#but Maleficent does something to me…
Well, I did it
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Megatron - I love his tfp design. Probably one of the best iteration of Megs. He is huge, heavy armoured, his face covered with scars… He doesn’t looks like an ordinary military leader who is only capable of giving orders, but like real warrior who can destroy any enemy with his bare hands.
So, in the WOF version, he definitely shares some features with Princess Burn, not only because of his might, but also because of his horns shape and dirty-dark scales (that absorbed blood of his enemies)
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Starscream - Boy, I hate him so much 🤣… but in the good way, trust me! In my opinion, when the show's creators make you feel such strong negative emotions towards a villain, it means they've done a great job. Also, I think that his animation in the show was absolutely incredible, because even though he's a 3D model, he still manages to move like a 2D character, which is amazing!
I feel that in my design he still looks more like a skywing, than an icewing (which is kinda logical)
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Soundwave - This one was tricky. I couldn't figure out what his mask would look like, so I just made his face a really dark color. I think Soundwave has both gifts of the nightwings, and he’s equally great at telepathy and a future vision. So he doesn't really need equipment to predict enemy movements, which makes him an ideal communicator in the WOF setting. His Laserbeak is part of the armor enchanted by Shockwave, and it might also allow him to open portals (but I'm not sure with this one)
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Shockwave - My favourite evil genius. He would definitely have animus magic and mind reading. I think Shockwave is the only one who has advanced the study of magic so far, precisely because he combined it with scientific knowledge and created safer methods of using it, that don't damage the mind. It's like if a Mastermind got animus magic in books.
I also like to think that he didn't heal the damaged part of his face just so that his enemies would fear him more)
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Dreadwing - This man deserved better! It's really a shame that he was removed from the show so quickly due to financial problems. It would be great if his arc got a proper conclusion in season 3.
Considering that I didn't want to make him a hybrid, it was difficult to choose a suitable color palette. So let’s just say, that I tried my best😅
I don’t think that he would have any nightwing powers, but honestly it doesn’t even matter - this guy can make a bombs, what else does he need to be cool
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Arachnid - Did anyone even doubt that she would be a hivewing? Damn, she even got her own “Othermind” virus. Her design was the easiest to work with - just a little poisonous ass (suspiciously similar to Maleficent).
Just like Starscream, I hate her, but in a good way. She's one of the creepiest characters in the entire series, who’s acting like a fucking heartless monster, especially with Arcee, but even so, there's always was something mesmerizing about her. I just really like strong female villains
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Knockout - Wery bright and charismatic guy, definitely one of my fav cons!
I tried to draw him as handsome as possible. Worked a lot on the face shape and coloring, and as for me it turned out pretty nice (finally).
Most decepticons think Knockout is as stupid and lazy as all the other rainwings. And it's not like he completely disagrees with that. Of course he’s not stupid and lazy, but if it’s means less dirty work on the battlefield, well, he’ll continue act like a tipical rainwing
(I also believe that Megatron keeps him as an “art”)
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Breakdown - Fun fact: "Operation Breakdown" was the very first thing I saw in this series. And it was an interesting experience for 8 year old me. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of eye gouging scenes in movies now…
I think that he didn't have any siblings initially due to his parents nature, and even after meeting Bulkhead, he felt uncomfortable among the other mudwings. And this is why he later chose the side of the decepticons. And maaaaybe because of one cute rainwing influence)
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I think that, being mostly nightwings and icewings, the decepticons are much more concerned about purity of their blood and rarely accept half-breeds into their ranks.
During the war, there were many animus dragons among decepticons, which is why they have so many artifacts that allowed teleportation and communication at a distance. But, honestly, I still can't imagine what Nemesis would look like in this AU
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w4w4lycsss · 2 months
summary: just some innocent headcanons, i was thinking if this has support i could make one nsfw...just saying! pairing: James Hook x male!prince!reader! a/n: I'm active again! Who miss me?
Open orders!
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− He is very respectful, maybe more than you would expect from a pirate
− he would understand that a no is a no
− is very intense, both in passion and in being annoying and always wanting to joke with you
− I'm going to be honest, he's not the best at listening, not because he's bad, but because he'd have a hard time finding the right words to give you an answer
− Still, he'd be willing to listen to you if you don't mind not getting an answer
− (he does the best he can)
− He supports you in everything and covers you, sometimes he would betray you in front of his friends to laugh for a while, but never in front of a teacher
− he NEEDS Uliana's approval, in case she does not accept you forget about him
− I'm sorry, but he wouldn't like the PDA as such, he feels it's better to keep everything private.
− he keeps his relationship private, not secret
− he wouldn't hesitate to make you a jealous scene in front of the whole school just because they started flirting with his prince
− the whole school knows you have a boyfriend
− they stopped flirting with you at the first sign of possession that he would demonstrate without a filter
− Let's not cover the sun with a finger, it is the definition of "walk like a dog" no matter how much he want to hide it 🤷
− if you're friends with Bridget he'd (temporarily) stop bothering her, at least not so hard
− (he would never admit it to his friends)
− If you put on makeup, he would be happy if you put on him makeup, especially if you help him with eye shadow and paint his nails
− (he's a pirate, he has a very bad pulse)
− If you are an artist he would love to be in your works, whether they are drawings, poems or songs, he would show it to everyone
− He's going to introduce you to all his friends, if you get along with Morgie or Maleficent you're going to have him at your feet
− if you are afraid of the water he will feel a little disappointed because he would like to take you with him to Neverland on vacation on his boat
− on the other hand, if you like water he would plan a lot of trips together
− he would give you jewelry whenever he have the opportunity
− (all are stolen)
− likes to press you against the wall to kiss you passionately
− He doesn't know how to hide hickeys, if you ever make one and ask him about him he would turn red and start stuttering
− likes physical contact, quite
− He holds your hand when you walk down the halls, puts his arm around your shoulders or on your waist and greets you with a kiss
− maybe he likes just a little of PDA
− You tell him that you like something you saw in a store, he will remember it and give it to you
− (he will steal it just for you)
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trust-goes-both-ways · 2 months
I rewrote Descendants: The Rise of Red. Tell me what you think
Songs are in bold, names are not correct
Open on Uma informing us she’ll be reaching out to other lands for their children
They still have the Carlos bit but now it'll pay off
Introduce us to Red in Wonderland being absolute chaos
RED song
Establish Maddox as the son of Mad Hatter and he’s the cool older brother/tutor. He shows her the timepiece but not as a gift more as a plan to understand history.
Also give Jack of Diamonds something else to do, PLEASE
They receive the invitation and the QoH surprises everyone by letting her go
When packing Red reveals she stole the time piece, the voice over about the dangers of changing the past plays but she still pockets it
Chloe’s character- still cute and naive with a belief that love is the most important thing because love and being a good person changed her mom’s life. Shethinks love conquers all and is very by the book because Cinderella always did as she was told and believes it was her good attitude and perseverance that helped
Love Aint It is the same but without the stupid assembled voices
Queen still takes over, Red and Chloe still accidentally travel back in time
They still have a fight song but a better one
Better fight song
They still meet Merlin, still pretend to be transfer students. 
They go to class and meet Bridget and Ella. 
Bridget is so kind and sweet and accepting
Ella is still hard working but cautious towards all royals, because her stepsisters are friends with the royals
At Merlin Academy, there’s a tradition of playing pranks that leads into social acceptance
Prank is played on Aladdin (who transferred in the year before, pretending to be a Prince when he wasn’t but he and Jasmine fell in love anyway) symbolizing his acceptance into MA social scene
CRUELLA  is now the main villain kid. Dara Renee can still play her. 
Life is Sweeter song plays, goth kids are introduced, and establishes Cruella as the mean girl because she feels like she has a lot to prove since she doesn’t have powers or a thing, just a desire to rule the fashion world. 
