#and one day I will get a mobility aid I just can’t right now
treffyfrinn-art · 1 year
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Yesterday’s outfit of the day (if I had crutches and hadn’t been in too much pain to leave the house)
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many-but-one · 2 months
Hey, you, person scrolling on tumblr.
It does get better.
I know you hear it all the time, you’re probably sick of hearing it. I know I was when I was going through it. Like yeah, great, it’ll get better in ten years! Doesn’t help me right now, though, when I’m going through mental hell and just wish that death would take my suffering away.
I get it, I’ve been there.
Whether you are actively suicidal and practicing writing your note in your phone’s notes app, whether you’ve attempted and want to attempt again, whether you’re passively suicidal in the “I’m gonna start smoking because I don’t care if it kills me” way or the “I don’t drive with a seatbelt just in case I get in a car wreck and might have my suffering finally ended” way or in the “I don’t look both ways before crossing the street because maybe someone will be speeding and not paying attention and kill me” kind of way.
I’ve been in all of those states before. Many times. I’m writing this because I’m feeling ideation and it’s why I’m writing it. The reason it’s ideation and not action and why I’m not acting is because I know it will pass. I just gotta ride the wave.
It does get better. It doesn’t happen overnight. It can take hard work. Which sucks, because I know you’re tired. You’re bone tired. Soul-deep tired. I know. Hard work sounds like the last thing you wanna do right now, when you wish that every time you slept that you wouldn’t wake up again.
But it’s not the kind of hard work that you have to finish at a certain time. There’s no due-date for wellness. You have plenty of time to get it done, all you have to do is keep showing up.
For some, it’s talk therapy. For some it’s therapy and medication. For some it’s gonna take processing some deep seeded traumas and it’s gonna suck. But it is worth it. It really is.
Currently you are looking through life with sunglasses on. Everything is so, so dark. Even on sunny days when sunglasses can be helpful, you’re still muting the world around you. The colors aren’t vibrant, everything is a dull shade. You step inside and it’s dark. At nighttime, it’s too dark to even see. Eventually you gotta work on taking those sunglasses off. It might seem futile to step outside and take your sunglasses off because you know that you’re just going to put them right back on. But every day you go out and take those sunglasses off even for a minute at a time and really take in everything you’ve been missing, you’ll start leaving them off more. You’ll get to see more things. Do more things. Things you would have totally missed with them on. And eventually you’ll realize that if you had killed yourself, you wouldn’t get to see and do all of these beautiful things you’ve been missing.
I know that analogy makes depression seem like a choice, but hear me out. Sometimes you will need help taking those sunglasses off. Sometimes you will need to take medicine that makes taking the sunglasses off easier. Sometimes you’ll need to talk to your therapist about this dark world you’re seeing, and you know you need to take these glasses off but they are so heavy. Eventually you will gain the skills and the strength can take them off one minute at a time and experience the bright world you’re missing. Sometimes you need that mobility aid that can help you get outside in the first place, that pain medicine that helps you get out of bed to even make it to the door. It can take time to get those things too, and it’s so devastating when it takes so long to get the help you need, but you can’t give up. There is so much beautiful world out there and you deserve to see it.
Rainy days will happen in the midst of the bright and sunny ones, and that’s okay too. Rain is necessary, it keeps the world bright. It makes flowers grow, it nourishes the earth around you. But rainstorms don’t last forever, and neither will this bout of sadness amongst your sunny days. (Talking to you, folks who have been doing well and feel yourself getting bad again. Ride the wave, things will settle down again soon.)
Ten years ago I was sixteen. My first suicide attempt I can recall was when I was eleven. In the last ten years alone I’ve had many, many more. Some were meant to end my life, others were related to my specific circumstances and were meant to cause me harm but not kill me.
I am glad I am here today, at 26. These last six years alone have been some of the most difficult parts of my mental health journey outside of my young childhood. I had to work through some serious trauma. I had to learn how to set boundaries. I had to divorce my wife whom I had thought was good to me but was actually abusing me and I didn’t know it because I didn’t know what a healthy relationship was supposed to be. I had to finish college. I had to come to terms with a physical disability. I had to learn how to be comfortable asking for accommodations. I had to learn to stop fighting my brain and start working with it. I had to learn how to love myself. Every version of myself, even the versions of myself that are small and scared and hurt and want me to die. I had to work on my self esteem. I had to come to terms with cutting out toxic family for good. I had to go to work while I’m doing all of this. I had to find a reason for living every day, even if the reason is so simple as “my cats would wonder where I went if I died.” Even if the reason was “I don’t want my internet friends to wonder why I’m not posting anymore.” And as I started to gain larger followings of people who were rooting for me, it became “I can’t let them down, I have to show them that healing is possible.”
Something I’ve said to a lot of suicidal people who feel bad about telling me that they are only alive because they don’t want to make me sad is this: “if that is what is keeping you alive right now, then good. Whatever keeps you on this earth is important. Because every day that you are here is one more day that you will get closer to being able to live not just for other people, but for yourself.” And I am here to tell you that it is possible to be in a place where you are living because you want to. Where you are living because you are excited for what the future will bring. Where you are joyfully curious to what you can accomplish. Where you will look back on your toughest years and say “shit, if I can get through THAT then I can get through ANYTHING.”
I am 26 years old and I still get suicidal ideation. Usually because of trauma related stuff. Triggers, anniversaries, etc. I am not suicidal every day anymore. I don’t wish for death every time I go to sleep. I love myself. I look at myself in the mirror and even when I’m sleepy headed and bleary eyed with dry ass skin and messed up teeth, I am like “DAMN LOOK AT YOU SUPERSTAR” because gods damn, if I can live through all I’ve lived through already, then I sure as hell can take on just about anything the world can throw at me.
I am in a healthy relationship now. It’s not something I thought was possible. (Seriously, the first time I saw my girlfriend look at me with love in her eyes I almost cried because I’ve never seen a partner look at me that way.) I’m learning how to be a good partner too, and how to set boundaries. I’m still learning how to be a human being. I’m still learning how to speak up when I get mistreated by people at work or out in public. I still get anxiety about leaving the house on occasion.
I’m learning that romantic love and platonic love can be equally deep and rewarding. I love my best friend with all my heart and soul. I love my girlfriend just as much. I’m learning I can have healthy amounts of intimacy with both my friend and my girlfriend, and it doesn’t have to end in a triggered spiral or desperately taking a shower trying to scratch the feeling of skin on skin contact off of me.
I’m learning that grounding methods and distractions are some of the most important tools in my healing toolbox. I’ve learned that sadness and anxiety and emotional pain doesn’t last forever. This post right now is me distracting myself and riding the wave through this triggered feeling I’m working through. I’ve learned that another important tool in my toolbox is hope. Hope that I will get better, hope that my life will not always be one nightmare after another, hope that things will settle down and I’ll be able to breathe again. And maybe have a fancy umbrella drink to celebrate, too. (Inside joke😉)
It will get better. Sometimes all it takes is a scenery change. Other times it takes literally tearing your life apart at the seams and gently stitching it back up into something you want to live. If you are a teenager reading this, you would be shocked at how much better things get when you move out of your parents’ house. If you feel stuck in an abusive situation and there’s no way out, I’m here to remind you that there is always a way out, and there will be people who will help you do so.
And remember, you’re not alone. No matter how unique your situation may be, someone else has either gone through it or is going through it now too. Find a community who is centered on support and healing. Changing your mindset and perspective is important.
You can get better. It takes time, patience, grit, and determination. And you’ve already got all that. I know, because you are here reading this post.
It will be okay. You will be okay. Deep breath.
You got this.
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justyourtypicalwriter · 4 months
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Minor Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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Cat’s 3K Series
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Part Three
By the end of the week, the hero was an expert in stitching. It was a lot of work.
On the outside, the villain didn’t look that bad but once the hero removed their clothing, the amount of cuts and bruises was scary. Their whole body was full of them and the hero had to use a lot of thread. There were also smaller wounds which the hero covered up with band aids.
Unfortunately, they only had coloured ones with comic animals (their niece had wanted those a while ago) which at first, had made the villain protest again. However, the hero had somehow managed to convince them that the colour of those band aids had absolutely nothing to do with their functionality.
One time, the hero caught them trying to escape again, limping, they’d aimed for the door but the hero had pulled them back, pressing their bodies against each other, hands on the villain’s chest. Handcuffs were useless, the hero had decided. Maybe that was a good excuse but the hero also had seen the marks those handcuffs had left on them.
Slowly, the week passed and slowly, all of the villain’s wounds were stitched and cared for, even those which reopened frequently thanks to their great struggling. The hero placed the last band aid on the villain’s jaw.
“You know,” the hero mumbled. “You’re a fucking pain in my ass.”
The villain’s eyes jumped to the hero’s.
“No dirty joke?” the villain asked.
Yeah, no dirty joke. With the villain around them 24 hours a day, it was more than a little complicated to play a role. Either that and crying themselves to sleep every night or walking around like an exhausted ghost all day. They’d decided on doing the latter.
