeat stuff from a dark place. people seem to not like sewerslvt fans which is why i'm reluctant to talk about this one but whatever. idk what you'd call their genre (i've heard it described as ambient jungle, trance, something or other dnb, but most importantly NOT breakcore. call sewerslvt breakcore and you are signing up for a hell of a flamewar) listen if you like amen breaks and hate yourself (i hope not…) idk what to even recommend here… i stumbled across her first with Drowning In The Sewer years ago. i've been getting back into their stuff recently, which is probably not a good sign for my mental health… currently listening to 'was it weird that i listened to im god by clams casino's when i lost my virginity' which is a hell of a title
Heaven Pierce Her again – The Enigma of Heaven and Other Daily Delusions: weird album about religion and the internet. since this is hakita again there are amen breaks. good if ur fuckin WEIRD. i recommend most of HPH's work
i've also been listening to an ultrakill fan artist called Marzuku, who does – guess what – more amen break stuff. i don't know man, but 'At Ends' is pretty good
shit fuck of course the jvne section ends up being a whole paragraph just to say don't listen to their stuff.
THAT'S IT IT'S TIME TO WRAP THIS UP THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. damn this got long. this is what happens when you ask me about my interests LMFAO
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icerisotto · 2 months
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ about ⟢ me !
☆ i am kero, a huge fan of vento aureo!
★ although i like jojo in general, my heart lies with vento aureo characters, hence why i made this blog.
☆ my ships are very... uncommon (in an unpopular way, of course). i have rare pairings and 90% of the jojotwt community doesn't know about these, so i decided to create a special place to keep in touch with anyone else who likes rare pairings!
★ if you're interested in knowing more about me, consider reading my carrd or visiting my twitter and ao3 profile!
☆ this blog is meant to be a way to communicate with other vento aureo fans, make fans and entertain myself with my writing hobby.
★ i have a brumis only blog with a friend of mine!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ likes !
☆ favorite characters: bucciarati, mista, abbacchio, risotto, ghiaccio and formaggio.
★ favorite pairs: brumisabba, brumis, misabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ characters i really enjoy: narancia, trish, pesci, prosciutto and polnareff.
★ shipps i really enjoy: brupros and formapros.
☆ characters i slightly enjoy: giorno, melone, illuso, fugo, tiziano, squalo, secco and cioccolata.
★ shipps i slightly enjoy: meloghia, formailluso, seccolata, ghiasecco, formaghia, brupros, and formapros.
☆ characters i don't care about: doppio, carne, zucchero, sale, scolippi, sorbet and gelato (at least not enough to write anything with them alive, sorry).
★ shipps i don't care about: every other ship (including those involving bucci gang members, risopros, bruabba, sorlato and risabba).
☆ characters i hate: diavolo.
★ shipps i hate: anything involving minors with adults or relatives.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ new ⟢ commissions !
☆ lately, i've been quite busy with uni and struggling with mental health issues, so writing has been heaven and hell to me.
★ that doesn't mean i'm not willing to write if i get any suggestions! my current issue is creativity, since i've been lacking of new ideas.
☆ so, if you checked my profile and felt like making a request, feel free! as long as you follow my rules, of course, which are:
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𖤐 ִֶָ no-go! 𓂃 🧷
☆ incest, rape, sexual harassment, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, ableism, animal abuse, or any type of prejudice and sex-related crimes.
★ age regression, yandere, furry, vore, vomit or feces eating, knife or needle play, cuckold, wound fingering.
☆ extreme crackfic (example: risotto shoves a hydrant up his ass and dies), non-angst infidelity, arranged marriage, fake dating, self-insert (y/n or character x reader stuff).
★ stereotyped or fetishized trans people, mpreg, dead dove: do not eat.
☆ bruabba without mista, risopros without ghiaccio, mista + anyone aside my personal ships, any ship with giorno or trish, -18 with +18, any character who isn't from vento aureo, any ship with diavolo or doppio.
★ fics without risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno or leone.
☆ mom bruno, rapist melone, dumb narancia and any other unfunny, overused, offensive or inaccurate joke/stereotype.
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𖤐 ִֶָ maybe! 𓂃 🧷
☆ infidelity plot (angst/tragedy only).
★ sad ending (depends on my mood).
☆ what if settings (depends on the plot).
★ non-romantic oneshots.
☆ longfics (keep in mind that i have personal projects in production, so there's a slight chance i won't be able to do longfic requests </3 but you'll be contacted and/or credited if your idea gets used).
