#and she was like 'disney isn't doing too well these days.... but if i tell you why you'll get mad 🙄'
every time my mom and i have to spend an extended amount of time together i am more and more tempted to weaponize coming out to shock her into dropping an argument but i Know it would just cause more tension in the long run so i actively have to talk myself out of it like twice a day. anyways happy holidays lmao
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kimpossibly · 23 days
little spencer reid drabble to get me out of a multi-month writing slump!!
warnings/tags: spencer reid x reader, established/secret relationship, swearing, r uses she/her pronouns
summary: after a situation out in the field leaves y/n temporarily blind, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep a secret.
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"Here she is!"
Y/N could practically feel the hush that fell over the room as JJ wheeled her into the office. The thick bandage covering both eyes ensured that she couldn't very well see it. She did her best to give her most realistic Y/N smile to put them at ease. "Are you guys happy to see me or what? You're gonna have to tell me, cause if you didn't notice, I can't really see..."
She heard a few relieved laughs (thank god) and a mutter of "smartass" from Morgan. Suddenly she felt the comforting presence of Penelope beside her as she took one of her hands. "Can I hug you? I just wanna hug you."
Y/N laughed. "You can hug me, Garcia."
With only a little effort, Y/N stood from her wheelchair. Almost instantly she was engulfed by a classic Garcia hug—it was a little less frantic and intense than usual, but that, she assumed, was attributed to her current state of blindness.
Garcia pulled away and there was a moment of tense silence before her Disney princess-like voice asked, "Are you...is it permanent?"
"No," Y/N said with a shake of her head. "The surgery went really well and this is just the standard recovery process. I have weekly check-ups, but other than that, these bandages need to stay for at least a month."
"A month?" Derek repeated from somewhere on her left. "We're not gonna have you in the field for a month?"
"Oh relax, Derek. I'm sure you'll find somebody else to beat in arm wrestling for a bit."
There was a bit of uneasy laughter at that, but the reality was a bit too disheartening for anyone to really be genuine about it. Y/N hadn't taken more than a week off in her time with the BAU, and that was only due to an emergency. She'd be gone for longer than she'd ever been—and without her sight, no less.
"But who's going to take care of you?" Garcia said, sounding a bit like a worried grandmother. "You can't be alone at home all...blind! Do you have someone who can stay with you?"
Before Y/N can answer, Spencer's voice came from somewhere on her right. "I am."
There was another hush, and this time Y/N was almost glad that she couldn't see everyone's faces. She could hear her heart hammering in her chest. JJ was the first to speak following the announcement of this information. "Spence?"
"What? Her grandma can't make it into town and I've done extensive reading on the recovery process for this—"
"But you're just going to go back and forth between your apartment and hers for a month? Isn't that, like, an hour long drive?"
Spence didn't have a quick answer for that, so Y/N finally forced out the truth. "We live together."
Once again, silence. Emily spoke first. "What? Since when?"
"Three months and fourteen days ago," Spencer said. "But we've been together for seven months and eight days."
Now all Y/N could do was plaster on an innocent smile as she stared (hopefully) into space. "Surpriiiiiiiiise."
Then came the uproar. Penelope and JJ shouted questions at the same time, Rossi seemingly swore in Italian, Morgan muttered some kind of threat towards the both of them. Y/N found her head darting left and right as she tried to find some particular sound to focus on. A comforting hand rested on her shoulders and she recognized it instantly as Spencer. She put her hand atop his and waited out the colossal wave of shock and awe from the rest of the team.
"Hey, hey!" Y/N shouted to get their attention. They quieted down and she pursed her lips. "Look, I know you've all been suspecting it anyway—we're just confirming your suspicions! Not that we have much of a choice..."
"Seven months? You kept this from us for seven months!" Garcia exclaimed—not mad, just surprised. Maybe a bit exasperated.
Spencer let out a little laugh. "Hotch knew!"
Y/N practically felt it as all heads turned to Hotch, who just shrugged. "They wanted to keep it a secret."
And then, of course, the screaming was directed at Hotch, who willingly took the brunt of it and began to guide the outraged hoard of co-workers in a different direction. Y/N heard their voices diminish as they followed him towards the other side of the office. She blew out a large breath, laughing in relief. She let her head fall to her hands, running her fingers through her hair. “Should’ve expected that kind of reaction.”
“Why are they so surprised?” Spencer said. She could practically picture the confused knot between his brows. “Garcia and Morgan already had a bet that we were dating.”
“I think it was the whole ‘we’ve been living together for three months’ thing that really got them.”
“Hm. Possibly.”
Y/N looked over her shoulder, tilting her head back in the general direction of where Spencer stood. “Make me a coffee? I would do it myself, but, you know, I can’t see.”
She heard him laugh quietly and felt a little flutter in her stomach. She always felt that way when she made him laugh.
“How long are you going to use that excuse?” he said, already pushing her chair in the direction of the coffee station.
“As long as it applies,” she replied. “Or until I become Matt Murdock and have superhuman coffee-making abilities.”
“Matt Murdock has radar senses.”
“Still probably allows him to make his own coffee.”
They came to a stop and she heard Spencer shuffling around to make coffee.
“Hey,” she said, blindly stretching a hand out.
Within a second, Spencer’s hand found hers. “What do you need?”
She removed her hand away from his, searching all the way up his arm until she found his tie, pulling him in closer. Within an instant her lips caught his in a slightly off-kilter manner—she kissed the corner of his mouth, really. He adjusted quickly despite his surprise at the sudden action. His instincts told him to pull away, to reduce any risk that anyone saw, but there was nothing to hide anymore. So he kissed her back for a brief moment before breaking apart, a small smile on his face.
“What was that for?” he asked, their faces still inches apart.
Y/N just shrugged, a smile on her lips. “I just realized I could do that. So I did.”
He nodded. “Got it.”
She released his tie and let him get back to making coffee, not needing her sight to see the smile on his face.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You're in charge
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You're there, the day that Mami hurts her knee.
She's running with you in her arms right after training and then all of a sudden, you're both on the ground. She's managed to roll so her weight doesn't crush you but only part way because your head bounces painfully on the grass.
You're slightly disorientated when you're pulled from Mami's arms by Mami's girlfriend Ingrid. You shake your head and then burst into tears when you notice all of the people around Mami.
You cry and cry and cry and force yourself under Ingrid's shirt so you can listen to her heartbeat at the same time as hiding yourself away from everything.
Mami spends a long time with the team doctor and you sob into Ingrid as she tries to look after you. She knows something bad though. You know that she knows what bad thing has happened to Mami but she just won't tell you.
You know she knows because she calls your Abuela and Abeulo and they never get called for anything that isn't serious.
Mami comes out on crutches and you cry even more.
"Hey," She coos to you," I'm okay. What are you crying about?"
"I hurted you!" You say through your tears," Hurted you real bad!"
"You didn't hurt me," Mami promises," I just had a little accident but that's alright. I'm going to have surgery and it's all going to be okay."
It doesn't sound like she'll be okay at all.
"I promise."
"We're just going to have to help Mami out for a bit," Ingrid says," We're going to have to look after her."
"Like you and Mami look after me?"
Mami ends up getting surgery within a few days. Ingrid's getting ready to fly to Sweden to play Rosengard but she manages to be there for Mami's surgery.
Abuela and Abuelo are there too.
"Mami," You say softly as you climb up onto her bed," Is it going to take long?" You speak quietly because Mami's Ingrid is sleeping, eyes closed like a Disney princess as she holds Mami's hand tight in her own.
"Probably about an hour," Mami replies," Why? Are you worried?"
You shake your head. "I'm being very brave," You say to her because that's what Ingrid told you you were being a few nights ago when she tucked you into bed.
"You are being brave," Mami agrees," My brave little lion cub."
You make your hands into claws. "Rawr!"
Mami does the same with a smile. "Rawr!"
"Hmm," Ingrid shifts in her sleep, blearily opening her eyes to study you both," Are you being lions again?"
"Rawr!" You say and she smiles.
"What a brave little lion cub," She says, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes," Is this lion cub hungry?"
You nod and she fishes some snacks out of her bag, slapping Mami's hands away when she tries to take some.
"No," Ingrid says sternly," You can't eat anything until after surgery. Here, cub, for you."
"Thank you, Ingrid." You lean over Mami to kiss Ingrid's cheek and then you say to Mami for good measure," You can't eat these because of your knee. It needs to be fixed first."
Mami's knee gets fixed and, when she comes home, she naps with Bagheera while you and Ingrid make lunch.
"Alright," Ingrid says that evening as she tucks you into bed," I've got a very special job for you."
Being tucked into bed was usually a job for Mami and Ingrid but Mami is still hurt so she gives you your kisses and bedtime snuggles in the living room before letting Ingrid take you to bed.
"I can do the special job."
"Well," Ingrid says, sitting against your pillows with you," I need to go away for a few days."
"To play Rosengard," You supply.
"Yes, to play Rosengard. And well I'm away, I'm going to need you to look after your Mami."
"I can look after Mami," You confirm, nodding.
"Very good." Ingrid tucks you in nice and tight, pulling your blankets up to your chin. "It's a very special job. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather ask to do it."
You smile. "Love you, Ingrid!"
"Love you too!"
With Ingrid gone the next day, it means that you're in charge and you tell Mami so when you stand in front of her with your arms crossed over your chest.
"You have to do what I say," You tell her," 'Cause you don't have a knee anymore and Ingrid put me in charge."
Mami laughs. "I still have a knee."
"Don't lie!" You say," Ingrid says I'm in charge and Ingrid's the boss!"
Mami laughs again. "That's right. Ingrid is the boss."
You nod. "And I'm the littler boss so you have to do what I say."
"Alright," She says," What are you telling me to do?"
You think for a moment. "You have to stay still," You say eventually," And look after your leg that doesn't have a knee. It needs lots of love to regrow your knee."
You nod decisively like you've just solved a global issue and clamber up to sit next to Mami. You pat her on the head and wave your finger in her face. "No moving. I get drinks!"
Most of your day is spent sitting with Mami watching movies and telling her off when she tries to move. Ingrid left you in charge and you tell Mami not to move so she's being bad when she tries to.
You tell her as much and it makes her sit back down.
You watch the match Ingrid is at together and celebrate when Barcelona win six goals to none.
"You have to stay still!" You say to Mami when she moves a bit too much in celebration. "You don't have a knee!" You lean down to her bandaged leg and give it a little kiss like she and Ingrid do to your cuts when you get hurt.
"Ingrid will be mad if you keep ignoring me!" You declare," You have to not move!"
"Okay, lion cub," Mami says. She drags a hand through your hair before cupping your face. "You're doing such a good job looking after me, thank you."
"You're welcome, Mami. Do we call Ingrid now?"
"We can call Ingrid."
Ingrid picks up on the second ring and her smiling face greets you and Mami.
"Hi, my girls," She says," Has Mami been good?"
"She keeps trying to move," You report," But I stopped her!"
"Very good, lion cub!" Ingrid says," I know you'd be the best for the job."
You beam at her and Mami brushes a hand through your hair softly.
"She's the very best," Mami says," My best girl."
"When are you coming home, Ingrid?" You ask," Mami can't tuck me into bed."
"I'll be home tomorrow," Ingrid promises you," I miss you both very much. Why don't you keep Mami company in our bed tonight? That way she doesn't need to tuck you in."
"Okay! I'll sleep with Mami in your bed!"
"In that case-" Mami pats you on the head and guides you to your feet "- Why don't you go and grab your pyjamas and get ready? We can have bedtime snuggles in my bed."
"Okay!" You scamper off down the hall before turning around again and pointing a finger at Mami. "Don't move! I have to help!"
"Okay, lion cub," Mami says," I won't move."
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anonymouscheeses · 5 days
Im sorry i have to say it..: Get Your Hands Dirty sounds like a love song.
HEAR. ME. OUTT!! (No i dont mean a love song between Chloe n Ella omg 😭)
What I'm implying here is that it sounds like one of those niche high school love stories when one of the lovers(most likely a goodie two-shoes) goes to their mentor/parent/even the person their loving/etc to ask for advice on relationships. Or more specifically, if this person is worth it or even a good person. From the top of my head: I Won't Say (I'm In Love) and the goodie and the wildchild dynamic is pretty similar to Gabriella and Troy from hs musical, which iws(iil) kinda inspired this post tbh but also ive been thinking about this ever since i first watched the movie. (You plop in ur own songs, i js KNOW this trope exists)
Now that we've established the well used niche trope existing in this niche song made by the niche king that is Disney.... why do i think that Get Your Hands Dirty is a love song, i hear?
