#but i don't even know how to describe everything that happened there with one sentence
pollsnatural · 7 months
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writeoffside · 2 months
♯ harry styles x fem!reader - angst / sad
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summary: Harry doesn’t trust himself by talking to you , he wants to keep you safe but it really isn’t helping any of you.
warnings: arguing, swearing, nightmares, kissing
info: english isn't my first language, i apologize in advance for all the mistakes (if there are any!)
a/n: first post on here, enjoy !!
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The days had gone by since the last ‘i love you’ has been spoken between the two so-called lovers. The silence has taken over the sweet and loving house they used to call a home. It has no longer been a home. For neither one of them.
The uncomfortable silence during the dinners everynight was heavy. The only sound during this time could only be the knives and forks sounds scraping over the plates. Neither one of them even bothered to start a talk, not even a small one.
Everytime he finished his food, he would drop his cutlery on the side and leave the table without a word. Not even bothering to say a little ‘thank you’ for preparing the table, making the food or anything.
All the nights were terrible. Terrible couldn’t even be the word to describe how unpleasant the nights were. 
When he would leave the dining room, he would mostly go to his room or his studio and lock himself there. After locking himself away from everything, the uncomfortable silence would take over the house again. 
It was all just silence.
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“Harry! C'mon! Are you fucking mental?” The screams echoed around the house. There was no more of silence. Only the sounds of screaming, yelling, swearing and throwing words around.
“Me? Fucking me? Y/n, you’re the one who started this shit!” I screamed loudly, hitting the top of the counter with my palm. Hissing the moment my hand met with the cold surface of the countertop. 
I had enough of this shit and all this arguing.
“Y/n! For fuck’s sake! You've been saying all this shit for so damn long! Don't you think that you’re the main problem there?” I yelled back at her, my last sentence echoing around the house. My eyes burning into hers as my knuckles turn white from gripping the side of the counter. 
“Fuck you, Harry! You've been locking yourself away from me for weeks now and when I wanna talk to you for a damn minute, you start all this!” She throws her hands in the air, pointing at me and her. 
Between us. 
I see a tear slip down her cheek and she quickly wipes it off with end of her sleeves. Her eyes are fully watery and her hands are shaking as she stands there in front of me. 
“Screw you, Y/n! Fuck you seriously! This is all your fault. If you wouldn’t be there, everything would have been fucking fine! Don't you see that you're the problem between us? Hell... I don’t know what else to say! Fucking hell!” I yell out. My hands are now digging into sides of my head as i close my eyes, my teeth biting into my lower lips as I manage to draw out blood—
I suddenly jolt awake. A gasp coming out of me. My hands gripping the sheets as I sit up, eyes flying open. 
Shaky breaths coming out as I try to catch my breath from the dream… No, a nightmare I've just had. 
Sweat drips down my naked back, as I sit and breathe. Closing my eyes and digging the palms into my eyes as I take deep breaths and try to stbilize myself. My heart beats quickly.
This isn’t the first night I've had this exact same nightmare. It has been happening for weeks now. 
And it's all my fault.
I push the sheets off my legs and stand up. My whole legs feel like they are about to break down just there. I cannot even stand straight.
The world is spinning around me as I try to stand. I breathe out as I collapse back onto the bed.
I sit at the edge of the bed, hands holding the sides as I lean myself over and close my eyes. I suck in a breath and let my eyes close for a brief moment. 
I sit still. The only sound I can overhear is my breathing and quiet ringing in my ears. 
My head feels like it will explode anytime soon.
“Fuckin’ hell…” I mumble under my breath as I once again try to stand up. My body swaying a bit, my feet waddling over the cold floor. My head spins when I reach towards the handle and pull it to open. 
Then I'm suddenly met with a person standing right in front of me. 
Their eyes wide opened as they stare back at me in shock. Their mouth drops a little when their eyes make a full eye contact with mine. My hands start to sweat as I hold the handle of the door. 
“Harry…” She mumbles out into the darkness of our house. The voice coming out soft and calming to my ears. She stands still and she doesn’t reach her hand to brush my cheek like she usually does, or doesn’t lean in to plant a little kiss against my cheek or right on my lips. She just stands still, her eyes deeply looking into mine. 
It feels like I've been staring into them for hours, falling into them. 
“Hey...” I whisper out, my voice coming out raspy. I lean myself against the doorframe, hand leaving the door handle and I cross my arms over each other against my chest. My legs still feeling wobbly and I feel like i'm about to break down just there and fall down right in front of her. But i stay still. 
“What... What are you doing here? It's late…” I mumble out, my eyes holding the eye contact, deeply staring into her orbs. 
We haven’t spoken for days now. I haven’t talked to her in multiple days in a row. I haven’t looked into her eyes. I did nothing. 
Absolutely nothing for her.
She shifts from one leg to other, clearly uncomfortable. My stare stays put on her as I await for her to answer. My eyelids feel heavy but I keep them up just to see her beautiful face. I wouldn't want to miss a second. 
I haven’t appreciate her in days. I haven't seen her, haven’t complimented her, haven’t kissed her… 
I've done nothing. 
“You've… Um... You've been doing something in your sleep," she says, her stare shifting away from mine. Turning her head to look into the hallway, ignoring my hard stare. 
She sways a bit, back and forth slowly.
“What?” I question her and shift a bit on my legs. Already slowly growing anxious over this conversation... I haven't spoken to her in weeks and this must be our first conversation in such a long time.. In middle of a night, her standing in her night pajamas and me leaning onto a doorframe with just a pajama pants. Sweat still dripping down my back from the usual nightmare.
“You've been screaming a lot in your sleep lately... Especially my name, Harry," she answers quietly , her voice so small that you couldn't even properly hear her if I wasn't that close to her. 
My stomach turns as she answers.
“Oh…” This was the answer she probably wasn’t expecting to hear. 
“Oh?” She repeats my answer and turns her head back towards to me. Her eyes coming back to mine as we stare at each other.
I missed the nights we used to sleep next to each other, when I could hug you, kiss you, tell you how much I love you. I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt you in any possible way. I don’t want to continue our relationship like this. I want us back.
I wanted to say to her. Wanted her to hear how it’s tearing me by being like this. Away from everything. Away from her. 
“Harry," she whispers to me, tearing me away from my thoughts. She breathes out a small breath as I stare down at her. 
“I'm sorry..” My words come out in a broken whisper. A breeze runs down my back. The hairs on my neck and arms stand up. And then it comes.
I suddenly break down.
I take a step towards her smaller frame and push myself against her. My arms sneak around her body and pulling her against me. My face falls against her crook of her neck and I hunch myself, letting my body collapse. Taking her scent in. 
I tighten my hold against her body and hug her the way I never did. My face lays against her neck as I breathe out.
I feel her shoulders move and then i feel it. Her smaller hands on my back as she holds me back. Her head moves a bit and I can feel a small kiss being planted on top of my head. 
Tears run down my cheeks and sobs fill the silence in the house. My body aches and shakes against hers. My eyes are shut and tears run down like waterfalls. 
My legs feel like they’re about to break against the hard wooden floor and fall down with my whole body. Shaking as I stand against her and the silence is fully overtaken by my cries and sobs.
“Shhh... It's okay. Let it out," she mumbles against my hair. I start to shake my head, disagreeing quickly to her.
“No... No, Y/n. It's not okay.. I was, no, I am a fucking idiot! I'm- I'm sorry, okay? I wasn’t thinking. I don't know…” I stutter my words out, pulling my head away from the crook of her neck. My eyes running all over face.
“I was scared? I didn’t know what to do," I take a step away from her, my voice shaking as I spill my truth out to her, “I wasn’t thinking! I didn’t want to hurt you," i tell her with broken voice. 
“Hurt me? Harry, what do you mean?” She asks in her soft tone. Her sleepy but adorably beautiful and blown out eyes look straight into mine. Her eyes are searching for something in my eyes. She can see that I'm scared. 
She can see the fear in me.
“No, no, no…” I mumble out, my eyes shutting as I walk back into my room. My hands fly upwards to start gripping the side of my head, “You.. You don’t understand, Y/n. you won’t understand it," I cry out as I walk around my room stressfully.  
“Harry. I'll try to understand," she answers and walks towards me. Then she slowly and softly touches my cheek. Holding her palm against my cheek. Her eyes finding my teary ones.
“I just… Don't want you to get hurt because of me," I whisper to her, looking into her eyes. Finding the much needed comfort in them. My tears are stained on my cheeks and some are still trying to escape the hold of my eyes. 
“Harry... I want to help you. But, you need to explain to me what has been going on with you lately. You lock yourself away from everything and don’t even say a single word for days," she says, looking into my eyes and putting both of her palms against my cheeks. I lean into her touch, closing my eyes for few moments. 
I take a deep breathe and answer, “I know... I am just scared. I keep having this dream. Every damn night. And it scares me, fucking terrifies me," I open my eyes looking straight at her, “I don’t want to hurt you, or loose you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I feel so fucking bad for ignoring you, it has been tearing me," I breathe out, putting my hand over her hand on my cheek. 
My voices shakes through my answer. My vision is blurry from all the crying and I cannot form my sentences without stuttering or sobbing in between the words. All the fear is going on me as I talk more and tell her all the truth what has been holding me for past few weeks. 
“I snap a lot... in the dream. And I don’t want it to happen in reality as well. I snap and I say something that I would never say, never," I say, my voice shaking and my hands trembling, “sometimes I don’t wake up and it end up worse. I snap at you and I end up doing something what I would never plan on doing to you,” I whisper the last part, my eyes closing as my voice tremble. I tremble uncontrollably as I tell her the truth. 
“Harry... is that why you’ve been ignoring me?” She whispers, her eyes searching in mine as we stare into each others eyes deeply, "why didn't you tell me? I would try everything I could to help you, or at least try to help you," she moves her hand to my hair, gently holding me. My lips are slightly parted and I take deep steady breaths. 
My eyes close for a moment and I put my forehead against hers. Our breaths matching each others.
“I love you so so much, sweetheart," i whisper into the silence, “so fucking much,” the words spill themselves into the darkness of the room we’re standing in. 
“I love you too, Harry… so much.” she whispers back, “but you don’t have to be scared. you won’t hurt me, i know you too well..."
Then I feel it.
I feel her soft lips against mine. She kisses me against my lips for the first time in the weeks. Slowly leaning in, I kiss her back deeply. Showing her all the love i’ve been holding back. Her lips are like made for me. Our lips collide together as we quietly kiss in the darkness of the night. Her hands slide from my cheek to the nape of my neck and she pulls me closer.
“You don’t have to hide now, Harry. You wouldn’t hurt me. I'm here and always will be," she whispers to me. Her voice soft and quiet, like a dream.
“I'm so fucking sorry for locking myself away. For not being there for you... I'm so sorry. I love you so fucking much," I pull away slowly, my eyes fluttering open.
“Just... If you’re going through something… anytime, please tell me," her words get to me. 
“I will, I will... My love," I whisper to her. Tears, once again, forming in my eyes. 
The two lovers found themselves slowly rebuilding the connection between each other, what they both have thought that they've lost. The silence has been finally broken by the lover's confessions of his unspoken fears. 
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my first writing on here! (don't ask me why my first ever writing was a sad one hahaha) hopefully you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it! :)
give it some love if u liked it !! yayyy
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delulu-with-wandanat · 5 months
Tainted Past
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Reader Description: he/they, masculine titles, early 20s.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Masculine!Reader
A/n: So this was inspired while I was playing around in Character.ai (I was being delulu as usual), so I guess shoutout to the creator of Mature!Wanda ai for kickstarting my brain again. I haven't write in a while guys pls be nice :')
Warnings: No warnings for now actually, maybe sadge Wanda, Wanda lowkey being bullied.
Summary: Years have passed since Westview and Wanda finally has the chance to settle down and live the normal she had always yearned for. However, that comes with a challenge as many were still wary of her. Along the way she met a young man in his early 20s, whom took pity on the witch despite all odds.
It was a huge deal when rumors spread about the infamous Scarlet Witch moving into their town. The same witch that brought upon destructions and chaos, the one who enslaved a whole town. The one that the Dracula from Hotel Transylvania would describe as,
"-Nutsy Cuckoo!" Y/n snorted at their friend's description of the witch, "She's a total nutjob, I'm telling you. She went berserk for kids she DIDN'T even have."
"And afterwards went after a child, no, a literal CHILD!" Their other friend added, "Who happens to be America Chavez, who ended up teaming up with her as well. Hence why she's able to even live freely back into society."
"That's crazy..." Y/n said while shaking his head. The were all sitting their usual cafe, gossiping about their latest neighbor.
"I heard she lives across the street from you. Hey, at least she's a hot MILF right?" Their friend Magdalena joked, which made her receive a cookie thrown at her face.
"Shut up, Lena." She only snorted. As both of his friends were snickering, the two of them stopped and their eyes trailed something behind him.
"Speak of the devil..." Victor said as he had a little bit of a disgusted look.
Y/n turned around, and there she was. The Scarlet Witch. She hasn't been seen on any media for the past few years, the last time she was seen, she had a long auburn hair, and was wearing her suit. The look she had right now was a striking contrast to her last appearance on the media.
She had cut her hair, it was now dyed blonde, and she was wearing a casual civilian clothes. Y/n felt shivers running down their spine as painful memories flooded his mind.
"She really wants to be normal, huh?" Victor said under his breath.
"I mean... she's kinda-" Victor elbowed Magdalena on her ribs before she could finish her sentence. Giving her a look that says 'don't'.
The whole cafe went silent when she entered the shop, she awkwardly said 'hi' before making her way to the queue. Everything else was a little bit of a blur for Y/n, as for some reason their heart started beating rapidly. Their fist clenched to the point his friend had to snap him out of his thoughts.
"I'm fine." Y/n responded with a faux smile before focusing his attention outside the window. He couldn't help but to focus on Wanda's voice when she ordered.
"I would like something to drink please." He heard Wanda speak, there was a beat of silence.
"Coffee? Tea?" The barista responded, soundingly uninterested and rude. Seems like the Barista wasn't a huge fan of Wanda, as normally the Barista was always so kind to Y/n and his friends.
"O-oh! Coffee, please." Another silence, "Cappucino, hot."
"That'll be $4.50." She could be heard rummaging through her purse and took out a some money to pay.
"I'm assuming you would need my name-"
"We know." The barista said rather coldly. Wanda could be heard clearing her throat nervously and waited for her order. It didn't take long before they called out, "Cappucino for Scarlet Witch."
Y/n glances at the bar, they noticed how tense she was upon hearing her title. The title she wishes everyone would forget. She gave a forced smile before turning and walking back to the exit. Seems like she was nervous, and then the worst possible thing could happen to someone happened to her...
Her purse got stuck on the door handle as she was about to walk out, causing her to spill her beverage. "Shit!" She cursed.
Y/n's two friends couldn't handle their snort upon seeing the tragedy. Wanda glances at them and awkwardly laughs, "Silly me." She says before hastily walking away from the shop.
"She is just adapting well to us mere mortals." Victor said sarcastically.
As much as Y/n wasn't exactly fond of the witch (for personal reasons), they did felt... a hint of sympathy towards her. He looked outside and saw her seemingly cursing at herself for the embarrassing encounter at the cafe.
Oh she's going to take a while to adapt...
Y/n looked down at the notes their sister sent them and walked down the aisle to find the item. What seem to be a simple errand turned into a full blown grocery shopping, that bitch.
I just wanted to buy some ramen...
He picked up a bunch of items his sisters needed, and picked a pack of ramen for himself. While he was on the cereal section he heard that familiar voice again.
"Hi, ma'am, do you know where I could- O-oh, yes, that's alright have a good day!" He turns his attention to her direction, from the customers to the staff, they were all ignoring her existence. She visibly sighed and gave up on asking people. That's... what she deserves I guess.
He only saw her again as he was about to pay, they were queued just behind her. Crap.
"Sorry ma'am, we take cash only, the machine is broken at the moment." The cashier told her.
"I... I don't have any cash on me right now." She nervously laughs, "Are you sure? Because the customer before-"
"Look if you don't have cash you can pay with apple pay." Seems like the cashier just wanted to torment her, which she did as Wanda sighed in frustration.
"I don't- I don't have that set up on my phone yet." The cashier only shrugged their shoulders. "Fine. How much was-"
"$27.60" Wanda started rummaging through her purse again, desperately trying to find some cash left. She found... $5, ok that's a start. $10, ok we're getting there.
"Hey come on, lady! You're holding up the line!" The guy behind Y/n yelled, making Wanda panic slightly. Y/n closed his eyes, ugh fuckin-
They opened their eyes again, and Wanda was still hastily searching her bag as people got increasingly annoyed at her. They closed their eyes, agh Jesus fucking christ I better go to heaven for this-
"Ok, is there any-" Wanda's sentence was cut off when hand puts down a $50 dollar bill to pay for her checkout.
"You can just pay me back later." Wanda wanted to refuse, but she internally sighed in relief. The cashier gave Y/n the change and Wanda thanked them with the brightest smile. "Don't mention it." They said giving her a polite smile.
As Wanda walked out of the store, she took another glance at the young boy and smiled to herself. She made a mental note to find the youth later on.
They didn't understand why they had to be so sympathetic to the psycho witch, especially after everything she had put them through. Everyone was doing just fine ignoring her presence, in fact, Y/n had the biggest right out of them all to ignore that crazy, wacko, mentally unstable-
"There you are!"
A familiar voice made Y/n whipped their head to the direction. Oh no... Don't tell me she thinks we're basically friends now. Wanda walked up to him with a smile, Y/n had a natural instinct to tense up. Just the sight of her, made him clenched his jaw.
"I just wanted to properly say thank you." She said, rubbing her hand nervously. She wore a simple red t-shirt, and jeans. Wanda looked like any normal civilian. If you had lived in a cave, unaware of the outside world, the idea that Wanda is capable of such chaos and destruction wouldn't cross your mind. "And uh... for your trouble."