The agency had urged them to file a report but the hero had called in sick. They knew they couldn’t do this for eternity.
The hero didn’t answer them.
“Your stitches are awful,” the villain said. “They look horrible.”
“You’re mean.” The hero looked at one of the stitches, slightly uneasy now.
“I didn’t ask you to treat my wounds.”
The hero didn’t say anything.
“Still don’t get it why you do all this shit. The agency is bad, I get that. But they’re heroes. Can’t be that bad.”
The hero stared at them, something close to a murder stare.
“You know nothing,” they said. They pushed the flashbacks into the corners of their brain. Deep down so they wouldn’t have to dig them up again. “There are some leftovers in the fridge, take them if you want to.”
The hero stood up and looked down at their shaking fingers. They breathed in, breathed out. But it didn’t go away.
Usually it did but with the agency right behind them, asking for mission reports and more work, psychic evaluations and health check ups and another mission, they couldn’t even fall asleep anymore. Maybe it had been a mistake to bring the villain here. Maybe they were better off alone.
“I don’t wanna eat your trash food.”
“You know what?” The hero turned around with a burning face. “You’re a massive fucking asshole. I saved your life, more than once by now and you do nothing but insult me.”
Anger and exhaustion mixed together, creating a poisonous soup the hero was more than ready to throw in the others face.
“I know my cooking isn’t the fucking best, alright? I know it sucks but I’m trying really hard to keep us both alive.” The hero’s hands formed into fists and they dug their fingernails into the palms of their hands. “Fine. Just leave if you want to. Leave.”
The villain had the audacity to actually look surprised. A little shocked too. What a joke.
“I won’t drag you back into this apartment. Leave. Escape. Whatever. I don’t care. I have better things to do.”
Blinded by overwhelming emotions, they grabbed their suit and walked out of the door. They accepted the mission the agency had given to them on their mobile phone.
Turned out, irrational decisions were the worst. The hero had suspected that with bringing the villain into their home but now, they were certainly sure this was their end.
Apparently their opponent’s evaluation was ridiculously wrong. The information the agency had sent to the hero had described them as “insufficient” and “negligibly violent.” They were anything but.
Within five minutes of the fight, the hero already had a broken rib and a sprained ankle. Ten minutes in and the hero had turned into prey that got hunted. The hero tried desperately to hide, to block where they could but it didn’t get them far. They got hit, could barely escape, got dragged back into the whole mess. Their opponent wasn’t enormous in size but they were quick. Focused. Agile.
The hero wheezed when another strong hit went to their stomach. They felt the crack and the pain, felt how tears formed in their eyes.
They made a noise, a horrible noise and broke down.
“Nothing personal,” their opponent said, voice deep. The hero fought for air but nothing filled up their lungs. Not fair. Not fair.
It wasn’t fucking fair.
Their tears fell to the ground and they gasped for oxygen which eventually found its way into their lungs.
They hadn’t made dinner yet. What if the villain really didn’t like the leftovers? But they’d eaten yesterday…
They squeezed their eyelids together. What were they even thinking about? The villain had probably left the house already, licking their wounds like a hurt dog in their lair.
What a thought. The apartment would be so quiet…
With time, they managed to breathe evenly. But weren’t they tired of fighting? Weren’t they just so, so done with everything?
“Who sent you?” the hero asked.
“I sent myself,” they said. “Wanted to see how strong those little heroes have become. Wanted to experiment a bit with you.”
“Please,” the hero begged.
Their throat went dry. Their breathing changed, breaking, crumbling in their control. They knew they couldn’t afford this right now but god it had never been this bad before. They grasped their suit, gripped the fabric stretching over their chest. It was hot. It was way too hot.
Tears streamed down their face. Experiment.
And then, suddenly, they felt a hand on their shoulder.
“This one is mine.” The hero looked up, finding the villain’s eyes easily. They wanted to cry out of happiness but the building panic attack prohibited it.
The opponent tilted their head, their eyes jumping between the villain and the hero.
“Where have you been?”
“I kidnapped them, they escaped,” the villain lied. Their fingers combed through the hero’s hair and they shushed. “Mistake on my part.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” the opponent asked. Slowly, the hero got a grip on reality. This wasn’t the end. It wasn’t the end, wasn’t the end, wasn’t the end—
“They became attached to me accidentally. I didn’t know if you’d approve,” the villain said. “I wanted them for myself.”
The hero saw the tension in the villain’s jaw, how they swallowed forcefully. They knew each other.
The opponent watched them carefully, suspiciously.
“Fine with me. Make them your puppy.” They looked at the villain intensely. “But don’t forget about my puppy back at home, will you?”
The hero didn’t understand the threat. However, when the villain carried them to the hero’s car, they understood that the villain had come to rescue them.
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how she’d treat her adopted child hcs ; brandy
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requested by ; anonymous (14/07/23)
fandom(s) ; bluey
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; brandy cattle
outline ; “hello! I heard that you do sfw requests for Bluey. I was wondering if you could do a Brandi and a adopted child reader? Like headcanons on Brandi being a mom to an adopted child reader”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
once she’d set her mind to it, brandy spent years preparing to adopt a child: sorting out paperwork, consulting everyone from specialists in children’s mental health to social workers and anyone in between, researching different schools, contacting different adoption agencies and preparing her house and her spare room to make everything child proof and child friendly
hell she even had chilli and bandit on speed dial and ended up consulting bluey and bingo for ideas as to what a child their age might want/enjoy — which meant many a shopping trip and ‘meetings’ that the girls took surprisingly seriously
and in the end all of the stress and costs were worth it because she got to take you home
the child (not baby, not toddler) who she’d met on chance and immediately fallen in love with — and who quickly took to her enough to agree to her taking you home with her (after everything was sorted out legally, of course)
she’s extremely gentle and cautious with you — patient to a ‘t’ as she lets you get a grasp on your new surroundings and home
she doesn’t force you to call her anything, simply introducing herself and stating her role and telling you that you can call her whatever feels the most comfortable to you
(but, of course, she does hope that one day — even if it takes some time — you’ll be happy to call her ‘mum’)
takes her time to learn about you through play and conversation — asking about your favourite dinosaurs and least favourite colour but also engaging you in conversation about your latest interest
she wants to know about everything that makes you happy, really, because she wants to be able to make you happy herself
respects your boundaries and implements a system where you’re comfortable and allowed to say ‘no’ or ‘i need some space right now’ — taking some things out of her sister’s parenting playbook and giving them her own twist
she even has a cool down corner for you stocked with the textures you prefer, plenty of your favourite type of toy and some age appropriate books that she snagged from a book fair by bribing bluey
brandy is also the type of mum who has a whole binder and schedule filled with the things you need — be that specific types of medication and doses, foods you can/can’t eat (be that due to allergies or sensory issues), any disabilities and schedules for things like appointments
she also does a heck of a lot of research (independent and aided by professionals) if you do have any disabilities and/or neurodivergence because she wants to keep you facilitated and accommodated in every way — whether that’s finding the best mobility aid or the type of medication that works best for you or even coming up with fun ways to help you compartmentalise and better focus/ground yourself
it really does depend on your specific needs, but no matter what she makes every effort to accommodate you because that’s what a good mum does
she usually either calls you by your name or ‘sweets’ (as well as variations of that nickname)
encourages you to be silly and to have fun, but she’s also pretty protective over you — like she’ll push you to go beyond your comfort zone every now and then but she does have a habit of fussing over you when you get a bruise, nick or scrape
it’s a habit she’s trying to break as you get older and become more independent, but you’re still her baby and she hates when you get hurt
you have frequent play dates with your cousins and the girls adore you — constantly coming up with new games that you can play or just lounging around with you and chatting about your lates grievances
you’ve only seen one instance of the ‘onesie’ issue and thankfully your mum was able to airlift you to safety before bingo ate you alive — it was a mightily close call (you three had a lot of fun that day, and arguably so did your parents)
every piece of art, sculpture, award, certificate or piece of writing you bring home gets displayed proudly by your mum or kept safely elsewhere
your writing and art pieces have their own scrapbook, for example, and your certificates have their own binder
sculptures, meanwhile, end up scattered about the house — mainly on her bedside table or on the mantle
if you are a part of a youth club — whether it’s sports, dance, choir, artsy/creative or acting/drama — then brandy is going to show up to all of your public appearances to support you as loudly and proudly as is appropriate
(like she’ll loudly cheer at a sporting event but she’ll rein herself in for a play)
your aunty, uncle and the girls also show up because how could they not? you show up for your cousins, after all
in short: you’ll grow up absolutely surrounded by unconditional love, encouragement and praise by both your adopted mother and your new family — and they’ll all stand beside or behind you and support you whenever you need them
because that’s just what family does
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Having a Higher Needs Day So...
If you’re an autistic or otherwise disabled selfshipper, this one’s for you. Disclaimer that these are self-indulgent and things I need, but you can turn these around if your F/O is autistic / otherwise disabled (just don’t be weird about it if you aren’t).
