#ao3 cards
rowanaway-fromthisbs · 11 months
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Guess what just came in the mail?! Ao3 card deck! This is the coolest thing I own.
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empty-cryptid · 1 year
Hey, I just saw your post about AO3 cards, and they are sooo cool 🤩
Could I please ask for a reading? 🙏 Propably will use it to find a fanfic to read, but who knows... I've been trying to find courage to write something for a while🙈
Thanks in advance 💜
Hello! I'm so happy you found the cards fun! I gave you two because the first one wasn't very interesting. The two cards with all the words are wild cards.
Oh, and if you do decide to write something and share it, I would love to read it ❤
Here you go!
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
Ahh! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my AO3rot readings! The cards are so clever, I keep finding new adorable details on them. My 13 year old and I are designing a set of major arcana to go along with them so I can do a full reading. I hope that’s okay! They’ll only be for personal use.
Your major arcana list was GENIUS. I don’t know anything about tarot really but the idea of a Big Bang card that’s actually about a fic Big Bang tickles me (ditto to The Orphan)
There’s no reason as far as I know (and I don’t speak for the otw, nor am I a lawyer) that you’d have to couch fanfic tarot as personal use? Most of those concepts aren’t ao3 specific, and you’d probably only run into trouble with the ones that are if you claimed they were somehow official or endorsed by the otw. (I’ve still got “tag wranglers do it unambiguously” and the lube list up on redbubble I think— I do donate the proceeds back as a matter of principle but I don’t think I say that on the page.)
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vultureboi · 11 months
I got the AO3 card deck to randomly make tags for my fanfics. I needed inspiration. So I drew three random cards and now I have to write a story using at least these three tags!! This one is gonna be a little difficult…
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everyday i am forced to make a choice
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kybercrystals94 · 8 months
I Miss You
By KyberCrystals94
Read on Ao3 here!
Whumptober 2023|Day 5|Alternative Prompt: Playing Cards
Bad Things Happen Bingo|Prompt: Crying Themselves to Sleep
Rating: G
Words: 785
Summary: Echo discovers a message from a brother.
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“Those look so old!” Wrecker declares, leaning on the upper bunk to scrutinize the playing cards Echo is sorting through.
Echo smiles. “That’s because they are old. I pilfered them off a graduated trooper when I was a cadet.”
“You stole them?” Wrecker sounds as impressed as he is surprised. “I thought you never broke a rule in your life.”
“With the right motivation, I’ve been persuaded to bend a few.” Echo chuckles. “Technically, they were contraband for the guy I stole them from. So, really, I was doing him a favor.”
Wrecker grins. “That’s neat you still have them even after they thought you were blown up.”
Echo’s smile falls slightly as he continues to set the cards out, dividing them into suits. “Yeah, when they thought I died, they went to my old batch mate, Fives. After Fives, they went to Rex, and then Rex gave them back to me when I-"
"Came back to life?” Wrecker offers.
“Sure,” Echo says. “When that happened.”
“I don’t think you could even shuffle them if you tried.” Wrecker laughs.
“They’ve definitely seen better days.”
The cards are dogeared, and every one of them has been folded into quarters because of the time Cutup tried to cheat at Sabaac. He folded a few of them so he could identify them in someone’s hand. When the other Dominos found out, they had painstakingly copied the folds on every single card so they all matched. Echo had been so angry at his squad mate, but he desperately wishes he could take back the harsh words that came out of his mouth. After all, they were just cards. A toy. Nowhere near as important as the individuals that played with them.
Echo finds the card he is looking for, the one that had made this deck obsolete. He had accidentally dropped the card in his cup of caf, discoloring it. Fives had suggested they stain all the cards in caf to match; however, Echo decided to retire the deck and get a new one. The old deck was tucked away in his storage bin in the barracks on Kamino, carrying too many memories in its deteriorated fibers to throw away.
Echo holds up the stained card for Wrecker's inspection. “I dropped it in my caf. It’s the reason we didn’t play with this deck anymore,” he explains.
“What does it say?” Wrecker asks.
“What does what say?”
Wrecker points to the back of the card. “On the back. There’s writing.”
Echo flips the card around, squinting to make out the ink of a pen on the intricately designed backing.
I miss you.
Echo feels like the air has been stolen from his lungs.
Fives wrote those words. There is no doubt in Echo’s mind. Not before the Citadel mission. After. After Echo died. After Fives went back to Kamino. Echo can see him. Sitting in their barracks, sorting through Echo’s meager collection of personal effects. He’s searching for a playing card stained in caf. He writes the three words, handwriting ragged by a trembling hand. A note for the brother he lost. That he'd never get back. I miss you.
Echo blinks and finds that Wrecker has half climbed into the bunk with him, a hand on each of his shoulders. “You with me, buddy?” Wrecker asks.
“Yeah,” Echo croaks. He clears his throat. “Yeah. Sorry.”
