#bloating stomach remedies
gauravfitness-123 · 2 months
Welcome to our channel! In this video, we're going to talk about simple ways to improve your digestion for a happier tummy. We'll cover easy tips like eating more fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, and taking regular walks.
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healthremedyhub · 1 month
💨🌱 I Finally Waved Bye to Bloating, Gas & Other Gut Issues With These Probiotic Gut Fixers!
Was constantly battling embarrassing gas, painful bloating, diarrhoea and constipation leaving you feeling defeated? 😖 I was there too until I let probiotics work their gut-healing magic!
Probiotics are the "good" bacteria that create a healthy, balanced gut. But things like antibiotics, stress, and poor diet can deplete these essential helpers, leading to major digestive woes. That's where adding probiotic foods and supplements can be game-changers! 🙌🏼
Here are the probiotic gut fixers that finally calmed my belly madness:
🥛 Yogurt: Not just for breakfast! Yogurts with live and active cultures like acidophilus replenish good bacteria to ease bloating and get things moving regularly.
🥬 Sauerkraut: This fermented cabbage is teeming with gut-friendly probiotics like Lactobacillus. I started piling it on at meals for a digestion boost.
💊 Probiotic Supplements: For an extra punch of potent strains like bifidobacterium, I took a daily high-quality probiotic pill.
Within just a couple weeks, rebalancing my gut with these probiotic heroes got my embarrassing gas, bloating and bathroom issues under control! No more discomfort or running to the restroom. 🚽⛔
Ready to experience the gut-calming benefits of probiotics yourself? Click the link in my bio for my full probiotic routine! 👈 Then like and share this post to spread the good gut vibes!
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#ProbioticGutFix #ByeBloating #ByeGasPains #GutRebalance #GoodBacteriaBFFs #YogurtForGutHealth #FermentedFoodsFTW #SauerkrautIsSavior #ProbioticPillsWork #GutRebootTreatment #DigestionTransformation #HealthyGutHappyLife #NoMoreBelly Woes
The information and content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The remedies and strategies discussed are based on research and traditional use, but individual results may vary. We do not claim that these natural remedies can cure or treat any specific medical condition.
The images, graphics, and video content used in this production are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We have made every effort to properly attribute and credit all sources, but if there are any inadvertent omissions or infringements, please let us know, and we will address them immediately.
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nipcohomeo · 3 months
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credihealth01 · 5 months
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curaehealth · 2 years
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thevedicalchemist · 2 years
Quick fix for tummy problems...💊
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artemis32 · 6 months
subjugation vi
i'm on my period and i am dying, so - here's a drabble no one asked for
subjugation masterlist
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Thinking about EraserMic and how they treat you while you're on your period.
If you thought they were overbearing before, you have no idea how little breathing room you'll have now - literally.
Let's follow the order of events.
First, you'll become snippy with them, even more short off than you usually are. Normally, they can ignore your sharp quips and snarled words and move on with the conversation, but really, with the way you're acting, they can't let that kind of behaviour slide.
There's really no other way to describe it - you were being a bitch. A nasty one.
So they punish you in that strange way of theirs, forcing you to keep them company, overwhelming you with their presence, metaphorically force-feeing you their presence.
That does nothing but make it worse, pushing your already irritable mood to the edge.
Except this time, instead of snapping at them and lashing out as you usually would, you're pushed to the more emotional side of things.
Hizashi is horrified when you burst into tears in the middle of the living room, sniffling as you try in vain to mop up your tears with your shirt sleeve.
He'd expected you to become emotional, just not like this. You hardly ever cried, and even when you did, you tried to make sure it wasn't around the two of them.
You probably thought it made you look weak. What a ridiculous notion.
He lays a hesitant palm on your shoulder, patting it awkwardly as he murmurs softly.
"...you okay?"
As your sniffles grow to sobs, he cringes back.