LIFE IS SWEETER, mostly the same but with different characters and dancing
She adheres to a strict code of modern, sleek fashion and she hates Bridget for her Wonderland style and Ella for her shabby-chic look
Gets embarrassed (maybe her outfit is ruined) and vows revenge
Red and Chloes visit Ella and that part goes mostly the same
Chloe breaking the vase gets Ella grounded from Crowncoming
They still travel to the goth kids hangout and discover Cruella has enlisted Morgie and Maleficent to come up with a way to humiliate Bridget
They still go to Bridget's room
Shuffle of love bc why not
Red looks in the looking glass and still sees the dark princess future
Chloe doesn't see anything bc she's accidentally erased herself so now they have two missions
Red pockets the Looking glass so they can keep checking in on the future
The two still fight about what to do next, with Chloe insisting her parents would want her to be a rule-following person and Red telling her goodness without action is nothing
Chloes goes back to Ellas and they have essentially the same talk where Chloe realizes her goodness isn’t all-inclusive
They still have a break in, Red using her epic heisting skills
They confront the goth kids and stop them in much the same way 
After they steal the book, they still have to get Ella to Crowncoming
Red, Chloe, and Bridget convince Fay she needs to help them get Ella to Crowncoming, all 5 of them get gorgeous dresses
Ella and Charming still dance because he does something to prove he's a good guy
Crowncoming happens, all goes well then BOOM, Bridget still gets pranked/turned into monster as her ‘acceptance into the cool kids club’ prank but she’s too humiliated to care
Red goes after Bridget to convince her its okay. She tells her the anger she's feeling will fester and grow and she’ll become something she hates
Chloe has to go get Ella to go help her friend. She realizes her parents will have to earn their love like everyone else bc true love doesn't just come easy, and if it’s meant to be one dance shouldnt change anything
Red forces Bridget to look in the looking glass, showing her both of their futures. Bridget is confused and horrified
The four of them end up using the watch to go back to the (unchanged) future
Bridget has to confront the QoH and reminds her why she used to be kind and that it didn't make them popular but it got them Ella
Ella confronts Cinderella about how could you let your friend go even for love
Uma talks about her friend Carlos, and how he believed it was never too late to change, and even though his mom spent her life pursuing fame and style above everything, he still believed with patience and understanding she could be good. After he died Cruella realized no amount of fame mattered as much as him and asked Uma to expand the VK program in his honor
Red and QoH make up AS THEMSELVES. QoH tells Red she loves her and everything she’s done has been out of fear of her being hurt like she was.
Sends Ella and Bridget back and we have a BIG transformation
End with a real song and dance number about new beginnings
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motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
Book Bellatrix is (part one):
Very tall. Taller than all three of the trio according to Harry when Hermione uses polyjuice to turn into her.
Quick. She’s able to stun four snatchers at once even when they’re in an uproar against her. They all ‘fell where they stood’ suggesting they didn’t even have time to stop her. Greyback is also restricted before he can even try to stop her and bound and kneeling at her feet.
Still very attractive after Azkaban again according to Harry despite that she makes his stomach lurch every time he looks at her.
Has ‘very long rippling black hair’ that’s not curly. It’s still rippling but now it’s become slightly coarse rather than silken and shiny like it was before Azkaban.
Bloodthirstier. She interrogates Griphook and when she’s satisfied with his answer she casually flicks her wand to cut him deep in the face then doesn’t even look back at him as he falls to his knees and screams in agony.
Thin. Not gaunt looking like she was right after her release from Azkaban but that’s part of why she’s so intimidating. She’s tall and thin.
Violent. She hit Ron across the face (just to get him to shut up) so hard his mouth was filled with blood and the sound was so loud it echoed around the room. She’s so violent it seems second nature.
Low (almost sultry) and disdainful in her baritone / voice. I always read her lines in Angelina’s Maleficent voice.
Not thin lipped! Just puts her lips into a line or purses her lips from time to time.
Feared and revered even amongst the goblins of gringots who ‘do not get involved in wizarding issues’.
Has an outright ‘malevolent aura’. So much so she’s never questioned or affronted. All along Diagon alley people were quickly stealing away from her to hide, too terrified of her to stick around.
Known to be closest to Voldemort even in public and non-pureblood circles.
Terrifying. She’s described as ‘frightening, mad’ when she’s screaming orders — so much so even her own sister who had been reluctant to do as she wants does so anyway. Even Fenrir Greyback is scared of her. When she finally releases him he ‘appeared too weary to approach her’ and would rather ‘prowl behind an armchair’ than get too close to Bellatrix.
Physically strong. Certainly strong enough to drag Hermione by her hair into the middle of the room. Strong enough to throw off Lucius’ attempt to grasp her and capture him herself in her grasp.
Ruthless. ‘If she dies under questioning, I’ll take you next. Blood traitor is next to mudblood in my book.’ Something she tells Ron after she’s hit him. She’s also incredibly calm when she’s being violent or hurting people. She doesn’t think twice on it.
A natural leader. She takes charge in most situations. She gives orders easily and she doesn’t care who she’s giving them to. She tells Draco to ‘move this scum outside. If you haven’t got the guts to finish them then leave them in the courtyard for me.’ When indicating to the snatchers she left unconscious.
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wonderlandcrown · 11 months
Well That's a Big Cat
Hello everyone I'm very much alive, just been extra busy w/ school lately and been getting too much sleep
There's been a lot of chimera/overblot Grim on my dash lately so I'd like to contribute : Chimera Grim's Design
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So starting off, Grim has a ring of blue fire surrounding his neck, much like a lion and its mane, this could either reference the chimera, or it could be referencing the King of Beasts - Scar.
Also it's interesting how the Shroudbros and Grim both have blue fire, with the Shroud family curse being that they burn away blot and how Grim has an addiction? to eating the left over Overblot stones (and seems fine after eating it) I remember seeing a theory about how Grim might've been the monster that killed Ortho, (given how Grim doesn't remember much about his childhood) Forgetting about your childhood is a actually also a sign for childhood trauma, no idea if it applies to cat-monsters though. .u.
Also, see those tentacles behind the mane? Does it remind you of someone? Our favourite octo-capitalist perphaps?
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Ah yes, the snake tail. Again, this could either be referencing the chimera or the snake in the Scarabia icon. (both maybe?)
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Dragon wings!!! The chimera doesn't reference dragon wings so this is definitely referencing Malleus' dragon-fae lineage. Interestingly, I don't see any references to OB! Riddle or Vil, those two could be harder to reference since they don't have a clear "animal" motif, I would appreciate it if anyone notices anything lol.
But we're still missing the goat, the chimera has a "goat protruding from it's back" but I don't see it anywhere on Grim (again, if you notice something or know someone who is better than analysing stuff pls tag me ToT)
@prince-kallisto has posted about how Twst has LOADS of religious symbolism(specifically Christian symbolism), so check them out for a clearer analysis on the stuff I'm abt to say. Goats are a symbol of Satan/The Devil in Christian mythology, and given how Maleficent(a dragon) herself has demonic symbolism the dragon wings on Grim's back could symbolise the "goat protruding from it's back".
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blowingoffsteam2 · 6 months
Kingdom Key D and Sora's Heart
Gonna paste some thoughts about Kingdom Key D that struck me last night:
Ok so on the topic of KKD being Sora’s true keyblade aka the one made from his heart (as KKL is made from Riku’s) it just struck me that in kh3 Mickey tells Yen Sid that his keyblade-kkd- was damaged in the realm of darkness along with Way to Dawn breaking in half.
Now we already know the theory that Way to Dawn actually broke during Riku’s sacrifice in the first unseen timeline, lining up with the “drop point” when Riku gets swallowed up by the demon tide in the RoD… but if kkd is made of Sora’s heart and what I suspect about Sora’s heart breaking or being damaged in some way during Riku’s sacrifice in the first timeline…That would perfectly explain why kkd randomly gets “damaged” despite them not even showing it to us and quickly glossing over it!
