#as much as their vision does psychic damage to you.... be aware that YOUR vision does psychic damage to others!!
rodismancave · 1 year
A reminder to new folks because I feel I need to say this. It's a few specific rules and more of a 'this is how i roleplay' thing. It kinda got away from me fast but alas, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable for any reason so I just said what I feel i need to say to make that happen.
My muse is mean. It's usually nothing personal but he is Mean if provoked. There is a line and it is Thin.
This extends to his friends, mostly as a show of ease around them and as jokes, its just how he is. a little jokey joke. he says things without thinking and sometimes that leads to misunderstanding or an otherwise "cruel" comment. He normally doesnt mean it like that (unless he does)
this account is like 80% crack. i am here to have fun and be silly. if you take me seriously and get offended by it then I'm sorry but frankly, I have stated this many, many times. I do roleplay serious stuff, I do focus on a little bit of storytelling every once in a while, but for the most part I am silly and quirky. My portrayal won't always be 100% ic, sometimes a little ooc is healthy, for the bit. I stay committed to the bit, always.
Of course. if he's mean to your muse and you don't like it then you can let me know and I'll tone it down. I'll never be an asshole to people I dont know are 100% down to it or who aren't familiar with how my muse acts. However, sometimes being mean is in character with my muse and theres no other way around it. But the more intense, "i want to cause psychic damage" convos I will always ask if its okay for my muse to go hard on yours.
Rodimus is aware of the multiverse. This does not mean he's aware of the history of each multiverse. He may be aware of them, briefly, but he is really not going to dwell on it much and if you expect him to know it he just. wont. He doesn't really care all that much. This is also to say that he may confuse your muse for someone in his crew because of looking alike, and will treat you as such unless proven otherwise.
There are no people who are "canon" to Rodimus' crew, not at the moment. The only ones who I can say with confidence who are in his crew are @weavingmemoir and @stealthfeline, who are also my muses. This is for practicality. If your muse is part of the Lost Light crew in general, though (brainstorm, whirl, megatron, etc) you can respond to my lost light posts as if you were a member of his crew, I dont really mind. Like I said: commitment to the bit, always. The bit is always funnier when more people join.
Don't pretend like your muse knows mine and vice versa without talking to me first. This is mostly about muses outside G1 and IDW, or even people in IDW that Rodimus never really met, as well as OCs. It isn't really towards muses who HAVE interacted with Rodimus at least a few times. It is Awkward having to figure that out, and I'm not particularly a fan of having to dig around for people's relationships to understand what's going on between your muse and mine.
I don't really care if your muse is banging another Rodimus, or anyone else from his crew. Like I genuinely do not care, and neither does he.
I'll always make adjustments if you ask me to. I'll create new verses to fit with your muse, but that requires communication first and foremost. This also goes for events, if you want in on an event just talk to me and we'll see about it together. My events are never 100% thought out because I like leaving space for other participants to have a say in what happens. I just think its fun, like a group project (but less stressful)
When interacting with me I ask to lay off on the quirky colors and varying different fonts in one single reply. I have a lot of difficulty reading things like that and it strains my vision and it gives me a headache. Just, always have the same font throughout, and if there are different fonts, please let them be at least readable. The standard tumblr fonts are fine, except 'lucille', and the small font tends to me specially frustrating sometimes.
This is a g1/idw based blog. I take stuff i like from g1 and stuff i like from idw and i slam it together until I have something I like. Rodimus does not like the prime title, he does not miss being a prime, and he absolutely does not appreciate being called one, unless its doing things for his ego or to make himself look greater than he is. He is an Ass.
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sigilmint · 2 years
imagine not being able to embrace new content for the thing you like bc you like it so much that you've put up huge walls around it and have decided that no one, not even the creators or the artists those creators have given their blessing to, may come in and alter or expand your understanding of the thing you claim to enjoy
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cancerjupiter · 4 years
astro notes: neptune edition (pt. 1)
neptune represents issues which are frequently unconscious, so all of this may operate without your awareness. if projected, the negative aspects of neptune become more emphasised. the more you reject it in your own life, the more likely it is that you’ll meet it in exaggerated ways outside yourself.
neptune in the 1st house
tends to be the kind of person who waits and sees, but your outward behavior doesn’t begin to describe what goes on inside. you feel connected to your environment because you’re aware of subtle energies, you pick up impressions from others they’re usually unaware to be giving. you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of knowing (beyond a verbal level) what others’ unconscious motivations are, what’s hidden behind their civility. you tend to be very idealistic, preferring to live in harmony: peaceful non-demanding relationships and quiet and aesthetically pleasing surroundings. you choose to think kindly of others, whether they reciprocate or not; your sensitivity gives you a natural compassion. you can be most charming, often whimsical, sometimes romantic, and usually empathic. you seem approachable and often receptive to a degree others find startling and deeply gratifying (if not a little scary lol). you want life to be perfect for yourself and others, and your desire for a better world can be channeled into artistic creative pursuits, social work, or mere daydreaming.
you often struggle with personal identity. you may be so open to others that you pick up their moods without realising it. you tend to mimic, unconsciously, the strong characteristics of the last person you were with. don’t become an emotional sponge; define your emotional boundaries and accept it is necessary for your growth to establish a firm identity. another thing i noticed about you is that you guys don’t mind suffering; no, i’m not saying you don’t hate it (everyone does!) but you seem to accept it when you don’t have to. you put others first and feel that it’s best to sacrifice your own well-being than to be responsible for someone else’s suffering.
there’s almost always a strong awareness of and interest in spiritual energies with this placement. you may actually be psychic, whether or not you’re comfortable with the ability. you may deeply religious, although not conventionally since institutions don’t satisfy you; you feel at home with a belief system you know, from personal experience, exists. your lack of interest in the real world can lead you into seriously bad habits like drug abuse or eating disorders and due to your dislike of physical activity, this can quickly damage your (often sensitive) health. alternatively, this placement can also lead to arrogance, depending on the sun and midheaven placements/aspects.
neptune in the 2nd house
you tend to be idealistic with the use of money and personal resources, not terribly attached to them. you look at them as temporary and although sad to part with something you own, you can let it go where others simply cannot. there’s an indifferent attitude towards finances, income and etc. some of you are v generous and will give things away to people who can truly admire it, believing nothing truly belongs to anyone. this outlook satisfies you greatly, making you easygoing but also easily being taken advantage of. this sort of gives you a fairy-tale attitude towards your money - it’s either always there when needed, or simply one of the world’s idiotic, materialistic preoccupations. you may be unpractical or simply forgetful with resources; not willing to sit down and figure what’s the best buy and choosing to go with intuition. purchases usually go by what you want rather than what you can afford (my friend has no idea how much is on her bank acc and doesn’t care to figure it out. she just doesn’t care lol). you should actually read the small print in contracts and not trust just anyone with your money.
alternatively, there may be a strong tendency to overvalue material things (neptune = beliefs in the house of money and possessions), specially if there’s an earth emphasis in the chart, making you inclined to putting great care and time into upkeep. you usually want your things to look aesthetic™️. 
there’s also a strong creative tendency; it may be expressed in various forms but it will certainly be inherent. you need at least periodic access to music and inspiration, including the outdoors where you can soak up peace and serenity. since the 2nd house also relates to sensual pleasures, you probably expect these to provide a kind of ultimate ecstasy. in short, this placement forces you to face up to your tendencies to create illusions about money, possessions, sex, or creative pursuits. don’t expect more from them than they can provide.
neptune in the 3rd house
on one level, this placement can confuse and scatter the brain, giving it vagueness and disorganized thinking. sometimes, however, the mind exhibits uncanny insights into the subtleties of the environment. you sense the hidden nuances and meanings behind what’s being said. what you miss in terms of precise analytical ability, you can by being able to view the big-picture more clearly. there’s a danger to this however; your desire to view what’s beautiful and ideal around you can give a kind of selective perception in which only the good is seen and what doesn’t fit into that is ignored.
you don’t usually feel comfortable expressing yourself through normal channels of communication. what you have to say can be better demonstrated through dance, poetry, song, or picture (painted or taken). there’s often a shyness in the early school situation, which manifested in mental illness (my friend has dyslexia and this was a hard time for her) or simply confusion.
since this house also rules siblings, there may be some sacrifices to be made in relation to them; they may be a problem or have difficulties. since neptune fuses the boundary between the self and others, you may feel you’re responsible for their problems or everything which happens in the immediate environment (also ruled by the 3rd). if you don’t have siblings, you probably longed for the companionship of it, an idealized vision of what a sibling is. i also noticed this neptune placement showing exceptional ability as teachers - specially working w children who have learning difficulties. they can understand ways to communicate with and understand the child better than anyone else.
neptune in the 4th house
i have this one and it’s a loaded position: an unconscious planet in an unconscious house. to feel safe in a secure nest is fundamental, though that’s often quite unconscious. your idea of haven includes a lovely home, w lots of food and someone who will take care of your needs. there’s an assumption that the mother, early home life and emotional security all need to be perfect. that is, all needs will be met with ease, and there’s no upset or disappointment in these areas. the mom or other primary caregiver, is supposed to be there when needed, regardless of other commitments. the illusions connected to the 4th house (remember, neptune refers to illusions which must be exposed and released) are deeply intimate; and any threat to them is profoundly threatening to you.
neptune in the 4th generally has to overcome the strong need for the nurturing parent to not only be perfect but to continue being so into your adulthood. you have great difficulty separating from them; you may never fully do it. it doesn’t matter if they actually lived to your expectations, for their importance is in your head - the parent you idealized or pretended they were. sometimes, however, this desire focuses on the home rather than the parent. in this case, the childhood home was either perfect, or mysterious and elusive. you can react by trying to re-create the exact same nest.
with this placement, nurturing yourself becomes the ultimate value, a way to find supreme satisfaction. you can also make the most amazing caretakers and companions. your need to nurture others is a complicated expression of your own hunger to be taken care of; you give too much and eventually become resentful when no one appreciates your (not asked for) sacrifices. you might also project neptunian traits onto your parent; they may be v spiritual and loving, vague and confusing, or even absent, so you were left w only a fantasy of what they could - and should - have been. they might have also been a victim (similar to pisces moon) and you might’ve felt obligated to save them. 
you feel like caring involves being swallowed up completely, and it’s something you either constantly yearn or are terrified of. you also feel if your (unrealistic) emotional security needs aren’t met, you won’t survive the disappointment (you did, and you will again). neptune in the 4th can make the most patient and loving parents, w a strong sense of their emotional bonding and spiritual responsibilities. you will do more to create an ideal parent/child relationship than anyone else and constantly remind others of how important it is to strive to be the best parent one can be.
neptune in the 5th house
this combo leads to a definite charisma, an aura of charm and power and importance (timothee, angelina, mlk, drake, etc). it’s a strong indication of some kind of acting ability, though it may be used as a teacher or a salesman rather than on stage. you’re likely to work in some area where applause and respect can be immediate and experienced personally. you need this; neptune undermines the self-confidence so you depend on others’ feedback to measure your worth. this can be a deadly dependency because even the highest praise and respect can truly fulfill the yearning to be loved unconditionally, only provide a temporary high, making you forever vulnerable.
some of the illusions related to this placement include the need to have perfect relationships and children, and the perfect artistic creation. whenever one expects perfection, they’re doomed to disappoitment, although the process of disillusionment may be needed to rethink your outlook on life. you may expect your love life to provide a complete sense of fulfillment. you can make a v romantic partner, the type to love cheesy romantic things and music, who can surround your lover with utmost affection. however, you might also expect them to sense your wishes and always meet them; or expect yourself to always be sensitive and caring at al times, regadless of your moods and/or needs.
you need to re-evaluate your tendency to romanticize lovers instead of seeing them for who they are. you may also harbor illusions towards children, your own or all, which hamper your ability to deal w them realistically and effectively. there’s a difficulty in developing a strong sense of self-worth, or maybe fancying yourself to be far more important than you really are. this placement is associated w a great deal of inspired creativity, however, and if other chart factors support it, it indicates exceptional artistic talent. with humility and self-awareness, you can use your magnetism to uplift those who have lost all confidence.
neptune in the 6th house
w this placement, neptune is in its polar opposite, since 6th house relates to virgo and neptune relates to pisces. this house is about the world as it is and how to manage it in a day-to-day basis. neptunian energy is the opposite: it yearns for and seeks to unite w the cosmos, which transcends this world. how can these two work this out?
when they’re well integrated in the chart, you can dream of neptune while using the practical 6th house skills to plan and organise the dream you wish to make true some day. it can direct the neptunian energy to envision something better, prettier, more creative and inspiring. without this, the 6th house is merely a housekeeping unit - a drive to organise and plan, but for what purpose? neptune supplies it with purpose and the house repays it with practical skills, usually related to some artistic work.
however, if the energies are at odds, there is the need to dream vs. the need to be practical and realistic. you feel a strong need to busy yourself w details and make everything as efficient as possible, tidying up and even criticising others (negative virgo energy). you may expect far too much from others and yourself, never able to say “no” when more work is piled on you. another expression is not being able to keep your shit together; you forget, are disorganized, feel tired and drained of energy, get sick often, or feel generally unfulfilled. my friend, for example, often seeks jobs for its glamorous aspects, only to get swamped by details and routine. 
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fireflysdndcorner · 4 years
Homebrew “Race”: Ghost-Possessed Human
“I’ve seen people possessed before, but this was odd. He let it take control. The ghost in his body flipped through a book, and cast dispel magic on the darkness before them. After it was done, it let him return into himself. He was tired, yes, but it allowed him back into control. What kind of ghost does that? What kind of person lets a ghost do that?” - Rivanna Eclum, townsfolk
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Welcome to spooky month! I’ve been working on a ghost-possessed human character... (so that I can effectively play two characters at once) I thought I should share what I’ve been working on since we’ve figured out our mostly finalized version. It just needs some play testing. Without further ado, the ‘race’ details are under the cut!
“Race” Details
Second Life
You will have two character sheets of equal level. Roll two Full stats, assign as if two characters. The Race for your Human is a Variant Human without the Ability Score Increase (plus the additional features you gain from this race), the Race for your Ghost is set as the following. You only have access to one set of class features determined by who is in charge of the body at the time.
The Ghost’s hit points are Fixed according to their Class Hit Point Average + Constitution Modifier + level. Once you assign the sets, you will use the Human’s Constitution, Strength and Dexterity for the Ghost’s sheet.
Physical and Elemental damage goes to Human half’s hit points. Necrotic, Radiant and Psychic goes to Ghost half’s hit points.
Failing a saving throw on Destroy Undead automatically detracts your Ghostly Hit Points. During low levels (1-6), the Ghost is unconscious and hit points auto goes to 0. If your ghost half is reduced to 0 hit points, the ghost must make (un)death saving throws. Mid-level (7-14), your ghostly half takes 10d10 in damage. During high levels (15-20) 14d10 damage.
Healing spells still work on your ghostly half. When receiving healing you can put the healed hit points to whichever half you choose.
Your human half has vulnerability to spells and effects that affect Undead, and your creature type appears as Undead to spells. Your ghost half appears visible to True Sight and Ethereal Vision. 