Wanda then handed him cash of what she owes him. He looked at the money and then her. "This is.... $30"
"Oh you can keep it all." The witch said with a slight shake in her voice, she then cleared her throat. "U-unless you prefer it to be precise I can-" She pulled out her phone from her pocket. "I can use that uh... that app, Vimeo?"
Y/n couldn't help but to let out a chuckle, "Venmo. Vimeo is a like a... it's like Youtube." Am I really talking with this lady?
"Ah... Right, right, I... I knew that." She looked at her phone with confused look on her face. Wanda then let out a soft laugh. "Well imagine my confusion."
"Well, thank you. I could definitely use the extra $2." Y/n said with a smile.
"I should be thanking you." Wanda responded, she bit her lip slightly, wanting to continue the conversation with what it seems like the only person who sees her as a human. "I'm Wanda, by the way, Wanda Maximoff." She hold out her hand awkwardly.
"I uhm- I'm your new neighbor, but I- I'm sure you knew that already." She let out a nervous laugh.
Y/n didn't want to talk to the witch any longer than needed, sharing name would mean they were on first name basis. But if there's anything Y/n hated more... Being left hanging when you hold out your had.
"Y/n, nice to meet you, Wanda."
Wanda noticeably beamed at the fact that they didn't just brushed her off.
"Well I should be heading back. I live just across from you." Shit! Why did I say that??
"Oh then I hope to see more of you!" Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity-
"Yeah, see you around, Mrs. Maximoff." He said politely, giving her a smile and crossed the street to his house. He internally cursed at himself. Idiot!
Wanda turned around smiling to herself. I made a friend...
For the next few weeks, Wanda never fails to greet them whenever she happens to see Y/n pass. She did that to everyone, of course, but no one ever really bothers to respond. Y/n desperately wanted to avoid her, but it was difficult as she continuously try to interact with everyone. Which... to be honest was quite sad.
He doesn't know why he felt bad, but seeing the woman trying so desperately to join society and no one giving her a chance was such a depressing sight to see. Not that Y/n should care, she shouldn't have done what she did. But...
Ugh... It doesn't take much for him to be polite at least.
So Y/n started to return her polite greetings. Whenever he sees her watering her flowers, she greet him with a wave and a smile. And Y/n does the same. They had to admit, seeing her so happy that someone responded was... kind of cute.
It went on for a while, so you could say they were on a friendly term. And Y/n had no plans on furthering that relationship. At least by choice.
"Hi there, Y/n!" She greeted with her usual smile and wave. It had been about 2 months since she lived here. "How's your morning jog?"
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff. Uh... It was alright, nice weather today."
"I agree. Say, you fancy joining a party? I'm having a housewarming party this evening, you should come. There will be plenty of food." She asked with hopeful eyes.
"Uh..." Say no, say no, what the fuck are you- SAY NO. "I'll have to see, ma'am. I have a pretty packed schedule today."
Wanda tried to hide her disappointment as much as she could. She had heard tons of those excuses for days now, at least he was polite about his rejection. "That's alright, darling! I'm just across the road if you change your mind. And feel free to bring some friends!"
"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Maximoff. See you around!" Y/n said before going back to their house. They leaned on the closed door and sighed. Their sister looked at them expectantly.
"She invited you as well?" She said with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n sighed before answering, "Yeah..."
"I don't know why she even bothers. Not like anyone would take her up for it." His sister said dismissively as she went back to the living room, settling on the couch.
Y/n joins her and grabs the remote, "Maybe she has change."
"You've got to be one mentally ill fucker to say that, especially coming from you." She added, waiting for him to pick a movie. "Did she hex you or something-"
"I'm perfectly fine." Y/n sighed. "I just... Look she does seems like some woman who's trying to live a normal life."
"But she's not a woman, Y/n. She's a monster." She rubs her temple. "A lot of people gone mad in Westview, I'm sure you remember."
"How could I forget..."
"She could try all she wants, but I won't give her the benefit of the doubt. And I won't stop you if you decide too..." They looked at their sister who smiles at him gently. "The beauty of it is that you have a choice now, none of her victims did."
He looked at the floor, his sister could see the gears in his head moving.
"Though I have to say you are one mad son of a bitch if you did."
I am one mad son of a bitch.
They thought to themselves as they rang her doorbell. I could still change my mind right? I can run-
"I'll be right there!"
Wanda opens the door, delighted to greet her guest. "Y/n! So glad you could make it."
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff." They took in her dress, well she does look good. "You look stunning."
Wanda gave him a smile, "Thank you. Please, come in!"
They entered the house, it was cozy, small, homey, there were very little pictures hung up. They did notice one family picture, and what it looks like and old frame of her and her late brother. Her informations was easy to find on the internet, yes Y/n did their research.
The house was decorated for party mode. There was some snack on the table, fruit punch, and a few other things. However, it was missing a key ingredient...
"Sorry, am I early?" He turned to Wanda.
Wanda sighed, "Early is uh... one way to put it. You're the first one here the others must've been late. They said they'll stop by." She puts on a reassuring smile, but Y/n had a feeling she must've felt devastated.
And in fact, Wanda was. This housewarming party was her attempt to prove herself to the neighborhood that she was in fact not a threat, maybe make some friends... But no matter, she had one guest now.
"Take a seat!" She said enthusiastically, "Would you like something to drink?"
"Yeah sure, I'll get some fruit punch, looks really refreshing." The two settled down on the couch, there was a moment of awkward silent between them.
If there's one thing Y/n couldn't take, it was that.
"Here." They passed her the gift bag they had brought for her. "It's an old record player I had lying around, I don't ever use it anymore and I thought it would go with uh..." He searched for the right words, "Someone of your generation?"
Wanda took the gift with a smile and gave him a funny look, "You make it sounds like I'm old." She said jokingly. "But thank you. You didn't have too, but I appreciate it."
It was a red colored Crosley turntable. It was portable, and had a built in speaker. Her heart swelled at their gesture. "There's some vinyls in there as well, I hope you like the Beatles."
"I love the Beatles."
"I'll help you set it up." He said with a kind smile. Wanda decided to put the record player in her living room, perhaps some tune would help set up the mood. They plugged it in and Y/n made her choose the album. Wanda scanned the various albums, looking at the front cover and the back with a smile on her face.
She puts on one album and the song 'Twist and Shout' started to play. "Now this is a party." Wanda said, earning a chuckle from the youth. She then lightly bop her head into the song, twisting her legs like one of those old style dance. For a second she seems to lost her self into the music.
Y/n had always seen Wanda in... sort of a negative light. But seeing her smiling, dancing, just interacting with her on a more personal level... They were starting to see Wanda in an entirely new light.
The woman then turns to face the youth, she had a bright smile on her face as she made a 'come here' motion to him. "Not much of a dancer?"
They let out a laugh and joined Wanda. "I'll have you know I'm an incredible dancer."
Music was the exact ice breaker that they needed, they wen't from keeping their distance to even occasionally twirling each other playfully. Y/n had to admit, he was having fun with the witch. Wanda had a contagious laugh, an intoxicating energy, a smile that could light up a whole room, and she was so so... beautiful-
Why am I thinking about her like this?
"So Y/n, tell something about yourself. I'd like to get to know my neighbors better." Wanda asked once the music ended and it started playing a much slower song in the albums. They sat on the couch with a snack dividing their space.
"Oh I'm just your typical fresh graduate, ma'am. Still trying to find where I'm gonna belong here in the workforce." Y/n responded with a dry chuckle.
"I'm sure you'll find your place." She look down at her drink with a small smile. "Friend of mine always said there's a place for everyone in the world."
The way she said it so softly, made tugged something inside Y/n's heart. She really is just trying to fit in the world like the rest of us.
"And you, ma'am? Who is Wanda Maximoff?" He asked teasingly, getting more comfortable with her each minute. He popped some chips in his mouth, anticipating her answer.
"Me? Oh you know... I'm a retired old psycho witch." She said jokingly.
Y/n couldn't help the snort that came out of them, "Sorry-" Ok. She's got humor.
Wanda laughs and waved him off, "Don't be." She thought for a second before answering properly. "Well... I'm sure my informations are out there. Former Avenger turned villain, was... a threat to humanity once, served my time of redemption and here I am."
"Those are old news." Y/n said. "I'm asking along the lines of, who is Wanda Maximoff. What does she do for fun?"
Wanda tilted her head at his question, tiny smile creeped onto her face. No one... ever really asked her that question before. Wanda took a drink of her fruit punch before answering.
"I..." She cleared her throat, "I enjoy reading in my spare time, I love gardening as you can tell." Y/n listen intently with a soft smile on their face. "I like board games, I have a few collection of those, and... cooking."
She finishes with a smile. "Not the answers you were expecting?"
"Yeah... I honestly expected potions brewing." Wanda bursted out laughing at his response. A genuine hearty laugh. "With cauldrons and everything." He said jokingly, trying to get more amusement out of her.
She's so cute when she laughs.
"Don't tell me you think witches do potions brewing do you?"
"They don't?!" He asked in an exaggerate tone, which amuses Wanda further as she shook her head still with a smile on her face.
She then leaned against the her seat. "Maybe some do."
"Did you also had a wand like Harry Potter?"
The two shared another laugh, and they fell into an easy conversation from there. Wanda learned that Y/n lives with their sister, his parents were retired in Vancouver, Canada. She made a mental note to travel there as it seems like a wonderful place to live. Y/n just recently graduated from University and had planned on moving to New York once they had saved enough money.
Y/n learned that Wanda was also fond of drawing, painting, anything art related. She drew flowers that she grew in her garden mostly, but she occasionally draws a portrait of people. And she was actually pretty good.
Wanda gave him a tour of the house, her kitchen was surprisingly well equipped. Her living room had a 4K flat screen TV. She shyly admits that she enjoys watching movies and shows so she wanted put a little more money on investing in a decent screen. Y/n couldn't judge, they binge watch Netflix all the time too.
The clock soon hits 11 o'clock and Y/n remains the only guest at her party. He felt pity on her, as he could see from all the drinks and food, she really went out of her way only for no one to show up. They would assumed that Wanda felt sad and depressed, but to quite honest, Wanda was so happy that even one person attend her party.
Y/n was kind and polite, they treated Wanda like she was their neighbor instead of some witch. She couldn't be more grateful.
They were playing a game of Jenga when she noticed how late it was. "It's getting late." She told him as he was pulling out a block of wood from the tower with pure concentration, he was even sticking out his tongue.
"Mhmmm... I just need to-" The tower then falls and he groaned in frustration. Wanda laughs at his adorable nature. "You did that on purpose, you just wanted to kick me out!" He jokingly accused her.
"I did not!" She playfully shoved his shoulder. Y/n helped her cleaned up the block of woods before being escorted to the front door by Wanda. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Maximoff. I had a really great time."
"Please, just Wanda." She smiled at him. "And I should be thank you. This is the most fun I've had in a long time."
"So did I." He smiled at her while stepping outside. "If you need anything, I'm just across the road. Don't hesitate to stop by."
"I will, thank you." She smiled sweetly at him. Y/n walked backwards while waving goodbye at her.
"And I want a rematch!" He said before finally turning around to walk back to his house. Wanda laughs saying 'Of course' under her breath and closed the door.
She leaned against the door and let out a happy sighed. I really made a friend!
Smut next chapter homie? 👀
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tealfloyd · 2 years
“I’m sorry MC, but you can’t go to the ball~”
SUMMARY: NRC decides to host a ball in collaboration with RSA, but our dear prefect is not invited. Yet, the night of the ball, something strange happens… (Everyone + Neige and Che’nya x Fem!Reader)
WARNINGS: None, I believe)?
CONTENT: Ortho's part is platonic. Crowley being an ass, but like, it was unintentional, really. As I said, this is pretty long, mostly because it has every character separately, plus 20+ barbie dress transformation. WORDS: 9K+
A/N: I still feel bad since I lost all the content I had before, but it’s okay, I’m glad I saved everything separately because if I didn’t… I wouldn’t be uploading this in the first place.
Also, if you want to use this as inspiration for sketches, go on! I remembered a certain comment which asked for permission, and I certainly don't mind! Now onto the fic~
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Crowley really has the worst timing.
You were just about to drink a vase of water, throat dry because you passed the whole day with the first years. That’s when the door opened, leaving you to almost drop the cup, your reflexes making it possible.
“Crowley! What the hell!?” You whisper yelled, looking at Grim turning in the sofa, far away in his dreamland.
It wasn’t unusual for the kind headmaster to show up with such… Theatrics, but this was certainly a new and unwelcomed entrance.
“I apologise for the sudden intrusion, but there’s has been an incident!” He exclaimed, and you shushed him, leading him to whisper his next sentence. “You see, the ball of Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College is near its due date…”
Indeed, the ball featuring both of the most prestigious schools in Twisted Wonderland was drawing near; it started as a friendly way to make their students socialize, soon turning into a way to exhibit who had the most graceful gentleman.
“Yeah, and? I thought everything was fine, Che’nya told me this morning that the arrangements were almost done."
“Me and the Royal Sword Academy headmaster have gotten some complaints indicating that we should not allow you or Grim assist to the ball due to your dorm not being an official part of the school." Ah, so that was the reason of the nervous tone. “I would refuse, but the grievances come from certain parents with high status and—"
You interrupted. “Don’t worry Crowley, it’s understandable that you don’t want to make such powerful enemies. Grim on the other hand…” You spared a glance at the sleeping being, already imagining what kind of reaction he would have.
“I appreciate your understanding, yet that’s not what I wanted to discuss."
“Some of your friends know about this, and I’m afraid they’re… How can I say this…? A little erratic."
You sighed, knowing exactly what the meant by that. “Are you scared of them?”
“Me? Of course not! I’m the headmage! But it would be helpful if you intervened."
“They can’t be that bad, I’ll go talk to them."
Oh, it can be that bad. Not overblot case bad, but it’s much more chaotic than you thought it would be.
You walked towards the dining hall, place where all of them got the news. You felt bad for the other students who had to run away because of the outburst.
Once you enter the hall, there was only a way you can describe the situation: encasing every reaction in a specific group.
First, we have the erratic behaviour, as Crowley mentioned earlier: students who are enraged because you cannot go to the ball. Here we have Ace, Deuce, Riddle, Leona, Floyd, Vil, Epel, Malleus and Sebek. Some are just snappy, such as Leona or Vil, and Riddle is trying to not let the anger overcome him. The rest are tagged as official menaces.
The second is the quiet group, the scariest of them all. Even if you tried, you can’t fathom what their expressions are hiding, exuding an eerie aura that has everyone shivering. The most students of this group are Azul, Jade, Rook, Idia and Lilia, the most dangerous combination to ever exist.
The last but not least group is the one that has every sane person, and the ones that are near sanity. They are so busy trying to control the furious trope that they don’t realise why they’re mad in the first place. Trey, Cater, Ruggie, Jack, Kalim, Jamil, Ortho and Silver are the ones in this category.
You yelled as loud as you could in order to gain their attention, everyone’s head turning when recognising the familiar voice.
“What’s going on here!?”
“MC/Prefect!” They jolted, abruptly stopping dead in their tracks.
“I thought Crowley was exaggerating when he told me that you were, and I quote, erratic, but this is absurd!” You whined in annoyance, not believing the scene in front of you, much less believing the reason behind it.
“Ah, well, this was just, uh…” Ace was trying to find the correct words to not make you angrier, eyes evading yours as you send him a cold glare.
“We were practicing for, uh…!” Deuce’s desperation showed up in order to think of an excuse, and you had enough of it.
“Do you think I’m dumb?” The bitter words came out as venom, not only being directed at the young boy but at everyone, seeing how you shared your discontent look with all of them. “Is this because of the ball?”
There was a brief silence before it was cut off again by Malleus.
“Child of Man, I think that this decision is an act of unfairness towards you," his comment made way to other ones, clearly displeased with the agreement.
“You have done so much for this school!” Kalim blurted out.
“It’s an improper choice after all the effort you’ve put, since this event is for congratulating students for their excelling performances," Jade remarked, slight annoyance in his voice.
Soon, the hall was filled with different arguments, and yet again, you had to yell.
“Guys, I know that it may be unfair, but I’m okay with it; you all could get expelled for doing this!” More than anger, your voice was full of concern, worried because of their impulsive actions.
“Shrimpy, aren’t you upset?” Floyd tilted his head, not comprehending why you weren’t showing any strong emotion at the news.
“Certainly Mademoiselle, you must feel at least the slightest bit offended, don’t you?” Rook asked, also tilting his head.
“What I think about it doesn’t matter, the decision it’s made and there’s nothing else to do other than accept it, and you must do the same," you sighed, all the stress leaving your body with that long exhale. “You shouldn’t make a fuss over this; there will be other events I can participate to."
“And what if there aren’t any ‘other events’?” The abrupt question coming from Leona made you think, and after some seconds you chuckled.
“If that’s the case then I guess I can always make my own," your quick response had everyone gasp in cuteness, some were more dramatic than others cough Cater cough, but the gasp was there.
“My, is this an angel speaking to us?” Lilia said, his teasing tone having you think it was a joke, which it wasn’t.
“Less talk, more work." And with that note, the students were forced to start their cleaning duties, not really minding it since you were there.
While you were picking up some broken pieces of wood, an idea came to your mind, making you do a soft smile as you thought about the outcome.
The ball day was here, and everyone was shining in their own lights, their tuxedos matching their distinctive colours as they added some characteristic details to it.
The week after the incident, everything was pretty chill; they reluctantly agreed to leave the topic alone to please you, switching it to their fashion choices or practicing some basic dance moves.
You were greatly surprised when seeing them all before the event, cheering them up as you told them that they looked handsome, making some of the boy’s blush. “I hope you enjoy the ball!”
You bid them goodbye, making sure everyone was out of sight so you could return to Ramshackle, home to the angry creature named Grim.
“How can they not invite the great Grim to their boring party!? That’s unacceptable!” You laughed at his antics, caressing his fur to soothe his ire.
