#but not his fighting style and skillset
sisaloofafump · 9 months
The obvious way to deflect suspicion about his nocturnal tendencies is for Bruce to pretend that he is dating Batman. However, this sometimes means being in the same place at the same time as his supposed lover.
To do this they would have to mimic Batman's physical appearance, skillset, personality, communication style, fighting and detective abilities... while also being a believable romantic partner.
Also: do you think they'd be the first person Bruce would call?
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boyfridged · 1 year
I feel like I’ve seen Jason do a flip before. I don’t see him being like gymnastic style flippy like Dick but he definitely knows how to be acrobatic. Dude knows how to do a handstand. Honestly Jason would be a very good fighter both with hand to hand and using a knife. Like wasn’t the intention when he came back was to be on equal playing field as Bruce enough that it actually gave him a challenge?
he def does do some acrobatics in utrh and beyond, but it's only in utrh that it's acknowledged by another character.
i don't agree with the rest of what you said re: that though. jay's training and subsequently skillset as robin is extremely similar to that of dick. it's very evident in his 80s comics. obvs, i doubt he gets to the same level given that dick got professional instruction in it since his first steps-- but 11 is not too late to start in order to achieve a high level of finesse either.
then comes in his training post-res. i am a firm believer that it would be important for jay to retain his flexibility given how distressing the growth spurt would be... corpse dysphoria etc. he's obsessed with control, and that includes his own body. besides, jay does not want to be just on "an equal playing field" – he wants to be better. much much better. hence it's my firm belief that he pushes himself beyond any limits (i have a lot of ideas regarding that... but let's not get too grim right now.)
also you can't really do acrobatics without a suitable level of gymnastics... and why would he anyway. just for the flair?
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linderosse · 4 months
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✨ Wisdomverse x Smash ✨
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It’s time.
I finally get to talk about Smash and the Zeldas :).
How this wacky little fighting game series represents the LoZ gals and influences them in Wisdomverse— explained under the cut!
Exactly four Zeldas make an appearance as playable characters in the Smash Brothers franchise, spanning different games and decades.
[OoT] Lullaby: Melee (Zelda and Sheik), Smash4 (Sheik), Ultimate (Sheik)
[TP] Dusk: Brawl (Zelda and also Sheik somehow), Smash4
[ALttP/ALBW] Fable: Ultimate
[ST] Phantom (a special case): Smash4, Ultimate
Funnily enough, there have also been four Links in Smash, although they’re not quite from the same games as the Zeldas.
[OoT/MM] Time: SSB64 (Adult), Melee (Adult and Young), Brawl (Young), Ultimate (Young)
[TP] Twilight: Brawl, Smash4
[BotW/TotK] Wild: Ultimate
[WW/PH] Wind: Brawl, Smash4, Ultimate
Now, Smash is just about as non-canon a game as Hyrule Warriors— and we all accept Wars and Artemis. And some Zeldas arguably have more of a chance to display their skills in Smash than in their own games.
Therefore, I’ve peripherally incorporated Smash into Wisdomverse:
Characters who have met each other in Smash will sometimes recognize each other from there, as if they’ve met in a vague dream. They may also forget. Such is the ephemeral world of Smash to its players.
To keep things fair, Smash connections and story will not be relevant to the plot of Wisdomverse.
Each mainline Smash Zelda also gets one of the three Golden Goddess skills from their Smash moveset to use in Wisdomverse, based on their personality and events from their actual games.
Charismatic, dramatic Fable gets to blow things up with Din’s Fire — like how Fable and the sages blast through Ganon’s barrier in ALttP
Steady, calculating Dusk gets to defend against attacks with Nayru’s Love — reminiscent of the twilight pyramid encasing her in Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess
Quiet, stealthy Lullaby gets to teleport short distances with Farore’s Wind — like how Sheik (technically Requiem, not Lullaby) vanishes ninja-style in Ocarina of Time
And there you have it! Rebalancing the Zeldas, one skillset at a time :).
For the truly dedicated folks, here’s a further analysis of interesting (and intentional on the part of the devs) Smash x Zelda facts:
Despite clearly looking like Dusk and not Lullaby, Brawl Zelda is able to turn into Sheik in both the plot of Subspace Emissary and in battle in Brawl. She loses this ability and goes back to normal in Smash4.
Despite clearly looking like Twilight, Brawl Link is shown with Navi in Subspace Emissary.
Wind is clearly Wind, and not Spirit, because he has the Wind Waker as a taunt in all three Smash games he shows up in.
Wind uses some of Legend’s attacks. And some of Time’s attacks. Wind is a dirty rotten move stealer (affectionate).
Phantom isn’t technically playable, but both Fable and Dusk summon a phantom to fight alongside them, and neither of them have seen a phantom in any of their games. Also, while their phantom summoning skill is recharging, they have a purple glow around their hand. Therefore, I’m inclined to believe they’re literally summoning Spirit Tracks Zelda (Phantom), like Robin summoning Chrom for his Final Smash, and you technically control her, so close enough.
In Melee, Young Link is clearly from MM, while Link is from OoT. This means Young Link is older than Link (just Time things).
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golddust-if · 8 months
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you're a wanted person. that isn't new to you, but after years of working, someone. no. something is after you.
you were taught by the best, your mother, she was an amazing woman but she was too trusting and in the end, that was her downfall. you won't make that mistake. you're a killer, but a righteous one. you kill those who deserve it, the disposable.
with your abnormal abilities, of which only twenty-five percent of the population is gifted with. you can succeed in what she was never able to do, rid the world of sinners.
you work for the slaughterhouse, a bar... with a dark side; in a rowdy part of the city. your mother was the owner but she didn't pass it down to you, she passed it your younger twin siblings. she believed you were far too talented to sit behind a desk, dealing with paperwork.
you've traveled all over the world, exterminating. you've claimed plenty of people, but perhaps this time you went after the wrong one. having no other choice you flee back home, but you aren't safe there either, you never are.
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play with a customizable mc [gender (male or female), physical appearance, personality, sexuality]
protect those you care about or turn your back on them when they need you.
romance, befriend, or make enemies between any of the sixteen characters. four gender selectable, six male, and six female.
decide what supernatural ability you were gifted with; telepathy, telekinesis, or teleportation [figure out how to develop it and what other ability you have]
define your mc's signature weapon, fighting style and overall skillset; how you feel about killing, and the supernatural abilities you were gifted with.
this story is rated 18+ for sexual themes, substance (drug and alcohol) use, explicit language, and violence. [more themes might be added later]
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the tattoo artist [male or female] [ro] wren price – partner in crime. they've been by your side since you can remember. always with a bright smile and cheeky remarks, you can't think about how your life would look without them. though they act differently with others, more serious, with a glint in their eyes you can't quite figure out. they never look at you like that.
the bodyguard [male] [ro] theodore price – the older brother of your best friend. there's no doubt in your mind that they're related. he's protective over you, although you can't hold that against him as that's what he does for a living. protect people. he's hard to get to know on a deeper level and you can't help but wonder what's going on in his mind.
the detective [female] [ro] rori hayes – now, if you weren't yourself, perhaps you could have been friends with her. but unfortunately for you... she's extremely suspicious of you and set to bring you to justice. she's recently been promoted and she cannot afford to fail, not when her family is counting on her.
the chief deputy sheriff [male] [ro] charles butler – good ole charlie, you're acquainted with each other. he can't say he isn't a little impressed with you. but you're endangering the citizens of his city and that includes his little girl. he may not have any evidence on you but you need to be brought down, and he's going to be the one that books you.
the model [male] [ro] julien ripley – son of the sheriff. he always looks uncomfortable with his own father. he’s never talked to you before and you’re almost positive he has no opinion on you. he’s a very well known face, although you can tell he doesn’t like being stared at and overall talking to anyone. *male mcs only
the journalist [female] [ro] sloane campbell – she's fast alright and always seems to know your moves. too bad she isn't on your side. always trying to announce to the world, where you are and what you're planning to do next. good thing she's overlooked at her job, consistently being handed stories that, even you know, aren't going anywhere.
the bartender [male or female] [ro] hale/hart vaughn – a family friend, and your sister's best friend. with their tantalizing words, they don't know the meaning of being serious. they are quite insufferable and you can't seem to be able to get rid of them. you have a feeling if you did, your own sister would come after you.
the florist [female] [ro] paris graham– at first glance she doesn't appear to be anything special, but that would be wrong. she's a firework waiting to explode and you want to be there when it happens. her work doesn't suit her but you have a feeling, that being a florist isn't all that she does. *female mcs only
the apartment owner [male] [ro] nolan adams – he knows about you and what you do, but he doesn’t give off the feeling of someone who’d go running to tell. you’ve always come back to lay low at his apartment complex when you need to and as long as you pay on time he doesn’t care what you do. 
the actor [female] [ro] ophelia wylie – a face from your past, one you can’t say you particularly enjoy facing again. she seems remorseful for what she did to you, in fact she looks like a completely different person and she’s offering to help you, but for what in exchange… after all, no one gives anything for free.
the crime lord [male] [ro] louis foster – of course you’ve heard of lou, you’d be an idiot if you didn’t. he's tried and failed to recruit you and he never fails. you’ve been warned before, it would be a mistake to make an enemy out of a king.
the informant [male] [ro] vincent sutton – it’s rare to ever see him out, only ever seen accompanying lou. if you had the ability to feel fear, you’d fear him. he shows every sign of being against you, but then again, it seems as if he does that to everyone around him as well. 
the chef [male or female] [ro] mateo/melanie olsen – you see them quite often, as their restaurant is one of your favorites. they always serve you with a smile and if they do know you, they play oblivious. they're just happy to have a customer who enjoys their food.
the doctor [female] [ro] eileen yates – serene and calming, a voice who always knows exactly what to say. she may look innocent but she’s far from it, you’ve known her for years yet you don’t truly know her, for all you know eileen may not even be her name. 
the accountant [female] [ro] felix price – the youngest of the price siblings, she helps out with all the money coming into and out of the slaughterhouse. she’s always been compassionate and reasonable. you can't imagine her hurting a fly.
the rival bar owner [male or female] [ro] kinslee dean – they own a bar just a couple streets down from yours. it’s always been a problem and they’re actively trying to shut down the slaughterhouse. but they’re surprisingly level-headed and want to 'handle' this problem with logic.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [male] archer – your younger brother, he’s honestly kind of a mess. he was not ready for this responsibility but he’s trying. the mischievous boy you grew up with, you don’t know where he is anymore.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [female] iris – your younger sister, she’s always been loud and bold. but she’s changed too, she’s calm and collected. she’s trying her best to help her brother along too.
the sheriff [male] lazlo ripley – a pompous man with nothing else to do but terrorize those he thinks are inferior to him. 
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DEMO [Coming Soon]
warning: this story is still under development, all elements are subject to change!!