Lets analyze THE LYRIICS 😈😈
"Right and wrong, cruel and kind, who's to say?" "There's a code that I believe in."
"Robin Hood" "yeah?" "Awesome guy" "yeah!"
"Every choice, you're gonna find there's shades of grey." "There are rules for a reason!"
"So you could then cross that line, theoretically."
"You'd agree?" "But he stole for the poor."
"The decision's always up to you. When there's only one thing left to do"
"I don't know you anymore.."
Okay, so i shortened and made it tiny for obvious reasons, that bein its too long 😭 so! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS A FEEELIN?? a feelin that this is SCREAMING denial?! Its giving...
Chloe: Ellaaaa.... this girl im talkn to is SOOO HHHOOOOTT and PRETTY and cool and stuff but ugh.... SHE EEEVILLL!!
Ella: oh my gosh.. STFU. Shes prolly not even that evil ill prove it smh..
*get ur hands dirty starts playing. No exaggeration. No cap.*
"Okay, but there's some universal truths you must recognize." "Like?"
"Valiant knights, pure and good, guaranteed" "That depends on what they're fighting for"
"Creepy witches selling potions for evil deeds" "She could have kids she's providing for"
"If your good-good things will come to you"
MORE denial, Chloe wants to be friends with Red SO bad she looks stupid, but she brings herself back by trying to prove to herself that she's evil and they SHOULDN'T be that close. Which also is a big sign of comphet and heteronormativity, i would know 🧍 (which is a post for another day i might make. Prolly 2 prove that Chloe is a lesbian in deep comphet)
"But just how far do you go? How much do you compromise? Oh, tell me, how do you know. Where do you draw the line?"
"There's nothing I wouldn't do. If my heart tells me it's right. If it's for someone I love. If it's to save a life."
"To save your life."
Further deepening the trope i mentioned. The first line could be interpreted as a double meaning since the song is kind of mostly about Chloe coming to terms with the fact Red isn't really evil or as bad as she thought, plus the argument of where the line between evil and good is. It could refer to Red or Ella, maybe both, but Ella changes the meaning with her own experiences so it drifts off the focus from Red because we cant have ANYTHING 🤧 but i still believe Chloe intended it to be for Red since the entire song is really just for the progress of their relationship n stuff.
Now this could definitely all be in my head, yes, Disney would most likely NEVER canonize or even imply heavily a queer relationship or anything lgbtq on a pre established franchise (cowards.). But there is always a chance.... deep inside the dark heart of the mouse..
Plus, with the subtle hints here and there of Red and Chloe's relationship growing, romantically or not, they are still super close and love eachother alot. Chloe is js (kinda) canonically a girl kisser who cant help but find a girl kissable (same)
And don't get me started on this movie and its obsession with love and proving how it is not "ain't it". Hello...? They set the tone of love, but i see NO person close enough to Red established for this message (other than Chloe) and if they introduce some random guy in the next movies, NO ONE would care nor would they want it unless somehow its 100x better than redcharming, but thats impossible cz wlw 4 life.
So, this entire thingy is me basically finding scraps and wanting to provr that charminghearts IS canon and WILL be established soon! (Im delulu)
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:Where you meet your new neighbour and a new friend
CH-9: A new neighbour and a explosive friend
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The man's full body slowly came into your sight. He was wearing a hunting outfit containing breeches, high boots and a white shirt with black harnesses on top. With the rifle in hand, the black haired man stared up at you in confusion.
He thought that there wasn't anyone living nearby. At least that's what he heard. But now to see a young girl with the deer that escaped him behind her...that isn't something he expected. Did the deer not fear that girl? And what's with all these animals surrounding her?
"Hey there girlie! Fancy meeting someone like you here!" He shouted out while slowly walking closer to you. You flinched a bit hearing his shout suddenly but quickly composed yourself.
"Are you a hunter? Did you shoot this deer?" You asked still in defensive mode.
"Wow,no hi or hello? Haha, yes I am...if you couldn't tell by all of these" he gestured at himself. You now felt dumb for asking that question.
"And to answer your second question, yes I did shoot this deer. I never expected him to dodge it though... I usually never miss my targets" he said looking at the deer with an unusual glint in his eyes. But it quickly faded away as soon as it came.
"Though what's the deal with you girlie?
What's with all these animals around you? If I didn't know any better, I would think I'm facing a modern day Disney princess right now" he said teasingly while eyeing each and every animals around you. The snake surprised him the most. How could a sweet looking girl like you walk around with a venomous snake on her neck.
"They uh..they all live with me!" You didn't know exactly what to say about them. "And you hurt the deer" you said with anger in your voice. You now had to sew that poor deer's cuts again. You were grateful at least that it wasn't deep.
"Oh so they are your pets huh? I see.. Anyways, names Jake, William Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you..?" Jake said extending his hand. Both Husk and Alastor were furious with that statement. They refused to be anyone's pet.
"It's (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). " You said slowly shaking his hand. "And they aren't my pets. They are my... friends! Animal friends!" You quickly chimed in. Friends seemed like a better word than pets with this group.
"Say do you live there missy?" He said pointing to the cabin behind you. "I thought people didn't really live around here"
"Yes, I do. I actually bought this cabin a few days ago" you said sheepishly. "Well, I'll be! looks like you're my neighbour then. I live just a few minutes away from here!" He said while laughing.
"You're my neighbour..?" You didn't really know how to feel about this. You came here for peace and quiet. And now having this hunter as your new neighbour might mean destruction of that. You didn't want to hear random gunshots throughout the day.
"Looks like it! And I'm sorry for hurting your precious deer. I didn't know that thing had any friends. Maybe you should put a collar on your 'friends' so people know-"
Before Jake could finish his sentence, you saw the deer move up behind him. You quickly pushed him out of the way as you grabbed the antlers that was meant to swing up.
"No. I'm not letting you hurt a person on my watch" you said while gritting your teeth as you pushed to keep the deer's head lower. You could feel it's raw strength overpowering you. But you still held your ground and clenched your muscles. Your hand was hurting from how strongly you were holding the antlers. Without a doubt it was bruised by now.
Jake inwardly whistled in his mind as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He made a wrong calculation. This sweet looking girl was actually strong as hell. Just looking at her pushing the ground with her clenched legs as she held onto that deer's antlers told a lot. With her dress's skirt swaying in the air, he could get a view of her thigh's muscles too.
"Now go to the cabin and rest. I'll come to sew you up soon, got it?" You chewed out last bits of your words. You and the deer stared at each others eyes for a few more moments. Then suddenly the deer pulled his head up overpowering you, causing you fall on your back with a thud.
Or you would fall on your back if it wasn't for a pair of muscular arms that caught you. "You alright there girlie?" Jake's blue eyes bore into yours as his hands gripped your back tighter. Embarrassment flowed through your veins as you quickly pulled yourself up.
"Y-yes, I'm alright, I'm sorry for that" you said while dusting your dress. "Guess that deer has it out for me huh? Can't blame him though. Thanks for saving me back there" he said glancing at your form. "Ah don't worry about it. I didn't think it would take it this far..." You said meekly.
"I think I should go patch up the deer right now. It's probably angry cause of it's wound" you wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible. For some reason he gave you the heebie-jeebies. Though you couldn't explain why.
"Ah yes of course. Mind if I get your number neighbour? So we can keep in contact?" He said with a smile.
You quickly told him your number so you could get out of this. "Well then, I'll stop by soon with some treats next time, okay girlie? Stay safe now!" He said waving at you while going back in the forest.
"Yeah...you too.." you said while waving back. "God that was a mess..." You said as he went back to the forest. Meanwhile the whole thing happened so fast, the other animals could hardly comprehend it. It felt like they slowly came to their senses.
'That fucker...' Husk mumbled under his breath. He was glad you didn't call them your pets or put a collar on them. He already has enough of that from a certain someone.
"C'mon, let's go home.." you said shakily as you started to walk back. You looked at your hand to see it was bruised with black spots and some dried blood on it. You grimerced at the sight. That's gonna cause some problems.
When you got close to your cabin, Suddenly something fell and burst on your head. "Ouch! What the hell-" you couldn't even finish your sentence as more of these fell on your body. "Ouch, hey stop it!" You yelled out trying to get away.
The snake hissed from your neck as the moth flew over to the tree which you were being attacked from. Crouching down, you picked up the thing you were attacked with. It was a nut. A freaking nut. It was broken just enough on the outside so it'll brust when it hits something.
Vaggie flew up to find the culprit. It was a squirrel. 'let angel go bitch!!' It yelled as it prepared a another nut to throw at you.
'Hey hey stop! Are you a demon too?' Vaggie yelled at it. The squirrel looked up at her. 'Yeah! Name's cherri! I heard some fucker shooting when I was in the forest. I came as soon as I could. Now I see my best bud stuck with this girl!' she said pointing at you and Angel who was on top of Charlie.
'Don't worry I'll rescue ya..' Cherri mumbled as she prepared another nut to throw after chewing. 'Don't! She's actually helping us!" Vaggie started to explain the situation to her as briefly as possible.
Meanwhile you were quickly walking back to the cabin, not wanting to be hit again. As you opened the door to go inside the moth came back and sat on your hair. And then suddenly a squirrel ran past you.
You let out a sequel in surprise as it headed straight to the ewe which had the spider on it.
Cherri ran straight at Angel who was trying to climb down from Charlie. 'Cherri? What're you doin here?' Angel asked as he immediately got tackled by her.
'I was trying to find you bitch! I went to that shitty hotel but it was in pieces! And when I went inside I got sent here!'
You walked to the pair and rubbed your temple in frustration.
"Not a another one..."
But first you went to the deer that was resting. With needle and thread, you sat down next to Alastor.
"You shouldn't have done that you know..?" You said softly while sewing him. You didn't get any response from it.
The deer didn't look at your face during the whole thing. After you finished sewing, you tried picking up the first aid box. You winced in pain slightly due to the bruises on you palm and let it fall again.
Alastor's ears perked up at the sound of your pained noise. He finally looked at you and your palm. Blood was trickling down. You washed your hand before sewing but now blood was coming out again.
Suddenly you heard rustling and saw the deer was standing beside you staring at your face. Then it looked down at your hand. Then before you could do anything, the deer leaned into you bloodied hand and licked it.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you watched it lick the blood off gently. You didn't understand if it was trying to say sorry or it was just enjoying your blood.
But you guessed the second from how his ears were moving and his tail was wagging in behind. You mentally sweatdropped.
Husk entered the room alongside Pentious just then. Both of them being surprised as well seeing the sight of you two.
'I'm too sober for this shit' Husk grumbled before walking away from the room. Pentious began to blush seeing you guys. He quickly slithered on top of you and started to hiss as Alastor from your neck.
'Get away from her you perverted beassst!' Alastor's eyes twitched in anger in having his fun ruined by this snake. He stopped and looked up at the snake. He desperately wanted to the bite the snake from you and throw it away. But he has caused enough trouble for you today so he held back. Besides he already got a taste.
You took back your hands that was clean of blood now. You weren't sure on how to feel about about all this. But you decided to just put some ointment on your hands first.
After bandaging your hands properly, you went to your bed to rest for a bit. Charlie joined you by jumping on your lap. Vaggie took her usual place on your head. And Niffty went to rest beside you. You smiled at the lot. Then you saw husk come as well and lay on the end of the bed turning his head away.
It pleasently surprised you since the cat didn't usually hang around you unless it was time for eating. He was probably warming up to you finally. You smiled as you held the ewe close.
'Hey Vaggie..? I have something to tell you..'Charlie said with uneasiness in her voice.
'Yes Hun? What do you want to say?'
Charlie took a deep breath. Then she started to tell the thing that was bothering her for a while. 'I..I may have feelings for (Y/N).. It's not like my love for you is gone! I still love you lots but I just feel like I have a crush on her and I-'
'Shush, I know what you're talking about. I feel the same way' Vaggie said with a smile.
'You do? You feel the same way? You're not mad at me??' Charlie said with anticipation. 'No, I get where you're coming from and I would have brought it up if you didn't. I'm not mad at you Charlie. '
'Oh thank Lucifer! So we both like her right?' Charlie said excitedly. 'Mm-hmm' Vaggie nodded.
Suddenly both your ewe and moth began to grow in bright golden colour, startling you. Niffty who was already asleep. She jumped off from the bed in shock and Husk's fur stood up as he started hissing.