Ghostly Manifestations
Sensations of profound sadness, loneliness, and unfulfilled yearning emanate in areas you linger in. Strange sounds or unnatural silences create an unsettling atmosphere. Cold spots settle in rooms that have roaring fires. A choking stench might seep into the area, inanimate Objects might move of their own accord, and corpses might rise from the grave. The ghost has no control over these manifestations; they simply occur. Any of these effects can occur around you to DM Discretion. Suggested play-style: If you linger in a place or around a certain set of people for a prolonged period, roll a d100. You have a 25% chance of one of these effects occurring
Death’s Reminder
Attacks with similarity to what caused your ghostly half’s death have advantage unless your ghostly half is unconscious or expelled. (DM discretion. Discuss the cause of your ghostly half’s death before hand, and what attacks would cause this effect.)
Your human half gets tired much quicker than normal due to the stress of constant possession, and is more susceptible to Exhaustion than average humans. Suggested play-style: You have Disadvantage on checks related to exhaustion, or the Difficulty Class is higher for you.
If one of them goes unconscious, the other is pushed to the front. If unconscious due to damage, the one unconscious must still make death saves. If the Ghost fails their death saves, the human is no longer possessed, and your character acts as a normal Variant Human. If the Human half dies, the ghost is expelled and you will need to get to making a new character!
Ghostly Possession
As a random once per short or long rest feature, your ghost takes control of your Human half’s body. Your Human half is Incapacitated but aware, and your Alignment and Personality, Intelligence, Charisma and Wisdom switch to the ghost’s, and you can only use the Ghost’s class features and proficiency, unable to use your Human’s class features. (aka, switch to your Ghost Sheet) Both halves of your pair can telepathically communicate with each other, no matter which one is in control
(Alternate style: As a Long Rest feature, your ghost can choose to take control of your human half’s body, non-randomly.)
The ghost can end possession as a bonus action, (which lets your human half have control and they can’t restart it as per feature requirement) with a Contested Wisdom check, no matter if the other character wants to be in control or not. When you are in Combat, instead of a Contested Wisdom check, you can end the possession as a bonus action at will but gain +1 level of exhaustion. 
This feature automatically ends if your ghost hits 0 hit points, are affected by Destroy Undead or Dispel Evil and Good and other similar spells.
Ability Score Switch 
Instead of a race Ability Score Increase, your Ghostly Possession allows you to change your Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom.
Withering Touch
When the Ghost is in possession of the body, you know the Chill Touch Cantrip, as a melee touch attack. You can cast it at will twice a day.
Your human half ages slightly faster. Your ghost half is Undead, and can not age.
Humans and Ghosts tend toward no particular alignment. You choose one Alignment for both halves. 
Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
When the Ghost is in possession of the body, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Ghostly Resistance
Both the Human and Ghost have Necrotic resistance.
You can speak, read, and write Common, one other language, and one language that your Ghost knew in life.
Alternate Version
Instead of having two sheets, you act as a multi-classed character. Your human half is your level one class. You roll two stat sets, switching your Alignment, Charisma, Wisdom and Intelligence when you activate your Ghostly Possession. You have one additional proficiency from your Ghost half. You roll the Hit Points, splitting the die between your Human and Ghost halves according to their multi-classed levels. You can use both class features.
Additional alternate features and effects (scrapped from my version due to avoiding getting too OP):
A) Your Ghostly half have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened. You must make separate saving throws for your Human half.
B) Used to working in tandem, if your ghostly half is separated from your human half while both are conscious, you must use your action or bonus action to request your ghostly half to perform an action or bonus action. Otherwise, they will take the Dodge or Help action. You otherwise do not have access to their class features. (Using this option means the ghost can be pushed out of the body from Turn Undead, Dispel Evil and Good, and other spells)
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zzinvolterra · 4 years
I’ve read your post about the downsides of having powers and I loved it cause I always thought it couldn’t be that easy. Now I want to know the others!
I have a couple of ideas but I’d love to read your headcannons for Aro, Marcus, Edward, Alice, Jasper... I mean... everyone with a power.
Have a splendid day and be safe!
[previous post]
Thank you so much, you too!!
// mentions of panic attacks, anxiety attacks, sensory overload //
When he touches someone, he can read every though the person has ever had.
The possibilities.  I think the primary concern would be losing or mixing up his own memories with others’ thoughts.  He’s come into contact with vampires with millions of their own thoughts many times, and because of his memory, they’re all locked in there, perfectly preserved forever.  (Also, the criminals that he would be reading would likely have quite gruesome memories.)  So forgetting who he is, experiencing constant déjà vu and horrific flashbacks (that aren’t his... or are they?), and becoming overwhelmed to the point where he can’t function are all very possible.
He sees the relationships or connections people have to one another.
I suppose Marcus could occasionally be overwhelmed, perhaps experiencing headaches when looking at a large coven.  (Also, there’s so much honesty in his gift, meaning in nearly every relationship he has, he knows exactly how they feel about him.  Which could be painful at times.)
Aura of happiness, I guess. [not a quote]
Didyme emits an aura of happiness that seems unconscious and may have occurred to a lesser degree as a human.  Like I mentioned before with Chelsea, every relationship she’s had could have been affected by that.  (...including Didyme/Marcus - would their love be the same if she didn’t have her Ability?)  And depending on how much her gift affects a person, she could be sobbing (vampirically) and everyone else in the room would still be grinning and laughing euphorically.
Everyone else is under the cut!
Edward can read the thoughts of anyone in close proximity to him...
I just started MS, so I’m not quite sure how this is in canon, but I imagine it would be quite easy for Edward to become overwhelmed, especially as a newborn when he didn’t know how to block out voices.  He could also experience migraines.  Plus, in terms of how much he’s got bouncing around in his head, he’s like Aro Jr.  Not Good.
She can see into the future, although what she sees is based on decisions being made; thus, she must wait for a decision to be firmly rooted in the mind or acted upon, before she can see the end result.
Her visions send her into an almost catatonic state, and she sees them often enough that there must be quite a few of them preserved in her mind.  She exists on a different plane of reality, really, that must make it harder for her to connect with others.  Could definitely see her experiencing constant déjà vu (she’s just living to catch up to her next vision) as well as anxiety attacks from trying to avert every single possible disaster.
Jasper has the ability to both feel and manipulate the emotions of those around him.
It seems like Jasper is constantly inundated with the emotions of others, including their thirst, so him experiencing sensory overload is definitely possible.  He’s also able to manipulate others with his gift, so unconsciously influencing someone could be a concern of his.
Her mind is impenetrable; no one can read her thoughts unless she allows it.  She can shield herself from all types of psychic attacks and learns to shield those around her.
I like to think that Bella feels a dampened down version of whatever she’s blocking, especially when she’s expanded her shield.  For example, she could feel a stinging sensation when Jane attempted to Pain™ them in BD.
She can show people her thoughts by touching their skin.  So far, no one has been able to block her talent.
Sounds scary, but okay.  Maybe showing other people her thoughts drains her energy?  (While we’re talking about her, I support the headcanon that Resume is like an immortal child in the way that she draws people in and encourages them to die for protect her.  Her Ability could increase that effect.)  There are also some weird parallels between her and Aro.
Zafrina has a strong illusory talent.  She can make her target see any illusion she wants, or see nothing at all.
Hmm.  I suppose for Zafrina, she could perhaps experience a diluted form of her own Ability when using it on others for an extended period of time.  I’m assuming that she has to concentrate on what she wants them to see, and maybe after a while, she starts seeing bits of it herself.  Or, her own vision could start growing dimmer as she exerts more energy.
He has the ability to sense the type and strength of gifted vampires’ talents.
Eleazar is like a gift metal detector.  Consequences could be that being around powerful gifts, or many at the same time, could overwhelm him.  For example, getting headaches when he was part of the Volturi or during the army witness gathering in BD.  (And I’m assuming Aro visits him semi-regularly, which is not an enviable position to be in.)
She has the power to cause a painful, electric shock-like jolt in anyone she touches.
I think with Kate, she could become drained, especially if she’s touching more than one person or using her Ability for an extended period of time.  And until she fine-tuned her control over her gift, she was probably shocking everybody and was afraid to touch those she loved in fear of hurting them.
He can influence the elements – water, earth, fire, and air.  He is able to physically manipulate the world around him with his will, similar to telekinetic.
Because of his power, Benjamin wasn’t allowed to leave the house for years, so yeah.  Downside of being the Avatar is everybody wants you.  Also, it seemed, at least in my opinion, that he doesn’t have the greatest control over his gift - meaning every time he uses it, it’s large and powerful.  In the BD (movie) vision, he creates a chasm... that’s deep enough to reach magma?  (Fault lines!!)  So if he were to ever lose that bit of control over his Ability, he would do a lot of damage.
She is able to tell if a person is lying.
Maggie is compelled to point out lies, to the point where she can’t stop even when people become uncomfortable and punish her for needing to state the truth.  Therefore, hearing lies could hurt her, mentally or emotionally.  It could also be sort-of an obsession of hers to have everything be the “truth”.  (Do with this what you will - basically what I’m trying to say is that Maggie is unable to not point out lies.)
Some suspect she can affect the outcome of a situation through willpower alone.
If she does have an Ability, I suppose it could be that the outcomes she causes have unintended side effects - a bit like how Alice attempts to manipulate events, but those new events bring new potential disasters.
He was a skilled tracker, able to sense in advance the most likely moves of his prey.
Demetri-ish?  Hyper-aware of his surroundings.
She was exceptionally good at evading enemies.
She’s canonically good at hide-and-seek...?  To me, it seems like an Ability that was invented to explain why nobody could find her, but all right.  Perhaps a mix of Afton, hiding-wise (though she doesn’t turn invisible-ish), and Bella, evading-Demetri-wise.
He has the ability to make anyone feel physically repulsed.  He can use this ability to make someone unable to think of him for a period of time.
In “The Second Life of Bree Tanner”, it seems like Fred’s Ability is always active.  Perhaps gaining control of that power could be difficult because, until he does, he pushes everyone away...(Reneta-ish?)  Also, he’s called “Freaky Fred”.  Rude.
He had a limited ability to make others view him as their leader.  It worked best on those who were directionless.
This is hard because it almost seems like Raoul is just exceptionally charismatic.  Potential scenario: if his directionless followers somehow found direction, he would have to deal with an uprising.
Alistair can track both people and things.  He can sense the general direction of whatever he is looking for, but it takes him a long time to narrow this feeling down to a specific location.
(He’s very good at finding those car keys.)  He would be aware of his surroundings, similar to Demetri but to a lesser degree.  Not sure if he’d be as overwhelmed as often since it seems like he needs to focus on something specifically to find it, but I imagine his first few years weren’t fun.
Charles can sense when someone is lying to him.
Maggie 2.0?  Or perhaps more accurately, Maggie 0.5?  Sounds like he’s essentially Maggie, but less affected by lies.
Could take Abilities and transfer them to other people.  However, she couldn’t use the gifts herself. [Also not a quote]
Gift snatched.  Her power on its own is not very helpful to her survival, since she can’t harness the gifts she takes, nor is it beneficial to her existence.  In my opinion, Mele, due to her Ability, will always be stuck in the position of serving someone (like Sulpicia in Life and Death) or be killed because she’s a threat (Aro).
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
screaming deceiving and bleeding for you
"Ah! Hello, Fitzroy." Gray's Constitution saving throw passes against Fitzroy's Spell Save DC for Thunderwave.
So, I was listening to the latest TAZ episode, and I honestly thought the fight for Argo’s mind was gonna be more long and drawn out. Thus, I decided to just barely connect this with Day 14′s Whumptober prompt “Branding” (because I have other ideas for possession, even though with how school’s going and my plans of doing No Content November mean it’s entirely possible that the next one might not come out until December).
Title is from Evanescence’s “Going Under” because it’s on my playlist of songs that fit fighting your possessed/mind controlled friend.
"Ah! Hello, Fitzroy." Gray puts up a hand, anticipating to block Fitzroy's Thunderwave. His Constitution saving throw passes against Fitzroy's Spell Save DC.
"Stop fucking cheating!" Fitzroy yells at the demon prince. And then, at The Firbolg, "See if Althea or Hieronymous is still around!"
Fitzroy is barely aware of The Firbolg running away towards where they last seen Heironymous.
"One of your friends is running, and the other is mine," Gray drawls. "Those aren't good odds for you."
Gray teleports right next to Fitzroy. A greatsword forms in his hands. Lazily, he swings it at Fitzroy; the hit is a dirty twenty. Fitzroy gasps as he takes 20 points of damage, most of it slashing, but the acid damage still burns against his skin. Can he even really take damage like this? Or is this just some horrible dream for him but no damage can be dealt to his physical form? Fitzroy hopes that it's merely the latter, but he also knows better than to hope too much.
Fitzroy is tempted to enter a rage. He isn't prepared to face Gray in a fair fight - though, could this even be considered fair? Fitzroy needs the edge he would get from entering a rage, but he doesn't know how to control the effect his magic has on his rage. Who knows how much further damage he could cause Argo if his rage manifests in a way that does damage to his surroundings?
Fitzroy swings his mace, hoping that he'll break Gray's skull. It whistles by the demon prince's ear, having missed the target AC.
AC 23 is nearly one-and-a-half times Fitzroy's own armor class. He takes 13 points of damage, mostly slashing.
Gray begins to start whispering a discordant melody. "If you can't face me, how will you win our war?"
Fitzroy takes 4 points of psychic damage.
At the corners of his vision where he can still see the real world, Shape Water is cast into the shape of a fist that strikes Argo's body.
"Oh, really?" Gray says at his normal volume. "You think you can fight back? I own you now."
Fitzroy smiles and coughs up blood. "Thanks, pal."
His mace reverberates off of Gray's horns and it forces the demon prince to take a step back. Gray looks shocked, shocked enough that Fitzroy is able to block the next blow. Fitzroy then casts Shocking Grasp on Gray before taking a five foot step backwards. Fitzroy gulps as he realizes that he forgot to Disengage.
Before Gray can swing his greatsword once more, Fitzroy feels a wave of Argo's pain. The image of the hell dimension falls around them.
The first thing Argo notices as he wakes up is that his chest hurts. To be more specific, it hurts the most right under his right collarbone but the pain is radiating outward. He feels like he might have burned himself, but why on his upper chest?
Slowly, Argo forces himself to open his eyes. He's lying in the school's hospital wing. Fitzroy's slouching in a chair next to him, and Argo can't quite tell if he's in a half-trance or not. Either way, he sits up straight when he sees Argo awake, a smile forming on his face.
"You know, when I said we had to stop meeting like this, I didn't mean switching our positions," Fitzroy jokes, but his voice his so hoarse. "Firby stepped out to go get us dinner; he'll be sad he missed you waking up."
"That was real, wasn't it?" Argo asks. "Gray possessing me, and all that."
"Yes. Unfortunately. How do you feel?"
"Still a little weird, and my chest hurts, but thank you."
"Yeah, we have matching brands now. Apparently Heironymous thought that was the best way to get Gray out of you. But really, I should be thanking you for saving my hide; I was down to 1 HP and if you hadn't cast Shape Water when you had, I might've been a maple syrup pancake!"