He discusses it with Shota that night while you sleep, having gone to bed early. It was unusual for you to be exhausted this early in the evening, but the two took the opportunity to discuss your recent odd behaviour.
They talk in circles for most of the night, never settling on one reason for your outburst.
A few days later though, all is revealed.
You could try to hide it for a bit, but you won't last all that long. Not with two observant, seasoned pro heroes monitoring your every movement.
Try as you might, you can't hide the pain on your features, or the odd grimace here and there, or the fact that you're using wads of toilet paper as pads.
Unsurprisingly, you hadn't had your period in the months following your abduction. Who would've thought that extreme stress and anxiety would cause your period to be all but non-existent.
That unfortunately meant that the house wasn't very well equipped to handle a woman or her cycle.
Pads or tampons? Zero.
Pain killers? Ziltch.
Heating pads? None.
Chocolate? Nada.
But once they'd realised what was really going on, the situation was quickly remedied.
That's how you found yourself smothered under a pile of blankets, squished between the two pro heroes on the couch, being forced to drink warm tea by the cupful.
In a way, it was almost... nice?
It was warm and comfortable, and the painkillers Shouta had all but shoved down your throat had done wonders for your cramps. And it didn't hurt that they weren't trying to talk to you, or interact with you at all beyond the occasional shift in positioning.
Not to mention, the crushing weight of their bodies on you felt almost soothing.
(Also Shouta had such nice, warm hands - they're large too, comforting as they encompass your lower stomach, gently massaging the cramping, bloated area).
That's how you find yourself dozing off as some or other reality tv show plays on in the background.
They'd act like that all week, treating you like some fragile kitten, careful not to make any sudden sounds or movements.
Of course, they go back to usual as soon as your period is over, but for those glorious few days, it's as if they almost don't exist, only ever bothering you to bring you what you want.
It's almost worth the cramps, back aches, tender breasts and awful mood swings.
Except, a few months down the line, Hizashi realises he has a thing for period sex, and it definitely doesn't hurt that it's supposed to help with cramps.
You can't blame him, he's just trying to help you.
So what if he gets off in the process?
Hizashi is a period sex kinda man and you can't convince me otherwise. Man's is nasty.
I'll definitely expand on this some other time :))
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butterfliesornauseous · 6 months
Emeto this or that part two
(500 special 4/5)
Warning for emeto, mentions of medication, not eating, over eating, alcohol
Feel free to use or send me a number :)
1. Everything coming way in a powerful wave or lots of gagging and spitting up saliva?
2. Gagging on trying to sallow a pill or gagging on a thermometer?
3. Nausea from side effects of medication or nausea from medication withdrawals?
4. Queasy burps or queasy hiccups?
5. Caretaker gently doing a small braid in a sickie’s hair or throwing their hair in the messiest ponytail because there’s no time?
6. “I thought you were getting better” or “I thought I was getting better”?
7. Sickie that’s concerned about getting caretaker sick or sickie who doesn’t care and wants all the love and care they can get?
8. “I want to throw up” or “I need to throw up”?
9. Sickie has a bad caretaker, caretaker that is angry or caretaker that completely ignores sickie?
10. ‘Hurl’ or ‘spew’?
11. Tender stomach muscles after vomiting or dehydration headache?
12. After vomiting, character is hungry and ready to fill their empty guy again or doesn’t want to even smell food for the next couple of days?
13. The character/s getting sick matters more, or the reason for being sick/tropes matter more?
14. Focus on the vomit itself, or focus on the vomiting noises?
15. Producing a lot of saliva before vomiting or throat going dry?
16. Sickie gets caretaker sick, are they more “I told you to stay away” or “I’m so sorry”?
17. Sick feeling tummy from a stuffed belly or nausea from not eating for a while?
18. ‘ Nauseous ’ or ‘Queasy?’
