#bruce can just pay bail
bibibusinessman · 9 months
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hunterofartemis7 · 4 months
*at the police station*
Bruce: do I even want to know how you ALL got arrested?
Jason: we have a very good reason!
Bruce: oh I’d love to hear it
Jason: a doctor was very rude to raven and made her cry
Tim: and he had so many complaints from different female staff and female patients so we took matters into our own hands
Bruce:…yeah that’s a good reason. *pays their bail*
Cop: *lets them all out*
Dick: btw, where are the birds at?
Bruce: outside with Kori and Selena
Jason: cat moms here?
Bruce: yes
Jason:….put me back in the cell
Raven: I didn’t think they would get arrested
Damian: I did
Selina: I mean, they had a good reason.
Kori: you think the doctor will sue them?
Selina: he can try, but Bruce had better lawyers
Raven: how much was their bail?
Selina: probably a couple hundred a piece. Why?
Raven: cause I need to know how much to pay Bruce back for
Bruce: *coming out of the jail* you’re not paying me back for anything Raven.
Raven: but they got arrested because of me…
Jason: no we got arrested because no one fucks with our family.
Raven:..thank you, for sticking up for me
Dick: anytime Rae.
Bruce: so what exactly did he do to make you cry and make them THAT angry?
Jason: uhhhhh…..
Tim: *gives her the “we say nothing if you don’t want us to” look*
Selina: well??
Raven: *mumbles* he..was saying awful things about me..and my baby..
Selina: BABY!?!?
Bruce: your pregnant?
Raven: *nods* I..I’m sorry I didn’t tell y—*gets tackled by Selina*
Bruce: *hugs her as well* congratulations my dear! I’m so happy for you! *turns to Damian and hugs him* congratulations son
Damian: thank you father
Jason: B this is your first grandchild
Bruce: I know.🥹
Dick: so we’re celebrating now..okay. *takes a breath* IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!! *bear hugs Damian*
Jason: I’m really happy for you two but also…*punches Damian in the arm* WHAT THE HELL MAN?!
Damian: what was that for!?
Jason: uh maybe for not telling us sooner!! Our baby brother is having a baby and you didn’t tell us immediately! How long have you known!?
Raven: little over a week…
Jason: REALLY!?
Damian: we were going to tell you!
Tim: when?
Damian: in like…3 months
Kori: guys, stop yelling
Jason: give me one good reason why!?
Kori: *motions to raven who’s tearing up*
Raven: I’m sorry…😣
Jason: Rae…no no sweetheart it’s okay, don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong
Raven:😖😭 *hormones suck*
Damian: way to go asshole *hugs raven close, rubbing her back*
Dick: Rae were not actually mad, we’re just giving Damian shit.
Tim: yeah we didn’t mean to make you upset.
Jason: *looks at Kori like “this will be a long few months”*
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aurumacadicus · 6 months
Oh oh oh!!! 37 or 73. Dealer’s choice.
I decided to be nice and went with 73 <3
"I am getting real tired of meeting you here," Tony said, and he looked just as long-suffering as he sounded when Steve looked up at him through the bars of his cell. "I'm also getting real tired of everyone but you calling me for help."
Steve opened his mouth, but he wasn't entirely certain what to say. He's called Tony for help the first time he'd gotten arrested, but Tony had looked so bewildered and... sort of offended when he'd arrived? Steve had decided he'd stop calling Tony and just call on his less judgemental teammates (Bruce was a no-go after the second time) to come bail him out. He had no idea why they, in turn, had called Tony up to take on his bail. He always offered to pay them back, and he always showed up for court.
Come to think of it, the judge was starting to look at him a lot like Tony was, Steve mused, rubbing his hand over his mouth to hide an amused smile.
"You know," Tony continued when Steve said nothing, and the smile dropped from his face when he realized he'd actually been waiting for a response. "I understand you're trying to... figure yourself out, or whatever Natasha said. I just wish--"
"I am not trying to figure myself out. I am punching neo-nazis," Steve corrected firmly. "I do not enjoy punching neo-nazis. In fact, I very much dislike the fact that there are neo-nazis to punch."
Tony pursed his lips, obviously unimpressed. "The pictures the Daily Bugle post show you looking quite happy to punch them. It looks a little unhinged actually and I am officially asking you to fucking cut it out for a month. I have a fundraiser for the Maria Stark Foundation and I don't want to spend the entire thing fielding questions about your disdain for the law."
"I've never been convicted of a crime," Steve began, drawing himself up in offense.
"You're Captain America. Who wants to convict Captain America of a crime when you punch a neo-nazi?" Tony retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop punching people. Find a different hobby. I hear bird watching and crossword puzzles are popular with your age group."
"I'm telling Natasha you think her crossword puzzles make her old," Steve tried again.
"Her gardening hobby makes her old too. Make sure you tell her I said that," Tony retorted, then stepped closer, pointing at him through the bars. "I'm telling you one last time before I put my foot up your ass, Steve. Do things that make you happy--within the confines of the legal system."
It took everything in him not to immediately answer 'no.' He thought Tony might actually break through the bars and murder him. "Okay."
Tony blinked at him, apparently having expected more argument. Steve normally would have given him one, but Tony had proved very protective over his mother's foundation and all the events it held. Steve didn't feel inclined to push his luck. Especially since he was inside the cell and Tony was not, and Tony could leave him here.
"...Okay," Tony finally agreed. He narrowed his eyes skeptically. Steve tried to look as innocent as possible and was rewarded with a sour, "Don't do that."
"Fine," Steve said, contrite expression dropping. "Can we leave?"
Tony continued to stare at him, considering. Finally, though, he huffed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. I sent your court date to Natasha since you broke your phone on someone's face. Please stop doing illegal shit until after the gala."
Steve sighed. "Fine. Can I take you out to coffee? That's not illegal anymore apparently."
Tony whipped around to stare at him again, aghast. Finally, he managed to bark a confused, "HUH?"
"You told me to find my happiness within legal confines," Steve reasoned. "Homosexuality was legalized in New York in the eighties. I looked it up."
Tony stared at him a little longer, then let out a reedy, overwhelmed laugh. "What are you talking about?!"
"Let's discuss it over coffee," Steve tried again, and then, "Or dinner? Whichever you prefer."
"Shut the fuck up," Tony laughed, rolling his eyes, and finally turned to leave. "I'll go tell the officer to let you out."
Steve watched him go, stunned. Then he crossed his arms over his chest with a huff. This was why he preferred punching neo-nazis. They, at least, knew what his intentions were. He could probably give Tony a 'will you go out with me? yes or yes' note and he'd just laugh and say he forgot to add 'no.'
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providencehq · 2 years
I really adore the idea of Danny seeming really confident and overall having a grasp on getting along in his fake identity for a new start in Gotham. Only for it to be quickly realized he's putting on a really good act and some simple investigation unravels it all (or, most of it.) Like facts are not matching up enough for his fake identity and when members of the bat family look into why this is for him they're quickly realizing that it's maybe a shotty identity because it was hastily put together but a teenager.
Faking his age enough to be a legal adult (18) so he can control over himself? Check. Faking only part of his name because he's still attached to his old life and won't admit it? Check. Leaving no paper trails and only paying in cash? Check. Refusal to participate in things that may lead to his identity or lack of one be discovered? Check. Kid also being 15/16 at most and being shit at hiding it physically, he cannot pass off as anything else than a young teenager but all documents say otherwise? Check.
Tim and Barbra quickly notice how he covered solely for himself. At least Tim was able to fake an uncle (temporarily), Danny isn't able to fake any information aside from the basics in regards to any family. It's quick to tell he's good at faking information but he's nowhere near the skill of Tim and Barbra. Once they find a single sliver of actual information on Danny and figure out who he really is, it opens a lot of questions while closing others. It also makes getting an eye and overall some semblance of control over the mysterious Danny situation they have on hand.
Like, Tim and Bruce at the very least are going to trick Danny to come into Wayne Enterprises to discuss his scholarship and hit him with "hey, we can't exactly give a scholarship to a person who doesn't exist, we know you are hiding from something by looks of our research. People don't fake new lives for the hell of it. We will however help you with whatever is going on, give you the scholarship, if you tell us what is going on." Danny of course is like, ah, no, I'm going to bail. But of course is cut off by Bruce suggesting that if he leaves without accepting their help, they'll be forced to report him and he'll be a ward of the state at best. That some investigation will happen because them finding out that Danny Fenton is considered dead before he was abled to be transferred to the care of a Vlad Masters, that is parents and friends are dead, and is overall an orphan is a big deal. ESPECIALLY when Danny Fenton is pretending to be Danny Duxo, a legal adult, and out on his own in Crime Alley and barely scraping by to be able to get to college.
They force his hand of course and accepts their help (and basically becomes a ward of Bruce Wayne). Danny convinces them that he will have Bruce acting as a guardian for him but he gets to remain at his apartment, he doesn't want to lose his tech he's working on but he's also afraid of anyone learning about his ghostliness. Does this work out? No, not for long. After a few weeks of being on his own and going out at night as a vigilante, injuries catch up with him. Jason comes by a few times a week to drop food off and comes into Danny one day bandaging some pretty nasty wounds. He brushes it off as some malfunction with some tech he's messing with but that incident causes him to be relocated to the Wayne manor so if an injury does happen, he's not alone.
