#blasting music in my ears to quiet the voices (and screams)
mjshortformcjesus · 5 months
theres nothing QUITE like reading all of sbg in one day and then having the worst auditory hallucinations I've had in weeks :]]]]]]
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jasmines-library · 6 months
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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twola · 27 days
May I request Arthur going down on reader like a champ. He’s a munch
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI ➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
“A-Arthur-” you gasp as your hands grip the rock your seated on tightly. Your eyes dart around, the goddamn road is right there and -
Your bloomers hang around one of your ankles as your skirts are flipped up and over your hips, baring your inner thighs and cunt to the open air, Jesus, and anyone could ride by and-
You yelp again.
The black gamblers’s hat currently between your legs moves up your leg. You yank it from your lover’s head and toss it to the ground, his dark honeyed hair stark against your pale thighs. His teeth nip at your inner thighs, getting dangerously close to where you’re already getting wet with anticipation.
He stops, looking up at you, his chin resting on your pubic bone. There’s a glint of mischief in those river blue eyes as they catch yours. This outlaw of yours, kneeling between your legs.
“Want me to stop, darlin’?”
You frown, and he chuckles as he turns and kisses your thigh again. His large hands grasp at your thighs, pulling them apart even further while one of his hands moves to your cunt. His thumb travels through the thatch of dark hair covering it, and he gently parts your folds as your breathing quickens.
Your blessed bud of arousal is swollen and sensitive as he brushes it with that calloused thumb, trailing downward before he reaches the weeping entrance to your cunt, and you shiver.
He looks up at you again, a damn blasted smirk on his face. Damn him and how good his jawline looks perched on your thigh. Damn him and how much you love the crows feet that form when he smiles. Damn him, damn him, this man you love so much.
Without torturing you any further, he turns his head back to your core and before you can say anything, he licks at your bud, making you jolt and gasp loudly as he circles it with his tongue. Your hands grip the rock beneath you for dear life as you pant and begin to whine.
“Music to my damn ears,” he groans into your cunt before gently taking your bud between his teeth. You’re completely unable to compose yourself as you to throw your head back and moan, loudly and shamelessly. He moans in response, pulling your legs apart even more, his voice muffled by your skin.
“Ngh, Arthur-”
His tongue laves downward, finding your entrance. He circles your quivering cunt once before delving inside, your moan turning into a scream when he pushes his tongue completely through your opening and into your tight, wet channel.
One of your hands fly to his head, grasping at his hair as he fucks you with his tongue. You couldn’t be bothered to quiet yourself - if anyone was coming up the road they’d know exactly what was going on.
And Lord, he keeps going. He draws his tongue out and presses his whole mouth against your opening and sucks.
“Arthur!” You scream his name to the heavens as you yank at his hair, coming hot and fast into his mouth. He drinks at you like a man parched in the desert, grunting appreciatively into your skin.
By the time your vision recenters and you catch your breath, his chin is balanced on your pubic bone again. He smiles, haughty and pleased, and moisture has collected on his short beard.
“Could do that all day, darlin’ girl,” he chuckles. Unwinding his arms from your thighs, he sits back on his heels for a moment before standing up to his full height, towering over you. You catch yourself from falling backward as you stare up at him.
A chuckle escapes his lips as one of his hands moves to cup his very obvious erection through his pants.
“But we got somethin’ else we gotta take care of.”
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rip-quizilla · 4 months
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Janitor!Eddie X Teacher!Reader
700ish words
It was your first year teaching at Hawkins Middle School, and you’d already failed to establish a respectable work-life balance. 
You were new to this career field, eager to prove yourself a capable educator. You always arrived early, always left late. Often, you wound up leaving after everyone but the administrators had already gotten home, undoubtedly to prepare dinner for their families or take care of household chores. You had no one waiting for you at home but your cats, so heading home around 5pm was the norm for you. 
Today, you sat grading papers at your desk while Van Morrison played through your headphones. You’d finally settled into a rhythm, methodically bobbing your head to the beat as you drew check marks and X’s with a pink ballpoint pen when suddenly, something in your empty classroom moved out the corner of your eye.
You let out a startled yelp, joined by a twin curse from the ponytailed custodian who’d intruded upon your quiet room. He looked just as surprised as you were, eyes wide with headphones blasting what sounded like the screech of metal guitar from around his neck where he’d quickly shoved them off his ears. 
“Shit-” he breathed, chest letting out a heaving breath, “-Sorry, I didn’t realize-”
“I didn’t see-” you began at the same time as him, apologies spilling out of you both simultaneously. 
“I shouldn’t have been-”
“My headphones were-”
“Should’ve been paying more-”
“Wasn’t paying attention, I’m-”
You spoke as one voice, that last word filling the empty classroom. Slowly, an amused smile broke out across the custodian’s features, his idle hands stuffing themselves into the pockets of his black work pants. His eyes flicked over you at the speed of light before he broke the silence.
You chuckled quietly, pausing your music and setting your own headphones down on your desk. 
“Guess I owe you a soda.” you retorted, your smiling voice made small by the overpowering after-hours quiet.
He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “I never say no to a soda.” Then he got to work, grabbing the small plastic garbage bin from where it sat by your door and pulling the thin plastic lining from it. 
You returned to your grading, but left the headphones off your ears out of respect for the presence in your room. You didn’t want to appear rude, after all. 
The custodian did the same, leaving his headphones around his neck as he performed various routine tasks around the room. Even from the opposite corner of the space, you could hear his music singing out at top volume from where it rested across his decolletage. Harsh screams and rage tore through the soft-looking spongey speakers, and you were struck by how much they were contrasted by the pleasant air that followed this man who was currently sweeping up crumpled notebook fringe from beneath a wooden desk. 
You peered a little closer at his gray uniform shirt where a little embroidered patch sat stitched to his breast pocket. Eddie, it read. You committed the name to memory.
The two of you continued your work wordlessly until he finished, and just before he exited the room he shot you a friendly smile accompanied by a nod of his head.
“Have a good night.”
Those eyes were breathtaking; they were unwavering in their contact with yours. You nodded and grinned, trying not to sound quite as charmed as you felt. 
“You too.” you said. 
The next day, you’d needed to leave as soon as the final bell rang. Eddie had been slightly disappointed to find your door closed with the light off when he��d gotten to your classroom, but when he’d unlocked the door and flicked on the light to reveal a sweating glass bottle of Coca-Cola on the desk closest to the door, he could’ve sworn his heart did a backflip. 
A pink post-it note sat stuck to the surface of the desk next to the bottle.
Eddie, soda’s all yours.
P.S.-per the rules of jinx, I can’t talk until you say my name.
You’d signed your name at the bottom, and Eddie admired the way the ink from your pen bled into a little starburst where the condensation had pooled into a drop at the base of the bottle and dripped to your note below. He peeled the note off, folding it carefully into a small square and sticking it in his pocket. He opened the bottle, lifted it to his lips and drank. It tasted sweet and bright, bubbly and full of unexpected possibilities. 
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withwritersblock · 6 months
~Caffeine by Jack Kays~
Author's Note: Fun fact I saw Jack Kays in concert and he played this song for the first time at my concert before it was released. Almost sobbed when I heard it. As always italics are flashbacks Summary: Luke Hughes proposes to Y/N Warnings: idk? Word Count: 2,038 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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The ring has been in his pocket for nine weeks. He’s taken it with him on away games and carried it with him wherever he went in case he wanted to ask. Despite having a specific plan to ask her at his lake house. It wasn’t because it was a special place in his heart, it was because of how gorgeous the place looked during sunsets and sunrises.
When she’s visiting with them in Michigan it was one of their favorite activities to sit on the roof and watch the sun rise. They never really got a lot of sleep while they were there, so they’d watch the sunset while on the boat with his family and friends. 
Tonight was no different as they were all on the boat together watching the orange light up the sky and blend into the beautiful lake. Quinn and Jack were cracking jokes as Y/N was laying in Luke’s lap as he ran his fingers through her hair. The ring box was back in his room in the lake house. It wasn’t the right time, except right now, there was no right time. Nothing felt perfect. 
Leaning his head down, he brought his lips close to her ear, “Hey,” he whispered. She tilted her head back, meeting his gaze. “Are you tired?” he asked as he brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. She hummed as a reply as she tucked her head back against his chest.
“Take a nap,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. She took a deep breath as he continued running his fingers through her hair soothingly. 
During his study hall, students in his high school were allowed to roam the school. They had a little freedom on where they wanted to do their assignments. Luke’s favorite spot was the auditorium where the theater performances were held. 
It was always extra quiet, dark, and he was always alone. Until one random Tuesday his sophomore year of high school where he was sitting on the floor all the way in the back.
He was typing up his essay about The Great Gatsby when he heard a voice singing. He lifted his gaze up to see the gorgeous girl pacing the stage and singing a song he didn’t know. It was a song from a musical, he concluded by the way her voice hit the notes. 
She wasn’t trying, he could tell but the way her voice was so effortlessly beautiful had his heart beating fast. He delicately placed his computer beside him as he slowly stood up. He didn’t recognize her, he knew everyone in the school. Or so he thought because he’s never seen her before.
She continued to sing as she was walking off of the stage until she lifted her gaze from the floor to see Luke.  She screamed as she slammed her hand against her chest. “Oh my god! What the hell are you doing!?” she shouted as her heart began racing fast.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, oh my-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” he let out panickedly as her scream nearly made him collapse. “I didn’t know you were in here,” he mumbled. 
“What the hell were you doing sitting on the floor!?” she shouted as she brushed her hair away from her face. She took a deep breath.
“I spend my study hall here! No one is normally in here. I’m sorry,” he let out as he met her gaze, it was dark but her eyes were shining brightly.
She took a hesitant breath as she dropped her hand from her chest, “I spend my study hall in here too, I didn’t know someone else was in here,” she mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tilted his head to the side.
“Wait, so you’ve been in here all year?” Luke questioned and she nodded slowly. “Well this is awkward,” he mumbled.
“I rehearse here all of the time, how did you not know I was here?” she asked suspiciously. 
“I normally wear my headphones at full blast but I forgot them in my brother’s car this morning,” he mumbled as he smiled softly.
Luke was standing in his room, staring at the ring box in his hand. He spent every day staring at the ring trying to picture it on her hand. He always went back and forth if the ring was the right one.
Ellen knocked on his door, he quickly shoved the ring box into his pocket as she pushed the door open. “Hi honey,” she mumbled as she stepped inside, Luke took in a sharp breath as he pulled the box back out of his pocket. 
He flipped the box open again to stare at it. He slowly sat down on the bed as she sat down beside him. “It’s beautiful, Luke, stop overthinking it,” she mumbled as she stared towards his features. He pulled his lips between his teeth as he met his mother’s gaze.
“What if she says no?” he asked barely above a whisper. 
Ellen pulled her head back as she shook her head, “She won’t,”
“You don’t know that, there’s always a chance she will say no,” he countered as he looked back towards the ring.
“She loves you,” she mumbled as she wrapped her arm around his back pulling her youngest son into a side hug. “And you love her, all you have to do is ask.”
“That’s easier said than done,” he let out with a chuckle. After a few moments of silence he asks, “Do you think we’re too young? Like, is it too early to ask?” 
