#angel meditation
annalouisemay · 2 years
NEW Mayastar Light-Language Meditation: Angelic Energy Healing Light-Codes on YouTube & Podcast
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/XkZiRiIiGGY | Angelic Energy Healing Light-Codes | Light-Language Meditation with Binaural Beats | 60min😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ You can also read about & purchase the attunement courses that accompany this meditation at: https://www.mayastar.net/angelmenu.htm   Also… NEW 20th February 2023 Energy Updates, Spiritual Guidance & LoA Affirmations for the…
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Mayastar YouTube Channel | Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development | Maya Magickal Spells
Mayastar provides over 100 accredited attunement-based energy healing & spiritual development courses online. Additional spiritual guidance, inspirational articles & meditation tracks are available through Mayastar YouTube & Podcast.
Enjoy daily spiritual inspiration on your path from Mayastar on social media | 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌
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bertena · 6 months
Archangels Channeled Messages
Channeled Messages from Your Archangels Tomorrow Thursday March 21st at 7pm on Zoom only $25Channeled Group Messages from Spiritual Beings is immensely powerful and empowering. Each spiritual being has a different energetic feeling and purpose in healing and the messages that they share with Bertena that she in turn shares with you. This message will help guide you on your spiritual path for the…
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nexusofsorcery · 9 months
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Have you ever come across repetitive numbers in your daily life, such as 111, 444, or 777? If so, you may be receiving messages from the divine realm. These numbers, often referred to as angel numbers, carry special significance and can serve as personalized spiritual guidance. In this article, we will explore the world of angel numbers, their meanings, and how you can interpret and benefit from these divine messages. Read more @ https://nexusofsorcery.com/angelnumbers
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psychics4unet · 9 days
Free Psychic Reading 😇 Message From The Angels!
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Free Psychic Reading!
Send me your question, and I will contact the angels to deliver their message!! 🔮 If you don’t have a question, I can bring you a general message from them as well. 😇✨
Like, reblog, and follow me to receive a free psychic reading - I’ll check and respond only to those who show their support!
One question per person for a free angels message.
Please be patient, as I receive many requests all the time. It may take a little while for me to respond. Thank you for your understanding!
I’m always available for paid psychic readings if you're looking for deeper insights and quicker response. Feel free to reach out whenever you're ready for a more personalized experience! ✨🔮
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
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thed011iest0ffthemall · 2 months
I was not meant for this busy world and this hook up culture , I was meant to love and to be loved on a deep level
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babydoll2 · 6 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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theascendedpath · 2 years
Make an attempt to connect with yourself every day. These times desperately call for it. They call for us to deepen our connection to our soul and body. Whether that be meditation, breathwork, yoga, journaling, or creating from the heart. Do whatever activity or practice that brings you back to the deeper parts of yourself, to the aspect of you that is divine, because that's where the true treasures lie. At first, it might seem like nothing is there or nothing is happening, but as the days go by, you'll start to see the gold and beautiful gift that you are. And when you divinely realize what you are, you'll begin to see the same in everything you come across on your path throughout existence.
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lunasapphire · 10 months
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annalouisemay · 2 years
NEW Mayastar Light-Language Meditation: Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune Light-Codes on YouTube & Podcast
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/PduZp9qdX4I | Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune Light-Codes | Light-Language Meditation with Binaural Beats | 60min😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ You can also read about & purchase the attunement courses that accompany this meditation at: https://www.mayastar.net/kundaliniawakening.htm     Also… NEW 6th March 2023 Energy Updates, Spiritual Guidance & LoA Affirmations for…
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Mayastar YouTube Channel | Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development | Maya Magickal Spells
Mayastar provides over 100 accredited attunement-based energy healing & spiritual development courses online. Additional spiritual guidance, inspirational articles & meditation tracks are available through Mayastar YouTube & Podcast.
Enjoy daily spiritual inspiration on your path from Mayastar on social media | 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌
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bertena · 6 months
Meet Your Archangels
Channeled Messages from Your Archangels Channeled Group Messages from Spiritual Beings is immensely powerful and empowering. Each spiritual being has a different energetic feeling and purpose in healing and the messages that they share with Bertena that she in turn shares with you. This message will help guide you on your spiritual path for the month. This month is ARCHANGELS it’s only…
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girlygirlifestyle · 1 year
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Training for VS shows b like 💖
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Your thoughts on demons?