And to think, none of this would be happening if he was better at faking an identity. He should have honestly asked for Technus' help for that and maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. This is all just surrounding his human identity too! Oh my god, the bats are going to freak when they find out Danny is way more than human and also a vigilante!
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I haven't said anything crazy to you about Jason in awhile, I want to change that but don't have any ideas.
*insert long-winded original rant in the same style as the Dicks closet hetero accuser saga or the locked out of Red Hood thirst page saga*
Uuuh let's see if I can come up with one
Jason doesn't technically have a drivers license. He has a license for his motorbike which is all he uses most of the time but he does drive a car occasionally without a license for it. He's never been pulled over so it's fine.
Until one week where for some reason Bruce, Dick and Alfred are unavailable and so Jason has to start fetching Damian and Duke from school in the afternoons. Everything was fine until Damian and Duke started fighting over them and Jason attempted to break up the fight, leading to none of them noticing the cop car they just speeded past (they were going 40 over the speed limit) and none of them had seatbelts on and Jason's hands weren't on the steering wheel.
They realised once the cops lights switched on and started chasing them. Instead of pulling over, Jason sped up. Finding the whole thing hilarious, Duke started live streaming the whole chase. They ended up driving all the way to Bludhaven, where they were stopped by a very pissed off Nightwing who, on the live stream, lectured and then arrested Jason Wayne. It took Bruce three hours to show up to pay the bail.
There's gifs of Jason flipping off Nightwing as he's being put into the back of a cop car trending for weeks
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wobbly-fluggers · 1 year
"What would I do without you?"
Lenny Bruce x Reader
Summary: you were Lenny's manager could you manage anything more then a dead succulent probably not but when there's a will there's a way... you hope. There had to be cause you're absolutely in love with him and hope that maybe he could be with you.... far fetched if you were being honest but a girl can dream.
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We're you a fan? Yes, yes you were. Was it pathetic how much of one you were? Yes, yes it is. Was it creepy almost? Probably? Did you really care? Not really. You could have a crush and go to his shows and be there waiting with a grimace... it could if been a smile if you weren't so chicken...
But you were, and instead of just going up to the guy and saying he I like you I find you infuriatingly attractive and absolutely hilarious would you like to get a drink with me? You said I uh I want to be your Manger.. yep just like that.
You're such an idiot.. you had no clue about the business. Comedy..really? You were an engineering major what would you know about getting gigs you'd have to talk to people you chose engineering so you wouldn't have to.
Here you were though waiting for Lenny. The man of your dreams sorry client to finish his set having just got a call from your mother how she was able to track you down to this bar you would never know but she did. But besides the point you were waiting for Lenny to be done his set to let him know he was on fire only for the cops to come.
They loved to bust him for obscenity...and as his manager you had to try and get him out of it.
"Hey woah what are you doing he has the right to be there." You interject them before they can put hand cuffs on him stepping stright in between so he was behind you and you acted as a wall.
"Get out of the way little lady you shouldn't be in this place anyway."
"Happy we came in before you had to hear anything too unpleasant."
"Sir I think you misunderstand-"
This short conversation was long enough for Lenny to be thrown into their car as the had side stepped you entirety you were fumming after them as Lenny chuckled.
"Goddamn it! I'll see you at the station jackass!" You yelled as you flipped off the police officers in the front seats.
Pulling out a cigarette you muttered how it was just your luck to have to police show up at the one gig that could've been your chance of getting Lenny on TV. Since becoming his manager in 1954 you had first sent him to rehab for his strung out tendencies and then you has taken away any of his abilities to get any sort of drug fix that wasn't weed.
You were able to do this because for some reason he listened to you followed your words to the best of your ability. If you said refine this joke refine he did. If you said get another suit cause it looks like he only had one he got two... total.
But there you were now standing waiting for him to be released. In a very grouchy mood. Paying the bail with the money you made from the gig he was arrested from. You made sure to get the money the minute you two got there. A policy of yours.
A policy. You scoffed look at you thinking like you know a damn thing about this business. You're just persistent and sometimes you offer to fix up anything that needs fixing at the bar free of charge but did you care not really.
Was way better than that dumb office job you used to have. You were glad you saved every penny you earned before your parents cut you off cause you would've been flat broke-
"Hey! Doll! What are you a girlfriend? Or something?"
You said your next words a bit to bitterly in hindsight, "Or something" 
"You his manager?" The officer who had called you little lady earlier asked. You didn't realize Lenny was skipping down the steps as you said
"Nice job officer fuck face you really connected the dots on that one" You're tone was angry.
"Hey watch it lady!" He growled at you. The lady at the front desk decided to interven lecturing you
"You'll catch no man's attention being so fowl." You noticed her signal to your unringed hand.
"Yeah? Well suck a lemon sugar putts." You say in a fake sweet tone.
"Thank god your boyfriends here get her the hell out of here before you have to bail her out" the officer who called tou doll said.
You turn to see Lenny grinning like a Cheshire cat getting to you in a few long strides and locking arms with you.
"Well be on our way" Lenny almost sung in amusement.
"Hey! Woah I'm not done!" you say breaking away from him instantly regretting the lose of contact. But your anger was too high who the hell were they to just violate free speech and then basically say you were Destin to be alone... okay maybe not that.. and maybe you need to fix your priorities abit but it all was the same to you at that moment..
"Aye! Fuck you! Fuck you! And especially Fuck you!" You grabbed there attention again as you procced to flip off officer 'doll', officer 'little lady', and that bitch receptionist in that order respectively.
Lenny laughed as he dragged you out of there. Chuckling he mumbled,"Nice job officer fuck face," shaking his head with light laughter
"More angry than I am." He mused as you two walked down the street.
"Yeah well its been a bad night." You hissed.
"Thank you for informing me I was shit tonight ill try and be shittier the next time your majesty" Lenny joked he had some ongoing bit of you being royalty or something.
"Are you kidding you were in fire tonight-" you said with a seriousness that made Lenny stop joking and look at you, "You are extremely talented and shouldn't need to 'behave yourself' to be up on that stage. That's where you belong." You said it firmly, "Don't worry I'll deal with the court stuff. You go home."
"And what will you do?"
"Go kiss ass at some club to get you to preform there... in other words my job. You get out of here you already did yours."
"Yeah, really? What? Get arrested for the hundredth time? Half those people that come there are there to see if I do or not." 
"Still paying to see you which means money in your pocket... which by the way here you go.. abits gone cause bail cost money these days consider it my cut."
The bail was no were near the cut of profits you normally get but you had money and a part time job that gave you more money you didn't need it like he did. He had a kid to think about.
"Let's eat." He said. You guess he realized as he tried to give it back indirectly
"Maybe in the morning," you offered a slight smile," I have work to do."
"But you're done for the night."
"Says who?"
"Says me."
"Lenny you're really good at your job but I'm better at mine. I gotta keep food on your table somehow." You say with a shrug and a whole load of fack confidence, "besides my day doesn't end till I go to sleep." You grin a real grin a grin you hide normally. You had been walking away from it so he only saw a distant one but he returned it.
"You're gonna be big Lenny Bruce! I'll make sure of it!" You yell as you cross the street a long ways away from him at that point but he still yells back
"What would I do without you princess!" He chuckles as he watches you walk away..god.. did he love you....
First post trying to get better at building chemistry, don't honestly know how to use tumblr yet but if you can let me know? Skimmed for Grammer and spelling mistakes but honestly could have missed alot.
Hope you enjoyed have an amazing day :)
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 8 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 21
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20
Bruce rolled his eyes as he listened to the board members arguing in the background over the phone while he talked to his CFO Lucius Fox. They were trying to push a vote on expanding Wayne Enterprise to Canada. Most were for it. They just couldn’t agree on where the corporate headquarters should be. The places being thrown around were Toronto, Quebec City, Halifax, and Vancouver. Bruce honestly didn’t care about where they built, but his board members fought back that it was all about location, location, location. 
Lucius sighed and said, “If it wasn’t for the fact that you pay me handsomely for this bullshit, I would have bailed on these idiots an hour ago.”
Bruce smirked and asked, “So it isn’t the box seat passes that I got you for the Giants’ games for the rest of the season?”
Lucius chuckled and said, “Oh, that definitely took the edge off.” Lucias paused for a moment and said, “What exactly do you want me to do with this stalemate they have about Canada? We tried holding a vote but ended up with equal votes for all the cities.”
Bruce rubbed his head for a moment and said, “Have one of the associates make out a proposal for the mayor of each of those respective cities. We know what we can offer in terms of job opportunities and increasing value to the city. See what the representatives can offer us in terms of tax breaks and things of that nature. Whoever offers us the best benefits is the one we go with.”
Lucius sighed and said, “This is why I wished you were here with us an hour ago. We could have ended the meeting in five minutes with an idea like that.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “I needed to be here for Damian. This is an important milestone for him.”
“Are you sure you are not using this as an excuse to get out of a board meeting? Disneyland was a weird choice, but I have seen you choose stranger places to avoid the Board.”
Bruce rolled his eyes and said, “Damian really did have a field trip for Disney. I wasn’t going to let him go by himself. The PTA already think I am an idiot and absentminded as it is….”