❀ Imagine your F/O helping you communicate on days when it’s hard to speak. ❀ Imagine your F/O punching ableist pigs. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you cook your safe foods because some days you don’t trust your coordination skills near a stove. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you remember important things because you feel like you can’t take in another word. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you decorate your mobility aid. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you seam rip the tags out of your clothing. ❀ Imagine infodumping to or with your F/O. ❀ Imagine your F/O giving you space when people get overwhelming. ❀ Imagine your F/O punching ableist pigs again. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you through a meltdown, whatever that means for you (I like soft music and space to stim and pace). ❀ Imagine your F/O reminding you to take care of yourself when the executive dysfunction hits. ❀ Imagine your F/O helping you pick out aids/stim toys. ❀ Imagine your F/O understanding you and your needs, even if they seem childish (I have a Blue’s Clues board books with pops because it’s good for stimming and Blue’s Clues is a SpIn). ❀ Imagine your F/O giving you the repetitive housework, like dishes or laundry (if that helps you). ❀ Imagine your F/O aiding you without trying to mitigate your experiences. ❀ Imagine telling your F/O how they can help you in hard moments (great for when you don’t know what you need, since F/Os can be really calming and help you think). ❀ Imagine your F/O biting ableist pigs, for good measure.
Feel free to add on, these are from my personal experience (and relate mostly to the tism because I’m having a day). I might add more myself but words look like mush right now.
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oh-wild-necromancer · 2 years
Redacted listener headcanons! A lot of these are also things personal to me that I’ve puzzle pieced into the creatures
Cw: he/him Tank, the rest use they/them I think
The seer has chronic migraines from ignoring their powers, and they lose sight a lot because of it (literal sight)
Also shitty knee joints. Mobility aids baby! They personally like forearm crutches but use a cane mist of the time to carry shit
Angel loves to bite people, so does Tank. Chomp! For Tank it scared the shit out of Sam the first time, but he got used to it quickly. For Angel they love to do it to David, whenever they’re kissing and they kiss his neck he’ll just feel small bites from time to time
Tank has a Loz: botw special interest. He’s also autistic. No I do not take criticism it’s my listener character I do what I want
Tank LOVED wolf link as a kid. Had everything, the amiibo’s and several playthroughs of Twighlight Princess and multiple posters
Tank has this one really old and ratty wolf plushie that he physically cannot sleep without. It looks just like Gabe when he shifted, and he’s always been attached to it but ever since he passed he’s been extra possessive and attached to it, a form of coping.
Freelancer has an old decently worn but still presentable white seal plushie from the Monterey bay aquarium, they only really let Caelum play/cuddle with it when outside of their supervision, they don’t even let Gavin do it. Everytime they go to bed they usually hug it and sometimes hold it during movies they know they have a high chance of falling asleep to, and let me tell you Gavin adores the sight of them all sleepy and curled up holding the seal in their arms with their head on his lap
Babe has this teeennny Pomeranian plushie with a white hoodie with bear ears on it that they keep either in their purse or on the mantle, it fits right in their palm and they got it at a mall one day and it stuck with them ever since!
Honey has a labret lip piercing. They usually put silver jewelry in it but on special occasions they do gold
Honey is also pretty damn strong, and looks /really/ intimidating when they cross their arms and glower. Guy loves this.
Angel has scary dog privilege everywhere they go. If not David then Tank and if not Tank then literally anyone no one is getting them ever
Tank has hand tremors from nerve damage due to fights he’s gotten into with many different empowered’s, and he can’t do a lot of small detail work but he still loves drawing. His art style has just changed a bit, a lot more sketchy and unnerving sometimes! It took him a bit to relearn, but it was worth it.
Body piercer honey. This isn’t my headcanon but I wanted to mention it again (I don’t remember who I first found it from I’m sorry T-T)
Angel has played with the idea of getting Angel bite piercings many a time, especially after David started calling them that. Yes yes they do use it as a pun so many times and David acts sick of it but we all know he isn’t Actually mad
Freelancer near always looks super frazzled and tired during the school year, and keep their hair in a tiny short stubby ponytail with bits of hair poking out
Angel meows at David a lot. It’s their way of communicating!
Milo talks to Aggro like he’s A Guy while sweetheart LOVES baby talking to Aggro. He looks so confused everytime
If David ever denies Angel affection they give him puppydog eyes and whine. It’s like they’ve fucking perfected it
Babe does the thing with Asher where you like, move animals limbs around and make them do silly things
That’s all for now!!! First time doing this I hope anyone who sees this enjoys :]]] more coming soon perhaps. I have thoughts in my brain
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zaewriteshere · 6 months
AO3 Link
“It may be broken, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not beautiful anymore.”
You had casually said that during a conversation with your good friend and crush, KAY/O.
What you didn't expect was for him to take it to his metaphorical heart, and to ask for your help in repairs after his next mission.
It wasn’t until the main light in the laboratory was turned on that you realised you had been working on this project all night long. 
You winced while slowly turning to whoever entered the room, which was found to be Killjoy, clearly not expecting you to be still in your common workspace.
“Say…” The sentinel started, hesitant. “You didn’t spend your entire night here, ja ?” She continued, realisation daunting her.
“You already know the answer to that, don’t you ?” You replied, shrugging.
You couldn’t help the small smile creeping on your lips.
She said your name, berating.
“You know you can’t keep doing that ! If you need an upgrade so bad for your legs, you could ask us to help you,” She continued, walking quickly towards you.
You chuckled nervously.
“I know, I know. I just know what I want and how I want it, so it’s hard to ask for help,” You answered, awkwardly stepping to the side.
The noise of your current legs made you wince.
The agent seemed to soften at that, and she sighed.
“That’s alright, but please, take a break. Do you want me to get you your wheelchair ?” She asked, almost rhetorically since she was already going in the direction of it.
It was your turn to sigh.
You knew she didn’t mean to patronise you, but it still felt like it. 
“Yeah, I could use a break from walking,” You admitted, choosing not to say anything about the gesture.
It just wasn’t worth the battle.
Killjoy brought you your mobility aid, and once comfortably seated, you rolled yourself towards the lounge, already knowing you’d need a strong coffee to keep yourself awake for the day.
“Hello,” Greeted KAY/O, who got up from his armchair when he saw you. 
“Hi,” You replied, a small smile gracing your lips. 
Rolling over to the counters, you remembered that you put your favourite mug in the top counters and not in the ones under the table, and you sighed, cursing under your breath.
“Something wrong ?” The robot questioned, his voice coming from behind you.
Did you not hear him walk because you were so sleep deprived ?
“My mug is in one of the counters up top, and I would get it if my legs weren’t currently killing me,” You explained, your voice even despite the pain.
You were used to those, after all.
“Could you get the black one ?” You asked, turning to him to the best of your capabilities without turning your wheelchair.
“The one with the coding ?” He answered, meeting your gaze.
Or at least you thought he was doing that.
After your nod, he carefully navigated around you to get to the right cupboard, taking out the cup you were referring to.
You smiled, thankful.
“Thank you ! Now let’s brew some five something espresso shots…” You said, going over to the coffee machine.
“No sleep ?” He observed needlessly.
Brimstone was rubbing off him, you thought absentmindedly. 
“Yeah,” You confirmed nonchalantly.
“You know that’s not good for you,” He stated, and you could tell that he was still looking at you expectantly.
“Yeah,” You repeated yourself, pouring the first shot.
“Why do you keep doing it ?” 
You paused mid movement for a split second.
You didn’t mean to – human’s micro expressions and all – but you knew that he noticed.
“I don’t really see the time pass by when I’m focused,” You answered semi-honestly.
Silence filled the room.
For a while, only the coffee machine’s whirring would be the one filling the silence.
Finally, after what felt like ages, the initiator spoke again : 
“I see.”
And the silence was back.
Once your coffee was done, you decided to just chug it down in one go.
You didn’t have the patience – or the attention span – to continuously sip on it today.
When you met eyes with KAY/O again…
“Alright, what’s wrong ?” You questioned, wanting to have a confirmation on your inkling.
“You’ve been disregarding your health this week,” He observed, which made you chuckle dryly.
“What’s new ?” You broke eye contact.
“What’s wrong ?” He interrogated, suddenly very much closer than before.
You weren’t used to the robot being this much in your personal space.
He hardly was in anyone’s.
He always was the one to respect your personal space and to manage the fine balance between being concerned and wanting to help while not being patronising.
You’ve always loved that about him.
… You’ve always loved him, too, if you were honest. 
From the day you were admitted to the Protocol, to the day you lost your legs…
Which wasn’t as far back as you’d like it to be.
You knew that Sage could restore your limbs.
You still didn’t really know why you refused her offer.
Maybe it was because you lost them while protecting your teammates.
Or maybe it was because you wanted to use yourself as a guinea pig.
Whichever the reason, you stuck to it.
The sound of something shattering brought you out of your thoughts.
“Are you okay ?” The initiator questioned.