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larkingame · 1 year
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play the demo | patreon | larkin is rated 18+
someone is after you.
for over a decade and a half now, you’ve traveled up, down and across the country--running schemes and hunting fiends with your mentor, con-man-by-day, vampire-hunter-by-night, Wyatt Abrams--the prolific vampire slayer and the living descendant of Gregory Abrams, founder and prophet of the Abrams Family, the nomadic vampire-hunting cult that raised you--and was wiped out years ago.
carrying the abrams name means also means carrying on it's enemies--but that isn't to say you haven't forged a couple of your own along the way. now, it seems someone is trying to make good on old threats and promises. they've placed a bounty on your head.
so you and wyatt do what you do best: you run away. to some little town, out nevada ways, where the title of town preacher is unexpectedly thrust upon you--bringing back years of trauma you thought long tucked away.
as if that wasn't enough, on your first day in town the local mine up and explodes--leaving the reclusive family that runs the town--and owns the mine--to suspect you as the main culprit.
now you're left with the responsibility of investigating the disaster to clear your name, looking into the mysterious cult just south of town, the gang of outlaws who've been wrapped up deep in a feud with larkin's patriarchal family--a group of people which you suspect to be hiding a secret most monstrous--all while dealing with the ghosts of your past, and the roots your family left behind.
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larkin is a vampire western choose-your-own adventure game, with focuses on romance, religion, horror and complicated family dynamics.
play a fully customizable character [[decide upon their physical appearance, gender identity, sexuality, customize their pronouns]]
dictate a unique relationship with your mentor-turned-father-figure and his former appentice
romance any of ten characters, four male, three female, one non-binary and two gender selectable characters.
define your characters skillset and scheming tactics, select their weapons and fighting style, elect their feelings on religion, vampires and the cult that raised them.
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the doctor [male] cyrus sokolov - the quasi-mayor of larkin, cyrus sokolov also operates as the town's doctor and mortician. he's immeadiately suspicious of you, the new preacher and the reputation you comes with. even though he doesn't like it, he needs your help.
the princess [female] celina sokolova - despite the misconceptions among the townsfolk, the reclusive third sibling of the sokolov family, celina, is actually the family’s eldest. hardly leaving the sokolov mansion, it’s rumored around town that she’s been struck with some sort of sun-related illness, others seem to hold the opinion that miss sokolova simply sees herself as too good to linger amongst the common folk. whatever the case may truly be doesn’t much matter to the people of larkin, after all, it's much more fun to gossip. she's very suddenly developed a fascination with the preacher, a hunger almost. but will she eat you whole?
the mortician's assistant [male] dominic sokolov - the youngest scion of the sokolov family, dominic works as assistant mortician in larkin, though he’s much more interested in larkin’s living townsfolk then the dead ones he’s been charged with taking care of. with seemingly endless information on everyone and everything that goes on in larkin, mister sokolov might not be the worst friend to have.
the lawyer [male] jacob nash -  larkin’s only practicing attorney and resident do-gooder. after passing the bar exam, nash headed out west in the hopes of making a real difference for the people there, only to spend most of his days settling petty disputes and notarizing documents. despite his disappointment, however, nash has managed to keep a level head and his fondness for the people of larkin, even though he’s not so sure the sokolovs have the townsfolk’s best interest in mind.
the bartender [female] rose holloway - larkin’s most recent transplant, that was, until the preacher showed up. former city-girl, rose has adapted to both life out west and on her own, the only way she knows how--by pushing through it. the owner and bartender of larkin’s only saloon, the emerald, rose is a popular figure around larkin whether she likes it or not, but whether that has more to do with her occupation or the fact she also happens to be larkin’s youngest widow is still a topic up for debate.
the lieutenant [male/female/non-binary] hollis - an enigmatic figure around larkin, hollis serves as a lieutenant for the mysterious rateliff fellowship. one of the cult’s few members to make the long trek from their encampment in the desert to town more than once. talked to by few, hated by most, hollis bears the reputation of the people they represent to the town of larkin--one, that isn’t particularly favorable.
the vampire hunter [male/female/non-binary] ace zhang - vampire-hunting-mercenary extraordinaire, the last the preacher knew of ace, they were the young hot-shot on san francisco’s hunting scene. once upon a time ace was a prominent figure in the preacher’s life, the first real acquaintance they managed to make on their own, someone outside of wyatt’s sphere. growing up a member of the guild, their life is one that’s mirrored the preacher’s. maybe that’s why the two seemed to be linked so closely during the preacher’s time in california, whether that was as friends, rivals or something more, their presence is one that remains prominent in the preacher's mind.
the outlaw [male] cassidy alan ward - cowboy, outlaw, bandit, cassidy goes by many names and titles, but the one he prides himself on most is leader. protector of his people, the ward gang hides out somewhere in the hills outside larkin, looming over the townsfolk as an ever-present threat, cassidy finds the sokolovs personally responsible for the death of his sister, caroline, and he is out for blood.
the gunslinger [female] ethel jackson - cassidy's right hand, ethel is a gunslinger through and through. fancying herself the robinhood type, she's got a personal hatred for the family that looms over larkin.  with the fastest gun in all of nevada, maybe even all of the west--ethel could prove to be a valuable friend--or a deadly adversary.
the stranger [non-binary] reyes - the newest addition to ward's gang, not much is known about them or their past--what everyone is well aware of, however, is the fact that nobody whose ever decided to cross reyes has ever come out of it alive.
the vampire [male/female/non-binary] montero moreau - you've hunted down their coven, debilitating any hopes for growth they had in terms of advancing in the cut-throat world of Vampires. you've made montero look like a fool, and they hate looking like a fool. They're determined to hunt you down and take revenge.
the first man [male] - adam - he believes himself to be the mirrored man mentioned in the abrams family book of genesis--the first vampire, plagued to walk the earth--and he has long been in search of his eve.
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alvie-pines · 1 month
This is my personal ranking on Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damian's ability to beat each other in a fight. No prep, no environmental objects or hiding places, melee tournament style. Think Battle Nexus from TMNT. All are 20 years old, because as talented as Damian is, I still think being 13 is a significant combat disadvantage when unarmed.
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Dick uses his escrima. Jason uses guns. Tim uses his bo staff. Damian uses his sword. Any may bring other items into the arena if they choose.
DICK -> beats Tim
JASON -> beats Tim, Damian, Dick
TIM -> beats no one
DAMIAN -> beats Tim, perhaps Dick
Under what conditions would Dick rank first? An aerial environment catering to his specific skillset as an acrobat. Something like scaffolding at a construction site, or an arena intentionally designed to test and favor acrobatics.
Under what conditions would Tim rank first? With significant prep time. Tim is the most intelligent detective out of all the Robins; with enough prep time, he could devise a way to incapacitate his brothers.
Under what conditions would Damian rank first? In an ambush, or an environment with many shapes and objects that he could utilize. Damian's strength is in his training as an assassin, and I believe that if he got the drop on his brothers and/or fought them in his preferred environment, he could definitely beat them all.
DICK -> beats Jason, Tim, Damian
JASON -> beats Tim, tied with Damian
TIM -> beats no one
DAMIAN -> beats Tim, tied with Jason
Jason, Damian
Under what conditions would Jason rank first? Honestly, I don't know. I think Jason's biggest advantage against his brothers is his choice of a powerful and potentially lethal weapon. He is definitely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as all Robins are, but I think Dick is more skilled in this area, and Damian his equal.
Under what conditions would Tim rank first? Just like armed combat, the key is prep time. Though being stripped of weapons and tools would make things more difficult for him, I think enough prep time could result in a win.
Under what conditions would Damian rank first? Again, an environment catering to his skills as an assassin. An arena that allows for ambushes and stealth.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 5 months
Thoughts on the Batch's Ending
Ooookay. This is going to be a long one. (Little note from Steph who just finished writing this: it’s nearly 3000 words…)
Tagging @saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings and @eriexplosion because I value their thoughts (but I'm also not demanding that you read 3000 words of waffle)
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about the finale of The Bad Batch and honestly, my mind is a bit of a mess right now. One of the things I just want to try and tackle is how I feel about the ending of each Batch member individually, because while I can look at it and say “The Batch got a happy ending!”, I feel like that doesn’t really give me much of an idea of whether or not each character got an ending that I feel is fitting for their story arc.
So, this post is basically just going to be me unpicking the ending for each of the Batchers and working out how I feel about it (aka me trying to unscramble the mass load of thoughts going on in my head right now). 
Overall, I’m very happy with where Omega ended up. When you look back on how she was when we first met her, you realise just how much she has grown over the last few seasons. She didn’t just learn to be a part of the squad, she also learned how to look after herself. It isn’t just a development of her skillset, it’s also a growth in maturity, which allows her to have a clearer head and more rational decisions in the field. While Omega trusted her brothers to come and rescue her, she didn’t just sit around and wait for them, she hatched her own plan to not only get her and the other children out, but also help the Batch when they arrive at Tantiss.
Like Echo, she strongly believes in helping people and I love that that has carried through into her ending. While it would have been nice for her to live a quiet life, free of any more troubles, it makes complete sense for her to want to join the Rebellion. And I think it was at a good time as well. Omega got to spend the rest of her childhood being raised in a more peaceful, safe environment, before making the decision a few years down the line to go her own way. This is her leaving the nest and I think it was tackled incredibly well. You can see how she has taken on attributes from all of her brothers, and judging by her style choice, Phee as well. We see Omega using the support of her brothers to carve her own path and I love that.
Personally, I can’t really see a more fitting development in her story than this. And I’m reluctant to actually call it an ending because for her, this feels more like the beginning of a new chapter. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we saw her again later down the road.
Now those who follow me may be aware that Hunter was never my favourite member of the Batch. I didn’t dislike him, but I never really connected with him in the same way that I connected with all of the other characters. Saying that, it doesn’t mean I haven’t given a lot of thought to him and his character.
Hunter always had a lot on his shoulders. He was the leader of the Batch and that meant keeping a rag-tag group of defective clones in line, but it also left him with the belief that if anything were to happen to his squad, it would be his responsibility. So, with Crosshair and Omega stuck with the Empire, and Tech dead, Hunter had a lot to carry. At the beginning of Season 3 we saw that he had become more reckless and irrational, not really thinking about plans and wanting to jump straight into things. It was Wrecker who had to step in and make sure Hunter didn’t do anything stupid. Hunter felt like he lost control and that took a lot out of him, especially since this is something I think he could feel creeping up on him throughout Season 2, even if he tried to fight it. The Batch had started to make decisions without him, and Omega was forming close attachments to other people, which was digging a knife into Hunter’s fear of losing his squad. So S3 saw him trying everything he could to reunite the Batch, because he couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.