All the other animals noticed the bright light and rushed to your room. The light went out just in a second and your ewe and moth were gone with something or someone replacing them.
Embarrassingly enough, the first thing that went through your mind was,
'Why am I stuck between two hot girls?'
Master list
A.N:NGL, I didn't like how the beginning turned out so I stretched out this chapter to leave some good stuff.
So we got our first humans!! How're you all feeling?? Also Jake looks like a mix between rei from buddy daddies and aizawa from bnha in case any of guys wanted to picture him visually<( ̄︶ ̄)>
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Do you think that the fab five have their own favourite ships between Yuu and the twst boys? I somehow get the feeling that Daisy doesn’t actually have a preference, she just loves the chaos and gossip.
So I'm going to turn the Fab Five into the Sensational Six because I feel Pluto would like to add his own two cents into this:
Mickey Mouse: he just wants a break, you know? He thought that the most stress he'd get from running the club would be Pete's constant sabotage, the odd villain being up to no good, and Professor Von Drake being so irritatingly pompous. Yuu is such a sweet girl and he loves her a lot (he also really wishes Walt could have met her) - he's the founder and chairmouse of the Yuu Protection Club - but ever since she joined the club, his life has gone to both be both better and worse - yes, everyone is so much more better behaved and their solidarity in all things Yuu related is a breath of fresh air but then there's *gestures to everything*! You'd think that being almost a century old could have prepared him for one teenaged girl but he's broken out the wheel more times in a fortnight than he has in the years that club has been running. Between the petty insults, underhanded tactics and full on shouting matches that leads to destruction (and some of it coming from the heroes no less) as well as Yuu's own obliviousness regarding the situation, his fur is going to go grey - not to mention, the constant texts he'd get from Felicity and Oswald over how they want to meet their new niece (as if they haven't already kidnapped her that one day). I feel like he'd prefer a heroic character but he doesn't have anything against the villains at NRC because he knows with absolute certainty that they all do genuinely care for her. But at the end of the day, he just wants Yuu to be happy so who ever she decides would be fine by him - as long as they never hurt her :)
Minnie Mouse: okay so I'm going to say Neige. Here me out: while she is neutral on the shipping war, and is the one to reel everything in when it gets too crazy, she does have some of fondness for the boy that reminds her of her favourite Disney character. Yeah, she and Mickey say they don't play favourites but there's no doubt that they definitely hold a soft spot for the very first Disney princess/character and the main character of the first animated feature film (especially when you consider the history behind that movie and what it meant for Disney/Walt). she wouldn't want to admit it but watching Yuu's lovelife is kind of her guilty pleasure
Pluto: Probably Jack - you know, canine solidarity and all that. To be fair, I think he'd be split between being protective of Yuu and being jealous that Yuu would spend less time with him (I HC that there was a time that he was jealous of Minnie when she and Mickey would go on dates because he thought he was Mickey's number one). Would probably be conspiring with Donald to keep everyone away from her.
Goofy: He just wants her to be happy :D. No seriously, I don't want to make the 'Goofy is dumb' statement because he isn't - he's just a bit oblivious sometimes and we love him for it - but he has absolutely no idea that the shipping war is happening. He's just so happy that Maxy has a new friend and that he could look after Yuu while she works at the club ♡
Donald Duck: Absolutely Not! I get the feeling that after Goofy, Donald is the most dad-like (I haven't seen either of the Ducktales shows so I can't comment on his behaviour there) - like, I remember how sweet he was to Max during that one episode where he wanted a car and how he stood up to Goofy to tell him to stop being so overprotective. Plus, I feel like he's really distrustful of villains so the NRC boys being who they are probably won't earn any pointers from the sailor duck who isn't afraid to use his navy training.
Daisy Duck: is just absolutely loving this - there's more gossip during one night at the club than there is in a week at her salon! Like you said, she doesn't have a preference. She'll just take a seat next to Kuzco and ooh and aah at all of the tea she gets from Tinkerbell.
Thanks for the ask ♡
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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characters written about in this piece : bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, damian wayne, barbara gordon, duke thomas, stephanie brown, cassandra cain
not proofread !
note : if you actually went and read through all of this i will actually smooch you
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bruce isn't an average music enjoyer, so he doesn't really have many preferences to what he listens to. all i know is that he doesn't like music that is too upbeat, like many pop songs.
perhaps in his angsty emo the batman 2022 phase, he would listen to metal, heavy guitars and drums, similar to jason. but as he develops as a philanthropist and vigilante, he would sway towards classical music without words. it helps him concentrate in many situations, and different artists or albums can convey so many different emotions in their music.
this music often plays within his office at wayne enterprises, the batcave whilst he's researching on the computer, or even just throughout the manor whilst he's doing bruce wayne shit.
songs i think he would like :
jazz suite no. 2: vi. waltz 2, dmitri shostakovich
12 études op.25: no. 11 in a minor "winter wind", frédéric chopin
vi. lacrimosa dies illa, slovak philharmonic
tango - bof "kuduz", goran bregović
le cygne (arr. for harp and cello), camille saint-saëns
le nozze di figaro k.492: overture, wolfgang amadeus mozart
i can see dick as someone who incorporates music a lot into his every day life; playing something on his alexa as he cooks dinner, listening to something in airpods as he walks around gotham during the day, hums or whistles a tune as he surveys the streets of blüdhaven at night. i don't think he would have taken up learning any instruments, but he's a very musical person, knows how to hold a rhythm as well.
he's into more modern music, very much frank ocean. he likes chill music with a good beat and maybe some good vocals. as long as the song overall sounds good, he doesn't really pay attention to lyrics. if a song he likes has weird lyrics, he'll only notice it one random day as he's singing along, and begin to overthink them in the shower and wonder why they were written in the first place.
songs i think he would like :
swim good, frank ocean
she, tyler the creator & frank ocean
novacane, frank ocean
dance now, joey valence & brae
wet dreamz, j cole
mysëlf, yeat
i actually have a jason playlist here !
i think jason enjoys darker sounding music, but it can go one of two ways; either loud guitar, or absolutely gut wrenching vocals. i'm talking lyrics mixed with the perfect pleading voice to make you feel just numb inside.
jason has experienced a lot of loss and trauma in his life, so sometimes he may feel numb and just need to amp it up with a loud deftones song, or he is feeling too much, and needs a mellow, yet depressing mitski song to bring him back down. granted, neither are the happiest options, but it's what works for him.
songs i think he would like :
xerces, deftones
danger, south arcade
i don't smoke, mitski
come home to god, amaarae
smoke sprite, so!yoon!
dagger, slowdive
LMAO i think this guy would be such a closeted theatre kid. he's watched all the heathers slime videos and watched hamilton and newsies on disney plus. he loves it, it just evokes an entirely different feeling. he would never tell anybody about this side though, which is why these playlists are kept privateee on his spotify.
so when he's with other people he shows that he listens to more mainstream artists, but likes an experimental sound, so maybe some tyler here and some carti there, but they aren't his go-to artists.
songs i think he would like :
boyfriend, tyler the creator
flex, playboi carti
non-stop, broadway cast of hamilton
once upon a december, broadway cast of anastasia
meet the plastics, broadway cast of mean girls
miso, edv & bigbabygucci
this little shit only exclusively listens to either classical music (aww look at him taking after his own papa) or the heaviest, scariest rock metal you've ever heard. bonus points if it's metal with classical undertones !!! he loves that shit, not that he would show it.
when he does his homework or falls asleep, he listens to heavyyy heavy metal. when he's eating a sandwich in the kitchen, or training in the batcave he'll be listening to classical music. see? it's not exactly linear.
songs i think he would like :
carnival of the animals: aquarium, camille saint-saëns
romeo and juliet op.64 - act 1: balcony scene - romeo's variation - love dance, sergei prokofiev
the isle of the dead op.29, sergei rachmaninoff
immortal rites, morbid angel
them bones, alice in chains
barbara is a woman on the quieter side, despite herself. i feel towards others she is more outgoing and reliable, but when she's with herself, she likes to wind down and just sit with her thoughts. she likes jazz, slow and soft, and the type of music you would find in music from the 50s and 60s. there's something wistful about it that she just loves.
this type of music can help her concentrate. she listens to music whilst reading, or whilst sitting behind the computer as oracle during less high-tension moments.
songs i think she would like :
the shadows of paris, elsie bianchi trio
piano and strings, henry mancini
a night to remember, beabadoobee & laufey
la javanaise, serge gainsbourg
jane b, jane birkin
my favourite game, the cardigans
we can all agree that duke is one of the more positive members in the family, trying his best to keep his optimistic outlook despite the rest of the world, and the rest of gotham especially. he likes songs with meaning, although hidden behind a happy instrumental and youthful vocals, but he also enjoys just plain old happy-go-lucky sounding songs.
i also think he's a very musical person, always got headphones on. he probably gets that one notification at least once a week telling him his volume is too high in his ears.
he loves to dance, so songs that he can get lost in and have a little jam sesh in his bedroom are a must!!!
songs i think he would like :
useless, omar apollo
the magic number, de la soul
batshit, dominic fike
breadwinner, floyd fuji & topaz jones
the violence, childish gambino
smokin out the window, silk sonic
as for stephanie, this girl listens to EVERYTHING. she listens to kpop, shoegaze, indie, rnb, 2010s pop, jazz likeeeee she will literally listen to anything. she doesn't have playlists she just fr adds every song she likes to "liked songs" and listens to it on shuffle, and whatever comes up she listens to without an issue. almost never skips songs because she's so open to anything and everything.
like one minute she could be listening to her fav red velvet album, and then the next min she's on the verge of tears listening to phillipa soo sing burn on the hamilton soundtrack.
songs i think she would like :
so good, red velvet
cola head, willow kayne
if you want to, beabadoobee
call me maybe, carly rae jepsen
xxl, young posse
unchained memory, cafuné
following her quieter nature, i can't see cass listening to anything too upbeat or loud. she'll like a softer instrumental but with an emotional vocal line, almost as if getting to express the things she may not be fully able to towards her family and friends.
may enjoy a good old shoegaze or indie song here and there, especially if she's feeling more emotional, as she feels the sound of the song encapsulates her emotions.
songs i think she would like :
only, lee hi
chocolate and mint, duster
slow burn, infinity song
gaia, lexie liu
emo song, beabadoobee
chaos angel, maya hawke
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indecenthoney · 4 days
As Sweet as She Tastes
"You know... I never really understood why he had flashback when he ate the rat's pepperoni thing... What the fuck do you mean it's not pepperoni? You know... Ratatouille's dish? The thing he made... His name is not Ratatouille... Remy? Hey! Chill chill... I was watching I promise... Hahaha... But damn... You're telling me a shrimp, fried this rice? Hahaha... Okay okay, I'll stop... So what? You want another gummy? Or..."
It's been some time since me and friend hung out. Luckily, our schedules matched up giving us a couple of days to spend as we please. What better way to catch up and have than to get high and binge Disney movies? I've always been quite a lightweight. I could never seem to focus but every other sense was always heightened. It was a fun little experience. Sometimes I think about this day a lot. And what would've happened if I acted on my urges a little more.
"Hm... Good movie... Mm... Maybe 8/10... Well it's my opinion now, isn't it? C'mon, let's go take a little breather outside... We can watch another movie when we come back... By the way, did you make sure to hide my spare house key? You really gotta start telling me when you let yourself in here... You're always giving me heart attacks... Ugh fuck.. Alright, let's go... I need to stretch my legs ... I don't know how you girls do it sometimes... but I can't sit in place all day... Oh yeah? Stop being lazy... I will literally carry you outside if I have to... H-hey let go... Dude... Seriously... I'mma trip... Ow fuck... I told you... You okay?"
I'm not one for cliches but as fate would have it, I ended up tripping over her. Landing on top of her. Gazing into each other's eyes; completely silent. At that moment, I panicked and tried to pay attention to something other than the look she gave me. As I mentioned, every sense of mine was heightened while high. She smelled of strawberries. Lips coated in strawberry lip balm. Even her personality was as sweet as a strawberry. Despite treating her like one of the guys, she was still a lady. And within an instant, her arms coiled around my neck pulling me in for a kiss. That moment of awkwardness must have felt like an eternity to her. There was a sense of desperation as her lips interlocked with mine trying to seek some sort of reciprocation. My mind was all too hazy to process all of this and I pulled back.
"I... uhm... S-sorry I was... H-hey wait... Where are you going? We should... talk about this..."