"Yeah, I think that was more instinct than anything planned?" Argo smiles. "I didn't want you to get hurt, Sir Pancake." Fitzroy goes red, likely with embarrassment.
"Oh, no, it's still Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt, Knight (in Absentia) of the realm of Goodcastle to you!" Still, there is no venom in his voice.
"Sorry for ruining the spelunking trip, by the way."
"Eh, I get the feeling that with how much we've talked about assassination in front of you, Gray might know anyways so going into the Godscar Chasm probably would've gotten us nowhere."
"I'm sorry about that. And for being such a jerk to you, Firby, and everyone else."
"No, no, you have nothing to be sorry for. If anything... I sensed Gray in your room, for just a moment before that spell ended. I should've known, but, what's done is done. But, I won't let him touch you ever again, not if I can help it. Oh yeah, and sorry for cussing in your brain."
"Oh, trust me, I cuss a lot more in my brain than you do."
A/N: I based Gray's stats on Graz'zt, which is why Fitzroy is doing so terribly. 5th level characters should not try to 1v1 CR 24 demons with magical greatswords and the ability to cast Dissonant Whispers.
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rpgsandbox · 5 years
Instagram of the week - The Idle DM
Irregular updates, magic items with description and lore in the notes:
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Minimap Compact, Wondrous item, rare The minimap compact is a marvel of artificer design, able to capture its surroundings and display them as a simple, flat image. Produced as a roundish puck of smoothed and polished marble, and strung with a strong thread of golden flax, this portable compact fits conveniently in your palm. Flecks of light and dark matter shift and glisten within the mirrored lens of glass at its center, surrounded by a notched ring of nickel. This item has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. While holding this item flat and level, oriented with the lens facing upward and the peak on the nickel ring pointed forward, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to speak a command word and activate the minimap compact’s special properties. Scan. The minimap compact emits a single, high-pitched beep as it launches a ringlike, invisible sensor that scans all immediate surroundings within a flat, 30-foot radius centered on itself. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is unable to detect objects, structures, or creatures that are hidden or constructed by magic. Additionally, only solids and semisolids of size category Small or larger are detectable, and must be relatively stationary. The scan appears on the lens as a small, flecked map of glittering light and dark shape on the minimap, describable in terms of value and size, at the DM’s discretion. Lighter is less dense, such as soil deposits, furniture, and human creatures. Darker is more dense, such as slow-moving lava, wood, or stone golems. Blank areas are not detectable, such as gases, flowing water, or moving creatures. This image lasts until cleared by another scan.
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Double Visions, Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement) Dual, short daggers of mirror-polished steel, with handles of eldritch wood requiring constant trimming, to prevent the wood’s growth from overtaking the blades. The daggers’ most prominent features are, of course, the two wandering eyes in place of standard pommels. Some poor beholder, somewhere, now has only eight eyestalks remaining, and wants these back. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these weapons, and you must be wielding both daggers in order to gain this bonus. Each dagger holds a single charge and regains this charge daily at dawn. As an action, you can expend 1 charge and activate a dagger’s borrowed sight property. Borrowed Sight. You concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), and can see through the eye of the dagger for up to 1 minute. For the duration, you gain darkvision out to a range of 120 feet through its eye, and one of your own eyes becomes blinded. As a bonus action, you can produce a magical effect from the eye determined by rolling a d10 and consulting the magical eye ray table, as in a beholder’s eye rays, targeting a creature you can see through the eye within 120 feet. Borrowed sight immediately ends when used in this way. Additionally, roll a d20. On a 1, the eye of the dagger becomes permanently blinded and this effect cannot be activated again. Hunted. The beholder whose eyes were taken actively searches for them. While it is within a 1 mile distance of you, it is able to perceive through your eyes at-will, and you are aware of this when it does so. While it is perceiving through your senses, it gains the benefits of any special senses you possess. This effect ends when the beholder reclaims the daggers, or dies trying.
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Points of Connection, Weapon (dart), uncommon Points of connection are individually forged of fine mithril, set into a slotted hardwood box with a golden emblem representing their ritual purpose. Equally discreet as they are beautiful, these darts have been used generationally among certain elven tribes, an aid to teach younglings the pain felt by those creatures they must occasionally hunt. It is as much a tool used to teach compassion as to teach mortality, a necessary lesson for young elves to reach long-lived days. As some tribes know, and as few who have pillaged these ritualized darts have discovered, the darts have alternative and deadlier uses. A single pack contains 1d12+6 points of connection. This weapon deals 2 psychic damage, instead of the piercing damage normal for a dart. When you make a ranged attack with this weapon, you can use a bonus action to make an additional ranged attack with a different point of connection. A creature hit by a point of connection is marked until the dart is removed, and has no effect on creatures that are formless or dead. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, removing a point of connection from itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 2 damage to the dart (AC 15) also removes the mark and destroys the dart. Marked creatures are mystically connected to each other. The following magical properties are shared among all marked creatures on the same plane of existence: Shared Pain. When a marked creature takes damage, all other marked creatures take an amount of Psychic damage equal to the number of marked creatures. Shared Mind. A marked creature gains a bonus to its Wisdom saving throws equal to half the number of marked creatures, and can communicate by transmitting emotions to the group. Shared Location. A marked creature always knows where another marked creature is located, and can tell the exact distance and direction.
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Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Gerard Butler as Stoick) https://youtu.be/JubX9ybyjHs?t=25 (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Cathriona Breannna McKinney (Pictured here)   Parents: Niamh McKinney (mom born Niamh, no surname) Conlaoch Belphegor Oisin McKinney (dad) Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: Ancient. Height: 195cm Body type: Big cuddly bear. Eye color: Gray/Auburn. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Invisibility, Invisibility Awareness (The power to detect invisibility) Healing, Unhealing, Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between) Shapeshifting (The power to transform and reshape the form of one’s body.) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Torment Inducement (the power to inflict torment and suffering upon others) Mental Manipulation (The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others.) Pain Inducement (The ability to inflict agonizing pain by varying means.) Empathic Masochism (The ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one’s own body.) Psychic Navigation (The power to track people/objects with one’s mind and/or create mental maps of an area) Visual Linking (The power to link one’s vision to others.) Accelerated Perception (The power to perceive everything at accelerated rate.) Enhanced Senses (The power to possess extremely accurate senses.) Illusion Awareness (The power to be aware if one’s surroundings are false.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Soul Removal (The power to remove souls from oneself and others) Necromancy (The power to utilize magic involving the dead, life-force and/or souls.)  Tracking Evasion (The power to hide from followers and pursuers and avoid total detection/discovery.) Will Breaking (The power to shatter the will of others.) Corruption Inducement (The power to erode a person’s morality to the point of being evil.)
About: Leader, Stubborn, Resourceful, Determined, Authoritarian, Strong, Serious, Alert, Old-Fashioned, Responsible, Organized, Decisive, Principled, Intuitive, Confident, Intelligent, Strong-willed, Stoic, Admirable, Family-Oriented, Calm, Proud, Loyal, Rustic, Stern, Courageous, Firm, Generous, Honest, Private, Logical, Observant, Perceptive, Rational, Protective and Respectful . ~ Sexuality Straight. But doesn’t completely deny anything gay. ~ Is a very high regarded form of demonic Knight. Or a Knight of hell, so to speak. ~ Always wears a special pointy ring on his finger to show he’s one of the first generations of McKinney males. Only he, his younger brother, and their father has one. ~ Irish ~ His name means ‘ Red haired’. ~ Talks with a thick accent. ~ Is the head of the McKinney clan, only outranked by his father. ~ Smells of Leather, Pine and Cedar wood. ~ Into Alchemy and very good at it. ~ Has a rocky relationship with Brandubh/Raven, cause he tends to bend rules of their clan. ~ Has a couple of huge scars from where a demonic creature once hit him, while trying to kill his wife. Roy killed the beast and saved the maiden. ~ Can play flute and harmonica very well. ~ Is very into blond virgins. Don’t care if they are male or female. ~ Hates honey. ~ Is very warm-hearted although mostly he comes of as stern authority. ~ Gets very irritated with people who doesn’t follow rules. ~ Is a bit of a loner. ~ Is a wonderful cook. ~ Is actually quite handy with a needle and threat. ~ Very skilled at sword fighting and swinging a battle ax or battle hammer. ~ Loves his huge family/clan deeply and would do anything for them, his wife, nature and spends as much time in it as possible, horses, deer, owls, falcons, food, honor, rules, integrity, traditions, when people obeys him or the McKinney clan rules, mead, sea, battles and duty. ~ Does not understand peanutbutter? Why is it so sticky???? ~ Style: Pirate King? *Snort*
One gif to describe him:
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Cathriona Breannna ‘Bree’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/R8k6siLmtA4?t=27s Singing voice: (Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/11FmCcUCS5A?t=47s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney (pictured here) Parents: Diseased. Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: At least 4000+ years. Height: 178cm Body type: Average, big boobs, juicy butt. Eye color: Light gray/green tones. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Healing, Empathic Healing (The power to heal others’ emotional wounds and/or burdens.) Sleep Inducement (The power to make someone sleep by touch) Multipresence (The ability to be in more than one place at once.) Truth Inducement (The ability to force a person to tell the truth.) Astral Projection (The power to separate one’s spirit from one’s body.) Astral Trapping (The ability to restrain/trap astral beings.) Psychic Shield (The power to be highly resistant to psychic attacks.) Curse Inducement (The ability to place a curse on anyone or anything.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Sensing (the ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them)
About: Warm, Loving, Kind, Friendly, Caring, Sociable, Compassionate, Positive, Gentle, Honest, Sentimental, Helpful, Persuasive,  Cooperative, Romantic, Selfless, Patient, Respectful, Sensitive, Forgiving, Tolerant, Earthy, Contemplative, Appreciative, Understanding, Open-Minded, Family-Oriented, Considerate, Nurturing, Charismatic, High-Spirited, Maternal,  Adaptable, Balanced, Cheerful, Curious, Practical, Fair, Intelligent, Protective and Passionate. ~ Sexuality Straight. ~ Irish ~ Speaks with a sometimes thick accent, but for the most she tones it down. ~ Always wears a medallion her husband gave her as an engagement gift. ~ Always tried her best to help everyone around her. ~ Has a hard time accepting no for an answer when she wants to serve food. ~ Is very motherly towards everyone she meets. ~ Smells of warm Bergamot and whatever is cooking in the kitchen. ~ Is very into poetry. ~ Very skilled cook. ~ Even more skilled at baking. ~ Dislikes rudeness. ~ Talks a a lot. ~ Insists people call her Bree. ~ Is very close to her youngest son, Brandubh/Raven, whom she tends to pamper a lot, even if he kinda dislikes her being so sticky. He’s still very much her baby boy. ~ Enjoys walks in the rain. ~ Very skilled with a sword and bow/arrow. ~ Sometimes has a bit of a bar-maiden attitude. ~ Loves her kids, husband, her huge family/clan, animals. helping, supporting, dancing, nature, cooking/baking, Irish traditions, family gatherings, parties, protecting the ones she love, poetry, reading, picking flowers, making everyone feel welcome, cleaning, mead and slow roasted meat. ~ Can swear like a sailor. ~ Do not for one second think she wont kick your ass if you deserve it! ~ Style: Bar maiden?
One gif to describe her:
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Survey #279
“she could kill you with a wink of her eye.”