★ weird kinks (unless they don't fall on any of my previous no-go restrictions).
☆ random pairs (if they don't go against my personal tastes and look interesting to write about, i'll give it a try!).
★ age gap (+10 age gaps only if both parts are +24 adults).
☆ age changing (years passing? fine. characters with no canon ages getting a defined age? fine. turning minors into adults for pairing purposes? hell nah...).
★ solo/centric fics of anyone aside from risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno and leone (depends on the character).
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𖤐 ִֶָ yes! 𓂃 🧷
☆ smut.
★ gore and violence.
☆ fluff.
★ light crackfic.
☆ domestic settings.
★ polyamory.
☆ alternative realities (example: bucci gang as lawyers).
★ horror (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, etc).
☆ la squadra headcannons (i'm in need of ideas!).
★ brumis, misabba, brumisabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ scenarioss, hc and opinion posts in here.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ schedule !
☆ i am a student with a busy household, so please understand that external factors may cause delays in my response to your requests. be patient.
★ oneshots may take a week or more to write, but scenarios or drabbles will be posted within 24 hours after you send me your request. <3
☆ if you need to contact me or have any questions, send me a message via inbox or twitter!
★ i always make update or divulgation posts whenever a request or original work has been written. follow me to check if your request has been posted; if not, contact me!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ good ⟢ bye !
☆ please like and reblog.
★ consider following me.
☆ i'll appreciate any feedback on my works, especially positive ones!
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xplrvibes · 6 months
I hope you have an awesome Christmas if you celebrate it!
Did you catch the live yesterday? The boys seemed to be in a good, goofy place and Sam managed to get some real laughs and smiles from Colby. Their friendship is so special and watching the live gave me all the happy vibes I needed.
The question I have for you is, what do you hope for the boys (like Colby's list) for 2024? and what do you hope for yourself?
Thank you anon, and same to you!
Actually, that goes double for all of you reading this - it's been a wild year, and I hope wherever you are and whatever you do for the last week of it is filled with happiness.
I did not catch the live (this is in reference to an xplrclub live, for those confused), but I watched it last night and yea - they were in one of those moods where they were just simply being themselves, which I always enjoy far more than when they get on a live and clearly have a set game plan and a certain mood and persona they want to convey. I understand why they sometimes go into "Sam and Colby LLC" mode, absolutely - I've been around long enough to have seen some of the shit that has happened first hand when they let stuff fly - but it's always nice when they're just "SamandColby."
There is a phenomenon that happens with them sometimes that tickles me pink, which is when Colby is just on one - all spaced out, saying goofy shit, being a random goofball - and Sam just looks so endlessly charmed and entertained by him and it's just cute. Colby always looks at Sam like Sam just hung the moon for him, but Sam isn't always as expressive back, visually at least (not knocking him, just sometimes he seems to be in business mode or kind of removed from visible displays of emotion), but man when he is, it's just apparent that there is real, genuine love that runs deep and does go both ways with those two.
As for 2024, my biggest hope for the boys is peace, quiet, good health (especially for Colby with that one, given everything - but good health towards Sam as well) and no more controversies.
As far as goals for them for 2024 - I don't know, honestly. Maybe less bullshit collabs (sorry lol) and more free time for them BOTH - HIRE COLBY AN EDITOR, FOR GOD'S SAKE (I don't care if Colby is cool with this arrangement or not; when he's completely burnt out at 30, he will thank whoever freed up some of his time for him). If they could get some time to branch out into other projects or do more mainstream interviews, podcasts, collabs, etc., I think that would be great for them. I also think it wouldn't be the worst thing for each of them to do something solo - maybe Sam could do a philosophy podcast or book or something and obviously we all want Colby to do music lol. But for real, I think each of them doing a little side something that is just theirs, individually, would probably be good for them.
I think maybe they should both look into therapy as well in 2024, but that's just me.
As far as me and my hopes - I'm going to be honest here and say that I never did well with setting goals or resolutions, or looking ahead in the future. If I make it to Dec 2024 in the same general shape I'm in now, mentally and physically and emotionally, than I guess I'll call that a win!
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rgenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Blog 10
Describe your personal ethic as you develop as a nature interpreter. What beliefs do you bring? What responsibilities do you have? What approaches are most suitable for you as an individual?
Hey! For our final blog post, we were asked to write about our personal ethic as we develop as nature interpreters.