It took you a while to answer as you stared at your now broken mug.
“Yeah,” You finally answered, realising you’ve been silent for too long.
“Let me throw that away for you,” He announced, and you felt yourself panic.
“No it’s okay ! I can repair it, please don’t throw it away,” You rushed to say, your anxiety seeping through. 
He froze, slowly looking back up to you.
“Understood,” KAY/O replied, nodding. “Let me at least gather them together and make sure you don’t cut yourself handling the pieces,” He continued, resuming his actions, more carefully this time.
“While you do that, I am going to gather my tools,” You announced, slowly rolling back out of the kitchen to go to your room.
You didn’t linger in there however, as you just wanted to get the kintsugi kit that you’ve been meaning to try to use. 
Once that was acquired, you went back to the lounge, taking a place at one of the tables. 
Your robot friend then came next to you and gently put down the broken pieces of your mug.
And so, quietly, you went to work, slowly glueing the broken edges to make the cup whole again.
“What are you doing ?” KAY/O questioned, peeking over your shoulder.
“I’m fixing my mug,” You replied, giving him a brief glance before resuming your task.
Silence filled the air between the two of you until the robot spoke once again.
“Why are you colouring the cracks ? Don’t you want to hide how broken it is ?” He asked curiously, but you knew he also didn’t truly understand.
“It may be broken, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not beautiful anymore,” You said, your own voice feeling distant.
Was this why you didn’t want to get your limbs back ?
… You didn’t know. 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to find out, if you were honest. 
“Do you want any help ?” The initiator beside you spoke up, looking at your hands working on the task.
The proximity made your cheeks warm. 
“I’m fine, thank you. I kinda like doing it,” You admitted, your blush growing stronger.
If KAY/O noticed, he didn’t comment.
“Alright,” He simply acknowledged, not moving from his position.
You could feel his system’s gentle warmth radiating and heating up your body.
Your hands slightly shook due to just how nervous you were about the situation, forcing you to focus more on your task to avoid mishaps. 
Which was proving to be harder than it needed to be.
“Your hands are shaking,” The robot observed, turning his head towards you.
You knew he was studying you.
“And you’re very red,” He continued, just as matter of factly. 
How were you even supposed to answer that without giving yourself away ?
Thankfully, you were almost done with glueing the pieces back, only needing a few more minutes.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” You replied, your voice somehow even. “I’m just in a bit more pain than normal.”
You cursed your voice wavering. 
You were not a good liar.
Probably sensing how uncomfortable you were with the topic, he dropped it.
“Be sure to take care of yourself,” He said, before looking once again at what you were doing.
You simply nodded, smiling to yourself.
He was just so caring.
A few days had passed since then, and you had made great progress with your new prosthetic legs…
However, you couldn’t say the same for your sleep.
You often found yourself waking up at your desk with a blanket on your shoulders.
You never got to find out who was your little caregiver, but you were glad they always got out of their way to do those small gestures.
You were trying out your new legs when the door to the laboratory opened.
Since your back was facing the entrance, you didn’t know who it was.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just trying out my legs and seeing if I need to do any changes. I may ask for your opinions later, though !” You said, assuming it was either Killjoy or Raze.
“How is that coming along ?” KAY/O’s voice answered you, making you jump slightly. 
You awkwardly turned to him, obviously not acclimated to your limbs. 
“It’s… Going. Hard to say if it’s any good until I finish my therapy…” You admitted, suddenly self-conscious.
He nodded, studying you.
“I came here to let you know to be ready in case of today’s mission going south,” He announced solemnly.
This made you pause.
He wanted you to repair him ?
Normally, he always asked Killjoy, since she was the best technician in the Protocol as well as the most familiar with his system.
Your bewilderment must’ve been clear on your face, since the robot continued : 
“I thought about what you said when you were repairing your mug,” He started explaining. “I don’t think it would hurt to try,” He continued after a pause, as if he was thinking on how to express himself.
You nodded slowly.
“Sure, but I hope I don’t have to repair you…” You accepted with a light chuckle. “Please try not to get hurt, alright ?” You asked, your worry seeping through your tone.
“Acknowledged,” He replied simply, which didn’t really help your anxiety.
You kept quiet about it, however.
“What’s the mission about ?” You questioned, curious.
“Just a regular mission ; we’re going in two. I just wanted to warn you,” He replied, already heading out.
Before you knew, KAY/O was already on the field.
So you prepared the laboratory, your anxiety too high for you to walk.
You got woken up abruptly by the sound of the door slamming open.
When did you fall asleep ?
More importantly, what was happening ?
Your confusion melted away as soon as you saw the state of your robot friend, instead you felt worry and panic flood in.
“Put him on the table, now,” You ordered, somehow keeping your emotions in check.
You assessed his state.
To say he was beaten down would be an understatement.
You were surprised he was still somewhat conscious, looking at you and holding your gaze.
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that, right ?” You said, clearly upset as you did your best to weld the leaking systems.
He didn’t answer.
You didn’t know whether to feel relieved or panic even more. 
“Hey,” You said, talking to Brimstone and Breach, who were still in the room with you. “If you’re gonna stay and stare, at least help. Get me some fuel. It’s bright blue with a shift towards purple, you can’t miss it,” You ordered, not even looking at them. 
You immediately heard the men shuffling around. 
Your focus was now fully back on KAY/O, who was still barely responsive.
To say you were worried about your friend would be a massive understatement.
You were terrified.
But you also knew you had to keep your cool otherwise he’d lose his life. 
Repairing him wasn’t easy by far, but you managed to stabilise him. 
Once you had confirmed that he wasn’t in any danger of dying, you sighed in relief, getting to work with replacement parts for him.
But first, you connected him to his energy source, fueling him up while he was “sleeping”. 
When you were sure everything was done right, you turned your back from him and started working on replacing his missing limbs.
You lost track of time of how long you’ve been working on that stupid forearm. Somehow, the hand did not want to cooperate with you.
Thankfully, it wasn’t his dominant shooting hand, so you didn’t have to figure out how KAY/O’s technology worked.
You sighed, leaning back on the wheelchair while rubbing your face.
At this rate, he’d be unable to walk and have a missing arm for a while.
“How is it coming along ?” Your crush spoke up, breaking the silence which made you jump.
You definitely felt your heart skip a beat out of surprise. 
You turned to him once your adrenaline levels came down. 
“You scared me,” You confessed, still clearly shook. 
“Sorry,” He apologised, seemingly sheepish. He was now sitting on the table, observing you. 
 “But it’s… Well. I got your leg somewhat working,” You announced, glancing at said limb.
Repairing it was more of a pain than you’d had imagined.
“As for your arm… Well. It’s a bit of a different story,” You admitted, sheepish and ashamed.
“Can I try it ?” He asked, and you stared, bewildered.
Should you ?
“... Sure,” You shrugged, getting the leg on your lap and rolling to his direction.
Quietly, you handed it to him, allowing him to connect the leg by himself, since he knew how to do it better than you ever would.
He tried it out, moving his hands and bending his fingers.
“Does anything feel off ? Is there anything to fix ?” You questioned, alternating between looking at the arm and him, making sure that everything was at least looking fine.
“It feels fine to me, there may be some fine tuning to do,” He announced, looking at you curiously. “How about you ?” He suddenly enquired, which surprised you.
“Huh ?” You replied intelligently.
“Your legs. Did you get to work on them ?” 
You fell silent, looking away, before realising that you probably had to answer him, and you sighed.
“No, I was too busy with your arm and worrying about making it as perfect as possible that I… Didn’t find the time to do anything,” You said, not meeting his eyes.
He didn’t answer you immediately.
The silence stretched out, making you nervous.
Was he mad ?
Why would he be ?
You did promise to take care of him in case he got hurt during the mission.
“Why ?” He questioned, audibly confused.
“Because you asked me to take care of you,” You replied honestly. “On top of that, missing an arm is way more hindering than missing a leg,” You continued, shrugging.
“Don’t you miss walking ?” He retorted as you heard him shift.
“I do,” You answered, not sure where this conversation was going. “But y’know, some things are just more important than others,” You said, shrugging.
“So I am important to you,” He observed, matter of factly.
You couldn’t help the blush creeping on your cheeks.
“Yeah…” You confirmed, trailing off.
“Are you embarrassed about it ?” He asked, and was that… Worry that you heard in his tone ?
“No ! No, not at all,” You denied immediately, looking back at him. “This is nothing to be embarrassed about,” You continued, fully turning to him.
“Then why are you blushing ?” You froze.
It wasn’t the first time your cheeks went red in his presence, but he never asked why, or anything about it. 
“You keep doing so when I do specific things, and I’ve always wondered why. I’ve asked around but their answers didn’t make any sense,” He continued, bringing you out of your thoughts.
You didn’t want to confirm what you were thinking.
You knew what they said, and the fact that it didn’t make sense to him…
Was all that you needed to know about how he felt about you and your relationship.
It stung, but you were prepared for that.