Have you ever met a guy for coffee? No, I don’t like coffee. Do you feed your leftovers to your dogs? I don’t currently have any dogs, but when I did, it was very rare and (almost) only if he wasn’t begging for it. The only exception was chicken nuggets; Teddy loved him some chicken nuggets, holy shit. That and peanut butter he would always get so excited about. What tricks does your pet do? Neither my cat nor obviously my snake know any tricks. Do you believe in psychics? No. When you hear the name “Ginger” what do you think of? Jason’s fatass beagle. I wonder how she is a lot, she was a darling. What is the worst damage that your car has seen? N/A What was the last thing that annoyed you? Probably my chronic boredom. :’) How would your parents react if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant)? Both would be extremely confused seeing as I’m not with a guy and absolutely do not want kids. Have you ever had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom or dad? Nope. Are you afraid of frogs? No, they’re Good. How would you react if a complete stranger complimented you? It depends on the compliment and how it’s delivered. If you sound genuine and it’s not creepy, it’s honestly really flattering and sweet, though I get really shy. Who was the last person to make you cry? Myself, technically, thinking too much about he who I shouldn’t, y’know. Do you have Facebook? I do. How would you react if you found out your crush had a terminal disease? God, I don’t want to think about this. I’d be absolutely crushed. Do you eat applesauce? I don’t go out of my way to get some, but sure, I like applesauce. What was the last pill you took for? It was one of my mood stabilizers. Are you in the hospital a lot? No, thankfully. What is your dentist’s first name, if you know it? I have no clue. Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yes. Does your mother have any sisters? One. Do you read poetry/make it? I don’t really read it anymore, but once in five blue moons I’ll write one if I’m really inspired. Have you ever had braces? Yes, for way too long because we couldn’t afford to take them off. I think it’s why one of my bottom front teeth is angled back a bit. Your parents split; would you want to live with your mom or dad? My parents are divorced and I live(d) with my mom. Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? To Mom, yes. My sisters and I were going to visit Dad and it was just easier back then to make something else up. Are you afraid of lifts? Elevators? Yes. Not terribly, but I’m not a fan. Who did you last talk to in person? Is that person attractive? My “other mom” Tobey; she brought me some groceries while Mom’s away. She’s Mom’s age though so no, I’m not attracted to her. She’s like family. Have you ever had a deep, personal conversation with a stranger? I mean, isn’t that therapy at first? lmao Let’s talk about the person you had your first kiss with. Do you still talk to that person? If so, do you still like them? Would you kiss them again? No; no, I like his memory; I fucking hope not. How many times have you cried over the person you love/like? A couple times. When was the last time you wanted to cry, but didn’t, because you didn’t want to show that you were upset? Why? I’m really not sure. What are three things that are guaranteed to make you smile, or put you in a good mood? Going on a car ride with me in shotgun to blare my music; seeing Mark laugh oh my FUCKING god; and seeing meerkats being cute. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? Nothing. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? My first teletherapy appointment. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? Chicken of some sort is very, very common. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? Ummm… good question. I know I have done this recently, I just can’t remember it… Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else’s dreams? Jason is practically a staple. Mom is there a lot. And sure, doesn’t everyone? Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we’re basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? I think it’s possible, there really is some convincing evidence, but I lean more towards not believing it. What worries you most about your future? What the fuck I’m doing with my life. What is something you do to feel better when you’re scared? Deep breathing. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? Mom, and sure. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? I’m not sure. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? Give. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? OH MY GOD, SUDDEN MEMORY. There was this book we read in elementary school about this kid who made everything he touched turn to chocolate and it was fuckin wild. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? Oh, absolutely with someone. Y’all know I don’t enjoy TV that much anyway. What was the subject of the last video you watched? I’m watching the VOD on-and-off of a WoW streamer I like. Who taught you the most valuable lesson in life and what was that lesson? Jason. Don’t let anyone but yourself become your main source of happiness and worth. Have you got perfect vision? Hell no. I’ve got glasses for a good reason. What colour is the door to your house? White. Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? Snake. <3 Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? Yes. Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire? Yeah, even though I hate barbecue itself. Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated? Who the fuck thinks they’re “overrated”??? Rainbows are gorgeous. I think we can all agree on that. Are you more skeptical or gullible? Skeptical. How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks? LOLOL I DO NOT WANT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? Considering I’m the polar opposite, no. Prefer being in control in a team environment, helping out, or taking orders? Help out. Do you like carrot cake? GIRL yes. Do you view animals as being just as important as people? Why or why not? Yes, because we have no greater right than them to be here. Hell, they’re probably more deserving with humanity’s selfishness. I’m aware as a meat eater there’s some hypocrisy here, buuut still in my heart I see them as just as valuable. What made you stop talking to the last person you cut out of your life? She made an absolutely infuriating, false assumption of my mother. Is there a situation or person you haven’t been able to get over/forgive? I’ve forgiven him. Forgetting’s a different story. What are you like during arguments? Regardless of the topic or severity, I will absolutely be fumbling over my words, stuttering, and find eye contact difficult. It’s definitely not rare that I’ll be crying. Where do you like to be kissed? WELL this depends on the mood y’know. What is more difficult for you, looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel? I dunno, both can be very hard. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way? It’s petty and I’d rather not give it the time of day. But I still am kind of angry, though I shouldn’t be. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them? Why is this so oddly specific lol. But anyway, Mom, and that I love her. Would you rather be hurt by the one you trust the most or the one you love the most? The one I trust the most. Think of the last person who you know that died. You have the chance to give them one hour of life back, but you have to give up one year of yours. Do you do it? Why or why not? No, because she was miserable. When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person? I don’t know. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose? Sara. Her friendship means a fucking lot to me. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them. Who were they to you? Yesterday to my mom. Are you old fashioned? HA, definitely not. Have you ever gone up to a car thinking it was yours and tried to get in it? Oh my god yes. What’s your most irrational fear? There are plenty of them that I have. Whale sharks lmao. Musicals: yay or nay? I can’t help it, they’re always cheesy to me. Do you play the games on MySpace/Facebook? No. When was the last time you were sunburnt? A few years ago when I went to the beach with Colleen and her fam. It was actually to the point of being sun poisoning. No words for how painful that shit was. How many times have you re-pierced a piercing yourself? Never have, never would. I’m trusting a professional with that. What’s your favorite band? Ozzy Osbourne, of course. :’) How often do you pray? Never. Have you ever hugged someone for over a minute? Yeah. Would you ever get a tattoo on your collarbone? I already have one but am getting it covered with something else eventually. It just doesn’t really apply to me. Do you wake up cranky? Not usually; I’m usually in my best mood in the morning. Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? No. Who was the last person to hold your hand? I don’t recall. What do you miss most about your ex? Define which ex. Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? Yeah. Do you and your last ex hate each other? We’re best friends lmao. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes. Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? Absolutely typing on the computer. I make typos while texting too much. Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? Probably. Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? Yes If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? Nooooo no no. Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? I’ve heard small stories about past relationships. Do you know anyone that’s gotten an abortion before? Yes. Have you ever been arrested? No. Who’s the last person that gave you roses? Tyler. Who’s the last guy you texted? My dad. What about the last girl? Sara. When was your first real relationship? From age 15 to 19-ish. Have you ever cried over an ex? I have PTSD stemming from one of them so guess lmao. Do you ever think about your ex and cry? ^ Have you ever cussed someone out? I remember one occasion at my sister’s stupid fucking ex. What’s the most trouble you’ve ever gotten in with your parents? Hm, not sure. Is there something really bad that you’ve done, that only YOU know about? No. Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. Have you ever made out with someone who was just a friend? No. Have you ever told someone’s deep, dark secret? No. “Your secret it safe with me” is something I’m hardcore about. Have you ever pushed someone into a pool? I don’t think so, no. Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what’s in it? No. Have you ever you shop lifted? No. What state (or country) do you live in? North Carolina. Are you listening to music right now? Yes; 3TEETH's cover of "Pumped Up Kicks." I have fallen in LOVE with them. What is your newest favorite website? I don’t think I’ve really had a “new” favorite website in like eons. Do you have embarrassing memories of stupid things you've done? You have no fucking idea. I still remember things that embarrassed me in pre-k. What was the last thing you cooked on the stove? Scrambled eggs, I’m sure. What color Christmas tree do you want when you have a house someday? BLACK. BLACK WITH FAUX SNOW. How fucking gorgeous would that be??? Have you ever had to use an epi pen? No. Do you know the names of 3 of your neighbors? No. I only know the name of one. What was the last thing you cooked that you burnt or cooked for too long? I’m unsure. If you could have a car in any color, which color would you choose? ANY color? Pink. What was the last grocery store you shopped at? Walmart. What was the last type of milk you drank? 2%. Do you plan to vote in the next election? Yes. I believe silence speaks for the evil in situations like this, and I’m done doing that. Thooouuugh I gotta educate myself on the candidates… What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Writing. What is the last thing you charged? My laptop. Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it? I don’t know, been a long time. Do you like peas? NOOOOOOOOO. It’s funny, according to Mom, I loooved peas as a baby, but now I’m just like… can’t relate. Do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower? No. Which friend are you most similar to? Sara and I are very similar. Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say? Well Sara is many states away so like,,,, we can’t unless I wanna buy a plane ticket lmao. If it was Jason, I pretty much know I’d say yes like a fucking idiot. If it was Girt, it’d be a yeah, we haven’t hung out in forever. Do you have alcohol in your house? No. Have you or anyone you know been to rehab? I’m sure someone has. Have you ever swung on a tire swing? I think I have at least once. What’s a discontinued product you wish they still made? Damn, I know there are some, but they’re not coming to me. Have you ever been involved in Facebook drama? Yes. Actually told a motherfucker off a few days back that claimed there was “something wrong” with Breonna Taylor and her death was justifiable. I. Went. The fuck. Off. Then everyone joined in. :D Do you have anything against women who choose to be stay-at-home-mothers? No?????? The fuck?????????? Have you ever kissed someone with a beard? Not a lengthy one. What gaming consoles do you own? PS2, Wii, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS Lite, my laptop, and uhhh I think that’s it. Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Well, mentally sick. Do you know any lesbian couples? Yes. Did your parents monitor your internet usage when you were a teen? Yes. Well, Mom did. Is there anything in the USB key slots in your computer/laptop? Yes, the thing that communicates with my wireless mouse. What advertisements are on your screen at the moment? None. Was there ever a time when you felt absolutely terrified? If so, why? I can’t describe how terrified I was the night of the breakup. It felt so unreal, and I was so certain my life was over. Then there was an occasion where my dad picked my sister and me up from school and he was in an AWFUL mood; he was speeding like a motherfucker and running red lights. I absolutely thought a we were going to get in a wreck or die. Then I have anxiety and have experienced panic attacks, so… guess lmao. Who’s one person who changed how you viewed something? One of the most profound in my life is actually Rhett and Link as well as Hannah Hart. When I started watching GMM, I was actually still homophobic, but gradually I started to ship the fuck out of those angel boys despite it. I started questioning my viewpoint, and finally, on their podcast where Hannah was the guest, telling her personal LGBT story, it just clicked how disgustingly wrong I was. When was the last time you went to a bar? I’ve never been to one. Why did you last see the doctor? I’m going to assume you mean a doctor for physical reasons, in which case I went in to talk about if I qualified for a sleep study regarding my nightmares, only to be told that because my actual doctor was absent, she could do nothing. Sooo Mom and I walked in pretty much just to pay someone to say “wait.” How do you spend the majority of your free time? Something on the computer, I’m sure. Lately, what I’ve been doing most is playing WoW while watching/listening to something. List the cards in your wallet. I don’t care enough to look. Not a lot. What was the last thing to inspire you? Ummm idk. How has COVID affected you? It really hasn’t, other than giving me anxiety regarding my mom as she is in the “of most concern” demographic, if you will. We don’t know if her cancer is gone yet due to the whole emergency trip to NY. But yeah, I personally leave the house like… never, so my daily life hasn’t really had any deviations. What is a comfort show of yours? Hm. I share enough that I’m not a TV person, so I don’t really seek out a show when I need comfort. But I guess if I was sitting there with the remote and I was really down, I’d be happy to find That ‘70s Show. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? As I believe *some* sort of greater intelligence is responsible for the universe, I like to think so. But if not, make your own reason. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? I’ve been home alone for over a month now and am somehow doing okay, taking care of the house and myself. Animal Crossing , yay or nay? I’ve never played it. Not of my interest in games. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? “Breaks” are bullshit. You’re either together or you’re not.
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revenantbat · 5 years
The Superman vs Batman Movie We Deserve:
Related to my If Batman Started as a Teen post:
Wonder Woman: We should reveal our identities so we can trust each other.
Batman: *knowing full well they’re not going to treat him as an equal member of the team when they find out he’s only nineteen* I work alone.
Superman: This was your idea.
In Gotham, Superman shows up after hearing reports of a Batwoman in the city and getting pissed because that means his ‘I work alone’ is clearly bull.
Cue Superman using x-ray vision to see who Batman is and getting a lecture on boundaries in return. The all seven League members are there eventually because Superman is bitching about it.
Clark Kent was raised on Earth, he’s also a journalist. That means that he’s heard a number of things over the years about Bruce Wayne and his probablematic dealing over his philanthropic. He knows that power corrupts, he heard it in that tale of Brainiac and the Death of his home planet, he’s been taught it by his parents in Kansas, he has a bad experience with billionaires - and Lex is just salty enough about not getting a foothold in Gotham to throw some subtle shade towards the playboy. This is ironic because he’s just used his powers to effectively take Batman’s secret identity away from him and tells the others. He will realise his mistake and start to learn from it. He won’t apologise in this movie, he might not apologise at all. But he will change his behaviour and be more mindful of his actions when it comes to respecting others - unfortunately it’s not Bruce’s argument that makes him see that.
Bruce is fundamentally feeling attacked. Someone he wasn’t sure he could trust has come into his city and invaded his privacy in a way that’s also going against his expressed wishes. He feels particularly defenseless and it’s something that shapes his character going forward. He’s backed into a corner here when it comes to arguing, he can’t argue how he want’s to argue because it can be used against him. He also can’t argue the same way anyone in Gotham argues because these people are outsiders and won’t understand. Bruce is forced to defend rather then attack and that isn’t how arguments are won. Bruce also isn’t liking the fear he’s feeling and likely projecting. Fundamentally, he’s in the right here. He knows that but he doesn’t know how to prove that.
Barry Allen is the first of the other JLA members to assess the argument and form an opinion. This isn’t surprising due to his powers. But he also works for a police department, it’s likely that he’s read a lot of socio-political papers on Gotham and the crime in Gotham to know about the situation in the city on a factual basis that isn’t the media image of the city. He has a blog about weird occurrences and has likely visited the city and spoken to members of GCPD. From a crime fighting perspective he knows that there are members of GCPD that are grateful for Batman’s detective skills regarding crimes and situations they aren’t prepared for or don’t have the time for. He knows the state of corruption in the city and understands that getting a warrent for some of the things Batman does would be impossible for GCPD. He knows that crime in the city is fought on a ‘what is most damaging or harmful to the highest number of people’ or violent crime focus with vice close behind rather then other things, like corruption or muggings, theft, vandalism, etc. All things that the poor people of Gotham suffers from the most and he knows that while GCPD cannot focus on those things the vigilantes in the city do. He uses these facts in support of Batman and against Superman and more often then not arguments about whether or not Bruce Wayne is trained is replied with ‘How do you know?’
It is this line of questioning that gives Hal Jordan pause in joining the argument. Because Barry and Bruce are right Hal doesn’t know if Bruce is trained or what his motivations are. He was suppotive of Superman’s argument ement before that, because he doesn’t believe that teenagers should be fighting crime. He believe’s that there are people with that responsibility, he’s trained in his responsibility with the Guardians but... Superman doesn’t have much mire of a responsibility to Metropolis and the world then Bruce Wayne has to Gotham and the world. In fact he probably has less of a responsibility to Metropolis then Bruce has to Gotham and Bruce has made it clear that he’s not taking responsibility for the world but will help when needed. He knows that as Bruce Wayne he does a lot of charity work to help the poor, he found that out when he looked for answers about those Zombie apocalypses that he’d been told about. Hal’s mostly just developing a headache and takes Aquaman’s offer to help him look for snacks because he knows Barry well enough to know Barry is grouchy when he’s hungry and it’s honestly better then being here. They end up investigating something stranger then a Zombie apocalypse and all question about if Batman could handle some of the space stuff he’s heard about leaves his mind because this is weirder and also not considered a big deal to anyone in the city?
Arthur Curry was listening to the argument and honestly felt a bit lost. He wouldn’t want someone to come into his Kingdom and tell him how to run it or that they thought he couldn’t for whatever reason. The argument was entertaining enough to justify leaving the water however he was also quoted facts and has a responsibility to investigate those. So he leaves and he takes Green Lantern with him because what a better time to bond with your teammate when sneaking through someone elses house and going through their stuff except not really? They run into Question almost immediately and get politely asked not to use their powers to stop any crime they come across because the infrastructure really couldn’t handle a superhero battle. Fair. Question also asks Arthur about help investigating Vampire Mermaids just off the coast. He gets worried about the description of a Vampire because it sounds a lot like cannibalistic water demons and those aren’t supposed to exist anymore. Imagine his surprise when he finds out they do and people in Gotham keep surfing in the waters after being bitten. They think it’s a result of bacteria and infection due to a high rate of bodies being dumped in the waters, it probably is. Question asks for a risk assessment but is otherwise tells him the Vampire Mermaids can stay because they aren’t killing anyone. A new found respect for the city has honestly been found and he cannot wait to tell his wife.
Diana Prince was split for her thoughts. She understood where Superman was coming from regarding Batman’s age, while she was trained as a child Man’s world didn’t practice that as far as she was aware. Superman had no right to come to Gotham and take something that didn’t belong to him, even if that was knowledge, he had no right to share that with the rest of them. It was unfair on Batman who had excluded himself from the team narrative early on. She also understood the need to persue a calling, if that was something that was happening she wanted to be supportive of him in it. Someone young should have support especially if the crime rates in the city are what they are. Diana wants to hold the group together and it’s obvious that Batman had seen this argument coming when he walked away those months ago. It’s when she looks up to the sky that she realises that Gotham plays on different rules though. Usually when she does that she can feel the support of Olympus and while it’s still there, it’s distant. It’s a clear warning to Diana really, there are other gods here and to them you’re an outsider. She knows what she has to do then because she hasn’t just been taught to fight her battles physically, but politically as well. It’s her and the Martian Manhunter who stop the argument from escalating.