Ellen paused for a few moments as she took a deep breath, “You’ve been together for over five years, that’s long enough to know if you want to marry someone. Just because you are twenty years old doesn’t mean you don’t know what love means. You’ve spent five years loving the same girl, that shows that you are mature enough to want to ask the question.” 
He smiled as he met his mom’s gaze as he nodded slightly, “I knew I wanted to marry her the first time I met her,” he let out as he pressed his lips together, “I don’t think I ever told you that,” he mumbled.
“No, no you didn’t,” she let out as she rested her head on his shoulder, “I’m proud of you,” she mumbled. He smiled softly as he took a deep breath in.
She was standing at her locker, swapping out her textbooks when Luke came up behind her and leaned against the locket beside her. She jumped as she placed her hand against her chest, “Why do you always feel the need to scare me?” she asked while laughing, she slammed the locker shut as they began walking towards the theater together.
She rehearses for her choir and musical performances while he sits and studies for his exams. He shrugged his shoulders as he tightened his backpack. He bit his bottom lip as he fought off the smile on his lips. “What are you thinking, Luke?” she asked as she licked her lips nervously. 
“There’s that ice cream place a few streets away from school, I was wondering if you wanted to go after school,” he asked shyly. She squinted her eyes towards him and smiled widely.
“Are you asking me out?” she questioned, already knowing the answer based on the redness of his cheeks.
“Yeah, to ice cream,” he mumbled as he pushed the door open to the theater, letting her walk in first. “Where some people may consider it a date,” he muttered. 
“Oh and are you considered some people because I’m some people,” she teased as she leaned her body against the brick wall beside them. He smirked as he glanced towards her lips. 
“Oh I’m definitely some people,” he said as he took a step towards her, his gaze lingering on her lips. He thought about kissing her like he’s wanted to since the first time he met her. 
She leaned towards him kissing him urgently, it was her first kiss ever. He quickly reciprocated the kiss, pushing her against the wall. He pulled away as he rested his forehead against hers, “Wow,” he mumbled as his heart was racing. His mind was in shambles as she was only an inch away from him.
It was six in the morning, the sky was slowly becoming more blue as the hues of orange were still vibrant in the sky. It was cold enough for them to wear hoodies, an easy way for him to hide the ring in his pocket. 
The words were circulating his mind as if he was running seven miles on six hundred miligrams of caffeine. His heart slapping hard against his chest, his head aching as his hands were shaking. He was terrified she would say no. But he knew she had absolutely no reason to. She wouldn’t have been with him for as long as she was if she didn’t want to marry him. He knew that.
Her head rested on his chest as he was tightening his grip around the little box in his pocket. He tilted his head to the side pressing his lips to the top of her head. She hummed against his chest as she ran her hand along his chest. 
“I love the city but nothing beats this,” she mumbled as her gaze admired the ripples in the water as the orange casted a gorgeous view against the water. He took a deep breath as he slowly forced her to sit up with him. 
She furrowed her eyebrows as she brushed her hair away from her face as she looked towards Luke. He put both of his hands into his pocket, fiddling with the box as he looked deeply into her sleepy eyes
“Did I ever tell you that the second I heard your voice, I knew you were going to be the love of my life?” he asked. 
Her lips curled upward slightly as she titled her head to the side. “No you haven’t,” she mumbled.
He took another deep breath as he dropped his gaze towards his lap, “I’ve tried finding the right words and how to perfectly say this but I don’t think there is a perfect way,” he paused. 
“I know we’re young and can’t even legally drink yet,” he chuckled, “I mean you moved to Jersey with me without giving it a second thought. That made me realize how all in you were with me. I’ve spent five years in love with you,” he met her gaze and saw the tears forming in her eyes, her smile was wide, “I know we’re young and people are going to have their opinions but-” he pulled the box from his pocket, opened it and showed it to her, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes-” she let out excitedly as she lunged towards him wrapping him in a hug, he collapsed on his back. He laughed as he shut the box, securing the ring, as he tightly wrapped his arms around the center of her back. He squeezed her tightly to his chest. “I’m so in love with you,” she whispered in his ear before she leaned towards him, kissing him softly. 
“I was worried you were going to say no,” he mumbled as she pulled away, she shook her head dramatically. 
“There is not a single part of me that doesn’t want to marry you,” she let out before she kissed him again. He delicately placed the ring box into his pocket before he rested his hands onto her hips. “Put the ring on my finger,” she mumbled as she sat up, straddling his body. 
He excitedly reached into his pocket again to pull the box out. He pulled the ring from the holder and took a hold of her left hand. He slowly slid the ring on and it fit perfectly. She stared at it and started tearing up again. “It’s so beautiful,” she mumbled. He hummed as he stared towards her admiring her frame as the sunrise was behind her, illimuting her already gorgeous frame.
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s-sugustar · 7 months
𝖣𝗋𝗂𝖿𝗍 𝖪𝗂𝗇𝗀 — i.
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🎧﹒chapter synopsis ﹒✢﹐— how you and Eren became close, maybe too close.
🎧﹒pairings﹒✢﹐— Drift King! Ryomen Sukuna x black! fem! reader, piercer! Eren Yeager x reader
🎧﹒chapter warning﹒✢﹐— alcohol, cursing, panic attack
🎧﹒wc﹒✢﹐— 5.7k
🎧﹒author’s notes ﹒✢﹐— italics are memories, italics and bold are thoughts. Not proofread.
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“You know it hasn’t been the same without you right?” Imani asked, walked through the dimly light car park, the sound of cars getting closer. You kept quiet, calmly picking at the hello kitty charm that was on your ring finger. You knew what she meant but you didn’t bother to respond. Imani sighed at your behavior, giving up on trying to push you on what had happened so that you could talk to her, but it seemed that all of her efforts were all in vain.
The sound of music and the bustling of people surrounding their cars, came into vision. Scanning the area for familiar faces, your eyes brightened in excitement when you saw Eren leaning up against the hood of his car, a blunt loosely in between his lips. Squealing in delight, you ran over to where he had been, tugging at his arm before pulling him into a hug.
The sudden collision caused him to groan in pain, but he quickly recomposed himself. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite girl." Eren voiced, his lips coming down to kiss you on the crown of your head. You scrunched your nose at his comment before replying, turning your body to face the crowd while still resting against him.
"You mean your only girl since you always fumbling chicks." you snickered, a gasp falling from your lips as you felt a slight pinch on your arm. You swatted his arm before settling down by his side, his arm loosely around your waist.
You watched many cars fly by or drift as the night went on, songs being played and both you and Imani were having a blast. As the night progressed, you found yourself settled on the hood of Jean's car, hands folded as you watched all the other cars; you were patiently waiting for this so called 'D. K' to show; since it had been years that you left this place, leaving him as Number #1, but it seemed as if he was a no show tonight, what a waste of a pretty outfit.
“Oh my gosh. He’s here!” some random girl squealed. It was only then that your ears filled with the screeching of tires. You pushed yourself off of Eren, closing in on the large group that surrounded the car. ‘Maybe that’s D.K.’ you pondered, pushing past people as you made into the front and center. Slick all black Nissan gtr-35, pure power as many would say with bright red led lights lighting up the underbody.
The bubble gum pink really caught you off guard, and you knew that wild slick back hair from anywhere, then only then did the two black markings around the wrists confirmed your suspicions. As he stepped out the car clad in grey sweats, black compression t-shirt that squeezed his biceps with bright diamonds glittering in his ear and of course, his signature gold chain dangling from his neck. He hasn't changed one bit.
People screamed as he stepped out the car, giving him a great welcome before quietly settling down to enjoy the rest of the night until someone was bold enough to challenge Ryomen or well the Drift King; and maybe that one person to step up was you. Yet you had no car since you came by cab, so you needed to find someone who would be oh so gracious to lend you, their car.
Even after all this time, he's still Number #1.
With a sweetened smile on your face, you waltzed back over to where Eren had stood with Jean, Connie and Armin. Without interrupting their conversation, you wrapped your arms behind his neck, pushing yourself close up against him. A raised eyebrow was what you were met with, but you didn’t falter. “I need to borrow your car.” You said, not bothering to ask, slightly knowing his answer so you made a statement instead; you had to have it one way or another.
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“I beg your pardon; you want to what?” Eren looked at you like of you had lost your mind or grown two extra heads when you explained why you needed his car; maybe both. “Rennn, c’monn. Just for tonight, please?” you whined, batting your eyes at him in hopes of making him falter. He squinted his eyes at you, already knowing what card you had up your sleeve.
“Y/n, we don’t call him D.K for nothing.” Eren tried to reason with you but deep down he knew nothing would change your mind.
A deep sigh fell from his lips before going into his pocket, pulling out the keys and handing them to you but before he did, “One piece y/n.” he warned, rolling his eyes at your excitement when you snatched the keys from him. Eren ran a hand over his face when he could hear Connie and the others murmuring over his choice.
Sukuna was surrounded, two chicks on both sides and some guys he seemed close enough with but that didn’t deter you. With your head held high and your glossy lips glittering in the night, you walked over to where he stood. Others had seen when you walked across the pavement, some looked at you oddly while others murmured some things you didn’t bother to think about.
With a manicured hand on your hip, you looked towards him, a dead serious look within your eyes, “I wanna race you.” you said confidently a smile bright on your face. You saw his eyes widened before pulling off the two girls, taking two strides and there he was, head tilted in a mocking way with a grin that you had been oh so familiar with. Next thing he did shocked you. He laughed, that idiot laughed! People started to gather around, seeing that some sort of commotion stirred.
“Who the hell bought daddy’s little princess here huh?” he snickered, sizing you up and down but you stood your ground. Your lips twitched at his arrogance; a witty comeback fresh on your tongue but you held. “Shit, sorry D.K, she’s in over her head. Had too much to drink.” Eren interrupted, finding himself within the middle of the circle that had formed, Eren pulled at your arm, but you didn’t move.
“Oh, the little princess here ain’t moving Yeager. I think she wants a race.” Sukuna taunted, daring red eyes never leaving your figure. You closed the distance between the two of you, noses touching. You could hear when his breathing quickens when you closed proximity. “The hell I do DK. The hell I do.” He steps closer to you, head tilting downwards, in hopes of intimidating you.
"And what's your name huh?" he asked, eyes never leaving yours. He knows your name oh so well, but for the sake of everything, he played dumb. "It's Y/n." The taller man nodded, taking a few steps back before turning to face the crowd. "Alright everyone, seems like you all will be getting a race with me in it tonight after all. Y/n vs Me." He tilted his head till you filled his vision.
"Let's see what you got on the track, Y/n."
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Cloud 9 as they say. Speeding down the road, swerving cars from left to right, the blaring colors in your eyes. It felt good years ago and it still does. You were ahead of Sukuna by 10 seconds, trying to gain some distance between the two of you but he was closing in. You were so close to the third way mark, you just needed to be ahead for a few more seconds and you’ll be good. Your hand itched to reach for the nitrogen switch, but it wasn’t time as yet.
C’mon, just a bit more.