19. Sickie is stuck looking after themselves, absolute pro or absolute mess?
20. Chamomile or peppermint tea?
21. Sickie that begs for their tummy to be rubbed or sickie that would gag at even the slightest belly touch?
22. Embarrassed from throwing up in a doctor's office or embarrassed from missing the bin in a public area?
23. Caretaker has an extremely gross but effective nausea remedy or extremely gross but effective vomit inducer?
24. A formal sickie throws up during work, they suddenly fall apart for the first time in their lives and need care or keep it together?
25. ‘Midsection’ or ‘abdomen’?
26. Puking after getting yelled at or puking after getting told devastating news?
27. ‘Upset tummy’ or ‘Unsettled tummy’?
28. Gagging or heaving?
29. Feeling sick from eating/drinking too much in tight clothes, or already being bloated and feeling sick because sickie forced themselves into tight clothes?
30. Sickie has been hovering over the toilet for ages with no relief, they press down on their own tummy to vomit or caretaker presses down?
31. ‘Twisting’ or ‘turning’ to describe nausea?
32. Kneeling in front of the toilet or crouching in front of the toilet?
33. Hand on the stomach or arm wrapped around the stomach?
34. First time drinker throwing up from the taste of alcohol being way too strong or experienced drinker is proud they have never vomited from drinking but gets cocky one night?
35. Gagging from watching a gross video, or gagging from tasting something gross?
36. Indigestion or intolerance?
37. Accidentally squeezing a queasy belly too hard, or accidentally knocking into a queasy belly?
38. Body language cues (holding stomach, hand near mouth) or sound cues (frequent burping, tummy noises)?
39. ‘ Stomach flu’or ‘stomach bug’?
40. Sickie is extremely nauseous before a massive event, they throw up beforehand and do amazing or do okay during the event and throw up once it’s all over?
41. Feeling sick from physical pain or mental pain?
42. Vomiting on the first date or vomiting before proposing/ getting proposed to?
43. Watching your character hurling in a tv show/ movie or reading about your favourite character hurling in a book?
44. Vomit seeping through a sickie’s fingers when coving their mouth or the vomit pushes their hand away and splats on the floor?
45. ‘Bile’ or ‘stomach contents’?
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Herbal tea basics -
Herbal teas can help with a wide range of health issues, depending on the type of tea and the specific properties of the herbs used.
Here are a few examples:
Digestive issues: Ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea can help soothe an upset stomach, relieve bloating, and aid digestion.
Anxiety & stress: Chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm tea are known for their calming and relaxing properties, and can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
Insomnia: Valerian root, passionflower, and chamomile tea can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, making them useful for treating insomnia.
Cold & flu symptoms: Echinacea, elderflower, and ginger tea can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms of colds and flu.
Menstrual cramps: Ginger and chamomile tea can help relieve menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Headaches: Peppermint and ginger tea can help relieve headaches and migraines, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
It's important to note that while herbal teas can be helpful for many health issues, they are not a substitute for proper medical care.
If you have a serious health condition or are taking medication, it's always best to talk to your healthcare provider before using herbal teas or other natural remedies.
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Bad Berries
i have always be obsessed with the idea of wild berries. some are a delicious, tart treat, and some can make you sick as a dog. which one you get can be a gamble.
imagine, for a moment, a young male traveler trotting through a lush forest. he’s the kind of guy that goes village to village and doesn’t stay in one place for too long. in his travels he’s acquired quite an eclectic taste for foods from all different regions, so he’s pretty brash and adventurous with his appetite.
the forest stretches on, maybe even for days, and he quickly notices his hunger. he’s run out of rations from the last village, and there isn’t an end to this forest in sight. maybe he took a wrong turn.
he continues, getting hungrier and hungrier, to the point that he starts considering mushrooms and acorns. however, he doesn’t have to resort to that. his prayers are answered when he notices a berry bush along the path with ripe, juicy, blue-colored berries. without hesitation he pops one into his mouth. it’s ripe with sweetness. it practically explodes in his mouth. he gathers a healthy portion using the hem of his shirt as a basket and periodically plops them into his mouth as he trots along, his hunger sated until he gets to the next village. his fingers are stained blue, and so is his mouth.