Think about it. Before kh3 we never even knew keyblades getting broken or damaged was a possibility- because keyblades are extensions of a person’s heart not a truly “physical” object. The only other time we’ve seen a keyblade actually be broken was in recoded when Maleficent breaks data Sora’s keyblade. And the ONLY reason she is able to do this, as explained, is because that keyblade was just a data imitation, it wasn’t tied to a real heart. Until Data Sora gets a heart of his own.
Keyblades don’t just break or get damaged because they get hit by a strong heartless. Sora and Riku have faced stronger enemies that small demon tide plenty of times. No. Keyblades only become damaged if the heart they are extension of become damaged. That has to be it.
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The way Mickey says this and it’s just completely glossed over. Why would they even bother having KKD getting damaged and replaced when it’s an iconic keyblade and they don’t even SHOW the damage. It makes no sense... unless it’s planting a seed. Something to come back to with new context. Rather than getting a full replacement Mickey seemingly fuses KKD with Star Seeker, his bbs keyblade, in order to repair it.
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This is also the first time we’ve seen this type of fusion of keyblades, again with zero explanation or showing it happening on screen. Star Seeker also happens to be the keyblade Sora gets with his first drive form, Valor form…
The fusion keyblade is called Star Cluster, and also apparently in jp it is “Kingdom Key W” (what does the W stand for??) The Star/Galaxy aesthetic also reminds me of that starry space in ReMind where Sora connects constellations…
Other things:
Apparently in Japanese the letter W is very commonly used as an idiogram for "Double" or "Two". This would make sense for a fusion keyblade like Kingdom Key W. Other ideas that were suggested: W for Waking, W for the "Win" timeline (as the previous timeline was fated to be lost to darkness). It's possible it has multiple meanings.
2. “Only King Mickey can open a door to the realm of darkness. It’s because he has a special Keyblade of Darkness. He figured out how to make it open the way.”
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As stated in the kh3 glossary there are only three ways to enter the realm of darkness voluntarily: Beings of darkness have the power to open paths to it, a special keyblade of darkness (of which I believe KKD is the only known example- Nomura has explained that it doesn't mean that the keyblade's nature is dark or evil, only that it's a key that works on doors to/from the RoD), and the power of waking (which Sora uses to reach Riku).
I just think it's interesting if KKD is made from Sora's heart it just so happens to be this special keyblade of darkness. It's a complete mystery as to why KKD was just sitting there on the dark side of Destiny Islands. Mickey seems to know that it's a counterpart to KKL and that it would appear where KKL appeared....but how did he know that? What does it mean? Another interesting connection- during the fall of Destiny Islands notice how the door from Sora's dive to the heart appears in front of the Secret Place, and how the door within the cave only blasts wide open when Sora gets near.
Anyway, I've always thought KKD getting damaged was wierd and suspected it had something to do with what happened in the first timeline but assumed it had to do with Mickey's heart getting damaged somehow. But this makes so much more sense to me- after all we know KKD isn't made from Mickey's heart, it was just a keyblade he found. For both Way to Dawn and KKD to have become damaged as a result of Riku's sacrifice, due to whatever happened to Sora and Riku's hearts....it just makes sense. Sora's heart was damaged, so of course the keyblade made from him would be too.
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Bridget x fem! Oc
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"Hecate! Get back here." Uliana called out to the witch, who send a last sneer to Bridget and Ella, and then quickly followed after Uliana.
"Stupid Bridget." She grumbled as she joined her friends, who were all exchanging glances, all but Uliana, of course.
"Mh, valentine's day is coming up, you two gonna do anything?" Hades asked Morgie and Hook, who looked at each other and shrugged.
"Probably, you?"
"-stop this nonsensical blabbering! She just publicly humiliated me!" Uliana snapped, Hecate nodding along, towering over most of the group.
"So...? What do you want to do about it?" Maleficent gestured for her to come up with something, looking incredibly bored.
"My god, let's go babe." The two left the rest, probably to go make out and scare first years.
"I have homework..." They frowned at her, "I still want a fucking future!" Hecate threw her hands up as she walked away, Morgie and hook whistling after her to tease her.
"Go buff boss lady!"
"Morgs, she's not the boss lady."
"Go buff lady!"
"Don't you dare show your face around here again." Hecate almost growled out, staring down at a boy who was trembling so bad she thought he might faint.
"God fucking damn it." She gritted her teeth as she picked up the love letter from the boy, quickly tearing it to shreds before anyone could see the name on it.
"Oh... hi Hecate!" Bridget had trued going to her locker, but Hecate was standing in front of it, little snippets of pink laper in her hands.
"Mh?" She arched an eyebrow, looking down at Bridget with narrowed eyes.
"What." Bridget smiled at her, producing one of the macaroons she had made out of nowhere.
"I made macaroons this morning! Would you like one?" She bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Bridget bite at her bottom lip.
"No." She watched as her face fell, this was good.
"Oh... um- okay, bye then?" Bridget still smiled at her, and Hecate stalked off, shoving the boy who tried to put the letter in a locker down harshly, glaring around, this was a warning.
"Wassup fuckers." Hecate grinned madly as she appeared amidst her friendgroup, half of the homosexuals were making out.
"Hi Hecate, one question, let's go ruin Valentines." Hecate shrugged at the not-question, following Uliana as she slammed lockers closed in front of faces.
"Hello." Hecate appeared behind a boy, who was lurking near someone's locker with a red note.
"Let's see shall we? Dear Br-." It burned in her hand, ashes falling down as she slammed her hand into the locker he was about to wiggle it into.
"Huh, I thought I made it clear that nobody-!"
"Oh my gosh! Hecate! Why did you do that?!" Bridget rushed in, and Hecate's hand quickly disconnected from the locker, looking at the princess with a frown.
"Your fist! And my locker..." Her eyes widened, prying open the locker and flattening out the dent from the inside before slamming it closed again.
"What locker." She harshly spat out, Uliana had long left her alone to her shenanigans.
"Your fist! Does it hurt-?"
"No! Stop asking if anything hurts' why do you fare so much! Ugh!" She quickly stormed away, dragging the boy with and pressing his face against the lockers as she walked.
Bridget stood in silence for a second, then slowly opened her locker, still looking down the corridor where Hecate left in hopes she'd turn back around.
"Nothing. Again." She sighed, looking through her books for the book she had to put in.
"Oh! I guess I didn't see it!" She giggled, carefully licking up the pink paper, leaning with her shoulder against another locker as she read it.
Darkening your doorstep, I stand before you.
Darkening your doorstep, I kneel for you.
Darkening your doorstep, I hereby request.
Darkening your doorstep, your forgiveness is not earned, yet.
She sighed, rolling her eyes fondly, it was the same sort of poem she'd been getting for the oast year.
"How sweet, secret admirer hits again?" Ella scared her, reading over her shoulder.
"Oh my-! Don't scare me like that Ella! But yes, he's been doing this for a year now, I wonder when that forgiveness he speaks of will come soon." Ella hummed.
"Yeah, no boy writes like that, that girl is gay and a hopeless romantic." She theorised, Bridget slapping her arm.
"Don't be like that!"
"I just don't know what's going on, I just... I hate her and her sweets and everything about her! But I can't have anyone else have her, which is stupid and dumb, I don't even like her."
"No, you love herrrrr!" Morgie smirked at her, using his hyper flexibility to twist his spine and circle his entire body around Hecate's torso.
"Also this is getting creepy, Hook!" The captain poked his head up from where he was laying, rolling his eyes.
"Come here darling!" Morgie unwrapped himself from Hecate, who was rambling about her problems to Maleficent, the only one who really couldn't give a lesser fuck.
"Just fuck her, see if you like it, if you don't, you hate her, if you do... well then you might have some issues to sort out with Uliana." She shrugged, playing around with her hair as she used Hades as a chair.
"Exactly what she said." The god, who was laying down with her on his back, agreed.
"M'kay... i'm not doing that, Uli?" The sea witch groaned, rolling over from where she was trying to sleep.
"Shut up, just go ask her out or something, or write her another one of your poems." Hecate stuttered as she tried to find an answer, looking around to see if they all knew.
