#azul x ariel
valiantroyalty · 10 months
Anonymous asked:
I would love to read more Ariel x Azul please
”You know, I do believe that Girl is quite infatuated with you, Azul,” Jade commented as he spotted the redhead from the corner of his eye. The two of them were surveying the lounge, to see how busy it was currently, with Floyd in the kitchen.
“Oh, certainly not.” Now Azul spotted the redhead as well, who was weaving her way through the crowd of people, her eyes looking everywhere except for in front of her. “What makes you think such a thing, Jade?” He questioned as he glanced at his right hand man, who only shrugged but a smile was on his face. “Do you even know who she is -“
Ariel spotted the dorm warden and vice and she trotted over to them. Jade cast a gance to Azul which clearly read “I told you so” before he disappeared into the kitchen, which left the owner alone with the princess.
“I - Azzie? Are you referring to me?” Came the question once he found his voice. To thing he’s been given a nickname so soon, he couldn’t believe it. But the answer waa given in a form of an eager nod, red curls bobbing from the motion. Azul waa momentarily entranced before be cleared his throat. Part of him was nervous because he had an inkling on who this girl was exactly, and if true -
“You own this place right? It’s pretty!” His thoughts were interrupted by her voice. Ariel smiled up at him, one that showcased very sharp teeth, much similar to the twins. “I found this! Dinglehopper!” A fork was promptly shoved in his face and he had to take a step back.
“A dinglehopper? That’s not -“ A pause. The princess in the legend called forks dinglehoppers, and his suspicions were only being more confirmed. “Yes, a.. dinglehopper. We have plenty of those,” he told her. “Do you know the true use of one?”
Confusion flickered briefly on Ariel’s face before she showed him what the meaning was - all based on one bird’s words, of course. She ran the utensil through crimson locks, slightly tugging from her unkept curls. Then before Azul could react, his hat was off his head and Ariel was leaning in dangerously close, a determined expression on her face. She’s brushing his hair with the fork.
He felt his face flare up and he cleared his throat again. “You - you can stop now. My hair is brushed!” There’s embarrassment in his tone, which didn’t help as he heard familiar laughter from the kitchen. It’s a bit crowded in the lounge, and he felt eyes on him.
A soft hum greeted him as she pocketed the fork into her dress. She’s not discouraged at all. “I only start! We can do more in your room!”
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
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beelsrealhusband · 1 year
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All of my Ariel x Azul things so far guys 🥹🥹🥹
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taro-bae · 1 month
AHH Your work on a figure skater reader was so beautiful and well-written! I went to watch a circus show recently, and the trapeze act was stunning, so could I request the same Twisted Wonderland in your figure skating post with a reader who is really good at trapeze acts, but doesn’t work at a circus? Thank you so much, and at the time of requesting this, your forehead kisses post just went up, and I would also like to say that it was so good too! Thank you again! 🫶
I absolutely love this request!
I'll add Floyd to this one, he's such a menace to society.
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TrapezeArtist!Reader x TWST
Summary: They find out reader is good at trapeze acts but isn't part of a troup.
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto, Floyd Leech, Vil Schoenheit
Notes: gender neutral, set in readers room with ariel trapeze equipment, I adapted some scenarios to other ariel acts (Lyra for Vils), no warnings
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Housewarden Riddle was checking over Heartslabyul making sure everything is to standards and rules. After his duties he decided to see how you're doing. He makes his way to your dorm his heels clicking against the ground. When he arrives at your dorm bedroom he knocks on the door wondering if you're there right now. He hears sounds coming from inside the room and some light music playing in the background. He opens the door carefully, "y/n, I-", he cuts himself off when he sees you hanging on a longish bar that's supported by two ropes that are attached to the ceiling of your room.
He's speechless watching you perform a flexible hold while you're high off the floor. He's never seen anything like it before, he knew there are people who do such things but he's never seen it in person (take him to the circus). He watches you as you hold onto the bar with your knees, while your body is hanging off in an arch. You swiftly change your grip back to your arms and come down. He stays silent for a solid minute, he takes notice that the clothes you are wearing currently show alot of skin, obviously to help grip the bar and not slip but nevertheless.
"Are you sure that's safe?", he's concerned for your safety considering you are doing this in a normal room with noone to spot. You ensure him you are trained and know what you are doing, as well as the steady condition of your equipment. He glances over the bar and the other alternative equipment you have, it's clear you are well trained. "So are you part of a circus crew perhaps?" He asks out of curiosity. He is suprised to hear that your are not and you do this as a hobby. He can understand the fitness side of it to maintain good strength and health but why do something so risky just for a hobby.
He hears your explanation that you simply enjoy doing it and that you're confident in your abilities, also that it gives you a sense of thrill and adrenaline. He supports of your trapeze skills but can't help but worry over your safety.
"Could you explain how that...hold...works?" He wants to understand your interests better and is fascinated his eyes sparkling slightly like a kid in a candy store.
Take this boy to a circus he needs to experience some joy in his life!
Azul enters your dorm room wanting to share some new deal offer ideas with you. He pauses when he sees you on the trapeze bars swinging to press yourself up into a static pose later. His reaction is confusion.
