#anxiety ramblings
antidotesprout · 2 years
I find it incomprehensible that people say they think I'm cool an' shit when I'm a little goblin living under a boulder
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i-have-41-protons · 21 days
I’m going to Russia in the summer (we go every year, to friends and relatives and all) and I’m honestly terrified 😫 what if a policeman sees me, I’m pretty sure I will be jailed immediately for the sheer gay vibes I give off
And I’m going to an actual good summer camp for the first time in my life (I’ve been before, but those weren’t good) and I have no idea how I will communicate with the others?? Like I’m so different from them, we literally live in two super different cultures. Plus, I literally think in English by now, and constantly forget words in Russian when I am speaking it. I’m so terrified tbh
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
lately i've been drinking orange juice and eating fruit and going outside in the sun and coincidentally 10-20% of my depression has vanished. must be witchcraft
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manufacturedrainbows · 3 months
My fellow fanfic authors, I'm begging on my hands and knees – and Ima hold your hand as I say this – you gotta respond to the readers that leave comments on your work.
I know social anxiety is the worst (trust, my autistic ass understands) but I promise you, nothing deters a reader from commenting more than seeing a comment section with no replies as you continue to post fanfics. Even if it's as simple as "thanks for reading!" or just some cute emojis, it'll show that you're actually engaging with your audience!
We work so hard on our writing, and those of us that post them online want it to be seen, right? Indulging in our little fandoms is how we build connections with people that feel the same way.
It might be hard or even scary, but I find the more you socialize with others (especially in a more controlled environment like a comment section), the easier it gets! 💕
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jellyjamheadobb · 11 days
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
You know when you’re in a bad situation and you make up little scenarios for how you’ll deal with the absolute most terrible next thing that could happen?
But then that thing never happens and all the imaginary scenarios with plans C-Z never need to be implemented?
I had one (1) time in my life that it actually played out that I needed the exact response to a scenario I had anticipated.
At the time I was living with my ex down in Arizona with, and I don’t capitalize this lightly, The Worst Roommates I’ve Ever Had. They were truly the absolute worst. My ex was friends with the boyfriend, so he and his girlfriend offered to move in with us when I moved down.
They picked the house, which was $1000 out of our budget, subsidized by the girlfriends mom. They had an extremely obese dog and a cat. Because they were moving in before us they filled the house entirely with all their stuff and felt entitled to kick us out of any area because of that.
We were watching a movie? Too bad, that was their tv and couch. When we argued we hadn’t been given the option to have a couch, tv, dishes, or literally anything except a bed they basically just shrugged. Things were in general very terrible and the communication was worse, but the straw that broke us was when they brought home a new puppy with absolutely no warning.
This lead to a forty five minute full on screaming match and both couples retreating to their rooms, fuming. My mind was spinning very quickly though, because we had loudly declared we’d be moving out and this couple had shown that they viewed the house as theirs. I told my ex my worry but she shrugged it off as irrational.
After an hour of cooldown the boyfriend came into the hallway and I stepped out to meet him.
“Since you guys are moving out we don’t want you using our dishes or pans anymore.” That was my exact fear.
There wasn’t space to store additional dishes of our own, or the pans that I had in storage. So we’d have had a month of paper plates and no ability to cook or utensils to eat with.
But I smiled and said, “I thought you might say that. If that’s the case, then I don’t believe we’ll be paying the water or electricity bills which are entirely in your name and don’t affect us.” Them camping out on all the ownership and leaving us out suddenly had a consequence.
He looked stunned and after a moment just said, “Well played.” He turned and walked back down the hall. I heard him repeat it to his girlfriend through the door as it closed, “That was really well played.”
I retreated to our room, shaking and stressed but proud that I’d scored a point. Our move went off alright and we settled into what would go down as the sketchiest place I’ve ever lived, but at least I didn’t have to worry about when I was allowed to watch TV.
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dayzsaclark · 7 months
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I’m excited for the new Inside Out sequel, but I hope they don’t accidentally do this for Anxiety.
