#attack me all you want but you know i’m right
ticktockheartstop · 2 days
I just find it sooo interesting how Charles chooses to kiss Crystal after the most emotional day in Port Townsend so far. Let’s review:
1. Charles is clearly jealous of Monty and Edwin at the beginning of the episode: “You? Him? Spending a lot of time?” (Whether this is platonic or romantic jealousy, I’ll leave that up to you… though I definitely have thoughts.)
2. Edwin is really trying, for maybe the first time ever, to comfort Charles and get him to open up (because the Devlin case in the previous episode made him realize that Charles has major walls up). Edwin paying, even slightly, is definitely a new, potentially kinda scary thing for Charles.
3. Crystal is really concerned about Charles and not afraid to hide it, and it’s clearly irritating him. So much so that he nearly snaps at her — which he never does to her — and he stops himself, only to say, “As long as I’ve got my best mate and a case to solve, I’m good.” *pause* “I appreciate you. But leave it, yeah?” I just think it’s really significant that Charles didn’t say “as long as I’ve got you guys” or “my mates” or “you and my best mate.” Crystal was a hit of an afterthought, I think.
4. Charles tells Edwin off for not telling him about the Cat King, so much so that Edwin feels the need to say: “I don’t understand why you’re so angry.” Charles is clearly not in the best mood, not thrilled about the case they’re facing, and not thrilled about his “best mate” hiding things from him.
5. Charles nearly watches Crystal jump to her death, and it wasn’t even him who saved her. It was Niko. He looks the most devastated of all of them, and then gives her that big speech of how important it is for her to know that jumping isn’t worth it, because it’s not actually her mom, no matter what it feels like. And she basically tells him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because she knows her mom wants to see her.
6. Charles is so jealous, watching Monty flirt with Edwin as he’s stuck digging through a dumpster.
7. Let’s just be clear on one thing: Crystal was the first to “attack” the Night Nurse, even if she tried to do it psychically instead of physically, and no one bats an eye. But then, when Charles gets violent with her after she threatens to take Edwin back to hell and makes him relive all his trauma, all while basically teasing him, everyone FLIPS OUT about him attacking her. It’s honestly kind of unfair, and I’d lose it too if my friends looked at me like that.
8. Charles really loses it for the first time (maybe ever in front of Edwin). He feels like he can’t help Crystal with her problems, and he can’t get Edwin to be honest about what’s going on in his head, so he definitely can’t help him, and it’s heartbreaking. But the real kicker is that the only one who steps up to try to comfort him in that moment is Edwin, because the others are still stunned by his outburst. But Charles flinches away from his touch, because he can’t fathom how anyone could love him or want to be near him in that moment.
8. If that wasn’t enough, as they leave the lighthouse, Crystal is staring at him with major concern. For obvious reasons. But I relate to Charles in the way that that look would drive me CRAZY, and I think it’s so important that later, when offering an understanding ear, Edwin doesn’t let Charles see the scope of his concern for him. That’s why I think Charles responds more politely to his offer to talk to him if he ever needs it.
9. Slightly out of chronological order here, but before going into their respective rooms, Niko says, “I think I’m going to go do something where I don’t have to think now.” And Crystal says, “Yeah, I’m with you.” … and then she goes and makes out with Charles.
10. Idk, it just seems a bit self-destructive of Charles to go make out with a girl right after she says that, and to kiss her for the first time right after she says “I just want something that’s real.” After he spent the whole day being jealous about Edwin spending time with Monty, and keeping a meeting with the Cat King from him, and after Charles lost his mind (understandably). Like, this is not the time to make romantic decisions! This can only end with someone getting hurt.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 15 hours
pre hotel battle and vaggie wants to round out her gf's stat blocks just a LITTLE bit more
Vaggie: “Okay sweetie, big battle for our lives and hotel coming up.”
Charlie: “Which we are going to WIN and NOT DIE in!”
Vaggie: “Right. First battle you’ve ever been in?”
Charlie: “Technically, yes.”
Vaggie: “Still not vibing with an actual weapon?”
Charlie: “They’re all so…. Pointy and mean looking…?”
Vaggie: “So we’re sticking with the shield plan for you.”
Charlie: “I drew up some designs for one! LOOK! WINGS!!!”
Vaggie: “Really, very cute babe, it’ll look great on you. Very cool thing for any murder angels to smack face first into.”
Charlie: “Thank you!”
Vaggie: “But I’ve been thinking… well no, I’ve been having nightmares-”
Charlie: “OH NO!!!”
Vaggie: “-and if you wanna help with that, maybe you could have, like, just one kinda attack thing?”
Charlie: “Oh.”
Vaggie: “One trick up your sleeve, Charlie. That’s all I’m asking.”
Charlie: “I… I guess… if you’re worried, then…”
Charlie: “…I could… try doing the demon thing… a little…?”
Vaggie: “No you hate that.”
Charlie: (HUGE SIGH) “Okay good! WHEW. So what’s the OTHER attack thing idea??”
Vaggie: “You do have a little of the carnival magic stuff, yeah? Like your dad?”
Charlie: “Oh I love that stuff! YES!”
Vaggie: “I was thinking maybe you could do fireworks.”
Charlie: “FUN!”
Vaggie: “And explode people with them.”
Charlie: “HORRIFYING!!!”
Vaggie: “I know. I know but- just a little, sweetie? For me?”
Charlie: “Explode them, Vaggie? Into, pieces!?”
Vaggie: “I’m picturing globs and chunks actually.”
Charlie: “Vaggie!”
Vaggie: “Sorry, look-” (takes gf’s hands)
Vaggie: “This is gonna be a real battle with a lot of stuff happening. Lots of people. Lots of yelling and people running around. We’re probably gonna get separated at some point-”
Charlie: “No. You’re staying right next to me.”
Vaggie: “Charlie I swear I’m gonna try to, but that's not how big mob fights work out.”
Charlie: “We can MAKE it work like that THIS time!”
Vaggie: “Listen. I really, really want to go into this knowing you’ve got something for crowd control, alright? If a dozen angels swoop down on you and I’m not right there, I wanna know you can give yourself enough breathing space to keep that shield between you and them.”
Charlie: “But- you WILL be there-”
Vaggie: “One hit. That’s all it takes. For me and for them both, and you- please.” (squeezes hands) “They want to kill you. And they can. And they’re gonna try to.”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “… I don’t want, to hurt people.”
Vaggie: “A shield to the face hurts.”
Charlie: “Okay fine- I don’t want to KILL people! Or even get close!”
Vaggie: “That’s fine, that’s the world we’re aiming for.”
Charlie: “But it’s not good enough right now though, is it.”
Vaggie: “… maybe it is.”
Charlie: “You just said…”
Vaggie: “Fuck what I said, you don’t need to detonate anyone for crowd control. You can do lights, right?”
Charlie: “Yes?”
Vaggie: “Bright and flashy ones?”
Charlie: “Obviously, those are the best kinds-”
Vaggie: “So try flashing people.”
Charlie: “Flashing?? Wh- IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE???”
Vaggie: “-blinding, blinding I meant blind them with flashing lights, get them to back off.”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Vaggie: “That a doable thing?”
Charlie: “Yes VERY doable! Like a really amazing sparkler!”
Vaggie: “And they wouldn’t be dead, they just wouldn’t be able to see enough to attack you.”
Charlie: “It wouldn’t even really HURT THEM even!”
Vaggie: “Sure. Unless they trip or fly into something.”
Charlie: “And you’d feel better???”
Vaggie: “Much, much better.”
Charlie: “Enough to sleep?”
Vaggie: “When you’re not keeping me up half the night with kisses, yeah. I think so.”
Charlie: “I’LL DO IT! I’ll practice weaponizing pretty sparkles!”
Vaggie: “Thanks, babe.”
Charlie: “What battle weapon-y things should I be practicing with them, in practice?”
Vaggie: “Uhhh make it a reflex, fine tune your aim…”
Charlie: “Fun!”
Vaggie: “Figuring out how to not blind everyone else too would be good.”
Charlie: “That’s a good point, hmm-”
Charlie: “-Ohhhhh I could make the lights SMALL. Very small, so they don’t do much on their own- then only someone who’s super close and I’m aiming for and who gets a face FULL of them would really be blinded!”
Vaggie: “You’re so smart.”  
Vaggie: “That honestly sounds terrifying. I love it.”
Charlie: “HEHEHHEHEH.”
Charlie: (smooches her)
Charlie: “We’ll stay together in the fight so you can have front row seats to the light show, okay?”
Vaggie: "... we can try to..."
Charlie: "Will. We will stay together."
Vaggie: “… and, you’ll practice hard until then.”
Charlie: “I will!”
Vaggie: (lets out breath) “Then we’ll be okay. And also sparkly.”
Charlie: “Same thing~”
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ohnococo · 2 days
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Any Time, Any Place | Ino x Reader
Another date with Ino ends in fucking somewhere you could easily get caught.
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❥ WC: 1.7k
❥ Warnings: Established relationship, fem bodied reader (no pronouns used, reader is in a dress), public sex, outdoor sex, vaginal sex, making out, creampie, petnames (baby, reader is told they are pretty and perfect)
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Ino is the type of person that always makes you feel comfortable, like it’s just the two of you no matter where you are. That’s why, despite his occasional step into more traditional date night territories like fancy restaurants, you always wind up preferring the more casual nights with him. Late night chats as you amble along city pavements, a drink and a laugh on his balcony, hands all over each other in some random parking lot because you just had to find somewhere to stop and feed your whims.
He just has a knack for finding these wide open spaces and managing to make them feel so intimate and private. No matter how many times it happens, it still has a dizzying effect on you. Like you’re already in too deep before you even realise it, and the moment has passed from casual to something more in the blink of an eye, leaving you both on the same page of needing each other no matter your surroundings. Those moments leave you feeling eternally like some lovesick teen, caught up in everything but logic. The fact that he very much seems to feel the same leaves you with no chance of worrying about anything but the two of you, together.
You still haven’t figured out if he means for you two to wind up testing the limits of what you can get away with in public so often, but whether it’s intentional or Ino just being hopelessly enamoured with you, the result is far from unwelcome.
Because with Ino, only his eyes matter—even if at this particular location you can’t help taking a peek around the park bench you two had settled on to enjoy the warm summer night. He notices your glances, because he always notices if you aren’t completely comfortable, and is quick to check in and reassure you.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe with me.” He smiles, arms out and palms upward as if presenting himself to you to be assessed as an appropriate bodyguard, and when you laugh his smile only widens as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“It’s not that, I’m just looking out for geese.”
It’s his turn to laugh now as he’s reminded of the memory of a daytime picnic in this very park that ended with an encounter with a very aggressive goose.
“They’ll be sleeping over by the pond. And, I’d fight any curse or attacker brave enough to bother us.” His confidence falters a little, as he recalls how fleeing had been the route chosen the last time he’d had an opportunity to defend you. “I just didn’t really want to hurt a goose, y’know?”
“A goose wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you.”
“And it did hurt me…” he feigns a look of pain, or embarrassment, but you know he isn’t really feeling either. He’s as comfortable with you as he always hopes you’ll be with him.
“You survived. You always do.” You press into his side and he holds you close, squeezing at your arm protectively.
Then he gives you another of his disarming smiles and it’s the last curtain drawn over any worries of passerby, human or fowl or otherwise. With that, this place is just for the two of you right now, so you focus on him fully and start to veer back onto the track of your previous conversation, only to be immediately stopped when Ino starts giving you that look and you know he wants to kiss you now.
The way he manages to look both far off and like he’s taking in every minute detail of your face at once makes your heart race, and his gaze drifts towards your mouth only to be pulled back to your eyes as he tries his very best to be attentive. And really, he is—always listening, always interested in whatever you’re talking about just because it’s you. It’s just sometimes his body gets the better of his brain. Not that you mind.
“Sorry, but…”
You raise your brows, smile growing on your face as you know exactly what he’s getting at, but you enjoy watching him try to reckon with how badly he needs to touch you sometimes.
He lets out a huff, more of a laugh at himself than any sign of frustration, and uses the arm around your shoulders to pull you closer with a soft sigh of, “C’mere.”
Whatever was happening before is long gone now, as his soft lips against yours always seal the deal. He’s slow, and sweet with his kisses, even if his body telegraphs his sudden desperation. Nose brushing against yours, one hand firm on your shoulder, the other rubbing much more gently at your thigh, lips parting from yours every so often so he can smile to himself and look at how pretty you are when you let him touch you like this. His tongue swipes against your lower lip, and from first contact your mouth is already opening with the positive response he always earns from you.
As always, you forget yourselves; where you are, what you came here for, how long you’ve had his lips against yours. And as always, Ino starts slotting words between your kisses, little breathy ramblings of ’please’, ’you’re so pretty’, ’need it’.
It makes your head spin and your pussy clench all in one, and when he next brings himself to part his lips from yours, the look he gives you is the final straw to break your composure entirely. Happy, drunk almost, like there’s nothing in the world he wants more than your body, like he just might perish if he doesn’t get it.
And as you look in his eyes, glistening under the stars as he manages to be so desperate for it that he’s a little misty-eyed, you realise that the feeling is mutual. Next thing you know, you’re pulling your dress up and climbing onto his lap.
“Already, baby?” He never shies away from an opportunity to meet you with mouth or hand, wanting you to get yours before you’ve even started touching him, but you answer with your actions—and your intentions of riding him until the warm night air knows his name.
You slide back far enough on his knees that he can work his cock out of his pants as you pull your panties to the side. If you were thinking clearly you’d be worried about how it wasn’t really that late at night, and some other nighttime walkers could easily happen upon you. But you aren’t thinking clearly, and neither is Ino, so you raise yourself onto your knees and slide down onto his cock.
He lets out a hiss, looking up at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world, and once you’re settled fully onto him he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close and burying his face in your chest.
“Babyyyyy, you’re so perfect.” His voice is muffled, but you make out his words well enough to chuckle at them. The way it makes you clench around him makes him whine into your skin, starting to rut up into you.
For as desperate as his words against your breasts are, and how his hands squeeze and rub along the contours of your back, his thrusts are slow. The embrace he holds you in serves to help him lift you, just slightly, and he gasps at losing even a little of your warmth, before he’s rocking up into you and pulling you back down on him in tandem. Once you pick up the pace he’s set, taking over movements entirely as you speed up with your panting breaths, his face unburies itself from your chest, and he looks out of it already.
“You make it so hard to keep quiet…”
At this point you’d forgotten you were even in a place that would require such a thing, but far past caring you rock your hips faster, running your fingers through his hair and letting a few unhindered moans loose.
“I don’t want you to be quiet.”
“Oh?” He looks like you’ve just told him you love him, surprised and happy with bolstered confidence. That lopsided grin of his goes straight to your core, and when you clench at him again he lets his own unrestrained sound loose.
That’s that then, all the go ahead you both need to pant and whine and moan into each other’s open mouths. It’s as if your bodies act on their own, holding each other, loving each other, and true to your silently and suddenly laid plans when you first climbed atop Ino, you cry out his name as you start to struggle keeping your pace as your body tightens and aches to finally reach its peak.
The sound of his name from your lips is all he needs though, meeting your movements half way, kissing at your cheeks and chin, anywhere that will let him keep hearing you say his name, until you’re both seeing stars at once. His hands grip your waist tightly, bunching up your dress as he whines against your skin and fills you with sloppy thrusts, and you cling to him tightly, tugging at his shirt and squeezing him til he’s spent.
He buries his face between your breasts again, nuzzling, his breath much more humid than the night air, and as you come down from your highs the sounds of the wind in the trees reminds you of where you are, and that you should perhaps not linger in such a state.
It doesn’t stop Ino from whining a little when you move from his lap, quickly moving your panties back into place to hopefully catch as much of his cum as you can. Likewise he tucks himself away, leaning heavily against the back of the bench, and when you start to stand he grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours and pulling you back down next to him.
“Let’s chill here for a bit, we don’t look like we’ve been up to anything.”
You don’t, not after you straighten your dress and lean against his side. You reckon he doesn’t either once you quickly reach up to comb your fingers through his hair back into place. Then you rest your head against his shoulder, content, safe, in your own little world with your boyfriend.
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banners by @//cafekitsune
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Maybe in Another Life |13|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Battle of the Labyrinth Spoilers
Word Count: 2k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13
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“Where are you now?” Clarisse asked.
You took your eyes off the iris message, looking around at your surroundings. The Hunters had set up camp in the mountains. It was fall but still pretty warm, the leaves were all various shades of red and orange as they prepared to fall off their trees. There was a small waterfall flowing into a stream, that the native animals drank from. The sun was just beginning to set, so there was still enough light for Clarisse to see a bit of where you were.
“I’m not even sure which state,” you admitted. “The mountains and more south then north.”
“How’s it going?”
You shrugged. “The usual. We get a lead and then it runs dry. What about you, how are things there?”
You hadn’t seen Clarisse since you left her house after the labyrinth, which was at least six months ago. You still talked to her every week though, you actually seemed to talk to her more than you had been before.
“Good,” Clarisse said, nodding and smiling to herself. “Chris has been good.” Your mouth twitched, wanting to frown but you managed to keep your face as neutral as possible. “We’re actually about to go to the bonfire soon. Silena will not let me hear the end of it if I’m late again.”
Chiron ended up not being able to help Chris. They took him back to camp and after Percy and Annabeth had their adventure in the labyrinth Mr. D had returned to camp and cured Chris’s madness. He went ran into king Minos in the maze who was the one that caused him to go mad.
“That’s great,” you said, forcing a smile. “I’m glad he’s doing better and tell Silena I say hi.”
“Will do.” She had a soft smile on her face, something she seemed too only have around you. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you smiled before waving your hand through mist, ending the message.
You wanted Clarisse to be happy, even if that was with Chris. It’s not like you could ever be with her, you weren’t leaving the Hunters, and you had no right to hold her back from falling for someone else, you had no right to be mad at her. You were friends, you were the one that drew that line. None of that meant that it still didn’t hurt to see her getting along with someone else. You didn’t know when you’d see her again but listening to her talk about how Chris was doing was enough to tell you how happy she was.