J’onn J’onzz is trying to understand Earth culture and how Humans act. From the best he can tell is that Superman is in the wrong here. He can sense the age of the city around him and there are remarkably few children here it’s upsetting to him. He can feel the anger and self-righteousness that Superman is projecting. He can feel the fear that Batman is and he could hear his thought of his age being an issue of trust. So it isn’t just that Superman is on the wrong side, but that Batman’s judgement was correct about his age and identity meaning he couldn’t actually trust them. He points it out rather bluntly, and there’s a brush of something agaisnt his mind psychically in response. Something in this city wasn’t happy with the argument. Superman, he thinks, isn’t going to undertand their point of view until he learns to listen and do research on his own and he’ll have to build up trust with Batman on his own. But at least now, J’onn thinks, he knows he’s not going to win.
Hal and Arthur return with snacks and a friend without a face. It is apparently someone Batman knows well because there’s relief there too even if it’s when he hears that GCPD are asking if they have to evacuate the District or if ‘superpowers’ are going to leave. Something about infrastructure and fights that typically destroy 3.2 skyscrapers. Most of them leave apologetic of the fact that they weren’t able to wait for Batman to trust them with who he is himself.
There isn’t a physical fight, but if there was one Superman would lose. Not because Batman had preptime or allies. But because in my Gotham, this Gotham, the stories of a giant man sleeping beneath the city, a wizard leaving a powerful magical artefact buried there somewhere, and two curses from Native tribes before they were slaughtered mean Gotham had it’s own particular brand of magic and it’s own God are true. Batman would win because it’s magical land they were fighting on, and magic is one of Superman’s weaknesses.
It’s not an action movie, and I think it shows Superman’s abuse of power on a much more subtle level then other movies. But it would also show that there are human flaws in Superman’s character that the Snyder movie did not show really. Also it fits with my teenage batman headcanon. It’s also going to cause massive changes in Bruce and Batman going forward, not just Superman’s growth.
There’s a lot that Bruce was never effectively taught how to do and political arguments are one of those things, he can’t have travelled the world to train if he started so young he would have had to train at home and there’s an element of outside media politicking that he could learn. Honestly? I imagine him learning that from Diana. But there’s also a pause too. Because a massive amount of Batman’s character is his need to know everything about everyone and his privacy issues, and this is where that starts. It’s an ugly part of his character but he needs it to feel safe.
It certainly would be a good place to begin the psychiatric reasons behind him not killing going beyond ‘moral code’ and trauma. Namely that he doesn’t personally believe that he could stop killing after the one time. He thinks that it would be too easy for him and it’s a reason to keep him from doing it, while not being able to understand how others are able to, but having a willingness to work with those that do.
Anyway, this is the kind of storyline we need in a teenage!batman v superman movie/book/comic.
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bamon4bamily · 6 years
TVD 9x02 (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - Matt searching for leads on the student’s location. He gets a call from Elena.
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MATT: Elena, I’m glad you called, have you found anything?
ELENA: No Matt, we can’t find any medical explanation. All we know from the patient’s assessments is that they presented the same symptoms before they collapsed, severe headaches and vision loss. They also presented the same clinical diagnosis, cerebral saccular aneurysm, leading to comatose; and they all woke up at the same time. Post-assessments are even stranger, once the patients woke up there were no signs of cerebral damage, hemorrhaging or any type of aneurysm found in their study results as if nothing had happened to them. Another odd thing is that the only thing, all the patients remember, is hearing a woman’s voice just before they blacked out. Some have been discharged, others are being kept for observation. Same goes for Mystic General. But, I think it’s safe to say these incidents definitely have to do with something supernatural. It’s just terrifying to think someone can have the power to do this… Were Bonnie and Darius able to figure something out?
MATT: No, not yet, something is messing with them too, but I can’t go into that right now; I’ll let Bonnie tell you later.  
ELENA: Is she O.K?
MATT: She is now.
ELENA: I hate not being able to be there with you guys, be of more help.
MATT: Trust me, Elena, you have been very helpful. We do miss you though.
ELENA: I miss you too! I’m trying to make my way over there for the weekend, so hopefully, I’ll see you guys soon.
MATT: We’d love that. Listen, I have to go, the boss is calling me; let me know if you find anything else, O.K?
ELENA: I will.
MATT: Talk soon.
ELENA: Bye Matt.
MATT: Mayor, how can I be of service?
EDWARD POWELL: Sheriff, I just wanted to know how your meeting went and if there is any progress?
MATT: Still nothing. Some students have gone missing from the Salvatore School, I suspect it’s related. I told everyone to keep a low profile, I think we might be under surveillance. In the meantime, I’m investigating the students’ case, and my friends are helping with some research.
EDWARD POWELL: The number one priority is to find those students Sheriff, we must assure they return home safely. Please keep me informed and let me know as soon as you find them. I will leave you to your duties.
MATT: Thank you, I will keep you posted.
EDWARD POWELL: Farewell Sheriff.
MATT: Goodbye Mayor.
Cut to - the study at the Salvatore school. Radka, Alaric, Bonnie, and Darius are working on their research.
 RADKA: Guys, I think I found something, take a look at this (shows them an old book). There are some similarities with the recent incidents. It says here that some sort of “mystical attack” was used to disable an entire army front in England, back in the 1600s. Over 100 soldiers mysteriously dropped unconscious during battle… Then again, the same type of attack in the 1800s, WW1, WW2…
ALARIC: Maybe that linking spell? (To Darius) You know, the one in your family’s grimoire…
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DARIUS: That type of linking spell would require a psychic-witch to perform it. The only known psychic-witches are Bonnie and me, (with sarcasm) and I’m pretty sure we weren’t around at that time, I’m I right Bon?
BONNIE: Well, Silas was a psychic-witch too, so maybe there are more?
DARIUS: No Bon, Silas was a witch that used psychic powers, which is different.
RADKA: O.K, I’m getting very confused here, what exactly is the difference?
DARIUS: All witchcraft is grounded in psychic energy; powerful witches can tap into that energy to enhance their powers. Psychic-witches don’t tap into that energy, they generate it… big difference.
RADKA: Wait, let me go back a step, remind me what this linking spell does?
DARIUS: It links the mind of a psychic-witch to any given number of minds, and by generating psychic energy during the spell, the psychic-witch can pretty much do anything to the minds it's linked to.
BONNIE: Including giving them an aneurysm and putting them in a coma…
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DARIUS: ... Even killing them, if the psychic-witch is powerful enough. 
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RADKA: That’s very unsettling… but, wait. If there weren’t any psychic witches back then, how come your family made a spell that only a non-excitant species could perform? Doesn’t make sense.
DARIUS: I’m guessing they weren’t aware of it and thought any witch or psychic could perform it, reason why so many died trying…
ALARIC: Still, doesn’t make much sense… I know you two are the only psychic-witches that we know of, but, given that your family (referring to Darius) hid most of their historical documentation, we can’t eliminate the possibility that there have been others in your bloodline or in your’s Bonnie… we just don’t know about them.
DARIUS: I highly doubt that Ric, trust me, I know my family’s history and there has never been a Bannion psychic-witch other than me.
BONNIE: As for the Bennetts, grams told me I am the only one.   
 RADKA: So, we are back to square one… if there were no psychic-witches back then, then there is no way the incidents are connected, or that there is a linking spell or psychic-witches involved in the recent ones. This is frustrating!
ALARIC: We will figure this out Rad, I swear.
 Cut to – The twin's bedroom, they are asleep, Caroline is reading on a rocking chair, keeping an eye on them. Suddenly, a voice is heard, not very clear what it says but puts Caroline into a trance state, she wakes the girls up (who are also in a trance-like state) and leaves with them.  
Cut to - Damon walking into the study, it’s late.
 DAMON: So, I’m guessing you’re pulling an all-nighter? Maybe now I can be useful for something other than teaching a bunch of smart mouths about vampires.
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DARIUS: Actually, we could use a drink (mocking).
ALARIC: Ah, that sounds perfect right about now…
DAMON: I will gladly serve my buddies a well-deserved bourbon (opens his study bar, gets the drinks, serves Bonnie, Alaric, Radka and himself a bourbon). (To Darius) Oops, sorry “buddy”, we are out of gin (serves him a cider), I hope you’re into cider, hear that’s what the cool kids in Ireland are drinking now (gives him a smirk).
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DARIUS: Then clearly, you haven’t been.
DAMON: Trust me, I have; way back when your great grandparents weren’t even on the map.
BONNIE (Trying to break the tension) O.K, so basically, we have nothing…
ALARIC: I’m still not totally convinced that there weren’t any witch-psychics back then or one now…
DARIUS: For the sake of argument, let’s say that is true. They would still need the spell, not sure about back then, but I am 100% sure that it wasn’t used for these attacks, only I have access to my family’s grimoire.
DAMON: And we are still trusting him, why? I mean, come on, he literally has all the required ingredients… I think we should be asking why not who.
DARIUS: I know you’d like nothing more Damon, but the timeline doesn’t fit, do the math. I wasn’t even in the country when the first incident happened. Granted, I am powerful, but not nearly powerful enough to be able to reach and control minds from across the Atlantic. I can see why you are usually benched, not too sharp with your investigating skills.
RADKA: Listen, it’s really late and we are all tired, we aren’t getting anywhere. Let’s get some rest and continue tomorrow.
BONNIE: I agree.
ALARIC: Yes, let’s recharge and clear our heads. Goodnight everyone. (Alaric and Radka say good night and exit).
BONNIE: (To Damon and Darius) Aren’t you guys coming?
DARIUS: If it’s fine with Damon, I’d like for us to have a little chat.
BONNIE: O.K, that’s my queue to leave, goodnight guys, and please, play nice, we are all on the same team. (Bonnie leaves).
DARIUS: So, tell me, Damon, honestly, why all this animosity?
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DAMON: I think I’ve made that quite clear, I don’t trust you.
DARIUS: And why is that?
DAMON: I just don’t. Call it intuition if you like.
DARIUS: Intuition is a great gift Damon, but not quite accurate in humans. They tend to believe they have intuition, when really, all they have is mistrust, eventually leading them to such paranoia, that they end up all alone. Maybe that’s what went terribly wrong with you and Elena. (Damon lashes out and takes him by the neck, Darius uses his powers to push him off). I’d be more careful if I were you, Damon, you are human now, still as useless as before, but much more fragile…
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DAMON: I know what you are trying to do, and I’m not going to play your little mind games. But, rest assured, vampire or human, if you mess with Bonnie in any way, I will rip your heart out and force feed it to your dead corpse.
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DARIUS: Uff, dark! Calm down “pal”, I can’t make Bonnie do anything she doesn’t want to… but I can’t control what she desires. (Damon hits him)
DARIUS: (Incorporates) Temper, temper… that has always been your downfall, Damon, you have no self-control.
DAMON: (Composes himself) You know what? For once, you are actually right (gives him a smirk). If you need some ice, you can grab some from the kitchen.  I’ll leave you to your cider… (Damon leaves, Darius looks pissed, he was expecting retaliation).
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Cut to – Cave scene. Caroline and the twins are in a cell.
 CAROLINE: (Confused and disoriented) Girls, are you O.K? What happened? Where are we?
LIZ: I don’t know mommy…
JOSIE: I don’t remember anything, except hearing aunt Bonnie’s voice...
CAROLINE: I thought I heard it too…
VOICE: (Sounds exactly like Bonnie) You did… don’t worry, it will be over soon.
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Cut to -Salvatore School, next morning. Alaric goes to the twin’s room to wake them up and get them ready for class.
 ALARIC: (As he opens the door) Rise and shine! (Sees they are not in bed)
Girls? Girls? (Looks around the room, nothing, tries the bathroom, nothing. Goes to Caroline’s room to see if they are there, knocks on the door) Care, are the girls with you? (No answer) Care? (Opens the door, the bed is made, no one inside the room. He calls Caroline’s phone, it’s in her purse which is in her dressing room. Alaric leaves the room to look for them around the mansion, calls Radka)
RADKA: Hey, what’s up?
ALARIC: Have you seen Caroline or the girls?
RADKA: No, why? Is everything O.K?
ALARIC: I can’t find them. They are not in their rooms, they are not in the kitchen, classrooms, nowhere… and Caroline’s bag and car are here, so they didn’t go out…
RADKA: Ric, we will find them, call Matt, I’ll tell everyone to look. (Runs to Bonnie’s room, knocks) Bonnie?
BONNIE: (Opens the door) Hey Radka, did I oversleep? Can’t even tell what time it is…
RADKA: Sorry to disturb you, have you heard from Caroline? We can’t find her or the girls…
BONNIE: No, I haven’t talked to her, are you sure they are not somewhere around the mansion? This is quite a huge place…
RADKA: We’ve looked everywhere, they are not in the mansion, Caroline’s phone and car are here, so she didn’t go out…
BONNIE: I’m calling Matt…
RADKA: Alaric is already on that.
BONNIE: O.K, let me put some decent clothes on, in the meantime, can you please get me some of their personal belongings, a map, candles, and we’ll meet at the library in five.
RADKA: But, Bonnie…
BONNIE: I know, just please do it.
RADKA: (Reluctantly) O.K…
 Cut to – the library, Bonnie is setting up to do a locator spell. Damon walks in.
 DAMON: Bon, what are you doing?
BONNIE: What does it look like I’m doing Damon?
DAMON: Are you insane? Don’t you remember what happened to you the last time? No way in hell you’re doing this!
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BONNIE: I am, so please give it a rest, and help me set up.
DAMON: Absolutely not Bon-Bon! Listen, here is a better idea, why don’t we have your little friend do the spell, see how that goes first … Where is Waldo, by the way?
BONNIE: He’s on his way from downtown.
(Alaric, Sergei, and Radka walk in)
ALARIC: Bonnie, Matt is on his way, you are not doing the spell.
DAMON: Thank you!
BONNIE: Ric, we have to find them…
ALARIC: And we will, but not like this, we are not putting you in any risk.
SERGEI: If I may suggest, what if Ms. Bennet helps one of our conjurer students do the spell?
DAMON: Did you really just say, conjurer? Man, you are as old-fashioned as it gets.
BONNIE: We don’t know if the same thing will happen to them, we can’t put them in danger.
ALARIC: I agree, we don’t know if this thing only affects psychic-witches or witches in general.
(Matt walks in)
ALARIC: Matt, hey! Please tell me you found something.
MATT: Not yet. So, when did you last see Caroline and the girls?
ALARIC: Yesterday, after I tucked the girls in, Caroline stayed to keep an eye on them. Then, this morning, they were gone. Caroline’s purse, phone, and car are here. No one saw or heard anything…
MATT: Where was everyone last night?
ALARIC: Radka, Bonnie, Darius and I were in here doing research till about 2am.
SERGEI: I was in my chamber reading; took to rest at about 12 o’clock.
MATT: Damon?
DAMON: I joined them (referring to Bonnie, Alaric, etc.) for a little while, stayed for about 5 minutes with Bonnie’s wacko-psycho friend for a chit-chat, then I went to bed.
MATT: Bon, where is Darius?
BONNIE: He went into town, he should be back soon.
MATT: Damon, do you know if Darius went to bed after you?
DAMON: I don’t know Donovan, I’m not his nanny! I left him here with a black-eye and bottle of cider, that’s all I know.
BONNIE: Matt, why are you asking? Do you think Darius is involved?
