#and the cryptid voice
bruciemilf · 6 days
So glad you clarified that "Alfred bleeding out at brucie's day party" was step 1 in becoming pennywaynes. I was just about to ask lol
Also thinking that Alfred doesn't say "fuck" because Thomas says it enough for both of them. And how they're both feral in opposite directions (loud and vulgar vs poised and eloquent) makes me wonder what direction Martha is feral in. Exceedingly painfully viciously polite? Barefoot in the dirt, she'd love poison ivy fae-tinged feral? Does this make sense? I'm sick. All I can think about is Thomas and Alfred preparing to carve someone up and you don't even know who you are supposed to be more scared of
I like to imagine Martha as Morticia Addams feral. Regal, majestic, peculiar, and could wipe the floor with your self-esteem in a minute if crossed. Bruce’s mama was a silent badass for sure.
I like to think Damian inherited her affection for animals! Hers pets were just more… Unique, let’s say.
Imagine you’re Alfred. You’ve been working at the Wayne manor for about two weeks now.
Thomas, your husband boss hands you a huge chunk of bloody meat hanging from a butcher hook, while yelling violently at a business partner on the phone.
“Al, go feed Bruce, will ya?”
Bruce gently grabs Alfred’s hand (Alfred has to tilt down) and he’s taken to the pool area.
There’s a big ass tank.
There’s a big ass, 20 foot long, great white shark in that tank. Bruce hugs the glass. Alfred may or may not pass out. Martha gently takes Bruce in her arms, kindly asks Alfred to clean the floors, and vanishes in the shadows.
She also has an albino ball python that Bruce adores. Occasionally, she wears him as a scarf. Alfred is severely loving and regretting his life choices.
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blueboybot · 4 months
In Your Cold Dead Arms
I don't care! I need to show yall one of my weird pairs.
Twigs and dry leaves snapped under feet that were in a hurry, wind blowing violently enough to feel as though it was one more step from uprooting trees and flinging them carelessly about with its strong might. Rain droplets fell from the dark and cloudy sky, rapid rainfall increasing with every droplet that hit skin and cloth, each one harsher than the other.
Some might find struggle with this kind of weather condition but for him it was way nicer than dealing with someone who could manipulate the weather at will. Luckily for him it was simply an act of nature, no powerful foe was attacking him and he could appreciate that once he got out of said rain.
As he ran his eyes continued to look out for shelter, something he could only hope to find in an area like this. More trees and plants overtook his vision, his temper starting to flare as rain fell even harder, almost feeling as if it were lashing him. Thunder boomed from above and lightening soon followed after, clouds lit up and illuminated the area for a few seconds.
On que, lightening striked next to a tree he was close to making him instinctively dodge out of the way. The tree took major damage, its base split in two and some of its green leaves burnt black. Fire appeared for a quick second before immediately being quelched by the rain. However with the destruction of the tree he was able to see a path, and further in the distance some kind of structure.
With the discovery of shelter he headed straight for the building, his legs picking up speed with the promise of soon being out of rain. Getting closer he saw that the structure was a mansion, an abandoned mansion at that. Not one to be picky he pushed open the gates with overgrown vines, finding them unlocked and bolted straight towards the front door, ready to use his body to force it open only to find out it was also unlocked and opened when his hand pushed on it.
Entering the mansion his first red flag came when he laid his eyes on the interior of the place. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside, the floors were clean and shiny, a chandelier lit up with flames hung high from the ceiling, red carpet and wooden decorations greeted him from where he could see them. Overall, the mansion gave off the vibes that it was well kept and that meant he may have just broke into someone's home.
He expected someone to come rushing out of a door, cursing him or attacking him for entering their home as an unwated guest but he got nothing.
"Please tell me I didn't walk into some kind of haunted house." He mumbled.