I’m currently in my final year of university, and I’m beginning to look for jobs. And for the first time in my life, I’m looking for career jobs, instead of part-time of summer positions. So needless to say I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what jobs I ideally want, what jobs I’m willing to do, and what jobs I’m not willing to do. Our course readings for this week mentioned a fear of a desk job being a potential motivating factor for pursuing a career related to environmental interpretation. That one did admittedly resonate with me a bit. My last job was more or less of a desk job, where I worked as a research assistant in a lab. And even though, on paper, it was closer to what I want to do as a career, I didn’t enjoy it very much. I missed working in the service industry, I missed the high-energy, social atmosphere, I missed getting to work with my hands and see the results right in front of me. Spending most of my working hours not only indoors, but in a dim lab staring at a laptop just made me irritable. So I’d love to find a job in the sciences that’s more hands-on and active, but I’ve realized I’d happily move away from research if I can’t find a job in that field that lets me move around.
Every week or so I get an email from the university describing job opportunities. It hasn’t been very useful in finding jobs, but it sure has been useful in helping me figure out exactly what place/companies/fields I am not willing to work for. There’s always plenty of decently paying opportunities working for mega-corporations like PepsiCo, and the like, as well as their countless subsidiaries. I know now that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I worked for a place like that. I would much rather go just about anywhere else, including back to the service industry. I might have a less prestigious career, but I care about having a job that I enjoy doing and that I see as important. During my last job, it was difficult to get up and go to the lab in the morning when I couldn’t really see the effects and importance of the research that was being done. I know that whatever I end up doing, it needs to be relatively active, and even better if I get to spend time outdoors as part of it. As long as I’m still able to spend my free time outside, that much is negotiable.
I wanted to go into more details about my beliefs/motivations/self-assigned responsibilities. First, the rather apparent role of nature in mental health and our current culture around it. Not that I have enough space to go into all of my thoughts on that, but I’d like to include a few of them here. One, on mental health being treated like an individual problem, when it really should be recognized as a systemic one. Even if people admit that it’s systemic, the “solutions” and treatments that are currently popular tend to be highly individual. Take mood-regulating medication, go to eternal therapy, isolate yourself from others in the name of self-improvement. In general, mental health has been both commercialized and capitalized upon. Like I mentioned, I don’t have the adequate space to go through my thoughts on the systemic causes of mental lack-of-wellness. But as I’m sure many of us are aware, spending time outside and spending time with other people (or even both at the same time!) have been shown time and time again to be beneficial to human well-being. Honestly, I don’t think we need more research in that area. We already know, and as much as I like numbers, more statistics aren’t going to save us.
So for me personally, all that means that I don’t want to have a job that drags down the health of other people, or my own. I would love to have a job that helps remove some of the barriers that have been put up between nature and people, which I don’t think should belong in different categories in the first place. But an important caveat for me is that I don’t want my career to be a constant fight. I’m quite tired of war analogies. There’s less of a point in destroying something if there’s nothing better to work towards. I don’t want to dedicate my life to fighting climate change, because I’ll make myself miserable and make everyone around me a little less happy. That’s not to say I don’t care, but I do think that a bunch of sad and lonely people aren’t going to bring about much positive change. Like the video with David Suzuki and Richard Louv mentioned (I think it was Richard Louv who mentioned it), it’s hard to make change if people don’t have any sort of positive idea of a future to look forwards to.
So to summarize as neatly as I can: If I end up doing something related to nature interpretation, I want it to get people excited and help people feel more connected to the world around them.
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Picture: One of the Arboretum gardens after a snowstorm
On the same note as working towards something rather than solely working against, I have a book recommendation for anyone looking for a sci-fi story with a positive outlook: Monk and Robot by Becky Chambers (and its sequel)
Thanks for reading!
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hamliet · 1 year
Hi Hamliet, sorry for sending you an ask like this. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to.
I read one of your answers where you talked about how extreme wealth and extreme poverty can result in similar problems. Personally I have a hard time empathizing with wealthy people since even if those people mess up, they'll probably still have much more options compared to those who're not as lucky as them. I know someone who's better off financially but still talks about wishing for more money and looking for a partner that can provide her a lavish lifestyle. While I'm sure she has her own problems, it's hard for me to empathize with people like her. Sometimes I get upset thinking how people with money are given more leeway in life.
What can I do to be more empathetic?
No worries.
Well, a couple things here!