DAMON: Maybe I have been underestimating you, Donovan…
MATT: No Bon, it’s just standard procedure. I have to know the whereabouts of anyone who was in contact or saw the girls and Caroline last.
DAMON: Nop, guess I haven’t …
MATT: O.K. I’m going to search the girls and Caroline’s room.
ALARIC: We already did Matt, nothing is out of order, no signs of a break-in or a struggle...
MATT: I know Ric, again, standard procedure. I’m doing this by the book, please trust me. Bonnie, let me know when Darius gets here, I need his statement too.
BONNIE: I will. What should we do in the meantime?
MATT: For now, just stay put, with your phones at hand. Ric, can you take me to the rooms, please.
RADKA: I’ll come too (they leave).
 Cut to – cave scene. Caroline and the girls in their cell, the girls are scared and crying.
 CAROLINE: Girls, listen to me. I need you to be calm, O.K? I won’t let anything happen to you, understood?
JOSIE: Mommy, I have a very bad feeling…
LIZ: Me too…
CAROLINE: I know this is scary, but daddy and our friends will find us, very soon.
JOSIE: Why is aunt Bonnie doing this to us?
CAROLINE: Trust me Josie, your aunt Bonnie has nothing to do with this, she would never hurt us. Someone or something just wants us to think she is doing this, but she is not, O.K?
VOICE: That’s where you are wrong Care… (Bonnie walks to the cage door)
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TO BE CONTINUED... Stay tuned for 9x02 (part 2) coming soon =)
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brothersapart · 6 years
Knack suggestion dump: physiognomy; oculomancy; echolocation; x-ray vision; icicle touch; astral projection; camouflage; unbreakable bones; pencil/ink fingers; shadow manipulation; smoke/dust manipulation; zero friction skin; "bottomless" bag; matter eating; omnilingualism; paper thinness; light absorption; sound mimicry; energy vampire; emotion smelling; dream manipulation; empathic manipulation; persuasion; sedation; intuition; terrakinesis; palletakinesis; thermal immunity; lie detection...
Phew, what a list! I’ll go through them one by one. A lot can actually be rolled up into their parent abilities, as a borrower can often only exhibit one facet of them due to their weaker strength compared to the angelic source of knacks.
Physiognomy– “the assessment of character or personality from a person’s outer appearance, especially the face.”
Another ability that would help you give Sherlock a run for his money with deductions!
Oculomancy– “a form of scrying where the diviner gazes into the questioners’ eyes and reads the reflections.”
This would likely be linked to a form of telepathy where the user needs the eyes in order to focus their ability.
Echolocation– “the location of objects by reflected sound, in particular that used by animals such as dolphins and bats.”
Can you just… imagine a borrower… screaming their head off at the house around them. Some human somewhere is going to wake up with nightmares because someone’s been screaming all night in the walls.
X-ray vision– “the ability to see through physical objects at the discretion of the holder of this superpower.”
This ability definitely rises from the angelic Grace instead of the user. It’s well known that angels can reach their senses beyond their physical form, and sight is no exception.
Icicle touch–
Likely some form of controlled heat conduction, draining away the heat in the person receiving the touch. Or, conversely, making the borrower too cold to touch.
Astral projection– “a willful out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.”
Astral projection and dream walking are two of the abilities that one might not realize they have at first, but once they do it can be a good way to explore the world outside of their stifled, hidden homes.
This fits snugly between the reality warping ability and enhanced stealth, quickly creating camouflage for themselves or for the entrances in and out of the walls that they need.
Unbreakable bones–
Another way the protection ability can work, but they quickly find that unbreakable bones don’t always mean they can’t bruise, as their muscles can only take so much damage.
Pencil/ink fingers–
Like writing with their fingers? It could come in useful for when planning out their next project in the walls, though most borrowers don’t write, and many don’t bother to learn how to read.
Shadow manipulation–
Often used in stealth. Sean does a form of this, creating shades and shadows around himself and other borrowers that cloud the vision of any humans trying to look at them.
Smoke/dust manipulation–
A form of telekinesis where they can only manipulate tiny particles, learning how to make shapes out of the dust motes in the air.
Zero friction skin–
All I can think of is NYOOOOOOOOM and the belated discovery they can’t slow down before they crash.
“Bottomless” bag–
If Dean wasn’t a tracker, this would be his next given ability. Even as a human, his duffel bag seems bottomless! The Doctor has this ability with his pockets, despite not being a borrower, using technology instead of angelic Grace. A form of reality warping.
Matter eating– “Able to bite through and consume all forms of matter; including that which is supposedly indestructible.”
The vore borrower. A useful ability for surviving in times of scarcity.
Omnilingualism– “the ability to understand and utilize verbal or non-verbal communication without any prior knowledge of the language.”
An extension of telepathy and mental manipulation. They would learn the communication from the person they’re communicating with as they talk.
Paper thinness– 
It’s beyond the ability of a borrower to change their shape.
Light absorption–
An extension of shadow manipulation that affects light instead.
Sound mimicry–
Especially useful if they know how to throw their voice! They can get the human to go looking for a completely different animal in the other direction.
Energy vampire– “a person who feeds off your emotional, or psychic, energy.”
An extension of empathy where the user learned how to pull the energy from someone else, an ability that can lead down a dark path if it’s used badly.
Emotion smelling–
An aspect of enhanced awareness that heightens the natural ability to sniff out emotions– something people have the ability to do but don’t often realize it. This knack makes it so they can always tell what the emotions around them are.
Dream manipulation–
An aspect of mental manipulation that centers on dreams. Probably not to the point of Inception XD 
Empathic manipulation–
One of the stronger abilities of an empath. 
An aspect of mental manipulation.
An ability inherited from the angelic Grace. Usually requires touch to function.
A weaker form of prescience where the user gets a feeling that not everything is as it seems.
Terrakinesis– “the ability to control the earth, often by causing earthquakes or tremors, enough to destroy buildings.”
An ability inherited from the angelic Grace. The angel Hael admitted to being able to carve the Grand Canyon in eons past. A borrower can’t affect the earth to this extent, but it is possible that a terrakinetic user helped the borrowers in the burrow reinforce the walls and extend the passages beyond what they found from the rabbit warren it originally began as.
Palletakinesis– “the ability to manipulate paint/pigment and make the paintings real.” 
A form of reality warping that might take too much power for a borrower to maintain with a full painting. I bet Dean would have fun with it, messing with the ink marks on Sherlock’s work if he’s ever annoyed with him.
Thermal immunity–
Another way the protection ability can work, but its effects are limited in a full blaze of fire and useless in lava due to the limitations the small folk have. 
Lie detection–
An offshoot of telepathy. Hard to lie to the person who can read your thoughts.
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phantompsychic · 6 years
((Headcanon time!))
Subject: Will’s Feelings on the Myths of Johto
aka Why Lugia is his favorite Legendary Ever
((As I said before, Will likes Johto. It’s full of such long and interesting history, and he’s the type of nerd who was always enamored with learning about all the various stories of, say, Feudal Johto, or its war with Kanto, etc. (and he did learn about Kalosian history too since his Dad was Kalosian, but that’s for another hc). He preferred listening to such stories rather than read about them, though. He didn’t really have anything against books, but it’s just that the stories seemed much more easy to listen to when spoken aloud by someone. Made it come more alive to him.
Anyways, as he got a little older, he began to notice that many bits of Johto’s history intermingled with mythical accounts of divine intervention by Johto’s Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. The two that interested him the most were Lugia’s intervention in a war/subsequent creation of the Whirl Islands and the legends of the Forest Guardian, Celebi. Ho-Oh and the Burned Tower was up there too ofc, but regardless, he was confused when so many of his classmates and even some teachers say that such accounts were just myths. He was still on the innocent phase of ‘but x said it/I read it in a book so how can it be false?’
The thing is, even as he reached his teens, he kept hearing and reading about the stories in many books. He didn’t get why there was so much confusion in Johto regarding the Legends. It kinda bugged him a lot that these Legends that played so much of a big role (supposedly) in parts of Johto’s history were possibly just a myth. If they were a myth, then what really happened, y’know?
And yet, at the same time, it also fascinated him.
Mysteries always made Will curious and hyperfixate on them. It tickled his curiosity, made him wanna investigate and find all their secrets. So, these conflicting accounts on the myths of Johto had a strong hold on his attention. In fact, both during and after the circus, wherever Will would stop in his travels, if he heard rumors of a myth or legend or any kind of mystery, he’d tend to want to investigate it. And as he traveled all over the world, he got to explore many different, mysterious places, even if exploring them went against his better judgement.
Usually, when Will investigated the spot of some mystery or myth, he’d be able to ‘sense’ something in the area. Be it something off or the actual presence of a higher power, ever since he was a kid, he knew when some ‘unusual’ power was near, and he learned to trust it, even if it wasn’t very exact.
Even though he was already pretty confident in its ability, there was one incident in which Will became fully convinced of his sense’s ability to detect true living myths/Legends and to never doubt it again (detailed in next para; skip it if you don’t feel like reading it).
During his travels, he explored the woods outside Veilstone City in Sinnoh. He’d heard of a secret path that led to an ‘evil 4th Lake of Sinnoh’, and he wanted to check it out. And, well, he didn’t even need to ‘search’. Even on the main official path leaving Veilstone, Will could feel an unnaturally powerful presence coming from the East, into very deep woods. All he had to do was follow its ‘pull’ so to speak, and soon enough he wound up at the Spring Path. As he went along, though, he noticed that his sixth sense was starting to react more and more the farther along the path he went. It felt very much like the sense he got when he was near Ghosts, and while it unnerved him, he at least wanted to put on a brave face and push farther until he at least caught a glimpse of the 4th Lake. Eventually, he reached a clearing, spying the edge of a large lake at the bottom of a depression. Just the way the lake sunk INTO the ground as opposed to being even level with an islet rising UP at the center was enough to tell him he had indeed found the ominous 4th Lake, Sendoff Spring. And it was a good thing he was able to take note of all this so quickly, ‘cause the very next moment after he set his eyes on the Spring, his sight became momentarily blinded as an eerie vision flashed before him. It was his sense, which was going absolutely crazy, flashing him a vision of a dark, six-winged monster swooping through the shadows. The level of cosmically horrific strength he sensed, paired with the frightening vision, was so overwhelming that he turned around right there and fucking ran all the way back to the main route. Of course, what he saw was a vision of Giratina, but he didn’t know that till he found the right book at Canalave Library.
So, even though this incident gave Will fucking nightmares for weeks (and still does on occasion), it did do two important things for him. First, it affirmed that he could indeed sense real, living Legends if he was even a fair distance from them. Second, it jogged his memory.
See, at first, Will had thought that incident in Sinnoh was the first time he’d ever experienced his sixth sense showing him a vision of the thing it was detecting, but the shock of ‘seeing’ Giratina made him remember he’d ‘seen’ another creature with it before.
It was when he was very little. Around 4. His parents had taken him on a vacation to Cianwood to chill at the beach. Now, even before they arrived at the beach, he heard all the old stories around town about how bad children get shipped off to Whirl Islands to be punished by a monster etc., making him reluctant to go. It took his parents’ constant reassurances they were not taking him to the Islands to calm him, but once they got to the beach, Will quickly started to get upset anyways. He couldn’t stop crying because he kept seeing a ‘bird with a mask’, believing that it was gonna come ‘take me away to the Whirl ‘lands and punish me’.
Reflecting on this memory now, Will realized, he had been sensing Lugia, all the way out on Cianwood’s shores.
So, naturally, when he returned to Johto later on, shortly before he officially applied to be an Elite, he set out for the Whirl Islands. He had to see for himself if he could still sense Lugia, or if he was even remembering that correctly. Of course, before he hit the Islands, he decided to check out the other mysterious locations in Johto, such as Ilex Forest, too. Unfortunately for him, though, he sensed nothing. Not a thing from any place he visited in fact. It kinda felt disheartening not finding any signs of proof for his home region’s myths, but he still went thru with checking Whirl Islands as well.
He started Surfing towards it on his Slowbro from Olivine, and initially, he still felt nothing. By the time Olivine was a dot on the horizon, he started to second guess himself a bit. Perhaps he’d just seen a Murkrow or Delibird as a kid and he was remembering wrong, y’know? But no, for once he was happy to be wrong; once he was a little deeper into the ocean, he got a similar feeling to when he was on Spring Path, though not as strong. A litter closer to the islands and sure enough, Will began seeing visions of a ‘masked bird’, surrounded by water. Seeing as he wasn’t running away like he did at the Spring this time, the visions persisted, flashing by every so often. His sense was naturally screaming ‘danger’ like it always did when it detected something, but he didn’t turn away this time. Stepping onto the Islands proper, which notably felt very intimidating to him, he kept pushing onwards through its cave systems.
Again using his ‘sense’ to lead him down the right path, he eventually did come to the imposing waterfall that comprised Lugia’s chamber. Here, his sense again was going crazy, and the scale of the room was quite intimidating to Will as well. The visions were pretty regular while he was in this room, but he could still tell that the ‘source’ of them was farther away. Later on, he read about Lugia in more detail, taking note of how Lugia lives at the bottom of the sea in fear of causing damage to others. So, having ‘seen’ where Lugia lives, Will now felt instant empathy for it. He knew what it was like to have to isolate oneself to ensure your powers don’t hurt anyone, and he also knew what it was like not being able to return to your former home. It made him feel bad for it, even though he was also aware that for all he knew, Lugia liked the bottom of the ocean.
Nowadays, Will still occasionally visits its chamber in the Whirl Islands, both because of his infinite mystification with the Legendary Psychic-type and to ‘give it company’ on the off chance it actually wants human company. He doubted it cared, but y’know just in case right? He never touches or destroys anything while he was there, not even fight the wild Pokemon (Teleported out of battle), so he’s doing no harm. He just sits there, really, thinking, awestruck by simply feeling its presence))
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities
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By shirleytwofeathers
We are all born with different degrees of psychic abilities but for whatever reason, we have learned to ignore it. Through the years, our God given intuition gets dull and muted. Our inner voice is silenced as we lose touch with our spiritual self.
Relying on our intuition can help us in our every day. By listening to our gut, we can make better decisions in our life because our intuition always points us in direction that helps us.
The good news is that we all have the ability to develop and sharpen our psychic abilities. By practising every day, you can get back to your God given intuition and develop powerful psychic abilities.
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What Is Intuition?
Ever have that “funny feeling” that something bad is going to happen or just “know” what someone is about to say. This is Intuition.
Intuition goes by many names; gut feeling, sixth sense, innate wisdom, inner sense, instinct, inner voice, or spiritual guide. Whatever you call it, it’s the driving force of your spirit and is always accessible to you.
Some believe that intuition is knowledge stored in your subconscious mind. Others believe it is the spirit world helping guide you through your life journey.
In order to access this amazing ability, you have to continually practice and develop it. Through daily practice, you can sharpen your senses and uncover abilities you never knew you had!
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Different Psychic Abilities
There are five “clairs” that are simply an extension of our five senses. We are all unique and therefore use our intuition differently. Most of us have at least one of these powers. Which one do you have?