“Yeah, sometimes humans don’t make sense,” You confirmed after realising that you didn’t answer.
“If your prosthetics are giving you so much trouble, why not ask sage to heal them back ?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, really,” You shrugged. 
He seemed to think for a moment, if you could trust the more intense whirring of his system.
The soft “hum” somehow managed to put your mind at ease.
“Are you projecting this “Kintsugi” thing onto yourself ?” He suddenly blurted, making you pause as your eyes widened.
Was this what was really happening ?
“I… Maybe ?” You said, confused yourself.
You felt KAY/O’s hand gently cup your cheek, making you look at him. 
He said your name firmly, as if he didn’t have your full attention already.
“You are genuinely the most beautiful human I’ve seen,” He admitted, and your cheeks flushed furiously. He wasn’t done, however. “Nothing will ever change that. No matter how broken you are, physically or otherwise.”
You didn’t know how somehow your face got even warmer, but it somehow did.
You were also at a loss for words, feeling yourself get emotional, your vision getting blurry.
The robot seemed genuinely surprised at your reaction, and clearly panicked a little bit. 
You knew he couldn’t handle human emotions very well, so you tried to keep yours in check, but some tears did escape your eyes.
He gently brushed them away, so tenderly it surprised you.
It was as if your feelings for him were reciprocated.
But that really couldn’t be, could it ?
“Sorry,” You apologised, a hollow chuckle escaping your lips.
“Don’t,” He replied, his tone so soft. 
You opened and closed your lips numerous times, not finding your words.
“I also have feelings I’m confused about, you know,” He blurted out of the blue. 
You perked up at that.
“How so ?” You enquired, curious.
He stayed quiet for a while, just staring at you.
“Mostly because of you, if I were honest,” He started, hesitant. “I have those… Urges, as you might call them, when I’m around you. And only then,” He continued, rubbing your cheekbone idly. “Doesn’t help that my feelings and mood are so much different when I interact with you,” He fell silent.
You felt hope filling your chest, butterflies in your stomach. 
But you needed a confirmation. 
“What do you mean ?” You pressed the matter, hating how your hope was reflected in your tone, your behaviour. He didn’t reply immediately. “What’s on your mind, KAY/O ?”
“This is going to sound ridiculous…” He mumbled, self-conscious. “But I think I like you,” He continued, tilting his head away ever so slightly.
You couldn’t find your words as your body froze, not knowing how to react to this confession.
The silence stretched out, and it was only when your… When the initiator called your name, you realised that you hadn’t answered him.
“I like you too, actually. I uh, I think I actually love you, and probably have done so since we met…” You admitted, not knowing why you were suddenly shy.
You stared at each other wordlessly, the tension palpable.
“Do I have the authorization to kiss you ?” He asked, oh so hesitant. 
The formality didn’t help his situation, but it did make you smile once you fully processed the request.
“Of course you can,” You confirmed, and you didn’t even have the time to speak another word that he went in for a kiss.
The feeling was different from human lips. It was way smoother, and somewhat warmer as well.
But you enjoyed that feeling.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, before your now lover parted from you, his face still very close to yours. 
“I think I might love you, too,” He announced, which made you chuckle.
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aelianated-star · 4 months
I saw your dysautonomia post. I've been diagnosed for over a year and known for longer but my doctor keeps refusing to prescribe me a wheelchair despite the fact I can't walk further than down the hall without one. They keep trying to send me to physical therapy (only for one body part at a time due to insurance despite also having chronic pain evenly in my whole body and experiencing post-exertional malaise even from light physical therapy). Other than just finding a new doc, which I've been working on, do you have any advice for how to get a doc to actually prescribe the mobility aids you need?
(I am lucky enough to have a decently fitted one that I cannot self propel but can be pushed in, but my partner also has POTS so that's rarely an option and only for short trips (which only because in her own words hers is "better managed" than mine currently). But I really do need probably a motorized one at this point and I know other disabled people often know how exactly to get through to a doc so even if I can't convince my current doc I can hopefully use any tips when I find a new one.)
I wish I had better advice, but I would definitely look for educated physicians who are familiar with dysautonomia and fiddle around with medications (Corlanor/Ivabravine and infusions are the only things that has even helped remotely with mine). I had the same issue with a lot of doctors and was gaslit about not having EDS until my neurologist, shortly after diagnosing me with 3 types of dysautonomia, also diagnosed me with EDS (it was glaringly obvious apparently. I’m extremely hypermobile, can dislocate things on command and experience daily dislocations/subluxations, history of heart issues that he now escalated to four regurgitating valves, stretchy, velvety skin, strophic scarring, gastroparesis, at the time pending MCAS diagnosis, etc). If you can, there are organizations that will loan out wheelchairs for relatively cheap or free for people who need them, the difficulty is just finding one that’s near you or will ship to you! Also, I would definitely recommend a lightweight, motorized wheelchair or a regular wheelchair with motorized attachments like a smart drive or motorized wheels. The weight is going to be a big factor, especially if your partner is also disabled/chronically ill and you guys need to be able to transfer it into the car. I’m kinda in the same boat right now where even in a normal lightweight wheelchair (without motorization), my heart rate will get up to 200 and I can’t push myself for more than a minute really. I’ve been stuck using my forearm crutches to get around everywhere, but since that doesn’t do anything for my heart rate or blood pressure, I’m limited to doing anything (albeit not very much) to extremely good days. I’ll link some cheaper models below, and please feel free to dm me for more advice, I’m always happy to help other people out 🩵
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shipsgaysfordays · 1 year
Chapter 2: Witty Title
Link to chapter 1 of “is it everything your heart desired?” here
This is chapter 2 of my Minnie/Poppy fic, finally posting this here due to the whole ao3 situation. I’m titling this chapter witty title because I honestly can’t remember what the title was.
Wednesday, September 1, 1971
“Minerva,” Poppy greets, getting the response of a short nod. The woman’s eyes wander to that glowing gold ring, just as bright as the first time she’d ever seen it, if not even brighter and more shimmering like the sun. 
“You’ve heard of…” Poppy’s words dropped off, people could be listening, ears are everywhere and it’s not her right to spew the secrets of a little kid. 
“Yes, it seems we will have to work together once again Madame Pomfrey.”
“You haven’t got to act like it’s a death sentence to be in the same room, McGonagall.”
“Let’s just hope it’s not, for him especially. I’ve heard how little research has been done about…the condition,” Minerva retorted slyly. 
“I’ve looked at what I could, but yes, you’re right, there’s not much favorable or helpful information about the condition…have any guesses what house he might end up in?” Poppy pondered. 
Minerva was silent. 
“I guess we’ll see,” Poppy said as she started walking away, over to her own seat for the grand sorting and dinner. Quite a bore to endure after the years, no matter what house they were sorted into, they would always end up in the hospital wing for some reason or another. Pridefulness of trying to accomplish overcomplicated spells. Pranks, though they hadn’t been too common, thankfully. And of course the flying death trap that is quidditch. 
Random kids get sorted as it always goes, the hat screaming random names like: “James Potter, GRYFFINDOR!” or “Dorcas Meadowes, SLYTHERIN!” The names go on and on, though there was truly only one student that caught her attention, Remus Lupin. A cruel choice of name, though it’s better than Rudolfa Lupin which was written on some of his records. Truly Lupin would make it a bit difficult to hide as a wolf, then again, many of these kids are more interested in their personal issues so there’s a great likelihood that none would notice. Hopefully.
“Remus Lupin, GRYFFINDOR!” The boy made a bit of a face, like he was expecting something different. A different name? A different house? Who could say?
Later within the night Pomfrey stared at the piles of papers on her desk. Pre-existing conditions to be aware of for certain students. Mobility aids and how to fix aids that break for other students. Allergies and cures. Popular hexes and their counters. Things any good medi-witch should be aware of. Though as she stared at all the lines and letters that began floating together, her mind wandered to so long ago. 
Friday, September 27th, 1963
“You know, you’ve really gotta get out about the grounds,” Minerva stood in the doorway with a sly smile. 
“Oh, and why’s that?” Poppy turned away from her documenting of the day’s patients.
“Well firstly,” Minnie glided through the room, “it’s good for your health, you should know that. A sedentary life stuck in a clinic is good for no woman.”
“I get out to your precious quidditch pitch often enough,” Poppy turned her focus back to the papers in front of her.
Minerva was having none of that, turning her newfound friend's chair around to face her as she spoke, “Only for work, you need to get out and see the sights, do something for fun! Not just to care for the students.”
“And where would you have me go, Minerva? What sights are there to see?” Poppy’s lip curled, sighing. 
“There’s the lake–”
“Introducing me to the squid now?” Poppy laughed. 
Minnie rolled her eyes, “No, I’d rather not deal with all the complaining and shrieking that would cause. Truly though, the lake is a gorgeous sight under the stars…like tonight.” 
“Tonight?” Poppy’s eyebrow raised. 
“Yes, tonight,” Minnie grabbed Poppy’s hands and started guiding her out the room. 
“And I have no choice in the matter?”