Without a word, she rushed out the door with a pained look on her face. I felt deep regret and wondered where it would have gone if I had just been a little more greedy. A little more honest with what I wanted. My mind sometimes wanders back to that day every time I smell strawberries fills my head. Nothing really happened after that day, we never spoke of it either. She had acted like she always has with me. A jovial entity that let nothing ruin her day. Even if we did spend a lot of time together, it felt like I never really knew the real her. Always putting on that brave face; putting people first.
"Sorry? Did you say something? I was kind of blanking out... No, I am not high... I just had some things on my mind... What did you want to talk about? Yeah, dude... You can tell me anything... If it's bugging you then we should talk about it... Oh? Good news... That's good! What's up? You... got a boyfriend? Wait wait wait... since when? You didn't tell me you were talking to anybody... I... well... yeah... You don't exactly tell me everything... but... What? No, I am happy for you... Are things going to change between us? You know like... are we going to hang out less?"
She reassured me that nothing was going to change. I was relieved at the moment, but I started seeing less and less of her. Maybe, this was my punishment. Weeks and months went by without a word from her. I really was glad that she was happy. But I missed her. I thought it was high time to finally move on. See new people. Try new things. Forgive and forget. Or that was the plan. Until one random day, she called.
"Y-yo? It's been a while... No no no... No need to apologize I know you have things to do and you have your own life... How's uhm... the boyfriend? T-that's good... That's good... So what's up? You wanted to tell me something? You're what? No way... You're getting married? Isn't this a little too soon? I... no... I'm happy for you... Y-yeah I'll be there, of course... Are you going to have like a bachelorette party? Oh? My house... Just the two of us? S-sure... Consider it a wedding gift... I'll plan everything... It'll just be like old times... Yes yes, I'll grab your favorite snacks... Mhm... Yeah... I have class until 6 and should be home by 7... Mhm... See you then!"
I really am a disgusting person. I should be happy for her, right? That's what a best friend should feel, but why do I feel so lost? This felt more than just some hangout, it felt as if it'd be the last time I'd ever really see her. And that made me sad. I went about my day; dreading our hangout. I wasn't sure what to say. Or how to act. All I knew was I had to greet her with a smile and survive the night. I could feel myself slowly getting anxious as time went by. I knew I had to face her eventually. The tension increased as my class was cut short leaving me with no choice but to start heading home. I couldn't think straight and before I knew it I was at my front door. It was open. She must've let herself in again.
"Hey... I'm home... I got the snacks... That's weird... She usually rushes over to see me... Where is she? Hm... Probably watching TV... Hey are you-..."
No words escaped my lips. What I saw left me in complete shock. There she was. Touching herself with such desperation. Like she's never known the feeling of pleasure till now. To make things worse, her clothes were scattered all over my floor. Wearing nothing but my jacket which was too oversized for her. Her huffing and sniffing the remnants of my dirty clothing. A little goblin that felt as if she'd struck gold. This was so wrong. But she wasn't in the right either. She was getting married. Why? Unless. Something switched inside of me.
"Sorry... Am I interrupting something? Hey... Don't stop now... You were just getting started, yeah? Well, this is my room after all... Well, classes ended early today and I thought I would get some rest before we hung out... By the way, you have a really bad habit of walking in here... Tell me... Is this what you always do when I'm gone? What would your fiance think if I showed him this video? Of course, I took a video... How could I not? Dude... I'm not kidding... Sure... I can delete it... But I can always show him the mess you made on the bed while wearing my jacket... Hey... Woah there... and where do you think you're going... You think this is all a prank because we're friends but... What you did was a bit scandalous, don't you think? What do I care? No no no... You walked away... and you never gave me the chance to talk about it... And yes I didn't kiss you back then... and I regret it... But we're here now and nothing is going to change that... If you leave now... I really will show your little boyfriend how pretty you are fingering yourself on my bed... What do I want? Oh c'mon... You're a sick pervert, right? I'm sure you have a few ideas to shut me up..."
My cock stiffened. Not because she was on her knees. But because the same sweet scent hit me once again. It reminded me of that night. Her desperation. She left me wanting more. In a way, you could say I was addicted. But then again, I would be lying if I said seeing my best friend take the full length of my cock down her throat had no effect on me. In different circumstances, I would have wanted her to do this. Looking up at me with such love. But right now, she looked at me with such disdain. I couldn't help but push my cock down even deeper as punishment. Watching the little furrow in her brow fade away as her eyes roll back in pleasure. Hearing the quick schlicking of her cunt as she fingers herself silly in such a moment.
"What's with that look, huh? Do you really think you're in a position to show me attitude, sweetheart? I own you now... The sooner you learn that the better... Me? Disgusting? I'm not the one sniffing my best friend's clothes... Aw c'mon, don't be mad... You know you love me... Let's make up for lost time... It's okay... Don't be shy... I don't bite... Here... Lemme help you with that... That's it... That's a good girl... All the way to the back of your throat... Right right... As much as you pretend to hate this... Even now... you're still rubbing yourself stupid... Aren't ashamed of yourself? You really are fucking pervert... Does it feel good? Hm? Taking another man's cock in your mouth? Cheating like the filthy whore you are... While he's at home... smiling like an idiot... wondering how lucky he was to land a girl like you..."
I wanted to see a side of her that no one else did. She was loved by all. Something about this raging slut pumping my cock into her mouth with relent brought me euphoria. It was something only I could see. Did she not feel guilty? No. How could I blame her? Interrupting her like that. She must've been so close to a release. I bet she can barely think with how roughly she's fucking herself. I couldn't help but grab her hands. Forcing her to stop. Keeping her eager. Needy for more.
"And what do you think you're doing? I didn't give you permission to cum... But? But what? You're close? And you think I care? Bad... Bad girl... So needy... Does it hurt? Hm? Me stepping on you filthy cunt? Oh? Was that a fucking moan? Did you really get turned on by that? You really are sick... Aw, what's wrong? You wanna get off, don't you? I'm giving you my shoe... Be thankful... Go on... Hump it... That's it... Rub into my shoe... What a fucking slut... grinding and humping as you please... This is so embarrassing for you, isn't it..? A literal bitch in heat... Gonna cum? Yeah? Yeah? And stop... What? You really think I was going to let you cum on my shoe? I'm not a monster... Shhhh you'll get your release..."
Picking her up from the floor; guiding her onto my lap as I lay against the headboard. Instructing her to sit on my lap as her bare pussy pressed my cock. Quickly I grabbed her hips holding them in place to prevent any movement. Only the constant throb of my cock hitting her needy pussy. Leaving her a whimpery mess; mindless I pulled her by the chin giving her a kiss. Soon after her actions reflected mine. Sloppy wet yet gentle kisses; one after the other. Her hips gradually moving in anticipation. Not caring for the consequences to come.
"Needy little brat, aren't you? What? You don't care anymore as long as you get off? Tell me... You missing my kissing? Too dumb to think, huh..."
My mind flooded with her scent as we kissed. My cock reaching the peak of its hardness as her tongue coils mine. It was just like that night. She smelled of strawberries. Desperation. Her lips tasted as sweet as she was at that moment. If only stayed, I would have been the man marrying her. Those thoughts sent me into a spiral. I became greedy. Kissing her with a more intense rhythm. Licking and sucking her tongue. Plunging myself deeper into her moaning mouth. My fingers slowly creeping toward her ass; gently massaging her hole. Her body jerked up in surprise. I continue my assault to keep her busy as I loosened her ass with my middle finger. The tension slowly increasing as she knew my intent. Making the process easier by sliding my finger in her already wet pussy. And once again working on her rear. Her moans turned breathy leaning her head onto my shoulder as I play with her ass.
"Shhh... Shhh... It's okay... You're doing so good for me... Mhm... It's going to hurt a little, but I'll go slow... That's it... Relax... Such a good girl... Look at that... Taking it so well... Does it feel good? Yeah? Can you take another finger? If it hurts too much... You can bite down, alright? There we go... s-slowly... I'm right here, sweetie... It's okay just breathe... Why don't you lay down for me okay?"
Pulling her ass up into the air as I continually pump my fingers into her slutty hole. Spitting and slapping it. Biding my time. Prepping her for my swollen cock. Unholy sounds emanating from my bedroom. It gave me a certain high. Watching her give herself up for me. Rewarding her patience by running my thumb across her clit; sending shockwaves of pleasure I assault both her princess parts. When it was time, I pulled her over placing her onto my lap.
"You know what to do, princess... It's okay take your time... Slowly lower yourself for me... Fuck me... You're so tight... Almost there... Mhm... I won't move I promise... There's no need to cry... I know it hurts... It's over now... As I promised, I'll let you cum... There we go... Does that feel good? Hm? Me rubbing your clit like that?"
Passing the time by making her cum. A literal wave of pleasure soon flooding my lap staining me and my sheets. A smirk painted across my face as she jerked and twitched on my lap. I couldn't quite tell whether she was covering her face due to embarrassment or taking another whiff of my jacket. I wondered.
"Enjoying yourself? Here... Take it... It's my underwear from today... What? You like my scent, don't you? Here... Don't be shy... You look goofy as fuck with my underwear on your face... I'm sorry I'm sorry... Wait... Are you... actually enjoying this? You are, aren't you? I didn't think you could get any wetter but my scent does the trick, huh? God, you're disgusting..."
Pushing her down into the bed; grabbing my underwear to shove into her mouth. After all, we wouldn't want the neighbors hearing her scream as I fuck her ass. Tears ran down her face as I rammed into her. Her spirit slowly breaking with each thrust. I was nearing my climax until I slipped out. You wouldn't believe the little slut pulling her ass pussy apart to invite me in once again. Fucking relentlessly into the ass I trained. My personal anal slut. My mind went feral seeing my cum leak out of her. I used her over and over and over. Making sure to send a little wedding gift home to her boyfriend.
After the incident, she never really talked to me or called me. I guess it's a good thing. If she we ever in my vicinity, the scent of strawberries would probably get hard again. It's troubling enough trying to hide that in public. On my way home, thoughts of her lingered in my head. I was surprised to see her waiting outside my house. She looked a bit antsy or well, scared, as if she's seen a ghost.
"You... okay? Woah woah... It's okay... It's just me... What's up? Can you take a deep breath? I'm not going to fuck in the middle of the streets... What do you want? Your fiance... wants to have a gathering? And he invited me? What a nice guy... I'm starting to feel a little bad... Okay okay, that joke was in poor taste... You know what? You tell him... I'll even host it... Tomorrow... 6 PM to whatever time he wants... You guys can even crash at my place for the night... Alright... See you then..."
I kind of regret saying I'll host everything, but it'll be worth it in the end. I greeted our close friends and even met a couple of new people. By the time it was about to start, there they were the soon-to-married couple. It brought an ick to my stomach. But even then, I played the role of the host. Tending to people's needs. Even if I was busy, my eyes would always find its way back to her. Slowly one after the other people started leaving the party as the clock reached midnight. The fiance was already 8 drinks in and knocking down shot after shot. Luckily enough, I could handle my own when it comes to drinking. It pissed me off seeing him get mad at her for ruining his buzz. I held the temptation of cracking my mug over his head. She sat quietly as the two of us drank. His consciousness slowly fading away. I was tipsy, but not enough to knock me out.
"He's kind of lightweight, don't you think? Okay, I may have given him a drink or two... but I didn't make him guzzle it down... So... You gonna babysit him all night or do you wanna make out in my room?
She was reluctant. But trailed behind me as I gently guided her hand. As soon as the doors closed, I pulled her into me and leaned in for a kiss. This was what I was looking for. There was no hate or doubt. She wanted this as much as me. A kiss as sweet as she was. Not caring for her fiance or for the consequences of getting caught. Just appreciating each other's existence. She falls to her knees; kissing the tip whilst maintaining eye contact. The tip of my cock gently pressed against her lips. Guiding it slowly into her. Watching it disappear from sight. A perfect little mouth pussy to fuck to my heart's content. She quickly got up placing herself comfortably on my bed. Bring her ass up to the air as she's done before. Wriggling it and teasing me as she spreads her pussy apart. A devious little girl. To my surprise, she came prepared. Plugged and wet. Waiting for my cock. And who am I to keep a lady waiting?
"Oh? Well, look at you... Fuck me... Wet already? What? Don't tell me you were waiting for something like this to happen... Such a bad girl... Moaning already... It's just a couple of fingers... Whimper and cry all you want... But you've been dying for me to use this hole, huh? That's why you went ahead and plugged yourself? How sly... Alright... For your wedding gift, I'll fill you to the brim, yeah? Aw, what's wrong? That's just the tip, sweetheart... Any louder you'll wake your hubby up... Unless... that's what you want... You know what? That's a good idea... Why don't we show hubby how much of a fun time we're having without him, yeah?"