“How’s it going?” Thalia asked as she walked up to stand beside you.
“It’s fine,” you said, giving her a little shrug. “Clarisse said Chris is doing better.” Thalia let out a little hum, you weren’t sure what it meant though.
“Annabeth says he’s been a great help with preparations for Luke.”
“He probably knows by now that Chris is back at camp.” You didn’t take your eyes off the horizon, watching as the sun slowly began to disappear behind the trees. “He had to have changed course.”
Thalia nodded. “Probably a little,” she admitted. It would be stupid and crazy for Luke to continue with his plan when Chris wasn’t on his side anymore. Even without Kronos guiding him Luke wasn’t stupid. “At the time though, his big plan was using the labyrinth which he’s already done.”
You nodded, that was true, Chris was one of the ones sent into the maze to figure a way through it. That was Chris’s main mission before he went crazy. “Attacking the camp was just a step,” you said. “War is coming.”
Thalia nodded. “Annabeth is about to call, care to join?”
You shrugged. You had been around for some of the calls with Annabeth, but you were usually off on your own or talking to Clarisse at the same time. Thalia and Annabeth went over a lot of plans and went over new developments if anyone has seen or heard from Luke, but otherwise there was no reason for you to join a call. More times than not the call started out talking about battle plans and then turned into two friends just catching up.
“Hey!” Annabeth greeted when her face appeared through the mist in front of you. “Oh, Y/N, hey!”
“Hey,” you said, giving her an awkward wave. “Hope you don’t mind, Thalia asked me to join.”
“No, no, of course. How have you been?”
“Good, just got off a call with Clarisse.”
Annabeth let out a little hum, flicking her eyes to Thalia for a second before back to you. “How’s she doing?”
You scrunched your eyebrows at that question. “Wouldn’t you know better? She’s at camp with you every day.” You knew Annabeth and Clarisse weren’t necessarily friends, but they had gotten closer when working on the labyrinth mission together and Clarisse was a head councilor, she always told you about councilor meetings and how annoying everyone was being or if they discussed anything serious.
“Well, yeah, but…” Annabeth shrugged. “She doesn’t really talk to anyone here.”
You furrowed your brow, you knew that wasn’t true, she talked about doing stuff with Silena all the time, she mentioned Chris more than once, much to your dismay, and she mentioned yelling at her siblings. “What are you talking about? She literally just told me she was going to the bonfire tonight.”
“Well, yeah,” Annabeth shrugged. “She might make casual conversation with select people.” You nodded, that sounded right, Clarisse wasn’t going around talking to just anyone. “But she doesn’t actually talk to anyone. Not about the labyrinth.” You looked down at the ground, the two of you talked about it occasionally, you figured she’d talk to the others about what happened. “She warned me and Percy and that was about it, she hasn’t talked about what happened down there.”
“Not even with Chris?” based on the glance Thalia gave you, you were sure you didn’t do a good job at hiding the bitterness in your voice. With how much time Clarisse had been spending with Chris you figured she was talking to him; she had been updating you on his condition every call until Mr. D healed him, even after that she still updated you on how he was integrating back into camp.
Annabeth shook her head. “She’s been helping him, but they don’t talk about that. Chris mostly talks to Chiron or even me and Percy.” You gave a small nod, you figured Clarisse had been spending her days training her siblings and hanging out with Chris, first helping him recover, and then just getting closer with him.
“The only one she really talks to is you,” Annabeth said. Your head snapped up; your eyes wide as you stared at Annabeth. “I haven’t seen her act that way in a while, except with you.”
You furrowed your brow. “She hasn’t acted any different?” Some of your conversations got a little more somber but Clarisse herself hadn’t changed, you still talked just as you had before.
“Exactly,” Annabeth smiled. She was giving you this look like that explained it all, like you were supposed to get something. “She’s not like that with anyone else.”
Your eyes found the ground again, you weren’t sure how long you stood there taking in Annabeth’s words. When you looked up you saw Annabeth and Thalia, both watching you, making you quickly clear your throat. “I’m going to…” you pointed back towards the camp and quickly turned on your heel.
You quickly made your way back to camp, taking a seat on a log next to the fire. Only a few of your sisters were still seated around it, some were already asleep, some were off somewhere else talking, and some were patrolling the perimeter. You hadn’t even been seated for a minute before the other Hunters got up and walked away from the fire without a word. You furrowed your brow; you knew you had been distant lately, but you didn’t think you were that bad of company. Your confusion was answered though when you left Artemis sit down next to you.
“You’ve been talking to that girl, Clarisse, a lot,” Artemis said.
You glanced at her out of the side of your eye, there were still times, like this time, when it felt strange to hear Artemis sound so serious, especially when she looked like a twelve-year-old. You had been with her for a thousand years and you didn’t have a problem with taking orders from your goddess, but there were certain times she got serious, and the subject sounded weird coming out of a twelve-year-olds mouth.
“She’s a friend,” you said, staring into the fire. If you turned to look at Artemis you knew she’d see right through you, see that you had feelings that went beyond friendship for Clarisse.
“You don’t make friends often.”
You chuckled. “I’ll have you know I think I’m quite likeable.”
“It takes awhile to warm up to you.”
You chuckled a little louder, shaking your head. That was fair, you tended to come off in not the best light upon first meetings. “I beat her in capture the flag. She was not happy,” you smiled at the memory.
You could feel Artemis’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t hide how happy the memory made you. “I bet a child of Ares took that well.”
You smirked, giving a little shrug. “She’s easy to annoy, you know how much I like that.” You turned your head, finally looking at her only to give her a knowing smirk.
“Yes,” she sighed. “I am more than aware how annoying you can be.”
You lightly chuckled but your smile slowly faded as the memories from camp continued to play through your mind. “We sparred for the first time after Zoe left on the quest,” you whispered. “She could keep up with me, not that she ever beat me.” You caught a small smile on Artemis’s lips. You were a daughter of Nike; you couldn’t let anyone even consider you’d lose.
“You’ve been different since you got back from the labyrinth,” Artemis said softly.
You knew she was testing the waters, seeing how willing you’d be to talk, how much you’d give her. “I almost died,” you whispered.
“There was some sort of monster, it had me,” you said, gesturing with your hands. “It had me, but then…” you let out a humorless chuckle. “Clarisse sacrificed her spear, her pride and joy, to save me. I owe her my life.”
“You care for her,” Artemis concluded, straightening her back.
“Yes,” you said instantly, staring Artemis in the eyes. You knew it was a risk, but you would not lie to your goddess.
“You were sent to pick up supplies but wandered off to help her with a mission.” You swallowed nervously. “Who are you loyal to?”
“You,” you said without hesitation.
“And if you had to sacrifice yourself?”
“Without hesitation.”
“If you had to choose between your sisters or your friend?”
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. That was the first time you ever hesitated on that question. The truth was, if it came down to saving one of your sisters or saving Clarisse, you’d be conflicted. Either choice, you didn’t think you could live with yourself. You could tell by the slight tilt of Artemis’s head that she suspected this, she knew you’d hesitate on this question.
“I am a Hunter,” you said, your voice was quiet, but you refused to let it waver. “I am loyal to you, to Thalia, and to the rest of our sisters, first, above anyone or anything else.”
Artemis stared into your eyes, it felt like she was staring straight through you and into your soul. You remained strong though, holding eye contact with her and kept your head held high. It wasn’t a lie. You couldn’t deny it, you’d protect Clarisse with your life, but at the end of the day you were loyal to your goddess, she and your sisters came first, always.
“Okay,” Artemis said. She gave you a curt nod before getting up and leaving you alone by the fire.
You turned back towards the fire, staring into the flames as you thought about what had just happened. Artemis believed you; she knew your words were true, she knew you were loyal till the end.
Taglist: @cxcilla @danonered @touchmyfracturedomens @luclue @manu-007s-world @death-in-love @nenas19 @mynameiskaci
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whatshehassaid · 18 hours
“I LOVED HER.” “BUT SHE DIDN’T LOVE YOU. Not like he did. Not like I have”
That isn’t Armand saying Claudia didn’t love Louis. She did. What he’s saying is that Louis was so fucking focused on PINING for Lestats love, superimposing Lestat on Claudia AND Armand that Louis refused to accept love from them. Because he didn’t want Claudia. He didn’t want Armand. He wanted Lestat and he couldn’t have him (whether it be because Louis convinced himself Lestat was bad, or dead, or because Louis is in denial). He tries to make villains out of Armand and Claudia.
“Speaking of mistakes…”
“Vintage Lioncourt.” “I’m not Lestat, Louis.” “Okay….”
“Picked ANOTHER ONE over ME”
“It was NEVER ABOUT ME. Another chapter in the FUCKED UP ROMANCE OF YOU TWO”
“If you want to escape this cage of empathy I’ve trapped you in all you had to do was ask, Louis.”
“Imagine me without the burden of her”
Louis can’t face the fact that he was IMPLICIT in what happened to Claudia in Paris. She wants a companion in Madeline cause she’s not getting in from Louis.
I feel like we may be going the route of Armand and Claudia (probably immediately after the trial and before her death) bonding over their experiences. Not just to do with Louis and Lestat… but their childhoods… being raped… being used… being turned so young…
I’m not 100% on this but if they do include the head swap thing (which is still fucked up, I’m still upset at Armand for that) I feel like Armand will frame it or believe that he can save her if he can just give her a woman’s body to match her mind. And I feel like Claudia will jump at the chance. Again, not 100% with that and it’s STILL super fucked up.. but I think if that happens Armand (AT THE TIME) would believe he was helping her. Like how he “helps” his victims. How he was never helped as a human child and as a vampire. They relate to each other because they’ve never been someone’s first choice… and I think the moment Armand hears her say those words (“it was never about me. Another chapter in the fucked up story/romance of you two”) he’s gonna realize how much they really have in common and feel empathy for her.
It makes a lot of sense with how Armand’s character (especially in the books) is. He has a thing about consent (it’s a bit twisted because you could argue he assumes he knows what’s best for people… and acts accordingly thinking that he’s helping them) But he needs people to consent at least somehow. Even if it’s coerced.
That’s also why I believe after Paris… Louis initially agreed to have the memories of his role in Claudia’s death suppressed. He couldn’t handle the guilt that he didn’t care enough to save her. Armand just took it to the point of constantly suppressing the triggering memories. Plus on TOP of that I’m 100% sure Louis is schizophrenic and it’s causing blackouts.
Armand wasn’t really lying when he said that “I protect Louis from himself.” He WAS being honest. It’s in a fucked up way, but I believe it’s true.
And then with Daniel, that’s a whole other can of worms because I don’t think Armand wiped his memories right after San Fran. I’m starting to believe it wasn’t just Louis telling him to keep Daniel alive. The minute Daniel admits he finds Armand fascinating… and tells him “you can read minds right?” Alluding to the fact that he ISN’T LYING. Daniel is intrigued by Armand… and that immediately catches Armand’s attention. We’ve only seen up to Louis attacking Daniel from an unbiased POV (the tape recording). The rest is MOSTLY FROM LOUIS. Who had had memories taken whether by Armand or by the blackouts… and remember he has a habit of trying to make himself look good in Daniel’s eyes. He tries to convince himself constantly that he’s not a bad guy - but in reality…. He’s done some shitty things too. So it wouldn’t surprise me if some of that was also lies to Daniel. “You’re a liar Louis. Whether you know it or not.”
Something happened in those 4 days with Armand and Daniel that I’m not sure Louis realizes. He may come in and out of actual remembrance where he KNOWS Armand and Daniel fell in love… and he uses it against them both… and then goes back into not knowing what’s happening.
I have a feeling we’re getting the trial/claudia’s death/a reveal about the blackouts etc/the fire from ARMAND. Hence the “imagine me without the burden of her” line that Louis says. He would NEVER in a million years admit to saying that. Definitely not to Daniel.
The Merrick storyline plays into this here. Finding Claudia’s diaries… realizing that Louis really treated her badly and that she hates him for it. And Louis not being able to take it.
I also feel like Lestat and Armand have teamed up in Dubai without Louis or Daniel realizing it. They may be trying to help cure him with the help of Dr. Bhansali.
(Also, devils minion definitely happened in the past… you can just see it in the way Armand sometimes looks at Daniel - and in the books even though he was a stickler for rules… his only exception has ALWAYS been Daniel. He loves Louis, he wouldn’t have put up with any of this if he didn’t… but Daniel? Daniel is really the love of Armand’s life. And Lestat is Louis’. I need them boys to figure this shit out - and with the fact that Daniel wasn’t listed in the Talamasca victims folder? Even though he was attacked, held hostage and tormented… means he is probably in ANOTHER folder - *cough* ARMANDSPARAMOURS *cough* I hope they have Daniel find his name in there cause THAT is gonna be J U I C Y.)
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sooguru · 2 days
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[⌗synopsis ⸝⸝ 𝜗𝜚] when a man decides that he’ll take better care of you than your husband.
[⌗cw ⸝⸝ 𝜗𝜚] DARK CONTENT - stalker! geto x divorced black fem! reader , peeping tom , dacryphillia , olfactophilia , love bombs , vaginal fingering , slight oral (f receiving) , breeding , choking , obsession.
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chapter 03
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─── ⋆⋅𝜗𝜚 SUGURU was waiting for me outside of the courthouse, holding out his arms to me as i ran up to him, jumping into his arms, grinning as he hugged me tightly. i was officially a divorced woman, free to do as i please.
“i’m finally free”
i whispered, gripping onto suguru tightly, inhaling deeply, taking in the scent of his intoxicating cologne. i had ended up confiding into suguru about my relationship with toji as the months passed by, growing closer with him the more we got to know each other. however, when i told him, he didn’t seem surprised. it was as if he already knew. i brushed off those memories, smiling up at suguru.
“we should go out to celebrate!”
he hummed, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of it. he had been awfully sweet with me over the past months, yet, every time we got 'close' , he would pull away and stop it all.
“let’s go to my place, i can cook us dinner.”
he didn’t leave much room for argument, already taking me to his car. i grinned, letting him help me inside, watching him get in afterwards, leaning over to do my seatbelt as if i couldn’t do it myself. i stopped fighting him on the matter when he kept insisting on letting him do things for me. he leaned close, smiling at me, his eyes boring into mine.
“y/n, what’s the first thing you want to do as an officially free woman?”
he cooed, a sly grin on his lips as i blushed slightly, leaning closer to him, my hand sinking into his silky raven hair, my lips parting.
“don’t tease me again..you know what i want suguru”
i said softly, a slight whiny note in my voice as i looked at his lips. he hummed, his hand gripping my face gently, staring at me.
“beg for it.”
what an ass. i bit my lip, huffing slightly as i whined.
“please kiss me suguru..you’ve made me wait for so long, please, i need your lips..”
i moaned softly as his lips crashed against mine, kissing me like a man starved, his grip on me was bruising, as if he didn’t want to let me go. i gasped into the kiss, my hands gripping his hair, my body getting hot as his hands gripped my wig, not pulling on it too tightly, just enough to tug my head back slightly. he pulled away sharply, licking his lips, mine puffy and swollen from his aggressive attack of passion. i gawked at him, my heart racing as i brought his hand to my face, kissing the palm, nuzzling my cheek into his touch.
“i'm obsessed with you”
i whispered, my eyes hooded, needing more, but knowing he wouldn’t go further. his eyes darkened at my words, his hand wrapping around my neck, tugging me close to him once again.
“you shouldn’t say things like that so easily.”
i huffed, leaning up for another kiss.
“i mean it. you’re all i think about”
i pouted as he pulled away again, watching him grip the steering wheel, looking straight ahead onto the road.
“don’t say that y/n.”
he didn’t say anything else after that, driving to his place. i had only been there once, but i didn’t stay long, leaving right after to go with suguru to a restaurant. this time he was going to make me dinner. maybe he was trying to take things a step further. i drooled at the thought of him taking me on his bed. cock pounding my pussy, making me cry. i inwardly groaned at the thought, hiding my face by looking out of the window.
we soon arrived at his house, smiling as he opened the door for me, taking his hand as he helped me out. arm in arm, we walked to his door, his large frame standing behind me as i took off my heels, leaving them by the door. his house was dark, not exactly exuding comfort and warmth, something a house should be. yet, it fit him.
he took my hand, leading me to the kitchen, the sun soon getting ready to set, his hands gripping my hips as he pushed me up against his kitchen island.
“what would you like for dinner doll?”
he questioned, lifting me onto the counter, his hands rubbing at my thighs, staring at me.
“i’m not sure, i’ll take whatever you’re willing to give me”
i said softly, watching as he leaned in, burying his face into my hair before moving to my neck. i smiled, watching him pull away, grabbing vegetables for whatever dish he was cooking up.
“where’s your bathroom?”
i questioned, hugging him from behind, kissing his shoulder.
“just upstairs and down the hall.”
i hummed, thanking him before going upstairs, making my way up. there was a door near the bathroom, slightly ajar. it was dark, the only source of light coming from the window, the slight light illuminating a pinboard. i couldn’t see what was on it but curiosity got the best of me. i looked around before slipping inside, turning on the light quietly. my heart soon sinking down into the pit of my stomach.
red string was pinned in the shape of a heart, pictures of me in different ways were stuck to the board. some of me changing, some of me using the fucking toilet. how did he even get that..? there were even pictures of my ex husband abusing me. i looked around, seeing his bed and closet there.
so this was his bedroom? i continued to look around, wondering if i’d discover anything else, staring at more of the images. not thinking the images could get worse, i was proven wrong. the scariest would be the more explicit ones. my bare pussy out, clearly sleeping as his hand was either tugging my panties to the side or taking it entirely off, besides those pics were pairs of panties i noticed had gone missing.
i walked closer, ripping a page off the wall, reading what was on it. it was a diary entry, back from a few months ago. the part that caught my eye was him admitting to cumming in his pants because of my “scent”. it was equal parts disturbing and somewhat arousing. i felt my cheeks flush, about to grab at a photo on the top.
my body froze, my blood running cold. i had been caught red handed.