Also called Psychic Seeing, this is the ability to clearly see non-physical things like auras, energies, visions and spirits. A clairvoyant person will pick up a though and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision or symbol in their mind’s eye.
Also called Psychic Hearing, this is the ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.
Clairsensitive means clear feeling or clear knowing. It is defined by having intuition or a gut feeling, but at a heightened level. A clairsentient person often has precognitive thoughts, dreams or hunches and is often described as an empath.
This ability gives a person the ability to smell an odor or aroma when nothing is present in the physical world. People have reported smelling flowers, perfume or cigars shortly after a loved one dies.
Claigustus is a taste in the mouth one gets. For example, a person might get a citrus fruit taste in their mouth when thinking of a deceased relative or when they are getting a sign from the other side.
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Sharpening Your Psychic Powers
Whenever you develop your own intuitive powers, you are opening yourself up to different energies; both higher and lower level energies. It is important to always protect yourself from negative energies. Before starting any ritual, light a Spiritual Protection Candle and imagine a bright light entering the top of head. Allow the light to flow down and fill your entire body all the way down to your toes. Continue this visualisation while reciting the following:
The Light of God fills and surrounds me. The Love of God enfolds me. The Power of God Protects me. May all messages be from the Light for the purposes of Healing and Love.
Note, you can substitute “The God” or “The Goddess” for God in the above recitation.
Exercise #1
Ask someone to bring a small object to you, like a piece of jewellery. Don’t look at it. Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes while rubbing your hands together to get the energy moving. Have this person place the object in your hand and continue to relax. Focus on feeling the energy in this object and notice if you get any impressions on the owner of the object. Do you feel anything? Get any impressions? If not, don’t worry! It takes time to develop these senses so don’t give up!
If you do feel something, write it down. Don’t filter anything. Relay any thing you wrote down to the person who brought you the item and ask for feedback. The more you do this, the more validation you will receive.
To increase your psychic ability, add Yerba Santa Leaves and Uva Ursi Leaves to your baths. You can also mix Anise Seed with Camphor and burn to help make you more clairvoyant or to improve your psychic abilities.
Exercise #2
Ask a friend to hide the object that has a lot of energy in it, like a wedding ring or an article of clothing, in your house. Then try to connect with this energy and find where it is hidden.
Light our Intensity Psychic Talents Candle next to a glass of water. Read Psalm 78 and concentrate on your own God given psychic abilities. Also Vanilla Incense can also improve psychic powers.
Exercise #3
Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and make sure you are comfortable. When you feel centred and calm, imagine yourself projected into the next day. Think about what is happening, whom you are with and what others are wearing. When you feel like you have enough information, write down your predictions for tomorrow. Keep practising and you’ll notice that your predictions get more and more accurate.
Use Meditation Oil, Ambergris Oil, Lemongrass Oil or Lucky Prophet Oil on your candles or on your body to help develop your psychic abilities.
Developing your intuition is vital if you choose to live a spiritually aware life. If you practice daily, you will be surprised on how psychic you truly are!
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If you feel psychically blocked:
If you are not able to tap into your psychic energies, then chances are, you are allowing things to block them. There are tons of different things that can cause these energies to become blocked and several are much more common than you might think.
If these things are happening/present in your life then changing them might really make a difference. You are capable of so much more than you realize. Through overcoming these obstacles you will uncover so much more strength than you could have ever imagined.
7 Things That Are Likely Blocking Your Psychic Energies:
Allowing stress to build within your life.
If you refuse to face the stress before you it will only continue to build up. Once it reaches a certain point it will begin having serious negative effects on you. This can really squash a lot of your positive energies, not just the psychic ones.
Bottling your emotions inside.
Bottling your emotions inside will cause a lot more damage than you think. While you might forget things for a bit they will come out sooner or later. This causes your energy to change as time passes and brings the psychic energies within to a halt.
Surrounding yourself with negative people.
If you are allowing toxic people a place in your life you need to stop. Cutting ties with these toxic individuals will help bring back the flow of your psychic energies. While it might not sound like much, the more you’re around toxic people the more toxic you become as well.
Forgetting to ground yourself.
If you do not ground yourself properly you are putting yourself and your energies at risk. When we are not grounded others can and will drain us. When someone is draining you of your energy, you are left with nothing.
Ignoring your well being (not taking care of your body).
You must take care of your body. Your well being matters, if you are the kind of person that does not exercise or eat right you need to make some changes. Your body needs to be taken care of.
Not striving for mindfulness.
Mindfulness is something a lot of people forget about. If you are not mindful then you are most likely either stuck in the past or obsessing over the future. Neither of those things will promote the flow of psychic energies.
Being ‘too busy’ to get outside.
If you are not spending any time in nature that needs to change. The more time you spend in nature the more your energies will grow. being in nature is one of the most amazing ways to promote positive energies.
Awareness Act
Original Botanica
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storylocke · 7 years
Connections 13
[Devin hadn’t lost, so he shouldn’t have blacked out. And while he couldn’t see or hear anything, as soon as he hit the ground, he could feel his Staravia rush under his arms. He could feel when Lady Pounds left him as well, but the fierce beating of of his wings said he didn’t go far. He could feel when the being that had likely captured the bird’s attention suddenly stuffed some sort of cloth into his mouth. And he could feel when this unseen force swept him off the ground. Everything was gone… Everything was quiet… After struggling for a moment to see if he could feel anything else nearby, he was suddenly placed on his feet. A strong hand held his shoulder and forced him to keep walking. Despite every nerve in his body telling him to lay down, he knew he had to keep moving. They were moving quickly, faster than his legs could handle at points, but between the force and the rain, he thought he might as well have been swept up in a current. His brain was too numb to anything else to perceive the danger this might have held as he could only think to blindly follow the stranger’s lead.
Then he could no longer feel the rain…
The stranger, too, had disappeared and the boy found himself reaching out for any sign of a physical object to tell him where he stood now. His leg managed to find something at least. Unfortunately there was nothing else to grab onto to keep him from hitting the ground once more. It felt… cool pressed against the burning in his skin. Instinctively, Devin bit down on the cloth still in his mouth to keep himself from screaming and curled into a ball on the smooth plane of nothing he could recognize at the moment. And a moment was all he had before the “current” aggressively came down on him again and pulled him to his feet. His body instinctively still wanted to drop. This time at least he was forced to sit down, forced not to try to lay down on the cushions before the stranger left him alone. He felt something abruptly jab into him like a little claw before there came the soft pressure of something landing in his lap. Somehow, he could only think at first he should hold onto it like a pillow.
The “pillow” didn’t take well to that at all, and while he couldn’t hear the high-pitched squeal as it squirmed away from him, he felt the familiar form slip out of reach.]
[Bluntly to the Meowth] It’s what you get for being nosey. [Picks up the cat and gives her a few comforting rub as he returns the dark coated furball to the couch.] Hey, just because I gave you something for the pain doesn’t mean you can relax yet. [The boy doesn’t seem to hear any of that as he starts to drift off again, and the little beast is returned to his lap for him to hold onto.] Come on, kid, stay with me. I know you’re hurt, but… [As the boy takes hold of the Pokemon more gently this time, it’s obvious he doesn’t seem to hear at all. Probably doesn’t even know he’s there.*] Cripes, you really took a hit, didn’t you?
[His brain finally seemed to register it was a cat that decided to visit him, a Meowth in form, but it’s fur was far softer than the one his Mom had. Mom… As much as he still hurt, he found himself thinking of her and… and Hau… and Lillie… He can feel himself getting choked up again, though he’s not sure if it’s from the pain or the fear of the mess they were all in. He gently stroked the Meowth who’d seemed to have forgiven him from it’s the earlier sentiment and felt it purring against his chest. He started to nod off in it’s warmth after spending most of the day cold and wet.]
[Removes the boy’s hat and tries to get him to sit up again. The kid follows, but still seems to want to close his eyes as he leans against the back of the couch with a muffled whine. Lightly taps him on the cheek.] Come on… [Gives him a bit of a shake this time.] Come on, kid. If you pass out now, you won’t wake up. [Still no response. The kid hadn’t answered him once since he found him, which wasn’t a good sign. Carefully pulls the bandanna out of his mouth and lightly slaps him again.] Talk to me, kid. You’ve been real good so far, I can’t lose you now.
[He may not be able to hear right, but he can tell that whatever has him right now isn’t going to let him sleep.The voice might as well have been talking to him underwater, but he brightens up at being able to hear that much. As the firm hand removes itself, he sits still and strains his ears to listen for anything else. There's the purring, the voice.... Silence. The pain starts to take a back seat in his mind as a deeper, darker fear starts to take hold. Lost… His hand gets pulled away from the cat and guided through the handle of a coffee mug. He may still have every muscle in his body throbbing in tune to his heartbeat, but he at least started to collect himself enough to question this. Aggressions aside, he couldn’t shake the feeling that whoever had him captive right now was honestly trying to help, and so far hadn’t given him reason not trust them… Takes a drink. He immediately gags on the cold coffee, but makes himself swallow it anyway before coughing.] Ugh! Bitter!
Sorry, kid, it’s all I got right now. Least now we know you can talk. Heh, maybe I’ll make you some cocoa later. … … [The boy gives a groan and starts to curl into himself. It was hard to tell if he was just upset or if his body was still trying to shut down on him. Places a hand on the boy’s head and turns him to look at him. As the kid stares in bewilderment at the action, it's obvious he isn't staring at him.] ONLY IF YOU CAN STAY AWAKE. [He pauses to see how the boy seems to be shaking, but it didn’t tell him if it was the words or the action that scared him.] I don’t like to rough you up, so I need you to start talking. It’s very important for you try to focus-
[Still rather groggy] I can’t…
If you can hear me, we’re off to a good start. [The boy gives a very uncertain nod] What kind of Psychic are you? It'll help me know where to start-
[Just stares in the direction of the voice and shakes his head. Bad idea. He immediately moves a hand to his temple as if it would help against the sudden dizziness.]
[The kid didn't seem to understand him.] I SAID “WHAT KIND OF PSYCHIC ARE YOU?”
[Okay, kid, just because you have some hearing issues, doesn’t mean he does. Grimaces slightly at the shouting. Stares down at the kid before taking a seat next to him on the couch. Maybe he just needed to be closer to get through to him.] Then do you own any Psychic types? You might not be aware, but spending a lot of time with one can start to affect you.
No, sir, I… no. I’m a bird keeper mostly. [smiles a bit as he strokes the soft ball of fur practically on his chest] Cats are cool too. I don’t think any of mine even know a Psychic move.
That doesn’t seem likely, because, metaphorically, the gun won’t shoot until it can lock onto something. Now, judging by your reaction and your symptoms, it looks like you got hit by what we call a Psycho Disrupter. I don’t know how Team Skull could have gotten it though since it’s a high-grade weapon usually only used as a last resort. [He then looks down as the boy starts trying to make a grab for him. Perhaps he’d be more inclined to trust him if the kid could “see” he’s got a Kahuna’s Z-ring. Continues as he watches just how carefully the boy runs his thumb along the black marble colored stone] When you disarm someone, you need to take away their weapon. So a Psycho Disrupter has to both detect the kind of energy and it’s strength in order to safely disable the Psychic’s source without crippling them. It’s not exactly a point and shoot, if you know what I mean. If you got hit this bad, then it had to... [Okay, now the boy is just being weird.] …. Uh…. Kid? … I bet you didn’t catch any of that, did ya?
[Yeah, no. He’d been listening, but he’s really only half paying attention as his mind is still drifting about the absence of the Voices and otherwise being muddled in trying to move the comfy cat off his lap as he’s getting hot. The moody little thing immediately decided if it couldn’t be held, it it didn’t want to sit with them anymore either, and immediately jumped down to join the others in their wandering. His vision still hasn’t come back, but he thinks hard about what happened before he got there. The colors, the charge, the motion of being lifted off the ground…. The silence…. Could this “Disrupter” really be powerful enough to kill Them? Maybe just chase Them off? Maybe, like his hearing, They’d come back slowly now that he was safe. While the man was explaining things, he tries to look in the direction of the voice and starts to feel around to get an idea of who he was dealing with. A Z-ring very similar but different from his own. Short sleeved jacket held a roughness normally found in work uniforms. A badge up by the shoulder … A badge? Some kind of insignia was sewn onto the man’s sleeve. Although he couldn’t picture the logo, he could tell it was some kind of agency. The Voices had acted like this had happened before right? …And with all Their screaming once the colors disappeared, there was only one person he could imagine coming to rescue him in such a state. Smiles a bit as he gives a halfhearted grin to his savior.] Nigel?
[Stopped explaining to wonder for a moment what the kid was trying to do when it seems the boy had been distracted by his jacket. There’s a loooong moment of hesitation before the man speaks up.] … If it’ll get you to talk to me, then sure. Whatever. What I need you to understand is, whether you’re lying or not, you had some kind of extreme psychic energy surrounding you that caused you to get hit. And a kid like you getting hit like that could knock you into a coma if you don’t stay conscious. Even if you don’t get that bad, it can still do some serious damage. [No response… Sighs] Damn, they messed you up bad, didn't they?
What exactly happened, Nigel? I… I don’t hear Them anymore…
[Deadpan expression as he seriously JUST told him what happened, but…somehow that doesn’t seem to be what the kid meant.] …Who? Team Skull? No one here but us, kid. Can you tell me your name?
[Answers surprisingly quick, though it comes out soft and heavily rehearsed.] Devin Yates, of the Celadon Yates.
Yates? [Since the kid seems more inclined to trust him right now, he carefully slides the Trainer Passport out of the side pocket on Devin’s bag. Softly clicks his tongue, not that the boy seems to notice, as he debates how to respond to that. The name is a garbled mess really, but his registration clearly reads he’s from Iki Town.] Are you sure about that?
… … … No... I mean, yes, but… I don’t really know. I thought I was just going to Iki Town for a little while, but then so much has happened, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be anymore. In just the past twenty four hours, it seems like everything I knew has just crashed and burned. And now… [Shifts on the couch to where he could speak to him directly] You went through this too, right? Be honest, with me. Are the Voices ever coming back? …Or… Did I break? I can’t be lost now, the others are depending on me!
[Voices, huh? Devin did claim he was from Kanto after all…. And unfortunately this “Nigel” business started to make sense. It appeared possible that the reason Devin was able to stabilize himself so quickly was because the Disrupter hadn't been targeting him. Or at least not directly if the protective energy around him hadn't been his own. He was starting to get a bigger picture, but it only made the situation all the worse. He lifts the boy’s wrist to get a better look at the sparkling stone at the core of his Z-ring. Another outsider, huh? What were the Tapu thinking?] I’d say you were lost a long time ago. I’m sure that’s not what you meant, but I’d say you’ve got a natural knack for attracting things that are, well, not a thing. [Lay’s the kid’s hand back on his lap.] On the upside, if you know who you are, where you’re from, and where you’re going, I think you’re going to be just fine.
[Between the Voices, the Gengar, the Tapu, and even Lillie’s comment about Nebby’s open trust with him certainly made the comment sound right. Sighs.] But am I lost? Like what happened to Quips, or… maybe even you. No one I know ever mentions you…. [Lowers his chin to his chest] Not that I’ve really asked anyone besides Kukui, and he didn’t seem too happy about it.
