#animal dietary habits
allperfectpets · 1 year
Are Hamsters Omnivores? The Truth Unveiled!
Hamsters are little, cute pets that have dazzled the hearts of many. On the off chance that you're a hamster proprietor or considering getting one, understanding their dietary requirements and preferences is fundamental. One normal inquiry that emerges is whether hamsters are omnivores. In this article, we will investigate the eating regimen of hamsters, and their stomach-related framework, and shed light on their omnivorous way of behaving.
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howdoesone · 3 months
How does one persuade a Gharial to try a vegetarian diet with that snout?
  Introduction to the Gharial The gharial, also known as Gavialis gangeticus, is one of the most distinctive and ancient crocodilian species, known for its long, narrow snout filled with sharp, interlocking teeth. Native to the rivers of the Indian subcontinent, this unique reptile has evolved to be an efficient piscivore, primarily preying on fish. The idea of convincing a gharial to switch to…
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vegantipsandmore · 8 months
Is Leonardo DiCaprio A Vegan?
Introduction The question of “Is Leonardo DiCaprio a Vegan?” has garnered significant attention, especially considering the renowned actor’s advocacy for environmental causes and sustainable living. Leonardo DiCaprio’s transition to a vegan lifestyle reflects his commitment to combating climate change and promoting a more humane and eco-friendly way of life. This lifestyle choice, particularly…
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infohollic2023 · 1 year
Doggie Delights: Can Dog Eat This? A Complete Guide
In the quest to provide first-class practical care to their beloved furry friends, Can Dog Eat This? the topic of feeding fruit to dogs has become a focus for many dog owners. We are generally keen to find ways to improve our dogs’ nutrition and add variety to their diets. Because it maintains energy levels, strengthens the immune system, and encourages full growth, a good diet is…
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rebeccathenaturalist · 5 months
Frogs eat insects, right? And sometimes other invertebrates, and maybe little vertebrates like tiny fish or tadpoles or smaller frogs. But this is one of those neat cases where you have a total departure from what's expected.
While Xenohyla truncata (aka "Izecksohn's Brazilian tree frog") does eat some invertebrate prey, it also deliberately seeks out fruit. Given that it lives high in the canopy of the rain forest amid bromeliads, it's not out of the realm of possibility that this started out as supplementing a normal frog diet with high-calorie fruit in tough times, and evolution favored those that were able to make better nutritional use of this opportunity.
It reminds me of the (mostly) vegetarian spider Bagheera kiplingi, and how primarily herbivorous ungulates like horses and deer will opportunistically eat baby birds or gnaw on carrion and bones. While we can make generalizations about the dietary habits of certain groups of animals, there are exceptions to every rule. And I personally find the existence of these unique outliers to be part of what makes the natural world so utterly fascinating--no matter how much we learn, there are always more surprises to discover.
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2corvusossifragus · 2 years
i wanted to make an oc ask game 😋 things i like to ask people abt their characters:
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
how crafty/resourceful are they?
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
favorite animal? why?
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
are they any good with numbers?
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
their favorite place to be?
do they sleep well at night?
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
do they smell like anything notable?
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
do they ever return home?
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crippledpunks · 3 months
if you try to police disabled peoples' diets INCLUDING how they spend their money on food: i just want to ask why? what do you gain from this? like seriously, what do you actually gain from displaying holier-than-thou behavior toward another person's spending and dietary habits? who cares if you would spend your money "better"? you're not them. this is a form of abuse. you literally have no idea what the disabled person can safely digest and actually gains nutrients and energy from. you have no clue, even if you share the same disorder, you are not that person, nor are you their gastroenterologist or other specialist.
telling disabled people to "eat healthier," "eat more salads," "eat more fresh fruits," "eat more fresh vegetables," "eat more grains," and so on can not only be outwardly dangerous for people who have digestive issues like inflammatory bowel diseases, gastroparesis, irritable bowel disease, acid reflux, a history of ulcers, gastritis, and a long list of other digestive health issues, it can outright kill someone if they form a blockage. this can also injure, sicken or kill diabetics, people with non-diabetic low or high blood sugar, blood pressure issues, kidney and liver issues, and many other people.
not only that but you're potentially forcing a neurodivergent person to eat foods that nauseate, sicken, or disgust them, and for what? autistic people know what foods are safe for them to eat. adhd people need to find finds they can manage to keep in their homes without spoiling. dissociative people, people with ADHD, head trauma, develeopmental disorders, other people with memory issues, dementia, alzheimers, psychotic people, and other mental and cognitive health issues need foods they can prepare safely, because many mentally ill and neurodivergent people can't safe;y cook without risk of injury or damage to their home.
people who deal with allergies and intolerances are constantly struggling with being told how to eat when they are the ones who know their experience the most. NOBODY gives a fuck about people with allergies and literally nobody takes food intolerances seriously. i can't digest animal products OR byproducts anymore. i lost the ability. but sometimes i question "maybe i can try it again because this food is cheaper." well. i decided i was spending too much on groceries due to inflation and bought cow's milk instead of almond milk and got so sick it was something i had never seen before. i do NOT need to prioritize "saving money" over eating foods i can safely digest. i had an IBS attack early this morning because i ate some cheese- because it is a "cheap, easy source of protein."
some disabled people need to use certain services like pre-prepared foods being delivered to their homes, be it meals on wheels, or hello fresh. guilting these people for using the services because they could "just cook at home" is insulting to say the least. many of these services have tailored meals with consistent ingredients with limitations on contaminants with allergens.
here's the big one that everyone fucking hates but needs to accept immediately: some disabled people are too exhausted, in pain, dissociated, psychotic, unable to focus, unable to follow instructions, or in other ways unable to cook for themselves and need to use food delivery services like doordash and uber eats.
some disabled people can't or don't want to drive due to their disabilities! blind disabled people exist! para- and quadriplegics exist! people with hand tremors exist! working disabled people exist! amputees exist! disabled parents exist! disabled people who care for partners and family exist!
this one is sooooooo taboo and i'm sick of it. first of all, dashers and uber drivers are every day people who need to earn income. these are people's jobs and their lives are in fact on the line because this is a lot of drivers' primary income. enough with guilting people on this one. i'm fucking sick of it. y'all hate independently employed people and it shows. this isn't a luxury just relegated to rich white moms: disabled people need to have prepared, easy to eat foods delivered to our homes too. y'all need to leave people the fuck alone when it comes to takeout.
the second someone poorer and more disabled than you does something you do regularly, suddenly you're sending articles and giving paragraphs and paragraphs of advice on how to spend money better and how the disabled person "just needs to eat rice, beans, ramen, and frozen vegetables" because disabled people are not allowed comfort NOR convenience in your eyes. this is absolutely asinine. stop it. EATING is not relegated to the privileged
disabled people are people and need to eat. why you are prioritizing money over a literal human need is beyond me this is sick behavior. why do you care so much more about the money than the person ?why is money more important than someone's safety to you? why would anyone rather see someone "spend money the right way" over a human being EATING FOOD and especially foods they KNOW won't make them sick. policing how any disabled person spends their money on food is also unnecessary and abusive. it serves nothing to gain and everything to lose. so what if you think a disabled person spends too much money on food? you do too- we all do: food should be fucking free. get over yourself and let disabled people eat. leave your greed at the door, stop feeling entitled over other peoples' finances and spending habits.
telling a disabled person how to "eat healthier" will not make you healthier, and it will not do them any good, either. all it does is serve to stroke your ego because you believed you ""helped"" someone but all you did was give unsolicited advice that will be forever moot because you do not live in that person's body. don't care if you know them personally: you ain't them. so back off, let disabled people eat. food ain't just for the rich. food ain't just for the abled. let people access food in ways that are safe for us or get the fuck out of our way because all you're doing is causing problems and making disabled people's health problems WORSE.
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"Human DNA contains all the necessary genes to produce feathers - it's merely a matter of selective activation."
I may have gone a little overboard with this, but I saw this on a Twitter meme, and it got me thinking:
The human body readily responds to changing environmental stresses in a variety of biological and cultural ways. We can acclimatize to a wide range of temperature and humidity. When traveling to high altitudes, our bodies adjust so that our cells still receive sufficient oxygen. We also are constantly responding in physiological ways to internal and external stresses such as bacterial and viral infections, air and water pollution, dietary imbalance, and overcrowding. This ability to rapidly adapt to varying environmental conditions has made it possible for us to survive in most regions of the world. We live successfully in humid tropical forests, harsh deserts, arctic wastelands, and even densely populated cities with considerable amounts of pollution. Most other animal and plant species are restricted to one or relatively few environments by their more limited adaptability.