“you shouldn’t have seen this.”
his chin rested on top of my head, his body pressed up against my trembling frame, tears welling in my eyes.
“it seems the cat is out of the bag.”
his hands grazed my waist, pausing as i flinch away from his touch, starting to cry.
“what the fuck is all this..”
i whispered, bringing my shaky hands to my face, sobbing as it all came crashing down, processing what kind of man i had fallen for.
“just a collection of my love for you angel, i love you so much.”
he whispered, turning me to face him. his calm demeanor was still there. eerily so. his eyes were dark, possessive obsession swirling in the gloomy brown orbs.
“y-you don’t love me..suguru-”
"dont say that!"
he snapped at me, his brows furrowing as he cupped my face. trying to wipe my tears away. i didn’t know what to say, looking away as sobs wracked my body, taking a step back, bumping into a glass jar that fell over. i looked back at it, noticing a picture of me covered in a mysterious white viscous fluid, filling up the jar.
“no..suguru you-..”
he gave me a wry smile, glancing at the jar.
“i couldn’t touch you yet my angel..so i had to improvise.”
he whispered, leaning closer to me, tugging me into my arms, not caring if i struggled, hugging me tightly nonetheless, patting my head slowly.
“it’s alright y/n, you don’t have to worry”
he nuzzled his nose into my hair, inhaling deeply, a deep groan leaving his lips.
“i’d never hurt you. i just care about you so much..you can understand that right? you said you were obsessed with me baby..”
he gripped my hair, tilting my head back, his tongue pressing against my cheek, licking my tears away.
“don’t you love me doll?”
i looked away, nodding slowly as his words soothed me in their own twisted way, my stomach tying into knots while my heart raced in my chest.
“how long have you bee-”
“5 years, 4 months, 2 days and 13 hours.”
he interrupted me, staring into my eyes. my body trembled more at the thought of not even knowing i was being watched.
“you’re not well suguru..”
i looked up at him, his brows furrowing at my words, pulling me tighter against him, his jaw ticking as he huffed.
“i’m perfectly fine. you are the one who came into my life and took over my very being.”
i shook my head, leaning away slightly as i continued to cry.
“i love you y/n, i love you so much. i know you love me, i’ve watched you. you think about me all the time, just like how i think about you ”
he spoke, only getting a frown from me.
“i’m not a stalker like you..i don’t do shit like this..you were..touching me..taking all these pictures. lord knows what else you've done..”
he grabbed my face, a crazed look in his eyes as he shook his head frantically, his hair falling from its loose bun, framing his face.
“i never touched you like that, i never used you y/n. i want you to give yourself to me. i was just curious to see how wet i got your pretty little pussy”
he groaned slightly, pulling me to him once again, relaxing as he felt me against his chest. his arms clinging to me, keeping me close to him as he sank to his bed, keeping me on his lap, stroking my hair softly.
“i’d never do anything to hurt you angel, you have to believe me. i’m not crazy, just in love.”
i sniffled, wiping my eyes, unsure on what to do. i was scared at myself for not being as disturbed as i should be, his words soothing me once more as i curled up in his arms, not saying anything.
“i’ll love you until the day i die..”
his hand intertwined with mine, kissing it, his hair tickling my face and arms as he kept me close to him, telling me how all of this started when he spotted me in a cafe. he couldn’t get me out of his mind. so after that, he watched me, finding out where i lived, what i do. he changed his life, wrapping it around mine, putting himself in situations where i could possibly notice him but never did. not until that night in the car park. he said that he almost died from me finally noticing him.
“we’re soulmates”
he cooed, his hands still rubbing all over my body, keeping me flush against his. looking up at him, i slowly pressed my lips against his. though his actions were indefinitely strange and creepy, nobody has ever put so much effort into me. maybe it was the fact that i just came from an abusive marriage but i felt safer with suguru near me. i even believed him.
he eagerly kissed me back, grinning wildly into the kiss.
“i know all your sick secrets”
i whispered, my hand running though his hair, watching him curiously.
“doesn’t that make you sick too?”
he whispered back, sniffing me, his hands now gripping my thighs. i hummed, letting go of his hair, looking away as i nodded.
“sick and desperate i guess..”
i kissed him again, straddling his lap as i pulled him closer to me, whimpering as he tilted my head back, exposing my neck so that his lips could trail down from my jawline all the way to my collarbone, licking and sucking on the skin, finally getting the taste he so desperately wanted.
after a shared look, it was a blur of hands, my bra dropping to the ground, my dress being ripped off my body, my panties torn to shreds as suguru stripped out of his clothes, his cock straining against his briefs.
he grumbled, his teeth taking the sensitive bud of my nipples between his lips, biting and sucking on the small peaks, my back arching as i cried out, my body feeling sensitive under his touch. he pushed me onto his bed, hovering over me as his tongue tasted my skin, making my body messy with his saliva, leaving his marks all over my body, claiming me in his own way.
he made his way between my legs, burying his face into my drooling cunt, breathing in my musk deeply. i watched him curiously, noticing the way he groaned, sniffing eagerly, his eyes dilating while his eyes became hooded with lust. the dark orbs revealing the utter euphoria he was in. he pulled back slightly, my juices covering his nose and chin, his hands tugging at his boxers, revealing the cum dripping from his tip. he glanced down at his cock as it hit his abdomen.
i moaned at the sight, looking up at him, gnawing at my bottom lip, my arousal dripping onto his bed.
“did you just cum..?”
i sat up on my elbows, moaning as his fingers rand along my folds, nodding his head slowly.
“your smell is my drug. i don’t think i can't live without it. i even get withdrawals.”
he said lowly, moving between my legs again, sniffing my pussy while he slipped his fingers into my slopping cunt, slowly stretching me out, his fingers increasing their pace as his tongue darted out, lapping at my clit, tasting me desperately. suguru groaned. sucking on my clit while his fingers curled up into my g-spot, hitting it vigorously with each salacious pump of the two digits.
“cum for me my sweet doll.”
he cooed, watching as my cunt spasmed around his fingers. i cried out, my back arching as i continued to moan his name, my arousal sticking to his fingers, the lewd squelches only turning me on more. my warm cream coating his fingers in no time, a loud whimper leaving my lips. he hummed, sucking on his fingers before moving his tongue to lap at my pussy. collecting any remaining cum from between my folds.
he sat up, licking his lips before leaning down again, giving me a sloppy kiss, our tongues pressing against each other. he grabbed my face, my lips parting as i looked up at him, whining as his tip rubbed against my pussy, teasing me.
“what’s wrong princess? do you want something?”
i whined again, whimpering as my hips bucked up, trying to get some friction where i needed him most.
“p-please fuck me sugu..i need it so bad..”
i spread my legs wider, hoping he’d slip it in and make all my dark fantasies come true.
“you need it? say you’re mine. say that you belong to me and i’ll give you everything i have.”
he bit my shoulder before kissing it, waiting for my words. his tip pressings against my clit, thrusting against it.
“i belong to you sugu, im all yours, i promise”
i kissed him slowly, desperate for some relief as my hips bucked up once again. he grinned against my lips, his hands moving to grip my hips as he sat on his knees, looking down at me.
“good girl.”
with that, he slammed into me roughly, filling me with every single inch, his balls pressing against my ass, his tip reaching the very back of my vagina.
“oh god”
i moaned out, my mouth agape, my pussy desperately trying to adjust as he slowly started moving. making me feel everything. going from the tip, all the way back to the base.
he knew what he was doing and it was driving me crazy. he watched as my face contorted into one of pure pleasure, lifting my legs up and throwing them over his shoulders, starting to give me deep hard thrusts, slowly going in and out to ensure i felt how much he filled me up. i gasped and writhed under him, my legs twitching as my pussy gripped down on him, causing a low groan to leave his lips.
“that’s it doll, grip my cock just like that..fuck- show me how good i make you feel.”
he was talking straight to my pussy, my core twitching at his words, my back arching as i whimpered. my eyes rolling back as his tip continually hit my g-spot.
“‘m sugu- gonna c-cu-mngh!”
“hold it my love.”
he folded me in half, leaning down and giving me a wet kiss as he started pounding down into me, my cries and wails coming out shakily as his hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing just enough to edge me on some more, torturing me as i tried my best to hold in my orgasm. tears rolling down my cheeks as i sobbed, my gummy walls feeling sensitive to his rough strokes, his tip roughly hitting the back of my pussy, my sticky wetness seeping out and splashing against my thighs, the wet “plaps!” of his balls hitting against my ass was only making me more desperate to cum. whiny pleas leaving my drooling lips.
“suguuu..’mmh i c-can’t ‘old it..”
“just a little longer sweet girl.”
his thumb rubbed against my clit, his thrusts getting faster, his grip on my throat tightening as he chased his orgasm, gritting his teeth, his brows furrowed as he let out a low growl, pressing down into me more, his body weight on top of me.
“cum f’me baby.”
that’s all he had to say. a sharp scream of ecstasy leaving my lips as i squirted all over his cock, my eyes rolling back, my back arching off the bed violently, my nails digging into his back as i tugged him closer to me. he groaned, burying his face into my neck as i felt the burning hot seed leave his tip, slowly filling me up as he slowed down, gently thrusting as he made sure to give me every last drop of his cum, breeding me so good.
“s-so full..”
i whispered, panting softly as suguru leaned up, kissing me passionately, our tongues tangling together as he pulled me flush against him, flipping us over so that i was laying on top of him. i nuzzled my face into his chest, closing my eyes as i sighed, cuddling with him as he stroked my hair, giving me quiet praise.
“my perfect girl did so good for me..”
he hummed, his fingers dragging down to my chin as he tilted my head up, our eyes meeting. my cheeks flushed, a small smile on my lips as i kissed the palm of his hand, watching his eyes darken with that same possessive glint, his fingers capturing my chin, his thumb rubbing against my bottom lip.
"you're mine forever."
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the end.
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aita-blorbos · 3 days
AITA for telling people I don’t work here?
Ok so it’s Saturday morning and I (28M) don’t have a lot on my mind, besides like maybe lunch, I’m a little hungover so I go to the supermarket really to just get out of the house. Then suddenly this woman approaches way to fast and her eyes are intense And she spits on me a little as she asks, “where do you keep the pasta?” and I’m confused but I try to be polite so I say, “I dunno aisle 3?” And then she demands get it for her! I just stand there for a moment because I was just trying to get a Gatorade and I don’t want to deal with this, but then she rolls her eyes and I kind of lose it. 
So I tell her, “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not sell you shit!” And then I say, ”Maybe should work here so I can hide all the things you want from you!” and, “If I did work here do you think I’d be wearing a dirty white singlet? Ya fool!” Then I noticed the pasta was there the whole fucking time so I tell her, “Silly me I’ve had the pasta all along. Fuck you” and she starts crying. 
So now it’s the afternoon and I’m not going to lie, I feel really great about making a middle age woman cry today. So I’m taking a walk on the hot sand on the beach and decide to take a rest in the shade of the lifeguard tower (and my foresight readies me for melee) so then this man runs up from the surf way to fast, with a bluebottle across his chest he shakes me as he asks “you’ve got to save my kid!” But I can’t swim, so I tell him that, and he gets all upset and goes “what kind of a kid guard are you then?” And I’m tired and just wanted to take a nap but he rolls his eyes so I kind of snap.
And I tell him “Hey! I don’t work here but if I did I would not save your kid!” And then I tell him “maybe I should work here that way I could help relieve that nasty sting for you” and I tell him “do you think a life guard would make a race car out of sand then fall asleep?” And then I get a bit sidetracked thinking about how I should probably get a job and I guess I’m mumbling because the guy asks if I was thinking about saving his son and I tell him no and he says “What about my son, he's drowning?!” Then I look over his shoulder and see that no he isn’t and I tell him "Your son's fine, he just swims weird, and you shouldn't hold that against him.” And the guy turns around to check and I take that as my moment to get out of there.
So it’s night now and I’m not thinking about much just kicking a ball down the street then I give it to much juice and it flies over the fence of my local NASA compound (just bear with me) I climb over the fence to get it when I realize the guards are all passed out and it seems there’s been a planed attack. The alarms are blaring but I’m the only one in tact. I try to phone for help but something must be blocking it. And they’re an alien transmitting itself to NASA screens specifically. And the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I’m trying to figure out way to do or find any one who can actually handle this and I tell the aliens but it just repeats “Give us ya planet” and I try to get someone to answer me and tell them we’re under attack and again the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I try to tell it that I don’t have the authority to do that but it just won’t listen. I just came to get my ball but it’s been a long day so I’ll speak for all of humanity. 
(Also I didn’t know this at the time but apparently this had worldwide news coverage)
So I tell the alien “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not surrender shit!” And I tell it “maybe I should work here that way I could take a trip to mars and strangle you!” And I ask “Do you think the president of Earth has a fucking mullet?” And at this point I’m just letting out all the anger from the day and I tell it  “maybe I should work here that way I could put my planetary fist in you, I could teach your kid to drown in front of you, and I could hide all of the linguini from you!” 
Then the alien fucked right off and also I’m the president of earth now. So AITA
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otomehoneyybearr · 2 days
Ikemen Prince 4th Anniversary Eve
Licht & Luke: Getting Drunk Reveals One's True Self
At the Rhodolite Castle one day...
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Licht: "........."
Luke: "Hey, Licht. Can ya hear me?"
Licht: "Mmm... yeah, I hear you."
Luke: "That's good, but you look really sleepy."
Licht: "I'm not sleepy. Do you really think I look sleepy?"
Luke: "Yeah, that’s why I said it."
Luke: "I didn't expect you to accidentally drink my alcohol, though. Then again, the glass was nearby, so it can't be helped."
Luke: "I just can't believe you got this drunk from such a small amount. That's a kind of a talent."
Luke: "Licht, let's get you back to your room. If Jin comes back and sees ya like this, it'll just cause more trouble."
Licht: "No. I wanna stay here longer. And I'm not drunk."
Luke: "Even if ya try to look sober, you're clearly drunk. Your body’s been swaying from side to side this whole time, you know."
Licht: "............ I noticed."
Luke: "No use in trying to stop swaying now."
Luke: "If you fall asleep, I'll just have to carry you."
Licht: "My drink, my drink... there it is."
Licht: "Ah..."
Luke: "Whoa, that was close. You almost knocked over another glass."
Luke: "Here, hold it properly with both hands."
Licht: "Thanks."
Luke: "What do you wanna eat?"
Licht: "Some quiche."
Luke: "This enough?"
Licht: "Yeah, thanks."
Licht: "Luke, you know, you're surprisingly considerate... or maybe you're just naturally kind."
Luke: "Huh? Don't say weird stuff like that."
Luke: "But you sure talk a lot when you're drunk."
Luke: "Well, they do say getting drunk reveals your true self, so maybe you are actually more talkative."
Licht: "I’m not sure myself. But when I was a kid, Nokto and I used to... used to..."
Licht: "..."
Luke: "?"
Licht: "... I feel sick."
Luke: "Your face looks worse than before. Probably ‘cause you're still up after drinking something you're not used to."
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Luke: "Come on, let's get you back to your room—whoa...!?"
Licht: "Huh... I thought I threw you, but you're still standing. Impressive as always."
Luke: "Impressive, my ass! Why the hell did’ya throw me?"
Luke: "I just put my hand on your shoulder—whoa, that was close. Now a right hook?!"
Luke: "You're swayin’ all over the place, but your attacks are dead on. That's not fair."
Licht: "That’s right... I remember now."
Licht: "I've always wanted to spar with you without holding back, Luke. This is the perfect time, right?"
Luke: "This ain’t the right time at all."
Licht: "Please train with me."
Luke: "Wait, wait, wait! If you draw your sword here, Sariel's gonna give us hell!"
Luke: "Ah, geez, even if your true self shows when you're drunk, this is too much!"
Luke: "Jin, hurry up and get back here!!"
Master List
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smilesrobotlover · 2 days
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First|| <-previous next-> (soon)
Chapter 8- A Soldier’s Visit to Faron
Link woke up to the sound of talking. He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window where the sun was shining through. He listened more carefully and recognized his pa’s voice speaking outside and he frowned. What was he doing outside? Link stood up and shuffled over to the window, looking out to see Rusl speaking with Auru. His pa’s arms were crossed, and a serious look was on his face while Auru had a more concerned expression. Rusl started speaking again and Link opened the window to hear him better.
“...I only wish I was stronger,” his pa said softly. Auru tilted his head.
“I know! I’m only human, I’m weaker than most of y’all but… I… he’s my son. I should be protecting him but… I can’t.”
Link frowned. Was he talking about him?
“Rusl, even a Hylian wouldn’t be strong enough to fight against a mysterious shadow monster. Be kinder to yourself.”
Rusl sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “I know… I know… It’s just terrifying, you know? It’s terrifying to discover that you can’t protect your family. If that thing got closer to Ordon and took–” his breath hitched and Auru rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t think about that. The beast did not get to Ordon. It didn’t hurt Uli or Colin or Rela or anyone.”
“It did hurt Link though…”
“Well, fortunately it didn’t hurt him too bad, right?”
Rusl shrugged. “Not as bad as me… But I don’t want him to have the responsibility of saving me. Not again.”
Link’s feelings grew conflicted. Was his pa ashamed of having to be rescued by him? Link supposed he understood to an extent. Since becoming a father himself, he’s wanted nothing more than to protect Kori and Midna with his life. If Kori had to save him… he’d probably be ashamed of himself too.
“That’s what you get for raising a heroic boy, Rusl,” Auru joked, and Rusl gave him an annoyed smile.
“It’s not my fault he turned out that way.”
“Oh shut it, of course it is!”
“No it isn’t, Link turned out that way because that’s the way he is.”
“Colin and Rela are the same way though, I think it is your fault.”