And he achieved that. But what I also deeply appreciate is that we see Hunter accepting that Omega wants to go her own way. This was something he didn’t want happening for a long time, but once he accepted that she was capable of looking after herself, and once he accepted that he could never keep her tied in place forever, he supported Omega in her decision to join the Rebellion. Yes, he will always worry about her. He even tells her that she will always be their kid. But he knows that it’s time for her to carve her own path, and that means for him, finally letting go and accepting that Clone Force 99 will never be what it once was. 
Wrecker is an interesting one for me because he’s one of the few characters where I can’t really see a big step for his character in the final episode. For many of the others there is some form of acceptance, or big step in their lives, but for Wrecker I don’t really see that. And unfortunately, I think that comes from Wrecker never really being the focus of any strong character development throughout the history of the show. That’s not to say there wasn’t any growth at all, but when we look at how far everyone else has come in their stories, Wrecker always feels like he never got the same treatment in this show. The biggest growth I saw was when he stepped in to help Hunter when he could see the sergeant was spiralling.
So, while I’m happy he lived and has gone on to enjoy a longer, more peaceful life than we ever expected for the Batch, it makes me sad that we never really saw anything big for Wrecker in this ending. No big acceptance, no huge sacrifice. We don’t even get to see him say goodbye to Omega when she leaves. I love that Wrecker got a happy ending, but I always wish that we had gotten the opportunity to see more of a character arc with him over the course of the entire show.
I accepted a while ago that if any of the Batch members were to survive, Crosshair would be one of them because I didn’t expect the writers to kill him off after everything that he had been through. And thankfully they didn’t! I love that after everything, Crosshair has managed to find peace. Maybe not completely, but enough that he has the chance to live a life that doesn’t involve him being a soldier. 
Throughout S2 and S3 we saw Crosshair come to terms with the fact that he was disposable to the Empire and that they didn’t care about him as much as he had made himself believe. And one of the things Crosshair fought with the most was his own identity as a soldier. For so long, he believed that that was all he was, all he could be, so that’s why it has been so amazing finally seeing Crosshair acknowledge that he doesn’t need to be a soldier to still live a life he deserves; his purpose is and always has been more than that.
Saying that, I want to address the hand thing because I am still unsure of where I sit with it. Following his escape from Tantiss, we see Crosshair has developed hand tremors as a result of his PTSD, and a decent chunk of the season has been dedicated to him learning how to live with them. The biggest reason for this affecting Crosshair so much was that it impacted his ability to be a sniper, which is what Crosshair believed to be his main purpose: he didn’t know what to do without the ability to use his hand. And we were given some incredibly sweet scenes between him and Omega as she helped him work out the best way to manage the tremors, for example, them meditating together.
But then that brings me onto my main issue, which is, why remove the hand? One of the reasons I keep seeing is that it removes Crosshair’s ability to be a sniper, but we had already seen that. That’s the issue that the tremors were causing. Crosshair had already been struggling with that ability as a result of what happened to him on Tantiss, so cutting his hand off as a way of preventing his sniping ability seems a bit unnecessary. Now admittedly, the soldier who cut his hand off didn’t know that he had hand tremors, so logistically it makes sense, but as a story tool it seems a bit bizarre to me. Personally, I think it would’ve been more interesting to pursue the idea of Crosshair learning to manage his tremors through meditation etc. and adapting to a life that has less of a focus on sniping. 
Another reason I have seen for the hand is that it symbolises Crosshair finally becoming free from the Empire and what they did to him on Tantiss. Him no longer having the tremors indicates that he is no longer burdened by the Empire and his time there. But that doesn’t really work for me either. For one, Crosshair will never truly be separated from what happened to him there; even if he lost the shaking, he would still have a number of psychological issues as a result of what he went though, so I can’t see it as a way of symbolising a true separation. Which is once again why I think that following the story beat of him managing the tremors would have been a more interesting path for them to go down with his character.
Saying that, I’m still happy with where Crosshair’s story went. He is arguably the most complex character in the Batch and I’m so glad we have been able to see him develop the way he has. Him living a long, quiet life is something that I’m happy he has gotten, and I truly don’t think that him dying would have brought nearly as satisfying a conclusion as Crosshair finally finding a new place in the world.
Oh boy… this is going to be an interesting chunk of this essay. So errm… it turns out Tech is actually dead, which is… kinda shit. 
Back when we saw him fall at the end of S2, I said that one of the reasons that I didn’t believe that Tech was really dead was because if he was, I would’ve found the writing kinda cheap. I said repeatedly throughout that season that I didn’t want all of his character development to simply be an emotional manipulation tactic to make us even more sad when he died… which is what it turned out to be. It doesn’t surprise me that Tech sacrificed himself, but it makes me mad that ultimately his death never really had any real impact on anything. I mean, they hardly even addressed it in the final season!
I get that animated Star Wars is known for rarely addressing characters after their deaths, but The Clone Wars focuses on so many characters that if we gave that much attention to every character that died, then we would never progress the plot. However, unlike TCW, The Bad Batch primarily focuses on a smaller group of clones and therefore not only has the space to explore the impacts that death would have on the squad, but really should find it a necessary part of the storytelling. The lack of attention given to Tech throughout this season has been beyond frustrating to me. He deserved better.
And I can’t write a section about Tech’s ending without addressing the CX-2 situation. Were we all delusional for believing that Tech was alive? No. Now before people come at me for saying that, I want to explain why that is the conclusion I have come to. You would have every right to label us delusional if there was absolutely no proof behind the claims that we made, but when the writers give us a character that both speaks and acts like Tech, what did they expect us to think? There were too many parallels between Tech and CX-2 for it to be coincidental and I still stand by the fact that we had reason to believe that they were the same person.
Now, looking at the other CX soldiers we see in the finale, they all seem to parallel the OG members of the Batch: there’s a larger one who primarily focuses on hand-to-hand combat, someone who favours blades, a sniper, and a more tech-savvy one. And I’m sure there is a reason for that, symbolically or practically, but if the fact that they all resemble the Batch is important, then why was so much focus put primarily on CX-2? There was no way we weren’t going to think that they would reveal him to be Tech.
Overall, I’m annoyed. Tech was such a brilliant character and I am so frustrated that not only did he get a death that I felt was kind of cheap, but he didn’t get nearly the respect he should have been given in the final season. Now, I’m not using this as a way to bash the writers, and I definitely don’t think that anyone should use it as an excuse to be bullies, but unfortunately, I can’t be satisfied with the way Tech’s story ended, and I’m not sure I ever will.
Last but certainly not least, Echo. To say that Echo means a lot to me is an understatement, and I was genuinely terrified that I might have to say goodbye to one of my comfort characters. But thankfully, our boy made it!
Following Season 1, we all wanted for Echo to get some more development. It never felt like he had truly been used to his full potential. And thankfully, Season 2 began to give us that. Yes, we ended up saying goodbye to Echo for half a season, but we saw some incredible growth in his character, and him choosing to join the rebellion made too much sense not to happen. Unfortunately, this also meant that we didn’t get to see Echo for the majority of the final season, but I am beyond grateful that what they gave us in these last few episodes has been some of the best Echo content that we have ever seen. Watching him grow and find where he belongs has been a pleasure to watch, He really is an ARC trooper through and through. Particularly in these last few episodes, seeing how much he has grown to be like Fives, and watching him carry on his brother’s legacy, has been so incredible, No matter what anyone says, I believe that he truly is one of the greatest, and most important characters that we’ve ever gotten out of animated Star Wars.
However, I do have one gripe with Echo’s ending, and it’s the fact that it doesn’t actually feel like a conclusion. If anything, I have more questions about Echo now than I did before the last episode. Echo going to the Rebellion is an absolute given; he still has stuff to help Rex with. But the fact that there is absolutely no mention of him in the epilogue has just made me wonder where he is. Omega mentions Crosshair and Wrecker, and we only see Hunter, so we know that Echo isn’t with them. But we also know that at that point in the story, Echo also isn’t with Rex (assuming we’re in Rebels era). So where is he? What is he doing? Is he actually dead at that point??? I really hope we see more of Echo in the future because if this really is the last time we see his character, it’s too open ended for me to really be satisfied with it.
But if I’m being honest, I really don’t think that this is the last time that we are going to see him. And especially with Omega joining the Rebellion, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw another clone-centric show following these characters in the future.
Concluding Thoughts
All in all, my thoughts are still a bit jumbled. I still don’t know how I truly feel about everything, but hopefully this post at least gives some insight into how I think each character’s endings were handled. Will I change my mind at some point? Probably. But for now, this is where I stand.
At its core, I think the ending we got makes sense for a lot of the characters, and I’m glad that they didn’t all just die at the end. Sure, there are choices that I’m not happy with, but seeing that some of the Batch go on to live long lives is something that I’m very happy to see. It doesn’t happen enough in animated SW, so I’m glad we got to experience it.
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whatswrongwithblue · 6 days
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 26 - The Show Must Go On
Word count: 9,332. Read on AO3. Series Masterlist. <- Previous Chapter
Summary: the battle and the consequences
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Series Summary
In the 1950's, Alastor met the woman he would eventually marry but unfortunately his Radio Demon persona went for her soul rather than her hand. He has to learn what it means to love, and cherish, without possessing and he does. Their relationship is beautiful, strong, unbreakable . . . but he carries a dark secret through their marriage for decades until eventually he has to face the consequences of that secret and leave her, without warning, for seven years. He returns, finding her at the Hazbin Hotel, and has to convince her to forgive him, while being literally bound to secrecy, unable to tell her any of things he now is desperate to explain to her.
(This is a duel timeline fic, timestamps will be a the top of every chapter.)
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Chapter 26 - The Show Must Go On
Alastor was a master of hiding his true feelings and intentions. Since his return, he had often relied on that skillset to manipulate his way through the workings of the hotel, to twist and turn his guidance of Charlie where he needed, and to charm others into trusting that his presence there would be of their benefit. It wasn’t necessarily untrue though it also wasn’t explicitly honest of him to allow them all to believe what they did of him.
However, on the morning of the extermination, there was no need to pretend away any of his feelings. His glee, his absolute eagerness to see those angels descend upon the hotel, allowed him to express himself in an open and true way that he usually had to reserve for his private moments alone with Mina.
His wife was also an open book, though she was more anxious than he was. She gripped onto the ledge in front of her, watching as her friends battled with the few angels that had made their way to the hotel before Alastor’s shield had been raised.
Mina was the very image of beauty that morning. It was rare to see her in anything but her usual attire and he had to admit, he rather liked her in pants. The tight black trousers and long sleeved orange shirt hugged her figure and gave her a grace and agility her preferred dress could never achieve. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with side braids that laced just beneath her ears. After seeing her show off her improved fighting style with her spar against Vaggie the day before, Alastor kept looking over at her with a rekindled appreciation for her hidden strengths. Mina was always such a petite, unassuming person that it was easy to forget, even for himself, how positively deadly she could be.