Lucius burst out laughing for a few minutes. 
Bruce narrowed his eyes and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Lucius’ laugh started tapering off and said, “I’m sorry. I just never thought that you of all people would care what other people think. Imagine what your opposition in your second life would think.”
Bruce gave a deadpan stare and said, “Ha, Ha. Very funny.”
Lucius chuckled and said, “You know I’m kidding right?”
Bruce smiled coyly and said, “Sure you are.”
“Anyway, how is Damian taking to Disney? I’m sure it is different to the other eclectic things he has been exposed to in his childhood.”
Bruce sighed while rubbing the back of his head. He knew going to Disney would be a very foreign concept for his youngest, but he didn’t expect him to fight him the whole way. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. It would definitely explain the looks his other three boys gave him when he mentioned their trip. Dick and Jason just bursted out laughing at the suggestion and Tim started to do research into securing Damian an attorney in case he decided to burn the theme park down in vengeance. 
Bruce shook his head and said, “Damian hasn’t taken too kindly being here. He has already pressed the panic button he has twice to try to get Tim to pick him up since he is with the Titans this week in California. When that didn’t work, he tried to ditch me to go back to the main road to hitchhike before I caught up with him.”
“Considering his other antics are you really surprised by this?”
Bruce sighed and said, “My three older boys have already indicated the same thing. I just want him to have people his age to associate with.”
Bruce looked out the corner of his eye and noticed Lena coming back with several Dole Whips.
While looking at her thoughtfully, Bruce said, “Lucius, if there isn’t anything else, I am going to have to call you back after I get back to Gotham on Monday.”
“Okay, hope things go better with Damian this weekend.”
“You and me both,” muttered Bruce under his breath as he hung up the phone. 
He quickly changed his frown to a passive smile as Lena finally walked up to him. 
Lena smiled and said while handing him a Dole Whip, “Damian and Kara wanted some. I got some for you in case you wanted one as well.”
Bruce gave her a blank stare. He knew that Kara trusted her implicitly, but he still had some nagging thoughts about her. 
Lena chuckled nervously and said, “If you don’t want it, that is fine. I can just give it to Kara. She would probably be excited at the prospect of having two more.”
Bruce let out his charming smile which took Lena off guard for a moment. 
Bruce said, “I would actually like to try some. Some of my employees have talked wonders about this so I am curious if it lives up to all the hype.”
Bruce took the cup from Lena. He began to eat. His eyebrow went up in surprise. He knew that this was similar to ice cream but this is the best ice cream that he has had in a while.
Lena smirked and said, “I take it this means that it far exceeded your expectations.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “Definitely.”
They stood in weird silence with one other. Bruce could tell that Lena kept nervously looking around. Probably wish that Kara would come back as quickly as possible. Originally, Bruce thought about keeping silent until his son and Kara came back but then saw it as an opportunity to get to know the girl. Clark hadn’t been too keen on anyone approaching Lena. Several veiled threats were made if anyone did. If asked, he could use this as an innocent run-in, although he can hear it now from Clark accusing him that it was planned. 
He sighed and said, “Kara has said that you run a children’s hospital.”
Lena smiled and let out a sigh of relief and said, “Yes. I believe in the importance of getting children the best healthcare they could as possible no matter what the cost.”
“What caused you to want to focus on children’s health though?”
Lena looked up thoughtfully and said, “My niece Ruby inspired me actually. She was sick. Most doctors thought it was a cold or at most the flu and said with just over-the-counter medicine it would go away. However, she kept getting sicker and nothing was working. We went to doctor after doctor until one actually did their research and found out what was wrong with her and got her the treatment that she needed to get well. I don’t want any family to have to go through that. Being dismissed and thinking that your concerns aren’t valid. I wanted to have doctors look into everything instead of looking at what is most common. That is when I decided to scout for the best of the best in pediatrics and start my own hospital.”
Bruce gave her an insightful look. Many had regarded Lena using her hospital for nefarious purposes, but he has seen that the commercial that Kara and Lena did a couple of weeks back had changed the discourse around it. Now, more patients have been giving reviews and it has been overall positive. It was good to know that Lena created the hospital as a way to inspire change. Bruce was about to comment as such when he heard his phone ring again. He sighed and looked down and saw that Alfred was calling. He looked at Lena sheepishly and mouthed “One moment.”
Read the rest on AO3
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Riddler: *hires the most steryotipical obvious mean lesbians he can find*
Matches "Bruce" Malone: It's not Selina's fault that you need to pay your henchgirls to go on a date with you. She invited me and I came. I imagine you tried the same but they can't tolarate you for free.
Riddler: Is not that deep.
Matches: *sarcastically*Sure, pal.
Riddler: They are lesbians.
Matches: *laughs* Oh yeah? That's what you tell yourself at night?
Riddler: No? That's just reality. They are the lesbianest lesbians I ever met. And they are also clearly dating each other.
Matches: Or they are just good friends and you can't accept woman don't like you.
Riddler: I met then at a gay bdsm club. They hanged a huge lesbian flag at my main headquarter without permision may I add and they are ALWAYS making out. I'm pretty sure they are a lesbian couple.
Matches: Yeah, sure. I would love to hear more of your fanfiction but me and the lady have better things to do.
[later that same week]
Batman "Bruce" : *entering Riddler's headquarter/wherehouse* You are going to Arkham, Riddler.
Riddler: *sitting annoyed in a corner doing crosswords and trying to pointedly ignore Query and Echo making out in from of a comically large lesbian flag who is both clashing with the rest of the green question mark decor and covering a huge part of it* Fucking finally! If I had to thrid wheel this two for even another second I would personally walk all the way back to Arkham and hope our old pal Jeremiah throwed the key away.
Query: Stop being so whinny, boss, it was just a quick make out session.
Riddler: Quick? You two are going on for over three hours!!!!
Query: Really, boss, you are being drama-
Echo: *looks at Query, than at the clock and shakes her head*
Query: Shit! Really?
Echo: Yeah. Wild right? *to Riddler* Sorry, Eds, we lost the time a little bit.
Riddler: *sarcastically* I noticed.
Batman: *akwardly remembering their party conversation* uh... Arkham?
Riddler: Not really, sorry for the lack of fun, I promise a better game next time. *green smoke* *dramatic escapade* Girls?
Echo: Coming. Diedre is just giving me a good luck kiss.
Riddler: If you go to jail because you can't not kiss for a minute I'm not bailing you out.
Query: That's homophobic!
[later that night]
Brucie "Bruce" Wayne: Wait... what the fuck was Riddler doing at a bdsm gay bar to begin with?
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internalsealpanic · 2 years
Summary: You had a bad habit of un-existing but you also had a bad habit of showing up exactly when he needed you
A/n: A fic let I made because I missed someone and because Dick needs a hug. This is a scene I cut out of Works in Progress. Warning: none Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
“They told me there was a kid here who looked like he was kicked by a puppy,” you said gently, pressing a cool can of soda against Dick’s forehead.
“That still doesn’t answer how you found me.”
“Pick tea leaves or haunted radio.”
“You already used tea leaves when you found me at Clark’s place and you used the radio one when I was injured on a rooftop.”
“Did I?” You said, tilting your head, “Dick, stop disappearing so I don’t exhaust the universe’s methods of nailing your ass.”
“Then stop looking.”
“Pffft! Never.”
You never stopped but he did.
That was all such a long time ago.
Calling you hadn’t been Dick’s first or best idea. Not by a long shot. After all, the last he’d seen of you was in a shady motel in Macau— eyes red and angry from crying, the flesh of your chest gouged with an ugly scar running down your clavicle to your stomach. It was, at its core, an act of desperation. He wasn’t even sure what force on heaven or earth had made you answer but he was so glad you did.
After Bruce died … Dick felt like he was drowning. Saddled with having to take care of Damian, having to deal with Jason’s anger, coping with Cass just up and leaving, and trying to reel Tim back from the brink of insanity; Dick was utterly lost and overwhelmed.
"Dickolas?" You asked, your melodic voice a soothing balm on burnt skin. Dick missed this, missed you, missed the way his name never rolled off your tongue intact. Dick pauses, letting the silence fill him and make him whole.  He told himself it's because he's trying to think of the right words to say. He told himself that it was because he's trying to warm his voice up, gather his Dick Grayson charm.  He's trying to tell himself that it is anything other than what it is- that he wasn’t trying to soak up as much of your presence even through this miniscule interaction.
"Dick?" You asked more cautiously. The tone of your voice hurts with how gentle it is. Dick bites his lip; this time, he actually tries to grasp for the right sequence of words to make you not hang up. How does one say 'I need help with two dumpster fire cities because I am a tad overwhelmed with raising a 10-year-old former assassin. Also do you, a former mercenary, have any tips on parenting said former assassin' to the one ex who voluntarily dropped out of existence and to never talk to you or anyone again?
You snort brightly, a far cry from the soft voice from earlier. "I can't pay for bail."
Dick blinks. There's something warm crowding his chest; it's fuzzy and amorphous and the  kind of feeling you were only able to induce even when you were being an insufferable asshole.
"What makes you think I need bail?"
"Tea leaves."
Dick snorts, "try again."
You swear viciously over the phone.
"Fine. Haunted radio."