“Spirits!” Rusl lightly punched Auru in the arm and the old man chuckled.
“Oh c’mere,” Auru pulled Rusl into a hug, which he melted into. “It sounds like you two went through a lot, I’m sorry.”
From Auru’s large frame and Rusl’s smaller stature, it almost looked like a child hugging his father from Link’s perspective. It made his heart ache for Kori.
He prayed to every deity on the planet to keep him safe from the shadow beast.
The two men pulled away and started to head inside, and Link pulled away from the window as well, letting out a sigh. He knew it wasn’t appropriate for him to eavesdrop on such a conversation, but he couldn’t stop himself. To get his pa to open up about things that bothered him was like trying to pry a deku baba’s jaw open after it closed. But Link didn’t know if he regretted learning how Rusl truly felt about everything. He felt guilty, sad, and mostly confused from it all. He almost wished he was the one to be attacked by the shadow beast, that way his pa wasn’t hurt and traumatized the way he was. Link had dealt with far worse in his life; it would’ve been no different.
He finally went to close the window until he heard shuffling beside him, and movement from the corner of his eye caused him to nearly jump out of his skin. A person was turning around on the bed opposite from the other one Link was in, and Link backed up in shock. How in Din’s name did he not notice this person? Based on the clothes, he recognized the person as Sheik, but when he saw their face, his heart stopped.
It was Zelda who was staring back at him with wide eyes.
Zelda felt her face and her eyes landed on her discarded mark and headwrap on the floor, and a string of curses from her mouth left Link more shocked. He didn’t know Zelda was even capable of swearing. Zelda scrambled for the clothes and nearly tumbled out of her bed while Link remained paralyzed. She finally stood up, her face covered up, yet her stormy-gray eyes couldn’t hide her identity. How did he not know?
“You—” he started, but Zelda stopped him.
“N-no… no I—”
“You– you’re—” Link’s mind was racing, and he was finally able to string a full sentence together. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Th-this was meant to be my room! I didn’t– you– I–” Zelda let out another cuss word which felt like a punch to Link’s face. She never acted in such a way around him; she was always so proper and polite. He ran his hand through his hair and stared at the floor with wide eyes.
“I don’t believe it– oh Goddesses you–”
Rusl burst through the door, interrupting the two.
“Oh Sheik! Link! Glad you’re both awake!” He said cheerily, leaning against the door frame. Link and Sheik only stared at him in shock. “Ya know, Sheik. You scared the living daylights outta me when you came in last night. You poor thing—must’ve been exhausted!”
Zelda and Link continued to stare in shock, and Rusl frowned.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, everything is fine,” Zelda—or Sheik—said breathlessly, before moving past Rusl towards the stairs. Rusl stared back at her for a moment before looking back at Link, clearly confused.
“What the heck happened there?”
“I… uh…” Link bit his lip, wondering what he should tell Rusl. Zelda had clearly kept this identity a secret for a reason—was it right to tell his father? “Uh… I was just surprised to see Sheik in here, that’s all,” he finally said, laughing nervously. Rusl stared for a moment before laughing slightly.
“Yeah, he must’ve been awfully tired, huh?” He chuckled, and Link nodded, forcing a smile. The two stared for a moment, Rusl’s smile fading more and more as Link’s fake smile grew bigger. “Well, Telma has some breakfast for us so… you can… come down–”
“Oh! Yes! Sounds great! Thanks pa!” Link said a little too loudly, and marched towards the stairs.
Breakfast was painfully awkward. Link couldn’t help but stare at Sheik, who looked terrified. She would glance at him and Link would look away, only for him to go back to staring at her. The others didn’t notice the tension between them, instead they were chatting happily with each other, unaware of the recent discovery Link made.
Did they know? Did Zelda want to keep it a secret from only him? Or were they just as oblivious as he was before? His mind wandered to Ashei, with their conversation about Sheik before. Did she know? She seemed to know about Sheik not being a man, but was it because she knew that Sheik was Zelda? His mind was racing as he thought about it, not paying attention to the other’s conversations.
“… and she just picked it up!” Rusl exclaimed, his hands gesturing in front of Link’s face, interrupting his staring. “I tell you, that girl was born to fight. We should start teaching Kori some sword fighting too, right Link?”
Link glanced at his father, then at everyone else staring at him.
“W-what?” He muttered, and Rusl raised an eyebrow.
“I was just telling them about Rela, and her first sword-fighting lesson! Kori is ten now, I think it’s about time he started learnin’ too!”
“Oh! Yes, right,” Link quickly said, going back to watching Sheik. Rusl continued to stare at him, the others doing the same.
“Uh, is everything alright, old boy?” Shad asked, looking between him and Sheik.
“Oh—“ Rusl adjusted himself in his seat and pointed at Sheik. “He just broke into our room last night and scared me stiff. I’m sure he must’ve shocked Link this morning.”
Link saw Ashei worriedly turn her head to Sheik, who remained unmoving.
“Oh my goddesses, Rusl,” Auru groaned, “did you take the first room? Sheik is always the one in there!”
“Since when did we have room assignments?” Rusl argued.
“It’s an unspoken rule! Sheik takes the first room. I take the third one, Ashei takes the second and Shad takes the room across, and you and Link take the room in the back!”
“But they ain’t labeled!”
“That’s—ugh, boy…. That’s why it’s unspoken!”
Sheik got up abruptly as the two argued and left the bar. Link stood up as well and followed. He had so many questions for her, and he wanted answers. He found Sheik right outside the bar, and she didn’t look surprised to see Link.
“Link,” she started, and he stopped right in front of her.
“Don’t… ah…”
“Oh—right. Sorry. Sheik,” Link pursed his lips and the two sat in silence. Every question he had was gone in an instant. It almost saddened him—they worked well together during the twilight invasion, yet their relationship was never strengthened. Zelda wanted him to be a knight and to be a representative for Hyrule, but Link didn’t want to be stuck with nobles doing useless things; much less being some trophy for the people to gawk at. It put a strain on their relationship, and he didn’t expect to be speaking to Zelda ever again.
Then again, they’ve been speaking for a while now, yet he didn’t know.
“Sorry my pa took your room,” he finally said.
“Oh… it’s alright.”
Link smiled awkwardly and nodded. Sheik nodded back. There was silence again between the two, and Link cleared his throat.
“So… Sheik. What—um—why?”
“Why what?”
Link huffed and ran his hand through his hair. “Why? Why didn’t you tell us? Why are you doing this? I just… I’m curious…”
Sheik’s brows furrowed together and she looked down. “I just… wanted to do more for my kingdom.”
Link frowned. “But you’re the queen. You do more for Hyrule than anyone else!”
Sheik shook her head. “Not enough.” She sighed and sat on a box, rubbing her eyes. “During the twilight invasion, I felt… helpless. I couldn’t do anything for anyone. I was a prisoner in my own home, and all I could do was trust you. I just… I never want to be out of control like that ever again. I want to personally save Hyrule myself if it were to come to it. I felt that… as Sheik… I could do that. I wasn’t a queen anymore I-I felt more like… I don’t know… a protector. I feel like I can actually make an impact doing this.”
Link gave her a sad look and joined her on the box, staring at the door that led to Telma’s bar. “You don’t give yourself enough credit,” he started softly. “You did so much during the invasion. You… you kept Zant from slaughtering everyone in Hyrule. You saved my life and you saved Midna’s life at your own expense. You helped me defeat Ganondorf,” Link looked up at her, but she didn’t meet his eyes. “I couldn’t have saved Hyrule if not for you.”
“But… I couldn’t do more—“
“Goddesses, Sheik, I thought you gave up your life for Midna’s! I thought you died! What more could you have done?”
Sheik finally looked up at him. “I don’t know.”
“Good!” Link crossed his arms and sat up straight. “Now you know. You’re good enough!” Link felt his face flush at the corny message, and he turned away. The two were silent again; the sounds of laughter and bottles crashing were the only sounds heard. Link let out a sigh and turned to Sheik again. “I can understand though, wanting to do things yourself. I guess if I had to give orders and then sit there and wait for it to get done, I’d lose my mind a bit too.”
Sheik looked up at him, and though he couldn’t see her expression well, he did see a glimmer in her eye.
“I’m glad you somewhat understand,” she said.
Link hummed and nodded, and he pursed his lips. “So… why didn’t you tell the resistance?”
“It defeats the purpose of a secret identity, doesn’t it? I can't go around saying that I’m the queen when I… look like this,” she gestured to her outfit. “If they knew that I was not on the throne, they’d probably think me to be lazy.”
“Well, you’re not. You’re a good queen.”
Sheik’s eyes had more of a smile to them from that. “Thank you.”
Link gave her a smile. For once, they were having a pleasant conversation. No evil trying to destroy the world, no enemies needing to be defeated, and no heart broken from a love supposedly killed. They were just two people. Seeing Zelda as Sheik, he saw her in a different light. A simple woman who was trying.
“How did Kori come to be?” Sheik suddenly asked, and Link’s eyes widened. The resistance only met Kori a handful of times, and he didn’t think about how it would’ve affected Sheik. She and Rusl were the only ones who knew about Midna. Rusl found out about Midna’s return, but Zelda never did…
“Uh…. Well… I don’t know what you’re asking specifically but… Twili’s bodies aren’t too different from ours,” he mumbled.
Sheik’s face flushed slightly and she shook her head. “T-that’s not what I meant.”
Link cursed in his mind and laughed nervously. “Oh! Well… sorry.”
“No no, I should’ve been more specific. I meant… How is Kori here? Midna destroyed the mirror, there should be no connection to the twilight realm.”
“Oh… well…” Link stared at the ground, watching bits of dust move with the light breeze. He let out a sigh. “I have no idea. One night, Midna came to my door with Kori in her arms… and now he’s here.”
Sheik studied his face for a moment. “Is Midna still here?”
Link paused. Should he tell her that Midna visited whenever she could? Would Sheik feel left out if she knew that she only visited Link and his family? Did she even care? He didn’t know how close the two were during the invasion; he knew they were acquainted before he came along, but Midna didn’t seem to like her in the beginning. In the end, they were more like allies than friends. But was he wrong?”
“She… visits,” he finally said, and Sheik’s saddened look made him regret saying it.
“I see,” she whispered.
“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t… you guys… I didn’t know you were friends and—“
“We weren’t,” Sheik said bluntly. “I suppose we never were.”
That stung slightly, hearing that about Midna. He wondered why she wouldn’t tell Sheik about everything, but he shouldn’t be surprised. If Kori never got hurt in the twilight realm, she probably would’ve never come in the first place.
“If it makes you feel any better, she never came back for me,” he started in a cautious tone, “she came back for Kori.” Sheik gave him a confused look so he elaborated. “I don’t know if you remember, but he has a scar up along his arm,” Link traced his forearm to show where the scar was, and Sheik watched carefully. “Apparently, when he was two, an advisor hurt him because… he was scared Kori would doom the Twili. There’s only one female Twili, and she’s meant to give birth to the heir, who will also be a female. But Kori… not only was he a half Twili, but he was a boy. And… They hurt him.” Link frowned. It was difficult saying it all out loud. The familiar rage that he thought he moved on from began to bubble in his chest, and he had to clench his fists to control it. If he ever met the Twili that hurt his son…
“So… you didn’t know about Kori?” Sheik asked, and Link nodded.
“She knew he wouldn’t be safe in the twilight realm, so she found a way back to Ordon. I still have no idea how she’s going back and forth though. She refuses to tell me, but I think she’s afraid of another invasion happening and… destroying the mirror to be a waste.”
Sheik nodded, but she still had a sad look in her eyes.
“Look, Sheik, she’s very secretive. Only my family knows and that’s ‘cause my pa knew her and… she’s never made herself known to anyone. So…. Yeah…. And she’s never left Ordon either.”
Sheik looked down at her fidgeting hands. “I see…”
Link frowned, the silence entering their conversation again. They sat for a long moment, until Link had an idea.
“You know, Sheik… I’m sure Midna would love to see you again.” She looked up, giving him a confused look. “If you ever wanna… I dunno… turn into Sheik and visit Ordon… We’d love to have you. I make great pumpkin soup.”
Sheik stared at him with wide eyes, before turning away with a small laugh. “I might… take you up on that offer,” she said softly, and Link’s heart swelled. They smiled at each other, and Sheik looked like she was about to say something, but they were interrupted by the door opening. Ashei poked her head through the door and gave the two of them a look.
“Is everything ok out here?” She asked.
“Yes, Ashei everything is fine,” Sheik said, giving Link a look. “He… sort of found out about… me…”
Ashei sighed. “I was afraid that was the case.”
Link glanced between the both of them. “So you did know about her?”
Ashei nodded. “Don’t know if you remember when we were investigating the rogue Bulblins, but our queen here got herself injured. It’s kinda hard to take care of an injured person with a mask covering their mouth, yeah?”
Link shrugged. “I guess so. It certainly explains a lot.”
Sheik nodded awkwardly and sighed. “It was difficult for me at the moment, but I am glad that I didn’t have to hide my true identity from at least one person. But now I guess it’s two people.”
Ashei made a face. “I have a feeling the rest of them will be finding out soon.”
An annoyed sigh escaped Sheik and she nodded. Ashei shrugged and gestured to the bar with her head. “Come on inside, yeah? We’re going to start planning.”
Link and Sheik stood up to follow Ashei inside, but Link stopped Sheik before they headed inside.
“You ready to save Hyrule again?” He asked, his fist hanging in front of her. She stared at it for a moment, then nodded, bumping his waiting fist with her own.
“I’m more than ready.”
“Kori! Pay attention!”
Kori looked up at Rela who had her wooden sword resting on her shoulder. She glared at him, one hand on her hip and one foot tapping impatiently in the Ordon spring water. Kori glanced at his own wooden sword, pouting at his aunt.
“Rela, I don’t wanna do this.”
“Shut it! You’re old enough to learn sword fighting, and my pa ain’t here to teach you. So it’s up to me to do it!” Her sword was swung to the ground and she held it up against Kori. “There’s a monster out there in Faron woods, so we need to be able to defend ourselves and Ordon!”
“Isn’t that why Colin and Beth and Talo are here though?” Colin and the others had been patrolling Ordon, searching for any dangers that could threaten their home. Kori didn’t quite understand what was happening; no one told him anything when he asked. His pa and grandpa left to castle town before he had a chance to think, so he was staying with his gramma, confused about what was happening.
“Colin may need our help if we are attacked,” Rela started to argue, marching back and forth as the sword swung in her hands. “If we’re able to help them, we’ll be heroes! Isn’t that what you want Kori? To be a hero?”
“Not really. I just wanna be a farmer,” Kori said simply. Rela groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Why are you being so boring?”
Kori felt a sting in his heart, but he ignored it. “I’m not being boring! I just… I just wanna play with my toys!”
“Well too bad! Now, block this attack!”
Kori gasped as Rela swung her sword at him. He quickly brought his own up and staggered back as she hit it. He glanced at his sword, then glared at Rela.
“Don’t hit it so hard!”
“You need to block better! Stand your ground!”
Rela swung at him again and he squealed as it smashed against his own. Rela got closer to him and he started to run away, but Rela quickly stopped him.
“Don’t be a coward! Face me!”
“Rela, you’re so much bigger than me! I’m scared!” Kori pleaded, but she only charged at him again. She knocked into him and he fell backwards into the water. He gasped and looked up to see Rela swinging down onto him. He quickly brought his own sword up and was barely able to block it. Scrambling to his feet, he clumsily blocked a few more attacks. Kori grew more focused with each attack, planting his feet so he could stay unmoving in the sparring. She hit his sword a few more times until Kori slipped up, and Rela’s smacked his arm. Kori squealed in pain and dropped his sword, holding his aching arm.
“Ooooow! Rela! You hit me!” He cried, tears forming in his eyes.
“Oh you’re fine. This is why we train with wooden swords, so we don’t end up killing each other!” She took a step forward, her arms crossed. “If it were the real deal, you would’ve lost your arm.”
Kori huffed angrily at her. “I’m telling Gramma!”
Rela’s eyes went big, her tough demeanor dropping instantly, and she quickly jumped in front of Kori as he went to leave the spring. “N-no no no! Please don’t tell my ma! I’m so sorry Kori!”
Kori ignored his aunt’s begging, trying to push past her.
“Wait! Kori! We can play with our toys now, ok? We can do whatever you want! In fact—here!” Rela grabbed Kori and put her sword in his hand. “You can hit me back! Just please don’t tell my ma!”
Kori glared at her as she kept grabbing his arm, then he bit her hand. Rela shrieked and pulled her hand back, giving Kori a horrified look.
“You bit me!”
“Well you said I could hurt you back!”
“I said you could hit me back, not bite me!”
Kori crossed his arms and turned away. “Well you wouldn’t stop grabbing me! I’m tired of playin’ with swords! I’m going back home!”
Kori marched through the water, feeling Rela’s glare at the back of his head. He suddenly felt water splash onto his head, and he gasped as his clothes and hair got fully drenched. He spun around at Rela and snarled at her.
“What? You were wet anyways,” Rela said.
“That’s it!” Kori screamed as he charged at the Rela, and the two started to grapple and become tangled with each other. Rela was much older and stronger than Kori was, so she easily pinned him down, but he kept biting her hands which caused her to pull back.
“Stop biting me!” She yelled.
“Well stop pulling at my hair!” Kori yelled back as she tugged at his hair. The two wrestled for a while longer until they were interrupted.
“What are you two doing?”
The kids stopped and looked up at Uli who was glaring at the two. She was panting and her hands were balled up, a fire in her eyes as she watched the two kids. The two quickly scrambled to their feet, staring at her guiltily. Uli relaxed a little, then glanced at the bridge past Ordon worriedly.
“You kids aren’t supposed to be out here,” she scolded, walking towards the two.
“We’re still in Ordon,” Rela sassed, but she quickly straightened herself out with a glare from Uli. “I-I mean… you said we had to stay in Ordon so… we are still… here… in Ordon.”
