#binary signals
imqueerandadeer · 2 months
I have (regrettably) updates about kosa. It had been passed through the senate with a senate vote of 86-1, ofc there were senators who abstained from voting.
please don't worry, we still have time, its going to the house now and we need to call our representatives
More info on kosa here
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kaleidoru · 9 months
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angel of broadcasting
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sharkboyry · 1 year
Happy disability pride month!
Long story short, I’m a Black autistic nonbinary person who’s recently been diagnosed with c-ptsd after an s.a last year in an abusive relationship. I’ve been experiencing severe panic attacks and a loss in verbal communication which have made masking and working consistently with the public very difficult! I’m asking for help as I’m attempting to get registered for classes so I can go back to school this fall which will allow me to find a job that can better accommodate my disabilities. But first I need help paying back a prior debt, and I also need help with rent for next month. If you can’t donate, please help me spread the word!
Csh app
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minervacerridwen · 4 months
Okay, Tumblr - my friend Clara Ward has written an amazing book, Be the Sea. It has neurodivergent and queer rep - as in, the main character and pretty much all of the minor characters are some flavour of ND and queer. Reading it feels like you're making a journey over the Pacific Ocean yourself, with strong environmental themes and so much love for storytelling as a way to connect people.
Also, have I mentioned it looks gorgeous? That's an @mspencerdraws cover!
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It is also a BIG BOI of a book and would for many people be easier to read as an audiobook. So that's what its publisher, Atthis Arts, is trying to produce, but since the world is only making it harder for indie publishers to survive, it's going to need a boost.
The campaign for the audiobook (and a hardcover edition!) will launch on June 14 with a pay-what-you-can reward level starting at $1 (!). But you can help even now, at no cost at all, by just clicking the "notify" button on this page so the campaign will be picked up by the algorithms right from the start.
Please, please spread the word! I really want this to be big, both to support my friend and to make important stories like these reach a bigger audience. I honestly feel like the world can use more of them.
Thank you!
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athena5898 · 2 months
A friend of mine is in some dire straights and we can only help so much right now.
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aproposproposal · 4 months
I'm still in need, sorry
It's the Canadian in me to apologize. I need to pay for basic needs and getting my car fixed so I can go get traditional Iñuit food from the city airport.
I'm an unemployed nurse who has been royally screwed by institutional stigma against facial tattoos (which were completed in ceremony)
I'm trying to dig our family out of poverty by calling staffing agencies and my employer who is a really, really rough restaurant that's completely mismanaged.
Please help.
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queriesntheories · 12 days
My friend @hauntedmajesty is doing CHEAP COMMISSIONS for $7!!
(alt text included for each image!)
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Mana needs to hit $35 to $40 at best to get her binders back!
All extra funds will go towards appliances like a dresser/heater/small washing machine to help make life easier for her <3 GO GIVE HER ALL THE SUPPORT IN THE UNIVERSE!! I'M COUNTING ON YOU GUYS!! And please reblog if you can't donate!
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seyelence · 1 month
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@buff.ttt on instagram
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autistic guy needs rent money. the job hunting been a pain in the ass, waiting for a call with the final offer is like waiting for godot
hi peeps! i recently moved out out of my parents house to avoid the abuse. i thought i could get a job fast, but given my limitations (autism, anxiety, depression, not having a car, not having a college degree) and lack of experience, it has been hard.
i wish i did better at job hunting but rn im burning all my saved money from my first and last job, to buy food and pay rent. Im getting into a depressive bout bc well that is what happens when u have such a tight budget that leaves no space for treats.
honestly, the donation goal is 210 euros just to cover rent, the other expenses i can manage them. i just don't want to be homeless.
you can donate here
i stream playing DOOM (1993) and Silent Hill on twitch and write poems, if you want one made for u, i do commissions on ko-fi
if you can't donate, have a cute possum pic^^
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
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Playing around with my new tablet and made some Duke Thomas pride icons, feel free to use them.
I may make more because it was surprisingly relaxing
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possibly-pasta · 10 months
Need help!!! Do Not have Rent AT ALL this month!!!!
I had to leave my job because i couldn’t find housing near it, and now i am struggling to get more work. i need $500 for rent this month, and things are starting to look dire.
i have a cat and my life partner in this house with me, so i NEED to get this taken care of. if it was just me i wouldn’t be as worried.
If anyone can donate to my Venmo it’s @ rainydayboy
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windwardstar · 7 days
it certainly is something talking about getting meta/bottom surgery as a nonbinary they/them enby and getting she/her'd and called a girl by the people i'm talking with
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caintooth · 10 months
i need to raise a minimum of $8,745 in 85 days in order to not have to delay my top surgery.
i am already in a significant amount of medical debt due to my brain injury and recently discovered brain cyst.
you can find my fund here.
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EDIT: *queer in the poll below but i cant change it now lol
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kuramirocket · 8 months
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Lead study Mexican author Luis Rodríguez, a professor emeritus at the Institute of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
In 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) helped identify hundreds of free-floating "rogue" planets that don't orbit a parent star. Now, astronomers have found that a pair of these planets may be producing enigmatic, hard-to-interpret radio signals.