"Try again~"
"You slugfuc-... how about a bitchy blender?"
"Points for alliteration but no."
You sigh and Dick leans against the wall feeling the weeks of tension bleed out of him.
He missed you. He missed you so much.
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nel-world · 4 months
with roommate ALICE You can't be putting your mouth all over it like that.
JASON You're right, I should probably stick a bit of tongue in too.
ALICE Does everything have to be an innuendo with you?
JASON Haven't you heard? I'm the innuendo champ. I had to beat off some pretty stiff competition. Hashtag dad jokes.
ALICE It's not a dad joke. I'm not even old enough to be a dad. Even I'm old enough to be a dad, technically.
JASON What are you doing up this early, anyway?
ALICE Got an interview with a record company today, don't I?
JASON What one? Guinness Worlds?
ALICE Portal Records, actually. They're sort of a big deal, run by Marshall Healy.
JASON Oh, Bruce and his old filters.
ALICE So, are you still having those nightmares?
JASON What nightmares? The ones that you wake up from every day, screaming?
ALICE That's just cramp. I probably need more potassium. Anyway, I need you to sign for a package that's going to be delivered when I'm out.
JASON Sorry, I've blocked out my day for reading. No interruptions. (SARCASTICALLY) Yeah, reading.
ALICE Those nightmares haven't got anything to do with Melody, do they?
JASON Melody? Haven't thought about her in ages.
ALICE Then why are you constantly checking her Instagram?
JASON Oh, I am so late for work.
ALICE You're up early. Is it the nightmares? ////////////////// ROOMMATE: Let's go, man!
KAWMI: I have to bail, you know.
ROOMMATE: But you said you wanted these tickets.
KAWMI: Trust me, this is huge.
ROOMMATE: Are you gonna bail on me? i need to get out after my break up
KAWMI: Look, man, I swear if it was anything else I'd come. But Amy got me this meeting at the production company. I can't.
ROOMMATE: Just remember that next time … oh i have a missed from my ex , she must b in trouble.
roommate calls her ANDY: why r u calling me?
GWEN: What am I doing ? You're the one who phoned me.
ANDY: That was a mistake. I was trying to delete your number.
GWEN: I call it a sign.
ANDY: Yeah, a stop sign.
GWEN: We had a fun few months but it is over.
ANDY:Look, I messed up but you understand, I was hammered. Me and the boys were playing truth or dare.
GWEN: We're not back together, Andy.
ANDY: But we were great together. Just give me one more chance. Do you remember when we were more than friends? ////////////////// i need to make money to pay .(moving on job) where are you going ? my company is looking for a few more people. How about I sign you up?
PAT: (smooth) This job interview could be your golden ticket. PAT (CONT'D): Nine-to-five, cushy gig. No more of this starving artist nonsense.
BILL: (conflicted) I don't know, Pat… Acting is my passion.
PAT: (scoffing) Is it paying the bills? Face facts, buddy.
PAT (CONT'D): (pressing) This kind of opportunity doesn't come around often. Just think about it.
ERROL: i need to make money to pay for the audition space.
////////////////// MAX:is that u playing, Where did you learn to play like that?
ERROL: yea. I've had a few lessons.
MAX: i know u said u play but I figured you were going to be shit like all the other kids.
ERROL: Can you play anything else?
Errol takes the guitar from Max and begins to play 'VIVA LA VIDA' by COLDPLAY.
MAX: Errol, how would you like to be in my band?
ERROL: Would I need a humpback and a dodgy eye?
MAX: No. Think about it, u could be Jim Morrison to my Ray Manzarek.
ERROL: sure
ERROL: Wait, wait, wait, "Last Place Hero" is one of our unrecorded songs. I wrote the lyrics. And I wrote the melody, so if I change the lyrics, then it's a new song.
MAX: There's a way to win And a way to lose If you're a hero Just like Nero
ERROL: How about… "Just like Nero, burning bright in the night, but in the end, he was the last place hero"?
MAX: That's perfect! It gives the song a whole new meaning.
MAX: Now all I've got to do is finish off these lyrics.
ERROL: Do you not think this could maybe use some keyboard?
ERROL: Really? Cos I think this could use a little EDM vibe.
ERROL: How about something like this?
He plays a catchy electronic melody that complements MAX's guitar.
MAX: That's it! That's perfect!
JOSH You're so sweet and saccharine I hardly can believe That when I see you coming I can feel you in my teeth Racing through my senses Candy in my brain Rotting everything inside You give me sugar pain Sugar in my blood making my heart flood Pumping through my arteries You hit me with a thud.
ALICE OK, thoughts.
JASON It's all right.
ALICE Just all right? It's just the "sugar in my blood, making my heart flood", kind of sounds like diabetes.
JASON Huh. It's a metaphor. But if sugar's a problem, I can always change it to honey.
GWEN It's not just the lyrics. It's the Father John Misty thing. You know, it's all a bit hipster, faux hippy, fake folk vibe. It's just not right for our debut LP.
JOSH We could change the arrangement.
ALICE It also has no appeal.
//////////////////MAX and ERROL talking about gals co worker
scene : with girlfriend discussing favorite film call from Mo Khan of Rage Records roommate
ERROL: Whoa, what are you doing?
MAX: What does it look like? I'm watching the news, i got nothing to do
MAX: Are those hearts you've got on your pyjamas?
ERROL: No, they're flowers.
RROL: I just really don't want to go to this party.
MAX: Why not?
ERROL: No reason. I just don't like parties.
MAX: Oh, man. But parties are great. Free food, free booze. Girls, drunk girls. What's not to like? You haven't lived until you've woken up in a stranger's garden, wearing nothing but a captain's hat and a smile on your face.
Parties are where you learn the art of pointless banter. Do you think I came out this charming? No. It was parties. If you don't learn to love parties, you'll end up being some weird, no party guy . Is that what you want? Is that what you want?
MAX: No!
ERROL: Get changed out of them Flower Power things and let's get you to a party! Are you sure he's going to like this?
MAX: Trust me. He's going to love it.
////////////////// ERROL and MAX find themselves in a whirlwind of excitement as they rush to meet Mo Khan of Rage Records
Right now? I mean, yeah, we can. OK. Thanks. MAX: That was Rage Records on the phone!
ERROL: That was Rage Records! I-I-I sent them a demo and a clip of us playing and Mo Khan at Rage Records, he wants us to come in right now for a meeting with them.
MAX: Who's Mo Khan?
ERROL: Mo Khan of Rage Records! He's like the Simon Cowell of Rage Records, . I mean, if he tweets about us once, we are pretty much automatically famous.
MAX: What do you think?
ERROL: You look like a vicar.
MAX: I look like a domino. I look like a sexy, sexy domino. People love dominos. Domino's Pizza, Fats Domino.
ANDY: Your face looks like a Furby.
ERROL: Only breath mints from Mo's desk. Didn't taste very nice though.
I keep my E in a mint tin.
ANDY: What?!
MAX: Yeah. tripping balls on Ecstasy.
ERROL: Errol, how many mints did you have?
////////////////// ERROL: let's have a game!
MAX: I've got a better idea. Let's write a song!
ERROL: When was the last time you wrote a really cracking tune? We haven't done anything together since,.
MAX: Yeah. I'm just kind of letting some ideas percolate at the moment.
ERROL: No. Are you telling me you haven't written
MAX: I don't have writer's block!
///////////MAX and ERROL turn their conversation about writer's block ~ ERROL: Let's write a song about it.
MAX: That's a great idea! strums guitar Restraining order! Restraining order!
ERROL: joins in Don't take away my happiness you BLEEP.
MAX: laughs Whoa! Whoa!
ERROL: What? Too much? I mean I could say, "Witch". It's not as good but it rhymes.
MAX: grinning Yeah, "Witch" works. Let's go with that.
////////////////// MAX: Your imagination's in a rut and we're going to free it.
ROOMMATE: I need tp get healthy. im throwing away the meat
ERROL: High in trans-fat. High in sodium. High in sugar. How often do you get exercise per week?
MAX: Please, this body takes care of itself.
ERROL: Zero exercise. ERROL: High in sugar. High in…
MAX: I was just high.
ERROL: Do you get regular bowel movements?
MAX: What's that got to do with anything?!
ERROL: Irregular BMs. When was the last time you were intimate with a lady?
MAX: Now, a gentleman never tells.
ERROL: Eight months and 23 days, all right? That completes the questionnaire.
MAX: It keeps the mind focused.
ERROL: I'm focused. Now let's play video games? //////////////////
MAX: Hello? Andy? Errol? What happened? Did you overdose?
ERROL coughs.
ERROL: I've got the flu.
MAX: Why aren't you running for your life?
ERROL: Oh, I've had the flu jab. I'm invincible.
MAX: Oh. What do you want? You came to give me a piece of paper?
ERROL: It's a song competition. I'll go and make a cup of tea and you can read the details.
[ERROL heads to the kitchen while MAX takes the paper and begins to read.]
ROOMMATE: Did you take the medication
STUDENT: I did. I've been feeling better. But now… I'm having cold sweats. And this headache won't quit, been pounding since 4:00 in the morning. (Student sets the glass down.)
ROOMMATE: What about your voice?
STUDENT: It's better.
ROOMMATE: Just… Just be careful.