So far, her worry over their safety appeared to be needless. The small army from cannibal town seemed to be holding their own, the hotel residents were doing quite well for themselves, and Mina’s friends from The Pit were demolishing any angel that came near them. It was easy, effortless work, with sheer numbers and preparations on their side, where the angels were separated from the rest of their army and had vastly underestimated what they were up against.
Alastor still wasn’t worried when his shields fell.
It was of little consequence if he had to face Adam, in fact, a part of him had been looking forward to the thrilling challenge of it.
Mina had turned to him as soon as it happened, reluctant to follow through with what she had agreed to.
“Go,” Alastor told her, gesturing towards the next wave of angels that were nearly on the people down below. “They need you far more than I do.”
“If you die, I’ll never forgive you,” she said, giving him one last hard look, before stepping through a portal and leaving him alone on the roof of the hotel.
For the first time, he was truly grateful for their seven years apart. He was sure if she hadn’t experienced the pain of it, hadn’t had to dig through the remains of her heart and find the strength to face what he had put her through, she wouldn’t have been able to follow through with leaving him to face Adam alone.
And even afterward, when everything had gone terribly wrong, he still didn’t regret his decision to make her leave his side. He had just barely survived the blow from that terrible weapon of Adam’s and he was certain that Mina wouldn’t have been able to do the same. And if she died, every last shred of goodness still left inside of him would die with her.
No, it simply wouldn’t be allowed to come to that. She was far safer and more useful to his cause down below, keeping Charlie safe and fighting exterminators of a less impressive caliber than the one he was now staring down.
Mina stepped out of her portal and into chaos.
She had a moment to look back up towards the hotel and catch a glimpse of Adam in his white and golden robes flying lower, clearly headed towards Alastor, before an exterminator was on her. Just in time, she lifted her spear and blocked the attack, throwing the angel off balance and smashing the blunt end of her spear into the other woman’s mask, knocking her to the ground and impaling her through the chest hard enough that Mina had to put her weight into yanking the spear out, its tip having lodged itself into the concrete beneath the angel’s back.
Her head tilted to the side as she considered her fallen enemy. The woman’s mask was shattered, the insulting demonic visage sputtering as the imagery failed, though her true face was still hidden from Mina. After a couple gurgled breaths, the angel went limp. Mina bent down and grabbed her spear, happy to now be duel wielding them, and kicked the dead angel in the head as she stepped away from her. She’d always hated those fucking masks.
Vaggie was glued to Charlie’s side so Mina kept nearer to her comrades from The Pit, though she kept one eye on the couple in case something were to happen to Vaggie and Charlie needed the added protection. She had promised Alastor she would keep her safe and though Charlie was more powerful than anyone else there that day, Mina wasn’t confident in the princess’s ability to understand and wield that power just yet.
She watched as Astra used her chameleon powers to camouflage herself in the darkest recesses of the battle ground before striking out with simple yet devastating strikes of her spear. Fae and Lilah were the very images of grace, their hyper feminine forms making them look more like they were doing a ballet rather than fighting to the death, if it weren’t for the splatters of gold blood on their features. Alina was in her full demonic visage, a terrifying giant bat, her large leather wings allowing her an ariel advantage. The angels were not used to having victims that fought back and they were extra poor at defense when airborne. Any of them that tried to attack the hotel residents from above was met with Alina’s perfect combinations of angelic spear and the wide gaping maw of her hungry mouth. Kaden and Silva were mostly fighting amongst the cannibals, their own fighting style less refined than that of the others but more brutal, and their high-pitched cackles echoed through the courtyard, even over the din of the battle around them.
Mina wasn’t keeping track of how many angels she had taken down. She had joked with Angel the night before that they should make a competition of it, like Legolas and Gimli, but he hadn’t gotten the reference. Her spear sank into the gut of an oncoming exterminator and it didn’t exit out her back so Mina twisted the spear and pulled it sideways and out, leaving a gaping hole in the angel’s torso.
That had to have been at least a dozen.
Something whizzed past her ears and half a second later a large explosion came from a few feet behind her. She turned behind her to see Husk with his hand still midair, having just thrown a card and sending her would be attacker into a box of empty crates stacked at the side of the courtyard.
Mina gave Husk a small smile of appreciation before turning on the angel that was now getting up from where she had landed, shoving a crate off herself with a disgusted grunt.
The angelic steel-edged axe Mina had been eyeing the morning before was strapped to her hip and she dropped one spear to reach for it, eyeing it almost lovingly as she tossed it once in her grip before the handle settled into her palm, perfectly balanced, and she pulled her arm back and threw it. Her aim was true and the axe landed with a satisfying crunch in the middle of the angel’s face.
“FUCKING BULLSEYE! FUCK YEAH BITCH!” Cherri’s voice shouted from several feet away before the blonde set a stream of bombs flying over Mina’s head and into the next oncoming surge of angels.
Mina smiled, taking in a long deep, open-mouthed breath, savoring the sweet smell of golden blood all around her.
This was going well.
A moment later, Mina’s confidence was shattered as she saw a great flash of gold lightning from the corner of her eye and turned to see Vaggie and Charlie thrown to the ground.
“-but Alastor was supposed to handle him. Oh no, he must be- ”
Charlie’s voice had said out loud what Mina had been thinking. Before she could process anything, she was stepping through a portal and back on the roof of the hotel.
“ALASTOR!” she screamed, running around the rooftop, looking for any signs of him.
She closed her eyes and breathed slowly, and her feline olfactory senses picked up the sharp metallic tang she knew so well. Mina was familiar with the unique smell of Alastor’s blood, had tasted it on her own lips, and delighted in the way his scent strengthened every time she drew it from his body. It was a smell she associated with desire and pleasure, of their most intimate moments together. It was hardly something she was used to associating with danger and dread but that was what the scent was making her feel now.
Mina chased the smell across the rooftop and found a disturbing amount of it splashed onto the floor of the rooftop. She knew from experience that blood spilled from a body always appeared to be far greater in volume than what was true, but from the pattern of it and the deep crimson color, it looked to have been spilled quickly and from an incredibly deep wound.
But there wasn’t a trail of blood leading away and there was no body.
Mina squeezed her eyes shut, holding closed fists to them as she felt the sting of tears and the crushing grip of panic threatening to spill out of her. Her chin quivered and she grimaced but she still forced herself to keep it together for a little while longer.
His shadow could have moved him. Conscious or unconscious, it would have been able to get Alastor to safety and there would have been little Adam could do it to stop it. She knew this and held tightly to the hope that no matter how badly he had been hurt, he would have gotten away.
But it was an angelic weapon that had hurt him. And there was so much blood.
Even if he had gotten to a safe place, he wouldn’t be able to heal from that kind of a wound.
Alastor could still bleed out and die before she ever got to him.
Maybe his shadow would come back after getting Alastor to safety. It would know he needed help and that she would be his best bet of getting it.
But Alastor had told her to stay by Charlie’s side. He had said she needed to keep her away from Adam. Maybe he wouldn’t send his shadow for her after all. She couldn’t imagine Alastor being that selfless of his own accord but if he had been forced to ask that of her because of his deal – she just didn’t know.
She didn’t know what to do.
Now panic’s beastly nature was truly digging its claws into her, making her lungs feel like they were being ripped from her chest and her heart bitten clean in two. She was frightened beyond belief, frozen in place by the fear that Alastor was dying and that she would utterly fail him in every way.
Two angels landed on the roof top just a few feet from her and suddenly the blinding white mask of panic was lifted from her eyes and in its place, the burning red of fury.
Mina screamed as she let her rage and despair burst out of her, her fists consumed in golden fire that she sent in a torrent across the rooftop that completely engulfed the angels and within seconds they were nothing but smoldering blackened bodies lying on the ground.
The flames had caught Adam’s attention and she made eye contact with him the second he turned and looked at her.
“Well la-dee-fucking-dah bitch. Looks like someone’s been making friends with the bitch-ass loser squad you got running the place down here.”
“Where is he?!” she shouted at him and Adam’s smile grew wider.
“Let me guess, Mr. fucking jazz hands? Yeah, I sliced his ass in half. Sucks for you, bitch.”
He flew straight at her, his weapon held high over his head, and she let another scream tear out of her as she sent the biggest wave of fire she had ever seen at him.
The heat felt like it was going to boil her alive, she could feel the power pulling her inside out, like a taught string that started all the way down in her toes and threatened to tear her muscles from her bones and dislocate every joint in her body.
She kept the flames going as long as she could stand, a tornado of golden fire that could have burned an entire crowd of Sinners and leveled buildings.
When Mina could take it no longer, she dropped to her knees, her arms and head falling forward, and she gasped for air, trying to cool down her overheated and feverish body.
Laughter was the first thing she registered and she lifted her gaze back up, blinking in confusion.
Adam was hovering in the sky. His robes had a singular spot of soot on them but he was otherwise completely untouched.
It wasn’t possible.
She had seen what her fire had done to the other angels. Adam may have been the first man but he was still a human soul. The kind of fire she just wielded should have been enough to take out the likes of Lilith. Even Abaddon and Lucifer would have been hurt by it.
The other exterminators may not have come prepared, but Heaven had clearly imbued Adam with powers far stronger than he should have had.
“Awwww, what’s the matter? Not hot enough for ya? I bet I can spice things up!”
He slashed his weapon out in front of him, sending a beam of light her way. Mina got to her feet and just barely dodged it, watching as it hit the edge of the roof and sent a corner of concrete and brick falling to the ground several stories below.
We’re all going to die.
Alastor’s shadow did not seem to be coming back for her, which may mean he was very likely already dead.
There was no way she could fulfill her promise and keep this man away from Charlie.
But she wouldn’t die with his annoying fucking laughter ringing in her ears.
Mina felt her body morph, her hands and feet morphing into gigantic clawed paws, her face elongated into that of a hideous demonic feline predator, and took a running sprint towards the ledge of the roof.
She jumped, her front feet catching the edge, with her back feet landing between them a second later, and she kicked off with all her strength, and reached her long front legs out towards the angel.
A moment later, his laughter finally cut short as her claws and teeth found robes and flesh. Mina dug in with all her inhuman strength, and tasted the mouthwatering sweet flavor of angelic blood. But it was only a little.
In this form she would have been able to bite a Sinner clean in two but she could barely puncture his skin.
”Ow! Owww! Oww you fucking bitch! Let go of me you cunt!”
He was putting in every effort just to keep them from going into a freefall, her massive weight dragging them slowly downwards as his wings struggled to keep him airborne. Luckily for her, in his distraction, his deadly angelic weapon was forgotten as he squirmed and shrieked under her grasp.