Firstly, I actually want to clarify that I was talking one specific problem more so than general. What I was talking about specifically was attachment issues in children/teens who were raised by parents who were either exceedingly wealthy or extremely poor. This is actually not necessarily a direct causation, but it correlates because these parents would generally not be around. This can happen at any class level, of course, but extremely poor parents frankly have to work insane hours just to provide food for their kids, while extremely wealthy parents work extreme hours to maintain that level of wealth. It's not inherently an equal thing, but the end result that I observed was that the kids wind up emotionally neglected and struggle with unhealthy styles of attachment as a result, which then manifested in the same emotional, behavioral, and mental health problems in these kids. So this was more a particular issue than a statement that it results in the same things.
What you said -- "probably still have much more options compared to those who're not as lucky as them" -- is still true here, even so. Kids of rich parents are a lot more able to have access to therapy and insight into attachment theories and education and such than kids who are raised in extreme poverty.
Secondly, I think I would encourage you to have empathy for yourself here too. There are issues where we can't always feel empathy for other people. I think part of empathy means acknowledging that because of our limited human experiences, there are some issues, some experiences, that we simply cannot empathize with. I know I have "triggers" and such. Where I think the problem comes in is that on social media, if you can't empathize with someone, a lot of people will assume that no one ever should empathize with that person. I think that is messed up.
So basically, I don't think it's a flaw if you can't empathize with everyone; on the contrary, I think it's realistic and honest. But that's where the reality of all human beings having such wide and varied experiences comes in, because some people can empathize with people I can't, and empathy is simply not akin to excusing. Kudos to those people who can empathize with those I can't. As humans, we can't do everything, but someone out there can do what we can't, and we can do something that person can't as well.
This also goes back to competing needs. People who do horrific things who have people who still love and empathize with them--I'm glad they have that. But victims also need empathy and love and protection. It is also very likely that someone who works primarily with victims may not be able to work with perpetrators as well and still maintain a victim's trust, etc. That's just the reality of it. But that's okay, in my opinion.
Thirdly, I'm currently in the absolute worst financial situation of my life right now (it should improve soon, but yeah, I covet prayers and good vibes rn), so at the moment I'm in an "eat the rich" phase so mood Anon mood to that person you described. It's been hard for me to watch some loved ones whom I know are not callous or snobby complain about their finances when they make 6 figures and have a partner making the same. And, pettiness aside, I also think that phases of life matter here too. It's okay that you don't feel a lot of empathy right now; have some for yourself, too. You can feel more later, or not. It's easier for me to empathize with some situations now than it was ten years ago, and it's harder for other situations. You're a work in progress. We all are always becoming; we never arrive on earth.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
This is gonna be a long info dump on when I was thinking about the tickle community. Feel free to read, or don’t. I don’t care. I was just thinking, and writing it down.
I am a sensitive person. I always have been. Never could take jokes as a kid. Felt offended by the tiniest joke against me. I’ve gotten better since then, but I still struggle with being sensitive. And that may never change.
But…I sometimes feel sad about being part of the tickle community. Not sad about the people or the fan stuff people write, all of that is amazing! I love it all!
But…the tickle community is seen as controversial. Like, certain kinks are looked down upon, but still accepted better than the tickle community has ever been accepted. People who have a feet fetish, are poked around and joked about more than tickling. And…it’s really sad. The tickle community gets a lot of hate for being what it is: a community of people who like tickles for different reasons. There are some who enjoy it for more intimate, yet innocent reasons. Some people enjoy it for NSFW reasons. Other people enjoy it for platonic/SFW reasons. And some people enjoy it for a mix of both. I don’t judge people who do enjoy it for those different reasons, because we’re all human who have complex ideas on how tickling should be treated.
But let me tell you: the community that seems to get the most hate out of all of them…is the SFW tickle community. And that’s because of the way people were educated. People were educated on the NSFW tickling before they were ever educated about the other types of tickling. So when people see the SFW side, they assume that the SFW community is a mix of sexually active people who hide their sexual desires to act innocent and catfish people. And…though there is a chance of that stuff happening…trust me, I’ve experienced it…that’s not what we are.
We are people who treat tickling like it’s cuddling. Tickling is just another way to show affection. And though there are other ways to show your affection, tickling is something we gravitate towards because it fills you with stronger hits of dopamine faster than cuddling does. Cuddling is nice, but not everyone is able to sit still for hours and cuddle. Tickling allows you to move around and throw your genuine reactions out into the world without a care to be seen. And I’m consensual situations where you know the person really well, it makes for an amazing experience.