after finishing the berries, within an hour he’s feeling hot, hot enough to visibly moisten his shirt. he sponges a sickly sweat from his brow. the traveler doesn’t want to admit to himself he’s feeling a little feverish. maybe the temperature has risen with the midday sun…certainly, that must be all it is, right?
when a turbulent feeling settles into his stomach, he knows he can’t be so lucky. his steady pace has slowed to a snail’s crawl. he puts a hand on his belly and burps up a sweet taste. by this point he decides to sit down on a fallen log and assess the situation. he’s so dripping hot that he shucks off his cape. his eyes fall to his belly. his heart starts hammering against his ribs.
the buttons of his shirt are straining. he can feel his belly swelling and churning. i imagine the traveler is already a bit husky, so he cant believe how tight and full his big tummy has gotten. the longer he sits, the worse he feels, and the more his tummy boils and froths with the berries. he rubs his belly, trying desperately to settle it. he can hear and feel it gurgling in waves as it continues to bloat.
he decides to power on, what else can he do? he clutches his upset stomach and trudges forward, starting to feel a little light-headed and fuzzy. the pain worsens, and soon his throat and mouth are feeling thick. everything gets slow and starts spinning. the traveler collapses onto his knees, dry heaving like a sick cat. when he can’t get anything up, he crawls over to a tree and rests against it, groaning and clutching his berry-filled belly.
imagine you’re a healing witch or warlock, and on your midday walk you find him slumped there. by looking at the blue stain on his lips and fingers, you know exactly what’s wrong. this isn’t the first poisoning you’ve seen. you help him up, and with your arm over his shoulders you lead him back to your cottage. you tuck him into bed with a wet, cold towel on his forehead. there is a bucket at the side of his bed. he’s restless, tossing and turning from side to side, moaning and groaning about the pain and how hot and feverish he feels. he’s delirious and can barely articulate himself. you hush him and put a tea kettle on the stove, promising a remedy that will help.
you return with a tea cup and help tip it into his mouth. he guzzles it all, and you tell him the only way to feel better is to get everything up, which your medicinal tea will help do. he groans, panting hard, complaining that he doesn’t want to throw up.
minutes pass. in his delirium he worriedly tells you the tea isn’t working. you laugh, and promise that it will. no sooner do you say that he winces. the traveler tells you he’s not feeling too good all of a sudden. he begins to retch and gropes for the bedside bucket. you place it in front of him on the bed, rubbing his back as he gets the berries up.
the traveler stays overnight. you watch him closely to make sure he’s okay. he falls into a fitful bout of sleep, waking the next day confused as to where he is and how he got there. you tell him he ate some poisonous berries and went into shock. you tell him he’s going to be alright, and in no time you send the traveler on his way with a belly full of breakfast.
you await the next traveler that mistakenly eats from your berry bush.
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kitchenwitchery72 · 1 year
Herbalism 101: Bay Leaves
EP. 2
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Bay leaves are one of my absolute favorite herbs when cooking with intention. They are delicious and very common in tons of food cultures. On top of this, they are quite easily accessible.
Properties: Protection, healing, success
Uses in the Kitchen
Bay laurel, more commonly referred to as Bay leaves, is a very versatile plant. I often use it in cooking to flavor stocks or pickled goods. With such an aromatic flavor, it tastes great in hearty or acidic dishes. Tying a bunch together with bay leaves, rosemary, and thyme is a great way to add flavor to stock.
Uses in Healing
Bay leaves have a number of benefits when used in herbalism. Bay leaves do have many digestion related benefits. They can help with bloating and gas, in this case I usually use them to make a tea along with peppermint. The leaves are also good for treating certain skin ailments that do not involve broken skin, such as dandruff! Adding bay leaf oil into your hair care routine would be a good option.
