#best diet for cutting fat
vanteguccir · 3 months
Atelophobia | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N has suffered with an eating disorder for years, but lately, - because of the some "fans" and social media - her insecurities have been taking her to a more than dangerous path, which she couldn't get out without help.
Warning: anorex!a, eating disorder, comparison, self sabotage, self hatred, panic attack, pure angst... PLEASE read with caution!
Requested?: No.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: This is not intended to trigger anyone or an instruction of how to lose weight. Read at your own risk.
PS. 2: Written by a girl - me - who goes through this every day.
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Atelophobia; the fear of not being good enough.
This was one of the millions of fears and problems that haunted Y/N's mind. Her head convinced her a long time ago that she simply wasn't enough; for her school teachers, for her classmates, for her friends, for her parents, past boyfriends... not even for herself.
This led her to listen to what others said and thought about herself since she was very young, the desire to be perfect and within society's standards in all aspects of a human being consumed her; personality, thoughts, knowledge... body.
She was told all the time how she should behave, act, and be. She was just a child, but that didn't seem to matter to those who did it, clogging her up with responsibilities and comparisons.
One thing led to another. Her desperation to be the best at everything started to include her own body. "Fat" was the first word people used to describe her. She had no control over the situations around her, but she had control over her weight.
Y/N was always the biggest girl in her class, and her classmates seemed to love reminding her of that; often being excluded from work groups, forgotten in groups of friends, or not chosen in any team during Physical Education classes.
Until the year when everything changed. During the school vacation, she decided to change, intending to return to school as a new girl. The new cycle started well, Y/N saw a nutritionist, cutting out all fatty foods from her routine and consuming only healthy ones. She started going to the gym daily, doing the recommended training time. All of this led her to lose a significant amount of weight.
Soon, the vacation was over, and with that, the negative comments from her classmates were replaced by positive comments. Girls asking what she had done to lose weight like that, searching for advice and seeing her as a miracle. Boys saying how changed and prettier she looked.
How could she not fall in love with her own illness?
So, that made her feel good. Too good... her mind began to yearn to become thinner, more beautiful, just to hear more from others. And then the healthy diet and the one hour training at the gym were no longer enough for her. She needed more if she wanted to be better.
Y/N then intensified her training, staying at the gym for 2 hours per day, doing more reps with more weight. She crossed out several foods from the list of permitted that her nutritionist had made, choosing for herself the ones she thought were ideal, until it had almost nothing left.
Her brain self-sabotaged so that she wouldn't go out with her friends, because they would definitely want to eat somewhere and she wouldn't be able to.
She no longer participated in family dinners, creating excuses so as not to be forced to sit at the table and eat.
Her mind convinced her that she wasn't thin enough to satisfy her boyfriends' sexual and non-sexual desires, which made her pull away during or at the beginning of any relationship she had until the guy got tired, or she simply ended it.
She spent hours on the internet, searching for sensational diets that reduced daily calories to 500 or less, promising extraordinary weight loss. In addition to getting on the scale at least 4 times a day, hoping for a miracle every time she looked at the numbers.
Y/N replaced her eating schedules with random hobbies like drawing, learning a new instrument, or picking flowers from her garden to make flower crowns, occupying her time and mind.
Some things scared her, her period hadn't come in months, clumps of hair fell out every time she ran her hands through it. Her vision went dark at least 3 times a day. Her body shivered from the complete cold of her insides, and her stomach hurt more than usual.
But she had to suffer them alone since she had no one to talk to about, always alone.
Until Y/N met Matt.
Matt was the boy who made her want to get better. He encouraged her to look for a hospital that fit her preferences, where Y/N finally began to receive psychiatric and psychological care.
Her diet changed for the better, into foods that Y/N saw as safe. She did not abandon the gym but reduced the weight and time, maintaining her training just for the health of her muscles, as she had lost a lot of lean mass during her worst moment.
The calculator in her head finally stopped. Her eyes started seeing food as just food and not as the enemy. Her stomach craved for all the snacks she loved, and she finally ate them, without feeling guilty.
Matt was so thoughtful about her entire situation, having suffered himself with extreme anxiety from a young age. He could tell he understood in parts what it was like to live with a mental illness.
So he helped her maintain her healthy diet and eat all her daily meals within her limit - often opting to eat together in their room, since he knew the trepidation Y/N still felt about doing it in front of other people.
Matt praised her in every possible situation, trying not to be extreme but to show his intense love and support for the girl. All of that was helping her a lot.
Until it wasn't.
Y/N and Matt never hid their relationship from the public, the girl knew how famous her boyfriend was and how difficult it could be to keep their relationship hidden, they would be seen together at one time or another.
So it wasn't surprising that the girl appeared in some of the triplets' pictures sometimes, and that's what happened that Friday.
As usual, Nick posted a photo dump on the triplets Instagram to promote the publication of their new car video, and one of the photos was of Matt and Y/N, specifically one in which the two were sitting on the couch in their living room, the girl had her legs draped over Matt's thighs, while his tattooed arm wrapped tightly around her waist, huge smiles decorating their faces.
It was a cute photo, but apparently, that wasn't what fans thought.
While Matt and his brothers were in the kitchen, preparing healthy snacks - a habit they built through the girl, but which in the end helped everyone -, Y/N was lying on her bed in the room she shared with Matt, wrapped in too-warm covers, holding her phone with her right hand while her left hand wrapped around her stomach in an almost painful grip.
Her thumb scrolled through the comments screen beneath the post. Almost everyone there talking about her picture with Matt.
"Matt can do so much better than her"
"I really don't know what he saw in her"
"She's going to end up crushing him like that"
"I'll pay for the gym for her if that's the price for Matt to have a worthy girlfriend"
And so on, it was as if they knew all of Y/N's weaknesses.
Some fans of them could be cruel when they wanted to, and Y/N knew this by heart since seeing Nick crying several times because he was body shamed, or when she noticed Chris being quieter than usual after reading comments saying how loud he was and how that was unbearable.
Her heart was crushed every time she saw Matt suffer in silence until he couldn't hold it in any longer and finally cried in her lap for hours after reading people saying how insignificant and quiet he was in the videos.
Even though a huge mass of the fandom loved them with all their hearts and took care of them as much as the distance of a phone screen allowed, it still wasn't enough to swallow the hate comments.
But when it came to Y/N, more than half of the fandom turned against her. Maybe out of envy, but it was obvious that the girl didn't see it that way. She was convinced that they were right.
Her heart tightened as if someone was crushing it with their bare hands. The air seemed to escape her lungs, and the lunch she ate hours before seemed to want to go up her throat. Her fingers trembled as she held her stomach, feeling everything she had and didn't have there. Her eyes began to water, her lips quivering from the tears that wanted to escape.
Y/N quickly moved her finger to the back button, hoping to break out of the horrible cycle she was about to enter. A loud sob escaped her lips when, upon finally leaving the post, her feed reloaded, and a picture of a model that Y/N followed and admired appeared.
Comparison was her biggest enemy.
Negative thoughts about herself began to pollute her mind, everything around her becoming a fog. The sounds coming from the kitchen became muffled to her ears. Y/N's right hand - which was holding her phone - was gripping the device in such a way that her fingers turned white. Painful sobs escaped her mouth as her eyes remained fixed on the woman's perfect figure.
Why can't I be like her?
The longing for the sensations she felt when she starved hit her chest hard. The desire to want to be as thin as before - or more - filled her.
It didn't take long, and soon, the bedroom door was slowly opened, Matt's silhouette appearing behind it. His face was lit up with a smile - probably because of some joke his brothers made - while his right hand held a plate with two sandwiches.
His cheerful expression was replaced by a frown of concern. Matt quickly closed the door with his feet, walking towards the bed, haphazardly placing the plate on the nearest bedside table before sitting down on the mattress.
His hands flew to Y/N's waist, stopping over her own hand that was squeezing her skin with a force that was sure to leave it bruised.
The girl seemed to wake up from her trance, lifting her head and meeting Matt's calming - but worried - gaze. She cried harder as she imagined what her boyfriend would be thinking of her now.
Automatically, her mind started to play her current state, messy hair, swollen and red face, skin wet with tears, eyes half closed and mouth open, allowing sobs to escape from there.
"M-Matt-" Her sentence was cut off by a sob, her eyes closing tightly.
Matt took a deep breath, trying to process what to do next. His left hand - the one that didn't cover hers - slowly took the phone, taking it out of his girl's death grip. He glanced briefly at the screen, automatically understanding what was happening before locking it and putting the device aside.
He moved his body so that it was closer to hers, resting his hand on her spine and guiding her until she laid her head on his chest, caressing the area below his fingers.
Matt felt his heart break with every tremble that rocked the body beneath his caused by the sobs. If he could take that pain away from his girlfriend, he would.
"It's okay, baby, let it out. I'm right here." He cooed, his fingers caressed the tangled strands of her hair lightly, stroking the area while moving his upper body back and forth, slowly calming his girlfriend.
"Ma-Matty-" Y/N's voice was weak, wobbly from the pain in her heart.