Once you passed the flickering streetlights, you flipped the switch and let the nitrogen work its magic. Excitement flowed through your veins, a squeal fell from your lips as you felt the surge flow through the car, the finish was clear. It was right there, you just needed to get there, get closer but all of sudden, the world started to fade, and it was fading fast. The nitrogen pushed you close to the finish, you could hear people yelling for you, but it all came flooding right back in.
The two teenagers enjoying the time of their lives and within a few split seconds all of it turned for the worst. The car toppled and burst into flames, one teen got out and tried to save the other which they did but the other was unconscious.
“Y/n, come on. Wake up, please.” the other whispered, tears flowing from their eyes. The smog decorating both of their faces, flicks of fire biting away at them both. Sirens heard in a distance, but the boy still tried, thank God his mother sent him to First Aid. “C’mon Y/n. Please.”
When reality finally hit, you were across the finish and people were chanting your name. You wanted to move but you were stuck, you couldn’t. With every passing moment, it felt harder to breathe. The noise, it was getting to you, and you couldn’t stay here anymore, too much. You could see Eren coming close, jade green eyes piercing yours. A head tilt to the side and a flash of worry filled his face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” you whispered, tears filling your eyes as you placed the car into reverse, going back out the same way you came.
All the while this happened, bright red eyes had seen this take place, and he knew just the place to find you.
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“I knew I would find you here.” A deep gruff voice sounded from behind you. You hugged the black jacket that hung loosely around your shoulders, the one that Eren had given you earlier for good luck. The wind blew in your face, chilly but maybe that was your body temperature as Sukuna neared the car, resting on the hood of the car, just like you had been. “You shouldn’t be here Sukuna.” you warned, trying your best to keep the distance between the two of you.
His breathing was shallow, uneven at best. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it. The last time he saw you, you had been transported to the hospital; even then, he tried to get into your room, but your parents stopped him. God, he wishes he could take back that day when it all happened. Unfortunately, life goes on.
“H-how have you been?” he asked, trying to ease into the conversation, knowing fully he was treading on eggshells. You glanced over at him before answering his question, it shouldn’t have hurt this much since it happened 5 years ago, but it did. “Busy.” you were short and to the point, not in any interest of starting small conversation.
“Why did you come after me?” you asked, turning your body fully towards him, arms crossed as you looked towards his face, searching for any flicker or movements. “I wanted to see if you were okay. Saw the whole panic attack thing and figured you’d be out here.” Nodding in understanding, you turned to face the city once more, a smile decorating your lips, but you turned so he wouldn’t see.
The silence between the two of you was deafening, tense body movements and so much to say but neither of you could formulate the words that coursed through your mind. “It’s been a while since we’ve been here.” Sukuna eased, trying to lighten the tension but his words fell on deaf ears. You sighed heavily, the pressure on your chest wasn't getting any lighter.
All those feelings you kept hidden for years, ready to burst forth and you weren't prepared for it at all; no one is actually. "I missed you y'know." he added, hoping to hear something from you, even if you yelled at him, he just needed to hear your voice.
You scoffed in disbelief. "Yea? You missed me? What about texting or calling maybe, what about that huh?" you sneered, nose flaring as he spewed these lies to you. You rolled your eyes when you turned to look at him, only to see his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Since he had nothing to say, you continued. "You got some balls Sukuna; I'll give you that. Last time I checked, you left me behind for some stupid title surrounding cars. You got caught up in the game, in the race and you left me behind, everything we promised each other, YOU left behind. And yet when I stayed, I was invisible to you but the moment I leave, the moment I'm no longer hanging onto to something that was slowly drifting away, you want to care?" that wasn't all you had to say but it is what you wanted to say in that particular moment. As bad as it was, you still cared about him and how he felt so you carefully formulated your words to barely scratch his mental.
“At any point in time within our friendship, did you care? Or was it all for show?” When you had finished, you waited for an answer, waited for an apology, for something and yet again your expectations weren't met.
His eyes drifted from your face to something behind you and his lips kept in a thin line and as it seemed, that was all the confirmation you needed. With tears blurring your vision, you scoffed and turned back to the car; anger fueling your energy as of now as you slammed the door of the car. Quickly throwing the car in reverse, you left the area, leaving Sukuna to his thoughts.
As you made your way back to the meet, you parked a little way from where everyone else had been; pulling down the mirror, you quickly dabbed away the ears that had filled in your eyes and quickly reapplied a layer of lip gloss before getting out of the car and heading back to where you had seen Eren from before. For the reminder of the night, you hadn't seen Sukuna shown up which gave you some sort of relief.
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" So that's why you didn't want to y'know. . . date me." Eren revealed, realization all over his face. When you had first come back, this wasn't the place you had left years ago. Everything changed drastically and to say you had been clueless would be an understatement. The first person you had met had been Eren. You had bumped into him at the grocery store, looking down at the list you had written on your phone instead of watching where you had been going.
"Parsley, now this ain't the same aisle it used to be in so where the he- OH SHIT." You bumped into a strong chest, pushing you back a few inches, nearly toppling you over but with quick reflexes, an arm stretched out to you, pulling you close to steady your balance. This person definitely goes to the gym, strong scent of pinecones, mint and weed filled your nostrils as you breathed in.
Once you had taken a step back, you took a full look at the man in front of you. Bright jade green eyes that pierced deeply into your soul. Hair that was long enough to be placed in a loose bun and still short that some strands fell loosely into his face. You had been ogling that was a fact, but the other guy hadn't been much different to you in any aspect. "M'sorry, wasn't watching where I was going." You blurted, breaking the inadmissible silence that fell between the two of you.
He seemed to shake out of whatever daze he had been in when you opened your mouth to speak. "You iight mama, wouldn't mind bumping into you from time to time." he replied, voice strong but a silky undertone hung from it. You chuckled at the pet name he gave you before excusing yourself to finish grocery shopping.
How ironic it had been when what he had said became reality. Almost a week and a half after, you bumped into him again but this time it had been at a club in the city. Lights were flashing and the alcohol had started to get to you making you a little a little less self-reserved or well a lot. You were on your way to the bathroom when a large back was the first thing you met, causing you to stumble. Lucky enough, the bar table had been close for you to hold onto to steady yourself.
When the person turned, both of your eyes widen but you had been the first to speak.
"I know you. You are that fine ass man, I met in the supermarket the other day." you slurred, hiccupping between few words and slurring the rest. The said man Infront of you had raised an eyebrow at your bold description of him before smiling. "Whatcu doing in here mama, having some fun?" he asked, you nodded eagerly, your cheeks slightly burning from the pet name he used once again.
He took one good look at your state before sighing; with how you were stumbling, you probably wouldn't make it home in one piece. With an arm wrapped around your waist, he was almost about to guide you out of the club, but you whined saying you needed to use the bathroom.
With an untrustworthy look in his eyes, the unnamed man led you to the bathroom, stopping on the outside to guard you from any idiot who wanted to try something stupid. When he says that you had finished, he took you by the waist once again and headed out of the club, not before telling his friends he was calling it a night.
With one free hand, the unknown man had reached his car and unlocked it, placing you into the passenger seat with you seat being buckled in before rushing over to his seat. The last thing you remembered was him getting into the car before blacking out.
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The next morning you woke up with a searing headache and even more stiff legs. Once the sleep had gone from your eyes, you took in your surroundings and realized where you were and as far as you can remember, this wasn’t your room.
When you pulled the sheets away from your body, you saw that you had on a large grey graphic tee; you sighed in relief when you felt your panty still on you but that didn’t stop your mind from racing, it just eased the swirling assumptions. As you ended up downstairs, the scent of eggs and fried bacon filled your nose, enticing you to enter the kitchen or well close to the kitchen.
What stopped you had been the low bun was again or maybe it had been the large back tattoo that you could see peeking out from the white vest this man had on and the bulging of his muscles from when he flipped the eggs. You stopped staring before your mind started to swirl with ideas; quietly yet still loud, you cleared your throat, making your presence known. "Oh, you're awake. That's good. Here I made breakfast." His deep baritone voice filled the room as he placed two plates on the island, signaling you to take one.
Slowly enough, you take the plate before sitting quietly in one of the chairs that surrounded the table. Out of caution, you slowly ate the blueberry pancakes before moving unto the strips of bacon that had been placed to the side alongside some sunny side up eggs.
The clicking of the fork caught your attention, looking up to see that the brown-haired man had stopped eating; sitting up, you looked at him awaiting some sort of response coming from him about what exactly happened last night. Although you had some sort of reembrace about what went on, everything had been blurry after you bumped into him. "We didn't have sex. I just brought you here because I didn't think you'd be able to tell me where you lived in that state of mind. Also, about the clothes, my sister, Mikasa, undressed you and wiped you off with some wipes. I had asked her to do that since I figured you wanted some sort of privacy even though you had been unconscious."
What he said surely cleared up some things for you, but you wondered what his sister looked like and also, where the hell your clothes were. And as if the earth heard your thought came a girl with a short bob and bangs sitting right above her eyes with a pair of square shaped glasses sitting on her nose. A large grey t-shirt hung loosely from her frame with printed black shorts with Kuromi on them. You glanced over her frame before realizing she had your clothing folded neatly in her hands.
"Thank you, both of you. I should probably give you back your clothing and head back home." You nodded your head to the door, but the brown-haired man stopped you. "Nah it's fine, I'm about to head out. I could take you home if you want." He offered, not bothered by the fact that you had a few pieces of his clothing or the fact that he had to take care of you. nevertheless, you gave the okay before turning back to the raven-haired girl whose name you learned from herself and her brother, Mikasa gave you a quick smile and a nod.
On the way to your house, you recognized the street you had been on. You pointed to the house which caused him to chuckle. "You know what I find funny, the fact that you only live 3 minutes away or less from me." You agreed while giggling as he pulled into the driveway. 'Thank you by the way." You stated, unbuckling the seat belt; you gathered your things before exiting the car only to be stopped by the voice of the same man that had dropped your home. "Wait, my name I forgot to tell you, my name." he rushed, quickly getting out of the car.
You raised an eyebrow at the man, shaking your head at his awkwardness. "Eren, my name's Eren." Jutting his hand out, you took his hand in yours before shaking it and replying with your name. "Well, Eren, thank you for taking care of me and bring me home and tell your sister I say thanks. " You commented, a smile adorning your face as you let go of his warm hand.
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You second interaction had been when you were at work in the library and the sudden need for a belly piercing had hit you like a semi. The urge was strong and scrolling through Pinterest wasn't making your urges any better. Now, you hadn't been around for a while so saying you knew where a piercing shop had been, you would have been lying.
With the old desktop in front of you, you typed in 'piercing shops near me' on the old desktop, listening to the sound of the keys clacking against the inside piece of the keyboard.
To your surprise, there had been one extremely close to where you worked. With quick thinking, you choose the one that had been relatively close to your work and decided that you would do a walk in on your lunch break which was in the next couple of minutes. You walked over to the owner of the library.
A small old lady in her late 60's, curly silver white hair on top of her forehead with square shaped glasses that covered most of her cheeks, a beautiful old soul in your opinion.
"Het Voila, I'm going out on lunch alright, I'll be back within an hour tops." You grabbed your small handbag from behind the counter before heading out, waving at Voila before leaving.