Thank you for the ask <3
Absolutely real. Demons and The Adversary are absolutely real and absolutely have an affect on our lives. We see this 2 ways in particular in the Gospels and the Letters. In the gospel accounts we see demonic possession, which is something I do believe happens (my friend's mother, tho she doesn't like that word). In the letters however, this is not what is discussed. Rather in both the gospels and the letters there is another demonic influence: oppressive political powers.
Paul speaks of "powers and authorities" behind political entities (because "flesh and blood" are not our enemies). Jesus says the the hour of his arrest belongs to "you (the religio-political leaders) and the powers of darkness (the demonic forces behind them)". This revelation has completely changed the way I think of demons and politics, because I am not firmly convinced that spirituality and politics cannot be separated. But that when we see a nation that worships sex and money and (military/national) power, we are seeing a nation that is being energized by dark spiritual powers. Not that the demons conquered the government or something, that's not what I'm saying. Rather that those in power (and, sometimes, us as citizens) have unknowingly allied themselves with a dark spiritual reality, whether or not they even believe in one.
The list I've arrived at for recognizing a nation allied with demons (which I and the Bible term "Babylon") is: slavery; nationalism; oneness at the cost of diversity; the murder of the innocent; oppression of the immigrant, women, children (esp orphans), and the poor; extreme opulence for a select group of people; idolatry of money, sex, and power.
So, yeah, I unfortunately live in Babylon. We all do. This is why we "exiles scattered across the world" must pray for our nations.
I've talked before about the "horror of abandonment" and how it's not that God abandoned us, but that we abandoned God. Demons are a good example of this. Nations and individuals come under the influence of dark spiritual powers when they separate themselves from God's love and light. When the people built Babylon and elevated themselves to the roll of gods, Yahweh scattered them and handed them over to the rebel spiritual beings. When Saul continuously and arrogantly and cowardly (I really don't like Saul lol) disobeyed and disregarded Yahweh's instruction, Yahweh allowed him to be afflicted by an injurious spirit (whether this is a demon, rebel spirit, or not is actually complicated and I'm on the fence but the point stands). When the nation of Israel left Yahweh, their God, to marry foreign women, worship the gods of other nations, and enter into alliance with them, they were conquered by Babylon, the archetype of the city aligned with dark spiritual powers.
I am not sure if the Family of God cannot be possessed or not (I've seen people say that but I've yet to come to a thought on it) but I am positive that the longer you stay away from Jesus, the more you open yourself to that influence.
That said I also agree with C.S. Lewis that one can go too far in the recognition of dark spiritual powers. Yes demons are real; no we should not be terrified of them, nor should we be speculating about their names and whatnot (yes, people do this T-T). But we should be aware of their influence in the world, and firmly stand against it.
This was a lot so summary:
Demons and The Enemy are real and have power.
They are rebel spiritual beings and have rebelled quite often in Scripture, usually alongside a human rebellion (Gen 3; Gen 6; Gen 11; Ps 82).
The only power and influence they have is that which 1) God allows them and 2) we allow them. And thus we should not fear them. Rather we should "resist the accuser and he will flee".
Basically all of our countries have given themselves over to the worship of demons, though in the subtle forms of sex, money, and power. Thus it is our job to "seek the shalom (peace; wholeness; well-being) of Babylon" but also to call out the nations for their crimes against God and humanity.
One day all the nations will come to worship King Jesus and all spiritual powers will be destroyed and those humans who, in the end, chose to align themselves with them will be cast into Outer Darkness.
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sayobeth · 2 years
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Green girl life
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sluggsbugg · 1 month
angel numbers are so fun because i basically see them all the time now, and it’s like the universe is just poking me and telling me that im on the right path and everything is going to be okay.
but like, because we are the universe and the universe is us, it’s really just me reminding myself of the path lolz.
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histhoughtslately · 5 months
Lost and uncertain? Still trust and know that beauty will unfold right in front of you; if you let it…
#youaresodeserving #222
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