She should have brought one of her spears, held between her teeth as she leapt, but she had been consumed with rage and exhausted from her attempt with the fire and not thinking clearly.
Even in this form, Mina was exhausted and losing her grip on Adam. He was tiny compared to her and the only thing holding her up, and she couldn’t dig her claws and teeth in like she had expected to be able to. With every difficult, struggling flap of his wings, she was jostled and slipping lower, leaving pathetic little tears in his robes as she did so.
But at least he wasn’t laughing anymore.
With some unseen strength and momentum, Adam was able to spin midair and remember his weapon, hitting her with the flat side of it and knocking the wind out of her. It didn’t slice her skin or leave any kind of lethal wound, but she still felt her ribs crack under the impossible force of it, and her grip faltered.
As she fell, she heard Charlie’s voice cry out her name. She looked up and saw Sir Pentious’s war machine being blown to bits.
She turned midair, her cat-like sense of direction instinctually kicking in and making her fall feet first. Even in the last couple seconds she had as the ground rushed towards her, she knew she wouldn’t make it through the impact in one piece. When the loan sharks had come for Mimzy, she had made the jump of just a few stories but Adam had them at a height far greater than that of the entire hotel. In all her years in Hell, she had yet to be injured bad enough to die and respawn but she thought she might get the opportunity now.
In the very last second, she saw a movement of black streaking across the ground below. It was Alastor’s shadow. It had come back for her and it was racing towards her now, putting in every bit of speed and power into reaching its form off the ground in order to stop her fall.
It reached her too late.
Charlie watched helpless as Mina’s leopard form hit the ground with a thunderous boom of cracking asphalt and shattering bones. She ran to her side as unconscious and near death, her body formed back into that of a petite black-haired woman, her limbs twisted unnaturally and blood pooling out from beneath her head.
She cried out Mina’s name, afraid to touch her, unaware of Vaggie covering for her and holding off more exterminators as she knelt beside her friend.
Charlie then watched as two black hands reached up from the ground and ever so tenderly wrapped themselves around Mina. A pair of glowing green eyes and an equally illuminated smile peered at the princess from behind Mina’s shoulders, and Charlie pulled away, afraid at first but then quickly understanding what was happening. She nodded to Alastor’s shadow, although it clearly wasn’t asking for her permission, and then they were both gone.
Alastor had stayed in his shadow realm for as long as he could allow before his shadow had dumped him in front of the ruins of his radio tower and left. He could only assume – hope – that it went to go find Mina.
Losing, especially as devastatingly as he had, had not been in the cards for him. It had been a grave miscalculation, and one he could not afford to make again. He had told Mina he had back up plans to his back up plans and that was true. A last minute escape plan for himself was something he always had in place, he just never expected to have come so close to death to have to use it.
Once inside the safety of the tower, he bent over double, coming to terms with the wound across his torso and the inevitability of what his failure meant. He was bleeding out, shivering from the chill the blood loss was causing, and wrinkling his nose at the stench of death that was surrounding him. And without him present at the battle, Charlie would go straight for Adam – and that meant Lucifer would be free to intervene.
Alastor had barely escaped with his life, but he imagined, with quite a bit of reluctance, that Lucifer would have no problems disposing of Adam. It would make him look weak and vulnerable in comparison and that would just be the start of his problems with Lucifer’s presence.
He grimaced as he pulled his hands away from the shredded remains of his jacket, taking in the bloody mess on his palms.
One problem at a time.
If only his shadow would hurry up. He could really use Mina’s help stitching up this mess.
As if on cue, he felt his shadow’s return and turned around to see the crumbled mess that was Mina’s body on the floor as his shadow remained attached to her rather than coming back to join its master.
Despite his dire wound and the dizziness brought on by a lack of blood, Alastor moved quickly, albeit clumsily, over to where Mina lay and fell to his knees in front of her.
She was a mess. Limbs twisted in unnatural angles and her hair matted with blood from a terrible wound at the side of her head. He could hear her breathing; raspy and gurgling, like each intake of air was a struggle against lungs full of blood.
His shadow stretched out beneath her and connected him to her, allowing Alastor to take full stock of her injuries.
Ankles and wrists were completely shattered. Several fractures along each long bone in her limbs. Dislocated hips and shoulders. Broken ribs with punctures lungs. But the worst was her head trauma. One temple was crushed in, causing swelling on her brain. If she were still alive . . . well, she’d be dead already. But since she was already graced by death, she would be fine. She wouldn’t even have to respawn; her body was already healing. It would take time, and she would be unconscious for the next several hours, but she would live.
Alastor felt a rage like nothing he had ever known burn up inside him. Not even when Kassandra had tortured her body and taken over her mind had he felt so insulted. Not even when he had been made to leave her for years did he feel this disgustingly helpless. For someone to encroach upon what was his in such a defiling manner went far beyond what he could tolerate.
And the very worst part about it all was that there wasn’t a God damn fucking thing he could do about it but be patient and watch over her while she healed.
Alastor brushed a lock of black hair that had come loose from her braids away from her face and let his fingers trace down her pale cheek before his hand fell away from her. As he stared down at the one precious thing he allowed himself to keep close to his heart since his mother’s death, he felt a mad sense of determination take over him.
I’m hungry for freedom like never before.
It was so clear to him now that he had made his deal in haste; that there were consequences he couldn’t have ever imagined when he had made it and now Mina was bearing the brunt of his poor decisions.
She wasn’t supposed to have happened.
It had been the last thing he had thought capable of happening to him and yet here it was, crushing him, the weight of it unbearable, and also the greatest, most wonderful part of his long and suffering existence.
He watched his shadow slink away from him and to his utter astonishment, slip inside of Mina. All at once her body seemed a little more whole, her limbs pulled back just a few more inches towards normalcy. It wasn’t just joined with her – a feat he thought it incapable of doing with anyone but himself – but it was like it was helping hold her together. Not only was the display of its power a shock to him but the fact that it was willing to do that for Mina, without Alastor commanding it to, was the biggest surprise of the day.
Even it understood the importance of her.
Well, that was . . . interesting, to say the least. Alastor wondered what the person who held his chain would have to say about that. Mina was such an integral part of his soul that even his shadow could – no, wanted ­- to be joined with her. Maybe it was part of the deal they made with each other when they were married. Or maybe it really was just the power of love. Who was to say?
When his chest wasn’t nearly ripped in half, he would allow himself a good petty laugh about that.
Take care of her.
He sent the thought towards his dark companion and stepped away to stitch himself up while he waited for her to recover. It wouldn’t do to have Mina heal and wake up to find herself a widow.
The first thing she was aware of was singing.
In the dark of her unconscious state, with no body to feel other than a distant dull pain, there was little else but the sound of Alastor’s voice soothing her few remaining senses and keeping her calm.
So hold your breath
And bite your tongue
My love
I will hold you til’ the morning comes
The night is young
And the darkness long
But my love
I will hold you til’ the morning comes
It was her lullaby but made anew by his unique voice and radio static affect. She tried to move towards the sweet sound of it but she remained motionless in the black. His voice was everywhere but drifting away and try as she might to strain her ears, she couldn’t triangulate which direction the singing was coming from.
She sent his name out into the abyss, a desperate cry for him to stay, but his voice abruptly stopped. Silence rang in her ears and the darkness swallowed her up.
Pentragram City was laid out in front of her, it’s skyscrapers and city streets lit up even in the earliest hours of the morning.
The color of the red tinted city scape was exaggerated by the large glass windows she was looking through. It was a different city, and from a different vantage point, than what she was used to seeing and yet still very familiar.
This was Alastor’s radio tower. His real one.
Their home.
“What year is it?”
She heard Alastor shift behind her and turned to find him on his couch, stretched out in nothing but his bathrobe and a pair of black boxers with little red deer skulls and antlers on them. He had a book in his hands and he set it open on his chest as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“What a peculiar question, my love. And what are you doing up this early?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“You seem to be sleeping just fine.”
“I guess I am, but it doesn’t feel right.”
“Come here, ma cher.”
She stepped away from the window and walked over to him, her bare feet almost silent across the smooth floor. She was wearing an old pair of sleepwear she hadn’t seen in years, a button up silk shirt and matching emerald shorts. There was no wedding band on her finger and judging by the state of the city, this was either the late 1970’s or the very early 80’s.
Mina sprawled across Alastor, letting her body settle between his legs and her head on his chest as he wrapped her in his embrace and began stroking her hair.
“I miss this,” she said.
“You still have this.”
“No, it’s not the same. I miss our life. Our home.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, and she felt his chest rise and fall with a gentle sigh that betrayed his own sadness. “I suppose you’re tired of hearing me say things will work out eventually.”
She said nothing for a moment, just listened to the sound of his heart beating beneath her ears. She was tired of hearing it but she also needed his reassurance more than ever.
“I need to wake up,” she said, and tried to rise.
His arms tightened around her.
“Eventually yes. After all, company in coming. But right now you need to rest.”
“What’s going to happen next?”
“All in due time, my dear. All in due time.”
The darkness wasn’t as deep this time. She could make out a reddish haze and see the swirling shadows move around her. But the pain was much closer now, an ache she tried in vain to pull away from but it only made the pain bloom brighter, blinding her against all else, so she stopped trying to move.
She tried to scream his name and felt nothing but a breath of air escape her lips.
Hush now.
A deep, soft chuckle.
Yes and no.
Who are you?
I am more than Alastor. I am less than Alastor. I am him and he is me but we are not one and the same.
You’re his shadow?
Ah yes, that is what you call me. That is accurate enough for now.
I didn’t know you could talk.
I cannot. I am sending you images, feelings, . . . impressions. Your mind is turning them to words.
I believe it is a consequence of being immensely . . . brain damaged. You’re hallucinating. But my presence is very real.
You’re inside of me? Why? How?
Because you need me. And he needs you. So this is where I must be.
I saw you watching us last night. While we were making love. Why were you doing that?
Another laugh.
That is what you wish to speak of while I’m keeping your brain matter from seeping out your skull like a boiling over pot of rice pudding?
It must be the brain damage.
A moment of silence and Mina thought it had left her.
I was curious.
Do you love me?
It was a childish thought and still it escaped her mind, her thoughts unable to be hidden in this in-between state.
She felt a shift in the shadows and got the impression that it was considering her question.
I alone can not feel love. Alastor loves you. I . . . am drawn to you.
Is Alastor going to die?
He is already dead.
You know what I mean!
She tried to move again, felt her face twitch, her eyebrows pinching together for a moment. She was waking up, she was almost there. The pain was unbearable but if she could just get her eyes to open-
A frustrated sigh and a force tightening around her, keeping her still and dulling her pain. It was heavy and immovable but comforting, like an infant being swaddled.
He will be there when you wake. I will be here while you sleep.
The sound of ocean waves came first and then the emotions; absolute bliss, happiness and peace beyond what she had ever experienced.