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haunted-xander · 2 months
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Do you think Saix' emotional co-dependence started as a Nobody or did it start as human Isa and just grew to an unhealthy degree?
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queermentaldisaster · 3 months
Ghost cuddling with Soap when his anxiety gets really bad, so bad that he's genuinely crying and dead silent. He knows Soap is horribly overstimulated, and Ghost's room has always and will always be sensory safe for both of them.
So they cuddle on those rare nights, when Soap's hit his limit and just needs to cry in someone's arms, because Ghost's the only one who understands.
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robiinurheart33 · 2 months
Soap knows Ghost is beautiful. He doesn’t need to see his real face to know. It’s in the way he carries himself, his thick British accent, the arrogant quirk of his eyebrow that shifted under his mask. He never had any urge to take a peek at his face under that mask, always respected his boundaries, always stayed fairly within line.
But during the mission in Las Almas, where Ghost had so unwaveringly pulled off his mask, Johnny felt like his whole world had been shaken. Maybe it was because Ghost was his whole world Soap had been obsessed ever since. The crooked curve of his nose, his clipped and messy dirty blonde hair, the slight curve of his Cupid’s bow on his upper lip, the jagged scar that had been carved into pale, almost sickly skin. It was all so utterly Simon. Soap felt unhealthily obsessed. Genuinely, he thought that he could not be any more head over heels, and he goes and does this.
It was stupid how eager Soap was to draw his face. It was like he was a puppet on a string, pulled by his untethered compulsiveness. He had to be cautious. He yearned rip off the mask Ghost has just put on again to kiss him stupid in front of everyone. 141, maybe. But not the Los Vaqueros. He does have that sliver of sanity to hold himself back. But god, if that doesn’t just open up a door of opportunities for him behind closed doors. The extra areas of skin that were now not so unreachable was like dangling a candy in front of a child and expecting them to not take it.
Simon is beautiful. Simon is so pretty. Simon is stunning. Pure Bonnie.
Soap wills himself to shut the fuck up and focus on the mission. He wants to see Simon again. Preferably, in a setting with more light. Soap feels like he’s rediscovering ghost all over again, he wants to see his smile, his annoyed expression, his huffs and grunts, everything on his face. Good lord, does he have dimples? Soap thinks he might just die.
The act of seeing ghost’s skin lights something in soap. He doesn’t know what it is, but he feels the impatience and desperation to find out what it is. He grapples and tries to identify it, but like his callsign, it slips away and he’s left with a frustratingly empty feeling he knows only ghost can fill. I’ll find out. I swear, I’ll find it out.
Soap has never been a patient man.
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13threbagel · 2 months
Now that i'm living in a english speaking country, I realized the hardest part to speak a second language is the phrases.
Grammars you can make do so long people know what you're saying and in writing there are programs to help you. And singular words, i know what they mean but compiling them into phrases?? That's like.. a whole different beast on its own its like learning another language on top of that one
Here's an example im still embarassed about :
I was trying to say how networking works by talking to more people and have your works spread by word of mouth.
But see, i didn't remember that phrase in english. I remember them, in my first language. And the literal translation of it would be 'mouth to mouth'. Which. Ya know. Means more kissing in english than spreading information via speaking to other people
It's a small things but you'll notice it more and more. And this is only phrases. We're not including expressions, what counts as a joke or an insult or a compliment. The thing im thinking about is probably not phrases either idk what it is but it sure is frustrating
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chronicowboy · 2 months
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
do any other artists feel like. yeah you're a 'good artist' because you draw things that look nice, but like. TECHNICALLY? you're really not great
i really hate that i can recognise that yes, my art is good, but is it VARIED? is it dynamic?? is my anatomy good? is it full of texture and colour theory? do i know how to do This? can i do That? no, not really. and that's quite painful actually
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callsign-songbird · 3 months
OK, needed a fluffy drabble to follow up that sin. More below the cut!
Biblically accurate König headcannons
Tw: Social anxiety (I tried)
OK, ok, hear me out.
Konig is a big, scary colonel, right? With social anxiety? Omg this man.