The walk to the piercing parlor wasn't long, within 6 minutes you had been in front of the place. Taking in the scenery, you looked over the shop before walking in; a bell ringing to signal your presence. The shop was welcoming, an undertone of pinecone and sandalwood with a hint of lavender essence. The colors and furniture of the shop, a mixture of soft purple, white and black; sleek and modern with a hint of color to give off a flowery feeling.
The air condition blew in straight onto your back, goosebumps forming from the thin cotton button up you had on. Drake's song 'Marvin's Room' played softly in the background. Your thoughts were interrupted when a mellow voice called out to you, gaining your attention.
"Hey, welcome to Phoenixx's piercing parlor, how can I help?" a blond buzz cut with pink stars caught your eyes, then maybe the chocolate-colored eyes that stared back at you. His attire was neat. A black hoodie with a white shirt poking from underneath, an army green cargo pants and a gold cross hanging from his neck.
You couldn't see the shoes he had been wearing but you guessed that they had to be the Panda Nike Dunks that came out late last year or so. A sparkly nose ring popped in the lighting in the shop but those were some minor details. As you closed the distance between the two of you, you stated your reason of popping in and so sparked a conversation between the two of you.
"Hey, maybe you should come this Friday night, there's this place where all the modified cars downtown and uptown meet up to race of just hang out. It seems like your style from what I've heard for the past half an hour." The blond hair with a buzz cut, whose name you learned to be was Connie had made quite a suggestion, you couldn't back down from.
Giving his idea some thought, you finally agreed before Connie grab a piece of paper and scribbled an address on it, handing you a business card alongside the paper. As your conversation continues, another voice sounded from the back, which you figured had been where you get your piercings. "Yo Connie, what's the hold up?"
Shifting your attention, you met eyes with a certain pair of jade green eyes, ones you had seen quite recently. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked, eyes wide as he grazed over your attire. "Oh, been feeling the sudden urge to get a piercing recently so I searched up places online and well, this was the closest one. " You explained, Eren nodded as he took in your appearance.
"You work around here?" he asked, seeing a familiar logo on the shirt you were wearing. "Yup fortunately, it's close to where I live." you answered. You thanked him before l him a question when you checked your phone; a string of curses leaving your mouth as you saw the time. "I gotta get back and thanks Connie. See you around Eren." you spoke before heading back out to work.
Eren and Connie watched as you left before Connie turned to Eren with an eyebrow raised and smirk decorating his lips. "You know her?" Eren rolled his eyes before telling him the story of the two of you met.
"Damn I'm coming." you groaned to no one in particular, the rapid knocking at your door that woke you from sleeping; pulling a shirt over your head before heading to the front door. "Now who the he- Eren?"" you paused, taking in the person before you. Eren looked to you with a hopeful smile that seemed a bit rushed. "Hey Y/n, I need your help." He rushed out, seemingly out of breath.
You looked at him in curiosity, an eyebrow raised waiting for him to continue. Stepping aside, you let him enter your house, taking him to the kitchen. "You want something to drink?"
He shook his head before continuing his story. " So my niece's birthday is today and it's princess themed since she loves princesses and the lady who was supposed to be the princess for the party copped out at the last minute saying she was sick so she couldn't make it and we don't have any other option right now and I thought of you since you're really pretty and just like a princess so I came over to ask you if you can do it. If you can't do it that's okay but you are literally the first and last person to think of." Eren rambled on, you heard all that he said and contemplated it, already having your answer but you decided to tease him.
"You think I'm pretty?" you smirked, chuckling as Eren stumbled over his words trying to make up for it. You saw that he was struggling and decided to chime in. "Yes, I'll help you."
Now when you got to the house, you grabbed the bag that had in your makeup and a couple accessories to seal the deal that you were a princess. "Oh Eren, thank God you're here-oh. Who's this?" The lady that stood in front of you took in your appearance with a smile. "This is a friend of mine, Y/n. She's pitching in to be the princess." Once Eren stated the reason you were there, the lady's eyes brightened quickly ushering you in.
When inside the house, you took in the scenery; carefully watching the other family members put up the decorations within the living room.
'This little girl really loves princesses.' You thought as you scanned the environment briefly before you were pulled by the waist to some random room by the aunt you met at the front door, whose name turned out to be Paula.
"I'm not sure if the dress will fit but can you at least try it to see, please?" she asked politely, silently wishing that the dress fits. Shooing you to the bathroom, you quickly took off your clothing before stepping into the dress, pulling up over your body before struggling a bit to zip up the back.
'Huh, it really does fit.' you thought. Once it was completely on and the ruffles on the dress fluffed, you exited the bathroom. Stiffly, you walked over to the middle of the bedroom where Paula gasped in amazement. Squealing in delight, she called, she rushed over to you with her arms opening wide; pulling you into a tight hug, spewing "thank you's" fell from her lips. She squealed once again before rushing out of the bedroom, leaving you in shock from her outburst.
"You really are a princess." Eren commented, his jade green eyes taking in your appearance with a smirk on his face. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Eren; chuckling at his statement before retorting a silly answer. " And who are you supposed to be, my knight in shining armor?" you quipped, gaining a laugh from him.
"Not dressed for the occasion though, am I?" he asked, looking down at his clothing then back up at you. Rolling your eyes playfully, you headed back into the bathroom, to which Eren followed.
Within the two hours that you had been there doing your makeup and fixing your goddess braids, Eren sat and watched every minute, staring at you in awe has you put yourself together for someone you didn't even know. Once you had finished, you put away everything before turning to Eren. "So, how do I look?" you asked, giving him a little twirl, waiting for his opinion.
"Like I said earlier, just like a princess." he complimented. You gave him a smile in which he returned before his phone pinged. With one look, Eren looked to you before grabbing your hand. "Come on, the birthday girl is here."
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"You like my tiara, would you like to wear it?" you asked the small girl in front of you; as she nodded eagerly, you carefully took the tiara from off of your head before placing it onto hers. Not a perfect fit since it fell to the side of her head. The two of you giggled at the interaction before turning her to face the camera that was pointed at you. "Smile, a pretty princess is on camera." you voiced, a smile settling on your lips as the flash went off. After she skipped off to somewhere, you sat back in the chair you had been for the past 4 hours and huffed.
Your butt was hurting for being in the same position for 4 hours; resting your jaw into your palm, you watched at the children ran around the house.
"If it isn't the princess of the evening. Where is your Prince Charming might I ask?" Eren asserted, the chair that sat empty next to you for all the little girls who wanted to talk to the lovely princess for the night, now filled with the so-called 'Prince Charming" those little girls were giggling about just before. "To those little girls across there, they believe that you are Prince Charming." you nodded your head over to where the children had been playing. The older boy winced, shaking his head ever so slightly before continuing.
"Cute, but I'm not into children. Although, I do have one person in mind that I could possibly be Prince Charming to, if she let me." He hinted, straightening his posture before turning in the chair to face you.
You decided to play along, a smile graced your lips as you also turned to face him, "And if this special person lets you be their Prince Charming, then what?" you purred, slowly closely the distance between the two of you. It seems that Eren read your mind in that moment and with bated breath, the two of you closed in on each other, lips touching in the sweetest way possible.
His lips weren't completely dry, they had moisture, maybe from the drink he held in his hand from before but that didn't matter much. "LOOK, PRINCESS Y/N FOUND HER PRINCE! AND THEY'RE KISSING! " Some random child screeched, not only causing the two of you to laugh within the kiss but a series of "ew's" and "cooties" fell from their lips.
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Later that night, after the birthday girl was down and the others had left, you had changed out of the dress before you helped with cleaning up. You and Eren had cleaning duty in the backyard and the tension between the two of you was sickening. Glances back and forth and neither of you said a word; to Eren, it was torture and to you, you had been conflicted.
The little time you spent with him had been cherished and you did feel something for Eren, but you still felt something for Sukuna and that was hard to deny.
On the way home, you fiddled with your acrylics as Eren drove you home; you decided not to say anything. You were so close to reaching inside your house until Eren called out to you, rushing up and grabbing your wrists before pulling you towards him. "Y/n, you're not going to walk away like you didn't feel something, are you?" he asked, a hint of desperation hidden in his voice.
You contemplated pulling away, but you had too much of a conscience. "Eren, I can-" you weren't able to get another word in before his lips met yours.
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marbl3z · 1 month
Collar Full .
sebastian crack & fluff fic // rlly silly ngl .
A/N: im probably gonna name his fics after 2000s altrock songs or bands bc - why not? :3
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walking inside the house, Robin greets you with a smile.
"he's downstairs," she smiles, before you could even ask if Sebastian was home. you nod, blush creeping over your cheeks.
you kick off your shoes, careful not to track dirt and mud into the house, you carefully step down the stairs - unlike the many times you've fallen down them. you hear music blast through his speakers, peering your head into the room the sight making your heart swell and your expression turn into shock.
Sebastian, one of your hairbands over his head, pushing his hair out of his face, swaying his hips and singing along to the rock band blasting from his computer as he cleans his room. your eyes are wide and your mouth is agape, unsure what to do or say or if you should just leave, the song comes to an end and he goes over to the computer clicking the mouse a couple times, pursing his lips before he meets your eyes - screaming and almost throwing the broom.
you scream, nearly jumping out of your skin, grabbing onto the doorknob - visibly startled and broken from your confused trance, you look at him terrified.
"WHAT WAS THAT???" you screamed, holding your chest as you take a deep breath in not expecting to hear a high pitched scream from him.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE??" he shrieks, holding the broom like a sword.
"UH.. NOT VERY LONG???" your voice cracks as you look at him before you hear Robin above.
"What's going on??" she questions from the top of the stairway, Sebastian peering his head out from his doorway, right next to you.
"I JUST GOT THE SHIT SCARED OUT OF ME, MOTHER!" he yells, his voice cracks into laughter as he puts the broom against the wall looking at you, his ears flush embarrassingly.
"Well, don't do that!" she laughs - walking away.
You both look at each other before laughing, "do you want some help?"
he shrugs, "sure, why not?" grabbing the broom and the trash bag, clicking the next song as you two clean his room. he tries not to sing but occasionally you'll hear him sing or humming the lyrics.
you smile, laughing as you help move stuff for him to sweep. he sways his head side to side to the beat, eventually he just gives up and lets the music consume his body - using the broomstick as a microphone, you laugh as you and him sing along.
hours pass and the playlist ends, you and him both flop on the couch, exhausted. you smile thinking back to him dancing and singing, he has a good voice, you wonder why he doesn't sing with Sam in their band, not even aware he had gotten up.
"want me to get you anything?" he nudges your head with his knuckle, taking the hairband out to shake his head and put it back in place on top his head.
"water probably.." he nods, leaving the room. you throw your head back onto the arm rest of the couch, a yawn escaping your mouth. you close your eyes, not even aware of how far your laying from the arm rest until you get hit with the door - when did he even close it??! "YOUUUUCH!"
he holds back a laugh, snorting before cackling - "i'm sorry!" you look up at him rubbing the side of your head. "i didnt realize you'd be stretched out like a damn cat," he tries to stop laughing - only failing and laughing harder, his shoulders shake as he laughs. "a-are you okay??" he hands you a glass of water.