The rogue planets spotted by JWST lie in the Orion Nebula, a long-time observational hotspot for astronomers. In total, they number over 500. This discovery bonanza was possible thanks to JWST's ability to pick up infrared radiation emitted by these relatively young planets.
Bizarrely, though, about 80 of these planets exist as pairs. Similar in mass to Jupiter, the planets orbit each other at distances ranging from 25 to 400 times the distance between Earth and the sun. These tangoing duos, called Jupiter-mass binary objects (JuMBOs), pose a huge mystery for astronomers, because the existence of these worlds challenges current theories of planet formation. Some scientists think these objects may not even be planets but rather previously unknown entities that are larger than planets but smaller than brown dwarfs, which are sometimes called "failed stars" because they blur the line between planets and stars.
The JWST data showed that JuMBOs generated infrared radiation, but the new study's authors wanted to see if these dancing objects produced radio waves. That's because different classes of cosmic objects produce distinct patterns of radio emissions. For instance, planets like Jupiter spew several types of radio signals, including gigahertz-frequency emissions thousands of times higher-pitched than an FM signal, partly because of their magnetic fields.
Spotting such signatures from the JuMBOs could help resolve their identity. The observations could also explain "why some objects have detectable radio emission and others do not," lead study author Luis Rodríguez, a professor emeritus at the Institute of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, told Live Science in an email.
To find radio wave "snapshots" of the Orion Nebula where the JuMBOs reside, the scientists combed through archives of observations maintained by the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). They found just one pair that apparently emits radio waves: JuMBO 24. Itself an oddity among the oddball objects, it's the heaviest of the JuMBOs, and also the one with the tightest space between its component planets.
A decade's worth of data the research team collated showed that the radio waves remained steady but strong, with a power of roughly a quarter of a ton of TNT and frequencies of 6 to 10 gigahertz. The radio waves also weren't circularly polarized, meaning they lacked spiral, twisting electric fields, the team reported in their study, published Jan. 8 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
But these features aren't what astronomers expect of signals created by planets." Circular polarization is an unambiguous indicator of the presence of magnetic fields," Rodríguez said. Without this, the team can't say definitively that the signals come from JuMBO 24 (assuming the planets have magnetic fields). Besides, radio emissions from other exoplanets are more variable and less intense.
Even if JuMBO 24 isn't a pair of planets but rather another type of cosmic duo, the signals are unusual. Signals from brown dwarfs are very different from the newly identified radio beams. The beams' brightness and frequency even ruled out the possibility of pulsars, the rapidly spinning cores of dead stars that produce pulses of radio waves at regular intervals.
The researchers also estimated the likelihood that the signals originate from an object behind JuMBO 24 and found it to be exceedingly slim, at just 1 in 10,000. And, in case you were wondering, the signals probably don't originate from aliens.  "The fact that both components emit at similar levels favors a natural mechanism," Rodríguez said.
With the research at an impasse, the team is applying to the NRAO's Very Large Array in New Mexico to collect data from free-floating planets. Until then, the radio signals will remain a mystery.
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seyelence · 11 months
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Skateboard commisions now OPEN! 🚨
A couple of years ago, I started selling these custom decorative skateboards, and now I'm bringing it back! ♥️🖤
• Your choice of colours and any personalisation you have (calligraphy, flowers, gold leaf, whatever you want!)
• Feel free to contact me about another design you have in mind that is different from the one above, and we can work together to fulfil your request! 💌
• Priced on a sliding scale of £100-160 depending on details.
• International shipping is available and will be calculated when I know where it's going. UK first class is £10!
Share with ur gals n pals 🖤⛓️
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luciodeldiablo · 1 year
Disabled & Homeless, PTSD Survivor
I'm officially homeless. The man I was being a 'house-boy' for let me know this morning that this wasn't going to work out. My sleep disturbances are a nuisance to him. The night sweats, the constant getting up in the middle of the night to change clothes, the sleep talking, the thrashing, it's prevented him from sleeping well since I moved in last Friday. I called CAM (Coordinated Assessment Model), I was on hold for two hours, but I was finally able to talk to someone and they found a vacant bed at St. John Community Center in Detroit's east side. I'll be living there as of today, but I am very limited to what I can bring with me. I will need to rent a storage unit and movers to get my belongings in there. I have called and they're doing three months for 100 squared feet for $161, and the movers are $250. That's $411 that I do not have. I have been unemployed since I lost my job due to my PTSD diagnosis. I used to work for a digital marketing and advertising agency here in Detroit, but have been unable to get back on my feet since. I don't have any family or friends in the area. Please consider donating to my cause, sharing this post to amplify my voice, or subscribing to my OnlyFlans 🍮 These are the only ways that I currently count on to monetize since my disability claim has not been approved yet. I plan on living at the shelter until I am able to rely on disability benefits and get a place of my own.
My LinkTree can be found here, where you will be able to donate and have access to the rest of my channels. Please share and donate 💖
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