When an environmental stress is constant and lasts for many generations, successful adaptation may develop through biological evolution. Those individuals who inherit a trait that offers an advantage in responding to particular stresses are more likely to survive longer and pass on more of their genes to the next generation.
Genetic change in response to environmental stresses usually takes many generations to become widespread in a population. Fortunately, we also have other ways of responding more quickly as individuals during our own lifetime. The word adjustments is used here to refer to these shorter term physiological changes that are not inheritable. The word adaptations is reserved for inheritable genetic changes developed in a population over a long period of time.
One of the more powerful types of adjustments to environmental stresses is a change in growth patterns and development. This occurs in childhood and typically results in anatomical and/or physiological changes that are mostly irreversible in adulthood. Such permanent changes are referred to as developmental adjustment or developmental acclimatization.
This led me down a rabbit hole on how a human would be affected while in contact with the Devildom and its inhabitants and how MC differs from them. Excluding Solomon as his circumstances are much more complex.
For a normal human, the risks from exposure are mainly focused on their psyche, as the brothers' sins bleed from them almost uncontrollably, and its mostly the same for other demons in the Devildom and the Devildom itself. So, as long as the human stays vigilant, they would be able to scrape by with only minor affects from the exposure. Their bodies wouldn't change, and even if they did, it wouldn't be apparent in them, but in their offspring and further descendents.
MC, however, is not a normal human. For the most part, they are immune to the affects of the sins due to their angelic heritage. But I can imagine that there would still be some results from being near them long term.
Human beings are imitative generalists. We can immediately imitate a wide range of behaviors with great facility, whether they be vocal maneuvers, body postures, or actions on objects.
So it's likely that MC would eventually start imitating some of the brothers' habits after so long. And in so duing, succumbing, more often than not, to their sins, changing them even more than before.
Which brings me to this:
MC, after being in the Devildom for so long and in contact with all these supernatural beings, begins to adapt to the environment due to their angelic heritage, exposure to magic, and close proximity to the brothers, along with their pacts.
As time passes, they begin to feel a slight change in their back and skull. They can feel the skin begin to stretch, an itch they can't seem to be free of. An ache settles there as their bones begin to change, and large lumps form there, the skin turning a bright red due to irritation.
Their diet changes, too. Foods they weren't able to eat before because of nasty side affects from human consumption no longer ail them. They become much more tempting.
Strong magic no longer makes them feel sick. Before, long exposure made their pulse quicken, head throb, stomach churn, and now its barely even a tickle. A slight sensation, like a puff of breath against their skin.
Their physical strength becomes much stronger. They break things with much more ease now. Pencils, toothbrushes, cups. All things that are imprented into their muscle memory become much harder to use. Things that were supposed to be too heavy for humans feel much lighter.
The others don't seem to notice. Assuming MCs discomfort is due to them being a human in their habitat. Neither Solomon nor the angels notice either for the same reason. Diavolo and Barbatos are the same.
They continue to do as they have done from the start. Bringing MC small comforts to help them survive. Basic necessities that humans require. They make sure that the sun lamp in MC's room stays functioning. They have human foods in stock. Medication should MC need it. All of their needs and wants are met with utmost care from the beings that love them so deeply.
MC says nothing and hides it, becoming more distant. Confused and trying to convince themself that this is but a passing thing. Its not the first time something weird or painful has happened to them in all their years being in the devildom.
That is until a blood curdling scream rips through the HoL in the middle of the night, a painful sound akin to that of a banshee, snatching all the inhabitants away from what occupied their attention.
They know that voice and are all scrambling to get to them.
Mammon arrives first, already in his demon form, being the quickest of the brothers and bursts through MCs door with no regard to the fact that he turned it to splinters. He is snarling, ready to protect MC, but the scene before him makes him freeze.
MC is on the floor, on their hands and knees. Eyes screwed shut as their face twists with excruciating pain. More screams pushing past their lips, each one with more ferocity. Their covers had been pulled along with them as if they had fallen out of bed.
The smell of blood hits him like a punch to the gut. MC was covered in it. Their sleep shirt drenched in the red liquid. Its slides down their face with no intention slowing.
It brings back awful memories that he never wants to remember. Their body cradled in his arms as he pleaded for them to stay awake and stay with him after Belphie threw them over the railing.
The ringing of their screams in his ears shakes him out of his stuper, and he is at their side in seconds, his hands hovering over them, unsure whether or not he should touch them since they look to be in so much pain.
He has no idea what to do, and before he knows it, he's sobbing. Screaming for his older brother.
"Lucifer! Lucifer, help!"
The eldest was a blur of black as he rushed in. His wings and horns on full display. His red eyes practically bulging from their sockets at what he found. But he was quick to hide it.
"What happened?!" He snapped.
Mammons mouth worked to form words but could barely get them out between his sobbing breathes, "I-I don't... I found them like this and..."
There was no histation in Lucifers stride as he dropped down to one knee next to them. His hand came to softly rest on MCs shoulder to get them to look at him, but her scream of pain at the contact made him jerk it away. He gently cradled their face after that and noticed that their skin was hotter than humans should ever be. He knew enough to know that if they didn't act fast, MCs organs would begin shutting down. However, the eldest was not adept in the knowledge of human physiology and was internally berating himself for it.
"Satan!" He yelled.
The fourth born was already hot on their heels before his name could leave the mans mouth, with the rest of them not far behind.
Deja Vu for all of them. Reliving that fateful night from years long passed.
The blondes eyes scrunched together as he ran to them, leaving the others to stare in horror from the doorway.
"Their temperature is too high. We need to cool them off somehow." Lucifer said, his fist balled at his side, knuckles white from fighting off his pride and his worry.
"We need to get them into an ice bath," Satan said, the back of his hand gently lingering on MCs cheek, but when the others made no attempt to move, he snapped. "NOW!"
They scattered, but Lucifer and Mammon remained.
"We need to stop the bleeding too," he continued. "With their temperature so high, medication won't work. Their body will burn it off before it can help."
Satans voice softened, "MC, we need to see where the blood is coming from. Where does it hurt?"
MCs chest heaved, their breathes coming sharp and fast, "b-back.... he-head"
"I'm going to remove your shirt, okay?"
Satan nodded for Lucifer to begin examining their head while he began ripping away the shirt as gently as possible, paying little mind to MCs exposed form.
Satans breath stopped at what he saw, eyes wide. Six jagged tears lined their spine. Hollowed bones petruding through the exposed muscle. Strips of flesh hung over their sides, and each breath they took seemed to tear at it more.
Lucifers reaction was the same. The skin on MCs forehead had split, leaving bleached white mounds of bone in its wake. And when he looked up to see Satans face twisted with emotion, his eyes fell to the mangled flex.
Mammons sobbing intensified at the sight. What are they supposed to do? None of this was right. What is happening to MC? Why? Why, why, why, why, why, why?
MCs screams returned, and they fell to the floor in agony, reaching out to the men in front of them and latching on to them. The muscles in their back flexed, and the hollow bones pushed out further.
Asmo reapeared, "Its ready-" he gasped. His eyes fell to MCs crumbled form, and his hands covered his mouth just as Levi, Beel, and Belphie arrived.
Levi was already crying. Worrying over his best friend. But now it was so much worse. What was happening? How is he supposed to help? He wants to desperately, but has no idea what to do.
Beel was the same. He's hates seeing the people he loves more than anything in so much pain. His strength has no use in this situation, and it pains him. This is not a battle he can win.
Belphie is still as a statue. His mind racing, feet frozen in place, unable to look away. Was this what my brothers felt that time? This fear that seeps into his stomach is the same fear and agony that he felt when Lilith died. Not again, not again, not again.
"MC can you stand?" Lucifer asks.
"No," MC wailed. "Hurts too much.... can't move. Please make it stop! I can't-"
Their screams turned to agonizing sobs.
"Belphie, we need you to put them to sleep." Lucifer commanded.
Belphie did not move. He barely heard him speak.
"Belphie!" Mammon yelled.
He still did not move. Caught in the well of his own misery and regret.
MCs voice broke through, "Belphie, please!"
Belphie was shoved forward by Levi before his feet began to move on their own. Hesitant hands reached for MC, his thumbs brushing over their eyelids until they closed completely, and they fell limp into Lucifers arms.