"Allow me to step closer as I scream, cry, and beg, scream for the lives i've lost trying to find you, Cry for the time spend without you, and Beg to spend just a mere second more with you'- one of my favourites, honestly, I had to write it down to remember, also, i'm stealing it in like a year." Morgie held up a paper, laying across Hook with a smile.
"It is pretty spectacular." The pirate shrugged, winking at Hecate. "Go over there and just fuck her, prove how amazing you are in bed and you shall see! The doors open before thee!" He mocked the posh royalty, changing his accent.
"Why did I even ask if all you guys think about is sex."
"I don't"
"Uliana, I say this with all respect, but you don't even feel attraction towards anyone."
Hecate fidgeted with her rings as she waited for the door to be opened, standing in front of the girl's doors was so much more nerve wrecking than beating people up for asking her out.
"Oh- Hi Hecate, anything you need?" Bridget had opened the door, and Hecate contemplated if she should just take Hook's advice.
"Yeah-!" She coughed as her voice cracked, straightening up and leaning against the doorpost to aat least try seem cooler and more collected.
"I just wanted to ask you out on a date tomorrow, y'know, with it being valentines and all." WHY DIDN'T I SPEAK LIKE I WRITE??? SHE'D AT LEAST KNOW THAT'S ME!!!!!
"Like... romantically?" I should dash now that I still can.
"Yeah, romantically, seems totes cool right?" NOBODY SAYS THAT AND IT'S NOT COOL!!!
"Yes! Of course i'll go on a date with you!"
I'm sorry for darkening your doorstep, I just had to say, a single second spend with you is worth more than a thousand sun filled days.
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malleleothreesome · 26 days
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August 30th is my birthday!
🤍 Platinum Jacket Erica 🤍
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When summoned: "We're going to some fancy museum? Wow! So cool! Bring out the free champagne and hors d'oeuvres! ...they don't do that here? Damn..."
Summon line: "I'm just glad for the opportunity to wear something truly beautiful. I used to love to dress up in my home world. Thank The Seven Crowley didn't 'accidentally' leave me on campus this time."
Groooovy!!: "When I was a kid, I was never one of those girls who wanted to grow up to be a Princess, because I thought all they did was sit around and do nothing. Here in Twisted Wonderland, I've come to realize there's a lot more to being royalty than I initially thought. Unless you're Leona."
Home: "100 year anniversary? *Squints eyes* Does that mean... Twisted Wonderland experiences a similar passage of time to my home world?"
Home Idle 1: "If Grim does something to mess up one of these paintings, or if he knocks something over, I don't think I'll ever live it down..."
Home Idle 2: "I love just following Riddle around... he's so knowledgeable about everything, it's like having my own personal tour guide!"
Home Idle 3: "Every time I see a painting of Maleficent I have to stop myself from saying, 'Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.' Would that get me smited on the spot? Or do you think she'd take me in as her daughter like in the live action movie? ...what live action movie? Oh, nevermind..."
Home Idle - Login: "So this is The Land of Dawning. I'm always so excited to visit new locations outside of Sage Island! I hope I can travel this entire world before I have to go back to my home world."
Home Idle - Groovy: "Where's Malleus? I think he'd really like this painting! Don't tell me... oh, no... he's trying to get some champagne and hors d'oeuvres..."
Home Tap 1: "I'm trying not to let this fancy outfit get to my head, but damn, I look good... this must be how Vil feels on the red carpet!"
Home Tap 2: "The Queen of Hearts is really scar– I mean, cool. Really cool. Utmost respect. I'm bowing down. Please, don't take my head."
Home Tap 3: "Tweedledee and Tweedledum, I mean Ace and Deuce, are actually being pretty respectful in here. For once."
Home Tap 4: "If The King of Beasts could earn respect in Twisted Wonderland, I hope that means that Leona can, too. I want him to realize he has what it takes to make a difference in this world."
Home Tap 5: "Whoever painted these is really talented. I love looking at the fine details. It's amazing what people can accomplish with only their hands. It makes me feel a bit better about being magicless."
Home Tap - Groovy: "Since this is a museum, they gotta have a gift shop, right? I love looking at the gift shop! Can we go, please?"
Duo: [ERICA]: A battle?! Aaaa, I'm so unprepared for this! *Fists in the air even though she has no idea how to fight* Let's fuck shit up! [LEONA]: Grrr... Quit your whining and just get behind me already! You're doin' more harm than good, Sweetheart.
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For the paintings, I wanted to showcase two of my favorite locations in my home world ;) When I think of what Disney represents to me, these are the two places I think of!
Yuusona art is from @hhyeart, template is from @thoselethalarts here.
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jupiterisaroace · 24 days
Is Captain Hook dead in Descendants?
Not Hook in Rise of Red of course but I mean in the other ones.
We know that in Peter Pan he gets eaten by the clockodile but is that canon in Descendants? I know there are a lot of people that should be dead in Descendants but aren’t. All I can think of right now is that Mother Gothel should’ve been dead but had Ginny Gothel so maybe Hook isn’t dead?
I know in the first book it talked about how Maleficent remembered being killed by prince Phillip but she then woke up from her death & ended up on The Isle so maybe that happened to Hook too?
I also remember in the first book when it was talking about Evie’s party it mentioned Hook in it saying, “-and for old times’ sake, Captain Hook bravely stuck his head between Tick-Tock’s open jaws, if only so he could make her laugh and hear that lovely peal again.” so does that mean he’s still alive?
But that makes me confused on Harry’s attachment to his hook. I always assumed it was his dad’s hook (or one of his old hooks) & if Hook died then that’d make more sense why Harry would literally jump into water with killer sharks just to save his hook. I mean, yes, he could just like his hook as well but personally I wouldn’t jump into that kind of water for some common accessory I love unless it was given to me by someone.
That makes me wonder if Hook gave Harry a hook but Hook never died? Like, it would’ve been a gift from Hook & Harry probably wants to be like his father so having something like that would mean so much to him?
It’s confusing meeee😭
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“red flowers”: fae, vargas camp 2, and glorious masquerade
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So in 2-2, the pixies of the forest are trying to put out the campfires. The boys then talk about how there was a miner's campfire a while back that caused a forest fire, which naturally spooked the local fairies. AND THEN VIL GOES AND DROPS THIS DOOZIE OF A LINE:
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EXCUSE ME, VI L SIR??????? ?? ? ???? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Did you just say RED FLOWERS? Is that not similar to the CRIMSON FLOWERS/LOTUSES that ROLLO tried to use to establish a magicless Twisted Wonderland in Glorious Masquerade?!
ADDENDUM: I learned recently (very shortly after this post went live, actually!) that the “red flowers” may also be a reference to what the animals in the live action Jungle Book call fires. I’m not personally familiar with this film, so I’ll be running with the crimson lotus/Glorious Masquerade connection for the duration of this post!!
Looking at how the phrases are written in Japanese, they use the term 赤い花 ("akai no hana"/red flower) in Vargas Camp and 紅蓮の花 ("guren no hana"/crimson lotus flower) in Glorious Masquerade. Crimson is basically a specific kind of red, and lotus is just a certain type of flower. Even more damning is that fact that in 3-8 of Glorious Masquerade, Malleus EXPLICITLY describes the spreading crimson flowers as having "a brilliance like that of fire". You can see from images of the crimson lotus that they do, indeed, seem to glow like fire.
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If you look at the real life timeline of these events releasing, it also coincidentally lines up!! Like, the original release of Vargas Camp 2 (for JP server) was in mid to late SEPTEMBER 2022. Then Glorious Masquerade would come out mid to late OCTOBER 2022. Vargas Camp 2 was literally the new story event that came out RIGHT BEFORE Glorious Masquerade... WAS THIS FORESHADOWING??????????????? And even more importantly than that... What does this mean for fae??????