////////////////// PAT: (smooth) This job interview could be your golden ticket. PAT (CONT'D): Nine-to-five, cushy gig. No more of this starving artist nonsense.
BILL: (conflicted) I don't know, Pat… Acting is my passion.
PAT: (scoffing) Is it paying the bills? Face facts, buddy
MICHAEL my company is looking for a few more people. How about I sign you up?
JON yesm i will
////////////////// ERROL: There you have it, the most dangerous animal in the jungle. The female human. One minute she can take you to the heights of ecstasy, and the next she can shatter your soul with a single glance.
ERROL: Morning, ladies!
They approach a group of girls.
MAX: So tell me about this Ruby. What is she out of 10?
ERROL: She's a 10!
MAX: All right, now bear in mind . a two can never go out with an eight. That would be suicide. but Some people are immune to the whole scoring system altogether. Mega rich bastards, athletes, talented musicians.
MAX: Now, jokes. Women love good jokes. ERROL: I don't get it.
MAX: Trust me, it's hilarious. Now, what jokes have you got?
MAX: We'll work on the jokes. Right, now let's practise asking a girl out. I'll be a girl. You ask me out.
ERROL: Erm…hi.
MAX: "Erm…hi"? Seriously? Your opening line is the most important thing you'll ever say to a girl. If you can't think of anything funny, give her a compliment, buy her a drink. Be charming. Be charismatic. Be mysterious.
ERROL: Can't I just be myself?
MAX: No! Are you crazy? Never be yourself.
ERROL, in his pajamas adorned with flowers, catches MAX watching the news instead of resting. ERROL: Whoa, what are you doing?
MAX: What does it look like? I'm watching the news, i got nothing to do
MAX: Are those hearts you've got on your pyjamas?
ERROL: No, they're flowers.
RROL: I just really don't want to go to this party.
MAX: Why not?
ERROL: No reason. I just don't like parties.
MAX: Oh, man. But parties are great. Free food, free booze. Girls, drunk girls. What's not to like? You haven't lived until you've woken up in a stranger's garden, wearing nothing but a captain's hat and a smile on your face.
Parties are where you learn the art of pointless banter. Do you think I came out this charming? No. It was parties. If you don't learn to love parties, you'll end up being some weird, no party guy . Is that what you want? Is that what you want?
MAX: No!
ERROL: Get changed out of them Flower Power things and let's get you to a party! Are you sure he's going to like this?
MAX: Trust me. He's going to love it.
PAT: (smooth) This job interview could be your golden ticket. PAT (CONT'D): Nine-to-five, cushy gig. No more of this starving artist nonsense.
BILL: (conflicted) I don't know, Pat… Acting is my passion.
PAT: (scoffing) Is it paying the bills? Face facts, buddy
MICHAEL my company is looking for a few more people. How about I sign you up?
JON yesm i will
MICHAEL You didn't show up for the interview.
JON No, I didn't.
MICHAEL I recommended you, Jon. I MICHAEL I recommended you, Jon. I put my name on the line for you. JON Tell them I had a medical emergency.
MICHAEL This is my life.
JON It's just a job. It's selling stuff people don't need.
MICHAEL It's how I make my living.
JON There's more to life than money.
MICHAEL Money may not buy happiness, but it sure helps.
Well, it doesn’t hurt. I’m sorry for enjoying my life while I can.
(stops himself)
I've got to run.
He heads off in the opposite direction.
ICHAEL (ON PHONE): I think let’s give it a minute and see what happens next week…
(Jon enters.)
JON: I need a job. I’ll apologize for the interview.
MICHAEL (ON PHONE): I’m going to call you right back. (Hangs up the phone.)
JON: I want to do what you do. I want to have what you have.
MICHAEL: What is going on?
JON: I spent a lot of time on a solo show that is never going to happen. I can’t do it again, Mike.
MICHAEL: Are you done? The script you wrote is good.
JON: I can’t keep waiting. This is my life.
MICHAEL: I understand.
JON: You don’t understand. I’m running out of time.
MICHAEL: (scoffs) You are not running out of time. (pauses) I… I have lung cancer.
0 notes
bibibusinessman · 9 months
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At the Manor game night can end dangerously
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thegirlwondcr · 1 year
What did you do?! [disappointed big brother hours with Dick? XD]
Send "What did you do?!" to bail out reciever's muse from jail.
"Okay, first off--thank you, thank you, thank you." Emma started off, trying to ease into actually answering his question. "Also, you are my favorite brother, I don't know if I've ever told you that, but you are." This seemed like the best way to approach this. The happier he was, the more chances she had of Bruce never knowing about this.
The crime? Embarrassment, to say the least. A misunderstanding that escalated way too quick, that probably would have never happened if she had never been trained as Robin. "I was just getting a few snacks at this convenience store. Because there are just some snacks Alfred will refuse to get me because he says they are way too unhealthy, but sometimes it is just nice to have an overprocessed snack full of dye." Emma justified before actually getting into the crime at hand.
"Well, I bought some snacks and on my way out some random customer said 'Hey you didn't pay for that' when after I just did that. So naturally, I argued with him, and then he reached over to me to which I then punched him in the face because I thought he was trying to attack me or something. Then he punches back, and then we are just punching back and forth until the cops showed up..." Then she hesitated, embarrassment and regret clear on her face. "Turns out I had left a pack of crackers in my pocket..."
"But you have to promise not to tell Bruce about it, he will bench me for an entire year. You also can't tell Alfred because then he's going to just make me eat vegetables nonstop for the next six months." She begged of her brother. "Nobody got hurt! Well except for the guy--but broken noses can heal! And I can cover all my bruises in concealer or just say I fell off the bleachers like five times."
0 notes
aj-artjunkyard · 2 years
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I posted 950 times in 2022
That's 335 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (2%)
928 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 938 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#dc comics - 397 posts
#star wars - 309 posts
#green lantern - 260 posts
#hal jordan - 246 posts
#anakin skywalker - 227 posts
#tcw - 124 posts
#the clone wars - 124 posts
#batman - 98 posts
#bruce wayne - 95 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 144 characters
#the clones showing up at the council’s doors at 2am like 👉🏻👈🏻 um. we have something to tell you but first you have to promise not to get mad
My Top Posts in 2022:
How much senate gossip do you think Anakin was privy to. Two of his most trusted people were politicians and he spent enough time around them to want to betray his entire religion for them he had to know some dirty secrets
I like to think some of his ‘meetings’ with Palpatine were just straight up gossip sessions bc Palps wanted to prove that he was the only person Anakin should trust bc he noticed this awful behaviour and was renouncing it
Imagine Bail going over to Padmé’s to drop something off and going “oh btw,,,” and spilling the tea on some opposing Senator who did something scandalous and Anakin’s listening in while shirtless and stuffed in the wardrobe like 👀
When confronted about it he’ll be all “Jedi don’t believe in gossip” or whatever but he’s a terrible Jedi and knowing more than other people/being let in on secrets is like crack to him
The senate wasn’t completely dissolved until 0BBY do you think there were times when an officer would hand Darth Vader a report from Senator Whats-His-Face and Vader would pause and think “was that the guy who cheated on his wife with one of the cleaning staff”
318 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Shout out to all the other DC fans who were drawn in to DC comics for the Batfam, but who are now are getting sick of the bats bc all their other favourite DC characters are being constantly overshadowed by them
365 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
SPOILERS FOR THE VOX MACHINA ORIGIN COMICS BELOW just a warning for any new critical role fans like me who were brought in by the show ALSO don’t spoil me either I’m not finished them yet
The only thing I was knew before I started reading the comics was that the party met Percy when they freed him from a cage
Since Percy’s a whiny one-percenter who was embarrassed to be seen with VM, I assumed the situation would be more along the lines of
“Vox Machina, who are in the middle of a badly-paying jailbreak job that’s rapidly going south, free a strange white-haired man who claims to have a weapon that can help them. After completing the mission, Percy, though put off by the rude, rag-tag group, is truly grateful for their help and feels he owes them debt. They suggest he uses that neat weapon in their favour for a while and he hesitantly agrees to join them ‘temporarily’”
When in actual fact it was closer to:
Percy: excuse you all I’m guilty of is a little light-hearted assassination attempt
VM: oh nvm our bad
Percy: I was trying to murder one of the cultists tho so I can take you to them if you let me out
VM: k
Percy: hey so why do you want to fight a demon horse
VM: we need its’ skull
Percy: that’s so goth I love it
*they fight a demon horse*
VM: now perhaps we can save our friend from death’s door
Percy: you guys sound like an absolute riot can I join you
426 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
I feel like when the Earth GLs need to address each other in a situation where secret identities need protecting, they’ll refer to each other as one of three things:
1) their city names, Hal being called “Coast” and Kyle “LA”, etc. This idea was suggested by John, and even though he, Simon and Guy have public identities, they might still be referred to in this way. This method is usually used in serious situations in which people such as government agents or civil servants also need to differentiate between each lantern.