Carrying her off to the couch where we first left the husband. Still knocked out cold from the drinks. Moans filling the room. Wet and desperate as she hops carelessly on my cock. Moving her hips in a way that's only meant for her husband. An unholy communion of lustful souls. Load after load. Fucking it deeper and deeper into her without a care. She slowly loses her vigor; resting her poor head on my shoulder. Addicted to my scent. Her hips not giving in just yet for a couple more pleasurable strokes. A few shared kisses. The taste of strawberries lingers on my lips.
A grumble and a mumble as the fiance wakes up from his drunken nap. We've already cleaned up long before he was awake. She probed worryingly about his condition only to be met with a nasty reply. Lifting him by his collar I met his attitude with a punch to the face. I'm not one for violence, but if this was her way of treating her I'd gladly steal her away.
"If you ever hurt her... I'll make sure to cut your hands and legs off... Is that understood? Get the fuck outta here..."
The wedding never did happen. I was a bit of a home wrecker but anything to keep her safe. I haven't seen her much since then. It's just been school and work. As I entered my house, I found hands coiled around my neck pulling me into a kiss. She still has a habit of sneaking into my house.
Did I mention I didn't see her much? Woops. I just meant she went to deal with the remnants of her ruined engagement. But I've never seen her happier hogging all my jackets. I could happily tell you, that I can freely enjoy the taste of strawberries whenever I please from now on.
With love and lust,
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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mackeydoodledoo · 10 days
She Wears Short Skirts, I Wear T-Shirts: Chapter 7
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Pairing: Bridget (Cheerleader AU) x (Fem!)Reader
Chapter Summary: 4 Years.... You hadn't seen her since high school. You really haven't kept in touch with anyone since. You've always been forcing yourself into your music with your bandmates. At the end of another local show, a familiar face faces you again...
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, 2nd Chance Slow-Burn
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, F/n = Friend's name, B/n = Band Name, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Chapter Theme: I2I - Magnolia Park/Disney
A/n: If anyone has heard of 'A Whole New Sound', specifically the chapter's theme - it's amazing.
*Y/n's POV* You rush off of the stage and head to the merch table to help F/n's girlfriend as a line of people begins to build.
It felt odd being back home...
Since graduating high school, and the tour right after the fact, your band moved to the city, and put out an EP. F/n and her girlfriend are engaged...
Life's crazy.
Popularity was steady. You go to other towns to open, and open at venues in the city...
You help her break down the merch stand as your bandmates bring the packed stuff to their cars.
"Great show," A very familiar voice makes you stop in your tracks
"Oh... It's you..." F/n sighs, rolling her eyes, "You might want to take this one..."
As if you didn't have a guess on who it could be. F/n takes the last merch bin from your hands as you stare blankly into the car via trunk.
"Y/n, I know you can hear me," Her voice says
You slowly turn around, stiff. However, lightly gasp.
It was Bridget...
It definitely didn't look like her...
But it was her.
Her pink hair? Gone.
Bright, peppy style? Watered down to less brighter clothing.
"Bridget...." You say
Awkward silence other than your condensed breathing...
"That's all you have to say to me?" She asks
You shut your friend's trunk and brush past her.
"I don't have time for this right now Bridget," You wave her off over your shoulder
"But, I do," She says, following behind you
"You can speak now while I finish upbringing these out," You say, picking up one last container
"No, I want to speak to you face to face," She says
"I can't bear to look at you right now," You sigh, putting the container in the bassist's truck bed, "Now go home. I'm sure Hook isn't pleased you're here to see me."
"Yeah... About that..." She sighs
"What?" You scoff, "Hook cheat on you or something?"
You turn when she doesn't answer right away. So you turn to look at her but the tension in your body goes away when you see her nails nearly clawing at her elbows, and her lip quivering.
"Get in," is what comes out of your mouth
I might regret this....
She walks over to your passenger seat and gets in with no other words exchanged.
"Y/n!" F/n whisper-hisses
You look over and see them throwing their arms in the air; 'what the fuck?!' written on their face. Your face contorts with; 'I might regret this..' You walk to the drivers side and get into it. You drive off from the venue, going to your go-to late-night food stop.
"Ahh, Y/n, long time no see," The manager smiles, "I'll get your usual ready."
"I have Bridget with me too," You say
"Ahh, I'll get her usual ready as well!" He adds
The sliding door closes for a moment before he opens it to take your card to cash out the order.
"You know, in the last four years, Bridget comes to this place and orders whatever she got the first time you've brought her here," He tells you, giving your card back
You sit and wait for him to bring back the food.
"Hook never approved, so I had always gone here on my own when I'm home for the weekend," Bridget confesses
"Of course he didn't," You sigh, "It's practically soul food. Really hits the spot after a long day."
After getting food, you stop in the downtown pavilion.
"How often do you come home?" You ask, "Just to eat this food?"
"Mostly every weekend..." She answers, fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve, "Part of me hoping to see you here...."
"Well, if you must know, I have my own place in the city now," You say
"Is that so?" She sighs, sounding sad
"Well, I'm not driving back there tonight," You add, "Need a bit of a scenic change..."
"Oh... What about your music?" She asks
"We're kinda taking a break," You answer, "We've just been doing our local shows. Had to cap off ticket sales when we hit the capacity."
"Well, lucky me then," Bridget says, "I try to get into the small, local shows... But, only been lucky this one time..."
"Oh... You still follow our socials then?..." You say
"You sound upset about that..." Bridget says
"No, I'm not upset. Just surprised about it," You clarify, "You know, after Hook, at least from what I've seen, wouldn't let you listen to anything pertaining to the band. Especially me. If it's okay to ask, what... Happened between the two of you?"
She puts her food down and sighs, trying to find where to begin...
"You really don't have to start way back when," You say, "Just when you found out or whatever..."
"Okay," She says, "Basically, I walked into his apartment, wanting to surprise him after I came back from my culinary internship.... Saw a girl sitting on the couch next to him; his arm wrapped around her any everything..."
"Ouch," You say
"Blocked him on everything," She continues, "But, saw his pathetic apologies before then."
Well, now she knows how I felt about simply seeing her with Hook after winter break...
"How long ago?" You ask
"Last month," She answers, "At least, I found out last month."
"Ouch, harder," You sigh, "You two weren't living together right?"
"No, I wanted my own place," She says
"Must have been hard for Hook," You say, "Or not. I don't know."
"Might not have been," She tries to not cry
"Where'd your pink hair go?" You ask, changing the subject
"Felt too connected to high school," She says, wiping emerging tears
"Come on, you were the most popular girl in the halls," You say
"Ended up not feeling worth it," She says
"Hmm... Is blonde your natural hair color?" You ask
She nods, "Who in their right mind would go around, saying that their natural hair color is pink?"
"No one," You chuckle, "Do you... Still do cheerleading?"
"Yeah, at Auradon University," She answers, "Not the captain but it's nice not having so much responsibility on your shoulders for a change. You should come to a game. The girls would be ecstatic to find out I know someone in a bad they love."
"Oh?" You ask, "They love my friends and I?"
"Oh, absolutely, I never hear the end of it," She says, "I wanted to say that I went to high school with two of the members, but I got scared that if I do, I'd be asked so many questions. I also hadn't seen you until tonight..."
"Hmmm..." You say, "Well, I just might make an appearance. I have to make sure it'll fit into my schedule."
"You would do that?" She asks
"Why not make them jealous?" You joke
You pull into her driveway... Taking you back down memory lane.
"Thanks for... Driving me home," She sighs into a smile
"You're welcome," You slightly smile, "I'll possibly see you around."
As you reach back home, you greet your parents, and head off to your room. As soon as you flop into bed, you see a text from F/n.
Dude, are you serious? What? You seriously drove around with Bridget?! I thought you weren't on a talking basis with her. She revealed some shit I'm not disclosing. It seemed pretty serious. Ugh I cannot believe you sometimes. My life, I'll fuck it up my way. Just.... Be careful this time. I will.
You throw on your pajamas and see a text from Bridget.
Hey... Hey, you doing okay? Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you were doing anything tomorrow. Not that I know of. Why? There's a fall market somewhere in the city that I've always wanted to go to. Care to join me? Oh the Central Fall Market. Sure. I can take you to one of my favorite places down there too. I'd like that :) See you tomorrow Yeah. Goodnight Y/n, thanks. For what? A lot of things.
You plug your phone in and adjust yourself into your bed comfortably and lay there until your eyes grew heavy.
You put on your warmest jacket.. You were kinda excited to finally go to the market, but nervous on how it will go with Bridget.
"Careful honey," Your mom says
"You know I will," You say
You drive a few doors down to her house; Bridget waiting for you on her porch. Almost immediately she runs to your car with barely any time to put the car in park.
You find decent parking and the both of you begin walking to the marketplace.
"Have you been here yet?" She asks
"Not yet," You answer, "I'm really more about the oddities things, not the cutesy market kind of thing."
You watch as she rushes to a random stand....
"Hey I'm going to look around a bit," You whisper in her ear
She turns to you and nearly gasps at how close you were to her face. Your eyes move to her lips but quickly move back up to her eyes. You clear your throat as you walk to the stand that caught your eye.
You see crotched things. You pick up a few of them and hand the vendor your money.
"Thanks Y/n," They say
"Oh, you know my name?" You ask them
"I follow your band," She mentions, "Been to a few shows here and there. Ya'll are a vibe."
"Thanks," You simply say and then walk away
You walk back over to Bridget, who was now eyeing some bar soap. You tap her shoulder and she turns to you. You hold up a paper bag and the second she looks into it, she squeals. In the midst of her excitement, she gives you a kiss on the cheek. You stand there as you watch Bridget happily moves onto the next area.
The both of you find a hot chocolate stand and you buy to chocolate for the both of you. The only open seating was a loveseat in the corner, near the window.
"Sorry," She says
"For?" You ask, trying to keep yourself composed as much as possible
"Making you uncomfortable," She says, "You're all stiff. That's not good for the cold."
She swings her arm around your shoulder and leans you back into the couch with her.
"I've kinda missed moments like these," She confesses, "Hook never wanted to do the simple things like these.... Saw them as boring and rather go to a party instead."
"Have you gone to some?" You ask
"A few... The types if parties he takes me to... Aren't for me," She says
"That sucks," You sigh, "What kind of thing... Do you like?"
"Simple strolls through the market," She gestures to what the both of you were doing, "The simpler things. You're a whole celebrity, and yet you're making the time to do these things."
"Well, like I said, my friends and I are on a break from music," You clarify, "Performing is on a 'need openers' basis."
"Still, you're the popular one now," She chuckles
"I don't care about popularity," You say, "People here know when to treat a musician like a regular person. They'll acknowledge me, ask for a photo or auto here and there. But, have yet to be stalked."
"Hope not," She says, "About the stalking part."
"Hmm..." You sigh, leaning onto her shoulder
The both of you watch as people begin filing out to the city.
"Hungry yet?" You ask
"A little, yeah," She answers, "Taking me to that place you were talking about?"
"Yep, come on, let's get food," You stand, holding your hand out to her
You watch as she slightly smiles, takes your hand and stands up after you.
You park your car in the lot and get out, waiting for Bridget to follow.
"Hey Y/n!" The hostess greets you as soon as you walk in the door, "Just you again?"
"Actually...." You say, stepping to the side, revealing Bridget
"Oh! You've finally brought a date!" She grabs a few menus, "Follow me."
"Date?" Bridget whispers, following behind you
"Oh, it's nothing," You try to play it off
"We're one of the only places open late, so she always comes here," The hostess continues talking, "She mentioned someone she had a crush on, hoping to bring her here one day."
"Okay thanks!" You raise your voice
She snickers and she walks away.
"What was that about?" She asks, sitting across from you
"Since moving here, I've needed to find a new post-concert food stop over here," You explain, "This is the place."
"Cheating on your hometown post-concert food place are we?" She teases you
"Hey, doesn't count if I'm not there all the time," You argue
"Fair point," She sighs
The both of you order food.
"What did the hostess mean by 'you finally brought a date'?" She asks
"Like she said, I mentioned wanting to bring a specific person here," You say
"Is that... Person me?" She asks
"Maybe, maybe not," You take a sip of your drink
*Bridget's POV* She chuckles as she leans back into the chair and sips her drink. You look at her wrist; a tattoo.