He is constantly impressed by the possibilities of the human body, the strength and flexitime you have to move your body in such ways let alone off the floor on a suspended bar. He stands at the door holding the handle watching you with his mouth agape trying to blabber out some form of a sentence. He's rather flustered seeing your flexibility and how you carry yourself with incredible control. "You're even more incredible than I gave you credit for" He stutters out.
Regaining his composure he interrogates you on your practice and training background. He is already scheming plans for you on how you can profit off this. He offers you an opportunity to perform at Mostro Lounge, "not only can you demonstrate your talent, but it will bring in more customers", he wants to show you off while also help advertise his totally not shady business too.
He is going on a rant about the perks and benefits this would bring while also complimenting your abilities his mouth running faster than his heart beat as he pushes his glasses up to his eyes. You sit on the bar listening to his ramble, weather you agree or not is up to you (do it, he wants to watch you do that everyday for the rest of his life)
Two words - Good Luck
Floyd bursts through your door exclaiming a loud "shrimpyyyyy~", atleast he didn't kick your door open this time. You are mid way through a skill when he comes in slightly startling you you manage to keep yourself steady despite the small scare at the sudden intrusion. Floyd's grin only grows as his eyes widen seeing the bar and ropes set up. "Little shrimpy! You're a little monkey now, huh" he comes closer his tall stature meeting your eyeline.
He does not care if you're on a bar right now, he comes closer giving you a tight squeeze. "I missed you shrimpy~" He lifts you up hugging you very, very tightly, "Are you like a circus monkey~" he laughs as he teases you. He's interested when you tell him you don't belong to a circus group and just do this for yourself.
Before you can finish, his eyes look at the bar mischievously "I wanna try!" He moves you out of the way gripping onto the bar swinging around trying to climb it. "This is fun!" He's shining on it like a child while you're trying to warn him to get down before he hurts himself. His response is "You're no fun~", pouting at you.
He gets bored eventually getting down, but beware now that he knows you have trapeze bars in your room he's going to visit more often. He really likes this about you he is intrigued by the way you move and perform those tricks, he is definitely bragging to Azul and Jade about this.
He's very knowledgeable about performance arts and finding out you are a trapeze artist piqued his interest.
He walks in on you suspended off the floor in your room as you hold onto a hoop performing a transition into a horizontal split. He admires your flexibility and endurance, and the fact you are doing this without any cables. He trusts your skills and capabilities in maintaining your safety. He observes you silently his hand near his chin, he admires your form and the shapes you create with your body and the hoop.
"Splendid, dear." He speaks up. "The way you hold yourself is beautiful". He takes in your outfit, the tight clothing that highlights your body shape and the showing skin near you arms, legs and back that helps you hold on the hoop.
He questions weather you're part of a studio or a circus crew, when he finds out you're not he does offer promoting your skills. He sees so much potential in you, wanting you to improve. Being the influential celebrity he could help you make a name for yourself if you are willing.
Vil is interested in seeing what else you can do, asking about the pose names and how they are performed, appreciating the aesthetic lines you body creates complimentary to the hoop. If you do something like a back balance he does get a little nervous concerned over your safety but trusts that you are well trained and won't fall.
"You don't stop surprising me, do you?" He smiles genuinely feeling pride and admiration for you.
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twstowo · 8 months
I noticed that you opened the ask box, so I came to ask for Floyd x Yuu with the scene from "The Little Mermaid", in which Ariel saves Eric from shipwreck, like it was an au where they met like that
I hope i'm not being too picky with my order ♡
♡OMG, I literally thought about this but with Azul, but then I was like, "Would Azul be able to save you?" because I have this mental image of him not being able to swim very well/being really slow. Lmao
♡Warning: Drowning
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You'd always been a wanderer at heart, eager to explore the world, discover new places, and connect with people. Your adventure began when some sailor buddies welcomed you aboard their ship. Days at sea were filled with chants, parties, drinks, talks, and lending a hand to everyone. Once on land, you made the most of each day, wandering through cities and villages, documenting your experiences, and sketching landscapes. Your circle of friends in these new lands expanded so much that monthly, you'd receive a flood of cards and gifts, making it a challenge to find a spot for them all. Life was easy-going, a privilege granted by your birth into a well-off family, affording you the means to sustain yourself in these faraway places.
As you wrote letters to your distant friends, the sea's scent became a comforting constant, making you feel more at home on the waves than on solid ground. With night approaching, you finished the last letter and stepped out for a walk before dinner. It was then that one of your sailor friends, looking pale and alarmed, rushed towards you. "A storm's heading our way!" The wind had already picked up, and though storms at sea were nothing new, the urgency in your friend's voice unsettled you. "This one looks really bad, we might need your help," he said, and you nodded, following him.
With the wind intensifying, tasks on the ship became more challenging. The wind seemed determined to push everyone off the deck, and as you struggled to secure the unruly sails, your hands felt the sting of the rope. Panic spread across the crew, and for the first time, you feared this might be your last adventure. Looking at the encroaching storm, escape seemed impossible.
"Look out for that barrel!" you screamed as you watched the object land on someone's head, sending them tumbling down the ship. You ran towards them, grabbing their hand and holding it with all your strength to prevent the man from falling into the wild sea. The boat waddled with the strength of the waves, and you started to fear it would turn around at any moment.