“Absolutely none, come on Pomfrey, see the beauty this school has to offer.”
I already am, Poppy thought, lovestruck as they walked through the mostly empty and silent midnight halls.
After rows and rows of steps, doors, steps, doors, grass, finally they were at the lake. Poppy could swear she could hear the squid snore, though maybe that was just bubbling waves or the wind. 
“So,” Minerva finally spoke after a long bit of silence, “is it everything your heart desired?” 
Poppy looked at the way the stars reflected in the lake, glowing little dots alongside the silhouette of the trees and rocks. She stared down at the water, straight at her wavy reflection, as she pondered the question she could feel Minerva’s stare. The lake looked even more watery for a moment, until Poppy realized that the water was coming from her own eyes…her tears. 
“No,” Poppy said sarcastically as she tried to wipe away the strange and uncalled for tears. Yet still, they kept coming. 
Minerva’s hand moved to Poppy’s cheek, brushing away the tears and then simply holding her face. It felt warm, the comfort of what could only be called home. Though the dark night sky made it harder to see some of their faces, it felt as though Minerva could see into her soul. 
“Then what does your heart desire?” Minnie asked a silly question, a return of sarcasm, but as she held Poppy’s face it felt far more serious, far more real. 
Poppy’s eyes went about as wide as the lake, “I–” she began choking out a response, praying that the woman holding her face wouldn’t feel just how warm it was, “I should go back.”
“What does your heart desire?” Minnie stepped close enough for Poppy to feel the warmth of her breath. By this point she felt as hot as the sun, no doubt a fever would come. 
“Something it cannot have.”
“How do you know?” Minerva countered. 
“I just do,” Poppy reached up for Minnie’s hand, bringing it back down, holding their hands at their sides, “I should really turn in for the night. You never know what early morning shenanigans the kids will get up to.”
“What does your heart desire?” Minerva asks one more time, a sense of uneasy curiosity in her voice. 
“Well if I told you then I wouldn’t be the medi-witch of mystery, now would I?”
“No fair.”
“It wouldn’t be quite fair for me to tell you all my secrets and you to tell me none.”
“It sounds perfectly fair to me,” Minerva smiled.
Poppy rolled her eyes, “You’re delirious and should get to bed.”
“Take me to yours,” she joked, biting her lip.
“Definitely delirious, possibly fatigue induced insanity.” 
“What?” Poppy stopped in her tracks. 
“You still haven’t come to visit me, I figure you haven’t discovered what I teach, it’s transfiguration. Now I don’t have to find you everytime and you have an excuse to get out of that boring buggering hospital wing.” 
“Does the offer for tea and biscuits still stand?” 
“Always,” Minnie squeezed her hand.
Thursday, September 2, 1971
Poppy fell asleep at her desk, a not so uncommon occurrence within the first few weeks back. 
Always, the word stuck in her mind, in her memory, yeah, right. But soon enough they would need to meet up and discuss the lycanthrope, and nothing else.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Hannibal With Disabled S/O:
These are specific to story me, but they can apply to anybody who reads this 🥰
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Frances was never the same after they fell off that roof. Their body never fully recovered and they were left with chronic pain. But their high pain tolerance makes them unaware of just how bad it is sometimes. Hannibal is frustrated at first because he thinks they’re trying to be brave, but they genuinely don’t know when they’ve pushed themselves too far until it’s too late.
If Hannibal saw their hands shaking while doing a task, he wouldn’t silent to walk over and remove whatever it was from their hand. If it was a book, he’d offer to read it to them, knowing how exhausted they were. If they were in the kitchen, he would finish whatever they were cooking. He tries to let them be Independent but the kitchen is his domain after all. If they were working on a project, he’d try to convince them to stop for the night. And if they said no, he would go as far as to physically remove them and take them to bed, or cuddle them on the couch so they can’t go back.
If they were having a bad leg day, he’d notice right away. Wether they were limping and trying to hide it, he has a keen eye. He’d subtly try to get them to sit. Now if they were in the house it’s different than in public. They would specifically try harder to appear able bodied in public. Hannibal probably keeps their cane on hand, even if they insist they didn’t need it. He always brings it just in case. But if they were in the house, he’d be a little less subtle when trying to get them to slow down and take care of themselves.
If they started the day by crawling around the house, he will not be amused. It’s kinda hard to miss someone crawling across your house, attempting to act normal. He stare at them over his book and see if they would ask for help first. But if it went on for too long, he’d be afraid they would bruise their knees. Cue him picking them up again.
“Hannibal I’m fine”
“Darling, you are aware you can ask for help, right?”
“What do you think I do when you aren’t home?”
This would stress the man out. He doesn’t see them as helpless, he knows their capable. But he’s always afraid they’ll get hurt because of their stubbornness. Her understand they want to be independent so he won’t always just step and and do stuff for them. Instead he’ll offer his assistance. Perhaps standing behind them in the kitchen as they cook, to make sure they don’t fall. Or sitting them down and handing them things they need so they don’t have to get up to get them.
Hannibal is they type to make sure they have the best mobility aids available. And would make them understand that they shouldn’t feel bad for using them. If they thought it was stupid to use them around the house, because they shouldn’t have to. He would encourage them to push past that thought. And if they were nervous about using them in public, he would glare at anyone who dared to stare or say anything. He’d think it’s adorable if they insist on decorating their aids. It would show they are more comfortable with using them.
Hannibal’s house is more than one floor. He’d probably give them a room on the bottom floor just to be safe. So they’d have an option on low energy days. But if his room was upstairs, he’d quickly realise that they would have to climb the stairs to greet him. Which is fine on good days, when they’re legs are working better or they only need their cane or crutches. He knows they’re capable and wouldn’t be overly worried about their skills.
But if it was a wheelchair day, and they tried to crawl up the stairs to get to his room, or office. He would panic. He would feel awful for not being down on the lower level with them. He’d probably inscrit they text him, he can answer text when he’s working from home. He would March down the stairs and scoop them up bridal style and bring them to wherever he was if they asked. He’d let them sit on his lap on his office, or under the desk if they wished. He just liked the closeness. And if it’s the middle of the night and they wanted to sleep on his room, he wouldn’t even be upset if they called his phone waking him up. He’d rather that then they crawl all the way up there, he’d feel terrible. If they’re sleeping downstairs, he will check on them throughout the night, or sneak into their bed if he’s in need of cuddles.
If their fainting issue was acting up, this man would be stressed as hell. Hannibal is good about keeping calm on the outside. But he can tell when they begin to feel more tired or sluggish, or if they start zoning out. If they were at dinner with everyone, and they began to feel faint. He would just calmly catch their head in his hand so they wouldn’t hit the table. After they woke, he would also if they wanted to continue the meal, or excuse themselves to go lay down.
If it’s a frequent pass out day, he’ll cancel his appointments and just hold them the whole day. He doesn’t want to risk them hitting their head on anything. This way he can also make sure they aren’t trying to push through their bodies natural reaction. Because he knows that’s not how to works, you can use will power to suddenly force oxygen back into your brain. And he would remind them of such.
If they’re about to pass out when standing, he will cross the room so quickly to catch them. He would beat himself up if he was ever not fast enough. So on days he notices they’re a little off, he sticks closer just in case. He’d worry on the days they’re out of the house, or hanging out with William. He wouldn’t know if the man would be observant enough to read their tells. He would be angry if they got hurt when out with Will.
William is better about the physical aspect of their illness. He will give them a piggy back ride if their legs begin to hurt while they’re out. If they’re in the house, he’ll sit them down with the dogs, to distract them from their pain. William is more in tune with them than Hannibal gives credit for. Sometimes they might feel a little smothered with Hannibal, but they know its just because he cares. But Will makes them feel more laid back about their chronic illness and disabilities.
Will is very touch averse, but he will hold them if they’ve passed out, so that they won’t be alone when they wake up. Or if it was a high pain day, he’d let them lean on him.
On the mental health aspect, Hannibal is obviously better at it. It’s quite literally his job, and as questionable as he is with some of his patients, he doesn’t care about them. Let alone love them. I’m depression days, he’d help them do simple tasks, like brush their hair, brush their teeth, or help them to bath. He’d make them something easy, and not daunting to eat, just so they have something in their stomach.
On anxiety days, he’d let them be clingy. Secretly these are his favorite days, because he gets to hold them close. With no fuss whatsoever from them. He’d be the best equipped to handle panic attacks or meltdowns. He takes their autism very seriously. He’s memorised their likes and dislikes, and will try not to keep anything that would cause sensory overload in the house.
We’ve already discussed that some of his suits aren’t exactly the most friendly of textures and fabrics. But Hannibal has taste, that’s not something he’d be willing to give up. But he’s learned to not take it personally if they avoid him when he’s wearing wool. He’ll take his suits off when he gets home and switch into a soft sweater so that he can get hugs from them. He also buys William soft sweaters so he doesn’t accidentally send them into a meltdown.