[Pauses after rising from his seat. Sighs.] You asked me to be honest with you, and honestly? Whether They come back or not, there’s nothing we can do about it. [He glances over to the window where he can see the tell-tale sign of a white Skull cap trying to peek inside. The teen seems to catch his glance, eyes wide in fear as he disappears, but the man just shakes his head.] Why don’t I get you that cocoa now, and when your vision comes back, I’ll get you home?
I’m still going to Po Town.
Tch, what for? Obviously they don’t want you. And the only people who ever enter Po Town are those who want to forget something, or to be forgotten.
[Rather flatly] I’ve... got a meeting with Guzma.
… [Turns back to look at him, the kid’s face is dead serious about it.] I think you’re a little young to be getting into the revenge biz. It’s not healthy for you.
Huh? [Seems to look up where the man is no longer standing in front of him.] Nothing like that! I mean, if anything, he’s the one out to get me. I was told if I didn’t come, something bad was going to happen. … [Starts to curl into himself] But… it did anyway. We all figured it was a trap, I just… never imagined anything like this. But with or without the Voices, I still plan to get in there and get to the bottom of all this. If I don’t… what’ll happen to my friends? If Team Skull thinks I’m out, what’s there to stop them?
[Considering the Grunt he just saw, there’s likely no stopping them either way. Still, between the kid’s determination and knowing how these things go, he’s not sure he could stop Devin either. Deep sigh.] Said your name was Yates, right?
We’re a big family, so you’ve probably heard-
Then you should know what happens when you get mixed up with the wrong people. You insult him, Guzma attacks you, you go after him… It’s not going to stop here unless one of you takes the big step to either fix it or end it. You still plan to go in knowing that?
[Somberly nods] There’s too much at stake to walk away right now. I just hope he’ll realize we’re not going to stand for this and he’ll back down. … Or something.
If that’s how you want it, then I guess I’ve no reason to interfere. [Rather somberly himself] I’ll at least get you through the gate, but after that you’re on your own. Got it?
I don’t think we can get anyone else involved in this anyway. But… if you run into Kukui… can you tell him I’m sorry?
[Shrugs] I’d say you should tell him yourself. Anything goes wrong in there, we’ll at least make sure your remains get home.
[It was pretty foolhardy, wasn’t it? Even after joking with Acerola about his immunity, Nigel’s words reminded him that he’d lost his only guarantee of safety. Blind, injured, and completely on his own for once, the odds were looking incredibly slim. Still, he gives the man a nod of affirmation to his decision.] Thanks.
PSA Nanu is not a doctor. Also he's not big on names either as he doesn't give one until someone else introduces him. Sadly, until things probably click, I'm sure he's just thinking "... Close enough" with Devin getting his name wrong.
Funny thing with Glitches and crashes though is, when it comes to trying to explain them, we have to figure out if it's a normal or supernatural force at work. Or just from living in a computer -shot- Devin's timing and situation being so bizarre, it just seemed like a potentially man-made interference. But where did the Voices go.....?
Previous chapters here
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panvitriad-blog · 7 years
Res Publicka - Justice Dew
Quite extravagant and hasty to torment.
What a tough luck for all to see your life, Now seeming to fade away Failing the test of time after The taste of exception With padmasana tormenting The necessary veins and channels To the extent of cutting your feet From the ground. So cliche for acro-yoga A show-off to prolong Imprudence and insanity, While doing mischief. BAD GLOBAL PRANAYAMA!
I did aerial acrobatics for aviation training.
There is the law of nature not just free-will. I'm already experienced in Law-Bringing Since Mt. Sinai and well before. Last time we start and finished revolutions, To bring our own law upon love and truth of all. I know the prospects of such busy-ness And know the Processes and Phases of Collective Ascension Before I dare engaging such shooting carnaval.
It's not for the hypocritical critics Of the sacred and the arcane. It's for the ones who can overthrow governments. Not for the mothers of abomination and vainglory. Proof of the Divine? Prove to be Divine. Else it's fatal futility.
What was the crown of death you so longed for, As you reincarnate just to see yourself suicidal, When you blame Mohammed and Jesus, Without division in one soul, pretty Diabolick huh!
Well try the Crowns of Life, Freedom, Truth, Suffering So that even when you be in the position of a dictator, Keep your dignity and truth.
Instead of falling and becoming delusional Ferventing frivilously,
That's because God needed to inject his past life records Into the book, so he can establish security In transmission, I'm the guy behind much of the religion. Also I had to say most of the recorded priests, saints and prophets In the sacred texts is me. I know the Ordeals of these stuff And I won't let anyone without a Vow of Truth Download or channel false religions.
I'm under a judicial case Just because when a prophet reincarnates No one can know or guess upon seeing. Even the claimed Hierophants and Clairvoyants. Raising followers upon half-searched truth, Without undergoing the challenges of Alchemy Not even having timely mystical experiences, Save psychic exhaustion upon provacative posts Not even knowing who channeled the vision to the seer. Because that one did some job on the Divine Plane. Telling I'm a High Initiate and you're creating a mess With your prophecies, vampirism, game of thrones and throes Unwanted-uninvited kin, what crawls under their skin?
Here take these crown of thorns before you dare becoming popular. Upon artisan illusion crafting. No we can't graft between Trees of Life.
You need to undergo family constellations And regression therapy, before you go get visions. Bare necessities for safe and sound shamanick trance. Because family history proud and arrogant upon exile or migration etc. As well as World Wars, Gas Rooms and Holocausts may and do create, Visions of Starry Ones that Reflect you to you in a very crooked way If you can't adapt to the habitat and the collective mind, In the land of aliennation of the self and the other and each. Everyone will seem alien even you, in the Ordeals of Silver,
My energy takes Empyrean form before such onlookers. Even if I visit them as one of my past lives. We finally come out of the torment by being aware that Pretty much all of the spirits are caused by our daily Psychic projection. And the angels are here if we devote ourselves in service To the highest good upon the path of least resistance Directing faith, transmuting to truth.
Be sure to check the Stars you Communicate with Telescopes Whether they have light on the Night side of Planets. Not just habitable but inhabited can be contacted. Else is lust and stardust.
How? How How? What does the Fox say?
Gimmick behind every ordeals Mackara Masckara But it is time to be liberated From humbug dogma and relentless superstition By eradicating redundant veiling Along with reckless driving And insulting the experienced That may cause more mischief than needed As if mischief had ever become something that we need?
Mastering is an art of no-nonsense.
Please! Research, discuss and practice the issue in institutions. Unity propells the truth in many ways we can only come up one at a time.
Lies grow upon lies Ensure your mistakes don't grow out of control. The biggest mistake is not confessing It's humbug to be proud when you can't even face Confessing the truth of your secrecy.
Perky misters and mistress torture them unawares in a glass tower. When your lies grow so out of control, What can save you, lynch or suicide? From eternal annihilation. Only if you went on with your tasks and tribulations There would be no spot of regret in your Being.
Look what you got for your sorcery. When you atone, aim for complete recovery. So that you won't damage the clock along with the time, So that you can heal and be healed.
Fiascos while my fresco fell in pieces… I knew that religion will fall apart. And I was a well-known atheist on a revolutionary spree Hat-trick in South Americka But everyone trying to decipher me and my masterpiece In a bulletproof case, whether smiling-or-not.
While try one of my brews Smithy Smite.
A Hillarity of a Hickity Hicks come before but betrayed me Longing for the power that Anti-Christ showed them While all the way watching Modern Jesus showing him the way To fight with the ones that claim the Anti-Truth As the base ingredient of Divinity Staring into the depths of the Enochian All the while as if buried to the level of eyes in sin.
Don't lose your Monads. They are durable but fragile also. For mistakes that are not
While Jesus shooting burst of text to the bullying machine, Like he prophecised, trigger happy shooting charlatans with UZI's Even better I was already in a shooting carnage upon Imperialists Before he did that hilarious sketch. Firing adamantine cannonballs to the center of the false-ordeals, The Zombie Factory Abortion Cults are much more merry When all the relatives and families of the prophets are cursed By the beloved St. Germaine who was Mary Magdalena. So when I need to preach a law, I need to secure my family.
There are some core basicks when transmitting a Divine Message Like the Vow of Truth and reception of the sacred relics
I Platonickally fell in love with The Croning and Suicidal Crowley In a gorgeous outfit, quite francko-phony After all the mess he had done Cursing the prophets Along with cutting and giving my hair To the heads of the Zombie Factory Forgetting he was the caliph Ali and Akhenaten My Son-In-Law and Son-In-Love As she come to flap her wings and blind me Or peck the eyes, she did for the while I was unwary but she too was Crying the tears of happiness,
Her familiar's name was Hypatia Like my past life before I was Mohammed The Genius Woman behind Islam Preaching in the center of corruption Blasphemy, torture, slavery and ignorance Upon arrogance? A tail of lies. Concludes in Annihilation.
After all I passed a death door Raped and dehumanized with oyster shells Judas was Cyril there. Now? The wanker is claiming to be a Magus.
All the while smoking synths and attacking me. 
That's why Jesus came back and cursed The Exoteric Christians in Kor'an Who acted upon the orders of the Roman Empire And cut down myriads of angels Students of mystery cults. Who were aligning, healing and repatterning, The Babylonian Karmic residue. Now Algol bursts violence, why? Who did this mess?
Anyone upon proving to be divine would correct one's mistakes and ascend with everyone around upon stable foundations.
And I can project things that will cure Judas from his disease, so he doesn’t live to hinder us now. Of course if he doesn’t fall to the republic of stones with misconduct. 
For Solar Eyes the Centre of the System is the Sun, and that we take-off and visit the stars thorough the arcana of the window. Geocentrick view is Egocentrick, Heliocentrick view is symphonick, artistick and scientifick because the center of gravity of the Solar System is Sun again, as well as the Energetick, Astral, Mental or Spiritual center. The things are going Holistick. So beware the Divine Republick Come and Our will be done if aligned to Absolute God thorough a shared consciousness, backing ourselves with the universal currents. Will-I-AM Lilly playin' Willy Wonka tuning In - stayin' for the while you check the taste of Time and we go Up and Out to the stars, we will surely reach another star if we invent interstellar travel, we just need to focus, that will be a gorgeous Samadhillah for all. . .
After all somehow someone murdered the Gnostick Churchs Destroyed cultural and occultural centers Studying laws of life and the rest. Who practiced pure Agape and labeled The crooked fanatics of the cult of chastity Ignorant of the benefits of satisfaction Don't preach before you arrive some distance Banshees be banished to the extant and vanish
Oh look what they did to Serapeion.
But the divine is eternal. And we can recall our past lives. Someone needs to establish the creed Upon truth anyway.
But the Serapeion can resurrect itself. For this resurrection to open up in societies, We need to practice Good Sexual Karma. If you're going to keep up-to-date with Kundalini Akbar.
Doing what you will won't operate as a divine law in the long run. That was Akhenaten's Atenistic princkiple which is quite partial of the Solar Consciousness, which quite destroyed all that was good that is left after Amenhotep III. While Crowley was at Egypt, receiving transmissions seems like he didn't checked the possibility of triggering a past life in Egypt like he could be also Akhenaten as well as, Mary Magdalene and Caliph Ali from geographical stimuli, with the spontaneous mindset he may deceived himself upon such karmick and magickal awakening that would let him raise above Mathers and his gang. As a Sufi I read and interpreted Liber AL vel Legis as a Hexagramick formula behind Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Book of Thoth and Deck as a remarkable modernization and explanation of Celcelutiyah too, but I was Thelemite before Sufi and Crowley was my girlfriend this time and we were unaware about the whereabouts of our light bodies. Nuit-La-Rahim, Hadit-Al-Rahman, Ra-Hoor-Khuit Homo Divinus Agens (Hoor-Paar-Kraat) Res Divinas coagulating with Divine Order.
If the gimmickery under such a deal left in obscurity and create famine and discord. We saw planes bombing innocents, what's the deal with it? When you curse the key initiates of mysteries? Long chains of initiates can be corrupted with such underhand operation. So doing what you will recklessly is not permitted, in my turf, for a reason that had the taste of the divine. Instead of spilling poison into cup or breaking the vessel after describing it too much.
I never had a seizure in this life time. While bearing all this responsibility. A twitch to preach may be, the gift of the Oratory A pain that I am used, just to cry SO LONG SUFFERING! With a smile left.
But the suicidal Lola Can't make up the fun he got Behind the veil, fiending drugs Starts back strictly anti-drugs policy. But can't finish when she got The pain of obligation with heroin Doesn't command-do-go well
So first things first As taking responsibilities Come before the acquisition of power If you want a habitable world
And your curses upon religions just impede humanity. After all we need to distill The 21st Century Spiritual Understanding Upon the Ancient Wisdom Artistickally and Scientifickally Platonick Idealism and Divine Love Applied in Politicks and Educkation so that we can wonder unknown better. After all the Gift of Healing with the First Trumpet of Usui-Koot Humi Can be the very core truth of spirituality As both is concerned with life very deeply.
Purification and healing makes everyone see, Even better it giddy ups the squished and slothy. And crancks the cracks who are in lust of power.
While we were together While she didn't tell her secret tricks Scandals, not even acting as a Cara Soror. Unfaithful with the mystery of the mysteries She couldn't even put her head for truth Like the time when I told 'En el-Hakk' And beheaded. When they asked For the ones who wonder how the Dragon of Truth hatches. Break the shells with 5 bullets in Bolivia.
A pilgrimage in the Samadillah to the Shamballa With everyone in the planet upon an unicorn, I need to bring the victory of the God Revolution and Solution Even into the hearts of Atheists and Agnostics With pressed T-Shirts with my face Their cure is Gnosis, I had mine with LOA
Now Fatima is in Ali's place. El Morya and me Serapis Bey At the 7th Flame After all if some one Be greedy to the extent of creating Mishap and confusion in the land of Truth Upon the name of God.
The trumpet of Israfel Can it be blown to make each of those Militants who cry Taqbir to AntiChrist Who pray upon the contradiction of truth By being lost in prison of relativity
In the Centre of the Sun, Everything is quite clear. In the Centre of the Physically Unknown Object That is in the Center of Galaxy Which doesn't emit light but still massive Even more clearer.
God is not silly.
And doesn’t want chips and implants that cause people behave silly. 
Well in the Mystery Schools there is a Tradition That will tell you, 'If you're going to preach laws First talk with the current incarnation/s and representatives of the prophets.' After all they are aware of the necessity and the ordeals Of such a task, that will charge Aeons, they took the responsibility. You have to be careful for what you inject inside the clock. You need to think twice when you're going to shoot the heart of truth. Dynamics of Time needs proper conduct in such cases.
Look what you got, Jesus of Nazareth was all the while King Solomon You false prophets and preachers of falsity! How come, you did not knew? The source of all these gifts you had with it.
Dr. Rudd, Dr. Ruhselman and Dr. Guevara is going smite you, A scourge that heals this mess. Deal with it!
Love with Truth. Love the Truth, Love along Truth!
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