"Don't let go!" you told him as you tried to pull him back up. You watched the fear in his face fade as he placed all his hope in your confident words. However, uncertainty crept in as the strength drained from your arms. The biggest wave you had ever seen approached the boat. You feared you'd never see your friends and family again as you said your last words before the wave hit all of you. "Fuck!-"
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
You felt so cold, your body shivering as you slowly opened your eyes. It was mainly dark, but you could see some strange light from above reaching towards you. Nothing made sense as your brain tried to process everything around you. Strange wood started sinking around you, and the bodies of the crew members slowly sank by your side in a slow rhythm. You tried taking a deep breath, but your brain didn't allow it as you realized that you were underwater, having fallen off the boat after that huge wave hit it.
You finally grasped the situation as you started flapping your arms and legs around, trying to reach the surface. Wood pieces hit you along the way, sending you tumbling repeatedly. You feared the oxygen would not be enough for you to save yourself. Your throat burned as you tried holding your breath, unable to swim back to the surface. Everything started to become dark as you dared to breathe in the water. Then, you felt a strange touch on your shoulder. The lack of oxygen was surely playing tricks on you as you watched a strange creature look at you with a curious glance. You closed your eyes, awaiting death to take you.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Floyd observed your sleeping form on the sand. He had brought you to the nearest land he could find, ensuring that your chest's gentle rise and fall indicated life. It was the first time he had come in contact with a living human, finding you strangely intriguing. Although he had seen some humans at rock bottom underwater, encountering a living one was a different experience.
Attempting to wake you, Floyd shook you gently, his fin hands reaching for your shoulders. However, your eyes gave no signal of opening. Annoyed, he sighed and lay back on the sand, half of his long tail submerged in the water.
Minutes passed as he lay there, gazing up at the sky. Strangely, after saving you, he felt in a remarkably good mood. He wanted to talk to you, for you needed to thank him, and he had questions about the inland people. Your head leaned against his shoulder, your cheek touching him, catching him off guard. He grinned as he gently arranged your hair.
When your eyes started to open, Floyd watched as you struggled to comprehend the situation. Weak and almost unable to move, you stared at his face, just a finger's distance away. You had never seen someone like him—strange ears, unnatural skin colour, and vibrant yellow/brown eyes. "Wh-Who are y-you?" you weakly whispered, and he quickly glanced behind, sitting down on the sand with his arms, reaching for the water.
“Oh My! Y/N is that you!” a voice shouted, and you tried to sit down, looking in the direction of the man who had vanished. You swore you had seen a tail—had you been saved by some sea creature? "We need to take you to a doctor!" a friend's hands reached for your arm, trying to help you stand as you continued gazing toward the ocean.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
“A human? I wasn’t expecting you to take such a strange liking to one of them,” Jade mocked his brother with a grin.
Floyd wasn’t enjoying Jade's tone as he swam away. He had been interrupted by another landwalker just when he had the chance to talk with you, not even learning your name. Though he'd never admit it to Jade or Azul, Floyd occasionally returned to that beach, hoping to meet you again. Perhaps one day, the two of you would get to talk properly, and Floyd could finally learn your name.
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oepionie · 1 year
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↳ ONCE UPON A TIME IN TWISTED WONDERLAND, Buried under towering stacks of papers, the Ramshackle prefect is stuck at her decrepit dorm, mulling over homework and magical textbooks. However, it seems that a strange magical tiara found in the depths of her attic might just change her plans for the night.
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BOOK  I : DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE. riddle rosehearts
SYNOPSIS: A dispute with Riddle prompts the prefect to flee into the forest where she falls into a rabbit hole and finds herself in a mad fantastical realm of her imagination. Here, she meets her friends who are acting somewhat strangely… odd. They all treat her as royalty and whisk her away to a castle where her husband, the Red Queen, eagerly awaits her return. How curious.
W.K : 9K+
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SYNOPSIS: After Kalim escapes the palace undetected, a shady beggar girl offers her assistance for a tour in the city. However, the poor boy is unaware that she's secretly planning to steal from him. Coming to his rescue, Jamil appears by his side to stop her before she could succeed. It's then revealed to Kalim that the beggar girl is Jamil's bride-to-be. The thief was none other than the lost princess of Ramshackle, Y/N Dire.
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BOOK  IV : THE COTTAGE IN THE WOODS. malleus draconia
Coming soon...
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BOOK  V : LA VOCE TO ME. azul ashengrotto
Coming soon...
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꒰ ♡🧷: just comment to be added! if you can't see your name on the taglist, that means i can't @ you!
@keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @kyraxiyn @mayaaaeo @tbhyknow  @eeveelutiontrainerr  @jelsah27 @as-the-moon-blooms  @bonleyweeb  @ch0c0shortiie @siphoklansan
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kafkari · 8 months
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The Twisted Version of Me..
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Queen of Hearts Riddle x Alice Reader..
(10% done..)
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Ursula Azul x Ariel Reader..
(0% done..)
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Jafar Jamil x Jasmine Reader..
(0% done..)
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Hades Idia x Meg Reader..
(0% done..)
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Maleficent Malleus x Aurora Reader..
(0% done..)
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Taglist: @abadonkori, @twistedcece, @l00naverse, @shinameiwritesnothing, @aquaburst3, @atlaincorrect, @rincommittedarsin, @solarixstar, @ouraniaslyre, @calcifiedunderland, @ashmfyu, @liesatemyocean
I saw this idea from oepionie! Check them out!