“No, you’re staying in the village itself. We’re not gonna be out by the spring or by Kori’s house, ok?”
Rela and Kori glanced at each other.
“Why?” Kori asked, trying not to sound rude or sassy.
“Because it’s too far from the others. If something were to happen, no one would know. Now come on,” Uli gestured to the village with her head, and Kori and Rela quickly followed.
“I hope you two have done your chores,” Uli started as they walked past Kori’s home, “it’s pretty early in the morning, is it not?”
Rela gave Kori a worried look, then looked down guiltily. “Um…. We did some…”
Uli sighed. “Why did you do some and not all?”
Rela huffed and jogged in front of her ma. “Because! I know there’s a monster out there hurting people! It attacked pa and Link! I just want to make sure me and Kori are strong enough for when it attacks again!”
Uli stopped and gave Rela a sad yet proud look. “Rela, it’ll be fine. Your pa and Link are taking care of it, while Colin and the others are protecting Ordon. You don’t have to be responsible for our safety.”
“I know you’re excited to use your sword techniques your pa taught you, but it’s not enough. For now—just—focus on your chores, ok?”
Rela pouted and glumly walked to her house, her head hanging. Kori stood by his gramma, leaning his head against her leg. She chuckled and ruffled his hair.
“Did you do your chores today, Kori?”
Kori pursed his lips. Rela had lied about them doing some of their chores. They actually did none of their chores. But unlike Rela, Kori was a horrible liar.
“N-no… we didn’t do anything,” he mumbled, but then quickly added, “I mean, I didn't do anything! Rela did though!”
Uli gave him a soft smile. “You don’t have to cover for Rela, dear. I know she was lying.”
Uli let out a loud sigh and rubbed her head. “Go and do your chores dear, luckily there’s not a whole lot for you to do since you’re not at home right now.”
Excitement swelled within Kori and he nodded. He heard his gramma giggle as he ran to the home, barged into his room, and ran past Rela who was grumbling to herself. He quickly picked up his area in his grandparent’s home, plucked the weeds in the gardens, and collected the ripe fruit, though there wasn’t a lot. There wasn’t much else for him to do—he couldn’t help Fado with the goats since he was too small, and he couldn’t clean up his home since he wasn’t allowed in there. So he started to wander around Ordon, watching the villagers go about their day. He couldn’t help but focus on Coro, the man who started staying with Fado. Kori had rarely talked to Coro before, and the man’s carefree attitude and animals that hung around enticed him. But Kori was too shy to approach the strange man—he didn’t know how Coro would react to him.
The best way for Kori to learn more about Coro was to sneakily follow him around Ordon. It was always easy for Kori to stalk the humans in Ordon; their round ears didn’t pick up on sounds like his and his papa’s did, so he followed the man around for a while without being noticed. He watched Coro simply sit by the pond for a long time, talking to his funny bird pet who chattered to him back. Smaller birds floated around his head, and even nestled inside it, and the cuccos trotted around him. Kori wondered if birds generally liked him, and how he could make birds like him as well.
Kori’s stalking didn’t go unnoticed forever, however, and Coro spotted him hiding behind a bush. The two made eye contact, and Kori ducked for cover, but it was already too late.
“Uh, hello,” Coro called out awkwardly, and Kori shyly popped up from the bushes. Coro smiled gently and gestured for him to come closer. “No reason to hide, tiny guy.”
Kori looked behind him and shuffled over to the strange man.
“Hi,” he greeted quietly, and the parrot resting on Coro’s knee squawked a greeting back. Kori jumped at the sudden sound and Coro chuckled.
“Trill, you don’t need to be that loud,” he said.
“Sorry,” the bird squawked, not any quieter than before. Kori giggled slightly and held his hand out to Trill.
“Careful, he might peck at you,” Coro warned, and Kori drew his hand back, giving Coro a guilty look. Coro reached up and gently grabbed the smaller birds in his hair and offered it to Kori. “These guys are much nicer.”
Kori smiled and offered his hand again, and the tiny bird peeped, hopping into it. Kori giggled at the tickling feeling of its tiny feet against his palm and gently stroked its little head.
“That one is named Chickie,” Coro started to explain, “he was born not too long ago.”
Kori’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yep! His family is here somewhere,” Coro started digging around in his hair, pulling out different tiny birds from the nest on his hair and showing them to Kori. He made a whistling sound and the birds floated over to Kori and landed on his arms and head. Kori froze, feeling the tiny talons lightly digging into his skin. Coro chuckled again. “They’re friendly! Don’t worry.”
Kori grinned and watched the birds hop around, giggling as they tickled him when they moved.
“Yeah, Trill here is nice enough, but you need to be careful. He can be a little aggressive if you freak him out,” Coro explained, petting Trill gently. “He’s had so many people steal from him, he has to be aggressive, you know?” Kori nodded seriously. “Apparently, a few years ago, some green guy kept stealing his lamp oil and red potion, no matter how many times he fought back! Can you believe that? What kind of horrible person steals from a bird?”
Kori nodded again. His pa always taught him to not steal, so he knew to take that very seriously. One of the birds flew back to Coro’s nest-hair so Kori allowed the others to return as well.
“Um, thank you for letting me hold your birds,” Kori mumbled, and Coro grinned.
“Of course! It’s easy to be scared of animals, especially birds, but I always think we should be more understanding of them. It’s best to learn young, anyway!” Coro lifted the smaller birds to his hair and gave Kori a look. “So… if you don’t mind me asking, tiny guy, what exactly are you?”
Kori thought for a moment. “A Twilian.”
Coro frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. Well, it’s nice to officially meet you, tiny guy.”
Kori nodded excitedly. “My name is Kori.”
“I’m Coro.” He offered his hand to Kori and he gingerly took it, letting Coro shake their hands. Coro pulled away and went back to petting Trill. “Do you like animals, Kori? I assume that’s why you decided to follow me.”
“Oh! Yeah, I love animals.”
“What’s your favorite animal?”
“I love kitties.”
Coro smiled warmly. “I think I saw kitties by Sera’s shop, did you see them?”
Kori nodded, but a sense of dread entered him when he thought about Sera. He hadn’t seen the kitties in a while.
“That’s good, they’re so cute and tiny,” Coro continued when Kori didn’t say anything. “But I’m more of a bird person myself. I forget how great the cuccos are here in Ordon.”
Kori nodded again and looked around him, spotting Rela who was stomping around the village. They made eye contact and his aunt began to angrily stomp towards him. Uh-oh.
“I think cuccos are misunderstood creatures,” Coro continued to ramble, not caring if Kori was paying attention or not. “As long as you respect them, they respect you. That’s why you should always treat animals with respect. Because respect is a two-way path and—”
“Kori!” Rela shouted when she got close enough and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be doin’ chores?”
Kori glanced at Coro who was still rambling about animals. “I got them all done! There wasn’t a whole lot since I’m not at home right now.”
Rela huffed and said a bad word under her breath. “W-well, help me with mine so I can get done!”
Kori scrunched up his face. “I’m not gonna do your chores! You have to do them yourself!”
“But what will you do? You’ll be sooo bored.”
Kori gestured to Coro who finally stopped talking and was observing the two kids. Rela squinted her eyes and faced him fully.
“Weren’t you the guy who came here crying like a baby?” She sneered.
“Yes,” Coro said simply. “And if you saw what I saw, you’d be crying like a baby too.”
Rela seemed surprised at the response and she turned away, her arms crossed. “Well, Kori needs to help me with my chores so we can hang out—”
“No I don’t!” Kori shouted.
“Yes you do! You still need more training!”
Kori groaned. “We’ve been training all morning! I don’t want to do that!”
Coro glanced between the two. “Training? For what?”
Rela gave him a look but once again faced him. “Training to protect Ordon of course!”
Coro’s eyes widened and he nodded slowly. “Ok.”
“So I need to get done as soon as possible so we can keep training and—” Rela’s eyes widened and her hands shot up to her head. “Oh no! The swords!”
Kori raised an eyebrow and Rela suddenly grabbed his hands, pulling him away from Coro.
“H-hey, wha—Bye!” Kori called out to Coro, and the man waved back. “Rela! What’s going on?”
“I left the swords at the spring!” Rela cried. “They’re gonna get ruined in the water! And pa will be so mad if he finds out I left them soaked!”
Kori tried to pull free from her grip, but she was too strong. “But we’re not supposed to go to the spring!”
Rela stopped and spun around to face Kori. “We won’t be gone for too long, ok? We’re just gonna grab them and come right back! But I need to get those before they’re ruined forever!”
Kori frowned but was immediately grabbed and pulled behind Rela again. The two sprinted towards the spring, Kori feeling more and more anxious as he looked around the forest. Every bone in his body was telling him to leave and that he wasn’t supposed to be there. But he continued to follow Rela, not wanting either of them to be left alone in these woods. They made it to the spring and Rela sprinted to the water, grabbing the soaked wooden swords.
“Thank the spirits I remembered these!” She said, relieved. “Hopefully they’re not ruined…”
Kori stared at the wooden swords and sighed. “Can we go back now? We’re not supposed to be here.”
Rela rolled her eyes. “Ok, yes we can go.”
The two kids started to leave the spring, but Kori heard a strange noise. He frowned and turned his head to hear it better. It sounded like the trotting of a horse. He found himself wandering closer to the bridge, and he spotted something walking towards him and Rela.
“What is it?” His aunt asked, but Kori was frozen. Whether it was of fear or anticipation, he didn’t know, but he couldn’t move his eyes off of the moving figure. As the figure got closer, he recognized it as a rider on a horse, and he got filled with excitement.
“PAPA!” He shouted, running across the bridge and towards the horse. But as he got closer, he realized that the horse was not Epona, and the man riding the horse was neither his grandpa nor his papa. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the strange man with wide eyes, and the rider stopped, the five other horses and men stopping as well. The man stared back at Kori, his green eyes observing him. Rela caught up to Kori and quickly got in front of him, glaring at the man.
“Hello,” he greeted, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“What do you want?” Rela spat, and Kori was surprised at her hostility towards an adult.
“Easy now, me and my men are just investigating some disappearances,” he explained. He hopped off his horse and took off his helmet. The man had brown hair that stopped beneath his chin, and Kori noticed his delicately pointed ears that labeled him a Hylian. His tan brown skin made his emerald eyes stick out and his mustache was curled up in a gentle smile. He bowed his head slightly with his right hand over his heart. “My name is Hoz, I am the captain of the Hylian guard. I just have some questions I need to ask the villagers near this area. May I speak with the adults there?”
Rela puffed her chest and crossed her arms. “You can speak to us.”
Hoz stared at her for a moment, then glanced at the soldiers behind him. “Uh… I’d prefer to speak to an adult. Where are your parents?”
Rela frowned. “We can speak just fine!”
Hoz began to look around, noticeably uncomfortable. “Right, well, is your village just down the trail?”
“I’m not telling you!” Rela yelled.
“Yes,” Kori answered softly. Rela spun around and shot him a glare while Hoz smiled warmly.
“Thank you. It’s quite a long walk isn’t it? Would you kids like to hitch a ride on my mount?” He gestured to his large speckled horse, but Rela quickly shook her head.
“My parents told me I shouldn’t ride with strangers.”
Hoz chuckled and bowed his head again. “Understood.”
“Hey now! You can’t go to the village!” Rela hopped in front of him as he started to move, pointing her wooden sword at him. “We’re on high alert right now! There’s somethin’ out in the woods, so me and Kori are here to keep it safe! You got that?”
Hoz’s eyes widened at the wooden sword and he gently redirected the sword and started to walk forward. “I promise we mean no harm to your village—”
Rela repointed her sword at him. Hoz took a deep breath and moved it again.
“We’re just investigating some disappearances and—” Rela insisted with her sword once again, and he gave up on moving past it. “Whatever information your parents may have will be useful for the protection of Hyrule.”
Rela squinted her eyes and Kori heard the soldiers behind Hoz groan.
“Will you just move, you little brat?” One of them called out, and Hoz shot them a warning glare.
“Listen, we don’t have time for this,” Hoz sighed, rubbing his eyes. “You said there was something in the woods, correct?”
Rela squinted her eyes, not saying anything. Kori walked up to Hoz and the captain glanced at him.
“I think my papa was attacked by a monster,” he said softly, and Hoz’s eyes went big.
“What monster?” Hoz asked, kneeling at Kori’s level.
Kori shrugged, staring at the ground. He heard more footsteps and he looked up, noticing Colin jogging towards the group.
“What’s going on?” His uncle asked, eyeing the soldiers with a threatening glare. Hoz stood up and gave him a slight bow, looking relieved.
“Hello my good sir, my name is Hoz. I am the captain for the Hylian guard.”
Colin's eyes widened and he nodded. “R-right, of course,” he turned his attention to the kids and grabbed Rela. “What are you doing out here? You’re supposed to be in the village!”
“I left the wooden swords in the spring!” Rela defended herself, gesturing to them.
Colin rolled his eyes and turned to Hoz. “I’m so sorry about my little sister and nephew, they’re not supposed to be out here.”
Hoz waved his apology away. “It’s no trouble. I’m just glad that…” he gave Rela a look, then cleared his throat, “I’m just glad that I can speak with an adult.”
Rela made an offended noise and Colin pushed her behind him.
“Of course! What do you need?”
Hoz straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “These men and I were requested by Queen Zelda to find information on disappearances that have been happening throughout Hyrule. I just wanted to ask if you knew any information on this.”
Kori watched the gears in his uncle’s head turning. Were these disappearances what Barnes was talking about? Colin ran his fingers through his hair and nodded.
“Yes, actually I think I do.”
Hoz’s eyes widened and his polite demeanor dropped instantly. He ran up to Colin and grabbed his arm. “You do? What did you find?” Colin leaned back slightly and Hoz quickly jumped back. “A-apologies. I just… I’ve been searching for a while and haven’t found anything.”
Colin smiled nervously. “I understand.” He glanced at Kori and Rela, then looked up at the captain. “My pa and brother were attacked by a monster a couple of nights ago.”
Hoz stared for a moment, almost looking disappointed. “A monster? Is that it?”
“It‘s not an ordinary monster,” Colin looked back at Kori and Rela again and stepped closer to the captain, speaking so softly that Kori could barely hear him. “Do you remember the twilight invasion, with the black beasts roaming Hyrule?”
Hoz’s eyes widened. “I do remember. They stormed the castle. I could’ve lost my life if Zelda had not surrendered.”
Colin nodded and Rela gave Kori a confused look, hoping he knew what they were saying. Kori almost wished he didn’t; black beasts roaming Hyrule… it sounded terrifying.
“My pa and brother were attacked by one in Faron woods a couple of nights ago. It could still be here, or it could’ve moved around,” Colin continued, looking around at the trees nervously. “But it’s what’s taking these people. I don’t know what it’s doing to them, but it can’t be anything good.”
Hoz nodded and smiled at him, resting his hand on his shoulder. “Thank you, young man. For once, we actually have a lead now!” He turned around to his men and nodded, gesturing to Faron. “We’ll investigate these woods, the rest of you should remain indoors—“
“No no no, wait,” Colin moved in front of Hoz, stopping him in his tracks. “I don’t think you should go hunting for it. It’s… it’s dangerous.”
“I know,” Hoz said, “I fought several of them and I don’t think I ever killed one. They were always revived before my very eyes.” Hoz glanced at the children. “But I think me and five other men can handle one.”
Colin shook his head, once again stopping the captain. “My older brother fought and killed hundreds of them. He couldn’t even defeat this one. It’s more dangerous; you need a plan.”
Hoz frowned. “Who is your brother may I ask?”
Colin fidgeted slightly and pursed his lips. “He—he’s the hero of Hyrule, sir.”
Hoz stared blankly, then he let out an exasperated sigh. “Alright.”
“I’m not lying!”
“I didn’t say you were lying,” he quickly defended, but his tone didn’t convince Colin. Kori’s uncle gave him a glare, clearly using his taller height to try to intimidate the man, but the captain didn’t waver. “Look, I know a hero of Hyrule existed during the twilight invasion; who else would’ve saved Hyrule if not?”
“Then what’s your issue?” Colin pressed, and Hoz finally began to shift uncomfortably.
“I–I… It’s nothing,” Hoz let out a sigh and looked around. “Show me where this monster was spotted. Me and my men will take care of it.”
Colin pursed his lips, the gears turning in his head as he thought of what to do next, but he finally relaxed and started moving towards Faron Woods.
“It was by a house in front of the caves where it was first spotted,” he started to explain, Hoz following on foot. Kori glanced at Rela who started walking with Colin, a determined look in her eye as she clutched her wooden sword. “It moved around as my older brother and pa fought it though, so I can’t promise it’s still there.”
“That’s quite alright, we can make do,” Hoz said, an excited gleam in his eye. The group was silent as they marched through the woods, and they stopped right outside a house. Kori had seen this place before, but he never visited it. He wondered if Coro lived here.
“Well… Uh… here it is,” Colin said awkwardly, gesturing to the home. “Faron Woods in general is where it was, but this place is where they found it.”
“Fascinating,” Hoz muttered, his eyes fixated on the home as he walked towards it. “Men, look around and let me know if you find anything.” He turned to Colin. “You may return home if you wish. We’ll handle this.”
Colin sighed and nodded, turning to Kori and Rela who stood watching. He began to nudge them back towards Ordon, keeping them from moving away from him.
“You two should’ve gone back home,” he scolded, his hand never leaving Kori’s back.
“But I want to help fight a monster!” Rela protested, but Colin shook his head.
“Trust me, Rela, you are not ready to fight this monster,” he said, a nervous look in his eyes. “I don’t know if these guys will be ready to fight it either….” Colin’s voice trailed off and he stared at the grass with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Rela grumbled and crossed her arms, glaring at the grass as well. Kori only stared ahead, spotting the Faron spring coming into view. But as he got a better view, he noticed something that made him freeze in fear.