Lucifer called Diavolo to let him know of the situation. They did their best to keep everything in order while waiting on MC to recover. Weeks passed, and the Prince and Barbatos began to visit the HoL daily to check on MCs progress.
They treated MCs wounds as best they could, even bringing Simeon and Solomon to try and help as well, with Luke sending baked treats he made for MC. The angels magic did little to help as the bones would tear the wound open anew as it continued to grow even larger with flesh new beginning to form around it.
None of them had ever seen this before. Even Solomon was at a loss. Angelic healing magic was the strongest in all three realms, and it wasn't working. Human medicine wasn't helping, and neither was demonic magic. So, the sorcerer turned to experiments and research. Pilfering through all his old tomes and notes. Taking viles of MCs blood for testing. Satan helped him with his search as well, staying awake for days on end.
Weeks turned to months, and Belphie took to staying in MCs room in order to keep them in a state of comatose to help them endure the pain, only allowing them to be awake to eat whatever food his twin brought for them. Beel had taken to being their bodyguard when the others weren't around.
Mammon came and went. Bringing with him items he believed might make MC feel better, but he wouldn't stay for long. It hurt him too much to see MC in this state. While he was away, he spent his time searching, bribing, and threatening others to find a solution. Witches or other demons, it made no difference to him. He would pay any price.
For a while, Levi stayed locked up in his room. Feeling as though he would just get in the way. But it wasn't long before he couldn't stand not having his best friend there with him. So he began visiting them, even when they weren't awake. Talking to their sleeping form about whatever game or anime he was currently fixated on until his rambling turned to pleading for them to get better.
Asmo had declared himself MC's nurse. Washing their hair and body, cleaning their wounds, and using special creams and oinments to help with swelling and scarring. He could often be found sitting by their bed holding their hand in his lap as he whispered compliments to them. His smile unaltering even if it never reached his eyes.
Lucifer came late in the night, letting Belphie and Beel leave to get true rest, and he would just sit in silence as he watched their breaths rise and fall. And when he knew he was completely alone, his back would bow with the weight of his pain, shoulders sagging under the pressure. His fist would fly to his hair, strands coming loose as he pulled. Tears would well up in his eyes. Was this Fathers doing? Was he punishing you as he had done to us? Was he truly so petty to put you through all this pain? His tears would stop as soon as the twins returned, and he would stand, his spine rigid and head held high before turning to leave himself.
This all became a routine until MC's wings and horns stopped growing.
Their wings were massive, comparable to Lucifers, and pitch black, the tips white on the underside like those of Black Vultures from the Human Realm.
Their horns were smooth like polished crystal as they curved up and around the crown of their head like a halo, the ends bent upward. Black at the base and fading to white as they went.
Finally, they found the answer thanks to Solomon.
The Sorcerer had come to the HoL, exhausted and worse for wear, but with a triumphant smile on his face. Satan, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon followed close behind.
He gathered them all in MCs room, where they still slept.
"So what's wrong with em'?" Mammon squawked, impatient as ever.
"There is nothing wrong with them. Not truly. In simple terms, MC has evolved. They are no longer human." Solomon answered plainly.
"So they are a demon now?" Beel asked.
"That's the intriguing part, No. After running multiple tests, I could find no trace of the human genome or anything connected to demons or angels in their blood. From what I can gather, the genes from their angelic heritage were domant before being activated by their experiences here in the Devildom. Their body evolved to survive. Normally, these new genes would be passed on to their descendents much later, but due to their peculiar circumstances and the power they have aquired, the process was excelerated. MC is no longer human and neither demon nor angel. They have become something new."
"Would they be comparable to a Nephilim or Cambion?" Diavolo asked.
"I don't know. All we can do is wait and see. But I do not believe they will pose a danger. If anything, this cements them as a connection to all three realms. Having been born a human with angelic blood and their relationships with all of you and pacts with the brothers, they might well be your greatest asset to create the peace you have been working so diligently for."
They all turned to look at MCs sleeping form.
"Then what are we waiting for, huh? Let's wake em' up!" Mammon exclaimed.
Lucifer looked over to Diavolo and received a warm smile and a nod.
With them all gathered around Belphie lifted his magic and MC stirred.
Their eyes blinked open, and they were greeted with new life.
Drawing reference to MCs new form. Science Overview
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I was reading your tweel analyses posts and came across the little blurb of Floyd and Jade eating octopus in front of Azul and seemingly relishing in it because it might unsettle him and they're little shits. their fave foods having octopus in them makes sense since it's part of a diet of moray eels
here's a question I don't see many asking: does Azul eat octopus dishes? I think everyone is aware that octopus can (and do) cannibalize each other (even self-cannibalize) but he is still an octopus merman. do you think the animal based mers like the octatrio view the animals they share similarities with as a completely separate species from them and therefore not care when eating them? or is it sort of like a human and big ape thing, where it is highly uncomfortable and generally frowned upon?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think Azul refrains from eating octopus himself! The reasoning being that… well, it’s really a gut feeling that’s informed by my observations of the Octatrio’s interactions.
If he looked annoyed watching the twins eat octopus, then that indicates he feels a certain way in that scenario—a discomfort or irritation which would then extend to his own dietary habits. If Azul did eat octopus, then why should he take issue with his peers doing the same? If both moray eels and octopus dine on octopus, why would he only be distressed in one scenario and not the other? Why would Jade and Floyd go out of their way to eat tons of octopus in front of Azul and bring up mentions of how delicious his merform is, if not to tease and unnerve him?
I do think that merpeople view non-sentient sea creatures they share traits with as separate beings in the food chain. This is why the twins can eat regular ol’ octopus without an issue. However, I also think that eating a creature that is of the same “type” as you (ie Azul and an octopus) is seen as morally wrong, as they too closely resemble the merpeople in question. This would be similar to how humans are fine with eating cow, pig, and chicken, but are far less willing to consume primates. It’s the “human” part of them—of us—our consciouses calling out to us and letting us know “hey, this is wrong”. The only thing I can really find to support this is how Jade says his least favorite food is a conger eel. (But his dialogue suggests he has tried it before and doesn't like the texture.) He and Floyd are morays, which is a different kind of eel... So does that imply that eating others is okay (ie other kinds of eels) so long as they aren't your exact species (morays for the twins)?
Merpeople may be part man and part fish, but I believe they are mainly human with additional fish traits and attributes; their thinking and behaviors are still very human, so I feel they share some similarities with humans in their moral and ethical codes.
The difficulty with half human/half animal fantasy races is that there will always be the debate of how much their animalistic side plays into their behaviors and how much of that can be overridden by their human side. For example, just because Leona is a lion beastman doesn’t mean he can’t eat vegetables, he just does not like them. This is in spite of lions being carnivores (ie exclusively dining on meat). We also see (or it is implied) many merfolk and beastmen eating food that would harm or kill their non-sentient counterparts (such as candy and chocolates during Halloween; you’d think they would otherwise express repulsion if offered what is basically poison to them). The “beastial” TWST characters in general don’t seem too strict on their food intake (specialized diets for athletes aside), so my guess is that their intakes lean more toward the omnivorous intakes of humans rather than the diet prescribed by the animals that are a part of them. After all… if Azul ate octopus, bro would be nomming on his own arm or something (since auto-cannibalism is a thing among octopus) 😭
Side note: Azul considers eating squid ink pasta in book 3. This is probably the closest we'll get to seeing him "eating octopus". Makes me think that it's acceptable to eat like... body parts and byproducts of other animals but not of the same species as you (ie chicken hearts vs human hearts).
Imagine walking in on that though????? I’d say, “Sorry to disturb you, sir! I’ll see myself out now,” then slowly shut the door and back away…
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tyrantisterror · 16 days
I forgot to ask why you think its possible for people to empathize with creatures such as vampires who weren't originally thought of as remotely human or sympathetic, why the blood-drinking and other monstrous qualities aren't deal-breakers when it comes to becoming sympathetic characters in stories.
I think whenever you have a creature in fiction that is "evil" because of something inherent to its nature, it'll immediately trigger a sympathy response in people who have also been made to feel "evil" for being what they are.
I mean, we're already using vampires as an example here, so let's look at them. They drink blood, that's their big defining thing. Well, shit, is that really evil, or is it just a unique dietary need? Is a vampire any more evil than a wolf, an animal that also has to prey on the living? Is it really more evil than us, who kill living things all the time to not only sustain us, but our many habits, including frivolous ones like the desire for material luxuries? In most fiction, vampires can't choose not to drink blood. It's a necessity for their existence, they have to do it. Can it really be held against them without being unjust?