"I noticed you had a sleeve," You point out, "What is it?"
"You'll see eventually," She replies
A waitress comes with some food and she continues leaning back in her chair.
"What?" You ask
"Take the first bite," She tells you, "I want to see your reaction."
You take the food off the plate and take the first bite. Your mouth waters as you take another, and another...
*Y/n's POV* "See?" You chuckle, beginning to eat, "Hits the spot after a gig down here."
"Does this place have any other locations?" Bridget asks
"Not that I know of. Hey, W/n, is there any other locations of this place?" You call your waitress over
"Probably in the next city over.... Auradon, I think," She answers
"Oh! I'll have to check out that one too," Bridget says, 'I attend Auradon University."
"Ugh, that prep college for rich snobby kids?" She scoffs
"Hey hey, Bridget, isn't a rich snobby kid," You defend her
"I'm so sorry Y/n," She raises her hands in defeat, "I didn't realize that your girlfriend... Was..."
Your eyes widen and you give her the stare of; 'go.' So she doeskin most likely going to figure out how to earn your forgiveness.
"Girlfriend?" Bridget blushes
"She's at Vill Isle University," You explain, "Auradon's biggest rival."
"I don't care about being called rich or snobby," She says, "She called me your girlfriend."
Of all things....
"Sometimes people say things under stress," You explain, "Plus, they all like me in here. I'm basically a regular."
The both of you finish dinner and begin driving back to your hometown.
"We have a show coming up next weekend in the city if you want to go," You say
"I'd love to," She replies, "But, it looked like it was sold out..."
"I can get you an all access pass," You blurt out
"You'd... Do that?" She asks
"Yeah," You say, "You'd have to just give them your ID to verify you're the person that's on the list. I'll get it taken care of tomorrow."
"Thank you," She says
You walk Bridget to her front door.
"Thanks for today," She says, "I honestly needed it."
"Good," You sigh
"I'm sorry," She says
"For?...." You ask, as if you didn't have a guess
"High school shit," She says
"Don't worry about it," You say, rolling your eyes, "That was awhile ago and-"
"No, I need to apologize for it," She says, "There-there had been a lot and-"
"Hey whoa slow down," You say, cupping her cheek
She stops...
"Why don't we talk about it another day then?" You suggest
She nods.
You sigh as you gently kiss her forehead. You saw the flush flooding to her cheeks. You clear your throat as you slowly retract your hand, putting it back down to your side.
*Bridget's POV* "Uhm, goodnight Bridget," She waves you off
You watch her leave your driveway and back down the road. The feel of her forehead kiss lingers.
Chapter 8
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Belle
(Edit-put my original picture for her under the cut)
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(So this one does rely somewhat on the backstories made up for my DisneyVerse versions of the parents of both Belle and the Beast. But I think it still has good precedent because of the whole Belle and Rumplestiltskin thing that happens in OUAT)
In the Darkside version of Belle's tale, Felipe never makes it back to the village to let Belle know something has happened to Maurice, either he gets lost in the woods, or the wolves find him again. And so Belle waits patiently for him to return. Waits, and waits, and waits…
Finally a month has passed, and Belle is desperate to find out what's happened to her father. With no way to know where along his journey he went missing though, she has no way to know where to start looking. And the town isn’t too worried about chasing after “Crazy Old Maurice”, gone into the blue.
Her own circumstances are getting dire as well, without Maurice there to bring in their little income from helping repair the villages various items, her resources are running low. She's taken in sewing or whatever small work people might give her, but its a small town after all, and the people are used to doing their own labor, and couldn't pay her much besides.
The kinder townsfolk give her what they can, but with winter coming on they've got to look out for themselves and their own families
Of course, there's always Gaston's ready offer of marriage, but Belle isn't that desperate. Yet.
Her refusals don't stop him from coming over and offering nearly every day, and they certainly spur him into making sure the town gets the idea that Belle is "too proud to accept charity, don't bother giving her any supplies"
So the winter closes in, Belle finds herself colder and hungrier, and her firewood is getting low. Finally, she bundles up as warmly as she can, and braves her way into the forest to gather what wood she can.
And in the glamor of the sudden snow, she too becomes lost within the trees.
The cold closes in around her. Deep and biting. The trees seem to twist around her, and finally she trips and falls, losing her axe beneath the snow that's piling higher and higher. She has no idea where she is or where to go, as the darkness deepens
Then suddenly, a light. Just ahead of her in the trees, flickering like a flame. She manages to stumble towards it. Following the dance of the light as it seems to lead her onwards, almost beckoning. Every bit of her is numb, but at last she makes it to the door of a ruined looking old tower. And inside, lounging by a roaring fire, is someone, something, between a man and a beast. It bears the shape of a man, but it's skin is mottled green, like the stuffed crocodile she'd once seen hanging in a church as a girl. It's eyes are black as coal, save for the irises, which shine-- like it's hair--like burning gold.
"Hello there Dearie", the being says, with a smile that glitters like a row of needles in the firelight. "Won't you come in? What is it that brings such a pretty young thing out into these dark and dangerous woods?"
Too numb with cold to feel fear, too desperate for warmth to think with caution, Belle accepts the offer, and lulled by the warmth of the fire and the being's careful coaxing, she begins to tell her tale. Her missing father, her growing desperation as Gaston drove away those who might have helped her, the dwindling food and firewood. And through it all the being listens, sympathizes, and finally, offers it's aid:
"For a price of course"
Belle is not put off by this caveat. She has read enough to know of Les Fées and the bargains they often make. She knows of the tricks and traps they lay. She also knows that at this point, she has little left to lose.
And so she agrees to make a bargain with this strange Imp
“You don’t know it, but there’s a power in you dearie. Flowing in your veins, deep down, like an underground spring. I can teach you to draw it up, so that you’ll never know weakness nor want again. You’ll be able to do all the things you ever dreamed of dearie, fulfill every wish—even finding your father”
The promise of this wished for dream above all lights a fire inside of Belle hotter than the one she sits by, but she asks warily: “And, what is it you get out of this?”
“Let’s just say that I’ll have the opportunity to pay something forward”
So Belle begins her lessons, she has always been a swift student. Drawing out the latent fairy magic that lies sleeping within her, waiting to be called forth. In another life she might have discovered it with the help of a more benign teacher. But that is not this life. And she learns to call forth her power through the lens of her fear, frustration, and anger over the willingness of that small and small minded town to so easily cast her and her father aside.
Time passes differently within the environs of the old stone tower. When Belle finally leaves, for her months have gone by, and yet as she reaches the edge of the forest, clad in a gown of midnight blue, her eyes dark as the winter sky above her, she perceives that less than a day has passed since she entered the woods, seeking wood to keep back the cold.
She has no need of warmth anymore.
She reaches out with the power she has learned to yield, seeking the bonds of blood and love that link her to her father. She sees them, feels them, faintly running through the forest. She follows them through the trees, unafraid of the wolves that once would have stalked her, and now slink away in fear at her approach.
She follows them to the gates of a vast and terrible castle, echoing with dying magic, a curse reaching completion she thinks, with the new arcane knowledge she holds. But she does not think on that, but on following the call. Through the door, along empty passages,up the winding stairs, to a jail cell atop a tower. Where lies the frozen body of her father, long gone.
Belle’s grief consumes her, feeding the cold flames of her power. She stalks through the halls, seeking the one who locked her father away, who left him to his fate.
She finds him at last, a snarling beast, crouched around a bell jar that holds a rose, with but one petal left upon it. Magic swirls about it, the center of the web that binds this place. Once Belle might have been curious, wished to learn the secrets of this place, and it’s strange enchanted inhabitants.
Now, she wishes only for revenge
The beast is strong and fierce, savage, the last vestiges of human thought quickly fading away as the curse nears completion, for he has never learned to love, nor earn love in return. But for all his brute strength, he is still only a mortal, and once more finds himself overpowered by a sorceress’s magic
When Belle leaves the castle, crumbling into smoking ruins behind her, she holds in her hands a staff, grown from the dying stem of a rose; once the blushing pink of hopeful love, hope that withered as its petals fell, now burst forth into bloom, the deep dark blue of a winters sky, of a heart gone dark and cold.
She walks steadfastly, resolutely towards the small town she had once called home. There are more scores to settle. Somewhere on the wind, she thinks she hears the echo of the Imp’s laughter…
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Jogo x Reader
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Your favorite Disney character is Mike Wazoski, you were voted most likely to need anger management or you're secretly Squidward Tentacles
First Date:
You decided to take a break from your stroll and sit down on a park bench. You were in your eighties and nearly blind at this point but you thought that you were doing pretty well for someone that wasn't locked up in an old folks home. You then heard the sound of laughter. Ah, children. Gone were the days of your youth  "It's nice to see kids playing outside instead of being on their gizmos."
Your hearing aids then picked up something. "Hey granny, you can see me?" It was the boy you heard laughing earlier. "My eye sight isn't what it used to be but yes, I can make out various shapes. "Hmm... You've got a strong soul grandma, I can see it!" You were flattered. "Why thank you young man. Would you like some candy?" The boy pouted. "I don't think I'm supposed to take candy from strangers. Tell you what, I'll give you my name so then we'll know each other. I'm Mahito. Nice to meet you!"
You tried to give Mahito some candy but he politely refused. "I think you need it more than I do. Don't old people have lower nutrients?" He seemed to be asking himself rather than you. "Ah! Here granny! Take some of my home made candy!" He then dropped some small drops into your palms. The texture was strange and it almost felt like skin but you didn't want to be rude so you accepted the gift and placed them in your purse."
Guess she can't hear their cries due to her hearing. Too bad..." Mahito uttered to himself. "What was that son?" He stopped blowing bubbles and then came up with a plan on the spot. "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet my family! I think they would really enjoy your company. What do you say?" You smiled and gave a nod. "All right Mahito, let's go find them." The curse walked ahead of you and began to maniacally grin. "Jogo, Jogo... You shouldn't have screwed me over while we were playing monopoly... I'm going to make you regret being born!"
Mahito brought you to the play ground and walked over to the slide area. Kenjaku raised an eyebrow but made no attempt to stop him. "This is my family grandma!" You walked over to the man Mahito was closest to. "You have such a wonderful son. You must be so proud. He even gave me candy!" Mahito was trying not to burst from laughter while Kenjaku began to respond. "Unfortunately he's not my son. I'm more of a care taker. He has no patents sadly." You gasped. "How unfortunate."
"Yes, well luckily I'm a father myself so I thought it would be best to add him to the family." How sweet. "That's so kind of you. If you don't mind me asking, where are your other children?" The man's eyes narrowed at Mahito, giving him a look that said 'be grateful I haven't eaten you yet'. "My son's are currently enrolled in high school. They used to be home schooled but we thought it would be better if they were closer with their youngest half brother. Yuji is a growing boy after all and I'm sure that his nine brothers will help his potential grow."
Wow. Nine kids? You started to wonder how all of them could attend school but decided it was better not to ask. They might be more children from a previous relationship or at the very worst, some of them might be have been held back a grade or two. "Mahito, why don't you introduce them to the rest of the family?" The curse gulped and quickly got the point.
As you walked away, the thousand year old brain was happy to finally be rid of you and your irritating questions about his previous failures (children). Mahito then introduced you to his next "family member". "This is Hanami. He doesn't speak our language unfortunately but I can translate for you." The curse then started to speak it's strange language. "He says that he'll be sure to bring lots of beautiful flowers to your grave once you pass."
You chuckled nervously. You didn't think you were in that bad of a state yet. Next Mahito introduced you to Dagon. He told you that he was their beloved dog and that was why he was so large. You could hardly see as it was so of course you bought it. "And finally..." Mahito then walked up to the sleeping curse and began dumping mentos into its volcano head. Suddenly there was magma and the curse was stringing profanities at the boy. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, MAHITO!?"
"Oh my. Did it suddenly got hotter? The forecast called for cooler weather today. I suppose I'll need to take my sweater off." Jogo's eye then opened wide. "Granny, this is my old man. Grandpa, say hello!" Jogo then tried to use his domain expansion but Mahito quickly cut off his head. "If you know what's good for you then behave or I'll use your head to play soccer again..." The curse relented. He didn't need to be told twice.
Jogo grit his teeth and glared at you. "H-hello..." Mahito then kept pestering him. "And what...?" Jogo sighed. "Ni-ice to m-meet y-you..." The younger curse began to laugh. "See? That wasn't so hard! Now I'm off to go get some groceries old man so you better behave! See you both later!"