Wrecker’s good eye searches Echo’s face, trying to understand. “You scared me there for a second. You sorta zoned out, and then your breathing got weird.”
“Sorry,” Echo says again. Emotions bubble up, threaten to burst out of him, card still gripped in his flesh hand. Dark, inky, familiar script carving into his mind. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
“Did I do something?” Wrecker asks, climbing down from his precarious perch.
Echo shakes his head and tries to reassure the man with a thin smile. “No, you didn’t do anything. It’s just…” Echo holds up the card. “The writing. It’s a note from my batch mate, Fives.”
He leaves it at that, and Wrecker doesn’t ask for more. Instead, he offers Echo a kind smile. “I'm gonna go start my watch but let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Wreck, I will,” Echo says, and he means it.
Wrecker leaves the bunk room, and Echo gathers up the cards, tucking them in their tin. He keeps the caf stained card out. He lies down, back to the room, facing the wall, and holds the note in front of him. The last words his oldest brother ever gave him blurs in his watery vision.
“I miss you too,” Echo whispers, and silently cries until sleep claims him.
Read the prequel, You Promised, here!
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coldemergency · 8 months
Voldemort: What’s up dude?
Harry: Did you just call me dude?
Voldemort: Yes. I’m practicing new lingo. Someone told me it’ll make me more “hashtag relatable”
Harry: Did you just say hashtag?
Voldemort: No cap
Harry: Please for the love of Merlin, stop!
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wesslan · 10 months
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Hiii!!! A little sketch of ch 14. I’m loving “Cards on the table” and how quickly u update too ❤️
I might draw him as a Oracle later but for now:
this is amazing!! i love it so much! youre so talented, i cant believe this😭❤️
would it be cool if i linked to it in the fic?
thank you so much!!! i dont even know what to say😭 im so happy you like the fic <333
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@wesslan come get y’all’s juice
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
Yooo wanna talk about the King of Diamonds??
So, hearts are romance tropes. Diamonds are AUs. And, regardless of whether they read it, I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that omegaverse is THEEE au. It was collectively generated by fandom and has so many rules and established tropes (established tropes and cliches for a concept that fanfiction entirely made up! fucking incredible! Possibly rivaled by the d/s AU but even then I think Omegaverse reaches farther, and also, the rule was “no cops no sex no specific fandoms” so d/s AU and Sentinel/Guide AU were dq'd.)
So. King of Diamonds:
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Anyway. The explanation for all the hexagons is: it's a pheromone chemical. A fudged one, because I had to expand it a bit to fit all the letters, but the lines are a nod to what the accurate depiction would have looked like. And omegaverse pheromones are also not accurate, so it seemed acceptable.
(Unfortunately there's no B in "omegaverse" so the betas are not represented. Please write a strongly worded letter demanding better beta representation for all the beta children out there. Etc.)
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
you: trauma dumping
me, an intellectual: an ao3 authors note explaining why they took so long to update
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kp-fandomappreciation · 2 months
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Here we go, this is your first challenge! It's a Bingo card, meaning, you fill any three slots horizontally, diagonally or vertically, yell BINGO very loudly so your neighbours get concerned and then award yourself 5 points for being an amazing fandom participant (the yelling part is optional, the rest is not ;) ).
You get 5 points for your first Bingo and 2 points for every subsequent Bingo (plus one point for every comment, obviously).
It reads:
Leave a comment on a fic that's over 1 year old.
Sent a DM to an author.
Sent a comment to a fic below 5 k (meaning the fic has less than 5 k words).
Leave a comment on every chapter in a multi-chapter fic.
Leave a comment in  your bookmark.
Write a comment that is over 1 k.
Recommend your favourite fic on your social media of choice (Twitter, Tumblr, Insta etc.).
Sent a comment to the  newest fic in your pairing.
Leave a comment to  a fic that's over 10 k (meaning the fic has over 10 k words).
PS: This in no way took one of us a quite frankly ridiculous amount of time and it still looks like this. Oh well.
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cyber-geist · 4 months
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For @wesslan for the amazing fic Cards on the Table. The initial sketch had better proportions cause digital is hard for me, but I l9ve how the colors and cards turned out. I have a few other sketches but we will see if I post those cause ehhhhhhh this was the easy sketch to digitize, and it took a few hours don't wanna do the harder sketch to be honest. Regardless hope you enjoy!
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amalgamezz · 2 years
aromantics went to ao3 and searched for nonromantic fics. 12 dead 407 injured as filter returned 58 mistagged romantic works out of 62 results while the rest was last updated 5 years ago.
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kookaburra1701 · 4 months
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So I came up with a new way to generate Skyrim fanwork prompts.
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You wanna write 100 words of Kyne, Skjor, and Cicero Roommates AU where they accidentally acquire a baby? Or are you a coward?
(But fr if people send me asks, I'll draw up to three cards from the Skyrim Tarot Deck and the AO3 Tropes deck and there's your prompt. Tell me how many you want from each deck.)
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