#aro aego ace
zillala ยท 2 years
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๐™ธ ๐š๐š’๐š—๐šŠ๐š•๐š•๐šข ๐š๐š˜๐š˜๐š” ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šž๐šŒ๐š”๐š’๐š—๐š ๐•ƒ๐• ๐•ง๐•– ๐•ƒ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•ฆ๐•’๐•˜๐•–๐•ค ๐šš๐šž๐š’๐šฃ & ๐š˜๐š–๐š๐š, ๐š’๐š ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š’๐š—โ€™๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š ๐š๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ โœš ๐š๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐œ ๐šœ๐š‘๐š’๐š, ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š‘๐šŠ, ๐š† ๐™พ ๐š†.
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scrumptiousfoxglitter ยท 4 months
Daniel accurately describes the aego experience.
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aego-weaver ยท 9 days
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My new bag arrived today and it looks awesome.
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snailsnaps ยท 4 months
Just wanted to say that you have inadvertently introduced me to the term "aegosexual" by having it listed in your pronouns.cc, and now I know there's a whole community of people who experience things the way I do. So, uhh, yeah. Thanks for being you
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Massive W, anon!
I'm happy I was indirectly able to help you out with figuring yourself out just a little bit more! :)
Happy Pride Month!
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gray-ace-space ยท 7 months
Sex/Romance to me are great in the same way the Hunger Games are. Fun to read about in a book, but no thank you irl
very sensible
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weirdgirl92 ยท 11 months
Me feeling confident that Iโ€™m aroace with a bisexual edge: This is me!
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Me after learning a little bit about the aegosexual and aegoromantic microlabels: Oh, shit! Never mind. This is me!
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cherrytea556 ยท 1 year
Shoutout to all the aroace latins out there, especially aroace latinas - sincerely, an aroace latina
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allegoriesandepithets ยท 2 months
Large Pixel Size Aego- Flags
[PT: Large Pixel Size Aego- Flags]
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Aegosexual ~ Aegoromantic
Aegoplatonic ~ Aegoqueerplatonic
Aegoalterous ~ Aegosensual ~ Aegoaesthetic
Definition: One who feels a disconnect from oneself and the subject of oneโ€™s [attraction type] attraction.
All flags are 3000x2000 pixels.
@tertiary-attraction-archive @orientation-archive @radiomogai @liom-archive @imoga-pride
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kyanitedragon ยท 1 month
The fun thing about the a-spectrums being so big, is that whenever I go tag-diving into one of my microlabels, I inevitably find another microlabel that also fits me
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gordontheengineswifenirmal ยท 3 months
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From ur big old Aego/aro housemum here -
Asexual and aromantic people can face prejudice and hate crime, which service providers and criminal justice agencies have a duty to tackle. The information below aims to assist services to better understand and serve the needs of ace people who experience hate crime.
Prevalence of acephobia
Whilst social awareness is growing, asexuality and aromanticism are still not widely recognised, and prejudice against asexual and aromantic people remains largely unexamined.
The little (but growing!) research that there is in this area has uncovered strong bias against ace people. Relative to cisgender and heterosexual people, and even to cisgender lesbian, gay and bisexual people, asexual people were found to be the target of more prejudice, avoidance and discrimination.
Of all the sexual minorities studied, ace people were the most dehumanised, viewed as โ€œmachine-likeโ€- cold and emotionless. This demonstrates the need to address anti-asexual bias and that ace people are at risk of experiencing violence, abuse and discrimination.
Recognising anti-asexual prejudice
Acephobia is a prejudicial attitude toward asexual and aromantic people based on negative stereotypes. It can include believing that ace people:
are less than human or against human nature
are deficient or broken; that it is a result of mental illness or sexual abuse
have just not met the โ€œrightโ€ person
are confused or โ€˜going through a phaseโ€™
cannot experience love and have relationships
are just โ€œprudesโ€; that asexuality is a choice rather than an orientation
donโ€™t face oppression and are damaging the LGBT+ cause.
What is anti-asexual hate crime?
Any offence should be treated as an anti-asexual hate crime if the person who experienced it or anyone else feels it was an expression of acephobia.
Anti-asexual hate crime can include verbal abuse and violence from neighbours or strangers, in person or online. Because peopleโ€™s ace identity is not always visible to strangers, anti-asexual abuse can often be concentrated in settings where the targeted person and perpetrator know each other. That can include verbal abuse or unwanted sexual touching from acquaintances and anti-asexual domestic abuse from family or partners. This also includes actual and threats of so-called โ€œcorrectiveโ€ rape, to โ€œfixโ€ the personโ€™s orientation.
These crimes can be less often recognized in mainstream services, but it is equally important to record and address them in a manner that addresses their motivation of hostility.
To qualify to be recorded as a hate incident, a report neednโ€™t include anti-asexual language. It is enough for a reporting person to perceive that it was motivated by acephobia. Police guidance states that any crime or non-criminal incident should be recorded as motivated by sexual orientation hatred if the person reporting it feels it was motivated that way. Courts will need evidence to record a hate crime.
Tackle anti-asexual prejudice within LGBT+ communities
Asexuality is a part of sexual diversity, and aromanticism is a valid romantic orientation. Therefore they belong within the LGBT+ community.