Now it was just the two of you. "Huh? What's that awful racket?" You couldn't hear as well as Jogo did. "I believe it's coming from your purse... May I check it?..." You promptly handed over your bag. The curse opened it and found the source of his complaints. "That damn punk!" He took the "candy" out of your bag and quickly incinerated it. "You can have this back now."
"Your grandson is so sweet!" Jogo scoffed. "Don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth!"
"Well, he can't be that bad if he's yours."
"You don't even know me..." You laced your fingers with his palm. "Then let me get to know you..."
Over the few hours the two of you began to bond. You both loved nature, preferred to relax. You even both hated those kids that always skate on the sidewalk. "You're the first hum- I mean, person I can relate to. Maybe the human race isn't so bad..."
Suddenly two boys came running towards you. "MAHITO!""Here granny. Try some of the jerky I brought!" You went to reach for a piece but the other boy was quicker and scarfed them all down. "Mahito... How many fingers did you let him eat..." The curse whistled. "Dunno, I lost count after five. Well, I'm done. Later Jogo!" You stared at the unconious boy. "We need to call an ambulance!""... Listen carefully... You need to step back..."
You didn't understand what he was talking about and then something happened. "Hey, I think he's starting to wake!" Jogo tried his best not to shit himself (can curses shit?). "We're doomed..."
"I see you think pretty highly of yourselves..." Jogo immediately began to bow. "Hey! You better follow my lead or you're as good as dead!" You however refused to comply. You stood in front of the boy and waved your finger in his face. "Why I never! Back in my day, children respected the older generations! Youth these days are so arrogant! You need to be taught some manners my boy!"
Kenjaku stood on the sidelines with a bucket of popcorn in his hand. Internally Jogo was screaming "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!" "Wench, it is you who do not know your place. If anything, I'm far older than you. If I were in my true form, I would not even eat you, your body being nothing but a rotting sack of bones at this point. For you I have something else in store. I haven't used this since the Heian era. Domain expansion, elder abuse!"
Suddenly your right ankle had been slashed causing you to fall over. "My leg! Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" The king of Curses chuckled. "What's this Karen? Didn't you say that you were going to put me in my place?" You desperately tried to use your cane and swat him with it. "That's it! C'mon, try harder!" You then moved to bash his kneecaps. Sukuna swiftly doged it. "Keep trying!"
It was ten minutes later and you were still writhing on the floor in agony. "Pathetic..." You reached your hand over to Jogo. "I'm glad to have met you. You remind me of the boy my granddaughter fell in love with. They would often play chess..." With your last ounce of strength, you opened up your locket and showed him a picture of the couple. It looked like a blind girl and a ninja turtle? It must be that ant curse that Geto was talking about.
The next thing Jogo knew and your head had been crushed underneath Sukuna's foot. "Know your place... Fool!" Jogo's heart had been crushed just like your brain. The curse began to fall over and go into cardiac arrest. "I thought you would stand proud and face me? I guess you aren't that strong after all." Sukuna was about to finish off the curse until his old brain buddy showed up. "Hey, Sukuna. Mind if I take this one?" After receiving the go ahead, Kenjaku began to vore down the weakened curse.
Sukuna smirked. "Kenjaku always does the grossest things!" Kenny then walked right on up towards Mahito. "You see that? That's what will happen to you if you pull another stunt like this again!" Mahito had won but at what cost? 
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unniekiwi · 2 years
𝗝𝗶𝗺 𝗛𝗮𝘄𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝘅 𝗚𝗡! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗛 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥.
This one-shot was not created by me, all credit to the respective author, which is AkiraDubs, so let's separate his work from what he has done... Which was terrible, but I did this work when nothing had happened yet…¿? anyway, he deleted the video from his channel.
Feel free to change the gender of Y/N. In principle, it's ideally created for women but everyone is free to read whatever they want, about whatever they want. &lt;3
Since Treasure Planet is my favorite Disney movie and didn't get the love it deserved, I decided to write this translation, which I've really enjoyed writing, since I ✨ADORE✨ Jim.
✨let your imagination create a scene next to a real Jim.✨
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
You have just arrived on a planet where the weather was not… the best… Don't get it wrong, you love the rain, but it is very dangerous to go boating while the storm is raging, meanwhile, you and your cadet friend Jim were inside the big hull, sitting in a sailboat. Jim was very upset since he warned Captain Amelia and Silver that it would be a bad idea to come to this planet. They ignored him. And you understand their anger.
-Well, here we go again. - he pronounces annoyed for the fourth time that day.
-What did I tell you? I knew it would be a bad idea to come to this planet. And what happened? A storm. - He sighs trying to calm down. - I told them already, if only they would listen to me! - he growls angrily as he walks.
-We wouldn't be in this situation if they would just listen to me. - he sighs again. - But they won't. Because they only see me as a child, that's what I'll be to them, a child. - He says indignantly and sulkily as he sits down abruptly on the sailboat.
-Well… I don't see you as a child. You're smarter than you look. - you say with a smile as you delicately sit down in front of him.
-Thank you, I appreciate it. You're probably the only one who thinks that way about me. - he says smiling the same way you do.
-The only one? No one else? - You ask laughing as you shake your head at the second question.
-Yes. - He says looking at you while you are surprised. - I mean, my mother, don't get me wrong! I love her…but… I feel like she doesn't trust me…. - he says pausing for a moment.
-You know, I can't do anything without her worrying, and yeah. That's what a mother would do, isn't it? I mean…I'm her only child but…I just…I want to explore the world and stuff. I know how fast and gigantic the universe is… I just want to see every part of it. - looks up at you to let out a sigh. There was a slightly awkward silence for a few moments, but Jim continued the conversation.
-I never thought I'd be on an adventure like this. - he says, trying to defuse the situation.
-I probably didn't think I'd be on this adventure either. - you look amused, laughing a little.
-You too? - he says answering surprised, laughing softly.
-That makes two of us. I'm glad we can relate to each other in some way. - he says, laughing with you. But now he brings up another topic of conversation.
-So. What are we going to do now that this storm is happening? - He asks you to answer honestly.
-Whatever shit Silver's got on his mind- you end up saying, scratching your head.
-Yeah… Silver has no good idea. - replies to the comment about the old cyborg.
-What do you think he's going to do? I mean I'd love to know your opinion. - you ask with a mischievous grin.
-My guess? - he says looking at you with his arms behind his head, as you nod your head. - He's probably going to try to make us wait until he's finished. I don't think this is going to clear up for the next few days. - he replies leaning back with his eyes closed.
-What do you mean? - you ask in a confused and frightened tone, nothing good is going through that old cyborg's head. He opens his eyes slowly and stands upright again.
-What, what am I trying to say? Oh, that we're stuck here, tch. If the storm doesn't clear up…. - he thinks and proceeds to close his eyes, he was really tired. - I don't think it will clear up for a while at least, so we could just relax, and make ourselves comfortable, with nothing else to do. - He replies.
-Sounds good to me. - You smile since Silver has been blowing you guys up since day one, a little rest is appreciated. But you change your mind to ask him something that has been on your mind since this morning, he's not usually so loose, something's wrong with him? It seems as if he is thinking about something. So you worry about him and ask him.
-Jim? - he opens only one eye and looks at you.
-How have you been feeling lately? - you ask, looking at him seriously but with affection and understanding.
-How have I been feeling? I don't know, some days I feel good… and other days I feel trapped… - he says as he looks down at his hands.
-I feel like even if I wanted to take over the ship… I wouldn't even know where to go. - He looks into your eyes with confidence but it reflects how broken he is inside.
-I want to do the right thing and I want to make the right decision. I mean, I don't want to hurt anyone… I don't want to disappoint anyone either, I just feel like I've been a big disappointment. - He says sadly looking away, you nod understanding his feelings and how he feels.
-I can't make him happy. I can't make her happy. I can't make anyone happy. I can't even make myself happy. - already as he finishes he looks at you sadly. You felt horrible for knowing how he feels, but you really appreciate that he's confident enough to tell you what he's going through. - So… here I am… Just here. - To break your heart even more, he puts on a sad smile as he plays with his fingers to calm the anxiety.
-You know… - he looks you in the eyes and you walk over to the side he's sitting on. - You really do. You make me very happy. - you sit down next to him and now smiling next to him.
-Do I make you happy? - he says now with a little lift in his spirits. - Oh come on, you don't have to say that. - he laughs a little, looking away to hide the rosy color on his cheeks.
You just nod your head, you really weren't lying, you've learned so much and had so much fun with him that how could you not be fond of him?
-Really? - he asks you again to make sure. And you nod again.
-Yes? - He asks again, to which you say YES again. -Okay. Well… You make me happy too. - he confesses looking at you with his blue orbs and smiling with a blush on his cheeks.
- Really? - you ask surprised, excited, smiling, and blushing. You are thrilled that the feeling is mutual.
-Yes, you do. - he says laughing a little at your reaction. - I mean. - He takes a breath and calms down. - Sometimes you can be a little bossy …and… you always want to be right. - he finishes intuiting what you were going to say annoyed.
-That's a lie. - you jump at him while crossing your arms.
- Yes! You always want to be right. - he says again, stinging you and being sincere.
- That's not true. - Indignant, you look at him angrily.
- Yeah. Right. Whatever helps you sleep at night - He says resignedly with his shoulders. Now you could only hear the sound of loud lightning and rain, the atmosphere was quite nice, if you can describe it that way. Jim stares at you for a few moments and while smiling, opens his left arm in welcoming mode.
-Come here. - He welcomes you warmly in his arms and you settle your head on his shoulder, he imitates you and rests his head on yours. You felt a feeling that you missed… Feeling at home. His embrace gave so many appreciative vibes to your being, you just smiled along with him. His vanilla and coconut smell was comforting like eating something warm on a cold day, that made you relax enough to settle more into him.
-Thank you. - he says smiling while stroking your hair. - I needed to hear that. It's just… sometimes I get stuck in my mind and I don't know who I am. -
- It's normal to feel that way. I understand. - You comfort him as you nod and he continues talking, running his hand through your hair.
- But, what I do know is that… as long as you're here, maybe one day… everything will make sense, you know…? - he sighs looking at your e/c eyes and you smile at him.
-Of course it will Jimbo. -
-Yeah, someday. -
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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slocumjoe · 1 year
I think a body swap could be interesting to see with sole and the companions especially with differences in body or faction would you mind giving it a try?
I did this for one (1) specific meme
Disney Channel Strikes Again
Cait; ends up in X6-88 and has a surprisingly good time. For one, he hasn't treated his body like a amusement park you can't get kicked out of. Secondly, he's literally made to be a prime specimen. Mostly just wanders around, amazed at how much better she feels. She's not even bothered by the change of scenery, so to speak. She's way too excited to see what it's like not having joint pain and constant chills. And his head doesn't hurt! And his reflexes are amazing, it's like she can see, hear, feel everything around her before it even happens. She would take the opportunity to take the Courser life for a joyride, but being in his body, Cait gets a firsthand look at just how fucked she could be when they switch back, and wisely decides to take it easy.
Curie; gets to see what life is like for Hancock. Horrified. Traumatized. Disgusted. Confused. Curious. Intrigued. For one, getting such a personal experience as a ghoul is useful, and she does enjoy the learning experience. On the other hand, Hancock is one of those people that's treats his body like its a bumper car, and Curie is not. She has to figure out what the dull pain in her head is from. Is that a symptom of being a ghoul, or is it from his excessive chem usage, lack of sleep, and refusal to drink water? Then it's the frailness. Hancock isn't fragile, but he is scrawny, where Curie eats and rests more. She has weight, Hancock doesn't. The fun part happens when withdrawal kicks in. After the debacle, Hancock finds himself a few pounds heavier, hydrated, well-rested, and with no urge to take chems. Curie basically tidied his health up for him while he was out. And is adamant he try to maintain it.
Danse; gets to live as Preston for a bit. And the funny thing is, since both of them are insomniac workaholics who don't pay attention to their physical needs, Danse didn't notice until he went to work in the garage, and didn't recognize the hand he was using. Danse takes this the worst. Not only does he not want the person who got his body to have his body, he doesn't want to have a body that isn't his own body. He's already been through this. That didn't go well. The whole time, Danse is in a crisis. It's not fun to watch yourself from an outside perspective. But as for the body, the only thing that bothered him was that it wasn't his.
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Deacon gets Gage and continues as normal.