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tea-cup-tyrant · 2 months
Random florid things I love <3🌹🦈
Floyd calling riddle goldfishie because hes golden to him, a fancy fish that is very prized to him, and adorable, and beautiful all at once , but also the hair
Riddles red coloring in his hair being one of floyds first bright colors he sees , and he instantly caught his eye like a shiny fork.
Height differences, AAHH
Floyd being protective of riddle like a knight
King x knight au
Riddle being unable to swim causing more angst because he can't get to the coral sea so easily as floyd can.
Floyd saving him from drowning countless times cuz of that
It's little mermaid lol
Riddle being all proper and fancy
Floyd being laid back and messy
Opposites attract
Red x blue 👌
Riddle being scared of floyd at first but that fear turning into curiosity and he becomes attracted eventually too.
Riddle being obsessed with watching floyd fight for him. It's like watching a drama for him.
Riddle being protective too but isn't as good at showing his emotions
Riddle patching up Floyd's wounds from fights often.
Riddle being worried about the eel quite often
Floyd giving riddle all the food he never got to try at the lounge, he's a honored guest there, floyd asked Azul to let riddle in when he wants, Azul agreed
Floyd making riddle more of a bad boy and getting him to let loose and have fun more
Riddle often adjusting Floyd's clothes out of ocd, floyd doesn't mind
Floyd is actually very adorable to Riddle, especially baby floyd the creepy tiny micro eel thing
The tiny eels in Floyd's dorm like to hang with the tiny hedgehogs at riddles dorm
Floyd thinks riddles adorable when he blushes
Another reason to call riddle goldfishie is his little frill in the back of his dorm outfit. Lol like a fancy goldfish tail, fantail to be precise
Floyd having daddy issues, riddle having mommy issues
Floyd wants to beat up Mrs. Roseheart well riddle wants to beat up mister leech
Angry boi x troublemaker boi
Seriously tho riddle reminds me of Ariel cuz the color of his hair dfds
Floyd teases him on purpose cuz it's how he shows love and riddle is adorable when angry
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g0dwat3rwritings · 5 months
i rewrote this ask like three times already trying to word it perfectly lmao. fem!yuu x octavinelle (separately). the pair attends NRC’s annual winter ball together as friends, though they’re both unaware of their mutual crushes on each other. at the end of the ball azul/floyd/jade confess their feelings!! also if possible could yuu’s dress be based on either ariel’s pink one or cinderellas original one (the silvery one) if any part of this was unclear pls feel free to message me and i’ll clear it up! my brains literally melting rn bc i just finished this horrible essay for history and tbh atp im just word vomiting everything out 😭😭
This is my second time writing this, I lost all of my progress the first time 😭
I had so much fun with the second version of Jade's part 💀
@nisobird 🚨🚨azul🚨🚨
Warnings ;; none
Relationship ;; Platonic, turned Romantic
Type ;; Short Story/One-Shot
Azul Ashengrotto ;; Octavinelle Housewarden ;; Second Year
You were late, and Azul was panicking. Why were you late? Did you just not want to see him? Were you just blowing him off? Azul as terrified of you not coming, not wanting to see him.
Upon seeing the doors open, revealing you, in a dress similar to that of the Sea Princesses, Azul's jaw dropped. He straightened his back upon seeing you come his way.
He gave a small laugh, "well.. you look.. wonderful." You couldn't help the small laugh that came from you, "Thank you. You can blame Vil, he wouldn't let me come in a normal outfit." You laughed.
Azul gave a laugh in return, holding his hand out toward you upon hearing a slow song start overhead. "May I.. have this dance?" He asked, obviously nervous for your response.
You gave a smile and took his hand, "You may." Azul smiled and led you to the dance floor, one hand gliding toward your hip, and the other taking your own hand.
As you danced, he cleared his throat. "If I may, I have something to tell you." You nodded, motioning for him to continue. He gave a small, nervous chuckle. "I think I... No, I know that I love you." He said quickly, before giving a sigh. "That.. wasn't as bad as I'd suspected." He said with a nervous laugh, awaiting your response.
With a small laugh and shake of your head, you responded. "I love you too, Azul."
Jade Leech ;; Octavinelle Vice-Housewarden ;; Second Year
You hung out with the tweel, not exactly fond of the dance floor, especially while wearing heels and a puffy, long dress. "Hey, Jade. Are you good at dancing?"
Jade gave a chuckle, "Why, I'd say I'm all right, but I wouldn't say I'm the best." He admitted, "Although, Floyd is a much better dancer than myself." Jade gave one of his normal, light chuckles.
"Despite how good my other half is at dancing, he finds it.. boring and uninteresting." Jade hummed, taking a sip from the punch he held in his hand.
You gave a laugh, "yeah, that sounds like Floyd." Jade simply nodded in response. "Say, may I talk to you after the ball is through? I have something to tell you." He told you, finishing off his punch.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, but you nodded nonetheless. After some more conversation with the eel, the ball was over and Jade guided you outside to somewhere quiet and concluded.
Jade turned to you, "I must admit to you that you are quite entertaining. Assuming you know my brother and I as well as you do, you know that we are very fond of those who are entertaining."
You listened, giving a nod toward the end. "Which is where I'd like to tell you that I-" A shout was heard from a tree, looking over, a fallen Floyd laid on his back at the bottom of the tree. "Oh, just tell 'em, stupid."