"oh yeah - im fine, ignoring the fact I GOT HIT WITH A DOOR!" he laughs harder, putting his glass on his desk, falling onto the floor trying to catch his breath. tears weld up in his eyes as he tries to stop laughing.
"the- pfftt.. the fucking noise you made, im sORRY-" he clutches his stomach, you laugh with him. "why did you say Ow that way???" he looks up at you, rubbing his eyes with his hands. "looney tunes, my ass..." he quiets down, sitting up and crawling over to get his glass of water.
you shake your head, he looks at you - choking on his water. "Oh- FUuCk" he chokes out, you snort watching him try to prevent himself from laughing, he turns to look the other way, covering his ears so he doesnt start laughing from your own laughter. he finally manages to swallow the water, "YOU'RE GONNA END UP KILLING ME TONIGHT." he turns to look at you, pointing his freshly painted nail at you.
"NOT IF YOU KILL ME FIRST WITH THAT GOD FORSAKEN DOOR!" he frowns, before laughing again. laying back onto the hard wood floor, sighing.
"guuh.. there's still so much to do," he groans, "gotta love working..." he puts his hands together in front of him, "procrastination!" you snort, flipping upside down on the couch, your head near his.
"yep.." you twirl your finger in his hair, he looks up at you before looking back up the ceiling. "you gotta just get the work done, yknow? dont think about too much." you mumble mindlessly, the softness of his black hair numbing your mind.
"yeah but i gotta think about it though.. trying to code this game is annoying." he groans, stretching across the floor. ticking his tongue out tiredly, the soft glint of the metal on his tongue catching your attention.
"when did you get that done?" you point, he squints thinking about it.
"uh... i think... like. a year ago??" he shrugs, pointing to his eyebrows "i got them done at the same time i think?"
you nod along, tracing your finger down his earlobe, he shivers. "i'm guessing you got these done when you were a teenager?" you murmur and he nods.
"surprised you guessed that," you smile - of course he got his ears done when he was younger.
"you give off, very.. teenage emo phase.." you motion to all of him, he frowns raising his eyebrow. "dont look at me like that."
he snorts, shaking his head. "honestly speaking, i think this version of myself is the best, could be better but i'm comfortable." you nod, playing with his hair.
"you seem happier, compared to when we first met at least," you admit, not really thinking about much.
his ears turn pink, "my mom says the same thing..." he mumbles, teeth playing with his lip ring. "weird, huh?"
You hum, shaking your head. "maybe you just needed someone to really see the real you, iduno" he turns his head away, his ears completely red now.
"maybe," he puts his hands up by his head, gently brushing against yours. you look at him, gently wrapping your pinkie around his, he squeezes your pinkie with his own. his face is pink now, he continues looking away and you smile, closing your eyes and relishing in the comfortable silence.
This is nice...
RAAAAH i laughed for 10 minutes imagining my Sebastian screaming bc he got caught dancing.
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
Not Today Mister - Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
He was so fucking pretty, this man was the definition of natural beauty, you swore. That hair was so soft looking and he smelled so good, so warm. You smacked your face to stop yourself from thinking about him too much, because you needed to fix this problem.
There was no way you were letting Aizawa Shouta stop you from going on your dream vacation.
He was just a man. (And a teacher and a hero that saved multiple lives).
You can beat this down. You can avoid getting a crush as long as you can avoid him. Perfect. You could do that easily, you were stealthy as the only janitorial staff on campus (and busy).
You were done for the day, after you strolled down the campus again an hour and a half everyone had left their respective places. Some students had been allowed in only two gyms, so you knew you’d have to go and clean that up later tonight, which you were fine with. The gyms would be closing around 10:30, unless there were other staff there.
You went back to your floor to make some late lunch. You were happy that you bought some groceries right after you moved in, because you would have had to go and buy it now – which you really wouldn’t want to do.
The noise level was ranging from high to higher, but you could live with it, since you would just listen to them for entertainment.
You were sure you might have heard someone screaming about how “Charlie bit my finger”, and that same kid shouted about memes again.
Another notable thing you heard was someone screaming about the noise levels and that there were rules here and how people must be respectful and understand that they should be quiet. It was funny, and you agreed with him mostly but you were annoyed he had screamed that out loud.
Other people were too, because they all shouted back to shut up.
Once they were all in their rooms, you were happy to roam around your floor to mostly silence as you ate your late lunch.
Each bedroom/personal room was soundproof but the hallways and the lounge area/living area? The kitchen and the bathrooms? You could hear it all. It was okay… yeah, you could live with it.
You played some music on the speakers which were lowered considerably for the other floors. You knew they wouldn’t be able to hear it and it thankfully drained out the voices from the floors. There was peace, once again. You grinned, feeling successful.
The late lunch you made was barely considered a meal – just some ramen and you blended up some frozen strawberries to make a smoothie. It was delicious.
Your phone started ringing and you quickly answered, “Hello, this is Y/n speaking.”
“Sweetie, when were you going to tell me your janitor job was at UA?? The school? The best school in the world? You are insane, I swear. You knew I wanted to be a teacher there!” Your friend practically blasted into your ear, you pulled the phone away with a chuckle.
“I couldn’t tell you then, it was in the contract! NDAs and whatnots, but I could tell you now cause I live here. But you can’t teach here, you still have to retire as a hero and stuff, and I know you aren’t ready to retire. You barely just started – what was it, two years ago? You didn’t even go here for high school!” You replied, laughing a bit more.
She sighed, “I’m not even a hero, I’m a sidekick still. You’re right, ugh, I should’ve just tried being a teacher instead of a pro hero.”
You pouted, “Shut up, don’t talk low about yourself. You have the ability to be a great pro hero. And you can still be a teacher, I mean, if you really want to, you can quit and go teach or again, wait until you’re retired.”
“Oh, god, I just realized something.” She gasped into the phone, and it made you clutch the phone tighter.
“What’s wrong?” You responded, worried.
“I can’t come over anymore, can I? Oh no, we can’t have movie nights or karaoke nights or any nights anymore.” Aya groaned loudly over the phone.
You blinked and then for a moment you wondered if that was true, “I’ve gotta ask the boss about that, but I think he’d let you in. You are in the hero business and if anything happened, you’d be able to defend yourself and others.”
“You’re smart. I can’t believe you didn’t finish going to school to be a doctor.” She noted back and you snorted.
“I found a faster way to go on my dream vacation, that’s why I didn’t finish school.” You shot back and she sighed.
“Whatever, let me know when you talk to your boss, and if I can’t come over then I’ll sneak in. But I have to go now, see you later sweetie, bye.” She hung up after you said goodbye back.
You hummed to yourself, then wrote down a note for when you would next see Nezu, you’d ask him if Aya could come by.
Around 10:40, you rolled by the two gyms to start cleaning them up. You had taken a nap earlier to waste some time.
Thankfully there was no one outside of the first gym, and once you got inside, the lights were already turned off. You turned them on and paused when you heard a grunting sound.
You paused in your movement, eyes wide as you slowly turn your head to look into the gym.
There, in the corner, someone was using one of the training material, on one of the blue mats that were laying out on the floor.
You didn’t say anything, hoping to stay silent and let them do their work out. You didn’t look at them for much longer than a second before you started to do your job.
Maybe you should have come back later, after that person was done with their work out, but you felt like it was a decent time for you to finish up.
You didn’t recognize whoever it was, your vision wasn’t very well. In fact, you should have brought your glasses with you to do your job, but you didn’t tonight.
As you slowly started to get lost in your work, cleaning some equipment, the mysterious person walked over and stood behind you, not saying anything. You didn’t notice at first as you were scrubbing one of the pieces of equipment with a sanitizing wipe.
“You turned the lights on.” He spoke up, dully watching as you turned around, spooked out of your mind.
You couldn’t stop the gasp coming out of your mouth as you realized it was Aizawa, once again. You stared at him, for a few moments before forming a reply, “Excuse me!” And again, you pushed past him, and this time you shut the lights off and ran out of the gym, forgetting your cleaning equipment.
Not again.
This was the second time he’s arrived and now you have been distracted enough to not do your job. This was most definitely not good.
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Brother Boyfriend Redux Part 2
The Cowboy and the wind
The next day Eric Mark and Sebastian take me on a car ride to the country for some odd reason.
The car parks Sebastian lets me out of the car and then Eric takes the picnic basket for us setting up for lunch.
Sebastian is behind me tackling me to a tree in the meantime as we make our heavily and intensity.
His hands pin me to the tree spreading on to my body covering me in a super spreading of his body.
Eric Mark fakes a cough distracting us from each other and the grabs me to the side in a kiss.
He caresses my body sweetly making Seb so very jealous of what is about to become a new standard.
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“You guys are trespassing this is my land.” I hear strange voice yell.
“Get off my land now.” He rides on his horse.
“Yes before you ask I am a Cowboy.” He states.
“We don’t give a fuck” I say waving him off as I sit down.
“Why you little piece of shit.” The man shout to the sky.
“Woah! Back OFF! NOW!” My slaves block him from approaching me.
“You best move now” he is raging mad.
“Why should we? Free country “
“Your attitude should shift in a few minutes “
The man throws a punch my way managing to escape their grasp, I evade it then jet off running.
Somewhere in the forest I hide in the dark
of shadows taunting him a bit with my foot steps.
The boys catch up with him taking a hand each both guys pin him to the tree from behind him.
“What the fuck let me go?” He screams to no one in particular.
“This was never going to go well for you” Chris replies.
“Fuck you!” He spats.
���You zip it you little shit.” Sebastian adds.
“Master it’s time kiss him” Chris states
“Kiss him…kiss him”
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“NO! Get away from him”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Why am I hard?”
“So turned on”
“Because I cast my spell”
“You are mine”
“I own you “
“Oh God! Yes”
“Hell Yeah!”
The end
We jump into the car with Cowboy Richard Brenton sitting next to me he hugs me tight in love.
He lays on mg lap allowing my hands to rub his stomach feeling all of his body up I feel complete.
The drive home is quiet for all us as I begin to instruct them to play my personal private streaming station.
The music comes on blasting loud through the cars bouncing back and forth hitting their ears.
Their minds are messing it sinks deep in to their consciousness, subconscious and their inner identity.
It’s a long four hour drive mix tape I made in the late hours of the last night settling in to their mind.
Heading back home we park the three of my bois back up everything and head up to my apartment.
Inside the keys click, I am greeted by two wide eyes open and hopping on me Grant and Stephen.
They began to hop on me pushing me to the floor proceeding to lick my face, hand and my tug me.
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“Master! We love you “ Grant howls in utter happiness.
“Master! We missed you “ Stephen bounces that begin body on mine.
“Can we have a friend over?” Grant asked me.
“Sure! Why not? Let’s have a party”
“Thank you Master!”
“We will call him now”
“Are you sure Master?”
“Play some music”
“Someone dance with me”
“Hello! I am Colton”
“Nice to meet you “
“Everyone show me what you got”
“What the fuck dude?”
“Check this out”
“Mind control smoke bomb”
“Colton catch”
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“Why would you ?”