Uses in Witchcraft
Bay leaves, particularly in witchcraft, are extremely versatile. One of the most common uses is setting intentions. The easiest way I have found to do this is to use a marker or candle wax to write out your intentions or a sigil onto the Bayleaf itself. I will often use this in simmer pots or cooking (if you are cooking with it, make sure it is a safe marker for that use). Some other ways to use this is burning they leave or putting it in your shoe to carry with you throughout the day.
Tips for Growing at Home
Bay leaves come from a tree called Bay Laurel. They can be grown inside and pruned to be kept at a certain size, but because they are a slow growing tree they can ultimately reach very large sizes when grown outdoors. If you are attempting to grow it inside the most important things are well draining soil, the right amount of humidity, and lots and lots of sunlight. 
Bay leaf tea
In order to make this tasty and beneficial tea, you only need a few things: 2 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick, and hot water. Steep the ingredients as you would any tea and enjoy while hot. I drink this when I'm having stomach issues or I'm feeling a bit on edge.
As always, this is not medical advice. These are helpful home tips and remedies, but they will not cure diseases.
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annaandmiah · 3 months
to make: Leave cucumber slices in water overnight
benefits: hydration, detox, clear skin, flat stomach, helps bloating
to make: boil fresh ginger in water for 10-15 mins
Benefits: helps with headaches, reduces bloating, helps wl, reduces cramps, hair growth
to make: Let cumin seeds boil in water for 10 mins
benefits: helps with sleep, clear skin, helps with weight loss
to make: add honey to warm water and drink in the morning
benefits: energy, clear skin, helps allergies, flat stomach
to make: add aloe vera gel into your blender, with water and blend until smooth
benefits: energy, clears acne, hair growth
to make: put mint leaves in water overnight
benefits: detox, weight loss, clears acne
to make: Put rose petals in boiling water and let simmeer
benefits: glowing skin, healthy hair, shrinks pores
to make: squeeze lemon juice into warm water
benefits: detox, helps digestion, flat stomach
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tiredwitchplant · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs : Ginger (root)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
*Kitchen Herb *Medical Herb *Masculine
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Folks Names: African Ginger, Sheng Jian, Singabera
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Hecate, Ameretat, Artemis
Abilities: Love, Money. Success, Power, Safety
Characteristics: A perennial plant growing to 2 ft with lance-shaped leaves and spikes of white or yellow flowers. Is native to Asia and is grown throughout the tropics. Ginger prefers fertile soil and plenty of rain.
History: Wild or cultivated, ginger root is an ideal herb to add to rituals and spells because it acts like a booster for the power involved. Apart from its use as a spice and as a base for alcoholic liquors of one kind or another, ginger has for a very long time enjoyed a reputation for medicinal use, from the prescription of Arabian and Persian doctors for impotence, to its still popular reputation as a stomach settler, and this use dates from the earliest records. Ginger tea, even ginger biscuits, help to combat travel sickness, or morning sickness and nausea generally. It was used for asthma in Russian folk medicine. The recipe given is a pound of ginger grated, put in a quart bottle, which was filled with alcohol. This was kept warm for two weeks, shaken occasionally, until the infusion was the color of weak tea. This was strained, and the sediment allowed to settle. Then the liquid was poured into another bottle, and the infusion taken twice a day.
How to Grow:
Easy to Grow: Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Sort of but root is
How to Grow Ginger (article)
How to Grow from Seeds
How to Grow from Store Bought
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Properties:
Can boost the power of spells and rituals with its own heat like energy when consumed beforehand
Used to jump-start love, stimulate finances, and increase potential success in anything
In an elixir, the root acts as an energizing tonic and brings strength, courage, and health
Putting ginger in your pillow can create a better night’s sleep
Can give protection during childbirth
Whole ginger roots planted and grown can attract money, along with sprinkling powdered ginger into one’s pocket
Dobu islanders with chew and spit ginger at the “seat” of an illness to cure it and to halt oncoming storms
To promote lust, sprinkle ginger around your home
Medical Usage:
Speeds up the rate of gastric emptying and aids the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract, which helps treat anemia
Relieves nausea and vomiting, especially with morning sickness
Reduces muscle pain after exercise and is effective against menstrual pain
Excellent remedy for indigestion, nausea, gas, bloating, cramps and other digestive complaints
Stimulates circulation and helps with the flow of blood to the surface
Remedy for coughs, colds, flu and other respiratory problems
Stimulates sweating and helps to cool and control fevers
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curaehealth · 2 years
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gilverrwrites · 1 month
Time of the Month
AN: I'm suffering, so here's some of my faves reacting to their so having a rough time of the month.