Mina blinked and she was lying naked on a beach, the sky a blend of deep orange at the horizon and midnight blue overhead, with a few star constellations already in view.
This was the pocket dimension Alastor had given her as a wedding gift.
Her smile split her face and she rolled onto her back, enjoying the warmth of the sand beneath her naked body, and began laughing.
She was high as a fucking kite.
Alastor shifted next to her, pressing his face into the side of hers, and kissing her cheek as he joined her in her laughter. He was as naked as she was, his body even softer and warmer than the sand.
“I want to be inside of you,” he whispered in her ears once he stopped laughing.
She remembered this night well.
1994. They had each taken a large dose of molly and laid under the stars all night. It was one of her happiest, most intimate memories of Alastor and they hadn’t even had sex that night. Just laid naked and pressed to each other, talking about how wonderful their lives were and basking in each other’s love.
She giggled some more, running her hand down the expanse of his scarred chest.
“You’re not even hard right now, love,” she teased.
“Not like that,” he said with a chuckle and a role of his eyes.
She knew what would come next, remembered this moment in perfect clarity, and let herself be completely immersed in reliving this wonderful night.
“I want to be as close to you as possible,” he said. “I never want to feel anything but you. I want you to hold me, and touch me, and surround me, and never let me go. Everything else makes me feel so poorly but not you so if I’m inside of you all the time, I’ll always feel good.”
His ineloquent words made perfect sense to her drugged-out mind. As silly as he sounded, and stupid as the dopey smile on his face was, it seemed like the sweetest thing in the world to be told.
“Then hold tight and never let me go,” she had said, rolling back over on her side to face him, curling her smaller body into his.
“I already tried that.”
His voice had lost all its joy. That wasn’t right, she didn’t remember this part.
“Alastor?” she questioned, sitting up so she could look down on him.
He sat up with her and she watched in horror as his chest began to split open, a gaping bleeding wound that looked like it would cleave him in two.
“But fret not, my love,” he said and as the words left him, stitches began to loop through his lips, pulling on his skin and making them bleed as he continued to try and speak to her. “This is not where this ends.”
You have a rather dark imagination.
I’ve heard that before.
I told you Alastor will be fine and yet you continue to worry.
Oh sorry, I’ll just turn off my feelings then.
You are being sarcastic.
No shit Sherlock.
Alastor often says the same thing about his feelings but I don’t think it’s with sarcasm.
That sounds like him.
You sound bitter. But it’s how he survived the last seven years.
Good for him.
There is someone else in here with us. Someone who brought you even more pain than he did.
I don’t want to talk about it.
But you’re thinking about her.
Am not.
Have it your way. I’d prefer you to stay asleep anyway.
There was no response except for a deeply annoyed sigh.
Mina turned from the waves crashing against the rocky cliffside view that had been just a short walk away from her childhood home and was surprised to find her sister standing behind her.
“You should have stayed here,” said the younger woman and Mina took a moment to study her.
They were both spitting images of their mother; hair the color of a wheatfield at sunset, sapphire blue eyes, with small rounded faces and button noses. The only feature they had inherited from their redheaded father was the smattering of freckles across their noses, cheek bones, and shoulders.
“It’s been a long time since I dreamed of you,” Mina said.  
“You ruined your life.”
“I saved my life.”
“You killed everything you ever touched.”
“Because everything that touched me wanted me dead.”
“And now you’re in Hell.”
“And now I can finally live.”
Her sister crossed her arms, a defiant and proud look to her features that Mina wanted to slap away. She never used to look at her that way. Before, her sister had always seen the best in Mina. But then they’d grown up, as only the luckiest children get to do, and her sister had found her own happiness and had no more room in her heart for Mina’s suffering.
“Why do you hate Heaven so much?” her sister asked.
“Because I love Hell.”
“Then you really are beyond saving.”
Mina stormed towards her sister, her fist clenched at her side.
“Hell gave me a life worth living. A real family that understands me and cares for me. Hell gave me love, a man who knows me for what I really am and neither fears me nor feels the need to control me. I got everything I ever wanted and never found in life when I went to Hell and all Heaven sees when they look at us down there is a threat when all we want is to be left alone!”
“Do you have any idea what will happen now? What it is you’ve started?”
Lightning flashed above them, followed by a clap of thunder that shook the ground beneath them.
They both looked up at the sky, full of angry rolling clouds that seemed to be much lower than before. They swirled and twisted, almost as if they were reaching down for them.
“Company is coming,” her sister said, looking back at her.
“I know,” Mina said, her eyes still stuck on the storm.
“They’ll choose Heaven, you do know that right? When the time comes, they’ll choose to go home.”
Mina frowned, confused at what her sister meant, but when she looked away from the clouds and back at her, she was gone.  
Was it worth it?
How can you say that? Even now. We almost died.
We are already dead.
You left me.
We are here now.
What made it worth it? What was worth bargaining for that made his deal worth it?
I don’t understand.
Alastor was worth it.
You’re making less sense than him!
Would you have Alastor as anything more or less than what he is?
What does that have to do with his deal?
No response.
No, she finally relented.
Then you already know it was worth it.
What is going to happen now?
What has to be done.
Mina opened her eyes.
She blinked slowly, taking in the blurry images around her, managing to turn her head side to side despite the awful stiffness of her neck and shoulders.
Everything was a wreck. Windows shattered, furniture tossed around, large cracks ran up the wall, and everything seemed to be at the wrong angle. It made her head spin with vertigo as she tried to get her bearings.
Mina groaned as she sat up, feeling her body weak and trembling with the effort. Her bones, having freshly pulled themselves together, creaked and popped with the effort, but stayed in their proper places. Besides her splitting headache and nausea, the worst part was the stiffness. She felt like she was underwater, her limbs barely responding to the commands of her damaged nervous system, and her muscles suffering from whiplash severe enough to make her feel like she had literally been run over by a bus.
Or fallen from the sky.
“You gave me quite the fright,” Alastor’s voice called to her from across the room. She turned in that direction and saw him with his back turned to her, his jacket discarded to the side, as he seemed to be focused on something in front of him.
He glanced over his shoulder at her, just enough for her to see the glow of his eyes and the wide strain of his smile. His silhouette against the low red light coming through the window betrayed him, showing how tightly his long ears were pinned back. “How are you feeling?”
She tried to laugh and coughed instead, grimacing as the motion pulled on her still tender rib cage. “Like I could take on the world.”
His shadow pulled out from beneath her and danced across the wall as it let its master reclaim it. It connected itself at Alastor’s feet, though it stayed stretched out and visible along the floor.
Alastor turned to look at it and raised an eyebrow as if considering something it had said.
“Someone doesn’t find your sarcastic nature very amusing,” he said after a moment.
Mina slowly got to her feet, wobbling a bit and leaned on the wall for a few seconds before she righted herself.
“Funny. It seemed to me like it was having a grand ol’ time sneaking around my thoughts.”
It was then she noticed his broken microphone laying in two pieces on the floor next to him. Her head spun as she tried to make her way over to him, her concussed state struggling terribly to make sense of the tilted nature of the room they were in.
“Al’,” she choked out, stumbling towards him as she tried to process what she was seeing. “What happened. Wh-what- . . . you’re microphone . . . what does this mean?”
“I’m honestly not sure, my dear,” he said, still turned away from her. “I’ll have to deal with that later. Right now, I have a bigger, more imminent problem.”
She noticed then the severity of his tone of voice, the barely hidden pain as he spoke through gritted teeth, and the sharp intake of breath he took every few moments.
As she came around to the side of his chair, stepping carefully around his broken staff, she gasped as she took in the sight of him.
He had managed to stitch up most of it, but there was a gash from hip to opposite shoulder that looked like it went quite deep across the middle. The stitches were the same magical illuminated green as the ones she had seen on his mouth, which normally would have intrigued her more, if she wasn’t so concerned about the severity of the wound she was looking at.
Alastor allowed her to pull back his unbuttoned shirt, exposing the part of the gash high up on his shoulder that still wasn’t stitched up. Though a bit of blood was still seeping through the rest of the stitches, this part was flowing freely, soaking his shirt and leaving a wide path of red down his ribs and all the way to top of his trousers.
She met his eyes and saw the embarrassed, frantic look in them.
“I need your help,” he whispered, looking to the side in shame. “I can’t . . . I can’t reach the last part.”
“Okay,” she said softly and then gestured at his lap. “May I sit?”
His smile spread although there was still no humor in it.
“My darling, when have I ever denied you that privilege?”
Mina didn’t respond, thinking of the many times he had done just that, and took her seat, taking the needle from his hand. It shook in her grasp, either from the shock of seeing him in such a state or from her still healing concussion, she couldn’t know, but she braced the side of her hand against Alastor to steady it before threading the needling through one side of the wound to the other, pulling the green string through as she did.
Alastor hissed in pain as she did so, instinctually flinching as the string slid through his flesh.
“Sorry, love,” she said. “Pain inflicted by someone else always hurts worse than when it’s self-inflicted, so these last few stitches are going to be even more unpleasant than what you’ve already experienced.”
“Spoken like a true professional torturer.”
She side-eyed him.
“Do ya want my help?” she said, her accent unusually thick as she struggled to keep her stress at a manageable level.
His ears pinned back tighter and once again, he looked away.
“Please,” he relented.
An idea came to her then and as she cut the string and tied the stitch, she began to sing.
If you fall I’ll stand beneath you
I’ll wrap your wounds and kiss you tender
Rip my heart out still warm and beating
To place between your ribs if yours falters
Your sweet embrace
Has made a monster of me
I can not live, I can not speak
In a world where you cease to be
Can you feel me where you are
Are you torn and bleeding too
Do the skies cry wherever you’ve gone
With rain that burns, more black than blue
Well my love, what can I do
I can not save what is missing from here
I cannot die for what’s already gone
So I’ll hunt for you for many more years
My love for you
Has made a beast of me
I cannot live, I cannot breathe
In a world where you cease to be
Your love for me
Has left this creature in me
It cannot live, it will not leave
In this world where you’ve ceased to be
She tied the last stitch and used a rag to clean away most of the blood from his skin, though some of it was so dried she decided to leave it for now, rather than risk pulling on the stitches in an effort to rub away the little mess left behind.
Once she was done, Mina leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the now closed wound, feeling the stiches poke at her lips as she did so.
Alastor blinked, coming out of the lull she had sung him into, and tilted his head at her.
“What was that for?” he asked and she smiled at him.
“Kissing it to make it better,” she teased.
“That can’t be sanitary.”
Mina reached a hand behind his head and pulled his forehead down as she leaned forward and kissed him between the eyes. His body was stiff against her, the large stitched up wound making any kind of movement of his torso difficult, but he leaned into her embrace as much as he could.