True evil is a choice someone makes. If there is no choice involved, then you don't have an evil creature, you have a victim of a fucked up situation, and victims of fucked up situations should be sympathetic to people. I think it says something good about human nature that many people looked at monsters like vampires, who were intended to be evil by nature, and thought, "Well with some help they could be nice, they could live a normal life, they could coexist with us."
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sapphicseasapphire · 6 months
I’m wondering if any of the chain members have any dietary restrictions and if so how do they deal with food while travelling I’d imagine some wouldn’t exactly need to eat ( wars, wild and time) but also most of the other might need to have different diets then the typical hylian. ( honestly only twilight and maybe four might be the only with a more typical diet)
This is a great question, and one that I’ve thought about at length. Sorry I took so long to respond, I’m so incredibly busy with my classes! I hope this answer is sufficient haha! (Under the cut because long)
Wild: Surprisingly, he does need to eat! Just, not for the reasons that you or I do. Wild does not feel hungry. His body does not consume energy (it’s not… physical, really). But his magic is based in the natural world, so if he’s hurt, he must strengthen bonds to nature. The easiest way to do this is to ingest things that come from nature. So like… any food ever. He gets hurt a lot (the little chaos gremlin) so he tends to eat a lot! And he may be a silly little guy, but he has standards. He’s an excellent cook, surprisingly.
Wars: Doesn’t eat. Can’t eat. Is a sword.
Time: Time doesn’t need to eat, but after spending his life as a mortal, it’s a pretty tough habit to break! He’s nostalgic about food, almost. While he doesn’t feel hungry, he doesn’t typically feel full, either. So eating won’t make him sick or anything. If he smells something tasty, he’d ask for a serving! Other than that, he doesn’t have any dietary restrictions.
Hyrule: Vegetarían! And he LOVES sweet things. He fills up on berries and then will go days without eating again- it doesn’t take much to sustain his little body. (Like Wild, he’s not exactly physical, either. Most of his body mass is just magic). Sugar water? His favorite. Jelly? He loves. He’s such a little guy, I love him.
Sky: Pescatarian! As Link, he was vegetarian, but Aepon really liked fish. To this day, Sky’s favorite meal is pumpkin and fish soup, which is a weird combination. But Pipit made it for him once and it’s been his favorite ever since! (A combination of Link and Aepon’s favorites). He’s not against eating meat but his body isn’t really equipped to handle it. Same with dairy- but no one knew that until they gave him a bunch of milk after hearing that he has fragile bones. He is morally against eating eggs.
Legend: He has to absolutely douse all of his meals with a bunch of salt or he’ll die, but he’s vibing. He prefers seafood, but he’s been living on land (and has traveled enough) to be able to stomach the plants that grow above water. He has even developed a preference for certain meats. He’ll take whatever he’s given, usually, and add his own salt haha.
Ravio: Literally the exact same as Legend. (Except he’s been neglecting the salt thing for pretty much his whole life. Someone help him, he’s not doing well).
Wind: Literally the exact same as Legend and Ravio, except he doesn’t need all the salt supplementation… at least not nearly to the same extent.
Four: Eats a typical diet! Nothing really to say here. Typical three meals a day, meat and vegetables and dairy and all that. Four will mix their food before eating, which the others might find odd. They prefer to have everything in every bite. Soups are good haha!
Twilight: Typical diet. He eats meat and vegetables and dairy and all that jazz. Lots of protein. He eats… more than you’d expect, and that’s because he has different forms to maintain. It doesn’t cost him anything to shift- it takes no energy- but if he only eats enough for a Hylian, he won’t be able to last long as a wolf or another large animal.
This post might offer some more insight!
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rick1ty · 2 months
four times kaito refuses yuki’s offer to eat and one time he finally gives in
this scenario centers around the charged, complex relationship between my other ocs: Yuki Nakamura, a charismatic and skilled lead mechanic, and Kaito Kirishima, an aloof and talented Formula One driver, set against the high-stakes world of racing in Tokyo. as Yuki becomes increasingly concerned with Kaito's tendency to neglect his own well-being, particularly his eating habits, their usual bickering evolves into a deeper, more intimate connection, forcing both men to confront their growing feelings and the vulnerabilities they've long kept hidden.
basically, it’s just that driver/mechanic dynamic I love so much 😭😭 especially when the driver is unapproachable, arrogant and self neglecting dumbass workaholic who puts his work before himself and requires someone to take care of him.
[stomach growling, teasing, I would say more caretaking than teasing]
The rhythmic clanking of tools against metal filled the garage as Yuki lay on his back beneath Kaito's car, tinkering with the undercarriage. The smell of oil and rubber clung to the air, a scent as familiar to him as his own skin.
A pair of impeccably polished shoes appeared in his peripheral vision. Yuki rolled his eyes. Only one person on the team wore shoes that pristine in the garage.
"Oi, Kirishima," he called out, not bothering to slide out from under the car. "Come to micromanage my work again?"
"Merely ensuring you're not about to sabotage my vehicle, Nakamura," Kaito's cool voice replied. "One can never be too careful."
Yuki snorted, tightening a bolt with perhaps more force than necessary. "Right, because I'd risk my job just to mess with your precious ego. Get over yourself."
He was about to launch into another barb when a loud, unmistakable growl cut through the air. Yuki paused, wrench halfway to the next bolt. Was that...?
Sliding out from under the car, Yuki propped himself up on his elbows, raising an eyebrow at Kaito. The driver stood there, arms crossed, a slight pink tinge to his usually pale cheeks.
"Was that your stomach, Kirishima?" Yuki asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Sounds like you've got a wild animal trapped in there."
Kaito's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. "Don't be ridiculous. It was probably one of your subpar tools malfunctioning."
As if on cue, another rumble emanated from Kaito's midsection. Yuki's smirk bloomed into a full-fledged grin.
"Hate to break it to you, but my tools don't sound like that," he said, pushing himself to his feet. "When's the last time you ate something?"
"I fail to see how that's any of your concern," Kaito snapped, taking a step back as Yuki approached.
Yuki shook his head, wiping his hands on a rag. "It is when you're piloting a multi-million dollar machine at breakneck speeds. You need fuel, same as the car."
"I'm perfectly capable of managing my own needs," Kaito retorted, but Yuki noticed the way his hand unconsciously moved to his stomach, slender fingers pressing against the empty spot.
"Sure you are," Yuki drawled. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an energy bar. "Here. It's not gourmet, but it'll keep you from passing out on the track."
Kaito eyed the bar like it might bite him. "I don't need your charity, Nakamura."
"It's not charity, it's common sense," Yuki countered, holding the bar out. "Come on, your highness. I promise it won't kill you."
For a moment, it seemed like Kaito might actually take it. His fingers twitched at his side, and Yuki saw a flicker of something – maybe hunger, maybe gratitude – in those obsidian eyes. But then the mask slammed back into place.
"I have a strict dietary regimen," Kaito said stiffly. "I don't put just anything into my body."
With that, he turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Yuki standing there with the energy bar still in his outstretched hand.
"Stubborn idiot," Yuki muttered, shaking his head. He tossed the bar onto his toolbox and slid back under the car. But as he resumed his work, he couldn't shake the image of Kaito's flushed cheeks and the brief vulnerability he'd glimpsed.
Next time, he thought, he'd have to try harder. After all, keeping the car in top shape was pointless if the driver was running on empty.
The pit lane buzzed with pre-qualifying tension, a symphony of revving engines and shouted instructions. Yuki crouched by Kaito's car, making last-minute adjustments, his practiced hands moving with swift precision.
Kaito approached, already suited up, his helmet tucked under one arm. Yuki glanced up, noting the tightness around Kaito's eyes, the slight pallor beneath his usual composure.
"Car's ready," Yuki said, straightening up. "She'll purr for you out there."
Kaito nodded curtly, but as he moved to step past Yuki, a loud, hollow gurgle emanated from his midsection. It was a drawn-out sound, almost like a whine, audible even over the ambient noise.
Yuki's eyebrows shot up. "Damn, Kirishima. Again? Sounds like a whole black hole has formed in your stomach."
A faint blush colored Kaito's cheeks, but his voice remained clipped. "It's nothing. Focus on your job, Nakamura."
"My job includes making sure the driver doesn't faint at the wheel," Yuki retorted, stepping closer. He lowered his voice, surprisingly gentle. "Come on, Kaito. You need to eat something before you get in that car."
Kaito's eyes widened slightly at the use of his first name. For a moment, the mask slipped, revealing a flicker of uncertainty.