“Should I remind you that I was also excluded?” He let out a cute groan, curling into your lap to comfort himself.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever ya’ say henchman. By the way, why’re ya’ using that dress?” He lazily signalled the simple gown you were wearing, closing his eyes when you reached an icky spot.
“I don’t know, I saw it at Sam’s and decided to buy it, does it look bad?”
“I didn’t say that. It’s just weird you’re using it now…”
Both you and Grim decided to get out of Ramshackle, sitting on the shore of the pond that was near the old building, the quiet and magical atmosphere worth the outing.
Grim’s soft snores were heard in the solitude of the forest, some fireflies appearing to make the scene look like it came straight out of a painting.
“Am I upset?” You asked yourself, quoting the words from last week.
Truthfully, you did care about not being invited to the ball. Your excitement vanished the moment the headmaster started explaining why you couldn’t assist.
You started to wonder if that meant that your efforts were going to be unappreciated, until you remembered that they weren't. The friends you made here made you feel at home, even though most of them were sceptical about befriending you at first, oblivious to the fact that they started to look at you with heart eyes.
You started to sing a lullaby you constantly heard during your childhood, a calm harmony that brought you peace in moments like this, when you were about to cry out of confusion and sadness.
Your voice acted as anaesthesia for the little Grim, humming contently as you gently stood up, holding him like a baby as you started to dance around.
Unbeknown to you, a wandering fairy heard the enchanting lyric; her pointy ears perked up in curiosity as she approached slowly, her small form making it impossible for you to take notice of, too focused in your dancing solo.
The small, fantastic individual started to hum along. Deeming you as a friend, and not a threat, she closed the distance between you both, a giggle leaving her mouth as she sat on your shoulder, surprised when you didn’t saw her.
She stayed silent, lightly grasping the soft material of your dress so she wouldn’t fall, hearing in joy as you continued your lively tune.
Your steps were feather like, slowly spinning while leaving the forest, now strolling through the dark corridors of the academy. It may seem a little eerie seeing it as an outsider, but everything you could think of was the enchanting lyrics, the absence of light not resembling an issue as you resume the melodious piece.
It was a matter of time when you got to the giant ballroom, passing through an open door as you heard a lively composition that matched yours, smiling wider until you collided with someone.
You woke up from your trance, your previously calm state being replaced by worry as you bow to the person in front of you.
“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t my intention to…” You spared a quick glance at the boy’s face, mouth agape when realising who it was, the little fairy hiding as soon as she saw the unknown person. “Neige?”
“Ah! MC, I was looking for you!” Said the young boy, cheeks dusted of a light pink. “I was afraid you didn’t appear, but I’m so happy I found you!”
That woke up Grim, aside from all the chit chatter of the room.
“Nyah!? Henchman, where are we!?” He jumped off your arms, falling nose-first on the marble floor.
“I may have brought us while dancing…” You confessed, ashamed of not noting it sooner. “I’m sorry Neige, but we and Grim have to go before Crowley spots us."
“Not so fast! I want to check the food! With that amount I’m sure they won’t notice one or two dishes missing…” His mischievous smile threw you off guard, sighing at his intentions.
“Grim, come on, we can’t…”
“It would be a pleasure! The banquet is right there!” Said the naive boy, signalling a large table with lots of different dishes.
In less than a second, Grim was already there, filling his mouth with everything his little paws could hold on to.
“Grim!” The frustration was there, but you couldn’t show it, not wanting to make a scene, but you were certain that some students were already glancing your way.
The kind-hearted boy looked at you with pure adoration, trying his best to hide it as he took your hand in his; all while the little fairy, still hidden, tried to think about what she could do to help you.
The gown was sky blue, white grading in the top and sleeves with some yellow sparks. Your hair was now short, curled at the ends and portraying a red lace on the top, a cute bow placed on it.
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you… Would you like to dance with me?”
“I guess I can, I’m already here, aren’t I?”
Dear, you just made Neige the happiest man alive. The dwarfs were in their way to talk with him, but when they noticed the huge smile that he portrayed, decided to keep their distance so you could have your perfect moment.
That was interrupted when he stopped, pointing at your dress that had changed abruptly. You were surprised, obviously, but there wasn’t a major reaction from you, since you’re in a world of magic after all. Him on the other hand was completely flustered, trying to think of a compliment as he kept dancing.
He’s a good dancer, but his steps resemble those of a child dancing, in a good way obviously, it’s pretty fun and refreshing to waltz with him.
Laughing time was over when a shout was heard, coming from a certain red hair.
 “Prefect!?” Yelled the first years, their loud scream attracting even more attention. You just hoped Crowley didn’t hear it; oh, well, he didn’t. But the others surely did.
And now you’re scared because Vil had a questioning look in his face. If he did saw the dance, may the Sevens let you rest in peace.
“Ah, hey guys!” You backed away from Neige, who in response pouted, sad at the loss of contact.
 “What are you doing here!?” They asked, a combination of confusion and excitement washing over them.
“I don’t know, I was enjoying my solitude, dancing alone and when I looked up, I was here, dressed like this," you slightly lifted the dress for emphasis, frowning when everyone shut up. “Uh, guys—?”
“Please dance with me!” Most of them screamed at once, having to cover your ears because it was so sudden and very much not appreciated.
And just like a week ago, that led to everyone argue about who should dance with you.
You were about to stop them again, but someone took advantage of the situation, bringing his hands to your waist.
The gown was of a light lilac, along with some stripes that were just a few shades apart, white sleeves added to the palette. Your hair was still short, but it changed the style to a light messy pixie cut with some mauve highlights.
“Isn’t this such an entertaining scenario, nya~?”
“I think is more of a dangerous scenario, incredible to think they’re fighting over such a stupid thing.”
Oh, MC, is that what you think of yourself? This is not a stupid thing, dancing with you is enough to make the most ferocious man drop on their knees, mesmerized by your beauty.
And he certainly would do that just by seeing you with a dress matching his attire. While you don’t know why or how this is happening, he’s grinning widely because you look so beautiful, the slightest shade of pink covering his cheeks as he throws some funny comments, lighting up the mood.
Dancing with him is amusing, to say the least, sometimes disappearing his body, leaving you to dance with a floating head.
Ace, the moment breaker, does his thing once again, his loud shrieks rivalling those of Sebek.
 “Ah, she’s dancing with the disappearing guy!” They all turned their heads, most of them having a vein about to pop up from the anger.
 “It seems that I’m not welcomed, but at least we will be together the next week, goodbye~!” And with that, he disappeared, again.
Remember that scene when Rapunzel was calming Maximus down? That was the exact thing you had to do with the most enraged students, thanking the unwanted dress for acting as a distractor.
“If you care that much about dancing with me, I can dance with all of you, only if you promise that you would not cause more mess; I’m already walking on a thin line just by being here."
Silence. You tapped your foot impatiently at that.
“Promise that you would not cause more mess," it was more of a demand than a request, but it worked when they all repeated your words, humming in approval.
“Great, so who’s the first?”
Quickly realising your mistake, you spoke again before everything reverted to a few minutes ago. “Wait, maybe it would be better to do this by dorm order. Which means that Heartslabyul will go first."
It was then when the troublemakers of said dorm started to dispute over who should dance with you first; Ace proclaimed that he should because he met you first, and Deuce responded by exposing his terrible behaviour towards you the first time you met.
Tired of this, you grabbed Ace’s hand, being the first pick because, well, both Ace and Deuce were right.
The gown was of a cheerful ruby colour, the sleeves were wine and since it was Heartslabyul inspired, had a chess design along with some hearts in the skirt. Your hair was tied in a loose braid, a heart shaped accessory placed in the side.
“Are you that excited to dance with me, Prefect?”
“Deuce was right, you were the first nuisance I met, I thought it was obvious.”
He groaned in embarrassment, recalling the awful treatment he had with you, wishing it would have gone somewhat different.
When he was about to change the subject when your dress changed yet again. You said that that probably was going to happen all night, and that he shouldn’t pay attention to this Barbie style transition.
He definitely doesn’t know what is a Barbie, but he refuses to not pay attention to the dress, teasing you about it, trying to make you blush. That’s where the tables turned and you teased him, making him blush. Great, you broke Ace.
He dances in a messy manner, but he can be serious when he wants to, so I would say it’s a 50/50 final rating.
Sighing at this, you decided it was time to change partners, leaving his hands so you could grab Deuce’s ones. Expect him to be more annoying, maybe even sending Deuce some threatening glares.
The gown was navy blue, in its majority, a few hints of cerulean peeking up the skirt, the same chess design with some deuces in the corset. Your hair had a bun, it was loose but it didn’t look messy, just a few strands of hair that were out, along with a deuce hairpin.
“You… You look beautiful, Prefect."
“Thank you Deuce, you also look handsome, but… Your face is very red."
It’s because he wasn’t prepared for this. Did his mother tell him what to do when dancing with a girl whose dress magically changes every time she changes partners? No, he’s sure she’s not.
As a fun fact, Deuce’s mother sensed something was going on with her son; when Deuce told her what happened, words couldn’t describe how happy she got.
When he does notice the dress, he stays still, not moving for a few seconds until you bring him back to earth, worried about his sudden redness. MC, please, you’re going to kill the poor boy.
His mother tried to teach him how to dance a few times, so he isn’t that inexperienced as one would think, but the problem is that he’s dancing with you, and that makes things complicated.
He doesn’t know if he should feel relieved or sad when you move to continue dancing with Cater. Maybe both, but it’s not like he can’t say something, he still respects his upperclassman even though he wanted to keep dancing with you.
The gown was of a bright tangerine, a soft shade of red covering the sleeves. A pattern of diamonds was outlined in the corset, subtly placed on it so it wasn’t too flashy. Your hair resembled his, the top part tied back into a ponytail and the rest hanged straight, curling at the ends.
“If I posted this on Magicam, a lot of people will get super jealous of you!”
“As if, I’m pretty average, I don’t know why someone will get jealous of me."
Your kindness, tolerance, intelligence, looks, should he keep going? There’s a ton of reasons people will envy you, and he means that as a good thing, really; in his eyes you’re the most stunning person to ever exist.
And apparently you can change clothes magically, we can add that to the list as well.
His dancing is playful, but he’s fairly skilled, talking about random things while he swiftly moves one feet after the other.
He resists the impulse of taking his phone out and taking selfies non-stop, not wanting to disturb you or weird you out in such a moment, when in reality you’re pretty chill about it. If only he knew about it, he would have had thousands of pictures of you and your dazzling self.
He only does it when it’s time to swap, posing with you as he takes a quick snap, posting it with the hashtags: #ballroomprincess #howjusthow #thebeautyandthebeauty, and so on.
The gown was pine, the dark shade of green matching with Trey’s. It seemed to be more nature-like, clovers all around it. Your hair was asymmetrical, and it barely touched your shoulders, looking a little spiky, yet it still looked stylish.
“I thought you weren’t allowed to come here. Did Grim drag you, perhaps?"
“It’s a long story, but Grim’s the one that made me stay; by the end of the night there will probably be no food left to eat though."
Which is a shame because he prepared a few desserts, Che’nya suggestion, and he wanted you to try some of them specially to see your sparkling eyes as you took bite after bite. Oh well, it would have to wait until Heartslabyul’s next tea party.
But it seems he’s gotten a new sight, you in a dress that magically changed and it’s now matching with him. He doesn’t ask about it, letting himself enjoy this brief moment with you.
He’s a good dancer, and his tall figure makes him look elegant while he waltzes with you, the atmosphere breaking when you switch to a huffing Riddle.
He sighs, leaving your hand so it would take his dorm leader’s. He starts to wonder how he can pass more time with you, maybe a baking date session would make you accept.
The gown is scarlet and white, hints of black but mostly to softly outline the roses and the hearts placed on it, looking fairly fancier than the other ones, like his dorm uniform. Your hair was in a bun, velvety like for the little crown that was on top to stay still.
“I… I’m surprised to see you here, Prefect."
“I was surprised as well, but you get accustomed to it… Ah, Riddle, are you alright?”
He can’t control the blush that creeps up his face. He nods, wanting to look at you in the eyes, yet he can’t help but feeling flustered when you tilt your head in confusion, trying to make eye contact.
Sevens, his mother would be so disappointed at this, what would she say if she found her son wasn’t following proper ball manners? And then he remembers that his mother isn’t there, only you, knowing that you didn’t really care about those in the first place, and he doesn’t know if he should feel relieved or frustrated.
When he sees the dress, he stops dancing for a few moments before continuing, finding the explanation weirder than the dress itself. But he has a limited amount of time and he prefers spending it dancing than trying to find the reasoning of this; even he’s surprised by this thought too.
As said before, his mother taught him how to waltz, so he has experience doing it. Now when it comes to the part of actually dancing… He needs to polish it a little, but the knowledge is there.
Speaking of which, he knows it’s over when you have to shift partners, Leona being the next one. His snarky grin he sends at him is almost enough for him to explode, Trey noticing this and immediately trying to calm him down. Perhaps he can include some ball elements to some of his tea parties, definitely not to spend those with you, no no yes.
The gown is of a sand colour, golden details all over it to make it look like it was a royal dress; a satin, brown scarf placed elegantly on your arms. A braided chignon hairstyle made it easier to carry a golden tiara on it.
“You really like being in trouble, huh? I didn’t think you would sneak here, herbivore."
“I like to think that since I come here, I’ve became a Jack in the Box full of surprises, don’t you agree?”
Sure you are, not only you sneaked in here, but you also sneaked your way into your heart. He’s not stupid, and he won’t say you are, but what he can say it’s that you are pretty dense. Well, in your defence, you do know he treats women differently, so how are you supposed to guess the fondness he shows at you?
This is one of the few, rare moments where you get to see a shocked Leona, his eyes widening at remodelling of your dress, tail swinging in glee. You really are a box full of surprises, aren’t you? He doesn’t know what he should say, choosing to stay quiet, enjoying the calmness that you made him feel.
He would never say out loud though. At least, not now.
He has a royal background, so it makes sense that he knows at least the slightest bit of dancing manners, and he shows that while waltzing with you.
The moment doesn’t last long as you start to back up from him in a strange manner, and his eyes soon found out the reason why. He growls at this, that hyena is going to pay it off for the next days. Either way, he would have done it even if he didn’t intervene.
The gown is of a dark fawn, blonde highlights in the neckline. Compared to Leona’s, this was more wild-like, giving a light, rustic impression. Your hair had a back Dutch braid, the mid-length complementing the whole look.
“Hey, Prefect, didn’t expect to see you here. And to imagine that everyone made a fuss 'bout this, shi shi shi~”
“Yeah, I think everybody thinks the same here. There wasn’t really need for you to use your unique magic, I think Leona got mad at it."
Effectively, he got mad at it and because he stole you. Fair enough, he thinks he can endure a few days of Leona’s working, that meant he got to see you more than him since he would be running his errands.
When he saw the dress, oh boy, man was trying so hard to not blush. The only way to prevent that was by teasing you; just make sure to don’t tease him back, he doesn’t think he can’t handle it.
He knows how to dance, so he’s pretty fluent when waltzing with you, making some accidental mistakes so you would step closer to him. That backfires when you cheekily laugh, and the blush he tried to contain creeped up his face.
Just when he thought you were going to see it, you released him, and he was left holding nothing as you giggled at this reaction, now dancing with his underclassman. He frowned but didn’t want to make you mad by using the same tactic, so he let it be.
The gown was pearl, similar to the one you were using earlier except that this one was fancier. The skirt had some light golden designs, a few hints of black on it to contrast. Your hair was tied in a classy ponytail, fluffy and shiny, much like his fur when he’s in his wolf form.
“You could get in trouble for being here, don’t you know that?”
“I’m sorry, do you want me to go?”
Short answer, no. Long answer, he’s very happy that you’re here, literally everyone can tell just by looking at his tail, wagging uncontrollably. If you try to say something about it, he will deny it, even though it’s still wagging.
He can’t dance that well, but he’s trying, and that’s what counts. Besides, it’s not that noticeable, maybe a few stomps on your feet but nothing too serious.
This dress causes him to leave a quiet gasp, mouth agape for a few seconds until his mind tells him that he should ask you why and what was that transformation. You respond sincerely, telling him that you don’t know and that he should just ignore it.
Like hell he’ll be ignoring this, it’s not something you can so easily ignore, but for the sake of his dignity, he will try. Keyword try, begging that you don’t start to ask questions about his state.
Apparently, you heard his pleads, muttering a little ‘goodbye’ as you now danced with Octavinelle’s sly, but nervous, octopus. He sighs, he didn’t mean it like this, but it was something that was meant to happen soon or later. More soon than later.
The gown was of a greyish cloud colour, platinum adornments on it that make it look elegant, even though it seemed to approach more of a softer side. A waterfall braid embellishing the 'marine' style look.
“My, if it isn’t the Prefect. I’m greatly surprised to see you here, and I also see you’ve made some major changes in your attire."
“Those aren’t intentional. I swear I don’t know where they’re coming from, but they’re nice, I think."
Nice? That’s how you would describe them? Your sole being is enough for him to lose his businessman composure, and now you do this, this… How did you call it? Barbie transition? No, he wasn’t hearing the conversation you had with Ace, what are you implying?
He’s already having a hard time to not let his façade break down, afraid that you may not like him if he showed any weakness, and that’s when he saw the dress, now matching his outfit. Although he still is smiling, what gives him away is the huge blush and his subtle coughing, trying to convince himself that he can still talk to you normally, like every other day.
Until he remembers that you don’t usually talk while waltzing, and that is enough for him to sigh in relief, now focusing in not stepping over your feet because of his nervousness.
He knows how to dance, it’s just because of the nerves and the feeling of your curious eyes staring up at him.
A tall figure places himself next to him, and he doesn’t need to look up to know who is, slightly refusing to let you go. Yet he knows that it would not end well for him; the mischievous eel would definitely use this as teasing material. He figures he can make a dance night in the Lounge, only you and him.
The gown was teal, and it seemed to be made of a shiny material, some purple laces tied on it as it had a tight and long bow on the left side. You portrayed a half up left side braid, clearly resembling his long streak of dark-grey hair framing his left side.