And as @parker-fluff told people in another post I reblogged, it’s mostly people with mental health issues and past traumas that resort to the more childish, but classic way of feeling affection. My theory is that people with mental health issues, traumas and developmental diagnosis’s, are not shown as much affection for fear that things will go wrong for the Ler, the lee, or for both. People are too scared to show that love, which leaves those in a lee mood, really sad and lonely. And then there’s the opposite: when people aren’t afraid to show that love at all, and it gets to the point where they often do it too much. And it overwhelms the person in the lee mood. Though, not everyone has this problem. But there are people that do.
And there’s a third potential reason: this generation has become so scared to do anything for fear it may trigger people. And the long, complicated explanation of tickle fights is hard to navigate for an outsider of the community. Certain criteria’s aren’t met. The tickles don’t occur in the right places. They tickle too hard, or too soft. Or they start tickling, and then the lee mood switches off in a snap. There is so much that goes wrong and so much that people fear, that no one wants to try anything. So we gravitate towards the internet, we learn to navigate the internet and its pros and cons, and we develop friendships with strangers who feel the same things as you. And while it’s amazing, it also makes the person feel more lonely than ever. Because they can’t actually experience the tickles with those people online. They can roleplay, but nothing beats the real thing.
I just want to live in a world where being tickled can be a joyful experience for both people without fear or doubt. Where people can telepathically establish boundaries and start up tickle fights whenever they want to.
But…this is a complex world. And even utopia’s like mine are impossible to keep up. So…thank you internet for giving us a place to come to, where we don’t feel nearly as lonely or sad. Thank you.
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kuroosdumbslut · 1 year
Can you write something that you want? Maybe something from Naruto ? Thank you ❤️
// Thank you so much for the request! I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, so I made a little hurt/comfort thing for this! I hope you enjoy it regardless :)  tw: mental health talk, smoking, hurt/comfort//
It wasn’t like you smoked regularly. If anything, it was a crutch for stressful days and traumatic events. That being said, today was an absolute bitch of a day to deal with. You and Shikamaru had previously made plans to just hang out for the evening with Ino and Choji, but as you sat outside on the deck, you realized you’d been out here for much longer than you expected to be. You still couldn’t bring yourself to care, though. Thoughts of exams and other…more personal problems still bounced around your head, and with a resigned sigh, you pulled another cigarette out of the pack and lit it, holding your suddenly heavy head with your free hand. The rain was pelting the metal roof about you, luckily not touching your cigarette, and reflected your general mood at the moment.
At that moment, the door slid open and Shikamaru silently sat beside you, pulling out a cigarette of his own. “Shit. I left my lighter inside…could I borrow yours?” Silently, you passed him your lighter and offered it to him, which he used before passing it back. For a few moments, it was silent. Just you and Shikamaru silently puffing at your cigarettes. Of course, you knew it would be broken soon enough. “So, what’s got you chain smoking out here instead of chilling inside?” You shrugged and looked around lazily, half trying to avoid his gaze and half to busy your mind a bit. “I guess it’s just…I feel out of place sometimes, y’know? Like…Like I know I have to and maybe should be here, but other times… I wonder what the fuck I’m doing here and if I’m actually helpful or not.”
Shikamaru looked at you in confusion. “Well, I can tell you for certain that you are absolutely helpful. And, if it means anything, you aren’t as bothersome as some of the other people around. Don’t get me wrong, love my team and all but holy shit it gets exhausting sometimes.” You chuckled a bit and leaned back on your free hand. “Well, thank you. I guess it’s just been a bit rough upstairs.” Shikamaru hummed, taking another drag of his cigarette. “I think we all get that sometimes. You have plenty of reason to, though, I know. Don’t think I didn’t notice how you had disappeared for nearly three weeks only to appear again with much paler skin and eye bags. No offence, of course.” You laughed and nodded along, taking a slow puff. “Alright, you got me there. Did you ever realize what had happened that time?” Shikamaru shook his head, looking at you and offering you an encouraging grin. “Not really. I had theories, but I didn’t want to assume anything.” You nodded and sighed a bit. “Well, to tell the truth, that was…I was in the hospital under observation for those three weeks. I was, uh… I couldn’t be fully alone, and I knew that, so I checked myself in for a bit.” Shikamaru’s grin fell a bit and he scooted closer.