Another growl broke the silence between them, this one a long, rolling rumble that seemed to echo in Kaito's lean frame. Yuki could swear he saw Kaito's firesuit move with the force of it.
"Here," Yuki said, fishing another protein bar he had prepared earlier from his pocket. Artificially flavoured protein bar, with an image of pancakes on a wrapper. “I got this specially. High-performance stuff, designed for athletes. It won't mess with your precious regimen."
Kaito's gaze flicked between the bar and Yuki's face, something unreadable in his expression. When his gaze lingered on that appetising pancakes image, he gulped, his stomach responding with an impatient gurgle. His fingers twitched, and for a second, Yuki thought he might actually take it.
But then Kaito's jaw set, his eyes hardening. "I appreciate the thought, Nakamura, but I'm fine. Save your concern for the car."
He brushed past Yuki, their shoulders touching briefly. Yuki caught a whiff of Kaito's cologne mixed with a hint of sweat and gun oil
"Kaito," Yuki called after him, frustration and something else – worry? – coloring his tone.
Kaito paused, half-turning. For a breath, their eyes met, and Yuki saw the conflict there, the pride warring with need. Then Kaito broke the gaze, slipping his helmet on.
"I'll eat after qualifying," he said, voice muffled. "I promise."
Before Yuki could respond, Kaito was climbing into the car, effectively ending the conversation.
Yuki stood there, protein bar still in hand, watching as the car roared to life. He shook his head, pocketing the bar again.
"Stubborn, stupid idiot," he muttered, repeating, but there was no real heat in it. Instead, a mix of exasperation and grudging admiration colored his tone. As he moved to join the rest of the crew, Yuki found himself already planning his next attempt. He was nothing if not persistent, and for reasons he wasn't quite ready to examine, getting Kaito to take care of himself had become oddly important to him.
The soft glow of evening settled over the empty garage. Most of the crew had long since departed, leaving behind the lingering scent of motor oil and the faint hum of fluorescent lights. Yuki hunched over his workbench, poring over telemetry data from the day's practice session.
The sound of footsteps made him look up. Kaito stood in the doorway, his usual immaculate suit replaced by a simple black t-shirt and fitted jeans. The casual attire made him look younger, more approachable.
"Kirishima," Yuki acknowledged, surprise coloring his tone. "Didn't expect to see you here this late."
Kaito shrugged, a surprisingly casual gesture for him. "I wanted to review the data before tomorrow."
As Kaito moved closer, Yuki couldn't help but notice how the t-shirt clung to his lean frame. He swallowed hard, forcing his gaze back to the papers.
"Well, pull up a chair," Yuki offered, gesturing to the stool beside him. "Though I warn you, I'm lousy company when I'm working."
A ghost of a smile touched Kaito's lips. "I've endured worse."
They worked in companionable silence for a while, shoulders occasionally brushing as they leaned over the same charts. Yuki found himself hyperaware of every point of contact, the warmth of Kaito's skin seeping through the thin fabric of his shirt.
Suddenly, a familiar sound broke the quiet. Kaito's stomach let out a long, plaintive growl, the kind that seemed to echo in the empty garage.
Yuki glanced at Kaito, noting the faint blush creeping up his neck. "Skipped dinner again?"
Kaito's jaw tightened, but there was less hostility in his eyes than before. "I got caught up in reviewing race footage. It's not important."
Without thinking, Yuki reached out, his hand settling gently on Kaito's flat stomach. The touch was soft, almost protective. "You've got to take better care of yourself, Kaito."
The moment the words left his mouth, Yuki realized what he'd done. He expected Kaito to jerk away, to snap at him. But to his surprise, Kaito remained still, his eyes wide with an unspoken emotion.
Kaito's face flushed deeper, but he didn't move away from Yuki's touch. Instead, he cleared his throat, his voice slightly strained. "We should focus on the data, Nakamura. The car's performance is more critical than my eating habits."
Yuki's hand remained on Kaito's stomach, feeling the subtle tension in the muscles beneath his palm. "The car won't perform if the driver's running on empty," he countered softly.
Their eyes met, and Yuki felt a jolt of electricity run through him. There was something new in Kaito's gaze, a vulnerability that made Yuki's heart race.
Another growl from Kaito's stomach vibrated against Yuki's hand, breaking the tension. Yuki couldn't help but chuckle, the sound warm and genuine.
Kaito's blush intensified, but a hint of his usual smirk returned. "If your hands wander like that when you work on my car, we're going to have problems, Nakamura," he said, his tone a mix of embarrassment and attempted nonchalance.
Yuki, realizing his hand was still on Kaito's stomach, reluctantly withdrew it. "Just making sure our star driver doesn't waste away," he retorted, but there was no bite to it.
"Your concern is noted," Kaito said, his voice softer than usual. He turned back to the data sheets, but Yuki noticed the slight tremor in his hands. "Now, about these lap times..."
As they refocused on work, Yuki found himself hyper-aware of Kaito's proximity, the lingering warmth on his palm, and the shift in the air between them. The usual prickly tension had softened into something else, something warm and full of potential.
And though they didn't speak of it, both men knew that something had fundamentally changed in their dynamic, leaving them teetering on the edge of uncharted territory.
The sleek conference room buzzed with anticipation, reporters jostling for position as cameras flashed. Kaito Kirishima sat at the center of the long table, the picture of cool composure in his tailored charcoal suit. But Yuki, standing off to the side with the rest of the team, noticed the slight tension in Kaito's jaw, the way his fingers drummed almost imperceptibly against the tabletop. Stubborn Kaito refused to delay press conference, deciding to attend it during his usual lunch hour. Smart move as always, Yuki thought with an exasperation.
As the team's PR manager introduced Kaito and outlined the purpose of the conference, Yuki's eyes remained fixed on Kaito. He watched as Kaito took a sip of water, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.
The first few questions went smoothly, Kaito answering with his trademark poise and carefully measured responses. But as the conference wore on, Yuki noticed Kaito's replies becoming slightly clipped, his pauses between words growing longer.
Then, during a brief lull as a reporter fumbled with their microphone, it happened. A low, gurgling rumble emanated from Kaito's direction, audible even over the ambient noise of the room. Kaito's eyes widened fractionally, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
Yuki bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud. He caught Kaito's eye for a brief moment, raising an eyebrow in a silent "I told you so."
Kaito's gaze hardened, but Yuki could see the flicker of embarrassment beneath the stern exterior. He watched as Kaito subtly pressed a hand to his midsection, as if willing it into silence.
"Mr. Kirishima," a reporter called out, "can you elaborate on the team's tire strategy for the upcoming race?"
Kaito leaned forward to answer, but his voice was cut off by another, louder growl from his stomach. This time, there was no mistaking the source. A few titters of laughter rippled through the crowd of journalists.
"Apologies," Kaito said smoothly, though Yuki could hear the strain in his voice. "As I was saying, our tire strategy—"
But his stomach wasn't done yet. A long, plaintive whine echoed through the room, causing several reporters to chuckle outright.
Kaito's composure finally cracked, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks. "I apologize," he said, his voice tight. "It seems the rigors of our training schedule have left me... somewhat peckish."
As the PR manager quickly wrapped up the conference, promising further questions could be addressed via email, Yuki watched Kaito practically bolt from his seat. He followed, catching up to Kaito in the hallway outside.
"Not a word, Nakamura," Kaito growled, his face still flushed.
Yuki held up his hands in mock surrender, but couldn't keep the smirk off his face. "I have to say, your stomach has quite the talent for public speaking."
Kaito's glare could have melted steel, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes—embarrassment, certainly, but also a flicker of the same vulnerability Yuki had glimpsed before.
"Look," Yuki said, his tone softening. "Let's grab something to eat. You must be starving after that performance."
Kaito's stomach chose that moment to let out another disgruntled rumble, but Kaito straightened his shoulders, his mask of indifference sliding back into place. "I appreciate your concern, Nakamura, but I have a meeting with sponsors in ten minutes. I don't have time for lunch."
Yuki frowned, seeing through the obvious lie. "Kaito, come on. You can't fool me. Your stomach's practically screaming right now."
"I assure you, I'm fine," Kaito insisted, his tone clipped. "I'm not hungry. The... noises were merely a result of indigestion. Nothing more."
Yuki rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to argue, but Kaito cut him off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have important matters to attend to."
With that, Kaito turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Yuki standing there, exasperated and concerned in equal measure.
Yuki shook his head but he couldn't help the fond smile that tugged at his lips.