Arsenal stood near the entrance door, wiping his boots on the mat and trying to dry himself with the warmth of a nearby candle. He tried to contact the team but something was blocking his signal, so for now he was stuck here until the rain stopped, but judging from the sounds outside that may take a while. He himself think back to how he got into this situation in the first place.
They were flying in the bioship when they got attacked, while trying to manuver through the air the ship got hit and plunged into the sea. He remembered exiting the bioship to look at the damage, only to be swept away by a current that appeared out of nowhere. He ended up on a beach and tried to contact the others but his communicator didn't work. Leaving the beach to explore the rest of the island storm coulds appeared, then it started raining so he ran to find shelter. Now, he was here in mansion that may or may not be haunted.
With a hesitant first step he continued to explore the mansion, going up the long steps that lead to the second floor. Turning left he was met with a hallway, dark brown with a few candles lighting up the way from which they were positioned from each door. Peaking inside, he saw a room with the same dark brown wood, but this time there were elegant designs carved into some of the walls, soft looking chairs and a rug lay in the center surrounded by bookshelves on the wall, a window showcasing the rainy outside world.
The sound of something falling against the floor in another room caught his attention. He whipped out his bow and readied an arrow, cautiously, he drew nearer toward the sound, stopping infront of the third room on the right that was slightly open. Slowly, he pushed open the door back, coming to halt when he saw nothing but furniture covered in white sheets.
He didn't lower his bow though, and his theory of something being in here was proven correct when movement came from a sheet close to the window. Arsenal stepped closer, arrow aimed directly at what he assumed was its head, whatever is under there could be dangerous for all he knows and he wasn't taking anymore chances. He wasn't about to lose another arm or any other limbs for that matter.
The rustling stopped and the sheet pulled back, revealing the face of someone that was definitely close in age to him. Hair so dark as if it was trying to mimic the void of space looked wet, strands clinging to their forehead. Freckles dusted over their cheeks and nose like they were carefully placed by the gentlest of hands. Blue eyes stared at the bow and then him, looking at him with a hint of curiousity only to turn to fear a second later at remembering that there was a weapon very close to their face.
Those blue eyes intrigued the red head. They were unlike any blue he had seen before, mesmerizing in a way, tempting him into their hypnotic trance. Looking away was becoming more of a challenge the longer he continued seeing into something so enchanting. They reminded him of the ice and a burning blue star. So out of this world that he swore his body was beginning to tingle as those eyes gaze back into him. He was locked in a view so breathtaking that the word did little justice to describe how he felt as he stared.
His trance was broken when the teen scrambled away from him, hitting hard against the underwall of the window, and likely hurting his back if the way he winced was anything to go by. The other boy quickly got up an moved to side, hitting his head into a piece of covered furniture that reverberated with a clang sound.
Aresenal winced, deciding he needed to step in and do something before the teen knocked himself out while trying and failing to get away from him.
"Easy easy!" He put away his bow and arrow, looking at the boy on the floor with his hands up to come across less dangerous "I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious as to why I heard a noise coming from this room."
The teen looked at him with those blue eyes, accessing him to see if he was lying. He must of taken a gamble and decided to somewhat believe he meant no harm because the boy rose to his feet once again, looking at him with slight caution now.
"Do you live here?"
"No, I was trying to escape the rain and came across this abandoned mansion." He replied, looking away from Roy and opting to stare at the carpet.
"Got a shy one." Roy thought looking over the boy and his body language.
His clothes looked a little too big for him. A white t-shirt with short red sleeves and an oval pattern in the middle, black cargo pants, and red shoes with white lacing. There was also a metalic looking wristband the boy wore on his left hand. Overall, Arsenal took him for a pretty boy who wasn't used to these sorts of situations, one who doesn't do much except for sit in quiet with the popular kids and have everything handed to him without much of a resistance from other teachers or students.
"So do you have a name or do I just call you boy?" Roy asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"I'm not a child!"
Oh he was going to have fun with this one.
Roy's face split into a grin as he waited for the boy to reply. The other teen rolled his eyes at him.