A large, black creature stood out from the bright, colorful spring. Arms hung awkwardly on its back as it paced the holy waters, and it turned to the group, with its yellow teeth being the only visible facial feature. Kori felt Colin’s hand grip on his shirt, and he was slowly pulled backwards away from the beast.
“What are you doing?” Rela yelled, annoyed, but Colin shushed her, his eyes never leaving the beast. She squirmed in his hold and Colin gripped her tighter.
“Rela, stop moving!” He hissed, his voice shaking slightly as they backed away.
“Let go of me!” Rela began to shout louder, and Colin quickly put his hand on her mouth. The black beast began to move closer to them, moving just as slow as they were. Rela squealed as she was muffled, but it turned into a gasp when she noticed the monster. The beast got low, and Colin let go of the two, shoving them back towards where Hoz was.
“RUN! NOW!” He shouted, and Kori’s adrenaline spiked, causing him to sprint. He fell behind Rela quickly, and he felt like he wanted to sob, but Colin kept nudging his back. He heard crashing behind them, but he didn’t dare look. He saw Hoz who looked startled at the sudden action, and Kori gasped as he tripped over his own skirt. He felt Colin lean over him protectively, hugging him close to shield him from the monster. Kori twisted his neck to look behind him, and he saw the beast snarling down on them, black spit pouring out of its mouth. He curled into Colin who had his sword drawn, but his uncle was shaking uncontrollably.
“Good goddesses!” Hoz exclaimed, his own sword being drawn. Kori heard the men let out a battle cry as they charged the creature, and Colin finally scrambled to his feet with Kori in his arms. He was looking behind his uncle as he ran, and saw the black beast swatting away the soldiers as if they were annoying flies. Some of the soldiers who were hit got back up and ran away, soon leaving Hoz alone to fight the beast.
“Get back here, you cowards!” Hoz yelled as he dodged a swipe from the creature, and Colin reached Rela who was crying. He set him down next to her and gestured to the house.
“Hide yourselves in there, ok? I’m gonna go help him,” he said quickly before giving the two a quick hug. Kori felt himself freeze up again as he watched Colin run towards the monster distracted by Hoz. He didn’t know what to do; he was too scared to move. He just wanted his papa.
Rela grabbed his arm and ran into the home, trying to move the boxes in front of the door while Kori stood there shaking. She shifted the home around to the best of her ability, straining to move the heavy boxes to the door.
“Kori, help me!” She cried, but Kori couldn’t move. Rela was only able to move a couple of boxes to the door, with a chair under the handle, and she finally pulled Kori into a cupboard, hugging him close as they stared wide-eyed in the darkness. Kori heard the muffled shouts of men along with roars from the monster. He cried quietly with his head against Rela’s, the sounds becoming agonizing to his long ears. It felt like hours that they were in the cupboard, fear of being found making Kori feel sick, but it eventually went silent. He glanced up and stared, straining his ears to hear something, anything. But it was silent.
“What is it?” Rela whispered, her voice shaking. Kori continued to listen, and he screamed when he heard loud banging on the door. Rela slapped her hand on his mouth and the two whimpered and shook as the banging continued. Kori curled further into Rela, trying to keep himself from sobbing. There was one more loud bang, then a crash of Rela’s makeshift barricade, then groans from two men.
“Rela? Kori?” The two heard Colin call out, and they scrambled out of the cupboard, ramming into Colin’s legs. Colin melted to the floor and hugged the two, a sigh of relief escaping him. “Thank the spirits,” he muttered in Rela’s hair.
“W-what happened?” Rela asked after pulling away. “Did you kill that monster?”
Colin sighed and shook his head. “No, but we led it away.”
“One of my men distracted it further into the woods,” Hoz continued to explain, staring anxiously out the door. “Glad to know that they’re useful for something.”
Colin gave him a look and stood up. “Shadow beasts are terrifying, give them more grace.”
“They are terrifying,” Hoz growled, stepping further into the home. “I fought them when they first invaded the castle ten years ago. I know how they work and what they are. But it is my duty to protect Hyrule, and it is their duty as well!” He turned away in a huff and looked outside again while Colin remained quiet. “I will not give them grace. If they didn’t want to be soldiers of Hyrule, then they should’ve stayed in the comfort of their home.”
Colin sighed and stood up. “Well, we’re not safe here. Let me take my sister and nephew back to Ordon, and I’ll help you chase after it.”
Hoz’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Very well. These young ones do not need to see such action.” He gave them a sympathetic look.
“Yeah, I saw a shadow beast when I was about nine,” Colin muttered, ruffling Kori and Rela’s hair. “It’s terrifying… I know it.”
Hoz hummed. “Yet you still came to my aid when my own men abandoned me.” he let out a chuckle. “You are the bravest man I’ve ever met.”
“O-Oh! W-well… I don’t know about that,” Colin laughed nervously, beginning to nudge Kori and Rela out the door.
“No, without a doubt. Your courage exceeds most of the soldiers of Hyrule! Have you ever considered joining the guard?”
Colin let out a sigh and drew his sword, watching the trees with unease as Kori and Rela stuck to his legs. “L-look, there are more important things right now.”
“Right,” Hoz cleared his throat and walked out of the house, his own sword drawn. “Let’s get these children home, then.”
The group quietly walked through the woods; despite it being light out, Kori couldn’t help but feel the danger of a shadow lurking in the corners. He kept his eyes sharp, looking for anything that moved. They reached the Faron spring and Kori hugged Colin’s legs tighter. It was uncomfortably silent, but from a distance, Kori heard the sounds of screams. Hoz seemed to pick up on it as well, and he looked around him, a worried look on his face. Colin and Rela seemed none the wiser, however, and they continued onward. A snap of a twig filled the air, and he felt Colin tense as a horse burst through the entrance with a distressed whinny.
“Penelope!” Hoz called out, and stopped her from charging, attempting to calm her down. But right behind the horse, a soldier came running before falling to the ground.
“C-captain!” He cried, and he screamed as he was pulled away. “Help me!”
Hoz ran to him, but he slipped from his fingers as the large shadow beast lifted the squirming soldier. Kori gasped when he saw other soldiers inside its abundant hands—one having two uncomfortably squished together. The shadow beast observed the soldier, but its gaze turned, and it fully faced Kori. Though it had no eyes, he could practically feel its gaze burning through him. He whimpered and hugged Colin tighter. Were they going to die?
The shadow beast dropped the soldier in its hand and charged at Kori. He let out a scream as Colin grabbed him and Rela and attempted to dodge the beast. They were successful in not being trampled, but the beast’s hand snagged Kori, and he laid in between the monster and Colin. He was frozen while laying on the ground, too scared to move and too scared to cry as the beast faced him again. It went in for another charge, but Hoz scooped Kori up and ran out of the way. Kori didn’t comprehend that he was being lifted onto the horse that charged through, and the captain dragged Colin and Rela to the horse as well.
“Young man, get to Castle town, tell Queen Zelda and King Edmund about this. I’ll hold it off.”
Colin climbed onto the horse with Kori in front and Rela behind, and he frowned at Hoz. “I can’t just leave you!”
“You must protect these little ones.” Hoz turned to see the shadow beast recovering from its second failure. The soldier it dropped earlier charged at it, and Hoz turned back to Colin. “What’s your name, young man?”
“I—Colin, sir.”
“I’ll never forget your courage, Colin. Now go! Tell her Highness about this!” Hoz hit Penelope’s behind and she took off running. Kori turned behind him to see Hoz draw his sword, facing the shadow beast with his one remaining soldier, the others remaining in its hands. Kori faced the front and let out a sob, wanting so badly to go back home to his stuffed animals with his papa and mommy holding him. Colin’s arms wrapped around him and he gave him a small peck on the head.
“It’ll be ok, Kori,” he said, his voice shaking as the horse ran through the woods, the trees looking like a blur of green and brown. Kori closed his eyes, praying to the light spirits and goddesses of Hyrule that he’d soon be waking up in his home, with this nightmare behind him.
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bubbleddisasters · 2 days
Bored SO
What Genshin Vision and Weapon I think Each TWST Character would have!
(I’m going solely off Vision Requirements/Traits (Ex: Anemo = Desire for Freedom) so some may seem different then expected)
Anemo= Desire for Freedom, often but not always accompanied with the loss of a loved one.
Geo = Strong and Unwavering in pursuing their ideals, beliefs and goals.
Electro : Eternal Determination/ Those who may be seen as strange, but will not change themselves for others.
Dendro: The Desire for Knowledge, (Plus Human Connections.)
Hydro: A strong sense of Justice and Protection/Care of others.
Pyro : Dedicating their life to their Passion.
Cryo : Resolution in moment of conflict.
Riddle: Pyro or Anemo, Sword: I believe that as his mom wanted him to be a healer, which is usually Dendro or Hydro, and Riddles Passion for Order and/or Desire for Freedom and loosing his friends granting him the opposite, could be very good additional angst material. Also Swords are elegant, and the Original Beheading weapon.. Hehe.
Ace : Geo, Hydro or Electro, Bow: I think Ace fits both Unwavering Beliefs and Not changing themselves for others very well, but also Justice and Care extremely well in Book 1.
I think it would be also amazing for him to get his vision right as he gave his speech after punching Riddle. Hydro could also be very interesting and seeing Riddle be Jealous of it, as it Represents Justice and Care, and its what his mother wanted him to get, adding another layer of rage to it all, plus aiding in dowsing Riddles Flames.
Bow wise, I think the term an “Ace Shooter” was fun irony, as well as “Trick shot”
Deuce: Cryo, Claymore: You all should have seen this coming. Got it when he decided to better himself for his mother’s sake. Geo also works I suppose. Claymore because duh. Plus it would be a fun comparison to Ace having the most lightweight physical weapon.
(Chongyun 🤝 Deuce
Cryo Claymores with Hydro Boyfriends who like to prank them)
Cater: Anemo, Spear: I won’t go into full detail, but if you know Caters backstory, you know damn well why I chose Desire for Freedom. Spear doubles as a Selfie stick, would have atleast one attack similar to Charlotte’s.
Trey: Dendro, Cataylst: Trey mentions wanting to learn all kinds of desserts, and as the mediator, fits the human connections piece well. Catalyst either paints the enemy or throws baking materials / Bakes the Enemy/Decorates them.
Leona: Dendro, Spear: I can’t explain it, but Dendro just fits him very well, specifically the knowledge piece. Also Spear because its lighter weight and has range + if you’re especially good at it could probably be used while lying down. Lazy ass Lion.
Ruggie: Geo, Bow : When I tell you he was extremely pissed upon receiving his—Anyway, this man perfectly embodies unwavering determination for their goals.
Like pre-mentioned, was extremely pissed because he originally thought it was useless compared to Hydro or Dendro, but that changed when he realized he could make shelter for the people on his street and also get alot of high paying construction jobs easier.
Bow is lightweight, and easier to use while running away aslong as you have good aim.
Jack : Hydro, Claymore: Justice and Care is literally half or more of his Savanaclaw ark. It fits Jack so insanely well (or Geo but shhh). I think Hydro would be sweet because everyone expects him to have Geo because it’s tough and strong, but sike. He uses it to water his cactuses and to cool off / Hydrate during workouts. Claymore because the guy is a walking gunshow he can lift that thing with one hand.
Floyd : Electro, Catalyst: So far the hardest to choose, but also being considered strange yet refusing to change for others is very Floyd. Physical DMG Catalyst like Wrio or Heizou, I pray for the enemy. Like:
Floyd : “I’m as cold as a lion with no hair: If you ever see me fighting in the forest with a Mitichurl, HELP THE CHURL. Cause that b*tch gon need it-“
Jade: Dendro, Sword: Knowledge and Jade go hand in hand. Also his plant obsession makes this funnier. Sword is very elegant but deadly, that also fits Jade. Electro is also an option, but considering the OG Flotsam and Jetsam died via Electrocution—Oh the Irony if both of them were Electro
Azul : Anemo, Geo or Cryo, Catalyst: Desired freedom from bulling and torment? , Unwavering Determination to reach goals? Conflict and Resolution? Yea. I would go with Dendro cause knowledge, but didn’t feel as fitting. Catalyst because obviously.
Anemo could help him in the water to swim faster, and blow away Jade and Floyd as kids, but they kept coming back so he gave up. Cryo or Geo to make a octopus pot but they blew it open.
Kalim: Pyro, Dendro or Hydro, Catalyst or Spear: Passion suits Kalim incredibly, but so does Human Connections and the desire for knowledge to help others. Hydro fits in the care department, but not as much in justice.
Alot of his attacks would be similar to Yun Jin or Nilou (Dancers with Spears vibes) but I imagine his skill or run is just running people over with the magic carpet and you get to fly without stamina issues (5 star type perks lmao)
Jamil : Anemo, Spear or Sword: Desire for Freedom?!?! Thats Jamils Ark in a nutshell. Friend loss? Kalim when they were kids. (Because his parents made him stop being friends with Kalim and focus on his duties as a servant to him). I think Jamil having a Scimitar like the ones in the original Aladdin movie or a spear similar to Jafars staff would be a fun reference.
Epel : Anemo or Dendro, Claymore: Desire for Freedom coming from his own insecurities on his appearance or Desiring the Knowledge to Change it. Literally hated his vision for a long time, thought wind/nature powers were kinda stupid, useless in a fight and girly until Vil rocked his shit with Dendro in the OB fight.
Can barely lift the Claymore but by god will he try. (Similar to Razors attacks like the guy is trying his best but the claymore literally almost sends him flying)
(A bow is also a fun option and he would definitely pull a Childe and just hit the enemy with the bow itself.
Catalyst he just throws rotten / poison apples at the enemy. )
Rook: Electro, or Pyro, Bow: Strange but would never change for someone else? Rook. Passion? Also kinda Rook. I could see him receiving his vision at his first play, and using his hat to dim the light so it didn’t affect the actors and other watchers. Bow was also an obvious choice.
Has a skill that reveals all hidden quests available and how to access them.
Vil : Dendro, Catalyst : The Desire for Knowledge to attain Beauty. Saw Epel hating on Dendro Visions and took it personally. Catalyst because he can’t bother to get his hands dirty.
Idia: Anemo, Catalyst or Claymore: Desire for Freedom and Dead person you cared for? Check. Found it on his bedside when he woke up after Orthos death and called it “a Pity Prize” for him surviving. Completely pulling a Silver Wolf with the Digital / Glitch like attacks and if he has a Claymore, a Kaveh, although his little skull thing would be his Merhak.
Ortho: Non Specific (until after book 6, then Dendro), Catalyst or Bow: Kinda Similar to the Traveler, but you’d have to get into Ignihyde and use a disc drive to change his. If after Ignihyde chaps, Dendro. Similar to Nahida, Desiring Knowledge of Humans. Shoots literal laser beams at enemies.
Malleus: Dendro, Catalyst: Like Ortho, Desiring Knowledge of Humans, and from Human (I guess in this case just emotional) Connections. Specifically one day after building up the courage to hug Lilia after he helped him find Gargoyles around a town. (Accidentally called him Father in that moment, and then the Vision Appeared)
Catalyst….duh. I can see the attacks either being fireflies or mini Dragons (like how Baizhus is snakes)
Lilia: Cryo or Anemo, Bow, Claymore, Sword or Catalyst (I don’t have a bias to Catalysts I swear) : Got his after Melanors Death (F) or Malleus Hatching, and like how its mentioned Venti was once a Catalyst user in lore, and puts his bow away like one, Lilia does pretty much the same, but puts it away like a Sword.
Catalyst wise, definitely physical, bro is bouncing off the enemy and teleporting around them, same if sword. Claymore would be fucking hilarious because this tiny man having a fast attack speed while using a weapon almost the size of him is just generally hilarious. Has an attack similar to Fischls Oz , except it is instead a Bat, and yes you can fly / teleport with him.
Also like Raiden, the game prevents you from cooking as him / all the meals you make will be suspicious ones.
Silver: Hydro, Sword: Justice and Care? Silver. Definitely. Sword also seems pretty obvious, and definitely has an ability that not only has wild animals not running from you, but will come closer to you if in the area.
Sebek: Electro or Geo , Sword or Claymore: Eternal Determination and not changing for others is very Sebek, but so is Unwavering Determination to reach goals, and I think Sword and Claymore are both Obvious.
Che’nya : Electro, Catalyst: Not Changing for Others fits this wacko so well. Catalyst because obviously. His E skill makes you invisible to the enemy and wild creatures. Enemy wise, scares the shit out of them and does 80% extra damage if you hit them from behind with it.
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idontplaytrack · 3 days
Can I get some cute, pouty!Janis x reader? Maybe Janis wants readers attention and when she doesn't get it right away, she gets pouty
Those Lips
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, some coarse language, make out scene
Janis just wants a kiss from her girl
Very short little drabble🥲
“y/n.” You heard from behind you. However, you, were focused on your book in hand. And you didn’t really care to turn around She stops behind you, leaning against your chair, peeking over your head to see what you were doing. You were absolutely engrossed in the book that even though you felt her presence— obviously, you didn’t react to it. You didn’t react to it the way that she’d hoped for you to.
“Yeah?” You responded a few seconds later, you feel her chin on your head.
“Babe.” She says.
Several seconds later, came an absentminded, “What?”
You were starting to get distracted, especially now that she had an arm locked around your chest. You squirm, she holds you tighter. She chuckles, “I’m not letting you get away that easy~”
You sigh, the air expelling from your lips evidently. You feel the vibrations of her laughter on your head, she still had her chin rested against it. “I could do this all day.” She continues.
“This? You can stand here until I finish my book? With your arm around me?”
Another chuckle. She tells you, “We’ll see. We’ll see if you lose first, or…”
“Or, what?” You couldn’t help but let out a harsh exhale trying not to laugh.
“Or if I’ll be the one who gives up first and leave you alone.” She shrugs, but you picked up on the change in tone at the end of her sentence. Janis was…pouty.
So yes, sometimes you do this on purpose because you wanted to see her pouting. It was fucking cute. You were trying to hold it together, you didn’t want to give in that easily and prove her right. Not right now.