As he watched Kaito's retreating back, Yuki found himself already planning his next attempt. He was nothing if not persistent, and for reasons he wasn't quite ready to examine, getting Kaito to take care of himself had become oddly important to him.
The tension in the private garage was palpable. It was the night before the championship's final race, and Kaito had insisted on a last-minute adjustment session. The rest of the team had long since departed, leaving only Kaito and Yuki burning the midnight oil.
Yuki wiped sweat from his brow, emerging from beneath the car. "Alright, that should do it. Want to take her for a quick—"
His words were cut off by an almighty rumble that echoed through the empty garage. It was a long, gurgling growl that seemed to go on forever, loud enough to make Yuki jump.
Kaito stood frozen by the car, his face a mask of mortification. In the harsh fluorescent light, Yuki could see the driver's cheeks burning red.
"Damn, Kirishima," Yuki said, unable to keep the amusement from his voice. "Are you being serious right now? I thought we had an earthquake for a second there."
Kaito's jaw clenched, but before he could retort, his stomach let out another aggressive growl, even louder than the first. This time, Yuki saw Kaito wince, his hand instinctively moving to his midsection.
"When's the last time you ate?" Yuki asked, his tone shifting from teasing to concerned, once he saw Kaito’s reaction.
Kaito looked away, his voice barely audible. "...Yesterday morning."
"Yesterday mor—" Yuki cut himself off, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. "Kaito, for fuck's sake. You can't drive like this."
"I'm fine," Kaito insisted, but his stomach chose that moment to let out a sound that was almost a whine, undermining his words.
Yuki stepped closer, his eyes searching Kaito's face. He could see the exhaustion there, the slight tremor in Kaito's usually steady hands. Without thinking, he reached out, placing a gentle hand on Kaito's stomach. He felt it contract under his touch, another growl rumbling through.
"You're not fine," Yuki said softly. "You're running on empty, and if you try to race like this tomorrow, you're going to crash."
For once, Kaito didn't pull away from Yuki's touch. He stood there, tension radiating from every muscle, his eyes meeting Yuki's with a mix of defiance and something that looked almost like fear.
"I can't afford distractions," Kaito said, his voice hoarse. "Not now. Not with everything riding on tomorrow."
Yuki's hand remained on Kaito's stomach, feeling every rumble and gurgle. "And you think passing out from hunger in the middle of the race isn't a distraction?"
Kaito's resolve visibly crumbled. His shoulders sagged, and he leaned ever so slightly into Yuki's touch. "I... I don't know what to do," he admitted, the words barely a whisper.
Yuki's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Kaito's voice. "Let me help," he said gently. "There's a 24-hour diner just down the street. Good food, quiet booths. We can go over race strategy while we eat."
For a long moment, Kaito was silent. Then, just as Yuki was about to withdraw his hand, Kaito nodded. "Okay," he said softly.
Yuki blinked, surprised by the easy acquiescence. "Okay?"
A ghost of Kaito's usual smirk appeared. "Don't make me say it again, Nakamura."
Yuki chuckled, finally dropping his hand from Kaito's stomach. "Wouldn't dream of it. Come on, let's get some food in you before you pass out, you dumbass."
As they walked out of the garage together, Yuki couldn't help but feel like something fundamental had shifted between them. The usual barriers had come down, if only for a moment, and he found himself looking forward to more than just the meal ahead.
Kaito's stomach groaned again as they stepped into the cool night air, and this time, Kaito actually laughed sheepishly —a short, surprised sound that made Yuki's heart skip a beat.
"You know," Kaito said, glancing at Yuki with an uncharacteristically soft expression, "I suppose there are worse things than having a meal with you."
Yuki grinned, bumping his shoulder against Kaito's. "High praise indeed, Kirishima. I'm touched."
As they made their way to the diner, Yuki realized that for the first time, he was genuinely looking forward to spending time with Kaito off the track. And judging by the small smile playing on Kaito's lips, he wasn't the only one.
The diner's warm lighting cast a soft glow over the worn leather booth where Kaito and Yuki sat across from each other. The aroma of sizzling burgers and fresh coffee permeated the air, and Kaito's stomach responded with a series of impatient gurgles.
Yuki noticed Kaito's eyes following a plate of steaming food as a waitress carried it past their table. "Hungry?" he asked, not trying to hide teasing in his voice.
Kaito's cheeks tinged pink, but he didn't deny it. "The smell is... rather enticing," he admitted, his usual composure slipping as another growl emanated from his midsection.
Yuki's expression softened. "Hey," he said gently, "it's okay to be human, you know. Even the great Kaito Kirishima needs to eat sometimes."
Kaito's gaze met Yuki's, a mix of embarrassment and gratitude in his eyes. "I suppose you're right," he murmured.
As they waited for their order, Yuki noticed Kaito shifting uncomfortably, one hand pressed against his stomach. Without thinking, he reached under the table, his hand finding Kaito's abdomen.
"May I?" Yuki asked softly, his fingers hovering just above Kaito's shirt.
Kaito hesitated for a moment, then gave a small nod. "If you must," he said, but there was no bite to his words.
Gently, Yuki began to rub small circles on Kaito's stomach, feeling the taught muscles beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. He could feel the rumbles and gurgles under his palm, Kaito's hungry stomach protesting its emptiness.
"This okay?" Yuki asked, his voice low.
Kaito's eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment. "It's... not unpleasant," he admitted, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly.
They sat in comfortable silence, Yuki's hand continuing its soothing motions. He marveled at how natural it felt, this moment of intimacy with someone he'd considered a rival not too long ago.
"You know," Kaito said after a while, his voice barely above a whisper, "I can't remember the last time someone took care of me like this."
Yuki's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Kaito's tone. "Well," he replied, matching Kaito's soft volume, "maybe it's time you let someone start."
Their eyes met across the table, an unspoken understanding passing between them. The moment was broken by the arrival of their food, but as Yuki reluctantly withdrew his hand, he knew something had fundamentally changed between them.
As they dug into their meals, the conversation flowed more easily than ever before. And if their feet happened to touch under the table, neither of them mentioned it, both secretly savoring this new, tentative closeness.
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
Hi! I read your headcanons for Toby and when I saw you mention his soft spot for animals being directed toward his S/O somewhat I immediately thought of one of my OCs who's a three tailed kitsune lol ( ik it's cringe but who cares)
So, it got me thinking (rare occurrence), what about an animal hybrid!reader? How would Toby react when first seeing them? Would he warm up to affection easier/quicker because if it? Would he be interested in their animalistic behaviors and habits? Would he study thier animal type to try to help accommodate them better? Would he have to resist the urge to touch their ears/tail/wings/etc. at first or is it less excited curiosity and more careful and distant curiosity initially? Idk, I just be pondering, feel free to ignore its after 3 am here lmao
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Toby x Animal Hybrid!Reader (Reminder: I stick VERY closely to my HCs and WILL apply it to all my work unless you refuse it in your request!!)
Initial Encounter:
- When Toby first sees you, his initial reaction is a mix of shock and fascination. He's seen many strange things working with the other pastas, but an animal hybrid is new territory.
- He stands there for a moment, taking in your appearance, before his curiosity gets the better of him and he approaches cautiously.
- Toby’s curiosity is piqued by your animalistic features. He finds himself watching you more often, intrigued by how you move, react, and interact with your surroundings.
- At first, his curiosity is more careful and distant. He doesn't want to overwhelm you or come off as intrusive.
Observing Habits:
- Toby begins to pay attention to your habits and behaviors, noting how they differ from or are similar to human behaviors. He finds your animalistic quirks endearing and often smiles to himself when he sees you acting on them.
- He might quietly sketch you in his notepad, capturing your unique traits and movements.
Research and Accommodation:
- Wanting to make you feel more comfortable, Toby starts researching your animal type. He looks up dietary needs, environmental preferences, and any other specific information that could help him understand you better.
- He makes subtle changes in his room and shared spaces to accommodate your needs, such as adding more pillows or blankets for nesting or finding foods that you particularly enjoy.
Warming Up:
- Toby warms up to your affection surprisingly quickly. Your gentle and intuitive nature helps soothe his anxieties and tics. He finds comfort in your presence and starts seeking you out when he feels particularly stressed or overwhelmed.
- He discovers that your touch has a calming effect on him, helping to ease his insomnia and tics.
Physical Affection:
- At first, Toby has to resist the urge to touch your animalistic features, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. His fingers often twitch with the desire to feel your ears, tail, or wings.