One could call "red flowers" just a poetic way for the pixies to label something they don't understand. But what's confusing is that there are clearly also fire pixies living in the forest; we see several of them in Vargas Camp attacking the students. It's not as though the fairies are unfamiliar with fire itself, so why not just call the campfires 'fires'?? What if... (and stick with me here) the pixies named the campfires thus because it's potentially a reference to something far deadlier (than even the forest fire) that they experienced or heard of in their history? In the time period of ~400 years ago shown to us in book 7, we learn that human invaders drove fae out of their homes and began mining their land for resources. This, more specifically, impacts the Briar Country up north, who are fighting against humans that arm themselves with iron (something which appears to repulse the fae). These humans are also known to use deceptive tactics, such as distracting the messenger team of Lilia and co. while they launch an assault on Mallenoa's castle, where she and her unborn son are. So... what's to say they wouldn't resort to other underhanded means as well? Mean such as... utilizing a flower known to suck out the magic from living beings :))) like maybe the... crimson lotus, perhaps?
In Glorious Masquerade, we learn that the crimson lotus has been extinct for a long time now. They were destroyed by humans centuries ago because of how dangerous they were to mages. We don't have an exact number of years, but "centuries" is enough to land it in the rough ballpark of the human-fae war. Malleus himself, who is canonically 178 years old, didn't even recognize the flowers at first (as very few records of them exist in modern times); this could imply that the crimson flowers were around before he was born, which further supports that they were present during the war era.
What's more, if we look at Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (ie the second live action Maleficent movie), we see a VERY strong parallel to the crimson lotus flower. In the film, we are introduced to the Tomb Bloom, a flower that just so happens to also be red and glows a little like fire.
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Tomb Blooms are said to grow on the graves of fairies, and, when mixed with iron, creates "red dust". This red dust is considered deadly to fairies upon contact--and in the film, a fairy-hating queen lures a bunch of fae into a wedding venue to eliminate them en masse with the stuff. The crimson lotus flowers of TWST, meanwhile, are deadly on their own, draining the magic out of any magical being they touch (and permanently depriving them of magic once all the magic has been taken out of someone). For fae, who rely on magic for basically everything (travel, cooking etc.), it would be a miserable existence symbolically synonymous with death.
(Side note: in hindsight, this somewhat explains why Malleus is part of the Glorious Masquerade SSR trio. If the crimson lotus flowers were, in actuality, inspired by the Tomb Blooms (something which was weaponized against Maleficent and her kind), then it just makes so much sense for the antagonist of the event, Rollo, to utilize similar plants against Malleus, who is twisted from the Mistress of Evil herself.)
OKAY, now knowing all of that, here's what I propose as a possible timeline of events if we consider all of what I just said: ~400 years ago, crimson lotuses were plentiful. When the human-fae conflict escalated, the human side decided to play dirty to eliminate those pesky fae--because even the great Draconias would be susceptible to the magic-leeching properties of the flower. However, they discovered, upon repeated experimentation, that the flower could also harm their own mages, so they had to reformulate. Maybe this was when they learned that they could combine iron with the powdered lotus (increased surface area, and therefore also increased potency) to create something even more deadly to fae (like in Maleficent 2). Alternatively, this could contribute for the reasoning for the iron armor they wear in battle; iron repulses fae, but it could also protect them from the crimson lotus flowers due to how much of the skin it covers. For example, the Dawn Knight is said to wear a helmet that completely cover the face, and many Silver Owl NPCs do the same. There is little skin visible, unlike the armor of the Briar Country fae. But anyway, the point is that, some way or another, the humans abused the crimson lotus during this time. Once the war concluded (or in the period of reconstruction that followed), fae and humans came to an agreement to destroy all the lotuses as a part of their peace treaty/negotiations, agreeing that it was mutually beneficial to all magical creatures and mages. Humans were mainly responsible for this extinction, as there was a larger population of them that were magicless and could therefore handle the flowers without consequences. Because of the war engulfing an entire continent, fae in other parts of Twisted Wonderland would have heard about the events, fae migrated out of Briar Country to get away from the conflict, OR the conflict itself was a Twisted Wonderland-wide issue, not just contained within Briar Country. Any one of these could explain why eventually pixies on Sage's Island, in the Silent Woods (where the boys went camping), would know of the calamity caused by the crimson lotuses of the past. When they come across wild campfires, the pixies may be frightened by them due to their resemblance to the crimson lotuses and the trauma associated with war because it's human outsiders that are invading their home and propagating these 'fires'... the same situation as the human-fae war. There was the literal manmade forest fire that was far more recent, yes--but again, this doesn't fully explain why the pixies, who should be familiar with fire, would call it a "red flower" instead of just 'fire'. The association with "red flowers" being dangerous may be a result of what they recall from the war--that crimson flower which sapped away their strength and robbed them of their magic. Then, in modern day, we have Rollo somehow stumbling across seeds and breeding crimson lotuses of his own in secret for his own nefarious purposes. History (mayhaps???) repeating itself??????? ?? ? ????? ??? ??
DKJNsfhbvoqef32ygtr69r137fbofasib IDK, MAYBE I'M JUST TALKING OUT OF MY ASS AND EXTRAPOLATING TOO MUCH FROM LITTLE DETAILS 🤡 I just think it's kind of a fun theory, even if the whole timeline ends up being thrown out the window in the next main story update... Don't mind me, I'm still on my "Rollo will come save us all in a cruel and ironic twist of fate" copium--
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w4w4lycsss · 2 months
Hello, could I place an order for Morgie x reader.
Where Morgie is in love with Bridget's younger sister and always tries to win her over in different ways without Uliana finding out, where Red and Chloe also try to help Morgie win over the reader since her future is terrible in the future also trying to change her future to be with morgie.
summary: Morgie tries to impress you several times but he is completely clumsy and does not always succeed until Red and Chloe help him a little pairing: Morgie Le Fay x gn!Bridget's sibling!reader inspired by:: Love is Embarrassing - Olivia Rodrigo a/n: I'm in love with the idea! and I thought it would be better to do gn!reader, I hope you don't mind! :)
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At Merlin Academy everyone truly admired you, and by admire I mean they absolutely loved you. You had a wide range of intelligence and respect, you were kind and hardworking, so you weren't surprised to have admirers. But there was one in particular…
Your sister didn't get along with the VKs, not on her part, but because they particularly bothered her for being a good person. You created a grudge against them, and you are not like her, you are more firm and realistic, not so positive, if you could slap Uliana you would.
Unfortunately (for you) you had shot the heart of one of the villains, the son of Morgana Le Fay.
You'd had almost no interaction with him, perhaps the only exceptions had been when you teamed up in a potions class (perhaps the only class he'd ever attended) relatively long ago.
You didn't remember anything about that class, but if you asked him he would say that it was the best moment of his life. Their hands touched each other when they took some ingredient at the same time, their gazes were stealthy and your calm voice telling them what to do left me spinning in my head. That day he decided that he was going to fall in love with you.
You already knew that Morgie was interested in you, and you were tired. Every day was constantly rejecting his invitations to run away from class together, watching him do some spell near you or how he would try to flirt.
It is clear that it is a disaster.
But it didn't bother you, yes, I already said that you were tired, but it was cute to see how he approached Maleficent and Hades to ask for advice and approach you with confidence only so that when he heard your sweet voice he melted right there and couldn't do anything. nothing.
Maybe it was also your fault that the flirting continued, and you never firmly put him in his place, you spoke to him calmly and patiently, which only made him fall in love more.
Did I say you had a grudge against VKs? It's not a lie but maybe it was too direct, because you treat Morgie with patience but there were some days where you couldn't stand him, maybe because something had happened in class or it was just a bad hair day, you swore that if you saw him one more time You were going to go crazy.
You sat under a tree after running with Bridget trying to save her from Uliana, who was chasing her furiously after turning into a flamingo. As you closed your eyes and regulated your breathing, you felt the presence of someone near you.
“Hello, cutie.” Morgie smiled at you. "How are you? You got tired?"
“Hello, Le Fay.” You rolled your eyes a little. “Yes, I am, didn’t you run?” You responded with a tired sigh.
“No, I didn't have to run, I just saw you.”