“You look marvellous tonight, Prefect; may it be because of your presence or your magical dress?”
“Very funny. Obviously, it’s the dress. The one that I didn’t know had magical properties when I bought it, but thanks for noting my presence."
Wrong. The dress certainly was a boost to your natural charming nature, but saying that was the only cause of your fascinating self would be an understatement, after all, the main thing Jade and Floyd finds fascination in is how interesting is the person in question, and for him to have romantic feelings for you? With that you can already imagine what he thinks of you.
He waits for the moment your dress changes, and when it does he leaves an amused chuckle. But surprisingly enough, he doesn’t say anything about it, rather enjoying your reactions at it and your comforting company.
He excels at dancing, even making it more difficult for you to keep the pace, and yet again an entertained noise leaves his mouth. He slows down a little, not wanting to exhaust you, as your next partner would be his energetic twin.
Speaking of the devil, he can’t wait for much longer, whining to you both that he wants to dance with you. He leaves no room for complaints, and so you are separated from Jade, who finds this situation more than lively. If Azul ever decides to tell him about his idea of the dance night in the Lounge, he would be more than delighted to share some of his suggestions.
This gown was the twin of Jade's, also teal and shiny, the purple bow now sided on the right, now messier and easy looking. Your hair is, again, in a half up right-side braid. Similar to the concept of the dark-grey streak of hair on his right side.
“Shrimpy~! Why didn’t you tell me that you were here? We could have passed more time together~!”
“Sorry Floyd, my mind was a bit of a mess before I got here. But I’m here now, doesn’t that make you happy?”
He lets out a cute: "yay~!" And you are wondering how someone can be so adorable and so frightening at the same time, as his pout quickly disappeared after your kind-hearted question.
He has the same train thought that his brother, and waits for your dress to change. He’s a little disappointed when he sees it at first, I mean, doesn’t it look the same? Until he notices those small details that allure to his right side highlight, and his smile widens so much you can even see his back teeth.
His Shrimpy surely knows how to make him happy! How is he supposed to stop smiling so widely when you can become more interesting by the second? Be warned, this man wouldn’t let you in peace after this, but that applies to almost everything that you do, because for him everything you do can be interesting. Even if they’re not, he would make them interesting just by joining you.
His dancing is… Different. It’s not ballroom dance, that’s for sure, but why should he follow such boring rules when he can have fun spinning you? And you agree to some level, but your stomach doesn’t.
He pouts when you try to change, expressively refusing to let you go. He only agrees to when you say you would pass more time with him after, most likely hovering over you the rest of the night. A true Octavinelle student.
The gown was of a really light and shiny yellow, almost looking like it was made of gold, softly transitioning to a silver white in the sleeves and neckline. Your hair had a braided crown, a turban like his slightly covering it.
“I’m glad you’re here Prefect! I was going to throw a ball for you since I thought you would miss this one!”
“There’s no need for that Kalim, but I appreciate the gesture. You’re very sweet."
You think he’s sweet?
Now nothing is stopping him now from actually throwing a ball in your honour. He usually doesn’t think much when it comes to give you gifts and hosting parties for you, no selfish intention behind it, but if this makes you say that he’s sweet again? He doesn’t have any second thoughts about it, much to Jamil’s annoyance.
When he sees the dress he exclaims a loud ‘wow’, like really loud, he even stops dancing for a couple of seconds because of the initial shock. He didn’t know you could do this, MC, this is awesome! Oh, you didn’t do it? It doesn’t matter, it’s still awesome and nothing can change his mind.
He knows how to dance, and surprisingly, he takes it seriously. His steps are firm, contrasting with his saccharine smile.
He sees Jamil aside, a slight frown as he keeps his gaze locked on the floor, and he decides it’s time to change partners, making you do a twirl and practically throwing you at Jamil’s arm, giving him a thumbs up. He can dance with you later when you come to Scarabia, and by later is tomorrow! He’s just too excited!
The gown was black, little touches of a flaming red on it, mostly placed on the sleeves to emphasize a fire-like emblem, a golden snake tracing your waist gracefully. A braided bun with a large lock of hair standing on the side of your face, similar to his.
“Aren’t you tired? I’m sure all this dancing is exhausting for you."
“I’m fine, this is better than watching soap operas alone while Grim sleeps. His snores are so loud I can’t enjoy the drama."
Watching what? We all know Jamil isn’t much of a trendy and he doesn’t follow the latest entertainment, so he’s confused when you explain this to him. That doesn’t mean he isn’t intrigued, maybe if he wasn’t so busy he could watch this soap operas with you, only if you want to though; his worst nightmare is making you uncomfortable.
The transition has him even more confused, and he hopes he had his hoodie right now to hide his face in it, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of you because of that stupid cute blush. He asks about it, and he sighs when you told him the story we already know, already expecting something like this, it’s you who we’re talking about after all.
He’s an A+ dancer, and the great thing about dancing with him is that he understands you can’t follow his moves and accustoms to your moves, making you feel at ease and welcomed.
When he spins you, Pomefiore’s house warden takes your hand in his, now taking the position as your current partner. He leaves a bothered noise, awkwardly staring at you and the Magicam star.
The gown was black, a violet robe placed on it in a similar fashion like Vil's, the most outstanding feature being its length. Your hair had a side French braid up-do, a tilted golden tiara on it.
“It seems that you’ve finally taken my fashion suggestion, potato."
“The answer may disappoint you, Vil, but this is not my doing. Although it’s fancy, it can’t rival yours."
He can’t agree with that; sure, he’s dressed elegantly and his makeup is perfectly done, but that doesn’t mean you’re inferior than him. You’re one of the few people that don’t have the title of potato in his head, even though he has it like a nickname for you, but he sees it as an endearing term and he low-key hopes you see it as well. He never really understood the concept of inner beauty before meeting you, now getting its meaning.
Vil’s a professional actor, so he only shows the slightest hint of surprise when your dress changes. His blush isn’t a noticeable one, and even if it was, he could have just said that it was a new product, knowing you would believe him. He finds your naïve nature confusing; Neige is naïve, and that bothers him, because he’s Neige, but when it comes to you is just… Endearing.
You’ve practiced with him quite a few times, using it as an excuse to see you since he was pretty busy with the clothing arrangement the week prior to the ball, not really expecting to actually dance with you.
You spot the astute hunter behind him; deciding it was time to change, he reluctantly released you, his face betraying as he scoffed at this, softly enough so you wouldn’t hear it.
The gown was of an iris purple, a short, red cape hovering over your shoulders, looking a lot like a hunter's cape, a black neckline completing the Pomefiore’s colour palette. Your hair was wavy, bob styled, matching with Rook's.
“Quelle beauté! Your beauty is nothing I can ever compare, for it is so endearing that my heart flutters at this magnifique sight!”
“Wow, I… I don’t know what to say— Thank you, Rook. That’s one of the most beautiful things you’ve said to me, and I encounter you every single day."
You really think so? Then you should listen to his poetry; dozens of poems dedicated solely to you placed neatly in his drawer, ready for you to read them, or, even better, he can read them to you! He recites them every time he thinks about you, so he knows them by heart.
He’s great at acting, but why should he act when he’s genuinely happy of having you this close? He doesn’t see the appeal in it, he wants you to see how much appreciation he has for you, continuing to spill carefully planned comments, even forgetting about the fact that your dress has just magically transformed. The hovering attention has you stuttering, and he leaves a content sigh at your reaction, basking in your cuteness.
He’s the vice dorm leader of Pomefiore, he knows how to dance, and his gracefulness is something you did expect from him, so there’s no surprises in this part.
He doesn’t put a fight when you have to switch to your next partner, only making a dramatic sight and saying something corny like: "may fate reunite us again." Rook, you’re going to see MC tomorrow, calm down.
The gown was lavender, an apple red cloak covering your bare shoulders, the interior being of a velvety black. Your hair was tied in a low, twisted ponytail, some golden apple hairpins on the side.
“Ya’ look very pretty… I mean, you look great, Prefect!”
“Thank you Epel, but you know that you don’t have to hide the accent when you’re with me, right?”
He forgets how thoughtful you are, how he doesn’t have to act like the perfect boy Vil wants him to be, and how you don’t think of him as weak just because of his feminine looks. He’s thankful for that— Correction, he’s thankful for you.
He maybe in Pomefiore, but he has no acting skills, backing off you for a few seconds because of the surprise, immediately recovering from it upon seeing your confused expression. He didn’t mean it as a bad reaction, he saw it before, but he still doesn’t know why or how you do this, only to receive the explanation that you aren’t the one changing your dress, jokingly telling him that if you could do that you wouldn’t be broke. Sad facts, MC, sad facts.
He’s an average dancer. He’s had so many, so many classes with Vil graved in his skull, but not on his body, so he constantly looks at his feet and even like that he makes some mistakes, but nothing you can’t correct.
It was hard to switch partners this time, only because Ignihyde’s gloomy dorm leader was hidden in the crowd. When you did spot him, you had to make your best try at making it as smooth as possible, waving Epel goodbye, who in return waved you as well, being too nervous to actually protest.
The gown was indigo, the dark colour combining both of Ignihyde's characteristic style, adding some sapphire elements so it would look a little more "futuristic". Your hair had a classic half up-do, the volume matching with Idia's flame hair.
“How did you—? Forget it, of course it’s something the main character would do."
“Aww, you think I’m the main character?”
And now his hair is combusting into pink flames. Good job MC.
He can’t believe he actually lived long enough to see you like this, and what’s worse better, you spotted him and wanted to dance with him. Is there some kind of manual for situations like this?
Maybe he should ask in a forum. Wait, is something he can actually ask? There’s a ton of questions and no answers, but those thoughts disappear when seeing you change of dress and hairstyle yet again.
His dancing skills are… Non-existing. This man doesn’t dance. You have to guide him in the entire waltz, and it’s difficult because he’s standing there, officially classifying as a rock.
You see his younger brother besides, and you can’t help but changing with him, wanting to have a bonding moment with the little boy. Idia froze in place, mind racing with thoughts of what could he have done to scare you— Oh, you’re dancing with Ortho, now he’s at ease.
This one was a short dress, knee-length; it was lapis, layers of a translucent fabric covering the skirt, looking slightly lighter in colour. Your hair was simpler this time, a short and cute cut with a blue flame hair accessory.
“Hello MC! I’m happy you’re here, and thank you for dancing with my brother. He seems much livelier now!”
“Really? That’s nice to hear. Idia’s not the type to go to these events, so I’m happy if you both are happy!”
He knows about his brother’s crush on you, and honestly speaking, Idia’s the one that has a huge advantage against everyone else: He has a cute brother sorry Leech, you're cute too, but c'mon, he's Ortho who wants him to be happy. I’m sorry everyone, this is the truth.
This was actually pretty fun. His short height made it easier for you if you're tall, sorry, can't relate to dance with him, and although he’s a robot, he can dance fairly well, giggling when you spin him.
He stops and says that it’s time to switch, according to the data he’s recollected during the night, and because a dragon-fae is waiting just behind you.
The gown was all black, the only other colour it had was a bright green, seen in the hem of the cape and the large lace that was tied in your waist. Your hair had a twisted royal bun, a dark crown over it with some black diamonds, outshining the hairstyle itself.
“You always manage to amuse me, Child of Man. May you join me in this dance?”
“Your old-fashioned talking amuses me too, Tsunotarou, so let me try… It would be a pleasure, noble gentleman."
The giggle that leaves your mouth after saying those words is music to his ears, holding you in such a fragile manner as if you were porcelain. When he does start waltzing, his eyes focus on yours and only yours; being with you like this makes him forget everything else, choosing to rather enjoy your presence and the warmth that it comes with it.
The dress does break his concentration, fixating his gaze on it for a few seconds before his eyes return to his initial position. It’s not that he doesn’t think you don’t look enchanting, you always do, but even if you wore a potato sack to the ball he would still think of you as his goddess. That’s how much he loves you.
He’s an exceptional dancer; he grew up in a royal environment after all, often practicing with his grandmother and Lilia, but he’s willing to slow down for you. And that’s when his mind wanders about dancing with you at night, the moonlight covering your smooth skin as you both dance till your feet hurt and— Where are you?
It seems he let himself out of guard and now you’re dancing with… His overseer. Did— Did Lilia just stole his Child of Man? DID LILIA JUST STOLE HIS CHILD OF MAN—?
He calms down, knowing that making a scene is considered rude, and so the only thing he can do is… Pout. So he’s now a sad and pouting dragon-fae.
The gown was of an opaque magenta, the top being black with some leather belts tied on it. Your hairstyle was asymmetrical, mid-length with a resemblance to his own, some of it flipping upwards, looking like small horns.
“It’s endearing to see you here, dear. I was thinking of even bringing you with me~”
“Thank you for not doing it, I don’t think I can endure another flying session…”
That’s a shame, he loves when you cling onto him like your life depends on it, and it low-key does, but there’s nothing to worry about! He would never drop you or let you fall, not even him would joke like that.
He recognizes the type of magic that is causing this, and lo and behold he takes a glimpse at the hidden fairy behind you. He chuckles, not saying a thing to let the show continue, but he’s really intrigued by how you managed to get the attention of such a shy creature, soon remembering that of course it was attracted by you, everyone in this room could say the same.
He’s a good dancer, but he chooses to make it more fun by elevating you a few meters off the floor. You cling onto him, telling him to stop doing that as you slowly tried to reach the marble ground.
When it’s time to change, he spins you dramatically, and you fall right into the arms of the drowsy Diasomnia knight, who woke up at the sudden impact.
The gown was white, some simple and silver patterns on it, maybe from a knight's armour. Your hair had a flower braid, specifically a rose, cascading down like a waterfall.
“Prefect…? Are you okay? You look a bit exhausted."
“I’m fine, Silver, sorry to wake you up this way, it wasn’t my intention."
He doesn’t mind if you are the one waking him up, and it’s not like this is the first time it has happened either; your clumsy friends always manage to make you fall, and conveniently for you, he’s there, be it catching you or cushioning your fall, but once again, he doesn’t mind.
If he’s being honest, he didn’t pay attention to the dress nor the hairstyle you were wearing at first, and how it magically transformed every time you changed partners, so this background leads him to make a baffled expression, mostly because he isn’t the greatest at showing emotions. He mutters some compliments, but the echoing walls don’t let you hear what he’s saying, much to his invisible frustration.
He’s a calm dancer, and it’s very much like dancing in a fairy forest, animals surrounding you as you continue to be invested in the harmonious waltz.
But that moment breaks when the last boy complains under his breath, probably because he was the only one that hadn’t had his dance with you, and with an apologetic smile, you go to him. He sighs, trying to stay awake, but failing at the end as his breathing regulates in his sleep.
The gown was lime, some parts had a darker green and others had subtle white highlights. Your hair was now straight, twirling slightly at the ends, which touched your covered neck.
“I’ll give my all in this dance, human!”
“I know, Sebek. You always give your all in everything you do~”
Are you trying to use the same tactics you’ve used to seduce Lord Malleus? That won’t work, human! He’s not weak to your charming smile and lovely eyes, he must stay alert to guard his master from any threats!
Less to say that is a terrible lie; he’s head over heels for you, but can’t express it, not even when the transformation happens for the last time, the enchanting dress and enticing hairstyle had him in a state of shock for five to ten seconds, and when he snaps out of it he wants aka sort of demands to know what’s the meaning of this. He shuts up after hearing that you also don’t know, feeling bad for all the shouting.
He’s a vigorous dancer. His moves are more energetic compared to the others, but not enough that you grow tired of it.
Since Sebek was the last one you were supposed to dance with, you sigh in relief, maybe you can finally rest and maybe even enjoy the rest of the night-
“Prefect! What is the meaning of this?” Here it comes, the problem you wanted to evade.
"Crowley! Hello! I was just, uh…” You tried to think of an excuse that made sense, even if you knew that everything you said would be a futile attempt to get out of the situation.
“She was making sure everything went perfectly; she helped with the organisation, after all," Azul declared, him and the eels hiding your figure behind theirs.
“It’s our fault she’s here, we insisted she stayed," Riddle added, unconsciously joining the barricade, as well as the other Heartslabyul students.
“I appreciate the worrying, but I explicitly said that she nor Grim could take part in this ball."
“She helped with it, and for her to not be part of it was an act of unfairness," said Malleus, his cold glare sending shivers down the spine of the kind headmaster.
“I understand your position, Mister Draconia. But—“ You went out, standing in front of Crowley.
“Guys, it’s okay, I’ll take Grim and then we would return to Ramshackle." Before they could even start complaining, a different voice joined the conversation.
“My, what is this commotion?” The Royal Sword Academy headmaster: Ambrose the 63rd, asked. “Oh, you must be the prefect I’ve been hearing a lot about, it’s nice to meet you," he presented himself, and you did the same, somewhat intimidated of him.
“It’s nice to meet you too, sir. My name’s MC, and I know I shouldn’t be here, but I assure you I was about to leave—"
“Leave? Who said anything about that?” Your face shifted into a confused expression.
“I was told that some parents had a problem with me and Grim participating of this ball, so that’s why I thought that—"
His amused laugh shut you up, baffled at this action. “Yes, that’s correct, but it would be cruel to send you home after you made all the way here."
“Headmaster! The parents solicited—"
“I know, Crowley. But they’re not here, and this young lady has the right to enjoy the same things as their classmates. There shouldn’t be any problem since this is a private event."
“But I—"
“You heard that MC!? He said you can stay!” Kalim exclaimed, smile widening due to the excitement.
“It seems that's the case." You said, turning around to the man that helped you, bowing before him in gratefulness. “Thank you, Mr. Ambrose”.
“No worries, dear. Now if you let me, I have to talk some important things with your headmaster." Both of them walked away, Crowley’s shocked expression still placed on his face.
It seems that happy endings do exist in the real life, and if you’re wondering where did the little fairy go… Well, she changed your dress again to the initial gown you wore at first, except that it was more of her liking, with huge bows and puffy sleeves.