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He really doesn’t “get it”. 100% thinks you’re probably over reacting, however, you’re his sweetheart and he would do anything for you, so he’ll “play along” so long as he doesn’t need you for something else.
Won’t take time out of his busy schedule for you but he will:
Text you constantly through out the day.
Thinking of you doll x Are you sleeping? x You better be sleeping cause theres no other reason not to text back. HELLO??? ???? Sorry for loosing my temper baby, I love you. Just ordered those shoes you liked x
Will bring home/order dinner. He knows what you want, don’t worry babe, you don’t have to ask.
Still try to seduce you any way possible, he doesn’t care how messy it is.
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Selina does not let her period slow her down, and so she’s hopeful that she can rub some of that off on you.
Has a yoga routine specifically catered to that time of the month that she’s happy to teach you. Has a diet plan that’s full of iron heavy and unsaturated fatty foods - leafy greens, dark chocolate, the good stuff.
Of course she understands her lifestyle isn’t for everyone, and what kind of cat themed thief would she be if she didn’t have a giant heated blanket she’s happy for you to stretch out on and spend your time lounging in true luxury.
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Move over, she’s getting into bed with you. She’s stolen all of Brucie Wayne’s streaming service log ins, and she’s brought 50 different snacks that will make your bloating worse, but will feel and taste good in the moment.
Get ready for a week of binge watching whatever films make you feel good, eating way too much sugar, and sleeping whenever feels right.
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Did you know orgasms can help relieve period pains, migraines, and generally relieve stress?
Did you know if you ask Waylon, he will eat you out until you can’t take anymore and/or are feeling any amount of respite?
If that’s really not your thing, be willing to also do basically anything you ask of him. Bring you snacks? Rub your back? Just hold you? Anything you want.
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Will find the time look after you. Any excuse for some lazy time with his favourite birdie.
He runs hot, so it’s like having your own personal heat pad. Will find it endearing if you lay stomach down of his stomach, legs, whatever part so you can press his heat directly to the area that needs it.
Foodie and a snacker, so if you’re craving something, he’s got you covered, and he’ll eat it with you, no questions asked.
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Knows a lot of ecologically friendly herbal remedies that are almost certain to work. Just sit back, chill out, and drink this tea.
In the very unlikely chance that those don’t work, and you’re down for it; Ivy is happy to fuck the cramps away, whatever your preferred method of orgasm may be.
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The Riddler: Understands how periods work, but doesn’t care. You can’t let your body control you, or interfere with the mind. (yes he IS the worst kind of person when he’s sick.)
He does however have bunch of tips and tricks for helping overcome/cope with cramps and other symptoms.
Has a bucket load of ibuprofen handy at all times.
“Did you take the pills I gave you? Good. You know, coffee will help get that into your bloodstream faster, and might give you more energy. Since you’re making coffee, I’ll have one too, thanks, you’re the best. Well, I’m the best, but you’re good too.”
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
i havent gone into the provolone family tree on this blog but does anyone remember my bestie lemon. his sister pimientos present-day descentant penne is like. a Cartoon Movie Scientist who dabbles in made up bullshit
[unintentional belly expansion, tummyache, hint of burst teasing]
Penne looked down at the new batch of her latest project, exhaustedly rubbing her face. Scattered across the tray before her were dozens of bright orange pills. They were small and simple, indistinguishable from any other pill in the medicine cabinet. These, however, were unlike anything Penne had stashed away above the bathroom sink. They weren't a remedy for pain or sniffles or allergies. No, these little orange capsules were created to solve an entirely different problem: hunger.