“Were you looking at me from a distance?” You let out a small laugh.
Morgie's flirting got out of hand when he realized you weren't responding defensively. His face flushes bright red and he begins to stutter, not knowing where to take the conversation. You notice this, obviously.
“Y-yes, I mean, not like that. It sounds weird, I wasn't just looking at you! “I saw all the people running, of course.”
You let out a small laugh. “I have to look for Bridget, see you.” You said goodbye casually, starting to walk back to school.
Morgie let out a loving squeal and then let out a tired sigh as he followed you with his eyes until you were lost in the crowd. He looked at the ground and put his hands in his pockets while mumbling things like “fool…” to himself and staggered on his feet.
The aforementioned raised his head quickly when he heard his name with the small illusion in his chest that you were the owner of the voice. He made a sound of protest when he realized that it was Chloe who was calling him, walking towards him alongside Red.
“Is something wrong, princess?” He scoffed irritably.
“Yes, in fact it would suit you quite a bit.” Red mentioned.
He rolled his eyes, ready to turn around and leave them when Chloe spoke again.
“We know you like Y/N.”
He frowned in confusion and irritation. "What's with that?"
“We can help you conquer them.” The redhead spoke again.
“And what would you gain in return?” He crossed his arms, not very convinced.
Chloe and Red looked at each other. Where they came from, your future had not been very good when you were alone, you were in danger in many ways, but they couldn't tell anyone.
Red's eyes lit up at a possible idea.
“If we get you to go out with Y/N, you'll stop bothering Bridget.”
He almost laughed but frowned wryly. “Why do you care if I bother the miss positivity or not?"
“Because she's our friend, and Y/N's sister. Do you accept or not?"
Morgie stayed silent, genuinely thinking. He was too in love, he had done ridiculous and embarrassing things for love to give up now that he was given the opportunity on a silver platter. He let out a resigned sigh.
"Good! I hope you have a plan or miss pink is going to pay dearly.” He frowned.
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Someone knocked on your door, without much hesitation you opened, thinking it was Bidget. When you opened it, you found Morgie standing in front of you with a flushed face and an embarrassed smile.
"Do you want to go to the dance with me?" He spoke quickly before you could ask him what he was doing.
"I'm going to think about it-"
"Wait, don't close! I only ask you to go with me, we don't need to be a couple or anything, if you accept I will stop harassing you."
You stopped when you were about to close the door on him. "Harass me? Don't harass me." You frowned in confusion. "You're just very intense. Look, I'm going to think about it, give me until tomorrow, yes?"
Morgie smiled excitedly, letting out an "yes..." with a sigh in love as you closed the door. He ran to where he knew the rest of VK (without Uliana) were to tell them the news as soon as possible. Since Bridget was your sister, it was almost impossible for Uliana to accept you if you were to date Morgie and it would practically make your life impossible.
In Morgie's eyes, you were "so different from your sister that it made you unique, and that Uliana would never understand."
Halfway through, he met Red and Chloe, who began to ask him about the answer you had given him.
"Didn't you insist on them more?"
"No, they're going to get fed up with me and say no."
"Wow, it sounds like it's already happened."
"How about a gift in the name of a secret admirer?" Red suggested. "But at the same time Y/N knows it's about you."
"And what do you expect me to give him?" He frowned in confusion.
"How about cupcakes! Or something made by you." Chloe suggested now with a smile.
Morgie clicked his tongue and frowned in a grimace at the knowledge of what he would have to do. Yes, he did indeed cook you something to eat. In the evening, at dinnertime, instead of going downstairs like the rest, he sneaked into your room and quickly left a basket of pink and green cupcakes on your bed, with a note next.
"See you at the fountain tomorrow? (to know your answer) - M. Le Fay."
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phxntmhv · 1 day
I wanna yap about the parallelism of Jack Skellington and Malleus because I love them both so dearly (like Maleficent and Jack since my childhood) and this new event feels like the perfect excuse to speak my thoughts out.
Basically I compare them because they both are kings and they're tired of the limited life they have.
Jack sings about that despite being powerfull and scary he feels empty of doing the same every year and malleus before overblotting said that even if he's that powerful he won't get anything from it because everyone keeps going away from his side and nobody will "sit with him again".
After discovering Christmas, Jack is so excited about it and tried to show it to everyone else to implement key points from it into Halloween and he's so frustrated when trying to discover the meaning of it, ending that in him trying to steal it. Malleus is often frustrated and curious by things he doesn't understand, like interactions with people and technology, but he tries his best with it despite everything (even in his own way, which is not always the correct one).
They are capable of close themselves and their opinions to think they're doing the best for everyone and assume first instead of ask, which is obviously bad. 😭
Malleus overblotted and gave everyone his "blessing" and his "gift" to Lilia, and Jack involved everyone into his plan to steal christmas, even if that puts him in danger, ignoring Sally's warnings. In the other hand, Malleus does something similar to this by risking himself to possibly overblot and post overblot effects.
They both also have a notorious innocence for new things and get excited and highly interested by them.
They're not completely evil, but also aren't completely good, white, innocent characters but very much gray like.
And, let's be honest, they both give this dark and gothic vibe so hard. Malleus could easily be in a Tim Burton movie if you ask me, but that's more a personal opinion.
Thank you for reading lol.
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dangerdazee · 2 months
descendants: rise of red james hook x morgie le fay one-shot, in which hook stays back to keep watch with morgie
i ship them so so so bad. also while ur here go check out the edit i did for them bc i couldn't help myself
"Morgie, honey, you keep look-out, okay? If you see Merlin coming, give a signal." Uliana says.
"Should I do a wolf howl? Or like a dog howl?? I can do different dogs!" Morgie shows great enthusiasm, but it comes off annoying and childlike and far too perky to Uliana.
James Hook, knowing this, leans over to whisper to Uliana.
"Do you think it's the best idea to leave him out here by himself?"
"Good point. You stay with him. Maleficent, Hades, with me. Let's move." Uli, Maleficent, and Hades trudge through the wet, slightly muddy grass towards the school.
Morgie turns around and starts climbing the tree that Hook was in a minute ago, and even though he just got down, Hook climbs up after him. The two boys sit side-by-side on a thick branch that seems sturdy enough to hold them both.
The drizzling rain adds to the ambiance of the night. There's something peaceful about it.
Even though their friends are currently sneaking into Merlin's office to steal a forbidden cookbook... out here in the tree, on a rainy night, with the soft lights of the school exterior barely illuminating their surroundings, it's nice. And they both definitely enjoy the company here as well.
"Did you really think I shouldn't be left out here on my own?"
"Yes, but not for the reason I let Uli think. It's dark and we aren't supposed to be here. I didn't want you to be left alone in case anything happened. Not to mention, it's rare that we can find time alone."
Morgie smiles.
Morgie knows he's viewed as the weakest link of the group. Evil still, yes, but he's not as dark and brooding and serious as the rest of them. The others, especially Uliana, tend to look down on him for it. They end up treating him like a kid sometimes.
Hook never does, though. Hook's always treated Morgie as an equal, no matter how non-villainous he acts sometimes. That was one of the first things that really drew Morgie to Hook. (After his hair.)
Hook is also a bit protective over Morgie, hence the hesitation to leaving him outside the school alone during this whole mission.
Even under the tree, the drizzling rain still gets them. Their hair grows damp and dark spots of water scatter their clothes.
The two move their hands towards the other's, like a magnet is pulling them. Morgie's hand ends up more on top of Hook's, but their fingers naturally weave together in an uncoordinated but perfectly comfortable manner.
Morgie is heavily focused on his job. Uliana told him to keep watch, and that he is. Hook looks over at the boy, his strong focus and the rainwater dripping slowly from his hair. A small smile grows on Hook's face as he watches the other, and Morgie looks over at him upon feeling the stare.
"Nothing. Do you see Merlin anywhere?"