But the rest, as some say, it’s history.
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mikuni14 · 2 months
I assume that the series will not make Maya a bad person and it will turn out that she is "not that bad", that she only had Kohei's good at heart and in the end she will understand everything and even reconcile and be friends with Taichi 🙃 But I'll tell you why I dgaf and why such a character bothers me, especially when she's a girl in a BL series:
Maya is completely unnecessarily rude and I mean rude personally. You don't even know how pissed I was that she called Taichi's handwriting and drawings "ugly", which to me is on the same level as calling someone ugly. Even when someone's handwriting is bad and you can't read it, you can point it out in a normal, polite way!
Maya simply acts weird with Taichi and his friends, haughtily and with barely concealed arrogance. She also behaves in their presence as if she was with them as a punishment, she treats each invitation like: "oh joy, another meal 🙄"
her body language suggests that only Kohei is the "good one" and the rest of the people are either almost predators or some poor, stinking peasants, I mean, the way she looks at Taichi with an appraising gaze made my blood boil and and my pocket guillotine opened
it's interesting how Kohei described his problems with his disability, belittling himself, and how she uses her disability to look down on other people
she also uses her and Kohei's disability to create divisions and isolation
she thinks she knows what is best for Kohei and steers/manipulates him in this direction without asking his opinion
assuming that "I have it the worst in life" is an exceptional level of ignorance and narcissism, we have no idea what happened in other people's lives, what is currently happening in their lives, and the funniest, seemingly happiest poeple often hide biggest traumas
I will return again to the exceptional rudeness, which is completely unnecessary: ​​the personal comments, zero filter and manners in conversation, different behavior in the presence of Taichi and different when Kohei appears, which screams bad intention, deceit and duplicity. And yes - her behavior towards Taichi and his friends is a bit classist, intentionally or not. Her entire conversation with Taichi, just shocked me ngl, it was one terrible sentence and accusation after another terrible sentence and accusation
I dislike everything about this person, she is not some poor, lost girl trying ineptly to "save" Kohei. She INTENTIONALLY offends innocent people who have done nothing wrong, often for things beyond their control and about which she has no idea, divides people using manipulation, is false and pretends and is different in contacts with different people. There is some kind of malice in her, which will be hard to defend in the future. And did I mention that she's extremely rude? And not in a funny way like Methas from TLDHLB, but in a mean, arrogant way? Just in case, I'll remind you again 😉
(And to make it even messier and funnier, I don't even know if she's interested in Kohei romantically. If so, that makes her an even worse person)
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a-fandom-reimagined · 10 months
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"Diana, you have exhausted valuable resources and the skills of our healers for one woman. To what end? She will die anyway. Maybe not today or tomorrow. Maybe not a year from now or ten but she will die. You're just delaying the inevitable."
Diana had few moments in her life where she could truthfully say she was angry with her mother. But in that moment she almost hated her. The Amazons were supposed to be messengers of peace and truth and justice. What happened to her mother while she was away? What happened to the fearsome woman who raised and taught her to stand for what was right? This wasn't the first time they'd had this argument and as your life hung in the balance, Diana doubted it would be the last.
You hadn't uttered more than a few sentences since arriving on the sandy shores of Themyscira and that was two weeks ago. You'd been in and out of consciousness every since. Never awake longer than a second or two and no one could tell Diana why. The healers had done all they could. The rest was up to you.
Diana gritted her teeth and rose from your bedside. "You and I are not having this conversation again, mama. Y/N is staying here until she wakes up. The healers will attend her for as long as she requires their attention and that is final. You gave me your word and you will stand by it."
"Perhaps I gave it too hastily."
Fire and hatred burned in Diana's eyes but the Queen of the Amazons did not--would not--falter. "I know you've formed something of an…attachment…to this girl--"
Diana laughed, tearfully. Attachment. What a paltry word to describe what she felt for you. This all-consuming yearning and devotion that kept her up nights and drove her to kneel at your bedside for hours with no regard to her own hunger and comfort. "Attachment," Diana repeated, laughing again.
"She is not like us, my daughter" the queen continued. "She is not like you--"
"She doesn't have to be! I don't need her to be like me. I don't need her to do anything but live, mama!"
"I do not mean to be cruel but if this is what her ailing has done to you…I don't want to know what would become of you if she perished."
Diana for the first time since coming home was inclined to agree with her mother. She opened her mouth to speak, some of her earlier anger dissipating, when a sharp breath stole away her words.
Diana whirled.
You rubbed sleep from your eyes, wincing as you struggled to get comfortable in the narrow cot on which you lay.
Diana stumbled to your bedside and fell to her knees.
You gave her a weak smile, bleary-eyed smile. Your hair was a bird's nest atop your head and yet to Diana, you'd never looked more beautiful.
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You hit the ground hard not for the first time today.
"Dammit," you hissed.
Diana leaned into your line of sight with an apologetic smile. "Are you alright?"
"No I'm not alright!" you snapped. "A toddler could have blocked that kick and I just…I just," you screwed your eyes shut and breathed through the pain, the embarrassment, and frustration. "I'm not the same, D. My body…it's not the same."
She dropped to her knees and gently straddled your waist. Taking your face in her hands, she kissed your lids again and again until you opened them. "It's only been a week, my love. It could take months even years to remind your body of what your mind never forgot. Give it time."
It had been four months since you woke up in Themyscira's infirmary. Four long grueling months spent trying to remember how to walk and care for yourself. Fighting off pain and infection with strange herbs and medicinal techniques you'd never heard of and you were tired. So, so tired of being weak and fragile on an island surrounded by women who were the very definition of everything you used to be.
"But I don't want it to take months or years!" tears of frustration filled your eyes.
"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice." Diana carefully rolled off of you and into the grass.
"Someone did this to me, Diana. I could have died."
"I know… And when you are well my love, we will find them and you will have your justice. But whether you like it or not it will take time. And if you will have me, I will be here with you. For every step of the way. And every step after that."
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Final Error Theory before we get everything confirmed.
Error is an Archivist from a different dimension. If I had to guess it was the dimension that the meat hole tape was sent to that's why Error sounds like that statement giver.
When RedCanary removed the box from the Magnus Institute ruins something happened that weakened the wall between the TMAGP dimension and the Error dimension. That's why RC doesn't find any paper or mulch but Sam and Alice do. It's also why there's so much more rot 2 years on (more damage in 2 yrs than in the 20 yrs before hand). RC says the flooring pretty sturdy and he only breaks the floor a bit because he's clumsy. Alice and Sam fall through multiple times and Sam gets into the archive because the wood around the lock is rotten. The water damage is from Error trying to break through the trap door that's keeping it shut in. It's also why RC didn't find the archive but Sam and Alice do. It's a blurring between Errors and TMAGP dimension.
Once in the TMAGP Dimension Error isn't fully corporeal. It doesn't walk in and out. It emerges and recedes. It's stuck between both dimensions.
It only seems to turn up around water. In Alchemy Water represents the last stage in life. It breaths in the new statements linking the new dimension to Air which represents the first stage in life. Something something rebirth.
It can't survive without the fears that aren't in this dimension. It uses the tapes to keep itself alive. That's why it's described as cloaked in pained whispers. It's surrounded by the statements. It's also why it can't breath well and talks in short raspy sentences.
Ink5ouls can hold the recorder after the statement is taken. The statement has given the recorder it's form. It's only temporary though that's why there's not loads of tapes running around biting people and why they disappear eventually even though Error doesn't pick them up.
This is also why the statements taken from the victims seem to hit on a lot of the things we associate with the fear. (Mr Jarrod Hunted, Drown victims experience sounding a lot like the water version of Daisys coffin experience, Violet mostly a lonely statement with a bit of the spiral, Gwen Corruption, Sams flicks between different fears finishing on the flesh.)
Error isn't trying to kill the victims. When it takes a statement it puts it's victim between dimensions similar to itself. That's why they're unaware of the world around them but can still be seen. Sam's described as receding into the nightmare. Violet is found miles from home. Drown victim still drowns in salt water even though they're not near the sea, Mr Jarrod doesn't die until he stops running. Interacting with people in the real world pulls the victim more into the real world. That's why Gwen can run away, that's why Mr Jarrod briefly sees Alex. It could even be why the drown victim comes back up for air a few times, she's bumping into people. Gwen, Sam (and Ink5ouls) don't die because their nightmare didn't end in death. It's also why 2 of the victims are dated 2 days after each other but we only have 3 dead victims (that we know of). Not everyone's dying we just hear about the dead ones.
I think Error is ultimately trying to find a more permanent solution. Similar to how Lady M can smell that Celia isn't from this dimension it knows someone in the OIARs is out of place. Maybe it can't quite tell who. Knowing everything Gwen knows it couldn't tell who it was but now it knows what Sam knows it's worked out that Celia is the odd one out. It's going to Hilltop Road because that's the next place Sam and Celia are going to outside of work and it can only move around when waters present. It's getting there before the storm ends.
I think it's either going to body hop Celia or attempt to use her to become corporeal.
I don't know if it'll work because Sam doesn't know that Celia's also been waking up closer and closer to Hilltop Road, the place she probably came to this dimension from.
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l33bang24 · 3 months
OMG It's You…(Part 12)
YouTube!Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
🏷: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone @silverstarburst @jusanontstuff @anxiousskylar @drewsandsebastianswife @amararosesblog @niaalove @blackbluerose666 @bangchansgirlsblog @yukichan67 @katsukis1wife (Taglist open)
⚠️Warnings⚠️: None??
(Author’s Note: Hi! It's been way too long but I finally did it lol. This took me a lot longer than it should have. I originally had half of this done, but then stopped. So I spent majority of my day trying to finish this. This is much longer than any of the others that I've done since I'm including actual events that happened. I hope you enjoy it! P.S. This is not proofread so you might see mistakes.)
Series Masterlist
My attention shifted from the flyers to the group sitting before me. "A live what?" I repeated, wanting to ensure I had heard them correctly. Jia, one of the staff, spoke up. "We understand this may come as a surprise, but we hope you will consider doing a live reaction on the M2 Channel." As I glanced back at the flyers, I realized they didn't provide much detail beyond describing the game. Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I began to express my initial impressions.
"Let me make sure I understand this. Y'all want me to provide live commentary on a possible K-pop group entering this race, even though I haven't disclosed my location or employer to anyone?" I held up the flyers for them to see. I received a few nods and let out a frustrated sigh. Before I could respond, someone else chimed in. "We understand how this might look, but that's not our intention." I tilted my head, curious about their explanation.
“Then what are you suggesting?”
“You're eager to let your fans know exactly where you are, right?" I nod, locking my eyes with Jia once again. "We're excited to make that happen for you! MNet wants to provide you with content by having you do a live reaction, which will be posted on your channel. You don't have to disclose that we hired you if you prefer. You could always mention that you've collaborated with us to bring this content to your fans. On the M2 Channel, you'll find regular videos of the K-pop group playing the game. So, what's your take on this?”
As I recline in the chair, I carefully weigh my options. Should I create a video independently or embrace this as an opportunity to break away from my usual routine? All eyes are fixed on me, waiting to gauge my reaction. It would be unwise to decline. After much contemplation, I rise to my feet, placing my hands firmly on the table.
"I accept, but under these conditions. As you've stated, I will not disclose my affiliation with MNet. Additionally, I wish to remain unaware of the group's identity to elicit a genuine reaction from both myself and the viewers. To conclude my video on a high note, I propose surprising the group with my appearance at the end of the game. These are my terms.”
Excitement fills the room as everyone smiles and nods their heads in agreement. "We love it! We all had the same idea about keeping the artist a secret until you see it, and I also love the idea of surprising the artist. I want to add some things if you're okay with it. Otherwise, let’s get this thing rolling if everyone is on the same page.”
Two weeks have passed since that day. Lately, I've been focusing on acclimating to working with an actual camera crew instead of just a lone camera and going over everything I would be doing. I knew there would be some hilarious bloopers from all the times I'd go blank mid-sentence if I looked at someone. Our filming location is a spacious area encompassed by nothing but dense forest, which I find particularly enchanting. True to their promise, the team never mentioned the presence of the K-pop group in the vicinity. To my surprise, they have constructed a concealed chamber within the building where we will be filming, where I will be stationed. From there, I will oversee the cameras, monitoring all the rooms and the exterior of the building.
Now, I am seated in a makeup chair, anticipating my hair and makeup session. Jia managed to talk me into letting her give me a makeover. I agreed, with the condition that the outfit wouldn't be too revealing. Unlike my hometown, where fall lacks its characteristic chill, South Korea embraces the season. They dressed me in a cozy cream knit sweater, black distressed jeans, and stylish black heeled ankle boots. I inquired about adding a hat to the ensemble, and they promptly presented me with several options.
I decided to wear the sleek black suede hat and styled my hair in tight curls, hoping they would hold. I left the decision on eye makeup to the professionals, wanting a natural look. My nerves were on edge as I awaited the arrival of the mysterious group. All I knew was that M2 would put them through a series of tests in a game called Lover’s Race, inspired by their latest comeback album.
After adding the final touches, it was finally time to set everything up. The setup consisted of a cozy loveseat couch facing a coffee table. The table was adorned with a couple of screens displaying a series of cameras, most focused on the building's interior. A few cameras captured the outdoor surroundings, but not all were active to keep today's surprise guests a secret.
They informed me that the session would begin shortly, allowing me to ready myself for the upcoming experience. Channeling my nervous excitement into a cheerful smile, I observed as they initiated the countdown. "Hello Lovelies! As you can see, I'm not in my typical outfit, but I'm also in a completely different setting. That's because today marks a first for me. I've partnered with MNet Digital Studios to present a live reaction video!”
My smile is radiant, almost to the point of making my cheeks ache. “We're nestled in a breathtaking forest, and our guests today do not know I'm their host. MNet has kept their identities under wraps, ensuring my reaction is completely authentic. And to add an exciting twist, I'll reveal myself to the group at the end of the video.”
“I'm currently tucked away in a secret nook within the filming location, just a few steps away from where all the action will happen.” I couldn't help but let out a nervous little giggle, admitting, "I'm not quite accustomed to having a camera crew focusing on me, so y'all, please bear with me." The staff chuckled along with me, which helped ease my jitters. "It's quite evident that I'm feeling nervous but also incredibly excited. This is my first, so I'm unsure how I'll react. So the question is, are you ready?”
As the discussion about our upcoming activities concluded, the staff informed me that the group had arrived, and the camera crew was en route to help them prepare for filming. My anxiety started to build, and I could feel my heart rate increasing. When the cameras started rolling, what I witnessed momentarily took my breath away. I instinctively raised my hand to cover my gaping mouth, and I realized that I was visibly trembling.
As I sat there, I watched Stray Kids approach the cameras. The camera crew in front of me seemed concerned, noticing my trembling and silence. I had an earpiece, allowing me to hear everything the boys said. I glanced at the staff before me before returning to the screen before me. Despite the situation, I still couldn't bring myself to speak. My voice felt untrustworthy.
I didn't know what to trust; so many emotions ran through my body. I felt the urge to throw up from my chaotic nerves to wanting to cry happy tears. I found it difficult to compose myself when I realized these boys were just steps away from me, completely unaware of my presence. My attention was fixated on the screen, and I could not look away from Chan and Minho. Not to discredit the other boys, they all looked great, but Chan and Minho were particularly captivating.
The boys swiftly arrived at the initial filming location before I even had a chance to say a word. Chan was the first one to break the silence. “Let's introduce ourselves! Step out! Hello, we are Stray Kids!” I applaud enthusiastically, beaming at them. Suddenly, the recorded voice we arranged started speaking. “Those of you here to participate in the Lover’s race!” As the boys glanced around, bewildered, I couldn't hold back my laughter. “I'm the host of this race- Cupid, the god of love.” As the confusion dissipates, Chan suddenly exclaims, "He's there." I lean back in disbelief, my eyes darting to the camera. ‘Excuse me’ look on my face.
I glance at the cameras before uttering, "I'll let that pass for now." then shift my attention back to the screens as Cupid resumes speaking. “A Lover’s Race is a festival for those who can't live a day without love. If you win the race, you can get the proof of love displayed before you. But you must take the lover’s test, and only the ones who get approved by me, Cupid, can participate in the race. Only four people can become lovers! Please try your best to become a lover!” The boys all nodded their heads in unison as Cupid carried on.
“Before we begin the Lover’s test, we’ll have a pretest to get a sneak peek of your qualifications.” I’m giving the cameras a rundown of what the pre-test entails and demonstrating how the paddles work, even though I'm pretty sure they could have figured it out independently. I oversee the boys as they begin the pre-test, carefully noting their answers to determine the winner.
As the boys go through each statement, I can't help but laugh at their antics. The first statement read, ‘I wanna be born as Stray Kids again.’ They all started picking people out immediately, saying they were lying. It went on like this for a while with each statement. I had some favorites out of all ten statements. The best one was, ‘I know my member's birthdays.’ I vividly recall the hilarious chaos when Changbin kept getting Lee Know's birthday wrong despite the other members trying to correct him. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Changbin in that comical situation.
Hyunjin emerged as the victor at the end of the pretest, but his win was met with jeers from the group because he couldn't remember any of their birthdays. “Winner of the pretest, Hyunjin, please go to the house and check the privilege,” Confusion fills the air as Cupid's words leave Hyunjin and the other boys bewildered. Following Cupid's instructions, Hyunjin separates from the boys and walks towards the lodge. As he strolled past, he smiled broadly and enthusiastically waved at the cameras capturing his every move. Meanwhile, his companions exchanged curious remarks about the nature of the special treatment he seemed to be receiving. Upon his arrival at his room, he took a seat and carefully retrieved the card, signaling a shift in the unfolding events.
“Privilege for the winner of the pretest. Two members become a team for the first lover qualification. Please choose a member that you want to be a team.” Hyunjin reads and ponders for a moment. After deciding, he reveals that it would only be for his enjoyment. I smiled at that, shifting my attention to the other boys outside.