The project had begun a few months ago after another long, hyperfocused night at the lab. It wasn't any different from any other night at the lab; Penne was notorious for going entire busy nights without eating. She was simply too busy and too absorbed in her work to step away. That night, however, the idea had crossed her mind that it would be so much easier if she could simply pull a meal out of her pocket and toss it back without interrupting her work. She'd thought about that, and then she'd thought about how many people such a creation might potentially benefit, and then she'd set off to work. Without a snack break, of course.
After several trial runs with increasing success, Penne thought she might finally have something close to a finished product. She felt confident that they were safe to test on herself; she'd worked out any alarming kinks a handful of attempts ago, and the most recent batches had been perfectly harmless, albeit not particularly filling. Now, as she looked down at the tray of little orange pills, her exhausted, work-fried brain began a debate with itself.
It's a new batch, her brain said. We should just start with one.
The formula is barely any different from the last, it argued.
But it could be different enough.
It shouldn't be. We barely altered the density of it.
It would be dangerous and idiotic to start with two. What if it's too much?
But if one isn't enough--and I doubt it will be--we'll have to wait even longer to try it with two.
Patience is a virtue. Whatever happened to lab safety?
Fuck it. We're trying two.
Penne picked up two of the little orange capsules, hesitated for a moment, and then, with a quick swig of water, she swallowed them. She sat still for a moment, holding her breath as she waited for something to happen. For a few moments, nothing did. Then, slowly, she felt her empty stomach begin to fill up as the capsules released their expanding mass of nutrients. Gradually, her hunger faded, and it wasn't long before she felt full. And then very full. And then stuffed. Her heart fluttered nervously in her chest as her normally concave belly began to puff out round and firm. Shit, she thought.
The growth didn't seem to be slowing. Her stomach continued to distend, pushing out hard as the mass inside it expanded. She was well beyond stuffed now, and her belly felt painfully tight as it bloated up even more, pressing out against her baggy shirt. Her belt, snug around her normally narrow waist, creaked as the pressure beneath it grew. Frantically, she reached down and undid it. Moments later, her expanding belly forced the button of her pants open.
An ungraceful cry of panicked discomfort escaped Penne as her stomach stretched rapidly, and her back arched as her belly pushed out further and further. She felt the air that had been trapped in her stomach begin to bubble up toward her throat, and she forced up a burp in a desperate attempt to release some of the pressure building inside her. It didn't help. She clutched her stomach, gasping with panic. It was rock hard, packed tightly with the ever-expanding nutritional mass.
As her stomach began to reach its absolute limit, Penne shut her eyes, bracing herself for the worst. By some miracle, though, the expansion slowed, and, mercifully, it finally stopped. She remained frozen for a moment, holding her breath, and then, when she was sure it was over, she let herself relax. She couldn't relax too much, though; her belly was so tightly distended she could barely move. It ached terribly. She let out a pained moan, cautiously rubbing her taut, top-heavy belly.
She was almost afraid to look down at herself, but she did. Her belly jutted out shockingly beneath her ribs. Her shirt, which had been loose and wrinkled only five minutes earlier, was now pulled smoothly over the painful bulge of her bloated stomach. With barely a pinch of spare fat to speak of on her lanky frame, her belly had absolutely no give left to it.
Carefully, she tried to stand, but her overstuffed stomach cramped sharply, and she quickly dropped back down into her chair with a pitiful moan. Her stomach, hugging the enormous mass of not-quite-food for dear life, let out a strained gurgle. She sat there, belly sticking out absurdly, hoping nobody came along and saw her. I told you so, her brain scolded. Groaning, she let her head fall back and closed her eyes, resigning herself to a long night of digestion.
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