2) Increasingly vague nicknames. Usually for lower-stakes missions (which still might include planet-wide threats), these nicknames have been forged from years of going through wild DnD-esque alien shenanigans together. Hal and Guy will have the most saved up, since they’ve been around the longest. This is what the first option usually devolves into as soon as the government ppl/civil servants leave
3) just variations of the name green lantern. One of them is ‘GL’, one is ‘Lantern’, one is ‘Anti-Batman’. No one knows who is who including the lanterns themselves. This is not in any way a deterrent
531 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My favourite thing is the ‘Humans are Space Orcs’ theory in the context of Green Lantern
Literally half the plot of ‘Green Lantern: The Animated Series’ happens because a human officer couldn’t go 10 seconds in a new environment (the Interceptor spaceship) without immediately pack bonding with the disembodied voice of a Navigation AI
639 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
BDBWM Day 17: Holidays
original prompt | complete masterlist
Inspired by this post 
Marinette rests her head on the cell bars as she curls her hand around them. This is a disaster! Adrien will disown me, Chloe will laugh at my face, and Luka and Juleka will never let me live this down! As if she can’t be any more idiotic during Christmas Eve. She sulkily scans the police office, hoping her brothers can come soon. 
“Psst, Pixie.” 
She perks up. “Jay?” 
Jason is there, not-so-subtly disguised, creeping next to her cell. “Come on, we’re busting you out of here.” 
“Hurry up, Dick’s distracting the guards.” 
True enough, her eldest brother is at the far corner of the room, chatting with the officers. 
“Did you pay the bail money?” She asks. 
“What bail money? Come on, Pix, we have to go,” Jason whispers. 
“Jay . . . you just need to bail me out. Give them money. I called Dick to do just that and made him promise to not tell Dad,” she deadpans. 
“Not tell B?” Her brother snorts. “That man will give you a medal even if you killed someone.” 
Okaaaay, I can’t fully deny that, but still! 
“But we have to go. You can’t not be home for the holidays. Just slide between the bars and we’ll sneak you out of here,” Jason coaxes. 
“I’m not that small! I can’t slide between the bars!” She hisses, scowling. 
“Okay, okay. Plan B. I’ll tell Dick to steal the keys.” 
“Jason. Just bail me out of here.” 
Instead of listening, Jason puts two fingers to his earpiece. Marinette’s expression contorts into incredulity. They even brought the earpieces they use as vigilantes?! 
“Zombie to Dickiebird,” Jason reports. “Steal the keys, dickhead.” 
In a somewhat elaborate but discreet routine, the keys were passed between Dick and Jason. The latter grins before freeing Marinette with a click. She frowns but still slips out, ignoring the unimpressed looks of the prisoners in the other cells. 
“Okay, good,” Jason nods. “Let’s go to the getaway car.” 
“Getaway car?!” 
Marinette’s jaw drops at one of the sleek convertibles from the manor waiting at the back door of the station. Tim is at the driver’s seat; Damian is in shotgun, and Duke is in the backseat, munching on fries and offering a takeout burger to her. 
“I can’t believe you permitted this.” She glares at Damian, who she thought would have at least a bit of common sense. 
Instead of making an excuse, Damian reaches from his seat to pat her on the head. “I congratulate you on your first crime, sister.” 
“It’s not even a real crime!” She whines. “I took one of the autopilot cars to get some stuff from the grocery store for Christmas dinner and then I sneezed and accidentally pressed a button to accelerate past the speed limit. And the cops caught me!” 
“A good starting point,” Tim commends. 
Marinette scoffs. “Are you even functional enough to drive?” 
“Trust me, I’ve done worse while high on caffeine.” 
She groans, begrudgingly hopping onto the backseat and munching on the burger furiously. “You guys were just supposed to bail me out and keep it quiet from Dad, not kidnap me!” 
“Oh, we’ve done worse. He’s not gonna be mad at you,” says Duke. “Bruce will be proud.” 
Jason leans back, arms behind his head. “He was the one who told us to get you out of jail.”
@maribat-bdbwm@tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging@iloontjeboontje@thatonecroc@user00000003@paradoxaloccurance@kking13@laydeekrayzee@chaos-inperson@astol07@the-coffee-fandom@nerd-nowandforever@nightmarewasteland@certainmuffinbagelcalzone@the-hospitality-of-knives@stainedglassm@talia-scar123@trying414@starling218@buginetye@ascetic-orange@myazael@child-of-the-clouds@ladythugs@adrestar@therealkotlc@blueneko9314
168 notes · View notes
alyssadeliv · 3 years
The Forgotten One
First      Previous
Chapter 12
They were going to the zoo. Richard had decided that after two months of her living in the Manor it was time to have some family bonding time. It didn’t matter that most of her time in the last months was used to get to know her new extended family or get reacquainted with her old one. 
He was adamant that she needed the full Gothamite experience, so here they were on a Friday afternoon on a crowded metro, listening as the oldest one tried and explained how Metro’s worked to her. He was so happy, gesticulating and smiling, that she didn’t have the heart to tell him that she indeed knew how the metro worked, having lived in Paris for almost two full years.
After Damian, Richard was her favorite sibling, mostly because she had always seen him as a role model, as part of her training had been inspired by him and his trapeze maneuvers, but she did enjoy the warmth that she tended to feel when he was around. He was patient and had no problem explaining pop culture references to her. Not that she didn't enjoy spending time with her other siblings, it was just that Richard went out of his way to make her feel accepted.
Tim was a very busy person, and their interactions were reserved to 3 a.m. coffee hunts. He wasn’t bad, just closed off, and a little wary of her after his first experience with Damian. Not that she could blame him. But she was a bit closer to his girlfriend, Stephanie Brown, who would come to have dinner at the Manor every week. 
And there was Jason. She refused to address him as her brother, that would just be plain weird. After the initial shock of finding each other again had worn out, it had taken a few weeks for them to finally address the elephant in the room. She could tell that he had struggled with the news that she was Bruce’s biological daughter.
“Dick, maybe speed the lecture a bit so we can still get to the zoo before it closes.” Jason was leaning casually against a wall, finding this whole situation funny. He was wearing jeans and his red leather jacket, nothing special, but if she was honest he looked rather handsome. 
“It’s fine Jaybird, I was just wrapping it up!” He says with a smile, just in time for them to catch the next wagon. Because they spent at least 25 minutes listening to Richard’s lesson, the metro had emptied a bit so they were able to find seats. It was just the three of them, the others would meet them there, after being picked up by Alfred, Damian after school, and Timothy after a meeting. 
“So… I know Bruce said not to ask, but I’ve been dying to know…” Richard starts unsure, afraid to cross a line. They were lucky to score seats in the same section, she was seated with Jason by her side, with Richard in front of him facing them both. “But how exactly did you two meet, I mean it was obviously at… Tibet-'' He caught himself before he could out them as members of the League, you never knew who could be listening in their conversation, so better safe than sorry. “- but why do you know Jason, but Damian didn’t?” 
With a glance to the side, she was more than happy to allow Jason to explain that part. In the two months she lived at the Manor she saw how much they wanted to ask about their relationship, but kept their distance. Aside from Damian, they didn’t feel the need to inform the family about their past. 
“Well, Pixie Pop here was the one to train me for the duration of my time in the Temple. Kicked my ass more times than I can count.” He says with a smirk, while casually butting an arm on the back of her seat. “She taught me most of what I know”
“Most of it?” She was indignant, but the smile on her face betrayed her true emotions.
“To be fair B didn’t totally suck as a parent.” She knew that he and Father didn’t have the best relationship after he came back from his time at the League, but according to Damian, it used to be way worse, not that she would know. Richard seems content with their explanation and didn't demand more information, even if he desperately wanted to. He respects their boundaries, and that only makes her like him more.
When they got to the zoo, Damian and Timothy were already there, but surprisingly Stephanie had tagged along, so now she wasn’t the only female in the group anymore, not that she cared, but she liked her brother’s girlfriend so the surprise was appreciated. 
She had never been to the zoo before, just to see the attractions. The times she went to fight an Akuma did not count. It was a bit sad seeing all these animals stuck in a cage, and she could tell her brother felt the same. Damian always had a soft spot for animals, and would not tolerate if they were being mistreated. Not surprisingly, the Waynes made annual donations to the zoo to ensure that all the animals were well taken care of. When she first heard about that she was glad that Father cared about Damian’s interests enough to pay to support every zoo and animal shelter in the city. It helped ease her guilt for abandoning him for two years knowing that now she was not the only one who cared for him.
They spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying the animals. And Dick was glad he chose to go to the zoo as a family bonding experience. When Damian first came into the family he had taken him there, after discovering that his younger brother absolutely adored animals and he was happy to see that Marianne liked it as well.  
Efficient as always, Alfred was already there waiting for them the minute they crossed the exit of the building. As she came to know, the men seemed to have a six sense when it came to all of them. Just by his aura, she could tell he wasn’t someone you wanted to cross, but she could see how much he loved each one of his grandchildren (because she could never kid herself to think of him any less than a Grandfather).
“I assume that today's activities were enjoyable.” The butler asks as he opens the back door of the limo for them. Richard enters first thanking the men.
“It was acceptable” Damian voices, as he too enters the vehicle.  
It was a bit of a ride, seeing that the Manor was almost outside of Gotham, but she didn’t mind. Seated between Richard and Damian she spent most of the journey chatting with everyone. But by the time they arrived at the house everyone was a bit tired, so dinner was a relatively small affair. But not uneventful, because as revenge for Bruce bailing on family day, the boys started sharing with her all the shenanigans of her father’s public persona, Brucie Wayne. It was amusing to see this new side to her father, always so reserved and serious. 