Outside, Cupid tells them to wear an eye patch, and Chan accuses Hyunjin of assigning all the rooms. As the boys wear the masks, the staff grabs them individually and takes them to their rooms. I had no input on who would be teamed up with whom—only Hyunjin, who he chose to be his partner. As the guys were put in each room, some took their eye masks off, and some didn’t. Han froze into place and didn’t move for a certain amount of time.
Chan had decided to hide in the closet, but I almost froze once I saw who he was paired with. Both Chan and Lee Know were paired up together. To make matters worse, they were in the room closest to me. I looked up at the cameras like they were crazy; one of the camera operators named Kwan couldn’t help but smirk at me. Oh, how I wanted to wipe it off his face.
My attention was pulled away as I looked at the screen again just in time to see the staff bring Changbin into Hyunjin’s room. After Hyunjin reveals that he chose him as his partner, Changbin hits his shoulder and shows his love for Hyunjin. After settling, I introduced how all the boys were paired up. They were split into four rooms. Room One: Lee Know and Bang Chan, Room Two: Felix and I.N., Room Three: Hyunjin and Changbin, and finally, Room Four: Seungmin and Han.
I give the cameras in front of me a quick rundown of what the lover’s test includes. After that, I picked up the phone connected to the phones in each room. I send out a message to them explaining the same thing. The guys each sent a reply to the message, and I couldn't help but giggle. The first mission is to send a picture of their elbows. I waited patiently for their photographs and viewed the cameras in their rooms as they took their photos. Room 3 cracked me up as Changbin pulled his sleeves to reveal his vast elbow. Hyunjin took a super close picture to hopefully not get caught in the first mission. However, for some members, Changbin is easily picked out.
As they talked amongst each other to figure out who was in the different rooms, I sent out the second mission, which involved sending an emoticon that looked similar to them. Felix and I.N. surprised me as they got all the rooms right within two missions. Room One and Room Three were tied with two, and Room Four had one correct. As we progressed through each mission, some were going way off track while others were getting closer until they started second-guessing themselves.
Watching all the cameras was hard as my eyes returned to the two boys holding my heart. I will forever have the image of Chan and Lee Know holding each other on top of an A4 paper engraved in my brain. All I could think about was how it would feel to be between them. My body started to heat up as if it knew how much body heat it would produce. I had to mentally shake myself out of the dirty thoughts my brain was cooking up. ‘No. You can't be thinking that right now. Not when they are within arms reach.’ Which proved to be more challenging as I could hear them very well. All the while, I was struggling to keep my laughter contained so I wouldn't give myself away. If there's one thing that I know both of them can recognize is my laughter. They always comment on how much they love the sound of it.
By the end of the sixth mission, the boys were informed to wear their eye masks for a 10-minute break. Each was brought in individually, all waiting for Cupid to tell them when they could remove their masks. Once everyone was in the room, Cupid said, “Please remove your eye masks.” They do as instructed, and some wince when the room's brightness hits their eyes. “During the 10-minute break, inspect each other freely.” At this, I.N. was disheartened when he realized it wasn't an ordinary break time. The boys, keeping their guards up, started to question each other or get someone off guard to admit something. Then, the terrible sense investigator (Changbin) begins to investigate. He talks about how he knows who Jeongin’s partner is, then reveals that it's him. Seungmin tricks him by asking him if he's happy to be teamed with Jeongin. While Jeongin says yes, Changbin asks what he is talking about, making the other boys crack up.
Then, the question about Room One’s answer to their shoe sizes is brought up as all the boys start to argue about it not being fair as they add their shoe sizes together to make it more difficult. Chan unintentionally admits that it was hard to calculate, but no one catches it. Seungmin demands to know if it should be accepted, but as they turn to the Cupid statue, it has an eye mask over it, as if it didn't witness anything. I turn to the camera, admitting that I don’t see where it could be an issue as there were no clear directions on how to reply to the mission, as long as they answered the mission task.
Their terrible senses continued as they questioned each other. Soon, their 10 minutes were up, and they were returned to their rooms again. Upon returning, they were quickly given another mission. This included completing the movie script; whoever got it correct would get a special hint. The particular hint is a finger heart of 2 members of the winner's choosing. And if no one gets the correct answer, the extraordinary hint will disappear. The boys acted out the script and gave their answers. Soon, finding out that none of them knew what the movie was and ultimately lost the hint.
Their eighth mission was to draw a portrait of Bang Chan, and I almost died laughing at seeing all of their drawings. Poor Chan couldn't stop laughing at their portraits of him—especially Han’s portrait of Chan. The point check shows Room 2 in the lead with Room 1 behind them, while Room 3 and Room 4 were tied. The last mission is an initial game. The team that sends their message last each round gets eliminated. The winner receives an extraordinary hint. The particular hint is getting the initials of the room of their choosing, so speed is the key to this mission. The first teams being eliminated are Changbin and Hyunjin, and Felix and Jeongin are behind them. The remaining two rooms are Bang Chan and Lee Know versus Seungmin and Han. The last round of initials contains E, E, and S. My mouth dropped when Seungmin beat Lee Know by a close second.
Room 4 chose Room 1 for their extraordinary hint, and I wanted to yell at Chan and LeeKnow for choosing CK instead of CL, which would give them away. Finally, it was time for the boys to send me their final guesses about who they believed was in each room. After doing so, each member left their rooms and met in the respective area.
As they awaited the announcement, I looked over their answers with the staff to determine the first two lovers for the day. Once the answer is required, Cupid announces the order in which they were placed. “I’ll announce the final results! Room Two and Room Four were tied for victory! We have two winning teams, so we had a replay of the video. The results are out. Room 2 was the fastest. Since Room 2 sent their final answer 1 minute earlier, Room 2 is the final winner.” The boys clap as Cupid continues, “I’ll announce the owners of each room! Room 1- Bang Chan and Lee Know. Room 3- Hyunjin and Changbin. Room 4- Seungmin and Han.” All of the boys were shocked as Jeongin and Felix celebrated their victory.
As the boys start talking about how bad their investigation senses are, Cupid announces that they are the winners and that Cupid has approved them to become lovers. They were given heart clips to wear in their hair for the remainder of the race. They move on to the next test, which includes wearing a heart monitor. The objective of this test is not to let your heart rate fluctuate too much as your members compliment you freely.
During all of this, I explained to the viewers that I probably wouldn’t give them a lot of commentary since I had a screen with cameras to view, and it wasn’t an already recorded video that I could stop at any time. So, while they were setting up the next test, I chose this time to speak. “Wow, I won’t lie and say it’s easy to keep up with all these cameras. I love this, and I’m sure you can tell how shocked and nervous I was earlier. I still am.” I laugh as I show my hand, which is still shaking slightly. “It also could be that I haven’t eaten anything. Either way, we already have two of our lovers. We have this test and one more after this; those will give us our last two lovers. After that, we will have the Lover’s Race. Let’s see who will secure those last two spots.”
As it turns out, Seungmin and Changbin take the last two spots. Seungmin didn’t surprise me as he could take compliments all day and have it not affect him that much. Chan and Lee Know’s heart rates went into the 100, while the rest boys were between 70 and 90. The last was the verbal test, where the boys were to grab five cards from the table and use them in their confession to one of the three lovers. The lovers themselves would choose the winner. Lee Know’s confession knocked me out of my seat. When he confessed to Jeongin, I quite literally collapsed to the floor, and the staff went to grab me, but I raised my hand to say I was okay even though I knew my heart was pounding out of my chest.
All the other boys went and did their best with the words they pulled, but Changbin’s were the worst. His words were mosquito, bum, armpit, fart, and stress. All of the guys, including myself, couldn’t help but laugh. I wondered how he would pull this off, but I also knew that if anyone could pull this off, it would be Changbin. He asked Felix to step forward and started his confession. “Whenever I stand in front of you, my heart puffs up as if I got a mosquito bite and is about to burst. And I get ticklish; even my armpits get ticklish! Can you see my puffy bum? It’s because I got a mosquito bite. Let’s never get stressed out as we watch tv, fart openly! Please be my soulmate, Yongbok.” Felix tells him a great job as he knows that Changbin did the best he could with his chosen words. So it wasn't a shock when the lovers chose him as the last lover.
I’m getting my stuff together to leave when a staff member stops me. “We have a surprise for you.” She smiles at me while my face certainly shows confusion. “What do you mean you have a surprise for me? I thought I was going home.” She laughs and grabs me lightly to pull me out of the room I’ve been in all day. “Yes, but we wanted to do something for you. Now stop asking questions and go meet with Jia.” I nod as I head to where Jia is standing. She motions with her head to the room where the boys initially met to have their break, and Lee Know was there with an eye mask over his eyes.
I froze and felt myself starting to tremble. Before I bolted away, Jia grabbed me, pulled me away from the room, and spoke hushedly. “I’m sorry for springing this on you, but after your reaction to Lee Know earlier, we’d let you meet him instead of tomorrow. If you don’t want to, we’ll send him back home, and you can meet him tomorrow. We won’t pressure you to meet him, but we thought it would help your nervousness.” I could barely respond to her as my body wouldn’t stop shaking. I tried to take deep breaths, but it seemed to worsen. Jia grabbed my hands, and in doing so, my focus turned to her. She smiles at me softly as she rubs her thumb over my hands. I can’t help but smile slightly and feel myself calm down a bit.
Jia was the only one who knew about me talking to one of the members. Truthfully, no one was supposed to find out, but I had been an idiot for leaving my phone in the meeting room, and as Jia was going to bring it to me, she saw a message from Lee Know and soon connected the dots. I had admitted that I was talking to him and had disclosed that I didn’t want anyone to know about it. Which makes having Lee Know here make sense.
“I know you’ve been talking to him, and I’m sure you’re finally nervous about meeting him in person, but you don’t have to do it today. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and I’m sorry if I did. I’ll send him back home.” I stop her before she gets too far. “I’m okay. I wasn’t expecting this. I’m just nervous about how he’ll think of me when he finally sees me.” She shakes her head before responding, “Sweetheart, from all the messages I’ve seen, that boy loves you. He will be just as excited as you, maybe even more. Now get in there and get your man.” I laugh softly and walk back towards Lee Know.
As I do, he speaks to no one in particular. “Can I take off this mask and go home?” I walk a bit closer and finally speak up. “You can take your mask off, Bunny.” He quickly snatched the mask off his head and looked at me with wide eyes. He took in my appearance as I did the same to him. Before I could utter any more words, he had already taken three long strides and crashed his mouth on mine.
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frangipani-wanderlust · 9 months
How To Call 911
So most of my followers know now that I started working last May as a 911 dispatcher. Super proud of myself. And now that I am starting (very much still starting) to settle in a bit, I want to offer some tips on how to call 911. So, hold on to your hats.
(no-color version if the yellow text isn't rendering on your screen correctly)
When in doubt, call 911. Don't take this as me encouraging you to jump at shadows. Your neighbors' loud party is not an emergency, google the local non-emergency line and call that. Neither is the dry cleaning not giving you your clothes (I actually got this call on our 911 line). Nor is the fact that you saw a fox inside city limits (also something a real human called 911 about). But if you see a situation unfolding and you think "this seems dangerous, maybe this is 911-worthy" then it's 911-worthy. Don't hesitate. Call.
If you call 911 and you are freaking out, that's okay. If you're in a crisis, you may not remember a single tip I'm about to give you. We are trained for that, we can handle it, just do the best you can. It's not the end of the world to have a hysterical or frightened caller, and these are tips, not rules.
Location, location, location. We can't send you help if we have nowhere to send it to. Ideally, know the address. Failing that, know the name of a business or a church or an intersection. It is not cheating if you read this off a sign. There isn't a set of invisible rules that says you have to have your exact GPS coordinates memorized. Be prepared to describe the location somehow. That way, if our connection drops and that's all you can tell me, I can still send some police out to come find out what's going on and they can ask for medics or firefighters or whatever if needed. But we absolutely must know where to send assistance, it is the first thing we're going to ask.
Location again, but with a twist. The first thing our office says for emergencies is, "911, what is the address of the emergency?" If a building is on fire, tell us where the fire is. If your neighbors are being robbed at gunpoint across the street, give us their address. If you witnessed a car accident, tell us where the accident happened. The location of the emergency isn't necessarily the location where you are. Don't send police and fire to your office building if the wreck is on the freeway.
Answer the questions that you are asked. If the calltaker asks "Is the patient breathing?" don't start in about the seizure they just had (if they aren't breathing, the seizure they just had is not the biggest problem). If the calltaker asks, "Which way did the man you saw go when they ran?" don't tell them about how they broke down your door (if they are running away, knowing they broke your door down does not help the police know which direction to start looking). The particular question you are asked is being asked for a reason, and that reason is not frivolous but in an emergency, we aren't going to stop and explain everything.
Do not launch into a speech. If you're asked a yes/no question, yes or no is all the answer you should give. Your impulse will be to explain the yes or the no because more information is better than not enough, but overexplaining is its own problem. Now, we are hired for good typist skills, and are encouraged to get better and faster, but infodumping means things can get missed. The calltaker is going to have some information they're going to ask for by protocol and probably the option to drill down on some of it if clarification is needed. If you spend five paragraphs explaining your last answer, it delays getting other pertinent information.
Do not launch into a speech, part the second. You don't call 911 for things that happened last week, or even yesterday. Tell me the emergency that is happening right now. Ideally in one sentence. If someone is having a medical issue, and you call 911 about it, when the calltaker asks exactly what happened, do not tell them about how the patient had a surgery 5-and-a-half weeks ago. You called 911. What is the emergency that is happening right now. Don't be telling me about their surgery when the problem you called about is a broken leg. Yes, the surgery may have led to generalized loss of balance that has yet to return which caused the patient to fall which caused them to break their leg. Understood. But you didn't call because of all of that. You called because of the broken leg. Apply this principle to all emergencies.
Don't launch into a speech, part the third. When asked a specific and direct question, do not give an explanation instead of an answer. If the calltaker asks you "Is the weird person on the side of the road actually in the lanes of traffic?" do not explain to them how it's a very narrow roadway (see parenthesis for the story here). Aside from the fact that we're not asking these questions to be funny (see part the second), there's also the fact that now you are coming over as suspicious as hell. If I asked "how did that person on Facebook know what this supposedly missing kid is wearing and where he's going to be at 3:00 today?" and you say "well Facebook is a good way to spread information" I am now extremely suspicious of you.
(Also an actual call I have taken. The man was a totally ordinary guy out for a walk to the store, but this blue collar man walked through a Rich Person Neighborhood™ and according to Lady Catherine De Bourgh on the phone with me, that merited a call to the police. When I asked her if he was actually in the lanes of traffic [traffic hazard call type] versus not [suspicious person call type, on a technicality but technically...], she tried explaining three times that the road was narrow before she finally got the message that I was not going to stop asking until she told me the actual answer and answered "Well, I suppose so, yes." At this point, because she'd been so reluctant to answer me, I no longer believed the man actually was in the lanes of traffic and to this day believe that she lied to try and manipulate the police into a stronger-level response than was actually warranted. Because determining whether she was lying for sure is beyond the scope of my job, I put down what she said, but I didn't believe then and still don't believe now, that she told the truth. The totally ordinary and probably very nice guy was not arrested or hassled at all and was instead given a courtesy ride to the store.)
Be prepared to describe relevant people, maybe including yourself, and that includes race. If you have an asthma attack at a football game, the medics need to know how to find you in a crowd. If you are a black woman, that's gonna rule out everyone who isn't that. If you are a black woman wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and a blue bandana over your hair, that excludes nearly everybody and when the medics arrive, they'll know exactly who to look for. Most of the time, someone's race isn't relevant information. When describing someone to emergency services, it absolutely is and it is not racist to accurately describe the relevant person or people.
There are more tips in the world, and I may come back to this post and add them as they occur to me. In the meantime, please enjoy this short treatise on how to call 911.