He’ll keep ear plugs and headphones with him at all times, and just casually hand them to them if he sees them become more fidgety and aggravated. He made a playlist of all his favorite classical music to calm them down. And it’s very effective. If he notices their biting habit, he’ll keep gum on him as well, and get them one of those necklaces that’s safe to chew on. He wouldn’t want them biting themselves. Autistic people are more prone to self harm, so he tries to be very cautious about objects that could hurt them.
He can and will restrain them during a meltdown so they can’t hurt themselves. He doesn’t really care how much they struggle or cry, he’ll do his best to calm them down. He’ll give deep pressure therapy if needed, and just lay on top of them. He’s the type of man to rather have them hit him, then themselves. As well as with the biting thing, if they really can’t stop the urge, he’ll allow them to nibble on his fingers. Only if it’s in the house though, never in public.
He always encourages stimming, no matter where they are. But if they are at a fancier event, he’ll escort them to a private room so they could stim in peace. Not because he’s embarrassed, but because he knows people can be judgmental. And a round of questions could cause a meltdown. He adores their happy stims, and could watch them for hours. If they’re executed about something, he’ll let them talk until they run themselves dry. Then pull them to his chest for a well deserved nap after. He finds it funny how sleepy they can get.
He will buy things involving their special interests or hyperfixations, just to see them happy. There’s nothing better in the world to him than the moment their face lights up. But again, he is stern and cares for their health. If a hyperfixation is stopping them from taking care of themselves, he will take it away from them. It tough love, but he needs them to be healthy. If they won’t sleep, he’ll make them a midnight snack and some tea, and talk to them until they tire themselves out.
Hannibal doesn’t have all the answers, but he does learn from his mistakes. He probably has an entire file on them so he’ll never forget anything he deems important. It’s a little obsessive, but he’s trying his best.
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jordanianroyals · 7 months
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27 February 2024: Queen Rania renewed calls for an immediate end to the war on Gaza, as well as an end to the obstruction of desperately-needed aid delivery.
“Why is the killing of some condemned, while the killing of others justified? Why is depriving one child of food a crime, but starving one million Gazan children an acceptable outcome of war?” Queen Rania asked.
Speaking in Doha at the first-ever Web Summit Qatar conference, Her Majesty highlighted the role that social media has played in allowing Palestinians to share their story with the world, calling on the millions who have amplified Palestinian voices online and offline to prevent Palestinian solidarity from becoming a passing trend.
“The people of Gaza have never been more connected – yet never more isolated. Cut off from food, water, medicine, fuel, and everything required to sustain human life, they have continued to reach for their phones… to reach for us,” she said.
In her keynote speech, Queen Rania explained that for decades, the Palestinian story has been obscured, allowing Palestinians to be dehumanized, discredited, and “turned into a people unto whom anything can be done, without consequence.”
This, she said, has resulted in “the bar for humanity” falling to new lows. “Actions that were once unthinkable are now commonplace: Hospitals under fire. Houses of worship destroyed. Civilians killed with white flags in hand. How can we possibly make sense of that?” she asked.
Her Majesty explained that denying one side of a conflict the right to tell its story has resulted in an incomplete narrative, noting that the Israeli account has historically overshadowed that of Palestinians.
“Palestinians are reduced to antagonists in someone else’s story: They are cast as terrorists and security threats, nothing more,” she said.
“Their status as an occupied people is glossed over. Their diverse population of doctors, educators, and activists is disregarded. Their many attempts at non-violent resistance – from historic strikes and civil disobedience, to Gaza’s Great March of Return – have been crushed, even criminalized,” the Queen added.
However, Her Majesty noted that in the wake of the war on Gaza, Palestinians have gained increased visibility through social media, where “harrowing snapshots of life and death” have dominated many users’ feeds.
“Babies covered in searing burns; children with bloody bandages where limbs should be; mothers peeling back shrouds to kiss angelic faces goodbye… Scrolling through these images of a merciless war, I find myself thinking, ‘It can’t get any worse.’ And then, it does,” she said.
The Queen stated that although the October 7th attack opened a new chapter in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the larger story has been unfolding for 75 years, in which Palestinians have not known a day of genuine peace.
“Acts of war are not always as clear-cut as an airstrike, an ambush, or an abduction,” she remarked. “Sometimes, violence takes the shape of a crippling 17-year blockade, as decades of almost daily deaths, [… ] and the endless indignities of life under occupation.”
Queen Rania underlined that the war on Gaza, “livestreamed to the world,” has left many in the West with “an uneasy sense that the Palestinian issue isn’t as black-and-white as they had been led to believe.”
“This is, at once, a tragic and a transformational moment for the people of Palestine,” Her Majesty said, “Just as their lives are crumbling around them, people everywhere are connecting with them.”
The Queen cited unprecedented global mobilization in support of Palestine, noting that Jewish activists around the world have been “some of the loudest voices calling for a ceasefire.” She also highlighted the critical role that the people of Gaza have played in enabling people around the world relate to their plight.
“This new generation of citizen journalists is being credited with ‘humanizing’ the people of Gaza,” she said. “The tragedy is Palestinians have been human all along – it had just been simpler to believe otherwise.”  
Acknowledging the control that social media platforms now have on Palestinian visibility, Her Majesty noted that many Palestinians and their supporters believe that major platforms are limiting their reach, and restricting their content based on vague standards.
“Online and offline, blurred standards have never worked for Palestinians’ advantage,” the Queen said. “Just look at global benchmarks of human rights, international law, universal values of equality and justice. Some of our most basic principles are being rewritten in real-time, to rationalize an irrational level of violence,” she added.
“Why must some fight tooth and nail for compassion, while others are given it freely? What does it matter if millions of people believe you have been wronged, if the injustice continues?” she asked.
Underscoring the need to achieve Palestinians’ right to “govern their own lives, in dignity and security” on the basis of the two-state solution, the Queen called on Palestinians’ global advocates to continue to amplify their voices, adding that public pressure has the power to rewrite the future.
“Make no mistake: There is nothing more powerful than an informed, indignant global community, calling for an end to a great injustice,” Queen Rania said. “Change is possible. Injustice is reversible. But the onus is on us.”
Web Summit Qatar is the inaugural Middle East event of the global Web Summit, which runs some of the largest technology events in the world.
Over the course of four days, the conference will bring together 1,000 startups from 80 countries, including Jordan, making it the largest and most globally diverse cohort of startups to ever gather in the region. Web Summit Qatar is expected to welcome more than 12,000 attendees from over 120 countries.
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spectrumsistersblog · 9 months
Spectrum Sister here (if you hadn’t already guessed) and I’m ready to open up my mind an put all things Autistic, ADHD, mental illness and chronic illness OUT THERE!
That’s right, I am an Autistic ADHD’er with mental health issues, Fibromyalgia and Joint hyper mobility syndrome. My disabilities are as invisible as they get, but I’m here to MAKE you see them for what they are. The good, the bad and the extremely uncomfortably UGLY!
Now firstly, Let me introduce myself a little bit more formally before I start, my name is JD, I’m 35yrs old, born and raised south Londoner who is also a single mother to a gorgeous 11yr old boy. I was late diagnosed ADHD at the age of 34 and Autistic at the age of 35 and due to the lateness of my diagnoses I’m sure you can imagine my life has been a bit of a BLEEPING mess, hence the development of mental health issues in my teens that I’ve carried with me ever since.
Saying all this, Im not one to throw a pity party, so let’s get that out the way. I’m here to tell it how it is, straight forward with honesty and facts. The doom and gloom, but also the funny and quirky side of life too, because you can’t get one without the other. To truly embrace and appreciate happiness, one must also know the feeling of true sadness. So I’m here to feed you it all, in true Virgo style ♍️
Just to get you up to speed I’ll explain a little about each condition I have been diagnosed with:
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Autism is a spectrum condition which effects people in different ways. It effects our social interaction and communication skills, can inflict repetitive and restrictive behaviours, cause over OR under sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch, can cause extreme anxiety, melt downs and shutdowns and also highly focused interests and hobbies.
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ADHD is a disorder which affects peoples behaviour. People with ADHD have issues with executive functioning, concentration & focus, and also impulse control. There is ALOT more to it and I intend to go into more detail in future blogs.
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EUPD – Emotionally unstable personality disorder (formerly known as Borderline personality disorder) is a mental health condition that affects how you think, feel and interact with others. One major symptom the sufferer experiences is being emotionally unstable. Intense emotions, ranging from highs to lows, which can change rapidly throughout a single day.
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Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) – Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long term) condition that causes pain all over the body. As well as the widespread pain it also causes increased sensitivity to touch and pain, muscle stiffness, insomnia & Fatigue, issues with mental processing and concentration (fibro fog), irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and depression.
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Joint hypermobility syndrome – JHS is where your joints are extra flexible and move beyond the range that they are suppose to. This causes pain, stiffness and unstable joints. The joints and the tissue within in them are loose because they are weak. This also means increased danger of seriously injuring, spraining or dislocating your joints.