"My name is Danny." Danny looked him up and down, "Did you just come from a cosplay party or something?"
He raised an eyebrow, "I'm Arsenal!"
This time Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
"Protégé of Green Arrow."
The boy's face remained the same as Roy's changed.
"Part of the Young Justice team."
Still no look of recognition.
"The Justice League."
"I literally don't have a clue on what any of those are, is it like some kind of sports team?"
"How do you not know the Justice League?"
"I'm from a small town, a lot of outside media doesn't get through to us." The boy mumbled something with a hint of annoyance at the end.
Roy groaned in frustration, putting his hands up to his masked face. He silently wondered if he was going to have to tell pretty boy here about the existance of aliens and meta-humans.
"Woah!" He heard the boy exclaim, feet that barely made a sound ran up to him. "Cool arm!" Roy spread his arms apart from his face to look at him, seeing that the boy's focus was entirely on his prosthetic.
"What kind of lights did you buy for this?"
" Lights? What no— This is how it is." He growled out the last part, remembering what Lex did still left a sour taste in his mouth.
"No. Way!" Danny's eyes seemed to sparkle with awe. "Can I touch it, please?"
Roy let the other teen poke at his arm, watching as fascination filled those blue eyes. The only other person that showed this much interest in his arm was Bart and the little menace would always ask to look at it or try to wrestle him, resulting in him always winning because there was no chance of him losing to someone with those kind of arms.
"This is amazing, can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Roy did just that and watched as a smile etched onto the boy's face.
"INCREDIBLE! The black metal, the desgin, everything was made to fit you. But, I bet I could do a way better job."
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"My parents are inventors and scientist, I obviously picked up a thing or two from being around their equipment for so long." Danny placed his two hands on the prosthetic, providing Roy with the knowledge that he was two inches taller than Danny.
The vigilante catalogued the information given to him for later. Even if Danny meant him no harm that didn't mean he trusted him right away, sue him, but the other's parents being scientist that built enough inventions for Danny to alledgedly make his own made him wary.
"You're not a bad cosplayer." Danny said, leaning his head against the metalic arm while looking at Roy.
Those too blue eyes pierced his soul. Danny had to be a meta or alien of some kind, there was no other explanation for his eyes.
"It's not a cos—"
An unholy noise screamed out, sounding like a high pitched call and simultaneously a warning from whatever creature it came from.
Roy quickly grabbed Danny by the waist and pushed the boy behind him, shielding him as he armed himself once again.
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ruinme-please · 3 months
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v e s s e l *
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thicctails · 5 months
That Voice Isn't Yours | A TFP Horror Comic | Pages 14 - 20 | FINALE
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Annnnnd that's a wrap! I'm so glad people enjoyed this little side project of mine, and I'm even more happy to be able to say that it got a proper, completed ending!!
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bubblybloob · 7 months
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Just some stuff in between all the requests.
I feel like if Hunted is really feeling it sometimes, if someone gets so much as a paper cut around him they are going in the nest, no questions asked.
“You’re injured.”
“It’s just a chipped nail, I hit a blood vessel but the blood will stop any minute now-“
“You’re. Injured.”
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seeminglydark · 8 months
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Consider this a soft launch cuz i know it's not live on ALL services yet, but you can now listen to the introduction episode of Caro's podcast, Mil-Liminal on Youtube, Podcast Addict, Podbean, and Spotify, and probably more cuz idk how distribution works.
There will be a full length episode soon, but for now, take a listen to the intro, and if you like it, share it to your friends to help people find it! Its written in a way anyone can jump in, even if they aren't familiar with the comics or characters. Thank you SO MUCH for all the support getting here, I'm so happy to finally be able to do this!