“I was worried it would be something along those lines, but I’m glad you at least realized it before…you know.” You nodded and gave in to him proximity, leaning against him and resting your head on his shoulder. “I didn’t want to worry anyone, so I just disappeared to make it easier for myself.” Shikamaru finished off his cigarette and put it out in the nearby ashtray, you doing the same a few moments later and settling back against him. “Thanks for hearing me out.” Shikamaru hummed and turned his head to press a gentle, lingering kiss into your hair. “I’m always here for you, you know? No matter what.” You smiled and closed your eyes. In that moment, your mind slowed down and let you breathe. The world felt much more calm and manageable, and for that moment, you were content.
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not-poignant · 1 year
would you be comfortable keeping us updated about your health results in the following months ?
Hi anon,
I don't generally update re: my health stuff in any consistent way here. I often have between 80-100+ medical appointments of some kind or other per year and I have too many actively treated/supported health conditions (over 15 -> I have more than this, these are just the ones being actively treated), that like... I'm not making this a health blog. It's a writing blog! Most of the health updates I make are over at the Fae Tales / writing Discord. But even there, I don't update about everything. (Some health stuff is just boring too, like, I'm anemic again? Must be a day ending in Y. Iron infusions are very repetitive, lol).
That being said, I do tend to update with health stuff when it impacts my writing, which is why I've been talking about it more lately, because my writing has absolutely been impacted from some new diagnoses from last November to now, which is really frustrating on a writing level, and also because it can impact my mood and output and readers can notice something's off. December was my lowest wordcount in over two years. And I've only written one chapter this month.
Right now I'm kind of having to force myself to work, because I need the money, so I can't afford to shut down the Patreon for a month or two (which is what I'd normally do in order to give myself a lengthy break), so I'm in the catch 22 of 'too sick to work to my normal levels, too poor to take a break from work to see if that helps because I need a lot of specialist medical stuff and some of it's expensive.' I do still like writing, but given more choice/freedom, I'd be taking time off to process some difficult diagnoses and some abrupt medication changes (I had to stop taking two meds that helped my quality of life and mental health immensely, and immediately onboard to two others that have notorious side effects, and that alone has been a struggle).
Though as a small update - I have 8 medical appointments in the next 10 days (one of those will result in 3 more referrals), and I'm 29 minutes away from leaving to go get my 45 minute head/neck MRI (complete with face cage and gadolinium) to see if my tumours have grown and to see if I've grown any more or if they've since metastasized. I have another MRI next week. The MRIs are thankfully due to Australia's healthcare free at least. But almost none of my other appointments are. I will probably end up having around 15+ medical appointments this month, so we're definitely starting the 80-100+ medical appointments per year off strong this year. x.x
For folks reading this, broadly, this is why there's been delays in responding overall to comments on AO3, why I'm not always getting to asks as soon as I normally do, and why I haven't been as 'chatty' as usual. I still love receiving asks/comments etc. please just be patient with me while I deal with everything. <3333
Er but yeah, tbh a lot of it is quite overwhelming for others. Like, if I actually kept people properly updated, I think some would feel not very happy, especially if they're just here for writing updates! So I try not to make too many 'health posts' unless I'm asked specifically? Anon, you are always welcome to ask for a health update <3 People can always scroll past it.