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ So you want me to tell you the story of my life. ❜
❛ What were you going to do? Kill me, drink my blood? ❜
❛ I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for 200 years. ❜
❛ I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. ❜
❛ You lack the courage of your convictions. Do it! ❜
❛ Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice l never had. ❜
❛ Your body's dying. Pay no attention. It happens to us all. ❜
❛ No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what it sees. No human can know. ❜
❛ You'll get used to killing. Just forget about that mortal coil. You'll become accustomed to it, all too quickly. ❜
❛ There's nothing in the world now that doesn't hold some...Fascination. ❜
❛ The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true of everyone. We grow stronger as we go along. ❜
❛ That's more like it! Anger! Fury! ❜
❛ Remember: Life without me would be even more unbearable. ❜
❛ You must know something about the meaning of it all. ❜
❛ They know about us. They watch us dine on empty plates and drink from empty glasses. ❜
❛ Forgive me if I have a lingering respect for life. ❜
❛ Perfect! Just burn the place! Burn everything we own! Have us living in a field, like cattle! ❜
❛ What if there is no Hell? Or they don't want us there? Ever think of that? ❜
❛ You're in love with your mortal nature. You resist what can bring you peace. ❜
❛ We're predators, whose all-seeing eyes give them detachment! ❜
❛ It's your coffin, enjoy it. Most of us never get to know what it feels like. ❜
❛ Kill them swiftly if you will, but do it! For do not doubt you are a killer! ❜
❛ My philosopher. My martyr. "Never take a human life.” ❜
❛ Pain is terrible for you. You feel it like no other creature, because you're a vampire. ❜
❛ Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we. ❜
❛ A little child, she was. But also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding. ❜
❛ Remember, never in our home! ❜
❛ Time can pass quickly for mortals when they're happy. With us, it was the same. The years flew by like minutes. ❜
❛ More melancholy nonsense. You grow more like [name] daily! ❜
❛ Do you want me to be a doll forever? ❜
❛ Can't I change like everyone else? ❜
❛ Be glad I made you what you are. You'd be dead now if I hadn't. ❜
❛ You will never grow old. And you will never die. ❜
❛ I thought of all the things I'd done and couldn't undo. And I longed for one second's peace. ❜
❛ He will never let us go. ❜
❛ What is it now? You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me! ❜
❛ Is that supposed to frighten me? ❜
❛ I came to make peace with you. Even though you're the father of lies. I want things to be as they were. ❜
❛ Why do you say such things? ❜
❛ I promise I'll get rid of the bodies. ❜
❛ We forgive each other then? ❜
❛ Good night, sweet prince. May flights of devils wing you to your rest. ❜
❛ Should we burn him? Bury him? What would he have liked? ❜
❛ You've been a very, very naughty little girl. ❜
❛ We deserve your vengeance. ❜
❛ For what could the damned really have to say to the damned? ❜
❛ There are no vampires in Transylvania? No Count Dracula? ❜
❛ I've searched the world for an immortal and this is what I find! ❜
❛ No one will harm you. I won't allow it. ❜
❛ Vampires who pretend to be humans pretending to be vampires. How avant-garde. ❜
❛ Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? ❜
❛ You die when you kill. You feel you deserve to die and you stint on nothing. ❜
❛ But perhaps...this is the only real evil left. ❜
❛ I know nothing of God. Or the Devil. I have never seen a vision, nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul. ❜
❛ You fear too much. So much you make me fear. ❜
❛ There is but one crime among us vampires here. It is the crime that means death to any vampire: To kill your own kind. ❜
❛ Danger holds you to me. ❜
❛ Love holds you to me. ❜
❛ You would leave me for [name] if he beckoned you. ❜
❛ Is that what I should do? Let you go? ❜
❛ If you want to save her, send her away! ❜
❛ The world changes. We do not. Therein lies the irony that finally kills us. ❜
❛ I need you to make contact with this age. ❜
❛ A vampire with a human soul. An immortal with a mortal's passion. ❜
❛ You are beautiful, my friend. [name] must have wept when he made you. ❜
❛ I knew him. Knew him well enough not to mourn his passing. ❜
❛ Your evil is that you cannot be evil! And I shall suffer for it no longer! ❜
❛ I haven't tears enough for what you've done to me! ❜
❛ Oh, God! I love you still! That's the torment of it! ❜
❛ Who'll care for me, my love, my dark angel, when you are gone? ❜
❛ Bear me no ill will, my love. We are now even. ❜
❛ What has died is the last breath in me that was human. ❜
❛ Your only company will be your screams. ❜
❛ Maybe it was to quench those tears forever that I took such revenge. ❜
❛ You can teach me this? To be without regret? ❜
❛ What if all I have is my suffering? My regret? ❜
❛ I know you regret nothing. You feel nothing. If that's all I have left to learn, I can do that on my own. ❜
❛ You've come home to me then? ❜
❛ I'm a spirit of preternatural flesh. Detached. Unchangeable. Empty. ❜
❛ That's it? No, it can't end like that. ❜
❛ What I wouldn't give to be like you, to have your power, to have seen the things you have seen. ❜
❛ You want a companion. You want a link to the outside world. That's me. Take me.❜
❛ Do you like this? Do you like being food for the immortals? Do you like dying? ❜
❛ I assume I need no introduction. ❜
❛ Still whining. Heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries. ❜
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bensonoliviasstuff · 5 months
“Turning Page”
Chapter One! “ ‘I'll never leave’, never mind”
Masterlist for “Turning Page”
Bucky Barnes x fem! Reader
Summary: Once Bucky regained consciousness and was no longer the Winter Soldier, all he missed from the 40s was his wife. But maybe she's closer than he thought.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language, so I'm sorry if there are too many errors. Futhermore i don't think there are many warnings, a little bit of angst, memory loss, betrayal, trauma, Insecurities and other things that you will discover throughout the story. And the best part: Thanos doesn't exist here
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The infirmary doors were opened in an angry shove, making a loud noise as the metal of the door met the wall. A nervous Bucky walked past with hurried steps.
“Bucky, Wait!” Steve shouted trying to keep up with his friend's steps. “No one can enter the room yet, they are carrying out tests”
“I need to see, Steve!” He shouted in a broken voice as he continued his way through the corridors of the compound's medical wing. “I need to see with my own eyes...”
The sentence died down when he stopped walking, facing the glass window of the hospital room.
It was you.
Bucky had the image of you memorized perfectly in his head, he could describe everything that had changed since 1940 with just one look, your hair was a few inches longer, there were a few small scars on your face. But it was still you.
He felt like his heart had stopped beating for a few moments.
He ran a metal hand over his face, holding back the sob that threatened to escape his throat. “It’s her Steve” Bucky placed a hand on the glass, almost as if he could feel it.
“It's her, Bucky” Steve said cautiously “But... We don't know what happened to her this whole time, we'll only know how she is when she wakes up.”
That's when realization hit Bucky, his fist closed against the glass, about to punch the wall.
“I’m going to kill those bastards” Bucky said, unable to calm the anger he felt towards those men, what if you went through everything he went through? All the torture he had to endure for years and years? The thought of you suffering like he did made Bucky's heart sink towards his stomach.
“Natasha is interrogating the man who told us she was there” Steve said “She’s waiting for us.”
“I was waiting for you” your voice echoed through the room before Bucky took you by the waist and gave you a kiss full of love. “Sergeant Barnes now then?”
You pulled away to take a good look at your husband, he was wearing the brown suit of a WWII soldier.
“For you it’s always ‘my love’, doll” Bucky said taking you in his arms, this was something you loved about your relationship, even after so long together you still acted like teenagers who had just started a fiery passion.
But Bucky didn’t fail to notice when you lowered your head to hide your teary eyes.
“Hey, doll, what’s wrong?” He already knew the answer, he knew it and it left him almost inconsolable before going to sleep.
“I’m afraid Bucky, what if you don’t come back?” Her voice became lower and lower as the doubt became more terrifying in her mind.
“I will come back doll, I promise you, not in a million years i'm leaving you alone” He placed a hand on your neck, forcing you to look at him.
“You can’t promise that” You said unsurely. “You don’t know if you’re really going to come back. ”
“Then you can marry Steve” He tried to joke to lighten up, and you couldn’t help but let out a tearful laugh, punching him in the shoulder.
“This isn't funny, you know?” You said wiping away your tears. “I know, I know” he apologized pulling you into a tight hug. “I will never leave you doll, that's the only thing I'll keep in mind while I fight: I can't leave my princess behind.”
“How did you know Y/N Barnes was alive?” Natasha asked the man chained in front of her, Bucky and Steve were on the other side of the mirrored glass.
“She was never dead, Hydra has been with her since Steve Rogers was presumed dead” Steve looked down, he still blamed himself for that, for leaving you alone even after you losing your husband.
“What did Hydra wanted with her?” Natasha asked coldly, leaning over the table. “Why did they taked her?”
“Even after we erased the Winter Soldier's memory, he always ended up remembering her at some point, we wanted to create an advantage in this regard, if he decided he was no longer on our side, we would threaten to kill her”
Bucky kicked the nearest chair, cowering in rage. He was ready to go into that room and kill that man in the most violent way ever recorded. “And why didn’t they do that when he disappeared?”
“He was already gone, we couldn't find him, but she didn't lose her usefulness, during the time she was at the base, she made a lot of noise after finding out that James Barnes was alive, sometimes she could spend an entire day screaming for her husband, it was irritating, so we decided to erase her memory, it became much easier to experiment on her after that.” The man was dismissive, he had nothing left to lose, he was already sentenced to prison, now he just wanted to see Sergeant Barnes suffer.
“Still, she always remembered him eventually, we also used it to test the soldier's memory, every time after we erased his memory, we took him to her, only to see he didn't recognize her, she would cry for days.”
At this point, Bucky was curled up in the corner of the wall, holding his head as the tears fell. You called out to him, you spent days screaming for him, you were in the same place as him all the time and he was never even able to recognize you.
It was tearing him apart, it was breaking everything inside him. He was about to leave, unable to listen any longer, when Natasha's question reached his ears.
“Experiments? So she has the super soldier serum?” Bucky turned around, waiting for the answer “No, but we trained her, she was very good at carrying out the missions she was sent, Y/N Barnes killed a lot of people”
That was the final straw for Bucky, they made his precious sweet girl spill blood.
He walked into the room, ignoring Steve's comments about calming down. He grabbed the man by the collar of his clothes and pushed him violently against the wall, starting to throw punches with his metal arm, he could spend hours beating and it still wouldn't be enough, but Steve ripped him off before the man's face was deformed.
“Never put her name in your mouth again! Your bastard! I'll kill you!" Bucky screamed trying to free himself from Steve, Natasha got in front of Bucky and ordered Steve to get him out of there.
Steve left dragging a nervous Bucky. “Look, I have the same desire as you, I wanted to go in there and finish him off, but that’s not how you solve things Bucky!”
Bucky sat on the chair he had kicked minutes ago, putting his head in his hands, everything in him was shaking, a mixture of hatred, anguish and guilt. “They put her through hell, Steve!” He stood up abruptly, putting his hand over his mouth. “All this because I left her alone, I forgot about her! I promised I would always be there for her and I just forgot about her!”
Steve looked at his friend with a very strong tightness in his chest, this whole situation hurt him in a way he couldn't even explain, imagine how much it was hurting Bucky? How much did it hurt you, going through all of this alone?
He still remembered when he had to break the news to you.
“Steve!” You said happily after opening the door to the apartment you and Bucky shared. “Oh, I'm so happy to see you! I still haven't gotten used to the fact that you're taller than me now” You walked forward giving Steve a hug, noticing that his face wasn't looking good but you wanted to ignore all the crazy theories in your head. “Where is my husband? Why didn't he come with you? I already said you can't steal it from me” You joked, despairing when Steve didn't laugh.
“I'm so sorry Y/n... Bucky...” Steve started to speak but you interrupted before he could finish his line of reasoning. "No! Don’t say that Steve, it’s not true, it can’t be true, don't you dare to lie to me!” You said taking steps back, with your hand on your stomach, feeling like you were going to throw up.
“He promised... He told me he would come back!” You started to cry as Steve walked over pulling you into a hug.
Your legs no longer had the strength to keep you standing when you started crying and sobbing in Steve's arms. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry” Steve kept repeating, even though his heart was breaking more and more.
“He promised me Steve! He has to come back” You repeated between sobs, Steve didn’t know what to say when your pain seemed to be consuming you.
That day, he laid you in bed, made you some tea and sat next to you until you Say a sentence that ended that super soldier.
“The worst lie I’ve ever heard: ‘I’ll never leave.’” You sighed with heavy eyes “Never mind”
After saying that you fell asleep, Steve couldn't put into words how painful it was to see your red and swollen face sleeping.
“I promise to take care of you Y/n, I won’t leave you alone, for Bucky”
Even so many years later Steve's heart hurts knowing that if he hadn't left, maybe you wouldn't have been alone, and now he feels even more guilty knowing that if he had been around, Hydra wouldn't have taken you.
He felt like it was his fault, even if it wasn't.
Steve's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.
“Sergeant, Captain” Tony appeared in the room, a curious and relieved look on his face “She woke up”
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logan-lieutenant · 1 month
i didn't win the wheel: episode 7 (pt. 2)
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[game ends, Logan loses but they both fumbled their way through the whole thing; they apologize for their lack of knowledge]
Logan: "It's not intentional at all, I respect–"
Alex (pointing at Logan): "Tell us about NASCAR, he'd know everything!"
Logan: 😁
this isn't the first time alex has done this and it won't be the last, but watch alex's reaction when logan loses at something. like, literally anything. when they're competing and alex is ahead, he'll tease, laugh, celebrate each little point that puts him in front of logan. but what about when the challenge is over– when it's time for somebody else to come in with the comparison? when an outside voice needs to be the one to say "alex, congrats on the win; logan, you lost"? alex is immediately averse to it. there's an old video where they're doing something similar to "who's more likely to" and the question comes up about who does better starts; i'll find it but alex absolutely fumbles through his answer. shoulders shrugging in on himself, voice getting quieter. "well um i am– i mean actually, so far, i've been... a bit better at it than, than logan has". he's fine with being the best but he's not fun with being reminded that logan is the worst. all of the sudden alex has this protective side coming out, he's literally putting an entire arm between the camera and logan, and this isn't even the first time he's stood like that during a video or a photoshoot. he shrinks into himself when he gets silly and flustered but there are these microscopic shifts and tone and he's a guard dog. like when he was the ONLY ONE to say remotely anything good or at least forgiving about logan's performance out of the whole fucking team pointing out that "He's been doing a great job in the last few races. I don't think it's really been understood because we aren't driving the same car. He's a great driver with great raw speed" (this was in late june). which, considering how the rest of the team treat logan? bold move. when logan's confident in himself– even about a stupid basketball challenge or whatever– is when alex is most comfortable. so here he steps in with a completely unrelated topic, even though he's been surprisingly quiet this whole video (for alex) to remind everyone, "hey, this isn't his area of expertise, but don't fucking underestimate him he will blow you out of the water with nascar facts".
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Alex: "So, the prizes are, Logan– it's a spark model car..."
this. fucking. moment. this is right after alex has done his little nascar-themed pick me up, and there's actually a sudden cut in the video at this moment so who knows maybe there was just the beginnings of a nascar tangent going on and they needed a little redirection (with how much redirection these two need on-screen it's surprising they get any footage at all). but what's just happened is that alex has taken ANY chance of logan being told "you lost" or "you didn't make it" into a little ego-boost instead. and logan pulls an alex then, laughing suddenly and unexpectedly like whoaa i did not expect to be feeling these feelings and looking down in the middle of what he was trying to say. they switch back and forth between roles so comfortably, so seamlessly, it's like you can't even describe their relationship in clearly defined roles because they take turns looking after each other.
hand-on-the-hip-leaning-over-the-table-to-gaze-helplessly-into-each-other's-eyes okay boys is that your signature move now?? logan has this way of following alex with his eyes, even as alex fidgets around and shifts and has so much restless energy, logan is so still and stable beside him and the contrast would make me anxious but they're comfortable and familiar with how they each occupy space and they know how to share it.
and the fact that alex says logan's name here. in the middle of his sentence. during the most administrative, the most rehearsed, the simplest (they're literally reading words off an ipad) part of the video. and it's not even akin to the way logan uses small hand gestures to shift alex's focus. logan is completely focused, he literally goes from turning to the camera/instructor to leaning into alex waiting for the moment when the wheel spins and they get to crowd close. he makes room for alex before it's even the time yet because he's ready and he's welcoming and he's anticipating that they're going to be close to each other and yep, alex leans forward and diagonal and right into the space. it's like when you make a circle out of tape on the floor and your cat immediately sits in the middle. and i don't think either of them even realize that they're doing this, that they've formed a routine within this routine. but alex saying logan's name? while logan is already focused, and also not interrupting, and while this part is supposed to be for the audience who will actually get the prizes. the fact that he interrupts himself to add the name is so indicative. it's almost as if he'd intended to say the name all along but forgot at the last second but even as they leaned in close to each other and alex made that nascar joke and they're finally at least a little bit relax alex needs to make a point. he says logan's name when he's talking directly to logan on a regular basis. i don't have to do a behavior analysis of that, right? we all know what it feels like to carry the shape of someone's name in your mouth all the time that the silence aches without them and when you get to see them and say it out loud just remind yourself that this is who you are to me? moving on.
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Alex: "If you want to win that prize of a framed bodywork, make sure to check out the Williams website, williams f1 dot com, or–" (turns expectantly to Logan)
Logan (doesn't miss a beat): "–visit the app!"
Alex (laughing even as Logan steps away): "We're getting good at this!"
oh, alex. he's gonna break your heart, and it won't even be his fault.
something happened with alex over the course of this episode. blink and you miss it– well shit, i must've blinked because i definitely missed something. the last, like, twenty seconds of it. reminding the camera that they both struggled and that logan's loss doesn't mean that he isn't smart, leaning into logan as if they have a prechoreographed pose required for The Wheel, saying logan's name for literally no reason ("logan i'm trying to tell you that even though the game is over and we have to read off the cards again and they're about to end the video i still want this to be about us because there is an us when we play like this and i'm telling myself and i'm telling the world that that's what i'm getting out of this"). three minutes of a dejected confused flop of content (from the william's admin side, total fail) and suddenly alex has been hit with some lovestruck epiphany and his behavior. is more obvious. these two are not obvious with each other. charlos will openly use pet names and then insist on other pet names and perform wedding vows on a golf cart. landoscar are more subtle, but it's always been easy to read between the lines and the facial expressions give it all away anyway. but these two are not obvious withe themselves or with each other (spare the one little miracle moment of episode 4) and they're not even in a situation where being obvious is fun let alone easy. but what happened the last time we were at this point in the video? the doors closed, the lights went off. alex got like 2 seconds of the logan he cherishes and then got shut the fuck out because they'd already spun the stupid wheel, and subconsciously or not alex hasn't forgotten that. he's reaching out to logan in the middle of his sentences. because every second that passes with logan not talking is a second of logan that alex is losing, and he's trying to just drag this out and it's obvious and clumsy desparation. giving logan the cue in a way that was clearly improvised even though i know they must hate all the retakes. logan picking it up instantly. alex's face literally falling even as logan says the line because he can sense that it's fading, it's slipping, it's not working. then logan straight up leaves. before the camera turns off he's just walking away. alex's last little setup didn't work because the fucking video is over.
less actual imagery this time because there was less to work with. this episode was about 2 or 3 REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT moments that carried a lot of weight but were rare among a pretty extensive drone of statistics and depression. then again, episode 1 was pretty much the same format, and the alex and logan even from just a few months ago are not the alex and logan we have right now. i think alex is more aware of that than logan is and yeah.
he's gonna break it, alex.
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alextydaisuda123 · 2 months
I want everyone, friends, Vigilante to protect Pepperman from Pizzahead.