Matt removed his hand from hers for a few seconds, stretching it to the bedside table - where the plate was -, taking the bottle of water that Y/N always filled before going to sleep. He opened the lid in one quick movement, bringing it close to his girl's face.
"Come on, my love. Sit down for a moment and take a sip of water. Please." The boy asked in a soft voice, helping Y/N straighten her posture before bringing the bottle closer to her lips, helping her take a few small sips of the contents.
He closed the bottle after making sure she was satisfied, placing it on the mattress before turning his attention to Y/N again. He brushed away the strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear.
"What if they're right?" She asked in a whisper, catching her bottom lip between her teeth in an attempt to keep from crying.
"No, they aren't." Matt's tone was convincing, as if he was absolutely sure of what he was saying. "You are not worse than others because of your weight. You look great as you are. Your body is perfect, do you know why? Because he's healthy enough to carry you around and take care of you." The boy held her hands lightly, stroking the back of her fingers gently as he looked into her eyes. "The recovery journey is not easy, I remember the words your psychologist said to me when we had that session together. I imagine your head when you see clothes getting tighter, and these comments certainly make you want to give up, I know you, baby."
He paused momentarily, watching her reactions carefully.
Y/N knew that, recovery was hard work. Not wanting to die was hard work.
"Recovery is not a race. You don't have to feel guilty about taking less or more time than you originally thought or having relapses from time to time. This is part of the process, and I want you to understand this. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. When I look at the most beautiful things, I remember you. In the pink tulips of the flower shop across the street, in the Cassiopeia constellation, in the bees that fly in our garden and in the greenest tree I have ever seen." Y/N let out a tearful laugh when she heard him mention the tree, knowing his immense love for nature. "Because you're pretty like them."
"I-I'm sorry." The girl whispered, sniffling then lowering her gaze in shame. "I... I saw the photos that Nick posted, and there were comments..." She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly.
"Oh baby." He leaned slightly over Y/N, sealing his lips over her warm forehead. "If you want to apologize, let me do it. If you went through this now, it was because of me."
"No, Matt. It was never and will never be your fault." Y/N shook her head, wiping her eyes momentarily with the sleeve of her - his - hoodie, sniffling slightly before taking one of Matt's hands, intertwining their fingers. "You don't control people, much less through the internet. They will always talk a lot because they are behind a screen that protects them, but that will never be your fault. I would rather go through this a thousand times and have you with me than never have you again."
"I understand." He paused momentarily. "Please, don't let it get to that point again while you're alone. If you see something that upsets you or makes you feel bad, turn it off instantly and call me. I want to be there to help you. I want to be there for you." The brunette asked, staring at her eyes.
Y/N sighed, nodding her head and leaning slightly closer to him, resting her forehead on Matt's shoulder, exhaling the softening scent and perfume that exuded from the fabric of the hoddie on his body.
Her eyes burned from the tears she shed, closing them tightly to prevent more from falling, her heart still feeling sore from everything.
"If you want, we can contact that psychologist again, the one who helped you throughout the process at the hospital." Matt lowered his head, bringing his face closer to the back of Y/N's head, pressing his lips against his girl's hair, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of her body close to his. "I want to attend some sessions just like we did last time, so I understand how I can help you this time."
Y/N felt her heart warm instantly, her free hand snaking to Matt's thigh closest to her, stroking the covered skin lightly.
Matt loved Y/N more than he loved himself, and he would make sure that she understood that she wasn't alone anymore.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
‼️: If you relate to any of the things that I wrote on this, feel free to send me a message, my DMs are open!! I'm always open to talking to you all. You don't need to suffer alone. You're all super strong, and you got this!! I love you 🩷
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife
(If you want to be added to the taglist, please comment here)
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mrfoox · 2 years
Ok keeping myself to/under 1800 caloris is hard 😔
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shame on You Part 2/2
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Part 1
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Request - Hi, can you do one where the reader has a ta and ruben makes an unintentional comment about her body and she gets neurotic and stops eating and he notices?
It began with a reduction of sugar in your current diet, meaning that you weren't adding anything to your coffee in the morning nor sprinkling it over your daily bowl of freshly picked berries. However,  your diet quickly evolved when you became a vegan, cutting off animal products altogether.
In Ruben's eyes, you were making healthy lifestyle choices, and you lived for the praise he gave you in the form of love and affection. You see, Ruben enjoyed morning sex before heading out for the day. It was very exciting at first, taking your relationship to a whole nother level intimately. However, at one point, it also became very exhausting for you. With your new diet, you simply didn't have the energy for sex, at least not every day like Ruben. One morning, he seemed to notice your lack of performance, leaving you very embarrassed when he asked you about it.
"Are you sure you're good?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Ruben had been laying on top of you, but rolled to his side as if to give you space.
"Y/N. I don't know how to put it to you but it seems to me like you weren't enjoying yourself."
"Well maybe we can try another position?" Your voice sounded less confident than you wanted it to be.
"Y/N." Ruben smiled, reaching out to stroke the bottom of your lip with his thumb. "I don't think another position is gonna help if you're not feeling comfortable to begin with."
"Or maybe you just don't want me anymore?"
"What, no. Y/N, that's not what I...."
You got out of bed, desperately looking for something to cover yourself with. Ruben's shirt lay on the floor, you bent down to pick it up but was startled by Ruben who appeared before you in the nude, searching your face as if you had just been wacked in the face by a golf club.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
Your eyes darted at your feet. "Nothing I...."
"Y/N." He grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to meet his eyes. "Please, you can tell me. You have to tell me."
You shook your head and batted away the tears. "I..."
"I don't know, okay."
You looked up. Ruben didn't appear the slightest convinced.
"You don't want to tell me?"
"It's not that, I just can't."
"Why?" Ruben sat down, dragging you to the edge of the bed for you to stand in between his legs. His hands went to stroke the length of your body, growing goosebumps on your naked skin.
"Ruben I'm..."
He was taller than you, even when he was sitting down, your faces were at level. The way his was looking at you, at your body. Ruben was looking at you as if it didn't matter.
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong?"
You sighed, stepping forwards, your head tilting forwards until it knocked against Ruben's. "I want cake."
"And cookies. Ice cream too."
Ruben chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he did. "Okay. Is it that time of the month or...?"
You pulled back, eyebrows furrowed.
You shook your head. "No. I'm just..."
You sighed. "I'm just fat, okay. Fat and hungry. So fucking hungry. And I don't want a salad, I want real food. Meat, and possibly a sponge cake for dessert.
Ruben looked puzzled.
"I know how you feel about me having dessert, but perhaps that's your problem not mine."
Ruben sat quiet, your rant having come to an end. He was still looking at you in the same way he had done minutes ago. With admiration and lust. Perhaps it wasn't the best to give it to him straight with your nipples in his face. However, Ruben had solemnly kept his eyes on you and only you, ignoring your titts.
"So you want dessert?" He said.
You bit your lip and nodded. "A cake."
"Anything else?"
"Yes. I want a steak from breakfast."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm. With baked potatoes, just the way your mom made them the last time she came to visit."
There was a dip in Ruben's left cheek. His arms pulled you close, pressing your body against his, his face now buried between your breast. "Is that all?"
"Yes." You nodded. "What are you having for breakfast?"
He smiled, but tilted down to kiss the center of your stomach, tracing them downwards until your back bent over his forearms.
"Ruben." You giggled. "I'm serious. What are you having for breakfast, I'll make you anything."
"Anything?" He looked up, eyes drunk and dazed.
"Yes. What do you want?" You were slightly afraid to hear his answer.
"If I can have anything, then I want you for breakfast."
He said this and returned to serande your belly with kisses, awakening every nerve in your body.
"Ruben, you can't..."
Oh but he could. With one swift movement he had you on the bed again, your legs spread before him. He bent down to kiss your inner thigh with the most gentle of touches. It was short lived however, with Ruben tracing his kisses towards your center. Your fingertips traced the rough tips of his hair, and when he licked you your back arched with the pleasure that shot threw your spine.
"Fuck." You sighed.
"You taste wonderful." He murmured.
You smiled. "Better than cake?"
"Better than any dessert. You taste so sweet, sweeter than sugar."
"Hmm, Ruben Dias treating himself to something sweet, I see."
He raised his head, a dent between his brows. "Yes, and?"
You chuckled. "Well, shame on you."
Part 1
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ms-demeanor · 8 months
I went diabetic earlier this year, since then I've had far more serious health concerns to really focus on it. I've listened to my primary care and reduced my average a1c from 13 to 7. I've recently been looking into diets and what not that are the best. Currently, I'm trying to cut out all carbs, on my doctor's orders. What I'm seeing though is that a plant based diet is best. It looks like a ketogenic diet is what my doctor wants me to follow? I've watched videos on both diets and I don't know, I agree with you that keto is evil. What are your thoughts about this?
I am not a medical professional so i can't give you medical advice, but I'd say that you should ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician (an RD or an RDN, NOT a "nutritionist" - RD/RDN are protected terms that mean they have completed specific training and have specific board certification) and ask the dietician for advice on your specific dietary needs for your specific medical conditions.