“Inhale the smoke “
“Inhale all of it”
“Breathe in”
“Surrender to the smoke”
“Give in to my power “
“Put on my stream”
“Yes Master”
“We are at your will”
“Convince me”
“We are on our knees “
“Worship me”
“With pleasure “
“You are all that matters “
“I want to ravish “
The end
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fivesslut8 · 5 months
Chapter 1 from my fanfic on wattpad April-stranger things s4
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April exhaled, a plume of smoke spiraling up towards the ceiling. She leaned her head back against the cool, grimy tiles of the toilet wall, her eyes shut tight. Her headphones rested securely on her head, blasting music that seemed to reverberate within the confines of her skull. Despite the noise, a deep silence enveloped her as she took periodic drags from the cigarette held loosely between her fingers.
With a heavy sigh, she stood, her movements slow and deliberate, and grabbed her bag from the floor. She tossed the dying cigarette onto the tiles and crushed it under her boot with a forceful stamp, then strode out of the stall.
“Oh, shit,” she mumbled, bumping into a figure just outside the stall. Looking up, she let out a breath of relief and slid the headphones off her ears. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern. She noted how Max's hands trembled slightly, and how she bit her lip so hard it drew blood. April had known Max for two years, but she'd never seen her friend this distant, so utterly detached.
Max looked up from her vacant stare into the void. "Yeah, it's fine," she mumbled before turning around and heading for the mirrors over the sinks.
April sighed but left the bathroom too, lifting her headphones back to their respective place atop her head, slowly drifting back to her almost calm state—almost as if she wasn't really there, zoning out as she wandered around the school. If she was honest with herself, she preferred the solitude; it was simpler, less demanding.
As she walked around the outskirts of the school, she spotted a blonde cheerleader crossing the running tracks over to the fields. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise; she had gone down that route way too many times to score cigarettes from Eddie. "Imagine that, Chrissy," she mumbled to herself.
She walked over to her spot right off the forest next to one of the trees facing the school. It was peaceful out here; she could be herself without having to maintain a facade for everyone else. But honestly, she was struggling. She wanted more than anything to move on, but the memories of Billy's murder and the chaos that followed haunted her. The fear she felt that day made her shudder; she never wanted to experience that again.
She wanted a normal high school life, but she had become adept at appearing normal, at masking her feelings—better than Max could, anyway. But she just wanted to be fine, like Mike and Dustin seemed to be; they appeared so free, as if nothing had happened.
She bit her lip, her hands clutching her leg painfully as they started to shake. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Shit," she muttered, quickly opening her bag and grasping at the bottle of Xanax shoved hastily at the bottom. Her hands shook as she popped the lid and shoved one of the pills into her mouth, then shoved the bottle back into her bag.
Leaning against the back of the tree, she pulled out her pack of cigarettes and the lighter that Max had given her last year. Lighting one, she took a long drag, exhaling softly. She lay her head against the tree trunk, her eyes closed as the cigarette slowly burned out between her fingers. Before taking another drag, she felt an eerie calm wash over her—until a quiet, muffled scream pierced the air.
Dropping her cigarette and cursing under her breath, she took off her headphones and looked behind her. There sat Chrissy, the cheerleader—the girl April had only talked to a couple of times because of there mutual friends —her eyes wide with fear.
"Hey, are you okay?" April asked, her eyes filling with concern.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I just thought I…" Chrissy trailed off, panic lacing her voice.
April collapsed back to her position on the ground before lighting another cigarette and offering it to the blonde girl. “Do you want? It’ll help with the nerves," she asked, looking up at Chrissy.
"Yeah—yeah, please," thanked the blonde, sitting down next to April and gingerly accepting the cigarette. She took a puff, releasing plumes of smoke, and passed it back to April.
The girls sat in silence before Chrissy spoke up. "Do you ever feel like you're going crazy?"
"Hmm, maybe. I guess," April sighed, her head hitting the trunk behind her and her eyes closing once more. "Why? Has something happened?" she asked, opening her eyes again to look at Chrissy.
Chrissy shook her head. "I guess it's just stress. But… she stopped to take the cigarette from April’s hand and taking another puff before handing it back,
I've been seeing things
"Whoa," April breathed out, her tone a mix of concern and understanding. "I mean, I don't know if I'm the right person to go to, but..." she mumbled, her voice trailing off as she saw Chrissy's discomfort.
Chrissy quickly stood up. "It doesn't matter. I have to go now."
"Wait," April said, causing the blonde to look back. "Talk to the counsellor. I know it might sound stupid and I sound like such a hypocrite for asking this but—" she stopped as Chrissy smiled at her.
"Thanks, April," Chrissy said before walking back towards the school.
April sighed, the flashes of last year's horrors briefly clouding her thoughts. She bit her lip, taking another long puff from her cigarette and exhaling slowly. The smoke seemed to carry away some of her tension.
As she sat back against the tree, her gaze drifted towards the school. Despite her normally calm exterior, there was a part of her that longed for something normal, something stable. But life in Hawkins was far from normal, and she knew that better than most. Yet, here she was, trying to offer advice she herself struggled to follow.
The distant sound of school bells signaled the end of the break. April flicked the cigarette butt away, watching as it scattered sparks on the ground before going out. She stood up, dusted herself off, and slid her headphones back over her ears. As the music enveloped her once more, she felt the familiar barrier rising between her and the world—a barrier that made her feel safe, yet so profoundly alone.
With a final glance back at the forest, April walked towards the chaos of school life, the beats of her music syncing with her steps.
April sat on a bench, the raucous cheers and incessant chatter of the crowd pressing in around her like a suffocating wave. She winced at the cacophony, her fingers nervously twirling her beed bracelet, a silent plea for calm amidst the storm. Glancing to her left, she saw a familiar face—one of her friends —idly chatting while waiting for the basketball game to start. Her gaze drifted towards the cheerleaders; she raised her hand, waving with a small smile at the familiar blonde who responded with a vigorous shake of her pom-poms and a smile.
Back in her own bubble, April resumed fiddling with her bracelet, her eyes scanning the stands. *Where the fuck are Dustin and Mike?* she thought, frustration bubbling inside her. They had promised they would be here. Just as she sighed deeply, a booming voice cut through her brooding. “Everyone, please rise for our national anthem!” The room hushed, and bodies around her rose to their feet.
"Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!" Applause and cheers filled the room as a pretty blonde stepped up to the microphone at center court. As Tammy’s voice soared, rather off-key, April cringed visibly. Leaning towards her friend Betty, she whispered conspiratorially, "She is so bad."
Betty suppressed a giggle, replying with a grin, "You're so mean," but she quickly added in a hushed tone, "but I agree."
The anthem mercifully ended, and April breathed a sigh of relief as everyone sat down and the game began. The surrounding cheers were nearly unbearable, but spotting Lucas on the bench, she waved, knowing leaving now would hurt his feelings. Despite the noise, she found herself zoning out, lost in the repetitive motion of twirling her bracelet.
As the gym began to empty, April made a beeline for the exit, the sounds fading behind her. Catching up with Lucas in the car park, she threw her arms around him, her smile genuine. "I can't believe you won!" she beamed.
"Yeah," Lucas breathed out, his voice tinged with pride, "I mean, we won. I did it!" His happiness faded suddenly as his eyes shifted to something—or someone—behind her. April turned sharply, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the Hellfire Club members, including Dustin and Mike, emerging boisterously from the building. "Dickheads," she mumbled, loud enough for Lucas to hear.
"Hey, it's fine," Lucas murmured, as one of his jock friends called out to him. "You coming?"
"Yeah, I'm coming," Lucas replied, his spirits lifting. He gave April one last hug. "Do you want a ride?"
"No, I’m fine," she smiled, watching him jog off to join his friends. She then turned back to confront Dustin and Mike. "Can I have a word?" she said sharply, drawing their attention.
"Oooo," the group teased, but she ignored them and pulled Dustin and Mike aside. "What the fuck? You knew how much Lucas was looking forward to this game, and you just ditch? You're such assholes."
"Hey, hey, hey," Mike retorted, throwing his arms up defensively. "Lucas ditched us too—he was supposed to play in our tournament."
"D&D?" April scoffed dismissively. "Wow, how important."
Mike seemed to bristle at that. "What the fuck do you even know? You've been hanging out with your popular friends this whole time, ditching me, Dustin, and Max to be with them. So if we’re talking about people ditching,
Dustin tried interjected, but April cut him off, shaking slightly, her face a mask of hard, unyielding tears. Without another word, she turned and stormed off down the road leading out of the school. She fumbled in her bag, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and hastily lighting one. As she walked, she glanced back to see Dustin and Mike still watching. With a roll of her eyes and a scoff, she flipped them off. Turning back, she brought the cigarette to her lips once more, inhaling deeply. The cigarette burned down, embers drifting softly to the ground, glowing briefly before fading into the night. As the last traces of smoke curled into the air, April continued her solitary walk home, the weight of the evening lingering heavily in her thoughts.
Chapter 2
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ashepluto · 2 years
On thin ice; ice skater x hockey player jegulus au
Regulus loved this part of the day. It was the only time he could really feel like himself. No one needed to be impressed and he didn't have to put on his best persona. Here, just before the rink closed, Regulus felt safe. Only him, the ice and the music blasting in his ears.
It had become a normal routine for the figure skater to spend an hour or two skating around, practicing different jumps and steps. There was something soothing about being able to escape from the world around him, especially right before the championships. His coach had been pushing Regulus to a new level this year, harder and longer training sessions.
There was however no second thought that Regulus didn’t love skating. It had become his one and only love even when he was a little kid. His mother may have been the reason he even began skating. However, he had always loved the way the skaters flew weightless through the air and admired the way everything looked completely effortless. It was hard work but it was worth it in the end.
“Hey, you there!” a voice shouted all throughout the rink. Regulus, who had been in the middle of a jump, fell startled onto the hard ice. Hitting it with a loud thump, hissing at the contact.
“Shit, I am sorry,” the voice continued, except it was no longer screaming. There was something else in the voice, something you could mistake as genuine regret. Which it should be, because whoever shouted just made Regulus fail a critical jump. He mutters a quiet fuck under his breath as he stands up, feeling the bruise already form on his right leg.
“Are you okay?” the voice asked carefully.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Regulus snapped back, regretting it the minute his eyes met the other boy's green ones. There, right in front of him a taller boy was standing. Jet black hair covered by an enormous helmet and tamed skin skinning through the helmet cage.
“Well, I’m sorry I asked,” the boy scoffed .
“No, I just.” Regulus sighed before continuing. “You kinda fucked up my routine just then. Maybe in the future let me finish the routine before shouting at the top of your lungs.”
“Yeah, whatever. I’m James by the way and you are?”
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all-for-geek · 2 months
The Cal Who Kinda Liked Musicals Chapters 3: Ma'am I Need You Take A Step Back...
Chapter 2
Fandom: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals/Starkid/Hatchetfield
Summary: Cal's patience is tested as the singing threat spreads and hits a little too close to home for one of their allies.
Word Count: 1,956
Warnings: Violence/Slight Gore
Cal wasn’t quite sure how long they were in the trash cans for. The cramped, dark space warped their perception of time as each minute seemed to drag on longer and longer. Bill certainly wasn’t helping matters.
“If I had known it was going to smell this bad, I would have grabbed the air freshener out of my car,” he complained.