Jade and yourself couldn't help but laugh, "tell me what?" You asked. "I love you." He said simply, kissing your forehead lightly.
Floyd Leech ;; Octavinelle ;; Second Year
Floyd had even shocked himself upon asking you to this ball, he had no intent on even coming in the first place. But the idea of seeing you in a dress, all completely dressed up, had him in a chokehold.
"Woah. You look nice." Floyd blinked, and you laughed in response. "Thank you, Floyd." He nodded and held a cup of punch toward you, and you took it. You thanked him once more before taking a sip on it.
"Hey, Shrimpy." Floyd said, getting your attention. "Yeah? What's up?" You asked. "What do you say we get out of here?" You blinked, "Floyd, we both just got here." You said with a laugh. "I know, but if we stay any longer then Crabby or Little Mackerel will come up and steal you. So." He said, making a popping sound with his lips as he waited for your response.
You shook your head with a laugh and nodded, "alright, but where do you want to go?" Floyd shrugged, "I don't care." You laughed, before taking his hand and simply taking him back to Ramshackle.
His eyes were glued to his hand even after you'd gotten to Ramshackle. You snorted, "Floyd." You said, waving a hand in front of his face. "Huh?"
"what's up with you?" You laughed, and Floyd shrugged in response, simply resting his chin on your head. He spoke up after minutes of standing like that. "Hey, Shrimpy?" He said, "yeah?"
"Love you." He said simply, kissing the top of your head before reverting back to resting his chin on top of your head.
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valiantroyalty · 5 months
Anonymous asked:
I would like to see Azul x Ariel please
“I think it’s best if I exit last,” Azul announced to the group. He knew full well what was awaiting for him and if he went first or in any order, the rest will be waiting for seven knows how long.
“Why’s that, Azul?” Epel questioned. The octomer shook his head. He wasn’t going to explain himself, and the crew decided it best. It didn’t matter to them. They all got the answer soon enough.
Instantly as soon as Azul stepped through from the portal, he’s nearly barrelled backwards. Four scaled limbs wrapped securely around the housewarden and his vision is obscured by very familiar red curls. His own arms wrapped around the siren, mostly for some sort of support.
“Oh, that’s what he meant!” Came Epel’s surprise. Ariel was the only one waiting and one second later could have lead to some catastrophe. There’s some laughter in the room and the returned students shuffled out to return to their respective dorms.
“H-hey, not so tight!” Azul shifted on his feet and thankfully his girlfriend listened. He bruised easily and already he can feel some start to form. “Sorry,” came the muffled reply.
The redhead moved her head from the position of his neck to start her attack of kisses. It’s been three full days without her mate, and it’s driven her crazy. Being without him was near impossible and she’s only going to try her best to make up the lost time.
The kisses had been expected but they still made Azul flustered. They were alone but the public display was something he couldn’t get use to. “Ariel -“ kiss “ - I have something -“ kiss “ - for you.” He managed in between the kisses given.
There’s a slight pause as Ariel moved back to look at his face. Present? He got her a present? Oh! Azul took the chance to regain his breath and carefully set the princess down on the ground. She’s reluctant to let go just let but with gentle nudging, she did. He reached into a pocket and withdrew a bracelet. A beaded bracelet.
A wrist was brought in and the bracelet placed. There’s a soft breath from Ariel as she examined the jewelry piece. Her attention didn’t linger too long until she’s kissing him again, this time as thanks. “Efcharisto,” she whispered her verbal appreciation. The bracelet is not going to leave her wrist at all.
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blues824 · 1 year
Pomefiore x Siren!Reader
Gender neutral reader.
TW: Hamilton references.
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Vil Schoenheit
He let out an exasperated sigh when Azul called him in the midst of his busy day to inform him that you had been turned into a siren. Those rotten potatoes could never leave you alone, could they. And you always end up suffering because of it. He cut his photoshoot short just to be able to make sure that you were alright.
Once he did see you swimming about in one of the moonpools within the Octavinelle dormitory, he had to admit that you looked absolutely beautiful. He crouched down and waited for you to see him, and he smiled as he saw you gasp and try to hug him. But, he held up a hand to stop you as he stated that he didn’t have too long since he needed to go back to the photoshoot in a few moments and couldn’t have his clothes ruined. 
However, that didn’t mean your claws weren’t already in him. We all know of his determination and iron will, but your siren song spoke to him words that he had never heard before. Hamilton may have built Eliza palaces out of paragraphs, but you built cathedrals out of words. Mere sentences, promises uttered from you of kisses told to him only from stories that his father once read to him once he was younger, were enough to make his heart pound.
A few days had passed, and the poor movie star could not focus. Azul had warned him about the effects of a siren song, and his teachers had understood that he was under the influence of it, but… the show must go on. He kept himself busy in order to distract himself from you: he took on more modeling gigs, more rehearsals, diving deep into both schoolwork and being the Housewarden of Pomefiore.
But, all throughout, his mind kept wandering back to you. He could hear you singing, and it was breaking him down to nothing more than just a young man. He decided he was going to give you the kiss that you had been singing about. When he saw you again, he held your face gently as he pulled you into him. A kiss was shared between the two of you, and you pulled him into the water.
Fortunately, you were a bit past the mark of midnight, and your spell had started to wear off when the two of you embraced one another. Honestly, the scene reminded you of the Little Mermaid film, where Prince Eric helped Ariel walk once she had gotten her legs and gotten to shore. You temporarily had to relearn how to walk.