What I can say is that trying to cut all carbs is pretty dangerous - not only is it a macronutrient that our body uses as the most available fuel for your body processes (we *can* get fuel from protein and fat, and ketones can *theoretically* replace sugars for energy but nobody is actually sure how long our bodies can do that and we know it's a LOT less efficient, it's supposed to be less efficient, and what that means is it makes a lot of people feel exhausted when they try it because they literally have less available energy) but also there are certain nutrients that are fortified in the US that are going to be hard to get if you're cutting carbs completely. The example that I always use is folate, because when I had to cut wheat out of my diet (i have grain allergies and celiac disease) I didn't know to supplement it and ended up with a form of anemia and stuff like "fainting" and "dizziness" and "low oxygen saturation."
Which is part of why massive diet changes should be undertaken with the assistance of a dietician! That's why I started studying nutrition! Because nobody supervised my medically necessary diet changes and it went very poorly!
Your GP very likely doesn't have a ton of training on nutrition, and is even less likely to have training on nutrition specific to your condition. If your GP is telling you to cut all carbs, they are telling you to do something dangerous and not nutritionally sound (even really restrictive keto diets call for 20g of carbs a day). Ask either them or your endocrinologist for a referral to a dietician (again, you are looking for a Registered Dietician or a Registered Dietician Nutritionist, RD or RDN, NOT just 'nutritionist') who is familiar with helping diabetics manage their nutrition.
Now, all of that said, in the choice between two fairly restrictive diets I will always say to try the one that requires less effort. It is much easier to eat a plant-based diet long term than a keto diet, and it is vanishingly unlikely that you are going to end up protein deficient (the primary concern for most people who are starting plant based diets, and it's just not all that likely - we need a lot less protein than a lot of people seem to think; though if you're going completely vegan you do need to be careful to supplement your B vitamins and to ensure that you're getting plenty of omega fats)
Because the thing is, for a diet to "work" you have to be on that diet forever. If you stop being on that diet, and stop adhering to its restrictions, whatever benefits exist for that diet go away. So the best diet for *anybody* is one that will provide them with the nutrients they need in a way that they can access regularly and affordably, that they enjoy eating and can comfortably maintain for long periods of time, and that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables because the only diet advice that is nearly universally applicable is that people should be eating more fruits and vegetables and they should be eating a wider variety of them.
I am not a fan of "diets" as a concept and I think that people should think of nutrition in terms of "my diet" not "the diet that is meant to be one-size-fits-all for millions of people that I am attempting." Your diet is what you eat and drink, and that is what you should be looking at adjusting. If you want to reduce carbs in your diet it's better to tweak your consumption than it is totally replace your diet with a one size fits all keto diet. If you want to increase fat in your diet it is better to tweak your consumption than it is to replace your diet with a one size fits all atkins diet. If you want to go plant based I think it is better to start by adjusting your diet to include more plants and to slowly replace animal based products than by trying a one size fits all vegan diet right out of the gate. You can always (and should!) make adjustments to what you eat as circumstances change and you may end up at a vegan diet or a low carb high fat diet and find that that works for you, but part of the reason that I think nutrition studies on diets are so screwy and hard to pin down is because your body is going to *flip the fuck out* when you change from, say, an average american diet to a study-provided Mediterranean diet for a 12 week experiment. If you drastically change your diet all at once and get good results immediately it's very hard to say if those results will be lasting because your body may just adjust to the "new normal" of your diet six months down the line.
But like seriously if your GP is telling you to cut all carbs you need to see a person who specializes in nutrition, and to prepare for your appointment with that person you should make a list of your goals (for you it sounds like you want to manage your blood sugar levels, reduce a1c, and *ask about* low carbs if that is something that interests you), a list of things you think that you'll have trouble with or that you want to include in your diet because they're important to you (if you really like nuts but have to be on a low fat diet, ask if there's a way to work around that with your needs, for example; if there is a cultural staple that you will find difficult to cut from family meals, TELL THEM THAT), a list of questions that you have about different types of diets, and *VERY IMPORTANTLY* information about your food budget and cooking skills. Be clear about it if you can't cook. Be clear about it if you can't afford certain ingredients.
Anyway. Once again, not medical advice, please speak to a medical professional, good luck.
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tr0ubledberry · 1 year
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
Good day, dear author. and you couldn't write graces and obscenities with Jack and y/n (something like a hedcanon or mini-stories), who completely lives a different rhythm of life than Jack, but they are still together. And yet it differs completely externally, small in stature and lush in body (with fat, not with muscles 🥲) (you can also add to give more ideas about the girl as a creative person who loves to embroider during the day, but at the same time quite loving all those brutal fights that we see from jack) ps and adoring Jack's teeth and what they do sometimes, huh. Thank you very much for your efforts, and for reading at least my request😅❤💐
Google translate is truly our enemy but I think I was able to kind of understand what you want. So sorry if I butcher this a bit.
I just think of the Big scary dog x ball of sunshine.
Minors DNI
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Jack Hanma x Cinnamon roll reader
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Jack Hanma
Now the two of you were a very odd couple to see. It came to be from you helping him when he was bleeding out in an alleyway in a time of need. Your kindness staying with him while he was in the hospital. Not to mention the cute handkerchief you had embroidered your initials on that you had given him to wipe the blood from his face.
It was pure chance he ran into you again. You were getting a cup of bubble tea and he was on his way home. He didn’t waste the chance to return your handkerchief to you. It shocked him when you blushed and complimented his titanium teeth. You didn’t find him scary… it was then that you asked him for his number.
The relationship was bumpy at first. Jack has never dated before. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s not quite used to affection. But it’s welcomed. Your warmth and kindness is welcomed.
He thinks it’s so cute how you embroider your own clothing and accessories. How could someone be so cute… not to mention your fondness for sweets. Jack gets on you about eating your vegetables. He scoops some of his broccoli off his plates and makes you eat it. “You need a more balanced diet.”
Jack really wanted to shield your from his fighting lifestyle but for some reason, you weren’t bothered by it. You encouraged him and cheered for him. Jack wasn’t used to someone being his own personal cheerleader. Even after all these months of being together, he still would get red in the face. He loved your positive energy in his life
Jack teaches you how to stand up for yourself and not be such a pushover. It makes him so mad when someone even slightly raises their voice at you. If you weren’t there to hold him back, he’d probably throw a chair at them.
It takes everything in him not to just snatch you up and put you on a high shelf no one can reach but him. He freaks out if you accidentally cut yourself or bump into things. Jack takes a lot of reassurance that you aren’t fragile. That you won’t break
Jack adores how soft you are. You’re so soft and squishy compared to him. He loved laying his hands on your stomach and thighs. He also loves putting his head between them the most
The first time you get intimate, he is terrified. Terrified of hurting you. Of crushing you. But once he is reassured and the act begins, he becomes increasingly more rough as control slips out of his hands. Jack apologizes the next day for how rough he was and he kisses every mark and bruise he leaves on you. Jack is trying his best. He is. He’s still wild
Over all, you two are an interesting pairing but you both make it work. You teach Jack how to be more human and he teaches you how to stand up for yourself more. You two are like Yin and Yang
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healthyfitlifestyle09 · 9 months
Which is the best foods for weight loss in united states ?
The best foods for weight loss in the United States combine nutritional value, portion control, and sustainable eating habits. Here are some attractive options:
Leafy Greens: Incorporate kale, spinach, and Swiss chard into your meals. They're low in calories but packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Lean Proteins: Opt for skinless poultry, lean cuts of beef or pork, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps you feel full and preserves muscle mass.
Fruits: Enjoy colorful fruits like berries, apples, and citrus. They're rich in antioxidants and fiber, making them satisfying and nutritious.
Whole Grains: Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. They're fiber-rich and provide lasting energy.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats and protein. They also keep you feeling full longer.
Fish: Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health and can aid in weight loss.
Greek Yogurt: It's protein-packed and can be a creamy, satisfying snack or breakfast option.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber. They make great additions to meals.
Avocado: While calorie-dense, avocados provide healthy fats and fiber, helping control appetite.
Beans and Lentils: They're rich in protein and fiber, keeping you full and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Water: Don't forget the importance of staying hydrated. Drinking water before meals can help control portion sizes.
Herbs and Spices: Flavor your dishes with herbs and spices instead of salt or high-calorie sauces.
Remember, the key to successful weight loss is not only about individual foods but also about overall dietary patterns and lifestyle choices. A balanced diet, portion control, regular physical activity, and consistency are essential for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance on your weight loss journey.
Read more helpful information about health & fitness :
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You would think that by now (nearly 55 trips around the sun) I would have accrued a fair understanding of health and fitness; anything that would make me healthier. With age comes wisdom right? Wrong. With age comes age.
I’m not so arrogant that I can’t admit I’m wrong or woefully undereducated when it comes to what is truly best practice for ensuring I am as healthy as possible. I was, just like probably the majority of you out there, under the impression that managing food, exercising and cutting out the shitty stuff would equate to being fit, and if I went hardcore - maybe even thinner. I was wrong.