"No, I-"
Hook shifts his weight to the hand between them and leans on it, being careful not to fall as he brings his face to Morgie's. Ever since Hook and Morgie started... whatever this relationship they have is, they've realized how little private time alone they can find. Much less, opportunity to kiss. So when the opportunity is there, at least one of them is usually quick to jump at it, and this evening it was Hook.
Their relationship is complicated. They haven't labeled it; they've hardly talked about it. It simply is. To the average on-looker, they mostly just seem like good friends. Really good friends.
Maleficent and Hades have figured out that something is going on (then Hook fully spilled all about it to Maleficent, as friends might do.) Uliana hasn't. She kind of couldn't care less either way, though.
Morgie wants a label. He wants something more solid and serious, but he knows that just isn't the kind of person Hook is.
Morgie's willing to take what he can get. He'll compromise for Hook. Secret kisses, affectionate moments, a closeness slightly more than qualifies as friendship. It's hard sometimes, but Morgie says he'll do it for Hook. He just assumes that's what Hook wants, even if that's not what Morgie wants.
Hook doesn't love it, though, but he doesn't really know how else to navigate it. He's talked with Maleficent about it before, but even with the advice of his in-a-committed-relationship friend, Hook still feels clueless. Morgie hasn't said anything, so he just assumes it's up to him to make it real.
He only hopes his cluelessness won't drive Morgie away before he can figure things out.
Maybe more communication would do them some good, but villains aren't exactly known for their emotional maturity and communication skills. They're both starting to get a little tired of it, though. Morgie especially.
Rustling leaves interrupt the kiss, causing both boys to jump a bit and look around. Neither of them see anything.
"Must have been the rain or something." Morgie says.
The two look at each other and slowly smile, laughing lightly with that bit of embarrassment that comes from such an occurrence.
"I hope Merlin didn't get by just now. Uliana might kill us." Morgie says.
"No, no, something worse. Like a chocolate pie."
They laugh at the jab at Uliana's plan with this forbidden recipe. Morgie nods, agreeing.
As the laughter dies down, Morgie debates in his mind if he should ask what he wants to ask. It could go wonderfully, or it could go horribly, and he's really scared of that second possibility. But, they're alone and he has an opportunity. He figures, much like a kiss, this chance shouldn't be passed up.
"Let me take you out."
Hook's heart just about stops and he quickly turns to face Morgie.
He's been so nervous about not knowing how to do this. He never fully considered that maybe it didn't have to be him who progressed things. He could be the askee, not the asker. Funny enough, that only makes it slightly easier.
"Let me take you out. Like, on a date."
"You want to go out together?"
Morgie nods with hopeful eyes. Every second of silence from Hook makes Morgie's anxiety over the situation grow stronger. He feels his hope diminishing.
"I mean, maybe not. Or, no- I want to! But if you don't want to, then just forget it. I mean, I do want to, but it's not a big deal. Unless you also want to, then it's a big deal. But if you don't, don't worry-"
"Okay? Okay to what?"
"Okay to the, uh... the date. Yeah. We can go out. I think that'd be nice."
"You do? Really?"
"Morgie, you're acting as if you don't already know that I like you. I just kissed you. I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed!"
"Yeah! Yeah, I know. I'm just... happy."
"Yeah. So am I."
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Just a short cute thing where Fem! Reader and Maleficent are dating and Mal just loves teasing her gf by turning into her dragon form in small
Pure fluff, thank u :>
“Short cute” is speaking my language rn. So glad to be back to writing long stuff but between these and writing a layout for a Dead Boy Detectives fic I needed a good head canon or Drabble 🖤
Also I wrote and edited this whole thing while on the clock at work so forgive me if something is a little odd, I HATE typing on mobile because it’s easier to get typos.
Maleficent x Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: watching her girlfriend study can get just so boring
Warnings: descriptions of Maleficent turning into a dragon but it’s really nothing (at least as a horror and body horror fan it’s absolutely nothing but I’ll warn you just in case), fluff
Word Count: 1.1K
Pic because finding gifs of my girl (who’s almost always background or literally on Hades lol) is so hard
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She can’t say no one warned her. Of course, Maleficent thought her girlfriend hung the sun, she was humanities own light source. All aglow when she was excited and warm enough that the dark fae was constantly convinced she had a fever. She was obsessed with her, but that doesn’t mean the rest of her friends lied when they said dating a hero kid could get so boring. Not that (Y/n) in general was boring, it was actually pretty easy to get her running around with the villains, but when she felt like being good? She could get obnoxiously good. Like straight As helping out in soup kitchens type of good. Which if the pixie was honest, she found that side of her girlfriend extremely endearing. Sometimes she even wonders if that sweet half of her is what saw Maleficent as worthy for her. Not that she’d ever admit to that out loud, it would wreck her image. If the fact that she could watch the girl complete mundane tasks in complete infatuation didn’t already kill her image. Or at least she normally could watch her like that.
The girl had been studying for an hour, rewriting her notes in a decorative and color coded way that she swore made it easier for her to study. “Rewriting it makes me think about it harder, Mali. Engraves it into my memory.” It sounded like an excuse to her, seemed to her that the girl just liked to look at pretty things. Not that she minded, whatever she wanted to do was fine by her, (Y/n) was her own woman. And Maleficent loved to be the pretty thing she was looking at, so who was she to complain about other ones? But Mali was starting to wonder if she and Tinkerbell had something in common. If she didn’t get her girlfriend’s attention soon she was sure she’d just fall over and just die. She was growing weaker by the second, she was positive of that. And getting the girl’s attention away from swirling pretty calligraphy into a notebook was proving to be impossible.
Every nuzzle to her neck was met with a playful push. Kissing her face just earned the pixie a “Mali, doll, I’m working.” It was infuriating. Why let her in if (Y/n) only planned on ignoring her? Her pale arms make their way around the princess’ waist, face falling against the girl’s back with a dramatic sigh. “I’m almost done, Doll. Just two more pages.” Two more? That won’t do, she needs more attention now. “Come on,” she drags the word out pulling away from her girlfriend with a whine. “Since when are you so good?” “I’ve always been good, Doll. You’re the villain between us, remember?” She uncaps a different pen, readjusting the notebook before her. “You don’t seem so good when you’re out running around with me and the other VKs. You ask how high when Uliana says just just like Morgie does.” It gets her a hum, pen tapping against the page in the speedy pattern. “Yeah well, if I make Uli happy she’ll do my hair. No one else here can braid like she can.” Mali laughs, “Fine, then if we can’t cuddle, let’s go see if she’ll do your hair. Give me something.” “I’ll be done soon.” She scoffs, lightly smacking the back of the girl’s shoulder, “You said you were doing homework.” (Y/n)’s eyes roll, sparing the girl a look over her shoulder, “Studying is homework, Mali.” Now her eyes roll, throwing herself back on the bed, “This isn’t studying. Studying is reading over notes, this is some other thing.” She hums, “Maybe that’s why my grades are higher than yours.” It’s a playful remark, the girl poking her tongue out at the pixie before turning back to her work.
She wants to play? Okay, they can play. She cuts a look to the girl, a pen cap held loosely in her mouth as she delicately drags a pen brush across a page. She was distracted enough. Turning into a large dragon took far too much energy from her, but a small one? One that could fit right in the girl’s lap? That was easy. Maleficent could barely feel it as her bones gave way. Shoulder blades and vertebrae stretching out to form the structure of wings. Purple scales forcing their way through pale skin, tearing their way into veins to beseen. She hasn’t let wings of any kind come out in so long, it felt heavenly. The stretch making her suppress a whimper. She desperately needed to do this more, instead of just when she felt the need to harass her way into getting what she wants.
Slowly, careful not to make too much noise, she flaps her wings, once, twice. By the third time, when she realized the sound wasn’t alerting (Y/n), she knew she could take flight. Fluttering through the dorm, she lands on the girl’s dresser, blowing a small puff of flames onto a candle then settling beside it. Waiting, glowing green eyes trained on the girl who had playfully become her prey. The smell of smoke would alert her, it always did. Lilac and smoke slowly and softly fill the air, making the princess look up, worried eyes glancing around the room before landing on her dresser. “Really? You’re that desperate for me?” Desperate? No, she was anything but that. While her eyes are away from the page, Maleficent takes flight again, swooping up the pens the girl was using before fluttering over her head.