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Rook Hunt
It was a miracle that he had not known prior to Monsieur Heart and Monsieur Spade informing him about your rather slippery situation. It seemed as though fate had many plans for you, each containing a tale (or tail, in this specific instance) hidden within. But his heart broke at seeing you suffer at the ends of the troublesome duo as well as Monsieur Fuzzball. 
Although, he had to admit that you were quite a trickster yourself as a siren. He was happy to always be five steps ahead of you at all times. He had some noise-canceling headphones hidden under his hat. Unfortunately, you had giggled and snatched the hat from his head and knocked the headphones into the water. His heart fluttered upon hearing your laugh and you wearing his beloved hat, he could have kissed you right then had it not been for the tweels, Monsieur Mastermind and Monsieur Malfeasant. 
The damage had been done, however. Your voice was now engraved into his mind, and now all he desired was to place a gentle kiss upon his lips and have you call him yours. Many different times, Leona had to ask if he was okay because he missed something that was said, and he also hasn’t been stalking anyone as of late. That is, anyone who wasn’t you. He had been visiting you in secret every single night. 
He knows that he shouldn’t be giving into temptation, but when his beloved, his one true love, was helpless he couldn’t help himself. He, however, was the helpless one. You were the predator, and he was the prey. And he was slowly falling into the warm, welcoming arms that belonged to you. You looked absolutely breathtaking, swimming about so gracefully that he couldn’t help but stare longingly.
It eventually got to be too much, and on the seventh secret visit, at midnight, he did call you over. You asked ‘innocently’ if he was going to grant your wish for a kiss, and he silently nodded his head. He didn’t care if this was wrong, it just felt so right. It was a good thing he wasn’t wearing his Pomefiore clothes but rather swimwear, as you had pulled him into the water with you and supplied him with air through your mouth. The kiss left him lightheaded, but he wanted more.
When the morning came, and you both were laying in your bed at Ramshackle, you started panicking for your beloved hunter. Vil would be angry if he wasn’t there, but he honestly didn’t care. He was finally reunited with his love, and he would suffer any consequences that his Housewarden would place upon him if it meant that he could spend just five more minutes in your arms. 
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Epel Felmier
He was in the classroom where you had been accidentally turned into, and he was very angry that Jack was the one that had to carry you to the Octavinelle dorm. If only he had been both strong and manly enough, he could have carried you himself. You were his significant other, after all, and he so very much wanted to prove that he was your knight in shining armor. That day was just not today.
Because he was your boyfriend, he had received a warning from Jade and Floyd Leech. Sirens often called out to sailors, promising them their deepest desires, and made them crash into the rocks with their ships. He kept that in mind as he watched you resurface after swimming around for a few seconds. You reached out to him, and pleaded with him that he give you a kiss to comfort you, but he had to swallow the desire down and leave immediately without so much as a goodbye.
His Housewarden had to make sure that he was not outside of Pomefiore more than necessary. There were students who would take turns in making sure that he was not sneaking out. Both Vil and Rook could tell that Epel was under your siren’s spell, as he had grown quiet and compliant. The former had to tell Leona that the First Year would not be able to attend the Spelldrive practices during the week because of this incident. The lion did not really care, but oh well.
Your voice was calling out to the farmer boy. During the day, during the night, the apple carver could hear your song. It was a simple life that you were promising him, with you as his spouse and a farm as your home. An apple orchard, where your young ones would help you both pick the apples and he would teach them to carve them into intricate designs. He only needed to kiss you. It was a vision that haunted his dreams every single night he was away from you.
And on the seventh night, he was going to indulge you in your wish. He made sure that the two student guards were distracted as he threw an apple in a different direction and he quite easily snuck by. He ran as fast as he could, all the way to the moonpool where you were slowly swimming around. You looked so beautiful and peaceful… It's now that he noticed that the only peace you had gotten was when you were with a mer-person’s tail. He kissed you once you resurfaced, and you pulled him underwater.
When he woke up the next morning, he saw that he was in Ramshackle. He went red upon seeing that not only was he in your bed, but you were right next to him (understandably, considering it was your own bed). You were still asleep, so he settled back down and went back to cuddling you. The warm rays of the sun were splashing against his face in the most relaxing way, and he quickly fell back asleep.
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angelettecloud10 · 1 year
💜Yandere Azul Ashengrotto Idea💜
Ok After Watching The Little Mermaid (Classic Ver.) I remember Ursula Disguises herself as Vanessa to trick Eric that she saved him from drowning and who sang for him when he woke up after being unconscious
Then Poses to Marry Eric to Prevent Ariel from succeeding the Spell to be Human
Now here's an Idea:
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto x Fem. MC x Prince Rielle (The Little Mermaid/Merman AU)
Prince Rielle Longed to join the Surface World and Bond with the Humans Above the Ocean of Twisted Wonderland
That is until he get's Offered to Attend RSA as a Student along with his Friends (Twst ver. Of the Disney Princess) although His Father (King Triton) doesn't fully agree to this and in Frustration Rielle swims off to the Surface there He Meets MC on a Small Cruise Ship with her Fellow NRC friends having a Spring Break Party (Kinda Like how Eric was Celebrating his Birthday but this is the First Day of Spring and perfect for a Cruise Party)
With the Young Prince now curious of the Female Student he wanted to learn more about her (or as you can say it was Love at First Sight) and what would it be like to be Part of Her World.