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sialiia · 6 months
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ㅤㅤJust a quick little bio/verse dump because I'm just hella-- unmotivated with my carrd because last year I accidentally deleted Sydney's info and hated myself, STILL from doing that. And it's just festered in my mind that I did that. And I just...yeah. Anyways. Here's the quick version of a revised take on her bio. I hope it helps for anyone that needs it! -edit- Plot twist, this is not a small post. I finally wrote out Sydney's bio. So, enjoy! I will copy this to my carrd! posting here so I don't HECKIN LOSE IT THIS TIME! If you have any questions, feel free to ask because I 90% forgot a ton of things... again, feel free to ask about things.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° . 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒 ;; . ° . • Name: Sydney Carpenter Age: late 20s/early-mid 30s (verse dep) Birthday: November 18th Species: Human Gender: Cis-Female Bloodtype: AB- (sticks neck out to vamps. eyyy) Allergies: Alcohol (she will become physically sick and probs pass out.) Height: 5'4" (162cm) Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Blue Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Stockholm.Syndrome & Hybristo.philia Powers/Abilities: Physical Medium Origins: Ontario, Canada Family: Mother/ Lauren Carpenter (fc: Robin.Wright). Step Father/ Craig Holguin (fc: Gabriel.Iglesias). Haven't decided if she has siblings or not. Pets: Pearl (Turquoise Green Cheek Conure) more info on her here [x] Faceclaim: Jessica.Stroup Sexual orientation: Bisexual Romantic orientation: Demiromantic occupations;; (verse dep.) - hunter/researcher of the supernatural *verse exclusive - power ranger (aqua, jetman team)*verse exclusive - employee at ray's occult shop. ft. rcysoccult *thread dependant - employee at sarah's spot. ft. unbearablyindifferent *verse dependant [HEADCANONS TAG] - also any [x] is a link to a specific headcanon.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° . 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ;; . ° . • ㅤㅤSydney is originally a Canadian girl but she could live in any place a thread might call for it. (I am also Canadian. So like... write what you know. lmao!) She probably would have grown up in a big city and probably defaulted to Toronto because there's just a ton of potential there. Despite having only been there like.......10 times in my lifetime lol! nonetheless. Nonetheless, she might live in other cities or areas such as the United States or something. But her origins are in Canada. She grew up in a small family home in the city. I haven't decided yet if she has had siblings or not. So bear with me on that. She got fair grades in school and didn't go to any college or university afterward. A long line of women in her family have had the physical medium ability, selecting one child from each generation to be a medium. So Sydney was not alone in her abilities. She had lots of support and wisdom from those who came before her. Sydney does not practise witchcraft, though a lot of people's muses have that assumption. She does not. Though some things she might take some things from witchcraft and other sort of cleansing manners for a couple things she would need to use to take care of any spirits or entities. She usually keeps a chipper attitude despite the dead that plague her. She's kind of a bimbo, to be honest. She doesn't let the spirits dampen her mood and tries to make the best of it. However, that doesn't mean that she doesn't have internal problems such as depression and anxiety, treated with medications. She lives in an apartment and it could be anywhere that a thread could call for it. But it's not the best place. It needs a lot of upkeep and the landlord is very hands-off. Though the rent is cheap... it has its reasons. Thus she tries to make the best of it on the inside- even adding a few extra locks to the door because there's a handful of sketchy people in her building. The apartment resides above a store on the ground floor, they would use a door between stores to get to the main area with mailboxes and stairs going up. There is no elevator. rest in peace to anyone coming over. She lives on the 4th floor of a 7-story building. [x] [x] [x] A bit down the line timeline-wise, she will develop a heart problem and respiratory problems. Actually having her been diagnosed with them. But pre-diagnosis she will start to have problems and it progressively gets worse. A lot of real-life mediums have problems with their health throughout their lives. So, only fitting I put my muse through pain. Probably would seek treatment of some kind.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° . 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 & 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 ;; . ° . • ㅤㅤSydney is a physical medium, meaning she can communicate with the dead or anything really on the other side. That being demons, elementals, gods, angels, shadow people, ghosts, spirits, elementals, etc. She can hear, feel, sense, and see them. She can also see and feel the energies of those around her if she gets bad vibes from them or positive. Sometimes these beings will make her physically ill being in their presence. They can also tell her things about people that they might otherwise not what known. Sometimes spirits want to talk, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they can be absolute heathens and make her life hell. I take my main lore for the dead from the show "Dead Files" and "Ghost Adventures." but also sprinkle in some other paranormal shows because I personally just love watching them. Lastly would be Supernatural since the lore of the show is a bit different than what is considered to be "real-life lore." They have their own lore when it comes to spirits. For instance, in the supernatural verse; Sydney is able to see demons, angels, and anything else that the otherwise human eyes cannot see, or if a being is only making another person see them, Sydney is also able to see/hear/feel them.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° . 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 ;; . ° . • ㅤㅤSydney likes to draw, because write what you know. She also enjoys researching and writing about cryptids in her spare time. She knows a fair bit about spirits and entities, so she's your go-to girl about that. She also has an interest in sasquatch and deep sea cryptids to add to her favourite cryptids list. Sydney also enjoys urban exploring in old buildings and partake in photography of such places. She does wear a respirator when doing so because you don't know what's in those buildings. Besides some creepy things, she also loves to bake and cook, trying new recipes is always a challenge and exciting for her. She will gladly give her friends away baked goods even when they haven't asked for it. She just likes to make people smile through food.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° . 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 ;; . ° . •