For many many years, I’ve had a love/loathe relationship with food, my body, the scale, mirrors, exercise and my overall aesthetic. Dysfunctional is probably more accurate. Diets, cleanses, and calculated fastings. Paleo, Atkins, Whole 30, intuitive eating, and on and on. I’d see results for a while and then succumb to cravings, binges, make excuses, feel guilty af, lose any gains and more likely gain all my weight back plus some. Mentally, I’d feel beaten, hate myself and vow that next time it will be different. I’d read blogs about new and amazing fitness regimes, seek out trainers and experts, make vision boards, post accountability pics… you name it, I’ve probably tried it. Weight loss, portion control, and micromanaging macros became a daily practice. I felt my confidence - my worth - tied to my weight. Thinner tied to happiness. But since it inevitably doesn’t work (or at least meet my bloated expectation), it was a roller coaster of feelings; yo-yoing between miserable and proud of myself. I had been drinking the diet culture Kool-Aid for so long, it was incredibly difficult to accept that I am what I am. I will never be thin. Period. I will always be the shape I am, always have a natural set point that my body wants to wobble around, and I will always be struggling with making peace with that. And that’s okay.
Having a partner that encourages me to own my shit, inspires me and accepts me has helped immeasurably. I’m grateful. I still believe that exercise is good for you. That will never change, but my perception of food and diets needed to be addressed. And has been. Food isn’t the enemy. I’m not preaching go eat anything and everything, but for myself, I need to stop vilifying carbs, sugar, and fats. I’m tired. I’m tired of struggling to hit a number. I’m tired of feeling defeated. I’m tired of comparison. Tired of fighting biology, my hormones and negative headspaces.
Acceptance, learning, and joy - these are my new aspirations.
It took me 50+ years to figure this shit out, I plan on enjoying the next gaggle of days I have left. I’m giving myself permission to be happy. You should try it.
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topguncortez · 11 months
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The Origins of Honeybee || part 2
previous part | Bob & Bea Masterlist | opposites attract masterlist
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synopsis: Bob gets a call from the woman who's had his heart in her hands for the past decade. Bea tries to forget the real reason she showed up on Bob's doorstep
word count: 3.0k
warnings: religious trauma, teen pregnancy, mentions of depression, adoption, mentions of verbal abuse, running away, mentions of distorted eating, language
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Bob’s hands were sweaty as he stood in the middle of the airport. He kept moving the bouquet of sunflowers and yellow roses from hand to hand so he could wipe his palms on his khakis. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t seen you in over five years and suddenly, you were flying across the country and showing up on his doorstep. The call had been cryptic, but Bob gathered enough from the waiver in your voice, and he didn’t hesitate to buy you a plane ticket. 
It wasn’t that Bob wanted to cut off communication with you for the past five years, it was that you told him it was for the best. It had been too hard to try and maintain a long-distance relationship with you trying to finish your masters degree and Bob being the best WSO that he possibly could be. It hurt Bob more than anything to have to let you go, but if it was going to help you heal, then he was more than willing to break his own heart for you. 
His ears perked up as he heard the overhead speaker announce what carousel your baggage would be on. Suddenly his heart started racing and his blue eyes scanned all the faces of people coming off the escalator. He wondered if he’d even be able to recognize you. How much have you changed in five years? He knows he’s changed a lot. He no longer had that extra baby fat on his cheeks, he had to shave every day or else he had a five o’clock shadow, he also kept his hair trimmed up and short for work. 
“Bobby?” All his fears seemed to melt away as he heard your sweet voice fill his ears. He turned around and his eyes widened in surprise. 
“Honeybee,” Bob sighed and pulled you in for a hug without a second thought. He tried to ignore the pang in his chest as you froze for a moment before you hugged him back. He pulled away and awkwardly held the bouquet of flowers out for you, “These are for you.” 
“Thank you, Bobby,” You said and took the flowers from him. 
Bob nodded and stuffed his hands into your pockets, “Your uh, your bags are on carousel-” 
“I didn’t bring much,” You said and gestured to the duffle bag down by your feet, “This was all I took.” 
Bob nodded again, his eyebrows furrowed a bit in confusion. That was one thing that seemed to have changed throughout the years. He could remember when you moved in with him junior year, and how his closet and dresser were overrun with your clothing and shoes. But now, it looked like you packed up all your belongings into a duffle bag and a backpack. 
“Well, are you hungry?” 
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You were starving, and it took all your willpower not to scarf down the burger in front of you. You took your time to chew your food, savoring the taste of something with flavor. Your diet as of late consisted of buttered pasta and oatmeal. You could tell Bob was chomping at the bit to ask why you had called him of all people. It had been five years since you spoke to him, and now you were sitting across from him in San Diego with nothing more than two bags and a hundred dollars in your bank account. 
“Have you heard from Ava and Natalie?” Bob asked and you sucked in a breath, “I-I was just wondering since-” 
“No, I haven’t talked to them,” You said and twirled the straw in your drink around, “She uh. . . she called last week. It caught me totally off guard.” 
Bob smiled, “Yeah, I got a call too. She knew it was my birthday and told Natalie she wanted to talk to me.” 
“Natalie says Eloise likes numbers. She’s a lot like you in that regard.” 
“She got lucky,” Bob said, looking down at the food in front of him, “She’s got four parents who love her to the moon in back.” 
Everyone in town thought that you and Bob were making a mistake when you decided to give your baby up for adoption. But you both knew it was the best option for her. You were young, still a child yourself, and didn’t know how you were going to raise a baby in a town that had turned your back on you. When the word spread that you were having a child out of wedlock, you had been fired from the daycare center, their reasoning was you weren’t a “good role model” for the children. You had been asked to not come back to church unless you and Bob were getting married. You were spiraling into a depression and it got to the point where you were hardly getting out of bed to eat or take care of yourself. You didn’t know how you could raise a baby, someone who was going to be 100% dependent on you if you couldn’t even find the strength to get out of bed in the morning. 
You were actually the one to make the suggestion to Bob one day. He at first was against it. Bob couldn’t stand the thought of someone else raising his child. But then he heard your side of things, listened to your reasoning, and watched you with tears in your eyes tell him that this was the best thing you could give your child. Bob sat by your side through every single meeting with your adoption counselor, met with all the potential couples, and listened to their speeches on why they would be the perfect parent for your child. It was hard for you two to settle on a couple, not that any of them were bad people, they just were all too stiff, giving you the car salesmen’s pitch. That was until you met Ava and Natalie. 
Your adoption agent told you that it was harder for same-sex couples to adopt and they often get overlooked. Ava and Natalie had tried for years to conceive on their own but were met with tragedy after tragedy. You weren’t sure what drew you to them, maybe it was the way that Natalie talked to you like you were a lifelong friend, or maybe it was the way that Ava could relate to Bob’s desire to want to move the hell out of Montana. But after that first meeting with them, you knew that they were the perfect pair to raise your baby. 
It had been the hardest day of your life, placing your baby in someone else's arms and watching them walk away with her. Bob had to physically keep you from crashing to the ground as you tearfully waved goodbye to your daughter Eloise and her new parents. It hurt like hell, but you knew that it was the best choice for her and the two of you. And you had been right in choosing Ava and Natalie. The two of them kept you and Bob in the loop when it came to milestones with Eloise, sending you pictures and videos and holiday art projects. Every year you and Bob sent a birthday gift for Eloise and her parents would send you a video of her opening it in return. 
Ten years later, the ache in your chest still didn’t go away, and the same with Bob. He thought about Eloise constantly, and every night he would say a small prayer for God to watch over and protect her. He also always said a prayer for you too, that wherever you were on the planet you were doing alright. Bob told himself, if he ever got the chance to sit down with you again, he wasn’t going to pry and ask a thousand questions about what you had been doing, but he couldn’t help it. 
There was just something off about you, and he had to know. 
“Honeybee, I-” Bob leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. 
“Bea,” You said, cutting him off, “Please. . . Don’t call me ‘honeybee’.” 
Bob nodded and sat back in his chair a bit, “I’m glad you called me but. . . what’s going on? Are you okay? If you’re in trouble I can-” 
“I-” You opened your mouth a couple of times and then looked down at your hands. You let out a shaky sigh, running your hand through your hair, “I had to leave, Bobby. I can’t say much more than that, and please, don’t ask.” 
Bob’s blue eyes narrowed at you. You didn’t have anything physically wrong with you that Bob could see, but there was no light behind those eyes he fell in love with all those years ago. Your hair seemed dull, and he noticed that your smile didn’t quite stretch across your face like it used to. But, if there was one thing Bob had been good at, it was keeping a secret. 
So, Bob did the one thing that he knew would bring you so much comfort. He extended out his pinky and held it towards you. You smiled at him, a genuine smile, and wrapped your pinky around his. 
“I swear,” You both said at the same time, kissing the pads of your thumbs and then pressing them together.