- Over time, as you become more comfortable with each other, you give him permission to touch your features. He does so with great care and gentleness, marveling at the textures and sensations.
Mutual Comfort:
- You both find comfort in each other's presence. When Toby hums to himself out of stress, you instinctively come closer, offering silent support. Your animal instincts pick up on his moods, and you adjust your behavior to help calm him.
- Toby, in turn, learns to read your body language and responds with appropriate affection or space, depending on what you need.
Shared Interests:
- Toby discovers that you also enjoy puzzles and drawing, finding common ground that strengthens your bond. He teaches you different puzzle techniques, and you share your drawing skills with him, creating a collaborative and supportive relationship.
Adventures Together:
- Knowing your love for nature and the outdoors, Toby often takes you out on night-time walks. These moments become your special time together, away from the chaos of the mansion.
- He shows you how to skateboard, and despite his initial clumsiness, you both have a lot of fun learning and laughing together.
Protective Nature:
- Toby becomes incredibly protective of you, always making sure you're safe and comfortable. He’s ready to defend you against any threats, using his skills and knowledge to keep you out of harm’s way.
- In return, you use your heightened senses to alert him to any dangers, creating a mutual protective dynamic that strengthens your bond.
Overall, your relationship with Toby is one of mutual understanding and support. His fascination with your animalistic traits is balanced by a deep respect for your boundaries, leading to a nurturing and affectionate bond that helps both of you grow and heal.
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Hope this was good enough!!
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11x13kyle · 1 year
have any stupid style headcanons?
oh SO many dude you have no idea
stan will wear the stupidest outfits of all time, go around with his hair unkempt and greasy, have the worst eyebags you’ve ever seen, and kyle will look at him like god…….isn’t he just so dreamy???
they alternate between who cooks and who cleans but by god is stan ALWAYS doing repairs. it’s not just because kyle is lazy (that’s part of it) or that he doesn’t want to get dirty and sweaty (that too) but it’s also that kyle simply has no idea what he’s doing. one time he feels emasculated by the fact that he just sits there while stan does the repairs so he tries to help but he does it so poorly that stan gets pissed and tells him to just let him do it himself, which makes kyle all huffy
stan is in kyle’s phone as “Stan Marsh” and people think he’s a total freak for it. he justifies it by explaining that everyone in his phone is first name last name, even his parents, but that just makes it even more offputting
on that topic, they don’t really do pet names besides the occasionally baby or honey once in a while when they feel really affectionate or the other is in a kind of pathetic state. they mostly call each other by their names or like dude or man. sometimes kyle uses “stanley” as a kind of pet name but he also calls him stanley when he’s really really mad so it’s a bit hard to tell sometimes!
stan gets more jealous than kyle because for all of kyle’s insecurities, he knows stan isn’t going to leave him for some rando. stan also knows this at his core but it doesn’t stop him from getting unbelievably mad when another guy has the audacity to flirt with kyle. he doesn’t even try to hide it either. this isn’t an issue for kyle it makes him twirl his hair and kick his feet almost every time (the only reason for the almost is the times where it’s inconvenient so then it’s just irritating)
stan tries to be a good shiksa boyfriend and participate during jewish holidays, which kyle finds sweet, but he gets SO embarrassed when stan is reading a prayer in front of his parents because his pronunciation is just the worst and it’s basically incomprehensible. he doesn’t blame him, it’s just so so painful and kyle stands there like 😀 the whole time
when they were like 11-15 years old one of their most important intricate rituals was competing over height. kyle was taller than stan for most of those years but there were two occasions where stan outgrew him, and on the second occasion it was permanent because kyle definitely stopped growing by like 14. it was also intensified by the fact that stan was bigger and stronger than kyle, who isn’t exactly weak or anything it’s just. comparatively. the first time kyle notices this he has to fight so hard to pretend like it isn’t making him swoon because having a crush on his best friend is so humiliating.
stan is a vegetarian when he’s an adult but he goes through a two year vegan phase in his early 20s and whenever kyle eats meat he gives him these sad puppy dog eyes about it, which doesn’t actually change kyle’s dietary habits and really just serves to annoy him
stan enjoys working out as a kind of catharsis, mostly like lifting weights and hiking (which has the added benefit of being in nature and giving him the chance to see cool animals) and kyle hates doing this stuff so bad but sometimes he’ll tag along because stan likes it so much that he wants to support him. every time he joins stan on a hike he feels like he’s about to die and it makes him feel like a huge loser because like how is he struggling more with this than his boyfriend who is literally asthmatic. it’s not that kyle hates anything athletic it’s just that what he considers a tolerable form of working out is COMPLETELY different to what stan likes
kyle makes a point to be extremely aware of what’s going on in the world, be it politics, pop culture, or niche internet drama. stan doesn’t give a shit even a little bit. a lot of the time when kyle complains about something some extremely famous person did stan will go “is that a coworker of yours?” and kyle is like ?????no. when kyle explains hyperspecific discourse stan will nod along and smile at him because he doesn’t understand a single word he’s saying but he loves hearing kyle talk
they both like watching football to a certain extent but stan is the only one who actually is invested. kyle only cares if the broncos are close to or actively winning the super bowl, and even then it’s nowhere near as serious as stan takes it. kyle will try to proposition stan in the middle of an important play and stan will move his hands away and go “can’t. i’m watching.” which makes kyle get SO offended
kyle facebook stalks their old classmates and stan thinks this is the actual stupidest past time in the world. every time he does this stan goes “hey dude, have you been outside today? wanna go on a walk?” and kyle says something like “did you see that clyde got divorced again?” and stan goes “kyle, i literally doesn’t care at—wait, really?”
kyle is really controlling of the decor for their house once the two are like actual adults with real jobs. he wants their house to be neat and mostly minimalist and reflect their maturity (save for some photos and cute little tchotchkes) which conflicts with stan’s desire to fill their living space with anything and everything. stan will bring home some shit like a sexy leg lamp or a 6 foot framed and signed poster of john elway and go “living room?” and kyle will screech “NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT GET THAT OUT OF HERE.”
the decor issue is a trauma response to when the two of them shared an apartment with kenny for like 4 years and stan and kenny were allowed creative control, which meant some of the dumbest dude decor ever. it was acceptable at like 22 but by the time they’re 26 kyle is practically begging them to stop
whenever stan and kyle get into a big argument they use comparing each other to randy or sheila to be particularly nasty but they use comparing each other to cartman as like an ultimate trump card. it eventually gets banned because it’s too powerful and that’s not really fair!
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The Mudman (again)
This one goes out to @eldewinddolly
“What in Heaven is that?” Trouble barked, drawing a gun on instinct. The target he was currently aiming at scurried back and forth in the torchlight, acting agitated. It hissed, its shining black shell chittering in the firelight as it darted around in the sand. It was almost like the disgusting little creature had realized that it was in danger.
Artemis smiled almost draconically. “Beautiful is what it is, Mister Kelp. Beautiful.” He knelt down to inspect the beast, which took the opportunity to leap up at him threateningly. “Fascinating little creatures,” Artemis continued, dancing out of the bug’s range. “From the family Scarabaidae. This branch of the tree appears to be particularly partial to an all-meat diet. In fact…”
Holly, who had drawn her own weapon when her academically inclined kin opted to wax poetic, knocked her shoulder against Artemis. “We get it, you’re in love,” she said through tight lips. “Now step on it. It’s freaking me out.”
“Step on it?” Artemis asked, spinning around to regard his sister with a look of shock and disgust. “I expected better from my own flesh and blood. This creature is a snapshot of history… you saw how they swarmed earlier, we haven’t seen a beetle quite like it in… well, I don’t believe there is anything like this on record! We ought to -”
His lecture was cut off by the sound of a sickening crunch.
Trouble pinched the bridge of his nose. “Holly. Please tell me that thing didn’t just take a bite out of Artemis,” he groaned. “I’d really rather not have to dig a man-eating bug out of your brother today.”
“Wah feen?” asked a muffled voice, its owner standing over the beetle. Or rather… standing over where the beetle had been only a moment before.
Holly made a quiet gagging sound and turned her face into Trouble’s shoulder. “It’s somehow worse,” she managed to say after a moment. “Much worse.”
“Worf thah wah?” the hairy little man asked, popping the other half of the beetle into his mouth and biting down. He chewed for a moment, then grinned. “Now come on, love,” he chuckled, noting Holly’s discomfort. “Beetles like this are a part of my heritage. My grandma practically raised me on these little beauties.”