“If you are all finished sharing Master Bruce's embarrassing moments, I believe it is time for patrol.”  Alfred as always came to defuse the situation before it could implode. 
Because she spent most of the last two years fighting almost every single day, she decided that she needed some rest from her hero lifestyle. Even after her father asked if she would like to accompany them on patrols, she decided to turn it down for now. So while her family directed themselves to the cave, she made her way into her suite. 
It was a beautiful room. Although the color scheme wasn’t something she would have picked herself, it fit with the furniture rather nicely, and her artist side appreciated that. The room itself was simple, but the red colors and the dark wood made the room seem cozier than it was. With a double bed with a canopy, two bedside tables, a vanity with a mirror, and a wardrobe, it had everything she needed. Her Father had encouraged her to decorate her room the way she wanted, and she had been tempted to do so, but ultimately decided to wait until she settled into her role as a family member before she went and added more change to the mix. What she had been very close to doing was adding a desk so she could draw and design, but after she discovered that there was a big one in the library just a few doors from her room, she dismissed the idea.  
Quickly she showered and changed into something more comfortable than her street attire, before exiting the room and making her way into the library. It wasn’t as big as the one downstairs, but it had a big balcony that overlooked the gardens, so she liked to just sit in a shadow and sketch away. Damian had been kind enough to spare one of his unused sketchbooks and some pencils, knowing that she liked to draw just as much as he did. She leaned forward into the railing resting her arms and head, but still looking upwards.
The sun had already set, and she was glad that they were far enough away from the city that she could see some stars in the sky. Having lived in Paris, she had really missed all the stars she could see at night from her home on the League. One of her studies had been about the Astros, so she spent a lot of time as a kid contemplating the skies. 
“It’s going to rain soon” A voice comes from behind her. Without having to turn around she knew who it was. A smile appears on her face.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for patrol?” She asks, straightening her body, but still not turning around. She could feel the person getting closer to her until she felt a presence at her side. 
“That’s the whole point. It's gonna rain.” He carries a hint of humor in his tone “And besides I prefer to keep you company, Pretty Girl. Besides, I believe Red Hood deserves one night off. The guy has been working hard.” He jokes.
With a smile she finally faces him. He had showered and changed, and without his red jacket, he looked so relaxed. It reminded her of their time in the League. Like that he looked so much like the angry boy she helped train. So young and while broken, so full of life and fight in him. He smirks at her but turns his face upwards to look at the night. 
“You always did love the stars.” He commented, not looking at her. “It’s sad that here you can't see them as much.” 
“It’s not that bad. In Paris, you couldn't see any. It was sad, but to be fair the whole city more than compensated for that. It’s beautiful there.” She recalled all the times she went on a midnight stroll around the city, just enjoying the architecture. “I could spend eternity drawing all the details in the buildings.” 
“Do you miss it?” He asks, looking at her. His tone is neutral, but by his body language, she can tell he’s anxious for her answer. She had always been good at reading him, and she was glad that their time apart had not changed that. 
“In a way…” 
She sighs.
“I liked the city, but I spent most of my time there fighting and training. Not much different from before. It was like everything changed but was still the same. To be completely honest… I miss our time at the League the most.” She confesses but hurriedly continues. “Don’t get me wrong, it was hard! But still… at the same time…”
“I get it.” He interrupts her. He has a small side smile, and the dimples on his face make her want to freeze this moment and draw him so she could eternalize him. Instead, she gets closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence at her side. He embraces her. Securing her in his arms, her body pressed against his, her head buried in his chest.
It was funny to think that the most capable woman to take care of herself he knew, chose to be vulnerable around him. It made him feel loved.
“I miss it too.” He whispered in her ear. She raises her head, just enough that she can see his face without removing herself from his arms. Staying like this reminds her of all the nights he used to sneak into her chambers. And they would talk and hold each other for hours. It felt like it was just yesterday the first time he got the better of her.
“Focus!” She yelled while landing a kick at his unprotected left side. “You are unbalanced- in three moves I could have you on the ground again” She punched him to his right, but he was able to block her and tried to deliver a punch of his own. His knuckles were bloodied, and he knew that in the morning his ribs would hurt. But at this moment he was high on adrenaline. She dodged. 
They were training for what felt like hours. But both were too stubborn to ask for the fight to end. 
But just as promised, in three more moves he was on the ground. He tried to get back on his feet to continue with the fight but was stopped by a foot on his torso.
“That’s enough.” She helps him to get on his feet. “You were great! You could have overpowered me so many times! I left you so many openings!” She laughs. This was routine for them. After a fight, Marianne was usually so pumped with adrenaline that she spoke at a mile per hour. “We really need to work on your tactics this week. Oh! You also need to improve your stance, you’ve been favoring your right side too much. I know your ribs hurt but you still need to protect your body as a whole.” She comments only stopping to take a large sip of water. “Well, I am spent.”
“You’re spent? I’m the one that has been eating dirt for the whole hour!” He complains indignantly. She tossed a water bottle in his direction, which he grabs and happily finishes in a single gulp.
“Just another reason you need to study more!” She grins. And turns to exit the room, and while walking to the door turns to him again. 
“See you in a bit” She winks. 
When they meet again they are in her room. She’s seated on the bed sketching some view, while Jason sits on the floor sharpening his knife. They chat casually for some time, but ultimately end speaking about their training session earlier. 
“That move would have totally worked!” He exclaims, knife long forgotten he now kneels facing her bed. 
“There’s where you are wrong, you need strength on your fist on both sides to push my torso, otherwise I would easily be able to doge only one. You need two punches at different sides in succession for you to distract your opponent!” She explains in a hurry. Her thoughts jumped around her head. 
“No way! If it’s strong enough, only one is needed!” He argues.
Worked up she threw her notebook to the side, forgotten. In a second she was up, signaling for him to do the same.
“There is no way. Stand there, pretend to be in stance.” She directs, and without a second thought, he complies. “Okay, so I come for your right side first, you are stronger there.” 
Her movements are slowed, as she demonstrates the move. “That’s going to distract you, and keep you focused on your stronger side, leaving your weaker one unprotected.” She shows him where he left an opening for her. “So all I need to do now is strike again, focusing more strength now. Either a punch or a kick would do the trick.” As she goes to demonstrate her point, he grabs the incoming slow punch and pulls her into his body. 
Unprepared she loses her balance, falling into his chest. In a second he secures her with his other arm, keeping her in his embrace. She feels her face burning with embarrassment. He caught her by surprise, and she felt ashamed.
“Hey that wasn't fai-” But he silences her, bringing his face closer to hers and giving her a heated kiss. It lasts for some time, but when they finally separate themselves he has a grin on his face.
“Just to be clear, I knew the move wouldn’t have worked. You just look cute when you're angry.” 
And before she can protest he shuts her up with another kiss.
So this is by far the biggest chapter! Hope ya’ll like it! We finally get the story behind Jason and Marianne. Let me know what you think!
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“You are not hard to love” - Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Something very VERY quick, that I suddenly felt compelled to write, once again in the middle of the night. I didn’t plan on writing it, but here we are. This is for anyone who ever felt like they were “hard to love”. You’re not. You just haven’t found the right person...Anyway, here. For you : 
To be “hard to love” is a character flaw Bruce always felt he had. 
It was actually hard, to exist with this knowledge, no matter how little he tried to make himself feel. Or not feel, for that matter. 
As “Brucie Wayne”, a lot of people liked him, and the rest hated him for being so arrogant and smug. There were no inbetween. 
Many people judged him to be just another idiot with a lot of money. They hated his guts. Or they admired him for his self-confidence. Still thinking, though, that he was a bit of a dunce. 
It was fine. He wanted them to think that of him. To see him for someone he really wasn’t. So it’d blur the line, so they’d never guess who the Batman really was. 
As a result, it was difficult, to love, truly love, “Brucie Wayne”. Then again, he wouldn’t want anyone to love him for what he wasn’t. This public persona of him, would never know real love. It was fine. 
But his real self. His real self. 
Was probably the number one reason Bruce felt he was so hard to love... 
Who would want to put up with this shit ? Who, in their right mind, would want to love a man like him ? Bruce knew himself very well. Unfortunately. 
Sometimes, even him couldn’t stand himself. 
He knew he could be abrasive, arrogant, self-important, cold, too focus on a task at hand to care about anyone’s feelings etc etc...He knew that his real self, the one he showed more with his Batman side, wasn’t very likable. 
He found it hard, to connect to others. It was hard to stay connected anyway, when he was always stuck in his own head. 
He knew himself very well. He did. He knew how he was, and he couldn’t possibly see anyone putting up with it, and loving him. 
He didn't even like himself very much...
Every single time he fell in love, things didn’t end well. Because he’s too high maintenance. Because it’s hard to keep up with him and his moods...even for someone like Selina Kyle. 
Even she, whom he felt understood him more than anyone he met before, got tired of his games. Ah, but she was also too fiercely independent for what he wanted. Mmm...But who was he fooling ? He knew she’d never stay too long with him, not only because she was independent, but because he was too difficult to be with. 