She felt her chin begin to quiver as she held him. Now that she no longer had a task to focus on, the dam she had built up around her emotions was threatening to break.
Mina had never seen Alastor so defeated; so broken and near death. It frightened her, and what was worse was that she could see that paralyzing fear reflected back at her whenever she looked at him.
He was scared. She didn’t even know Alastor could be scared.
No one had ever managed to hurt him like this, at least not that she knew of. But here he was in her arms, barely having escaped being killed by a hair. His body nearly as cut in half as his microphone was.
The first sob broke free and Alastor brought a hand to her back, pulling her head towards his uninjured shoulder.
“Mina.” His tone was low as he said her name, free of the static and the accent he used to cover up his natural voice. “Mo chagren, ma cher.” I’m sorry, my dear. “You were never supposed to get hurt.”
She shook her head slightly, sniffing back her tears, and pressed her face into the fabric of his shirt.
“What about you? That weapon of Adam’s, what did it do to you?”
“Nothing I won’t recover from, I promise.” His voice was back to his normal radio persona and she felt his shields sliding into place, hiding away his vulnerable state, even from her.
She sat back and frowned at him.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she said, repeating his own words from the night before.
Mina didn’t like the look in his eyes. There was still so much fear there, and desperation, and a deep seeded rage that she knew she could only see the surface of. She had never seen him in such a state; not when he had his panic attack over her leaving him, not when Kassandra had nearly ruined her, and not even when he and Vox’s friendship fell apart.
“Oh, but I can assure you,” he said, his red eyes flashing brighter at her. “My every move from here on out will be figuring out a backdoor to my deal. It’ll set us both free of my mistakes. And after that, I will be the one pulling all the strings. You’ll see.”
His shadow stretched up along the wall, its face eager and claws stretched out long in anticipation. Mina looked at it and then back at Alastor and was reminded of the unease she had felt around him when they had first met. It wasn’t quite fear, but there was a level of apprehension growing in her chest as she pondered for the first time since his return, what his intentions going forward really were.
“Alastor, I just want you safe. As long as you’re here with me, I don’t care about the rest.”
He frowned at her, almost looking disgusted and moved to stand so she removed herself from his lap and let him walk away from her.
“You still don’t understand, but that’s okay, you will. You’ll see.” He was pacing now, agitated and still clearly in pain. His hand kept coming up to rub at the stitches and Mina realized she still needed to put bandages on it, but that thought was quickly pushed aside as she became more and more concerned about Alastor’s mental state.
“I want to. I’m trying to, love. Please don’t push me away right now.”
He turned and looked at her, still scowling but his smile stretched even wider when his eyes landed on hers.
Mina felt a coolness wrap around her shoulders and turned her head to see his shadow’s face next to hers, its long fingers caressing her skin as it smiled at her.
“Push you away?” he questioned and then laughed a dry, sardonic laugh that chilled her. “My darling wife, you and I are closer than we’ve ever been. And that’s good. We can use that to our benefit.”
His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head, studying her expression and clearly not liking what he saw there.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” she asked, her voice small.
“Like you’re afraid of me! Don’t . . . do not do that. Not now. Please, Mina- ”
His voice cracked and suddenly he was back in front of her, holding her again and she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. She wasn’t scared of him, was she? How could she be scared of him when her instincts still told her to embrace him, to run her fingers through his hair like she was doing, to let him pull her in for a passionate, needful kiss like he was. She couldn’t fear what she still so desperately loved. Could she?
“I need you,” he said as he finally pulled away, allowing her a chance to catch her breath after such an intense kiss. “I love you.” His fingers tenderly traced the side of her head beneath her ears, where there was still a painful knot of swelling. His eyes followed the path of his fingers, shining brightly with a storm of emotions she couldn’t quite decipher.
“I love you, too. Of course I do. I love you more than anything. Come on, let’s finish getting you bandaged up, okay? We can talk about this later.” She was rubbing his arms, trying to soothe him, but he still looked like he was on the verge of panic.
“The hotel . . .” he tried to speak but instead all that came out with the tuning sound of a radio, the sound Mina had grown accustomed to hearing from him rather than answers or explanations. Whatever he was trying to tell her just now, he wasn’t allowed to. He sighed hard enough to raise his shoulders and then flinched from the pain the movement caused him. “Whatever I do next, it’ll be worth it. I swear. Charlie- ”
He was silenced by static again and she felt him tense beneath her hands.
“Ssshhh,” she said, her heart beating hard in her chest even as she continued to try and sooth him.
“Whatever comes next, whatever you find out, whatever I have to do- ”
“Alastor, please stop- ”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m not. Sweetheart, I love you. Please sit down.”
“I will never hurt you. Please don’t be afraid of me.”
Mina paused, her mind sticking on the way he had emphasized his word choice.
He would never hurt her.
An idea came to her then and she wondered if she suddenly understood the source of his anxiety.
There were other people wrapped up in this that she cared about. Charlie, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Sir Pentious, and even Cheri Bomb. She actually liked them, respected them, and cared about them. They had become a part of her found family, as much as her friends from The Pit were. And she had suspected that Alastor was starting to feel the same. She knew he cared most for Niffty and far more for Husk than he would ever let on, but she had hoped he felt the same about the others. But what if he didn’t?
What if he thought they were worth disposing of, making collateral damage of, if it meant getting what he wanted?
What if, as much as she loved Alastor, The Radio Demon became the enemy of the people she cared about?
Could she stand by and let it happen?
What if it wasn’t fear for herself that she was feeling, but fear for others?
Alastor was right. He could tell she was afraid, even before she did.
She swallowed, telling herself she was jumping to conclusions, and made herself come back to the present moment.
Mina smiled weakly up at him and took his hand.
“I know you would never hurt me. Please, just calm down. Let me bandage you up, okay?”
He didn’t look completely convinced but he did finally do as she asked and sat back down in his chair and let her fret over his physical state for both their sakes.
As much as she tried to focus on what she was doing, Mina’s mind kept running away from her.
She knew this man. He was a killer, a powerful demon with a temper, yes, but she had also never seen him truly harm anyone that either of them cared about. Only people that they were convinced deserved it and she had reveled in being in proximity to that kind of power for so long she had forgotten what it was like to be on the wrong side of it.
Not to mention that for 70 years she had been kept blind to the fact that he had sold his soul.
And she had seen him use people as a means to his own ends before.
This new reality she was facing with Alastor was different from anything she could have prepared herself for. He was still her husband, still the same man that could make the rest of the world melt away with his embrace. And she believed him when he said he would never do anything to hurt her. Every part of him cherished her. Only her. And that might finally become a problem.
Because The Radio Demon?
The most powerful Overlord in Hell, now chained and gagged, having danced with death and barely made it out alive?
Mina couldn’t imagine a more unpredictable and dangerous beast.
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Author’s Note: And that’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone who has followed along with this series. I know OC’s aren’t very popular fanfic reads but every single person who supported this story, both on AO3 and Tumblr, meant the world to me. Thank you for every kudo, like, reblog, and comment you all left me. I know season 2 feels like forever from now but I promise I will be back with the next installment after it comes out. I already have tons of ideas and a feeling for where I want to take Mina and Alastor’s story next, and I’m not afraid to break canon to do it, but I also want to see where Season 2 takes us before I solidify any plans. In the meantime, please enjoy a couple of bonus chapters I have coming out soon and check out my other Alastor x Reader stories. They were all pretty much inspired by ideas for this fic that I couldn’t quite fit into the narrative, but if you enjoy Mina x Alastor, you will like those stories as well.
@saccharine-nectarine @whoknowswhoiamtoday @redvexillum @visara-valentina @reath-solia
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subbyp · 8 months
one piece figure skating au wherein Sanji and Zoro have one of Those Sports Rivalries. you know, the kind where their names are pretty much never mentioned without each other and people who follow the sport at their level have Opinions on which one is better (Zoro’s fans maintain that Zoro has a better technical skillset and that Sanji basically just gets by on charisma. Sanji’s fans think Zoro’s routines are bland and unchallenging and make memes about his one facial expression). They themselves respect each other but definitely are trying to outdo each other and also have the OPLA “trying to banter but it just sounds like insults” disease.
then Sanji’s career is suddenly disrupted by being outed as transfem (not saying by Judge but definitely by Judge). there’s this huge controversy over can she skate, and if so with whom and in what context, which keeps her off the ice for months and looks to end her career completely. this is when Zoro offers to do a pairs routine with her in an upcoming exhibition.
now everybody who follows Zoro knows that he 1) hates exhibitions because there’s no winner and 2) hates overtly themed routines because he thinks they’re a crutch to distract from a deficiency of pure skill.
which is why it’s surprising when their pairs routine, a lindy hop-style piece set to a medley of Too Darn Hot from Kiss Me Kate and I Wish I Were in Love Again, which is choreographed half as a knock down drag out fight and intended as an inside joke about their rivalry, turns out to be 1) absolutely oozing with sexual tension and 2) probably the best performance, athletically and artistically, of both of their careers.
seriously, to be able to combine swing dancing and stage fighting, on ice skates, in your first routine together, is such an insane achievement on a technical level that it almost overshadows both the controversy over Sanji’s gender and the colossal waves of UST emanating from every recording of that performance.
which was kind of the point.
well, the first part was at any rate. Zoro wanted to show his respect for Sanji as an athlete and his rival and to deliver such an incredible performance with her that it would get people to talk about that rather than about her gender. he was not anticipating the other bit.
(at least now most of the memes about him have changed to being about how his competition-obsessed stone-faced ass is doomed to go down in history for an exhibition routine about his rivalry boner, which is…better?)
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deusvervewrites · 5 months
For Aizawa I think its better to describe him as having a Quirk-Independent martial art style as part of his skillset. Capture Scarf and his fighting style can be used with any disruptive quirk that doesn't provide the damage by itself. I.e. Shinso learning it to supplement Brainwash. Compare with say, Gunhead, who probably actively uses his gun-arms quirk in combat but also has a quirkless martial arts style to supplement it.
That's a good way of putting it. He's definitely much closer to fighting Quirkless than, say, Endeavor, but he still relies on a Quirk. Referring to his fighting style as Quirk-Agnostic is a more apt description than fighting Quirkless.
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fuyunoakegata · 2 years
31 DOD: Day 8 - skill
...but there are so many! or were until the powers that be started nerfing and decided the Batboys were Power Rangers and there could be no skillset overlap, despite them all being Robins and trained by Batman, nope none of them going through the same training could have any of the same skills... Right
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His flexibility, agility and speed and physical prowess, the flips n shit, aerial/gymnastics skills is a no brainer. That's got to be one of the things you think of first with Dick. And think how much of that was there even before he became Robin. And how many other skills he did canonly pick up at the circus or very likely could have learned, even if just the basics. Juggling, sword swallowing, fire eating, tightrope walking, aerial silks, etc. But these are easy obvious choices, so let's look at something else...