This lumbering behemoth wall of muscle and intimidation is the type to reherse and plan what he's going to say for at least a minute or two straight before addressing his squad.
He thinks about the tone he should use, his volume, where to put inflections, how his face should move even beneath his mask, what he'll do with his hands when. And when it comes time to finally speak, he delivers his words with his heart nervously pounding in his chest, which causes his words to come out sharper and more agressive than he intends.
Everyone thinks that he's super intimidating, cold, and angry, but he's really just nervous around crowds and speaking in front of them.
Don't get me wrong, he would be more comfortable in front of his squad compared to a group of soldiers he doesn't know. But that's not saying much.
And it doesn't mean that he's "Shy" or fumbles and trips over his words nervously (even if it's a cute thought)
No, he probably actually appears quite calm, confident, and composed. Even when he's panicking internally.
Strategy and combat are easy to Konig, sometimes easier than breathing. But not standing out in a crowd? With his height? Now, that makes his palms sweat just a bit.
It's useful a lot of the time, sure. But it has its disadvantages. König probably prefers to remain in his office, in the gym, or on one of the training courses; where he doesn't have to think about what he's saying and doing, or how he's saying and doing it. He can focus his mind on something else.
OK, I know this is what you suckers want
But if you were König's person? I have a feeling he would cling very subtly to you. A new squad transfers to your base? König hardly ever leaves your side.
A lot of the time, he would make sure to be touching you in some way, too. You're probably shorter than him, so it wouldn't be irregular for him to rest a hand on your shoulder or against your arm. No one would notice if he stood a little too close and your boots were touching or your shoulder brushed against him.
It wouldn't be hard to read his tells once you pick up on them either.
Whenever he's rehersing how he'll say something in his mind, even if he's in the middle of a conversation outwardly, his eyes become focused on one or two spots while having this unfocused look in them, as if he's only half present.
Whenever he's starting to feel overwhelmed or drained in a crowd (whether he will admit to or realize it or not), he'll usually end up with one hand in his pocket, the other reaching for you or drumming on his thigh.
And as soon as it's just the two of you? Well, you best believe all he wants is to recharge. He likes holding you in his arms with your back against his chest. He loves everything about it.
He loves feeling the rise and fall of your chest, hearing your breathing, hearing your voice. He loves looking down at you and watching as you occupy yourself or relax and melt into him. He could hold you forever, you're his personal portable charger. Just the juice he needs after a stressful day. (Or any day, for that matter.)
Or, maybe you aren't the touchy type and don't really like being held? That's ok, he gets it. Really. He's more than content to simply occupy the same room as you. Your voice seems to make all of his worries go away, watching your lips move is utterly entrancing, and he can't help but get lost in your eyes; whether they're looking at him or something doesn't matter.
Long story short, biblically accurate König rules, and we stan the German chaos himbo. Even when he's not a himbo lol
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fawnchives · 5 months
and if you take every bisexual girl with social anxiety out of country who’s going to be watching your videos MATTHEW STURNIOLO ??
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dutifullylazybread · 5 months
Why is Gale Ripped?
Seriously, no shade or shame to the Gale-truthers out there. You all are lovely and your fanart gives me life.
I know that from the conversation in the Stormshore Tabernacle that Gale has supposedly never been nervous before...
THAT BEING SAID I do headcanon that the only reason Gale is ripped is because he is like Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place, and he is, in fact, an anxious soul who does nothing but push-ups (or an aggressive exercise regimen) to combat his stress. Maybe he doesn't even recognize that he is anxious anymore? Maybe he just drops into push ups whenever he has an inkling of nerves and doesn't think anything about it?
I'm just saying that I will happily mod in an idle animation for Gale where he just, at random, begins exercising. Karlach is off to one side doing her jig, and Gale is doing a set of twenty.
(I suggest this as someone who does exercise to help manage my anxiety symptoms; it helps me a bit, but it doesn't always help everyone, and the very fact that I have this lengthy note in parenthesis should tell you EXACTLY how I am feeling right now about sharing this headcanon).
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