And there you have it, my wonderful array of chronic conditions and disabilities 😃
Now I do intend to go into a lot more detail in future posts and blogs, so look out for those if you want to learn more about each condition, purely for educational purposes or wether you may think you have one of them yourself.
For my fellow Spectrum family and Fibro Family, you may know an awful lot about these conditions already, so I definitely will have posts coming that I’m sure you will be able to relate to.
If you made this far then I greatly appreciate you…..also heres little embarrassing golden nugget of information for you, I was finishing this post off on the toilet, however my lower legs went numb and as I went to stand up I nearly face planted the door because I couldn’t feel my legs. I then had to grab my toilet frame (mobility aid) and drop myself back onto the toilet seat and wait here for a good 5 minutes until the feeling came back to my legs and feet 😩😂 Oh what a life eh! At least you weren’t all here to see it, that I am greatful for haha!
Anyways, got to love you and leave you (anyone else’s aunties use to say this every time they left your house?) and until next time, keep my legs in your prayers.
Air kisses
Your Spectrum Sister 🪩
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Disability Issues, Part 482
It’s cold in London right now. It snowed yesterday. It is currently 0 degrees Celcius, so literal freezing. We don’t have a lot of snowploughs and very little in the way of people to grit the sidewalks, because we normally don’t need it. Snow tyres ... maybe exist here but no one bothers with them even in good economic circumstances, much less shit-shows like the current one.
I am Quebecois. I know from personal experience that all of this? Is known as the perfect recipe for entirely hazardous road conditions, especially black ice. Now, this is bad enough in Montreal, which is prepared for this kind of bullshit. But here? Not only do they not have the local infrastructure to take reasonable precautions against the hazardous road conditions, but no one knows how to drive in this shit. Why would they have to? We almost never get these conditions. That’s why our nearly bankrupt local authorities cut corners there first, and thus create the insanely hazardous road conditions in the first place.
So here’s me. I want to nip out to the corner shop. Except there are a few problems with that:
I live on a hill. No matter what route I take, I am going down and up a relatively steep incline at some point in my journey.
I do not have weather-appropriate footwear. I have a pair of Vans whose treads are worn fairly smooth after something like two years of wear.
My fibromyalgia flares up in cold weather. This means pain, and probably more leaning on my mobility aid to keep my balance when spasms happen. My cane’s bad enough on smooth-worn linoleum; ice is a non-starter. Summary of all of the above: I don’t want to take a fall on black ice.
This also means I do not go very fast. This when I will have to cross three roads each way, one of which is ... well, visibility is blocked by the crest of a hill, so you can’t see traffic coming until it’s over the hill ... and obviously coming down the hill, where the potential for hitting black ice is fairly high. Summary: I don’t want to get hit by an out-of-control car skidding on black ice.
I know the potential for at least the walking part because I actually took a fall on black ice a few years ago, when I was rushing for a train (which was delayed anyway, so I shouldn’t have bothered) and not taking the usual walking precautions I learned for cold-weather walking pretty much as soon as I learned to walk at all. The result was a sprained ribcage. That was bad enough when my pain responses were normal. Nowadays? Not a risk I want to take. Of course, getting hit by a car would be worse. So nipping out to the corner shop is probably a no-go.
Of course, I could do a delivery order, probably. Expensive, but less risky. Issue there is that I don’t want to send some poor delivery bugger out there either. Cars are bad enough; motorcycles and bicycles are worse. I don’t want to be responsible for some in-a-hurry delivery driver’s accident any more than I want to have an accident myself.
Weirdly, my two safest options are to either wait until morning, when there’s actual light out and maybe even just enough warmth to get slush rather than black ice ... or wait until later this evening where things would probably have frozen solid but there’s also less chance of traffic. We’ll see, though I guess I’m going to have to practice walking out there anyway because I still have to go into work on Thursday and oooooooh so much not looking forward to the commute with the weather like this. Buses don’t have snow tyres either, and I don’t know how much training bus drivers get in driving on icy roads...
These are the things I have to think about these days. It’s kind of infuriating, I have to admit. A couple of years ago, most I’d be worried about is putting on enough layers and remembering how to plant my feet when walking on ice. Now I have to consider the various mobility restrictions I have and how much more a fall would hurt. Damnit, I still love the snow, but it’s beyond frustrating that it’s more or less verboten for me to be out in it now.
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
I saw a [long post] with a lot of different people’s thoughts on use of the word crippled, especially in the context of the able-bodied nd/mentally disordered. I’m having a lot of trouble parsing it so I don’t want to reblog and add my thoughts directly, but I do have thoughts. (btw the post and the other post the ask was ostensibly in response to both have a lot of interesting discussion about ableism towards both physical and mental disability (and a lot of overlapping issues), I just. can’t read very well right now.)
before I got really sick, I started shying away from using the word crippled, because I’d heard other people say it was ableist, just like I started shying away from using the word crazy to describe things like buckwild video game plots, or how we’re not supposed to use “stupid” because it’s just one step down from the r slur dontchaknow, or “dumb” is a slur against the nonverbal (frequently posited by the fully verbal).
but as a cripple myself now (depending on how precise we’re getting with the term; I do not have severe motor dysfunction, paralysis, or loss of limb, but I rely on mobility aids to leave my home for more than a couple minutes and I am severely disabled), I think maybe broad discouragement of use is a bad thing? individuals who are not comfortable with it should be respected, just as individuals who prefer person-first language for themselves should be respected, but as a Broad Community Thing yknow? like, a lot of the instances in which it’s used are just... correct usage. to the best of my knowledge current use of the word “cripple” is basically synonymous with “disable”. crippling illness is generally considered acceptable even by those against other uses. how is that a different use from crippling depression, crippling debt, crippling cold?
it wouldn’t be more or less correct to refer to these things as debilitating instead. but “hey swap in debilitating” never seems to be the talking point. I’ve only ever really seen “don’t use The Bad Word”. which kinda increases stigmatization and stuff.
and like, by the same turn, I’d been nd and mentally ill (different things to me, and it’s very valuable to be able to speak of the cluster of autism adhd and other closely related disorders as a group with a single group term, which again no one is trying to replace as they try to turn nd into a whole-community term they’re only saying “no not for you”) for a very very long time, but one of the first things that happened as a result of me getting very very ill was being hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for several days. (which btw was abysmal and made things much worse mentally so like be careful tossing that kind of recommendation around.) and idk people saying “that’s crazy” doesn’t feel like an attack after that. especially when I’m most often hearing it from other mentally ill people that actually talk about accessibility and call out ableist things in the games they’re playing or their public conversations with friends.
idk it just kinda feels like. people are picking fights over language and in more than ten years it has not helped at all. so while there is absolutely some derogatory language that the outgroup should not say (the n word, the f slur, the r slur, etc), this kinda feels like it falls under the “queer” category for me. a word that absolutely has been used as a weapon (and which targets’ preference to “opt out” should be respected) but also is not inherently a threat.
(plus a lot of it feels like it totally fails to take into account that english is a living language, and use dictates meaning, and these words flat out are not the same as they were 50 or 100 or 1000 years ago, even though understanding how they came to be is valuable and often illustrative.)
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rlim1908 · 5 minutes
try NATO aid. It really works. Clean money. Things are easier to obtain with clean money. There is just so much crime nowadays but try it it really helps! They know what they’re doing. It’s worth it the money that I give NATO Belgium, USA, Great Britain 🇬🇧, Switzerland 🇨🇭. It seems exorbitant & off the charts at first but no in the long run we are able to sleep at night! & business is good & societal institutions are stronger. It is so vital to banking. People trust me with their money & there is a true democratic society. There is true upward mobility & people are truly progressive in life with no underhandedness. You get more from life. I’m suddenly overfed. Business Transactions are faster. There is no red tape. People fear the law now. The Law works. Law is by the book & people make money easier. There is almost no crime. Life is really more comfortable. It’s the end of international & local crime when NATO is around. I qualified for NATO aid after being victimized by terrorism my whole life. 12.5 years. On second thought, 43 years. Since birth. Don’t be in the network of Muslims. Not even as a neighbor or someone in your immediate vicinity. You could be kidnapped & still not know it! The Philippines is not a Muslim country but there is a hidden Muslim problem in it just like white countries & we just don’t talk about it. Murders in the family. Unexplained crimes and murders of lawyers & judges. Killing sprees at night when we can’t seem to leave the house. Short lives that can’t seem to be explained. People who studied & studied but still never made it. Earnings that are unjustifiably too small & too difficult to earn given the effort. Promiscuity & illegitimate blood around you. people making it really easily & u having such a hard time for no valid reason. I really earned my money fair & square. Hard earned. I didn’t have to steal or kill for it. Fighting battles everyday in a silent strange way & fixing people out in the streets who have nothing because certain ahem ahem stole their lives away. I literally became an angel a very mighty one one day fighting these battles. I had to help many people marginalized by terrorism.Buying them little homes, feeding them normal food, putting them in a hospital daily, giving them jobs that they can do just like a normal human being with real human rights.
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