Unfortunately Someone on the Other Hand has taken interest in the Female Prefect . . . Azul Ashengrotto . . . he sought to make MC his Promised but Notices Rielle Snooping in that case gave Azul the very key for his plan to achieve
During the Party a Great Storm Emerged and Ruined the Celebration, MC nearly put her Life on the Line to save her Friends that is Until She had to Go back and save her Furry Grey Companion, Grim from being Trapped in the Flames. After Successfully saving Grim, The Boat's Supply of Fireworks was set off with MC still on the Ship exploded leaving the Survivng Students on the Life Boats in Shocked
Rielle feeling the need to do something he had to save her from Drowning
As the Dawn rose yet the sky filled with soft grey clouds, Rielle brought MC back to shore not leaving her side worried that she might not wake up, but faintly he could hear her Breathing and a Sigh of relief escaped from Rielle mouth as he then was enchated by MC's Beauty as she lays Unconscious and he then Sings his new Dream to be Part of Her World
The Group then Later finds MC on Shore, relieved as they can be the First Years Tackled MC in a Tight hug Happy that she was Ok. MC then starts to Say how there was a Boy who Saved her and how He Sang so Beautifully. The Bois thought she was Imagining things or being Delusional or she probably Drank too much Sea Water (Lol)
Except for Azul who knew exactly What MC was Referring to . . . which gave him an Idea for a Boy who always had an eye for a Bargain
To Make this Short, Azul then had Rielle visit the Monstro Lounge to make a Deal with him. Helping Him to Turn into a Human to both to Attend RSA and Meet the Female Prefect only for 3 Days but Can Succeed if He Kisses her through True Love. If she Doesn't Kiss her then He Turns Back to a Merman and be trapped in the Monstro Lounge as a Fish in a Tank Serving the Entertainment as a Decoration (& Azul will have MC all to Himself). Payment would be for Rielle to Give up his Voice and rely on other ideas to communicate with MC and his Friends in RSA
As Rielle enjoys his Time at RSA making New Friends and Meeting MC and visiting The Village to Bond more they both Almost Kissed (Kiss the Girl Scene) but Unfortunately failed after being knocked over from the Leech Twins who followed them to prevent Rielle from Succeeding. Leaving Azul to take matters into his own hands and using Rielle's Voice and a Disguises himself (Like Vanessa but a Male ver. Brown Hair, Purple Amethyst Eyes, and his Seashell Necklace that holds Rielle's voice).
His Name would be Victor 💜
MC Standing outside of Ramshackle late at Night hoping that she wasn't mistaken that a Boy really did save her, considered the Lighter Side of the Whole Experience and Considers her feelings for Rielle and decides to Sleep on it and meet with him in the Morning.
But then Hears a Voice Singing exactly the same as the One who saved her from Drowning she then looks around and sees a Figure standing close to the Lake near Ramshackle. His Hair Softly Flows in the Night Breeze as he slowly Looks back at MC making Eye Contact with his Piercing Amethyst Eyes as he Sings and a Golden Hue Glows Brightly in the Night entrancing MC in a Spell
Soooo There's that & I Hope someone Writes a Story about this Idea & I give full permission to use this Idea as long you Credit me
Thanks For Reading and I hope you Enjoyed!!🐚💜
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
...I think i need a sort of name for myself to not explain that I'm "the person who asked for Fyuuture kid au" anon. I don't remember if you have anons, can I be the radio anon? 📻
Poor half-non-human babies🥲 Such drastic transformation is probably painful, but half-mer!Yutus are also on the death road! In one of Jade's cards, if i remember correctly, merfolk can dry up and start knocking on heaven's door. So, can half-mer!Yutu transform freely since he's also half-human, or does he need the potions that Octatrio use?🤔 Ariel's daughter needed magic to turn into mermaid. so I personally consider that more likely to happen
The illustration of Yuu and Jade!Yutu made me chuckle. Scary dog *cough* puppy *cough* privileges!💪🏻
Sending you positive vibes ✨
I am so so so sorry I have been taking forever to get to these asks x-x I want this askbox clean by the end of this weekend (ง'̀-'́)ง and of course you can be radio annon. I wanted to call you that from the start but didn't want to do so without your permission.
But yes you are very very right, the half-mer! Yutus were on the brink of death when they came to Twisted Wonderland. They already felt like they couldn't breathe from loss of Yuu and now they actually can't because they have gills. It's very traumatic for them.
They do need potions to stay human, but the reason they transformed when they traveled through the mirror is that, in my mind anyway, had Yuu stayed in Twisted Wonderland Yutu would have been born underwater. Come to think of it that probably would have made for a very difficult pregnancy when Yuu was transported back home. They source the potion from the same place Azul and the twins do, if I remember correctly Azul says all you need to do to obtain it is write a letter about what you want to do and the half-mer Yutus all would have gotten a run down from Jade about how that would have worked.
And yes scary dog puppy privileges! Or kitten privileges if we're talking Leona! Yutu hehe ( ` ꒳ ´ )✧
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zstargalaxy · 9 months
can you do seashell(palace pets) reader?