“Aw.” She says quietly.
“What?” You asked aloud, gripping onto your book, debating whether or not to shut it and give in. You still held the pages open, eyes flicking back down onto the page.
“Nothing, baby.” She presses a kiss to the top of your head, “You’re just so cute. Just admiring you, my girl.”
Stop it. Gosh.
Oh, whatever. You shut the book after sliding a bookmark in between the two pages you were stopped at. “Okay, Jan.” You exhaled harshly, “What can I do?”
“I wanna kiss you.” She grins. You nearly snorted, “So?”
She pouts, but couldn’t hide that smile for long. “Just kiss me, then.” You shrug.
“Okay.” She agrees and sat in your lap, then her lips were on yours the next second. Your arm instinctively wrapped around her, kissing her back. She giggles, breaking away from it several seconds later, “I love you.”
“I know.” You joked. She attacks you with another kiss. You chuckle into it, saying, “I love you more.”
“Really?” She asks, forehead leaning against yours, “Not as much as I love you.”
“That’s bull.” You kissed her this time.
“Keep going, babe.” Janis returns the gesture, “Fuck, I could kiss those lips forever.”
“Be my guest, ku'uipo.”
“Oh, fuck.” She laughs against your lips, making you swallow harshly, “I’m gonna hold you to that.”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 1
This arc is massive, so it’s going to be split into 2 or 3 parts as well as being abridged.
-You were curious about this new area you were sailing to, after rescuing Sanji from Whole Cake Island- Ace told you that this country is called Wano.
-You smiled brightly, “That’s where Momo is from, right?” he ruffled your hair softly, praising you for remembering as Nami was looking at her map of the country, trying to figure out the safest route in without getting too much attention.
-When you sailed through a massive storm, Brook put you inside the gally, “Stay inside for now Y/N- we don’t want you going overboard. I won’t be able to save you since I will sink!” he finished with a laugh, and you nodded softly.
-When you peeked out the window after a while, you heard Luffy yelling and your eyes went wide, seeing massive carp swimming all around the ship before Nami spoke, “They’re going up the waterfall!”
-You didn’t see the waterfall until Luffy grabbed onto some of the carp, to pull the Sunny up with them, as Wano was at the top of the waterfall.
-You tumbled back, rolling head over heels until you crashed into the counter, a sharp cry leaving you, but you weren’t overly hurt, just surprised as you heard Nami and Chopper shouting before you felt like you were floating before everything went dark.
-You don’t know how much time had passed but it was Ace who gently shook you awake, calling out your name, “Y/N- Y/N wake up!” you stirred, opening your eyes, seeing Luffy and Ace looking down at you in worry.
-You rubbed your eyes as Luffy helped you sit up, “What happened?” Ace nodded towards Luffy, “There was an octopus on board that pulled this idiot and the ship back into a whirlpool, everyone else landed somewhere else.”
-You nodded, worried for Nami and the others, hoping they were okay as Luffy lifted his head, hearing shouting and crying, before he saw a child being held by some Beast Pirates.
-Ace picked you up, leaping off the ship after Luffy and the Beast Pirates shouted to capture the three of you for entering the country illegally.
-Ace’s eyes went wide as he glared, “Tama!” the little girl gasped, looking up, “Ace!!” and he quickly charged in, taking care of the pirates with ease, pulling Tama into his arms who was elated to see him.
-One of the pirates told Hihimaru to attack your group, but one glare from Luffy, along with his Haki, quickly had the doglike creature showing throat before Ace knocked him out.
-Tama pulled off a dango from her cheek, being her Devil Fruit ability, feeding it to Hihimaru and instantly he was tamed to her, cuddling her softly.
-Tama bowed deeply, thanking Ace and Luffy for saving her before she saw her and instantly her eyes went sparkly, excited to see another child her age, “I’m Tama- will you be my friend?”
-You were surprised but smiled warmly, “I’m Y/N- and I’ll be your friend Tama!” she cheered, hugging you and your big brothers couldn’t help but smile- seeing the new friendship.
-Ace told you, while you and Tama were riding on top of Hihimaru, heading back to Tama’s house, that he came to Wano a few years ago, and met lots of interesting people, including Tama.
-Tama gave Luffy, Ace, and you a small meal of rice, which you later learned from her mentor was her rations, as he went to attack your brothers before Tama defending them, telling them what she had done.
-However, when Tama suddenly collapsed, you were nearly hysterical as you held her close, using your ability to heal her, something Hitetsu was stunned to see, before he explained that where they live, Kaido poisons the water and gives out measly rations to those who live in this area, something that quickly had your brothers pissed off- wanting to take Kaido down.
-After giving Luffy and Ace a yukata, to be able to blend in, and Tama gave you one of her spare ones that was red, white and had apples all over it, you were beaming brightly, “Is it really okay for me to have something this nice?” Tama couldn’t help but beam, as she knew it was a little shabby, but to see your elation made her feel better.
-Hitetsu told Tama to show the three of you to Bakura Town, as he knew someone there would be able to help, and riding on Hihimaru Tama and Ace explained what when Ace visited, he helped feed everyone, due to the nearby farm, which was used to feed everyone, was now used to feed Kaido and his men and the wealthy people in the Flower Capital.
-Luffy was oddly quiet, as he was upset, “Everyone should be able to eat as much as they want- I’m gonna beat Kaido and free everyone!”
-Ace patted his head lightly, praising his little brother before a woman’s scream was heard, and in the distant you all saw a woman being chased by some Beast Pirates.
-When Luffy grinned, looking for a fight, something cut them all down before anything could happen. You were confused until you saw green hair and your eyes went wide, “Zoro!”
-He turned, hearing your voice as the three of you arrived and you leapt off of Hihimaru and into Zoro’s arms as he chuckled warmly, hugging you, “I was just starting to miss you!” you instantly gave him puppy eyes, “You haven’t missed me this whole time?”
-He turned white, freezing at your words as Luffy and Ace roared with laughter. Tama then greeted the woman, whom she recognized, “Hello Tsuru!” she smiled up at Tama, greeting her in return before she turned, thanking Zoro for his assistance.
-Once back at her tea house, Tsuru and a very tall woman, Kiku, prepared tea and snacks, after learning about what had happened with Tama, and who you all were.
-Tsuru was concerned for you, as she recognized you from the newspaper, not wanting anything to happen to you. Zoro noticed her concerned look at you, which put him on guard, just in case.
-Kiku gave you and Tama each a small tea cake, smiling softly down at you. Tama’s eyes went wide, seeing the cake and she spoke up, “I can’t accept this- I don’t have any money.”
-Tsuru just smiled over at her, “It’s a gift, Tama- enjoy it.” You were confused as to why she started crying, until you realized that she had suffered a lot like how you did, just in a different way.
-Loud shouts were heard and instantly the tea house was under attack, being led by Hawkins- Tama cried out as she got snatched and you cried out her name in worry.
-Hawkins’ eyes went wide, seeing you there, knowing of your abilities but the moment he went to try to grab you, Zoro was there, sword drawn and his own Haki surrounding him, telling Hawkins to stay back.
-Kiku prepared to set out to rescue Kiku, one Luffy and Ace dealt with the attackers, except for the one who managed to get away with Tama, and your big brothers and you were quick to join her on the rescue mission.
-Kiku told you all that she was a samurai, much like Kin’emon- and that she was currently being courted by a sumo wrestler, named Urashima- explaining his rule over Bakura Town and that he has everyone under his thumb.
-When you arrived, seeing this giant man who was being mean to others, you curled up in on yourself a bit, as he demanded Kiku be brought to him, thinking she finally accepted his proposal.
-However, Kiku surprised not only you, but others around, as she leapt up and cut hit topknot off, which is something bad to sumo wrestlers, from what you were able to gather, before he got absolutely wrecked by Luffy with ease- stunning everyone.
-After a big fight with everyone, while you remained on top of Hihimaru, you were elated to see Tama was safe, being rescued by Luffy while Ace and Zoro took out the rest of the Beast Pirates.
-Luffy got a huge tub of clean water and you saw a horse lady, Speed, whom Tama was able to tame, taking a huge wagon full of provisions back to Tama’s town, where you were all greeted with cheers.
-Luffy made the same promise to Tama that Ace made to her several years ago and the two brothers smiled as she started crying loudly, thanking them.
-You heard a chuckle behind you, “No matter where you guys go- you always seem to find trouble.” You turned, a happy gasp escaping you as you ran over, “Big brother Law!”
-The man kneeled, smiling softly as you ran to him, leaping into his arms while Sachi and Penguin were cooing on how cute the scene looked before he passed you to Bepo as you beamed, “I missed you Bepo!” he apologized to you, before Kiku and Law took the group to Oden Castle, a ruined castle.
-You were elated to meet the others, as you hugged Nami close, and she smiled, seeing that you were safe before Momo spoke, trying to act strong for you, “I am glad that you are safe Lady Y/N.” you smiled and he instantly flushed, while your brothers all glared lightly, silently telling him to stay away from you.
-You all learned of Wano’s past, and how Momo and the others were all sent into the future, using Toki’s Devil Fruit ability, to scare the current Shogun, Orochi- placing a curse on him, as he knew that Kaido would fall.
-The plan was set, a raid on Kaido’s base of operations, Onigashima, in two weeks, and during that time, Kin’emon would gather allies, to get the army needed, alongside the Minks and the pirates.
-A loud roar was heard, and Law ran out, looking panicked, seeing Kaido flying towards the castle ruins, “Scatter! We need to keep this plot a secret!!”
-Nami held you as she leapt out of the way of the blast, and Luffy, enraged, charged in, planning on attacking Kaido- planning on taking him out right then and there.
-Nami passed you to Ace, who was going to escape the area with you as she went with Shinobu, a lady ninja, but the moment he saw Luffy being taken out, you felt like you couldn’t breathe, as you panicked, trying not to cry or scream, else Kaido would find you.
-Ace held you close as you watched from afar, seeing Luffy getting captured as he looked down at you, “Looks like our mission is to rescue Luffy!”
-You looked up at him, if he was scared you couldn’t see it, as his eyes were firm, and you gave him a nod, Luffy needed to be rescued this time, not the other way around, so you needed to be brave this time!
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saintobio · 2 days
I seriously need to find out what movies you watch/stuff you read in your formative years or who hurt you that you manage to string the most painful sentences possible to articulate in human language and cause this heartwrenching pain on my heart. Forget about yn girl I'M about to have a heart attack.
It's crazy. Like I'm heartbroken and I'm pissed and I'm hopeful and I'm hurt and I want justice for my girl yn. I still don't know if I want them together but I just want her happy because my god does your stuff not wreck me🥲 Your work makes us feel so many things at the same time, I'm just in awe.
I don't even mean this in a mean or rude way but I hate angst and I still stick around like a stubborn tick when it comes to all your stories because your work just is that evocative.
On a personal basis, does writing so much pain not hurt you? I hope this doesn't sound mean omfg but as a reader, consuming a story so painful can do a number on my brain chemistry. I can't imagine how it feels to come up with these scenarios, write them, edit and rewrite them and then continuing the pain?? Group hugs for you and yn. 🥹
Long story short congratulations on being such a wonderful writer SY has ruined me and I will never forget it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I will never recover😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I will still lock tf in for all your work tho🫶🏻
gaaah i can’t recommend a good angsty movie/book/manhwa right now to you bcos nothing’s coming up in my head. but i do have a preference on consuming stuff that has neglect, cheating, unrequited love, and similar themes! and i guess that shows in my writings as well :’) also a lot of my works do stem from personal experiences so there’s that!
i think i’m at a point where writing too much angst has numbed me. but then again, i still cry when i’m writing heavy emotional scenes bcos i rly do get into it 🤧 i’d even listen to the playlist too so it hurts me more. like sy!yn has been screaming for a good ending for sooo long and here i am constantly wrecking her spirit every chapter bcos i enjoy that sting in my heart. it makes me feel more human :)))
(i love angst and i am truly one with pain. i know it’s obvious but i really can’t live without it. and the funny thing is, when i feel like i’m “too happy” with my current relationship, i’d ask my bf to make me sad and upset or pretend to hurt my feelings LMAOOO that’s how crazy i am for angst. i literally crave for it, it’s insane and idk why.)
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ek-atherine · 6 hours
Ink Manifestation (Satoru Gojo x Reader)
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A/N: Hello! I just wanted to post the first chapter that I finished of this that I'm starting, I don't know if I'll end up finishing it, but I just wanted to post it here to see how people like it. And if I can get any more writing ideas. This is written in first person POV btw, I know a lot of people don't love that writing style so just a warning now. Without further ado here is chapter one of Ink Manifestation.
Word Count: 3979
Cursed technique: ink manifestation 
This technique revolves around the user being covered in extensive and complex tattoos that are embedded with cursed energy and can be activated at the will of the user. When activated the tattoos glow and the ink shifts out from their original place. When the ink leaves the spot a scar of what was there is left behind. 
Creation and control: The user can manipulate the ink from their tattoos to create various objects and creatures. This includes weapons like swords, spears, and shields, or living creatures such as birds, snakes, and wolves. The creations are as strong as the user's cursed energy allows.
Range and versatility: the ink can be projected from the user's body extending their reach and allowing for versatile attacks. For example, ink tendrils can be used for long-range combat or to ensnare enemies. 
Hardening: the user can harden the ink to make it as hard as steel for both offensive and defensive capabilities. 
Shapeshifting: the ink can shift its form rapidly, which allows the user to adapt during combat. Can switch from a defensive shield to a spear in an instant. 
Cursed poison: the ink contains cursed energy that can poison enemies. When cut by the ink the cursed energy from it seeps into the body weakening them and disrupting their cursed energy flow. Prolonged exposure to this poison can lead to paralysis. 
Self-healing: the ink tattoos can assist in healing the user's wounds by converting the cursed energy into regenerative properties. 
The technique relies heavily on the user's cursed energy reserves. Extensive use can quickly deplete their energy and leave them vulnerable. The user therefore must have a high endurance. 
After extensive use as well, the ink and tattoos need time to recharge making the user's abilities significantly reduced. So the user uses different tattoos and different parts of the body at a time to take that into account.
  “God, would you just stop bitching and stay still?” I asked Satoru impatiently. He was the one that wanted me to tattoo him in the first place and I’ve barely been able to do the outline of the stencil without him bitching about how much it hurt and squirming in pain in response to the needle poking in his arm. 
   All of my classmates, well the three that I have anyway, all have tattoos from me. I like to think it signifies our close friendship with each other and we’ll always be a part of each other's lives through my art. Shoko was the first to get one, and the best one to sit through the whole thing, she has a lotus flower on her back right shoulder—one of my favorite pieces I’ve done. Suguru was the second one that came asking for a tattoo from me, he immediately took a liking to my tattoos when I first arrived on campus and was even more impressed when he learned I did a good majority of them myself. 
   Excluding my face, my whole body is covered in tattoos. In the (l/n) clan, tattoos are a big part of our family, because of my cursed technique I’m the one with the most. Most of the tattoos I couldn’t reach were done back home by other family members in the clan. It’s almost a right of passage sort of thing with tattoos, I got my first one when I was just 13, though it was a fairly small tattoo. I quickly learned how to tattoo myself and others, building up my skill and art, I found myself covered promptly in tattoos, which is a must for my cursed technique. 
   When Suguru got his tattoo, he couldn’t believe the detail and precision I had when it came to tattooing and drawing up the stencil for it. He had gotten a serpent that stretched from the left side of his chest and circled his left arm. I loved doing that tattoo as well, Suguru wore tank tops for the longest time when I first did it so he could show it off. I was the one that gave him his ear piercings as well, though I had never done piercings myself before, the ones I had were done at a shop, but a quick tutorial I saw on the internet fixed that. However, Suguru thought I already knew how to do it. 
   “Well, it hurts!” Satoru complained in a whiny tone making me roll my eyes annoyed at him. 
   “The strongest sorcerer can’t even handle getting a little tattoo,” I mumbled, amused. 
   Satoru was getting the tiniest tattoo out of all of our classmates. Of course, it was centered around his six-eyes technique cause it’s Satoru. He was getting six infinity symbols on top of each other to represent it. We had only just started tattooing as well, just about to finish the first infinity symbol on his right wrist. 
   “Well, you’re poking me with a needle!” He continues to complain. 
   “Well, I can just leave you with a half-ass finished tattoo and then tell Shoko and Suguru how much of a baby you were being.” I threaten. That shuts him up and I smirk at him. “That’s what I thought, now for the last time hold still.”
   Once the tattoo is finally finished (as well as Satoru’s bitching) I do a final wipe down of the tattoo and start to take my gloves off after turning off my tattoo machine. Satoru looks down at his wrist and smiles in awe at his new tattoo. I always love seeing the reactions of people after I tattoo them, probably the people pleaser in me, but especially when it’s those I care about, it just feels so much better. 
   “I love it! Makes me look all sexy and mysterious now doesn’t it?” Satoru asks as I clean up my station. I laugh at his comment as he poses joking showing off his tattoo.
   “One tattoo isn’t gonna cut it, maybe when you get to my level,” I tell him flexing off my sleeves. Then there’s a knock at my door to my dorm room and Suguru’s voice follows asking if he could come in. After telling him it’s okay to come in, he opens the door and Satoru immediately starts showing off his new tattoo to him. 
   “Barely hurt at all, I could’ve fallen asleep.” Satoru lies. 
   “He kept whining like a baby, and he only got that,” I tell Suguru and he laughs at Satoru, who looks at me with a betrayed look. 
   “Anyways, what’s up, Suguru?” I ask him putting away the bottles of ink and the machine. 
   “We haven’t heard from Utahime and Mei in about 2 days, so we’ve gotta go oversee about that,” Suguru explains ignoring Satoru’s continuous posing of his wrist. 
   “Oh yeah, they went to that mansion right?” I asked him which he confirmed. 