Anger flashed across Artemis’s countenance for just a moment before he managed to school his features into a mask of calm indifference once more. “Mister Diggums… you might want to reconsider your dietary habits in regards to this particular source of protein. You may be interested to learn that they are carnivorous.”
Mulch flashed Artemis his signature tombstone grin. “I’ve been accused of the same, my friend,” he said with a wink.
Artemis let a smirk of his own cross his thin lips. “That may well be, Mister Diggums, but pause to consider with me for a moment… have you seen many natural animals running around Hamunaptra? Anything that we didn’t bring with us?”
The mirth in Diggums’ eyes cooled ever so slightly. “Can’t say as I have, no,” he said slowly. “What’s your point?”
Artemis slowly paced toward the hairy fellow, tapping his chin theatrically. “Well, Mister Diggums, if there are no sources of meat to which these fascinating little creatures might be availing themselves, just where do you imagine they’ve been sourcing their nutrition?”
Mulch swallowed nervously, any trace of humor now gone from his face. “You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, my friend.” The smile on Artemis’s face was more unsettling than ever. “I believe they’ve survived off eating what remains of the mummies here.”
Several long moments of very tense silence passed amongst the group. Finally Holly holstered her sidearm. She dusted off her hands and turned away from the poor stunned fellow still looking, somewhat terrified, at her brother. Trouble matched her step for step, looking significantly paler now.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a smirk at her companion. “Artemis was embellishing to make a point. These mummies are all far too old to be feeding any of these surviving beetles.”
Trouble stopped cold, turning to look at her. Then he began to laugh, long and loud. “You two are evil,” he said, shoulders shaking. “Pure evil.” He shook his head, his eyes twinkling as he smiled at her.
Holly felt her cheeks redden slightly. “He’s the evil one,” she defended herself. “I just play along on occasion.” Then she rested her hands on her hips, looking around the subterranean tunnel they traveled through. “Still,” she whispered confidentially, “that thing seemed pretty aggressive. Try not to get cornered by a swarm of them.”
Then she was off again, leaving a somewhat perturbed Trouble cautiously inspecting the shadows behind her, his hand trailing to the heel of his pistol.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Hiii, so, I don't know if you like the movies/series, if you don't, that's ok. I was thinking about a female reader who's living with Hannibal (don't really care if it's the TV or the movie one) and they're in a relationship, but she never tasted the human flash because she's vegan, buttttttt he started to tell her "it's not the same, humans are the ones hurting animals, mistreating the world, being cruel to anything and everyone, even with other humans", being manipulative, and she decides that It may be true after seeing something bad happening with animals and she tries and feel some sort of revange and that's the only meat she'll ever eat. I got it if you think it's too much or too weird, I just have a thing with Hannibal (??? Weird, I know) but thanks either way ☺️
I had to pause from starting a request because the fact you said “weird ik” caught my attention, there is nothing weird about having a thing for Hannibal I repeat, THERE 👏🏾IS 👏🏾NOTHING 👏🏾WRONG 👏🏾WITH 👏🏾HAVING 👏🏾A 👏🏾THING 👏🏾FOR 👏🏾HANNIBAL 👏🏾
Now lemme get started one this
❝humans are no different from animals❞
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✭ pairing : Hannibal lector x reader
✭ fandom : slashers x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is Hannibal lectors vegan partner and she doesn’t necessarily minds his eating habits but when he brings some things to her attention she begins taking a different approach with her own eating habits
✭ authors note : wow my first hannibal lector story, to be a dick I added this to the vegan lifestyle tag that way if anyone goes there they can find my sick and twisted story :)
✭ slashers masterlist
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Hannibal Lecter, renowned psychiatrist and connoisseur of fine cuisine, found himself in an unexpected relationship with (Y/N), a passionate vegan who had never tasted meat. Their connection was both intriguing and complex, as their differing perspectives on food and ethics often collided.
One evening, as they sat together in Hannibal's elegant dining room, surrounded by the opulence of his home, the topic of Hannibal's unique culinary preferences arose. (Y/N), driven by curiosity and a desire to understand Hannibal on a deeper level, mustered the courage to broach the subject. "Hannibal," she began, her voice filled with genuine interest, "I've always wondered why you choose to consume human flesh. It seems contradictory to your beliefs and values."
Hannibal's piercing gaze met (Y/N)'s, his eyes filled with a mix of intensity and understanding. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "(Y/N), my dear, I understand your concerns and the apparent contradiction that arises from my dietary choices," he replied, his voice smooth and measured. "But allow me to shed some light on my perspective."
He paused for a moment, his fingers delicately intertwining as he continued, "Humans, unlike animals, possess a unique capacity for cruelty and destruction. We are the ones who have caused immense suffering to the animal kingdom, exploiting and mistreating them for our own gain." Hannibal's words hung in the air,
He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing. "Humans are the ones who have caused immense suffering to animals, mistreated the world, and shown cruelty to one another. By consuming those who have committed heinous acts, I am, in a way, purging the world of its darkness."
(Y/N) listened intently, her brows furrowing as she grappled with the complexity of Hannibal's explanation. She had always believed in the inherent goodness of humanity, despite its flaws.
“But Hannibal," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and disbelief, "isn't it a slippery slope? How can you be sure that you're not becoming the very thing you despise?" Hannibal leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative.
“I understand your concern, (Y/N). It's a delicate balance, one that I constantly navigate. But by consuming those who have caused harm, I believe I am serving justice in my own way. I am not indiscriminate in my choices; I carefully select those who have shown no remorse for their actions." He paused, his gaze unwavering.
"In a world filled with darkness, I strive to bring balance. By removing the wicked, I hope to create a world where goodness can flourish."
(Y/N) sat in silence, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She had always believed in the power of compassion and forgiveness, but Hannibal's perspective challenged her deeply held beliefs.
It was now another day, or night in this case. The moon hung high in the night sky as (Y/N) found herself standing in Hannibal's meticulously designed kitchen, surrounded by the intoxicating aroma of a carefully prepared meal. Her heart raced with a mix of trepidation and curiosity, for tonight, she had made a decision that would forever change her perception of the world.
Driven by a desire for justice and a newfound understanding of Hannibal's perspective, (Y/N) had decided to partake in a meal of cooked human flesh. It was a choice born out of a deep-seated anger and a need to reclaim power in a world that often seemed cruel and unjust on animals.
As she sat at the dining table, Hannibal gracefully moved around the room, his presence both comforting and enigmatic. He understood the weight of (Y/N)'s decision and knew that this moment would be pivotal in their relationship.
“(Y/N)," Hannibal began, his voice a soothing melody, "what you are about to experience is a journey of emotions. It is natural to feel a mix of revulsion, curiosity, and even a sense of empowerment. Allow yourself to embrace these emotions, for they are the essence of our shared humanity."
With each carefully plated dish, Hannibal guided (Y/N) through the intricacies of her meal. The first bite, tender and succulent, filled her mouth with a richness she had never experienced before. The flavors danced on her tongue, a symphony of tastes that both intrigued and unsettled her.
As (Y/N) took another bite, her mind began to wander, memories of the injustices she had witnessed flooding her thoughts. She recalled the images of animals suffering at the hands of humans, the pain and cruelty inflicted upon them.
In that moment, the revulsion she had initially felt transformed into a simmering anger, a desire for retribution. Hannibal, ever perceptive, sensed the shift in (Y/N)'s emotions. He approached her with a calm demeanor, his eyes filled with understanding.
"(Y/N), my dear, anger can be a powerful force for change," he said softly. "But it is important to channel that anger towards a purpose, to seek justice rather than revenge. Remember, we are not defined by the darkness within us, but by how we choose to navigate it."
His words resonated within (Y/N), a reminder that her actions were not driven solely by vengeance but by a desire to bring balance to a world plagued by cruelty. She took a deep breath, allowing her anger to subside, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose.
With each bite, (Y/N) experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions. There was a strange satisfaction in consuming the flesh of those who had caused harm, a twisted sense of justice that she couldn't deny. And yet, there was also a lingering unease, a reminder of the fine line she walked between righteousness and darkness.
As the meal drew to a close, (Y/N) found herself grappling with the complexity of her choices. She had tasted the forbidden, walked a path few dared to tread. And in doing so, she had come face to face with the shadows that dwelled within her own soul. Hannibal, ever the guide, reached out and gently took (Y/N)'s hand.
“Remember, my dear, that darkness and light exist within us all. It is our choices that define us, and the way we navigate the shadows that determine our true nature."
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