Mil-Liminal is a cozy horror podcast featuring the charming and slightly unhinged Caro Greene, an employee working the counter during the night shift at a tiny gas station in the middle of the woods. Join their journey of witnessing the unexplainable! Liminal spaces, ghosts and ghouls galore, there won't be any jump-scares or hopelessness, just unsettling vibes with moments of comedy to lighten the mood. The podcast is in canonical order, meaning the first episode is Caro's first 'episode' as well, learning as they go to create their podcast. 
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sincerely-nines · 1 year
Jimmy has been a canary hybrid and a cod hybrid and a toy but what if he was all three
He’s a taxidermied harpy he has gills and bird wings and an alluring voice and is covered with the type of stitches you’d see an a doll
mhmm yep i hear that
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im just fucking around i was listening to khan academy bust it down economic style ive never drawn harpies before.
also who taxidermied this thing i can see the stitches
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robotsafari · 2 months
redrawing my favorite gba chain of memories scenes with my own interpretations part 1(?):
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“You’re thinking about me… You’re afraid of the darkness I command.”
#beep boop you want fries with that#kingdom hearts#riku#ansem#GBA CHAIN OF MEMORIES IS SO GOOD. please play it over the remake im begging. it also plays a lot better too.#every ansem scene is better in gba com because i dont have to listen to richard epcar attempt to be intimidating#they altered so many scenes in the remake and a lot of the changes suck !! just straight up !! i will never forgive them for changing#this scene and the previous lexaeus scenes. like why did they have riku get possessed for a second only for the next cutscene to#literally be about riku trying not to get possessed. like that makes no sense. its just cheap shock value and just treating lexaeus#like shit. at least he mentioned zexion. ok if i knew how to do rom hacks i could literally change the dialogue myself to mention zexion.#ok sorry for complaining. uhhh#the composition is clearly ripped off from the owl house. sorry. season 1 belos scene.#and the background is just the original gba bg of the scene but blurred to look less pixelated#sorry the anatomy sucks. i know rikus arms shouldnt be that long but too late. kms.#this scene is so good because augh. this is the first time in this game we come face to face with the real ansem. not just diz pretending#to be him to just shove down ‘darkness bad’ down his throat. this is why mickey comes to save him in this scene. because riku is in#real danger here. thats also the reason why mickey sends his power again when riku is being dangled like a puppet BECAUSE ANSEM WAS THERE#FOR REAL THIS TIME. anyway yeah i know ansem’s sprite doesn’t appear when he says that but the portrait is a silhouette so i went#weh. why not !!#anyway im obsessed w/ cryptid ansem. ghost inhabitanting a fallen kingdom. continuing the fucked up experiments like if they never stopped#OK IVE ALREADY RAMBLED ENOUGH AND THIS SHIT IS GOING INTO RE:KH TERRITORY. (hunter voice) BYEEEEEEE
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psycakes · 1 year
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at first i was drawing something completely different but then i got distracted by the idea of a freezerburn-ish ghost hunters AU
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inga-don-studio · 18 days
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It wouldn't be a FNAF cosplay day at Comic Con if I didn't get my traditional pizza :)
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creatureheart · 1 year
a question for anyone who reads this and might have an opinion, but
what do you think about people calling themselves things like "creature", "gremlin", "cryptid", etc?
do you see it negatively? positively? neither?
does it depend on the situation?
has doing so had negative/positive affects on you and your mental state? (if you are someone who uses these terms to describe yourself)
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amourtoken · 3 months
I wanna write some fucking Inhuman creature you found in the woods and it followed you home Vessel would yall be into that
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electrosweaters-arts · 10 months
Found this basically Completely finished Hyde and Dorian animatic in my files thats been stuck in WIP purgatory because ig i convinced myself I'd clean it up one day. Anyway here it is. This is how they act
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thicctails · 6 months
That Voice Isn't Yours | A TFP Horror Comic | Pages 5 - 9
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hellishgayliath · 3 months
Couldn't have asked for a more better 4th of july than this, thank you Mr. Jalapeno you're amazing.
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therosettasun · 5 months
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BoP cast silliness
by @dragonswritersblog
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