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Well, I could say skill with languages. Not only does he boast an impressive array of earth languages, but he knows at least some Tamaranean as well... and you know what? Logic would dictate that he very well knew several of those before he even came to Bruce.
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There's also his fighting skills; they're very impressive. He knows quite a few different styles and switches them up and combines them according to which will work best against his opponent. He's been trained not only by Batman, but Wildcat and Richard Dragon, as well; Lady Shiva, Deathstroke, and Ra's al Ghul have all complimented his abilities.
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Ra's also called him Detective, That's not just because that's what he always called Bruce; Dick has shown skill in forensics and criminology and has had legal training in many stories.
Those are all impressive skills. He's also a skilled mechanic and hacker and... well, I could go on and on, but let's get to the point. I think his best skill is his skill with people, with being a leader, with tactics - using all of those things together. It gives him a unique place in the DC Universe; he's the multiversal constant.
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Bruce raised the Robins to be 'Better than Batman...'
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vigilskeep · 4 months
hi! so the whole dnd universe is completely new to me, and i'm a bit lost. do you know how people there choose their class? like, some obv have a connection to magic (or the weave~) from birth. but other than that, anyone can learn anything? idk you seem like a great person to come to for such advice. thanks in advance <3
(far from a dnd expert but generally familiar with the system so i will do my best!!)
broadly yeah anyone can learn anything!! there’s no hard line between people with magic and people without, for example. each class has its own fantasy to where the powers come from, but the reason multiclassing is possible is these are usually skillsets you can gain one way or the other
among the bg3 classes, sorcerors are unique in that nobody chooses to be a sorceror; maybe you have a magical bloodline, or some exposure to otherworldly or magical power gave these powers to you. wizards and bards learn their magic, through lifelong arcane study or mastering the power within song and charismatic speech. warlocks have made a binding pact with an otherworldly being, their “patron” who (often for their own nefarious ends) grants them power. fighters, barbarians, monks, and rogues have spent their lives honing their particular fighting styles for whatever reason. rangers do the same, as well as drawing on a connection to nature for some magic, whereas druids truly focus on that connection and have learned to fully utilise those powers of nature as full casters and shapeshifters. and paladins and clerics are granted divine power through their powerful devotion to a cause or a god
anyone can pick up most classes, within reason; to have learned one of these skillsets, your character probably also has to have a natural aptitude for the associated ability. for example, anyone can take levels as a wizard, but your character will need a high intelligence score to use those spells well, so we can surmise that probably only if your character is good at studying spells would they have been able to become a successful wizard. only a charismatic person would be able to become a gifted bard, only a dextrous person would be able to become a skilled rogue, only a wise person would be able to utilise the full abilities of the monk, etc. etc. if that’s a helpful starting point
it’s designed for people to be able to flexibly create their own characters from any background they like, so you can put lots of your own creative flavouring on where characters got their skills :) specific subclasses can also sometimes give you a bit more direction on it
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Speaking of little baby-faced live action Ahsoka, you know what? Omega’s younger in season two of The Bad Batch than Ahsoka is at the start of The Clone War. We’re never told how old, though I’d guess the latter half of twelve, probably no older than thirteen. We don’t quite get the issue with her we sometimes see with child characters in the clone wars art style—by the time of The Bad Batch the style has evolved to be a bit more naturalistic, and kids no longer look like nightmare gremlins—and she never comes across as anything but a kid. And she’s teeny tiny. But. Imagine an actual twelve year old hanging out on the Marauder. Look at the fandom going, “Oh my goodness, she was just a baby,” about Ahsoka.
That’s why Hunter is so dead-set on trying to give Omega a childhood. He’ll teach her to fight and defend herself, because with the world they live in he has to. He’ll take her along on mercenary missions, because between the narrow skillset he and his brothers have and the fact that they’re not even legally considered people, that’s about the only job they can do, and he does NOT trust anyone to babysit her. He’d like for Omega to just be allowed to be a child without dealing with any of that, but until Pabu, that isn’t an option. Where he draws the line is getting involved in an actual military thing like Rex’s rebellion. Hunter’s never had the choice to be anything but a soldier, he’s been one his entire life, and I don’t think he ever really bought into the republic propaganda. Of course he’s going to want something better for his kid.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
If Dragon Ball ever decides to 'pass the torch', I think Pan is probably the best bet to take it up. It really feels like poor Uub is just a 'plot-device' of sorts for Goku to get his jollies and Gohan, Goten, and Trunks clearly have no interest in continuing their fathers' legacies. Given how Toriyama writes (most) DB females, I honestly don't see Pan giving up the game as soon as her dad and uncle.
Heartbreaking as it is to say, if Dragon Ball is to have a future, the particulars of Toriyama's writing style aren't going to have much effect on it going forward.
That being said... Why would Toriyama's preferences mean Pan isn't likely to retire? Every single one of Toriyama's female characters quits fighting and becomes a housewife. Android 18 can throw hands with Super Saiyans, but in Resurrection F she's outright told to stay in the kitchen so Krillin can go fight Frieza.
Bulma was spared simply because her unique skillset means she can be awesome from home.
Toriyama was not great at writing female characters as confident and capable warriors. He had very traditional values when it came to gender roles.
DBS did give us Caulifla and Kale, finally allowing women to be Super Saiyans after literally decades. ...but it also pulled a 40 or 50 year old woman out of retirement and de-aged her so she could be Trunks's love interest? Which is. So. Fucking. Weird. Ew ew ew.
Yeah. I would. Not. Gesture at past history with female characters as proof that Pan is the hope of the future.
That said, Uub, Goten, Trunks, and Pan have all barely been characterized in the two chapters they had to appear in at the end of the manga. There is a wealth of opportunity for a writer to take them in just about any direction they wish. Also Marron and Bra; Let's not forget them.
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yuesya · 1 year
TeacherGetoAU/TwinAU: it's something that has been bugging me, but wouldn't geto's presence have a direct effect on the students abilities and on how the story would play out? Like did yuta get stronger due to it? Did hakari stay at the school? Did Megumi become stronger due to having a fellow shikigami/curse sorcerer to learn from? Geto becoming a teacher is bound to create many waves and I wanna know your thoughts on those
P.S, what would Sukuna think about teacher geto?
Geto becoming a teacher in the twins AU would indeed impact the students' abilities. For one, unlike Gojo, he's actually good at teaching the fundamentals of jujutsu to those unfamiliar with it -personal experience, you could say, as someone who came from a regular household and only fully entered the jujutsu world during high school.
Yuta would be stronger, although that's also in large part due to Gojo's Special Tutoring. The twins help Yuta sort out his bond with Rika, and actually teach him how to use a sword.
Hakari would remain at the school. Gojo kinda just looms around in the background while the higher ups are deliberating over Hakari's punishment for using 'inappropriate force' against another (clan) sorcerer.
Geto would also have tips for Fushiguro; his fighting style is rather similar to a shikigami user's skillset. The two of them would get along well, I think.
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proxylynn · 6 months
Are the Vees just hot air and edgy or do they actually have the power to start a fight with all the other overlords?
[Vox I consider a real power. His abilities and natural business savvy make him quite a player in the industry.]
[But let's see what the others can do. Starting with Velvette's wiki which is limited due to her low amount of screen time to show off.]
Clothing Manipulation - Velvette is able to instantly produce and change the clothing of others in various styles and types by swiping her fingers like she swipes on a phone screen. Her hand is seen glowing while she performs this.
Wide Intellect - She correctly deduced that Carmilla was responsible for the demons' first murder of an Exorcist Angel based of her body language and silence during the Overlords' meeting.
Potion-making - Velvette is said to be good with food and skilled in preparing potions. An example of this would be the love potion being advertised under Valentino's brand shown on posters and billboards in "Radio Killed the Video Star" and "Masquerade."
Cooking - TBA <- (I don't eve know why this is here honestly)
Musical Talent - She is capable of singing and even rapping.
Technological Skill - As someone who uses her phone and social media all the time, she has vast skill in technology.
[And now onto Valentino.]
Strength - Valentino's strength appears to be greater than the average demon, being able to slam a door so hard a cupboard got knocked down in "Masquerade", and was able to tear demons into pieces with his bare hands in "Radio Killed the Video Star" when Velvette recounts how he "tore up her best model", despite presumably not having any weapons on him. One display of his strength is when he ruthlessly physically abuses Angel Dust by choking him and slamming him around with a single hand.
Charisma - Valentino possesses a flamboyant and vivacious charm that allows him to persuade others of his authority.
Wings - Valentino has a pair of moth wings shown to be able to produce powerful gusts of wind that can easily put out a large fire. These wings can cover his body to form his coat or can be hung down like a cape. It is possible his wings can form coats of various designs as he is seen in "Welcome to Heaven" wearing an alternate styled coat.
Multitasking - Valentino can multitask with his extra arms, such as holding his drink while he's decorating one of his guns.
Typhokinesis - In the "ADDICT" music video, Valentino exhales a red, heart-shaped, smoke from his cigarettes that has the ability to twist and form different shapes, entering the bodies of other demons, as Valentino directs it. However, a similar smoke is also present in a cigarette Angel smokes indicating that this is both from a specific cigarette he owns and also a natural ability of Valentino, since, in "Masquerade," he smokes a cigarette Angel was smoking and the color of the smoke changes when he blows it into Angel's face.
Smoke Constructs - Valentino can manipulate his pink smoke into specific shapes that are physically solid, as shown in "Masquerade" where he formed a chain and manacles to bind Angel Dust and show his dominance over him.
Weapon Proficiency - As shown in the prequel comic, Valentino is easily able to shoot a moving target with accuracy from a notable distance away.
Bilingualism - Valentino can fluently speak Spanish, as well as English.
Contracts - Like all Overlords, Valentino amassed his power and influence by "owning" souls. The method he uses to accomplish this is by having his victims sign their souls away to his ownership through the contracts he conjures, as shown in his ownership of Angel Dust, where the latter had willingly signed his real name in his contract to "work" for Valentino. However, in some cases, there are loopholes that makes them untouchable under certain circumstances, such as Angel being free from him and his influence outside his studio. It is possible for Valentino to willingly render the contract null and void and release Angel from his control if he chooses to do so.
Artistic talent - According to the "Clocktower Countdown to Premiere" livestream, Valentino is actually a talented artist.
Singing and dancing - Valentino has shown to be a good singer and exceptional dancer, being able to performing a duet and dance with Vox.
Guns - Valentino has a collection of guns, such as a pink and zebra print revolver called "Moneyshot", and a gold and black half pistol. He sometimes decorates them with glue, gemstones, and glitter, such as when he added "Valentino" to Moneyshot in "Radio Killed the Video Star".
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