VERSE 1;; Default/Undecided/Catch All ㅤㅤBasically everything above, in a verse. No specific verse, a verse for having not decided yet. Or I simply forget what verse a thread is in! VERSE 2;; Super.natural ㅤㅤIn this verse, basically the bio and such takes place, but Sydney will help hunters on cases. Though she isn't confident herself with hunting, often looking for any other potential ways for a case to turn out that doesn't involve murdering everything. But alas, sometimes unaliving spooky things in the way to go in this series lol. VERSE 3;; Twilight / Vampire.Diaries / Vampire.Academy/etc. ㅤㅤThis verse could go either way, Sydney is either a human interacting with characters from said series, or she could be turned into a vampire. Her mediumship gets stronger post-transformation. She is torn on feeding on humans or animals. Probably ultimately opts for the latter. But gimme moments where she slips and attacks humans. In the vampire.academy verse, she is a feeder for vampires uwu VERSE 4;; Zombie Apocalypse ㅤㅤIn this verse, before the apocalypse- probably the walking.dead verse. Sydney takes a trip down to the united states and ultimately gets trapped there due to the breakout. She has no way back home to her family or her pet pearl. She doesn't know how they faired in the apocalypse. Though because she is able to see/speak with the dead, she doesn't have her family come through until a few years into said apocalypse. Because she is medicated for depression and anxiety, she does struggle for the first while after she runs out of her medication due to withdrawal and suffers through symptoms plus the dead trying to come to her. Which has dramatically increased since the start of the apocalypse. So, she does have to deal with that as well. She is not a fighter, she rather stay in the safe zones and help the community from the inside. I imagine she would eventually not survive the apocalypse. In twd side of this verse, she resides at Hilltop- I watched until hilltop burned, around that area... So, not too sure about after that. Also, she is terrified of Negan :') VERSE 5;; Superheroes ㅤㅤSince Power.Rangers/Super.Sentai has done crossovers with Marvel and DC comics before, they have been owned by Dis.ney who owns Marvel now, it makes sense to make my superhero verse the Westernized version of Choujin.Sentai.Jetman. More verse info here: [x] On the same note, she is not a physical medium in this verse unless it is a crossover with another verse for a specific thread. VERSE 6;; Anime/Cartoon ㅤㅤWould basically be the same thing as verse 1, however I use these images instead.
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VERSE 7;; Fantasy Worlds ㅤㅤI haven't really used this verse as of yet, except maybe one thread really early on. So I will probably scrap and replace it with something else. But if you are interested! Sydney is a fairy/pixie, For convenience, she is able to shrink herself to a small size, or make herself 5'4. VERSE 8;; The Nevers ㅤㅤIn this verse, Sydney is in 1899, Victorian London. She travelled to London with her family during a business trip when the Event happened. Leading her to see, hear and sense the dead/spiritual beings. She stays with the rest of the touched instead of returning back to America, realizing this is a huge opportunity for her.
VERSE 8;; Skill Swap ㅤㅤIn this verse, Sydney has the ability of hydrokinesis instead of being a physical medium. Hydrokinesis is one of my favourite powers in shows and literature. Being indecisive has led me to make this verse! In this verse, Sydney can control and manipulate water and its sub-elements such as snow, ice, slush, etc. She can't control blood or any other bodily fluids... that she knows of. Willing to explore that omg.
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blankpaigefics · 7 months
okay so I'm dealing with some shitty mental health stuff lately but have actually been in the mood to write again.
Do people still write here or should I move the blog over to AO3?
Anyway, requests are open! going to try and post a handful of times a month and see how it goes.
No Smut
Writing preference:
List I will write for:
Kpop (i dont really follow it anymore but will still write for some groups)
Doctor Who
Teen Wolf (slowly, I'm only just getting into it again)
Maze Runner
Rick and Morty (none of these will be written with a serious tone)
Harry Potter (I suppose)
Balders Gate? if people are interested
I will add to the list in the future, I'm just drawing blanks on fandoms I like atm, if you have any suggests or just want to know if I'll write for {insert title here} just send an ask
I will try to keep fics gender neutral and name free unless the requests asks otherwise. Be as vague or as descriptive as you'd like. If you want it more personal I will add names/details if you include them (I usually try not to get descriptive about the main character unless its relevant to the plot in general, so if you want to include any scars/eye colours, birth marks etc, just say so and I'll try to add it.
And finally, any previous asks in my inbox I still want to write, most included smut, but if it includes anything not smut related, I'll roll with that, otherwise the smut only ones will be removed, sorry. Sorry I've been gone for so long ❤️
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