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Octavinielle x Seashell MC
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Your hoofs galloped across the hallways of NRC with speeds that caught the attantion of the passing students that look shock at the purple blurr that had pass by them with some students, including some of their dorm leaders, chasing after it.
The last thing you knew was that you had gone through the stained glass window of your home to Ariel and then you were teleported to this dark and unknown place.
Of course, once the staff and dorm leaders of each NRC dorm realized a stray pony has been spotted at the halls of the school, they didnt hesitate to try to capture you.
The chase that you gave them was pretty...
Short in a way...
You were pretty clumsy at your hooves despite being on land for some time after Ariel had help you with her father's assistance.
"It's like you have four left hooves" some of your pony friends at Whisker Haven would tease softly.
They aint wrong in a way. Afterall, you were born at the sea with fins at first and have a taste of longing for the experience of those of land-born ponies.
Now, you have a brand new experience.
Now having a brand new friends.
Now having another home.
Now in Twisted Wonderland where, although seemingly familiar, is unknown to you.
Currently, it has been a month since that faithful day of your chase with the staff and students where you had, unsurprisingly, tripped and been captured.
You were soon put in the school's own horse stables for the meantime as they try to (or not) find you a more suitable place to be put at.
The place aint half bad itself.
Although you would live without the tall looming horses...
And the red-haired boy's stern steel gaze...
As well as the green-haired boy's loud shouting.
Nonetheless, the Equestrian Club, who are assigned to the stables as their club headquarters, have treated you fairly good with some water and food given atleast three or two times a day.
But still...you wanted to go home.
So, one day, after a month and a half stay at the stables, you escaped.
Though your escape wasnt...flawless.
You didnt jump high enough over the fences, in which it had broke abit and cause a scene.
So here we are again, with a chase.
Although, what you didnt expect to happen, was that you had bump into a "bright opportunity".
Well...if you can even call Floyd Leech as a bright opportunity.
Floyd look down at he's foot when he felt something nudge (or for your case, collided) onto him at the halls.
He wanted to skip out he's shift at the Monstro Lounge. He was already bored just by just being there for an hour, so he decided to go look for something more interesting.
Well, more like, something more interesting has bump into him.
And you were scared out of your wits.
It all happen so fast back then.
Floyd carrying the threshing you to the Octavinielle's own resturant, being spooked by him and he's twin, being force to serve some food and drinks to some customers and then being stared down...
It was all too much...
And dont get me started on those spilled drinks.
You were there for the whole day, hooves shaking in fear of what they will do to you.
Until it finally felt comfortable.
When Floyd decided to take you to the dorm's indoor pool.
To say that he was shock was an understatement.
There you were, a clumsy (sea)horse, swimming naturally around the pool like it was normal. Heck, you were even letting out joyful noises at the feeling of the familiar environment of water.
It felt amazing!
Even Jade and Azul were amazed at the spectacle.
Although they werent impress by their clothes being wet by Floyd, who wanted to join you in the fun.
Soon afterwards, it became a routine for the OctaTrio to look after you whenever you want to use the indoor pool, ONLY if you will help in the Monstro Lounge in return.
The deal was....intimidating to you but agreed nonetheless.
And the results werent....bad at all.
You gotten better in serving the plates and juices over time, and had draw in a crowd after they heard about you in the lounge.
That had encourage Azul to let you stay.
Speaking of Azul, you didnt have much relationship with him...
He kinda remind you of a sea witch that you were told by Sebastian to you and Treasure.
So you try to stir clear from him.
How about the Leech Twins? Comepare to Azul, your relationship with them was much better.
It took some time for you to adjust to them but it was worth it.
Floyd quickly became your swimming partner at the pool, chasing eachother as you even cheat a few times by jumping off the pool and ran off to the halls with Floyd unexpextedly jumping onto the tile floor in he's eel merman form.
Jade would usually be the one responsible in keeping you in shape. Maintaining your mane, hooves, feeding, giving you the food to serve, some exercise.
Infact, he even let you join him in he's club activities in the mountains where he tells you all about the Twisted Wonderland, he's home, Azul, his twin and the plants you two have past by.
He would even let you try some mushrooms that he had picked and cooked!
Never again...
Nonetheless, the changes has been good. You still wanted to go home but...you will enjoy your time here with Octavinielle. It became your third home.
With Ariel's palace being the first and Whisker Haven as second, of course.
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oepionie · 2 years
✧༺:・゚once upon a time in wonderland: the crowned princess of ramshackle (CLOSED!)
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↳ ABOUT: Buried under towering stacks of papers, the Ramshackle prefect is stuck at her decrepit dorm, mulling over homework and magical textbooks. However, it seems that a strange magical tiara found in the depths of her attic might just change her plans for the night.
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꒰ ♡🦌 : Twisted Disney Princess! Reader x TWST boy of your choice!
↳ Hello! This is a small special I have planned as a thank you for 500 followers!
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↳ In my INBOX, Tell me the disney princess/protagonist you want MC to be twisted from and the TWST boy who'll be the love interest! (ex. Aurora & Malleus Draconia)
↳ Be patient, please! As I'm currently having my midterms it will take a few days before I can start working on them. Plus, these fics will be somewhat lengthy. (about 5k or more words)
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003. SLOTS (5/5 FULL!)
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NOW CLOSED! If anyone would like to be in the taglist for this, please comment on this post!
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kafkari · 8 months
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