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Bob hadn’t allowed you to rent a hotel room. In fact, the moment you told him that you had gotten one, he made you cancel it. He had a decent house off base that always felt too big to him. He insisted that you take his room, while he took the guest room. The reasoning he gave was that it had an attached bathroom, and he wanted you to have as much privacy as you could get in the two-bedroom house. 
It had been almost two weeks of living with Bob. You two had slowly fallen into a normal routine as you had never been apart for the last five years. You didn’t even need an alarm clock to wake up at the same hour as Bob did. While he got in the shower and shaved for work, you found your way to his kitchen (which you went and stocked. . . after calling his mother and having her scold him for having nothing but boxed macaroni and cheese) and started breakfast and making lunch for him. 
Bob would join you right as the toast would pop up from the toaster, and pour two cups of coffee for the both of you. He would then help you clean the kitchen, as you packed up his lunch, and set in by the front door with his backpack, a travel mug, and a snack for when he’d go to the gym after work. And every morning, just like when he went to work for Ol’ Man Silverspoon, you’d stand on the front porch and watch him pull out of the driveway in that old Ford pick-up he refused to get rid of. 
Slowly, the Dagger squad noticed the changes in Bob. Phoenix was the first to notice, being one of the closest members to him. She noticed that his flight suits smelled like lavender and he was actually bringing a healthy lunch to work instead of his usual honeybuns and cheetohs from the vending machine. She also noticed that he would leave the Hard Deck earlier than usual on Friday nights, and would hardly talk to anyone on the weekends. 
Phoenix was sitting across from her sister in the breakroom, enjoying their lunch, well, Dragon hastily picked at hers, her morning sickness still getting the best of her, when Bob came and joined them. Both of the girls greeted him, as he sat and opened his lunch box.
“Here,” Bob said, “I was told you should try this.” He handed a small baggie of chips to Dragon. The Trace girl furrowed her eyebrows at him, “They’re ginger kettle chips. I was told that they help with morning sickness.” 
“You know that ginger helps with morning sickness?” Dragon asked. 
Bob just shrugged, “My mom said it always does the trick.” 
Dragon nodded, pushing away the salad that Bradley had packed for her, and opened the bag of chips. She took a sniff of them, before pulling one out and biting it slowly. She chewed it before looking at her sister with wide eyes. 
“Holy shit, these are actually good,” Dragon laughed. 
“Told ya,” Bob chuckled, taking out the ham sandwich you had packed him, “Honeybee knows what she’s doing.” 
“Honeybee?” Phoenix asked. Bob stopped about mid-bite and realized what he had just said. 
“Robert Michael Floyd, do you have a woman?!” Phoenix smiled, and Bob blushed, setting his sandwich down. 
“It’s a complicated story,” Bob said, “We were together, a long time ago, but we separated and now she’s back, and I-” 
“Are all blushy, gushy,” Dragon said, nudging him. Bob shook his head and looked down at his food, “Well, she made me and my baby happy, so I already like her.” 
“It’s very easy to make you and your baby happy. I watched you eat pickles and peanut butter yesterday,” Phoenix pointed out. 
“Bean’s got exquisite taste,” Dragon moved her eyebrows up and down as she placed her hand on her belly and leaned back in her chair, “And speaking of Bean, they are sitting on my bladder,” She pushed herself up from the chair, “Tell ‘honeybee’ thank you for the chips.” 
The second that her sister was gone, Phoenix turned and faced her WSO. Bob clenched his jaw, trying his best to keep the red from creeping up his cheeks under Phoenix’s stare. From the moment they met, Bob hadn’t kept a single thing from her. She was his best friend, his closest confidant. He told her everything about Bea, and Elosie and how his heart still belonged to her after all these years. 
“I was going to tell you,” Bob sighed, “I just. . . I wanted to have a little more time with her by myself before I told you, and then everyone.” 
“I get it,” Phoenix nodded and put her hand on his forearm, “You don’t have to tell me every-” 
“It’s what makes us a good team.” Phoenix smiled and nodded. Bob was right, their open and honest relationship was what made them one of the best pilot/co-pilot duos in the military. 
“It does, but I know how much she and Elosie mean to you,” Phoenix said, “How is she?” 
“She’s. . .” Bob sighed, “She acts and looks like the same Honeybee, but there’s something different. Something, I don’t know, off? I just can’t quite-” The sound of Bob’s phone buzzing in his pocket cut him off. He furrowed his eyebrows as he reached into his chest pocket, pulling his phone out, “Hello?.. What? No, slow down, I can’t. . . No! Don’t just. . . I’ll be home in five,” He stood up abruptly from the table, gathering his trash in his hand, “Whatever you do, Honeybee, do not leave. I’ll be right there.” 
“What’s going on?” Phoenix asked, standing up. 
“Not sure, but she says she has to run. That he’s found her.”
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You couldn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks as you paced back and forth in Bob’s kitchen. You had finally been able to catch your breath after doing some of the breathing exercises your therapist had coached you on. Your hands still felt numb and tingly as you looked at the packed duffle bag on the floor right next to the door. 
The second you answered the unknown call, you knew it wasn’t going to be good. Every fiber in your being was screaming at you to not answer it, but you did anyway. His voice sent a shiver down your spine, as the breath was stolen from your lungs. You had thought that you escaped it. That you had done everything you could to run away from him and the monsters that were still out there. The man you had hired to make it look like you had vanished without a trace said it had worked. 
You jumped at the sound of the front door being pushed open. Closing your eyes and taking slow breaths, you listened as Bob’s footsteps entered into the kitchen. 
“Honeybee,” He sighed out. 
“B-Bobby,” Your lip quivered as you ran to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around you as you sobbed into his chest, “He’s found me. He’s coming for me.” 
Bob pulled away from you, cradling your tear stained cheeks in his hands, “Who? Who is, Honeybee?” 
“My husband.”
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yourecitten · 7 months
my personal glow up guide 1)
physically :
find out what colors , according your skintone suits you the best. ( you can find a tone of pictures in pinterest and i'm recommend dearpeahie youtube chanel. )
also , find out your faceshape , eyeshape and what kind of makeup suits you the best. ofc style is also important but ( ffor example ) not everyone looks hot with a classic red lipstick. you can watch videos about that in youtube but i recommend you to recreate as much makeup style as you can , till you try the one that's work for you.
hygiene is also a big part of our glow up so find a signature scent and always bring perfume in your bag. for me , essential oils work more than perfumes. i like to mix the oil with my body lotion to make the effect last longer.
keep your hair healthy. cut it once in a while , get hair oil and apply hair mask on your hair once a week. and never ! I repeat, never! go to sleep with wet hair !
be exciting, don't wear your hair the same way every day ,there're a lot of hairstyles out there that you can try. there are my fav :
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as you can see i really like ribbons , they brighten up the whole outfit
workout constently: for me , personally i dont go to the gym i do pilates at home and that's it and i lost a lot of fat with doing pilates everyday ( or atleast 5 times a week ).
i don't do diets , there was time when i cut sugar and it worked for me for a while but it caused me binge eating. i know that it works for many people but it's just not for me. if you can realite to my experience i suggest you to eat everything you want , just not too much and i think that's the key. i also don't count calories.
go to hot girl walks every freaking day. it's very important.
listen to subliminals !! finally ! that's my fav part. you can find a lot of great subliminal in youtube. i link you one of my playlist .
gua sha ! i lost a lot of face fat with gua sha. you can do face massages to it doesn't matter just do it constently. ( i do it every day in the morning , no matter how tired i am ).
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
One thing I completely forgot to mention. For anyone who eats meat: A GOOD BUTCHER! Too many people really need to find a good butcher, because more than half the "bland" meat based dishes will remedy themselves if you find a good butcher. Especially if you manage to build a line of communication to get cuts of meat as fresh as possible, you'll get fresh and well tasting meat. There's a world of difference between a good butcher's cut piece of meat, and most of what you might find in a supermarket. You know how chicken is considered some of the driest and least flavourful meat? If you get a good butcher who knows some chicken farmers, you might actually be able to get some actual fat and flavourful chicken that gets to eat grass and whatever it can find outside, instead of the mass production farm chicken that get feed with pellets. So much can impact the flavour of meat. You'll also feel much more satisfied eating meat only a few times a week if those cuts actually taste good and filling, which can cut down on your meat consumption, obviously also paired with fresh and flavourful veggies and other sides. And so we don't forget it, same goes for a seafood market. Especially seafood honestly. Some seafood really only tastes good "out of the water, into the pan, onto your plate." If it takes too long, you'll end up with less than stellar tasting meat. You also get fish and seafood that way that hasn't been processed with chemicals and other additives to keep it fresh longer. Flash frozen is also a valid form to get fresh unprocessed fish, so don't be afraid if you hear the fish you're buying was flash frozen. And for vegetables and fruit: A good farmer's market, or at least a list of in-season veggies and fruits. Veggies and fruit will always taste best within their harvesting season. A farmer's market will often have more focus on flavour and actual aroma, rather than how supermarkets some times mostly focus on the looks of the produce. Some vegetables and fruits that you get at the supermarket might be watery and bland, or even dry/woody and stringy, while the farmer's market, mainly/especially for local produce will be a lot more flavourful and aromatic. Having the option to use veggies that actually taste like something really does a world of difference for your diet!