   “Shoko is outside waiting for us, so we should probably get going.” He tells us. I nod and throw on my shoes before we all head out. 
   Once outside of the dorms we find Shoko finishing up a cigarette she had hanging out from her lips. Satoru, again, shows off his wrist to her posing ridiculously, how do you even pose to show off your wrist? Doesn’t matter though I guess because he manages to do it. 
   “Christ, Satoru, yes I see your tattoo!” She yells at him annoyed that he’s practically shoving his wrist in her face. Though he was annoying, I found it kind of sweet he was showing off my art, made me feel good that he loved his tattoo so much, no matter how simple it was. 
   The four of us arrived at the now destroyed mansion, Satoru, Shoko and I went to make sure Mei and Utahime were okay while Suguru kept his eye out for the cursed spirit, so he could absorb it. Rumble was moving around and Utahime groaned out in pain as she got out from under the rubble. 
   “Please don’t bother her,” I ask Satoru, knowing he was going to immediately. He smiles and jumps up onto some rubble above Utahime. 
   “I’m here to save you, Utahime,” Satoru tells her with a big cocky grin on his face then leans down to look at her. “You cryin’?” 
   “No! I am not crying! Be more polite!” She yells at him furious that Satoru was there out of all people it could’ve been. Not that I blame her, Satoru is a cocky ass and can be annoying most times. And he loves to mess with Utahime since she was probably the easiest to annoy. 
   “If I was crying would you console me? I’d definitely like that.” Mei asked Satoru with a sultry smirk. I make a look of disgust towards her which she thankfully doesn’t notice, she is my senior after all I can’t really be rude to her. Mei was a strong sorcerer and I would never deny that fact, but she always annoyed me and gave me a physical ick, especially with the way she talks. 
   “Yeah but you wouldn’t be cryin’ Mei, you’re strong,” Satoru tells her standing upright to face her making her chuckle at his comment. This very clearly ticked off Utahime since her face was starting to get angrier by the second of their conversation. 
   “Gojo! You listen to me! I don’t need your help!” Utahime yelled finally standing up out of the rubble, but behind her, so did a cursed spirit. She turns towards it shocked and unprepared to react. Thankfully she doesn’t need time to since one of Suguru’s curse manipulations in the form of a giant worm grabs a hold of the cursed spirit so Suguru can absorb it. 
   “Don’t swallow it, I’ll absorb it later,” Suguru tells his curse. “Satoru, it’s not nice to pick on the weak.”
   “Okay, but what kind of idiot picks on the strong?” Satoru asks him with a laugh as he speaks. Utahime turns furiously to Satoru but immediately changes her demeanor when she notices Shoko and me next to him smiling at her.
   “Utahime, you okay?” Shoko asks her. She calls out our names in relief mixed in with happiness. 
   “We were worried about you! We hadn’t heard from you for two days!” I explain to her. Utahime yells out our names again as she runs up some stairs towards us and engulfs us in a hug. 
   “Don’t you dare let yourselves turn out like those two!” Utahime demanded us making Shoko and I both chuckle. 
   “We aren’t trash like they are,” Shoko says as I gently pat Utahime’s shoulder. “And we never will be.” 
   Suguru climbs up the stairs to meet with us all while Satoru mutters something probably mean about Utahime to him since I hear Suguru tell him to shut up jokingly since he was still smiling at whatever Satoru was saying. 
   “Wait, two days?” Utahime asks realizing that is in fact what I said. It must not have seemed like two days to her and Mei if she was reacting like this. 
   “Huh, guess the cursed spirit’s barrier was one of those that messes with time. They’re rare, but they happen.” I explain to her. 
   “It is odd it took so long since Mei was with you,” Satoru explains. 
   “That would make sense,” Mei says. “But that means that it involved two full days of labor. I was just thinking how I’ll rewrite the invoice for the extra fees that are now owed to me.”
   “She’s planning to overcharge again.” Utahime comments. 
   “More importantly though what about, the veil?” Mei asked only to be met with all our dumbstruck smiles that stared back at her. Well, shit. Fucking Satoru. 
   Since Suguru was dealing with absorbing that cursed spirit and Mei and Utahime were both okay, we made our way back to campus, and of course, Yaga asked to meet with us immediately. And to our shock, it was about Satoru’s carelessness with the veil, though we all probably should’ve made sure he did take care of that. 
   Yaga was playing to news on the TV in the classroom and was talking about how the destroyed mansion was due to a gas leak explosion. The four of us were kneeling down in front of our teacher, ready to blame Satoru. 
   “The four of you were supposed to oversee the mission in that home. Also, you left your assistant supervisor behind. And on top of everything you forgot the veil! Who is to blame?” Yaga asks pretty much already knowing the answer. We all point over to Satoru who raises his hand quickly to make up some dumb excuse. 
   “Sensei! I’m asking you to stop this hunt for the culprit!” Satoru yells out with his hand raised high. He’s then met with a punch to the top of his head from Yaga. 
   After being necessarily disciplined due to forgetting the veil, we all went to hang out in the gym. Satoru was throwing a basketball in the air complaining about needing a veil in the first place. Shoko and I weren’t really paying attention though since we were playing around with Satoru’s glasses that he currently had off. She was looking through the glasses amazed how he could even see out of them in the first place. 
   “Come on I wanna see them, Shoko,” I tell her and she hands over the glasses that I quickly put on. 
   I immediately play around with Shoko making her laugh with my Satoru impersonation, which he doesn’t notice since he’s whining about “normies” as he puts it seeing cursed spirits. Satoru throws the basketball towards the hoop which Suguru intercepted dribbling the ball in front of himself. Satoru leans his head back towards Shoko and me so I stand up and place his glasses back on his face earning a genuine smile from him over his cocky confident one. That smile of his always makes me smile back at him in response. 
   Suguru was lecturing Satoru about why veils are important, but Satoru immediately got up when Suguru was distracted stealing the ball he was dribbling and shooting it into the basket successfully. 
   “Looking out for the weak and protecting them is honestly so exhausting,” Satoru says as he throws the basketball back at Suguru across the court. I was laying on a bench on the side playing around with some ink I took from my right arm, just floating it around out of pure boredom. 
   “The survival of the weakest that’s the proper shape of a proper society,” Suguru tells him holding out the ball in front of himself. “The weak help each other and discourage strength. Listen, Satoru. Jujutsu exists to protect the non-jujutsu sorcerers.”
   “Moral argument?” Satoru asks as Suguru shoots the ball into the basket behind Satoru since they have now met in the middle of the court. The ball missed the basket and fell to the floor, bouncing until it became still. “I hate moral arguments.”
   “What?” Suguru asks. Oh crap. Now my attention is caught as I carefully watch my friends preparing for them to start challenging each other. 
   “Assigning reason and responsibilities to strength is what those who are weak tend to do,” Satoru says as he picks up the basketball that had rolled over to behind him and throws it expertly into the basket behind Suguru who was starting to look pissed off. 
   “When are quit making yourself feel better spouting all this bullshit?” Satoru asks him wanting to piss off his friend. My god can’t they just kiss and makeup at this point? 
   “Well, this is a perfect time for a smoke break,” Shoko says leaving the gym as quickly as she could. 
   “Shoko don’t leave meeee!” I yelled out to her, but she was already out the door. 
   “Want to take this outside, Satoru?” Suguru threatenly asks as he starts to conjure up a cursed spirit of his. 
   “What, feeling lonely? Go by yourself if you want.” 
   Thankfully, Yaga walks in at that time and the boys start stretching acting like nothing had just happened. 
   “How long are you going to keep fooling around? Where is Shoko?” Yaga asks. 
   “Dunno, little girls room?” Satoru suggested. 
   “Whatever, this mission is being assigned to you two idiots and (y/n).” He explains I internally smirk to myself since I’m not considered an idiot to him. Or at least not on the level of Suguru and Satoru. The boys groan out in annoyance and make annoyed faces to follow. “What’re those faces for?”
   “Oh nothing,” the boys say in unison. 
   We all walk along campus together with Yaga as he explains the assignment given to us. 
   “Frankly I think it’s too much for you three, but Tengen asked for you three specifically. Your mission has two goals. The star plasma vessel is the one compatible with Tengen. You are to escort that girl and erase her.”
   “Escort some brat and then erase her?” Satoru asks as we make it into one of the class buildings. 
   “That’s right,” Yaga says opening one door and about to head inside. 
   “He’s finally gone senile.” 
   “It is spring, his head is probably full of becoming the next principal,” I explain as Suguru and I follow Yaga inside the classroom. “All joking aside, is this about renewing Tengen’s technique?”
   “Hmm, what’s that?” Satoru asks outside of the classroom peering in through the windows and making us all groan. “What did I miss?!”
   “Tengen possess the cursed technique of immortality but it’s not eternal youth. Not a problem if all he did was get older. But after his body ages to a certain point, his cursed technique begins rewriting his body. Evolution. He’ll cease to be human and become a higher form of existence.”
   “What’s wrong with that?” Satoru asks. “Sounds cool!”
   “According to Tengen, those who reach that state of being have no will. It means Tengen would cease to be Tengen.” I explain to my friend. “All the schools have the barriers that form the foundation of jujutsu society, the many barrier techniques of the assistant supervisors, are all strengthened by Tengen. Without the help from his power, we would hardly be able to maintain security or clean up after missions. And in the worst-case scenario, Tengen could even become a threat. Hence why every 500 years, he finds the Star Plasma Vessel, someone who is compatible with him, and assimilates them, overwriting the information of their body. This renews his body and he resets his cursed technique back to the start and therefore avoids Evolution.” 
   “I get it. It would be fine if he turned into MetalGreymon, but we can’t have him becoming SkullGreymon. So we have him start over from Koromon.” Satoru says making Suguru and me look at him in disbelief. Whatever makes him understand this I guess. 
   “Huh? Yeah, whatever works, I guess.” Suguru voices my thoughts aloud. 
   “The star plasma vessel’s location has been leaked. Right now, there are two major groups after the young girl’s life.” Yaga says as he turns his laptop over to show the three of us his screen. “One is the curse user group Q, which seeks to upend jujutsu society with Tengen’s rampage. The other is the star religious group, also known as the Time Vessel Association which worships Tengen as a god. Tengen will assimilate the star plasma vessel two days from now. You are to protect the girl until then and ensure she reaches Tengen. If you fail, the effects will ripple throughout even normal society.”
   Cool, zero pressure. The three of us finally leave to deal with our mission. We were heading to the girl’s home in an apartment building to make contact with her and get her into our safety immediately. These other groups were most definitely already on their way after her, so we had to be quick, which we would be if those two weren’t the slowest walkers of mankind. When we finally arrived, Suguru and I were going to be the ones going inside to get to the star plasma vessel while Satoru remained on ground control. Suguru had Satoru on speaker on his phone and we were discussing what we were up against. 
   “The star religious group is an organization of non-sorcerers,” Suguru explains over the phone as we ride the elevator up to one of the top-level rooms the girl was staying in. 
   “We most likely don’t have to pay them much mind then,” I say. “Who we really have to worry about is Q.” 
   “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Satoru says over the phone. I can hear him messing around with the canned drink in his hand making an annoying sound over the phone that I tried to ignore. The face I was making over it was clear to Suguru how much it bothered me, making him chuckle. 
   “We are the strongest after all.” Satoru continues. “That’s why Tengen asked for us specifically, right?” 
   Suguru and I sighed out of annoyance due to our friend’s dangerous confidence. 
   “What?!” He asked offended by our unison sigh. 
   “You’re a cocky confident ass, Satoru,” I tell him. “Stop being so full of yourself.”
   “Huh?!” He exclaims over the phone as he finally destroys his soda can ending the annoying crinkling. The elevator dings as Suguru and I make it to the floor and we exit as Suguru continues the conversation. 
   “She’s right, especially when addressing your superiors,” Suguru tells him. “We might end up meeting Tengen after all. You should really be more polite and humble. It would make yourself seem less threatening to the juniors as well.” 
   “Screw that,” Satoru says with a laugh. 
   “You’re lucky you're my friend, otherwise I’d take a potato peel to your new tattoo.” I threaten, making the boys groan out in horror and disgust. “God I’m kidding, you two are such babies.” 
   Suguru and I make it to the door and I ring the doorbell. A feminine-sounding voice calls out that she’ll be there soon and we wait at the door. But then a high-pitched beep goes off followed by a huge explosion. Thankfully, my instincts were quick and I shielded Suguru and me with a wall of my ink from the blast. Suguru still placed himself over me in a protective manner. 
   “You two alive?” Satoru asks over the phone with worry. 
   “Yeah, we are. Don’t know about the girl.” I say then stop as I look out the window and see something flying through the air, yeah it was her. 
   “You think we’ll be blamed for the kid dying from that?” Satoru asks. 
   Suguru hangs up the phone and I redisperse my ink from the shield into a large shard which I use to break the nearest window near Suguru and me. I knew he had cursed spirits so he could safely fly on to get her, I, unfortunately, had no such skill with my ink. 
   “Don’t blame me.” A man in a white uniform said. He was holding a woman who wore a maid’s uniform by the cuff of her shirt dragging him along to wait out the broken wall to make sure the girl died. “If you must hate someone, hate Tengen.”
   Suguru had thankfully caught the girl and the man in the uniform looked at him shocked. 
   “Please stop making us stand out,” Suguru asked the man with fake politeness. “We just got chewed out this morning.” 
   “Yeah, I’m not getting in trouble over someone else’s stupidity again today,” I say as I form a spear out of my ink. 
   “Those uniforms, you’re sorcerers from Jujutsu High, right?” He asks looking back at me and then at Suguru. “Hand over the kid. Or I’ll kill you and this girl here” 
   “Sorry can’t hear youuuu, come closer and talk,” I tell him in a sing-songy voice. 
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bucks-daddy-issues · 2 days
Please please tell me about the Hitman's Bodyguard AU!!!
Heya!! Thank you for asking (and just the once because I definitely wasn’t silly and accidentally deleted your first ask or anything, nope) I talked about the basic plot of this here but I have lots more snippets I’m happy to share!!
For context, the below is after they’re both attacked and they had to dive into a river to get to safety. This is them back at a motel washing up. Sorry if any of it doesn’t make sense all the scenes I have are super long so I tried to cut it down as best as I could. 😊
TW/CW: there is a very brief line that hints of Buck being hurt/tortured by Doug, nothing is actually described.
“You want some help?” Eddie asks, tugging Buck up to stand. Buck finally stops staring at the shower to look at him. He seems so unsure, so small despite the extra inches he has on Eddie. “You can ask for help.”
“Yeah.” Buck croaks, clears his throat and repeats“ Yeah I- I’d like some help please.
Eddie keeps his eyes up as he begins to undress Buck, Even the shirtless expanse of his chest seems off-limits right now, when Buck is so vulnerable.
Bucks skin is cold under Eddie’s fingers, but soft as he drags them down to feel for waistband of his jeans.
“Hands on my shoulders.” he directs and Buck is still shivering as he follows the instruction, hands shaking either with cold or nerves, or both, Eddie can’t tell. He keeps his eyes looking over Buck’s shoulder as the other man steps out of his pants and underwear, leaning down to remove his socks.
His huddles Buck under the spray, continuing to keep his eyes up, focusing only on the way the water pours over his hair and the back of his neck, the solitary stream that runs over his lips-
Bucks mouth is open and panting, his eyes glassy, in any other context Eddie might have thought he was- but he’s not, it’s not the fast heart beat of arousal he feels against his fingertips, it’s panic.
“Is it the water?” Eddie whispers, he gets splashed a bit as Buck nods.
“Don’t like- bad things always happen-“ Buck bites his lip. “-Doug used to-” there’s a long pause, Eddie can connect the dots. He grabs the shampoo, Buck grabs his shoulders again without prompting.
“You don’t need to say it, if you don’t want to.”
“You must think I’m the most pathetic hitman ever. Afraid of the dark and water?” Buck huffs.
Eddie scrubs his fingers through Buck’s hair, sudsing it with cheap motel shampoo.
“You’re afraid of water and you still jumped into a river to save my life, I definitely don’t think you’re pathetic. I think you’re one of the bravest men I know”
He thinks back to Buck, the slick, easy way he moved, like second nature to him to command the area. In the skewed version of his memories, there’s a spotlight on him like he’s the main character in a stage play, he’s glowing from the inside out. And then the halting, jarring feel of cold water smacks Eddie’s back and he’s sure- he’s sure.
In his mind Buck’s hand pulling him out is the only warmth in a thousand miles of ice, his grip the only lifeline Eddie has to save him from floating out to space, his eyes boring into Eddie’s when he can finally open his own is like the first sight of the sun on the horizon.
Eddie tips Buck’s head back, letting the suds run out of his hair, his arms are soaked, but he’s okay with changing his shirt again, it’s worth it.
Buck sighs, slow, heavy, like he’s letting out all the weight he was holding in his lungs. “Thank you.”
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jaylaraye47 · 3 months
Magnus chase physically PAINS me
like if you like him and all that’s chill i’m fine w/ that. But just like how annabeth and percy are somewhat greek, magnus is scandinavian, if not specifically norwegian.
And let me tell you i meet like 200 magnus look-a-likes just at my school. he looks just like every other boy in the entire land of norway.
If not sweden too
and trust me i hate swedish (you know what you did)
just as an example;
Tumblr media
if you’re LUCKY they look this good
(matts, lasse, adrian [og william på den god dag] dere er trygge fordi dere er relativt snille men fyf)
like i remember my friend telling me about the book and describing magnus and being like; ‘imagine all the blonde guys in our class, including the saggy pants guy [du vet hvem du er] combined into one slightly prettier boy with the shrek 2 prince charming hair’ and i immediately understood what she meant
come for me all you want but trust me i see magnus chase 3 times an hour in my city
and maybe he’s handsome and all to yall but he’s literally averagely handsome in my area, if not country. Except he’s nice and doesn’t vape [fakk dere, dere er jwl stygge trust😭 d ser ut som en mini vannflaske og juice boks]
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