“Mali, you’re just prolonging how long it will be before I can lay back and cuddle with you. You know that, right?” Her hand shoots up for her pens and the dragon flies closer to the ceiling. “This is ridiculous, you are being ridiculous.” Pens clatter into the wastebasket by the girl’s desk, the dragon swooping in to fill the girl’s lap before she can get up to retrieve them. “Are all fae this needy or just you?” The question is met with a nuzzle against her stomach, the dragon refusing to get too close to her skin in case she’d scratch the delicate stretch of flesh.
Sighing, the girl closes her two notebooks, pushing them to the side before she lays back. “If I take a little study break will you let me finish my work without whining?” The dragon crawls up her stomach, tilting her head to the side. Sweeten the deal. “If we cuddle?” Letting out a sigh, Mali curls up on the girl’s chest, her head laying just so close to her heart she feels as if she’s hearing the lubb-Dubb of it in her own head. “You’re not gonna turn back into a girl for me? Made you wait so long that I only deserve scales?” It’s not a complaint, not a real one at least. Her nails digging into the space between two wings, a glorious scratching sensation that makes Maleficent’s eyes lull closed. She was never above playing if the Royal wanted to play. She was always the winner of the girl’s long games.
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ventique18 · 8 months
Let me start with saying i love your blog really really much, this is something that has been rent free on my mind since Diasomia's arc started, is Malleus' father a dragon fae? I read the translations of chap 7 and i don't think i saw it mentioned, they just stayed vague on what kind of fairy he was, many fans started saying he was not a dragon, if that would be the case doesn't that mean Malleus is an half-blood!? The dragon bloodline isn't pure!?
Meleanor rejected many dragon suitors to marry the person she loved, whoever he was, why not say if Levan was a dragon or not, this is stressing me out. Especially since i saw the Crowley's theory.
Hi thank you so much for this question! I actually also wanted to address this, as I've seen some people (particularly on Twst EN Twitter and Reddit fandoms) who believe that the "Malleus is half Long because Levan is a Long" theory is canon. It's actually just one of the common theories which are:
He is a Long prince/noble.
He is simply a Raven fae. This is also why many believe that Levan is Crowley as both ravens and crows are collectively karasu in Japanese.
Let me put on a disclaimer that I'm leaning more on the theory that Levan might not necessarily be Crowley, but he is indeed a Bird Fae-- because his name does sound like Raven in the Japanese language, and the fact that Malleus' Platinum Jacket portrait has both Maleficent and her loyal raven Diablo in it. You are correct that there was never an explicit reveal on what he was though.
~ A short explanation on the first theory ~
So how did the first theory come to be? Because his official title in Briar Kingdom is 竜眼公 lit. Dragon Eye Lord. Some people have taken this literally and assumed that it means Levan is a dragon; more specifically, a Long. That's because the 竜 in his title is a kanji character and Twst happened to exactly distinguish in the Endless Halloween event an Asian Long 竜 (in kanji alphabet), and a western dragon ドラゴン (in katakana alphabet). Malleus specifies that he is a ドラゴン.
Now while theorizing that Levan is a Long is somewhat valid, it's less likely. Because a) it's common practice in Japanese to use kanji in formal titles and unusual to use katakana which is why ドラゴン was not used, which means b) Levan's "Dragon Eye Lord" title is just to indicate that he is Meleanor's eyes, as Lilia described him in the same chapter. This is also what Diablo's role is in the original movie.
~ Commenting on the theory that Levan is a Bird Fae ~
This is the most likely logical theory at this point, and you're correct that this means Malleus is half a dragon, half a bird. However, it's looking more and more like the fae are going with Mendel's Law of Inheritance with the Draconias' genes as extremely dominant that all other genes mixed in become recessive. Which means that while they're technically not pure-blooded dragons, the dragon genes will always appear in full view anyway so they might as well be pure. This is probably why Lilia mentions that the Draconias are "descended from dragons" rather than simply dragons. They may have varying fae species packed in their blood, but the dragon genes just completely cover them like a wallpaper lol.
Thanks so much for asking this! It was a fun write!
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vampyrekat · 7 months
cant believe i forgot about maleficent and her emo boytoy omg thank you for cleansing the timeline🫶
I am so pleased to bless the timeline with a fine vintage ship, come join me in savoring it. I checked out the novelization on a whim (commuting) and I was like, oh right! I forgot this movie and specifically this ship was made in a lab for my brain. So now I've rewatched the film and I'm lost in the sauce.
I love that Maleficent/Diaval is the story of two people accidentally raising a baby into a teenager together and the whole time Maleficent is oblivious (not her fault! she has bigger things going on!) while Diaval is like "that's my wife, she's terrifying. i love her. <3" Even when Aurora meets them properly as a 15 year old, Maleficent is Going Through It™ while Diaval is just so hype to finally introduce himself to his child.
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Pictured above: moments that really did a number on me. He raised this kid and now he gets to finally meet her properly and they're both so delighted by it while Maleficent watches from the corner like }:-(
I really feel like the most beautiful and unique part of it is the genuine backtalk; Diaval might start out subservient and he certainly maintains that position but as time goes on he proves himself perfectly willing to correct or backtalk Maleficent. He basically functions as a reminder of her heart and moral compass while she is recovering from her hurt (and subsequent revenge bender) and it's delightful to watch because you rarely see a position where a male character is so open and honest while the woman gets to have the delicious redemption arc. Maleficent is going through an enemies-to-godfamily relationship arc with Aurora while Diaval is patiently waiting for her to realize he's got heart eyes (AND for her to realize she does actually love Aurora, that's another great element, he realizes this LONG before Maleficent does and tries to gently nudge her over to that revelation). But also this:
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He really said "I am just pretending to be afraid of you; I know you won't hurt me even if you push me around" and he was right. What a lovely thing to be playing out as the B or maybe C-plot. There's enough insane drama happening, it's nice that there's something a little lighter and more steady in the background of the story.
Another thing I was musing on through the book and film -- as much as I adore found family and platonic love, it's nice to see a story where a victim of what is clearly coded as sexual assault and is at least intimate partner violence finds love again. I know Maleficent & Diaval isn't technically 'canon', but again, the film was juggling enough relationship arcs with Maleficent & Aurora and Maleficent & Stefan. It's okay, in my eyes, for the romance element to be subtext, when it's clearly still important and given some narrative space and weight.
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I had a more coherent thought but finally found a gif of just this moment (thank you, @raainstorms, you spoil us all) so instead you get this. I love it. Maleficent really said "go defend our kid who I haven't realized yet is our kid" and Diaval said "understood". Never proposed but nevertheless they've been married for years.
"Who fell first vs. who fell harder" is defunct. "Which one is the evil minion who adopted the baby on sight and who is the Evil Empress who had to slowly realize they love the baby" is the vintage yardstick everything else has to measure up to. I will read 100,000 fanfics of Maleficent only belatedly realizing that somewhere in the process of acquiring her goddaughter she also acquired a husband. Maybe she acquired the husband first, she certainly does not know. Diaval understands this and is okay with it, Aurora probably doesn't understand in the slightest how her godmother did not pick up on anything.
And the sequel! I realized after reading some other posts that I did NOT remember the sequel correctly because my memories are "fairy genocide and also Diaval and Maleficent are co-parenting". Apparently somewhere in there Maleficent is shoved into a love triangle with two men who are not her long-term boytoy/coparent/external moral compass, which is ridiculous, because the film ends with them attending their daughter's wedding in matching outfits.
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If Maleficent 3 (boo hiss at Disney, make something new, cowards) isn't about Aurora parent trapping them I am going to riot in the street.
TL;DR: My roommate described maleval as this post and I have not been able to shake it from my mind because it really, really fits:
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