There's a place in the Bay Area where you can go select your chicken or duck and wait for them to slaughter it. Depressing, maybe, to have to look your dinner in the face before it's killed, but one meets an interesting cross-section of Chinese immigrants, people who want halal food, etc. Last time I was there, a little old lady told me I needed to make chicken soup immediately on returning home and not refrigerate the chicken, wait, or try to do dishes like roast chicken that require more fat because these particular chickens are too lean.
She said most people have never tasted a proper dish made from freshly killed chicken, at least around here.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Eddie Munson x anorexic reader
in all the fics I have read reader always either faints or gets really dizzy and Eddie finds out, how about one where she just tells him.
You had decided you had to tell eddie. It was something you weren't going to be able to beat anytime soon. It would be easier to be honest with him.
Note: I collaborated with my dearest @munson-blurbs on this one. Bug selflessly volunteered to help me with this and I would never turn down a chance to write with her. She wrote from the reader's perspective, while I wrote from Eddie's, as we both felt that's what we understood best. Thank you so much for this request and I hope you enjoy what we came up with!
Bug’s note: As someone who has battled anorexia, I aimed to make Reader’s perspective as realistic as possible; however, my own experiences may be different from other people’s. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, please feel free to reach out. I can help you find any resources you need.
Warnings: anorexia, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, language, i think that’s it?
Words: 1.8k
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It all started so innocently. You’d wanted to lose a little weight, get in shape, and improve your health. All of the magazine articles you’d read insisted that you cut out carbs, fats, and basically anything delicious. So you did, with the hopes of looking like the waif-like women who graced the covers week after week.
The magazine recommended weighing yourself once a week, and that’s what you’d done initially. But once a week soon turned to three times a week, then every day, and then multiple times a day.
There are other “tricks” you’ve learned. Your food journal, page after page of calorie counting, is kept tucked away in your nightstand. You drink copious amounts of diet soda to feel “full.” When you do eat, you ensure that your portion size stays small. Exercise becomes harder the less you eat, but you feel guilty if you skip a day at the gym.
Guilt isn’t the only pain you feel; your bones are constantly sore and cracking. Clumps of hair fall out when you take showers. It’s hard to sleep with your stomach rumbling, even though you’re always tired. And no matter the weather, you’re bundled up in sweaters, trying to stave off the chill that courses through you.
You’ve done a pretty decent job of hiding your burgeoning obsession with weight loss from your friends and family.
Even your boyfriend hasn’t seemed to notice yet, always telling you that you’re beautiful. Which is probably why he just came home from the store with a half-gallon of ice cream.
“Eddie, I…I don’t want this.” Your voice is barely above a whisper. “You can have it, though.”
“What?” He looks down at the carton he slid over to you. “Did I buy the wrong flavor?”
He knows he didn’t; you know he didn’t. Chocolate chip cookie dough is your favorite. “I’m just–you know I’m trying to eat healthier. ‘S almost summer and I wanna look good in my bikini.”
With an adorable pout on his face, he walks over and wraps his arms around you. “If you want to eat healthier, that’s fine. But you look perfect. So you don’t ever have to worry about that.” He presses a kiss to the side of your neck.
“I said no,” you insist, tone much harsher this time. “If I have this, I’ll just…backslide. Start eating this shit all the time.” You start for your room, pressing your hand to your head. “Just…get it out of here.”
“Okay.” Eddie holds his hands up in defense, a crease forming on his forehead as he frowns. “I’m sorry. I’ll just, uh…” he trails off, looking around the kitchen as he tries to decide what to do with the offending item. “I’ll just put it in the freezer and swing it by Dustin’s tomorrow.” He opens the freezer door and turns back to you. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, Eds,” you say through gritted teeth, but your tears give you away. “Give me a minute, okay? I need to go for a walk.” You’d already gone for a run today, but you could certainly still use the exercise. Just thinking about the ice cream, even looking at it, probably added an inch to your waistline.
The tears weren’t usual for you. If your fierce revulsion to the ice cream didn’t set off an alarm in Eddie’s head, the tears certainly would have. “Okay. Um, do you want me to come with you? I can just grab my shoes and we could head down to the park if you want?”
You shake your head, dots forming in front of your eyes. You steady yourself against the countertop, hoping Eddie didn’t notice. “I want to be alone. Please.” You shrug your jacket over your shoulders and shove your keys in the pocket.
Heaving a sigh, Eddie takes a few steps over towards you. He glances out the window and scratches the back of his head. “Baby, it’s getting really dark outside. I don’t think you should be out there by yourself.”
“What do you want from me, Eddie? I’m trying to look good–and stop saying that I already do, because I know that’s a lie–and it’s like you’re…you’re sabotaging me!” you sputter, clenching your fists. “First the ice cream, now telling me I can’t go for a walk–”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out.” He holds his hands up near his ears, eyes shifting in his head as his mind tries to process all that just came out of your mouth. “First of all, have I ever lied to you before? In my life? No, so why the hell would I start now? You look fucking amazing. I love how you look. And…” He pauses, shaking his head, trying to sort through his own thoughts. “Sabotage you? Where the hell is that coming from? Babe…babe you’re scaring the shit out of me. I’m not telling you what to do, I swear. I’m just really fucking confused.”
“I don’t look ‘amazing!’” you cry out. “I’m ugly and I need to lose weight! Because if you’re not losing, you’re gaining, and I am not going to gain weight. I…I can’t.”
“Hey, hey…” Eddie takes the few steps over to you and cups your face in his hands. His thumbs rub over your cheekbones as he looks at you in concern. “What’s going on, sweetheart? Please, please talk to me.”
Your emotions bubble over like a can of seltzer that’s been shaken up. “Baby, I’m s-so scared,” you sob. “I just w-wanted to get healthy, get in shape, but now I’m terrified of eating. I don’t even see food as food anymore; it’s all just calories. It doesn’t even m-make sense; like, I can eat the frozen pasta TV dinners because they’re only one serving size, but I’m t-too afraid to make pasta from the box. Because what if…what if it’s more than a serving size? Or what if I’m still hungry after, and then I eat more?”
“Oh baby, come here.” Eddie moves slowly so he doesn’t startle you and wraps his arms around your body. He holds you close to his chest and presses a few kisses to the top of your head. His heart breaks inside of him, not only because of what you just said, but because he doesn’t know how to help you or make you feel better. A million things to say run through his mind but he isn’t sure if any of them will make it worse or not. So what if you eat more? If you’re hungry you can eat, baby. You have to eat to stay healthy. Finally, he settles on something. “How long have you been feeling this way?”
You sigh. “It’s hard to say when, exactly. I started my diet, what, six months ago?” He nods, and you continue. “So maybe it got more…intense about two or three months in.” You plop down on the couch. “I just wanted to look like Nancy or Robin. They’re so pretty and thin; it’s like they don’t even have to try.”
Eddie listens to you intently the whole time and takes his place on the couch next to you. Anger boils in his blood but he refuses to let it show; he doesn’t want you to think it’s anger at you. It’s at the fact that you feel this way, the fact that you don’t see yourself the way that he does. He takes a few deep breaths in and out before he speaks again. “Sweetheart, I’m the first one to admit that I’m way out of my depth here. I’m terrified I’m going to say something and make it worse. But something I do know about? Comparing myself to others. Just like you just did with Robin and Nancy. Are they pretty? Yes. Does that make you any less pretty? Absolutely not.” He knows he didn’t touch the “thin” aspect, but he doesn’t feel like he has the right words to do so. “Growing up, I always compared myself to others, you know that. But let me ask you something; would you love me if I were anyone else? Or do you love me because I’m me?”
“Because you’re you, obviously,” you answer honestly. “I’d love you no matter what you looked like, because you’ll always be the most handsome man in the world to me.” You rest your head on his shoulder, relaxing slightly when you feel him rubbing your back.
“That’s how I feel about you, princess.” He presses a kiss to the side of your head. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. You could dye your hair, shave your head, tattoo your entire body, eat all you physically could, and you’d still be the most beautiful woman in the world. But I don’t think just my words are going to make this better, are they?” He tucks some of your hair behind your ear.
“No,” you agree. “I wish it was that easy. I wish I could just see myself the way that you see me but it’s like there’s something blocking my brain from doing that. I don’t…I don’t know what to do. How to fix it.” You use the back of your hand to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I’m really scared,” you repeat.
“Like I said earlier, I’ve never lied to you before. And I’m not going to start now.” He rubs your back with one hand and wipes away a few tears you missed with the other. “So, I’m going to tell you that part of me is scared, too. Scared because I don’t understand how you feel. Scared because it’s not something I can fix. But part of me isn’t scared at all. Because no matter what it takes to help you, I’m going to be right by your side. I’m going to hold your hand no matter what and do everything that I possibly can to help you. And if there’s one thing that I’ve learned being with you, it’s that there isn’t a damn thing we can’t do together.”