Well, to protect him, you need a reason🤔.... What? Did you think I couldn't come up with a reason? Ha! You don't know me well :)
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Well, let's imagine that Pepperman, while working, suddenly remembered that his grandfather did not know where he was. After all, he told him before the disaster on the bridge that he would return soon. As a result, he has been gone for almost a year and Pepperman is worried about how his grandfather is doing. He decided to write him a letter (since the telephone in the tower did not work well). But there was one problem. His grandfather is blind. And he decided to use the most difficult but effective method. Braille alphabet. By hand, without any special equipment. Taking a piece of leather, a needle and a bunch of small convex buttons, he set to work.It took him three days and three sleepless nights to write this letter. In addition, he double-checked that every letter was written correctly and that nothing was missing.The question is, why didn’t he put it all briefly? Could it have happened like this? Well, he wanted to describe EVERYTHING that happened to him.
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Well, all that remained was to send it, only there was one more problem: if you needed to order or send something, you had to ask Pizzahead about it, since he isn’t letting anyone out of the tower. Pepperman asked Pizzahead to send an unusual letter to his grandfather (I will say in advance that he explained to him why the letter was so unusual). But you know what? Pizzahead stupidly forgot about it, and a few days later, he found that “letter,” but “not finding a use for it,” burned it in the oven. But when Pepperman asked for delivery, Pizzahead didn’t answer anything other than: “I don’t remember what I was supposed to send.” And when the other one answered and described it, the following answer followed: “Oh, so it didn’t need to be burned.” This answer greatly upset Pepperman, from which he could not stand it and began to shout at his boss, as if pouring out all the negativity from his soul. He was tired, all on nerves, his hysterics were so loud that his other friends heard him: Fairy Pepperman, Vigi, Noise, Noisette and Bruno.
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And what happened next, you see for yourself. Yes, Pizzahead slapped him in the face, shutting him up mid-sentence. Not to reassure him, but because he didn’t like the way he expressed himself. Guess who was angered by this act first.
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That's right, fairy Pepperman and Vigi. When PH was about to leave after that, leaving the depressed Pepperman alone, others stopped him and began to show him for his act.
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And it seems that this is the first time that Pepperman did not hide what was in his soul. It hurt him that his boss took his work as trash and burnt, plus he didn’t even let him fully speak out and slapped him in the face.
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mazosstuff · 11 months
Drunk thoughts are sincere thoughts
pairing: Dan Heng × fem!reader
Cw!: none (maybe being drunk? Idk, nothing major happens to the reader or to anyone)
Words: < 800
A tiny bit suggestive but nothing happens!!
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Sitting in the data bank, there are 2 young adults that are merely hanging out with a bottle or two of wine.
That night, she gulped down way too many glasses for how much alcohol she could tolerate.
"You've had one to many drinks, [name]" the black haired boy said.
"Y-you know... I was t-thinking about your other name..." She said between hiccups and a few pauses.
"My... other name? Please, tell me more. What were you thinking?" He wasn't even sure about what other name could she be possibly referring to.
"Imbibitor Lunae" She said while looking at the stars outside the window of the data bank.
"That... is more of a title, I guess... why were you thinking about it...?"
"Because people on the Xianzhou ships talk chinese... but... your name is in latin"
"Latin? I've never heard of this language"
"It comes from my homeland, Earth. It's more of a dead language, b-but I don't know how it got to you..."
"Still... that is a title that be-"
"Belongs to D-Dan Feng... I got it... you're making me tired of hearing the same thing over and over again"
"Think of how tired I am for telling everyone the same thing"
"Good though. Why would you ever want to d-drink the moon?"
Was the alcohol starting to get in her system? "Drink the moon?"
"Imbibitor Lunae means drinker of the moon..." She got up and sat right in front of him "Why would y-you ever want to d-drink the moon? I-it's so pretty!" She almost sounded whiny now, but not in an annoying way.
In her eyes, she was making him understand a very important thing for her: She loved the moon, and she loved him, but having her boyfriend's title be 'moon drinker'? Blasfemy!
In his eyes, however, he saw the love of his life getting in a position that was hard to describe: she was sat in between his legs, she grabbed him gently by his hips and started shaking him a little bit.
A faint blush transformed into him becoming even redder than Himeko's hair.
"Could you stop moving me like that?"
"Why do you wanna drink the moon? It's so pretty! It's so pretty that I'd marry it if it were a real person"
Something snapped inside of him with the last sentence. Surely he wasn't jealous of the moon... was he?
"Didn't you tell me you wanted to marry me?"
"That's another thing! I bet you'd leave me too for the moon"
Oh, silly [name]. He could never.
With what little courage there was left inside of him, he cupped her face into his hands and kissed her.
It was almost as if it had a hidden meaning.
He wanted to tell her he wasn't going anywhere. The moon may be pretty, but she was prettier. The moon could never beat her in a contest because it would have lost even before the beginning. But he couldn't find the words to say it.
"I will always choose you" He broke the kiss and hugged her.
She remained dumbfounded, frozen like a statue and unable to process everything that happened.
"By the way, how many drinks did you have? I can taste the alcohol on your lips"
"Uhhh... i don't know, I never counted...I'm not really a math gal"
"[Name]..." He sounded serious now
"Okay... maybe 5... or 6...?"
"My Aeons, you're unbelievably irresponsible with alcohol. It makes me wonder how you survived until now"
"Oops..." She said as she suddenly fell on him. From being on her knees, in between his legs, she just let herself fall on him.
Thinking about the various mentions of his past reincarnation, she felt like it was appropriate to remind him of who she loved.
"I love you... Dan Heng" She made sure to highlight the character 'Heng' in his name.
"And I love you not because of who you once were, b-but because of who you are now. Yeah... your vidyadhara appearance may be so cool and it's nice to tease you while you're in that form, but I fell in love with you, not Dan Feng, and if i had to choose between you and him, i would choose you every single time somebody asked me that"
He could feel his eyes tingling and ready to burst out in tears.
"If you ever get tired of reminding people who you are, t-tell me... because I w-will not let anyone disrespect you like that"
And with that she fell asleep on him.
He looked at her with a smile on his face
"How could I have been so lucky to have met you, my dear?"
People say that drunk thoughts are sincere thoughts.
A/n: hope you liked this little one shot. I swear, inspiration comes when you don't find the things you're looking for.
Another character that I love to the moon and back is Dan Heng. I have his E1 in his 5 star version and E2 in his normal one and I swear I'm tryna build him, but the drops of the calyx are awful.
As always, if you have a request for a one-shot, don't hesitate to send it to me!
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bringbacktim · 9 months
sebastian vettel x reader where y/n comforts him after his difficult time in ferrari. fluff to smut maybe hehe x
Red to green
Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted , I got carried away with the dialogue as I usually do , it does have a sexual ending but not quite smut as I just wanted to get this out
Not edited or proofread
Warnings: mentions of sex and sexual things , sad seb ig , probably incorrect use of German words , a crap ton of dialogue
Wc:738 words
You're replacing Checo at force India and I had to find out through the f1 Instagram page" Y/n asked storming into the room where her husband sebastian was
"It's Aston Martin now , but yes I am" he said not daring to move out of his chair as she seemed calmer than she should be and he was scared she was going to try and hurt him if he got up
" Still doesn't answer the question of why you didn't tell me you're own wife" she said crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at him waiting for his answer
" I didn't want to tell you Schatz because of how bad my ferrari season went , if I told you everything would've went bad" he explained hoping for sympathy
" I thought I was your good luck charm though?" She fake pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she sat sideways on his lap
"Don't give me that face , you know what I meant leibling" he laughed
" It's just like when you start dating someone so you don't tell anyone cause once you do they start to not like you anymore , I get it seb. I just wish someone atleast told me so I could've stopped buying ferrari merch"
"You look so good in red though" he teased as he traced up and down her arm ( I literally don't know how you describe it )
"Flattery will get you very far with me mr.vettel" she tried not to cringe as she said that but with of them both laughed
"You can go back to being mad with me how" he told her as he gave her a flirty push
"Well daniil isn't there anymore so you don't have to fight him , but bottas is and he did basically cost you the championship lead , but I'm sure you'll do great" y/n said holding his face and kissing his cheek
"Such kind words , you forgot when me and Lewis had contact in Belgium 2018 and I dropped to the back of the grid" he said looking sad at remembering the memory
"Didn't want to bring that one up since lewis is becoming a bit more of a madman when it comes to having contact with people"
As sebastian sat looking like a kicked puppy Y/n couldn't help but feel bad I mean she did bring up some of the bad things that had happened while seb was in ferrari but she was trying to uplift him in a joking manner , which clearly hadn't worked.
He assured her he was fine but even stevie wonder could see he was anything but .
Y/n tried to mention some highlights in his career like his red bull prime, but seb would just hit back with two other mistakes that happened whilst he was in ferrari as if everything bad that happened was his fault
"You know not everything is always your fault right? You tried your best in ferrari but it wasn't the right fit for you and that's okay"
"But ferrari is one of the best teams in the world and I was terrible, Charles even outnumbered me in Japan" her husband answered head in his hands
"Thats not the end of the world , you even said yourself that charles has a gift and Japan is only one race so why does it matter. Plus I wasn't there to give you any of my good luck"
"So it was your fault I did so bad?" He questioned half a grin showing
"I guess so yes all the bad things we're all my fault" she said with a michevous twinkle in her eye hoping they were on the same page
"Oh yeah ? Guess we're going to have to do something about that then aren't we" oh they were definitely on the same page , same sentence even
"What're you going to do ? Punish me for being so bad or something?" Y/n said stading up and walking slowly backwards towards the stairs that lead to their room
"Don't start something you can't finish" he warned stalking after her
"We both know I can make you finish, just depends where you want to" she giggled as she increased the speed she was walking at as he was hot on her heels
He only ever mentioned his sad ferrari memories after that if he wanted to either annoy his wife or get some
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orphicrose · 7 months
The Co-Host (Alastor x FemReader) VII
< >
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
Warnings ! ! Mentions of Death and Bl00D
@cannibalcoyote @kahlan170 @sugxryratz @multifandom-superlover
Satan had left a very clear message, a warning that slacking will kill those that y/n cares for. The two had sat there for close to an hour, holding each other. Not knowing how to move forward. At some point they moved off the floor, and Alastor had pulled up a chair for y/n. Taking it upon himself to clean the messes of corpses littering the once lively office. Documents of clients stray everywhere and desks turned over, laid out over pools of crimson. Alastor waved his hand and in spawned a group of little demons from the pits below, rushing around like a cleaning crew to restore the building to it's former glory. Covering the scene of the crime like it had never happened. 
Y/n sat there, staring out into space and clutching at her arms. Nails digging into her skin. "Miss l/n" Alastors hand carefully placed on her shoulder. "Maybe we should get you home?"
She looked up at him, wide eyed, for the first time since this happened. Rage slowly filling the bloodshot whites in her face, almost scaring the deer. "This is my fault" she scanned the room around her, reliving the first time she had walked in. " This is all because i sold my stupid soul to the devil. I never should have let that green eyed bitch into my life" She mumbled to herself. 
Alastor remained silent, forcing her up by her shoulders. "Lets get you out of here, today is a sick day"
"If i don't start getting those souls to him, he will do worse. Alastor, i can't leave" Her voice was pleading, desperate. She fell to her knees, grabbing at any documents she could. Scanning through the files like a computer. "I need to catch up. I can't lose anyone else"
Alastor sensed that sentence came from a deeper place, one she wasn't conscious of. He had also realized there was no convincing her out of this. Her only escape was to be ridded of her owner, but that was another impossible task. Before he had the chance to get another word in, he was suffocated by a mass of purple mist. When it cleared, she was gone. Evaporated into the atoms of the air. He let out a gentle sigh, frustrated with his lack of options or ideas. 
Perhaps there was information he could gather on her, find out why she had erased her own memory. There must be some way he can help. It was a good starting point nonetheless. 
Her home was relatively far from the constrictions of her job, way outside of the city. Living life similarly to a cowboy. Her home had links to her passed life, radios scattered in every room and a record player as the mantle piece above her familiar fire. Life was littered around her home, perfectly displaying her as a person. Trinkets she had collected on display, colorful art work painting the walls. And hundreds and hundreds of diaries hidden around her room like subconscious clues to who she used to be. In most of the journals, little doodles. From when she was bored, to when she first landed in hell. A good way to pass the time. And in others, entries about little encounters she had. Like an inanimate therapist. Interesting, he thought.
He made his way through the house slowly, taking in every little detail he could find. Like a detective. But nothing seemed to give him a clue as to why she erased everything, even her entries. They were so simple and innocent, describing silly things like her funny looking regulars at her first job at the night club. 
 Above her bed sat a delicately painted picture of a small buck, being hunted by a man. It caught his eye, the colours bold. Unlike everything else in the house, it was crookedly placed. Intrigued, he pulled the frame from the wall, revealing a small hole carved into the wood. There, sat a small mahogany box. Hand carved with intricate patterns and smelling like an old furniture store. Obviously, he opened it. Sat on the bed with it in his lap. Inside was well kept documents, leaflets and a tiny journal stuffed at the bottom. 
Again, pages and pages of doodles and innocent entries. Mostly about her first experiences in hell. This must mean something to be this well hidden. No one apart from her usually enters this home, so who was she hiding it from if it wasn't herself. Then his fingers stopped at a page, eyes glimmering with hope as he read the first few words. 
"I was finally haunted with the presence of satan today" he mumbled to himself, reading the curved handwriting. Finger following the line he was on. "He found me. I knew this day would come but not this soon. I was a stupid teen, once upon a time. I only with i could say i was like every other stupid teen but i was worse. Life was hard, and instead of working for what i wanted, i cheated. I made a deal with the devil. My soul in return for power, for fame. And now, because of my greed, i will be stuck for eternity in this ses pit. Doing to others what he did to me. I cannot hate myself enough for it. What would he think of you, y/n? What would your mother think of you." The entry went on for another three pages, cursing herself out for the damned deal she made. Alastor had enough, setting aside the box. Holding back tears for the first time since he had lost her. 
Part of him was relieved that it wasn't because of him. But a part of him was eating away, telling him everything was a lie. Everything was set up, it was never supposed to happen. She forced her hand and got everything she wished for, while he worked for it. But he could care less about that, if he was honest. Everyone did what they needed to during that time, to survive. She wasn't a bad person, she was a human. 
But what made it worse, she never knew of the atrocities he had committed. She died believing he was a good man, and forgot about his existence before she could find out who he was. How would he ever break that to her. How could he break her curse, and wake her up to the painful truth. The truth that he was a monster through and through. The old y/n died, believing in her heart, that he would be up there protecting her mother. How would he ever come back from that.
Tears welled in his eyes, refusing to let the, spill onto his cheek as he looked up. His shadow by his side, attempting to offer a sincere hand to his shoulder with a sad look in his face. 
"What have I done, old friend?"
Over a hundred souls claimed in less than an hour must have been a new record for y/n, poofing in and out of existence like a gene. She was exhausted, black rings circling her eyes as her body began to slow. Not properly grieving anything that she had lost, ever. A voice in the back of her head screaming at her to slow down, but she ignored it. Making up the numbers as best as she could. Hours passed by before she knew it, managing to break a daily number. If only she had a team to celebrate with. She never realized it at the time, but she truly cared about a vast majority of her staff. Regretting how poorly she treated them at times, she had to stop. She needed to think. Just a second to gather her thoughts. 
The door to her empty home slammed behind her, everything as she left it.  Her body fell to her bed like a brick. legs flying up like a cartoon before landing on the bed. Finally being able to breath. Blood had hardened around the tips of her nails from the morning, not being able to shake that feeling of loss. So many thoughts and feelings suffocating the demon, till her eyes hit something stray on her floor. Tucked under her bed as if to hide. Something she didn't recognize. A small leaflet. On the front, a photo of her with a younger gentle man. His eyes matching the brown on his hair, and his slim nose supporting a pair of hand crafter glasses. She didn't remember ever taking this photo, so why was it here. What made it stranger, her skin had colour to it and her hair looked alive. This was not in hell. 
The title read "Tune in to 'Alastor and his Co-host, speak easy night!". 'Alastor' she thought, picturing the tall red deer. Then looking again at the handsome man in the photo, how uncanny it was. They looked far to similar. She gripped her head as if in pain, as if she was trying to suppress what she had been keeping a secret from herself for far too long. Her mind went back years, to when she first obtained power. Just before she had forced herself into amnesia. 
There was a night where her heart missed him too much to go on. She needed to see him. Y/n figured that with her new ability to form on earth, it wouldn't hurt to check in on him. His home was empty in the night, strange. But it wasn't uncommon for him to visit the radio tower when he was thinking. Her body materialized into his room, falling into the trap of crying uncontrollably when his scent hit her nose for the first time in a long time. Suffocated with her need for his touch. But he couldn't see her. She didn't want to scare him.
Wondering around the empty house, she reveled in their memories together. Collecting some trinkets to keep with her in the afterlife. Like a few of his jumpers, he wouldn't notice, a small polaroid photo of the two which she would later lose; and a leaflet. She was surprised to find it casually lying on his dining room table. Since it was an advertisement for one of their first broadcasts years ago. She spent her time staring at his face, missing that darling smile, when the door slammed in the distance. His familiar footsteps crawling closer and closer. Y/n was desperate to see him one more time, hiding behind the pantry door. Leaving a small crack to get a good view of her love. 
In he walked, brown hair glowing with specks of red, which trailed down and had stained his once white shirt. Sleeves rolled up like he had been sweating, but his body shaking as if he was cold. That look of glee and innocence was gone, replaced with a psychotic charm. His smile one of a killer, not a idol. Y/n stood, confused and frightened. As if she was going to be a victim. Forgetting she could disappear whenever she pleased. 
"What have I done?" The man laughed, visually pleading with himself internally to stop. He was conflicted with his own mind. Like jekyl and hyde. This wasn't Alastor anymore. She didn't know who he was. But she knew she wished she never found out. 
Y/n sat in her bed, holding the leaflet. Hands shaking like they did that night. There was so many holes in her memories. She still didn't fully believe this was of her own memory, but something made up to scare her. What was her relationship to him, why does she feel so compelled to be by him. But so frightened of his name, of that image of him in her mind. Were they destined to meet in hell?
"I need to find him"
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