Gage; gets to be Piper for a day and also has a bad time. For one, her caffeine/sugar/nicotine addiction is more like a phantom haunting his every waking moment, and he finds it hard to think if he doesn't have at least one of them in his system. Her system? Whatever. Secondly, being a woman in the wasteland sucks major ass. He knew that before. Getting to live it for a time turns him into a passionate man-hater. Also, it's just fucking weird to be 20 again. He can feel the bad decisions of the 20 year old brain, whispering just beneath his 40 year old sensibilities. Once they're back in their respective bodies, claps her on the shoulder and tells her it gets better. Its maybe the first time he's expressed sympathy in his life.
Hancock; ends up in Danse. Hancock hates it as much as Danse does, but...for an unexpected reason. See, Hancock is a creature of...indulgence. Whims. Desires. And Danse is...Hancock never saw him that way, because, y'know, they fucking hate each other, but in this circumstance, when Danse isn't Danse...he ain't ugly, thats for damn sure. So, Hancock was neutral to the concept, until he looked down and got to see the view. This infuriates Hancock. Why does the technofascist get triple-J cups? And then he couldn't do chems, because...well, not his body to treat like a bumper car. And then he got to experience a war vet's PTSD throughout his time. Hancock isn't jumpy. Being jumpy at things he, himself, found normal was a trip. Hancock is all too happy to get out. Especially since Curie took his body to the dry cleaners.
MacCready; switches with Cait. Much like Danse and Preston, Mac and Cait have similar bodies and physical sensations. So, didn't notice until someone addressed him as Cait. MacCready is the one to suffer the most dysphoria, and finds he really isn't comfortable in a lady's body, despite his wildest fantasies as a horny teenager. He tries to ignore it, but it's the little things. Moving your arms feels different when there's a pouch of fat on either pectoral. Moving your legs feels different with nothing in-between. He also tries to be as respectful as possible and refuses to piss, so Cait ends up nearly pissing herself when she gets back in. She both does and doesn't appreciate it.
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Piper; gets MacCready and knows the moment it happens. How does she know? Piper is a clean freak who's kind of obsessive over her hygiene. One second with MacCready's body and she knew something was dreadfully wrong. If she were a bolder, less considerate person, she'd take his body and walk through a car wash. As it stands, grants him that privacy. She just strips to his underwear, power brushes his teeth, and scrubs everywhere that isn't private with a washcloth and soap until his skin is red. MacCready doesn't appreciate this. Everyone else does.
Preston; is Deacon and mostly unbothered. Mostly. Aside from the what the fuck is happening, Deacon is not the worst person to bodyswap with. He's decently clean, he's of average health. And besides, Preston spends most of his time trying to calm down Danse, who is living in a nightmare. He doesn't get a lot of time to freak out himself. He's just trying to keep Danse from offing himself, because he's in Preston's body. And Preston needs that back, man.
X6-88; gets to live as tiny, soft little Curie, and hates it. She's so short. Her hands are useless. She's lacks agility and endurance. Her voice is akin to a baby lamb. It's horrible. People make googoo eyes at him, speak like he's a startled puppy, and if they're really dumb, make unwanted advances. Curie never has to deal with suitors again. X6-88 scares them all off. He chases Cait as himself down and threatens murder-suicide if she so much as gets him scratched. He might have hated the experience, but seeing Curie act like X6 was a treat for all who ever wondered what she'd be like if she snapped.
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viisator · 1 year
Arguement with Shen Ricky
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Title: Arguement with Shen Ricky
Pairing: Shen Ricky X F!Reader
Genre: Friends to lovers
Warning: Mention of s*x, kissing, cussing. (This thing's really cringy, idk wtf I did...)
Synopsis: Ricky is your childhood friend, you've had a crush on him since you were little but he's just really oblivious, you know you've done and said things that'll give him the hint that you like him, but one day you accidentally barged in the guest's room in a party and saw him with a girl naked in bed.
Short imagine • • •
-HI!! it's been a while since I posted! But to those who will read this and the ones that have already read this, plsssss like and reblog! Thanks!-
NOTE: Unfortunately, I will not continue any of my series, and the ones that are pending in my drafts! Sorry!!!
• • • • •
It was an ordinary day for Ricky, it was Sunday and he usually go for a walk at 6:30, but his usual isn't applicable at the moment since Y/n have already decided what they should do for the whole day.
"C'mon Ricky!" Ricky annoyingly scratches his ear as he heard the girl whine for the 9th time, and before she could complain any longer, he turned around and face her once again.
"I have a lot of things planned out. Y/n." Ricky said coldly as he shoots Y/n death glares, but the girl mind it not and just gave him an eye roll as she crosses her arms.
"C'mon, I say! I know you're just gonna stay the whole day in your room touching boobs and butts!" Ricky only pinched his nose in response.
"Haa... Y/n. That's what you think of me?" The girl in front nodded a solid yes and proceed to go past him and enter his house without his permission, well, it's not like he can stop her even if he says not to enter.
As Ricky follows Y/n inside, the girl flopped down on the couch grabbing the remote as if she own the place and Ricky could only stare at her coldly.
Y/n wears a white top and a pink crop blazer, white sunglasses on her head, a pair of white boots, and a skirt that's too short for Ricky's liking. But Ricky's sure he doesn't like Y/n romantically since their relationship has always been platonic ever since they were children.
"How come you have Disney+ and not Netflix?? How are you supposed to tell your girls 'Netflix and chill' if you don't have Netflix??" Y/n looks at Ricky disgustingly as the side of her lips goes up. Ricky then grabbed the remote abruptly throwing it to the side, then he grabbed Y/n quite harshly and made her stand up.
As they both glare at each other, Ricky can't help but to look at her tightly shut lips, while feeling something turn inside his stomach as he hears her fast breathing, but Y/n looks at him eyes widening, with her brows frowning looking at him as if she wanted to punch his face. Their position lasted for seconds only staring at each other while Ricky still tightly holds Y/n's wrists closer to his chest.
"Let go of me," Y/n told him off with shaky breath, it's as if she was holding her tears back. Ricky sighs letting her wrists down gently. He swear he didn't mean to be so harsh on her, it was just because of what she said, he doesn't like it, it was as if she was telling him his way of having fun are fucking every girl he sees, and he's not like that, but he knows it was because of last time that's why Y/n keeps on saying things.
Last month, Ricky was out at a party and he got badly drunk and ended up in the guest room, and because his luck was kinda bad that day, Y/n was looking for him and she opened the door when he was doing it with Y/n's classmate. He regretted it, and he was not on his mind that time, he didn't mean to scare his best friend. But Y/n kept telling him it was fine cause it's his life she has nothing to do with it, but he just know she was upset seeing him in that state.
"It was a month ago and I was drunk," Ricky said explaining once again.
"I don't care about that." Y/n crosses her arms again and avoided Ricky's solid look.
"Then why keep bringing it up?" Ricky's patience was thinning already and Y/n just gave him a mocking disgusted look.
"Who says it's about that? And I just know that that wasn't the last time and the first!  Who knows how many girls on the campus you already fucked! Looking at you right now, you're really disgusting!" Y/n was half screaming, her face was already growing red and she can feel her face getting hot, her arms are on her side while her fists are hardened stone. She was expecting Ricky to slap her or scream at her back, but she heard a small laugh.
"Why are you laughing? Do you think I'm being funny right now!" Ricky can't believe it, how come asking to go shopping turn into this bad argument that started a month ago?
"Are you jealous?" He looks at her half-lidded, a small smirk plastered on his face as he looks at her down.
Y/n was shocked hearing that, it's as if her face was telling that she was nakedly exposed.
"What?" She responded quietly.
Ricky steps closer to her and she steps back the movement goes on repeat three times when Y/n hit the edge of the cushion falling on her butt. Ricky stares down at her, his smirk earlier was replaced by a sharp look, while Y/n stares up at him with widened eyes. Ricky finds her big doe eyes so cute, it heats him up. Now he can be honest, he doesn't find his feelings for his best friend platonically at all. Right now, he wants her for himself only.
"Y/n...do you like me?" He quietly said, putting his hands in his pocket.
"What?" She stayed with an empty mind for a moment, as if she couldn't process what Ricky had said. "Wha- what do you mean!" Y/n said with a half-nervous laugh. Ricky likes it when she's nervous like that, she's really cute, and since Y/n's always confident, mean, and spoiled, he likes this side of her.
Ricky crouches down looking up at her. "I said do you like me?" Ricky repeated.
"Why would I like you!" Y/n said that, but he can see the deep red on her ears and cheeks, so he just responded with a chuckle.
"Really? Then why do you sound so jealous mentioning the girls you assume I've fucked?" Y/n can only swallow in response, she doesn't have anything to say back.
"I--WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING ME THAT!? YOU'RE JUST SO DENSE YOU KNOW?! I--" She stopped for a second and suck a bunch of air and closed her eyes and open them again "I LIKED YOU SINCE GRADE SCHOOL, YOU'RE JUST SO DENSE AND WHEN I SEE YOU THROBBING YOUR ASS OFF WITH THAT GIRL I WAS REALLY HEARTBROKEN, AND NOW YOU'RE ASKING ME THAT? ARE YOU JUST OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Y/n didn't realize she was tearing up, and Ricky was surprised hearing that, to think he was the only one thinking this relationship was platonic is stupid of him.
Y/n huffs her breath waiting for his response but he just stared at her still surprised. But he advanced closer to her, holding her face while staring into her wide eyes, Ricky closes the gap between their lips, hers is so soft and fluffy, he can feel her face burn up, and seconds later, she finally relaxed and kissed him back, his kiss is so passionate, but that passion turns to something else when Ricky grabbed Y/n's waist closing the gap of their chest, his hands slowly goes downs when suddenly Yunjin opened the door and closing it again after seeing them for millisecond, and they were left laughing after, and Y/n's plan of shopping was fulfilled when Ricky decided that sometimes his usual is better when Y/n interrupts it.
(OMG!! my first fanfic that is not enha!)
Enhypen masterlist
Zb1 masterlist
©® Viisator 2023
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gffa · 1 year
As someone who grew up on the clone wars, but didn’t watch rebels—I can’t really comment on cohesiveness of continuity of the story—but in general do you think Felony (that cracks me up) could have fleshed stuff out better in terms of characterization if season was given 12 episodes instead of 8?
I think it could have helped, but ultimately, no, I don't think the runtime was the problem--because it's not just 8 episodes, it's 8 full length episodes, which would be the equivalent of 16 animated/half-length episodes. I think there would have been plenty of room in these episodes to put more content in, because some of those fight scenes were hella long and not always that interesting, and I get that he wanted to write the story of how they found Ezra, but honestly he could have included some flashbacks if he'd wanted to flesh things out more, they wouldn't have had to be more than a few minutes long, and I think he could have spared the time for that. I'm trying to have sympathy for this, because I know you can't show every little thing--think about the jump between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, that before we ever had The Clone Wars, that was a massive chunk of the story that just didn't get covered beyond showing the start of it and showing the Battle Over Coruscant! But Felony isn't in the same place as George Lucas was--this is the Disney era of Star Wars, there have been multiple animated series, multiple live action series, and the Ahsoka series seems designed to have always been at least two seasons, so he had the room for it, if the equivalent of 16 episodes wasn't enough time. Ultimately, though, I just don't get the sense that he was interested in the set-up, that it had been cooking in his brain for too long and he wanted to get to the meat of it without the ramp up for those of us outside his head. I mean, maybe I might be wrong, but I found his writing for TCW s7 to be pretty thin as well, so I think he's just kind of Like That for me these days. There's plenty that's really good in the Ahsoka series! There's a lot I loved about Ahsoka herself, especially when she's prickly and almost kind of mean to Sabine, I love that she teases Huyang and clearly loves him so much, I love when she sighs and tries not to roll her eyes because everyone just has to make her day harder, the lightsaber fights were a lot of fun, her interactions with Baylan where he was hitting all her sensitive spots were delicious, I'm glad we got the show and I have great affection for Ahsoka's character in it! But I also stand by my criticisms of how a lot of it was just very, very aggressively less than it could be and I don't think more space would net us anything but more of the same. (But I do enjoy when my dash is excited about the show because it reminds me that my experience is not universal and some people got an absolute charge out of it and I really want to read about exactly what they loved about it. And I hope that I can give that back to, say, someone who found the Obi-Wan Kenobi series kinda disappointing, but I was over the moon for it, it's okay that you don't agree, but let me tell you about my joy for it anyway, just indulge me for a minute--!)
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