You sniffle before you speak. “Could you help me find a doctor? Or, like, a therapist or something? I don’t even know where to begin, honestly.”
“Of course, baby. We can go see my doctor and ask her for a recommendation, hmm? Remember? You liked her a lot when you came in with me when I thought I had a hernia? But it was just gas?” The corners of his mouth tilt up, hoping to make you smile since you’ve never let him forget the embarrassing incident.
“Still one of the funniest moments of our relationship,” you tease him.
“I’m glad you think so,” Eddie says. “Does that mean you want me to make an appointment with her?”
There’s a part of you that silently screams no, that you’re not that sick, that you don’t need help. But looking into Eddie’s worried brown eyes, you can feel that it’s untrue. “Yes,” you say finally, offering him a small smile. You yelp as he tackles you into a gigantic hug.
“I love you so, so, so much, baby!” He takes your head in his hands and presses loud, smacking kisses all over your face.
“I love you, too,” you manage between giggles. It’s only the start of this journey, but you’re going to make it through.
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athleticbelly · 6 months
You were once an athlete. Not the best one in your school, but your physique definitely portrayed you as one. Lean muscle, strong legs, and endurance to match. You ate a lot to keep up with that physical activity.
Then you went to college. Classes took priority and your diet never changed. Not by much. Some of the healthier meals were replaced with hot pockets and ramen. You tried to work out, but your physical activity diminished when your friend group grew. You spent so much time socializing and enjoying the company of friends that it was only a matter of time until that waistline stopped being so trim. Pants a little tighter, shirts lifting up a bit more, underwear cutting in a little to uncomfortably. It was only when you hit your second year that you realized you had been gaining weight.
Once it started to warm up for spring and you started putting on your tank top you noticed how difficult it was to bring below your navel. That soft mound of flesh that is starting to hide your feet is in the way. A prod here, a grab there, and you realize you have really put on some weight. Yes the panic sets in and you started to think on ways to lose it, but you had an appearance to maintain with your friends. So you bailed on spring break to try and workout. That's when you met me.
Of course I was also trying to lose weight and build an athletic figure, but you showed up and blew me away. I was a little chubby with a small potbelly and thicker thighs, but you definitely had me outclassed by 30+ pounds. Your belly hung over your belt buckle. Your developing second chin was almost prominent. You breathed so heavily that I felt mine leave me because you took my breath away. And I had to have you.
So I introduced myself. We talked and parted ways to other corners of the gym. Eventually, over a few weeks, we got closer and talked more. You lost some weight and so did I. We were both honestly very motivational to each other. You could fit in some of your early college outfits and I could fit into some of my old uniforms.
But I missed how big you were. We started dating and you were so easily molded. We built up such a rapport and you trusted me so much that you didn't realize I was upping your portions. Now, with you going to the gym you did pack on more muscle, but there was equal parts fat to go with it. Your abs forever being hidden by a layer of chub. Your biceps large, but ultimately soft. And that round face stayed round. It was only when one night you brought up that you couldn't seem to lose weight that I decided to lay down the bombshell statement;
"I love you at any size, and I wouldn't mind more of you to love~"
And that's when I had you. You were cautious at first. We talked about it and explained further how I love how fat you were and how you are now, but I did admit I would prefer if you were more fat than fit. And we came to an agreement. If you didn't enjoy being fat in a year's time then I have to help you lose weight. So, I helped you enjoy it!
I baked and cooked all of your meals. Made shakes with whey protein, bananas, and peanut butter to quicken your gains with some added buttermilk to speeden things up. And the amount of fat, sweaty sex that showed my appreciation for the art form that is your body. You grew so fast over the course of half a year. 95+ pounds later and you couldn't see your feet! Your belly rested halfway on your too thick thighs, and not to mention how difficult it was to get you in a chair. You started to long for my cooking and even begged at times for me to feed you. Unfortunately for my own figure I got overzealous and didn't realize you could only handle so much food and drink. So I had to have some of my own. And it made a lot of my outfits too tight. Button up shirts had to always be unbuttoned and I had to resort to stretchy waistbands for all of my pants.
And then the year mark came. You could barely move you were so obese. You forgot about the deal, but I didn't. I reminded you and now here you are. Wondering if you enjoy the state you are in. A nearly immobile monolith of fat.
So how does it feel~? Being a former athlete and now a product of a nurturing partner~
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quirkwizard · 11 months
Hi I’m the one who asked about the hero themed restaurants and in the words of emperor Palpatine I say “Do it”.
I was going to write it out, but that do it sealed the deal. And I will be sticking with restaurants that match the hero's role and brand. As funny as I think it would be for Ms. Joke to own a bar just to practice her jokes at, it doesn't really work with her image.
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-Edgeshot has a very traditional restaurant, specializing in hibachi and sushi rolls, call the Fold and Wrap. Their specially is a wrap that resembles Edgeshot's hero costume, headpiece and everything.
-The Pussycats runs a cat café called the Wild Cats. It used to be a cat maid cafe, but was rebranded since Pixie Bob keep putting off her duties in favor of trying to be young and cute.
-Mount Lady runs a cabaret club called Zenith. Patrons can bear various tiers of services named after mountain levels and you can choose to Gigantify any of the services or meals at any point.
-Best Jeanist has a high class restaurant called Fine Dinning where only the finest foods are served. The dress code is law and the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy is enforced with brutal efficiency.
-Kamui Woods has a places that specializes in all natural dishes, especially any plant based ones, called Forest Greens. Pretty much only lives through being attached to Kamui Woods' brand.
-Miruko owns a blue collar bar, like with the punching machine and mechanical bull, called the Hare's Leg. Has a very rowdy and aggressive atmosphere that Miruko herself encourages.
-Manual runs the OK Corral. It's a place that specializes in fish. It's not great, it's not terrible. It's just okay. In his younger, wilder years, had a bar, famous for his stunning shows of controlling alcohol.
-Sir Nighteye runs a kid centric arcade join called Hero's Palace. Formally an All Might establish, he took over in the hopes of protecting the laughs and smiles of children. No believe that he's the one who runs it.
-The Ingeium line has the Iida Grill, which is also a family business where a lot of the non-hero members go to work. The place is covered in memorabilia and keepsakes from the various Iida members.
-Fat Gum's is the Guttbuster. Has plenty of food based challenges and unique combinations inspired by Fat Gum's own diet, like a cheese burger pizza. The real thing would not be approved by any health board on the planet.
-Gang Orca runs a port side seafood restaurant called Bait and Tackle. Patrons can see him swimming around for photo opportunities and the occasional sea shows. You can pay extra to have a fish Gang Orca hunted himself.
-Hawks has a family friendly restaurant where everyone of any age can have fun called the Family Roost. He sometimes drops by when it's a kids birthday party and uses his feathers to cut and serve the cake. He specializes in hot wings.
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worldseer · 8 months
A list of random HCs about Jason Todd because I have brainrot~
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS! IF YOU DISAGREE, THAT'S FINE BUT DON'T LEAVE HATE! Headcanons are separated by catagories: Random, fluffy, angsty, and NSFW. MDNI!!!! The different colors are just to break up the hcs a bit and not look like pure walls of text-
Has tapetum lucidum after being in the pit, causing his eyes to glow green in low/no light.
Has hazel eyes, which causes them to look brown or green at certain times.
Built sturdy and more like a boxer. I refuse to believe that this man isn't wide. Getting a better diet since being adopted + Robin training + Lazarus Pit = BIG. FRIDGE OF A MAN.
Has vitiligo, hence the white streak in his hair. It just so happened to show up after being resurrected.
Known to sleep walk and talk after resurrection. If he ever sleeps at the Manor, Bruce has cameras and sensors in place to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Mostly talks shit to the houseplants while sleepwalking.
Canonically eats fast food alot. However, he always manages to burn off the calories. And the fat just makes him bulkier.
Bisexual but he doesn't tell anyone. Not that he's trying to hide it. He just doesn't label himself.
Wears eyeliner regularly, just because he wants to. Look I just love the concept, ok?
Considering getting his ears pierced, just debating on what exact kind of piercing
Has tattoos but not many, most notably small tattoo of a flower on his wrist to honor the death of Catherine, his step-mother.
Has prominent scars: Autopsy scar (died, obvi), scar stretching from the left edge of his left cheek and then up into his hairline (from crowbar), cut in his right eyebrow (from fighting as a child), lip scar that runs from slightly above the skin of his top lip and down over his lips to his chin on his left ( also from fighting as a child). Any other "scar" he receives since resurrection often fades away due to effects from the pit. The others do not fade.
Almost as tall as Bruce, maybe shorter by about an inch at most.
Has cried watching the Titanic movie. Was inconsolable for a week. Refuses to watch it ever again.
Laughs at horror films these days. Also will talk about how cuts and bullet wounds are anatomically incorrect like its casual conversation. It's one of the few activities he actively enjoys doing with Damian.
Calls Dick an old man just to spite him.
Never passes on an opportunity to tease Tim and call him a huge fucking nerd.
Loves all animals, but prefers cats. No real reason. He just always liked them more. Used to leave cans of food out for the cats to eat from as a kid.