Cal rolled their eyes. “Bill, it’s a trash can, what did you expect it to smell like?
“Well, I didn’t expect it to be this bad!”
“Will you two keep it down!” Ted hissed. “The whole point of hiding is not to get fucking caught. Which means sucking it up and being fucking quiet!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, is your brilliant plan of hiding in the fucking trash can not completely foolproof!” Cal fired back, whisper shouting.
“Listen here you little shit-”
“Oh god, someone’s coming,” Charlotte interrupted as she curled into more of a ball.
The three became dead silent as what sounded like two people ran near them. The two were talking, thank god, and seemingly panicked. Or at least the woman did as she screamed something about implications. As the man reassured her, the four who were hidden realized they recognized his voice. Whether it was because of that realization or the smell finally getting to him, Bill took the opportunity to jump out.
“No! It’s not alright Paul!” he shouted.
Paul and the woman that he was attempting to comfort nearly jumped out of their skin.
“Bill! You scared the shit out of us,” Paul chastised.
“Well how am I supposed to jump out of a trash can and not scare the shit out of you?”
“I don’t know a warning or something…”
Cal’s ears perked up, a shit eating grin on their face. They bang on the trash can before popping out themself. Paul, Bill and the woman all jump again.
“Jesus Christ, Cal!” Paul criticized, a hand over his heart.
“Hey don’t look at me, I warned you.” Cal could hear Ted stifling laughter a trash can over.
“What are you guys doing here?” Paul finally asked.
“We had to go somewhere,” Bill explained, “Davidson kept calling people in his office and they kept coming out singing.”
“It wasn’t just there,” Cal continued, “Everywhere we went everyone was fucking singing.”
“It’s all of downtown, we were just at Beanies,” Paul added.
Ted jumped out of his trash can. “You didn’t invite me!”
“Jesus Christ, Ted!”
“Okay how many of you are fucking in there?” the woman asked.
Charlotte slowly pokes her head out her trash can, waving awkwardly. “Hi…”
“Alright everyone shut it! We got our sweet hiding spot, and we don’t want any of those freaks finding it,” Ted declared as if he wasn’t also making noise. “So, Paul, get in a trash can. You-” He points to the woman. “-beat it.”
“Uh…fuck you?” The woman rightly said.
“Yeah, dude, seriously?!” Cal asked, turning to Ted.
“I don’t know her!”
“Yes you do!” Paul corrected. “It’s Emma.”
“The barista from Beanies?”
“The…” Paul sighed. He does Ted’s Borat thing, cringing as he does so. “The Latte Hotte…”
Ted stares at him for a minute before leaning down by him. “...Paul, that is not the Latte Hotte. That’s the crabby one, who won’t sing when I tip her! You grabbed the wrong one, ya noodle!”
Suddenly, police sirens sounded off, rapidly getting closer. Everyone tensed except for Charlotte who seemed to relax slightly. “Oh thank god, I called Sam. He’ll get us out of here.”
Ted and Cal both rolled their eyes as Sam and two other cops arrived on the scene. Charlotte rushed over to her husband. Before she could get much of a word out, music started blasting in their ears. 
Ma'am, I need you to take a step back
You're facing the law, not the clerk at The Gap
Yeah, we're cops
Yeah, we're cops
You'd better shape on up
Cal freezes when they hear Sam start singing. Fuck fuck fuck fuck no. Charlotte wasn’t doing too much better either. She was in denial, still trying to approach her husband with a confused look on her face. Paul tried to reason with her, but that just led to him being cornered by the cops.
You better empty out all of them pockets
But don't empty out all of them pockets
Yeah, we're cops
Yeah, we're cops
And we make sense
They kicked him to the ground as they continued to sing. As the cops bopped along to the choreography, Charlotte managed to race over and help Paul back over to the group. Cal nudged Ted as the two came to the same conclusion. If they were so distracted dancing, maybe it wouldn’t be too hard to get out of there.
Show me your hands!
Show me those jazz hands
Get 'em up or you'll end up in cuffs
Show me those hands
Show me those jazz hands
Or I might
Be inclined
To shoot you up
They didn’t get far unfortunately. As the two rounded to the other side of the cops, it seemed all they did was steer their attention in their direction. As Sam continued singing, the two cops that had come with him danced up behind them.
You go forty in a thirty-five
Check your mirror, you'll find hell has arrived
The cop grabbed Cal’s wrist, puppeting their arm around to mimic a steering wheel. The hand was cold. It sent a shiver up Cal’s spine that vibrated in rhythm with the song.
'Cause we're cops
Yeah, we're cops
We're up in your shi-et
The cold hands grabbed Cal’s shoulder, pushing them to the ground.
Kathy lost her cat in a tree
Contact fire, not the HFPD
'Cause we're cops
Yeah, we're cops
Her cat is dead!
Cal flinched when they felt another hand on their shoulder. It took a moment for them to register that the hand was warm. That it didn’t cause their skeleton to want to dance out of their skin. They turned to see Ted, eyeing them with a look that anyone but him would’ve called concern.
Show me your hands
Show me those jazz hands
Get 'em up or you'll end up in cuffs
Show me your hands
Show me those jazz hands
Or I might
Be inclined to shoot you
Cal nodded, trying to show him that they were fine. They had never been a good liar though. The music around them seemed to grow louder. It pounded on their skull, demanding to be let in.
Step away from the vehicle
Step away from the vehicle
Get back in the vehicle
Get back in the vehicle
Slowly get out of the vehicle
Slowly get out of the vehicle
Do the things I say, I'm a cop
The siren noises weren’t helping either. The two threw their hands over their ears as the cop blared over them. Cal could feel their body threatening to shut down. The warm hand returns to their shoulder. Ted winces from the noise as he gives it a gentle squeeze.
9-1-1, emergency call
Got a 4-1-1, at a shopping mall
Better pack your heat and utility belt
Any mall rats comin' in hot, they'll melt
Sarge, that's your wife on the 9-1-1
What that bitch want, Sarge?
She wants to snug
Grab your nine millimeter and a doughnut bucket
Want my badge number?
Put in your mouth and suck it!
They point in unison as Charlotte approaches Sam once again. Cal was tempted to groan. Sam wasn’t there anymore. Why couldn’t Charlotte get that? They would be more upset if it didn’t give them a reprieve from all the noise.
“Sam…,” Charlotte begged, tears welling in their eyes. “Sam please I’m your wife! Please baby just…talk to me.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Cal couldn’t see Sam’s face as he took his sunglasses off, but they could hear how he softly whispered Charlotte’s name. They could see the hope light up in Charlotte’s eyes.
Just as quickly as it left, the noise returned. Sam put the glasses back on. He raised his gun to Charlotte’s face, and the hope was replaced with fear as Charlotte screamed.
Show me your hands (ba-pa-ra-ba-ra)
Show me those jazz hands (ba-pa-ra-ba-ra)
Get 'em up or you'll end up in cuffs
Show me those hands
Show me those jazz hands
Ted bursted up as Sam started chasing Charlotte through the alley, grabbing a trash can lid on the way. He narrowly missed the other two cops who started closing in on the others. As the music crescendoed again, Cal felt the song vibrating in their bones. They put their hand in their pocket, reaching out for something that could help.
Or I might
Be inclined
To shoot you
The music stops abruptly. Cal lets out a shaky breath, unsure of how long they had been holding it. Out of the corner of their eye, they could see Sam lying unconscious on the ground. Ted stood over him, garbage lid in hand. 
The cops stood frozen in front of them. There was a look of uncertainty on their faces. Almost like they weren’t sure how to continue with the lead vocals knocked out. That confusion wouldn’t last long. They would recover eventually. Cal pulled a gun out of their pocket, firing a shot into the air before pointing the gun at the cops.
“Alright, the next goes through someone’s fucking head!” Cal warned the cops. They stared at the gun for a moment before running off, flailing their arms in the air.
“Oh Sam!” Charlotte cried, kneeling down beside her “husband”.
“Cal, how long have you had a gun just stored in your pocket?” Bill asked as if it was a cellphone Cal had snuck into class.
Cal paused for a moment. “Uh…the whole time?”
“Wha…do you have any idea how dangerous those things are young-”
“I’ve got a better question, Billy Boy,” Ted interrupted, “Why the FUCK are this scumbag’s brains blue?!”
The group turned their attention back to Sam. Ted had whacked him good. Good enough that his brain matter lay pouring out of a hole in his skull. His blue brain matter.
Cal’s eyes widened. “What the fuck…?”
“He needs to get to a doctor…” Charlotte muttered over and over again.
“Charlotte,” Ted knelt down next to her, “this is beyond a fucking doctor. His brains are fucking blue!”
“We have to do something! We can’t just leave him here!”
“Uh, yeah we can,” Cal muttered.
Charlotte’s head whipped around. There was an anger there that gave Cal pause. “Don’t you talk like that. I’m not leaving here without Sam!”
“Charlotte, he tried to nab us. He put a gun to your fucking head!”
Cal flinched, shrinking inward. Ted stayed knelt down beside the body, unsure of what to do. It seemed like no matter what he did, it would hurt one of them. So, he did nothing. It ended up being Emma that stepped between the two, her arms raised.
“Hey, woah, okay, let’s just…all take a breath. I’ve got this like, cooky biology professor. He’s got a doctorate! His house is like, a fucking survival bunker. We can go there, and be safe, and maybe he can figure out what’s going on with Sam, yeah?”
The group nods. Cal, once again, feels like they're being dragged along and outvoted at every turn. This was a horrible idea. It made the trash cans feel like a stroke of genius. But the other option was to face these singing fucks alone.
They huff. “Fine, but when he ends up killing us all, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
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dkniade · 3 months
Went to a concert and dissociated because of the loud music even though I wore ear plugs, ue…
Content Warning: sensory overload, heavy dissociation in first person POV (perspective is rather jumbled for the narrator so reality might be questionable for the reader), emotional flashback (?), metaphorical violence
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Beneath the darkening blue sky, amidst the thrumming bass and music blasted into the outdoor concert area—
An overwhelming feeling burst forth within me alongside a silent, escalating scream. As a third-person observer, I see in my mind the animated vision of myself gripping the shirt collar of another me. I feel my face scrunching up in what’s probably fear, and hear some sort of whimpering noise.
“Isn’t it pitiful?” a quiet voice—my own—asks from the back of my mind.
I look into the crowded park cloaked in the night.
“No…” I whimper, helplessness permeating my voice yet clear from my mind. “It’s not pitiful. It’s simply… a natural phenomenon, a cause and effect….”
Back in reality, I feel the grassy ground beneath my shoes. Alone, I stagger to the park’s nearby clearing to catch my breath and escape from the music.
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…Unreliable narrator? I realize just how distressing this sounds after writing it down. “Yet clear from my mind”—clear?? What part of this is clear?
Even with ear plugs, I hate loud concerts, ue….
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pn-thoughtsofdread · 11 months
"The time is always right to do what is right." — Martin Luther King Jr.