And it hurt. It really did. 
Because deep down, what Bruce really wanted...It’s love. Real love. True love. Unconditional love. As stupid as it might sound, to anyone knowing him. Ah but, if you truly knew him, it all made sense. 
He would never admit it, not even to himself, but his fear of being completely abandoned ran deep. And his want of finding someone who would accept him for who he truly was was even deeper. 
But he was hard to love. 
Who could ever put themselves through the ringer like that, and love someone like Bruce Wayne ? Like...Like Batman ? 
And then...then you came in. 
He still thought he was hard to love. Difficult to be with. 
Your relationship, at that time, was somewhat new. It hadn’t been serious for long. But serious it was, in Bruce’s eyes, at least. 
Ah but he kept thinking he was too hard to love. That you would leave for sure, once you would realize it. His insecurities got the best of him often, even as he tried to ignore them and just enjoy what he had for the time being. 
Up until...
It happened shortly after his first real fight with you. He had one of his “dark day” (which he didn’t have much anymore), where he would be ultra-focus on his Batman work, and be a jerk to any outside distraction. 
Except you would have none of it, as you were trying to tell him something important. And thus, the fight began. 
And he shut down. Put up walls, once again, between him and you. Because that’s what he did. And it made everything worst, of course. 
He couldn’t stand the flood of feelings that came from being too emotional. Angry because of the fight, sad too, and absolutely terrified he might lose you if you guys fought enough for you to realize he’s just...Too hard to love. 
So he suppressed his emotions. As usual. It was much easier for him to give you the silent treatment than go through the pain of talking it out. It was too overwhelming for him, he wasn’t good at the whole “feeling things”. 
He was too afraid he’d say something he would dearly regret. He knew it was healthier, to talk it out. But he just couldn’t. He couldn’t deal with those emotions. And so he shut you out, you got frustrated, and then Dick tried to...
The sweet little boy tried to get you two to talk, to calm down, and Bruce snapped at him. He didn’t meant to. He instantly regretted it. But he did.
Which was the last straw that broke the camel back for you. You told him to “go to hell”, took Dick’s hand (who looked absolutely crestfallen, just remembering his facial expression made Bruce’s heart hurt), and left. 
Bruce felt like this was it. He just ruined the one good thing in his life. 
The one thing that, after years of being stuck in the dark, brought him light. 
You, and his newly adopted son. 
Lights of his life. 
He needed you two. But he understood if you decided to go...He was too hard to love. He would let you go, if it meant you’d be happier (what a fool). 
He was too much, too much. 
For hours, hours and hours, he beat himself down for it. Stuck in his own head once again. Hating himself. 
Sitting alone in front of the batcomputer, barely paying attention to what is scrolling on the screen...Bruce felt like shit. 
Why ? Why did he have to be like that ?
Why couldn’t he...be someone who was easy to love ? Who wasn’t a constant challenge to everyone around him ? 
Yes. That’s it. He was a challenge. A challenge who could’nt-
Footsteps. Taking him out of this darkness spiraling downward and downward. 
And it’s you. You’re right there. Looking at him critically, and he’s sure...
He’s sure you came to break up with him. That he shut you out one too many times. That him being a jerk to little Dickie was too much. That-
He couldn’t. He couldn’t hear you say it. So he cuts you off, with words that made his heart bleed : 
“I know, we’re done.”
“Excuse me ?”
He can’t look at you. Can’t bear it. He turns around, and continues, trying to sound as neutral as possible, trying to not let his voice crack, going right to the point, as fast as possible, so he can keep it up : 
“I went too far. Too many times. You’ve...had enough of me. I understand.” 
“What ?” 
In your voice, he can hear surprise. Ah. You were too nice to realize that one day, it would come to this. That one day, you were doomed to leave him because he was too much. 
You were too...good for him, to him. Too good to realize he knew it all along. 
And so here you were, surprised he figured it out. Surprised he knew, before you told him, that you were leaving him. 
“I know I’m hard to love. I do. And you-”
“Wait wait wait, uh ? You think I’m gonna bail out because you were a jerk ? You think you’re too hard to love ? Oh Bruce...”
There’s a short pause, as if you’re searching for your words. 
He looks up at you, feeling a dash of hope invade his heart. He tries to fight it, but he can’t. Because...Because...Finally, you say : 
“Bruce. When we started this, when it became serious, when I decided to jump in your life and in Dick’s...I knew what I was getting myself into. I know you enough. I know the Batman side of you. I know you have moments you’re just...you’re just too stuck in your own head, and in your pain. I know.” 
You put a soft hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you by raising his head. 
“I know what you think of yourself. And I know what others think of you. You’re arrogant, cold, unforgiving blahblahblah insert many more words saying how difficult it is for you to show your true self and emotions. But...But I also know that’s not all there is to you. I know you, and others, are wrong about you. Too hard on you. I know you.” 
You take a step closer to him, and lay your forehead against his. 
“I know you’re funny, like, seriously hilarious. No one ever made me laugh like you. I know you care, sometimes too much, and it’s why things are so hard for you many times. I know you’re actually a great dad, no matter what you think. I know many admire you, you’re truly amazing. You’re smart, caring, loving...I know that it’s hard for you to open up, to love...but when you do, when you do...You love really hard, Bruce. Fully, intensely, passionately, with your entire being. I never felt so loved, than when you hold me. When you-”
There’s a short pause, and Bruce realizes it’s because you’re blushing and have to regain control of yourself again. It doesn’t surprise him. What you’re saying right now, makes his heart beat a hundred time faster, and he can feel his face burning. 
Only you, ever made him blush so...
You take a deep breath, and say : 
“All my life Bruce. All my life I felt I was hard to love.” 
At this, Bruce can’t help but scoff, and he’s about to say something but you cut him off sternly : 
“I’m not done, mister. As I was saying, my entire life, I too, felt like I was hard to love. But when I met you...When I met you, I realized I felt that way because the people around me always made me feel like that. Always made it sound like it was a chore, to put up with me. That they could love me without making any compromises, while I had to change completely for them. Because I was too “difficult” you know ? Because sometimes, I too would have mood swings, or a need to be alone, or...just things that are not considered normal. That are associated with being hard to love. And I was surrounded with people who made me feel bad about this. Who made me feel like I had to change to be normal, and to finally have love.” 
Your arms snake around his shoulders now, and you hold him tight against your chest, kissing the top of his head. 
“You made me realize, Bruce, my Bruce, that...That I’m not actually hard to love. That I was just surrounded with people who weren’t willing to make the effort for me. Which is fine. No-one has to put up with anything if they don’t want to. But...Nobody is hard to love. They just never found the right person. The one willing to fight for them. It’s what you made me realize.”
He holds you back now. With all his might. What is this stinging feeling in his eyes ? 
“I love you. Unconditionally. I know who you are. And I want to fight for you. I will always fight for you. I’m not promising that I’ll never grow frustrated, and yell at you back, to then storm off. I’m not saying we’ll never fight. I’m just saying...It doesn’t matter. Because I love you. And I’ll always find my way back to you.” 
In your eyes, he can see it, there’s a strong light shining. 
One that proves him you love him. Deeply, and unconditionally. 
One that led him out of a dark pass many times before. 
One that proved...That proved maybe, he wasn’t that hard to love. 
Not when he finally found the right one. 
He couldn’t believe you ever thought YOU were hard to love. Ah. Has anyone in the world ever been as perfect for each other as you two were ?
“I love you.” 
He says. His entire being, all his emotions, poured in those three little words. 
“I love you too Bruce. And believe me, saying those words to you ? It’s very easy.”
His arms around you tightens even more. And then you add : 
“Now that this is out of the way...We can talk more about this later, but for now, there’s more pressing matters at hands. I actually came down here to ask if...if you wanted some ice cream ? Dick and I went out for a little bit, and brought all our favorite. Yours, too. We thought we’d need a “pick-me-up”. All of us. As a family. We’re supposed to go through things together...And ice cream helps, yes ?”
He nods. His throat too tight to say anything. And for the moment, it’s fine. He’ll tell you later. He’ll tell you how much you mean later. If he can’t find the words, he’ll find other ways to show you. 
You know anyway. You know he loves you. Just as strong as you love him. 
He loves you just as you are. You love him just as he is. 
“I love you.”
He whispers, and you smile at him, of this life-changing smile that showed him the light... You peck him on the lips, before taking his hand and walking out of the batcave, to the Manor. 
Where ice cream, and a very sweet little boy eager to raise his dad’s spirit, were waiting. 
Unconditional love. 
Bruce Wayne, wasn’t hard to love. And now, he was surrounded with the right people to make him understand this.
I just have a lot of feelings about Bruce Wayne haha. I just wanted to write a little something. It also stems from my own feelings. I’m sure we all felt at some point, that we were/are impossible to love. That no one will ever put up with our shit...yet there are people unwilling to give up on you, people who make you “better” etc etc. So. Yeah. I wrote this very quickly. Once again, watch me feel too much in the middle of the night haha. Sorry if this isn’t very good, it’s one of those “bonus” story I suddenly think about and write quickly in one sitting. I enjoyed writing it, but I admit it took less effort than most stories. So. Yes. 
If you liked it, don’t hesitate to leave a little feedback and reblog if ya want :). 
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