Mostly likes Nu Metal, since it allowed him as a kid to get anger out and all the cool teens in his neighborhood blasted it a lot. But he's not picky about music. Secretly a snob for classical music though.
Strong relationship with Barbara, thinks of her as a sister he never had.
Always helps Alfred cook when he's at the Manor, and is good at it. Obviously works a knife well in cooking, but secretly prefers baking because the kitchen smells better afterwards.
As I've said before, I would not be surprised if he brings a stray home from either a shelter or the street. If he could, he'd help all the stray animals in Gotham and keep them.
Cares deeply about Tim. Tries to act like a big brother and be a good example to the best of his ability.
Not really a gamer, but he had some old consoles when he was a young kid under Bruce's care. Loved Wii Sports; boxing was his favorite. Nowadays, he doesn't play video games much. When he has time and feels like it though, he will play a game or two. Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption II are the top favorites after being resurrected.
Spends a good amount of time around Cass when at the Manor. They probably understand each other on almost a psychic level. They also train together a lot too to sharpen skills they both are weaker in.
Angst: (sorry for the pain)
Volunteers often at shelters and soup kitchens as a way to cope, makes him believe that he can offer comfort instead of just pain and being a burden.
Prefers to not talk out feelings after being resurrected; usually drives around to clear his head. Depending on how bad the situation is, it ranges from a few minutes to over an hour.
Loves classical literature because it was the first thing that allowed him to escape reality.
Has weird as fuck dreams, thanks to trauma and the pit. Never says anything about them to others however.
Never lets his stubble grow out too much because it makes him think he looks too much like Bruce, and he doesn't want to look like him.
Picked up smoking because what the hell are they gonna do? Kill him again? Always tries to avoid smoking around the others though, especially the members who are younger than him.
Rarely drinks. Reminds him too much of his birth father. Only does it for times when things are really bad.
Is so close to Barbara because she's one of the few who understands what it's like to be traumatized by the Joker. Often seeks her out for some comfort if his PTSD acts up again.
Hates crying, never cries in front of others unless he really trusts them. People who have seen him cry include Barbara, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce (on accident).
Grew up Catholic. Stopped believing the moment right before he died. Now has immense Catholic guilt and occasionally questions his morals a lot. (Might be self projecting but fuck it)
Zones out a lot. Happens the most during off time. If he's not doing anything, he's likely zoned out. Usually zones out when he thinks too hard about what the Lazarus Pit did to him, his death, and resurrections.
Copes in brash and self-depreciative humor. Also will make fun of others to draw attention away from his own problems.
Tried to help Catherine as much as he could, even if she wasn't the best mother to have.
NSFW: (Minors look no further!!!!)
A switch, dominant-leaning.
Softer dom, surprisingly. Sure, he can be a hard dom if he asked, but that's not what he wants. Coos sweet words while teasing.
Grunts and groans. Not vocal, but he'll talk through it sometimes. Grits his teeth if he's really into it.
"Oh, look at you on my cock. So tight and taking all of it, do you feel full? You look good when you're full of me."
He needs foreplay before subbing. Sometimes he's still wary about letting his guard down, so he needs lots of prepping and reassurance. Once he is into subbing, he's very obedient and eager to please.
Softer noises and gasps when subbing. He doesn't dare be loud, and often tries to cover up his noises. Doesn't beg often, takes what he gets without much complaint.
"Mmph- ah- hah- fuck- I'm close- I'm close baby. Can I finish?"
LOVES dirty talk, giving and receiving. He's already a bit of a cocky lil shit, so he'll tease you and talk you through it. Supportive about his dirty talk usually.
"That's it. Just like that. God- you're perfect. So fuckin' perfect- keep goin' baby, I gotcha."
Not experienced, sorry. With a combination of being bad at expressing emotions, trauma, and being busy as a vigilante, he does not get many bitches.
Has had hookups here and there, but that's all they were. He left the moment the other was all settled or asleep.
Experimental. Because he's low on experience, he's not entirely sure what he does or doesn't like.
Would not use a weapon in bed. That's a hard line. Weapons make him think of violence, and that's the last thing he wants to think about when in such a vulnerable moment.
Hates degradation, on both ends. Won't do it even if asked. The only time he'd ever get close to degrading is if you allow him to fuck while he's still working through some anger. Would apologize profusely afterwards though.
Not big on being tied up himself, but likes tying someone else up a bit. Nothing crazy besides handcuffs. Any further and he feels like he's taking advantage/being taken advantage of.
PRAISE!!! Loves to receive it, especially if he's being focused on or on the more submissive side.
A giver. He's not selfish, and feels bad if the other is not feeling good as well. Would most likely give more than he ever receives.
Not picky. As long as you are clean and consenting, he'll eat out if offered/allowed. Hair? Doesn't matter. Menstruating? Good thing he's low on iron. And you best believe that he is not stopping until you either push him away or are begging.
Thick, as expected. A little bit over 6" long. Prominent veins.
Trimmed, not shaved. Yes there is a difference.
Has a bit of a happy trail, and veins appear on v-line when hard.
Aftercare game ranges on how much he and his partner did, and their relationship. Hookups are usually left to take care of themselves and he leaves quickly. If Jason is serious about someone, he'll grab a washcloth, urge the other to use the bathroom (and maybe carry them if they're tired), and stay for cuddles.
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tg-headcanons · 7 months
Thinking about ghouls as farmers/farmhands
I imagine that some types of kagune would be excellent for harvesting/ploughing with a nice bonus of no carbon emissions. I imagine ghouls, after criminalisation, would possibly even revolutionise farming/carbon footprint from farming?
(Although of course ideally a farm wouldnt till but even then for harvesting ghouls would be quite efficient.)
Ghouls have always been a part of society, and regardless of where they are or how accepted they are, they’ve always had some hand in farming since, especially before industrialization, it was a good field for them. Their strength, senses, and kagune make them fantastic at cultivating, protecting, and harvesting food
In old world cultures where ghouls were always ostracized, they couldn’t be open about why their crops grew so well, so they tended to make up myths and stories about some ritual or another that makes their harvests so bountiful. They had senses of smell and pressure detection that could help them sniff out blights and pests, as well as semi-accurately predict rainfall, letting them handle issues before they got too bad. That, and their strength that lets them handle the physical task of planting and harvesting, helped them produce a lot of plants. But telling humans how they did it is off the table, so it was common for them to have a plowing Ox just for show and to say they said some prayer that helped
A lot of why ghouls thrived in farming is due to their regeneration. It may not be talked about much anymore, but it is DANGEROUS. Not just the modern machinery, but the strain of lifting and carrying. The illnesses carried by plants and animals. The workhorses and oxen that can just fucking kick you to death. The PIGS. It’s all risky work, and back before antibiotics, just one cut and you’re done for. A person who can not only survive almost any cut, but take a donkey kick to the face and get right back up to finish plowing the field is one of the most valuable people any farming village can have
Farming animals is more hit or Miss, because a lot of prey animals panic when they smell ghoul. Some ghouls still kept them and after enough time, or enough animals born around the smell of them, they could get used to it. Historically ghouls have run a lot of butcher shops because it was one of the best places to hide human meat before dna testing became widely available, so some animal husbandry skill was a good thing
Ghouls tended to make good shepherds. In especially rural areas, a lot of humans would collectively decide not to talk about the fact that someone is obviously a monster because they’re simply so fast and strong and don’t let sheep and cattle go missing or get hunted. If you were in Cold Ass Nowhere Ireland in 1635 and you had a shepherd who not only never loses a sheep but also eats the English, you’d pretend you didn’t notice either
In areas and cultures where ghouls were more accepted, they were essential to hunting and farming. North and central american ghouls had traits designed for taking down megafauna to supplement their diets, and their human companions could depend on them to bring countless Buffalo and deer home. Jungle subspecies had traits built for climbing, and were central to the harvest of high growing fruits and beans. A now likely extinct species native to Canada had semi aquatic adaptations and a thick layer of fat who were designed to hunt seals and small whales, and shaped the way any community lucky enough to have some survived. In places where ghouls were welcomed, they were so efficient at harvesting and hunting that land rarely needed to be developed for monocultures at all
When ghouls are decriminalized in more parts of the world, their physical abilities are allowed to shine again. Stories of ghoul farmers through history arise. Plenty of American and Polynesian communities (who had been telling people about ghoul’s contributions to their land and cultures for years and were having that brushed off as myth) can legally reintroduce the old practices of ghoul hunting and harvesting techniques. Smaller farms hire more ghouls once it’s clear that they can do machine level work without the expense of maintaining machines, and it’s one of the biggest ghoul hiring fields at the start of their legalization
Naturally, ghoul farming unions are quick to form. They can do machine level work, but are not going to risk being treated like machines for it. As with any Union there’s some backlash, but when it becomes apparent just how much better ghouls are at crop maintenance and harvesting, demands are met. It’s become a well paying profession, and has been good work for ghouls that struggle with the human grade education they were denied when they were younger, or ghouls who simply prefer to work outside doing something that benefits people
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