Here I sit, listening. It matters not what I listen to, just that I listen. My thoughts quiet, my mind empty’s. Filled with nothing more than the sounds fed to my ears through the speakers of my headphones. The thrum of bass pulling along the music that blasts into my skull. Or the deep voice of Cecil Baldwin as Cecil Gershwin-Palmer from welcome to night-vale. Glorious sounds filling my head wether it’s the screaming of metal or the endless droning of a podcast. I feel at peace.-PN
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foreverrogers · 2 years
Okay because I'm feeling quite angsty, can you please write one for Peter accidentally triggering reader's anxiety/panic attack after he raises his voice in an argument or something? Like he doesn't know she grew up in an environment where screaming matches were a common occurrence in her household, so she gets triggered and he tries to maybe comfort her (getting her meds, helping her breathe, etc).
this is such a deliciously angsty idea, thank you sm for requesting!! this ask got swallowed in my drafts for like a month i am so sorry anon 😭
"That's not what I meant!"
Peter sounds angry. He looks angry, too, his face flooding with a subtle pink as he flushes with the emotion of it. He's rummaging around the room, upturning baskets of laundry and harshly rearranging bags and digging through the covers of the bed in search of his mask.
He hadn't even been yelling, far from the screaming that had coloured the long nights of your youth, bundled under the blankets and music blasted as high as your headphones would allow as you attempted to drown out whatever argument was unfolding in the other room.
It had been a long time now since things had been like that, a version of life before Peter had given you quiet sanctuary in his own. The gentleness you had found here was maybe why him raising his voice had made you go quiet across the room. Each sharp, rigid movement makes you flinch.
Peter's angry. And you had made him angry. After everything he's done for you, and you had said something stupid, something out of place, and you had made him angry. "Okay."
He doesn't seem to notice how small your voice is when you speak, or the fact that you've hunched your shoulders, quickly attempting to fold back into yourself, trying to take up as little space as possible, to stay out of his way like he clearly wanted you to.
You don't even really remember what you had been fighting about, because right now you're too busy trying to stop yourself from shaking, starts right in the centre of your chest and seeps through your bloodstream like a poison until your teeth are chattering and your fingers are trembling.
Your legs are carrying you to the bathroom before you have time to crumble in the middle of the bedroom. You choose flight, always, indubitably, every time.
The slam of the door behind him seems to snap Peter out of it, finally turning in search of you to find the room unnervingly empty, still, quiet, silence blooming through the buzzing energy of the argument before. He feels his chest get heavy, that deep sinking feeling that plants a hungry pit deep in his gut, makes his ears ring and his teeth clench. He had upset you. After all the peace and gentle love you had brought into his life, and he had been stupid enough to upset you.
You hear the jiggle of the handle first, the one you had been lucid enough to lock in your escape. You didn't need him seeing you like this, after all of that, hunched against the side of the tub with your knees hugged to your chest and your cheeks stained with fresh tears, an undoubtable artefact of the weakness you always tried to hide in front of him.
There's a light thud against the bathroom door, and you can tell by the shadow slipping beneath it that he's slumped against it, can imagine him sitting with the back of his head against the surface. He doesn't sound so angry anymore, concern laced in his tone. "I shouldn't have raised my voice at you like that. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry, just please let me in."
You don't move to get up, simply squeeze your eyes shut and dig your face further into your knees, take a slow, shuddering breath you hope he can't hear through the door.
You hear him say something you can't quite make out, and then the next second there's a harsh snap that rings through the bathroom, flimsy metal pieces clattering to the tiled floor as Peter pushes his way in.
Your head snaps up at the sound, and you don't have time to protest the state of your broken bathroom door before Peter's on his knees and his arms are wrapping around your shoulders.
He pulls you against him, presses his face into the crook of your neck and slots your bodies together, a reminder of the certainty of your twin force in the universe, two people made for each other no matter what.
You repeat his movements, arms wrapped tightly around his neck in an instant. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you I just-"
"Are you kidding me?" Peter's pulling back, taking your face in his hands, the pinch of his eyebrows harsh and heart-shattering. "I didn't mean to upset you, honey. You have nothing to apologise for, it's my fault, all my fault."
"No, it's-"
Peter kisses you, shuts you up before you can pin anymore of this on yourself, kisses you sweet and salty and guilty. He feels warm and familiar against your lips and in your arms, steady and enduring, tangibly, achingly lovely. "No patrol tonight, okay? We'll stay in, just the two of us."
His thumb is at your cheek, rubs so gently and so soothingly back and forth that you have to close your eyes and lean into his touch before you can speak. "Doesn't the city need you?"
Peter smiles at you, small and fond as he moves to rest his forehead against yours. "I think the city'll last one night while I show my best girl just how much I love her."
You're quiet for so long he thinks he must have upset you again, has to pull away to properly look at you and finds you smiling up at him softly. "Your best girl, huh?"
"'Course you are, my best girl," He laughs, light and feather-soft as the hand at your cheek slowly slips down to tilt up your chin, thumbs at your bottom lip and feels the plump skin curve under his touch as your smile widens. "My only girl, always."
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tatoda · 2 years
Lost || Dylan O’brien x fem!reader
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summary: dylan has been distant while he’s off filming, is this the end of your relationship?
pairing: dylan o’brien x fem!reader
warnings: angst, but good ending
wc: 1.4k
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Being in a relationship with Dylan can have its ups and downs. He was the sweetest person ever in your relationship. You have been together for about 2 years now, but for one year combined he’s been gone filming for movies. Right now he was filming for (some movie) and he’s been gone for about two months and as the days and weeks went by you heard less and less from him.
Clicking the call button on his contract, you put the phone up to your ear praying he would answer. 4 rings went by and you knew he wasn’t gonna answer
“Sorry I couldn’t come to the phone, please leave a message and I’ll try to get back to you.” the voicemail went off as the beep passed for you to talk. but you sat there as tears started to form in your eyes, this was the sixth time you called him today, and had no responses to your texts.
You couldn’t speak into the phone as tears welled up in your eyes. The phone was in your hand waiting for your words to be spoken, but nothing came out. Sitting there you said nothing wishing your boyfriend was on the phone with you. The beeping of the line cutting you off made you put the phone down. Hugging the sweatshirt dylan’s sweatshirt close to your body as you cuddled into the sheets of your shared bed that still smelled somewhat like him. You sat there in silence overthinking, crying, and staying frozen in place forever.
Your phone rang an hour later, Dylan's name popping up. You reached fast for it but stopped when you were going to click answer. He didn’t tell you anything that was happening. No text or calls of if he was going to be busy or not. Letting your overthinking get to your head you clicked the button and put the phone to your ears.
“h-hello?” you said quietly before the blasting of music hit your ears. and the immediate thought was that Dylan was at a party or a bar
“baby! oh my gosh!” Dylan screamed through the phone “I’m so sorry I’ve been busy.” his words slurred, which gave you the impression he was drunk
“Yeah? for two weeks?” you restated the period he never talked to you until now.
“I k-know. I’ve been spending tons of time with the cast.” one guy called his name before he told the random man to give him a minute “you and the girl I working with are so alike it’s crazy.” your heart dropped, you tried not to get jealous of the other girls he worked with because you were his, right?
“oh,” that’s all that could come out of your mouth. you couldn’t seem to say anything else. the sound of a girl's voice could be heard from his side and you could hear the way he laughed at her
“Listen baby I have to go.” he hung up before you could say anything. maybe this was it. this was the end of your relationship.
All you could think about is how he didn’t say he missed or loved you. Grabbing your rings from his room and shoving them into a suitcase you have. You needed to get out of this stupid apartment that kept reminding you of him. You called your best friend and asked if you could stay with her for a while as you needed space away from this setting.
“do you want to talk about it?” she rubbed your back up and down as you shook your head.
“thank you for letting me stay.” sending her a small smile you stood up and went to her guest bedroom.
You stayed there for about a week. Dylan called you the next morning apologizing for his behavior for the following night but you just stayed quiet before asking him if he remembered anything, to which he responded with some. You felt like you finally lost him.
Dylan didn’t want to tell you he was coming home. He knew he messed up majorly the past month. He just was so exhausted from filming that nights would end with his phone dead and sleeping on his trail without a charger. He tried to text you, but his service in the woods was shit. He wanted to tell you, he tried. But his dumb-ass drunk self ruined it all for him, and his co-star Hailey and her girlfriend reminded him of you so much he would cry some nights because he missed you so much.
Walking into your shared apartment he was ready to hold you again. Ready to kiss you forever until he died in your arms. As he walked around everything was deserted, you were not there and he could tell. Walking into the bedroom he saw how things were left open and clothes were everywhere and his heart dropped. You left. Not giving up, he kept looking for you in the apartment, finding nothing.
“fuck!” Dylan kicked the wall next to him putting his head in his hands frustrated. he knew where you would go, it’s no surprise that you would be at your friend's house. so he made it his mission to get you back home.
Knocking on the door took your attention off of your Netflix show. Standing up carefully you walked towards the door slightly opening it, scared that a murderer was there to get you. It was the second scariest thing though, Dylan.
“wha-“ he moved the door and walked in shutting it closed behind him before you could even finish your sentence
“you left?” sadness filled his features staring at you with so much compassion and question
“i-“ nothing could come out. why? “I had too,” whispered it mostly to yourself. he stepped forward as you stood still “I lost you Dylan.” finally saying the truth what’s been holding your tongue down forever
“what? you lose me? what the hell is that supposed to mean y/n?” picking up his voice a little you didn’t know what to do
“when is the last time we actually talked?” looking. at him, you tried to stay strong, as the question hit him he was left in silence “when you asked me how my day was? or if I was okay that you were gone? or told me that you loved me?”
“i-i don’t remember.” looking down in defeat tears started to form in your eyes.
“three weeks ago. it was the last time you said it to me. so you can see how I lost you.” he reached for your hand but you didn’t let him take it
“baby-please, I do love you.” moving his hand to your chin he moved your head up to see your teary eyes
“then why? why Dylan was it that I sat at home every day overthinking. I thought, maybe he is sleeping with someone else while I’m sitting here in our apartment.” he shook his head immediately
“sleeping with someone else? as you crazy? y/n-“ he moved both of his palms to cup your face “I fucking love you, I would die for you. I tried calling you, I swear. we were in the woods and they told me there would be service. baby, I called you over twenty times a day every day to talk but it kept going to voicemail. it just wouldn’t go through. I would spend nights crying myself to sleep fucking wishing I was at home with you, kissing you, making love to you.” your tears started to fall at his words
“dyl-“ he cut you off to continue his speech to you
“Hailey, she’s the girl you heard on the phone. she and her girlfriend reminded me of you.” he smiled at you rolling your eyes playfully “I’m sorry my drunk self didn’t say anything else when I wish I did.” he paused to look at you “I do love you, and I missed you so much beautiful.” he leaned his forehead on yours still making eye contact with you “I love you, okay?” nodding your head he connected your lips together which you both missed so much in the past month “I want you to come to set with me, stay with me, please?” the sad look in his eyes you could never say no
“Okay.” smiling at your boyfriend you softly kissed him again “I love you dork.” wrapping your arms around his neck he grabbed your waist pushing you towards the closest wall kissing you with so much passion
“Please don’t have sex in my hallway.” you both froze at your best friend's voice. you looked up and smiled apologetically
“let’s get you home now.” Dylan interfered laughed at the two of you
“Okay.” looking back towards Dylan you kissed him again ready to head home.
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