However, ace people can face prejudice from within our community, such as being refused entry to LGBT+ spaces or inappropriate treatment by LGBT+ services. Some LGBT+ people argue that asexuality shouldnโ€™t be included under the LGBT+ umbrella. Similar reasoning was employed to object to bisexual and trans inclusion in lesbian and gay movements historically โ€“ and still results in failings in full inclusion and support of these groups today.
LGBT+ people working as service providers can also sometimes oppose asexual inclusion. It is important for LGBT+ services to raise awareness of ace identities and acephobia, and work towards welcoming all sexual and romantic minorities to their service.
Demonstrate that you take acephobia seriously by speaking out against it.
Ace people also face homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, etc.
Sexual orientation is distinct from romantic orientation; asexual people may have heteroromantic, homoromantic, biromantic, panromantic or aromantic attractions and so may face homophobia or biphobia
Asexual and aromantic people may also be trans, non-binary or have a non-conforming gender presentation, so may face transphobia.
Therefore acepeople may face anti-LGBT hate in addition to acephobia, and often these prejudices are linked. Determining how it should be recorded should be done together with the service user.
Additionally, many people face hostility rooted in multiple types of hatred, for instance both acephobic and racist. They are entitled to ask police and other safety services to record it under several hate incident categories. Ask open questions about motivation, support service users in determining their own account of events, and bear in mind that a crime or incident may have more than one hate motivation.
The CATCH Partnership can help you ensure you get appropriate support after an incident that targeted several of your identities.
Make a positive impact and recognise the gap
Service are increasingly familiar with hate crime against lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, but ace people have their own distinct needs, which can be overlooked or underplayed. Build your knowledge, policies and systems to address this important issue.
Many ace people feel pressured to pass as allosexual or alloromantic when talking to services, which can prevent people from disclosing important information about incidents. Make efforts to enable service users to be themselves in your service, and feel safe disclosing issues related to their identity.
For every acephobic incident or crime someone tells you about there will be many more unreported. Help people feel that telling you was worthwhile. An important way of doing that is by referral to ace and LGBT+ support, advice, advocacy and social groups, such as the Asexual Visibility and Education Network.
Enable people to consider a range of options including help from police, discrimination law, restorative justice, emotional support, or assistance complaining about acephobic attitudes from a provider of goods or services.
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aromanticaro ยท 10 months
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Went to a Maskqueerade at my community college with my friends and had so much fun! I even got to make an Aego Aro/Ace mask! I'm now in the school's GSA Discord. I hope I can make it to an irl meeting some day :)
(Sorry for blurry pic, my phone camera is broken)
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aroacesafeplaceforall ยท 11 months
Sometimes I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m a valid acespec as if I was born male I would likely not be acespec. Iโ€™m aegosexual which already gets hate (itโ€™s stupid if you are Aegoromantic or aegosexual you are 100% valid <3) , but itโ€™s my gender dysphoria that stops me from actually wanting a sexual relationship
If it wasnโ€™t there I wouldnโ€™t be acespec
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aroaceconfessions ยท 1 year
Mad at brain right now.
Literally why am I Aego aroace??? This is fucking hell!
I love these romances and sex stuff in fiction (in a demisexual way, hence why I originally identified as demi) but then I tried real life romance? NO! ICK! And don't get me started on anything sexual, I just felt so uncomfortable.
I'm upset because I want to enjoy these things so badly. I want to find someone to love, I want to be physically close with someone in that way
But brain just fucks me over!!!
(Bonus: even if I wasn't aegosexual, I get icky about touch despite also craving it... Whyyyyyyyyy)
Submitted June 10, 2023
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aego-weaver ยท 4 months
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thealieninhiding ยท 2 years
My Flags
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Aego Bi Aroace, Bi Aegosexual
Bi Aegoromantic, Bi Asexual
Aegosexual - a disconnect between oneself and sexual attraction (under the asexual umbrella / spectrum)
Aegoromantic - a disconnect between oneself and romantic attraction (under the aromatic umbrella / spectrum)
Split Attraction Model - describing attraction in various categories- sexual, romantic, platonic, aesthetic, sensual (See Attraction)
Asexual / Ace- little or no sexual attraction or under the umbrella / on the spectrum
Aromantic /Aro - little or no romantic attraction or under the umbrella / on the spectrum
Aroace - both Asexual Aromantic
Bisexual / Biromantic / Bi - attraction to more than one gender. (I chose Bi over Pan for flag and simplicity)
Oriented Ace / Aro / Aroace- also aligned with another identity: bi, homo, hetero (See SAM and types of attractions)
Bi Aroace - both Bi and Aroace
Orientated AroAce - biaroace
Bi Ace dual citizenship - martivist
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mxsinizter ยท 1 year
Aego-gray aroace Mountain thoughts:
he likes to watch and observe. There, but not involved. Soaking in the love the other's have for each other and following their every move as they play it out. Them allowing him to be there is enough for him to know they would treat him the same if he so wished. Knowing his pack is satisfied is what he needs and craves. His needs can be met by images he paints in his mind of the others. Sometimes it helps if they're faceless; mask, blindfolds, their helmets - yet still that familiarity. Occasionally they send him videos and pictures so he can take it in at his own pace. He loves helping plan and hearing them talk about dates. It makes him happy that they actively seek him out for opinions or just to gush about one another to him. He loves and craves them in his own way, and it's more then enough for them <3
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